HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-0069404- Stete o-'t]mh n DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Michael O. l,eavitt Govemor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executive Director Kent P. Gray Dirertor 168 North 1950 west P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City, Utah 841 14-4840 (801) 536-4100 (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414 T.D.D. www.deq.state.ut.us Web rILE. CtlPI ERRU-218-01 December 11,2001 Tammy Brendel BP Amoco Oil Corporation P.O. Box 15748 Shawnee Mission, Kansas 66285-5748 RE: Underground Storage Tanks (USTs) Located at Rainbo Station #46,36t2 West 4700 South, West Valley City, Utah Facility Identification No. 4001576,3 Tanks Dear Ms. Brendel A review of the information you have submitted in the closure notice received on April 30, 2001 for the above referenced UST(s), indicates that no corrective action is required at the site at this time. The information you have submitted indicates that any detectable petroleum contamination at the site complies with state UST rules. Based upon these rules, there appears to be no threat to human health or the environment. ' Corrective action may be needed in the future if contamination is found that threatens human health or the environment. Please contact Paul Harding at (801) 536-4108 if you have any questions regarding this matter. Sincerely, Kent P. Gray,Secretary (UST) Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board KPG/PRIVhsp cc: Bennett Leeper, Delta Environmental DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144840 salt Lake city, utah 84114-4840 (801) s36-4100 Fax (801) 536-4242 Fax (801) 359-8853 FAX COVER SHEET Date Agencyffirm: l)-L*z' E ,rr,rc'^ rrr c *r ,[ FAX Number: 2b I - *,o LZ From Pages to follow: To Comments: s[-*-/av., $Ll(, 3kz \/e-s* v?iD s V' sl Vqril r,T o49'7 ii iti I I UNDERGROUND S TAGE TANKPERMANENT CLOSURE N rtCE_(Revise d 0l I 0l I 97) Facility ID #--ZAOffigf- Llfd 6+6 RECEIVED Nov 0 I 2001 DEO Enriroflmental Response & Romediafion of (company name) Delta Environmental Consultants, Inc. Phone # (801) 270-9106 Address 1030 W. 5370 So.City SLC State UT zip 84123 FACILITY INFORMATION Tank Owner Amoco Oil Corooration Phone # (801) 521-4914 [ ] soleproprietorship [ ] partnership [X] corporation Address 474 West 900 N,orth City Salt Lake City State zip 84103 Facility Name Rainbo Station #46 State Use Onlv Samples in LUST File # Date Mailed to LHD Date Processed Samples in LUST Review LUST Status Address 3612 West 4700 City West Vallev CiW State UT zip 84 118 Contact person Carl Phone #801 521-4914 Number of regulated tanks at the facility before closure: 3 Number of regulated tanks at the facility after closure: 0 TAI\KS CLOSED *Indicate the specific substance stored in each tank to be closed (regular, unleaded, diesel, waste oil, etc.) TANK REMOVER Name Aaron Spackman Cert.# TR 0039 Exp. date_!{!lQ1 Company Address Zip 84104 SOILiGROUNDWATER SAMPLER Name Cert# Gslzl2 Exp. date 212002 Company Address Wasatch Phone #r 80r) 2240 West Cali Avenue SLC State Delta Environmental Phone #( 801) 270-9106 Tank #I 2 3 Date Installed 6t89 6t89 6t89 Capacity 1 2000 12000 Substance stored gasoline gasoline gasoline Date last operated 5t3t/01 5131l0t 5/31t01 Date closed 7t2t0t 7/2101 7/2t0t How closed (Removed/In place) removed removed removed 1030 West 5370 South Jeffrev Bise:low City SLC State UT Zip 84r23 Closure Notice prepared at the request ofthe owner/operator (identified below) by Jeffrey Biselow UT 12000 I CLdSURE INFoRMATIoN [ ] Fuel was emptied [ ] Sludge was removed Tankwas: []Purged [x]lnerted I x ] Tank was cleaned Method Used: Dry Ice For in-Place Closure: tanks filled For Change-in-Service: Substance to be stored DISPOSAL SITES USED: Location Name Contact Name Phone #Date Amount Tank(s) Atlas Steel Gale Howe 973-8787 6t28/01 Tank#1,2,3 Product From Tank(s) NA Contaminated Water From Tank Cleaning B&H Technologies 898-s726 6/25/01 2s0 eal Sludge NA gal Contaminated Water From Excavation NA sal Contaminated Soil NA vd3 Is any contaminated soil which was over-excavated still on-site? Yes X No Not Applicable Was Free Product encountered during closure activities? No If yes, please indicate thickness, _Inches SITE ASSESSMENT Cgmp]eqe the Facility Site Plat (Closure Notice) and.sample Information Table.(Closure Notice) on pages 3 and 4 to show the locations, depths, and other information on all soil/groundwater samples taken for closure. The samplis must be consistenily-identified by sample ID # on the'sitd plai, table, and lab analysis report. I x ] Completed Facility Site Plat (Closure Notice) is attached. The follow_ing must.be +qtldqa (enter the distance, and direction (N, S, E, W) from the area of contamination from where applicable, use the OH for overhead, NP for not present): Water Line -Sewer Line _Natural Gas _Storm Drain _Telephone _ElectricalBuildings I x ] Completed Sample Information Table (Closure Notice) is attached. I x ] Certified lab analytical environmental sample results are attached. I x ] Unified Soil Classification (USC) sample results are attached. I x ] Chain of Custody form is attached. I x] Sampleswereproperly:[ -JCollected [x ]Labeled [x ]Packaged [x ]TransportedI x ] Samples were in sight of the person in custody at all times or in a secured lScked plice. - I certify under penalty of law that the closure ?89.52'and280i2) and R311-205 U.A.C., and R3l l-205-2(a)(1) were properly collected. site assessment at this facility was conducted in accordance with R31l-202 (narts that any additional samplesiequired by R3rl-202 parts 280.52 and 280.72'ind Signature of Certifi ed Groundwater/Soil FulI name of Certified Jeffrev J Bigelow Date 10123/01 Property Line If contamination at the facility is confirmed, any person providing The Certified UST Consultani providing assistance rs: CERTIFIED UST CONSULTANT Name Bennett Leeper remedial assistance for a fee must be a Certified UST Consultant. Cert.# 162 E*p.Date 1212002 #270-9108Company Address SLC State UT Zip FACILITY SITE PLAT (CLOSURE NOTICE) 2 103 0 West 5370 South 84123 Facility rD # 4001516 Drawn See Attached Figure Date 10/23101 t NORTH Scale: l" : _Feet The'site plat must be drawn to an other relevant information, Tank closure notice X : Sample location (SS-#, WS-#, USC-#)A: Monitoring Wells (MW-#,) O = Soil Boring (SB-#), or Geoprobe Boring (GP-#) O : Water Wells (domestic, livestock, etc.) Slope of Surface Topography: (N, NW, W, SW, S, SE, E, NE) Land Use At Site: Residential Commercial Industrial S u rro u n d i n g Lan d : -_Res i d e n t i a I -_ Commerc i al _ I n d u str i a I 1, apprc, te identified scale. It must show actual samp^ iocations, substances stored in tanks, and and sample identification numbers must be consistenf wrth the information given in p. I and 4 of the Site Plat Must Indicate Actual Locations Of:y' Current & former tanks, piping & dispensers r'_ Excavations, GW monitoring wells & soil stockpiles r'_ Location & depth of all samples taken r'. Buildings, fences, & property boundariesr' Utility conduits (sewers, gas, water, storm drains, electrical etc.)/ Depth to groundwater (ifencountered) SAMPLE INFOR}IATION TABLE 3 (Closure Notice) 1 1 Residentiol e trosh AMOCO STATION' #+a CAR WASH hill down londscope oreo f r,;tt oo*nI c ---w-- ---G-- Empty Lot oJ o- E Lrl londscope c londscope E --G------ E \ *t sF-3 -l WELL '"na, / cleonout-\ E\sS-f tt-e SP_4 o otsP-2 V \\oo r PUMP ISLANDS t_overheodI conoPy-to 'e>lcSSnt o s-t \\\sP-1o sS'E I sP-slo It- IstormL-J.- droin L_____ sP-6o ________J o ({) o c4Jf|,[, oc, T gross\ lo\dscope \\ T field voco I I I I G , I I I I I I I I G I I I I I I I I I G-{ I I I t I I I L y) s oo(o POWer 47OO SOUTH FIGURE 1 SITE MAP RAINBO STATION #465612 WEST 47oO SOUTH WEST VALLEY CITY, UTAH P.oitrt No. t 3500E5 Prc?ared by IJ/SLB Ororo by JTIA LEGEND ot02030 FIr-=-! Scole (fcct) o o ----w---- ----E---- --c-_ ----G- --- MONITORING WELL LOCAIION SOIL PROBE LOCATON \,VATER LINE (BuRtED) ELECTRICAL LINE (BURIEo) ELECTRICAL LINE (OVERHF}D) CAALE TELEVISION GAS LINE (BURIED) 2/./s8 Dote Raicred by Sso Frlcmre r 3500s 'ph^Delta Envkoomentat Consdtaots. lnc. I \\ IN II I I I I I \\ E\\ f^r vc, ro frl.. 1 3 4 0ooszoos Si*'#S|.lt$ilifil$,tlillfiSfrlf* srl'rcrDl",rbo!o!rtrlrrr,.r.orbrcsn,itrlorxrn 6G,o,ptrrDErob.n, qtc.) (8015 Drd- 8020.4t3.1, ct&) SrlopL r/Ltb ID ST!!DtG 5ry61 Ocfrl2 CoopourdrS Anrrys'4 d&od(t)4 &q- t / 45-03 Eaeome t2 EF^rda2lE$f56--- -!!il / 4504 guollm Sell-XI BTEXN;MBE;- TPHgro sr, 14505 gasolino Soil l-4 4506ss-d /grsqlfri Solf l4 ss-, 14507 grrollnc Soil 4 !p[miE-,Jo-Bb..-......- s$6 /,1108 g83olir6 Soil I A s$.7 / 4509 guroli!.]- ^ ss.8 / a5lo 1 BTlxNME- -TPHso lir^ E(,llb, ml5b s$t/.51t gprolioc Soll EPA lrtzlD, t0l5b lEel4512 gesoiffi-Sofl 1 TP mE2lE-BoB!---- ss-I0 / lJ 11 galolirc Sqil 4 _u5gl B@linc SoiI -_tz NA usc t sc-,garoline Soil NA usc EE St b c€niftrd Irbcebry Ad&css 4Er Avc,AlEnoDlr SDdnqs StuE_-E!_ Cs ssl Pamon R{n Phdc # (407") Plcuc lEt"; sy *, r.1 or dftnurrtug cirEurE6lsls arcnE'tqott dudDg tbs ,iE tE5arrEclt of clofurc: I cc@ unaer penaXy o( ltw ltrat I r[ tt. Orncr oftto trE{t) dcscrlb.{f abovc atrd ahrt I am fLrlher, tirt tt6 l''oc.dqtt ictcrited Edllar rith ttc iaformrtioror ltL frrgr ud 6et b tEG. racrrrtc\-ntcnh clotultr rud complsE rd vctt follotred dwltrg Slga.hrc of UST l'dl lrurrG ol Otlcr Iht Rtllllr corytrEtEd clolut! Not'c€ fonq Flcilrty sits Pl8 lad sarylc lufo,roatirE T.brc, soiyc oonfivarci 6empl6 lab aEilysisrcstdg' USC Eeroplc r6[tts, aDd Challl of Osody fora wilhlo 90 &yr of UsT Closu! to: Sttrc of Urah TJ€?c of EwimuDGel eorlily Dlvkiotr of E[viro[.@coBl Rcspouc rnd RcocdiatiqE UsT &stioqr P.O- .Box 144a0 168 Nonh 1950 Wql SsIt T 'L. C5b,, Utab t4t 1,r.1&O 4 e/e,a BgeSI9atrA8tr:01 StDrtr[M .tottd lrrotrl Soil srExrt MTBH - TPHcro EA EO2lb, rorib- EHA UUZt h tol5b trTE(N. fTBB. TPIIco EPA t02rb. gunfi- aTE)OtltITEf TPH,,o D'II O{. MIBE' TPHEib I TP(N.MIBE. TPItcrn 8e!ollic , 5IEXN, MlIt!, TPHom EPA 602th 80ItE- u s9tha88gr5 of,oNu dE : t^lodl datr tga raoe-G- no )/r^Delta Environmental Gonsultants, lnc. 1030 West 5370 South Salt Lake City, UT 84123 801/261 -8006 FAX: 801/261 -8068 USC CLASSIFICATION BY DATECHECKED JeffBigelow SUBJECT PROJECT NO.1300E5 SAMPLEID USC I USC 2 DESCRIPTION CLASSIFICATION SILTY CLAY, LOV/-MEDITJM PLASTICITY, LIGHT GREY (ML) SILTYCLAY,MEDIUMPLASTICITY, OLTVEGREY (ML) I 'R.JECTNRME Mo.o #46 WESTVALLEYCITY, UTAH 7l2lQL. a Date Reported Project Number Number Number NYSDOH Number CTDPH Number NCDEHNR Number SCDHEC Number CHTMICAL LrBOpATOptfS INCORPORATED Received From: Delta Env 1030 w. 5370 Salt Lake City,UT 84 Ju117 2001 AMSWUT-46 13500E5 883018 11595 0l_73 296 9 6019For: DRY WT BASIS BTEXMNBO21 GRO Date Sampled:,Jul 2 200L Date Received:'Jul 3 2001- Lab Numbers: 4503-4513 REPORT OF ANALYSIS Parameter Dilution_Fac!or cRo-C6-Cl-0 ug/kg GRO_Spike ug/kg Unit Reportable tRec tRSD Detection r,imit 10.0 94. 1.00 93. <l_0. 91. 4503 SS1 <l_0. 90. 10. 50. <50. <50. <50. <50. <50. <50. 35. 4504 SS2 l-3. 50. <50. <50. <50. <50. <50. <50. 35. 29. 28. 4505 ss3 1.0 <10. 93. 4506 ss4 4507 ss5 *H20 ug/kg 0.0100 4.20 .280 92 86 05 20 83 04 .4r-0 .980 .l_40 .00 r_05. ; 1 101. 96.6 101-. 135. 81.3 11s. 9s.9 96.8 L.00 1.00 1.00 <50. <50. <50. <50. <50. 36. 29. 28. Jefferson L. Flowers, Ph.D Jefferson S. Flowers, Ph.D 481 NEWBURYPORT Av. ALTAMONTE SPHINGS FLORTDA 32715 - 0597BUS: (407) 339-5984FAX: (407) 260-6110 <50. <50. <50. <50. <50. 0 9 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 2 ! 9.0 50. <50. 36. 0 5 I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 4 ! 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 : 0 l- I 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 7 ^_ <10. 92. 8.9 50. <50. r_.00 <l-0.0 94.L 6.83 s0.0 <50 .0 EMoist Dilution_Factor Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene Xylene Methyl-terL-butyleth Naphthalene Surrogate-Spikel- Surrogate-Spike Surrogate-Spike ug ug ug ug ug ug ug ug /kg /kg /kg /kg /kg /ks /kg /kg l_ 1 1 1 L 1 .0 00 00 00 00 00 001 2. L. 2. o 4. 2. <50 .0 <50.0 <50.0 75.4 <50.0 36.2 29.5 28.3 2 i 0 0 0 .0100 .01-00 29. 28. 29 28 Certificate of Result,s Samp 1e integrity certified prior Lo analysis. Test result,s meet all requirments of the NELAC St as noted in the QA Report Section 4. This Report may not , results relate only to items tested Jefferson Flowers, Ph.D. President/Technical Director SecLion 1 of 5 Page 1 of 3 Serving Your Analytical and Environmental Needs Since 1957 ^\ Received From: Date Reported :Delta Env.-UT project Number : 1030 W. 5370 South pO Number :Salt Lake City,UT 84123 FLDOH Number : NYSD0H Number : CTDPH Number : NCDEHNR Number : SCDHEC Number :For: DRY WT BASrS BTEXMN8021 cRO Date Sampled:,Jul 2 200L Date Received:Ju1 3 2001 Lab Numbers: REPORT OF A}TALYSIS rLcltfps CHfMICAL 1AEDDATODTTS INCORPORATED 'Ju1L7 2001- AMSWUT_45 1350085 EB3O1B 11595 0r_73 296 960L9 4s03 -4 513 Parameter Dilution-Factor GRO_C6-C10 usr/ksr GRO-Spike us/ks Unit Reportable tRec SRSD Detection Limit r_ .00 <10.0 93.7 4508 ss6 10. 50. <50. <50. <50. <50. 1.00 <l-0.0 92.5 4s10 ss84 451_1 SSB5 1.0 <10. 9l-. 13. 50. <50. <50. <50. <50. <50. <50. 37. 28. 28. 45L2 SS9 1. 001.00 3 790 9L.4 <l_0. 9L. tMoist Dilution_Factor Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene Xylene Methyl-tert-butyleEh Naphthalene Surrogate_Spikel Surrogate_Spike2 Surrogate_Spike3 *H20 0.0100 ug/kg ug /kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg us/ks uglkg ug/kg us/kg 1.00 1.00 1.00 1 .00 L.00 1-.00 0.0100 0.0100 0.0100 105. 101. 96.6 10L. 135. 8r_ .3 115 95. 96. r.0.0 94 . r..00 93 . 4.20 .280 2.92 1.86 2.05 .920 4.83 2.04 .410 .980 .l_40 ; I ; I , Ph. D. 1 Director ; 0 0 0 0 0 64.6 <50 .0 37.5 29.0 28.3 0 2 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 9 : 7 .62 s0.0 <50.0 <50.0 <50. 0 <50.0 <50.0 <50.0 36.8 29 .4 28 .4 13. 50. <50. <50. <50. <50. <50. <50. 37. 29. 29. rQ 0 9 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 9 ! ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 I 1_4. 50. <50. <50. <50. <50. <50. <50. 36. 29. 28. Certificate of Results Sample integrity certified prior to analysis. Test results meet all requirmentsof the NELAC Standards , except as noted in the QA ReporL SecLion 4This Report may not be reproduced in part, results relate only Lo items tested Jeff lowers PreS /Technica Section 1- of 5 Page 2 of 3 Jefferson L. Flowers, Ph.D Jefferson S. Flowers, Ph.D 481 NEWBURYPORT Av. ALTAMONTE SPRINGS FLORTDA 32715-0597BUS: (407) 339-5984FAX: (407) 260-6110 Serving Your Analytical and Environmental Needs Since 1957 45 09 SS7 ruolvfps CHEATICAL LIBODATODIEs INCORPORATED Received From: Delta Env.-UT l-030 W. 5370 South SaIt Lake City,UT 84L23 Date Reported Project NumberPO Number FLDOH Number JuI17 2001 AI{SWUT-46 13 50085 E8301-8 NYSDOH Number : 11595 CTDPH Number : 0173 NCDEHNR Number z 296 SCDHEC Number : 96019For: DRY WT BASIS BTEXMN802L GRO Date Sampled:.lul 2 200L Date Received:,Jul 3 2001- Lab Numbers: 4503-451-3 REPORT OF ANALYSIS 4513 SSlOParameter Dilution_Factor cRO-C6-Cl-0 ugr/kgr GRO_Spike ug/kg Unit Reportable ERec SRSD Detection Limit 10.0 94 .2 4.20 1.00 93 . r_ .280 1.0 <10. 94. tMoisE Dilut.ion_Factor Benzene Ethylbenzene Toluene XyIene Methyl-tert-butyleth Naphthalene Surrogate-spikel- Surrogate-Spike2 Surrogate-Spike3 *H20 0 us/kg us/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg us/kg ug/kgr 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0r-0 0.010 0.010 6.6 01. 35. r-.3 2.92 r..86 2.05 .920 4. 83 2.04 .410 .980 .140 74. 50. <50. <50. <50. <50. <50. <50. 36. 29. 28. 010 ; 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 2 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 5 4 : 05 01- 1 1 9 1 1 B 1 9 9 l-5. 5.9 6.8 Sample integrity of Ehe NELAC This Report may Section l- of 5 Certificate of Results certified prior to analysis. Test results meet aII reguirments , except as noLed in Lhe QA Report Section 4. parL, results relaLe only to items tested. Jeff S. Flowers, Ph.D. t/Technical DirectorPresi Page 3 of 3 Jefferson L. Flowers, Ph.D Jefferson S. Flowers, Ph.D,Al NEWBURYPORT Av. ALTAMONTE SPRINGS FLORIDA 32715-0597BUS: (407) 339-5984FAX: (4071 260-6110Serving Your Analytical and Environmental Needs Since 1957 1 Date Reported Project NumberP0 Number FLDOH Number NYSDOH Number CTDPH Number rLouras CHfA{ICAT. T-ABODATOAtES INCORPORATED Received From: Delta Env.-UT 1030 W. 5370 Southsalt Lake city,uT 84123 Jull-7 2001 AMSWUT-46 13 s0oEs E83018 11595 0173 NCDEHNR Number : 296 SCDHEC Number : 960L9For: DRY WT BASIS BTEXMN8021 GRO Date Sampled:,ful 2 200L Date Received:,Jul 3 2001 Lab Numbers: 4503-4513 REPORT OF INFORMATION Parameter Unit Limit Expected Value Range Correlat.ion GRO_Spike *Moist Surrogate_Spikel- Surrogate-Spike2 Surrogate_Spike3 GRO_Spike tMoist Surrogate-Spikel Surrogate-Spike2 Surrogate_Spike3 GRO_Spike tMoist Surrogate-Spikel Surrogate-Spike2 Surrogate_Spike3 57. 63. 59. 46. 47. 46. 57. 63. 59. 47. 46. 46. 47. 46. ug/kg tH20 ug/kg us/kg ug/kg ug/kg tH20 ug/kg ug/ks us/kg ug/kg tH20 us/ks us/kg uq/kg 57. 63. 59. 47. 46. 4503 90.9 L0.2 35. s 29.2 28.4 4504 9l-.5 13 .8 35.7 29.4 28.L 4505 93 .1 9 .03 35.4 29.0 28.9 4 506 92.L 8.98 36.8 29.7 28 .4 ; 1_ 9 ; 1 9 ; 1 9 46. : 0 l_ 2 0 1 2 ; 1 2 ; 1 2 46 57 .9 63. r- 59 .9 The above information is inLended to highlight exceptional data as compared to the upper control limits (f,imit) established for each of the parameE,ers. Range exceedances are flagged by integer values in Ehe Range column. The Expected values are derived from historical data. ExpecEed is computed as either the mean or computed directly from another parameter using linear regression. A1I known correlaEion rule exceedances are listed as enumerated rule numbers in the Correlation column. Correlation pair rules are defined on the last page. Jefferson L. Flowers, Ph.D Jefferson S. Flowers, Ph.D 481 NEWBURYPORT Av. ALTAMONTE SPRINGS FLORTDA 32715 -0597 BUS: (407) 339-5984FAX: (407) 260-6110 sectiolSprfiFt'Your Analytical and ErR4trhftental Needs Since 1957 GRO-Spike ug/kg EMoist tH2O Surrogate-Spikel ug/kg Surrogate-Spike2 uglkg Surrogate_Spike3 ug/kg ,^ Received From: Delta Env.