HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2018-004573 - 0901a06880822145Westinghouse Westinghouse Electric Company
Nuclear Fuel
Western Zirconium
10,000 West 900 South
Ogden, Utah 84404-9760
9nd Rad:ation Convol
May 16, 2018 MAY 1 8 2018
Scott Anderson, Director
Utah Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control
195 North 1950 West
P.O. Box 144880
Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880
Ds HW 2o16 Do4-573
Re: Western Zirconium Plant Ground Water Monitoring Report
Dear Mr. Anderson:
Western Zirconium (WZ) is required to sample ground water associated with plant operations. Please
find enclosed the report for the sampling completed in January 2018.
Please contact me at 801-732-2356 if you have any questions.
Thank You,
Corey Christensen
Div of Waste Management
and Radiation Control
MAY 1 8 2018 Westinghouse W- 201S - op 4573
Western Zirconium Plant
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018
May 2018
Prepared by
WOODARD CURRAN 1015 South Montana Street, Suite C
Butte, Montana 59701
Woodard & Curran Project 1801202 and 1801227
5:- /5-- 2/.7-
David Colburn Date
Western Zirconium Plant Manager
Westinghouse Electric Company
This report is based on data, site conditions and other information that is generally applicable as of December 2018, and the
conclusions and recommendations herein are therefore applicable only to that time frame.
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018 Page l
The objective of the Plant Area monitoring program is to evaluate the potential presence of
contaminants in groundwater beneath the Plant Area. Groundwater monitoring in the Plant Area
is performed semi-annually. This report is a summary of the Winter 2018 monitoring results. This
report is also the fourth semi-annual report for the Plant Area. The data collected during this
sampling event will provide the baseline for evaluation of groundwater concentration trends in
future reports.
All sampling and analysis were performed in accordance with the Plant Area Monitoring Plan
(URS, 2015). Sampling for this monitoring event was performed at 25 monitoring wells on January
9-11, 2018. Groundwater samples were analyzed for general chemistry parameters, metals,
radiological parameters, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and semi-volatile organic
compounds (SVOCs). Prior to sampling, groundwater levels were measured at 38 locations on
Groundwater elevations at the Plant Area ranged from 4209.63 to 4229.42 feet (ft) above mean sea
level (amsl). The potentiometric surface contour map, constructed using groundwater elevation
data, indicated that groundwater flows eastward toward the pond area.
Analytical results were compared to site-specific human health risk-based screening level (RBSL)
for each analyte. The RBSLs are for worker exposure with hazard index (HI) of 1 and cancer risk
of 10-4. All groundwater analytical results were below the RBSL except fluoride in well Pi-3R.
A survey of all Plant Area monitoring wells was conducted on December 16, 2016. Prior to this
survey, many monitoring locations did not have reliable survey data to determine groundwater
elevations. The December 2016 survey data were used to update the locations of monitoring wells
in figures and to construct the potentiometric surface contour map.
The initial monitoring plan included groundwater sampling at wells Pi-3 and A-7. However, well
Pi-3 has been damaged and cannot be sampled and well A-7 was abandoned on 10/24/16 prior to
excavating of solid waste management unit (SWMU) 26. Pi-3R was installed on 08/31/17 to
replace Pi-3.
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018 Page II
2.1 Groundwater Measurements 2
2.2 Field Sampling Methodology 2
2.3 Quality Control Samples 3
2.4 Change Notices 4
4.1 Groundwater General Chemistry Parameters 6
4.2 Groundwater Metal Analytes 8
4.3 Groundwater Radiological Analytes 8
4.4 Groundwater Volatile Organic Compound Analytes 9
4.5 Groundwater Semi-Volatile Organic Compound Analytes 9
5.1 Data Validation Qualifiers 1 1
5.2 Data Quality Indicators 1 3
Appendix A — Field Sampling Logs
Appendix B — Data Validation Report
Appendix C — Analytical Laboratory Data Reports
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018 Page III
Table 1 — Monitoring Program Summary
Table 2 — Analytical Requirements
Table 3 — Monitoring Well Water Level Measurements
Table 4 — General Chemistry Analysis for Groundwater
Table 5 — Metals Analysis for Groundwater
Table 6 — Radiological Analysis for Groundwater
Table 7 — VOC Analysis for Groundwater
Table 8 — SVOC Analysis for Groundwater
Figure 1 — Regional Overview Map
Figure 2 — Monitoring Locations
Figure 3 — Potentiometric Surface Map
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018 Page IV
°C degree Celsius
%R percent recovery
< less than or equal to
amsl above mean sea level
DWMRC Utah Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control
ft feet
ft/ft feet per foot
HI hazard index
LCS laboratory control sample
LCSD laboratory control sample duplicate
MDC minimum detectable concentration
MDL method detection limit
mg/L milligrams per liter
mL/min milliliters per minute
MS matrix spike
MSD matrix spike duplicate
NTU nephelometric turbidity units
ORP oxidation-reduction potential
pCi/L picoCurie per liter
QA/QC quality assurance/quality control
QAPP Quality Assurance Project Plan
RBSL risk-based human health screening level
RL reporting limit
SVOC semi-volatile organic compound
SWMU solid waste management unit
USEPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
VOC volatile organic compound
WZ Western Zirconium
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018 Page 1
Western Zirconium (WZ), an operating unit of the Nuclear Fuels Business Unit of Westinghouse
Electric Company, is located at the eastern base of Little Mountain, approximately 12 miles west
of Ogden, Utah shown on site location Figure 1. The site address is 10,000 West 900 South,
Ogden, Utah. The plant encompasses 1,100 acres of land and has approximately 50 buildings.
Western Zirconium extracts zirconium and hafnium metals from raw material and fabricates these
metals into products used primarily by the nuclear fuel industry. The Plant Area complex is
comprised of about 60 acres near the center of the property and is surrounded by a security fence.
Adjacent to the Plant Area, to the east, is the Evaporation Pond Area, a fenced area containing
approximately 110 acres of evaporation ponds.
The objective of the Plant Area monitoring program is to evaluate the potential presence of
contaminants in groundwater beneath the Plant Area, and to establish a baseline for comparison
during future sampling events Monitoring requirements are detailed in the Plant Area Monitoring
Plan (URS, 2015). Select wells within the Plant Area are monitored for water levels and sampled
semi-annually for analytes detected during RFI investigations that may pose risk to human
receptors. Table 1 provides a summary of the monitoring plan and Table 2 describes the analytical
requirements. Figure 2 shows the monitoring well locations.
The Plant Area monitoring program began in summer 2016 (July 2016). Monitoring requirements
will be reassessed after two and five years of monitoring as prescribed in the Plant Area
Monitoring Plan (URS, 2015). If sampling results indicate that movement of an existing plume is
occurring, or a potential new release has occurred, it will be documented in the semi-annual report
and an appropriate corrective action will be negotiated with the Utah Division of Waste
Management and Radiation Control (DWMRC).
This report summarizes the results from the Winter 2018 monitoring event and is the fourth semi-
annual report for the Plant Area. Groundwater sampling for this event was conducted at 25
monitoring wells from January 9-11, 2018. The methods and procedures used during this sampling
event were performed in accordance with the Plant Area Monitoring Plan (URS, 2015).
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018 Page 2
During the Winter 2018 monitoring event, groundwater elevations were measured at 38 monitoring
wells and groundwater samples were collected from 25 monitoring wells. Figure 2 shows the
monitoring well locations that were sampled. Field parameters were measured during the sampling
of groundwater, and measurements were recorded on field sampling logs (see Appendix A).
2.1 Groundwater Measurements
Groundwater elevations were measured at 38 monitoring wells on 1/8/2017, prior to sampling. To
prevent potential cross-contamination between measuring points, the water level indicator was
decontaminated with a solution of Liquinox® detergent, and deionized water. The field geologist
donned a new pair of clean nitrile gloves prior to measuring the groundwater elevation at each
location. Groundwater elevations were measured to the nearest hundredth of a foot using an
electronic water level indicator. Measured elevations were referenced to a surveyed measuring
point at the top of each inner casing and recorded on a field form (see Appendix A). The monitoring
well locations and top of casting elevations were surveyed on 12/16/2016.
2.2 Field Sampling Methodology
Each monitoring well was purged and sampled with a dedicated bladder pump. Water quality
parameters were measured in the field with a Hach 2100Q Portable Turbidimeter for turbidity and
a YSI Professional Plus Multiparameter Instrument which included conductivity, temperature,
redox potential as mv, and pH. Monitoring wells were purged and sampled using "low-stress"
techniques [United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), 1993] when possible at a
rate of less than or equal to 0.3 liters per minute. Field parameters were recorded every one to five
minutes until they stabilized (see Appendix A). Before purging was considered complete for a
monitoring well, at least two consecutive field measurements made one to five minutes apart were
required to be within the ranges stated below:
• pH within plus or minus (±) 0.2 units change between individual readings
• Temperature within ± 1 degree Celsius (°C) change between individual readings
• Conductivity within ± 10 percent (%) change between individual readings
• Turbidity within ± 10% or less than 5 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU)
• ORP within ±10%
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018 Page 3
Groundwater samples were collected immediately after field-measured parameters stabilized.
