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DERR-1990-014577 - 0901a0688053e201
JAN 2 1990^ PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00091-RS ADDRESS: 265 EAST FIRST SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 JANUARY 1990 Prepared for Surplus Facilities Management Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by UNC Geotech P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 Brian W. Mathi's SFMP Program Manager UNC Geotech has been granted authorization to perform remedial action under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.32, 192.20-23. MS-00091-RS:MS-03 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action , • 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action • • 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination . 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement ... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 Certification Data Summary 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00091-RS 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) project was accepted into the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The SFMP has adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) as guidelines for all cleanup activities under the MVP project. These standards were prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. The subject property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the Department of Energy (DOE) which determined that residual radioactive materials in excess of EPA standards were present on the property. UNC Geotech/Grand Junction Projects Office (UNC Geotech) was notified of the inclusion of this property into the SFMP program, and authorized by the DOE to perform remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. DOE ID NO.: MS-00091-RS Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: MS-00091-RS Parcel No. M-171, Block 21, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah 265 East First South Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Residential Simple (RS) Not applicable; historical inclusion by the Department of Energy November 1, 1984 UNC Geotech February 21, 1986 Eldon Ray, Contracting P.O. Box 10 Moab, Utah August 11, 1986 September 19, 1986 Exterior: 128 cu. yd. Interior: 0 cu. yd. 474 m2 January 1990 DOE ID NO.: MS-00091-RS 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior contamination (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining contamination and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncdntaminated material. The property was restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The original radiological assessment identified 91 cu. yd. of tailings, from 6 inches to 15 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process Included the removal of 128 cu. yd. of residual radioactive material, ranging from 6 inches to 24 inches deep (Appendix Figure 2.1). The difference between the original assessment and the actual material removed is shown in Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action None. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the tailings removal activities performed on the property. DOE ID NO.: MS-00091-RS 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by UNC Geotech during October 1985, as described in the final REA, dated February 1986. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of contamination determined during the pre-remedial assessment and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A ground-level gamma scan with a scintillometer was performed after the removal of contamination and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. The samples were blended to form composite samples representing an average over the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values determined during the gamma scan ranged from 13 /iR/h to 21 (iR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for Ra-226 in 10 composite soil samples taken from the excavated areas ranged from 1.0 pCi/g to 5.6 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing an annual average, the RDC was determined to be below the EPA standard (Appendix Table 3.2). Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location in the basement (the lowest level of the structure). DOE ID NO.: MS-00091-RS 3.2 Recouendation For Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR, Part 192, Subpart B, Paragraph 192.12). (See Certification Data Summary below.) Therefore, the property located at 265, East First South Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the SFMP Program guidelines, and the appropriate record should be documented. Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Certification Data Summary Standards Shall not exceed 20 /tR/h above background.* Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable; and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Range for the basement is 12 /iR/h to 15 (iR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). Annual average 0.029 WL (Appendix Table 3.2). Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background** in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 ra2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Radium-226 Concentration Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g The soil sample in Subsurface Soils: above background** in any results ranged from 15-cm-thick soil layer 1.0 pCi/g to 5.6 pCi/g more than 15 cm below the (Appendix Table 3.1). surface, averaged over 100 m2. *The background exposure rate is approximately 15 /iR/h. *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. r DOE ID NO.: MS-00091-RS 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT Appendix Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00091-RS Address: 265 East First South Street, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Ra-226 Potassium Thorium Area Range (^R/h) Ticket No. (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-l V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9 V-10 14 15 14 15 18 14 15 14 14 14 21 18 19 20 20 18 17 18 19 21 MMU 185 MMU 186 MMU 187 MMU 188 MMU 209 MMU 196 MMU 197 MMU 198 MMU 199 MMU 200 1.6 1.6 2.2 2.4 5.6 1.4 2.5 1.0 1.7 2.5 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.2 25.5 25.8 24.1 23.3 21.3 24.9 25.7 26.0 25.0 24.1 5.5 5.5 5.3 5.2 8.8 5.4 5.6 5.6 5.5 5.3 1. 1. 0. 1, 1. 0. 0.9 1.2 1.1 0.7 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. 7 Appendix Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results DOB ID No.: MS-00091-RS Address: 265 East First South Street, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Terradex Track EtchR Detector Radon Average Detector Tracks Per Concentration Working Number Start Date End Date mm2 (pCi/1) Level (WL) 316202 316140 316053 11-06-86 11-06-86 11-06-86 11-06-87 11-06-87 LOST 45.4 39.8 5.9 5.3 0.030 0.027 Annual Average: 0.029 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement location. BGS:12/22/87 MS-00091-RS:MS-03 REV100287 e 12 14 16 26 10 18 20 22 28 30 24 32 34 36 38 40 •—P—p—r-!