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DERR-1989-008654 - 0901a0688053e19a
PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO: MS-00097-CH ADDRESS: 217 SOUTH SECOND EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 APRIL 1989 Prepared for Surplus Facilities Management Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by UNC Geotech P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 Brian Mathis Program Manager SCANNED UNC Geotech has been granted authorization to perform remedial action under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. MS-00097-CH:PCR-04 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY. . 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action . 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement ... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 Certification Data Summary 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00097-CH 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) project was accepted into the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The SFMP has adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) as guidelines for all clean-up activities under the MVP project. These standards were prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the clean-up of buildings and'open lands. The subject property, DOE ID Number MS-00097-CH, located at 217 South Second East Street, Monticello, Utah, was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the Department of Energy (DOE), which determined that residual radioactive materials in excess of the EPA standards were present on the property. UNC Geotech/Grand Junction Projects Office was notified of the inclusion of this property into the SFMP program on June 8, 1984, and authorized by the DOE to perform remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00097-CH Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: MS-00097-CH Parcel number M-71-1, north 1/2 Lot 3, Block 11. Monticello Townsite, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah 217 South 2nd East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 San Juan Community Baptist Church Church (CH) Not applicable; historical inclusion by the Department of Energy. June 8, 1984 UNC Geotech May 2. 1985 Sonderegger Construction P.O. Box 1346 Monticello, Utah August 19, 1986 October 17, 1986 Exterior: 617 cu. yd. Interior: 0 cu. yd. 1,544 m2 April 1989 DOE ID NO.: MS-00097-CH 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior contamination (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining contamination and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The original radiological assessment identified 590 cu. yd. of tailings, from 6 inches to 75 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of 617 cu. yd. of residual radioactive material, ranging from 6 inches to 75 inches deep (Appendix Figure 2.1). The difference between the original assessment and the actual material removed is shown in Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action None. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the tailings removal activities performed on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00097-CH N SUMMARY ogical Survey Data rvey data were acquired according to approved procedures. Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by UNC Geotech during October 1984, as described in the final REA, dated May 1985. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of contamination determined during the pre-remedial assessment and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. Post-Excavation Survey A ground-level gamma scan with a scintillometer was performed after the removal of contamination and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. The samples were blended to form composite samples representing an average over the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values determined during the gamma scan of the ground floor ranged from 13 juVh to 25 /£R/h(Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for Ra-226 in nineteen composite soil samples taken from the excavated areas ranged from 1.3 pCi/g to 8.4 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement The annual average RDC was determined to be below the EPA standard (Appendix Table 3.2). Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location in the basement (the lowest habitable level of the structure). DOE ID NO.: MS-00097-CH 3.2 Recommendation For Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR, Part 192, Subpart B, Paragraph 192.12). (See Certification Data Summary below.) Therefore, the property located at 217 South 2nd East Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the SFMP Program guidelines, and the appropriate record should be documented. Applicability Certification Data Summary :ss3=s«szs3se;ss&s33sssssss=3 Standards Survey Results Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Shall not exceed 20 pR/h above background.* Range for the basement is 14 pR/h to 17 fiR/h, and the range for the portion of the ground floor not underlain by the basement is 12 fiR/h to 15 fiR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable; and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Annual average 0.019 WL (Appendix Table 3.2). Land Radium-226 Concentration ln Surface Soil: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background** in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background** in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. The soil sample results ranged from 1.3 pCi/g to 8.4 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). •The background exposure rate is approximately 17 jttR/h. **The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00097-CH 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT 6 Appendix Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00097-CH Address: 217 South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. A question mark (?) indicates that the analysis is semiquantitative because of a low count rate. Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Ra-226 Potassium Thorium Area Range (/*R/h) Ticket No. (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-l V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9 V-10 V-ll V-l 2 V-13 V-14 V-15 V-l 6 V-17 V-18 V-19 15 15 15 14 14 15 15 15 15 15 17 15 14 13 14 15 15 15 15 25 19 18 18 18 19 17 18 23 23 23 23 18 18 25 18 20 18 21 MMU 230 MMU 231 MMU 232 MMU 233 MMU 234 MMU 235 MMU 236 MMU 237 MMU 238 MMU 239 MMU 240 MMU 241 MMU 242 MMU 243 MMU 244 MMU 245 MMU 246 MMU 247 MMU 248 3. 1. 2. 2. 2. 1. 4. 2. 8.1 6.6 8.4 6.2 1.9 1.5 6.1 1.3 1.7 2.3 5.9 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.5 0.3 0.9 0.7 0.9 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.6 19.9 20.5 23.3 22.0 20.6 22 22 21 23 22 21.6 20.7 19.1 9.6 18.6 21.8 22.0 23.0 19.3 .6 .8 .3 ,1 .9 2 .1 4.9 5.4 5.1 5.0 4.9 8.6 8.3 8.4 9. 9. .0 .0 9.0 8.6 0.8 1.2 1.1 1.1 1.1 0. 1. 0. 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1.3 0.8 1.5 1.0 0.8 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 + 0.4 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. 7 Appendix Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00097-CH Address: 217 South 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Terradex Track EtchR Detector Detector Number Start Date End Date Tracks Per mm2 Radon Concentration (pCi/1) Average Working Level (WL) 316147 316219 316183 11/06/86 11/06/86 11/06/86 11/07/87 11/07/87 11/07/87 27.5 26.6 28.0 3.7 3.5 3.7 0.019 0.018 0.019 Annual Average: 0.019 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement location. BGS:12/22/87 MS-00097-CH:PCR-04 REVI00287 8 30 28 28 24 - 22 20 18 - 16 14 12 10 V- 15-25 V-2 I5-I9 V-3 I5-.8 V-4 I4-.8 V-6 ,.LJ..,J,,U pIS •J^^^J.^^j*^^^ ,^y^j^'^^.^if^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :^^•0^v::LV••••.:'•'."•V•l^•.'•'.•.*•>.•.•J•.' 12 12-15: (GROUND FLOOR 1 ;I4-I7j (BASEMENT) PNE "' STORY ;• CHURCH •with b:a»«m«nf 14-18 I:::: V-8 V-7 5-18 15-17 12 15 V-9 15-23 15-19 S3; V-5 14-18 8l fc&S V-5 15.-17 14-25 10 V-13 ••J 14 18 (ROC) V-17 15-20 V-6 15-18 24 9 d t '.'•V*' •••»'«*.*•*"*. *.*.• fo-:: :-:".v.-.v. _ I iiyil^^ j i••• LEGEND •; ••• • 0 ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER 0 AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINANTS 12 -15 POST REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE — BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION V-IOi 15-23: V-l I 17-23 /•••••••:v 6 >f6te' v-19; 15-21 J.. V-18; 15-18; VH2 115-23 3C V-14 13-18 V-2 15-19 VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE 12 T Y AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION 20 : 10 POST REMEDIAL ACTION RADON DAUGHTER ^DC^ CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION ASSESSED CONTAMINANTS NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE-RATES IN pR/b RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT] FIGURE 2.1 EXTERIOR EXTENT DF CONTAMINA t = 20 =40 •FEET J i ±—L 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 ""TTiis drawing, prepared for tht Surplus Facilities•"' Management' Project, is for the sole use of the U.S: Department of Energy and its contractors. It is not a : land survey plat or an improvement survey plat and is:., not t,o be relied upon for the establishment of jfence, ; building, or ither future improvement lines. : : —j i i i i i L o»rc HI HKl -m at oceu.».rt sinaiiT-sr- *M J lUIWIT SIT! vtni'icAnwT" 1 \- ,-5 TTBT™ o.ri •tVlfKMS ION U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 1B1BS.6.&. ?/»*• 217 SOUTH 2N0 EAST STREET 2*£ MONTICELLO , UTAH MTI |1IHM« M UNC Geotech ,OC»TIOM ,o. MS-0QQ97-CH 0«6. ng 3-B396-G6»HT 6 e>6 2£ 2C 2* 2: 2C 1J 1: 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40 42 1( OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE RO. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. May 10, 1989 Andrew Wallo III Division of Remedial Action Projects Office of Waste Disposal and Remedial Action Office of Nuclear Energy U. S. Department of Energy MS - NE24 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Wallo: Verification Statements for Monticello Vicinity Properties Enclosed please find verification statements and amended property completion reports for the following properties in Monticello, Utah. These are the properties which were remediated prior to FY 1988, and therefore could not be subject to on-site independent verification. Discrepancies were noted by ORNL within the remedial action completion reports during the December 1988 Type A technical reviews. The discrepancies have been amended by UNC. The properties are: Please call Mary Smuin (FTS 326-6232) of our staff if you have any questions regarding the general work process of this project. CAL/MWS/tlb cc: B. Mathis, UNC P. Henwood, UNC G. Grandbouche, DOE/GJPO W. Murphie, DOE/HQ-DFSD J. Nelson, WESTON D. Kozlowski, WESTON MS00014-RS MS00097-CH MS00099-RS MS00138-RS MS00150-RM 380 South 3rd East Street 281 East 3rd South Street 416 South Main Street 165 North 1st West Street 217 South Second East Street Sincerely, Craig A. Little, Ph.D. Pollutant Assessments Group VERIFICATION STATEMENT FOR MS00097-CH, 217 S. 2ND EAST STREET An independent assessment of remedial action activities at 217 S. 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah, has been accomplished by the ORNL Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG). The purpose of the assessment is to verify the data supporting the adequacy of the remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The assessment included reviews of data provided in the post-remedial action report, and remedial action plans and activities as well as verification analysis of archived post-remedial action soil samples. A review of procedures and techniques suggests that the procedures used to develop the data presented in the post-remedial action report are adequate to characterize the final radiological condition of 217 S. 2nd East Street, Monticello, Utah, and that based on the data in the post-remedial action reports, the site conforms to the remedial action criteria for the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP). DOE ID NO.: MS- 0009? - C H . . Property Address: 2.1T QouTk SeCOftc/1 East STYeet~ VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. of Energy (VOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 ml. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab |>3 Interior gamma is < 20 /jR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working levels or, at most, 0.03 working levels. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. [ ] M [ ] ( 1 ty) ( J Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and SFMP (Rev. 03/02/87). [ ] [ ] [X [ ] [ ] [>] COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials which were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates which do not exceed 30-percent above normal background. [X]' ( ] [ ] f ] [ ] [ ] t ) [A] [ ] [ ] [X] [ 3 t 1 fcxj [ ) [ ] [ ) [ ) [X] [ ] [ ] DOE ID NO. : MS- QOO^l- ~ C H CHEM-NUCLEAR GEOTECH, INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. 7- f-<?/ Date DOE EVALUATION p^] Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Harry A. Pegry SFMP Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. SFMP Certification Official Department of Energy Date 7/3*/Sf OEC se «6 PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO: MS-00099-RS ADDRESS: 280 SOUTH 3RD EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 APRIL 1989 Prepared for Surplus Facilities Management Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by UNC Geotech P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 Brian Mathis Program Manager UNC Geotech has been granted authorization to perform remedial action under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. MS-00099-RS:PCR-004 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action. 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement ... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification ... 5 Certification Data Summary 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID No.: MS-00099-RS 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) project was accepted into the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The SFMP has adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) as guidelines for all clean-up activities under the MVP project. These standards were prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the clean-up of buildings and open lands. The subject property, DOE ID Number MS-00099-RS, located at 280 South 3rd East Street, Monticello, Utah, was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the Department of Energy (DOE), which determined that residual radioactive materials in excess of EPA standards were present on the property. UNC Geotech/Grand Junction Projects Office was notified of the inclusion of this property into the SFMP program and authorized by the DOE to perform remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID No.: MS-00099-RS Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Cohstruction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: MS-00099-RS Parcel Numbers M-75 and M-68-1, Block 11, Monticello Townsite, County of San Juan, State of Utah 280 South 3rd East Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Residential Simple (RS) Not applicable; historical inclusion by the DOE June 8, 1984 UNC Geotech May 2. 1985 Eldon Ray Contracting P.O. Box 10 Moab, Utah August 19, 1986 October 9, 1986 Exterior: 781 cu. yd. Interior: 0 cu. yd. 1,562 m2 April 1989 DOE ID No.: MS-00099-RS 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior and interior contamination (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining contamination and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The original radiological assessment identified 615 cu. yd. of tailings, from 6 inches to 12 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of 781 cu. yd. of residual radioactive material, ranging from 10 inches to 16 inches deep (Appendix Figure 2.1). The difference between the original assessment and the actual material removed is shown in Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action None. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the tailings removal activities performed on the property. 3 DOE ID No.: MS-00099-RS 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Re»edial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by UNC Geotech during October 1984, as described in the final REA, dated May 1985. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of contamination determined during the pre-remedial assessment and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A ground-level gamma scan with a scintillometer was performed after the removal of contamination and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. The samples were blended to form composite samples representing an average over the exterior verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values determined during the gamma scan ranged from 14 #R/h to 25 uR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). Residual radioactive materials were left in place around mature fruit trees in Areas V-2, V-6, V-13, V-14, and V-15. Composite soil samples taken in these areas ranged from 10.1 pCi/g to 11.8 pCi/g. The resulting radium-226 concentrations, averaged over 100 m2 areas, ranged from 2.2 pCi/g to 2.8 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.2). The results of analyses for Ra-226 in the remaining 16 composite soil samples taken from the excavated areas ranged from 1.0 pCi/g to 4.6 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). Interior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values determined during the gamma scan ranged ranged from 12 fiR/h to 15 /*R/h for the remediated portion of the basement, and from 11 jtiR/h to 15 (iR/h for the rest of the basement (Appendix Figure 2.1). 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing an annual average, the RDC was determined to be below the EPA standard (Appendix Table 3.3). Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location in the basement (the lowest habitable level of the structure). 4 3.2 Recommendation For Certification DOE ID No.: MS-00099-RS Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR. Part 192, Subpart B, Paragraph 192.12). (See Certification Data Summary below.) Therefore, the property located at 280 South 3rd East Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the SFMP Program guidelines, and the appropriate record should be documented. Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Certification Data Summary :S=S=SSS3S3333SS=SSXSSSSSS3I Standards Shall not exceed 20 yR/h above background.* Survey Results Ranges were 12 fiR/h to 15 pR/h for the remediated portion of the basement, and 11 nR/Yi to 15 juR/h for the rest of the basement (Appendix Figure 2.1). Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable; and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background** in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Annual average 0.009 WL (Appendix Table 3.3). < 5 pCi/g above background. The results of five composite soil samples, averaged over 100 m2 areas, ranged from 2.2 pCi/g to 2.8 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.2). Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background** in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. The results of 16 composite soil samples ranged from 1.0 pCi/g to 4.6 pCii/g (Appendix Table 3.1) •The background exposure rate is approximately 15 ^R/h. **The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID No.: MS-00099-RS 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Calculations of Average Radium Concentration Over 100 m2 (1076-ft2) Areas Table 3.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Interior and Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT 6 Appendix Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No. : MS-00099-RS Address: 280 South 3rd East Street, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. A less-than sign (<) indicates that the minimum detection limit based on Compton background was reached. Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Ra-226 Potassium Thorium Area Range (^R/h) Ticket No. (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) EXTERIOR V-l 14 - 25 MMU 221 1.0 + 0.2 21.0 + 5.0 1.0 + 0.3 V-2* 18 - 25 MMU 222 11.8 + 1.3 18.8 + 4.7 1.0 + 0.3 V-3 14-21 MMU 223 1.2+0.2 19.0+4.6 1.0+0.3 V-4 14 - 19 MMU 224 1.2 + 0.2 20.4 + 4.9 1.1 + 0.3 V-5 14 - 21 MMU 225 1.4 + 0.2 20.8 + 5.0 0.7 + 0.3 V-6* 18 - 21 MMU 251 11.0 + 1.2 22.2 + 5.3 < 0.3 V-7 15 - 23 MMU 252 1.8 + 0.3 20.6 + 5.0 1.0 + 0.3 V-8 14 - 21 MMU 253 1.2 + 0.2 20.4 + 4.9 1.0 + 0.3 V-9 14 - 20 MMU 254 2.1 + 0.3 19.3 + 4.7 0.7 + 0.3 V-10 14 - 21 MMU 255 3.0 + 0.4 18.2 + 4.5 0.8 + 0.3 V-ll 14 - 19 MMU 256 2.1 + 0.3 18.1 + 4.5 0.7 + 0.3 V-12 14 - 20 MMU 258 1.9 + 0.3 20.4 + 4.9 0.7 + 0.3 V-13* 18 - 21 MMU 259 10.5 + 1.2 19.0 + 4.7 < 0.3 V-14* 18-21 MMU 260 10.1+1.1 21.1+5.1 1.2+0.3 V-15* 18 - 21 MMU 261 11.0+1.2 18.9+4.6 1.2+0.3 V-16 15 - 25 MMU 262 3.2 + 0.4 19.8 + 4.7 1.1 + 0.3 V-17 14 - 19 MMU 263 1.8 + 0.3 18.7 + 4.5 1.1 + 0.3 V-18 14-19 MMU 264 3.3+0.4 18.8+4.6 1.2+0,3 V-19 14-25 MMU 265 2.5+0.4 15.6+4.0 1.0+0.3 V-20 14 - 23 MMU 266 4.3 + 0.5 19.3 + 4.7 1.3 + 0.3 V-21 14-25 MMU 267 4.6 + 0.6 18.2 + 4.5 0.8 + 0.3 INTERIOR V-22 12 - 15 Not applicable See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. •Composite samples taken of contamination left in place around trees (Appendix Figure 2.1). 7 Appendix Table 3.2 Calculations of Average Radium Concentration Over 100 m2 (1076-ft2) Areas DOE ID No.: MS-00099-RS Address: 280 South 3rd East Street, Monticello, Utah cavg Where: Cp X Ap X 0.5 + (Cr x [538 - (Ap x 0.5)]) 538 Cavg = Radium concentration (pCi/g) averaged over a 100 m2 (1076-ft2) area. Cp = Concentration of the tailings in the pocket in pCi/g. Ap = Area of the tailings pocket in ft2. 0.5 = 0.5 ft, or depth interval over which EPA guideline is applied. Cr = Concentration of the remainder of the 100 m2 (1076-ft2) area. 538 = 538 ft3 or total volume over which the EPA- guideline is applied. NOTE: The background radium concentration for this area is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. Area/ft2 Depth Interval (Inches) Meas./ Sample Type Ra-226 Lab Analysis (PCi/g) Ra-226 Cone. Averaged Over 1076-ft2 (PCi/g) V-2 / 32 0-6 SS 11.8 + 1.3 2.3 V-6 / 25 0-6 SS 11.0 + 1.2 2.2 V-13/ 102 0-6 SS 10.5+1.2 2.8 V-14/ 41 0-6 SS 10.1 + 1.1 2.3 V-15/ 31 0-6 SS 11.0+1.2 2.3 Measurement Type: SS = Soil Sample Therefore, the radium concentration does not exceed the EPA standard of 7 pCi/g for the surface soil layer or 17 pCi/g for subsurface soil layers. 8 Appendix Table 3.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00099-RS Address: 280 South 3rd East Street, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Terradex Track EtchR Detector Detector Number 316103 316132 316207 Start Date End Date 11/06/86 11/06/86 11/06/86 11/06/87 11/06/87 11/06/87 Tracks Per mm2 10.6 12.2 14.4 Radon Concentration (pCi/1) 1.5 1.7 2.0 Average Working Level (WL) 0.008 0.009 0.010 Annual Average: 0.009 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement location. BGS:12/22/87 MS-00099-RS:PCR-004 REV100287 9 32 10 V-5 14-21 30 — 28 — 26 — 22 — 20 - 18 — 16 — 14 — 12 V-6 I8-2I • SOUTH 3 RD 1—1—r EAST STREET : 30 iiliig V-4 14-19 •v.v. V-3 V 18 25 (I)(2) (3)(4)(5) j (6)(7)(8)(9) V-13 18-21 V-I4J 18-21 *'»**NTV .r:::-*HI2f*f?»v; © is);'; ;V-8 ;I4-2I <3> 15 18 V 21 14 0 V 22 12 HOUSE (wdh baatment .•••.•.v.-15 V 20 14 23 LEGEND 0 ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER <s) AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION W0: AREA 0F ASSESSED CONTAMINANTS 12 -15 POST REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION rr\ AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT LL^J OF CONTAMINATION 3( 2c VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE V-O 14-21 ®POST REMEDIAL ACTION RADON DAUGHTER It CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION UJ <$®$A§, ASSESSED CONTAMINANTS NOT FOUND AT £ TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION AREA WITH CONTAMINATION LEFT IN PLACE 5' X 5' X 4"-"000ST0VZ "ALL 3 X 3 "A" T 1V-I8 i ;I4-I9 V-19 14-25 - 2C 1..; — 1£ V-I2 14-201 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT-h FIGURE 2.1 20 IO „:*,„^:.,1 i • - • • : 0 : 20 i 40 : Thff.*KM>L e*. •• for *4 aota •{•• of at* U.S. -X-~ 1.0 14 1 o 26 INTERIOR/EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION JK US. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY 280 SOUTH 3RD EAST ST MONTICELLO , UTAH 30 32 UNC Geotech 35 LDUIOI aa 3T ~3-»>A^3-G7 ^1,1 12 1C OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE RO. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 May 10, 1989 Andrew Wallo III Division of Remedial Action Projects Office of Waste Disposal and Remedial Action Office of Nuclear Energy U. S. Department of Energy MS - NE24 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Wallo: Verification Statements for Monticello Vicinity Properties Enclosed please find verification statements and amended property completion reports for the following properties in Monticello, Utah. These are the properties which were remediated prior to FY 1988, and therefore could not be subject to on-site independent verification. Discrepancies were noted by ORNL within the remedial action completion reports during the December 1988 Type A technical reviews. The discrepancies have been amended by UNC. The properties are: Please call Mary Smuin (FTS 326-6232) of our staff if you have any questions regarding the general work process of this project. CAL/MWS/tlb cc: B. Mathis, UNC P. Henwood, UNC G. Grandbouche, DOE/GJPO W. Murphie, DOE/HQ-DFSD J. Nelson, WESTON D. Kozlowski, WESTON MS00014-RS MS00097-CH MS00099-RS MS00138-RS MS00150-RM 380 South 3rd East Street 281 East 3rd South Street 416 South Main Street 165 North 1st West Street 217 South Second East Street Sincerely, Craig A. Little, Ph.D. Pollutant Assessments Group VERIFICATION STATEMENT FOR MS00099-RS, 280 S. 3RD EAST STREET An independent assessment of remedial action activities at 280 S. 3rd East Street, Monticello, Utah, has been accomplished by the ORNL Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG). The purpose of the assessment is to verify the data supporting the adequacy of the remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The assessment included reviews of data provided in the post-remedial action report, and remedial action plans and activities as well as verification analysis of archived post-remedial action soil samples. A review of procedures and techniques suggests that the procedures used to develop the data presented in the post-remedial action report are adequate to characterize the final radiological condition of 280 S. 3rd East Street, Monticello, Utah, and that based on the data in the post-remedial action reports, the site conforms to the remedial action criteria for the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP). DOE ID NO. : MS- OOP*?*?- *=>••• - Property Address: 2SO Soiitk TL'rd EftST S+reeT VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. [X]* [ ] [ ] In-situ [X] Lab [X]** Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab [><] 0(5 t 1 t ] Ex] [ ) [ ) [ ] [ ] Interior gamma is < 20 ^R/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. fx] [ ] [ ] The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working levels or, at most, 0.03 working levels. fx] [ ] [ ] Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. [ ] [X [ ] [ ) £X] t ] Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and SFMP (Rev. 03/02/87). COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials which were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates which do not exceed 30-percent above normal background. '**'5oma Soil Sample1-, ^cre, ^Ren -Prom i"Me S^r-ft\ce_ IS-cw> Ifl^ar and VJ^rg. - A^al^2ed- X] ( ] [ ] [X] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] EX) [ ] [ ] 04 DOE ID NO. : MS- QC)Qc\e] ~ R.5 CHEM-NUCLEAR GEOTECH, INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Harry A. Perry/' X) Date SFMP Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. DOE EVALUATION [X] Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. 7/30/3/ Date •Ik c SFMP Cert* Department .cation Official of Energy PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO: MS-00138-RS ADDRESS: 281 EAST THIRD SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 MAY 1989 Prepared for Surplus Facilities Management Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by UNC Geotech P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 Brian Mathis Program Manager UNC Geotech has been granted authorization to perform remedial action under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. MS-00138-RS:PCR-02 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action ... 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement ... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 Certification Data Summary 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID No.: MS-00138-RS 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) project was accepted into the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the, AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The SFMP has adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) as guidelines for all clean-up activities under the MVP project. These standards were prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the clean-up of buildings and open lands. The subject property, DOE ID Number MS-00138-RS, located at 281 East Third South Street, Monticello, Utah, was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the Department of Energy (DOE) which determined that residual radioactive materials in excess of EPA standards were present on the property. UNC Geotech/Grand Junction Projects Office was notified of the inclusion of this property into the SFMP program, and authorized by the DOE to perform remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID No.: MS-00138-RS Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No. : Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: MS-00138-RS Parcel Number M-69, Block 11, Monticello Townsite, City of Monticello,- County of San Juan, State of Utah 281 East Third South Street Monticello, Utah 84535 Residential Simple (RS) Not applicable; historical inclusion by the Department of Energy June 8, 1984 UNC Geotech May 2, 1985 Crowley Construction East Route Monticello, Utah June 19, 1985 September 25, 1985 Exterior: 405 cu. yd. Interior: 1 cu. yd. 1,149 m2 May 1989 DOE ID No.: MS-00138-RS 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior and interior contamination (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining contamination and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The original radiological assessment identified 375 cu. yd. of tailings, from 6 inches to 21 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of 406 cu. yd. of residual radioactive material, ranging from 3 inches to 12 inches deep (Appendix Figure 2.1). The difference between the original assessment and the actual material removed is shown in Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action None. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the tailings removal activities performed on the property. 3 DOE ID No.: MS-00138-RS 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by UNC Geotech during October 1984, as described in the final REA, dated May 1985. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of contamination determined during the pre-remedial assessment and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A ground-level gamma scan with a scintillometer was performed after the removal of contamination and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. The samples were blended to form composite samples representing an average over the exterior verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). One individual soil sample was also collected at grid coordinates 192298. Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values determined during the gamma scan ranged from 14 fiR/h to 29 (iR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). Residual radioactive materials were left in place in Area V-14 to save a mature shrub (Appendix Figure 2.1). An individual soil sample of this material was 34.4 pCi/g. The resulting radium-226 concentration, averaged over a 100 m2 area, was 6.8 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.2). The results of analyses for Ra-226 in 12 composite soil samples taken from the excavated areas ranged from 1.1 pCi/g to 6.8 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). Interior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values determined during the gamma scan ranged from 13 fiR/h to 18 juR/h for the ground floor, and from 16 ftR/h to 19 fiR/h for the remediated portion of the crawl space (Appendix Figure 2.1). 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing an annual average, the RDC was determined to be below the EPA standard (Appendix Table 3.3). Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location which was on the ground floor (the lowest habitable level of the structure). 4 DOE ID No.: MS-00138-RS 3.2 Recommendation For Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR, Part 192. Subpart B, Paragraph 192.12). Therefore, the property located at 281 East Third South Street in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the SFMP Program guidelines, and the appropriate record should be documented. Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Certification Data Summary Standards Shall not exceed 20 ,ttR/h above background.* Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable; and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Ranges were 13 £tR/h to 18 pR/h for the ground floor, and 16 fiR/h to 19 jtR/h for the remediated portion of the crawl space (Appendix Figure 2.1). Annual average 0.004 WL (Appendix Table 3.3). Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background** in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background** in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background.*** The soil sample results ranged from 1.1 pCi/g to 6.8 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). The individual soil sample result, averaged over a 100 m2 area, was 6.8 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.2) •The background exposure rate is approximately 17 jtR/h. **The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. ***A small portion of the samples is from the 10- to 15-cm interval. 5 DOE ID No.: MS-00138-RS 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Calculation of Average Radium Concentration Over a 100 m2 Area Table 3.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Interior/Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT 6 Appendix Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00138-RS Address: 281 East Third South Street, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. A less-than sign (<) indicates that the minimum detection limit based on Compton background was reached. Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Ra-226 Potassium Thorium Area Range (/iR/h) Ticket No. (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) EXTERIOR V-l 18 - 19 MAY 754 1.5 + 1.0 17.3 + 8.9 1.1 + 1.0 V-2 16 - 21 MAY 755 3.4+1.0 21.2+10.3 0.8+1.0 V- 3 16 - 19 MAY 756 2.4 + 1.0 19.0 + 8.5 1.6 + 1.0 V- 4 16 - 18 MAY 757 1.1 +. 1.0 20.0 + 8.5 1.4 + 1.0 V-5 16-21 MAY 758 4.0+1.0 17.7+ 8.7 0.8+1.0 V-6 18-22 MAY 759 3.2+1.0 20.6+8.3 1.2+1.0 V-7 18 - 26 MAY 760 4.7+1.0 16.9+ 7.8 1.4+1.0 V- 8 18-24 MAY 762 6.8+1.0 18.8+ 8.3 1.2+1.0 V- 9 16 - 26 MAY 763 2.8 + 1.0 18.1 + 8.3 1.1 + 1.0 V-10 16-21 MAY 761 4.4+1.0 19.5+ 8.4 1.0+1.0 V-ll 17 - 24 MAY 764 6.1+1.0 19.8+ 8.4 1.4+1.0 V-12 16 - 22 MAY 766 4.5 + 1.0 15.9 + 8.1 0.8 + 1.0 V-14* 29 MAY 765 34.4+2.7 19.5+10.4 < 10.0 INTERIOR V-13 16 - 19 Not applicable See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. •Individual soil sample of contamination left in place at grid coordinates 192298. 7 Appendix Table 3.2 Calculation of Average Radium Concentration Over a 100 m2 Area DOE ID No.: MS-00138-RS Address: 281 East Third South Street, Monticello, Utah Cp x Ap x 0.5 + (Cr x [538 - (Ap x 0.5)]) ^avg • Where: °avg CP Ap 0.5 538 = 538 Radium concentration (pCi/g) averaged over a 100 m2 (1076-ft2) area. Concentration of the tailings in the pocket in pCi/g. Area of the tailings pocket in ft2. 0.5 ft, or depth interval over which EPA guideline is applied. Concentration of the remainder of the 100 m2 (1076-ft2) area. 538 ft3 or total volume over which the EPA guideline is applied. NOTE: The background radium concentration for this area is approximately 6.1 pCi/g (from Area V-ll). Area/ft2 Sample Loc. Grid Coord. Depth Interval (inches) Meas./ Sample Type Ra-226 Lab Analysis (PCi/g) Ra-226 Cone. Averaged Over 100 m2 (pCi/g) V-14 / 25 192298 06 - 12 SS 34.4 + 2.7 6.8 Measurement Type: SS = Soil Sample Therefore, the radium concentration does not exceed the EPA standard of 17 pCi/g for subsurface soil layers. 