Sample aliquots that required field filtration were filtered with an in-line 0.45-micron filter
attached directly to the pump discharge line. After collection, all sample containers were
immediately placed on ice in an insulated cooler for preservation in order to meet the less than or
equal to (<) 6°C preservation criterion. All sample containers were properly labeled with
waterproof ink at the time of collection. The samples were either in the possession of the field
sampler or securely stored at all times. A chain-of-custody record was initiated in the field and
accompanied the samples during storage, transportation, and delivery to the analytical laboratory
(see Appendix A). The samples were shipped to the analytical laboratory in custody-sealed coolers.
All samples were delivered to Test America for analysis.
2.3 Quality Control Samples
To ensure overall data quality, the following quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) samples
were collected:
• Temperature Blank — one in each sample cooler where the preservation criterion of 6°C
was required
• Trip Blank - one for each cooler containing samples for volatile organic compounds (VOC)
• Blind Duplicate — 1 0% of the total number of environmental samples for each matrix and
• Matrix Spike/Matrix Spike Duplicate (MS/MSD) — 5% of the total number of samples for
each matrix and analysis
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018 Page 4
2.4 Change Notices
This section of the report provides a discussion of changed conditions, deviations from the planned
work, or other events that occurred during the Winter 2018 monitoring event.
Monitoring well Pi-3 was filled with bentonite mud which sealed off the well screen. Replacement
well Pi-3R, installed on 08/31/2017, was monitored in place of Pi-3. This monitoring period
(Winter 2018) was the first sampling of this replacement well. Monitoring well A-7 was abandoned
on 10/24/2016 prior to the excavation of solid waste management unit (SWMU 26). Monitoring is
discontinued at this location.
American West Analytical Laboratory (AWAL) performed analyses for hafnium and zirconium;
AWAL is not currently accredited for either of these analyses. Hafnium and zirconium analyses
was performed using inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) semi-quantitative
analyses. No reusable equipment was used; therefore, no equipment rinse blanks were performed.
The Western Zirconium Plant Area Monitoring Plan (Monitoring Plan) (URS, 2015) specifies a
field quality control frequency of ten percent, while WZ Quality Assurance Plan (QAPP)
(Westinghouse, 2002) specifies a field quality control frequency of 20 percent. During the Winter
Monitoring, two blind duplicate samples and two field blank samples for VOC analyses were
collected for all required analyses; this equates to 8.0% field quality control frequency and
provides for sufficient field quality assessment.
The Monitoring Plan specifies Teflon-lined caps for all analyses. Only VOC and SVOC glass and
amber glass vials had Teflon-lined caps. Plastic sample bottles used during Winter 2018
monitoring had either plastic or foam-lined caps.
Wells were purged with a Geotech Geocontroller Pro at approximately 150 to 300 milliliters per
minute (mL/min). The Geotech controller did not allow for significant manipulation of the
pumping rate; therefore; drawdown (greater than approximately 0.3 feet) was observed at A-4, A-
13, A-20, L-7, M-4, and M-8. Although poor recharge was observed, required well parameters had
stabilized prior to sampling, and minimum sample volumes were collected.
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018 Page 5
Static water levels were measured at 38 groundwater monitoring wells during the Winter 2018
monitoring event. The groundwater levels were calculated into elevations which are presented in
Table 3. The Winter 2018 potentiometric surface contour map was generated from these water
levels measured in January 2018 are shown on Figure 3. The groundwater elevations at the Plant
Area ranged from 4209.63 to 4229.42 feet above mean sea level (ft amsl), with groundwater
gradient generally moving eastward toward the pond area. The direction of groundwater flow
generally coincides with the ground surface topography of the area.
The potentiometric surface map displayed in Figure 3 was prepared using ESRI ArcGIS 10.5.1
with contour data generated with AutoCAD - Civil 3D 2018. The spatial coordinates of the
groundwater monitoring wells used were first imported into Civil 3D along with the corresponding
groundwater elevation measurement. The program was then used to create a triangular irregular
networks (TIN) surface representing the potentiometric surface at the time of the groundwater
elevation measurements. Adjustments were made by hand to reflect professional judgement in
areas between data points. Due to the irregularity in the data collected from well PZ-2, the
groundwater elevations for this location was omitted from the January 2018 potentiometric surface
contour map.
The potentiometric surface contour map was used to estimate the horizontal gradient beneath the
Plant Area at three locations: 1) south side of the plant and parking area in a southeasterly direction,
2) east side of the plant in an easterly direction, and 3) north side of the plant in a northeasterly
direction. The horizontal groundwater gradient toward the southeast (measured between PZ-4 and
L-8) is approximately 1.26 ft per 100 ft or 0.0126 feet per foot (ft/ft). The horizontal groundwater
gradient east of the Plant Area (measured between M-1 and A-10) toward the east is approximately
3.51 ft per 100 ft or 0.0351 ft/ft. The horizontal groundwater gradient north of the Plant Area
toward the northeast (measured between PZ-1 and L-10) is approximately 3.76 ft per 100 ft or
0.0376 ft/ft.
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018 Page 6
During the Winter 2018 monitoring event, groundwater samples were collected from 25
monitoring wells and analyzed for all required parameters in accordance with the Monitoring Plan.
The monitoring requirements in that plan are listed in Tables 1 and 2. The analytical results for
groundwater are summarized in Tables 4 through 8. Non-detected results were reported as less
than the reporting limit (RL) or minimum detectable concentration (MDC), and trace levels found
between the MDL and the RL were qualified as estimated, using a "J" qualifier.
To assess water quality in groundwater beneath the Plant Area, analytical data were compared to
an established site-specific human health risk-based screening level (RBSL) for each analyte. The
RBSLs are for worker exposure with hazard index (HI) of 1 and cancer risk of 10-4, taken from
Table B-1 of the Monitoring Plan. All analytical data were validated and a summary of the data
validation findings and definitions of relevant data qualification flags are provided in Section 5 of
this report, with the complete data validation report presented in Appendix B, along with analytical
laboratory data reports provided in Appendix C (electronic format only). Analytical results for
monitoring wells were compared to the project RBSLs. Results that exceeded the RBSL are noted
in Tables 4 through 8 with an asterisk (*). Results from the sample analyses are discussed in this
4.1 Groundwater General Chemistry Parameters
During the Winter 2018 monitoring event, groundwater samples were analyzed for nine general
chemistry parameters. All of the monitoring well analytical results were below their respective
RBSLs, except for fluoride in well Pi-3R. Table 4 provides a summary of the analytical results for
the general chemistry parameters in the groundwater samples.
4.1.1 Ammonia
The ammonia concentration in groundwater samples ranged from 0.0732 to 237 mg/L, with the
highest concentration found in the sample from well A-1. All ammonia results for the monitoring
wells were below the RBSL of 307 mg/L.
4.1.2 Chloride
The chloride concentration in groundwater samples ranged from 233 to 2,760 mg/L, with the
highest concentration found in the sample from well A-17. There is no established site-specific
RBSL for chloride.
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018 Page 7
4.1.3 Fluoride
The fluoride concentration in groundwater samples ranged from 0.285 to 2,850 mg/L, with the
highest concentration found in the sample from well Pi-3R. The second highest concentration was
16 mg/L found in well Pi-10. All monitoring well fluoride results except Pi-3R were below the
RBSL of 739 mg/L.
4.1.4 Nitrate
The nitrate concentration in groundwater samples ranged from 0.027 to 2,780 mg/L, with the
highest concentration found in the sample from well Pi-3R. The second highest concentration was
175 mg/L found in well A-16. All nitrate results for the monitoring wells were below the RBSL
of 19,701 mg/L.
4.1.5 Nitrate Nitrite
The nitrate+nitrite concentration in groundwater samples ranged from 0.00948 to 2,700 mg/L, with
the highest concentration found in the sample from well Pi-3R. The second highest concentration
was 178 mg/L found in well A-16. There is no established site-specific RBSL for nitrate+nitrite,
but the RBSL for nitrate was used for comparison. All nitrate+nitrite results for the monitoring
wells were below the nitrate RBSL of 19,701 mg/L.
4.1.6 Sulfate
The sulfate concentration in groundwater samples ranged from 8.64 to 1,890 mg/L, with the
highest concentration found in the sample from well M-9. There is no established site-specific
RBSL for sulfate.
4.1.7 Cyanide
The cyanide concentration in groundwater samples ranged from non-detect to 0.0139 mg/L, with
the highest concentration found in the sample from well L-3. All cyanide results for the monitoring
wells were below the RBSL of 246 mg/L.
4.1.8 Thiocyanate
The thiocyanate concentration in groundwater samples ranged from non-detect to 1.60 mg/L, with
the highest concentration detected at well A-1. All monitoring well thiocyanate results were below
the RBSL of 1.7 mg/L.
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018 Page 8
4.1.9 pH
The pH in groundwater samples ranged from 1.13 to 9.67 standard units, with the lowest pH at
well Pi-3R and the highest pH at well A-4. There is no established site-specific RBSL for the pH.
4.2 Groundwater Metal Analytes
Groundwater samples were analyzed for 14 different metals, including: aluminum arsenic, barium,
cadmium, chromium, hafnium iron, lead, magnesium, nickel, selenium, silver, vanadium, and
zirconium. In these samples, all 14 metals were detected. Groundwater metal results did not
exceed the RBSLs. Table 5 provides a summary of the analytical results for the metals in the
groundwater samples.
