HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2006-007003 - 0901a068801658d8For Official Use Only For Official Use Only U.S. Army Chemical Materials Agency Program Manager for the Elimination of Chemical Weapons 2005 Environmental Monitoring Follow-on Study Report Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Tooele, Utah Final For Official Use Only For Official Use Only U.S. Army Chemical Materials Agency Program Manager for the Elimination of Chemical Weapons 2005 Environmental Monitoring Follow-on Study Report Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility Tooele, Utah Final May 2006 i EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report presents the results of the fourth (2005) Environmental Monitoring Follow-on Study (EMFS) for the Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF) located at the Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD) in north-central Utah, approximately 20 miles south of the city of Tooele. Incineration of chemical warfare materiel began at TOCDF in August 1996. The EMFS is an evaluation of changes to the environment surrounding TOCDF since chemical agent destruction was initiated. During the 2005 EMFS, samples of surface soil, vegetation (shrub and herbaceous), were collected from the permanent sampling locations established by the 1996 Environmental Monitoring Baseline Study (EMBS) and subsequent EMFSs (1998, 1999, and 2002). Fifteen new soil and vegetation sampling locations were added for the 2005 EMFS. Surface water and sediment samples were also collected from Rainbow Reservoir and Ophir Creek. All samples were submitted to environmental testing laboratories for chemical analysis. A statistical evaluation of the EMFS chemical data for surface soil, water, sediment, and vegetation samples was performed to determine if the mean concentration of any chemical of potential concern (COPC) has shown a statistically significant increase relative to the baseline data. The maximum concentrations for COPCs identified above detection limits in the 2005 EMFS were first compared to EMBS screening criteria comprised of the baseline 99 percent upper tolerance level (UTL) or the baseline maximum value (if no UTL was calculated). Those analytes where the 2005 value exceeded the EMBS screening level were retained for further statistical analysis. Common laboratory contaminants (acetone, methylene chloride, 2-butanone, and various phthalates) were excluded from statistical analysis. The concentrations of COPCs that indicated statistically significant increases or were of general environmental interest were evaluated temporally and spatially. Commonly abundant metals (aluminum, boron, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, ii and zinc) found in the soil and vegetation of the geographic region were typically excluded from further evaluation. COPCs that were below reporting limits in the EMBS but were identified above the detection limits in the 2005 EMFS were designated as statistically indeterminate. Statistically indeterminate COPCs were evaluated relative to their detection frequency, the baseline and 2005 EMFS reporting limits, the baseline maximum concentrations, and environmental relevance. Those indeterminate COPCs exhibiting relatively high detection frequencies at similar or higher reporting limits, coupled with mean and/or maximum concentrations above the EMBS reporting limit or of particular environmental interest, were retained for temporal and spatial evaluation. Spatial distribution was evaluated by mapping COPC concentrations recorded for each site and comparing any apparent trends to the particulate deposition pattern predicted by the EMBS air dispersion model. Historic data from the EMBS and each EMFS were evaluated by analyzing trends in group mean values and discrete concentrations at individual sample sites. Table ES-1, located at the end of this section, is a summary of the 2005 EMFS results for COPCs in soil, shrub, and herbaceous samples that were evaluated statistically, spatially, and temporally. None of the COPCs in water or sediment samples met the criteria for spatial or temporal evaluation. Surface Soil Results Forty-eight analytes were detected in 2005 EMFS soil samples, 22 of which had also been detected in the 1996 EMBS. There were 3 analytes detected in the EMBS that were not detected in the 2005 EMFS. Considering the 22 analytes detected in both the 2005 EMFS and the EMBS, 13 (all metals) showed a statistically significant or apparently higher concentration in 2005 versus 1996. The remainder of the analytes showed a statistically or apparent decrease in concentration. Further evaluation resulted in 7 metals (arsenic, barium, beryllium, cadmium, chromium, cobalt, and vanadium) being retained for spatial and temporal evaluation. iii Of the 26 analytes detected in the 2005 EMFS but not in the 1996 EMBS, there was sufficient information to evaluate 18 by nonparametric and graphical methods. All 18 of these analytes showed an apparent decrease in concentration relative to the EMBS reporting limits. From this group of analytes, mercury was retained for spatial and temporal evaluation because of special interest in this chemical by the State of Utah. Spatial and temporal evaluation of surface soil data concluded that none of the COPCs displayed a trend indicative of a relationship to the location of the TOCDF common stack or the time line of TOCDF incineration operations. Shrub Sample Results Thirty-eight analytes were detected in shrub samples in the 2005 EMFS, of which 16 had also been detected in the 1996 EMBS. There were 3 analytes detected in the EMBS that were not detected in the 2005 EMFS. Considering the 16 analytes detected in both the 2005 EMFS and 1996 EMBS, 14 (13 metals and one dioxin) showed a statistically significant or apparent increase in concentration relative to baseline levels. The other 2 analytes exhibited an apparent decrease in concentration in the 2005 EMFS. Upon further evaluation, 3 metals (barium, mercury, and tin) and the dioxin, OCDD, were retained for spatial and temporal evaluation. Of the 22 analytes detected in shrub samples in the 2005 EMFS but not detected in the EMBS, 21 were evaluated by nonparametric and graphical methods (the common laboratory contaminant di-n-butyl phthalate was not evaluated). Of the 21 analytes evaluated, 13 analytes (2 metals, 7 dioxins/furans, and 4 explosive compounds) showed apparent or possible increased concentrations versus baseline reporting limits. The other 8 analytes exhibited apparent decreases in concentration or a concentration that had not changed. After further evaluation, 5 analytes (chromium, molybdenum, 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene [TNT], cyclonite [RDX], and total dioxins/furans) were retained for spatial and temporal evaluation and 2 analytes (2,4-dinitrotoluene[2,4-DNT] and high melting explosive [HMX]) were retained for temporal evaluation only. iv Spatial and temporal evaluation of shrub data concluded that none of the COPCs displayed a trend indicative of a relationship to the location of the TOCDF common stack or the time line of TOCDF incineration operations. Herbaceous Sample Results Thirty-nine analytes were detected in herbaceous samples during the 2005 EMFS, of which 20 had also been detected in the 1996 EMBS. There were 3 analytes detected in EMBS herbaceous samples that were not detected in the 2005 EMFS. Of the 20 analytes detected in the EMBS and the 2005 EMFS, 19 were statistically evaluated (the common laboratory contaminant bis-2-(ethylhexyl)-phthalate was not evaluated). Nine of these analytes (6 metals, one dioxin, and 2 explosives compounds) showed a statistically significant, apparent, or possible increase in concentration. The other 10 analytes exhibited a statistically significant or apparent decrease in concentration. Upon further evaluation, two analytes (molybdenum and total dioxin/furan) were retained for spatial and temporal evaluation. In addition, 3 explosives compounds (2,4-DNT, nitroglycerin, and HMX) were retained for temporal evaluation only. The 19 analytes detected in herbaceous samples during the 2005 EMFS but not detected in the EMBS, were compared to the EMBS laboratory reporting limits. An apparent or possible increase in concentration was seen in 13 of the analytes (3 metals, 7 dioxins/furans, and 3 explosives compounds) and an apparent decrease was seen in 6 analytes. Three analytes (cadmium, mercury, and total dioxin/furan) were retained for spatial and temporal analysis. Three other compounds (TNT, RDX, and tetryl) were retained for temporal evaluation only. Spatial and temporal evaluation of herbaceous vegetation data lead to the conclusion that none of the COPCs displayed a trend indicative of a relationship to the location of the TOCDF common stack or the time line of TOCDF incineration operations. v Surface Water and Sediment Two surface water and collocated sediment samples were collected from Rainbow Reservoir and 1 surface water and collocated sediment sample was collected from Ophir Creek near the entrance to the diversion pipe that carries water from the creek to the reservoir. Because of the history of Rainbow Reservoir and the fact that Ophir Creek was not sampled during the EMBS, all comparisons between baseline and follow-on data were qualitative; therefore, no statistical evaluation was performed. Considering only the water samples, there was only one analyte (calcium) in the Rainbow Reservoir that had a 2005 EMFS concentration that exceeded the EMBS maximum detected concentration or 99 percent UTL. In the Ophir Creek water sample, 4 analytes (aluminum, calcium, iron, and magnesium) had concentrations greater than the levels found in Rainbow Reservoir during the EMBS. In the sediment samples, calcium in Rainbow Reservoir and chromium in Ophir Creek were the only analytes in the 2005 EMFS where the concentrations exceeded the maximum detected value or 99 percent UTL for Rainbow Reservoir in the EMFS. None of the analytes from the water and sediment samples were retained for spatial or temporal evaluation. Conclusions Based on data evaluated during the 2005 EMFS, it is concluded that variations in shrub and herb: frequency, cover, density, diversity, forage value, and decreaser/increaser index, are not associated with emissions from the TCODF common stack. Furthermore, it is concluded that variations in the concentration of chemicals of potential concern in soil, vegetation, water, and sediment are not associated with emissions from the TOCDF common stack in either spatial or temporal distribution. No evidence was found that operation of the TOCDF incinerator has had an effect on the surrounding environment. vi Table ES-1. Summary of 2005 EMFS Chemical Results Detected in Both 1996 EMBS and 2005 EMFS Detected Only in 2005 EMFS Analytical Parameter Analytes Detected Exceeded EMBS Screening Criteria Statistically Significant or Apparent Increase Retained for Spatial Evaluation Analytes Detected Retained for Spatial Evaluation Spatial or Temporal Trend Associated with TOCDF Common Stack Soil Samples Anions N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Dioxin/ Furan 0 0 0 0 10 0 No Explosives 0 0 0 0 4 0 No Metals 22 19 13 7 4 1 No PCB 0 0 0 0 0 0 No SVOC 0 0 0 0 1 0 No VOC N/A N/A N/A N/A 7 0 No Shrub Samples Anions N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Dioxin/ Furan 1 1 1 0 7 Total dioxins & furans No Explosives 2 0 0 0 4 2 No Metals 13 11 13 3 9 2 No PCB 0 0 0 0 0 0 No SVOC 0 0 0 0 2 0 No VOC N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Herbaceous Samples Anions N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Dioxin/ Furan 1 1 1 1 7 Total dioxins & furans No Explosives 2 2 2 0 3 0 No Metals 15 10 6 1 8 2 No PCB 0 0 0 0 0 0 No SVOC 2 1 0 0 1 0 No VOC N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Notes: EMBS = Environmental Monitoring Baseline Study EMFS = Environmental Monitoring Follow-on Study N/A = not applicable PCB = polychlorinated biphenyl SVOC = semivolatile organic compound TOCDF = Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility VOC = volatile organic compound vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Section/Paragraph Title Page 1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................1-1 1.1 Project Background ................................................................................1-1 1.1.1 TOCDF.........................................................................................1-1 1.1.2 Environmental Monitoring Studies................................................1-2 1.2 Purpose and Scope ................................................................................1-2 1.3 Document Organization ..........................................................................1-3 2 REVIEW OF PREVIOUS STUDIES ..................................................................2-1 2.1 1996 EMBS.............................................................................................2-1 2.1.1 Summary of Field Effort ...............................................................2-1 2.1.2 Evaluation of Chemical Data........................................................2-3 2.1.3 Statistical Analysis of Analytical Data...........................................2-3 2.2 1998 EMFS.............................................................................................2-4 2.3 1999 EMFS.............................................................................................2-6 2.4 2002 EMFS.............................................................................................2-7 3 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING ...........................................................................3-1 3.1 Air Quality...............................................................................................3-1 3.2 Precipitation............................................................................................3-2 3.3 Population...............................................................................................3-3 3.4 Local Fire History....................................................................................3-3 4 STUDY METHODOLOGY.................................................................................4-1 4.1 Sample Locations ...................................................................................4-1 4.1.1 Sample Locations Retained from Previous Studies .....................4-1 4.1.2 Sample Locations Added for the 2005 EMFS ..............................4-1 4.1.3 Sample Location Deviations.........................................................4-2 4.1.4 Sample Collection Schedule ........................................................4-3 4.2 Sample Media.........................................................................................4-4 4.2.1 Soil...............................................................................................4-4 4.2.2 Vegetation....................................................................................4-4 4.2.3 Surface Water and Sediment.......................................................4-4 4.3 Numbers of Samples ..............................................................................4-5 4.4 Sampling and Analytical Parameters......................................................4-5 4.5 Statistical Analysis ..................................................................................4-6 4.5.1 Vegetative Characterization.........................................................4-7 4.5.2 Shrub Layer .................................................................................4-7 4.5.3 Comparison to Previous Studies..................................................4-9 viii TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Section/Paragraph Title Page 5 STUDY COMPARABILITY ASSESSMENT.......................................................5-1 5.1 Chemical Analysis Data..........................................................................5-1 5.1.1 Laboratory Comparability.............................................................5-2 5.1.2 Analytical Limitations....................................................................5-4 5.2 Seasonal Variability ................................................................................5-6 5.3 Data Evaluation Criteria..........................................................................5-7 6 CHARACTERIZATION RESULTS – PLANT COMMUNITIES AND SOIL..........................................................................................................6-1 6.1 Physical Characterization of Sample Locations......................................6-1 6.2 Characterization of Vegetation Composition and Structure ....................6-2 6.2.1 Shrub Layer Characterization ......................................................6-4 6.2.2 Herbaceous Layer Characterization.............................................6-6 6.3 Vegetation Summary and Comparison to Previous Studies ...................6-7 6.3.1 Shrub Data Comparison to Previous Studies ...............................6-8 6.3.2 Herbaceous Data Comparisons...................................................6-9 7 CHEMICAL RESULTS – GENERAL .................................................................7-1 7.1 Chemical Data Assessment....................................................................7-1 7.1.1 Chemical Data Validation Results................................................7-2 7.2 Statistical Approach ................................................................................7-3 8 CHEMICAL RESULTS – SOIL ..........................................................................8-1 8.1 Surface Soil COPCs Detected (Step 1) ..................................................8-1 8.2 Surface Soil COPC Distributions (Step 2)...............................................8-3 8.3 Surface Soil Summary Statistics (Step 3)...............................................8-3 8.4 Surface Soil Comparison to Screening Levels (Step 4)..........................8-4 8.5 Surface Soil Statistical Evaluation (Step 5).............................................8-5 8.5.1 Central Tendency Tests...............................................................8-5 8.5.2 Statistically Indeterminate COPC.................................................8-7 8.6 Spatial Distribution and Temporal Trends in Surface Soil (Step 6).......8-11 9 CHEMICAL RESULTS – WATER AND SEDIMENT..........................................9-1 9.1 Surface Water Sample Results...............................................................9-1 9.2 Sediment Sample Results.......................................................................9-4 10 CHEMICAL RESULTS – SHRUB VEGETATION............................................10-1 10.1 Shrub COPCs Detected (Step 1)..........................................................10-1 10.2 Shrub COPC Distributions (Step 2) ......................................................10-2 10.3 Shrub COPC Summary Statistics (Step 3)............................................10-3 10.4 Shrub COPC Comparison to Screening Levels (Step 4) ......................10-3 ix TABLE OF CONTENTS (Continued) Section/Paragraph Title Page 10.5 Shrub COPC Statistical Evaluation (Step 5).........................................10-4 10.5.1 Central Tendency Tests ............................................................10-4 10.5.2 Statistically Indeterminate COPCs............................................10-6 10.6 Spatial Distribution and Temporal Trends in Shrubs (Step 6).............10-12 11 CHEMICAL RESULTS – HERBACEOUS VEGETATION ...............................11-1 11.1 Herbaceous COPCs Detected (Step 1) ................................................11-1 11.2 Herbaceous COPC Distributions (Step 2).............................................11-2 11.3 Herbaceous Summary Statistics (Step 3).............................................11-2 11.4 Herbaceous COPC Comparison to Screening Levels (Step 4).............11-3 11.5 Herbaceous COPC Statistical Evaluation (Step 5) ...............................11-4 11.5.1 Central Tendency Tests ............................................................11-4 11.5.2 Statistically Indeterminate or Inconclusive COPCs...................11-5 11.6 Spatial Distribution and Temporal Trends in Herbaceous Samples (Step 6)................................................................................11-11 12 SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS ..................................................................12-1 12.1 Statistical Approach for Chemical Data.................................................12-1 12.2 Physical Characterization .....................................................................12-2 12.2.1 Shrub Species...........................................................................12-3 12.2.2 Herbaceous Species .................................................................12-4 12.3 Chemical Data Assessment ..................................................................12-5 12.3.1 Surface Soil ..............................................................................12-6 12.3.2 Vegetation.................................................................................12-6 12.3.3 Surface Water and Sediment....................................................12-8 12.4 Conclusions..........................................................................................12-9 13 RECOMMENDATIONS ...................................................................................13-1 ANNEX A ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ANNEX B REFERENCES ANNEX C FIELD DATA AND LABORATORY RESULTS x (This page intentionally left blank.) xi LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure Title Page 1.1-1 Regional Aerial Photograph...........................................................................1-5 3.1-1 Common Stack Air Dispersion Model..........................................................3-11 3.4-1 Range/Forest Fire .......................................................................................3-12 4.1-1 Sample Location Map ..................................................................................4-13 4.1-2 Rainbow Reservoir Sample Location ..........................................................4-14 6.2-1 Dominant Shrub Species .............................................................................6-49 6.2-2 Percent Shrub Coverage Map and Relative Dominance Distribution..........6-50 6.2-3 Dominant Herb Species...............................................................................6-51 6.2-4 Percent Herbaceous Coverage Map and Relative Dominance Distribution ..................................................................................................6-52 6.3-1 Clumps Per Hectare Histogram Chart (Shrubs) ..........................................6-53 6.3-2 Average Height Classification Histogram Chart (Shrubs)............................6-54 6.3-3 Areal Coverage Per Hectare Histogram Chart (Shrubs)..............................6-55 6.3-4 Percent Total Vegetation Coverage Map ....................................................6-56 8.6-1 Spatial Distribution of Arsenic Concentration in Soil....................................8-34 8-6.2 Arsenic Soil Concentrations Temporal Trends............................................8-35 8.6-3 Spatial Distribution of Barium Concentration in Soil ....................................8-36 8.6-4 Barium Soil Concentrations Temporal Trends.............................................8-37 8.6-5 Spatial Distribution of Beryllium Concentration in Soil .................................8-38 