HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2018-003406 - 0901a068807f1abdAnderson Geneva Development, inc.
April 12, 2018
United States Steel Corporation
Div of Waste Management
and Radiation Control
APR 1 3 2018
Mr. Scott Anderson, Director
Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control
Utah Department of Environmental Quality
P.O. Box 144880
Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4880
RE: Submittal of the Revised Corrective Action Levels (CALs) Report — Former
Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Dear Mr. Anderson:
Please find enclosed the original and one copy of the revised Corrective Action Levels
(CALs) Report for the former Geneva Steel Facility. Also enclosed on disk is a full pdf
of the report. The CALs report has been revised in accordance with the revision recently
made to the VIWP, which was approved on January 19, 2018.
Please contact us at your convenience if you have any questions on this matter.
cc: T. Messersmith, AECOM
B. Mustoe, AECOM
File: AG, USS
EPA ID NO. UT 009086133
March 16, 2018
Prepared For:
United States Steel Corporation
Pittsburgh, PA
Anderson Geneva Development, Inc.
Prepared By:
756 East Winchester, Suite 400
Salt Lake City, UT 84107
Groundwater Corrective Action Levels
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EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................v
1.0 INTRODUCTION ...............................................................................................................1
2.0 METHODOLOGY ..............................................................................................................3
2.1 Preliminary Chemicals of Interest Identification .......................................................3
2.2 Conceptual Site Model Development ........................................................................5
2.2.1 Known and Suspected Sources of Contamination and
Release Mechanisms ....................................................................................5
2.2.2 Secondary Sources .......................................................................................5
2.2.3 Release Mechanisms and Transport Pathways ............................................5
2.2.4 Receptors and Exposure Scenarios ..............................................................6
2.3 Derivation of Risk-Based CALs for Human Receptors .............................................8
2.3.1 Exposure Models Used to Calculate Shallow Groundwater Risk-Based
CALs ............................................................................................................8
2.3.2 Toxicity Values Used to Calculate Shallow Groundwater CALs ..............10
2.3.3 Target Risk Goals ......................................................................................12
2.3.4 Equations Used to Calculate Shallow Groundwater CALs .......................12
2.4 Derivation of Background-Based CALs ..................................................................24
2.5 Background Means Comparison ..............................................................................26
3.0 PRESENTATION AND APPLICATION OF CALS ........................................................27
4.0 UNCERTAINTY ANALYSIS ..........................................................................................29
5.0 SUMMARY .......................................................................................................................31
6.0 REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................33
Table 1 Preliminary Chemicals of Interest in Groundwater ...........................................................4
Table 2 Human Receptors and Pathways Considered for Development of Risk-Based
Groundwater CALs ...........................................................................................................7
Table 3 Construction Worker Inhalation of Groundwater-Related Chemicals in Trench Air .....16
Table 4 Construction Worker Incidental Ingestion of Groundwater
While Working in a Trench ............................................................................................17
Table 5 Construction Worker Dermal Contact with Groundwater While Working in Trench ....18
Table 6 Adolescent Recreators Incidental Ingestion of Surface Water While Wading ...............22
Table 7 Adolescent Recreators Dermal Contact with Surface Water While Wading ..................23
Table 8 Summary of MCLs, Background-Based CALs, and Risk-Based CALs for Protection of
Human Receptors ............................................................... Located behind the Tables tab
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Table 9 Summary of Overall Groundwater Corrective Action Levels for Protection of Human
Receptors............................................................................ Located behind the Tables tab
Table 10 Evaluation of Volatile PCOIs for the Indoor Air and Air in a Trench Exposure
Pathways ......................................................................... Located behind the Tables tab
Figure 1 Conceptual Site Model
Appendix A USEPA Johnson and Ettinger Model Runs for Vapor Intrusion Groundwater
Corrective Action Levels
Appendix B Risk-Based CALs – Exposure Factors and Calculations
Appendix C Background UTLs NCSS Output Files
Appendix D Comparison of SSSLs to USEPA’s Draft Target Groundwater Concentrations
Appendix E Calculation of Risk-Based CALs for Lead
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ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
ATSDR Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
CAL Corrective Action Levels
CHWI Closed Hazardous Waste Impoundments
CSM Conceptual Site Model
cm2 Square centimeter
D&RG Denver and Rio Grande
ft Feet or foot
FRP Final Retention Pond
HEAST Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables
HQ Hazard quotient
IDEM Indiana Department of Environmental Management
IRIS Integrated Risk Information System
IUR inhalation unit risk
JE Johnson and Ettinger
kg Kilogram
kg-day/mg Kilogram-day per milligram
LHA Lindon Hollow Area
L/cm2 Liters per square centimeter
L/hour Liters per hour
L/m3 Liters per cubic meter
MCL Maximum contaminant level
MCLG Maximum contaminant level goal
MDL Method detection limit
m Meter
m2 Square meters
m/s Meters per second
mg/cm2-event Milligrams per square centimeter-event
mg/kg-day Milligram per kilogram-day
mg/L Milligrams per liter
mg/m3 milligram per cubic meters
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m3/µg cubic meters per microgram
OSWER Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
ORNL Oak Ridge National Laboratory
PCOI Preliminary Chemicals of Interest
PGMP Perimeter-In Groundwater Monitoring Program
PPRTV Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Values
PQL Practical quantitation limit
RAGS Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund
RAIS Risk Assessment Information System
RSL Regional Screening Level
RfC Reference concentration
RfD Reference dose
SF Slope factorµ
Site Former Geneva Steel facility in Vineyard, Utah
SSL Soil screening level
SSSL Site-specific screening level
UAC Utah Administrative Code
USEPA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
USS United States Steel Corporation
UTL Upper tolerance limit
VISL vapor intrusion screening level
VIWP Verification Investigation Work Plan
VOC Volatile organic compounds
µg/mg micrograms per milligram
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Anderson Geneva, LLC/Ice Castle Retirement Fund, LLC (Anderson Geneva) and United States
Steel Corporation (USS) have established Corrective Action Levels (CALs) for preliminary
chemicals of interest (PCOIs) in shallow groundwater underlying the former Geneva Steel
facility in Vineyard, Utah (Site). The CALs have been developed based on risk to human health
associated with exposure to chemicals in groundwater, background levels of chemicals in
groundwater, and regulatory limits (i.e., maximum contaminant levels [MCLs]). CALs are not
intended to evaluate ecological receptors.
CALs presented in this document were derived as a screening tool to assist in planning and
decision making for Site redevelopment. CALs are limited to on-site exposures to groundwater.
They represent a baseline for on-site exposure; with the underlying condition that groundwater in
the shallow unconfined aquifer will not be used for domestic or industrial purposes. Therefore,
the only potentially complete groundwater-related exposure pathways are:
Inhalation of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in indoor air volatilizing from shallow
groundwater by residents and industrial/commercial workers.
Inhalation of VOCs in trench air by construction workers and limited (if any) incidental
ingestion and dermal contact with chemicals in groundwater where excavation reaches
the water table.
Incidental ingestion of and dermal contact by adolescent recreators with chemicals in
surface water that receives groundwater discharge.
In accordance with the Verification Investigation Work Plan (VIWP) (USS et al., 2017), site-
specific background upper tolerance limits (UTLs) have been established for inorganic chemicals
in shallow groundwater using groundwater chemistry data from wells along the eastern perimeter
of the Site. These background UTLs were calculated using statistical methods given in U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) guidance.
Site groundwater quality data will be compared to the CALs listed in this document as follows:
(1) for an organic PCOI, the CAL will be the greater of the risk-based CAL or federal MCL; (2)
for an inorganic PCOI, the CAL will be the greatest of the risk-based CAL, background-based
CAL (derived from UTLs), or federal MCL. CALs will be used to focus on specific PCOIs in
site-wide groundwater and on specific areas of the Site where PCOIs in groundwater may be a
concern, assuming no domestic or industrial use of shallow groundwater.
The CALs can be used as final remediation goals if the future land use or exposure scenarios are
consistent with the assumptions used for deriving CALs. However, as Site redevelopment plans
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are established, area-specific groundwater CALs may be prepared as part of the Tier 2 human-
health risk assessment process.
As discussed above, the risk-based CALs presented herein represent the baseline for on-site
exposure to shallow groundwater in the absence of any Site controls other than the limitations on
domestic or industrial use. Site control measures such as the use of health and safety plans
during construction, hard-piping existing ditches and streams during Site redevelopment,
implementation of vapor-intrusion controls, or other management practices and controls can
reduce or eliminate the exposures quantified in this document.
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Groundwater Corrective Action Levels (CALs) are chemical-specific concentrations estimated
for the protection of potential human receptors exposed to chemicals in groundwater that are
present in or migrating from shallow groundwater underlying the former Geneva Steel facility in
Vineyard, Utah (Site). CALs are only applicable for on-site exposures to groundwater. The
CALs presented in this document were developed based on risk associated with exposure of
human receptors to chemicals in groundwater, background levels of chemicals in groundwater,
and regulatory limits (i.e., maximum contaminant levels [MCLs]). CALs are not intended to
evaluate ecological receptors.
Groundwater in the shallow unconfined aquifer underlying the property is currently not used for
domestic or industrial purposes. Over-all land development for this Site anticipates the use of
deep wells (deeper than the shallow unconfined aquifer), upgradient springs, or other sources for
drinking, culinary, irrigation or other on-site purposes. Further, lawful use of the shallow
groundwater is not anticipated in the future for the following reasons:
Municipal water systems will provide water to all users, domestic and industrial, on the
former Geneva Steel property.
Groundwater in the shallow unconfined aquifer is of limited quantity and generally low
Water rights in this area are fully subscribed, i.e., the State Engineer will not issue a new
water right for the Northern Utah Valley and Provo River Area because “all supplies of
water are fully appropriated” (Utah Division of Water Rights website, April 18, 2008).
Therefore, any use of the shallow groundwater would be unlawful.
Risk-based CALs for human receptors were developed based on non-drinking water use
associated with recreational, residential, industrial/commercial, and construction worker land use
The deep aquifer at the Site has not been impacted by Site-related releases. Therefore, the CALs
derived for the Site apply to groundwater in the shallow aquifer underlying the property. As the
depth to the base of the shallow aquifer is approximately 100 feet (ft) below ground surface, the
CALs apply to on-site groundwater within 100 ft of the ground surface.
The CALs presented herein were derived as a screening tool to assist in planning and decision
making for Site redevelopment. They represent a baseline for on-site exposure; with the
underlying condition that groundwater in the shallow unconfined aquifer will not be used for
domestic or industrial purposes. CALs will be used to focus on specific preliminary chemicals
of interest (PCOIs) in site-wide groundwater and on specific areas of the Site where PCOIs in
groundwater may be a concern. The CALs can be used as final remediation goals if the future
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land use or exposure scenarios are consistent with the assumptions used for deriving CALs.
However, as Site redevelopment plans are established, area-specific groundwater CALs may be
prepared as part of the Tier 2 human-health risk assessment process.
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CALs for the Site were established using the three-step procedure indicated below:
Step 1 –PCOIs Identification (Section 2.1)
Step 2 – Conceptual Site Model (CSM) Development (Section 2.2)
Step 3 – CAL Derivation
– Risk-Based CALs (Section 2.3)
– Background-Based CALs (Section 2.4)
These procedures are discussed in detail below. The resulting CALs are discussed in Section 3.0
and presented in Tables 8 and 9.
2.1 Preliminary Chemicals of Interest Identification
The objective of Step 1 was to develop a list of PCOIs for which CALs were to be derived. For
this evaluation, PCOIs were primarily defined as those chemicals reported in groundwater from
at least one shallow groundwater sampling location at levels exceeding site-specific screening
levels (SSSLs) presented in Table 4-2 of the Verification Investigation Work Plan (VIWP) (USS
et al., 2017). SSSLs for water were established primarily based on concentrations protective of
the use of groundwater for potable purposes including ingestion of drinking water and inhalation
of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) volatilizing into indoor air during household use of water
(e.g., U.S. Environmental Protection Agency [USEPA] Regional Screening Levels [RSLs] for
tap-water) [USEPA, 2017a], or the federal maximum contaminant level goals [MCLGs]
promulgated under the Safe Drinking Water Act [USEPA, 2009b]). The laboratory practical
quantitation limit (PQL) was adopted as the SSSL in the absence of an RSL or MCLG, or if an
RSL/MCLG for a chemical was less than its PQL.
SSSLs were not specifically established to be protective of vapor intrusion of VOCs to indoor air
or to air in a trench. It is logical that groundwater that would be safe to drink and use as
household water by residents would also generally be safe to run beneath buildings. However, to
be conservative, SSSLs for VOCs detected in groundwater at the Site were compared to site-
specific groundwater CALs that are protective of indoor air concentrations (i.e., GW IA CALs)
for a residential property (USEPA, 2017a) (Table D-1, Appendix D). A subset of VOCs in
groundwater at the Site that (1) have SSSLs higher than GW IA CALs or that (2) do not have
both SSSLs and groundwater IA CALs were identified for further evaluation (Table D-1).
Among that subset of VOCs, additional PCOIs were identified as VOCs reported in groundwater
from at least one shallow groundwater sampling location at levels exceeding GW IA CALs or
VOCs that do not have both SSSLs and GW IA CALs (Table D-1). These PCOIs were
considered to be of potential concern for inhalation routes of exposure.
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Based on the screening of the groundwater data to SSSLs and identification of additional
chemicals that may be a concern for inhalation routes of exposure, only a limited number of
analytes were identified as PCOIs (Table 1). CALs were developed for this group of chemicals.
Table 1
Preliminary Chemicals of Interest In Groundwater
General Chemistry Semi-Volatiles Continued Volatiles
Ammonia as N Chloroaniline 4- Benzene
Cyanide Total Chlorobenzilate Bromodichloromethane
Nitrate Chrysene Bromomethane
Nitrate as N Diallate Carbon tetrachloride
Nitrite Dibenz(a,h)anthracene Chlorobenzene
Dibenzofuran Chloroform
Metals Dimethylphenol, 2,4- Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2- (BDCP)
Arsenic Dinitro-2-methylphenol, 4,6- Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2-
Cobalt Dinitrophenol, 2,4- Dichloroethane 1,1-
Lead Dinitrotoluene, 2,4- Dichloroethane 1,2-
Manganese Dioxane, 1,4- ** Dichloroethene, 1,1- **
Mercury Fluoranthene Dichloroethene (total), 1,2-
Selenium Fluorene Dichloroethene, cis-1,2-
Thallium Hexachlorobutadiene Ethylbenzene
Aluminum Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene Hexanone 2-
Antimony Methylnaphthalene, 2- Isopropylbenzene *
Barium Methylphenol 2- Methyl tert-butyl ether (MTBE)
Cadmium 3-Methylphenol & 4-Methylphenol Methylene Chloride
Chromium Naphthalene Styrene
Nickel Naphthylamine, 1- Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2
Silver Nitroaniline, 4- Tetrachloroethene
Zinc Nitrobenzene Toluene
Nitrophenol, 2- Trichloroethane, 1,1,1- **
Semi-Volatiles Nitrophenol, 4- Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3-
Acenaphthene N-Nitrosodiethylamine Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4-
Acenaphthylene N-Nitrosodimethylamine Trichloroethene
Acetophenone N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine Trichloropropane, 1,2,3-
Aniline N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4-
Anthracene Pentachlorophenol Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-
BaP Equivalent Phenanthrene Vinyl Chloride
Benzo(a)anthracene Phenol Xylene, m-
Benzo(a)pyrene Picoline 2- Xylene, m- & Xylene, p-
Benzo(b)fluoranthene Pyrene Xylene, o-
Benzo(g,h,i)perylene Pyridine Xylene, p-
Benzo(k)fluoranthene Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6- Xylenes (total)
bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether Pyrene
phthalate BaP Equivalent
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*Maximum detected concentration was less than aqueous SSSL; however, the VOC may be a concern for inhalation routes of
exposure (Table D-1 in Appendix D). Therefore, the VOC was retained as a PCOI for calculation of risk-based CALs for
indoor air and air in a trench. ** Chemical was retained for programmatic purposes even though the maximum detected
concentration was lower than the aqueous SSSL.
2.2 Conceptual Site Model Development
The second step in the derivation of the CALs was the development of the CSM for the Site.
The CSM describes the likely pathways for transporting chemicals in groundwater from source
areas to locations of potential receptors, and exposure routes for receptors to contact with
chemicals in groundwater underlying the property or surface water downgradient from the
property. Risk-based CALs were only derived for shallow groundwater exposure pathways
identified as potentially complete in the CSM.
Described below is the CSM for the Site. A schematic presentation of the CSM is included as
Figure 1.
2.2.1 Known and Suspected Sources of Contamination and Release Mechanisms
Based on Site process knowledge, Site history, and the results of the previous investigations, the
potential sources of PCOIs in shallow groundwater are primarily associated with past industrial
operations. Potential sources may also include nearby urban areas and the natural occurrence of
certain inorganic PCOIs.
2.2.2 Secondary Sources
Surface and subsurface soil and groundwater that have been impacted may act as secondary
sources of PCOIs through release mechanisms such as leaching, infiltration/percolation from soil
to groundwater, groundwater discharge to surface water, and surface runoff of chemicals in soil
to surface water.
2.2.3 Release Mechanisms and Transport Pathways
Release mechanisms and transport pathways were evaluated on a Site-wide basis for the
development of groundwater CALs. Listed below are potential cross-media release mechanisms
and transport pathways for PCOIs related to groundwater:
PCOIs in subsurface soil may enter groundwater through leaching, infiltration and
PCOIs in groundwater may be transported to surface water and sediments through
groundwater discharge.
PCOIs in shallow groundwater may be transported to indoor air via volatilization.
PCOIs in shallow groundwater may be transported to ambient air via volatilization.
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2.2.4 Receptors and Exposure Scenarios
The human receptors associated with the Site who might be exposed to chemicals from on-site
groundwater and surface water are briefly described in the sections that follow. Exposure to Volatile PCOIs in Indoor Air
Industrial/Commercial Land Use Scenario: On-site Indoor Workers
As mentioned earlier, the shallow unconfined groundwater underlying the property is currently
not used for industrial purposes, nor is its lawful use for such purposes allowed in the future.
Indoor workers are defined as future on-site industrial/commercial employees involved with non-
intrusive, operational activities that do not require excavation into soil beyond a depth of 1 ft. It
is highly unlikely that these workers would have direct contact with shallow groundwater.
However, it is possible that volatile PCOIs may be transported from shallow groundwater to
indoor air (vapor intrusion). Therefore, risk-based CALs for indoor workers exposed to volatile
PCOIs in indoor air were developed.
Residential Land Use Scenario: On-site Residents
As mentioned earlier, the shallow unconfined groundwater underlying the property is currently
not used for domestic purposes, nor is its lawful use for such purposes allowed in the future.
However, future on-site residents may potentially be exposed to volatile PCOIs transported from
shallow groundwater to indoor air (i.e., the vapor intrusion pathway). Therefore, risk-based
CALs were derived for exposure to volatile PCOIs in indoor air. Exposure to Volatile PCOIs in Ambient Air
Industrial/Commercial Land Use Scenario: On-site Outdoor Workers
Outdoor workers are defined as workers completing outdoor maintenance tasks that are non-
intrusive and are only associated with the top 1 ft of soil. Because, PCOIs in shallow
groundwater have the potential to be transported from the subsurface to the surface via
volatilization, outdoor workers were considered as potential receptors for volatile PCOIs
detected in shallow groundwater. However, potential risks associated with the inhalation of
PCOIs volatilizing from groundwater into ambient air are expected to be negligible compared to
risks associated with the inhalation of volatile PCOIs in indoor air and air in a trench. Therefore,
risk-based CALs were not calculated for outdoor workers exposed to volatile PCOIs in ambient
air. Exposure to PCOIs in Groundwater and Air in a Trench
Industrial/Commercial Land Use Scenario: On-site Construction Workers
It was assumed that construction activities or subsurface utility installation, maintenance, or
repair could take place at portions of the Site. Construction workers could potentially be
exposed to PCOIs in groundwater while completing work in excavated areas or trenches where
groundwater is encountered. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has
established requirements for eliminating the accumulation of water in excavations in which
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workers are present (29 CFR 1926 [OSHA, 2007]). It is unlikely that construction workers at the
Site will have significant direct exposure to groundwater in excavations due to OSHA
requirements and the common practice of eliminating the accumulation of water in excavations
in which workers are present. Therefore, the most likely scenario at the Site is that direct
exposure of construction workers to groundwater in a trench is an incomplete pathway. Under
that scenario construction workers may be exposed to PCOIs in shallow groundwater only via
inhalation of volatile PCOIs in trench air. However, to be conservative, calculations of risk-based
CALs for construction workers included hypothetical direct ingestion and dermal exposure to
groundwater, and exposure to volatile PCOIs in air in a trench. Exposure to PCOIs in Surface Water
Recreational Use Scenario: On-site Adolescent Recreators
Because PCOIs in shallow groundwater have the potential to be transported to on-site surface
water bodies (flowing ditches, the Final Retention Pond [FRP], and Lindon Hollow Area
[LHA]), it was conservatively assumed that future adolescent recreators may be potentially
exposed to PCOIs from groundwater in surface water via incidental ingestion and dermal contact
pathways while wading. Furthermore, a conservative dilution factor of 10, based on USEPA
guidance for Environmental Indicator determinations (USEPA, 2007), was included to account
for dilution of the discharging groundwater with surface water. This factor may be modified for
a given Site surface water body as additional data become available. The inhalation pathway
was not factored into the CAL derivation due to the lack of equations/models for estimating
concentrations of chemicals volatilizing from surface water. It should be noted that potential
risks, if any, associated with the inhalation of PCOIs volatilizing from surface water are expected
to be negligible compared to risks associated with the ingestion and dermal contact pathways.
A summary of the human receptors for which risk-based CALs were calculated is presented in
Table 2.
Table 2
Human Receptors and Pathways Considered
for Development of Risk-Based Groundwater CALs
Receptors Medium Pathways
On-site Industrial/Commercial –
Indoor Indoor Air • Inhalation of chemicals volatilizing from
On-site Residents
(Single Family & Multiple Units) Indoor Air • Inhalation of chemicals volatilizing from
On-site Construction Workers
Groundwater and
Air Inside
• Incidental ingestion of groundwater in a trench
• Dermal contact with groundwater in a trench
• Inhalation of chemicals volatilizing from
groundwater in a trench
On-site Adolescent Recreators Surface Water
• Incidental ingestion of surface water while
• Dermal contact with surface water while wading
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2.3 Derivation of Risk-Based CALs for Human Receptors
Risk-based CALs were derived in accordance with guidance provided by the USEPA. Guidance used for
the development of CALs is listed below.
Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (RAGS): Volume I. Part A – Human Health
Evaluation Manual (USEPA, 1989a) (“RAGS, Part A”).
Supplemental Guidance for Developing Soil Screening Levels for Superfund Sites
(OSWER 9355.4-24, March 2002) (USEPA, 2002a) (“SSL Guidance”).
Human Health Toxicity Values in Superfund Risk Assessment (Office of Solid Waste and
Emergency Response [OSWER] Directive 9285.7-53, December 2003) (USEPA, 2003).
Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund Volume I: Human Health Evaluation Manual,
Part E, Supplemental Guidance for Dermal Risk Assessment (EPA/540/R/99/005,
OSWER 9285.7-02EP, PB99-963312, July 2004) (USEPA, 2004) (“RAGS, Part E”).
Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund Volume I: Human Health Evaluation Manual
(Part F, Supplemental Guidance for Inhalation Risk Assessment) (USEPA, 2009a).
Exposure Factors Handbook--Final EPA/600/R-090/052F. September (USEPA, 2011).
Human Health Evaluation Manual—Supplemental Guidance. Update of Standard
Default Exposure Factors (USEPA, 2015a).
Final Guidance for Assessing and Mitigating the Vapor Intrusion Pathway from
Subsurface Sources to Indoor Air. June. OSWER 9200.2-154 (USEPA, 2015b).
Screening Level Implementation of the Johnson and Ettinger Vapor Intrusion Model,
USEPA On-line Tools for Site Assessment Calculation (USEPA, 2017a)
RCRA Facility Investigation Task III Facility Investigation and Reports Part Four
Verification Investigation Work Plan (VIWP). (USS et al., 2017).
2.3.1 Exposure Models Used to Calculate Shallow Groundwater Risk-Based CALs
Except for CALs calculated for the indoor air pathway, equations used to derive risk-based
CALs were selected primarily from those intake and risk characterization equations provided in
RAGS Part A (USEPA, 1989a), RAGS Part E (USEPA, 2004), and RAGS Part F (USEPA,
2009a). It is important to note that these parameters may be modified when site-specific
information (e.g., types of industrial activities performed and exposure time/frequency/duration)
becomes available and/or additional Site controls are considered for a given area of the Site.
Tables 3 through 7 identify the exposure parameters used to calculate the risk-based CALs for
each receptor. Tables 8 and 9 summarize the Site-specific CALs for the Site.
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Page 9 Indoor Air Pathway
Risk-based CALs for the indoor air pathway were estimated using USEPA’s on-line screening
tool, Johnson and Ettinger (JE) Vapor Intrusion Model ((USEPA, 2017a). The Final Guidance
for Assessing and Mitigating the Vapor Intrusion Pathway from Subsurface Sources to Indoor
Air (USEPA, 2015b) recommends using the on-line vaper intrusion screening level (VISL) tool
for conducting risk-based screening (USEPA, 2017b); however, VISLs are conservative generic
lookup screening levels that do not take into account Site conditions (e.g., the depth to
groundwater, groundwater temperature, soil type, etc.). The USEPA JE model was used to derive
site-specific groundwater CALs for both future on-site residential and industrial/commercial land
use scenario calculations. However, because the on-line JE model’s default calculations are
typically used for the residential exposure scenario only, several input parameters were modified
to reflect the future on-site industrial/commercial use. In addition, site-specific parameters were
used, when available.
Listed below are the input parameters selected based on site-specific consideration or the
potential future industrial/commercial land use scenario. The remaining parameters were based
on default values included in the on-line tool.
For both future on-site residential and industrial/commercial land use (based on site-specific
Soil type: Sandy loam
Depth to groundwater: 8 ft ± 2 ft
Groundwater Temperature: 18.56 degrees Celsius, based on the average temperatures
measured in the field during the groundwater investigations at the Site
For future on-site residential land use
Building structure: Structure with basement
Building mixing height: 12 ft (3.66 meters [m])
For future on-site industrial/commercial land use
Building footprint: 25 m by 25 m (625 square meters [m2])
Building structure: Slab-on-grade
Air exchange rate: 0.83/hour, based on the American Society for Testing and Materials
(ASTM) default value for commercial buildings [ASTM E 2081-00 (Reapproved 2015),
ASTM 2015].
Building mixing height: 8 ft (2.44 m)
Exposure scenario: An exposure frequency of 250 days per year and exposure duration
of 25 years.
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Inhalation toxicity values were updated in the JE model to match the values used to address other
inhalation exposure pathways (e.g., construction worker trench scenario). The route-to-route
extrapolation approach was not used because it is not recommended by USEPA due to
differences in physiological mechanisms following oral and inhalation routes of exposure. JE
model runs were not generated for the following chemicals even though they are volatile and
have inhalation toxicity values available: ammonia, cyanide, n-nitrosodimethylamine,
n-nitrosodi-n-butylamine, bromobenzene, bromomethane, cyclohexane, 1,2-dibromo-3-
chloropropane, and 2-hexanone. JE model addresses a limited list of chemicals and appropriate
surrogates (i.e., chemicals with similar molecular structure) were not available. However,
surrogates (in parenthesis) were used for the following chemicals: 1,3-dichlorobenzene (1,2-
dichlorobenzene) and 4-isopropyltoluene (isopropylbenzene). For some chemicals, the risk-based
groundwater indoor air CAL exceeded the water solubility limit; the letter “S” is used to indicate
what groundwater CALs were replaced with the water solubility limit.
Table 9 presents the residential and indoor worker groundwater CALs that are protective of the
indoor air exposure pathway. Tables D-1 and D-2 in Appendix D presents the risk-based screen
results of the site-wide maximum detected concentrations with the indoor CALs for the on-site
resident and on-site indoor worker, respectively.
Output files for the JE model runs are shown in Appendix A.
2.3.2 Toxicity Values Used to Calculate Shallow Groundwater CALs
Toxicity values used to calculate risk-based CALs for adolescent recreators and construction
workers were identified as discussed here. The toxicity value is divided into two categories:
carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic effects. Potential health effects are evaluated separately for
these two categories, because their toxicity criteria are based on different mechanistic
assumptions and associated risks are expressed in different units. Carcinogenic toxicity values
are expressed as slope factors (SFs) and inhalation unit risk (IUR) and noncarcinogenic toxicity
values are expressed as reference doses (RfDs) and inhalation reference concentrations (RfCs).
Because the VIWP provides a detailed discussion of these chemical toxicity values, this topic
will not be discussed in detail for this document. However, the sources of the toxicity values
used to estimate risk-based CALs were selected in accordance with USEPA guidance (2003) as
summarized below:
Tier 1 – Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), available on-line at
Tier 2 – USEPA’s Provisional Peer-Reviewed Toxicity Values (PPRTVs) at
Tier 3 – Other Toxicity Values (e.g., California Environmental Protection Agency at
https://oehha.ca.gov/chemicals; The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry
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[ATSDR] at https://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/mrls/index.asp; and USEPA’s Health Effects
Assessment Summary Tables [HEAST] at https://epa-heast.ornl.gov/ [USEPA, 1997]).
Speciation data have shown that nearly all chromium at the Site is trivalent chromium.
Therefore, risk-based CALs for total chromium were derived using toxicity values for trivalent
chromium. When available, subchronic noncarcinogenic toxicity values from the Oak Ridge
National Laboratory (ORNL) Risk Assessment Information System (RAIS) at
https://rais.ornl.gov/ (ORNL, 2017), PPRTV on-line database, and HEAST (USEPA, 1997) were
used to calculate risk-based CALs for the construction worker scenario.
Because of its unique mode of action, USEPA has not estimated toxicity values for lead.
Therefore, USEPA lead models protective of blood lead levels in children, adults, and fetuses
were used to derive risk-based CALs for lead (Appendix E).
For chemicals that do not have standard toxicity values (i.e., toxicity values obtained from the
sources listed above), but that were identified as PCOIs based on the screening against SSSLs,
risk-based CALs from surrogate chemicals were used. The surrogate chemicals were assigned
based on similarities in chemical structure and are listed below:
PCOIs Surrogate Chemical
Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene
Benzo(ghi)perylene Pyrene
4-Bromophenyl phenyl ether Bis (2-chloroisopropyl)ether
4-Chlorophenyl phenyl ether Bis (2-chloroisopropyl)ether
1,3-Dichlorobenzene 1,2-Dichlorobenzene
1,2-Dichloroethene (total) cis-1,2-Dichloroethene (most conservative)
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 1,3-Dichloropropene
Dimethyl phthalate Diethyl phthalate
4-Isopropyltoluene Isopropylbenzene
1-Naphthylamine 2-Naphthylamine
2-Nitrophenol 2,4-Dinitrophenol
4-Nitrophenol 2,4-Dinitrophenol
Phenanthrene Anthracene
2-Picoline Pyridine
Table 10 identifies 28 volatile PCOIs that do not have standard chronic inhalation toxicity
values. Route-to-route toxicity values were not used to generate CALs because USEPA
discourages using this approach due to differences in physiological mechanisms following oral
and inhalation routes of exposure.
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There is increased uncertainty in using the CAL approach at the Site, because there are volatile
PCOIs for which risk-based CALs could not be calculated (as discussed in Section 4).
2.3.3 Target Risk Goals
As shown in Table 8, risk-based CALs were derived based on the following target risk goals for
individual PCOIs:
For carcinogenic effects: An incremental cancer risk of 1E-04 and 1E-06.
For noncarcinogenic effects: A hazard quotient (HQ) of 1 based on single exposure
2.3.4 Equations Used to Calculate Shallow Groundwater CALs
Equations used to estimate risk-based CALs incorporate both exposure assumptions and toxicity
values to estimate concentrations associated with an acceptable level of risk. These equations
are presented below for both carcinogenic and noncarcinogenic effects. As discussed in Section
2.3.1, risk-based CALs for the indoor air pathway were calculated using USEPA’s on-line JE
model. Accordingly, this section does not include equations for exposure to PCOIs in indoor air.
JE model output is documented in Appendix A. Exposure to PCOIs in Open Trenches: Construction Workers
USEPA Region 8 developed a model to derive a volatilization factor that can be used to estimate
the upper bound exposure concentrations for workers in trenches flooded with groundwater off-
gassing VOCs (USEPA, 1999). The approach used is a box model that is typically used to
estimate air concentrations in enclosed spaces. For the development of a volatilization factor for
the trench model, the chemical concentration everywhere in the trench air compartment is
assumed to be constant. The VOC enters the box through emission from groundwater at the base
of the trench and leaves the box by wind-induced convection. The model assumes the
construction of a commercial building requires a trench length of 30 m and uses a calm wind
speed (0.45 m per second [m/s]). The number of air changes per day is conservatively estimated
at 0.015 m/s. It assumes uniform mixing of air in the trench. The generic volatilization factor
estimated using this approach is appropriate only for those VOCs with Henry’s Law Constants
greater than 1E-04 atmosphere – cubic meter per mole (atm-m3/mole). For the calculation of
risk-based CALs, this volatilization factor was conservatively used for all chemicals that were
identified as a volatile (i.e., Henry's Law constant greater than or equal to 1 × 10-5 atm-m3/mole
or a vapor pressure greater than or equal to 1 millimeter of mercury [mm Hg]) in the USEPA
RSL table and have inhalation toxicity values available. The construction worker CAL equations
and exposure parameters are listed below as well as provided in Appendix B.
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Calculation of CALi for Inhalation of Air in a Trench:
Equation 1 - Carcinogenic Effects:
ܥܽ݊ܿ݁ݎ ܥܣܮ݅ ൌ
ܴܶ ൈ ܣܶ ൈܥܨ2
ܫܷܴ ൈ ܥܨ4 ൈ ܧܨ_ܹ ൈ ܧܦ ൈ ܧܶ_ܹ ൈ ܸܨை
Equation 2 - Noncarcinogenic Effects:
ܰ݊ െ ܥܽ݊ܿ݁ݎ ܥܣܮ݅ ൌ
ܶܪܳ ൈ ܣܶ ൈܥܨ2ൈܴ݂ܥ
ܧܨ_ܹ ൈ ܧܦ ൈ ܧܶ_ܹ ൈ ܸܨை
CALi = Corrective Action Level, Water Inhalation (milligrams per liter [mg/L])
TR = Target Cancer Risk (unitless)
THQ = Target Hazard Quotient (unitless)
ATc = Averaging Time, Carcinogens (70 years × 365 days/year)
ATnc = Averaging Time, Noncarcinogens (days) (ED × 365 days/year)
IUR = Inhalation Unit Risk (cubic meters per microgram [(m³/µg)]
RfC = Reference Concentration (milligram per cubic meters [mg/ m3])
EF_W = Exposure Frequency, Water (days/year)
ED = Exposure Duration (year)
ET_W = Exposure Time, Water (hours/day)
CF2 = Unit Conversion Factor 2 (hours/day)
CF4 = Unit Conversion Factor 4 (micrograms per milligram [µg/mg])
VFVOC = Volatilization Factor in Trench Air (liters per cubic meter [L/m3])
Calculation of CALo for Incidental Ingestion of Groundwater in a Trench:
Equation 3 - Carcinogenic Effects:
ܥܽ݊ܿ݁ݎ ܥܣܮ ൌ
ܴܶ ൈ ܣܶ ൈܤܹ
ܵܨை ൈܹܫܴൈܧܨ_ܹൈܧܦൈܧܶ_ܹ
Equation 4 - Noncarcinogenic Effects:
ܰ݊ െ ܥܽ݊ܿ݁ݎ ܥܣܮ ൌ ܶܪܳ ൈ ܣܶ ൈܤܹൈܴ݂ܦ
ܹܫܴ ൈ ܧܨ_ܹ ൈ ܧܦ ൈ ܧܶ_ܹ
CALo = Corrective Action Level, oral (ingestion) (mg/L)
TR = Target Cancer Risk (unitless)
THQ = Target Hazard Quotient (unitless)
BW = Body Weight (kilogram [kg])
ATc = Averaging Time, Carcinogens (days) (70 years × 365 days/year)
ATnc = Averaging Time, Noncarcinogens (days) (ED × 365 days/year)
SFo = Oral Slope Factor (kilogram-day per milligram [kg-day/mg])
RfDo = Oral Reference Dose (milligram per kilogram-day [mg/kg-day])
WIR = Water Ingestion Rate (liters per hour [L/hour])
EF_W = Exposure Frequency, Water (days/year)
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ED = Exposure Duration (year)
ET_W = Exposure Time, Water (hours/day)
Calculation of CALd for Dermal Exposure to Groundwater in a Trench:
Equation 5 - Carcinogenic Effects:
ܥܽ݊ܿ݁ݎ ܥܣܮ݀ ൌ
ܴܶ ൈ ܣܶ ൈܤܹ
ቀ ܵܨܩܫܣܤܵቁൈܵܣ_ܹൈܦܣ௩௧ ൈܧܨ_ܹൈܧܦൈܧܸ
Equation 6-Noncarcinogenic Effects:
ܰ݊ െ ܥܽ݊ܿ݁ݎ ܥܣܮ݀ ൌ
ܶܪܳ ൈ ܣܶ ൈܤܹൈሺܴ݂ܦ ൈܩܫܣܤܵሻ
ܵܣ_ܹ ൈ ܦܣ௩௧ ൈܧܨ_ܹൈܧܦൈܧܸ
Equation 7 - Absorbed Dose per Event (DA-event) (L/cm2-event)
For organic compounds,
If t_event_gw ≤ T * use Equation 7-1 = 2 ݔ ܨܣ ݔ ܭܲ ݔ ܥܨ6 ݔට ௫ ௧௨_௩௧ ௫ ௧_௩௧_௪
If t_event_gw > T *, use Equation 7-2 =
ܨܣ ݔ ܭܲ ݔ ܥܨ6 ݔ ൬ݐ_݁ݒ݁݊ݐ_݃ݓ
ሺ1ܤሻ ൰൨ 2 ݔ ݐܽݑ_݁ݒ݁݊ݐ ݔ ቈ1 ሺ3 ݔ ܤሻ ሺ3 ݔ ܤ
ሺ1 ܤሻ
For inorganic compounds = ܭܲ ݔ ܥܨ6 ݔ ݐ_݁ݒ݁݊ݐ_݃ݓ
CALd = Corrective Action Level, dermal (mg/L)
TR = Target Cancer Risk (unitless)
THQ = Target Hazard Quotient (unitless)
BW = Body Weight (kg)
GIABS = Gastrointestinal Absorption (unitless)
ATc = Averaging Time, Carcinogens (days) (70 years × 365 days/year)
ATnc = Averaging Time, Noncarcinogens (days) (ED × 365 days/year)
SFo = Oral Slope Factors (kg-day/mg)
RfDo = Oral Reference Dose (mg/kg-day)
SA_W = Surface Area, Water (centimeters squared [cm2])
EF_W = Exposure Frequency, Water (days/year)
ED = Exposure Duration (year)
EV = Event Frequency (event/day)
DAevent = Absorbed Dose per Event (liters per square centimeter-event [L/cm2-event])
FA = Fraction Absorbed Water (unitless)
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KP = Permeability Constant (Dermal for Liquids) (cm/hr)
CF6 = Unit Conversion Factor 6 (L/cm³)
tau_event = Lag time per event (hours/event)
t_event_gw = Event Duration, Groundwater (hours/event)
B = Dimensionless ratio of Kp through stratum corneum (unitless)
T * = Time to Reach Steady-State (hours)
The risk-based combined pathways CALs for construction workers were calculated using
Equations 8 and 9:
Equation 8 –
ܥܾ݉ ܥܣܮܿ ൌ
ቀ 1
ܥܽ݊ܿ݁ݎ ܥܣܮ݅ 1
ܥܽ݊ܿ݁ݎ ܥܣܮ 1
ܥܽ݊ܿ݁ݎ ܥܣܮ݀ቁ
Comb CALc = Combined Pathways Corrective Action Level, cancer (mg/L)
Cancer CALi = Cancer Corrective Action Level, inhalation (mg/L), Equation 1
Cancer CALo = Cancer Corrective Action Level, oral (mg/L), Equation 3
Cancer CALd = Cancer Corrective Action Level, dermal (mg/L), Equation 5
Equation 9 –
ܥܾ݉ ܥܣܮ݊ܿ ൌ
ቀ 1ܰ݊ െ ܥܽ݊ܿ݁ݎ ܥܣܮ
1ܰ݊ െ ܥܽ݊ܿ݁ݎ ܥܣܮ݀
1ܰ݊ െ ܥܽ݊ܿ݁ݎ ܥܣܮ݅
Comb CALnc = Combined Pathways Corrective Action Level, non-cancer (mg/L)
Non-Cancer CALi = Non-Cancer Corrective Action Level, inhalation (mg/L), Equation 2
Non-Cancer CALo = Non-Cancer Corrective Action Level, oral (mg/L), Equation 4
Non-Cancer CALd = Non-Cancer Corrective Action Level, dermal (mg/L), Equation 6
Exposure parameter values used for this receptor are provided in Tables 3 to 5.