4.3 Groundwater Radiological Analytes
Groundwater samples were analyzed for seven radiological parameters. All of the analytical
results were below the established RBSLs. Table 6 provides a summary of the radiological results
for the groundwater samples. The analytical results for the radiological analysis are discussed in
the following subsections. For a conservative determination, the sum of the result and uncertainty
is used for comparison to the applicable RBSL for each radiological parameter.
4.3.1 Gross Alpha
The gross alpha concentration in groundwater samples ranged from non-detect to 278 picoCurie
per liter (pCi/L), with the highest concentration detected at well Pi-3R. The second highest
concentration was 30 pCi/L found in well L-3. There is no established site-specific RBSL for
gross alpha.
4.3.2 Gross Beta
The gross beta concentration in groundwater samples ranged from 11.8 to 380 pCi/L, with the
highest concentration detected at well Pi-3R. The second highest concentration was 104 pCi/L
found in well A-17. There is no established site-specific RBSL for gross beta.
4.3.3 Radium 226
The radium 226 concentration in groundwater samples ranged from non-detect to 18.4 pCi/L, with
the highest concentration detected at well Pi-3R. The second highest concentration was 1.04 pCi/L
found in well L-3. All radium 226 results for the monitoring wells were significantly below the
RBSL of 41,341 pCi/L.
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018 Page 9
4.3.4 Radium 228
The radium 228 concentration in groundwater samples ranged from non-detect to 86 pCi/L, with
the highest concentration detected at well Pi-3R. The second highest concentration was 3.7 pCi/L
found in well A-17. All radium 228 results for the monitoring wells were significantly below the
RBSL of 42,859 pCi/L.
4.3.5 Thorium 230
The thorium 230 concentration in groundwater samples ranged from non-detect to 6.9 pCi/L, with
the highest concentration detected at well Pi-3R. The second highest concentration was 0.28 pCi/L
found in well A-18. All thorium 230 results for the monitoring wells were significantly below the
RBSL of 877,680 pCi/L.
4.3.6 Thorium 232
The thorium 232 concentration in groundwater samples ranged from non-detect to 16.8 pCi/L,
with the highest concentration detected at well Pi-3R. The second highest concentration was 0.096
pCi/L found in well M-7. All thorium 232 results for the monitoring wells were significantly below
the RBSL of 791,590 pCi/L.
4.3.7 Uranium
The uranium concentration in groundwater samples ranged from 0.000146 to 0.0479 [tg/L, with
the highest concentration detected at well Pi-3R. All uranium results for the monitoring wells
were significantly below the RBSL of 6,567,262µg/L.
4.4 Groundwater Volatile Organic Compound Analytes
During the Winter 2018 monitoring event, groundwater samples were analyzed for VOCs. A
summary of the analytical groundwater results for detected VOCs is provided in Table 7. Detected
results are highlighted in grey, and any result that exceed the RBSL is identified with an asterisk
(*). In the groundwater samples collected during the Winter 2018 monitoring event, 40 VOCs
were detected. The compounds that were detected in five or more monitoring wells include 4-
methy1-2-pentanone, acetone, and chloroform. All VOC results were below their respective
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018 Page 10
4.5 Groundwater Semi-Volatile Organic Compound Analytes
Groundwater samples were analyzed for semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs). A summary
of the analytical groundwater results for detected SVOCs are provided in Table 8. Detected results
are highlighted grey, and any result that exceed the RBSL is identified with an asterisk (*). In the
groundwater samples collected during the Winter 2018 monitoring event, three SVOCs were
detected. No SVOC were detected in five or more monitoring wells. All SVOC results were below
the RBSLs. Pentachlorophenol was additionally analyzed utilizing Selected Ion Monitoring (SIM),
which provided lower detection limits. Pentachlorophenol results presented in Table 8 are the
results employing SIM.
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018 Page 11
All analytical data presented in this report were validated. Data validation qualifiers have been
added to the results as necessary. The data validation process is described in detail in the Western
Zirconium Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP; Westinghouse, 2002) and in Appendix B of
this semi-annual report.
5.1 Data Validation Qualifiers
Data validation were performed using the requirements and protocols outlined in the following
documents and analytical methods:
• U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). 2017. US. EPA Contract Laboratog
Program National Functional Guidelines for Superfund Organic Methods Data Review.
OLEM 9355.0-136; EPA-540-R-2017-002. January.
• U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA). 2017. U.S. EPA Contract Laboratory
Program National Functional Guidelines for Inorganic Data Review. OLEM 9355-0-135;
EPA 540-R-2017-001. January.
• Multi Agency Radiological Laboratory Analytical Protocols, MARLAP, Manual, EPA 402-
B-04-001A, July 2004.
• Evaluation of Radiochemical Data Usability, ES/ER-MS-5, April 1997.
Qualifications were assigned in accordance with the U.S. EPA Contract Laboratory Program
National Functional Guidelines and resulted from preparation and the sample analysis method,
poor initial and continuing calibration criteria, positive blank detections, sample analysis outside
of holding times, poor laboratory control sample (LCS), laboratory control sample duplicate
(LCSD), matrix spike (MS), matrix spike duplicate (MSD), and SDS performance, and results
reported below the quantitation limits. The following table summarizes the findings and data
qualifications assigned First Half of 2018 (January 2018) Westinghouse Western Zirconium Data
results. The following tables provide specific definitions for qualifiers assigned.
Inorganic Data Validation Qualifiers
F q t. ,
efinition. ' - . ik.-.! i i, • '
The analyte was analyzed for but was not detected above the reported sample
quantitation limit.
The result is an estimated quantity. The associated numerical value is the approximate
concentration of the analyte in the sample.
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018 Page 12
, Definiti II) '..i, , ,
J+ The result is an estimated quantity, but the result may be biased high.
J- The result is an estimated quantity, but the result may be biased low.
UJ The analyte was analyzed for but was not detected. The reported quantitation limit is
approximate and may be inaccurate or imprecise.
R The data are unusable. The sample results are rejected due to serious deficiencies in
meeting quality control criteria. the analyte may or may not be present in the sample.
Organic Data Validation Qualifiers
Fiag .- -5. Definition 1,•?, IL.
U The analyte was analyzed for but was not detected above the reported sample
quantitation limit.
J The result is an estimated quantity. The associated numerical value is the
approximate concentration of the analyte in the sample.
UJ The analyte was analyzed for but was not detected. The reported quantitation limit
is approximate and may be inaccurate or imprecise.
R The data are unusable. The sample results are rejected due to serious deficiencies in
meeting quality control criteria. the analyte may or may not be present in the sample.
NJ Presumptively present at an estimated quantity (use with TICs only).
Radiochemical Data Validation Qualifiers
..A.m. ;n1 / c I ( V.
The analysis was performed, and radioactivity was detected (e.g., the radioanalytical
result is statistically positive at the 95% confidence interval and is above its MDC).
NOTE: The radionuclide is considered to be present in the sample.
U The analysis was performed, but no radioactivity was detected (i.e., the
radioanalytical result was not statistically positive at the 95% confidence interval
and/or the result was below its MDC). The "U" qualifier flag is also applicable to
any result reported as zero (0) (± an associated uncertainty).
NOTE: The radionuclide is not considered to be present in the sample.
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018 Page 13
t 'tS
UJ The analysis was performed; however, the result is highly questionable due to
analytical and/or laboratory quality control anomalies. The use of such a result is
strongly discouraged. Analytical and quality control anomalies include such items as:
significant blank contamination, known photopeak interferences and/or photopeak
resolution problems, known matrix interferences, unacceptable laboratory control
sample recoveries, serious instrument calibration problems, improper sample
preservation, etc.
The "Ur qualifier flag could designate a possible false positive result in the case of a
result that is statistically positive at the 95% confidence level. The "UJ" qualifier flag
could indicate the result is considered an estimated nondetect (a nondetect that may
be due to loss of analyte from lack of sample preservation, holding time exceedances,
etc.). The specific use of the "Ur flag is included by the validator in the text of the
validation report.
NOTE: The radionuclide may or may not be present in the sample and the result is
considered highly questionable.
The analysis was performed, and radioactivity was detected (i.e., the radionuclide
result is statistically positive at the 95% confidence interval and is above its MDC).
However, the result is questionable due to analytical and/or laboratory quality control
anomalies/irregularities and should therefore be used only as an estimated
(approximated) quantity. Analytical and/or quality control anomalies include such
items such as: laboratory duplicate imprecision, unsatisfactory analytical yields,
insufficient laboratory control sample recoveries, unacceptable PE sample results,
instrument calibration problems, improper sample preservation, etc.
NOTE: The radionuclide is considered to be present in the sample; however, the
result may not be an accurate representation of the amount of activity actually
present in the sample.
The analysis result is unusable and was rejected due to severe analytical and/or
quality control problems.
NOTE: The radionuclide may or may not be present, and the result is known to be
inaccurate or imprecise.
5.2 Data Quality Indicators
The Winter 2018 monitoring data are considered usable as qualified, except for the following
results: One data point analyzed for 2,4-Dimethylphenol (Pi-3R) and 31 data points analyzed for
1,4-Dioxane (including all natural, duplicate, field blank, and trip blank samples) were qualified
with `R' and the accuracy and precision of the data is so questionable it is recommended it not be
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018 Page 14
used due to poor MS/MSD recovery and low ICAL and CCAL (initial and continuing
calibration) RRF (relative response factor), respectively. Data quality is summarized in the
following sections below by analyses method and in further detail in Appendix B.
