HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2018-005572 - 0901a0688084efd5Resource and Environmental Management Consultants
8496 South Harrison Street
Suite 102
Midvale, Utah 84047
(801)255 -2626
Est. 1997
Midvale, Utah
June 26, 2017
Grant Kelser G3B, LLC
3739 Brighton Point Drive
Salt Lake City
DS1-1-W -20 i 8-005571
Div of Waste Management and Radiation Control
pitty 1 4 2018
RE: Results of Phase II Site Environmental Site Assessment at 370 West 900 South, Salt Lake
City, Utah.
Dear Mr. Kelser,
This report presents the results of a Phase 11 Environmental Site Assessment (Phase 11 ESA)
conducted at 370 West 900 South, Salt Lake City, Utah (Property). The Phase II ESA was
recommended based on the results of the Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (Phase I ESA)
performed by REMC. The Property is located in a mixed commercial, industrial, and residential
area of Salt Lake City.
The Phase II ESA was conducted to assess soil and groundwater conditions at the Property.
REMC recommended the Phase 11 ESA based on the historic industrial use of the Property by
Utah Barrel, Inc., a drum and scrap metal recycling facility, and past industrial use of adjacent
properties. Direct-push technology was used to collect samples in six boreholes located
throughout the Property along two approximately north-south transects. Borehole locations
were biased towards the south and west sides of the Property, since groundwater flow in the
vicinity of the Property is generally towards the southwest. Three of the boreholes were
advanced to a depth of approximately fifteen feet below ground surface (bgs) in order to fully
intercept the shallow groundwater table. Environmental samples were also collected from the
upper fifteen feet of three geotechnical boreholes that were advanced to depths of twenty-five
feet to one hundred feet. Borehole locations were selected in the field to avoid underground
utilities, overhead powerlines and other potential underground hazards. A map of the Property
with borehole locations is presented in Figure 1.
Groundwater and soil samples were collected from each borehole for analysis of metals (lead
and arsenic), volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs). All work
performed as part of this Phase II ESA was conducted in accordance with standard
environmental methodologies and protocols. Sample analysis was performed by American
West Analytical Laboratories which is certified by the State of Utah and the National
Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP). VOC and PCB sample results are
presented in Table 1 and Table 2. Metals sample results are presented in Table 4. VOC and PCB
screening values are presented in Table 3 and metal screening values are presented in Table 5.
Analytical laboratory reports are attached to this report.
Resource and Environmental Management Consultants
8496 South Harrison Street
Suite 102
Midvale, Utah 84047
(801) 255 -2626
Residential screening levels, provided by EPA's regional screening levels (RSL) tables, were used
to identify possible areas of concern. Residential screening values were used during this
assessment as they are more conservative than industrial values. Use of industrial screening
values typically requires negotiation with the regulatory agencies and a deed restriction on the
property limiting land use. Screening values, whether residential or industrial, are generated
by regulatory agencies as a method to determine if contaminant concentrations exceed
conservative levels above which human health or ecological effects will be observed.
Screening values are not action levels typically action levels are higher than screening levels and
are generated in a streamlined risk assessment under oversight by a regulatory agency.
Soil samples were produced from the boreholes in two-foot increments, i.e. 0-2 feet, 2-4 feet,
etc. The sample from each depth interval was composited and screened in the field using a
portable X-ray fluorescence meter (XRF) and a photoionization detector (PID). The XRF and PID
were used to screen samples from each depth interval for metals and VOCs, respectively. At
each borehole, two samples were collected for laboratory analysis of metals and two samples
were collected for laboratory analysis of VOCs and PCBs. One sample was collected from the
depth interval where the highest concentrations were detected by the XRF or PID. A second
sample was collected from the depth interval where contaminants were not detected by the
XRF or PID to define the lower limits of contamination.
Soil sample results indicate that significant levels of lead and arsenic contamination are present
in the upper two feet of soil at the Property. Lead and arsenic concentrations in the upper two
feet of soil exceeded residential screening values in all samples, and maximum recorded
concentrations were 7,210 mg/kg and 1,210 mg/kg, respectively (see Table 3). In samples
collected below two feet bgs, no samples exceeded the residential screening value for lead and
all but one sample exceeded the residential screening value for arsenic (see Table 5). However,
the arsenic residential screening value is considered very conservative and unlikely to be
applied as a cleanup level by a regulatory agency (i.e., Utah Department of Environmental
Quality). Thus, all soil metals contamination of concern at the Property is considered to be
limited to the upper two feet of material.
