HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2006-001527 - 0901a06880138c83HAND DELIVERED REQUEST FOR j^^ g fi 2006 ' CLASS 1 MODIFICATION UJAH DIVISION OF SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE TO THE TOCDF RCRA PERMIT REQUEST NUMBER: TOCDF-SDS-01-0894 REQUEST TITLE: SUMP DRAWING UPDATE EPAID: UT 5210090002 TO: UTAH DIVISION OF SOLID AND HAZARDOUS WASTE 1460 WEST 288 NORTH P. O. BOX 144880 SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84114-4880 TOCDF TITLE: Sump Drawing Update CLASS: Class 1 Modification - 40 CFR 270.42, Appendix I, A.l, A3 INDEX Section A. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES page A B. RCRA PERMIT CHANGE PAGES page B C. FACIUTY IMPACT page C D. HEALTH/ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT page D E. JUSTIFICATION page E TOCDF A: DESCRIPTION OF CHANGES Recent configuration changes have been made to the Spent Decontamination System (SDS) at the Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF). These changes are described in Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) EN-4437-00, Removal of Sumps from Service. Five sumps in the Munitions Demilitarization Building (MDB) have been partially closed and removed from the RCRA Permit via a Class 2 Permit Modification, TOCDF-ATT5-02-0869 (DSHW tracking number 05.02776), which was approved on May 5, 2006. In accordance with this Class 2 permit modification, drawing updates reflecting this change are being submitted at this time. These changes affect RCRA drawing TE-1-D-10, which has been updated to Revision 18 and reflects the new plant configuration. TOCDF proposes that this permit modification be classified as a Class 1 permit modification, in accordance with 40 CFR 270.42, Appendix I, A.l and A.3. This modification is an informational and drawing change, so it does not substantially alter the permit conditions or reduce the capacity of the facility to protect human health or the environment. A-1 TOCDF B: RCRA PERMIT CHANGE PAGES CHANGE PAGES IN BODY OF PERMIT: None CHANGE PAGES IN ATTACHMENTS OF PERMIT: Attachment 11 Page 2 CHANGES TO DRAWINGS IN PERMIT ' TE-1-D-10 Spent Decon Collection Piping & Instrument Diagram, Rev. 18 Attachment 11 to the TOCDF RCRA Permit lists the following as the most current revision of these drawings: TE-1-D-10 Revision 16 Descriptions of the intermediate drawing revision changes are listed in the table below. bra'iA/ing Number , TE-1-D-10 18 17 liPi^^Vi^irig?;:-:-.; I^dpjrdirt^tft;. •;•..• Entire Drawing B2 Description of tbKawing Change Updated print to show the five MDB sumps partially closed and removed from service. As-built drawing change to reflect changes made from ECP EN-4344-00, DUN and DUN PAS Dismantlement Project. ' These drawings have been revised "as-built" and released for site use. However, these drawings will not be placed into the RCRA Permit until this permit modification has been approved by DSHW and these drawings have been stamped with "RCRA Approved DSHW". B-1 TOCDF C: FACILITY IMPACT There is no negative facility impact. The five sumps' new partial-closure status prohibits use for storing and treating hazardous waste. All corresponding RCRA Permit and drawing changes have been updated to reflect this new status. C-1 TOCDF HEALTH/ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT There is no health or environmental impact associated with this request. D-1 TOCDF E: JUSTIFICATION Please refer to Section A of this permit