HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2018-003826 - 0901a0688080786eoc Ervr4^ .J'^-taj*-n COMPLIANCE EVALUATION INSPECTIONnI l 16ol A -c ', I- i'tt WASTE MANAGEMENT & RADIATION CONTROL Date of Inspection: April23,20l8 Facility: Hallmark Cabinets Facility Address: 4851 Warehouse Road Salt Lake City, Utah 84118 County: Salt Lake EPA ID # UTD063319958 Latitude / Longitude: 40.663524-ll2.Ott932 Generator Status: SQG Number of Employees: 33 Arrival / Departure Time: Z:I0amto about 3:30pm Weather Conditions: Sunny, 65"F Report Prepared By: Alex Pashley Names of Inspectors: Alex Pashley LHD Notifications /Date: Salt Lake Countv e-mail on4lI9l20l8 Facility Notification / Date: Unannounced Applicable Rules: R315: R3I5-262, R315-268, R3L5-273 and R315-263 of the Utah Administrative Code CREDENTIALS On April 23, 2OL8 the inspector met with and presented credentials to John Field. PURPOSE AND SCOPE The purpose of this Compliance Evaluation Inspection (CEI) was to evaluate the Facility's waste management practices for compliance with applicable rules under R315 of the Utah Administrative Code (the Rules) and the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Act 19-6-101. Page I of5 FACILITY DESCRIPTION AND WASTE MANAGEMENT OPERATIONS Hallmark Cabinet (Hallmark) has been building custom kitchen and bathroom cabinet since 1986. The company manufactures high quality custom cabinetry for the home and business. The cabinets are built with the finest domestic and exotic hardwoods with a wide range of exclusive custom finishes, topped by a tough, high solids conversion varnish. The company has dealers distributed throughout the western half of the US. Hazardous wastes generated are mainly a result of varnishing operations in the manufacturing shop. Rags are used to apply varnish to surfaces of wood materials and products. Rags soaked with varnish are managed as hazardous waste. The varnish spray gun is cleaned out about once a week. The waste varnish and gun cleaning solvent is also managed as hazardous waste. The paint shop/booth area uses a 5-gallon bucket of solvent to soak and clean various painting equipment. When spent, this waste solvent is managed as hazardous waste. It is considered product up to the point where it is spent. The following waste codes are listed on the manifest; D001, D035, F003 and F005. Hallmark uses Clean Harbors for waste transport and disposal. Hazardous wastes are accumulated in a central accumulation area located in a closed room, near the painting booths and manufacturing area. At the time of the inspection, no satellite accumulation areas were observed. Wastes are taken directly to the 180 day accumulation containers. There were four 55-gallon drums in storage. They were properly labeled and dated. Manifests and other records were reviewed. There were three shipments over about the last year. They were in good order; however, Mr. Field had to call Clean Harbors to obtain copies. Hallmark was not maintaining them on site. The emergency coordinator and responders phone numbers, located near the phone had disappeared or fallen of the wall. They were re-printed and posted immediately after the inspection, and photos documenting them were sent to the division (see attached). Letters to emergency responders have been sent out previous years, but copies of them could not be located, so Mr. Field agreed to re-send out updated ones as a reminder. No problems were noted. COMPLIANCE STATUS: R315-5 5-1.1 1 5-r.r2 5-2.20 Hazardous Waste Generator Requirements Determination of Whether a Waste is a Hazardous Waste Yes EPA Identification Numbers UTD0633 19958 Manifest OK 5-3.30-3.33 Packaging. Labeling. Marking. and Placarding OK 5.3.34 Accumulation Time OK Page 2 of 5 Container Management OK Tank Management OK Preparedness and Prevention OK 5-4.40 Recordkeeping OK 5-4.41 Biennial Reporting N/A 5-4.42 Exception Reporting OK 5-4.43.1 Additional Reporting OK R315-13-1 LandDisposalRestrictions 13-1 Land Disposal