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I Paul Fairbanks RAINBO OIL 8L56 south Highland Drive Sandy, Utah 84093 RE Test No. : Test Date: Location: Dear ltr. Fairbanks: 9209038 Septelober 3, L992 Rainbo #46 4700 South 3500 west west valley city, Utah Purno TECtl, INc. Precision Tank and Line Testing 11170 Sandy Gulch Road . Sandy, Utah 84094 . 801-572-9303 SepteDber 24, 1992 A precision test was performed on the product lines at the above loCation using the Acurite Line Tester. We have reviewed the data produced in conjunction with this test for purposes of verifying the results and certifying the product lines. The test was performed in accordance l^rith the test protocol , and therefore, satisfies all requireuents for such testing as set forth by NFPA 329-A7 and USEPA 40 CFR Part 280. The pressurized piping was isolated and tested at I l/2 tines the nornal operating pressure for 30 ninutes. Enclosed is the actual line test data, indicating a pass or fai1. If you have any guestions or I can be of further assistance, please give me a ca11. Sincerely, PETRO TECH, INC. se attachment David Exeter, President O-U4/fr: I Purno TEcrr, INc. Test No. : Test Date: Test operator: Location : Product Punp Type Pounds Held Precision Tank and Line Testing 11170 Sandy Gulch Road . Sandy, Utah 84094 . 801-572-9303 CERTIFICATIOT{ PRODUCT LII{E TEST RESIILTS Isolation Mechanisrn Duration conclusion 50 PSI 50 PSI 50 PSI 30 nin. 30 rdin. 30 min. PasS PaSs Pass Isolation PlugIsolation PlugIsolation Plug ATITO}IAUC LINE LEAK DETBqTORS leak detectors erere tested in accordance with 40 cFRAutomatic line 280.44(a).' 9209038 Septenber 3, 1992 John Labrum Rainbo #46 4700 South 3500 West west va11ey city, Utah Unleaded Red Jacket suprene UL Red JacketRegular Red Jacket a PTXSSIMZM PRODUCI LNfi TESI DITA Iocation: Rainbo t46, 47ffi Souttr 3600 l{est, tiest Valley City, Utah lest ,920903E Produet Product Purno TECII, INc. Precision Tank and Line Testing 11170 Sandy Gulch Road . Sandy, Utah 84094 . 80 t -572-9303 Product Qerator: John kbne Product Product Hxp ilarufastuer Isolador xecbadfl (Pup) Isolation llecbanisl (Dispenser) lest PlesslEe Iritial cuinde! t evel Iinal cJlinder level teak Rate (30 rin r 2 = GP[) Tirc started Tire CoUIete Test Interval (Iin. ) conclusion (Pass or Fail) corrents: ?-3-?L Unleaded Ied Jacket Isolation Plug rfue valYe 50 PSI .090 ,089 .002 3:15 a.r. 3:{5 a.r. 30 Pass suprere 0Dleaded led Jacket Isolatioa Plug fire valve 50 PSI .090 .090 .000 3:50 a.r. {:20 a.r. 30 Pass fegu]ar led Jacket Isolation PIug Pire valYe 50 PSI .090 .090 .0m {:30 a.D. 5:00 a. u. 30 Pass Date of Test s eof Test No. : Test Date: Test Operator: Location: Product under 40 crR 280.44(a), the EPA has defined performance standards for autonatic line leak detectors and required that their operation be tested annually to assure proper perforrnance ' A new leak detector (out of box) must be capable of detecting a leak of 3 GPH e 10 psI product line pressure by restricting or shutting off flow or trigqering an audible or visual alarn. The EPA has acknowledged that because the leak detector is a nechanical device, wear and introduction of foreign matter into the leak detector fron the tank, as well as system resiliency and static head, will affect the leak detection sensitivity of the nechanical ieak detector. Therefore the EPA has not yet defined specitics as to when a leak detector nust be replaced only that it nust be functional and in Place. The following data represents the leak detection capabilities (GPH e ro esrl of -each line leak detector as installed in its individual pressurized deliverY sYsten. Purno TEctt, INc. Precision Tank and Line Testing 11170 Sandy Gulch Road . Sandy, Utah 84094 . 801-572-9303 920903E September 3, !992 John Labrum Rainbo #46 4700 South 3600 West west valley ci-ty, Utah AIITOI{ATIC LIIIB LEAK DEf,BCTOR TEST Performance a UnLeaded Suprene Unfeaded Reg'ul ar LD 4001 116 -O 17 t-t-5-o17 3.1 GPH € 10 PSI 1.7 GPH E 10 PSI 1.7 GPH E 10 PSI I,LD Nanufacturer l'Iodel , vaporless Mfq Red Jacket Red Jacket MONTHLY GASOLINE INVENTORY RECONCILIATION STATION #REGULAR UNLEADED PREMIUM TOTAL \c _sl +\)s --13 la *\\-Nb5 -\u\ 6o -r tc)- \t\-'3o - \l\ 3+-+N - \:\-5()b +3 _\\_3X --lN -++--t \- \B-l +N\\-1b +5'1 1 {1\ 4.t -\-\?;1 *5s +-=b +\\b TOTAL +\11 -3\1 -:)$0 Explanation: t\c\,,ir-.,s t . \\9U _-_:-l Oate:Signature: -\+c, -s3 -\*1\ ++ +r, -S-lc, REGU DAILY GASOLI NE I NVENTORY MONTH DEC, 1992 STATION#46 PREMIUMUNLEADED DATE REGULAR UNLEADE PREMIUM DATE REGULAR UNLEADE PREMIUM 12101192 INV 9189 5281 9578 12t08t92 INV 8954 5163 8682 NO H2O REC 1900 294.8 39.8 39.8 5902 1579.6 47.6 47.6 1004 442.0 -6.0 -6.0 NO H2O REC 0 289.1 -17.9 -18.1 6597 1337.0 -115.0 -84.9 2202 686.8 5.8 -21.7 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 121O2192 INV 10834 9651 10134 12t09192 INV 8il7 10308 10203 REC 0 338.6 -5.4 34.4 0 1548.1 -19.9 27.7 0 693.1 -20.9 -26.9 REC 0 354.6 -11.4 -29.5 0 347.6 -3.4 -25.1 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 12103192 INV 10490 8083 9420 12110192 INV 8281 BBSO 9852 REC 0 582.7 -67.3 a2.9 0 1724.0 -28.0 {.3 0 332.5 -26.5 -53.4 REC 0 469.2 -19.8 49.3 0 1445.7 €6.3 -88.4 0 472.2 -67.8 -92.9 SALE DIFF D M/D SALE DIFF D M/D 12104t92 INV 9840 6331 9061 12t11192 INV 7792 7348 9312 REC 999 671.1 54.1 21.2 5600 2050.8 93.8 93.5 2202 701.1 99.1 45.7 REC 3208 494.2 105.2 55.9 3709 1662.1 86.1 -2.3 1906 750.2 99.2 6.3 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 12105192 INV 10222 9974 10661 12t12192 INV 1061 1 9481 10567 REC 0 464.7 -9757.3 -9736.1 0 1711.4 4262.6 a169.1 0 725.5 -9935.5 -9889.8 REC 0 338.2 -10272.8 -10216.9 0 1867.8 -7613.2 -7615.5 0 722.3 -984/,.7 -9838.4 SALE SALE DIFFDIFF D M/DD M/D 12t06192 INV 0 0 0 12t13192 INV 0 0 0 REC 0 407.8 9742.8 6.7 0 1566.1 8221.1 52.0 0 572.8 9843.8 46.0 REC 0 344.3 10238.3 21.4 0 1339.8 7637.8 22.3 0 455.1 9789.1 -49.3 SALESALE DIFF DIFF D M/DD M/D 12t07192 INV 9335 6655 9271 12t14t92 INV 9894 6298 9334 REC 0 374.1 -6.9 4.2 0 1470.1 -21.9 30.1 0 607.5 18.5 -27.5 REC 0 506.8 64.8 86.2 0 2091.2 -56.8 -34.5 0 558.3 52.3 3.0 SALESALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 12t08192 INV 8954 5163 8682 12t15192 INV 9452 41 50 8828 0l 1510.8 i I 82.8 | -2.11 REGULAR DAILY GASOLINE INVEN"TORY MONTH DEC, 1992 STATION#46 UNLEADED PREMIUM DATE REGULAR UNLEADE PREMIUM DATE REGULAR UNLEADE PREMIUM 12t15t92 INV 9452 4150 8828 12t22t92 INV 9782 5071 7400 REC 0 506.3 4.7 77.5 6804 1574.6 96.6 62.1 2006 672.3 52.3 55.3 NO H2O REC 0 469.0 -296.0 125.0 7299 1527.8 -1800.2 -104.0 2502 659.6 -386.4 341.1 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 12t16t92 INV 8937 9476 102',14 12123t92 INV 9017 9042 8856 REC 0 461.5 7.5 8s.0 0 1828.4 17.4 79.5 0 779.2 3.2 58.5 REC 0 484.4 -1.6 123.4 0 1700.1 8.1 -95.9 0 769.3 45.7 295.4 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 12t17t92 INV 8483 7665 9438 12t24t92 INV 8531 7350 8041 REC 2906 479.3 69.3 154.3 4906 1895.8 -f 00.2 -20.7 1003 803.4 -38.6 19.9 REC 2201 529.2 58.2 181.6 3702 2521.4 31,4 44.5 2902 969.1 104.1 399.5 SALE DIFF D M/D SALE DIFF D M/D 12t18t92 INV 10979 10575 9599 12125t92 INV 10261 8562 1 0078 REC 0 515.7 0.7 155.0 0 2107.8 168.8 148.1 0 616.0 22.0 41.9 REC 0 272.2 -10.8 170.8 0 1166.3 2126.3 2061.8 0 523.5 -2195.5 -1796.0 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 12t19t92 INV 10464 8636 9005 12126t92 INV 9978 9522 7359 REC 0 351.8 -10112.2 -9957.2 0 1864.3 4771.7 4623.6 0 822.2 {182.8 {140.9 REC 0 493.6 -9484.4 -9313.6 0 1594.4 -7927.6 6865.8 0 648.7 -6710.3 -8506.3 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 12t20192 INV 0 0 0 12t27t92 INV 0 0 0 REC 0 298.1 10080.1 122.9 0 1624.4 6695.4 71.8 0 734.2 8134.2 -6.7 REC 0 290.7 9418.7 105.1 0 1093.0 5721.O -1M.8 0 418.4 8846.4 340.1 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 12t21t92 INV 9782 5071 7400 12t28t92 INV 9128 4628 8428 REC 0 298.1 298.1 421.O 0 1624.4 1624.4 1696.2 0 734.2 734.2 727.5 REC 355.9 29.9 135.0 6597 1512.8 3.8 -141.0 2202 478.7 43.7 383.8 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 12t22t92 INV 9782 5071 7400 12t29t92 INV 8802 9716 10195 I NO H2O I DAILY GASOLINE INVEN I'ORY MONTH DEC, 1992 STATION#46 PREMIUMREGULARUNLEADED DATE REGULAR UNLEADE PREMIUM DATE REGULAR UNLEADE PREMIUM 12t29192 INV 8802 9716 10195 INV NO H2O REC 0 355.9 s.1 128.9 0 1529.6 4.4 -147.4 0 692.7 -34.3 349.5 REC SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 12130192 INV 8440 8180 9468 INV REC 2704 335.8 92.8 221.7 4206 1553.8 -13.2 -160.6 1 901 559.8 67.8 417.3 REC SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 12t31192 INV 10901 10819 10877 INV REC 0 333.9 -11.1 210.6 0 1947.3 64.3 -96.3 0 745.9 -38.1 379.2 REC SALE DIFF D M/D SALE DIFF D M/D 01/01/93 INV 10556 8936 1 0093 INV REG 12761.6 15o/o 51570.7 61o/o PREM 19694.2 23o/o TOTAL 84026.5SALE PCT UNL MONTHLY GASOLINE INVENTORY RECONCILIATION STATION #REGUI-AR UNLEADED PREMIUM TOTAL /)Gc'>nq Gz>lsb l:1,Zb (?tr),tb jl z)?,loQ t:c 1'"7 "4.2 I \7u/7- -1 ( 7o'>(:: ) /1,a-)7g 1q I.-t I tLo +37 lrl /' ra \, \) 1-l \/5 /(7:) 4b -tto 7;7t tcr')I tt_ 4t s9 2,?n (.,<+q7 TOTAL 73 t07c 2bg tsgT Explanation: L ? ,o (,-Date:Signature: DAILY GASOLINE INVENTORY MONTH NOV, 1992 STATION#46 REGULAR UNLEADED PREMIUM DATE REGULAR UNLEADE PREMIUM DATE REGULAR UNLEADE PREMIUM11tO1t92INV1 0654 9175 9501 11t08t92 INV 10303 8801 10320 NO H2O REC 0 304.6 45.4 45.4 0 4 6 6 1 069 42 42 0 510.0 -4.0 4.0 NO H2O REC 0 473.9 24.8 24.8 0 1247.5 24.',| 24.1 0 411.0 39.3 39.3 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 11t02t92 INV 1 0304 8063 8987 11t09t92 INV 9854 7578 9948REC0 426.3 42.3 -3.1 0 1663 8 84.8 42.2 0 583.6 -14.4 -18.4 REC 0 292.8 -6.2 18.6 0 1388.7 36.7 60.8 0 426.2 9.2 48.5 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 11t03t92 INV 9920 6484 8389 11t10t92 INV 9555 6226 9531 REC 0 454.2 -3.8 -6.9 0 1309.3 8.3 50.5 0 544.9 32.9 14.5 REC 0 273.1 1018.1 1036.7 0 1576.8 6507.8 6s68.6 0 352.5 1396.5 1445.0 SALE DIFF D M/D SALE DIFF D M/D 11t04t92 INV 9462 5183 7877 11t11t92 INV 10300 11157 10575 REC 0 51 5.1 2.1 4.8 6115 1547.3 7.3 57.8 2713 487.4 37.4 51.9 REC '1000 492.4 -1003.6 33.1 5900 1664.0 -6s11.0 57.6 1902 573.9 -1351.1 93.9 SALE SALE DIFF D!FF D M/D D M/D 11t05t92 INV 8949 9758 10140 11t12t92 INV 9804 8882 10552 REC 0 590.0 44.0 -48.8 0 1627.0 -125.0 $7.2 0 562.8 -11.2 40.7 REC 0 268.3 -30.7 2.4 0 1542.3 33.3 90.9 0 348.4 -28.6 65.3 SALE SALE DIFF D!FF D M/D D M/D 11t06t92 INV 8315 8006 9s66 11t13t92 INV 9505 7373 10175 REC 2700 443.7 64.7 15.9 4101 '1688.2 96.2 29.0 2001 649.9 68.9 109.6 REC 0 677.1 {3.9 41.s 0 1709.8 43.8 134.7 0 764.O -14.O 51.3 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 11t07t92 INV 10636 10515 1 0986 11t14t92 INV 8784 5707 9397 REC 0 317.O -15.9 -0.0 0 1684.6 -29.0 0.0 0 556.7 -109.6 0.0 REC 2202 537.9 96.9 55.4 5603 1550.0 171.0 305.7 1004 484.6 -165.4 -114.1 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 11t08t92 INV 1 0303 8801 10320 11t15t92 INV 10545 9931 9751 I DAILY GASOLINE INVENTORY MONTH NOV, 1992 STATION#46 REG ULAR UNLEADED PREMIUM DATE REGULAR UNLEADE PREMIUM DATE REGULAR UNLEADE PREMIUM 11t15t92 INV 1 0545 9931 9751 11t22192 INV 0 0 0 NO H2O REC 0 295.6 -28.4 27.O 0 1383.6 -182.4 123.3 0 478.9 165.9 51.8 NO H2O REC 0 437.7 10839.7 76.1 0 1374.7 8253.7 76.6 0 476.2 10090.2 28.4 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 11t16t92 INV 10221 8365 9438 11t23t92 INV 10402 6879 9614 REC 0 519.2 5.2 32.2 0 1970.7 -28.3 95.0 0 486.7 48.3 3.5 REC 0 490.5 -27.5 48.6 0 1562.1 -50.9 25.7 0 510.6 -1.4 27.A SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 11t17t92 INV 9747 6366 8903 11t24t92 INV 9884 5266 9102 REC 1005 275.9 6.9 39.1 5604 1503.6'-115.4 -20.4 2203 478.8 47.8 51.3 REC 0 392.9 0.9 49.5 6593 1439.3 49.3 75.0 2201 374.4 99.4 126.4 SALE DIFF D M/D SALE DIFF D M/D 11t18t92 INV 10443 10351 10675 11t25t92 INV 9492 10469 11028 REC 0 451.3 4.3 43.4 0 2026.s 26.5 6.1 0 586.5 -28.5 22.8 REC 0 351.9 -9140.1 -9090.6 0 1878.0 €591.0 -8516.0 0 511.5 -10516.5 -10390.1 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 11t19t92 INV 9996 8351 10060 11t26t92 INV 0 0 0 REC 0 438.8 -60.2 -16.8 0 1641.8 49.8 55.9 0 428.2 -13.8 9.0 REC 0 409.5 9087.5 -3.1 0 1425.8 8562.8 46.8 0 538.0 10404.0 13.9 SALE SALE D!FF DIFF D M/D D M/D 11t20t92 INV 9497 6759 961 8 11t27t92 INV 8678 7137 9866 REC 0 411.1 2093.1 2076.3 0 1765.9 4945.9 5001.8 0 716.7 1973.7 1982.7 REC 0 470.2 26.2 23.1 0 1683.1 76.1 122.9 0 869.0 33.0 46.9 SALE SALE DIFF D!FF D M/D D M/D 11t21t92 INV 11179 9939 10875 11t28t92 INV 8234 5530 9030 REC 2002 341.1 -12839.9 -10763.6 4901 1661.1 -13178.9 -8177.1 1901 731.5 -120M.5 -10061.8 REC 2201 399.7 -10035.3 -100'12.2 4600 1568.6 -8561.4 -8438.5 2202 562.8 -10569.2 -10622.3 SALE SALE DIFF D!FF D M/D D M/D 11t22t92 INV 0 0 0 11t29t92 INV 0 0 0 ,'/ MONTH NOV, 1992 STATION#46 DAILY GASOLINE INVENI ORY UNLEADED PREMIUMREULAR DATE 11129192 INV REGULAR 0 0 PREM!UM 0 DATE INV REGULAR UNLEADE PREM!UM NO H2O REC 0 344.2 10071.2 59.0 9727 0 1368.4 8477.4 38.9 7109 0 s35.0 10655.0 32.7 10120 REC SALESALEDIFFDIFF D M/D D M/D INV t3019211 INV REC 0 525.4 -12.6 46.4 9189 0 1863.9 35.9 74.8 5281 0 580.0 38.0 70.7 9578 REC SALESALEDIFFDIFF M/D D M/D 12101 t92 REC 0 0.0 -9189.0 -9142.6 0 0.0 -5281.0 -5206.2 0 0.0 -9578.0 -9507.3 REC SALESALE DIFF D M'D DIFF D M/D INV 0 0 0 INV REG 12621.4 17% PREM 16120.7 21% TOTAL 76127.947385.8 620/o SALE PGT UNLEADE ^ MONTHLY GASOLINE INVENTORY RECONCILIATION STATION #REGULAR UNLEADED PREMIUM TOTAL \0 *5)-3\5 -35 --\a3 \3 _ \33 -3tt'i -1-l -515 3o *ea _-iab -\bb _-u\D 3\+rl *1b +\\+NB +b --t b -\3\-+b -ss6 ++-\B -D\+- F,3e, +6 +qu +\5 _:1 3 ++-=ft 4r -Xcr3 -3\5 +\Ls *33B TOTAL +/e,-t /52 -/t2 __ /cg/ Explanation: Date // -z -?2-Signature: DAILY GASOLINE INVEN I,ORY MONTH OCT, 1992 UNLEADED STATION#46 PREMIUMREGULAR DATE 10101192 INV REGULAR 9905 UNLEADE 7932 PREMIUM 10483 DATE 10108192 INV REGULAR 9475 UNLEADE 8469 PREMIUM 8922 NO H2O REC 363.4 -16.6 -16.6 9525 1028.5 -39.5 -39.5 6864 338.5 -74.5 -74.5 10070 NO H2O 10109192 REC 431.7 13.7 1.2 9057 1185.9 99.9 66.7 7383 364.8 17.8 -61.5 8575 SALESALEDIFFDIFF D M/D INV D M/D INV 10102192 REC 449.2 4.8 -21.4 9071 1328.7 42.7 3.2 5578 512.5 48.5 -26.0 9606 1011a192 REC 989.3 408.3 409.5 8476 1175.4 -16.6 50.1 6191 358.0 -4.0 s5.5 8213 SALESALEDIFFDIFF D M/D INV D M/D INV 101o3192 10104192 REC 2206 393.4 0.0 -21.4 10884 5605 857.9 0.0 3.2 10325 1005 492.3 0.0 -26.0 101 19 10111192 REC 1731 466.4 -9740.6 -9331.1 0 4602 1226.5 -9566.5 -9516.4 0 2203 403.6 -10012.4 -10077.9 0 SALESALE DIFF D M/D INV DIFF D M/D INV REC 381.6 47.0 25.6 10549 2200 870.1 -68.0 $4.8 290.8 -13.9 -39.9 9814 10t12192 REC 503.1 9757.1 426.0 9254 985.2 9514.2 -2.2 8529 299.2 10040.2 -37.7 9741 SALESALEDIFFDIFF D M/D INV D M/D INV 10105192 REC 505.5 4.5 25.1 10043 11 38 65 1 1 0.3 1 05 1 4 243.2 6.2 -33.7 9577 10t13192 REC 351.8 12.8 438.8 10M.0 42.0 39.8 7567 386.5 -2.5 40.2 9352 SALESALEDIFFDIFF D M/D INV D M/D INV 10106t92 REC 288.3 -33.7 s.6 9721 961.0 -37.0 -36.7 9516 260.3 -29.7 -63.4 9287 10114192 REC 307.8 11.8 450.6 8619 11s0.0 -22.0 17.8 6395 393.6 -'12.4 -52.6 8946 SALESALEDIFF D M/D INV D M/D INV 10107192 REC 242.1 -3.9 -12.5 1050.5 3.5 -33.2 349.1 -15.9 -79.3 REC 2211 417.6 10.6 461.2 461 1 1158.7 s3.3 45.5 9764 2015 311.8 43.8 4.8 10693 SALESALEDIFFDIFF D M/D D M/D 10108192 INV 9475 8469 8922 10115192 INV 10423 DIFF DAILY GASOLINE INVENTORY MONTH OCT, 1992 STATION#46 REGULAR UNLEADED PREMI M DATE REGULAR UNLEADE PREMIUM DATE REGULAR UNLEADE PREM!UM 10t15t92 INV 10423 9764 10693 10t22t92 INV 9754 731 I 7875 NO H2O REC 553.4 -15.6 444.6 1519.6 56.6 4.9 260.6 -13.4 -22.2 NO H2O REC 480.5 1017.5 1496.3 1185.2 4038.2 4027.7 457.O 2329.0 2269.3 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 10t16192 INV 9853 8301 10419 10123t92 INV 10291 10172 9747 REC 823.9 -10.1 434.5 1499.0 -13.0 -21.9 426.9 -14.1 -36.3 REC 1006 650.9 -1029.1 467.2 4606 1546.0 4072.0 44.3 3212 576.3 -2288.7 -19.4 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 10t17192 INV 9019 6789 9978 10t24t92 INV 9617 9160 10094 REC 181.8 0.0 434.5 1 402 0 -21 9 0 I 371.9 0.0 -36.3 REC 428.6 0.0 467.2 1651.1 0.0 44.3 434.8 0.0 -19.4 SALE DIFF D M/D SALE DIFF D M/D 10t18t92 INV 8837 5386 9606 10t25t92 INV 91 88 7509 9659 REC 248.5 1.3 435.8 905.9 22.8 0.9 366.3 -16.8 -53.1 REC 353.5 -17.9 449.3 1045.0 0.1 4.2 392.6 0.4 -19.0 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 10t19t92 INV 8590 4503 9223 10t26t92 INV 8817 6464 9267 REC 2329 359.3 48.3 484.1 6508 1126.O -78.0 -77.1 378.9 4.1 -59.2 REC 2210 397.7 {.3 445.0 4713 1215.4 -193.6 -237.8 191 1 350.1 25.1 6.1 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 10t20t92 INV 10608 9807 8838 10t27t92 INV 10625 9768 1 0853 REC 402.8 -28.2 /155.9 1155.6 72.6 4.5 574.7 12.7 46.5 REC 434.3 19.3 464.3 1348.0 128.0 -109.8 334.0 -31.0 -24.9 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 10t21t92 INV 10177 8724 8276 10t28t92 INV 10210 8548 10488 REC 445.9 22.9 478.8 1399.0 6.0 -10.5 387.8 -13.2 -59.7 REC 362.5 3.5 467.8 1032.7 -3.3 -113.1 417.8 -20.2 -45.1 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 10t22t92 INV 9754 7319 7875 10129t92 INV 9851 7512 1 00s0I DAILY GASOLINE INVENTORY MONTH OCT, 1992 STATION#46 REGU LAR UNLEAD ED PREMIUM DATE REGULAR UNLEADE PREMIUM DATE REGULAR UNLEADE PREMIUM 10t29t92 INV 9851 7512 1 0050 INV NO H2O REC 201.4 -9.6 458.2 1117.3 -6.7 -119.8 380.5 -24.5 49.6 REC SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 10t30t92 INV 9640 6388 9645 INV REC 485.8 16.8 475.0 1694.0 160.0 40.2 655.0 29.0 -40.6 REC SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 10131t92 INV 9171 4854 9019 INV REC 1 901 435.2 17.2 492.2 5901 1554.5 -25.s 14.7 1002 488.1 -31.9 -72.5 REC SALE DIFF D M/D SALE DIFF D M/D 11101t92 INV 1 0654 9175 9501 INV SALE PCT 13337.2 21% 37517.7 59o/o PREM 12257.5 19o/o UNL TOTAL 63112.4 REG MONTHLY GASOLINE INVENTORY RECONCILIATION STATION #REGULAR UNLEADED PREMIUM TOTAL \r)+\3 -r\co \+\\N \3 - \.1N -5\-83 - 9,41. 30 5 -_l\r1+\S 3q -Dc +6c +\++\ +3 -bD -\0s -s3 --Nqc +\-b\-'3bs _\35 --s\ +b +3a *ESC -\ur +r +bb --N1B -s-l --Nt3 TOTAL --)tsN -'\N-Yl - \\s -\\\t Explanation Signature: 1 -384 Date: fl _ :? -o o DAILY GASOLINE INVENTORY MONTH SEPT, 1992 STATION#46 REGULAR UN LEADED PREMIUM DATE REGULAR UNLEADE PREM!UM DATE REGULAR UNLEADE PREMIUM 09t01t92 INV 1 0064 8957 10509 09/08/92 INV 9554 5928 8659 NO H2O REC 253.4 -14.6 -14.6 1247.7 17.7 17.7 382.3 -'11.7 -11.7 NO H2O REC 1906 346.0 71.0 75.3 491 0 666.6 -284.4 -219.7 2009 189.7 -131.3 -160.8 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 09t02t92 INV 9796 7727 101 15 09/09/92 INV 11185 9887 10347 REC 547.6 14.6 0.0 1091.2 21.2 38.9 365.3 -9.7 -2',1.4 REC 469.2 -38.8 37.s 845.2 ',8.2 -201.5 278.4 -8.6 -169.4 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 09t03192 INV 9263 6657 9740 09t10t92 INV 10677 9060 1 0060 REC 352 -22.3 -22.3 1454 80.8 119.7 349 11.6 -9.8 REC 348.2 €.8 31.7 936.1 -17.9 -219.4 321.1 -7.9 -177.3 SALE DIFF D M'D SALE DIFF D M/D 09t04t92 INV 8889 5284 9403 09t11t92 INV 10323 8106 9731 REC 2199 484.1 38.1 15.8 5600 1447.3 -94.7 25.0 1003 557.7 115.7 105.9 REC 437.2 5.2 36.9 1091.4 53.4 -166.0 391.2 -6.8 -183.1 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 09t05t92 INV 10642 9342 9964 09112t92 INV 9891 7068 9334 REC 416.8 0.0 15.8 1663.1 0.0 25.0 429.8 0.0 105.9 REC 473.5 0.0 36.9 1 150.3 0.0 -166.0 421.1 0.0 -183.1 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 09t06t92 INV 10225 7679 9534 09t13t92 INV 9417.5 5917.7 8912.9 REC 322.8 -11.4 4.4 681.0 46.1 71.1 315.0 -122.2 -16.3 REC 1006 336.7 47.2 84.1 5608 819.9 -78.8 -244.8 2208 297.0 1M.1 -39.0 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 09t07t92 INV 9891 7044 9097 09t14t92 INV 10134 10627 10968 REC 337.9 0.9 5.3 1109.6 -6.4 64.7 424.8 -13.2 -29.5 REC 330 -25.2 58.9 972 26.2 -218.6 286 -111.4 -150.4 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 09/08/92 INV 9554 5928 8659 09t15t92 INV 9779 9681 10571 DAILY GASOLINE INVENTORY MONTH SEPT, 1992 STATION#46 LEADED PREMIUMREGULARUN DATE o9115192 INV REGULAR 9779 UNLEADE 9681 PREMIUM 10571 DATE 09122192 INV REGULAR UNLEADE 7243 PREMIUM 9279 NO H2O REC 305.1 -24.9 34.0 9449 1186.1 13.1 -205.5 8508 238.2 -6.8 -157.2 10326 NO H2O 09123192 REC 189.9 -12.1 49.9 9686 1114.9 -1 .1 -215.1 6127 327.7 -21.3 -186.8 8930 SALESALEDIFFDIFF D M/D D M/D INV o9116192 INV REC 383.9 8.9 42.9 9074 1004.3 -2.7 -208.2 7501 383.4 {.6 -165.8 9934 09t24192 REC 277.3 6.7 43.2 9402 931.3 9.3 -205.8 5205 375.3 7.3 -179.5 8562 SALESALEDIFFDIFF D M/D INV D M/D INV o9117192 REC 352.3 -27.7 15.2 8694 849.7 -15.3 -223.5 6636 249.6 -14.4 -180.2 9670 09125t92 REC 1003 392.6 32.6 75.8 10045 5609 917.4 -120.6 -326.4 9776 2202 206.3 14.3 -165.2 10572 SALESALE DIFF D M/D INV DtFF D M/D INV 09118192 REC 502.7 62.3 47.1 8129 1178.0 24.0 -199.5 5482 404.0 4.0 -'|-84.2 9262 09126192 REC 470.4 -219.6 -143.8 9355 1264.3 5.3 -321.1 8517 394.2 -7.8 -173.0 10170 SALESALEDIFFDIFF D M'D D M/D INV 09/19/92 INV REC 471.0 0.0 47.1 7658 1359.8 0.0 -199.5 4122 432.0 0.0 -184.2 8830 09127t92 REC 328.8 -9026.2 -9170.0 1219.9 -7297.1 -7618.2 0.0 453.9 -9716.1 -9889.1 0.0 SALESALEDIFFDIFF D M/D D M/D INV 09120192 tNV REC 2701 I 361.8 I 126.8 79.7 5101 919.3 -38.9 -238.4 8265 1001 I 2g2.O 7.0 -177.2 9546 09t28192 REC 354.8 9173.8 3.8 8819 837.0 7286.0 -332.2 6449 311.8 9656.8 -232.3 9345 SALESALEDIFFDIFFD M/D INV 09121192 INV REC SALE 218.3 -17.7 62.0 DIFF D M/D 1046.4 24.4 -214.O 278.7 11.7 -165.5 REC 419.6 1554.6 1558.4 1107.7 -2963.3 -3295.5 352.3 2100.3 1868.0 1 1093 SALE DIFF D M/D 09t22192 INV 9888 7243 9279 09129t92 INV 9954 2378 10124 MONTH SEPT, 1992 STATION#46 REGULAR UNL D PREMIUM DATE 09t29t92 REGULAR UNLEADE PREMIUM DATE REGULAR UNLEADE PREMIUMINV995423781 1093 INV NO H2O REC 2202 393.7 -1531.3 27.1 4602 993.8 2970.8 -324.7 2014 272.8 -2043.2 -175.2 REC SALE SALE DIFF DIFFD M/D D M/D09t30t92INV10231895710791INV 1 t92 REC 1089.8 64.8 -259.9 322.3 14.3 -160.9 REC SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D INV 9905 10483 INV REC REC SALE DIFF D M/D SALE DIFF D M/D INV INV 11208.7 21o/o 32195.1 60o/o 10302.1 19o/o TOTAL 53705.9 P SALE PCT DAILY GASOLINE INVENTORY 331.6 5.6 32.7 7932 I I I i MONTHLY GASOLINE INVENTORY RECONCILIATION STATION #REGUI.AR UNLEADED PREMIUM TOTAL /c +l sr +\B -Uer3 /1 +\s +nc +585 ,j0 -\ro -\1-1 -\1 \-B3b 3+-\ 5l -)s\+\-3tt +3 -\+,)-+N +r8b -)83 ++-\0\- \ab *3\-3DS +b +[+l\+\3 +N5 +1 -g -6ryc -.