HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2018-005186 - 0901a0688083e91bL WASTE MANAGEI.IENT 8 RADIATION CONTROL HAZARDOUS WASTE INSPECTION REPORT Tesoro (Andeavor) Salt Lake Terminal April 19,2018 475 West 900 North Salt Lake City, Utah 84103 Salt Lake County Oliver Dugas, Senior Environmental Coordinator (80r) s2r-491r uTR000011577 LQG CEI Oliver Dugas, Tesoro Shawn Acerson. Tesoro Denny Schantz, DWMRC Jon Parry, DWMRC 1330 hrs. / 1530 hrs. Jon Parry Mostly Cloudy, -66oF INSPECTION REPORT FOR: DATE OF INSPECTION: FACILITY ADDRESS: FACILITY COUNTY: FACILITY CONTACT: EPA ID #: CURRENT NOTIFICATION: TYPE OF INSPECTION: PARTICIPANTS: TIME IN/TIME OUT REPORT PREPARED BY: WEATHER CONDITIONS: APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS: R315 of the Utah Administrative Code FACILITY DESCRIPTION: Tesoro (Andeavor) Salt Lake Terminal markets products that the refinery produces. The facility employs 7 people and is located on the south side of the refinery on flat terrain. The facility consists of a truck rack and a few storage tanks. CREDENTIALS, PURPOSE AND SCOPE: Inspectors signed in at the facility and then met with Oliver Dugas and Shawn Acerson to whom they presented their credentials. They explained that this was a routine hazardous waste compliance evaluation inspection that would consist of a review of required paperwork and plans followed by a tour of the terminals waste generations and management areas. MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES : Marketing's waste streams consist of fuel filters (D001, D0018), which they generate consistently, and sludges and tank bottoms that are generated episodically. Marketing generated 6,300 pounds of filters and about 13,000 pounds of tank bottoms and sludges in calendar year 2017. At the time of the evaluation the inspectors noted 2 boxes of filters on site awaiting off-site shipment. They were being stored on pallets behind a locked gate in a secure parking area that serves as the facility's central accumulation area. Inspector also observed a satellite area in the main truck loading area. No problems were noted in either location. NARRATIVE: After completing the paperwork review in the office the inspectors visited the central accumulation area and observed two boxes of filters in storage. The containers were closed. in good condition and properly labeled. A satellite container was observed through the fence. It too, was closed and appeared to be in good condition and properly labeled. COMPLIANCE STATUS: (also see attached checklist) The inspectors spoke with facility representatives about the Generator Improvement Rule and updating their Contingency Plan to address the Quick Reference Guide requirements. Inspectors also addressed the requirement for additional labeling on satellite and 90 day containers accumulation containers. The facility committed to updating their contingency plan with a quick reference guide. ISSUES: None noted. INSPECTOR SIGNATURE:ATE Site Name; Js6,;1 il Inspector's Initials $ Date: 4-n- /gEPA ID: fl^^l\ l,* |(r_ Y/AStE MAHAGAME'IT?"PAUlAltorl CONTFOL INSPECTION ITEM CITATION .COMMENTS. lYaste Determination: l. Has the generator determined rvhether his/her solid rvaste is a hazardous lvaste? 2. IIas a waste determination been done for each n'aste stream? R3t5-262 R3l5-262-ll 40 cFR262 I R3l5-261-3 40 cFR 26t 3 Lre\ 3. Has the generator notified of regulated activitl' and obtained an EPA ID# in accordance tvith the requirements of Section 3010 of RCRA? R3l s-262-10(a)(lIiii)(C R3l5-262-18(a) 40CFR262 l0(.XlXiii)tc) 40 CFR 262 lt(a) \es Manifest: l. Is the generator using a lJniform Ilazardous Waste Manifest for its shiprncnts of hazardous rvaste? 2. Did the generator designate a facility permitted to handle its rvaste? 3. \Vas an alternate facility designated? 4. Did the generator use the corre ct manifest? R3 I 5-262-20(a)( l) 40 CtR 262.20(aXl) R3 l5-262-20(b) 4o ctR262.2oO) R3 I 5-262-20(c) R31s-262-20(a)(l) {0 CFR 252.20(rXl) 1z\ Manifest requirements for the Generatol l. Did the generator sign the manifest certification by hand? 2. Did the generator obtain a handrvritten signature from the initial transporter and the date ofacceptance? 