8.6-6 Beryllium Soil Concentrations Temporal Trends .........................................8-39 8.6-7 Spatial Distribution of Cadmium Concentration in Soil ................................8-40 8.6-8 Cadmium Soil Concentrations Historic Trends............................................8-41 8.6-9 Spatial Distribution of Chromium Concentration in Soil...............................8-42 8.6-10 Chromium Soil Concentrations Temporal Trends........................................8-43 8.6-11 Spatial Distribution of Cobalt Concentration in Soil .....................................8-44 8.6-12 Cobalt Soil Concentrations Historic Trends.................................................8-45 8.6-13 Spatial Distribution of Mercury Concentration in Soil ...................................8-46 8.6-14 Mercury Soil Concentrations Temporal Trends...........................................8-47 8.6-15 Spatial Distribution of Vanadium Concentration in Soil ...............................8-48 8.6-16 Vanadium Soil Concentrations Temporal Trends........................................8-49 10.6-1 Spatial Distribution of Barium Concentration in Shrubs .............................10-32 10.6-2 Barium Shrub Concentrations Temporal Trends.......................................10-33 10.6-3 Spatial Distribution of Chromium Concentration in Shrubs........................10-34 10.6-4 Chromium Shrub Concentrations Historic Trends.....................................10-35 10.6-5 Spatial Distribution of Mercury Concentration in Shrubs ...........................10-36 10.6-6 Mercury Shrub Concentrations Temporal Trends......................................10-37 10.6-7 Spatial Distribution of Molybdenum Concentration in Shrubs....................10-38 xii LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Continued) Figure Title Page 10.6-8 Molybdenum Shrub Concentrations Historic Trends .................................10-39 10.6-9 Spatial Distribution of Tin Concentration in Shrubs ...................................10-40 10.6-10 Tin Shrub Concentrations Temporal Trends..............................................10-41 10.6-11 Spatial Distribution of Dioxin/Furan Concentration in Shrubs....................10-42 10.6-12 Dioxin/Furan Shrub Concentrations Temporal Trends ..............................10-43 10.6-13 Spatial Distribution of RDX Concentration in Shrubs.................................10-44 10.6-14 RDX Shrub Concentrations Temporal Trends...........................................10-45 10.6-15 Spatial Distribution of TNT Concentration in Shrubs .................................10-46 10.6-16 TNT Shrub Concentrations Temporal Trends............................................10-47 11.6-1 Spatial Distribution of Cadmium Concentration in Herbs...........................11-28 11.6-2 Cadmium Herbs Concentrations Temporal Trends ...................................11-29 11.6-3 Spatial Distribution of Mercury Concentration in Herbs.............................11-30 11.6-4 Mercury Herb Concentrations Temporal Trends .......................................11-31 11.6-5 Spatial Distribution of Molybdenum Concentration in Herbs......................11-32 11.6-6 Molybdenum Herb Concentrations Temporal Trends................................11-33 11.6-7 Spatial Distribution of Dioxins/Furans Concentration in Herbs..................11-34 11.6-8 Dioxins/Furans Herb Concentrations Temporal Trends ............................11-35 xiii LIST OF TABLES Table Title Page 2.1.3-1 Summary of Mean Surface Soil Results ...................................................2-10 2.1.3-2 Summary of Mean Sediment Data............................................................2-12 2.1.3-3 Summary of Mean Water Data .................................................................2-14 2.1.3-4 Summary of Mean Shrub Data .................................................................2-16 2.1.3-5 Summary of Mean Herbaceous Data........................................................2-18 3.4-1 Range Fires in Rush Valley 1996 through 2004 .........................................3-6 4.4-1 Analytical Parameters for Soil, Vegetation, Surface Water, and Sediment............................................................................................4-11 Ranking Scale for Forage Value...............................................................4-12 6.1-1 Sample Location Physical Variables ..........................................................6-14 6.1-2 Soil Samples Collected for the 2005 EMFS ...............................................6-16 6.2-1 Plant Species List.......................................................................................6-35 6.2-2 Shrub Community Composition..................................................................6-39 6.2-3 Herbaceous Community Composition........................................................6-42 6.3-1 Summary of 2005 Vegetation Characteristics............................................6-46 Herbaceous Vegetation Comparison 1996 Through 2005 .........................6-48 8.1-1 Detection Frequency – Surface Soil...........................................................8-20 8.2-1 Distribution Test Results – Surface Soil.....................................................8-23 8.2-2 Summary Statistics – Surface Soil .............................................................8-26 8.4-1 Means Testing – Surface Soil ....................................................................8-29 9.1-1 Comparison to 1996 Screening Criteria – Surface Water Samples..............9-6 9.2-1 Comparison to 1996 Screening Criteria – Sediment Samples ...................9-13 10.1-1 Detection Frequency – Shrub Data..........................................................10-19 10.2-1 Distribution Test Results – Shrub Vegetation...........................................10-22 10.3-1 Summary Statistics – Shrub Vegetation...................................................10-25 10.4-1 Means Testing – Shrub Vegetation..........................................................10-28 11.1-1 Detection Frequency – Herbaceous Vegetation.......................................11-15 11.2-1 Distribution Test Results – Herbaceous Vegetation.................................11-18 11.3-1 Summary Statistics – Herbaceous Vegetation.........................................11-21 11.4-1 Means Testing – Herbaceous Vegetation ................................................11-24 xiv (This page intentionally left blank.) 1-1 SECTION 1 INTRODUCTION This report presents the field and laboratory results obtained during the 2005 Environmental Monitoring Follow-on Study (EMFS) at Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility (TOCDF), evaluation of the data, conclusions reached, and recommendations for future studies to be conducted for TOCDF. 1.1 Project Background The TOCDF is located near the center of Deseret Chemical Depot (DCD) in north-central Utah, approximately 20 miles south of the city of Tooele. Figure 1.1-1 shows the location of DCD and TOCDF in relation to surrounding communities and landmarks in Rush Valley. The mission of DCD is the storage and disposal of a wide array of chemical munitions. At its peak, DCD stored approximately 40 percent (by weight) of the total U.S. stockpile of chemical agents. 1.1.1 TOCDF. The TOCDF site covers 11 hectares (27 acres) of relatively level ground, which slopes gently to the northwest. No permanent surface streams are present on or near the disposal facility. The TOCDF incineration system is designed to perform thermal destruction of chemical agents and decontaminate the munitions or bulk containers that contain the chemical agent. The overall process consists of draining the liquid chemical agent from the storage container/munition, followed by destruction of the agent, deactivation of explosives, and thermal decontamination of the drained parts. Demilitarization is accomplished using three incinerator systems that share a common 42.7-meter (140-foot) stack. Each incinerator is equipped with a dedicated pollution abatement system and the common stack is continuously monitored for chemical agent emissions. 1-2 1.1.2 Environmental Monitoring Studies. In order to evaluate the potential environmental impact of incinerator emissions on the surrounding area, an environmental monitoring study was begun in 1996 before incinerator operations began. The initial round of environmental sampling (referred to as the Environmental Monitoring Baseline Study [EMBS]) was conducted in May 1996. TOCDF began chemical agent operations in August of the same year. Follow-on studies have been performed in October 1998, May 1999, and May 2002. The current EMFS sampling round was performed in May 2005. To obtain comparable data, 1998, 1999, 2002, and 2005 EMFS samples were collected from permanent sampling locations established by the 1996 EMBS and follow-on EMFSs in accordance with program procedures. Fifteen new locations were added in 2005 to improve confidence in decisions made based on mapping of data. Sampled media included surface soil, surface water, sediment, and two types of vegetative growth (shrubs and grasses). Subsurface soil was not included in the 2005 study. The analytical suite of parameters and methodologies selected for the 2005 follow-on study were consistent with the EMBS; however, anions and nutrients were eliminated during the 2005 study, since these parameters have shown no statistically significant changes. In 2005, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were only analyzed in the soil samples from the 15 new sample sites. These changes were made in coordination with the TOCDF Field Office, DCD, and the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ). 1.2 Purpose and Scope The purpose of the follow-on study is to collect information on sample site characteristics and concentrations of chemicals present in the environment surrounding TOCDF following full-scale chemical agent destruction operations, and to compare the data collected to that collected during the EMBS and each subsequent EMFS. The baseline data, collected in May 1996, serve as a benchmark against which subsequent EMFSs are compared to identify and evaluate any environmental changes over time. 1-3 This 2005 EMFS report provides a review of the environmental monitoring data from the EMBS and the four subsequent EMFSs at TOCDF, identifies any problems or issues associated with data comparison, and makes recommendations for future sampling events. This data review includes results from the 1996 EMBS, 1998 EMFS, 1999 EMFS, 2002 EMFS, and 2005 EMFS. Literature searches were also used in the preparation of this report. The primary objective of the report is to evaluate the data generated under the environmental monitoring program and to make recommendations for implementing changes in sampling and analysis methodologies to maximize the technical quality of the project. Previous studies are discussed with general summaries and conclusions to establish a basis for recommended changes. Detailed results of the previous studies can be obtained in the referenced supporting documents. 1.3 Document Organization This document is divided into the following sections: • Section 1 presents the general project description, history, and document organization. • Section 2 provides a review and synopsis of the 1996 EMBS and subsequent EMFSs performed in 1998, 1999, and 2002. • Section 3 provides background information on the study area, environmental setting, and known environmental issues in the vicinity. • Section 4 identifies issues associated with EMBS/EMFS sampling plan design, deviations from the established protocol, and concerns with previous study results. • Section 5 provides an assessment of the comparability of data derived from the 2005 EMFS with data from the previous studies. 1-4 • Section 6 presents site characterization data that describe the soil, terrain, and vegetation at the sample locations. • Section 7 presents general information pertaining to chemical analytical samples and statistical treatment of that data. • Section 8 presents results from chemical analysis of soil samples and the comparison of that data to baseline. • Section 9 presents results from chemical analysis of water and sediment samples and the comparison of that data to baseline. • Section 10 presents results from chemical analysis of shrub vegetation samples and the comparison of that data to baseline. • Section 11 presents results from chemical analysis of herbaceous vegetation samples and the comparison of that data to baseline. • Section 12 presents the conclusions and a discussion of the comparison results. • Section 13 provides a series of recommendations designed to maximize data comparability and usability. Throughout this report, figures and tables have been grouped at the end of their associated section. Individual figures and tables are arranged in numerical order within each section. Table and figure numbering designations are based on the paragraph in which each is first cited, along with a sequential number. For example, figure 4.1-1 is the first figure cited in paragraph 4.1 and figure 4.1-2 would be the second figure cited in that paragraph. 1-5 Figure 1.1-1. Regional Aerial Photograph 1-6 (This page intentionally left blank.) 2-1 SECTION 2 REVIEW OF PREVIOUS STUDIES This section summarizes the results obtained in the baseline study (1996 EMBS) and subsequent follow-on studies (1998 EMFS, 1999 EMFS, and 2002 EMFS). 2.1 1996 EMBS The EMBS was performed in May 1996 to assess the chemical concentrations for various environmental media and to characterize the vegetation in the vicinity of TOCDF before full-scale incineration of chemical agents was begun. 2.1.1 Summary of Field Effort. To establish a baseline, surface soil, subsurface soil, shrub vegetation, herbaceous vegetation, surface water, and sediment were collected and analyzed for VOCs, semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs), polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs), explosives, metals, and anions. Physical characteristics of the shrub and herbaceous vegetation also were catalogued in the report titled, Final Technical Report, Environmental Monitoring Baseline Study, Deseret Chemical Depot (Dames & Moore, 1997a). A symmetric grid coordinate system was established around TOCDF and the grid nodes were evaluated as potential sample locations. The sample locations were distributed in a wide area around TOCDF (see figure 3.1-1). Air dispersion modeling, aerial photographs, and property records were used to aid in selecting soil and vegetation baseline sampling locations. (Dames & Moore, 1996). Air dispersion modeling was performed using the Industrial Source Complex, Version 3 (ISC3) air dispersion model developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) (USEPA, 1995), to designate areas with greater, lesser, and negligible potential for deposition of particulate matter emanating from the TOCDF common stack. In order to identify the appropriate locations for long-term sampling, each node was evaluated for proximity to other 2-2 anthropogenic sources, the presence of appropriate plant species, and accessibility (land ownership and right-of-entry). Land usages that were less disruptive to soil and vegetation were given preferential consideration. Sample sites were placed in low use areas to minimize the impacts on sample site integrity from anthropogenic and animal activities. The most suitable sampling locations were deemed to be open range with average shrub density and low grazing intensity. Sampling locations were selected to include points with different potential for deposition of particulate matter from TOCDF. Surface water and sediment samples were collected from Rainbow Reservoir. Vegetation samples were selected for analysis to yield a total concentration of analytes both in and on plant tissue. To minimize variability associated with various species, shrub and herbaceous vegetation samples were selected from similar species. The dominant shrub at most locations was big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) and the herbaceous layer at most locations was dominated by cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum), longspine sandbur (Cenchrus longispinus), and Indian rice grass (Achnatherum (Oryzopsis) hymenoides). Shrub sampling involved the collection of shoots from the big sagebrush, or the Utah juniper (Juniperus osteosperma) if there was not a suitable specimen of sagebrush. Shrub samples were collected by clipping leafy branches from different parts of the shrub to create a composite sample (Dames & Moore, 1997a). Herbaceous samples were collected by clipping the aboveground parts of one or more plants to obtain the required amount of material. All sampling locations were found to be highly disturbed low-quality rangeland. Shrub and herbaceous samples were collected at each of 25 sample locations, with the exception of location 0707 where no shrubs were available and one location where the herbaceous sample was inadvertently omitted. Surface soil was sampled to capture the most recently deposited material. One surface soil sample was collected from each of 21 sample locations. Five surface soil samples were collected at each of 5 additional locations to provide data for statistical calculations. Three subsurface soil samples were collected from each of 5 soil borings 2-3 to establish a soil profile representing the herbaceous root zone, the shrub root zone, and deeper soil. Five surface water and five sediment samples were collected from Rainbow Reservoir. 2.1.2 Evaluation of Chemical Data. Metals and anions were generally detected at expected natural levels. Sporadic detections of VOCs and SVOCs were evaluated based on the likelihood that they may have resulted from contamination during sample handling or were artifacts of the analytical procedure. Acetone, methylene chloride, and bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate were detected in some samples, but were determined to be laboratory contaminants and not related to TOCDF operations. Low levels of explosives, PCBs, PCDDs, and PCDFs were detected primarily in the vegetation samples rather than in soil, surface water, or sediment. Due to the extremely complex nature of vegetative matrices, the identification of these analytes was deemed suspect and no further significance was attached to their presence. The results were, however, included in the statistical calculations even though they may have been laboratory artifacts or false positives (Dames & Moore, 1997a). 2.1.3 Statistical Analysis of Analytical Data. EMBS data were used to establish comparison criteria for future sampling rounds. For analytes with sufficient data, the 99 percent upper tolerance limit (UTL) was calculated. The 99 percent UTL is the concentration (within a stated confidence level) below which 99 percent of a population exists and is often used as a screening criterion in environmental sampling projects. For analytes where there were not a sufficiently large number of detections to calculate a UTL, then the maximum detected concentration was designated the comparison value. Outliers were excluded from the calculations in order to develop a set of comparison criteria sensitive to very small changes in chemical concentrations. Nondetects were handled as prescribed in USEPA guidance by replacing nondetects with values equal to one-half the detection limit. Using the Shapiro-Wilks method, the data were tested for a normal distribution. If the data did not fit a normal distribution, they were tested for a lognormal distribution. 2-4 Tables 2.1.3-1 through 2.1.3-5 summarize the comparison criteria and mean concentrations of analytes detected in each matrix for the baseline study (Dames & Moore, 1997a) and the 1998 and 1999 (HydroGeoLogic, 2002), and 2002 (PMCD 2003) follow-on reports. 2.2 1998 EMFS The first EMFS (1998 EMFS) was conducted in October 1998. Sample locations were placed as close as possible to those locations sampled during the EMBS. Shrub and herbaceous vegetation, surface and subsurface soil, surface water, and sediment samples were collected and analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, PCBs, PCDDs, PCDFs, explosives, metals, and anions. Physical characteristics of the shrub and herbaceous vegetation were also catalogued (HydroGeoLogic, 2002). The analytical results from the 1998 EMFS were evaluated statistically and compared to the comparison criteria developed in the EMBS. The mean analyte concentration for each analyte detected in each medium was compared to the 99 percent UTL developed under the EMBS. If an analyte detected in the 1998 EMFS had not been detected in the EMBS, then the EMBS reporting limit was used for comparison. For any parameter with a mean above the UTL, a point-by-point comparison was performed to determine whether the observed increase was consistent with what would be expected from the incinerator stack source. A comparison of group means was made to determine how the differences in means compared with expected sample variability. Due to contamination in the associated laboratory method blanks, the PCDD and PCDF data were considered to be suspect and were not included in the comparison (HydroGeoLogic, 2002). In general, the surface soil results did not show a significant change from the EMBS. Cadmium was detected at levels higher than the established comparison criterion in several locations. The mean cadmium value was 2.2 micrograms per gram (µg/g), which exceeded the baseline comparison value of 1.7 µg/g. The exceedance is suspect because the comparison criterion value was very close to the detection limit. In addition, increased cadmium concentrations were observed across the entire study area, and were not localized in areas of potential deposition. Deviations from the 2-5 baseline concentrations in soil are probably the result of laboratory variability and soil heterogeneity (HydroGeoLogic, 2002). Significant differences were observed for the sediment results. The mean calcium concentration increased by more than 50 percent, from the baseline value of 64,720 µg/g to 97,920 µg/g. The mean calcium concentration did not, however, exceed the comparison criterion of 145,251 µg/g. The mean sodium concentration decreased from the baseline value of 2,036 µg/g to 253 µg/g. The mean concentrations for other analytes were similar to the mean baseline concentrations (HydroGeoLogic, 2002). Significant differences also were observed in surface water sample results from Rainbow Reservoir. The mean sulfate concentration was 11,800 micrograms per liter (µg/L); no comparison criterion had been established in the baseline study. The mean concentration of nitrate-nitrite was 692 µg/L, which exceeded the comparison criterion of 545 µg/L. In addition, the mean magnesium concentration was 15,180 µg/L; no comparison criterion had been established in the baseline study (HydroGeoLogic, 2002). Rainbow Reservoir had been drained and refilled between the EMBS and the 1998 EMFS. Although it is not possible to quantify what effect this might have had, it is reasonable to expect that this activity significantly impacted the comparability of the sediment and surface water results. Consequently, changes in the results for these media cannot reliably be attributed to impact from operations at TOCDF (HydroGeoLogic, 2002). The largest variances were observed for the vegetation results. The shrub vegetation mean concentrations for barium, boron, calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, zinc, and sulfate all exceeded the corresponding baseline comparison criteria. The herbaceous vegetation mean concentrations for boron, copper, nickel, sodium, and zinc all exceeded the respective baseline comparison criteria (HydroGeoLogic, 2002). 