Restrictions OK R315-16 Standards for Universal Waste R315-9 Spill Response FOLLOW.UP ACTIONS: lnspector Signature: ATTACHMENTS: 1. Photos 2. SQG Checklist SQG Evaluation Form April25.2018 Page 3 of5 Hallmark Cabinets 180 dav accumulation container label Page 4 of 5 Characteristic label Four 55-gallon drum of hazardous waste in the 180 central accumulation area. Page 5 of 5 4t24t2018 State of Utah Mail - Thanks Alex Pashley <apashley@utah.gov> Thanks 1 message John Field <john@hallmarkcabinet.com> To: apashley@utah.gov Alex. Mon, Apr 23,2018 at 4:40 PM Thanks for sharing all the info with me today and helping make sure that we are doing things properly. Sometimes whenpeople come and go information is not passed along and things are forgotten. Hopefully now I can put the processes inplace to make sure that doesn't happen again. Herg are the pictures of the info by the phones and the letter that I am sending out to the police and First Med which isthe local clinic we use. We have a meeting scheduled tomorrow morning as a refresher for everyone on what and where everything is just as yousuggested. I also talked with Clean Harbor and they are bringing us new labels that reflect our current waste weproduce. T Please let me know if I can do anything else. Thanks for your time today. John Field Hallmark Cabinet Phone: (801) 966-0562 Cell: (801) 791-6570 Fax: (801) 966-8114 Email: john@hallmarkcabinet.com Website: www. hallmarkcabinet.com hftps://mail.google.com/maiUu/0/?ui=2&ik=4978962dc2&jsver=OeNArYUPo4g.en.&view=pl&search=inbox&th=1624aa994d845d&siml=162f4aa994df845d 4t24t2018 HtkkK++K CUSTOM ELEGANCE IMG_8382jp9 531K t i I ,"o-rrrr.jon | 414K JI I fl H["t to fire, Police, hosPital.doc State of Utah Mail - Thanks https://mail.google.com/mail/u l0l?ui=2&ik=4978962dc2&jsver=OeNArYUPo4g.en.&view=pt&search=inbox&th=162f4aa994df845d&siml=152f4aa994df845d https:i/mail.google.com/mail/u l0l#inboxl162f4aa994df845d?projector=1&messagePartld=0.1 4t24t2018 IMG_8382 jpg Mi il{li f,i(_ y lilAl ,.} I I I (_)(rHilir:irutifti ll: JOi-tN tXi lt I titt i.ilLt. LXI LjI,sHiR5 iOTA|IONS MARKED ON TIJI WAI.L 11. 4t24t2018 IMG_8383jp9 \ -lli r.'i I l.11flrl[.[li\ i]i'li"' ' .r':.ii:l \i \,. \\\\iirli,1,r\ l'.!{ i: l\ 'r!1\ | \i l! i : i}li iili I i \ i l .i.-\ ''- - s".: :'...'.'.: \1r(\\i'\i\i irll\l!ll \\'\ti r{!€* * 6a i,rt{ *iffi ri'*! i-,'r." , 1: \*i:i F, -,',' I 1y irt.-h\,r!i1:- .-r':'s a.3if ,: 1 1l !.tili$:i: Ilii lrl,l i-r3r+ lrli:rre|lJ t $r:j G*irtcrr 1 ,; il{ri!! Hencie\ I01 l{*un Legg I :3 3€rr"d EudDn 1?il S{an lblttun l$,1 !t:.*ad P€c* 114 ,ltf*i \\,rl'r|\S I lil fra.1:!!.'R,',.s\.t ii.]li Gslr s S,-l..Jf 1!i Fl;* S.xrnre; 105 JlU l!*it,fr.:t0n 10i .!r:ir Ptlo tr8 Ll4*h VafiJ{hnge !!g MnehsutsdePh l?s Mitri *xlra t08 ShS !r/€sl 1t6 Canlpuldr Sas 2.?5 Psant lo Pornl ??t J lriJ.:en! .ll.l Xerrt -ol!;M1||tl' "ii5.lrhfi .l lll Slecra{ " ll 1 All Fage 1,1"lltlc* Pago 33t Sh*p Page 320 hftps://mail.google.com/mail/u l0l#inboxl162f4aa994df845d?projector= 1 &messagePartld=0.2 1t1 Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, Utah 841144880 Phone (801) 536-0200 Fax (801) 536-0222 SMALL BUSINESS ASSISTANCE PROGRAM FACILITY INFORMATION FORM Facility Name: Hallmark Cabinets EPA lD Number: uTD06331 9958 Street Address: 4851 Warehouse Road Gity: Salt Lake City zip: 84118 Gounty: Salt Lake Contact Percon: John Field Telephone #: 801-966-0562 Generator Status: SQG Number of Employees: 33 Date of Visit: 4t23t2018 Evaluators: Alex Pashley Other Perconnel: Waste Stream/Generation Process Estimated Generation Rate Per Month Hazardous Waste Code Waste Pant related wastes-generated during the manufacture of cabinets Door,Do35 Foo3 Etnnr q LD., Estimated Quantity of Hazardous Waste Generated Per Month \ \w Date: 412312018 RECEIVED BY:DWMRC REPRESENTATIVE: Name: (Printed Signature: Name: (Printed) Signature: Title: John Feild Title: Site Hallmark Cabinets EPA ID: UTDO63319958 Date:412312018 Hazardous waste Inspection - small euantity Generator checklist Waste