3. Did the generator retain a copy of the manifest in accordance rvith R3 I 5-262-40(a)? R3ts-262-23(a)(t) {0 CfR 26?.23(aXl) k3r5-262-23(a)(2) .t0 CIR 262.21(aX2) P.3rs-262-23(a)(3) {0CFR 262:r(.X3) J"( Recordkeeping: 1. Is the geneiatoi maintaining signed copies of the hazardous waste manifest for three years? R3 I 5-262-40(a) {0 cFR252.,t0(d 1e< 2. Is the generator maintaining copies ofeach Biennial Report and all Exception Reports for a period of at Ieast three years? R3 l 5-262-40(b) 40 cFR 252.{o(b)\nl fanuary 2018 Page I of.2 INSPECTION IIEM CITATION.COMMENTS 3. Is the facility maintaining records sufficient to determine quantities and disposition ofhazardous lvaste or other determinations, test results, or waste analyses made in accordance with R3l5-262-1 l(f) for a period ofat least three years from the date of last shipment? R3 I 5-262-40(c) 40 CFR 262.40(c)1n\ Biennial Reporting Has the generator submitted complete Biennial Report(s)? 73ts-262-41 40 cFR 262.41 7n\ Exception Reporting Has the generator been required to prepare an Exception Report, ifyes describe the circumstances? R3ts-262-42 40 cFR267 42 lA.,q. Packaging, Labeling, 1\{arking, and Placarding l. Is the generator packaging his/her hazardous waste in the appropriate DOT shipping containers? 2. Are containers labeled and marked in accordance with appropriate DOT shipping requirements prior to shipping? 3. Is the generator providing or offering appropriate placarding to the initial transporter when initiating his/her shipment? R3t5-262-30 40 cFR 262 30 R3rs-262-31& F.3ts-262-32 40 cFR 262.31 & 262 R3 l5-262-33 40 cFR 262 33 0c Accumulation Times (See Satellite, 90 Day and Tank Checklists as applicable) R315-262-17(a) Also see checklists for: Personnel Training, Preparedness & Prevention, Contingency Plan &-Emergency Procedures and Manifest Comments: Site Name:EPA ID:Date: January 2018 Inspector's Initials Page2 of2 - as aatre' {&*et '"wM; '"'".X""''i#f t?1:1?':" EPA #: Hazardous Waste Inspection Satellite Accumulation Checklist <55 gallons Ll -l'l INSPECTION ITEM CITATION COMMENTS Is the satellite accumulation area at or near lhe point ofgeneration? R3 I 5-262-15(a) Q4 Is the satellite area under the control ofthe operator ofthe process generating the rvaste?R3 I 5-262-l 5(a) ?n\ Does the generator have the accumulation container labeled rvith the u'ords "hazardous rvaste"?R3l5-262-15(aX5Xi) '( n\ 'l'he generator can not store more than 55 gallons ofhazardous u'aste or I quart of acutell'hazardous waste at the satellite accumulation area. R3 l5-262- I 5(a)(L Are the containers in good condition, and being managed in a rvay so it does not leak or spill? R3 I s-262-l s(a)( I )\"t Is the hazardous rvaste stored in containers that are comnatible rvith the rvaste?R3 I 5-262-l 5(a)(2)13c Is the accumulation container being maintained in a closed condition except rvhen rvaste is being added or removed, or rvhen temporarl'venting is necessaq, for proper operation ofequipment or to prevent dangerous situations such as pressure buildup? R3 ls-262-l s(a)(a) Ll ot Does the generator have the accumulation containers marked rvith an indication of the hazards of its contents? R3 I 5-262- I 5(a)(5)(ii)L Is the generator correctly labeling and moving hazardous rvaste, in excess ofthe 55 gallon or I quart Jilrils- to a 9Q-day storags area u,ithin 72 hours of exceeding the limit? R3l5-262-15(a)(6 Xi)bc- Januarv 2018 Page I of I rnspectors rnitiats$L l',las?E !!aili\GEt{al:'t & eADIATTON COil?at: EPA #: Hazardous Waste Inspection 90 Day Storage Site >55 gallons ';.ffi Date: INSPECTION ITEM CITATION COMMENTS 1. Is the container labeled u'ith the rvords "Hazardous Waste"? 2. Is the container marked or labeled rvith an indication ofthe hazards of the contents? 3. Is the date upon rvhich accumulation began clearly marked and visibly for inspection? 