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1 DAQC-626-24 Site ID 16140 (B4) MEMORANDUM TO: STACK TEST FILE – CRUSOE ENERGY SYSTEMS, INC. – Mullins Tap Facility THROUGH: Rik Ombach, Minor Source Oil and Gas Compliance Section Manager FROM: Paul Bushman, Environmental Scientist DATE: June 21, 2024 SUBJECT: Sources: Five (5) Waukesha 9394 GSI generator engines; SN’s: 1632087, 1651084, 1641324, 1651044, 1651075 Contact: Kaitlin Meszaros: 631-245-0308 Location: 2 miles Northwest of Myton, Duchesne County, UT Test Contractor: Great Plains Analytical Services, Inc. Permit/AO#: DAQE-AN161400001-23 dated August 9, 2023 Action Code: TR Subject: Review of stack test report dated June 17, 2024 On June 17, 2024, Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) received a test report for five (5) Waukesha 9394 GSI generator engines located at Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility, Duchesne County, UT. Testing was performed June 3, 2024, through June 7, 2024, to demonstrate compliance with the emission limits found in condition II.B.2.a of Approval Order DAQE-AN161400001-23 and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart JJJJ. The calculated test results are: Source Test Date Test Method Pollutant Tester Results DAQ Results Limits Waukesha 9394 GSI; Unit ID: 1320 SN: 1632087 June 3, 2024 ASTM D6348- 03 NOx 4.141 ppmvd@15%O2 0.060 g/hp-hr 0.332 lb/hr 4.141 ppmvd@15%O2 0.060 g/hp-hr 0.332 lb/hr 82 ppmvd@15%O2 0.15 g/hp-hr 0.83 lb/hr CO 5.619 ppmvd@15%O2 0.050 g/hp-hr 0.275 lb/hr 5.617 ppmvd@15%O2 0.050 g/hp-hr 0.274 lb/hr 270 ppmvd@15%O2 0.30 g/hp-hr 1.65 lb/hr VOC 0.585 ppmvd@15%O2 0.008 g/hp-hr 0.045 lb/hr 0.585 ppmvd@15%O2 0.008 g/hp-hr 0.045 lb/hr 60 ppmvd@15%O2 0.03 g/hp-hr 0.17 lb/hr Waukesha 9394 GSI; Unit ID: 1454 SN: 1651084 June 4, 2024 ASTM D6348- 03 NOx 3.859 ppmvd@15%O2 0.066 g/hp-hr 0.365 lb/hr 3.860 ppmvd@15%O2 0.066 g/hp-hr 0.365 lb/hr 82 ppmvd@15%O2 0.15 g/hp-hr 0.83 lb/hr CO 0.291 ppmvd@15%O2 0.003 g/hp-hr 0.017 lb/hr 0.291 ppmvd@15%O2 0.003 g/hp-hr 0.017 lb/hr 270 ppmvd@15%O2 0.30 g/hp-hr 1.65 lb/hr VOC 0.622 ppmvd@15%O2 0.010 g/hp-hr 0.056 lb/hr 0.623 ppmvd@15%O2 0.010 g/hp-hr 0.056 lb/hr 60 ppmvd@15%O2 0.03 g/hp-hr 0.17 lb/hr 2 Source Test Date Test Method Pollutant Tester Results DAQ Results Limits Waukesha 9394 GSI; Unit ID: 2026- 01 SN: 1641324 June 5, 2024 ASTM D6348- 03 NOx 5.409 ppmvd@15%O2 0.088 g/hp-hr 0.438 lb/hr 5.409 ppmvd@15%O2 0.088 g/hp-hr 0.438 lb/hr 82 ppmvd@15%O2 0.15 g/hp-hr 0.83 lb/hr CO 2.827 ppmvd@15%O2 0.028 g/hp-hr 0.139 lb/hr 2.827 ppmvd@15%O2 0.028 g/hp-hr 0.140 lb/hr 270 ppmvd@15%O2 0.30 g/hp-hr 1.65 lb/hr VOC 0.652 ppmvd@15%O2 0.010 g/hp-hr 0.051 lb/hr 0.652 ppmvd@15%O2 0.010 g/hp-hr 0.051 lb/hr 60 ppmvd@15%O2 0.03 g/hp-hr 0.17 lb/hr Waukesha 9394 GSI; Unit ID: 1452 SN: 1651044 June 6, 2024 ASTM D6348- 03 NOx 4.752 ppmvd@15%O2 0.085 g/hp-hr 0.469 lb/hr 4.752 ppmvd@15%O2 0.085 g/hp-hr 0.469 lb/hr 82 ppmvd@15%O2 0.15 g/hp-hr 0.83 lb/hr CO 12.776 ppmvd@15%O2 0.139 g/hp-hr 0.768 lb/hr 12.776 ppmvd@15%O2 0.139 g/hp-hr 0.767 lb/hr 270 ppmvd@15%O2 0.30 g/hp-hr 1.65 lb/hr VOC 0.574 ppmvd@15%O2 0.010 g/hp-hr 0.054 lb/hr 0.574 ppmvd@15%O2 0.010 g/hp-hr 0.054 lb/hr 60 ppmvd@15%O2 0.03 g/hp-hr 0.17 lb/hr Waukesha 9394 GSI; Unit ID: 1453 SN: 1651075 June 7, 2024 ASTM D6348- 03 NOx 2.636 ppmvd@15%O2 0.038 g/hp-hr 0.209 lb/hr 2.636 ppmvd@15%O2 0.038 g/hp-hr 0.207 lb/hr 82 ppmvd@15%O2 0.15 g/hp-hr 0.83 lb/hr CO 0.997 ppmvd@15%O2 0.009 g/hp-hr 0.048 lb/hr 0.997 ppmvd@15%O2 0.009 g/hp-hr 0.047 lb/hr 270 ppmvd@15%O2 0.30 g/hp-hr 1.65 lb/hr VOC 0.584 ppmvd@15%O2 0.008 g/hp-hr 0.044 lb/hr 0.584 ppmvd@15%O2 0.008 g/hp-hr 0.044 lb/hr 60 ppmvd@15%O2 0.03 g/hp-hr 0.17 lb/hr DEVIATIONS: None. CONCLUSION: The stack test report appears to be acceptable. RECOMMENDATION: The emissions from the five (5) Waukesha 9394 GSI generator engines should be considered to have been in compliance with the emission limits of DAQE-AN161400001-23 and 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart JJJJ during testing. ATTACHMENTS: DAQ stack test review excel spreadsheets, Crusoe Energy Systems Inc. stack test report. Emissions Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 1320 SN:WAU-1632087 Test Date: 6/3/2024 Run #1 2 3 Average Start Time 7:37 8:51 10:10 Stop Time 8:37 9:51 11:10 Sample Duration (minutes)60 60 60 BHP Engine Load (hp) 2496 2494 2490 2493 DS Stack Diameter (inches)18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 PAVG Average (Delta P)½ (" H2O)½1.0149 0.8307 1.0050 0.9502 CP Pitot Tube Constant (unitless)0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 TS Stack Temperature (°F)902 908 902 904 Pbar Barometric Pressure (mbar)836 836 836 836 Pbar Barometric Pressure (" Hg)24.69 24.69 24.68 24.69 Ps Stack Pressure ('' H2O)1.03 0.69 1.01 0.91 O2%vd O2 (%vd)0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 CO2%vd CO2 (%vd)9.6 9.7 9.7 9.7 N2%vd N2 (%vd)90.3 90.2 90.3 90.3 dry NOX (ppmvd)12.3 14.5 17.1 14.6 dry CO (ppmvd) 14.8 19.1 25.6 19.8 wet TVOC (ppmvw as C3H8)1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 Run #1 2 3 Average Bws Measured Moisture Content (%/100)0.180 0.180 0.179 0.180 Bws Saturated Moisture Content (%/100)665.253 682.910 665.283 671.149 Bws Actual Moisture Content (%/100)0.180 0.180 0.179 0.180 MD Molecular Weight Dry (lb/lb-mole)29.54 29.55 29.55 29.55 MA Molecular Weight Wet (lb/lb-mole)27.47 27.48 27.48 27.48 VS Gas Velocity (ft/sec)121.5 99.7 120.3 113.9 FACFM Gas Flow (acfm)12887 10575 12760 12074 FDSCFM Gas Flow (dscfm)3389 2766 3356 3170 FWSCFM Gas Flow (wscfm)4135 3374 4093 3867 FKWSCFH Gas Flow (kwscfh)248 202 246 232 FKWSCFM Gas Flow (kwscfm)4 3 4 4 lb/hr Gas Flow (lb/hr) 17687 14439 17516 16547 Fo Fo (unitless)2.161 2.150 2.150 2.154 wet O2 (%vw)0.1 0.1 0.0 0.1 wet CO2 (%vw)7.9 7.9 8.0 7.9 wet NOX (ppmvw)10.071 11.884 14.006 11.987 15 NOX (ppmvd @ 15% O2)3.485 4.108 4.830 4.141 82.0 lb/hr NOX (lb/hr)0.298 0.287 0.410 0.332 0.83 g/bhp-hr NOX (g/bhp-hr)0.054 0.052 0.075 0.060 0.15 wet CO (ppmvw) 12.111 15.667 21.014 16.264 15 CO (ppmvd @ 15% O2)4.191 5.415 7.246 5.617 270.0 lb/hr CO (lb/hr) 0.218 0.230 0.375 0.274 1.65 g/bhp-hr CO (g/bhp-hr) 0.040 0.042 0.068 0.050 0.30 dry NMEOC (ppmvd as C3H8)2.012 2.081 2.100 2.064 15 NMEOC (ppmvd as C3H8 @ 15% O2)0.571 0.590 0.594 0.585 60 lb/hr NMEOC (lb/hr as C3H8)0.047 0.039 0.048 0.045 0.17 g/bhp-hr NMEOC (g/bhp-hr as C3H8)0.008 0.007 0.009 0.008 0.03 g/bhp-hr HC+NOX (g/bhp-hr)0.063 0.059 0.084 0.069 Permit Limits Field Reference Method Data Reference Method Calculations Page 1 of 5 Linearity Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 1320 SN:WAU-1632087 Test Date: 6/3/2024 O2 21.0 9.01 0.0 9.1 Linearity Bias (Zero) 0.0 Linearity Bias (Span) 9.0 % 0.00 9.01 21.02 0.0 9.0 21.2 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.00% 0.10% 0.67% Span Bias Max Calibration Error Bias Check (Zero) Bias Check (Span) 2 3 4 Results 3 Zero Bias 4 Difference 1 4 Response 1 2 Gas Concentration 1 2 3 Linearity Information Gas Span Gas Value/Range Bias Gas Value Page 2 of 5 Run 1 Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 1320 SN:WAU-1632087 Test Date: 6/3/2024 O2 21.0 9.01 0.0 9.1 0.0 9.1 0.0% 0.4% 0.0% 0.3% Corrected O2 % 0.1 Run Length (Minutes) Uncorrected O2 % 60 0.1 Post Test Calibration Calibration Information Instrument Range Span Gas Value Gas Calibration Pretest Calibration Zero% Span% Zero% Span% Absolute Bias (Zero) Absolute Bias (Span) Absolute Drift (Zero) Absolute Drift (Span) Results Page 3 of 5 Run 2 Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 1320 SN:WAU-1632087 Test Date: 6/3/2024 O2 21.0 9.01 0.0 9.1 0.0 9.1 0.0% 0.4% 0.0% 0.3% Corrected O2 % 0.1 Run Length (Minutes) Uncorrected O2 % 60 0.1 Calibration Information Results Absolute Bias (Zero) Absolute Bias (Span) Absolute Drift (Zero) Absolute Drift (Span) Span% Span% Gas Instrument Range Post Test Calibration Zero% Span Gas Value Calibration Pretest Calibration Zero% Page 4 of 5 Run 3 Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 1320 SN:WAU-1632087 Test Date: 6/3/2024 O2 21.0 9.01 0.0 9.1 0.0 9.1 0.0% 0.4% 0.0% 0.3% Corrected O2 % 0.0 Run Length (Minutes) Uncorrected O2 % 60 0.1 Absolute Bias (Span) Absolute Drift (Zero) Absolute Drift (Span) Calibration Information Span Gas Value Calibration Pretest Calibration Gas Post Test Calibration Instrument Range Zero% Results Absolute Bias (Zero) Span% Span% Zero% Page 5 of 5 Emissions Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 1454 SN:WAU-1651084 Test Date: 6/4/2024 Run #1 2 3 Average Start Time 7:06 8:24 9:45 Stop Time 8:06 9:24 10:45 Sample Duration (minutes)60 60 60 BHP Engine Load (hp) 2500 2490 2500 2497 DS Stack Diameter (inches)18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 PAVG Average (Delta P)½ (" H2O)½1.1180 1.1091 1.1180 1.1150 CP Pitot Tube Constant (unitless)0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 TS Stack Temperature (°F)910 911 868 896 Pbar Barometric Pressure (mbar)839 839 840 839 Pbar Barometric Pressure (" Hg)24.76 24.78 24.80 24.78 Ps Stack Pressure ('' H2O)1.25 1.23 1.25 1.24 O2%vd O2 (%vd)0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0 CO2%vd CO2 (%vd)9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 N2%vd N2 (%vd)90.3 90.2 90.3 90.3 dry NOX (ppmvd)13.0 12.7 15.2 13.6 dry CO (ppmvd) 1.2 1.7 0.2 1.0 wet TVOC (ppmvw as C3H8)1.8 1.8 1.8 1.8 Run #1 2 3 Average Bws Measured Moisture Content (%/100)0.181 0.181 0.180 0.181 Bws Saturated Moisture Content (%/100)685.406 687.774 571.092 648.091 Bws Actual Moisture Content (%/100)0.181 0.181 0.180 0.181 MD Molecular Weight Dry (lb/lb-mole)29.55 29.56 29.55 29.55 MA Molecular Weight Wet (lb/lb-mole)27.46 27.47 27.48 27.47 VS Gas Velocity (ft/sec)134.1 133.0 131.9 133.0 FACFM Gas Flow (acfm)14216 14099 13980 14098 FDSCFM Gas Flow (dscfm)3723 3695 3790 3736 FWSCFM Gas Flow (wscfm)4551 4513 4625 4563 FKWSCFH Gas Flow (kwscfh)273 271 277 274 FKWSCFM Gas Flow (kwscfm)5 5 5 5 lb/hr Gas Flow (lb/hr) 19459 19306 19787 19517 Fo Fo (unitless)2.156 2.146 2.155 2.153 wet O2 (%vw)0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 wet CO2 (%vw)7.9 8.0 7.9 7.9 wet NOX (ppmvw)10.648 10.422 12.457 11.176 15 NOX (ppmvd @ 15% O2)3.681 3.602 4.296 3.860 82.0 lb/hr NOX (lb/hr)0.347 0.337 0.412 0.365 0.83 g/bhp-hr NOX (g/bhp-hr)0.063 0.061 0.075 0.066 0.15 wet CO (ppmvw) 0.982 1.387 0.158 0.842 15 CO (ppmvd @ 15% O2)0.339 0.479 0.054 0.291 270.0 lb/hr CO (lb/hr) 0.019 0.027 0.003 0.017 1.65 g/bhp-hr CO (g/bhp-hr) 0.004 0.005 0.001 0.003 0.30 dry NMEOC (ppmvd as C3H8)2.200 2.179 2.222 2.200 15 NMEOC (ppmvd as C3H8 @ 15% O2)0.623 0.617 0.628 0.623 60 lb/hr NMEOC (lb/hr as C3H8)0.056 0.055 0.058 0.056 0.17 g/bhp-hr NMEOC (g/bhp-hr as C3H8)0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.03 g/bhp-hr HC+NOX (g/bhp-hr)0.073 0.071 0.085 0.077 Permit Limits Field Reference Method Data Reference Method Calculations Page 1 of 5 Linearity Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 1454 SN:WAU-1651084 Test Date: 6/4/2024 O2 21.1 9.01 0.0 9.1 Linearity Bias (Zero) 0.0 Linearity Bias (Span) 9.0 % 0.00 9.01 21.12 0.0 9.0 21.1 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.00% 0.57% 0.24% Span Bias Max Calibration Error Bias Check (Zero) Bias Check (Span) 2 3 4 Results 3 Zero Bias 4 Difference 1 4 Response 1 2 Gas Concentration 1 2 3 Linearity Information Gas Span Gas Value/Range Bias Gas Value Page 2 of 5 Run 1 Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 1454 SN:WAU-1651084 Test Date: 6/4/2024 O2 21.1 9.01 0.0 9.0 0.0 9.3 0.0% 1.4% 0.0% 1.4% Corrected O2 % 0.0 Run Length (Minutes) Uncorrected O2 % 60 0.1 Post Test Calibration Calibration Information Instrument Range Span Gas Value Gas Calibration Pretest Calibration Zero% Span% Zero% Span% Absolute Bias (Zero) Absolute Bias (Span) Absolute Drift (Zero) Absolute Drift (Span) Results Page 3 of 5 Run 2 Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 1454 SN:WAU-1651084 Test Date: 6/4/2024 O2 21.1 9.01 0.0 9.0 0.0 9.3 0.0% 1.4% 0.0% 1.4% Corrected O2 % 0.1 Run Length (Minutes) Uncorrected O2 % 60 0.1 Calibration Information Results Absolute Bias (Zero) Absolute Bias (Span) Absolute Drift (Zero) Absolute Drift (Span) Span% Span% Gas Instrument Range Post Test Calibration Zero% Span Gas Value Calibration Pretest Calibration Zero% Page 4 of 5 Run 3 Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 1454 SN:WAU-1651084 Test Date: 6/4/2024 O2 21.1 9.01 0.0 9.0 0.0 9.3 0.0% 1.4% 0.0% 1.4% Corrected O2 % 0.0 Run Length (Minutes) Uncorrected O2 % 60 0.0 Absolute Bias (Span) Absolute Drift (Zero) Absolute Drift (Span) Calibration Information Span Gas Value Calibration Pretest Calibration Gas Post Test Calibration Instrument Range Zero% Results Absolute Bias (Zero) Span% Span% Zero% Page 5 of 5 Emissions Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 2026-01 SN:WAU-1641324 Test Date: 6/5/2024 Run #1 2 3 Average Start Time 6:41 8:42 11:49 Stop Time 7:41 9:42 12:49 Sample Duration (minutes)60 60 60 BHP Engine Load (hp) 2260 2260 2260 2260 DS Stack Diameter (inches)18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 PAVG Average (Delta P)½ (" H2O)½0.9487 0.9695 0.9592 0.9591 CP Pitot Tube Constant (unitless)0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 TS Stack Temperature (°F)892 905 920 906 Pbar Barometric Pressure (mbar)843 844 843 843 Pbar Barometric Pressure (" Hg)24.91 24.91 24.89 24.90 Ps Stack Pressure ('' H2O)0.90 0.94 0.92 0.92 O2%vd O2 (%vd)0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 CO2%vd CO2 (%vd)9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 N2%vd N2 (%vd)90.2 90.1 90.1 90.2 dry NOX (ppmvd)24.1 21.0 12.0 19.1 dry CO (ppmvd) 4.4 16.2 9.3 10.0 wet TVOC (ppmvw as C3H8)1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 Run #1 2 3 Average Bws Measured Moisture Content (%/100)0.180 0.181 0.180 0.180 Bws Saturated Moisture Content (%/100)632.195 667.829 711.370 670.465 Bws Actual Moisture Content (%/100)0.180 0.181 0.180 0.180 MD Molecular Weight Dry (lb/lb-mole)29.56 29.56 29.56 29.56 MA Molecular Weight Wet (lb/lb-mole)27.48 27.48 27.48 27.48 VS Gas Velocity (ft/sec)112.7 115.7 115.2 114.5 FACFM Gas Flow (acfm)11948 12269 12210 12143 FDSCFM Gas Flow (dscfm)3193 3245 3192 3210 FWSCFM Gas Flow (wscfm)3895 3962 3897 3918 FKWSCFH Gas Flow (kwscfh)234 238 234 235 FKWSCFM Gas Flow (kwscfm)4 4 4 4 lb/hr Gas Flow (lb/hr) 16669 16954 16674 16765 Fo Fo (unitless)2.142 2.136 2.137 2.138 wet O2 (%vw)0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 wet CO2 (%vw)8.0 8.0 8.0 8.0 wet NOX (ppmvw)19.798 17.220 9.851 15.623 15 NOX (ppmvd @ 15% O2)6.839 5.971 3.417 5.409 82.0 lb/hr NOX (lb/hr)0.552 0.488 0.275 0.438 0.83 g/bhp-hr NOX (g/bhp-hr)0.111 0.098 0.055 0.088 0.15 wet CO (ppmvw) 3.591 13.258 7.621 8.157 15 CO (ppmvd @ 15% O2)1.240 4.597 2.644 2.827 270.0 lb/hr CO (lb/hr) 0.061 0.229 0.129 0.140 1.65 g/bhp-hr CO (g/bhp-hr) 0.012 0.046 0.026 0.028 0.30 dry NMEOC (ppmvd as C3H8)2.277 2.275 2.333 2.295 15 NMEOC (ppmvd as C3H8 @ 15% O2)0.645 0.646 0.663 0.652 60 lb/hr NMEOC (lb/hr as C3H8)0.050 0.051 0.051 0.051 0.17 g/bhp-hr NMEOC (g/bhp-hr as C3H8)0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.03 g/bhp-hr HC+NOX (g/bhp-hr)0.121 0.108 0.065 0.098 Permit Limits Field Reference Method Data Reference Method Calculations Page 1 of 5 Linearity Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 2026-01 SN:WAU-1641324 Test Date: 6/5/2024 O2 21.1 9.01 0.0 9.4 Linearity Bias (Zero) 0.0 Linearity Bias (Span) 8.9 % 0.00 9.01 21.12 0.0 8.9 21.0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.0 0.00% 2.37% 0.80% Gas Concentration 1 2 3 Linearity Information Gas Span Gas Value/Range Bias Gas Value 4 Difference 1 4 Response 1 2 Span Bias Max Calibration Error Bias Check (Zero) Bias Check (Span) 2 3 4 Results 3 Zero Bias Page 2 of 5 Run 1 Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 2026-01 SN:WAU-1641324 Test Date: 6/5/2024 O2 21.1 9.01 0.0 9.0 0.0 9.3 0.0% 1.8% 0.0% 1.3% Corrected O2 % 0.1 Run Length (Minutes) Uncorrected O2 % 60 0.1 Zero% Span% Absolute Bias (Zero) Absolute Bias (Span) Absolute Drift (Zero) Absolute Drift (Span) Results Post Test Calibration Calibration Information Instrument Range Span Gas Value Gas Calibration Pretest Calibration Zero% Span% Page 3 of 5 Run 2 Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 2026-01 SN:WAU-1641324 Test Date: 6/5/2024 O2 21.1 9.01 0.0 9.0 0.0 9.3 0.0% 1.8% 0.0% 1.3% Corrected O2 % 0.1 Run Length (Minutes) Uncorrected O2 % 60 0.1 Gas Instrument Range Post Test Calibration Zero% Span Gas Value Calibration Pretest Calibration Zero% Calibration Information Results Absolute Bias (Zero) Absolute Bias (Span) Absolute Drift (Zero) Absolute Drift (Span) Span% Span% Page 4 of 5 Run 3 Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 2026-01 SN:WAU-1641324 Test Date: 6/5/2024 O2 21.1 9.01 0.0 9.0 0.0 9.3 0.0% 1.8% 0.0% 1.3% Corrected O2 % 0.1 Run Length (Minutes) Uncorrected O2 % 60 0.2 Post Test Calibration Instrument Range Zero% Results Absolute Bias (Zero) Span% Span% Zero% Absolute Bias (Span) Absolute Drift (Zero) Absolute Drift (Span) Calibration Information Span Gas Value Calibration Pretest Calibration Gas Page 5 of 5 Emissions Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 1452 SN:WAU-1651044 Test Date: 6/6/2024 Run #1 2 3 Average Start Time 5:51 7:05 8:16 Stop Time 6:51 8:05 9:16 Sample Duration (minutes)60 60 60 BHP Engine Load (hp) 2500 2498 2500 2499 DS Stack Diameter (inches)18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 PAVG Average (Delta P)½ (" H2O)½1.1790 1.1576 1.1747 1.1704 CP Pitot Tube Constant (unitless)0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 TS Stack Temperature (°F)898 891 930 906 Pbar Barometric Pressure (mbar)844 844 845 844 Pbar Barometric Pressure (" Hg)24.92 24.92 24.95 24.93 Ps Stack Pressure ('' H2O)1.39 1.34 1.38 1.37 O2%vd O2 (%vd)0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2 CO2%vd CO2 (%vd)9.7 9.7 9.7 9.7 N2%vd N2 (%vd)90.1 90.1 90.1 90.1 dry NOX (ppmvd)18.7 17.0 14.3 16.7 dry CO (ppmvd) 44.3 46.7 43.5 44.8 wet TVOC (ppmvw as C3H8)1.7 1.7 1.6 1.7 Run #1 2 3 Average Bws Measured Moisture Content (%/100)0.179 0.179 0.180 0.179 Bws Saturated Moisture Content (%/100)647.377 628.269 738.174 671.274 Bws Actual Moisture Content (%/100)0.179 0.179 0.180 0.179 MD Molecular Weight Dry (lb/lb-mole)29.56 29.56 29.56 29.56 MA Molecular Weight Wet (lb/lb-mole)27.49 27.49 27.48 27.49 VS Gas Velocity (ft/sec)140.2 137.3 141.3 139.6 FACFM Gas Flow (acfm)14866 14557 14980 14801 FDSCFM Gas Flow (dscfm)3965 3903 3904 3924 FWSCFM Gas Flow (wscfm)4833 4758 4764 4785 FKWSCFH Gas Flow (kwscfh)290 285 286 287 FKWSCFM Gas Flow (kwscfm)5 5 5 5 lb/hr Gas Flow (lb/hr) 20692 20370 20387 20483 Fo Fo (unitless)2.134 2.131 2.139 2.135 wet O2 (%vw)0.2 0.2 0.1 0.2 wet CO2 (%vw)8.0 8.0 7.9 8.0 wet NOX (ppmvw)15.379 13.944 11.734 13.686 15 NOX (ppmvd @ 15% O2)5.340 4.844 4.072 4.752 82.0 lb/hr NOX (lb/hr)0.532 0.475 0.400 0.469 0.83 g/bhp-hr NOX (g/bhp-hr)0.096 0.086 0.073 0.085 0.15 wet CO (ppmvw) 36.368 38.352 35.673 36.798 15 CO (ppmvd @ 15% O2)12.627 13.323 12.380 12.776 270.0 lb/hr CO (lb/hr) 0.766 0.795 0.740 0.767 1.65 g/bhp-hr CO (g/bhp-hr) 0.139 0.144 0.134 0.139 0.30 dry NMEOC (ppmvd as C3H8)2.034 2.013 1.996 2.014 15 NMEOC (ppmvd as C3H8 @ 15% O2)0.580 0.574 0.568 0.574 60 lb/hr NMEOC (lb/hr as C3H8)0.055 0.054 0.053 0.054 0.17 g/bhp-hr NMEOC (g/bhp-hr as C3H8)0.010 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.03 g/bhp-hr HC+NOX (g/bhp-hr)0.107 0.096 0.082 0.095 Permit Limits Field Reference Method Data Reference Method Calculations Page 1 of 5 Linearity Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 1452 SN:WAU-1651044 Test Date: 6/6/2024 O2 21.1 9.01 0.0 9.2 Linearity Bias (Zero) 0.0 Linearity Bias (Span) 9.0 % 0.00 9.01 21.12 0.0 9.0 21.3 0.0 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.00% 0.57% 0.62% Span Bias Max Calibration Error Bias Check (Zero) Bias Check (Span) 2 3 4 Results 3 Zero Bias 4 Difference 1 4 Response 1 2 Gas Concentration 1 2 3 Linearity Information Gas Span Gas Value/Range Bias Gas Value Page 2 of 5 Run 1 Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 1452 SN:WAU-1651044 Test Date: 6/6/2024 O2 21.1 9.01 0.0 9.0 0.0 9.1 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.3% Corrected O2 % 0.2 Run Length (Minutes) Uncorrected O2 % 60 0.2 Post Test Calibration Calibration Information Instrument Range Span Gas Value Gas Calibration Pretest Calibration Zero% Span% Zero% Span% Absolute Bias (Zero) Absolute Bias (Span) Absolute Drift (Zero) Absolute Drift (Span) Results Page 3 of 5 Run 2 Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 1452 SN:WAU-1651044 Test Date: 6/6/2024 O2 21.1 9.01 0.0 9.2 0.0 9.1 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.4% Corrected O2 % 0.2 Run Length (Minutes) Uncorrected O2 % 60 0.2 Calibration Information Results Absolute Bias (Zero) Absolute Bias (Span) Absolute Drift (Zero) Absolute Drift (Span) Span% Span% Gas Instrument Range Post Test Calibration Zero% Span Gas Value Calibration Pretest Calibration Zero% Page 4 of 5 Run 3 Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 1452 SN:WAU-1651044 Test Date: 6/6/2024 O2 21.1 9.01 0.0 9.0 0.0 9.1 0.0% 0.1% 0.0% 0.3% Corrected O2 % 0.2 Run Length (Minutes) Uncorrected O2 % 60 0.2 Absolute Bias (Span) Absolute Drift (Zero) Absolute Drift (Span) Calibration Information Span Gas Value Calibration Pretest Calibration Gas Post Test Calibration Instrument Range Zero% Results Absolute Bias (Zero) Span% Span% Zero% Page 5 of 5 Emissions Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 1453 SN:WAU-1651075 Test Date: 6/7/2024 Run #1 2 3 Average Start Time 5:46 6:59 8:10 Stop Time 6:46 7:59 9:10 Sample Duration (minutes)60 60 60 BHP Engine Load (hp) 2500 2500 2500 2500 DS Stack Diameter (inches)18.0 18.0 18.0 18.0 PAVG Average (Delta P)½ (" H2O)½1.0488 0.8944 0.8660 0.9364 CP Pitot Tube Constant (unitless)0.99 0.99 0.99 0.99 TS Stack Temperature (°F)872 884 898 885 Pbar Barometric Pressure (mbar)839 840 840 840 Pbar Barometric Pressure (" Hg)24.77 24.80 24.81 24.79 Ps Stack Pressure ('' H2O)1.10 0.80 0.75 0.88 O2%vd O2 (%vd)0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 CO2%vd CO2 (%vd)9.6 9.7 9.7 9.7 N2%vd N2 (%vd)90.2 90.1 90.1 90.1 dry NOX (ppmvd)8.2 9.6 10.0 9.3 dry CO (ppmvd) 2.4 3.6 4.4 3.5 wet TVOC (ppmvw as C3H8)1.7 1.7 1.7 1.7 Run #1 2 3 Average Bws Measured Moisture Content (%/100)0.181 0.182 0.183 0.182 Bws Saturated Moisture Content (%/100)582.431 613.519 651.353 615.768 Bws Actual Moisture Content (%/100)0.181 0.182 0.183 0.182 MD Molecular Weight Dry (lb/lb-mole)29.54 29.56 29.56 29.55 MA Molecular Weight Wet (lb/lb-mole)27.46 27.46 27.45 27.46 VS Gas Velocity (ft/sec)124.0 106.2 103.4 111.2 FACFM Gas Flow (acfm)13151 11262 10961 11791 FDSCFM Gas Flow (dscfm)3543 3006 2893 3147 FWSCFM Gas Flow (wscfm)4329 3676 3542 3849 FKWSCFH Gas Flow (kwscfh)260 221 213 231 FKWSCFM Gas Flow (kwscfm)4 4 4 4 lb/hr Gas Flow (lb/hr) 18510 15719 15141 16457 Fo Fo (unitless)2.158 2.139 2.130 2.142 wet O2 (%vw)0.1 0.2 0.2 0.2 wet CO2 (%vw)7.9 7.9 7.9 7.9 wet NOX (ppmvw)6.702 7.854 8.148 7.568 15 NOX (ppmvd @ 15% O2)2.325 2.735 2.847 2.636 82.0 lb/hr NOX (lb/hr)0.208 0.207 0.206 0.207 0.83 g/bhp-hr NOX (g/bhp-hr)0.038 0.037 0.037 0.038 0.15 wet CO (ppmvw) 1.978 2.974 3.631 2.861 15 CO (ppmvd @ 15% O2)0.686 1.036 1.269 0.997 270.0 lb/hr CO (lb/hr) 0.037 0.048 0.056 0.047 1.65 g/bhp-hr CO (g/bhp-hr) 0.007 0.009 0.010 0.009 0.30 dry NMEOC (ppmvd as C3H8)2.048 2.029 2.069 2.049 15 NMEOC (ppmvd as C3H8 @ 15% O2)0.582 0.578 0.591 0.584 60 lb/hr NMEOC (lb/hr as C3H8)0.050 0.042 0.041 0.044 0.17 g/bhp-hr NMEOC (g/bhp-hr as C3H8)0.009 0.008 0.007 0.008 0.03 g/bhp-hr HC+NOX (g/bhp-hr)0.047 0.045 0.045 0.046 Permit Limits Field Reference Method Data Reference Method Calculations Page 1 of 5 Linearity Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 1453 SN:WAU-1651075 Test Date: 6/7/2024 O2 21.1 9.01 0.0 9.0 Linearity Bias (Zero) 0.0 Linearity Bias (Span) 9.0 % 0.00 9.01 21.12 0.0 9.0 20.9 0.0 0.0 0.2 0.0 0.00% 0.05% 0.85% Gas Concentration 1 2 3 Linearity Information Gas Span Gas Value/Range Bias Gas Value 4 Difference 1 4 Response 1 2 Span Bias Max Calibration Error Bias Check (Zero) Bias Check (Span) 2 3 4 Results 3 Zero Bias Page 2 of 5 Run 1 Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 1453 SN:WAU-1651075 Test Date: 6/7/2024 O2 21.1 9.01 0.0 9.0 0.0 9.4 0.0% 1.8% 0.0% 1.7% Corrected O2 % 0.1 Run Length (Minutes) Uncorrected O2 % 60 0.1 Zero% Span% Absolute Bias (Zero) Absolute Bias (Span) Absolute Drift (Zero) Absolute Drift (Span) Results Post Test Calibration Calibration Information Instrument Range Span Gas Value Gas Calibration Pretest Calibration Zero% Span% Page 3 of 5 Run 2 Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 1453 SN:WAU-1651075 Test Date: 6/7/2024 O2 21.1 9.01 0.0 9.0 0.0 9.4 0.0% 1.8% 0.0% 1.7% Corrected O2 % 0.2 Run Length (Minutes) Uncorrected O2 % 60 0.2 Gas Instrument Range Post Test Calibration Zero% Span Gas Value Calibration Pretest Calibration Zero% Calibration Information Results Absolute Bias (Zero) Absolute Bias (Span) Absolute Drift (Zero) Absolute Drift (Span) Span% Span% Page 4 of 5 Run 3 Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Mullins Tap Facility Duchesne County, Utah Waukesha 9394 GSI Unit 1453 SN:WAU-1651075 Test Date: 6/7/2024 O2 21.1 9.01 0.0 9.0 0.0 9.4 0.0% 1.8% 0.0% 1.7% Corrected O2 % 0.2 Run Length (Minutes) Uncorrected O2 % 60 0.2 Post Test Calibration Instrument Range Zero% Results Absolute Bias (Zero) Span% Span% Zero% Absolute Bias (Span) Absolute Drift (Zero) Absolute Drift (Span) Calibration Information Span Gas Value Calibration Pretest Calibration Gas Page 5 of 5 303 West 3rd Street ● Elk City, Oklahoma 73644 ● 580-225-0403 GAS Inc. www.gasinc.us June 17, 2024 Utah Department of Environmental Quality State Office Building – Air Quality Division 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 RE: Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ – Test Report SubmiWal To Whom It May Concern, Please find enclosed the performance tesYng reports for 40 CFR Subpart JJJJ/State Compliance on behalf of Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Please see below for the informaYon perYnent to the tesYng. Please see below for the informaYon perYnent to the enclosed reports. Test took place the week of June 3, 2024. Facility Unit # Serial # Loca1on Mullins Tap Facility 1320 1632087 Duchesne County, Utah Mullins Tap Facility 1454 1651084 Duchesne County, Utah Mullins Tap Facility 2026-01 1641324 Duchesne County, Utah Mullins Tap Facility 1452 1651044 Duchesne County, Utah Mullins Tap Facility 1453 1651075 Duchesne County, Utah For informaYon regarding the performance test, you can contact me by email at mmcclellan@gasinc.us or by phone at 580-225-0403. For informaYon regarding engine or locaYon informaYon, please contact Kaitlin Meszaros by email at meszaros@pinyon-env.com or by phone at (631)-245-0308. Regards, Macie McClellan Client RelaYons Supervisor GAS Inc. Performance Test Report Test Type: Initial Test Date: 6/3/2024 Waukesha 9394 GSI Rich Burn (4 Cycle) 303 W. 3rd St Elk City , OK 73644(580) 225-0403 Test Started:Test Completed:07:37 AM 11:34 AM Source: Unit Number: 1320 Serial Number: WAU-1632087 Engine Hours:4684 Permit #: #DAQE-AN161400001-23 Location: Duchesne County, Utah Prepared on Behalf of: Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ CO NOx NMNEHC 1.650 0.830 0.170 0.275 0.332 0.045 19.829 14.612 2.064 2.000 0.300 1.000 0.150 0.700 0.030 0.050 0.060 0.008 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Federal State Federal State Federal State Results lb/hr Results ppmvd Permit lb/hr Results g/hp-hr Permit g/hp-hr PASS ALL Index Tables Figures Appendices Table 5.1 (Run Summaries)................................................................ Table 6.1 (Volumetric Flow Rate Data)............................................... Table 6.2 (Stack Gas Measurements)................................................. Table 8.1 (Oxygen Calibration)........................................................... Annex Table 1.2.1 (Certified Calibration Bottle Concentrations)......... Annex Table 1.2.2 (Measurement System Capabilities)..................... Annex Table 1.3.1 (Test Specific Target Analytes)............................. Annex Table 4.1 (Measure System Capabilities)................................ Figure 6.1 (Location of Traverse Points per Method 1)....................... Annex Figure 1.4.1 (Sampling Train).................................................. Annex Figure 1.4.2 (Sampling Points)................................................. Annex Figure 1.4.3 (Sampling Port Locations).................................... Certified Calibration Bottle Certificates................................................ Tri Probe Certification via GD-031...................................................... GAS ALT 141_FTIR EPA.................................................................... Tester Qualifications (resume)............................................................ Raw Data............................................................................................ 27 Key Personnel.............................................................................1.0 3 Sampling System........................................................................2.0 3 Methods Used.............................................................................3.0 3 Test Summaries..........................................................................4.0 5 Run Summaries..........................................................................5.0 6 6 Volumetric Flow Rate Data.........................................................6.0 7 7 7 7 Calculations................................................................................7.0 8 9 12 12 13 15 13 14 14 20 25 28 29 Oxygen Calibration.....................................................................9 Engine Parameter Data Sheet....................................................10 QA/QC Results............................................................................11 Signature Page...........................................................................12.0 Appendices.................................................................................13.0 Bottle Certs.................................................................................2014.0 Tri Probe Certification via GD-031..............................................2515.0 GAS ALT 141_FTIR EPA............................................................16.0 Tester Qualifications (resume)....................................................2817.0 D6348 Annexes..........................................................................1211.0 18 19 26 8.0 9.0 10.0 Raw Data....................................................................................2918.0 1.0 Key Personnel GAS, Inc. Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. 2.0 Sampling System The sampling system used consisted of a Stainless steel probe, heated Teflon line, gas conditioning system, and a Gasmet model DX4000 FTIR analyzer. The gas conditioning system used was a Gasmet Personal Sampling System with a Zirconium Oxide oxygen sensor. 3.0 Methods Used This extractive FTIR based field test method is used to quantify gas phase concentrations of multiple target analytes (CO, NOX, CH2O, & VOC's) from stationary source effluent. Because an FTIR analyzer is potentially capable of analyzing hundreds of compounds, this test method is not analyte or source specific. The analytes, detection levels, and data quality objectives are expected to change for any particular testing situation. It is the responsibility of the tester to define the target analytes, the associated detection limits for those analytes in the particular source effluent, and the required data quality objectives for each specific test program. Provisions are included in this test method that require the tester to determine critical sampling system and instrument operational parameters, and for the conduct of QA/QC procedures. Testers following this test method will generate data that will allow an independent observer to verify the valid collection, identification, and quantification of the subject target analytes. EPA Method 1 & 1A EPA Method 2 & 2C EPA Method 3A The purpose of the method is to provide guidance for the selection of sampling ports and traverse points at which sampling for air pollutants will be performed pursuant to regulations set forth in this part. This method is applicable for the determination of the average velocity and the volumetric flow rate of a gas stream. The average gas velocity in a stack is determined from the gas density and from measurement of the average velocity head with a standard pitot tube. Velocity readings are taken from each stack at 16 separate traverse points (Table 6.1) and used to determine the engines mass emissions rate, calculated utilizing the formulas seen in section 7.0 of this report. This is a procedure for measuring oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in stationary source emissions using a continuous instrumental analyzer. Quality assurance and quality control requirements are included to assure that the tester collects data of known quality. Documentation to these specific requirements for equipment, supplies, sample collection and analysis, calculations, and data analysis will be included. ASTM D6348-03 Lynn Huber 3 Aaron King Gas, Inc. 4.0 Test Summary T e s t S u m m a r y Site Verification Photos Gas, Inc. Unit 1320 with a serial number of WAU-1632087 which is a Waukesha 9394 GSI engine located at Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility and operated by Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. was tested for emissions of: Carbon Monoxide, Oxides of Nitrogen, and Volatile Organic Compounds. The test was conducted on 6/3/2024 by Aaron King with Great Plains Analytical Services, Inc. All quality assurance and quality control tests were within acceptable tolerances. The engine is a natural gas fired Rich Burn (4 Cycle) engine rated at 2500 brake horse power (BHP) at 1200 RPM. The engine was operating at 2493 BHP and 1197 RPM which is 99.72% of maximum engine load during the test. The test HP calculation can be found on page 8. The engine was running at the maximum load available at the test site. This test will satisfy the testing requirements for 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ. Unit 1320 is authorized to operate under permit #DAQE-AN161400001-23. 4 4.0 Test Summary Engine/Compressor Specs Crusoe Mullins Tap FacilityLocation 1320Unit ID Make Waukesha Site Elevation ft.5206 Model 9394 GSI Atmospheric Pressure psi.12.15 Serial Number WAU-1632087 Stack Diameter in.18 mfg. rated hp 2500 Yes 1200 Date of Manufacture Engine/Compressor Operation Run 2 Run 3 3 Run AveragesRun 1 Test Horsepower 2496 2494 2490 2493 1198 1197 1195 1197 Percent Load % Intake Manifold Pressure (hg) 99.83%99.75%99.58%99.72% 38.26 39.26 39.26 38.93 Intake Manifold Temperature (F)124.00 125.00 126.00 125.00 Ambient Conditions Ambient Temperature Dry (F)65.00 65.00 65.00 65.00 Exhaust Flow Data Q Stack (dscfh) Q Stack (dscm/hr) 203753.65 166345.92 201445.74 190515.10 5769.61 4710.35 5704.25 5394.74 Moisture Fraction Bws Fuel Consumption (Btu/h[-hr) 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0 0 0 0 Fuel Flow (dscfh) Fuel (btu/scf)1020 1020 1020 1020 O2 F factor 8710.0 8710 8710 8710 Results Method 3A Corrected O2% Dry Moisture %17.99%17.98%17.94%17.97% T e s t S u m m a r y mfg. rated rpm Test RPM 0.11%0.09%0.05%0.08% Permitted Standards Results 5 Catalyst 0.0680.042 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 3 Run Average Pass Permits 07:37 AM 08:51 AM 10:10 AM 6/3/2024 CO (g/hp-hr)0.040 0.0502.000 0.300 Pass StateFederal CO (ppmvw)12.111 15.677 21.014 16.267 CO (ppmvd)14.768 19.112 25.607 19.829 CO (mol wt) 28.01 CO (ppmvd) @15% O2 4.191 5.418 7.247 5.619 Fail CO (ppbvd) @15% O2 4191.005 5418.480 7246.753 5618.746 Fail 0.3750.231CO (lbs/hr)0.219 0.2751.650 Pass NOx (g/hp-hr)0.054 0.052 0.075 0.0601.000 0.150 Pass NOx (ppmvw)10.071 11.884 14.006 11.987 NOx (ppmvd)12.280 14.488 17.068 14.612 NOx (mol wt) 46.01 1.650 1.707 1.723 1.693NMNEHC (ppmvw) 2.012 2.080 2.100 2.064NMNEHC (ppmvd) NOx (ppbvd) @15% O2 3484.891 4107.627 4830.134 4140.884 Fail NOx (ppmvd) @15% O2 3.485 4.108 4.830 4.141 Fail NMNEHC (mol wt) 44.10 570.982 589.841 594.197 585.006 FailNMNEHC (ppbvd) @15% O2 0.009 0.007 0.009 0.0080.700 0.030 PassNMNEHC (g/hp-hr) 0.047 0.040 0.048 0.0450.170 PassNMNEHC (lbs/hr) 0.571 0.590 0.594 0.585 FailNMNEHC (ppmvd) @15% O2 NOx (lbs/hr)0.299 0.288 0.410 0.3320.830 Pass Gas, Inc. 5.0 Run Summaries Summary Source Run 1 R u n Table 5.1 Run Summaries S u m m a r i e s 6 0.60Baseline Source Spike Source Baseline PPM Wet CO NOx Oxygen %Moisture % 12.11 0.22 6.61 0.00 3.46 0.22 10.07 0.29 1.65 0.00% 0.09% 0.00% 17.99% NMNEHC 9.20 5.95 3.44 9.39 1.63 0.08%17.97% 55.15 28.87 0.00 28.87 16.12 0.03%16.66% 15.02 7.27 3.48 10.75 1.67 0.09%18.01% 0.18 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.09 0.00%0.01% Avg. Wet NO2NO Summary Source Run 2 Baseline Source Spike Source Baseline PPM Wet CO NOx Oxygen %Moisture %NMNEHC 0.18 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.09 0.00%0.01% 13.75 7.35 3.62 10.97 1.74 0.11%18.00% 54.99 27.12 2.24 29.36 17.86 0.03%16.45% 17.61 9.11 3.69 12.80 1.67 0.03%17.96% 0.21 0.00 0.22 0.22 0.18 0.00%0.03% Avg. Wet 15.68 8.23 3.65 11.88 1.71 0.07%17.98% NO2NO Summary Source Run 3 Baseline Source Spike Source Baseline PPM Wet CO NOx Oxygen %Moisture %NMNEHC 21.93 10.74 3.76 14.50 1.72 0.05%17.94% 71.94 27.56 7.11 34.66 23.07 0.02%15.86% 20.10 9.89 3.62 13.51 1.73 0.03%17.94% 0.15 0.00 0.02 0.02 0.09 0.00%0.00% 0.21 0.00 0.22 0.22 0.18 0.00%0.03% Avg. Wet 21.01 10.32 3.69 14.01 1.72 0.04%17.94% NO2NO Gas, Inc. 6.0 Volumetric Flow Rate Data Volumetric Flow Rate Data .99 Stack diameter = Table 6.1. Data used for volumetric flow rate (Method 2) 18 inches or:1.5 feet. or:1.77 Square Feet Run 1 Average Pitot Tube Coefficient Cp(std)= H2O CO2 O2 CO Molecular Weight Stack Gas dry basis (Md) Molecular Weight Stack Gas wet basis (Ms) Stack Static Pressure (Pg) Stack Static Pressure (Pg) Atmospheric Pressure at Location (Pbar) Atmospheric Pressure at Location (Pbar) Absolute Stack Pressure (Ps) Stack Temperature Stack Temperature Stack Temperature Stack Gas Velocity Stack Flow Rate Q Stack Gas Wet Volmetric Flow Rate Stack Gas Dry Volumetric Flow Rate Sample after Back Purge: Within 5% of Last Δpstd reading: Stack Diameter (inches) Inches upstream from disturbance Inches downstream from disturbance scf/hr 0.64 Yes 18.00 5.00 17.00 scf/hr cfs ft/sec Deg R Deg F Deg C "Hg "Hg MBAR "Hg "H20 g/g mole g/g mole ppmd %d %d %d 17.99 29.54 1.03 Inches 3.01 9 14.99 Vo l u m e t r i c F l o w R a t e s Pitot readings are taken for Method 2 calculations using measuring points outlined in Method 1 Figure 6.1 16 Traverse Points Were Used Emissions Sampling Points - 3 point long line sampling probe First Sampling Point Taken @ 16.7% of Stack Diameter Second Sampling Point Taken @ 50% of Stack Diameter Third Sampling Point Taken @ 83.3% of Stack Diameter 9.62 0.09 12.11 836.00 0.08 24.69 24.77 902.00 1361.67 483.33 27.47 121.67 215.01 248460.36 203753.65 Run 2 17.98 29.55 0.69 9.68 0.07 15.68 836.00 0.05 24.69 24.74 908.00 1367.67 486.67 27.48 99.85 176.45 202801.52 166345.92 Run 3 17.94 29.55 1.01 9.70 0.04 21.01 835.80 0.07 24.69 24.76 901.94 1361.61 483.30 27.48 120.24 212.49 245479.93 201445.74 17.97 29.55 0.91 9.67 0.07 16.27 835.93 0.07 24.69 24.76 903.98 1363.65 484.43 27.47 114.38 202.13 233130.93 191239.25 *The exhaust stack did not present cyclonic flow conditions at the sampling location due to the absence of cyclones, inertial demisters, venturi scrubbers, or tangential inlets. * Cyclonic Flow Check (Pass/Fail): PASS Δpstd (in) H2O 0.67 Exhaust Temp F 902.00 Pitot Tube Sampling Points (Velocity) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Δpstd Average= Run 1 Table 6.2. Stack gas pressure readings measured with a standard pitot tube use for Volumetric Flow Rate 0.88 0.78 0.90 901.00 903.00 902.00 1.08 1.16 1.33 901.00 903.00 902.00 1.29 1.32 1.42 901.00 903.00 902.00 1.36 901.00 1.18 0.87 0.59 903.00 902.00 901.00 0.75 0.94 1.03 903.00 902.00 902.00 Δpstd = Velocity head measured by the standard pitot tube, (in.) H2O.Run 3 Δpstd (in) H2O 1.07 Exhaust Temp F 901.00 1.25 1.28 1.29 901.00 903.00 902.00 1.21 1.17 1.07 901.00 903.00 902.00 1.05 0.94 0.77 901.00 903.00 902.00 0.68 901.00 0.78 1.04 1.02 903.00 902.00 901.00 0.88 0.64 903.00 902.00 901.941.01 Run 2 Δpstd (in) H2O 0.99 Exhaust Temp F 908.00 1.08 1.01 1.02 907.00 909.00 908.00 0.81 0.65 0.65 907.00 909.00 908.00 0.59 0.55 0.74 907.00 909.00 908.00 0.76 907.00 0.78 0.57 0.29 909.00 908.00 907.00 0.17 0.41 909.00 908.00 0.69 908.00 Pass Strat Check 5Check 1 5Check 2 5Check 3 COGas Used Pass/Fail 7 Gas, Inc. 7.0 Calculations Method 2: Determination of Stack Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate *Note- Use of this method negates the need for any fuel related numbers for emissions calculations Nomenclature Δp(avg) = Velocity head of stack gas, mm H2O (in. H2O).Ps = Absolute stack pressure (Pbar+ Pg), mm Hg (in Hg) 3600 = Conversion Factor, sec/hr. A = Cross-sectional area of stack, m2 (ft2). Bws = Water vapor in the gas stream (from ASTM D6348) Kp = Velocity equation constant. Md = Molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis, g/g-mole (lb./lb.-mole). Ms = Molecular weight of stack gas, wet basis, g/g-mole (lb./lb. -mole). Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 760 mm Hg (29.92 in. Hg). Qsd = Dry volumetric stack gas flow rate corrected to standard conditions, dscm/hr. (dscf/hr.). Ts(abs) = Absolute stack temperature, °K (°R). = 460 + Ts for English units. Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 293°K (528 °R). Vs = Average stack gas velocity, m/sec (ft./sec). *(Observed from Method 3 12.3) Dry Molecular Weight. Equation 3-1 Md = .44(.096)+.32(.001)+.28(.902+.001) = 29.543 LB/LB-MOLEMd = .44(%CO2)+.32(%O2)+.28(%N2+%CO) 12.5 Molecular Weight of Stack Gas. Equation 2-6 Ms = 29.543(1 -.17994)+.18.0(.17994) = 27.466 LB/LB-MOLEMs = Md(1-Bws)+18.0(Bws) 12.6 Average Stack Gas Velocity. Equation 2-7 Vs = 85.49*.99*√1.03*√(1361.67/(24.77*27.466)) = 121.67 FT/SECVs = Kp*Cp(std)*√Δpavg*√(Ts(abs)/(Ps*Ms)) 12.7 Average Stack Gas Volumetric Flow Rate. Equation 2-8 Qsd = 3600(1-.18)121.672*1.767((528*24.77)/ (1361.67*29.92)) = 203753.65 DSCF/HRQsd = 3600(1-Bws)Vs*A((Tstd*Ps)/(Ts(abs)*Pstd)) *Standard conversion from feet to meters Q = 203753.649/35.315 = 5769.606 DSCM/HRQ = Qsd/35.315 Emission Rates (Examples use CO Run 1) Nomenclature CO corrected @ 15% O2 453.6= Conversion factor lb. to gram HP= Engines rated Horsepower A = Cross-sectional area of stack, m2 (ft2). BHP/HR. = Brake work of the engine, horsepower-hour (HP-HR.). BTU/HP-HR. = Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (HHV) ER = Emission rate of (CO) in g/HP-hr. F(d )= Volumes of combustion components per unit of heat content, scm/J (scf/million Btu). Q = Stack gas volumetric flow rate, in standard cubic meters per hour, dry basis LB/HR.= Emission rate of (CO) in LB/HR. Mfg.= Manufacturer Exhaust flow rate at 100% (ft3/min) O2 = Concentration of oxygen on a dry basis, percent. ppm= Parts Per Million (CO) ppm@15% O2= PPM corrected to 15% O2 Qsd = Dry volumetric stack gas flow rate corrected to standard conditions, dscm/hr. (DSCF/HR.). Run Time = Run Time in Minutes TPY= Tons per Year Mol wt.= Mol Weight of CO (28.01) Vs = Average stack gas velocity, m/sec (ft./sec). ppm @ 15% O2 = 14.768*(20.9-15)/(20.9-.1%)) = 4.189 PPM @ 15% O2ppm @ 15% O2 = PPM*((20.9-15%O2)/(20.9-O2)) G/HP HR from 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ (14.768*(1.164*10^-3)*5769.606*(Run Time/60))/2495.833 = .04 G/HP-HRg/hp-hr = (PPM*(1.164*10^-3)*Q*(Run Time/60))/BHP/HR LB/HR from Grams LB/HR = .04*1/453.6*2495.833 = .219 LB/HRlb/hr = ER*1/453.6*BHP-HR TPY TPY = .219*4.38 = .959 TPYTPY = LB/HR. *4.38 Horsepower HP Provided On Site Wet to Dry PPM 14.77 = 12.111*(1/(1-.18))ppm wet * (1/(1-H2O) = ppm dry 8 Cp(std) = Standard pitot tube coefficient; use 0.99 Gas, Inc. 8.1 Calibration error test; how do I confirm my analyzer calibration is correct? After the tester has assembled, prepared and calibrated the sampling system and analyzer, they conduct a 3-point analyzer calibration error test before the first run and again after any failed system bias test or failed drift test. They then introduce the low-, mid-, and high-level calibration gases sequentially in direct calibration mode. At each calibration gas level (low, mid, and high) the calibration error must be within ± 2.0 percent of the calibration span. 8.0 Oxygen Calibration 8.2 Initial system bias and system calibration error checks. Before sampling begins, it is determined whether the high- level or mid-level calibration gas best approximates the emissions and it is used as the upscale gas. The upscale gas is introduced at the probe upstream of all sample- conditioning components in system calibration mode. 8.3 Post-run system bias check and drift assessment - confirming that each sample collected is valid. Sampling may be performed for multiple runs before performing the post-run bias or system calibration error check provided this test is passed at the conclusion of the group of runs. A failed final test in this case will invalidate all runs subsequent to the last passed test. (1) Next, zero gas is introduced as described above. The response must be within 0.5 percent of the upscale gas concentration. (2) Low-level gas reading is observed until it has reached a final, stable value and the results are recorded. The measurement system will be operated at the normal sampling rate during all system bias checks. (3) If the initial system bias specification is not met, corrective action is taken. The applicable calibration error test from Section 8.2.3 of EPA Method 7E is repeated along with the initial system bias check until acceptable results are achieved, after which sampling will begin. The pre- and post-run system bias must be within ± 5.0 percent of the calibration span for the low-level and upscale calibration gases. (1) If the post-run system bias check is not passed, then the run is invalid. The problem is then diagnosed and fixed, then another calibration error test and system bias is passed before repeating the run. (2) After each run, the low-level and upscale drift is calculated, using Equation 7E–4 in Section 12.5 from EPA Method 7E. If the post-run low- and upscale bias checks are passed, but the low-or upscale drift exceeds the specification in Section 13.3, the run data are valid, but a 3-point calibration error test and a system bias check must be performed and passed prior to additional testing. Table 8.1 Oxygen Calibration EPA Method 3A QA Worksheet (SYSTEM) Calibration Bias Checks (≤ 5%) and Drift Checks (≤ 3%) Certified Gas Concentraion Low-Level (%) 0.00% Certified Gas Concentraion Mid-Level (%) Certified Gas Concentraion High-Level (%) (DIRECT) Analyzer Calibration Error (≤ 2%) Certified Concentration Value (%) Direct Calibration Response (%) Absolute Difference (%) Analyzer Calibration Error (%)Analyzer Direct Calibration Response Certified bottle value % 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Zero Gas % Mid-Level Gas % High-Level Gas % Bias Pre Initial Value Bias Post Inital Values System Calibrations Response Pre (%) 0.00% System Bias (% of Span) Pre System Calibration Response Post (%) System Bias (% of Span) Post Drift (% of Span) 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% (SYSTEM) Calibration Bias Checks (≤ 5%) and Drift Checks (≤ 3%) Avg. Gas Concentration (Run 1) Avg. Gas Concentration (Run 2) Avg. Gas Concentration (Run 3) Effluent Gas (Cgas) Run 1 Effluent Gas (Cgas) Run 2 Effluent Gas (Cgas) Run 3 Linearity Check 0.00%0.00%0.00% Method 7E 3.4 To the extent practicable, the measured emissions should be between 20 to 100 percent of the selected calibration span. This may not be practicable in some cases of low concentration measurements or testing for compliance with an emission limit when emissions are substantially less than the limit. 7E 8.5: Note: that you may risk sampling for multiple runs before performing the post-run bias provided you pass this test at the conclusion of the group of runs Upscale Gas Analyzer Calibration Response (%) Zero Gas Upscale Gas EPA Method 3A QA Worksheet Zero Gas Mid-Level Gas High-Level Gas 100% Nitrogen O2 QA/QC Zero Gas %0.00% Mid-Level Gas % High-Level Gas % System Calibration Response Pre (%) System Calibration Response Post (%) Zero Gas % Upscale Cal Zero Gas % Upscale Cal Upscale Used Upscale Used 9.03% 21.16% 9.05% 9.12% 9.01% 9.01% 9.12%9.05% 9.03% 21.16% 9.01% 21.02% 9.01% 21.02% 9.01%21.02% 0.00% 9.01% 21.02% 0.03% 0.14% 0.12% 0.65% 9.01% Span Zero Offset 0.00% 21.02 0.00% 9.03%0.06%0.40%0.00% 0.11% 0.09% 0.05% 0.11% 0.09% 0.05% 9 Gas, Inc. 1081.0 1083.0 1081.7 1054.0 1054.0 1053.7 5.2 5.2 5.1 9.0 Engine Parameter Data Sheet Company Site Elevation (ft) Facility Unit ID Date Make Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility 6/3/2024 5206 1320 Waukesha Model Serial Number 9394 GSI WAU-1632087 Technician Aaron King Run Start Times 07:37 AM 08:51 AM 10:10 AM 11:34 AM Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Completed Engine Parameter Data Run 1 Engine Speed (RPM)1198.0 1197.0 1195.0 1196.7 Engine Hours 4681 4682 4683 4684 Intake Manifold Pressure (psi)63.0 64.0 64.0 63.7 Intake Manifold Temp °F 124.0 125.0 126.0 125.0 Engine Load (BHP)2495.8 2493.8 2489.6 2493.1 Ambient Temp °F 65.0 65.0 65.0 65.0 Humidity %33.0 36.0 36.0 35.0 Dew Point °F 35.0 38.0 38.0 37.0 Waukesha YesCatalyst (Yes or No) AFR Manufacturer/Type Waukesha Waukesha Waukesha 10 Run 3 AverageRun 2 Discharge Pressure (psi) Suction Pressure (psi) 1081.0 1053.0 4.8Catalyst Pressure Drop H2O Catalyst Outlet Temp °F Catalyst Inlet Temp °F Gas, Inc. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/AN/AN/A 10.0 QA/QC Results Average:Carbon monoxide CO Gas, Inc. 0.03 R e s u l t s Average:Nitrogen monoxide NO 0.08 Average:Nitrogen dioxide NO2 0.01 Average:NOx 0.10 Average:VOC 0.08 Average:Oxygen 0.00 Pre-test Baseline Results Time: Q A / Q C Value:CTS Bottle Concentration 100.30 Value:CTS Compound Concentration Avg 99.14 Tolerance 2.00% Difference between measured and expected 1.16% CTS Direct to Analyzer Time: Average:Carbon monoxide CO 0.22 Average:Nitrogen monoxide NO 0.02 Average:Nitrogen dioxide NO2 0.00 Average:NOx 0.02 Average:VOC 0.28 Average:Oxygen 0.00 Pre-test System Zero Time: Mechanical Response Time 58 seconds Value:CTS Bottle Concentration 100.30 Value:CTS Compound Concentration Avg 97.48 Tolerance 5.00% Difference between measured and expected 2.81% Pre-test System CTS & Mechanical Response Time 45 secondsEquilibration Response Time Value:Spike Reported 252.85 Value:Spike Expected 251.00 System (Equilibration) Response Time Target (Spike) 90 secondsSystem Zero Response Time 90 secondsSystem Response Time System (Zero) Response Time 11 11.0 D6348 Annexes 1-8 D6348 Annexes 1. Test Plan Requirements Annex 1.2 The test quality objectives completed for the emissions test are demonstrated throughout Annexes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 as layed out per ASTM D6348-03. All reference methods, pre-test and post test procedures were within acceptable limits. Data generated during the pre-test and post-test procedures are summarized below in order of the distinctive Annex. Three 60 minute test runs were performed. The final analyte concentrations are the average of each test run. Data was taken at 60 second intervals. Each 60 second measurement was the average of 600 scans. Propane is used as the surrogate compound for the Annex 5 Spiking Technique due to Propane being the VOC that is most commonly found in the combustion process of natural gas. Additionally, the molecular weight of Propane coincides with with molecular weight of VOC's per the EPA. Annex Table 1.2.1 Certified Calibration Bottle Concentrations Bottle Expiration NO2 Ethylene SF6 O2 (%) EB0147541 5/8/2026 100.30 9.01% 12/1/2025 100.30 ALM020982 11/28/2030 21.02% Cylinder # CC142828 Expiration: 12-06-2030 Propane CO NO SF6 Bottle Value 251.00 501.40 252.40 9.73 Analyzer System Response 252.85 492.31 249.75 9.65 Percent Difference 0.74%1.81%1.05%0.84% Annex Table 1.2.2 Measurement System Capabilities SF6 Parameter Measured Gas Concentration (ppm)Path Length Equilibration Time Dilution Factor % Recovery Path Length Ethylene 99.136 4.942 Spike Direct Propane 254.007 Mechanical Response Time SF6 9.697 CO 494.023 NO 249.197 Ethylene 97.481 58 seconds Analyzer Response Propane 252.845 SF6 9.648 CO 492.313 NO 249.752 Analyte Spike Recovery Propane & SF6 System Zero Nitrogen Post Spike System Propane 251.756 CO 493.976 NO 250.790 43 seconds 90 seconds 7.06% 7.87% 9.90% 73.36% 74.94% 79.71% 9.633 12 Gas, Inc. Annex 1.3 Compounds Infrared Analysis Region (cm-1) Expected Concentration Range Measurement System Achievable Minimum Detectable Concentrations Required Measurement System Accuracy and Precision for Test Application CO 2000-2200 0-1200 ppm NO 1875-2138 NO2 2700-2950 VOC 2600-3200 910-1150 2550-2950 CH2O 2550-2850 Interfering Compounds * CO is analyzed in a separate analysis region than CO2 and H2O CO2 Water Vapor 926-1150 3200-3401 Annex Table 1.3.1 Test Specific Target Analytes and Data Quality Objectives 0.16267 ppm 4 ppm 0-1000 ppm 0.4007 ppm 2 ppm 0-100 ppm 0.4899 ppm 2 ppm 0-100 ppm 1.8520 ppm Total VOC's 1 ppm per VOC 0-100 ppm 0.7878 ppm 1 ppm 0-10% 0-22% 0% 0.20% n/a n/a * VOCs compiled of Acetaldehyde, Ethylene, Hexane, and Propane. Annex 1.4 Figure Annex 1.4.1 Sampling Train The testing instrumentation is housed in an enclosed vehicle which is located approximately 45 feet from the source. A heated sample line (sixty feet in length) is attached to the inlet of analyzer system and the source effluent discharges through the FTIR outlet. 13 Gas, Inc. Sampling Point Locations in Inches 16.7%3.006 50%9.000 83.3%14.994 Figure Annex 1.4.3 Sample Port Location Figure Annex 1.4.2 Sampling Points Interior Stack Diameter (inches): Inches Upstream: Inches Downstream: 18 5 17 14 Stack Gas Dry Volumetric Flow Rate (scf/hr): 191239.25 H2O%d @ Sampling Point:17.97 CO2%d @ Sampling Point:9.67 Pressure @ Sampling Point (Pg "H2O):0.91 Temperature @ Sampling Point (Deg F):903.98 Gas, Inc. D6348 Annex 2. Determination of FTIR Measurement System Minimum Detectable Concentrations (MDC#1) Target Analyte Results (ppm) CO 0.1627 NO 0.4007 NO2 0.4899 Ethylene 0.3782 Propane 0.4351 Hexane 0.2233 Acetaldehyde 0.8152 Formaldehyde 0.7878 D6348 Annex 3. FTIR Reference Spectra Calibration Transfer Standard Expected Measured Path Length Validated Ethylene 100.3 99.14 4.942 Passed D6348 Annex 4. Required Pre-Test Procedures Annex Table 1.2.2 Measurement System Capabilities 15 SF6 Parameter Measured Gas Concentration (ppm)Path Length Equilibration Time Dilution Factor % Recovery Path Length Ethylene 99.136 4.942 Spike Direct Propane 254.007 Mechanical Response Time SF6 9.697 CO 494.023 NO 249.197 Ethylene 97.481 58 seconds Analyzer Response Propane 252.845 SF6 9.648 CO 492.313 NO 249.752 Analyte Spike Recovery Propane & SF6 System Zero Nitrogen Post Spike System Propane 251.756 CO 493.976 NO 250.790 43 seconds 90 seconds 7.06% 7.87% 9.90% 73.36% 74.94% 79.71% 9.633 Gas, Inc. D6348 Annex 5. Analyte Spiking Technique Propane Spike Direct SF6 CO NO 251.000 9.730 501.400 252.400 254.007 9.697 494.023 249.197 1.20% 0.34% 1.47% 1.27% +/- 2% +/- 2% +/- 2% +/- 2% Pass Pass Pass Pass Parameter Gas Concentration Measured % Difference Specification Validated 0.000 0.000 Spike Average 13.000 0.685 Dilution Factor 7.064% Expected 17.721 % Recovery 73.360% Specification 70-130% <10% Spike Run 1 via the System Source Output Propane SF6 D6348 Annex 6. Determination of System Performance Parameters Noise Equivalent Absorbance (NEA) RMS High RMS Mid RMS Low Line Position: Demonstrating the peak positions align correctly (Manual Comparison +/- 20%) 0.000 Spike Average 0.763 Dilution Factor 7.868% Expected % Recovery Specification 70-130% <10% Spike Run 2 via the System Source Output Propane SF6 0.000 Spike Average 0.960 Dilution Factor 9.900% Expected % Recovery Specification 70-130% <10% Spike Run 3 via the System Source Output Propane SF6 0.000 19.807 24.849 79.710% 0.001355 0.001156 0.000913 0.000 14.804 19.754 74.940% Line Position Difference:Resolution Difference to Reference0.00%Pass Pass1.12% 16 Gas, Inc. Resolution The Gasmet GICCOR (Genzel Interferometer with Cube Corner Retroreflectors) interferometer is specially designed for maximum optical throughput and maximum signal to noise ratio of 7.72 (cm-1) remaining stable with any vibration and temperature changes. Detector Linerarity The Gasmet DX4000 is a low resolution spectrometer where the aperture is fixed to a maximum angle setting and the detector linearity was tested with an alternate approach. A three point linerarity of the CTS gas was performed and validated. D6348 Annex 7. Preparation of Analytical Quantification Algorithm The analytical accuracy of the quantification algorithm is satisfied via the results from Annex 5 per Annex 7.6 Regression Slope:53.1807178 Pass Line Position Difference:Resolution Difference to Reference 1.12% D6348 Annex 8. Post Test Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures CTS Bottle Concentration: CTS Sample Concentration Average: Difference between measured and expected: Tolerance: 100.30 97.81 2.54% 5.00% POST CTS System Check: Run 1 Points 1 & 2 on CO/NO/Propane Run 2 Points 1 & 2 on CO/NO/Propane Run 3 Points 1 & 2 on CO/NO/Propane Run Data Validation - Automated vs Manual Reading Validated Comments All within 20% All within 20% All within 20% Passed Passed Passed Demonstrates no interferences observed. Demonstrates no interferences observed. Demonstrates no interferences observed. 