HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2018-005375 - 0901a06880847be3Ak WASATCH -11.r ENVIRONMENTAL Mr. Brad Lauchnor Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 RE: Work Plan for Relocation of Municipal Landfill Waste Canyon Creek Commercial Center Spanish Fork, Utah June 7, 2018 Project No.: 2273-002A Div of Waste Management and Radiation Control JUN 1 1 2018 TRAF200-005575 Mr. Lauchnor, On behalf of our client, Spanish Fork City, Wasatch Environmental, inc., is submitting the attached work plan for the relocation of municipal landfill waste to accommodate the Canyon Creek Commercial Center development in Spanish Fork, Utah. We are seeking your approval to proceed with the proposed work. Please feel free to contact us with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have regarding Canyon Creek Commercial Center project. Best regards, Michael Cronin, P.G. Senior Geologist/Senior Project Manager 2410 WEST CALIFORNIA AVENUE •SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84104 PHONE (801) 972-8400 • FAX (801) 972-8459 Website. www.wasatch-environmental com • e-Mail: wei@wasatch-environmentaLcom WASATCH ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING WORK PLAN FOR RELOCATION OF MUNICIPAL LANDFILL WASTE CANYON CREEK COMMERCIAL CENTER SPANISH FORK, UTAH Div of Waste Management and Radiation Control JUN 1 1 2018 Project No. 2273-002A P5tkv -2o0-a5375 Prepared for: Mr. Jered Johnson Engineering Division Manager 40 South Main Street Spanish Fork City, Utah 84660 and Mr. Brad M. Lauchnor Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 Prepared by: Wasatch Environmental, Inc. 2410 West California Avenue Salt Lake..City,.1.13: 84104 % \ op MICHAEL S. fo a us CRONIN 0 5546361 • • Michael S. Cronin, P.G. June 7, 2018 2410 WEST CALIFORNIA AVENUE SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84104 PHONE (801) 972-8400 FAX (801) 972-8459 e-mail. wei@wasatch-environmental.com www wasatch-environmentaLcom Work Plan Canyon Creek Commercial Center TABLE OF CONTENTS Section Page No. 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Site Description and Location 1 1.2 Site Environmental Issues 1 2. OBJECTIVE 3 3. METHODS 3 3.1 Public Notification and Involvement 3 3.2 Control of Site Access 3 3.3 Environmental Oversight 3 3.4 Excavation Dewatering 4 3.5 Relocation of Landfill Waste 4 3.6 Restoration of Landfill Cap 5 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL 5 5. HEALTH AND SAFETY 5 6. PROJECT SCHEDULE 5 7. PROJECT DELIVERABLES 6 8. REFERENCES 6 FIGURES Figure 1 — Site Location Map Figure 2 — General Site Layout APPENDICES Appendix A — Public Notice Map Appendix B — Water Treatment System Information Appendix C — Municipal Waste Removal and Relocation Plan (Plan Sheet 601) Wasatch Environmental, Mc. Table of Contents Page i Work Plan Canyon Creek Commercial Center WORK PLAN FOR RELOCATION OF MUNICIPAL LANDFILL WASTE CANYON CREEK COMMERCIAL CENTER SPANISH FORK, UTAH 1. INTRODUCTION On behalf of Spanish Fork City, the owner of the Spanish Fork and Springville municipal waste landfills where the waste relocation will occur (Site), Wasatch Environmental, Inc., (Wasatch) has prepared this Work Plan to document the methods and procedures that will be employed for the relocation of the municipal landfill waste. 1.1 Site Description and Location The Site is located along the east side of 1100 East, between 1130 North and the Spanish Fork Parkway, in the northeastern portion of Spanish Fork, Utah (as shown on Figure 1). The Site occupies the western portions of the Spanish Fork and Springville municipal waste landfills. There are no other developed uses of the Site. The Site is located approximately 2,000 feet from the nearest residential development, and approximately 1,000 feet from the nearest commercial development. 1.2 Site Environmental Issues Both the Spanish Fork and Springville municipal waste landfills were closed prior to implementation of the current solid waste regulations under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) which require permitting and increased regulatory oversight of solid waste landfills. Both the Spanish Fork and Springville municipal waste landfills were unregulated and unlined landfills and are believed to have received only municipal solid waste. The primary environmental concerns stemming from the use of the Site as municipal solid waste landfills are: 1. Accumulation of, and potential exposure to, landfill gases (i.e., methane and hydrogen sulfide, etc.); 2. Potential groundwater contamination resulting from landfill leachate mixing with groundwater; 3. Potential residual soil contamination resulting from landfill leachate contacting the soil beneath the landfill; and 4. The possibility that potentially hazardous industrial waste may have been buried within the landfills. The Site also resides within the area of the Expressway Lane Plume Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) site (UT0009134958). The Expressway Lane Plume was the subject of an Innovative Assessment conducted by the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ), Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR), in 1999 (DEQ/DERR, 1999). The results of the Innovative Assessment indicated that there were no detections of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs), pesticides, or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in groundwater; but that several total metals (arsenic, lead, and chromium) were detected in groundwater at concentration above their respective United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs). The results of the Innovative Assessment also indicated that the landfills in the area did not appear to be the source of the groundwater contamination. In the conclusion of the Innovative Assessment report, the DERR postulated that the observed metals concentrations in groundwater either represent "natural levels for shallow groundwater in this area or indicate a separate upgradient source." The Expressway Lane Plume was the subject of a Preliminary Assessment conducted by the DERR, in 2005 (DEQ/DERR, 2005). In the conclusion of the Preliminary Assessment, the DERR rejected the concept of the metals concentrations in groundwater originating from a source located upgradient of the landfills and suggest that the landfills were the source. However, the DERR also acknowledged that they lacked the analytical data to verify this assertion, that the metals concentrations were "only moderately elevated," and that the U.S. EPA had "judged the potential risks at this site to be minimal by issuing a 'No Further Remedial Action Planned' designation." Wasatch Environmental, Inc. Page 1 Work Plan Canyon Creek Commercial Center Several more recent subsurface investigations have been conducted which are relevant to the Site, the results of which are summarized below. In September 2013, Cardno ATC conducted a limited Phase II subsurface investigation on the property located immediately west of the Site, and which will be part of the Canyon Creek Commercial Center development project (Cardno ATC, 2013). Cardon ATC advanced seven soil borings. Three of the soil borings were completed as monitoring wells and four borings were completed as temporary piezometers. Soil and groundwater samples were analyzed for VOCs and Priority Pollutant List metals. The analytical results indicated that no VOCs were detected at concentration above the U.S. EPA Residential