4. Is that date <:90 days old? It3 l s-262- I 7(a)(s)(i)(A) R3 I s-262- I 7(a)(s)(i)(B) R3 I s-262- I 7(a)(s)(i)(c) R3l5-262-17(a) 7nf 7n( 14 4. Is there a Preparedness and Prevention Plan for this site or the facilitv as a *hole, including this site? (see separate Check List) R3 l5-262-17(a)(6) P.]l5-262-250 thru 256 I"r 5. Operated to minimize chance of Spill or Fire? 6. Spill and Fire conirol equipment? . 7. Emergency comnrunication device: Internal? Ilmergency communication device: External? Sufficient Aisle and Access space? RitS-262-25r R315-262-2s2(c) R315-262-2s2(a) R31s-262-252(b) P.3t5-262-255 k"S + 8. Is there a Contingency I'lan for this site or the facility as a u'hole, including this site? (see separate Check List) 9. a. Description ofactions that should be taken? b. Name & Phone # for Eniergcncl'Coordinator? c. Prinrarl' and alternate evacuation routes? d. List of emergency equipment & location? R3 I s-262-l 7(a)(6) R3 I 5-262-260 thnr 265 R3t5-262-261(a) R3l5-262-26r(d) R3ls-262-261(f) R3t5-262-261(e) ?nS Ilave personnel at this site Successfully completed up to date Personnel Training on I{zW Ilandling & Fire & Spill Response? Is the training documented? (see separate Check List) R3 I s-262-l 7(a)(7)(i) R3l5-262-17(a)(7)(r) Are the containers accumulating and holding hazardous uaste in good condition? Are they compatible rvith the HzW in them? R3 I 5-262-l 7(a)(l)(ii) R3 I 5-262-l 7(a)(l)(iii) ?/\ Is the generator ntaintaining his/her coptainers in a closed condition except l.hen adding or removing rvaste from the container? R3 l s-262- l7(a)( t XivXA 1et Containers holding hazardous tvaste must not be opened, handled and./or stored in a manner s'hich could cause it to leak. R3l5-262- l7(a)( I XivXB cl_ Is the generator inspecting his/her containers qt leacf rt'eelrlw on.l 'l^ tL. incnpnti^nr l^nL 1 leaks, deterioration, and any factor that may cause a release ofhazardous u'aste? No ignitable or reactive HzW within 50 feet of the facility's property line.R3 I 5-262- I 7(a)( I )(vi)(A DC-* January 201 8 Page I of I "[) Inspectors tniti* )Jf/T- '@ ,:ix"1:;13Iit?',ffia Hazardous Waste Inspection Manifest Checklist Date: Requirements Manifests Reviewed Manifest Number (box 4)# nt o.l HLtrl3 Rr r+r zctfgG t-,ta4z 6ryff Generator EPA ID# Appendix to R3l 5-262 (box I ) _ tfr<-Oocye il SioL cl-CL Generator information: Maiting Address (box 5) Phone Number _.-k t.gr g (o,., rl .ttf i ^ (rcur1- 8v tca - St<-^rf.rci<- - Ot* gL- u- - cl- - ot- -DL - 0<- Transnorter # I in formation: Companl'Name (box 6) EPA ID# (box 6)OL Transporter #2 information: Company Name (box 7) EPA ID# (box 7)/tv+ Ci*- ^ t*(,',I fr.^.b.\l I - C l<-,^ l'r",bo' -d- - (tz--.-l \( n# Desienated Facilit! information: Nanre and Address (box 8) EPA ID# (box 8) Phone Number (box 8) OC OL ct- Waste Shipnine requirements: DOT Description (Including proper name, Ilazard class, and ID #) (box 9b) (box 9a "X" if hazardous materials) Containers: No & Type (box 10) Total Quantitl' (box I l) Unit- Wt/Vol (box 12) Waste Codes (box 13) Special Ilandline Instructions (box l4)bt_- 0c_0s Manifest Certifi cations: Generator's Signature (boxI5) International Shipments (box l6) Transporter's Signature (box 17 ) Discrepancy Indication (box l8) Hazardous Waste Report Managemenl Method Codes (box 19) &- A.+ OL r-{ t A,/+ - {(- - 1AA-0u oq -oc- A/t- :^ Facility Signature (box 20) cx-'&z Final Obsenations and Comments:" - PLDt -o( 3126lrg @r'ctb) Lbery Ltltb r\t 1n6 i\ r LDr - cL n.-tr /0., ^.1 -.\,2-Tr. r %C!-- l!r^common container codes: DM - metal drum\barrel; DF - fiberbarrel; TT - cargo tank; TC - tank car; Df --uffi truck; Clv{ - metalbox\carton(includesroll-offs) Common Unitsof Measure: G-gallons;P -pounds; T-tons: y- cubicvards) January 2018 Page I of I Inspectors Initials ',ffi I'/A5TE t'ANAGEHE'JT 8. RiOtATtOu COr'r?ROL site:'?-qofa l.>\rrl.