HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2018-005185 - 0901a0688083e91aHAZARDOUS WASTE INSPECTION REPORT WASTE HANAGEMENT 8 RADIATION CONTROL INSPECTION REPORT FOR: DATE OF INSPECTION: FACILITY ADDRESS: FACILITY COUNTY: FACILITY CONTACT: EPA ID #: CURRENT NOTIFICATION: TYPE OF INSPECTION: PARTICIPANTS: TIME IN / TIME OUT REPORT PREPARED BY: WEATHER CONDITIONS: APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS : FACILITY DESCRIPTION: Tesoro (Andeavor) Refinery April 19, 2018 474 WEST 9OO NORTH Salt Lake City, Utah 84103 Salt Lake County Carl Magnus, Environmental Administrator, (80r) s2r-49r4 uTD000826362 LQG CEI Carl Magnus, Tesoro Denny Schantz, DWMRC Jon Parry, DWMRC 0900hrs. / 1245hrs. Jon Parry Cloudy, -53oF R315 of the Utah Administrative Code Tesoro Refinery, now the Andeavor Refinery - presently the largest in Utah with a crude oil capacity of 63,000 baruels a day - produces gasoline, diesel, jet, heavy fuel oils and LPG which are distributed to Utah, Idaho Washington, Nevada and Wyoming. The refinery originally started operations in 1908 and has had different owners and operators over the years. It currently employs about 250 people. The refinery is at the base of the Wasatch Mountain Range in an industrial area on relatively flat terrain just west of Beck Street and North of Salt Lake City. CREDENTIALS, PURPOSB AND SCOPE: The inspectors checked through security and then watched a required safety video before meeting with Carl Magnus to whom they presented their credentials. The inspectors explained that this was a routine hazardous waste compliance evaluation inspection that would consist of a review of required paperwork and plans followed by a tour of the refinery's waste generations and management areas. MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES : Tesoro hazardous waste streams are consistent with the listed and characteristic wastes associated with petroleum refining. Major waste streams generated at the refinery include the following materials: o K048, K049, K050, D018, F037, F038 which are associated with the plants waste water treatment system. The refinery generated about 400,000 lbs. in calendar year 2017. These wastes are generally managed in roll-off containers near the waste water treatment units. o K171, spent hydro treating catalyst. The refinery generated about 25,000lbs. in 2017. This waste stream will likely be managed as a hazardous secondary material starting this yeat. o D018, benzene contaminated debris from soil clean up and tank bottom sludges. o K050, D018, bundle cleaning sludges from heat exchanger cleaning o D009, mercury contaminated media and debris from building cleanup and clean out. o Other listed and characteristic wastes associated with refinery operations. In general, bulk wastes are managed in roll off containers at or near the point of generation. Satellite containers and other lower volume wastes are collected and moved to the facilitv's < 90 dav central accumulation area. NARRATIVE: After completing the office review the inspectors toured portions of the refinery where the major waste streams are generated and managed. Inspectors visited the waste water treatment area and observed satellite containers and roll off containers. All were in good condition and properly labeled. Weekly containers inspections were being conducted as required. Inspectors visited the bundle cleaning area. No problems were noted. Inspectors visited the <90 day central accumulation area. Drums were in good condition, properly labeled and inspected weekly. No problems were noted. The inspectors returned to the office for a close out briefing where they discussed the new requirements for the contingency plans and additional container labeling as to the nature of the hazard. COMPLIANCE STATUS: (also see attached checklist) With the exception of the new quick reference guide requirements, which the facility is presently working on, no problems were noted. ISSUES: A None noted n I) INSPECTOR SIGNATURE: W I]< DATE U 5lto ,3.&"t \-,&i V/ASTE MANAGEMEHT 8- FADIATIOI{ CONTFOL Site Name:EPA ID:Date: .11 t1lt8S^lra J,rr-: l<(.J t \_) INSPECTION ITEM CITATION ,.COMMENTS Waste Determination: l. Has the generator determined whether his,&er solid waste is a hazardous rvaste? 2. Has a waste determination been done for each rvaste stream? Pt3t5-262 R3t5-262-rr 40 cFR262 I I R3 I 5-261-3 40 cFR 261 3 a,(zl '(e\ 3. IIas the generator notified of regulated activity and obtained an EPA ID# in accordance rvith the requirements ofSection 3010 of RCRA? R3 ls-262-10(a)(l )(iii)(c R3l5-262-18(a) 40CFR262. I0(aXlXiiiXC) 40 CFR 262 l8(a) Ie\ Manifest: l. Is the generator using a Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest for its shipments of hazardous rvaste? 2. Did the generator designate a facility permitted to handle its waste? 3. Was an alternate facility designated? 4. Did the generator use the correct manifest? R3 I 5-262-20(a)(l) a0 CtR 262.20(a)(l) R3 l 5-262-20(b) 40 clR 262.20(b) R3l5-262-20(c) R3r5-262-20(a)(r) 40 ctrR252.2o(.Xrl Y! tr o, A4 1*t Manifest requirements for the Generator l. Did the generator sign the manifest certification by hand? 2. Did the generator obtain a handwritten signature from the initial transporter and the date ofacceptance? 3. Did the generator retain a copy of the manifest in accordance with R3 I 5-262-40(a)? R3 l5-262-23(a)(l) 40 cIR 252.23(a)(l) F.3rs-262-23(a)(2) 40CFR 262.23(aX2) R3 l5-262-23(a)(3) a0 CFR 252.23(rX3) Y"t laY lor Recordkeeping: l. Is the generator maintaining signed copies of the hazardous waste manifest for three years? R3 I 5-262-40(a) {0 CFR 262.40(a YI\ 2. Is the generator maintaining copies of each Biennial Report and all Exception Reports for a period of at least three years? R3 r 5-262-40(b) 40 cFR 262.{0(b)1tY fanuary 2018 Inspector's Initials Page I of2 Site Name:EPA ID:Date: 3. Is the facility maintaining records suflicient to determine quantities and disposition ofhazardous waste or other determinations, test results, or wa$e analyses made in accordance with R3l5-262-l l(D for a period ofat least ' three years from the date of last shipment? 