Regional Screening Levels (RSLs) in soil or above the MCLs in groundwater. Arsenic in soil exceeded both the Residential and Industrial RSLs in two soil samples. The laboratory reporting limits for arsenic exceeded both the Residential and Industrial RSLs, so conclusions cannot be reached for the remaining samples that were reported as non-detections. Soils in Utah commonly exhibit elevated background arsenic concentrations (commonly as high as 30 to 50 milligrams per kilogram [mg/kg]). The detected arsenic concentrations and the laboratory reporting limits were below the typical background arsenic concentrations. Arsenic in groundwater exceeded the MCL in one sample. The laboratory reporting limits for arsenic exceeded the MCL, so conclusions cannot be reached for the remaining samples that were reported as non-detections. Groundwater in Utah commonly exhibits elevated background arsenic concentrations that exceed the MCL. In February 2018, Wasatch conducted a subsurface investigation at the Site (Wasatch Environmental, 2018). Wasatch advanced seven soil borings, sampling three of the soil borings (EB-1, EB-2, and EB-3) for soil (immediately beneath the waste where waste occurred), groundwater (within the waste where waste occurred), and soil gas (within the waste where waste occurred). The remaining four borings were advanced only for the purpose of logging the thickness of the waste. Soil borings EB-1 and EB-2 were located within areas of the Site where waste was buried. Boring EB-3 was located immediately south of the area of the Site where waste was buried. Soil samples were analyzed for VOCs, SVOCs, and RCRA 8 metals. Groundwater samples were analyzed for VOCs and RCRA 8 metals. Soil gas samples were analyzed for VOCs. No VOCs were detected in soil at concentrations exceeding either the Residential or Industrial U.S. EPA RSLs. No SVOCs were detected in soil. Arsenic was detected in all three soil samples at concentrations exceeding both the Residential and Industrial U.S. EPA RSLs. No other RCRA 8 metals were detected at concentrations exceeding either the Residential or Industrial U.S. EPA RSLs. No VOCs were detected in groundwater at concentrations exceeding the MCLs. Arsenic was detected in two groundwater samples at concentrations exceeding the MCL. No other RCRA 8 metals were detected at concentrations exceeding the MCLs. Soil gas samples collected from within the waste (boring EB-1 and EB-2) exhibited analyte concentrations for several VOCs that exceeded the U.S. EPA Vapor Intrusion Screening Level (VISL) calculator spreadsheet Commercial Target Sub-slab and Exterior Soil Gas Concentrations. The soil gas sample collected from boring EB-1 also exhibited a methane concentration significantly above the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL). The soil gas sample collected from boring EB-3 (located outside of the waste) did not exceed the U.S. EPA VISL calculator spreadsheet Commercial Target Sub-slab and Exterior Soil Gas Concentrations for any of the VOCs, and the methane concentration was two orders of magnitude below the LEL. In March 2018, ATC performed a soil gas survey on the property located immediately west of the Site, and which will be part of the Canyon Creek Commercial Center development project (ATC, 2018). ATC collected soil gas samples from 10 locations distributed throughout the property. The soil gas samples were analyzed for VOCs and methane. None of the soil gas samples exceeded the U.S. EPA VISL calculator spreadsheet Commercial Target Sub-slab and Exterior Soil Gas Concentrations for any of the VOCs. Methane was not detected in and of the soil gas samples. The results of these recent investigations demonstrate that the primary environmental issue related to the Site is that of elevated arsenic concentrations in soil and groundwater, which is consistent with the findings previously documented for Expressway Lane Plume CERCLA site. The results of these recent investigations also appear to demonstrate that VOC concentrations in soil gas (including methane) decline significantly outside the footprint of the landfills. Wasatch Environmental, inc. Page 2 Work Plan Canyon Creek Commercial Center 2. OBJECTWE The objective of this work is to relocate the municipal landfill waste underlying the Site and restore the Site to conditions suitable for commercial land use. Therefore, regulatory screening levels will be the U.S. EPA Industrial RSLs for soil, MCLs for groundwater, and VISL Commercial Target Sub-slab and Exterior Soil Gas Concentrations for sub-slab and exterior soil gas. The anticipated regulatory closure status is "corrective action complete with controls." Any engineering controls or land use controls that may be required to manage residual exposure risks will be addressed in a Site Management Plan and an Environmental Covenant to be authored after completion of the waste relocation work. 3. METHODS 3.1 Public Notification and Involvement Public notification and public involvement will be managed by Spanish Fork City's Public Information Officer, Scott Aylett. Public notification will be performed by distributing an email notice to the surrounding businesses and residences based on the utility accounts. The email notification will describe the location of the Site, the work that is being performed, the schedule, and provide contact information. A map showing the geographic area for which public notification emails will be sent is presented in Appendix A. 3.2 Control of Site Access The Site is located in a relatively remote and undeveloped portion of Spanish Fork and; therefore, is not expected to represent an attractive nuisance. Access to the Site will be controlled by erecting orange, plastic, construction fencing around the perimeter of the Site and by erecting road closure barricades on 1100 East at the north and south ends of the Site. As 1100 East has been vacated, the road closure barricades would be erected only as a precaution. The approximate location of the fencing and road closure barricades are shown on Figure 2. 3.3 Environmental Oversight A qualified environmental professional will be on-site at all times during execution of the relocation of the landfill waste. The environmental professional will serve in several capacities during the execution of the waste relocation. The environmental professional will be responsible for observing the waste as it is being removed and identifying any waste that may be considered industrial waste (i.e., drums or significant accumulations of items that may be industrial waste, etc.). Any waste that is identified by the environmental professional as being potentially industrial waste will be placed on Visqueen° in a staging area located adjacent to the excavation (as shown on Figure 2), until the waste can be properly characterized, and a determination can be made regarding proper handling, transport, and disposal methods. Any waste that is determined to be industrial waste or hazardous waste will be properly managed, transported, and disposed off-site. The environmental professional will also serve as the Site Health and Safety Officer during the waste relocation. In the capacity as Site Health and Safety Officer, the environmental professional will be responsible for ensuring that workers comply with the Site-Specific Health and Safety Plan (HASP) and are using appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE). In this capacity, the environmental professional will