—?—? I } ] 1 ! 1 ! 1 I 1 1 V-4 15-20 12 6 ! 6 H YJ2 • •*—» 12 W-15 12 13-15 ETAL 5 V-5 18-20 SHED 24 i • - »•»•« >• V-3 ONE: STORY FRAME W/ i BASEMENT"- 14-19 (RTX) 12-15 I5H7 14-16 _ t VfM 3" 12 12 9 .1 V-l V-6 14-18 V-8 14-18 V-IO V-2 15-18 14-21 14-21 LEGEND V-9 V-7 15-17 14-19 0 ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER (s) AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINANTS 12 -15 POST REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE — BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION V-2 15-19 (RDC) VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE POST REMEDIAL ACTION RADON DAUGHTER ' v CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 12 AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE-RATES IN /iR/h T Y 10 12 20 IO 20: 40 pun FT 18 1 4 16 20 .Th*». .KWrWl.tof.th« S»(rrtK» Maii>tfrTiwrt Pfcyww, h for th»;»oW uWof th* U.S. D*o*rtM*rt of Cn*r^Y thd rta eotrtr»ctorft. rt «• not • tend! »urvrr P*«t «c •« improvement »prv»y ptejt end ra pot to b« •p»Ji#rf ivon tar fr* *rt*tjk*t\ m • wf-<f-f f>c». bwitdifo, of • - • EXTERIOR »evi$io<ts v. vLaJbJJ ! 22 24 26 28 ^30 EXTEN E SITE CONTAMINATION »£vS>ONS * c U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 3»»«0 JWCTlQH PKQjtCTj pr»ict. C0LO«*OO 32 3.6rj> ^o-gf 265 E 1st SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 32 34 36 4'. DOE ID NO. : MS- OOOf / - S. ... . Property Address: East First" Souti, .Stree"t~ VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 mJ. [X]* [ ] [ ] In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. [XI [ ] [ ] In-situ [ ] Lab X] Interior gamma is < 20 pR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. [xj [ ] [ ] The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working levels or, at most, 0.03 working levels. £>fj [ ] [ ] Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. [ ] X [ ] Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and SFMP (Rev. 03/02/87). [ ] [ ] U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN •y [ } [ ] I ) [ } t ] [ ] { ) [ ] [ ) [ ] t ] COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials which were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates which do not exceed 30-percent above normal background. J DOE ID NO. : MS- 0OOt) I ~ £• S CHEM-NUCLEAR GEOTECH, INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Harry A. Pe SFMP Manage' Chem-Nuclear Date Geotech, Inc. DOE EVALUATION \%] Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. tification Official Date SFMP Cert Department of Energy DEC 2 7 1996 PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-O0134-MR ADDRESS: 216 SOUTH THIRD EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 JANUARY 1990 Prepared for Surplus Facilities Management Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by UNC Geotech P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 Brian W. Mathis SFMP Program Manager UNC Geotech has been granted authorization to perform remedial action under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. MS-00134-MR-.PCR-02 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement ... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 Certification Data Summary 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 DOE ID NO.: MS-00134-MR 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) project was accepted into the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill ln 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The SFMP has adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) as guidelines for all cleanup activities under the MVP project. These standards were prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. The subject property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the Department of Energy (DOE) which determined that residual radioactive materials in excess of EPA standards were present on the property. UNC Geotech/Grand Junction Projects Office (UNC Geotech) was notified of the inclusion of this property into the SFMP program and authorized by the DOE to perform remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. DOE ID NO.: MS-00134-MR Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Materia] Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: MS-00134-MR Parcel No. M-75-2, Block 11, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah 216 South Third East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Major Residential (MR) Not applicable; historical Inclusion by the Department of Energy June 8, 1984 UNC Geotech December 14, 1984 Sutherland Brothers, Inc. P.O. Box 218 Monticello, Utah June 20, 1985 August 27, 1985 Exterior: 157 cu. yd. Interior: 6 cu. yd. 497 m2 January 1990 DOE ID NO.: MS-00134-MR 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior and interior contamination (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining contamination and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The original radiological assessment identified 162 cu. yd. of tailings, from 6 inches to 15 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of 163 cu. yd. of residual radioactive material, ranging from 6 inches to 15 inches deep (Appendix Figure 2.1). The difference between the original assessment and the actual material removed is shown in Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action None. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the tailings removal activities performed on the property. DOE ID NO.: MS-00134-MR 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by UNC Geotech during October 1984, as described in the final REA, dated December 1984. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of contamination determined during the pre-remedial assessment and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A ground-level gamma scan with a scintillometer was performed after the removal of contamination and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. The samples were blended to form composite samples representing an average over the exterior verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values determined during the gamma scan ranged from 15 /iR/h to 22 /iR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for Ra-226 in five composite soil samples taken from the excavated areas ranged from 2.8 pCi/g to 7.5 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). Interior Findings: The exposure-rate values determined during the gamma scan ranged from 18 /iR/h to 19 /zR/h for the remediated portion, and 14 /iR/h to 17 /zR/h for the remainder of the ground floor (Appendix Figure 2.1). 