HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2018-003830 - 0901a06880807873HAZARDOUS WASTE INSPECTION REPORT WASTE MANAGET{gNT 8 RADIATION CONTROL INSPECTION REPORT FOR: DATE OF INSPECTION: FACILITY ADDRESS: FACILITY COUNTY: FACILITY CONTACT: EPA ID #: CURRENT NOTIFICATION: TYPE OF INSPECTION: PARTICIPANTS: TIME IN/TIME OUT REPORT PREPARED BY: WEATHER CONDITIONS: APPLICABLE REQUIREMENTS: FACILITY DESCRIPTION: St. Marks Hospital March 2I.2OI8 1200 East 3900 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84124 Salt Lake County Mark Davies, Director Plant Operations (801) 268-7801 urD072998032 LQG CEI Mark Davies. St. Marks Shane Frank, St. Marks John Jones, St. Marks Denny Schantz, DWMRC Jon Parry, DWMRC 1300 hrs. / 1600 hrs. Jon Parry Partly Cloudy, -61oF R315 of the Utah Administrarive Code St. Mark's Hospital is a licensed, 300 plus bed full service hospital, which covers about 635,000 square feet of active space. The hospital has been at its present location since about 1982 and has more than 1500 employs and volunteers. The facility is located in a mixed residential / commercial neighborhood on flat terrain. No surface water was observed near the hospital. CREDENTIALS. PURPOSE AND SCOPE: The inspectors met with and presented their credentials to Mr. Mark Davies, Director of Plant Operations. The inspectors explained that this was a routine hazardous waste compliance evaluation inspection. The purpose of which was to evaluate St. Marks compliance status with respect to applicable rules. The scope of the inspection would include a review of pertinent documents and a tour of the facility's hazardous waste generation and management areas. MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES : St. Marks generates the following hazardous waste streams. The amounts are based on their most recent biennial report. o D011 filter socks, - 2 gallons per year o P.U.D.'s, RCRA regulated medications, -3 pounds per year o D01l blood lab solvents, - 7 gallons per year o D001 solvents, -6 gallons per year o P001, P075, P0188,U010, - 2 pounds per year Solvent and silver wastes are generated in the blood lab. P, U, and some characteristic wastes are generated in the pharmacy, at nursing stations or in the patient's rooms and are managed in satellite containers. Listed wastes consist almost entirely of drug residues in otherwise empty containers. Consequently, the hospital uses l0 gallon satellite containers but the contents consist mostly of packaging rather than actual hazardous waste. Once the satellites are full they are transferred to the facility's 90 day storage area which is in a locked shipping container. Inspectors educated the hospital on the new Generator Improvement Rule and informed them of the need for additional labeling as to the nature of the hazard on waste containers. The hospital committed to ordering additional labeling for accumulation and satellite containers. lnspector also discussed the requirements for a quick reference guide for the facility's contingency plan. The hospital stated that they would develop the guide when they updated the plan. Inspectors suggested that should happen within the year. NARRATIVE: Inspectors conducted the records review in Mr. Davies office. The facility's records and plans were in adequate. The Hospital has many required plans and procedures and what isn't available in one plan is available in others. After the paper work review inspectors visited a patient's room, nursing station and pharmacy and observed typical satellite containers. Containers were closed and labeled but lacked an indication as to the nature of the hazard. The hospital stated that they would order appropriate labels. Inspectors visited the blood lab and noted that the satellite there had additional appropriate labeling. Finally, the inspectors visited the maintenance facility and 90 day area. Containers were closed and in good condition but require the additional labeling as well. COMPLIANCE STATUS: (also see attached checklist) St. Marks has committed to ordering additional