HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-1989-008653 - 0901a0688053e188OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY GRANO JUNCTION OFP1CE PO. 30X 2567 GRANO JUNCTION. COU3RA0O 81502 OPERATED 3Y MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. FE3' 1 ms Andrew Wallo Division of Remedial Action Projects Office of Waste Disposal and Remedial Action Office of Nuclear Energy U.S. Department of Energy MS - NE24 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Wallo: Radiation levels at the property identified below appear to exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2 March 1987]. This evaluation is based on indoor and outdoor screening measurement criteria, and outdoor extended measurement criteria of the U.S. Department of Energy Vicinity Progenies Management ££ci Implementation Manual (UMTRA-DOE/Al- 050601), Appendix A, and the Hot Spot Guideline. This finding is based upon the Inclusion Survey Contractor's assessment of the 2S6Ra concentration in the soil. Location Number: MS00056 Location Addr«s«: 132 North Main St. Monticello. UT 84535 Property Owner: None SCANNED Location Number MS00056 VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Coneractor (ISO Yes No Noc Taken* U.S. Department of Energy CDOEl Yes No Noc Taken* Gamma is >2S fiSi/h above background averaged over 100 m2 [] [x] []. Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 [x] [] [] "•Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] [x] [] 22aRa is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m"2 [] [*1 Cl 22<Ra is > Hoc Spot Guideline [x] (] [] [] [] #f Cl Cl Cl Location Number MS00056 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Gamma is >20 uR/h. above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 WL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL Ocher: Indoor data from 1982 Bendix Field Engineering Cora •Data were not taken because: [x] Data ware not required eo derive the findings. [ j Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC)— Yes No Not Taken* f] [x] [] [x] [] [] [] [1 lx] [] [] [x] II [] fx] [] U [x] U.S. Department of Energy rDOE^ Yes No Not Taken* j/* n [] [] n [] [] ti ii [] u [] Location Number MS00056 .3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date Location Number MS0OO56 HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00056 132 NORTH MAIN STREET MONTICELLO UT 84535 Investigation Team B. A. Berven • Environmental Measurements and Applications Section C. A. Little - Pollutant Assessment Group Leader M. W. Smuin - IVC Coordinator M. V. Smuin January 1989 Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction Office Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 operated by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC-5-840R21400 Location Number: MS00056 REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00056 132 NORTH MAIN STREET MONTICELLO UT 84535 INTRODUCTION The Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) was established by the Department of Energy (DOE) in 1978. SFMP is responsible for managing the maintenance and surveillance of numerous DOE-owned radioactively contaminated facilities that have been declared surplus, and conducting a program leading to the ultimate disposition of those facilities. The SFMP's fundamental responsibility is to protect the public health and the environment from potentially harmful radioactive contamination contained within or derived from DOE-owned facilities. The Monticello mill site was declared surplus in 1981 and is currently awaiting remedial action to bring its condition up to present decontamination and reclamation standards. Prior to performing remedial action on the mill site, the properties surrounding the site and designated privately owned properties in Monticello are being assessed. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was directed by the DOE in July 1988 to assess the radiological condition of privately owned properties in Monticello which have been identified as possibly containing mill-related materials. If radiation levels on these properties exceed EPA and DOE standards, the property is eligible for clean-up under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. These assessments are referred to as screening and scoping surveys. A decailed investigation is referred to as a "screening" survey and an abbreviated form as a "scoping" survey. A radiological (scoping or screening) survey of location MS00056 was conducted on August 31, 1988 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This property consists of a single family residence. This survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vlcinj?y Properties Management and Implementation Manual, UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the £A£ UMTRA Project Procedures Manual (April 1987), the Procedures Manual for the ORNL Radiological Survey Activities (RASA) Program (April 1987) and the U.S. Department of Energy- Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) (Revision 2, March, 1987). The radiological survey of this property included: (1) a gamma scan of the entire ground surface outdoors and indoors; (2) samples of outdoor soil; and (3) evaluation of historical data when present. The gamma, scan was conducted using a Victoreen Portable Raterneter, Model 490 which is a gamma scintillometer. General location information is provided in Table 1, radiological survey results are given in Tables 2 and 3, and supporting graphics are provided in Figure 1. A view of the property is provided in Figure 2. All measurements are gross readings; background, has not been subtracted. Location Number: MS00056 SIGNIFICANCE OF FINDINGS •Property location MS00056 consists of a vacant house and remnants of a garage. The house and garage are dilapidated and were destroyed by fire several years ago. A 1982 consent form gave access to the property for conducting radiological surveys. There is currently no tenant. A gamma survey found Regions A and B, shown on Figure 1. These regions are from buried fragments of ore. There is no evidence that the ore is not related to the Monticello mill site. Samples SI-S3 were collected from Regions A and B and are tabulated in Table 3. Samples SI and S2 yield an average 224Ra concentration of 32 pCi/g. This value meets the Hoc Spot Guideline for the areal extent of Region A (2.2 m2) of 32 