2-6 The significant differences observed in vegetation results were attributed to seasonal variability between sampling events; the EMBS was conducted during the month of May, whereas the 1998 EMFS was completed in October. Vegetation takes up and stores nutrients in a variable manner on a seasonal basis. The differences in results for this matrix are not believed to be attributable to activities at TOCDF, especially considering that soil concentrations (the principal source of plant nutrients) had not changed significantly (HydroGeoLogic, 2002). 2.3 1999 EMFS The second EMFS (1999 EMFS) was performed in May 1999. Sample locations were as close as possible to those for the EMBS and the 1998 EMFS. Shrub vegetation, herbaceous vegetation, surface soil, subsurface soil, surface water, and sediment samples were collected and analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, PCBs, PCDDs, PCDFs, explosives, metals, and anions. Physical characteristics of the shrub and herbaceous vegetation also were catalogued (HydroGeoLogic, 2002). The surface soil results for metals analyses were slightly higher than those obtained for the EMBS; however, the differences are probably the result of normal variability in soil composition and laboratory variability. None of the mean surface soil results exceeded the comparison criteria. Several PCDDs and PCDFs were detected at low levels in the soil samples. The mean concentrations of the detected compounds ranged from 5.70 nanograms per kilogram (ng/kg) to 21.5 ng/kg. These compounds could also have been derived from frequent range fires in the area (HydroGeoLogic, 2002). Sediment and surface water results from Rainbow Reservoir were highly variable when compared to previous sampling events. Rainbow Reservoir is fed by run-off from Ophir Canyon and consequently is in a constant state of flux. The periodic draining, refilling, and stocking of the lake with fish has contributed to this flux. Due to the constant change of conditions, comparisons of sample results for the sediment and surface water matrices were determined to be unreliable (HydroGeoLogic, 2002). 2-7 Mean concentrations for calcium, copper, and lead in sediment samples all exceeded the comparison criteria. PCDDs and PCDFs were detected in the sediment samples at levels similar to those found in the surface soil samples. One PCDD was detected in the surface water samples at a mean concentration of 0.00015 µg/L. The mean nitrate-nitrite concentration of 547 µg/L slightly exceeded the comparison criterion of 545 µg/L (HydroGeoLogic, 2002). There were several changes noted in the composition of vegetation during the 1999 EMFS. These changes appeared to be the result of invasion by other species, as well as fire, grazing, and human activities. One site had changed from a sagebrush prairie to a saline meadow as the result of a berm that had been constructed. None of the observed changes appeared to be associated with activities at TOCDF (HydroGeoLogic, 2002). The mean concentrations of barium, boron, calcium, copper, magnesium, manganese, potassium, and zinc exceeded comparison criteria for the shrub vegetation. PCDDs and PCDFs were detected in the shrub vegetation. The PCDDs and PCDFs that had been detected in the EMBS and assigned comparison criteria were detected at levels below the respective criteria. Some PCDDs and PCDFs were detected for the first time (HydroGeoLogic, 2002). The mean concentrations of boron, chromium, copper, nickel, sodium, zinc, chloride, and benzyl alcohol exceeded comparison criteria for the herbaceous vegetation, and PCDDs and PCDFs were detected. The PCDDs and PCDFs that had been detected in the EMBS and assigned comparison criteria were detected at levels below the respective criteria. Some PCDDs and PCDFs were detected for the first time (HydroGeoLogic, 2002). 2.4 2002 EMFS The third EMFS (2002 EMFS) was performed in May and June of 2002. Two new soil/vegetation sample locations were added to the 26 locations carried over from 2-8 previous studies. Two new surface water/sediment locations were added as well. In a departure from previous studies, fish specimens were collected during the 2002 EMFS. Shrub and herbaceous vegetation, surface soil, subsurface soil, surface water, sediment samples, and fish specimens were analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, PCBs, PCDDs, PCDFs, explosives, metals, and anions. Physical characteristics of shrub and herbaceous vegetation also were catalogued. Surface soil results for metals were slightly higher for some compounds and slightly lower for others when compared with the values obtained for the EMBS; however, the differences are probably the result of normal variability in soil analyses or normal laboratory variability. The mean surface soil results for antimony and chloride exceeded the comparison criteria. Several PCDDs and PCDFs were detected at low levels in the soil samples. The mean concentrations of the detected compounds ranged from 0.15 ng/kg to 41.1 ng/kg. These compounds could also have been derived from frequent range fires in the area. As in 1999, sediment and water results from Rainbow Reservoir were highly variable and again it was concluded that due to the constant change of conditions, comparisons of sample results for the sediment and surface water matrices were unreliable. Mean concentrations for antimony, calcium, lead, chloride, nitrate, and phosphorus in sediment samples all exceeded the comparison criteria. PCDDs and PCDFs were detected in the sediment samples at levels similar to those found in the surface soil samples. Several PCDDs and PCDFs were detected in the surface water samples ranging from 0.28 picograms per liter (pg/L) to 7.57 pg/L. There were several changes noted in the composition of vegetation during the interval between the 1999 EMFS and the 2002 EMFS. These changes appeared to be the result of an extreme drought, which began in 1999 and became most pronounced during 2002. The 2002 study identified a decrease in the total number of herbaceous species. This change does not appear to be associated with activities at TOCDF. 2-9 The mean concentrations of aluminum, barium, boron, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, sulfate, and octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) exceeded comparison criteria for the shrub vegetation. PCDDs and PCDFs were detected in the shrub vegetation in the 2002 study that were not detected in previous studies. The PCDDs and PCDFs detections and concentrations appear to be increasing in the shrub vegetation. The mean concentrations of boron, potassium, benzyl alcohol, OCDD, and octachlorodibenzofuran (OCDF) exceeded comparison criteria for the herbaceous vegetation. PCDDs and PCDFs were detected at increasing levels in the herbaceous vegetation. The PCDDs and PCDFs that had been detected in the EMBS and assigned comparison criteria were detected at levels above the respective criteria. 2-10 Table 2.1.3-1. Summary of Mean Surface Soil Results Analyte Units Comparison Criteriona 1996 EMBS 1998 EMFS 1999 EMFS 2002 EMFS Detected in EMBS Aluminum mg/kg 18,646 10,880 12,250 11,022 10,400 Antimony mg/kg 1.40b N/A * 0.87 1.3 2.58 Arsenic mg/kg 12.50 5.80 7.80 7.99 7.22 Barium mg/kg 294 173 166 145 168 Beryllium mg/kg 1.10 0.65 0.63 0.56 0.61 Boron mg/kg 61.3 19.3 18.8 16.0 15.2 Cadmium mg/kg 1.70 0.85 2.20 1.03 * 0.57 Calcium mg/kg 169,508 64,020 61,326 75,596 53,500 Chromium, Total mg/kg 18.4 11.4 13.5 11.2 11.1 Cobalt mg/kg 8.2 4.3 5.8 3.0 4.3 Copper mg/kg 66.9 21.1 22.2 20.2 19.6 Iron mg/kg 18,821 11,200 12,875 10,672 18,800 Lead mg/kg 99.0 31.2 29.3 28.2 29.9 Magnesium mg/kg 19,937 10,877 10,563 10,126 10,100 Manganese mg/kg 1,027 500 503 458 503 Molybdenum mg/kg 5.00 N/A N/A * 0.64 0.26 Nickel mg/kg 33.1 10.4 11.1 9.3 8.5 Potassium mg/kg 7,795 3,998 5,421 4,617 4,080 Sodium mg/kg 869 563 483 241 285 Thallium mg/kg 3.00 N/A 0.32 0.42 * 1.63 Vanadium mg/kg 29.5 17.3 18.4 19.9 13.2 Zinc mg/kg 108.0 58.6 63.1 55.7 58.3 Chloride (as Cl) mg/kg 61.3b N/A 67.3 30.2 78.2 Fluoride mg/kg 6.6b N/A 1.8 1.7 1.6 Nitrogen, Nitrate (as N) mg/kg 12.00b N/A * 1.23 4.05 6.01 Phosphorus, Total (as P) mg/kg 2,064 1,049 R 594 981 Sulfate (as SO4) mg/kg 44.5 N/A 3.0 10.8 10.9 Phenol µg/kg 2,000 N/A NL NL NC Nitroglycerin µg/kg 8,200 N/A NL NL NC 2-11 Table 2.1.3-1. Summary of Mean Surface Soil Results (Continued) Analyte Units Comparison Criteriona 1996 EMBS 1998 EMFS 1999 EMFS 2002 EMFS Not Detected in EMBS Mercury mg/kg NE NL 0.04 0.11 0.02 Selenium mg/kg NE NL 2.60 * 5.77 ND Silver mg/kg NE NL * 0.35 NL ND 1,1-dichloroethene µg/kg NE NL NL NL 0.99 Benzene µg/kg NE NL NL NL 1.07 Toluene µg/kg NE NL NL 7.0 * 3.95 HPCDF (Total) ng/kg NE NL NL NL * 3.05 HPCDD (Total) ng/kg NE NL NL 8.22 8.72 HXCDF (Total) ng/kg NE NL NL NL * 1.56 HXCDD (Total) ng/kg NE NL NL NL * 1.20 OCDF ng/kg NE NL NL 21.5 5.35 OCDD ng/kg NE NL NL 18.4 41.1 PECDF (Total) ng/kg NE NL NL NL * 0.49 PECDD (Total) ng/kg NE NL NL NL 0.17 Tetrachlorinated dibenzofurans, (Total) ng/kg NE NL NL 5.7 * 0.29 Tetrachlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins ng/kg NE NL NL NL 0.15 Notes: a The comparison criterion is the EMBS 99 percent upper tolerance limit (UTL) unless otherwise specified. b This comparison value is the EMBS maximum detected value because there was insufficient data to calculate a UTL. EMBS = Environmental Monitoring Baseline Study EMFS = Environmental Monitoring Follow-on Study µg/kg = microgram per kilogram mg/kg = milligram per kilogram N/A = not applicable NC = not calculable ND = not detected NE = not established ng/kg = nanogram per kilogram NL = not listed in reports R = results rejected during data validation * = adjusted mean 2-12 Table 2.1.3-2. Summary of Mean Sediment Data Analyte Units Comparison Criteriona 1996 EMBS 1998 EMFS 1999 EMFS 2002 EMFS Detected in EMBS Aluminum mg/kg 22,228 9,260 8,436 8,682 7,750 Antimony mg/kg 0.49b N/A 0.62 * 1.20 3.67 Arsenic mg/kg 22.2 8.0 6.6 6.5 * 6.2 Barium mg/kg 289 172 134 103 142 Beryllium mg/kg 1.40 1.00 0.58 0.47 * 0.86 Boron mg/kg 33.6 20.0 11.2 10.0 14.8 Calcium mg/kg 145,251 64,720 97,920 153,920 200,150 Chromium, Total mg/kg 23.0 8.0 9.0 10.1 10.3 Cobalt mg/kg 5.3 4.0 4.4 2.3 3.1 Copper mg/kg 24.0 8.0 11.2 24.5 14.4 Iron mg/kg 27,661 9,404 9,406 8,084 7,758 Lead mg/kg 18.6 10.0 11.2 46.8 * 21.4 Magnesium mg/kg 30,006 10,946 10,446 9,476 8,897 Manganese mg/kg 785 299 347 175 190 Molybdenum mg/kg 2.0b N/A NL NL 0.4 Nickel mg/kg 27.2 9.0 9.1 9.1 7.8 Potassium mg/kg 7,103 2,560 3,272 2,782 1,849 Sodium mg/kg 8,443 2,036 253 239 * 240 Vanadium mg/kg 47.10 17.00 15.00 * 15.04 11.49 Zinc mg/kg 95.6 37.0 37.8 77.5 51.9 Chloride (as Cl) mg/kg 7.20b N/A 9.40 31.50 * 18.99 Fluoride mg/kg 5.60b N/A * 3.05 3.49 2.89 Nitrogen, Nitrate (as N) mg/kg 2.4 1.0 2.3 N/A 3.6 Phosphorus, Total (as P) mg/kg 1,605 393 R 298 1,622 Not Detected in EMBS Cadmium mg/kg NE NL 1.60 1.33 0.41 Silver mg/kg NE NL 1.00 * 0.62 ND Thallium mg/kg NE NL 1.4 NL 1.3 Tin mg/kg NE NL NL NL 0.98 Sulfate (as SO4) mg/kg NE NL 77.20 16.22 4,372 2-13 Table 2.1.3-2. Summary of Mean Sediment Data (Continued) Analyte Units Comparison Criteriona 1996 EMBS 1998 EMFS 1999 EMFS 2002 EMFS 4-Methylphenol (p-cresol) µg/kg NE NL NL 350 324 Benzoic Acid µg/kg NE NL NL NL 261 Total HPCDD ng/kg NE NL NL 71.0 5.3 Total HPCDF ng/kg NE NL NL NL 3.0 Total HXCDD ng/kg NE NL NL NL 0.39 Total HXCDF ng/kg NE NL NL NL 0.33 OCDD ng/kg NE NL NL 15.6 20.0 OCDF ng/kg NE NL NL NL 8.03 Total PECDD ng/kg NE NL NL NL 0.24 Total PECDF ng/kg NE NL NL NL 0.18 Total TCDF ng/kg NE NL NL NL 0.14 Notes: a The comparison criterion is the EMBS 99 percent upper tolerance limit (UTL) unless otherwise specified. b This comparison value is the EMBS maximum detected value as there was insufficient data to calculate a UTL. EMBS = Environmental Monitoring Baseline Study EMFS = Environmental Monitoring Follow-on Study µg/kg = microgram per kilogram mg/kg = milligram per kilogram N/A = Not applicable ND = Not detected NE = Not established ng/kg = nanogram per kilogram NL = Not listed in reports R = Results rejected during data validation * = Adjusted mean 2-14 Table 2.1.3-3. Summary of Mean Water Data Analyte Units Comparison Criteriona 1996 EMBS 1998 EMFS 1999 EMFS 2002 EMFS Not Detected in EMBS Aluminum µg/L 670 132 NL 166 155 Boron µg/L 181.0 70.0 ND 33.8 11.3 Calcium µg/L 65,137 60,320 57,520 54,280 47,517 Iron µg/L 373 92 NL 157 * 109 Magnesium µg/L 12,400b N/A 15,180 10,378 10,317 Sodium µg/L 6,051 5,328 5,914 4,788 5,285 Chloride (as Cl) µg/L 6,207 5,800 5,800 4,758 4,745 Nitrogen, Nitrate (as N) µg/L 545 494 692 547 NL Sulfate (as SO4) µg/L 11,000b N/A 11,800 9,452 10,447 Not Detected in EMBS Antimony µg/L NE NL NL NL 0.78 Barium µg/L NE NL 21.0 18.4 20.2 Chromium, Total µg/L NE NL NL 4.11 ND Copper µg/L NE NL NL NL 1.14 Manganese µg/L NE NL NL 6.23 * 4.24 Molybdenum µg/L NE NL NL NL 1.89 Potassium µg/L NE NL NL 430 529 Selenium µg/L NE NL NL 5.4 ND Thallium µg/L NE NL 8.3 NL ND Tin µg/L NE NL NL NL 1.16 Zinc µg/L NE NL 18.9 13.4 4.7 Fluoride µg/L NE NL NL 107 NL Phosphorus, Total (as P) µg/L NE NL NL 19.4 * 23.4 Chloroform µg/L NE NL NL NL 239 HPCDF (Total) ng/L NE NL NL NL 0.31 HXCDD (Total) ng/L NE NL NL NL 0.28 OCDD ng/L NE NL NL 150 7.57 PCDF (Total) ng/L NE NL NL NL 0.42 2-15 Table 2.1.3-3. Summary of Mean Water Data (Continued) Analyte Units Comparison Criteriona 1996 EMBS 1998 EMFS 1999 EMFS 2002 EMFS Tetrachlorinated dibenzofurans, (Total) ng/L NE NL NL NL 0.44 Notes: a The comparison criterion is the EMBS 99 percent upper tolerance limit (UTL) unless otherwise specified. b This comparison value is the maximum detected limit because there was insufficient data to calculate a UTL. EMBS = Environmental Monitoring Baseline Study EMFS = Environmental Monitoring Follow-on Study µg/L = microgram per liter N/A = not applicable ND = not detected NE = not established ng/L = nanogram per liter NL = not listed in reports * = adjusted mean 2-16 Table 2.1.3-4. Summary of Mean Shrub Data Analyte Units Comparison Criteriona 1996 EMBS 1998 EMFS 1999 EMFS 2002 EMFS Detected in EMBS Aluminum mg/kg 269 101 * 135 189 393 Barium mg/kg 10.7 6 14.4 12.7 16.8 Boron mg/kg 23.8 14.0 47.5 31.5 26.9 Calcium mg/kg 4,168 2,625 5,278 6,832 7,200 Copper mg/kg 13.8 6.0 16.7 15.6 12.8 Iron mg/kg 228 92 139 222 425 Magnesium mg/kg 1,017 673 1,463 1,450 1,860 Manganese mg/kg 38.0 24.0 52.2 52.5 56.7 Mercury mg/kg 2.50 N/A 0.06 N/A * 0.03 Potassium mg/kg 10,408 7,313 13,510 14,478 15,800 Sodium mg/kg 323 126 922 158 1,330 Tin mg/kg 20.0 N/A 3.4 3.4 * 1.3 Zinc mg/kg 22.6 10.0 37.0 27.7 21.2 PCB-1254 (Arochlor 1254) µg/kg 360 N/A NL N/A NC Chloride (as Cl) mg/kg 3,495 1,827 2,121 3,423 3,260 Sulfate (as SO4) mg/kg 2,430 N/A 3,326 1,224 16,700 Nitroglycerin µg/kg 43,700,000 N/A NL 20.7 24,600 Tetryl µg/kg 7,000 N/A 2.1 6.2 NC Octachlorodibenzofuran ng/kg 6.0 N/A R 1.38 * 5.35 Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin ng/kg 7.0 N/A R 2.7 70.3 Not Detected in EMBS Antimony mg/kg NE NL NL NL * 0.88 Arsenic mg/kg NE NL 0.61 0.46 NC Cadmium mg/kg NE NL 0.97 0.27 0.26 Chromium, total mg/kg NE NL NL 2.9 1.68 Cobalt mg/kg NE NL NL NL 0.054 Lead mg/kg NE NL 1.00 1.25 1.16 Molybdenum mg/kg NE NL 3.20 * 1.24 1.25 Nickel mg/kg NE NL NL 2.31 0.59 Selenium mg/kg NE NL * 0.46 2.49 0.67 2-17 Table 2.1.3-4. Summary of Mean Shrub Data (Continued) Analyte Units Comparison Criteriona 1996 EMBS 1998 EMFS 1999 EMFS 2002 EMFS Thallium mg/kg NE NL NL NL 0.73 Vanadium mg/kg NE NL NL 0.39 0.96 Nitrogen, Nitrate (as N) mg/kg NE NL NL 32.55 ND Benzyl alcohol µg/kg NE NL NL * 8,710 * 5,980 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene µg/kg NE NL NL 8,050 385 2,4-Dinitrotoluene µg/kg NE NL 3,100 5,300 ND Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5- triazine µg/kg NE NL NL NL 889 HPCDF (Total) ng/kg NE NL NL 1.45 5.14 HPCDD (Total) ng/kg NE NL NL NL 10.8 HXCDF (Total) ng/kg NE NL NL NL 2.17 Tetrachlorinated dibenzofurans, (Total) ng/kg NE NL NL 3.3 ND Notes: a The comparison criterion is the EMBS 99 percent upper tolerance limit (UTL) unless otherwise specified. EMBS = Environmental Monitoring Baseline Study EMFS = Environmental Monitoring Follow-on Study µg/kg = microgram per kilogram mg/kg = milligram per kilogram N/A = not applicable NC = not calculable ND = not detected NE = not established ng/kg = nanogram per kilogram NL = not listed in reports R = results rejected during data validation * = adjusted mean 2-18 Table 2.1.3-5. Summary of Mean Herbaceous Data Analyte Units Comparison Criteriona 1996 EMBS 1998 EMFS 1999 EMFS 2002 EMFS Not Detected in EMBS Aluminum mg/kg 4,278 1,360 1,840 1,403 660 Barium mg/kg 67.1 28.0 59.7 43.3 28.0 Boron mg/kg 8.5 7.0 20.0 19.6 13.7 Calcium mg/kg 16,866 5,973 9,461 9,940 5,740 Chromium, Total mg/kg 5.8 2.0 * 1.3 12.0 2.1 Copper mg/kg 12.3 5.0 14.2 10.3 8.7 Iron mg/kg 3,307 1,118 1,773 1,464 699 Magnesium mg/kg 3,261 1,302 2,301 2,167 1,460 Manganese mg/kg 198 84 179 131 77 Molybdenum mg/kg 7.50 N/A 3.80 1.93 1.70 Nickel mg/kg 3.90 N/A 4.90 7.36 0.69 Potassium mg/kg 9,710 3,872 7,907 6,774 13,700 Sodium mg/kg 345 119 1,812 1,339 * 203 Vanadium mg/kg 6.3 2.0 5.5 2.8 6.3 Zinc mg/kg 30.0 15.0 71.0 30.6 23.4 PCB-1254 (Arochlor 1254) µg/kg 800 N/A NL NL NC Chloride (as Cl) mg/kg 4,654 1,857 2,240 5,427 2,850 Sulfate (as SO4) mg/kg 30,000 N/A 3,334 1,068 347 Benzyl alcohol µg/kg 3,400 N/A 500 5,430 * 3,440 2,4-Dinitrotoluene µg/kg 7,000 N/A NL NL NC Nitroglycerin µg/kg 438,000 N/A NL 6,260 NC Octahydro-1,3,5,7-tetranitro- 1,3,5,7-tetrazocine µg/kg 3,700 N/A NL NL * 206 Octachlorodibenzofuran ng/kg 6.50 N/A R * 1.09 * 7.56 Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin ng/kg 18.60 N/A R 3.87 81.90 Not Detected in EMBS Antimony mg/kg NE NL NL 0.91 * 0.84 Arsenic mg/kg NE NL 1.7 * 1.0 0.2 Beryllium mg/kg NE NL NL * 0.064 0.036 Cadmium mg/kg NE NL 1.5 0.4 * 0.1 Cobalt mg/kg NE NL NL 0.73 0.11 Lead mg/kg NE NL 6.4 5.7 2.3 Mercury mg/kg NE NL 0.127 NL 0.029 Selenium mg/kg NE NL 2.30 3.34 0.75 Thallium mg/kg NE NL NL NL 0.51 Tin mg/kg NE NL 2.0 2.8 1.4 2-19 Table 2.1.3-5. Summary of Mean Herbaceous Data (Continued) Analyte Units Comparison Criteriona 1996 EMBS 1998 EMFS 1999 EMFS 2002 EMFS Bromide mg/kg NE NL NL 161 ND Nitrogen, Nitrate (as N) mg/kg NE NL NL 24.9 ND 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene µg/kg NE NL NL 20,800 ND 1,4-Dichlorobenzene µg/kg NE NL NL 20,600 ND 2-Chlorophenol µg/kg NE NL NL 28,800 ND 4-Chloro-3-methylphenol µg/kg NE NL NL 32,400 ND 4-Nitrophenol µg/kg NE NL NL 37,000 ND Acenaphthene µg/kg NE NL NL 21,300 ND Benzoic acid µg/kg NE NL NL 34,600 * 7,920 N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine µg/kg NE NL NL 26,700 ND Pentachlorophenol µg/kg NE NL NL 43,000 ND Phenol µg/kg NE NL NL 31,600 ND Pyrene µg/kg NE NL NL 14,000 ND Hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5- triazine µg/kg NE NL NL 1,000 ND Tetryl µg/kg NE NL NL 1,450 ND HPCDF (total) ng/kg NE NL NL NL 4.35 HPCDD (total) ng/kg NE NL NL * 1.09 9.17 PECDF (total) ng/kg NE NL NL NL 0.43 Tetrachlorinated dibenzofurans, (Total) ng/kg NE NL NL 0.42 ND Notes: a The comparison criterion is the EMBS 99 percent upper tolerance limit (UTL) unless otherwise specified. EMBS = Environmental Monitoring Baseline Study EMFS = Environmental Monitoring Follow-on Study µg/kg = microgram per kilogram mg/kg = milligram per kilogram N/A = not applicable NC = not calculable ND = not detected NE = not established ng/kg = nanogram per kilogram NL = not listed in reports R = results rejected during data validation * = adjusted mean 2-20 (This page intentionally left blank.) 3-1 SECTION 3 ENVIRONMENTAL SETTING Tooele County covers 17,930 square kilometers (km) (6,923 square miles), and the Tooele-Rush Valley sub-basin is approximately 3,112 square km (1,202 square miles). DCD covers 78.4 square km (19,364 acres) and is located approximately 88 km (55 miles) southwest of Salt Lake City in the southern (Rush Valley) portion of the sub-basin. The 2002 EMFS report (PMCD, 2003) contains an extensive literature review pertaining to the TOCDF environmental setting including: geology, topography, seismic activity, hydrology, soil, vegetation, air quality, meteorology, land use, and fire history. The following paragraphs provide only updated information relevant to interpretation of the 2005 EMFS data and TOCDF environmental data as a whole. 3.1 Air Quality In 1996, air dispersion modeling was used to designate areas of potential high, medium, and low deposition for emissions from the TOCDF stack. The air dispersion model for particulate stack emissions from TOCDF is shown in figure 3.1-1. Based on a recommendation of the 2002 EMFS report, new air modeling was performed in 2004 to incorporate advances in air modeling techniques and differences between the 1996 air model and modeling performed by the State of Utah as part of the Health Risk Assessment. The 2004 model results (contained in appendix B to the Field Sampling Plan [FSP]) agreed with the earlier results. For this 2005 EMFS Report, the air modeling map from 1996 is retained to ensure comparability with earlier efforts and to maintain the prior zone classification for all sites. 3-2 3.2 Precipitation Normal annual precipitation at DCD is about 28 centimeters (cm) (11.02 inches), which includes about 100 cm (39.3 inches) of snow, and is distributed fairly evenly throughout the year. More precipitation falls on the mountainous regions, especially as snow. Snow is extremely important to the Rush Valley water supply because it functions as a storage reservoir, releasing water into streams and aquifers as temperatures rise. The nearest National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) reporting site is in Tooele, Utah. The average annual precipitation at Tooele, Utah, is 17.57 inches, slightly higher than at DCD. Annual precipitation at Tooele, Utah, for years 1995 through present is shown in the following list based on data from the NOAA Western Regional Climate Center at the Desert Research Institute in Reno, Nevada: • 1995 – 24.34 inches • 1996 – 21.44 inches • 1997 – 26.74 inches • 1998 – 26.69 inches • 1999 – 15.95 inches • 2000 – 18.46 inches • 2001 – 17.35 inches • 2002 – 13.60 inches • 2003 – 15.49 inches 3-3 • 2004 – 17.77 inches • 2005 – 18.75 inches through 22 July. Tooele, like most of Utah, experienced drought conditions from 1999 though 2004. The year 2002 was considered an “extreme drought” on the Palmer Drought Severity Index. The 2004-2005 water year (which runs from October 1 to September 30) was the first water year to be above normal in the last 6 years (National Weather Service, Salt Lake City, Utah). 3.3 Population In the year 2000, the population of Tooele County was 40,735 according to the United States census, and is projected to be 45,864 in 2005 according to the Tooele County Chamber of Commerce internet Web page, Demographics (TCCC, 2005). In the region near TOCDF, 70 percent of the population lives in either Tooele, a city of 25,225 people, or Grantsville, a village of 6,772. Both 2005 population estimates are according to the Tooele County Chamber of Commerce internet Web page, Demographics (TCCC, 2005). The remaining 30 percent live in the small towns, of which Stockton, Rush Valley, and Ophir are the closest to DCD. These towns are within a 15-mile radius of TOCDF. The population of Rush Valley increased from 400 in 1990 to 1,893 in 2000. 