labeling and developing their contingency plan quick reference guide in a timely manner. ISSUES: None noted n INsPECToRsIGNATURE: I /- "nn Llfzrf z<>r Bm Cl cle Site Nome Siie ID 2017 ST. MARK'S HOSPITAL uTD072998032 GM 1 Wsst+ Chargcteristiff A. Description of hazardous w,rsle NA3077 HAZARDOUS WASTE, SOLID, NOS (SILVER) SILVER SOCKS B. EPA Hazardous Wqste Codc(s) Dol I D. Source Code Glt E. Form Code w001 F, Waste Minimization Code X G. Ouantitr 2.O UOM GALLONS Density 7.27 lbslgal On-site Generation ud Maaagemnt of Hmdour Wmts Off-site Shipment of Hmdous Waste Site I NVD980895338 C. Manqpement Method Code Hl4l 2.0 Commentg Manifest@'s 010,{20501 - 009450479 GM 2 Waste Charscteristics A. DescriDtion of hazardous waste UN329I WASTE REG MEDICAL WASTE NOS 6.2 PCII B. EPA Hazardous Waste Code(s) P00 t. P075, Pl 88, U0 r0, u058, u059 C. State HazardoLts Waste Code(s) D. Source Code cll E. Form Code w005 F. Waste Minimization Code x G. Ouantit\ 3.0 UOM POUNDS PsljJ) On-site Cen€ration and Maoagement of Haardous Waste Off-site Shipment of Hmdous Waste Site I B. EPA lD of faaluv ro which wasre was shipped uTD98l552l77 H040 D. Total Ouantitr Shipped 3.0 Comments Manifest#'s 01030722E GM f, Waste Chamcteristics UNI993 WASTE FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS NOS ALIPHATIC HYDROCARBON SHANDON XYLENE SUBS D0l I C. State Hazarclous Waste Code(s) D. Source Code cll Ma na s etnent M et hod Coale E. Form Code w00l x G. Ouantitr 7.O UOM GALLONS PstiJt 7.27 lbslgal On-site Generation and Manag€ment of Haardous Waste Off-site ShiDment of He{dous W6te Site t uTD98l552l77 C. Manaeenent Method Code H040 210.0 Comments Manifesr#'s010420406-009450820-009450770-009450707-009450638-009450574-009450483 Page I ol2 GM 4 Weste Charrcteristics UNI993 WASTE FLAMMABLE LIQUIDS NOS ALIPHATIC HYDROCARBON SHANDON XYLENE SUBS D00l D. Source Code Gll E. Form Code w001 F. Waste Minimization Code X C. Ouantit\ 6.0 UOM 6ALLONS Densitv 7.27 lbs/gal On-site Generation md Management of Hazardous W6te Off-site ShiDment of Haandous Waste Site I NED98 l 72 35 t 3 C. Manaeenent Method Code H040 6.0 Coments Manifest#'s 0 I 0420'162 - 010420705 - 0 I 0420638 - 0 I 042058 1 - 0 I 0420508 GM 5 Waste Chemcterisdcs A. Description of hazardous waste UN23 I 5 POLYCHLORINATED BIPHENYLS, LIQUID P PGII D00 I D. Source Code G15 E. Form Code w205 F. Waste Minimization Code x G. Ouantit\ 400.0 UOM KILOCRAMS Density On-site Genemtion md Milagemenl of Hmdous Waste Off-site Shipmenr of Hffidous Waste Site I B. EPA ID offacilitvtowhich w,asteu'as shioped rDD073 I 14654 Hl32 400.0 Coments Manifest# 010420542 Oily liquid removed from trusfom€r rhat has been removed from seryice. GM 6 Waste Cheracterlstlc UN329I WASTE RECULATED MEDICAL WASTE N,O.S.6.2 PCII P00 I . P075. Pl E8. U0 I 0 D. Source Code Gil Manogement Method Code E. Form Code w005 x G. Ouantitt 2.O UOM POUNDS P-z!!JJJ On-site Generation and Mgnagerent of Hazardous Wrote Off-site ShiDment of Hmdous Waste Site I TXD982290 140 C. ManaPement Method Code H040 2.0 Coments Manifest#01031519t Page 2 of 2 ,. "' *:""" -.,' -r. :'&v.4.\ i@ r, Ei "xWK; TVASTE MAN.AGEIIEHT T PADIATIOII COTITPOL site: f,, tvqg<S Hgprul_EPA #: e-rbltr)?cz> Hazardous Waste Inspection Manifest Checklist Requirements ManifestsRbviewed Manifest Number (box 4)&cAt446o FU2 41c.+tqcr6trtf.4p4zczoq Fct iia3o72?,RFtEGenerator EPA ID# Appendix to R3l5-262 (box l)- aE-- cr-- 6k--OK Generator information: Mailing Address (box 5) Phone Number _aK - oF_ -Srgf,r<{a;r € - C2t< -*\ -w -oA -oK* - ft.fucltJ.Q. - OF_ -oK -oK 'l'ransporter #l information: Company Name (box 6) EPA ID# (box 6) - S-r{f-11*-r 6- -aF_ - c4Att tt0fl.9 - ol1'- I'ransnorter #2 information: Company Name (box 7) IIPA ID# (box 7) N/A - 213t6:1rp€-Y r+4\J, l4bl4,T'1-OA - a_? _od -oA - oE--&- - 5ot I c./- - tJ/A - cfi af#rCrttx{. -oK -o( _atAxs rf4&8 _ c'lz- -c,t-f/*/o i./,(AF ._ oy_ 4H AR{*ylffE - O'L _ oy- - or.