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Table 3
Construction Worker
Inhalation of Groundwater-Related Chemicals in Trench Air
Key Parameter Value (Unit) Source Rationale for Selected Value
Averaging Time,
Carcinogens (ATc) 25,550 (days) USEPA, 1989a This is a USEPA standard default
Averaging Time,
Noncarcinogens (ATnc)
ED (years) × 365
days/year USEPA, 1989a This is a USEPA standard default
Exposure Duration,
Workers (ED) 1 (year) USEPA, 2002a This is a USEPA standard default
Exposure Time, Water
(ET_W) 4 (hours/day) USEPA, 2002a A conservative value that could be
modified based on site-specific values.
Exposure Frequency,
Water (EF_W) 45 (days/year)
Department of
This value has been adopted by IDEM
for an excavation worker scenario and
is used in the USEPA Region 5
RCRA Program. This value is more
conservative than an EF of 20 days
recommended by the Oak Ridge
National Laboratory for U.S.
Department of Energy sites and an EF
of 30 days recommended by the
Illinois Environmental Protection
Inhalation Unit Rate
(m³/µg) USEPA, 2003 These are chemical-specific values.
Unit Conversion Factor
2 (CF2) 24 (hours/day) -- --
Unit Conversion Factor
4 (CF4) 1000 (µg/mg) -- --
Volatilization Factor
(VFvoc) Calculated (L/m3) USEPA, 1999
Derived based on chemical-specific
physical parameters and the following
assumptions used by USEPA, 1999:
(1) size of trenches: 3 m deep and
30 m long,
(2) wind speed of 0.45 mile/hour, and
(3) a mixing factor of 0.5.
Inhalation Reference
Concentration (RfC)
(mg/m³) USEPA, 2003 These are chemical-specific values.
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Table 4
Construction Worker
Incidental Ingestion of Groundwater While Working in a Trench
Key Parameter Value (Unit) Source Rationale for Selected Value
Averaging Time,
Carcinogens (ATc) 25,550 (days) USEPA, 1989a This is a USEPA standard default
Averaging Time,
Noncarcinogens (ATnc)
ED (years) × 365
days/year USEPA, 1989a This is a USEPA standard default
Body Weight, Construction
Workers (BW) 80 (kg) USEPA, 2015a This is a USEPA standard default
Exposure Duration,
Construction Workers (ED) 1 (year) USEPA, 2002a This is a USEPA standard default
Exposure Time, Water
(ET_W) 1 (hours/day) Site-specific
Assumes that construction workers
will be in contact with groundwater
in a trench for about 1 hour/day.
Exposure Frequency, Water
(EF_W) 45 (days/year) IDEM, 2012
This value has been adopted by
IDEM for an excavation worker
scenario and is used in the USEPA
Region 5 RCRA Program. This
value is more conservative than an
EF of 20 days recommended by the
Oak Ridge National Laboratory for
U.S. Department of Energy sites and
an EF of 30 days recommended by
the Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency.
Water Ingestion Rate,
Construction Workers
0.005 (L/hour) Site-specific
Assuming that incidental ingestion
of groundwater from accidental
splashing or hand-to-face contact
while working might result in a very
small amount of water in or near the
mouth, but that most would be
removed by wiping or spitting,
5 mL/hour was assumed for the
remaining amount actually ingested.
Oral Slope Factor (SFo) Chemical-specific
(Section 2.3.2) These are chemical-specific values.
Oral Reference Dose (RfDo) Chemical-specific
(Section 2.3.2) These are chemical-specific values.
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Table 5
Construction Worker
Dermal Contact with Groundwater While Working in a Trench
Key Parameter Value (Unit) Source Rationale for Selected Value
Averaging Time, Carcinogens
(ATc) 25,550 (days) USEPA, 1989a This is a USEPA standard default
Averaging Time,
Noncarcinogens (ATnc)
ED (years) × 365
(days/year) USEPA, 1989a This is a USEPA standard default
Body Weight,, Construction
Workers (BW) 80 (kg) USEPA, 2015 This is a USEPA standard default
Exposure Duration, Construction
Workers (ED) 1 (year) USEPA, 2002a This is a USEPA standard default
Conversion Factor (CF6) 0.001 (L/cm³) -- --
Event Duration, Groundwater
(t_event_gw) 1 (hours/day) Site-specific
Assumes that construction workers
will be in contact with groundwater
in a trench for about 1 hour/day.
Exposure Frequency, Water
(EF_W) 45 (days/year) IDEM, 2012
This value has been adopted by
IDEM for an excavation worker
scenario and is used in the USEPA
Region 5 RCRA Program. This
value is more conservative than an
EF of 20 days recommended by the
Oak Ridge National Laboratory for
U.S. Department of Energy sites
and an EF of 30 days recommended
by the Illinois Environmental
Protection Agency.
Surface Area, Water,
Construction Workers (SA_W) 3,527 (cm2) USEPA, 2015 This is a USEPA standard default
Event Frequency (EV) 1 (event/day) USEPA, 2004 This is a USEPA standard default
Absorbed Dose Per Event (DA-
(L/cm2-event) Various These are chemical-specific values.
Gastrointestinal absorption
values (GIABS)
(unitless) Various These are chemical-specific values.
Oral Slope Factor (SFo) Chemical-specific
(Section 2.3.2) These are chemical-specific values.
Oral Reference Dose (RfDo) Chemical-specific
(Section 2.3.2) These are chemical-specific values.
Fraction Absorbed Water (FA)
(used to calculate absorbed dose
per event)
(unitless) Various These are chemical-specific values.
Dermal Permeability Coefficient
(used to calculate absorbed dose
per event)
(cm/hour) USEPA, 2004 These are chemical-specific values.
Lag Time (Tau_event)
(used to calculate absorbed dose
per event)
(hour) Various These are chemical-specific values.
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Table 5
Construction Worker
Dermal Contact with Groundwater While Working in a Trench
Key Parameter Value (Unit) Source Rationale for Selected Value
Time to Reach Steady-state (T *)
(used to calculate absorbed dose
per event)
(hour) Various These are chemical-specific values.
Permeability Coefficient Ratio
(B) (used to calculate absorbed
dose per event)
(Unitless) Various These are chemical-specific values. Exposure to PCOIs in Surface Water: Adolescent Recreator
Calculation of CALo for Incidental Ingestion of Surface Water:
Equation 10 - Carcinogenic Effects:
ܥܽ݊ܿ݁ݎ ܥܣܮ ൌ
ܴܶ ൈ ܣܶ ൈܤܹ
ܵܨ ൈܹܫܴൈܧܨௐ ൈܧܦൈܧܶௐ ൈܦܨ
Equation 11 - Noncarcinogenic Effects:
ܰ݊ െ ܥܽ݊ܿ݁ݎ ܥܣܮ ൌ
ܶܪܳ ൈ ܣܶ ൈܤܹൈܴ݂ܦ
ܹܫܴ ൈ ܧܨௐ ൈܧܦൈܧܶௐ ൈܦܨ
CALo = Corrective Action Level, oral (ingestion) (mg/L)
TR = Target Cancer Risk (unitless)
THQ = Target Hazard Quotient (unitless)
BW = Body Weight (kg)
ATc = Averaging Time, Carcinogens (days) (70 years × 365 days/year)
ATnc = Averaging Time, Noncarcinogens (days) (ED × 365 days/year)
SFo = Oral Slope Factors (kg-day/mg)
RfDo = Oral Reference Dose (mg/kg-day)
WIR = Water Ingestion Rate (L/hour)
EF_W = Exposure Frequency, Water (days/year)
ED = Exposure Duration (year)
ET_W = Exposure Time, Water (hours/day)
DF = Dilution Factor (unitless)
Calculation of CALd for Dermal Exposure to Surface Water:
Equation 12 - Carcinogenic Effects:
ܥܽ݊ܿ݁ݎ ܥܣܮ݀ ൌ
ܴܶ ൈ ܣܶ ൈܤܹ
ቀ ܵܨܩܫܣܤܵቁൈܵܣௐ ൈܦܣ௩௧ ൈܧܨௐ ൈܧܦൈܧܸൈܦܨ
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Equation 13 - Noncarcinogenic Effects:
ܰ݊ െ ܥܽ݊݁ݎ ܥܣܮ݀ ൌ
ܶܪܳ ൈ ܣܶ ൈܤܹൈሺܴ݂ܦ ൈܩܫܣܤܵሻ
ܵܣௐ ൈܦܣ௩௧ ൈܧܨௐ ൈܧܦൈܧܸൈܦܨ
Equation 14 - Absorbed Dose per Event (DA-event) (L/cm2-event)
For organic compounds,
If t-event-sw ≤ T * use Equation 14-1 = 2 ݔ ܨܣ ݔ ܭܲ ݔ ܥܨ6 ݔට ௫ ௧௨ି௩௧ ௫ ௧ି௩௧ି௦௪
If t-event-sw > T *, use Equation 14-2 =
ܨܣ ݔ ܭܲ ݔ ܥܨ6 ݔ ሼሺݐ െ ݁ݒ݁݊ݐ െ ݏݓ
ሺ1 ܤሻ
ሻ 2 ݔ ݐܽݑ െ ݁ݒ݁݊ݐ ݔ ሺ
1 ሺ3 ݔ ܤሻ ሺ3 ݔ ܤ
ሺ1 ܤሻ
ଶ ሻሽ
For inorganic compounds = ܭܲ ݔ ܥܨ6 ݔ ݐ െ ݁ݒ݁݊ݐ െ ݏݓ
CALd = Corrective Action Level, dermal (mg/L)
TR = Target Cancer Risk (unitless)
THQ = Target Hazard Quotient (unitless)
BW = Body Weight (kg)
ATc = Averaging Time, Carcinogens (days)
ATnc = Averaging Time, Noncarcinogens (days) (ED × 365 days/year)
SFo = Oral Slope Factors (kg-day/mg)
RfDo = Oral Reference Dose (mg/kg-day)
GIABS = Gastrointestinal Absorption (unitless)
SA_W = Surface Area, Water (cm2)
EF_W = Exposure Frequency, Water (days/year)
ED = Exposure Duration (year)
EV = Event Frequency (event/day)
DF = Dilution Factor (unitless)
DAevent = Absorbed Dose per Event (L/cm2-event)
FA = Fraction Absorbed Water (days/year)
KP = Permeability Constant (Dermal for Liquids) (cm/hr)
CF6 = Unit Conversion Factor 6 (L/cm³)
tau-event = Lag time per event (hours/event)
t-event-sw = Event Duration, Surface Water (hours/event)
B = Dimensionless ratio of Kp through stratum corneum (unitless)
T * = Time to Reach Steady-State (hours)
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The risk-based combined pathways CALs for adolescent recreators were calculated using
Equations 15 and 16:
Equation 15 -
ܥܾ݉ ܥܣܮܿ ൌ
ቀ 1ܥܽ݊ܿ݁ݎ ܥܣܮ 1ܥܽ݊ܿ݁ݎ ܥܣܮ݀ቁ
Comb CALc = Combined Pathways Corrective Action Level, cancer (mg/L)
Cancer CALo = Cancer Corrective Action Level, oral (mg/L), Equation 10
Cancer CALd = Cancer Corrective Action Level, dermal (mg/L), Equation 12
Equation 16 -
ܥܾ݉ ܥܣܮ݊ܿ ൌ
ቀ 1
ܰ݊ െ ܥܽ݊ܿ݁ݎ ܥܣܮ
ܰ݊ െ ܥܽ݊ܿ݁ݎ ܥܣܮ݀
Comb CALnc = Combined Pathways Corrective Action Level, non-cancer (mg/L)
Cancer CALo = Non-Cancer Corrective Action Level, oral (mg/L), Equation 11
Cancer CALd = Non-Cancer Corrective Action Level, dermal (mg/L), Equation 13
In addition, a conservative dilution factor of 10, based on USEPA guidance for Environmental
Indicator determinations (USEPA, 2007), was applied to the risk-based CALs calculated in
Equations 10 through 13 to account for dilution of the groundwater with surface water in
surface water bodies on the Site.
Exposure parameter values used for this receptor are provided in Tables 6 to 7.
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Table 6
Adolescent Recreators
Incidental Ingestion of Surface Water While Wading
Key Parameter Value (Unit) Source Rationale for Selected Value
Averaging Time,
Carcinogens (ATc) 25,550 (days) USEPA, 1989a This is a USEPA standard default
Averaging Time,
Noncarcinogens (ATnc)
ED (years) × 365
days/year USEPA, 1989a This is a USEPA standard default
Body Weight, Adolescents
(BW) 49 (kg) USEPA, 1997 Calculated; USEPA, 2011
Exposure Duration,
Adolescents (ED) 12 (years) Site-specific Total exposure duration for
adolescents, aged 7 to 18 years.
Exposure Time, Water
(ET_W) 1 (hours/day) Site-specific
Assumes that adolescent recreators
spend 1 hour each day in contact
with surface water.
Exposure Frequency, Water
10 (days/year)
Based on the EF proposed in the
VIWP for calculating SSSLs for
Water Ingestion Rate,
Adolescents (WIR) 0.05 (L/hour) USEPA, 1989a This value is based on the ingestion
rate for swimming.
Dilution Factor (DF) 10 (unitless) USEPA, 2007
Environmental Indicator
determinations to account for
dilution of the groundwater with
surface water
Oral Slope Factor (SFo) Chemical-specific
(Section 2.3.2) These are chemical-specific values.
Oral Reference Dose (RfDo) Chemical-specific
(Section 2.3.2) These are chemical-specific values.
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Table 7
Adolescent Recreators
Dermal Contact with Surface Water While Wading
Key Parameter Value (Unit) Source Rationale for Selected Value
Averaging Time, Carcinogens
(ATc) 25,550 (days) USEPA, 1989a This is a USEPA standard default
Averaging Time,
Noncarcinogens (ATnc)
ED (years) × 365
(days/year) USEPA, 1989a This is a USEPA standard default
Body Weight, Adolescents
(BW) 49 (kg) USEPA, 1997 Calculated; USEPA, 2011.
Exposure Duration,
Adolescents (ED) 12 (years) Site-specific Total exposure duration for
adolescents, aged 7 to 18 years.
Event Duration, Surface Water
(t-event-sw) 1 (hour/event) Site-specific
Assumes that adolescent recreators
spend 1 hour each day in contact
with surface water.
Exposure Frequency, Water
(EF_W) 10 (days/year) Site-specific
Based on the EF proposed in the
VIWP for calculating SSSLs for
Surface Area, Water
Adolescents (SA_W) 4,175 (cm2) USEPA, 2011
The weighted mean values for
forearms, hands, lower legs, and
feet are used.
Conversion Factor (CF6) 0.001 (L/cm³) -- --
Event Frequency (EV) 1 (event/day) USEPA, 2004 This is a USEPA standard default
Dilution Factor (DF) 10 (unitless) USEPA, 2007
Environmental Indicator
determinations to account for
dilution of the groundwater with
surface water
Absorbed Dose Per Event
(mg/cm2-event)-1 Various These are chemical-specific values.
Oral Slope Factor (SFo) Chemical-specific
(Section 2.3.2) These are chemical-specific values.
Oral Reference Dose (RfDo) Chemical-specific
(Section 2.3.2) These are chemical-specific values.
Gastrointestinal absorption
values (GIABS)
(unitless) Various These are chemical-specific values.
Fraction Absorbed Water (FA)
(used to calculate absorbed dose
per event)
(unitless) Various These are chemical-specific values.
Dermal Permeability
Coefficient (KP) (used to
calculate absorbed dose per
(cm/hour) USEPA, 2004 These are chemical-specific values.
Lag Time (Tau-event) (used to
calculate absorbed dose per
(hour) Various These are chemical-specific values.
Time to Reach Steady-state (T
*) (used to calculate absorbed
dose per event)
(hour) Various These are chemical-specific values.
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Table 7
Adolescent Recreators
Dermal Contact with Surface Water While Wading
Key Parameter Value (Unit) Source Rationale for Selected Value
Permeability Coefficient Ratio
(B) (used to calculate absorbed
dose per event)
(unitless) Various These are chemical-specific values.
2.4 Derivation of Background-Based CALs
A common approach for assessing the occurrence of contamination at a site is to first develop
background limits based on a statistical analysis of background data (i.e., data from upgradient
wells), and then to compare concentrations measured in samples from the site (i.e., downgradient
and interior wells) with the background limits. The statistical method used to establish
background limits for this comparison process is the upper tolerance limit (UTL) (USEPA,
1989b and 1992). The UTL represents the upper end of the background data distribution such
that a specified (high) percentage of constituent concentrations will be below the limit with a
specified degree of confidence if the constituent concentrations from the sample location are no
different than those from background. The USEPA guidance document suggests that a one-sided
95% tolerance interval with 95% minimum coverage is appropriate for this comparison (USEPA,
In simple terms, the 95% UTL with 95% coverage can be interpreted as “I am 95% sure that
approximately 95% of individual population measurements fall below this upper limit.” The
underlying principle of the tolerance limit implies that a small percentage of the site area
concentrations would be expected to exceed the tolerance limit, even when the site area data are
drawn from the same population as the background data. Therefore, the results of future
comparisons of sample concentrations with the tolerance limit should be interpreted with
caution: exceedance of the UTL does not necessarily constitute evidence that site-related
contamination has occurred.
Section 4.2 of the VIWP provides for the development of Site-specific background UTLs for
inorganic chemicals. The VIWP states that background is considered to be represented by the
eastern perimeter wells.
The procedure used to calculate parametric tolerance limits is described in USEPA (1989b,
Pages 5-19 to 5-22). The main steps in calculating the UTL are as follows:
1. Compile a valid background data set. These data should be collected from an area that
has similar hydro-geo-chemical conditions to the site under evaluation and is unaffected
by the site operation. For this analysis, sample results from the following upgradient
wells were pooled to form an aggregate background data set:
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Perimeter-In Groundwater Monitoring Program (PGMP) wells MW-119S, MW-
120S, MW-121S, MW-122S, MW-123S, MW-124S, PZ-01S, PZ-01M, PZ-01D, PZ-
02S, PZ-02M, PZ-02D, PZ-03SR, PZ-03M, and PZ-03D. These wells are located
along the eastern boundary of the Site. Data from 1997 to 2007 were included. Note
that although PGMP monitoring wells MW-116S, MW-117S, and MW-118S are
located along the eastern boundary of the Site, data from these wells are not included
in the background data set, since the data show signs of impact related to localized
Closed Hazardous Waste Impoundments (CHWI) wells MW-01, MW-10, and MW-
19D (monitoring wells designated as background in Attachment 5 of the Post-Closure
Permit for the Site). These wells are also located along the eastern boundary of the
Site. Data from 2001 to 2007 were included.
For this analysis, non-detections were used as they were reported in the project database.
2. Apply a normality test (such as the Shapiro-Wilk W test [USEPA, 1992]) to the
background data to check whether the data can be assumed to be normally distributed. If
a hypothesis of normality cannot be rejected at the 5% significance level, calculate the
UTL from:
Equation 17:
in which
3. If the data do not pass the normality test, apply the normality test to the log-transformed
data. If a hypothesis of normality based on the log-transformed data cannot be rejected at
the 5% significance level, calculate the UTL in the log scale by first using the equation
above and then back-transforming the limit to the arithmetic scale by taking the
4. If neither the raw nor the log-transformed data can be considered to be normally
distributed, or the percentage of nondetects is greater than 15%, the UTL is calculated
based on non-parametric assumption, as described in USEPA (1992).
5. If all background samples are non-detects, the UTL is not assessed and the reporting limit
may be used as a surrogate of UTL in the future.
factor. tolerancenormal sided-one
and data, background ofdeviation standard sample
data, background ofmean sample
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The above methodology was applied to the upgradient groundwater data set for the inorganic
PCOIs identified in Section 2.1. Distributional testing and calculation of UTLs were performed
using NCSS®, a commercial software package available from Number Crunching Statistical
Systems (NCSS [Hintze, 2004]). The output files from NCSS for the background groundwater
data set are included as Appendix C.
With the exception of the total barium data set, which is lognormal, the inorganic background
data sets did not pass normality tests. Therefore, nonparametric methods were employed to
determine the background-based CAL, as a 95% UTL, for all inorganic PCOIs, with the
exception of total barium. The total barium 95% UTL was calculated according to step 3 above.
It is noted that because all background data for thallium were non-detections, the 95% UTL for
thallium was not assessed (see step 5 above). The background-based CALs are presented in
Table 8. In addition to the background 95% UTLs listed in Table 8, background 95% UTLs
were also statistically established for several other inorganic constituents that may be present in
background concentrations in Site groundwater. These 95% UTL background concentrations are
included in Appendix C.
2.5 Background Means Comparison
Another line of evidence that may be used to determine whether the SWMUs/SWMUGs
concentrations are elevated relative to background is two tail hypothesis testing. The testing
identifies whether the site mean is significantly above the background mean, if enough data are
available to run the statistical analysis (i.e., roughly 15 or more data points for each data set).
The threshold value for what defines a significant difference is determined by the significance
level (α) of the test, assuming the null hypothesis is “true” (i.e., SWMU/SMUG data set is
similar to background). For the former Geneva Steel facility, a significance level of α = 0.20 is
used (USEPA, 2002b).
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As discussed in Section 2.2.4, due to the current and planned future limitations on the use of the
shallow unconfined groundwater for potable domestic or industrial purposes, the only
groundwater-related exposure pathways that are potentially complete are:
Inhalation of PCOIs volatilizing from shallow groundwater and entering indoor air by
Incidental ingestion of and dermal contact by adolescent recreators with PCOIs in surface
water that receives groundwater discharge.
Inhalation of volatile PCOIs in trench air by construction workers where excavation
reaches the water table.
Limited (if any) incidental ingestion of and dermal contact with PCOIs in groundwater in
a trench by construction workers.
Inhalation of PCOIs volatilizing from shallow groundwater and entering indoor air by
indoor industrial/commercial workers.
Table 8 presents the site-specific, risk-based CALs derived for the potential human receptors and
exposure scenarios identified in Section 2.2.4 based on the target risk goals described in Section
2.3.3. Site-specific, background-based CALs derived as discussed in Section 2.4 and chemical-
specific MCLs promulgated under the Safe Drinking Water Act are also presented on Table 8.
For the following carcinogenic PAHs, the calculated risk-based CAL for adolescent recreators
was less than the aqueous SSSL which was based on the method detection limit (MDL):
Benzo(a)anthracene (MDL of 8.0E-04 mg/L)
Benzo(a)pyrene (MDL of 8.0E-04 mg/L)
Benzo(b)fluoranthene (MDL of 9.0E-04 mg/L)
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene (MDL of 9.0E-04 mg/L)
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene (MDL of 8.0E-04 mg/L)
Benzo(a)pyrene equivalent (BaP Equivalent) (MDL of 8.0E-04 mg/L)
Therefore, the risk-based CAL for adolescent recreators exposed to these chemicals in
groundwater will be the MDL listed above.
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The MDL range of 0.00019 - 0.0038 mg/L was selected as the aqueous SSSL for vinyl chloride;
the MDL-based CAL replaces the residential groundwater indoor air CAL (0.0031 mg/L) that
was derived for vinyl chloride which falls within the MDL range.
Groundwater CALs will be used to focus on specific PCOIs in site-wide groundwater and on
specific areas of the Site where PCOIs in groundwater may be a concern, assuming limitations of
domestic or industrial use of shallow groundwater.
The following process is used to determine the overall CAL for a specific volatile PCOI:
Selection of the risk-based CAL is dependent on Site redevelopment plans and land use.
If land use is known, the appropriate risk-based CAL from Table 8 should be selected to
represent the CAL. In the absence of specified land use, the least of the residential,
industrial/commercial, construction worker, or adolescent recreator risk-based CAL
should be used to represent the risk-based CAL.
The overall CAL for volatile PCOIs in groundwater is the greatest of the risk-based
CAL, the background-based CAL, or the federal MCL.
The following process is used to determine the overall CAL for a specific non-volatile PCOIs
(e.g., inorganics and semi-volatile organics):
Exposure to non-volatile chemicals can only occur for the adolescent recreator and
construction worker scenarios. Adolescent recreator exposure may only occur at specific
existing surface water bodies such as LHA, the FRP, or the Denver and Rio Grande
(D&RG) ditch. No other pathway exists for direct exposure of adolescent recreators to
non-volatile PCOIs in shallow Site groundwater. Exposure to non-volatile PCOIs by
construction workers can occur at locations where groundwater might by contacted in a
The overall CAL for adolescent recreator exposure to non-volatile PCOIs in existing
surface water bodies is the greatest of the risk-based CAL, the background-based CAL,
or the federal MCL. Shallow groundwater quality data for groundwater discharging to
on-site surface water bodies will be compared to this overall CAL.
The overall CAL for construction worker exposure to non-volatile PCOIs in groundwater
is the greatest of the risk-based CAL, the background-based CAL, or the federal MCL.
Table 9 summarizes overall CALs for adolescent recreators, indoor industrial/commercial
workers, residents, and construction workers.
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JE model runs were not generated for the following chemicals even though they are volatile and
have inhalation toxicity values available: ammonia, cyanide, n-nitrosodimethylamine,
n-nitrosodi-n-butylamine, bromobenzene, bromomethane, cyclohexane, 1,2-dibromo-3-
chloropropane, and 2-hexanone. Site-specific groundwater CALs that are protective of the vapor
intrusion exposure pathway were not derived for these chemicals. Maximum detected
concentrations in site-wide groundwater were compared to the risk-based inhalation CALs for
the construction worker (Inh CW CALs) (Table 10); ammonia, cyanide, and 1,2-dibromo-3-
chloropropane have detections greater than the Inh CW CAL.
Risk-based indoor air groundwater CALs were not calculated for the following chemicals
because standard inhalation toxicity values were not available:
Volatile Chemicals Without Standard Inhalation Toxicity Values
Acenaphthene Dichloroethene, cis-1,2-
Acenaphthylene Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3-
Anthracene Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-
Benzo(ghi)perylene Chlorotoluene 2-
Fluorene Chlorotoluene 4-
Methylnaphthalene 2- Dichloroethene (total), 1,2-
Phenanthrene Dichloroethene, cis-1,2-
Pyrene Dichloroethene, trans-1,2-
Acetophenone Dichloropropane 1,3-
Bromophenyl phenyl ether, 4- Ethyl Ether
Chloronaphthalene 2- n-Butylbenzene
Chlorophenyl phenyl ether, 4- sec-Butylbenzene
Dibenzofuran tert-Butylbenzene
Picoline 2- trans-1,3-Dichloropropene
Pyridine Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3-
Dichloroethene (total), 1,2- Trichlorofluoromethane
The inhalation toxicity values for 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene are the same for 1,3,5-
trimethylbenzene; the JE model results for 1,24-trimethyl benzene was used for 1,3,5-
trimethylbenzene to provide indoor air CALs for the on-site resident and on-site indoor worker.
Even though benzo(a)anthracene is identified as volatile and has inhalation toxicity values
available, USEPA (2017b) has determined that the chemical was not sufficiently volatile or toxic
enough to pose an inhalation risk. Therefore, the indoor air and inhalation of vapors in a trench
inhalation exposure pathways were not evaluated for benzo(a)anthracene.
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In conclusion, risk-based CALs were not calculated for some volatile chemicals because the JE
model was not equipped to address the chemical, inhalation toxicity values were not available, or
the chemical was determined to be not sufficiently volatile or toxic enough to be evaluated. Per
USEPA (2009a) guidance, non-standard toxicity values were not derived by using route-to-route
extrapolation to evaluate the potential impact of these volatile chemicals to human health.
However, it is unlikely that these volatile chemicals would pose an unacceptable threat to human
health due to their relatively low concentrations in groundwater. With the exception of ammonia,
cyanide, and 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane that were detected above the Inh CW CAL; it is
unknown if these chemicals would also be PCOI for the vapor intrusion pathway (i.e., no JE runs
were possible).
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Based on the assumption that shallow groundwater at the Site will not be used as potable water
for residents or industrial workers, risk-based CALs were derived for potential non-potable
exposure to PCOIs in shallow groundwater. Also, because the Site is located downgradient of
substantial urbanized areas of Utah Valley, in accordance with the VIWP, it is appropriate to
consider background levels of PCOIs as background-based CALs for shallow Site groundwater.
For a given PCOI in groundwater, the CAL is the greatest of the risk-based CAL, background-
based CAL (inorganics only), or the federal MCL.
The CSM (Section 2.2) for shallow groundwater use indicates that, with the limitations on
potable use and the restrictions OSHA regulations place on construction work in excavations, the
only complete pathway for direct-contact exposure to PCOIs is adolescent recreators wading in
existing on-site surface water bodies. However, to be conservative, calculations of CALs for
construction workers included hypothetical direct ingestion and dermal exposure to PCOIs in
groundwater, as well as inhalation of volatile PCOIs in air in a trench.
Exposure to non-volatile PCOIs can only occur for the adolescent recreator and construction
worker scenarios. VOCs may be PCOIs for adolescent recreator, construction worker,
residential, and industrial/commercial worker scenarios.
The discussion above indicates that PCOIs in shallow groundwater will potentially be a concern
only in specific areas: 1) where volatile PCOIs are present in shallow groundwater at
concentrations above overall CALs, 2) where shallow groundwater with non-volatile PCOI
concentrations above overall CALs for adolescent recreators is discharging to an existing on-site
surface water body, and 3) where shallow groundwater with non-volatile PCOI concentrations
above overall CALs for construction workers may be contacted in a trench.
The risk-based CALs presented in this document represent the baseline for on-site exposure to
shallow groundwater in the absence of any Site controls other than the limitations on residential
or industrial potable use. Site control measures can reduce or eliminate the exposures quantified
in this document:
In areas where overall CALs for the construction worker scenario are exceeded,
implementation of health and safety plans can reduce or eliminate direct contact and
inhalation hazards associated with PCOIs in shallow groundwater during construction
Contact with groundwater during recreational use of on-site water bodies can be
eliminated by restricting access to existing ditches and streams (e.g., hard-piping) during
Site redevelopment.
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In areas where volatile PCOIs are present in shallow groundwater in concentrations
exceeding CALs, vapor intrusion into indoor air can be mitigated by engineered controls
such as vapor barriers or active or passive venting systems.
There may be cases where Site management controls may not be adequate, and corrective action
may be required for chemicals in groundwater in accordance with Utah Administrative Code
[UAC] R315-101-6(e). As Site redevelopment plans are established and implemented, the
baseline risk-based CALs presented in this document can be refined for selected areas using site-
specific values, where appropriate, for exposure parameters. Also, area-specific CALs may be
developed as part of the Tier 2 human-health risk assessment process.
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Page 33
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) International. 2015. Standard Guide for
Risk-Based Corrective Action. Designation: E 2081 – 00 (Reapproved 2015).
Hintze, J. 2004. Number Crunching Statistical Systems (NCSS). Kaysville, Utah.
Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL). 2017. Risk Assessment Information System. Online
database. https://rais.ornl.gov/.
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). 2007. Title 29: Labor, Part 1926 –
Safety and Health Regulations for Construction, Subpart P – Excavations, 1926.651 Specific
Excavation Requirements. 29 CFR 1926.651.
Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM), 2012. Remediation Closure Guide.
March 22, 2012 with corrections through July 9, 2012, Office of Land Quality.
U.S. Steel (USS), Geneva Steel, PEER Consultants, and URS. 2017. RCRA Facility Investigation
Task III Facility Investigation and Reports Part Four-Verification Investigation Work Plan
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1989a. Risk Assessment Guidance for
Superfund (RAGS): Volume I. Part A – Human Health Evaluation Manual.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1989b. Statistical Analysis of Ground-Water
Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities, Interim Final Guidance. Office of Solid Waste. April.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1992. Statistical Analysis of Ground-Water
Monitoring Data at RCRA Facilities, Addendum to Interim Final Guidance. Office of Solid
Waste. July.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1997. Health Effects Assessment Summary
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1999. Derivation of a Volatilization Factor to
Estimate Upper Bound Exposure Point Concentration for Workers in Trenches Flooded with
Ground Water Off-gassing Volatile Organic Chemicals. 8EPR-PS.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2002a. Supplemental Guidance for
Developing Soil Screening Levels for Superfund Sites. OSWER 9355.4-24. March.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2002b. Role of Background in the CERCLA
Cleanup Program, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, Office of Emergency and
Remedial Response, Washington, D.C., OSWER 9285.7-41.
Groundwater Corrective Action Levels
Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah March 16, 2018
Page 34
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2003. Human Health Toxicity Values in
Superfund Risk Assessment. OSWER Directive 9285.7-53. December.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2004. Risk Assessment Guidance for
Superfund Volume I: Human Health Evaluation Manual, Part E, Supplemental Guidance for
Dermal Risk Assessment. EPA/540/R/99/005. OSWER 9285.7-02EP. PB99-963312. July.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2007a. Environmental Indicators -
Frequent Questions, available on-line
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2009a. Risk Assessment Guidance for
Superfund Volume I: Human Health Evaluation Manual (Part F, Supplemental Guidance for
Inhalation Risk Assessment). Final. EPA-540-R-070-002, OSWER 9285.7-82. January 2009.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2009b. National Primary Drinking Water
Regulations. EPA 816-F-09-004. May.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2011. Exposure Factors Handbook—Final.
EPA/600/R-090/052F. September.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2015a. Human Health Evaluation Manual—
Supplemental Guidance. Update of Standard Default Exposure Factors. OSWER Directive
9200.1-120. February 6, 2014 and amended September 2015.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2015b. Final Guidance for Assessing and
Mitigating the Vapor Intrusion Pathway from Subsurface Sources to Indoor Air. June.
OSWER 9200.2-154.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2017a. Regional Screening Levels (RSLs)
User’s Guide and Generic Tables (November 2017). https://www.epa.gov/risk/regional-
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2017b. Vapor Intrusion Screening Level
(VISL) On-Line Calculator, Version 3.5.1 using June 2017 RSLs.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2017c. Transmittal of Update to the Adult
Lead Methodology’s Default Baseline Blood Lead Concentration and Geometric Standard
Deviation Parameters. OLEM Directive 9285.6-56. May 17, 2017.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), 2017d. EPA On-line Tools for Site
Assessment Calculation, Screening Level Implementation of the Johnson and Ettinger Vapor
Intrusion Model. https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-two/onsite/JnE_lite.html
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2017e. Integrated Risk Information System
(IRIS). On-line at: http://www.epa.gov/iris.