\?ts --l86 TOTAL -\3\-\\o]+ll --\\b\ Explanation Date ,4--9 -?g Signature: +Bb DAILY GASOLINE INVENTORY MONTH AUGUST, 1992 STATION#46 REGU LAR UNLEADED PREMlUM DATE REGULAR UNLEADE PREMIUM DATE REGULAR UNLEADE PREMIUM 08t01t92 INV 9229 6964 9162 08/08/92 INV 10346 8649 10544 NO H2O REC 499.2 -8729.8 s729.8 1394.3 -5559.7 -5569.7 518.1 -8643.9 s643.9 NO H2O REC 385.5 0.0 19.9 1351.0 0.0 -158.9 387.9 0.0 31.1 SALE SALE D!FF DIFF D M/D D M'D 08t02t92 INV 08/09/92 INV 9961 7298 10156 REC 465.3 8732.3 2.5 1112.8 5564.8 4.9 375.8 8664.8 20.9 REC 335.0 -20.5 {.6 1043.2 s3.8 -222.7 379.2 -19.9 11.2 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M'D 08i03/92 INV 8267 4452 8289 08t10t92 INV 9605 619'l 9757 REC 365.1 -18.9 -16.4 6631 1051.1 -'179.9 -184.8 2201 324.6 {.4 20.5 REC 394.7 -6.3 s.9 1135.3 75.3 -147.4 280.6 -23.4 -12.2 SALE DIFF D M/D SALE DIFF D M/D 08t04t92 INV 7883 9852 10165 08t11t92 INV 9204 51 31 9453 REC 288.5 21.5 5.1 967.4 39.4 -145.4 427.9 -21.1 {.6 REC 1902 270.4 37.4 30.5 5902 907.7 -105.3 -252.7 1001 306.3 30.3 18.1 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 08t05t92 INV 7616 8924 9716 08112t92 INV 1 0873 10020 10178 REC 235.6 -7.4 -2.3 1115.7 30.7 -114.7 361.9 4.1 4.7 REC 479.4 -3.6 26.9 1030.4 27.4 -225.3 357.1 s.9 9.2 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 08/06/92 INV 7373.0 7839.0 9350.0 08t13t92 INV 10390 9017 9812 REC 3707 411.9 6.9 4.6 3205 1280.7 -98.3 -213.0 1907 287.5 41.5 36.8 REC 386.1 s.9 20.0 1189.5 38.5 -186.8 363.2 -5.8 3.4 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 08t07192 INV 10675 9665 11011 08114t92 INV 9997.0 7866.0 9443.0 REC 344.3 15.3 19.9 1070.1 54.1 -158.9 461.3 -5.7 31.1 REC 618.7 -6.3 13.7 1243.2 20.2 -166.6 267.2 -3.8 4.4 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 08/08/92 INV 10346 8649 10544 08t15t92 INV 9372 6643 9172 REGULAR DAILY GASOLINE INVENTORY MONTH AUGUST,1992 STATION#46 UNLEADED PREMIUM DATE REGULAR UNLEADE PREMIUM DATE REGULAR UNLEADE PREMIUM 08t15t92 INV 9372 6643 9172 08t22192 INV 1 0603 9692 9798 NO H2O REC 430.5 0.0 13.7 1276.O 0.0 -166.6 430.8 0.0 {.4 NO H2O REC 444.6 0.0 2.3 1291.6 0.0 -24.4 341.7 0.0 -13.2 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 08t16t92 INV 8942 5367 8741 08t23192 INV 10158 8400 9456 REC 373.4 -29.1 -15.4 6605 990.6 96.6 -70.0 2201 338.2 12.0 11.6 REC 279 .4 .0 .3 -1 1 1147.1 73.7 49.3 296.3 -11.0 -24.2 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 08117t92 INV 8539 1 1078 10616 08t24t92 INV 9878 7327 9149 REC 353.6 26.6 11.2 835.8 42.8 -27.2 174.8 -11.2 0.4 REC 288.0 -10.0 4.7 1043.6 7.6 56.9 226.0 3.0 -27.2 SALE DIFF D M/D SALE DIFF D M/D 08t18t92 INV 8212 1 0285 1 0430 08t25192 INV 9580 6291 8920 REC 326.4 $.6 2.6 1004.2 10.2 -17.0 338.0 2.0 2.4 REC 1002 299.3 8.3 {).4 5605 1073.0 -119.0 4.2.1 2201 317.8 43.8 16.6 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 08t19t92 INV 7877 9291 1 0094 08t26t92 INV 10291 10704 10847 REC 400.7 0.7 3.3 1178.6 0.6 -16_4 534.4 0.4 2.8 REC 314.3 14.3 13.9 1076.7 37.7 -24.4 448.6 -16.4 0.2 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 08120t92 INV 7477 81 13 9560 08t27t92 INV 9991 9665 1 0382 REC 4098 307.9 -33.1 -29.8 3699 971.2 -154.8 -171.2 1000 284.4 {.6 -5.8 REC 465.9 46.1 -32.2 984.3 -28.7 -53.1 329.8 -23.2 -23.0 SALE SALE DtFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 08121t92 INV 11234.0 10686.0 10267.0 08t28t92 INV 9479 8652 10029 REC 663.1 32.1 2.3 1140.8 146.8 -24.4 461.6 :1.4 -13.2 REC 507.8 153.8 121.6 1237.4 176.4 123.3 422.1 152.1 129.1 SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 08t22t92 INV 1 0603 9692 9798 08t29t92 INV 9125 7591 9759 DAILY GASOLINE INVENTORY MONTH AUGUST, 1992 STATION#46 REGULAR UNLEADED EMIUM DATE REGULAR UNLEADE PREMIUM DATE REGULAR UNLEADE PREMIUM 08t29t92 INV 9125 7591 9759 INV NO H2O REC 345.6 0.0 121.6 1285.2 0.0 123.3 346.4 0.0 129.1 REC SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D MID 08/30/92 INV 8779 6306 9413 INV REC 2001 307.0 -108.4 13.2 4900 809.0 -156.8 €3.5 1901 304.2 -109.4 19.7 REC SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D D M/D 08t31t92 INV 1 0365 10240 10900 INV REC 288.9 -12.1 1.1 1327.5 u.5 11.0 384.0 -7.O 12.7 REC SALE DIFF D M/D SALE DIFF D M/D 09t01t92 INV '10064 8957 1 0509 INV SALE PCT REG 11876.1 21o/o 34565.0 600/o PREM 11077.7 19o/o TOTAL 57518.8 UNL GASOLIN SALE U)'d Cd U) o F 70 60 50 40 30 zo l0 BY PRODUCT 60% 2r%t9% 0 STATION#46 JULY,I992 MONTHLY GASOLINE INVENTORY RECONCILIATION REGUI.AR UNLEADED PREMIUM TOTAL I -MK -\ur r -1b,4 -LN|,.\ \3 { s\3 -csL,\-rWBt - 3\5,h ,.1(")- \U\- \s+- 3\'8 - a)\s , A- Ac -\ub \-b5L,t-.',-38 \-39s,) +3 -\3,1 -355.b -5\,b - 4nn.9 +4 +\\ \-5ltr - \\3,\* \-1qq {s +\b,5 -abc;l +B\,&- \\o,L qr --l53 -sffiq +\o5 -5{-m TOTAL - J\HN 3tru u *-3.{--3q\s Explanation Date Signature:a STATION # I DAILY GASOLINE INVENTORY MONTH JULY, 1992 STATION#46 REGU LAR UN EADED PREMIUM DATE 07t01t92 NO H2O SALE DIFF D M/D 07101t92 INV REC SALE DIFF D M/D D M/D REC DIFF D M/D 07105t92 , 07t06t92 REC SALE 440.6 -11.4 -1',|.4 454.4, -20.6 495.1 12.1 12.1 1 173.6 65.6 -1 1 1.3 10193 03 1 07 t1 INV 9669 249 1 -12.9 2.2 DIFF 3.4 7 JO1 -51 1388.5 0.0 709.0 1056.2 12.2 -159.6 11 454.8 0.0 -942.0 3 7 3 272 -7 10D M/D -32.4 INV 1 0554 REGULARI uwt_eaoe PREMIUMi oare REG ULARI u N LEADEIFRETvt I L, MINVssrs i 7315 9467 07t07t92 REC NO H2O 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 443.1 1.1 -31.3 1162.2 23.2 -88.1 395 3 -13.7 -1 1.5 1 0554 10193 1 0331INV D M/D REC DIFF SALE sst 9l zets i %61 07t08t92 INV 10112'9054 9922 REC D M/D 438.5 -12.5 -43.8 1082.5 -24.s -112.6 425.6 -17.4 -28.9 SALE IFF 07t02t92 INV 9067 6105 8984 07t09t92 INV 966'l I 7g4t' 9479 REC SALE DIFF D M/D 1 003 692.1 4.1 -7.3 5605 549.5 -88.5 -24.0 2209 480.5 19.s 31.6 1 E DIFF M/D 325. 1. 42. 7 7 1 1233.6 101.6 -1 1.0 500.7 9.7 -19.2t03t92INV93821ootzi lotn 07t10t92 INV B98Be337 I 6815 REC SALE DIFF 1508.6 35.6 11.5 ; 469.7 -13.3 18.3 2007 602.4 4.4 -37.7 4709 1406.0 720.0, 709.0, 2206 385.2 -922.8 -942.0 REC D M/D SALE DIFF 47t04t92 INV 8782 8599 10249 07 t11t92 INV 10746 10838 gaa6 257.5 0.0 -12.1 308,2 0.0 18.3 SALE 1 07 .6 NV 7523 07t 1 5.8 0.0 REC INV SALE D M/D DIFF 18525 11 376.4 0.0 -37.7 943110370 i %501- REC REC SALE SALE DIFF DIFF D M/D 4908 941.7 -188.5 -176.9 1002 346.6 -3.2 15.1 2e00 i 3e5.81 0.3 -1 1.8 D M/D 319.2 -17.4 -55.1 1013.7 -880.8 -171.8 256.6 939.4 -2.6 INV 11029"1 1301 10593 07t13t92 INV 10033 I 7555 101 14 REC D M/D SALE DIFF I i 595.2 r 4.8l -12.11 I 1274.5 64.5 64.5 9834 I I I I I I I I I REGULAR UNLEADED DAILY GASOLINE INVENTORY MONTH JULY, 1992 STATION#46 PREMIUM NO H2O 07t21t92 INV 1 0803 r 81 30 07 INV 7903 691 1 9674 PREMIUMUNLEADEREGUPREMIUMDATEREGULARUNLEADEDATE 81 30INV10803 l 998307t21192INV9669651 1 I 9834a7n4t92 RECREC SALESALE DlFFDIFF NO H2O D M/D 1077.3 41.3 -210.2 283.5 1.5 63.8D M/D 78.6 92.6 40.9 502.6 91.6 81.3 13 098.4 53.4 -106.2 07122192 INV 784Bm7i9383 I 5466 942307t15192INV SALE REC DIFF REC D M/D SALE DIFF 416.2 -7.8 41.1 993.7 20.7 -189.5 379.6 -5.4 58.4 1 005 423.6 -16.4 64.9D M/D 1 904 485.1 I 12.11 53.0 5900 1646.4 -89.6 -195.8 07t23t92 INV 10079i 7974i 74639988INV10814 i 963007116192 RECREC SALE DIFF D M/D 501.8 -11.2 29.9 601.5 14.5 72.9 I I -160.3 SALE DIFF D M/D 421.7 4.7 57.7 54. 49. 45. 9 9 I 305.1 21.1 86.0 1 4 1 687607t24192INV9566 6560970407t17t92INV10397 | 8225 REC SALE DIFF D M/D 587.7 8.7 38.6 4607 1102.5 -110.5 -270.8 4211 395.3 25.3 98.2 519.9 -8.1 77.9 447.1 -41.9 15.8 1285.2 8.2 -137.7 REC DIFF D M'D INV 8e871 9954 i 10717694891 76 07t25t92INV990807t18192 REC SALE DIFF 404.1't 0.01 38.6 1044.0 0.0 -270.8 370.7 0.0 98.2D M/D 522.5 0.0 15.8 1416.8 0.0 -137.7 444.4 0.0 77.9 REC DIFF D M/D INV 8583 8910 i 1034607t26t92-]NV------ gago i 5531 | 873207t19t92 REC SALE DIFF D M/D 313.6 -23.3 15.3 921.4 13.4 -257.4 345 6 -21.7 76.5 341.0 24.5 40.3 296.3 -33.3 44.6D M/Dr REC 36.2 7 .0 -1 30. DIFF 12 7l -sArtr 8002 997907t27192INV8246840207t20t92rNV I e06ei 4302 REC SALE DIFF 372.8 29.8 45.1 315.2 10.2 86.7 1105.2 14.2 -243.2 6824 1022.2 -120.8 -251.5 289.7 17.7 62.3D 286.2 REC 1 DIFF SALE 22.2 62.51 286.4 -13.6 48.9 1443.2t, 2s.21 I I I I REGULAR DAILY GASOLINE INVENTORY MONTH JULY, 1992 STATION#46 UNLEADED PREMIUM DATE REGULAR REGULAR UNLEADE PREMIUM INV I 7903 I 6911 I 9614T o7R1t92 INV 9807: 8124i, 9664 REC REC SALE INV 1 0755 1 10434: 081A1192 INV 9229 6964 9192 SALE 8t9207t2 NO H2O UNLEADE DIFF 3207 337.2 -17.8 27.3D MID -339.0 REC DIFF s06.5 -2.5, 24.8 INV 10246 9424 PREMIUM DATE 4608 943.2 -95.8 1020 263 2 3.2 89.9 400.7 5.7 76.2 SALE DIFF 622.9 t 44.9 r 1282.8 122.8 -230.7 477.2 5.2 81.4 07t29t92 D M/D 18.5 REC DIFF D M/D DIFF D M/D 07t30t92 1036 9 -19.'t -358.1 1304.6 4.6 -353.5 355.6l -19.4 70.5 1 00s9 SALE DIFF ] D M/Di 387.8 $1.2 -26.4 SALE D M/D INV REC REC SALE 07t31t92 INV 9807 8124 9664 INV SALE PCT REG 12704.6 21o/o UNL 35998.5 60% PREM 11532.2 19% TOTAL 6023s.3 GASOLIN SALE BY PRODUCT @'o (!6 F 70 60 50 40 30 20 0 0- STATION#46 JULY,I992 I MONTHLY GASOLINE INVENTORY RECONCILIATION STATION #REGUTAR UNLEADED PREMIUM TOTALrlrl+_ \\\i lur -+' rL t.-',\\-':i\*'oc l:k ,,:+ \.,\c - 'l:_ \ )+ry - \3\ ^r.\ '-J..2-;?btLy*-\ }A -q\l .\--l *5-t t\ ,\.-.--,:)f. \1'1.--)\_ \i'-.I- I\rr 4ffiv -Lfl *--j.\-l TOTAL - :s\1[1 \3I \ ation '- -) // ' Date:/,/l )Signature: 4*{ 41 +lY#_#, ff,+n-4ffi- rqffi --s'\:i I Station # DAILY TANK INVENTORY Regular Unleaded Premrum DATE Water REGULAR DATE 5t\}'- Water ,.1 !+ o --.+-l^.---Bs I -1-@b a Sales Difference UNLEADED PREMIUMUNLEADEDPREMIUMHEGULAR atd,la V'blo \qlolnventory\0\\\t 1 \ Jo)3 q(do &XJ,Receipts Receipts try5ct ldtl^.-,riqryrySalesI-- l \3i.,',q Sales Ditference ,(^t5h -\-1 *q'JDifference Diff. Mo./Date -l Diff. Mo./Date +\5 D ./)-( t0%)5 ffGr-0ry@JI nventory ?\n a) 1 i I nventory Receipts Receipts n6',,c.Sales ,'.",)-''i +',z-Sales I ',1-l I -ld <n - )t--/-dqDifferencer)d +ttt I Dif{erence +J)-f,+c)+ /0d Difl. Mo./Date lfr)r//,,/wj Ct. it {lnventory --/') , /'.'/r r' 4-zi --a lnventory Receipts Receipts .%64 l&oI 2,4(,UtSalesTEYI/t,Qu-c,t L Sales +[)/70 +Diff erence Difference Diff. Mo./Date h4q /t0 40Diff. Mo./Date bba(ct tdr/lnventory ilt.15 Cr({ iLl lnventory c{-t6 ReceiptsReceipts.jj&l Sales lru 'I : ? i'. ,rr,',:*"'{,iii ';',(,Sales "C(i \i.flii_i Drff erence - (3t +,83 -d7Difference+2;C,-rl +Jl -5'l.t 2rl Dilf Mo./Date 4a n)BDifi. Mo./Date {43 lnventory qqil '1r;tl ?b'5lnventorytCfl6ici&t/i ReceiptsReceipts 41e \Sales 4381 t5?;qSales //.//: A1 /-/-1 /' /.,. / +?/Dif{erence +tpD - al ,'1;Difference d + -pb+l^Diff. Mo./Date t3?i35Diff. Mo./Date /3t lnventory t7//1 7fr.>)'3 14,;lnventory 'tv?2 ,",,U) -= Recei pts //hbReceipts Sales 4// 5 /i4tyY ar,baAhtd0y/ ;ll lrSales Diff erenceDifference Diff. Mo./DateDiff. Mo./Date lnventorylnventory Receipts i75Lt001'n,).5hf(c,5 ttdb b Sales Ag.1 -rtI(-h1 -15 DifJerence -&b.Iig+;l+Dif{ Mo./Date - l,l 1,3 \S \\\'r-\i ir +- uttn t\ \0- I '-r \))'o?-lnventory r\.;' ,'' Diff. Mo./Date -9--1 ) '{r)i - lt ) i':T,I/ -3q -.2r8.-' Receipts V.iOV {, :L Drff Mo./Date DAILY TANK TNVENTORY ^ Station #C> Reg u lar Unleaded DATE Water in Water D rfle rence Drff Mo /Date Diff. Mo./Date , .:- L. I ',r 0 I r"-)t l a)d /^. /{ ,.'