HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-008553 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 536-4000 • Fax (801) 536-4099 • T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor DAQC-574-24 Site ID 100514 (B1) Ryan Zillner Ovintiv USA Inc. 370 17th Street, Suite 1700 Denver, CO 80202-5632 Dear Mr. Zillner: Re: Signed Early Settlement Agreement – Ovintiv USA Inc. – Lamb 1-16 4-1 – Duchesne County The Utah Division of Air Quality has received your signed Early Settlement Agreement (DAQC-371-24) and payment in the amount of $2,800.00 for the Lamb 1-16 4-1 well site in Duchesne County, UT. Thank you for your cooperation in resolving this matter. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact me at (801) 536-4164 or by email at rombach@utah.gov. Sincerely, Rik Ombach, Manager Minor Source Oil and Gas Compliance Section RO:SF:jl Enclosure: Signed Early Settlement Agreement cc: TriCounty Health Department June 13, 2024 .rii.pvintiv" Ovintiv USA lnc. Republic Plozo 370 lTth Street, Suite 1700 Denver, CO, USA 80202 T 303 623 2300 June 10,2024 Sent Ma Email; rombach@utah.gov Rik Ombach Manager, Minor Source Oil and Gas Compliance Section Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, UT 84-116 RE: Ovintiv USA lnc. Early Settlement Agreement, DAQC{7 1 -24 Lamb l-16 4-1, Site lD: 100514 (Bl) Duchesne County, UT Dear Mr. Ombach: Ovintiv USA lnc. ("Ovintiv") is submitting the attached signed Early Settlement Agreement for the Lamb 1-16 4-1. Payment in the amount of $2,800.00 was submitted electronically on June 10,2024 via the Utah Division of Air Quality ("UDAO) website at: https://deq. utah. gov/general/payment-portal. If you have any questions, please contact me at (720) 876-3144 or by email at ryan.zillner@ovintiv.com. Sincerely, hW Ryan Zillner Senior Air Quality Engineer cc: Stephen Foulger, sfoulger@utah.gov t]I!,/!SION OF AIR QUALITY State ofUtah SPENCERJ. COX Goventor DEIDREHENDERSON Lieulerant Govenor Department of Environmental Quality Kimbcdy D. Shcllcy Exectlive Dreaor DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY BryceC. Bird Dhector cc. *..J May L6,2A24 DAQC-3?1-24 Site ID: 100514 (Bl) Sent Via Certified Mail No. 70190700000208346856 Ryan Zillner Ovintiv USA Inc. 370 17th Street, Suite 1700 Denver, CO 80202-5632 Dear Mr. Zillner: Re: Early Settlement Agreement - Ovintiv USA Inc. - Lamb l-16 4-1, Duchesne County On February 23,2024, the Utatr Division of Air Quality (DAQ) issued a Compliance Advisory to Ovintiv USA Inc. as a result of an inspection performed on January 31,2024. Ovintiv USA Inc. responded to the Compliance Advisory on March 26,2024. Based on the findings of the inspection.and response to the Compliance Advisory, the DAQ determined that Ovintiv USA Inc. was in violation of: l. Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R307-501-4 - General Requirements: Emissions were found coming from a stuck separator dump valve, a one-inch gas supply line, additionally the combustor was out and not firing. Section 19-2-115 of the Utah Code provides that violations of the Utah Air Conservation Act (the Act) and/or any order issued thereunder may be subject to a civil penalty of up to $10,000 per day for each violation. Based upon our civil penalty policy, we calculated a preliminary civil penalty for the above listed violation(s) of $3,500. The monetary amount of the DAQ settlement offer specified below is derived from a pre-established schedule of penalties, which takes into account, among other factors, the magnitude and severity of the violation, economic benefit, cooperation of the source as well as the prior history of violations. 195 North 1950 West. Salt kke City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820. Salt Lake City, UT 841144820 Telephone (801) 5364000 . Fax (801) 5364099 . T.D.D. (E0l) 9O3-397E w.dcq.ulah.got Priatcd m l(n?5 rccyclcd pepcr LJTAH DI,PARTMENI'OF- EJ\lVI RON.MENTAL QUALITY JUN 1 1 2tl2/, d$]Kcc DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY DAQC-37r-24 Page2 All parties we deal with, whether private, commercial, or governmental are treated similarly in the settlement process. Early Settlement Agreements are based on the evaluation of the same factors and criteria in all cases. The DAQ acknowledges that the violation(s) on January 31,2024,was addressed by Ovintiv USA Inc. on the same day as the inspection. If you are interested in settling this violation, we are authorized to offer settlement in accordance with the DAQ Penalty Policy as follows: l. Ovintiv USA krc. agrees to pay a reduced civil penalty in the sum of $2,800. Payment of a civil penalty precludes further civil enforcement for the above described violation against the named source. Ovintiv USA Inc. agrees to pay $2,800 of the stipulated penalty within twenty (20) business days from the date you receive this Early Settlement Agreement. 