3rs-262-40(c) 40 CFR 262.40(c) Biennial Reporting Has the generator submitted complete Biennial Report(s)? R3ts-262-41 40 cFR 262.41 Exception Reporting Has the generator been required to prepare an Exception Report, ifyes describe the circumstances? R3rs-262-42 40cFR262.42 Packaging, Labeling, Marking, and Placarding l. Is the generator packaging his/her hazardous waste in the appropriate DOT shipping containers? 2. Are containers labeled and marked in accordance with appropriate DOT shipping requirements prior to shipping? 3. Is the generator providing or offering appropriate placarding to the initial transporter when initiating his/her shipment? R3l5-262-30 40 cFR262.30 R3t5-262-31& R3ts-262-32 10cFR262.31 &252-32 R3ts-262-33 40 cFR262.33 Accumulation Times (See Satellite, 90 Day and Tank Checklists as applicable) R3r5-262-17(a) Also see checklists for; Personnel Training, Preparedness & Prevention, Contingency Plan & Emergency Procedures and Manifest |anuary2018 Inspector's Initials Page2of 2 site: -lESoRo PLFut&Y EpA Hazardous Waste Inspection Manifest Checklist r r-hrJ r_l) #: e)Q"<>362- UJASTE MANA,GEMENT I. EADIATIOH CO'ITROL Requirements Manifests Reviewed Manifest Number (box 4)*617426p9 p7 1:Ot6{461F.F,btt f)3ttc) trr,t;&,fH741 fi2Generator EPA ID# Appendix to R3 I 5-262 (box I )wbcYna2642 Generator information: Mailing Address (box 5) Phone Number - oj< - oY- - STFf.NYCLF, MNS _c'Q.)t( o?24 _ ol<_ - oK- _ o7- - OIL PHtu P- Fr,qa;' S U&S OTb-q%w7427 - (>K_ _oK- 'l'ransoorter # I information: Companl'Name (box 6) EPA ID# (box 6) ftyedl/Qt4-FsC\ (Jrd - ? r'c-4z-74 Transnortcr #2 information: Companl'Name (box 7) EPA ID# (box 7) - ^)/< - eH 4paq@^ftE -(JTbqA{55-:.t-77 - o(- - N/,4, 21$7- cz,LjE)6e,)- EN'/ l.k'+r-i -' - NVb9wr23a -N#\N/A fr,{ln"uw- ok- - O-Y_ - of_-oK - oK* -oY_ Desienated Facilitv irrformation: Name and Address (box 8) EPA ID# (box 8) Phone Number (box 8) -'Tihrqe.^rt-tof - oK- _ or_ - ol1 - OY- - <)Y_ - or_ Waste Shippins reouirements: DOT Description (Including proper name, Ilazard class, and ID #) (box 9b) (box 9a "X" if hazardous materials) Containers: No & lype (box l0) Total Quantitl' @ox I l) Unit- Wt/Vol (box 12) Waste Codes (box l3) _ oK_ -Ctra) _ br_ - o(<_ - aF_ -*-- otr_-oK - or. - ots_ Special Ilandlins Instructions (box l4)- OK-ok:---G--Otr- Man i fe st Certi fi c ations : Generator's Signature (boxl5) International Shipments (box l6) Transporter's Signature (box l7 ) Discrepancy Indication (box l8) Hazardous Waste Report Management Method Codes (box l9) _oK - N/A - aF- -f+cw -OY-- NiA - (>'<_ - Ht4 t - Or< - pi( - oY- - of.-- - fta6' -OK - /.1/^_oF _oK - N/A Facilitl' Signature (box 20)- ol<-- oK-- or_- N/4 G':t+Z,RllT'oA€ RezoR*t Final Observations and Comments: t <4/Jtlesr ft rc1"474t R*E / S --+ ,\wArT/NG Fxc/ t fY e-of.y rPIT/AL CX)PY Gnta Common container codes: DM - metal drum\barrel; DF - fiberbar box\carton (includes roll-offs) Common Units of Measure: G - i rel; TT - cargo tank; TC - tank car; DT - dump truck; CM - metal Iallons: P - pounds: T - tons: Y - cubic vards) January 2018 Page I of I Inspectors Initials D 1 ,l_ff: -lSite: 4rq- r o / AJ.*,- EpA #:p"",_tlgl/B WASTE }'ANAGEMENT A RADIATION CONTROL Hazardous Waste Inspection Satellite Accumulation Checklist <55 gallons INSPECTION ITEM CITATION COMMENTS Is the satellite accumulation area at or near the point ofgeneration? R3 I 5-262-l 5(a) ?ns Is the satellite area under the control ofthe operator ofthe process generating the rvaste?R3 I 5-262-1 5(a)\af Does the generator have the accumulation container labeled rvith the words "hazardous rvaste"?R3 I s-262-l s(a)(s)(i)1d( The generator can not store more than 55 gallons ofhazardous waste or I quart of acutely hazardous waste at the satellite accumulation area. R3l5-262-15(a)0e Are the containers in good condition, and being managed in a rvay so it does not leak or spill? R3l5-262-15(aXl )\es Is the hazardous waste stored in containers that are compatible rvith the r.l'aste?R3l5-262-15(a)(2)l/( Is the accumulation container being maintained in a closed condition except rvhen *'aste is being added or removed, or u'hen temporary venting is necessary for proper operation ofequipment or to prevent dangerous situations such as pressure buildup? R3 ls-262-15(a)(a)? z\ Does the generator have the accumulation containers marked rvith an indication ofthe hazards of its contents? R3 I 5-262-l s(a)(s)(ii)\eE Is the generator conectly labeling and moving hazardous waste, in excess ofthe 55 gallon or I quart limits, to a 90-day storage area within 72 hours of exceeding the limit? R3l5-262-15(a)(6 )(i)\1\ January 2018 Page I of I Inspectors I"irid, 0P YJASTE HAt{AGEMENf a PAOTATTCi{ CONTPO! I Site: ?S.-,rc., /And*,a,. r EPA #: Hazardous Waste Inspection 90 Day Storage Site >55 gallons d INSPECTION ITEM CITATION COMMENTS l. Is the container labeled u'ith the rvords "Hazardous Waste"? 2. Is the container marked or labeled rvith an indication ofthe hazards of the contents? 3. Is the date upon rvhich accumulation began clearly marked and visibly for inspection? 4. Is that date <:90 days old? R3 I s-262- I 7(a)(s)(i)(A) R3 I s-262- I 7(a)(s)(i)(B) R3 I s-262- I 7(a)(s)(i)(c) R3l5-262-17(a) ,? "rs '1cs' t r'( D( 4. Is there a Preparedness and Prelention Plan for this site or the facility as a rvhole, including this site? (see separate Check List) R3ls-262-17(a)(6) R3 I 5-262-250 thru 256 \er 5. Operated to minimize chance of Spill or Fire? 6. Spill and Fire control equipment? 