Anions (Chloride, Fluoride, and Sulfate) by USPEA Method 300.0:
The anions data set consists of 27 water samples analyzed for chloride, fluoride, and sulfate which
resulted in 81 data points. All 81 data points are considered usable for evaluating site conditions
and indicated that the 81 data points for fluoride, chloride, and sulfate (100% of the total) were
either non-detect and identified as 'TY or were evaluated and remain unqualified. These results can
be considered qualitative data.
It should be noted that Chloride data provided in the Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report:
Summer 2017 had been incorrect. The cause was a corrupt EDD file sent from the analytical lab.
The issue has been corrected, and the revised data is provided in Table 4.
Ammonia by USEPA Method 350.1:
The ammonia data set consists of 27 water samples which resulted in 27 data points. All 27 data
points are considered usable for evaluating site conditions and indicated that:
• 2 data points (7.4% of the total) were evaluated and remain unqualified. These results can
be considered as qualitative data.
• 25 data points (92.6% of the total) were qualified with a 'I' or `.T+' validation flag and
can be considered as quantitative data.
Cyanide by USEPA Method 335.4:
The cyanide data set consists of 27 water samples which resulted in 27 data points. All 27 data
points are considered usable for evaluating site conditions and indicated that the 27 data points for
cyanide (100% of the total) were either non-detect and identified as 'LP or were evaluated and
remain unqualified. These results can be considered qualitative data.
pH by Standard Method 4500-H+B:
The pH data set consists of 27 water samples which resulted in 27 data points. All 27 data points
are considered usable for evaluating site conditions and indicated that:
• 4 data points (14.8% of the total) were evaluated and remain unqualified. These results
can be considered as qualitative data.
• 23 data points (85.2% of the total) were qualified with a T validation flag and can be
considered as quantitative data.
Nitrate and Nitrite by USEPA 353.2:
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018 Page 15
The nitrate and nitrite data set consists of 27 water samples which resulted in 54 data points. All
54 data points are considered usable for evaluating site conditions and indicated that:
• 37 data points (68.5% of the total) were either non-detect and identified as 'LP or were
evaluated and remain unqualified. These results can be considered as qualitative data.
• 17 data points (31.5% of the total) were qualified with a T validation flag and can be
considered as quantitative data.
Thiocyanate by Standard Method 4500-CN M:
The thiocyanate data set consists of 27 water samples which resulted in 54 data points. All 54 data
points are considered usable for evaluating site conditions and indicated that:
• 25 data points (82.6% of the total) were either non-detect and identified as 'LP or were
evaluated and remain unqualified. These results can be considered as qualitative data.
• 2 data points (7.4% of the total) were qualified with a T validation flag and can be
considered as quantitative data.
Total and Dissolved Metals by USEPA SW-846 Methods 6010C, 6020A, & 7470A:
The metals data set consists of 27 water samples analyzed for total metals and Dissolved U and
resulted in 405 data points. All 405 data points are considered usable for evaluating site conditions
and indicated that:
• 303 total and dissolved metals data points (77.5% of the total) were either qualified with
a 'IF validation flag due blank detections, were non-detect, or were detected in the
samples and can be considered as qualitative data.
• 91 total and dissolved metals data points (22.5% of the total) was qualified with a T,
`UP, or `.1'+' validation flag and can be considered as quantitative data.
Pentachlorophenol by SW-846 Method 8270D:
The pentachlorophenol data set consists of 27 water samples. All 27 cyanide data points are
considered usable for evaluating site conditions and indicated that all 27 data points (100% of the
total) were qualified with a `UP validation flag and can be considered as quantitative data.
All 8270D-SIM results have been qualified with a `Ur validation flag to denote the reported
concentrations are non-detect, and the sample quantitation limit (or reporting limit) is an estimate
as the laboratory reported the results as <RL as the sample aliquots for the 8270D analysis were
analyzed for the 8270D-SIM analysis and contained high surrogate concentrations resulting in
unreliable surrogate recoveries, and possible interference, carryover, and suppression issues. Even
though these results were not rejected, the accuracy of the data is highly questionable and should
potentially be used for qualitative purposes and with caution.
Semivolatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs) by SW-846 Method 8270D:
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018 Page 16
The SVOC data set consists of 27 water samples which resulted in 1809 data points. Of the 1809
data points, 1808 data points are considered usable for evaluating site conditions and indicated
• 1636 data points (90.4% of the total) were non-detect or were detections above the
quantitation limit and can be considered qualitative data.
• 172 data points (9.5% of the total) were qualified 'Ur or `J' and can be considered
quantitative data.
• 1 data point (0.1% of the total) was qualified with 'R' and the accuracy and precision of
the data is so questionable it is recommended it not be used due to poor MS/MSD
recovery for 2,4-Dimethylphenol.
Volatile Organic Compounds by USEPA SW-846 Method 8260B:
The VOC data set consists of 31 water samples which resulted in 1612 data points. Of the 1612
data points, 1581 data points are considered usable for evaluating site conditions and indicated
• 1551 data points (96.2% of the total) were non-detect or were detections above the
quantitation limit and can be considered qualitative data.
• 30 data points (1.9% of the total) were qualified 'Ur or T and can be considered
quantitative data.
• 31 data points (1.9% of the total) were qualified with `R' and the accuracy and precision
of the data is so questionable it is recommended it not be used due to low ICAL and
CCAL RRF for 1,4-Dioxane.
Radiochemical Analyses:
The radiochemical data set consists of 27 water samples for Gross Alpha, Gross Beta, Ra-226, Ra-
228, and Isotopic Thorium (Th-228, Th-230, and Th-232); 19 soil samples for Ra-226 which
resulted in 189 data points:
• 187 data points (98.9% of the total) were statistical non-detects or were considered as
truly present in the samples and can be considered qualitative data.
• 2 data points (1.1% of the total) were qualified with a 'Ur or T validation flag and can
be considered as quantitative data.
Trip Blanks and Field Blanks:
Two (2) trip blank and two (2) field blank samples were collected for the January 2018
Westinghouse Wester Zirconium sampling effort and are listed in the following table.
TriplField Blan4 for'the Nyek4righouse Western .Zircnnt'n 'Januari'Sili,gaintiOng , 'SDG ra.*Ple!D AnalYsis ' QC Type
1801202 TB-010918 VOC Trip Blank
GW-FB1-010918 VOC Field Blank
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018 Page 17
1801227 TB-011018 VOC Trip Blank
GW-FB2-011118 VOC Field Blank
The trip blank and field blank results were determined to be non-detect. No further qualifications
were warranted.
Field Duplicates:
Two groundwater field duplicate samples were collected during this sampling event. The field
duplicate pairs were GW-M3 -010918 / GW-D1-010918 and GW-L3 -011118 / GW-D2-011118;
the concentration-dependent field duplicate precision criteria were satisfied for all parameters.
Natural and duplicate sample results are presented in Tables Al through A5.
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018 Page 18
The data for the Winter 2018 monitoring event were collected January 9-11, 2018. The
groundwater elevations at the Plant Area ranged from 4209.63 to 4229.42 ft amsl. Based on the
potentiometric surface contour map in Figure 3, groundwater flows eastward toward the pond area.
The groundwater samples from 25 monitoring wells were analyzed from general chemistry
parameters, metals, radiological parameters, VOCs, and SVOCs. The analytical results were
evaluated against the RBSLs. All analytical results with exception of one sample for Fluoride at
well Pi-3R, were below the RBSLs.
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018 Page 19
URS, 2015. Plant Area Monitoring Plan. December 2015.
USEPA, 1993. Ground Water Sampling — A Workshop Summary; Dallas, Texas; November 30
— December 2, 1993. (EPA/600/R-94/205).
Westinghouse, 2002. Western Zirconium Quality Assurance Project Plan. November 2002.
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018
Table 1: Monitoring Program Summary
Western Zirconium Plant Area Monitoring Program
„ Schedule'
Event Schedule Comments
Sampling Semi-Annual January, July Sampling will begin the first week ofJanuary and July every year
Submite Report to UDEQ Semi-Annual October, April Report will be submitted to UDEQ, 90 days after the sampling
event, normally the first week of April and October every year.
Andlytical Require:ten' ts ,
All groundwater samples will be analyzed for analytes listed in Table 2.