(\ EPA#: Hazardous Waste Inspection Personnel Training Checklist INSPECTION ITEM CITATION arr : ;.:':' ,- C0MMENTS Facility personnel must successfully complete classroom instruction, online training or on- the-job training u'hich teaches them to perform theirjobs, such that the facility is operated in compliance rvith the applicable hazardous \r'aste management requirements. R3 | s -2 62 - | 7 (a)(7X i XA) 40cFR262. I 7(a)(7XD(A) d_ 3 "F-*;or S S h+apn 0t'*-'-t Is the program directed by a person trained in hazardous waste management procedures? R3 I s-262- I 7(a)(7XiXB) 40cFR262 t1(a)(7XiXB)Qos Does the training teach facility personnel hazardous waste management and contingency plan implementation procedures? R3 | 5 -2 62 - 1 1 (a)( 7X i X B ) 4OCFR262 I7(a)(iXiXB)Irr Does the training program include, at a minimum, the follorving, rvhere applicable: l. I)rocedures for using, inspecting, repairing ano rcpracrng racffi cmcrre-gency "qu,p--nra1q- 2. Key parameters for automatic lvaste cut-off s]'stems; 3. Cornmunications or alarm svstems: 4. Response to fires or explosions; 5. Response to groundlvater contamination incidents; 6. Shutdorw ofoperations; and R3 I s-262- I 7(a)(7XiXC) aocFR262 I 7(a{7)(i)(c) R3 I s-262- l7(aXTXiXCX I ) jfC.FR262 l 7(a)(7Ni{c)( I ) Rjts-262-17(a){7XiXcX2) 40CF}U62 I 7(a{7XiXCX2) R3ts-262-17(a\7XiXcX3) a0cFR262 I 7(a[7)(i[c)(3) R3 | s-262- I {a[7[i{c)(4) 40CFR262. I 7(a{?XD(cX4) R3 I s-262- I 7(a|7{i{c{s) a0cFR262 I 7(a[7{i[c{s) R3 I s-262- I 7(a[7{i[cN6) 4rcFR262.17(a)(7XiXCX6) 'rnt 14 - ?.J l ,/+ - o ( 6L- oL^ u.- &-- P,e( +lr* Have facility personnel successfully completed the personnel training program w,ithin six months of the date of their employment or assignment to the facilify-? R3 I s-262- I 7(a)(7)(ii) 40 CF R2 62.r 7 (a) (7)(i i)'lnt Do the facilig per-sonnel receive an annudl revierv oftheir initial trainins? R3 Is-262- I 7(a)(7)(iii) 40cFR262.17(aXTXiii),le s T t;.;'il"rI January 2018 Page 1 of2 Inspectorslnitials't?)-t- Site:EPA #: Hazardous Waste fnspection Personnel Training Checklist Date: The owner/operator of the facility must maintain the following documents at the facility: l. The job title for each position at the facility related to hazardous waste management, and the name ofthe employee filting each job; 2. A writtenjob description for each position listed under #l; 3. A written description of the type and amount ofboth introductory and continuing training that will be giyen to the employees listed in #1, and; 4. Records that document that employees have the training orjob experience required by paragraphs 265.16 (a), (b), and (c). R3, 5 -262- r7 (a) (7)(iv) 5-262-17{a\1\iv){A) 40CFR262.1{a[TXivXA) R3 t5-262-t 7 (a\ 7[iv[B) l{a)(7Niv)(B) ls-262-t(a)(7|iv[C) l{a[7{iv)(c) R3 I s-262-l (a)(7[iv[D) 40cFR262. I {a)(TXivXD) TL(L 6 j-''{d' rL'\?v^tl ' tp'^.n'o-\ t,l- * 3-r, t ^* H "Tro '^. ?- Are training records maintained at the forcurrent employees and for at least three years for employees that have left the company? R3ts-262-r7(a)(7)(v) I I I i'l January 2018 Page2 of2 Inspectors Initiah-)L '@ v/a5tE HeitAGEr{aulr RAOlATt9ti CAltf P.Cj, Site: 4N{EAvtoR - tnsrG -i EA&. EPA #: Contingency Plan and Emergency Procedures Checklist Note: this checklist is applicable to LQG's and to HSM handlers (except where indicated) who accumulate >6,O00 kg (-13,228 lbs.) ,INSPECTION ITEM CITATION COMMENTS Have copies been distributed to all loca! police and fire departments, hospitals, and State and local emergency response teams that may'be called upon for assistance? 13 1 s-262- t7 (a)(6) (LQG) \3ts-262-262(a) (LQG) U I s-26 l-420(c)(2) @S\q 'vJHeN pZV t:.to*t ; S 44,(0 F /HE.Fn\L_ To 8€- GtvENe)ft Content ofthe Contineencv Plan: l. Does the contingency plan describe the actions facilitl personnel rvill take to minimize the hazard to human health or the environment rvhen responding to fires, explosions, or any unplanned sudden or non-sudden release ofhazardous rvaste? 2. Does the contingencl plan describe arrangements agreed to by local police and fire departments, hospitals, contractors, and State and local emergency response teams? 3. Does the contingencl'plan Iist the names, addresses, and phone numbers (office and home) of primary and all other pe rsons qualrfied to act as cmcrgency coordinator? 4. Does the contingency plan include a list of all emergency equipment at the facility? The list must be kept up-to-date, and include tlre location and a physical description ofcach item on the list, and a briefoutlrne ofthe equiprnent's capability. 