Groundwater Corrective Action Levels
Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah March 16, 2018
Receptor Background-
Medium of Exposure Based
Route of Exposure Volatile?MCL (2, 8) CAL (3)
Target Risk Level V = Yes
Units mg/L mg/L
Ammonia as N - V - - - 1.1E+05 - 1.1E+05 No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE - 3.7E+01 - 3.7E+01
Nitrate - - 1.0E+01 - - 5.1E+03 - 5.1E+03 ---------2.6E+05 - 2.6E+05
Nitrate + Nitrite (as N) Nitrite (most conservative) - 1.0E+01 - - 3.2E+02 - 3.2E+02 ---------6.6E+03 - 6.6E+03
Nitrite - - 1.0E+00 - - 3.2E+02 - 3.2E+02 ---------6.6E+03 - 6.6E+03
Total Cyanide - V 2.0E-01 1.0E-01 - 2.0E+00 - 2.0E+00 No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE - 2.9E-01 - 2.9E-01
Aluminum-Total - - - - - 5.2E+03 - 5.2E+03 ---------7.6E+04 - 7.6E+04
Antimony - - 6.0E-03 - - 1.2E+00 - 1.2E+00 ---------9.1E+00 - 9.1E+00
Arsenic, Total - - 1.0E-02 1.0E+01 2.0E-02 1.6E+00 2.0E+00 1.6E+00 --------4.6E+00 3.0E+01 4.6E+02 3.0E+01
Barium, Total - - 2.0E+00 3.0E-01 - 4.0E+02 - 4.0E+02 ---------2.3E+03 - 2.3E+03
Beryllium, Total - - 4.0E-03 - - 7.2E+00 - 7.2E+00 ---------6.5E+02 - 6.5E+02
Cadmium-Total - - 5.0E-03 - - 6.7E-01 - 6.7E-01 ------------
Chromium, Total (5)- - - 8.3E-02 - 7.2E+02 - 7.2E+02 ---------3.5E+03 - 3.5E+03
Cobalt-Total - - - - - 1.0E+00 - 1.0E+00 ---------3.0E+02 - 3.0E+02
Lead, Total (6)- - 1.5E-02 2.5E-02 - 2.8E+01 - 2.8E+01 ---------1.8E+01 - 1.8E+01
Manganese - - - - - 2.3E+01 - 2.3E+01 ---------1.3E+02 - 1.3E+02
Mercury, Total - V 2.0E-03 6.1E-05 - 8.4E-01 - 8.4E-01 - 9.7E-02 - 9.7E-02 - 1.6E-02 - 1.6E-02 - 1.1E-01 - 1.1E-01
Nickel-Total - - - 6.2E-02 - 4.6E+01 - 4.6E+01 ---------4.6E+02 - 4.6E+02
Selenium-Total - - 5.0E-02 3.1E-02 - 1.6E+01 - 1.6E+01 ---------3.2E+02 - 3.2E+02
Silver-Total - - - 2.8E-03 - 5.5E+00 - 5.5E+00 ---------3.2E+01 - 3.2E+01
Thallium, Total (7)- - 2.0E-03 - - 2.8E-02 - 2.8E-02 ---------1.5E+00 - 1.5E+00
Vanadium, Total - - - - - 1.8E+01 - 1.8E+01 ---------1.3E+03 - 1.3E+03
Zinc-Total - - - 2.9E-01 - 1.0E+03 - 1.0E+03 ---------2.5E+04 - 2.5E+04
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
Acenaphthene - V 2.0E-04 - - 1.0E+01 - 1.0E+01 ---------1.8E+02 - 1.8E+02
Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene V 2.0E-04 - - 1.0E+01 - 1.0E+01 ---------1.8E+02 - 1.8E+02
Anthracene - V 2.0E-04 - - 2.3E+01 - 2.3E+01 ---------4.6E+02 - 4.6E+02
Benzo(a)anthracene - V 2.0E-04 -4.7E-04 - 4.7E-02 ---------6.0E-02 - 6.0E+00 -
Benzo(a)pyrene - - 2.0E-04 -2.6E-05 1.3E-03 2.6E-03 1.3E-03 --------4.0E-03 1.7E-02 4.0E-01 1.7E-02
BaP Equivalent - - 2.0E-04 -2.6E-05 1.3E-03 2.6E-03 1.3E-03 --------4.0E-03 - 4.0E-01 -
Benzo(b)fluoranthene - - 2.0E-04 -4.8E-04 - 4.8E-02 ---------6.8E-02 - 6.8E+00 -
Benzo(ghi)perylene Pyrene V 2.0E-04 - - 1.1E+00 - 1.1E+00 ---------8.3E+01 - 8.3E+01
Benzo(k)fluoranthene - - 2.0E-04 - 2.7E-03 - 2.7E-01 ---------4.1E-01 - 4.1E+01 -
Chrysene - - 2.0E-04 - 4.3E-02 - 4.3E+00 ---------5.5E+00 - 5.5E+02 -
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene - - 2.0E-04 -2.2E-05 - 2.2E-03 ---------4.2E-03 - 4.2E-01 -
Fluoranthene - - 2.0E-04 - - 9.0E-01 - 9.0E-01 ---------1.8E+01 - 1.8E+01
Fluorene - V 2.0E-04 - - 4.6E+00 - 4.6E+00 ---------2.5E+02 - 2.5E+02
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene - - 2.0E-04 -1.7E-04 - 1.7E-02 ---------3.3E-02 - 3.3E+00 -
Methylnaphthalene 2- - V 2.0E-04 - - 7.0E-01 - 7.0E-01 ---------3.6E+00 - 3.6E+00
Naphthalene - V 2.0E-04 - - 7.7E+00 - 7.7E+00 1.6E-01 5.7E+00 1.6E+01 5.7E+00 2.2E-02 8.1E-01 1.6E+01 8.1E-01 7.5E-01 1.1E+00 7.5E+01 1.1E+00
Phenanthrene Anthracene V 2.0E-04 - - 2.3E+01 - 2.3E+01 ---------4.6E+02 - 4.6E+02
Pyrene - V 2.0E-04 - - 1.1E+00 - 1.1E+00 ---------8.3E+01 - 8.3E+01
Construction Worker
Risk-Based CAL
Ingestion and Dermal Inhalation Inhalation Inhalation Inhalation
Table 8
Summary of MCLs, Background-Based CALs, and Risk-Based CALs for Protection of Human Receptors
(CR=1E-06; HQ=1) (CR=1E-04; HQ=1)
Indoor Air (4)Shallow Groundwater
Ingestion, Dermal, and
Ingestion, Dermal, and
Recreational Adolescent
Risk-Based CAL Risk-Based CAL
On-site Surface Water Indoor Air (4)
Risk-Based CAL
Indoor Industrial/Commercial Worker Resident
mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L
(CR=1E-06; HQ=1) (CR=1E-04; HQ=1) (CR=1E-06; HQ=1) (CR=1E-04; HQ=1) (CR=1E-06; HQ=1) (CR=1E-04; HQ=1)
Page 1 of 5
Receptor Background-
Medium of Exposure Based
Route of Exposure Volatile?MCL (2, 8) CAL (3)
Target Risk Level V = Yes
Units mg/L mg/L
Construction Worker
Risk-Based CAL
Ingestion and Dermal Inhalation Inhalation Inhalation Inhalation
Table 8
Summary of MCLs, Background-Based CALs, and Risk-Based CALs for Protection of Human Receptors
(CR=1E-06; HQ=1) (CR=1E-04; HQ=1)
Indoor Air (4)Shallow Groundwater
Ingestion, Dermal, and
Ingestion, Dermal, and
Recreational Adolescent
Risk-Based CAL Risk-Based CAL
On-site Surface Water Indoor Air (4)
Risk-Based CAL
Indoor Industrial/Commercial Worker Resident
mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L
(CR=1E-06; HQ=1) (CR=1E-04; HQ=1) (CR=1E-06; HQ=1) (CR=1E-04; HQ=1) (CR=1E-06; HQ=1) (CR=1E-04; HQ=1)
3-Methylphenol & 4-Methylphenol m-Cresol - - - - 8.1E+01 - 8.1E+01 ---------4.8E+03 - 4.8E+03
Acetophenone - V - - - 2.2E+02 - 2.2E+02 ---------1.7E+04 - 1.7E+04
Aniline - - - - 2.9E+00 2.0E+01 2.9E+02 2.0E+01 --------4.9E+02 2.8E+02 4.9E+04 2.8E+02
Benzoic acid - - - - - 1.4E+04 - 1.4E+04 ---------5.2E+05 - 5.2E+05
Benzyl alcohol - - - - - 3.6E+02 - 3.6E+02 ---------3.9E+04 - 3.9E+04
bis(2-Chloroethoxy) methane - - - - - 1.1E+01 - 1.1E+01 ---------3.9E+03 - 3.9E+03
bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether - V - - 1.4E-02 - 1.4E+00 - 1.8E-01 - 1.8E+01 - 1.7E-02 - 1.8E+01 - 7.5E-02 4.3E+01 7.5E+00 4.3E+01
bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate - - 6.0E-03 - 2.3E-04 1.1E-02 2.3E-02 1.1E-02 --------9.2E-02 1.8E+00 9.2E+00 1.8E+00
Bromophenyl phenyl ether, 4- Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)Ether V - - - 1.4E+02 - 1.4E+02 ---------1.3E+02 - 1.3E+02
Butyl benzyl phthalate - - - - 1.1E+01 7.2E+02 1.1E+03 7.2E+02 --------4.8E+03 2.6E+05 4.8E+05 2.6E+05
Chloroaniline 4- - - - - 5.6E-02 7.7E+00 5.6E+00 7.7E+00 --------5.6E+00 8.0E+00 5.6E+02 8.0E+00
Chlorobenzilate - - - - 3.8E-03 1.4E+00 3.8E-01 1.4E+00 --------4.8E-01 1.5E+01 4.8E+01 1.5E+01
Chloronaphthalene 2- - V 2.0E-04 - - 2.9E+02 - 2.9E+02 ---------2.6E+04 - 2.6E+04
Chlorophenyl phenyl rther, 4- Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)Ether V - - - 1.4E+02 - 1.4E+02 ---------1.3E+02 - 1.3E+02
Diallate - - - - 9.1E-03 - 9.1E-01 ---------8.9E-01 - 8.9E+01 -
Dibenzofuran - V - - - 1.3E-01 - 1.3E-01 ---------2.8E+00 - 2.8E+00
Dichlorobenzene 1,2- - V 6.0E-01 - - 3.2E+02 - 3.2E+02 - 1.3E+02 - 1.3E+02 - 2.0E+01 - 2.0E+01 - 7.3E+02 - 7.3E+02
Dichlorobenzene 1,3- Dichlorobenzene, 1,2 V - - - 3.2E+02 - 3.2E+02 - 1.3E+02 - 1.3E+02 - 2.0E+01 - 2.0E+01 - 7.3E+02 - 7.3E+02
Dichlorobenzene 1,4- - V 7.5E-02 - 3.7E-01 2.4E+01 3.7E+01 2.4E+01 1.4E-01 81.3 (S) 1.4E+01 81.3 (S) 2.1E-02 6.6E+01 1.4E+01 6.6E+01 2.1E+00 9.5E+01 2.1E+02 9.5E+01
Diethyl phthalate - - - - - 2.9E+03 - 2.9E+03 ---------1.3E+04 - 1.3E+04
Dimethyl phthalate Diethylphthalate - - - - 2.9E+03 - 2.9E+03 ---------1.3E+04 - 1.3E+04
Dimethylphenol, 2,4- - - - - - 2.5E+01 - 2.5E+01 ---------4.0E+02 - 4.0E+02
Dinitro-2-methylphenol, 4,6- - - - - - 1.4E-01 - 1.4E-01 ---------1.3E+01 - 1.3E+01
Dinitrophenol, 2,4- - - - - - 4.7E+00 - 4.7E+00 ---------5.3E+02 - 5.3E+02
Dinitrotoluene, 2,4- - - - - 3.7E-02 3.9E+00 3.7E+00 3.9E+00 --------4.0E+00 1.2E+02 4.0E+02 1.2E+02
DI-n-Octyl phthalate - - - - - 3.6E+01 - 3.6E+01 ---------1.3E+04 - 1.3E+04
Dioxane, 1,4- - V - - 2.0E-01 1.0E+02 2.0E+01 1.0E+02 No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE 4.8E+00 2.6E+02 4.8E+02 2.6E+02
Diphenylamine - - - - - 8.9E+01 - 8.9E+01 ---------2.6E+03 - 2.6E+03
Hexachlorobutadiene - V - - 4.6E-03 6.1E-02 4.6E-01 6.1E-02 3.0E-02 - 3.0E+00 - 4.7E-03 - 3.0E+00 - 3.3E-01 5.2E-01 3.3E+01 5.2E-01
Isophorone - - - - 2.2E+01 7.2E+02 2.2E+03 7.2E+02 --------9.6E+03 3.9E+05 9.6E+05 3.9E+05
Methylphenol 2- - - - - - 8.2E+01 - 8.2E+01 ---------2.4E+03 - 2.4E+03
Methylphenol 4- - - - - - 3.6E+02 - 3.6E+02 ---------2.6E+03 - 2.6E+03
methylphenol, 4-Chloro-3- - - - - - 3.6E+02 - 3.6E+02 ---------1.3E+04 - 1.3E+04
Naphthylamine, 1- Naphthylamine, 2- - - - 4.5E-03 - 4.5E-01 ---------3.6E-01 - 3.6E+01 -
Nitroaniline 2- - - - - - 3.6E+01 - 3.6E+01 ---------1.3E+04 - 1.3E+04
Nitroaniline, 4- - - - - 7.8E-01 1.1E+01 7.8E+01 1.1E+01 --------1.2E+02 3.5E+02 1.2E+04 3.5E+02
Nitrobenzene - V - - - 4.1E+00 - 4.1E+00 1.1E+00 1.4E+02 1.1E+02 1.4E+02 1.0E-01 1.3E+01 1.1E+02 1.3E+01 6.4E-01 6.8E+00 6.4E+01 6.8E+00
Nitrophenol, 2- Dinitrophenol, 2,4- - - - - 4.7E+00 - 4.7E+00 ---------5.3E+02 - 5.3E+02
Nitrophenol, 4- Dinitrophenol, 2,4- - - - - 4.7E+00 - 4.7E+00 ---------5.3E+02 - 5.3E+02
N-Nitrosodiethylamine - - - - 1.2E-04 - 1.2E-02 ---------2.9E-02 - 2.9E+00 -
N-Nitrosodimethylamine - V - - 4.0E-04 2.8E-02 4.0E-02 2.8E-02 No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE 1.8E-03 1.4E-02 1.8E-01 1.4E-02
N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine - V - - 1.1E-03 - 1.1E-01 - No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE 1.3E-02 - 1.3E+00 -
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine - - - - 2.1E-03 - 2.1E-01 ---------2.9E-01 - 2.9E+01 -
N-Nitrosodiphenylamine - - - - 4.3E+00 - 4.3E+02 ---------1.9E+03 - 1.9E+05 -
Page 2 of 5
Receptor Background-
Medium of Exposure Based
Route of Exposure Volatile?MCL (2, 8) CAL (3)
Target Risk Level V = Yes
Units mg/L mg/L
Construction Worker
Risk-Based CAL
Ingestion and Dermal Inhalation Inhalation Inhalation Inhalation
Table 8
Summary of MCLs, Background-Based CALs, and Risk-Based CALs for Protection of Human Receptors
(CR=1E-06; HQ=1) (CR=1E-04; HQ=1)
Indoor Air (4)Shallow Groundwater
Ingestion, Dermal, and
Ingestion, Dermal, and
Recreational Adolescent
Risk-Based CAL Risk-Based CAL
On-site Surface Water Indoor Air (4)
Risk-Based CAL
Indoor Industrial/Commercial Worker Resident
mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L
(CR=1E-06; HQ=1) (CR=1E-04; HQ=1) (CR=1E-06; HQ=1) (CR=1E-04; HQ=1) (CR=1E-06; HQ=1) (CR=1E-04; HQ=1)
Pentachlorophenol - - 1.0E-03 - 4.8E-04 1.6E-01 4.8E-02 1.6E-01 --------5.6E-02 3.2E-01 5.6E+00 3.2E-01
Phenol - - - - - 6.6E+02 - 6.6E+02 ---------1.3E+04 - 1.3E+04
Picoline 2- Pyridine V - - - 3.0E+00 - 3.0E+00 ---------4.8E+02 - 4.8E+02
Pyridine - V - - - 3.0E+00 - 3.0E+00 ---------4.8E+02 - 4.8E+02
Tetrahydrofuran - V - - - 3.2E+03 - 3.2E+03 ---------7.3E+02 - 7.3E+02
Trichlorophenol 2,4,5- - - - - - 3.6E+02 - 3.6E+02 ---------3.9E+04 - 3.9E+04
Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6- - - - - 1.5E-01 2.8E-01 1.5E+01 2.8E-01 --------1.0E+01 1.6E+00 1.0E+03 1.6E+00
Acetone - V - - - 3.2E+03 - 3.2E+03 - 2.3E+05 - 2.3E+05 - 2.0E+04 - 2.0E+04 - 1.1E+04 - 1.1E+04
Benzene - V 5.0E-03 - 1.3E-01 4.9E+00 1.3E+01 4.9E+00 7.0E-02 5.8E+00 7.0E+00 5.8E+00 1.1E-02 8.8E-01 7.0E+00 8.8E-01 2.4E+00 2.1E+01 2.4E+02 2.1E+01
Bromobenzene - V - - - 2.9E+01 - 2.9E+01 No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE - 7.1E+01 - 7.1E+01
Bromodichloromethane - V 8.0E-02 - 1.7E-01 3.7E+01 1.7E+01 3.7E+01 7.4E-02 - 7.4E+00 - 1.2E-02 - 7.4E+00 - 6.7E-01 6.9E+00 6.7E+01 6.9E+00
Bromomethane - V - - - 3.6E+00 - 3.6E+00 No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE - 2.9E+01 - 2.9E+01
Butanone, 2- (MEK) - V - - - 2.1E+03 - 2.1E+03 - 3.1E+04 - 3.1E+04 - 3.1E+03 - 3.1E+03 - 3.7E+02 - 3.7E+02
Carbon disulfide - V - - - 3.6E+02 - 3.6E+02 - 2.2E+01 - 2.2E+01 - 3.3E+00 - 3.3E+00 - 2.5E+02 - 2.5E+02
Carbon tetrachloride - V 5.0E-03 - 6.6E-02 3.2E+00 6.6E+00 3.2E+00 1.9E-02 4.2E+00 1.9E+00 4.2E+00 3.0E-03 6.4E-01 1.9E+00 6.4E-01 2.2E+00 2.2E+01 2.2E+02 2.2E+01
Chlorobenzene - V 1.0E-01 - - 1.3E+01 - 1.3E+01 - 1.7E+01 - 1.7E+01 - 2.6E+00 - 2.6E+00 - 1.0E+02 - 1.0E+02
Chloroethane - V - - - - - - - 5.3E+02 - 5.3E+02 - 6.6E+01 - 6.6E+01 - 1.3E+03 - 1.3E+03
Chloroform - V 8.0E-02 - 3.2E-01 1.7E+01 3.2E+01 1.7E+01 3.0E-02 2.4E+01 3.0E+00 2.4E+01 4.4E-03 3.5E+00 3.0E+00 3.5E+00 1.1E+00 8.3E+01 1.1E+02 8.3E+01
Chloromethane - V - - - - - - - 7.8E+00 - 7.8E+00 - 1.1E+00 - 1.1E+00 - 1.1E+03 - 1.1E+03
Chlorotoluene 2- - V - - - 7.2E+01 - 7.2E+01 ---------2.6E+02 - 2.6E+02
Chlorotoluene 4- - V - - - 7.2E+01 - 7.2E+01 ---------2.6E+04 - 2.6E+04
Cyclohexane - V - - - - - - No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE - 6.6E+03 - 6.6E+03
Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2- (BDCP) - V 2.0E-04 - 6.2E-03 1.7E-01 6.2E-01 1.7E-01 No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE 4.2E-03 6.9E-01 4.2E-01 6.9E-01
Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2- - V 5.0E-05 - 5.8E-03 1.8E+01 5.8E-01 1.8E+01 7.5E-03 1.5E+01 7.5E-01 1.5E+01 1.1E-03 2.2E+00 7.5E-01 2.2E+00 4.0E-02 7.3E-01 4.0E+00 7.3E-01
Dichlorodifluoromethane - V - - - 7.2E+02 - 7.2E+02 - 4.4E-01 - 4.4E-01 - 6.8E-02 - 6.8E-02 - 3.5E+02 - 3.5E+02
Dichloroethane 1,1- - V - - 3.7E+00 3.6E+02 3.7E+02 3.6E+02 3.7E-01 - 3.7E+01 - 5.7E-02 - 3.7E+01 - 1.5E+01 2.8E+04 1.5E+03 2.8E+04
Dichloroethane 1,2- - V 5.0E-03 - 3.7E-01 1.3E+01 3.7E+01 1.3E+01 8.3E-02 5.4E+00 8.3E+00 5.4E+00 1.2E-02 7.5E-01 8.3E+00 7.5E-01 9.3E-01 2.4E+01 9.3E+01 2.4E+01
Dichloroethene (total), 1,2- Dichloroethene, cis-1,2- V 7.0E-02 - - 2.8E+00 - 2.8E+00 ---------9.9E+02 - 9.9E+02
Dichloroethene, 1,1- - V 7.0E-03 - - 6.7E+01 - 6.7E+01 - 8.1E+00 - 8.1E+00 - 1.2E+00 - 1.2E+00 - 2.1E+01 - 2.1E+01
Dichloroethene, cis-1,2- - V 7.0E-02 - - 2.8E+00 - 2.8E+00 ---------1.8E+02 - 1.8E+02
Dichloroethene, trans-1,2- - V 1.0E-01 - - 7.2E+01 - 7.2E+01 ---------2.9E+02 - 2.9E+02
Dichloropropane 1,3- - V - - - 7.2E+01 - 7.2E+01 ---------2.6E+04 - 2.6E+04
Dichloropropane, 1,2- - V 5.0E-03 - 5.6E-01 1.4E+02 5.6E+01 1.4E+02 1.1E-01 1.6E+00 1.1E+01 1.6E+00 1.7E-02 2.4E-01 1.1E+01 2.4E-01 6.9E-01 1.2E+01 6.9E+01 1.2E+01
Ethyl Ether - V - - - 7.2E+02 - 7.2E+02 ---------1.1E+03 - 1.1E+03
Ethylbenzene - V 7.0E-01 - 2.2E-01 4.2E+01 2.2E+01 4.2E+01 1.9E-01 169 (S) 1.9E+01 169 (S) 3.0E-02 2.7E+01 1.9E+01 2.7E+01 5.7E+00 9.8E+01 5.7E+02 9.8E+01
Hexanone 2- - V - - - 1.2E+01 - 1.2E+01 No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE No JE - 1.0E+01 - 1.0E+01
Isopropylbenzene - V - - - 3.6E+02 - 3.6E+02 - 6.2E-01 - 6.2E-01 - 9.7E-02 - 9.7E-02 - 3.3E+01 - 3.3E+01
Isopropyltoluene 4- Isopropylbenzene V - - - 3.6E+02 - 3.6E+02 - 6.2E-01 - 6.2E-01 - 9.7E-02 - 9.7E-02 - 3.3E+01 - 3.3E+01
Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) - V - - 9.0E+00 - 9.0E+02 - 1.1E+01 3.1E+03 1.1E+03 3.1E+03 1.5E+00 4.2E+02 1.1E+03 4.2E+02 9.2E+01 8.5E+02 9.2E+03 8.5E+02
Methyl-2-pentanone, 4- (MIBK) - V - - - - - - - 1.1E+04 - 1.1E+04 - 1.3E+03 - 1.3E+03 - 2.9E+02 - 2.9E+02
Methylene Chloride - V 5.0E-03 - 7.0E+00 1.5E+01 7.0E+02 1.5E+01 1.1E+02 2.3E+02 1.1E+04 2.3E+02 1.5E+01 3.3E+01 1.1E+04 3.3E+01 6.7E+02 3.1E+02 6.7E+04 3.1E+02
n-Butylbenzene - V - - - 1.8E+02 - 1.8E+02 ---------1.3E+04 - 1.3E+04
n-Propylbenzene - V - - - 3.6E+02 - 3.6E+02 - 52.2 (S) - 52.2 (S) - 2.5E+01 - 2.5E+01 - 3.6E+02 - 3.6E+02
sec-Butylbenzene - V - - - 3.6E+02 - 3.6E+02 ---------1.3E+04 - 1.3E+04
Page 3 of 5
Receptor Background-
Medium of Exposure Based
Route of Exposure Volatile?MCL (2, 8) CAL (3)
Target Risk Level V = Yes
Units mg/L mg/L
Construction Worker
Risk-Based CAL
Ingestion and Dermal Inhalation Inhalation Inhalation Inhalation
Table 8
Summary of MCLs, Background-Based CALs, and Risk-Based CALs for Protection of Human Receptors
(CR=1E-06; HQ=1) (CR=1E-04; HQ=1)
Indoor Air (4)Shallow Groundwater
Ingestion, Dermal, and
Ingestion, Dermal, and
Recreational Adolescent
Risk-Based CAL Risk-Based CAL
On-site Surface Water Indoor Air (4)
Risk-Based CAL
Indoor Industrial/Commercial Worker Resident
mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L
(CR=1E-06; HQ=1) (CR=1E-04; HQ=1) (CR=1E-06; HQ=1) (CR=1E-04; HQ=1) (CR=1E-06; HQ=1) (CR=1E-04; HQ=1)
Styrene - V 1.0E-01 - - 1.1E+02 - 1.1E+02 - 310 (S) - 310 (S) - 7.1E+01 - 7.1E+01 - 3.6E+02 - 3.6E+02
tert-Butylbenzene - V - - - 3.6E+02 - 3.6E+02 ---------1.3E+04 - 1.3E+04
Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2 - V - - 3.9E-02 2.7E+01 3.9E+00 2.7E+01 9.9E-02 - 9.9E+00 - 1.3E-02 - 9.9E+00 - 3.9E-01 4.7E+03 3.9E+01 4.7E+03
Tetrachloroethene - V 5.0E-03 - 1.1E+00 2.3E+00 1.1E+02 2.3E+00 8.3E-01 3.1E+00 8.3E+01 3.1E+00 1.3E-01 4.8E-01 8.3E+01 4.8E-01 4.1E+01 1.4E+01 4.1E+03 1.4E+01
Toluene - V 1.0E+00 - - 5.4E+01 - 5.4E+01 - 526 (S) - 526 (S) - 1.3E+02 - 1.3E+02 - 1.1E+03 - 1.1E+03
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Dichloropropane, 1,3- V - - - 7.2E+01 - 7.2E+01 ---------2.6E+04 - 2.6E+04
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3- - V - - - 1.2E-01 - 1.2E-01 ---------6.9E+00 - 6.9E+00
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4- - V 7.0E-02 - 3.2E-02 1.6E+00 3.2E+00 1.6E+00 - 2.6E+00 - 2.6E+00 - 4.0E-01 - 4.0E-01 2.2E+00 6.7E+00 2.2E+02 6.7E+00
Trichloroethane 1,1,2- - V 5.0E-03 - 3.7E-01 1.4E+01 3.7E+01 1.4E+01 1.7E-01 2.0E-01 1.7E+01 2.0E-01 2.5E-02 2.8E-02 1.7E+01 2.8E-02 1.6E+00 7.3E-01 1.6E+02 7.3E-01
Trichloroethane, 1,1,1- - V 2.0E-01 - - 2.2E+03 - 2.2E+03 - 3.6E+02 - 3.6E+02 - 5.6E+01 - 5.6E+01 - 1.8E+03 - 1.8E+03
Trichloroethene - V 5.0E-03 - 1.5E-01 5.8E-01 1.5E+01 5.8E-01 8.2E-02 2.4E-01 8.2E+00 2.4E-01 1.3E-02 3.7E-02 8.2E+00 3.7E-02 4.0E+00 6.1E-01 4.0E+02 6.1E-01
Trichlorofluoromethane - V - - - 1.1E+03 - 1.1E+03 ---------3.6E+02 - 3.6E+02
Trichloropropane, 1,2,3- - V - - 2.8E-04 5.7E+00 2.8E-02 5.7E+00 - 5.6E-01 - 5.6E-01 - 7.7E-02 - 7.7E-02 2.3E-02 1.1E-01 2.3E+00 1.1E-01
Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4- - V - - - 2.3E+00 - 2.3E+00 - 1.9E+00 - 1.9E+00 - 2.9E-01 - 2.9E-01 - 2.7E+01 - 2.7E+01
Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5- - V - - - 3.1E+00 - 3.1E+00 - 1.9E+00 - 1.9E+00 - 2.9E-01 - 2.9E-01 - 3.3E+01 - 3.3E+01
Vinyl Chloride - V 2.0E-03 - 1.4E-02 5.3E+00 1.4E+00 5.3E+00 2.1E-02 3.3E+00 2.1E+00 3.3E+00 3.1E-03 4.9E-01 2.1E+00 4.9E-01 1.1E+00 1.7E+01 1.1E+02 1.7E+01
Xylene, m- - V - - - 7.9E+01 - 7.9E+01 - 2.0E+01 - 2.0E+01 - 3.0E+00 - 3.0E+00 - 3.3E+01 - 3.3E+01
Xylene, m- & Xylene, p- - V - - - 7.9E+01 - 7.9E+01 - 2.0E+01 - 2.0E+01 - 3.0E+00 - 3.0E+00 - 3.3E+01 - 3.3E+01
Xylene, o- - V - - - 8.8E+01 - 8.8E+01 - 2.2E+01 - 2.2E+01 - 3.4E+00 - 3.4E+00 - 3.4E+01 - 3.4E+01
Xylene, p- - V - - - 8.4E+01 - 8.4E+01 - 1.7E+01 - 1.7E+01 - 2.7E+00 - 2.7E+00 - 3.4E+01 - 3.4E+01
Xylenes (total) - V 1.0E+01 - - 8.3E+01 - 8.3E+01 - 1.7E+01 - 1.7E+01 - 2.7E+00 - 2.7E+00 - 1.2E+02 - 1.2E+02
Shaded cells indicate that the risk-based CAL (highlighted above) is lower than the aqueous site-specific screening level (SSSL) based on the method detection limit (MDL). The MDL will replace the risk-based CAL for screening purposes. Table below presents the MDLs:
Chemical MDL (mg/L)
Benzo(a)anthracene 0.0008
Benzo(a)pyrene 0.0008
BaP Equivalent 0.0008
Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.0009
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 0.0009
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 0.0008
Vinyl Chloride 0.00019 - 0.0038
(1) For chemicals that do not have readily available toxicity data, surrogate chemical toxicity data were used to derive risk-based CALs. For mixture chemicals (e.g., m- & p-xylene), the most conservative toxicity values were used to derive the risk-based CAL.
(2) Federal Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) (USEPA, 2009).
(3) Project-specific 95% upper tolerance limit for background concentrations (See Appendix C).
(4) USEPA Groundwater Johnson and Ettinger Model Runs (See Appendix A). (S) indicates that the CAL is the water solubility limit.
(5) Based on speciation data at the Site, total chromium is assumed to be trivalent chromium.
(6) Risk-based CALs for lead were calculated using USEPA's Adult Lead Methodology and Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic models (Appendix E)
(7) Thallium background concentrations were all non-detect; 95% UTL not calculated.
(8) The MCL for total PAHs was used.
Page 4 of 5
Receptor Background-
Medium of Exposure Based
Route of Exposure Volatile?MCL (2, 8) CAL (3)
Target Risk Level V = Yes
Units mg/L mg/L
Construction Worker
Risk-Based CAL
Ingestion and Dermal Inhalation Inhalation Inhalation Inhalation
Table 8
Summary of MCLs, Background-Based CALs, and Risk-Based CALs for Protection of Human Receptors
(CR=1E-06; HQ=1) (CR=1E-04; HQ=1)
Indoor Air (4)Shallow Groundwater
Ingestion, Dermal, and
Ingestion, Dermal, and
Recreational Adolescent
Risk-Based CAL Risk-Based CAL
On-site Surface Water Indoor Air (4)
Risk-Based CAL
Indoor Industrial/Commercial Worker Resident
mg/L mg/L mg/L mg/L
(CR=1E-06; HQ=1) (CR=1E-04; HQ=1) (CR=1E-06; HQ=1) (CR=1E-04; HQ=1) (CR=1E-06; HQ=1) (CR=1E-04; HQ=1)
- - no value or not applicable
CAL - corrective action levels
CAR - carcinogenic
MCL - maximum contaminant level
MDL - method detection limit
mg/L - milligrams per liter
NC - non-carcinogenic
No JE - Even though analyte is a volatile, it is not addressed in Johnson and Ettinger (JE) model
PAH - polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon
SSSL - site-specific screening level
(S) - value is the water solubility limit
CR - cancer risk
HQ - hazard quotient
95% UTL - 95 percent upper tolerance limit
Page 5 of 5
Medium of Exposure
Route of Exposure
Overall CAL(1) (2)Overall CAL #1 Overall CAL #2 Overall CAL #1 Overall CAL #2 Overall CAL #1 Overall CAL #2 Overall CAL #1 Overall CAL #2
Ammonia as N 1.1E+05 1.1E+05 - - - - 3.7E+01 3.7E+01
Nitrate 5.1E+03 5.1E+03 - - - - 2.6E+05 2.6E+05
Nitrate + Nitrite (as N) 3.2E+02 3.2E+02 - - - - 6.6E+03 6.6E+03
Nitrite 3.2E+02 3.2E+02 - - - - 6.6E+03 6.6E+03
Total Cyanide 2.0E+00 2.0E+00 - - - - 2.9E-01 2.9E-01
Aluminum-Total 5.2E+03 5.2E+03 - - - - 7.6E+04 7.6E+04
Antimony 1.2E+00 1.2E+00 - - - - 9.1E+00 9.1E+00
Arsenic, Total 1.0E+01 1.0E+01 - - - - 1.0E+01 3.0E+01
Barium, Total 4.0E+02 4.0E+02 - - - - 2.3E+03 2.3E+03
Beryllium, Total 7.2E+00 7.2E+00 - - - - 6.5E+02 6.5E+02
Cadmium-Total 6.7E-01 6.7E-01 - - - - 5.0E-03 5.0E-03
Chromium, Total (5) 7.2E+02 7.2E+02 - - - - 3.5E+03 3.5E+03
Cobalt-Total 1.0E+00 1.0E+00 - - - - 3.0E+02 3.0E+02
Lead, Total (6) 2.8E+01 2.8E+01 - - - - 1.8E+01 1.8E+01
Manganese 2.3E+01 2.3E+01 - - - - 1.3E+02 1.3E+02
Mercury, Total 8.4E-01 8.4E-01 9.7E-02 9.7E-02 1.6E-02 1.6E-02 1.1E-01 1.1E-01
Nickel, Total 4.6E+01 4.6E+01 - - - - 4.6E+02 4.6E+02
Selenium-Total 1.6E+01 1.6E+01 - - - - 3.2E+02 3.2E+02
Silver-Total 5.5E+00 5.5E+00 - - - - 3.2E+01 3.2E+01
Thallium, Total (7) 2.8E-02 2.8E-02 - - - - 1.5E+00 1.5E+00
Vanadium, Total 1.8E+01 1.8E+01 - - - - 1.3E+03 1.3E+03
Zinc, Total 1.0E+03 1.0E+03 - - - - 2.5E+04 2.5E+04
Acenaphthene 1.0E+01 1.0E+01 - - - - 1.8E+02 1.8E+02
Acenaphthylene 1.0E+01 1.0E+01 - - - - 1.8E+02 1.8E+02
Anthracene 2.3E+01 2.3E+01 - - - - 4.6E+02 4.6E+02
Benzo(a)anthracene 8.0E-04 4.7E-02 - - - - 6.0E-02 6.0E+00
Benzo(a)pyrene 8.0E-04 1.3E-03 - - - - 4.0E-03 1.7E-02
BaP Equivalent 8.0E-04 1.3E-03 - - - - 4.0E-03 4.0E-01
Benzo(b)fluoranthene 9.0E-04 4.8E-02 - - - - 6.8E-02 6.8E+00
Benzo(ghi)perylene 1.1E+00 1.1E+00 - - - - 8.3E+01 8.3E+01
Benzo(k)fluoranthene 2.7E-03 2.7E-01 - - - - 4.1E-01 4.1E+01
Chrysene 4.3E-02 4.3E+00 - - - - 5.5E+00 5.5E+02
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 9.0E-04 2.2E-03 - - - - 4.2E-03 4.2E-01
Fluoranthene 9.0E-01 9.0E-01 - - - - 1.8E+01 1.8E+01
Fluorene 4.6E+00 4.6E+00 - - - - 2.5E+02 2.5E+02
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 8.0E-04 1.7E-02 - - - - 3.3E-02 3.3E+00
Methylnaphthalene 2-7.0E-01 7.0E-01 - - - - 3.6E+00 3.6E+00
Naphthalene 7.7E+00 7.7E+00 1.6E-01 5.7E+00 2.2E-02 8.1E-01 7.5E-01 1.1E+00
Phenanthrene 2.3E+01 2.3E+01 - - - - 4.6E+02 4.6E+02
Pyrene 1.1E+00 1.1E+00 - - - - 8.3E+01 8.3E+01
Recreational Adolescent
On-site Surface Water
Indoor Industrial/Commercial Worker
Indoor Air
Indoor Air
mg/Lmg/Lmg/L mg/L
Ingestion, Dermal, and InhalationInhalationInhalationIngestion and Dermal
Table 9
Summary of Overall Groundater Corrective Action Levels for Protection of Human Receptors
Construction Worker
Shallow Groundwater
Page 1 of 5
Medium of Exposure
Route of Exposure
Overall CAL(1) (2)Overall CAL #1 Overall CAL #2 Overall CAL #1 Overall CAL #2 Overall CAL #1 Overall CAL #2 Overall CAL #1 Overall CAL #2
Recreational Adolescent
On-site Surface Water
Indoor Industrial/Commercial Worker
Indoor Air
Indoor Air
mg/Lmg/Lmg/L mg/L
Ingestion, Dermal, and InhalationInhalationInhalationIngestion and Dermal
Table 9
Summary of Overall Groundater Corrective Action Levels for Protection of Human Receptors
Construction Worker
Shallow Groundwater
3-Methylphenol & 4-Methylphenol 8.1E+01 8.1E+01 - - - - 4.8E+03 4.8E+03
Acetophenone 2.2E+02 2.2E+02 - - - - 1.7E+04 1.7E+04
Aniline 2.9E+00 2.0E+01 - - - - 2.8E+02 2.8E+02
Benzoic acid 1.4E+04 1.4E+04 - - - - 5.2E+05 5.2E+05
Benzyl alcohol 3.6E+02 3.6E+02 - - - - 3.9E+04 3.9E+04
bis(2-Chloroethoxy) methane 1.1E+01 1.1E+01 - - - - 3.9E+03 3.9E+03
bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether 1.4E-02 1.4E+00 1.8E-01 1.8E+01 1.7E-02 1.7E+00 7.5E-02 7.5E+00
bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate 6.0E-03 1.1E-02 - - - - 9.2E-02 1.8E+00
Bromophenyl phenyl ether, 4-1.4E+02 1.4E+02 - - - - 1.3E+02 1.3E+02
Butyl benzyl phthalate 1.1E+01 7.2E+02 - - - - 4.8E+03 2.6E+05
Chloroaniline 4-5.6E-02 5.6E+00 - - - - 5.6E+00 8.0E+00
Chlorobenzilate 3.8E-03 3.8E-01 - - - - 4.8E-01 1.5E+01
Chloronaphthalene 2-2.9E+02 2.9E+02 - - - - 2.6E+04 2.6E+04
Chlorophenyl phenyl rther, 4-1.4E+02 1.4E+02 - - - - 1.3E+02 1.3E+02
Diallate 9.1E-03 9.1E-01 - - - - 8.9E-01 8.9E+01
Dibenzofuran 1.3E-01 1.3E-01 - - - - 2.8E+00 2.8E+00
Dichlorobenzene 1,2-3.2E+02 3.2E+02 1.3E+02 1.3E+02 2.0E+01 2.0E+01 7.3E+02 7.3E+02
Dichlorobenzene 1,3-3.2E+02 3.2E+02 1.3E+02 1.3E+02 2.0E+01 2.0E+01 7.3E+02 7.3E+02
Dichlorobenzene 1,4-3.7E-01 2.4E+01 1.4E-01 1.4E+01 7.5E-02 2.1E+00 2.1E+00 9.5E+01
Diethyl phthalate 2.9E+03 2.9E+03 - - - - 1.3E+04 1.3E+04
Dimethyl phthalate 2.9E+03 2.9E+03 - - - - 1.3E+04 1.3E+04
Dimethylphenol, 2,4-2.5E+01 2.5E+01 - - - - 4.0E+02 4.0E+02
Dinitro-2-methylphenol, 4,6- 1.4E-01 1.4E-01 - - - - 1.3E+01 1.3E+01
Dinitrophenol, 2,4- 4.7E+00 4.7E+00 - - - - 5.3E+02 5.3E+02
Dinitrotoluene, 2,4- 3.7E-02 3.7E+00 - - - - 4.0E+00 1.2E+02
DI-n-Octyl phthalate 3.6E+01 3.6E+01 - - - - 1.3E+04 1.3E+04
Dioxane, 1,4- 8.9E+01 8.9E+01 - - - - 6.5E+02 6.5E+02
Diphenylamine 8.9E+01 8.9E+01 - - - - 2.6E+03 2.6E+03
Hexachlorobutadiene 4.6E-03 6.1E-02 3.0E-02 3.0E+00 4.7E-03 4.7E-01 3.3E-01 5.2E-01
Isophorone 2.2E+01 7.2E+02 - - - - 9.6E+03 3.9E+05
Methylphenol 2-8.2E+01 8.2E+01 - - - - 2.4E+03 2.4E+03
Methylphenol 4-3.6E+02 3.6E+02 - - - - 2.6E+03 2.6E+03
methylphenol, 4-Chloro-3-3.6E+02 3.6E+02 - - - - 1.3E+04 1.3E+04
Naphthylamine, 1- 4.5E-03 4.5E-01 - - - - 3.6E-01 3.6E+01
Nitroaniline 2- 3.6E+01 3.6E+01 - - - - 1.3E+04 1.3E+04
Nitroaniline, 4- 7.8E-01 1.1E+01 - - - - 1.2E+02 3.5E+02
Nitrobenzene 4.1E+00 4.1E+00 1.1E+00 1.1E+02 1.0E-01 1.0E+01 6.4E-01 6.8E+00
Nitrophenol, 2- 4.7E+00 4.7E+00 - - - - 5.3E+02 5.3E+02
Nitrophenol, 4- 4.7E+00 4.7E+00 - - - - 5.3E+02 5.3E+02
N-Nitrosodiethylamine 1.2E-04 1.2E-02 - - - - 2.9E-02 2.9E+00
N-Nitrosodimethylamine 4.0E-04 2.8E-02 - - - - 1.8E-03 1.4E-02
N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine 1.1E-03 1.1E-01 - - - - 1.3E-02 1.3E+00
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 2.1E-03 2.1E-01 - - - - 2.9E-01 2.9E+01
Page 2 of 5
Medium of Exposure
Route of Exposure
Overall CAL(1) (2)Overall CAL #1 Overall CAL #2 Overall CAL #1 Overall CAL #2 Overall CAL #1 Overall CAL #2 Overall CAL #1 Overall CAL #2
Recreational Adolescent
On-site Surface Water
Indoor Industrial/Commercial Worker
Indoor Air
Indoor Air
mg/Lmg/Lmg/L mg/L
Ingestion, Dermal, and InhalationInhalationInhalationIngestion and Dermal
Table 9
Summary of Overall Groundater Corrective Action Levels for Protection of Human Receptors
Construction Worker
Shallow Groundwater
N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 4.3E+00 4.3E+02 - - - - 1.9E+03 1.9E+05
Pentachlorophenol 1.0E-03 4.8E-02 - - - - 5.6E-02 3.2E-01
Phenol 6.6E+02 6.6E+02 - - - - 1.3E+04 1.3E+04
Picoline 2- 3.0E+00 3.0E+00 - - - - 4.8E+02 4.8E+02
Pyridine 3.0E+00 3.0E+00 - - - - 4.8E+02 4.8E+02
Tetrahydrofuran 3.2E+03 3.2E+03 - - - - 7.3E+02 7.3E+02
Trichlorophenol 2,4,5- 3.6E+02 3.6E+02 - - - - 3.9E+04 3.9E+04
Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6- 1.5E-01 2.8E-01 - - - - 1.6E+00 1.6E+00
Acetone 3.2E+03 3.2E+03 2.3E+05 2.3E+05 2.0E+04 2.0E+04 1.1E+04 1.1E+04
Benzene 1.3E-01 4.9E+00 7.0E-02 5.8E+00 1.1E-02 8.8E-01 2.4E+00 2.1E+01
Benzoic acid 1.4E+04 1.4E+04 - - - - 5.2E+05 5.2E+05
Benzyl alcohol 3.6E+02 3.6E+02 - - - - 3.9E+04 3.9E+04
bis(2-Chloroethoxy) methane 1.1E+01 1.1E+01 - - - - 3.9E+03 3.9E+03
Bromobenzene 2.9E+01 2.9E+01 - - - - 7.1E+01 7.1E+01
Bromodichloromethane 1.7E-01 1.7E+01 8.0E-02 7.4E+00 8.0E-02 1.2E+00 6.7E-01 6.9E+00
Bromomethane 3.6E+00 3.6E+00 - - - - 2.9E+01 2.9E+01
Bromophenyl phenyl ether, 4-1.4E+02 1.4E+02 - - - - 1.3E+02 1.3E+02
Butanone, 2- (MEK) 2.1E+03 2.1E+03 3.1E+04 3.1E+04 3.1E+03 3.1E+03 3.7E+02 3.7E+02
Butyl benzyl phthalate 1.1E+01 7.2E+02 - - - - 4.8E+03 2.6E+05
Carbon disulfide 3.6E+02 3.6E+02 2.2E+01 2.2E+01 3.3E+00 3.3E+00 2.5E+02 2.5E+02
Carbon tetrachloride 6.6E-02 3.2E+00 1.9E-02 1.9E+00 5.0E-03 3.0E-01 2.2E+00 2.2E+01
Chlorobenzene 1.3E+01 1.3E+01 1.7E+01 1.7E+01 2.6E+00 2.6E+00 1.0E+02 1.0E+02
Chloroethane Inh Tox Only Inh Tox Only 5.3E+02 5.3E+02 6.6E+01 6.6E+01 1.3E+03 1.3E+03
Chloroform 3.2E-01 1.7E+01 8.0E-02 3.0E+00 8.0E-02 4.4E-01 1.1E+00 8.3E+01
Chloromethane Inh Tox Only Inh Tox Only 7.8E+00 7.8E+00 1.1E+00 1.1E+00 1.1E+03 1.1E+03
Chloronaphthalene 2-2.9E+02 2.9E+02 - - - - 2.6E+04 2.6E+04
Chlorophenyl phenyl rther, 4-1.4E+02 1.4E+02 - - - - 1.3E+02 1.3E+02
Chlorotoluene 2-7.2E+01 7.2E+01 - - - - 2.6E+02 2.6E+02
Chlorotoluene 4-7.2E+01 7.2E+01 - - - - 2.6E+04 2.6E+04
Cyclohexane Inh Tox Only Inh Tox Only - - - - 6.6E+03 6.6E+03
Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2- (BDCP) 6.2E-03 1.7E-01 - - - - 4.2E-03 4.2E-01
Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2- 5.8E-03 5.8E-01 7.5E-03 7.5E-01 1.1E-03 1.1E-01 4.0E-02 7.3E-01
Dichlorobenzene 1,2-3.2E+02 3.2E+02 1.3E+02 1.3E+02 2.0E+01 2.0E+01 7.3E+02 7.3E+02
Dichlorobenzene 1,3-3.2E+02 3.2E+02 1.3E+02 1.3E+02 2.0E+01 2.0E+01 7.3E+02 7.3E+02
Dichlorodifluoromethane 7.2E+02 7.2E+02 4.4E-01 4.4E-01 6.8E-02 6.8E-02 3.5E+02 3.5E+02
Dichloroethane 1,1- 3.7E+00 3.6E+02 3.7E-01 3.7E+01 5.7E-02 5.7E+00 1.5E+01 1.5E+03
Dichloroethane 1,2- 3.7E-01 1.3E+01 8.3E-02 5.4E+00 1.2E-02 7.5E-01 9.3E-01 2.4E+01
Dichloroethene (total), 1,2- 2.8E+00 2.8E+00 - - - - 9.9E+02 9.9E+02
Dichloroethene, 1,1- 6.7E+01 6.7E+01 8.1E+00 8.1E+00 1.2E+00 1.2E+00 2.1E+01 2.1E+01
Dichloroethene, cis-1,2- 2.8E+00 2.8E+00 - - - - 1.8E+02 1.8E+02
Dichloroethene, trans-1,2- 7.2E+01 7.2E+01 - - - - 2.9E+02 2.9E+02
Dichloropropane 1,3- 7.2E+01 7.2E+01 - - - - 2.6E+04 2.6E+04
Dichloropropane, 1,2- 5.6E-01 5.6E+01 1.1E-01 1.6E+00 1.7E-02 2.4E-01 6.9E-01 1.2E+01
Page 3 of 5
Medium of Exposure
Route of Exposure
Overall CAL(1) (2)Overall CAL #1 Overall CAL #2 Overall CAL #1 Overall CAL #2 Overall CAL #1 Overall CAL #2 Overall CAL #1 Overall CAL #2
Recreational Adolescent
On-site Surface Water
Indoor Industrial/Commercial Worker
Indoor Air
Indoor Air
mg/Lmg/Lmg/L mg/L
Ingestion, Dermal, and InhalationInhalationInhalationIngestion and Dermal
Table 9
Summary of Overall Groundater Corrective Action Levels for Protection of Human Receptors
Construction Worker
Shallow Groundwater
Diethyl phthalate 2.9E+03 2.9E+03 - - - - 1.3E+04 1.3E+04
Dimethyl phthalate 2.9E+03 2.9E+03 - - - - 1.3E+04 1.3E+04
DI-n-Octyl phthalate 3.6E+01 3.6E+01 - - - - 1.3E+04 1.3E+04
Diphenylamine 8.9E+01 8.9E+01 - - - - 2.6E+03 2.6E+03
Ethyl Ether 7.2E+02 7.2E+02 - - - - 1.1E+03 1.1E+03
Ethylbenzene 7.0E-01 2.2E+01 7.0E-01 1.9E+01 7.0E-01 3.0E+00 5.7E+00 9.8E+01
Hexanone 2- 1.2E+01 1.2E+01 - - - - 1.0E+01 1.0E+01
Isophorone 2.2E+01 7.2E+02 - - - - 9.6E+03 3.9E+05
Isopropylbenzene 3.6E+02 3.6E+02 6.2E-01 6.2E-01 9.7E-02 9.7E-02 3.3E+01 3.3E+01
Isopropyltoluene 4-3.6E+02 3.6E+02 6.2E-01 6.2E-01 9.7E-02 9.7E-02 3.3E+01 3.3E+01
Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) 9.0E+00 9.0E+02 1.1E+01 1.1E+03 1.5E+00 1.5E+02 9.2E+01 8.5E+02
Methyl-2-pentanone, 4- (MIBK) Inh Tox Only Inh Tox Only 1.1E+04 1.1E+04 1.3E+03 1.3E+03 2.9E+02 2.9E+02
Methylene Chloride 7.0E+00 1.5E+01 1.1E+02 2.3E+02 1.5E+01 3.3E+01 3.1E+02 3.1E+02
Methylphenol 4-3.6E+02 3.6E+02 - - - - 2.6E+03 2.6E+03
methylphenol, 4-Chloro-3-3.6E+02 3.6E+02 - - - - 1.3E+04 1.3E+04
n-Butylbenzene 1.8E+02 1.8E+02 - - - - 1.3E+04 1.3E+04
Nitroaniline 2- 3.6E+01 3.6E+01 - - - - 1.3E+04 1.3E+04
N-Nitrosodiphenylamine 4.3E+00 4.3E+02 - - - - 1.9E+03 1.9E+05
n-Propylbenzene 3.6E+02 3.6E+02 - - 2.5E+01 2.5E+01 3.6E+02 3.6E+02
sec-Butylbenzene 3.6E+02 3.6E+02 - - - - 1.3E+04 1.3E+04
Styrene 1.1E+02 1.1E+02 310 (S) 310 (S) 7.1E+01 7.1E+01 3.6E+02 3.6E+02
tert-Butylbenzene 3.6E+02 3.6E+02 - - - - 1.3E+04 1.3E+04
Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2 3.9E-02 3.9E+00 9.9E-02 9.9E+00 1.3E-02 1.3E+00 3.9E-01 3.9E+01
Tetrachloroethene 1.1E+00 2.3E+00 8.3E-01 3.1E+00 1.3E-01 4.8E-01 1.4E+01 1.4E+01
Tetrahydrofuran 3.2E+03 3.2E+03 - - - - 7.3E+02 7.3E+02
Toluene 5.4E+01 5.4E+01 526 (S) 526 (S) 1.3E+02 1.3E+02 1.1E+03 1.1E+03
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 7.2E+01 7.2E+01 - - - - 2.6E+04 2.6E+04
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3- 1.2E-01 1.2E-01 - - - - 6.9E+00 6.9E+00
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4- 7.0E-02 1.6E+00 2.6E+00 2.6E+00 4.0E-01 4.0E-01 2.2E+00 6.7E+00
Trichloroethane 1,1,2- 3.7E-01 1.4E+01 1.7E-01 2.0E-01 2.5E-02 2.8E-02 7.3E-01 7.3E-01
Trichloroethane, 1,1,1- 2.2E+03 2.2E+03 3.6E+02 3.6E+02 5.6E+01 5.6E+01 1.8E+03 1.8E+03
Trichloroethene 1.5E-01 5.8E-01 8.2E-02 2.4E-01 1.3E-02 3.7E-02 6.1E-01 6.1E-01
Trichlorofluoromethane 1.1E+03 1.1E+03 - - - - 3.6E+02 3.6E+02
Trichlorophenol 2,4,5- 3.6E+02 3.6E+02 - - - - 3.9E+04 3.9E+04
Trichloropropane, 1,2,3- 2.8E-04 2.8E-02 5.6E-01 5.6E-01 7.7E-02 7.7E-02 2.3E-02 1.1E-01
Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4- 2.3E+00 2.3E+00 1.9E+00 1.9E+00 2.9E-01 2.9E-01 2.7E+01 2.7E+01
Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5- 3.1E+00 3.1E+00 1.9E+00 1.9E+00 2.9E-01 2.9E-01 3.3E+01 3.3E+01
Vinyl Chloride 1.4E-02 1.4E+00 2.1E-02 2.1E+00 0.00019 - 0.0038 3.1E-01 1.1E+00 1.7E+01
Xylene, m- 7.9E+01 7.9E+01 2.0E+01 2.0E+01 3.0E+00 3.0E+00 3.3E+01 3.3E+01
Xylene, m- & Xylene, p-7.9E+01 7.9E+01 2.0E+01 2.0E+01 3.0E+00 3.0E+00 3.3E+01 3.3E+01
Xylene, o-8.8E+01 8.8E+01 2.2E+01 2.2E+01 3.4E+00 3.4E+00 3.4E+01 3.4E+01
Xylene, p-8.4E+01 8.4E+01 1.7E+01 1.7E+01 2.7E+00 2.7E+00 3.4E+01 3.4E+01
Xylenes (total)8.3E+01 8.3E+01 1.7E+01 1.7E+01 1.0E+01 1.0E+01 1.2E+02 1.2E+02
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Medium of Exposure
Route of Exposure
Overall CAL(1) (2)Overall CAL #1 Overall CAL #2 Overall CAL #1 Overall CAL #2 Overall CAL #1 Overall CAL #2 Overall CAL #1 Overall CAL #2
Recreational Adolescent
On-site Surface Water
Indoor Industrial/Commercial Worker
Indoor Air
Indoor Air
mg/Lmg/Lmg/L mg/L
Ingestion, Dermal, and InhalationInhalationInhalationIngestion and Dermal
Table 9
Summary of Overall Groundater Corrective Action Levels for Protection of Human Receptors
Construction Worker
Shallow Groundwater
(1) Overall CAL #1 is the maximum of the (1) MCL, (2) background-based CAL, and the (3) minimum of the risk-based CAL based on a CR of 1E-06 and HQ of 1 (see Table 8).