For VOCs, detectable amounts of acetone, carbon disulfide, cis-1,2-dichloroethene, toluene,
and xylenes were found in a total of eight out of twelve samples (see Table 1). However, all soil
VOC results were below screening levels. For PCBs, detectable amounts of the compounds
Aroclor 1254 and Aroclor 1260 were found in four out of twelve samples (see Table 2). All PCB
results exceeded residential screening values (see Table 4). However, elevated PCB
concentrations were generally limited to the upper two feet of soils similar to the metals
Resource and Environmental Management Consultants
8496 South Harrison Street
Suite 102
Midvale, Utah 84047
(801)255 -2626
Eat. 1997
Midvale, Utah
One groundwater sample was collected at each borehole location. Groundwater sample
collection was enabled by inserting a new piece of slotted PVC well screen into the completed
borehole. Sample collection was conducted following appropriate development and purging
using a peristaltic pump and new plastic tubing. Groundwater samples were analyzed by the
laboratory for PCBs and VOCs.
Depth to groundwater was approximately seven to ten feet bgs. The results of the soil sampling
indicate that the majority of lead and arsenic contamination was only found in the upper two
feet of the soil (Table 3). Thus, shallow groundwater at the Property is unlikely to have been
impacted by metals and analysis of metals in groundwater was not conducted.
Groundwater samples collected from four of the six boreholes did not contain detectable
concentrations of VOCs. The sample collected from borehole G3B-C15ft contained low
concentrations of acetone that did not exceed screening values (Table 1). The sample collected
from G3B-S25ft contained low concentrations naphthalene that exceeded screening values
(Table 1). However, the isolated and limited nature of VOC contamination makes the possibility
of vapor intrusion into current or future buildings on the Property unlikely. The shallow aquifer
located below the property is a poor quality water source and is not used for drinking water.
None of the groundwater samples contained detectable concentrations of PCBs.
Widespread lead and arsenic contamination that exceeds residential and industrial screening
values is present in the upper two feet of soil throughout the Property. Removal of lead and
arsenic contaminated soils should be conducted prior to redevelopment of the Property.
Contaminated soil removal should be conducted under the oversight of a regulatory agency,
such as the Utah Department of Environmental Quality's Voluntary Cleanup Program (VCUP).
Limited PCB contamination exists at the Property. PCB contamination is limited to the upper
two feet of soil at the Property and can be addressed concurrently with removal of soils
contaminated with lead and arsenic.
De minimis levels of VOCs are present in soils and groundwater at the Property.
If you have any questions or comment please feel free to contact me at 801-255-2626.
Jim Fricke
Resource and Enviromnental Management Consultants
8496 South Harrison Street
Suite 102
Midvale, Utah 84047
(801) 255 -2626
Figure 1— Site Map
Table 1 — VOC Results
Table 2 — PCB Results
Table 3 — VOC and PCB Screening Values
Table 4 — Metals Results
Table 5 — Metals Screening Values
Analytical Laboratory Reports
Eat. 1997
Midvale, Utah
25 50 75 100
NOTE Locations approximate, not surveyed.
... Suite 102
Midvale, UT 84047 801-255-2626 G33 site roapshig
June 2017
Table 1 - VOC Results
Borehole Sample ID Sample
Date Matrix Acetone Carbon
Dichloroethene Toluene Xylenes Tetrachloro
ethene Napthalene
G3B-N15ft G3B-N15ft-4-6ft 6/7 Soil ND ND ND ND ND ND ND
G3B-N15ft G3B-N15ft-12-14ft 6/7 Soil ND ND ND ND ND ND ND
G3B-N15ft G3B-GW-N15ft 6/8 Water ND ND ND ND ND ND ND
G3B-100ft G3B-100ft-10-12ft 6/5 Soil ND ND ND ND ND ND ND
G3B-100ft G3B-100ft-14-16ft 6/5 Soil 22.6 39.8 ND ND ND ND ND
G3B-100ft G3B-GW-100ft 6/9 Water ND ND ND ND ND ND ND
G3B-C15ft G3B-C15ft-0-2ft 6/7 Soil ND ND ND ND ND 14.9 ND
G3B-C15ft G3B-C15ft-14-16ft 6/7 Soil ND 4.92 ND ND ND ND ND
G3B-C15ft G3B-GW-C15ft 6/9 Water 11.1 ND ND ND ND ND ND
G3B-N25ft G3B-N25ft-0-2ft 6/6 Soil 70.6 ND 3.92 ND ND ND ND
G3B-N25ft G3B-N25ft-2-4ft 6/6 Soil 102 4.41 6.3 2.68 ND ND ND
G3B-N25ft G3B-GW-N25ft 6/9 Water ND ND ND ND ND ND ND
G3B-525ft G3B-S25ft-2-4ft 6/6 Soil ND ND ND 28.6 98.9 ND ND
G3B-525ft G3B-525ft-12-14ft 6/6 Soil ND ND ND ND ND ND ND
G3B-S25ft G3B-GW-S25ft 6/8 Water ND ND ND ND ND ND 12
G3B-515ft G3B-S15ft-6-8ft 6/7 Soil ND ND ND ND ND ND ND
G3B-515ft G3B-S15ft-14-16ft 6/7 Soil ND 5 84 ND ND ND ND ND
G3B-515ft G3B-GW-S15ft 6/9 Water ND ND ND ND ND ND ND
All units parts per million (PPM).