- _ 6f._ -'3orJ - F Gur>prs) -ftr't fo'75 FI* Oee tlt5? v6t Desienated Facilitv information: Name and Address (box 8) IIPA ID# (box 8) Phone Number (box 8) -ell Krrffi2uN(; - or- -olz- - D.iL -eK _ trlL_ -OA-M't Waste Shipnins requirements: DOT Description (Including proper name, Ilazard class, and ID #) (box 9b) (box 9a "X" if hazardous materials) Containers: No & Type (box l0) Total Quantity (box I l) Unit - WtAr'ol @ox 12) Waste Codes (box l3) _oK_ -OL -ot- _0k_ _ ltuT &t-]t.>ttjblt> l,r)'.':2 h/t]1 Special l{andline Instructions (box l4)-q(- bk:-%-oK^ M an ife st Ce rti fi catio ns: Generator's Signature (boxl5) International Shipments (box l6) Transporter's Signature (box l7 )Discrepancy Indication (box l8) Hazardous Waste Report Management Method Codes (box 19) - o(< -o( -o€ -oK-x_ H r+t -oK-q-_+Nl/.: - H/A -oA-oL - k/A -_(^< H04t) _ok'- - oK_ - N/x --ok- Ho4oFacility Signature (box 20) - oF\Cf-*ERffiR - lA|r6Ler{'Y - oF-,-*_ Final Obsen'ations and Comments: Commoncontainercodes:DM-metaldrum\barrel;DF.fib"'bu.'el box\carton(includes roll-offs) Common Unitsof Measure: G-gallons;P -pounds; T-tons; y- cubicyards)w January 2018 Page I of I Inspectors Initials s^-4_ -,- if\'-. blte: il t.6Il-. 1_V-- a";., 11' WASTE }IANAGEMEHT & RADIATIOH CONTFOL 3f /l*fs EPA #: Hazardous Waste Inspection Satellite Accumulation Checklist <55 gallons INSPECTION ITEM CITATION COMMENTS Is the satellite accumulation area at or near the point ofgeneration? R3 I 5-262-l 5(a)?6 Is the satellite area under the control ofthe operator ofthe process generating the rvaste?R3 I 5-262-l 5(a) 7ut Does the generator have the accumulation container labeled rvith the u'ords "hazardous u'aste"?R3 I s-262-l 5(a)(5)(i)tlQt The generator can not store more than 55 gallons ofhazardous rvaste or I quart of acutely hazardous waste at the satellite accumulation area. R3l5-262-15(a) C*^\-, r,^ \ rtr< lonkuK {Lrn I X-^nlJ L..4,{e\ t,c.,l,- } 4-\ d-a tr=t-- ,wor k )6.\ ,l^i.^..A,rtajtl p Are the containers in good condition, and being managed in a rvay so it does not leak or soill? R3 I 5-262-l 5(a)(l )76 Is the hazardous rvaste stored in containers that are compatible rvith the uaste?R3 I 5-262-l 5(a)(2)loc Is the accumulation container being maintained in a closed condition except rvhen rvaste is being added or removed, or rvhen temporary venting is necessary' for proper operation ofequipment or to prevent dangerous situations such as pressure buildup? R3 I 5-262-l 5(a)(4)10: Does the generator have the accumulation containers marked rvith an indication of the hazards of its contents? R3 I 5-262-l 5(a)(s)(ii) S+ rv1a,r65 *. l\ hpd- L ,+(\ Zo.^to ,h q,{ ! , t,- , }L^, na Lrr-r=,17 [,,t,+ Z"a.<c\ Is the generator conectly labeling and moving hazardous waste, in excess ofthe 55 gallon or I quart limits, to a 90-day storage area within 72 hours of exceedins the limit? R3l5-262-15(aX6 Xi)'r n' Januarv 2018 Page I of I lnspectors Initials IYAS7E HAt{AG€14€N7;i PADiATICi{ CONTPO! EPA #: Hazardous Waste Inspection 90 Day Storage Site >55 gallons INSPECTION ITEM CITATION COMMENTSl. Is the container labeled rvith the rvords "Hazardous Waste"? 2. Is the container marked or labeled rvith an indication ofthe hazards of the contents? 3. Is the date upon rvhich accumulation began clearly marked and visibly for inspection? 4. Is that date <:90 days old? R3 I s-262- I 7(a)(s)(i)(A) R3 I s-262- I 7(a)(s)(i)(B) R3 I s-262- I 7(a)(s)(i)(C) P.315-262-17(a) l4t ./.. ll ,^. l-, 6 = ,n'a L,nl ,!- +t-< h,t t-r {. u 7 a( 1-4 4. Is there a Preparedness and Prevention Plan for this site or the facility as a rvhole, including this site? (see separate Check l,ist) R3 ls-262-17(a)(6) R3l5-262-250 thru 256 ?q 5. Operated to minimize chance of Spill or Fire? 6. Spill and Fire control equipment? 7. Emergency communication device: Internal? Emergency communication device: External? Sufflcient Aisle and Access snace? R31s-262-251 R31s-262-2s2(c) R31s-262-252(a) R3rs-262-2s2(b) tr3r5-262-255 q4 '(*teel 8. Is there a Contingency Plan for this site or the facilitl' as a *'hole, including this sitc? (sec separate Check List) 9. a. Description ofactions that should be taken? b. Name & Phone # for Eniergency Coordinator? c. Primary and alternate evacuation routes? d. List of emergency equipment & location? R3 I 5-262-l 7(a)(6) R315-262-260 thru 265 P.3t5-262-261(a) R3l5-262-261(d) R3t5-262-261(f) R3l5-262-261(e) I ?p\ bC "l -\'Q P}t-r.z \ Ilave personnel at this site Successfully completed up to date Personnel Training on I{zW Handling & Fire & Spill Response? Is the training documented? (see separate Check List) R3 I s-262-l 7(a)(7)(i) R3 I 5-262-l 7(a)(7)(v) o(-. 6t_ Are the containers accumulating and holding hazardous rvaste in good condition? Are they compatible rvith the HzW in them? R3 | 5-262-l 7(a)(l)(ii) R3t5-262-17(aXlXii0 ue\ 16 Is the generator maintaining his/her containers in a closed condition except *'hen adding or removing waste from the container? R3 I 5-262- I 7(a)( I )(iv)(A vl J\ Containers holding hazardous lvaste must not be opened, handled and/or stored in a manner rvhich could cause it to leak. R3 ls-262- I 7(a)( l)(iv)(B &_ Is the generator inspecting his/her containers at least rveekly, and do the inspections look for leaks, deterioration, and any factor that may cause a release ofhazardous waste? R3 I 5-262-l 7(a)(1)(v)Yr No ignitable or reactive HzW rvithin 50 feet of the facility's property line.R3 1 s-262- I 7(a)( I XviXA L Ianuary 2018 Page I of I Inspectors rnitiils &f ^lSite Name' 5#flh'4't{ .*' tt;e Yl: 1"Wfr 9/AST€ HANAGSMENT 8,. pADtATtOII COr{tFoL EPA ID:Date: 51zrl /S INSPECTION ITEM CITATION ,'GOMMENTS. .,:,,,.:,i Waste Determination: l. Has the ge nerator determined rvhether his/her solid rvaste is a hazardous rvaste? 2. Has a rvaste determination been done for each u'aste stream? R3t5-262 R3l5-262-tl 40 cFR262.t I R3l5-261-3 40 cFR 261 YO\ 1n\ 3. Has the generator notified of regulated activity and obtained an EPA ID# in accordance rvith the requirements of Section 3010 of RCRA? R3 I s-262- I 0(a)( 1 )(iii)(c R3l5-262-18(a) 40cFR262 l0(d)(lXiiiXC) 40 CFR 262 l8(a) 7?r Manifest: l. Is the generator using a lJniform Hazardous Waste Manifest for its shipments of hazardous rvaste? 2. Did the generator designate a facility permitted to handle its waste? 3. Was an alternate facility designated? 4. Did the generator use the correct manifest? R3l5-262-20(a)(l) 40 CFR262.20(a)(1. R3 l5-262-20(b) 40 cFR 262.20(b) R3t5-262-20(c) R315-262-20(a)(r) 40 CFR 252.20(aXl: t( nl of es t4.o 1er Manifest requirements for the Generator l. Did the generator sign the manifest certification by hand? 2. Did the generator obtain a handuritten signature from the initial transporter and the date ofacceptance? 3. Did the generator retain a copy ofthe manifest in accordance with F.3l5-262-40(a)? R3ls-262-23(a)(l) 40 CFR 262.23(aXl) R3rs-262-23(a)(2) 40 CFR252.23(aX2) R3 I 5-262-23(a)(3) {0 CFR 262.2J(a)(3) 70( \as .( Z( Recordkeeping: 1. Is the generator maintaining signed copies of the hazardous lvaste manifest for three years? R3 I 5-262-40(a) {0 CFR 262.40(a t(ar 2. Is the generator maintaining copies ofeach Biennial Report and all Exception Reports for a period of at least three years? R3 l 5-262-40(b) 40 cFR 252.40(b)10) fanuary 2018 Inspector's Initials Page I of2 Site Name:EPA ID:Date: 3. Is the facility maintaining records sufficient to determine quantities and disposition ofhazardous waste or other determinations, test results, or waste analyses made in accordance with R3l5-262-l l(D for a period ofat least three years from the date oflast shipment? R3 l5-262-40(c) r0 CFR 252.10(c)qo/ Biennial Reporting Has the generator submitted complete Biennial Report(s)? N3l5-262-41 40 cFR 262.41 1et Exception Reporting Has the generator been required to prepare an Exception Report, ifyes describe the circumstances? F.3ts-262-42 40cFR262.42 uA0 Packaging, Labeling, Marking, and Placarding l. Is the generator packaging his/her hazardous waste in the appropriate DOT shipping containers? 2. Are containers labeled and marked in accordance with appropriate DOT shipping requirements prior to shipping? 3. Is the generator providing or offering appropriate placarding to the initial transporter when initiating his/her shipment? R3 1s-262-30 40 cFR 262.30 R3t5-262-31& R3ts-262-32 10cFR2623r &26232 R3t5-262-33 40 cFR 262.33 7ot Y'' ynt Accumulation Times (See Satellite, 90 Day and Tank Checklists as applicable) R3l5-262-17(a) Also see ch.ecklists for: Personnel Training, Preparedness & Prevention, Contingency Plan & Emergency Procedures and Manifest Comments: fanuary 2018 Inspector's Initials jg Page?of 2 #Site: S+ MA,( h/' WASTE MANAGEEET{I 8, RADIAT'OH CONTROL EPA #: Hazardous Waste Inspection Personnel Training Checklist INSPECT,ION ITEM CITATION :... :... .COMMENTS Facility personnel must successfully complete classroom instruction, online training or on- the-job training rvhich teaches them to perform theirjobs, such that the facility is operated in compliance rvith the applicable hazardous waste management requirements. R3 | s -262- | 7 (a)( 7X iXA) 40CFR262 l7(a)(7XiXA)Io'5 Is the program directed by a person trained in hazardous waste management procedures? R3 | 5 -262 - | 7 (a)( 7X iXB) 40CFR262.17 (a)(7XiXB)\o t Does the training teach facility personnel hazardous $'aste management and contingency plan implementation procedures? R3 | 5 -2 62 - | 7 (a)( 7X iX B ) 40cFR262 l7(a)(7XD(B)1ut Does the training progrant include, at a minimum, the follorving, rvhere applicable: l. Procedures for using, inspecting, repairing, and replacing facility emergency equipment; 2. Key parameters for automatic u'aste cut-off systems; 3. Communications or alarm svstems: 4. Response to fires or explosions; 5. Response to groundrvater contamination incidents; 6. Shutdorvn ofoperations; and R3 | 5 -262- | 7 (a)( 7X i)(c) 40CFR262. I 7(a)(7XiXc) R3 | s -2a- 1 7 (a\1X iXCX I ) 40cFR262 l7(a)(TXiXCXl ) R3 | s -2{fl - | 7 (a)(7XiXCX2) 40CFR262 l(a{7XiXcX2) R3 | 5 -262- t7 (atlTxiXCX3) 40cFR262 I 7(a)(7XiXCX3) R3 | 5 -262- t7 (a)(1X iXcX4) 40CFR262. I 7(aX7XD(cX4) R3t5-262-t7(a\TXiXcXs) 40cFR262 1 7(a)(7XiXcX5) R3t5-262-t7(a){7XiXCX6) 40CFR262 l(a{ixixcx6) Have facility personnel successfully completed the personnel training program rvithin six months of the date of their employment or assignment to the facility? R3 I 5-262- I 7(a)(7)(ii) 4 0 CF R2 62.r 7 (a)(7)( i i)u o' w/.eo &1, Do the facility personnel receive an annual revierv oftheir initial trainins? R315-262-17(aXTXiii) 40 cF R2 62. 1 7 (a)( 7(i i i)lot January 2018 Page I of2 Inspectors l^itiil, # Site:EPA #: Hazardous Waste Inspection Personnel Training Checklist Date: The owner/operator of the facility must maintain the following documents at the facility: I . The job title for each position at the facility relateifG'ffirdous waste managemen! and the name of the employee filling each job; 2. A writtenjob description for each position listed under #l; j. A written description of the type and amount ofboth introductory and continuing training that will be given to the employees listed in #1, and; 4. Records that document that employees have the training orjob experience required by paragraphs 265.16 (a), (b), and (c). R3 I s-262- t 7(a)(7)(iv) .17(a)(7)(iv) R3ls-262-l(a[7[iv[A) l(a[7)(iv[A) R3 I s-262-l (a[7)(iv[B) l(a[7[iv[B) R3 I s-262-l 7(a[?[iv)(c) l7(a[7[iv[c) s-262-l(a[?)(iv[D) l(a{7)(iv[D) t+\t 1-r(.r--r: ll nn-r^ ^. ^ IC | ,6-"'-- Are training records maintained at the facility for current employees and for at least three years for employees that have left the company? rs-262-17(a)(1)(v) January 2018 Page2 of2 Inspectors Initials Site: S# v^&t h'..,EPA #:oate' '5 lrt I J$ Contingency PIan and Emergency Procedures Checklist 9/AStE HAil4€€14eAT{ Rl oraTt o N co ftrRo! ,Vote.' t tis checklist is applicabte to LQG's and to HSM handters (except where indicated) who accumulate >6,000 kg (-1g,22g ths) INSPECTION.ITEM CITATION lr COMMENTS General Requirements: Have copies been distributed to all local police and fire departments, hospitals, and State and local emergency response teams that may be called upon for assistance? R3 | s -262- t7 (a)(6) (LQ c) R3ts-262-262(a) (LQG) R3 I 5-26 l-420(c)(2) (HSIt[ I'l a'> Content ofthe Continsencv Plan: l. Does the contingency plan describe the actions facility personnel rvill take to minimize the hazard to human health or the environment when responding to fires, explosions, or any unplanned sudden or non-sudden release ofhazardous rvaste? 2. Does the contingency plan describe arrangements agreed to b1'local police and fire departments, hospitals, contractors, and State and local emergency response teams? 3. Does the contingency plan list the names, addresses, and phone numbers (office and home) ofprimary and all other persons qualified to act as emergency coordinator? 4. I)oes the contingency plan include a list of all emergency equipment at the facility? The list must be kept up-to-date, and include the location and a physical description ofeach item on the list, and a briefoutline ofthe equipment's capability. 5. Does the contingency plan include an evacuation plan for the facility? This plan must include a description ofsignal(s) to be used to begin an evacuation, evacuation routes, and alternate evacuation routes. R3t5-262-261(a) (LQG) R3 l s-261 -420(b)( I ) (l1sr4 R3t5-262-261(c) (LQc) R3 I s-26 l -420(bx3) (l/s,1.4 F.tts-262-26t(d) (LQG) R3 l 5-26 1 -420(bX4) (t/S.{4 R3t5-262-261(e\ (LQc) R3 l s-261 -420(bX5) (HSM) R3rs-262-261(0 (r,QG) R3 r 5-261-420(bX6) (HSM) "l ot 1"' i* ?er \*t Ifthe facility first became subject to these provisions after May 30,2017, or has othenvise amended its contingency plan, has it developed and submitted a quick reference euidc ofthe.'ni,,rts.'i.-ffi;66responqers r n R3l5-262-262(a), and state and local emergency response teams that could be called for assistance? R3 | s -262-262(b) (r,QG) Not required - HSM Ifthe facilitl'has a quick reference guide for its contingency plan, does it have the following required elements?: L Types/names ofhaz wastes and the associated hazard for each haz \r'aste present at any one time (e.g., toxic paint rvastes, spent ignitable solvent, etc. ) 2. Estimated maximum amount of each haz rvaste that ma)' be present at any one time 3. Identification of any haz wastes for which exposure would require unique/special treatment by medical or hospital staff 4. Map of the facility shorving where haz wastes are generated, accumulated and treated, and routes for accessing these rvastes 5. Street map ofthe facility in relation to sunounding businesses, schools and residential areas for the purpose ofgetting to it and/or evacuating citizens and rvorkers. 6. Locations ofwater supply (fire hydran! flow rate) 7. Identified on-site notification systems (alarms) 8. Name of emergency coordinator and '1/24-hour emersencv ohone number This section nol applicable for HSM handling R3 | s -262-2 62 (b)(t ) (L Q G) R3 | s -262 -262(b)(2) (L Q c) Rt I s -262 -262(b)(3) (L Q c) R3 | s -262-262(b)(4) (L Q G) R3 | s -262 -262(b)(s) (LQ c) Rt I s -262 -2 62(b\(6) (L Q G) R3 1 s -262-262(b)(7 ) (L Q G) R3 | s -262 -262(bX 8 ) (rQG) fal t It itl.d*t Ianuary 2018 Page I of3 Inspectors Initials/i INSPECTION ITEM CITATION I COMMENTS Does the facility have a least one employee on-site or on-call at all time rvho is qualified to act as the emergency coordinator? Does the contingency plan include procedures for activation ofthe internal alarm by the emergency coordhator? Does the contingency plan include provisions for notifying the appropriate State and\or local response agencies? R3rs-262-264 (LQG) R3 | s -26r - 420 (e) (H S tv{) R3 | 5 -262-26 5 (a)(t) (LQc) R3 | s -261 - 420(0( I Xi) (HSr4 R3 | 5 -262 -26 5 (a) (2) (L Q G) R3 | s -26r - 420(f)( I XiD (HSnl) 7ut Does the contingency plan outline the procedure(s) that the emergency coordinator will follorv to immediately identify the character, source, amount, and extent of released material? k3r5-262-265(b) (LQG) t3ts-26t-420(DQ) (HSM 0c Does the contingency plan include procedures for the emergency coordinator to follorv in order to assess possible hazards to human health or the environment? R3r5-262-26s(c) (LQG) R3 | 5 -26 | - 420(fX3 ) (HSll)7nt If it is determined that the incident could threaten human health or the environment, outside the facility, the emergency coordinator nrust notily the appropriate local, State and Irederal agencies. Does the contingency plan include provisions for notifying the appropriate agencies? Do the notification nleasurss include information to be reported (name and telephone # ofreporter, name and address of facility, name and quantity of material(s) involved, extent of injuries, and possibility of exposure outside the facility), and identify the National Response Center and the State as parties to be notified? R3ts-262-26s(d) (LQG) R3 r 5-26 I -420(rX4) (r/Sn/) 'l oJ Does the plan include procedures to prevent the spread of the incident to other hazardous waste/material at the facilitv? R3|s-262-26s(e) (LQc) R3 | 5-261-420(tx5) (Hs,r4)\o) Are measures included to monitor for leaks, pressure buildup, gas generation, or ruptures in valves, pipes, or other equipment, rvhen it is necessary to shut-dorvn operations as a response to an incident? R3rs-262-26s(f) (LQG) R3 | 5 -26 l -420( f)(6) (HS/r/)y\l,+ Does the contingency plan provide procedures to follor,v to manage the hazardous waste/material generated as a result ofan incident? R3ts-262-26s(g (LQG) R3 | 5 -2 6 t - 420(t)(7 ) (H S M 0L- Following implementation of the contingency plan, are provisions included to ensure that in the affected area(s): l. No waste that may be incompatible with the released material is treated, stored, or disposed of until the cleanup is complete. 2. That all equipment listed in the contingency plan is cleaned and fit for use prior to resuming activities at the facility. R3 1 5 -2 62 -2 6 s (h) (t) (L Q G) R3 r 5-26 I -420(0(8Xi) (11S/r.1) R3 | 5 -2 62 -26 s (h)(2) (L Q C) R3 r 5-261 -420(0(8xii) (HSno 1a-\ Site:EPA #:Date: Contingency Plan and Emergency Procedures Checklist Note: this checklist is applicable to LQG's and to HSM handlers (except where indicated) who accumulate >6,000 kg (-13,22g lhs) January 2018 Page 2 of 3 Inspectors Initials 5;rc; 5t- t!\l-h5 EPA #: Contingency Plan and Emergency procedures Checklist "n indi""t"d).ho """umulate >6,ilN kg 1-13,22g tbs) The contingency plan must include provisions for recording the incident requiring implementation of the contingency plan and specifying information that witl be recorded and reported. The requirements are as follows: l. Will a written report on the incident be provided to the Utah State Department of Environmental Quality within 15 days? 2. The following information needs to be recorded and reported: a) The name, address, and telephone # ofthe owner/operator; b) The name address, and telephone # ofthe facility; c) Date, time, and fype of incident; d) Name and quantity of material(s) involved; e) Extent of injury, if any; f) An assessment of the actual or potential hazard to human health or the environment: and g) An estimate of the quantity arid disposition ofrecovered material(s) that resulted from the incident. R3rs-262-26s(i) (LQc) R3 | 5 -2 6 | - 420(D (e) (HSM) R3r5-262-265(i) (Lgc) R3 | s -26 | - 4 20 (f)(e) (H s M) R3 | 5 -262-26s(iXD ttw (iX7 ) (tpc) R3 I 5-261-420(fXeXD dn (fx9xvii) HSM Only: Are all employees thoroughly familiar with proper waste handling and emergency procedures relevant to their responsibilities during normal facility R3ts-26r-420(g (HSM January 2018 Page 3 of3 Inspectors Initials Site:3+ M*A r EPA ID: Preparedness and Prevention Checklist Date Z l.tl ig I1'ASTE MA}.IAGE14EHT & RADIATION CONTROL INSPECTION ITEM CITATION COMMENTS Is the facility maintained and operated to minimize the possibility of a fire, explosion, or any unplanned sudden or non-sudden release ofhazardous lvaste or hazardous rvaste constituents? P.3ts-262-2st (LQG) R3 l 5-262- I 6(bX8Xi) (sOG) R3 I 5-26 I -4 I 0(a) (HSM.)10t The faciliq'must be equipped with items (l)- (4), identified belorv, unless it can be shorvn that hazardous rvaste managed at the site rvould not require the particular kitrd of equipment specified. l. Does the faciliqv have an intemal communications or alarm system capable of providing immediate emergency instruction to its personnel? 2. Does the facili6'have a device capable of summoning external emergency assistance to the facility (phone or trvo-u'ay radio)? 3. Does the facility have portable extinguishers, fire control equipment (including special extinguishing equipment necessary for their facility), spill control equipment, and decontamination equipment? 4. l)oes the facility have rvater at adequate volume and pressure to supply lvater hoses, or foam producing equipment, or automatic sprinklers. or water spray systems? F'3ts-262-2s2 (LQG) R3 l s-262-16(bXsXii) (soc) R3 I 5-261-410(b) (HSrr4 R31s-262-2s2(a) (LoG) R3 l 5-262- l 6(bXsXiiXA) (s0G) R3 l5-261 -41o(bx I ) (i/s,,t1) R3 l s -262 -2 s 2(b) (r. Q G) R3 l s-262- l6(bX8XiiXB) (sgc) R3 l s-26 l -4 l0(b)(2) (HSrf) R3 | s -262-2s2(c) (t,Q G) R3 r 5-262- l 6(bX8XiiXC) (s0c) R3 l 5-26 l -4 l 0(bX3) (Hs'M) R31s-262-2s2(d) (LQG) R3 l s-262- l6(bX8XiiXD) (sgc) R3 l s-26r-4l0(b)(4) @sril) d- los VQJ ltl \r) Are facility contmunications or alarm systems, fire protection equipment, spill control equipment, and decontamination equipment tested and maintained to assure its proper operation in time of an emergency? R3ts-262-2s3 (LQG) R3 r s-262- l6(bX8Xiii) (scc) R3 l s-261-4 l0(c) (flsn{'r/) Do facilif personnel have immediate access to an internal alarm or emergency communication device, either directly through visual or voice contact, while managing hazardous rvaste? R3ts-262-2sa@) (LQG) R3 I s-262- I 6(bX8)(iv)(A) (sQc) R3 I 5-26 r -4 l o(dx I ) (l/Sr4 \os Is there everjust one employee on the premises while the facility is operating? If yes, does that person have immediate access to device capable of summoning external emergency assistance? R3ts-262-2s4(b) (LQG\ R3 I s-262- I 6(bX8)(iv)(B) (spc) R3 l s-26 1 -4 l 0(d)(2\ WS A ntu{ut \,.} Dv^1- Jan 2018 Page I of2 Inspector's Initials Site:EPA ID: Preparedness and Prevention Checklist Date ls aisle space maintained to allow the unobstructed movement of emergency personnel or equipment (unless aisle space is not needed for any ofthese purposes)? R3t'-262-2ss (LQG) R3 I 5-262- I 6(bX8Xv) (sgc) R3 I s-261 -41 0(e) (I/sM) The facility must arange the following types of agreements or arrangements with local organizations (as appropriate): l. Has the facility made or attempted to make afrangements to familiarize local police, fire departments, and emergency response teams with the layout ofthe facility, character ofthe hazardous waste(s) managed, locations wherefacility personnel normally work, location offacility entrances and possible evacuation routes? 2. Has the facility designated primary emergency authority to a specific police or fire department, when more than one police or fire department might respond in the event of an emergency? 3, Have agreements with State emergency response teams, emergency responses contractors, and equipment suppliers been made? 4. Have arangements been made to familiarize local hospitals with the properties ofhazardous waste handled at the facility and the types ofinjuries or illnesses which could result from fires, explosions, or releases at the facilitv? Rsts-262-2s6(a) (LQG) R3 | 5-262- t 6(bx8)(vi)(A) (sec) R3 I 5-26 l-4 I o(fx D (HS M) R3 1 5 -262-2 s 6(a)(2) (LQc) R3 I 5-262- I 6(bX8)(vi{A{II) (sec) R3 r s-26 I -4 I 0(0( I XD (f/SM) R3 | s -262-2 5 6(a){3) (LQ Q) R3 I s-262- I 6(bXsXvD(AXIII) (sQc) R3 l s-26 t-4 I 0(0( I xiD (nsM) R3 | 5 -262-256(a\r) (LQc) R3 I s-262-16(bXsXvD(AXD (soc) r4l0(0(lxiii)(HsM) R3 | s -262-2 5 6(a)(2) (Lec) R3 I 5-262- I 6(bX8[vi[A[II) (sec) I 5-26 l -4 I 0(fX l )(iv) (i/SM) Ifany State or local authorities have declined to enter into such arrangements, has thefacility documented the refusal in the operating recor.d? R3rs-262-2s6(b) (LgG) s-262- l(b)(8[vrxB) (s@) ts-261-4t0(fx2) (HSM)tAo f.A^srtr, Ian 2018 Page2of 2 Inspector's Initials 3\ /4e< k1 ti {{ Stzt I l& i.,l * \-} S.LII. L ,A']D d,o 1 Ac+r1 \ jc'F )+.f i r f -itiilri 'ra ,,-.1:'1 ;:';:1L: , 1* .:l L. ,i l*! l''jr<, ',.' , ." r @ffit@.nE . ,.-i : --.a,n *r+ r ui< , qt: f€ S'e $ i-'rl .7'r,4. 1 r'J! \., J,1 ; ,^,t,r \+ l\ea k 5 3t"t(& Qo d."y A"eq I b"J l^6 SoL[(.k J("p