also be responsible for monitoring landfill gas concentrations in the work area, and notifying workers to upgrade PPE, or temporarily stop work under specific conditions that will be specified in the HASP. Wasatch anticipates that the environmental professional will monitor landfill gas concentrations using a RAE Systems MultiRae IR (or similar instrument) capable of monitoring the lower explosive limit (LEL) calibrated to methane; as well as the concentrations of hydrogen sulfide, oxygen, carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide. Wasatch further anticipates that heavy equipment operators who are working in the landfill excavation be equipped with RAE Systems QRAE 3 4-Gas Monitors (or similar Wasatch Environmental, Mc. Page 3 Work Plan Canyon Creek Commercial Center instrument) capable of monitoring LEL; as well as the concentrations of hydrogen sulfide, oxygen, and carbon monoxide. The environmental professional will be responsible for ensuring that all environmental field instrumentation is fully charged, properly calibrated, and functional prior to commencement of work each day. The environmental professional will also be responsible for collecting the water treatment system effluent samples as required under the conditions of the Utah Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (UPDES) permit as discussed in Section 3.4 of this Work Plan. Wasatch does not anticipate the need for collecting additional environmental samples of the soil underlying the landfill waste, groundwater in the landfill excavation, or soil gas; as the issues related to these environmental media are well understood and discussed in Section 1.2 of this Work Plan. However, if conditions arise that indicate a need for the collection of additional environmental samples, it will be the responsibility of the environmental professional to properly collect, preserve, and document the collection of environmental samples. Field conditions, observations, and instrument readings will be documented by the environmental professional in a field notebook and/or field forms. Execution of the waste relocation work will also be documented photographically. The environmental professional will communicate any relevant information or concerns to the environmental project manager and/or excavation superintendent as appropriate. The environmental project manager and excavation superintendent will be responsible for communicating directly with Spanish Fork City (Client) and the regulatory agencies. 3.4 Excavation Dewatering The landfill waste extends to a depth below the water table; therefore, the excavation will need to be dewatered to facilitate the relocation of the landfill waste. Dewatering will be accomplished by pumping groundwater from the landfill, using one or more pumps, into a pair of 21,000-gallon capacity, fixed axle tanks arranged in series. The water would then be treated by pumping it through a 25-micron bag filter, then through a 1-micron bag filter to remove suspended solids; and then through a network of four 2000- pound capacity media vessels containing a total of 68 cubic feet of Bayoxide® E33 to remove the arsenic and dissolved solids. The treatment system is sized to accommodate flow rates up to 200 gallons per minute. The treated water would then be discharged, under the UPDES General Permit for Treated Groundwater (UTG790000), to a storm drain pipe located near the northwest corner of the Site. lf the treated water does not meet the discharge requirements stipulated in the UPDES permit, then the water will be discharged to the sanitary sewer. The effluent sampling requirements will be specified in the UPDES permit and will be followed. The approximate location of the water treatment system and discharge to the storm drain are shown on Figure 2. Details regarding the treatment system and filter media are presented in Appendix B. 3.5 Relocation of Landfill Waste Trucks and heavy equipment will enter and exit the Site near the northwest corner of the Site and exit through a track-out area also located near the northwest corner of the Site. To minimize the emission of landfill gasses and concomitant odors, the excavation and relocation of the landfill waste will be executed by opening relatively small sections of the landfill (measuring approximately 150 to 200 feet north to south and by 150 to 200 feet east to west) at a time, working generally from north to south across the Site. The existing landfill cap material will be retained for future use in the restoration of the landfill cap and will be placed in a stockpile located near the southeast corner of the Site. Waste will be removed using an excavator and moved to the redeposition area using scrapers. All municipal waste will be redeposited within the footprint of the existing landfill and will not be transported outside the footprint of the landfill. Following the removal of the landfill waste from each section of excavation, the sections will be partially backfilled and compacted to accommodate the construction of ramps out of the excavation area. Backfill of the excavation and compaction of the fill material will be performed using the materials and compaction Wasatch Environmental, Inc. Page 4 Work Plan Canyon Creek Commercial Center specifications as specified in the Geotechnical Engineering Study (CMT Engineering, 2018a). The backfill will be placed in loose lifts not exceeding 1 foot per lift, and each lift will be compacted using an 825 sheepsfoot compactor (or equivalent). The truck entrance/exit, track-out area, areas of waste removal and redeposition, approximate location of the landfill cap material stockpile, and approximate traffic patterns for the waste relocation are shown on Figure 2. Once the relocation of the landfill waste has been completed, the excavated areas will be brought to grade and compacted as specified in the Geotechnical Engineering Study. 3.6 Restoration of Landfill Cap The landfill cap will be restored, and the surface of the Site will be graded and contoured as shown in Appendix C. The restored landfill cap will cover the entirety of the upper and lateral surfaces of the areas of waste redeposition. As specified in the Geotechnical Engineering Study (CMT Engineering, 2018a), the landfill cap will have a minimum thickness after compaction of 2 feet. Also as specified in the Geotechnical Engineering Study, the material used for the landfill cap will have a maximum particle size of 2 inches, a minimum 20% passing the number 200 sieve, and a minimum Plasticity Index of 10, but not exceeding 30. The existing landfill cap material that will be removed and stockpiled on-site meets these specifications and should be of sufficient volume to accomplish the restoration of the landfill cap. The landfill cap will be compacted using an 825 sheepsfoot compactor (or equivalent) to a minimum of 90% of the maximum dry density as determined by a modified proctor (ASTM D-1557) (CMT Engineering, 2018b). 