17 Gas, Inc. 12.0 Signature Page Job/File Name: We certify that based on review of test data, knowledge of those individuals directly responsible for conducting this test, we believe the submitted information to be accurate and complete. Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc.; Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility; 1320; JJJJ 18 Company: Print Name: Signature: Title: Phone Number: Date: Company:G.A.S. Inc.Date: Print Name: Title: 6/3/2024 Emissions Specialist Company:G.A.S. Inc.Date: Print Name: Title: Signature: Phone Number: Travis Hartley Director of Stack Testing 580-225-0403 6/3/2024 Aaron King Gas, Inc. Appendices Gas, Inc. Gas, Inc. CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Grade of Product: EPA PROTOCOL STANDARD Part Number:E05NI94E15AC014 Reference Number:54-402601324-1 Cylinder Number:CC142828 Cylinder Volume:147.0 CF Laboratory:124 - Chicago (SAP) - IL Cylinder Pressure:2015 PSIG PGVP Number:B12022 Valve Outlet:660 Gas Code:CO,CO2,NO,NOX,PPN,BALN Certification Date:Dec 06, 2022 Expiration Date:Dec 06, 2030 Certification performed in accordance with “EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards (May 2012)” document EPA 600/R-12/531, using the assay procedures listed. Analytical Methodology does not require correction for analytical interference. This cylinder has a total analytical uncertainty as stated below with a confidence level of 95%. There are no significant impurities which affect the use of this calibration mixture. All concentrations are on a mole/mole basis unless otherwise noted. The results relate only to the items tested. The report shall not be reproduced except in full without approval of the laboratory. Do Not Use This Cylinder below 100 psig, i.e. 0.7 megapascals. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Component Requested Actual Protocol Total Relative Assay Concentration Concentration Method Uncertainty Dates NOX 250.0 PPM 253.0 PPM G1 +/- 1.2% NIST Traceable 11/28/2022, 12/06/2022 NITRIC OXIDE 250.0 PPM 252.4 PPM G1 +/- 1.0% NIST Traceable 11/28/2022, 12/06/2022 PROPANE 250.0 PPM 251.0 PPM G1 +/- 0.7% NIST Traceable 11/30/2022 CARBON MONOXIDE 500.0 PPM 501.4 PPM G1 +/- 0.6% NIST Traceable 11/29/2022 CARBON DIOXIDE 5.000 %5.025 %G1 +/- 1.4% NIST Traceable 11/28/2022 NITROGEN Balance CALIBRATION STANDARDS Type Lot ID Cylinder No Concentration Uncertainty Expiration Date NTRM 200603-31 EB0113125 250.3 PPM NITRIC OXIDE/NITROGEN +/- 0.8%Oct 29, 2026 PRM 12386 D685025 9.91 PPM NITROGEN DIOXIDE/AIR +/- 2.0%Feb 20, 2020 GMIS 401423838104 CC505590 4.373 PPM NITROGEN DIOXIDE/NITROGEN +/- 2.0%Feb 18, 2023 NTRM 200602-13 6162697Y 243.3 PPM PROPANE/AIR +/- 0.5%Mar 17, 2027 NTRM 13010109 KAL003925 495.4 PPM CARBON MONOXIDE/NITROGEN +/- 0.6%Jul 03, 2024 NTRM 13060423 CC413685 7.489 % CARBON DIOXIDE/NITROGEN +/- 0.6%May 14, 2025 The SRM, NTRM, PRM, or RGM noted above is only in reference to the GMIS used in the assay and not part of the analysis. ANALYTICAL EQUIPMENT Instrument/Make/Model Analytical Principle Last Multipoint Calibration Nicolet iS50 AUP2010242 FTIR Nov 07, 2022 CO-1 SIEMENS ULTRAMAT 6E N1J5700 NDIR Nov 28, 2022 Nicolet iS50 AUP2010242 FTIR Dec 05, 2022 Nicolet iS50 AUP2010242 FTIR Dec 05, 2022 Nicolet iS50 AUP2110277 FTIR Nov 07, 2022 Triad Data Available Upon Request PERMANENT NOTES:Mixture contains nominal 10ppm Sulfur Hexafluoride as a tracer component. Actual tested value included within the original Certificate of Analysis. Contact the Airgas laboratory if a reprint is required NOTES:Mixture contains nominal 10ppm Sulfur Hexafluoride as a tracer component. Actual tested value included within the original Certificate of Analysis. Contact the Airgas laboratory if a reprint is required. SF6 Results: Spike (5 Gas) Gas, Inc. CERTIcICATE Oc ANALYSIS Grade of Product: EPA PROTOCOL STANaARa Part Number:E03NI90E15W0003 Reference Number:153-402732424-1 Cylinder Number:EB0147541 Cylinder Volume:145.0 CF Laboratory:124 - Tooele (SAP) - UT Cylinder Pressure:2015 PSIG PGVP Number:B72023 Valve Outlet:660 Gas Code:NO2,O2,BALN Certification Date:May 08, 2023 Expiration Date:May 08, 2026 Certification performed in accordance with “EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards (May 2012)” document EPA 600/R-12/531, using the assay procedures listed. Analytical Methodology does not require correction for analytical interference. This cylinder has a total analytical uncertainty as stated below with a confidence level of 95%. There are no significant impurities which affect the use of this calibration mixture. All concentrations are on a mole/mole basis unless otherwise noted. The results relate only to the items tested. The report shall not be reproduced except in full without approval of the laboratory. Do Not Use This Cylinder below 100 psig, i.e. 0.7 megapascals. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Component Requested Actual Protocol Total Relative Assay Concentration Concentration Method Uncertainty Dates NITROGEN DIOXIDE 100.0 PPM 100.3 PPM G1 +/- 2.0% NIST Traceable 05/01/2023, 05/08/2023 OXYGEN 9.000 %9.008 %G1 +/- 0.7% NIST Traceable 05/02/2023 NITROGEN Balance CALIBRATION STANaARaS Type Lot ID Cylinder No Concentration Uncertainty Expiration Date GMIS 1534012021601 CC502090 100.5 PPM NITROGEN DIOXIDE/NITROGEN 1.1%Dec 17, 2024 PRM 12389 D685050 99.0 PPM NITROGEN DIOXIDE/NITROGEN 1.0%Feb 19, 2020 NTRM 14060629 CC436987 4.794 % OXYGEN/NITROGEN 0.4%Oct 29, 2025 The SRM, NTRM, PRM, or RGM noted above is only in reference to the GMIS used in the assay and not part of the analysis. ANALYTICAL EnUIPMENT Instrument/Make/Model Analytical Principle Last Multipoint Calibration MKS FTIR NO2 018143349 FTIR May 03, 2023 Horiba MPA-510 W603MM58 O2 O2 Paramagnetic (DIXON)Apr 06, 2023 Triad Data Available Upon Request Airgas Specialty Gases Airgas USA LLC 525 North Industrial Loop Road Tooele, UT 84074 Airgas.com Signature on file Approved for Release Page 1 of 1 Gas, Inc. CERTIcICATE Oc ANALYSIS Grade of Product: PRIMARY STANaARa Customer:GREAT PLAINS ANALYTICAL SERVICE, Part Number:X02NI99P15ACVH8 Reference Number:54-402603460-1 Cylinder Number:CC325720 Cylinder Volume:144.0 CF Laboratory:124 - Chicago (SAP) - IL Cylinder Pressure:2015 PSIG Analysis Date:Dec 01, 2022 Valve Outlet:350 Lot Number:54-402603460-1 Expiration Date:Dec 01, 2025 Primary Standard Gas Mixtures are traceable to N.I.S.T. weights and/or N.I.S.T. Gas Mixture reference materials. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Component Req Conc Actual Concentration Analytical (Mole %)Uncertainty ETHYLENE 100.0 PPM 100.0 PPM +/- 1% NITROGEN Balance Airgas Specialty Gases Airgas USA LLC 12722 S. Wentworth Ave. Chicago, IL 60628 Airgas.com Signature on file Approved for Release Page 1 of 1 Gas, Inc. BIP Gas, Inc. CERTIcICATE Oc ANALYSIS Grade of Product: EPA PROTOCOL STANaARa Part Number:E02NI79E15A00B1 Reference Number:153-402603461-1 Cylinder Number:ALM020982 Cylinder Volume:146.0 CF Laboratory:124 - Tooele (SAP) - UT Cylinder Pressure:2015 PSIG PGVP Number:B72022 Valve Outlet:590 Gas Code:O2,BALN Certification Date:Nov 28, 2022 Expiration Date:Nov 28, 2030 Certification performed in accordance with “EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards (May 2012)” document EPA 600/R-12/531, using the assay procedures listed. Analytical Methodology does not require correction for analytical interference. This cylinder has a total analytical uncertainty as stated below with a confidence level of 95%. There are no significant impurities which affect the use of this calibration mixture. All concentrations are on a mole/mole basis unless otherwise noted. The results relate only to the items tested. The report shall not be reproduced except in full without approval of the laboratory. Do Not Use This Cylinder below 100 psig, i.e. 0.7 megapascals. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Component Requested Actual Protocol Total Relative Assay Concentration Concentration Method Uncertainty Dates OXYGEN 21.00 %21.02 %G1 +/- 1.0% NIST Traceable 11/28/2022 NITROGEN Balance CALIBRATION STANaARaS Type Lot ID Cylinder No Concentration Uncertainty Expiration Date NTRM 09061434 CC282492 22.53 % OXYGEN/NITROGEN 0.4%May 13, 2025 ANALYTICAL EnUIPMENT Instrument/Make/Model Analytical Principle Last Multipoint Calibration Horiba MPA-510 W603MM58 O2 O2 Paramagnetic (Mason)Nov 17, 2022 Triad Data Available Upon Request Airgas Specialty Gases Airgas USA LLC 525 North Industrial Loop Road Tooele, UT 84074 Airgas.com Signature on file Approved for Release Page 1 of 1 ㈱┠伲 Tri Probe Certification ” ‡ ƒ – Ž ƒ ‹ • • • ƒ Ž › – ‹ … ƒ Ž ‡ ” ˜ ‹ … ‡ • ͵Ͳ͵͵ ǡǡ͵ͶͶ ȋͷͺͲȌʹʹͷǦͲͶͲ͵ ǣȋͷͺͲȌʹʹͷǦʹͳʹ &(57,),&$7(2)$1$/<6,6 *UDGHRI3URGXFW&(57,),('67$1'$5'352%( 3DUW1XPEHU65HIHUHQFH 1XPEHU /DERUDWRU\*$6,1&6WDFN'LDPHWHU $QDO\VLV'DWH7DUJHW)ORZ 5DWH /PLQ /271XPEHU 61 $ $6 1XPEHURI 3RLQWV 3URGXFWSHUIRUPDQFHYHULILHGE\GLUHFWFRPSDULVRQWRFDOLEUDWLRQVWDQGDUGVWUDFHDEOHWR1,67 7KHSUREHOLVWHGRQWKLVIRUPPHHWVWKHPXOWLSRLQWWUDYHUVHUHTXLUHPHQWRI(3$0HWKRGH VHFWLRQDVVKRZQLQWKHDFFRPSDQ\LQJGDWD0HWKRGHVHFWLRQVWDWHVWKDWWKHPXOWLSRLQW WUDYHUVHUHTXLUHPHQWFDQEHVDWLVILHGE\VDPSOLQJYLD³DPXOWLKROHSUREHGHVLJQHGWRVDPSOHDW WKHSUHVFULEHGSRLQWVZLWKDIORZSHUFHQWRIPHDQIORZUDWH´ $1$/<7,&$/5(68/76 ZƵŶηdŽƚĂů&ůŽǁ ;>ͬŵͿ DĞĂƐƵƌĞĚ&ůŽǁ WŽƌƚ;>ͬŵͿ ;ĞůƚĂƋϭͿ DĞĂƐƵƌĞĚ&ůŽǁ WŽƌƚ;>ͬŵͿ ;ĞůƚĂƋϮͿ DĞĂƐƵƌĞĚ&ůŽǁ WŽƌƚ;>ͬŵͿ ;ĞůƚĂƋϯͿ 0HDQ3UREH 3RUW6DPSOHG )ORZ/P 5XQ/30 䧮 䧮 䧮 5XQ/30 䧮 䧮 䧮 &DOLEUDWLRQFRQGXFWHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK(PLVVLRQ0HDVXUHPHQW&HQWHU*XLGHOLQH'RFXPHQW±(0&*' 1RWHV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB $SSURYHGIRU5HOHDVH'DWH 3/3/2022 Probe size: 18S Mr. Jordan Williamson CEO GAS Inc. 303 W. 3rd Street Elk City, OK 73644 Dear Mr. Williamson: We are writing in response to your letter received on September 17, 2020, in which you request the approval of alternative testing procedures. The EPA’s Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS) is the delegated authority for consideration of major alternatives to test methods and procedures as set forth in 40 CFR parts 60 and 63 under which your request must be addressed. GAS Inc. is requesting a change to one of the test methods, ASTM D6348-03, used for conducting performance tests to determine compliance under 40 CFR part 60, Subpart JJJJ – Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines (Subpart JJJJ) and 40 CFR part 63, Subpart ZZZZ – National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Performance for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (Subpart ZZZZ). The change being requested will be used to check detector linearity of the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) instrumentation used to conduct this method. Specifically, you are requesting that the procedures of section 8.3.3 of Method 320 (40 CFR part 60, Appendix A), another FTIR-based method allowed under Subparts JJJJ and ZZZZ, be used in lieu of section A6.4.1 of ASTM D6348-03 when conducting testing using ASTM D6348-03 under 40 CFR part 60, Subpart JJJJ and 40 CFR part 63, Subpart ZZZZ. In your request, you state that this alternative linearity check procedure will produce consistent results when utilizing either Method 320 or ASTM D6348-03. Additionally, some FTIR instrumentation does not allow for reducing the size of the aperture in the instrument and, thus, it would not be feasible to properly conduct the entirety of the ASTM D6348-03 method in its current form using such an instrument. Based on our understanding of FTIR instrument principles and recognition that the requested alternative determination of detector linearity is both technically sound and contained within Method 320, we are approving the requested change. We believe that this alternative is acceptable for use for use in testing all engines subject to 40 CFR part 60 Subpart JJJJ and 40 CFR part 63, Subpart ZZZZ. Also, we will post this letter as ALT-141 on EPA’s website (at www.epa.gov/emc/broadly-applicable-approved-alternative- testmethods) to announce that our approval of this alternative test method is broadly applicable to engines for the purposes of meeting Subparts JJJJ and ZZZZ. March 15, 2021 Sincerely, Steffan M. Johnson, Group Leader Measurement Technology Group If you should have any questions or require further information regarding this approval, please contact David Nash of my staff at 919-541-9425 or email at nash.dave@epa.gov. cc: Sara Ayers, EPA/OECA/OC/MAMPD, (ayres.sara@epa.gov) Melanie King, EPA/OAR/OAQPS/SPPD, (king.melanie@epa.gov) James Leather, EPA Region 6, (leather.james@epa.gov) David Nash, EPA/OAR/OAQPS/AQAD, (nash.dave@epa.gov) Heather Sessing, Oklahoma DEQ, (Heather.sessing@deq.ok.gov) Aaron King GAS, Inc. Type of Sources Tested: info@gasinc.us Stationary Internal Combustion Engines • 4 Stroke Rich Burn Engines • 2 Stroke & 4 Stroke Lean Burn Engines Stationary Natural Gas Fired Generators Stationary Propane Fired Generators Gas Fired Boilers Qualifications: Trained, studied, and fully demonstrates compliance for emissions testing via data collection outlined in the following Reference Methods: • EPA Method 1 & 1A – Sampling & Traverse Points • EPA Method 2 & 2C – Velocity & Volumetric Flow Rate of a Gas Stream • EPA Method 3A – Oxygen • EPA Method 7E – NOX • EPA Method 10 – Carbon Monoxide • EPA Method 25A – Volatile Organic Compounds • ASTM D6348 – Extractive Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Conducts emissions testing on a weekly basis including, but not limited to, the following test types: Initial Compliance, Biennial Compliance, Semiannual Compliance & Quarterly Compliance. All tests performed are in accordance to any and all Federal & State requirements as applicable (i.e. JJJJ, ZZZZ, 106.512, 117, PEA, etc.). Performed testing in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, North Dakota, Montana, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana (land and off-shore), Arkansas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New York, Kentucky, & Mississippi. • Quarterly Performance Reviews covering ongoing changes with Federal Regulations, State Compliance guidelines, & site-specific safety certifications. Types of Analyzers: • Gasmet DX4000 FTIR • Gasmet Portable Sampling Unit with Zirconium Oxide O2 Sensory • Testo 350 • Flame Ionization Detector 580-225-0403 Gas, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 1 Minute Average Data Sheet Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc.Client: Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility Unit Number:1320 Make:Waukesha Location:9394 GSIModel: WAU-1632087Serial Number: RAW Result Data Stability 6/3/2024 05:46 0.0190.2830.007 0.000 0.0000.000 0.006 0.128 0.1050.0000.000 0.262 0.0470.069 0.013 835.00.250.000 0.008 0.30 0.00 181.0 Pre Test Baseline Direct 6/3/2024 06:05 0.0430.000-0.001 0.023 0.0380.000 0.000 0.000 0.0400.0000.628 0.000 0.0370.000 0.015 836.00.070.000 0.000 0.04 0.00 180.0 6/3/2024 06:05 0.0000.000-0.000 0.022 0.0000.038 0.003 0.000 0.0000.0000.763 0.082 0.0000.072 0.000 836.00.130.107 0.000 0.00 0.00 180.0 6/3/2024 06:06 0.0000.2490.000 0.025 0.0000.048 0.006 0.000 0.0120.0180.735 0.045 0.0030.001 0.000 835.00.030.000 0.000 0.25 0.00 180.0 CTS Direct 6/3/2024 06:13 0.1870.0000.009 0.048 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.1330.0000.000 99.123 0.0130.000 0.012 835.066.120.000 0.000 0.19 0.06 180.0 6/3/2024 06:14 0.3360.5410.009 0.044 0.0000.000 0.008 0.000 0.1920.0270.000 99.234 0.0000.085 0.005 835.066.170.000 0.000 0.88 0.06 180.0 6/3/2024 06:14 0.0110.0000.009 0.044 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.0480.0000.000 99.051 0.0000.039 0.000 835.066.040.000 0.000 0.01 0.06 180.0 High O2 Direct 6/3/2024 06:22 0.0000.000-0.003 0.020 0.0000.070 0.003 0.000 0.0000.0000.865 0.000 0.0000.107 0.000 835.00.060.091 0.000 0.00 21.17 180.0 6/3/2024 06:23 0.0000.000-0.002 0.021 0.0130.108 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0000.384 0.050 0.0000.060 0.000 835.00.100.093 0.000 0.00 21.16 180.0 6/3/2024 06:23 0.0000.000-0.004 0.019 0.0000.041 0.005 0.000 0.0000.0570.725 0.096 0.0000.000 0.000 835.00.060.000 0.000 0.00 21.14 180.0 NO2/Mid O2 Direct 6/3/2024 06:32 101.0510.000-0.001 0.004 0.0100.000 0.228 0.000 0.5690.0000.184 0.000 0.0000.006 0.058 836.00.170.085 0.000 101.05 9.04 180.0 6/3/2024 06:32 100.8940.000-0.002 0.006 0.3160.000 0.227 0.000 0.6410.0000.195 0.000 0.0000.118 0.000 836.00.000.000 0.000 100.89 9.04 180.0 6/3/2024 06:32 101.5210.000-0.004 0.000 0.2110.000 0.226 0.000 0.5320.0000.412 0.000 0.0000.033 0.000 836.00.020.031 0.000 101.52 9.02 180.0 Spike Direct 6/3/2024 06:43 0.000249.200-0.008 4.927 3.414494.447 2.350 2.083 8.1330.4521.227 1.197 253.8300.219 0.000 835.0256.292.496 9.711 249.20 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 06:43 0.000249.254-0.006 4.915 3.185493.689 2.360 2.041 9.9920.6790.989 1.264 254.0210.212 0.000 836.0256.462.397 9.683 249.25 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 06:44 0.000249.137-0.006 4.915 3.234493.934 2.353 2.209 9.9340.6651.162 1.250 254.1710.212 0.000 836.0256.672.504 9.696 249.14 0.02 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) Baseline System 6/3/2024 06:46 0.0000.0540.007 0.023 0.0000.311 0.028 0.339 0.0000.0000.890 0.051 0.0120.043 0.100 836.00.340.136 0.000 0.05 0.00 180.0 6/3/2024 06:47 0.0000.0000.006 0.018 0.0000.154 0.010 0.202 0.1010.0010.911 0.101 0.1050.000 0.046 836.00.300.047 0.000 0.00 0.00 180.0 6/3/2024 06:47 0.0000.0000.004 0.025 0.1460.182 0.012 0.151 0.0640.0000.763 0.044 0.0980.035 0.035 836.00.200.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 180.0 CTS System with Response Time 6/3/2024 06:49 0.0000.8140.015 0.047 0.0000.011 0.015 0.001 0.0000.0000.000 97.335 0.0000.046 0.062 836.065.140.190 0.000 0.81 0.19 180.0 6/3/2024 06:50 0.0000.6470.013 0.043 0.0000.049 0.009 0.094 0.0000.0000.000 97.750 0.0000.000 0.064 836.065.360.094 0.000 0.65 0.19 180.0 6/3/2024 06:50 0.0000.9930.013 0.037 0.0000.000 0.001 0.041 0.0000.0000.000 97.357 0.0000.000 0.065 836.065.070.045 0.000 0.99 0.19 180.0 NO2/Mid O2 System with Response Time 6/3/2024 06:57 100.7491.773-0.000 0.021 0.0630.321 0.239 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.063 0.085 836.00.490.473 0.000 102.52 9.02 180.0 6/3/2024 06:57 100.9671.438-0.000 0.024 0.0000.336 0.248 0.000 0.0000.0000.157 0.060 0.0000.000 0.073 836.00.480.436 0.000 102.41 9.05 180.0 6/3/2024 06:58 100.7431.426-0.000 0.028 0.0000.316 0.268 0.000 0.0000.0000.252 0.012 0.0000.091 0.063 836.00.390.377 0.000 102.17 9.04 180.0 6/3/2024 06:58 101.5861.482-0.000 0.029 0.0380.302 0.273 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.073 0.0000.102 0.100 836.00.590.516 0.000 103.07 9.07 180.0 Spike System with Response Time 6/3/2024 07:00 0.000249.189-0.000 4.874 2.902491.416 2.248 2.017 9.0540.1812.414 1.397 252.6970.000 0.000 836.0255.302.509 9.638 249.19 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 07:00 0.000249.892-0.000 4.875 3.054492.768 2.272 1.998 7.9060.0912.677 1.378 252.1440.131 0.000 836.0254.812.617 9.651 249.89 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 07:01 0.000250.176-0.000 4.884 3.371492.755 2.296 2.053 9.4800.1532.444 1.359 253.6940.189 0.000 836.0256.392.689 9.655 250.18 0.02 180.0 Baseline System with Response Time 6/3/2024 07:03 0.0000.136-0.000 0.036 0.0000.672 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0000.698 0.096 0.2130.000 0.017 836.00.400.129 0.000 0.14 0.00 180.0 6/3/2024 07:03 0.0000.522-0.000 0.033 0.0000.707 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0000.425 0.000 0.1930.000 0.022 836.00.250.020 0.000 0.52 0.00 180.0 6/3/2024 07:04 0.0000.010-0.000 0.031 0.0000.431 0.005 0.000 0.0000.0000.483 0.000 0.1510.000 0.000 836.00.220.097 0.000 0.01 0.00 180.0 Run 1 - A 30minute/60min 6/3/2024 07:37 3.3965.27117.971 9.455 43.6957.648 2.363 1.662 0.0000.0140.000 0.000 0.0000.925 0.000 836.01.562.337 0.000 8.67 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 07:38 3.6644.99418.047 9.509 45.1887.191 2.494 1.917 0.0000.0120.000 0.000 0.0000.967 0.000 836.01.632.443 0.000 8.66 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 07:39 3.5084.94818.079 9.515 42.1297.993 2.185 1.421 0.0000.0090.000 0.000 0.0000.860 0.000 836.01.652.473 0.000 8.46 0.15 180.0 6/3/2024 07:40 3.3315.73217.996 9.533 44.1306.533 2.447 1.821 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.906 0.000 836.01.632.441 0.000 9.06 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 07:41 3.5125.35317.937 9.509 41.8277.626 2.220 1.717 0.0000.0110.000 0.000 0.0000.878 0.000 836.01.572.361 0.000 8.87 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 07:42 3.4955.28017.986 9.532 37.7728.044 2.519 2.411 0.0000.0050.000 0.000 0.0000.919 0.000 836.01.592.383 0.000 8.77 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 07:43 3.8125.83517.989 9.551 39.3228.335 2.427 2.053 0.0000.0020.000 0.000 0.0000.909 0.000 836.01.552.323 0.000 9.65 0.03 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/3/2024 07:44 3.4645.19417.920 9.524 44.85010.920 2.203 1.855 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.863 0.000 836.01.602.394 0.000 8.66 0.24 180.0 6/3/2024 07:45 3.4345.15717.914 9.543 46.8156.107 2.417 1.759 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.869 0.000 836.01.602.405 0.000 8.59 0.15 180.0 6/3/2024 07:46 3.3705.27717.921 9.568 44.3715.474 2.016 1.600 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.925 0.000 836.01.652.469 0.000 8.65 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 07:47 3.2325.23817.951 9.580 52.9956.592 2.144 1.946 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.847 0.000 836.01.652.476 0.000 8.47 0.04 180.0 6/3/2024 07:48 3.2348.52017.933 9.555 47.0208.100 2.575 2.766 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.921 0.000 836.01.622.426 0.000 11.75 0.27 180.0 6/3/2024 07:49 3.5217.93518.000 9.581 33.4259.744 1.688 1.195 0.0000.0080.000 0.000 0.0000.874 0.000 836.01.592.379 0.000 11.46 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 07:50 3.3515.54817.974 9.588 47.4039.102 2.260 2.032 0.0000.0050.000 0.000 0.0000.898 0.000 836.01.592.391 0.000 8.90 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 07:51 3.2855.04017.936 9.579 55.1356.570 2.350 1.758 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.894 0.000 836.01.632.446 0.000 8.33 0.04 180.0 6/3/2024 07:52 3.6088.22317.928 9.588 41.7046.504 1.872 1.337 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.826 0.000 836.01.672.502 0.000 11.83 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 07:53 3.2845.06617.986 9.602 50.1937.270 2.356 2.215 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.871 0.000 836.01.652.470 0.000 8.35 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 07:55 3.6419.49317.966 9.600 31.9259.188 1.804 0.832 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.933 0.000 836.01.572.352 0.000 13.13 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 07:56 3.2945.47417.983 9.600 49.48512.171 2.248 2.463 0.0000.0030.000 0.000 0.0000.843 0.000 836.01.662.488 0.000 8.77 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 07:57 3.4355.63117.998 9.610 39.09614.528 2.480 3.204 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.853 0.000 836.01.622.424 0.000 9.07 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 07:58 3.6835.08617.981 9.596 39.53512.381 2.432 3.098 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.887 0.000 836.01.612.415 0.000 8.77 0.15 180.0 6/3/2024 07:59 3.5345.39517.965 9.599 51.55610.302 2.508 3.139 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.949 0.000 836.01.852.770 0.000 8.93 0.26 180.0 6/3/2024 08:00 3.4125.52417.958 9.602 45.93710.192 2.450 3.234 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.861 0.000 836.01.622.430 0.000 8.94 0.28 180.0 6/3/2024 08:01 3.4214.72517.938 9.598 46.0929.299 2.152 2.573 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.922 0.000 836.01.632.442 0.000 8.15 0.21 180.0 6/3/2024 08:02 3.2525.62417.965 9.605 43.0879.449 2.282 2.121 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.892 0.000 836.01.642.456 0.000 8.88 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 08:03 3.3858.65417.972 9.612 43.82813.168 2.606 3.632 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.912 0.000 836.01.662.491 0.000 12.04 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 08:04 3.3138.80018.005 9.626 42.42112.362 2.647 3.865 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.801 0.000 836.01.872.805 0.000 12.11 0.21 180.0 6/3/2024 08:05 3.5325.21017.986 9.618 45.6779.890 2.366 2.684 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.802 0.000 836.01.632.438 0.000 8.74 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 08:06 3.2515.16118.011 9.620 45.68013.266 2.577 3.373 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.873 0.000 836.01.632.446 0.000 8.41 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 08:07 3.4825.16518.018 9.633 42.61010.040 2.240 2.781 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.843 0.000 836.01.592.384 0.000 8.65 0.03 180.0 3.4385.95217.974 9.574 44.1639.200 2.311 2.282 0.0000.0020.000 0.000 0.0000.884 0.000 836.001.6342.449 0.000 9.391 0.085 180.0Avg. Spike 1 6/3/2024 08:13 0.00028.87416.657 9.500 45.31855.154 3.145 2.323 0.7710.0030.000 1.060 13.0000.766 0.628 836.016.121.741 0.685 28.87 0.03 180.0 Run 1 - B 30minute/60min 6/3/2024 08:15 3.4536.62718.042 9.653 36.13610.225 2.192 2.241 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.799 0.000 836.01.652.477 0.000 10.08 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 08:16 3.6568.54818.061 9.664 41.59211.963 2.335 3.027 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.851 0.000 836.01.632.451 0.000 12.20 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 08:17 3.1385.53118.027 9.651 56.4328.155 2.450 3.090 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.916 0.000 836.01.862.786 0.000 8.67 0.04 180.0 6/3/2024 08:18 3.3597.55218.037 9.644 38.2078.853 1.753 1.481 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.831 0.000 836.01.642.453 0.000 10.91 0.03 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/3/2024 08:19 3.4635.02217.997 9.644 48.64911.258 2.405 2.956 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.830 0.000 836.01.642.460 0.000 8.49 1.39 180.0 6/3/2024 08:20 3.3035.77418.003 9.663 43.5336.969 2.035 1.822 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.785 0.000 836.01.682.518 0.000 9.08 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 08:21 3.4945.65918.029 9.659 39.38414.553 2.041 3.283 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.786 0.000 836.01.612.410 0.000 9.15 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 08:22 3.2385.65217.969 9.662 44.23313.617 2.351 2.995 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.877 0.000 836.01.672.505 0.000 8.89 0.39 180.0 6/3/2024 08:23 3.4619.01718.018 9.667 41.7188.526 2.425 2.895 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.809 0.000 836.01.662.487 0.000 12.48 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 08:24 3.1645.58318.046 9.681 41.45312.428 2.137 2.874 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.755 0.000 836.01.592.386 0.000 8.75 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 08:25 3.5357.18417.938 9.640 41.49117.191 2.077 3.807 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.856 0.000 836.01.682.520 0.000 10.72 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 08:26 3.1875.32017.980 9.642 54.06613.335 2.655 4.150 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.823 0.000 836.01.662.497 0.000 8.51 0.16 180.0 6/3/2024 08:27 3.5625.94017.968 9.654 40.40913.022 2.661 3.992 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.796 0.000 836.01.872.806 0.000 9.50 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 08:28 3.6578.67217.982 9.673 38.88312.843 2.342 3.594 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.819 0.000 836.01.652.473 0.000 12.33 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 08:30 3.5836.33418.014 9.683 35.92214.836 2.321 3.238 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.868 0.000 836.01.622.426 0.000 9.92 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 08:31 3.3817.15517.980 9.667 42.73210.975 2.228 2.177 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.823 0.000 836.01.642.453 0.000 10.54 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 08:32 3.3685.65917.973 9.672 50.26111.543 2.465 3.380 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.872 0.000 836.01.672.511 0.000 9.03 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 08:33 3.7547.16218.001 9.653 37.61220.897 2.568 4.383 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.873 0.000 836.01.642.457 0.000 10.92 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 08:34 3.2806.14718.052 9.633 58.16912.022 2.825 4.950 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.865 0.000 836.01.702.551 0.000 9.43 0.22 180.0 6/3/2024 08:35 3.5736.03118.053 9.649 38.32215.176 2.409 3.879 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.799 0.000 836.01.642.457 0.000 9.60 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 08:36 3.5218.34418.036 9.650 31.63119.668 2.947 4.328 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.839 0.000 836.01.662.491 0.000 11.86 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 08:37 3.4619.05118.036 9.664 37.42221.171 2.043 2.801 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.880 0.000 836.01.592.390 0.000 12.51 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 08:38 3.5757.69518.079 9.672 34.25523.617 2.414 4.035 0.0000.0060.000 0.000 0.0000.868 0.000 836.01.652.481 0.000 11.27 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 08:39 3.92015.39418.003 9.651 27.52318.580 2.694 3.778 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.779 0.000 836.01.632.443 0.000 19.31 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 08:40 3.6757.14618.031 9.659 37.68916.557 2.340 2.985 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.841 0.000 836.01.832.751 0.000 10.82 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 08:41 3.4647.66417.989 9.654 48.93517.155 3.216 5.237 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.862 0.000 836.01.672.510 0.000 11.13 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 08:42 3.7298.76418.007 9.663 31.97622.273 2.925 4.811 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.827 0.000 836.01.662.486 0.000 12.49 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 08:43 3.4089.19118.006 9.666 30.91125.656 2.407 4.332 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.771 0.000 836.01.612.417 0.000 12.60 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 08:44 3.6517.17017.988 9.667 41.64521.094 2.690 5.265 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.829 0.000 836.01.652.472 0.000 10.82 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 08:45 3.4497.02718.051 9.681 49.19316.496 2.784 5.352 0.0000.0020.000 0.000 0.0000.855 0.000 836.01.642.456 0.000 10.48 0.03 180.0 3.4827.26718.013 9.659 41.34615.022 2.438 3.571 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.833 0.000 836.001.6662.499 0.000 10.750 0.096 180.0Avg. 3.4606.60917.994 9.617 42.75512.111 2.374 2.927 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.858 0.000 836.001.6502.474 0.000 10.070 0.091 180.0Run 1 Avg: Baseline 1 6/3/2024 08:49 0.0260.0000.011 0.027 0.0600.178 0.009 0.000 0.0580.0000.000 0.000 0.0460.008 0.017 836.00.090.012 0.000 0.03 0.00 180.0 Run 2 - A 30minute/60min 6/3/2024 08:51 3.4237.28217.922 9.608 38.71318.589 2.708 4.857 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.776 0.000 836.01.642.464 0.000 10.70 0.03 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/3/2024 08:52 3.4064.61518.024 9.639 55.8348.404 2.397 2.700 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.910 0.000 836.01.812.720 0.000 8.02 0.04 180.0 6/3/2024 08:53 3.4605.58718.076 9.651 48.49111.701 2.821 4.103 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.902 0.000 836.01.612.410 0.000 9.05 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 08:54 3.6315.28518.093 9.668 48.89312.608 2.260 3.184 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.880 0.000 836.01.632.440 0.000 8.92 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 08:55 3.8165.04918.076 9.672 43.6767.571 2.285 2.377 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.843 0.000 836.01.642.466 0.000 8.86 0.19 180.0 6/3/2024 08:56 3.6935.27418.090 9.682 46.4359.635 2.182 2.814 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.876 0.000 836.01.672.502 0.000 8.97 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 08:57 3.6399.49318.059 9.669 47.9707.872 2.870 2.847 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.867 0.000 836.01.882.819 0.000 13.13 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 08:58 3.3679.33918.088 9.708 35.51218.002 1.967 2.665 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.713 0.000 836.01.902.844 0.000 12.71 0.16 180.0 6/3/2024 08:59 3.2635.29118.063 9.690 44.33513.419 2.085 2.920 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.774 0.000 836.01.702.554 0.000 8.55 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 09:00 3.7636.97918.089 9.669 41.11119.738 2.929 4.905 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.779 0.000 836.01.622.437 0.000 10.74 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 09:01 3.4917.51518.090 9.670 36.08416.349 2.814 4.500 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.712 0.000 836.01.642.462 0.000 11.01 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:02 3.9738.47918.051 9.671 33.70814.269 1.855 2.262 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.828 0.000 836.01.852.773 0.000 12.45 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:04 4.0075.58518.010 9.694 36.8983.458 2.365 1.255 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.795 0.000 836.01.862.796 0.000 9.59 0.77 180.0 6/3/2024 09:05 3.5847.51417.944 9.673 44.6688.636 1.776 1.633 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.829 0.000 836.01.832.746 0.000 11.10 0.17 180.0 6/3/2024 09:06 3.6846.32417.937 9.673 43.71211.207 2.554 3.025 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.848 0.000 836.01.842.754 0.000 10.01 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 09:07 3.7036.00017.982 9.693 32.79816.155 2.276 2.755 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.726 0.000 836.01.672.508 0.000 9.70 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:08 3.9676.85917.978 9.664 38.59822.753 2.761 4.611 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.834 0.000 836.01.842.754 0.000 10.83 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 09:09 3.5288.54717.943 9.690 27.60810.531 2.325 1.981 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.784 0.000 836.01.692.540 0.000 12.08 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:10 3.8156.60617.942 9.691 41.04018.975 2.216 3.285 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.793 0.000 836.01.902.843 0.000 10.42 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 09:11 3.74010.92517.963 9.684 29.63414.111 2.413 2.664 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.845 0.000 836.01.672.505 0.000 14.67 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:12 3.5136.59317.946 9.681 39.51116.921 2.749 4.036 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.740 0.000 836.01.672.507 0.000 10.11 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 09:13 3.6298.26517.936 9.676 27.76615.819 2.372 2.588 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.773 0.000 836.01.672.511 0.000 11.89 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:14 3.3215.86117.942 9.681 53.40813.167 2.483 3.563 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.799 0.000 836.01.862.784 0.000 9.18 0.46 180.0 6/3/2024 09:15 3.3566.80417.931 9.682 28.59910.193 2.143 1.981 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.793 0.000 836.01.612.419 0.000 10.16 0.19 180.0 6/3/2024 09:16 3.3837.85817.933 9.688 55.7865.041 1.813 0.868 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.761 0.000 836.01.872.805 0.000 11.24 0.82 180.0 6/3/2024 09:17 3.2788.86317.965 9.687 45.5557.781 2.307 1.315 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.863 0.000 836.01.662.486 0.000 12.14 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 09:18 3.9319.71218.035 9.705 37.15519.304 2.265 2.497 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.893 0.000 836.01.782.674 0.000 13.64 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:19 4.04311.02317.904 9.682 31.88217.748 2.134 2.038 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.783 0.000 836.01.612.410 0.000 15.07 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:20 3.81410.16117.900 9.666 36.21324.258 2.221 2.746 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.713 0.000 836.01.892.842 0.000 13.97 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:21 3.3016.79017.969 9.680 33.41818.158 2.295 2.882 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.721 0.000 836.01.652.474 0.000 10.09 0.13 180.0 3.6177.34917.996 9.676 40.16713.746 2.355 2.862 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.805 0.000 836.001.7392.608 0.000 10.967 0.116 180.0Avg. Spike 2 6/3/2024 09:31 2.24127.12316.447 9.488 37.02054.988 3.082 0.984 0.0000.0000.000 1.117 14.8040.640 0.725 836.017.861.297 0.763 29.36 0.03 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) Run 2 - B 30minute/60min 6/3/2024 09:34 3.6238.55317.990 9.691 27.83110.760 1.919 1.283 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.826 0.000 836.01.612.416 0.000 12.18 0.14 180.0 6/3/2024 09:35 3.7305.68217.948 9.677 34.9838.395 2.099 1.957 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.822 0.000 836.01.662.493 0.000 9.41 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:36 3.86511.43118.045 9.698 37.89717.742 2.603 2.788 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.804 0.000 836.01.602.395 0.000 15.30 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 09:37 3.57423.51917.972 9.679 31.21129.576 1.964 2.560 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.690 0.000 836.01.682.514 0.000 27.09 0.17 180.0 6/3/2024 09:39 3.3589.67917.980 9.672 29.43314.281 1.585 1.737 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.785 0.000 836.01.672.505 0.000 13.04 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:40 3.7918.73717.975 9.668 41.72916.658 2.760 3.690 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.836 0.000 836.01.662.490 0.000 12.53 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 09:41 3.4847.47917.986 9.675 34.99914.983 2.563 3.435 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.810 0.000 836.01.692.540 0.000 10.96 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:42 3.60213.71917.944 9.667 32.89224.963 2.388 3.065 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.727 0.000 836.01.612.413 0.000 17.32 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:43 4.10310.95518.003 9.692 36.69321.392 1.800 2.377 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.792 0.000 836.01.812.716 0.000 15.06 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:44 3.5674.90717.950 9.693 51.4967.443 2.327 2.066 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.789 0.000 836.01.712.565 0.000 8.47 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 09:45 3.7417.68317.994 9.683 32.86619.562 2.603 3.765 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.796 0.000 836.01.612.416 0.000 11.42 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:46 3.9645.92817.998 9.701 27.46314.234 1.999 2.490 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.860 0.000 836.01.612.413 0.000 9.89 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:47 3.5017.19617.914 9.680 32.62714.514 2.737 4.027 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.762 0.000 836.01.632.438 0.000 10.70 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:48 3.7886.99817.952 9.674 34.11921.947 2.517 4.089 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.833 0.000 836.01.602.407 0.000 10.79 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:49 4.12511.05917.964 9.701 31.86221.946 3.183 4.698 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.780 0.000 836.01.682.517 0.000 15.18 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:50 3.8987.93317.972 9.685 29.82019.803 1.973 2.971 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.748 0.000 836.01.642.455 0.000 11.83 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:51 3.2217.02217.941 9.677 37.11411.620 2.752 3.155 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.678 0.000 836.01.682.517 0.000 10.24 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:52 3.72115.87117.937 9.684 31.35026.693 2.092 2.695 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.739 0.000 836.01.602.393 0.000 19.59 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:53 3.81410.65817.936 9.702 32.35621.314 2.341 3.963 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.885 0.000 836.01.872.812 0.000 14.47 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:54 3.7827.67118.011 9.723 42.79720.946 2.628 3.960 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.795 0.000 836.01.632.446 0.000 11.45 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 09:55 3.4146.72417.928 9.705 39.86014.332 2.650 3.214 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.775 0.000 836.01.902.845 0.000 10.14 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 09:56 3.3226.46517.926 9.682 32.04613.923 2.613 3.502 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.779 0.000 836.01.592.387 0.000 9.79 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:57 3.5868.24417.950 9.685 40.99415.416 2.540 3.641 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.853 0.000 836.01.662.486 0.000 11.83 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 09:58 3.6209.10117.915 9.683 28.27019.035 2.437 3.451 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.845 0.000 836.01.662.493 0.000 12.72 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 09:59 3.7809.03117.874 9.682 31.53622.325 2.927 4.363 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.841 0.000 836.01.672.500 0.000 12.81 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:00 3.6658.32017.941 9.695 40.57817.349 1.950 3.286 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.837 0.000 836.01.592.383 0.000 11.99 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 10:01 3.6607.98717.959 9.690 46.34317.320 3.200 5.490 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.788 0.000 836.01.672.508 0.000 11.65 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 10:02 3.91712.29317.959 9.720 34.98720.032 2.072 2.886 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.736 0.000 836.01.842.755 0.000 16.21 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:03 3.4755.29917.883 9.687 56.25212.139 2.253 2.354 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.918 0.000 836.01.592.389 0.000 8.77 0.04 180.0 6/3/2024 10:04 3.9807.22917.946 9.702 32.33917.561 2.544 3.804 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.802 0.000 836.01.812.715 0.000 11.21 0.02 180.0 3.6899.11217.956 9.688 35.82517.607 2.401 3.225 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.798 0.000 836.001.6742.511 0.000 12.801 0.032 180.0Avg. 3.6538.23117.976 9.682 37.99615.676 2.378 3.044 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.801 0.000 836.001.7072.560 0.000 11.884 0.074 180.0Run 2 Avg: GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) Baseline 2 6/3/2024 10:07 0.2220.0000.028 0.015 0.1110.211 0.009 0.029 0.1200.0000.000 0.054 0.0800.080 0.033 836.00.180.000 0.000 0.22 0.00 180.0 Run 3 - A 30minute/60min 6/3/2024 10:10 3.7889.30917.870 9.667 30.00023.763 2.570 3.963 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.834 0.000 836.01.652.472 0.000 13.10 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:11 3.8207.75517.970 9.674 27.11217.138 2.464 3.092 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.742 0.000 836.01.582.377 0.000 11.57 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:12 3.5608.17917.947 9.700 32.14625.598 2.586 4.933 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.816 0.000 836.01.652.474 0.000 11.74 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:14 3.6618.98917.963 9.698 38.03924.629 3.143 6.196 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.757 0.000 836.01.862.782 0.000 12.65 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 10:15 3.8839.98417.931 9.702 26.15929.128 2.453 4.267 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.836 0.000 836.01.632.444 0.000 13.87 0.26 180.0 6/3/2024 10:16 3.75913.67617.889 9.678 30.10720.040 2.766 3.666 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.721 0.000 836.01.622.429 0.000 17.43 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:17 3.96013.84417.959 9.704 34.48727.118 2.410 3.551 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.814 0.000 836.01.552.331 0.000 17.80 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:18 3.8867.32517.981 9.686 36.26324.672 2.876 5.171 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.911 0.000 836.01.632.442 0.000 11.21 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:19 3.7785.87917.990 9.706 45.78320.353 2.583 4.415 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.802 0.000 836.01.852.768 0.000 9.66 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 10:20 3.4767.59917.959 9.693 36.60614.852 2.541 3.568 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.663 0.000 836.01.832.752 0.000 11.07 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:21 3.7517.48617.921 9.685 33.54712.666 2.461 2.787 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.820 0.000 836.01.662.483 0.000 11.24 0.20 180.0 6/3/2024 10:22 3.7925.65417.897 9.693 40.84211.105 2.529 2.923 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.832 0.000 836.01.652.475 0.000 9.45 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 10:23 3.7446.69917.905 9.705 39.49112.516 2.702 3.237 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.831 0.000 836.01.902.853 0.000 10.44 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 10:24 3.5308.67917.900 9.697 26.32924.074 2.214 3.390 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.755 0.000 836.01.882.817 0.000 12.21 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:25 4.13711.74717.919 9.710 26.94025.417 2.764 4.476 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.731 0.000 836.01.692.539 0.000 15.88 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:26 3.4637.26417.905 9.705 31.83119.032 2.434 3.334 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.621 0.000 836.01.872.809 0.000 10.73 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:27 4.02116.09017.894 9.683 35.24526.862 3.015 4.031 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.782 0.000 836.01.892.835 0.000 20.11 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:28 3.78221.64117.887 9.694 29.33730.020 1.980 2.323 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.721 0.000 836.01.662.494 0.000 25.42 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:29 3.9496.84717.943 9.711 29.87315.327 2.325 2.474 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.828 0.000 836.01.672.501 0.000 10.80 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:30 3.97912.06317.983 9.719 25.72225.517 2.517 3.990 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.765 0.000 836.01.632.438 0.000 16.04 0.32 180.0 6/3/2024 10:31 3.48912.86017.962 9.699 37.11723.214 2.648 3.799 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.763 0.000 836.01.842.753 0.000 16.35 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:32 3.58715.61317.984 9.714 26.92928.300 2.824 4.463 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.824 0.000 836.01.632.441 0.000 19.20 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:33 4.1928.40017.947 9.695 35.96016.044 2.806 3.429 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.958 0.000 836.01.572.355 0.000 12.59 0.21 180.0 6/3/2024 10:34 3.71814.98517.916 9.693 32.55025.431 2.518 3.134 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.707 0.000 836.01.622.428 0.000 18.70 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:35 3.7249.27517.905 9.687 35.25412.533 1.942 1.931 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.814 0.000 836.01.872.811 0.000 13.00 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:36 3.4828.79317.920 9.689 48.65429.122 3.035 7.453 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.842 0.000 836.01.652.470 0.000 12.28 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 10:37 3.9189.57717.970 9.696 33.46726.514 3.182 6.273 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.813 0.000 836.01.612.410 0.000 13.49 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:38 3.33419.97817.938 9.708 36.57817.035 2.903 3.380 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.729 0.000 836.01.812.714 0.000 23.31 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:39 3.89517.82617.958 9.717 31.40924.063 1.911 1.993 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.718 0.000 836.01.692.532 0.000 21.72 0.02 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/3/2024 10:40 3.7418.30817.939 9.694 36.09025.700 2.782 5.162 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.777 0.000 836.01.842.764 0.000 12.05 0.02 180.0 3.76010.74417.935 9.697 33.66221.926 2.596 3.893 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.784 0.000 836.001.7162.573 0.000 14.504 0.052 180.0Avg. Spike 3 6/3/2024 10:42 7.10927.55615.861 9.309 25.01571.941 3.514 2.432 0.0000.0000.000 1.537 19.8070.546 0.702 836.023.071.244 0.960 34.66 0.02 180.0 Run 3 - B 30minute/60min 6/3/2024 10:44 3.5669.21017.905 9.697 32.36519.422 2.880 4.136 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.835 0.000 836.01.662.483 0.000 12.78 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:45 3.7477.97517.910 9.697 33.41022.507 2.495 4.530 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.776 0.000 836.01.702.545 0.000 11.72 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:46 3.5927.21717.971 9.720 36.70710.654 2.899 3.073 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.851 0.000 836.01.812.719 0.000 10.81 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:48 3.5216.58917.937 9.727 43.88420.871 2.195 3.842 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.788 0.000 836.01.862.785 0.000 10.11 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 10:49 3.74610.77117.940 9.682 37.35317.862 3.306 5.687 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.862 0.000 836.01.572.352 0.000 14.52 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:50 3.5468.15917.923 9.703 35.98322.124 2.403 5.056 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.752 0.000 836.01.642.456 0.000 11.70 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:51 3.68911.93717.947 9.710 27.26324.317 3.106 5.141 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.866 0.000 836.01.872.801 0.000 15.63 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:52 3.4449.03617.973 9.711 38.87020.319 2.112 3.150 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.727 0.000 836.01.602.398 0.000 12.48 0.15 180.0 6/3/2024 10:53 3.3799.60317.930 9.709 30.84310.498 2.498 2.371 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.743 0.000 836.01.652.479 0.000 12.98 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:54 3.7028.65817.900 9.692 35.09123.622 2.817 4.451 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.794 0.000 836.01.892.828 0.000 12.36 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:55 3.8558.90917.981 9.718 33.61630.043 2.709 5.198 0.0000.0030.000 0.000 0.0000.785 0.000 836.01.832.743 0.000 12.76 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 10:56 3.92510.95317.965 9.714 26.13917.209 3.006 3.629 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.734 0.000 836.01.812.709 0.000 14.88 0.23 180.0 6/3/2024 10:57 3.7225.84317.923 9.710 38.6457.454 1.991 2.074 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.735 0.000 836.01.852.768 0.000 9.56 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 10:58 3.7277.21617.981 9.717 40.1694.036 1.868 0.816 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.837 0.000 836.01.652.474 0.000 10.94 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 10:59 3.5865.22718.007 9.725 43.1008.737 2.452 1.945 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.781 0.000 836.01.622.424 0.000 8.81 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 11:00 3.95812.28417.891 9.691 34.08613.778 2.409 2.032 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.737 0.000 836.01.632.438 0.000 16.24 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 11:01 3.83425.58117.951 9.731 27.43617.430 2.025 0.828 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.760 0.000 835.01.732.600 0.000 29.42 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 11:02 3.19410.48917.925 9.701 39.07724.278 1.845 3.286 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.756 0.000 835.01.622.428 0.000 13.68 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 11:03 3.2808.49017.881 9.680 40.06235.200 3.191 8.421 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.790 0.000 836.01.642.465 0.000 11.77 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 11:04 3.2657.75017.895 9.682 34.30025.741 2.800 5.600 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.739 0.000 835.01.862.790 0.000 11.01 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 11:05 3.36410.85517.923 9.694 32.67723.552 3.250 5.514 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.769 0.000 835.01.822.724 0.000 14.22 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 11:06 3.7727.14517.946 9.705 31.89534.005 2.276 5.429 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.808 0.000 835.01.862.785 0.000 10.92 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 11:07 3.2907.93218.022 9.753 40.74122.113 3.288 5.935 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.742 0.000 835.01.662.494 0.000 11.22 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 11:08 3.9959.72817.957 9.722 26.44921.215 2.928 5.106 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.766 0.000 836.01.622.437 0.000 13.72 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 11:09 3.3908.87017.944 9.732 26.12622.467 2.630 3.821 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.737 0.000 835.01.642.460 0.000 12.26 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 11:10 3.8788.00417.921 9.711 28.69026.216 2.558 4.534 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.805 0.000 835.01.642.455 0.000 11.88 0.02 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/3/2024 11:11 3.7967.39417.917 9.717 34.66511.935 2.794 3.464 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.848 0.000 835.01.882.826 0.000 11.19 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 11:12 3.88716.34617.977 9.737 26.8309.711 2.697 1.733 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.775 0.000 835.01.662.493 0.000 20.23 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 11:13 3.43821.59917.954 9.725 28.13926.415 1.830 1.631 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.760 0.000 835.01.742.604 0.000 25.04 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 11:14 3.5606.84017.937 9.725 44.00829.311 2.167 4.671 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.830 0.000 835.01.892.833 0.000 10.40 0.03 180.0 3.6229.88717.941 9.711 34.28720.101 2.581 3.903 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.783 0.000 835.601.7302.593 0.000 13.508 0.034 180.0Avg. 3.69110.31617.938 9.704 33.97521.014 2.588 3.898 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.784 0.000 835.801.7232.583 0.000 14.006 0.043 180.0Run 3 Avg: Baseline 3 6/3/2024 11:19 0.0160.0000.004 0.019 0.0000.148 0.007 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.104 0.009 835.00.090.102 0.000 0.02 0.00 180.0 Post CTS 6/3/2024 11:28 0.0001.7660.014 0.042 0.0000.001 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 97.702 0.0000.229 0.053 835.065.250.004 0.000 1.77 0.07 180.0 6/3/2024 11:28 0.0003.5440.016 0.022 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 97.387 0.0000.237 0.053 835.065.050.023 0.000 3.54 0.07 180.0 6/3/2024 11:28 0.2972.1240.015 0.008 0.0000.061 0.001 0.000 0.1510.0480.000 98.345 0.0070.000 0.043 835.065.790.201 0.000 2.42 0.07 180.0 Post NO2/Mid O2 6/3/2024 11:31 100.1113.452-0.000 0.000 0.2150.573 0.241 0.000 0.0240.