3.4 Local Fire History Fire has a profound effect on the environment, both directly through destruction of vegetation and indirectly through the release of chemical substances such as dioxins, furans, SVOCs, VOCs, carbon dioxide (CO2), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen, and phosphorus into the soil and air. Range fires are frequent in Rush Valley as planned, accidental, or naturally occurring fires. The products of combustion from these fires, 3-4 and their distribution over the area, are of interest because of the potential impacts to soil and human and ecological receptors. The locations of soil sampling points, prevailing wind conditions associated with these fire locations, and times are relevant parameters for evaluating the impacts of these fires on the local environment. The U.S. Bureau of Land Management (USBLM) and DCD maintain fire occurrence records and have provided data for fires occurring between May 1996 and December 2004. During that period, a total of 204 fires were observed in the TOCDF-Rush Valley area. A summary of the USBLM fire data is provided in table 3.4-1. A map showing the distributions of fires reported in the Rush Valley area between 1996 and 2001 is provided in figure 3.4-1. Because the degree of effect on the environment is directly related to the size of the fire, it is useful to quantify the temporal and spatial distributions of fires in this area. A total of 185 of the 204 fires (90.6 percent) covered areas less than 100 acres. Of the remaining 19 fires, 6 covered areas from 100 to 300 acres, 6 covered 301 to 999 acres, 3 covered 1,000 to 2,999 acres, 1 covered 3,000 to 4,999 acres, 2 covered 5,000 to 9,999 acres, and 1 exceeded 10,000 acres (USBLM, 2004). The locations of individual fires are shown as points, keyed to the legend according to acreage involved in the fire. The 4 largest fires are summarized as follows: • Topliff 20 July 1998 13,926 acres (21.76 square miles) • Faust 03 July 1998 6,550 acres (10.23 square miles) • Camp Floyd 01 August 1996 5,542 acres (8.66 square miles) • Rush 02 July 1999 4,101 acres (6.41 square miles). The distribution of fires of various size-range classes, combined with prevailing wind data, provides a qualitative depiction of potential impacts of post-1996 fires on the local 3-5 environment. Prevailing winds at DCD are from the south-southeast, with occasional winds from the north-northwest. Wind direction follows the long axis of Rush Valley and is controlled by the surrounding mountains. Note that the three largest fires occurred in 1996 and 1998 and were located southeast of DCD, upwind of the TOCDF stack. Additional fires exceeding 100 acres in size occurred near the DCD boundary during the years 1997 through 1999. These fires were in close proximity to sampling locations and may have influenced sample site soil and vegetation. No significant fires have occurred near any of the sampling points since 2001. 3-6 Table 3.4-1. Range Fires in Rush Valley 1996 through 2004 Year Month Day Acres Name Latitude Longitude 2004 6 13 11.0 SR 73 MM 19&23 40.2509 -112.1688 2004 7 7 2.0 Wells Cyn 40.2588 -112.1351 2004 7 7 1.5 SKEET 40.2586 -112.1341 2004 3 24 0.1 Mercur 40.3036 -112.2467 2004 4 6 0.1 County Lin 40.2353 -112.1686 2004 4 21 0.1 BIG HOLLOW 40.3500 -112.5333 2004 4 28 0.1 INDIAN MT 40.3982 -112.5241 2004 4 28 0.1 RUSH 40.3978 -112.5258 2004 6 12 0.1 BAUER 40.4697 -112.3622 2004 6 19 0.1 5 MI WASH 40.2404 -112.1544 2004 6 26 0.1 SR73 MM17 40.2394 -112.1595 2004 7 14 0.1 South Mtn 40.4453 -112.4147 2004 7 31 0.1 Pass 40.2424 -112.1467 2004 9 1 0.1 SR 73 MM 16 40.2499 -112.1885 2004 9 12 0.1 MITCHELL CANYON 40.3469 -112.2350 2003 7 18 247.0 Sunshine 40.2603 -112.2292 2003 7 24 242.0 Bauer 40.4631 -112.3531 2003 7 27 42.0 Aquaduct 40.1717 -112.5108 2003 7 28 8.0 Stukey 40.2350 -112.4833 2003 7 31 2.0 Pole Cyn 40.3456 -112.1269 2003 6 17 1.0 NORTH RUSH VALLEY 40.3800 -112.5300 2003 7 7 1.0 Rail 40.3153 -112.4039 2003 6 18 0.5 Faust 1 40.2083 -112.5169 2003 7 23 0.5 Border 40.2658 -112.2069 2003 7 18 0.3 Little Mtn 40.1922 -112.5147 2003 8 29 0.3 Little 40.1664 -112.5194 2003 6 18 0.1 Faust 2 40.1961 -112.4953 2003 6 18 0.1 Faust 3 40.2014 -112.5181 2003 6 18 0.1 Faust 4 40.2253 -112.5328 2003 7 20 0.1 eagle 40.2992 -112.2231 2003 7 20 0.1 West Dip 40.3256 -112.2519 2003 7 20 0.1 BENNION CANYON 40.3300 -112.2400 2003 7 23 0.1 RockCyn 40.1486 -112.5142 2003 7 24 0.1 Wells Cany 40.2658 -112.1994 2003 7 28 0.1 Clover 40.3153 -112.5125 2003 8 14 0.1 Calumet 40.4436 -112.3311 2003 8 14 0.1 Ophir 40.3744 -112.2756 2003 8 14 0.1 SOLDIER 40.4300 -112.3400 2003 8 15 0.1 Dry Crk 40.4517 -112.2944 2003 8 18 0.1 4 SR199 8 18 40.2400 -112.1900 2003 8 21 0.1 Wellshine 40.2772 -112.2056 2003 8 23 0.1 Five 40.2281 -112.1794 2003 8 23 0.1 5MI CAR 40.2200 -112.1600 2003 8 29 0.1 WELCH 40.4058 -112.5036 3-7 Table 3.4-1. Range Fires in Rush Valley 1996 through 2004 (Continued) Year Month Day Acres Name Latitude Longitude 2003 8 29 0.1 GOVT CREEK 40.4000 -112.4700 2002 10 17 7.0 Segars 40.3694 -112.4394 2002 7 4 0.1 Five Mile 40.2272 -112.1778 2002 8 19 0.1 E Johnson 40.3836 -112.4669 2002 8 19 0.1 E South Mt 40.4642 -112.4325 2002 8 19 0.1 Ophir 40.3547 -112.2783 2002 8 19 0.1 W South Mt 40.4678 -112.4567 2002 9 5 0.1 Manning 40.2978 -112.1528 2002 9 7 0.1 Silcox 40.4706 -112.2972 2001 9 28 720.0 Rush Lake 40.4064 -112.4597 2001 7 26 183.0 Fairfield 40.2669 -112.2214 2001 6 17 15.0 Atherly La 40.1981 -112.4139 2001 9 22 10.0 Stockton 6 40.3500 -112.3017 2001 8 7 1.5 7 Mile 40.2108 -112.1842 2001 6 24 0.5 SOUTH MOUNTAIN 40.4700 -112.3900 2001 5 29 0.3 Hell Hole 40.2475 -112.5381 2001 6 24 0.3 Mitchell 40.3061 -112.2283 2001 6 24 0.3 Stockton 40.4614 -112.3831 2001 5 28 0.1 TWO SPRINGS 40.2300 -112.5000 2001 6 22 0.1 TIRE FIRE 40.1500 -112.2000 2001 6 28 0.1 Radio Towe 40.1556 -112.3681 2001 7 13 0.1 SouthMt 2 40.4667 -112.4667 2001 7 26 0.1 Big Spring 40.2742 -112.1500 2001 7 26 0.1 Manning 40.2917 -112.1536 2001 7 26 0.1 Wells Cany 40.2672 -112.1719 2001 8 7 0.1 Clover 40.2458 -112.4831 2001 8 7 0.1 Kimball 40.2244 -112.1458 2001 8 7 0.1 Thorp Hill 40.1847 -112.1772 2001 8 7 0.1 Toplift 40.1778 -112.1628 2001 8 7 0.1 4 LEAF 40.3200 -112.5000 2001 8 23 0.1 Rocky Cyn 40.1556 -112.5431 2001 8 29 0.1 Highway 73 40.3619 -112.3342 2001 9 2 0.1 Two Spring 40.2425 -112.4778 2001 9 19 0.1 Mercur Cyn 40.3139 -112.2381 2001 10 20 0.0 5 MILE 40.2300 -112.1600 2000 8 6 2,379.0 CowHollow 40.3886 -112.5064 2000 6 15 84.0 StocktonPa 40.4650 -112.3442 2000 6 21 8.3 StJohn 40.3664 -112.4872 2000 8 7 2.0 Faust 40.1864 -112.4883 2000 8 19 2.0 Sunshine 40.2978 -112.2136 2000 6 18 1.0 MANNING 1 40.2900 -112.1400 2000 7 28 1.0 Union 40.4350 -112.3767 2000 9 1 1.0 MANNING CAMPFIRE 40.2800 -112.1600 2000 6 25 0.5 MANNING 11 40.3100 -112.1400 3-8 Table 3.4-1. Range Fires in Rush Valley 1996 through 2004 (Continued) Year Month Day Acres Name Latitude Longitude 2000 8 4 0.3 Water Tank 40.2372 -112.5114 2000 8 5 0.3 WATER TANK 40.2200 -112.5200 2000 6 18 0.2 ManningCn3 40.2969 -112.1647 2000 6 18 0.1 FaustCreek 40.1814 -112.5217 2000 6 18 0.1 Manning 2 40.2992 -112.1481 2000 6 18 0.1 ManningCn1 40.2969 -112.1458 2000 6 24 0.1 DryCanyon 40.3750 -112.3261 2000 6 25 0.1 Manning 10 40.3114 -112.1647 2000 7 7 0.1 JOHNSON FIRE 40.3300 -112.4600 2000 7 10 0.1 Faust 2 40.1692 -112.5153 2000 8 3 0.1 Onaqui 40.2203 -112.5033 2000 8 4 0.1 Hide Seek 40.2331 -112.5258 2000 8 15 0.1 Mercur 40.3100 -112.2619 2000 8 18 0.1 Trujillo 40.1956 -112.5053 2000 8 18 0.1 EAST FAUST CREEK 40.2000 -112.5000 2000 8 22 0.1 MitchellCa 40.2969 -112.2214 2000 8 23 0.1 ChurchRoad 40.3692 -112.4672 2000 8 28 0.1 DC 40.2769 -112.2492 2000 9 2 0.1 Aqueduct 40.1811 -112.5053 2000 9 2 0.1 SCALLY WRONGLER 40.3000 -112.1400 2000 9 8 0.1 PROSPECT 40.2200 -112.1400 2000 9 21 0.1 Silverado 40.3547 -112.2972 1999 7 2 4,101.0 Rush 40.4561 -112.4194 1999 7 11 1,909.2 HWY 36 40.2606 -112.3969 1999 7 7 364.0 Clover 40.2453 -112.4383 1999 9 11 228.0 Monument 40.1833 -112.3139 1999 7 5 34.0 Stockton 40.4644 -112.3397 1999 5 4 23.0 AJAX 40.2500 -112.3900 1999 7 2 15.0 South Mtn 40.4656 -112.4122 1999 7 24 10.0 Pennys 40.3778 -112.3850 1999 7 27 4.0 Jeep Trail 40.1636 -112.5325 1999 6 29 2.0 Stockton P 40.4514 -112.3647 1999 7 6 2.0 MITCHEL CANYON 40.3500 -112.2600 1999 6 20 1.5 Rocket 40.2067 -112.1919 1999 7 4 1.0 SUNSHINE FIRE 40.3100 -112.2000 1999 7 24 1.0 CloverCk 40.3333 -112.4833 1999 7 24 1.0 Suntan 40.3725 -112.4222 1999 8 9 1.0 PVC FIRE 40.3300 -112.4300 1999 8 9 1.0 PVC 40.3294 -112.4581 1999 9 12 1.0 Sand Pit 40.3561 -112.3067 1999 7 6 0.5 MITCHELL 40.2922 -112.2594 1999 7 26 0.5 Ophir Cyn 40.3517 -112.3036 1999 10 26 0.5 RV FIRE 40.3500 -112.3700 3-9 Table 3.4-1. Range Fires in Rush Valley 1996 through 2004 (Continued) Year Month Day Acres Name Latitude Longitude 1999 6 21 0.3 LITTLE MTN 40.1411 -112.5406 1999 3 20 0.1 R.V. 40.2300 -112.1600 1999 6 16 0.1 E Onaqui 40.2206 -112.4669 1999 6 16 0.1 Faust Crk 40.1833 -112.4833 1999 7 9 0.1 TwoSprings 40.1869 -112.4972 1999 8 19 0.1 WATER TANK 40.1994 -112.5039 1999 8 20 0.1 GraniteWas 40.1994 -112.5044 1999 8 25 0.1 E Hickman 40.4197 -112.4914 1998 7 20 13,926.0 TOPLIFF 40.1817 -112.2581 1998 7 3 6,550.0 FAUST 40.2200 -112.2481 1998 7 4 680.0 BEACON 40.1978 -112.3181 1998 7 21 130.0 SO.DEPOT 40.3075 -112.2783 1998 7 19 58.6 DRY CANYON 40.4078 -112.3333 1998 6 28 30.0 5MILEPASS 40.2389 -112.1681 1998 8 14 15.0 GILSONITE DRAW 40.2500 -112.2700 1998 7 6 4.0 FAUSTCREEK 40.1736 -112.4775 1998 7 20 3.0 MILL CYN 40.3339 -112.2344 1998 8 23 2.0 STOCKTON 40.4531 -112.3483 1998 9 7 2.0 FAUSTCRK 40.2186 -112.4172 1998 7 19 1.0 JUNCTION73 40.2178 -112.1897 1998 7 20 1.0 ROCKY CYN 40.1667 -112.5350 1998 8 8 1.0 HICKMAN 40.4231 -112.4694 1998 8 24 1.0 RAILROAD 40.1653 -112.3817 1998 7 21 0.7 BALDMTN 40.4081 -112.3436 1998 6 20 0.5 POKERKNOLL 40.1864 -112.1939 1998 9 3 0.2 CLOVERSIDE 40.3194 -112.4069 1998 7 20 0.1 HELLHOLE 40.2342 -112.5350 1998 7 20 0.1 MERCUR CYN 40.3333 -112.2833 1998 10 13 0.1 RUSSELL 40.4364 -112.4958 1998 6 25 0.0 ROLLOVER 40.3800 -112.3100 1997 6 29 1,337.0 RR #1 40.2381 -112.3906 1997 9 11 696.0 PENNY'S 40.3667 -112.3533 1997 7 15 600.0 SOUTH AREA 40.3353 -112.3331 1997 8 23 300.0 ST. JOHN 40.3428 -112.3542 1997 7 8 60.0 TWO SPRING 40.2292 -112.4969 1997 8 3 15.0 BOX CANYON 40.3533 -112.4117 1997 7 27 10.0 HICKMAN FIRE 40.4200 -112.5400 1997 7 27 10.0 E. HICKMAN 40.4267 -112.5433 1997 8 28 10.0 VERNON HIL 40.1617 -112.3789 1997 9 11 5.0 WELL 40.2528 -112.2308 1997 6 21 3.0 S. BARLOW 40.1983 -112.1600 1997 7 27 2.0 FAUST CREE 40.2250 -112.4867 1997 8 1 2.0 WELCH CNY 40.4233 -112.4928 1997 7 31 1.0 FAUST #2 40.2208 -112.4858 3-10 Table 3.4-1. Range Fires in Rush Valley 1996 through 2004 (Continued) Year Month Day Acres Name Latitude Longitude 1997 7 27 0.5 LEE CANYON 40.2900 -112.5361 1997 6 15 0.3 WEST DIP FIRE 40.4100 -112.1400 1997 6 18 0.3 DUMP RD FIRE 40.2300 -112.5200 1997 6 19 0.3 BOX ELDER WASH 40.4600 -112.3900 1997 6 29 0.3 BAYER DUMPFIRE 40.4600 -112.3500 1997 7 31 0.1 BIG CANYON 40.2606 -112.4942 1997 8 23 0.1 CHERRY 40.2967 -112.5233 1997 8 23 0.1 LITTLE MTN 40.1436 -112.5431 1997 9 7 0.1 HELLHOLE 40.2597 -112.4992 1996 8 1 5,542.0 CAMP FLOYD 40.2167 -112.2500 1996 8 18 400.0 UTS #19 40.3500 -112.4833 1996 9 1 50.0 TOPLIFF 40.1500 -112.1667 1996 8 10 10.0 Hogan Fire 40.4200 -112.4100 1996 8 10 10.0 UTS #17 40.4000 -112.4333 1996 7 7 5.0 WELLS CYN 40.2500 -112.1500 1996 8 18 5.0 BIG CYN 40.2500 -112.4833 1996 7 6 3.0 THORPEHILL 40.2333 -112.1525 1996 6 11 1.5 CLOUD BRST 40.3333 -112.2500 1996 8 3 1.0 GRAVEL PIT 40.2167 -112.2000 1996 7 18 0.5 FAUST CRK 40.2100 -112.4867 1996 6 7 0.3 UTS #2 40.3333 -112.1500 1996 7 16 0.3 Little Sod Fire 40.4400 -112.3700 1996 8 8 0.3 Merkur Canyon 40.3100 -112.2300 1996 8 16 0.3 Big Canyon 40.2600 -112.4800 1996 8 25 0.3 Stockton Gravel 40.4600 -112.3500 1996 6 7 0.1 Sunshine Canyon 40.2600 -112.1800 1996 7 3 0.1 TWOSPRNGS 40.2556 -112.5278 1996 8 1 0.1 Single Tree Lightning 40.2800 -112.2200 1996 9 10 0.1 UTS #24 40.3000 -112.1500 3-11 Figure 3.1-1. Common Stack Air Dispersion Model 3-12 Figure 3.4-1. Range/Forest Fire 4-1 SECTION 4 STUDY METHODOLOGY This section describes deviations from the approved project plans, issues identified in the data from previous reports, and other pertinent evaluation procedures not clearly defined in the plans. Except where noted in the following paragraphs, all activities were conducted in accordance with the approved plans. These activities include all aspects of field sampling, laboratory analysis, data validation, data evaluation, statistical analysis, and reporting. 4.1 Sample Locations The FSP described 43 sample sites that were to be located and sampled. Twenty-eight of the locations were retained from previous sampling rounds and 15 were new locations to be sampled for the first time in 2005. A map depicting all sample locations is provided in figure 4.1-1. Surface water and sediment sample locations associated with Rainbow Reservoir are shown in figure 4.1-2. 4.1.1 Sample Locations Retained from Previous Studies. All 28 surface soil and vegetation characterization sites from the 2002 EMFS were to be included in the 2005 EMFS. Sites were located based on previously reported latitude/longitude coordinates and verified in the field by locating the permanent markers established during previous sampling events. All but 2 of the 28 prior locations were sampled (see paragraph The sampling site in Ophir Canyon was also retained from the 2002 EMFS as was the sampling of Rainbow Reservoir, though the number of samples collected from the reservoir was decreased in 2005 compared to previous sampling rounds (see paragraph 4.1.2 Sample Locations Added for the 2005 EMFS. Fifteen new soil/vegetation sample locations were added to the study and the number of surface water/sediment 4-2 samples collected from Rainbow Reservoir, were reduced from five locations to two locations. Soil and Vegetation Sample Locations. The 15 new soil/vegetation sample locations added for the 2005 sampling season were distributed across the three potential deposition zones, as defined by air modeling, both north and south of TOCDF. Theses new sites were added to provide additional control for contaminant distribution contouring. The new sites were initially located on a topographic map. Then, to establish the new sample stations, the field team evaluated features in the vicinity of the extrapolated grid coordinates. Consideration was given to avoiding locations for soil and vegetation sampling sheltered by landscape or manmade features, those within 20 meters of a roadway or railroad, those currently used as agricultural or grazing land, or those near open burning/detonation areas within the boundaries of DCD. If the pre-selected sample location fell into one of these areas, the field team leader selected the closest appropriate location for establishing a sample station. Selection of the replacement sampling station was accomplished in coordination with the TOCDF Field Office and the Utah DEQ. The coordinates for the selected sample locations are presented in section 6 of this report. Water/Sediment Sample Locations. The 2005 FSP called for a new sampling location to be added where water from Ophir Canyon discharges into Rainbow Reservoir. This sample was not collected, for reasons described in paragraph 4.1.3 Sample Location Deviations. As situations arose that required a deviation from the FSP, the course of action selected was coordinated between the field team, the TOCDF Field Office, and the Utah DEQ before being implemented. Soil/Vegetation Sample Locations. Locations 0112 and 0224, sampling sites retained from previous sampling rounds, were not sampled in the 2005 EMFS because access was denied by the land owners. A replacement location was selected for 0112, 4-3 one-half mile south of the original location. No replacement was made for 0224, due to lack of public property within 3 or 4 miles of the original location. During 2005, several sample station markers from previous rounds were not found at the designated coordinates presented in the FSP. For these sites, if the permanent sample station monuments were not located within a one-hundred meter search centered around the coordinates provided, the field team concluded that the missing monuments had been removed since the 2002 EMFS field event. Two sample locations (0400 and 1222) were missing station monuments. The locations were re-established by positioning a white and orange painted steel fence post at the FSP coordinates. Additionally, as with all the other locations, 2-foot wooden stakes were placed at all soil sampling locations. The new location established south of 0112 was sampled and characterized using 0112 as the sample nomenclature. During data evaluation, the location identification (ID) was changed to 0111 to more accurately reflect the new location and to prevent vegetation characterization comparisons with sample station 0112, since the vegetation at the two sites had noticeable differences. The sample IDs for the chemical analysis for surface soil and vegetation have retained the 0112 location designation. Water/Sediment Sample Locations. The FSP called for a sample to be collected where water from Ophir Canyon discharges into Rainbow Reservoir. That sample was planned to be collected from a manhole adjacent to Rainbow Reservoir; however, the discharge lines inside the vault were hard-piped and did not allow for samples to be collected. This sample will be dropped from future FSPs. 4.1.4 Sample Collection Schedule. Sample collection was planned for May 2005 to obtain data comparable to the EMBS. Samples were collected from 38 of 43 planned sites between 10 May and 20 May 2005. Access to five locations (0112, 0308, 0623, and 0819) was not possible in May 2005 because right-of-entry documents were not completed in time. Soil and vegetation samples were collected at these locations between 21 June and 23 June 2005. 4-4 4.2 Sample Media The follow-on sampling program involved collection of surface soil, vegetation, surface water, and sediment. Subsurface soil represents the only media not sampled that was included as one of the originally selected media for the baseline sampling program and continued through the previous EMFS sampling events. 4.2.1 Soil. Surface soil (to a depth of 1 cm) samples were collected in accordance with the project plans. Samples were collected from three separate locations and composite into one sample. Sampling was conducted in the sector designated in the work plan, from areas not previously sampled during prior rounds. No deviations were required and no technical issues were identified. 4.2.2 Vegetation. In accordance with the project plans, two types of vegetation (shrub and herbaceous) were sampled. Shrub sampling involved collection of shoots from the big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata). This species was selected in the EMBS because it is widely distributed in the area and is the dominant shrub at most sites. At some sites, the Utah juniper (Juniperus osteosperma) was sampled due to the absence of suitable specimens of sagebrush. Sampling of herbaceous vegetation involved the collection of grass type plants for analyses. During the 2005 EMFS, sufficient herbaceous material was present to collect sample aliquots from only one species and from the designated sector only. The dominant species at each location was selected for sample collection. The roots were not included in the vegetation samples; only the aboveground stalks were collected for analysis. 4.2.3 Surface Water and Sediment. Surface water and sediment samples were collected from Rainbow Reservoir, located northeast of the TOCDF common stack, and from Ophir Creek, the water source for the reservoir (figure 4.1-2). Reservoir overflow water currently goes to an off-depot wetlands area. The reservoir is manmade, covers approximately 1.4 hectares (3.5 acres), and has a maximum depth of approximately 4-5 6 meters (20 feet). Water from Ophir Creek is directed via underground pipe from Ophir Creek to supply the reservoir. Two surface water samples collocated with two sediment samples were collected from near-shore locations of Rainbow Reservoir. The sample sites were located around the perimeter of the reservoir, avoiding inflow and outflow locations. One water and collocated sediment sample was collected from Ophir Creek near where the water enters the diversion pipe that feeds the reservoir. 4.3 Numbers of Samples The scoped follow-on sampling program consisted of collecting 43 surface soil, 43 herbaceous vegetation, 43 shrub vegetation, 4 surface water, and 4 sediment samples. Due to the absence of shrub vegetation at stations 0707 and 1706 and since location 0224 was not accessed, only 40 shrub vegetation samples were collected. Only 42 surface soil and herbaceous samples were collected because access was not obtained for station 0224. As discussed previously, the planned water and sediment samples from the discharge pipe near Rainbow Reservoir were not collected, resulting in only 3 surface water and 3 sediment samples collected out of 4 specified in the FSP. 4.4 Sampling and Analytical Parameters Table 4.4-1 lists the analytical parameters for soil, vegetation, surface water, and sediment samples. A complete list of the USEPA Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste (SW-846) performed for this study is provided in the approved Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPjP). There were no deviations from the proposed laboratory analytical plan for any media. In addition to sampling for chemical analysis, physical characterization was conducted at each sample station. Physical characterization such as soil texture, grazing evidence, and vegetation will be used for inter-sample station and inter-year comparisons. Vegetation characterization allows for the detection of changes in 4-6 community composition, comparison with reference areas, and comparison with other installations. Because certain species are more sensitive to the presence of increased levels of certain analytes, physical characterization allows observation of any changes in plant community composition, including potential impacts from particulate deposition effects. 4.5 Statistical Analysis The chemical analytical results obtained for soil and vegetation were subjected to statistical analysis in accordance with the project plans. For soil and vegetative statistics, no deviations were required and no technical issues were identified in previous studies. All chemical data for both soil and vegetative samples were statistically evaluated in accordance with the project plans as indicated in FSP Figures 6-1 and 6-2. Paired-sample statistical methods were evaluated along with the previously used random-sample statistical methods for the laboratory analytical results. The use of relative percent difference (RPD) calculations to compare mean concentrations has been used in previous studies. These RPD calculations have been discontinued per concurrence with the Utah DEQ and will not be used in this study. Physical characteristics of each sample station were recorded in the field as prescribed in project plans. Physical characteristics of each site are presented in section 6 in a manner comparable to previous studies. Vegetation characterization data were summarized in the manner prescribed in the FSP. It was noted in preparation of vegetation summary data that two equations were missing from the FSP and that the equation for species diversity, while not incorrect, was not the best method for expressing diversity. The following paragraphs describe vegetation characterization data, including the new equations. 4-7 4.5.1 Vegetative Characterization. Details regarding sample stations, shrub plot and herb plot setup, and sampling procedures may be found in the FSP. Vegetative characteristics recorded in the field consisted of the following information: • Individual species identification • Individual clump/plant counts • Percent cover • Height (shrubs only) • Diameter (shrubs only). 