4. QUALITY ASSURANCE/QUALITY CONTROL The compaction of the landfill cap will be tested by CMT Engineering Laboratories. Each lift of the landfill cap will be tested. Compaction tests will be performed at a minimum frequency of one compaction test per 50,000 square feet of landfill cap. No additional soil, groundwater, or soil gas samples are expected to be collected in conjunction with the execution of this work plan. The only samples that will be collected for laboratory analysis are the effluent samples collected from the water treatment system. A standard level 1 laboratory QC package is adequate for the effluent samples. No QA/QC samples (i.e., trip blanks, field blanks, field duplicates, etc.) will be collected. Laboratory analytical data will be reviewed for completeness with respect to the requested analyses versus what was actually reported by the laboratory. Specific criteria to be followed include: sample collection procedures, sample handling, analytical procedures, QC procedures, and data reduction and processing. 5. HEALTH AND SAFETY All Site activities would be performed by Wasatch our subcontractors in accordance with Wasatch's general health and safety policy. A site-specific HASP would also be prepared by Wasatch to address specific health and safety concerns and establish protocols for conducting work related activities in a safe manner. 6. PROJECT SCHEDULE The proposed schedule for this project is as follows: • Submittal of Work Plan to DWMRC — June 7, 2018; • DWMRC approval of Work Plan — June 22, 2018; • Commencement of waste relocation — July 9, 2018; • Completion of waste relocation — September 9, 2018; and Wasatch Environmental, Mc. Page 5 Work Plan Canyon Creek Commercial Center • Completion of backfill and compaction (not including building pad) — September 22, 2018. 7. PROJECT DELIVERABLES Wasatch anticipates that the following deliverables would be produced in conjunction with this project: • Site-Specific HASP — A site-specific HASP would be prepared to address specific health and safety concerns and establish protocols for conducting work related activities in a safe manner. The health and safety plan would be submitted to the DWMRC at least 15 days prior to commencement of field work at the Site. • Implementation Report — Following completion of the work described in this Work Plan, an Implementation Report would be produced. The Implementation Report would document the activities completed under this Work Plan and include photographs documenting the work, and other relevant documentation (i.e., waste profiles, waste manifests, permits, etc.). The Implementation Report would be submitted to the DWMRC no later than 30 days following receipt of all laboratory analytical reports, waste manifests, or other documentation from subcontractors. • Work Plans — Additional Work plans would be submitted for any Site investigation or remediation activities at the Site which are not already documented in this Work Plan. The work plans would include descriptions of the objectives, scopes of work, methods, and related deliverables. The work plans would be submitted to the DWMRC for review at least 15 days prior to commencement of the work. 8. REFERENCES ATC; 2018. Soil Gas Survey Report, Canyon Creek Commercial Center, Phase 10 - East of the Intersection of Market Place Drive and Canyon Creek Parkway, Spanish Fork, Utah, 84660, ATC Project No. 271EM00390. Cardno ATC; 2013. Limited Phase II Subsurface Investigation Report, 185 Acre Undeveloped Parcel, North of Highway 6 and East and West of Chappel Drive, Spanish Fork, Utah, 84660, Cardno ATC Project No. 071 25825 0020. CMT Engineering Laboratories; 2018a. Final Geotechnical Engineering Study, Commercial Development, Canyon Creek Parkway & Market Place Drive, Spanish Fork, Utah, CMT Project No. 10425. CMT Engineering Laboratories; 2018b. Letter to Mr. Jered Johnson, Spanish Fork City, Re: Trash Cap, Canyon Creek Lowes, Spanish Fork, Utah. Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Environmental Response and Remediation; 1999. Innovative Assessment, Spanish Fork Landfill, Spanish Fork, Utah. Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Environmental Response and Remediation; 2005. Preliminary Assessment Report, Expressway Lane Plume, Utah County, Utah, UT0009134958. Wasatch Environmental, Inc.; 2018. Subsurface Investigation Report, Canyon Creek Commercial Center, Spanish Fork, Utah, Wasatch Environmental, Inc., Project No. 2273-002. Wasatch Environmental, inc. Page 6 Figures .1600"Vr ' $ 1 ..1;' • lk , Site Location 4)t \A/t000 N ) IL • i 'i ..,,.._„...,5..._ m, Scale: 1" equals approximately 1,435 14.1 ' ' 4.4 • 4...e, • .5 L- nish Fork Spantsh ForP - ('----'---t . . , ': - 0 . E-90,1=1-t1 17- - 1-4 . 4 1 ' , *I. -— , IP"* 1 n • ,..... „, . . ...„ t .1. ----, .... 1 4 • Z ' : ': ',, .--1' . :- • Ai E4,3,2C • 0,1; A C) , ez,q) .7" ;"-`• • r ,7 lErf t•••• 4.- P'-1 0, 0 'Er-.3901\P *ok. , - - - EL-PPPY : — E 100;IN— _ 4.• 1• .4 1- .1•Jr -1. 1 WASATCH 11Pr Site Location Map Canyon Creek Commercial Center Spanish Fork, Utah ENVIRONMENT/0 Environmental Science and Engineering PROJECT NO.: 2273-002A DATE: May 25, 2018 FIGURE 1 General Site Layout ENVIRONMENTAL. 1VWASATCH '10 Canyon Creek Commercial Center S anish Fork, Utah FIGURE 2 2273-002A May 25, 2018 PROJECT NO. DRAWING DATE 1 Environmental Science and Engineering LEGEND Approximate Area of Waste Removal Approximate Area of Waste Redeposition Approximate Traffic Pattern for Relocation of Waste 1 1 1 I I I I 1 I I 1 I I 1 I I I 1 I I 1 1 1 I / I 1 ( • Environmental Oversight Trailer Road Closure r-SPAH IS H FOTKP,1"6-/ Truck Track-out Area --Lib- Truck Entrance/Exit -101* Treated Groundwater Discharge to Storm Drain --L® ACCESS ROAD Groundwater Treatment System ACESS ROAO ; 1 1 1 I / I / / / / Staging Area for Screening Suspected Industrial Waste 3 1.20 ACRES ACCESS ROAD ACCESS ROAD Vacated/Out of Service Existing Road (1100 East) Orange Plastic Safety Fence Surrounding Work Area 2 1 51 ACRES Landfill Cap Material Stockpile ANISH FOR CI 10 35 ACRES FUTURE ACCESS 03Y OTHES1 Road Closure /WILLOW BROOK./ FUTURE ACCESS (BY OTHES) Scale: 1" equals approximately 130 I I 1 I 1 1 I 1 1 Appendix A 1 Public Notice Map I 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 i _ I I I I I I I I I I I I II I I I I I I Appendix B Water Treatment System Information > INFLUENT > 500 BBL FIXED AXLE TANK ELL] ipment: Recessed Stairway Fixed Axle Capacity: 500 BBL (21,000 Gal) Dimensions: 47' x 8.5' x 11' QTY: 2 N/ 2000 HPV MEDIA VESSEL Flow Rate: 100 gni (Max) Capacity: 68 cu. ft. Dimensions: _ 4' Dia. x 8' Tall QTY: 4 (BAYOXIDE) CONFIDENTIAL PROPRIETARY 25p 1 p F -1 I-1 NZ 4" x (4) BAG FILTER SYSTEM ELluipment: L2424304FA415 Flow: 500 gom Dimensions: 4'x4'x6' QTY: 2 The designs, information and data contained herein is proprietary an is submitted in confidence and shall not be disd sed, used or duplicated in whole or in part for any urposes whatsoever without pior written permission from Baker Coro This document shall be returned to Baker Corp on its demand. Reoeipt of this document shdl be deemed to be an acceptance of the conditions specified herein. SHEET SIZE: MATERIAL: FINISH: 11" x 17" TITLE: WASATCH ENVIRONMENTAL PROCESS FLOW DIAGRAM CUSTOMER' WASATCH ENVIRONMENTAL BRANCH- DEN DWG BY M. BROOKS DATE 05-18-18 SCALE: SHEET: 1 OF: 1 CKD BY J. WEEKS DATE 05-18-18 DWG SKF4119 REV: _ The information presented on this drawing is for Mformational purposes only. Use of this drawing n not a replacement for a professional engineering evaluation of the application. This drawing ts intended to show preliminary equipment requirements and arrangement end is in no way a replacement for a thorough engineering review of the application at hand. A representative of the customer or end user should always conduct the final evaluation of the application. That representative, and not BakerCorp lnc., or its employees and representatives, Is responsible f or the