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.193 0.090 836.00.590.623 0.000 103.56 9.09 180.0 6/3/2024 11:32 100.2763.083-0.000 0.000 0.4050.198 0.250 0.014 0.4700.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.047 835.00.530.655 0.000 103.36 9.12 180.0 6/3/2024 11:32 99.7683.420-0.000 0.000 0.0750.360 0.244 0.000 0.0320.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.145 0.120 834.00.590.532 0.000 103.19 9.14 180.0 Post 5-Gas 6/3/2024 11:34 0.000249.790-0.000 4.917 4.393493.600 2.240 1.727 13.0320.1442.411 1.895 250.1610.000 0.000 836.0253.322.850 9.581 249.79 0.03 180.0 6/3/2024 11:34 0.000249.883-0.000 4.845 4.001492.186 2.284 2.054 8.2780.1371.242 1.376 252.0950.728 0.000 837.0254.642.448 9.645 249.88 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 11:34 0.000251.549-0.000 4.899 3.159494.263 2.263 1.998 8.3570.2081.520 1.359 252.3310.185 0.000 837.0254.942.553 9.674 251.55 0.02 180.0 6/3/2024 11:34 0.000251.9380.001 4.913 1.494495.853 2.252 1.601 10.7320.0591.871 1.612 252.4370.000 0.000 838.0255.332.720 9.633 251.94 0.02 180.0 End of Test Purge 6/3/2024 11:42 0.0000.000-0.000 0.021 0.0940.194 0.017 0.000 0.0000.0030.000 0.187 0.0000.004 0.012 840.00.210.097 0.000 0.00 0.00 180.0 6/3/2024 11:42 0.0000.000-0.000 0.011 0.0200.213 0.023 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.206 0.013 840.00.150.191 0.000 0.00 0.00 180.0 6/3/2024 11:42 0.0000.000-0.000 0.000 0.2780.233 0.028 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.011 0.0000.000 0.019 840.00.120.110 0.000 0.00 0.00 180.0 6/3/2024 11:42 0.1380.000-0.000 0.034 0.0370.214 0.009 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0400.204 0.047 840.00.230.152 0.000 0.14 0.00 180.0 6/3/2024 11:42 0.0000.000-0.000 0.027 0.0000.120 0.018 0.000 0.0000.0120.000 0.000 0.0370.041 0.034 840.00.110.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 180.0 6/3/2024 11:42 0.0000.000-0.000 0.006 0.2190.227 0.001 0.000 0.0730.0000.000 0.000 0.0860.287 0.008 840.00.100.000 0.001 0.00 0.00 180.0 6/3/2024 11:42 0.2150.000-0.000 0.000 0.0000.190 0.017 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.284 0.0210.000 0.014 840.00.370.199 0.000 0.21 0.00 180.0 6/3/2024 11:43 0.8430.000-0.000 0.023 0.0000.440 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0340.037 0.001 840.00.250.314 0.000 0.84 0.00 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/3/2024 11:43 0.1240.000-0.000 0.035 0.0000.196 0.022 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.042 0.025 840.00.130.117 0.000 0.12 0.00 180.0 GAS, Inc. Performance Test Report Test Type: Initial Test Date: 6/6/2024 Waukesha 9394 GSI Rich Burn (4 Cycle) 303 W. 3rd St Elk City , OK 73644(580) 225-0403 Test Started:Test Completed:05:51 AM 09:32 AM Source: Unit Number: 1452 Serial Number: WAU-1651044 Engine Hours:4332 Permit #: #DAQE-AN161400001-23 Location: Duchesne County, Utah Prepared on Behalf of: Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ CO NOx NMNEHC 1.650 0.830 0.170 0.768 0.469 0.054 44.842 16.677 2.014 2.000 0.300 1.000 0.150 0.700 0.030 0.139 0.085 0.010 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Federal State Federal State Federal State Results lb/hr Results ppmvd Permit lb/hr Results g/hp-hr Permit g/hp-hr PASS ALL Index Tables Figures Appendices Table 5.1 (Run Summaries)................................................................ Table 6.1 (Volumetric Flow Rate Data)............................................... Table 6.2 (Stack Gas Measurements)................................................. Table 8.1 (Oxygen Calibration)........................................................... Annex Table 1.2.1 (Certified Calibration Bottle Concentrations)......... Annex Table 1.2.2 (Measurement System Capabilities)..................... Annex Table 1.3.1 (Test Specific Target Analytes)............................. Annex Table 4.1 (Measure System Capabilities)................................ Figure 6.1 (Location of Traverse Points per Method 1)....................... Annex Figure 1.4.1 (Sampling Train).................................................. Annex Figure 1.4.2 (Sampling Points)................................................. Annex Figure 1.4.3 (Sampling Port Locations).................................... Certified Calibration Bottle Certificates................................................ Tri Probe Certification via GD-031...................................................... GAS ALT 141_FTIR EPA.................................................................... Tester Qualifications (resume)............................................................ Raw Data............................................................................................ 27 Key Personnel.............................................................................1.0 3 Sampling System........................................................................2.0 3 Methods Used.............................................................................3.0 3 Test Summaries..........................................................................4.0 5 Run Summaries..........................................................................5.0 6 6 Volumetric Flow Rate Data.........................................................6.0 7 7 7 7 Calculations................................................................................7.0 8 9 12 12 13 15 13 14 14 20 25 28 29 Oxygen Calibration.....................................................................9 Engine Parameter Data Sheet....................................................10 QA/QC Results............................................................................11 Signature Page...........................................................................12.0 Appendices.................................................................................13.0 Bottle Certs.................................................................................2014.0 Tri Probe Certification via GD-031..............................................2515.0 GAS ALT 141_FTIR EPA............................................................16.0 Tester Qualifications (resume)....................................................2817.0 D6348 Annexes..........................................................................1211.0 18 19 26 8.0 9.0 10.0 Raw Data....................................................................................2918.0 1.0 Key Personnel GAS, Inc. Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. 2.0 Sampling System The sampling system used consisted of a Stainless steel probe, heated Teflon line, gas conditioning system, and a Gasmet model DX4000 FTIR analyzer. The gas conditioning system used was a Gasmet Personal Sampling System with a Zirconium Oxide oxygen sensor. 3.0 Methods Used This extractive FTIR based field test method is used to quantify gas phase concentrations of multiple target analytes (CO, NOX, CH2O, & VOC's) from stationary source effluent. Because an FTIR analyzer is potentially capable of analyzing hundreds of compounds, this test method is not analyte or source specific. The analytes, detection levels, and data quality objectives are expected to change for any particular testing situation. It is the responsibility of the tester to define the target analytes, the associated detection limits for those analytes in the particular source effluent, and the required data quality objectives for each specific test program. Provisions are included in this test method that require the tester to determine critical sampling system and instrument operational parameters, and for the conduct of QA/QC procedures. Testers following this test method will generate data that will allow an independent observer to verify the valid collection, identification, and quantification of the subject target analytes. EPA Method 1 & 1A EPA Method 2 & 2C EPA Method 3A The purpose of the method is to provide guidance for the selection of sampling ports and traverse points at which sampling for air pollutants will be performed pursuant to regulations set forth in this part. This method is applicable for the determination of the average velocity and the volumetric flow rate of a gas stream. The average gas velocity in a stack is determined from the gas density and from measurement of the average velocity head with a standard pitot tube. Velocity readings are taken from each stack at 16 separate traverse points (Table 6.1) and used to determine the engines mass emissions rate, calculated utilizing the formulas seen in section 7.0 of this report. This is a procedure for measuring oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in stationary source emissions using a continuous instrumental analyzer. Quality assurance and quality control requirements are included to assure that the tester collects data of known quality. Documentation to these specific requirements for equipment, supplies, sample collection and analysis, calculations, and data analysis will be included. ASTM D6348-03 Preston McCormick 3 Aaron King Gas, Inc. 4.0 Test Summary T e s t S u m m a r y Site Verification Photos Gas, Inc. Unit 1452 with a serial number of WAU-1651044 which is a Waukesha 9394 GSI engine located at Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility and operated by Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. was tested for emissions of: Carbon Monoxide, Oxides of Nitrogen, and Volatile Organic Compounds. The test was conducted on 6/6/2024 by Aaron King with Great Plains Analytical Services, Inc. All quality assurance and quality control tests were within acceptable tolerances. The engine is a natural gas fired Rich Burn (4 Cycle) engine rated at 2500 brake horse power (BHP) at 1200 RPM. The engine was operating at 2499 BHP and 1200 RPM which is 99.97% of maximum engine load during the test. The test HP calculation can be found on page 8. The engine was running at the maximum load available at the test site. This test will satisfy the testing requirements for 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ. Unit 1452 is authorized to operate under permit #DAQE-AN161400001-23. 4 4.0 Test Summary Engine/Compressor Specs Crusoe Mullins Tap FacilityLocation 1452Unit ID Make Waukesha Site Elevation ft.5245 Model 9394 GSI Atmospheric Pressure psi.12.1 Serial Number WAU-1651044 Stack Diameter in.18 mfg. rated hp 2500 Yes 1200 Date of Manufacture Engine/Compressor Operation Run 2 Run 3 3 Run AveragesRun 1 Test Horsepower 2500 2498 2500 2499 1200 1199 1200 1200 Percent Load % Intake Manifold Pressure (hg) 100.00%99.92%100.00%99.97% 37.36 37.36 37.36 37.36 Intake Manifold Temperature (F)120.00 118.00 122.00 120.00 Ambient Conditions Ambient Temperature Dry (F)51.00 54.00 64.00 56.33 Exhaust Flow Data Q Stack (dscfh) Q Stack (dscm/hr) 238394.91 234272.00 234482.38 235716.43 6750.53 6633.78 6639.74 6674.68 Moisture Fraction Bws Fuel Consumption (Btu/h[-hr) 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0 0 0 0 Fuel Flow (dscfh) Fuel (btu/scf)1020 1020 1020 1020 O2 F factor 8710.0 8710 8710 8710 Results Method 3A Corrected O2% Dry Moisture %17.91%17.92%17.99%17.94% T e s t S u m m a r y mfg. rated rpm Test RPM 0.20%0.21%0.16%0.19% Permitted Standards Results 5 Catalyst 0.1340.144 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 3 Run Average Pass Permits 05:51 AM 07:05 AM 08:16 AM 6/6/2024 CO (g/hp-hr)0.139 0.1392.000 0.300 Pass StateFederal CO (ppmvw)36.368 38.352 35.673 36.797 CO (ppmvd)44.301 46.726 43.498 44.842 CO (mol wt) 28.01 CO (ppmvd) @15% O2 12.626 13.325 12.376 12.776 Fail CO (ppbvd) @15% O2 12626.305 13324.954 12376.048 12775.769 Fail 0.7410.795CO (lbs/hr)0.767 0.7681.650 Pass NOx (g/hp-hr)0.097 0.086 0.073 0.0851.000 0.150 Pass NOx (ppmvw)15.379 13.944 11.734 13.686 NOx (ppmvd)18.733 16.989 14.308 16.677 NOx (mol wt) 46.01 1.670 1.652 1.637 1.653NMNEHC (ppmvw) 2.034 2.012 1.996 2.014NMNEHC (ppmvd) NOx (ppbvd) @15% O2 5339.208 4844.680 4070.938 4751.609 Fail NOx (ppmvd) @15% O2 5.339 4.845 4.071 4.752 Fail NMNEHC (mol wt) 44.10 579.628 573.794 567.933 573.785 FailNMNEHC (ppbvd) @15% O2 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.0100.700 0.030 PassNMNEHC (g/hp-hr) 0.055 0.054 0.054 0.0540.170 PassNMNEHC (lbs/hr) 0.580 0.574 0.568 0.574 FailNMNEHC (ppmvd) @15% O2 NOx (lbs/hr)0.533 0.475 0.400 0.4690.830 Pass Gas, Inc. 5.0 Run Summaries Summary Source Run 1 R u n Table 5.1 Run Summaries S u m m a r i e s 6 0.60Baseline Source Spike Source Baseline PPM Wet CO NOx Oxygen %Moisture % 36.37 0.39 13.53 0.25 1.85 0.63 15.38 0.43 1.67 0.00% 0.16% 0.00% 17.91% NMNEHC 38.88 14.80 1.97 16.77 1.67 0.15%17.91% 73.58 31.99 0.00 31.99 20.39 0.06%16.29% 33.86 12.26 1.73 13.99 1.67 0.17%17.91% 0.20 0.38 0.13 0.51 0.14 0.00%0.03% Avg. Wet NO2NO Summary Source Run 2 Baseline Source Spike Source Baseline PPM Wet CO NOx Oxygen %Moisture %NMNEHC 0.20 0.38 0.13 0.51 0.14 0.00%0.03% 43.12 14.19 2.48 16.66 1.68 0.16%17.90% 70.39 30.69 0.00 30.69 20.13 1.00%16.26% 33.59 9.96 1.27 11.22 1.63 0.18%17.94% 0.21 0.19 0.16 0.35 0.15 0.00%0.04% Avg. Wet 38.35 12.07 1.87 13.94 1.65 0.17%17.92% NO2NO Summary Source Run 3 Baseline Source Spike Source Baseline PPM Wet CO NOx Oxygen %Moisture %NMNEHC 33.83 9.15 1.71 10.87 1.61 0.13%17.98% 65.30 28.42 0.00 28.42 20.23 0.04%16.31% 37.51 9.84 2.76 12.60 1.67 0.13%18.00% 0.21 0.35 0.14 0.49 0.05 0.00%0.02% 0.21 0.19 0.16 0.35 0.15 0.00%0.04% Avg. Wet 35.67 9.50 2.24 11.73 1.64 0.13%17.99% NO2NO Gas, Inc. 6.0 Volumetric Flow Rate Data Volumetric Flow Rate Data .99 Stack diameter = Table 6.1. Data used for volumetric flow rate (Method 2) 18 inches or:1.5 feet. or:1.77 Square Feet Run 1 Average Pitot Tube Coefficient Cp(std)= H2O CO2 O2 CO Molecular Weight Stack Gas dry basis (Md) Molecular Weight Stack Gas wet basis (Ms) Stack Static Pressure (Pg) Stack Static Pressure (Pg) Atmospheric Pressure at Location (Pbar) Atmospheric Pressure at Location (Pbar) Absolute Stack Pressure (Ps) Stack Temperature Stack Temperature Stack Temperature Stack Gas Velocity Stack Flow Rate Q Stack Gas Wet Volmetric Flow Rate Stack Gas Dry Volumetric Flow Rate Sample after Back Purge: Within 5% of Last Δpstd reading: Stack Diameter (inches) Inches upstream from disturbance Inches downstream from disturbance scf/hr 1.50 Yes 18.00 5.00 17.00 scf/hr cfs ft/sec Deg R Deg F Deg C "Hg "Hg MBAR "Hg "H20 g/g mole g/g mole ppmd %d %d %d 17.91 29.56 1.39 Inches 3.01 9 14.99 Vo l u m e t r i c F l o w R a t e s Pitot readings are taken for Method 2 calculations using measuring points outlined in Method 1 Figure 6.1 16 Traverse Points Were Used Emissions Sampling Points - 3 point long line sampling probe First Sampling Point Taken @ 16.7% of Stack Diameter Second Sampling Point Taken @ 50% of Stack Diameter Third Sampling Point Taken @ 83.3% of Stack Diameter 9.70 0.17 36.37 843.80 0.10 24.92 25.02 898.00 1357.67 481.11 27.49 140.34 247.99 290397.92 238394.91 Run 2 17.92 29.56 1.34 9.71 0.18 38.35 844.00 0.10 24.93 25.03 891.00 1350.67 477.22 27.49 137.21 242.47 285424.32 234272.00 Run 3 17.99 29.56 1.38 9.69 0.14 35.67 844.87 0.10 24.95 25.06 930.00 1389.67 498.89 27.48 141.26 249.62 285921.00 234482.38 17.94 29.56 1.37 9.70 0.16 36.80 844.22 0.10 24.93 25.04 906.33 1366.00 485.74 27.49 139.61 246.70 287248.70 235716.76 *The exhaust stack did not present cyclonic flow conditions at the sampling location due to the absence of cyclones, inertial demisters, venturi scrubbers, or tangential inlets. * Cyclonic Flow Check (Pass/Fail): PASS Δpstd (in) H2O 0.95 Exhaust Temp F 898.00 Pitot Tube Sampling Points (Velocity) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Δpstd Average= Run 1 Table 6.2. Stack gas pressure readings measured with a standard pitot tube use for Volumetric Flow Rate 0.90 1.16 1.36 899.00 897.00 898.00 1.45 1.39 1.18 899.00 897.00 898.00 1.04 1.26 1.39 899.00 897.00 898.00 1.66 899.00 1.76 1.79 1.76 897.00 898.00 899.00 1.66 1.58 1.39 897.00 898.00 898.00 Δpstd = Velocity head measured by the standard pitot tube, (in.) H2O.Run 3 Δpstd (in) H2O 0.80 Exhaust Temp F 930.00 1.00 1.12 1.15 931.00 929.00 930.00 1.38 1.49 1.65 931.00 929.00 930.00 1.54 1.49 1.40 931.00 929.00 930.00 1.50 931.00 1.60 1.57 1.49 929.00 930.00 931.00 1.40 1.50 929.00 930.00 930.001.38 Run 2 Δpstd (in) H2O 0.75 Exhaust Temp F 891.00 0.89 0.94 1.08 892.00 890.00 891.00 1.32 1.50 1.67 892.00 890.00 891.00 1.68 1.52 1.35 892.00 890.00 891.00 1.33 892.00 1.27 1.39 1.53 890.00 891.00 892.00 1.63 1.57 890.00 891.00 1.34 891.00 Pass Strat Check 14Check 1 14Check 2 14Check 3 NOXGas Used Pass/Fail 7 Gas, Inc. 7.0 Calculations Method 2: Determination of Stack Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate *Note- Use of this method negates the need for any fuel related numbers for emissions calculations Nomenclature Δp(avg) = Velocity head of stack gas, mm H2O (in. H2O).Ps = Absolute stack pressure (Pbar+ Pg), mm Hg (in Hg) 3600 = Conversion Factor, sec/hr. A = Cross-sectional area of stack, m2 (ft2). Bws = Water vapor in the gas stream (from ASTM D6348) Kp = Velocity equation constant. Md = Molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis, g/g-mole (lb./lb.-mole). Ms = Molecular weight of stack gas, wet basis, g/g-mole (lb./lb. -mole). Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 760 mm Hg (29.92 in. Hg). Qsd = Dry volumetric stack gas flow rate corrected to standard conditions, dscm/hr. (dscf/hr.). Ts(abs) = Absolute stack temperature, °K (°R). = 460 + Ts for English units. Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 293°K (528 °R). Vs = Average stack gas velocity, m/sec (ft./sec). *(Observed from Method 3 12.3) Dry Molecular Weight. Equation 3-1 Md = .44(.097)+.32(.002)+.28(.897+.004) = 29.56 LB/LB-MOLEMd = .44(%CO2)+.32(%O2)+.28(%N2+%CO) 12.5 Molecular Weight of Stack Gas. Equation 2-6 Ms = 29.56(1 -.17908)+.18.0(.17908) = 27.49 LB/LB-MOLEMs = Md(1-Bws)+18.0(Bws) 12.6 Average Stack Gas Velocity. Equation 2-7 Vs = 85.49*.99*√1.39*√(1357.67/(25.02*27.49)) = 140.34 FT/SECVs = Kp*Cp(std)*√Δpavg*√(Ts(abs)/(Ps*Ms)) 12.7 Average Stack Gas Volumetric Flow Rate. Equation 2-8 Qsd = 3600(1-.179)140.336*1.767((528*25.02)/ (1357.67*29.92)) = 238394.91 DSCF/HRQsd = 3600(1-Bws)Vs*A((Tstd*Ps)/(Ts(abs)*Pstd)) *Standard conversion from feet to meters Q = 238394.91/35.315 = 6750.528 DSCM/HRQ = Qsd/35.315 Emission Rates (Examples use CO Run 1) Nomenclature CO corrected @ 15% O2 453.6= Conversion factor lb. to gram HP= Engines rated Horsepower A = Cross-sectional area of stack, m2 (ft2). BHP/HR. = Brake work of the engine, horsepower-hour (HP-HR.). BTU/HP-HR. = Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (HHV) ER = Emission rate of (CO) in g/HP-hr. F(d )= Volumes of combustion components per unit of heat content, scm/J (scf/million Btu). Q = Stack gas volumetric flow rate, in standard cubic meters per hour, dry basis LB/HR.= Emission rate of (CO) in LB/HR. Mfg.= Manufacturer Exhaust flow rate at 100% (ft3/min) O2 = Concentration of oxygen on a dry basis, percent. ppm= Parts Per Million (CO) ppm@15% O2= PPM corrected to 15% O2 Qsd = Dry volumetric stack gas flow rate corrected to standard conditions, dscm/hr. (DSCF/HR.). Run Time = Run Time in Minutes TPY= Tons per Year Mol wt.= Mol Weight of CO (28.01) Vs = Average stack gas velocity, m/sec (ft./sec). ppm @ 15% O2 = 44.301*(20.9-15)/(20.9-.2%)) = 12.627 PPM @ 15% O2ppm @ 15% O2 = PPM*((20.9-15%O2)/(20.9-O2)) G/HP HR from 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ (44.301*(1.164*10^-3)*6750.528*(Run Time/60))/2500 = .139 G/HP-HRg/hp-hr = (PPM*(1.164*10^-3)*Q*(Run Time/60))/BHP/HR LB/HR from Grams LB/HR = .139*1/453.6*2500 = .767 LB/HRlb/hr = ER*1/453.6*BHP-HR TPY TPY = .767*4.38 = 3.359 TPYTPY = LB/HR. *4.38 Horsepower HP Provided On Site Wet to Dry PPM 44.3 = 36.3675*(1/(1-.18))ppm wet * (1/(1-H2O) = ppm dry 8 Cp(std) = Standard pitot tube coefficient; use 0.99 Gas, Inc. 8.1 Calibration error test; how do I confirm my analyzer calibration is correct? After the tester has assembled, prepared and calibrated the sampling system and analyzer, they conduct a 3-point analyzer calibration error test before the first run and again after any failed system bias test or failed drift test. They then introduce the low-, mid-, and high-level calibration gases sequentially in direct calibration mode. At each calibration gas level (low, mid, and high) the calibration error must be within ± 2.0 percent of the calibration span. 8.0 Oxygen Calibration 8.2 Initial system bias and system calibration error checks. Before sampling begins, it is determined whether the high- level or mid-level calibration gas best approximates the emissions and it is used as the upscale gas. The upscale gas is introduced at the probe upstream of all sample- conditioning components in system calibration mode. 8.3 Post-run system bias check and drift assessment - confirming that each sample collected is valid. Sampling may be performed for multiple runs before performing the post-run bias or system calibration error check provided this test is passed at the conclusion of the group of runs. A failed final test in this case will invalidate all runs subsequent to the last passed test. (1) Next, zero gas is introduced as described above. The response must be within 0.5 percent of the upscale gas concentration. (2) Low-level gas reading is observed until it has reached a final, stable value and the results are recorded. The measurement system will be operated at the normal sampling rate during all system bias checks. (3) If the initial system bias specification is not met, corrective action is taken. The applicable calibration error test from Section 8.2.3 of EPA Method 7E is repeated along with the initial system bias check until acceptable results are achieved, after which sampling will begin. The pre- and post-run system bias must be within ± 5.0 percent of the calibration span for the low-level and upscale calibration gases. (1) If the post-run system bias check is not passed, then the run is invalid. The problem is then diagnosed and fixed, then another calibration error test and system bias is passed before repeating the run. (2) After each run, the low-level and upscale drift is calculated, using Equation 7E–4 in Section 12.5 from EPA Method 7E. If the post-run low- and upscale bias checks are passed, but the low-or upscale drift exceeds the specification in Section 13.3, the run data are valid, but a 3-point calibration error test and a system bias check must be performed and passed prior to additional testing. Table 8.1 Oxygen Calibration EPA Method 3A QA Worksheet (SYSTEM) Calibration Bias Checks (≤ 5%) and Drift Checks (≤ 3%) Certified Gas Concentraion Low-Level (%) 0.00% Certified Gas Concentraion Mid-Level (%) Certified Gas Concentraion High-Level (%) (DIRECT) Analyzer Calibration Error (≤ 2%) Certified Concentration Value (%) Direct Calibration Response (%) Absolute Difference (%) Analyzer Calibration Error (%)Analyzer Direct Calibration Response Certified bottle value % 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Zero Gas % Mid-Level Gas % High-Level Gas % Bias Pre Initial Value Bias Post Inital Values System Calibrations Response Pre (%) 0.00% System Bias (% of Span) Pre System Calibration Response Post (%) System Bias (% of Span) Post Drift (% of Span) 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% (SYSTEM) Calibration Bias Checks (≤ 5%) and Drift Checks (≤ 3%) Avg. Gas Concentration (Run 1) Avg. Gas Concentration (Run 2) Avg. Gas Concentration (Run 3) Effluent Gas (Cgas) Run 1 Effluent Gas (Cgas) Run 2 Effluent Gas (Cgas) Run 3 Linearity Check 0.00%0.00%0.00% Method 7E 3.4 To the extent practicable, the measured emissions should be between 20 to 100 percent of the selected calibration span. This may not be practicable in some cases of low concentration measurements or testing for compliance with an emission limit when emissions are substantially less than the limit. 7E 8.5: Note: that you may risk sampling for multiple runs before performing the post-run bias provided you pass this test at the conclusion of the group of runs Upscale Gas Analyzer Calibration Response (%) Zero Gas Upscale Gas EPA Method 3A QA Worksheet Zero Gas Mid-Level Gas High-Level Gas 100% Nitrogen O2 QA/QC Zero Gas %0.00% Mid-Level Gas % High-Level Gas % System Calibration Response Pre (%) System Calibration Response Post (%) Zero Gas % Upscale Cal Zero Gas % Upscale Cal Upscale Used Upscale Used 9.04% 21.25% 9.16% 9.07% 9.01% 9.01% 9.07%9.16% 9.04% 21.25% 9.01% 21.12% 9.01% 21.12% 9.01%21.12% 0.00% 9.01% 21.12% 0.04% 0.13% 0.17% 0.60% 9.01% Span Zero Offset 0.00% 21.12 0.00% 9.04%0.54%0.13%0.01% 0.20% 0.21% 0.17% 0.20% 0.21% 0.16% 9 Gas, Inc. 1056.0 1074.0 1062.7 1027.0 1042.0 1032.7 1.2 1.3 1.2 9.0 Engine Parameter Data Sheet Company Site Elevation (ft) Facility Unit ID Date Make Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility 6/6/2024 5245 1452 Waukesha Model Serial Number 9394 GSI WAU-1651044 Technician Aaron King Run Start Times 05:51 AM 07:05 AM 08:16 AM 09:32 AM Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Completed Engine Parameter Data Run 1 Engine Speed (RPM)1200.0 1199.0 1200.0 1199.7 Engine Hours 4329 4330 4331 4332 Intake Manifold Pressure (psi)62.0 62.0 62.0 62.0 Intake Manifold Temp °F 120.0 118.0 122.0 120.0 Engine Load (BHP)2500.0 2497.9 2500.0 2499.3 Ambient Temp °F 51.0 54.0 64.0 56.3 Humidity %52.0 50.0 33.0 45.0 Dew Point °F 34.0 36.0 34.0 34.7 Waukesha YesCatalyst (Yes or No) AFR Manufacturer/Type Waukesha Waukesha Waukesha 10 Run 3 AverageRun 2 Discharge Pressure (psi) Suction Pressure (psi) 1058.0 1029.0 1.2Catalyst Pressure Drop H2O Catalyst Outlet Temp °F Catalyst Inlet Temp °F Gas, Inc. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/AN/AN/A 10.0 QA/QC Results Average:Carbon monoxide CO Gas, Inc. 0.09 R e s u l t s Average:Nitrogen monoxide NO 0.12 Average:Nitrogen dioxide NO2 0.07 Average:NOx 0.19 Average:VOC 0.12 Average:Oxygen 0.00 Pre-test Baseline Results Time: Q A / Q C Value:CTS Bottle Concentration 100.30 Value:CTS Compound Concentration Avg 98.76 Tolerance 2.00% Difference between measured and expected 1.54% CTS Direct to Analyzer Time: Average:Carbon monoxide CO 0.13 Average:Nitrogen monoxide NO 0.16 Average:Nitrogen dioxide NO2 0.07 Average:NOx 0.23 Average:VOC 0.20 Average:Oxygen 0.14 Pre-test System Zero Time: Mechanical Response Time 49 seconds Value:CTS Bottle Concentration 100.30 Value:CTS Compound Concentration Avg 97.18 Tolerance 5.00% Difference between measured and expected 3.11% Pre-test System CTS & Mechanical Response Time 62 secondsEquilibration Response Time Value:Spike Reported 252.16 Value:Spike Expected 252.40 System (Equilibration) Response Time Target (Spike) 50 secondsSystem Zero Response Time 62 secondsSystem Response Time System (Zero) Response Time 11 11.0 D6348 Annexes 1-8 D6348 Annexes 1. Test Plan Requirements Annex 1.2 The test quality objectives completed for the emissions test are demonstrated throughout Annexes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 as layed out per ASTM D6348-03. All reference methods, pre-test and post test procedures were within acceptable limits. Data generated during the pre-test and post-test procedures are summarized below in order of the distinctive Annex. Three 60 minute test runs were performed. The final analyte concentrations are the average of each test run. Data was taken at 60 second intervals. Each 60 second measurement was the average of 600 scans. Propane is used as the surrogate compound for the Annex 5 Spiking Technique due to Propane being the VOC that is most commonly found in the combustion process of natural gas. Additionally, the molecular weight of Propane coincides with with molecular weight of VOC's per the EPA. Annex Table 1.2.1 Certified Calibration Bottle Concentrations Bottle Expiration NO2 Ethylene SF6 O2 (%) EB0147541 5/8/2026 100.30 9.01% 12/1/2025 100.30 CC406148 4/15/2032 21.12% Cylinder # ALM-063647 Expiration: 5-03-2032 Propane CO NO SF6 Bottle Value 252.40 501.70 237.50 10.20 Analyzer System Response 252.16 491.63 236.79 9.96 Percent Difference 0.10%2.01%0.30%2.38% Annex Table 1.2.2 Measurement System Capabilities SF6 Parameter Measured Gas Concentration (ppm)Path Length Equilibration Time Dilution Factor % Recovery Path Length Ethylene 98.757 4.923 Spike Direct Propane 255.524 Mechanical Response Time SF6 10.107 CO 503.941 NO 236.777 Ethylene 97.184 49 seconds Analyzer Response Propane 252.157 SF6 9.957 CO 491.630 NO 236.786 Analyte Spike Recovery Propane & SF6 System Zero Nitrogen Post Spike System Propane 252.956 CO 497.506 NO 237.537 62 seconds 50 seconds 8.51% 8.26% 8.61% 78.45% 77.99% 77.34% 10.001 12 Gas, Inc. Annex 1.3 Compounds Infrared Analysis Region (cm-1) Expected Concentration Range Measurement System Achievable Minimum Detectable Concentrations Required Measurement System Accuracy and Precision for Test Application CO 2000-2200 0-1200 ppm NO 1875-2138 NO2 2700-2950 VOC 2600-3200 910-1150 2550-2950 CH2O 2550-2850 Interfering Compounds * CO is analyzed in a separate analysis region than CO2 and H2O CO2 Water Vapor 926-1150 3200-3401 Annex Table 1.3.1 Test Specific Target Analytes and Data Quality Objectives 0.16267 ppm 4 ppm 0-1000 ppm 0.4007 ppm 2 ppm 0-100 ppm 0.4899 ppm 2 ppm 0-100 ppm 1.8520 ppm Total VOC's 1 ppm per VOC 0-100 ppm 0.7878 ppm 1 ppm 0-10% 0-22% 0% 0.20% n/a n/a * VOCs compiled of Acetaldehyde, Ethylene, Hexane, and Propane. Annex 1.4 Figure Annex 1.4.1 Sampling Train The testing instrumentation is housed in an enclosed vehicle which is located approximately 45 feet from the source. A heated sample line (sixty feet in length) is attached to the inlet of analyzer system and the source effluent discharges through the FTIR outlet. 13 Gas, Inc. Sampling Point Locations in Inches 16.7%3.006 50%9.000 83.3%14.994 Figure Annex 1.4.3 Sample Port Location Figure Annex 1.4.2 Sampling Points Interior Stack Diameter (inches): Inches Upstream: Inches Downstream: 18 5 17 14 Stack Gas Dry Volumetric Flow Rate (scf/hr): 235716.76 H2O%d @ Sampling Point:17.94 CO2%d @ Sampling Point:9.7 Pressure @ Sampling Point (Pg "H2O):1.37 Temperature @ Sampling Point (Deg F):906.33 Gas, Inc. D6348 Annex 2. Determination of FTIR Measurement System Minimum Detectable Concentrations (MDC#1) Target Analyte Results (ppm) CO 0.1627 NO 0.4007 NO2 0.4899 Ethylene 0.3782 Propane 0.4351 Hexane 0.2233 Acetaldehyde 0.8152 Formaldehyde 0.7878 D6348 Annex 3. FTIR Reference Spectra Calibration Transfer Standard Expected Measured Path Length Validated Ethylene 100.3 98.76 4.923 Passed D6348 Annex 4. Required Pre-Test Procedures Annex Table 1.2.2 Measurement System Capabilities 15 SF6 Parameter Measured Gas Concentration (ppm)Path Length Equilibration Time Dilution Factor % Recovery Path Length Ethylene 98.757 4.923 Spike Direct Propane 255.524 Mechanical Response Time SF6 10.107 CO 503.941 NO 236.777 Ethylene 97.184 49 seconds Analyzer Response Propane 252.157 SF6 9.957 CO 491.630 NO 236.786 Analyte Spike Recovery Propane & SF6 System Zero Nitrogen Post Spike System Propane 252.956 CO 497.506 NO 237.537 62 seconds 50 seconds 8.51% 8.26% 8.61% 78.45% 77.99% 77.34% 10.001 Gas, Inc. D6348 Annex 5. Analyte Spiking Technique Propane Spike Direct SF6 CO NO 252.400 10.200 501.700 237.500 255.524 10.107 503.941 236.777 1.24% 0.91% 0.45% 0.30% +/- 2% +/- 2% +/- 2% +/- 2% Pass Pass Pass Pass Parameter Gas Concentration Measured % Difference Specification Validated 0.000 0.000 Spike Average 16.851 0.860 Dilution Factor 8.509% Expected 21.479 % Recovery 78.450% Specification 70-130% <10% Spike Run 1 via the System Source Output Propane SF6 D6348 Annex 6. Determination of System Performance Parameters Noise Equivalent Absorbance (NEA) RMS High RMS Mid RMS Low Line Position: Demonstrating the peak positions align correctly (Manual Comparison +/- 20%) 0.000 Spike Average 0.835 Dilution Factor 8.262% Expected % Recovery Specification 70-130% <10% Spike Run 2 via the System Source Output Propane SF6 0.000 Spike Average 0.870 Dilution Factor 8.608% Expected % Recovery Specification 70-130% <10% Spike Run 3 via the System Source Output Propane SF6 0.000 16.808 21.732 77.340% 0.000876 0.001092 0.001135 0.000 16.260 20.848 77.990% Line Position Difference:Resolution Difference to Reference0.00%Pass Pass1.25% 16 Gas, Inc. Resolution The Gasmet GICCOR (Genzel Interferometer with Cube Corner Retroreflectors) interferometer is specially designed for maximum optical throughput and maximum signal to noise ratio of 7.72 (cm-1) remaining stable with any vibration and temperature changes. Detector Linerarity The Gasmet DX4000 is a low resolution spectrometer where the aperture is fixed to a maximum angle setting and the detector linearity was tested with an alternate approach. A three point linerarity of the CTS gas was performed and validated. D6348 Annex 7. Preparation of Analytical Quantification Algorithm The analytical accuracy of the quantification algorithm is satisfied via the results from Annex 5 per Annex 7.6 Regression Slope:57.2163459 Pass Line Position Difference:Resolution Difference to Reference 1.25% D6348 Annex 8. Post Test Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures CTS Bottle Concentration: CTS Sample Concentration Average: Difference between measured and expected: Tolerance: 100.30 98.25 2.08% 5.00% POST CTS System Check: Run 1 Points 1 & 2 on CO/NO/Propane Run 2 Points 1 & 2 on CO/NO/Propane Run 3 Points 1 & 2 on CO/NO/Propane Run Data Validation - Automated vs Manual Reading Validated Comments All within 20% All within 20% All within 20% Passed Passed Passed Demonstrates no interferences observed. Demonstrates no interferences observed. Demonstrates no interferences observed. 17 Gas, Inc. 12.0 Signature Page Job/File Name: We certify that based on review of test data, knowledge of those individuals directly responsible for conducting this test, we believe the submitted information to be accurate and complete. Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc.; Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility; 1452; JJJJ 18 Company: Print Name: Signature: Title: Phone Number: Date: Company:G.A.S. Inc.Date: Print Name: Title: 6/6/2024 Emissions Specialist Company:G.A.S. Inc.Date: Print Name: Title: Signature: Phone Number: Travis Hartley Director of Stack Testing 580-225-0403 6/6/2024 Aaron King Gas, Inc. Appendices Gas, Inc. Gas, Inc. Spike (5 Gas) Gas, Inc. CERTIcICATE Oc ANALYSIS Grade of Product: EPA PROTOCOL STANaARa Part Number:E03NI90E15W0003 Reference Number:153-402732424-1 Cylinder Number:EB0147541 Cylinder Volume:145.0 CF Laboratory:124 - Tooele (SAP) - UT Cylinder Pressure:2015 PSIG PGVP Number:B72023 Valve Outlet:660 Gas Code:NO2,O2,BALN Certification Date:May 08, 2023 Expiration Date:May 08, 2026 Certification performed in accordance with “EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards (May 2012)” document EPA 600/R-12/531, using the assay procedures listed. Analytical Methodology does not require correction for analytical interference. This cylinder has a total analytical uncertainty as stated below with a confidence level of 95%. There are no significant impurities which affect the use of this calibration mixture. All concentrations are on a mole/mole basis unless otherwise noted. The results relate only to the items tested. The report shall not be reproduced except in full without approval of the laboratory. Do Not Use This Cylinder below 100 psig, i.e. 0.7 megapascals. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Component Requested Actual Protocol Total Relative Assay Concentration Concentration Method Uncertainty Dates NITROGEN DIOXIDE 100.0 PPM 100.3 PPM G1 +/- 2.0% NIST Traceable 05/01/2023, 05/08/2023 OXYGEN 9.000 %9.008 %G1 +/- 0.7% NIST Traceable 05/02/2023 NITROGEN Balance CALIBRATION STANaARaS Type Lot ID Cylinder No Concentration Uncertainty Expiration Date GMIS 1534012021601 CC502090 100.5 PPM NITROGEN DIOXIDE/NITROGEN 1.1%Dec 17, 2024 PRM 12389 D685050 99.0 PPM NITROGEN DIOXIDE/NITROGEN 1.0%Feb 19, 2020 NTRM 14060629 CC436987 4.794 % OXYGEN/NITROGEN 0.4%Oct 29, 2025 The SRM, NTRM, PRM, or RGM noted above is only in reference to the GMIS used in the assay and not part of the analysis. ANALYTICAL EnUIPMENT Instrument/Make/Model Analytical Principle Last Multipoint Calibration MKS FTIR NO2 018143349 FTIR May 03, 2023 Horiba MPA-510 W603MM58 O2 O2 Paramagnetic (DIXON)Apr 06, 2023 Triad Data Available Upon Request Airgas Specialty Gases Airgas USA LLC 525 North Industrial Loop Road Tooele, UT 84074 Airgas.com Signature on file Approved for Release Page 1 of 1 Gas, Inc. CERTIcICATE Oc ANALYSIS Grade of Product: PRIMARY STANaARa Customer:GREAT PLAINS ANALYTICAL SERVICE, Part Number:X02NI99P15ACVH8 Reference Number:54-402603460-1 Cylinder Number:CC325720 Cylinder Volume:144.0 CF Laboratory:124 - Chicago (SAP) - IL Cylinder Pressure:2015 PSIG Analysis Date:Dec 01, 2022 Valve Outlet:350 Lot Number:54-402603460-1 Expiration Date:Dec 01, 2025 Primary Standard Gas Mixtures are traceable to N.I.S.T. weights and/or N.I.S.T. Gas Mixture reference materials. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Component Req Conc Actual Concentration Analytical (Mole %)Uncertainty ETHYLENE 100.0 PPM 100.0 PPM +/- 1% NITROGEN Balance Airgas Specialty Gases Airgas USA LLC 12722 S. Wentworth Ave. Chicago, IL 60628 Airgas.com Signature on file Approved for Release Page 1 of 1 Gas, Inc. BIP Gas, Inc. 21% O2 Tri Probe Certification ” ‡ ƒ – Ž ƒ ‹ • • • ƒ Ž › – ‹ … ƒ Ž ‡ ” ˜ ‹ … ‡ • ͵Ͳ͵͵ ǡǡ͵ͶͶ ȋͷͺͲȌʹʹͷǦͲͶͲ͵ ǣȋͷͺͲȌʹʹͷǦʹͳʹ &(57,),&$7(2)$1$/<6,6 *UDGHRI3URGXFW&(57,),('67$1'$5'352%( 3DUW1XPEHU/5HIHUHQFH 1XPEHU /DERUDWRU\*$6,1&6WDFN'LDPHWHU $QDO\VLV'DWH7DUJHW)ORZ 5DWH /PLQ /271XPEHU 61 $ %/ 1XPEHURI 3RLQWV 3URGXFWSHUIRUPDQFHYHULILHGE\GLUHFWFRPSDULVRQWRFDOLEUDWLRQVWDQGDUGVWUDFHDEOHWR1,67 7KHSUREHOLVWHGRQWKLVIRUPPHHWVWKHPXOWLSRLQWWUDYHUVHUHTXLUHPHQWRI(3$0HWKRGH VHFWLRQDVVKRZQLQWKHDFFRPSDQ\LQJGDWD0HWKRGHVHFWLRQVWDWHVWKDWWKHPXOWLSRLQW WUDYHUVHUHTXLUHPHQWFDQEHVDWLVILHGE\VDPSOLQJYLD³DPXOWLKROHSUREHGHVLJQHGWRVDPSOHDW WKHSUHVFULEHGSRLQWVZLWKDIORZSHUFHQWRIPHDQIORZUDWH´ $1$/<7,&$/5(68/76 ZƵŶηdŽƚĂů&ůŽǁ ;>ͬŵͿ DĞĂƐƵƌĞĚ&ůŽǁ WŽƌƚ;>ͬŵͿ ;ĞůƚĂƋϭͿ DĞĂƐƵƌĞĚ&ůŽǁ WŽƌƚ;>ͬŵͿ ;ĞůƚĂƋϮͿ DĞĂƐƵƌĞĚ&ůŽǁ WŽƌƚ;>ͬŵͿ ;ĞůƚĂƋϯͿ 0HDQ3UREH 3RUW6DPSOHG )ORZ/P 5XQ/30 䧮 䧮 䧮 5XQ/30 䧮 䧮 䧮 &DOLEUDWLRQFRQGXFWHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK(PLVVLRQ0HDVXUHPHQW&HQWHU*XLGHOLQH'RFXPHQW±(0&*' 1RWHV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB $SSURYHGIRU5HOHDVH'DWH Probe size: 18L Mr. Jordan Williamson CEO GAS Inc. 303 W. 3rd Street Elk City, OK 73644 Dear Mr. Williamson: We are writing in response to your letter received on September 17, 2020, in which you request the approval of alternative testing procedures. The EPA’s Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS) is the delegated authority for consideration of major alternatives to test methods and procedures as set forth in 40 CFR parts 60 and 63 under which your request must be addressed. GAS Inc. is requesting a change to one of the test methods, ASTM D6348-03, used for conducting performance tests to determine compliance under 40 CFR part 60, Subpart JJJJ – Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines (Subpart JJJJ) and 40 CFR part 63, Subpart ZZZZ – National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Performance for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (Subpart ZZZZ). The change being requested will be used to check detector linearity of the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) instrumentation used to conduct this method. Specifically, you are requesting that the procedures of section 8.3.3 of Method 320 (40 CFR part 60, Appendix A), another FTIR-based method allowed under Subparts JJJJ and ZZZZ, be used in lieu of section A6.4.1 of ASTM D6348-03 when conducting testing using ASTM D6348-03 under 40 CFR part 60, Subpart JJJJ and 40 CFR part 63, Subpart ZZZZ. In your request, you state that this alternative linearity check procedure will produce consistent results when utilizing either Method 320 or ASTM D6348-03. Additionally, some FTIR instrumentation does not allow for reducing the size of the aperture in the instrument and, thus, it would not be feasible to properly conduct the entirety of the ASTM D6348-03 method in its current form using such an instrument. Based on our understanding of FTIR instrument principles and recognition that the requested alternative determination of detector linearity is both technically sound and contained within Method 320, we are approving the requested change. We believe that this alternative is acceptable for use for use in testing all engines subject to 40 CFR part 60 Subpart JJJJ and 40 CFR part 63, Subpart ZZZZ. Also, we will post this letter as ALT-141 on EPA’s website (at www.epa.gov/emc/broadly-applicable-approved-alternative- testmethods) to announce that our approval of this alternative test method is broadly applicable to engines for the purposes of meeting Subparts JJJJ and ZZZZ. March 15, 2021 Sincerely, Steffan M. Johnson, Group Leader Measurement Technology Group If you should have any questions or require further information regarding this approval, please contact David Nash of my staff at 919-541-9425 or email at nash.dave@epa.gov. cc: Sara Ayers, EPA/OECA/OC/MAMPD, (ayres.sara@epa.gov) Melanie King, EPA/OAR/OAQPS/SPPD, (king.melanie@epa.gov) James Leather, EPA Region 6, (leather.james@epa.gov) David Nash, EPA/OAR/OAQPS/AQAD, (nash.dave@epa.gov) Heather Sessing, Oklahoma DEQ, (Heather.sessing@deq.ok.gov) Aaron King GAS, Inc. Type of Sources Tested: info@gasinc.us Stationary Internal Combustion Engines • 4 Stroke Rich Burn Engines • 2 Stroke & 4 Stroke Lean Burn Engines Stationary Natural Gas Fired Generators Stationary Propane Fired Generators Gas Fired Boilers Qualifications: Trained, studied, and fully demonstrates compliance for emissions testing via data collection outlined in the following Reference Methods: • EPA Method 1 & 1A – Sampling & Traverse Points • EPA Method 2 & 2C – Velocity & Volumetric Flow Rate of a Gas Stream • EPA Method 3A – Oxygen • EPA Method 7E – NOX • EPA Method 10 – Carbon Monoxide • EPA Method 25A – Volatile Organic Compounds • ASTM D6348 – Extractive Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Conducts emissions testing on a weekly basis including, but not limited to, the following test types: Initial Compliance, Biennial Compliance, Semiannual Compliance & Quarterly Compliance. All tests performed are in accordance to any and all Federal & State requirements as applicable (i.e. JJJJ, ZZZZ, 106.512, 117, PEA, etc.). Performed testing in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, North Dakota, Montana, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana (land and off-shore), Arkansas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New York, Kentucky, & Mississippi. • Quarterly Performance Reviews covering ongoing changes with Federal Regulations, State Compliance guidelines, & site-specific safety certifications. Types of Analyzers: • Gasmet DX4000 FTIR • Gasmet Portable Sampling Unit with Zirconium Oxide O2 Sensory • Testo 350 • Flame Ionization Detector 580-225-0403 Gas, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 1 Minute Average Data Sheet Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc.Client: Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility Unit Number:1452 Make:Waukesha Location:9394 GSIModel: WAU-1651044Serial Number: RAW Result Data Stability 6/6/2024 04:11 0.7990.2320.080 0.010 0.5022.652 0.025 0.073 0.0010.0570.000 0.462 1.8730.124 0.098 843.02.450.107 0.065 1.03 0.21 181.0 Pre Test Baseline Direct 6/6/2024 04:23 0.1990.000-0.001 0.019 0.0870.063 0.007 0.000 0.0000.0000.352 0.109 0.0000.018 0.000 843.00.110.051 0.000 0.20 0.00 181.0 6/6/2024 04:23 0.0120.370-0.001 0.024 0.0510.106 0.012 0.000 0.0000.0000.440 0.173 0.0000.000 0.000 843.00.160.070 0.000 0.38 0.00 181.0 6/6/2024 04:23 0.0000.000-0.001 0.033 0.0140.088 0.010 0.000 0.0000.0240.339 0.114 0.0000.073 0.000 843.00.080.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 181.0 CTS Direct 6/6/2024 04:25 0.0000.1400.015 0.031 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.0060.0000.000 98.529 0.0000.070 0.000 843.065.690.000 0.000 0.14 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 04:26 0.0440.5650.011 0.044 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.0800.0000.000 98.704 0.0340.000 0.014 843.065.870.000 0.000 0.61 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 04:26 0.3120.4100.011 0.037 0.0000.000 0.002 0.000 0.0770.0130.000 99.039 0.0380.057 0.014 843.066.100.000 0.000 0.72 0.06 180.0 High O2 Direct 6/6/2024 04:32 0.0200.000-0.001 0.031 0.0460.130 0.014 0.000 0.0000.0000.396 0.236 0.0000.174 0.000 843.00.230.115 0.000 0.02 21.25 180.0 6/6/2024 04:32 0.0000.000-0.001 0.026 0.0000.112 0.002 0.000 0.0120.0300.692 0.223 0.0000.107 0.000 843.00.150.000 0.000 0.00 21.25 179.0 6/6/2024 04:33 0.0000.000-0.001 0.026 0.0000.172 0.007 0.000 0.0000.0000.698 0.307 0.0000.169 0.000 843.00.300.144 0.000 0.00 21.24 179.0 NO2/Mid O2 Direct 6/6/2024 04:38 98.9250.0000.001 0.008 0.2290.000 0.217 0.000 0.5600.0000.077 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 843.00.000.000 0.000 98.92 9.04 180.0 6/6/2024 04:38 99.5880.184-0.001 0.012 0.2950.000 0.225 0.000 0.5290.0000.243 0.000 0.0000.107 0.000 843.00.000.004 0.000 99.77 9.04 180.0 6/6/2024 04:38 99.7290.000-0.004 0.011 0.2310.000 0.225 0.000 0.3740.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 843.00.080.126 0.000 99.73 9.05 180.0 Spike Direct 6/6/2024 04:42 0.000236.324-0.003 4.962 6.000503.652 2.392 1.912 10.3750.4941.435 1.074 255.6000.059 0.000 843.0258.032.578 10.112 236.32 0.02 180.0 6/6/2024 04:42 0.000236.532-0.005 4.960 5.614503.918 2.389 1.963 10.3980.3561.114 1.100 255.4020.247 0.000 843.0257.842.564 10.103 236.53 0.02 180.0 6/6/2024 04:42 0.000237.476-0.004 4.961 3.706504.253 2.386 2.063 10.0680.3361.251 1.107 255.5700.297 0.000 843.0257.942.452 10.105 237.48 0.02 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) Baseline System 6/6/2024 04:46 0.0550.2240.013 0.039 0.0540.165 0.014 0.000 0.0000.0000.264 0.129 0.1080.003 0.021 843.00.240.000 0.000 0.28 0.16 180.0 6/6/2024 04:46 0.0880.0750.012 0.032 0.1960.137 0.007 0.028 0.1380.0000.060 0.142 0.0910.000 0.033 843.00.250.000 0.000 0.16 0.14 180.0 6/6/2024 04:46 0.0800.1690.010 0.036 0.0310.078 0.007 0.000 0.0000.0000.421 0.000 0.1040.085 0.000 843.00.100.000 0.000 0.25 0.12 180.0 CTS System with Response Time 6/6/2024 04:49 0.3060.0460.020 0.027 0.0000.043 0.010 0.039 0.2660.0010.000 97.281 0.0700.000 0.028 843.064.980.000 0.000 0.35 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 04:49 0.9010.0000.018 0.033 0.0000.000 0.003 0.000 0.2880.0000.000 97.182 0.0000.000 0.010 843.064.880.102 0.000 0.90 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 04:49 0.0000.0480.014 0.043 0.0000.040 0.013 0.000 0.0880.0010.000 97.090 0.0530.003 0.021 843.064.830.000 0.000 0.05 0.06 180.0 NO2/Mid O2 System with Response Time 6/6/2024 04:53 98.8061.7770.002 0.024 0.2890.024 0.238 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.194 0.0000.000 0.054 843.00.450.316 0.000 100.58 9.18 180.0 6/6/2024 04:53 99.4601.5930.002 0.025 0.2420.035 0.244 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.223 0.0000.070 0.036 843.00.230.009 0.000 101.05 9.16 180.0 6/6/2024 04:53 99.2261.8110.001 0.015 0.3050.019 0.243 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.095 0.0000.017 0.032 843.00.130.000 0.000 101.04 9.13 180.0 Spike System with Response Time 6/6/2024 05:00 0.000236.807-0.000 4.882 3.065491.635 2.361 1.988 9.2670.0691.917 1.432 252.5720.234 0.000 843.0255.242.575 9.948 236.81 0.02 180.0 6/6/2024 05:01 0.000237.436-0.000 4.880 2.388491.434 2.289 1.922 7.9970.0911.175 1.417 250.9600.306 0.000 843.0253.532.439 9.959 237.44 0.02 180.0 6/6/2024 05:01 0.000236.1160.002 4.884 2.889491.820 2.349 2.106 9.3160.1371.838 1.426 252.9380.109 0.000 843.0255.462.351 9.964 236.12 0.02 180.0 Baseline System with Response Time 6/6/2024 05:04 0.1570.5170.001 0.042 0.0000.725 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.244 0.3120.000 0.000 843.00.530.088 0.002 0.67 0.00 180.0 6/6/2024 05:04 0.1340.3620.003 0.042 0.0860.630 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.265 0.2490.000 0.000 843.00.430.006 0.002 0.50 0.00 180.0 6/6/2024 05:05 0.4460.2790.001 0.033 0.0200.446 0.011 0.000 0.0000.0000.139 0.066 0.2130.000 0.000 843.00.340.118 0.000 0.73 0.00 180.0 Run 1 - A 30minute/60min 6/6/2024 05:52 1.59723.47516.966 9.748 95.83063.634 6.238 23.769 1.7620.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.742 0.000 843.01.592.391 0.000 25.07 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 05:53 1.64114.74617.327 9.748 106.60737.700 5.856 17.085 2.6620.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.807 0.000 843.01.602.394 0.000 16.39 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 05:54 2.11913.36817.490 9.723 85.56148.744 5.335 20.073 0.7570.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.811 0.000 843.01.662.491 0.000 15.49 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 05:55 1.50512.64817.652 9.728 107.27830.632 5.479 15.892 2.6250.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.733 0.000 843.01.672.512 0.000 14.15 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 05:56 2.00415.64217.808 9.723 98.15231.671 6.065 17.791 1.7640.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.832 0.000 843.01.682.524 0.000 17.65 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 05:57 2.33713.33617.921 9.711 84.24738.067 5.446 15.956 0.5340.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.750 0.000 843.01.662.496 0.000 15.67 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 05:58 2.5629.95817.991 9.678 83.85247.584 5.426 16.994 0.4960.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.810 0.000 843.01.702.554 0.000 12.52 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 05:59 0.92211.08217.949 9.631 96.19039.357 5.622 17.574 1.4330.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.663 0.000 844.01.672.504 0.000 12.00 0.06 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/6/2024 06:00 3.48526.35318.021 9.638 61.52254.958 7.058 23.907 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.710 0.000 843.01.662.483 0.000 29.84 0.04 180.0 6/6/2024 06:01 1.68013.19618.057 9.646 88.20749.608 5.329 18.997 0.6690.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.819 0.000 844.01.772.657 0.000 14.88 0.47 180.0 6/6/2024 06:02 1.33514.86618.148 9.640 99.93527.414 6.485 16.876 1.6230.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.864 0.000 844.01.692.539 0.000 16.20 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 06:03 2.98218.98018.188 9.634 73.74047.809 6.536 20.225 1.2400.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.917 0.000 844.01.722.578 0.000 21.96 0.05 180.0 6/6/2024 06:04 3.37414.49118.253 9.658 65.74350.809 5.740 21.900 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.663 0.000 844.01.622.435 0.000 17.87 0.31 180.0 6/6/2024 06:05 2.50819.38918.244 9.662 91.21447.323 6.651 24.128 0.9410.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.877 0.000 844.01.722.579 0.000 21.90 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 06:06 3.19322.29618.220 9.667 78.57137.102 6.961 21.555 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.981 0.000 844.01.522.287 0.000 25.49 0.05 180.0 6/6/2024 06:07 2.14519.17018.177 9.656 98.03541.199 6.338 22.642 1.5220.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.822 0.000 844.01.652.479 0.000 21.31 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 06:08 2.04613.53218.087 9.675 98.77732.413 5.802 18.753 1.4520.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.796 0.000 844.01.672.506 0.000 15.58 0.25 180.0 6/6/2024 06:09 0.89412.38718.000 9.683 101.80526.262 5.885 16.905 1.7350.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.787 0.000 844.01.632.452 0.000 13.28 0.39 180.0 6/6/2024 06:10 1.01914.15917.905 9.686 103.63433.507 5.684 18.240 1.8550.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.833 0.000 844.01.652.477 0.000 15.18 0.21 180.0 6/6/2024 06:11 1.75511.47417.860 9.695 103.20228.039 5.482 15.124 2.0840.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.863 0.000 844.01.652.474 0.000 13.23 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 06:12 1.84110.21217.879 9.717 100.08926.713 5.020 12.158 1.8550.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.875 0.000 844.01.652.476 0.000 12.05 0.24 180.0 6/6/2024 06:13 0.90210.28617.850 9.712 111.35623.252 5.256 13.436 2.9990.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.728 0.000 844.01.682.515 0.000 11.19 0.88 180.0 6/6/2024 06:14 1.19112.59217.864 9.717 97.75533.315 5.161 14.917 1.5140.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.830 0.000 844.01.712.572 0.000 13.78 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 06:15 1.04614.83917.845 9.716 97.34240.647 6.112 17.469 1.6120.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.866 0.000 844.01.712.562 0.000 15.88 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 06:16 1.31210.46817.877 9.726 103.53440.852 4.549 17.621 2.3230.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.768 0.000 843.01.712.560 0.000 11.78 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 06:17 2.15011.32717.944 9.739 98.89827.256 5.759 14.451 1.8850.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.839 0.000 843.01.672.502 0.000 13.48 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 06:18 1.96110.69617.914 9.737 83.69035.633 5.114 14.862 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.809 0.000 843.01.762.642 0.000 12.66 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 06:19 2.58822.59117.902 9.698 85.75541.571 6.320 21.496 0.5740.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.851 0.000 844.01.692.536 0.000 25.18 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 06:20 1.89711.62817.923 9.737 99.90933.582 5.418 16.350 1.9910.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.799 0.000 844.01.692.537 0.000 13.52 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 06:21 3.00014.83717.890 9.702 70.01049.668 5.450 19.027 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.858 0.000 844.01.492.240 0.000 17.84 0.53 180.0 1.96614.80117.905 9.694 92.34838.877 5.786 18.206 1.3300.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.810 0.000 843.631.6652.498 0.000 16.767 0.156 180.0Avg. Spike 1 6/6/2024 06:28 0.00031.98616.292 9.487 80.21873.578 6.308 13.135 2.1890.0000.000 1.456 16.8510.769 0.701 844.020.391.752 0.860 31.99 0.06 180.0 Run 1 - B 30minute/60min 6/6/2024 06:30 0.7017.50617.886 9.703 98.82443.923 4.185 18.079 1.6720.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.803 0.000 844.01.662.496 0.000 8.21 0.23 180.0 6/6/2024 06:31 1.87415.79417.889 9.691 101.39730.940 6.151 18.878 1.9140.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.648 0.000 844.01.722.587 0.000 17.67 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 06:32 2.10318.34717.904 9.697 96.87633.431 6.404 19.132 1.3340.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.753 0.000 844.01.702.553 0.000 20.45 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 06:34 1.87612.37817.887 9.707 101.19729.826 5.608 14.099 2.1310.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.716 0.000 844.01.692.533 0.000 14.25 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 06:35 1.48311.15117.901 9.716 107.56829.227 5.618 15.892 2.6800.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.723 0.000 843.01.712.561 0.000 12.63 0.98 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/6/2024 06:36 1.27113.91517.904 9.693 102.52536.177 5.908 21.371 1.6790.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.846 0.000 844.01.682.514 0.000 15.19 0.22 180.0 6/6/2024 06:37 2.44121.24917.882 9.699 90.39343.374 6.338 22.622 0.7470.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.841 0.000 844.01.702.556 0.000 23.69 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 06:38 1.76112.67217.896 9.706 93.61940.998 5.105 17.933 1.2980.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.834 0.000 844.01.742.604 0.000 14.43 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 06:39 2.19513.83317.896 9.705 96.69934.891 5.934 18.388 1.3730.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.605 0.000 844.01.712.567 0.000 16.03 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 06:40 0.78812.33217.882 9.712 103.45622.439 5.650 14.143 1.8140.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.832 0.000 844.01.692.528 0.000 13.12 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 06:41 1.3378.87117.909 9.707 109.15720.882 5.333 12.754 2.7280.