4.5.2 Shrub Layer. As part of this sampling event, a designated shrub plot coinciding with the previous EMBS and EMFSs was established at the previously established sample stations. Sample station 0224 was not accessed during the 2005 sampling event. Sample station 0112 was moved approximately one-half mile south and established as new sample station 0111. New shrub plots were established at 0111 and the 15 new sample stations. The shrub plot for which the vegetative and herbaceous characteristics were evaluated was a 22.5° (1/16) sector of the sample station, or approximately 177 square meters. During the baseline sampling event, the dominant shrub encountered was big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata). This species reproduces from the center out, leaving a ring of genetically identical stems. Because of its growth pattern, one clump of stems is defined as one genetic individual. For all other species encountered, a clump was defined as one individual. These definitions have been used for the follow-on sampling events to maintain consistency. During preparation of the vegetation summary data, it was discovered that the equation used for assessing forage value had not been recorded in the FSP. Therefore, the equation for forage value is recorded here. It was also noted that the equation for 4-8 species diversity index presented in the FSP was not the one best suited for that statistic; therefore, that equation is also presented here. Forage Value Index. Forage value index is a measure of rangeland quality. Individual species were assigned forage values (see table based on information provided in Parker (1979), Vallentine (no date), Hitchcock (1950), Stubbendieck et al. (1992), and Whitson et al. (1992). Species for which no information was found were considered to have poor forage value. Forage value index was calculated by first multiplying the importance value of each species by its forage status. These products were then summed and divided by the sum of the species importance values. The higher the forage value index, the lower the quality of the rangeland. where FVI = forage value index SIV = importance value per species SFV = forage value per species. Species Diversity. The equation for species diversity recorded in the FSP and the 2002 EMFS report is one of two equations developed by E. H. Simpson in the 1940s (Simpson, 1949). The equation in the FSP yields the probability (Simpson called it “D”) that two randomly selected individuals will belong to the same species. While that is a useful concept, the result, as a measure of diversity, is counter intuitive in that as diversity increases, the value of D decreases. Therefore, Simpson proposed a second equation (which is simply 1-D) which produces a value that increases as diversity increases. The second equation (1-D) represents the probability that two randomly () ∑∑×= S SS IV FVIV FVI 4-9 selected individuals will belong to different species. It is the second equation that follows and was used to quantify herbaceous species diversity in the EMFS. Simpson’s index of diversity ranges from 0.0 (low diversity) to almost 1.0 (high diversity) and is expressed as a percent of probability. where SD = species diversity TFA, TFB, TFn = total frequency for each species identified TF = total frequency for all species. 4.5.3 Comparison to Previous Studies. In addition to describing plant communities present at the time the chemical analytical samples were collected, plant community characteristics were compared to conditions observed during previous sampling rounds to gain an understanding of community dynamics and to identify inferences those dynamics may have on interpretation of the analytical data. Herbaceous data for cover and frequency were compared among the EMBS and the 1999 and 2002 EMFSs to identify trends. Density data collected in 2002 and 2005 were not used for this comparison, because density data were not collected during the EMBS or the 1999 EMBS. Data from the 1998 EMFS were excluded from the comparison as not comparable, because that sampling round was performed in October while all other sampling rounds were in the May time frame. The first killing frost occurs in late August or early September. Therefore, the 1998 EMFS occurred more than a month after the end of the growing season and composition of the plant communities can be expected to be considerably changed over what is seen in the height of the growing season of late May and early June. ⎥⎥ ⎦ ⎤ ⎢⎢ ⎣ ⎡⎟⎠ ⎞⎜⎝ ⎛++⎟⎠ ⎞⎜⎝ ⎛+⎟⎠ ⎞⎜⎝ ⎛−= 222 ......1 TF TF TF TF TF TFSD nBA 4-10 A second comparison was made between vegetation data from the 2005 EMFS and the 2002 EMFS as a way of providing a more detailed description of the plant community present in 2005 and the recent changes that have occurred. This comparison included both shrub and herbaceous data for cover, frequency, and density. 4-11 Table 4.4-1. Analytical Parameters for Soil, Vegetation, Surface Water, and Sediment PCDDs Tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD)a Pentachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (PeCDD)a Hexachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HxCDD)a Heptachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (HpCDD) a Octachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (OCDD) PCDFs 2,3,7,8-Tetrachlorodibenzofuran (TCDF)a Pentachlorodibenzofuran (PCDF)a Hexachlorodibenzofuran (HxCDF)a Heptachlorodibenzofuran (HpCDF)a Octchlorodibenzofuran (OCDF) VOCsb QAPjP list (Tables 8-2 and 8-5) and library searchc SVOCs QAPjP list (Tables 8-2 and 8-5) and library searchc PCBs PCB-1016 PCB-1221 PCB-1232 PCB-1242 PCB-1248 PCB-1254 PCB-1260 Explosives Nitroglycerine 2,4-dinitrotoluene 2,6-dinitrotoluene 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene RDX HMX Tetryl Metals Aluminum Antimony Arsenic Barium Beryllium Boron Cadmium Calcium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Magnesium Manganese Mercury Molybdenum Nickel Potassium Selenium Silver Sodium Thallium Tin Vanadium Zinc Notes: a Total, plus the individual congeners listed in the QAPjP (tables 8-3, 8-4, and 8-6). b Not analyzed in vegetation samples or in rinsates associated with vegetation samples. c Tables 8-2 and 8-5 of the QAPjP provides a complete list of 8260 VOCs and 8270 SVOCs. HMX = high melting explosive PCB = polychlorinated biphenyl PCDD = polychlorinated dibenzodioxin PCDF = polychlorinated dibenzofuran QAPjP = Quality Assurance Project Plan RDX = cyclonite SVOC = semivolatile organic compound VOC = volatile organic compound 4-12 Table Ranking Scale for Forage Value Scale Status Description 1 Good Palatable species that are good producers with good nutrient content 2 Fair Species that may be slightly palatable, have fair nutrient content, produce poorly, or become less desirable with maturity 3 Poor Species that are not palatable, offer little nutrition, or flavor milk and meat; includes species for which no information was found 4 Poisonous Species that are known to cause illness, loss of fetuses, or death, if consumed 4-13 Figure 4.1-1. Sample Location Map 4-14 Figure 4.1-2. Rainbow Reservoir Sample Location 5-1 SECTION 5 STUDY COMPARABILITY ASSESSMENT The primary purpose of the EMFS is the ongoing comparison of analytical results to the benchmark data collected in the May 1996 EMBS. Maintaining data consistency for the comparison of data from one event to another is critical. Comparability is ensured through the use of standard sampling and analytical methods, specified target analyte lists, and a consistent reporting format for nomenclature and measurement units. To optimize comparability, the analytical methods and protocols employed during the EMBS were, with a few exceptions, also specified for the 2005 EMFS. At the conclusion of the 2002 EMFS study, reviewers determined that some chemicals of potential concern (COPCs) and sampling media were providing little value to the study. Consequently, analysis of anions and nutrients were not included in the 2005 EMFS. VOC analyses were also discontinued on existing sampling locations and only performed at locations new to the 2005 EMFS. Collection of subsurface soil samples was also discontinued for the 2005 EMFS. Additional sampling locations and media collected in support of the EMFS that were not sampled as part of the EMBS are treated as new information and evaluated separately from the data collected from sample sites established by the EMBS. Many of the organic and inorganic analytes are naturally occurring in the environment. For example, metals in soil are derived from natural geologic materials. Organic matter in soil is derived from natural vegetation. Anthropogenic activities such as farming, burning, and motor vehicle operation also contribute organic and inorganic chemicals to the environment. The EMBS attempted to measure the random variability of naturally occurring levels of components in the sampled media throughout the area of interest. 5.1 Chemical Analysis Data Comparability, as it relates to the current study, is the degree to which data from the EMFS can be meaningfully compared to the EMBS and previous EMFSs. 5-2 Comparability is achieved through the use of standard techniques/methods for sample collection and analysis. Consistent use of nomenclature and reporting units is also important. Data comparability also depends on data quality. Data of unknown quality cannot be compared with confidence because accuracy and precision are unknown. To optimize comparability, the analytical methods and protocols employed during the EMBS were, with a few exceptions (see paragraph, also employed for the 2005 EMFS. Analytical methods stipulated for the 2005 EMFS are the same methods used by the EMBS and previous EMFS studies. The analytical methods and procedures were taken from USEPA SW-846, USEPA Methods for Chemical Analysis of Water and Wastes (USEPA 600/4-79-20), Official Methods of Analysis of the Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) International, and American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) published methodology. 5.1.1 Laboratory Comparability. Data variability may have been introduced by the use of different laboratories for the EMBS and EMFSs. EMBS samples were submitted to Environmental Science and Engineering, Inc. (ESE), for analysis. Samples collected during the three previous EMFS events were submitted to Ecology & Environment, Inc. (E&E), while the 2005 EMFS samples were analyzed at ELAB of Tennessee (ELAB). Standardized analytical methods do not always dictate an exact approach for analysis and frequently present options that are acceptable as long as certain quality control (QC) criteria are met. Therefore, different laboratories, even though they employ the same standard methods, may have minor differences in how the methods are implemented or in how instrumentation is maintained that are all within normal operating practice, but nonetheless may impact results. In the same vein, even when the same laboratory is used over and over again in a long-term study, there may be variability in results as laboratory policies and personnel change over time. During the course of environmental monitoring at TOCDF, initiated in May 1996, there have been advances in analytical instrumentation and methodology that have resulted in lower detection limits. One example is the use of liquid chromatography in 5-3 conjunction with mass spectrometry (LC/MS), a combination that provides increased resolution of the vegetation matrix (that is, better separation of individual compounds) and provides positive identification of the detected compounds. Where advances in instrumentation and methodology have lead to a reduction in method detection limits (MDLs), as has been the case for PCDDs, PCDFs, and mercury, analytes may be detected in the EMFS that were not detected in the EMBS. This does not mean that the “newly” detected analytes were not present in the EMBS, it just means that with the newer instrumentation or methodology, analytes can be detected at lower levels than were previously possible. Variation in MDLs among sampling events can produce noticeable effects on data evaluation. This was particularly true when comparing means using either the t-test or U-test. In cases where there are a large number of nondetects and where the MDLs are different, the results of the statistical test may suggest a change in the data average when, in fact, there was only a change in MDLs. For this reason, the comparability of EMBS data and EMFS data must be closely scrutinized. For some inorganic parameters, chemical analyses were performed using different methods and instrumentation. This issue is most apparent in the varying MDLs for metals among different sampling rounds. All analytical instrumentation experience small fluctuations over time; however, long-term drift due to increased or decreased sensitivity is of particular concern. All laboratories are required to perform MDL studies for each instrument at least once a year. All nondetects obtained on that instrument are reported using the detection limits calculated from the most recent MDL study. During a long-term monitoring effort, there will always be some inherent variability in MDLs from one year to another. An examination of the MDLs used by E&E in the 1998, 1999, and 2001 EMFSs and ELAB in the 2005 EMFS show this pattern. Many analytes had MDL variations that were relatively minor, but several showed a two- or three-fold increase or decrease between the sampling rounds. The differences between the laboratory MDLs in the EMBS and the EMFSs are greater than the differences seen when comparing MDLs among the EMFSs. Several tests show similar MDLs, but 5-4 some, such as explosives, show differences that are greater than an order of magnitude. In addition to MDLs, each laboratory sets a reporting limit (RL) for each analyte, method, and matrix combination. The RL is the concentration above which a result can be considered to have quantitative significance. RLs are modified for sample-specific criteria including percent moisture, subsample size, and dilution. There were several changes in RLs between the EMBS and the EMFSs. The RL for some analytes increased (for example, explosives in vegetation), while others decreased (for example, mercury in soil). 5.1.2 Analytical Limitations. The analysis of soil and vegetation samples for organic compounds presents a challenge, because a large amount of organic matter in the sample usually causes a high level of interference that can result in false positives or an exaggerated detection limit (false negative). Analysis of Dioxins/Furans in Soil. PCDDs/PCDFs are produced as a result of incomplete combustion or chemical reactions involving organic matter and chlorine that can be transported long distances on atmospheric currents and found at measurable concentrations throughout the world. High levels can generally be linked to specific sources, such as incinerators or manufacturing facilities. In dry, heavily forested areas where wildfires frequently occur, elevated concentrations tend to accumulate. Volcanic activity can also deposit significant amounts of these compounds. Scientists speculate that organic pollutants move through the atmosphere from relatively warm areas and then condense at colder latitudes or altitudes onto vegetation, soil, and water. The main point of accumulation of PCDDs/PCDFs in the environment is in the soil, where the molecules tightly bind to organic matter in the soil. The ubiquitous nature of PCDDs/PCDFs makes it difficult to find “clean” areas in the environment, even in laboratory blanks, due to the sensitivity of the analytical instrumentation. Even with the best laboratory practices and attempts to be scrupulously clean with all glassware and reagents, dioxin laboratories routinely report extremely low levels of target compounds 5-5 in their method blank and field samples. These low levels may or may not have been actually present in the environmental samples. The ubiquity of dioxins and furans and the sensitivity of the instrumentation are of particular concern for analytical laboratories. For the EMBS, analyses for PCDDs/PCDFs in soil matrices were conducted using USEPA SW-846 Method 8280, which is a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) method. The analysis of soil matrices for dioxins and furans is now routinely performed using SW-846 Method 8290. This procedure uses gas chromatography/high resolution mass spectrometry (GC/HRMS) methodology to reduce the amount of interference encountered during analysis. Identification of Organic Compounds in Vegetation. The chemical analysis of plant tissues for organic compounds can be challenging due to variables such as plant age and natural variability, timing of sampling relative to the growing season, environmental stresses such as temperature and sunlight, and incidental pollution unrelated to the study site. The chemical composition of the plant can cause complex interferences with organic analytes. The chemical and biological complexity of vegetation can cause interferences in an analysis because the sample preparation steps often involve solvent extraction or chemical digestion that can mobilize naturally-occurring chemical and biological constituents as well as the targeted compounds. Biological degradation products naturally found in plants can be chemically similar to other organic compounds, potentially giving false positive detections. Laboratories have reported that PCDDs/PCDFs may be created during the analysis of such highly organic material such as plant tissue. The U.S. Army Environmental Center (USAEC) method for explosives analysis has been shown to produce false positives in plant material. USEPA SW-846 analytical methods have been optimized for soil and aqueous media and may yield sub-optimal results when used on other media such as plant material. The analysis of vegetation samples for organic compounds is an atypical (nonroutine) analysis for most environmental laboratories. As a result, the methodology is not rigidly 5-6 standardized. In many cases, these analyses are conducted using detectors that cannot discriminate between closely related compounds. Compound identification is based on retention time and not on a “molecular fingerprint” as in mass spectrometry methods. Positive identification is not always possible. The non-specificity of the detector can lead to false positives and introduces uncertainty into the results. For example, positive results for nitroglycerine in plant samples collected for the EMBSs have been viewed with skepticism, due to the presence of glycerine in plant tissue. The identification of Tetryl and PCB-1254 also is suspect. 5.2 Seasonal Variability Variations in climatic conditions between sampling events can have a negative impact on data comparability. This can be compensated for, to some extent, by sampling at the same time of year as the baseline sampling, ensuring that plants and soil are in about the same stage of their annual cycle. The EMBS sample collection was conducted in May 1996, and accordingly, subsequent sampling should be conducted during the month of May to correspond to the baseline study. This reduces, but does not eliminate, the potential effect of seasonal variability, allows enough time between sampling events for any potential deposition to occur, and standardizes the periodicity of sampling events. May is generally the time of optimum plant growth in the area. Evenly timed sampling events facilitate the identification of trends in sample concentrations and help to increase comparability of identified floral species. Differences in temperature, humidity, air currents, sunlight, and life cycle stage can influence the rates of deposition and decomposition/degradation of particulate and gaseous contaminants. Although PCDDs/PCDFs do not break down easily in the environment, decomposition can be accelerated in hot, dry locations receiving long hours of intense sunlight. Another factor that affects data comparability is seasonal variations in the matrices. Vegetation and surface water samples are especially prone to seasonal variation. There can be changes in the amount and vigor of foliage, differences in the nutrients 5-7 stored inside the plant, and differences in plant appearance (for example, plant maturity that may affect proper identification). For example, the significant differences observed in vegetation results between the EMBS and the 1998 EMFS were attributed to the fact that the EMBS took place during May, whereas the 1998 EMFS was completed in October. There were several changes noted in the composition of vegetation during the interval between the EMBS and each subsequent sampling event. These changes are the result of invasion by other plant species, fire, cattle grazing, and human activities such as off-road vehicle use and recreational uses of the land. Some human activity resulted in a change in the type of environment present at the sample location, that is, a sagebrush prairie becoming a saline meadow. None of the observed changes appeared to be associated with activities at TOCDF. Surface water samples from Rainbow Reservoir are subject to seasonal variability in the water coming into the reservoir and seasonable variability in the flora and fauna of the reservoir. 5.3 Data Evaluation Criteria As noted in the Data Validation Report for the EMBS (Dames & Moore, 1997a), laboratories may use internally generated acceptance criteria for ongoing QC purposes. The data validation contractor for the EMBS evaluated data quality using the principles and limits of the EPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Organic and Inorganic Data Review (1994a). Analytical data collected for the 2005 EMFS were validated as described in the 2004 Final TOCDF QAPjP using the National Functional Guidelines in order to maximize comparability of the data with the results of the EMBS. In other words, the same type of observation by the validator should result in the same type of data qualification and/or limitation on the use of the data. 5-8 Data gathered in the EMBS and EMFSs underwent statistical evaluation. For the baseline study, this included population distribution testing, calculation of the mean and standard deviation of each detected analyte, calculation of the 99 percent UTL, and the designation of comparison criteria. The 1998, 1999, and 2002 EMFSs included evaluation of the means relative to the EMBS comparison criteria. However, the concentration of contaminants observed at specific sampling locations during the EMBS was not compared to the concentrations detected at the same location during the 1998 and 1999 EMFSs. It is possible that such a comparison may provide useful information to determine whether a particular location or area within the overall study area has experienced an increase in contaminant concentrations. A method of evaluating analytical data for individual sites for evidence of change was added for the 2002 EMFS and continued with the 2005 EMFS. The concentrations of potential contaminants were examined for trends over time at each location. Evaluating the data in this manner will facilitate early detection of potential contaminant deposition at sample locations, possibly before the established comparison criteria are exceeded. 