final engineering design and performance of the application. No warranty is provided or Implied, including any warranty of fitness for a particular purpose. As such, the customer agrees that by using the suggestions shown on this drawing, you assume the risk of all loss or injuty resulting from any information found within. in no event shall BakerCorp, or any representative or agent thereof, be liable under any theory based in contract, negligence or stint liability or any other legal or equitable theory to any party for any amounts including. without limiteion, lost rewnues, lost profits, lost business or indirect, consequential, incidental, special or punitive darn ages. This disclaimer shall survive my and all notices advising of the possibility that any user maysuffer harm from any inaccuracies contained herein. ()BAKER 7800 N. DALLAS PARKWAY, SUITE 500 PLANO, TX 75024-4087 4.)BAKER Technical tnformation Manual 2.3.4 MODERN FIXED AXLE TANK (""BOTTOM VERSION) GENEML INFORM/1170N This tank has a smooth Interior wall and IP shaped bottom for easy cleaning, I MGM'S AND MEASURES Capacity 500 BBL 121,000 gallons) Height 10,-9" (grade to top of tank? Width : Length: 44"-10" (overall? • Weight •—••• 25,500 lbs. snivauRN DESIGN a Floor 1/4"thick ASTM A36 carbon steel V- bottom sloping from each side into the center SIdes/Endr - ..... 14" thick /WM A36 carbon steel " Roof Deck: Vi" thick ASIA/ A36 carbon steel " Wall Frame: te." thick ASTM A36 carbon steel channels fon extedor side of walls) pi Roof Frame: 1/2 ' thick ASTM A36 carbon steel channels foil exterior side of walls) FEArusees FEA771RES — COM Top Vapor 4-150d weld neck flange with blind flange Cannectionc (chained) and Duna N gasket Top Manvvay 22" ID, slotted hinges and 5 - T or eye bolt with wing nut fasteners, hinged to side ot tank 1/2" flat plate or 3/8' if domed ASTM A36 med. Buna N formed gasket, thermally fused. • Front 22- La, slotted hinges and 5 - T or eye Manway bolt with wing nul fasteners, hinged away from stairs. 16" flat plate or 3/8" if domed ASTM A36 steel. Bursa N formed gasket, thermally fused. • Side Manway, „..... 22" 1.D., slotted hirges arid 5 - or eye bolt with wing nu: fasteners, mounted on passenger side end hinged to front of tank, 1/2" flat plate nr 3/W lf domed ASTM A36 steel. Bona N formed gasket, thermally fused. ▪ Stalrway Non slip with handrails and guardrails: OSHA compliant • LevelGauge: Ball style with 2-8" 304 SS floats. Floor supports hold floats 1/2" off floor. • Tires: I 1 DO x 22.5 (nylon tubeless? P, Valves: 2 Front & I Rear: 4' wafer butterfly valve Cast iron body, Buna-N seat & seals, 316 SS stern, Nylon 11 coated ckictile iron disk w/ plug and chain Remote operation hanrie for rear valve, • Relief Valve: 16 oi/In1 pressure setting C14 0111r( VACUUM setting. Buna-N seal Rear Drain: 4%15011 tank-side weld neck flange mated to valve and 1500 FPT flange Front Drain: 4"-1500 tankdde weld neck flange matcd to valve and 1500 FPT Range Top FIll Line: 3" pipe top of tank with cap arid chain P, Axles: SURFACE DETAla Exterior Coating: Interior Coatlng: Safety Paint Decal Mounts: TESTIXERTIACAPONS Standard 22,5000, Rockwell automatic slack adjusters. cast drum and hub, 30 servfce chambers, outboard drums High gloss polyurethane paint Chemical resistant linIng Safety yellow — hardrails. hatch covers an trip hazard surfaces Removable 10-gatige steel, 48x48-, both sides of tank at top rear. Secured with nylock nuts or bolts with lock washers. II Test 100% water tested to full capadty. 3 psi - Performed: 20 min test; Level 1, 11 and III inspections on iled Cr)BAKER I To the best of out knowledge the technical data codained herein are hue and accurate at the date of issuance and ere subject to change withcet prior notice. No guarantee or accuracy ls given or implied because variations can and do exist_ NO WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE OF ANY KthiCi IS MADE f3Y BAKERCCRP'. EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED. 3020 OLO RANCH PAiverAY • SulTh no • SEAL BEACH, CA . 562-430-6262 1 MIK won MM te, MOM I) fusce wows* Loo crvon' 16an Mann. WIER SVC 2)rt.vet WM MC On mCA071 2 , no* WM MM.:. 0144, 21 1/210 01/mM U0 i. PIFFLE 1r11 OM MO 0161111 WETY PAX Wm CffaCe ./2-11 SWAM MELL 515 sampan? WAD DAUS lfr _tor now • Two Ira, YINW.W. PAL Paw. cow i0) Went . 21 1,,EV. DOW= LW a ) aF. FRAME MLOT. DnEADED TIMM PULL PIM COW 12i LWOW, 1/2712, OVID LAP 11DC 22.3 Is Wks SYLOLt WM. 1 FIEDDES 142411.12171.3 75 4 Ecartaa*:=Dial) %WM WM PLIA WW1 ral ke,12‘140:005.-P71700141branYVEL' Donnanna. i um woe NIC71 SWIMS al) DM TOL WPM MO LOOM WPM LLCMS. 110 7110 LMFTS in won MUM PIXE 11) r 71 4 DIVE 10/WELDED UP 11WEDDED CAP ,r—S.REL 1:344/01E5. IC* COOMMIDIEERS „ 704.70 00110EDAD 075T lIšli 411114 DIDI, 11101X-M Vff. NYLON 11 WORE OM WIC, MVO= AS for**. +W. Ontl RCOF MS TO DE COorminotLy 012706M., ALL Dric WELL STOPS 1%1 OE WEI= OP NMI 11110¢, tams. SWIG IONOlipp DNA VMS !YMCA COCO 91111 imam WC 42 Minn MIMED KA OPW, IWPC Oun017 WU* MST 7 pm Mum ipar, RWS Ail SKIL I /4. A-% Sim V-ciarroo SEW Matas wo, tet in C-0114 Pi M WOO 'CD on NOME 11. franc co. man!, Pima ma'am eff MO TOW tom on- cum. MUDD UPPED O' DT= NOM %Ma DWI= IDIED. CC. WM aditteriar. lb PIK SLIPPOloM NKR 1/2 miff actiog MOAK/ 70 MOW* iYht PI.0 i5IH 511:P co•Kof 1 \•-TAPIX SUPPORT BY 1D. CION00. sW— HMI DUTY NDSES411 TANK MerVCI-ED Wirli 1 /4"STtEi. Nam Olt PDIP Linalll MEW RECME14 VIIR7 WOR 171M7 SPECIFICATIONS: 1) Tank Capacity: 21,000 gallors (Set) BEL) 2) Tanic Weight: 25,500 lbs. (empty) nee !Wyman contained nerd,' Onninny 14, Belte,Cem .en4 utall not b• romodowl tY disdosei w šhok or in mt. or used loe arty aragn or ilwirulacturo except 774111. USW Dttarli dIrect wrttten strt-avation from Balterr-orb. 4:30 BAKER 3020 OLD RANCH PARKWAY SEAL EIF_ACH. CA 00240-7751 NOTES: 1. This drawing ie e baseline represenntion for this model of Mnk. 'Variations be men this drawing and the actual equipment ln the field can and clo exist, primarily with appurtenance locations, sites and quantifier.. Consult your local EakerCorp representative If specific needs exist. 2_ THIS TANK IS NOT (DESIGNED FOP TRANSPORTING LIQUIDS. It should be moved only when empty. 3. ranks of this type have an internal fining (coating) on the wetted surfaces. 4. This tank Is equipped with a pressurevacuum relief valve set at 1.0 lbs/sq. frt. pressure and 0.4 ozilso.Tri. vacuum. WAX, Do Not Scale DROWN am 13,1B. rinz MDDERN MFG. V BOTrOM FIXED AXLE TANK ORM= nie. O 0R5544t 5,š MTV 1 SEPO 2 O A rk.a UA..dtl Sd brt APPACIY Cenc/CUeeS MEET 1 OF 1 Iry 7XR 7,matio/ S-2-1440007-1- CAM 0 MI NM NM MI NM NM 1•11•1111- MI I Info Technica ation Manual C4BAKER 4" 304 &S. BAG FILTER SYSTEM PRODUCT DATA SHEET April, 2007 Single vessel mounted on a forldiftablesIdd. Housing is not ASNIE code stamped. Different filter elements are available depending on Job requirements and should be specified by the customer prior to use. Capacity•: 0 Design Press: • Design Temp: • Height: * Width: Depth: Weight GENERAL INFO/M*1770N WEIGHTS AND MEASURES -- 4' 0" -- 850 lbs (approx.! 200 - 500 gpm (0 5 microns and up) ..... 150 wig 225T max. 6'-1" (overall! Krystil Klearl2424309FA415-51(10 Nine closure boirs and nuts wrth davit lift assembly 24" OD,. 