pCi/g. Based on this finding, property location MS00056 is recommended for inclusion in the SFMP. Location Number: MS00056 FINDINGS SITE CONTAINS RADIATION LEVELS WHICH EXCEED THE DOE GUIDELINES BELOW: ,228Ra is > the Hot Spot Guideline Location Number: MS00056 LOCATION: OCCUPANT/TENANT: PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY OWNER: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: Table 1. Location Information Property Information 132 North Main Street Monticello, UT 84535 none Single family residence 1500 m2 Dilapidated house Dilapidated garage Owner Information Location Number: MS00056 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results Outdoor Screening Data BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: BACKGROUND + 20%: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: EXPOSURE RATE RANGE IN CONTAMINATED REGIONS: HIGHEST OUTDOOR GAMMA (HOG) IN CONTAMINATED REGION: LOCATION OF HOG: POINT SOURCE *: ESTIMATED AREA OF OUTDOOR CONTAMINATION BY REGION: NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE BY REGION**: 14 MR/h 17 fiR/h. 13-16 uR/h A: 17-41 iiR/h. B: 29 /iR/h. 41 pR/h. Region A none evident A: 2.2 m2 B: <1 m2 A: <1 (iR/h B: <1 ftR/h •Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n Q S **Formula used: AW - i-1 100 where:, -AW - the area-weighted exposure rate in [pR/h] i - net average exposure rate in [pR/h] G G G A ( I — Gross - Background) i - area of region involved in [m2] and, 100 - threshold area in [m2] r Location Number: MS00056 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results (Continued) Indoor Screening Data STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION OR NUMBER: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: BACKGROUND + 20%: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: HIGHEST INDOOR GAMMA (HIG) LOCATION OF HIG: Po'lNT SOURCE*: NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE : 0 •Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings' section. House 13 pR/h. (Bendix, 1982) 16 pR/b. 11-15 pR/h (Bendix, 1982) 15 uR/h General none ••Formula used: x n Z -1=1 QiAL 9.3 where: x - area-weighted gamma exposure rate [pR/h] Q £ - net gamma exposure rate in [/>R/h] i - area of deposit in [m3] 9.3 - threshold area in [m3] Location Number: MS00056 Table 3. Extended Survey Results Outdoor Extended Data Soil Sample Summary Soil Sample Region Number Sampled Net Estimated Area- 228Ra Representative Weighted Sample Concentration (biased) Average* Depth (pCi/g) Sampling (pCi/g, fcm) fCanalvsla) Area m2 CAW) Hot Spot Guideline** fnCi/g) SI S2 S3* 0-15 0-15 45 18 8.1 2.2 <1 66 .06 32 52 •Formula used CAW - where-. n 2 CLUPi (100) (.15) (JSI " area-weighted 228Ra concentration in [pCi/g] i - net 228Ra concentration in [pCi/g] and. (Ci - ^analysis - Sjackground) ni - area of region that sample represents in [m2] i - thickness of sample in [m] 100 - threshold area in [m2], and .15 - threshold thickness in [a] **Shg - Sg * (100 «VA)V2 where, Shg - the Hot Spot Limit (pCi/gram) Sg - the Authorized Limit for a specific site (pCi/g) A — the.area of the Hot Spot in square meters (100/A) ' is the Hot Spot multiplication factor • I I X 75' *- i x X X I f _ X M oorrFLoos . Qj SHBJ ; 29/iR/h ^NO WALLS; ^13-14/*R/hj HOG 17- tr 4. « CO til J > in r r Ci X ? I MS00056 132 N. MAIN ST. MAIN ST. Figure 1^ LocationllS00b56, 132 North Main Street, Monticello, Utahj Figure 2. Location MS00056, Looking E at front of property OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY G*ANO JUNCTION OFFICE PC. 3CX 2567 OPERATED 3Y MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC GRANO JUNCTION. COLCRACO 31502 FEB ' 1 1933 Andrew Wallo Division of Remedial Action Projects Office of Waste Disposal and Remedial Action Office of Nuclear Energy U.S. Department of Energy MS - NE24 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Wallo: Radiation levels at the property identified below appear [] to [x] not to exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) ["Revision 2 March 1987]. This evaluation is based on [x] indoor [x] outdoor screening measurement criteria, [] indoor [x] outdoor extended measurement criteria of the U.S. Department of Energy Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual (UMTRA-DOE/Al-050601), Appendix A, and/or [x] Hot Spot Guideline. Other: Historical 1982 BFEC and 1983 ORNL data used in evaluation. This finding is based upon the Inclusion Survey Contractor's assessment of the [x] J28Ra concentration in the soil [] indoor radon daughter concentration [xj indoor gamma exposure rate at this-property. Sincerely, 6. A? Little, Ph. D. Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number: MS00026 Location Address: 233 Uranium Drive Monticello. UT 84535 Property Owner: Mervin N. Sandberg (1982) Owner Address: Same | Tenant Name: Location Number MS00026 VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Gamma is >25 MR/H above background averaged over 100 m2 Gamma is < Che accepcable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 22,Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in cop 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 22«Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 22,Ra is > Hoc Spoc Guideline Inclusion Survey Contractor CTSO U.S. Department of Energy Yes No Noc Taken* Yes No Not Taken* [] [x] [] Cx] [] [] [] [] Cx] [] [] u [] [x] Cx] [] [] [] [] m3 LA sr** Location Number MS00026 1.2 INDOCR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor fTSC) Yes No Noc Taken* U.S. Department of Energy CDOE) Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >20 pR/h. above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 WL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL • Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL [] [x] [] (1 [] [] [x] N • U [] [] [] [] [X] [x] [x] [x] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] (] [1 [] [] [] Other: Soil data Is based on historical sample of ORNL 1983 survey. Nr> g»«n»l above background levels vas dececeed during recant visit. except oolnc source of petrified wood. *Data were not taken because: [x] Data were not required to derive the findings. [ j This is a dovetail property. [ ] Property owner did not authorize access for Interior sampling. Location Number MS00026 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. C. A. Iiitoie, Ph.D. 1 Da£e / Inclusion