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing an annual average, the RDC was determined to be below the EPA standard (Appendix Table 3.2). Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location on the ground floor. The partial basement is uninhabitable. 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00134-MR 3.2 Recommendation For Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR, Part 192, Subpart B, Paragraph 192.12). (See Certification Data Summary below.) Therefore, the property located at 216 South Third East Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the SFMP Program guidelines, and the appropriate record should be documented. Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Certification Data Summary Standards Shall not exceed 20 /iR/h above background.* Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable; and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Range for the remediated portion of the ground floor was 18 /iR/h to 19 /iR/h and the remainder of the ground floor was 14 /iR/h to 17 /iR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). Annual average 0.010 WL (Appendix Table 3.2). Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background** in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background** in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. The soil sample results ranged from 2.8 pCi/g to 7.5 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.3). •The background exposure rate is approximately 18 /iR/h. **The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. DOE ID NO.: MS-00134-MR 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Interior and Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT Appendix Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00134-MR Address: 216 South Third East Street, Monticello. Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Ra-226 Potassium Thorium Area Range (/iR/h) Ticket No. (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) EXTERIOR V-l 17-20 MAY 726 2.9+1.0 20.5+2.3 0.8+1.0 V-2 17-21 MAY 727 3.0+1.0 20.0+2.2 0.8+1.0 V-3 17 - 21 MAY 728 7.5 + 1.6 20.4 ± 2.3 0.9 + 1.0 V-4 17 - 22 MAY 729 2.8 + 1.0 19.7 + 2.2 1.0 + 1.0 V-5 18-21 MAY 730 3.1+1.0 20.4+2.2 0.8+1.0 INTERIOR V-6 18 - 19 Not applicable See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. 7 Appendix Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00134-MR Address: 216 South Third East Street, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Terradex Track EtchR Detector Detector Number Start Date End Date Tracks Per Radon Concentration (pCi/1) Average Working Level (WL) 311321 311333 311334 01/29/86 01/29/86 01/29/86 02/18/87 02/18/87 02/18/87 16.9 14.3 14.4 2.1 1.8 1.8 0.011 0.009 0.009 Annual Average: 0.010 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement location. PR:10/26/87 MS-00134-MR:PCR-02 REV100287 30 28 26 24 22 20 18 - 16 14 12 10 :0LD LEACH :"' FIELD " 15 12 12 15 3 12 V-6: 18-I9i 2 0 12 RDC 14 17 19* 15 15 15 V-4 V-5 17-23 18-21 ONE STORY HOUSE W/FARTIAL CRAWL SPACE a BASEMENT : x 20 : 10 : 20 40 is—1—rV MEET : • • • • * * • a • • • • V-l 17-20 V-2.: 7-2 IMWMM V-3: 17-21! r- UJ CO r- : Q Mr (A) ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER (e) AVERAGE DEPTH OFASSESSEO CONTAMINAT W%&. AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINANTS 12 -15 POST REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE R/ ' BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION 12 V-2 15-19 (RDC) AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPC OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIF AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE POST REMEDIAL ACTION RADON DAUGHTER CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION ASSESSED CONTAMINANTS NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE-RATES IN fiR/h RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUIL FIGURE 2.1 INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINAT! |.T.W».0jil^.>Saf.lWMr.fAJP/.3lh»..SurPlus facilities • management program •« for the sole «jse of thj U.S. : Department of Energy ahd its contractor*. It is not a land ! survey plat or aa improvement suVvey plat and is not to be • relied <jport for- ihe establishment of fencp; btritdipg; t>r- • ) other ffrture improvement lines. • 1* i 1 4r i NO. I 0«TC HtlMKCt REVISIONS ata-MMtl n-m. or eccuM.rt 1 UTI Hp JK • V CK AC. MO. 0*TC ftCVItONt ST Cl U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY <S*WO JUNCTION «»t« OfflCI. COLQIUOQ 216 SOUTH 3 rd EAS tdOWTICELLO, UTAH UNO Geotech Oft •»pr LOWW xu. MS-00134 ow6 N"3-B400-G7 75" OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED EY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION Off ICE P. O BOX ?S67 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 January 22, 1990 V. E. Murphie SFMP Program Manager Division of Remedial Action Projects Office of Vsste Disposal and Remedial Action Office of Nuclear Energy U. S. Department of Energy MS - NE24 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Murphie: Verification Statements for Monticello Vicinity Properties Enclosed please find verification statements and for the following properties in Monticello, Utah. These are the properties which vere remediated prior to FY 1988, and therefore could not be subject to on-site independent verification. Discrepancies vere noted by ORNL within the remedial action completion reports during the December 19S8 Type A technical reviews. The discrepancies have been resolved through discussions with UNC. The properties are: Please call Kary Vilson (FTS 326-6232) of our staff if you have any questions regarding the general work process of this project. CAL/MWS/tlb cc: B. Kathis, UNC P. Henvood, UNC M. Landis, DOE/HQ-DFSD D. Tor.kay, VTESTON D. Williamson, D0E/GJP0 KS00091-RS MS00134-MR 265 East 1st South Street 216 South 3rd East Street Sincerely, Craig A. Little, Ph.D. Pollutant Assessments Group MS-00134 216 SOUTH 3RD EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 A further review of the completion report and verbal discussion with Craig Little of this property, I feel that an IVC verification can be made of this property and agree with RAC's recommendation to certify it. Reasons are because the original assessment field map and data show that this area of interest with the elevated region was in fact not that elevated. The HIG was only 15 iiR/h and probably should not even been assessed to be removed in the final place. The other elevated region was in fact removed and verified clean. After remediation the crawl space with partial basement was gamma scanned and no