.1 D ifference -3lb + REGULAB UNLEADED PREMIUM DATE UNLEADED PREMIUM (\.r ri-lnventory \ ,\ r"L\f,. '],I I B ece r pts i.Z..-'- _r .i--\ .:1. aL-(-Becei pts Sales {/7;/ r:ti-'? I/,?*.'F2]Sales _7-;I t- *!=--'rliCr -\t-r Difference -b / =<(7---5r,-* i'!, -(.,-\5'.Diff. Mo./Date 1C -117 rtto I nventory tzizz 24/O -'')bi)lnventory q8s?.-lien '7 1)\ Receipts Receipts Sales a,1 l6\1Lb Sales \ .. \'L; - i' - l\,L_" [- Ditf erence .-iti i/ c'.-r*y'*:Diff erence -\0 \--q -€3 Diff. Mo./Date Y--'at;<*Diff. Mo./Date -- \0c -Rq +'53 I nventory J^- '^.l{ ^, i\ . 1r'.,*.'t :(;!{lnventory rlrl n. I \ ,, Y--r-l .-.:l:7,-.'x- R ecei pts Receipts \\\?,qfr'fi ,$Ytfi Sales \" I1r-. :',t r^t Sales I 1\Nl l:ffF-,,\Svni Drff erence -l--l +q\+3 Difference +tq -/,4 --1 r x---z+71 Diff. Mo./Date ,r.- h-*-a;-_D;Diff. Mo./Date -{t -9il'1/nA I nventory lODii"-'/:'lh 4,7:'1 lnventory /n:rn afi4 //ool Recei pts Receipts Sales q X;-Sales \ cq ,.?+\e6 Ditference -11 V -hl Diff erence -')2r/. )l qq-'-+l f,a. -"1 )- 'rl{-Diff. Mo./Date -/fr+-/lh *b3 lSr.t --r a.'- )ti . I.:l c-\ 'I nvent0ry lnventory ?Xnr \ n:.it Receipts Receipts Sales ar4 /i,' /o,t r-)/ . ; .r/A/*-i;C.f Sales ',.' I r ', Drtf erence -d L/ +8+-"tb Diff erence ////3q +/r5 -B\- \\.z t'^ o,c Diff. l\Io./Date -q4 L/ffi +r i nvent0ry r )')/ r'Y /ar lnventory - i, -(/ReceiptsReceipts "C/.J a4-.) ,/ -r' ('/,,.i) I 5-_,lL.A 1 I , {..:!\-1 SalesSales trB;t / r't'', i , -4 --.'1 /, i D ifferenceD iff erence Drff. Mo /Date lnventory Difl Mo /Date lnventory Receipts Recei pts vr\ f t ,J+ 4 '-, ., a^- .1.ll1^cSales *l{'c1 -Xr Sales Diff e rence -Bb q;- Drfl Mo /Date 4 ;:,-\ ktn\ ;-Diff Mo./Date Premium I I I t: t- \or I l I I REGULAR Drff Mo./Date I ---1 I I Reg u lar DATLY TANK INVENTORY Station # U n leaded Premium Water 't_. Bfl o l-L \.1 \\\ )-fi r-o Water !.''€l DATE EEGULAR UNLEADED PREMIUM DATE REGULAR UNTEADED PREMIUM I nventory ^ /-.-7 /,'/,24t)./704 /1,34t lnventory Receipts Receipts Sales ,. \ ^... <---t^:i', i--:t0\(l.,1 €_,-F.-,[i Sales Drfference ^/,+7f-)I Difference Diff. Mo./Date 4il - -tCI \fr Diff. Mo./Date lnventory rn\tf)Y;f-fr CIS#A lnventory Receipts Beceipts Sales -^ \ i,---\..,-\l- :_\ /\ /. ,, \\trr1X,i--l' li^ -'\l.-i Sales Difference +3 -s+-t Dif{erence Diff. Mo./Date -\\B _bFfl +4a Diff. Mo./Date lnventory '111 .-li,lT-,1+-r lnventory Receipts Receipts Sales Sales Difference Difference Diff. Mo./Date Diff. Mo./Date lnventory lnventory Recei pts Receipts Sales Sales Difference Difference Ditf. Mo./Date Diff. Mo./Date lnventory lnventory Receipts Receipts Sales Sales Diff e rence Difference Diff. Mo./Date Diff. Mo./Date lnventory lnventory Receipts Receipts Sales Sales Diffe rence Drfl Mo./Date Diff. Mo./Date lnventory lnvent0ry Receipts Receipts Sales Sales Difference Diff erence , Dif{ lVlo /Date Diff Mo /Date \F t-. I-------=-- Diff erence MONTHLY GASOLINE INVENTORY RECONCILIATION STATION #REGUI..AR UNLEADED PREMIUM TOTAL kts +sl +-\C\#,i {-tJ fti rl -'l \-b%-55 clo ryA,ao 4W ,dq +w -udl ks+-1&-'3N>-qc T-( -+4*-3\o +$-)Plo k++frtu --ffi&--+ffi -{3 7 Ar +t aff,4$t -+ffi-43J A'+r +fM ffi TOTAL -a&^&b1 13t 3 ( 7Date: M- a6&) Signature: ) o ) llrff Mo iDate l.:Dif{. Mo./Date Regular DAILY TANK INVENTORY Station # Unleaded Premium Water -. r )r. rl-,-i Water DATE REGULAB UNLEADED PREMIUM t)ATE REGULAR UNLEADED PREMIUM lnventory I l_ L-lnventory ;;,,/f)---,?77 --lh Receipts Receipts Sales (+-\? \i:; --.\-a \i , , Sales 4J,,,i(;- ,t,"';' '/:D Diff erence Drtf . Mo /Date -2 Ditference s Ll-)-g -tb Ditf. Mo./Date , ,+ ,a;13+ lnventory t- il \(tr;.\\ r ' .''r .lnventory ?tt 7 bD ?a{'; Receipts tl7{.,a-:.:"^ I Receipts Sales rti'^L'Sales 1^,\ ,:'l-).-:' - l\/-/ \a Difference Difference Difl ttlo./Date Diff. Mo./Date lnventory I nventory Receipts Receipts Sales II ) s'Sales ft -', I e | : /'.tr,i r --..i/-. / ,- .l-; .l ^.4 /+n n' t-> Ditf erence + lll +l {'/D iff erence +E\-oB -a Diff. Mo./Date +'()+ lti Diff. Mo./Date +D3 fl+*3? I nvento ry --t-y'? t ,-:,-.-r --1 f il I i .r L '-) t. - lnventory -1 h^ tiu*/iol I 1', t 11/, ',1 * Receipts Receipts z^t- t t- Sales '--' l :..'-'t'Sales l-.'.,1 ^lA .,!iii; ,i Diff erence Difference + t.q 4.)l ^1 Difl. Mo./Date Diff. Mo./Date +,\b -t +i t,J5 lnventory i/r.1! G )(J-/ ,1 -j /-'-!-/ i.. ), ./lnventory h 41i'lC *t ,i :i'iel Receipts I ,115 ell.\i,Receipts Sales -.-.1 .- .>. ,r't) A. -' \ _ri- , ..Sales .';'4,7,-l ."a t ! 7.'r.' i '' u ,')'e,t- -+a "N .tLi Difference -d.-/-/-,/r'--*a Diff Mo /Date +q7 +gi Diff. Mo./Date *t -.;c fe3 lnventory '1oR[.3 sxq-lnventory 6r?/?,vi -1 r, lt '.;--rJ tb.* Receipts Receipts Sales )(l I r'a- 1 r ( t<.Sales ').t /) ",: i I ,,L.y' Difference t lli ft,0 Difference +.n -q+44 +.7h - {_,F -.'1 1t/ /fDrff Mo./Date S- ';€,'/ t Diff. Mo./Date I nvento ry ,ic:15 / i.ty i lnventory /4;;;v l' ::: a,'-: . .'/ Receipts Receipts Sales 'i2,4 I . . r^ -_-t '' r ,'r'-' /Sales /1.t.^ ^+ /-1 ,_)/'a .l-' .t -7 4gu Diff erence x Ditlerence /7/h .;4 /++ L!ff).z;-/ anl'r/ /)'"({ :.J .!i, I I I -/fr(,-|fr Difierence E Station # DAILY TANK INVENTORY r \*, _--- U n leaded Premium Waler ,- t6, Regularo @ Water 0 '(: -IL -/(jr-; DATE REGULAR UNLEAt)ED PREMIUM DATE BEGULAR UNLEADED PREMIUM I nventory .- \i..'I it.-).-r/- / /1h /1r-\) iltJ (2.') /,*s lnventory 1r. ,_I Recer pts Receipts rfla It^4tll t^1t11 Sales Jfe.l ,i'.r,i?4,4/1 Sales tv t l'l tt/ t -t ..1 Difference ./-6 +t Difference + 7,'/- ;i Diff. Mo./Date ----t'_,-/+31 Diff. Mo /Date i-.L -,1-:j -'7 I nventory Czs,+-,i ,--r/, lt ai;,1 lnventory 7z zt-/; 7 Receipts L-:-'\' '. /Receipts '5 Sales Sales i -{)(,)l:-,.-.' 11 '-t I Diff erence Difference Diff lVo./Date Dift. Mo./Date lnventory lnventory Recer pts Receipts Sales +: /.;/,1 :^: i u, .!*'t*Sales ait 1"- Difference il -,'ib Difference Difl. Mo /Date +a0 -12 ! l+Diff. Mo./Date lnventory a.^ -.') ";v,1 ,.- l ..-'1 lnventory Receipts Receipts ,.) ;'/'/14-*-u /.,/-/L."77 Sales .(4.-'i-.t-1-_, Difference Sales 'lg '€l Drflerence i1 -ioI l/t, Diff Mo /Date )/ 'Lj _ *:.].! rr'Dif{. Mo./Date --^ -/,1.) I J 6t: Inventory qr'4 nl^ --/,'l.'/ .- ". irrf/ lnventory lt. \.^.t\rCi,,i - 4..- '\I a-. I,\ /L Recei pts Receipts Sales .., - l' , "'r-'/'/, / '- tt'. t// it t,c2+,)Sales - -)^ ^, /o,a L,1 ai,<-^t\)J /' Diff erence t - rli:Difierence -,4 Diff. Mo./Date +6 *-E')t'6h Diff. Mo./Date t/,I -ria r zl t'lr't-a//,1i'7,///q /I nventory .1 a L+L-t-lnventory 2 Receipts Receipts Sales t,t'i ,.. \,/Sales ',..'r, Diff erence +/q +_q5 Difference Drf{ Mo lDate r,,.^l -?d Diff Mo /Date lnventory )'a lnventory Receipts Receipts '^t7 iljj - -., 4 ht,' r ,'iSales l/: i Sales ,"i ,i) ) Diflerence Dilf erence '3')+_5 Drlf lVo /Date Drff [/o /Date itr .t I | '., .-./ 'i/ ! q D hq lrf Station # A DAILY TANK INVENTORY .- .., i .1. Unleaded Premrum PREMIUM 0 DATE Regular I nventory REGULAR REGULAR PREMIUM Water Water c UNLEADEI)DATE UNLEADEt) lnventory Receipts Receipts Sales t.-. Sales {.,1 I DiflerenceDiflerence Diff. Mo./Date %-'i ol ,a$Diff Mo./Date lnventory t\A -(lnventory Receipts Receipts Sales 7'/. i tr. 'i,Sales Difference Difference Diff. Mo./Date Diff. Mo./Date lnventory lnventory Receipts i:.,Receipts Sales /t'77 //Sales Diff erence i(,!14 +/)/Difference Diff. Mo./Date -l{- +\3 lzt Diff. Mo./Date lnventory ',)4i I 'i L'/ r'to lnventory Receipts Receipts Sales Sales Ditf erence Diff erence Drfl Mo./Date Diff. Mo./Dale lnventory lnventory Receipts Receipts Sales Sales Drfference Diff. Mo./Date Diff. Mo./Date lnventory lnventory Receipts Receipts Sales Sales Ditf erence Diff erence Diff Mo./DateDiff. Mo./Date lnventory lnventory Receipts Receipts Sales I D iff e rence Diff erence Ditf lMo /Dale Dilf Mo./Date l- I I ./ - aa. Diff erence Sales l I MONTHLY GASOLINE INVENTORY RECONCILIATTON STATION #BE'il'lAR U,NLEADED PEF[4lUM,TOTAL \C'I*,1 :11&#*\\-x\ !.., v\-7 \ ,7-.,+\LV +-5\4-i \\t)t,--+ U\L, ...,) \-,frq *\c\/*-i3\ /_\:S / ,\J+-3r -.\C\-\ ,/-\ \\/--\:t +3 -.\ /-\36 /*=/--\ 3i., ++.tF*./+4ffi)\+4t/\ iN.-,, .tL-4A"/+"\stV + \1+ {:l +sr r,/++l -]:\/+\:.\ TOTAL ++3n -rL\1 \3tl +-\'. c, + Explanation: \Date:Signature: o ) DAILY TANK INVENTORY ELStation # Regular Unleaded Premium Dif lerence -.\} DATE Water REGULAR DATE ,/2^,11./ L Water - {.r' ,_1.<' !aI UNLEADEt)PREMIUM I nventory / ..'., , o-il )o\) /\.r i C,lDo / Receipts Sales t?72, I 7 ts,+t83.5 Ditierence 'D)+q Diff. Mo./Date lnventory lotLT { (Lt/q ( /2/ )a) Receipts Sales ,- '=L,^. llI i\r..'rlJ,-.[ . _d CI\r)l Cr Difterence ^,(/'44 :,r DifJ. Mo./Date ,l- lfr -';'l I nventory 9 i-,|-.,-r L-tt'..',,-io-i+ Receipts Sales 61' ,,,/e' , n i ,'l' -.r- , Dilference .,'L : 1')-ql ^;() Diff. Mo./Date -1;-3i z h2^Ji Ar \l a-t-, r. .. ' ,z'.Qc.-rI nventory 8.l-lr Receipts -- ^\i-\ - i i' 'r [".;-1 ltF,: rSales Drtf erence Diff Mo./Date I nventory Receipts 1:,r''j 1ri1fi;-,/r-- . : iSales , (,.t1, f'...;/+E-\J-U a *ti -2 d Diff erence Drff Mo./Date i i'4 t /),t ' ra115? Receipts -4'cSales -)6 -t51;I Diff erence <: r,i 6,x ^tC,LJ Receipts ;4, BEGULAR UNLEADED PREMIUM lnventory I \-)+-j -..t) l .-Jl ( i ii. Receipts , -'.tto /-4Ar-l Sales \., Difference + /-4I \-t-J ^/(+/ Diff. Mo./Date rq+1,1 .f+)-3t i+lnventory , i,L? Receipts Sales --q> !N!) Dif.ference -b +4- -t ziI Diff. Mo./Date * 1,'1, . f-) n,'-rr- IY-I tlnventory Receipts --11 ^'\b.\.c.-iSales r]/,4,2. IDifference Diff. Mo./Date ' .i-a 11,-/.1 ./f A') lnventory r-, | '-->"i-,/ Receipts L'iltt : -',1\ Sales D ifference Diff. Mo./Date lnventory Receipts Sales 5\d I il;r : Difference a)- t rAt.'*3nr-/,/2 lnventory _ -.: Receipts -> a\.Sales l^L ,. \\_-: .l I \ Difference Diff. Mo./Date lnventory Ii .r:,:-'1 i -rit: I t.' .' ,-t /l'). '_./ "/ Receipts 'j ( t.. ,'l*r>.9e tc1' n .... -lj','. ') + t:)-+r)\ I nvent0ry Difl. Mo./Date I nventory Sales D rfle rence G- ., L7 Difl Mo /Date Diff Mo./Date I I I I I I 'I ; Diff. Mo./Date Sales DAILY TANK INVENTORY Station # 1i Regular Unleaded REGULAR UNLEADEt) Premium lnventory Diff. Mo./Date \ DATE TEDA -1- +- Water Water .r ;- ) -f o .tr U ilt I Drf lerence - ii )-\ab 1-),l Lb Difference 1 ,lto I{4 REGULAB UNLEADEt)PREMIUM '\R{-.r ?,sik 511::/--i \ - Receipts Sales \\\\t-BF,t {-.,lsl Drtference +b +-J/itll //.#--/5 lnventory 9'-{-U A.-t{\_1kr* Receipts ) coi-4^[-rl--.SxCr Sales Ifo l.^ .': 1]rl: ;i 'l.! D itierence /14 +NL Le,/ +\),r .<.-+biDiff. Mo./Date q \lnventory Receipts Sales -) Difference '{o - 11,:ct \.J -4 Diff. Mo./Date ,n < i,)i ,(h lnventory 1ro I ",t;'? J?ta 4/',:f D?DReceipts ,f,, ,14 /').4av/ /''rr'/lbSales Diff erence Ditf Mo./Date lnventory Receipts Sales ,-7Rr, ,l-.;i!y7..,/!//l \i ;) 'J c-9 Diflerence Ith 4,^/r_+ *l-,Diff. Mo./Date +i','t lnventory i,l;t t .,;:; )%:i Receipts 4tc/1,i4-hSales Difierence r),'/'eV I -7{tf+Dif{ Mo./Date lnventory r*i L R eceipts Sales *tg':j /z:.., -- I .;' 'fi', " +:3t-l+-kl PREMIUM Receipts Sales Difference Difl Mo /Date ,!--:^,t lnventory ]5' I AL? Receipts -,.1 II , . Tri(_' Sales 5\1':la: (1 , 'i_ - ) Diff erence 42,*i,i!)r 6v Difl. ltlo./Date +t/ I 4 lft r{7, I nventory ( I Receipts Sales ) \,::--'' .'-) -.) \',a'.. ('. I ';-) --- t Diff erence -4b -% Dif{. Mo./Date +4b t 4',+-t3 y';,,'b lnventory t\: \"'ljL \ \).,1 Receipts [ !?)?,1 *,^r. f ':/'-" Sales c:t\--).