Well ID GW Level GW
Sample Well ID GW Level GW
Sample Well ID GW Level GW
Sample Well ID GW Level GW Sample
A-1 X X BG-1 X X M-1 X X PZ-1 X
A-3 X X L-1 X M-2 X X PZ-2 X
A-4 X X L-2 X M-3 X X PZ-3 X
A-7 ** ** L-3 X X M-4 X X PZ-4 X
A-10 X X L-4 X M-7 X X PZ-5 X
A-12 X X L-5 X M-8 X X PZ-6 X
A-13 X X L-6 X M-9 X X PZ-7 X
A-16 X X L-7 X X Pi-3
A-17 X X L-8 X Pi-3R X X
A-18 X X L-9 X Pi-10 X X
A-19 X X L-10 X X Pi-11 X X
A-20 X X
Source: Plant Area Monitoring Plan , January 2015, Table 1 (URS, 2015)
*Well Pi-3 had been damaged, Pi-3R was drilled as a replacement and is monitored
**Well A-7 was abandoned 10/24/2016, monitoring at this location is discontinued
Table 2: Analytical Requirements
Western Zirconium Plant Area Monitoring Program
Analyses for Groundwater
Analytes Analytical Method Sampling Container Preservative Filter
General Chemistry,:,
pH SW-846 9040C
1 L None, Refrigerate at .1.6°C None
Nitrate SW-846 9056/EPA 353.2
Chloride SW-846 9056/EPA 325.2
Fluoride SW-846 9056/EPA 340.2
Sulfate SW-846 9056/EPA 375.4
Ammonia EPA 350.1 0.25 L pH < 2 sulfuric acid, Refrigerate
at ...6°C None Nitrate+Nitrite SW-846 9056/EPA 353.2
Total Cyanide SW-846 9012 0.25 L pH < 2 sodium hydroxide,
Refrigerate at 5.6°C None
Thiocyanate SM 4500-CN-M 0.25 L pH < 2 sodium hydroxide,
Refrigerate at 5.6°C None
Radium 226 EPA 903.0-M
1 Gallon pH < 2 nitric acid, Refrigerate at
6°C 0.45 micron filter
Radium 228 EPA 904.0-M
Thorium 230 and 232 DOE A-010R Mod
Gross Alpha SM 7110 Mod
Gross Beta EPA 900.0 Mod
Dissolved Uranium SW-846 6020 0.5 L pH < 2 nitric acid, Refrigerate at
6''C 0.45 micron filter
Total Metals
Total Metals' SW-846 6010/6020 0.5 L pH < 2 nitric acid None
Hafnium SW-846 6020B/EPA 200.8 0.5 L pH < 2 nitric acid None
Volatjle OfganicCompounds (VOC4
VOCs SW-846 8260 40 mL glass X 3 pH < 2 hydrochloric acid,
Refrigerate at 5.6°C
None, Zero-
Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (SVOCs)
SVOC SW-846 8270 40 mL amber glass X 3 None, Refrigerate at _.6°C None Pentachlorophenol SW-846 8270W-3511
Adapted From: Plant Area Monitoring Plan, January 2015, Table 2 (URS, 2015).
1-Total Metals are aluminum, arsenic, barium, cadmium, chromium, hafnium, iron, lead, magnesium, nickel, selenium, silver, vanazium, and
Table 3: Monitoring Well Water Level Measurements
Western Zirconium Plant Area Monitoring Program
Top of Casing
(ft ams1)
Depth to
(ft btoc)
(ft amsI)
A-1 397018.65 4568243.76 4236.08 01/08/2018 15:30 14.6 4221.48
A-3 397044.59 4568274.75 4235.17 01/08/2018 16:22 14.1 4221.07
A-4 397052.66 4568206 4231.79 01/08/2018 16:06 10.48 4221.31
A-10 397119.97 4568197.64 4229.34 01/08/2018 15:11 11.69 4217.65
A-12 397117.66 4568119.23 4228.78 01/08/2018 15:14 10.54 4218.24
A-13 397152.17 4568219.34 4223.31 01/08/2018 15:37 6.1 4217.21
A-16 397086.35 4568205.46 4232.97 01/08/2018 15:06 11.85 4221.12
A-17 397158 55 4568377.77 4222.53 01/08/2018 15:33 5.81 4216.72
A-18 397063.2 4568395.3 4229.48 01/10/2018 08:00 9.55 4219.93
A-19 397156.64 4568459.38 4222 52 01/08/2018 15:31 6.41 4216.11
A-20 397053.31 4568325.75 4236.68 01/08/2018 16:29 16.63 4220.05
BG-1 396909.55 4567969.89 4257.79 01/08/2018 15:56 37.39 4220.40
L-1 397276.76 4567442.19 4232.2 01/08/2018 16:09 13.63 4218.57
L-2 397139.99 4568558.82 4227.02 01/08/2018 15:15 11.76 4215.26
L-3 397104.26 4568597.91 4226.12 01/08/2018 15:18 9.5 4216.62
L-4 397450.76 4567394.48 4221.39 01/08/2018 16:14 11.08 4210.31
L-5 397463.02 4567365.9 4220.71 01/08/2018 16:12 11.08 4209.63
L-6 397025.6 4568597.55 4233.39 01/08/2018 15:22 15.37 4218.02
L-7 397116.86 4567850.29 4226.7 01/08/2018 16:02 7.7 4219.00
L-8 397061.29 4567892.47 4228.55 01/08/2018 16:00 9.55 4219.00
L-9 397152.73 4567804.13 4228.42 01/08/2018 16:21 9.67 4218.75
L-10 397000.09 4568770.83 4225.11 01/08/2018 15:05 15.02 4210.09
M-1 396991.55 4568178.75 4236.67 01/08/2018 14:49 14.46 4222.21
M-2 397019.08 4568182.93 4236.19 01/08/2018 14:52 14.5 4221.69
M-3 397032.39 4568175.01 4236.15 01/08/2018 14:55 15.11 4221.04
M-4 397036.66 4568141.71 4237.05 01/08/2018 16:09 16.23 4220.82
M-7 397054.39 4568178.75 4230.74 01/08/2018 15:00 9.76 4220.98
M-8 397057.43 4568119.34 4232.52 01/08/2018 16:13 10.7 4221.82
M-9 397063.7 4568056.57 4231.6 01/08/2018 15:47 12.5 4219.10
Pi-3R 396774.4 4568291.6 4240.06 01/08/2018 17:15 17.18 4222.88
Pi-7 396790.49 4568256.73 4242.98 01/08/2018 17:11 13.56 4229.42
Pi-10 396852.92 4568360.21 4242.78 01/08/2018 17:05 22.04 4220.74
Pi-11 396864.04 4568322.11 4240.21 01/08/2018 15:45 18.2 4222.01
PZ-1 396847.9 4568517.38 4241.81 01/08/2018 16:38 20.6 4221.21
PZ-2 396750.79 4568446.73 4242.97 01/08/2018 16:35 23.05 4219.92
PZ-3 396751.86 4568227.18 4242.83 01/08/2018 15:53 18.91 4223.92
PZ-4 396832.08 4568099.75 4242.14 01/08/2018 17:45 19.23 4222.91
PZ-5 396876.37 4568031.64 4238.2 01/08/2018 17:48 16.55 4221.65
PZ-6 397001.79 4568058.16 4233.55 01/08/2018 15:45 12.84 4220.71
PZ-7 396947.91 4568320.26 4236.64 01/08/2018 16:42 15.01 4221.63
1Northing and easting in UTM Zone 12, NAD1927, and top of casing in NAVD 29. Survey
data collection 12/16/2016. Pi-3R survey from Boring Log 12/21/2017
*Pi-3 was damaged prior to 2015 and can not be used, well A-7 was abandoned
ft - feet
amsl - above mean sea level
btoc - below top of casing
NM - not measured
Minimum Elevation 4209.63
Maximum Elevation 4229.42
Table 4: General Chemistry Analyses for Groundwater
Western Zirconium Plant Area - Winter 2018
Analyte Ammonia Chlorides Chloride Fluoride Nitrate Nitrate-Nitritez Sulfate Cyanide Thiocyanate pH
Unit mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L pH (standard) unit
RBSL1 307 NC NC 739 19,701 19,701 NC 246 1.7 NC
Location ID Sample ID Sample Date Groundwater Concentration3A
A-1 GW-A1-011018 1/10/2018 2371 816 864 4.42 < 0.0100 U 0.0363 J 79.6 0.00222 U 1.6 9.621
A-3 GW-A3-011018 1/10/2018 491 767 785 1.06 < 0.0500 U 5.26 J 120 < 0.00500 U 0.07 J 8.681
A-4 GW-A4-011018 1/10/2018 1901 1030 1,020 5.2 4.17 7.441 142 0.00433 U 1.09 9.67 J
A-10 GW-A10-011018 1/10/2018 4.97 J 1510 1,360 1.53 0.337 0.323 J 1,130 < 0.00500 U 0.32 7.071
A-12 GW-Al2-011018 1/10/2018 112 J 718 794 1.48 < 0.0100 U 3.56 J 465 0.00214 U 0.22 7.691
A-13 GW-A13-011018 1/10/2018 132 J 1880 1700 1.137 3.4 3.521 55.7 < 0.00500 U 0.29 9.011
A-16 GW-A16-011018 1/10/2018 6.31 669 846 9.26 175 1781 218 0.00921 U 0.18 6.571
A-17 GW-A17-011018 1/10/2018 0.3681 2980 2760 2.5 < 0.0100 U 0.009481 153 < 0.00500 U 0.32 7.081
A-18 GW-A18-011018 1/10/2018 1.33 J 2340 1440 0.779 0.329 0.3381 84 0.00217 U 0.37 7.311
A-19 GW-A19-011018 1/10/2018 0.2541 971 898 1.149 0.027 0.03281 134 0.00203 U 0.17 7.631
A-20 GW-A20-011018 1/10/2018 0.1361 752 619 0.811 0.0545 0.01521 84.4 < 0.00500 U < 0.02 U 7.681
BG-1 GW-BG1-011118 1/11/2018 < 0.0500 U 2210 1980 0.285 8.56 9.131 319 0.00833 < 0.02 U 7.26
L-3 GW-L3-011118 1/11/2018 0.247 J 3850 2220 0.453 < 0.0100 U 0.0535 J 94.8 0.0139 U 0.041 7.4
L-7 GW-L7-011118 1/11/2018 3.021 1080 1180 0.396 < 0.0100 U 0.0118 J 159 < 0.00500 U < 0.02 U 7.95
L-10 GW-L10-011018 1/10/2018 1 J 3070 2100 1.07 0.0273 0.049 J 880 < 0.00500 U < 0.02 U 8.13 J
M-1 GW-M1-010918 1/9/2018 1851+ 1480 1770 0.979 0.0552 0.182 596 .00367 U 0.37 7.091
M-2 GW-M2-010918 1/9/2018 111+ 1470 1040 0.952 13.7 142 97.4 0.00517 U 0.16 7.121
M-3 GW-M3-010918 1/9/2018 84.41+ 909 941 1.9 2.51 0.914 273 <0.00500 U 0.18 7.381
M-4 GW-M4-010918 1/9/2018 1501+ 324 644 1.79 0.055 0.0865 51.3 .00384 U 0.29 7.37 J
M-7 GW-M7-010918 1/9/2018 6.28 J+ 871 895 1.71 12.1 12.9 92.6 <.00500 U 0.15 7.381
M-8 GW-M8-010918 1/9/2018 59.2 J+ 195 281 1.19 96.7 93.4 363 .00240 U 0.13 7.261
M-9 GW-M9-011118 1/11/2018 12.71 1760 1450 1.34 1.971 1.78 1,890 0.00607 < 0.02 U 7.4
Pi-3R GW-Pi3r-010918 1/9/2018 65.8 J+ NA 233 2850* 2780 2700 9 0.00906 < 0.02 U 1.131
Pi-10 GW-Pi10-010918 1/9/2018 0.732 J+ 978 627 16 54.9 55.3 75.3 .00227 U 0.12 6.83 J
Pi-11 GW-Pi11-010918 1/9/2018 < 0.0500 U 1150 671 15.7 9.47 49.7 77 0.00784 U 0.11 6.94 J
mg/L - milligrams per liter
NC - no criteria
RBSL - risk based screening level
* - RBSL exceeded
Data Qualifiers:
J: The associated value is an estimated quantity.