elevated gamma was detected. Therefore, we should recommend this property verified and show on record that RDC measurements were placed in a correct place. DOE ID NO. : MS- OP'34- - M ft. _ Property Address: 2.i£? t>Oi.itU TUlrei East 'S'hee.'t VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. YES NO NOT TAKEN U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. [X]* [ ] [ ] In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. tX] [ ] [ ] In-situ [ ] Lab Interior gamma is < 20 ^R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. f~<] [ ] [ ] The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working levels or, at most, 0.03 working levels. Jx^ [ ] [ ] Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. ( ] |X] [ ] Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and SFMP (Rev. 03/02/87). [ ] [ ] {xl in [ ] i ] in [/] [A [ ] [ ] ( ] ( ) [ ] t ) ( ] [ ) [ ] ( ] COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials which were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates which do not exceed 30-percent above normal background. DOE ID NO. : MS- QOt54~ CHEM-NUCLEAR GEOTECH, INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Harry A. ferry SFMP Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Date Inc > DOE EVALUATION [X] Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. SFMP Certification Official Date Department of Energy 7/jo 9/ 0£C % o 1996 PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO: MS-00075-RS ADDRESS: 16 EAST FIFTH SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 MARCH 1990 Prepared for Surplus Facilities Management Program Division of Facilities and Site De-Commissioning Department of Energy by UNC Geotech P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 rian Mathis / Brian Mathis Program Manager UNC Geotech has been granted authorization to perform remedial action under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. MS-00075-RS.PCR-02 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement ... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 Certification Data Summary 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00075-RS 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) project was accepted into the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The SFMP has adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) as guidelines for all clean-up activities under the MVP project. These standards were prepared by the EPA to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the clean-up of buildings and open lands. The subject property, DOE ID No. MS-00075-RS. located at 16 East Fifth South Street, Monticello, Utah, was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the Department of Energy (DOE), which determined that residual radioactive materials in excess of the EPA standards were present on the property. UNC Geotech/Grand Junction Projects Office (UNC Geotech) was notified of the inclusion of this property into the SFMP program and authorized by the DOE to perform remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00075-RS Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: MS-00075-RS Parcel Number M-10, County Plat Book 618, Page 41, Block 3, Monticello Townsite, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah 16 East Fifth South Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Residential Simple (RS) Not applicable; historical inclusion by the Department of Energy Janury 27, 1984 UNC Geotech June 1984 Eldon Ray Contracting P.O. Box 10 Moab, Utah September 10, 1984 October 23, 1984 Exterior: 10 cu. yd. Interior: 0 cu. yd. 15 m2 March 1990 DOE ID NO.: MS-00075-RS 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior contamination (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining contamination and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The original radiological assessment identified 5 cu. yd. of tailings, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of 10 cu. yd. of residual radioactive material, ranging from 16 inches to 18 inches deep (Appendix Figure 2.1). The difference between the original assessment and the actual material removed is shown in Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action None. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the tailings removal activities performed on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00075-RS 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by UNC Geotech during March 1984, as described in the final REA, dated June 1984. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of contamination determined during the pre-remedial assessment and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A ground-level gamma scan with a scintillometer was performed after the removal of contamination and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values determined during the gamma scan ranged from .9 fiR/h to 15 (iR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for Ra-226 in two individual soil samples taken from the excavated areas were 2.0 pCi/g and 5.1 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing an annual average, the RDC was determined to be below the EPA standard (Appendix Table 3.2). Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location on the ground floor (the lowest habitable level of the structure). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00075-RS 3.2 Recommendation For Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR, Part 192, Subpart B, Paragraph 192.12). (See Certification Data Summary below.) Therefore, the property located at 16 East Fifth South Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the SFMP Program guidelines, and the appropriate record should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Standards Shall not exceed 20 (iR/h above background.* Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable; and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Range for the ground floor is 10 (iR/h to 12 uR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). Annual average 0.0103 WL (Appendix Table 3.2). Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background** in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background** in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. The soil sample results were 2.0 pCi/g and 5.1 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). *The background exposure rate is approximately 12 [iR/h. **The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00075-RS 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT 6 Appendix Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00075-RS Address: 16 East Fifth South Steet, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Ra-226 Potassium Thorium Area Range {(iR/h) Ticket No. (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-l* 11 - 14 MMU-029 5.1 + 1.4 26.0 + 2.5 1.0 + 0.2 V-l** 11 - 14 MMU 030 2.0+1.0 25.1+1.7 1.0+0.2 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. •Individual soil sample location Number 1 taken at grid coordinates 270206. ••Individual soil sample location Number 2 taken at grid coordinates 312240. 