+ Diflerence Diff. Mo./Date lnventory Receipts Sales I r \ Ditference | ,'nai /" , i +5+*?,b/L'Diff. Mo./Date -c--' lnventory +1,11 Recerpts ,ti- n ,":qfr.9 rllh 1!L '42Diff erence Difi Mo /Date rtn +q +/0 ! l./,"),.Ilnventory t+tf .KK+ Beceipts Sales o -41 Diff . Mo /Date Difl. Mo./Date . ,1.i,t':i l l l l __t I I I l4z I It'ir' L. t..-- Sales .')it o @ o DAILY TANK INVENTORY U n leaded Premium Station # Regular t)ATE Water Water /j)4' t- UNLEADED PREMIUMDATEREGULARREGULARUNLEAt)ED PREMIUM -')(lnvenlory'"1nventory ,Tr#a ReceiptsReceipts\\)-l a ,\\:,L'r\\ SalesSalesqtLc- a-.\:,{ ,-L'- Difference ', r.--l'.n +1$1 Difference Diff. Mo./DateDitt. Mo./Date J-i..a' rO\-/t lr)n'rl /) t + \\'; \ l-.(lnventoryI nventory \ \c(:r 3.1 ReceiptsReceipts SalesSalesr'.-t t(--:t=- ,'. I DiflerenceDifference-,'-: ^ -:-)+c,1,a (-\' Diff. Mo./DateDiff. Mo./Date -qn +'i11 {.. , I *10 ! .r;', r .t tq'i lnventorylnventory'Ctt1 f1 ira\\ ReceiptsReceipts SalesSalesbTr.5 (-. L. r't /1 r;',/ y'a r c2:; ,') DifferenceDifference-77 {? 1,v3 Diff. Mo.iDateDifl. Mo./Date f+t ///0 /#D1 Q tqq lnventorylnventoryqoQb ReceiptsReceipts SalesSales DifferenceDiflerence Diff. Mo./DateDiff. Mo./Date lnventorylnventory ReceiptsReceipts SalesSales DifferenceDrff erence Difl. Mo./DateDifl. Mo./Date lnventorylnventory ReceiptsReceipts SalesSales Dif{erenceDifference Drff. Mo./Date lnventory Ditf. Mo./Date I nventory Receipts Sales Diflerence Receipls Sales Diflerence Ditf Mo /Date Drfl. Mo./Date I MONTHLY GASOLINE INVENTORY RECONCILIATTON STATION #REGULAR UNLEADED PREMIUM TOTALf \t +tr{_ .I.j -\r:5 L,u vrs --\1r -mt - \-\-l - [,]\(ao ffi+-\ |\a - 3ub ) ,-)L\40 <ff *04 -\ .t,[, f+3 4@,p&48 +\rlt \,+,\'-)t'-r tt _'.\\tx r 4{,\C,-- a--:\1{9 Y .TI _&+s\$s;+\W TOTAL -$s - t\\-^r\i"'. ) __-/\,--\t _5t, Date:,) (/,] Signature:.-..? o \ \ Ift-l o Station # UnleadedRegular Premium t)ATE ' ', 1r..e --c:. Water PREMIUM DATE UNLEADED i;'; , Water --' 1.. -. UNLEADED REGULAR PBEMIUMREGULAH lnventory 1o? b L nn? U dU)lnventory 7 ?71 ,/ t'' J / i.-./( Receipts Receipts ()(--- .'l I Sales 6,i l.-r c,q>X (6ls \Sales ,: (-= ! Ditf erence Difference DifJ. Mo./Date Difl. Mo./Date i I lnventory lnventory ReceiptsReceipts / r'-)l-\- /t .t i . al : Sales +""lSales+;?,4 /a^i'rr'On / <') +kbDiff erence +&0 _61 +3t Difference *[ rMi +1,1 v\bDiff. Mo./Date Diff. Mo./Date lnventory a'' 1.o:f.-lnventory fna/-/1 -1-.-1; Yr//i Z5rsl (__)!i'..-\ReceiptsReceipts lLi:. 1 t./n:-), --,Sales .11 i '.Sales r- --)l' ;o*.1,Difference -r->, -S\+\a.;,tDiff. Mo./Date t:l u*1 ;,1 \iN.\.:r: t.t-lnventory \A \,;*lnventory I -)-><- i it ReceiptsReceipts 4+; jSalesa/;6/l{t-Sales /,5/Difference ^ J:-1 + /,i-+'i ^tuD ifference 1/ 7?Diff. Mo./Date ttr (Difl. Mo./Date :l'ir'r :; i.. 'eq?qf,2A /rir?fd) l:-e lnventorylnventory1,'l:.. t (.t.:-ReceiptsReceipts!. rr!r., ) I ). .lt,-'; :- iL Sales --l tl -Sales /-:-)r ,r)-Difference t /) (,/Difference t ').4* -.,,7-? L. Dilf. Mo./Date JDiff. Mo./Date (;L), 1),. . ..'.r) -4.-:. l, \.- - _-r- _ r'l),,a' ..';lnventoryI nventory ReceiptsReceipts /'') ., aA J /2')/ 4 73.9 -- ) ,-tI!+L1 t-31 Diff erence Sales Difference Sales I -/ +-7 2-- zt ))7E./+ Difl. Mo./Date lnventory Diff. Mo.iDale lnventory Ll+- g {t; t'tc;Receipts '11; Receipts Salest (i'.(ft l - litl t tt)j'iDif{erence J 1v ') 1 j9t ; L< 3,' - .'/J 2 ,r:j'iSales Diff erence /t,.' ) r.l - ll- I - rb -. 1r)/ln IIL 2 ;r Dr{f Mo /Date -+ a)Diil Mo /Date -\t-{l +i DAILY TANK INVENTORY q-- -t i.-/ 41 q'7-qc *vw Difference Diff. Mo./Date DAILY TANK INVENTORY,^. Station #tb Regular U n leaded -4 +7 6,) l +L{ 6L/7 i i t- Premium I ,t l\ dI REGULAR I ___ ! I nventory Recerpts Sales Difference Difl l\,40 /Date 1 ,).7# Water l'-t , - i1-..,1 ?,\ 7/4 Water o L_<>_1- //'.; '-'::r - /.'L :_:i 1'z ioX/P 2 O - *rl rif,ua ' ^, a /).: DATE UNLEAt)ED PHEMIUM DATE REGULAR UNLEAOED PREMIUM t ^( '>-' )) )./.ai / .i t r^ -.1'')_.')lnventory /04-;?-:1 r.6t\ r i')' I I'I I Recerpts Receipts Sales r .L--",,Sales qF;l 3 \ gts,z.(5:,'1.'?i Drflerence D iff erence Drff l\,4o.iDale Drff. Mo./Date lnvent0ry lnventory Receipts I '.:-Receipts /t?{;C €t;;,:...-e) / Sales Sales aar8 0 \i;t&f *.'\ -- ra.f\,' Difference +t5 +r2 Difference +35 .hn +w Diff. Mo./Date +qLl , " (, -i>+1L Diff. Mo./Date .{q'l ++5 + \\0 lnventory i1-t r .| ) lt-r;I ( I !lr I nventory \t et1 1"1l..l | +... .,. Receipts Recei pts Sales +3t-6 J445.t 9z v (Sales A/r l- -. D rflerence -r )-)-li ^t3 Drfference \ -a7- \ L_-,n;_t) Drff Mo /Date -r1?+l++17 Diff. Mo./Date --/tf t/\t) lnventory I ora]f lvq 19u t lnventory ---r}--^ ^ Receipts Receipts Sales ",? r- ), - l;; -t !-t4'l +Z tr.3 Sales 1\i. I , \,-1 t/| /. )50.i5 Difference ^ Lt4 -1)Drff erence +?6 -5>+ 7"1 Ditf Mo /Date +}u +L Diff Mo./Date rt5 +LL + ILL lnventory q"/z 5 7 ? !7 "U/)lnvent0ry 9 tq0 / OlLll, I // I.:/_f/,'_z ct41/' Receipts Receipts Zolo ?q o1 /? e 6 Sales 4 {t.u t)91 )Sales /4 '2 /U ,)t5 *f I Diflerence -11 t7 Difference ?/-5q 4 tg Ditf I\40 /Date +7C +1 Diff. Mo./Date -{-3L *lqo lnventory 1q +.+t/ 7)lnventory t0t3)it7)r Recei pts i70tt 4qcb ?'i/:,Receipts .:',C 1 I l5cir 4,?.1 .'),)'.' -4r:. aSales Diflerence t1l +34 L9 Sales Diff erence +/ I+/,)44 Diff. Mo./Date -! /0 :- ,'g ynDiff l\ilo /Date lnventory lnventory loot$) ;5 t Receipts 41 !'-|i't' i; (l/ t ll /, ./- '!Sales by'i o / -l'z/ fi / i-J J lbt (; )t,D ifle rence .', .,L4 +{ -l?i Drfl Mo /Date a' I I l I ,'i-/ '-, +l\L tl ': | ---l J.t DAILY TANK INVENTORY Station #LL=-. Unleaded Premium Water Dif{erence Regular B o DATE . i ,r Water 1ln ) Difference UNLEAt)ED PREMIUMREGULARUNLEADEDPREMIUMDATEREGULAB lnventoryI nventory l:,:i -]\5 4._-1o:Tr ReceiptsReceipts Sales\<r,:-. ^\:,Y^eSalesS;.l\,F. -P-\'C.'1 DifferenceDiflerence+cl Diff. Mo./Date-10 L .- t\fDitf. Mo./Date lnventorylnventoryx)$\L<.-:: ReceiptsReceipts SalesSales DifferenceDifference Diff. Mo./DateDiff. Mo./Date lnventorylnventory ReceiptsReceipts SalesSales DifferenceDifference Diff. Mo./DateDiff. Mo./Date lnventorylnventory ReceiptsReceipts SalesSales DifferenceDifference Diff. Mo./DateDiff. Mo./Date lnventorylnventory ReceiptsReceipts SalesSales Dif{erenceD ifference Diff. Mo./DateDrff. Mo /Date lnventorylnventory ReceiptsReceipts SalesSales Dif{erenceDiflerence Diff Mo./DateDifi Mo./Date I nventorylnventory ReceiptsReceipts SalesSales Diff. Mo./Date Diff Mo./Date I I MONTHLY GASOLINE INVENTORY RECONCILIATION STATION #REGULAR UNLEADED PREMIUM TOTAL \- 2i4 --Lll +3;?Z r3fr - 9.5 Hb6 koc 4lb 4ffi t- 2-OO +o--,IJ -10{ffi,.- /)77' fi-41 +l'tl -9s c7r++-- q?/'l --t+ /-L G3r,st 24b *Ll I Y+1 . Lrz 4'LLl -7L TOTAL - 131 -bui --,<7 0 *-t 7'i 7 Explanation: Date:=lt,lt>Signature:lfr c :k 61@ 0 DAILY TANK INVENTORY ^ Station #? ---\'rl l Regular Un leaded Premium Dif{erence t o PREMIUM -nvf - .'-)^+-:-+ Water -n 1+_ Water \; Diff erence I DATE BEGULAR UNLEADEI)PREMIUM DATE REGULAB UNLEADED lnventory ,t lnventory Recerpts \7-.i .1.-ul \ry:-Recei pts Sales l).-71 1,'' 1.1-Sales -rCCQ I \1.f1 +-L:- | \'--' Drfle rence + )i -C \\/(-I Difference t,-).-iiil Drfl Mo./Date Diff. Mo./Date -q - | t.-. \-)c) lnventory .,^ - -.- -,/,'/J.{L i) -1 ^-',i.t 4,'lnventory t i,)2',) Receipts Receipts Sales Sales 5,i-*;,i \-): l'+-. -- D ifference -]t al.)T Difference rE i --it +1.1 Ditf Mo./Date \.-L '1 Diff. Mo./Date {i -t35 /:t -. )F> lnventory t ?,lnventory .).-rC ^..'r r l-f.t;l a;-:-\q;1 Receipts \1i 1 ..f', ' :C Receipts Sales l\[i-7,Sales 53r L \sLt-i 5,8&.4 Difterence ^/ A, iJ -rL:r Difference -43 -z*^t4 Ditf. Mo.iDate ,--\':^r __!-a -Diff. Mo./Date -o;.. itrt)-b7 I nventory \tr:':*-.\\[A:lnventory 't[\ tr E )-\.\r r lAnl ae:> Receipts Receipts Sales ,: Ai)1t3": t-t,-.': \..'' \. l Sales 7 Diff erence ^J0 t7A -+,b Diff erence -lq 4D +ab Diff lVo./Date +')?f1 +3b Diff. Mo./Date -hl ,-- lrfr LL':-IJ lnventory I \\A\\)^\\l\i n I ,}:C lnventory ) ,' .'';\ Receipts Receipts Sales /d7i:i Sales Diff erence -++4 Difference li.:&+ht t t1f l') Drff Mo.iDate +35 .-id +3 Diff. Mo./Date -|x'f .<.10 ??,t r ibqtlnventory lnventory Recerpts Receipts Sales 'it:-8 /,ffi{3 Sales - - A.- N\',\ ,''.1 -- .--J \^ .i.. - '/ '-' t--. '\ Difference -cil -,i 4 D iff erence i ( l- -_1.7 -L'(-'_ l/Dif{ Mo./Date-\,^ ) /-'-t l: t.:./ { Diff Mo /Date I nventory lnventory / Receipts " [ "., --l Receipts 4,.J-O'1Sales /-'/; 'Sales 17q I r'110,1 *l .r}( ,.t O Drlt lMo /Date -1. \ 0. Diff lVo /Date l I l t1\ --J -rt-/tt I 'I C; -r' }- L o o Drfi lVo /Date Drfl. Mo./Date 5f t,, ,/ Station # DAILY TANK INVENTORY A. Lg Unleaded Premium DATE BEGULAB UNLEAt)ED Regular DATE Waler REGULAR '' -i :lnventory Water lnventory Receipts Sales Difference \.rt- -t. i - //- '-'€-.; Rece i pts Sales Difle rence UNLEADED PREMIUM Receipts ),.):+!i.l i \tte) Sales {i'ii:-,..' ,Diff erence Drfl Mo /Date --,.:,. lnventory 3r'l -t4+r ' -r Lr.^.' -C.r-... Recerpts I Sales Difference Diff. Mo./Date lnventory 1 I Receipts r ,1C'.. 'r 'l'10 tr 0i\'.ri Sales Difterence ^.ri7 t /\ i'1*o'c/ ,^! !1 .?\'<Drtf Mo./Date ,t I nventory (.i\I ,,. .C)t-- \ 1 i Receipts ,C.,. -t)).^. + \[,+/ Sales ,1 - 141 -a+Dif{ Mo./Dale lnventory i ^.),/)7.:" Receipts Sales (,.lq>,',1i\a:'.-- ( -i Difference ,-rrf,-r;11 Ditf. Mo./Date +6 r r77'lD,)rb1tlc>(7. L'' L,{))I nventory Recerpts _--_--.-_ T---- lnventory Diff erence Drf{ tVlo /Date (th --:: PBEMIUM Receipts Sales ,\+l :_\".'r'l I ir+r!r, - \q:,Drtference l7--70 Diff. Mo./Date -tqt - /e{-/7 lnventory rt t']3 l '-t - r C.\^.i -, 'rf? Receipts I 000 4ot4 i20q 4'1b.5 /5728 5*/.bSales Ditference +50 -Zto 1b Diff. Mo./Date - lr{ I '7L'1 - tl I lnventory qlbb /02#/ozzL Receipts Sales ,(' .-:,)-t4- Diff erence **4+ Dilf. Mo./Date '/Li *,51^ /L^ / lnventory )olr / /.-i 76/:, Receipts Sales 4?6,2 /209,7 €bqq Diff erence 2-+q5 4- Diff. Mo./Date -tql -l12;-57q?fr ?oqzlnventoryTbzq Receipts /'.' '--a ,,1l'.' .,s (/'t ^.-t .4..'L) Sales 5Y.', i I o(-. Diflerence -1- ,. Diff. Mo./Date -fi .'''24 -.q- i i\c<-.lnventory l0ltt,;l'! l: z-lti i :\l Recei pts fl/, Iif -17'-' Diflerence Difl. Mo iDate lnvent0ry Sales ,/ - -.' -1 .L ' ,-4--'-t/, 4 T- t,tl ---l 11 L. -\: Diff erence I\-: Sales 20bo Q, DAILY TANK INVENTOBY ^ +-)Station # b o Regular U n leaded Premium 'l )r Water Water /O 7ao DATE REGULAR UNLEADEt)PREMIUM DATE BEGULAB UNLEAt)ED PREMIUM -lnventory lnventory Receipts Receipts Sales g2,t 160/,7 {86,7 Sales Diff erence - loL - \1b .14 D iffe rence Diff. Mo /Date -\q'1.21.4h .qb Diff. lUo.iDate lnventory q rTb tl5z7 65qb lnventory Receipts to.btt 720 I Receipts Sales 52.3, t i5:{?,0 435,L Sales Difference +bE +'7K r"1 Difference Diff Mo./Date - LL.I - 110 .5/Diff. Mo./Date lnventory 87t g ?rzt g /03?o lnventory Receipts Receipts Sales AJZ,O 664,q V57,L Sales Difference -13 --7 b -33 Difference Diff. Mo./Date - l'tt -1tlb -q I Dif{. Mo./Date lnventory *C1,7 8ot'7 ,705 lnventory Receipts Receipts Sales Sales Diff erence Difference Diff lMo /Date Dif{. Mo./Date lnventory lnventory Receipts Receipts Sales Sales Difference Diff erence Difi. Mo./Date Difl. Mo./Date lnventory I nventory Receipts Receipts Sales Sales Diff erence Difference Drtf. Mo./Date Difl. Mo /Date lnventory lnventory Recer pts Receipts Sales Sales Difference Difference o Drff lVo /Date Diff Mo./Date I MONTHLY GASOLINE INVENTORY RECONCILIATION STATION #REGULAR UNLEADED PREMIUM TOTAL M \\4+h {e +KA -_1k's 4e - \R\ 3C 5+ i. 3b -i +b +-Si {-r35 -1+8 -l@ *hn - ibB +&--fifr4 *b\{" E5 a_[I \--) _1 t w _-\N -+3 43fl 4M -ffi t \S kqr -- ic*\\ -rc,-qr >-15 -Ls TOTAL -\tN - L;\[>+\\-803 Date:4-)!, -/ -- .