purvey Contractor Location Number MS00026 DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, >f this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator Date f / / 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Location Number MS00026 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date Location Number MS0002S HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00026 233 URANIUM DRIVE MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 Investigation Team B. A. Berven - Environmental Measurements and Applications Section C. A. Little - Pollutant Assessment Group Leader M. W. Smuin - IVC Coordinator M. tf. Smuin January 1989 Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction Office Grand Junction^ Colorado 81502 operated by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC-5-840R21400 Location Number: MS00026 REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00O26 233 URANIUM DRIVE MONTICELLO, UTAH 84535 INTRODUCTION The Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) was established by the Department of Energy (DOE) in 1978. SFMP is responsible for managing the maintenance and surveillance of numerous DOE-owned radioactively contaminated facilities that have been declared surplus, and conducting a program leading to the ultimate disposition of those facilities. The SFMP's fundamental responsibility is to protect the public health and the environment from potentially harmful radioactive contamination contained within or derived from DOE-owned facilities. The Monticello mill site was declared surplus in 1981 and is currently awaiting remedial action to bring its condition up to present decontamination and reclamation standards. Prior to performing remedial action on the mill site, the properties surrounding the site and designated privately owned properties in Monticello are being assessed. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was directed by the DOE in July 1988 to assess the radiological condition of privately owned properties in Monticello which have been identified as possibly containing mill-related materials. If radiation levels on these properties exceed EPA and DOE standards, the property is eligible for clean-up under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. These assessments are referred to as screening and scoping surveys. A detailed investigation is referred to as a "screening" survey and an abbreviated form as a "scoping" survey. A radiological scoping survey of location MS00026 was conducted on August 25, 1988 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This property consists of a single family residence. This survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and. Implementation Manual, UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the £A£ UMTRA Project Procedures Manual (April 1987), the Procedures Manual for the ORNL Radiological Survey Activities fRASA) Program (April. 1987) and the U.S. Department of Energy Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) (Revision 2, March, 1987). The radiological survey of this property- included : (1) a gamma scan of a portion of ground surface outdoors and indoors; and (2) evaluation of historical data. The gamma scan was conducted using a Victoreen Portable Ratemeter, Model 490 which is a gamma scintillometer. General location information is provided in Table 1, radiological survey results are given in Table 2, and supporting graphics are provided in Figure 1. All measurements are gross readings; background has not been subtracted. • Location Number: MS00025 SIGNIFICANCE OF FINDINGS A consent to access was acquired from the owner, Mervin N. Sandberg, in 1982 by Bendix Field Engineering Corporation (BFEC). Historical data reveals that the house was constructed in approximately 1956. Historical survey information from a 1982 BFEC survey and a 1983 ORNL survey was reviewed. The outdoor elevated gamma exposure rates (Table 2) recorded in the historical ORNL survey were not detected during the recent site visit. It was never detected by the BFEC survey. The 1983 ORNL survey reports an ore sample which was collected and analyzed to contain a 228Ra concentration of 630 pCi/g. The collection of this sample apparently removed the contamination from the property, as it was not detected during the August 25, 1988 site visit. In the same location, a piece of pejtrified wood was detected and exhibits gamma of 17 pR/h. It is clearly not related to the Monticello mill site. Location Number: MS00026 FINDINGS SITE CONTAINS RADIATION LEVELS WHICH DO NOT EXCEED THE DOE GUIDELINES: Outdoor gamma is <background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2 Indoor gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Location Number: MS00026 Table 1. Location Information Property Information LOCATION: OCCUPANT/TENANT: TELEPHONE: PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION: TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY: STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY: 233 Uranium Drive Monticello, UT 84535 Mervin N. Sandberg (1982) 801-587-2921 Single family residence 1300 m2 One story house Garage Owner Information OWNER: ADDRESS: Location Number: MS00026 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results Outdoor Screening Data BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: 13 fiR/h BACKGROUND +20%: 16 piR/h BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: 11-15 pR/b. HIGHEST OUTDOOR GAMMA (HOG)* 15 uR/h LOCATION OF HOG: General POINT SOURCE *: 17 uR/h •Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n G S **Formula used: AW - i-1 GiAi 100 where:- -AW - the area-weighted exposure rate in [pR/h] i - net average exposure rate in [pR/h] G G G . ( i - Gross - Background)_ i - area of region involved in (m2] and, 100 - threshold area in [m3] Location Number: MS00026 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results (Continued) Indoor Screening Data STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION OR NUMBER: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: BACKGROUND + 20%: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: HIGHEST INDOOR GAMMA (HIG) House & Garage 11 uR/h 13 jiR/h 11-15 /*R/h 15 MR/h LOCATION OF HIG: POINT SOURCE*: General None *Pointt source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n Z ••Formula used: x - i-1 GiAi 9.3 where: x - area-weighted gamma exposure rate [>iR/h] - net gamma exposure rate in [ftR/ln] i - area of deposit in [ma] 9.3 - threshold area in [m3] > z c A3 (petrified wood)* HOUSE LOCATION OF HISTORICAL ELEVATED GAMMA EXPOSURE RATES GARAGE • 1 10' 1 11-15 LcR/h (BFEC 1982) / GARDEN X —X- 1 L_ r 0 0 1 FEET 5 10 Z METERS 20 MS00026 233 URANIUM DR. MONTICELLO. UTAH Figure 1. Location MS00026, 233 Uranium Drive, Monticello, Utah. 10/10/88 JAA OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY I.'.ARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC NOV 3 0 1989 W. E. Murhpie SFMP Program Manager Division of Facility and Site Decommissior.ing Projects Office of Nuclear Energy U.S. Department of Energy .MS - NE-20 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Murphie: Radiation levels at the property identified below appear [] to [x] not to exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (Fl'SRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SF.M?) [.Revision 2 , March 1987] . This evaluation is based on [x] indoor [x] outdoor screening measurement criteria, [] indoor [x] outdoor extended measurement criteria of the U. S. Department of Energy Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual (UMTRA-DCE/A1-05C601), Appendix A, and/or [] Hot Spot Guideline. Other: GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX J567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 This finding is based upon the Inclusion Survey Contractor's assessment of the [x] 22SRa concentration in the soil [] indoor radon daughter concentration [x] indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Sincerely, C. A.'Little, Ph. D. Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number: MS00229 Location Address: 249 South Main Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Qvner: Tenant Name: Same Location Number MS 00 2 2. <i VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISO U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 pR/h above background averaged over 100 m2 [] X [] Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 X ( ] [ ) 2 3 6Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] X [] 22SRa is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 (] [] 2 2 6Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline ( ] M [] N N (1 I] N {] I) I) (] f] (] [] [J (] Location Number h^OC^C) 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey U.S. Department Contractor (ISC) of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room [) CX [] [] [] [ ] Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms ><f [] M 11 U M Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 WL [) [] X [] (] [] Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL [] [) Jxf (1 I] 0 Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL [] [] r>< [] [] [] Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL [] [J X [] [] [] Other: *Data were not taken because: X. Data were not required to derive the findings. [ ] Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number MSoOa.!^ 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which [] exceed ^ do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. C. A. Little, Pfi.D. Inclusion Survey Contractor Date Location Number M^OOi'2.c] 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DCE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number M"iOC^2.<=| .3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date • Location Number MS00229 HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00229 249 SOUTH MAIN STREET MONTICELLO UT 84535 Investigation Team B. A. Berven - Environmental Measurements and Applications Section C. A. Little - Pollutant Assessment Group Leader M. W. Smuin - IVC Coordinator D. S. List November 1989 Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction Office Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 operated by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC-5-840R21400 Location Number: MSC0229 REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00229 249 SOUTH MAIN STREET MONTICELLO UT 84535 INTRODUCTION The Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) was established by the Department of Energy (DOE) in .1978. SFMP is responsible for managing the maintenance and surveillance of numerous DOE-owned radioactively contaminated facilities that have been declared surplus, and conducting a program leading to the ultimate disposition of those facilities. The SFMP's fundamental responsibility is to protect the public health and the environment from potentially harmful radioactive contamination contained within or derived from DOE-owned facilities. The Monticello mill site was declared surplus in 1981 and is currently awaiting remedial action to bring its condition up to present decontamination and reclamation standards. Prior to performing remedial action on the mill site, the properties surrounding the site and designated privately owned properties in Monticello are being assessed. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was directed by the DOE in July 1988 to assess the radiological condition of privately owned properties in Monticello which have been identified as possibly containing mill-related materials. If radiation levels on these properties exceed EPA and DOE standards, the property is eligible for clean-up under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. These assessments are referred to as screening and scoping surveys. A detailed investigation is referred to as a "screening" survey and an abbreviated form as a "scoping" survey. A radiological screening survey of location MS00229 was conducted on August 16, 1989 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This property consists of a commercial structure. This survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties, Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL- 050601 (March 1988) and the PA£ UMTRA Project Procedures Manual (April 1987), the Procedures Manual for the ORNL Radiological Survey Activities (RASA) Program, (April 1987) and the U.S. Department of Energy Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) (Revision 2, March 1987). The radiological survey of this property included: (1) a gamma scan of the entire ground surface outdoors and indoors; (2) samples of outdoor soil; and (3) evaluation of historical data when present. The gamma scan