-UT 1030 W. 5370 South Salt Lake City,UT 841-23 Date Reported Project NumberPO Number FLDOH Number NYSDOH Number CTDPH Number NCDEHNR Number : 296 SCDHEC Number : 96019 For: DRY WT BASIS BTE)(MN8021 GRO Date Sampled:Ju1 2 200L Date Received:,lu1 3 2001 Lab Numbers: 4503-451-3 REPORT OF INFORMATION CHfITTCAL l-rtBOpArOUfS TNCORPORATED ,1u11-7 2001 AMSWUT-46 1350085 883018 r-r-595 0r-73 Parameter Unit Limit Expected Value Range Correlation GRO-SPike SMoisE Methyl-tert-butyleth Surrogate-Spikel Surrogate-Spike2 Surrogate-Spike3 GRO-SPike SMoisE Methyl-tert-butyleth Surrogate-Spikel Surrogate-Spike2 Surrogate-Spike3 GRO-Spike SMoist Surrogate-Spikel Surrogate-Spike2 Surrogate-Spike3 us/kg 8H20 ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kg us/kg tH20 us/kg ug/kg ug/kg ug/kgr ug/kg %H20 us/kg ug/kg ug/kg 103 000 57 .9 63 .1 59.9 l_03 000 57 .9 63 .1 s9.9 2480 46.0 47 .L 46.2 2480 46.0 47.t 46.2 46. 47. 46. 4507 94.L 6.83 75 .4 36.2 29.5 28.3 4s08 93.7 10.5 64 .6 37 .5 29.0 28.3 4509 92.5 7 .62 36.8 29.4 28.4 57. 63. 59. ; l- 9 ; l- 2 The above information is inLended to higrhligrht exceptional data as compared to the upper control limits (Limit) established for each of the parameters. Range exceedances uil ff"gged by integer values in the Range column. The Expected values are derived from hii[orical data. Expected is computed as either the mean or computed directly from another parameLer using linear regression. A1I known correlation rule exceedances are listed as enumerated rule numbers in the correlaEion column. Correlation pair rules are defined on Lhe last Page- Section 2 of 5 Jefferson L. Flowers, Ph.D Jefferson S. Flowers, Ph.D 481 NEWBUBYPOHT AV. ALTAMONTE SPRINGS FLORTDA 32715-0597BUS: (407) 339-5984FAX: (4071 260-6110 Serving Your Analytical and Environmental Needs Since 1957 r_Li wl_f Page 2 /a Received From: Delta Env.-UT 1030 W. 5370 SouthSalt Lake City,UT 84L23 For: DRY lfl BASfS BTDO{N8021 GRO Date sampled:Jul 2 200L Date Received:,Jul 3 2001 Lab Numbers: REPORT OF INFORMATION CHTilICAL 1ABODATOPIEI INCORPORATED Date ReporEed Project NumberPO Number FLDOH Number NYSDOH Number CTDPH Number NCDEHNR Number SCDHEC Number : Jul17 2001: AIvISWUT-46 :13500E5 :883018: 11595: 0173: 296 :9601-9 4503 -451_3 Parameter unit Limit Expected value Range correlation GRO_C6-C1O GRO_Spike EMoist Surrogate_Spikel Surrogate_Spike2 Surrogate_Spike3 GRO_Spike SMoist Surrogate_Spikel Surrogate_Spike2 Surrogate_Spike3 GRO_Spike EMoist Surrogate_Spikel Surrogate_Spike2 Surrograte_Spike3 GRO_Spike SMoist Surrogate_Spikel Surrogate_Spike2 Surrogate_Spike3 57. 63. 59. 47. 46. 57. 63. 59. 47. 46. ug/kg ug/kg *H20 ug/kg us/kg ug/kq us/ks *H20 ug/ks ug/kg us/kg vg lkg *H20 us/kg ug/ks uglkg ug/kg 8H20 ug/ks ug/kg ug/kg 57. 63. 59. 57. 63. 59. ; 1 9 ; l_ 9 ; 1 9 46. 47. 46. 46. 47. 46. 45r_0 3790 9L .4 13. 37. 29. 29. 91. 13. 37. 28. 28. ; L 2 ; 1 2 ; 1 2 45L 9 4 0 0 1 9 1 2 9 4 46 451.2 9L.2 1,4.L 36.7 29.9 28.5 4513 94.2 L4.6 36.5 29 .4 28 .6 ; 1 9 ; l_ 2 46 The above information is intended to highlight exceptional daLa as compared to theupper control limits (Limit) established for each of the parameters. Range exceedancesare flagged by integer values in the Range column. The Expected values aie derivedfrom hisEorical daLa. Expected is computed as eiLher the mean or computed direcElyfrom another parameter using linear regression. A11 known correlatioir rule exceedancesare listed as enumerated rule numbers in the Correlation column. Correlation pairrules are defined on the last page' Jeffersonl.Frowers, ph.D Jeflerson S. Flowerq Ph.D 481 NEWBURYPOBT Av. ALTAMONTE SPHINGS FLORTDA 32715 -0s97BUS: (407) 339.s984FAX: (407) 260-6110 secrionSgrvipqYour Analytical and EryjLogental Needs Since 19ST FLOWERS CHEMICAL LABORATORIES Ouatt ler Key J Sunogelo rscovory Imlls have beon exc€€d€d; No known qnllty controt critods exlst3 tor th€ @rpo.ahl; Tho aanple mald( hleder€d wlth lhe abltty to nrako arry accutais d6lermlmllon.a senpb h6ld b€yond the acc€pted holdtng tme. U lndlcalo! thal the codpound v/as erEvzed toa but hol d€locl6d. 1 0 ,i 07{2-01 ' Analyzed Co3l lndlcalos thsl lho anaM6 was dotected ln both the samDle and lhe assodeld molhod blank. NormBB Exed 425 slm . ,t . AMSI /UT-16 13500E5 Prolect Numb€r PO Numb€r Dal6 sampled ATEXMNSO2l RlI -t-trr- - t il il I EIFT I IllrlIIII - L!'.trLEtilI ETIE:TIEEEIEIIEII - il.=I-=riln RilIE-EI'IEIBI 'ErIttrtIlEl-!,F, ItFnr Eillt!'rtEllltErI Ellt,Itr!!!I,EEII EillEilil-EtilttilIil EITTIEE rrrIrIrI IIIAEfiD ItrUI'IilTEEETEi- - drtrtr atltr atlrr ttlr ErlllEilrr ;iilrf,lllrEftEIlllttl Ellilt+Ji,r,ttil EtrlETEtirilriErirrrffi.!!-IiltilEllllilFEII ErIril ilErruEl ill:l:rrfitE iE:ErIElrl4ll|Itr-IT I-TII III rfi[II-Ilttt- I E!7taI narl mr:r EriEr EErII5EEIr.rnEillFr.r lEItEIrlil:!ilt ilIIEEi[ilrrnIilGr-il-il EEEEE EIE+T tJ:rltrt:rt[1IEEiEillFilEllf,lllhlI AltI EilI IEilI EIII f,1itl EilEII ll'rril[EZI rtrrftl-*r6Et I 6!EI E!!.!r E;tr f+.ttr t?irEllrFltrEilf?Ir f,liIF r Elun[Eil EilGIIIIl'll|'IIttD-EEIf,i[If,ilrrE'ilr f,iitlFlllE!ilrFilIf,lltl FliIFt!il l"-ri!tF-r[tErr El|l:IElEIilttATtrilTilItrAAIEEIIIElIa!il8[rtElIEtIEiil Eilra[Ht+:til[EErt EIIlErrrr'irEdlltlrFiln [ il llnr Eltr Erlrr tItEL|Ir*-?rrf,+ilr6-f,tlllftrl ll'ilrrl[IB rEilGTTIlIilMIFFIEIIIE]ilIflltl Erle+il-EifirEitr ErllIEtrElt-E rtFt[Itrrr Et TEftI'II?:IIffiffiIil[UilEIElIEIIII tilEilIe+rrEi[EIIf,il lrtMltl[Itil ITGflII'rlIrIIIIIFtrIIEIilEEEIEtiI.I EEtrIEIFTEIilEI'III ErzfEfE-ElrItFrilraf.rtr ITGfTliltl|'IIETIETjIEEI.IEEET ilEEf,-EEtrIFlt]I EEilFI*llrlrEt6ErrrE':n EEGTEEIEMilEMlIIIFiIIdIiltr*il Elf..IEt*rEriL-EEt ril EEIililTTII.E EEIllfIlill?.ll -II-T rI-r II I-r II_ I ) Section 3 of 5 ,^ Qual ity Assu rance Report Report date: L7 -Jul-01 Prepared for: Project Number: Lab Numbers: Delta Env.-UT AMSWUT-46 4503 - 4512 OHEITICAL TABCPATOPIES Section 4 of 5 TLOIryEAS CHIMICAL TABOPATOPTES.INC. QA SDG Narrative Summary Client: Delta Env.-UT Project Number: AMSWUT-46 P.O. Number: 13500E5 Date Sampled: 2-Jul-01 LabNumbers: 4503-4512 Sample Handling Sample handling and holding tim6 critsria wsre msl tor all samples. Samples Collected by Submitter. No unusualevents occur€d during analysis. Surrogate Compound Recoveries: The recovery limits were exceeded for 6 samples as shown in section 1. Thls represents a 85.0% success rate. Surrogate exceedences are aftributed to matrix interferences. Accuracy / Precision: The recovery_llmits were exceeded lor 1 compound in the matrix spike as shown in section 2. This represents a 87.5% success rate. The recov.ery limits were met for all compounds in the matrix spike duplicate as shown in section 2. The RSD was met for all compounds as shown in section 2. Method Blanks: No larget compounds were found in the method blank in excess ol the method limit as shown in section 3. LCS Check Sample: The control limits were exceeded lor 2 compounds as shown in section 4. This represents a 75.0% success rate. Section 4 of 5 Standards Traceability: The t-test limits were met for all calibration standards as shown in section 5. The t-test limits were exceeded for 2 Lcs standards as shown in section s. This represents a 66.770 success rate. The t-test limits were exceeded for 2 matrix spike standards as shown in section 5.This represents a 66.7% success rate. The t-test limits were met for all surrogate spike standards as shown in section 5. 1 TLOTryEAS OHEATIOATIr\BOpAfOplES"INC. QA Section 1 Surroqate Compbund Reccivery Client: Delta Env.-UT Project Number: AMSWUT-46 P.O. Number: 13500E5 Date Sampled: 2-Jul-01 Lab Numbers: 4503 - 4512 GRO_Spike for EPA80158 Unit of measure: ug/kg Surrogate Expected: 100 Acceptability Limits: SB.2 - 1gO Laboratory Number ffi-r,...ii,, 4503 Site SS1 Surrogate Recovered .'-W,#r,".ffi+ffi ::::j:::: jij,-ii::,:! ] 90.9 Percent RecoveredH,ffi. ffi 90.9 4504 SS2 91.5 91.5 4505 SS3 93.1 93.1 4506 SS4 92.1 92.1 4507 SS5 94.1 94.1 4508 SS6 93.7 93.7 4509 SS7 92.5 92.5 451 0 ss8(4')91.4 91.4 4511 ss8(5')91.9 91.9 4512 SS9 91.2 91.2 Section 4 of 5 Description TI_OWEPS OHE,}TICALrABOpAfOptES"INC. QA Section 1 Surroqate Comp6und Reccivery Client Delta Env.-UT ProjectNumber: AMSWUT-4G P.O. Number: 13500E5 Date Sampled: 2-Jul-01 Lab Numbers: 4503 - 4512 Surrogate_Spikel for EPA8260 Unit of measure: ug/kg Surrogate Expected: 30 Acceptability Limits: 22.4 - 36.4 Laboratory Number 4503 Site SS1 Surrogate Recovered 35.5 Percent Recovered 118 4504 SS2 35.7 119 4505 SS3 36.4 121 4s06 SS4 123 4507 SS5 36.2 121 4508 SS6 125 4509 SS7 123 4510 ss8(4')125 4511 ss8(5')124 4512 SS9 122 Section 4 of 5 $1i-Biif'Xifl6iil ii,s.rff ts-F , i$?,i#ii,.1iii.$ TLOWEPS OHEMIOAL L\BOPATOPIES.INO. QA Section 1 Surroqate Comp6und Reccivery Client Delta Env.-UT ProjectNumber: AMSWUT-4G P.O. Number: 13500E5 Date Sampled: 2-Jul-01 Lab Numbers: 4503 - 4512 Surrogate_Spike2 for EPA8260 Unit of measure: ug/kg Surrogate Expected: 30 Acceptability Limits: 26.8 - 32/ Laboratory 4s03 Site SS1 Surrogate Recovered 'i.--8fi.fl.,lil.il llitl.i_ 29.2 Percent Recovered -.-t-j- ..,., .',,.4.11--- 97.3 4504 SS2 29.4 98.0 450s SS3 29.0 96.7 4506 SS4 29.7 99.0 4507 SS5 29.5 98.3 4508 SS6 29.0 96.7 4509 SS7 29.4 98.0 4510 ss8(4')29.0 96.7 4511 ss8(5')28.9 96.3 4512 29.9 99.7 Section 4 of 5 SS9 TLOTryEPS CHEITIOAT Ir\BOQATOAIES"INO. QA Section 1 Surroqate Compbund Recovery Client Delta Env.-UT Project Number: AMSWUT-46 P.O. Number: 13500E5 Date Sampled: 2-Jul-01 Lab Numbers: 4503 - 4512 Surrogate_SpikeS for EPA8260 Unit of measure: ugkg Surrogate Expected: 30 Acceptability Limits: 25.3 - 33.2 Laboratory Number 4503 Site SS1 Surrogate Recoveredffil ,ffiffi 28.4 Percent Recovered ffi"ffi,.,'g-ffi 94.7 4504 SS2 28.1 93.7 4505 SS3 28.9 96.3 4506 SS4 28.4 94.7 4507 SS5 28.3 94.3 4508 SS6 28.3 94.3 4s09 SS7 28.4 94.7 4510 ss8(4')29.0 96.7 451 1 ss8(5')28.4 94.7 4512 SS9 28.5 95.0 Section 4 of 5 Descriotion :::i1_1.:.::1.r..1=i:Ii:a;.i..ir.rt:.]iifftiir:i:lli+j::::!:::::::1.+::::r.:]n::.:ljia TLOWEQS CHIATICALlr\BOPAfOplfS"Ilt{C. QA Section 2 Matrix Soike R'ecovery Client: Project Number: P.O. Number: Date Sampled: Lab Numbers: Delta Env.-UT AMSWUT-46 13500E5 2.Jul-01 4503 - 4512 Analyte GRO_C&C10 Unit iiiii,,illii ::iii::i:ii::i::ii:tli ug/kE Analysis Method t{i?,,ti,1.+1+lifi..,1'l.ii{ EPA8O15I Date 07-03-01 Spike Added lif,i,,ii+l.rl.,:,ii iiiiiitiilif.,i.l,,.:,i 1000 Sample Conc..ffi <10 MS Conc. 914 MS Rec. i 91.4% MSD Conc. 970 MSD Rec. 97.0o/o Acceptable Limits - 239 - 1441 STD Rec. 39.6 Acceptable Limits i'iii+ijr#ii+i.iii;il#.i.--ri?i j'j ,iir,il.#+iiiii,{;-ri# 0-363 Benzene udke EPA8260 07-11-01 20.0 <1 21.5 108%20.6 1O3o/o 't4.8 -24.2 0.636 0 - 2.81 Ethylbenzene r talVr EPA826O 07-11-01 20.0 <1 20.4 1V20h 19.9 99.5%16.3 - 23.0 0.3s4 0 - 1.93 Toluene r ralVc EPA8260 07-1 1-01 20.0 <1 19.6 98.0%19.0 9s.0%14.6 -24.3 0.424 0 - 2.85 Xylene ttalkr EPA8260 07-11-0't 60.0 <1 61.0 102%60.2 1OfJo/"48.'t - 71.0 0.566 0 - 6.78 Methyl-tert-butylether ttakt EPA8260 07-11-01 20.0 <1 139%26.0 130%11.7 -26.5 1.27 0 - 4.09 Naphthalene UEK(EPA8260 07-11-01 20.0 <1 16.5 82.5%o 16.0 80.0%12.4 -27.4 0.354 0 - 4.48 lsopropylbenzene ug/k(EPA8260 07-1 1-01 20.0 <1 23.2 116%21.9 110o/o 14.7 -24.3 0.919 o -2.52 Section 4 of 5 a i:*::! ii[7 1 TLOWEPS OHIATIOALIr\BOPAfOplfS"lNC. QA Section 3 Method Blank Report Client Delta Env.-UT Project Number: AMSWUT-46 P.O. Number: 13500E5 Date Sampled: 2-Jul-01 Lab Numbers: 4503 - 4512 Analyte GRO C6-C10 Unit IJiiiiE:::::- ug/kg Method EPA8O158 Date 07-03-01 Concentration <10 Benzene uglkg EPA826O 07-1 t-01 <1 Ethylbenzene ug/ks EPA826O 07-1 1-0 1 <1 Toluene ug/kq EPA826O 07-1 1.01 <1 Xylene ug/kg EPA826O 07-1 1-01 <1 Methyl-tert-butylether ug/kg EPA826O 07-1 1-01 <1 Nephthalene uglkq EPA826O 07-11-0'l <1 lsopropylbenzene ug/kg EPA826O 07-1 1-01 <1 Section 4 of 5 TIOWET]S CHEITIOALlABOpArOpIES"INO. QA Section 4 LCS Recovery Client: Delta Env.-UT Project Number: AMSWUT-46 P.O. Number: 13500E5 Date Sampled: 2-Jul-O1 Lab Numbers: 4503 - 4512 Analyte GRO_C6-C10 Unit ugkg Method EPABOl58 Date 07{3-01 LCS Exoected# ::: j:i::t':::l+rE:+li::llrEnu :.:r.:.:ii:.:.:.r,:,:.:,:.:r:.i:.ir+::r:an: 200 LCS Measured ,'.1W,.,.- 174 Rec. o/to iii::ii*.i.,,:t.;*:P;i_:sF_;:I'i:t+:!:+iii:!Irii4:!:tir 87.O% Acceptable Limits ffiii,-ffi....iffi 97.1 - 2U Benzene udks EPAB26O 07-1 1-01 10.0 12.2 122%7.15 - 12.8 Ethylbenzene udkg EPAB26O 07-1 t-01 11 .6 116%7.40 - 12.7 Toluene udks EPA826O 07-1 1-01 10.0 11.4 114To 7.16- 12.9 Xylene udks EPA826O 07-l 1-01 30.0 35.3 11 8%21.5 - 39.1 Methyl-tert-butylether udkg EPA826O 07-t t-0r 10.0 180%5.75 - 13.9 Naphthalene udks EPA826O 07-l 1-01 10.0 7.97 79.7Yo 3.78 - 14.7 lsopropylbenzene udkg EPA826O 07-'t1-01 10.0 139%6.66 - 13.8 Section 4 of 5 10.0 rH# BrU TLCTryEPS CHEATICALL\BOPATOPIES.INC. QA Section 5 Standards Traceability Client: Project Number: P.O. Number: Date Sampled: Lab Numbers: Delta Env.-UT AMSWUT.46 13500E5 2-Jul-01 4503 - 4512 Compound Manlacturer Name Manfacturer Lot # % Rec Date Valid UntilLot Prep Date Valid Lot t-test t-test ranoe .iililiiiii'Iii. Sonto Mean 0ontro srd Lot Mean . Lot stdffi Benzene LCS Matrix Snike Ultra Ulra R0540 R0540 1397 :harle 1Gl2-00 08-30-02 1397 :harle lGl2-00 08-30-02 2345 harle 06-19-01 02-21-02 4.29 4.29 >1.68 >l_58 o.976 o.976 0.052 1.08 l.o8 0.080 0.080Ethylbenzene LCS Matrix Spike Ultra Ultra R0540 R0540 1397 :harle lG.l2-00 08-3G02 1397 :harle 1G,12-00 08-30-02 2345 :hule 06-19-01 02-21-02 6.33 6.33 >1.68 >1.68 0.975 o-97.s 0.M7 0.047 1.06 1.06 0.053 o_0-53 Ultra Ultra R0540 R0540 1397'.harle lGl2-00 08-3G02 1397 :harle lGl2-00 08-30-02 2345 :harle 06-19-01 02-2142 2345 :harle 06-19-0l O2-21-o2 5.46 5.46 >1.68 >1.68 0.986 0.986 0.067 0.067 1.05 1-Os 0.056 0.055 UItra Ultra Mt06z Ml062 1395 :harle 10-12-00 04-30-02 1395 :harle 1Gl2-00 04-30-02 2345 :hwle 06-19-01 02-21-02 ilrl'Esji 12.M !2.O4 0.951 o.9_51 0.066 0.066 1.26 1.26 o.255 o.2ssNaDhthalene LCS Matrix Snike Ultra Ultra R0540 R05,10 1397 ;harle lGl2-00 08-30-02 1X97 ;harle lGl2-00 08-30-02 2345 thule 06-19-01 02-2t-02 12.00 +2.0{) 0.681 0-68 r 0.091 0.091 0.885 0.885 0.10s Isopropylbenzene LCS Matrix Spike Ultra Ultra R05/+0 R0540 1397 :harle lGl2-00 08-3G02 1397 :harle lG.l2-00 08-30-02 2345 :hwle 06-19-01 02-21-02 2345 :harle 06-19-01 02-21-02 1.88 1.88 >1.68 >1.68 t.02 t.02 0.045 0.Ms 1.17 1.1't 0.135 0.135 ) Section 4 of 5 ffi Ioluene LCS Metrir Snike Methyl-tert-butylether LCS Metrir Snike i $#: n 1n( ) CHAIN OF CUSTODY RECORI)Page I of I ) U7 Release # l/,"C, \,/'-- c *q6 ts tsilling and Report lnformation: W.O # (Project #) Projed Contact Project Name Address [)cltu Environrtte ntal Consultants. lnc. 10.10 Wcst 5370 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84123 (rJOl) 261-'8(x)6 FAX (801) 261-806tJ 3 6lt t,,<ot {zc:o soath Sampler Signaturc-{)Colleclion Date(s) laboratory Name Numbcr of C-onuiners Prescrvativic Tpe 24"_ Analpis Required t -Sample TypcDatc/fimeField ID Number l^WSampling Number Tpft funrcrns,il I6ltot 3:sbFl-4't5oJss-l Ltt' ) I I t I{,'),1-ot ?:octffo(ss-A Lb') Io{6-kotJ:arf5S-3 ( t?',) I6dt" t d:/sPQLS,t-L/ ( tq') ?r-o I ttroAg-7s5-( L1') o.Q 7l-ol &:ht+I 74-o t t'{o/4o1SS-) ('{ ') I Ilo1-t -ct I tr"'JoASs-( ( '/' I t/1-J-c: t ?:?SAJS-r xw6') I I1-J-0 I F:.SA,l tz-Ss-q ( y')J J {-7lo t f'JY44stsSJ-zo ( v, ) Company Date/fimeReccived by (signature)C-ompany Date/TimeRelinquished by (signature) \r/L Fnn 1)-ot /l'loh llslot ort\ 24 Hours tE Hours 5 Daf,s 10 Days As Contracted Other Thrn Around Tlme: Y. -U Comments: ) I Ulrt fr-.t PM: Jetfery Rsine Project:AMSWUT-46 Rec'd b SJW 4503 - 4513 Flowers Chemical Laboratories, lnc. Cooler Beceipt, Custody Record Vedfication, preservation Fom Yes No NA a. b. c. d. e. I s. h. i. i. k. t. m n. o. p. q. Airbills or airbill slicksrs Traffic reports or pacldng lists Custody soals on shipping containers Custody ssals intact? Custody soal numbors il yss, Allblll or airbill slickerShippedvia: Airbill#: Cooler Temperature upon receipt <4 Degrees C lI sampls vials recsived, were bubbles observed? ClienUFCL chain-ol-custody forms present Was condition ol shipping containers OK Sampls tags pressnt Were sample containers in good condition Wers all contalners labeled conecty Did all labels agree with Chain of Custody r€cord Were conect contain6r€ sent br r€quested analysis Wers samples propsdy preservsd (s€e below) Proisct Managsr notifisd as to discrepancies Explanation of DiscrepancieyRemarks E Returned Containers Preservation Chsck nt P.250mL P.500mL P.1L P.2L Wir-Pac 40 ml. vials G.250mL G.500mL G.1L G.4L Tedlar x 11 x x x x Yes IIIII x x x III rIIIIIrII x IIIIIIII >12 NaOH <2 HN03 H2SO4<2 <2 HCL Na2S2O3 rIIII Cliant pela EnY.-lrT FCL Lab #: Cooler Rec'd onozoi/or os:so Cooler opened on: 07.03-ot Log-in dats: o7.oo.ot E E E E I-x E frlxtr LL Lxlx E UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK PR OCRAM Adjustment Tracking Form l*,(BP rq.,-,o, +{c FAC # rioO rS FACILITY NAME: OWNER NAME: fi s loo o(a)e{i ku-s (circle one) REASON FOR: /0'tn'LOar oss Adjustment @)d 84<-3o.: Jlnraa Us{6lz I z.jr0i Oil*o tr 4rwrrt ttstorf Drt /:a F o \zzo Jt 6+yt \+,J ?-r RE-BILL?Yes o BY:DATE: APPROVED BY: + -7 f o3lot iilr6.Tits/w"ir. I i9 s? Ftfi 07194 WHITE - timrc CANARY - Selbr/Aoorcy PINX - Buyer/4offiy Voucher Dqte Budget FY Vendor Code Address STATE OT TIIAH. DIVISION OF FINANCE\- vruoon PAYMENT voucHER Verldd Poyrrent Wdldel Mdc Eorhordl I l/94 9-Jul-01 Accounting Period O1 lO2 FM/FYMM/DD/YY Vendor Nome BP AMOCO OIt COMPANY Tronsoction l.D. P r 480 Type Agency Document Number Agency Control Number KRIS BEYER 28IOO TORCH PARKWAY - STE 3OO DOCUMENT TOTAL $67s.00 WARRENVILLE IL City Stote zlp Description (25 Chorocters) TANKS REMOVED Vendor Une Number Fund Agency org Approp. unlt Acttvlty Expend. Obiect Revenue Source Projecl or Job Reporting Coteoorv Bolonce Sheet Accounl Amount 4001 576 l 100 480 4731 NAC 4:!95 4no( 4001 576 t00 480 a37l NAC 23t 0 4no( TOTAL 'fi,"4 Quolity - DERR Agercy Hsd d Au0uiad A8eil ApProval OriSimting Agercy/Division \- -r#"*""*., lA.