J+: The associated value is an estimated quantity that may be biased high.
J-: The associated value is an estimated quantity that may be biased low.
U: The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected above the level of the associated value. The
associated value is the sample quantitation limit.
UJ: The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected. The associated value is an estimate and may be
inaccurate or imprecise
R: The data is unusable. The analyte may or may not be present.
1. RBSL for worker exposure with hazard index (HI) = 1 and cancer risk (CR) = 10-4;
from Plant Area Monitoring Plan , Table B-1 (URS, 2015).
2. There is no SS RBC for nitrate/nitrite in groundwater. The RBSL for nitrate is used
for comparison purposes.
3. Non-detect results are reported as < method detection limit (MDL), unless otherwise
4. Wells Pi-3 and A-7 were not sampled. Pi-3 was damaged prior to 2015, and A-7
was abandoned on 10/24/2016.
5. Chloride concentrations from Summer 2017 sampling event.
Location ID Sample ID Sample Date Groundwater Concentration2'3
A-1 GW-A1-011018 1/10/2018 0.0361 J 0.116 0.0273 < 0.000500 U
A-3 GW-A3-011018 1/10/2018 0.0291 J 0.0461 0.142 < 0.000500 U
A-4 GW-A4-011018 1/10/2018 1 0.219 0.0526 0.0001211
A-10 GW-A10-011018 1/10/2018 0.0238 J 0.0702 0.0324 < 0.000500 U
A-12 GW-Al2-011018 1/10/2018 < 0.100 U 0.11 0.188 < 0.000500 U
A-13 GW-A13-011018 1/10/2018 0.0332 J 0.00323 0.127 < 0.000500 U
A-16 GW-A16-011018 1/10/2018 0.669 0.00549 0.556 0.00318
A-17 GW-A17-011018 1/10/2018 < 0.100 U 0.00141 0.131 < 0.000500
A-18 GW-A18-011018 1/10/2018 0.221 0.00385 0.256 0.00932
A-19 GW-A19-011018 1/10/2018 0.0815 J 0.0147 0.121 < 0.000500 U
A-20 GW-A20-011018 1/10/2018 0.0713 J 0.0305 0.173 < 0.000500 U
BG-1 GW-BG1-011118 1/11/2018 0.0907 J 0.0008741 0.364 0.0002871
L-3 GW-L3-011118 1/11/2018 0.0842 J 0.0186 0.0725 < 0.000500 U
L-7 GW-L7-011118 1/11/2018 0.14 < 0.00200 U 0.2 < 0.000500 U
L-10 GW-L10-011018 1/11/2018 < 0.100 U 0.0066 0.0456 < 0.000500 U
M-1 GW-M1-010918 1/9/2018 < 0.100 U 0.0407 0.151 < 0.00050 U
M-2 GW-M2-010918 1/9/2018 < 0.100 U 0.00192 J 0.5 0.000567
M-3 GW-M3-010918 1/9/2018 < 0.100 U 0.076 0.147 0.0001041
M-4 GW-M4-010918 1/9/2018 < 0.100 U 0.0303 0.47 0.000439 1
M-7 GW-M7-010918 1/9/2018 < 0.100 U 0.00269 0.123 0.000233 1
M-8 GW-M8-010918 1/9/2018 < 0.100 U 0.00384 0.172 0.000459 .1
M-9 GW-M9-011118 1/11/2018 0.0741 .1 0.00836 0.022 < 0.000500 U
Pi-3R GW-Pi3r-010918 1/9/2018 817 0.0791 1.77 27.6
Pi-10 GW-Pi10-010918 1/9/2018 0.217 0.0029 0.221 0.0016
Pi-11 GW-Pi11-010918 1/9/2018 0.148 0.00557 0.23 0.000701
µg/L - milligrams per liter
NC - no criteria
RBSL - risk based screening level
* - RBSL exceeded
Data Qualifiers:
J: The associated value is an estimated quantity.
.1+: The associated value is an estimated quantity that may be biased high.
J-: The associated value is an estimated quantity that may be biased low.
U: The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected above the level of the associated value. The
associated value is the sample quantitation
U.1: The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected. The associated value is an estimate and may be
inaccurate or imprecise
R: The data is unusable. The analyte may or may not be present.
Table 5: Metals Analyses for Groundwater
Western Zirconium Plant Area - Winter 2018
592,244 24,627 1135,556 7,700 NC 95,070 44,052 9,376 6,972 61,566
< 0.00200 U 0.000508 U 0.116 < 0.00200 U 0.405 J 0.0764 0.0006471 0.0000671 0.0109 0.002041+
0.0004731 < 0.00200 U 0.13 < 0.00200 U 4.58 0.00756 < 0.00200 U < 0.00200 U 0.00375 1 0.000383 U.1
< 0.00200 U 0.000408 U 0.44 0.0005031 2.97 0.0416 0.00725 0.000183 J 0.0448 0.00103 LLI
< 0.00200 U 0.00085 U 10.6 < 0.00200 U 126 0.0163 0.0003171 < 0.00200 U < 0.00500 U 0.00125 al
< 0.00200 U 0.000389 U 2.28 < 0.00200 U 49 0.00422 < 0.00200 U < 0.00200 U < 0.00500 U 0.000504 U.1
0.0009161 < 0.00200 U 0.106 < 0.00200 U 5.29 0.00203 < 0.00200 U < 0.00200 U 0.0028 J 0.000776 U.1
0.00439 0.00535 0.126 0.00217 141 0.0344 0.0006141 0.0002031 < 0.00500 U 0.1071+
< 0.00200 < 0.00200 U 1.16 < 0.00200 U 459 0.0249 < 0.00200 U < 0.00200 U < 0.00500 U 0.00139 U.I
0.00263 0.0066 0.742 0.00176 J 344 0.00967 < 0.00200 U 0.00146 J <0.00500 U 0.5471+
0.000444 J 0.000267 U 0.114 < 0.00200 U 104 0.00509 < 0.00200 U < 0.00200 U 0.002081 0.004571+
< 0.00200 U < 0.00200 U 0.278 < 0.00200 U 35 0.00747 0.0003041 < 0.00200 U 0.00365 J 0.000423 U.1
0.001781 0.000357 U 0.253 < 0.00200 U 196 0.00282 0.0006511 0.0006441 < 0.00500 U 0.000498 U.1
< 0.00200 U < 0.00200 U 6.24 < 0.00200 U 80 0.0007961 < 0.00200 U < 0.00200 U < 0.00500 U 0.000244 U.1
< 0.00200 U 0.00029 U 2.43 < 0.00200 U 75 0.00171 J < 0.00200 U < 0.00200 U < 0.00500 U 0.000521 U.I
< 0.00200 U < 0.00200 U 0.133 < 0.00200 U 134 0.0007311 0.000468 J < 0.00200 U < 0.00500 U 0.000177 U.I
< 0.0020 U < 0.0020 U 6.55 < 0.0020 U 145 0.001411 < 0.0020 U < 0.0020 U < 0.00500 U 0.00652
< 0.0020 U < 0.0020 U < 0.100 U < 0.0020 U 108 0.0561 0.0003621 < 0.0020 U < 0.00500 U 0.00812
< 0.0020 U < 0.0020 U 2.13 < 0.0020 U 83.2 0.0199 < 0.0020 U < 0.0020 U < 0.00500 U 0.0051
< 0.0020 U < 0.0020 U 0.38 < 0.0020 U 115 0.00315 0.000375 J < 0.0020 U < 0.00500 U 0.00116 U
< 0.0020 U < 0.0020 U 0.05131 < 0.0020 U 80.9 0.019 < 0.0020 U < 0.0020 U < 0.00500 U 0.000208 U
0.001171 < 0.0020 U 0.07021 < 0.0020 U 38.8 0.00603 0.0002861 < 0.0020 U < 0.00500 U 0.0165
0.0006681 0.000442 U 2.28 < 0.00200 U 116 0.00501 < 0.00200 U < 0.00200 U 0.001341 0.000626 U1
10.6 0.440 555 0.517 194 5.62 0.001611 4.49 0.177 1620
0.001061 < 0.0020 U 0.235 < 0.0020 U 63.1 0.0146 0.000543 J 0.0002521 < 0.00500 U 0.0146
< 0.0020 U < 0.0020 U 0.24 < 0.0020 U 55.3 0.0134 < 0.0020 U 0.0001341 < 0.00500 U 0.003011
1. RBSL for worker exposure with hazard index (Hl) = 1 and cancer risk (CR) = 104;
frorn Plant Area Monitoring Plan , Table B-1 (URS, 2015).