7 32 30 10 '.8 !6 0 8 T Y 12 14 16 18 i—i—i—i—i—i—i—r 20 22 i—i—I—r 24 i—r 26 28 i—i—i—r 30 ~i—r 32 34 1 I T 36 T 38 40 i—r T 42 12-15 13-14 FA 12 QJ o.. V-2 HOUSE 9-1 10-14 15-19 18 RDC 1 10-* 12 55 • -t-rV -i^-— RDC \ © 2; 18 V-l ALL 9-15 9-12 11-14 ALL 16 9-14 H©(2 ORE:ROCKS 181 11-14 LEGEND ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINANTS POST REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE POST REMEDIAL ACTION RADON DAUGHTER CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION ASSESSED CONTAMINANTS NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION DEPTHS IN INCHES EXPOSURE-RATES IN /i R/h SOIL SAMPLE LOCATION AND NUMBER • 3( 21 2( 2' 22 2C 18 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.I 16 :jV. k 20 10 I n i>w,|«ra?tff,s^|jK EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION 20 40 1 n J L 1 o J I L FEET •This drawing, prepared for the Surplus Facilities Management Program, is for the sole use of the U.S. Department of Energy and its contractors. It is not a land survey plat or an Improvement survey plat and is not to be 'relied upon for the establishment of fence, building, or other future improvement lines. 1 C _L -L _L _L _L _L *tlOt«£ NO or occu**«rs •0" • •! HOCMCE MRS /*• •JSTauHtNT HO Vr B« CK A E APP *iO OiT£ Sr CK *C APP 14 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY G*ANO JUNCTION ABE* OFFICE. COLOftAOO "0J P/TI7-U I6 EAST 5TH SOUTHST. ' MONTICELLO , UTAH UNC Geotech o*rt A#»MO**I ftoc LOCATION MS-00075 -RS '3-33/S-G'l 5MT / o,S 12 10 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADOS1502 March 14, 1990 W. E. Murphie SFMP Program Manager Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects Office of Nuclear Energy U.S. Department of Energy MS - NE-20 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Murphie: Verification Statement for Monticello Vicinity Property MS00075 Enclosed please find the verification statement and amended property completion report for MS00075, 16 E. 5th South Street, in Monticello, Utah. This property was remediated prior to FY 1988, and was subject to document review by the IVC. The review was delayed for RDC results to be incorporated into the completion report, which are presently included in the revised format. MJW/mjw cc: B. Berven, ORNL M. Landis, DOE/HQ-DFSD B. Mathis, UNC D. Tonkay, RFW J. Nelson, RFW J. Wagoner, DOE/HQ-DFSD D. Williamson, DOE/GJPO Sincerely, Mary J. Wilson Pollutant Assessments Group VERIFICATION STATEMENT FOR MS0O075-RS, 16 EAST 5TH SOUTH STREET An independent assessment of remedial action activities at 16 East 5th South Street, Monticello, Utah, has been accomplished by the ORNL Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG). The purpose of the assessment is to verify the data supporting the adequacy of the remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The assessment included reviews of data provided in the post-remedial action report, and remedial action plans and activities as well as verification analysis of archived post-remedial action soil samples. A review of procedures and techniques suggests that the procedures used to develop the data presented in the post-remedial action report are adequate to characterize the final radiological condition of 16 East 5th South Street, Monticello, Utah, and that based on the data in the post- remedial action reports, the site conforms to the remedial action criteria for the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP). PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO: MS-00143-RS ADDRESS: 600 EAST CEMETERY ROAD MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 SEPTEMBER 1990 Prepared for Surplus Facilities Management Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by UNC Geotech P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 Harry A. Perry Program Manager UNC Geotech has been granted authorization to perform remedial action under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. DOE ID NO. : MS-00143-RS-.PCR-MS 06 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards .... 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement ... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification . 5 Certification Data Summary 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00143-RS 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) project was accepted into the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The SFMP has adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) as guidelines for all cleanup activities under the MVP project. These standards were prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the Department of Energy (DOE) which determined that the property contained residual radioactive material which exceeded the EPA standards. UNC Geotech/Grand Junction Projects Office (UNC Geotech) was notified of the inclusion of this property into the SFMP and authorized by the DOE to perform remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00143-RS 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: MS-00143-RS Parcel Number M-600, NW4 Section 31, T33S., R24E., Salt Lake Meridian; City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah 600 East Cemetery Road Monticello, Utah 84535 Residential Simple (RS) Not applicable; historical inclusion by the Department of Energy June 8, 1984-/ UNC Geotech May 23, 1986 Sonderegger Construction P. O. Box 6 Monticello, Utah July 9, 1987'/ August 13, 1987 ^ Exterior: 432 cu. yd. Interior: 0 cu. yd. 1,460 m2 September 1990 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00143-RS 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior contamination (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining contamination and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The original radiological assessment identified 406 cu. yd. of tailings, from 6 inches to 27 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of 432 cu. yd. of residual radioactive material, ranging from 6 inches to 14 inches deep (Appendix Figure 2.1). The difference between the original assessment and the actual material removed is shown in Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action None. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the tailings removal activities performed on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00143-RS 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by UNC Geotech during October 1985. Additional data were collected by UNC Geotech during January 1986, as described in the final REA, dated May 1986. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of contamination determined during the pre-remedial assessment and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A ground-level gamma scan with a scintillometer was performed after the removal of contamination and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. The samples were blended to form composite samples representing an average over the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate value's, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 pR/h to 26 pR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for Ra-226 in 13 composite soil samples taken from the excavated areas ranged from 2.4 pCi/g to 11.7 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing an annual average, the RDC was determined to be below the EPA standard (Appendix Table 3.2). Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location on the ground floor (the lowest habitable level of the structure). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00143-RS 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23). (See Certification Data Summary below.) Therefore, the property located at 600 East Cemetery Road, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the SFMP guidelines, and the appropriate record should be documented. Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Certification Data Summary Standards Shall not exceed 20 uR/h above background.* Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Range for the ground floor was 11 uR/h to 16 uR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). Annual average 0.0080 WL (Appendix Table 3.2). Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background** in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background** in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. The soil sample results ranged from 2.4 pCi/g to 11.7 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). *The background exposure rate is approximately 16 uR/h. **The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00143-RS 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT 6 Appendix Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00143-RS Address: 600 East Cemetery Road, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. A question mark (?) indicates that the analysis is semiquantitative because of a low count rate. Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Ra-226 Potassium Thorium Area Range (uR/h) Ticket No. (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-l 15 - 17 MNF 601 2.4 + 0.5 14.4 + 8.0 1.0 + 0.4 V-2 15-21 MNF 602 4.7 + 0.8 19.5 + 8.2 1.0 + 0.4 V-3 16 - 22 MNF 603 11.7 + 1.8 16.9 + 8.6 0.9 + 0.4 V-4 17 - 25 MNF 604 6.9 + 1.1 14.6 + 7.8 1.2 + 0.4 V-5 18 - 26 MNF 605 7.4 + 1.2 16.3 + 8.3 0.8 + 0.4 V-6 15 - 26 MNF 606 5.4 + 0.9 14.8 + 7.9 1.0 + 0.4 V-7 13 - 18 MNF 607 6.4 + 1.0 13.8 + 8.0 0.8 + 0.4 V-8 15 - 20 MNF 608 3.4 + 0.6 17.9 + 8.4 ?0.6 + 0.4 V-9 14 - 20 MNF 609 3.7 + 0.6 15.8 + 8.5 1.0 + 0.4 V-10 14 - 25 MNF 610 4.7 + 0.8 12.7 + 8.2 1.0 + 0.4 V-ll 15 - 21 MNF 611 3.8 + 0.7 14.5 + 8.4 0.8 + 0.4 V-12 18 - 23 MNF 612 7.1+1.1 16.4+9.0 1.1+0.5 V-13 18 - 21 MNF 613 10.2 + 1.6 15.8 + 9.0 0.8 + 0.5 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. 7 Appendix Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00143-RS Address: 600 East Cemetery Road, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Terradex Radtrak® Detector Radon Average Detector Tracks Per Concentration Working Number Start Date End Date mm2 (pCi/1) Level (WL) 1255931 06-27-89 1255901 06-27-89 1254123 06-27-89 05-29-90 15.0 05-29-90 13.0 05-29-90 13.6 1.73 0.0087 1.50 0.0075 1.58 0.0079 Annual Average: 0.0080 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement location. RLD-VPF:09-04-90 MS-00143-RS:PCR-MS 06 REV 09/18/89 8 to 18 20 i—i—i—i—i—i—i—i—r 22 T—r 24 26 28 i—i—i—i—i—r 30 32 34 $6 38 40 T—i—i—i—i—i—T—\—i—i—i—r 0 — :8 ~ 16 — '.4 EAST! CEMEfERY ROAD i i "I"'" :2 10 V-13 V-l V-ll 15-21 15-17 18-21 35* liii &va&£^Yd:l X6>: 13-19 J* »«*« »'*«!>Mt'V't»«(',1 ^«if i\' * V-12 17-18 18-23 n SINGLE STORY H9USE..:... 9 9 ii'-'6 •: *rEaC V-3 •.*v.*.-.. .•«v.v * 16-22 0 \mmm V-2 * - 6 15-21 V-6 J— J.. -£\. 8 '•iii&y$'~. 6 trri-iX 15-26 ROC • r-:'.:;v."»'-:;.v:::;: V-l 5-21 12 SHED 5-I6 V-8 I5-2C V-4 a 17-25 V-IO 12 14 14-25 12 AY 6 SHE V-5 18-26 V-9 14-20 1 This drawing, prepared for the Surplus Facilities Management Program, is for the sole use of the U.S. Department of Energy and its contractors. It is not a land survey plat or an improvement survey plat and is not to be relied upon for the establishment of fence, building, or other future improvement lines. • 40 20 : IO : 0 : 20 BEET i - 28 1EGENJ2 ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES _ ALL EXPOSURE-RATES IN n R/h (A) ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINANTS 12-15 POST REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE—RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION V-1J VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER |l6-17f AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE—RATE RANGE fBnr, POST REMEDIAL ACTION RADON DECAY-PRODUCT [W CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION ASSESSED CONTAMINANTS NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION 32 30 26 24 22 20 18 iRADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION -d 16 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY S»**ffl JUWCTlON Amt* OMtCg, C0t0»*00 J I J I L 600 EAST CEMETERY ROAD MONTICELLO, UTAH L l l i i UNC Geotech |LOC*TtOM NO •Waovsu oott MS-00I43- RS lowt l,03-B429-65 ,»T i o> I 14 12 10 10 12 14 16 TS 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. February 21, 1991 W. E. Murphie Chief, Decontamination & Decommissioning Branch Division of Eastern Area Programs Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management U.S. Department of Energy (EM-423) Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Murphie: Resubmittal of Verification Statements for Monticello Vicinity Properties Enclosed please find the verification statements for: These properties were subject to Type A verification (completion report review and confirmatory analysis). The official IVC reports are currently in publication. MJW/injw cc: B. A. Berven, ORNL D. N. Mackenzie, RFW H. A. Perry, Geotech I. I. Stewart, Geotech M. K. Tucker, D0E/GJP0 MS00161-RS 249 East 2nd South Street MS00143-RS 544 East Cemetery Road Sincerely, Mary J. Wd/Lson Pollutant Assessments Group VERIFICATION STATEMENT FOR MS00143-RS, 544 EAST CEMETERY ROAD An independent assessment of remedial action activities