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.797 0.000 844.01.612.422 0.000 10.21 0.21 180.0 6/6/2024 06:42 1.1477.64317.913 9.710 109.41222.524 4.851 12.754 2.7810.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.894 0.000 844.01.632.448 0.000 8.79 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 06:43 0.88111.94917.937 9.719 101.35727.872 5.616 15.812 2.0460.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.751 0.000 844.01.662.492 0.000 12.83 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 06:44 2.29613.23317.929 9.725 99.38027.063 5.549 14.992 1.5840.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.856 0.000 844.01.732.601 0.000 15.53 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 06:45 0.64110.54717.895 9.720 101.04729.609 5.734 13.134 1.9880.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.762 0.000 844.01.702.545 0.000 11.19 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 06:46 2.45412.24617.922 9.723 93.85636.553 5.666 15.499 1.1750.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.856 0.000 844.01.682.524 0.000 14.70 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 06:47 2.35312.55317.897 9.725 89.20736.423 5.587 15.738 0.7110.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.822 0.000 844.01.682.522 0.000 14.91 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 06:48 2.12516.00517.913 9.724 97.07742.874 5.615 19.163 1.5080.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.802 0.000 844.01.732.590 0.000 18.13 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 06:49 2.40116.86217.887 9.731 92.04535.950 6.117 16.996 1.2250.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.858 0.000 844.01.692.541 0.000 19.26 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 06:50 1.10310.38717.904 9.722 104.16837.433 5.190 15.927 2.1920.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.836 0.000 844.01.662.488 0.000 11.49 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 06:51 2.89919.00917.928 9.733 62.31349.167 4.846 14.088 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.897 0.000 844.01.512.272 0.000 21.91 0.04 180.0 6/6/2024 06:52 2.3826.12517.910 9.718 72.50149.824 4.063 18.399 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.867 0.000 844.01.552.326 0.000 8.51 0.05 180.0 6/6/2024 06:53 2.47510.78117.945 9.748 67.97641.810 4.798 13.588 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.954 0.000 844.01.502.244 0.000 13.26 0.05 180.0 6/6/2024 06:54 2.1646.75417.968 9.752 98.35339.190 4.240 16.934 1.4810.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.922 0.000 844.01.732.590 0.000 8.92 0.19 180.0 6/6/2024 06:55 1.24711.62917.918 9.715 112.33741.636 5.527 17.472 3.3200.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.813 0.000 844.01.612.420 0.000 12.88 1.53 180.0 6/6/2024 06:56 1.1588.53917.898 9.707 110.18220.640 5.105 14.023 2.6500.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.828 0.000 844.01.672.498 0.000 9.70 0.22 180.0 6/6/2024 06:57 1.1809.41417.913 9.703 99.99418.312 5.353 12.504 1.5070.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.795 0.000 844.01.702.544 0.000 10.59 0.27 180.0 6/6/2024 06:58 1.63411.24817.954 9.712 99.58231.320 5.240 14.968 1.8940.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.851 0.000 844.01.732.588 0.000 12.88 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 06:59 1.4049.30917.913 9.704 97.39632.805 4.871 14.341 1.4980.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.773 0.000 844.01.762.641 0.000 10.71 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 07:00 2.19215.43617.914 9.688 92.56928.629 6.089 17.180 1.1110.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.815 0.000 844.01.702.548 0.000 17.63 0.06 180.0 1.73212.25717.910 9.714 96.74933.858 5.410 16.227 1.6010.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.812 0.000 843.971.6742.511 0.000 13.990 0.175 180.0Avg. 1.84913.52917.907 9.704 94.54836.368 5.598 17.216 1.4660.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.811 0.000 843.801.6702.505 0.000 15.379 0.166 180.0Run 1 Avg: Baseline 1 6/6/2024 07:03 0.1320.3810.026 0.014 0.0000.199 0.016 0.193 0.0620.0000.058 0.103 0.0460.176 0.008 844.00.140.022 0.000 0.51 0.00 180.0 Run 2 - A 30minute/60min 6/6/2024 07:05 1.89012.25817.830 9.654 102.29126.623 5.679 15.642 2.0330.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.829 0.000 844.01.672.511 0.000 14.15 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 07:06 2.45812.54117.906 9.671 97.22434.036 5.583 17.839 1.2590.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.741 0.000 844.01.702.544 0.000 15.00 0.49 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/6/2024 07:07 2.75712.62617.915 9.695 88.41935.162 5.569 16.616 0.3820.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.697 0.000 844.01.742.608 0.000 15.38 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 07:09 2.39815.23717.956 9.722 85.62045.339 5.910 18.270 0.4680.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.832 0.000 844.01.762.644 0.000 17.64 0.21 180.0 6/6/2024 07:10 2.14913.94317.951 9.708 98.48936.980 5.879 19.872 1.4400.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.749 0.000 844.01.722.574 0.000 16.09 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 07:11 2.60816.47517.919 9.698 89.02635.075 6.584 19.802 0.5680.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.806 0.000 844.01.692.541 0.000 19.08 0.27 180.0 6/6/2024 07:12 2.64212.02717.927 9.700 94.18344.178 5.526 19.751 1.2680.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.948 0.000 844.01.692.535 0.000 14.67 0.30 180.0 6/6/2024 07:13 2.49512.83617.902 9.703 89.92538.353 5.619 18.481 0.7110.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.810 0.000 844.01.702.557 0.000 15.33 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 07:14 2.83516.38517.915 9.691 86.67044.462 6.429 21.569 0.3760.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.876 0.000 844.01.752.632 0.000 19.22 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 07:15 2.68317.73017.897 9.697 87.64246.409 6.453 20.882 0.5510.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.662 0.000 844.01.692.531 0.000 20.41 0.93 180.0 6/6/2024 07:16 2.55211.51017.916 9.717 90.18235.616 5.850 16.847 0.7100.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.819 0.000 844.01.722.585 0.000 14.06 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 07:17 2.60912.21617.925 9.722 90.25431.351 6.271 16.251 0.8180.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.645 0.000 844.01.702.548 0.000 14.83 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 07:18 3.25510.54117.907 9.724 67.91938.241 5.286 15.096 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.915 0.000 844.01.572.352 0.000 13.80 0.05 180.0 6/6/2024 07:19 3.14617.67017.908 9.711 76.54647.773 6.754 22.956 1.1660.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.928 0.000 844.01.692.529 0.000 20.82 0.30 180.0 6/6/2024 07:20 3.12914.02117.922 9.711 78.53153.642 5.810 21.573 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.868 0.000 844.01.552.318 0.000 17.15 0.18 180.0 6/6/2024 07:21 2.59617.33417.906 9.709 89.62654.706 6.291 26.258 0.8470.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.653 0.000 844.01.742.611 0.000 19.93 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 07:22 2.58219.72417.897 9.690 85.50745.785 6.275 21.108 0.5470.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.708 0.000 844.01.722.576 0.000 22.31 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 07:23 0.6639.75317.911 9.706 100.98034.860 5.459 16.024 1.7670.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.836 0.000 844.01.652.479 0.000 10.42 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 07:24 3.05119.47317.863 9.675 78.93142.894 6.792 21.455 1.4680.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.936 0.000 844.01.702.546 0.000 22.52 0.05 180.0 6/6/2024 07:25 2.83113.46017.868 9.698 72.81748.754 4.932 16.907 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.885 0.000 844.01.552.331 0.000 16.29 0.05 180.0 6/6/2024 07:26 2.34917.44517.890 9.691 96.01544.759 6.460 21.685 1.4890.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.746 0.000 844.01.662.490 0.000 19.79 0.46 180.0 6/6/2024 07:27 3.32218.86717.882 9.692 67.76852.104 6.221 21.057 0.7440.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.939 0.000 844.01.752.628 0.000 22.19 0.05 180.0 6/6/2024 07:28 1.9547.33617.922 9.725 83.98842.668 4.463 15.082 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.726 0.000 844.01.562.339 0.000 9.29 0.20 180.0 6/6/2024 07:29 0.89611.82117.952 9.721 97.13550.384 6.012 20.821 1.7920.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.748 0.000 844.01.682.520 0.000 12.72 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 07:30 3.38112.75317.927 9.737 55.34648.498 5.266 17.225 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.857 0.000 844.01.612.421 0.000 16.13 0.04 180.0 6/6/2024 07:31 3.13113.56917.910 9.707 76.01356.551 5.909 22.419 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.971 0.000 844.01.742.607 0.000 16.70 0.05 180.0 6/6/2024 07:32 2.16712.91117.899 9.718 94.65641.509 5.867 19.143 1.4040.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.895 0.000 844.01.712.560 0.000 15.08 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 07:33 2.43518.27617.851 9.688 86.82866.713 5.891 26.156 0.8530.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.845 0.000 844.01.552.319 0.000 20.71 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 07:34 1.25312.73417.850 9.695 105.63943.673 5.346 20.023 2.5630.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.825 0.000 844.01.672.503 0.000 13.99 0.19 180.0 6/6/2024 07:35 2.14412.07217.896 9.729 98.92726.368 5.697 15.936 1.5480.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.846 0.000 844.01.692.538 0.000 14.22 0.29 180.0 2.47914.18517.904 9.704 87.10343.116 5.869 19.425 0.8920.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.818 0.000 844.001.6772.516 0.000 16.664 0.164 180.0Avg. Spike 2 6/6/2024 07:39 0.00030.69016.264 9.480 91.07770.391 5.719 12.511 1.3010.0000.000 1.272 16.2600.621 0.700 844.020.132.442 0.835 30.69 1.00 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) Run 2 - B 30minute/60min 6/6/2024 07:41 0.00014.96817.821 9.698 102.75539.846 5.284 19.794 2.7940.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.785 0.000 844.01.532.297 0.000 14.97 0.20 180.0 6/6/2024 07:42 0.36811.38717.888 9.724 111.26344.807 4.910 18.073 3.4120.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.776 0.000 844.01.732.601 0.000 11.75 0.19 180.0 6/6/2024 07:43 0.93310.11717.946 9.727 103.96135.856 4.989 16.402 2.4170.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.738 0.000 844.01.682.513 0.000 11.05 0.35 180.0 6/6/2024 07:44 0.5746.77517.922 9.715 100.79121.279 4.398 12.188 1.6090.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.761 0.000 844.01.742.610 0.000 7.35 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 07:45 1.79110.61217.930 9.706 87.84035.373 4.970 17.660 0.6850.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.698 0.000 844.01.712.564 0.000 12.40 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 07:46 2.90720.59417.959 9.702 79.35049.026 5.685 23.123 1.8330.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.801 0.000 844.01.652.470 0.000 23.50 0.05 180.0 6/6/2024 07:47 0.3858.42717.902 9.695 102.52650.961 4.105 17.413 2.7150.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.730 0.000 844.01.652.476 0.000 8.81 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 07:48 1.48711.46817.912 9.713 96.03231.578 5.130 15.765 1.2370.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.786 0.000 844.01.652.476 0.000 12.96 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 07:49 2.41612.15517.902 9.718 85.76737.541 5.538 18.598 0.3490.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.620 0.000 844.01.712.558 0.000 14.57 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 07:50 1.35012.09617.949 9.736 86.89448.901 4.750 17.396 1.0850.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.860 0.000 844.01.672.500 0.000 13.45 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 07:52 0.94113.80817.932 9.701 110.38950.622 5.602 21.156 3.2580.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.793 0.000 844.01.682.521 0.000 14.75 0.08 180.0 6/6/2024 07:53 1.5627.75717.894 9.701 90.37820.483 4.859 10.653 0.8040.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.894 0.000 844.01.532.299 0.000 9.32 0.22 180.0 6/6/2024 07:54 1.7327.36617.899 9.713 85.16324.516 5.055 11.850 0.2740.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.924 0.000 844.01.572.355 0.000 9.10 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 07:55 1.6897.29317.924 9.710 92.70329.141 4.690 13.063 0.7290.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.984 0.000 844.01.632.441 0.000 8.98 0.17 180.0 6/6/2024 07:56 1.3519.94017.968 9.715 97.31223.207 5.141 14.551 1.2870.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.859 0.000 844.01.592.385 0.000 11.29 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 07:57 1.8318.22817.987 9.730 84.68237.124 4.853 15.570 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.844 0.000 844.01.622.436 0.000 10.06 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 07:58 3.08010.30717.956 9.715 78.91827.073 5.485 14.693 1.1420.0000.000 0.000 0.0001.044 0.000 844.01.622.432 0.000 13.39 0.40 180.0 6/6/2024 07:59 0.3247.11017.949 9.727 101.45332.424 4.506 14.074 1.3890.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.985 0.000 844.01.602.402 0.000 7.43 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 08:00 1.17013.18317.946 9.721 98.51835.220 5.356 17.532 1.3910.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.963 0.000 844.01.622.426 0.000 14.35 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 08:01 1.0577.82917.932 9.735 105.81721.976 4.775 12.671 2.0700.0000.000 0.000 0.0001.029 0.000 844.01.612.411 0.000 8.89 1.00 180.0 6/6/2024 08:02 1.0457.72117.892 9.705 101.08927.549 5.088 13.931 1.4780.0000.000 0.000 0.0001.092 0.000 844.01.562.345 0.000 8.77 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 08:03 1.4618.84017.912 9.710 93.58532.692 4.778 15.765 0.7730.0000.000 0.000 0.0001.096 0.000 844.01.592.382 0.000 10.30 0.44 180.0 6/6/2024 08:04 1.3836.87517.936 9.732 94.39115.615 4.584 10.102 0.6760.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.965 0.000 844.01.612.422 0.000 8.26 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 08:05 1.1769.35717.960 9.708 97.74144.992 5.171 17.683 1.1590.0000.000 0.000 0.0001.101 0.000 844.01.512.262 0.000 10.53 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 08:06 1.3919.36717.969 9.725 98.05231.401 4.836 16.193 1.1230.0000.000 0.000 0.0001.048 0.000 844.01.622.435 0.000 10.76 0.50 180.0 6/6/2024 08:07 1.1079.36117.974 9.716 100.56429.194 4.680 13.888 1.3560.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.977 0.000 844.01.692.540 0.000 10.47 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 08:08 0.47310.15617.988 9.722 102.37835.808 5.039 15.921 1.4840.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.992 0.000 844.01.552.324 0.000 10.63 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 08:09 1.35310.52218.002 9.723 91.90134.257 4.907 16.885 0.7970.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.996 0.000 844.01.662.487 0.000 11.87 0.60 180.0 6/6/2024 08:10 1.3007.04718.007 9.715 91.49228.630 4.706 16.314 0.8200.0000.000 0.000 0.0001.128 0.000 844.01.612.407 0.000 8.35 0.26 180.0 6/6/2024 08:11 0.3228.09118.004 9.716 106.06230.542 4.635 15.675 1.8360.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.993 0.000 844.01.582.364 0.000 8.41 0.07 180.0 1.2659.95917.939 9.716 95.99233.588 4.950 15.819 1.3990.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.909 0.000 844.001.6262.438 0.000 11.224 0.186 180.0Avg. 1.87212.07217.921 9.710 91.54838.352 5.410 17.622 1.1460.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.863 0.000 844.001.6522.477 0.000 13.944 0.175 180.0Run 2 Avg: GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) Baseline 2 6/6/2024 08:14 0.1610.1920.036 0.017 0.0860.207 0.016 0.318 0.2130.0000.698 0.004 0.0710.000 0.024 844.00.150.040 0.000 0.35 0.00 180.0 Run 3 - A 30minute/60min 6/6/2024 08:16 1.76310.88617.826 9.602 93.30537.450 4.878 17.793 0.6280.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.579 0.000 845.01.632.440 0.000 12.65 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 08:17 0.8949.03617.886 9.653 106.59931.538 4.780 15.992 1.9490.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.640 0.000 845.01.632.452 0.000 9.93 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 08:18 1.40211.56017.879 9.643 95.18444.978 4.969 20.381 0.7340.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.700 0.000 845.01.612.413 0.000 12.96 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 08:19 1.4388.91517.927 9.653 90.49839.845 4.914 17.120 0.9840.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.714 0.000 845.01.592.379 0.000 10.35 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 08:20 1.5128.28517.992 9.665 93.07337.291 4.867 19.757 1.0900.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.609 0.000 845.01.622.437 0.000 9.80 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 08:21 2.6165.64417.995 9.684 77.56928.148 4.075 15.985 1.3970.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.806 0.000 845.01.582.375 0.000 8.26 0.05 180.0 6/6/2024 08:22 1.3177.00218.074 9.691 94.92760.427 3.309 23.926 1.2810.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.583 0.000 844.01.632.442 0.000 8.32 0.47 180.0 6/6/2024 08:23 2.7669.29218.015 9.671 76.27633.191 4.489 16.530 1.0220.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.653 0.000 844.01.542.303 0.000 12.06 0.05 180.0 6/6/2024 08:24 1.3128.37418.009 9.674 97.83229.022 4.511 15.296 1.2040.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.695 0.000 844.01.632.447 0.000 9.69 0.31 180.0 6/6/2024 08:26 1.70512.06117.993 9.681 92.81531.373 5.173 16.932 0.8710.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.646 0.000 844.01.602.395 0.000 13.77 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 08:27 1.1957.55118.055 9.683 96.70338.350 4.522 15.872 1.3020.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.632 0.000 844.01.622.429 0.000 8.75 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 08:28 0.5618.75618.053 9.714 105.82521.700 4.713 14.045 1.7490.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.600 0.000 844.01.672.505 0.000 9.32 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 08:29 1.3798.33518.084 9.713 94.25332.349 5.161 17.304 0.9440.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.627 0.000 844.01.612.416 0.000 9.71 0.22 180.0 6/6/2024 08:30 2.8438.23918.015 9.697 75.05228.619 4.336 14.037 0.7150.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.684 0.000 845.01.622.434 0.000 11.08 0.05 180.0 6/6/2024 08:31 1.50911.99117.948 9.672 92.18343.055 5.018 20.388 0.5360.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.571 0.000 845.01.672.512 0.000 13.50 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 08:32 1.62911.17317.976 9.666 91.52638.752 4.980 18.039 0.7910.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.643 0.000 845.01.592.388 0.000 12.80 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 08:33 1.6929.63418.020 9.696 92.50827.587 4.696 14.189 1.0240.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.635 0.000 845.01.612.411 0.000 11.33 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 08:34 1.2087.65818.015 9.683 106.09627.769 4.342 14.259 2.2070.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.598 0.000 845.01.602.393 0.000 8.87 0.89 180.0 6/6/2024 08:35 1.5807.77818.053 9.702 94.61822.471 4.497 12.262 0.8950.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.737 0.000 845.01.622.429 0.000 9.36 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 08:36 1.3827.74618.002 9.675 92.63433.261 4.479 16.115 0.8700.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.652 0.000 845.01.602.407 0.000 9.13 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 08:37 1.79310.81317.996 9.672 90.33837.313 4.998 20.244 0.4930.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.643 0.000 845.01.582.370 0.000 12.61 0.19 180.0 6/6/2024 08:38 1.6247.45418.016 9.705 97.22222.256 4.303 12.793 1.1580.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.656 0.000 845.01.612.414 0.000 9.08 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 08:39 1.47610.66217.986 9.678 86.52843.374 4.455 15.893 0.8290.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.703 0.000 845.01.602.405 0.000 12.14 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 08:40 3.1498.14417.975 9.703 55.41816.591 3.918 7.935 0.0580.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.715 0.000 845.01.602.396 0.000 11.29 0.16 180.0 6/6/2024 08:41 1.9076.54617.935 9.681 81.82131.552 4.063 13.691 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.615 0.000 845.01.612.417 0.000 8.45 0.05 180.0 6/6/2024 08:42 1.5158.19417.926 9.661 93.74943.609 4.380 16.625 0.9060.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.667 0.000 845.01.612.421 0.000 9.71 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 08:43 2.04716.16617.939 9.650 96.88860.659 5.466 26.699 1.0740.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.621 0.000 845.01.552.321 0.000 18.21 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 08:44 2.80112.45617.952 9.669 76.37136.348 4.950 17.164 0.9200.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.730 0.000 845.01.592.379 0.000 15.26 0.33 180.0 6/6/2024 08:45 1.6365.71217.969 9.689 104.54115.938 4.200 10.778 1.8950.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.660 0.000 845.01.622.433 0.000 7.35 0.07 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/6/2024 08:46 1.7528.46117.953 9.686 91.81420.139 4.982 11.606 0.9770.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.682 0.000 845.01.642.458 0.000 10.21 0.06 180.0 1.7139.15117.982 9.677 91.13933.832 4.614 16.322 1.0170.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.657 0.000 844.771.6092.414 0.000 10.865 0.132 180.0Avg. Spike 3 6/6/2024 08:49 0.00028.42216.308 9.447 59.91565.300 4.912 7.554 0.7960.0000.000 1.329 16.8080.487 0.727 844.020.231.623 0.870 28.42 0.04 180.0 Run 3 - B 30minute/60min 6/6/2024 08:51 2.7675.93517.962 9.700 71.65122.342 3.820 9.067 0.7790.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.784 0.000 845.01.632.443 0.000 8.70 0.32 180.0 6/6/2024 08:52 2.2047.34217.990 9.700 93.39823.064 4.478 10.813 0.6950.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.732 0.000 845.01.662.485 0.000 9.55 0.42 180.0 6/6/2024 08:53 2.66612.37317.984 9.672 86.76446.172 5.456 22.242 0.2230.0000.000 0.000 0.0001.034 0.000 844.01.602.396 0.000 15.04 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 08:54 2.51812.01917.997 9.683 87.09942.050 4.988 18.896 0.1380.0000.000 0.000 0.0001.039 0.000 845.01.622.433 0.000 14.54 0.18 180.0 6/6/2024 08:55 3.85014.85017.991 9.677 57.05127.817 6.002 16.012 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0001.005 0.000 845.01.572.357 0.000 18.70 0.04 180.0 6/6/2024 08:56 3.0306.56717.958 9.676 75.35060.709 2.765 13.410 1.2000.0000.000 0.000 0.0001.050 0.000 845.01.612.413 0.000 9.60 0.05 180.0 6/6/2024 08:57 3.3577.93617.995 9.685 61.66933.573 4.720 13.904 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.990 0.000 845.01.632.439 0.000 11.29 0.37 180.0 6/6/2024 08:58 2.6235.38318.042 9.713 73.50536.339 3.400 13.758 1.6010.0000.000 0.000 0.0001.057 0.000 845.01.572.348 0.000 8.01 0.05 180.0 6/6/2024 08:59 3.55218.42217.997 9.699 51.72131.753 5.228 15.914 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0001.063 0.000 845.01.612.415 0.000 21.97 0.03 180.0 6/6/2024 09:00 2.3697.34217.981 9.690 90.30450.547 3.801 18.452 0.2530.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.911 0.000 845.01.642.458 0.000 9.71 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 09:01 1.83611.03718.011 9.705 92.48622.637 4.593 13.388 0.7400.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.817 0.000 845.01.642.457 0.000 12.87 0.25 180.0 6/6/2024 09:02 2.77811.05618.045 9.704 92.56345.235 5.403 22.376 0.7400.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.902 0.000 845.01.652.470 0.000 13.83 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 09:03 2.39812.59017.959 9.667 89.99345.227 5.518 18.541 1.0420.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.616 0.000 845.01.622.431 0.000 14.99 0.47 180.0 6/6/2024 09:05 2.99613.71418.000 9.673 85.13040.571 5.457 21.132 0.2070.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.890 0.000 845.01.612.415 0.000 16.71 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 09:06 3.2237.82117.944 9.669 77.46028.858 4.801 13.288 0.9910.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.966 0.000 845.01.612.410 0.000 11.04 0.05 180.0 6/6/2024 09:07 3.0717.55317.982 9.681 71.93424.474 4.656 10.521 0.6640.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.841 0.000 845.01.642.465 0.000 10.62 0.05 180.0 6/6/2024 09:08 3.0206.75717.962 9.672 76.98539.943 4.181 13.921 1.3290.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.944 0.000 845.01.632.438 0.000 9.78 0.05 180.0 6/6/2024 09:09 2.2227.51517.969 9.678 95.30238.274 4.907 16.443 1.0790.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.837 0.000 845.01.782.669 0.000 9.74 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 09:10 3.0528.32817.970 9.693 76.67733.319 4.584 13.606 1.1110.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.911 0.000 845.01.632.440 0.000 11.38 0.05 180.0 6/6/2024 09:11 2.2278.67718.033 9.701 88.86133.530 4.827 15.332 0.5290.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.783 0.000 845.01.802.694 0.000 10.90 0.24 180.0 6/6/2024 09:12 2.0357.55918.039 9.707 89.80924.018 4.877 11.567 0.7160.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.827 0.000 845.01.792.685 0.000 9.59 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 09:13 3.1207.95318.012 9.703 68.87720.044 4.493 9.475 0.6620.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.923 0.000 845.01.782.675 0.000 11.07 0.05 180.0 6/6/2024 09:14 3.7727.65918.041 9.714 42.15325.432 3.843 8.227 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.874 0.000 845.01.642.456 0.000 11.43 0.03 180.0 6/6/2024 09:15 2.1877.78318.050 9.696 91.04971.123 3.878 24.721 0.9940.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.879 0.000 845.01.722.579 0.000 9.97 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 09:16 2.56515.69418.019 9.677 95.38645.458 5.538 23.432 1.3550.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.957 0.000 845.01.752.632 0.000 18.26 0.06 180.0 6/6/2024 09:17 2.6897.81417.982 9.692 85.83631.008 4.790 16.145 0.3850.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.826 0.000 845.01.622.423 0.000 10.50 0.06 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/6/2024 09:18 3.41715.86718.012 9.689 51.83042.873 4.717 14.087 0.1130.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.903 0.000 845.01.762.637 0.000 19.28 0.03 180.0 6/6/2024 09:19 3.2095.78218.011 9.735 71.74129.384 3.025 8.663 0.8400.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.862 0.000 845.01.772.659 0.000 8.99 0.05 180.0 6/6/2024 09:20 1.58614.79818.047 9.840 104.67277.616 5.587 31.142 3.0500.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.795 0.000 845.01.612.414 0.000 16.38 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 09:21 2.46011.18717.989 9.690 85.59632.010 5.278 15.403 0.5790.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.824 0.000 845.01.752.628 0.000 13.65 0.79 180.0 2.7609.84417.999 9.696 79.42837.513 4.654 15.796 0.7340.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.895 0.000 844.971.6652.495 0.000 12.603 0.139 180.0Avg. 2.2379.49717.991 9.687 85.28435.673 4.634 16.059 0.8750.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.776 0.000 844.871.6372.455 0.000 11.734 0.136 180.0Run 3 Avg: Baseline 3 6/6/2024 09:24 0.1420.3510.023 0.008 0.0000.211 0.017 0.167 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.076 0.000 845.00.050.080 0.000 0.49 0.00 180.0 Post CTS 6/6/2024 09:27 0.6040.2910.017 0.024 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.2070.0010.000 98.085 0.0290.231 0.031 845.065.510.037 0.000 0.89 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 09:27 0.0000.8330.016 0.040 0.0000.014 0.011 0.241 0.2900.0070.000 98.420 0.0170.063 0.022 845.065.680.000 0.000 0.83 0.07 180.0 6/6/2024 09:27 0.0000.2270.018 0.006 0.0000.007 0.000 0.030 0.2500.0080.000 98.259 0.0000.094 0.004 845.065.520.000 0.000 0.23 0.07 180.0 Post NO2/Mid O2 6/6/2024 09:29 96.4194.1040.005 0.020 0.3450.195 0.240 0.000 0.1640.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.218 0.046 845.00.420.491 0.000 100.52 9.02 180.0 6/6/2024 09:29 97.1393.7640.002 0.000 0.1740.000 0.231 0.044 0.0540.0010.000 0.385 0.0000.203 0.056 845.00.620.377 0.000 100.90 9.07 180.0 6/6/2024 09:29 97.8804.1820.006 0.010 0.1520.212 0.248 0.000 0.0000.0080.000 0.116 0.0000.012 0.054 845.00.390.303 0.000 102.06 9.12 180.0 Post 5-Gas 6/6/2024 09:31 0.000237.9340.007 4.890 2.902497.309 2.302 2.025 7.2070.1730.985 1.290 252.4100.362 0.000 845.0255.062.678 10.007 237.93 0.02 180.0 6/6/2024 09:31 0.000237.4390.004 4.881 2.822498.234 2.312 2.195 8.1030.1941.912 1.320 252.5370.298 0.000 845.0255.162.620 10.006 237.44 0.02 180.0 6/6/2024 09:31 0.000236.8660.003 4.862 3.010497.427 2.299 2.151 7.7130.2811.504 1.353 252.7750.284 0.000 845.0255.442.640 9.990 236.87 0.02 180.0 6/6/2024 09:32 0.000239.122-0.000 4.893 3.008496.440 2.389 2.114 9.0950.1551.449 1.351 253.6980.572 0.000 845.0256.112.268 9.998 239.12 0.02 180.0 6/6/2024 09:32 0.000236.3220.003 4.886 5.275498.119 2.410 2.070 8.8930.5232.378 1.271 253.3600.345 0.000 845.0255.752.307 10.006 236.32 0.02 180.0 End of Test Purge 6/6/2024 09:34 0.1951.1240.003 0.029 0.0000.724 0.012 0.000 0.0880.0020.000 0.275 0.3420.131 0.000 845.00.530.000 0.000 1.32 0.00 180.0 6/6/2024 09:34 0.2080.8570.004 0.023 0.0400.725 0.022 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.3000.108 0.000 845.00.300.000 0.001 1.06 0.00 180.0 6/6/2024 09:34 0.1320.1240.003 0.035 0.1290.810 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0000.250 0.078 0.2750.063 0.000 845.00.330.000 0.000 0.26 0.00 180.0 6/6/2024 09:34 0.1220.258-0.000 0.016 0.0000.509 0.000 0.036 0.0000.0060.326 0.000 0.3070.069 0.000 845.00.310.000 0.000 0.38 0.00 180.0 6/6/2024 09:35 0.6680.3000.001 0.020 0.0000.476 0.021 0.137 0.0000.0000.100 0.539 0.2040.000 0.000 845.00.700.202 0.000 0.97 0.00 180.0 6/6/2024 09:35 0.1030.7640.007 0.011 0.0000.525 0.002 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.144 0.1760.000 0.000 844.00.270.002 0.001 0.87 0.00 180.0 6/6/2024 09:35 0.0270.8360.003 0.025 0.0000.466 0.002 0.000 0.0000.0030.088 0.066 0.1490.042 0.027 845.00.330.127 0.002 0.86 0.00 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/6/2024 09:35 0.3860.584-0.000 0.000 0.0000.333 0.030 0.000 0.1280.0000.133 0.400 0.2120.000 0.044 844.00.660.140 0.000 0.97 0.00 180.0 6/6/2024 09:35 0.0000.4200.000 0.040 0.1040.265 0.015 0.000 0.0000.0040.280 0.233 0.2210.274 0.000 845.00.380.000 0.000 0.42 0.00 180.0 GAS, Inc. Performance Test Report Test Type: Initial Test Date: 6/7/2024 Waukesha 9394 GSI Rich Burn (4 Cycle) 303 W. 3rd St Elk City , OK 73644(580) 225-0403 Test Started:Test Completed:05:46 AM 09:26 AM Source: Unit Number: 1453 Serial Number: WAU-1651075 Engine Hours:4269 Permit #: #DAQE-AN161400001-23 Location: Duchesne County, Utah Prepared on Behalf of: Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ CO NOx NMNEHC 1.650 0.830 0.170 0.048 0.209 0.044 3.497 9.251 2.048 2.000 0.300 1.000 0.150 0.700 0.030 0.009 0.038 0.008 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Federal State Federal State Federal State Results lb/hr Results ppmvd Permit lb/hr Results g/hp-hr Permit g/hp-hr PASS ALL Index Tables Figures Appendices Table 5.1 (Run Summaries)................................................................ Table 6.1 (Volumetric Flow Rate Data)............................................... Table 6.2 (Stack Gas Measurements)................................................. Table 8.1 (Oxygen Calibration)........................................................... Annex Table 1.2.1 (Certified Calibration Bottle Concentrations)......... Annex Table 1.2.2 (Measurement System Capabilities)..................... Annex Table 1.3.1 (Test Specific Target Analytes)............................. Annex Table 4.1 (Measure System Capabilities)................................ Figure 6.1 (Location of Traverse Points per Method 1)....................... Annex Figure 1.4.1 (Sampling Train).................................................. Annex Figure 1.4.2 (Sampling Points)................................................. Annex Figure 1.4.3 (Sampling Port Locations).................................... Certified Calibration Bottle Certificates................................................ Tri Probe Certification via GD-031...................................................... GAS ALT 141_FTIR EPA.................................................................... Tester Qualifications (resume)............................................................ Raw Data............................................................................................ 27 Key Personnel.............................................................................1.0 3 Sampling System........................................................................2.0 3 Methods Used.............................................................................3.0 3 Test Summaries..........................................................................4.0 5 Run Summaries..........................................................................5.0 6 6 Volumetric Flow Rate Data.........................................................6.0 7 7 7 7 Calculations................................................................................7.0 8 9 12 12 13 15 13 14 14 20 25 28 29 Oxygen Calibration.....................................................................9 Engine Parameter Data Sheet....................................................10 QA/QC Results............................................................................11 Signature Page...........................................................................12.0 Appendices.................................................................................13.0 Bottle Certs.................................................................................2014.0 Tri Probe Certification via GD-031..............................................2515.0 GAS ALT 141_FTIR EPA............................................................16.0 Tester Qualifications (resume)....................................................2817.0 D6348 Annexes..........................................................................1211.0 18 19 26 8.0 9.0 10.0 Raw Data....................................................................................2918.0 1.0 Key Personnel GAS, Inc. Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. 2.0 Sampling System The sampling system used consisted of a Stainless steel probe, heated Teflon line, gas conditioning system, and a Gasmet model DX4000 FTIR analyzer. The gas conditioning system used was a Gasmet Personal Sampling System with a Zirconium Oxide oxygen sensor. 3.0 Methods Used This extractive FTIR based field test method is used to quantify gas phase concentrations of multiple target analytes (CO, NOX, CH2O, & VOC's) from stationary source effluent. Because an FTIR analyzer is potentially capable of analyzing hundreds of compounds, this test method is not analyte or source specific. The analytes, detection levels, and data quality objectives are expected to change for any particular testing situation. It is the responsibility of the tester to define the target analytes, the associated detection limits for those analytes in the particular source effluent, and the required data quality objectives for each specific test program. Provisions are included in this test method that require the tester to determine critical sampling system and instrument operational parameters, and for the conduct of QA/QC procedures. Testers following this test method will generate data that will allow an independent observer to verify the valid collection, identification, and quantification of the subject target analytes. EPA Method 1 & 1A EPA Method 2 & 2C EPA Method 3A The purpose of the method is to provide guidance for the selection of sampling ports and traverse points at which sampling for air pollutants will be performed pursuant to regulations set forth in this part. This method is applicable for the determination of the average velocity and the volumetric flow rate of a gas stream. The average gas velocity in a stack is determined from the gas density and from measurement of the average velocity head with a standard pitot tube. Velocity readings are taken from each stack at 16 separate traverse points (Table 6.1) and used to determine the engines mass emissions rate, calculated utilizing the formulas seen in section 7.0 of this report. This is a procedure for measuring oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in stationary source emissions using a continuous instrumental analyzer. Quality assurance and quality control requirements are included to assure that the tester collects data of known quality. Documentation to these specific requirements for equipment, supplies, sample collection and analysis, calculations, and data analysis will be included. ASTM D6348-03 Preston McCormick 3 Aaron King Gas, Inc. 4.0 Test Summary T e s t S u m m a r y Site Verification Photos Gas, Inc. Unit 1453 with a serial number of WAU-1651075 which is a Waukesha 9394 GSI engine located at Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility and operated by Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. was tested for emissions of: Carbon Monoxide, Oxides of Nitrogen, and Volatile Organic Compounds. The test was conducted on 6/7/2024 by Aaron King with Great Plains Analytical Services, Inc. All quality assurance and quality control tests were within acceptable tolerances. The engine is a natural gas fired Rich Burn (4 Cycle) engine rated at 2500 brake horse power (BHP) at 1200 RPM. The engine was operating at 2500 BHP and 1200 RPM which is 100.00% of maximum engine load during the test. The test HP calculation can be found on page 8. The engine was running at the maximum load available at the test site. This test will satisfy the testing requirements for 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ. Unit 1453 is authorized to operate under permit #DAQE-AN161400001-23. 4 4.0 Test Summary Engine/Compressor Specs Crusoe Mullins Tap FacilityLocation 1453Unit ID Make Waukesha Site Elevation ft.5245 Model 9394 GSI Atmospheric Pressure psi.12.15 Serial Number WAU-1651075 Stack Diameter in.18 mfg. rated hp 2500 Yes 1200 Date of Manufacture Engine/Compressor Operation Run 2 Run 3 3 Run AveragesRun 1 Test Horsepower 2500 2500 2500 2500 1200 1200 1200 1200 Percent Load % Intake Manifold Pressure (hg) 100.00%100.00%100.00%100.00% 33.26 34.26 34.26 33.93 Intake Manifold Temperature (F)121.00 121.00 122.00 121.33 Ambient Conditions Ambient Temperature Dry (F)64.00 70.00 70.00 68.00 Exhaust Flow Data Q Stack (dscfh) Q Stack (dscm/hr) 213041.51 179936.99 173930.37 188969.63 6032.61 5095.20 4925.11 5350.97 Moisture Fraction Bws Fuel Consumption (Btu/h[-hr) 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0 0 0 0 Fuel Flow (dscfh) Fuel (btu/scf)1020 1020 1020 1020 O2 F factor 8710.0 8710 8710 8710 Results Method 3A Corrected O2% Dry Moisture %18.10%18.18%18.28%18.19% T e s t S u m m a r y mfg. rated rpm Test RPM 0.14%0.19%0.24%0.19% Permitted Standards Results 5 Catalyst 0.0100.009 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 3 Run Average Pass Permits 05:46 AM 06:59 AM 08:10 AM 6/7/2024 CO (g/hp-hr)0.007 0.0092.000 0.300 Pass StateFederal CO (ppmvw)1.978 2.974 3.631 2.861 CO (ppmvd)2.415 3.635 4.443 3.497 CO (mol wt) 28.01 CO (ppmvd) @15% O2 0.686 1.036 1.269 0.997 Fail CO (ppbvd) @15% O2 686.271 1035.646 1268.725 996.881 Fail 0.0560.048CO (lbs/hr)0.037 0.0481.650 Pass NOx (g/hp-hr)0.038 0.037 0.038 0.0381.000 0.150 Pass NOx (ppmvw)6.702 7.854 8.148 7.568 NOx (ppmvd)8.183 9.598 9.971 9.251 NOx (mol wt) 46.01 1.677 1.660 1.691 1.676NMNEHC (ppmvw) 2.047 2.029 2.069 2.048NMNEHC (ppmvd) NOx (ppbvd) @15% O2 2325.272 2734.850 2847.425 2635.849 Fail NOx (ppmvd) @15% O2 2.325 2.735 2.847 2.636 Fail NMNEHC (mol wt) 44.10 581.665 578.067 590.942 583.558 FailNMNEHC (ppbvd) @15% O2 0.009 0.008 0.007 0.0080.700 0.030 PassNMNEHC (g/hp-hr) 0.050 0.042 0.041 0.0440.170 PassNMNEHC (lbs/hr) 0.582 0.578 0.591 0.584 FailNMNEHC (ppmvd) @15% O2 NOx (lbs/hr)0.208 0.206 0.207 0.2090.830 Pass Gas, Inc. 5.0 Run Summaries Summary Source Run 1 R u n Table 5.1 Run Summaries S u m m a r i e s 6 0.56Baseline Source Spike Source Baseline PPM Wet CO NOx Oxygen %Moisture % 1.98 0.43 3.37 0.00 3.33 0.43 6.70 0.46 1.68 0.00% 0.11% 0.00% 18.10% NMNEHC 1.38 3.19 3.46 6.65 1.69 0.04%18.08% 49.67 25.70 0.00 25.70 19.26 0.02%16.50% 2.58 3.56 3.20 6.76 1.66 0.18%18.12% 0.07 0.20 0.03 0.23 0.13 0.00%0.03% Avg. Wet NO2NO Summary Source Run 2 Baseline Source Spike Source Baseline PPM Wet CO NOx Oxygen %Moisture %NMNEHC 0.07 0.20 0.03 0.23 0.13 0.00%0.03% 2.58 4.02 3.70 7.72 1.68 0.11%18.16% 49.61 31.11 0.00 31.11 19.26 0.17%16.49% 3.36 4.47 3.52 7.99 1.64 0.20%18.20% 0.07 0.17 0.17 0.34 0.11 0.00%0.03% Avg. Wet 2.97 4.24 3.61 7.85 1.66 0.16%18.18% NO2NO Summary Source Run 3 Baseline Source Spike Source Baseline PPM Wet CO NOx Oxygen %Moisture %NMNEHC 3.79 4.72 3.64 8.36 1.71 0.18%18.30% 51.15 31.39 0.00 31.39 19.84 0.31%16.56% 3.47 4.58 3.35 7.93 1.67 0.21%18.26% 0.11 0.10 0.10 0.21 0.11 0.00%0.06% 0.07 0.17 0.17 0.34 0.11 0.00%0.03% Avg. Wet 3.63 4.65 3.50 8.15 1.69 0.20%18.28% NO2NO Gas, Inc. 6.0 Volumetric Flow Rate Data Volumetric Flow Rate Data .99 Stack diameter = Table 6.1. Data used for volumetric flow rate (Method 2) 18 inches or:1.5 feet. or:1.77 Square Feet Run 1 Average Pitot Tube Coefficient Cp(std)= H2O CO2 O2 CO Molecular Weight Stack Gas dry basis (Md) Molecular Weight Stack Gas wet basis (Ms) Stack Static Pressure (Pg) Stack Static Pressure (Pg) Atmospheric Pressure at Location (Pbar) Atmospheric Pressure at Location (Pbar) Absolute Stack Pressure (Ps) Stack Temperature Stack Temperature Stack Temperature Stack Gas Velocity Stack Flow Rate Q Stack Gas Wet Volmetric Flow Rate Stack Gas Dry Volumetric Flow Rate Sample after Back Purge: Within 5% of Last Δpstd reading: Stack Diameter (inches) Inches upstream from disturbance Inches downstream from disturbance scf/hr 0.97 Yes 18.00 5.00 17.00 scf/hr cfs ft/sec Deg R Deg F Deg C "Hg "Hg MBAR "Hg "H20 g/g mole g/g mole ppmd %d %d %d 18.10 29.56 1.10 Inches 3.01 9 14.99 Vo l u m e t r i c F l o w R a t e s Pitot readings are taken for Method 2 calculations using measuring points outlined in Method 1 Figure 6.1 16 Traverse Points Were Used Emissions Sampling Points - 3 point long line sampling probe First Sampling Point Taken @ 16.7% of Stack Diameter Second Sampling Point Taken @ 50% of Stack Diameter Third Sampling Point Taken @ 83.3% of Stack Diameter 9.73 0.11 1.98 838.68 0.08 24.77 24.85 872.00 1331.67 466.67 27.47 124.15 219.40 260122.36 213041.51 Run 2 18.18 29.57 0.80 9.75 0.16 2.97 839.90 0.06 24.81 24.87 884.00 1343.67 473.33 27.46 105.85 187.05 219912.73 179936.99 Run 3 18.28 29.57 0.75 9.73 0.20 3.63 840.22 0.06 24.82 24.87 898.00 1357.67 481.11 27.45 103.49 182.88 212836.97 173930.37 18.19 29.56 0.88 9.74 0.16 2.86 839.60 0.06 24.80 24.86 884.67 1344.34 473.70 27.46 111.62 197.24 231752.44 189606.33 *The exhaust stack did not present cyclonic flow conditions at the sampling location due to the absence of cyclones, inertial demisters, venturi scrubbers, or tangential inlets. * Cyclonic Flow Check (Pass/Fail): PASS Δpstd (in) H2O 1.23 Exhaust Temp F 872.00 Pitot Tube Sampling Points (Velocity) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Δpstd Average= Run 1 Table 6.2. Stack gas pressure readings measured with a standard pitot tube use for Volumetric Flow Rate 1.21 1.18 1.23 873.00 871.00 872.00 1.31 1.19 0.99 873.00 871.00 872.00 0.82 0.74 0.65 873.00 871.00 872.00 0.83 873.00 1.08 1.26 1.32 871.00 872.00 873.00 1.35 1.26 1.10 871.00 872.00 872.00 Δpstd = Velocity head measured by the standard pitot tube, (in.) H2O.Run 3 Δpstd (in) H2O 0.66 Exhaust Temp F 898.00 0.70 0.70 0.77 899.00 897.00 898.00 0.94 0.99 1.02 897.00 899.00 898.00 0.86 0.67 0.51 899.00 897.00 898.00 0.40 899.00 0.40 0.66 0.86 897.00 898.00 899.00 0.92 0.97 897.00 898.00 898.000.75 Run 2 Δpstd (in) H2O 0.71 Exhaust Temp F 884.00 0.73 0.76 0.88 883.00 885.00 884.00 1.05 1.20 1.24 883.00 885.00 884.00 1.15 0.77 0.58 883.00 885.00 884.00 0.43 883.00 0.43 0.48 0.56 885.00 884.00 883.00 0.76 0.99 885.00 884.00 0.80 884.00 Pass Strat Check .8Check 1 .8Check 2 .8Check 3 COGas Used Pass/Fail 7 Gas, Inc. 7.0 Calculations Method 2: Determination of Stack Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate *Note- Use of this method negates the need for any fuel related numbers for emissions calculations Nomenclature Δp(avg) = Velocity head of stack gas, mm H2O (in. H2O).Ps = Absolute stack pressure (Pbar+ Pg), mm Hg (in Hg) 3600 = Conversion Factor, sec/hr. A = Cross-sectional area of stack, m2 (ft2). Bws = Water vapor in the gas stream (from ASTM D6348) Kp = Velocity equation constant. Md = Molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis, g/g-mole (lb./lb.-mole). Ms = Molecular weight of stack gas, wet basis, g/g-mole (lb./lb. -mole). Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 760 mm Hg (29.92 in. Hg). Qsd = Dry volumetric stack gas flow rate corrected to standard conditions, dscm/hr. (dscf/hr.). Ts(abs) = Absolute stack temperature, °K (°R). = 460 + Ts for English units. Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 293°K (528 °R). Vs = Average stack gas velocity, m/sec (ft./sec). *(Observed from Method 3 12.3) Dry Molecular Weight. Equation 3-1 Md = .44(.097)+.32(.001)+.28(.902+0) = 29.561 LB/LB-MOLEMd = .44(%CO2)+.32(%O2)+.28(%N2+%CO) 12.5 Molecular Weight of Stack Gas. Equation 2-6 Ms = 29.561(1 -.181)+.18.0(.181) = 27.469 LB/LB-MOLEMs = Md(1-Bws)+18.0(Bws) 12.6 Average Stack Gas Velocity. Equation 2-7 Vs = 85.49*.99*√1.1*√(1331.67/(24.85*27.469)) = 124.15 FT/SECVs = Kp*Cp(std)*√Δpavg*√(Ts(abs)/(Ps*Ms)) 12.7 Average Stack Gas Volumetric Flow Rate. Equation 2-8 Qsd = 3600(1-.181)124.153*1.767((528*24.85)/ (1331.67*29.92)) = 213041.51 DSCF/HRQsd = 3600(1-Bws)Vs*A((Tstd*Ps)/(Ts(abs)*Pstd)) *Standard conversion from feet to meters Q = 213041.514/35.315 = 6032.607 DSCM/HRQ = Qsd/35.315 Emission Rates (Examples use CO Run 1) Nomenclature CO corrected @ 15% O2 453.6= Conversion factor lb. to gram HP= Engines rated Horsepower A = Cross-sectional area of stack, m2 (ft2). BHP/HR. = Brake work of the engine, horsepower-hour (HP-HR.). BTU/HP-HR. = Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (HHV) ER = Emission rate of (CO) in g/HP-hr. F(d )= Volumes of combustion components per unit of heat content, scm/J (scf/million Btu). Q = Stack gas volumetric flow rate, in standard cubic meters per hour, dry basis LB/HR.= Emission rate of (CO) in LB/HR. Mfg.= Manufacturer Exhaust flow rate at 100% (ft3/min) O2 = Concentration of oxygen on a dry basis, percent. ppm= Parts Per Million (CO) ppm@15% O2= PPM corrected to 15% O2 Qsd = Dry volumetric stack gas flow rate corrected to standard conditions, dscm/hr. (DSCF/HR.). Run Time = Run Time in Minutes TPY= Tons per Year Mol wt.= Mol Weight of CO (28.01) Vs = Average stack gas velocity, m/sec (ft./sec). ppm @ 15% O2 = 2.415*(20.9-15)/(20.9-.1%)) = .685 PPM @ 15% O2ppm @ 15% O2 = PPM*((20.9-15%O2)/(20.9-O2)) G/HP HR from 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ (2.415*(1.164*10^-3)*6032.607*(Run Time/60))/2500 = .007 G/HP-HRg/hp-hr = (PPM*(1.164*10^-3)*Q*(Run Time/60))/BHP/HR LB/HR from Grams LB/HR = .007*1/453.6*2500 = .037 LB/HRlb/hr = ER*1/453.6*BHP-HR TPY TPY = .037*4.38 = .162 TPYTPY = LB/HR. *4.38 Horsepower HP Provided On Site Wet to Dry PPM 2.42 = 1.978*(1/(1-.18))ppm wet * (1/(1-H2O) = ppm dry 8 Cp(std) = Standard pitot tube coefficient; use 0.99 Gas, Inc. 8.1 Calibration error test; how do I confirm my analyzer calibration is correct? After the tester has assembled, prepared and calibrated the sampling system and analyzer, they conduct a 3-point analyzer calibration error test before the first run and again after any failed system bias test or failed drift test. They then introduce the low-, mid-, and high-level calibration gases sequentially in direct calibration mode. At each calibration gas level (low, mid, and high) the calibration error must be within ± 2.0 percent of the calibration span. 8.0 Oxygen Calibration 8.2 Initial system bias and system calibration error checks. Before sampling begins, it is determined whether the high- level or mid-level calibration gas best approximates the emissions and it is used as the upscale gas. The upscale gas is introduced at the probe upstream of all sample- conditioning components in system calibration mode. 8.3 Post-run system bias check and drift assessment - confirming that each sample collected is valid. Sampling may be performed for multiple runs before performing the post-run bias or system calibration error check provided this test is passed at the conclusion of the group of runs. A failed final test in this case will invalidate all runs subsequent to the last passed test. (1) Next, zero gas is introduced as described above. The response must be within 0.5 percent of the upscale gas concentration. (2) Low-level gas reading is observed until it has reached a final, stable value and the results are recorded. The measurement system will be operated at the normal sampling rate during all system bias checks. (3) If the initial system bias specification is not met, corrective action is taken. The applicable calibration error test from Section 8.2.3 of EPA Method 7E is repeated along with the initial system bias check until acceptable results are achieved, after which sampling will begin. The pre- and post-run system bias must be within ± 5.0 percent of the calibration span for the low-level and upscale calibration gases. (1) If the post-run system bias check is not passed, then the run is invalid. The problem is then diagnosed and fixed, then another calibration error test and system bias is passed before repeating the run. (2) After each run, the low-level and upscale drift is calculated, using Equation 7E–4 in Section 12.5 from EPA Method 7E. If the post-run low- and upscale bias checks are passed, but the low-or upscale drift exceeds the specification in Section 13.3, the run data are valid, but a 3-point calibration error test and a system bias check must be performed and passed prior to additional testing. Table 8.1 Oxygen Calibration EPA Method 3A QA Worksheet (SYSTEM) Calibration Bias Checks (≤ 5%) and Drift Checks (≤ 3%) Certified Gas Concentraion Low-Level (%) 0.00% Certified Gas Concentraion Mid-Level (%) Certified Gas Concentraion High-Level (%) (DIRECT) Analyzer Calibration Error (≤ 2%) Certified Concentration Value (%) Direct Calibration Response (%) Absolute Difference (%) Analyzer Calibration Error (%)Analyzer Direct Calibration Response Certified bottle value % 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Zero Gas % Mid-Level Gas % High-Level Gas % Bias Pre Initial Value Bias Post Inital Values System Calibrations Response Pre (%) 0.00% System Bias (% of Span) Pre System Calibration Response Post (%) System Bias (% of Span) Post Drift (% of Span) 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% (SYSTEM) Calibration Bias Checks (≤ 5%) and Drift Checks (≤ 3%) Avg. Gas Concentration (Run 1) Avg. Gas Concentration (Run 2) Avg. Gas Concentration (Run 3) Effluent Gas (Cgas) Run 1 Effluent Gas (Cgas) Run 2 Effluent Gas (Cgas) Run 3 Linearity Check 0.00%0.00%0.00% Method 7E 3.4 To the extent practicable, the measured emissions should be between 20 to 100 percent of the selected calibration span. This may not be practicable in some cases of low concentration measurements or testing for compliance with an emission limit when emissions are substantially less than the limit. 7E 8.5: Note: that you may risk sampling for multiple runs before performing the post-run bias provided you pass this test at the conclusion of the group of runs Upscale Gas Analyzer Calibration Response (%) Zero Gas Upscale Gas EPA Method 3A QA Worksheet Zero Gas Mid-Level Gas High-Level Gas 100% Nitrogen O2 QA/QC Zero Gas %0.00% Mid-Level Gas % High-Level Gas % System Calibration Response Pre (%) System Calibration Response Post (%) Zero Gas % Upscale Cal Zero Gas % Upscale Cal Upscale Used Upscale Used 8.99% 20.94% 8.98% 9.36% 9.01% 9.01% 9.36%8.98% 8.99% 20.94% 9.01% 21.12% 9.01% 21.12% 9.01%21.12% 0.00% 9.01% 21.12% 0.02% 0.18% 0.10% 0.85% 9.01% Span Zero Offset 0.00% 21.12 0.00% 8.99%0.03%1.78%0.02% 0.14% 0.20% 0.24% 0.14% 0.19% 0.24% 9 Gas, Inc. 1029.0 1033.0 1027.3 1013.0 1018.0 1012.3 7.6 7.6 7.6 9.0 Engine Parameter Data Sheet Company Site Elevation (ft) Facility Unit ID Date Make Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility 6/7/2024 5245 1453 Waukesha Model Serial Number 9394 GSI WAU-1651075 Technician Aaron King Run Start Times 05:46 AM 06:59 AM 08:10 AM 09:26 AM Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Completed Engine Parameter Data Run 1 Engine Speed (RPM)1200.0 1200.0 1200.0 1200.0 Engine Hours 4266 4267 4268 4269 Intake Manifold Pressure (psi)58.0 59.0 59.0 58.7 Intake Manifold Temp °F 121.0 121.0 122.0 121.3 Engine Load (BHP)2500.0 2500.0 2500.0 2500.0 Ambient Temp °F 64.0 70.0 70.0 68.0 Humidity %43.0 32.0 36.0 37.0 Dew Point °F 41.0 39.0 42.0 40.7 Waukesha YesCatalyst (Yes or No) AFR Manufacturer/Type Waukesha Waukesha Waukesha 10 Run 3 AverageRun 2 Discharge Pressure (psi) Suction Pressure (psi) 1020.0 1006.0 7.6Catalyst Pressure Drop H2O Catalyst Outlet Temp °F Catalyst Inlet Temp °F Gas, Inc. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 10.0 QA/QC Results Average:Carbon monoxide CO Gas, Inc. 0.00 R e s u l t s Average:Nitrogen monoxide NO 0.09 Average:Nitrogen dioxide NO2 0.07 Average:NOx 0.16 Average:VOC 0.05 Average:Oxygen 0.00 Pre-test Baseline Results Time: Q A / Q C Value:CTS Bottle Concentration 100.30 Value:CTS Compound Concentration Avg 98.94 Tolerance 2.00% Difference between measured and expected 1.35% CTS Direct to Analyzer Time: Average:Carbon monoxide CO 0.07 Average:Nitrogen monoxide NO 0.28 Average:Nitrogen dioxide NO2 0.02 Average:NOx 0.30 Average:VOC 0.12 Average:Oxygen 0.00 Pre-test System Zero Time: Mechanical Response Time 59 seconds Value:CTS Bottle Concentration 100.30 Value:CTS Compound Concentration Avg 97.65 Tolerance 5.00% Difference between measured and expected 2.64% Pre-test System CTS & Mechanical Response Time 87 secondsEquilibration Response Time Value:Spike Reported 252.53 Value:Spike Expected 252.40 System (Equilibration) Response Time Target (Spike) 71 secondsSystem Zero Response Time 87 secondsSystem Response Time System (Zero) Response Time 11 11.0 D6348 Annexes 1-8 D6348 Annexes 1. Test Plan Requirements Annex 1.2 The test quality objectives completed for the emissions test are demonstrated throughout Annexes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 as layed out per ASTM D6348-03. All reference methods, pre-test and post test procedures were within acceptable limits. Data generated during the pre-test and post-test procedures are summarized below in order of the distinctive Annex. Three 60 minute test runs were performed. The final analyte concentrations are the average of each test run. Data was taken at 60 second intervals. Each 60 second measurement was the average of 600 scans. Propane is used as the surrogate compound for the Annex 5 Spiking Technique due to Propane being the VOC that is most commonly found in the combustion process of natural gas. Additionally, the molecular weight of Propane coincides with with molecular weight of VOC's per the EPA. Annex Table 1.2.1 Certified Calibration Bottle Concentrations Bottle Expiration NO2 Ethylene SF6 O2 (%) EB0147541 5/8/2026 100.30 9.01% 12/1/2025 100.30 CC406148 4/15/2032 21.12% Cylinder # ALM-063647 Expiration: 5-03-2032 Propane CO NO SF6 Bottle Value 252.40 501.70 237.50 10.20 Analyzer System Response 252.53 489.92 235.90 9.97 Percent Difference 0.05%2.35%0.67%2.29% Annex Table 1.2.2 Measurement System Capabilities SF6 Parameter Measured Gas Concentration (ppm)Path Length Equilibration Time Dilution Factor % Recovery Path Length Ethylene 98.941 4.932 Spike Direct Propane 254.314 Mechanical Response Time SF6 10.056 CO 496.653 NO 235.208 Ethylene 97.648 59 seconds Analyzer Response Propane 252.529 SF6 9.966 CO 489.919 NO 235.899 Analyte Spike Recovery Propane & SF6 System Zero Nitrogen Post Spike System Propane 252.207 CO 495.157 NO 237.345 87 seconds 71 seconds 8.28% 8.33% 8.58% 74.97% 74.93% 75.73% 10.002 12 Gas, Inc. Annex 1.3 Compounds Infrared Analysis Region (cm-1) Expected Concentration Range Measurement System Achievable Minimum Detectable Concentrations Required Measurement System Accuracy and Precision for Test Application CO 2000-2200 0-1200 ppm NO 1875-2138 NO2 2700-2950 VOC 2600-3200 910-1150 2550-2950 CH2O 2550-2850 Interfering Compounds * CO is analyzed in a separate analysis region than CO2 and H2O CO2 Water Vapor 926-1150 3200-3401 Annex Table 1.3.1 Test Specific Target Analytes and Data Quality Objectives 0.16267 ppm 4 ppm 0-1000 ppm 0.4007 ppm 2 ppm 0-100 ppm 0.4899 ppm 2 ppm 0-100 ppm 1.8520 ppm Total VOC's 1 ppm per VOC 0-100 ppm 0.7878 ppm 1 ppm 0-10% 0-22% 0% 0.20% n/a n/a * VOCs compiled of Acetaldehyde, Ethylene, Hexane, and Propane. Annex 1.4 Figure Annex 1.4.1 Sampling Train The testing instrumentation is housed in an enclosed vehicle which is located approximately 45 feet from the source. A heated sample line (sixty feet in length) is attached to the inlet of analyzer system and the source effluent discharges through the FTIR outlet. 