Determination: Has the generator determined whether his solid waste is a hazardous waste? Has a waste determination been made for each waste stream Does the generator have documentation that supports the determinations? Notification & EPA Hazardous Waste Identification Numbers Has the generator notified of regulated activity and obtained an EPA ID#? Has the generator offered his hazardous waste to a transporter or a treatment, storage, or disposal facility (TSDF) that does not have an EPA ID#? Does the generator know he must renoti4r every 4years? Manifest Has the generator used the approved manifest form 8700-22 and 8700-224 for off-site transportation to a TSDF? Have all applicable sections of each manifest been filled out completely and legibly? (See attached manifest checklist) Does the facility generate less than 1000 kg/month and use a contractual agreement to reclaim his waste? Have copies of the reclamation agreements been kept on file for at least three years after termination of the agreement? Record Keeping Is the generator maintaining signed copies of the manifests for three years? Is the generator maintaining records of test results or waste analyses for hazardous waste determinations for at least three years? Was the SQG a LQG for any month of the year? Exception Reportine Has the generator been required to prepare an Exception Report (if the TSDF does not return the generator's original copy of the manifest within 60 days)? If yes, the generator must submit a legible copy of the manifest to the Director, with some indication that the confirmation of deliverv to the TSDF has not been received. Has the generator kept a copy ofeach Exception Report for at least threes vears? R3t5-262-11 R3 t5-261-3 R3l5-262-11(f) R3 15-262- l8(a) R3 l5-262- I 8(c) R3ts-262-18(dxl) R3r5-262-20(a) R3rs-262-20(e)(l) R.3rs-262-20(e)(2) R3r5-262-40(a) R3r5-262-40(c) R3l5-262-ll(0 R3rs-262-4r(a) R3ts-262-42(b) Inspector's rni,iufr' @tf R.3rs-262.40(b)N/A Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes No Yes Yes N/A N/A Page 1 of8 January 20 I 8 sitt H"lhark cabinets EPA ID: UTDO633199SB flazardous Waste Inspection - Small Quantity Generator Checklist Date: 4t2gl2o19 Packagins. Labeling. Markins. and Placarding Ar e hazar dous waste containers packaged, labe led, marked, and placarded in accordance with DOT 49 CFR prior to shipment? Accumulation Time 1. Has the generator stored hazardous wastes on-site for longer than 180 days or 270 days (if the wastes are transported over 200 miles to a TSDF) without a permit? 2. Has the generator ever accumulated more than 6000 kg of hazardous waste on-site? 3. The date upon which each period of accumulation begins must be clearly marked and visible for inspection on each container ofhazardous waste. 4. While being accumulated on-site each container and tank is labeled or marked clearly with the words, "Hazardous Waste" & an indication of the hazards of the contents. 5. Does the facility have at least one person on the premises or on call (available to reach the facility in a short period of time) with the responsibility for coordinating all emergency response measures. This employee is the emergency coordinator. 6. Has the generator posted the following information next to the telephone: Name and phone number of emergency coordinator; Location of fire extinguishers, spill control material, and if present, fire alarm; and Telephone number of the fire department, unless the facility has a direct alarm' Does the generator ensure that all employees are thoroughly familiar with the hazardous waste handling and emergency procedures relevant to their positions? Will the Emergency Coordinator or his designee be available to respond to any emergencies that arise. Use and Management of Containers Are hazardous waste containers in good condition? R3l5-262-30, R3l5-262-3r, R3t5-262-32, & P.3rs-262-33 P'3ts-262-16(b), R3l5-262-16(c), &R3rs-262-16(d) R3 rs-262-16(bXl ) R3 r5-262-16(bX6XiXC) R3 