-. Rinsate disPosed at Tanks cleaned YN BY: lnerting LEL or % OxYgen obtained: Non-exPlosive atmosPhere inside tank obtained bY: - Purgin )roduct lines were: - Cleaned, secured in place , and caPPed Removed, disPosal site: Soil disPosalsite: 'ank disPosal site: lD or FID meter readings (indicate location on the site Plat.) *e- 5 Gain or Calibration sPecs eter TYPe:n: 0-3 feet Greater than 3 feet :il contamination is evident: Y orJ of Depth to water table:7 t3 ' slope di rection of surface toPograPhY: ater contam ination is evident: Y Certified Lab: mber of samPles collected GW Soil: USC alysis Methods N lndicate location and dePth of samPles on the site Plat 3ector observed collect'to n of samPles: :ector collected duplicate samPles them to the State Lab tor analYsis taminated soil was St/ D,,t '.L5 I State UT OtherCommercial Phone 2kl2( CapacitY (gallons) dP States Contact L Location Name Address c Land use of surrounding area: Owner Name Address l./ ulf zi -Car^tog!& LfiPCJ; 5t ,l ype (Steel , FRP, ComPosite) ubstance Stored last used t.^^ I \+c,l ,^ rllt /p-t-5, t \ 9t / ADsl-uL t e.sloiL /zs!-a-Closed 2 How closed (Rmvd, in Place, CIS) = # ol tanks remaining+ New tanks- Closed tanksOriginal# of tanks \2i t I oCert. #: GS 12 & SoilSamPler: J Expiration Date: Cert. #:TR ST Remover: t o/ t olExpirationDate N N Copy ot closure Plan is on Site rator has an closure plan I tc{By Disposed at, *O\ Produ ct removed: Y N Disposed at:YN BYSludgeremoved HOC Other:O&G TRPH Jtion:lnsPector. and submitted lf yes, confirmation samPles were collected: Y N -lcsurepl rev0201 .wpd Lflc(] 6 Tank No,Tank No. )t of 6" UTAH UST PROGRAM Permanent Closure c" p"ite Cleaning and Bemoval: iite Assessment: YN t}Js o o t( + 7<X) islands.lndicate samples qolEcted by the sampler the PEro-rFlD --* Ut (e.laz,h Ssley S'lrcr€.6-*.95 Y ,e^-ls -(r--6.- + \f.' \L stB I I\Is \ tr oaCtlrvl I tf P 6*$q *>€ t s#E1 _@)99i \ (r*" 9{"rrr.^" drroJrn g dq_-E?a %r,* dr"/\" (c U \S:a sS 6q*sS tarr.rkWc.Pa\r(r Show of all Also ol Active Water WellProperty Line )4 r qaVCommercial Buildings \n' 52Residences z5O ' .ro,kL -fiaturatGas Line go, {*,--,-Water Line ^:+5 ,Sewer Line - J;?)'Surface Water Other: y€. Storm Drain * 75ElectricalLine t U4"ha/^i,Telephone tine " 1b t commenrs: gE 4 Ll @ t), Ov h L5 Bpv *. >H d3 A t2t b*v^,1 nrd I I l*1 6 lZt l'2q, lo certify that I the above-named on (date)o/b,28 Lrz€ /at i62Cefi#(Date:lnspector's Signature: bution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector,Closurep2 rev0201 Permanent Closure Facility lD:! Oo /5"-7( Faeility Site Plat I l---.---tII p, -!Tt=>ffi I Utah Method used on flex connectors (B , CS, NC, CP , NM, NP, N/A) Enclosed containment sumps at tanks (subPumP ,) and disPensers lndicate dates ol uPgrades-lining,tank or PiPing Testing are and 3 cathodic Protection' 6 Pi trle,JrA t* bo$- Date F\ex lestet ale r att tl15 Owner Name A DR* lLl^ha 6. \Location Qtoo Tcrr.ln ?*Y-ua.,,,r, Sta3ofAddress L ,t,lNP- state ]L k":= Be,^-0,- pnone d3O f<.{^-Ai/J zrp L0S5 Contact City t Location Contact 521 State UT Phone Complete for each tank.has more Tank 4TqfrDNumber of tanks at facility: I[\ /(qTank lnstallation Date \2 k-t2l<r). kCapacity of tank (in gallons) (/'n L tJn r 1:L..lsSubstance stored vv.{Tank is in use (Y) or, it not in use, give date last used ,/lf not in use, depth of product in tank (in inches) Note anY le sump, noIt It can column. U Yes all Yes No 25thanlessoltransfers translers of less than 25 n0 overlill the Current year tank tags are in Place FRP etc.)composite,olon tanks (steelconstructiofMaterial etc )FRP flex plastic,of pipi (steelngolalconstructionMateri etc.)suction,safe/US gravitY(pressuretypePiping NP)SA,tc,cs,lL,tankson (NM,usedMethod SA,rc NP)cs,(NM,on pipingusedMethod theAnswerProtection.Conosion € gr"L ves / t'to^rS lilled if lilled markeddarm iq seen voltsSubSub voltsSub voltsvollsSub volls Disp. volls Oisp. volts 0isp.vottsDrsp. Yes No \r\hu\0n: olOwner or Owne(s Page of ID Cathodic Protection lor each tank' stem: Ownership of Tanks lorm. Lt t?"-,' Answer iollowing for all tanks.Note any exceptions IN the last column. tank6.excePtions in tollowing lor ,.\ Methodusedlortanks:,SS'R \,^.J."fAea^ POe.c.}S, Methodusedforpipinq: Manutacturer, name and model number of system:\ I corl c r (2r' ir T l-S - ISTJ system s'o party cert. avaitabtei(D ruo Y bv tank ar lv exceD ons to the anYes @*"Ail Records on site document that the system is properly installed, calibrated, and maintained (system and tank setup reports, maintenance records). @ruo(-rb tvt Device documentation is available on-site (owner's manual, etc.). @*oAIEquipment used to acquire data, take readings, perform test is adequate, accessible and functional. lncl. ATG console, dipstick, etc. (e) NoDocumentation of valid testing or monitoring is available tor the last 12 months. Show testino or monitorino results in qrid below. All zf"tl ruovATGThe probe is located at the center of the tank. lf not, the tilt correction factor for each tank is shown on the tank setup repqlt. G*oATGThe tank was filled to at least the minimum level required by the manufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test and the tank size is within the allowed upper and lower size limits.4Secondary barrier is properly placed and constructed, designed for gw considerations, has an acceptable permeation rate, is compatible with the substance stored, is non- corrodible, and is not in the 25-yr floodplain (per s!!9 39999!rn9!!tr- IM @*"IC MTG .dtr) readings lor product inputs and withdrawals are properly obtained and recorded. Beadings are ProPerlY lnventory No@Records include the proper number of water readings, and water readings are used to adiust inventory balances as necessary'-@ '@ No ^-T6 MTG An appropriate tank calibration chart is used and is available for review VF9 noDispensers have current calibration stickers or proper calibration documentation.rc 6h\ ot Nobottom.tc ornofor t Ll-#t Moffr and extend to within one foot of the tank for the last 12 tubes are results of mon P PPPpP?P P?t-rP#L t3pPt9PP?pPtL?<t?#3 f,**i Tank 4 '6F9 # LeakLineTesting,Line TightnessandTank Test results: test tor tanks:ol Name and certiticatiol numbe r ol tester: test forol last results:T Test Method: Q'ss fi6,st-l^,(,Fs. NoYes Name and certification number ol tester: Date ol last leak thanless pressure,atmosPhericatthatoperatesshowpipingtoveriliableandavailableISDocumentationpiping:Sudion olSalehasvalve +Comments S loo (e- ?'- .wpd Utah UST Program Tank and Piping Leak Detection ID P\J?PP?PP7-a Detector Testing: Statelf {-Itah DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALMY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Michael O. kavitt Govcmor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Exccutive Director Kent P. Gray Diretor 168 North 1950 West P.O. Box 1,148,10 Salt Lake City, Utah 841l4-4840 (80r) 536-4100 (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 5364414 T.D.D. www.deq.state.ut.us Web TILE COPT ERRU-130-01 June 20, 2001 Carl Magnus BP Amoco Oil Company dba Rainbo Oil 474West 900 North Salt Lake City, Utah 84103 RE closure Plan Approval for Underground storage Tanks (usrs) Located at Rainbo #46,3612 west 4700 South, west valley city, utah Facility Identification No. 400157 6 Dear Mr. Magnus: The Closure Plan for the above-referenced facility, received by the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) on June l4,2OOl,has beenapproved subject to the noted modifications, if any. The DERR office and the local fire department must be notified 72 hours before beginning closure activities. L,ocal agencies may have additional requirements for closure or may charge inspection fees. The Salt Lake Vatley Health Departmerrt i, ,ro longer performing closure inspections. Please be sure the DERR office (not Salt Lake Valley Heatttr Department) is contacted at least 72 hours before the closure takes place. The Closure Plan Approval is effective for a period of one year from the date of approval. ff closure does not take place within one year, submittal of a new Closure Plan will be required, unless otherwise approved by the Executive Secretary ruST). Any change to the approved Closure Plan must be submitted, in writing, and approved by the Executive Secretary (UST) before implementation. If contamination is suspicted oiiounO during closure activities, you must report it to the DERR at (801 ) 536-41 00 within 24 hours of discovery. Enclosed is a copy of the Closure Notice form, which must be completed and submitted to the Executive Secretary ruST) after the closure is performed. Please submii the environmental and Unified Soil Classification sample analysis data and Chain of Custody forms with the Closure Notice as soon as possible, but no later than 90 days after tank closure. Kent P. Gray, Executive Secretary (UST) Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board If during upcoming closure activities, it appears that a confirmed petroleum release has occurred, then the conditions, as explained in the attached notice, may apply to your site provided all the applicable rules and regulations are complied with. If you have any questions, please contact paul Harding at (g0l) 536_410g. Sincerely, DJ..,- , *--/,F Facility ID# 4001576 Page 2 KPG/PRII/hsp Enclosure cc Ted Itchon, West Valley City Fire Department Bennett Ireper, Delta Environmental Consultants UNDERGROUND STORAGE TANK CLOSURE PLAN (rev. 10/04/99) LH ewer LHD Approved mailed to State FAcrLrrY D# 1CiiS76 E L Received i -t4'et Mailed to LHD te Received From LHD ieweriDate o Review/Date Closure Plan prepared at the request of the owner/operator (identified below)6e uueTt( zeftp A Contractor may prepare this Closure Plan as the owner/operator's agent. ln preparing the Closure Plan, the Contractor must act with the owner/operator's knowledge and approval. The owner/operator must sign the Closure Plan. This Closure Plan is submitted in compliance with the requirements contained in 40 CFR 280 Subpart G and R311-204 (u.A.c.) Tank Owner a Phone * tBo t I fa. /- I et ? [ ]soleproprietorship [ ]partnership [ ]corporation eaaress Lt}-Y Ctt, Q0a.Lto c Stt state ()f zip 8* ta z, Facility Name '?.a- rr R D at+ A Address "36t2 r"L.. "{)oo S n.4,{City Contact person (-,/ zt Total number of regulated underground tanks at this site 3 Total number of regulated underground tanks at this site to be closed TANKS TO BE CLOSED -3 ;i,."ili:"iVIt] U zip 8? Phone #tfia nf&/-??? . lndicate the specilic substance slored in each lank to be closed (regular, unleaded, diesel, waste oil, etc.) For waste oil tanks: Have degreasing or other types of solvents been stored or mixed with the waste oil? Yes (identify i{ known) ,y /l No -- Not known Analysis for lead or other contaminants may be required prior to disposal of contaminated soil or other material your disposal facility.) Tank # Type (Steel,FRP,etc.) t;Z 3 ,'i:{ ) sfecc sktc SlEEL Date lnstalled claq 6 /ar G/tq Capacity ( Zooo.r*lzooo e4 i2ooo *e€ Substance stored !yrLr.4ra.o 6,tl*li,n. UN.eilt.,0 6tr-slrn. UNCe40eO Gr+Sat,^rt Date last operated r/t/, r rht/or sAt/or Removed/ln Place/ Chanqe in Service? kxe lZ.e t'acut0 'fu DE Ek.ltttt ll) fo I7E ECtntyEt) (Check with )ate or (company nanq b?-cil Exv taoxrt tzt.,f#C brus tr L/4.vh Phone + t9ott?>o-qro? Address / 03oQ ' S32o So. ciry S(a srate u/ zip??rz3 4 vurt r-o ,1 TANK REMOVER L SOII-/GROUNDWATER SAIUPLER Name CONTACT LOCAL EALTH DISTRICT Name of CONTACT LOCAL FIRE DEPT. Name of Dept. DISPOSAL INFORMATION Contact Tifle_ Cert. # TR Od Pop a;n"ley'.f/ot_ Phone #8wo Cert # Phone # Sute (z # zip 8q/>3 is located must beor Phone # ( S €. ) ourr--QlZb.L- Title /nsP,ee.foft phone# rtat la..= -?}rn Tank(s) will be disposed at:tl*5 €L Contact .L Product lines will either be: K removed or _cleaned, secured in place, and capped. Vent lines will either be: X removed dr cleaned and secured open. Piping will be disposed ar: Facility S Lr' Contact person Taak(s) will be emptied by: Tank(s) will be cteaned by:;3 4rt tzc OGt Ef Contaminated water in the tank/rinsate rrill be disposed at: Contact Tank(s) will be:__trurged or X rendered inert by the following Residual sludges will be disposed at the following facility B{ 5cc state-l; 4 _ zip_?1_LoJ_ State U zip I vto ? Contact 5 ltU A 0_ Phone # Gql=t?73 -97€) Phoner ,#*j' ,8?Rs,>G Phone*t8ot l8*8-.rVa6 Phone #rfur t#-s>a4 crty&rfuarrt"-state-_12 j-_zip_L$_qf-o{ lJ,+,Qts Phone# t9at lSZg-S;laa [ ] Facility site Plat, Sample Information Table, sample results and chain of custody fornrs are included. [ ] Approval for in-place closure has been granted by the Local Fire Department. Fire Phone# [ ] Approval for in-place closure has bcen granted by the Local Health Departnrenr Health District_phone# [ ] Substance to be used ro fill tanks ate Contact Date 2 crry 5Z C GS E*p. r4ot t;zla-* AAddr""t crry_S_CC___ Before the closure is submitted for thc local health andcontacted.Grand,W'asatclL Adfu""t All materials generated from UST closures must be managed and disposed in a manner that does not place those materials in direct contact with the environment. On-site stockpiling of contaminated soils may be required prior to any soil management activities. Anypersonproutdng remedra/asststance fora fee, nc/udngaeration andover-excavation (oimore than 50 yd), must be a Certified UST Consu/tant. Contaminated soils generated as part of tank removal are to be disposed at the following facility: F-f *r. ilr)n/IF\Address (reSe C<l- r 3 City Stare L/f Zip €4lct? Contact pe t)Phone * t€o t)773 -RaAr* S]TE A SMENT A site assessment must be performed for all UST closures, and change-in-service. Site assessments must beperformed as outlined in 40 CFR 280.72 and R311-205 (U.A.C.). lf contamination is suspected. additionat samptes must be collected at the location where contamination is most !ikely to be present. lf oroundwaterjs e-ncountered. a soil samDle must be collected. in the unsaturated zone. in addition to each qroundwater sample. Soil andgroundwater samples must be analyzed for the compounds shown in the following table, usingmppropriate labmethods. Substance or Product Type Contaminant Compounds to be Analyzed ANALYTICAL METHODS Soil, Groundwater or Surface Water Gasoline Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (IPH); and Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene, (BTEXN) and MTBE EPA 80158 I and EPA 80218 'or 82608 Diesel Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH); and Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, and Naphthalene (BTEXN) EPA 80158 and EPA 80218 or 82608 Used Oil Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH); and for Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl- benzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene (BTEXI.| & MTBE; and Halogenated Volatile Compounds (VOC's) EPA 1664 or 55202 and EPA 8021B or 82608 New Oil Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH) EPA 1664 or 5520 Other or Unknoryn Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH); and Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, and Naphthalene (BTEXN); and Halo Volatile S EPA 80158 and EPA 8021B or 82608 I The following modifications to these certified methods are considered acceptable by the Executive Secretary (UST): A Dual colunrn confirmation may not be required for TpH & B TEXNA4TBE analysis. B A micro-extraction or scale-down technique may be used for aqueous samples. C Hexane may bc used as an extraction solvent. NOTE: 'fhe sarnple preparation method and any modification(s) to a certified method rnusr be reported by the laboratory on the final analytical report. 2 Methods or test procedures allowed for Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Pel.roleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH) are 5520(b) or 5520(0 respectivcly. Complete the Facility Site Plat and Sample lnformation Tabte on pages 4 and S to provide site assessment information. CONTAMIN ATION INFORMATION lf contamination at the facility is suspected or confirmed, the information must be reported to the Executive Secretary (UST) at (801 ) 536-4100 within 24 hours. The Division of Water Quality must be notified at (801 ) 538-6146 if Free Product is encountered or if surface water has been impacted. lf contamination is confirmed, any person assisting in the remediation process for a fee must be a Certified UST Consultant. J CONTAM.INATED MATERIALS IilT ee olsposeo Rr aN nccepraeue . ^crlrry: F in tanks, p. I and The site Plat must and other relevant 5 of the Closure Plan' Facility D#Lt 9otl?6 Drau'nBv tr5t Scale. t" - -FeetfI North Site Plat Must Indicate: / Current & former tanks' piping & dispctrsers Z iocution of all samples to be taken ..- , ililil.' fences, & p'op""'' o::']1.'::','],' rir,, ,rs. / Utility conduits (se\Ncrs' $?S' trattt ' ' electrical' etc ) 1 = Sxrnple locations (SS+' WS-#' USC-#) * = Vtoni,oting Wells fMW-#') O = Soil boring (Sefl,';r Geoprobe Bonng (GP-#) i = ivu,., wels (domestic' livestock' "t:- ) ^.', Srow or surrace t"*ril;i';'o':;*' *tl). s' sE' E' NE) t,and Use At Site:- n*ii"'iti"r Commercial - lndustrial Surrounding l'and:- n*iJ",,tr"' .