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DERR-2016-006983 - 0901a068806182cf
«NTOS - wss^tesQ? Department of Energy Washington, DC 20585 March 17,2016 Mrs. Clayton Reed Young RECFIVFH MAR 2 1 20!S ^ewwliatlon""''* c Subject: Monticello Mill Tailings Site (MMTS), Monticello, Utah: Water Quality Results for Sorenson (Surface Water) and Well 95-03 (Groundwater) Locations, October 2015 Mrs. Young: As requested, this letter provides analytical results for one surface water sample and one groundwater sample collected from locations on your property by the U.S. Department of Energy Office of Legacy Management (DOE-LM) in October 2015. The samples were analyzed for chemical constituents that may have derived from past operation of the former Monticello mill. Restoration of water quality that was impacted by the mill is being addressed by DOE-LM as Operable Unit (OU) III of the MMTS, in coordination with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and the State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality. A map showing OU III groundwater and surface water monitoring locations is enclosed with this letter. The referenced sampling locations on your property are highlighted in yellow on the map. The surface water sample was collected from Montezuma Creek at the location known as Sorenson, where sample collection is conducted twice yearly in April and October. The water quality results presented in Table 1 for October 2015 indicate that selenium and uranium exceeded the respective water quality protection standards. These results are consistent with historical measurements at that location, and are interpreted to have occurred due to the discharge of contaminated groundwater to the creek. There are no regulatory or administrative restrictions that affect the use of water in Montezuma Creek at present concentrations. Table 1. Contaminants of Concern and Surface Water Result: Sorenson Location, October 2015 Contaminant of Concern Water Quality Protection Standard (ng/L)1 October 2015 Result (jjg/L) Arsenic 10 2.9 Nitrate (as nitrogen)4,000 80 Selenium 5.2 Uranium 44 120 1 One microgram per liter (|jg/L) is equivalent to one part contaminant per billion parts water (the mass of one liter of water is one billion micrograms). A groundwater sample is collected during October each year from one monitoring well located on your property (well 95-03). Water quality results for October 2015 are presented in Table 2. The results indicate that there are no contaminants of concern related to the former Monticello mill that are elevated with respect to the corresponding water quality protection standard. This is consistent with historical monitoring results for that location. SCANNED nFRR -2Df(f- Mrs. Clayton Reed Young -2-March 17, 2016 Table 2. Contaminants of Concern and Groundwater Result: Well 95-03, October 2015 Contaminant of Concern Water Quality Protection Standard (yg/L)1 October 2015 Result (jjg/L) Arsenic 10 0.18 Manganese 880 380 Molybdenum 100 4.2 Nitrate (as nitrogen)10,000 <10 (not detected) Selenium 50 <0.32 (not detected) Uranium 30 8.2 Vanadium 330 <0.15 (not detected) 1 One microgram per liter (|jg/L) is equivalent to one part contaminant per billion parts water (the mass of one liter of water is one billion micrograms). The most recent summary of water quality at MMTS (Monticello Mill Tailings Site Operable Unit III Annual Groundwater Report May 2014 Through April 2015) provides additional information related to OU III remedial actions and water quality monitoring. The report is available upon request or, if you have Internet access, on the LM public website at http://www.lm.doe.gov/Monticello/Documents.aspx. Please call me at (970) 248-6707 if you have any questions. Also, please let me know if you are no longer interested in receiving future data. Please address any correspondence to: U.S. Department of Energy Office of Legacy Management 2597 Legacy Way Grand Junction, CO 81503 Sincerely, V? 4\ son Nguyen Site Manager Enclosure cc w/enclosure: M. Storck, UDEQ V. Moritz, EPA A. Gil, DOE-LM (e) T. Bartlett, Navarro (e) A. Houska, Navarro (e) K. Karp, Navarro (e) J. Miller, Navarro (e) File: MNT 0402.02 (rc-grand.junction) Sites\Monticello\3-15-16 MNT 2015 Water Quality Results (Young).docx / } / 93-205 - V. J J f s' 7/A I "K'CK i 95-t C! A . Line AY 'vj \\___( I .Contact h , ©95-07 f l/rV ; s "aJ Seep 6 nr,-25? tV////Cyy' / )ifv:. '-/A / 1: Seep 5 ,J/,, >YMY*i*?01-26 ,-V// . . '/Ky»* . * iT01-25Ufb/i swor-02 * \ J—- ©T01-18 l-19_ .^SW0L-03 mm ■ ys-e ■aemm* Seep 3 fc ---------------- f l\ _ .701-35 -T01-07^ ©pyx -----------------A-#5roi-Q|' • Se5PALv^Seep2 ^0^4. •0'-'° W3-03*-' .-A ._X/ M V \ \ fsJ )J x./fc y ~V> ' L__ * : 101-23 ------A —K Atoi-Atm3^01-28 V./ ___J x Wetland 1 - y i (y Irrigation Ponc*-v^ \v" -pw-~n* *PW-1<J glsv >0202 V -- / y YX / y N. PW-28 PW99-16 PRB Inset yy PW-1S © 83-70 J ■pW-20 PW-22 vAJ \ / permeable Reactive Barrier (PRBA ppB Inset) 87% Pea Gravel- + 13%ZV1 -North Slurry Wall -Treatment System Outfall ..„\\ T^^-ssku Treatment System ^R1-M6#\\ r6.m6 V 88-85© R2-M7 - R1-M4«EW-1 ^R4-M6 R3-M3 100% ZVI- R2-M4- —Infiltration Trench • ; 92^08 Xa. P92-06 X j .A'' 0200 Q 44r> -Kd /Kbc Contact 95-Of x~=. nty, rr-l 95-04 Sorenson Eh^j "X-X A A <JA “X R3-M2 - R4-M3 - R1-M1 - South Slurry Wall- 92-07 MAP LOCATIOnTI R6'M permeable Rea«he — Barrier (PHB) —100% Pea Grawe -R11-M1 -R10-M1 -R9-M1 3-M1 * Surface Water Chemistry Location n surface Water Flow Location LJ ____,-,etr\y anc y A)V A\ “A.XO- A f f "\J l--kT x x. 3 Alluvial Aquifer Monitonuy *° PRB Dakota Sandstone Monttoring Well Analyte Sampling - Ootober Only . Burro Canyon Sandstone Aquifer Alluvial Aquifer Monitonng Well Q PRB Reactive Media Monitoring Well ® Burr„ Canyon Sandstone Aquifer Monitor i oniv - October and April Vtfeter Level Only-ooto . Alluvial Aquifer Monrtonng Well . . Mr\nitnrinQ ^ v / Approximate Extent of Alluvial Aquifer /%/ Road mmmm* former Mill Site -yv..— Stream Pond y- Topographic Contour (10' Interval) Topograpnic Contour (50’ Interval) k\v 1 ^ ! |// / N X--------SNt—--------------------1 , — i-L-——— T 'WoIkPh&EMin«rin3'lnc- MMTSOyiiS^ions and Groundwater MoreWn^L October and April__________ lp"-ENW® si 394500 \//