8 Appendix Table 3.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00138-RS Address: 281 East Third South Street, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Terradex Track EtchR Detector Detector Number Start Date End Date Tracks Per mm2 Radon Concentration (pCi/1) Average Working Level 311251 311288 311323 01/29/86 01/29/86 01/29/86 02/18/87 02/18/87 02/18/87 5.7 5.6 5.7 0.7 0.7 0.7 0.004 0.004 0.004 Annual Average: 0.004 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement location. PR:ll/02/87 MS-00138-RS.-PCR-2 REVI00287 9 18 10 14-30 34 12 16 20 26 28 r 4 32 4 V-ll •V-9 V-IO 29izR/r-U6-21 17-24 II6-26 30 ® =T7 '.-rrf'.->W*-.-v*!'*r?r: 12-15 •>* •••••• .• 28 V-8 8-24 12 V 12 83 16 22 26 4 19 V-2 15-19 3 5 R> 12 V-l 17 16 -Mi V a: 18-19 8- (RDC) 16 19 24 13 18 ONE S-TORY oosE/mr •. v • • • • r-.\ 21 (RDC) 4* CRAWL PAC »T<- J5 :*X;:::>: L-v.;.-: : 5W^>^S^-: ^aDAI5)ll2l:::::;:^S:^ 51 SBJ?S S3 >>'jKVr*t- •••••••"••"••a" 20 ? i = •• -i ^t- 12 2 22% 5» 18 rm rm V-6i 18-22 V-3i I6-I9! V-4i V-5i l6-2!i V-7 V-2 18-26 I6-I8! 6-21 16 14 31 •JSLUU. ^2 Ha 0»TI •hi^lUWI-«i.-aHJM. This drawing, prepared for tha Surplus Facilitiaa Management Program, is for tha sola use.of tha U.S. • Department of Energy and its contractors. It is not a land survey plat or an improvement survey plat and is not to.be 'relied upaq for the establishment of fence, building, a?'"' othifr fuiurecimprovqment lines. . .: .. i •msMlTlC 12 n MIII UII rsar m 20 40 20 10 " ^EET X MTI 10 5o 23 34 9« 20 24 22 16 14 18 10 12 40 42 —i—r • • ah • . -a*> LEGEND i—i—r - T Y- if* ? : . .-^r TO ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINANTS POST REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE POST REMEDIAL ACTION RADON DAUGHTER CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION ASSESSED CONTAMINANTS NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION AREA WITH CONTAMINATION LEFT IN PLACE ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE-RATES IN /iR/h SI - 3C - 28 -. t WJ1 - i .v: IT r teafaaaa ••••••••*••••*••) •••••*••*#••••••**•* •••«>««>ai**f««>*«a>4 |e»»eee»>s«e>>s>«ess|eeaae**>siM»>a»^*a|>«i^ aS •••MA RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1 m Mn A.C. U-S. OCPAJITMENT OFJENCUCY 261 EAST 3rd SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH y 26 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 UNC Geotech laP?*!!5v'MS-00l 38 - RS p**-"fc3-B425-G8 SKT. 1 or 1 A*) 1C OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE RO. BOX 2567 GRANO JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 February 27, 1989 Andrew Wallo III Division of Remedial Action Projects Office of Waste Disposal and Remedial Action Office of Nuclear Energy U. S. Department of Energy MS - NE24 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Wallo: Monticello Vicinity Properties Pending Verification As the Independent Verification Contractor (IVC) for the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) under the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP), Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has performed an independent assessment of remedial action activities on the following vicinity properties by the UNC Geotech/Grand Junction Projects Office. Based on our evaluation of UNC Geotech's Property Completion Reports and available documentation describing post-remedial action conditions of each property, we suggest a resolution of the deficiencies described below prior to IVC verification. MS00014-RS MS00041-CS MS00042-CS MS00043-CS MS00073-RS MS00075-RS MS00086-RS MS00091-RS MS00097-CH MS00099-RS MS00103-VL MS00133-RS MS00134-MR MS00138-RS MS00141-MR MS00150-RM 216 South 3rd East Street 281 East 3rd South Street 393 East 3rd South Street 416 South Main Street 65 East 5th South Street 16 East 5th South Street 164 East 4th South Street 265 East 1st South Street 217 South 2nd East Street 280 South 3rd East Street 433 South 2nd East Street 217 & 233 South 3rd East Street 165 North 1st West Street 280 & 296 South Main Street 280 & 296 South Main Street 280 & 296 South Main Street Sincerely, Craig'A. Little, Ph.D. Pollutant Assessments Group CAL/MWS/ss cc: N. Abramiuk, UNC T. Carlson, UNC G. Grandbouche, W. Murphie, DOE/HQ-DFSD J. Nelson, WESTON D. Kozlowksi, WESTONDOE/GJPO MS00138-RS 281 EAST 3RD SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 Figure 2.1 of the RAC's Property Completion Report shows Area G being incorrectly sampled as a composite of V-10. An explanation of why Area G was not sampled or excavated is needed. In addition, there are discrepancies in the areas of excavation when compared with the post- radiologic field survey map. Analysis of the RAC split samples by the IVC found the 226Ra concentrations to be in close agreement: UNC TICKET # MAY 754 MAY 755 MAY 756 MAY 757 MAY 758 MAY 759 MAY 760 MAY 762 MAY 763 MAY 761 MAY 764 MAY 766 MAY 765 MAY 769 UNC (RAC) 226Ra CONCENTRATION 1.5 pCi/g ORNL (IVC) 226Ra CONCENTRATION 1.4 pCi/g 3.4 2.4 1.1 4.0 3.2 4.7 6.8 2.8 4.4 6.1 4.5 34.0 9.7 2.9 2.2 1.1 3.8 3.6 4.6 6.5 2.9 3.6 5.8 4.3 36.0 8.8 Based on these findings, it is recommended that a verification decision be withheld until the discrepancies are resolved. OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE RO. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 May 10, 1989 Andrew Wallo III Division of Remedial Action Projects Office of Waste Disposal and Remedial Action Office of Nuclear Energy U. S. Department of Energy MS - NE24 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Wallo: Verification Statements for Monticello Vicinity Properties Enclosed please find verification statements and amended property completion reports for the following properties in Monticello, Utah. These are the properties which were remediated prior to FY 1988, and therefore could not be subject to on-site independent verification. Discrepancies were noted by ORNL within the remedial action completion reports during the December 1988 Type A technical reviews. The discrepancies have been amended by UNC. The properties are: Please call Mary Smuin (FTS 326-6232) of our staff if you have any questions regarding the general work process of this project. CAL/MWS/tlb cc: B. Mathis, UNC P. Henwood, UNC G. Grandbouche, DOE/GJPO W. Murphie, DOE/HQ-DFSD J. Nelson, WESTON D. Kozlowski, WESTON MS00014-RS MS00097-CH MS00099-RS MS00138-RS MS00150-RM 380 South 3rd East Street 281 East 3rd South Street 416 South Main Street 165 North 1st West Street 217 South Second East Street Sincerely, Craig A. Little, Ph.D. Pollutant Assessments Group VERIFICATION STATEMENT FOR MS00138-RS, 281 EAST 3RD SOUTH STREET An independent assessment of remedial action activities at 281 East 3rd South Street, Monticello, Utah, has been accomplished by the ORNL Pollutant Assessments Group (PAG). The purpose of the assessment is to verify the data supporting the adequacy of the remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The assessment included reviews of data provided in the post-remedial action report, and remedial action plans and activities as well as verification analysis of archived post-remedial action soil samples. A review of procedures and techniques suggests that the procedures used to develop the data presented in the post-remedial action report are adequate to characterize the final radiological condition of 281 East 3rd South Street, Monticello, Utah, and that based on the data in the post- remedial action reports, the site conforms to the remedial action criteria for the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP). DOE ID NO. : MS- OO I 5 % " Property Address: 28 I Ea&"f" Tlt.'rj Soufy Street" VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 mJ. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab ><3 Interior gamma is < 20 pR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working levels or, at most, 0.03 working levels. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and SFMP (Rev. 03/02/87). COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials which were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma [X]* ( ] [ ] [VI ( ] [ ] txi C 1 ( ] [ ] ( 1 txj ( ] [ ] li/f [ 1 [ ) K) [ ] t 1 [\A [ ] t 1 [ ] Cx] [ ] [ ] m [ ] [ ] [ ] LxJ exposure rates which do not exceed 30-percent above normal background DOE ID NO.: MS- OO > 3>S ~ £ S CHEM-NUCLEAR GEOTECH, INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. "7? Harry A. Perryy^ ZP Date SFMP Manager, Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. DOE EVALUATION ^] Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. SFMP Certification Official Date Department of Energy DEC 2 7 1996 t/ PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00071-RS ADDRESS: 464 SOUTH 1ST EAST STREET MONTICELLO. UTAH 84535 SEPTEMBER 1989 Prepared for Surplus Facilities Management Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by UNC Geotech P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 Brian Mathis Program Manager UNC Geotech has been granted authorization to perform remedial action under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. MS-00071-RS:PCR-MS-05 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY. 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement ... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 Certification Data Summary 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00071-RS 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) project was accepted into the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The SFMP has adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) as guidelines for all cleanup activities under the MVP project. These standards were prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. The subject property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the the Department of Energy (DOE), which determined that residual radioactive materials in excess of the EPA standards were present on the property. UNC Geotech/Grand Junction Projects Office was notified of the inclusion of this property into the SFMP program and authorized by the DOE to perform remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00071-RS .3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: MS-00071-RS Parcel No. M-9, Block 3, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah 464 South 1st East Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Residential Simple (RS) Not applicable; historical inclusion by the Department of Energy June 8, 1984 UNC Geotech July 2, 1986 Sonderegger Construction P.O. Box 6 Monticello, Utah October 8, 1987 November 25, 1987 Exterior: 1,190 cu. yd. Interior: 0 cu. yd. 3,144 m2 September 1989 DOE ID NO.: MS-00071-RS 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior contamination (Appendix Figures 2.1a and 2.1b). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining contamination . and. upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The original radiological assessment identified 909 cu. yd. of tailings, from 6 inches to 45 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of 1,190 cu. yd. of residual radioactive material, ranging from 9 inches to 48 inches deep (Appendix Figures 2.1a and 2.1b). The difference between the original assessment and the actual material removed is shown in Appendix Figures 2.1a and 2.1b. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action None. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the tailings removal activities performed on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00071-RS 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by UNC Geotech during October 1985, as described in the final REA, dated July 1986. Appendix Figures 2.1a and 2.1b show the extent of contamination determined during the pre-remedial assessment and identify the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A ground-level gamma scan with a scintillometer was performed after the removal of contamination and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. The samples were blended to form composite samples representing an average over the verification areas (Appendix Figures 2.1a and 2.1b). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values determined during the gamma scan ranged from 12 fiR/h to 29 fiR/h (Appendix Figures 2.1a and 2.1b). The results of analyses for Ra-226 in 38 composite soil samples taken from the excavated areas ranged from 1.1 pCi/g to 7.5 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing an annual average, the RDC was determined to be below the EPA standard (Appendix Table 3.2). Appendix Figure 2.1a shows the measurement location in the basement (the lowest habitable level of the structure). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00071-RS 3.2 Recommendation For Certification Residuai radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23). (See Certification Data Summary below.) Therefore, the property located at 464 South 1st East Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the SFMP Project guidelines, and the appropriate record should be documented. Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Certification Data Summary Standards Shall not exceed 20 fiR/h above background.* Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Survey Results Range for the basement was 14 fiR/h to 16 /iR/h and the range for the ground floor was 12 fiR/h to 18 fiR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1a). Annual average 0.0155 WL (Appendix Table 3.2). Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background** in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background** in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. < 5 pCi/g above background. The composite soil sample results ranged from 1.1 pCi/g to 7.5 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). *The background exposure rate is approximately 17 ftR/h. **The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00071-RS 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results Appendix Figures: Figure 2.1a Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT Figure 2.1b Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT 6 Appendix Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00071-RS Address: 464 South 1st East Street, Monticello. Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. A less-than sign (<) indicates that the minimum detection limit based on Compton background was reached. Area Exposure-Rate Range (uR/h) Soil Sample Ticket No. Ra-226 (PCi/g) Potassium (PCi/g) Thorium (PCi/g) V-l V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9 V-10 V-ll V-12 V-13 V-14 V-15 V-16 V-17 V-18 V-19 V-20 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 18 17 18 20 19 18 21 19 21 21 21 20 19 21 17 16 16 17 16 18 25 MNH 326 MNH 327 MNH 328 MNH 329 MNH 330 MNH 331 MNH 332 MNH 333 MNH 334 MNH 335 MNH 336 MNH 337 MNH 338 MNH 339 MNH 340 MNH 341 MNH 342 MNH 343 MNH 344 MNH 345 2.1 1.3 1.1 3.6 3.1 4.7 2.0 2.2 5.8 6.8 6.4 4.2 4.3 7.4 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.5 0.5 0.7 0.3 0.5 0.9 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.3 0.4 0.9 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 1.1 21.1 19.2 19.4 18.4 19.5 19.4 18.9 19.1 19.8 20.2 18.9 19.2 19.3 20.0 21.1 21.1 20.3 18.3 17.5 19.5 3.8 3.6 3.5 3.5 3.7 3.7 3.6 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.6 3.6 3.7 .7 .5 .5 .4 1.2 0.9 0.9 1.1 1. 0. 1. 0. 0. 1. 1.3 0.9 0.9 1.3 0.8 4.1 4.0 3.7 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 < 0.2 7 Appendix Table 3.1 (continued) Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00071-RS Address: 464 South 1st East Street, Monticello, Utah Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Ra-226 Potassium Thorium Area Range (/zR/h) Ticket No. (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-21 18 - 25 MNH 346 5.3 + 0.8 17.6 + 3.4 0.8 + 0.2 V-22 18 - 23 MNH 347 7.5+1.1 19.0+3.7 0.9+0.3 V-23 19 - 25 MNH 348 7.2+1.0 20.8+3.8 1.3+0.3 V-24 19 - 27 MNH 349 6.9+1.0 19.0+3.6 0.8+0.2 V-25 19 - 25 MNH 350 3.6+0.5 16.5+3.3 1.4+0.3 V-26 18 - 29 MNI 701 7.0 + 1.0 18.7 +.3.5 1.1 + 0.3 V-27 18 - 29 MNI 702 5.5 + 0.8 18.5 + 3.5 1.1 + 0.3 V-28 17 - 23 MNI 703 2.9 + 0.5 18.1 + 3.5 0.9 + 0.3 V-29 17-22 MNI 704 4.6+0.7 18.6+3.5 0.9+0.3 V-30 16-21 MNI 705 3.0+0.5 17.2+3.5 0.8+0.2 V-31 16 - 20 MNI 706 3.2+0.5 18.4+3.5 0.9+0.2 V-32 16 - 19 MNI 707 3.5+0.5 19.6+3.7 1.0+0.3 V-33 16 - 19 MNI 708 3.8+0.6 19.5+3.7 1.1+0.3 V-34 16 - 18 MNI 709 2.2+0.4 18.8+3.5 0.7+0.2 V-35 18 - 21 MNI 710 3.7 + 0.6 19.4 + 3.8 1.5 + 0.3 V-36 17-19 MNI 711 3.6+0.6 21.3+4.6 0.6+0.3 V-37 17 - 19 MNI 712 3.2 + 0.5 18.8 + 4.3 0.4 + 0.2 V-38 16 - 20 MNI 713 3.4 + 0.6 19.8 + 4.4 < 0.2 See Appendix Figures 2.1a and 2.1b for the verification areas. 8 Appendix Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00071-RS Address: 464 South 1st East Street, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Terradex Track EtchR Detector Radon Average Detector Tracks Per Concentration Working Number Start Date End Date mm2 (pCi/1) Level (WL) 638978 637146 638982 12-21-87 12-21-87 12-21-87 01-18-89 01-18-89 01-18-89 29.2 29.5 30.6 3.04 3.07 3.18 0.0152 0.0154 0.0159 Annual Average: 0.0155 See Appendix Figure 2.1a for the measurement location. BGS:05/22/89 MS-00071-RS:PCR-170 REV 04/11/89 9 ,0 - >8 — 6 — V-19 14-18 V-J8 14-16 2 ~ V-38 16-20 ie-i7 g villi LiLtas! * • • - • • • • * ( '•••••Xv X>:-:V.V-f v'.VS:- V-37 17-19 mm. ij. r.'.i.f r'-'l'V. .v::-v.w.::.«:.:-; •.>•.•.•::.: •W '•-•4 • V-36 17-19 MATCH SHEET. NV//:::A:i::::::x-:::v;.v, ;-;«V/-::::::::;-V:«"-Vwv: 34 • T'liYn IPI JT ' i • v 14 pn Ml V-32 17 17 5 14-16 14 14 16 -I6BSMT. i ..STORY.HOUSE biaocmirit) 19 • •••-vc •••r 16 18 V-31 2C «-:«•*- 17-2 48 16-21 I -1 1 I I I 1 I f I RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1o 32 • • • •«• •• •• *i#• < ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE-RATES IN p R/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER (6) AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINANTS 12-15 POST REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE — BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION 23 17 9. 1 6tBi ONE STO ••••• ttt 12 14 V (4 14 7 •••• 'Vi.'Jw'Wii 21 14 i ONE V-20 (•with GRD 25 18 12-ilS ELR V-23 25 19 DO* V-22 19-27 27 18 29 V-26 18-29 25 i'WL-^STTT 2119-251 - 126 Q •••••••••••••• - 24 This)<rawing; pnap«n|d for th« Surplus focilitiei . Mwmwmt jjwanwii te-fflfcltw ^*ftfe MM jaf 5UJR U^, OepaftireM cff Ensngj and tejcontraciors. It Is; not a landjsurvsy ^latorai|imfMw^m«nt sifrvey plqt and is jtot 4> be ratifd upon for tha ajrtablishfnent of jence, • ••••••••••a] JNORTH. : SQALE IN FEET 20 IO : 20 :40 ••••• EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION DEMOLISHED DURING REME'DIAll ACTIONi 12 10 14 1 i 1 16 20 1 22 AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE POST REMEDIAL ACTION RADON DECAY-PRODUCT CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION ASSESSED CONTAMINANTS NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION 24 26 28 SB*"" no. o»n t-m. or eccoMan f5 SL Mr 6 ^35 •T U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY mmo tamer torn »«t« of net. COLOK»OO 464 SOUTH 1ST EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 7 34 UNC Geotech 55—~ COCftTlOM NO TBIt MS-00071-RS •^S-BOOOTl-GSanT org 315 40 ^ 3C - 20 - 18 - 16 14 12 1C 34 30 36 38 f ZD I 1 1 I 1 I 1 V-3 V-l V-5 15-18 15-17 15-20 15 21 15 21 J AM •••!«»T*Al 15 LH. LU 10 CO 21 •A< III V7 117-19 = x 3 V-2 • . • * J to ••I 15-18 V-l I 15-20 3 MATCH V-4 15-19 15 15 19 21 32 - 30 28 26 24 © <5> ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE-RATES IN p R/h ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER 22 AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINANTS 12-15 POST REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE — BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION 12 V-1 18-171 AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF CONTAMINATION VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2.1h 20 18 ASSESSED CONTAMINANTS NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION 16 • »••••*>»•• EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION •20 : K) : 20 140 10 ' ' • R*EET This drawing, prepared for the Surplus Facilities Management Program, is for the sole use of the U.S. Department of Energy and its contractors. It is not a land survey plat or an improvement survey plat and is not to be relied upon for the establishment of fence, building, or other future improvement lines. 1 9 j i ( L 14 1fl J L 90 J t I L 99 9d J I L 99 X HO. D»tl HCvnnns l~m or •ccanaTt •OH m—IMl-HWI-IH»75 II.- m I II • — •nrSxn \vm gt/f£— ?0 •T CK. A.C. AM. HO. OATC ftCVISONS SY CK. 4.C. «M. 14 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY WHIP JUHCTWH «»t» OWCE. coton*oo 464 SOUTH 1ST EAST STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 12 I BIT Ijftirj nmtf^rh w°ws-ooo7i-RS 36 40 42 10 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OtTICE P. O BOX ?567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 May 8, 1990 W. E. Murphie SFMP Program Manager Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects Office of Nuclear Energy U.S. Department of Energy MS - NE-20 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Murphie: Verification Statements for Monticello Vicinity Properties Enclosed please find the verification statements for: These properties were subject to Type A verification (completion report review and confirmatory analysis). The official IVC reports are currently in publication. MJW/mjw cc: B. Berven, ORNL M. Landis, DOE/HQ-DFSD B. Mathis, UNC D. MacKenzie, RFW D. Williamson, DOE/GJPO MS00071-RS 464 South 1st East Street MS00145-RS 600 South Cemetery Road MS00153-VL 87 East 500 South Street MS00168-VL 397 East 3rd South Street Sincerely, Pollutant Assessments Group VERIFICATION STATEMENT FOR MS00071-RS, 464 SOUTH 1ST EAST STREET An independent assessment of remedial action activities at 464 South 1st East Street, Monticello, Utah, has been accomplished by the ORNL Pollutant Assessments Center (PAC). The purpose of the assessment is to verify the data supporting the adequacy of the remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The assessment included reviews of data provided in the post-remedial action report, and remedial action plans and activities as well as verification analysis of archived post-remedial action soil samples. A review of procedures and techniques suggests that the procedures used to develop the data presented in the post-remedial action report are adequate to characterize the final radiological condition of 464 South 1st East Street, Monticello, Utah, and that based on the data in the post- remedial action reports, the site conforms to the remedial action criteria for the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP). DOE ID NO.: MS- OOP 1 1 ^-S Property Address: So^tl, f irst East Streg.lT VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. YES NO NOT TAKEN U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 ms. [X]* [ ] [ ] In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. [>0 [ ] [ ] In-situ [ ] Lab fx3 Interior gamma is < 20 pR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. [px^ [ ] ( ] The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working levels or, at most, 0.03 working levels. fx] [ ] [ ] Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. [ ] [x] [ ] Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and SFMP (Rev. 03/02/87). [ ] [ ] [x}. [X) [ ] [ ) ( J ( 1 [ ) [ ) ( ) ( ] [ ) [ ) COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials which were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure, rates which do not exceed 30-percent above normal background. DOE ID NO. : MS- OOOl I - R S CHEM-NUCLEAR GEOTECH, INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. Harry A. Party ~g) SFMP Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. DOE EVALUATION 0^) Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. SFMP Certification Official Date Department of Energy Date PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00145-RS ADDRESS: 600 SOUTH CEMETERY ROAD MONTICELLO. UTAH 84535 SEPTEMBER 1989 Prepared for Surplus Facilities Management Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by UNC Geotech P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 Brian Mathis Program Manager UNC Geotech has been granted authorization to perform remedial action under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. MS-00145-RS:MS-05 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards .... 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement ... 