(2) Overall CAL #2 is the maximum of the (1) MCL, (2) background-based CAL, and the (3) minimum of the risk-based CAL based on a CR of 1E-04 and HQ of 1 (See Table 8).
Shaded cells indicate that the risk-based CAL was replaced with method detection limit (or range).
- - no value
CAL - corrective action levels
CR - cancer risk
HQ - hazard quotient
Inh Tox Only - Chemical has only inhalation toxicity values therefore a risk-based CAL (protective of the oral and dermal exposure pathways) could not be calculated.
MCL - maximum contaminant level
mg/L - milligrams per liter
(S) - Solubility Limit
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Is Chemical Risk‐Based Risk‐Based Site‐Wide
Inhalation Volatile and Toxic Residential Industrial Worker Risk‐Based Site‐Wide Maximum
Toxicity Enough to Pose Groundwater Groundwater CAL Maximum Greater
Values an Inhalation Risk CAL for Indoor CAL for Indoor Calculated for Detected than Inhalation
Volatile Available? from Groundwater Air (3) Air (3) Air in Trench? Concentration CW CAL?
PCOIs (1) Surrogates (2)(Yes/No) Source? (mg/L) (mg/L) (Yes/No) (mg/L) (Yes/No)
Ammonia as N -Yes Yes No JE No JE Yes 3.7E+01 20000 YES
Total Cyanide -Yes Yes No JE No JE Yes 2.9E‐01 130 YES
Mercury, Total -Yes Yes 1.6E‐02 9.7E‐02 Yes 1.1E‐01 0.013 no
Acenaphthene -No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐No ‐8.6 no
Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐No ‐8.8 no
Anthracene -No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐No ‐2.77 no
Benzo(a)anthracene -Yes NVT ‐‐No ‐1.4 no
Benzo(ghi)perylene Pyrene No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐No ‐0.39 no
Fluorene -No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐No ‐4.5 no
Methylnaphthalene 2- -No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐No ‐34 no
Naphthalene -Yes Yes 2.2E‐02 1.6E‐01 Yes 7.5E‐01 1732 YES
Phenanthrene Anthracene No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐No ‐5.4 no
Pyrene -No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐No ‐4.2 no
Acetophenone -No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐No ‐17 no
bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether -Yes Yes 1.7E‐02 1.8E‐01 Yes 7.8E‐02 34 YES
Bromophenyl phenyl ether, 4- Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)Ether No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐No ‐0.0011 no
Chloronaphthalene 2- -No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐No ‐0.0044 no
Chlorophenyl phenyl ether, 4- Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)Ether No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐No ‐0.0013 no
Dibenzofuran -No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐No ‐3.4 no
Dichlorobenzene 1,2- -Yes Yes 2.0E+01 1.3E+02 Yes 7.3E+02 0.0049 no
Dichlorobenzene 1,3- Dichlorobenzene, 1,2 Yes Yes 2.0E+01 1.3E+02 Yes 7.3E+02 0.0035 no
Dichlorobenzene 1,4- -Yes Yes 2.1E‐02 1.4E‐01 Yes 2.3E+00 0.0052 no
Dioxane, 1,4- -Yes Yes No JE No JE Yes 5.1E+00 ‐no
Hexachlorobutadiene -Yes Yes 4.7E‐03 3.0E‐02 Yes 1.2E+00 0.0036 no
Nitrobenzene -Yes Yes 1.0E‐01 1.1E+00 Yes 6.4E‐01 0.12 no
N-Nitrosodimethylamine -Yes Yes No JE No JE Yes 1.8E‐03 0.0013 no
N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine -Yes Yes No JE No JE Yes 1.6E‐02 0.0058 no
Picoline 2- Pyridine No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐No ‐110 no
Pyridine -No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐No ‐180 no
Tetrahydrofuran -Yes Yes ‐‐Yes 7.3E+02 0.0097 no
Acetone -Yes Yes 2.0E+04 2.3E+05 Yes 1.1E+04 8 no
Benzene -Yes Yes 1.1E‐02 7.0E‐02 Yes 3.3E+00 1400 YES
Bromobenzene -Yes Yes No JE No JE Yes 7.3E+01 0.0014 no
Bromodichloromethane -Yes Yes 1.2E‐02 7.4E‐02 Yes 6.9E‐01 0.00096 no
Bromomethane -Yes Yes No JE No JE Yes 3.7E+01 0.0079 no
Table 10
Evaluation of Volatile PCOIs for the Indoor Air and Air in a Trench Exposure Pathways
Construction Worker
Inhalation CAL for
Page 1 of 3
Is Chemical Risk‐Based Risk‐Based Site‐Wide
Inhalation Volatile and Toxic Residential Industrial Worker Risk‐Based Site‐Wide Maximum
Toxicity Enough to Pose Groundwater Groundwater CAL Maximum Greater
Values an Inhalation Risk CAL for Indoor CAL for Indoor Calculated for Detected than Inhalation
Volatile Available? from Groundwater Air (3) Air (3) Air in Trench? Concentration CW CAL?
PCOIs (1) Surrogates (2)(Yes/No) Source? (mg/L) (mg/L) (Yes/No) (mg/L) (Yes/No)
Table 10
Evaluation of Volatile PCOIs for the Indoor Air and Air in a Trench Exposure Pathways
Construction Worker
Inhalation CAL for
Butanone, 2- (MEK) -Yes Yes 3.1E+03 3.1E+04 Yes 3.7E+02 1.2 no
Carbon disulfide -Yes Yes 3.3E+00 2.2E+01 Yes 2.6E+02 0.0014 no
Carbon tetrachloride -Yes Yes 3.0E‐03 1.9E‐02 Yes 4.3E+00 0.01 no
Chlorobenzene -Yes Yes 2.6E+00 1.7E+01 Yes 1.8E+02 0.38 no
Chloroethane -Yes Yes 6.6E+01 5.3E+02 Yes 1.5E+03 0.017 no
Chloroform -Yes Yes 4.4E‐03 3.0E‐02 Yes 1.1E+00 0.26 no
Chloromethane -Yes Yes 1.1E+00 7.8E+00 Yes 1.1E+03 0.01 no
Chlorotoluene 2- -No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐Yes 2.9E+02 0.0024 no
Chlorotoluene 4- -No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐No ‐0.0025 no
Cyclohexane -Yes Yes No JE No JE Yes 6.6E+03 0.05 no
Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2- (BDCP) -Yes Yes No JE No JE Yes 4.3E‐03 0.0097 YES
Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2- -Yes Yes 1.1E‐03 7.5E‐03 Yes 4.3E‐02 0.000168 no
Dichlorodifluoromethane -Yes Yes 6.8E‐02 4.4E‐01 Yes 3.7E+02 0.0077 no
Dichloroethane 1,1- -Yes Yes 5.7E‐02 3.7E‐01 Yes 1.6E+01 0.32 no
Dichloroethane 1,2- -Yes Yes 1.2E‐02 8.3E‐02 Yes 9.9E‐01 0.035 no
Dichloroethene (total), 1,2- Dichloroethene, cis-1,2-No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐No ‐0.49 no
Dichloroethene 1,1- -Yes Yes 1.2E+00 8.1E+00 Yes 2.9E+01 0.098 no
Dichloroethene, cis-1,2- -No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐No ‐0.42 no
Dichloroethene, trans-1,2- -No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐Yes 2.9E+02 0.087 no
Dichloropropane, 1,2- -Yes Yes 1.7E‐02 1.1E‐01 Yes 6.9E‐01 0.0001 no
Dichloropropane 1,3- -No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐No ‐0.00037 no
Ethyl Ether -No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐Yes 1.1E+03 0.22 no
Ethylbenzene -Yes Yes 3.0E‐02 1.9E‐01 Yes 1.0E+01 3.8 no
Hexanone 2- -Yes Yes No JE No JE Yes 1.1E+01 0.054 no
Isopropylbenzene -Yes Yes 9.7E‐02 6.2E‐01 Yes 3.3E+01 0.1 no
Isopropyltoluene 4- Isopropylbenzene Yes Yes 9.7E‐02 6.2E‐01 Yes 3.3E+01 0.058 no
Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) -Yes Yes 1.5E+00 1.1E+01 Yes 9.9E+01 0.12 no
Methyl-2-pentanone, 4- (MIBK) -Yes Yes 1.3E+03 1.1E+04 Yes 2.9E+02 0.63 no
Methylene Chloride -Yes Yes 1.5E+01 1.1E+02 Yes 3.8E+02 14 no
n-Butylbenzene -No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐No ‐0.11 no
n-Propylbenzene -Yes Yes 2.5E+01 52.2 (S) Yes 3.7E+02 0.22 no
sec-Butylbenzene -No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐No ‐0.031 no
Styrene -Yes Yes 7.1E+01 310 (S) Yes 1.1E+03 14 no
tert-Butylbenzene -No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐No ‐0.019 no
Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2 -Yes Yes 1.3E‐02 9.9E‐02 Yes 4.4E‐01 0.0006 no
Tetrachloroethene -Yes Yes 1.3E‐01 8.3E‐01 Yes 1.5E+01 0.4 no
Tetrahydrofuran -Yes Yes ‐‐Yes 7.3E+02 0.0097 no
Toluene -Yes Yes 1.3E+02 526 (S) Yes 1.8E+03 480 no
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Dichloropropane, 1,3-No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐No ‐0.034 no
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3- -No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐No ‐0.02 no
Page 2 of 3
Is Chemical Risk‐Based Risk‐Based Site‐Wide
Inhalation Volatile and Toxic Residential Industrial Worker Risk‐Based Site‐Wide Maximum
Toxicity Enough to Pose Groundwater Groundwater CAL Maximum Greater
Values an Inhalation Risk CAL for Indoor CAL for Indoor Calculated for Detected than Inhalation
Volatile Available? from Groundwater Air (3) Air (3) Air in Trench? Concentration CW CAL?
PCOIs (1) Surrogates (2)(Yes/No) Source? (mg/L) (mg/L) (Yes/No) (mg/L) (Yes/No)
Table 10
Evaluation of Volatile PCOIs for the Indoor Air and Air in a Trench Exposure Pathways
Construction Worker
Inhalation CAL for
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4- -Yes Yes 4.0E‐01 2.6E+00 Yes 7.3E+00 0.088 no
Trichloroethane 1,1,2- -Yes Yes 2.5E‐02 1.7E‐01 Yes 7.3E‐01 0.0059 no
Trichloroethane, 1,1,1- -Yes Yes 5.6E+01 3.6E+02 Yes 1.8E+03 0.025 no
Trichloroethene -Yes Yes 1.3E‐02 8.2E‐02 Yes 7.3E‐01 1.2 YES
Trichlorofluoromethane -No No Inhal. Tox. Info ‐‐Yes 3.7E+02 0.0027 no
Trichloropropane, 1,2,3- -Yes Yes 7.7E‐02 5.6E‐01 Yes 1.1E‐01 0.00094 no
Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4- -Yes Yes 2.9E‐01 1.9E+00 Yes 7.3E+01 2.8 no
Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5- -Yes Yes 2.9E‐01 1.9E+00 Yes 7.3E+01 1.5 no
Vinyl Chloride -Yes Yes 0.00019 ‐ 0.0038 2.1E‐02 Yes 5.8E+00 0.096 no
Xylene, m- -Yes Yes 3.0E+00 2.0E+01 Yes 3.7E+01 1.416 no
Xylene, m- & Xylene, p- -Yes Yes 3.0E+00 2.0E+01 Yes 3.7E+01 1.416 no
Xylene, o- -Yes Yes 3.4E+00 2.2E+01 Yes 3.7E+01 8.5 no
Xylene, p- -Yes Yes 2.7E+00 1.7E+01 Yes 3.7E+01 1.447 no
Xylenes (total) -Yes Yes 2.7E+00 1.7E+01 Yes 1.5E+02 76 no
Shaded cells indicate that the risk-based CAL is a method detection limit (or range).
- = no value
CAL - corrective action levels
mg/L - milligrams per liter
PCOI - preliminary chemical of interest
No JE - Even though analyte is a volatile, it is not addressed in Johnson and Ettinger (JE) model
NVT - Not sufficiently volatile and/or toxic to pose inhalation risk in selected exposure scenario for the indicated medium
(1) Chemical meets the definition of a volatile where the henry's law constant (atm-m3/mole) > 1E-05 or the vapor pressure > 1 mmHg.
(2) For chemicals that do not have readily available toxicity data, surrogate chemical toxicity data were used to derive risk-based CALs. For mixture chemicals (e.g., m- & p-xylene), the most conservative were used to derive the risk-based CAL.
(3) USEPA Johnson and Ettinger model run results (see Appendix A). (S) indicates that the value is the water solubility limit (i.e., risk-based screening value was above the solubility limit).
(4) Subchronic inhalation toxicity values were available for these chemicals therefore the inhalation of trench vapors exposure pathway was evaluated.
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Groundwater Corrective Action Levels
Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah March 16, 2018
Figure 1
Conceptual Site Model
Former Geneva Steel Facility. Vineyard, Utah
(a) Pathway not complete because of upward hydraulic gradient.
(b) Exposure route eliminated by OSHA 29 CFR 1926.651. However, to be conservative calculations of CALs
for construction workers included hypothetical direct ingestion and dermal exposure to groundwater.
FLOW (a)
SWMUs at Geneva
Steel Facility
Page 1 of 1
Appendix A
USEPA Johnson and Ettinger Model Runs for
Vapor Intrusion Groundwater Corrective Action Levels
Johnson and Ettinger Model Runs for Groundwater Corrective Action Levels for
the Residential Scenario (Vapor Intrusion)
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 09:35:46 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,1-Dichloroethane CAS Number: 75343
Molecular Weight: 98.96[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.1780668[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.420e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.050e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.0000016[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007491[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0006305[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001308
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001734
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 1.755[μg/m3] or 0.4338[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3004.[μg/m3] or 742.8[ppbv]; Ground Water: 65.49[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1342.[μg/m3] or 331.7[ppbv]; Ground Water: 56.82[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 842.7[μg/m3] or 208.3[ppbv]; Ground Water: 54.25[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
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Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 13:37:30 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,1-Dichloroethylene CAS Number: 75354
Molecular Weight: 96.94[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.8589975[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 9.000e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.040e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.2[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.009086[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0006898[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001462
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001888
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 200[μg/m3] or 50.48[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.931e5[μg/m3] or 7.397e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1402.[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.368e5[μg/m3] or 3.452e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1233.[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 8.989e4[μg/m3] or 2.269e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1183.[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
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Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 09:43:33 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,2-Dichloroethane CAS Number: 107062
Molecular Weight: 98.96[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.02980358[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1040[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 9.900e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.000026[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.0105[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.001187[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.00158
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.000312
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.108[μg/m3] or 0.0267[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 141.2[μg/m3] or 34.92[ppbv]; Ground Water: 13.88[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 68.35[μg/m3] or 16.90[ppbv]; Ground Water: 11.61[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 46.44[μg/m3] or 11.48[ppbv]; Ground Water: 10.94[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 09:42:07 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,2-Dichloroethane CAS Number: 107062
Molecular Weight: 98.96[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.02980358[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1040[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 9.900e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.007[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.0105[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.001187[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.00158
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.000312
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 7[μg/m3] or 1.731[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 9155.[μg/m3] or 2263.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 899.8[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4430.[μg/m3] or 1095.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 752.7[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3010.[μg/m3] or 744.2[ppbv]; Ground Water: 708.9[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 15:26:22 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene CAS Number: 95501
Molecular Weight: 147[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.0513925[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 6.900e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.900e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.2[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.006966[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.000708[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001251
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001935
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 200[μg/m3] or 33.29[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.634e5[μg/m3] or 6.049e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.379e4[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.598e5[μg/m3] or 2.660e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.011e4[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 9.868e4[μg/m3] or 1.642e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.902e4[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 14:59:31 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,2-Dichloropropane CAS Number: 78875
Molecular Weight: 112.99[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.0848915[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.820e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.730e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.00001[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007895[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0007151[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001349
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001953
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.2808[μg/m3] or 0.0608[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 460.4[μg/m3] or 99.69[ppbv]; Ground Water: 19.69[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 208.1[μg/m3] or 45.06[ppbv]; Ground Water: 16.93[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 132.3[μg/m3] or 28.65[ppbv]; Ground Water: 16.11[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 15:00:44 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,2-Dichloropropane CAS Number: 78875
Molecular Weight: 112.99[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.0848915[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.820e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.730e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.004[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007895[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0007151[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001349
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001953
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 4[μg/m3] or 0.8661[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 6559.[μg/m3] or 1420.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 280.5[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2964.[μg/m3] or 641.9[ppbv]; Ground Water: 241.2[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1885.[μg/m3] or 408.2[ppbv]; Ground Water: 229.6[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 09:29:46 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,2-Dibromoethane (ethylene dibromide) CAS Number: 106934
Molecular Weight: 187.86[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.02125441[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 2.170e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.190e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.0006[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.002193[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0007068[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0005332
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001932
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.004679[μg/m3] or 0.0006094[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 23.69[μg/m3] or 3.086[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.791[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 8.775[μg/m3] or 1.143[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.140[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4.231[μg/m3] or 0.5510[ppbv]; Ground Water: 0.9432[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 09:30:46 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,2-Dibromoethane (ethylene dibromide) CAS Number: 106934
Molecular Weight: 187.86[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.02125441[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 2.170e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.190e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.009[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.002193[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0007068[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0005332
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001932
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 9[μg/m3] or 1.172[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4.557e4[μg/m3] or 5935.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3445.[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.688e4[μg/m3] or 2198.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2192.[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 8137.[μg/m3] or 1060.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1814.[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 07:55:10 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,4-Dichlorobenzene CAS Number: 106467
Molecular Weight: 147[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.06600547[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 6.900e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.900e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.000011[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.8[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.006966[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0006666[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001251
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001828
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.2552[μg/m3] or 0.04248[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 463.9[μg/m3] or 77.21[ppbv]; Ground Water: 24.81[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 204.0[μg/m3] or 33.95[ppbv]; Ground Water: 21.15[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 125.9[μg/m3] or 20.96[ppbv]; Ground Water: 20.07[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 07:56:34 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,4-Dichlorobenzene CAS Number: 106467
Molecular Weight: 147[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.06600547[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 6.900e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.900e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.8[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.006966[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0006666[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001251
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001828
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 800[μg/m3] or 133.1[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.454e6[μg/m3] or 2.420e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 7.775e4[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 6.394e5[μg/m3] or 1.064e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 6.630e4[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.947e5[μg/m3] or 6.570e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 6.289e4[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 13:56:54 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,1,1-Trichloroethane CAS Number: 71556
Molecular Weight: 133.4[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.5361769[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.800e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.800e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 5[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007875[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0006053[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001347
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001669
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 5000[μg/m3] or 917[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 8.219e6[μg/m3] or 1.507e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 6.369e4[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.711e6[μg/m3] or 6.806e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 5.589e4[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.358e6[μg/m3] or 4.325e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 5.357e4[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 15:19:13 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,1,2-Trichloroethane CAS Number: 79005
Molecular Weight: 133.41[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.02672733[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.800e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.800e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.000016[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007876[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0009842[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001347
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0002629
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.1755[μg/m3] or 0.03218[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 288.0[μg/m3] or 52.82[ppbv]; Ground Water: 30.45[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 130.2[μg/m3] or 23.88[ppbv]; Ground Water: 24.97[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 82.77[μg/m3] or 15.18[ppbv]; Ground Water: 23.34[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 15:20:09 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,1,2-Trichloroethane CAS Number: 79005
Molecular Weight: 133.41[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.02672733[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.800e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.800e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.0002[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007876[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0009842[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001347
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0002629
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.2[μg/m3] or 0.03668[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 328.3[μg/m3] or 60.21[ppbv]; Ground Water: 34.70[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 148.4[μg/m3] or 27.22[ppbv]; Ground Water: 28.46[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 94.34[μg/m3] or 17.30[ppbv]; Ground Water: 26.60[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 14:01:13 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,2,3-Trichloropropane CAS Number: 96184
Molecular Weight: 147.43[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.01131297[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.100e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.900e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.0003[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.00717[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.001328[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001274
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0003452
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.3[μg/m3] or 0.04978[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 530.9[μg/m3] or 88.10[ppbv]; Ground Water: 101.1[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 235.6[μg/m3] or 39.09[ppbv]; Ground Water: 76.83[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 146.4[μg/m3] or 24.30[ppbv]; Ground Water: 69.59[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 13:53:41 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene CAS Number: 120821
Molecular Weight: 181.45[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.03627924[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 3.000e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.230e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.002[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.003029[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.00049[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0006937
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001364
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 2[μg/m3] or 0.2697[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7549.[μg/m3] or 1018.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 523.5[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2883.[μg/m3] or 388.7[ppbv]; Ground Water: 404.2[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1477.[μg/m3] or 199.1[ppbv]; Ground Water: 368.6[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 14:04:42 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene CAS Number: 95636
Molecular Weight: 120.2[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.1667105[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 6.060e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.920e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.007[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.006118[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0005141[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001152
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001428
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 7[μg/m3] or 1.425[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.419e4[μg/m3] or 2889.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 339.2[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 6074.[μg/m3] or 1236.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 294.0[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3637.[μg/m3] or 740.2[ppbv]; Ground Water: 280.6[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 10:21:27 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane CAS Number: 79345
Molecular Weight: 167.85[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.009739003[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.100e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.900e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.000058[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007171[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.001441[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001274
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0003712
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.04841[μg/m3] or 0.007056[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 85.61[μg/m3] or 12.48[ppbv]; Ground Water: 17.93[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 38.01[μg/m3] or 5.540[ppbv]; Ground Water: 13.39[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 23.63[μg/m3] or 3.444[ppbv]; Ground Water: 12.03[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 14:08:13 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Acetone CAS Number: 67641
Molecular Weight: 58.08[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.001224904[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1240[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.140e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 31[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.01255[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.00715[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001726
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.001271
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 31000[μg/m3] or 13060[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.472e7[μg/m3] or 1.463e7[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3.261e7[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.796e7[μg/m3] or 7.565e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.991e7[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.271e7[μg/m3] or 5.352e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.597e7[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 09:05:58 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Benzene CAS Number: 71432
Molecular Weight: 78.11[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.1714582[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 8.800e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 9.800e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.0000078[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.008884[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0007317[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001444
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001996
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.36[μg/m3] or 0.1127[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 536.9[μg/m3] or 168.2[ppbv]; Ground Water: 12.08[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 249.3[μg/m3] or 78.08[ppbv]; Ground Water: 10.52[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 163.0[μg/m3] or 51.05[ppbv]; Ground Water: 10.06[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 09:07:00 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Benzene CAS Number: 71432
Molecular Weight: 78.11[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.1714582[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 8.800e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 9.800e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.03[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.008884[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0007317[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001444
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001996
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 30[μg/m3] or 9.397[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4.474e4[μg/m3] or 1.402e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1006.[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.078e4[μg/m3] or 6508.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 876.7[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.358e4[μg/m3] or 4254.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 838.1[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 07:49:57 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether CAS Number: 111444
Molecular Weight: 143.11[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.0004539496[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 6.920e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.530e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.00033[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007043[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.005965[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.00126
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.001133
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.008508[μg/m3] or 0.001455[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 14.20[μg/m3] or 2.428[ppbv]; Ground Water: 31.78[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 6.754[μg/m3] or 1.155[ppbv]; Ground Water: 16.54[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4.193[μg/m3] or 0.7169[ppbv]; Ground Water: 11.35[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 09:12:08 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Bromodichloromethane CAS Number: 75274
Molecular Weight: 163.83[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.04843353[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 2.980e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.060e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.000037[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.003009[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0004798[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.00069
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001337
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.07588[μg/m3] or 0.01133[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 288.2[μg/m3] or 43.04[ppbv]; Ground Water: 15.14[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 110.0[μg/m3] or 16.42[ppbv]; Ground Water: 11.72[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 56.25[μg/m3] or 8.400[ppbv]; Ground Water: 10.70[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 14:43:46 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Carbon disulfide CAS Number: 75150
Molecular Weight: 76.13[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.9868825[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1040[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.000e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.7[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.0105[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0007922[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.00158
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.000215
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 700[μg/m3] or 225[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 9.164e5[μg/m3] or 2.945e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3744.[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4.431e5[μg/m3] or 1.424e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3299.[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.010e5[μg/m3] or 9.673e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3167.[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 09:16:38 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Carbon tetrachloride CAS Number: 56235
Molecular Weight: 153.82[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.9483821[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.800e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.800e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.000006[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007875[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0005963[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001347
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001645
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.4679[μg/m3] or 0.07443[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 769.3[μg/m3] or 122.4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3.413[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 347.3[μg/m3] or 55.25[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3.000[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 220.7[μg/m3] or 35.11[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.877[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 09:19:47 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Carbon tetrachloride CAS Number: 56235
Molecular Weight: 153.82[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.9483821[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.800e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.800e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.1[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007875[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0005963[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001347
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001645
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 100[μg/m3] or 15.91[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.644e5[μg/m3] or 2.615e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 729.3[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7.422e4[μg/m3] or 1.181e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 641.0[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4.717e4[μg/m3] or 7502.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 614.8[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 13:32:04 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Chlorobenzene CAS Number: 108907
Molecular Weight: 112.56[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.1073592[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.300e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.700e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.05[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.00737[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.000649[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001295
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001783
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 50[μg/m3] or 10.87[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 8.675e4[μg/m3] or 1.886e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3029.[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.861e4[μg/m3] or 8392.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2613.[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.415e4[μg/m3] or 5250.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2489.[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 14:52:01 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Methyl chloride (chloromethane) CAS Number: 74873
Molecular Weight: 50.49[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.3091528[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1260[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 6.500e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.09[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.01272[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0009709[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001737
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0002596
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 90[μg/m3] or 43.61[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.020e5[μg/m3] or 4.945e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1272.[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 5.181e4[μg/m3] or 2.511e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1121.[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.674e4[μg/m3] or 1.780e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1076.[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 14:48:36 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Chloroethane (ethyl chloride) CAS Number: 75003
Molecular Weight: 64.51[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.2960852[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.2710[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.150e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 10[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.02736[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.00208[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.002321
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0005101
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 10000[μg/m3] or 3793[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 6.904e6[μg/m3] or 2.618e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 7.434e4[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4.308e6[μg/m3] or 1.634e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 6.621e4[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.530e6[μg/m3] or 1.339e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 6.379e4[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 09:21:45 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Chloroform CAS Number: 67663
Molecular Weight: 119.38[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.1158081[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1040[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.000e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.000023[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.0105[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0008884[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.00158
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0002392
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.1221[μg/m3] or 0.02502[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 159.8[μg/m3] or 32.75[ppbv]; Ground Water: 5.068[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 77.26[μg/m3] or 15.83[ppbv]; Ground Water: 4.407[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 52.49[μg/m3] or 10.76[ppbv]; Ground Water: 4.211[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 09:23:26 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Chloroform CAS Number: 67663
Molecular Weight: 119.38[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.1158081[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1040[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.000e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.098[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.0105[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0008884[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.00158
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0002392
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 98[μg/m3] or 20.08[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.283e5[μg/m3] or 2.629e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 4069.[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 6.203e4[μg/m3] or 1.271e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3538.[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4.214e4[μg/m3] or 8636.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3380.[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 14:55:29 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Dichlorodifluoromethane CAS Number: 75718
Molecular Weight: 120.92[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 10.5582[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 6.650e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 9.920e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.1[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.006714[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0004995[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001223
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001389
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 100[μg/m3] or 20.23[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.876e5[μg/m3] or 3.795e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 77.48[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 8.179e4[μg/m3] or 1.655e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 68.18[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 5.005e4[μg/m3] or 1.013e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 65.42[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 09:50:21 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Ethylbenzene CAS Number: 100414
Molecular Weight: 106.17[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.2257656[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.500e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.800e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.0000025[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007572[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0006058[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001316
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.000167
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 1.123[μg/m3] or 0.2588[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1906.[μg/m3] or 439.3[ppbv]; Ground Water: 34.12[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 853.2[μg/m3] or 196.6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 29.79[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 537.2[μg/m3] or 123.8[ppbv]; Ground Water: 28.50[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 09:51:09 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Ethylbenzene CAS Number: 100414
Molecular Weight: 106.17[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.2257656[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.500e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.800e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 1[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007572[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0006058[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001316
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.000167
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 1000[μg/m3] or 230.4[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.697e6[μg/m3] or 3.911e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3.038e4[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7.597e5[μg/m3] or 1.751e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.653e4[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4.783e5[μg/m3] or 1.102e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.538e4[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 08:45:56 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene CAS Number: 87683
Molecular Weight: 260.76[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.2122106[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 5.610e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 6.160e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.000022[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.005664[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0004572[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001095
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001276
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.1276[μg/m3] or 0.01197[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 276.5[μg/m3] or 25.94[ppbv]; Ground Water: 5.412[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 116.5[μg/m3] or 10.93[ppbv]; Ground Water: 4.713[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 68.50[μg/m3] or 6.427[ppbv]; Ground Water: 4.505[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 12:54:47 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Mercury (elemental) CAS Number: 7439976
Molecular Weight: 200.59[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.2535038[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 3.070e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 6.300e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.0003[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.003099[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0002614[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0007063
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00007421
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.3[μg/m3] or 0.03659[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1112.[μg/m3] or 135.6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 18.46[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 424.8[μg/m3] or 51.81[ppbv]; Ground Water: 15.95[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 218.5[μg/m3] or 26.66[ppbv]; Ground Water: 15.20[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 15:07:11 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Cumene CAS Number: 98828
Molecular Weight: 120.19[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 30.31613[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 6.500e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.100e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.4[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.006562[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0004873[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001205
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001357
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 400[μg/m3] or 81.42[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7.647e5[μg/m3] or 1.557e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 110.5[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.319e5[μg/m3] or 6.756e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 97.25[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.020e5[μg/m3] or 4.112e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 93.31[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 14:15:25 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Methylethylketone (2-butanone) CAS Number: 78933
Molecular Weight: 72.11[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.001709079[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 8.080e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 9.800e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 5[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.008177[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.00454[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001377
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0009404
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 5000[μg/m3] or 1696[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7.791e6[μg/m3] or 2.643e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 5.371e6[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.630e6[μg/m3] or 1.232e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3.111e6[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.329e6[μg/m3] or 7.904e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.412e6[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 10:15:30 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Methylene chloride CAS Number: 75092
Molecular Weight: 84.93[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.07046439[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1010[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.170e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 1e-8[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.0102[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0009646[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001556
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0002581
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 280.8[μg/m3] or 80.88[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.758e5[μg/m3] or 1.082e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.801e4[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.804e5[μg/m3] or 5.198e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.544e4[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.218e5[μg/m3] or 3.508e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.467e4[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 10:17:00 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Methylene chloride CAS Number: 75092
Molecular Weight: 84.93[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.07046439[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1010[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.170e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.6[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.0102[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0009646[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001556
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0002581
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 600[μg/m3] or 172.8[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 8.030e5[μg/m3] or 2.313e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3.849e4[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.856e5[μg/m3] or 1.111e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3.299e4[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.602e5[μg/m3] or 7.497e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3.136e4[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 15:10:29 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Methylisobutylketone (4-methyl-2-pentanone) CAS Number:
Molecular Weight: 100.16[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.003999734[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.500e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.800e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 3[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007578[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.002454[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001317
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0005855
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 3000[μg/m3] or 732.8[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 5.045e6[μg/m3] or 1.232e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.923e6[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.278e6[μg/m3] or 5.564e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.281e6[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.435e6[μg/m3] or 3.505e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.088e6[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 10:11:02 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: MTBE CAS Number: 1634044
Molecular Weight: 88.15[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.01992867[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1020[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.050e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 2.6e-7[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.0103[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.001397[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001564
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0003611
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 10.8[μg/m3] or 2.997[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.433e4[μg/m3] or 3976.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1846.[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 6904.[μg/m3] or 1916.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1501.[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4670.[μg/m3] or 1296.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1398.[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 10:10:06 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: MTBE CAS Number: 1634044
Molecular Weight: 88.15[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.01992867[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1020[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.050e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 3[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.0103[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.001397[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001564
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0003611
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 3000[μg/m3] or 832.6[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.980e6[μg/m3] or 1.105e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 5.129e5[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.918e6[μg/m3] or 5.323e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 4.169e5[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.297e6[μg/m3] or 3.601e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3.883e5[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 14:12:23 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: m-Xylene CAS Number: 108383
Molecular Weight: 106.17[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.2095285[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.000e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.800e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.1[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007067[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0005717[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001262
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.000158
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 100[μg/m3] or 23.04[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.797e5[μg/m3] or 4.140e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3465.[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7.922e4[μg/m3] or 1.826e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3020.[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4.907e4[μg/m3] or 1.131e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2888.[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 07:36:19 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Naphthalene CAS Number: 91203
Molecular Weight: 128.18[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.01248234[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 5.900e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.500e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.000034[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.003[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.005958[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.001125[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001133
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.000297
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.08258[μg/m3] or 0.01576[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 170.7[μg/m3] or 32.58[ppbv]; Ground Water: 29.54[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 72.91[μg/m3] or 13.92[ppbv]; Ground Water: 22.27[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 43.38[μg/m3] or 8.281[ppbv]; Ground Water: 20.10[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 07:40:28 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Naphthalene CAS Number: 91203
Molecular Weight: 128.18[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.01248234[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 5.900e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.500e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.003[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.005958[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.001125[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001133
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.000297
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 3[μg/m3] or 0.5726[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 6202.[μg/m3] or 1184.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1073.[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2649.[μg/m3] or 505.5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 809.1[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1576.[μg/m3] or 300.8[ppbv]; Ground Water: 730.2[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 09:02:45 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Nitrobenzene CAS Number: 98953
Molecular Weight: 123.11[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.0006098759[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.600e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.600e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.00004[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007721[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.006126[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001332
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.001153
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.07019[μg/m3] or 0.01395[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 110.5[μg/m3] or 21.97[ppbv]; Ground Water: 187.9[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 52.71[μg/m3] or 10.48[ppbv]; Ground Water: 99.79[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 33.41[μg/m3] or 6.641[ppbv]; Ground Water: 70.73[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 08:59:32 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Nitrobenzene CAS Number: 98953
Molecular Weight: 123.11[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.0006098759[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.600e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.600e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.009[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007721[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.006126[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001332
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.001153
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 9[μg/m3] or 1.789[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.417e4[μg/m3] or 2817.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.409e4[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 6758.[μg/m3] or 1343.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.280e4[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4284.[μg/m3] or 851.4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 9069.[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 14:08:11 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: o-Xylene CAS Number: 95476
Molecular Weight: 106.17[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.147316[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 8.700e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.000e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.1[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.008783[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0007377[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001435
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0002011
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 100[μg/m3] or 23.04[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.505e5[μg/m3] or 3.468e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3884.[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 6.970e4[μg/m3] or 1.606e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3375.[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4.544e4[μg/m3] or 1.047e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3224.[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 10:25:05 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Tetrachloroethylene CAS Number: 127184
Molecular Weight: 165.83[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.5389008[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.200e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.200e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 2.6e-7[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007269[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0005588[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001284
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001547
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 10.8[μg/m3] or 1.593[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.896e4[μg/m3] or 2797.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 147.7[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 8409.[μg/m3] or 1241.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 129.6[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 5244.[μg/m3] or 773.6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 124.2[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 10:26:00 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Tetrachloroethylene CAS Number: 127184
Molecular Weight: 165.83[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.5389008[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.200e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.200e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.04[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007269[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0005588[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001284
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001547
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 40[μg/m3] or 5.901[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7.022e4[μg/m3] or 1.036e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 547.2[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.115e4[μg/m3] or 4595.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 479.9[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.942e4[μg/m3] or 2866.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 460.0[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 15:12:50 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: n-Propylbenzene CAS Number: 103651
Molecular Weight: 120.19[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.2926941[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 6.010e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.830e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 1[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.006067[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0004843[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001146
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001349
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 1000[μg/m3] or 203.6[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.042e6[μg/m3] or 4.158e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.904e4[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 8.725e5[μg/m3] or 1.776e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.533e4[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 5.213e5[μg/m3] or 1.061e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.423e4[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 14:16:00 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: p-Xylene CAS Number: 106423
Molecular Weight: 106.17[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.2187188[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.690e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.440e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.1[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007764[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0006251[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001336
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.000172
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 100[μg/m3] or 23.04[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.663e5[μg/m3] or 3.832e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3046.[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7.485e4[μg/m3] or 1.725e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2658.[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4.741e4[μg/m3] or 1.092e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2542.[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 13:46:16 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Styrene CAS Number: 100425
Molecular Weight: 104.15[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.07791742[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.100e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.000e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 1[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007168[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0006608[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001273
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001813
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 1000[μg/m3] or 234.9[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.775e6[μg/m3] or 4.170e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 8.258e4[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7.853e5[μg/m3] or 1.845e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 7.079e4[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4.881e5[μg/m3] or 1.147e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 6.729e4[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 10:30:16 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Trichloroethylene CAS Number: 79016
Molecular Weight: 131.39[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.3133009[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.900e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 9.100e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.0000041[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007976[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0006288[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001357
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.000173
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.6848[μg/m3] or 0.1275[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1114.[μg/m3] or 207.4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 14.44[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 504.5[μg/m3] or 93.94[ppbv]; Ground Water: 12.63[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 321.6[μg/m3] or 59.88[ppbv]; Ground Water: 12.10[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 10:31:16 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Trichloroethylene CAS Number: 79016
Molecular Weight: 131.39[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.3133009[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.900e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 9.100e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.002[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007976[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0006288[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001357
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.000173
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 2[μg/m3] or 0.3724[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3254.[μg/m3] or 605.9[ppbv]; Ground Water: 42.17[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1473.[μg/m3] or 274.4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 36.90[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 939.1[μg/m3] or 174.9[ppbv]; Ground Water: 35.33[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 13:49:51 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Toluene CAS Number: 108883
Molecular Weight: 92.14[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.1974295[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 8.700e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.600e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 5[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.008783[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0007071[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001435
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001933
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 5000[μg/m3] or 1328[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7.526e6[μg/m3] or 1.998e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.500e5[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.485e6[μg/m3] or 9.254e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.310e5[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.272e6[μg/m3] or 6.033e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.254e5[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 10:37:02 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Vinyl chloride (chloroethene) CAS Number: 75014
Molecular Weight: 62.5[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.9373258[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1060[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.230e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.0000044[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.0107[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0008109[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001596
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0002197
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.6381[μg/m3] or 0.2498[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 823.3[μg/m3] or 322.3[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3.517[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 399.9[μg/m3] or 156.6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3.098[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 272.9[μg/m3] or 106.8[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.974[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Tue Jun 6 10:35:59 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Vinyl chloride (chloroethene) CAS Number: 75014
Molecular Weight: 62.5[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.9373258[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1060[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.230e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.1[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Basement Air Exchange Rate: 0.25[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 3.66[m] Building Footprint Area: 100[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 180[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.0002[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 26 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 350 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 365 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 26 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.0107[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0008109[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.001596