13 Gas, Inc. Sampling Point Locations in Inches 16.7%3.006 50%9.000 83.3%14.994 Figure Annex 1.4.3 Sample Port Location Figure Annex 1.4.2 Sampling Points Interior Stack Diameter (inches): Inches Upstream: Inches Downstream: 18 5 17 14 Stack Gas Dry Volumetric Flow Rate (scf/hr): 189606.33 H2O%d @ Sampling Point:18.19 CO2%d @ Sampling Point:9.74 Pressure @ Sampling Point (Pg "H2O):0.88 Temperature @ Sampling Point (Deg F):884.67 Gas, Inc. D6348 Annex 2. Determination of FTIR Measurement System Minimum Detectable Concentrations (MDC#1) Target Analyte Results (ppm) CO 0.1627 NO 0.4007 NO2 0.4899 Ethylene 0.3782 Propane 0.4351 Hexane 0.2233 Acetaldehyde 0.8152 Formaldehyde 0.7878 D6348 Annex 3. FTIR Reference Spectra Calibration Transfer Standard Expected Measured Path Length Validated Ethylene 100.3 98.94 4.932 Passed D6348 Annex 4. Required Pre-Test Procedures Annex Table 1.2.2 Measurement System Capabilities 15 SF6 Parameter Measured Gas Concentration (ppm)Path Length Equilibration Time Dilution Factor % Recovery Path Length Ethylene 98.941 4.932 Spike Direct Propane 254.314 Mechanical Response Time SF6 10.056 CO 496.653 NO 235.208 Ethylene 97.648 59 seconds Analyzer Response Propane 252.529 SF6 9.966 CO 489.919 NO 235.899 Analyte Spike Recovery Propane & SF6 System Zero Nitrogen Post Spike System Propane 252.207 CO 495.157 NO 237.345 87 seconds 71 seconds 8.28% 8.33% 8.58% 74.97% 74.93% 75.73% 10.002 Gas, Inc. D6348 Annex 5. Analyte Spiking Technique Propane Spike Direct SF6 CO NO 252.400 10.200 501.700 237.500 254.314 10.056 496.653 235.208 0.76% 1.41% 1.01% 0.97% +/- 2% +/- 2% +/- 2% +/- 2% Pass Pass Pass Pass Parameter Gas Concentration Measured % Difference Specification Validated 0.000 0.000 Spike Average 15.667 0.833 Dilution Factor 8.284% Expected 20.899 % Recovery 74.970% Specification 70-130% <10% Spike Run 1 via the System Source Output Propane SF6 D6348 Annex 6. Determination of System Performance Parameters Noise Equivalent Absorbance (NEA) RMS High RMS Mid RMS Low Line Position: Demonstrating the peak positions align correctly (Manual Comparison +/- 20%) 0.000 Spike Average 0.838 Dilution Factor 8.333% Expected % Recovery Specification 70-130% <10% Spike Run 2 via the System Source Output Propane SF6 0.000 Spike Average 0.863 Dilution Factor 8.582% Expected % Recovery Specification 70-130% <10% Spike Run 3 via the System Source Output Propane SF6 0.000 16.401 21.656 75.730% 0.000173 0.000200 0.000556 0.000 15.755 21.025 74.930% Line Position Difference:Resolution Difference to Reference0.00%Pass Pass0.53% 16 Gas, Inc. Resolution The Gasmet GICCOR (Genzel Interferometer with Cube Corner Retroreflectors) interferometer is specially designed for maximum optical throughput and maximum signal to noise ratio of 7.72 (cm-1) remaining stable with any vibration and temperature changes. Detector Linerarity The Gasmet DX4000 is a low resolution spectrometer where the aperture is fixed to a maximum angle setting and the detector linearity was tested with an alternate approach. A three point linerarity of the CTS gas was performed and validated. D6348 Annex 7. Preparation of Analytical Quantification Algorithm The analytical accuracy of the quantification algorithm is satisfied via the results from Annex 5 per Annex 7.6 Regression Slope:53.1711883 Pass Line Position Difference:Resolution Difference to Reference 0.53% D6348 Annex 8. Post Test Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures CTS Bottle Concentration: CTS Sample Concentration Average: Difference between measured and expected: Tolerance: 100.30 99.35 0.96% 5.00% POST CTS System Check: Run 1 Points 1 & 2 on CO/NO/Propane Run 2 Points 1 & 2 on CO/NO/Propane Run 3 Points 1 & 2 on CO/NO/Propane Run Data Validation - Automated vs Manual Reading Validated Comments All within 20% All within 20% All within 20% Passed Passed Passed Demonstrates no interferences observed. Demonstrates no interferences observed. Demonstrates no interferences observed. 17 Gas, Inc. 12.0 Signature Page Job/File Name: We certify that based on review of test data, knowledge of those individuals directly responsible for conducting this test, we believe the submitted information to be accurate and complete. Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc.; Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility; 1453; JJJJ 18 Company: Print Name: Signature: Title: Phone Number: Date: Company:G.A.S. Inc.Date: Print Name: Title: 6/7/2024 Emissions Specialist Company:G.A.S. Inc.Date: Print Name: Title: Signature: Phone Number: Travis Hartley Director of Stack Testing 580-225-0403 6/7/2024 Aaron King Gas, Inc. Appendices Gas, Inc. Gas, Inc. Spike (5 Gas) Gas, Inc. CERTIcICATE Oc ANALYSIS Grade of Product: EPA PROTOCOL STANaARa Part Number:E03NI90E15W0003 Reference Number:153-402732424-1 Cylinder Number:EB0147541 Cylinder Volume:145.0 CF Laboratory:124 - Tooele (SAP) - UT Cylinder Pressure:2015 PSIG PGVP Number:B72023 Valve Outlet:660 Gas Code:NO2,O2,BALN Certification Date:May 08, 2023 Expiration Date:May 08, 2026 Certification performed in accordance with “EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards (May 2012)” document EPA 600/R-12/531, using the assay procedures listed. Analytical Methodology does not require correction for analytical interference. This cylinder has a total analytical uncertainty as stated below with a confidence level of 95%. There are no significant impurities which affect the use of this calibration mixture. All concentrations are on a mole/mole basis unless otherwise noted. The results relate only to the items tested. The report shall not be reproduced except in full without approval of the laboratory. Do Not Use This Cylinder below 100 psig, i.e. 0.7 megapascals. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Component Requested Actual Protocol Total Relative Assay Concentration Concentration Method Uncertainty Dates NITROGEN DIOXIDE 100.0 PPM 100.3 PPM G1 +/- 2.0% NIST Traceable 05/01/2023, 05/08/2023 OXYGEN 9.000 %9.008 %G1 +/- 0.7% NIST Traceable 05/02/2023 NITROGEN Balance CALIBRATION STANaARaS Type Lot ID Cylinder No Concentration Uncertainty Expiration Date GMIS 1534012021601 CC502090 100.5 PPM NITROGEN DIOXIDE/NITROGEN 1.1%Dec 17, 2024 PRM 12389 D685050 99.0 PPM NITROGEN DIOXIDE/NITROGEN 1.0%Feb 19, 2020 NTRM 14060629 CC436987 4.794 % OXYGEN/NITROGEN 0.4%Oct 29, 2025 The SRM, NTRM, PRM, or RGM noted above is only in reference to the GMIS used in the assay and not part of the analysis. ANALYTICAL EnUIPMENT Instrument/Make/Model Analytical Principle Last Multipoint Calibration MKS FTIR NO2 018143349 FTIR May 03, 2023 Horiba MPA-510 W603MM58 O2 O2 Paramagnetic (DIXON)Apr 06, 2023 Triad Data Available Upon Request Airgas Specialty Gases Airgas USA LLC 525 North Industrial Loop Road Tooele, UT 84074 Airgas.com Signature on file Approved for Release Page 1 of 1 Gas, Inc. CERTIcICATE Oc ANALYSIS Grade of Product: PRIMARY STANaARa Customer:GREAT PLAINS ANALYTICAL SERVICE, Part Number:X02NI99P15ACVH8 Reference Number:54-402603460-1 Cylinder Number:CC325720 Cylinder Volume:144.0 CF Laboratory:124 - Chicago (SAP) - IL Cylinder Pressure:2015 PSIG Analysis Date:Dec 01, 2022 Valve Outlet:350 Lot Number:54-402603460-1 Expiration Date:Dec 01, 2025 Primary Standard Gas Mixtures are traceable to N.I.S.T. weights and/or N.I.S.T. Gas Mixture reference materials. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Component Req Conc Actual Concentration Analytical (Mole %)Uncertainty ETHYLENE 100.0 PPM 100.0 PPM +/- 1% NITROGEN Balance Airgas Specialty Gases Airgas USA LLC 12722 S. Wentworth Ave. Chicago, IL 60628 Airgas.com Signature on file Approved for Release Page 1 of 1 Gas, Inc. BIP Gas, Inc. 21% O2 Tri Probe Certification ” ‡ ƒ – Ž ƒ ‹ • • • ƒ Ž › – ‹ … ƒ Ž ‡ ” ˜ ‹ … ‡ • ͵Ͳ͵͵ ǡǡ͵ͶͶ ȋͷͺͲȌʹʹͷǦͲͶͲ͵ ǣȋͷͺͲȌʹʹͷǦʹͳʹ &(57,),&$7(2)$1$/<6,6 *UDGHRI3URGXFW&(57,),('67$1'$5'352%( 3DUW1XPEHU/5HIHUHQFH 1XPEHU /DERUDWRU\*$6,1&6WDFN'LDPHWHU $QDO\VLV'DWH7DUJHW)ORZ 5DWH /PLQ /271XPEHU 61 $ %/ 1XPEHURI 3RLQWV 3URGXFWSHUIRUPDQFHYHULILHGE\GLUHFWFRPSDULVRQWRFDOLEUDWLRQVWDQGDUGVWUDFHDEOHWR1,67 7KHSUREHOLVWHGRQWKLVIRUPPHHWVWKHPXOWLSRLQWWUDYHUVHUHTXLUHPHQWRI(3$0HWKRGH VHFWLRQDVVKRZQLQWKHDFFRPSDQ\LQJGDWD0HWKRGHVHFWLRQVWDWHVWKDWWKHPXOWLSRLQW WUDYHUVHUHTXLUHPHQWFDQEHVDWLVILHGE\VDPSOLQJYLD³DPXOWLKROHSUREHGHVLJQHGWRVDPSOHDW WKHSUHVFULEHGSRLQWVZLWKDIORZSHUFHQWRIPHDQIORZUDWH´ $1$/<7,&$/5(68/76 ZƵŶηdŽƚĂů&ůŽǁ ;>ͬŵͿ DĞĂƐƵƌĞĚ&ůŽǁ WŽƌƚ;>ͬŵͿ ;ĞůƚĂƋϭͿ DĞĂƐƵƌĞĚ&ůŽǁ WŽƌƚ;>ͬŵͿ ;ĞůƚĂƋϮͿ DĞĂƐƵƌĞĚ&ůŽǁ WŽƌƚ;>ͬŵͿ ;ĞůƚĂƋϯͿ 0HDQ3UREH 3RUW6DPSOHG )ORZ/P 5XQ/30 䧮 䧮 䧮 5XQ/30 䧮 䧮 䧮 &DOLEUDWLRQFRQGXFWHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK(PLVVLRQ0HDVXUHPHQW&HQWHU*XLGHOLQH'RFXPHQW±(0&*' 1RWHV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB $SSURYHGIRU5HOHDVH'DWH Probe size: 18L Mr. Jordan Williamson CEO GAS Inc. 303 W. 3rd Street Elk City, OK 73644 Dear Mr. Williamson: We are writing in response to your letter received on September 17, 2020, in which you request the approval of alternative testing procedures. The EPA’s Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS) is the delegated authority for consideration of major alternatives to test methods and procedures as set forth in 40 CFR parts 60 and 63 under which your request must be addressed. GAS Inc. is requesting a change to one of the test methods, ASTM D6348-03, used for conducting performance tests to determine compliance under 40 CFR part 60, Subpart JJJJ – Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines (Subpart JJJJ) and 40 CFR part 63, Subpart ZZZZ – National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Performance for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (Subpart ZZZZ). The change being requested will be used to check detector linearity of the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) instrumentation used to conduct this method. Specifically, you are requesting that the procedures of section 8.3.3 of Method 320 (40 CFR part 60, Appendix A), another FTIR-based method allowed under Subparts JJJJ and ZZZZ, be used in lieu of section A6.4.1 of ASTM D6348-03 when conducting testing using ASTM D6348-03 under 40 CFR part 60, Subpart JJJJ and 40 CFR part 63, Subpart ZZZZ. In your request, you state that this alternative linearity check procedure will produce consistent results when utilizing either Method 320 or ASTM D6348-03. Additionally, some FTIR instrumentation does not allow for reducing the size of the aperture in the instrument and, thus, it would not be feasible to properly conduct the entirety of the ASTM D6348-03 method in its current form using such an instrument. Based on our understanding of FTIR instrument principles and recognition that the requested alternative determination of detector linearity is both technically sound and contained within Method 320, we are approving the requested change. We believe that this alternative is acceptable for use for use in testing all engines subject to 40 CFR part 60 Subpart JJJJ and 40 CFR part 63, Subpart ZZZZ. Also, we will post this letter as ALT-141 on EPA’s website (at www.epa.gov/emc/broadly-applicable-approved-alternative- testmethods) to announce that our approval of this alternative test method is broadly applicable to engines for the purposes of meeting Subparts JJJJ and ZZZZ. March 15, 2021 Sincerely, Steffan M. Johnson, Group Leader Measurement Technology Group If you should have any questions or require further information regarding this approval, please contact David Nash of my staff at 919-541-9425 or email at nash.dave@epa.gov. cc: Sara Ayers, EPA/OECA/OC/MAMPD, (ayres.sara@epa.gov) Melanie King, EPA/OAR/OAQPS/SPPD, (king.melanie@epa.gov) James Leather, EPA Region 6, (leather.james@epa.gov) David Nash, EPA/OAR/OAQPS/AQAD, (nash.dave@epa.gov) Heather Sessing, Oklahoma DEQ, (Heather.sessing@deq.ok.gov) Aaron King GAS, Inc. Type of Sources Tested: info@gasinc.us Stationary Internal Combustion Engines • 4 Stroke Rich Burn Engines • 2 Stroke & 4 Stroke Lean Burn Engines Stationary Natural Gas Fired Generators Stationary Propane Fired Generators Gas Fired Boilers Qualifications: Trained, studied, and fully demonstrates compliance for emissions testing via data collection outlined in the following Reference Methods: • EPA Method 1 & 1A – Sampling & Traverse Points • EPA Method 2 & 2C – Velocity & Volumetric Flow Rate of a Gas Stream • EPA Method 3A – Oxygen • EPA Method 7E – NOX • EPA Method 10 – Carbon Monoxide • EPA Method 25A – Volatile Organic Compounds • ASTM D6348 – Extractive Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Conducts emissions testing on a weekly basis including, but not limited to, the following test types: Initial Compliance, Biennial Compliance, Semiannual Compliance & Quarterly Compliance. All tests performed are in accordance to any and all Federal & State requirements as applicable (i.e. JJJJ, ZZZZ, 106.512, 117, PEA, etc.). Performed testing in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, North Dakota, Montana, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana (land and off-shore), Arkansas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New York, Kentucky, & Mississippi. • Quarterly Performance Reviews covering ongoing changes with Federal Regulations, State Compliance guidelines, & site-specific safety certifications. Types of Analyzers: • Gasmet DX4000 FTIR • Gasmet Portable Sampling Unit with Zirconium Oxide O2 Sensory • Testo 350 • Flame Ionization Detector 580-225-0403 Gas, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 1 Minute Average Data Sheet Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc.Client: Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility Unit Number:1453 Make:Waukesha Location:9394 GSIModel: WAU-1651075Serial Number: RAW Result Data Stability 6/7/2024 04:13 2.1151.0180.034 0.035 0.0006.429 0.029 0.169 0.0620.0250.554 0.383 3.3950.229 0.000 839.03.660.019 0.131 3.13 0.00 182.0 Pre Test Baseline Direct 6/7/2024 04:24 0.0230.109-0.000 0.019 0.1460.000 0.000 0.000 0.0770.0140.176 0.076 0.0000.042 0.007 838.00.060.000 0.000 0.13 0.00 181.0 6/7/2024 04:25 0.0000.1610.001 0.007 0.0000.000 0.000 0.015 0.0000.0980.688 0.000 0.0000.092 0.002 838.00.040.047 0.000 0.16 0.00 181.0 6/7/2024 04:25 0.1890.0060.000 0.021 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0640.289 0.070 0.0000.000 0.000 838.00.050.000 0.000 0.19 0.00 181.0 CTS Direct 6/7/2024 04:28 0.2350.0000.013 0.036 0.0000.000 0.001 0.000 0.1170.0000.000 98.713 0.0330.005 0.021 838.065.890.000 0.000 0.23 0.07 180.0 6/7/2024 04:29 0.5950.1860.013 0.032 0.0000.000 0.001 0.000 0.2040.0240.000 99.026 0.0000.041 0.014 838.066.050.000 0.000 0.78 0.07 180.0 6/7/2024 04:29 0.0640.0000.012 0.036 0.0000.000 0.002 0.000 0.1270.0550.000 99.084 0.0040.000 0.016 838.066.100.000 0.000 0.06 0.07 180.0 High O2 Direct 6/7/2024 04:36 0.0000.0000.002 0.015 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0000.410 0.000 0.0000.033 0.000 838.00.100.148 0.000 0.00 20.95 180.0 6/7/2024 04:37 0.0000.000-0.000 0.015 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000.1060.588 0.184 0.0000.049 0.000 838.00.140.033 0.000 0.00 20.94 180.0 6/7/2024 04:37 0.0000.0000.000 0.003 0.0000.000 0.000 0.030 0.0000.0000.680 0.144 0.0000.002 0.000 838.00.160.096 0.000 0.00 20.93 180.0 NO2/Mid O2 Direct 6/7/2024 04:43 100.6080.0000.000 0.000 0.2420.000 0.207 0.000 0.5410.0130.000 0.000 0.0000.179 0.000 838.00.050.078 0.000 100.61 8.98 180.0 6/7/2024 04:44 100.6400.0470.001 0.000 0.0000.000 0.200 0.000 0.5320.0360.334 0.000 0.0000.027 0.072 838.00.250.161 0.000 100.69 9.00 180.0 6/7/2024 04:44 101.0980.000-0.002 0.000 0.1090.000 0.191 0.000 0.4350.0080.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 838.00.070.098 0.000 101.10 8.98 180.0 Spike Direct 6/7/2024 04:47 0.000234.645-0.003 4.904 3.874496.409 2.366 2.151 10.9470.5231.275 1.199 254.3390.108 0.000 839.0256.862.576 10.051 234.65 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 04:47 0.000235.130-0.001 4.911 3.860496.753 2.396 1.997 10.4510.1161.198 1.195 254.2710.098 0.000 839.0256.752.516 10.056 235.13 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 04:47 0.000235.850-0.001 4.916 3.373496.796 2.384 2.111 9.9230.5350.985 1.194 254.3320.122 0.000 839.0256.822.536 10.062 235.85 0.02 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) Baseline System 6/7/2024 04:50 0.0000.2220.010 0.010 0.0640.135 0.006 0.043 0.0000.0220.445 0.000 0.0000.000 0.073 839.00.170.038 0.000 0.22 0.00 180.0 6/7/2024 04:50 0.0680.3820.009 0.013 0.0000.069 0.004 0.035 0.0760.0010.567 0.000 0.0560.120 0.028 839.00.110.000 0.000 0.45 0.00 180.0 6/7/2024 04:51 0.0000.2340.008 0.013 0.0000.000 0.000 0.037 0.0000.0000.313 0.030 0.0000.000 0.035 839.00.090.000 0.000 0.23 0.00 180.0 CTS System with Response Time 6/7/2024 04:52 0.0000.0000.015 0.024 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0030.000 97.650 0.0000.150 0.052 839.065.220.012 0.000 0.00 0.07 180.0 6/7/2024 04:53 0.3920.0000.017 0.020 0.0000.000 0.000 0.005 0.1950.0030.000 97.725 0.0200.000 0.037 839.065.250.000 0.000 0.39 0.07 180.0 6/7/2024 04:53 0.0000.0000.018 0.019 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0080.000 97.569 0.0000.016 0.050 839.065.150.000 0.000 0.00 0.19 180.0 NO2/Mid O2 System with Response Time 6/7/2024 04:59 100.1361.6440.001 0.000 0.1900.000 0.220 0.040 0.0000.0000.000 0.170 0.0000.053 0.042 839.00.500.449 0.000 101.78 8.97 180.0 6/7/2024 04:59 100.1241.538-0.000 0.009 0.4170.000 0.232 0.000 0.2110.0010.000 0.013 0.0000.000 0.045 839.00.330.350 0.000 101.66 8.96 180.0 6/7/2024 05:00 99.9691.4550.002 0.003 0.0990.000 0.224 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.045 0.0000.158 0.037 839.00.100.000 0.000 101.42 9.01 180.0 Spike System with Response Time 6/7/2024 05:02 0.000235.3410.004 4.850 2.503490.764 2.289 2.028 9.4160.5261.062 1.464 252.3720.100 0.000 839.0255.152.702 9.960 235.34 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 05:03 0.000235.539-0.000 4.855 2.368488.966 2.261 1.976 9.4650.0701.055 1.468 252.6450.034 0.000 839.0255.472.770 9.966 235.54 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 05:03 0.000236.8170.000 4.860 2.775490.027 2.291 2.128 9.4950.1550.857 1.459 252.5690.141 0.000 839.0255.422.812 9.971 236.82 0.02 180.0 Baseline System with Response Time 6/7/2024 05:06 0.0000.355-0.000 0.015 0.0000.680 0.020 0.041 0.0000.0000.421 0.212 0.2730.000 0.000 839.00.570.241 0.003 0.35 0.00 180.0 6/7/2024 05:06 0.0000.3390.004 0.006 0.1620.595 0.000 0.000 0.0870.0080.357 0.000 0.3320.032 0.000 839.00.530.298 0.004 0.34 0.00 180.0 6/7/2024 05:06 0.0000.6090.004 0.013 0.0480.405 0.009 0.000 0.0770.0090.395 0.062 0.1970.000 0.000 839.00.280.067 0.005 0.61 0.00 180.0 Run 1 - A 30minute/60min 6/7/2024 05:47 3.4975.31917.391 9.786 34.0610.804 1.806 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.819 0.000 838.01.562.337 0.000 8.82 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 05:48 3.5032.83617.802 9.745 37.1410.823 2.582 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.712 0.000 838.01.652.473 0.000 6.34 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 05:49 3.6438.38018.049 9.707 20.5800.191 1.427 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.740 0.000 838.02.133.193 0.000 12.02 0.01 180.0 6/7/2024 05:50 3.3395.61118.125 9.698 28.5550.544 1.669 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.710 0.000 838.01.692.533 0.000 8.95 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 05:51 3.2762.91718.224 9.724 41.8620.987 3.472 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.768 0.000 838.01.702.555 0.000 6.19 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 05:52 3.7642.75918.355 9.733 34.4700.657 2.071 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.716 0.000 838.01.602.401 0.000 6.52 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 05:53 3.6912.40218.341 9.709 33.6720.739 2.572 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.774 0.000 838.01.702.557 0.000 6.09 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 05:54 3.5592.87618.343 9.704 38.0750.817 2.123 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.756 0.000 838.01.672.507 0.000 6.43 0.03 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/7/2024 05:55 3.5672.74718.308 9.698 32.7500.958 2.553 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.754 0.000 838.01.632.452 0.000 6.31 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 05:56 3.7072.85618.260 9.667 37.6490.795 2.302 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.709 0.000 838.01.682.527 0.000 6.56 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 05:57 3.3322.87618.200 9.666 30.8911.632 3.227 0.378 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.780 0.000 838.01.712.562 0.000 6.21 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 05:58 3.0463.17918.163 9.679 43.3952.399 3.945 2.013 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.801 0.000 838.01.652.470 0.000 6.22 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 05:59 3.8472.93118.128 9.663 42.4732.177 3.698 2.242 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.858 0.000 838.01.652.481 0.000 6.78 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:00 3.3763.29418.110 9.684 40.4431.447 3.589 2.046 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.797 0.000 838.01.722.587 0.000 6.67 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:01 3.1682.58118.061 9.695 44.5061.739 3.779 0.981 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.799 0.000 838.01.672.512 0.000 5.75 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:02 3.4162.84318.074 9.704 41.0723.073 3.543 2.327 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.806 0.000 838.01.732.592 0.000 6.26 0.69 180.0 6/7/2024 06:03 3.4462.81618.037 9.692 30.8483.000 3.188 2.177 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.712 0.000 838.01.662.491 0.000 6.26 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 06:04 3.1942.59018.063 9.697 47.3182.646 3.931 1.613 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.774 0.000 838.01.652.478 0.000 5.78 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:05 3.3452.26018.074 9.719 46.2151.173 3.302 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.722 0.000 838.01.702.554 0.000 5.61 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:06 3.1033.38218.016 9.703 38.1492.119 2.408 0.562 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.707 0.000 839.01.642.464 0.000 6.49 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:07 3.2522.91418.001 9.697 41.8081.702 3.465 0.863 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.809 0.000 839.01.652.478 0.000 6.17 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:08 3.7642.94118.034 9.709 38.1261.568 3.008 0.499 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.827 0.000 839.01.722.575 0.000 6.70 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:09 3.2152.75018.027 9.718 44.6681.301 2.726 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.737 0.000 839.01.722.572 0.000 5.96 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:10 3.3372.63718.045 9.727 36.6331.079 2.556 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.723 0.000 839.01.682.514 0.000 5.97 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 06:11 3.3662.48918.130 9.740 45.7492.096 2.894 0.105 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.747 0.000 839.01.742.612 0.000 5.86 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:12 3.3552.72518.074 9.732 41.7121.448 2.565 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.790 0.000 839.01.672.499 0.000 6.08 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:13 3.1653.20318.040 9.719 43.9131.184 3.051 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.702 0.000 839.01.672.502 0.000 6.37 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:14 3.7173.02918.020 9.711 32.8950.803 2.335 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.763 0.000 839.01.692.530 0.000 6.75 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 06:15 3.8162.65817.983 9.716 30.0060.774 2.190 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.807 0.000 839.01.722.581 0.000 6.47 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 06:17 3.9932.84518.016 9.736 36.2420.670 2.519 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.752 0.000 839.01.642.467 0.000 6.84 0.02 180.0 3.4603.18818.083 9.709 37.8631.378 2.817 0.527 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.762 0.000 838.371.6902.535 0.000 6.648 0.047 180.0Avg. Spike 1 6/7/2024 06:23 0.00025.70216.496 9.518 34.77349.671 3.898 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 1.274 15.6670.579 0.675 839.019.262.093 0.833 25.70 0.02 180.0 Run 1 - B 30minute/60min 6/7/2024 06:25 3.2453.98018.066 9.755 46.3942.920 3.493 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.860 0.000 839.01.632.439 0.000 7.22 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:26 2.9063.73718.084 9.758 46.6291.794 3.459 0.423 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.714 0.000 839.01.652.468 0.000 6.64 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:27 2.9393.48618.093 9.784 49.7012.325 3.123 0.331 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.757 0.000 839.01.672.507 0.000 6.43 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:28 3.0563.66418.092 9.762 32.9531.966 2.559 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.712 0.000 839.01.702.553 0.000 6.72 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 06:29 3.0323.44618.080 9.753 39.5692.495 3.102 0.062 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.749 0.000 839.01.642.460 0.000 6.48 0.03 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/7/2024 06:30 3.3293.58618.067 9.762 31.4901.554 2.231 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.718 0.000 839.01.672.498 0.000 6.92 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 06:31 2.8873.36918.074 9.752 41.4372.442 3.099 0.707 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.684 0.000 839.01.672.512 0.000 6.26 0.74 180.0 6/7/2024 06:32 3.1473.77618.079 9.742 38.8462.710 3.573 0.667 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.719 0.000 839.01.662.485 0.000 6.92 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:33 3.2863.53118.078 9.739 28.7563.328 2.568 0.630 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.760 0.000 839.01.652.479 0.000 6.82 0.42 180.0 6/7/2024 06:34 3.0123.60618.080 9.732 48.4023.083 4.054 2.486 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.787 0.000 839.01.662.496 0.000 6.62 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:35 3.1063.49618.112 9.754 41.9852.005 3.471 1.169 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.720 0.000 839.01.662.493 0.000 6.60 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:36 3.1393.35718.177 9.765 31.8401.682 2.617 0.006 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.765 0.000 839.01.632.441 0.000 6.50 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 06:37 2.9033.04418.153 9.749 48.2702.411 3.233 0.279 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.712 0.000 839.01.632.450 0.000 5.95 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:38 2.9423.12218.082 9.728 43.8141.603 3.441 0.074 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.684 0.000 839.01.662.491 0.000 6.06 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:39 3.0713.18218.136 9.744 37.4521.355 3.074 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.737 0.000 839.01.632.449 0.000 6.25 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 06:40 3.7153.48718.103 9.735 43.6173.624 2.698 0.961 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.845 0.000 839.01.672.502 0.000 7.20 0.45 180.0 6/7/2024 06:41 3.0213.26618.101 9.749 43.2562.254 3.348 0.222 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.770 0.000 839.01.702.548 0.000 6.29 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:42 3.4863.61818.066 9.716 36.8501.629 2.502 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.780 0.000 839.01.702.554 0.000 7.10 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 06:43 3.2223.57618.167 9.779 40.2023.345 2.287 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.804 0.000 839.01.662.489 0.000 6.80 1.05 180.0 6/7/2024 06:44 3.5323.02418.200 9.774 48.2032.186 2.939 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.822 0.000 839.01.642.464 0.000 6.56 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:45 3.3643.26018.096 9.716 42.8093.248 2.919 2.110 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.798 0.000 839.01.652.476 0.000 6.62 0.16 180.0 6/7/2024 06:46 3.4043.91218.123 9.735 45.6414.383 3.822 3.229 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.850 0.000 839.01.672.502 0.000 7.32 1.01 180.0 6/7/2024 06:47 3.3963.64118.128 9.724 44.7042.942 2.746 1.343 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.757 0.000 839.01.612.417 0.000 7.04 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:48 2.7773.36318.146 9.735 49.6632.930 3.857 0.990 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.803 0.000 839.01.712.567 0.000 6.14 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:49 3.0843.51118.141 9.741 42.4621.761 3.278 0.456 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.700 0.000 839.01.662.497 0.000 6.60 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:50 2.8973.55018.165 9.751 48.1382.169 3.114 0.430 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.701 0.000 839.01.682.520 0.000 6.45 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:51 3.4313.34418.174 9.766 51.6461.767 3.182 0.172 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.781 0.000 839.01.722.582 0.000 6.77 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:52 3.1893.14718.165 9.757 41.4131.372 2.926 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.774 0.000 839.01.682.526 0.000 6.34 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 06:54 3.9526.17718.127 9.734 35.8275.843 1.804 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.812 0.000 839.01.622.423 0.000 10.13 0.27 180.0 6/7/2024 06:55 3.4943.42618.119 9.735 44.4144.228 3.284 0.777 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.815 0.000 839.01.702.556 0.000 6.92 0.71 180.0 3.1993.55618.116 9.748 42.2132.578 3.060 0.584 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.763 0.000 839.001.6632.495 0.000 6.756 0.181 180.0Avg. 3.3293.37218.099 9.728 40.0381.978 2.938 0.556 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.763 0.000 838.681.6762.515 0.000 6.702 0.114 180.0Run 1 Avg: Baseline 1 6/7/2024 06:58 0.0250.2030.027 0.010 0.0000.074 0.005 0.064 0.0290.0000.052 0.087 0.0400.076 0.014 840.00.130.011 0.000 0.23 0.00 180.0 Run 2 - A 30minute/60min 6/7/2024 07:00 3.8213.52418.053 9.704 49.6052.424 3.703 1.408 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.763 0.000 839.01.642.467 0.000 7.35 0.48 180.0 6/7/2024 07:01 3.6833.32118.121 9.748 47.1172.712 3.813 1.994 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.870 0.000 839.01.622.424 0.000 7.00 0.52 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/7/2024 07:02 3.7453.01718.120 9.750 47.9821.593 3.188 0.199 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.816 0.000 840.01.692.532 0.000 6.76 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 07:03 3.7623.63118.166 9.770 54.3401.459 3.441 0.550 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.780 0.000 839.01.722.582 0.000 7.39 0.04 180.0 6/7/2024 07:04 3.7443.55918.246 9.806 52.6651.503 3.242 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.790 0.000 839.01.692.542 0.000 7.30 0.04 180.0 6/7/2024 07:05 3.7493.80118.166 9.767 42.6851.353 3.013 1.072 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.801 0.000 840.01.672.501 0.000 7.55 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 07:06 3.6503.82118.176 9.777 55.4841.599 4.230 1.586 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.894 0.000 839.01.682.514 0.000 7.47 0.04 180.0 6/7/2024 07:07 3.7093.64218.155 9.768 48.3041.291 3.291 0.470 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.841 0.000 839.01.722.579 0.000 7.35 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 07:08 3.4306.17918.143 9.755 24.8974.186 1.297 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.639 0.000 840.01.712.564 0.000 9.61 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 07:09 3.6673.88918.132 9.758 41.0085.467 3.327 1.318 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.805 0.000 840.01.682.525 0.000 7.56 0.26 180.0 6/7/2024 07:10 3.2503.84218.157 9.750 29.9402.483 2.528 1.062 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.654 0.000 840.01.692.528 0.000 7.09 0.14 180.0 6/7/2024 07:11 3.5543.32518.138 9.749 53.7294.575 3.522 1.990 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.821 0.000 840.01.682.514 0.000 6.88 1.16 180.0 6/7/2024 07:12 3.7033.45418.159 9.758 43.5071.636 3.077 0.083 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.790 0.000 840.01.672.506 0.000 7.16 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 07:13 3.8313.71618.145 9.760 43.7591.049 3.334 0.170 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.794 0.000 840.01.722.577 0.000 7.55 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 07:14 3.9586.09718.184 9.770 30.4371.296 1.921 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.780 0.000 840.01.642.467 0.000 10.05 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 07:15 3.8583.88718.144 9.750 43.2901.904 3.033 0.811 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.775 0.000 840.01.662.483 0.000 7.74 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 07:16 3.7733.58918.159 9.743 48.3611.668 3.150 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.877 0.000 840.01.692.529 0.000 7.36 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 07:17 3.7314.02818.143 9.764 50.1331.225 3.231 0.084 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.801 0.000 840.01.692.534 0.000 7.76 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 07:18 3.6843.88518.155 9.760 47.8051.317 3.028 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.798 0.000 840.01.692.530 0.000 7.57 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 07:19 3.6334.02218.204 9.775 42.6591.224 2.741 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.714 0.000 840.01.632.439 0.000 7.65 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 07:20 4.0706.30818.176 9.754 31.2121.583 1.650 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.745 0.000 840.01.602.401 0.000 10.38 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 07:21 3.3954.35818.144 9.739 35.8554.728 3.138 2.006 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.647 0.000 840.01.682.516 0.000 7.75 0.16 180.0 6/7/2024 07:22 3.8763.98718.129 9.737 27.2326.629 2.002 1.368 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.735 0.000 840.01.672.498 0.000 7.86 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 07:23 3.5394.71618.125 9.748 41.3047.056 3.071 1.779 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.801 0.000 840.01.702.554 0.000 8.26 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 07:24 3.4524.85918.156 9.753 41.8444.662 3.809 3.956 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.729 0.000 840.01.712.561 0.000 8.31 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 07:25 3.6033.87218.155 9.754 50.1652.353 3.965 1.895 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.807 0.000 840.01.662.497 0.000 7.47 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 07:26 3.7593.85918.181 9.767 39.7301.965 3.164 0.892 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.781 0.000 840.01.702.556 0.000 7.62 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 07:27 3.8583.58818.168 9.743 42.8372.007 3.802 2.363 0.0000.0020.000 0.000 0.0000.747 0.000 840.01.672.500 0.000 7.45 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 07:29 3.6903.42718.196 9.753 40.6132.065 3.582 1.469 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.751 0.000 840.01.622.436 0.000 7.12 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 07:30 3.7093.48118.199 9.780 47.2572.498 2.969 0.594 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.786 0.000 840.01.702.555 0.000 7.19 0.03 180.0 3.6964.02318.157 9.757 43.1922.584 3.109 0.971 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.778 0.000 839.801.6762.514 0.000 7.719 0.114 180.0Avg. Spike 2 6/7/2024 07:33 0.00031.10616.489 9.486 37.62049.611 3.714 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 1.128 15.7550.644 0.670 840.019.262.113 0.838 31.11 0.17 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) Run 2 - B 30minute/60min 6/7/2024 07:35 3.8516.53618.205 9.761 36.3881.458 1.800 0.000 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.734 0.000 840.01.562.343 0.000 10.39 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 07:37 3.3883.99518.259 9.783 38.5871.622 2.445 0.084 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.708 0.000 840.01.612.416 0.000 7.38 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 07:38 3.5443.86318.247 9.766 38.6332.023 2.897 0.663 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.830 0.000 840.01.642.466 0.000 7.41 1.02 180.0 6/7/2024 07:39 3.4144.64218.201 9.744 45.9936.364 4.630 6.044 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.722 0.000 840.01.652.470 0.000 8.06 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 07:40 3.3184.43518.160 9.739 50.0824.997 3.610 2.569 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.758 0.000 840.01.682.516 0.000 7.75 1.21 180.0 6/7/2024 07:41 3.7414.34818.180 9.737 33.1442.141 3.361 0.583 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.716 0.000 840.01.642.464 0.000 8.09 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 07:42 3.5834.03618.203 9.742 38.5763.560 2.467 2.108 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.753 0.000 840.01.592.384 0.000 7.62 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 07:43 3.6113.95518.280 9.759 39.6533.247 3.291 1.216 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.793 0.000 840.01.622.423 0.000 7.57 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 07:44 3.0424.74618.217 9.732 39.6885.804 3.744 4.533 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.693 0.000 840.01.622.434 0.000 7.79 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 07:45 3.2763.95718.248 9.752 46.7872.953 2.845 1.247 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.861 0.000 840.01.662.488 0.000 7.23 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 07:46 3.2564.85018.246 9.748 52.1106.173 4.576 5.159 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.795 0.000 840.01.612.416 0.000 8.11 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 07:47 3.1264.77418.171 9.739 52.1615.078 3.843 2.820 0.0000.0020.000 0.000 0.0000.830 0.000 840.01.602.398 0.000 7.90 0.93 180.0 6/7/2024 07:48 3.6534.21218.180 9.725 38.8223.921 2.942 1.177 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.725 0.000 840.01.642.467 0.000 7.87 0.15 180.0 6/7/2024 07:49 3.5263.86018.190 9.746 52.4263.084 3.860 0.915 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.742 0.000 840.01.692.530 0.000 7.39 0.41 180.0 6/7/2024 07:50 3.7404.42918.215 9.739 37.3501.893 3.693 0.450 0.0000.0040.000 0.000 0.0000.823 0.000 840.01.832.750 0.000 8.17 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 07:51 3.8143.55118.222 9.748 35.2408.731 2.297 0.774 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.757 0.000 840.01.612.415 0.000 7.37 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 07:52 3.9484.00818.245 9.767 37.5014.164 3.175 1.850 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.771 0.000 840.01.632.449 0.000 7.96 1.16 180.0 6/7/2024 07:53 3.3954.40218.210 9.742 39.2932.725 2.666 0.000 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.760 0.000 840.01.612.413 0.000 7.80 0.50 180.0 6/7/2024 07:54 3.4924.47018.195 9.747 34.7802.197 2.263 0.000 0.0000.0020.000 0.000 0.0000.755 0.000 840.01.612.415 0.000 7.96 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 07:55 3.5844.83518.184 9.765 31.9831.702 3.503 1.135 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.726 0.000 840.01.702.547 0.000 8.42 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 07:56 3.5824.37318.149 9.767 37.6655.796 1.963 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.792 0.000 840.01.702.556 0.000 7.96 0.15 180.0 6/7/2024 07:57 3.7194.53318.155 9.749 39.1512.605 3.612 0.978 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.817 0.000 840.01.692.539 0.000 8.25 0.16 180.0 6/7/2024 07:58 3.3864.28618.121 9.749 45.8002.232 3.860 1.644 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.764 0.000 840.01.662.485 0.000 7.67 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 07:59 3.5224.40618.168 9.757 41.0141.771 2.992 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.782 0.000 840.01.662.484 0.000 7.93 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 08:00 3.2326.95418.175 9.763 26.6432.076 1.376 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.668 0.000 840.01.642.458 0.000 10.19 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 08:01 3.4143.85218.181 9.754 50.6424.188 3.738 1.489 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.748 0.000 840.01.642.454 0.000 7.27 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 08:02 3.8764.01918.194 9.766 36.0922.025 2.662 0.257 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.733 0.000 840.01.642.467 0.000 7.90 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 08:03 3.4943.80018.191 9.736 56.2991.934 3.431 0.677 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.764 0.000 840.01.632.437 0.000 7.29 0.04 180.0 6/7/2024 08:04 3.5123.66518.166 9.728 53.4781.912 3.569 0.417 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.786 0.000 840.01.642.457 0.000 7.18 0.04 180.0 6/7/2024 08:05 3.5976.17018.209 9.747 36.4932.548 1.735 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.653 0.000 840.01.612.416 0.000 9.77 0.02 180.0 3.5214.46518.199 9.750 41.4163.364 3.095 1.293 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.759 0.000 840.001.6442.465 0.000 7.988 0.208 180.0Avg. 3.6094.24418.178 9.753 42.3042.974 3.102 1.132 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.768 0.000 839.901.6602.489 0.000 7.854 0.161 180.0Run 2 Avg: GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) Baseline 2 6/7/2024 08:08 0.1730.1680.027 0.010 0.0000.073 0.002 0.000 0.0180.0000.000 0.070 0.0210.066 0.007 840.00.110.042 0.000 0.34 0.00 180.0 Run 3 - A 30minute/60min 6/7/2024 08:10 3.8736.44018.191 9.723 21.1211.291 0.949 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.694 0.000 840.02.053.068 0.000 10.31 0.19 180.0 6/7/2024 08:12 3.6913.82418.259 9.723 47.3292.782 2.760 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.822 0.000 840.01.662.485 0.000 7.52 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 08:13 3.5354.44618.254 9.743 56.9562.243 3.295 0.996 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.830 0.000 840.01.702.552 0.000 7.98 0.04 180.0 6/7/2024 08:14 3.2434.29618.243 9.739 49.9313.644 3.575 2.118 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.712 0.000 840.01.722.576 0.000 7.54 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 08:15 3.7134.40418.257 9.741 31.4281.667 2.262 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.678 0.000 840.01.722.580 0.000 8.12 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 08:16 3.6798.27318.318 9.743 20.7191.591 1.175 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.645 0.000 840.02.133.194 0.000 11.95 0.01 180.0 6/7/2024 08:17 3.8506.60818.306 9.730 33.7144.214 1.484 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.727 0.000 840.01.732.602 0.000 10.46 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 08:18 3.5433.66618.346 9.728 34.5376.246 2.282 0.609 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.765 0.000 840.01.652.482 0.000 7.21 0.15 180.0 6/7/2024 08:19 3.7814.30218.363 9.718 41.3834.422 3.406 3.113 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.775 0.000 840.01.632.439 0.000 8.08 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 08:20 3.7684.09418.320 9.742 38.4642.401 3.114 1.172 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.718 0.000 840.01.702.548 0.000 7.86 0.24 180.0 6/7/2024 08:21 4.0014.87818.316 9.749 31.6251.581 2.444 0.157 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.753 0.000 840.01.662.496 0.000 8.88 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 08:22 3.6594.46118.343 9.755 42.3732.615 2.686 0.838 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.794 0.000 840.01.692.538 0.000 8.12 0.56 180.0 6/7/2024 08:23 3.7473.87418.355 9.738 51.7064.044 3.088 1.402 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.743 0.000 840.01.702.552 0.000 7.62 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 08:24 3.6483.96218.301 9.731 51.8893.185 3.566 1.943 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.793 0.000 840.01.682.521 0.000 7.61 0.52 180.0 6/7/2024 08:25 3.7743.97718.248 9.743 31.5762.118 2.875 0.478 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.763 0.000 840.01.632.439 0.000 7.75 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 08:26 3.4436.33618.289 9.736 28.6132.753 1.592 0.451 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.670 0.000 840.01.692.531 0.000 9.78 0.21 180.0 6/7/2024 08:27 3.8483.91918.207 9.722 35.1393.324 2.554 0.533 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.791 0.000 840.01.682.519 0.000 7.77 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 08:28 3.3673.92918.271 9.734 36.9132.911 2.448 0.124 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.744 0.000 840.01.702.557 0.000 7.30 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 08:29 3.3334.69418.277 9.717 58.9285.445 4.349 5.862 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.741 0.000 840.01.672.503 0.000 8.03 0.27 180.0 6/7/2024 08:30 3.7444.14918.260 9.718 49.9476.329 2.790 2.165 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.843 0.000 840.01.732.600 0.000 7.89 0.20 180.0 6/7/2024 08:31 3.5024.19618.367 9.736 57.0332.519 3.935 2.436 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.830 0.000 840.01.742.603 0.000 7.70 1.15 180.0 6/7/2024 08:32 3.8265.25818.338 9.707 26.8046.800 3.155 5.398 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.792 0.000 840.01.652.474 0.000 9.08 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 08:33 3.7273.89818.312 9.728 34.2155.160 2.003 1.504 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.790 0.000 840.01.692.529 0.000 7.62 0.24 180.0 6/7/2024 08:34 3.3344.02718.296 9.708 35.3102.868 3.231 1.618 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.786 0.000 840.01.672.499 0.000 7.36 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 08:35 3.3753.63518.340 9.723 29.8552.099 2.070 1.451 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.683 0.000 840.01.672.498 0.000 7.01 0.14 180.0 6/7/2024 08:36 3.8743.37318.353 9.716 40.0913.947 2.998 2.523 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.793 0.000 840.01.702.545 0.000 7.25 0.84 180.0 6/7/2024 08:37 3.3684.16818.344 9.722 32.1358.540 2.697 4.589 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.722 0.000 840.01.672.501 0.000 7.54 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 08:38 3.6805.16418.322 9.701 30.2989.596 2.081 4.375 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.650 0.000 840.01.642.465 0.000 8.84 0.24 180.0 6/7/2024 08:39 3.7086.90018.300 9.705 30.7962.789 1.542 1.306 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.629 0.000 840.01.662.484 0.000 10.61 0.02 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/7/2024 08:40 3.6126.50418.246 9.722 27.0944.531 1.587 0.414 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.712 0.000 840.01.752.620 0.000 10.12 0.16 180.0 3.6424.72218.298 9.728 37.9313.789 2.600 1.586 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.746 0.000 840.001.7122.567 0.000 8.364 0.183 180.0Avg. Spike 3 6/7/2024 08:44 0.00031.39416.557 9.441 33.38651.148 3.398 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 1.495 16.4010.567 0.665 840.019.841.677 0.863 31.39 0.31 180.0 Run 3 - B 30minute/60min 6/7/2024 08:46 2.8863.43718.287 9.728 50.6842.639 3.299 0.560 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.702 0.000 840.01.702.546 0.000 6.32 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 08:47 3.4013.69818.295 9.745 49.0631.883 2.881 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.799 0.000 840.01.662.486 0.000 7.10 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 08:48 3.5896.91618.279 9.746 25.2211.688 1.263 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.694 0.000 840.01.912.858 0.000 10.51 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 08:49 3.0384.34818.302 9.763 36.6583.454 2.232 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.697 0.000 840.01.712.569 0.000 7.39 0.17 180.0 6/7/2024 08:50 3.4573.74318.269 9.737 40.0163.053 3.150 1.444 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.816 0.000 840.01.732.594 0.000 7.20 0.61 180.0 6/7/2024 08:51 3.5343.41718.346 9.749 47.5251.974 2.779 0.465 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.837 0.000 840.01.682.526 0.000 6.95 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 08:52 3.5645.75518.352 9.731 38.6821.538 1.723 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.781 0.000 840.01.612.421 0.000 9.32 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 08:53 3.5843.34618.324 9.742 48.7022.310 2.614 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.786 0.000 840.01.632.443 0.000 6.93 0.03 180.0 6/7/2024 08:54 3.4693.19818.318 9.752 53.3742.573 2.963 0.674 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.839 0.000 840.01.632.447 0.000 6.67 1.05 180.0 6/7/2024 08:55 2.0944.02018.261 9.713 84.8046.731 4.959 8.581 0.1010.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.847 0.000 840.01.682.515 0.000 6.11 0.06 180.0 6/7/2024 08:56 3.7353.52718.277 9.716 37.1573.395 2.754 0.859 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.742 0.000 841.01.602.394 0.000 7.26 0.20 180.0 6/7/2024 08:57 3.2513.62118.319 9.730 28.8913.799 2.208 1.687 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.732 0.000 841.01.592.380 0.000 6.87 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 08:58 3.6106.68918.260 9.733 29.6644.137 1.873 1.607 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.698 0.000 841.01.622.431 0.000 10.30 1.17 180.0 6/7/2024 08:59 3.2834.22918.263 9.715 36.4385.319 2.689 2.166 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.794 0.000 841.01.602.402 0.000 7.51 0.53 180.0 6/7/2024 09:00 4.0466.60118.272 9.722 31.3232.881 2.608 0.582 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.784 0.000 841.01.612.408 0.000 10.65 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 09:01 3.4966.70918.331 9.749 35.6776.953 0.320 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.675 0.000 840.01.632.439 0.000 10.21 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 09:02 3.2864.08118.244 9.741 52.5995.936 4.092 3.633 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.801 0.000 840.01.682.513 0.000 7.37 0.04 180.0 6/7/2024 09:03 3.4167.35518.247 9.754 23.9802.585 1.501 0.797 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.735 0.000 840.01.912.861 0.000 10.77 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 09:04 3.3653.88418.210 9.742 28.6003.042 1.987 0.119 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.702 0.000 840.01.692.532 0.000 7.25 0.15 180.0 6/7/2024 09:05 3.1585.14518.218 9.737 32.3464.394 3.435 3.178 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.727 0.000 840.01.672.502 0.000 8.30 0.18 180.0 6/7/2024 09:06 3.3446.01918.232 9.732 36.9176.089 1.674 0.219 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.677 0.000 840.01.662.486 0.000 9.36 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 09:07 3.5775.07718.261 9.735 29.6581.622 2.402 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.764 0.000 841.01.552.332 0.000 8.65 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 09:08 3.4186.28018.215 9.746 37.5583.436 0.762 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.689 0.000 841.01.712.557 0.000 9.70 0.17 180.0 6/7/2024 09:09 3.2994.22918.186 9.750 27.4672.203 2.498 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.725 0.000 841.01.672.500 0.000 7.53 0.34 180.0 6/7/2024 09:10 3.5373.21718.258 9.744 58.7694.637 3.316 2.213 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.892 0.000 841.01.662.495 0.000 6.75 0.18 180.0 6/7/2024 09:11 2.7713.60518.228 9.732 73.1572.927 4.906 4.281 0.6510.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.832 0.000 841.01.662.497 0.000 6.38 0.28 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/7/2024 09:12 3.2443.94718.199 9.723 36.2024.544 3.273 3.151 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.793 0.000 841.01.692.528 0.000 7.19 0.15 180.0 6/7/2024 09:13 3.3423.13818.218 9.762 32.5662.096 2.223 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.721 0.000 841.01.632.442 0.000 6.48 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 09:14 3.2144.12318.173 9.737 26.6372.929 2.283 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.748 0.000 841.01.652.474 0.000 7.34 0.24 180.0 6/7/2024 09:15 3.5924.01318.207 9.742 29.8863.398 2.014 0.097 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.702 0.000 840.01.692.527 0.000 7.60 0.69 180.0 3.3534.57918.262 9.738 40.0073.472 2.556 1.210 0.0250.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.758 0.000 840.431.6702.504 0.000 7.932 0.217 180.0Avg. 3.4974.65018.280 9.733 38.9693.630 2.578 1.398 0.0130.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.752 0.000 840.221.6912.535 0.000 8.148 0.200 180.0Run 3 Avg: Baseline 3 6/7/2024 09:19 0.1040.1020.055 0.025 0.0570.114 0.007 0.062 0.1870.0000.264 0.000 0.0750.000 0.019 841.00.110.000 0.000 0.21 0.00 180.0 Post CTS 6/7/2024 09:20 0.0000.0000.032 0.002 0.0000.000 0.042 0.038 0.0670.0010.000 99.454 0.0260.064 0.026 841.066.380.001 0.000 0.00 0.92 180.0 6/7/2024 09:20 0.0000.0000.029 0.000 0.0000.064 0.041 0.000 0.0000.0010.000 99.468 0.0000.099 0.046 840.066.410.000 0.000 0.00 0.34 180.0 6/7/2024 09:20 0.0000.0000.030 0.010 0.0000.051 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0080.000 99.119 0.0000.029 0.004 840.066.130.060 0.000 0.00 0.07 180.0 Post NO2/Mid O2 6/7/2024 09:24 100.0873.1390.006 0.000 0.0000.088 0.239 0.000 0.1620.0000.000 0.271 0.0000.090 0.055 841.00.690.601 0.000 103.23 9.40 180.0 6/7/2024 09:24 100.1522.8190.005 0.000 0.3300.000 0.238 0.000 0.5250.0000.000 0.167 0.0000.000 0.019 841.00.320.253 0.000 102.97 9.41 180.0 6/7/2024 09:24 99.9183.2950.008 0.000 0.0000.149 0.246 0.184 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.078 0.058 841.00.500.581 0.000 103.21 9.32 180.0 6/7/2024 09:24 100.1832.9680.005 0.007 0.2220.089 0.245 0.000 0.3160.