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 Certification Data Summary 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00145-RS 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) project was accepted into the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The SFMP has adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) as guidelines for all cleanup activities under the MVP project. These standards were prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. The subject property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the Department of Energy (DOE), which determined that residual radioactive materials in excess of the EPA standards were present on the property. UNC Geotech/Grand Junction Projects Office was notified of the inclusion of this property into the SFMP program and authorized by the DOE to perform remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00145-RS 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: MS-00145-RS /f% > . > ,c O Parcel No. M-599-* Supplemental Plat, NW4 Section 31, T33S., R24E., Salt Lake Meridian, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah 600 South Cemetery Road u Monticello, Utah 84535 Not applicable; historical inclusion by the Department of Energy June 8, 1984 UNC Geotech May 15. 1986 Sonderegger Construction P.O. Box 6 Monticello, Utah June 8, 1987 August 5, 1987 Exterior: 511 cu. yd. Interior: 0 cu. yd. 1,638 m2 September 1989 2 DOE ID NO.: MS-00145-RS 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior contamination (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining contamination and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The original radiological assessment identified 325 cu. yd. of tailings, 6 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of 511 cu. yd. of residual radioactive material, ranging from 6 inches to 9 inches deep (Appendix Figure 2.1). The difference between the original assessment and the actual material removed is shown in Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action None. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the tailings removal activities performed on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00145-RS 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by UNC Geotech during January 1986. as described in the final REA, dated May 1986. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of contamination determined during the pre-remedial assessment and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A ground-level gamma scan with a scintillometer was performed after the removal of contamination and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. The samples were blended to form composite samples representing an average over the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values determined during the gamma scan ranged from 13 [iR/h to 29 fiR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for Ra-226 in 18 composite soil samples taken from the excavated areas ranged from 1.5 pCi/g to 8.7 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 3.1.3 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Based on measurements representing an annual average, the RDC was determined to be below the EPA standard (Appendix Table 3.2). Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the measurement location on the ground floor (the lowest habitable level of the structure). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00145-RS 3.2 Recommendation For Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23). (See Certification Data Summary below.) Therefore, the property located at 600 South Cemetery Road, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the SFMP Project guidelines, and the appropriate record should be documented. Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Certification Data Summary Standards Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 20 uR/h above background.* Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background** in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background** in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. Survey Results Range for the ground floor was 12 {iR/h to 15 fiR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). Annual average 0.0058 WL (Appendix Table 3.2). < 5 pCi/g above background. The soil sample results ranged from 1.5 pCi/g to 8.7 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). *The background exposure rate is approximately 18 [iR/h. **The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00145-RS 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Tables: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT 6 Appendix Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00145-RS Address: 600 South Cemetery Road, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. Area Exposure-Rate Range (fiR/h) Soil Sample Ticket No. Ra-226 (pCi/g) Potassium (PCi/g) Thorium (PCi/g) V-l V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 V-9 V-10 V-ll V-12 V-13 V-14 V-15 V-16 V-17 V-18 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 18 19 19 19 19 19 18 21 20 24 21 20 22 19 22 21 21 21 23 22 29 MNF 651 MNF 652 MNF 653 MNF 654 MNF 655 MNF 656 MNF 657 MNF 658 MNF 660 MNF 661 MNF 662 MNF 665 MNF 666 MNF 667 MNF 668 MNF 669 MNF 670 MNF 671 2.5 2.4 2.8 2.9 2.4 2.5 5.6 5.3 4.1 8.7 3.2 2.2 3.5 2.6 1.5 2.3 3.6 3.0 0.5 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.5 0.5 0.8 0.8 0.6 1.2 0.5 0.4 0.6 0.5 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.5 14.3 16.6 16.9 15.8 12.9 16.3 11.4 11.6 12.0 13.8 13.4 13.6 13.7 9.8 14.1 13.5 13.3 16.7 9.3 9.8 9.5 9.6 9.2 8.7 3.4 3.3 3.4 3.4 3.4 4.2 4.2 + 4.2 0.9 1.3 0.8 1.0 0.7 1.1 1.3 1.0 1.3 0.8 0.9 0.9 1.3 0.9 0.8 1.1 1.0 1.4 0.5 0.5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. 7 Appendix Table 3.2 Radon Decay-Product Concentration (RDC) Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00145-RS Address: 600 South Cemetery Road, Monticello, Utah Instrument Type: Terradex Track EtchR Detector Radon Average Detector Tracks Per Concentration Working Number Start Date End Date mm2 (pCi/1) Level (WL) 639019 639000 639030 12-21-87 12-21-87 12-21-87 01-18-89 01-18-89 01-18-89 11.18 11.08 10.84 1.17 1.16 1.13 0.0059 0.0058 0.0057 Annual Average: 0.0058 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the measurement location. BGS:05/23/89 MS00145-RS:MS-05 REV 04/11/89 8 40 40 V-7 V-12 18-22 17-24 V-13 18-21 38 38 V-14 18-21 .VT8 18-21 V-t5 18-21 36 36 V-9 2 18-20 "It 34 34 ® v-io 18-22 32 32 ONE STORY HOUSE 23 30 30 LLSEMQ. ALL DEPTHS IN INCHES ALL EXPOSURE—RATES IN M R/h (A) ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER <§) AVERAGE DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINANTS 7; IRDC) 28 28 0 5* V-17 19-22 12-19 POST REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE—RATE RANGE — BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION rrn AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT ll±J OF CONTAMINATION 26 26 STDWAGF V-l 16-19 r V-1 VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE-RATE RANGE i 24 11-17 24 POSr REMEDIAL ACTION RADON OECAY-PROOUCT EES' CONCENTRATION MEASUREMENT LOCATION 17-20 ASSESSED CONTAMINANTS NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION V-18 19-29 22 22 1 - 20 20 RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT FIGURE 2,1 V-2 17- 19 - 18 18 V-5 17-21 16 . 16 EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION 14 4 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY WaNB ,umCl*)* ••O^tCT) at net, CfliO«00 20 : 10 :20 40 ^ 600 SOUTH CEMETERY ROAD 12 12 This drawing, prepared for the Surplus Facilities Management Program, is lor the solo UM ol th* U.S. Oepertment of Energy end It* contractors. It is not s land survoy plat or an improvement survey plat and ia not to b« rolled upon for tha establishment of fonos, building, or other future improvement lines. ^ MONTICELLO, UTAH FEET HE OOC 0 10 MS-00M5-RS UNC Geotech 51 mm* I I I I I I ft I ft 10 52 12 14 16 18 30 10 4U 4 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. O BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 May 8, 1990 W. E. Murphie SFMP Program Manager Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects Office of Nuclear Energy U.S. Department of Energy MS - NE-20 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Murphie: Verification Statements for Monticello Vicinity Properties Enclosed please find the verification statements for: These properties were subject to Type A verification (completion report review and confirmatory analysis). The official IVC reports are currently in publication. MJW/mjw cc: B. Berven, ORNL M. Landis, DOE/IIQ-DFSD B. Mathis, UNC D. MacKenzie, RFW D. Williamson, D0E/GJP0 MS00071-RS 464 South 1st East Street MS00145-RS 600 South Cemetery Road MS00153-VL 87 East 500 South Street MS00168-VL 397 East 3rd South Street Sincerely, Mary J. Wilson Pollutant Assessments Group VERIFICATION STATEMENT FOR MS00145-RS, 600 SOUTH CEMETERY ROAD An Independent assessment of remedial action activities at 600 South Cemetery Road, Monticello, Utah, has been accomplished by the ORNL Pollutant Assessments Center (PAC). The purpose of the assessment is to verify the data supporting the adequacy of the remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The assessment included reviews of data provided in the post-remedial action report, and remedial action plans and activities as well as verification analysis of archived post-remedial action soil samples. A review of procedures and techniques suggests that the procedures used to develop the data presented in the post-remedial action report are adequate to characterize the final radiological condition of 600 South Cemetery Road, Monticello, Utah, and that based on the data in the post- remedial action reports, the site conforms to the remedial action criteria for the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP). DOE ID NO. : MS- OO M 5 ~ R-S Property Address: 60O 5o>utV> Ceme.'hr^ fioqc/ VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. _ In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [ ] Lab fc><] [X]' ( ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [x] [ 1 [ ] [ ] ( ) Interior gamma is < 20 pR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. CX] ( ] [ ] (/] [ ] [ ] The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working levels or, at most, 0.03 working levels. fcxj [ ] [ ] p^J [ ] [ ] Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with . EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. [ ] Cxi [ ] [ ] [A) M Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and SFMP (Rev. 03/02/87). [ ] [ ] M MM [X) COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials which were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates which do not exceed 30-percent above normal background DOE ID NO.: MS- QCM^S ~ R'b CHEM-NUCLEAR GEOTECH, INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. ~2 Harry A. Perry y/ Date SFMP Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. DOE EVALUATION [X] Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. 91 SFMP-'Certification Official Date Department of Energy PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00153-VL ADDRESS: 87 EAST 500 SOUTH MONTICELLO. UTAH 84535 SEPTEMBER 1989 Prepared for Surplus Facilities Management Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by UNC Geotech P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction. Colorado 81502-5504 Brian Mathis Program Manager UNC Geotech has been granted authorization to perform remedial action under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12. 192.20-23. MS-00153-VL:PCR-MS4 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 Certification Data Summary 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00153-VL 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) project was accepted into the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost-type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The SFMP has adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) as guidelines for all cleanup activities under the MVP project. These standards were prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. The subject property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the Remedial Action Contractor. The Department of Energy (DOE) reviewed these evaluation results and determined that residual radioactive materials in excess of the EPA standards were present on the property. UNC Geotech/Grand Junction Projects Office was notified of the inclusion of this property into the SFMP program and authorized by the DOE to perform remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00153-VL Suuary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owners: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Pinal Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: MS-00153-VL Parcel No. M-642, Lot 6, Block 3, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah 87 East 500 South Monticello. Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable: spillover inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor June 26, 1987 UNC Geotech September 25, 1987 Bayless and Bayless, Inc. 1900 Saint Charles Road Pueblo, Colorado June 6, 1988 July 1, 1988 Exterior: 261 cu. yd. Interior: 0 cu. yd. 557 m2 September 1989 DOE ID NO.: MS-00153-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior contamination (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining contamination and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The original radiological assessment identified 271 cu. yd. of tailings, from 6 inches to 18 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of 261 cu. yd. of residual radioactive material, ranging from 6 inches to 20 inches deep (Appendix Figure 2.1). The difference between the original assessment and the actual material removed is shown in Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action None. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the tailings removal activities performed on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00153-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by UNC Geotech during July 1987. as described in the final REA, dated September 1987. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of contamination determined during the pre-remedial assessment and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A ground-level gamma scan with a scintillometer was performed after the removal of contamination and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. The samples were blended to form composite samples representing an average over the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values determined during the gamma scan ranged from 14 jzR/h to 26 (iR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for Ra-226 in eight composite soil samples taken from the excavated areas ranged from 1.0 pCi/g to 3.0 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00153-VL 3.2 Recommendation For Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23). (See Certification Data Summary below.) Therefore, the property located at 87 East 500 South, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the SFMP Project guidelines, and the appropriate record should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Standards Survey Results Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Shall not exceed 20 (iR/h above background. Not applicable; vacant lot. Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Not applicable; vacant lot. < 5 pCi/g above background. Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. The soil sample results ranged from 1.0 pCi/g to 3.0 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00153-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT 6 Appendix Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00153-VL Address: 87 East 500 South, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. Area Exposure-Rate Range (fiR/h) Soil Sample Ticket No. Ra-226 (pCi/g) Potassium (PCi/g) Thorium (pCi/g) V-l V-2 V-3 V-4 V-5 V-6 V-7 V-8 16 16 15 16 16 16 16 15 19 18 18 18 19 21 24 26 MNK 003 MNK 004 MNK 005 MNK 006 MNK 007 MNK 008 MNK 009 MNK 010 3.0 1.0 1.1 2.0 1.9 1.7 1.8 1.4 0.5 0.2 0.2 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 17.4 16.8 18 20 18 17 18.8 19.4 3.4 3.4 3.4 3.8 3.4 3.3 3.5 3.6 1, 0. 1. 1, 0. 0.9 1.4 0.9 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.3 0.2 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. BGS:04/21/89 MS-00153-VL:MS4 REV 04/11/89 7 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 30 1 1 1 \ i—i—i—r 28 - 26 - 24 22 20 18 16 14 12 10 I I V-8 15-26 1fl 1fl 20 20 V-7 : 16-24 V-6 16-21 20 18 V-5 20 : V-3 :15-18 26 SHOP V-1 H6-19 L I5-2I SCALE IN FEET Y x ii 10 20 • 20 40 26 "l—T 28 T~ 30 32 34 36 38 10 A i—i—i—\—i—i—i—i—i—r 1ESE1& ALL DEPTHS IN: iNCHes ALL. EXPOSURE-RATES IN fi R/h . ASSESSED. AREA.IDENTIFIER; AVERAGE! DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED -CONTAMINANTS POST REMEDIAL ACTION EXPOSURE—RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION AVERAGE;EXCAVATED DEPTH FOR THE DEPOSIT OF:: CONTAMINATION.... I 12-15 12 V-1 16-171 VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER AND EXCAVATION EXPOSURE—RATE RANGE ASSESSED CONTAMINANTS NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION RADIO FIGURE: 271 LOGICAL AS-BUILT EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION 40 2£ 26 24 2C 18 16 This drawing, prepared for the 'Surplus ".Facilities' Management • Prograirr.-ls for ttve scrie use tjf the U.S. Department of Energy and its contractors. It js not a • OC land survey! plat or an improvement purvey plat and is . O...; not to. be rried .upon .tat the; establishment oHence,.; z buBding, oriother future improvement lines 12 14 16 18 20 J I I I I I I L 1 RESIDENCE-NO. OF OCCUPANTS NON-RESIDENCE —MAN-HRS./WK. INSTRUMENT NO. SURVEVOR SURVEY DATE VERIFICATION BY CK. A.E. APP. NO. DATE BY CK. A.E. APP. 14 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE. COLORADO jP 5E5 W-i 9-H 87 EAST 500 SOUTH MONTICELLO, UTAH 22 24 26 28 30 32 UNO Geotech 34 APPROVAL DOE MS-OOI53-VL a NO3-BO0lS3-0<W I ar I 36 38 40 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFflCE P 0 BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO.81502 May 8, 1990 W. E. Murphie SFMP Program Manager Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects Office of Nuclear Energy U.S. Department of Energy MS - NE-20 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Murphie: Verification Statements for Monticello Vicinity Properties Enclosed please find the verification statements for: These properties were subject to Type A verification (completion report review and confirmatory analysis). The official IVC reports are currently in publication. MJW/mjw cc: B. Berven, ORNL M. Landis, DOE/HQ-DFSD B. Mathis, UNC D. MacKenzie, RFW D. Williamson, DOE/GJPO MS00071-RS 464 South 1st East Street MS00145-RS 600 South Cemetery Road MS00153-VL 87 East 500 South Street MS00168-VL 397 East 3rd South Street Sincerely, Pollutant Assessments Group VERIFICATION STATEMENT FOR MS00153-VL, 87 EAST 500 SOUTH STREET An independent assessment of remedial action activities at 87 East 500 South Street, Monticello, Utah, has been accomplished by the ORNL Pollutant Assessments Center (PAC). The purpose of the assessment is to verify the data supporting the adequacy of the remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The assessment included reviews of data provided in the post-remedial action report, and remedial action plans and activities as well as verification analysis of archived post-remedial action soil samples. A review of procedures and techniques suggests that the procedures used to develop the data presented in the post-remedial action report are adequate to characterize the final radiological condition of 87 East 500 South Street, Monticello, Utah, and that based on the data in the post- remedial action reports, the site conforms to the remedial action criteria for the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP). DOE ID NO.: MS- OO f 55 ~ \J <- Property Address: &1 BaST Fifth SoutK Street" VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. in-situ [ ] Lab T><] Interior gamma is < 20 /uR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working levels or, at most, 0.03 working levels. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and SFMP (Rev. 03/02/87). [X]* [ ] [ ] CX] [ ] ( ] [ ] [ ] { ] ( ] [X] (Vacant Lot) ( ] [X] (Vacant Lot) ( 1 [ ] [ ] IXJ U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN { 1 ( ] ( ] [ ] [ ] t 1 [ 1 [ 1 [ 3 ( ] 04 COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials which were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates which do not exceed 30-percent above normal background DOE ID NO. : MS- OO 1 5 3 ~ \J L- CHEM-NUCLEAR GEOTECH, INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. ^2f^_ t^K^. 7-/-*' Harry A."" Perr^ <^ Date SFMP Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. DOE EVALUATION [Xl Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. SFMP Certification Official Department of Energy 7 10 Date PROPERTY COMPLETION REPORT FOR MONTICELLO VICINITY PROPERTY REMEDIAL ACTION FOR DOE ID NO.: MS-00168-VL ADDRESS: 397 EAST 300 SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 SEPTEMBER 1989 Prepared for Surplus Facilities Management Program Division of Facilities and Site Decommissioning Department of Energy by UNC Geotech P.O. Box 14000 Grand Junction, Colorado 81502-5504 Brian Mathis Program Manager UNC Geotech has been granted authorization to perform remedial action under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. Remedial action was done in accordance with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Standards for Cleanup of Lands and Buildings Contaminated with Residual Radioactive Material from Inactive Uranium Processing Sites, 40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23. MS-00168-VL:PCR-MS-04 TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page 1.0 SUMMARY 1 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action 1 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action 1 1.3 Summary of Remedial Action 2 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 3 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan 3 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination 3 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action 3 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards 3 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 4 3.1 Radiological Survey Data 4 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey 4 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey 4 3.2 Recommendation for Certification 5 Certification Data Summary 5 4.0 APPENDIX 6 i DOE ID NO.: MS-00168-VL 1.0 SUMMARY 1.1 Basis for Remedial Action The Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP) project was accepted into the Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) with the primary objective of reducing the potential hazard to the public due to long-term exposure to low-level radioactivity associated with the offsite mill tailings derived from the former U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) uranium mill. The original mill, built in 1942, was financed by the United States Government through its agent, the Defense Plant Corporation, to provide additional sources of vanadium needed during World War II. Various government agencies operated the mill until 1947. The AEC obtained the mill in 1948 and operated it through 1959 under cost- type contracts to provide both uranium and vanadium. Mill operations were terminated on January 1, 1960. The mill processed approximately one million tons of ore during the AEC operations. Throughout the operating period, tailings from the Monticello millsite were removed from the site and used for construction-related activities in the vicinity. 1.2 Criteria for Remedial Action The SFMP has adopted the "Standards for Remedial Action at Inactive Uranium Processing Sites" (40 CFR Part 192) as guidelines for all cleanup activities under the MVP project. These standards were prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to establish guidelines for the control of tailings piles and the cleanup of buildings and open lands. The subject property was evaluated on the basis of the EPA standards by the Remedial Action Contractor. The Department of Energy (DOE) reviewed these evaluation results and determined that residual radioactive materials in excess of EPA standards were present on the property. UNC Geotech/Grand Junction Projects Office was notified of the inclusion of this property into the SFMP program and authorized by the DOE to perform remedial action as required to bring the property into conformance with the EPA standards. 