6-1 SECTION 6 CHARACTERIZATION RESULTS – PLANT COMMUNITIES AND SOIL Site characteristics including topography, soil type, and vegetation characteristics were recorded at each of the 42 soil and vegetation sampling sites. This section describes results of site physical characterization, soil typing, and plant community analysis. The terms “sample location” and “sample site” are used interchangeably while the term “sample plot” refers to a sub-section of the sample site. For example, data from 10 herbaceous plots were collected at each sample site. 6.1 Physical Characterization of Sample Locations Physical characteristics observed at each sample location were recorded on field forms by the sampling team. Field data collection forms for recording physical measurements and observations were based on the Standing Operating Procedures (SOPs) included in the project FSP. Copies of the completed field forms are provided in appendix C. The following characteristics are summarized for each sample location in table 6.1-1: a. Elevation – reported in feet b. Percent Slope – calculated based on contouring of elevation data collected at center point, three surface soil sampling locations, and four perimeter readings at points north, south, east, and west of the center point c. Aspect – general direction or azimuth of down slope based on contoured elevation data—reported in degrees d. Aspect Transformation – computed as one plus the cosine of the aspect minus 45 degrees 6-2 e. Plant Community – Description relative to surrounding area (for example, sagebrush [Artemisia tridentata] area surrounded by prairie). Other information such as disturbances or man-made features were also recorded. A summary of the following additional physical variables recorded for each soil sample location is provided in table 6.1-2. • GPS Location. The GPS location refers to the place where the three samples were collected to form the composite sample for a given sample site. Locations are given in Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) coordinates as well as latitude and longitude coordinates. • Sector and Location. As described in the FSP, each sampling site was divided into sectors. The sector name is given (for example 8A) as well as the location within the sector identified as a distance in feet and inches and an azimuth (for example 33 feet 6 inches at 319 degrees). Location was measured from the center of the sampling site. • Soil Description. This variable is a general description of soil type, color, organic matter, and other appropriate descriptors. 6.2 Characterization of Vegetation Composition and Structure Data were collected describing the plant communities found at the sampling sites. This report describes the plant communities encountered and identifies changes in the makeup of the plant communities over the course of the study. Shrub and herbaceous layers are described separately in this report. The following definitions from Parker 1979 were used throughout this report. 6-3 a. Grass – grasses have round or slightly flattened stems with visible joints (nodes), hollow or pithy centers; leaves with parallel veins on two sides of the stem b. Herb – A non-grass-like herbaceous plant with broad leaves with net-like veins. Herbs (also called forbs) may be annuals, biennials, or perennials but always lack significant thickening by secondary woody growth and have perenniating buds borne at or below the ground surface. (1) Annual – Annual plants live only one season and do not come up a second year from roots or crowns. (2) Biennial – Biennial plants live just 2 years. (3) Perennial – Perennial plants live more than 2 years, producing leaves and stems from the same crown each subsequent year. c. Graminoid – Grasses or grass-like plants. Grass-like plants are similar to grass but without readily visible joints; have solid stems (not hollow); veins in the leaves are parallel. Sedges, with triangular stems (in cross-section), and rushes with round or oval stems (in cross section) are considered graminoid. d. Shrub – A woody plant, normally perennial, branching from the base with several stems. A shrub is usually less than 13 to 16 feet in height. e. Low Shrub – A low growing shrub usually under 1.5 feet tall, never exceeding 3 feet tall at maturity. f. Tree – A perennial, woody plant with a single stem (trunk), normally greater than 4 to 5 meters (13 to 16 feet) tall at maturity. 6-4 Table 6.2-1 lists plant species recorded during the 1996 baseline sampling and four subsequent studies conducted in 1998, 1999, 2002, and 2005. For each species, the life form (shrub, tree, etc.), nativity (native or alien to the area), decreaser/increaser index, forage value, and year of observation (including notes on erroneous or incomplete identifications from 1996 through 2005) are provided. All sample locations were found to be low quality rangeland dominated by increaser and invader species. Table 6.2-2 summarizes composition and structure of the shrub community at each sample location. Figures 6.2-1 and 6.2-2 provide interpretations of the spatial distribution of the shrub species and percent shrub coverage in the study area. Table 6.2-3 summarizes the herbaceous species, vegetation composition, and structure of each sample location. Figures 6.2-3 and 6.2-4 illustrate interpretations of the spatial distribution of the dominant herbaceous species and percent herbaceous coverage in the study area. 6.2.1 Shrub Layer Characterization. Results of the 2005 EMFS are generally similar to those of the baseline and prior follow-on studies. Specific findings for shrub species are noted as follows: a. Big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentata) was the dominant species observed at 30 of the 42 (71 percent) sample locations. Big sagebrush was observed at all sample locations (either dominant or co-dominant) with the exception of six sites (0214, 0623, 0802, 0819, 1022, and 1416), All of these sites, except 1022, are new sample locations in the 2005 EMFS. b. Utah Juniper (Juniperus osteosperma) dominated or was a co-dominant at four sample locations (1022, 1222, 1223, and 1416). c. Mormon tea (Ephedra spp.) was recorded for the first time in 2005. Mormon tea was identified at sample locations 0623, 0812, 1011, and 1209. Two of the sites (0623 and 1209) were investigated for the first time 6-5 in 2005. At sites 0812 and 1011, only a few small specimens were identified indicating that they are newly established. d. Greasewood (Sarcobatus virmiculatus) was the dominant species at four sample locations (0111, 0214, 0420, and 0819). Forage values at these sample locations rate a 4 (poisonous) because young shoots and leaves of greasewood can be poisonous to cattle and sheep (MacMahon, 1990). e. Shadscale (Atriplex canascens) was the dominant or co-dominant shrub at ten sites. Its presence is consistent with past studies with populations expected to be constant or increasing because shadscale persists or increases when other plants are disappearing due to human impacts such as cattle grazing (MacMahon, 1990). f. Pinyon pine (Pinus edulis) was identified for the first time at two sample locations (1022 and 1416). The pinyon pine trees are well established at these sites and are not considered new growth since 2002. It is assumed that the trees were not observed in past samplings because of the number and density of Utah juniper at these locations. g. The average shrub forage value for all 42 sample locations is 2.77, indicating that the area-wide forage value is fair to poor. Only three sample locations (0802, 1108, and 1305) had a “good” forage classification (value of one) because of the presence of shadscale. h. Broom snakeweed (Gutierezia sarothrae) and winterfat (Ceratoides lanata) were identified during 2005 and previous investigations. However, past investigations identified them as herbaceous plants where the 2005 investigation classified them as shrubs. 6-6 i. The average shrub coverage per hectare is 5,040 square meters per hectare (m2/ha) (approximately 50 percent cover), with an average height classification of 1.81 (0.5 to 1 meter). j. The number of clumps per hectare averaged 5,825 with an average vigor value of 0.60. 6.2.2 Herbaceous Layer Characterization. Significant changes in the herbaceous layer were observed in the 2005 EMFS. In particular, the dominance of weedy annuals such as burr buttercup (Rancunculus reconditus) and cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) are indicative of sites that have been stressed. The presence of flixweed (Descurainia sophia) and tansy mustard (Descurainia pinnata) further indicate stress (MacMahon, 1990). The increase of cheatgrass as a dominant species is noteworthy because cheatgrass plays a role in determining the amount of sagebrush on a site. Additionally, cheatgrass successfully competes with many native grasses. It also produces large quantities of stems and leaves that burn readily when dry and tends to increase the frequency and intensity of fire (MacMahon, 1990). This situation does not favor big sagebrush (Artemisia tridentate). A summary of the findings are presented as follows: a. Burr buttercup (Rancunculus reconditus) is the most commonly encountered herbaceous species, dominating 25 sample locations (59 percent) and occurring in a total of 40 sample locations (95 percent). b. Cheatgrass (Bromus tectorum) was the second most commonly encountered herbaceous species, dominating 12 sample locations (29 percent) and occurring in a total of 27 sample locations (64 percent). c. Flixweed (Descurainia sophia), is a dominant or co-dominant species at 8 sites (19 percent). The presence of this invader species continues to support the conclusion that Rush Valley is being influenced by stresses 6-7 such as drought, cattle grazing, and fire. Flixweed was not identified as a dominant or co-dominant species at any of the sample locations during previous studies. d. The area-wide decreaser/increaser index calculated for 2005 further indicates that disturbance has occurred (average decreaser/increaser index area-wide is 2.8). The herbaceous layer at 38 of the 42 sample locations (90 percent) was dominated by invader species, 3 locations (7 percent) are dominated by increaser species, and 1 location (0707 or 2 percent) had species that could not be identified (based on previous samplings, the dominant unidentified species is assumed to be desert saltgrass). e. Foraging conditions across all the 2005 locations are fair to poor (average herbaceous forage value is 2.5). The herbaceous layer is dominated by fair forage species at 17 sample locations (40 percent) and by poor forage species at 24 sample locations (57 percent). Good forage species dominated none of the sample locations. One sample location (2 percent) did not have a forage value because the species at the location (0707) could not be identified. f. The area-wide herbaceous ground cover averaged 49 percent for all sample location sectors as calculated from the field data forms. 6.3 Vegetation Summary and Comparison to Previous Studies A summary of the combined 2005 EMFS vegetation characteristics is provided in table 6.3-1. Notable trends associated with the historical shrub data are presented in the histograms provided in figures 6.3-1 through 6.3-3. Total vegetation coverage and the relative dominance of the total shrub and herbaceous populations observed in the study are shown in figure 6.3-4. 6-8 6.3.1 Shrub Data Comparison to Previous Studies. Cover, clumps per hectare, average height class, and average vigor for shrubs are presented. Sixteen new sites (15 programmed new sites and one replacement site) were sampled in 2005 so there is no comparison of these data to previous studies. Two sample locations (0112 and 0224) were not sampled in 2005, so findings for these two sites are not included. Shrub layer characteristics were reviewed to evaluate changes in composition and structure by comparing the 1996 EMBS through 2005 EMFS data. A summary of the findings is as follows: a. Average site-wide areal coverage for shrubs increased to 5,040 m2/ha in 2005 versus 2,548 m2/ha in 1996. Of the 23 locations sampled in 1996 and 2005, only two locations in 2005 (locations 0616 and 0914) had a decrease in areal coverage versus 1996. Average areal coverage also increased in 2005 (5,040 m2/ha) versus 2002 (3,001 m2/ha). Areal coverage was greater at all sample locations in 2005 versus 2002, with the exception of location 1009. b. Shrub clumps per hectare continue to be high versus the 1996 baseline and 1998/1999 EMFSs. In 2005, area-wide shrub clumps per hectare averaged 5,825 versus 1,502 in 1996 (figure 6.3-1). Every 2005 sample location had a greater number of clumps per hectare versus 1996, 1998, and 1999. Clumps per hectare decreased slightly in 2005 (5,825) versus 2002 (5,986). However, the clumps per hectare observed in 2005 and 2002 are comparable. c. Another change observed during the 2005 EMFS was that an all time high number of individual shrub clumps was observed at seventeen of the 26 sample locations (27 percent). d. At sample location 0707, shrubs were observed but all were dead in the 1996 EMBS and each EMFS. The absence of shrubs is due to the 6-9 presence of saline or alkaline soils that do no promote the growth of shrubs. The saline/alkaline soil has resulted from a berm constructed nearby that changed water flow. e. The substantial increase of new/young growth shrubs at the majority of the sites has resulted in a large portion of the species population to be classified within the low end of the height class (average height class in 2005 was 1.81 versus 2.48 in 1996). Figure 6.3-1 shows the significant increase in the number of shrub clumps observed. Figure 6.3-2 shows the corresponding decrease in average height classification. This is likely a result of the large number of new/young growth shrub clumps observed. As shown in figure 6.3-3, mean shrub cover decreased by 20 percent from 1996 to 1998. The trend in shrub coverage has since increased from 1998 through 2005. f. Average area-wide vigor decreased in 2005 versus 2002 and each of the previous studies. This could be a result of different interpretation by the botanists but may also be a result of increased competition between shrubs (areal coverage of shrubs and clumps of shrubs per hectare have increased) and the continued increase in invasive herbaceous species that compete with the shrubs. It may also reflect cumulative effects on shrub health caused by the drought experienced from 1999 through 2004. 6.3.2 Herbaceous Data Comparisons. The EMBS FSP required that only cover and frequency data be collected for herbaceous species. Consequently, density data (numbers of individual plants) were not collected in the EMBS or 1999 EMFS. Therefore, comparisons of 2005 EMFS data to the EMBS or 1999 EMFS will only involve cover and frequency. The 2002 EMFS was the first time that data on numbers of individuals per species was recorded. Therefore, comparison of 2005 EMFS herbaceous data to the 2002 EMFS data includes this additional parameter. 6-10 Comparison of 2005 EMFS to EMBS. The EMBS specified comparison of herbaceous species based on cover and frequency. Density data were not reported in the EMBS. Table shows cover values for the 10 species with the greatest percent cover during the EMBS and the EMFSs of 1999, 2002, and 2005. In addition to species names and percent cover, the table includes the importance value and forage value for each species. The total cover of all species and the number of species recorded in a given year are shown at the bottom of the table. The percent cover and importance values represent means for the listed species across all sampling sites in a given year. 1998 EMFS data is not included because that sampling round was not performed in the May time frame, and in that respect, is not comparable. Total cover decreased markedly from 1996 to 2002 and recovered by just over half in the 2005 EMFS. The dramatic decrease in cover from 1996 to 2002 is an indication of a high level of stress on the herbaceous community. By 2005 the level of stress was less, allowing some recovery of the plant community. Importance values given in the table are the sum of relative cover and relative frequency for each species divided by the sum of relative cover and relative frequency for all species. This statistic is a measure of a species importance in the community. Relative density, which is usually a part of the importance value calculation, was not included because density data were not collected in the EMBS or 1999 EMFS. The rank order for importance does not necessarily follow the order when cover alone is measured (compare the importance values for species POCU and LEPE in table A species with a high cover value but low frequency may have lesser importance than a species with less cover but much greater frequency. Examination of the forage values reveals that from 1996 to 2002 the dominant species changed from species with good or fair forage value to species with fair or poor forage value. Although species count and average cover increased by the time of the 2005 EMFS, the dominate species remain those with fair or poor forage value. Either the environmental stress that led to the decline of the good forage value species has 6-11 continued or it takes longer than a single season for those species to regain dominance once the stress has lessened. The main stresses observed during the course of the TOCDF EMFS include cattle grazing, fire, and drought. Evidence of cattle grazing, reported in field notes as signs of fresh droppings and hoof prints, has been inconsistent between years and sites. Likewise, the influence of fire has been spotty. Even though it may be assumed that all of the sampling sites have received deposition of smoke and particulate matter emanating from the numerous fires, only a few of the sampling sites have actually been burned during the time of the monitoring study. By comparison, changes in precipitation can be expected to be experienced relatively evenly over the study area, which is on relatively level terrain and only a few kilometers long and wide. The changes observed in the herbaceous vegetation coincide very well with changes in precipitation reported from 1996 to 2005 (see paragraph 3.2). Above average precipitation was received in 1995, 1996, 1997, and 1998. Starting in 1999, Tooele, Utah, experienced a drought that lasted through 2004 with 2002, which exhibited extreme drought conditions, being the driest. The drought abated in 2005. In fact, May 2005, with 7.51 inches of precipitation, was the wettest May on record and the second wettest month overall in 79 years of U.S. Weather Service data for Tooele. From the perspective of the herbaceous community, 1996 and 2002 can be looked upon as “stable” years and 1999 and 2005 can be looked upon as “transition” years. 1996 was the fourth year in a string of years with above normal precipitation. The year 2002 was the fourth year in a string of years with below normal precipitation. The year 1999 was the first year of the drought that lasted from 1999 through 2004, and 2005 is the year that the drought ended. Precipitation appears to be the most important factor in determining health of the herbaceous community. This has implications for interpretation of chemical analytical data as well. Plants under greater stress from lack of moisture may accumulate materials from the environment at different rates than plants under less stress. 6-12 Likewise, soil biota are more active when more moisture is available. It can also be expected that material transport within the soil will vary with differences in moisture percolation and evaporation. These factors combined mean that differences in COPC concentrations in soil or vegetation from one sampling round to another may be more likely due to climatic trends than to emissions from a particular source such as the TOCDF common stack. Herbaceous Comparison 2005 to 2002. Herbaceous layer characteristics data were reviewed to evaluate changes in composition and structure by comparing the 2005 EMFS data to the 2002 EMFS. A summary of the findings is presented as follows: a. The area-wide average decreaser/increaser index for all sample locations slightly increased from 2002 (2.68) to 2005 (2.76), indicating that the herbaceous community is continuing to trend away from native species. This continuing trend is most likely in response to drought, cattle grazing, and fire. The increase in the decreaser/increaser index is supported through the observation of more invader species (bur buttercup, cheatgrass, etc.) during the herbaceous characterization. b. Forage value is determined on the basis of palatability, nutrient content, and dependability as a forage supply for grazing animals (Parker, 1979). Forage value is a relative factor that varies depending on the kind of livestock using the plants, the soil conditions, and the season. A forage value of one is good, where as a value of three is poor. The area-wide average forage value increased slightly from 2.36 in 2002 to 2.50 in 2005, indicating a decrease in forage quality. c. Species richness increased from 0.37 in 2002 to 0.80 in 2005. On average, three herbaceous species were identified at sample locations in 2002 versus eight identified in 2005. In 1996, an average of seven species was identified at area-wide sampling locations. The low number 6-13 of species identified in 2002 is a result of extreme drought conditions that plagued Rush Valley in 2002. d. Average area-wide percent ground cover increased from 29 percent in 2002 to 49 percent in 2005. The significant increase in percent cover is directly related to a significant increase in precipitation between the two sampling periods. In 2002, a total of 13.6 inches of annual precipitation was documented, which is significantly below average annual levels and is considered a drought condition for Rush Valley. In comparison, 18.75 inches of precipitation was recorded by 22 July 2005. e. It is reasonable to conclude that the decrease in numbers of species and the decrease in percent cover observed in 2002 is a result of the drought conditions. 