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0002197
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 100[μg/m3] or 39.15[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.290e5[μg/m3] or 5.051e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 551.2[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 6.267e4[μg/m3] or 2.453e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 485.5[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4.277e4[μg/m3] or 1.674e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 466.0[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Page 2 of 2
Johnson and Ettinger Model Runs for Groundwater Corrective Action Levels for
the Commercial/Industrial Indoor Worker Scenario (Vapor Intrusion)
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 09:27:00 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,1-Dichloroethane CAS Number: 75343
Molecular Weight: 98.96[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.1780668[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.420e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.050e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.0000016[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007491[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0006305[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001657
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00003876
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 2.555[μg/m3] or 0.6317[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.499e4[μg/m3] or 6178.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 420.1[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.542e4[μg/m3] or 3813.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 370.2[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.255e4[μg/m3] or 3103.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 355.4[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 09:30:56 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,1-Dichloroethylene CAS Number: 75354
Molecular Weight: 96.94[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.8589975[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 9.000e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.040e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.2[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.009086[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0006898[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001749
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00004176
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 292[μg/m3] or 73.7[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.571e6[μg/m3] or 6.489e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 9115.[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.669e6[μg/m3] or 4.213e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 8141.[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.399e6[μg/m3] or 3.530e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 7851.[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 09:32:16 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,2-Dichloroethane CAS Number: 107062
Molecular Weight: 98.96[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.02980358[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1040[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 9.900e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.000026[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.0105[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.001187[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001813
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00006378
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.1572[μg/m3] or 0.03887[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1287.[μg/m3] or 318.1[ppbv]; Ground Water: 95.78[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 867.2[μg/m3] or 214.4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 82.72[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 741.1[μg/m3] or 183.2[ppbv]; Ground Water: 78.83[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 09:33:15 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,2-Dichloroethane CAS Number: 107062
Molecular Weight: 98.96[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.02980358[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1040[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 9.900e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.007[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.0105[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.001187[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001813
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00006378
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 10.22[μg/m3] or 2.527[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 8.363e4[μg/m3] or 2.068e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 6226.[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 5.636e4[μg/m3] or 1.394e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 5377.[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4.817e4[μg/m3] or 1.191e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 5124.[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 15:27:33 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,2-Dichlorobenzene CAS Number: 95501
Molecular Weight: 147[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.0513925[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 6.900e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.900e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.2[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.006966[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.000708[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.000162
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00004266
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 292[μg/m3] or 48.6[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.977e6[μg/m3] or 4.955e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.544e5[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.802e6[μg/m3] or 3.000e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.332e5[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.449e6[μg/m3] or 2.412e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.269e5[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 15:05:17 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,2-Dichloropropane CAS Number: 78875
Molecular Weight: 112.99[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.0848915[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.820e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.730e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.00001[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007895[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0007151[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001683
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00004301
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.4088[μg/m3] or 0.08852[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3881.[μg/m3] or 840.5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 127.8[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2429.[μg/m3] or 526.0[ppbv]; Ground Water: 112.0[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1993.[μg/m3] or 431.6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 107.2[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 15:01:59 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,2-Dichloropropane CAS Number: 78875
Molecular Weight: 112.99[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.0848915[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.820e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.730e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.004[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007895[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0007151[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001683
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00004301
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 5.84[μg/m3] or 1.265[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 5.545e4[μg/m3] or 1.201e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1826.[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.471e4[μg/m3] or 7515.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1599.[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.848e4[μg/m3] or 6166.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1532.[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 09:35:17 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,2-Dibromoethane (ethylene dibromide) CAS Number: 106934
Molecular Weight: 187.86[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.02125441[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 2.170e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.190e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.0006[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.002193[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0007068[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.00009592
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0000426
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.006813[μg/m3] or 0.0008873[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 156.9[μg/m3] or 20.43[ppbv]; Ground Water: 11.27[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 71.03[μg/m3] or 9.251[ppbv]; Ground Water: 7.524[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 44.88[μg/m3] or 5.845[ppbv]; Ground Water: 6.394[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 09:36:05 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,2-Dibromoethane (ethylene dibromide) CAS Number: 106934
Molecular Weight: 187.86[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.02125441[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 2.170e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.190e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.009[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.002193[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0007068[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.00009592
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0000426
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 13.14[μg/m3] or 1.711[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.026e5[μg/m3] or 3.940e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.174e4[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.370e5[μg/m3] or 1.784e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.451e4[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 8.655e4[μg/m3] or 1.127e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.233e4[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 09:38:49 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,4-Dichlorobenzene CAS Number: 106467
Molecular Weight: 147[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.06600547[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 6.900e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.900e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.000011[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.006966[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0006666[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.000162
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0000406
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.3716[μg/m3] or 0.06185[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3790.[μg/m3] or 630.7[ppbv]; Ground Water: 159.7[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2294.[μg/m3] or 381.8[ppbv]; Ground Water: 138.7[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1845.[μg/m3] or 307.0[ppbv]; Ground Water: 132.4[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 09:39:47 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,4-Dichlorobenzene CAS Number: 106467
Molecular Weight: 147[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.06600547[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 6.900e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.900e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.8[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.006966[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0006666[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.000162
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0000406
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 1168[μg/m3] or 194.4[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: Saturation[μg/m3] or Saturation[ppbv]; Ground Water: Solubility
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: Saturation[μg/m3] or Saturation[ppbv]; Ground Water: Solubility
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Page 1 of 2
Soil Gas: Saturation[μg/m3] or Saturation[ppbv]; Ground Water: Solubility
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 09:41:41 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,1,1-Trichloroethane CAS Number: 71556
Molecular Weight: 133.4[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.5361769[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.800e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.800e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 5[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007875[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0006053[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001681
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00003745
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 7300[μg/m3] or 1339[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 6.943e7[μg/m3] or 1.273e7[ppbv]; Ground Water: 4.085e5[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4.342e7[μg/m3] or 7.962e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3.635e5[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.561e7[μg/m3] or 6.531e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3.502e5[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 15:21:29 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,1,2-Trichloroethane CAS Number: 79005
Molecular Weight: 133.41[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.02672733[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.800e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.800e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.000016[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007876[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0009842[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001681
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00005541
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.2555[μg/m3] or 0.04686[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2428.[μg/m3] or 445.2[ppbv]; Ground Water: 204.0[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1519.[μg/m3] or 278.7[ppbv]; Ground Water: 172.5[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1246.[μg/m3] or 228.6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 163.1[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 15:22:15 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,1,2-Trichloroethane CAS Number: 79005
Molecular Weight: 133.41[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.02672733[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.800e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.800e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.0002[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007876[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0009842[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001681
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00005541
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.292[μg/m3] or 0.05355[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2774.[μg/m3] or 508.8[ppbv]; Ground Water: 233.2[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1737.[μg/m3] or 318.5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 197.2[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1424.[μg/m3] or 261.2[ppbv]; Ground Water: 186.4[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 09:43:48 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,2,3-Trichloropropane CAS Number: 96184
Molecular Weight: 147.43[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.01131297[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.100e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.900e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.0003[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.00717[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.001328[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001635
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00006913
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.438[μg/m3] or 0.07269[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4383.[μg/m3] or 727.4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 699.8[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2679.[μg/m3] or 444.6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 560.0[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2165.[μg/m3] or 359.3[ppbv]; Ground Water: 518.3[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 09:45:33 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene CAS Number: 120821
Molecular Weight: 181.45[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.03627924[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 3.000e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.230e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.002[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.003029[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.00049[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001148
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00003126
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 2.92[μg/m3] or 0.3937[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 5.236e4[μg/m3] or 7061.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3264.[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.544e4[μg/m3] or 3430.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2575.[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.732e4[μg/m3] or 2336.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2369.[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 09:47:06 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,2,4-Trimethylbenzene CAS Number: 95636
Molecular Weight: 120.2[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.1667105[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 6.060e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.920e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.007[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.006118[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0005141[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001552
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00003259
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 10.22[μg/m3] or 2.08[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.127e5[μg/m3] or 2.294e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2142.[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 6.585e4[μg/m3] or 1.340e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1881.[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 5.179e4[μg/m3] or 1.054e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1804.[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 09:49:04 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane CAS Number: 79345
Molecular Weight: 167.85[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.009739003[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.100e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.900e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.000058[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007171[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.001441[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001635
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0000732
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.07048[μg/m3] or 0.01027[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 705.1[μg/m3] or 102.8[ppbv]; Ground Water: 125.0[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 431.1[μg/m3] or 62.84[ppbv]; Ground Water: 98.87[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 348.4[μg/m3] or 50.78[ppbv]; Ground Water: 91.06[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 14:09:43 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Acetone CAS Number: 67641
Molecular Weight: 58.08[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.001224904[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1240[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.140e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 31[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.01255[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.00715[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001886
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001633
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 45260[μg/m3] or 19070[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.368e8[μg/m3] or 1.419e8[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.995e8[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.400e8[μg/m3] or 1.011e8[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.262e8[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.097e8[μg/m3] or 8.834e7[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.035e8[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 09:50:45 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Benzene CAS Number: 71432
Molecular Weight: 78.11[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.1714582[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 8.800e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 9.800e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.0000078[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.008884[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0007317[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001739
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00004383
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.5241[μg/m3] or 0.1642[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4669.[μg/m3] or 1462.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 78.70[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3014.[μg/m3] or 944.1[ppbv]; Ground Water: 69.74[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2517.[μg/m3] or 788.5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 67.08[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 09:51:43 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Benzene CAS Number: 71432
Molecular Weight: 78.11[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.1714582[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 8.800e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 9.800e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.03[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.008884[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0007317[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001739
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00004383
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 43.8[μg/m3] or 13.72[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.902e5[μg/m3] or 1.222e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 6577.[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.519e5[μg/m3] or 7.890e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 5829.[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.104e5[μg/m3] or 6.589e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 5606.[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 09:53:30 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Bis(2-chloroethyl)ether CAS Number: 111444
Molecular Weight: 143.11[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.0004539496[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 6.920e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.530e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.00033[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007043[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.005965[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001626
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001538
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.01239[μg/m3] or 0.002118[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 119.1[μg/m3] or 20.35[ppbv]; Ground Water: 265.1[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 76.20[μg/m3] or 13.03[ppbv]; Ground Water: 177.4[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 61.46[μg/m3] or 10.51[ppbv]; Ground Water: 147.6[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 09:56:17 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Bromodichloromethane CAS Number: 75274
Molecular Weight: 163.83[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.04843353[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 2.980e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.060e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.000037[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.003009[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0004798[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001144
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00003069
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.1105[μg/m3] or 0.0165[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1992.[μg/m3] or 297.4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 93.99[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 965.8[μg/m3] or 144.2[ppbv]; Ground Water: 74.33[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 656.7[μg/m3] or 98.07[ppbv]; Ground Water: 68.47[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 14:47:02 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Carbon disulfide CAS Number: 75150
Molecular Weight: 76.13[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.9868825[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1040[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.000e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.7[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.0105[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0007922[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001813
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00004673
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 1022[μg/m3] or 328.4[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 8.368e6[μg/m3] or 2.689e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.473e4[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 5.637e6[μg/m3] or 1.811e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.216e4[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4.817e6[μg/m3] or 1.548e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.140e4[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 09:58:08 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Carbon tetrachloride CAS Number: 56235
Molecular Weight: 153.82[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.9483821[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.800e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.800e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.000006[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007875[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0005963[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001681
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00003698
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.6813[μg/m3] or 0.1084[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 6480.[μg/m3] or 1031.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 21.80[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4052.[μg/m3] or 644.5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 19.43[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3324.[μg/m3] or 528.6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 18.72[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 09:59:04 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Carbon tetrachloride CAS Number: 56235
Molecular Weight: 153.82[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.9483821[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.800e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.800e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.1[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007875[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0005963[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001681
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00003698
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 146[μg/m3] or 23.22[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.389e6[μg/m3] or 2.209e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 4672.[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 8.683e5[μg/m3] or 1.381e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 4163.[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7.122e5[μg/m3] or 1.133e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 4012.[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 10:01:06 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Chlorobenzene CAS Number: 108907
Molecular Weight: 112.56[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.1073592[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.300e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.700e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.05[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.00737[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.000649[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001649
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0000397
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 73[μg/m3] or 15.87[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7.206e5[μg/m3] or 1.566e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.953e4[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4.428e5[μg/m3] or 9.624e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.713e4[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.594e5[μg/m3] or 7.811e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.641e4[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 14:53:24 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Methyl chloride (chloromethane) CAS Number: 74873
Molecular Weight: 50.49[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.3091528[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1260[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 6.500e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.09[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.01272[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0009709[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001891
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00005484
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 131.4[μg/m3] or 63.67[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 9.848e5[μg/m3] or 4.772e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 8621.[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 6.950e5[μg/m3] or 3.368e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 7751.[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 6.080e5[μg/m3] or 2.946e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 7492.[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 14:49:47 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Chloroethane (ethyl chloride) CAS Number: 75003
Molecular Weight: 64.51[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.2960852[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.2710[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.150e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 10[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.02736[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.00208[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.000212
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00009292
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 14600[μg/m3] or 5537[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 8.384e7[μg/m3] or 3.180e7[ppbv]; Ground Water: 5.776e5[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 6.886e7[μg/m3] or 2.612e7[ppbv]; Ground Water: 5.307e5[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 6.427e7[μg/m3] or 2.438e7[ppbv]; Ground Water: 5.164e5[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 10:02:30 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Chloroform CAS Number: 67663
Molecular Weight: 119.38[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.1158081[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1040[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.000e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.000023[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.0105[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0008884[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001813
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00005118
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.1777[μg/m3] or 0.03643[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1455.[μg/m3] or 298.2[ppbv]; Ground Water: 33.79[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 980.3[μg/m3] or 200.9[ppbv]; Ground Water: 29.99[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 837.7[μg/m3] or 171.7[ppbv]; Ground Water: 28.86[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 10:03:23 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Chloroform CAS Number: 67663
Molecular Weight: 119.38[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.1158081[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1040[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.000e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.098[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.0105[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0008884[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001813
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00005118
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 143.1[μg/m3] or 29.32[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.171e6[μg/m3] or 2.401e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.720e4[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7.891e5[μg/m3] or 1.617e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.414e4[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 6.744e5[μg/m3] or 1.382e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.323e4[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 14:57:56 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Dichlorodifluoromethane CAS Number: 75718
Molecular Weight: 120.92[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 10.5582[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 6.650e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 9.920e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.1[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.006714[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0004995[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001601
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00003178
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 146[μg/m3] or 29.54[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.522e6[μg/m3] or 3.080e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 488.7[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 9.119e5[μg/m3] or 1.845e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 435.1[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7.288e5[μg/m3] or 1.475e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 419.2[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 10:07:02 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Ethylbenzene CAS Number: 100414
Molecular Weight: 106.17[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.2257656[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.500e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.800e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.0000025[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007572[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0006058[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001662
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00003748
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 1.635[μg/m3] or 0.3768[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.590e4[μg/m3] or 3663.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 218.2[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 9838.[μg/m3] or 2267.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 193.3[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 8020.[μg/m3] or 1848.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 185.9[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 10:07:59 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Ethylbenzene CAS Number: 100414
Molecular Weight: 106.17[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.2257656[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.500e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.800e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 1[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007572[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0006058[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001662
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00003748
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 1460[μg/m3] or 336.4[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.419e7[μg/m3] or 3.271e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: Solubility[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 8.784e6[μg/m3] or 2.024e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: Solubility[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7.160e6[μg/m3] or 1.650e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.659e5[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 10:10:03 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Hexachloro-1,3-butadiene CAS Number: 87683
Molecular Weight: 260.76[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.2122106[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 5.610e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 6.160e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.000022[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.005664[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0004572[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.000151
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00002942
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.1858[μg/m3] or 0.01743[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2151.[μg/m3] or 201.8[ppbv]; Ground Water: 33.78[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1230.[μg/m3] or 115.4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 29.76[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 954.2[μg/m3] or 89.53[ppbv]; Ground Water: 28.56[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 10:11:55 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Mercury (elemental) CAS Number: 7439976
Molecular Weight: 200.59[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.2535038[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 3.070e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 6.300e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.0003[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.003099[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0002614[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001161
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00001777
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.438[μg/m3] or 0.05342[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7735.[μg/m3] or 943.5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 111.7[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3771.[μg/m3] or 460.0[ppbv]; Ground Water: 97.22[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2581.[μg/m3] or 314.8[ppbv]; Ground Water: 92.91[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation. Diffusion through soil is
the overall rate-limiting process for groundwater to indoor-air pathway.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 15:08:29 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Cumene CAS Number: 98828
Molecular Weight: 120.19[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 30.31613[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 6.500e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.100e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.4[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.006562[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0004873[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001589
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00003111
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 584[μg/m3] or 118.9[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 6.173e6[μg/m3] or 1.257e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 695.7[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.675e6[μg/m3] or 7.481e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 619.2[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.926e6[μg/m3] or 5.955e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 596.5[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 14:12:30 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Methylethylketone (2-butanone) CAS Number: 78933
Molecular Weight: 72.11[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.001709079[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 8.080e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 9.800e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 5[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.008177[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.00454[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.00017
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001386
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 7300[μg/m3] or 2477[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 6.696e7[μg/m3] or 2.272e7[ppbv]; Ground Water: 4.386e7[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4.295e7[μg/m3] or 1.457e7[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3.082e7[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.544e7[μg/m3] or 1.202e7[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.679e7[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 11:30:48 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Methylene chloride CAS Number: 75092
Molecular Weight: 84.93[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.07046439[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1010[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.170e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 1e-8[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.0102[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0009646[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001801
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00005456
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 408.8[μg/m3] or 117.8[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.394e6[μg/m3] or 9.778e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.211e5[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.270e6[μg/m3] or 6.540e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.063e5[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.933e6[μg/m3] or 5.568e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.019e5[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 11:31:35 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Methylene chloride CAS Number: 75092
Molecular Weight: 84.93[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.07046439[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1010[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.170e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.6[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.0102[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0009646[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001801
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00005456
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 876[μg/m3] or 252.3[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7.274e6[μg/m3] or 2.095e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.596e5[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4.865e6[μg/m3] or 1.401e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.278e5[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4.142e6[μg/m3] or 1.193e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.184e5[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 15:11:31 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Methylisobutylketone (4-methyl-2-pentanone) CAS Number:
Molecular Weight: 100.16[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.003999734[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.500e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.800e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 3[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007578[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.002454[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001663
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001024
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 4380[μg/m3] or 1070[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4.231e7[μg/m3] or 1.034e7[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.440e7[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.635e7[μg/m3] or 6.435e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.069e7[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.148e7[μg/m3] or 5.247e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 9.576e6[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 10:16:19 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: MTBE CAS Number: 1634044
Molecular Weight: 88.15[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.01992867[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1020[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.050e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 2.6e-7[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.0103[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.001397[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001805
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00007163
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 15.72[μg/m3] or 4.364[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.298e5[μg/m3] or 3.603e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.300e4[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 8.711e4[μg/m3] or 2.418e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.101e4[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7.426e4[μg/m3] or 2.061e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.042e4[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 10:17:25 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: MTBE CAS Number: 1634044
Molecular Weight: 88.15[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.01992867[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1020[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.050e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 3[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.0103[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.001397[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001805
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00007163
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 4380[μg/m3] or 1216[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.617e7[μg/m3] or 1.004e7[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3.622e6[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.427e7[μg/m3] or 6.735e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3.068e6[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.069e7[μg/m3] or 5.741e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.903e6[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 10:19:17 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: m-Xylene CAS Number: 108383
Molecular Weight: 106.17[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.2095285[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.000e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.800e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.1[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007067[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0005717[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001627
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00003569
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 146[μg/m3] or 33.64[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.477e6[μg/m3] or 3.403e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.209e4[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 8.971e5[μg/m3] or 2.067e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.953e4[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7.232e5[μg/m3] or 1.666e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.876e4[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 10:21:09 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Naphthalene CAS Number: 91203
Molecular Weight: 128.18[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.01248234[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 5.900e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.500e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.000034[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.005958[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.001125[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001538
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00006128
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.1202[μg/m3] or 0.02295[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1345.[μg/m3] or 256.7[ppbv]; Ground Water: 199.0[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 781.9[μg/m3] or 149.2[ppbv]; Ground Water: 157.2[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 612.0[μg/m3] or 116.8[ppbv]; Ground Water: 144.7[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 10:22:02 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Naphthalene CAS Number: 91203
Molecular Weight: 128.18[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.01248234[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 5.900e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.500e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.003[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.005958[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.001125[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001538
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00006128
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 4.38[μg/m3] or 0.836[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4.899e4[μg/m3] or 9350.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 7251.[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.848e4[μg/m3] or 5437.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 5727.[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.229e4[μg/m3] or 4255.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 5271.[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 10:23:34 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Nitrobenzene CAS Number: 98953
Molecular Weight: 123.11[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.0006098759[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.600e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.600e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.00004[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007721[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.006126[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001672
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001553
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.1022[μg/m3] or 0.02031[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 944.1[μg/m3] or 187.6[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1586.[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 611.3[μg/m3] or 121.5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1079.[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 500.3[μg/m3] or 99.42[ppbv]; Ground Water: 912.0[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 10:24:24 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Nitrobenzene CAS Number: 98953
Molecular Weight: 123.11[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.0006098759[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.600e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.600e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.009[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007721[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.006126[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001672
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0001553
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 13.14[μg/m3] or 2.611[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.214e5[μg/m3] or 2.412e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.039e5[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7.860e4[μg/m3] or 1.562e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.388e5[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 6.432e4[μg/m3] or 1.278e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.173e5[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 10:25:55 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: o-Xylene CAS Number: 95476
Molecular Weight: 106.17[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.147316[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 8.700e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.000e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.1[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.008783[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0007377[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001734
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00004412
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 146[μg/m3] or 33.64[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.308e6[μg/m3] or 3.015e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.540e4[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 8.422e5[μg/m3] or 1.941e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.246e4[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7.022e5[μg/m3] or 1.618e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2.159e4[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 10:27:36 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Tetrachloroethylene CAS Number: 127184
Molecular Weight: 165.83[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.5389008[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.200e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.200e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 2.6e-7[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007269[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0005588[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001642
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.000035
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 15.72[μg/m3] or 2.32[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.565e5[μg/m3] or 2.309e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 938.1[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 9.577e4[μg/m3] or 1.413e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 833.6[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7.756e4[μg/m3] or 1.144e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 802.5[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 10:28:29 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Tetrachloroethylene CAS Number: 127184
Molecular Weight: 165.83[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.5389008[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.200e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.200e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.04[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007269[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0005588[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001642
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.000035
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 58.4[μg/m3] or 8.616[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 5.812e5[μg/m3] or 8.575e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3484.[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.557e5[μg/m3] or 5.248e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3096.[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.881e5[μg/m3] or 4.250e4[ppbv]; Ground Water: 2981.[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 15:14:15 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: n-Propylbenzene CAS Number: 103651
Molecular Weight: 120.19[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.2926941[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 6.010e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 7.830e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 1[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.006067[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0004843[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001548
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00003094
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 1460[μg/m3] or 297.2[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.619e7[μg/m3] or 3.295e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: Solubility[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 9.435e6[μg/m3] or 1.920e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: Solubility[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7.408e6[μg/m3] or 1.508e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: Solubility[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 10:29:35 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: p-Xylene CAS Number: 106423
Molecular Weight: 106.17[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.2187188[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.690e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.440e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.1[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007764[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0006251[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001674
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00003848
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 146[μg/m3] or 33.64[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.400e6[μg/m3] or 3.225e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.959e4[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 8.719e5[μg/m3] or 2.009e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.735e4[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7.136e5[μg/m3] or 1.644e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 1.668e4[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
Page 2 of 2
Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 10:31:14 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Styrene CAS Number: 100425
Molecular Weight: 104.15[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.07791742[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.100e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.000e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 1[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007168[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0006608[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001635
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.0000403
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 1460[μg/m3] or 343[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.464e7[μg/m3] or 3.440e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: Solubility[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 8.932e6[μg/m3] or 2.098e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: Solubility[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7.217e6[μg/m3] or 1.695e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: Solubility[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
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Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 10:32:45 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Trichloroethylene CAS Number: 79016
Molecular Weight: 131.39[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.3133009[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.900e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 9.100e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.0000041[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007976[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0006288[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001688
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00003867
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.9971[μg/m3] or 0.1857[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 9416.[μg/m3] or 1753.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 92.69[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 5908.[μg/m3] or 1100.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 82.30[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4855.[μg/m3] or 904.1[ppbv]; Ground Water: 79.21[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
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Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 10:33:33 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Trichloroethylene CAS Number: 79016
Molecular Weight: 131.39[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.3133009[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 7.900e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 9.100e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.002[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.007976[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0006288[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001688
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00003867
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 2.92[μg/m3] or 0.5437[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 2.758e4[μg/m3] or 5135.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 271.4[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.730e4[μg/m3] or 3222.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 241.0[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.422e4[μg/m3] or 2648.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 232.0[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
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Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 10:34:50 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Toluene CAS Number: 108883
Molecular Weight: 92.14[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.1974295[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 8.700e-2[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 8.600e-6[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 5[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.008783[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0007071[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001734
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00004262
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 7300[μg/m3] or 1938[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 6.543e7[μg/m3] or 1.737e7[ppbv]; Ground Water: Solubility[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4.211e7[μg/m3] or 1.118e7[ppbv]; Ground Water: Solubility[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 3.511e7[μg/m3] or 9.323e6[ppbv]; Ground Water: Solubility[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
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Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 10:36:08 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Vinyl chloride (chloroethene) CAS Number: 75014
Molecular Weight: 62.5[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.9373258[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1060[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.230e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0.0000044[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.0107[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0008109[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001821
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00004762
Target Concentrations are based on CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 0.9291[μg/m3] or 0.3637[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 7538.[μg/m3] or 2951.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 23.23[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 5101.[μg/m3] or 1997.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 20.82[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 4370.[μg/m3] or 1711.[ppbv]; Ground Water: 20.10[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
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Screening-Level Johnson and Ettinger Model
Site Name: Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard Utah
Report Date: Wed Jun 7 10:36:50 EDT 2017
Report Generated From: https://www3.epa.gov/ceampubl/learn2model/part-
Depth to contamination from bottom of foundation: 8ft +/- 2ft
Average ground water temperature: 18.56C
Chemical of Concern: Vinyl chloride (chloroethene) CAS Number: 75014
Molecular Weight: 62.5[g/mole] Henrys Constant: 0.9373258[unitless]
Diffusivity in Air: 0.1060[cm2/sec] Diffusivity in Water: 1.230e-5[cm2/sec]
Unit Risk Factor: 0[(μg/m3)-1] Reference Concentration: 0.1[mg/m3]
Soil Type: Sandy Loam Total Porosity: 0.387
Unsaturated Zone Moisture Content:
low= 0.039 best estimate= 0.103 high= 0.17
Capillary Zone Moisture Content: 0.32 Height of Capillary Rise: 0.25[m]
Soil-Gas Flow Rate into Building: 5 [L/min]
Building Type: Slab-on-Grade Air Exchange Rate: 0.83[hr-1]
Building Mixing Height: 2.44[m] Building Footprint Area: 625[m2]
Subsurface Foundation Area: 630[m2] Building Crack Ratio: 0.00038[unitless]
Foundation Slab Thickness: 0.1[m]
Exposure Duration: carcinogens 25 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Exposure Frequency: carcinogens 250 [days/year] non-carcinogens: 250 [days/year]
Averaging Time: carcinogens 70 [years] non-carcinogens: 25 [years]
Risk Factor for carcinogens: 1E-6 Target Hazard Quotient for non-carcinogens: 1
Effective Diffusion Coefficients:
Unsaturated Zone(Deff): 0.0107[cm2/s]
Unsaturated Zone + Capillary Zone (DTeff): 0.0008109[cm2/s]
Soil Gas Attenuation Factor (αSG): 0.0001821
Ground Water Attenuation Factor (αGW): 0.00004762
Target Concentrations are based on NON-CANCER risk.
Target Indoor Air Concentration: 146[μg/m3] or 57.15[ppbv]
1Less Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 1.185e6[μg/m3] or 4.637e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3650.[μg/L]
Best Estimate Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 8.017e5[μg/m3] or 3.138e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3271.[μg/L]
2More Protective Target Concentrations
Soil Gas: 6.868e5[μg/m3] or 2.688e5[ppbv]; Ground Water: 3158.[μg/L]
Page 1 of 2
Based on parameter analysis: Advection is the dominant mechanism across foundation.
1"Less Protective" concentrations produced with HIGHEST moisture content and DEEPEST depth to contamination.
2"More Protective" concentrations produced with LOWEST moisture content and SHALLOWEST depth to contamination.
Building Footpring Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Subsurface Foundation Area is outside the recommended range for this building type.
Exposure Frequency for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 350 days/year.
Exposure Duration for carcinogens has been changed from default value of 30 years.
Exposure Frequency for non-carcinogens has been changed from default value of 365 days/year.
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Appendix B
Risk-Based CALs – Exposure Factors and Calculations
Exposure Pathway and Equations Parameter Description Units
THQ Target Hazard Quotient unitless 1 Project-specific; USS et al., 2017
Combined Surface Water Corrective Action Level CALc (mg/L) =TR Target Cancer Risk unitless 1.00E-06 Project-specific; USS et al., 2017
1 RfDO Oral Reference Dose mg/kg-day Chemical-specific USEPA, 2003
(1/CALo) + (1/CALd)SFO Oral Slope Factor kg-day/mg Chemical-specific USEPA, 2003
GIABS Gastrointestinal absorption factor unitless Chemical-specific USEPA, 2004
Dermal Toxicity Values RfDD Dermal Reference Dose mg/kg-day Chemical-specific USEPA, 2003
SFD (kg-day/mg) = SFO / GIABS SFD Dermal Slope Factor kg-day/mg Chemical-specific USEPA, 2003
RfDD (mg/kg-day) = RfDO x GIABS CALo Corrective Action Level, Water Ingestion (Oral) mg/L Calculated -
CALd Corrective Action Level, Water Dermal Contact mg/L Calculated -
CALc Corrective Action Level, Water Combined mg/L Calculated -
Incidental Surface Water Ingestion CALo Corrective Action Level, Water Ingestion (Oral) mg/L Calculated -
Non-Cancer Surface Water Corrective Action Level, Ingestion (Oral) (CALo): WIR Water Ingestion Rate L/hour 0.05 USEPA, 2011
THQ x RfDo x BW x ATnc EF_W Exposure Frequency, Water days/year 10
2 days/month during May to September is
assumed (wading scenario).
WIR x ET_W x EF_W x ED x DF ED Exposure Duration years 12 Assume receptor is 7 to 18 years old
Cancer Surface Water CALo: ET_W Exposure Time hours/day 1
Spend 1 hour each day in contact with
surface water
TR x BW x Atc BW Body Weight kg 49 calculated; USEPA, 2011
SF0 x WIR x ET_W x EF_W x ED x DF ATnc Averaging Time for Noncarcinogens days 4,380 calculated (b); USEPA, 1989
ATc Averaging Time for Carcinogens days 25,550 calculated (b); USEPA, 1989
DF Dilution Factor, Groundwater-to-Surface Water unitless 10
Environmental Indicator determinations;
USEPA, 2007
Dermal Contact with Surface Water CALd Corrective Action Level, Water Dermal Contact mg/L Calculated -
DA-event Absorbed Dose per Event L/cm²-event Chemical-specific calculated
Non-Cancer Surface Water Corrective Action Level, Dermal (CALd): SA_W Skin Surface Area Exposed, Surface Water cm² 4,175 (e); USEPA, 2011
THQ x RfDd x BW x ATnc EF_W Exposure Frequency, Water days/year 10
2 days/month during May to September is
assumed (wading scenario).
SA_W x DA-event x EF_W x EV x ED x DF EV Event Frequency events/day 1 USEPA, 2004
DF Dilution Factor, Groundwater-to-Surface Water unitless 10
Environmental Indicator determinations;
USEPA, 2007
Cancer Surface Water CALd: ED Exposure Duration years 12 Assume receptor is 7 to 18 years old
TR x BW x ATc BW Body Weight kg 49 calculated; USEPA, 2011
SFD x SA_W x DA-event x EF_W x EV x ED x DF ATnc Averaging Time for Noncarcinogens days 4,380 calculated (b); USEPA, 1989
ATc Averaging Time for Carcinogens days 25,550 calculated (b); USEPA, 1989
RME Source
Table 1A
Adolescent Recreators: Corrective Action Level Exposure Pathway Equations and Parameters
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Exposure Parameters
Exposure Pathway and Equations Parameter Description Units RME Source
Table 1A
Adolescent Recreators: Corrective Action Level Exposure Pathway Equations and Parameters
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Exposure Parameters
For organic compounds,FA Fraction Absorbed Water -- Chemical Specific USEPA, 2004
Absorbed Dose per Event (DA-event) (L/cm2-event) Equation 1:KP Permeability Constant (Dermal for Liquids) cm/hr Chemical Specific USEPA, 2004
If t_event_sw ≤ T *, use Equation 1 = 2 x FA x KP x CF6 x CF6 Unit Conversion Factor 6 L/cm³ 0.001 --
SQRT{(6 x tau_event x t_event_sw)/π}tau_event Lag time per event hours/event Chemical Specific USEPA, 2004
DA-event (L/cm2-event) Equation 2:t_event_sw Event Duration, Surface Water hours/event 1
Spend 1 hour each day in contact with
surface water
If t_event_sw > T *, use Equation 2 = FA x KP x CF6 x B Dimensionless ratio of Kp through stratum corneum -- Chemical Specific USEPA, 2004
{(t_event_sw/(1+B))+2 x tau_event x ((1+(3 x B)+(3 x B2))/(1+B)2)}T * Time to Reach Steady-State hours Chemical-specific USEPA, 2004
For inorganic compounds,
DA-event = KP x CF6 x t_event_sw
Shading indicates a cell where a parameter is calculated (see equations). Multiplication factors represent the PRG calculation without chemical-specific parameters factored into the calculation.
(a) Conservative assumption (3 days/week during June, July, and August and 1 day/week during April, May, September, and October.
(b) Averaging Time for noncarcinogens (ATnc) is calculated using the equation ED x 365 days/year. Averaging Time for carcinogens (ATc) is calculated as 70 years x 365 days/year.
(c) Assume 320 mg/L, suspended Surface Water (average) from MPCA times incidental surface water ingestion rate. Study area-specific suspended Surface Water value to be used.
(d) Soil to skin adherence for the irrigation installer (USEPA, 2004).
(e) For surface water exposure, the weighted mean values for forearms, hands, lower legs, and feet are used (USEPA, 2011).
cm2 - centimeter squared mg/kg-day - milligrams per kilogram-day
cm3/hr -cubic centimeters per hour mg/day - milligrams per day
cm3/L - cubic centimeters per Liter mg/L - milligrams per liter
kg - kilograms mg-year/kg-day - milligrams-year per kilogram-day
kg-day/mg - kilogram - day per milligram mg-year/kg-event - milligrams-year per kilogram-event
L/cm²-event - liter per square centimeters -event RAGS - Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund
L/cm³ - liter per cubic centimeters VIWP - Verification Investigation Work Plan
L/hour - liter per hour
USS et al., 2017. U.S. Steel (USS), Geneva Steel, PEER Consultants, and URS Corporation. 2005. RCRA Facility Investigation Task III Facility Investigation
and Reports Part Four Verification Investigation Work Plan (VIWP).
USEPA, 1989. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1989. Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund. Human Health Evaluation Manual.
Part A. Interim Final. 9285.701A.
USEPA, 2002. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2002. OSWER Draft Guidance for Evaluating the Vapor Intrusion to Indoor Air Pathway
from Groundwater and Soils (Subsurface Vapor Intrusion Guidance). November.
USEPA. 2003. Human Health Toxicity Values in Superfund Risk Assessment. OSWER Directive 9285.7-53. December.
USEPA, 2004. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2004. Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund Volume I: Human Health Evaluation Manual,
Part E, Supplemental Guidance for Dermal Risk Assessment. EPA/540/R/99/005, OSWER 9285.7-02EP, PB99-963312. July.
USEPA, 2007. 2007. Environmental Indicators - Frequent Questions, available on-line (http://www.epa.gov/correctiveaction/eis/faqs.htm#surface2).
USEPA, 2011. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2011. Exposure Factors Handbook: 2011 Edition. EPA/600/ R‐090/052F, September 2011.
USEPA, 2015. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2015. Human Health Evaluation Manual. Supplemental Guidance: Update of Standard Default Exposure Factors. Office of
Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. OSWER Directive 9200.1-120. February 6. Amended September 2015.