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.050 841.00.400.450 0.000 103.15 9.32 180.0 Post 5-Gas 6/7/2024 09:26 0.000236.0210.009 4.851 2.620493.725 2.283 2.092 7.1810.2241.416 1.371 252.4040.000 0.000 841.0254.982.495 9.996 236.02 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 09:26 0.000237.5780.006 4.850 2.596495.551 2.312 2.095 8.5750.1971.077 1.346 252.1950.000 0.000 841.0254.802.566 10.007 237.58 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 09:26 0.000237.2870.003 4.853 4.043494.778 2.313 2.308 8.5380.1280.267 1.383 251.9740.017 0.000 841.0254.732.748 9.988 237.29 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 09:26 0.000238.1240.010 4.858 2.715495.513 2.262 2.173 7.1500.0870.602 1.353 252.4630.030 0.000 841.0255.272.863 10.008 238.12 0.02 180.0 6/7/2024 09:26 0.000237.7140.006 4.859 2.126496.218 2.300 2.055 7.8930.0090.952 1.312 252.0000.301 0.000 841.0254.662.680 10.013 237.71 0.02 180.0 End of Test Purge 6/7/2024 09:29 0.4660.6210.006 0.011 0.0000.624 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0000.034 0.139 0.2420.000 0.003 841.00.420.116 0.003 1.09 0.00 180.0 6/7/2024 09:29 0.0000.0000.005 0.015 0.0000.517 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.276 0.2350.000 0.014 840.00.560.165 0.006 0.00 0.00 180.0 6/7/2024 09:29 0.0000.5490.007 0.018 0.0000.500 0.003 0.065 0.0000.0010.789 0.408 0.2730.000 0.005 840.00.670.169 0.001 0.55 0.00 180.0 6/7/2024 09:29 0.0380.4760.010 0.000 0.0000.538 0.045 0.029 0.0000.0020.095 0.226 0.3250.000 0.000 840.00.480.007 0.001 0.51 0.00 180.0 6/7/2024 09:29 0.0710.7260.007 0.000 0.0000.365 0.025 0.040 0.0000.0000.135 0.177 0.0660.000 0.026 840.00.270.049 0.003 0.80 0.00 180.0 6/7/2024 09:29 0.1320.8410.006 0.015 0.0000.311 0.013 0.101 0.0000.0000.000 0.060 0.1590.150 0.000 840.00.240.066 0.000 0.97 0.00 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/7/2024 09:29 0.0000.3320.009 0.015 0.0000.340 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0000.200 0.279 0.0060.000 0.062 840.00.460.214 0.000 0.33 0.00 180.0 6/7/2024 09:29 0.2620.2990.005 0.000 0.0000.378 0.024 0.000 0.0000.0010.000 0.067 0.2830.134 0.000 840.00.330.000 0.004 0.56 0.00 180.0 6/7/2024 09:30 0.0000.6090.003 0.002 0.0000.298 0.029 0.011 0.0000.0050.353 0.396 0.1210.009 0.000 840.00.490.159 0.000 0.61 0.00 180.0 GAS, Inc. Performance Test Report Test Type: Initial Test Date: 6/4/2024 Waukesha 9394 GSI Rich Burn (4 Cycle) 303 W. 3rd St Elk City , OK 73644(580) 225-0403 Test Started:Test Completed:07:06 AM 11:05 AM Source: Unit Number: 1454 Serial Number: WAU-1651084 Engine Hours:4247 Permit #: #DAQE-AN161400001-23 Location: Duchesne County, Utah Prepared on Behalf of: Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ CO NOx NMNEHC 1.650 0.830 0.170 0.017 0.365 0.056 1.028 13.640 2.200 2.000 0.300 1.000 0.150 0.700 0.030 0.003 0.066 0.010 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Federal State Federal State Federal State Results lb/hr Results ppmvd Permit lb/hr Results g/hp-hr Permit g/hp-hr PASS ALL Index Tables Figures Appendices Table 5.1 (Run Summaries)................................................................ Table 6.1 (Volumetric Flow Rate Data)............................................... Table 6.2 (Stack Gas Measurements)................................................. Table 8.1 (Oxygen Calibration)........................................................... Annex Table 1.2.1 (Certified Calibration Bottle Concentrations)......... Annex Table 1.2.2 (Measurement System Capabilities)..................... Annex Table 1.3.1 (Test Specific Target Analytes)............................. Annex Table 4.1 (Measure System Capabilities)................................ Figure 6.1 (Location of Traverse Points per Method 1)....................... Annex Figure 1.4.1 (Sampling Train).................................................. Annex Figure 1.4.2 (Sampling Points)................................................. Annex Figure 1.4.3 (Sampling Port Locations).................................... Certified Calibration Bottle Certificates................................................ Tri Probe Certification via GD-031...................................................... GAS ALT 141_FTIR EPA.................................................................... Tester Qualifications (resume)............................................................ Raw Data............................................................................................ 27 Key Personnel.............................................................................1.0 3 Sampling System........................................................................2.0 3 Methods Used.............................................................................3.0 3 Test Summaries..........................................................................4.0 5 Run Summaries..........................................................................5.0 6 6 Volumetric Flow Rate Data.........................................................6.0 7 7 7 7 Calculations................................................................................7.0 8 9 12 12 13 15 13 14 14 20 25 28 29 Oxygen Calibration.....................................................................9 Engine Parameter Data Sheet....................................................10 QA/QC Results............................................................................11 Signature Page...........................................................................12.0 Appendices.................................................................................13.0 Bottle Certs.................................................................................2014.0 Tri Probe Certification via GD-031..............................................2515.0 GAS ALT 141_FTIR EPA............................................................16.0 Tester Qualifications (resume)....................................................2817.0 D6348 Annexes..........................................................................1211.0 18 19 26 8.0 9.0 10.0 Raw Data....................................................................................2918.0 1.0 Key Personnel GAS, Inc. Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. 2.0 Sampling System The sampling system used consisted of a Stainless steel probe, heated Teflon line, gas conditioning system, and a Gasmet model DX4000 FTIR analyzer. The gas conditioning system used was a Gasmet Personal Sampling System with a Zirconium Oxide oxygen sensor. 3.0 Methods Used This extractive FTIR based field test method is used to quantify gas phase concentrations of multiple target analytes (CO, NOX, CH2O, & VOC's) from stationary source effluent. Because an FTIR analyzer is potentially capable of analyzing hundreds of compounds, this test method is not analyte or source specific. The analytes, detection levels, and data quality objectives are expected to change for any particular testing situation. It is the responsibility of the tester to define the target analytes, the associated detection limits for those analytes in the particular source effluent, and the required data quality objectives for each specific test program. Provisions are included in this test method that require the tester to determine critical sampling system and instrument operational parameters, and for the conduct of QA/QC procedures. Testers following this test method will generate data that will allow an independent observer to verify the valid collection, identification, and quantification of the subject target analytes. EPA Method 1 & 1A EPA Method 2 & 2C EPA Method 3A The purpose of the method is to provide guidance for the selection of sampling ports and traverse points at which sampling for air pollutants will be performed pursuant to regulations set forth in this part. This method is applicable for the determination of the average velocity and the volumetric flow rate of a gas stream. The average gas velocity in a stack is determined from the gas density and from measurement of the average velocity head with a standard pitot tube. Velocity readings are taken from each stack at 16 separate traverse points (Table 6.1) and used to determine the engines mass emissions rate, calculated utilizing the formulas seen in section 7.0 of this report. This is a procedure for measuring oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in stationary source emissions using a continuous instrumental analyzer. Quality assurance and quality control requirements are included to assure that the tester collects data of known quality. Documentation to these specific requirements for equipment, supplies, sample collection and analysis, calculations, and data analysis will be included. ASTM D6348-03 Lynn Huber 3 Aaron King Gas, Inc. 4.0 Test Summary T e s t S u m m a r y Site Verification Photos Gas, Inc. Unit 1454 with a serial number of WAU-1651084 which is a Waukesha 9394 GSI engine located at Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility and operated by Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. was tested for emissions of: Carbon Monoxide, Oxides of Nitrogen, and Volatile Organic Compounds. The test was conducted on 6/4/2024 by Aaron King with Great Plains Analytical Services, Inc. All quality assurance and quality control tests were within acceptable tolerances. The engine is a natural gas fired Rich Burn (4 Cycle) engine rated at 2500 brake horse power (BHP) at 1200 RPM. The engine was operating at 2497 BHP and 1198 RPM which is 99.86% of maximum engine load during the test. The test HP calculation can be found on page 8. The engine was running at the maximum load available at the test site. This test will satisfy the testing requirements for 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ. Unit 1454 is authorized to operate under permit #DAQE-AN161400001-23. 4 4.0 Test Summary Engine/Compressor Specs Crusoe Mullins Tap FacilityLocation 1454Unit ID Make Waukesha Site Elevation ft.5263 Model 9394 GSI Atmospheric Pressure psi.12.12 Serial Number WAU-1651084 Stack Diameter in.18 mfg. rated hp 2500 Yes 1200 Date of Manufacture Engine/Compressor Operation Run 2 Run 3 3 Run AveragesRun 1 Test Horsepower 2500 2490 2500 2497 1200 1195 1200 1198 Percent Load % Intake Manifold Pressure (hg) 100.00%99.58%100.00%99.86% 35.32 36.32 35.32 35.66 Intake Manifold Temperature (F)119.00 121.00 124.00 121.33 Ambient Conditions Ambient Temperature Dry (F)59.00 64.00 68.00 63.67 Exhaust Flow Data Q Stack (dscfh) Q Stack (dscm/hr) 223536.30 222220.08 227341.95 224366.11 6329.78 6292.51 6437.55 6353.28 Moisture Fraction Bws Fuel Consumption (Btu/h[-hr) 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0 0 0 0 Fuel Flow (dscfh) Fuel (btu/scf)1020 1020 1020 1020 O2 F factor 8710.0 8710 8710 8710 Results Method 3A Corrected O2% Dry Moisture %18.14%18.09%17.99%18.07% T e s t S u m m a r y mfg. rated rpm Test RPM 0.05%0.06%0.04%0.05% Permitted Standards Results 5 Catalyst 0.0010.005 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 3 Run Average Pass Permits 07:06 AM 08:24 AM 09:45 AM 6/4/2024 CO (g/hp-hr)0.004 0.0032.000 0.300 Pass StateFederal CO (ppmvw)0.982 1.387 0.158 0.842 CO (ppmvd)1.199 1.693 0.192 1.028 CO (mol wt) 28.01 CO (ppmvd) @15% O2 0.339 0.479 0.054 0.291 Fail CO (ppbvd) @15% O2 339.226 479.167 54.313 290.902 Fail 0.0030.027CO (lbs/hr)0.019 0.0171.650 Pass NOx (g/hp-hr)0.063 0.061 0.075 0.0661.000 0.150 Pass NOx (ppmvw)10.648 10.422 12.457 11.176 NOx (ppmvd)13.007 12.724 15.189 13.640 NOx (mol wt) 46.01 1.801 1.785 1.822 1.802NMNEHC (ppmvw) 2.199 2.179 2.222 2.200NMNEHC (ppmvd) NOx (ppbvd) @15% O2 3679.991 3601.791 4295.755 3859.179 Fail NOx (ppmvd) @15% O2 3.680 3.602 4.296 3.859 Fail NMNEHC (mol wt) 44.10 622.289 616.714 628.311 622.438 FailNMNEHC (ppbvd) @15% O2 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.0100.700 0.030 PassNMNEHC (g/hp-hr) 0.056 0.055 0.058 0.0560.170 PassNMNEHC (lbs/hr) 0.622 0.617 0.628 0.622 FailNMNEHC (ppmvd) @15% O2 NOx (lbs/hr)0.347 0.337 0.412 0.3650.830 Pass Gas, Inc. 5.0 Run Summaries Summary Source Run 1 R u n Table 5.1 Run Summaries S u m m a r i e s 6 0.62Baseline Source Spike Source Baseline PPM Wet CO NOx Oxygen %Moisture % 0.98 0.08 7.33 0.08 3.32 0.16 10.65 0.34 1.80 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 18.14% NMNEHC 1.23 5.65 3.24 8.88 1.79 0.04%18.14% 41.75 28.77 0.00 28.77 15.89 0.03%16.70% 0.74 9.00 3.41 12.41 1.81 0.03%18.14% 0.31 0.00 0.18 0.18 0.24 0.00%0.05% Avg. Wet NO2NO Summary Source Run 2 Baseline Source Spike Source Baseline PPM Wet CO NOx Oxygen %Moisture %NMNEHC 0.31 0.00 0.18 0.18 0.24 0.00%0.05% 1.03 6.98 3.45 10.43 1.74 0.03%18.15% 49.22 26.17 0.00 26.17 19.73 0.03%16.45% 1.75 7.13 3.28 10.41 1.83 0.05%18.03% 0.19 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.07 0.00%0.03% Avg. Wet 1.39 7.06 3.37 10.42 1.78 0.04%18.09% NO2NO Summary Source Run 3 Baseline Source Spike Source Baseline PPM Wet CO NOx Oxygen %Moisture %NMNEHC 0.12 8.51 3.61 12.13 1.85 0.03%17.99% 45.51 30.02 0.00 30.02 18.04 0.03%16.47% 0.19 9.41 3.38 12.79 1.79 0.03%17.99% 0.18 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.22 0.00%0.02% 0.19 0.00 0.10 0.10 0.07 0.00%0.03% Avg. Wet 0.16 8.96 3.50 12.46 1.82 0.03%17.99% NO2NO Gas, Inc. 6.0 Volumetric Flow Rate Data Volumetric Flow Rate Data .99 Stack diameter = Table 6.1. Data used for volumetric flow rate (Method 2) 18 inches or:1.5 feet. or:1.77 Square Feet Run 1 Average Pitot Tube Coefficient Cp(std)= H2O CO2 O2 CO Molecular Weight Stack Gas dry basis (Md) Molecular Weight Stack Gas wet basis (Ms) Stack Static Pressure (Pg) Stack Static Pressure (Pg) Atmospheric Pressure at Location (Pbar) Atmospheric Pressure at Location (Pbar) Absolute Stack Pressure (Ps) Stack Temperature Stack Temperature Stack Temperature Stack Gas Velocity Stack Flow Rate Q Stack Gas Wet Volmetric Flow Rate Stack Gas Dry Volumetric Flow Rate Sample after Back Purge: Within 5% of Last Δpstd reading: Stack Diameter (inches) Inches upstream from disturbance Inches downstream from disturbance scf/hr 1.39 Yes 18.00 5.00 17.00 scf/hr cfs ft/sec Deg R Deg F Deg C "Hg "Hg MBAR "Hg "H20 g/g mole g/g mole ppmd %d %d %d 18.14 29.55 1.25 Inches 3.01 9 14.99 Vo l u m e t r i c F l o w R a t e s Pitot readings are taken for Method 2 calculations using measuring points outlined in Method 1 Figure 6.1 16 Traverse Points Were Used Emissions Sampling Points - 3 point long line sampling probe First Sampling Point Taken @ 16.7% of Stack Diameter Second Sampling Point Taken @ 50% of Stack Diameter Third Sampling Point Taken @ 83.3% of Stack Diameter 9.67 0.04 0.98 838.55 0.09 24.77 24.86 910.00 1369.67 487.78 27.45 134.02 236.82 273069.79 223536.30 Run 2 18.09 29.56 1.23 9.71 0.05 1.39 839.20 0.09 24.79 24.88 911.00 1370.67 488.33 27.47 133.15 235.29 271302.84 222220.08 Run 3 17.99 29.55 1.25 9.68 0.03 0.16 839.92 0.09 24.81 24.90 868.00 1327.67 464.44 27.47 131.66 232.67 277209.09 227341.95 18.07 29.55 1.24 9.69 0.04 0.84 839.22 0.09 24.79 24.88 896.33 1356.00 480.18 27.46 132.95 234.94 273836.47 224345.09 *The exhaust stack did not present cyclonic flow conditions at the sampling location due to the absence of cyclones, inertial demisters, venturi scrubbers, or tangential inlets. * Cyclonic Flow Check (Pass/Fail): PASS Δpstd (in) H2O 0.91 Exhaust Temp F 910.00 Pitot Tube Sampling Points (Velocity) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Δpstd Average= Run 1 Table 6.2. Stack gas pressure readings measured with a standard pitot tube use for Volumetric Flow Rate 1.15 1.30 1.41 911.00 909.00 910.00 1.42 1.27 1.18 911.00 909.00 910.00 1.05 1.10 1.26 911.00 909.00 910.00 1.36 911.00 1.42 1.38 1.22 909.00 910.00 911.00 1.25 1.31 1.25 909.00 910.00 910.00 Δpstd = Velocity head measured by the standard pitot tube, (in.) H2O.Run 3 Δpstd (in) H2O 1.12 Exhaust Temp F 868.00 1.15 1.20 1.24 867.00 869.00 868.00 1.27 1.36 1.39 867.00 869.00 868.00 1.33 1.14 1.01 867.00 869.00 868.00 1.01 867.00 1.15 1.38 1.40 869.00 868.00 867.00 1.41 1.39 869.00 868.00 868.001.25 Run 2 Δpstd (in) H2O 1.17 Exhaust Temp F 911.00 1.11 1.12 1.18 912.00 910.00 911.00 1.28 1.37 1.28 912.00 910.00 911.00 1.10 1.04 1.03 912.00 910.00 911.00 1.33 912.00 1.31 1.38 1.37 910.00 911.00 912.00 1.28 1.39 910.00 911.00 1.23 911.00 Pass Strat Check 1Check 1 1Check 2 1Check 3 COGas Used Pass/Fail 7 Gas, Inc. 7.0 Calculations Method 2: Determination of Stack Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate *Note- Use of this method negates the need for any fuel related numbers for emissions calculations Nomenclature Δp(avg) = Velocity head of stack gas, mm H2O (in. H2O).Ps = Absolute stack pressure (Pbar+ Pg), mm Hg (in Hg) 3600 = Conversion Factor, sec/hr. A = Cross-sectional area of stack, m2 (ft2). Bws = Water vapor in the gas stream (from ASTM D6348) Kp = Velocity equation constant. Md = Molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis, g/g-mole (lb./lb.-mole). Ms = Molecular weight of stack gas, wet basis, g/g-mole (lb./lb. -mole). Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 760 mm Hg (29.92 in. Hg). Qsd = Dry volumetric stack gas flow rate corrected to standard conditions, dscm/hr. (dscf/hr.). Ts(abs) = Absolute stack temperature, °K (°R). = 460 + Ts for English units. Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 293°K (528 °R). Vs = Average stack gas velocity, m/sec (ft./sec). *(Observed from Method 3 12.3) Dry Molecular Weight. Equation 3-1 Md = .44(.097)+.32(0)+.28(.903+0) = 29.55 LB/LB-MOLEMd = .44(%CO2)+.32(%O2)+.28(%N2+%CO) 12.5 Molecular Weight of Stack Gas. Equation 2-6 Ms = 29.55(1 -.1814)+.18.0(.1814) = 27.454 LB/LB-MOLEMs = Md(1-Bws)+18.0(Bws) 12.6 Average Stack Gas Velocity. Equation 2-7 Vs = 85.49*.99*√1.25*√(1369.67/(24.86*27.454)) = 134.02 FT/SECVs = Kp*Cp(std)*√Δpavg*√(Ts(abs)/(Ps*Ms)) 12.7 Average Stack Gas Volumetric Flow Rate. Equation 2-8 Qsd = 3600(1-.181)134.015*1.767((528*24.86)/ (1369.67*29.92)) = 223536.3 DSCF/HRQsd = 3600(1-Bws)Vs*A((Tstd*Ps)/(Ts(abs)*Pstd)) *Standard conversion from feet to meters Q = 223536.296/35.315 = 6329.783 DSCM/HRQ = Qsd/35.315 Emission Rates (Examples use CO Run 1) Nomenclature CO corrected @ 15% O2 453.6= Conversion factor lb. to gram HP= Engines rated Horsepower A = Cross-sectional area of stack, m2 (ft2). BHP/HR. = Brake work of the engine, horsepower-hour (HP-HR.). BTU/HP-HR. = Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (HHV) ER = Emission rate of (CO) in g/HP-hr. F(d )= Volumes of combustion components per unit of heat content, scm/J (scf/million Btu). Q = Stack gas volumetric flow rate, in standard cubic meters per hour, dry basis LB/HR.= Emission rate of (CO) in LB/HR. Mfg.= Manufacturer Exhaust flow rate at 100% (ft3/min) O2 = Concentration of oxygen on a dry basis, percent. ppm= Parts Per Million (CO) ppm@15% O2= PPM corrected to 15% O2 Qsd = Dry volumetric stack gas flow rate corrected to standard conditions, dscm/hr. (DSCF/HR.). Run Time = Run Time in Minutes TPY= Tons per Year Mol wt.= Mol Weight of CO (28.01) Vs = Average stack gas velocity, m/sec (ft./sec). ppm @ 15% O2 = 1.199*(20.9-15)/(20.9-0%)) = .338 PPM @ 15% O2ppm @ 15% O2 = PPM*((20.9-15%O2)/(20.9-O2)) G/HP HR from 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ (1.199*(1.164*10^-3)*6329.783*(Run Time/60))/2500 = .004 G/HP-HRg/hp-hr = (PPM*(1.164*10^-3)*Q*(Run Time/60))/BHP/HR LB/HR from Grams LB/HR = .004*1/453.6*2500 = .019 LB/HRlb/hr = ER*1/453.6*BHP-HR TPY TPY = .019*4.38 = .083 TPYTPY = LB/HR. *4.38 Horsepower HP Provided On Site Wet to Dry PPM 1.2 = .9815*(1/(1-.18))ppm wet * (1/(1-H2O) = ppm dry 8 Cp(std) = Standard pitot tube coefficient; use 0.99 Gas, Inc. 8.1 Calibration error test; how do I confirm my analyzer calibration is correct? After the tester has assembled, prepared and calibrated the sampling system and analyzer, they conduct a 3-point analyzer calibration error test before the first run and again after any failed system bias test or failed drift test. They then introduce the low-, mid-, and high-level calibration gases sequentially in direct calibration mode. At each calibration gas level (low, mid, and high) the calibration error must be within ± 2.0 percent of the calibration span. 8.0 Oxygen Calibration 8.2 Initial system bias and system calibration error checks. Before sampling begins, it is determined whether the high- level or mid-level calibration gas best approximates the emissions and it is used as the upscale gas. The upscale gas is introduced at the probe upstream of all sample- conditioning components in system calibration mode. 8.3 Post-run system bias check and drift assessment - confirming that each sample collected is valid. Sampling may be performed for multiple runs before performing the post-run bias or system calibration error check provided this test is passed at the conclusion of the group of runs. A failed final test in this case will invalidate all runs subsequent to the last passed test. (1) Next, zero gas is introduced as described above. The response must be within 0.5 percent of the upscale gas concentration. (2) Low-level gas reading is observed until it has reached a final, stable value and the results are recorded. The measurement system will be operated at the normal sampling rate during all system bias checks. (3) If the initial system bias specification is not met, corrective action is taken. The applicable calibration error test from Section 8.2.3 of EPA Method 7E is repeated along with the initial system bias check until acceptable results are achieved, after which sampling will begin. The pre- and post-run system bias must be within ± 5.0 percent of the calibration span for the low-level and upscale calibration gases. (1) If the post-run system bias check is not passed, then the run is invalid. The problem is then diagnosed and fixed, then another calibration error test and system bias is passed before repeating the run. (2) After each run, the low-level and upscale drift is calculated, using Equation 7E–4 in Section 12.5 from EPA Method 7E. If the post-run low- and upscale bias checks are passed, but the low-or upscale drift exceeds the specification in Section 13.3, the run data are valid, but a 3-point calibration error test and a system bias check must be performed and passed prior to additional testing. Table 8.1 Oxygen Calibration EPA Method 3A QA Worksheet (SYSTEM) Calibration Bias Checks (≤ 5%) and Drift Checks (≤ 3%) Certified Gas Concentraion Low-Level (%) 0.00% Certified Gas Concentraion Mid-Level (%) Certified Gas Concentraion High-Level (%) (DIRECT) Analyzer Calibration Error (≤ 2%) Certified Concentration Value (%) Direct Calibration Response (%) Absolute Difference (%) Analyzer Calibration Error (%)Analyzer Direct Calibration Response Certified bottle value % 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Zero Gas % Mid-Level Gas % High-Level Gas % Bias Pre Initial Value Bias Post Inital Values System Calibrations Response Pre (%) 0.00% System Bias (% of Span) Pre System Calibration Response Post (%) System Bias (% of Span) Post Drift (% of Span) 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% (SYSTEM) Calibration Bias Checks (≤ 5%) and Drift Checks (≤ 3%) Avg. Gas Concentration (Run 1) Avg. Gas Concentration (Run 2) Avg. Gas Concentration (Run 3) Effluent Gas (Cgas) Run 1 Effluent Gas (Cgas) Run 2 Effluent Gas (Cgas) Run 3 Linearity Check 0.00%0.00%0.00% Method 7E 3.4 To the extent practicable, the measured emissions should be between 20 to 100 percent of the selected calibration span. This may not be practicable in some cases of low concentration measurements or testing for compliance with an emission limit when emissions are substantially less than the limit. 7E 8.5: Note: that you may risk sampling for multiple runs before performing the post-run bias provided you pass this test at the conclusion of the group of runs Upscale Gas Analyzer Calibration Response (%) Zero Gas Upscale Gas EPA Method 3A QA Worksheet Zero Gas Mid-Level Gas High-Level Gas 100% Nitrogen O2 QA/QC Zero Gas %0.00% Mid-Level Gas % High-Level Gas % System Calibration Response Pre (%) System Calibration Response Post (%) Zero Gas % Upscale Cal Zero Gas % Upscale Cal Upscale Used Upscale Used 9.02% 21.07% 9.14% 9.31% 9.01% 9.01% 9.31%9.14% 9.02% 21.07% 9.01% 21.12% 9.01% 21.12% 9.01%21.12% 0.00% 9.01% 21.12% 0.01% 0.05% 0.06% 0.25% 9.01% Span Zero Offset 0.00% 21.12 0.00% 9.02%0.58%1.36%0.01% 0.05% 0.06% 0.04% 0.05% 0.06% 0.04% 9 Gas, Inc. 1058.0 1049.0 1056.7 1018.0 1015.0 1019.0 5.6 5.6 5.6 9.0 Engine Parameter Data Sheet Company Site Elevation (ft) Facility Unit ID Date Make Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility 6/4/2024 5263 1454 Waukesha Model Serial Number 9394 GSI WAU-1651084 Technician Aaron King Run Start Times 07:06 AM 08:24 AM 09:45 AM 11:05 AM Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Completed Engine Parameter Data Run 1 Engine Speed (RPM)1200.0 1195.0 1200.0 1198.3 Engine Hours 4244 4245 4246 4247 Intake Manifold Pressure (psi)60.0 61.0 60.0 60.3 Intake Manifold Temp °F 119.0 121.0 124.0 121.3 Engine Load (BHP)2500.0 2489.6 2500.0 2496.5 Ambient Temp °F 59.0 64.0 68.0 63.7 Humidity %53.0 45.0 37.0 45.0 Dew Point °F 41.0 42.0 41.0 41.3 Waukesha YesCatalyst (Yes or No) AFR Manufacturer/Type Waukesha Waukesha Waukesha 10 Run 3 AverageRun 2 Discharge Pressure (psi) Suction Pressure (psi) 1063.0 1024.0 5.6Catalyst Pressure Drop H2O Catalyst Outlet Temp °F Catalyst Inlet Temp °F Gas, Inc. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/AN/AN/A 10.0 QA/QC Results Average:Carbon monoxide CO Gas, Inc. 0.00 R e s u l t s Average:Nitrogen monoxide NO 0.00 Average:Nitrogen dioxide NO2 0.02 Average:NOx 0.02 Average:VOC 0.12 Average:Oxygen 0.00 Pre-test Baseline Results Time: Q A / Q C Value:CTS Bottle Concentration 100.30 Value:CTS Compound Concentration Avg 98.62 Tolerance 2.00% Difference between measured and expected 1.68% CTS Direct to Analyzer Time: Average:Carbon monoxide CO 0.22 Average:Nitrogen monoxide NO 0.03 Average:Nitrogen dioxide NO2 0.00 Average:NOx 0.03 Average:VOC 0.21 Average:Oxygen 0.14 Pre-test System Zero Time: Mechanical Response Time 45 seconds Value:CTS Bottle Concentration 100.30 Value:CTS Compound Concentration Avg 97.50 Tolerance 5.00% Difference between measured and expected 2.79% Pre-test System CTS & Mechanical Response Time 52 secondsEquilibration Response Time Value:Spike Reported 251.97 Value:Spike Expected 252.40 System (Equilibration) Response Time Target (Spike) 62 secondsSystem Zero Response Time 62 secondsSystem Response Time System (Zero) Response Time 11 11.0 D6348 Annexes 1-8 D6348 Annexes 1. Test Plan Requirements Annex 1.2 The test quality objectives completed for the emissions test are demonstrated throughout Annexes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 as layed out per ASTM D6348-03. All reference methods, pre-test and post test procedures were within acceptable limits. Data generated during the pre-test and post-test procedures are summarized below in order of the distinctive Annex. Three 60 minute test runs were performed. The final analyte concentrations are the average of each test run. Data was taken at 60 second intervals. Each 60 second measurement was the average of 600 scans. Propane is used as the surrogate compound for the Annex 5 Spiking Technique due to Propane being the VOC that is most commonly found in the combustion process of natural gas. Additionally, the molecular weight of Propane coincides with with molecular weight of VOC's per the EPA. Annex Table 1.2.1 Certified Calibration Bottle Concentrations Bottle Expiration NO2 Ethylene SF6 O2 (%) EB0147541 5/8/2026 100.30 9.01% 12/1/2025 100.30 CC406148 4/15/2032 21.12% Cylinder # ALM-063647 Expiration: 5-03-2032 Propane CO NO SF6 Bottle Value 252.40 501.70 237.50 10.20 Analyzer System Response 251.97 492.47 235.68 9.99 Percent Difference 0.17%1.84%0.76%2.11% Annex Table 1.2.2 Measurement System Capabilities SF6 Parameter Measured Gas Concentration (ppm)Path Length Equilibration Time Dilution Factor % Recovery Path Length Ethylene 98.616 4.916 Spike Direct Propane 254.657 Mechanical Response Time SF6 10.075 CO 499.071 NO 237.428 Ethylene 97.501 39 seconds Analyzer Response Propane 251.967 SF6 9.985 CO 492.471 NO 235.684 Analyte Spike Recovery Propane & SF6 System Zero Nitrogen Post Spike System Propane 251.749 CO 492.729 NO 235.974 52 seconds 62 seconds 7.03% 8.43% 7.77% 70.64% 75.52% 73.79% 9.974 12 Gas, Inc. Annex 1.3 Compounds Infrared Analysis Region (cm-1) Expected Concentration Range Measurement System Achievable Minimum Detectable Concentrations Required Measurement System Accuracy and Precision for Test Application CO 2000-2200 0-1200 ppm NO 1875-2138 NO2 2700-2950 VOC 2600-3200 910-1150 2550-2950 CH2O 2550-2850 Interfering Compounds * CO is analyzed in a separate analysis region than CO2 and H2O CO2 Water Vapor 926-1150 3200-3401 Annex Table 1.3.1 Test Specific Target Analytes and Data Quality Objectives 0.16267 ppm 4 ppm 0-1000 ppm 0.4007 ppm 2 ppm 0-100 ppm 0.4899 ppm 2 ppm 0-100 ppm 1.8520 ppm Total VOC's 1 ppm per VOC 0-100 ppm 0.7878 ppm 1 ppm 0-10% 0-22% 0% 0.20% n/a n/a * VOCs compiled of Acetaldehyde, Ethylene, Hexane, and Propane. Annex 1.4 Figure Annex 1.4.1 Sampling Train The testing instrumentation is housed in an enclosed vehicle which is located approximately 45 feet from the source. A heated sample line (sixty feet in length) is attached to the inlet of analyzer system and the source effluent discharges through the FTIR outlet. 13 Gas, Inc. Sampling Point Locations in Inches 16.7%3.006 50%9.000 83.3%14.994 Figure Annex 1.4.3 Sample Port Location Figure Annex 1.4.2 Sampling Points Interior Stack Diameter (inches): Inches Upstream: Inches Downstream: 18 5 17 14 Stack Gas Dry Volumetric Flow Rate (scf/hr): 224345.09 H2O%d @ Sampling Point:18.07 CO2%d @ Sampling Point:9.69 Pressure @ Sampling Point (Pg "H2O):1.24 Temperature @ Sampling Point (Deg F):896.33 Gas, Inc. D6348 Annex 2. Determination of FTIR Measurement System Minimum Detectable Concentrations (MDC#1) Target Analyte Results (ppm) CO 0.1627 NO 0.4007 NO2 0.4899 Ethylene 0.3782 Propane 0.4351 Hexane 0.2233 Acetaldehyde 0.8152 Formaldehyde 0.7878 D6348 Annex 3. FTIR Reference Spectra Calibration Transfer Standard Expected Measured Path Length Validated Ethylene 100.3 98.62 4.916 Passed D6348 Annex 4. Required Pre-Test Procedures Annex Table 1.2.2 Measurement System Capabilities 15 SF6 Parameter Measured Gas Concentration (ppm)Path Length Equilibration Time Dilution Factor % Recovery Path Length Ethylene 98.616 4.916 Spike Direct Propane 254.657 Mechanical Response Time SF6 10.075 CO 499.071 NO 237.428 Ethylene 97.501 39 seconds Analyzer Response Propane 251.967 SF6 9.985 CO 492.471 NO 235.684 Analyte Spike Recovery Propane & SF6 System Zero Nitrogen Post Spike System Propane 251.749 CO 492.729 NO 235.974 52 seconds 62 seconds 7.03% 8.43% 7.77% 70.64% 75.52% 73.79% 9.974 Gas, Inc. D6348 Annex 5. Analyte Spiking Technique Propane Spike Direct SF6 CO NO 252.400 10.200 501.700 237.500 254.657 10.075 499.071 237.428 0.89% 1.23% 0.52% 0.03% +/- 2% +/- 2% +/- 2% +/- 2% Pass Pass Pass Pass Parameter Gas Concentration Measured % Difference Specification Validated 0.000 0.000 Spike Average 12.535 0.708 Dilution Factor 7.027% Expected 17.744 % Recovery 70.640% Specification 70-130% <10% Spike Run 1 via the System Source Output Propane SF6 D6348 Annex 6. Determination of System Performance Parameters Noise Equivalent Absorbance (NEA) RMS High RMS Mid RMS Low Line Position: Demonstrating the peak positions align correctly (Manual Comparison +/- 20%) 0.000 Spike Average 0.849 Dilution Factor 8.427% Expected % Recovery Specification 70-130% <10% Spike Run 2 via the System Source Output Propane SF6 0.000 Spike Average 0.783 Dilution Factor 7.772% Expected % Recovery Specification 70-130% <10% Spike Run 3 via the System Source Output Propane SF6 0.000 14.472 19.611 73.790% 0.001260 0.000844 0.000529 0.000 16.068 21.277 75.520% Line Position Difference:Resolution Difference to Reference0.00%Pass Pass0.52% 16 Gas, Inc. Resolution The Gasmet GICCOR (Genzel Interferometer with Cube Corner Retroreflectors) interferometer is specially designed for maximum optical throughput and maximum signal to noise ratio of 7.72 (cm-1) remaining stable with any vibration and temperature changes. Detector Linerarity The Gasmet DX4000 is a low resolution spectrometer where the aperture is fixed to a maximum angle setting and the detector linearity was tested with an alternate approach. A three point linerarity of the CTS gas was performed and validated. D6348 Annex 7. Preparation of Analytical Quantification Algorithm The analytical accuracy of the quantification algorithm is satisfied via the results from Annex 5 per Annex 7.6 Regression Slope:52.6262022 Pass Line Position Difference:Resolution Difference to Reference 0.52% D6348 Annex 8. Post Test Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures CTS Bottle Concentration: CTS Sample Concentration Average: Difference between measured and expected: Tolerance: 100.30 98.47 1.86% 5.00% POST CTS System Check: Run 1 Points 1 & 2 on CO/NO/Propane Run 2 Points 1 & 2 on CO/NO/Propane Run 3 Points 1 & 2 on CO/NO/Propane Run Data Validation - Automated vs Manual Reading Validated Comments All within 20% All within 20% All within 20% Passed Passed Passed Demonstrates no interferences observed. Demonstrates no interferences observed. Demonstrates no interferences observed. 17 Gas, Inc. 12.0 Signature Page Job/File Name: We certify that based on review of test data, knowledge of those individuals directly responsible for conducting this test, we believe the submitted information to be accurate and complete. Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc.; Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility; 1454; JJJJ 18 Company: Print Name: Signature: Title: Phone Number: Date: Company:G.A.S. Inc.Date: Print Name: Title: 6/4/2024 Emissions Specialist Company:G.A.S. Inc.Date: Print Name: Title: Signature: Phone Number: Travis Hartley Director of Stack Testing 580-225-0403 6/4/2024 Aaron King Gas, Inc. Appendices Gas, Inc. Gas, Inc. Spike (5 Gas) Gas, Inc. CERTIcICATE Oc ANALYSIS Grade of Product: EPA PROTOCOL STANaARa Part Number:E03NI90E15W0003 Reference Number:153-402732424-1 Cylinder Number:EB0147541 Cylinder Volume:145.0 CF Laboratory:124 - Tooele (SAP) - UT Cylinder Pressure:2015 PSIG PGVP Number:B72023 Valve Outlet:660 Gas Code:NO2,O2,BALN Certification Date:May 08, 2023 Expiration Date:May 08, 2026 Certification performed in accordance with “EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards (May 2012)” document EPA 600/R-12/531, using the assay procedures listed. Analytical Methodology does not require correction for analytical interference. This cylinder has a total analytical uncertainty as stated below with a confidence level of 95%. There are no significant impurities which affect the use of this calibration mixture. All concentrations are on a mole/mole basis unless otherwise noted. The results relate only to the items tested. The report shall not be reproduced except in full without approval of the laboratory. Do Not Use This Cylinder below 100 psig, i.e. 0.7 megapascals. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Component Requested Actual Protocol Total Relative Assay Concentration Concentration Method Uncertainty Dates NITROGEN DIOXIDE 100.0 PPM 100.3 PPM G1 +/- 2.0% NIST Traceable 05/01/2023, 05/08/2023 OXYGEN 9.000 %9.008 %G1 +/- 0.7% NIST Traceable 05/02/2023 NITROGEN Balance CALIBRATION STANaARaS Type Lot ID Cylinder No Concentration Uncertainty Expiration Date GMIS 1534012021601 CC502090 100.5 PPM NITROGEN DIOXIDE/NITROGEN 1.1%Dec 17, 2024 PRM 12389 D685050 99.0 PPM NITROGEN DIOXIDE/NITROGEN 1.0%Feb 19, 2020 NTRM 14060629 CC436987 4.794 % OXYGEN/NITROGEN 0.4%Oct 29, 2025 The SRM, NTRM, PRM, or RGM noted above is only in reference to the GMIS used in the assay and not part of the analysis. ANALYTICAL EnUIPMENT Instrument/Make/Model Analytical Principle Last Multipoint Calibration MKS FTIR NO2 018143349 FTIR May 03, 2023 Horiba MPA-510 W603MM58 O2 O2 Paramagnetic (DIXON)Apr 06, 2023 Triad Data Available Upon Request Airgas Specialty Gases Airgas USA LLC 525 North Industrial Loop Road Tooele, UT 84074 Airgas.com Signature on file Approved for Release Page 1 of 1 Gas, Inc. CERTIcICATE Oc ANALYSIS Grade of Product: PRIMARY STANaARa Customer:GREAT PLAINS ANALYTICAL SERVICE, Part Number:X02NI99P15ACVH8 Reference Number:54-402603460-1 Cylinder Number:CC325720 Cylinder Volume:144.0 CF Laboratory:124 - Chicago (SAP) - IL Cylinder Pressure:2015 PSIG Analysis Date:Dec 01, 2022 Valve Outlet:350 Lot Number:54-402603460-1 Expiration Date:Dec 01, 2025 Primary Standard Gas Mixtures are traceable to N.I.S.T. weights and/or N.I.S.T. Gas Mixture reference materials. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Component Req Conc Actual Concentration Analytical (Mole %)Uncertainty ETHYLENE 100.0 PPM 100.0 PPM +/- 1% NITROGEN Balance Airgas Specialty Gases Airgas USA LLC 12722 S. Wentworth Ave. Chicago, IL 60628 Airgas.com Signature on file Approved for Release Page 1 of 1 Gas, Inc. BIP Gas, Inc. 21% O2 Tri Probe Certification ” ‡ ƒ – Ž ƒ ‹ • • • ƒ Ž › – ‹ … ƒ Ž ‡ ” ˜ ‹ … ‡ • ͵Ͳ͵͵ ǡǡ͵ͶͶ ȋͷͺͲȌʹʹͷǦͲͶͲ͵ ǣȋͷͺͲȌʹʹͷǦʹͳʹ &(57,),&$7(2)$1$/<6,6 *UDGHRI3URGXFW&(57,),('67$1'$5'352%( 3DUW1XPEHU/5HIHUHQFH 1XPEHU /DERUDWRU\*$6,1&6WDFN'LDPHWHU $QDO\VLV'DWH7DUJHW)ORZ 5DWH /PLQ /271XPEHU 61 $ %/ 1XPEHURI 3RLQWV 3URGXFWSHUIRUPDQFHYHULILHGE\GLUHFWFRPSDULVRQWRFDOLEUDWLRQVWDQGDUGVWUDFHDEOHWR1,67 7KHSUREHOLVWHGRQWKLVIRUPPHHWVWKHPXOWLSRLQWWUDYHUVHUHTXLUHPHQWRI(3$0HWKRGH VHFWLRQDVVKRZQLQWKHDFFRPSDQ\LQJGDWD0HWKRGHVHFWLRQVWDWHVWKDWWKHPXOWLSRLQW WUDYHUVHUHTXLUHPHQWFDQEHVDWLVILHGE\VDPSOLQJYLD³DPXOWLKROHSUREHGHVLJQHGWRVDPSOHDW WKHSUHVFULEHGSRLQWVZLWKDIORZSHUFHQWRIPHDQIORZUDWH´ $1$/<7,&$/5(68/76 ZƵŶηdŽƚĂů&ůŽǁ ;>ͬŵͿ DĞĂƐƵƌĞĚ&ůŽǁ WŽƌƚ;>ͬŵͿ ;ĞůƚĂƋϭͿ DĞĂƐƵƌĞĚ&ůŽǁ WŽƌƚ;>ͬŵͿ ;ĞůƚĂƋϮͿ DĞĂƐƵƌĞĚ&ůŽǁ WŽƌƚ;>ͬŵͿ ;ĞůƚĂƋϯͿ 0HDQ3UREH 3RUW6DPSOHG )ORZ/P 5XQ/30 䧮 䧮 䧮 5XQ/30 䧮 䧮 䧮 &DOLEUDWLRQFRQGXFWHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK(PLVVLRQ0HDVXUHPHQW&HQWHU*XLGHOLQH'RFXPHQW±(0&*' 1RWHV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB $SSURYHGIRU5HOHDVH'DWH Probe size: 18L Mr. Jordan Williamson CEO GAS Inc. 303 W. 3rd Street Elk City, OK 73644 Dear Mr. Williamson: We are writing in response to your letter received on September 17, 2020, in which you request the approval of alternative testing procedures. The EPA’s Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS) is the delegated authority for consideration of major alternatives to test methods and procedures as set forth in 40 CFR parts 60 and 63 under which your request must be addressed. GAS Inc. is requesting a change to one of the test methods, ASTM D6348-03, used for conducting performance tests to determine compliance under 40 CFR part 60, Subpart JJJJ – Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines (Subpart JJJJ) and 40 CFR part 63, Subpart ZZZZ – National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Performance for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (Subpart ZZZZ). The change being requested will be used to check detector linearity of the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) instrumentation used to conduct this method. Specifically, you are requesting that the procedures of section 8.3.3 of Method 320 (40 CFR part 60, Appendix A), another FTIR-based method allowed under Subparts JJJJ and ZZZZ, be used in lieu of section A6.4.1 of ASTM D6348-03 when conducting testing using ASTM D6348-03 under 40 CFR part 60, Subpart JJJJ and 40 CFR part 63, Subpart ZZZZ. In your request, you state that this alternative linearity check procedure will produce consistent results when utilizing either Method 320 or ASTM D6348-03. Additionally, some FTIR instrumentation does not allow for reducing the size of the aperture in the instrument and, thus, it would not be feasible to properly conduct the entirety of the ASTM D6348-03 method in its current form using such an instrument. Based on our understanding of FTIR instrument principles and recognition that the requested alternative determination of detector linearity is both technically sound and contained within Method 320, we are approving the requested change. We believe that this alternative is acceptable for use for use in testing all engines subject to 40 CFR part 60 Subpart JJJJ and 40 CFR part 63, Subpart ZZZZ. Also, we will post this letter as ALT-141 on EPA’s website (at www.epa.gov/emc/broadly-applicable-approved-alternative- testmethods) to announce that our approval of this alternative test method is broadly applicable to engines for the purposes of meeting Subparts JJJJ and ZZZZ. March 15, 2021 Sincerely, Steffan M. Johnson, Group Leader Measurement Technology Group If you should have any questions or require further information regarding this approval, please contact David Nash of my staff at 919-541-9425 or email at nash.dave@epa.gov. cc: Sara Ayers, EPA/OECA/OC/MAMPD, (ayres.sara@epa.gov) Melanie King, EPA/OAR/OAQPS/SPPD, (king.melanie@epa.gov) James Leather, EPA Region 6, (leather.james@epa.gov) David Nash, EPA/OAR/OAQPS/AQAD, (nash.dave@epa.gov) Heather Sessing, Oklahoma DEQ, (Heather.sessing@deq.ok.gov) Aaron King GAS, Inc. Type of Sources Tested: info@gasinc.us Stationary Internal Combustion Engines • 4 Stroke Rich Burn Engines • 2 Stroke & 4 Stroke Lean Burn Engines Stationary Natural Gas Fired Generators Stationary Propane Fired Generators Gas Fired Boilers Qualifications: Trained, studied, and fully demonstrates compliance for emissions testing via data collection outlined in the following Reference Methods: • EPA Method 1 & 1A – Sampling & Traverse Points • EPA Method 2 & 2C – Velocity & Volumetric Flow Rate of a Gas Stream • EPA Method 3A – Oxygen • EPA Method 7E – NOX • EPA Method 10 – Carbon Monoxide • EPA Method 25A – Volatile Organic Compounds • ASTM D6348 – Extractive Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Conducts emissions testing on a weekly basis including, but not limited to, the following test types: Initial Compliance, Biennial Compliance, Semiannual Compliance & Quarterly Compliance. All tests performed are in accordance to any and all Federal & State requirements as applicable (i.e. JJJJ, ZZZZ, 106.512, 117, PEA, etc.). Performed testing in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, North Dakota, Montana, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana (land and off-shore), Arkansas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New York, Kentucky, & Mississippi. • Quarterly Performance Reviews covering ongoing changes with Federal Regulations, State Compliance guidelines, & site-specific safety certifications. Types of Analyzers: • Gasmet DX4000 FTIR • Gasmet Portable Sampling Unit with Zirconium Oxide O2 Sensory • Testo 350 • Flame Ionization Detector 580-225-0403 Gas, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 1 Minute Average Data Sheet Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc.Client: Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility Unit Number:1454 Make:Waukesha Location:9394 GSIModel: WAU-1651084Serial Number: RAW Result Data Stability 6/4/2024 04:49 0.0000.000-0.002 0.000 0.0000.280 0.043 0.007 0.0000.0000.000 0.139 0.0000.044 0.001 836.00.170.116 0.005 0.00 0.00 182.0 Pre Test Baseline Direct 6/4/2024 05:02 0.0300.000-0.002 0.021 0.0570.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0080.408 0.133 0.0020.000 0.011 836.00.110.000 0.000 0.03 0.00 180.0 6/4/2024 05:03 0.0160.0000.001 0.021 0.0040.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0050.583 0.064 0.0000.000 0.002 836.00.050.000 0.000 0.02 0.00 180.0 6/4/2024 05:03 0.0000.000-0.003 0.015 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.0080.0440.680 0.251 0.0120.033 0.006 836.00.190.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 180.0 CTS Direct 6/4/2024 05:07 0.3070.0240.011 0.036 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.1030.0310.000 98.609 0.0160.000 0.015 837.065.790.000 0.000 0.33 0.07 180.0 6/4/2024 05:07 0.0000.0000.011 0.036 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.0180.0620.000 98.609 0.0000.065 0.006 837.065.760.012 0.000 0.00 0.07 180.0 6/4/2024 05:08 0.0000.1440.009 0.045 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0310.000 98.629 0.0000.086 0.007 837.065.840.108 0.000 0.14 0.07 180.0 High O2 Direct 6/4/2024 05:16 0.0000.000-0.001 0.030 0.0120.066 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0000.573 0.252 0.0000.000 0.000 837.00.200.043 0.000 0.00 21.06 180.0 6/4/2024 05:16 0.0880.000-0.002 0.017 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0000.460 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 837.00.050.073 0.000 0.09 21.08 180.0 6/4/2024 05:16 0.0180.000-0.001 0.015 0.1180.112 0.002 0.000 0.0000.0000.611 0.099 0.0000.000 0.000 837.00.090.033 0.000 0.02 21.06 180.0 NO2/Mid O2 Direct 6/4/2024 05:23 99.2510.000-0.002 0.000 0.3190.000 0.219 0.000 0.7170.0000.459 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 837.00.000.000 0.000 99.25 9.02 180.0 6/4/2024 05:23 100.9730.000-0.002 0.001 0.3170.000 0.218 0.000 0.6780.0000.172 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 837.00.020.033 0.000 100.97 9.02 180.0 6/4/2024 05:23 101.3020.000-0.003 0.009 0.1630.000 0.226 0.000 0.5640.0000.321 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 837.00.000.000 0.000 101.30 9.02 180.0 Spike Direct 6/4/2024 05:33 0.000237.244-0.006 4.941 2.995499.136 2.388 1.974 9.3080.2731.496 1.179 254.8620.200 0.000 837.0257.322.513 10.076 237.24 0.02 180.0 6/4/2024 05:34 0.000237.440-0.007 4.929 2.953499.065 2.378 2.001 7.1820.3971.559 1.173 254.6800.155 0.000 837.0257.162.539 10.073 237.44 0.02 180.0 6/4/2024 05:34 0.000237.599-0.007 4.941 2.684499.011 2.351 1.950 7.2750.5791.056 1.155 254.4300.037 0.000 837.0256.862.489 10.076 237.60 0.02 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) Baseline System 6/4/2024 05:37 0.0000.0000.011 0.028 0.0210.235 0.018 0.023 0.0000.0010.705 0.000 0.1280.000 0.030 837.00.230.067 0.000 0.00 0.16 180.0 6/4/2024 05:37 0.0000.0000.006 0.036 0.0000.283 0.019 0.014 0.1340.0080.397 0.024 0.1450.000 0.008 837.00.190.019 0.000 0.00 0.13 180.0 6/4/2024 05:37 0.0000.0860.007 0.037 0.0510.138 0.009 0.000 0.0000.0000.394 0.107 0.0000.000 0.052 837.00.210.052 0.000 0.09 0.12 180.0 CTS System with Response Time 6/4/2024 05:39 0.0000.1760.013 0.053 0.0000.029 0.002 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 97.225 0.0000.008 0.048 837.064.920.011 0.000 0.18 0.07 180.0 6/4/2024 05:39 0.1090.2880.014 0.054 0.0000.059 0.009 0.000 0.0780.0000.000 97.486 0.0620.000 0.025 837.065.110.000 0.000 0.40 0.07 180.0 6/4/2024 05:40 0.0000.1110.011 0.054 0.0000.030 0.004 0.000 0.0600.0000.000 97.793 0.0540.000 0.024 837.065.300.002 0.000 0.11 1.11 180.0 NO2/Mid O2 System with Response Time 6/4/2024 05:44 101.4851.397-0.000 0.032 0.2350.223 0.249 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.417 0.0000.024 0.066 837.00.740.487 0.000 102.88 9.19 180.0 6/4/2024 05:45 100.9551.457-0.000 0.027 0.0180.326 0.232 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.180 0.043 837.00.390.458 0.000 102.41 9.14 180.0 6/4/2024 05:45 100.8851.387-0.000 0.027 0.1720.286 0.248 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.156 0.046 837.00.420.488 0.000 102.27 9.10 180.0 Spike System with Response Time 6/4/2024 05:47 0.000235.405-0.000 4.878 3.140491.831 2.277 2.033 8.3440.2161.842 1.373 251.8820.000 0.000 837.0254.582.672 9.985 235.40 0.02 180.0 6/4/2024 05:47 0.000235.454-0.000 4.898 2.937492.789 2.313 2.085 7.8580.2571.945 1.388 251.8720.109 0.000 837.0254.382.377 9.984 235.45 0.02 180.0 6/4/2024 05:47 0.000236.192-0.000 4.883 3.078492.792 2.328 2.233 8.0070.1162.095 1.374 252.1470.111 0.000 837.0254.712.467 9.985 236.19 0.02 180.0 Baseline System with Response Time 6/4/2024 05:50 0.0000.240-0.000 0.041 0.1000.777 0.000 0.000 0.0090.0070.000 0.304 0.2870.050 0.000 837.00.490.000 0.000 0.24 0.00 180.0 6/4/2024 05:51 0.0000.000-0.000 0.033 0.0300.591 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0000.067 0.052 0.2040.008 0.000 837.00.280.059 0.000 0.00 0.00 180.0 6/4/2024 05:51 0.2310.000-0.000 0.033 0.0000.496 0.000 0.000 0.0080.0000.007 0.128 0.1700.000 0.000 837.00.250.000 0.000 0.23 0.00 180.0 Run 1 - A 30minute/60min 6/4/2024 07:07 3.2065.29617.416 9.746 57.5822.910 2.056 0.426 0.0000.0100.000 0.000 0.0000.800 0.000 838.01.622.431 0.000 8.50 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 07:08 2.7744.89317.776 9.715 76.5492.648 3.173 0.258 0.9480.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.962 0.000 838.01.832.748 0.000 7.67 0.05 180.0 6/4/2024 07:09 3.2554.31118.105 9.689 60.5531.293 2.450 0.000 0.0000.0030.000 0.000 0.0000.790 0.000 838.01.872.801 0.000 7.57 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 07:10 2.8763.32818.350 9.676 80.7821.624 2.156 0.000 1.1140.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.852 0.000 838.01.832.747 0.000 6.20 0.05 180.0 6/4/2024 07:11 3.1903.32218.496 9.680 70.2061.119 2.083 0.000 0.1510.0030.000 0.000 0.0000.716 0.000 838.01.692.534 0.000 6.51 0.05 180.0 6/4/2024 07:12 3.5955.51618.574 9.679 64.1730.623 1.454 0.000 0.0000.0020.000 0.000 0.0000.873 0.000 838.01.862.795 0.000 9.11 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 07:13 3.4815.47118.608 9.663 59.9430.852 1.313 0.000 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.842 0.000 838.01.852.769 0.000 8.95 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 07:14 3.5076.37018.501 9.630 44.9260.697 1.079 0.000 0.0000.0060.000 0.000 0.0000.743 0.000 838.01.752.620 0.000 9.88 0.03 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/4/2024 07:15 2.9974.02418.333 9.621 72.0500.957 2.018 0.000 0.2450.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.761 0.000 838.01.922.873 0.000 7.02 0.05 180.0 6/4/2024 07:16 3.3263.71218.206 9.643 71.3060.961 2.039 0.000 0.3410.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.836 0.000 838.01.672.508 0.000 7.04 0.05 180.0 6/4/2024 07:17 2.9433.84118.036 9.645 70.1691.119 2.153 0.000 0.3400.0030.000 0.000 0.0000.814 0.000 838.01.882.819 0.000 6.78 0.05 180.0 6/4/2024 07:18 3.1904.13318.050 9.685 71.6520.775 2.394 0.000 0.1780.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.831 0.000 838.01.852.776 0.000 7.32 0.05 180.0 6/4/2024 07:19 3.2636.76618.040 9.693 54.9641.018 1.389 0.000 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.820 0.000 838.01.742.603 0.000 10.03 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 07:20 3.2574.90318.104 9.713 57.7513.416 2.156 0.645 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.846 0.000 838.01.832.746 0.000 8.16 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 07:21 3.1944.29118.070 9.700 69.0101.781 2.388 0.000 0.3490.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.872 0.000 839.01.892.829 0.000 7.49 0.05 180.0 6/4/2024 07:22 3.1553.95618.103 9.730 73.0401.180 2.566 0.000 0.4230.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.828 0.000 838.01.912.869 0.000 7.11 0.05 180.0 6/4/2024 07:23 3.2496.17018.099 9.714 60.0200.559 1.514 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.811 0.000 838.01.692.536 0.000 9.42 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 07:24 3.1668.25018.086 9.709 61.8031.056 1.316 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.893 0.000 838.01.672.498 0.000 11.42 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 07:25 3.2587.73418.070 9.672 52.1030.523 1.800 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.799 0.000 838.01.742.603 0.000 10.99 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 07:26 3.2588.29718.090 9.705 59.0211.928 1.462 0.000 0.0000.0020.000 0.000 0.0000.818 0.000 838.01.722.580 0.000 11.55 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 07:27 3.1404.21618.097 9.701 57.3391.008 2.096 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.902 0.000 838.01.862.793 0.000 7.36 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 07:28 3.5638.28718.083 9.700 53.9631.260 0.895 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.864 0.000 838.01.682.527 0.000 11.85 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 07:29 3.0314.73418.082 9.699 70.6411.245 3.038 0.000 0.4450.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.854 0.000 838.01.652.477 0.000 7.77 0.05 180.0 6/4/2024 07:30 3.1408.04018.088 9.701 65.8191.062 1.593 0.000 0.0090.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.791 0.000 838.01.852.781 0.000 11.18 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 07:31 3.2175.97118.114 9.680 66.5440.534 1.644 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.898 0.000 838.01.662.494 0.000 9.19 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 07:32 3.3858.34418.050 9.659 51.2620.821 0.832 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.853 0.000 838.01.752.622 0.000 11.73 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 07:33 3.1557.69018.089 9.648 69.8780.859 1.841 0.000 0.0780.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.941 0.000 838.01.882.819 0.000 10.85 0.05 180.0 6/4/2024 07:34 3.7136.72018.115 9.665 54.4470.749 1.307 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.921 0.000 839.01.882.825 0.000 10.43 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 07:35 3.1064.08418.106 9.715 66.8121.059 1.971 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.881 0.000 839.01.932.890 0.000 7.19 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 07:36 3.4866.76618.115 9.721 53.1371.103 1.446 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.835 0.000 839.01.682.525 0.000 10.25 0.04 180.0 3.2365.64818.135 9.687 63.2481.225 1.854 0.044 0.1540.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.842 0.000 838.131.7882.681 0.000 8.884 0.043 180.0Avg. Spike 1 6/4/2024 07:47 0.00028.77116.703 9.515 40.53741.753 1.575 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 1.488 12.5350.637 0.676 839.015.891.516 0.708 28.77 0.03 180.0 Run 1 - B 30minute/60min 6/4/2024 07:49 3.2548.60318.086 9.654 59.5640.521 1.109 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.776 0.000 839.01.892.832 0.000 11.86 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 07:50 3.5658.98418.086 9.651 41.8630.460 0.587 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.845 0.000 839.01.732.602 0.000 12.55 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 07:51 3.62210.57718.106 9.649 49.6700.269 0.825 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.794 0.000 839.01.932.891 0.000 14.20 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 07:52 3.5328.46418.129 9.657 47.2810.512 0.757 0.000 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.775 0.000 839.01.732.602 0.000 12.00 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 07:53 2.9285.95418.128 9.662 70.4390.494 2.136 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.766 0.000 839.01.932.900 0.000 8.88 0.05 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/4/2024 07:54 3.3758.67618.156 9.672 45.0420.523 0.665 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.779 0.000 839.01.922.880 0.000 12.05 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 07:55 3.2334.65118.166 9.683 56.7110.741 2.154 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.935 0.000 838.01.912.872 0.000 7.88 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 07:56 3.5416.79018.151 9.660 42.4130.690 0.801 0.000 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.743 0.000 839.01.682.525 0.000 10.33 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 07:57 3.35410.97718.103 9.664 53.5630.431 1.474 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.789 0.000 839.01.712.562 0.000 14.33 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 07:58 3.42210.40218.140 9.661 53.4240.342 1.114 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.778 0.000 839.01.712.560 0.000 13.82 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 07:59 3.24210.07218.125 9.658 55.3970.366 0.976 0.000 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.850 0.000 839.01.712.563 0.000 13.31 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 08:00 3.4348.92018.116 9.664 37.0690.266 0.622 0.000 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.769 0.000 839.01.922.876 0.000 12.35 0.02 180.0 6/4/2024 08:01 3.5128.16318.136 9.658 50.9360.447 0.847 0.000 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.801 0.000 839.01.712.559 0.000 11.68 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 08:02 3.4647.12318.108 9.654 48.5510.538 1.014 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.887 0.000 839.01.912.866 0.000 10.59 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 08:03 3.4926.96618.159 9.649 50.4450.462 1.826 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.797 0.000 839.01.872.807 0.000 10.46 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 08:04 3.5118.87318.116 9.654 42.4930.318 0.926 0.000 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.782 0.000 839.01.742.604 0.000 12.38 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 08:05 3.6739.39618.156 9.647 44.8300.376 1.215 0.000 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.856 0.000 839.01.732.590 0.000 13.07 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 08:06 3.17910.81118.131 9.649 53.5060.140 1.362 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.665 0.000 839.01.942.908 0.000 13.99 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 08:07 3.72410.47718.144 9.643 50.8570.114 0.993 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.753 0.000 839.01.742.603 0.000 14.20 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 08:08 3.76710.10518.152 9.643 55.4200.274 1.288 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.791 0.000 839.01.892.838 0.000 13.87 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 08:09 3.54810.45418.145 9.649 63.2830.283 1.226 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.884 0.000 839.01.782.666 0.000 14.00 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 08:10 3.93716.58718.212 9.654 34.7530.523 1.566 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.724 0.000 839.01.632.441 0.000 20.52 0.02 180.0 6/4/2024 08:11 3.1137.48018.175 9.657 53.9473.219 1.582 0.000 0.0000.0020.000 0.000 0.0000.786 0.000 839.01.872.804 0.000 10.59 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 08:13 3.2406.27718.189 9.689 66.4820.762 2.757 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.845 0.000 839.01.862.786 0.000 9.52 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 08:14 3.33310.90818.185 9.659 38.0700.755 0.711 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.684 0.000 839.01.902.856 0.000 14.24 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 08:15 2.8955.51418.215 9.710 74.3263.610 2.916 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.857 0.000 839.01.852.777 0.000 8.41 0.05 180.0 6/4/2024 08:16 3.0936.34518.197 9.709 59.5600.650 1.857 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.784 0.000 839.01.892.838 0.000 9.44 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 08:17 3.51215.30518.122 9.647 56.2480.177 2.634 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.865 0.000 839.01.722.576 0.000 18.82 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 08:18 3.2777.91618.182 9.671 29.1132.452 0.688 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.673 0.000 839.01.862.794 0.000 11.19 0.02 180.0 6/4/2024 08:19 3.5048.29918.116 9.694 53.9791.413 1.853 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.772 0.000 839.01.732.593 0.000 11.80 0.04 180.0 3.4099.00218.144 9.662 51.3080.738 1.349 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.794 0.000 838.971.8132.719 0.000 12.411 0.035 180.0Avg. 3.3237.32518.140 9.674 57.2780.981 1.602 0.022 0.0770.