HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-008520State of Utah
Division of Water Rights
Lieutenanl Governor
Executive Director
Sate En ginee r/ D iv ision Dir e c tor
For Temporary Change Application Number 35-5552 (t51522)
Temporary Change Application Number 35-5552 (t51522) in the name of Mountain Regional
Water Special Service District was filed on April 1,2024, to change the points of diversion and
place of use of 274.48 acre-feet of water as evidenced by Water Right Number 35-5552-
i{eretofore, the water has been diverted from the following points located: (1) Well - South 285
feet and West2967 feet from theE% Corner of Section 9, T1S, R3E, SLB&M; (2) Well - South
3470 feet and West 3502 feet from the SE Corner of Section 9, T1S, R3E, SLB&M; (3) Well -
South 1580 feet and West 2175 feet from the E/+ Comer of Section 9, TlS, R3E, SLB&M; (a)
Surface - North 40 feet and West 2275 feetfrom the SE Corner of Section 9, T1S, R3E, SLB&M
(Spring No. 2); (5) Wetl - North 150 feet and West 250 feet from the SE Corner of Section 10,
tis, R:E, SLB&M; (6) Well - North 1330 feet and West 21 10 feet from the SE Corner of Section
11, TlS, R3E, SLB&M; (7) Well - North 1550 feet and West 1260 feet from the SE Comer of
Section 11, T1S, R3E, SLB&M; (8) Well - North 670 feet and West 690 feet from the SE Corner
of Section 1 1, T1S, R3E, SLB&; (9) Well - North 240 feet and East 170 feet from the SW Corner
of Section 12, T1S, R3E, SLB&M; (10) Well - North 2347 feet and East 691 feet from the SW
Comer of Section 14, T1S, R3E, SLB&M; (11) Well - South 2177 feet and West 4000 feet from
the NE Comer of Section 14, T1S, R3E, SLB&M; (12) Surface - South 2830 feet and East 1260
feet from the NW Corner of Section 14, TlS, R3E, SLB&M (spring); (13) Surface - South 1620
feet and East 215 feet from the NW Corner of Section 15, T1S, R3E, SLB&M (Spring No. 5); (14)
Surface - South 1525 feetand West 140 feet from the NE Corner of Section 16, T1S, R3E, SLB&M
(Spring No. 5A); (15) Well - South 700 feet and West 2434 feet from the NE Comer of Section
iO, ff S, R3E, SLB&M. The water has been used for year-round municipal purposes within the
service area of Mountain Regional Water SSD.
Hereafter, it is proposed to divert 274.48 acre-feet of water from points of diversion changed to:
(l) Well - South 1570 feet and West 315 feet from the N% Corner of Section 15, TlS, R3E,
SLB&M (10.7-inch well, 700 feet deep); (2) Well - North 205 feet and West 855 feet from the SE
Corner of Section 25, T1S, R3E, SLB&M (l2-inch well, 700 feet deep); (3) Well - North 360 feet
and East 505 feet from the W% Corner of Section 30, TlS, R4E, SLB&M (I2-inch well, 1046 feet
deep); (a) Wetl - South 685 feet and West 2247 feetfrom the NE Corner of Section 16, T1S, R3E,
SLB&M (l0-inch well, 748 feet deep); (5) Well - North 1700 feet and East 1150 feet from the SW
Corner of Section 29, TlN, R4E, SLB&M (6-inch well, 690 feet deep). The nature of use of the
water will remain the same as heretofore. The place of use will remain the same as before.
Notice of this temporary change application was not published in a newspaper. It is the opinion of
the State Engineer that it meets the criteria of Utah Code $$ 73-3-3 and 73-3-8 for the approval of
temporary change applications.
1594 West North Temple, Suite 220, PO Box 146300, Sah lake Crty, UT 841 14-6300
telephone (801 ) 538-7240 . facsimile (801 ) 53 8'7467 o w'w.waterrights.utah.Sov
Temporary Change Application Number
3s-sssz (tstsz2)
It is the opinion of the State Engineer that this temporary change application can be approved
without adversely affecting existing rights.
It is, therefore, ORDERED and Temporary Change Application Number 35-5552 (151522) is
hereLy APPROVED subject to prior rights and the following condition(s):
1) This application shall automatically expire one year from the date of this
2) The use of water under this application must be accounted for in the Annual Water Use
Plan submitted for 2024by the applicant.
3) The applicants shall install and maintain measuring and totalizing recording devices to
metei all water diverted from all sources pertaining to this application and shall
annually report this data to the Division of Water Rights Water Use Program.
It is the applicant's responsibility to maintain a current address with this office and to update
ownershiip-of their water right. Please notify this office immediately of any change of address
or for assistance in updating ownership. Additionally, if ownership of this water right or the
property with whicn it i, associated changes, the records of the Division of Water Rights
,no"tA Le updated. For assistance in updating title to the water right please contact the
Division at the phone number below.
your contact with this office, should you need it, is with the Weber River/Western Regional Office.
The telephone number is 801-538-7240.
This order is subject to the provisions of utah Admin. code R655-6-17 of the Division of water
fughts and to Utah Code $$ 63G-4-3 02,63G-4-402, and73-3-14 which provide for filing either a
Reluest for Reconsideration with the State Engineer or for judicial review with the appropriate
District Court. A Request for Reconsideration must be filed in writing with the State Engineer
within 20 days of the date of this Order. The written request shall be filed in-person, by mail, or
electronicatty. lrtne request is filed electronically, it shall be submitted to: waterrights@utah.gov,
which is the authorized general email for the Division. However, a Request for Reconsideration is
not a prerequisite to filing for judicial review. A petition for judicial review must be filed within
30 days after the date of this Order or, if a Request for Reconsideration has been filed, within 30
days after the date the Request for Reconsideration is denied. A Request for Reconsideration is
considered denied when no action is taken 20 days after the Request is filed'
Dated this of 2024.
., State Engineer
Temporary Change Application Number
3s-ss52 (tsts22)
Page 3
Mailed a copy of the foregoing Order this f 3 dav of
Mountain Regional Water Speciat Service District
P. O. Box 982320
Park City UT 84098
Utah Division of Drinking Water
PO Box 144830
Salt Lake city, uT 84114-4830
Division of Water Rights
Water Use Program
Temporary Change Application Number
3s-ss52 (tsts22)
Page 5
PO BOX r44830
SALT LAKE CITY UT 84114-4830
JUN 1 ( 2021-
Deot. of Envimnrlsid qlary
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