--,/ -Signature: --) E*Pl.n"tion, ;*,rl-l \O_.T' \ i-l kr\ r,+ i*,\"nAo,\ o., +*\__9 s De\',ro^) \rt,:x -]a (y.,\ c,t rts\o,,AoA r,n A--l-gl |pli,,*nJ \,*o-f l rt*r.\ ,,n + rrg.l +ffi Y+z V+q Regular A. UAILY IANK INVTN IUNI Station # Unleaded Premium Water o i/-'- 24./ .' /t^- /^;// /Lt--t-- _.t- Water / /':' blY O 4,1 \v 4,4 tlL \+-. ^\ L-i J4 I DATE REGULAR UNLEADED PREMIUM DATE REGULAR UNLEADED PREMIUM lnventory E/6',4 ffi/l e4)1/ /Uc/lnventory .7a,0 /k-rkl Receipts lto*l0lL Receipts /?2q /:-?'2 : j?4- Sales v5.{. I lqp,,0 ,p{ {. /Sales 1z;'i Z/ij Diiference x la1-kb3 klt,Diflerence ,.,^tc, !. tt) i Dift. Mo./Date ) laL xlo )kjv Diff. Mo./Date q-t. lnventory b b7q l0 7G1 DoTq lnventory 1/2b/-3 '1?'7,,a| : /! -/ Receipts Recelpts Sales (rA?'b lbt$,7 4!i,a Sales -r-'t/ ---'tA/^/,/?,/-{?,2.\ Diflerence - Ll5 -qL Diff e rence -/ ., -;i)^/,/ Diff. Mo./Date + \-l +1, I .v5 Dift. Mo./Date -q / ,10 v (///3 lnventory qq{ /Qttg /lnventory h/) /4 / (.' ) ', '-o nr r, ) -' / i,,'c- Receipts Receipts Sales ltLS '4 l'11t,'t Sales (/-! - ,- /'-l--- 'G'-^ ,-.4. :-'+ Ditference <t ' .,:'Difference 't,/*/n -'t VI -/n -?/ Diff. trtlo./Date -qt {t Diff. Mo./Date -- - (J-'4-21 lnventory Qr-l,ct 1 }EL q lnventory Q-J,'1 7C er i<vr Receipts ,7'%V).-u{m Receipts Sales /1 - l-',Sales fr/3 /r/ /, fi/- .' '-.t i.:',--: irt Diflerence Difference Diff. Mo./Date Diff. Mo./Date lnventory lnventory Receipts Receipts Sales ,- l-\irO(Sales L.{nz.t/,'./ __ -/ .2. -fii%/ Difference td -43 Diff erence l-1 .*///K Diff. Mo./Date a\4*rl/,-f3t Diff. Mo./Date /i- ?f)')-J*1'-1 lnventory \,) , \x a-,C:. i I lnventory =Tr ,2.,1^ .'{/y';/) ,/.p- ---- a- ,/'/1.--'r Receipts Receipts Sales ,]f .- r'fhr'.. I i_, L Sales . ,; 14:'),u Drfference - !l -fi Diff erence Diff. Mo./Date ,44)-1b t1E,Diff. Mo./Date -t -.--! .tlnventory .-:?lnventory Receipts Receipts Sales 1{q 'i Sales !)ffi,t -4't.Diflerence + {fi --/ : -/l<- ,q;L lDifference\If -'i D' ,r.,i Ditl Mo./Date Di{f. Mo./Date I I I I 1 -ic l?- +7) 1{-t /-Pb,l z OAILY TANK INVENTORY -7Station # Reg u lar ..4 Unleaded Premium Receipts Sales Dif{erence REGULAR UNLEADID 9'/ c.; o t)ATE Water 3i) -tr Water n.4 - l'r o 7^ sL-__:- ) )t (lr nr/ |j",fu 'f) L,' REGULAR UNLEADED PREMIUM lnventory --11//i)/Eat 4d'a: /// Receipls Sales ,Er,.4 t'/1 ,'t- r ,/ r,;/::: ,,q'/---L1:;4 Difference r -ri \./--r r Drtf Mo./Date - (y., e-C. lnventory -).a/:,/)/dt;1 ,/_.^., l.';.14 Receipts Sales -- t, ? -|\--,\-.r - j"i ') D ifie rence +l Diff. Mo./Date +ffi I nventory / \^\\l\ l' )'- .\ tfr Receipts I j,r- Sales ,{\ ,:. } I i\:- i,r {-tL"', Diff erence r-/+frq0 -l qt Diff. Mo./Date +81 +:: lt -qA I nventory [-.\.\ -./ \ !.aA \|i-l"',*',1"L*.\ Receipts Sales .;\ 1 '\' 1.r I c,t--\a-. r Difterence Diff. Mo./Date I nventory Receipts it l,LSales t/?0,,:'t'r'i -)*- *' '' .2{-. nAr,Drff erence Dift Mo./Date --i1 l-'-11--5? lnventory ,i::,ct ( tl,. / / ,t-, -, - n DATE PREMIUM lnventory 9Yti Receipts Sales 4]2.i lZ s' Difference _-< ?-14ti -q-) Diff. Mo./Date +7+ 't 6 o')t+q lnventory 7 ?ts {*'r- Recei pts \\i)L \'i l\:: D ifference f q IDiff. Mo./Date li)o ttfi I nventory I ! Receipts Sales Dilference + Dif{. Mo./Date . ?-,7tt lnventory \ .//4t , / Receipts Sales 'nrzrL /O:,t ,/ r'., Dif{erence Dif{. Mo./Date lnventory Receipts Sales / ! :-!9 .,;,, ?,t _f _5 Diflerence -1, Diff. Mo./Date /I fl 4pa lnventory L- Receipts Sales Ar r'-> t-\, --,u-:.a; ,/,:!. , -/l Diff Mo /Date - -.\ i--.t lnventory i-. Recei pts 5t rt 7Lt t Sales t ll ^ l 'r' J '-j //) r r,r Drff e rence +q ^ 8o -)L -+-71 to +L; 4 t0g0>4q',qt:)c ;. 5'it Drff Mo /Date lnventory Recei pts Sales -r7'/'D qt) 2\-7 _/L + to+Diff erence +w Difl lVo /Dale + 17_--t-tAt Difl It/o /Date t'f t r'to ,r/ j _L I I I I I 1 I _-,-:{- -) -. u JSales Difference Regular DAILY IANK INVEN I Uh I A. Station # Unleaded Premium Water 3 Water 2- a. o PREMIUMUNLEADEDREGULARDATEPRIMIUMUNLEA[)EDREGULAHDATE lnventoryI--_.-1,*(. -)-l nventory ReceiptsReceipts Sales. -_\ --Sales Dif{erence2-, 'l--. I rflDifference Diff . Mo /Date1t,,-{uDiff. Mo./Date lnventory-i 'l .a / r' c--J 11 .7/:'lnventory ReceiptsReceipts Sales r- \\Sales Diff erence '\-) tI)bDifference Dift. Mo./Date+\€',- \D'--'$Diff. Mo./Date lnventory-'- c'-, \tY- L-l-lnventory ReceiptsReceipts Sales Difference Diff erence Diff. Mo./Date Difl. Mo./Date lnventory lnventory Receipts Receipts Sales Sales Difference Difference Difl. Mo./Date Diff. Mo./Date lnventory ReceiptsReceipts Sales Sales Difference Diff erence Diff. Mo./Date Diff. Mo./Date lnventory I nventory Receipts Receipts Sales Sales Difterence Diff erence Di{f. Mo./Date Diff . Mo /Date lnventory lnventory Receipts Receipts Sales Sales Dil{erence Diff e rence Diff Mo /Date Difl Mo /Date I I I L 1- l I I I I I I ! ' l 0i I l l - c''')c1' c,- Sales lnventory FIL E COPY DEPARTMENT OF EI{VIRONMENTAL QUALITY DMSION OF EIMROT.IMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIA,TION Michael O. Lavitt Gffi Disnne R. Niolson, Ph.D. Er.arirc Di.ldd Kent P. c y DiEde 150 No(h 1950 W.rt 2nd Floor S.h llke Cily, Ut h t4l 16 (801) 536-4100 (801) 359-tt53 F r (801) 536-,14l4T.D.D. CERTITIM MAIL RETT]RN RECEIPT REOUESTED August 13, 1993 Paul Fairbanks Amoco Oil Company dba Rainbo Oil Company 8156 South Highland Drive Sandy, Utah 84093 RE:NOTICE REVOKE CERTIFICATE OF C OMPLIANCE NO. 1082I-3 Facility ID Dear Mr. Fairbanks: The Utah underground Storage Tank Act (Act), utah code Ann. g 19-6-414 provides that the Executive Secretary UST may revoke a Certificate of Compliance if it is determined that a facility is nor in compliance with the requirements specified in Utah code Ann. $$ 19{412(2), 413. The Act requires substatrtial compliance with all state and federal statutes, rules and regulations including Utah Admin. code R31l-202-1 which incorporates by reftrence code of Federal Regulariom (40 c.F.R.) g 2g0 in effect as of May 26, 1992. At the request of the Executive Secretary UST, the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation DERR performed a compliance review for Certificate of Compliance No. 10821-3 issued to a facility owned or operated by Amoco oil company, dba Rainbo oil company. This facility is located at 4700 South 3600 West, West Valley City, Utah. The designated facility identification number is 4001576. This facility contains tlree underground storage tanks USTS. The compliance review indicates you have not satisfied the requirements of compliance. As such, you are violating the eligibility requirements for the Petroleum Storage Tank PST Fund and your certificate of compliance may be revoked. To achieve compliance you must do the fo owing: 1. Submit a copy of a precision line tightness and leak detector tests for tanks #1, #2 and #3, performed in accordance with the requiremenB of tle Act, for the tanks found in non-compliance on May 17, 1993, as required by Utah Admin Code, R31l_202-1. See 40 C.F.R. g 280.a1(a) (b), and 280.44. 2. Submit documentation that proper Inventory Control is completed on the following USTs #1, #2 ard #3, as required by Utah Admin. Code, R3t1-202-1 an<l rtO C.F.R. g 280.43(a), by documenting you iue now properly performing the following: ERRU-0465-93 \-, Do. ,T, {_(<-\/': Do <- , Typ./42--,c ASSIGNMENT SIGN.OFF SHEET AUTHOR'S NA.IVIE DATE STJ.BMITIED: fr" CORRESPONDENCE *: ApVarcA by SECRETARY t Lq\ 1 DRAFT APPROVAL. DATE A}.[D INITIAL: qAI.JTHOR ?/,1 I I SECTION IvIANAGER t1.\ BRAT.ICH I{ANAGER DTVTSION SECRETARY ".,& 4 ': _t; ;_-t ''t ' _ ' FINAL APPROVAL. DATE AND INIIIAL: AUTI{OR ' ,'-1tolc, ': SECTION IyIANAGER 73 BRANCH MANAGER er)fi0 ,.\l'L ;(- [ I .a_-:2 .-DIVISION SECRETARY :'ffi',|3; ,1/;, Prfcvf$r D4+e Dye - .",.', ,,u4hfds ' . .:i'1 " '&;.' Facility ID# 4001576 Page 2 Document that you meter the product and maintain the pumps to within a calibration of accuracy of six cubic inches for every five gallons. You have 60 days following the receipt of this letter to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the Act or your certificate of compliance will be revoked and you will be ineligible to receive deliveries of fuel and receive payment for claims against the pST Fund. If you fail to resolve the compliance problems described above within 60 days of receipt of this letter, you will be notified by a Notice of Agency Action and Notice of Hearing. The purpose of the hearing will be to determine if there is any reason your Certificate of Compliance should not be revoked. Please contact William Moore at (801) 536-4100 to discuss this notice ar your earliest convenience. P Gray,Secretary (UST) Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board KPG/IfivVmw Fred Nelson, Attomey General's Office John Inch Morgan, Acting Director, salt Lake city/county Health Deparrnent cc: lo 13 4,-Ib J LT p i h ILekcleDettcoInlnSctencocek StI L Ownership of Tank(s )ll. Location of Tank (s) Owntr Nama tco .Ero.rdon. lnClvldurl, publlc Agancy, o. qcl.r .nity):(ll aama aa Sacdon l. crract hart Frcillty ,i..t!a sRri Co.trp.ny n b,-Stlr toraG ) #-.-t L r. t9pllcabL Su..r aaor.$ SDaar Addraaa oa Sta!. 8oad. ar .pptlc.DL -eO L,tJ ,C€unry o oty Stata ZCc.d.LL 7'{il r Clty (n.lt.rrt L!a Zp Cod.A,aa Cod.,-i Nsmo.r q, Ttnla ta fhb Loet on: C.n trcl P.rton At UST Localon Phona,F.ciltly lDt lll. Tank lnformation Plossa cotllolelr all lnlottn!!(m toa 6aen lanx.It trt l&lllly hrs rr&t lanx9,t6as!onoEoDy t lEt 6nd cofiolatr tha Itlbin6!on for AT aoditirndTank ores€rnty in usa tarlkg.5 Tenk I Tank 2 fank 3 Tsnk 4 ll no& oats lasr us€d ll smo[€d. v€n y t' or t€ss ot Orodud in tank Monfi ano Year Tank lnst l6d (E-ss mare or K-knownt Matanat ol Consrudion lE-esrmats cr K-kno,w,I v T:p e Sk-t I IC5oacft ot Tank (in gallonsl {E-€flmara or K-krrctynt 2 O {1 Ll o S'JE$anca Stor€d (E-esri mata or K-kno$,nt -U e IV . A, Flelease Oetection For tant<s a CI€c,( tht rtltalt dqtgcton mlttrodlsl us.d bnk or N/ f ndrrrtsuilld_ Manuat Tank Gauging (onty br lanks und6r 1.000 gal.l Marual Tark GarJgrrlg airr,(mly lor trflG urE s 2000 Tank 'l]etuFer T€sting gal.) Tank T.qftness T€ring aft, I nvarfiory Control L--',21"-Z- z-4.: lL- GrounorYatgr Monnoring lftBrslnial Monitofing I Oth€r aoorov€d m€r:od (ttrto in nam€ ot m€fid) , B. Flelease Detection For piping Cfuck fi rlL.sr dlEion narrral(sl rEf ,alv prptnE. Z-c-Ch€cx Onr TyFp qt Pipmg ts .En lank L-Lin€Auomatc DLEaI €teclors,end ecxlch olcna t3llowl01e 1_/- Vamr Monfionng hz/" JUL3O'!Grounowater Monitoring Seccnoarv Ccnlainmarr wth Mon onng Line Tiglnnsss Tesing orrosion and Spill/Overfill Protection L OUALITY lv. c. c Conosron orgt8sron rrstaltsd (indicalr dala)a So Vovsrfll orotsclqt fisttl€d linorcarr odst JUI{ O<a_ V. Site lnformation G€r'reEl si8 gosarvaloftl ll,ld comr t,l!t lvrctruty obstt,vaEons. gGund wataa l€yd. ,G.) corsly lhet lnso€clor'! Sion$n!: l --la 3hro.qEd tha .boE ianr.d tsailiv m mora Phona llumoat t7 tr1- Autornarc Tank Gauging t/R Vaoor Mondonng _-E D!V. O Oat!: t Leak Detection for Piping Faslrty lO f,L{ - o o tf7 c Pf gSSUfiZgd Piping A msrt6 nrrrt Dc 63t€clEd tom En sat wtrora apptlcaola indtsere dat ol tsst rsst It ulis raglity ttsr lrrn lrerr.t tanl€. Etssse OhotocoEry thts Dag! anc, cornplgE the in{qmaton for C edc,itirnat orDng. Set 1 I ranrr I Tank 2 Tank 3 TrnI tl Auomartc FIow Resncror I Z--.