5. Does the contingency plan include an evacuation plan for the facility? This plan must include a description ofsignal(s) to be used to begin an evacuation, evacuation routes, and al ternate evacuation routes. R3r5-262-261(a) (LQG) R3l s-26r-420(bXl) (HSn4 R3 | 5-262-261(c) (LQG) R3 l 5-26 l -420(bX3) (HSn4 R3 l s-262-26 l (d) (LQG) R3 l s-26 r -420(b)(4) (HSL0 R3 | 5 -262-26 | (e) (t.Q G) R3 1 s-26 l -420(bxs) (//Sr4 R3 l s-262-261(f) (r,QG) R3 r s-26r -420(bX6) (rrSM) oL e'ECrle*sC 4.16 a{^ SffiIOTJ FTQURE Ftt*tF,€ T -J Ifthe facility first became subject to these provisions after M ay 30,2017 , or has othenvise amended its contingency plan, has it developed and submitted a quick reference guide ofthe contingency plan to Iocal emergency responders in R3l5-262-267(a), and state and local emergency resDonse teams that could be called for assistance? R3t5-262-262(b) (LQG) Not required - I{SM ,t)o&J flrztru Fat.vi 5 /o/J Ifthe facility has a quick reference guide for its contingency plan, does it have the follolving required elements?: I . Types/names of haz nastes and the associated hazard for each haz rvaste present at any one time (e.g., toxic paint rvastes, spent ignitable solvent, etc.) 2. Estimated maximum amount of each haz s,aste that ma, be present at any one time 3. Identification ofany haz *'astes for u'hich exposue would require unique/special treatment by medical or hospital staff 4. Map of the facility shorving rvhere haz *'astes are generated, accumulated^and treated, and routes for This section not applicoblefor HSIII handling Rf | 5 -262 -262(b) ( | ) (LQ G) R3 | s -2 62 -2 62(b) (2) ( LQ G ) R3 | s -262 -262(b)(3) (LQ G) \! s -2 E2 -2 62 (b) (4 ) ( L Q G ) R3 | s -2 62 -2 6? (b)(s ) (L Q C ) R3 | s -2 62 -2 62 (b) (6) ( L Q G ) R3 | s -262 -262(b)(7 ) (LQ G) R3 | s -262 -2 62(b\ (8) (L Q C ) fz,lA To 6'{ uP6{Tg wirtl Qttie K- cgr , Gzbt tJf'z>N ,r'*E>cf pLr(N kv/gtoN l I ! I I I I : I I I i I \it accessing these rvastes 5. Street map ofthe facility in relatton to surrounding businesses, schools and residential areas for the purpose of getting to it and/or evacuating citizens and uorkers. 6. Locations ofrvater supply (fire hydran! flow rate) 7. Identified on-site notification systems (alarms) 8. Name ofemergency coordinator and 7/24-hour emersencv ohone number January 2018 Page I of3 Inspectors Initiah \ J EPA #:Date: Note: Contingency Plan and Emergency procedures Checklist who accumulate >6,000 kgINSPECTION ITE CITATION w cucurrtutare >o,UUU Kg (-IJ,ZZ8 lbs) C()MMENTS ----- -----r Does lhe facility have a least one employee on-site or on-call at all time rvho is qualified to act as the emergency coordinator? Does the contingency plan include procedures for activation ofthe internal alarm by the emergency coord inator? Does the contingency plan include provisions for notifying the appropriate State and\or local response agencies? R3r5-262-264 (LQq R3ls-26r-420(e) (HSM) R3 | s -262 -265 (a)(t) (Lec) R3 I 5-2 6 I -42 o(fx I xD (H,Srl) R3 | 5 -262 -26 s (a)(2) (L e G) R3 | 5 -26 1 - 420(fX I xii) (Hs&) 2a.7 H P. o.r*t * ri,{ i, . tDt?-{i&i YOS-'- lLEe t ttt'l,tr{ f'Au*'; A-r;\ {Ls ^ Ye:s Does the contingency plan outline the procedure(s) that the emergency coordinator r.vill follorv to immediately identify the character, source, amount, and extent of released material? R3ts-262-265(b) (LQG) R3 | 5 -261 -420 (f)(2) (H S It)vtt vuur rrre uuuuuBcnuy plan lnclude procedures for the emergency coordinator to follorv in order to assess possible hazards to human health or the environment? R315-262-26s(c) (LeG) R3t5-261-420(oe) (HSM)Y€S Ifit is determined that the incident could threaten human health or the environment. outside the facility, the emergency coordinator must notify the appropriate local, State and Federal agencies. Does the contingency planinclude provisions for notifying thi appropriate agencies? Do the notification measures include information to be reported(name and telephone # ofreporter, name and address offacility, name and quantity ofmaterial(s) involved, extent ofinjuries, andpossibility of exposure outside the facility), and identify the National Response