modification. E-1 REQUEST NUMBER: REQUEST TITLE: SUMMARY: TOCDF NOTICE TO THE MAILING LIST TOCDF-SDS-01-0894 Sump Drawing Update Recent configuration changes have been made to the Spent Decontamination System (SDS) at the Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF). These changes are described in Engineering Change Proposal (ECP) EN-4437-00, Removal of Sumps from Service. Five sumps in the Munitions Demilitarization Building (MDB) have been partially closed and removed from the RCRA Permit via a Class 2 Permit Modification, TOCDF-ATT5-02-0869 (DSHW tracking number 05.02776). Print changes have been made in accordance with the Class 2 permit modification and are being submitted at this time. These changes affect RCRA drawing, TE-1-D-10 which has been updated to Revision 18 and reflects the new plant configuration. CORPS OF ENGINEERS ; 2 UNCONTROLLED COPY - UNLESS STAIfED OTICRIISE BY DCCi U. S. ARMY ovaw 16a 17a \tnim OUUm WVISfD PER EKO 103834 ^ ECP 4344 M/ll/M RETvrsioN oescRipnoN REVISED PER ECP 3836 t 3837; BOS-02-0565 REVISED PER ECP 3836; BDS-OI-0613 REVISED PER EW 133907 t ECP 4437 SON SON SON SON per nr JMH JSC JH 09-207 PUMP-142 02-214 PUkP-102 02-214 PUMP-103 2--SO-305-P lO^ 02-201 PUI*>-200 02-214 PUMP-101 lO^ 05-210 pwiP-iia 05-210 PUMP-II7 S« 05-210 PUMP-II5 05-210 PUMP-II4 A 06-221 PUMP-124 05-210 PUMP-116 lO- ™L«xv aumc ?°V n-i-M I ^ I MOTE 2 " i=^SEE NOTE 5. ON DWG TE-OI-D-009 NDTESi I. 05 SEE I ECR "?xv KWL 06-218 PUMP-127 LOCATION OF SUMP IV TE-I-O-J i -I-IAS 05-210 PUMP-112 05-210 PUMP-118 Si ^- 05-210 PUMP-107 05-210 PUMP-174 l<>- l<>- 05-210 PUMP-169 'Nonz 05-210 PUMP-106 l<>-l<>- USi 04-213 PUMP-108 05-210 PUMP-189 l<>- 2'x 1-1/2" 2'x 1-1/2-2--S0-302-P 2--SD-307-P f' <Y> A"-^ 2--SO-305-P 2"« 1-1/2" 2--SD-300-P •^ "1 lO- 04-213 PUMP-110 04-213 PUMP-109 l<>- s 06-220 PUMP-123 -HCI 2-x 1-1/2' 2"x 1-1/2" A^ r^ Js"'' lO- 9 2"-SD-389-P i.. AS'"- A 12-117 PUk*>-l52 09-121 PUMP-133 •? ± 5. -V 2"» 1-1/2" 2--SO-40I-P V- ~M'' 09-115 PUMP-122 ^M" ^M""" 09-11 PU*- A 09-1 PUMP 06-162 PUMP-185 J CO CT) ro r\j § i ^. li 13-156 PUMP-156 13-157 PUMP-144 i<y- 13-158 PUMP-157 A^' 09-1! PUMP-58 !<>-!<>- 06-164 PUMP-134 13-1 PUMP 54 80 lO^ iiO^ 05-153 PUMP-184 13-155 PUMP-188 2"-SD-304-P l<>- 05-153 PUMP-179 12-1 PUMP- ^ lO-5S ^^ ^"C^ 12-120 PUMP-154 12-120 PUMP-135 "i: 17-146 PUMP-190 06-169 PU*-I25 06-163 PUMP-160 17-146 PUMP-164 lO- 'M" 14-149 PUMP-187 A" 14-152 PUMP-159 lO- ^ .M-K A i i<>- ii<>- -HOI ,.y lO-- A 12-177 PUMP-198 A=' 14-165 PUMP-194 09-1 PUMP' 48 130 06-170 PUIiff'-l82 -^1 -^1 ^1 -<>! -<>l 09-142 PUMP-I93 0pf45 PUIyP-ni 2"-SO-376-P -• TAG No. OF SUMP PtftF ALL PUMP TAG NUMBERS SHOWN ARE PREFIXED BY SOS 1.1. SDS-PUMP-127. SEE DETAIL I OR 2 ANO TABLE "A" ON TE-1-D-9 FOR INSTRUMENTATION AM} VALVE TAG NUMBERS. 2. SUMP IS LXATED IN ECR. 3. SUMP IS LOCATEO IN DUN AIRLOCK. /V 4. SUMP IS LOCATED IN TOX. 5. FOR LEGEND, SYMBaS, AM) GENERAL NOTES. SEE DRAWING TE-OO-D-901. 6. DELETED 7. ISOLATION VALVES ARE LOCATED ADJACENT TO DFS WALL. MINIMUM PIPING BETWEEN DFS WALL ANO ISOLATION VALVE. 8. PUMPS ARE LOCATED IN THE CHB UNPACK AREA (CHB SECOND FLOOR). 