l5-262-16(bx6)(iXA) & (B) F.3rs-262-r6(bx9xi) R3 r s-262-l 6(bX9XiiXA-C) R3l5-262- l6(bXeXiiD R3 I s-262- l6(b)(9XivXA-C R3 l5-262-16(bX2XD R3 l5-265- I, 40cFR265.171 Inspector's Initials: AP Yes No No Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Page 2 of 8 January 2018 sitt H"lhark Cabinets EPA ID: UTDO63319958 Hazardous waste Inspection - small euantity Generator checklist Date: 412312018 Are the containers compatible with the hazardous waste? Are hazardous waste containers kept closed except when adding or removing waste. Containers must not be opened, stored or handled in a way that may cause them to rupture or leak hazardous waste. Hazardous waste containers must be inspected weekly looking for unlabeled, leaking and deteriorated containers. Are incompatible wastes stored in the same containers? Are hazardous wastes placed in containers that previously held an incompatible waste? Are hazardous wastes separated from incompatible wastes by means of a dike, berm, wall, or other device? Preparedness and Prevention Is the facility maintained and operated in a way to minimize the possibility of fire, explosion, or any unplanned release o hazardous waste. Does the facility have the following equipment unless the wastes stored do not pose the hazards that the equipment is designed to respond to: internal communications or alarm capable of providing immediate emergency instructions (voice or signal) to facility personnel, a device capable of summoning outside emergency assistance (such as a telephone or a direct line to the fire department), portable fire extinguishers, fire control equipment, spill control equipment, decontamination equipment, water at adequate pressure and volume to supply fire fighting needs. Does the facility maintain and test, where necessary, all communications or alarm systems; fire protection equipment, spill control equipment, and decontamination equipment to assure proper operation when needed. R3 l 5-262- l 6(bX2XiD 15-26s-r.40cFR265. I R3 l 5-262-l 6(b)(2xiiiXA) R3l5-265-1, 40CFR265.173(a) R3 r 5-262-16(b)(2xiiD(B) R315-265-1, 40cFR26s. I 73(b) R3 I s-262-16(b)(2)(iv) R3 l5-26s-1, 40cFR265. I 74 R3 I s-262-l 6(b)(v)(A) R3l5-265-1, 40CFR265. I 77(a) R3 I s-262-l 6(b)(2Xv)(B) R3l5-265-1, 40cFR26s. I 77(b) R3 l s-262-16(b)(2)(v)(c) R3l5-26s-1, 40CFR265.177(c) R3 l 5-262-r 6(bX8Xi) R3 I 5-265- I, 40cFR265.31 R3 ls-262-16(bXsXiD R3 I 5-26s-1, 40cFR265.32 R3l s-262-I6(bX8XiiD R3 I 5-265-1. 40cFR265.33 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes I lil^rro{^ 0lt- Page 3 of8 January 2018 Site Hallmark Cabinets EPA ID: UTD063319958 Hazardous Waste Inspection - Small Quantity Generator Checklist Date: 412312018 Do facility personnel have immediate access to an alarm or emergency communication device whenever hazardous waste is handled and if there is ever just one employee on the premises during facility operation, does he have immediate access to a device (telephone or two-way radio) capable of summoning external emergency assistance? Does the facility maintain aisle space to allow unobstructed movement of personnel, fire protection equipment, spill control equipment, and decontamination equipment? Has the facility attempted to make arrangements with local fire, police, emergency response teams, and hospitals to respond to emergency situations? The facility must document any refusal to enter into such arrangements. Snill Resnonse Does the facility take appropriate action to minimize threats to human health and the environment by notiffing the Utah Department of Environmental Quality at (801) 536-4123 it more than I kg of acutely hazardous waste, 100 kg of hazardous waste or material which when spilled becomes a hazardous waste? Are spills cleaned up as required? Notiff and report to the National Response Center, at 800- 424-8802, if required. Has the facility provided written reports including all information required by the rules to the Director within l5 days after any spill of hazardous waste or material which becomes a hazardous waste when spilled? Land Disnosal Restrictions (LDR) Is the facility managing and treating hazardous waste to Land Disposal Restriction standards found at268.40? If the generator is treating waste to meet LDR has he developed and followed a written waste analysis plan which describes the procedures they will carry out to comply with the treatment standards? The waste analysis plan must be based on a chemical and physical analysis of a sample of the waste being treated. Is the plan available on-site in the facility files? R3 I s-262-16(b)(8)(iv) R3r5-265-1. 40cFR265.34 R3 ls-262-16(b)(8)(v) R3l5-265-1. 40cFR265.35 R3 I 5-262- l6(b)(8)(vi) R3l5-265-1, 40cFR265.37 R3 I 5-262-16(bX9Xiv) R3 I 5-263-30 R3 I 5-262- I 6(b)(9XivXC) R3 l 5-263-30 R3l5-263-33 R3l5-265-1, 40cFR265.s6(D R3l s-262- l6(b)(7) R3l5-268 R3 l 5-262-16(bX7) R3 I s-268-7(aX5) Inspector's Initials: AP R31s-268-7(aXs) (ii)No Yes Yes No Yes Yes Yes N/A Does Not Treat Waste N/A Page 4 of 8 January 2018 site 5"11rark Cabinets Has the facility sent a one-time notice and certification that each hazardous waste is either not land disposal restricted, or if it is restricted, that it is land disposable after treatment with each initial manifested shipment of hazardous waste or when the waste stream changes? Does the facility maintain an assessment of LDR status on file for eachhazardous waste generated at the facility? Does the facility maintain all LDR documentation for at least three years from the date the hazardous waste was shipped off-site? Standards for Universal Waste Management Are fluorescent, high intensity discharge, neon, mercury vapor, high pressure sodium or metal halide lamps being managed as Universal Waste lamps? Are containers of universal waste lamps kept closed and labeled "Universal Waste Lamps", "Waste Lamps", or "Used Lamps"? Are lamps being crushed? Has the generator obtained from the Director an approved registration? Use Universal Waste Checklist if needed. Are rechargeable batteries being managed as a Universal Waste, kept in a closed container labeled "Universal Waste Batteries", "Waste Batteries" or "Used Batteries"? Are aerosol cans being managed as a universal waste? Use Universal Waste Checklist if needed. Is antifreeze being managed as an universal waste? Use Universal Waste Checklist if needed. Is any Universal Waste being accumulated for longer than one vear? lnspector's Initials: AP R3 I 5-273-15(a)No EPA ID: UTD063319958 Hazardous Waste Inspection - Small Quantity Generator Checklist INSPECTION ITEM CITATION COMMENTS R3 l 5-268-l R3l5-268-7(a\2) R3 I s-268-7(a)(3) R3l5-268-l R3 ls-268-7(a)(l) R3l5-268-l R3 15-268-7(a)(8) R3r5-273-9(D R3 l5-273-5(a) R3l5-273-13(dXl) & R3 I 5-273-14(e) R3 l 5-273- 13(dX3) R3l5-273-13(a)(l) & R3 I 5-273-14(a) R3r5-273-r3(f) R3l5-273-13(e) Date: 4l2gl20'lg Yes Yes Yes N/A N/A No N/A N/A N/A Page 5 of 8 January 2018 Site 6s1lpark Cabinets Manifest Number (box ) Generator EPA ID # R315-5-2 (box I Generator information: Mailing Address (box 5) Phone number Transnorter #1 information: Company Name (box 6) EPA ID# (box 6) Transporter #2 information : Company Name (box 7) EPA ID # (box 7) Desienated Facilitv information : Name and Address (box 8) EPA ID # (box 8) Phone Number (box 8) Waste shinnins requirements: DOT Description (including proper name, Hazard class and ID#) (box 9b) (box 9a "X'if hazardous materials) Containers: No & Type (box 10) Total Quantity (box 11) Unit - Wt/Vol (box 12) Waste Codes (box 13) Special Handling Instructions (box 14) Manifest Certifications : Generator's Signature (box 15) International Shipments (box 16) Transporter's Signature (box 17) Discrepancy Indication (box 18) Hazardous Waste Report Management Method Codes (box 19) Facility Signature (box 20) Final Observations and Comments: lnspector's Initials: AP EPA ID: UTD063319958 Hazardous Waste Inspection - Small Quantity Generator Checklist INSPECTION ITEM CITATION COMMENTS@t Date: U2gt2O1A W Page 6 of 8 January 2018