Center and the State as parties to be notified? R3ts-262-265(d) (LQG) R3 l 5-261 -420( f)(4) (r $q YE; Does the plan include procedures to prevenlthe spread of the incident to other haiardous waste/material at the facilitv? R3ts-262-265(e) (LeG) R3 r 5-26r-420(f)(5) (HsIf)YC, Are measures included to monitor for leaks.pressure buildup, gas generation, or ruptures in valves, pipes, or other equipment, rvhen it is necessary to shut-dorvn operAtions as a response to an incident? R3r5-262-265(f) (LQG) R3 | 5 -261 - 420(f)(6) (H S n 'r'€ t Does the contingency plan provide procedures to follorv to manage the hazardous waste/material generated as a result ofan incident? R3ts-262-265(d (LQG) R3ts-26r-420(D@ (HSM)Y€,,: Following implementation ofthe contingencyplan, are ptqylqioas included to ensure that in the affected area(s): l. No waste that may be incompatible with the released material is treated, stored, or disposed ofuntil the cleanup is complete. 2. That all equipment listed in the contingency plan is cleaned and fit for use prior to resuming activities at the facilitv. R3 | 5 -2 62 -2 6 s (h) (r ) (L Q G) R3 | 5 -26 | - 420(0(8Xi) (11^$.1) R3 | 5 -2 62 -2 6 s (h)(2) (L Q G) R3 r 5-26 l -420(0(8xii) (Hsnl) Vr: C \/'/: (tY- -7 January 2018 Page 2 of 3 Inspectors fnitials EPA #: Contingency Plan and Emergency Procedures Checklist Note: this checklist is applicable to LQG's and to HSM handlers (except where indicated) who accumulate >6,000 kg (-13,225 lbs) The contingency plan must include provisions for recording the incident requiring implementation of the contingency plan and specifying information that rvill be recorded and reported. The requirements are as follorvs: l. Will a r.rritten report on the incident be provided to the Utah State Department of Environmental Quality rvithin l5 days? 2. The follorving information needs to be recorded and reported: a) The name, address, and telephone # ofthe owner/operator; b) The name address, and telephone # ofthe facility; c) Date, time, and tlpe of incident; d) Name and quantity of material(s) involved; e) Extent of injury, if any; f) An assessment ofthe actual or potential hazard to human health or the environment; and g) An estimate of the quantity and disposition ofrecovered material(s) that resulted from the incident. R3t5-262-2650 (LQG) R3 | 5 -26r -420(f)(9) (HSt4 R3r5-262-26s{t QQG) R3 | 5 -2 6 1 - 4 20 (f)(9) (H S 14) R3 l5-262-265(i)(l) tln (t(7) (tPG) R3 I 5-26 1420(0(exi) dn (0(9Xvii) HSM Only: Are all employees thoroughly familiar rvith proper rvaste handling and emergency procedures relevant to their responsibilities during normal facility operations and emergencies? R3ts-261-420(d @SItI) January 2018 Page 3 of3 Inspectors Initials DS w Site: z{4,6Fj('vb(- MKrC-iRt l EPA ID: Preparedness and Prevention Checklist oate rtf Q/2o1Er $/ASTE I,IAtI46EI,i EIIT a FADtATtON CONIRCT i'INSPECTION. ITEM CITATION COMMENTS Is the facilit)'maintained and operated to minimize the possibilitl.of a fire, explosion, an1'unplanned sudden or non-sudden release ofhazardous $aste or hazardous u'aste constituents? R3ts-262-251 (LQG) R3 l s-262- l6(bX8Xi) (sOG) R3l5-261-4 | 0(a) (,r/S.r.f) Y*-< The faciliq'must be equipped w'ith itenrs (l)- (4). identified belorr', unless it can be shou'n that hazardous u'aste nranaged at the site rvould not require the particular kind of ecluipment specified. l. Does the facility have an internal communications or alarm svstenr capable of providing inrnrcdiate enrergenc)' instruction to its personnel? 2. I)oes the facilitl'have a device capable of sumnroning external emsrgency assistance to the facilitl' (phonc or tu'o-rva1, radio)? 3. Does thc facility have portablc extinguislrers. flre conlrol equipnrenl (including special extinguishing equipment necessary lbr their facilitl). spill control equipnrent, and decontamirration equipnrent? 