6-14 Table 6.1-1. Sample Location Physical Variables Sample Location Elevation (feet) Percent Slope Aspect (degrees) Aspect Transformationa Plant Communityb 0111 5087.1 1.76 72 1.891 3 0112 5050.0 2 285 0.500 3 0214 5028.5 0.12 45 2.000 2 0224 5060.0 7 115 1.340 3 0308 5080.5 0.83 74 1.875 2 0400 5311.1 2.9 89 1.719 3 0416 5011.5 2.52 267 0.257 3 0420 5010.2 19.04 128 1.122 2 0515 5035.1 6.59 188 0.201 3 0611 5031.2 0.19 315 1.000 2 0613 5069.8 4.59 207 0.049 3 0616 5031.0 1.07 322 1.122 3 0618 5022.0 1.71 258 0.161 3 0623 4984.3 5.31 290 0.577 N/A 0707 5035.3 0.19 135 1.000 1 0714 5162.2 2.12 180 0.293 2 0802 5115.1 1.23 315 1.000 1,2 0812 5129.2 3.84 148 0.775 3 0813 5185.6 1.87 172 0.398 3 0817 5110.1 3.15 342 1.454 3 0819 5060.1 3.87 284 0.485 N/A 0914 5229.4 1.19 297 0.691 3 1004 5035.8 1.4 164 0.515 2 1007 5059.2 0.56 225 0.000 2 1009 5135.9 1.73 184 0.245 3 1011 5179.7 2.39 270 0.293 2 1013 5256.0 5.21 255 0.134 3 1015 5285.5 1.77 283 0.470 3 1018 5191.9 2.38 336 1.358 3 1022 5366.0 5.65 295 0.658 4 6-15 Table 6.1-1. Sample Location Physical Variables (Continued) Sample Location Elevation (feet) Percent Slope Aspect (degrees) Aspect Transformationa Plant Communityb 1108 5138.8 0.68 169 0.441 3 1202 5049.8 1.01 88 1.731 3 1209 5154.5 1.06 180 0.293 3 1214 5444.1 2.55 242 0.044 3 1218 5322.5 3.76 267 0.257 3 1222 5613.6 4.22 233 0.010 4 1223 5605.1 9.11 175 0.357 3,4 1305 5074.5 5.33 264 0.223 2 1412 5431.1 3.95 220 0.004 3 1416 5818.6 12.45 262 0.201 4 1508 5243.1 3.05 236 0.018 3 1706 5182.6 2.25 225 0.000 1 1710 5664.7 6.98 231 0.005 3 1808 5493.5 6.66 283 0.470 3 Notes: a Aspect Transformation = 1+Cosine(Aspect-45º) b Plant Community 1 = Sample locations with no shrub layer or with sagebrush only in the shrub plot 2 = Sample locations in isolated sagebrush communities 3 = Sample locations in sagebrush prairies 4 = Sample locations in woodlands N/A = not applicable 6-16 Table 6.1-2. Soil Samples Collected for the 2005 EMFS Grid ID Sample ID GPS/Name GPS Location Sector/Location Soil Description 0111 0111S5 0111A EUTM-377604.457 NUTM- 4464380.888 Longitude- (-)112.440623105 Latitude-40.320991329 1B/ 35',7" - 30º Sandy Silt, light brown, dry with small roots 0111B EUTM-377611.866 NUTM- 4464384.192 Longitude- (-)112.440536560 Latitude-40.321022174 1B/ 60',2" - 41º Sandy Silt, light brown, dry with small roots 0111C EUTM-377615.508 NUTM- 4464389.339 Longitude- (-)112.440494689 Latitude-40.321069058 1B/ 82',8" - 36º Sandy Silt, light brown, dry with small roots 0112 0112S2 Did not sample for the 2005 Follow-on Study 0214 0214S5 0214A EUTM-379628.808 NUTM- 4466272.679 Longitude- (-)112.417159403 Latitude-40.338324038 1B/ 23',3" - 43º Sandy, silt, fine, dry light brown trace of root hairs 0214B EUTM-379633.864 NUTM- 4466280.757 Longitude- (-)112.417101419 Latitude-40.338397522 1B/ 52',4" - 32º Sandy, silt, fine, dry light brown trace of root hairs 0214C EUTM-379638.324 NUTM- 4466284.595 Longitude- (-)112.417049643 Latitude-40.338432734 1B/ 72' - 35º Sandy, silt, fine, dry light brown trace of root hairs 6-17 Table 6.1-2. Soil Samples Collected for the 2005 EMFS (Continued) Grid ID Sample ID GPS/Name GPS Location Sector/Location Soil Description 0224 0224S2 Did not sample for the 2005 Follow-on Study 0308 0308S5 0308A EUTM-379181.854 NUTM- 4460246.410 Longitude- (-)112.421281489 Latitude-40.283983638 1B/ 32',10" - 30º Sandy, silt, light gray, dry with roots 0308B EUTM-379188.914 NUTM- 4460251.095 Longitude- (-)112.421199342 Latitude-40.284026853 1B/ 58',10" - 37º Sandy, silt, light gray, dry with roots 0308C EUTM-379193.829 NUTM- 4460254.553 Longitude- (-)112.421142189 Latitude-40.284058715 1B/ 79' - 36º Sandy, silt, light gray, dry with roots 0400 0400S5 0400A EUTM-377677.179 NUTM- 4452641.176 Longitude-(-)112.437526742 Latitude-40.215267819 1A/ 33', 8" - 5º Silt, sand (5%), with pebbles (5%), loose, medium brown to light yellow brown 0400B EUTM-377682.978 NUTM- 4452649.525 Longitude-(-)112.437460203 Latitude-40.215343862 1A/ 66', 11" - 13º Silt, no sand, with pebbles (3%), medium brown to light yellow brown 0400C EUTM-377683.377 NUTM- 4452657.891 Longitude-(-)112.437457110 Latitude-40.215419272 1A/ 92', - 8.5º Silt, sand (5%), trace of pebbles, medium brown to light yellow brown 0416 0416S5 0416A EUTM-379325.138 NUTM- 4468827.8999 Longitude-(-)112.421216640 Latitude-40.361293726 5B/ 26', 5" - 210º Sandy, silt, buff, and moist 6-18 Table 6.1-2. Soil Samples Collected for the 2005 EMFS (Continued) Grid ID Sample ID GPS/Name GPS Location Sector/Location Soil Description 0416B EUTM-379319.897 NUTM- 4468821.571 Longitude-(-)112.421277153 Latitude-40.361235969 5B/ 51',6" - 207º Sandy, silt, buff, and moist 0416C EUTM-379310.708 NUTM- 4468811.843 Longitude-(-)112.421383504 Latitude-40.361147028 5B/ 92',9" - 207.5º Sandy, silt, buff, and moist 0420 0420S5 0420A EUTM-378926.717 NUTM- 4472514.618 Longitude-(-)112.426607872 Latitude-40.394440097 1B/ 14',3" - 35º Gravelly, silty sand with F-M gravel and cobbles sub angular, light brown and dry 0420B EUTM-378931.002 NUTM- 4472521.330 Longitude-(-)112.426558674 Latitude-40.394501176 1B/ 39',2" - 27º Gravelly, silty sand with F-M gravel and cobbles sub angular, light brown and dry 0420C EUTM-378941.445 NUTM- 4472526.915 Longitude-(-)112.426436716 Latitude-40.394552986 1B/ 76',3" - 37.5º Gravelly, silty sand with F-M gravel and cobbles sub angular, light brown and dry 0515 0515S5 0515A EUTM-380222.109 NUTM- 4467781.388 Longitude-(-)112.410459388 Latitude-40.351997627 8A/ 39' - 33º Gravelly, silty sand, light brown and dry 0515B EUTM-380218.524 NUTM- 4467786.083 Longitude-(-)112.410502471 Latitude-40.352039401 8A/ 59' - 37º Gravelly, silty sand, light brown and dry 6-19 Table 6.1-2. Soil Samples Collected for the 2005 EMFS (Continued) Grid ID Sample ID GPS/Name GPS Location Sector/Location Soil Description 0515C EUTM-380215.462 NUTM- 4467794.627 Longitude-(-)112.410540129 Latitude-40.352115911 8A/ 88' - 35º Gravelly, silty sand, light brown and dry 0611 0611S5 0611A EUTM-381443.843 NUTM- 4463214.035 Longitude-(-)112.395229197 Latitude-40.311035804 1B/ 22',4" - 26º Silt, no sand or pebbles, medium brown 0611B EUTM-381447.214 NUTM- 4463216.545 Longitude-(-)112.395190003 Latitude-40.311058889 1B/ 36',10" - 30º Silt, no sand or pebbles, medium brown 0611C EUTM-381453.803 NUTM- 4463223.264 Longitude-(-)112.395113730 Latitude-40.311120338 1B/ 67',9" - 32º Silt, no sand or pebbles, medium brown 0613 0613S5 0613A EUTM-381159.192 NUTM- 4465660.800 Longitude-(-)112.399033096 Latitude-40.333032423 8A/ 32',1" - 324º Silt, trace of sand, pebbles sub angular (5%), medium brown 0613B EUTM-381160.710 NUTM- 4465666.701 Longitude-(-)112.399016328 Latitude-40.333085778 8A/ 49',8" - 334º Silt, trace of sand, pebbles sub angular (5%), medium brown 0613C EUTM-381151.999 NUTM- 4465673.812 Longitude-(-)112.399120174 Latitude-40.333148584 8A/ 80',2" - 322º Silt, trace of sand, pebbles and cobbles sub angular to sub rounded (15%), medium brown 6-20 Table 6.1-2. Soil Samples Collected for the 2005 EMFS (Continued) Grid ID Sample ID GPS/Name GPS Location Sector/Location Soil Description 0616 0616S5 0616A EUTM-380852.884 NUTM- 4468553.277 Longitude-(-)112.403177870 Latitude-40.359040012 7A/ 27' - 275º Silty, sand with fine sub angular gravel, brown, moist with abundant roots 0616B EUTM-380840.770 NUTM- 4468556.368 Longitude-(-)112.403321069 Latitude-40.359066118 7A/ 67' - 273º Silty, sand with fine sub angular gravel, brown, moist with abundant roots 0616C EUTM-380837.521 NUTM- 4468559.138 Longitude-(-)112.403359838 Latitude-40.359090601 7A/ 80' - 280º Silty, sand with fine sub angular gravel, brown, moist with abundant roots 0618 0618S5 0618A EUTM-381068.140 NUTM- 4470188.377 Longitude-(-)112.400948475 Latitude-40.373797313 3A/ 22',8" - 95.5º Sandy silt with trace of fine gravel buff, dry, about 20% voids 0618B EUTM-381077.708 NUTM- 4470185.673 Longitude-(-)112.400835294 Latitude-40.373774329 3A/ 53',5" - 94º Sandy silt with trace of fine gravel buff, dry, about 20% voids 0618C EUTM-381082.163 NUTM- 4470177.617 Longitude-(-)112.400781330 Latitude-40.373702405 3A/ 78',5" - 118.5º Sandy silt with trace of fine gravel buff, dry, about 20% voids 0623 0623S5 0623A EUTM-382526.972 NUTM- 4475068.415 Longitude-(-)112.384669296 Latitude-40.417956493 1B/ 30' - 38º Sandy silt, buff, dry 6-21 Table 6.1-2. Soil Samples Collected for the 2005 EMFS (Continued) Grid ID Sample ID GPS/Name GPS Location Sector/Location Soil Description 0623B EUTM-382534.530 NUTM- 4475074.513 Longitude-(-)112.384581361 Latitude-40.418012483 1B/ 60' - 36º Sandy silt, buff, dry 0623C EUTM-382542.488 NUTM- 4475079.371 Longitude-(-)112.384488474 Latitude-40.418057361 1B/ 90' - 35º Sandy silt, buff, dry 0707 0707S5 0707A EUTM-382036.791 NUTM- 4459644.876 Longitude-(-)112.387595196 Latitude-40.278973426 5B/ 23' - 220º Silt, high organic content, dark brown 0707B EUTM-382028.418 NUTM- 4459639.296 Longitude-(-)112.387692636 Latitude-40.278921989 5B/ 57',2" - 222º Silt, high organic content, dark brown 0707C EUTM-382024.593 NUTM- 4459629.745 Longitude-(-)112.387735853 Latitude-40.278835422 5B/ 86',2" - 212º Silt, high organic content, dark brown 0714 0714S5 0714A EUTM-382120.141 NUTM- 4466859.456 Longitude-(-)112.387944899 Latitude-40.343964523 8B/ 16',9" - 355º Silty sand (F) with sandy silt with fine sub angular gravel, buff-brown moist 0714B EUTM-382117.144 NUTM- 4466873.113 Longitude-(-)112.387982690 Latitude-40.344087104 8B/ 61',3" - 342º Silty sand (F) with sandy silt with fine sub angular gravel, buff-brown moist 6-22 Table 6.1-2. Soil Samples Collected for the 2005 EMFS (Continued) Grid ID Sample ID GPS/Name GPS Location Sector/Location Soil Description 0714C EUTM-382118.513 NUTM- 4466880.184 Longitude-(-)112.387967891 Latitude-40.344150975 8B/ 86' - 344º Silty sand (F) with sandy silt with fine sub angular gravel, buff-brown moist 0802 0802S5 0802A EUTM-383651.742 NUTM- 4455299.609 Longitude-(-)112.367815266 Latitude-40.240062603 1B/ 20',5" - 29º Silt, no sand or pebbles, medium brown to gray 0802B EUTM-383656.925 NUTM- 4455303.701 Longitude-(-)112.367755095 Latitude-40.240100176 1B/ 41' - 36.5º Silt, no sand or pebbles, medium brown to gray 0802C EUTM-383668.477 NUTM- 4455310.258 Longitude-(-)112.367620514 Latitude-40.240160841 1B/ 83',9" - 41º Silt, no sand or pebbles, medium brown to gray 0812 0812S5 0812A EUTM-383030.190 NUTM- 4464780.443 Longitude-(-)112.376852000 Latitude-40.325367599 8A/ 22',8" - 325º Silt, sand (5%), pebbles sub rounded (20%), medium to light brownish gray 0812B EUTM-383026.893 NUTM- 4464784.710 Longitude-(-)112.376891584 Latitude-40.325405570 8A/ 39' - 316º Silt, sand (5%), pebbles sub rounded (20%), medium to light brownish gray 0812C EUTM-383025.521 NUTM- 4464794.001 Longitude-(-)112.376909431 Latitude-40.325489055 8A/ 69',2" - 326º Silt, sand (5%), pebbles sub rounded (20%), medium to light brownish gray 6-23 Table 6.1-2. Soil Samples Collected for the 2005 EMFS (Continued) Grid ID Sample ID GPS/Name GPS Location Sector/Location Soil Description 0813 0813S5 0813A EUTM-383254.692 NUTM- 4465640.836 Longitude-(- )112.374367318 Latitude-40.333148308 2B/ 50',4" - 72º Silt, sand (5%), pebbles sub angular (10%), medium brown 0813B EUTM-383256.989 NUTM- 4465644.451 Longitude-(-)112.374340940 Latitude-40.333181189 2B/ 57',9" - 84º Silt, sand (10%), pebbles and cobbles (15%), medium brown with reddish tint 0813C EUTM-383264.416 NUTM- 4465643.342 Longitude-(-)112.374253333 Latitude-40.333172247 2B/ 81',9" - 77º Silt, trace of sand, pebbles (10%), medium brown 0817 0817S5 0817A EUTM-382041.114 NUTM- 4469444.266 Longitude-(-)112.389352953 Latitude-40.367233684 1B/ 26',1" - 26º Gravelly silty sand (F-C), ground is fine to move, sub rounded to sub angular, soft, wet with abundant roots < 1/16" 0817B EUTM-382048.030 NUTM- 4469446.641 Longitude-(-)112.389271954 Latitude-40.367256056 1B/ 44',10" - 37º Gravelly silty sand (F-C), ground is fine to move, sub rounded to sub angular, soft, wet with abundant roots < 1/16" 0817C EUTM-382053.232 NUTM- 4469457.540 Longitude-(-)112.389212713 Latitude-40.367354958 1B/ 82',11" - 27º Gravelly silty sand (F-C), ground is fine to move, sub rounded to sub angular, soft, wet with abundant roots < 1/16" 0819 0819S5 0819A EUTM-383243.892 NUTM- 4472018.345 Longitude-(-)112.375661730 Latitude-40.390586715 1B/ 22' - 41º Sandy silt, light gray, dry 6-24 Table 6.1-2. Soil Samples Collected for the 2005 EMFS (Continued) Grid ID Sample ID GPS/Name GPS Location Sector/Location Soil Description 0819B EUTM-383251.702 NUTM- 4472026.851 Longitude-(-)112.375571291 Latitude-40.40.390664423 1B/ 59',5" - 33º Sandy silt, brownish gray, dry with roots and other organics 0819C EUTM-383258.366 NUTM- 4472030.451 Longitude-(-)112.375493461 Latitude-40.390697779 1B/ 83',4" - 37º Sandy silt, brownish gray, dry with roots and other organics 0914 0914S5 0914A EUTM-384077.265 NUTM- 4466720.461 Longitude-(-)112.364882279 Latitude-40.342986826 8A/ 33',6" - 319º Fine silty sand/sandy silt brown, moist, good dilatancy, abundant roots 0914B EUTM-384077.498 NUTM- 4466729.346 Longitude-(-)112.364881146 Latitude-40.343066884 8A/ 61',10" - 332º Fine silty sand/sandy silt brown, moist, good dilatancy, abundant roots 0914C EUTM-384069.292 NUTM- 4466736.244 Longitude-(-)112.364978989 Latitude-40.343127872 8A/ 92',4" - 320º Fine silty sand/sandy silt brown, moist, good dilatancy, abundant roots 1004 1004S5 1004A EUTM-385242.061 NUTM- 4456755.754 Longitude-(-)112.349384541 Latitude-40.253397408 1B/ 22' - 37º Silty sand with F-M sub rounded gravel, abundant roots, dark brown, very moist 1004B EUTM-385247.840 NUTM- 4456762.530 Longitude-(-)112.349317809 Latitude-40.253459229 1B/ 50' - 32º Silty sand with F-M sub rounded gravel, abundant roots, dark brown, very moist 6-25 Table 6.1-2. Soil Samples Collected for the 2005 EMFS (Continued) Grid ID Sample ID GPS/Name GPS Location Sector/Location Soil Description 1004C EUTM-385251.631 NUTM- 4456768.081 Longitude-(-)112.349274244 Latitude-40.253509749 1B/ 73' - 26.5º Silty sand with F-M sub rounded gravel, abundant roots, dark brown, very moist 1007 1007S5 1007A EUTM-385038.524 NUTM- 4459375.992 Longitude-(-)112.352247140 Latitude-40.276969634 1B/ 37',10" - 24º Silt with trace of fine sand; pebbles and cobbles rounded to sub angular (20%) medium to dark brown 1007B EUTM-385043.084 NUTM- 4459378.408 Longitude-(-)112.352193953 Latitude-40.276992018 1B/ 53',8" - 34º Silt with trace of fine sand; pebbles and cobbles rounded to sub angular (20%) medium to dark brown 1007C EUTM-385048.631 NUTM- 4459384.662 Longitude-(-)112.352129850 Latitude-40.277049109 1B/ 80',6" - 32º Silt with trace of fine sand; pebbles and cobbles rounded to sub angular (20%) medium to dark brown 1009 1009S5 1009A EUTM-384999.484 NUTM- 4461598.544 Longitude-(-)112.353105419 Latitude-40.296982429 4B/ 21',5" - 175º Silt with sand (5%), pebbles sub angular (5%) medium to light brown 1009B EUTM-385001.084 NUTM- 4461587.993 Longitude-(-)112.353084707 Latitude-40.296887623 4B/ 56',5" - 165º Silt with sand (5%), pebbles sub angular (5%) medium to light brown 1009C EUTM-385000.846 NUTM- 4461577.993 Longitude-(-)112.353085706 Latitude-40.296797522 4B/ 90',3" - 166º Silt with trace of pebbles sub angular medium to light brown 6-26 Table 6.1-2. Soil Samples Collected for the 2005 EMFS (Continued) Grid ID Sample ID GPS/Name GPS Location Sector/Location Soil Description 1011 1011S5 1011A EUTM-385038.568 NUTM- 4463653.424 Longitude-(-)112.353014984 Latitude-40.315495717 6B/ 30' - 264º Silt sand, fine, moist with abundant roots, brown 1011B EUTM-385030.368 NUTM- 4463654.016 Longitude-(-)112.353111578 Latitude-40.315499924 6B/ 60' - 263.5º Sandy silt, buff, dry with med sub rounded gravel 1011C EUTM-385020.438 NUTM- 4463651.617 Longitude-(-)112.353227986 Latitude-40.315476952 6B/ 92' - 254º Sandy silt, buff, dry 1013 1013S5 1013A EUTM-385080.008 NUTM- 4465629.839 Longitude-(-)112.352882796 Latitude-40.333302556 3B/ 24',2" - 123º Silt sand (5%), pebbles and cobbles (15%), medium brown to gray 1013B EUTM-385087.996 NUTM- 4465625.931 Longitude-(-)112.352788075 Latitude-40.333268461 3B/ 50',7" - 116º Silt, trace sand, pebbles and cobbles (20%), medium brown to gray 1013C EUTM-385091.713 NUTM- 4465617.671 Longitude-(-)112.352742843 Latitude-40.333194573 3B/ 77',8" - 121º Silt, trace sand, pebbles and cobbles (10%), medium brown to gray 1015 1015S5 1015A EUTM-385064.970 NUTM- 4467622.656 Longitude-(-)112.353418494 Latitude-40.351249290 6A/ 24',6" - 241º Gravelly silty sand, fine buff brown moist, gravel sub angular to sub rounded up to 2" 6-27 Table 6.1-2. Soil Samples Collected for the 2005 EMFS (Continued) Grid ID Sample ID GPS/Name GPS Location Sector/Location Soil Description 1015B EUTM-385055.771 NUTM- 4467617.621 Longitude-(-)112.353525876 Latitude-40.351202675 6A/ 57',6" - 232º Gravelly silty sand, fine buff brown moist, gravel sub angular to sub rounded up to 2" 1015C EUTM-385046.174 NUTM- 4467617.771 Longitude-(-)112.353638889 Latitude-40.351202707 6A/ 88',4" - 240º Gravelly silty sand, fine buff brown moist, gravel sub angular to sub rounded up to 2" 1018 1018S5 1018A EUTM-385128.388 NUTM- 4470746.486 Longitude-(-)112.353234544 Latitude-40.379393477 3B/ 35' - 120º Fine silty sand with trace fine sub angular to sub rounded gravel, brown wet 1018B EUTM-385134.863 NUTM- 4470741.849 Longitude-(-)112.353157454 Latitude-40.379352606 3B/ 60' - 117º Gravelly silty sand fine, gravel is fine and angular (15%), brown, wet 1018C EUTM-385138.159 NUTM- 4470737.206 Longitude-(-)112.353117798 Latitude-40.379311234 3B/ 80' - 122º Silty sand fine, brown , wet trace fine gravel 1022 1022S5 1022A EUTM-385030.568 NUTM- 4474624.662 Longitude-(-)112.355086805 Latitude-40.414309392 1B/ 16',10" - 34º Silty sandy gravel F-C with cobbles and boulders, buff, dry, abundant root hairs 1022B EUTM-385041.423 NUTM- 4474633.406 Longitude-(-)112.354960485 Latitude-40.414389646 1B/ 60',3" - 38º Silty sandy gravel F-C with cobbles and boulders, buff, dry, abundant root hairs 6-28 Table 6.1-2. Soil Samples Collected for the 2005 EMFS (Continued) Grid ID Sample ID GPS/Name GPS Location Sector/Location Soil Description 1022C EUTM-385045.704 NUTM- 4474642.866 Longitude-(-)112.354911746 Latitude-40.414475444 1B/ 93' - 28º Silty sandy gravel F-C with cobbles and boulders, buff, dry, abundant root hairs 1108 1108S5 1108A EUTM-386126.663 NUTM- 4460756.701 Longitude-(-)112.339696625 Latitude-40.289554387 1B/ 31',9" - 44º Silt trace of sand, pebbles sub angular to rounded (5-10%), medium brown 1108B EUTM-386127.734 NUTM- 4460760.909 Longitude-(-)112.339684780 Latitude-40.289592438 1B/ 43',4" - 32º Silt trace of sand, pebbles sub angular to rounded (5-10%), medium brown 1108C EUTM-386134.831 NUTM- 4460762.927 Longitude-(-)112.339601667 Latitude-40.289611581 1B/ 65',5" - 42º Silt trace of sand, pebbles sub angular to rounded (15%), medium brown 1202 1202S5 1202A EUTM-387025.267 NUTM- 4454654.687 Longitude-(-)112.328052099 Latitude-40.234715676 8B/ 15',2" - 346º Silt with small sub angular pebbles, medium brown 1202B EUTM-387026.012 NUTM- 4454660.925 Longitude-(-)112.328044448 Latitude-40.234771959 8B/ 35',6" - 354º Silt with small sub angular pebbles, medium brown 1202C EUTM-387028.793 NUTM- 4454664.696 Longitude-(-)112.328012426 Latitude-40.234806300 8B/ 48',4" - 359.5º Silt with small sub angular pebbles, medium brown 6-29 Table 6.1-2. Soil Samples Collected for the 2005 EMFS (Continued) Grid ID Sample ID GPS/Name GPS Location Sector/Location Soil Description 1209 1209S5 1209A EUTM-387436.154 NUTM- 4460982.584 Longitude-(-)112.324334373 Latitude-40.291766244 1B/ 33',4" - 25º Clayey silt; loose no plasticity, minimal pebbles, sub angular, medium brown 1209B EUTM-387442.758 NUTM- 4460983.921 Longitude-(-)112.324256931 Latitude-40.291779177 1B/ 51',6" - 40º Clayey silt, some sand (5%), pebbles and cobbles, sub angular (10%), medium to dark brownish gray, low plasticity 1209C EUTM-387447.791 NUTM- 4460989.878 Longitude-(-)112.324198776 Latitude-40.291833503 1B/ 77',3" - 36º Silt with sand (5%), clay (5%), pebbles and cobbles (10%), medium brown to gray, no plasticity 1214 1214S5 1214A EUTM-387534.568 NUTM- 4466232.054 Longitude-(-)112.324100188 Latitude-40.339060943 1B/ 23',6" - 30º Sandy silt/silty sand, brown moist with abundant grass roots 1214B EUTM-387541.862 NUTM- 4466239.111 Longitude-(-)112.324015573 Latitude-40.339125494 1B/ 56' - 32º Sandy silt/silty sand, brown moist with abundant grass roots 1214C EUTM-387548.525 NUTM- 4466246.548 Longitude-(-)112.323938460 Latitude-40.339193372 1B/ 88',2" - 30º Sandy silt/silty sand, brown moist with abundant grass roots 1218 1218S5 1218A EUTM-386779.720 NUTM- 4470344.474 Longitude-(-)112.333714801 Latitude-40.375998627 1B/ 32' - 34º Clayey silt, little to no plasticity, loose, with sub angular to angular pebbles and cobbles, medium brown to gray 6-30 Table 6.1-2. Soil Samples Collected for the 2005 EMFS (Continued) Grid ID Sample ID GPS/Name GPS Location Sector/Location Soil Description 1218B EUTM-386784.990 NUTM- 4470350.450 Longitude-(-)112.333653804 Latitude-40.376053169 1B/ 58' - 33º Clayey silt, no plasticity, loose, with sub angular to angular pebbles and cobbles, medium brown to gray 1218C EUTM-386790.834 NUTM- 4470356.585 Longitude-(-)112.333586074 Latitude-40.376109217 1B/ 86' - 32.5º Clayey silt, little to no plasticity, loose, with occasional angular to sub angular pebbles and cobbles, medium brown 1222 1222S5 1222A EUTM-387089.750 NUTM- 4474700.868 Longitude-(-)112.330836064 Latitude-40.415277636 3A/ 24' - 100º Silt with (5%) sand, pebbles and cobbles (15%), medium brown to gray 1222B EUTM-387099.417 NUTM- 4474699.459 Longitude-(-)112.330721901 Latitude-40.415266257 3A/ 55' - 94º Silt with (5%) sand, pebbles and cobbles (15%), medium brown to gray 1222C EUTM-387107.888 NUTM- 4474694.699 Longitude-(-)112.330621232 Latitude-40.415224541 3A/ 86',8" - 98º Silt with (5%) sand, pebbles and cobbles (15%), medium brown to gray 1223 1223S5 1223A EUTM-386883.659 NUTM- 4474864.622 Longitude-(-)112.333293678 Latitude-40.416724538 1B/ 29',10" - 25º Silt with (10%) sand, pebbles and cobbles (10%), medium brown to light gray 1223B EUTM-386890.098 NUTM- 4474873.624 Longitude-(-)112.333219406 Latitude-40.416806499 1B/ 66',1" - 25º Silt with sand (trace), pebbles and cobbles (25%), medium brown to gray 6-31 Table 6.1-2. Soil Samples Collected for the 2005 EMFS (Continued) Grid ID Sample ID GPS/Name GPS Location Sector/Location Soil Description 1223C EUTM-386896.300 NUTM- 4474877.835 Longitude-(-)112.333147072 Latitude-40.416845266 1B/ 89',9": - 30º Silt with (5%) sand, pebbles and cobbles (30%), medium brown to gray 1305 1305S5 1305A EUTM-388122.487 NUTM- 4457501.760 Longitude-(-)112.315653676 Latitude-40.260506634 1B/ 22',4" - 32º Silt sand (30%) sand is F-C sub rounded to sub angular, brown , moist 1305B EUTM-388129.078 NUTM- 4457508.164 Longitude-(-)112.315577311 Latitude-40.260565193 1B/ 52' - 33º Silt sand (30%) sand is F-C sub rounded to sub angular, brown , moist 1305C EUTM-388137.391 NUTM- 4457513.153 Longitude-(-)112.315480440 Latitude-40.260611245 1B/ 81',8" - 37º Silt sand (30%) sand is F-C sub rounded to sub angular, brown , moist 1412 1412S5 1412A EUTM-388826.342 NUTM- 4464707.853 Longitude-(-)112.308630144 Latitude-40.325505661 7A/ 17' - 282º Silty clay/clayey silt, with pebbles and cobbles sub angular, medium brown, low plasticity, loose 1412B EUTM-388819.062 NUTM- 4464710.537 Longitude-(-)112.308716288 Latitude-40.325528861 7A/ 43' - 280º Clayey silt, with pebbles, sub angular to rounded, medium brown, loose, low to no plasticity 1412C EUTM-388809.477 NUTM- 4464714.211 Longitude-(-)112.308829720 Latitude-40.325560676 7A/ 76' - 280.5º Clayey silt, with pebbles, some cobbles, medium brown, loose, no plasticity 6-32 Table 6.1-2. Soil Samples Collected for the 2005 EMFS (Continued) Grid ID Sample ID GPS/Name GPS Location Sector/Location Soil Description 1416 1416S5 1416A EUTM-389395.113 NUTM- 4468148.323 Longitude-(-)112.302532698 Latitude-40.356569294 1B/ 41',2" - 31º Clayey gravelly, silty sand, gravel to 2" diameter, sub angular to sub rounded, one sub angular cobble 4" 1416B EUTM-389399.790 NUTM- 4468152.969 Longitude-(-)112.302478431 Latitude-40.356611759 1B/ 64' - 33º Silty gravelly sand, gravel to 2" sub angular to sub rounded 1416C EUTM-389404.541 NUTM- 4468156.096 Longitude-(-)112.302423046 Latitude-40.356640562 1B/ 83',11" - 35º Gravelly silty sand, gravel to 1" sub angular to sub rounded, sand is fine to course sub angular to sub rounded 1508 1508S5 1508A EUTM-390105.462 NUTM- 4460699.416 Longitude-(-)112.292888524 Latitude-40.289570909 1A/ 23' - 14º Silt with small about of clay, occasional pebbles and cobbles angular to sub angular (15%) medium brown to light gray 1508B EUTM-390106.252 NUTM- 4460707.354 Longitude-(-)112.292880591 Latitude-40.289642511 1A/ 47',10" - 4º Silt with small about of clay, occasional pebbles and cobbles angular to sub angular (20%) medium brown to light gray 1508C EUTM-390114.502 NUTM- 4460718.165 Longitude-(-)112.292785416 Latitude-40.289740967 1A/ 91',3" - 13º Clayey silt, loose, no plasticity some pebbles and cobbles angular to sub angular (5%) medium brown to light gray 1706 1706S5 1706A EUTM-392171.522 NUTM- 4458554.624 Longitude-(-)112.268226334 Latitude-40.270521472 1B/ 18',11" - 34º Silt, and fine sand (30%), medium brown 6-33 Table 6.1-2. Soil Samples Collected for the 2005 EMFS (Continued) Grid ID Sample ID GPS/Name GPS Location Sector/Location Soil Description 1706B EUTM-392178.165 NUTM- 4458563.497 Longitude-(-)112.268149714 