7. Emergency communication device: Internal? Emergency comrnunication der.ice: Ilxternal? Sufficient Aisle and Access space? R3t5-262-251 R3r5-262-2s2(c) R31s-262-252(a) R3rs-262-2s2(b) l\3t5-262-255 q4 8. Is there a Contingency Plan for this site or the facility as a u'hole, including this site? (see separate Check List) 9. a. Description ofactions that should be taken? b. Name & Phone # for Eniergency Coordinator? c. Primary'and alternate evacuation routes? d. List of emergency equipment & location? R3l5-262-17(a)(6) R315-262-260 thru 265 R3l5-262-261(a) R3 l5-262-26 l (d) R3ts-262-261(l) R3l5-262-261(e) J 1'e Have personnel at this site Successfully completed up to date Personnel Training on I{zW Handling & Fire & Spill Response? Is the training documented? (see separate Check List) R3 | 5 -262-17 (a)(1)(i) R3l5-262-17(aX7Xv)I t1-e< Are the containers accumulating and holding hazardous rvaste in good condition? Are they compatible rvith the HzW in them? R3 I 5-262-l 7(a)(l)(ii) R3r5-262-17(aXlXiii) i qc\{lr Is the generator maintaining his4rer containers in a closed condition except when adding or removins rvaste from the container? R3I5-262- I7(a)( I XivXA '( nl Containers holding hazardous waste must not be opened, handled and/or stored in a manner which could cause it to leak. R3 l s-262- I 7(a)( I XivXB ac Is the generator inspecting his/her containers at least rveekly, and do the inspections look for leaks, deterioration, and any factor that may cause a release ofhazardous rvaste? R3 I 5-262-17(a)(l)(v)'1 t\ No ignitable or reactive HzW u,ithin 50 feet of the facility's property line.R3 I s-262- I 7(a)( 1 )(viXa 0(_ January 201 8 Page I of I Inspectors Initials ,o4@&$\*.i. ',;&' IVAS'E MANA6EMENT & RADtAttoi{ CONtnOL 5;r..'G-S". "". fr+-d<r+u-EpA #:Date: t-t ) lg ----T---Hazardous Waste Inspection Personnel Training Checklist T INSPJCTION ITEM CITATION.COMMENTS Facility personnel must successfully complete classroom instruction, online training or on- the-job training rvhich teaches them to perform theirjobs, such that the faciliry" is operated in compliance rvith the applicable hazardous $'aste management requirements. R3 | 5 -2 62 - | 7 (a)( 7X i X A ) 40CFR262. l7(a)(7XiXA) OA l. u.- *.1-* r.rr rr!\ zu{.-btd7 ,Fh Hn>'c rccK a-.^d H^! i"(* Is the program directed by a person trained in haz ardous waste management procedures? R3 | 5 -262 - | 7 (a)(7X i XB ) 40CF R262.17 (a)(7XiXts)O v\ - I \ v\-(*- I .4 r^. ^.'^f D.FfrG6 (o*-.e- 'lo^'t;r p l!.f r.<-i-. Does the training teach facility personnel hazardous waste management and contingency plan implementation procedures? R3 | 5 -262 - | 7 (a)( 7X iX B ) 40CFR262 17(a)(7XD(B) L q-VG<,) esfc'r (r f-r'4'-r d I t Crc,'F 4U'- p-*-'l-1 r ft.n,rl-.-\ tn"r ^ . '^, o^^ (:^t''rz4;fsn' :rc--rf A-.-d") | | $' tl . Does the training program include, at a minimum, the follouing. rvhere applicable: l. Procedures for using, inspecting, repairing, and replacing facility emergency equipment; 2. Key parameters for automatic u'aste cut-off systems; 3. Communications or alarm svstems: 4. Response to fires or explosions; 5. Response to groundrvater contamination incidents; 6. Shutdonn ofoperations; and R3 | 5 -262 - | 7 (a)(7X i Xc) 40CFR262. I 7(a)(7XiXc) R3 l s-262- I (a{7)(iNC)( I ) 40cFR262 I7(a)(TXiXcXI) R3 | s -262- t7 (a)(7 X iXcX2) 40cFR262 I 7(a{7XD(cX2) R3 I 5-262- I 7(a[7XiXCX3) 40CF R262. t7 (a)(7XiXCX3) R3 | 5 -262- t7 (a)(7 X iXCX4) 40cFR262 I (a)(7XD(cX4) R3 1 5 462- t7 (a\7 XiXCXS ) 40CI;R262 1 7(a)(TXiXCXs) R3 1s-262-l 7(a{7Ni[C[6) 40cFR262. I 7(aXTXiXcX6) 12t 1*)F cr- 70tn4 Have facility personnel successfully completed the personnel training program rvithin six months of the date of their employment or assignment to the facility? R3 I 5-262- I 7(a)(7)(ii) 40cF R262. | 7 (a)(7 )( i i ) .al r{f r'1 f^r# z-3 Lr no^a^* ll1 r N\o LK-S Do the facility personnel receive an annual review oftheir initial trainine? F.3r5-262-17(aXTXiiD 40CFR262.r7(aXTXiii)\es January 2018 Page I of2 lnspectors l^rti* ,AQ Site:EPA #: Hazardous Waste Inspection Personnel Training Checklist Date: The owner/operator of the facility muil maintain the following documents at the the faci 2. A writtenjob description for each position listed under #l; 3. A written description ofthe type and amount ofboth introductory and continuing training that will be given to the employees listed in #1, and; 4. Records that document that employees have the training orjob experience required by paragraphs 265.16 (a), (b), and (c). title for each R3 I 5-262-l 7(a)(7)(iv) aOCFR262. I 7(a)(7)(iv) R3 I s-262- I {a)(7Niv)(A) l(a[7)(w[A) s-262-17(a)(7[iv[B) l(aXTXivXB) R3l5-262-t(ax7[iv[c) .l(a)(7)(iv)(c) ls-262-t(a)(7{iv[D) .17(a{7)(iv)(D) Are training records maintained at the facilitv for current employees and for at least three years for employees that have left the company? rs-262-r7(a)(7)(v) R262.17(a)(7Xv) January 2018 Page2 of2 Inspectors Initials f@ilzie xti,rY,M; .:'"X"1'"Iilil'"',i';:', EPA #: Contingency Plan and Emergency Procedures Checklist ,itoxc 1l t1ltb { Nofe.' this checklist is applicahle to LQG's and to HSM handters (except where indicated) who accumulate >6,000 kg (-13'228 lbs') INSPECTION ITEM CITATION COMMENTS Have copies been distributed to all local police and fire departments, hospitals, and State and local emergency response teams that may be called upon for assistance? \3 | s -262- | 1 (a)(6) (LQ G ) t3ts-262-262(a) (LQG) r3 I 5-26 I -420(c)(2\ (HSt , tl n\ Content ofthe ContinsencY Plan: l. Does the contingency plan describe the actions facility personnel rvill take to minimize the hazard to human health or the environment when responding to fires, explosions, or any unplanned sudden or non-sudden release ofhazardous rvaste? 2. Does the contingency plan describe arrangements agreed to by local police and flre departments, hospitals, contractors, and State and local emergency response teams? 3. Does the contingency plan list the names, addresses, and phone numbers (office and home) ofprimary and all other persons qualified to act as emergenc)'coordinator? 4. I)oes the contingenc;'plan include a list of all emergency equiprnent at the facility? The list must be kept up-to-date, and include the location and a physical description ofeach item on the list, and a briefoutline ofthe equipment's capability. 