All water results are dissolved concentrations.
All bold values exceed residential screening values
Table 2 - PCB Results
Borehole Sample ID Sample
Date Matrix Aroclor
G3B-N15ft G3B-N15ft-4-6ft 6/7 Soil 66.9 ND
G3B-N15ft G3B-N15ft-12-14ft 6/7 Soil ND ND
G3B-N15ft G3B-GW-N15ft 6/8 Water ND ND
G3B-100ft G3B-100ft-10-12ft 6/5 Soil ND ND
G3B-100ft G3B-100ft-14-16ft 6/5 Soil ND ND
G3B-100ft G3B-GW-100ft 6/9 Water ND ND
G3B-C15ft G3B-C15ft-0-2ft 6/7 Soil ND 116
G3B-C15ft G3B-C15ft-14-16ft 6/7 Soil ND ND
G3B-C15ft G3B-GW-C15ft 6/9 Water ND ND
G3B-N25ft G3B-N25ft-0-2ft 6/6 Soil 459 289
G3B-N25ft G3B-N25ft-2-4ft 6/6 Soil 48.2 ND
G3B-N25ft G3B-GW-N25ft 6/9 Water ND ND
G3B-S25ft G3B-S25ft-2-4ft 6/6 Soil ND ND
G3B-525ft G3B-S25ft-12-14ft 6/6 Soil ND ND
G3B-525ft G3B-GW-S25ft 6/8 Water ND ND
G3B-S15ft G3B-S15ft-6-8ft 6/7 Soil ND ND
G3B-S15ft G3B-S15ft-14-16ft 6/7 Soil ND ND
G3B-S15ft G3B-GW-S15ft 6/9 Water ND ND
All units parts per million (PPM).
All water results are dissolved concentrations.
All bold values exceed residential screening values
Table 3 - VOC and PCB Screening Values
parameter Acetone
Dichloroethene Naphthalene
ethene Toluene Nylenes
Residential Soil 61000 0.24 0.24 770 160 3.8 24 4900 580
Industrial Soil 670000 0.97 0.99 3500 2300 17 100 47000 2500
Protection - Risk
Based 2.9 0.002 0.0055 0.24 0.01 0.00054 0.0051 0.76 0.19 broundwater
Protection - MCL NV NV NV NV 0.021 NV 0.0023 0.69 9.9
All units are in ppm
Screening values from https://semspub.epa.gov/work/03/2245059.pdf
NV = No value
Table 4 - Metals Results
Borehole Sample ID1 Sample Date Matrix Arsenic Lead
G3B-N15ft G3B-N15ft-0-2ft 6/7 Soil 30.5 646
G3B-N15ft G3B-N15ft-2-4ft 6/7 Soil 10.9 50.9
G3B-100ft G3B-100ft-0-2ft 6/5 Soil 192 7210
G3B-100ft G3B-100ft-2-4ft 6/5 Soil 8.36 101
G3B-C15ft G3B-C15ft-O-2ft 6/7 Soil 29 1050
G3B-C15ft G3B-C15ft-2-4ft 6/7 Soil 10.5 217
G3B-C15ft G3B-C15ft-12-14ft 6/7 Soil ND ND
G3B-N25ft G3B-N25ft-0-2ft 6/6 Soil 18.4 590
G3B-N25ft G3B-N25ft-2-4ft 6/6 Soil 14.2 206
G3B-S25ft G3B-S25ft-0-2ft 6/6 Soil 1210 5580
G3B-S25ft G3B-S25ft-4-6 6/6 Soil 27.9 23.1
G3B-S15ft G3B-S15ft-0-2ft 6/7 Soil 183 1380
G3B-S15ft G3B-S15ft-6-8ft 6/7 Soil 6.54 35.8
All units parts per million (PPM).
All water results are dissolved concentrations, soil concentrations determined by XRF.
All bold values exceed residential screening values
Table 5 - Metals Screening Values
Screening parameter Arsenic Lead and compounds
Residential Soil 0.68 400
Industrial Soil 3 800
Groundwater Protection - Risk Based 0.0015 NV
Groundwater Protection - MCL 0.029 14
All units are ppm
Screening values from https://semspub.epa.gov/work/03/2245059.pdf
NV = No value