-- | zr--l a-/- Automartc Shudf Oevrce I I Cornrnuous Alarm Sy$Bm I I and Set 2 Annual Une Tighrn€ss Testtrq Z/-''//''1-''-' Vamr Monnomg It Vaoor Morlitoring. @qjm€flEltm o, moflnry monnonng ls avatlable lrnerstnial Monnonrq I lf lrnersrtrat Mmitoring. cocumsrfuilon ot momnly monnonng is availabte Grouno-Wafty Marbrng l, Groun+Watr Mc'rrraurg, doclJrrltrilaton of momnlyruuErg isarailabL OfierapproveO Mdrct (sp€csty in commqE sertcnl Suaion IrdcecrsLotrndrffiElt Line ngfitns T€silng (rEuirE evry 3 yean.) Varcr Mmrurtg secorrarv containmmt wi01 lrnsr$fial Monrcnng Grouncl-warer MmrErnE Other Aogovacl M€fu, (sp€clfy in comrnents s€cdmt No Lcek Dctccdon R.gutred (must ansrc? ytt to r[ ot thr tollowlng qursttons] Ooerams at l€se fian iilnrffii€ric prErgr€ Has onty ona cfid( Elye. wtlacfi is tocard direaty Lrrrar RJmp Slope of piprng allorrs prooucr to drain bact( irilo ta tt( wn€n suqion ]Bl€as€d All above antunfiauo1 on suc{ton prpir€ ls vsnfiable on rhe bacl( of rris shea. and locailon of n€lls and pleas€ skerch the sit6. noung art plpir€ ,rJns. tarl€ (lrElrJcling siza & sJb$ances stofEl) their oisanca trom Enks:lnct pipinE. Commams: ,/, *ol D^kl I t'rat I htrr. hspscraO lhcrbotr! mmeo Bifyon t alla-rt lnsoclor's Signanrr:o&:f/ttn-a I t n Automffi ging rtt Z_,I' 6n O -oo/5 )€s y6 y6DGm€mation stlors l.l:lf tya&r in borEm of an incn crt tank is chrckecl rErfitly to near€st sb€€hth or no for each question Oevrcs documEntadorl is avalable stt6at rnanfac&rBfS{e-9..brGxrEs.orn€f!;menuall. c:lnDevics measure ot ton€igril producl n€arest ot anone€rghn incfr Facdlty lO t Mamrrtlr. rurnc lncl nlodC numEr ol sy:ranr: Please answer gallons Device walt doclarE a l€ak on ne basis of invontory raconcilialon il Olscrepansyercads t%o, llow-firougfi. p[.rs 130 m a monnty Hsis v"E ral yE IE Z-y€s Itt evidenca tra dgyics il u,uldrE rBsutts doomomailonl. ATGi3De.rmenation uEtarrailabte 11a rnwas test amooo cilmtnimum mc8 morttL oted(sd for praserrca o, gaug€ in tantc. Vaf--a rx, y€s l*rpl chsd(Ed de.rnrena,tlm that q/$srnraanficalss lnsruaions.calibftrBd. afEt rr1aintainoct accordlr€ 6was irstdled.yBl b rcl Maimenarrca r€cctds arB ayailable upon rqrjast.yE (--lx' Manitcing atd Hng rE66s ara ayailable t8 th€past 12 ,rcnfis.yE TE il*(klnspocol's SQnaara: Commens: 0e {/r7173 C (i.e.. sanoaros of 20 '.. ..:':;, '.' .'r 'rr$iryt:-. ':l'..- , .'f*.. -',' :v*-.ll '. - . +Jl*4.:' .... .r.tf .:'.' !--:- ' .1 7r) -#L//r \.a o 2C.( oe /"r Nahr rnd aadEsr q, tank iigl .r!ls rlslrr M.tEd ot Ent tEn!|!lr llrIrg: Facdity tO f Please complet e all i nformation for each tank fiB hls r7K'argfaetv trttt 1 bnl(s.Baasa finplEtocogy Urtp.gatlccomptgllflrirb?rnrtin d !ddto.!d Enti Tsnk t ?ant 2 - T.nk 3 Tenk 4Oat6ot last E !r tigfilnsce r€siL :z--L-Did lank test?9asr lndic B or no.fiyBs no.ins€ciion@mmemli t€lor the atsul0Js lank['18 or whathaaclronsbs€nv6 taken $aulhai(€.s.,b€€n no fi€d?l /--/-c- olOocumsmaton irnodaliv€ri6 salgs bal:rlc6:i withmgasur€menE;daily ot liquid rnYolum€Enk aroafflnlatnrain€o availa.ble.(--L ?' uran +r30 z.--c/c- no, wtlidt rno,rhs tErE nof? r.P e.eas a nswer.'o on ffoyes:chea o nquesti can 6rplain @rnrclrrugdory mehods rJs&figu€s :lrrl rEqd5.yc rx)irdlJda watgrnatfity rrEnitorir€. L-aopa lrLB6ksandrJs6dappearoigvid€rE8 ,Ectrn gfimEt is y6 y€s Boci6 a€,gccrlcilS mtrtfily calibra mApprEo.iarE ciart ts forlJs€d volurn€,CalcUlafirE yc0isoenserlravecaliblzlrionsrickE(s- noYs I a..l The intub€fi en8fE5pip€within oftt loot tanl(bollom. noYesl z-) O'.rl€can o€rnorx rarc in@nslsrsncy dipsliddng tecnflgu€s. walBrMonfily ara us€cl rn calqJla ng monnly invgrEry balancs3.yqi npThelsdiDsnd(long Ie:Cn€no(€h the olbonom the lank.y6 noTh6€nds trlaat ar8garJgo ,lat notand wom dOrYn.yet noTh€ diDsrick is n|a k6O ot an inch. legibly am fi€papduq lavel can o€ dalgrmn*t to [:e ngarEsi one.€ighfi noy6 y€s The tank D66nhas l63I€d within tnE hasarE thepasssd igmn6sl (i, dtc6nificatofilhir6+any the tanl<testtightnesli ism6rECI avatlaDle.y€s no noyes Tank lesler withcompli€d all caflricaton r60uir€mEnts. my8sandateMon[onng tES ng matr&Ined and vat l&le tar lh6 2past mornhs hsp.6or3 Commens: no ntronvento essg nCoandank gals iurcl Rscords y6 m no y6 PumPs cuTEflt crop t'le !o rBadin€s srick y#r rESt nec€ssaryl. A O:E Non-Marketer Discount Previous Pollution Incidence 4ffi t5?( #qe FACILITY ID. PST PROCESSING CHECKLIST Year ql Not Unacceptable Acceptable App licable - LUST File - Form Included Documentation ok? Y /N ,,/ 'r, 1*-7 4:rt :r ":'::,ank, I i ne svs registered - Rate ok? Fund Paid - FY 9L? Fees Paid - FY 88? _ FY 89? - FY 90? - FY 9L? Compliance Y/N - Y/N - Y/N - Y/N Y/N 4/A /rk ,r/Z - Compliance Outstanding? Leak detection required A in use? - Notification up to date & complete? NY @r* /- Y/N \/ Date Qualified Review completed and certificate issued by suPPoRT \ CE \ CHECKL r ST. PST -zj-1t \ Norman H. Bangerter Governor Suanne Dandoy, M.D., M.P.H. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH Bureau ol SoId & Hazardous Waste 288 Norrh r460 wesr. pO Box 16690 Salt Lake Crly, Utah 841 1 6-0690 (80r ) 538-61 70 rACrLmY r. D. * bl 00 l5 7 { +Ll6 DArE t -g o '? c) FRoM /,2. lttw-p Execuuw f)irector Kenneth L A.lkema Director TO: llv\L, Your application for coverage under the PETROLEUM STORAGE TAN*4PI6I0lggl incomplete. The following additional information is requirecl before be processed. &E"CEf M,:,:; Q(1fne results of your Tank /" be submitted to this office. Line Tightness Test and a copy of the field report need to t ] A Notification Form, registering or upgrading your tanks, needs to be filled out and submitted (use Form 7530 (Revised 9-89). [ ] Annual Tank $ Fee Assessments remain unpaid. Please submit a check for . This will cover the fiscal year(s) '88 '89 '90 '91 (circle the applicable). [ ] You have not completed the form declaring "PREVIOUS POLLUTION INCIDENTS". Please complete the enclosed form. [ ] Annual Fees for the PETROLEUM STORAGE TANK FUND remain unpaid. Please submit a check for $ This would cover the fiscal year '91. The amount for the current quarter only would be $ [ ] Your "APPLICATION FOR NON-MARKETER DISCOUNT" is defective for the following reasons: [ ] Other (below): Please note that you will not be covered under the PETROT EUM STOR^AGE TANK FUND until the above mentioned items are completed. If you have any questions concerning this, please call the Bureau of Solid And Hazardous Waste at 538417A. uffiffiffitr,,:*:.,: ..v tj... .r v4, PREVIOUS POLLUNON INCIDENTS To:Mr. Deruris Dourns Executive Secretary Utah Solid & Hazartlous Wastes Gomsrinee Dear Mr. Downs: As required by paragraph 26-l,le,{Ot of rhe Underground Storage Tank Act, I have performed a tank and line tightness test oa eadr unilerground storage tark at my facility, and based on dris test, there has not been a rcIease of petroleum. Additionally, based on 'customa4r business practices standards", I am not aware of any release of petroleum from my of signature of owner/operator Faiture to reoort orevious releases could noid nour coveraee under the Petroleum Storage Tank Fund. i ^ r'u', ,o r-*446-/51-b o& I have had the following releases of petroleun (detailed below; also mention any action you took to clean up the release). t1\ lffiffilrrumd ENGINEERING & TESIING Re December 7, 1990 Glenn Pugmire Rainbo Oil Company 2290 East 4500 South, Suite 260 salt Lake city, UT 94117 Precision Tank Tests - Rainbo Oil Slte No. 46 4700 South 3600 West. Salt Lake City. Utah Dear Glenn, Precision tests were performed on three (3) underground storage tanks at the above location from October 28, 1990 through November 20, 19g0 using the Tracer Tight "" method for tank tightness testing. We have reviewed the data produced in conjunction with this test for purposes of verifying the results and certifying the tank system. The testing was performed in accordance with Tracer Tight"' protocol, which meets the criterla set forth in NFPA 329 for a precision tank test. Per your request, hydrocarbons were not analyzed. Consequently, the data sheet shows only the tracer concentrations. The determination of leakage using the Tracer Tight '" leak detection method is based solely on the presence or absence of tracer. The hydrocarbon levels are not considered in the interpretation of leakage until tracer levels indicate a leak greater than 0.05 gallons per hour. The results of tank testing indicate that the tanks are in compliance with the EPA criteria of less than .05 gallons per hour. Sincere utnn Johnson, PE President gt Enclosure PO. Box 8a90. Meso, Arizono 85214. (602) 926-3000. (BOO) ZZg.Zg3O CEBTIFICATION Rainbo Oil Company Test Results: Site No. 46 4700 South 3600 West Salt Lake City, Utah Test Date: November 1990 Water ln Tank Lea Rate Line S,t Tan k No Product Unleaded Super 0 0 0 B Volume 12,000 Gallons Less Than .05 gph Less Than .05 gph Less Than .05 gph Pass Pass Pass 12,000 Gallons Regula|12,000 callons Certification Provided By Kennelh J. Tolman December 4, 1990 TRACER RESEARCH CORPORATION Horizon Enoineerino & Testino. lnc. Associated Tank Onlv Pass Pass Pass Horizon Engineering and Testing 936 E Javelina, Suite 1 Mesa, AZ E5204 PREPARED T'O& SUBMITIED BY! Ttacer TightrM Test of 3 Underground Storage Tanks at the Rahbo Oil #46 Salt Lakc City, Utab December 4, 1990 Tr.c€r Flera€En€h Ccrpcratlcn TRACER CORPORATION 90-1n9-0t i I I.CH Tnscen Elerserch CorporaGlon TABLE OT.CONTENTS INTRODUCTION CONCEPT OF OPERATION AND IMPLEMENTATION CRITERIA FOR CI.ASSIFICATION OF LEAKS . . CERTIFICATION ...... APPENDIX .{ ANALYTICAL RESULTS APPENDX B: FIGURES , 5 6 7 t/ Tracen FletGlarch Corporeglon INTRODUCTION Horizoa Eogineeriag and restiug and rracer Research corporatiou performed Tracer Tightru leak tesring of 3 undergrouod storage taol$ at the Rainbo oil #46 site ir salt Iake city, utah. The tanls were inoculated with tracer october 2g, 1990 to a concentratiou of approximatery 10 ppm. Samples were collected on November 20, rggo, The followiug table shows the tank size, product it contained, aud tracer that was used for ls5ring fur each tank: TANK # TaDk A Tank B Tank C PRODUCT Unleaded Super Regular TRACER DDM IL4B2 DDM The tracer leak detection method relies upon the addition of a higbly volatile liquid chemical to the fuel. u a leak occurs in the undergrouad fuel systeu, fuel is released iuto ttre surrounding soil. The tracer escapes from the fuel by vaporization aud disperses into the soil by molecular diffusion Various means are used to sample the soil vapors iu the iumediate vicinity of the underground tauks and pipes. In this case, samprirrg sras performed by driving probes into the ground in the vicinity of the tadks and pipes. Each probe has an effective detection radius of approximatery L0 to L2 feet. This means tbat a giveu probe should detect a leak auywhere withiq the area described by the 10 foot radius arouud the probe. 'The tracer must be placed in the tank at least two week prior to the probe sampling for this method to be effective. This process of leak detection by placing a riquid tracer in a liquid product followed by detection of tbe tracer underground in the vapor phase is protected under TRC patents. I I ). 