- com^rercial - lndustrial 4 information'Tank and scale.It Date I R esidentiol CAR WASH trosh s AMOCO STATION' #+a I nir ao*n londscope oreo I r,itt oorrn c ---w-- ---G-- londscope londscope E er --G------ vent I N I prPes +6f',I sp-: NG WELL /sewer / cleonout SP-,1o ??o ss-{ St-Q \ E \ r,lc't sP-2o o ? r?t x0- cle PUMP ISLANDS -tO c Srnt o 9-)GI sS-8 SP-5 o sP-1o stormu orotn L-------------J sP-6o o (/) oG)Ji|,X, OC' r lo\dscope E ross I I I Ic I I I I I I I I Ic I I I I I I I I I G! I I I I I I I t- {4ss oo(o l'.) vocon f ield RAINBO STATTON #463612 WEST 47OO SOUTH WEST VALLEY CITY, UTAH FIGURE 1 SITE MAP Project No. I 3500E5 Prepo.cd by LF,/Sl-.B o.qro by JUA 2/ 1/s8 Oot. 5ro Raicrcd by fllcnom€ I 3500s &,^Delta Envi(onmoolal consultants, lnc. Empty Lot oJ o_ Etrj d power ne 47OO SOUTH CON 0 01020J0 Scole (feet) LEGEND o o ----w---- ----E---- ----G---- MONITORING WELL LOCATION SOIL PROEE LOCAIION I,YATER LINE (BURIED) ELECTRICAL LINE (BURIED) ELECTRICAL LINE (oVERHEAD) CABLE TELEVISION GAS LINE (EURIED) I I I I I I I I I JUN-12-20s1t 15:59 2 3 1 Bt IOCO HSE DEPT SAM PLE INTg.RMATION TABLE Complete taHe for all sampbs to be takan for closure. 801 521 4965 P.g2/t2 D. hlcen al G2 toer beloqrlfie bEclfit/mEvr Eoil hbrfrc6. F e). Approximata depth to gmund'irater ln the vicinity ol the tanks: 2- O leet Regimal groundwarerfloldirection: ll^e* H State Cortified Lsbotatoryto bs w ,41--ja ut sltau Pl*zw_B,Zlt Contac{ person pnone* r?l} r 339 -sifir Please orplain any unusual or extenuating drarmsaoces erpected reganling the site assessment or dosure Semple #Substance sloled In tanlr Samplc Vp*t Depth2 Compoundsl Analysis method(sf s5-l (i*ol-,oz *rl Ie lrl zkatiifl s5-z (/'I 7 ss-)\I sS -?L s5-r I e9 I ss-Q I / s5 -> ,s-g I s5 *?I 9g -/o I I t f usc #t r ,glq'tSt -L/sZ# z li /L ,Lq (JIS,C I certtfy underFcnatty of law ttret I am the owner/oporztor ol the tank(s) reforenced above and ttrar I am tamlllar withthe inlormation on this form and that lt and complete, and funher, that the procaduros descriDeclhcreln wltt be lollowed durlng Signalure of tank owner Full Name of tank owner a TNTfl P 14? c ls true, aocurate Date GJsc)" l Bozt6 f go6rE / I a Closure Plan Review Summary Facility !D 4001576 Number of regulated tanks at this site not previously closed: Database: Certificate of Compliance lssued: Yes TANKS TO BE CLOSED Non-Notifier: 3 Closure Plan NO 0 Tank# Type Date lnstalled Capacity Substance Last Used Rmvd/ln Place I Composite (Steel w/ FRP)llllll989 12000 Gasoline 2 Composite (Steel w/ FRP)llllll989 12000 Casoline 3 Composite (Steel w/ FRP)11llll989 12000 Gasoline 5 3l 5 3l 531 RMVD RMVD RMVD TANK REMOVER Name SOIUG ROUNDWATER SAMPLER Name: C BENNETT LEEPER Cert. #: 1 GS-104s Exp. Date : 11l1Sl2OO2 State: Zip: State: Zip AARON SPACKMAN Cert. #: TR-39 Exp. Date: lf different from database: Tank Owner: Address: Site Name: Address: Remarks: COPY TO PAT]L ORGINAL TO FILE Phone: City: Phone: City: Thursday, June 14,2001 Page 1 of 1 Closure Plan Review Summary Facility lD 4001s76 Number of regulated tanks at this site not previously closed Certificate of Compliance Issued: yes TANKS TO BE CLOSED Non-Notifier: Database: 3 Closure Plan: NO 0 Tank# Type Date lnstalled Capacity Substance Last Used Rmvd/ln place I Composite (Steel W FRP)llllll989 12000 Gasoline 2 Composite (Steel w/ FRP)l1llll989 12000 Gasoline 3 Composite (Steel il FRP)lllll1989 12000 Gasoline 5 3l 5 31 5 3l RMVD RMVD RMVD TANK REMOVER Name:AARON SPACKMAN Cert. #: TR-39 Exp Date: 10/15/2001 SOIUGROUNDWATER SAMPLER Name: C BEI{NETT LEEPER lf different from database: Tank Owner: Address: Site Name: Address: Remarks: COPY TO PAUL ORGINAL TO FILE Cert. #: GS-1045 Exp. Date: 1111512002 Phone: City: Phone: City: State: Zip: State: Zip: Thursday, June 14, 2001 Page L of I UND LHD USE NL Date Received_ evtewer ate LHD Approved_ ate mailed to State ERGROUND STORAGE TANK C SURE PLAN (rev. 10/04/ss) FActLrTr tD*__1_a_Qls_26 ATE E Bece o te Mailed to LHD ate Approved_ . Review/Date EeClosure Plan prepared at the request oI the owner/operator (identified below)UNFJf(ZEqZP ot (company nam e'1 lZ-C+4 Exv ttzoxt,nzt,l*C dattsr-,L/4,<rh phone * (goil?.ir.tt-?ro& Address l OloQ s37o So City Sz-t state ,Lt_zip89rZS A Contractor may prepare this Closure Plan as the owner/operator's agent. ln preparing the Closure plan, the Contractor must act with the owner/operatofs knowledge and approval. The owner/operator must sign the Closure plan. This Closure Plan is submitted in compliance with the requirements contained in 40 CFR 280 Subpart G and R311-204 (u.A.c.) FACILITY INFOBMATION Tank Owner BP 4rnar a [ ]sole proprietorship I lpartnership [ ] corporationq>9 LlJ. Qoo I t..,c Stt sl lg utzip 8+to3Address Facility Address Name 4 G Contact person L tll4L '36tL e-u. 4 TooSool,f City U zip Bq Phone * (8a r t32 /-?q'29L4 Total number ot regulated underground tanks at this sile 3 Total number of regulated underground tanks at this site to be closed TANKS TO BE CLOSED ' lndicate lhe specilic substance slored in each tank to be closed (regular, unleaded, diesel, waste oil, etc.) For waste oil tanks: Have 3 Yes (identify if known) stored or mixed with the waste oil? No Not known degreasing or other types o, solvents been ,V /l I Tank #.li z 3 Type (Steel,FRP,elc.)s/tec sltcc s*eec onm€ntal Rgsgome &Remedialion Date lnstalled G/as 6lac G/aq Capacity (Zou.ro lzooo e&lZOo O *e? Substance stored' !^Lt"(ra.O *,rgtl'r.uN.ei&4 6*:g1,.. UN(E'fiEO Gr+Sttt ^* Date last operated s-brhr qlt/ot slt/or Removed/ln Place/ Change in Service? lote l?t*eutO ,b EE It e*scl)P.euwEO Received From LHD _ Phone#(Bot \re /-9?/1. RECEIVED Analysis for lead or other conlaminants may be required priorto disposalof conlaminated soilor other material. (Checkwith your disposal facility.) Envl z S OIUGROIINDWATER SAMPLER Cert. # rR oA3? exp. aate!e/r.r/ot_ rA 8woPhone #7lr Cfun# cs /Dq Phone # t*o t \ 2)a-7to Stt sat"l<._f_ ziptLllZL CONTACT LOCAL XIEALTE DISTRICT Name of Oonfont CONTACT LOCAL FIRE DEPT. Name of DISPOSAL INT'ORMATION is located must be Title_Phone # oeot. t <tes* U*&ty &ly Gec Drd. ox"fu/ot_ Titte /xs PEcfb ft phone * tfla t tqAS -?YG S#etTenk(s) will be disposed at:4 5Li state-lZt- zip_O_fu o_t _ Contact L Product tines will either be: K removed Yent lines will either be: X removed or or cleaned,securedinplace,andcapped" and secured open. Piping will be disposed at: o Contact person A.+r t Lla qt t- State U zip__g_YteL Phone # Phone#, Phone # WB / ltrec *lCJTank(s) will be emptied by: Tank(s) will be cleaned by: Contaminated water in the tank/rinsate will be disposed at: Contact Tank(s) I t 8o t tBzS-t'Va6 Phone *tfut tH-S>a6 will be:---tlurged or -L rendered inert by the Residual sludges will be disposed at the following B 4rt t FT eaa'o' PO Ep( 7i3S-O ' ciq._*rfuJa&.stzte__rzt__zip_93@tr-or$ Contact Wrson 0M A LIC H *uS 6 ,o phone # (ga I \ g?gt,-5;)a6 FOR CLOSIIRD IN-PLACE ONLY [ | Facility Site Plat, Sample Information Tablg sample results and Chain of Custody fomrs are included. [ | Approval for in-place closure has been granted by the Incal Fire Department. Fire Dept. Phonef__Contact pnls [ ] Approval for in-place closure has been granted by the Local Health Department. Health District Phone# I I Substance to be used to fill tanks 2 TANKREMOvER Na^e 4Uo,.< S p*CLuqay x*o, .DIo (D . (4Lt Fo f.*n* ciry_5z-E-- lradl;"u ( O3 o Ltt. 53 )a Sa. the local health () Wasatch, Addrot 38o Se. Op-*l,rz-Z aifv Fonilitv A dz{raoc tQo Lt,1,-E CoNTAMINATED MATERTALS MUs-]r orsposeo nr an a ^-try, All materials generated from UST closures must be managed and disposed in a mannerthat does not place those materials in direct contact with the environment. On-site stockpiling of contaminated soils may be requiied prior to any soil manageme-nt activities. Anyperson prourdrng remedial assbtance for a fee, including aeration and over-excauatbn (oimore than 50 yd), must be a Certifrbd L/ST Consultant Contaminated soils generated as part of tank removal are to be disposed at the following facility: F-f ]rr Ht)n/ET State-.!2t zip-Q-91O1-Contact person 7EJ phone * @o t l?p3 -Ad6r S]TE ASSESSMENT A site assessment must be performed for att UST closures and change-in-service. Site assessments must be performed as outlined in 40 CFR 280.72 and R311-205 (U.A.C.). lf contamination is suspected. additional samptes must be collected at the location where contamination is most likelv to be present. lf oroundwater is encountered. a soil sample must be collected. in the unsaturated zone. in addition to each groundwater samole. Soil and groundwater samples must be analyzed for the compounds shown in the foltowing tabte, using appropriate tab methods. Substance or Product Type Contaminant Compounds to be Analyzed ANALYTICAL METHODS Soil, Groundwater or Surface \[ater Gasoline Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH); 4qg! Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene, (BTEXN) and MTBE EPA 80158 I and EPA 80218 I or 82608 Diesel Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPII); and Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, and Naphthalene (BTEXN) EPA 80158 and EPA 80218 or 82608 Used Oil Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH); and for Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl- benzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene (BTEXI.Q & MTBE;and Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC's) EPA 1664 or 55202 and EPA 80218 or 82608 New Oil Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPH) EPA 1664 or 5520 Other or Unknown Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPH); and Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, and Naphthalene (BTEXN); and Volatile s EPA 80158 and EPA 80218 or 82608 I The following A. modifications to these certified methods are considered acceptable by the Executive Secretary QST): Dual column confirmation may not be required for TPH & BTEXNA,ITBE analysis.B. A micro-extraction or scale-down technique may be used for aqueous samples.C. Hexane may be used as an extraction solvent. NOTE: The sample preparation method and any modification(s) to a certified method must be reported by the laboratory on the final analytical report. 2 Methods or test procedures allowed for Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TRPII) are 5520(b) or 5520(f) respectively. Complete the Facility Site Plat and Sample lnformation Table on pages 4 and 5 to provide site assessment information. CONTAMINATION INFORMATION lf contamination at the facility is suspected or confirmed, the information must be reported to the Executive Secretary (UST) at (801) 536-4100 within 24 hours. The Division of Water Quality must be notified at (801) 538-6146 if Free product is encountered or if surface water has been impacted. lf contamination is confirmed, any person assisting in the remediation process for a fee must be a Certified UST Consultant. 3 Aadress (oeSo (t)- t30/ S, city Ste - 1 I'ACILITY SITE PLAT (CLOSI]RE PLAN} The site plat must be drawn to an appropriate identffied scalo. It must show planned sampling locations, zubstances stored in tanks,and other relevant information. Tank and sample identification numbers must be consistent with the information given on p. I and5 of the Closure Plan. Facirity w*9,OblS2h--or^*r.sy 1eA 4#4ZdZb Ft(- Dare_ fI Scale: l" = _Feet North X = Sample locations (SS+, !VS+, USC+)I = Monitoring Wells MW#,) O : Soil boring (SB+), or Geoprobe Boring (GP+) o = Water wells (domestic, livestock, etc.) Slope of Surface Topography: OI, NW, W, SW, S, SE, E, NE) Land Use At Site:_ Residential _ Commercial _ Industrial Surrounding Land:_ Residential _ Commercial _ Industrial Site PIat Must Indicate: r' Current & former tanks, piping & dispensers '/ Location of all samples to be taken/ Buildings, fences, & property boundaries/ Utility conduits (sewers, gas, water. storm drains. electrical, etc.) 4 1 a a Residentiol \ -G gross trosh AMOCO STATION' #+a CAR WASH Ic c f nitt ao*n londscope oreo I r,ttt ao*n --G-- --w-- Empty Lot oJ o- Etd londscope c londscope --G------ * ,rf;-, | ,p-,o /\,a sewer / Et cleonout \ WELL ss'{ tt-(.otsP-4 \\o oe (r PUMP ISLANDS \ E\'-tO I #>lStnt o $-)\\\sS-8 sP-5 o SP-1o stormLJ- fl1616 sP-6o o (') oC4JS,[, OC3) t \dscope E \ lo L as oo(o t'-) RATNBO STATION #463612 WEST 4700 SOUTH WEST VALLEY CIry, UTAH FIGURE 1 SITE MAP Proict llo. t 350085 Prepored by v/sto ororn by J}1A 2/ 1/s8 Dotc Raicrcd by Sro LEGEND POwer CO oro2030 -E==-tScole (fcet) 47OO SOUTH o o ----w---- ----E---- -E_----G---- MONITORING WELL LOCANON SOIL PROEE LOCATION WATER LINE (BURIEo) ELECTRICAL LINE (BURIED) ELECTRTCAL LINE (OVERHEAD) CAALE TELEVISION GAs LINE (EURIED)filcnore I 5500S Ph^Delta Envkonmental con3uftants, lnc. I I I I G I I I I I I I I Ic I I I I I I I I I N I I I J|]/^].-72-2o@L 15r59 BP AI,IOCO HSE DEPT 881 521 4965 P.O2/A2 Da lEhm al 0-2 het Ddgu$6 bNCdt/nr*va roi hbdrc6. SAIIjPl-E INFORMATION TABLE Complela laHe hr all sanples to be uken br doeure. , 2 1 E s). Approxinrate depth to goundrlra"ter lo the vidfitty ot fl6 ranks 2 O t*- StaE Cedied l€borEEry to b€w t+<oo.ksf,*te_il-zpB,zte Contacl per€on nwg#fii\33.9-seei Please arphin airy unr.Eual or extefiuating drulfislSoce! c(pedcd rcgnling the ale assessment or doEurs Sample f,8ampl6 typet Gompound8tDepth"Analr€i3 hethod(rf s5-l (>aolroz 9tl eft I 3tuilrif[ s5-z ( ss ->\I s5 -?L s5-r @a* t ss-Q I / s5 -> 5t-8 ss -?I I I t,f usc car eh'tSt Usz#z r.l L---Lqt _psc II II I rr rI IrrrrITTIII II IIa- ITIIIIIT I csrtty naor Fcn!]ty of Lw lhrt I am tle curnerroFfitor of lhc tan{s) refarenced abovr and ltlal I am tamllhr ritr tlre inlormation on rhis lorm and fhat lt b lruer accuralc and comp,etg and funher, lhat tho procodulls dcson'Dod hlrBln $dU bc lollowed d Sign ure of tank ouner Full Nane ol tanl( otw*r urhg Date IOTAL P ,O2 Regional groundrrater llor direcfion: y'/a e* H Sqbgiance siorEd In i.nx EoztR l6orrr l 99 -to Tffi 676 Owner_ggpe tSvArn^oez {M To-{" P^.K,,rs^ lf! @Address ';Wga3i Area Code Phone Number Contact Person At UST Location Phone # 2-8r00 t't'\^io*,rrr.. vllAe, Certificate Year: S Code VCou Facility Name R^;t. Street Address3LI2 U LlhC) Certificate ol Compliance on site?260 6-rk\,Tank Tank 4 Current year tag is displayed Q9F) No No )mo Yes No Tank presently in use d\ No No Noabq Yes No lf not in use, date last used / lf not in use, depth of product in tank (in inches) Month and year tank installed \\l<q I qq Capacity of tank (in gallons)rlK \2 t<.\ztl Substance stored t\r (A^\ PtoLS (lt^l Pre-.r\ Material of construction of tank (steel, FRP, etc.)B,Lo"^ttosM lar-o-r,l). Material of construction of piping (steel, FRP, etc.)Fr) D rop Piping type (pressure, suction, gravity, etc.)O.cri Ctsas((,?s( lV. Release Detection For Tanks lndicate the method(s) used r Method used (enter method used and complete appropriale form).\l B S}R sr12 Emergency Generator tank (leak detection delerred) Method used (complete separate form where applicable)+(.<_tt?sfR Automatic Line Leak Detector type and model t-\oJxa^2 __i) Date of last Leak Detector performance test f^.to([-/ .^-SPHl^a q'q ^t Test result (pass/lail)fo.ts 3,0 t, (t-?[na\, - {l =Date of last Line Tightness Test I Test result (pass/fail) Name and company of certified tester UT No leak detection required (must answer "yes" to all questions below) Operates at less than atmospheric pressure Yes ^i"Slope of piping allows ALL product to drain into tank when suction is released Yes 7i.to Has only ONE check valve, located directly under pump ves / No Above information is verifiable; use comments section below to document how it is verifiable NoYe/ certify that I have inspected the above-named facility on (monlh, clay, year, tim€) Comments (print Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative Present During I lnspectols Signatu Dislribution: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner LDchecklist.wpd 2/99 UTAH UST PROGRAM Release Detection Facitity m xo. ltop |'TJ6 1 I,a n,Checklist l. Ownership of Tank(s)ll. Location of Tank(s) Number of tanks at facility: V. Release Detection For Piping lndicate method(s) used and complete appropriate tank checklists where applicable. ,t I SIR as a method ot leak detection refers only to monthly monitoring using SlR. An annual test perlormed using SIR is considered a tank tightness test and should be reported on the tank testino and inventory control form. Name and address of SIR vendor:\Jos-,p <N\ in k No No No &sog, lnventory records for product inputs, withdrawals, and the amount still remaining Records include the correct number of monthly water monitorinq readings.lfdlr No NofGI feT)uo Yes No Tank inventory is measured and recorded before and after each fuel delivery a%! No 6;.,No GN"Yes No Appropriate calibration chart is used for converting product level measurement to oallons and is available for review.@*"No No Yes No Dispenser pump has a current calibration slicker or appropriate cali documentation. brationql6d 9*"@*"@*"Yes No The drop tube in the fill pipe extends to within one foot of the tank bottom ("t> r.ro 6G) r.ro (7")No Yes No Ce\ ruo Yes No Yes(Ndr Yes No Yes (fr-d\Yes No SIR monitoring records are available for the past 12 months. lf no, indicate which Are any months results reported as "inconclusive"? lf yes, specify which months in the comments section below. Documentation of performance claims for the SIR method is available and shows the ability to detect leaks of 0.2 gph Yes @ Yes n @ No No Yes {$> Yes (E) with a 95% or certificationof detection and or less of false alarm months are mi in section below. Are any months results reported as "fail"? lf yes, specify comments section below. /va\No 3rd party certiiication indicates the method has been approved for both tanks and lines. \,_z <V-e!