5. Does the contingency plan include an evacuation plan for the l'acility? This plan must include a description ofsignal(s) to be used to begin an evacuation, evacuation routes, and alternate evacuation routes. R3t5-262-261(a) (LQG) R3 l s-261-420(bX l ) (HS"4 R3ts-262-26t(c) (LQG) R3 l s-26 I -420(bX3) (J6n4 P.3ts-262-261(d) (LQG) R3 I5-26l -420(b)(4) (HSt'0 R3ts-262-26t(e) (LQc) R3 l s-26r -420(bXs) (HS,4,4 R3rs-262-261(0 (r,QG) R3 l s-26 l-420(b)(6) (r{sM) 'f*\ les q A\ - Cocr d ' ""- f"' 41o ^\ lf,.- * Cta'{,''t A'kr '1{s 7!\ Ifthe facility first became subject to these provisions after May 30,2017, or has othenvise amended its contingency plan, has it developed and submitted a quick reference guide ofthe contingencl plan to Iocal emergency responders in R3l5-262-262(a), and state and local emergency response teams that could be called for assistance? R3ts-262-262(b) (LQG) Not required - HSM *.l\ l-t.,*.- P'o" .!'o'1) tf' GrV (r * -t.^c$'(PI^* R -, fL-'t Pl'+* Oyl tl'':Vr F<,,ri(,o,r Ifthe faciliry" has a quick reference guide for its contingency plan, does it have the follorving required elements?: l. Types/names ofhaz wastes and the associated hazard for each haz \ aste present at any one time (e.g., toxic paint wastes, spent ignitable solvent, etc.) 2. Estimated marimum amount of each haz waste that ma) be present at any one time 3. Identification ofany haz wastes for which exposure uould require unique/special treatment by medical or hospital staff 4. Map of the facility showing where haz rvastes are generated, accumulated and treated, and routes for accessing these rvastes 5. Street map ofthe facility in relation to sunounding businesses, schools and residential areas for the purpose olgetting to it and/or evacuating citizens and workers. 6. Locations ofrvater supply (fire hydrant, flow-rate) 7. Identified on-site notification systems (alarms) 8. Name of emergency coordinator and 7124-hour emergencv phone number This section nol npplicable for HSIII handling R3 | s -262-262(b)(t) (LQG) R3 | s -2 62 -2 62 (b) (2) ( L Q G ) Rt I s -262-262(b)(3) (L Q G) R3 | s -262 -262(b)(4) ( L Q G) R3 | s -262 -262(b)(s) (LQ c) R3 | s -262-262(b)(6) ( L Q G) R3 | s -262 -2 62(b)(7 ) (LQ G) R3 | s -262 -262(bX 8 ) (rQC) vxo"''}/ k S \lc,+ifV\,4, u\ 'tra I Yl*r<-f," -PO'*fL \n o"\i [Qu! ^r 6- A- td__ u- d/ January 2018 Page 1 of3 Inspectors Initiars 0P INSPECTION ITITM CITATION i.COMMENTSuurs urtr rauully nave a least one employee on-site or on-call at all time rvho is qualified toact as the emergency coordinator? Does the contingency plan include procedures for activation ofthe internal alarm by theemergency coordinator? Does the contingency plan include provisions for notifying the appropriate State and\or localresponse agencies? R3r5-262-264 (LQG) R3 | s -2 6 | - 420 (e) (H S La) R3 | 5 -262-26 s (a)(t) (L e G) R3 I 5-26 I -420(r)( I Xi) (rlsr./) R3 | 5 -2 62 -2 6 s (a)(2) (L e G) R3 | s -26 r - 420(fx I xi i) (fls,r[) \q 1"( L\- Does the contingency plan outline theprocedure(s) that the emergency coordinatorrvill follorv to immediately identify the cnaracter, source, amount, and extent ofreleased material? R3ts-262-26s(b) (LQG) R3rs-26r-420(DQ) (HSM o(- Does the contingency plan include procedures for the emergency coordinator to follor.v in order to assess possible hazards to humanhealth or the environnent? R3r5-262-26s(c) (LeG) R3 | s -26 r - 420(0(3) (HSM)?,\ Il'it is determined that the incident couldthreaten human health or the environment. outsidc the lacility, the emergency coordinator must notify the appropriate local, State andFederal agencies. Does the contingency plan includc provisions for notifying thi appropriate agencies? Do the notification mcasures include information to be reported (name and lelephone # of,reporter, name and address offacility, name and quantitv of material(s) involved, extent oiinjuries, andpossibility of exposure outside the facility), and identify the National Response Centei and the State as parties to be notified? R3ts-262-26s(d) (LQG) R3ts-26t-420(Dg) (HSM 1e\ Does the plan include procedures lo prevent the spread of the incident to other haiardous rvaste/material at the facility? R31s-262-26s(e) (LeG) R3r5-26r-420(06) @SM ()u Are measures included to monitor for leaks, pressure buildup, gas generation. or ruptures in valves, pipes, or other equipment, when it isnecessary to shut-dorvn operations as a response to an incident? R3ts-262-26s(D QQG) R3 I s -26 I -420 (t)(6) (H S M ) 1s-# Does the contingency plan provide procedures to follow to manage the hazardous lvaste/material generated as a result ofan incident? R3rs-262-265(e) QeG) R3r 5 -26 | -420(f)(7 ) (HS M oe Following implementation of the contingencyplan, are provisions included to ensure that in the affected area(s): l. No waste that may be incompatible with the released material is treated, stored, or disposed of until the cleanup is complete. 2. That all equipment listed in the contingency plan is cleaned and fit for use prior to resuming activities at the facility. R3 | 5 -2 62 -2 6 s (h)(r) (L QG) R3 | 5 -26 t - 420(0(8xD (1/St1) R3 | s - 2 62 -2 6 5 (h) (2) (L Q G) R3 l 5 -26 I -420(0(8)(ii) (/1St1) Site:EPA #:Date: Contingency Plan and Emergency procedures Checklist dicated) who accumulate >6,000 kg (_I9,228 January 2018 Page 2 of 3 Inspectors Initials site:{l4SoCc)EPA #:o^r", 'lln ltg Contingency Plan and Emergency Procedures Checklist Note: this checktist ts appliable to LQGb and to HSM handlers (exceptwhere indicated) who accumulate >6,(M) kg (-13,228 lbs) The contingency plan must include provisions for recording the incident requiring implementation of the contingency plan and specifying information that will be recorded and reported. The requirements are as follows: l. Will a written report on the incident be provided to the Utah State Department of Environmental Qualrty within l5 days? 2. The following information needs to be recorded and reported: a) The name, address, and telephone # ofthe owner/operator; b) The name address, and telephone # ofthe facility; c) Date, time, and type of incident; d) Name and quantity of material(s) involved; e) Extent of injury, if any; f) An assessment of the actual or potential hazard to human health or the environment; and g) An estimate of the quantity and disposition ofrecovered material(s) that resulted from the incident. r5-262-26s(i) (LQc) | 5 -2 6r - 420 (f) (9) (H S M) rs-262-265(i) (LgG) | 5 -26 r - 420 (f) (9) (H S M) s -262-265 (iXD tJrlu (iX7 ) (IQC) 5-261420(fxexi) ftru HSM Only: Are all employees thoroughly familiar with proper waste handling and procedures relevant to their responsibilities during normal facility R3ts-26r-420(g (HSM) January 2018 Page 3 of3 Inspectors Initials Site:EPA ID: Preparedness and Prevention Checklist Date *#,r':"'9,Xt WAST€ HAIIA6E}.1ENT & RADIATIOTT CONTFOL ()I INSPECTION ITEM ,CITATJONi .::COMMENTS Is the facility maintained and operated to minimize the possibility of a fire, explosion, or any unplanned sudden or non-sudden release ofhazardous rvaste or hazardous rvaste constituents? R3ts-262-251 (LQG) R3 l s-262-r 6(bX8Xi) (sOG) R3ls-261-410(a) (ffSn4 1nt The facilitl'must be equipped rvith items (l)- (4), identified belorv, unless it can be shown that hazardous rvaste managed at the site rvould not require the particular kind of equipment specified. l. Does the facility have an internal communications or alarm system capable of providing immediate emergency instruction to its personnel? 2. Does the faciliry" have a device capable of summoning external emergency assistance to the facility (phone or trvo-u'ay radio)? 3. Does the facility have portable extinguishers, fire control equipment (including special extinguishing equipment necessary for their facility), spill control equipment, and decontamination equipment? 4. Does the facility have rvater at adequate volume and pressure to supply water hoses, or foam producing equipment, or automatic sprinklers. or u'ater spray systems? R31s-262-2s2 (LQG) R3 r s-262-16(bX8XiD (soc) R3ls-261-410(b) (HsM) R31s-262-2s2(a) (LQG) R3 r s-262- l 6(bxsXiiXA) (s0G) R3 l5-261 -410(bXr) (HSnl) R3ts-262-2s2(b) (LQG) R3 1 s-262- 16(bXsXiiXB) (sqc) R3 r s-26 r -4 r0(b)(2) (HSr0 R3ts-262-2s2(c) (LQG) R3 l s-262- l 6(bxsXiiXC) (soc) R3 r s-26 r-4 l0(bx3) (Hs'r1) R3ts-262-2s2(d) (LQG) R3 l 5-262- l 6(bX8XiiXD) (soc) R3 I 5-26 l -4 l 0(bX4) (I/srI4 \o,, ?er 7e< u-_ 70t Are facility communications or alarm systems, fire protection equipment, spill control equipment, and decontamination equipment tested and maintained to assure its proper operation in time of an emergency? R3rs-262-2s3 (LQG) R3 l 5-262- l6(bXsXiii) (sgc) R3 I s-261-4 l0(c) (Ilsnfl ? nr Do facility personnel have immediate access to an intemal alarm or emergency communication device, either directly through visual or voice contact, while managing hazardous rvaste? R31s-262-2sa@) (LQG) R3 I s-262- 1 6(bXsXiv)(A) (s0G) R3 r 5-26l-4 r 0(dX l) (HSnl)78e P*J'u\ Is there everjust one employee on the premises while the facility is operating? If yes, does that person have immediate access to device capable of summoning extemal emergency assistance? R31s-262-2s4(b) (LQG) R3 I 5-262- I 6(bX8)(ivXB) (sQG) R3 l 5-26 1 -4 l 0(d\(2\ (HS M Vl Lo L-*r \ " l- J.- Jan 2018 Page I ofT Inspector's Initials Site:EPA ID: Preparedness and prevention Checklist Date Is aisle space maintained to allow the unobstructed movement of emergencypersonnel or equipment (unless aisle space isnot needed for any ofthese purposes)? R3ts-262-2ss (LQc) R3 ls-262- l6(bx8Xv) (sgc) s-261-410(e) (HSM) The facility must arrange the foilowing typesor agreements or arrangements with localorganizations (as appropriate) : l. Has the facility made or attempted to makearrangements to familiarize local police, firedepartments, and emergency response teamswith the layout of the facility, character of thehazardous waste(s) managed, locations wheretactltty personnel normally work, Iocation ofractttty entrances and possible evacuation routes? 2. Has the facility designated primary emergency authority to a specific police or firedepartment, when more than one police or firedepartment might respond in the event of anemergency? 3. Have agreements with State emergency response teams, emergency responses contractors, and equipment suppliers beenmade? 4. Have arrangements been made tofamiliarize local hospitats with the properties or nazardous waste handled at the facility andthe t5pes of injuries or illnesses which couldresult from fires, explosions, or releases at thefacilitv? R3 | 5 -262-2 s 6(a)(3) (Lec) R3 | s -262 -2 s 6(a)e) (LeG) R3 I s-262- l 6(bx8)(vi)(A)([r) (sec) R3 I s-26 I -4 I 0(f)( I XiD (I/srt/) R3 I s-262-256(a)( t) (r.ec) R3 | s-252-l 6(bxsXviXA)fl) (spc) R3 I s-2614 I 0(0( l xiii) (I/SM) Rsts-262-2s6(a) (Lec) R3 I s-262- I 6(bx8[vi{A) (seG) R3 | s-26 t -4 I 0(D0) (HSM) R3 | s -2 62-256(a)(2) (Lec) R3 I 5-262- l6(bXs)(vi)(A)(rr) (spc) R3 r s-26 I -4 I 0(0( | xi) (//st1) | 5-262-l 6(bxsxvi[A)(tr) (Sec) I s-26 I -4 I o(fx I )(iv) (HsM) Ifany State or local authorities have declined !o enter into such arrangements, has thefacility documented the refusal in theoperating recor.d? R3ts-262-2s6(b)(LQc) R3 I s-262- I6(bXsXviXB) (sgc) R3 r 5-26 l -4 I 0(fx2) (HSM) rAo {- N, r,a t g Ian 2018 Page 2 of2 Inspectoy's Initials ([ re. b.i$ W tn^.V !. Jtie ;;'"[; ab7 tfi'i$"--{lf t ,ni=j. !k is.. : - "',lt \r !-.i1 ,1? J ) u ' ""{ - o7 -=1 . \t---t -'S -:4L:I!!qQ .qt-Lt-l_7 a3!l Qf \-.or 1onr r-1 1tt .w4) { - , p-r.<\ l1^r: a{.\.6"7 ii.ii:Ili lltI 1l)r'j ii'i,ii:i , :; : :,li, i:ll i: \:+l$ f*.- ->12 --"-\f-,'A B,-1,- L,or0 Sal. LJ:ZI 8tffir€ <t \/2 -\-.a/r,.+*,'rJ \-? Olr) \l-=t*s rc'.- ,l$.r, ?t - rrt-l-Q I s121-. F\nc C; l> A. Nf.. C,\ rrr.v <.e -l ,A YT = A\d Dp: (> L. )c-t ) f' F .r I ) (E Q1/ 5 r-rr^ td+.-'/ - V V2 r.. *t 5;>u^rcr\.r-z*.2 - VV2 D rbt-V O:o)?L Cyclc Slte Na'me Site ID 20t7 TESORO REFINING & MARKETb{G4O'TPANY LLC uTD000826362 I Genenl Infomation I Received Dote llnclude in National ReDorI? | |t_r"llI n:r30.,:o t .q I Ye* I l. Reason for Submltral I BR / Notification. {Soure Bl i :. Site fD I u'rooooszotozI | 3. site Name I I resono nrnntNc & MARKETING coMPANY LLc 4. Site Location r l- ^ Street Numher l$reet I lrtreer zt..___^^^..^^_..1474 | wEsTgooNoRTH I 4p 84103 City.Town or Villase SALT LAKE CITY &E UTAH Count rv UNITED STATES Countv SALT LAKE State District UNITED STATES I o.sitet"oaTyp. I I II Pri vete ?. North American Industry Classification Systsn (NAICS) Primarv NAICS 324I I - PETROLEUM REFINERIES Other NAICS 8. Site Contsct PeFon First Nome LARSEN Middle Initial b!ttl4s AMBER ak MANAGER,HSE Email AMBER.C.LARSEN @ANDEAVOR.COM Phone Number 801-521-4923 Extension 4923 Fax 80 1 -52 l-4965 Page I of4 zip 64t03 Citv.Town orVillape SALT LAKE CITY Countrv UNITED STATES 96. f,€g.l Orrni*f Name TESORO REFINING & MARKETING COMPANY LLC Date 09to6t200l Tvoe Pri Yate Street Number 474 Street I WEST 9OO NORTH Street 2 zig 84 t03 Citv. Town or Villape SALT LAKE CITY Stqte UTAH Countrv UNTTED STATES tu!! Phone Number 801-52r-4966 Extension Fax Internal Comments WILLIAM.K.SNARR@TSOCORP.COM F Public Commqts b.I4al Op.qltdr*l We TESORO REFINING & MARKETING COMPANY LLC 48. Q9t06t2001 Type Private Street Number 474 Street I WEST 9OO NORTH Street 2 zip. 84t03 City. Tow or Villape SALT LAKE CITY State UTAH Counlrv UNITED STATES Email Phone Number E0l-52t4966 Extqsion Fox Internal Comments WILLIAM.K.SNARR@TSOCORP.COM F Public Comments 10. Itpo of fedmt Regulabd Wutc Acff rlty Page2 of 4 C. Sro.lc Codcs for stat Rcgulrt d (troo.F€dcnl) Ifaardoc Wsstcs t'.,Qi[.c{f,iiib*dif ff ec I. Transporrer of Hozardous Wosle NoDe scletcd 3. lJnited Sta,es Importer of Hozqrdous Wasle No 5. Importer/Expoiler of SIABs None selwted No 4, RecosnizedTrader NoDe selcted Accumulrtcd/Manrged: None seletcd Genentedi None selccted Stale Activities None selcted lrl-trx:Comnll&donof VSOGWaste I I Are vou an LOG notifvinp of consolidarinp VSOG hozard.ous wasrc under the control of the same oerson oursuan, to 40 CFR 262'17(fl? Il-rl*o , I IIAC SitcclosureofacenrralAccumulationArgor Facilitv It._l lNo t lArc vou rcportins HSM activities? |rl tZ. &fuittclcromlc Enddcr vithLtitnntories 17. Elscriollc Mrdlitst Broku No Page 3 of4 lS.Coq|M Internol Comments THIS REPORT INCLUDES WASTE STREAMS GENERATED DURING ON-LINE OPERATIONS, TURNAROUND (TAR) UPGRADES, AND REFINERY EXPANSION PROJECTS. UTB Public Comments THIS REPORT INCLUDES'WASTE STREAMS GENERATED DURTNG ON-LINE OPERATIONS, CAPTTAL PROJECTS, AND OTHER REFTNERY EXPANSION PROJECTS. TESOROREFININC & MARKETINC COMPANY LLC IS CHANGING TTS NAME TO ANDEAVOR REFINING & MARKETINC COMPANY LLC TO REFLECT CHANCE IN CORPORATE NAME.THIS NAME CHANGE WAS INITIATED IN 20I7 AND WILL BE COMPLETE BY YEAR'S END 2OIE. Pagc 4 of4 Cycle Site Namc Sile ID 20r'1 TESORO REFININC &MARKETTNG COMPANY LLC urD000826362 GM l Wlstt Chsmcleristi6 PROCESSED API, DAF, HEAT EXCHANCER SLUDGE, AND REFINERY SEWER SOLIDS FROM SLOP TANKS (TANKS 5 I /52) AT THE REFINERY WASTE WATER TREATMENT PLANT (WWTP). B. EPA Hazardous Waste Code(sl K048. K049. K050, D0l 8, FO37, F038 D. Source Code G23 Manaaement Method Code E. Form Code w409 G. Ouantit\ 3949t0.0 W. POUNDS Densit "- On-site Genmtion ud Mmagement of Huardous Waste Off'site Shiprent of Hzardous Waste Site I B. EPA lD offacilitv to which waste was shipped urDg8t552l?7 C. Manapement Method Code H040 D, Total Ouantirv Shipoed 394910.0 Comments WASTE GENERATED DURING CLEANOUT OF REFINERY WASTE WATERTREATMENT PLANT SLOPTANKS (TANKS 51/52). EIGHTEEN WASTE SHIPPMENTS ON (I8) MANIFESTS (0103 I 5 195 FLE - 0l 0l I 5 I 97 FLE), (0 I 030 I 5200 FLE - 0103 I 521 3 FLE). a GM 2 Wes& Cl|rroctcristics A. DescriDtion of hozqrdous wasle CONTAMINATED DEBRIS REMOVED FROM REFINERY SEWER SYSTEM IN THE COURSE OF CLEANING SEWER LINES. B. EPA Hazardous Waste Code(s) F037, D0l 8 D, Source Code G39 E. Form Code w002 F, Waste Minimization Code X G. Ouantit\ 2066o.o !.9,4 POUNDS DenEit\ On-site Genemtion ud Management of Hazardotrs waste Off-sitc Shipment of Harudous Waste Site I NED98t7235l3 H040 D. Total O uant irv Shipped 4000.0 Site 2 B- EPA ID of facilitv to which waste was shiooed uTD98r552l77 C. Manapement Method Code H040 D. Totsl Ouantitv Shippe.l r 6660.O Comrnents sEc I (D) - CLEANED SEWER LINES. SHtppED ON MANTFESTS 00945061 I FLE,009450683 FLE,009450756 FLE,009450800 FLE,00945083 4FLB,010420424 FLE' 010420478 FLE' OIO42OI59 FLE, AND OIO42O736 FLE. MANIFEST 099450834 WAS SHIPPED IN A BULK CONTAINER, ALL OTHER SHIPMENTS WERE IN DRUMS. Page I of l0 GM 3 Wast€ Chamct€ristic DISCARDED AEROSOL SPRAY CANS. B. EPA Hazardous Waste Code(sl D001 C- Stote Hazardous Waile Code(s) D. Source Code G06 E. Form Code w209 G. Ouantit\ 1325.0 UOM POUNDS Densit\ On-site Geremtioo and Maflagernent ofHazardous Waste Off-site Shipment of Hurdous Waste Site I B. EPA ID of facility to whiclt wa$te was shipped N VD980895338 Hl 4t D- Total Ouantitv Shipped t325.O Comlnents SHIPPEDINDRUMSONMANIFESTS009450684FLE,009450'75'1FLE,009450831FLE.0t0420423FLF,,O1042047}FLE,010420158FLE,010420566FLE,10t20606FLE,O10420672 FLE, AND OIO42O735 FLE. GM 4 Waste Characteristis LEAD AND BENZENE CONTAMINATED SOIL DERIVED FROM EXCAVATIONS ON SITE FOR REFINERY CAPITAL EXPANSION PROJECTS. D018, D008 D. Source Code cl9 E. Form Code w30l X G. Ouantit\ | UOM I16800.0 IPOUNDS Densit\ On-sitc Generatiotr and Muagcmcnl of Hmdous Waslc Qff-site Shipment ofHaztrdous Waste Site I uTD98l552r7't H040 16800.0 Comments SHIPPED IN 28 DRUMS ON MANIFEST OO945O83O FLE. GM 5 Wastc Characteristis MERCURY CONTAMINATED MATERIAL (PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT, ETC.) DERIVED FROM SANITIZINC A SMALL BUILDING WHICH WAS CONTAMINATED WITH FREE.PHASE MERCURY. D009 D. Source Code cl9 E. l'orm Code w002 G. Ouantitt, 52.O UOM GALLONS Densit\ 1.0 sg On-site Getreratiotr md Mmagemetrt of Heardous Wrote Off-sitc Shipmcnt of Huardous Wastc Site I NVD98089s 338 C. Manaqement Metho.l Code H14l D- Total Ouattilv Shioned 52.0 Coments SHIPPED IN ONE 55.CALLON DRUM ON MANIFEST OIO42O423 FLE. Page2ofl0 GM 6 Wsste Chrrrcteristics WASTE PAINTS. D00l Mssspls Gt9 E, Form Code w209 X E -fusllilt 268.0 W,M GALLONS MJD l.0sg On-site Cenffition md Muagement of Huardous Waste Off-site Shipmt of Hazardous Waste Site I uTD98t552t77 C. Manapement Method Code H040 208.0 Sitc 2 NVD980895338 Hl4l D. Toral Ouantitv Shipped 60.0 Comrentg SHIPPED ON MANIFESTS 00945061O FLE, AND O IO42O4'I9FT-B, GM 7 Waste Chrracteristis TANK BOTTOMS SLUDCE. B. EPA Hazatdous Waste Code(sl D0l8 D. Source Code cl4 Manoeement Method Code E. Form Code w603 x G. Ouontit\ 2000.0 aoa POUNDS Densitv On-site Genemtion and Milagement of Haardous Wrote Off-site Shipment of Huardous Wast€ Site I B. EPA ID of facilit\ to which waste was rhipped NED9817235 l3 C. Maaaeement Method CUde H040 D. Total Ouuntitt Shipped 1600.0 Site 2 B. EPA lD offacilitv to which woste was shinped uTD98 l 552 177 H040 D. Total Ouantiry Shipped 400.0 Comments ONE DRUM SHIPPED TO ARAGONITE ON MANIFEST OO945O8OO FLE. FOUR DRUMS SHIPPED TO KIMBALL ON MANIFEST O I O42O I 59 FLE. GM 8 Waste Characaeristics A. Description of hozordous waste SPENT HYDROTREATING CATALYST. A. EPA Hggldo"" WattelJ&b) K t7l C. State Hazardous Wastc Code(s) D. Source Code G09 E. Form Code w3l6 X G. Ot antitr 2s433.0 UOM POUNDS Densitr O0-site Geileratioo and Ma0agemcnt of Hazardous waste Off-site Shipunnt of Haardous Waste Site I B. EPA ID of facilitr to which wasre was shipoed uTD98 I 552 177 C, Mqnaeement Melhod Code H040 D. Total Ouailitv ShiDDed 25433.O ComMts SEC I (D) - CHANGEOUT CATALYST IN REACTOR. SHIPPED IN 6 FLOW BINS ON MANIFEST O I 037255 FLE. Page3ofl0 '1/ GM 9 Waste Chardcterlsdcs REAGENT VIALS. UL!!.sst&s u&!g-c, d elil D002. D007. D009 D, Source Code G22 Manaaement Method Code E. Form Code wl l9 F'. Waste Minimiz.ation Code x G. Ouantitt t0.0 UOM GALLONS Densitr 1.0 sg On-sitc Generation md Mmagement of Hazardous Waste Off-site ShipmeDt of Haardous Waste Sitc I NVD980895338 Hr4l 10.0 Comments SHIPPED IN D.O.T.5-GALLON CONTAINERS ON MANIFESTS O0945O6E4FLE, AND OI042O754FLE. GM l0 Waste Characterlslics A, I)escriotion of hazardous waste CONTAMINATED SULFURIC ACID, D002 C, Stote Hazqrdou$ Waste Code(s) D. Source Code cll Manaeement Method Code E. Form Code wr03 F. Wqste Minimization Code G. Ouantity 3082.0 UOM CALLONS Densitt' | .84 sg On-siteGenemtion and Managemqt of Haardous Waste Off-site Shipment of Hazardous Waste Site I NVD980895338 Ht2l 3082.0 Comments TWOSHIPMENTSINTDRUMSONMANIFESTS0094506IOFLE,ANDOI04206T2FLE.ONESHIPMENTIN IO(3OOGAL.)TOTESONMANIFESTOIO42O423FLE. GM 11 Waste Chancteristis A. DescriDtion of hazardous wasle OFF.SPEC SODIUM HYDROXIDE. B. EPA Hazardous Waste Code(sl D002 D. Source Code c3l Manasement Method Code E. Form Code wl l0 O. Ouantitr 134.0 W,M GALLONS Mi!) 1.0 sg On-site Gen@tion md Management of Hzardous Wilste Off-site Shipment of Haardous Waste Site t B. EPA ID of facilitt to which waste was shinped NVD980895338 Hl2t D- Total Ouantitv S hippe.l 134.0 Coments SHIPPED IN 3 DRUMS TOTAL ON MANIFESTS 0094506IO FLE. AND 009450684 FLE Page4ofl0 GM 12 Wrste Chsrrct€ristics DEBRIS GENERATED DURING EXCAVATION ACTIVTTIES CONTAMINATED WITH LEAD. D008 2. Source CoaS G49 E. Form Code w002 X G. Ouontit\ 200.0 w,a. POUNDS Densilt On-site Genmtion ald Matragement of Haardous Wste Off-site Shipnrnt of Hazrdous Waste Site I NVD980895338 Hl l0 D. Total O uantity Shipped 200.0 Cotrmnts sEc I (D) - GENERATED DURTNG REMOVAL OF LEAD BASED PAINT. SHIPPED IN D.O.T. CONTAINER ON MANIFEST 0094506 I 0 FLE GM l3 Woste Charocterisdcs BENZENE CONTAMINATED SOIL CENERATED DURING EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES. Dor 8 C. Slate Hozardous Waste Code(s) D. Source Code Gl9 E, l'orm Code w30l x G. Ouaalit\ 28360.0 UOM POUNDS DsljJr On-sitc Gcn€mtion and Management of Hmdous Waste Off-siteShipmrt of Hazardous Waste Site I uTD98l552l77 H040 28360.0 Cotrr|Mts SEC I (D). SOIL GENERATED DURING EXCAVATTON FOR CONSTRUCTION PROJECT. SHIPPED IN BULK CONTAINER ON MANIFFEST OI 03I4605 FLE. L,; GM 14 Wsste Cbaracterlsdcs SOLIDS DERTVED FROM CLEANING HEAT EXCHANGER COMPONENTS. B. EPA Hazordous Waste Code(s) K050, D0l 8 C, State Hozsrdous Waste Code(sl D. Source Code Gl3 Manoeement Method Code E. Form Code w603 F. Waste Minimization Code x G. Ousntirr 400.0 UOM POUNDS Densitr On-site Genemtion and Management of Hazardous Waste Off-siteShipment of Hazrdous Waste Site I B. EPA ID of facilit\ to which wasre was shipped NED98l 7235 I 3 H040 D. Total Ouontitv S hipoed t 50.0 Site 2 B. EPA ID of fqcilitv to which wuste was shipped uTD98t552l7? C. Manaeement Method Code H040 D. Total Oudntitv Shipped 250.0 Comnenls SHIPPED IN TWO DRUMS ON MANIFESTS 0094506I I FLE, AND OIO42O I59 FLE. Page5ofl0 9{ls wrsE ctllctlll.sdcs MERCURY CONTAMINATED WATER GENERATED FROM A MERCURY DECONTAMINATION PROJECT IN A SMALL BUILDING. D009 D, Source Code G49 E. Form Code wr l3 F. Waste Minimization Code N G. Ouantity 52.O UOM GALLONS Densitr 1.0 sg On-sitc Cetefation and Mmagemant of Hazardous Wrete Ofr+ite Shipmt of Hazardous Wasre Site I B. EPA ID offacility to which waste was shioped NVD980895338 Ht4t D. Total Ouonritr Shipped 52.O eitllili$It SEC I (D)-GENERATED DURINC DECONTAMINATION OFSMALL BUILDINC ONSME.SHIPPED IN 5s.GALLON DRUMON MANIFESTOIO42O5IS FLE. GM,:lf, :tTlrsiC Clirriictrxlsdcs A NAPHTHA/SODruM HYDROXIDE CONTAMINATED MIXTURE OF SLUDGE. B. EPA Hozordous YYqste Code(sl D00l D. Source Code Gl4 E. Form Code w603 x G. Ouantir\ 89.0 WM POUNDS P@!!t Gtrsila&ngr.rtion :rsd:Maege|ncjrt of llazardous Atslc Olf.s.i1o.Ship. !4{ous Wast€ Site I NVD980895338 Ht22 89.0 ComErcntE PART OFOFF-SPEC SODIUM HYDROXIDE SOLUTION WHICH WAS PROCESSED SEPARATELY AT THE DISPOSAL FACILITY. SHIPPED ON MANMST 0094506IO FLE. GM [7,l1|$ia:eharar:ic*lsdcs A. Descriotion of hozardous waste F002 C- State Hozardous Woste Code(st D. Source Code Gl9 E. Form Cod.e w2Q3 x G.Ouantity 52.O uoM CALLONS Density 1.34 sg Otr€itc Gu€dioe ild Mffigdnert of Haardous W6te Off$ita Shipqq+!:of 1{mrdour Wtrt€ Site I uTD98l552 177 H040 D. Total Ouantitv Shiooed 52.0 Comrrents SEC I (D) - SOLVENT USED BY CONTRACTORS IN FABRICATION YARD. SHIPPED IN ONE DRUM ON MANIFEST 009450653 FLE. Page6ofl0 CM 13 X,itto Chtrecterirde A, Description of hazardous waste SPENT AMMONIA AMPULES GENERATED IN LABORATORY ACTIVITY, B. EPA Hazardous Wostc Code(sI D009.D002 D, Source Codc G22 E. Form Code wl l9 x G. OuaLritv r5.0 UOM GALLONS Densit\ 1.0 sg On-site Genmtion and Mmryffimt of Hazardous Wste Off-dte$itiiHt of Hsrrdou8 w|!rc Site I NVD9r0895338 C. Manapement Mahod Code Hl4l 15.0 60iffiifi THREE SHIPMENTS EACH IN D.O.T.5 GALLON BUCKETS ON MANIFESTS 009450684 FLE, OO945O8O1 FLE,AND OIO42O754FLE. GM It Wsta'Ctrrrcterl.dcs MERCURY SWITCHES DISCOVERED IN OLD EQUTPMENT DURING MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR ACTIVITIES. B. EPA Hozardous \Itostc Code(s) D009 C. Sto,e Hazardous was,e Code(sl Mse@e Gl5 Manaemcnt Me,hod.Code E. Form Code wl17 x C. Ouantit\ 2.O UOM POUNDS Densit\ o[r.$itp $tni,liilibn and lv(riiiageincnt of Hrmrdoul Wsste Off-sitc Shipncnt of Hazardous Wute Site I NVD980895338 C. Manapment Method Code Hl4l D. Total Ouantitt Shiooed 2.O Conffirt* SHIPPED IN TO SHIPMENTS IN 2 D.O.T.5 GALLON CONTAINERS ON MANIFESTS 009450757 FLE.AND OIO42O754FLE, CM t0:il|str CtlrrcfrdrdQ u2l0 D, Source Code Gil Manaeement Method Code E. Form Code w203 F. Waste Minimizotion Codc x G. Ouoatit\ 10.0 UOM GALLONS Densit\ 1.0 sg On riie.Ganc(ation md Managri&nt of Hazardour Wsste Ofi-sira:Shitrlnl af, llsrdout Srrtr Sitc I B. EPA lD offacilitt to which wastc was shiooed uTD98l552 177 C. Manapnent Method Codc H040 D- To,al Ouantity Shioped 10.0 Comt| ,,.: SHIPPED IN ONE DRUM ON MANIFEST OO945O8OO FLE. PageTofl0 CM:2t lttua Chenct dtli6 A. Description of hazardous was,e DEBRIS GENERATED DURING EXCAVATION ACTIVITIES CONTAMINATED WITH LEAD AND BENZENE' B. EPA Hszardous WasteCode(sl D008, D0l8 C. State Hozardous Waste Code(sl D, Source Code ct9 Manaement Method Code E-f orn Co* w002 F. Waste M inimization Code x 9.-@4!!r 300.0 geu FOUNDS Densitr On-siie Gelenrion anrt fdanagclmt of Hazardous Waste G.fi-=+ite$[lp i:ofll&q{au*:,rytsl!:'::':"::"::;;;.,,..,:.:,, Site I B. EPA ID offacilitv to which waste was shiooed uTD981552 177 C. Manaement Method Codc H040 D. Total Ouantit\ Shipped 300.0 C,omments sEc I (D) - CoNTAMTNATED DEBRIS GENERATED DURTNG ONSTTE EXCAVATION ACTTVITTES. SHIPPED IN ONE D.O.T. CONTAINER ON MA GM 22 WastcC$4c@lrtiss A. Descriotion of hazsrdous waste MERCURY CONTAMINATED MATERIAL GENERATED FROM DECONTAMINATING AS SMALL ONSITE BUTLDING' ITEMS TNCLUDE SMALL TNTERIOR FURNISHINGS B. EPA Hozardous Waste Code(sl D009 C. Stote Hazardous Waste Code(sl I D. Sourcc Codc G19 Manapement Me,hod Code E. Form Code w002 F. Waste Minimizstion Codc X g.-@si!j 2520.O UOM POUNDS I Densitrt- Otr-site G€lmtioo ild Muagffit of Hazardous Wste Off-sit€ Shipmnt of Hazrrdous Wasre Site I B. EPA ID offacilitv to which waste was shiooed uTD991301748 C. Manaeement Method Code Ht32 D- Totol Ouonrirt Shipped 2520.O sEc I (D) - CONTAMTNATED MATERIAL DISCOVERED WHILE CLEANING A SMALL BUILDINC. THIS INCLUDES FURNISHINGS AND SOME OFFICE EQUIPMENT. SHIPPED IN BULK CONTAINERON MANIMST OIO42O425 FLE, GM:t3:WNh :chr-clertrdce A, Descriotion of hazardous waste CAUSTIC SLUDCE B. EPA Hazardous Woste Code(31 D002 D, Source Code Gt4 Manapement Mcthod Code E. Form Code w409 x Eg@lxt | 00.0 wM POUNDS Deasit) On{ite GctremtioE ud Managmt of Haandous Wste Off-site Shipnui of Hurdous Wdtc Site I B. EPA ID of facilitr ,o which waste was shiDDed NVD980895338 C, Manasment Method Code H12l D. Total Ouantirr S hipped t00.0 CtlE iEnts SHIPPED IN ONE DRUM ON MANIFEST OIO42O479 FLE. Page8ofl0 GM 24 WdiG Cnartctertrtcs, A. Description of hazordout waste coRRossrvE oFF-spEc CHEMTCAL (NALCO 3DT I 97) B. EPA Hozardoas Waste Codekl D002 D. Sourcc Code Gil E. Forn Code w2t9 F. Woste Minimization Code x G. Ouontity 600.0 UOM POUNDS DeaEitr On-site Caersfion sd M8tratffit of llffirdouE Wste Off-cite Stipurcat of Handous Waetc Site I B. EPA ID offocility to which waste was shiooed NVD98089533E C. Manaement Method Code Hl4t D- Total Ouantitt Shiooed 600.0 Cirtmetrta SHIPPED IN 3 DRUMS ON MANIFEST OIO42O158 FLE. Cnt rS Wrr* Ctrrrd.fi sdci A- Descriotion of hazardous wastc GLYCOL CONTAMINATED WITH FLAMMABLE HYDROCARBONS. D00l D. Source Codc G08 E. Form Code wil9 x G. Ouantitv 10.0 uoM GALLONS Densitr 1.03 sg Omitc Crncrarion ard trfanagcmt of Hazardms Wstc Off-8iE StiFmtt of Haandour Wasre Site I B. EPA ID offacilitr to which wasre |9ar shipped NVD980895338 Hl4t 10.0.eou SHIPPED IN 2 D.O.T.5 GALLON CONTAINERS ON MANIFEST OIO42O566 FLE. CM 26 W.*!. Cturrctdtdcr UNUSED DRAEGER GAS DETECTION TUBES. D003 D. Source Code Gll E. Form Code w00t F. Was,e Minimizq,ion Code x G. Ouontitt 6.0 UOM POUNDS DeNitr On-sic Gcncnlion rd ltiraogemt of Hazardous W8ste Ofi-sit.t Stiimot of Hszadors Wstc Site I B. EPA ID offacilit\ to which waste \9os shipped NVD980895338 Hl4l D. Totol Ouontitr Shipped 6.0 Courlrr SHIPPED IN ONE D.O.T.s GALLON CONTAINER ON MANIFBST OI0420566 FLE. Pagc9ofl0 CM 2? *asts Chrnrterigtlct A. Description of hazordous waste LEAD CONTAMINATED DEBRIS COLLESTED FROM REMOVAL OF LEAD'BASED PAINT. B. EPA Hazardous Waste Code(sl DOOE D. Source Code G06 E. Form Code wo02 F. Waste M ininization Code x G- Ouonritv s00.0 UOM POUNDS Densitr Oo{itc GenmtioD md Mmagernent of Hmrdour Wrote Otr-site ShlFrnmt of Haandous Wrste Site I B. EPA ID offacilitv to which watte was shipoed NVD980895338 C. Manasement Method Code Hl4l 500.0 Coramonts SHIPPED IN 5 DRUMS ON MANIFESTS 010420606 FLE' AND O 10420672 FLE. GM 28 WarteChcEqt d6dca A. Description of hazardous waste SPENT STODDARD SOLVENT B. EPA Hazardous Waste Code(sl D00l C. State Hazardous ritaste Code(sl D. Source Code c02 Manaeemenl Method Code E, Form Code w203 X g.grsliu 52.O UOM GALLONS Dcnsitv 0.8 sg O!-site Gctrmtion and Manageni€nt of HaErdous wdte Ofr-site Sbipmcnt of Hazatdous Wsste Site I B. EPA ID offacilit! to which waste was shipDed NED9Er7235 l3 C. Manaeement Method Code H040 D. Total O uantitv Shipoed 52.O Cgmmolts ' SOLVENT USED IN MACHINE SHOPTO CLEAN PARTS. SHIPPED ON MANIFEST O104206?3 FLE. Pagel0ofl0