Latitude-40.270602256 1B/ 55',6" - 29º Silt, and fine sand (30%), medium brown 1706C EUTM-392182.734 NUTM- 4458568.321 Longitude-(-)112.268096804 Latitude-40.270646287 1B/ 76',3" - 30º Silt, and fine sand (30%), medium brown 1710 1710S5 1710A EUTM-392257.555 NUTM- 4462249.389 Longitude-(-)112.267836437 Latitude-40.303811846 1B/ 28',5" - 30º Silty sand with F-C gravel, sand is F-C poorly graded, sub rounded to sub angular with cobbles and boulders 1710B EUTM-392265.792 NUTM- 4462251.924 Longitude-(-)112.267739953 Latitude-40.303835736 1B/ 55' - 44º Silty sand with F-C gravel, sand is F-C poorly graded with angular to sub angular with gravel and cobbles, wet 1710C EUTM-392269.060 NUTM- 4462261.286 Longitude-(-)112.267703080 Latitude-40.303920486 1B/ 81',25" - 33º Silty sand with F-C gravel, sand is F-C poorly graded with angular to sub angular with gravel and cobbles, wet 1808 1808S5 1808A EUTM-393015.841 NUTM- 4460689.370 Longitude-(-)112.258654713 Latitude-40.289857937 5A/ 42' - 188º Clayey silt, loose, no plasticity, with (50%) angular to sub angular pebbles, and cobbles, occasional boulders, medium brown to gray 1808B EUTM-393011.677 NUTM- 4460683.200 Longitude-(-)112.258702659 Latitude-40.289801828 5A/ 67' - 191º Clayey silt, loose, no plasticity, with pebbles and cobbles angular to sub angular, medium brown to gray 6-34 Table 6.1-2. Soil Samples Collected for the 2005 EMFS (Continued) Grid ID Sample ID GPS/Name GPS Location Sector/Location Soil Description 1808C EUTM-393008.053 NUTM- 4460677.948 Longitude-(-)112.258744408 Latitude-40.289754060 5A/ 89' - 192º Clayey slit with sand (20%), loose, no plasticity with pebbles and cobbles angular and sub angular, medium brown to gray Notes: GPS = Global Positioning System ID = identification 6-35 Table 6.2-1. Plant Species List Code Scientific Name Common Name LF D NA DI F 1996 1998 1999 2002 2005 AGDE(CR) Agropyron desertorum Wheatgrass G P A 1 1 X X X X X AGEX Agrostis exarata Spike bentgrass G P N 1 1 X X AGRE Agropyron repens Quackgrass G P A 3 2 X AGSU Agropyron subsecundum Bearded wheatgrass G P N 1 1 X X X AGTR Agropyron trachycaulum Slender wheatgrass G P N 1 1 X X X X ALAL Allyssum alyssoides Yellow allyssum F A/B A 3 3 X X X ALGE Allium geyeri Geyer onion F P N 2 3 X ALsp Allium sp. Onion F P u 2 3 X ARDE Arabis demissa Low rockcress F P N 2 3 X ARFE Arenaria fendleri Fendler sandwort L P N 2 2 X X ARFR Artemisia frigida Fringed sagebrush L P N 2 3 X X ARTR Artemisia tridentata Big sagebrush L P N 2 3 X X X X X ASBE Astragalus beckwithii Beckwith’s milkvetch F P N 2 4 X ASNE Astragalus newberryi Newberry’s milkvetch F P N 2 4 X ASGE Astragalus geyeri Geyer milkvetch F P N 2 4 X ATCA Atriplex canascens Four-wing saltbush S P N 1 1 e X X X ATCO Atriplex confertifolia Shadscale S P N 2 1 X X X X X BRTE Bromus tectorum Cheatgrass G A A 3 2 X X X X X CAANF Castilleja chromosa Desert paintbrush F P N 2 2 X CADR Cardaria draba Whitetop F P A 3 3 X X CELA Ceratoides lanata Winterfat S P N 1 1 X X X CELO Cenchrus longispinus Longspine sandbur G A A 3 3 X X X X CHDO Chaenactis douglasii Douglas’ Dusty Maiden F B/P N 2 3 X CHNA Chrysothamnus nauseosus Grey rabbitbrush S P N 1 1 X X X X X CHRU Chenopodium rubrum Red goosefoot F A N 2 3 pu X X CHTE2 Chorispora tenella Purple crossflower F A A 3 3 X CHVI Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus Douglas rabbitbrush S P N 3 3 X 6-36 Table 6.2-1. Plant Species List (Continued) Code Scientific Name Common Name LF D NA DI F 1996 1998 1999 2002 2005 CRNA Cryptantha nana Little cryptantha S P N 3 2 X CRsp Cryptantha sp. Unknown cryptantha P P u u u X X DEPI Descurainia pinnata Pinnate tansy mustard F A N 3 3 X X DESO Descurainia sophia Flixweed F A A 3 3 X X DIST(p) Distichlis stricta Desert saltgrass G P N 2 2 e X X X ELTA Elymus trachycaulus Slender wheatgrass G P N 1 1 X ELTR Elymus triticoides Beardless wild rye G P N 1 2 X X X X EPVI Ephedra sp. Mormon tea S P N 2 2 X ERCI Erodium cicutarium Redstem fileree F A/B A 3 3 X X X EROV Eriogonum ovalifolium Cushion buckwheat F P N 2 3 X X ERPU Erigeron pumilus Low fleabane F P N 3 2 X ERsp Erigeron sp. Wild buckwheat F u u u X ERUM Erigognum umbellatum Sulfur buckwheat F P N 2 3 X ERYSI Erysimum captatum Wallflower F P N 3 3 X EUBR Euphorbia brachycera Shorthorn spurge F P N 3 1 X X X FEsp Festuca sp. Fescue G u u u X GICO Gilia congesta Ball-head gilia F P N 3 2 X X X X GUSA Gutierrezia sarothrae Broom snakeweed S P N 2 4 X X X X HAGL Halogeton glomeratus Halogeton F A A 3 3 X HOJU Hordeum jubatum Foxtail barley G P N 3 3 X JUAR Juncus articus Wiregrass R P N 2 3 e e X JUBU Juncus bufonius Toad rush R A N 2 3 X JUNE Juncus nevadensis Nevada rush R P N 2 3 X JUOS Juniperus osteosperma Utah juniper T P N 2 3 X X X X X KRLA2 Ceratoides lanata Winterfat S P N 1 1 X LASE Lactuca serriola Prickly lettuce F A/B A 3 3 X X X LEFE Lesquerella sp Bladderpod F P N 3 3 X 6-37 Table 6.2-1. Plant Species List (Continued) Code Scientific Name Common Name LF D NA DI F 1996 1998 1999 2002 2005 LEKI Lesquerella kingii King’s bladderpod F P N 2 3 X LELA Lepidium latifolium Perennial peppergrass F P A 3 2 X X X LEPE Lepidium perfoliatum Shield peppergrass F A A 3 2 X X X X X LOPE Lolium perenne Perrenial ryegrass G A A 3 3 X OECA Oenethera caespitosa Desert evening-primrose F P N 3 4 X OPPA(O) Opuntia polyacantha Plains pricklypear F P N 2 3 X X X X ORHE Oryzopsis hymenoides Indian rice grass G P N 1 1 X X X X X PHHO Phlox hoodii Hood’s phlox M P N 3 3 X PHLO Phlox longifolia Long-leaved phlox F P N 3 3 X X PIED Pinus edulis Pinyon pine T P N 2 3 X POCU Poa cusickii Cusick’s bluegrass G P N 1 1 X X POEP Poa epilis Skyline bluegrass G P N 1 1 X X POFE Poa fendeleriana Mutton grass G P N 1 1 X PORA Polygonum ramosissimum Bushy knotweed F A N 3 3 X X POSE Poa secunda Sandberg bluegrass G P N 2 1 X X X X X RATE Ranunculus testiculatus Bur buttercup F A A 3 3 e e X X X RUOC Rudbeckia occidentalis Western coneflower F P N 2 2 X SAIB Salsola iberica Russian thistle F A A 3 2 X X SAVI Sarcobatus virmiculatus Greasewood S P N 2 4 X X X X SERI Senecio riddelli Riddell’s groundsel F P N 3 4 X X SIAL2 Sisymbrium altissimum Tumble mustard F A A 3 3 X X X X SIHY Sitanion hystrix Squirreltail G P N 2 2 X X X X X SPCO Sphaeralcea coccinea Scarlet globemallow F P N 2 2 X X X X SPGR Sphaeralcea grossularifolia Gooseberry-leaf globemallow F P N 2 2 X STCM Stipa comata Needle-and-thread G P N 1 1 X X STCO Stipa columbiana Columbia needlegrass G P N 1 1 X X 6-38 Table 6.2-1. Plant Species List (Continued) Code Scientific Name Common Name LF D NA DI F 1996 1998 1999 2002 2005 STCR Streptanthus cordatus Heartleaf twistflower F B/P N 3 2 X TAOF Taraxacum officinale Dandelion F P A 3 1 X TENU Tetradymia nuttalli Nuttal’s horsebrush L P N 2 4 X X X THIN Thelypodium intergrifolium Whole-leaf mustard F B/P N 2 3 pu x x TRDU Tragopogon dubius Western salsify F A/B A 3 2 X X TRRE Trifolium repens White clover F P A 1 1 X UCsp Unknown crucifera sp. Unknown F u u u X Unsp Unknown sp. Unknown F u u u X VIAM Vicia americana American vetch F P N 1 2 X X X X YAST Yellow Atragalus spp. Yellow astragalus spp. F u 3 2 X ZIPA Zigadenus paniculatus Foothill death-camas F P N 2 4 X ZIVE Zigadenus venenosus Watson’s death-camas F P N 2 4 X Total 59 44 50 17 42 Notes: LI = life form D = duration NA = nativity DI = decreaser/increaser index F= forb A = annual A = alien 1 = decreaser G = grass B = biennial N = native 2 = increaser L = low shrub P = perennial u = unknown 3 = invader M = mat former u = unknown R = graminoide S = shrub T = tree F = forage value 1996/1998/1999/2002 = Year Observed 1 = good X = observed 2 = fair e = erroneously identified as another species in original field work 3 = poor u = unknown 4 = poisonous 6-39 Table 6.2-2. Shrub Community Composition 6-40 Table 6.2-2. Shrub Community Composition (Continued) 6-41 Table 6.2-2. Shrub Community Composition (Continued) Notes: a Refer to table 6.2-1 for species names that go with the codes in this table. m2/ha = square meter per hectare 6-42 Table 6.2-3. Herbaceous Community Composition 1 2 6-43 Table 6.2-3. Herbaceous Community Composition (Continued) 1 2 6-44 Table 6.2-3. Herbaceous Community Composition (Continued) 1 2 6-45 Table 6.2-3. Herbaceous Community Composition (Continued) Notes: a Refer to table 6.2-1 for species names to go with the codes. D/I Index = decreaser/increaser index FV = forage value 6-46 Table 6.3-1. Summary of 2005 Vegetation Characteristics 6-47 Table 6.3-1. Summary of 2005 Vegetation Characteristics (Continued) 6-48 Table Herbaceous Vegetation Comparison 1996 Through 2005 EMBS 1996 1999 EMFS 2002 EMFS 2005 EMFS Speciesa % Cover IV FV Speciesa % Cover IV FV Speciesa % Cover IV FV Speciesa % Cover IV FV CELO 35.45 0.275 1 BRTE 33.70 0.172 2 RATE 1.17 0.329 3 RATE 16.59 0.228 3 BRTE 21.63 0.198 2 DISP(p) 3.77 0.015 2 BRTE 0.91 0.289 2 BRTE 14.68 0.211 2 ORHE 14.66 0.146 1 RATE 3.11 0.075 3 DIST(p) 0.49 0.094 2 DESO 4.41 0.090 3 POCU 3.74 0.027 1 ORHE 1.41 0.052 1 AGDE(CR) 0.28 0.062 1 LEPE 2.85 0.056 2 LEPE 2.69 0.044 2 ALAL 1.30 0.037 3 ORHE 0.16 0.070 1 1(3)b 1.32 0.015 (3) SIHY 1.57 0.037 2 POSE 1.11 0.045 1 SIHY 0.07 0.043 2 CADR 1.25 0.040 3 ARFE 1.52 0.024 2 SIHY 1.06 0.097 2 ALAL 0.05 0.047 3 ALAL 0.92 0.035 3 SYAL 1.42 0.040 3 VIAM 0.84 0.015 2 POSE 0.05 0.021 1 AGDE(C R) 0.78 0.023 1 POSE 1.33 0.017 1 SYAL 0.82 0.037 3 LEPE 0.04 0.012 2 CELO 0.62 0.028 3 DEPI 0.72 0.014 3 ELTR 0.81 0.007 2 VIAM 0.03 0.017 2 AGTR 0.62 0.020 3 Sum 84.73 0.822 47.92 0.551 3.26 0.984 44.05 0.746 Total Cover, All Species 88.93 1.0 54.08 1.0 3.27 1.0 49.35 1.0 Number of Species 59 50 17 42 Notes: a See table 6.2-1 for definitions of species codes. b 1(3) = unknown, tentatively identified as DIST(p), Distichlis stricta in which case FV would be changed to 2, fair. IV = importance value FV = forage value: 1 = good 2 = fair 3 = poor (3) = assumed poor forage value for unknown species 6-49 Figure 6.2-1. Dominant Shrub Species 6-50 Figure 6.2-2. Percent Shrub Coverage Map and Relative Dominance Distribution 6-51 Figure 6.2-3. Dominant Herb Species 6-52 Figure 6.2-4. Percent Herbaceous Coverage Map and Relative Dominance Distribution 6-53 Figure 6.3-1. Clumps Per Hectare Histogram Chart (Shrubs) 6-54 Figure 6.3-2. Average Height Classification Histogram Chart (Shrubs) 6-55 Figure 6.3-3. Areal Coverage Per Hectare Histogram Chart (Shrubs) 6-56 Figure 6.3-4. Percent Total Vegetation Coverage Map 7-1 SECTION 7 CHEMICAL RESULTS – GENERAL This section contains information pertaining to development of chemical analytical results reported in sections 8 through 11. 7.1 Chemical Data Assessment This section provides an assessment of the technical quality and validity of the 2005 EMFS chemical data. Comparability of the 2005 EMFS chemical data with the previous studies was discussed in section 5 of this report. Validation results for data obtained from analysis of the samples collected during both the May 2005 and the June 2005 events are discussed in the 2005 Data Validation Letter Report for Environmental Monitoring Follow-on Study. Laboratory data reports are provided in appendix C of this report. In general, the overall chemical data derived from the 2005 EMFS were found to be acceptable and useable for the purposes of this study. Use of the chemical data for comparison to the previous studies is considered technically acceptable. Samples of environmental media were collected from 41 sites in May 2005 and from four sites in June 2005. All sampling activities were conducted in accordance with the approved Final FSP dated October 2004. The samples were submitted to ELAB and Paradigm Laboratories, Inc. (Southwest Laboratories of Oklahoma, Inc. [SWLOK]) for chemical analyses. Both laboratories maintain current State of Utah certifications for all analyses required for this 2005 EMFS. ELAB was contracted to perform all analyses required for this project with the exception of dioxins and furans. Paradigm Laboratories, Inc. performed only the dioxin and furan analyses for all matrices. In order to promote data comparability, the analytical laboratories were required to perform testing within the guidelines of standardized USEPA-approved protocols. All 7-2 analyses were performed in strict accordance with the following protocols, unless otherwise noted: Test Methods for Evaluating Solid Waste, SW-846, 3rd Edition, (USEPA, 1997) The laboratories were required to report field sample and supporting QC data in a USEPA Level 4 format consistent with the current USEPA Contract Laboratory Program Statement of Work (SOW). Level 4 laboratory data packages include all forms, summaries, and raw data specified in the USEPA Contract Laboratory Program SOW. The Level 4 data packages are sufficient to recreate the analytical process for full data validation. Scanned and indexed data will be uploaded to the Environmental Restoration Information System (ERIS) database. 7.1.1 Chemical Data Validation Results. The quality of the chemical data was evaluated following procedures included in the QAPjP. As reported in the 2005 Data Validation Letter Report for Environmental Monitoring Follow-on Study, the quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) results associated with the 2005 EMFS data generally indicate that the data met “definitive data” standards and were of known quality. QC data demonstrated that the quality assurance (QA) mechanisms were effective in ensuring measurement data reliability within expected limits of sampling and analytical error. The data, as qualified, are considered representative of site conditions at the time sampled. Data reported are acceptable for the uses as intended with the required qualifications and limitations. One semivolatile target analyte, hexachlorocyclopentadiene, is the only analyte with unusable data due to QC deficiencies. Five soil samples and fifteen vegetation samples required rejection for hexachlorocyclopentadiene. Rejected results were not included in statistical evaluation of the 2005 EMFS data. The rejected hexachlorocyclopentadiene results were not anticipated to have a significant effect on project decision-making. Data users are urged to review the data quality narratives and associated data qualifications found in the 2005 Data Validation Letter Report for Environmental Monitoring Follow-on Study before utilizing this data for decision-making. The approved chemical data quality review procedures were based on EPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Organic Data Review, 7-3 EPA-540/R-99/008 (October 1999), EPA Contract Laboratory Program National Functional Guidelines for Inorganic Data Review, EPA-540/R-94/013 (February 1994), and USEPA Analytical Operations/Data Quality Center National Functional Guidelines for Chlorinated Dioxin/Furan Data Review, EPA 540-R-02-003 (August 2002), herein collectively referred to as the Functional Guidelines. Data evaluations also were based on the QC requirements of the analytical methods, project data quality objectives (DQOs) presented in the QAPjP, and informed professional judgment of the evaluator. Data validation was performed by qualified personnel, experienced in the evaluation of analytical data quality. 7.2 Statistical Approach A statistical evaluation of the 2005 EMFS chemical data derived from surface soil and vegetation samples was performed to identify statistically significant increases in the mean concentration for any monitored chemical parameter relative to the baseline mean values from the 1996 EMBS. The statistical evaluation was performed in accordance with the procedures presented in Section 6 of the TOCDF FSP. Three statistical approaches were used to evaluate the 2005 EMFS data. The first approach was consistent with the procedures used in the 1999 and 2002 EMFS. Data from the original 26 sampling sites, plus two sites added for the 2002 EMFS, were compared to the data from the 1996 EMBS. All data from site 0707 were eliminated from the statistical evaluation as indicated in the EMBS because of the anomalous ecological nature of the site. Shrub data from site 1022 were also excluded from the statistical evaluations because big sagebrush was not found at this site and was the only shrub sampled at all other sites. No samples were collected at site 0224 in 2005 because access permission was not obtained from the landowner. EMBS site 0112 was permanently moved approximately one-half mile and reestablished as site 0111 for the 2005 EMFS. Based on these adjustments, statistical evaluation included data from 23 soil, 22 shrub and 22 herbaceous samples from each of the EMBS and the 2005 EMFS. It has been referred to as the “random-sample (matched)” statistical approach in this document. 7-4 The second approach was also consistent with the 1999 and 2005 EMFS as described previously, but included data from the 16 new sampling sites added for the 2005 EMFS. This evaluation helped determine if the new sampling sites are statistically consistent with the sites chosen for the EMBS, or if their inclusion in the statistical evaluations would bias the 2005 EMFS results. This statistical evaluation included data from 25 EMBS soil, 41 EMFS soil, 24 EMBS shrub, 39 EMFS shrub, 24 EMBS herbaceous and 41 EMFS herbaceous samples. It has been referred to as the “random-sample (all)” statistical approach in this document. The third approach used paired-sample statistical methods. All previous studies, including the EMBS, assumed a statistically random sampling pattern for both the EMBS and for each EMFS. However, as discussed in Section 6 of the TOCDF FSP, it can be argued that the data are more appropriately evaluated using paired-sample statistical methods since the EMFS samples are collected at the same sites as the EMBS samples. Using a paired-sample approach allows for evaluation of data from sites 0707 and the shrub data from location 1022 because only paired differences are evaluated. Variations in concentrations from site to site are eliminated using paired-sample statistical methods. The third statistical evaluation included the data from 24 soil, 23 shrub, and 23 herbaceous samples from the EMBS and the 2005 EMFS. It has been referred to as the “paired-sample” statistical approach in this document. The statistical evaluation process began by defining the condition to be tested, the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis was evaluated for validity for each COPC in the EMFS using a tiered approach. The null hypothesis is summarized as follows: The average concentration observed during follow-on monitoring for each COPC in each medium is less than or equal to the mean concentration observed for that COPC in that medium during baseline monitoring. If an individual COPC was found to have sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis, it was retained for historical trend and spatial distribution evaluation. 7-5 COPCs for which the null hypothesis was not rejected were eliminated from further evaluation. The following summarizes the statistical approach applied to 2005 EMFS chemical data. For additional information concerning each step, see Section 6 of the FSP. Step 1. Determine the frequency of detection for each COPC in 2005 EMFS and EMBS and identify an appropriate distribution evaluation method based on detection frequency. Step 2. Determine the distribution for each COPC in each medium using the distribution test identified in step 1. a. The Shapiro-Wilk test (data sets of less than 50 samples) was applied for COPCs with 85 to 100 percent frequency of detection. In this test any nondetect values were substituted with one-half the MDL. b. The Shapiro-Wilk test also was applied for COPCs with 50 to 85 percent frequency of detection; however, nondetect values were estimated in this test using the linear regression technique known as regression on order statistics (ROS) developed by Helsel (Helsel, 1990). c. A nonparametric distribution was assumed for COPCs with a 10 to 50 percent frequency of detection. d. A Poisson distribution, which is descriptive of a rare event, was assumed for COPCs with less than 10 percent frequency of detection. Step 3. Determine maximum detected value and estimate summary statistics (mean and standard deviation) for each COPC in each medium based on the appropriate distribution. 7-6 Step 4. Compare 2005 EMFS summary statistics to EMBS screening levels: a. Compare 2005 EMFS detected values to the EMBS 99 percent UTL. b. Compare 2005 EMFS mean values to EMBS mean values. c. Compare 2005 EMFS summary statistics to EMBS maximum detected value (for those COPCs with an insufficient number of EMBS detections to establish a UTL). d. Compare 2005 EMFS summary statistics to EMBS reporting limits (for those COPCs where there were no detections in the EMBS). Retain for further evaluation those COPCs where the 2005 EMFS statistic exceeds the EMBS screening level. Step 5. Perform appropriate statistical tests based on data distribution (step 2) to determine if the compared means are statistically the same, different, or indeterminate. a. If EMFS and EMBS data both follow a parametric distribution (normal or log normal) evaluate using a random-sample t-test. A paired-sample t-test was used to compare the differences between paired samples from the EMFS and EMBS (samples collected at the same sampling locations). b. If the random sample data set distributions for the EMBS and EMFS were not similar or if either data set demonstrated a nonparametric distribution, the Wilcoxon Rank-Sum (WRS) test was used. For nonparametric data sets, paired samples were compared using the Wilcoxon Signed-Rank (WSR) test, Paired Prentice-Wilcoxon (Pt) Test, or Sign Test. The test used was based on frequency of detection and the number of censoring levels. 7-7 c. If either the EMBS or EMFS data set had fewer than 10 percent detections, a Poisson model was used to compare the data sets. Significant differences in reporting limits between the EMBS and EMFS may preclude use of the Poisson model. In such cases, a direct comparison of the detected values and reporting limits for nondetects will be used when a Poisson model cannot be used. Retain for further evaluation those COPCs where there was a statistically significant increase in concentration from the EMBS to the 2005 EMFS. Step 6. Evaluate spatial and temporal trends. Spatial trends were evaluated by mapping 2005 EMFS data. Temporal trends were evaluated by preparing a histogram showing COPC values from the EMBS and each EMFS. Statistical testing of the null hypothesis for this study led to one of three outcomes: a. Accept Null Hypothesis. 2005 EMFS data show no statistically significant increase in COPC mean concentrations relative to the EMBS baseline mean. b. Reject Null Hypothesis. 2005 EMFS data show a statistically significant increase in COPC mean concentrations relative to the EMBS baseline mean concentrations. c. Statistically Indeterminate. Comparison of 2005 EMFS and EMBS data is inconclusive or not applicable. An indeterminate decision can result from differing detection limits between the two studies, COPC detection in the 2005 EMFS but not in the EMBS, inconclusive or contradictory statistical test results. The analytical results for site 0707 were excluded from the random-sample (matched) statistical evaluation to remain consistent with the EMBS and follow-on studies. The 7-8 site is located in a salt marsh. As in the previous studies, the soil samples were found to have anomalously high values for many of the analytes tested. The analytical results for site 0707 were included in the paired-sample statistical evaluations. Common laboratory contaminants were excluded from historical trend and spatial distribution analyses in the 2005 EMFS to remain consistent with the EMBS.