at 544 East Cemetery Road, Monticello, Utah, has been accomplished by the ORNL Pollutant Assessments Center (PAC). The purpose of the assessment is to verify the data supporting the adequacy of the remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The assessment included reviews of data provided in the post-remedial action report, and remedial action plans and activities as well as verification analysis of archived post-remedial action soil samples. A review of procedures and techniques suggests that the procedures used to develop the data presented in the post-remedial action report are adequate to characterize the final radiological condition of 544 East Cemetery Road, Monticello, Utah, and that based on the data in the post- remedial action reports, the site conforms to the remedial action criteria for the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP). DOE ID NO. : MS- QO ( 45 ~ ^5 Property Address: (gQO £asr~ Ceme-fe,Tt< £oA(j VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-sitd [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab £x] Interior gamma is < 20 pR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working levels or, at most, 0!.03 working levels. •§><] [ ] Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and SFMP (Rev. 03/02/87). COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials which were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates which do not exceed 30-percent above normal background. [X]' t ] ( ] [ ] [ ] Ex) [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ) [ ] [ 1 [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ) [ ) CX] [ [ ] t ] Lx] [ ] [Jf [ ] [ ] [ ] [/) DOE ID NO. : MS- QO I ^ 3 ~ CHEM-NUCLEAR GEOTECH, INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. 7- A? f Harry AV ^Perx^ * f^) Date SFMP Manager/ Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. DOE EVALUATION [)Q Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. : nffj „i -, i r,-.x.„ * / SFMP Certification Official Date Department of Energy PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO: MS-00161-RS ADDRESS: 249 EAST 200 SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 SEPTEMBER 1990 Prepared for Surplus Facilities Management Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by UNC Geotech P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 Harry A. Perry Program Manager UNC Geotech has been granted authorization to perform remedial action under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. DOE ID NO.: MS-00161-RS:PCR-MS 06 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY '. . . 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards .... 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement ... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 Certification Data Summary 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00161-RS 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) project was accepted into the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The SFMP has adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) as guidelines for all cleanup activities under the MVP project. These standards were prepared by the EPA to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. This property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the Department of Energy (DOE), which determined that the property contained residual radioactive material which exceeded the EPA standards. UNC Geotech/Grand Junction Projects Office (UNC Geotech) was notified of the inclusion of this property into the SFMP and authorized by the DOE to perform remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00161-RS 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: MS-00161-RS M-161-2, block 20, west 1/2 west 1/2 Lot 1, east 1/2 east 1/2 Lot 2, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah 249 East 200 South Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Residential Simple (RS) Not applicable; inclusion by the Department of Energy May 22, 1987 UNC Geotech November 18, 1987 Crowley Construction, Inc. East Route Monticello, Utah August 18, 1988 September 30, 1988 Exterior: 2&t-~C;u. yd. Interior: 0 cu. yd. 921 September 1990 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00161-RS 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior contamination (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining contamination and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The original radiological assessment identified 210 cu. yd. of tailings, 6 inches to 9 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of 367 cu. yd. of residual radioactive material, 12 inches deep (Appendix Figure 2.1). The difference between the original assessment and the actual material removed is shown in Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action None. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the tailings removal activities performed on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00161-RS 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by UNC Geotech during August 1987, as described in the final REA, dated November 1987. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of contamination determined during the pre-remedial assessment and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A ground-level gamma scan with a scintillometer was performed after the removal of contamination and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. The samples were blended to form composite samples representing an average over the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values, determined during the gamma scan, ranged from 13 uR/h to 18 pR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for Ra-226 in eight composite soil samples taken from the excavated areas ranged from 1.8 pCi/g to 4.7 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing an annual average, the RDC was determined to be below the EPA standard (Appendix Table 3.2). The measurement was taken in the basement (the lowest habitable level of the structure). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00161-RS 3.2 Recommendation for Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23). (See Certification Data Summary below.) Therefore, the property located at 249 East 200 South Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the SFMP guidelines, and the appropriate record should be documented. Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Certification Data Summary Standards Shall not exceed 20 uR/h above background.* Survey Results Range for the basement was 12 uR/h to 14 uR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Annual average 0.0156 WL (Appendix Table 3.2). Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background** in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background** in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. The soil sample results ranged from 1.8 pCi/g to 4.7 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). *The background exposure rate is approximately 15 uR/h. **The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00161-RS 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT 6 Appendix Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00161-RS Address: 249 East 200 South Street, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Ra-226 Potassium Thorium Area Range (uR/h) Ticket No. (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-l 14-17 MNK 676 2.5 + 0.4 18.9 + 3.6 1.1 + 0.3 V-2 13 - 18 MNK 677 1.8 + 0.3 21.0 + 3.9 0.8 + 0.2 V-3 13 - 16 MNK 678 1.9 + 0.3 20.1 + 3.7 1.3 + 0.3 V-4 14 - 18 MNK 679 2.6 + 0.4 18.5 + 3.5 0.7 + 0.2 V-5 14 - 18 MNK 680 3.8 + 0.6 18.3 + 3.5 1.5 + 0.3 V-6 13 - 17 MNK 681 1.9 + 0.3 18.4 + 3.5 1.0 + 0.3 V-7 14 - 17 MNK 682 4.3 + 0.7 18.8 + 3.6 1.1 + 0.3 V-8 15 - 18 MNK 683 4.7 + 0.7 20.6 + 3.7 1.1 + 0.3 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. 7 Appendix Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00161-RS Address: 249 East 200 South Street, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Terradex Track Etch® Detector Radon Average Detector Tracks Per Concentration Working Number Start Date End Date mm2 (pCi/1) Level (WL) 526489 01-18-89 01-18-90 21.8 2.87 0.0144 526059 01-18-89 01-18-90 * 526099 01-18-89 01-18-90 25.5 3.35 0.0168 Annual Average: 0.0156 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement location. *Measurements not valid due to damaged detector. RLD-MM:07-25-90 MS-00161-RS:PCR-MS 06 REV 09/18/89 8 14 - 14 16 l 1 r—i 18 20 22 24 26 28 32 34 36 38 40 50 10 12 30 42 44 46 48 + 40 38 36 34 32 •3k © 12 ® 30 0 © V-8 0 (Dm 12 14-16 15-18 © V-4 SINGLE STORY HOUSE W\BASEMENT 2 15-18 14-18 : j LECENP : ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE—RATES IN fi R/h • • ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER V-3 28 13-16 © 12 12-14 V-5 V-2 V-1 14-18 13-18 14-17 © AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA- OF: ASSESSED 'CONTAKJtNANtS!! " POST REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE 16 26 RDC 12 12-15 BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION © V-7 V-6 J © 12 AVERAGE EXCAVATED iDEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF; CONTAM1NATION -;j; 14-17 13-17 1.2. ; 24 v-i VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE iAREA IDENTIFIER ANID. EX C AVAT.IQN • EXPOSURE— RATE • RANG E • • • B : POST REMEDIAL ACTION RADON DECAY—PRODUCT CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION ASS ESS FJO' ' CbWfAM IN ANTS' NOT FOUND AT'"" TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION \ RDC 22 20 18 16 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT j FIGURE 2.1 EXTERlDR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION 14 CK *1 | NO | OATt U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRANO JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE. COLORADO MUCMO This: drawing, prepared tor the Uranium Mill Tailings - - -Remedial'Actton •Projfect;'r» forthe voir use- of the*U.S Department of Energy and Its: contractors. It is not a land;survey plat oraii Improvement survey pl?l and is .not .be rf»l.iftd.upon;(9r.ihe ASto£Ns.Kmen,l pt fonce, building, or dther future Improvement lines. 12 SCALE IN ! FEET : 249 EAST 200 SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO. UTAH tUSWTTID 20 20 : 10 40 1UW«1 MTI \55l UNC Geotech)** MS-00161-RS BATE + CD01 B 16 10 14 18 20 22 24 30 34 36 44 12 26 28 32 38 40 42 46 48 50 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. O. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 February 20, 1991 W. E. Murphie Chief, Decontamination & Decommissioning Branch Division of Eastern Area Programs Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management U.S. Department of Energy (EM-423) Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Murphie: Verification Statements for Monticello Vicinity Properties Enclosed please find the verification statements for: These properties were subject to Type A verification (completion report review and confirmatory analysis). The official IVC reports are currently in publication. MJW/mjw cc: B. A. Berven, ORNL D. N. Mackenzie, RFW H. A. Perry, Geotech I. I. Stewart, Geotech M. K. Tucker, D0E/GJP0 MS00161-RS 249 East 2nd South Street MS00145f-RS 544 East Cemetery Road Sincerely, Pollutant Assessments Group VERIFICATION STATEMENT FOR MS00161-RS, 249 EAST 2ND SOUTH STREET An independent assessment of remedial action activities at 249 East 2nd South Street, Monticello, Utah, has been accomplished by the ORNL Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG). The purpose of the assessment is to verify the data supporting the adequacy of the remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The assessment included reviews of data provided in the post-remedial action report, and remedial action plans and activities as well as verification analysis of archived post-remedial action soil samples. A review of procedures and techniques suggests that the procedures used to develop the data presented in the post-remedial action report are adequate to characterize the final radiological condition of 249 East 2nd South Street, Monticello, Utah, and that based on the data in the post- remedial action reports, the site conforms to the remedial action criteria for the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP). DOE ID NO.: MS- OO i 6 I fe S Property Address: 2.4 ^ East" Second Soufl, Street VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. [X]* [ ] [ ] In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. tK] [ ] [ ] In-situ [ ] Lab fx] Interior gamma is < 20 pR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. £x] [ ] [ ] The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working levels or, at most, 0.03 working levels. txl [ ] [ ] Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. [ ] fcxj [ ] Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and SFMP (Rev. 03/02/87). [ ] [ ] £x2 U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN 9Q 00 t ] [ ] t i COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials which were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates which do not exceed 30-percent above normal background. DOE ID NO.: MS - OO I £ i ~ CHEM-NUCLEAR GEOTECH, INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Harry A. Pajrry S\ Date SFMP Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. DOE EVALUATION [X\ Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. SFMP Certification Official Date ' / Department of Energy