2. Non-detect results are reported as < method detection limit (MDL), unless otherwise
3. Wells Pi-3 and A-7 were not sampled. Pi-3 was damaged prior to 2015, and A-7
was abandoned on 10/24/2016.
Table 6: Radiological Analyses for Groundwater
Western Zirconium Plant Area - Winter 2018
Gross Alpha
Gross Beta
RBSC NC NC 41,341 42,859 877,680 791,590 3,265,768
Location ID Sample ID Sample Date Groundwater Concentration3A
A-1 GW-A1-011018 1/10/2018 6.8 U 21.5 0.17 U -0.06 U 0.042 U 0.009 U 0.00258
A-3 GW-A3-011018 1/10/2018 8.5 23.8 0.26 0.55 U 0.028 U 0.028 0.00199 J
A-4 GW-A4-011018 1/10/2018 21.9 48 0.05 U 0.44 U 0.022 U 0.007 U 0.0123
A-10 GW-A10-011018 1/10/2018 10.8 U 50 0.15 U 1.5 0.12 U 0.045 U 0.0131
A-12 GW-Al2-011018 1/10/2018 5.4 U 52 0.61 2.73 0.097 U 0.017 U 0.0004681
A-13 GW-A13-011018 1/10/2018 2.4 U 52 0.65 1.8 -0.14 U 0.014 U 0.00436
A-16 GW-A16-011018 1/10/2018 21.7 47 0.86 3.19 0.18 U 0.038 U 0.0277
A-17 GW-A17-011018 1/10/2018 -1.5 U 104 0.5 3.7 0.0 U -0.006 U 0.00143 J
A-18 GW-A18-011018 1/10/2018 -1.0 U 59 0.34 1.36 0.028 0.029 U 0.000721 J
A-19 GW-A19-011018 1/10/2018 1.4 U 19 0.15 U 0.91 -0.087 U 0.008 U 0.00190 J
A-20 GW-A20-011018 1/10/2018 16.5 11.8 0.36 0.87 0.001 U 0.038 0.0119
BG-1 GW-BG1-011118 1/11/2018 21 24 0.4 1.03 -0.09 U 0.008 U 0.00491
L-3 GW-L3-011118 1/11/2018 30 J 29 1.04 2.53 0.26 U 0.075 U 0.000776 J
L-7 GW-L7-011118 1/11/2018 4.6 U 32 0.73 2.36 -0.003 U 0.00 U 0.000146 J
L-10 GW-L10-011018 1/11/2018 29 35 0.25 0.95 0.15 U 0.03 0.00103 J
M-1 GW-M1-010918 1/9/2018 5.9 U 25 0.25 2.03 0.00 U -0.02 U 0.000366 J
M-2 GW-M 2-010918 1/9/2018 17 38 0.89 2.16 -0.058 U -0.005 U 0.0153
M-3 GW-M 3-010918 1/9/2018 2.2 U 30.1 0.30 LO 0.00 U 0.017 U 0.000192 J
M-4 GW-M4-010918 1/9/2018 6.7 62 0.43 3.3 0.00 U 0.0.38 0.000222 J
M-7 GW-M7-010918 1/9/2018 4.7 48 U 0.48 1.59 0.16 U 0.096 U 0.00505
M-8 GW-M8-010918 1/9/2018 14.2 18.3 0.24 U 1.29 -0.06 U 0.025 U 0.0172
M-9 GW-M9-011118 1/11/2018 18 U 44 0.15 U 1.32 -0.035 U 0.00 U 0.000805 J
Pi-3R GW-Pi3 r-010918 1/9/2018 278 380 18.4 86 6.9 16.8 0.0479
Pi-10 GW-Pi10-010918 1/9/2018 0.2 U 24.9 0.21 U 1.34 0.077 U 0.004 U 0.00160 J
Pi-11 GW-Pi11-010918 1/9/2018 2.1 U 22.7 0.78 2.76 0.12 U 0.016 U 0.00115 J
pCi/L - picoCuries per liter
NC - no criteria
RBSL - risk based screening level
* - RBSL exceeded
Data Qualifiers:
J: The associated value is an estimated quantity.
J+: The associated value is an estimated quantity that may be biased high.
J-: The associated value is an estimated quantity that may be biased low.
U: The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected above the level of the associated value. The
associated value is the sample quantitation limit.
UJ: The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected. The associated value is an estimate and may be
inaccurate or imprecise
R: The data is unusable. The analyte may or may not be present.
1. RBSL for worker exposure with hazard index (Hl) = 1 and cancer risk (CR) = 104;
from Plant Area Monitoring Plan , Table B-1 (URS, 2015).
2. RBSL is 2,206,600 pCi/L for uranium-238. A conversion of 1.48 * pCi/L was
used to convert the RBSL for uranium to µg/L.
3. Non-detect results are reported as < method detection limit (MDL), unless otherwise
4. Wells Pi-3 and A-7 were not sampled. Pi-3 was damaged prior to 2015, and A-7
was abandoned on 10/24/2016.
I- 5
µg/L pg/L
70 8
< 2.00 U
< 2.00 U
< 2.00 U
< 2.00 U
< 2.00 U
< 2.00 U
< 2.00 U
< 2.00 U
< 2.00 U
< 2.00 U
< 2.00 U
< 2.00 U
< 2.00 U
< 2.00 U
< 2.00 U
< 2.00 U
< 2.00 U
< 2.00 U
< 2.00 U
Table 7: VOC Analyses for Groundwater
Western Zirconium Plant Area - Winter 2018
_c cu 2 o _c
2 o _c
1175 o
2 c0
w -0 = c
'En c o -2 w u
Unit pg/L p.g/L µg/L µg/L µg/L pg/L
RBSL1 87,970 1,975,756 57,232,000 6,673 101,288 149,171
Location ID Sample ID Sample Date Groundwater Concentration2'3'4
A-1 GW-A1-011018 1/10/2018 < 2.00 U 2.81 J aa•O'''-'- 2.24 < 2.00 U < 2.00 U
A-3 GW-A3-011018 1/10/2018 < 2.00 U < 5.00 U < 10.0 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U
A-4 GW-A4-011018 1/10/2018 < 2.00 U < 5.00 U , ::3371 .1.971 < 2.00 U < 2.00 U
A-10 GW-A10-011018 1/10/2018 158 < 5.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U
A-12 GW-Al2-011018 1/10/2018 < 2.00 U < 5.00 U <10.0 < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U
A-13 GW-A13-011018 1/10/2018 < 2.00 U < 5.00 U <10.0 u < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U
A-16 GW-A16-011018 1/10/2018 < 2.00 U < 5.00 U 2.:34 < 2.00 U 1.39 .1 < 2.00 U
A-17 GW-A17-011018 1/10/2018 < 2.00 U < 5.00 U < 10.0 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U
A-18 GW-A18-011018 1/10/2018 < 2.00 U < 5.00 U 4.,50j1 < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U
A-19 GW-A19-011018 1/10/2018 < 2.00 U < 5.00 U < 10.0 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U
A-20 GW-A20-011018 1/10/2018 < 2.00 U < 5.00 U < 10.0 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U
BG-1 GW-BG1-011118 1/11/2018 < 2.00 U < 5.00 U < 10.0 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U
L-3 GW-L3-011118 1/11/2018 < 2.00 U < 5.00 U 442 J < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U
L-7 GW-L7-011118 1/11/2018 < 2.00 U < 5.00 U < 10.0 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U
L-10 GW-L10-011018 1/11/2018 < 2.00 U < 5.00 U < 10.0 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U
M-1 GW-M1-010918 1/9/2018 < 2.00 U 0.921- < 10.0 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U
M-2 GW-M2-010918 1/9/2018 < 2.00 U < 5.00 U j0J < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U
M-3 GW-M3-010918 1/9/2018 < 2.00 U < 5.00 U <10.0 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U
M-4 GW-M4-010918 1/9/2018 < 2.00 U 785 < 2.00 U < 2.00 U 1.771
M-7 GW-M7-010918 1/9/2018 < 2.00 U < 5.00 U < 10.0 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U
M-8 GW-M8-010918 1/9/2018 < 2.00 U < 10.0 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U
M-9 GW-M9-011118 1/11/2018 < 2.00 U < 5.00 U < 10.0 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U
Pi-3R GW-Pi3r-010918 1/9/2018 < 2.00 U 1:19 J r 251i < 2.00 U 0.58 J < 2.00 U
Pi-10 GW-Pi10-010918 1/9/2018 < 2.00 U < 5.00 U 10.0 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U
Pi-11 GW-Pi11-010918 1/9/2018 < 2.00 U < 5.00 U < 10.0 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U
w w o 2 co c 0
E .c ..., ..c cu
66 E
u 3 c cu >. 2 2 A x o o _c u u u
p.g/L pg/L µg/L pg/1_
272,704 2,691,575 77,418 345,384 11,450 714,521 672,147 13,749 12,952
< 3.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U 1.17 .0* < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 1.00 U
0.880 < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 1.00 U
_0.870 < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U 0.780 J < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 1.00 U
< 3.00 U 197:, < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U 4;79 79:6 1.34
< 3.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 1.00 U
< 3.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U 0.900J .$ < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 1.00 U
< 3.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U 0.950 J < 2.00 U < 2.00 U 15.1 < 1.00 U
< 3.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 1.00 U
< 3.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 1.00 U
< 3.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 1.00 U
< 3.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 1.00 U
< 3.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 1.00 U
< 3.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 1.00 U
< 3.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 1.00 U
< 3.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 1.00 U
< 3.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 1.00 U
< 3.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 1.00 U
< 3.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 1.00 U
< 3.00 U < 2.00 U 0.59 J < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 1.00 U
< 3.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 1.00 U
< 3.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 1.00 U
< 3.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 1.00 U
< 3.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 1.00 U
< 3.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 1.00 U
< 3.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 2.00 U < 1.00 U
1. RBSL for worker exposure with hazard index (HI) = 1 and cancer risk (CR) =
from Plant Area Monitoring Plan , Table B-1 (URS, 2015).