>No The volume of product in the tank is measu -Nred using a:Gauge stick lf a gauge stick is used, it is long enough to reach the bottom of the tank.Yes,z V No !l qgauge stick is used, the bottom of the gauge stick is:n"."rdu"Worn/ {""N{ .:..j .: lnspector's Signature tt /z-I I cto of Owner or Owner's Present Duri I t_ Date 1 Complete to appropriate sections of the ATG checklist. comments: ust a Distribution : White-DER R, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner LDsir.wpd 5/98 UTAH UST PROGRAM Facitity tD No. Monthlv Statistical lnvdntorv BeconCiliation, {$lR} . t )t 'f Nls +{ Please circle.Ye$ or No for'each iank /irT}r refi[]]Tank 4 Yes No 'l (iiN tto r;a\ lf a gauge stick is used, it is marked legibly and the product level can be determined to the nearest 1/8 of an inch over the full ranqe of the tank's internal heiqht. Overfi Chec tank. Use if 4 tanks. SPI LUOVERFILL PREVENTION lark)f,ank2'lTankl Tank 4 ls the UST system is filled by transfers of 25 gallons or less? lf yes, spill and overfill prevention is not required."J;'-9 /NA\\:=/Yes Yer I Yes No ls there a spill containment device t@-uril|prevent release of product into the environment? lndicate type: S({l_buckef} gal., Spill bucket >5 gal., Containment sump at tank fill. '.._-__------/ No@ 9*o No@ Yes No Ball float (in vent line), (specity) ls there an overfill (in fill pipe), Alarm, or Olher on the tank? lndicate type q No NoCJ"9 Yes No For overfill alarm only: ls the alarm located where it can be easily seen and heard by the delivery driver?Yes r No,"/Yes /*o Yes No For overfill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when lhe alarm sounds? Tank 2 Tank 4 Yes No No 1 Yes No RROSION Tank Tank Tanklndicate the type of corrosion protection: Non-metallic (NM), Composite steel (CS), lnternal lining (lL), lmpressed Current (lC), Sacrificial Anode (SA), or Not protected (NP).hdl Pipingtr2p PipingFap Piping CP.3ASub-Pump Sub-Pump<tP-sA Sub-Pumo <-c- s+Sub-Pumplndicate the type of corrosion protection on Flex connectors andior Swing loints: Booted (B), Total containment (TC), Not in contact with soil or water (NC), Cathodically protected (CP), Non-metallic (NM) and Not Protected (NP) Oispens6rC-P-S A Disrenser C,P.\A Disnser.P_ SA Dispenser I II I Tank lining Tank cathodic protection Piping cathodic protection (t I CATHODIC PROTECTION TESTS Record results of the most recenl cath( The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available. (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereafter).No@ @No No@ Yes No {-v-, Date A lz.lq 7 t Tank. Tester Pq, rs vollr-....ffi volts Piping. Tester Date - volts volts volts volts Sub-PumpSub-Pump R gf vors/volts ---) vors Sub-Pump Sub-Pump volts Disp€nseron ?lvclqT 4 ( Flex.^ Disp6n$r (q S\ vorni-votrs --QEee{$r --/volls Dispenser volts lt (z l- l&r Present During I Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No For impressed current system: The results of the last three equipment checks are available.60 days.)check red Signature oi Owner or Owner's lnspector's Signature:. Distribulion: White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner Ldspillover.wpd 2ygg 1 UTAH UST PROGRAM No /r"" No Tank 3 Tank / lf tank or piping has been upgraded, indicate date upgrades were performed: Record the lowest reading for each tanUpipinqlftex set. --?" No. Llod/5+6 rclqq t. UTAH UST PROGRAM Release Detection ln Tank(s)t!.of Facility lD Checklist 4qb sut 47o0 S Zip Code Contact Person At UST Location Phone # lor each tank. lf Facility Sa* JCountu - A<^ [+ L^h Add City Street Address\Lt) Tank 4 5ll has more than 4 tanks, complete information for additional tanks on Number ot tanks at facility: Tank City State Zio Code vJoEt \1,^tl, rzj.i.- , ( -' 44Ua Area Codeqd\Phone Number- Lt4 r 9 certiticatiof compti@ Current year tag is displayed NodB dD No @No Yes No Tank presently in use No@ @No @.) No Yes No lf not in use, date last used / lf not in use, depth ol product in tank (in inches) Month and year tank installed $ lqq rlqat rr /eq Capacity of tank (in gallons)i2-l{t2k 1z11 Substance stored R."6-" Ll.\i.',\ .'d Lh t Pr""^^ Ll^ [I Material ol construction ol tank (steel, FRP, etc.)G*x";4.(*i,lz f^*,D;U c.ste<,t wt L'Kl Material ol construction of piping (steel, FRP, etc.)Ft2 rc FRP trpp Piping type (pressure, suction, gravity, etc.)8..-a..R -<c S--. .. lV. Release Detection For Tanks lndicate the method(s) used for each tank. Complete the appropriate checktist lor each method used. Emergency Generator tank (leak detection deferred) appropriate tank checklists where applicable. Method used (enter method used and complete appropriate form) Method used (complete separate form where applicable) Detection For Piping lndicate method(s) used and Automatic Line Leak Detector type and model L-l-- Date of last Leak Detector performance test d 1-t ^ 4l 1- \) -cl+1->0 -17 Test result (pasVlail)0r <<oas E o/a, S C Date ol last Line Tightness Test ^ -t- L0 - 17 1-Lo 41 1-Ui -q1 Test result (pass/fail)lo4 ((/U<c n4 SC. Name and company of certified tester ?-9 Cert. No. UT lZ( No leak detection required (must answer'yes'to all questions below) Operates at less than atmospheric pressure Yes No Slope of piping allows ALL product to drain into tank when suction is released Yes No Has only ONE check valve, located directly under pump Yes No Above inlormation is verifiable; use comments section below to document how it is verifiable Yes No 3lq lq 4certify that I have inspected the above-named facility on (lMth, d6y, yoe, tim) I ( (pdil \ Signature of Owner or Owne/s Bepresenlative Present During lnspector's Signatu ) Distribution: White-DEfi R, Yellow-lnspector,Revised 2/4/99 t d "Ali{,}?To ,\c-n*",m,^ ^ DBA P^;\^,", G"r)0eryr CrE, (ro <-tr>1T rz lfn SAR 1TR Manufacturer, name and model number ol Please circle Yes or No for each question lor has more C'h\@ 6;;\Tank 4 Device documentation is available on-site (e.9., owner's manual).ves (G)Yes fNa Yes rD Yes No Records on site document that the system was properly inslalled and calibrated (system and tank setup report). Yes -N;\v Yes @ Yes @ Yes No System is maintained in accordance with manufacturer's instructions(records are available on site). No@ No@ @no Yes No The probe is located at the center of the tank. lf no, indicate tilt correction factor lrom the tank setup report. No<F Tilt: No@ Titt: No@ Titt: Yes No Titt: Device can measure the heiqht of the product to the nearest 1/8 of an inch €es-) ruo G, No rG> Po Yes No Device monitors the in-tank liquid levels over the lull ranqe of the tank's internal heiqht -f@ No <6D No .YeG) No Yes No A monitoring box is present and there is evidence that the device is working (i.e., the device is equipped with roll ol paper ror results documentation) No@ No@ NorY6>Yes No Documentation is available demonstrating that the Automatic Tank Gauge performed a r valid leak test at least once a month for the last 12 months * *ves @ Yes .T[F\Yes fT\\+/Yes No lf no, for which months was a valid test not performed? (specify months and year, use space below if necessary) The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required by the manufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No The tank capacity is within the upper and lower size limits required by the manufacturer's equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Have any of the leak test reports indicated a failed test? lf yes, specify in the space below the month, year, and what follow-up actions have been taken. Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Documentation of performance claims for the automatic leak test leature is available and shows the ability to detect leaks of 0.2 gph with 95% or greater probability of detection lndicate month(s) of invalid or missing test Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No and 5% or less of false alarm lndicate month(s) of any failed test: Com t) , t/4 /qq W.r- sfl€- Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative Present During lnspector's Sig Distribution : White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner Bevised '12\95 UTAH UST PROGRAM Facirity rD Automatic Tank Gauging Please complete all for each necessary il theUse additional has more SPILL/OVERFILL PREVENTION knk)ft!!2)L6nP Tank 4 The UST system is filled by transfers of 25 gallons or less. l{ yes, spill and overfill prevention is not required.Yes @ Yes @ Yes @ Yes No ls there a spill containment device that will prevent release of product inlo the environment? lndicate type: Spill bucket <5 gal., Spill bucket >5 gal., Containment sump at tank fill. 9No,kd'5 +r,{ No q, No t x4A Yes No ls there an oved Ball float (in venl (specify) ention device installed on the tank? lndicate type ;;, Automatic shutoff (in fill pipe), Alarm, or Olher (ssJ tto As Qruo A5 @no AS Yes No For overfill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when the alarm sounds? Yes No Yes No No No No No No No and heard the d Yes Yes driver? For overfill alarm only: ls the alarm located where it can be easily seen Tank 1 Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Tankas Tank(4 Tank CS Tanklndicate the type ol corrosion protection: Non-metallic (NM), Composite steel (CS), lnternal lining (lL), lmpressed Current (lC), Sacrificial Anode (SA), or Not protected (NP).PipingFRp FI2 P Piping Piping +PP Piping caSub-Pump CP Sub-Pump Sub-Pump Sub-Pumplndicate the type of corrosion protection on Flex connectors and/or Swing joints: Booled (B), Total containment (TC), Not in contact with soil or water (NC), Cathodically protected (CP), Non-metallic (NM) and Not Protected (NP) DisFnserc0 OP Dispens6r c-oDisp€nsgr Dasp€nser lf tank or piping has been upgraded, indicate date upgrades were performed: Tank lining Tank cathodic protection Piping cathodic protection CATHODIC PROTECTION TESTS Record results of the most recent cathc lowesl ding for each tank/pi1 ilex set. The results oi the last two cathodic proteclion tests are available. (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereafter).Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No DateTank. Tester volts volts volts volts Piping. Tester volls volts volts volts Sub-Puhp pa5S votts Sub-Pump pat 5 gdts P4 {gvotts Sub-Pump Sub'Pump volts4 1-Lt- q+Dateh4"*e-rr^Flex. Tester_Fh g; ,on" Dispenset lO or 5 Svolts Dispenser }ara.$orts Dispenser Dspensor volts -a? ( tCo Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes Nocheckired For impressed current system: The results o{ the last three equipment operation checks are available.60 lnspectofs Signature of Owner or Owner's Distribution : White-DERR, Yellow-lnspector,Flevised Z4l99 \ UTAH UST PROGRAM and Corrosion Protection Facility lD Checklist vesf Y{",/"" Date SIR as a method of leak detection refers only to monthly monitoring using SlR. tightness test and should be reported on the tank testing and inventory control An annual test performed using SIR is considered a tank Name and address of SIB vendor: tr r2r o @- ruo (G Ho @,No Yes No lnventory records tor product lnputs, withdrawals, and the amount still remaining in the tank are available lor each operating day. Records include correct # of monthly water monitoring readings..@Ho @No /-iE! ruo Yes No Tank inventory is measured and recorded before and after each fuel delivery. q@ H"@N",/velr No'>-/Yes No Appropriate calibration chart is used for converting product level measurement to gallons and is available for review.@*o No@ @to Yes No Dispenser pump has a curent calibration sticker or appropriate calibration documentation. ,G) no g tq9 e No tq9 rTb ruoYtq r Yes No The drop tube in the lill pipe extends to within one foot of tank bottom.@*o @uo NoCra,Yes No SIR monitoring records are available for the past 12 months. lf no, which months are missing in the comments section below, indicate *ves @ veql@ Yes @ Yes No Are any months results reported as "fail"? lf yes, specify which months in comments section below. Yes @ G"l No /qq ves.Gi\Yes No Are any months results reported as "inconclusive"? lf yes, specify which months in comments section below. Documentation ol performance claims for the SIR method 0.2 gph with a 95o/o or greater probability of detection and certification). No is available and shows the ability to detect a 5o/o or less probability of false alarm (3rd leaks of party @ruoz @uoffi fT*\t No3rd party certificataon indicates the method has been approved for both tanks and tines.G The volume ol product in the tank is measured using a:Gauge stick .G' ll a gauge stick is used, it is long enough to reach the bottom of the tank.Y/s */ lf a gauge stick is used, the bottom of the gauge stick is e"$.u,ot lf a gauge stick is used, it ie marked legibly and the product level can be determined to the nearest 1/g of an inch over the full range of the tank's internal height . z(q (Q Yes No <r \ Comments 4 arL D-e--,4g Mrxk o@tu- I Complete to appropriate sections of the ATG checklist. Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative Present During lnspector's Distrlbution: WhitlDERR, Yellow-lnspector, Pink-Facility/Owner | """ Not__. iili.i,',...,,,.,, i 1,, .. No ,n/," \' .\J {o o /r76 BPAmoco re@ BP-Amoco Mid'Gontinent Business Unit 28100 Torch Parkway, Suite 300 Warrenville, lL 60555-3938 __-{Q30) 836-6000 jCERR'' lilillEllTJL RESp0llSE & RErriil,; r,,'r ' ,; , March 10, 1999 iNTERTD .F'rJ Utah Department of Environmental Responso & 168 North 190 West lstFloor Salt Lake City, UT SalI " , . -., To Whom It May Concern: Please be advised that Amoco Corporation has merged with British Petroleum. All license renewals and new business license applications will now be processed through our new location. Once you have received a check and the application, please forward the actual license to the following address: BP-Amoco Mid-Continent Business Unit Suite 300lKris Beyer 28100 Torch Parkway Warrenville, IL 60555-3938 Attached is a list of sites currently located in your area that you should have records for. If you have any questions, please contact me at (630)836-6066. Thank you for your cooperation. Sincerely Kuz &ap, Market Analyst Attachment KB:ck r_- Utah Department of Environmental Quality Amoco 28100 Torch Parkway Warrenville, lL 60555-3938 Kris Beyer/Suite 300 City State Zip Code Phone #Facility Manager NameMarket Name RBU#Site Address Salt Lake City UT 84109 8014847002 Patrick T. GreenSLC North 7102 3041 E 3300 South SLC North 71 03 877 S. 1300 East Salt Lake City UT 84102 801-583-4429 Colline Hansen SLC South 71 05 4770 South Highland Salt Lake UT 84117 801-277-8781 Thomas Bertanian SLC North 71 08 3301 S 2300 East Salt Lake City UT 841 09 8014877981 Patrick T. Green SLC South 71 09 1344 East Ft Union Salt Lake City UT 84121 801 -943-531 I Grant Olsen Salt Lake City UT 84123 8012663684 Neysa XanthosSLC West 7113 4111 S Redwood Road SLC South 7 114 897 East 6600 South Salt Lake UT 84107 801 -261 -1 289 Fred Ramezani SLC South 7117 10615 South 700 East Sandy UT 84070 801-267-4724 Kim Komar Salt Lake City UT 84102 8013282671 Scott MattinsonSLC North 7118 680 E 400 South SLC North 7120 176 S 1300 East Salt Lake City UT 84102 8013220087 MichaelWilding 7123 1699 W North Temple Salt Lake City UT 841 16 8015967784 Bradley AldousSLC North West Jordan UT 84088 801 -267-981 I Robert BartleySLC South 7124 9022 South Redwood SLC South 7125 8595 South 1300 East Sandy UT 84070 801-566-0831 Cherrill Jorgensen SLC North 7126 2280 South Highland Salt Lake City UT 841 06 801 4831 56 Jon Hooks 2095 East 9400 South Sandy UT 84093 801-942-4893 AbolfazlSalehiSLC South 7127 Salt Lake UT 84117 801-277-6840 Shelly GardnerSLC South 7128 2322 East 4500 South SLC West 7129 3535 West 6200 South West Valley City UT 84118 801 9690063 Deniece Kanon SLC West 71 30 8145 West 3500 South Magna UT 84044 8012504452 Sarah Everill SLC North 7131 874 E 1300 South Salt Lake City UT 84102 8014864855 Steve Fisk 7132 151 West 10600 South Sandy UT 84070 801-572-01 55 Kim KomarSLC South Salt Lake City UT 84106 8012677137 Robert DuncanSLC West 7133 1310 East 3300 South SLC West 7134 4110 South 5600 West West Valley City UT 84120 529655325 Tyson McMillan 7135 510 East 3900 South Salt Lake City UT 84107 8012624979 E.A. ChristiansonSLC West Salt Lake City UT 84109 8014878253 Kelli HexemSLC North 71 36 2112E 2100 South SLC North 7138 502 E 2100 South Salt Lake City UT 841 06 8014253480 Robert Stine West Jordan UT 84088 80'l-267-7106 Sharon HambySLC South 7140 7761 South 3200 West Bountiful UT 8401 0 8012984401 Loren SimnittSLC North 7 141 515 S 500 West SLC South 7142 9380 South 700 East Sandy UT 84070 801-565-9644 Cindy Jensen West Valley City UT 84120 8019649651 James CurnealSLC West 7143 4018 West 4100 South 7144 5416 South Redwood Road Taylorsville UT 84123 801 963921 8 Rhonda BrockSLC West Riverton UT 84065 801 -254-51 00 Cliff ChristensenSLC South 7145 12592 South 1300 West West Valley City UT 84118 801 9660060 Elna TrolsonSLC West 7 146 6312 West 4700 South SLC West 7147 7210 West 3500 South Magna UT 84044 8012503657 Envin Estrada SLC North 7150 965 N Beck Street Salt Lake City UT 841 03 801 3281 348 Roger Packer I ) ) 03/25/96 7L| 46 AT'IOCO SLCF'I EHSS ' 93598853 tt, NO.664 PA@zv ttootslt< Ameo Petoleum Produrt3 Sstt tal€ City Business Unit a7a Wesl 96 Nortrr sall L6ke (}v, u.h 841 091{94 fd+hooe; (E01) 521<810 Fa6imile (8O1 ) 54, -€52 March 25, 1996 DaleU6al Deprrtmea of Erdromremal Quelity Dvision of Eaviroonentel Response aad Reuedi*ion l6t North 1950 Wesr lst FIos SdtI*eCity, Urahtil16 RE: Undcrgrouad Stongc Tenb rt fsRalabo Oil tocetionr Eeviog Surpectcd Product Bdeera Dear Mr. Urban; The followiag is a report ofR.ainbo aores having sryected rdeases fiom tieir undergrourd storage tants or lines. All ofthe sspected releases are as a rcslt of inveotory control. All ofthe inverory control resulr are believcd to be the resrlt of improperDlR and MIR acmuotiog procedure. Raiobo Oil wi[ Lnecigste dl slgeced rdcase sites (ie-, perfurm tar*-tQhtness rad line tighoess tests) to vcriry the integrity ofall tal* systems u the listcd sores. RaiDbo Oil Marngcrm€Dt is dso raiaiog tie DIR and MIR procedures with dl Raiobo Statioa I{anagers to easre proper recordkeepiag procedures are being followed at dl stores. Rainbo Oil will forvrrd the resuls of dl r^.k tightnes and lins tightness tests to DERR as sooa as they are arailable. R8inbo Oil win abo advise DERR of atry otler follow-up action rrlrefe neccssaryr. Ifpu have any queCions or fitficr connccl please codsct De d 5214914. Cul A Magurs' EavirrorlAssil*ar Amoco Parolarm Produca db. Rah6o Oil Company Salt lalc City Busin ss Unit CAT.f d{azv* z3/25/96 \t|47 er0c0 Sr prQ EH&S ; 93598853 N0.564 ?OO4 Suspected Tanls and Lines 2 J 5 9 r3 l4 t4 l7 L7 l8 20 2A 24 26 27 3l 32 34 35 36 42 42 43 4 46 6 47 47 4c[07t2 400078I 40po779 40n0775 4-dJ[J-771 40ry.r.770 4@0770 40/./].767 4cp0767 4000766 QOATA 400a76/ 4AryJ.761 4000756 &00757 4cpo76s 4000760 40o1434 4001382 4001439 400t273 4@t273 40014t6 400ar42 400t576 ffi1576 400t632 4001632 330 UT. t77 S. l3D E sl.c, UT *70S Higtddsl r',UT It.ERLhhSII,UI 4l lf S Ldrrood Rd St-C, UT 89, E 66@ S. )dxry, Uf t9/, E 666 S !r&ntry. UT 1614S 7mE SEdy, UT l06l.t S.7@ E Sudy, UT 6& S..1@. E SLC, UT 175S. 13frESAtT l75S 13(DESIt,UT F22S. lcdrcodRd. W. Jadra UT 228oS. Hlhlrdsl.C,UT 209t E 9|{n S Sdy, UT ,.r E l3{o S Sr ^, UT lrt v. l06mS. S!ay, UT 4ll0 S.56@ rY. \Y. vdlryCty. UT 510E39msstf,,IJI 3rr2 8. 