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.818 0.000 838.551.8002.700 0.000 10.648 0.039 180.0Run 1 Avg: Baseline 1 6/4/2024 08:22 0.1840.0000.047 0.037 0.0920.305 0.022 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.217 0.0800.083 0.009 839.00.240.000 0.000 0.18 0.00 180.0 Run 2 - A 30minute/60min 6/4/2024 08:24 2.8347.56317.174 9.376 76.3743.980 3.453 0.000 0.7250.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.788 0.000 839.01.782.667 0.000 10.40 0.05 180.0 6/4/2024 08:25 3.65610.72718.114 9.642 34.7120.462 1.935 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.769 0.000 839.01.642.465 0.000 14.38 0.02 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/4/2024 08:26 3.6246.15718.138 9.673 58.6112.554 2.437 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.851 0.000 839.01.692.533 0.000 9.78 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 08:27 3.3785.02618.180 9.696 60.4251.167 2.563 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.891 0.000 839.01.762.633 0.000 8.40 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 08:28 3.1494.48318.238 9.708 68.9592.014 2.414 0.000 0.1820.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.783 0.000 839.01.712.566 0.000 7.63 0.05 180.0 6/4/2024 08:29 3.4853.99818.286 9.739 66.2270.721 2.208 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.873 0.000 839.01.932.896 0.000 7.48 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 08:30 3.6096.37018.256 9.711 55.4810.514 1.521 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.894 0.000 839.01.782.671 0.000 9.98 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 08:31 3.3947.18018.243 9.674 69.4930.448 1.478 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.830 0.000 839.01.722.586 0.000 10.57 0.05 180.0 6/4/2024 08:32 2.0785.80618.206 9.712 86.7241.911 2.562 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.744 0.000 839.01.722.585 0.000 7.88 0.06 180.0 6/4/2024 08:33 3.7436.64818.188 9.676 50.8350.626 1.724 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.890 0.000 839.01.712.567 0.000 10.39 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 08:34 3.5206.20018.149 9.646 64.0480.483 1.512 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.808 0.000 839.01.722.578 0.000 9.72 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 08:35 3.6247.32918.136 9.684 51.0480.458 1.583 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.865 0.000 839.01.712.567 0.000 10.95 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 08:36 3.1977.29918.232 9.717 69.8770.664 1.954 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.787 0.000 839.01.702.550 0.000 10.50 0.05 180.0 6/4/2024 08:37 3.5537.75218.256 9.688 56.8510.266 1.643 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.884 0.000 839.01.702.555 0.000 11.30 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 08:38 3.5477.95518.203 9.682 51.5480.210 1.024 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.815 0.000 839.01.762.636 0.000 11.50 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 08:39 3.6429.33118.219 9.677 56.1870.110 1.086 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.826 0.000 839.01.752.629 0.000 12.97 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 08:40 3.6378.36018.219 9.687 56.9690.251 1.574 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.867 0.000 839.01.772.649 0.000 12.00 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 08:41 3.6756.58618.216 9.719 55.6390.825 1.281 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.781 0.000 839.01.692.541 0.000 10.26 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 08:42 3.0954.39918.177 9.708 67.5961.005 2.595 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.845 0.000 839.01.662.496 0.000 7.49 0.05 180.0 6/4/2024 08:43 3.8349.74718.117 9.651 42.2510.171 1.287 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.797 0.000 839.01.722.585 0.000 13.58 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 08:44 3.3294.10318.128 9.686 71.1131.322 2.417 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.843 0.000 839.01.682.524 0.000 7.43 0.05 180.0 6/4/2024 08:45 3.3937.68918.145 9.691 65.7110.362 2.022 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.840 0.000 839.01.712.563 0.000 11.08 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 08:46 3.4848.03818.178 9.651 59.6130.243 1.815 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.877 0.000 839.01.752.631 0.000 11.52 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 08:48 3.78810.56018.182 9.657 43.5310.154 1.453 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.756 0.000 839.01.722.574 0.000 14.35 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 08:49 3.6838.54918.130 9.713 38.7964.352 1.209 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.799 0.000 839.01.712.559 0.000 12.23 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 08:50 3.6324.54718.135 9.696 52.0261.266 2.190 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.808 0.000 839.01.712.559 0.000 8.18 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 08:51 3.4039.70018.163 9.689 38.3650.426 1.221 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.700 0.000 839.01.722.582 0.000 13.10 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 08:52 3.5626.28518.173 9.717 54.5631.333 1.618 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.784 0.000 839.01.752.619 0.000 9.85 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 08:53 3.3697.09818.199 9.699 52.2681.150 1.955 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.740 0.000 839.01.912.865 0.000 10.47 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 08:54 3.6893.96018.193 9.693 57.6511.406 2.104 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.800 0.000 839.01.902.849 0.000 7.65 0.04 180.0 3.4546.98218.152 9.679 57.7831.028 1.861 0.000 0.0300.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.818 0.000 839.001.7392.609 0.000 10.434 0.039 180.0Avg. Spike 2 6/4/2024 09:07 0.00026.17416.452 9.507 49.20449.216 2.782 0.000 0.0470.0000.000 1.768 16.0680.559 0.695 840.019.731.637 0.849 26.17 0.03 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) Run 2 - B 30minute/60min 6/4/2024 09:10 3.3037.01118.059 9.733 49.6650.564 1.747 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.790 0.000 839.01.892.830 0.000 10.31 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 09:11 3.4355.84318.031 9.763 49.5630.830 2.458 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.758 0.000 839.01.902.845 0.000 9.28 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 09:12 3.2355.56818.035 9.754 59.6550.977 2.822 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.898 0.000 839.01.902.850 0.000 8.80 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 09:13 3.2846.51918.047 9.716 64.7300.394 2.056 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.800 0.000 839.01.862.791 0.000 9.80 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 09:14 3.2765.34718.026 9.700 55.5230.489 2.408 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.800 0.000 839.01.612.416 0.000 8.62 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 09:15 3.0284.41118.081 9.756 67.1261.227 2.727 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.778 0.000 839.01.802.702 0.000 7.44 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 09:16 2.9866.15918.039 9.735 67.7621.492 3.768 0.000 0.1260.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.817 0.000 839.01.892.832 0.000 9.15 0.05 180.0 6/4/2024 09:17 3.0317.47818.027 9.763 60.7652.193 3.195 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.741 0.000 839.01.882.813 0.000 10.51 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 09:18 3.41411.19618.079 9.735 62.3014.562 4.352 2.426 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.852 0.000 839.01.852.776 0.000 14.61 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 09:19 3.23710.79118.052 9.737 64.1133.685 4.435 2.500 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.825 0.000 839.01.882.820 0.000 14.03 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 09:20 3.20410.43518.029 9.744 57.4871.699 3.880 0.836 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.721 0.000 839.01.882.827 0.000 13.64 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 09:21 3.2845.59618.031 9.733 68.4581.969 3.526 0.832 0.0480.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.886 0.000 839.01.812.717 0.000 8.88 0.05 180.0 6/4/2024 09:22 3.0665.21517.973 9.726 72.4220.920 3.992 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.849 0.000 839.01.832.750 0.000 8.28 0.05 180.0 6/4/2024 09:23 3.4687.41817.989 9.733 45.5102.764 2.329 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.784 0.000 839.01.882.812 0.000 10.89 0.61 180.0 6/4/2024 09:24 3.3287.59218.030 9.723 58.3416.180 3.481 3.815 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.783 0.000 840.01.582.375 0.000 10.92 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 09:25 3.2888.22318.061 9.760 48.9722.051 3.248 1.279 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.836 0.000 839.01.672.506 0.000 11.51 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 09:26 3.4966.75518.083 9.781 46.5840.717 2.304 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.676 0.000 839.01.642.456 0.000 10.25 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 09:27 3.0325.49118.094 9.776 67.1422.087 3.622 0.492 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.843 0.000 839.01.862.785 0.000 8.52 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 09:28 2.9626.93417.971 9.726 67.9973.298 4.448 2.240 0.2250.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.816 0.000 840.01.822.726 0.000 9.90 0.05 180.0 6/4/2024 09:29 3.2147.78318.027 9.787 55.3071.387 3.737 0.377 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.705 0.000 839.01.842.753 0.000 11.00 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 09:30 3.0677.49217.989 9.737 69.1883.546 4.265 1.798 0.2940.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.904 0.000 840.01.772.655 0.000 10.56 0.05 180.0 6/4/2024 09:31 3.2046.52017.968 9.746 50.9020.693 2.913 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.756 0.000 840.01.922.872 0.000 9.72 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 09:32 3.1026.79717.973 9.757 65.3322.447 3.430 0.233 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.856 0.000 840.01.832.750 0.000 9.90 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 09:33 3.4687.24918.027 9.765 45.1651.856 2.312 0.499 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.758 0.000 840.01.862.791 0.000 10.72 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 09:34 3.3536.43218.053 9.752 61.6302.177 4.186 1.181 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.842 0.000 840.01.822.722 0.000 9.78 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 09:35 3.3826.29318.042 9.771 51.8130.618 2.864 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.781 0.000 840.01.892.833 0.000 9.67 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 09:36 3.5205.46417.972 9.756 55.9510.623 2.689 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.888 0.000 840.01.902.846 0.000 8.98 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 09:37 3.7006.63518.087 9.777 51.6820.297 2.352 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.785 0.000 840.01.852.768 0.000 10.33 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 09:38 3.61110.20518.044 9.726 45.8050.356 1.588 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.742 0.000 840.01.862.793 0.000 13.82 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 09:39 3.4529.03018.002 9.712 47.7000.263 2.566 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.776 0.000 840.01.932.902 0.000 12.48 0.03 180.0 3.2817.12918.031 9.746 57.8201.745 3.123 0.617 0.0230.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.802 0.000 839.401.8302.744 0.000 10.410 0.057 180.0Avg. 3.3677.05518.092 9.712 57.8011.387 2.492 0.308 0.0270.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.810 0.000 839.201.7852.677 0.000 10.422 0.048 180.0Run 2 Avg: GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) Baseline 2 6/4/2024 09:43 0.1020.0000.029 0.025 0.0000.190 0.010 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0130.083 0.000 840.00.070.090 0.000 0.10 0.00 180.0 Run 3 - A 30minute/60min 6/4/2024 09:45 3.01910.03416.789 9.308 56.7460.553 3.703 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.727 0.000 840.01.882.817 0.000 13.05 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 09:46 3.5438.01917.918 9.698 57.7920.015 3.185 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.766 0.000 840.01.902.851 0.000 11.56 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 09:47 3.7599.18317.954 9.675 49.7830.070 1.979 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.836 0.000 840.01.662.497 0.000 12.94 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 09:48 3.6015.81018.011 9.739 65.3761.293 3.328 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.720 0.000 840.01.872.811 0.000 9.41 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 09:49 3.5268.19117.979 9.737 50.4240.090 2.746 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.786 0.000 840.01.932.900 0.000 11.72 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 09:50 3.0547.36517.967 9.710 55.3710.147 2.636 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.596 0.000 840.02.002.996 0.000 10.42 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 09:51 3.6418.33018.021 9.766 58.2640.278 3.347 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.733 0.000 840.01.902.850 0.000 11.97 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 09:52 3.7667.05818.054 9.722 53.4450.000 2.635 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.731 0.000 840.01.902.848 0.000 10.82 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 09:53 3.7478.92418.046 9.715 42.1590.000 1.590 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.727 0.000 840.01.692.540 0.000 12.67 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 09:54 3.7358.72418.035 9.710 45.6580.000 1.613 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.773 0.000 840.01.862.787 0.000 12.46 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 09:55 3.7698.96518.059 9.717 48.5200.097 1.701 0.000 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.781 0.000 840.01.872.798 0.000 12.73 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 09:56 3.6947.44517.982 9.694 47.6940.021 2.188 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.790 0.000 840.01.932.896 0.000 11.14 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 09:57 3.6767.06818.011 9.705 52.6760.000 2.220 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.773 0.000 840.01.902.856 0.000 10.74 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 09:58 3.6879.56118.070 9.702 47.2330.000 1.944 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.691 0.000 840.01.872.805 0.000 13.25 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 09:59 4.06310.94018.155 9.690 37.1980.048 1.729 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.870 0.000 840.01.702.556 0.000 15.00 0.02 180.0 6/4/2024 10:00 4.0138.48118.105 9.682 43.1860.000 1.232 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.803 0.000 840.01.852.778 0.000 12.49 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 10:01 3.4499.74018.119 9.682 35.9860.000 1.084 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.646 0.000 840.01.942.908 0.000 13.19 0.02 180.0 6/4/2024 10:02 3.5507.03718.127 9.657 61.2740.164 2.618 0.000 0.0000.0060.000 0.000 0.0000.781 0.000 840.01.922.882 0.000 10.59 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 10:03 3.6887.66718.156 9.664 64.8030.000 2.019 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.802 0.000 840.01.872.801 0.000 11.35 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 10:04 3.4926.61918.126 9.686 59.7400.062 2.241 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.805 0.000 840.01.732.590 0.000 10.11 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 10:05 3.3919.43918.072 9.684 41.6420.000 1.258 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.740 0.000 840.01.732.590 0.000 12.83 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 10:06 3.6249.48918.045 9.689 59.5480.041 1.220 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.757 0.000 840.01.912.861 0.000 13.11 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 10:07 3.4378.08117.997 9.689 60.3640.217 3.244 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.823 0.000 840.01.872.809 0.000 11.52 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 10:08 3.58910.33518.005 9.697 44.4330.261 1.677 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.706 0.000 840.01.852.781 0.000 13.92 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 10:09 3.4428.40217.951 9.704 52.7130.062 2.692 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.724 0.000 840.01.702.556 0.000 11.84 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 10:10 3.6516.80818.000 9.695 51.4010.000 2.150 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.725 0.000 840.01.912.864 0.000 10.46 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 10:11 3.7199.59617.997 9.689 47.6070.082 2.485 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.771 0.000 840.01.912.858 0.000 13.32 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 10:12 3.6187.93518.035 9.714 54.3290.183 2.643 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.788 0.000 840.01.712.561 0.000 11.55 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 10:13 3.90110.07717.966 9.673 45.6700.000 1.948 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.766 0.000 840.01.872.812 0.000 13.98 0.03 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/4/2024 10:14 3.55610.08217.974 9.681 55.4270.000 1.784 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.706 0.000 840.01.922.873 0.000 13.64 0.04 180.0 3.6138.51417.991 9.686 51.5490.123 2.228 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.755 0.000 840.001.8522.778 0.000 12.126 0.034 180.0Avg. Spike 3 6/4/2024 10:22 0.00030.02016.468 9.513 38.70245.506 2.363 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 1.670 14.4720.527 0.648 840.018.041.731 0.783 30.02 0.03 180.0 Run 3 - B 30minute/60min 6/4/2024 10:24 3.17410.12217.954 9.690 45.6020.347 1.864 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.758 0.000 840.01.882.825 0.000 13.30 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 10:25 3.2249.27217.950 9.678 47.6110.069 1.744 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.695 0.000 840.01.862.795 0.000 12.50 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 10:26 3.7679.30017.984 9.678 39.1630.004 1.302 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.719 0.000 840.01.722.581 0.000 13.07 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 10:27 3.4559.09418.067 9.711 42.7300.149 1.371 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.732 0.000 840.01.892.834 0.000 12.55 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 10:28 3.5708.92817.980 9.668 43.0150.247 1.359 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.752 0.000 840.01.902.843 0.000 12.50 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 10:29 3.13610.09617.982 9.660 60.7120.078 1.911 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.843 0.000 840.01.842.766 0.000 13.23 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 10:30 3.13111.04917.939 9.665 37.1210.386 1.275 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.627 0.000 840.01.872.810 0.000 14.18 0.02 180.0 6/4/2024 10:31 3.19610.06818.014 9.690 35.9560.197 1.622 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.665 0.000 840.01.662.486 0.000 13.26 0.02 180.0 6/4/2024 10:32 3.09711.08717.993 9.678 35.1730.193 1.373 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.657 0.000 840.01.692.530 0.000 14.18 0.02 180.0 6/4/2024 10:33 3.7559.63917.991 9.685 46.3650.132 1.935 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.828 0.000 840.01.852.780 0.000 13.39 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 10:34 3.4837.58618.017 9.691 55.4040.087 2.836 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.788 0.000 840.01.922.877 0.000 11.07 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 10:35 3.14510.28818.004 9.704 38.9690.018 1.445 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.690 0.000 840.01.742.605 0.000 13.43 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 10:36 3.4819.36917.973 9.682 56.1560.000 1.399 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.761 0.000 840.01.872.805 0.000 12.85 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 10:37 3.4399.53917.987 9.690 55.2350.000 1.293 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.751 0.000 840.01.742.610 0.000 12.98 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 10:38 3.15513.10917.974 9.677 34.8570.000 2.001 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.641 0.000 840.01.702.556 0.000 16.26 0.02 180.0 6/4/2024 10:39 3.6387.43717.989 9.686 39.3600.448 1.279 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.743 0.000 840.01.702.550 0.000 11.08 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 10:40 3.4167.43617.999 9.677 49.5580.098 2.401 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.821 0.000 840.01.712.563 0.000 10.85 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 10:41 3.30610.79218.028 9.682 40.9690.243 1.468 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.718 0.000 840.01.712.563 0.000 14.10 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 10:42 3.3857.40918.052 9.703 63.0360.028 2.210 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.787 0.000 840.01.742.611 0.000 10.79 0.04 180.0 6/4/2024 10:43 2.8839.06317.967 9.679 48.6660.045 1.911 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.711 0.000 840.01.732.588 0.000 11.95 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 10:44 3.83611.07117.969 9.666 39.1970.000 2.021 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.759 0.000 840.01.822.731 0.000 14.91 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 10:45 3.4368.54417.965 9.674 35.0890.665 1.156 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.707 0.000 840.01.872.800 0.000 11.98 0.02 180.0 6/4/2024 10:46 3.3796.64817.949 9.675 50.3870.684 2.519 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.798 0.000 840.01.672.511 0.000 10.03 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 10:47 3.5338.27417.966 9.670 44.8070.000 2.312 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.734 0.000 840.01.662.492 0.000 11.81 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 10:48 3.5979.64717.971 9.668 42.9880.154 1.315 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.743 0.000 840.01.712.567 0.000 13.24 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 10:49 3.0018.52717.970 9.675 42.6770.000 2.049 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.710 0.000 839.01.742.611 0.000 11.53 0.03 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/4/2024 10:50 3.5427.60118.003 9.697 50.4030.000 2.066 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.713 0.000 839.01.912.862 0.000 11.14 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 10:51 3.4589.72818.013 9.690 40.5130.000 1.461 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.687 0.000 839.01.932.893 0.000 13.19 0.03 180.0 6/4/2024 10:52 3.49713.78817.998 9.685 35.7010.524 1.805 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.740 0.000 839.01.852.776 0.000 17.29 0.02 180.0 6/4/2024 10:54 3.2977.69017.976 9.670 58.8150.963 3.675 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.785 0.000 839.01.892.835 0.000 10.99 0.04 180.0 3.3809.40717.987 9.681 45.2080.192 1.813 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.735 0.000 839.831.7922.689 0.000 12.788 0.030 180.0Avg. 3.4978.96017.989 9.684 48.3780.157 2.020 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.745 0.000 839.921.8222.733 0.000 12.457 0.032 180.0Run 3 Avg: Baseline 3 6/4/2024 10:58 0.0000.0000.019 0.007 0.1440.179 0.012 0.000 0.0280.0000.000 0.028 0.0390.008 0.008 840.00.220.217 0.000 0.00 0.00 180.0 Post CTS 6/4/2024 11:00 0.0000.2470.014 0.032 0.0000.000 0.003 0.000 0.2680.0000.000 98.635 0.0000.000 0.013 840.065.830.063 0.000 0.25 0.07 180.0 6/4/2024 11:00 0.0001.4290.018 0.033 0.0000.011 0.000 0.008 0.0630.0000.000 98.790 0.0000.000 0.000 839.065.920.090 0.000 1.43 0.07 180.0 6/4/2024 11:00 0.0000.1950.016 0.020 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.3290.0000.000 97.987 0.0000.240 0.000 840.065.530.301 0.000 0.19 0.07 180.0 Post NO2/Mid O2 6/4/2024 11:03 100.3142.9800.003 0.027 0.2990.231 0.238 0.000 0.2220.0130.000 0.000 0.0000.239 0.056 839.00.450.512 0.000 103.29 9.31 180.0 6/4/2024 11:03 100.5682.3330.002 0.019 0.4630.069 0.242 0.021 0.0000.0610.000 0.046 0.0000.000 0.061 840.00.490.500 0.000 102.90 9.31 180.0 6/4/2024 11:03 99.4972.809-0.000 0.019 0.2090.099 0.227 0.000 0.0000.0190.000 0.000 0.0000.070 0.059 840.00.370.374 0.000 102.31 9.30 180.0 Post 5-Gas 6/4/2024 11:05 0.000233.040-0.000 4.849 5.438489.345 2.280 2.088 9.3180.2561.301 1.568 250.7240.092 0.000 840.0253.352.364 9.892 233.04 0.02 180.0 6/4/2024 11:05 0.000236.2910.002 4.848 2.234491.056 2.223 1.786 9.0950.1642.260 1.473 251.8710.486 0.000 840.0254.412.339 9.953 236.29 0.02 180.0 6/4/2024 11:05 0.000235.386-0.000 4.861 2.487493.072 2.258 1.928 7.6660.2191.884 1.372 251.9010.142 0.000 839.0254.602.682 9.981 235.39 0.02 180.0 6/4/2024 11:05 0.000236.876-0.000 4.861 2.931494.230 2.273 1.896 8.3120.2821.758 1.310 251.9160.035 0.000 839.0254.602.715 10.016 236.88 0.02 180.0 6/4/2024 11:05 0.000237.2600.002 4.888 2.812493.951 2.247 1.939 7.6560.1701.180 1.288 252.1250.207 0.000 840.0254.802.725 10.007 237.26 0.02 180.0 6/4/2024 11:05 0.000236.991-0.000 4.884 2.391494.720 2.271 1.993 7.5920.4402.051 1.377 251.9590.155 0.000 840.0254.592.568 9.992 236.99 0.02 180.0 End of Test Purge 6/4/2024 11:07 0.2210.085-0.000 0.037 0.0030.822 0.005 0.000 0.0000.0010.000 0.110 0.3160.000 0.000 839.00.430.066 0.000 0.31 0.00 180.0 6/4/2024 11:07 0.2290.332-0.000 0.031 0.2190.642 0.000 0.000 0.2270.0000.000 0.337 0.2640.000 0.000 839.00.490.000 0.000 0.56 0.00 180.0 6/4/2024 11:08 0.2480.0000.004 0.031 0.0000.718 0.000 0.000 0.0190.0210.000 0.295 0.2970.000 0.000 839.00.540.076 0.001 0.25 0.00 180.0 6/4/2024 11:08 0.0000.0000.001 0.018 0.0000.659 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0160.000 0.492 0.2040.000 0.018 839.00.570.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 180.0 6/4/2024 11:08 0.9320.3140.001 0.007 0.0000.594 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0020.000 0.158 0.3420.238 0.000 839.00.660.323 0.002 1.25 0.00 180.0 6/4/2024 11:08 0.0000.0000.002 0.021 0.0000.526 0.000 0.000 0.2410.0070.000 0.157 0.1270.117 0.004 840.00.340.148 0.000 0.00 0.00 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/4/2024 11:08 0.0000.000-0.000 0.025 0.2280.501 0.005 0.000 0.1620.0130.000 0.219 0.2610.000 0.000 839.00.610.297 0.000 0.00 0.00 180.0 6/4/2024 11:08 0.4890.2620.000 0.045 0.0000.377 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0010.000 0.227 0.2440.096 0.000 839.00.530.199 0.000 0.75 0.00 180.0 GAS, Inc. Performance Test Report Test Type: Initial Test Date: 6/5/2024 Waukesha 9394 GSI Rich Burn (4 Cycle) 303 W. 3rd St Elk City , OK 73644(580) 225-0403 Test Started:Test Completed:06:41 AM 01:06 PM Source: Unit Number: 2026-01 Serial Number: WAU-1641324 Engine Hours:3651 Permit #: #DAQE-AN161400001-23 Location: Duchesne County, Utah Prepared on Behalf of: Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ CO NOx NMNEHC 1.650 0.830 0.170 0.139 0.438 0.051 9.951 19.056 2.295 2.000 0.300 1.000 0.150 0.700 0.030 0.028 0.088 0.010 Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Pass Federal State Federal State Federal State Results lb/hr Results ppmvd Permit lb/hr Results g/hp-hr Permit g/hp-hr PASS ALL Index Tables Figures Appendices Table 5.1 (Run Summaries)................................................................ Table 6.1 (Volumetric Flow Rate Data)............................................... Table 6.2 (Stack Gas Measurements)................................................. Table 8.1 (Oxygen Calibration)........................................................... Annex Table 1.2.1 (Certified Calibration Bottle Concentrations)......... Annex Table 1.2.2 (Measurement System Capabilities)..................... Annex Table 1.3.1 (Test Specific Target Analytes)............................. Annex Table 4.1 (Measure System Capabilities)................................ Figure 6.1 (Location of Traverse Points per Method 1)....................... Annex Figure 1.4.1 (Sampling Train).................................................. Annex Figure 1.4.2 (Sampling Points)................................................. Annex Figure 1.4.3 (Sampling Port Locations).................................... Certified Calibration Bottle Certificates................................................ Tri Probe Certification via GD-031...................................................... GAS ALT 141_FTIR EPA.................................................................... Tester Qualifications (resume)............................................................ Raw Data............................................................................................ 27 Key Personnel.............................................................................1.0 3 Sampling System........................................................................2.0 3 Methods Used.............................................................................3.0 3 Test Summaries..........................................................................4.0 5 Run Summaries..........................................................................5.0 6 6 Volumetric Flow Rate Data.........................................................6.0 7 7 7 7 Calculations................................................................................7.0 8 9 12 12 13 15 13 14 14 20 25 28 29 Oxygen Calibration.....................................................................9 Engine Parameter Data Sheet....................................................10 QA/QC Results............................................................................11 Signature Page...........................................................................12.0 Appendices.................................................................................13.0 Bottle Certs.................................................................................2014.0 Tri Probe Certification via GD-031..............................................2515.0 GAS ALT 141_FTIR EPA............................................................16.0 Tester Qualifications (resume)....................................................2817.0 D6348 Annexes..........................................................................1211.0 18 19 26 8.0 9.0 10.0 Raw Data....................................................................................2918.0 1.0 Key Personnel GAS, Inc. Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. 2.0 Sampling System The sampling system used consisted of a Stainless steel probe, heated Teflon line, gas conditioning system, and a Gasmet model DX4000 FTIR analyzer. The gas conditioning system used was a Gasmet Personal Sampling System with a Zirconium Oxide oxygen sensor. 3.0 Methods Used This extractive FTIR based field test method is used to quantify gas phase concentrations of multiple target analytes (CO, NOX, CH2O, & VOC's) from stationary source effluent. Because an FTIR analyzer is potentially capable of analyzing hundreds of compounds, this test method is not analyte or source specific. The analytes, detection levels, and data quality objectives are expected to change for any particular testing situation. It is the responsibility of the tester to define the target analytes, the associated detection limits for those analytes in the particular source effluent, and the required data quality objectives for each specific test program. Provisions are included in this test method that require the tester to determine critical sampling system and instrument operational parameters, and for the conduct of QA/QC procedures. Testers following this test method will generate data that will allow an independent observer to verify the valid collection, identification, and quantification of the subject target analytes. EPA Method 1 & 1A EPA Method 2 & 2C EPA Method 3A The purpose of the method is to provide guidance for the selection of sampling ports and traverse points at which sampling for air pollutants will be performed pursuant to regulations set forth in this part. This method is applicable for the determination of the average velocity and the volumetric flow rate of a gas stream. The average gas velocity in a stack is determined from the gas density and from measurement of the average velocity head with a standard pitot tube. Velocity readings are taken from each stack at 16 separate traverse points (Table 6.1) and used to determine the engines mass emissions rate, calculated utilizing the formulas seen in section 7.0 of this report. This is a procedure for measuring oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in stationary source emissions using a continuous instrumental analyzer. Quality assurance and quality control requirements are included to assure that the tester collects data of known quality. Documentation to these specific requirements for equipment, supplies, sample collection and analysis, calculations, and data analysis will be included. ASTM D6348-03 Lynn Huber 3 Aaron King Gas, Inc. 4.0 Test Summary T e s t S u m m a r y Site Verification Photos Gas, Inc. Unit 2026-01 with a serial number of WAU-1641324 which is a Waukesha 9394 GSI engine located at Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility and operated by Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. was tested for emissions of: Carbon Monoxide, Oxides of Nitrogen, and Volatile Organic Compounds. The test was conducted on 6/5/2024 by Aaron King with Great Plains Analytical Services, Inc. All quality assurance and quality control tests were within acceptable tolerances. The engine is a natural gas fired Rich Burn (4 Cycle) engine rated at 2500 brake horse power (BHP) at 1200 RPM. The engine was operating at 2260 BHP and 1199 RPM which is 90.38% of maximum engine load during the test. The test HP calculation can be found on page 8. The engine was running at the maximum load available at the test site. This test will satisfy the testing requirements for 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ. Unit 2026-01 is authorized to operate under permit #DAQE-AN161400001-23. 4 4.0 Test Summary Engine/Compressor Specs Crusoe Mullins Tap FacilityLocation 2026-01Unit ID Make Waukesha Site Elevation ft.5251 Model 9394 GSI Atmospheric Pressure psi.12.14 Serial Number WAU-1641324 Stack Diameter in.18 mfg. rated hp 2500 Yes 1200 Date of Manufacture Engine/Compressor Operation Run 2 Run 3 3 Run AveragesRun 1 Test Horsepower 2260 2260 2260 2260 1196 1200 1200 1199 Percent Load % Intake Manifold Pressure (hg) 90.38%90.38%90.38%90.38% 38.28 38.28 38.28 38.28 Intake Manifold Temperature (F)125.00 128.00 132.00 128.33 Ambient Conditions Ambient Temperature Dry (F)53.00 74.00 74.00 67.00 Exhaust Flow Data Q Stack (dscfh) Q Stack (dscm/hr) 191337.30 194747.66 191172.45 192419.14 5418.02 5514.59 5413.35 5448.65 Moisture Fraction Bws Fuel Consumption (Btu/h[-hr) 0.18 0.18 0.18 0.18 0 0 0 0 Fuel Flow (dscfh) Fuel (btu/scf)1020 1020 1020 1020 O2 F factor 8710.0 8710 8710 8710 Results Method 3A Corrected O2% Dry Moisture %17.97%18.05%18.04%18.02% T e s t S u m m a r y mfg. rated rpm Test RPM 0.08%0.14%0.14%0.12% Permitted Standards Results 5 Catalyst 0.0260.046 Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 3 Run Average Pass Permits 06:41 AM 08:42 AM 11:49 AM 6/5/2024 CO (g/hp-hr)0.012 0.0282.000 0.300 Pass StateFederal CO (ppmvw)3.591 13.258 7.621 8.157 CO (ppmvd)4.378 16.178 9.298 9.951 CO (mol wt) 28.01 CO (ppmvd) @15% O2 1.240 4.597 2.643 2.827 Fail CO (ppbvd) @15% O2 1240.413 4597.485 2643.045 2826.981 Fail 0.1290.229CO (lbs/hr)0.061 0.1391.650 Pass NOx (g/hp-hr)0.111 0.098 0.055 0.0881.000 0.150 Pass NOx (ppmvw)19.798 17.220 9.851 15.623 NOx (ppmvd)24.135 21.014 12.019 19.056 NOx (mol wt) 46.01 1.868 1.864 1.912 1.881NMNEHC (ppmvw) 2.277 2.274 2.333 2.295NMNEHC (ppmvd) NOx (ppbvd) @15% O2 6838.505 5971.615 3416.433 5408.851 Fail NOx (ppmvd) @15% O2 6.839 5.972 3.416 5.409 Fail NMNEHC (mol wt) 44.10 645.249 646.231 663.102 651.528 FailNMNEHC (ppbvd) @15% O2 0.010 0.010 0.010 0.0100.700 0.030 PassNMNEHC (g/hp-hr) 0.050 0.051 0.051 0.0510.170 PassNMNEHC (lbs/hr) 0.645 0.646 0.663 0.652 FailNMNEHC (ppmvd) @15% O2 NOx (lbs/hr)0.551 0.488 0.274 0.4380.830 Pass Gas, Inc. 5.0 Run Summaries Summary Source Run 1 R u n Table 5.1 Run Summaries S u m m a r i e s 6 0.29Baseline Source Spike Source Baseline PPM Wet CO NOx Oxygen %Moisture % 3.59 0.38 16.52 0.01 3.28 0.39 19.80 0.34 1.87 0.00% 0.06% 0.00% 17.97% NMNEHC 2.44 13.53 3.18 16.71 1.87 0.06%17.96% 55.49 29.72 0.00 29.72 21.11 0.03%16.26% 4.74 19.50 3.38 22.89 1.87 0.06%17.99% 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.00%0.02% Avg. Wet NO2NO Summary Source Run 2 Baseline Source Spike Source Baseline PPM Wet CO NOx Oxygen %Moisture %NMNEHC 0.00 0.00 0.05 0.05 0.09 0.00%0.02% 14.00 16.30 3.53 19.83 1.86 0.16%18.06% 46.96 27.81 0.00 27.81 23.82 18.54%0.87% 12.52 11.41 3.21 14.62 1.86 0.07%18.05% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00%0.03% Avg. Wet 13.26 13.85 3.37 17.22 1.86 0.11%18.05% NO2NO Summary Source Run 3 Baseline Source Spike Source Baseline PPM Wet CO NOx Oxygen %Moisture %NMNEHC 7.56 6.01 3.41 9.43 1.91 0.13%18.05% 50.11 25.80 0.00 25.80 17.72 0.03%16.58% 7.68 7.18 3.10 10.28 1.91 0.11%18.02% 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.09 0.22 0.00%0.04% 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.00%0.03% Avg. Wet 7.62 6.60 3.26 9.85 1.91 0.12%18.04% NO2NO Gas, Inc. 6.0 Volumetric Flow Rate Data Volumetric Flow Rate Data .99 Stack diameter = Table 6.1. Data used for volumetric flow rate (Method 2) 18 inches or:1.5 feet. or:1.77 Square Feet Run 1 Average Pitot Tube Coefficient Cp(std)= H2O CO2 O2 CO Molecular Weight Stack Gas dry basis (Md) Molecular Weight Stack Gas wet basis (Ms) Stack Static Pressure (Pg) Stack Static Pressure (Pg) Atmospheric Pressure at Location (Pbar) Atmospheric Pressure at Location (Pbar) Absolute Stack Pressure (Ps) Stack Temperature Stack Temperature Stack Temperature Stack Gas Velocity Stack Flow Rate Q Stack Gas Wet Volmetric Flow Rate Stack Gas Dry Volumetric Flow Rate Sample after Back Purge: Within 5% of Last Δpstd reading: Stack Diameter (inches) Inches upstream from disturbance Inches downstream from disturbance scf/hr 1.05 Yes 18.00 5.00 17.00 scf/hr cfs ft/sec Deg R Deg F Deg C "Hg "Hg MBAR "Hg "H20 g/g mole g/g mole ppmd %d %d %d 17.97 29.56 0.90 Inches 3.01 9 14.99 Vo l u m e t r i c F l o w R a t e s Pitot readings are taken for Method 2 calculations using measuring points outlined in Method 1 Figure 6.1 16 Traverse Points Were Used Emissions Sampling Points - 3 point long line sampling probe First Sampling Point Taken @ 16.7% of Stack Diameter Second Sampling Point Taken @ 50% of Stack Diameter Third Sampling Point Taken @ 83.3% of Stack Diameter 9.72 0.07 3.59 843.45 0.07 24.91 24.98 892.00 1351.67 477.78 27.48 112.44 198.69 233261.36 191337.30 Run 2 18.05 29.56 0.94 9.72 0.12 13.26 843.60 0.07 24.92 24.99 905.00 1364.67 485.00 27.47 115.62 204.32 237653.65 194747.66 Run 3 18.04 29.56 0.92 9.71 0.12 7.62 842.87 0.07 24.89 24.96 920.00 1379.67 493.33 27.47 114.83 202.92 233236.69 191172.45 18.02 29.56 0.92 9.72 0.10 8.16 843.31 0.07 24.91 24.98 905.67 1365.34 485.37 27.48 114.30 201.98 234725.06 192426.04 *The exhaust stack did not present cyclonic flow conditions at the sampling location due to the absence of cyclones, inertial demisters, venturi scrubbers, or tangential inlets. * Cyclonic Flow Check (Pass/Fail): PASS Δpstd (in) H2O 0.08 Exhaust Temp F 892.00 Pitot Tube Sampling Points (Velocity) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Δpstd Average= Run 1 Table 6.2. Stack gas pressure readings measured with a standard pitot tube use for Volumetric Flow Rate 0.29 0.37 0.63 891.00 893.00 892.00 0.92 1.24 1.30 891.00 893.00 892.00 1.16 0.88 0.72 891.00 893.00 892.00 0.78 891.00 1.08 1.21 1.19 893.00 892.00 891.00 1.23 1.26 0.90 893.00 892.00 892.00 Δpstd = Velocity head measured by the standard pitot tube, (in.) H2O.Run 3 Δpstd (in) H2O 0.44 Exhaust Temp F 920.00 0.44 0.54 0.76 919.00 921.00 920.00 1.08 1.10 1.07 919.00 921.00 920.00 0.99 1.11 1.12 919.00 921.00 920.00 1.05 919.00 1.13 0.97 0.78 921.00 920.00 919.00 1.01 1.05 921.00 920.00 920.000.92 Run 2 Δpstd (in) H2O 0.95 Exhaust Temp F 905.00 0.68 0.83 0.77 904.00 906.00 905.00 1.05 0.98 1.01 904.00 906.00 905.00 0.78 0.99 0.67 904.00 906.00 905.00 1.15 904.00 1.18 1.07 0.96 906.00 905.00 904.00 0.94 1.01 906.00 905.00 0.94 905.00 Pass Strat Check 0Check 1 0Check 2 0Check 3 COGas Used Pass/Fail 7 Gas, Inc. 7.0 Calculations Method 2: Determination of Stack Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate *Note- Use of this method negates the need for any fuel related numbers for emissions calculations Nomenclature Δp(avg) = Velocity head of stack gas, mm H2O (in. H2O).Ps = Absolute stack pressure (Pbar+ Pg), mm Hg (in Hg) 3600 = Conversion Factor, sec/hr. A = Cross-sectional area of stack, m2 (ft2). Bws = Water vapor in the gas stream (from ASTM D6348) Kp = Velocity equation constant. Md = Molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis, g/g-mole (lb./lb.-mole). Ms = Molecular weight of stack gas, wet basis, g/g-mole (lb./lb. -mole). Pstd = Standard absolute pressure, 760 mm Hg (29.92 in. Hg). Qsd = Dry volumetric stack gas flow rate corrected to standard conditions, dscm/hr. (dscf/hr.). Ts(abs) = Absolute stack temperature, °K (°R). = 460 + Ts for English units. Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 293°K (528 °R). Vs = Average stack gas velocity, m/sec (ft./sec). *(Observed from Method 3 12.3) Dry Molecular Weight. Equation 3-1 Md = .44(.097)+.32(.001)+.28(.902+0) = 29.558 LB/LB-MOLEMd = .44(%CO2)+.32(%O2)+.28(%N2+%CO) 12.5 Molecular Weight of Stack Gas. Equation 2-6 Ms = 29.558(1 -.17973)+.18.0(.17973) = 27.481 LB/LB-MOLEMs = Md(1-Bws)+18.0(Bws) 12.6 Average Stack Gas Velocity. Equation 2-7 Vs = 85.49*.99*√.9*√(1351.67/(24.98*27.481)) = 112.44 FT/SECVs = Kp*Cp(std)*√Δpavg*√(Ts(abs)/(Ps*Ms)) 12.7 Average Stack Gas Volumetric Flow Rate. Equation 2-8 Qsd = 3600(1-.18)112.437*1.767((528*24.98)/ (1351.67*29.92)) = 191337.3 DSCF/HRQsd = 3600(1-Bws)Vs*A((Tstd*Ps)/(Ts(abs)*Pstd)) *Standard conversion from feet to meters Q = 191337.297/35.315 = 5418.018 DSCM/HRQ = Qsd/35.315 Emission Rates (Examples use CO Run 1) Nomenclature CO corrected @ 15% O2 453.6= Conversion factor lb. to gram HP= Engines rated Horsepower A = Cross-sectional area of stack, m2 (ft2). BHP/HR. = Brake work of the engine, horsepower-hour (HP-HR.). BTU/HP-HR. = Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (HHV) ER = Emission rate of (CO) in g/HP-hr. F(d )= Volumes of combustion components per unit of heat content, scm/J (scf/million Btu). Q = Stack gas volumetric flow rate, in standard cubic meters per hour, dry basis LB/HR.= Emission rate of (CO) in LB/HR. Mfg.= Manufacturer Exhaust flow rate at 100% (ft3/min) O2 = Concentration of oxygen on a dry basis, percent. ppm= Parts Per Million (CO) ppm@15% O2= PPM corrected to 15% O2 Qsd = Dry volumetric stack gas flow rate corrected to standard conditions, dscm/hr. (DSCF/HR.). Run Time = Run Time in Minutes TPY= Tons per Year Mol wt.= Mol Weight of CO (28.01) Vs = Average stack gas velocity, m/sec (ft./sec). ppm @ 15% O2 = 4.378*(20.9-15)/(20.9-.1%)) = 1.242 PPM @ 15% O2ppm @ 15% O2 = PPM*((20.9-15%O2)/(20.9-O2)) G/HP HR from 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ (4.378*(1.164*10^-3)*5418.018*(Run Time/60))/2259.612 = .012 G/HP-HRg/hp-hr = (PPM*(1.164*10^-3)*Q*(Run Time/60))/BHP/HR LB/HR from Grams LB/HR = .012*1/453.6*2259.612 = .061 LB/HRlb/hr = ER*1/453.6*BHP-HR TPY TPY = .061*4.38 = .267 TPYTPY = LB/HR. *4.38 Horsepower 1686* 1.34022088KW * 1.34022088 Wet to Dry PPM 4.38 = 3.591*(1/(1-.18))ppm wet * (1/(1-H2O) = ppm dry 8 Cp(std) = Standard pitot tube coefficient; use 0.99 Gas, Inc. 8.1 Calibration error test; how do I confirm my analyzer calibration is correct? After the tester has assembled, prepared and calibrated the sampling system and analyzer, they conduct a 3-point analyzer calibration error test before the first run and again after any failed system bias test or failed drift test. They then introduce the low-, mid-, and high-level calibration gases sequentially in direct calibration mode. At each calibration gas level (low, mid, and high) the calibration error must be within ± 2.0 percent of the calibration span. 8.0 Oxygen Calibration 8.2 Initial system bias and system calibration error checks. Before sampling begins, it is determined whether the high- level or mid-level calibration gas best approximates the emissions and it is used as the upscale gas. The upscale gas is introduced at the probe upstream of all sample- conditioning components in system calibration mode. 8.3 Post-run system bias check and drift assessment - confirming that each sample collected is valid. Sampling may be performed for multiple runs before performing the post-run bias or system calibration error check provided this test is passed at the conclusion of the group of runs. A failed final test in this case will invalidate all runs subsequent to the last passed test. (1) Next, zero gas is introduced as described above. The response must be within 0.5 percent of the upscale gas concentration. (2) Low-level gas reading is observed until it has reached a final, stable value and the results are recorded. The measurement system will be operated at the normal sampling rate during all system bias checks. (3) If the initial system bias specification is not met, corrective action is taken. The applicable calibration error test from Section 8.2.3 of EPA Method 7E is repeated along with the initial system bias check until acceptable results are achieved, after which sampling will begin. The pre- and post-run system bias must be within ± 5.0 percent of the calibration span for the low-level and upscale calibration gases. (1) If the post-run system bias check is not passed, then the run is invalid. The problem is then diagnosed and fixed, then another calibration error test and system bias is passed before repeating the run. (2) After each run, the low-level and upscale drift is calculated, using Equation 7E–4 in Section 12.5 from EPA Method 7E. If the post-run low- and upscale bias checks are passed, but the low-or upscale drift exceeds the specification in Section 13.3, the run data are valid, but a 3-point calibration error test and a system bias check must be performed and passed prior to additional testing. Table 8.1 Oxygen Calibration EPA Method 3A QA Worksheet (SYSTEM) Calibration Bias Checks (≤ 5%) and Drift Checks (≤ 3%) Certified Gas Concentraion Low-Level (%) 0.00% Certified Gas Concentraion Mid-Level (%) Certified Gas Concentraion High-Level (%) (DIRECT) Analyzer Calibration Error (≤ 2%) Certified Concentration Value (%) Direct Calibration Response (%) Absolute Difference (%) Analyzer Calibration Error (%)Analyzer Direct Calibration Response Certified bottle value % 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% Zero Gas % Mid-Level Gas % High-Level Gas % Bias Pre Initial Value Bias Post Inital Values System Calibrations Response Pre (%) 0.00% System Bias (% of Span) Pre System Calibration Response Post (%) System Bias (% of Span) Post Drift (% of Span) 0.00%0.00%0.00%0.00% (SYSTEM) Calibration Bias Checks (≤ 5%) and Drift Checks (≤ 3%) Avg. Gas Concentration (Run 1) Avg. Gas Concentration (Run 2) Avg. Gas Concentration (Run 3) Effluent Gas (Cgas) Run 1 Effluent Gas (Cgas) Run 2 Effluent Gas (Cgas) Run 3 Linearity Check 0.00%0.00%0.00% Method 7E 3.4 To the extent practicable, the measured emissions should be between 20 to 100 percent of the selected calibration span. This may not be practicable in some cases of low concentration measurements or testing for compliance with an emission limit when emissions are substantially less than the limit. 7E 8.5: Note: that you may risk sampling for multiple runs before performing the post-run bias provided you pass this test at the conclusion of the group of runs Upscale Gas Analyzer Calibration Response (%) Zero Gas Upscale Gas EPA Method 3A QA Worksheet Zero Gas Mid-Level Gas High-Level Gas 100% Nitrogen O2 QA/QC Zero Gas %0.00% Mid-Level Gas % High-Level Gas % System Calibration Response Pre (%) System Calibration Response Post (%) Zero Gas % Upscale Cal Zero Gas % Upscale Cal Upscale Used Upscale Used 8.90% 20.95% 9.40% 9.29% 9.01% 9.01% 9.29%9.40% 8.90% 20.95% 9.01% 21.12% 9.01% 21.12% 9.01%21.12% 0.00% 9.01% 21.12% 0.11% 0.17% 0.51% 0.80% 9.01% Span Zero Offset 0.00% 21.12 0.00% 8.90%2.38%1.86%0.01% 0.08% 0.14% 0.15% 0.08% 0.14% 0.14% 9 Gas, Inc. 1072.0 1074.0 1071.0 1040.0 1047.0 1040.7 6.8 6.8 6.8 9.0 Engine Parameter Data Sheet Company Site Elevation (ft) Facility Unit ID Date Make Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc. Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility 6/5/2024 5251 2026-01 Waukesha Model Serial Number 9394 GSI WAU-1641324 Technician Aaron King Run Start Times 06:41 AM 08:42 AM 11:49 AM 01:06 PM Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Completed Engine Parameter Data Run 1 Engine Speed (RPM)1196.0 1200.0 1200.0 1198.7 Engine Hours 3648 3649 3650 3651 Intake Manifold Pressure (psi)63.0 63.0 63.0 63.0 Intake Manifold Temp °F 125.0 128.0 132.0 128.3 Engine Load (BHP)2259.6 2259.6 2259.6 2259.6 Ambient Temp °F 53.0 74.0 74.0 67.0 Humidity %54.0 87.0 87.0 76.0 Dew Point °F 37.0 70.0 70.0 59.0 Waukesha YesCatalyst (Yes or No) AFR Manufacturer/Type Waukesha Waukesha Waukesha 10 Run 3 AverageRun 2 Discharge Pressure (psi) Suction Pressure (psi) 1067.0 1035.0 6.8Catalyst Pressure Drop H2O Catalyst Outlet Temp °F Catalyst Inlet Temp °F Gas, Inc. N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/AN/A N/A 10.0 QA/QC Results Average:Carbon monoxide CO Gas, Inc. 0.00 R e s u l t s Average:Nitrogen monoxide NO 0.00 Average:Nitrogen dioxide NO2 0.06 Average:NOx 0.06 Average:VOC 0.02 Average:Oxygen 0.00 Pre-test Baseline Results Time: Q A / Q C Value:CTS Bottle Concentration 100.30 Value:CTS Compound Concentration Avg 98.36 Tolerance 2.00% Difference between measured and expected 1.93% CTS Direct to Analyzer Time: Average:Carbon monoxide CO 0.00 Average:Nitrogen monoxide NO 0.00 Average:Nitrogen dioxide NO2 0.05 Average:NOx 0.05 Average:VOC 0.21 Average:Oxygen 0.12 Pre-test System Zero Time: Mechanical Response Time 45 seconds Value:CTS Bottle Concentration 100.30 Value:CTS Compound Concentration Avg 97.93 Tolerance 5.00% Difference between measured and expected 2.37% Pre-test System CTS & Mechanical Response Time 68 secondsEquilibration Response Time Value:Spike Reported 252.34 Value:Spike Expected 252.40 System (Equilibration) Response Time Target (Spike) 54 secondsSystem Zero Response Time 68 secondsSystem Response Time System (Zero) Response Time 11 11.0 D6348 Annexes 1-8 D6348 Annexes 1. Test Plan Requirements Annex 1.2 The test quality objectives completed for the emissions test are demonstrated throughout Annexes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 as layed out per ASTM D6348-03. All reference methods, pre-test and post test procedures were within acceptable limits. Data generated during the pre-test and post-test procedures are summarized below in order of the distinctive Annex. Three 60 minute test runs were performed. The final analyte concentrations are the average of each test run. Data was taken at 60 second intervals. Each 60 second measurement was the average of 600 scans. Propane is used as the surrogate compound for the Annex 5 Spiking Technique due to Propane being the VOC that is most commonly found in the combustion process of natural gas. Additionally, the molecular weight of Propane coincides with with molecular weight of VOC's per the EPA. Annex Table 1.2.1 Certified Calibration Bottle Concentrations Bottle Expiration NO2 Ethylene SF6 O2 (%) EB0147541 5/8/2026 100.30 9.01% 12/1/2025 100.30 CC406148 4/15/2032 21.12% Cylinder # ALM-063647 Expiration: 5-03-2032 Propane CO NO SF6 Bottle Value 252.40 501.70 237.50 10.20 Analyzer System Response 252.34 493.70 237.16 10.00 Percent Difference 0.02%1.60%0.14%1.98% Annex Table 1.2.2 Measurement System Capabilities SF6 Parameter Measured Gas Concentration (ppm)Path Length Equilibration Time Dilution Factor % Recovery Path Length Ethylene 98.360 4.903 Spike Direct Propane 255.043 Mechanical Response Time SF6 10.069 CO 500.018 NO 236.055 Ethylene 97.925 36 seconds Analyzer Response Propane 252.337 SF6 9.998 CO 493.695 NO 237.162 Analyte Spike Recovery Propane & SF6 System Zero Nitrogen Post Spike System Propane 250.314 CO 487.667 NO 233.141 68 seconds 54 seconds 8.91% 8.90% 7.71% 77.72% 98.41% 73.11% 9.885 12 Gas, Inc. Annex 1.3 Compounds Infrared Analysis Region (cm-1) Expected Concentration Range Measurement System Achievable Minimum Detectable Concentrations Required Measurement System Accuracy and Precision for Test Application CO 2000-2200 0-1200 ppm NO 1875-2138 NO2 2700-2950 VOC 2600-3200 910-1150 2550-2950 CH2O 2550-2850 Interfering Compounds * CO is analyzed in a separate analysis region than CO2 and H2O CO2 Water Vapor 926-1150 3200-3401 Annex Table 1.3.1 Test Specific Target Analytes and Data Quality Objectives 0.16267 ppm 4 ppm 0-1000 ppm 0.4007 ppm 2 ppm 0-100 ppm 0.4899 ppm 2 ppm 0-100 ppm 1.8520 ppm Total VOC's 1 ppm per VOC 0-100 ppm 0.7878 ppm 1 ppm 0-10% 0-22% 0% 0.20% n/a n/a * VOCs compiled of Acetaldehyde, Ethylene, Hexane, and Propane. Annex 1.4 Figure Annex 1.4.1 Sampling Train The testing instrumentation is housed in an enclosed vehicle which is located approximately 45 feet from the source. A heated sample line (sixty feet in length) is attached to the inlet of analyzer system and the source effluent discharges through the FTIR outlet. 