Table 1B
Summary of Corrective Action Level Calculations
Adolescent Recreators
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
CALo CALd Comb CALc CALo CALd Comb CALnc Selected
Chemical Ingestion Dermal Combined Ingestion Dermal Combined CAL (1)
(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
Ammonia as N - - - 1.2E+05 1.2E+06 1.1E+05 1.1E+05
Nitrate - - - 5.7E+03 4.7E+04 5.1E+03 5.1E+03
Nitrate + Nitrite (as N)- - - 3.6E+02 3.1E+03 3.2E+02 3.2E+02
Nitrite - - - 3.6E+02 3.1E+03 3.2E+02 3.2E+02
Total Cyanide - - - 2.1E+00 2.9E+01 2.0E+00 2.0E+00
Aluminum-Total - - - 6.0E+03 4.3E+04 5.2E+03 5.2E+03
Antimony-Total - - - 2.4E+00 2.6E+00 1.2E+00 1.2E+00
Arsenic-Total 2.3E-02 1.7E-01 2.0E-02 1.8E+00 1.3E+01 1.6E+00 2.0E-02
Barium-Total - - - 1.2E+03 6.0E+02 4.0E+02 4.0E+02
Cadmium-Total - - - 1.8E+00 1.1E+00 6.7E-01 6.7E-01
Chromium, Total - - - 5.4E+03 8.4E+02 7.2E+02 7.2E+02
Cobalt-Total - - - 1.1E+00 3.2E+01 1.0E+00 1.0E+00
Lead-Total - - - 2.8E+01 - 2.8E+01 2.8E+01
Manganese-Total - - - 8.6E+01 3.2E+01 2.3E+01 2.3E+01
Mercury-Total - - - 1.1E+00 3.9E+00 8.4E-01 8.4E-01
Nickel-Total - - - 7.2E+01 1.3E+02 4.6E+01 4.6E+01
Selenium-Total - - - 1.8E+01 1.4E+02 1.6E+01 1.6E+01
Silver-Total - - - 1.8E+01 7.9E+00 5.5E+00 5.5E+00
Thallium-Total - - - 3.6E-02 1.3E-01 2.8E-02 2.8E-02
Zinc-Total - - - 1.1E+03 1.6E+04 1.0E+03 1.0E+03
Acenaphthene - - - 2.1E+02 1.1E+01 1.0E+01 1.0E+01
Acenaphthylene - - - 2.1E+02 1.1E+01 1.0E+01 1.0E+01
Anthracene - - - 1.1E+03 2.3E+01 2.3E+01 2.3E+01
BaP Equivalent 2.1E-02 2.6E-05 2.6E-05 1.1E+00 1.3E-03 1.3E-03 2.6E-05
Benzo(a)anthracene 2.1E-01 4.7E-04 4.7E-04 - - -4.7E-04
Benzo(a)pyrene 2.1E-02 2.6E-05 2.6E-05 1.1E+00 1.3E-03 1.3E-03 2.6E-05
Benzo(b)fluoranthene 2.1E-01 4.8E-04 4.8E-04 - - -4.8E-04
Benzo(ghi)perylene - - - 1.1E+02 1.1E+00 1.1E+00 1.1E+00
Benzo(k)fluoranthene 2.1E+00 2.7E-03 2.7E-03 - - - 2.7E-03
Chrysene 2.1E+01 4.3E-02 4.3E-02 - - - 4.3E-02
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 2.1E-02 2.2E-05 2.2E-05 - - -2.2E-05
Fluoranthene - - - 1.4E+02 9.1E-01 9.0E-01 9.0E-01
Fluorene - - - 1.4E+02 4.7E+00 4.6E+00 4.6E+00
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 2.1E-01 1.7E-04 1.7E-04 - - -1.7E-04
Methylnaphthalene, 2-- - - 1.4E+01 7.4E-01 7.0E-01 7.0E-01
Naphthalene - - - 7.2E+01 8.6E+00 7.7E+00 7.7E+00
Phenanthrene - - - 1.1E+03 2.3E+01 2.3E+01 2.3E+01
Pyrene - - - 1.1E+02 1.1E+00 1.1E+00 1.1E+00
Acetophenone - - - 3.6E+02 5.8E+02 2.2E+02 2.2E+02
Aniline 3.7E+00 1.4E+01 2.9E+00 2.5E+01 9.5E+01 2.0E+01 2.9E+00
bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether 1.9E-02 5.5E-02 1.4E-02 - - - 1.4E-02
bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate 1.5E+00 2.3E-04 2.3E-04 7.2E+01 1.1E-02 1.1E-02 2.3E-04
Chloroaniline 4-1.0E-01 1.2E-01 5.6E-02 1.4E+01 1.7E+01 7.7E+00 5.6E-02
Chlorobenzilate 1.9E-01 3.8E-03 3.8E-03 7.2E+01 1.5E+00 1.4E+00 3.8E-03
Diallate 3.4E-01 9.4E-03 9.1E-03 - - - 9.1E-03
Dibenzofuran - - - 3.6E+00 1.3E-01 1.3E-01 1.3E-01
Dichlorobenzene 1,4-3.9E+00 4.1E-01 3.7E-01 2.5E+02 2.6E+01 2.4E+01 3.7E-01
Dimethylphenol, 2,4-- - - 7.2E+01 3.9E+01 2.5E+01 2.5E+01
Dinitro-2-methylphenol, 4,6-- - - 2.9E-01 2.9E-01 1.4E-01 1.4E-01
Dinitrophenol, 2,4-- - - 7.2E+00 1.4E+01 4.7E+00 4.7E+00
Dinitrotoluene, 2,4-6.7E-02 8.1E-02 3.7E-02 7.2E+00 8.6E+00 3.9E+00 3.7E-02
Dioxane, 1,4-2.1E-01 4.5E+00 2.0E-01 1.1E+02 2.3E+03 1.0E+02 2.0E-01
Non-Cancer CALs (Target HQ = 1)Cancer CALs (Target CR = 1E-06)
Table 1B
Summary of Corrective Action Level Calculations
Adolescent Recreators
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
CALo CALd Comb CALc CALo CALd Comb CALnc Selected
Chemical Ingestion Dermal Combined Ingestion Dermal Combined CAL (1)
(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
Non-Cancer CALs (Target HQ = 1)Cancer CALs (Target CR = 1E-06)
Hexachlorobutadiene 2.7E-01 4.7E-03 4.6E-03 3.6E+00 6.2E-02 6.1E-02 4.6E-03
Methylphenol 2-- - - 1.8E+02 1.5E+02 8.2E+01 8.2E+01
3-Methylphenol & 4-Methylphenol - - - 1.8E+02 1.5E+02 8.1E+01 8.1E+01
Naphthylamine, 1-1.2E-02 7.3E-03 4.5E-03 - - - 4.5E-03
Nitroaniline, 4-1.0E+00 3.1E+00 7.8E-01 1.4E+01 4.3E+01 1.1E+01 7.8E-01
Nitrobenzene - - - 7.2E+00 9.8E+00 4.1E+00 4.1E+00
Nitrophenol, 2-- - - 7.2E+00 1.4E+01 4.7E+00 4.7E+00
Nitrophenol, 4-- - - 7.2E+00 1.4E+01 4.7E+00 4.7E+00
N-Nitrosodiethylamine 1.4E-04 1.1E-03 1.2E-04 - - - 1.2E-04
N-Nitrosodimethylamine 4.1E-04 1.3E-02 4.0E-04 2.9E-02 8.8E-01 2.8E-02 4.0E-04
N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine 3.9E-03 1.5E-03 1.1E-03 - - - 1.1E-03
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 3.0E-03 7.2E-03 2.1E-03 - - - 2.1E-03
Pentachlorophenol 5.2E-02 4.9E-04 4.8E-04 1.8E+01 1.7E-01 1.6E-01 4.8E-04
Phenol - - - 1.1E+03 1.7E+03 6.6E+02 6.6E+02
Picoline 2-- - - 3.6E+00 1.8E+01 3.0E+00 3.0E+00
Pyridine - - - 3.6E+00 1.8E+01 3.0E+00 3.0E+00
Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6-1.9E+00 1.6E-01 1.5E-01 3.6E+00 3.1E-01 2.8E-01 1.5E-01
Benzene 3.8E-01 2.0E-01 1.3E-01 1.4E+01 7.4E+00 4.9E+00 1.3E-01
Bromodichloromethane 3.4E-01 3.6E-01 1.7E-01 7.2E+01 7.7E+01 3.7E+01 1.7E-01
Bromomethane - - - 5.0E+00 1.2E+01 3.6E+00 3.6E+00
Carbon tetrachloride 3.0E-01 8.5E-02 6.6E-02 1.4E+01 4.1E+00 3.2E+00 6.6E-02
Chlorobenzene - - - 7.2E+01 1.6E+01 1.3E+01 1.3E+01
Chloroform 6.7E-01 6.0E-01 3.2E-01 3.6E+01 3.2E+01 1.7E+01 3.2E-01
Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2- (BDCP)2.6E-02 8.2E-03 6.2E-03 7.2E-01 2.2E-01 1.7E-01 6.2E-03
Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2-1.0E-02 1.3E-02 5.8E-03 3.2E+01 4.1E+01 1.8E+01 5.8E-03
Dichloroethane 1,1-- 3.7E+00 3.7E+00 7.2E+02 7.3E+02 3.6E+02 3.7E+00
Dichloroethane 1,2-- 3.7E-01 3.7E-01 2.1E+01 3.5E+01 1.3E+01 3.7E-01
Dichloroethene 1,1-- - - 1.8E+02 1.1E+02 6.7E+01 6.7E+01
Dichloroethene (total), 1,2-- - - 7.2E+00 4.5E+00 2.8E+00 2.8E+00
Dichloroethene, cis-1,2-- - - 7.2E+00 4.5E+00 2.8E+00 2.8E+00
Ethylbenzene 1.9E+00 2.5E-01 2.2E-01 3.6E+02 4.8E+01 4.2E+01 2.2E-01
Hexanone 2-- - - 1.8E+01 3.4E+01 1.2E+01 1.2E+01
Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)1.2E+01 4.0E+01 9.0E+00 - - - 9.0E+00
Methylene Chloride 1.0E+01 2.2E+01 7.0E+00 2.1E+01 4.5E+01 1.5E+01 7.0E+00
Styrene - - - 7.2E+02 1.3E+02 1.1E+02 1.1E+02
Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2 1.0E-01 6.3E-02 3.9E-02 7.2E+01 4.3E+01 2.7E+01 3.9E-02
Tetrachloroethene 9.9E+00 1.2E+00 1.1E+00 2.1E+01 2.6E+00 2.3E+00 1.1E+00
Toluene - - - 2.9E+02 6.6E+01 5.4E+01 5.4E+01
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3-- - - 2.9E+00 1.3E-01 1.2E-01 1.2E-01
Trichloroethane, 1,1,1-- - - 7.2E+03 3.1E+03 2.2E+03 2.2E+03
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4-7.2E-01 3.3E-02 3.2E-02 3.6E+01 1.7E+00 1.6E+00 3.2E-02
Trichloroethene 4.5E-01 2.2E-01 1.5E-01 1.8E+00 8.6E-01 5.8E-01 1.5E-01
Trichloropropane, 1,2,3-7.0E-04 4.6E-04 2.8E-04 1.4E+01 9.4E+00 5.7E+00 2.8E-04
Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4-- - - 3.6E+01 2.4E+00 2.3E+00 2.3E+00
Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-- - - 3.6E+01 3.4E+00 3.1E+00 3.1E+00
Vinyl Chloride 2.9E-02 2.8E-02 1.4E-02 1.1E+01 1.1E+01 5.3E+00 1.4E-02
Xylene, m-- - - 7.2E+02 8.8E+01 7.9E+01 7.9E+01
Xylene, m- & Xylene, p-- - - 7.2E+02 8.8E+01 7.9E+01 7.9E+01
Xylene, o-- - - 7.2E+02 1.0E+02 8.8E+01 8.8E+01
Xylene, p-- - - 7.2E+02 9.5E+01 8.4E+01 8.4E+01
Xylenes (total)- - - 7.2E+02 9.4E+01 8.3E+01 8.3E+01
Table 1B
Summary of Corrective Action Level Calculations
Adolescent Recreators
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
CALo CALd Comb CALc CALo CALd Comb CALnc Selected
Chemical Ingestion Dermal Combined Ingestion Dermal Combined CAL (1)
(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
Non-Cancer CALs (Target HQ = 1)Cancer CALs (Target CR = 1E-06)
- = No value; mg/L = milligrams per liter
Shaded cell = risk-based CAL is less than the aqueous SSSL which is based on method detection limit (MDL); replace with aqueous SSSL (see table below).
(1) The selected CAL is the lesser of the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic combined pathway CAL.
CAL = Corrective Action Level
CALo = Corrective Action Level, oral (ingestion)Aqueous SSSLs for Shaded Cells Above
CALd = Corrective Action Level, dermal Benzo(a)anthracene (MDL of 8.0E-04 mg/L)
Comb CAL = Corrective Action Level, combined pathways Benzo(a)pyrene (MDL of 8.0E-04 mg/L)
CR = cancer risk Benzo(b)fluoranthene (MDL of 9.0E-04 mg/L)
HQ = hazard quotient Dibenz(a,h)anthracene (MDL of 9.0E-04 mg/L)
c = cancer Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene (MDL of 8.0E-04 mg/L)
nc = non-cancer Benzo(a)pyrene equivalent (BaP Equivalent) (MDL of 8.0E-04 mg/L)
Table 1C
Ingestion Corrective Action Level Calculations - Cancer Effects
Adolescent Recreators
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Slope Factor, Oral
Target Cancer
Averaging Time,
Cancer Body Weight Water Ingestion
Duration Exposure Time
Chemical Surrogate SFo TR ATc BW WIR EF_W ED ET_W Ingestion
(kg-day/mg) (unitless) (days) (kg) (L/hour) (days/year) (years) (hours/day) (mg/L)
Ammonia as N -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Nitrate -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Nitrate + Nitrite (as N) Nitrite (most conservative)- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Nitrite -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Total Cyanide -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Aluminum-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Antimony-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Arsenic-Total -1.50E+00 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.3E-02
Barium-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Cadmium-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Chromium, Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Cobalt-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Lead-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Manganese-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Mercury-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Nickel-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Selenium-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Silver-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Thallium-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Zinc-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Acenaphthene -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene - - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Anthracene -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
BaP Equivalent -1.00E+00 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.1E-02
Benzo(a)anthracene -1.00E-01 E 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.1E-01
Benzo(a)pyrene -1.00E+00 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.1E-02
Benzo(b)fluoranthene -1.00E-01 E 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.1E-01
Benzo(ghi)perylene Pyrene - - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Benzo(k)fluoranthene -1.00E-02 E 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.1E+00
Chrysene -1.00E-03 E 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.1E+01
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene -1.00E+00 E 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.1E-02
Fluoranthene -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Fluorene -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene -1.00E-01 E 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.1E-01
Methylnaphthalene 2--- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Naphthalene -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Phenanthrene Anthracene - - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Pyrene -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Exposure Parameters Adolescent
Cancer CALo
Chemical-specific Parameters
Table 1C
Ingestion Corrective Action Level Calculations - Cancer Effects
Adolescent Recreators
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Slope Factor, Oral
Target Cancer
Averaging Time,
Cancer Body Weight Water Ingestion
Duration Exposure Time
Chemical Surrogate SFo TR ATc BW WIR EF_W ED ET_W Ingestion
(kg-day/mg) (unitless) (days) (kg) (L/hour) (days/year) (years) (hours/day) (mg/L)
Exposure Parameters Adolescent
Cancer CALo
Chemical-specific Parameters
Acetophenone -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Aniline -5.70E-03 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 3.7E+00
bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether -1.10E+00 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.9E-02
bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate -1.40E-02 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.5E+00
Chloroaniline 4--2.00E-01 P 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.0E-01
Chlorobenzilate -1.10E-01 C 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.9E-01
Diallate -6.10E-02 H 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 3.4E-01
Dibenzofuran -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Dichlorobenzene 1,4--5.40E-03 C 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 3.9E+00
Dimethylphenol, 2,4--- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Dinitro-2-methylphenol, 4,6--- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Dinitrophenol, 2,4--- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Dinitrotoluene, 2,4--3.10E-01 C 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 6.7E-02
Dioxane, 1,4--1.00E-01 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.1E-01
Hexachlorobutadiene -7.80E-02 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.7E-01
Methylphenol 2--- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
3-Methylphenol & 4-Methylphenol m-Cresol - - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Naphthylamine, 1-Naphthylamine, 2-1.80E+00 C 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.2E-02
Nitroaniline, 4--2.00E-02 P 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.0E+00
Nitrobenzene -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Nitrophenol, 2-Dinitrophenol, 2,4-- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Nitrophenol, 4-Dinitrophenol, 2,4-- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
N-Nitrosodiethylamine -1.50E+02 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.4E-04
N-Nitrosodimethylamine -5.10E+01 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 4.1E-04
N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine -5.40E+00 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 3.9E-03
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine -7.00E+00 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 3.0E-03
Pentachlorophenol -4.00E-01 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 5.2E-02
Phenol -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Picoline 2-Pyridine - - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Pyridine -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6--1.10E-02 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.9E+00
Benzene -5.50E-02 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 3.8E-01
Bromodichloromethane -6.20E-02 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 3.4E-01
Bromomethane -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Carbon tetrachloride -7.00E-02 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 3.0E-01
Chlorobenzene -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Chloroform -3.10E-02 C 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 6.7E-01
Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2- (BDCP)-8.00E-01 P 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.6E-02
Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2--2.00E+00 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.0E-02
Dichloroethane 1,1--5.70E-03 C 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Dichloroethane 1,2--9.10E-02 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Dichloroethene 1,1--- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Table 1C
Ingestion Corrective Action Level Calculations - Cancer Effects
Adolescent Recreators
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Slope Factor, Oral
Target Cancer
Averaging Time,
Cancer Body Weight Water Ingestion
Duration Exposure Time
Chemical Surrogate SFo TR ATc BW WIR EF_W ED ET_W Ingestion
(kg-day/mg) (unitless) (days) (kg) (L/hour) (days/year) (years) (hours/day) (mg/L)
Exposure Parameters Adolescent
Cancer CALo
Chemical-specific Parameters
Dichloroethene (total), 1,2-Dichloroethene, cis-1,2-- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Dichloroethene, cis-1,2--- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Ethylbenzene -1.10E-02 C 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.9E+00
Hexanone 2--- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)-1.80E-03 C 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.2E+01
Methylene Chloride -2.00E-03 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.0E+01
Styrene -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2 -2.00E-01 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.0E-01
Tetrachloroethene -2.10E-03 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 9.9E+00
Toluene -- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3--- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4--2.90E-02 P 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E-01
Trichloroethane, 1,1,1--- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Trichloroethene -4.60E-02 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 4.5E-01
Trichloropropane, 1,2,3--3.00E+01 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.0E-04
Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4--- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5--- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Vinyl Chloride -7.20E-01 I 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.9E-02
Xylene, m--- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Xylene, m- & Xylene, p--- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Xylene, o--- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Xylene, p--- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Xylenes (total)-- - 1.00E-06 25550 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
- = No value; CAL = Corrective Action Level; CR = cancer risk; HQ = hazard quotient
Units Terms:
kg = killogram
kg-day/mg = kilogram-day per milligram
L/hour = liter per hour
mg/L = milligrams per liter
Key Terms and References:
Note: All non-cancer toxicity values presented above are chronic values.
A = Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR, 2017)
C = California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal EPA, 2017)
E = Toxicity equivalency factors were used to derive toxicity values for the carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (see text).
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables (USEPA, 1997)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (USEPA, 2017a)
P = Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Value (PPRTV) (USEPA, 2017b)
S = Special Consideration Chemicals; See Table below.
X = Appendix PPRTV Screen (USEPA, 2017b)
Table 1C
Ingestion Corrective Action Level Calculations - Cancer Effects
Adolescent Recreators
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Slope Factor, Oral
Target Cancer
Averaging Time,
Cancer Body Weight Water Ingestion
Duration Exposure Time
Chemical Surrogate SFo TR ATc BW WIR EF_W ED ET_W Ingestion
(kg-day/mg) (unitless) (days) (kg) (L/hour) (days/year) (years) (hours/day) (mg/L)
Exposure Parameters Adolescent
Cancer CALo
Chemical-specific Parameters
S - Special Consideration Chemicals
Xylene, o- Oral RfD and inhalation RfC for xylene, mixture is used for all xylene congeners.
Xylene,m- & Xylene, p- Oral RfD and inhalation RfC for xylene, mixture is used for all xylene congeners.
For ingestion/dermal pathways, mercuric chloride oral RfD is used. For inhalation pathways, elemental mercury RfC is used.
Lead CALs are derived using USEPA models; see Appendix E for details.
Manganese "non-food" oral RfD x modifying factor of 3 is used in deriving the soil SSSLs (RfDo of 0.024 mg/kg-day).
Table 1D
Ingestion Corrective Action Level Calculations - Non-Cancer Effects
Adolescent Recreators
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Reference Dose,
Target Hazard
Averaging Time,
Chemical Surrogate RfDo THQ ATnc BW WIR EF_W ED ET_W Ingestion
(mg/kg-day) (unitless) (days) (kg) (L/hour) (days/year) (years) (hours/day) (mg/L)
Ammonia as N -3.40E+01 H 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.2E+05
Nitrate -1.60E+00 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 5.7E+03
Nitrate + Nitrite (as N) Nitrite (most conservative)1.00E-01 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 3.6E+02
Nitrite -1.00E-01 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 3.6E+02
Total Cyanide -6.00E-04 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.1E+00
Aluminum-Total -1.00E+00 P 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 6.0E+03
Antimony-Total -4.00E-04 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.4E+00
Arsenic-Total -3.00E-04 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.8E+00
Barium-Total -2.00E-01 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.2E+03
Cadmium-Total -5.00E-04 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.8E+00
Chromium, Total -1.50E+00 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 5.4E+03
Cobalt-Total -3.00E-04 P 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.1E+00
Lead-Total -- - 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.8E+01
Manganese-Total -2.40E-02 S 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 8.6E+01
Mercury-Total -3.00E-04 S 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.1E+00
Nickel-Total -2.00E-02 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E+01
Selenium-Total -5.00E-03 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.8E+01
Silver-Total -5.00E-03 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.8E+01
Thallium-Total -1.00E-05 X 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 3.6E-02
Zinc-Total -3.00E-01 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.1E+03
Acenaphthene -6.00E-02 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.1E+02
Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene 6.00E-02 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.1E+02
Anthracene -3.00E-01 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.1E+03
BaP Equivalent -3.00E-04 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.1E+00
Benzo(a)anthracene -- - 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Benzo(a)pyrene -3.00E-04 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.1E+00
Benzo(b)fluoranthene -- - 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Benzo(ghi)perylene Pyrene 3.00E-02 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.1E+02
Benzo(k)fluoranthene -- - 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Chrysene -- - 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene -- - 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Fluoranthene -4.00E-02 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.4E+02
Fluorene -4.00E-02 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.4E+02
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene -- - 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Methylnaphthalene, 2--4.00E-03 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.4E+01
Naphthalene -2.00E-02 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E+01
Phenanthrene Anthracene 3.00E-01 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.1E+03
Pyrene -3.00E-02 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.1E+02
Acetophenone -1.00E-01 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 3.6E+02
Aniline -7.00E-03 P 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.5E+01
bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether -- - 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Chemical-specific Parameters Exposure Parameters Adolescent
Recreator Non-
Cancer CALo
Table 1D
Ingestion Corrective Action Level Calculations - Non-Cancer Effects
Adolescent Recreators
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Reference Dose,
Target Hazard
Averaging Time,
Chemical Surrogate RfDo THQ ATnc BW WIR EF_W ED ET_W Ingestion
(mg/kg-day) (unitless) (days) (kg) (L/hour) (days/year) (years) (hours/day) (mg/L)
Chemical-specific Parameters Exposure Parameters Adolescent
Recreator Non-
Cancer CALo
bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate -2.00E-02 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E+01
Chloroaniline 4--4.00E-03 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.4E+01
Chlorobenzilate -2.00E-02 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E+01
Diallate -- - 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Dibenzofuran -1.00E-03 X 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 3.6E+00
Dichlorobenzene 1,4--7.00E-02 A 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.5E+02
Dimethylphenol, 2,4--2.00E-02 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E+01
Dinitro-2-methylphenol, 4,6--8.00E-05 X 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.9E-01
Dinitrophenol, 2,4--2.00E-03 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E+00
Dinitrotoluene, 2,4--2.00E-03 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E+00
Dioxane, 1,4--3.00E-02 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.1E+02
Hexachlorobutadiene -1.00E-03 P 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 3.6E+00
Methylphenol 2--5.00E-02 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.8E+02
3-Methylphenol & 4-Methylphenol m-Cresol 5.00E-02 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.8E+02
Naphthylamine, 1-Naphthylamine, 2-- - 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Nitroaniline, 4--4.00E-03 P 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.4E+01
Nitrobenzene -2.00E-03 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E+00
Nitrophenol, 2-Dinitrophenol, 2,4-2.00E-03 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E+00
Nitrophenol, 4-Dinitrophenol, 2,4-2.00E-03 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E+00
N-Nitrosodiethylamine -- - 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
N-Nitrosodimethylamine -8.00E-06 P 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.9E-02
N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine -- - 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine -- - 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Pentachlorophenol -5.00E-03 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.8E+01
Phenol -3.00E-01 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.1E+03
Picoline 2-Pyridine 1.00E-03 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 3.6E+00
Pyridine -1.00E-03 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 3.6E+00
Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6--1.00E-03 P 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 3.6E+00
Benzene -4.00E-03 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.4E+01
Bromodichloromethane -2.00E-02 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E+01
Bromomethane -1.40E-03 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 5.0E+00
Carbon tetrachloride -4.00E-03 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.4E+01
Chlorobenzene -2.00E-02 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E+01
Chloroform -1.00E-02 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 3.6E+01
Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2- (BDCP)-2.00E-04 P 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E-01
Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2--9.00E-03 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 3.2E+01
Dichloroethane 1,1--2.00E-01 P 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E+02
Dichloroethane 1,2--6.00E-03 X 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.1E+01
Dichloroethene 1,1--5.00E-02 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.8E+02
Dichloroethene (total), 1,2-Dichloroethene, cis-1,2-2.00E-03 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E+00
Dichloroethene, cis-1,2--2.00E-03 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E+00
Ethylbenzene -1.00E-01 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 3.6E+02
Hexanone 2--5.00E-03 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.8E+01
Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)-- - 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 -
Table 1D
Ingestion Corrective Action Level Calculations - Non-Cancer Effects
Adolescent Recreators
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Reference Dose,
Target Hazard
Averaging Time,
Chemical Surrogate RfDo THQ ATnc BW WIR EF_W ED ET_W Ingestion
(mg/kg-day) (unitless) (days) (kg) (L/hour) (days/year) (years) (hours/day) (mg/L)
Chemical-specific Parameters Exposure Parameters Adolescent
Recreator Non-
Cancer CALo
Methylene Chloride -6.00E-03 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.1E+01
Styrene -2.00E-01 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E+02
Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2 -2.00E-02 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E+01
Tetrachloroethene -6.00E-03 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.1E+01
Toluene -8.00E-02 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.9E+02
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3--8.00E-04 X 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 2.9E+00
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4--1.00E-02 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 3.6E+01
Trichloroethane, 1,1,1- 2.00E+00 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E+03
Trichloroethene 5.00E-04 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.8E+00
Trichloropropane, 1,2,3--4.00E-03 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.4E+01
Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4--1.00E-02 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 3.6E+01
Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5--1.00E-02 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 3.6E+01
Vinyl Chloride -3.00E-03 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 1.1E+01
Xylene, m--2.00E-01 S 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E+02
Xylene, m- & Xylene, p--2.00E-01 S 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E+02
Xylene, o--2.00E-01 S 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E+02
Xylene, p--2.00E-01 S 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E+02
Xylenes (total)-2.00E-01 I 1 4380 49 0.05 10 12 1 7.2E+02
- = No value; CALo = Corrective Action Level, oral (ingestion)
Units Terms:
kg = kilogram
mg/kg-day = milligrams per kilogram-day
mg/L = milligrams per Liter
L/hour = liter per hour
Key Terms and References:
Note: All non-cancer toxicity values presented above are chronic values.
A = Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR, 2017)
C = California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal EPA, 2017)
E = Toxicity equivalency factors were used to derive toxicity values for the carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (see text).
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables (USEPA, 1997)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (USEPA, 2017a)
P = Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Value (PPRTV) (USEPA, 2017b)
S = Special Consideration Chemicals; See Table below.
X = Appendix PPRTV Screen (USEPA, 2017b)
Table 1D
Ingestion Corrective Action Level Calculations - Non-Cancer Effects
Adolescent Recreators
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Reference Dose,
Target Hazard
Averaging Time,
Chemical Surrogate RfDo THQ ATnc BW WIR EF_W ED ET_W Ingestion
(mg/kg-day) (unitless) (days) (kg) (L/hour) (days/year) (years) (hours/day) (mg/L)
Chemical-specific Parameters Exposure Parameters Adolescent
Recreator Non-
Cancer CALo
S - Special Consideration Chemicals
Xylene, o- Oral RfD and inhalation RfC for xylene, mixture is used for all xylene congeners.
Xylene,m- & Xylene, p- Oral RfD and inhalation RfC for xylene, mixture is used for all xylene congeners.
For ingestion/dermal pathways, mercuric chloride oral RfD is used. For inhalation pathways, elemental mercury RfC is used.
Manganese "non-food" oral RfD x modifying factor of 3 is used in deriving the soil SSSLs (RfDo of 0.024 mg/kg-day).
Lead CALs are derived using USEPA models; see Appendix E for details.
Table 1E
Dermal Corrective Action Level Calculations - Cancer Effects See Table 3 for DA-Event calculations.
Adolescent Recreators
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Slope Factor,
Absorbed Dose
per Event
Target Cancer
Averaging Time,
Skin Surface
Area Exposed,
Surface Water
Chemical Surrogate SFo GIABS (1) DA-Event (2) TR ATc BW SA_W EF_W ED EV Dermal
(kg-day/mg) (unitless) (L/cm²-event) (unitless) (days) (kg)(cm2)(days/year) (years) (events/day) (mg/L)
Ammonia as N -- - 1 1.26E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Nitrate -- - 1 1.47E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Nitrate + Nitrite (as N) Nitrite (most conservative)- - 1 1.38E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Nitrite -- - 1 1.38E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Total Cyanide -- - 1 8.82E-07 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Aluminum-Total -- - 1 1.00E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Antimony-Total -- - 0.15 1.00E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Arsenic-Total -1.50E+00 I 1 1.00E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 1.7E-01
Barium-Total -- - 0.07 1.00E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Cadmium-Total -- - 0.05 1.00E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Chromium, Total -- - 0.013 1.00E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Cobalt-Total -- - 1 4.00E-07 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Lead-Total -- - 1 1.00E-07 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Manganese-Total -- - 0.04 1.28E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Mercury-Total -- - 1 3.27E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Nickel-Total -- - 0.04 2.62E-07 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Selenium-Total -- - 1 1.49E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Silver-Total -- - 0.04 1.08E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Thallium-Total -- - 1 3.35E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Zinc-Total -- - 1 8.20E-07 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Acenaphthene -- - 1 2.43E-04 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene - - 1 2.43E-04 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Anthracene -- - 1 5.58E-04 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
BaP Equivalent -1.00E+00 I 1 9.74E-03 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 2.6E-05
Benzo(a)anthracene -1.00E-01 E 1 5.30E-03 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 4.7E-04
Benzo(a)pyrene -1.00E+00 I 1 9.74E-03 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 2.6E-05
Benzo(b)fluoranthene -1.00E-01 E 1 5.19E-03 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 4.8E-04
Benzo(ghi)perylene Pyrene - - 1 1.13E-03 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Benzo(k)fluoranthene -1.00E-02 E 1 9.39E-03 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 2.7E-03
Chrysene -1.00E-03 E 1 5.79E-03 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 4.3E-02
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene -1.00E+00 E 1 1.14E-02 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 2.2E-05
Fluoranthene -- - 1 1.89E-03 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Fluorene -- - 1 3.63E-04 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene -1.00E-01 E 1 1.49E-02 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 1.7E-04
Methylnaphthalene, 2--- - 1 2.32E-04 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Naphthalene -- - 1 1.00E-04 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Phenanthrene Anthracene - - 1 5.58E-04 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Pyrene -- - 1 1.13E-03 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Acetophenone -- - 1 7.40E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Aniline -5.70E-03 I 1 3.16E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 1.4E+01
bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether -1.10E+00 I 1 4.15E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 5.5E-02
bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate -1.40E-02 I 1 7.90E-02 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 2.3E-04
Chloroaniline 4--2.00E-01 P 1 1.04E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 1.2E-01
Chlorobenzilate -1.10E-01 C 1 5.90E-04 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 3.8E-03
Diallate -6.10E-02 H 1 4.38E-04 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 9.4E-03
Dibenzofuran -- - 1 3.23E-04 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Cancer CALd
Chemical-specific Parameters Exposure Parameters
Table 1E
Dermal Corrective Action Level Calculations - Cancer Effects See Table 3 for DA-Event calculations.
Adolescent Recreators
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Slope Factor,
Absorbed Dose
per Event
Target Cancer
Averaging Time,
Skin Surface
Area Exposed,
Surface Water
Chemical Surrogate SFo GIABS (1) DA-Event (2) TR ATc BW SA_W EF_W ED EV Dermal
(kg-day/mg) (unitless) (L/cm²-event) (unitless) (days) (kg)(cm2)(days/year) (years) (events/day) (mg/L)
Cancer CALd
Chemical-specific Parameters Exposure Parameters
Dichlorobenzene 1,4--5.40E-03 C 1 1.14E-04 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 4.1E-01
Dimethylphenol, 2,4--- - 1 2.20E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Dinitro-2-methylphenol, 4,6--- - 1 1.18E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Dinitrophenol, 2,4--- - 1 6.12E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Dinitrotoluene, 2,4--3.10E-01 C 1 9.92E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 8.1E-02
Dioxane, 1,4--1.00E-01 I 1 5.49E-07 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 4.5E+00
Hexachlorobutadiene -7.80E-02 I 1 6.89E-04 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 4.7E-03
Methylphenol 2--- - 1 1.41E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
3-Methylphenol & 4-Methylphenol m-Cresol - - 1 1.43E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Naphthylamine, 1-Naphthylamine, 2-1.80E+00 C 1 1.89E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 7.3E-03
Nitroaniline, 4--2.00E-02 P 1 3.98E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 3.1E+00
Nitrobenzene -- - 1 8.79E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Nitrophenol, 2-Dinitrophenol, 2,4-- - 1 6.12E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Nitrophenol, 4-Dinitrophenol, 2,4-- - 1 6.12E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
N-Nitrosodiethylamine -1.50E+02 I 1 1.56E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 1.1E-03
N-Nitrosodimethylamine -5.10E+01 I 1 3.88E-07 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 1.3E-02
N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine 5.40E+00 I 1 3.00E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 1.5E-03
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine -7.00E+00 I 1 4.96E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 7.2E-03
Pentachlorophenol -4.00E-01 I 1 1.29E-03 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 4.9E-04
Phenol -- - 1 7.39E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Picoline 2-Pyridine - - 1 2.40E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Pyridine -- - 1 2.40E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6--1.10E-02 I 1 1.39E-04 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 1.6E-01
Benzene -5.50E-02 I 1 2.32E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 2.0E-01
Bromodichloromethane -6.20E-02 I 1 1.11E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 3.6E-01
Bromomethane -- - 1 4.86E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Carbon tetrachloride -7.00E-02 I 1 4.20E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 8.5E-02
Chlorobenzene -- - 1 5.35E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Chloroform -3.10E-02 C 1 1.35E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 6.0E-01
Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2- (BDCP)-8.00E-01 P 1 3.82E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 8.2E-03
Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2--2.00E+00 I 1 9.43E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 1.3E-02
Dichloroethane 1,1--5.70E-03 C 1 1.18E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 3.7E+00
Dichloroethane 1,2--9.10E-02 I 1 7.35E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 3.7E-01
Dichloroethene 1,1--- - 1 2.02E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Dichloroethene (total), 1,2-Dichloroethene, cis-1,2-- - 1 1.90E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Dichloroethene, cis-1,2--- - 1 1.90E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Ethylbenzene -1.10E-02 C 1 8.98E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 2.5E-01
Hexanone 2--- - 1 6.26E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)-1.80E-03 C 1 3.49E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 4.0E+01
Methylene Chloride -2.00E-03 I 1 5.75E-06 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 2.2E+01
Styrene -- - 1 6.67E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2 -2.00E-01 I 1 1.99E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 6.3E-02
Tetrachloroethene -2.10E-03 I 1 9.79E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 1.2E+00
Toluene -- - 1 5.18E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3--- - 1 2.71E-04 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4--2.90E-02 P 1 2.58E-04 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 3.3E-02
Trichloroethane, 1,1,1--- - 1 2.76E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Trichloroethene -4.60E-02 I 1 2.50E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 2.2E-01
Trichloropropane, 1,2,3--3.00E+01 I 1 1.82E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 4.6E-04
Table 1E
Dermal Corrective Action Level Calculations - Cancer Effects See Table 3 for DA-Event calculations.
Adolescent Recreators
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Slope Factor,
Absorbed Dose
per Event
Target Cancer
Averaging Time,
Skin Surface
Area Exposed,
Surface Water
Chemical Surrogate SFo GIABS (1) DA-Event (2) TR ATc BW SA_W EF_W ED EV Dermal
(kg-day/mg) (unitless) (L/cm²-event) (unitless) (days) (kg)(cm2)(days/year) (years) (events/day) (mg/L)
Cancer CALd
Chemical-specific Parameters Exposure Parameters
Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4--- - 1 1.76E-04 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5--- - 1 1.26E-04 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Vinyl Chloride -7.20E-01 I 1 1.22E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 2.8E-02
Xylene, m--- - 1 9.69E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Xylene, m- & Xylene, p--- - 1 9.69E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Xylene, o--- - 1 8.57E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Xylene, p--- - 1 8.98E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Xylenes (total)-- - 1 9.10E-05 1.00E-06 25550 49 4175 10 12 1 -
- = No value; CALd = Corrective Action Level, dermal
(1) Default GIABS of 1 is used unless otherwise noted (USEPA 2004).
(2) See Table 3 for the DA-event equations and calculations.
Units Terms:
cm² = square centimeters L/cm²‐event = liters per centimeter squared ‐ event
kg = kilogram mg/L = milligram per liter
kg-day/mg = kilogram-day per milligram
Key Terms and References:
Note: All non-cancer toxicity values presented above are chronic values.
A = Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR, 2017)
C = California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal EPA, 2017)
E = Toxicity equivalency factors were used to derive toxicity values for the carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (see text).
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables (USEPA, 1997)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (USEPA, 2017a)
P = Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Value (PPRTV) (USEPA, 2017b)
S = Special Consideration Chemicals; See Table below.
X = Appendix PPRTV Screen (USEPA, 2017b)
S - Special Consideration Chemicals
Xylene, o- Oral RfD and inhalation RfC for xylene, mixture is used for all xylene congeners.
Xylene,m- & Xylene, p- Oral RfD and inhalation RfC for xylene, mixture is used for all xylene congeners.
Lead CALs are derived using USEPA models; see Appendix E for details.
Manganese "non-food" oral RfD x modifying factor of 3 is used in deriving the soil SSSLs (RfDo of 0.024 mg/kg-day).
For ingestion/dermal pathways, mercuric chloride oral RfD is used. For inhalation pathways, elemental mercury RfC is used.
Table 1F See Table 3 for DA-Event calculations.
Dermal Corrective Action Level Calculations - Non-Cancer Effects
Adolescent Recreators
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Dose, Oral
absorption factor
Absorbed Dose
per Event
Target Hazard
Time, Non-
Skin Surface Area
Exposed, Surface
Duration Exposure Time
Chemical Surrogate RfDo GIABS (1) DA-Event (2) THQ ATnc BW SA_W EF_W ED EV Dermal
(mg/kg-day) (unitless) (L/cm²-event) (unitless) (days) (kg)(cm2)(days/year) (years) (events/day) (mg/L)
Ammonia as N -3.40E+01 H 1 1.26E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.2E+06
Nitrate -1.60E+00 I 1 1.47E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 4.7E+04
Nitrate + Nitrite (as N) Nitrite (most conservative)1.00E-01 I 1 1.38E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 3.1E+03
Nitrite -1.00E-01 I 1 1.38E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 3.1E+03
Total Cyanide -6.00E-04 I 1 8.82E-07 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 2.9E+01
Aluminum-Total -1.00E+00 P 1 1.00E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 4.3E+04
Antimony-Total -4.00E-04 I 0.15 1.00E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 2.6E+00
Arsenic-Total -3.00E-04 I 1 1.00E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.3E+01
Barium-Total -2.00E-01 I 0.07 1.00E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 6.0E+02
Cadmium-Total -5.00E-04 I 0.05 1.00E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.1E+00
Chromium, Total -1.50E+00 I 0.013 1.00E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 8.4E+02
Cobalt-Total -3.00E-04 P 1 4.00E-07 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 3.2E+01
Lead-Total -- - 1 1.00E-07 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Manganese-Total -2.40E-02 S 0.04 1.28E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 3.2E+01
Mercury-Total -3.00E-04 S 1 3.27E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 3.9E+00
Nickel-Total -2.00E-02 I 0.04 2.62E-07 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.3E+02
Selenium-Total -5.00E-03 I 1 1.49E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.4E+02
Silver-Total -5.00E-03 I 0.04 1.08E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 7.9E+00
Thallium-Total -1.00E-05 X 1 3.35E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.3E-01
Zinc-Total -3.00E-01 I 1 8.20E-07 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.6E+04
Acenaphthene -6.00E-02 I 1 2.43E-04 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.1E+01
Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene 6.00E-02 I 1 2.43E-04 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.1E+01
Anthracene -3.00E-01 I 1 5.58E-04 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 2.3E+01
BaP Equivalent -3.00E-04 I 1 9.74E-03 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.3E-03
Benzo(a)anthracene -- - 1 5.30E-03 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Benzo(a)pyrene -3.00E-04 I 1 9.74E-03 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.3E-03
Benzo(b)fluoranthene -- - 1 5.19E-03 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Benzo(ghi)perylene Pyrene 3.00E-02 I 1 1.13E-03 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.1E+00
Benzo(k)fluoranthene -- - 1 9.39E-03 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Chrysene -- - 1 5.79E-03 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene -- - 1 1.14E-02 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Fluoranthene -4.00E-02 I 1 1.89E-03 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 9.1E-01
Fluorene -4.00E-02 I 1 3.63E-04 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 4.7E+00
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene -- - 1 1.49E-02 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Methylnaphthalene, 2--4.00E-03 I 1 2.32E-04 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 7.4E-01
Naphthalene -2.00E-02 I 1 1.00E-04 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 8.6E+00
Phenanthrene Anthracene 3.00E-01 I 1 5.58E-04 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 2.3E+01
Pyrene -3.00E-02 I 1 1.13E-03 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.1E+00
Acetophenone -1.00E-01 I 1 7.40E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 5.8E+02
Aniline -7.00E-03 P 1 3.16E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 9.5E+01
bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether -- - 1 4.15E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 -
bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate -2.00E-02 I 1 7.90E-02 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.1E-02
Chloroaniline 4--4.00E-03 I 1 1.04E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.7E+01
Chlorobenzilate -2.00E-02 I 1 5.90E-04 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.5E+00
Diallate -- - 1 4.38E-04 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Recreator Non-
Cancer CALd
Chemical-specific Parameters Exposure Parameters
Table 1F See Table 3 for DA-Event calculations.