2l@ s. sl.c, uT qlto S. 700 E Sdy, LrT t380 S 7u0 E Sdy, UT ,OltlY.,tlcll S. W. YdLyCity, UT 5415 S. Dr6xod Bd frylqrvilfr UT 3512 w.47@ S. w. YdlryCtry 35xl W..7u}S. w. VdtryCty zl0 *I.3t(I}s lr.e-, ur ,,l0w.35611Surr,UrI Oct-Nov'95 Ian-Feb'96 Ia*Feb'96 Nsv-Dec,95 Dec-Jaq'96 Oct-Nov,'95 Nov-Dec,'95 Dec, Jut'96 Jan, Feb '96 OA-Nov'95 Jut-Feb'96 Oct-Nov'95 Dec-Jan'95 Dec-Jen'95 Oct-Nov'95 Dec-Iaa !)6 Ian-Feb'96 Nov-Dec'95 JarFeb'!)6 Dec-Jan'96 Dcc-faa'9t5 Oct-Nov'95 Nov, Dec'95 Nov-Dec'95 De-Ian'96 Nov-Dec'95 Oct-Nov'95 Deo-Ian'96 Silver, Crold Silver, Crold Silver, Crold Silver, Gold, Blue Silver, Gol4 Blue Silver, Blue Gold Gol4 Blue Silver Silver Silver, Blue Gold Siiver, Gold, Blue Crold Silver, Crold, Blue Silver Silver, Crol4 Blue Silver, Gold Blue Siiver, Blue Silver, Crold Blue Silver, BIue Silver, Gold Silver, Gold Blue Silver Gold Tightness tess Tightncss tess ligltness tests Tighness tests fightness tests Tightness tests Tightness tcsts T'rghtnes tests Tightness tcss Tightncss tests Tightness tests Tightness tests Tightness tests Tightoess tcsts T"rglrtness tess Tighness tests Tighhess tests Tighness tests Tightness tests fightness tests fightness tests Tightress tests Eghtness tcsts Tightness tests Tightocss tests Tightress teSs Tightness teEts tests Crold = 9l Octane Silvs = 8t Octane Blue: t5 Octane Note: Stations' 3,5,l?,20,32, and 35 were praniously reported to DERR on 3-lt-95 8156 SOUTH HIGHLAND DRIVE SANDY UTAH 84093.6468 TELEPHONE (801 ) 944-01 75 FACSTMTLE (801 ) 944-01 76 December 20,1995 David Wilson Department of Environmental Quality Division of Environmental Response and Remediation 168 North 1950 West lst Floor Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 CERTIFIED I\{AIL RETURN RECEII'T REOUESTET) RE: Underground Storage Tanla at Rainbo Oil#46 3612 West 4700 South, West Valley City, Utah; Facility ID# 4001576. Attached are copies of the precision line tightness test and line leak detector test performed on July 2L, 1995 by Horizon Engineering and testing for all lines at Rainbo #46. Also attached is a copy of the diagrams for overfill protection at Station #46, supplied by Petroleum equipment, inc., the installers of the system at the Station. All Rainbo station managers completed a week of refresher training conducted by Robert S. Haviland of Amoco Marketing Institute. Proper inventory reconciliation techniques were heavily emphasized. Attached are copies of the daily and monthly inventory reconciliation sheets each manager is required to complete. If a manager's daily inventory shows a variance greater thanl5 gallons, the discrepancy must be reported the area marketing manager immediately. If you wish to contact Mr. Haviland directly, he can be reached at, (312) 856-6428. Ifyou ha questions or further comment, please contact me at 52I-49I4 Carl A. Magnus, Environmental As Amoco Petroleum Products dba Rainbo Oil Company Salt Lake City Business Unit DTRR & REI\4EDIATlON\ ENVIRONME.NiAL ENI CAM BY oEC 22ffi Enclosure J. E. Naccache - Amoco J. K. Rothenberger - Rainbo EH&S File R01.2.A D:\DOCS\CAMVainbo46.95 \- TE HORIrcN E A Subsidiary of Arizona lnstrument Corporation August 1, 1995 Mr. CarlMagnus Amoco OilCompany 474 West 900 North Salt Lake City, UT 84103 Re: Tank Tightness Tests - Rainbo Oil #46 4700 3600 West Salt Lake City, UT 84120 Dear Mr. Magnus: Horizon Engineering and Testing has pedormed precision line tightness tests on the underground tanksystems listed on the enclosed report. The testing was performed in accordance with the manufacturer,sprotocol as required by federal, state, and county regulations for compliance. The testing results, presented on the attached certification page, will indicate whether the associated pipingpassed or failed compliance. lncluded with the certification is i report containing the supporting data. lf you should have any 99_esligns regarding the attached results or any of the information enclosed, please donot hesitate to call us at (800) 229-2950 or (602) 470-1414. Thank you for choosing Horizon Engineering and Testing. Best Regards, Pr^nl^.- Brlan Pullan Territory Manager rt Enciosures 4ll4 Eost Wood Street . Phoenix. Arizono 85040 . (800) 229-2930. Fox (602) 47O-527O 4114 Easl Wood Streer . Ptrcenix, A,zona 85040-1941 . (6021 47O-1414 Test Date: July 21, 1gg5 uT 84103 Site: g61n6o Oil #46 Conlact: Manager 4700 3600 West Salt Lake Cily uT 84120 Horizon Engineering & Testing CERTIFICATION Contract No: 10584-8198-95 Customer: AmocO Oil Company Attn: Cad Magnus 474 Wesr 900 North Salt Lake City Tank No- Tank Product Line Test Bqs.ult Passpiti pisi Leak Det. Resul-t Pass PaG Pass @.000 @.ooo o.iirio Technician 1 2 3 Technician Name: John Wormell License No.: UTO2S2 Srate.' tln P "ilj:Jl" I .1 DATE '7 / -qs' Technician Job No- License No. Gr:dc purrp Type lsdztion R.rrrp prcssrrc Tcst Pressure lniti:l Lcvet Frral Lcvd Tifirc St:ccd Tirnc Cornplctcd Tcst loterrral Lcak R:rc (@H) tlFG & Typc Serhl No- Tcst @H - Tcst @H r4FG & Typc Scrial No- Pump and dispcnser operational EXISTING LEAK DETECTOR TEST NEW LEAK DETECTOR TEST AFTER TESTING S f RIZON LINE TESTING t^- i'N SHEET 1 653? Customer Location City. State 4 ffifi' Hfi' ffifi' 'frfl] 'f,f,, 'fl ( vcrify th:t thc dspcnscr(s) work noimally aod that the le:k Cf -€,,c|<{ Qnr-,,,n /zJ &tutr 2r/ up 4o Yd -09 - ogso ,68 -oe . a$9o ,OB lo''^*/ /*e-!t"* / Ou{au l/*n-t7 ,{ Prt 30-,*.9x,q. ooo.. aoD 0oo Yffoot.l:s.s -X4o xLn x(xo {,{,xxxx ;00fi kqrt trs,t Pass FailEE Pass FailEE Pass FailEE Fail E Pass FailEE Fail E PassD Pass Failrt tl Pass FrilfrD PassE Fail P.stD :il Pass FailEE Yes Nowfl Y.t NoNE Yes NoEN Yes NoEE Yes NoErl Yes NoDE Field Notcs: Managers signaturc ) are lcaklng I I Qro,rt,,"IrA,^ t P:Pr 6t,rh-Alrll *- 2u ?ion,n t7/74/9= t7/14/9= LZZZ? 7?tZt PETi EA1 487 t?95 :Ul'l EGPT SLC -+ 881 521 49ES tra1\- ,:rir,, PET ROLEUITI EOUIP}IE HT COTrr 1 1 74 $ourh 300 west r satt laka city, urah .E4101 r (801) 487-827A r FAx {801 ) 487 -9795 PLEASE DELIVER THE FOLLoUUltrtG pAcE($) TOr (una f L[ar'-,l/* FA)( NU {Ll-G{ SUE'ECT lF You DID Nor REcElvE ALL PAGES, PLEA$E GALL (t01)487{276 ADDITIONAL NOTE$:o ( Mailing Address; P. O. Box s10107 Salt Lake City, Utah E4151 ;Pii, '"q:rJ' ,t TOTAL T{UMBER OF PAGES IilCLUDING COVER PAGE; 3 ,,,- DATE: LI . L4-q5/ 77/1,4/95 "' 1,t/74/9=7?t AI EAt 48? 9?95 :Ul4 EEFT sLC -+ 841 52r 49EsPETt 41000- , Aute:rrratia Oyerfill preyention $3lstemtanlrole lnetallation lnstrucflonsA10oo{XI1 Goaxiat 41000{rOZ Duat A10m{0S Coaxial with VaporVafve Nrl.514 D@2 Ni fiTEP 1. Tank Bis6r Pipe trngth E*E FroutE 1.1 MeaEUre tEm graOe Crrci m tne-top of ne tanXbushing, L"Gfigth %". 1.2 Add crofii hcight (Lengh "B'l !o hngrh,.A. ror t€ngth .C-. NOTE; Lengttr .8" ic lo be 2l minimum 1.3 Addtfis Yah,t langtt "D., (Al inchG6) and 36tding l]louancB (Lengilr "B) to gter Length'F NOTE: Settling allotran@ rEquircflrents depend uooneil,e tocation and are to te esUbti+ireO tV -tfre contrasbr. 1.,{ Plbrrac-t ten$h ,,F- fnom tarqgth ..C. for tength'Gi" for the dErence betwn the tsnk bushini end the rerlill valw body. NOTE: Pipe is to be Length ,G. plus threads- 1-S Meke up riser pipe/iank ioir[ with a peImsne]rt thrcad tock s6alant sush aE Locrih drede 2|./for Perma-Lok Grede HM 129. funpla: 1. I qnk h buricd 36't um gr.de tevel and Uretrnk blr3hing is I inct high. t€ngth .A" is A5 anches 2. The s,iB requirer a crwn of g. ftom grade lodm rop tor ruI}ott. I,engtir -8" is Z inches 3. The sab requar€s a I incrr ot s3tflangt nSOr "E is t inctt Gafcrrlationc (tb Flgue l) I. __(:A:) + ("8") - (.s) S5irtchea + zinches = g7 inft 2. 3. ('D") + 21 incfies + ('c") 37 incfies - ("E"t I inch ("F) 22 inches = ("F") 22 irrclrcs ('G') 15 inches The length betwn the bushing rnd oErfil yahc lDis 15 inches- The finished il- pipe riser ihould b6 1Z' ,ongthEaded ofi both endr. TH'B'' 2" MIN, LENGTH ,i ;:\ i I Il I I !t I I Ii II'l I.t .t rl LENGTH"r LENGTH F LENGTH A t' IL----- TAHK BUSHIilG *--,J VALVE RISEF PIPE LENGTH "G" + tt I t THBEADS 5Aq6/q , L7/L4t35 "'1.t/1,4/9=PETI 12: E3 7?zOZ EE1 487 9?95 :Uf4 EEPT SLC -+ EEl 521 4955 INSTALLATION PLATE 4" COUPLTNG & NIPPLE DRAINAGE SLOT CBOWN GONCRETE GRA LEVEL N8.514 DAs STEP 2) MANHOLE TNSTALLATTON (Figure E) 2.1) 2-21 Sct menhole rim/slBeve over ri8er. lnstall a 4" NPT coupting with a 24', long nipple on the risor pipe. Turn on hand tight only. Sel top of manhole rarn Length',F,,(from Step 1.3) from bottom of 4,,coupling a$ shown in figure 2. Sst Length .F" by Uaiftifling under the sleare. Place the inslaltation plate over the 4.,nippte and into the manhole rim to center it with the riser pipe. BaEkfill around the sleeve to depth required . for concretE pad thicltrress_ Set forrns. Pour concrete and strike o* "ro*nfrom the drainage $totB to grade Evel. Removu excess concrete from drain slots and inside of rim, Femove installation plate and discard. Remove the 4" coupling/nipple and save for future inrtallations. Apply Emco Wheaton Zg threao sealant to the riser threEcle. Color eode paint lirl/rim as required. 2.3) 2.41 2.5) 2.6) 2.7) 2.8) 2.9) 2.10) ?300 lodusr/iol Onve P o €or ?28S Wr;ron NC ?7Egl tq rg, 243 0150 ,l ll, l tr' a.a !r..r.l'f r,' : j,,: i... LENGTH 'iFil BACKFILL TO SET CONCRETE THICKNESS SLEEVE BACKFILL TO a I a icoNCHErE n -\ I r.=l .)(J 15 I I I I I l. ., i ri.r,_ t .., I FIGUHE 2 SET LENGTH "H" ''' 6'$,88.. i qtsL:-iffi ..,=?r+*\-.ilgjdilD+.,-T*' L t I V_l I f t -o oo), I-tl q YEN ffiC[h Cr.dt l-t=j=i-.E-Cdr C..dt Cr.h C..dtCrhc'ral Iten.r lfl{1 | tlrrrl,,l__l Itlllll_t I rtrtlll ttttttlt rrrrtttl _r r_L r r t lttr -t,__t_ _l_ t_ llttltrrrtttltlt lllrtrtt rrttrttl lllltttt lllttttt lltllltttttllL rtllllll llttlttr rlttltlt Pt,tIP tI). ttlllltt ttttlltl t_ltt ltlt I I I I I tsdlvtr _ t_l t_ I I I I I I lltl tltt tttr I I I I I I I I r / rS-r TrlrJ r.l-rVI t 4 3 oTOTAL PIEY. rorlL PEEY.-J AVE PN,,GAL totl R3 PB€V. 30tD 3()to b r r lr5r7r lt?tOr3 AOLD ?!t! DOLI Btt 8r?.ra rx)ttlRS lr s,DOtt^n3 AYE. PRATIL l-?(AVE PNJOAL /. zc AYC PN,'GAL orL otL cAL olL IESI mttamt lx)tLrns ooltanS s'Aro,, - lL3lt D ,G.-- ilnh*-- triG or pnEr clr^rrr .lodl, I9P6l PUMP IOtALlrEX rltAu,Nus twng,. rtrf,orrr, rrx)i, __ q249! rc- -t/Se/75.- - ll(,rrEooY l-:#;;:', IIrlf R.lMP PLilPI Pt,UP a(r.lt. l_ *l_, I ... t I I I I I I I I _--t t__t _t r I I I l_-1"__l r_.t- I l_ r _. I _l Iltt __t__t I I I !! lr trrEr t_l _l ._ l -. I ._l __1,, ltt _r_t_,_r_l_l_r _-l__l _.r _. -_ l_l__ t . t Irll , I w ltn- . hdrt 2. f E @lhrf,t, tm Fdtqn dr, lttr I f fi Mh.bdd.GrDadLr ffiAl6 t@ lO raa n su?ts ratorrm 6 to qnu|.irt wrrt El tfr 6d.r ,rl lAa D.odrt fnEI Ddd 13lm ra l, ed lt b . ldrt. r?, -d r rt f - lr.t'd.. ah.. ba l6l tt -_t _t lt II ,Ll I I _t_-t tl ltttrr I _ l--l_l _ t__ I ___t _l_ I I Lt I I I lir_i_r:_r4rg ltt I I I Lt I tQ lt g I rnxmvoom oozIzC mo -c G- t \ so t'o 6'\ (E)' ( ( I ! 0t o !$ir o E ao I -_1, t I I I I I I l_ I I rl.-- I I I illtrtrr I I I I I I I I I I I I t I I I lttltttr lltllrrl lltltlrl rttrrttt ltttltrr llttttrr lllllllr l()tll r t2tfror?r ?r5'rK I t -{l .tt r4rIr?r lltltt , t Lrl^altall GJff. wtf[Itrulr+r fl rlt. I Gilm! L lr ?lz.lz. Month Dealer Narne Service Statiorr Arlrlress Service Slation Nurrbcr lnventory Control Program Monthly Reconciliation Worksheet 34- 1023 {7,93)Ultimate (Goldl/Premium Silver/Midgrade Blue/Begular Diesel 1 Cunrrrlative Monthly Over (Gain)lShort (.oss/ Gas Gallons (Refer to your Daily Liquid Motor Fuels lnventory Record far the last day of the month being reconciled and use Line #15,). 2 Total Monthly Gallons Sold Regulatory Variable Gallonage (See calculation examples below.)3 * ' Tlre calcu (e Line 3. represents a volume loss or nage, which may indicate a storage tank system. lf Line 1. shows a shortaglethat is e ual to or r than tllis call 4.OJrening Tank lnventory (Previous Month's Ctosing) 5.(+l Total Deliveries 6.(-) Total Monthly Sales 7.(-) Closing Tank lnventory I Monthly Product Variance '\.moco )ock Ledger deconciliation lnformation (in gallons) Calr; for a trlatiorrs are to be cornpleled for oduc ou must com Ste 1., 2., and 3 you two or more tanks and the Amoco Stock Led r Reconciliation lnformation r, you count them as one tank. However, if have two or more tarlks rlot togetlrer for each tank.additional forms if n ulation Examples For tlre calculations, we will show both an Both ex a calendar month as the Exanple A.' Fsdsral (tolo of 'flow-thru' + 130 gallon:t !.,-!ljnrato l.CtrrrrrrlativeMonthlyOver/SlrortGasGallons,...... -5OO (tine#1.) [otal Morrthly Gallons Soldt . . 2O,OOO (line #2.) 3. Rrrryrrlalory Variable Gallonage. . 1% of 'flow-thru. + l30 ga[ont lline #3.) " Note: To r;trlcrrl;rle line #3. (above), rake your Total Monthly Gallons Solrl lline #2.) and multiply by .01 (1%),(soo Calculalion A) tltis will give you a figure of 200 _gallons. Next, adrl 130 to the 200 gallon ligure (l% of 'flow-thru" plus 130gallons). The sunr of these two.figures (200 + 130 = 330) 330 galldns, repfusents this month's RelularoryVariableGallonage.foryour"Ultimate"product.r* Nowlookatl-ine1. Th6servlcestationCumulativeMonthlyOver/ShortGasGallonslor"Ultimate",showsalossof500gallons. lnthisexample,becauseline#1.(500gallons) is gre_ater than line #3. (330 gallons), you have oxceeded your Rogulatoiy Variable Gallonage lor thisrnonlh as set forth by law, and you must cal! your Territory Manager lmmediatety. Variable Gallona set lorth by law I tei Example 8.- Stsro (t/2%l Ultamato l.Cunrulative Monthly Over/ShortGasGallons.... -140 (line #1.) 2. Total Monthly Gallons Sold 50,125 (line #2.) 3, Begtrlatory Variabls Gallonage . . ll2o/c l.OO5l (line #3.) To calculate line #3. (above), take your Total Monthly Gallons Sold llina il2.) arrri rrrultiDly lty 'l/Z'ri, l.O}til, lsee Calculation B) lhis will give you a figure ol 250.625 gallons (Whenevor you have a f igure that is rrot a wholc nunttrer - as in this case "250.625 gallons" - you should round down to tho nearest whola number. ln our currerrt calculation tlre whole number you would use after you round down would be: 250 gallons.). ln this exarnltle 250 gallorrs representstheRegulatoryVariableGallonageforthemonth.'r Lookingalline#l.wecanseetltatweltaveir cumulativenrr:nthlyshorlageof 140gallons. Bocausethelossof productforthenrontll{line#1.) islesstlrart 250 gallolts (line #3.; the Rogulatory Variabls Gallonage, as calculated), you are below tlre rel)orting tlrreslrolrlforthis month. l, this is lhe case, please complete thisform and mail lhewhita col)y to yorrr srrpplyirrg lerrrrirr;rl Chock your local rogulations {or Bny additional action you nray be required to rake. of month uct. Notification to Amoco Territory Manager by #'l no #1 ) to the "Regulatory #3. and submit the rge" as is formrequired lor line while copy o{ lll to yorir sul)l)lyirr11 terrtrirral on your part (unless required by your stato) the lerleral guidelines (Exarnple A) and an exarnple where a state law has requirod a 1/2% {.005) corlltarisorr (Exarrrpk: h}). ete rer;ulatiotls in its laws. Therefore, it is important thal you consult your Territory Manager to determinir tho current compariton iigure being used in youi stato- Calculation A 20,OOO (line #2.) Calculation I 50,125 (litre #2 )x .005 250.625 Round to 25o x .01 200.00 + 130.00 33O.0O (line #3.) Dato Tirrre Person Notified Beport Received (Amoco Representative's Sionature)x Th accurate to formhis period of Comments and ct the Distribution: White - Ternrirral; Yellow - Service Statiorr MIH 7aYou Used Irrverrtory control Progranr Morrthly Reconciliati,, wr.rrlrsheet I lrc pttrposc of this fornr is to oolnl)aro lly.1.)r0clrrct, tlrc "crrrrrulative Morrtlrly shortage.in Gallons (Line #1.) to theRellrtarory variatrte Ga[ona11e (Linb #3.].'Wr,"n vdr; ;,,;;;:i;ii;;. ;il;;iiil ;i ;.i;,s" is equat to or sreater rhan rheRegulatorv Variable Gallona[e, it is a sier,.' tr',ai vi,i,-,;r;';iii;i,]'i,*"']"r3ri[ii'lil'ii;articut'ar unoergiolnd storasetank' or arr error irr calculatio"r,.,r,.'"us,ircrrrcnisorrrctiirrr: rlrrrirrg rhe rnorrrh. rr;c[-iiiaii;; M-i;ifiiy"Shortage,,isetlttal to or Qrealer tltan the Rusrrlatory variarte caii;;;;i;;;';;rr jrus, inrmediiie;;ili;;; ffir'J%ij,rrv Managerby pltone or similarly rapid rnelrrt.rf i,,i't,n,,rrricati.n. in'l1i,iirin,.,, a copy of each nro,th,s completed form arrclcalculations mttst bekeptf,r a periorl orat li:nsi o-;; y;;;*;iiiror ar yorrr'service station ora place readiry avairabrefor irrslrections by yourirnprer,bntirrg Jg"u,,y aro i"l,:iiii,y'iirtr,,ug6i. -" Proceclures at th6 close of each nronth. 1' Enter Month, Year, Dealer Name, Service Station A<.ldress, arrrcl Service Station Number. 