0.25" thk, SA-240 Cir. 304 •••••• 24" 0.0., 0.25" thick weid pipe. SA-3 12 Gr. 304 ...... Male Carn Lock 4" 1500 304 53. RFSO flanges Four required. One size 1/2, 7- 1/16" snap ring 30" length recpred; Available fibers range from 1 to 1500 rolcrorts FILTER DESIGN • Assembly Number • Top Head: o Shell: • IrVOut Piping; • Inlet& Outlet • Bag Elements: • UdSeat Bona tsf 0-ring 'Capacity Iflowratej depends on factors such as liquid viscosity, micron value of the filter media, solids loading etc. Assuming water as a filtrate and factoring in pressure drop only. 500 gpm is a practical upper limit for a size #2 bag with a 10 micron ratng. Clean pressure drop would be 2-3 psi, towering the micron rating hcreases the pressure drop. The mum pressure drop for this unit at higher micron ratings is 1-2 psi Filter hags should he changed out at I 5-18 psid, or earlier if the process requires it. These units are gravity-flow capable. SKID DESIGN • fri/Out Valves: 4" 150" butterfly with Buna seat » Internal ...... 3 16 SS center guide post, cup & spring Hardware: assemblies 7ESr3'/ CERPRICAVON1 OEM Hydrotested @ 195 psi. Scheduled OP.45 inspections after purchase by BakerCorp. Test Performed: ii Skint * Vessel Leg Supports: i. Foridrft Pockets: „„.., 2-x7 and 2"x4" c.s structural tubing 3x3k.375 angle, 5A-36 Through front and rear framing channels f Each pocket s 21 wide) •4. BAKER C4BAKER To the best of our knowledge the lechnkal data combined herein are Inte end accurate al the date of issuance and are subjed 10 diange without prior nolioe. No guaaniee of accuracy is given or knelied because variaticns can all cb mist NO WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND IS MADE BY BAXERCORP, EITHER EXPRESSED OFt IMPUED. 3020 Did Ranch Parkway • Sate 220 • Seal Beach, CA • 502-130-6202 Technical Information Manual KLEEN.WATER '1000HPV & 2000HPV PRODUCT DATA SHEET January, 2007 • Volume: I 000HPV 34 cu tt. 70001/PV 68 cu. fr. 0.41114. Waolt14-19914- PV GENEML WFORAVIT1ON These units are designed for the eflicient purification of contamina:ed water or liquid streams These filters have the ability ta remove contaminants to non-detectable levels. The vessels are constructed of heavy-duty mild steel and are lined with a double- layer epoxy coating. FILTER MEDIA • Types: •Ac riveted Carbon •Cirganoclay •Ion Exchange Resin 'specially Methe Weight»: 1000HPV 1 000 lbs. -- 2000 lbs. Mead deperrim4 2000HPV 200014s. - 4000 lbs. MIKEZIANEOCIS • inlet 4" FNPT • Outlet 4" FNPT 1 Interior Doubrelayered epoxy coating Coating: k. Internals: PVC underdrafn • Media Top & side I rx I 6" rnanways (neoprene Access gaskets' PRESS(JRE DROP DATA 10 20 30 40 50 CO 70 BO 90 100 FLOW (gpm) NOTE: Wet acevated carbon preferentially removes oxygen from air. in closed or partially closed containers anc vessels, oxygen depletion rnay reach hazardous leveis, If workers are to enter a vessel contarning carbon, appropriate procedures for potentially low oxygen spaces must be followed, including ell federal and stale requirements. Cr> BAKER WEIGHTS AND MEASURES * Max, Flowrate: 1000HPV 130 gpm 2000HPV 100 gpm * Max. Pressure: 75 psi ri Max. Temp: 150*F • Height 10001VV. 70- 2000HPV 96- * Diameter: 48" • Shipping Wt*: (drum + Media) r *meta clepenclen4 000HPV: 2750 lbs - 3050 lbs 2000HPV. 3100 lbs. 5 100 lbs. D ownfl ow operation is recommended 2 5 To the best of otr kncwledge the technical data ccitained herein are true and accurate al the dale of isurance and are subject to change without prior nolce No guarantee of accuracy is given or impted because variations con and do exist NO WARRANTY OR GUARANTEE OF ANY KIND IS MADE BY EAKERCORP, EITHER EVRESSED OR IMPLIED. 3020 Old Ranch Parkway • Suite 220 • Sea' Beach, CA • 562,430-6262 SEVERN SORB 33® As Removal Systems Adsorption Chemistry and Process Description Prcduct r SERVICES Arsenic Adsorption Chemistry STS' SORB 33® As Rernoval Process is a fixed bed adsorption system using a granular ferric oxide media, or adsorbent, called Bayoxider: E33 for the adsorption of dissolved arsenic onto the ferric oxide. It employs a simple "Pump & Treat" process that flows pressurized well water through a fixed bed pressure vessel containing the media where the As removal occurs. In the SORB 33T" Process, both As(III) and As(V) oxyanions are removed from water via a combination of adsorption, occlusion (adhesion) or solid-solution formation by reaction with ferric oxide ions. Above pH 7, the primary mechanism is adsorption of the oxyanions to the surface hydroxyl groups of ferric oxide hydroxide as indicated below: As(V) Adsorption Reaction with Bayoxide® E33 /01-1 ';Fe-0 0 o \ ‘ Fe—OH HO 0 Fe-0 — As r--- 0 z \ (e. / OH + H20 --e-- a • ,, + As ---4.- 0 \ \ As + OH Fe—Oz \OH \Fe—OH 0 / \ F \OH e — OH / / / cl-Fe0OH Arsenate ACsorption is a continuous process conducted at a specific flow rate or velocity, normally about 7 GPM/Ft2, downward through the fixed bed adsorber for operating periods of about 1 month on-stream duration. In addition to velocity, the other key process parameter is empty bed contact time (EBCT). This is the variable which dictates the amount of water contact time within the bed required to effect complete As adsorption; the normal design value is 3 minutes. The media adsorbs As(V) with rapid kinetics (adsorption). Unhke other adsorbents, it will also adsorb As(III), Arsenite is nonionic at normal water pH's, and therefore, it will not be adsorbed as an anion. Adsorption kinetics for As(III) are slower than that of As(V), probably because it is first oxidized by the media before it is adsorbed, Process Description As adsorption is a simple treatment process. Flow is downward through a pressure vessel containing the Bayoxide0 E33 media. The adsorbers can be operated for extended periods of time (weeks or possibly months) before they are taken out of service for backwashing media. Once every 1-4 months depending upon the water's quality, each adsorber is taken out of service for backwashing, or fluffing, to expand the cornpacted media bed and to remove solids that may have built up within the bed. Aside from this, there is no other non-service action required until the end of the pilot program or when the media is exhausted. Media life ranges frorn 6 months to 6 years depending upon the system's utilization factor (on stream time), on the influent water's As level, and the presence and concentration of other ions in the water that could shorten the media's As adsorption capacity. The pressure differential (AP) through each adsorber is monitored. When the AP on either adsorber exceeds the high AP setpoint (normally 10 psi), that adsorber is automatically taken off line and backwashed using well water. After the 12 min backwash, the adsorber is returned to service. OM •••••••11•1•1 40 anIMMINNIMISMI -•••••••• As MM. Influent As Treated Water As As Breakthrough o 0 25,000 50,000 75,000 100,000 125,000 Time (based on 75% Use Facto* 6 Mos 12 Mos Bed Volumes of Water Treated (BV's) • • • i • i l a i a ail 30 7-3.) o o 150,000 18 Mos As Adsorption Performance As Removal performance via adsorption is illustrateed graphically using a "Breakthrough Curve" such as the one shown below. Performance of an adsorbent is measured by the number of bed volumes of water that can be treated with one bed volume (BV's)of media before it exhausts, i.e. can no longer adsorb As efficiently. The adsorption curve below is typical for Bayoxide® E33 media used in the SORB 33® Process. In this case, water containing 32 1,ig/1.. As can be treated to about 105,000 BVs before the treated water's As level exceeds the MCL of 10 Ag/L This is called the breakthrough point Typical SORB 33® Arsenic Adsorption Curve