9. VALVE ll-LV-249 SHALL FAIL (AGENT POSITION) TO AGENT SURGE TAW ACS-TANK-102. /\, A 2"-S0-380-P_ 2"-S0-384-P_ 10-205 PUkP-168 06-218 PUMP-127 -<>1 ^• l<>-¥ Si lO- 10-205 PUW-145 10-205 PUMP-146 lO- 10-205 PUIiiP-147 10-205 PUMP-175 lO-lO- A 06-217 PUMP-126 10-205 PUMP-148 lO-l<>- 2"-S0-386-P , 10-205 PUMP-149 2"x I-I/2" 2"-S0-30l-P lO- -Ol 2"x 1-1/2- --\ SECOND FLOOR SUMPS FIRST FLOOR SUMPS A'" SPENT DECON FROM CATEGORY 'A' SUMPS 2--SD-300-P -Ol 0'" I A SPENT DECON FROU CATEGORY V InOi SPENT DECON FROM CATEGORY "C' 11 ^^ MAJOR SPILLED AGENT-, PUMP-150 NOTE 4 l2"-S0-468-P, TO SPENT DECON HOLDING TANKS 2"-S0-303-P -HTE-I-D-534~> TO SPENT DECON HOLDING TAM(S 2--SO-304-P TO SPENT DECON HOLDING TAM(S l-l/2"-AG-228-AE fcENT TO SURGE TANK ACS-TANK-102 -|TE-l-D-534> -|TE-l-D-534"> -|TE-l-D-536> ^- l/2"-SD-47l-P 2--SD-470-P, LSiCNHItMTED WHKH REVISED AS-BUILT REVISED AS-BUILT REVISED PER CONSTRUCTION REVISED FOR CONSTT^UCTION Description IIS/24/K 0a/2«/IB II/IIAM 04A4/III Dote 5 3? SON/ SRS/ IZ Approve< Rev i s I ons DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY PROGRAM MANAGER FOR CHEMICAL DEMILITARIZATION ABERDEEN PROVING GROUND. MARYLAND US ARMY ENGINEER DIVISION HUNTSVILLE CORPS OF ENGINEERS HUNTSVILLE, ALABAMA IHF RALPH M. PARSONS COMPAW PASADEtJA, CALIFORNIA Own.by: P C Ckd.by: JKJ Reviewed by: J.X.JOICS P.E. Approved by: ii.R.auHcicn TOOELE ARMY DEPOT TOOELE, UTAH CHEMICAL STOCKPILE DISPOSAL PROGRAM MUNITIONS DEMILITARIZATION BUILDING SPENT DECON COLLECTION SYSTEM PIPING % INSTRUMENT DIAGRAM Dote: 7 AUG 89 Drawing code: F 226 90 02 H Sheet reference nuntoer: Tt-I - O-IO Design file no. 43756 ^ Sheet of I D B HAND DELIVERED JUN fi 6 te05 UTAH SOLID &HA/Af;ijOUS WAS It £t& Rev. 18 2 UNCONTRaLED COPY - tPiTEOIDOIO.UTZ •nituiuuiu.uii . BASELINE DRAWING REV UNLESS STAIfED OTHERIISE BY DCC^ RCR* APPW^L.^^S^^^' PS:6712F.BDR REPLY TO ATTENTION OF; DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY us ARMY CHEMICAL MATERIALS AGENCY TOOELE CHEMICAL AGENT DISPOSAL FACILITY 11620 STARK ROAD STOCKTON, UTAH 84071 June 01, 2006 HAND DELIVERED. JUN 0 6 2006 UTAH DIVISION OF SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility PM-60329 SUBJECT: TOCDF RCRA Class 1 Permit Modification Request, TOCDF-SDS-01 -0894, Sump Drawing Update Mr. Dennis Downs, Director Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste 288 North 1460 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84116-0690 Dear Mr. Downs: RCRA Class ^ Permit Modification Request TOCDF-SDS-01-0894, "Sump Drawing Update", is being submitted to the Utah Division of Solid and Hazardous Waste in accordance with the TOCDF RCRA Permit. If you have any questions regarding this issue, please contact Ms. Elizabeth A. Lowes at (435) 833-7832 or Mr. T. Trace Salmon at (435) 833-7428. Sincerely, Garjdw. McCloskey ( EG&G Defense Materials, Inc. •CERTIFICATION STATEMENT race Saliii'on TOCDF Deputy Site Project Manager •CERTIFICATION STATEMENT Copies Fumished: CMA Risk Management Directorate (Mr. Stang) DCD Risk Management Directorate (Mr. Levi) TOCDF FO Representative (Ms. Lessig) File • I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF LAW THAT THIS DOCUMENT AND ALL ATTACHMENTS WERE PREPARED UNDER MY DIRECTION OR SUPERVISION IN ACCORDANCE WITH A SYSTEM DESIGNED TO ASSURE THAT QUALIFIED PERSONNEL PROPERLY GATHER AND EVALUATE THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED BASED ON MY INQUIRY OF THE PERSON OR PERSONS WHO MANAGE THE SYSTEM, OR THOSE PERSONS DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR GATHERING THE INFORMATION. THE INFORMATION SUBMITTED IS, TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, TRUE, ACCURATE AND COMPLETE. I AM AWARE THAT THERE ARE SIGNIFICANT PENALTIES FOR SUBMITTING FALSE INFORMATION, INCLUDING THE POSSIBILITY OF FINE AND IMPRISONMENT FOR KNOWING VIOLATIONS.