2. The DAQ retains its authority to take any enforcement actions based on any and all violations not specifically descriH above. 3. In the event any further violations of the Act the Utah Air Quality Rules, the source's AO, or the Director's Orders occur, the DAQ may consider the violation described above in assessing a penalty for the subsequent violations, in accordance with the provisions of Utah Adminishative Code (UAC) R307-130. 4. Entering into this Early Settlement Agreement shall not constitute an admission of violation of the Act, the Utah Air Quality Rules, or the source's AO nor shall it be inferred to be such an admission in any administrative or judicial proceeding. The described violation will constitute part of the company compliance history for any purpose for which such history is relevant to the DAQ. At the DAQ's option, you may request a portion of the calculated civil penalty gravity component to be used to complete a Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP) or credited toward the Utah Environmental Mitigation Fund to benefit present and future air quality within Utah. For more information, please contact the DAQ representative listed below. This Early Settlement Agreement constitutes an offer of settlement and is not a demand for payment. The Early Settlement Agreement reflects a reduced penalty for early seftlement of this matter. If the above terms are acceptable to you, please sign and return this Early Setttement Agreement and a check in the zum of $2,800. Submit the signed Early Settlement Agreement and check made payable to the DAQ at the letterhead address within twenty (20) business days of receipt of this Early Settlement Agreement. Electonic payments are also available on our website at: https : //deq. utah. gov/generaVpayment-portal. DAQC-371-24 Page 3 You may write or call to request a settlement conference with the DAQ representative listed below. A conference must be scheduled within twenty (20) business days of your receipt of this Early Settlement Agreement. If we do not receive a signed copy of this Early Settlement Agreement and payment or other correspondence from you within twenty (20) business days of your receipt, we will assume that you are not interested in resolving this matter as outlined above. This Early Settlement Agreement is intended to quickly resolve the non-compliance issues listed above and requires the immediate attention of your company. Failure to resolve this matter as outlined above may result in this offer being revoked and/or having this matter referred to a formal enforcement process, including filing a judicial case to collect penalties (up to $10,000 per day for each violation) rind compel compliance in the state district court. If you have any additional questions regarding this matter, please contact Rik Ombach at 801-5364164 orby email at rombach@utatr.gov. Sincerely, ,1r*Ol Bryce C. Bird Director BCB:RO:SF:rh cc: TriCounty Health Department DAQC-371-24 Page 4 Acceptance of Early Settlement Agreement I have read the above Early Settlement Agreement and I agree to the terms and conditions thereof. Company Name: Ovintiv USA Inc. Name: R1o" Zl[1"a*' Titte: Se.nror Air Qoelfu f,nTinee( :]70-076- 3lqq Telephone Number Division of Air Quality Marketplace il10n024 9:25:38AM Page 1 Select ltem(s) to Purchase Item: Penalty Payment for Compliance Descrlption: Please enter DAQC or DAQA number to identifi/ the penalty payment. Prlce: $2800 Quantl$6 1 Item Total:2800.00 Total of all ltems: 28@.00 Contact Information Name/Buslness: Ovintiv USA lnc. Phone: (720) 876-31M Emall: rya n.zi I I ner@ovi ntiv.com You must upload at least I file(s) of PDF, JPG, or PNG format and < 25 MB File Upload: 2024.06.10 Ovintiv Lamb 1-16 4-1 Signed ESA.pglf You may upload up to 5 files of PDF, JPG, or PNG format and < 25 MB Flle Upload: UTAH DEPARTMEN JUN 1 1 2024 DIVISION OF AIR OUALITY