Monitoring of SORB 330 performance is done by routine analysis of the treated water, Initially, this can be done on a monthly basis. As the treated water As level increases, this frequency is increased to semi-monthly so as to be able to schedule media replacement as close to the breakthrough point as possible without exceeding the MCL. In this case, more frequent analysis starts at about 85,000 BV's when the As increases about 5 Fig& Using the timeline, this would be at about 8% rnonths, and the analysis is closely monitored until the media is changed out at about 105,000 BV's, or after 121/2 months of operation. Urlike breakthrough curves for water softening resins or some other adsorbents, As will continue to be adsorbed even after it exceeds the MCL. Softening resin breakthrough curves breakthrough rapidly to the influent levels (within <1,000 BV's on the above curve) leaving little time for media change-out, etc. The advantage of an "extended adsorption" media like E33 is that its As capacity can be increased in a lead/lag series flow configuration where effluent water from the lead column can contain as much as 15-20 µg/L As because it is further treated in a lag, or polishing, column where the As level is reduced to <4 ug/L. AsR-Proc&Chem-1pg doe MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET LA NXES S Eherglting Chemistry LANXESS Corporation Product Safety & Regulatory Affairs 111 RIDC Park West Drive Pittsburgh, PA 15275-111Z USA TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY CALL CHEMTREC: (800) 424-9300 INTERNATIONAL (703) 527-3887 NON-TRANSPORTATION LANXESS Emergency Phone: (800) 410-3063 LANXESS information Phone: (800) LANXESS 1. Product and Company Identification Product Name: Material Number Color Index Name: CAS-No.: Formula: BAYOXIDE E 33 2653218 Pigment Yellow 42 20344-49-4 Fe0OH 2, Hazards Identification Emergency Overview Color: Brown Form: solid Granules Odor: Odorless. Product poses little or no hazard if spilled. May cause mechanical irritation (abrasion). Potential Health Effects Primary Routes of Entry: Inhalation, Skin Contact, Eye Contact, Ingestion Medical Conditions Aggravated by Respiratory disorders Exposure: HUMAN EtTECTS AND SYMPTOMS OF OVEREXPOSURE General Effects of Exposure Acute Effects of Exposure For Product: BAYOXIDE E 33 No applicable information was found concerning any adverse acute health effects from overexposure to this product. Chronic Effects of Exposure For Product: BAYOXIDE E 33 No applicable information was found concerning any adverse chronic health effects bum overexposure to thts product Material Namc BAYOXIDEII 33 Article Number; 2653218 Page: 1 of 7 Report Version: 1.1 Carcinogenicitv: No Carcinogenic substances as defined by 1ARC, NTP and/or OSIIA 3. Composition/Information on Ingredients Hazardous Components This material is not hazardous under the criteria of the Federal OSHA liazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910.1200. 4. First Aid Measures Eye Contact In case of contact, flush eyes with plenty nf lukewarm water. Get medical attention if irritation develops. Skin Contact In case of skin contact. wash affected areas with soap and water. Inhalation If inhaled. remove to fresh air. Get medical attention if irritation develops. Ingestion If ingested. do not indum vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel. Get medical attention, 5. Fire-Fighting Measures Suitable Extinguishin Material is not combustible. Use extinguishing media suitable for other combustible materials in the area. Special Fire Fighting Procedures Firefighters should be equipped with self-contained breathing apparatus to protect against potentially toxic and irritating fumes. 6. Accidental release measures Spill and Leak Procedures Spills should be swept up and placed in appropriate containers for disposal. Clean up promptly by scoop or vacuum. Avoid creating dusty conditions. ndllng and Storage Storage Period Unlimited in tightly closed containers. Handling/Storage Precautions Material Narne BAYOXIDE E 33 Article Number: 2653218 Page: 2 of 7 Report Version: 1.1 Ilandle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practices. Wash thoroughly after handling. Keep container closed when not In use. Avoid breathing dust, Further Info on Storage Conditions Material ran be stored safely at ambient temperatures, 8. Exposure Controb !Personal Protection Country specific exposure limits have not been established or are not applicable Industrial Hygiene/Ventilation Measures Under normal conditions of use, special ventilation is not required. Respiratory Protection Although no exposure limit has been established for this product, the OSHA PEL for Particulates Not Otherwise Regulated (PNOR) of 15 mg/m3 - total dust, 5 mg/m3 - respirable fraction is reconuneaded. In addition. the ACGIH imommerids 3 mg/m3 - respirable par(icles and 10 mg/m3 - inhalable particles for Particles (insoluble or poorly soluble) Not Otherwise Specified (PNOS)., The following respiratot is recommended if airborne concentrations exceed the appropriate standard/guideline.. NIOSII approved. air- purifying particulate respirator with N-95 filters, Eye Protection safety glasses, Skin and body protection No special skin protection requirements during normal handling and use. Additional Protective Measures Employees should wash their hands and face before eating, drinking, or using tobacco products. Nucate and train employees in the safe use and handling of this produa 9. Physical and chensical properties Form: Appearance: Color: Odor: pH: Melting Point: Flash Point: Lower Explosion Limit: Upper Explosion Limit: Vapor Pressure: Specific Gravity: Solubility in Water: Autoignition Temperature: Viscosity. Dynamic: Bulk Density: solid Granules Brown Odorless 4-8 @50g/1 Begins at 1,000 °C (1.93Z °F) not applicable Not Established Not F.stahlished not applicable 4-5 @ 20 'C (68 °F) Insoluble Not Applicable not applicable 300 - 1,000 kg/m3 10 Stability anti Reactivity Hazardous Reactions Material Name: BAYOXIDE E 33 Article Numttr: 2653218 Page: 3 of 7 Report Version: 1.1 Hazarcloo polymerization does not occur. Stability Stable Conditions to avoid At temperatures greater than 356 F (180 C) the product wUl be converted to Fe203. 11. Toxicological Information Toxicitv Data for BAYOX1DE E 33 Acute Oral Toxicity 1O50: > 5,000 mg/kg (Rat) Skin Irritation rabbit, Non-irritating Eye Irritation rabbit, Non-kritailng Toxicity Data for C.1 Pigment Yellow 42 Acute Oral Toxicity LD50: > 5,000 mg/kg (Rat) Skin Irritation rabbit, Non-irritating Eye Irritation rabbit, Non-irritating Cardnogenldty Rat, Male/Female, intraperitoneal, 8 w. ambiguous 12. Ecological Information Ecological Data for BAYOXIDE E 33 Acute and Prolonged Toxicity (o Fish LCO; > 1,000 miill (Golden orfe (Leociscus idus)) Toxicity to Microorganisms NOEC: > 1,000 mg/1. (Pseudomonas putida) Ecological Data for CI Pigment Yellow 42 Acute and Prolonged Toxicity to Fish EC50: > 1.000 mg/1 (Golden orfe (Leuciscus Wits), 48 it) Toxicity to Microorganisms > 10,000 mg/1, (Pseudomonas putida) Moeda! Name: BAYOXIDE E 33 Article Nemter: 2653218 Page: 4 of 7 Repori Versiun: I. 1 13. Disposal considerations Waste Disposal Method Waste disposal should he in accordance with existing federal, state and local environmental control laws. Empty Container Precautions Recondition or dispose of empty container in accordance with governmental regulations. 