1 DOE ID NO.: MS-00168-VL Summary of Remedial Action DOE ID No.: Legal Description: Property Address: Property Owner: Property Category: Inclusion Survey Contractor: Inclusion Notification Date: Remedial Action Contractor: Radiological & Engineering Assessment (REA): Construction Subcontractor: Pre-Construction Conference Record: Notice of Final Completion Inspection: Volume of Material Removed: Area Cleaned Up: Property Completion Report Submitted: MS-00168-VL Parcel No. M-604, City of Monticello, County of San Juan, State of Utah 397 East 300 South Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Vacant Lot (VL) Not applicable; spillover inclusion requested by the Remedial Action Contractor June 26, 1987 UNC Geotech September 25, 1987 Bayless and Bayless, Inc. 1900 Saint Charles Road Pueblo, Colorado June 16, 1988 July 1, 1988 Exterior: 65 cu. yd. Interior: 0 cu. yd. 186 m2 September 1989 DOE ID NO.: MS-00168-VL 2.0 OPERATIONS SUMMARY 2.1 Abstract of Remedial Action Plan The remedial action plan involved removal of exterior contamination (Appendix Figure 2.1). Once excavation was complete, the affected areas were resurveyed for possible remaining contamination and, upon attaining satisfactory results, were backfilled with uncontaminated material. The property was restored to a condition comparable to that which existed prior to remedial action activities. 2.2 Previously Unidentified Contamination The original radiological assessment identified 63 cu. yd. of tailings, from 6 inches to 15 inches deep, within the property. The remedial action process included the removal of 65 cu. yd. of residual radioactive material, ranging from 9 inches to 12 inches deep (Appendix Figure 2.1). The difference between the original assessment and the actual material removed is shown in Appendix Figure 2.1. 2.3 Unanticipated Items During Remedial Action None. 2.4 Application of Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards were not applicable to the tailings removal activities performed on the property. 3 DOE ID NO.: MS-00168-VL 3.0 VERIFICATION SUMMARY 3.1 Radiological Survey Data All survey data were acquired according to approved procedures. 3.1.1 Pre-Remedial Action Survey A radiological survey was conducted by UNC Geotech during July 1987, as described in the final REA, dated September 1987. Appendix Figure 2.1 shows the extent of contamination determined during the pre-remedial assessment and identifies the areas recommended to undergo remedial action. 3.1.2 Post-Excavation Survey A ground-level gamma scan with a scintillometer was performed after the removal of contamination and prior to backfilling. Following the gamma scan, soil samples representative of the 6-inch-thick soil layer at the bottom of the excavation were collected. The samples were blended to form composite samples representing an average over the verification areas (Appendix Figure 2.1). Exterior Findings: Surface exposure-rate values determined during the gamma scan ranged from 12 /iR/h to 21 £iR/h (Appendix Figure 2.1). The results of analyses for Ra-226 in three composite soil samples taken from the excavated areas ranged from 2.0 pCi/g to 7.1 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). 4 DOE ID NO.: MS-00168-VL 3.2 Recommendation For Certification Residual radioactive materials have been removed from this property to the extent required by the EPA standards (40 CFR 192.12, 192.20-23). (See Certification Data Summary below.) Therefore, the property located at 397 East 300 South Street, in Monticello, Utah, is recommended for certification as required by the SFMP Project guidelines, and the appropriate record should be documented. Certification Data Summary Applicability Habitable Structures Exposure Rate: Radon Decay-Product Concentration: Land Radium-226 Concentration in Surface Soil: Radium-226 Concentration in Subsurface Soils: Standards Shall not exceed 20 /iR/h above background. Annual average shall not exceed 0.02 WL, to the extent practicable, and in no case shall exceed 0.03 WL. Shall not exceed 5 pCi/g above background* in the 15-cm surface layer, averaged over 100 m2. Shall not exceed 15 pCi/g above background* in any 15-cm-thick soil layer more than 15 cm below the surface, averaged over 100 m2. Survey Results Not applicable; vacant lot. Not applicable; vacant lot. < 5 pCi/g above background. The soil sample results ranged from 2.0 pCi/g to 7.1 pCi/g (Appendix Table 3.1). *The background radium-226 concentration is approximately 2.0 pCi/g. 5 DOE ID NO.: MS-00168-VL 4.0 APPENDIX Appendix Table: Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results Appendix Figure: Figure 2.1 Exterior Extent of Contamination - RADIOLOGICAL AS-BUILT 6 Appendix Table 3.1 Post-Excavation Sample/Measurement Results DOE ID No.: MS-00168-VL Address: 397 East 300 South Street, Monticello, Utah The analytical uncertainties in the table are reported at the 95-percent confidence interval. Exposure-Rate Soil Sample Ra-226 Potassium Thorium Area Range UR/h) Ticket No. (pCi/g) (pCi/g) (pCi/g) V-l 16 - 21 MNQ 712 7.1 + 1.1 15.8 + 2.9 0.7 + 0.2 V-2 13 - 15 MNQ 713 2.0+0.3 13.7+2.6 1.0+0.3 V-3 12 - 15 MNQ 714 2.3 + 0.4 14.1 + 2.6 0.9 + 0.3 See Appendix Figure 2.1 for the verification areas. BGS:05/12/89 MS-00168-VL:PCR-MS-04 REV 04/11/89 7 28 24 22 rSHELV: INCLUDED AS PART:OF MS-00108 12 10 :14-T7 14-17 12 16-17 v. 306 SOUtH SHED T4-17 16-17 12 A —Ir l~l IPROPANE TANK XT 3 tOPAJ*ETANK). SCALE IN REET focilities use. .of the. IKS..: 20 MO 20 40 This drawing, prepared lor the Surplus . Management.. p.r.og,rarn:... is.fontb.e .$P.le. Department of. Energy;and its contractors. It is pot a land survey pfat or an improvement survey plat;and is not to be relied upon for the establishment of fence, • bti'iltfih'g; 6f6th'erfutUtje fmproiirerrierit line's:" ": 10 12 18 22 24 1 28 34 ALL DEPTHS IN -INCHES ALL EXPOSURE-RATES IN # ASSESSED AREA IDENTIFIER R/h AVERAGE;DEPTH OF ASSESSED CONTAMINATION AREA OF ASSESSED CONTAMINANTS ;12-15 POST REMEDIAL; ACTION EXPOSURfc-RATE RANGE BOUNDARY OF EXCAVATION i 12 AVERAGE EXCAVATED DEPTK FOR THE DEPOSIT .DECONTAMINATION....; VERIFICATION SOIL SAMPLE AREA IDENTIFIER ANP EXCAVATION EXPOSURE—RATE RANGE ASSESSED CONTAMINANTS NOT FOUND AT TIME OF REMEDIAL ACTION — 28 24 -22 — 18 R^URrT 2;i EXTERIOR EXTENT OF CONTAMINATION - 16 NO. DATE RESIDENCE-NO. OF OCCUPANTS NON-RE SIP? MCE —MAN-HRS./WK. INSTRUMENT NO SURVEYOR SURVEY DATE VERIFICATION BV CK A.E. APR NO. DATE BY CK. A.E. APP. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY GRAND JUNCTION PROJECTS OFFICE, COLORADO | DATE SUBMITTED 397 EAST 300 SOUTH STREET MONTICELLO, UTAH 12 DATE APPROVAL DOE UNO Geotech 34 36 DOE ID NO. MS-00168-VL 33-B00168-C4,HT1 o, 1 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BV MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFTICE P O BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 May 8, 1990 W. E. Murphie SFMP Program Manager Division of Facility and Site Decommissioning Projects Office of Nuclear Energy U.S. Department of Energy MS - NE-20 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Murphie: Verification Statements for Monticello Vicinity Properties Enclosed please find the verification statements for: These properties were subject to Type A verification (completion report review and confirmatory analysis). The official IVC reports are currently in publication. MJW/mj w cc: B. Berven, ORNL M. Landis, D0E/I1Q-DFSD B. Mathis, UNC D. Mackenzie, RFW D. Williamson, D0F./GJP0 MS00071-RS MS0014 5-RS MS00153-VL MS00168-VL 464 South 1st East Street 600 South Cemetery Road 87 East 500 South Street 397 East 3rd South Street Sincerely, Mary J. Wilson Pollutant Assessments Group VERIFICATION STATEMENT FOR MS00168-VL, 397 EAST 3RD SOUTH STREET An independent assessment of remedial action activities at 397 East 3rd South Street, Monticello, Utah, has been accomplished by the ORNL Pollutant Assessments Center (PAC). The purpose of the assessment is to verify the data supporting the adequacy of the remedial action and to confirm the site's compliance with DOE guidelines. The assessment included reviews of data provided in the post-remedial action report, and remedial action plans and activities as well as verification analysis of archived post-remedial action soil samples. A review of procedures and techniques suggests that the procedures used to develop the data presented in the post-remedial action report are adequate to characterize the final radiological condition of 397 East 3rd South Street, Monticello, Utah, and that based on the data in the post- remedial action reports, the site conforms to the remedial action criteria for the Monticello Vicinity Properties (MVP). DOE ID Number: MS00168 Property Address: 397 East 300 South Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Date: February 14. 1990 Author: D. S. List IVC Description of Findings This summary describes the findings of the IVC after review of the Completion Report, information in the property portfolio, and analysis of other available data. Soil samples taken by UNC Geotech from the excavated areas prior to backfilling were blended to form three composite soil samples. Analysis is given on the VPIV Soil data sheet. A review of the completion report and folio for location MS00168 found the property to be in compliance with EPA regulations for 226Ra concentrations in surface and subsurface soil layers. The steel shed on the property was not surveyed as part of MS00168 but was assessed as part of MS00108. A discrepancy between the draft completion report in the folio and the typed completion report in regards to the amount of cubic yards removed and area cleaned up. The draft states 2.0 m2 as the area cleaned up, and the volume of material removed as 60 cubic yards. The typed completion report states the area cleaned up as 186 m2 and 65 cubic yards of material removed. There is also a discrepancy In the completion report, Section 1.3, regarding the parcel number of the property. The parcel number used by UNC Geotech is obsolete and has been updated by San Juan County and the State of Utah, -This dlsu'eLiauiv ' should be corrected prior to verification of the RAC'b findings. Based upon the results of the post-remedial-action data the IVC concludes that the site successfully meets the DOE remedial action objectives. DOE ID NO. : MS- QO\G & - \J t- Property Address: 3*? ? EAST- TLvd SQUU Street/ VICINITY PROPERTY CERTIFICATION SUMMARY AND RECOMMENDATION SUMMARY EVALUATION U.S. Department Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. of Energy (DOE) YES NO NOT TAKEN YES NO NOT TAKEN Ra-226 is < 5 pCi/g above background in top 15-cm layer of soil averaged over 100 m2. In-situ [X] Lab [ ] Ra-226 is < 15 pCi/g above background in any 15-cm layer of soil more than 15 cm below the surface averaged over 100 m2. • fj^] [ ] [ • j In-situ [ ) Lab £><3 Interior gamma is < 20 pR/h above background in any occupied or habitable structure. The radon decay-product concentration in any occupied or habitable structure is < 0.02 working levels or, at most, 0.03 working levels. Supplemental standards were applied in accordance with EPA standard 40 CFR 192.21. Hot spot criteria met as outlined by U.S. DOE guidelines for FUSRAP and SFMP (Rev. 03/02/87). ( ] [ ] f><] ( ] [ ] _ (ft COMMENTS: *The excavations were backfilled with materials which were measured at the source showing that the Ra-226 concentrations are in the range of normal background. Other surface areas were verified on the basis of gamma exposure rates which do not exceed 30-percent above normal background. [X]' I ) I ) ( ] [ ) c i [ i m till 00 (Vacant Lot) [ ] [ ] [X] [ ] I 1 tXj (Vacant Lot) MM I 1 M £0 I J DOE ID NO. : MS- Q^1 ^3 — V 1— CHEM-NUCLEAR GEOTECH, INC., RECOMMENDATION Based on the Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc., evaluation, I recommend this property for: [X] Certification by the Department of Energy. [ ] Certification by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. ry Harry SFMP Manager Chem-Nuclear Geotech, Inc. Date DOE EVALUATION [•)(] Should be certified by the Department of Energy. [ ] Should be certified by the Department of Energy with the concurrence of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission because supplemental standards were applied per 40 CFR 192.21. salification Official SFMP Cei Department of Energy 7 9/ Date