2. Non-detect results are reported as < method detection limit (MDL), unless otherwise
3. Only detected analytes are presented in table.
4. Wells Pi-3 and A-7 were not sampled. Pi-3 was damaged prior to 2015, and A-7
was abandoned on 10/24/2016.
Data Qualifiers:
J: The associated value is an estimated quantity.
J+: The associated value is an estimated quantity that may be biased high.
J-: The associated value is an estimated quantity that may be biased low.
U: The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected above the level of the associated value. The
associated value is the sample quantitation limit.
UJ: The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected. The associated value is an estimate and may be
inaccurate or imprecise
R: The data is unusable. The analyte may or may not be present.
1..kg/L - milligrams per liter
NC - no criteria
RBSL - risk based screening level
Detected results are Oladed in grey;
* - RBSL exceeded
Table 8: SVOC Analyses for Groundwater
Western Zirconium Plant Area - Winter 2018
cu 4, to 15 .c +., _c 13 D. c -, cu >. .c x a. a) a) 5. .c c _c 5. cu _c
75- ... a) .c ....
ei r41 -C 0_ oa i-- m en El z
µg/L µg/L µg/L
102,200 408,800 4,980
2 o
.c a_ D.
pg/L pg/L
2,373 1,597,707
Location ID Sample ID Sample Date Groundwater Concentration 2'3'4
A-1 GW-A1-011018 1/10/2018 < 9.96 U < 9.96 U < 9.96 U < 0.996 23.1
A-3 GW-A3-011018 1/10/2018 < 9.89 U < 9.89 U < 9.89 U < 0.989 < 9.89 U
A-4 GW-A4-011018 1/10/2018 < 9.90 U < 9.90 U < 9.90 U < 0.990 < 9.90 U
A-10 GW-A10-011018 1/10/2018 < 9.89 UJ < 9.89 U < 9.89 U < 0.989 < 9.89 U1
A-12 GW-Al2-011018 1/10/2018 < 9.94 U < 9.94 U < 9.94 U < 0.994 < 9.94 U
A-13 GW-A13-011018 1/10/2018 < 9.94 U < 9.94 U < 9.94 U < 0.994 < 9.94 U
A-16 Gw-A16-011018 1/10/2018 < 9.89 U < 9.89 U < 9.89 U < 0.989 < 9.89 U
A-17 GW-A17-011018 1/10/2018 < 9.97 U < 9.97 U < 9.97 U < 0.997 < 9.97 U
A-18 GW-A18-011018 1/10/2018 < 9.96 U < 9.90 U < 9.90 U < 0.990 < 9.90 U
A-19 GW-A19-011018 1/10/2018 < 9.96 U < 9.96 U < 9.96 U < 0.996 < 9.96 U
A-20 GW-A20-011018 1/10/2018 < 9.91 U < 9.91 U < 9.91 U < 0.991 < 9.91 U
BG-1 GW-BG1-011118 1/11/2018 < 9.90 U < 9.90 U < 9.90 U < 0.990 < 9.90 U
L-3 GW-L3-011118 1/11/2018 < 9.85 UJ < 9.85 U < 9.85 U < 0.985 < 9.85 UJ
L-7 GW-L7-011118 1/11/2018 < 9.83 U < 9.83 U < 9.83 U < 0.993 < 9.83 U
L-10 GW-L10-011018 1/11/2018 < 9.86 U < 9.86 U < 9.86 U < 0.986 < 9.86 U
M-1 GW-M1-010918 1/9/2018 < 9.91 U < 9.91 U < 9.91 U < 0.991 < 9.91 U
M-2 GW-M2-010918 1/9/2018 < 9.95 U < 9.95 U < 9.95 U < 0.995 < 9.95 U
M-3 GW-M3-010918 1/9/2018 < 9.85 U < 9.85 U < 9.85 U < 0.985 < 9.85 U
M-4 GW-M4-010918 1/9/2018 12.2 < 9.92 U < 9.92 U < 0.992 8.80 J
M-7 GW-M7-010918 1/9/2018 < 9.94 U < 9.94 U < 9.94 U < 0.994 < 9.94 U
M-8 GW-M8-010918 1/9/2018 < 9.94 U < 9.94 U < 9.94 U < 0.994 < 9.94 U
M-9 GW-M9-011118 1/11/2018 < 9.83 U < 9.83 U < 9.83 U < 0.983 < 9.83 U
Pi-3R GW-Pi3r-010918 1/9/2018 < 9.86 U < 9.86 U < 9.86 U < 0.986 < 9.86 U
Pi-10 GW-Pi10-010918 1/9/2018 < 9.91 U < 9.91 U < 9.91 U < 0.991 < 9.91 U
Pi-11 GW-Pi11-010918 1/9/2018 < 9.87 U < 9.87 U < 9.87 U < 0.987 < 9.87 U
Data Qualifiers:
J: The associated value is an estimated quantity.
.14-: The associated value is an estimated quantity that may be biased high.
J-: The associated value is an estimated quantity that may be biased low.
U: The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected above the level of the associated value. The
associated value is the sample quantitation limit.
UJ: The analyte was analyzed for, but was not detected. The associated value is an estimate and may be
inaccurate or imprecise
R: The data is unusable. The analyte may or may not be present.
1.1g/L - milligrams per liter
NC - no criteria
RBSL - risk based screening level
Detected results pie 4mclecl ìn grey.
* - RBSL exceeded
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018
Regional Overview Map
Plant Area Monitoring Report
Western Zirconium
Ogden, Utah
Woodard & Curran shall assume no liability for any of the following; 1Any errors,
omissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided regardless of how caused
or; 2.Any decision or action taken or not taken by the reader in reliance upon any
information or data furnished hereunder.
SCALE: 1 " = 3 miles DOC: FiglRegOverview.mxd
DATE: May 2017 PROJECT #: 7200-2017-102
Source of aerial photography
USDS, National Agricultural imagery Program (NAIP), 2016
ativith mu
VI A I 16,0,19- ,..—M11111i
400 AAA, 4 Ado 41414
Source of aerial photography: Utah AGRC, 2012 6-inch
0 Monitoring Location, Sampled
0 Monitoring Location, Not Sampled
g2oodard & Curran shall assume no liability for any of the following; 1.Any errors,
oissions, or inaccuracies in the information provided regardless of how caused or;
.Any decision or action taken or not taken by the reader in reliance upon any
information or data furnished hereunder.
SCALE: 1 " = 600 ' DOC: Fig2MonLocations 2018SA1.mxd
DATE: MAY 2018 PROJECT #: 7200-2017-102
1 Monitoring Locations ,
Plant Area Monitoring Report
Western Zirconium
Ogden, Utah
.... "il Westinghouse WOODARD CURRAN
*Groundwater elevation not used for potentiometric surface contours. This was based on professional judgment of the data quality and accuracy.
Units for groundwater elevations are feet above mean seal level (ft amsl).
4223.92 y
Source of aerial photography: Utah AGRC, 2012 6-inch
Monitoring Location
Monitoring Well Destroyed or Abandoned
Potentiometric Contour (ft amsl)
Woodard & Curran shall assume no liability for any of the following; 1.Any errors,
issions, or inaccuracies in the information provided regardless of how caused or;
Any decision or action taken or not taken by the reader in reliance upon any
information or data furnished hereunder.
SCALE: 1 " = 600 ' DOC: Fig3PotentSurface_2018SA1.mxd
DATE: MAY 2018 PROJECT #: 7200-2017-102
Potentiometric Surface Map
Plant Area Monitoring Report
Western Zirconium
Ogden, Utah
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018
(Included on CD Insert)
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018
(Included on CD Insert)
Plant Area Semi-Annual Monitoring Report
Winter 2018
(Included on CD Insert)