Dermal Corrective Action Level Calculations - Non-Cancer Effects
Adolescent Recreators
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Dose, Oral
absorption factor
Absorbed Dose
per Event
Target Hazard
Time, Non-
Skin Surface Area
Exposed, Surface
Duration Exposure Time
Chemical Surrogate RfDo GIABS (1) DA-Event (2) THQ ATnc BW SA_W EF_W ED EV Dermal
(mg/kg-day) (unitless) (L/cm²-event) (unitless) (days) (kg)(cm2)(days/year) (years) (events/day) (mg/L)
Recreator Non-
Cancer CALd
Chemical-specific Parameters Exposure Parameters
Dibenzofuran -1.00E-03 X 1 3.23E-04 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.3E-01
Dichlorobenzene 1,4--7.00E-02 A 1 1.14E-04 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 2.6E+01
Dimethylphenol, 2,4--2.00E-02 I 1 2.20E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 3.9E+01
Dinitro-2-methylphenol, 4,6--8.00E-05 X 1 1.18E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 2.9E-01
Dinitrophenol, 2,4--2.00E-03 I 1 6.12E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.4E+01
Dinitrotoluene, 2,4--2.00E-03 I 1 9.92E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 8.6E+00
Dioxane, 1,4--3.00E-02 I 1 5.49E-07 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 2.3E+03
Hexachlorobutadiene -1.00E-03 P 1 6.89E-04 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 6.2E-02
Methylphenol 2--5.00E-02 I 1 1.41E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.5E+02
3-Methylphenol & 4-Methylphenol m-Cresol 5.00E-02 I 1 1.43E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.5E+02
Naphthylamine, 1-Naphthylamine, 2-- - 1 1.89E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Nitroaniline, 4--4.00E-03 P 1 3.98E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 4.3E+01
Nitrobenzene -2.00E-03 I 1 8.79E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 9.8E+00
Nitrophenol, 2-Dinitrophenol, 2,4-2.00E-03 I 1 6.12E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.4E+01
Nitrophenol, 4-Dinitrophenol, 2,4-2.00E-03 I 1 6.12E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.4E+01
N-Nitrosodiethylamine -- - 1 1.56E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 -
N-Nitrosodimethylamine -8.00E-06 P 1 3.88E-07 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 8.8E-01
N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine - - 1 3.00E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 -
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine -- - 1 4.96E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Pentachlorophenol -5.00E-03 I 1 1.29E-03 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.7E-01
Phenol -3.00E-01 I 1 7.39E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.7E+03
Picoline 2-Pyridine 1.00E-03 I 1 2.40E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.8E+01
Pyridine -1.00E-03 I 1 2.40E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.8E+01
Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6--1.00E-03 P 1 1.39E-04 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 3.1E-01
Benzene -4.00E-03 I 1 2.32E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 7.4E+00
Bromodichloromethane -2.00E-02 I 1 1.11E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 7.7E+01
Bromomethane -1.40E-03 I 1 4.86E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.2E+01
Carbon tetrachloride -4.00E-03 I 1 4.20E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 4.1E+00
Chlorobenzene -2.00E-02 I 1 5.35E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.6E+01
Chloroform -1.00E-02 I 1 1.35E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 3.2E+01
Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2- (BDCP)-2.00E-04 P 1 3.82E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 2.2E-01
Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2--9.00E-03 I 1 9.43E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 4.1E+01
Dichloroethane 1,1--2.00E-01 P 1 1.18E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 7.3E+02
Dichloroethane 1,2--6.00E-03 X 1 7.35E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 3.5E+01
Dichloroethene 1,1--5.00E-02 I 1 2.02E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.1E+02
Dichloroethene (total), 1,2-Dichloroethene, cis-1,2-2.00E-03 I 1 1.90E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 4.5E+00
Dichloroethene, cis-1,2--2.00E-03 I 1 1.90E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 4.5E+00
Ethylbenzene -1.00E-01 I 1 8.98E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 4.8E+01
Hexanone 2--5.00E-03 I 1 6.26E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 3.4E+01
Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)-- - 1 3.49E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 -
Methylene Chloride -6.00E-03 I 1 5.75E-06 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 4.5E+01
Styrene -2.00E-01 I 1 6.67E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.3E+02
Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2 -2.00E-02 I 1 1.99E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 4.3E+01
Tetrachloroethene -6.00E-03 I 1 9.79E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 2.6E+00
Toluene -8.00E-02 I 1 5.18E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 6.6E+01
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3--8.00E-04 X 1 2.71E-04 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.3E-01
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4--1.00E-02 I 1 2.58E-04 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.7E+00
Trichloroethane, 1,1,1--2.00E+00 I 1 2.76E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 3.1E+03
Table 1F See Table 3 for DA-Event calculations.
Dermal Corrective Action Level Calculations - Non-Cancer Effects
Adolescent Recreators
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Dose, Oral
absorption factor
Absorbed Dose
per Event
Target Hazard
Time, Non-
Skin Surface Area
Exposed, Surface
Duration Exposure Time
Chemical Surrogate RfDo GIABS (1) DA-Event (2) THQ ATnc BW SA_W EF_W ED EV Dermal
(mg/kg-day) (unitless) (L/cm²-event) (unitless) (days) (kg)(cm2)(days/year) (years) (events/day) (mg/L)
Recreator Non-
Cancer CALd
Chemical-specific Parameters Exposure Parameters
Trichloroethene -5.00E-04 I 1 2.50E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 8.6E-01
Trichloropropane, 1,2,3--4.00E-03 I 1 1.82E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 9.4E+00
Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4--1.00E-02 I 1 1.76E-04 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 2.4E+00
Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5--1.00E-02 I 1 1.26E-04 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 3.4E+00
Vinyl Chloride -3.00E-03 I 1 1.22E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.1E+01
Xylene, m--2.00E-01 S 1 9.69E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 8.8E+01
Xylene, m- & Xylene, p--2.00E-01 S 1 9.69E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 8.8E+01
Xylene, o--2.00E-01 S 1 8.57E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 1.0E+02
Xylene, p--2.00E-01 S 1 8.98E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 9.5E+01
Xylenes (total)-2.00E-01 I 1 9.10E-05 1 4380 49 4175 10 12 1 9.4E+01
- = No value; CALd = Corrective Action Level, dermal
(1) Default GIABS of 1 is used unless otherwise noted (USEPA 2004).
(2) See Table 1E for the DA-event calculations.
Units Terms:
cm² = square centimeters L/cm²‐event = liters per centimeter squared ‐ event
kg = kilogram mg/L = milligram per liter
mg/kg-day = milligrams per kilogram-day
Key Terms and References:
Note: All non-cancer toxicity values presented above are chronic values.
A = Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR, 2017)
C = California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal EPA, 2017)
E = Toxicity equivalency factors were used to derive toxicity values for the carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (see text).
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables (USEPA, 1997)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (USEPA, 2017a)
P = Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Value (PPRTV) (USEPA, 2017b)
S = Special Consideration Chemicals; See Table below.
X = Appendix PPRTV Screen (USEPA, 2017b)
S - Special Consideration Chemicals
Xylene, o- Oral RfD and inhalation RfC for xylene, mixture is used for all xylene congeners.
Xylene,m- & Xylene, p- Oral RfD and inhalation RfC for xylene, mixture is used for all xylene congeners.
Manganese "non-food" oral RfD x modifying factor of 3 is used in deriving the soil SSSLs (RfDo of 0.024 mg/kg-day).
For ingestion/dermal pathways, mercuric chloride oral RfD is used. For inhalation pathways, elemental mercury RfC is used.
Lead CALs are derived using USEPA models; see Appendix E for details.
Mean Time Adjusted
Body Weight Body
Weight Factor (1) Weight
Age Group (kg) (%) (kg)
6 to <11 years 31.8 0.42 13
11 to <16 years 56.8 0.42 24
17 to <18 years 71.6 0.17 12
kg = kilograms; % = percent
Source: USEPA, 2011. Exposure Factors Handbook: 2011 Edition. EPA/ 600/ R‐090/052F,
September 2011.
Table ES-1. Summary of Exposure Factor Recommendations, Chapter 8, Body Weight, page xvii
(1) Time-weight factor is derived by dividing the age group timeframe (years) by the receptor age
range (years; yellow-highlighted cell).
Body Weight (BW) Total (kg):
Table 1G
Body Weight for the Adolescent Recreator Scenario
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Receptor Age Range (Years):
Weight Surface Water and
Head Arms a, b Forearms b Hands Legs c Lower Legs b Feet Factor (1)Soil (2)Sediment (3)
Age Group cm2 cm2 cm2 cm2 cm2 cm2 cm2 (%) 6-18 years 6-18 years
6 to <11 years d 660 1510 680 510 3110 1244 730 0.42 1289 1318
11 to <16 years e 730 2270 1022 720 4830 1932 1050 0.42 1835 1968
16 to <21 years f 760 2690 1211 830 5430 2172 1120 0.17 829 889
Skin Surface Area (SA) Totals (cm2):3953 4175
cm2 = square centimeters; % = percent; SA = skin surface area; USEPA = U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Sources: USEPA, 2011. Exposure Factors Handbook: 2011 Edition. EPA/ 600/ R‐090/052F, September 2011.
Boniol, M; Verriest, JP; Perdeux, R: Dore JF. (2007) Proportion of skin surface area of children and
young adults from 2 to 18 years old. J Investig Dermatol 128(2): 461-464.
Surface area values from USEPA (2011) were converted into cm2 by multiplying the skin surface areas (m2) by a conversion factor of 10,000 cm2/m2.
(1) Time-weight factor is derived by dividing the age group timeframe (years) by the receptor age range (years; yellow-highlighted cell).
(2) For soil exposure, the weighted mean values for head, forearms, hands and lower legs are used.
(3) For surface water and sediment exposure, the weighted mean values for forearms, hands, lower legs, and feet are used.
a For children, ages 2 to < 21 years, data from Boniol et al. (2007) for the upper and lower arms were combined to represent the arms.
b Surface area of the forearms are assumed to be 45% of the arms and lower legs are assumed to be 40% of the legs (USEPA, 2011; page 7-3).
c For children, ages 2 to < 21 years, data from Boniol et al. (2007) for the thigh and legs were combined to represent the legs.
d Based on average of data for 6, 8, and 10 year olds from Boniol et al. (2007).
e Based on average of data for 12 and 14 year olds from Boniol et al. (2007).
f Based on average of data for 16 and 18 year olds from Boniol et al. (2007).
g Children's values calculated as mean percentage of body part times mean total body surface area.
Adolescent Recreator
Mean Surface Area by Body Part g (USEPA, 2011; Table 7-2, Page 7-6)
Receptor Age Range (Years):
Table 1H
Skin Surface Area for the Adolescent Recreator Scenario
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Exposure Pathway and Equations Parameter Description Units
THQ Target Hazard Quotient unitless 1 Project-specific; USS et al., 2017
Combined Groundwater Corrective Action Level CALc (mg/L) =TR Target Cancer Risk unitless 1.00E-06 Project-specific; USS et al., 2017
1 RfDO Oral Reference Dose mg/kg-day Chemical-specific USEPA, 2003
(1/CALo) + (1/CALd) + (1/CALi)SFO Oral Slope Factor kg-day/mg Chemical-specific USEPA, 2003
GIABS Gastrointestinal absorption factor unitless Chemical-specific USEPA, 2004
Dermal Toxicity Values RfDD Dermal Reference Dose mg/kg-day Chemical-specific USEPA, 2003
SFD (kg-day/mg) = SFO / GIABS SFD Dermal Slope Factor kg-day/mg Chemical-specific USEPA, 2003
RfDD (mg/kg-day) = RfDO x GIABS RfC Reference Concentration mg/m³ Chemical-specific USEPA, 2003
IUR Inhalation Unit Risk m³/µg Chemical-specific USEPA, 2003
CALo Corrective Action Level, Water Ingestion (Oral) mg/L Calculated -
CALd Corrective Action Level, Water Dermal Contact mg/L Calculated -
CALi Corrective Action Level, Water Inhalation mg/L Calculated -
CALc Corrective Action Level, Water Combined mg/L Calculated -
Incidental Groundwater Ingestion CALo Corrective Action Level, Water Ingestion (Oral) mg/L Calculated -
WIR Water Ingestion Rate L/hour 0.005 Site-specific
Non-Cancer Groundwater Corrective Action Level, Ingestion (Oral) (CALo): EF_W Exposure Frequency, Water days/year 45
Indiana Department of
Environmental Management (IDEM, 2012)
THQ x RfDo x BW x ATnc ED Exposure Duration years 1 USEPA 2002
WIR x ET_W x EF_W x ED ET_W Exposure Time hours/day 1 USEPA, 2002
Cancer Groundwater CALo: BW Body Weight kg 80 USEPA, 2015
TR x BW x ATc ATnc Averaging Time for Noncarcinogens days 365 calculated (b); USEPA, 1989
SFo x WIR x ET_W x EF_W x ED ATc Averaging Time for Carcinogens days 25550 calculated (b); USEPA, 1989
Table 2A
Construction Workers: Corrective Action Level Exposure Pathways Equations and Parameters
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Exposure Parameters
RME Source
Exposure Pathway and Equations Parameter Description Units
Table 2A
Construction Workers: Corrective Action Level Exposure Pathways Equations and Parameters
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Exposure Parameters
RME Source
Dermal Contact with Groundwater CALd Corrective Action Level, Water Dermal Contact mg/L Calculated -
DA-event Absorbed Dose per Event L/cm²-event Chemical-specific calculated
Non-Cancer Groundwater Corrective Action Level, Dermal (CALd): SA_W Skin Surface Area Exposed, Surface Water cm² 3,527 USEPA, 2015
THQ x RfDd x BW x ATnc EF_W Exposure Frequency, Water days/year 45
Indiana Department of
Environmental Management (IDEM, 2012)
SA_W x DA-event x EF_W x EV x ED EV Event Frequency events/day 1 USEPA, 2004
Cancer Groundwater CALd: ED Exposure Duration years 1 USEPA 2002
TR x BW x ATc BW Body Weight kg 80 USEPA, 2015
SFD x SA_W x DA-event x EF_W x EV x ED ATnc Averaging Time for Noncarcinogens days 365 calculated (b); USEPA, 1989
ATc Averaging Time for Carcinogens days 25,550 calculated (b); USEPA, 1989
For organic compounds,FA Fraction Absorbed Water -- Chemical Specific USEPA, 2004
Absorbed Dose per Event (DA-event) (L/cm2-event) Equation 1:KP Permeability Constant (Dermal for Liquids) cm/hr Chemical Specific USEPA, 2004
If t_event_gw ≤ T *, use Equation 1 = 2 x FA x KP x CF6 x CF6 Unit Conversion Factor 6 L/cm³ 0.001 --
SQRT{(6 x tau_event x t_event_gw)/π}tau_event Lag time per event hours/event Chemical Specific USEPA, 2004
DA-event (L/cm2-event) Equation 2:t_event_gw Event Duration, Groundwater hours/event 1
Spend 1 hour each day in contact with
groundwater in the trench
If t_event_gw > T *, use Equation 2 = FA x KP x CF6 x B Dimensionless ratio of Kp through stratum corneum -- Chemical Specific USEPA, 2004
{(t_event_gw/(1+B))+2 x tau_event x ((1+(3 x B)+(3 x B2))/(1+B)2)}T * Time to Reach Steady-State hours Chemical-specific USEPA, 2004
For inorganic compounds,
DA-event = KP x CF6 x t_event_gw
Inhalation of Vapors from Groundwater CALi Corrective Action Level, Water Inhalation mg/L Calculated -
ET_W Exposure Time hours/day 4 USEPA, 2002
Non-Cancer Groundwater Corrective Action Level, Inhalation (CALi) = EF_W Exposure Frequency, Water days/year 45
Indiana Department of
Environmental Management (IDEM, 2012)
THQ x ATnc x CF2 x RfC ED Exposure Duration years 1 USEPA 2002
ET_W x EF_W x ED x VFvoc VFvoc Volatilization Factor L/m³ 0.133 calculated; USEPA 1999
CF2 Unit Conversion Factor 2 hours/day 24 -
Cancer Groundwater CALi: CF4 Unit Conversion Factor 4 µg/mg 1000 -
TR x ATc x CF2 ATnc Averaging Time for Noncarcinogens days 365 calculated (b); USEPA, 1989
IUR x CF4 x ET_W x EF_W x ED x VFvoc ATc Averaging Time for Carcinogens days 25550 calculated (b); USEPA, 1989
Exposure Pathway and Equations Parameter Description Units
Table 2A
Construction Workers: Corrective Action Level Exposure Pathways Equations and Parameters
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Exposure Parameters
RME Source
(a) Construction activities are assumed to occur over a 6 month period. Value provided by UDEQ (personal communication May 2005).
(b) Averaging Time for noncarcinogens (ATnc) is calculated using the equation ED x 365 days/year. Averaging Time for carcinogens (AT c) is calculated as 70 years x 365 days/year.
µg/mg = micrograms per milligram L/m³ = Liter per cubic meter VIWP - Verification Investigation Work Plan
cm/hr = centimeter per hour L/hour = Liter per hour
cm² = square centimeters m³/µg = cubic meters per microgram
kg = kilogram mg/kg-day = milligrams per kilogram - day
kg-day/mg = kilogram-day per milligram mg/L = milligrams per Liter
L/cm²-event = Liter per centimeters squared - event mg/m³ = milligrams per cubic meter
L/cm³ = Liter per cubic centimeters RAGS - Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund
USS et al., 2017. U.S. Steel (USS), Geneva Steel, PEER Consultants, and URS Corporation. 2005. RCRA Facility Investigation Task III Facility Investigation
and Reports Part Four Verification Investigation Work Plan (VIWP).
USEPA, 1989. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1989. Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund. Human Health Evaluation Manual.
Part A. Interim Final. 9285.701A.
USEPA 1999. Derivation of a Volatilization Factor to Estimate Upper Bound Exposure Point Concentration for Workers in Trenches Flooded with Ground Water Off-gassing Volatile Organic Chemicals. 8EPR-PS
USEPA, 2002. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2002. OSWER Draft Guidance for Evaluating the Vapor Intrusion to Indoor Air Pathway
from Groundwater and Soils (Subsurface Vapor Intrusion Guidance). November.
USEPA. 2003. Human Health Toxicity Values in Superfund Risk Assessment. OSWER Directive 9285.7-53. December.
USEPA, 2004. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2004. Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund Volume I: Human Health Evaluation Manual,
Part E, Supplemental Guidance for Dermal Risk Assessment. EPA/540/R/99/005, OSWER 9285.7-02EP, PB99-963312. July.
(Part F, Supplemental Guidance for Inhalation Risk Assessment). USEPA-540-R-070-002. January.
USEPA, 2015. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2015. Human Health Evaluation Manual. Supplemental Guidance: Update of Standard Default Exposure Factors. Office of
Superfund Remediation and Technology Innovation. OSWER Directive 9200.1-120. February 6. Amended September 2015.
USEPA, 2009. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2009. Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund. Volume I: Human Health Evaluation Manual.
Table 2B
Summary of Corrective Action Level Calculations
Construction Workers
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
CALo CALd CALi Comb CALc CALo CALd CALi Comb CALnc Selected
Chemical Ingestion Dermal Inhalation Combined Ingestion Dermal Inhalation Combined CAL (1)
(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
Ammonia as N - - - - 4.4E+06 5.0E+06 3.7E+01 3.7E+01 3.7E+01
Nitrate - - - - 5.2E+05 5.0E+05 - 2.6E+05 2.6E+05
Nitrate + Nitrite (as N)- - - - 1.3E+04 1.3E+04 - 6.6E+03 6.6E+03
Nitrite - - - - 1.3E+04 1.3E+04 - 6.6E+03 6.6E+03
Total Cyanide - - - - 2.6E+03 4.2E+03 2.9E-01 2.9E-01 2.9E-01
Aluminum-Total - - - - 1.3E+05 1.8E+05 - 7.6E+04 7.6E+04
Antimony-Total - - - - 5.2E+01 1.1E+01 - 9.1E+00 9.1E+00
Arsenic-Total 1.0E+01 8.6E+00 - 4.6E+00 6.5E+01 5.5E+01 - 3.0E+01 4.6E+00
Barium-Total - - - - 2.6E+04 2.6E+03 - 2.3E+03 2.3E+03
Cadmium-Total - -- - --- -0.0E+00
Chromium, Total - - - - 1.9E+05 3.6E+03 - 3.5E+03 3.5E+03
Cobalt-Total - - - - 3.9E+02 1.4E+03 - 3.0E+02 3.0E+02
Lead-Total - - - - 1.8E+01 - - 1.8E+01 1.8E+01
Manganese-Total - - - - 3.1E+03 1.4E+02 - 1.3E+02 1.3E+02
Mercury-Total - - - - 2.6E+02 1.1E+02 1.1E-01 1.1E-01 1.1E-01
Nickel-Total - - - - 2.6E+03 5.6E+02 - 4.6E+02 4.6E+02
Selenium-Total - - - - 6.5E+02 6.2E+02 - 3.2E+02 3.2E+02
Silver-Total - - - - 6.5E+02 3.4E+01 - 3.2E+01 3.2E+01
Thallium-Total - - - - 5.2E+00 2.2E+00 - 1.5E+00 1.5E+00
Zinc-Total - - - - 3.9E+04 6.7E+04 - 2.5E+04 2.5E+04
Acenaphthene - - - - 2.6E+04 1.8E+02 - 1.8E+02 1.8E+02
Acenaphthylene - - - - 2.6E+04 1.8E+02 - 1.8E+02 1.8E+02
Anthracene - - - - 1.3E+05 4.6E+02 - 4.6E+02 4.6E+02
BaP Equivalent 9.1E+00 4.0E-03 - 4.0E-03 - - - - 4.0E-03
Benzo(a)anthracene 9.1E+01 6.0E-02 - 6.0E-02 - - - - 6.0E-02
Benzo(a)pyrene 9.1E+00 4.0E-03 - 4.0E-03 3.9E+01 1.7E-02 - 1.7E-02 4.0E-03
Benzo(b)fluoranthene 9.1E+01 6.8E-02 - 6.8E-02 - - - - 6.8E-02
Benzo(ghi)perylene - - - - 3.9E+04 8.3E+01 - 8.3E+01 8.3E+01
Benzo(k)fluoranthene 9.1E+02 4.1E-01 - 4.1E-01 - - - - 4.1E-01
Chrysene 9.1E+03 5.5E+00 - 5.5E+00 - - - - 5.5E+00
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 9.1E+00 4.2E-03 - 4.2E-03 - - - - 4.2E-03
Fluoranthene - - - - 1.3E+04 1.8E+01 - 1.8E+01 1.8E+01
Fluorene - - - - 5.2E+04 2.6E+02 - 2.5E+02 2.5E+02
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 9.1E+01 3.3E-02 - 3.3E-02 - - - - 3.3E-02
Methylnaphthalene, 2-- - - - 5.2E+02 3.6E+00 - 3.6E+00 3.6E+00
Naphthalene - - 7.5E-01 7.5E-01 7.8E+04 1.2E+03 1.1E+00 1.1E+00 7.5E-01
Phenanthrene - - - - 1.3E+05 4.6E+02 - 4.6E+02 4.6E+02
Pyrene - - - - 3.9E+04 8.3E+01 - 8.3E+01 8.3E+01
Acetophenone - - - - 1.0E+05 2.0E+04 - 1.7E+04 1.7E+04
Aniline 1.6E+03 7.2E+02 - 4.9E+02 9.1E+02 4.1E+02 - 2.8E+02 2.8E+02
bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether 8.3E+00 2.9E+00 7.8E-02 7.5E-02 - - 4.3E+01 4.3E+01 7.5E-02
bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate 6.5E+02 9.2E-02 - 9.2E-02 1.3E+04 1.8E+00 - 1.8E+00 9.2E-02
Chloroaniline 4-4.5E+01 6.4E+00 - 5.6E+00 6.5E+01 9.1E+00 - 8.0E+00 5.6E+00
Chlorobenzilate 8.3E+01 4.8E-01 - 4.8E-01 2.6E+03 1.5E+01 - 1.5E+01 4.8E-01
Diallate 1.5E+02 9.0E-01 - 8.9E-01 - - - - 8.9E-01
Dibenzofuran - - - - 5.2E+02 2.8E+00 - 2.8E+00 2.8E+00
Dichlorobenzene 1,4-1.7E+03 2.3E+01 2.3E+00 2.1E+00 9.1E+03 1.2E+02 4.4E+02 9.5E+01 2.1E+00
Dimethylphenol, 2,4-- - - - 6.5E+03 4.3E+02 - 4.0E+02 4.0E+02
Dinitro-2-methylphenol, 4,6-- - - - 1.0E+02 1.5E+01 - 1.3E+01 1.3E+01
Dinitrophenol, 2,4-- - - - 2.6E+03 6.7E+02 - 5.3E+02 5.3E+02
Dinitrotoluene, 2,4-2.9E+01 4.7E+00 - 4.0E+00 9.1E+02 1.4E+02 - 1.2E+02 4.0E+00
Dioxane, 1,4-9.1E+01 2.3E+02 5.1E+00 4.8E+00 6.5E+04 1.7E+05 2.6E+02 2.6E+02 4.8E+00
Hexachlorobutadiene 1.2E+02 4.7E-01 1.2E+00 3.3E-01 1.3E+02 5.2E-01 - 5.2E-01 3.3E-01
Methylphenol 2-- - - - 2.6E+04 2.7E+03 - 2.4E+03 2.4E+03
3-Methylphenol & 4-Methylphenol - - - - 5.2E+04 5.3E+03 - 4.8E+03 4.8E+03
Naphthylamine, 1-5.0E+00 3.9E-01 - 3.6E-01 - - - - 3.6E-01
Nitroaniline, 4-4.5E+02 1.7E+02 - 1.2E+02 1.3E+03 4.8E+02 - 3.5E+02 1.2E+02
Nitrobenzene - - 6.4E-01 6.4E-01 6.5E+02 1.1E+02 7.3E+00 6.8E+00 6.4E-01
Nitrophenol, 2-- - - - 2.6E+03 6.7E+02 - 5.3E+02 5.3E+02
Nitrophenol, 4-- - - - 2.6E+03 6.7E+02 - 5.3E+02 5.3E+02
N-Nitrosodiethylamine 6.1E-02 5.5E-02 - 2.9E-02 - - - - 2.9E-02
N-Nitrosodimethylamine 1.8E-01 6.5E-01 1.8E-03 1.8E-03 1.0E+00 3.8E+00 1.5E-02 1.4E-02 1.8E-03
Non-Cancer CALs (Target HQ = 1)Cancer CALs (Target CR = 1E-06)
Table 2B
Summary of Corrective Action Level Calculations
Construction Workers
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
CALo CALd CALi Comb CALc CALo CALd CALi Comb CALnc Selected
Chemical Ingestion Dermal Inhalation Combined Ingestion Dermal Inhalation Combined CAL (1)
(mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L) (mg/L)
Non-Cancer CALs (Target HQ = 1)Cancer CALs (Target CR = 1E-06)
N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine 1.7E+00 8.5E-02 1.6E-02 1.3E-02 - - - - 1.3E-02
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine 1.3E+00 3.8E-01 - 2.9E-01 - - - - 2.9E-01
Pentachlorophenol 2.3E+01 5.6E-02 - 5.6E-02 1.3E+02 3.2E-01 - 3.2E-01 5.6E-02
Phenol - - - - 7.8E+04 1.5E+04 - 1.3E+04 1.3E+04
Picoline 2-- - - - 1.3E+03 7.7E+02 - 4.8E+02 4.8E+02
Pyridine - - - - 1.3E+03 7.7E+02 - 4.8E+02 4.8E+02
Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6-8.3E+02 1.1E+01 - 1.0E+01 1.3E+02 1.7E+00 - 1.6E+00 1.6E+00
Benzene 1.7E+02 1.0E+01 3.3E+00 2.4E+00 1.3E+03 7.9E+01 2.9E+01 2.1E+01 2.4E+00
Bromodichloromethane 1.5E+02 2.0E+01 6.9E-01 6.7E-01 1.0E+03 1.4E+02 7.3E+00 6.9E+00 6.7E-01
Bromomethane - - - - 6.5E+02 1.9E+02 3.7E+01 2.9E+01 2.9E+01
Carbon tetrachloride 1.3E+02 4.7E+00 4.3E+00 2.2E+00 9.1E+02 3.3E+01 6.9E+01 2.2E+01 2.2E+00
Chlorobenzene - - - - 9.1E+03 2.5E+02 1.8E+02 1.0E+02 1.0E+02
Chloroform 2.9E+02 3.1E+01 1.1E+00 1.1E+00 1.3E+04 1.4E+03 8.9E+01 8.3E+01 1.1E+00
Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2- (BDCP)1.1E+01 5.7E-01 4.3E-03 4.2E-03 2.6E+02 1.3E+01 7.3E-01 6.9E-01 4.2E-03
Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2-4.5E+00 7.7E-01 4.3E-02 4.0E-02 1.2E+03 2.0E+02 7.3E-01 7.3E-01 4.0E-02
Dichloroethane 1,1-1.6E+03 1.9E+02 1.6E+01 1.5E+01 2.6E+05 3.1E+04 - 2.8E+04 1.5E+01
Dichloroethane 1,2-1.0E+02 1.9E+01 9.9E-01 9.3E-01 2.6E+03 5.0E+02 2.6E+01 2.4E+01 9.3E-01
Dichloroethene, 1,1-- - - - 1.2E+03 8.2E+01 2.9E+01 2.1E+01 2.1E+01
Dichloroethene (total), 1,2-- - - - 1.4E+04 1.1E+03 - 9.9E+02 9.9E+02
Dichloroethene, cis-1,2-- - - - 2.6E+03 1.9E+02 - 1.8E+02 1.8E+02
Ethylbenzene 8.3E+02 1.3E+01 1.0E+01 5.7E+00 6.5E+03 1.0E+02 3.3E+03 9.8E+01 5.7E+00
Hexanone 2-- - - - 6.5E+02 1.5E+02 1.1E+01 1.0E+01 1.0E+01
Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)5.0E+03 2.1E+03 9.9E+01 9.2E+01 3.9E+04 1.6E+04 9.2E+02 8.5E+02 9.2E+01
Methylene Chloride 4.5E+03 1.1E+03 2.6E+03 6.7E+02 7.8E+03 1.9E+03 3.8E+02 3.1E+02 3.1E+02
Styrene - - - - 2.6E+04 5.5E+02 1.1E+03 3.6E+02 3.6E+02
Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2 4.5E+01 3.5E+00 4.4E-01 3.9E-01 6.5E+04 5.0E+03 - 4.7E+03 3.9E-01
Tetrachloroethene 4.3E+03 7.0E+01 9.9E+01 4.1E+01 1.3E+04 2.1E+02 1.5E+01 1.4E+01 1.4E+01
Toluene - - - - 1.0E+05 2.8E+03 1.8E+03 1.1E+03 1.1E+03
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3-- - - - 1.0E+03 6.9E+00 - 6.9E+00 6.9E+00
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4-3.1E+02 2.2E+00 - 2.2E+00 1.2E+04 8.1E+01 7.3E+00 6.7E+00 2.2E+00
Trichloroethane, 1,1,1-- - - - 9.1E+05 4.8E+04 1.8E+03 1.8E+03 1.8E+03
Trichloroethene 2.0E+02 1.2E+01 6.2E+00 4.0E+00 6.5E+01 3.8E+00 7.3E-01 6.1E-01 6.1E-01
Trichloropropane, 1,2,3-3.0E-01 2.5E-02 - 2.3E-02 1.0E+04 8.4E+02 1.1E-01 1.1E-01 2.3E-02
Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4-- - - - 5.2E+03 4.4E+01 7.3E+01 2.7E+01 2.7E+01
Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-- - - - 5.2E+03 6.1E+01 7.3E+01 3.3E+01 3.3E+01
Vinyl Chloride 1.3E+01 1.5E+00 5.8E+00 1.1E+00 3.9E+02 4.5E+01 2.8E+01 1.7E+01 1.1E+00
Xylene, m-- - - - 2.6E+04 3.8E+02 3.7E+01 3.3E+01 3.3E+01
Xylene, m- & Xylene, p-- - - - 2.6E+04 3.8E+02 3.7E+01 3.3E+01 3.3E+01
Xylene, o-- - - - 2.6E+04 4.3E+02 3.7E+01 3.4E+01 3.4E+01
Xylene, p-- - - - 2.6E+04 4.1E+02 3.7E+01 3.4E+01 3.4E+01
Xylenes (total)- - - - 5.2E+04 8.1E+02 1.5E+02 1.2E+02 1.2E+02
- = No value
(1) The selected CAL is the lesser of the carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic combined pathways CAL.
CAL = Corrective Action Level CR = cancer risk
CALo = Corrective Action Level, oral (ingestion) HQ = hazard quotient
CALd = Corrective Action Level, dermal c = cancer
CALi = Corrective Action Level, inhalation nc = non-cancer
Comb CAL = Corrective Action Level, combined pathways
Table 2C
Ingestion Corrective Action Level Calculations - Cancer Effects
Construction Workers
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Slope Factor, Oral
Target Cancer
Averaging Time,
Cancer Body Weight Water Ingestion
Frequency, Water
Chemical Surrogate SFo TR ATc BW WIR EF_W ED ET_W Ingestion
(kg-day/mg) (unitless) (days) (kg) (L/hour) (days/year) (years) (hours/day) (mg/L)
Ammonia as N -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Nitrate -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Nitrate + Nitrite (as N) Nitrite (most conservative)- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Nitrite -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Total Cyanide -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Aluminum-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Antimony-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Arsenic-Total -1.50E+00 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.0E+01
Barium-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Cadmium-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Chromium, Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Cobalt-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Lead-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Manganese-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Mercury-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Nickel-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Selenium-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Silver-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Thallium-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Zinc-Total -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Acenaphthene -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene - - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Anthracene -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
BaP Equivalent -1.00E+00 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 9.1E+00
Benzo(a)anthracene -1.00E-01 W 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 9.1E+01
Benzo(a)pyrene -1.00E+00 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 9.1E+00
Benzo(b)fluoranthene -1.00E-01 W 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 9.1E+01
Benzo(ghi)perylene Pyrene - - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Benzo(k)fluoranthene -1.00E-02 W 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 9.1E+02
Chrysene -1.00E-03 W 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 9.1E+03
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene -1.00E+00 W 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 9.1E+00
Fluoranthene -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Fluorene -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene -1.00E-01 W 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 9.1E+01
Methylnaphthalene, 2--- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Naphthalene -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Phenanthrene Anthracene - - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Pyrene -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Acetophenone -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Aniline -5.70E-03 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.6E+03
bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether -1.10E+00 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 8.3E+00
Exposure ParametersChemical-specific Parameters
Worker Cancer
Table 2C
Ingestion Corrective Action Level Calculations - Cancer Effects
Construction Workers
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Slope Factor, Oral
Target Cancer
Averaging Time,
Cancer Body Weight Water Ingestion
Frequency, Water
Chemical Surrogate SFo TR ATc BW WIR EF_W ED ET_W Ingestion
(kg-day/mg) (unitless) (days) (kg) (L/hour) (days/year) (years) (hours/day) (mg/L)
Exposure ParametersChemical-specific Parameters
Worker Cancer
bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate -1.40E-02 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 6.5E+02
Chloroaniline 4--2.00E-01 P 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 4.5E+01
Chlorobenzilate -1.10E-01 C 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 8.3E+01
Diallate -6.10E-02 H 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.5E+02
Dibenzofuran -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Dichlorobenzene 1,4--5.40E-03 C 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.7E+03
Dimethylphenol, 2,4--- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Dinitro-2-methylphenol, 4,6--- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Dinitrophenol, 2,4--- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Dinitrotoluene, 2,4--3.10E-01 C 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 2.9E+01
Dioxane, 1,4--1.00E-01 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 9.1E+01
Hexachlorobutadiene -7.80E-02 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.2E+02
Methylphenol 2--- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
3-Methylphenol & 4-Methylphenol m-Cresol - - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Naphthylamine, 1-Naphthylamine, 2-1.80E+00 C 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 5.0E+00
Nitroaniline, 4--2.00E-02 P 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 4.5E+02
Nitrobenzene -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Nitrophenol, 2-Dinitrophenol, 2,4-- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Nitrophenol, 4-Dinitrophenol, 2,4-- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
N-Nitrosodiethylamine -1.50E+02 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 6.1E-02
N-Nitrosodimethylamine -5.10E+01 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.8E-01
N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine 5.40E+00 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.7E+00
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine -7.00E+00 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.3E+00
Pentachlorophenol -4.00E-01 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 2.3E+01
Phenol -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Picoline 2-Pyridine - - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Pyridine -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6--1.10E-02 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 8.3E+02
Benzene -5.50E-02 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.7E+02
Bromodichloromethane -6.20E-02 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.5E+02
Bromomethane -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Carbon tetrachloride -7.00E-02 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.3E+02
Chlorobenzene -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Chloroform -3.10E-02 C 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 2.9E+02
Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2- (BDCP)-8.00E-01 P 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.1E+01
Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2--2.00E+00 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 4.5E+00
Dichloroethane 1,1--5.70E-03 C 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.6E+03
Dichloroethane 1,2--9.10E-02 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.0E+02
Dichloroethene 1,1--- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Dichloroethene (total), 1,2-Dichloroethene, cis-1,2-- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Dichloroethene, cis-1,2--- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Ethylbenzene -1.10E-02 C 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 8.3E+02
Hexanone 2--- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)-1.80E-03 C 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 5.0E+03
Table 2C
Ingestion Corrective Action Level Calculations - Cancer Effects
Construction Workers
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Slope Factor, Oral
Target Cancer
Averaging Time,
Cancer Body Weight Water Ingestion
Frequency, Water
Chemical Surrogate SFo TR ATc BW WIR EF_W ED ET_W Ingestion
(kg-day/mg) (unitless) (days) (kg) (L/hour) (days/year) (years) (hours/day) (mg/L)
Exposure ParametersChemical-specific Parameters
Worker Cancer
Methylene Chloride -2.00E-03 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 4.5E+03
Styrene -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2 -2.00E-01 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 4.5E+01
Tetrachloroethene -2.10E-03 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 4.3E+03
Toluene -- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3--- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Trichloroethane, 1,1,1--- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4--2.90E-02 P 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 3.1E+02
Trichloroethene -4.60E-02 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 2.0E+02
Trichloropropane, 1,2,3--3.00E+01 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 3.0E-01
Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4--- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5--- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Vinyl Chloride -7.20E-01 I 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.3E+01
Xylene, m--- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Xylene, m- & Xylene, p--- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Xylene, o--- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Xylene, p--- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Xylenes (total)-- - 1.00E-06 25550 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
- = No value; CALo = Corrective Action Level, oral (ingestion)
Units Terms:
kg = killogram
kg-day/mg = kilogram-day per milligram
L/hour = liter per hour
mg/L = milligrams per liter
Key Terms and References:
NOTE: If the first letter of the term is "C", then it is a chronic value. If the first letter is "S", then it is a subchronic value. The second letter of the term is defined below:
A = Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR, 2017)
C = California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal EPA, 2017)
E = Toxicity equivalency factors were used to derive toxicity values for the carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (see text) (USEPA, 1993).
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables (USEPA, 1997)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (USEPA, 2017a)
P = Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Value (PPRTV) (USEPA, 2017b)
S = Special Consideration Chemicals; See Table below.
W = Withdrawn value
X = Appendix PPRTV Screen (USEPA, 2017b)
Table 2C
Ingestion Corrective Action Level Calculations - Cancer Effects
Construction Workers
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Slope Factor, Oral
Target Cancer
Averaging Time,
Cancer Body Weight Water Ingestion
Frequency, Water
Chemical Surrogate SFo TR ATc BW WIR EF_W ED ET_W Ingestion
(kg-day/mg) (unitless) (days) (kg) (L/hour) (days/year) (years) (hours/day) (mg/L)
Exposure ParametersChemical-specific Parameters
Worker Cancer
S - Special Consideration Chemicals
Xylene, o- Oral RfD and inhalation RfC for xylene, mixture is used for all xylene congeners.