2' Ettt0r ycltlr CutnulativelVlorrtllly ovcr,/sltort Gallr.rnl;1or cltr;lr;lrorlrr:t on Line #1. Refer to your Daily LiqriclM,tor Fttels lrtventorv Rec,rtlior tlrrr t,,ri,i,iy ni-ii;;,,';,;,;;;ii, r,"i,,ri ieLrrii"ii"j r,,,r,,sJr_iii"'+is.l;;irrts stesr. 3' Etttr-:t yotlr Total Montlrly Gallons Sr.rlrl lor c;tt;h prorltrr;t 6rr [.rrrr: #2. 4' Determine your state's,cttrrent "Reg.rrlatory Variat:le Gallonage', comparison amount and time frame.(Ttris inforrnation sltottlcl be availalit,, iri,r'i v*,r iorrilJrrT'ruonrgo," )b;t";i;;for the Regularory VariableGallorrage amourrt ancl erttr:r this fieure o. Line *i. rxri,i,irr,,s oicaici,taii,r;;;ru given in the sectionentitlerj "calcuration Exarnpres" on iire rront oiirii, io-r-. "' 5' lf yotr ltave a shortageon Line #1. that ecluals or exceecls..l,lre Rcgulatolv Variable Gallonage anrount (Line #3.),contact your Terrirory Manager inrnrediatbly. conliiiu" *itt, steiis z-ro] - -" 6' lf youlraveattovera-ge-^r:nLine #l.,ctr.ashortago.tlratdoesnotequal orexceedtheamountonLine#3.,continue witlr steps z''t0. (check vour tocaliesuiaiionlrl,. any 6661;-fionJiriiion you may be required to take.)T ctltnlllt:te llttl Atnrlco st0t:k [-etl1;r:t Rer;tttrciliatiorr lrrIorrrrirrio.rr.for each prorltrt:t. Recorcl the rn.ntlr,s operrirrg ['latr:c Llte Iinal figure ir.t tlre-st)acr].r,'fitl"rl. vr'.iiir,rvFioiiii,,t vuriarrce,,(tirrc #8.). (Note: tlre M,rrrlrlv proclrcr I\4orrtltly Protltrct Variurrt:e lt-irre #B.l rrray tii,, arr i,,itic,rriii tlr;rt errors exist ii the reading, enterirrg;, orcalcrrlari,rr oIyottr daily figures. You slroulcl recheck ybur daily e,:,iii"r for possiSle nristakes.) t [;X;1,11'il,i,i[}|'r['J',i',,!3|]i;?l'ins water drawrr lr<,rrr lrrr.rrttrcr r,rrks, rorarizer nrobrerns, erc., in the space 9. Read the signature statement ancl sign form where irrrricated. 10' Send lhe white copy of this form to your supplyinll rerrrirral arrd keep the yeltow copy for your statioRemerttber, all statibh copies must bd i"pi"[Tiid'iii vi,i,i rorvir:c station or-in a ptace readily availabteinspection by your imprei-nenti.g age,rcy a,xr reiriiliy itio,,utJ",.. ) a a ) Michael O. Leavitt Govemor Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executive Director Kent P. Gray Director DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West lst Floor Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 (801) 5364100 (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 5364414 T.D.D. Date November 20,1995 4 *- r.-,r,(" i '*;j TO:Amoco Oil Co. dba Rainbo Oil Attn: Carl Magnus 8156 S. Highland Dr. Sandy, UT 84093 RE:Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at Rainbo #46,3612W .4700 S., West Valley City, Utah; Facility l.D. #400157 6. The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary ruST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary (UST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanl6 at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on November 13, L995, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act ind are of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: {fr; DK 1. Submit a copy of a current precision line tightness test for the product lines associated with tanl{s #1.2. & 3. 2. Submit a copy of a current annual test for proper operation of the automatic line leak detectors on the pressurized product lines associated with tanl$ #1.2. & 3. 0l/ S. Submit documentation verifying the instaltation of overfill prevention on tanks #1.2. & 3. /kO. Submit evidence that proper Inventory Control is performed on USTs #1.2. & 3 byz"rl a. Documenting that inventory records are reconciled monthly to determine the total overage or shortage for each UST, and the variance is compared to the allowable of 130 gallons plus one percent of the UST's monthly throughput*. b. Documenting that the Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) systern, you nse as a gauge stick, is properly installed, calibrated and functioning so that it is capable of measuring product level to one-eighth inch. c. Documenting that the water in each UST is measured to within one-eighth inch, at least once per month, and the water measurements (converted to gallons) are used to correct the monttrly inventory reconciliations. *NOTICE: TIIE FEDERAL LAW (40 CFR 280.50) STATES TIIAT OWNERS AND oPERAToRs oF UST SYSTEMS MUST REPORT TO TIIE IMPLEMENTING AGENCY (DERR) WITIIIN 24 HOTJRS ANY SUSPECTED RELEASE FROM TIIE UST. IN TTM CASE OF II\IVENTORY CONTROL, A SUSPECTED RELEASE IS INDICATED WHEN TWO MONTHS IN A ROW ARE NOT RECONCILED WITHIN lVo OF THROUGIIPUT + 130 GALLONS (PLUS OR MINUS). Printed on recycled paper v Please return a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. The above information must be submitted to this office by January 20r 1996. If it is not received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact David Wilson at (801) 536-4100. Novcmb€r 2r. ree5 :4, Michael O. Leavitt Dianne R. Nielson. Ph.D. Executive Drector Kent P. Grav Govemor Director DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 168 North 1950 West lst Floor Salt Lake City, Urah 84116 (80r) s36-4100 (801) 359-88s3 Fax (801) s364414 T.D.D. Date November 20. 1995 TO:Amoco Oil Co. dba Rainbo Oil Attn: Carl Magnus 8156 S. Highland Dr. Sandy, UT 84093 RE: Non-compliance of underground storage tanks at Rainbo #46,3612 W. 4700 S., West Valley City, Utah; Facility I.D. #4001576. The Utah Underground Storage Tank (UST) Act provides that the Executive Secretary (UST) may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in substantial compliance with all state and federal UST statutes, rules and regulations. At the request of the Executive Secretary OST), the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) performed a compliance review for the underground storage tanks at the above facility. The compliance review, performed on November 13, 1995, indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of the Act and are out of compliance. To achieve compliance you must do the following: ,nt-t,/g O/0. Submit a copy of a current precision line tightness test for the product lines associated with tanl$ #1.2.&3. Don_ 7_zl-?f OkCl K Z. Submit a copy of a current annual test for proper operation of the automatic line leak detectors on the pressurized product lines associated with tanks #1. 2. & 3. 3. Submit documentation verifying the installation of overfill prevention on tanks #1.2, & 3. ? Q{Urf n. Submit evidence that proper Inventory Control is performed on USTs #1. 2. & 3 by: a. Documenting that inventory records are reconciled monthly to detemine the total overage or shortage for each UST, and the variance is compared to the allowable of 130 gallons plus one percent of the UST's monthly throughput*. b. Documenting that the Automatic Tank Gauging (ATG) system, you use as a gauge stick, is properly installed, calibrated and functioning so that it is capable of measuring product level to one+ighth inch. c. Documenting that the water in each UST is measured to within one'eighth inch, at least once per month, and the water measurements (converted to gallons) are used to correct the monthly inventory reconciliations. *NOTICE: THE FEDERAL LAW (40 CFR 280.50) STATES TIIAT OWNERS AND OPERATORS OF usT SYSTEMS MUST REPORT TO THE TMPLEMEI\TING AGENCY (DERR) WITHTN 24 HOTTRS AIYY SUSPECTED RELEASE FROM TIIE UST. IN TIIE CASE OF II{VENTORY CONTROL, A SUSPECTED RELEASE IS INDICATED WIIEN TWO MONTHS IN A ROW ARE NOT RECONCILED WITHIN lVo OF TIIROUGIIPUT + 130 GALLONS (PLUS OR MINUS). Printed on recycled PaPer please rerLrrn a copy of this speed memo with the above items to speed processing. The above information must be submitted to this office by January 20,1996. If it is nor received by the date specified, we will commence the revocation process of your Certificate of Compliance. If you have questions concerning this matter or need any assistance, please contact David Wilson at (801) 536-4100. November 2r. r,,5 lllosJ-tuld'rop.d6uf,v\olp^'UUIO-.ilqM :uoluxlrlsro slueuiur03 I JuaTTq PzTl uo AU[cEl peurEu-o^oqa oql potcodsu! eABq I lBql l|lue. :uollcodsul 6uuno lueseJd o^ll8tueseJdau s,reu/\^O ro JaU,vlO lo ernleu8rs ernlsuBls s,lolcodsul (8ls) uorlErtrauosou Jolus^ul lE5rlsrlsts ourJolruolll JErlrls.raIUl Du!Jol!uoy\l .rels,l^punor9 Dulroluol l Joos^ Xx,DUllsoI sssulqoll eun x r :rHts.,:,lpj .lq{tlrdr. ,: lt:i:,, i:i:iriir riit ,: iri i:i:]!i:: i:i:::i:j: Jotcatao isal eu!-I cllBurouv t!i:-r.-iI'ffi !!:.!!!!r- lulsl uo|lell!3uocs8 Arolu6Aul lec!]3!tsls ou!rol|uol{ lelt !}srs}ul DuUol!UoIl Jola,upunoro DU!IO]!UOyI JooBn DUrOns9 lUsI lenuAy{-rY\DUrDIBS )IUEI sItSrlOUV yr'/15 s= 7Jr .Yx-:x oullsol sssulqoll lueuprluqJ ruolue^ul ,--ffi,a:LAriii rji:l;jg!!:iiiliiaillit Eaa)a (Perrel€P uollcalep Isel, iuB] ,oterauo9 ^cuaDJgurf dYl./ y//yJfcle 'duJ loolsl Dulolo lo uol]cn,lsuoe Jo lB!.le]ByI I sle 'd8l -leelsl iuBl lo uollrn4auoc ]o l3!.lelsyl -a-r/aa-)./4Perols s3usrsqns y'/ z,ryz/y1llsuollBD uo lusl Jo ^llcBoBJ 4,/,6K,///68,/ I tPe[3]3Ur lUBl ,IBAA PUe qluol{ lseqcu! u!, luat u! pnPoro lo qpaP -asn u! tou ll Pssn }3q elBP scn ur rou,l oN<yor.r !3pevesn ut AlluoSoro lual sN ao^"t't L_".D"N (-:DoNocualpuro] lo alscllluEc uo p€t3!l luEI :ol.p uoll.xdxflou8 uo epo3 dlz ou.N lulcaJ elBls h o2 2 Ix3 o? w:oa urnduoo lo cticuue3 Auno3 sgCrppv looas 314 _g/o-hAb tto6/requrnN euoqd \ epoS selv , euoqduorllcol lsn lv_uosre! l!!ry9q ,1eA6 epoS otz/.7 o'b,o ,oo t :^{lpEl }s rrlulr lo ,equnN y'P "oJ u,, $erppv eurtN reu/r o EIII ru,,rutrut WZZ AL EIEIHH I I irlE ^l!^clo uotrirns rrrssEq t,u r irulold I /t? ffififfi*Etrffidqfffi*ti Ei stffi*ffiffirffit rq\ t6) Tank I Tank2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Yes @_ves @_-Yes d€Yes NoThe UST system is filled by transfers of 25 gallons or less. lf yes, spill and overfill prev€ntion is not required. No@ '@ Nb No@ Yes No Yes /@(----Yes NoxYes@Yes@ (i. t{ nine), {lgr, or other lfloat ls there an overfill prevention indicate the type ol device:vgll!!e), Automatic shutdff on the tank? lf yes, Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes' NoFor overfill alarm only: ls the alarm located where it can be easily seen and heard by the delivery driver? Tank 1 Yes No Tank 2 Yes No Tank 3 Yes No Tank 4 Yes NoFor overfill alarm only: ls the alarm clearly marked to indicate what is meant when the alarm sounds? ef)-Tmk,?) G . Trr*(a) fr<p rkr fr/lndicate the type of corrosion protection: Noncorrodible material (FRP), Composite steel (CS), lntemal lining (lL), lmpressed Current (lC), Sacrificial Anode (SA), or Not protected (NP). It FRP or CS do not complete the remainder of this section. Yes a_Yes @ Yes @ Yes No lf the UST is not prot€cted, was the tank/line installed belore May 7, 1985? lf yes, corrosion protection is not required until Dec. 22, 1998; do not complete the remainder ol this section. Yes @ Yes NoYes@ves {Q*The results of the last two cathodic protection tests are available. (within 6 months of installation and every 3 years thereafter). Tank volts Tmk volts Tank volts Tsk volts Llm volts Llre volts Um volts Llre volts Results of the most recent cathodic protection test. a Name of TeSt Yes NoYes No Yes No Yes No For impressed current system: The results of the last three equipment operation checks are available. (Equip. check required every 60 days.) <7t lnspector's Signature meets 1998 upgrade requirements ,1 o, I tank(s)# Loo ! Spill prevention for Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative Present During understand thal the lollowing marked items must be completed by 4oo Date p Conosion fl Conosion protection for piping assoc. with tank(s) # ll the tank has been retrofit (lined or cathodically protected), indicate the date the retrofit was completed. (p[m mm) December 22, 1998 in order to meet thb 1998 upgrade requirements: I Overfill prevention lor tank(s)#- Distribution: White-DERR, ls there a spill contafrrmenl bucket or another device that will prevent release of product into the environment? I Llm I ? la 1 Set 1 T.t* I TrnI 2 T.i* 3 TItt /t Automatic Flow Rostrictor (il yo6, indicdo modal in commonts ssction) xK'r Y Aulom.tlc Shut-oft DGvic6 (if y63, indic.t6 modol in commont3 3ection) ) Co.rtinuouc Alarm Systom (iI yes, indicat6 mod6l in commentr scction) Rscords of lost Lin6 L6sk Dgtoctor porformanc. t63t aro avaihblo on-sito Noa No_@ @No Yr! No O!t6 of la6t Lin6 L6ak Dotoclor portormlnco t68l 7-Z*?y ----2 R€8ult ot l.6t Lino Lo.k D6t6cto, podorm.nco t€st 6'fae! rait f,rrE, Fsil rEa8&= Fsil P.8a F.il-...- R6cords of last Lino Tightnes8 Tost r,o availablo on-8ito No@ @ r'ro -@ tlo Y6r No Dlto of last Lino Tighln6s6 To6t 7^ 26-7/ ---Result oI lsst Lin6 Tightnoss Tost .@r"u @ r"ir - Pf!r. Fsil P68s Fail company ol cenilied uetat A.,'^r,,aA T4lt/.-.^"-l i /Alrt /kt^Utah Tsstor corrification Number: UT INamo and V6por Monitoring (if yos, use Vepor Monhoring checklistl G,oundwater Monitoring lif yo8, uso Groundw.tot Mgnitoring chocklistl lntorstitial Mo_niloring (if yos, wo lnterstitial Monitoring checklistl Statistical lnventory Roconcili.tion ISIRI (if yo6, u6o SIR chscklist) Other approved method (if yos, use olher m6thod checklistl Rocords of lsst Line Tightngs8 Test ara blo on-sito Y66 No 1-!it!-r!,,,+-]! Yes No Yo8 No :*-:i:,?!i:i.F..r-i!E--,E!l Yo8 No D6to ot last Line Tightn€ss T€st Rssuh of la6t Lin6 Tightnoss Ts6t Pa6s Fail Pa88 F.il Pas6---fuf-Pass Fail Vapo, Moniloring (if y66, us6 Vapor Monitoring checklist) Groundwaler Monitoring (if yo6, use Groundw.to, Monitoring checklistl \ lntsr6titial Monitoring (i, yos. uso lntorstitial Monitoring chocklistl StatiEtical lnvontory Reconciliation tSlR) (iI y63, uBe SIR checklist)-/\ Othor approvBd m€thod (iI yes, use bther method ch6ckli6tl Opgrato6 at l6E6 than atmoEphoric pro66ure .--------lffi!E!FF. lltir.tili:i;:iri:iri:ili'ii::ii Y€6 No ETIIE!Y6s NoYs6 No Slope ot piping will tllow ALL product to draj#o tank when euaion is roloas6d -/ Y63 No Yes No Y6s No Yes No H.s only or{E ch€ck v alve, locg*{rectty und6r pump Y66 No Yes No Y6. No YoE No -/'All abovo information ofsuction piping is VEBIFIABLE, ua€ commonts s€ction bolow to documont how it is vorifiable. Yes No Y6s No Y6s No Yqs No Dal6: a +I <-... t/-/3-2 4^\ Commonta: ,< Co Signaturo of Ownor or Ownsr's Represontative Presont Duting lnspsction lnsp6ctor's Sign8ture: SlG Oi3tribution: Whit6-DEBR, Yellow-l r, Prn This method ol leak detection requires both monthly inventory control reconciliation and tank tighhess testing. lf the UST has not been upgraded (upgraded means that the tank and piping are protected from conosion and that spill and overfill prevention devices have been installed) the tank needs to be tightness tested annually. ll the UST is upgraded the tank needs to be tested ryery live years.lnventory records must be kept lor each operating day Record of last Tank Tightnoss Test available on-site @No @No @tto Yes No Date of last Tank Tightness Test E-z/9( - - /FeSl-FailResult of last Tank Tightness Test. lf fail, specity in comments section what actions have been taken to correct the problem. Has DERR been notified? @Fail @Fair Pass Fail Tank Tightness Testing method: hO/, ^ , / ., '. Name and company of tank tightness tester: HOrr'a O - - Groa Prfh' t Utah Tester Certification Number: UT Documentation of performance claims for the Tank Tightness Test method is available and shows the ability to detect leaks of 0.1 gph witr 95o/o or greater probability ol detec{ion and 5% or less probability of false alarm (3rd party certificatlon) lnventory volume msasurements for regulated substance inputs, withdrawals, and the amount still remaining in the tank are recorded each operating day No No No@ Qru" Yes No Jnventory is 4lconciled monthly (sum of daily overages and shortages for each month is less than 1olo of tank'b flow through volume + 130 gallons) Yes @ Yes @ Yes -a Yes No ll no, which months were not? (specify month and year)6%tu1 T-rqz-rF t-G/e-x ,tril lnventory Control records are maintained and available for the past '12 months for each tank No@ E-"@ t'lo Yes No Records include monthly water monitoring to the nearest 1/8' 4f 6 -6i No Yes No Yes No Yes No I Uontnty water readings are used to adiust monthly inventory balances Yes @ Yes @ Yes G Yes No Appropriate calibration chart is used for converting product level measurement to gallons and is available for review Yes udn Yes q Yes {q Yes No Dispenser pump has a current calibration sticker or appropriate documentration @No 6'J\ tto @_ *o Yes No -Y,€S\ No-.-- 'i.ii:i..iiiiiiiiiiiill.i';.... i, ;ii:i . i: @Owner/operator can explain inventory control methods and figures recorded No No No Yes No Books appear used and evidence of recent entries is apparent _@ No Owner can demonstrate acceptable gauging techniques <Y6S\No The gauge stick is long enough lo reach the bottom of the tank @ No The ends of the gauge stick are flat and not wom down @ No The gauge stick is marked legibly and the product level can be determined to the nearest 1/8 of an inch over the full range of the tank's intemal height (9 No dro +Comments e4/ Signature of Owner or Owner's Representative Present During lnspector's Ot'a,n .aor///y Date: Distribution: White-DERR, UTAH UST,irPnOGffiM. And :F,anliity:tfB' Tank Contiol ptease CtrClC'YCs or No for eaCh::qtosilon lor eich tank ' use aootlonst lonns::u'nEcees+y ir more tie1 folr rark& Tmkl Tank 2r lilKiTleflT,,l{ESS,,|IESTING Tenk 3 T{nk * TCnk I Tsnt 2II$VEHT0BY.,CQNTBpLI .?ank $Tank,4 @ The drop tube in the fill pipe extends to within one foot ol lankbollom //$ Pleas€cli#lc,iivcs i ri,N,o,ifry:Eeehiifi ucstlon ! t-t t-t i-t i-t J t-\ \-,. ,-t i-t J r-t ,-(\-r J J t rr r-rg7r{l Ttace r Rcsctrtl CorTortliot CARU'ASH STORE V.Dtrooo EXPLANATION . I Sahpliug Probe l,ocation Approxlnatc Plpelioe Locatlou t? RAINBOW OIL 1 .8 Pump Ie laada .2 't N 7? 