was conducted using a Victoreen Portable Ratemeter, Model 490 which is a gamma scintillometer. General location information is provided in Table 1, radiological survey results are given in Tables 2 and 3, and supporting graphics are provided in Figure 1. A view of the property is provided in Figure 2. All measurements are gross readings; background has not been subtracted. Location Number: MS00229 SIGNIFICANCE OF FINDINGS A complete gamma radiation scan was done on this property. The general background gamma exposure rates ranged from 12-15 pR/h indoors and 13-17 uR/h outdoors. No regions of elevated gamma exposure rates were found anywhere on the property. One area with elevated gamma exposure rates of 18 uR/h was detected in the bricks on the front of the building. It was determined that the elevated readings were from naturally occurring radiation inherent in the brick and not a direct result of mill operations. Location Number: MS00229 FINDINGS SITE CONTAINS RADIATION LEVELS WHICH [] EXCEED [x] DO NOT EXCEED THE DOE GUIDELINES BELOW: Outdoor gamma is <background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is <5 pCi/g above background in' surface 15 cm soil layer averaged over 100 m2 Indoor gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Location Number: MS00229 Table 1. Location Information Property Information LOCATION: OCCUPANT/TENANT: TELEPHONE: PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION: TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY: STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY: 249 South Main Street Monticello, UT 84535 Rick Connally 801-587-2040 Commercial simple 410 m2 1 Single story brick building, slab-on-grade Owner Information OWNER: ADDRESS: Same 248 Mountain View Drive Monticello, Utah 84535 TELEPHONE: Same • Location Number: MS00229 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results Outdoor Screening Data BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: 15 pR/h BACKGROUND +20%: 18 ^R/h BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: 13-16 fiR/h HIGHEST OUTDOOR GAMMA (HOG): 17 pR/h LOCATION OF HOG: General POINT SOURCE *: None •NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE**: 0 /jR/h *Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n **Formula used: AW - i-1 GiAi 100 where:^ GAW - the area-weighted exposure rate in [/jR/h] i - net average exposure rate in [pR/h] A (^i - ^Gross - ^Background) i - area of region involved in [m2] and, 100 - threshold area in [m2] Location Number: MS00229 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results (Continued) Indoor Screening Data STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION OR NUMBER: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: BACKGROUND + 20%: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: HIGHEST INDOOR GAMMA (HIG): •LOCATION OF HIG: POINT SOURCE*: NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE**: Building 14 uR/h 17 fiR/h 12-15 /iR/h. 15 tiR/h General None 0 fiR/h. *Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings section. n 2 **Formula used: x - i-1 GiAi 9.3 where: x - area-weighted gamma exposure rate [pR/h] J^ - net gamma exposure rate in [pR/h] i - area of deposit in [ra2] 9.3 - threshold area in [ra2] Location Number: MS00229 Table 3. Extended Survey Results Outdoor Extended Data Soil Sample Summary 22 6Ra Soil Sample Concentration Sample Region Depth (pCi/g) Number Sampled (cm) (Canalvsis) Representative (biased) Sampling Area m2 Net Estimated Area- Weighted Average* (pCi/g, CAW) Hot Spot Guideline** (oCi/g) SI BKGD 0-15 1.9 >100 1.0 N/A *Formula used CAW n 2 i-1 CiAiDi (100) (.15) where—. ^AW - area-weightec i - net 226Ra cone (Ci - id 226Ra concentration in [pCi/g] :oncentration in [pCi/g] and C C Aanalysis - background) Di - area of region that sample represents in [m2] i - thickness of sample in [m] 100 - threshold area in [m2], and .15 - threshold thickness in [m] **Shg - Sg * (100 ra2/A)1/2 where, Shg - the Hot Spot Limit (pCi/gram) Sg - the Authorized Limit for a specific site (PCi/g) A - the area of the Hot Spot in square meters (100/A)l/2 is the Hot Spot multiplication factor MSC0372 TO BE SURVEYED CURB 44.5' 13-1 5/xR/h 1 STORY SRICK „ -> T> , ' Ay S1 CL 01 < f •1 7/AR/IT BRICKS S. MAIN ST. MS00230 SURVEYED b AND 2 INCLUDED 1 7^R/h CINDER BLOCKS (HOG) FEET UETRS MS00229 249 SOUTH MAIN ST. MONTICELLO. UTAH Figure 1, Property Map 8/8/89 JAA f ".•'.»'•»••• •. " rv-f*t**^*? *-• Figure 2. Location MS00229, looking east at the front of the property. 4 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRANO JUNCTION OFFICE P. 0. BOX 2567 GRANO JUNCTION. COLORAOO 81502 NOV 3 0 1989 W. E. Murhpie SFMP Program Manager Division of Facility and Sice Decommissioning Projects Office of Nuclear Energy U.S. Department of Energy MS - NE-20 Washington, DC 20545 Dear Mr. Murphie: Radiation levels at the property identified below appear [] to [x] not to exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) -[Revision 2, March 1987]. This evaluation is based on [x] indoor [x] outdoor screening measurement criteria, [] indoor [x] outdoor extended measurement criteria of the U. S. Department of Energy Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual (UMTRA-DOE/A1-050601), Appendix A, and/or [] Hoc Spot Guideline. Other: This finding is based upon the Inclusion Survey Contractor's assessment of the [x] 226Ra concentration in the soil [] indoor radon daughter concentration [x] indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Sincerely, C. A. Little, Ph. D. Inclusion Survey Contractor -Try Location Number: MSttgytA^ Location Address"! gWEaac 1st North Street Monticello. Utah 84535 Property Owner: Tenant Name: Same Location Number Vv\SCCbUS VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 A*R/h above background averaged over 100 m2 [] >4- Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 ra2 X [] 229Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [ ] J>4 229Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [j [] 2i8Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline [] [ ] ["] [] [] [] [1 [] [1 [] (1 [] [1 [] [ 1 [] [•] [] [] Location Number fy\"^ OO <3u \ ^ 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Gamma is >20 ^R/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 WL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Noc Taken* [] fr4 [ U.S. Department of Energy (DOE') Yes No Not Taken* (1 [] [1 [] [] [] [] [1 [1 Ext CM [] [] M [] (1 [] [] n [] [] [) [i [] [] [] [] [] [] Other: •Data were not taken because: -£>-f Data were not required to derive the findings. [ ] Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number Y^-f^OO 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which (I exceed ^ do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. C. A. LittjLe, /Ph.D. \j Date/ ' Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number Jv-v"S GO 3° S 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number P-OSOOoltS 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [1 inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date Location Number MS00215 HEALTH AND SAFETY RESEARCH DIVISION REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00215 280 EAST 1ST NORTH STREET MONTICELLO UT 84535 Investigation Team Berven - Environmental Measurements and Applications Section C. A. Little • Pollutant Assessment Group Leader M. W. Smuin - IVC Coordinator S. M. Smith November 1989 Prepared by the OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY Grand Junction Office Grand Junction, Colorado 81502 operated by MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. for the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY under Contract No. DE-AC-5-840R21400 Location Number: MS00215 REPORT OF RADIOLOGICAL SURVEY AT LOCATION MS00215 280 EAST 1ST NORTH STREET MONTICELLO UT 84535 INTRODUCTION The Surplus Facilities Management Program (SFMP) was established by the Department of Energy (DOE) in 1978. SFMP is responsible for managing the maintenance and surveillance of numerous DOE-owned radioactively contaminated facilities that have been declared surplus, and conducting a program leading to the ultimate disposition of those facilities. The SFMP's fundamental responsibility is to protect the public health and the environment from potentially harmful radioactive contamination contained within or derived from DOE-owned facilities. The Monticello mill site was declared surplus in 1981 and is currently awaiting remedial action to bring its condition up to present decontamination and reclamation standards. Prior to performing remedial action on the mill site, the properties surrounding the site and designated privately owned properties in Monticello are being assessed. Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) was directed by the DOE in July 1988 to assess the radiological condition of privately owned properties in Monticello which have been identified as possibly containing mill-related materials. If radiation levels on these properties exceed EPA and DOE standards, the property is eligible for clean-up under the Surplus Facilities Management Program. These assessments are referred to as screening and scoping surveys. A detailed investigation is referred to as a "screening" survey and an abbreviated form as a "scoping" survey. A radiological screening survey of location MS00215 was conducted on August 16, 1989 by Oak Ridge National Laboratory. This property consists of a multi family residence. This survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PA£ UMTRA Project Procedures Manual (April 1987), the Procedures Manual for the ORNL Radiological Survey Activities (RASA") Program (April 1987) and the U.S. Department of Energy Guidelines for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) (Revision 2, March 1987). The radiological survey of this property included: (1) a gamma scan of the entire ground surface outdoors and indoors; (2) samples of outdoor soil; and (3) evaluation of historical data when present. The gamma scan was conducted using a Victoreen Portable Ratemeter, Model 490 which is a gamma scintillometer. General location information is provided in Table 1, radiological survey results are given in Tables 2 and 3, and supporting graphics are provided in Figure 1. A view of the property is provided in Figure 2. All measurements are gross readings; background has not been subtracted. • • Location Number: MS00215 SIGNIFICANCE OF FINDINGS A complete gamma radiation screening was performed on this property. The general background gamma exposure rates ranged from 14-17 jjR/h outdoors and 13-15 jiR/h indoors. One region of elevated gamma exposure rates was detected outdoors and labeled Region A (Figure 1). Region A consists of windblown contamination. Radionuclide analysis of soil samples (SI, S2, S3) yielded a net estimated area-weighted average 22SRa concentration of 3.4 pCi/g. This value is below the EPA criterion of 5 pCi/g for surface soils averaged over 100 m2. Two point sources were detected (Figure 1) and identified as ore samples from a mineral collection. The point sources had exposure rates of 600 pR/h and 25 MR/h. This property spills over to adjacent properties (see Figure 1). Location Number: MS00215 FINDINGS •SITE CONTAINS RADIATION LEVELS WHICH [] EXCEED [x] DO NOT EXCEED THE DOE GUIDELINES BELOW: Outdoor gamma is <background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2 228Ra is <5 pCi/g above background in surface 15 cm soil layer averaged over 100 m2 Indoor gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms • Location Number: MS00215 Table 1. Location Information Property Information LOCATION: OCCUPANT/TENANT: TELEPHONE: PROPERTY CLASSIFICATION: TOTAL AREA OF PROPERTY: STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY: 280 East 1st North Street Monticello, UT 84535 Mike and JoAnn Crittenden Residential, simple 3,100 m2 1 Single story modular house, slab-on-grade 1 Single story rock and frame house, slab-on-grade 1 Garage, dirt floor 3 Sheds, dirt floor Owner Information OWNER: ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: Same Same • Location Number: MS00215 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results Outdoor Screening Data BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: 16 >*R/h BACKGROUND + 20%: 19 nR/b. BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: 14-17 pR/h EXPOSURE RATE RANGE IN CONTAMINATED REGIONS: A: 15-17 pR/h HIGHEST OUTDOOR GAMMA (HOG) IN CONTAMINATED REGION: 17 /uR/h LOCATION OF HOG: Region A POINT SOURCE *: 25 jxR/h ESTIMATED AREA OF OUTDOOR CONTAMINATION BY REGION: A: >100 m2 NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE BY REGION**: A: 1.0 ;*R/h •Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n