14. Transportation information Land transport (DOT) Non-Regulated Sea transport (IMDGI Non-Regulated Air transport (ICAO/TATA) Non-Regulated 15. Regulatory Information lJnited States Federal RCM,latiorts OSHA Hazcom Standard Rating: Non-i lazardous US. Toxic Substances Control Act: Listed on the TSCA Inventory. US. EPA CERCLA Hazardous Substances (40 CFR 302): Components None SARA Section 311/312 Hazard Categories: Non-hazardous under Section 311/312 US. EPA Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) SARA Title 111 Section 302 Extremely Hazardous Substance (40 CFR 355, Appendix A); Components None US. EPA Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act (EPCRA) SARA Title 111 Section 313 Toxic Chemicals (40 CFR 372.65) - Supplier Notification Requlred: Components None US. EPA Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Composite List of Hazardous Wastes and Appendix VIII Hazardous Constituents (0 CFR 261): If discarded in its purchased form, this product would not be a hazardous waste either by listing ot by characteristic. However, under RCRA, it is the responsibility of the product user to determine at the time Miterlal Name: BAYOXIDE E 33 AtUde Numbn: 2653218 Page: 5 of 7 Report Version: 1.1 of disposal, whether a material containing the product or derived from the product should be classified as a hazardous waste. (40 CFR 261.20-24) State Right-To-Know Information The following chemicals are specifically listed by individual states-. other product specific health and safety data in other sections of the MSDS may also be applicable for state requirements. For details on your regulatory requirements you should contact the appropriate agency in your state. Potential exposure to the California Proposition 65 chemicals in this product have been determined to be below the No Significant Risk Level (NSRL)„ The concentration.s reported below in units of parts per million (ppm) or parts per billion (ppb) are maximum values. Massachusetts, New Jersey or Pennsylvania Right to Know Substance Lists: Weleht % Components CAS-No. 1 - 100% C.I. Pigment Yellow 42 20344-49-4 MA Right to Know Extraordhiarily Hazardous Substance List: Weight % Components CAS-No. 25 ppm Arsenic 7440-38-2 350 ppm Chromium 7440-47-3 200 ppm Nickel (NO 7440-02-0 California Prop. 65: To the best of our knowledge, this product does not contain any of the listed chemicals, which the state of California has found to cause cancer. birth defects or other reproductive harm. 16.0therInformatim NFPA 704M Rati _ Health 1 —Flammability 0 Reactivity 0 Other 0=lnsignifican HMIS Rat light 2=Moderate 3=High 4=Extreme Health Flammabliity 0 Physical Hazard 0=Minirnal 1=Slight 2=Moderate 3=Serlous 4=Severe * = Chronic Health Hazard IANXESS Corporation's method of hazard communication is comprised of Product Labels and Material Safety Data Sheets. I IMIS and NFPA ratings are provided by LANXESS Corporation as a customer service. Contact Person: Product Safety Department Telephone: (800) LANXESS MSDS Number: 000000004623 Version Date: 04/01/2005 Report Version: 1.1 Malerial Name: BAYOMDE E 33 ArWelquinWNSUM Page: 6 or 7 Report Version: 1.1 This information is furnished without warranty, express or implied. This laformallon is believed to be accurate to the best knowledge of LANXESS Corporation. The inforrretion In this MSDS relates only to the specific material designated herein, LANXESS Corporation assumes no legal responsibility for use of or reliance upon the information in this MSDS, Material Nam: BAYOXIDE E 33 1 Article NumLer: 2653218 Page: 7 of 7 Report Version: 1.1 USEPA TCLP Metal Arsenic Barium Cadmium Chromium Lead Mercury Selenium SiNer <0.20 <0.20 r 5.0 <0.02 <0.02 0.2 • <0.01 <0.01 1.0 <0.10 <0.10 r 6.0 Toxicity Characteristics Leaching Procedure (TCLP) Col #1 Col 02 Limit <0.01 <0.20 5.0 r 0 r ,08 0,24 100 • <0.10 <0.10 1.0 r <0.01 <0.20 5.0 SORB 33TM As Removal Frequently Asked Questions Bulletin A Date: June 21, 2004 Subject: Spent Media Handlin pose! 1?. Severn Trent Water Purification, Inc. 5415 W. Sligh Ave., &de 102, Terme, FL 33834 Tel: 813 :•:6 9331 info@severntrentservices.com Q: How is THE SPENT BAYOXIDES E33 MEDIA CLASSIFIED, AND HOW IS IT DISPOSED? A: One of the key advantages of Bayoxide® E33 iron oAde adsorbent is its ability to strongly bind arsenic as water passes through the media through a combination of adsorption, adhesion and other physical/chemical mechanisms. The iron oxide media has been tested in multiple lab scale, pilot and commercial drinking water applications since 1999. The spent media from many of these applications have been tested. In each case the spent media passed the USEPA's Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure threshold (TCLP per RCRA 40 CFR 261). The TCLP test ls an extraction procedure used for determining whether the rnaterial (media), when discarded, would classify as a hazardous waste. Based on repeated results, Sevem Trent Services strongly believes that the media will not be characterized as a hazardous waste Unless preempted by more stringent state or local regulations, the spent media is considered a RCRA Subtitle D, non- hazardous solid waste, suitable for disposal in a sanitary landfill_ The table on the right shows some spent media testing results. Final disposition and determination is typically the responsibility of the customer, since State or federal agencies do not grant blanket "approver or "disapprover of spent materials, but rather allows the generator of such residuals to make a hazardous waste determination. For more guidance on testing the spent E33 media, feel free to contact Severn Trent Services for assistance. Q: HOW IS THE SPENT MEDIA REMOVED FROM THE SORB 33TM ADSORBERS? A: Spent media is removed from adsorber vessels either by vacuuming or under hydraulic pressure. Vacuuming entails first draining the vessel of water followed by vacuuming the media from the top nozzle or rnanway with disinfected or dedicated vacuum truck equipment. This process generates the minimum amount of wastewater. Alternatively, media can be removed from a flooded vessel hydraulically through the bottom or out the side of the adsorber above the underbedding gravel. 20 MG air pressure can force most of the media out, and a small amount of backwash water flow can hydraulically remove the remainder through the same nozzle. Underbedding gravel may be removed with the media if the nozzle is on the vessel bottom. Upon completion of hydraulic media removal, the vessel is drained and any heel of media remaining in the vessel is flushed out under water pressure or vacuumed out. FAD-A-SpentMedia.doc Appendix C Municipal Waste Removal and Relocation Plan (Plan Sheet 601) SHEET 601 EX S'FANCIZIPE 1. CONTRACTOR TO REMOVE EXISTING CIAY 'CAP OF APPROXIMATELY 2' AT EXCAVATION AREA AND PLACEMENT AREA. STOCK PILE. 2. REPLACE CLAY CAP OVER RE-OCATED TRASH. PERMEABIUTY 10 , LSFLZ DEPTH. REVISIONS • - • - LEI PROJECT E 2011-0859 DRAWN EP RWH DESIGNED BY: BTG SCALE 1" = 50' DATE: 03/16/2018 I UT TO BOTTOM OF TRASH (TYP) w I TRASH EXCAVATION AREA APPROXIMATE TRASH 8 CAP EXCAVATION 473,000 C.V. ((NCLUDES CLAY CAP) RELOCATION AREA APPROXIMATE FILL = 73,000 C.Y. (INCLUDES CLAY CAP) LEI • A Utah Corporation - ENGINEERS SURVEYORS PLANNERS 3302 N. Mein Street Spanish Fork, UT 84660 Phone: 801.798.0555 Fax: 801.798.9393 officeelel-eng.com www.lei-eng.com SP A N I S H F O R K , U T A H CA N Y O N C R E E K S H O P P I N G C E N T E R MU NI C I P A L WA S T E R E M O V A L A N D R EL O C A T I O N PL A N