1 . : i I I t t I srzE (cAL) 12,000 12,000 12,000 nl Tnassr Fle.€arch Conpor.Glgn Total volatile petroleum hydrocarbons are measured to give additioual information about the conditions at the site. In particular, the hydrocarboos provide ioformation about the severity of the leakage, aud the degree of environmental damage that may have occurred. The abseuce of tracer also gives double assurauce that the taok system is rrot leaking. CRITERIA FOR CLASSIF'ICATION OT' LEAKS The following criteria are used for the classificatioo of leaks when traccr ls detected. The classification of leakage is based primarily upotr the concentration of tracer detected. The level of concetrtratiotr of total petroleum hydrocalbons detected is used as supplemeutal informatiou LEAK STATUS One T$o ltree NO LEAKAGE - Rate less thao 0.005 galloDs per hour. VAPOR LEAK - Maxinum tracer conceotratioo less than 1 ug/L in soil vapor diminisffig at depths below three feet. Total volatile hydrocarbon concentrations less than 20 mg/L in soil vapor (if diesel is the only fuel presetrt, substitute 0.1 mg/L ia place of 20 mg/L). SMA,LL OR INTERMITIENT PRODUCT LEAK less tbar 0.05 gXrh - Ma,ximum tracer concentratiotr less thao 1 ug/L in soil vapor, sustaining or increasiog at depths below three feet or to the top of the grouodwater table. Hydrocarbon cooceutrations approximately equal to or greater thau 20 mg/Lil soil vapor (0.1 mg/L for diesel) snstaidrg or ircreasing below three feet. Distribution of elevated bydrocarbons is less ttran 200 square feet total area, Four SIGMI'ICANT PRODUCT LEAK 0.05 gph or greater - Ma:cioum tracer concentration greater ,than ! dl- [ear source, increasiag or sustairiDg corceruatioo below three feet or to the top of the grouodwater tabld. Hydrocarbou coocentratioos greater than 20 mg/L in soil vapor (0.1 mg/L for diesel) sustaining or iucreasing below three feet. Distribution of elivated hydrocarbons is equal to or $eater thatr 200 square feet total area. 2 I I 1 t I I Tracsr Fl€a€erch Ccrpor.Gaon IITIIERPRETATION OF RESULTS Irak Status 'Oner / No l*akage This leak status itrdicates uo Eacer was detected in the sautples colected. Although tbe value 0.0000 ug/L is recorded on the condensed data sheet, the detectioa tirqit for tracers is 0.0005 ug/L The detection limit for total petroleum hydrocarbons is 0.05 mg/L This status iudicates the tank is uot leakiug. Most tanls listed iu this category will have low or nou-detect levels of total volatile petroleum hydrocarbons. u volatile petroleum hydrocarbons are high they may have cooe from the spread ofproduct from auother tank that is leaking, previous leakage from a repaired tank or piping, or from product spillage on the grouod surface. I*ak status rrho' and ,fhree', vapor leals and small or irtermittelt product leaks. Sa'nples are collected at depths of three and six feet at eacb samptiqg location Initially samples &om the six foot depth are aoalyzed. Data from this initial analysis is used to assign a leak status of 'l[hree" to taDlis where tracer coocentratioDs detected at the six foot depth are less than I ug/L This initial status is a worst case interpretation of the data. In order to distinguish between a vapor teak (,"tko,,) aud a small or iutermitteut product leak ('Three") data from the analysis of samples couected at the thee foot depth is necessary. upon request these samples will be aoalyzed. Distiuction between vapor leakago and small or intermittent product leakage is based upon the vertical cotrcentration gradient of the tracer. Higher concentrations of tracer at the three foot level with a decrease in concentratiou at the six foot depth indicates a vapor lealc Tracer concentrations that remain coEtant or increase with depth indicate a small or intermittent product lealc Aoy change in the leak classificatiou will be reported based upon the interpretatiou of data from tbe aoalysis of saruples from both three and six foot depths. I t r L r I 3 ilt I Ti.acsn R€.oErch Corpor.tsion Total volatfle petroleum hydrocarbon cotrceotrations greater than 50 mg/L associated with a tank designated leak status 'Three',, indicate a significaut problem tbat shoutd be further investigated. Sampres corected from the bottom and outside the tank pit will grve informatiou regarding the spread 6f ssalaminalron and may aid in determining if remediatiou is required. L,eak Status .Foud / Signilis6nl product teak Interpretation of data indicating a significaut product leak is based primariry upon detectiou of tracer conceutrations equal to or greater thau 1 ug/L arong with high volatile peEoleum hydrocarbou concentrations at depths berow three feet iodicates a siguificaut product lealc This condition represents a potertially serious threat to environmental health and safety, and should be given immediate attention by tbe tank owner. 4 m li CERTIT'ICATION Iocation: Rainbo Oil #46 4700 South 3600 West Salt Iake City, Utah Tracen Fleteerch Corpor.tion 9G1279-01 Date: December 4, 1990 Tracer Research comoration certifies that the tanks and pipe syste,s listed in tbe abovetable have been tested bv means or t u..riigiF] ihi.h *..o the criteria set forth inNFPA 329 for a precision leak rest. TANK # TaDk A Tank B Taok C Thrtl PRODUET Unleaded Super Regular SIZE (gal) 12,000 12,000 12,000 TRACER DDM LI4B2 DDM LEAK STATUS One One One Submiued by: Research Corporation The following criteria are used for the classification of Ieala when tracer is detected. LEAK s'lhTUs Oll lbo NO LEAI(AGE - Ratc lcs. rhao 0.005 gtlloos pc. hour. VAPOR LF: K ' Msrimum rraccr mnccntrario! rcss-tha! r !&/L io soil vapor dirdaiAhirt ar dcprhs bclow threc ferlIii#ffiIfl?s'j;ff'Drrsrioos rc65 rhar m mrfi;i*;&H'ii" rhc onry f,rcr prcscor, subsrirurc @ hs. ahao 0.05 grl -Msrieum tracltrlffi f:fffi'..'#mF",'r,*.r."i.Ti.iiffi .ii;ffi fffi ftlil],'ffHfl : iacrusrag bcrow rirrsc r.* btiau"ir,"illfji'J1iffi i.?*m#'#],il o;mxffi; iffilffil tt o-ttt*'turaum t.nccr .o!*!rraroo. grEsrcr rhao r ug/L acar ffi fr dffi'ffi #rrd'd#i;rr.J.fr f#C,jf *:",ffi *-#;x{ffi 5 il Foor T Tracer Elerearah Corporltion APPENDIX & ANALYTICd,L RESULTS tl 6 Horizon/Rainbo Oil No. 46 4700 South 3600 hlest, Salt Lake city, UT 90- 1279-01 12/03/so CONDENSED DATA Locat i on Compound Page 1 01 0l 01 o2 o2 o2 03 03 03 04 o4 04 o5 05 05 06 -' 06 06 11482 BCF DDM 114B2 BCF DDM '11482 BCF DDM 11482 BCF DDM 11482 BCF DDM 11482 BCF DDI.I 1 1482 BCF DDM 11482 BCF DDM 11482 BCF concen tr at i on 0. 0000 0.0000 0.0000 o1(D) o1(D) 01 (D) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 07 07 07 08 08 TPHC in mg/L, Tracers in ug/L 0.oooo = Not detected Detection Limits: -99999999999 = No samp le 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 -99999999999.0000 -99999999999.0000 -99999999999.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Tracer (o.o0o5) rPHc (0.05) 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0 .0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 Horizon/Rainbo Oil No. 46 4700 South 3600 West, Salt Lake City, UT 12/03/so Locat i on 08 CONDENSED DATA compoun d DDM 11482 BCF DDM 11482 BCF DDM 11482 BCF DDM 11482 BCF DDI.I 11482 BCF DDM 11482 BCF DDM 11482 BCF DDM 11482 BCF DDM Page Concentrat i on 0.0000 2 9 I 9 0 0 0 11 11 11 o 0 0 .0000 .0000 .0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 os (D) 0s(D) 09 (D) 10 10 10 12 12 12 BLANK 01 BLANK 01 BLANK 01 BLANK 02 BLANK 02 BLANK 02 BLANK BLANK BLANK o3 03 03 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 TPHC in mg/L, Tracers in ug/L 0.0000 = Not detected Detection Limits: -99999999999 = No samp I e Tracer ( O. 0005 ) TPHC (0,05) 90- 1279-0 r -99999999999.0000 -99999999999.0000 -99999999999.0000 ,\ Tracer Flesoarch CorpontrElon APPENDIX B: FIGTJRES 7 tl - I L I -t-r ''-rt-r ,-r.-,-r ar-.-r .--r ,-r^ F,-f .-f . F-r-l--'-l--r-.rL--rr-rr--r ?trctt Resctrcl Cor2ort tiot EXPLANATION .l SaEDlirr,g Probc t crtioE lpprorCE.atc Plp€U!. locatloE ) 2 t .3 a I I )N .tZ o12Ag-J ,rct a .10 E RAINBOYT OIL .lt sourl 3600ITIE CITY. SAXPLI!iC LOCAlIONS il o 12.000 8al UDlc6dcd DDU o 12.000 gal Sup€r t laB2 CARIfASH STORE Purhp lElaad6 r o 12.000 8attr.8ular tr DDU Pur!p !6lrDdB alooslrl Fi gu r c I lfsrI't1E v4, .IUTY III PREVIOUS POLTUTION INCIDENTS To:Mr. Dermis Dowru Executive Secretary Utah Solid & Hazardous Wastes Committee Dear Mr. Downs: As required by paragnph 26-l+4U of the Undergroturd Storage Tank Act, I have performed a tank and line tightness test on eadr rmderground storage tank at my facility, and based on this test, there has not been a rclease of petroleum. Additionally, based on "customa4l business practices standards", I am ESI aware of any release of petroleum from my of owner/ e& signature of owner/operator Failure to report orevious releases could void your coveraqe under the Petroleum Storase Tank Fund. ,_4+6-6/51_b_ AUC I have had the following releases of petroleum (detailed betow; also mention any action you took to clean up the release). TANK DATA OWNER: AMOCO OrL COMPANY DBA RAINB LOCATION: RATNBO #46 FACILITY ID NUMBER: OWNER ID NUMBER: TANK ID NI'MBER: STATUS: AGE: CAPACITY: TANK MATERIAL: PIPE MATERIAL: PIPE TYPE: SUB. STORED: TANK RELEAS PIPE RELEAS DATE CLOSED3 HOW CLOSED: STTE ASSESSMENT: LEAKAGE EVIDENCE: Not Not Not Not 4001576 9L 1 In Use 0 12000 Gallons Bare Steel Conposite FRPFiber Reinforced Plastic Pressure Gasoline Yes Yes 4001576 91 3 In Use 0 12000 callons Cornposite Fiber Reinforced Plastic Pressure Gasol ine ppl icable ppl icable ppl icable ppl icable Manual Gauqe Tank Tightness Auto. Detector Tightness Test 4001575 91 2 In USe 0 12000 Gallons CornpositeFiber Reinforced PI Pressure casoL ine Yes Yes Appl i cable Appl icabfe Appl- icabfe App I icabl- e Manual cauqe Tank Tightness In }lanual cauge Tank Auto. Detector Tightness Test Auto. Detector Tig Not Applicable Not Appl-icable Not Appl-icable Not Applicable ET ET ED ED OVERFILL PROT. : SPILL PROT. 3 FACILITY ID NUMBER: OWNER ID NUMBER: TANK ID NUMBER: STATUS : AGE: CAPACITY: TANK MATERIAL: PIPE MATERIAL: PIPE TYPE: SUB. STORED: DATE CLOSED: HOW CLOSED: SITE ASSESSMENT: LEAKAGE EVIDENCE: TANK RELEAS PIPE REI,EAS OVERFILL PROT. : SPILL PROT, : Not A Not A Not A Not A ET ET ED ED Yes Yes In II{ITIAL INSPECTI()N & CO!.IPLIANCE SUMIIARY FORH Inspector Tank 0h,ner _Ind,dba - Corp. Other 0ate( acgui redllnc. ) L NAIIE STREEI CITY CONTACT c0 TY/TA Z d ba - corp. Other ttate(acguired/Inc. ) FACILITY N0. Tank 0D erator BUSINESS NAHE Ind. //, STREEI CIil C()'ITACI c0 VIOLATION,/ COI{PLIAI{CE Actlon oate Acti on Suspense oate Pena I ty.IST COI{TACT zt{D CoilTACT 3RD CONTACT 4TH COIITACT t{0v OROER FILE-AG EPA REFERRAL cLosE our /- 3f 7a t t t L FII{AL ASSESSIIE}II ' I0 No.Comp i iance #Susgense oate C I osed Out o IIILE PHONE TITLE PHONE RULE OATE 1-Y 41, Ind.dba - CorP.0ther Oate ( acqu i red /lnc.l - ProDertv owner NAHE STREET C ITY STATE ztP ACOUIREt) In C I iance? # (Y/N)TAIIK # STATUS AGE CAPAC ITY MATER IAL INTERNAL EXTERNAL PIPING SUBSTANCE LAST USEO CLOSURE CERTI FICATION RELEASE t)ET. [)ATE OUE SPILL/OVERFILL RELEASE OATE IilSURER-Pol icy Eff. t)ate COIIHENTS: BSHW-7 7 67U-25-26 Financial Responsibi Iitv I{ETHoo Ru le #( s )._-