13 Gas, Inc. Sampling Point Locations in Inches 16.7%3.006 50%9.000 83.3%14.994 Figure Annex 1.4.3 Sample Port Location Figure Annex 1.4.2 Sampling Points Interior Stack Diameter (inches): Inches Upstream: Inches Downstream: 18 5 17 14 Stack Gas Dry Volumetric Flow Rate (scf/hr): 192426.04 H2O%d @ Sampling Point:18.02 CO2%d @ Sampling Point:9.72 Pressure @ Sampling Point (Pg "H2O):0.92 Temperature @ Sampling Point (Deg F):905.67 Gas, Inc. D6348 Annex 2. Determination of FTIR Measurement System Minimum Detectable Concentrations (MDC#1) Target Analyte Results (ppm) CO 0.1627 NO 0.4007 NO2 0.4899 Ethylene 0.3782 Propane 0.4351 Hexane 0.2233 Acetaldehyde 0.8152 Formaldehyde 0.7878 D6348 Annex 3. FTIR Reference Spectra Calibration Transfer Standard Expected Measured Path Length Validated Ethylene 100.3 98.36 4.903 Passed D6348 Annex 4. Required Pre-Test Procedures Annex Table 1.2.2 Measurement System Capabilities 15 SF6 Parameter Measured Gas Concentration (ppm)Path Length Equilibration Time Dilution Factor % Recovery Path Length Ethylene 98.360 4.903 Spike Direct Propane 255.043 Mechanical Response Time SF6 10.069 CO 500.018 NO 236.055 Ethylene 97.925 36 seconds Analyzer Response Propane 252.337 SF6 9.998 CO 493.695 NO 237.162 Analyte Spike Recovery Propane & SF6 System Zero Nitrogen Post Spike System Propane 250.314 CO 487.667 NO 233.141 68 seconds 54 seconds 8.91% 8.90% 7.71% 77.72% 98.41% 73.11% 9.885 Gas, Inc. D6348 Annex 5. Analyte Spiking Technique Propane Spike Direct SF6 CO NO 252.400 10.200 501.700 237.500 255.043 10.069 500.018 236.055 1.05% 1.28% 0.34% 0.61% +/- 2% +/- 2% +/- 2% +/- 2% Pass Pass Pass Pass Parameter Gas Concentration Measured % Difference Specification Validated 0.000 0.000 Spike Average 17.479 0.897 Dilution Factor 8.909% Expected 22.489 % Recovery 77.720% Specification 70-130% <10% Spike Run 1 via the System Source Output Propane SF6 D6348 Annex 6. Determination of System Performance Parameters Noise Equivalent Absorbance (NEA) RMS High RMS Mid RMS Low Line Position: Demonstrating the peak positions align correctly (Manual Comparison +/- 20%) 0.000 Spike Average 0.896 Dilution Factor 8.899% Expected % Recovery Specification 70-130% <10% Spike Run 2 via the System Source Output Propane SF6 0.000 Spike Average 0.776 Dilution Factor 7.707% Expected % Recovery Specification 70-130% <10% Spike Run 3 via the System Source Output Propane SF6 0.000 14.227 19.460 73.110% 0.000230 0.000289 0.000355 0.000 22.107 22.464 98.410% Line Position Difference:Resolution Difference to Reference0.00%Pass Pass0.95% 16 Gas, Inc. Resolution The Gasmet GICCOR (Genzel Interferometer with Cube Corner Retroreflectors) interferometer is specially designed for maximum optical throughput and maximum signal to noise ratio of 7.72 (cm-1) remaining stable with any vibration and temperature changes. Detector Linerarity The Gasmet DX4000 is a low resolution spectrometer where the aperture is fixed to a maximum angle setting and the detector linearity was tested with an alternate approach. A three point linerarity of the CTS gas was performed and validated. D6348 Annex 7. Preparation of Analytical Quantification Algorithm The analytical accuracy of the quantification algorithm is satisfied via the results from Annex 5 per Annex 7.6 Regression Slope:51.956559 Pass Line Position Difference:Resolution Difference to Reference 0.95% D6348 Annex 8. Post Test Quality Assurance/Quality Control Procedures CTS Bottle Concentration: CTS Sample Concentration Average: Difference between measured and expected: Tolerance: 100.30 98.68 1.64% 5.00% POST CTS System Check: Run 1 Points 1 & 2 on CO/NO/Propane Run 2 Points 1 & 2 on CO/NO/Propane Run 3 Points 1 & 2 on CO/NO/Propane Run Data Validation - Automated vs Manual Reading Validated Comments All within 20% All within 20% All within 20% Passed Passed Passed Demonstrates no interferences observed. Demonstrates no interferences observed. Demonstrates no interferences observed. 17 Gas, Inc. 12.0 Signature Page Job/File Name: We certify that based on review of test data, knowledge of those individuals directly responsible for conducting this test, we believe the submitted information to be accurate and complete. Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc.; Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility; 2026-01; JJJJ 18 Company: Print Name: Signature: Title: Phone Number: Date: Company:G.A.S. Inc.Date: Print Name: Title: 6/5/2024 Emissions Specialist Company:G.A.S. Inc.Date: Print Name: Title: Signature: Phone Number: Travis Hartley Director of Stack Testing 580-225-0403 6/5/2024 Aaron King Gas, Inc. Appendices Gas, Inc. Gas, Inc. Spike (5 Gas) Gas, Inc. CERTIcICATE Oc ANALYSIS Grade of Product: EPA PROTOCOL STANaARa Part Number:E03NI90E15W0003 Reference Number:153-402732424-1 Cylinder Number:EB0147541 Cylinder Volume:145.0 CF Laboratory:124 - Tooele (SAP) - UT Cylinder Pressure:2015 PSIG PGVP Number:B72023 Valve Outlet:660 Gas Code:NO2,O2,BALN Certification Date:May 08, 2023 Expiration Date:May 08, 2026 Certification performed in accordance with “EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards (May 2012)” document EPA 600/R-12/531, using the assay procedures listed. Analytical Methodology does not require correction for analytical interference. This cylinder has a total analytical uncertainty as stated below with a confidence level of 95%. There are no significant impurities which affect the use of this calibration mixture. All concentrations are on a mole/mole basis unless otherwise noted. The results relate only to the items tested. The report shall not be reproduced except in full without approval of the laboratory. Do Not Use This Cylinder below 100 psig, i.e. 0.7 megapascals. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Component Requested Actual Protocol Total Relative Assay Concentration Concentration Method Uncertainty Dates NITROGEN DIOXIDE 100.0 PPM 100.3 PPM G1 +/- 2.0% NIST Traceable 05/01/2023, 05/08/2023 OXYGEN 9.000 %9.008 %G1 +/- 0.7% NIST Traceable 05/02/2023 NITROGEN Balance CALIBRATION STANaARaS Type Lot ID Cylinder No Concentration Uncertainty Expiration Date GMIS 1534012021601 CC502090 100.5 PPM NITROGEN DIOXIDE/NITROGEN 1.1%Dec 17, 2024 PRM 12389 D685050 99.0 PPM NITROGEN DIOXIDE/NITROGEN 1.0%Feb 19, 2020 NTRM 14060629 CC436987 4.794 % OXYGEN/NITROGEN 0.4%Oct 29, 2025 The SRM, NTRM, PRM, or RGM noted above is only in reference to the GMIS used in the assay and not part of the analysis. ANALYTICAL EnUIPMENT Instrument/Make/Model Analytical Principle Last Multipoint Calibration MKS FTIR NO2 018143349 FTIR May 03, 2023 Horiba MPA-510 W603MM58 O2 O2 Paramagnetic (DIXON)Apr 06, 2023 Triad Data Available Upon Request Airgas Specialty Gases Airgas USA LLC 525 North Industrial Loop Road Tooele, UT 84074 Airgas.com Signature on file Approved for Release Page 1 of 1 Gas, Inc. CERTIcICATE Oc ANALYSIS Grade of Product: PRIMARY STANaARa Customer:GREAT PLAINS ANALYTICAL SERVICE, Part Number:X02NI99P15ACVH8 Reference Number:54-402603460-1 Cylinder Number:CC325720 Cylinder Volume:144.0 CF Laboratory:124 - Chicago (SAP) - IL Cylinder Pressure:2015 PSIG Analysis Date:Dec 01, 2022 Valve Outlet:350 Lot Number:54-402603460-1 Expiration Date:Dec 01, 2025 Primary Standard Gas Mixtures are traceable to N.I.S.T. weights and/or N.I.S.T. Gas Mixture reference materials. ANALYTICAL RESULTS Component Req Conc Actual Concentration Analytical (Mole %)Uncertainty ETHYLENE 100.0 PPM 100.0 PPM +/- 1% NITROGEN Balance Airgas Specialty Gases Airgas USA LLC 12722 S. Wentworth Ave. Chicago, IL 60628 Airgas.com Signature on file Approved for Release Page 1 of 1 Gas, Inc. BIP Gas, Inc. 21% O2 Tri Probe Certification ” ‡ ƒ – Ž ƒ ‹ • • • ƒ Ž › – ‹ … ƒ Ž ‡ ” ˜ ‹ … ‡ • ͵Ͳ͵͵ ǡǡ͵ͶͶ ȋͷͺͲȌʹʹͷǦͲͶͲ͵ ǣȋͷͺͲȌʹʹͷǦʹͳʹ &(57,),&$7(2)$1$/<6,6 *UDGHRI3URGXFW&(57,),('67$1'$5'352%( 3DUW1XPEHU/5HIHUHQFH 1XPEHU /DERUDWRU\*$6,1&6WDFN'LDPHWHU $QDO\VLV'DWH7DUJHW)ORZ 5DWH /PLQ /271XPEHU 61 $ %/ 1XPEHURI 3RLQWV 3URGXFWSHUIRUPDQFHYHULILHGE\GLUHFWFRPSDULVRQWRFDOLEUDWLRQVWDQGDUGVWUDFHDEOHWR1,67 7KHSUREHOLVWHGRQWKLVIRUPPHHWVWKHPXOWLSRLQWWUDYHUVHUHTXLUHPHQWRI(3$0HWKRGH VHFWLRQDVVKRZQLQWKHDFFRPSDQ\LQJGDWD0HWKRGHVHFWLRQVWDWHVWKDWWKHPXOWLSRLQW WUDYHUVHUHTXLUHPHQWFDQEHVDWLVILHGE\VDPSOLQJYLD³DPXOWLKROHSUREHGHVLJQHGWRVDPSOHDW WKHSUHVFULEHGSRLQWVZLWKDIORZSHUFHQWRIPHDQIORZUDWH´ $1$/<7,&$/5(68/76 ZƵŶηdŽƚĂů&ůŽǁ ;>ͬŵͿ DĞĂƐƵƌĞĚ&ůŽǁ WŽƌƚ;>ͬŵͿ ;ĞůƚĂƋϭͿ DĞĂƐƵƌĞĚ&ůŽǁ WŽƌƚ;>ͬŵͿ ;ĞůƚĂƋϮͿ DĞĂƐƵƌĞĚ&ůŽǁ WŽƌƚ;>ͬŵͿ ;ĞůƚĂƋϯͿ 0HDQ3UREH 3RUW6DPSOHG )ORZ/P 5XQ/30 䧮 䧮 䧮 5XQ/30 䧮 䧮 䧮 &DOLEUDWLRQFRQGXFWHGLQDFFRUGDQFHZLWK(PLVVLRQ0HDVXUHPHQW&HQWHU*XLGHOLQH'RFXPHQW±(0&*' 1RWHV BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB $SSURYHGIRU5HOHDVH'DWH Probe size: 18L Mr. Jordan Williamson CEO GAS Inc. 303 W. 3rd Street Elk City, OK 73644 Dear Mr. Williamson: We are writing in response to your letter received on September 17, 2020, in which you request the approval of alternative testing procedures. The EPA’s Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS) is the delegated authority for consideration of major alternatives to test methods and procedures as set forth in 40 CFR parts 60 and 63 under which your request must be addressed. GAS Inc. is requesting a change to one of the test methods, ASTM D6348-03, used for conducting performance tests to determine compliance under 40 CFR part 60, Subpart JJJJ – Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines (Subpart JJJJ) and 40 CFR part 63, Subpart ZZZZ – National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Performance for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (Subpart ZZZZ). The change being requested will be used to check detector linearity of the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) instrumentation used to conduct this method. Specifically, you are requesting that the procedures of section 8.3.3 of Method 320 (40 CFR part 60, Appendix A), another FTIR-based method allowed under Subparts JJJJ and ZZZZ, be used in lieu of section A6.4.1 of ASTM D6348-03 when conducting testing using ASTM D6348-03 under 40 CFR part 60, Subpart JJJJ and 40 CFR part 63, Subpart ZZZZ. In your request, you state that this alternative linearity check procedure will produce consistent results when utilizing either Method 320 or ASTM D6348-03. Additionally, some FTIR instrumentation does not allow for reducing the size of the aperture in the instrument and, thus, it would not be feasible to properly conduct the entirety of the ASTM D6348-03 method in its current form using such an instrument. Based on our understanding of FTIR instrument principles and recognition that the requested alternative determination of detector linearity is both technically sound and contained within Method 320, we are approving the requested change. We believe that this alternative is acceptable for use for use in testing all engines subject to 40 CFR part 60 Subpart JJJJ and 40 CFR part 63, Subpart ZZZZ. Also, we will post this letter as ALT-141 on EPA’s website (at www.epa.gov/emc/broadly-applicable-approved-alternative- testmethods) to announce that our approval of this alternative test method is broadly applicable to engines for the purposes of meeting Subparts JJJJ and ZZZZ. March 15, 2021 Sincerely, Steffan M. Johnson, Group Leader Measurement Technology Group If you should have any questions or require further information regarding this approval, please contact David Nash of my staff at 919-541-9425 or email at nash.dave@epa.gov. cc: Sara Ayers, EPA/OECA/OC/MAMPD, (ayres.sara@epa.gov) Melanie King, EPA/OAR/OAQPS/SPPD, (king.melanie@epa.gov) James Leather, EPA Region 6, (leather.james@epa.gov) David Nash, EPA/OAR/OAQPS/AQAD, (nash.dave@epa.gov) Heather Sessing, Oklahoma DEQ, (Heather.sessing@deq.ok.gov) Aaron King GAS, Inc. Type of Sources Tested: info@gasinc.us Stationary Internal Combustion Engines • 4 Stroke Rich Burn Engines • 2 Stroke & 4 Stroke Lean Burn Engines Stationary Natural Gas Fired Generators Stationary Propane Fired Generators Gas Fired Boilers Qualifications: Trained, studied, and fully demonstrates compliance for emissions testing via data collection outlined in the following Reference Methods: • EPA Method 1 & 1A – Sampling & Traverse Points • EPA Method 2 & 2C – Velocity & Volumetric Flow Rate of a Gas Stream • EPA Method 3A – Oxygen • EPA Method 7E – NOX • EPA Method 10 – Carbon Monoxide • EPA Method 25A – Volatile Organic Compounds • ASTM D6348 – Extractive Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy Conducts emissions testing on a weekly basis including, but not limited to, the following test types: Initial Compliance, Biennial Compliance, Semiannual Compliance & Quarterly Compliance. All tests performed are in accordance to any and all Federal & State requirements as applicable (i.e. JJJJ, ZZZZ, 106.512, 117, PEA, etc.). Performed testing in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, North Dakota, Montana, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana (land and off-shore), Arkansas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New York, Kentucky, & Mississippi. • Quarterly Performance Reviews covering ongoing changes with Federal Regulations, State Compliance guidelines, & site-specific safety certifications. Types of Analyzers: • Gasmet DX4000 FTIR • Gasmet Portable Sampling Unit with Zirconium Oxide O2 Sensory • Testo 350 • Flame Ionization Detector 580-225-0403 Gas, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 1 Minute Average Data Sheet Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc.Client: Crusoe Mullins Tap Facility Unit Number:2026-01 Make:Waukesha Location:9394 GSIModel: WAU-1641324Serial Number: RAW Result Data Stability 6/5/2024 04:54 2.4741.5650.013 0.103 0.27527.567 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 9.627 0.7430.080 0.000 842.07.360.296 0.254 4.04 0.01 183.0 Pre Test Baseline Direct 6/5/2024 05:10 0.0000.000-0.000 0.001 0.0620.000 0.000 0.086 0.0640.0790.103 0.000 0.0290.000 0.003 842.00.040.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 179.0 6/5/2024 05:11 0.0000.000-0.002 0.001 0.0000.000 0.000 0.017 0.0010.0470.036 0.000 0.0020.000 0.002 842.00.010.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 180.0 6/5/2024 05:11 0.1810.000-0.002 0.003 0.1570.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0090.124 0.000 0.0000.000 0.001 842.00.000.000 0.000 0.18 0.00 180.0 CTS Direct 6/5/2024 05:18 0.0000.7740.008 0.018 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.0830.0100.000 98.334 0.0020.000 0.018 842.065.600.000 0.000 0.77 0.07 180.0 6/5/2024 05:18 0.0000.7070.009 0.014 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.1630.0000.000 98.530 0.0000.000 0.000 842.065.690.000 0.000 0.71 0.07 180.0 6/5/2024 05:18 0.0421.0320.008 0.014 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.1330.0630.000 98.217 0.0370.000 0.028 842.065.570.000 0.000 1.07 0.07 180.0 High O2 Direct 6/5/2024 05:23 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0720.000 0.000 0.108 0.0000.0000.000 0.063 0.0000.000 0.000 842.00.090.070 0.000 0.00 20.88 180.0 6/5/2024 05:23 0.0690.000-0.001 0.000 0.0640.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0030.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 842.00.080.121 0.000 0.07 20.96 180.0 6/5/2024 05:23 0.0770.000-0.003 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.0000.0630.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 842.00.040.058 0.000 0.08 21.01 180.0 NO2/Mid O2 Direct 6/5/2024 05:33 99.9210.000-0.003 0.000 0.5730.000 0.212 0.000 0.3380.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 842.00.080.120 0.000 99.92 8.91 180.0 6/5/2024 05:34 100.3920.000-0.006 0.000 0.3380.000 0.205 0.000 0.3210.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.051 842.00.290.275 0.000 100.39 8.90 180.0 6/5/2024 05:34 99.8850.000-0.005 0.000 0.0440.000 0.222 0.000 0.3350.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.000 842.00.060.097 0.000 99.88 8.89 180.0 Spike Direct 6/5/2024 05:39 0.000234.839-0.006 4.910 5.405500.424 2.363 2.015 10.0720.2060.466 1.166 254.7800.142 0.000 842.0257.122.346 10.078 234.84 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 05:40 0.000236.431-0.006 4.905 3.849500.185 2.360 1.998 10.0460.2040.648 1.168 255.2200.136 0.000 842.0257.682.519 10.073 236.43 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 05:40 0.000236.896-0.006 4.900 3.323499.444 2.321 2.107 10.2060.1450.382 1.226 255.1300.172 0.000 843.0257.672.585 10.057 236.90 0.02 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) Baseline System 6/5/2024 05:42 0.1090.0000.010 0.001 0.1440.000 0.010 0.101 0.1320.0000.000 0.000 0.2190.000 0.020 842.00.350.131 0.000 0.11 0.14 180.0 6/5/2024 05:42 0.0160.0000.009 0.004 0.0000.000 0.000 0.124 0.0350.0000.000 0.000 0.0340.000 0.054 842.00.140.000 0.000 0.02 0.12 180.0 6/5/2024 05:43 0.0100.0000.006 0.001 0.3530.000 0.000 0.034 0.1020.0070.000 0.000 0.0640.000 0.034 842.00.130.000 0.000 0.01 0.11 180.0 CTS System with Response Time 6/5/2024 05:47 0.1041.3050.013 0.024 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.1980.0000.000 97.973 0.0000.000 0.023 842.065.360.000 0.000 1.41 0.06 180.0 6/5/2024 05:48 0.0010.9730.011 0.020 0.0000.000 0.000 0.028 0.0990.0000.000 97.946 0.0080.000 0.012 842.065.330.000 0.000 0.97 0.06 180.0 6/5/2024 05:48 0.0000.7570.014 0.018 0.0000.000 0.000 0.000 0.1120.0000.000 97.857 0.0950.000 0.039 842.065.410.000 0.000 0.76 0.06 180.0 NO2/Mid O2 System with Response Time 6/5/2024 05:50 97.6651.200-0.000 0.000 0.3260.000 0.219 0.023 0.1050.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.069 842.00.550.622 0.000 98.87 9.28 180.0 6/5/2024 05:51 98.3441.139-0.000 0.000 0.5060.000 0.230 0.029 0.1570.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.063 842.00.420.435 0.000 99.48 9.46 180.0 6/5/2024 05:51 98.4831.145-0.000 0.000 0.4130.000 0.233 0.000 0.1960.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.076 842.00.470.475 0.000 99.63 9.47 180.0 Spike System with Response Time 6/5/2024 05:54 0.000236.609-0.000 4.859 2.967493.381 2.328 2.014 8.5100.0830.474 1.389 252.4620.296 0.000 842.0255.122.599 9.998 236.61 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 05:54 0.000237.039-0.000 4.858 3.167493.963 2.310 2.066 8.5400.0650.686 1.392 252.3900.144 0.000 842.0255.072.622 9.994 237.04 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 05:54 0.000237.837-0.000 4.859 2.711493.741 2.305 1.964 7.8520.0291.014 1.345 252.1600.052 0.000 842.0254.692.445 10.001 237.84 0.02 180.0 Baseline System with Response Time 6/5/2024 05:57 0.0000.919-0.000 0.009 0.0460.394 0.019 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.3060.000 0.000 843.00.390.122 0.007 0.92 0.00 180.0 6/5/2024 05:58 0.0170.009-0.000 0.003 0.1160.293 0.035 0.082 0.0000.0000.000 0.038 0.2370.000 0.000 843.00.340.114 0.000 0.03 0.00 180.0 6/5/2024 05:58 0.0000.215-0.000 0.005 0.2180.184 0.014 0.000 0.0000.0010.000 0.000 0.1850.000 0.007 843.00.290.144 0.003 0.21 0.00 180.0 Run 1 - A 30minute/60min 6/5/2024 06:42 3.30626.08317.856 9.605 34.0176.953 4.496 1.186 0.0000.0020.000 0.000 0.0000.731 0.000 843.01.782.665 0.000 29.39 0.17 180.0 6/5/2024 06:43 2.85027.31718.051 9.628 37.5715.915 4.606 1.041 0.0000.0070.000 0.000 0.0000.570 0.000 843.01.792.679 0.000 30.17 0.14 180.0 6/5/2024 06:44 3.24024.64117.924 9.655 35.3376.592 4.573 1.101 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.656 0.000 843.01.782.668 0.000 27.88 0.15 180.0 6/5/2024 06:45 2.9515.48417.897 9.678 44.3632.002 5.063 1.077 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.700 0.000 843.01.862.793 0.000 8.43 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 06:46 2.87812.79817.884 9.688 37.1033.677 5.237 1.194 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.706 0.000 843.01.842.755 0.000 15.68 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 06:47 3.15634.28817.945 9.710 32.08811.841 5.025 2.354 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.616 0.000 843.01.842.757 0.000 37.44 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 06:48 3.43811.12717.973 9.729 37.6114.277 3.728 0.433 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.760 0.000 843.01.832.741 0.000 14.56 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 06:49 3.1704.39417.964 9.715 39.9650.663 4.645 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.666 0.000 843.01.872.801 0.000 7.56 0.03 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/5/2024 06:50 3.5044.26717.967 9.714 31.6070.672 4.083 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.773 0.000 843.01.842.755 0.000 7.77 0.13 180.0 6/5/2024 06:51 3.3637.91717.946 9.717 31.4840.415 3.786 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.676 0.000 843.01.902.852 0.000 11.28 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 06:52 3.1337.73317.929 9.711 33.2111.889 4.613 0.200 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.688 0.000 843.01.842.758 0.000 10.87 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 06:53 3.3474.86117.989 9.724 29.1040.462 3.170 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.724 0.000 843.01.852.774 0.000 8.21 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 06:54 3.38930.13717.972 9.716 31.4060.000 4.014 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.689 0.000 843.01.852.769 0.000 33.53 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 06:55 3.2898.61618.019 9.699 32.9640.145 2.950 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.580 0.000 843.01.862.785 0.000 11.90 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 06:56 3.2467.97517.970 9.685 36.1480.000 3.151 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.671 0.000 843.01.842.758 0.000 11.22 0.14 180.0 6/5/2024 06:57 3.0777.80918.036 9.755 36.5351.703 3.328 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.642 0.000 843.01.812.714 0.000 10.89 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 06:59 2.9915.95417.941 9.726 38.9921.003 4.369 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.631 0.000 843.01.922.878 0.000 8.94 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 07:00 3.3487.83417.976 9.741 38.3740.898 3.692 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.652 0.000 843.01.852.772 0.000 11.18 0.13 180.0 6/5/2024 07:01 2.7578.00417.936 9.723 35.2580.210 3.570 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.589 0.000 843.01.872.801 0.000 10.76 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 07:02 3.2817.88717.926 9.737 35.4921.749 3.377 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.689 0.000 843.01.822.734 0.000 11.17 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 07:03 3.2218.47317.937 9.731 31.6480.763 4.261 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.692 0.000 843.01.822.731 0.000 11.69 0.14 180.0 6/5/2024 07:04 2.95325.63417.905 9.718 25.5792.289 3.214 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.617 0.000 843.02.223.337 0.000 28.59 0.14 180.0 6/5/2024 07:05 3.64527.55717.915 9.717 27.6362.465 3.405 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.650 0.000 843.02.143.212 0.000 31.20 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 07:06 2.98713.80817.962 9.730 31.3772.025 3.111 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.616 0.000 843.01.832.747 0.000 16.80 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 07:07 3.53225.40217.966 9.731 33.7662.529 4.352 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.682 0.000 843.01.872.808 0.000 28.93 0.15 180.0 6/5/2024 07:08 3.04714.72917.964 9.744 34.5925.746 3.819 0.808 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.594 0.000 843.01.882.826 0.000 17.78 0.14 180.0 6/5/2024 07:09 3.3216.06617.975 9.735 31.4413.269 4.848 1.846 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.680 0.000 843.01.852.782 0.000 9.39 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 07:10 2.94211.02317.955 9.744 36.5230.945 4.484 0.300 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.587 0.000 843.01.862.797 0.000 13.96 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 07:11 3.2004.99518.002 9.716 46.2651.785 4.320 0.345 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.706 0.000 843.01.852.777 0.000 8.19 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 07:12 2.77113.13818.018 9.734 36.2620.329 3.490 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.576 0.000 843.01.832.751 0.000 15.91 0.02 180.0 3.17813.53217.957 9.712 34.7912.440 4.026 0.396 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.660 0.000 843.001.8662.799 0.000 16.709 0.062 180.0Avg. Spike 1 6/5/2024 07:17 0.00029.72416.258 9.457 38.82355.489 5.342 2.905 0.2590.0000.000 1.288 17.4790.511 0.648 843.021.112.219 0.897 29.72 0.03 180.0 Run 1 - B 30minute/60min 6/5/2024 07:19 3.2205.16418.027 9.774 36.0263.399 4.578 1.532 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.682 0.000 843.01.852.773 0.000 8.38 0.13 180.0 6/5/2024 07:20 3.3604.88818.029 9.749 35.0262.198 4.066 0.639 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.704 0.000 843.01.832.739 0.000 8.25 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 07:21 3.1324.68318.011 9.755 49.7381.403 4.614 1.667 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.701 0.000 843.01.872.812 0.000 7.82 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 07:22 3.0404.49217.978 9.736 41.5920.931 4.561 1.127 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.637 0.000 844.01.832.748 0.000 7.53 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 07:23 3.2996.81518.035 9.732 32.3304.854 4.600 2.181 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.654 0.000 844.01.812.718 0.000 10.11 0.02 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/5/2024 07:24 3.1305.03817.977 9.718 39.1551.537 3.845 0.628 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.620 0.000 844.01.902.848 0.000 8.17 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 07:25 3.2225.27618.001 9.737 44.2330.444 3.492 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.745 0.000 844.01.852.776 0.000 8.50 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 07:26 3.1884.87417.955 9.708 35.4490.847 3.306 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.696 0.000 844.01.862.790 0.000 8.06 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 07:27 3.1585.89917.960 9.714 46.9751.826 4.246 0.915 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.692 0.000 844.01.872.812 0.000 9.06 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 07:28 3.4188.20017.977 9.698 37.5235.165 3.591 0.603 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.620 0.000 844.01.842.759 0.000 11.62 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 07:29 3.2967.54117.976 9.691 33.9506.320 4.721 2.396 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.678 0.000 844.01.842.754 0.000 10.84 0.20 180.0 6/5/2024 07:30 3.40317.31717.986 9.705 36.2409.774 4.171 2.856 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.706 0.000 844.01.832.748 0.000 20.72 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 07:31 2.85615.01617.972 9.695 27.9549.680 4.431 2.954 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.573 0.000 844.01.882.820 0.000 17.87 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 07:33 3.1846.31417.960 9.704 38.5501.293 4.065 0.862 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.642 0.000 844.01.852.775 0.000 9.50 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 07:34 3.56116.70118.028 9.722 35.9037.730 4.327 1.619 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.636 0.000 844.01.812.714 0.000 20.26 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 07:35 3.60732.81118.012 9.727 33.52310.788 4.466 2.441 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.683 0.000 844.01.822.731 0.000 36.42 0.13 180.0 6/5/2024 07:36 3.57328.45717.997 9.718 29.3129.584 3.066 0.839 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.625 0.000 844.01.792.681 0.000 32.03 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 07:37 3.44511.65717.955 9.712 37.7715.795 4.836 2.440 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.626 0.000 844.01.892.833 0.000 15.10 0.13 180.0 6/5/2024 07:38 3.54725.06517.949 9.727 35.5671.081 4.128 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.647 0.000 844.01.832.752 0.000 28.61 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 07:39 3.21625.78218.035 9.737 28.28413.699 3.712 2.734 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.614 0.000 844.01.742.613 0.000 29.00 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 07:40 3.94236.87018.039 9.731 30.3025.626 5.493 4.061 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.717 0.000 844.01.752.632 0.000 40.81 0.15 180.0 6/5/2024 07:41 3.44911.67217.931 9.741 33.5253.396 3.176 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.561 0.000 844.01.872.801 0.000 15.12 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 07:42 3.32912.84117.976 9.737 37.4524.807 4.264 0.986 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.615 0.000 844.01.852.768 0.000 16.17 0.29 180.0 6/5/2024 07:43 3.63952.01718.053 9.746 29.7007.136 4.700 1.605 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.638 0.000 844.01.802.707 0.000 55.66 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 07:44 3.47528.69017.963 9.734 26.8113.024 3.207 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.602 0.000 844.02.133.188 0.000 32.17 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 07:45 3.36311.09618.025 9.736 34.6343.395 4.663 0.823 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.704 0.000 844.01.792.687 0.000 14.46 0.13 180.0 6/5/2024 07:46 3.60432.65717.980 9.749 31.0499.242 4.221 0.909 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.648 0.000 844.01.792.680 0.000 36.26 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 07:47 3.24465.06518.002 9.753 26.2434.423 3.865 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.584 0.000 844.02.133.188 0.000 68.31 0.15 180.0 6/5/2024 07:48 3.61541.67717.932 9.732 29.9111.942 3.653 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.607 0.000 844.01.872.801 0.000 45.29 0.15 180.0 6/5/2024 07:49 3.93350.54717.961 9.731 22.8970.909 3.978 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.606 0.000 844.02.333.496 0.000 54.48 0.14 180.0 3.38219.50417.989 9.728 34.5884.742 4.135 1.227 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.649 0.000 843.901.8702.805 0.000 22.886 0.069 180.0Avg. 3.28016.51817.973 9.720 34.6893.591 4.080 0.812 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.655 0.000 843.451.8682.802 0.000 19.798 0.066 180.0Run 1 Avg: Baseline 1 6/5/2024 07:53 0.0520.0000.015 0.013 0.1370.000 0.000 0.029 0.1120.0000.000 0.000 0.0530.000 0.017 844.00.090.000 0.000 0.05 0.00 180.0 Run 2 - A 30minute/60min 6/5/2024 08:43 3.36513.75418.030 9.713 58.33614.684 6.309 10.662 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.748 0.000 844.01.842.755 0.000 17.12 0.18 180.0 6/5/2024 08:44 4.07913.13218.033 9.734 47.78316.237 6.351 9.491 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.711 0.000 844.01.842.761 0.000 17.21 0.17 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/5/2024 08:45 3.70811.51218.047 9.745 53.2978.102 6.653 8.086 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.588 0.000 844.01.902.847 0.000 15.22 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 08:46 3.86621.25718.039 9.739 30.37113.395 4.315 4.393 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.703 0.000 844.01.832.739 0.000 25.12 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 08:47 3.75011.58618.059 9.750 39.2008.127 5.152 5.096 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.617 0.000 844.01.882.827 0.000 15.34 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 08:48 2.6838.43818.090 9.734 76.36613.476 5.532 9.812 1.3910.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.682 0.000 843.01.752.626 0.000 11.12 0.05 180.0 6/5/2024 08:49 3.65314.18518.073 9.725 48.86510.107 6.293 8.721 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.650 0.000 844.01.822.724 0.000 17.84 0.15 180.0 6/5/2024 08:50 3.79425.42118.056 9.726 34.70313.709 3.878 3.461 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.694 0.000 844.01.852.779 0.000 29.21 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 08:51 3.2569.22718.066 9.728 37.23611.610 4.501 5.106 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.564 0.000 844.01.852.772 0.000 12.48 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 08:52 3.58219.91518.085 9.726 41.49627.223 7.063 12.772 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.531 0.000 844.01.942.916 0.000 23.50 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 08:53 3.75120.78218.065 9.726 32.44721.173 5.457 7.396 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.502 0.000 844.01.982.977 0.000 24.53 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 08:54 3.58320.31418.060 9.714 52.79317.903 7.303 12.667 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.775 0.000 844.01.862.789 0.000 23.90 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 08:55 3.28517.05918.098 9.742 32.89614.976 5.337 5.502 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.643 0.000 844.01.902.843 0.000 20.34 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 08:56 3.28914.76818.080 9.736 29.02714.601 5.271 4.738 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.565 0.000 844.01.902.854 0.000 18.06 0.43 180.0 6/5/2024 08:57 3.6369.56718.051 9.704 46.55814.703 6.208 8.341 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.605 0.000 844.01.822.733 0.000 13.20 0.17 180.0 6/5/2024 08:58 3.78024.46618.081 9.716 40.35519.703 7.215 10.218 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.565 0.000 844.01.872.797 0.000 28.25 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 08:59 3.10212.04518.040 9.716 49.11016.717 5.021 8.477 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.656 0.000 844.01.862.791 0.000 15.15 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 09:00 3.76921.41118.079 9.738 47.59017.126 7.084 10.619 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.682 0.000 843.01.852.770 0.000 25.18 1.28 180.0 6/5/2024 09:01 3.33825.33418.067 9.733 35.6269.212 4.858 3.316 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.656 0.000 844.01.802.705 0.000 28.67 1.28 180.0 6/5/2024 09:02 3.0849.98218.037 9.734 42.42814.348 5.341 6.191 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.612 0.000 844.01.912.864 0.000 13.07 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 09:03 3.73121.45818.050 9.744 27.6349.792 4.987 3.922 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.625 0.000 844.01.902.855 0.000 25.19 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 09:04 3.25725.43118.054 9.735 38.09217.805 4.912 5.298 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.644 0.000 844.01.872.802 0.000 28.69 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 09:05 3.22916.01518.033 9.733 33.51623.794 5.306 8.308 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.627 0.000 843.01.832.745 0.000 19.24 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 09:06 3.79214.07318.016 9.732 46.0987.943 5.860 6.529 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.575 0.000 844.01.882.820 0.000 17.86 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 09:07 3.85312.77918.027 9.722 45.67712.517 6.917 8.103 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.694 0.000 844.01.822.728 0.000 16.63 0.18 180.0 6/5/2024 09:08 3.27310.10918.024 9.725 34.8569.143 4.371 3.546 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.689 0.000 844.01.832.745 0.000 13.38 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 09:09 3.9587.60418.051 9.744 42.2018.299 5.681 4.598 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.701 0.000 844.01.892.839 0.000 11.56 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 09:10 3.18022.14118.047 9.747 29.91514.716 4.636 4.471 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.622 0.000 844.01.892.836 0.000 25.32 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 09:11 3.27726.86118.110 9.743 34.42710.531 4.372 3.110 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.531 0.000 843.01.882.813 0.000 30.14 0.54 180.0 6/5/2024 09:12 3.8708.35418.090 9.751 42.1598.334 5.689 5.410 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.546 0.000 843.01.892.837 0.000 12.22 0.03 180.0 3.52616.29918.058 9.732 41.70214.000 5.596 6.945 0.0460.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.633 0.000 843.831.8642.796 0.000 19.825 0.164 180.0Avg. Spike 2 6/5/2024 09:25 0.00027.8080.868 0.497 22.08846.958 0.455 0.399 0.4130.0020.344 2.079 22.1070.000 0.009 844.023.820.456 0.896 27.81 18.54 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) Run 2 - B 30minute/60min 6/5/2024 10:17 3.1514.35418.066 9.743 50.2783.899 5.336 2.958 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.822 0.000 843.01.822.735 0.000 7.51 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 10:18 3.6477.67418.076 9.748 43.8095.902 6.036 3.640 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.708 0.000 843.01.892.830 0.000 11.32 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 10:19 2.8328.42718.110 9.768 41.7387.080 4.774 2.939 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.624 0.000 843.01.812.714 0.000 11.26 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 10:20 3.8114.78218.077 9.757 45.8502.941 5.408 2.259 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.791 0.000 843.01.872.804 0.000 8.59 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 10:21 2.7043.65118.060 9.743 46.2811.726 4.622 1.069 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.685 0.000 844.01.942.917 0.000 6.36 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 10:22 2.97614.39218.072 9.752 33.2899.028 4.921 1.659 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.534 0.000 844.02.013.018 0.000 17.37 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 10:23 2.87114.81718.053 9.746 36.30321.067 5.223 6.106 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.591 0.000 843.01.882.824 0.000 17.69 0.33 180.0 6/5/2024 10:24 2.9679.12018.031 9.723 59.2849.125 6.000 6.320 0.0700.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.616 0.000 844.01.782.674 0.000 12.09 0.04 180.0 6/5/2024 10:25 3.68519.00418.044 9.714 31.51421.618 5.529 5.432 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.591 0.000 844.01.852.777 0.000 22.69 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 10:26 2.89013.23217.990 9.712 33.16021.791 5.024 5.640 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.602 0.000 844.01.892.830 0.000 16.12 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 10:27 3.46912.05217.995 9.697 37.58711.650 5.861 5.355 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.622 0.000 844.01.852.772 0.000 15.52 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 10:28 3.5409.15118.003 9.700 45.73410.920 6.086 6.288 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.583 0.000 844.01.882.821 0.000 12.69 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 10:29 3.09411.16118.010 9.690 49.54011.460 5.913 6.616 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.558 0.000 844.01.862.784 0.000 14.26 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 10:30 3.52410.47318.022 9.699 42.60414.864 6.042 6.497 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.601 0.000 844.01.882.826 0.000 14.00 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 10:31 2.6975.12118.050 9.715 63.6358.028 5.069 4.953 0.3150.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.752 0.000 844.01.842.759 0.000 7.82 0.04 180.0 6/5/2024 10:32 2.8386.37717.999 9.693 46.0336.681 4.607 3.006 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.611 0.000 844.01.862.789 0.000 9.22 0.39 180.0 6/5/2024 10:33 3.4038.79618.039 9.696 51.66610.428 6.048 6.127 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.611 0.000 843.01.842.756 0.000 12.20 0.24 180.0 6/5/2024 10:34 3.13539.27218.088 9.711 33.92516.642 4.447 3.325 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.596 0.000 843.01.882.814 0.000 42.41 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 10:35 3.04017.72118.068 9.722 32.01217.455 3.261 1.736 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.584 0.000 843.01.862.790 0.000 20.76 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 10:36 3.03513.08218.035 9.702 32.06613.155 4.341 3.723 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.612 0.000 843.01.902.845 0.000 16.12 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 10:38 3.3207.07718.033 9.703 59.2119.552 5.476 6.090 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.575 0.000 843.01.822.736 0.000 10.40 0.04 180.0 6/5/2024 10:39 3.59519.04418.025 9.696 42.61921.380 6.100 8.012 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.575 0.000 843.01.852.774 0.000 22.64 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 10:40 3.15514.85418.023 9.696 28.46715.659 4.747 4.392 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.637 0.000 843.01.882.825 0.000 18.01 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 10:41 3.2357.14118.054 9.702 49.55610.787 4.668 6.457 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.746 0.000 843.01.882.821 0.000 10.38 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 10:42 3.71015.15318.052 9.697 34.04925.459 5.476 7.659 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.634 0.000 843.01.842.762 0.000 18.86 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 10:43 3.1456.30918.013 9.691 56.82613.668 4.832 6.008 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.654 0.000 843.01.862.790 0.000 9.45 0.16 180.0 6/5/2024 10:44 3.49518.12718.074 9.710 47.72014.405 5.614 7.859 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.609 0.000 843.01.822.725 0.000 21.62 0.32 180.0 6/5/2024 10:45 3.1665.19618.111 9.730 42.7376.012 4.716 3.386 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.692 0.000 843.01.842.755 0.000 8.36 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 10:46 3.3206.95118.072 9.729 45.8135.358 4.966 3.967 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.664 0.000 843.01.862.792 0.000 10.27 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 10:47 2.7969.65318.155 9.730 35.82527.709 5.031 7.519 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.642 0.000 843.01.842.762 0.000 12.45 0.02 180.0 3.20811.40518.050 9.717 43.30412.515 5.206 4.900 0.0130.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.637 0.000 843.371.8632.794 0.000 14.615 0.071 180.0Avg. 3.36713.85218.054 9.725 42.50313.258 5.401 5.923 0.0300.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.635 0.000 843.601.8642.795 0.000 17.220 0.117 180.0Run 2 Avg: GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) Baseline 2 6/5/2024 10:50 0.0000.0000.033 0.000 0.1680.000 0.054 0.154 0.1560.0010.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.004 843.00.010.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 180.0 Run 3 - A 30minute/60min 6/5/2024 11:49 4.0548.48318.085 9.727 41.8938.803 5.699 6.808 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.523 0.000 843.02.053.073 0.000 12.54 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 11:50 3.4993.92918.102 9.744 51.9974.660 4.902 3.983 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.683 0.000 843.01.912.866 0.000 7.43 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 11:51 3.3645.01918.064 9.726 65.3093.513 6.010 5.009 0.3840.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.677 0.000 843.01.872.800 0.000 8.38 0.04 180.0 6/5/2024 11:52 3.4144.82418.027 9.715 37.9395.153 3.544 2.021 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.601 0.000 843.01.942.914 0.000 8.24 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 11:54 3.2574.54318.033 9.724 42.8941.747 3.865 1.188 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.593 0.000 843.01.942.915 0.000 7.80 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 11:55 3.6125.88618.036 9.718 50.8788.848 5.873 7.852 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.648 0.000 843.01.892.842 0.000 9.50 0.63 180.0 6/5/2024 11:56 3.3348.51418.043 9.706 70.47711.455 6.958 9.952 0.4870.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.650 0.000 843.01.862.791 0.000 11.85 0.77 180.0 6/5/2024 11:57 3.3844.78218.081 9.731 62.1392.773 5.636 3.497 0.0870.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.726 0.000 843.01.832.740 0.000 8.17 0.04 180.0 6/5/2024 11:58 3.7324.67418.003 9.722 45.0346.335 5.593 4.702 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.704 0.000 843.01.962.936 0.000 8.41 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 11:59 3.7423.60518.064 9.728 33.6502.732 3.834 1.593 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.687 0.000 843.01.882.826 0.000 7.35 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 12:00 2.9115.50018.065 9.733 49.3053.697 4.741 3.497 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.642 0.000 843.01.952.931 0.000 8.41 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 12:01 3.4436.42118.059 9.712 48.9627.803 6.111 5.924 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.558 0.000 843.01.942.911 0.000 9.86 0.30 180.0 6/5/2024 12:02 3.5426.61018.073 9.702 52.7148.356 6.502 6.380 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.552 0.000 843.01.942.902 0.000 10.15 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 12:03 3.8106.68218.042 9.700 55.2727.979 5.575 6.069 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.716 0.000 843.01.862.792 0.000 10.49 0.04 180.0 6/5/2024 12:04 3.6935.56318.012 9.690 45.61910.790 5.431 7.011 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.609 0.000 843.01.972.951 0.000 9.26 0.25 180.0 6/5/2024 12:05 3.9867.89018.052 9.696 35.3337.406 5.575 4.919 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.575 0.000 843.01.872.808 0.000 11.88 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 12:06 3.7349.54017.999 9.696 46.29320.139 5.976 9.056 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.692 0.000 843.01.932.900 0.000 13.27 0.18 180.0 6/5/2024 12:07 3.5397.61418.065 9.694 66.2336.102 6.355 6.917 0.0680.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.640 0.000 843.01.912.858 0.000 11.15 0.04 180.0 6/5/2024 12:08 3.5184.97218.028 9.714 51.8915.333 5.831 4.973 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.564 0.000 843.01.932.889 0.000 8.49 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 12:09 2.9444.05817.992 9.709 62.6273.303 4.723 3.717 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.692 0.000 843.01.952.928 0.000 7.00 0.04 180.0 6/5/2024 12:10 2.16112.13118.070 9.691 87.73630.059 6.903 17.268 0.8230.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.483 0.000 843.01.882.820 0.000 14.29 0.06 180.0 6/5/2024 12:11 3.1378.59018.076 9.725 60.2328.166 6.060 7.136 0.3390.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.612 0.000 843.01.842.757 0.000 11.73 0.04 180.0 6/5/2024 12:12 3.8256.61618.039 9.746 47.5927.554 5.625 6.411 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.664 0.000 843.01.942.905 0.000 10.44 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 12:13 3.0113.73818.092 9.739 44.2873.154 3.764 2.149 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.563 0.000 843.01.962.941 0.000 6.75 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 12:14 3.1373.89618.086 9.712 48.9816.127 5.090 3.828 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.657 0.000 843.01.882.826 0.000 7.03 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 12:15 3.1203.31318.074 9.715 54.1563.741 4.319 2.472 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.700 0.000 843.01.892.831 0.000 6.43 0.04 180.0 6/5/2024 12:16 2.9954.63817.993 9.710 68.8568.163 5.263 4.742 0.4600.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.757 0.000 843.01.902.844 0.000 7.63 0.45 180.0 6/5/2024 12:17 3.6286.57118.018 9.700 63.9127.482 6.231 5.910 0.1300.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.612 0.000 843.01.922.876 0.000 10.20 0.44 180.0 6/5/2024 12:18 3.4757.73318.061 9.719 29.57311.288 4.378 5.299 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.638 0.000 843.01.872.803 0.000 11.21 0.02 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/5/2024 12:19 3.3824.02418.047 9.715 58.1084.095 4.900 3.527 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.748 0.000 843.01.862.791 0.000 7.41 0.19 180.0 3.4136.01218.049 9.715 52.6637.559 5.376 5.460 0.0930.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.639 0.000 843.001.9112.866 0.000 9.425 0.131 180.0Avg. Spike 3 6/5/2024 12:24 0.00025.80316.577 9.478 41.74650.107 5.968 4.533 0.2660.0000.000 0.971 14.2270.518 0.674 843.017.722.249 0.776 25.80 0.03 180.0 Run 3 - B 30minute/60min 6/5/2024 12:27 2.9295.05917.980 9.720 57.2235.313 5.702 4.312 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.597 0.000 843.01.922.887 0.000 7.99 0.04 180.0 6/5/2024 12:29 3.3449.96518.002 9.715 44.46723.655 6.140 10.765 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.528 0.000 843.02.053.070 0.000 13.31 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 12:30 3.07318.33717.997 9.687 64.96318.886 7.257 14.546 0.2260.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.546 0.000 843.01.862.784 0.000 21.41 0.04 180.0 6/5/2024 12:31 3.27113.39818.056 9.705 39.07210.766 4.469 6.111 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.602 0.000 843.01.842.765 0.000 16.67 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 12:32 3.3313.21618.057 9.705 52.5754.006 4.815 2.617 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.792 0.000 843.01.822.728 0.000 6.55 0.16 180.0 6/5/2024 12:33 3.26510.03618.051 9.719 30.1733.801 3.864 2.050 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.531 0.000 843.01.962.937 0.000 13.30 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 12:34 3.5845.38318.010 9.709 33.74714.334 3.793 3.930 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.675 0.000 843.01.802.702 0.000 8.97 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 12:35 2.77211.40818.000 9.686 76.28325.019 6.492 16.578 1.1720.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.654 0.000 843.01.752.626 0.000 14.18 0.81 180.0 6/5/2024 12:36 3.3858.87317.962 9.702 47.4998.887 6.099 7.066 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.575 0.000 843.01.912.860 0.000 12.26 0.20 180.0 6/5/2024 12:37 2.7914.93117.962 9.719 43.7398.046 4.389 4.026 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.664 0.000 843.01.962.934 0.000 7.72 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 12:38 3.2885.53817.965 9.719 41.2816.580 4.286 4.159 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.744 0.000 843.01.952.931 0.000 8.83 0.69 180.0 6/5/2024 12:39 3.1975.81518.018 9.722 58.1674.548 5.930 5.031 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.585 0.000 843.01.942.906 0.000 9.01 0.04 180.0 6/5/2024 12:40 3.1214.27518.040 9.699 62.4086.570 6.020 6.249 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.577 0.000 843.01.902.850 0.000 7.40 0.04 180.0 6/5/2024 12:41 2.5177.70018.067 9.703 83.08310.450 6.847 10.324 0.1990.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.531 0.000 843.01.952.929 0.000 10.22 0.05 180.0 6/5/2024 12:42 3.1906.13018.084 9.712 60.03211.788 6.605 11.382 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.651 0.000 843.01.822.731 0.000 9.32 0.35 180.0 6/5/2024 12:43 3.1974.53718.024 9.712 62.8273.620 6.244 4.419 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.538 0.000 843.01.962.942 0.000 7.73 0.04 180.0 6/5/2024 12:44 3.0355.16018.011 9.726 45.8221.819 3.892 1.942 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.643 0.000 843.01.962.933 0.000 8.20 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 12:45 2.6254.59418.059 9.737 41.5830.470 3.435 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.637 0.000 843.02.023.037 0.000 7.22 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 12:46 3.4364.24918.079 9.723 45.7080.831 3.759 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.708 0.000 843.01.872.801 0.000 7.68 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 12:47 2.8297.99717.986 9.720 34.2720.000 2.924 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.517 0.000 843.02.013.017 0.000 10.83 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 12:48 2.9105.12517.940 9.698 36.6603.214 3.469 0.000 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.660 0.000 843.01.982.975 0.000 8.04 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 12:49 2.8994.68618.058 9.726 51.3560.615 4.760 0.291 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.690 0.000 843.01.942.912 0.000 7.58 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 12:50 3.1383.72618.070 9.732 37.8744.163 3.130 0.273 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.542 0.000 842.01.832.748 0.000 6.86 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 12:51 2.7985.85217.974 9.712 60.2422.320 5.069 3.029 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.729 0.000 842.01.952.918 0.000 8.65 0.04 180.0 6/5/2024 12:52 3.5195.28618.012 9.720 51.3861.445 5.512 1.939 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.573 0.000 842.02.003.005 0.000 8.81 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 12:53 3.3294.97318.069 9.726 50.0336.372 3.849 2.408 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.649 0.000 842.01.872.806 0.000 8.30 0.32 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/5/2024 12:54 3.29912.44018.081 9.678 55.21916.635 7.295 14.933 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.675 0.000 842.01.782.673 0.000 15.74 0.17 180.0 6/5/2024 12:55 3.11716.28218.002 9.698 71.69817.307 7.436 13.991 0.5760.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.648 0.000 842.01.832.739 0.000 19.40 0.05 180.0 6/5/2024 12:56 2.7546.35017.968 9.703 45.0707.243 4.974 3.710 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.605 0.000 842.02.023.027 0.000 9.10 0.03 180.0 6/5/2024 12:57 3.0144.01818.047 9.702 46.4651.795 4.850 1.473 0.0000.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.685 0.000 842.01.942.906 0.000 7.03 0.03 180.0 3.0997.17818.021 9.711 51.0317.683 5.110 5.252 0.0720.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.625 0.000 842.731.9132.869 0.000 10.277 0.115 180.0Avg. 3.2566.59518.035 9.713 51.8477.621 5.243 5.356 0.0830.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.632 0.000 842.871.9122.867 0.000 9.851 0.123 180.0Run 3 Avg: Baseline 3 6/5/2024 13:00 0.0870.0000.038 0.000 0.0560.000 0.080 0.134 0.1830.0000.000 0.000 0.0020.000 0.036 842.00.220.212 0.000 0.09 0.00 180.0 Post CTS 6/5/2024 13:02 0.0001.0480.027 0.016 0.0000.000 0.003 0.010 0.1400.0000.000 97.213 0.0000.158 0.053 842.065.070.223 0.000 1.05 0.06 180.0 6/5/2024 13:02 0.0001.1120.029 0.013 0.0000.000 0.003 0.081 0.0000.0000.000 99.005 0.0000.000 0.042 842.066.150.083 0.000 1.11 0.06 180.0 6/5/2024 13:02 0.0000.9590.028 0.000 0.0000.000 0.048 0.108 0.3950.0000.000 99.814 0.0000.092 0.066 842.067.130.682 0.000 0.96 0.07 180.0 Post NO2/Mid O2 6/5/2024 13:04 96.8432.3100.007 0.000 0.0340.000 0.258 0.000 0.0000.0050.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.101 842.00.690.733 0.000 99.15 9.35 180.0 6/5/2024 13:04 96.9272.2400.003 0.000 0.5320.000 0.252 0.000 0.1670.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.152 842.00.950.974 0.000 99.17 9.30 180.0 6/5/2024 13:04 97.1181.4760.003 0.000 0.4760.000 0.251 0.069 0.1530.0000.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.132 842.00.810.820 0.000 98.59 9.23 180.0 Post 5-Gas 6/5/2024 13:05 3.663223.2000.001 4.608 5.502470.014 2.143 2.008 9.9040.4900.808 2.330 241.6720.000 0.000 842.0244.441.822 9.580 226.86 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 13:05 0.000230.5170.005 4.718 4.686486.460 2.284 2.258 9.9520.2970.000 1.759 248.5120.000 0.000 842.0251.252.341 9.824 230.52 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 13:05 0.000234.531-0.000 4.799 4.131490.130 2.271 1.980 8.3080.3630.108 1.485 251.2990.000 0.000 842.0254.122.744 9.938 234.53 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 13:05 0.000235.954-0.000 4.803 3.489492.132 2.274 2.037 10.0460.1620.196 1.488 253.1760.000 0.000 842.0256.062.841 9.958 235.95 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 13:06 0.000236.8060.005 4.827 2.784492.942 2.259 1.954 9.7580.1480.349 1.366 253.3480.038 0.000 842.0256.122.790 9.998 236.81 0.02 180.0 6/5/2024 13:06 0.000237.8370.002 4.821 3.302494.325 2.314 2.091 10.0060.1790.000 1.342 253.8780.000 0.000 842.0256.492.583 10.009 237.84 0.02 180.0 End of Test Purge 6/5/2024 13:08 0.0000.588-0.000 0.000 0.1110.431 0.074 0.000 0.0000.0150.000 0.000 0.3210.000 0.044 842.00.420.015 0.009 0.59 0.00 180.0 6/5/2024 13:08 0.0000.2860.004 0.000 0.1460.407 0.051 0.000 0.2560.0290.000 0.000 0.2720.000 0.040 842.00.710.536 0.009 0.29 0.00 180.0 6/5/2024 13:08 0.0440.500-0.000 0.000 0.1200.347 0.047 0.202 0.0410.0000.000 0.000 0.2830.077 0.037 842.00.490.199 0.001 0.54 0.00 180.0 6/5/2024 13:08 0.0000.2450.005 0.000 0.0000.277 0.062 0.098 0.0000.0330.000 0.000 0.3220.179 0.035 842.00.570.269 0.002 0.24 0.00 180.0 6/5/2024 13:08 0.0000.0810.004 0.000 0.3970.143 0.038 0.000 0.5450.0210.000 0.075 0.1050.288 0.052 842.00.580.483 0.004 0.08 0.00 180.0 6/5/2024 13:08 0.0000.176-0.000 0.000 0.0000.289 0.068 0.000 0.0960.0000.000 0.000 0.1280.000 0.042 842.00.430.326 0.000 0.18 0.00 180.0 GAS, Inc. Date Time H2O (%) CO2 (%) CO (ppmvw) NO (ppmvw) NO2 (ppmvw) CH4 (ppmvw) N2O (ppmvw) NH3 (ppmvw) SO2 (ppmvw) C2H4 (ppmvw) HCL (ppmvw) HF (ppmvw) C2H6 (ppmvw) C3H8 (ppmvw) C6H14 (ppmvw) C2H4O (ppmvw) SF6 (ppmvw) Nox (ppmvw) VOC (ppmvw) Oxygen (%) Cell Temp (C). Ambient Press. (mbar) 6/5/2024 13:08 0.0000.0000.003 0.000 0.2100.188 0.045 0.000 0.0140.0080.000 0.000 0.2110.042 0.027 842.00.420.240 0.000 0.00 0.00 180.0 6/5/2024 13:09 0.0500.197-0.000 0.000 0.6390.000 0.025 0.032 0.4810.0000.000 0.133 0.1210.000 0.060 842.00.620.439 0.000 0.25 0.00 180.0 6/5/2024 13:09 0.1290.0510.001 0.000 0.0000.000 0.022 0.000 0.0000.0460.000 0.000 0.0000.000 0.087 842.00.270.150 0.000 0.18 0.00 180.0 GAS, Inc.