4. I)oes the facilitl'have l-ater at adcquate volunre and pressure to suppll *-ater hoses, or foam producing equipnrent, or autonrrtic sprinklers. or \\'atcr spral slstems? Pt3ts-262-2s2 (t.QG) R3 l s-262-r 6(bX8Xii) (SoG) R3 l s-26 l -4 r 0(b) (r15'J4 R3't s - 262 -2 s2(a) (t,Q G ) R3 r 5-262- l 6(bXsXiiXA) (spc) R3 I s-26 l -4 I 0(bX I ) (//iil/J R3 | 5 -262 -2 52(b) (r.Q G) R3 I s-262- I 6(hX8XiiXl)) (.sOG) R3 l 5-26 I -4 l 0(bX2) (r/.s"r/) R3|s-262-2s2(e) (LQG) R3 I s-262- | 6(bX8XirXC, (sQc) R3 l 5-26 1 -4 r 0(bX3) (//s"r/) R3 | 5 -262 -?. s2(d) ( t.Q G ) R3 l s-262- l 6(bXsXiiXr)) (.sOc) R3 r 5-26 r -410(bX4) (//s'-14 Ys9 Yt'5 vP'bAre Pu4AJ ;b grlonl Uor-krto^J-s G t r:ttpt6 | {es Are faciliq' communications or alarm s)'stems, fire protection equiprnent, spill control equipment. and decontamination equipment tested and maintained to assure its proper operation in time of an emergencl'? R3ts-262-2s3 (LQG) R3 r 5-262- l 6(bX8X iii) (.spc) R3 I 5-26 I -a l0(c) (/1S,[1) t'+or't:ut-V YtM €Xr CI7CXSt^K*Ft* At g74 cA€(E Do facilitl'personnel have imntediate access to an internal alarm or emergency communication device. either directl;- through visual or voice contact, u.hile managing hazardous n'aste? R3ts-262-2sa@) QQG) R3 I s-262-l 6(bX8XivXA) (sqc) R3 l 5-26 r -4 r O(dX r ) (HS,r4 Yts Is there everjust one employee on the premises while the facility is operating? If yes, does that person have immediate access to device capable of summoning external emergencY assistance? R3rs-262-254(b) (r0G) R3 I 5-262- I 6(bX8{iv)(B) (sQc) R3 1 5-26 I -4 I 0(d)(2) (H S tvt) Yq Jan 2018 Page I of2 Inspector's Initials Site:EPA ID: Preparedness and prevention Checklist Date Is aisle space maintained to allow the unobstructed movement of emergency personnel or equipment (unless alsle space isnot needed for any ofthese purposes)? R3ts-262-2ss (LQG) I s-262- l6(bxsxv) (.sQc) 64il-4r0(e)(HSM) The facility must amange the following typesor agreements or arrangements with localorganizations (as appropriate): I. Has the facility made or attempted to makearrangements to familiarize local police, firedep-artments, and emergency response teamswith the layout ofthe facility, character ofthehazardous waste(s) managed, locations where lac!llty personnel nornally work,.location ofracltlty entrances and possible evacuation routes? 2. Has the facility designated primary emergency authority to a specific police or firedepartment, when more than one police or firedepartment might respond in the ivent of anemergency? 3, Have agreements with State emergencyresponse teams, emergency responses contractofs, and equipment suppliers beenmade? 4.Have anangements been made tofamiliarize local hospitats with the properties or nazardous waste handled at the facility andthe types ofinjuries or illnesses which couldresult fi'om fires, exptosions, or releases at thefacility? Rsts-262-2s6(a) (Lec) R3 | 5-262- t 6(bx8[vi[A) (spc) R3 r 5-26 I 4 | 0(f) (t) (Hs M R3 | s -262-25 6(a)e) Gec) R3 I 5-262- I 6OX8[vi[A[rf (,sec) R3 r s-26 | 4 I 0(D( I Xi) (r/sil) R3 | 5 -262-2 s 6(a\j) (Le c) R3 I s-262- l6(bx8)(vi)(A)(ilr) (spc) R3 | s-26 I -4 I 0(f)( l xiD (Hstl) R3 | 5 -262-2 s 6(a\t) (Lec) R3 I 5-262-16(bx8)(vi)(A)(r) (,spc) R3 r 5-26 | 4 lo(f)( I Xiii) (f/s /) ts-262-2s6(a)Q) eec) R3 I 5-262- I 6(bxsXvi)(AXrr) (sgc) R3 I 5-26 | -4 I 0(fX \(iv) (HSM) Ifany State or local authorities have declinedto enter into such arrangements, has thefacility documented the refusal in theoperating record? rs-262-2s6(b) (LQG) R3 I 5-262- I 6(bX8XviXB) (sqc) R3 l s-26 I -4 I 0(fx2) (HSM) |an 2018 Page2 of?Inspector'slnitials bS \\t &! *F - t;V2 ffi-'6w 8l-|:l - l>+t-'{y).'vl,r,, t;nsa,- \'il \-"t c( 8t-at-+ 1lH ' -+r<l ) t'\ ['\*j -sv2 j, \ .. 'lrq ,qtf t I r S:-J- n 101 ryil /r/ Cycle Site Name StteID 20t7 TESORO LOCISTICS OPERATIONS. LLC uTR0000l 1577 '),a I lReceived Dqte llnclude in National Repon? | |t^","-,.^,"t---,r tt I BR / Notification. [Soure B] I u. sit" Io I I urnoooor rsrr I I resono loctsrrcs oPERATIoNS, LLc 4. Site Lcation Wtsbg 475 SltetlJ WEST 9OO NORTH Street 2 zip 84103 Citv, Town or villqpe SALT LAKE CITY State UTAH Countr! UNITED STATES County SALT LAKE State District 5.Site Malllng Addrss Street Number 475 tlteeU WEST 9OO NORTH Arc!2 Z!p. 84103 City, Ton'n or villaEe SALT LAKE CITY State UTAH Countfl UNITED STATES I Priu",. T.North American Inilmtry Classifietion System (NAICS) Primarv NAICS 4247 I O - PETROLEUM BULK STATIONS AND TERMINALS Other NAICS E. Site Contscl Person First Name Ol i ver Middle Initial B k!!