210 Lrrf-J tCC .6 .10 .9 .lt I soLuH 3600 L.AXE CITY. sAuPLtlic LocATIoNs ) tet lo trlr 12.000 gal Unlcadcd DDX 12,000 gal Supcr 11,182 t.rl Io nll r 1?,O00 3alRegular tr DDU lul Co tl! Puap IslaDdE a?oo srL? Figure 1 rf,sT UT^E ( m I I I I I I I I ) ,13 Manufacturer, name and model number of Tank I -Tank 2 Tank 3 Tank 4 Yes @ )yes @ Yes @Device documentation is available on-sits (e.9., manufacture/s brochures, owne/s manual)) Yes No Records on site document that th€ system was installed, calibrated, and maintained according to the manufacturer's instructions (if no explain below) Yes q Yes q Yes -@ Yes No A probe is present in the tank (checked by inspection)(f5O No @_No @No Yes No Device can measure the height of the product to the nearest 1/8 of an inch ?Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes No Yes NoDevice monitors the in-tank liquid levels over the lull range of the tank's int€mal height ? A monitoring box is present and there is evidence that the device is working (i.e., the OevicCt is equipped with roll of paper for results documentationl I <.2 O>nG,f Yes @l<e r1,-Yes @ Yes -€-Yes No '""4/X ,/?/4 Yes NoDocumentation is available demonstrating that the Automatic Tank Gauge was in leak test mode at least once a month for the last 12 months Yes No /1+L Yes No lf no, which months are missing? (specify months and year) The tank was filled to at least the minimum level required by the manufacture/s equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test Yes No Yes No Yes Yes No The tank capacity is within the upper and lower size limits required by th€ manufacture/s equipment protocol to ensure a valid leak test Yes No No Yes No Yes No Yes No No NoHave any of the leak test reports indicated a failed test. lf tail, specify in comments section what actions have been taken to correct the problem. Has DERR been notified? Yes No Documentation of performance claims for the automatic leak test feature is available and shows the ability to detect leaks of 0.2 gph with 95% or greater probability of detection and 5olo or less probability of lalse alarm (3rd pafi certification) No,"J,No Yes No 0t + Comments: rc Signature ol Owner or Owner's Representative Present During lnspector's S Distribution: White-DERR, .' $"fi ! l(,ooo Iq.OS 9EL8 IVIVd AllJ/r{M {asra^eu eesl llBl\l leuorleurelui rol asn lol/ oo Pog!^old o6era^oO acuetnsul oN [en po!#uec rcl ldlecaury $ ssarppv s,a.ssorppv ple ,areo uoqM ol Buhoqs ldl€la! urnBa p.r.^rEo .leo t uoq/v\ ot ouraoqs ld'..a! urnrau .al tua^1€o polcuEeg seLsLoorll -:Ff- ,6?rsoa I ln ' APUeS .poJ dtz pue atels ' o.a ,60n EhZ EEl TOE IE . ComDl€te ,roms 1 and/or bddltional servicos.. Compi€te itims 3, and a6 _,/7. Pri.t your n.me and address on th€ rcvarsa ol this ,olm so that we can r€turn rhis card to you. . Attach this lorm to tho front of the mailpi€ce, or on the back if space . w te "Betuh Beceipt Requested" on the mailpiece below the anicle number ;"rt*",*".. *"i,lt{/ti ifow to whom the anicre was derivor€d and th6 dat6 3. Article Addressed to: PAUL FIARBANKS E DER: A|YOCO OIL C0. dba RAINB0 OIL C08155 S0UTH HIGHLAND trR. SANDY, UTAH 84093 FA 5. Signature lAddressee) I also w, following se. \to r€ceivo the Js (for an extra fee): 1. ! Addressee's Address 2. n Restricted Dolivery Consult tmaster for tee 4a. Article Number P-1 d .9 oo o.'6 o G, ot o' 'dt o :,o t!EF 4b.tr rvice Type istered I lnsured! coD T] Return Becsipt for ertified E Express Mail 7. Date ol Deliver3- 8. Addressee's Address (Only if requested and fee is paid) 11400157 6 , Decemb 19 nu.s. cPo: ree2--32re2 DOMESTIC RETURN RECEIPT I oB o E oE o (, g Eo IJ thlot EI6lol<l zl !ElflFIult lEl o s I \ ^r Rainbo L(W I5DL '..*1H DEPARTMENT OF Ei", rt'tONMENTAL OUALITY SEP3(l Ig$JT DlV. OF lii',!, ii :'11' ,IE$PONSE At'lD hbir,--';'r *ld 8156 SOUTH HIGHLAND DRIVE SANDY UTAH 84093-6468 TELEPHONE (801 ) 944-01 75 FACSilVTLE (801 ) 944-01 76 September 28, 1993 Mr. William Moore SEaEe of UtahDivision of Environmental Response and Remediation Department of Environmental QualitySalt Lek Cit,y, Ut,ah 84114 -4840 Rainbo Serrrice Station #45, 4700 South 3600 West, West VaIIey City, Utah, Telephone ConversaLion of 9-27-93 In accordance with our telephone conversation of 9-27-93, please find att,ached pump calibrat,ions performed in L992, and 1993 , for the subjecE site. Should you have any questions, please give me a call at 521,-4956. Si-ncerel Y, Paul E. Fa r, attachment RAINBO OIL COMPANY PUMP/DISPENSER CALIBRATION REPORT (5 GALLON TEST BUCKET) /7 /F-<>, '714-*6 V7ooS.(bDateS.S.#Address PUMP PRODUCT DISPENSED METER BEFOBE READINGS AFTER SHOFTAGE cu. lN. OVERAGE cu. rN. CORRECTED cu. tN. GALLONS WITHDRAWN 5 fl.ot C7 fo oz c-'7fai 7 - 1f-z /c) ,G"/ol O tr:tt'/1 i C ,5''t6"\-.4.i- /- /o 5 lAtlL'l5+/)0 l{'4 / +o _Z '/(;, 6 rte q.Ot'szt:i:0 6:t)/J Z 'tr/ O 6 Golal 0:'t 6E5 o >'7c) ] 5 +t6 +-L.-t/Lt 6 [tl,,lL ,cq??aL o,;?rqciz 4 J(; 7 i4r ut,o8€'?79 ct ?€'t(s1 +L 4Q 7 Grl"/o, 7.e7/or?rc)/C 4C) 7 Lrn L,l6 773 C>I (,7c7 +)o -/ () I /te or ,o4zt4 tr Ctt+7/5(,+2 -/o g G.IJ o 3015/() >thdri +L.-/O I I4tlL,06r/ 76 036r V(A--4o \ The undersigned parties certify that the above readings are true and correct and the products drawn yrere returned to their respective underground storage tanks SIGNATURE OF PREPARE IN DUPLICATE Orlginal Duplicate -forward to General Office. -Attach to daily report and forward to General Olfice. (-e\ [J.rA{- . C"ee ?C BO qo IOC JL s1. t3 to-7. c3 MAINTENANCE MAN, SU OR CONTRACTOR &,; z{fi( ZbC a?.J.88 t+l- .-7 SHORf,AGE .*.rcu. ttrt. OVEBAGE cu. tN. CORBECTED cu. lN.'r ryilry ?.I J '' ! :r,:= ,-.?r1+ " &r r .9 .{ C t !i*' !'rr I ir.! l!T*U P/DIS CAtl RAINBO OIL CO MPANY ONR EPORT (5 GALLON TEST BUCKET) r-f\!_ltT;-rhtrtr BEf:iipT ! '.r 11 ,1 ,.,,1'1 i:rf : rlg : ?rl f-- t t',., .rl f ^ i .; ,-,.,. r,-, I r'l i ll:f'! .''.- *.fr? r? ! 1 .r *I -',J ,:i--r. i:l.lEl r:i!:ii": tj !.,?1:l t?.':La 'rt.t THF|!i': '''*l-1. c',:rl'lE lltiflIN FQ i f.rr41-1 :11! i]f] . a., 1-t ,, .r-rl.-(i.f, f,(.r .Lr'-: i L ". r trlEST LIftLLE'/,!-lfr]fi Address T ( v AFTER !Weights & Measures ' ' 350 North Redwood Road S.L.C., Utah 841 16 Phore (801) 538-7159 L{2tt Pum s tested for prod uct calibration Ie3Water tests/Fuel s Address City Cou nty Action Taken: Stor tanks labeled Fill ca and und round stor cove condition Pu tested for mo calibration Fuel filters on UM Octane on m PU ces le bldcorrecVcom lete Securi seals intact Station read-out matches Road si rices correct (if Cas taken i MOTOR FUET PRODUCTS USED FOR INSPECTION aate h7a.u-? / ?9j ti,-- Next'inspection due -- days Purpose:Regular X Reinspection Complains Unleaded Plus - Sallons Diesel - Sallons I Est. l.D. #Name I o)F o)! E zip o _o 'o 2 Product was returned to fuel storase tank. lnspection Remark Vr*y 4";l /, l/rtLilJ Aza tl* uuf,* ar,,'rtwl /c(t l--) e Received by ame lnspected by UTAH .DEPARTMENT OF ACRICU LTU -wEtcHTS & MEASURES DlVlSlON.i CAS STATION INSPECTION REP.ORT Regular-Z- gallons Unleaded Regular 9O gatlons Unleaded Premium ?D gallons o) Uq) il)E 4/'I . {r, ? r---? rl 'r RffII{Bd-TTMO. 3612 Ll, 4?CI11 S0' tre3T USUUEV 'LlTtlH 5THTl0l,l +46 ILISTTII'IER PEFEIPI 915,'gr3rg3 14!!?i?B trll+P, $ 6 5. r:]Er? rjffLz Pr.rL 91.'tg? / FLIEL sflLE CH'cH' RfrI4{B[-frIEtF,, 3612 td. 4?80 sB. trrEsT t,ffLLE',f,,L!TBHi A)tral $4s.t"o t:u5T0llEE I Ll5,'Et3,'9S t Rffil{Bo r}h,. 3612 ht, 4708 sff, ttlEST UHLLEV ,UTfiH CTISTII'IER HEf,EIPT [tir€r3,r5;3 14: 1gs; 94 '[IISP, # I 5."808 "EffL REE Fl.'I1? FUEL SHIE THfft*i ,/0Ll c0HE flEfiItf sTffTl0t,l s46 $5.60 40 Lral $ar.ut 4D[ra I $<4 zosrfittnx *+g 015P. l+ I 5.881 GHLz Ltl.lL Lil . Eri]..l/ FUEL SIILE $5.{5 IiRSH t5:4E $5, ?6 ,\I-Ol D3' IlEl' ISOAU q--r; fi iffi,?O:iNFtr€IOt}sIiI fufii,t-r,"r -: ii-.- Hlbi!:Un tgiht&S'rlf i,* ;!fu:.':tr i Io +: It i Date RAINBO OIL COMPANY PUMP/DTSPENSER CALTBRATTON REPORT (5 GALLON TEST BUCKET) 7- l+ ?Z +6 +7,wS.S.#Address PUMP PBODUCT DISPENSED METER BEFORE READI NGS AFTER SHORTAGE cu. lN. OVERAGE cu. rN. CORRECTED cu. tN. GALLONS WITHDRAWN 5 y)l\ta.o6.flE6E o 6857 3 ,+i /c 5 &,/)0 ?q 771 c{+?zn/,l 1Dc az ., Ltte. I t nz o 1s 5 Ltll L,3+6 0q 3u7t1 ,!'_Z /o /Rea-0E799 t 0 sts1 1 o /o A Cn/.r/o3) 7 /7 oii3'73 -lo +L t5 /hnt.os7gD7 0e 7so7 +Z /C 7 R e^,onz56 07 ? z6i +L /o 7 /a6n 05 loo r 05 l0 /l -_L /o 7 hnt-.;*1oJ 1 l\otbVsl +1-/o g R e*s, ,0z 8a td 02 8az6 -Z /6 4 ta/c,l 0-ztH+o3q 4zr +z t6 3 l/t n L,0tlrzz 07A7 3j 4 /o The undersigned parties certify that the above-readings are true and correct and the products drawn were ieturned to their ,. .:PBEPARE IN DUPLICATE respective underground storage tanks IL U corurnRcroBf,z(t -f onrard tolbeneral Otf ice. ' -Attach to daily report and forward SIGNATURE MAINTENANCE MAN, SU qo - lt+I.b ,,. :rr OR ':;ii4-: ' M,t,.,*)'!i':- ,'*i' :- -..,i,,,'ifi. to General Office. ", Name Address County UTAH DEPARTMENT OF AGRICUL'I -..€ WEICHTS & MEASURES DIVISION GAS STATION ]NSPECTION REPORT Est.l.D.# City *"rgh. - Measures 350 North Redwood Road S.L.C., Utah 841 16 Phone (801) 538-7159 oate TYla'{7l2,1177 due - days Jrtesuct calibrationtested for 5Water testy'Fuel3' L l- b l/ b7L(JI I ELV LUI I I L ,'0 zip 'ooo) 'o o) I .9.od Eo 0 (! V) q) rhq, F o-o E z 3 Purpose: Regular Reinspection Complaints x Action taken filters bn Octane Pum ibl seals intact correct (if taken ' Regular 4O gallons Fill tested labeled calibration Un to fuel tanks. tank u condition on *. Road Cas ,i UnleadedRqular 40 gallons Unleaded Plus-gallons premium l/O gallons Diesel gatlons ,t '- ti Pr6dua was returned Remarks:r \\h4a U" Received by I I I by ,ff RAINBO OIL COMPANY PUMP/DTSPENSER CALTBRATTON REPORT (s GALLON TEST BUCKET) Date S.S.#+A Address 4700 fo.3 {o0 w, PUMP PRODUCT DISPENSED METER BEFORE READI NGS AFTER SHOBTAGE cu. !N. OVERAGE cu. lN. CORRECTED cu. !N. GALLONS W!THDRAWN I fr,"o 0183 / 7 d?9727 Uqe*a '4"b**;n cat79 /0 I R ve4 aTst z"z_o q2 =s-_z ta /6 I C-,/a Aztsa(07 65ql TZ /o /lAn/2 z s+sf zzv+ s0 +3 0 L5 Z h -.^.t z t97g tzts ? 3 +.,0 l5 2 &t/rl ogA=?l 60rw0q .*S _Z tg 2 04-ltL,2 474qo zQ790o bqd w +Z /o l ftean.6q2qqfr os 2il3 "++ -A!'15 ,},Crnlal o 6>ts3;063/d)*Z**$.' ./ J btn L, .:I g tqqo'l2 3e?5 -j.,'0 frr..f$#-'li'' o 6qo? #'o 6g 016 /o 06y'fr 067{50 /o ':,..*l rtrq o (/ ? +r0 t,' .+--*-. . . ." t..*z j t- i::.. . I readingsaretrue''''l'l retu'rned to their PREPARE IN DUPLICATE Orlglnal Dupllcate .n -fonrard to General Office- .'.\, -Attach to daily rcportrind.fonrard'' ' to General I srGrun t .,i.,-: _f{ rl.l:! - lii.W' 'i t MAINTENANCE MAN, ry ,, :;:;ip':-;;17'O *:,- tii! .i:!t'U- l, :,!ii: And and ;.!:tt; 1i'.'.. ij fi: . si'' * .,,e' I _.1- :, ,t: r, l i .,] RAINBO OIL COMPANY PUMP/DTSPENSEB CALIBRATION REPORT (5 GALLON TEST BUCK ET) 4l--a Date tt The undersigned pa rties certitythat the above readings arelruo rnd correct products drawn were returned to thoir Address 4too q. >da)l"r( PBEPARE IN DUPLICATE .v S.S.+ -especlive u nd storage tanks andithe ndsrprou ..1; Orlginal Duplicate -torward to General OfIic€. -Attach to daily report and lorward to General Offica, MAINTENANCE GALLONS WITHDRAWN SHOFTAGE cu. lN. OVERAGE cu. lN. COBRECTED cu. tN. METER BEFORE READINGS AFTERPUMP tzo lt /r r"t /)ut /'c/ /t=l't.+c:;4,\.r l:*tt 'i. tlq+9Rt--/oL -/-t L4?det't-+?rvR *.'a' . 1"1C//o//>1/6 / 6>.,6 /c?t3 ZZ t-3,3\ zzz zfh tt l-, -t-3_/6/ flot tR nv,.15doo t IJ /o/;4 +szzi2+r/".Irnllat-fL //)?-5 33fiE,4 ?l '2',)38Jl,(h t- .+7ro 6+7 7R.or,TZ ./apqoTZfoqo q tq6o1r,/ (1 /Oz 6 zo€4lt ut.+'L /o0€ 67 +{'1,'R..,66 o?086>oaor, >/oZil=&.t ,i'Ayt /,.Z6J>E ri ISOR, OR CONTRACTOR I I I PRODUCT DISPENSED 1aI o6+67 Z6zoYY /oIrf,il/,/ o - -.- u.i,,Jl,.!J 16: i,i: :t_:l frItP )'ol N. hBO L CO. ,rr.:tzr/? 3 Ir-jggrvrPANY l.FEPgFr (s caLLo N TF9T EVgKET) Addrpss I Er. Lr[ PHL E F CHBH l.t $l 1. ?E B4r'itr?I lE: tlr 56-i-a-- 04.'21 .,?S 14r51t[j DISP $ttJ.59 CB6H $ lr:t. ,,lqsjri tER 0 I 1 1 f6#, n+;,it,':*: 16r 14:5E' oisrl.? (,r, O )'o '-/C /'b z4 1 Tax TOTAL 1 $18, ul? $tB' 819 !-79 C-005 d6 /Q. I I Gel. TI { >qt SHOBTAGE.r'iu.itr. -OVEBAGE:,.cU.'itt.*OORFECTED-bulr,r,-: pal W'TH tz /o .,+-L I I t UTAH Sfr fAATi,tEi,iT iif ENVIE0ri $,{ [: l,j?'A L fr ilAt"i iy SEP 2 7 HrJ.f _ plV" {ii i;i,lf iii{.1,i*r'i.:it:tL R&i$f,'*irl$I Arui.l hiiltdf; *i,{TION Septembet 22, 1993 Amoco Oil Company Salt Lake City Business Unit 474 West 900 North Salt Lake city, Utah 84103-1494 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REOUESTED Mr. William Moore State of Utah Division of Remediation and Response Department of Environmental Ouality 1950 West North Temple salt Lake city, Utah 84114-4840 Rainbo Service Station #46, 47OO South 3600 West, West Valley City, Utah NOTICE OF INTENT TO REVOKE CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 10821-3 Facilitv lD #4001576 Rainbo Oil Company is pleased to respond to your letter of August 13, 1993 (attached). lt is our understanding that based upon compliance review, the subject station does not meet the following requirements of compliance, and is therefor in violation of eligibility, and subject to certificate revocation. No precision line tightness testing tor 1992, tanks #1, 2, and 3 No line leak detector testing for 1992, tanks #1, 2, and 3 No inventory control documentation Please find attached precision line tightness testing, performed by Petro Tech in September, 1992. Line leak detectors were also tested by Petro Tech concurrently with the line testing. The daily inventory record, together with the monthly reconciliation is provided for the time period of January - December, 1992. lt should be noted that in January, 1993, Rainbo changed the its daily inventory control program to show sales volume, and the calculated acceptable inventory deviation (sales X .Ol + 130 gallons). Should you desire to see the new record format (available from January - August, 1993), they will be made available. Based upon the submitted information, the subject station did have precision line tightness testing and line leak detector testing (performed in 1992) together with inventory control records. These records confirm that the requirements of compliance have been fulfilled. The station is therefor not in violation of eligibility requirements, and not subject to certificated revocation. Mr. William Moore September 22, 1993 Page 2 Should you have any questions. or if there is any further question concerning compliance, please contact Mr. Paul E. Fairbanks immediately at (801 ) 521-4966. l."t\ \.:J."-.-^- Mark D. Dinterman. Manager Environment, Health & Safety Attachments F. R. Sida L. M. Pearson P. E. Fairbanks R4aNORg3.262 Michael O. Leavitt G@ffi Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Exertive Direaq Kent P. Gray Dire.te DEPARTMENT OF EI\NTIRONMENTAL QUALITY DIVISION OF ET.MRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION 150 No(h 1950 West 2nd Floor Salt [-ake City, Utah 84116 (801) 5364100 (801) 359-8853 Fax (801) 536-4414T.D.D. ERRU-0465-93 CERTIFIED MAIL RETT]RN RECEIPT REOI'ESTEI) August 13, 1993 Paul Fairbanls Amoco Oil Company dba Rainbo Oil Company 8156 South Highland Drive Sandy, Utah 84093 RE:NOTICE OF INTENT TO REVOKE CERTIT'ICATE OF COMPLIANCE NO. 10821-3 Facility lD #4001576 Dear Mr. Fairbanls: The Utah Underground Storage Tank Act (AcQ, Utah Code Ann. $ 19-6-414 provides that the Executive Secretary UST may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is not in compliance with the requirements specified in Utah Code Ann. $$ 19-6412Q),413. The Act requires substantial compliance with all state and federal statutes, rules and regulations including Utah Admin. Code R31 l-202-L which incorporates by reference Code of Federal Regulations (40 C.F.R.) $ 280 in effect as of May 26, 1992. At the request of the Executive Secretary UST, the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation DERR performed a compliance review for Certificate of Compliance No. 10821-3 issued to a facility owned or operated by Amoco Oil Company, dba Rainbo Oil Company. This facility is located at4700 South 3600 West, West Valley City, Utah. The designated facility identification number is 4001576. This facility contains three underground storage tanks USTs. The compliance review indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of compliance. As such, you are violating the eligibility requirements for the Petroleum Storage Tank PST Fund and your Certificate of Compliance may be revoked. To achieve compliance you must do the following: Submit a copy of a precision line tightness and leak detector tests for tanks #1, #2 and #3, performed in accordance with the requirements of the Act, for the tanks found in non-compliance on May 17, 1993, as required by Utah Admin Code, R3l1-202-1. See 40 C.F.R. $ 280.41(a) (b), and 280.44. Submit documentation that proper Inventory Control is completed on the following USTs #1, #2 and #3, as required by Utah Admin. Code, R3Il-202-l and 40 C.F.R. $ 280.43(a), by documenting you are now properly performing the following: 4b I ,) i.'.-l,r:,.-.i.ri. Facility ID# 4001576 Page 2 Document that you meter the product and maintain the pumps to within a calibration of accuracy of six cubic inches for every five gallons. You have 60 days following the receipt of this letter to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the Act or your Certiflcate of Compliance will be revoked and you will be ineligible to receive deliveries of fuel and receive payment for claims against the pST Fund. If you fail to resolve the compliance problems described above within 60 days of receipt of this letter, you will be notified by a Notice of Agency Action and Notice of Hearing. The purpose of the hearing will be to determine if there is any reason your Certificate of Compliance should not be revoked. Please contact William Moore at (801) 536-4100 to discuss this notice at your earliest convenience. Sincerel v, P Gray,Secretary (UST) Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board KPGAVMitnw Fred Nelson, Attomey General's Office John Inch Morgan, Acting Director, salt Lake city/county Health Departrnent cc: