HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2018-003582 - 0901a068807fad13Blake Downey, P.G. Project Hydrogeologist Div of Waste Manag rrient and Radation Control APR 2 0 2018 -W -2,00-003562 41IWASATCH Ner Mr. Scott Anderson Executive Director, Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control 195 North 1950 West, 2nd Floor P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 ENVIRONMENTAL. April 20, 2018 Project No.: 1673-011G SUBJECT: Response to Comments Pepper River Project 3333 West 9000 South West Jordan, Utah Mr. Anderson, On behalf of our client, Aligned Energy, Wasatch Environmental, Inc., is submitting the attached Response to Comments regarding comments received in an email from the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (DWMRC) personnel on March 22, 2018, and from the March 28, 2018, meeting with DWMRC personnel and Wasatch for the Pepper River property (site). Please feel free to contact us with any questions, comments, or concerns you may have regarding site. Best regards, C.C.: Mr. David Larsen, 2410 WEST CALIFORNIA AVENUE •SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84104 PHONE (801) 972-8400 • FAX (801) 972-8459 Website: www.wasatch-environmentatcom • e-Mail wei@wasatch-environmental com DEQ - DWMRC Comments PEPPER RIVER PROJECT RESPONSE TO DWMRC COMMENTS lWasatch Environmental, Inc., Response This final response to comments are to be considered an addendum to the "Investigation Activities Report" for the former Fairchild Semiconductor property completed by Wasatch Environmental Inc , dated December 15, 2017 GENERAL COMMENTS 1 Please address groundwater protection by comparing soil sample results to EPA dilution attenuation factor (DAF-20) values If needed, site specific DAF values can be used 2 Take out the term de minims in the report There are no de minimus quantities for spills and releases under RCRA For example, in section 1, page 2 change the last paragraph to "Detailed discussion of waste streams and waste management controls, historical spills and releases and recognized environmental conditions on the subject property are discussed in Section 4 of this report and in Section 10, Findings and Opinions " 3 Text indicates sludge was identified in the acid waste tank This sludge needs to be removed before submittal of an environmental covenant (EC) Text also indicates waste was removed from all piping, tanks etc , but this should be verified 4 Please provide a map showing the area(s) that will be included in the environmental covenant 5 At a meeting on April 15, 2017 at the facility it was indicated the solvent vault will be filled with concrete This work will need to be addressed in a site management plan and before approval of an EC Please modify the document as needed to include this information SPECIFIC COMMENTS 1 Please provide searchable Excel files with all the soil vapor and soil data for the solvent tank vault area 2 Please provide a either a map showing sample locations, depth and contaminant concentrations or a cross section with the same information for the solvent tank vault area and the diesel spill area DAF-20 values assume a continued source is present, no contaminant reduction occurs in the vadose zone, and that impacts are adjacent to groundwater DAF-20 assumptions are not applicable to the our site given site-specific conditions See additional rationale discussed in the Specific Comments Section, Comment #8 No action required De minims is a defined Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) term Additionally Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) documents also use the term de minims for spills No Action required As discussed the sludge is really just a thin residue crust of material which contains mostly oil and grease The tanks and residue are scheduled to be removed by and disposed of off-site by E T Technology witin the next few weeks No Additional Action Required Please see Attachement 1 for the proposed Environmental Covenant boundary No Additional Action Required As discussed at the March 28, 2018, meeting with DWMRC personnel, the waste solvent tank pit will be filled with soil and capped with concrete DWMRC requested that the plans to fill and cap the pit be submited for approval via email prior to the work being completed. DWMRC requested that this work be completed prior to the final approval of the Environmetal Covenant This work will be included in the Site Management Plan Wasatch will submit the plans to fill and cap the pit for approval prior to completing the work, and will supervise the completion of this work to verify it would be completed as approved by DWMRC No Additional Action Required See Attachment 2 for the analytical laboratory supplied Excell files of the soil vapor and soil data collected near the waste solvent tank pit An electronic version of the files will also be delivered to DWMRC with the electronic copy of this response No Additional Action Required See Attachement 3 for post maps that depict the diesel spill area and the waste solvent tank pit area No Additional Action Required 8 A significant amount of work including soil excavation, soil venting and sampling was conducted in the diesel spill area since 1987, and it has been proposed that this area be identified in an environmental covenant Text also indicates the presence of perched groundwater at the facility, but the proximity of the perched water to the diesel spill area is not indicated in the report, and groundwater samples have not been collected in the immediate area of the spill Naphthalene was detected in subsurface soil samples collected in 2016 in the diesel area, with a maximum concentration 10 9 mg/kg This concentration is between the residential (3 8 mg/kg) and industrial (17 mg/kg) RSLs, but exceeds the DAF-20 groundwater protection value of 0 01 mg/kg by more than two orders of magnitude Please modify Section 4 8, page 14 and address the depths of contamination and the soil to groundwater pathway It appears a well may be needed in the immediate area of diesel spill to determine if a release to groundwater has occurred 9 Based on soil gas results, text indicates a release of PCE under the solvent tank vault area and recommends including this area in the EC Text also indicates soil samples could not be collected under the tank vault due tank vault location, but soil vapor samples were collected in the area near the tank to a depth of 82 feet PCE was detected in soil gas at a maximum concentration of 1,400 pg/m3 at 40 feet below ground surface (bgs) and approximately 80 pg/m3 at 82 feet bgs This data clearly indicates migration of PCE vapors in the subsurface Groundwater data has not been collected from the on-site monitoring wells within the last 10 years No Action Required See Attachement 4 for well boring logs, completion logs, and well development logs for groundwater monitoring wells MW-1, MW-2, and MW-3 See the appropriate logs for the observed water elevations No Additional Action Required The Utah Division of Natural Resources (DNR) has classified the area the encompasses the site as Class II drinking water Given this classification, TDS concentrations can range from 501 to 1,000 mg/L See Attachement 5 for a map of the DNR classifications for the Salt Lake Valley Area No Additional Action Required Several waste piping diagrams and drawings are presented in Attachment 6 However, due to print quality, the overall piping diagram of the facility will be provided in the electronic version of this response as a CADD file No Additional Action Required As discussed in the March 28, 2018, meeting with DWMRC personnel, Wasatch concurs with this comment As discussed, Wasatch's concurrence with this statement within this response is sufficient and the original Investigation Activities Report dated December 15, 2017, will not be edited No Action Required 1 DAF-20 values do not represent the site-specific conditions for reasons stated above 2 As discussed in the March 28, 2018, meeting with DWMRC personnel, perched water was referenced in the several of the past environmental reports provided in the Phase I ESA The perched water references apply to discussions of water below the building within the fill material located above the native silty soils (not wide spread), and general discussions regarding the regional geology of the area, not site-specific observations of perched water at the site No perched water was observed in any of the soil borings completed by Wasatch or documented in the boring logs of the on-site groundwater monitoring wells Therefore, it it Wastach's opinion that perched water is not present at the site 3 As discussed in the March 28, 2018, meeting with DWMRC perssonnel, Wasatch and DWMRC concurred that impacts to groundwater from the diesel release were unlikely due to the following reasons in addition to to comments 1 and 2 1 Wasatch obtained soil samples that exhibited SVOC and VOC concentrations in soil below U S EPA RSL for Industrial and Residential Soil below the remaining impacted soils 2 Wasatch's soil sampling efforts demostrate that within a depth 20 to 30 feet below the most impacted soils, the soil impacts reduce to concentrations below U S EPA RSLs for Residential Soil This indicates that the impacts are attenuating with depth 3 Depth to groundwater from the deepest soil impacts that exceed regularoty screening levels is approximatley 100 feet, therefore it is unlikely groundwater has been impacted 4 Based on Henry's Law, it is unlikely that vapors that could migrate to the groundwater surface would be at sufficient concentrations to impact groundwater above applicable regularoty screening levels 4 There are no current documented exposure pathways to the groundwater in the release area No Additional Action Required As discussed in the March 28, 2018, meeting with DWMRC personnel, Wasatch calculated the required PCE soil gas concentration required to impact soil pore water above the applicable EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) of 5 0 ug/L for PCE using the Henries Law Constant See Attachment 7 for the applicable equation used and values utilized It was calculated that a PCE soil gas concentration of 72,400 ug/m3w0u1d be required to impact soil pore water concentrations to the PCE MCL, which was similar to the concentration calculated by DWMRC personnel The source area soil gas sample exhibited the highest PCE concentration of 11,000 ug/m3 and the deepest vapor monitoring well sample exhibited a concentration of 80 ug/m3 at 82 feet bgs Both concentrations are well below required concentration to impact soil pore water above the PCE MCL, and soil gas concentrations appear to significantly decrease with depth Wasatch and DWMRC personnel agreed that a groundwater monitoring well would not be required No Additional Action Required 3 Please provide a table showing all groundwater data for the last ten years 4 Please provide groundwater well completion logs What was the depth to first water during drilling and were the wells screened across first water'? Please also provide logs showing well development data 5 What is the TDS value/quality of the groundwater in this area (Class I, II, III, IV etc )9 The Division acknowledges the groundwater has been impacted by sulfate from Kennecott operations. 6 ls there a waste piping diagram that shows waste flow and accumulation? Modify Section 4 1 as needed 7 Add a "Section 4 2 1 — Waste Management Conclusions" by adding "Though thousands of gallons of waste acids, solvents and other chemicals were used at the facility over its 40-year history, these chemicals were managed in tanks and other containers and properly treated on-site or sent off-site for disposal Based on employee interviews and review of records it appears that with the exception of occasional spills as described in Section 4 2 and a 2,000 to 4,000-gallon release from a diesel tank, all acid, solvent and other waste spills and environmental impacts were relatively small compared with the large amounts of waste managed " 9 a It has been the experience of the Division that downward migration of dense solvent vapors can be a source of groundwater contamination Dense vapor solvent plumes have been documented at depths over 100 feet at several sites in Utah Based on the concentration of PCE in soil gas it appears a well is needed as close as possible to the solvent tank vault to determine if dense vapors have caused groundwater contamination The Division also notes the information in the text about perched groundwater 10 The current groundwater well system at Fairchild does not appear adequate to determine if releases have occurred in the area of the solvent tank vault or the diesel spill area The system includes three wells, one upgradient, one cross gradient and one downgradient The single downgradient well appears to be at least 750 feet from the diesel and solvent release areas and is currently dry lf it is determined that additional wells are needed as discussed in comments above, the document should be revised to include long term groundwater monitoring See the above response As it has been demonstrated, impacts to groundwater above applicable screening levels are unlikely Therefore, in the March 28, 2018, meeting with DWMRC personnel, DWMRC requested that the on-site groundwater monitoring wells MW-1, MW-2, and MW-3 be properly abandoned as part of the SMP, but prior to DWMRC approval of the EC Wasatch will provide oversight of the proper well abandonment activities of the on-site groundwater monitoring wells and all bio-venting wells that remain at the site No Acditional Action Required Attachment 1 Proposed Environmental Covenant and Site Management Plan Boundary I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Pepper River Property wE11s13--011G ·~· Detailed Facility and Proposed Environmental Covenant and Site Management Plan Area Map Figure 1 WASATCH • fNVIRONHENTAL The use or reuse of this information is restricted to the referenced document unless otherwise authort;,:ed, Wasatch Environmental Copyright 2006 Attachment 2 Requested Native Excel Data Files ****" See Attached CD for a Copy of the Native Excel Files ****** Attachment 3 Requested Data Post Maps N • . W E . s 0 0 Boring Location • Hand-auger Sample Location Approximate Scale (ft) 25 50 75 ***All concentrations are in micrograms per kilogram 100 GP-10 Naphthalene Depth <2.23 14 <2.34 24 <2.67 39 0 Naphthalene Depth Naphthalene Depth 4,080 14 5,270 14-Dup 340 23.5 <2.24 47 ~ ~WASATCH • ENVIRONMENTAL Environmental Science and Engineering 3,400 12 68.0 29 <3.40 35 <3.15 35-Dup GP-5 Naphthalene Depth 4,450 23 3,490 29 4,100 29-Dup <2.41 40 GP-9 Naphthalene Depth 55.1 12 10,900 21.5 23.9 34 GP-11 Naphthalene Depth <2.06 14 <2.23 24 <2.43 39 GP-4 Naphthalene Depth <2.34 23 <2.95 36 <2.97 36-Dup <2.04 48 Boring/Hand-auger Location & Naphthalene in Soil Concentration Ma Former Fairchild Semiconductor 3333 West 9000 South West Jordan, Utah PROJECT NO. DRAWING DATE FIGURE 1673-011A April 4, 2018 1A ------------------- VMW-5 PCE Ethylbenzene Depth 120 3.1 15 + Soil Gas Monitoring Well/ODEX Boring Location Former Fairchild Semiconductor PropertywE11s13.0110 Ethylbenzene Depth 6.2 15 27 40 21 64 11 82 PCE Ethylbenzene Depth 11,000 500 15 Former Waste Solvent Tank.Pit + VMW-2 PCE Ethylbenzene Depth 25 3.7 15 I ,.,.,.._,..., ............,,., + VMW-3 PCE Ethylbenzene Depth 71 3.8 15 ~trations are in micrograms per cubic meter Scale: 1 • equals approximately 17' 2016 Investigation Sub-Surface Soil Gas Sample Location ODEX BoringNapor Monitoring Well Location & PCE/ I F' 4A Ethylbenzene Subsurface Soil Gas Concentration Map igure The use or reuse of this information is restricted to the referenced document unless otherwise authorized. --WASATCH ~ £NVIAONMl:NTAL Wasatch Environmental Copyright 2006 -------------------Former Fairchild Semiconductor PropertywE11s13.0110 • •. ....-...-~., N MW-2~ VMW-1 Ethylbenzene Acetone Depth + IVMW-51 + 2016 Investigation Sub-Surface Soil Gas Sample Location .A.WASATCH ~ EMVIAONME'NTAL <1.93 <9.66 24 <2.76 61.4 39 <1.79 <8.94 53 <1.91 14.1 68 <1.70 59.3 83 Former Waste Solvent Tank.Pit IVMW-31 + ~~trations are in micrograms per kilogram ODEX BoringNapor Monitoring Well Location & Subsurface Soil Concentration Map Scale: 1· equals approximately 17' Figure 4B The use or reuse of this information is restricted to the referenced document unless otherwise authorized. Wasatch Environmental Copyright 2006 Attachment 4 On-Site Groundwater Monitoring Well Logs Ii I ( I I I 11 I Attachment 2 Soil Boring Logs I ( I 1 1 PROJECT NUMBER 115411.C2.ZZ BORING NUMBER MW-1 SHEET 1 OF 2 SOIL BORING LOG ChM HILL PROJECT : Fairchild Semiconductor Monitoring Well Installation LOCATION : 3300 West 9000 South, West Jordan, UT ELEVATION : 4552.93 feet DRILLING CONTRACTOR : RC Exploration Drilling DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT USED: BKX-66 Rig with 8-inch OD Hollow Stem Augers WATER LEVELS : =127 feet below ground surface START : 3-11-97 0830 END : 3-11-97 1500 LOGGER : J. Goddard DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) STANDARD CORE DESCRIPTION COMMENTS INTERVAL (FT) PENETRATION NUMB R & TYPE TEST SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL COLOR, DEPTH OF CASING, DRILUNG RATE, RECOVERY RESULTS MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY, DRILLING FLUID LOSS, (IN) 6-6'-6.' OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL. STRUCTURE. TESTS, AND INSTRUMENTATION. (N) MINERALOGY. Silt (ML), 10YR514 yellowish brown, Dry, firm. _ Minor rootlets. low plastic, <10 clay, < 5% fine sand _ _ Sandy Silt (ML), yellow tan, dry, firm _ _ OVM = 0 ppm _ Silty Sand (SM), tan brown, dry, medium dense — fine grained, subrounded _ _ Sandy Gravel (GP), brown, dry, r minus subround — Silty Sand with Minor Pea Gravel (SM), tan brown _ dry OVM = 0 ppm _ 20 _ — _ _ _ _ Sandy Silt (ML), brown, moist, firm OVM = 0 ppm Sand and Gravel (SP-GP), brown, dry _ _ OVM = 0 ppm _ ao _ — ...._ Sandy Silt (ML), brown to olive, dry, stiff OVM = 0 ppm — — _ _ Gravelly Silt (ML), brown, moist _ OVM = 0 ppm _ Silt Sandy Gravel with interbedded silt stringers (GP) Very Hard Drilling, Cuttings Steaming _ yellow brown, dry — _ — so — — Same as above _ OVM = 0 ppm _ 80 _ _ Sandy Silt (ML), brown, dry, stiff _ _ Gravel with alternating zones of silty sand OVM = 0 ppm _ OVM = 0 ppm _ Very Hard Drilling, Cuttings Steaming _ — ay be cemente zones M d _ 100 _ Same as above — OVM = 0 ppm _ — Sandy silt (ML), brown, slightly moist, very stiff _ OVM = 0 ppm _ — _ _ _ _ Same as above — P: \ 115411\C2 \ SbIrnwl 4/17/97 PROJECT NUMBER 1 1541 1.C2.ZZ BORING NUMBER MW-1 SHEET 2 OF 2 SOIL BORING LOG CKM HILL PROJECT : Fairchild Semiconductor Monitoring Well Installation LOCATION : 3300 West 9000 South, West Jordan, UT ELEVATION : 4552.93 feet DRILLING CONTRACTOR : RC Exploration Drilling DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT USED: BKX-66 Rg with 8-inch OD Hollow Stem Augers WATER LEVELS : -127 feet below ground surface START : 3-11-97 0830 END : 3-11-97 1500 LOGGER : J. Goddard DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) STANDARD CORE DESCRIPTION COMMENTS INTERVAL (FT) PENETRATION TEST RESULTS SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY, OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE, MINERALOGY. DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE, DRILUNG FLUID LOSS, TESTS, AND INSTRUMENTATION. NUMB R & TYPE RECOVERY (IN) 6*-6•-6 (N) _ - _ 140 - _ 180 _ 180 _ - 200_ 220 - Same as above w/ - 2-5% rounded pea gravel _ Gravel with silty sand matrix (GP), brown, dry, dense _ _ _ Sand with gravel (SW), brown, wet, med. dense _ END BORING AT 145 FEET _ — -- - — — _ OVM = 0 ppm Very Hard Drilling, Cuttings Steaming May be cemented zones Groundwater encountered at approx. 138' _ _ _ _ _ 7 _ — _ — — _ P: 115411 C2 \ Stotmwl 4/17/97 1 1 1 1 1 PROJECT NUMBER 115411.C222 BORING NUMBER MW-2 SHEET I OF 2 SOIL BORING LOG CHMHILL PROJECT : Fairchild Semiconductor Monitoring Well Installation LOCATION : 3300 West 9000 South, West Jordan, UT ELEVATION : 4532.29 DRILLING CONTRACTOR : RC Exploration Drilling DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT USED: BKX-66 Rig with 8-inch OD Hollow Stem Augers WATER LEVELS : =110 feet below ground surface START : 3-12-97 0930 END : 3-14-97 1535 LOGGER : J. Kraus DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) STANDAFID CORE DESCRIPTION COMMENTS INTERVAL (FT) PENETRATION NUMB R & TYPE TEST SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE, RECOVERY RESULTS MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY, DRILLING FLUID LOSS, (IN) 8r-8'-6' OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE, TESTS, AND INSTRUMENTATION. (N) MINERALOGY. Topsoil Organic Clay _ Sandy Silt (ML), yellow tan, dry, firm - OVM = 0 ppm Encountered large boulder at 9' - _ _ _ OVM = 0 ppm 20 - Same as above — _ _ A few rocks at 23' _ _ OVM = 0 ppm gravel and cobble at 26'-29' - Same as above _ _ _ OVM = 0 ppm 40 _ - Same as above with some gravel becoming darker, mottled _ OVM = 0 ppm OVM = 0 ppm _ - Very Hard Drilling, Cuttings Steaming _ _ Rocks at 50 getting larger and thicker - Clayey Silt (ML) with sand and gravel, brown, soft _ Very hard drilling through cobble 60 _ _ OVM = 0 ppm _ - Silty Clay interbedded with sand, gravel, and cobble _ Removed rods, plug wom in half _ - Very hard drilling through cobble - ao _ Same as above _ __ OVM = 0 ppm _ _ - Very hard drilling through cobble - _ _ Sandy Clay, brown, moist, soft _ OVM = 0 ppm Very Hard Drilling, Cuttings Steaming _ - May be cemented zones 100 _ Same as above _ OVM = 0 ppm _ _ _ Very hard drilling through cobble - Sand and Gravel _ OVM = 0 ppm _ - Very hard drilling through cobble _ _ Same as above, wet OVM -0 ppm _ P: \ 115411 \ C2 \ Sblmw2 4/17/97 1 PROJECT NUMBER 115411.C2.ZZ BORING NUMBER MW-2 SHEET 2 OF 2 SOIL BORING LOG CHMHILL PROJECT : Fairchild Semiconductor Monitoring Well Installation LOCATION : 3300 West 9000 South, West Jordan, UT ELEVATION : 4532.29 EQUIPMENT DRILLING CONTRACTOR : RC Exploration Drilling DRILLING METHOD AND USED: BKX-66 Rig with 8-inch OD Hollow Stem Augers WATER LEVELS : =110 feet below ground surface START : 3-12-97 0930 END : 3-14-97 1535 LOGGER : J. Kraus DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) STANDARD CORE DESCRIPTION COMMENTS INTERVAL (FT) PENETRATION TEST RESULTS SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY, OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE, MINERALOGY. DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE, DRILUNG FLUID LOSS, TESTS, AND INSTRUMENTATION. NUMB R & TYPE RECOVERY (IN) 6°-6°-6 (N) — — _ 140 — _ — 160 — _ — 180 _ — _ — 200._ — — — 220_ — — — END OF BORING AT 125.5 FEET _ — — — _ — — — _ — _ — _ — _ — _ _ _ — _ — _ — Very Hard Drilling, Cuttings Steaming May be cemented zones _ 1154111C2 SbIrnw2 4/17/97 PROJECT NUMBER 115411.C2.ZZ -.. BORING NUMBER MW-3 SHEET 1 OF 2 SOIL BORING LOG CHMHILL PROJECT : Fairchild Semiconductor Monitoring Well Installation LOCATION : 3300 West 9000 South, West Jordan, UT ELEVATION : 4531.28 DRILLING CONTRACTOR : RC Exploration Drilling DRILLING METHOD AND EQUIPMENT USED: BKX-66 Rig with 8-inch OD Hollow Stem Augers WATER LEVELS : =110 feet below ground surface START : 3-17-97 0821 END : 3-17-97 1300 LOGGER : J. Goddard DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) STANDARD CORE DESCRIPTION COMMENTS INTERVAL (F1) PENETRATION NUMB R & TYPE TEST SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, DEPTH OF CASING. DRILLING RATE, RECOVERY RESULTS MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY, DRILLING FLUID LOSS, (IN) 8'-6*-6 OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE. TESTS, AND INSTRUMENTATION. (N) MINERALOGY. Asphalt and Road Base - _ _ Sandy Silt (ML) with clay, yellow tan, dry, firm OVM = 0 ppm _ _ 1' gravel zone at 13 _ 20 — Same as above — OVM = 0 ppm — Gravelly Silt (ML), brown, dry, dense OVM = 0 ppm _ - Gravelly from 27 to 30, large cobble at 28' _ _ Clayey Silt (ML), light yellow brown, moist, stiff _ OVM = 0 ppm _ As above with gravel OVM = 0 ppm 40 — — Gravelly from 38' — Very Hard Drilling, Cuttings Steaming _ Same as above - Rocks at 50 getting larger and thicker _ ' OVM = 0 ppm 60 __ OVM = 0 ppm _ _ _ _ Clayey Silt with interbedded sand and gravel _ _ _ Very hard drilling through cobble 80 _ Same as above — OVM = 0 ppm _ Very hard drilling through cobble _ Sandy Clay, brown, moist, soft _ OVM = 0 ppm _ Very Hard Drilling, Cuttings Steaming _ _ May be cemented zones _ 100 Same as above _ OVM = 0 ppm _ - _ Very hard drilling through cobble _ Soft at 115, may be water - _ OVM = 0 ppm _ Same as above, wet OVM = 0 ppm _ P: 116411 \ C2 \ Sblmw3 4/17/97 PROJECT NUMBER 115411.C2.ZZ BORING NUMBER MW-3 SHEET 2 OF 2 SOIL BORING LOG Cia 1 HILL PROJECT : Fairchild Semiconductor Monitoring Well Installation LOCATION : 3300 West 9000 South, West Jordan, UT ELEVATION : 4531.28 EQUIPMENT DRILLING CONTRACTOR : RC Exploration Drilling DRILLING METHOD AND USED: BKX-66 Rig with 8-inch OD Hollow Stem Augers WATER LEVELS : =110 feet below ground surface START : 3-17-97 0821 END : 3-17-97 1300 LOGGER : J. Goddard DEPTH BELOW SURFACE (FT) STANDARD CORE DESCRIPTION COMMENTS INTERVAL (Fr) PENETRATION TEST RESULTS SOIL NAME, USCS GROUP SYMBOL, COLOR, MOISTURE CONTENT, RELATIVE DENSITY, OR CONSISTENCY, SOIL STRUCTURE, MINERALOGY. DEPTH OF CASING, DRILLING RATE, DRILLING FLUID LOSS, TESTS, AND INSTRUMENTATION. NUMB R & TYPE RECOVERY (IN) 6*-6*-6- (N) — — 140 — — 160 _ — 180 — — 200 — _ — _ 220_ — — — Sand with Gravel, yellow brown, wet, dense END OF BORING AT 122 FEET — — _ — — -- — — _ _ -- -, — _ — -- _ _ — Very Hard Drilling, Cuttings Steaming May be cemented zones at 122 feet _ _ _ _ _ — _ _ _ _ _ PA115411 \ C2 \ Sblmw3 4/17/97 1 I lf 1 dunent 3 Well Completion WELL COMPLETION DIAGRAM BER BORING NU MW-1 LOGGER : J. Goddard START : 3/11/97 END : 3/18/97 3- Wellhead protection cover type a) concrete pad dimensions b) posts 4" steel protective casing w/locking cap 3.x3'x6" slope away from well (4) 3" steel comer posts PROJECT NUMBER 115411.C2.ZZ WELL NAME MW-1 PROJECT : Fairchild Semiconductor Monitoring Well Installation DRILLING CONTRACTOR. RC Exploration Drilling WATER LEVELS 131 88' below top of casing LOCATION : 9000 South 3300 West, West Jordan, Utah DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTOR : RC Exploration Dnlling 3b 119' 122 142' NOT TO SCALE 1- Ground elevation at well same as TOC 2" sch 40 PVC, 10 lengths, flush threaded joints w/ rubber 0-ring seals 2" sch 40 PVC 0.01-inch slot flush threaded w/ 0-ring seals & 6 long threaded PVC end cap 16-30 clean washed CSSI (11) 50# bags, 550#s Pure Gold Medium Bentonite (51) 50# bags Surge/Bail 16 gallons (10 well volumes) 2 hrs 16 gallons Comments See Soil Boring Log for MW-1 for lithologic information. See Sampling Log for MW-1 for development and sampling information. 2- Top of casing elevation a) measuring point elevation 0014HILL 4552.93 4555.54 4- Diameter/type of well casing 5- Type/slot size of screen 6- Type screen filter a) Quantity used 7- Type of seal a) Quantity used Development method Development time Estimated purge volume P: \ 115411 \ C2 \ Wcdrnwl 4/17/97 LOCATION : 9000 South 3300 West, West Jordan, Utah DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTOR • RC Exploration Drilling START : 3/14/97 END : 3/18/97 LOGGER : J. Goddard PROJECT : Fairchild Semiconductor Monitoring Well Installation DRILLING CONTRACTOR: RC Exploration Drilling WATER LEVELS : 112,26 below top of casing P: 115411 \ C21%/cdmw2 4/17/97 WELL NAME MW-2 PROJECT NUMBER 115411.C222 BORING NUMBER MW-2 WELL COMPLETION DIAGRAM NM= CHM HILL 1- Ground elevation at well 2- Top of casing elevation a} measuring point elevation 4- Diameter/type of well casing 5- Type/slot size of screen 6- Type screen filter a) Quantity used 7- Type of seal a) Quantity used Development method Development time Estimated purge volume 4532.29 4534.89 same as TOC 4" steel protective casing w/locking cap 3)(3'W slope away from well (2) 3" steel corner posts 2" sch 40 PVC, 10 lengths, flush threaded joints w/ rubber 0-ring seals 2" sch 40 PVC 0.01-inch slot flush threaded w/ 0-nng seals & 6" long threaded PVC end cap 16-30 clean washed CSSI (10) 50# bags, 500#s Pure Gold Medium Bentonite (50) 50# bags Surge/Bail 27 gallons (12 well volumes) 3 hrs 27 gallons 3- Wellhead protection cover type a) concrete pad dimensions b) posts NOT TO SCALE 3b 103.5 124' 20' 8" 100 Comments See Soil Boring Log for MW-2 for lithologic information. See Sampling Log for MW-2 for development and sampling information. PROJECT : Fairchild Semiconductor Monitoring Well Installation DRILLING CONTRACTOR RC Exploration Drilling WATER LEVELS : 112.06 below top of casing START . 3/17/97 END : 3/18/97 LOGGER : J. Goddard LOCATION 9000 South 3300 West, West Jordan, Utah DEVELOPMENT CONTRACTOR : RC Exploration DiiIhng WELL NAME MW-3 PROJECT NUMBER 115411.C2.ZZ BORING NUMBER MW-3 WELL COMPLETION DIAGRAM CHMHILL 7- Type of seal a) Quantity used Development method Development time Estimated purge volume Pure Gold Medium Bentonite (52) 50# bags Surge/Bail 18 gallons (11 well volumes) 3 hrs 18 gallons 1- Ground elevation at well same as TOC 3- Wellhead protection cover type 4" steel protective casing w/locking cap a) concrete pad dimensions 1'x1'x6" slope away from well into asphalt b) posts (2) 3" steel corner posts 2" sch 40 PVC, 10' lengths, flush threaded joints w/ rubber 0-ring seals 2" sch 40 PVC 0.01-inch slot flush threaded w/ 0-ring seals & long threaded PVC end cap 16-30 clean washed CSSI (9) 50# bags, 450#s Comments See Soil Boring Log for MW-3 for lithologic information. See Sampling Log for MW-3 for development and sampling information. 2- Top of casing elevation a) measuring point elevation 4- Diameter/type of well casing 5- Type/slot size of screen 6- Type screen filter a) Quantity used NOT TO SCALE 3b 99 5 120' 95 5 4531 28 4533.75 P: \ 115411 \ C2 \ Wcdmw3 4/17/97 Attachment 4 Well Development/Sampling Logs 1 ':ICOÑUoR DSAPL1NGI - • 1, Organic Vapor (OV) OV OV Well ID: ki1/43 Background O Cover Casing Water Level (WL) Data: Total Depth of Well /tic Measured Date 3-U1 6i1 Time i WL i3l igg Point Used -rot Observations: Calculated Purge Volume: Pita 5-0 cuum.. Purge Data: Volume Purged Ito Stop Time /7 Og Date 5-(-7-11 Start Time 1 13 6-tzetti i 1 - i_re C1A-E N, ' . i G.L L t ; .iltt.:4; 1 t ' ., .._ :: ..; miu s .. . . 15-13 0 CLIIL 13,12. goo uAQ ly1.0j._ 13-3 -2- 2 13i 53.,,--- loo i i If I ,r,5-- LI gig 12-c.V 1 ( / I it,20,--t 13, Li gig6 L-2- CO f t 1 t itvig '5) t3t3 iteV`I ( 2_00 i ll (J1: Gliro ito 2-1 P ( 4 g,gi (-2-60 it ff _ 11 1 -;, 1. g,e2- 1-2--w d, --1-,..LL610 ,4 1(0s-14 ILI ( -3,3 2, go (7-0e9 , 1 „ I -709 1(0 13, `i ii, 71 i -2-to it Sample Data: Sample ID' Mu-) - Sample Time 17 2-0 Sample Date 3 H --ct Sample Analysis 30-2-1 T P ?J-L-,TÍ4 bbLi j ciacja, AV414.142 QA/QC samples QA/QC Analysis — Final Parameters: Temp 1-;) Y pH 77 SC 2--au Appearance (Color, Turbidity, Odor, etc.) .51- Jjß ittotAiNA- Comments/Observations --A-* SLCAWFORM Previous WL Date Measured Purge Method Purge Water Container(s) Stop Time // / Volume Purged 6...--11 j rp--L (rox-A Purge Water Container(s) OV OV Well ID: ill (0 Background Cover Casing Water Level (WL) Data: Previous WL Date Measured Total Depth of Well l 2- (a -7-7 12.3e7a, Measured Date T_me 20L WI- 82,ZL Point Used TD L Observations: Calculated Pqrge Volume: / tie-1 5 t. 51, otmoto Purge Data: Date 3-ig --ell Start Time 0 g/3 Purge Method KL-4.11A- t t t • H, , (Pin- usxill ' t ,4-:, omen , - , 0 12, 6 0,90 13ov u -1AII:4,4 lAixtrk 0/ twei 0 g2-g Z t2.15" c,9 I 1 3 e„ it st Og -57 t__I 12- i .6 8,q0 1 -3 co 1 , 0 5.C5- IZ, (0 2, 07 •1 '-b.) At )1 01("2 g (2- t g S, 79 /(100 ft ft 07 3 / /0 izig g,73 /.,--,,, t I I I nqq(0 I a (S i 0 8,7'1 plot, it li 015'1 114 l2 _11 -17,IP-1 1'150 It )1 tOt6k 1(7 r3g 0 g. 1,6 // I I -a.-.1 1$,k, q/5-Z /GOD , i Sample Data: Sample ID - Sample Time Iízo Sample Date 3 Sample Analysis g°2-t Pi4) šÛ , 10 ,qte-1° C kieu:k kk• QA/QC samples A) Á QAJQC Analysis /OA- Final Parameters: Temp f 3 pH SC /Goo Appearance (Color, Turbidity, Odor, etc.) t. I 4)-Abit9 irtotavt Comments/Observations iala Attulg/14 tA/NtA46'14/10" SILIGYMW Organic Vapor (0V) DO Organic Vapor (OV) OV OV Well ID: IA k133 Background D Cover 0 Casing Water Level (WL) Data: Previous WL ,__ Date Measured Total Depth of Well :42...Z. + 5- Measured Date 3-- t 8 -c‘ 7 Time (-2-3 I WI- ( I L,0(., Point Used Observations: Calculated Purge Volume: g . Purge Data: Date 'g k2S q Start Time 12 LI c Purge Method Purge Water Container(s) et tue---Ls-t5 . - Stop Time / -2- 1 Volume Purged /034 . __., ti :,, • '.. - - -1 il" 1LE?::'6C5 ,, ; , , ' , ',, - .1,- 41, -, , , -'! r -. ... . . • .' - ?... . o en ;-, :.. ' ....., . : 12-11c- 0 riz;',,-f ei(Liz ft,03 r JJU sLi4,04,2 9 , 6-1 z..703 A. tk 1.39,14 1 Li , G., g,g5- -3 (co ,( 0 i 3 Liti ci i LA t 2 gs --o ---2_01. I 2._ ici f6" g,i/Li c.-fico ,i, --rw4,6 Gt., /1-1 ( -b i 5— IN 1--S 9',32 3 ,..„-?),(7? 0 (92.6t 1 g P-i , -1 .gf La 3 5.---1 i I I I _ Sample Data: Sample ID' MAJ.) - 3 Sample Time / Sample Date _1 (-1-1 7 Sample Analysis 3 ‘') 2 k 14). ptt, Ckl OAS j QA/QC samples Final Parameters: Temp / pH gs (12- SC 3S1,C) DO Appearance (Color, Turbidity, Odor, etc.) 94, '6),A Cct9 Comments/Observations_rfit LAQ SLC/GWFORM QA/QC Analysis Attachment 5 DNR Groundwater Classification (TDS) Map ~ ~ L.oc.ltlcliolSl...:,Ylvea UI'.UIOXlLOCICALJtlll','1:V ·-· l'-U.,0,,-olNOI __ _ 0 0 C ;,, :<I :c ~ 0 C :z -l ,. ~,~·\J\ . ,, --d'" ~ -'""M•i "' > -:z ~h -~??", l"l<lj9dion:~T,..._~c,r Claum:Nartll-1983 V, S9f,etOld;ci.tl11M Geog,aj,IICINl..,.fnlmUW.~~c.n..200I Olgllal~t,y~E.......,_Sm!Hom ,~,_'IIERSE +· SOllel:75,000 .!'"-.r r .. r. __ ,; "10 v 1-r -1 " 1, .,- PLATE 1 TOTAL-DISSOLVED-SOLIDS-CONCENTRATION MAP FOR THE BASIN-FILL AQUIFER, SALT LAKE VALLEY, SALT LAKE COUNTY, UTAH by Janae Wallace and Mike L<FMI -· ~r ....... s...,,o,..,11o..,..,.w ~ .. -d --.... -_ ... __ .. ...,.,. 'r ·o"C•"'!o" 'i,~,'11"" ,.. (F> }/ > -....\ (> ,;: > ~ ca"'!t ___ J:il!I•-Q,tton"l.ood ..,-- Explanation Total-Otuolvecl-Solconcentrallon mg/I. -Olo250 -251to500 \0011112000 0 20011o3000 -l0011o10,000 ->10,000 -e.dn)(ll;(nol-lynd) -U..olaqiat~oldisKW9d.olid1 --.-U.S. EmoironnwnleJ PnMdoon Agency STORET data --.ouse --u.S.G"'*'gocal~ • Populelioncanter -W11'8rboay 'rtumberndlcetHTOSaonewitN!lonlnll'QI\.. Attachment 6 Waste Piping Diagrams ·-.,:,:.·'.·.:~ .. ~~.-~. ·--· oo,i-'sss <io9) 9L05l! VNOZl~V 'XIN3~Hd ·ovo~.)!0V813V'IVO .lSV3 0~6i . Sl:BNNv"'ld . Stl33Nl9N3 5.D31.IH:ltl\f ;;, S3.LV1J9ssv Vllm:ION31 :v -~3.L3d ~, " t!-~ .. ,_., > : ~ .j ~ ! -:..,l > .ii \--b.. ~ l ·-> \-~ ~,~ ... I:. ~ X'f' !;" l ~ ~ i:i .. ~ 1~ I J~;i ~ ., 1 I" j .. ,t r> l i :,({ L-_1_ . :,[_ ·, ~-! t 1 1~ ... . ... '2 ~ ~ -l;;t . Ill I" ' l ._. I * ~~ "' .. ,•ii.· ,.. . ·.··· .. ·. . ·I HVJ.O . NYOUcir .lS3M; ·'. . . HJ.ri·os : 0006 'M cccc ·.·. I • • • ' ' NOIJ.Vl:IOdl:IOO 1:10.I.OOONOOIW3S 1VNOI.I.VN . ·. ·)!I sow . ,- ! ·,\, .> •• ·r-.. ··r -· \' .. I ,. I 1·. ,) 11 ,. f. I' !. :, I• } 1 · ., r :1 . [·,.,: .. ! t · i . -~. ·:·., .. :·.· ,\.., \.. ·.~.-.' :~_.:,. .-····"·" .,. '!• "L: . ' ·., . ·. .. :~•.Ott ::~ .... ** See Attached CD for a Copy of the Waste Piping CADD Files ** Attachment 7 Soil Vapor Impacts to Soil Pore Water Calculations Potential for Chemicals to Migrate to Groundwater Compounds in the vadose zone partition between soil pore water, soil gas, and soil or rock. Chemicals in the vadose zone can migrate downwards, and potentially affect groundwater quality. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has developed a screening methodology for evaluating this concern (EPA, 1996). The approach is to estimate the concentration of compounds in soil pore water. It is then assumed that there is no attenuation or dilution as chemicals migrate downwards through the vadose zone (this constitutes a worst-case assumption for this site). Compound concentrations are assumed to be reduced by a factor of 20 within the aquifer because of dilution and attenuation; given the nature of the aquifer, this is also a highly conservative estimate. The relationship between soil gas and soil pore water concentrations can be estimated using the Henry's Law Constant: H' = (Ca x 0.001 m3/0/Cw where: H' = Unitless Henry's Law Constant Ca = Concentration in soil gas (pg/m3) Cw = Concentration in soil pore water (pg/l) This equation is the same as in EPA's Soil Screening Guidance Equation 18 in Part 2 (EPA, 1996), with a units conversion factor included to account for different units in the soil gas and pore water terms.1 This equation can be rearranged, and with the addition of a dilution/attenuation factor (DAF), yields a target soil gas concentration: Ca-t = Cw-t X 1,000 l/m3 x H' x DAF where: Ca-t = Target soil gas concentration (pg/m3) Cw-t = Target concentration in soil pore water (pg/l) The target soil pore water concentration was set equal to the compound's primary maximum contaminant level (MCL) where available. The MCL is a compound's drinking water standard. In the absence of an MCL (EPA, 2013a). Therefore: Ca_t = Cw_t (5.0 pg/l) x 1,000 l/m3 x H' (0.724) x DAF (20) Ca-t = 72,400 pg/m3 The traditional formulation for evaluating effects to goundwater in the Soil Screening Guidance relies on bulk soil data. However, identifying and sampling the location of the highest remaining soil concentrations at depth following corrective action is cost prohibitive. This is necessary for confirmation sampling. Use of soil gas data is both theoretically rigorous and practical.