-rysLe Dugs Title Senior Enviromental Coordinator Email oliver.b.d ugas @andeavor.com Phone Number 801-5zt-49't I Extension E!! 801-52r-4963 Page I of4 Eil;lstrtD Co4rici Addgii Stea Number 475 Streer j WEST 9OO NORTH Street 2 Zlp E4 103 City.Town or Villape SALT LAKE CITY State UTAH Countrv UNITED STATES 9i;,[4g*[(hiiln#I Namc TESORO LOGISTICS OPERATIONS, LLC Ds,e 05t0v20tl Tvpe Pri vate Street Numbcr 475 Street I WEST 9OO NORTH Sieet 2 Zlp 84103 City, Town or Villase SALT LAKE CITY State UTAH Countrv UNTTED STATES Email Phone Number 80 I -52 l-49 I 4 Extension Fox Internal Commqts wi I lim.k.snu@tsocorp.com F Public Comments 9b. Legal Op€retor#i Name TESORO LOGISTICS OPERATIONS, LLC Date 05tov201l Ttpe Private Street Number 475 Strec, I WEST 9OO NORTH Steet 2 42 84103 City.Tom or Villqpe SALT LAKE CITY State UTAH Country UNITED STATES fusi! Phone Number 80t-52t4914 Extension Fax Internul Comments willim.k-snm@tsocorp.mm F Public Comments trOr ifype.of f.rdenl Rsgulrtsl' Wutc Ac.tiTit1 A. Eiijalsw wsste Acrititics I - Ltrge Qumtity Genentor No 7. Exemot Boiler and / or Industrial Furnace None selectcd I-LQG 5. Receives Hazordous Waste from Off-site No 2-3. Other Generstor Activities None seleted None selstcd Page2 of 4 B. WrdrtGi$lodes for Fedcrr[y RcAulrtcd Hsrlrdoss Wottcs C. Wacte Codcs forStrte Rcgulrt€d (mFFcd€ral) Hrzrrdo$ Wrstes f 1. Arnldonrl f,,cgulrt€d Wrrt ActiYltig B. Udv.firl W.rbAcdvldo Accumulrt€d/Momged: None selsted Generated: None selEted D,Sf*tAcdvldec None sel6ted 12. lttSlblgAc.d.slc htiaies with bboratorica L Optine iato or curre\tly operatine under 40 CFR Port 262 Subpail K for thc manaeement of hozardous wastes in laboratories. None selcctcd 2- Withdrawine from 40 CFR Part 262 Subpart K for the manapement of hazardous wqsres in laborarories. No lf.LQG Coorolirl,r0onof Y$QG Wrrb A" 6" on I nc noriftino of consolidatins VSOG hazardous waste und.er the contro! of the some ocrson oursuant to 4O CFR 262.1 7(fl? No 15. Nottlcr0otr ott QG Slao Clorurc lorr Cen.rsl Ac4umulstlon Area (CAA) (opdonal) and Endrc Frclllty LOG Site Closure of o Ccntol Accumulation Area or Facilitv No 16. Noutcadon otErtbdoEs Sc.oDdlrt Ivlrtlrlrt (LlSiM) AcdYlty No 17. flcctiutc Mrnfiftrr Brofer 2 No Pagc 3 of 4 lS.CoBEd Internal Comment$ the wtrte strcams forthis facility rc reponed c a separate business entity from tesoro refining md muketing company ro ofmay 201 t. The new EpA ID # is UTR0000I l5?7. UTB Public Comments Pagc4 of 4 Clcfo Si{EiName sita:ID 20t'l TESORO LOGISTICS OPERATIONS, LLC uTR0000l 1577 GM 3 WrrteChrracdstls VRU SLUDGE. D001. D0 l8 D. Source Code G13 E, Form Cod,e w609 X G. Ouantitv 86?.0 UOM POUNDS Ds!.!!J On-Bito Cm€mtion md Mdn4gem6nt of Hudous w6te Off.$ile Shiiment of HirrEridiE$:{rarte Site I uTD9815521?7 H040 867.0 ahd$enl$ Cycle Sl&Nlmb Slr. ID 20t7 TESORO LOGISTICS OPEMTIONS, LLC uTR0000l 1577 GM.2 WasleChararleristtcs A. Description of hazardous waste GASOLINE. JET FILTERS. D001, D0l8 C. State Hazardous Waste Code(sl W GO? Manapcment Method Code E. Form Code w310 F. Waste Minimizstion Code x C. Ouantitr 6300.0 w,M. POUNDS Wr!!!J On-Cite 6 lon and trlanagemcnt of Hazardoss Waste Off-sits Shipnettt of l{ezardous Waste Site I NED9817235 l 3 H040 2250.0 Site 2 vTD9Et552l77 H040 4050.0 CoootEoa CJ.dc SitcName SibID 2017 TESORO LOGISTICS OPERATIONS. LLC uTR0000l r577 GM 1 t{mte Chsncterlsrics A. Descriotion of hazardouE waste OIL CONTAMINATED DEBRIS (OIL WATER SEPARATOR SLUDGE/TANK BOTTOMS). D018, D00t C. State Hazardous Waste Codekl D. Source Code Gl3 Manaement Method Code E. Form Code w603 F. Waste Minimization Code A G. Ouantity 12543.0 UOM POUNDS Densirv On-site Gen6rstion and Management of Hazardous Wmte Off-sit;$ripmffit of llazrdous Wmre Site I B. EPA ID of focilitv to which waste was shipoed NED9817235 l3 H040 D- Total Ouantity S hipped t2l43.O Site 2 B. EPA lD offacility to which wostewas shiooed uTD98l 552 177 C. Manapmqt Method Code H040 D- Toral Ouontity Shipped 400.0 eor$tb*.nts