G 2 ••Formula used: AW - i-1 GiAi 100 where:^ QAW - the area-weighted exposure rate in [pR/h] i - net average exposure rate in [pR/h] G G G A ( i - Gross - Background) i - area of region involved in [mJ] and, 100 - threshold area in [m2] > Location Number: MS00215 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results (Continued) Indoor Screening Data STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION OR NUMBER: 3ACKGR0UND EXPOSURE RATE: BACKGROUND + 20%: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: HIGHEST INDOOR GAMMA (HIG): LOCATION OF HIG: POINT SOURCE*: NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE**: Modular house, and frame house 14 MR/h 17 >iR/h 14-15 nK/h 15 MR/h General None 0 uR/h *Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n S ••Formula used: x - i-1 GlAi 9.3 where: x - area-weighted gamma exposure rate [>iR/h] - net gamma exposure rate in [/jR/h] i - area of deposit in [m2] 9.3 - threshold area in [m2] Location Number: MS00215 Table 2. Radiological Screening Survey Results (Continued) Indoor Screening Data STRUCTURE DESCRIPTION OR NUMBER: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE: BACKGROUND + 20%: BACKGROUND EXPOSURE RATE RANGE: HIGHEST INDOOR GAMMA (HIG): LOCATION OF HIG: POINT SOURCE*: NET ESTIMATED AREA-WEIGHTED AVERAGE**: Garage and Shed 14 MR/h 17 MR/h 14 jiR/h 14 /*R/h General None 0 /iR/h *Point source measurements are discussed in "Significance of Findings" section. n 2 **Formula used: x - i-1 GiAi 9.3 where: x - area-weighted gamma exposure rate [/>R/h] - net gamma exposure rate in [MR/M i - area of deposit in [m3] 9.3 - threshold area in [m3] Location Number: MS00215 Table 3. Extended Survey Results Outdoor Extended Data Soil Sample Summary Soil Sample Sample Region Depth Number Sampled (cm) 2 2«Ra Concentration (pCi/g) CCanalvsis) Representative (biased) Sampling Area m2 Net Estimated Area- Weighted Average* (pCi/g, CAW^> Hot Spot Guideline** 31 S2 S3 0-15 4.5 4.8 7.1 >100 3.4 N/A •Formula used CAW - where-. n S CiAiDi (100) (.15) ^W - area-weighted i - net 238Ra cono (Ci - 22*Ra concentration in [pCi/g] entration in [pCi/g] and C C Aanalysis - background) ni- " area °f region that sample represents in [m2] i - thickness of sample in [m] 100 - threshold area in [m2], and .15 - threshold thickness in [m] **Shg - Sg * (100 m2/A)l/2 where, Shg - the Hot Spot Limit (pCi/gram) Sg - the Authorized Limit for a specific site (pCi/g) A - the area of the Hot Spot in square meters (100/A)l/2 is the Hot Spot multiplication factor I I MSC021 4 TO BE SURVEYED - O in C\l a.1 U3 r GRAVEL DR. SHED i STORY ROCK & FRAME W/S.O.G. / SOO^R/h PT. SOURCE (ORE COLLECTION) SHED *• 25/zR/h O c o 02 =>5 Q o I/) o HOWEF rGARD£^L SHED S1 S2 © 15-17 /xR/h (HOG) 13-17 MR/h S3 1 56' > o UJ in > CM 0£ C </> 2co CD OJ ^£ ojOr MS00216 TO EE SURVEYED MS00215 230 EAST 1st NORTH STREET MONTICELLO.UTAH gure 1 Property Vco Figure 2. Location MS00215, looking south at the front of the property. Location Number MS00172 VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS 1. SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE') Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 uR/h above background averaged over 100 m2 [] [x] [] Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 [x] [] [] 226Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] [] [x] 226Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 tit] (*] 228Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline [] [] [x] [] [] [} [] [} [} [] [) [] [] [} [) Location Number MS00172 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor CISC) U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >20 pR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is X).04 WL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL (] [x] [x] [] (] [] [] [J [] (] (] U [] [] [x] [x] [x] [] /f ^ [) [] [) [} [} [) [) [) [] [} [} [] [] [] [] Other: This property was a reouest from the owner, as lt was near to —a remediated property. The owners were concerned about the —Possibility of windblown contamination. *Data were not taken because: [x] Data were not required to derive the findings. [ j This is a dovetail property. [ j Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. * t Location Number MS00172 INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. C. A. Little, Ph.D. Inclusion Survey Contractor sr Date Location Number MS00172 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included,--fl^this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support determination. JOE Evaluator Jl 2JL Date 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Location Number MS0O172 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE PO. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION. COLORADO 81502 Location Number: MS00172 Location Address: 265 East 2nd-South Street Monticello. UT 84535 Date of Issue: January. 1989 Survey Date: September 7. 1988 ISC CONDENSED REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division Work performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG/UMTRA Project Procedures Manual (April 1987). This property contains radiation levels which do not exceed the DOE guidelines based on: 1) Outdoor gamma is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2, and 2) Indoor gamma is less than the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms. Supporting photograph (Figure 1) and data are as follows: -Owner Information- Owner Name(s): Ross Truj illo Owner Address: -Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): Point Source(*): 13-17 /aR/h 18 /iR/h 17 fiR/h None •Indoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s): Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Indoor Gamma (HIG): Point Source(*): 13-14 /jR/h 17 /iR/h 14 pR/h None Soil Sample Number Sample Depth (cm) 226Ra Concen- tration (pCi/g) Sample Area m- Net Estimated Area-weighted (pCi/K) None taken - none required Comments: Decorative white pumice rock adjacent to the house (used as planter fill) exhibits gamma exposures of 16-17 uR/h from natural radiation in the fill material. \ Inclusion Survey Contractor DOE Evaluator OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE RO. BOX 2567 GRANO JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 Location Number:__ Location Address: Date of Issue: Survey Date: MS00172 265 East 2nd South Street Monticello. UT 84535 January. 1989 September 7. 1988 ISC CONDENSED REPORT ORNL Health and Safety Research Division Work performed as part of the Radiological Activities Program This radiological survey was conducted using methods as defined in the Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual. UMTRA-DOE/AL-050601 (March 1988) and the PAG/UMTRA Project Procedures Manual (April 1987). This property contains radiation levels which do not exceed the DOE guidelines based on: 1) Outdoor gamma is less than background plus the acceptable difference or 20% averaged over 100 m2, and 2) Indoor gamma is less than the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms. Supporting photograph (Figure 1) and data are as follows: -Owner Information- Owner Name(s): Ross Tru-jillo Owner Address: -Outdoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s) Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Outdoor Gamma (HOG): Point Source(*): -Indoor Screening Data- Exposure Rate Range(s): Background Exposure Rate + 20%: High Indoor Gamma (HIG): Point Source(*): 13-17 piR/h 18 /jR/h 17 /jR/h None 13-14 /jR/h 17 fiR/h 14 /iR/h None Soil Sample Sample Depth 226Ra Concen- Sample Area Net Estimated Number (cm) tration m2 Area-weighted . (pCi/g) : (PCi/g) None taken - none required Comments: Decorative white pumice rock adjacent to the house fused as planter fill) exhibits gamma exposures of 16-17 uR/h from natural radiation in the fill material. Inclusion Survey Contractor DOE Evaluator OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE PD. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. Date: February 1. 1989 Andrew Wallo Division of Remedial Action Projects Office of Waste Disposal and Remedial Action Office of Nuclear Energy U.S. Department of Energy MS - NE24 Washington, DC 20545 Verification Report Dear Mr. Wallo: We_ are sending a Monticello Verification Report. Location Number MS00.172. Please fill out the bottom portion and return this transmittal to me. Thank you for your time. By: M. W. Smuin Title: Verification Coordinator Received by: Title: DOE/UMTRA EVALUATION DOE Decision: [ ] Certify [ ] Requires additional measurements prior to certification [ ] Requires additional remedial action Comments: U.S. Department of Energy Certification Official Date Figure 2. Location MS00172, looking north at the front of the property. GRAND JUNCTION OFFICE PO. BOX 2567 GRAND JUNCTION, COLORADO 81502 FEB ^ 1 1983 Andrew Wallo Division of Remedial Action Projects Office of Waste Disposal and Remedial Action Office of Nuclear Energy U.S. Department of Energy MS - NE24 Washington, DC 20545 OAK RIDGE NATIONAL LABORATORY OPERATED BY MARTIN MARIETTA ENERGY SYSTEMS. INC. Dear Mr. Wallo: Radiation levels at the property identified below appear [] to [x] not to exceed the guidelines specified by the U.S. Department of Energy for Residual Radioactive Material at Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program (FUSRAP) and Remote Surplus Facilities Management Program Sites (SFMP) [Revision 2 March 1987]. This evaluation is based on [x] indoor and [x] outdoor screening measurement criteria, [] indoor [] outdoor extended measurement criteria of the U.S. Department of Energy Vicinity Properties Management and Implementation Manual (UMTRA-DOE/A1-050601), Appendix A. Other: This property was an owner request due to concern because it is in close proximity to a remediated property. Therefore, an "ad-hoc" survey was performed to screen for elevated gamma. No samples were taken. This finding is based upon the Inclusion Survey Contractor's assessment of the [x] 22aRa concentration in the soil [] indoor radon daughter concentration [xj indoor gamma exposure rate at this property. Sincerely, C\ A. Little, Ph. D. Inclusion Survey Contractor Location Number: MS00172 Location Address: 265 East 2nd South Street Monticello. UT 84535 Property Owner: Tenant Name: Same Location Number MS00172 VICINITY PROPERTY SUMMARY EVALUATION AND FINDINGS SUMMARY EVALUATION 1.1 OUTDOOR MEASUREMENTS Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >25 /*R/h above background averaged over 100 m2 [] [x] Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background averaged over 100 m2 [x] [] 226Ra is >5 pCi/g above background in top 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 [] [] 226Ra is >15 pCi/g above background in any subsurface 15 cm layer averaged over 100 m2 226Ra is > Hot Spot Guideline [] [] [] [] [] [] [x] [x] [x] [] [] [] • U [] [] [] n [] [] [] [] [] 1.2 INDOOR MEASUREMENTS Location Number MS00172 Inclusion Survey Contractor (ISC) Yes No Not Taken* U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Yes No Not Taken* Gamma is >20 fiR/h above background averaged in any room Gamma is < the acceptable difference or 20% above background in all rooms Grab sample radon daughter concentration is >0.04 WL Grab sample radon daughter concentration is <0.01 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is >0.02 WL Annual average radon daughter concentration is <0.02 WL [] [x] [] [] [] [] [x] [] [] [] (] [] f] [] [x] [x] [x] [x] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] Other: This property was a request from the owner, as it was near to a remediated property. The owners were concerned about the possibility of windblown contamination. *Data were not taken because: [x] Data were not required to derive the findings. [ ] This is a dovetail property. [ ] Property owner did not authorize access for interior sampling. Location Number MS00172 2. INCLUSION SURVEY CONTRACTOR FINDINGS Based on the ISC's evaluation, this property contains radiation levels which do not exceed the DOE guidelines for the Surplus Facilities Management Program. C. A. Little, Ph.D. Inclusion Survey Contractor 87 11 Date Location Number MS00172 3. DOE EVALUATION Based on the DOE's evaluation, [] this property should be included, [] this property should be excluded, or [] additional data are required to support a determination. DOE Evaluator 3.1 ADDITIONAL DATA REQUIRED: Date Location Number MS00172 3.2 ISC'S RESPONSE TO DOE'S REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL DATA: 3.3 DOE APPROVAL OF RESPONSE: Based on the DOE's review of this evaluation, including the further information provided by the ISC in Sect. 3.2 above, this property should be an [] inclusion [] exclusion. DOE Evaluator Date