Xylene,m- & Xylene, p- Oral RfD and inhalation RfC for xylene, mixture is used for all xylene congeners.
For ingestion/dermal pathways, mercuric chloride oral RfD is used. For inhalation pathways, elemental mercury RfC is used.
Lead CALs are derived using USEPA models; see Appendix E for details.
Manganese "non-food" oral RfD x modifying factor of 3 is used in deriving the soil SSSLs (RfDo of 0.024 mg/kg-day).
Table 2D
Ingestion Corrective Action Level Calculations - Non-Cancer Effects
Construction Workers
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Reference Dose,
Target Hazard
Averaging Time,
Non-Cancer Body Weight Water Ingestion
Frequency, Water
Chemical Surrogate RfDo THQ Atnc BW WIR EF_W ED ET_W Ingestion
(mg/kg-day) (unitless) (days) (kg) (L/hour) (days/year) (years) (hours/day) (mg/L)
Ammonia as N -3.40E+01 SH 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 4.4E+06
Nitrate -4.00E+00 SA 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 5.2E+05
Nitrate + Nitrite (as N) Nitrite (most conservative)1.00E-01 SA 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.3E+04
Nitrite -1.00E-01 SA 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.3E+04
Total Cyanide -2.00E-02 SH 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 2.6E+03
Aluminum-Total -1.00E+00 SA 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.3E+05
Antimony-Total -4.00E-04 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 5.2E+01
Arsenic-Total -3.00E-04 CI 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 6.5E+01
Barium-Total -2.00E-01 SA 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 2.6E+04
Cadmium-Total -- - 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Chromium, Total -1.50E+00 SH 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.9E+05
Cobalt-Total -3.00E-03 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 3.9E+02
Lead-Total -- - 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.8E+01
Manganese-Total -2.40E-02 CS 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 3.1E+03
Mercury-Total -2.00E-03 SA 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 2.6E+02
Nickel-Total -2.00E-02 SH 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 2.6E+03
Selenium-Total -5.00E-03 SH 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 6.5E+02
Silver-Total -5.00E-03 SH 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 6.5E+02
Thallium-Total -4.00E-05 SS 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 5.2E+00
Zinc-Total -3.00E-01 SA 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 3.9E+04
Acenaphthene -2.00E-01 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 2.6E+04
Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene 2.00E-01 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 2.6E+04
Anthracene -1.00E+00 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.3E+05
BaP Equivalent -- - 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Benzo(a)anthracene -- - 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Benzo(a)pyrene -3.00E-04 CI 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 3.9E+01
Benzo(b)fluoranthene -- - 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Benzo(ghi)perylene Pyrene 3.00E-01 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 3.9E+04
Benzo(k)fluoranthene -- - 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Chrysene -- - 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene -- - 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Fluoranthene -1.00E-01 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.3E+04
Fluorene -4.00E-01 SA 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 5.2E+04
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene -- - 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Methylnaphthalene, 2--4.00E-03 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 5.2E+02
Naphthalene -6.00E-01 SA 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 7.8E+04
Phenanthrene Anthracene 1.00E+00 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.3E+05
Pyrene -3.00E-01 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 3.9E+04
Acetophenone -8.00E-01 SS 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.0E+05
Aniline -7.00E-03 CP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 9.1E+02
bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether -- - 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate -1.00E-01 SA 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.3E+04
Worker Non-Cancer
Exposure ParametersChemical-specific Parameters
Table 2D
Ingestion Corrective Action Level Calculations - Non-Cancer Effects
Construction Workers
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Reference Dose,
Target Hazard
Averaging Time,
Non-Cancer Body Weight Water Ingestion
Frequency, Water
Chemical Surrogate RfDo THQ Atnc BW WIR EF_W ED ET_W Ingestion
(mg/kg-day) (unitless) (days) (kg) (L/hour) (days/year) (years) (hours/day) (mg/L)
Worker Non-Cancer
Exposure ParametersChemical-specific Parameters
Chloroaniline 4--5.00E-04 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 6.5E+01
Chlorobenzilate -2.00E-02 SH 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 2.6E+03
Diallate -- - 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Dibenzofuran -4.00E-03 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 5.2E+02
Dichlorobenzene 1,4--7.00E-02 SA 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 9.1E+03
Dimethylphenol, 2,4--5.00E-02 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 6.5E+03
Dinitro-2-methylphenol, 4,6--8.00E-04 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.0E+02
Dinitrophenol, 2,4--2.00E-02 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 2.6E+03
Dinitrotoluene, 2,4--7.00E-03 SA 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 9.1E+02
Dioxane, 1,4--5.00E-01 SA 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 6.5E+04
Hexachlorobutadiene -1.00E-03 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.3E+02
Methylphenol 2--2.00E-01 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 2.6E+04
3-Methylphenol & 4-Methylphenol m-Cresol 4.00E-01 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 5.2E+04
Naphthylamine, 1-Naphthylamine, 2-- - 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Nitroaniline, 4--1.00E-02 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.3E+03
Nitrobenzene -5.00E-03 SH 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 6.5E+02
Nitrophenol, 2-Dinitrophenol, 2,4-2.00E-02 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 2.6E+03
Nitrophenol, 4-Dinitrophenol, 2,4-2.00E-02 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 2.6E+03
N-Nitrosodiethylamine -- - 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
N-Nitrosodimethylamine -8.00E-06 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.0E+00
N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine -- - 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine -- - 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 -
Pentachlorophenol -1.00E-03 SA 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.3E+02
Phenol -6.00E-01 SH 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 7.8E+04
Picoline 2-Pyridine 1.00E-02 SH 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.3E+03
Pyridine -1.00E-02 SH 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.3E+03
Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6--1.00E-03 CP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.3E+02
Benzene -1.00E-02 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.3E+03
Bromodichloromethane -8.00E-03 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.0E+03
Bromomethane -5.00E-03 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 6.5E+02
Carbon tetrachloride -7.00E-03 SA 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 9.1E+02
Chlorobenzene -7.00E-02 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 9.1E+03
Chloroform -1.00E-01 SA 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.3E+04
Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2- (BDCP)-2.00E-03 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 2.6E+02
Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2--9.00E-03 CI 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.2E+03
Dichloroethane 1,1--2.00E+00 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 2.6E+05
Dichloroethane 1,2--2.00E-02 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 2.6E+03
Dichloroethene 1,1--9.00E-03 SH 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.2E+03
Dichloroethene (total), 1,2-Dichloroethene, cis-1,2-1.10E-01 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.4E+04
Dichloroethene, cis-1,2-2.00E-02 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 2.6E+03
Ethylbenzene -5.00E-02 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 6.5E+03
Hexanone 2--5.00E-03 CI 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 6.5E+02
Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)-3.00E-01 SA 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 3.9E+04
Methylene Chloride -6.00E-02 SH 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 7.8E+03
Table 2D
Ingestion Corrective Action Level Calculations - Non-Cancer Effects
Construction Workers
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Reference Dose,
Target Hazard
Averaging Time,
Non-Cancer Body Weight Water Ingestion
Frequency, Water
Chemical Surrogate RfDo THQ Atnc BW WIR EF_W ED ET_W Ingestion
(mg/kg-day) (unitless) (days) (kg) (L/hour) (days/year) (years) (hours/day) (mg/L)
Worker Non-Cancer
Exposure ParametersChemical-specific Parameters
Styrene -2.00E-01 CI 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 2.6E+04
Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2 -5.00E-01 SA 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 6.5E+04
Tetrachloroethene -1.00E-01 SH 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.3E+04
Toluene -8.00E-01 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.0E+05
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3--8.00E-03 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.0E+03
Trichloroethane, 1,1,1--7.00E+00 SI 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 9.1E+05
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4--9.00E-02 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.2E+04
Trichloroethene -5.00E-04 CI 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 6.5E+01
Trichloropropane, 1,2,3--8.00E-02 SA 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 1.0E+04
Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4--4.00E-02 SI 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 5.2E+03
Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5--4.00E-02 SI 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 5.2E+03
Vinyl Chloride -3.00E-03 CI 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 3.9E+02
Xylene, m--2.00E-01 CS 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 2.6E+04
Xylene, m- & Xylene, p--2.00E-01 CS 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 2.6E+04
Xylene, o--2.00E-01 CS 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 2.6E+04
Xylene, p--2.00E-01 CS 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 2.6E+04
Xylenes (total)-4.00E-01 SP 1 365 80 0.005 45 1 1 5.2E+04
- = No value; CALo = Corrective Action Level, oral (ingestion)
Units Terms:
kg = kilogram
mg/kg-day = milligrams per kilogram-day
mg/L = milligrams per Liter
L/hour = liter per hour
Key Terms and References:
NOTE: If the first letter of the term is "C", then it is a chronic value. If the first letter is "S", then it is a subchronic value. The second letter of the term is defined below:
A = Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR, 2017)
C = California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal EPA, 2017)
E = Toxicity equivalency factors were used to derive toxicity values for the carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (see text) (USEPA, 1993).
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables (USEPA, 1997)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (USEPA, 2017a)
P = Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Value (PPRTV) (USEPA, 2017b)
S = Special Consideration Chemicals; See Table below.
W = Withdrawn value
X = Appendix PPRTV Screen (USEPA, 2017b)
Table 2D
Ingestion Corrective Action Level Calculations - Non-Cancer Effects
Construction Workers
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Reference Dose,
Target Hazard
Averaging Time,
Non-Cancer Body Weight Water Ingestion
Frequency, Water
Chemical Surrogate RfDo THQ Atnc BW WIR EF_W ED ET_W Ingestion
(mg/kg-day) (unitless) (days) (kg) (L/hour) (days/year) (years) (hours/day) (mg/L)
Worker Non-Cancer
Exposure ParametersChemical-specific Parameters
S - Special Consideration Chemicals
Xylene, o- Oral RfD and inhalation RfC for xylene, mixture is used for all xylene congeners.
Xylene,m- & Xylene, p- Oral RfD and inhalation RfC for xylene, mixture is used for all xylene congeners.
Lead CALs are derived using USEPA models; see Appendix E for details.
Manganese "non-food" oral RfD x modifying factor of 3 is used in deriving the soil SSSLs (RfDo of 0.024 mg/kg-day).
For ingestion/dermal pathways, mercuric chloride oral RfD is used. For inhalation pathways, elemental mercury RfC is used.
Table 2E See Table 3 for DA-Event calculation
Dermal Corrective Action Level Calculations - Cancer Effects
Construction Workers
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Slope Factor, Oral
absorption factor
Absorbed Dose
per Event
Target Cancer
Time, Cancer
Skin Surface Area
Exposed, Surface
Frequency, Water
Chemical Surrogate SFo GIABS (1) DA-Event (2) TR ATc BW SA_W EF_W ED EV Dermal
(kg-day/mg) (unitless) (L/cm²-event) (unitless) (days) (kg)(cm2)(days/year) (years) (events/day) (mg/L)
Ammonia as N -- - 1 1.26E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Nitrate -- - 1 1.47E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Nitrate + Nitrite (as N) Nitrite (most conservative)- - 1 1.38E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Nitrite -- - 1 1.38E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Total Cyanide -- - 1 8.82E-07 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Aluminum-Total -- - 1 1.00E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Antimony-Total -- - 0.15 1.00E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Arsenic-Total -1.50E+00 I 1 1.00E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 8.6E+00
Barium-Total -- - 0.07 1.00E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Cadmium-Total -- - 0.05 1.00E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Chromium, Total -- - 0.013 1.00E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Cobalt-Total -- - 1 4.00E-07 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Lead-Total -- - 1 1.00E-07 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Manganese-Total -- - 0.04 1.28E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Mercury-Total -- - 1 3.27E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Nickel-Total -- - 0.04 2.62E-07 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Selenium-Total -- - 1 1.49E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Silver-Total -- - 0.04 1.08E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Thallium-Total -- - 1 3.35E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Zinc-Total -- - 1 8.20E-07 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Acenaphthene -- - 1 2.08E-04 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene - - 1 2.08E-04 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Anthracene -- - 1 4.02E-04 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
BaP Equivalent -1.00E+00 I 1 3.25E-03 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 4.0E-03
Benzo(a)anthracene -1.00E-01 W 1 2.16E-03 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 6.0E-02
Benzo(a)pyrene -1.00E+00 I 1 3.25E-03 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 4.0E-03
Benzo(b)fluoranthene -1.00E-01 W 1 1.90E-03 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 6.8E-02
Benzo(ghi)perylene Pyrene - - 1 6.64E-04 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Benzo(k)fluoranthene -1.00E-02 W 1 3.15E-03 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 4.1E-01
Chrysene -1.00E-03 W 1 2.33E-03 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 5.5E+00
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene -1.00E+00 W 1 3.08E-03 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 4.2E-03
Fluoranthene -- - 1 1.02E-03 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Fluorene -- - 1 2.88E-04 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene -1.00E-01 W 1 3.96E-03 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 3.3E-02
Methylnaphthalene, 2--- - 1 2.06E-04 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Naphthalene -- - 1 9.54E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Phenanthrene Anthracene - - 1 4.02E-04 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Pyrene -- - 1 6.64E-04 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Acetophenone -- - 1 7.23E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Aniline -5.70E-03 I 1 3.16E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 7.2E+02
bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether -1.10E+00 I 1 4.01E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 2.9E+00
bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate -1.40E-02 I 1 1.01E-02 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 9.2E-02
Chloroaniline 4--2.00E-01 P 1 1.01E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 6.4E+00
Chlorobenzilate -1.10E-01 C 1 2.41E-04 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 4.8E-01
Diallate -6.10E-02 H 1 2.35E-04 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 9.0E-01
Dibenzofuran -- - 1 2.58E-04 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Dichlorobenzene 1,4--5.40E-03 C 1 1.05E-04 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 2.3E+01
Dimethylphenol, 2,4--- - 1 2.15E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Dinitro-2-methylphenol, 4,6--- - 1 1.01E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Exposure ParametersChemical-specific Parameters
Worker Cancer
Table 2E See Table 3 for DA-Event calculation
Dermal Corrective Action Level Calculations - Cancer Effects
Construction Workers
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Slope Factor, Oral
absorption factor
Absorbed Dose
per Event
Target Cancer
Time, Cancer
Skin Surface Area
Exposed, Surface
Frequency, Water
Chemical Surrogate SFo GIABS (1) DA-Event (2) TR ATc BW SA_W EF_W ED EV Dermal
(kg-day/mg) (unitless) (L/cm²-event) (unitless) (days) (kg)(cm2)(days/year) (years) (events/day) (mg/L)
Exposure ParametersChemical-specific Parameters
Worker Cancer
Dinitrophenol, 2,4--- - 1 5.49E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Dinitrotoluene, 2,4--3.10E-01 C 1 8.93E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 4.7E+00
Dioxane, 1,4--1.00E-01 I 1 5.49E-07 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 2.3E+02
Hexachlorobutadiene -7.80E-02 I 1 3.51E-04 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 4.7E-01
Methylphenol 2--- - 1 1.38E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
3-Methylphenol & 4-Methylphenol m-Cresol - - 1 1.40E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Naphthylamine, 1-Naphthylamine, 2-1.80E+00 C 1 1.82E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 3.9E-01
Nitroaniline, 4--2.00E-02 P 1 3.86E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 1.7E+02
Nitrobenzene -- - 1 8.58E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Nitrophenol, 2-Dinitrophenol, 2,4-- - 1 5.49E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Nitrophenol, 4-Dinitrophenol, 2,4-- - 1 5.49E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
N-Nitrosodiethylamine -1.50E+02 I 1 1.56E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 5.5E-02
N-Nitrosodimethylamine -5.10E+01 I 1 3.88E-07 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 6.5E-01
N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine 5.40E+00 I 1 2.81E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 8.5E-02
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine -7.00E+00 I 1 4.83E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 3.8E-01
Pentachlorophenol -4.00E-01 I 1 5.70E-04 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 5.6E-02
Phenol -- - 1 7.39E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Picoline 2-Pyridine - - 1 2.40E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Pyridine -- - 1 2.40E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6--1.10E-02 I 1 1.11E-04 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 1.1E+01
Benzene -5.50E-02 I 1 2.32E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 1.0E+01
Bromodichloromethane -6.20E-02 I 1 1.04E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 2.0E+01
Bromomethane -- - 1 4.86E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Carbon tetrachloride -7.00E-02 I 1 3.94E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 4.7E+00
Chlorobenzene -- - 1 5.22E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Chloroform -3.10E-02 C 1 1.32E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 3.1E+01
Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2- (BDCP)-8.00E-01 P 1 2.82E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 5.7E-01
Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2--2.00E+00 I 1 8.37E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 7.7E-01
Dichloroethane 1,1--5.70E-03 C 1 1.18E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 1.9E+02
Dichloroethane 1,2--9.10E-02 I 1 7.35E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 1.9E+01
Dichloroethene 1,1--- - 1 2.02E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Dichloroethene (total), 1,2-Dichloroethene, cis-1,2-- - 1 1.90E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Dichloroethene, cis-1,2--- - 1 1.90E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Ethylbenzene -1.10E-02 C 1 8.98E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 1.3E+01
Hexanone 2--- - 1 6.26E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)-1.80E-03 C 1 3.49E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 2.1E+03
Methylene Chloride -2.00E-03 I 1 5.75E-06 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 1.1E+03
Styrene -- - 1 6.67E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2 -2.00E-01 I 1 1.84E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 3.5E+00
Tetrachloroethene -2.10E-03 I 1 8.72E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 7.0E+01
Toluene -- - 1 5.18E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3--- - 1 2.13E-04 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Trichloroethane, 1,1,1--- - 1 2.67E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4--2.90E-02 P 1 2.04E-04 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 2.2E+00
Trichloroethene -4.60E-02 I 1 2.43E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 1.2E+01
Trichloropropane, 1,2,3--3.00E+01 I 1 1.74E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 2.5E-02
Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4--- - 1 1.67E-04 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5--- - 1 1.21E-04 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Vinyl Chloride -7.20E-01 I 1 1.22E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 1.5E+00
Xylene, m--- - 1 9.69E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Xylene, m- & Xylene, p--- - 1 9.69E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Xylene, o--- - 1 8.57E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Table 2E See Table 3 for DA-Event calculation
Dermal Corrective Action Level Calculations - Cancer Effects
Construction Workers
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Slope Factor, Oral
absorption factor
Absorbed Dose
per Event
Target Cancer
Time, Cancer
Skin Surface Area
Exposed, Surface
Frequency, Water
Chemical Surrogate SFo GIABS (1) DA-Event (2) TR ATc BW SA_W EF_W ED EV Dermal
(kg-day/mg) (unitless) (L/cm²-event) (unitless) (days) (kg)(cm2)(days/year) (years) (events/day) (mg/L)
Exposure ParametersChemical-specific Parameters
Worker Cancer
Xylene, p--- - 1 8.98E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Xylenes (total)-- - 1 9.10E-05 1.00E-06 25550 80 3527 45 1 1 -
- = No value; CALd = Corrective Action Level, dermal; GIABS = gastrointestinal absorption factor
(1) Default GIABS of 1 is used unless otherwise noted (USEPA 2004).
(2) See Table 3 for the DA-Event calculations.
Units Terms:
cm² = square centimeters L/cm²‐event = liters per centimeter squared ‐ event
kg = kilogram mg/L = milligram per liter
kg-day/mg = kilogram-day per milligram
Key Terms and References:
NOTE: If the first letter of the term is "C", then it is a chronic value. If the first letter is "S", then it is a subchronic value. The second letter of the term is defined below:
A = Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR, 2017)
C = California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal EPA, 2017)
E = Toxicity equivalency factors were used to derive toxicity values for the carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (see text) (USEPA, 1993).
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables (USEPA, 1997)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (USEPA, 2017a)
P = Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Value (PPRTV) (USEPA, 2017b)
S = Special Consideration Chemicals; See Table below.
W = Withdrawn value
X = Appendix PPRTV Screen (USEPA, 2017b)
S - Special Consideration Chemicals
Xylene, o- Oral RfD and inhalation RfC for xylene, mixture is used for all xylene congeners.
Xylene,m- & Xylene, p- Oral RfD and inhalation RfC for xylene, mixture is used for all xylene congeners.
For ingestion/dermal pathways, mercuric chloride oral RfD is used. For inhalation pathways, elemental mercury RfC is used.
Lead CALs are derived using USEPA models; see Appendix E for details.
Manganese "non-food" oral RfD x modifying factor of 3 is used in deriving the soil SSSLs (RfDo of 0.024 mg/kg-day).
Table 2F See Table 3 for DA-Event calculation
Dermal Corrective Action Level Calculations - Non-Cancer Effects
Construction Workers
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Reference Dose,
absorption factor
Absorbed Dose
per Event
Target Hazard
Time, Non-
Skin Surface Area
Exposed, Surface
Chemical Surrogate RfDo GIABS (1) DA-Event (2) THQ ATnc BW SA_W EF_W ED EV Dermal
(mg/kg-day) (unitless) (L/cm²-event) (unitless) (days) (kg)
(cm2)(days/year) (years) (events/day) (mg/L)
Ammonia as N -3.40E+01 SH 1 1.26E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 5.0E+06
Nitrate -4.00E+00 SA 1 1.47E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 5.0E+05
Nitrate + Nitrite (as N) Nitrite (most conservative)1.00E-01 SA 1 1.38E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.3E+04
Nitrite -1.00E-01 SA 1 1.38E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.3E+04
Total Cyanide -2.00E-02 SH 1 8.82E-07 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 4.2E+03
Aluminum-Total -1.00E+00 SA 1 1.00E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.8E+05
Antimony-Total -4.00E-04 SP 0.15 1.00E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.1E+01
Arsenic-Total -3.00E-04 CI 1 1.00E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 5.5E+01
Barium-Total -2.00E-01 SA 0.07 1.00E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 2.6E+03
Cadmium-Total -- - 0.05 1.00E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Chromium, Total -1.50E+00 SH 0.013 1.00E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 3.6E+03
Cobalt-Total -3.00E-03 SP 1 4.00E-07 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.4E+03
Lead-Total -- - 1 1.00E-07 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Manganese-Total -2.40E-02 CS 0.04 1.28E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.4E+02
Mercury-Total -2.00E-03 SA 1 3.27E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.1E+02
Nickel-Total -2.00E-02 SH 0.04 2.62E-07 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 5.6E+02
Selenium-Total -5.00E-03 SH 1 1.49E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 6.2E+02
Silver-Total -5.00E-03 SH 0.04 1.08E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 3.4E+01
Thallium-Total -4.00E-05 SS 1 3.35E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 2.2E+00
Zinc-Total -3.00E-01 SA 1 8.20E-07 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 6.7E+04
Acenaphthene -2.00E-01 SP 1 2.08E-04 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.8E+02
Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene 2.00E-01 SP 1 2.08E-04 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.8E+02
Anthracene -1.00E+00 SP 1 4.02E-04 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 4.6E+02
BaP Equivalent -- - 1 3.25E-03 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Benzo(a)anthracene -- - 1 2.16E-03 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Benzo(a)pyrene -3.00E-04 CI 1 3.25E-03 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.7E-02
Benzo(b)fluoranthene -- - 1 1.90E-03 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Benzo(ghi)perylene Pyrene 3.00E-01 SP 1 6.64E-04 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 8.3E+01
Benzo(k)fluoranthene -- - 1 3.15E-03 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Chrysene -- - 1 2.33E-03 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene -- - 1 3.08E-03 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Fluoranthene -1.00E-01 SP 1 1.02E-03 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.8E+01
Fluorene -4.00E-01 SA 1 2.88E-04 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 2.6E+02
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene -- - 1 3.96E-03 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Methylnaphthalene, 2--4.00E-03 SP 1 2.06E-04 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 3.6E+00
Naphthalene -6.00E-01 SA 1 9.54E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.2E+03
Phenanthrene Anthracene 1.00E+00 SP 1 4.02E-04 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 4.6E+02
Pyrene -3.00E-01 SP 1 6.64E-04 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 8.3E+01
Acetophenone -8.00E-01 SS 1 7.23E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 2.0E+04
Aniline -7.00E-03 CP 1 3.16E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 4.1E+02
bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether -- - 1 4.01E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 -
bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate -1.00E-01 SA 1 1.01E-02 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.8E+00
Chloroaniline 4--5.00E-04 SP 1 1.01E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 9.1E+00
Chlorobenzilate -2.00E-02 SH 1 2.41E-04 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.5E+01
Diallate -- - 1 2.35E-04 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Worker Non-Cancer
Exposure ParametersChemical-specific Parameters
Table 2F See Table 3 for DA-Event calculation
Dermal Corrective Action Level Calculations - Non-Cancer Effects
Construction Workers
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Reference Dose,
absorption factor
Absorbed Dose
per Event
Target Hazard
Time, Non-
Skin Surface Area
Exposed, Surface
Chemical Surrogate RfDo GIABS (1) DA-Event (2) THQ ATnc BW SA_W EF_W ED EV Dermal
(mg/kg-day) (unitless) (L/cm²-event) (unitless) (days) (kg)
(cm2)(days/year) (years) (events/day) (mg/L)
Worker Non-Cancer
Exposure ParametersChemical-specific Parameters
Dibenzofuran -4.00E-03 SP 1 2.58E-04 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 2.8E+00
Dichlorobenzene 1,4--7.00E-02 SA 1 1.05E-04 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.2E+02
Dimethylphenol, 2,4--5.00E-02 SP 1 2.15E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 4.3E+02
Dinitro-2-methylphenol, 4,6--8.00E-04 SP 1 1.01E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.5E+01
Dinitrophenol, 2,4--2.00E-02 SP 1 5.49E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 6.7E+02
Dinitrotoluene, 2,4--7.00E-03 SA 1 8.93E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.4E+02
Dioxane, 1,4--5.00E-01 SA 1 5.49E-07 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.7E+05
Hexachlorobutadiene -1.00E-03 SP 1 3.51E-04 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 5.2E-01
Methylphenol 2--2.00E-01 SP 1 1.38E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 2.7E+03
3-Methylphenol & 4-Methylphenol m-Cresol 4.00E-01 SP 1 1.40E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 5.3E+03
Naphthylamine, 1-Naphthylamine, 2-- - 1 1.82E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Nitroaniline, 4--1.00E-02 SP 1 3.86E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 4.8E+02
Nitrobenzene -5.00E-03 SH 1 8.58E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.1E+02
Nitrophenol, 2-Dinitrophenol, 2,4-2.00E-02 SP 1 5.49E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 6.7E+02
Nitrophenol, 4-Dinitrophenol, 2,4-2.00E-02 SP 1 5.49E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 6.7E+02
N-Nitrosodiethylamine -- - 1 1.56E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 -
N-Nitrosodimethylamine -8.00E-06 SP 1 3.88E-07 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 3.8E+00
N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine -- - 1 2.81E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 -
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine -- - 1 4.83E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 -
Pentachlorophenol -1.00E-03 SA 1 5.70E-04 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 3.2E-01
Phenol -6.00E-01 SH 1 7.39E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.5E+04
Picoline 2-Pyridine 1.00E-02 SH 1 2.40E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 7.7E+02
Pyridine -1.00E-02 SH 1 2.40E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 7.7E+02
Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6--1.00E-03 CP 1 1.11E-04 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.7E+00
Benzene -1.00E-02 SP 1 2.32E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 7.9E+01
Bromodichloromethane -8.00E-03 SP 1 1.04E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.4E+02
Bromomethane -5.00E-03 SP 1 4.86E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.9E+02
Carbon tetrachloride -7.00E-03 SA 1 3.94E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 3.3E+01
Chlorobenzene -7.00E-02 SP 1 5.22E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 2.5E+02
Chloroform -1.00E-01 SA 1 1.32E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.4E+03
Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2- (BDCP)-2.00E-03 SP 1 2.82E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.3E+01
Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2--9.00E-03 CI 1 8.37E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 2.0E+02
Dichloroethane 1,1--2.00E+00 SP 1 1.18E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 3.1E+04
Dichloroethane 1,2--2.00E-02 SP 1 7.35E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 5.0E+02
Dichloroethene 1,1--9.00E-03 SH 1 2.02E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 8.2E+01
Dichloroethene (total), 1,2-Dichloroethene, cis-1,2-1.10E-01 SP 1 1.90E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.1E+03
Dichloroethene, cis-1,2--2.00E-02 SP 1 1.90E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.9E+02
Ethylbenzene 5.00E-02 SP 1 8.98E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.0E+02
Hexanone 2--5.00E-03 CI 1 6.26E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.5E+02
Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)-3.00E-01 SA 1 3.49E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.6E+04
Methylene Chloride -6.00E-02 SH 1 5.75E-06 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 1.9E+03
Styrene -2.00E-01 CI 1 6.67E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 5.5E+02
Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2 -5.00E-01 SA 1 1.84E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 5.0E+03
Tetrachloroethene -1.00E-01 SH 1 8.72E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 2.1E+02
Toluene -8.00E-01 SP 1 5.18E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 2.8E+03
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3--8.00E-03 SP 1 2.13E-04 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 6.9E+00
Trichloroethane, 1,1,1--7.00E+00 SI 1 2.67E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 4.8E+04
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4--9.00E-02 SP 1 2.04E-04 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 8.1E+01
Table 2F See Table 3 for DA-Event calculation
Dermal Corrective Action Level Calculations - Non-Cancer Effects
Construction Workers
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Reference Dose,
absorption factor
Absorbed Dose
per Event
Target Hazard
Time, Non-
Skin Surface Area
Exposed, Surface
Chemical Surrogate RfDo GIABS (1) DA-Event (2) THQ ATnc BW SA_W EF_W ED EV Dermal
(mg/kg-day) (unitless) (L/cm²-event) (unitless) (days) (kg)
(cm2)(days/year) (years) (events/day) (mg/L)
Worker Non-Cancer
Exposure ParametersChemical-specific Parameters
Trichloroethene -5.00E-04 CI 1 2.43E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 3.8E+00
Trichloropropane, 1,2,3--8.00E-02 SA 1 1.74E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 8.4E+02
Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4--4.00E-02 SI 1 1.67E-04 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 4.4E+01
Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5--4.00E-02 SI 1 1.21E-04 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 6.1E+01
Vinyl Chloride -3.00E-03 CI 1 1.22E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 4.5E+01
Xylene, m--2.00E-01 CS 1 9.69E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 3.8E+02
Xylene, m- & Xylene, p--2.00E-01 CS 1 9.69E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 3.8E+02
Xylene, o--2.00E-01 CS 1 8.57E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 4.3E+02
Xylene, p--2.00E-01 CS 1 8.98E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 4.1E+02
Xylenes (total)-4.00E-01 SP 1 9.10E-05 1 365 80 3527 45 1 1 8.1E+02
- = No value; CALd = Corrective Action Level, dermal; GIABS = gastrointestinal absorption factor
(1) Default GIABS of 1 is used unless otherwise noted (USEPA 2004).
(2) See Table 3 for the DA-Event calculations.
Units Terms:
cm² = square centimeters L/cm²‐event = liters per centimeter squared ‐ event
kg = kilogram mg/L = milligram per liter
mg/kg-day = milligrams per kilogram-day
Key Terms and References:
NOTE: If the first letter of the term is "C", then it is a chronic value. If the first letter is "S", then it is a subchronic value. The second letter of the term is defined below:
A = Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR, 2017)
C = California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal EPA, 2017)
E = Toxicity equivalency factors were used to derive toxicity values for the carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (see text) (USEPA, 1993).
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables (USEPA, 1997)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (USEPA, 2017a)
P = Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Value (PPRTV) (USEPA, 2017b)
S = Special Consideration Chemicals; See Table below.
W = Withdrawn value
X = Appendix PPRTV Screen (USEPA, 2017b)
S - Special Consideration Chemicals
Xylene, o- Oral RfD and inhalation RfC for xylene, mixture is used for all xylene congeners.
Xylene,m- & Xylene, p- Oral RfD and inhalation RfC for xylene, mixture is used for all xylene congeners.
Lead CALs are derived using USEPA models; see Appendix E for details.
Manganese "non-food" oral RfD x modifying factor of 3 is used in deriving the soil SSSLs (RfDo of 0.024 mg/kg-day).
For ingestion/dermal pathways, mercuric chloride oral RfD is used. For inhalation pathways, elemental mercury RfC is used.
Table 2G
Inhalation Corrective Action Level Calculations - Cancer Effects
Construction Workers
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Inhalation Unit
Risk Volatilization
Target Cancer
Averaging Time,
Cancer Unit Conversion
Factor 2
Unit Conversion
Factor 4
Duration Exposure Time
Chemical Surrogate IUR Factor (VFvoc) TR ATc CF2 CF4 EF_W ED ET_W Inhalation
(m3/µg)(L/m3)(unitless) (days) (hours/day)(µg/mg)(days/year) (years) (hours/day) (mg/L)
Ammonia as N -- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Nitrate -- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Nitrate + Nitrite (as N) Nitrite (most conservative)- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Nitrite -- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Total Cyanide -- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Aluminum-Total -- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Antimony-Total -- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Arsenic-Total -4.30E-03 I - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Barium-Total -- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Cadmium-Total -- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Chromium, Total -- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Cobalt-Total -9.00E-03 P - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Lead-Total -- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Manganese-Total -- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Mercury-Total -- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Nickel-Total -2.60E-04 C - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Selenium-Total -- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Silver-Total -- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Thallium-Total -- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Zinc-Total -- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Acenaphthene -- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene - - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Anthracene -- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
BaP Equivalent -6.00E-04 I - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Benzo(a)anthracene -6.00E-05 W 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Benzo(a)pyrene -6.00E-04 I - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Benzo(b)fluoranthene -6.00E-05 W - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Benzo(ghi)perylene Pyrene - - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Benzo(k)fluoranthene -6.00E-06 W - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Chrysene -6.00E-07 W - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene -6.00E-04 W - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Fluoranthene -- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Fluorene -- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene -6.00E-05 W - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Methylnaphthalene, 2--- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Naphthalene -3.40E-05 C 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 7.5E-01
Phenanthrene Anthracene - - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Pyrene -- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Acetophenone -- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Aniline -1.60E-06 C - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether -3.30E-04 I 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 7.8E-02
Chemical-specific Parameters Exposure Parameters
Worker Cancer
Table 2G
Inhalation Corrective Action Level Calculations - Cancer Effects
Construction Workers
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Inhalation Unit
Risk Volatilization
Target Cancer
Averaging Time,
Cancer Unit Conversion
Factor 2
Unit Conversion
Factor 4
Duration Exposure Time
Chemical Surrogate IUR Factor (VFvoc) TR ATc CF2 CF4 EF_W ED ET_W Inhalation
(m3/µg)(L/m3)(unitless) (days) (hours/day)(µg/mg)(days/year) (years) (hours/day) (mg/L)
Chemical-specific Parameters Exposure Parameters
Worker Cancer
bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate -2.40E-06 C - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Chloroaniline 4--- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Chlorobenzilate -3.10E-05 C - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Diallate -- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Dibenzofuran -- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Dichlorobenzene 1,4--1.10E-05 C 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 2.3E+00
Dimethylphenol, 2,4--- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Dinitro-2-methylphenol, 4,6--- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Dinitrophenol, 2,4--- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Dinitrotoluene, 2,4--8.90E-05 C - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Dioxane, 1,4--5.00E-06 I 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 5.1E+00
Hexachlorobutadiene -2.20E-05 I 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 1.2E+00
Methylphenol 2--- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
3-Methylphenol & 4-Methylphenol m-Cresol - - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Naphthylamine, 1-Naphthylamine, 2-- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Nitroaniline, 4--- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Nitrobenzene -4.00E-05 I 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 6.4E-01
Nitrophenol, 2-Dinitrophenol, 2,4-- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Nitrophenol, 4-Dinitrophenol, 2,4-- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
N-Nitrosodiethylamine -4.30E-02 I - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
N-Nitrosodimethylamine -1.40E-02 I 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 1.8E-03
N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine -1.60E-03 I 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 1.6E-02
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine -2.00E-03 C - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Pentachlorophenol -5.10E-06 C - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Phenol -- - - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Picoline 2-Pyridine - - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Pyridine -- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6--3.10E-06 I - 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Benzene -7.80E-06 I 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 3.3E+00
Bromodichloromethane -3.70E-05 C 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 6.9E-01
Bromomethane -- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Carbon tetrachloride -6.00E-06 I 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 4.3E+00
Chlorobenzene -- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Chloroform -2.30E-05 I 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 1.1E+00
Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2- (BDCP)-6.00E-03 P 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 4.3E-03
Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2--6.00E-04 I 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 4.3E-02
Dichloroethane 1,1--1.60E-06 C 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 1.6E+01
Dichloroethane 1,2--2.60E-05 I 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 9.9E-01
Dichloroethene 1,1--- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Dichloroethene (total), 1,2-Dichloroethene, cis-1,2-- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Dichloroethene, cis-1,2--- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Ethylbenzene -2.50E-06 C 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 1.0E+01
Hexanone 2--- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)-2.60E-07 C 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 9.9E+01
Table 2G
Inhalation Corrective Action Level Calculations - Cancer Effects
Construction Workers
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Inhalation Unit
Risk Volatilization
Target Cancer
Averaging Time,
Cancer Unit Conversion
Factor 2
Unit Conversion
Factor 4
Duration Exposure Time
Chemical Surrogate IUR Factor (VFvoc) TR ATc CF2 CF4 EF_W ED ET_W Inhalation
(m3/µg)(L/m3)(unitless) (days) (hours/day)(µg/mg)(days/year) (years) (hours/day) (mg/L)
Chemical-specific Parameters Exposure Parameters
Worker Cancer
Methylene Chloride -1.00E-08 I 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 2.6E+03
Styrene -- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2 -5.80E-05 C 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 4.4E-01
Tetrachloroethene -2.60E-07 I 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 9.9E+01
Toluene -- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3--- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Trichloroethane, 1,1,1--- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4--- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Trichloroethene -4.10E-06 I 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 6.2E+00
Trichloropropane, 1,2,3--- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4--- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5--- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Vinyl Chloride -4.40E-06 I 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 5.8E+00
Xylene, m--- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Xylene, m- & Xylene, p--- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Xylene, o--- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Xylene, p--- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
Xylenes (total)-- - 1.33E-01 1.00E-06 25550 24 1000 45 1 1 -
- = No value; CALi = Corrective Action Level, inhalation; VFvoc = volatilization factor, volatile organic compounds.
(1) See text for the description of how VFvoc was calculated.
Units Terms:
m3/µg = 1 per micrograms per cubic meter m3/kg = cubic meters per kilogram
L/m³ = liters per cubic meter mg/L = milligrams per Liter
Key Terms and References:
A = Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR, 2017)
C = California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal EPA, 2017)
E = Toxicity equivalency factors were used to derive toxicity values for the carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (see text) (USEPA, 1993).
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables (USEPA, 1997)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (USEPA, 2017a)
P = Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Value (PPRTV) (USEPA, 2017b)
S = Special Consideration Chemicals; See Table below.
W = Withdrawn value
X = Appendix PPRTV Screen (USEPA, 2017b)
Table 2G
Inhalation Corrective Action Level Calculations - Cancer Effects
Construction Workers
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Inhalation Unit
Risk Volatilization
Target Cancer
Averaging Time,
Cancer Unit Conversion
Factor 2
Unit Conversion
Factor 4
Duration Exposure Time
Chemical Surrogate IUR Factor (VFvoc) TR ATc CF2 CF4 EF_W ED ET_W Inhalation
(m3/µg)(L/m3)(unitless) (days) (hours/day)(µg/mg)(days/year) (years) (hours/day) (mg/L)
Chemical-specific Parameters Exposure Parameters
Worker Cancer
S - Special Consideration Chemicals
Xylene, o- Oral RfD and inhalation RfC for xylene, mixture is used for all xylene congeners.
Xylene,m- & Xylene, p- Oral RfD and inhalation RfC for xylene, mixture is used for all xylene congeners.
Lead CALs are derived using USEPA models; see Appendix E for details.
Manganese "non-food" oral RfD x modifying factor of 3 is used in deriving the soil SSSLs (RfDo of 0.024 mg/kg-day).
For ingestion/dermal pathways, mercuric chloride oral RfD is used. For inhalation pathways, elemental mercury RfC is used.
Table 2H
Inhalation Corrective Action Level Calculations - Non-Cancer Effects
Construction Workers
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Concentration Volatilization
Target Hazard
Averaging Time,
Non-Cancer Unit Conversion
Factor 2
Duration Exposure Time
Chemical Surrogate RfC Factor (VFvoc) THQ ATnc CF2 EF_W ED ET_W Inhalation
(mg/m3)(L/m3)(unitless) (days) (hours/day) (days/year) (years) (hours/day) (mg/L)
Ammonia as N -1.00E-01 I 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 3.7E+01
Nitrate -- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Nitrate + Nitrite (as N) Nitrite (most conservative)- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Nitrite -- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Total Cyanide -8.00E-04 CS 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 2.9E-01
Aluminum-Total -5.00E-03 CP - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Antimony-Total -- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Arsenic-Total -1.50E-05 CC - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Barium-Total -5.00E-03 SH - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Cadmium-Total -- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Chromium, Total -5.00E-03 SA - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Cobalt-Total -2.00E-05 SP - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Lead-Total -- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Manganese-Total -5.00E-05 CI - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Mercury-Total -3.00E-04 SH 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 1.1E-01
Nickel-Total -2.00E-04 SA - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Selenium-Total -2.00E-02 CC - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Silver-Total -- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Thallium-Total -- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Zinc-Total -- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Acenaphthene -- - 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene - - 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Anthracene -- - 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
BaP Equivalent -- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Benzo(a)anthracene -- - 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Benzo(a)pyrene -2.00E-06 CI - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Benzo(b)fluoranthene -- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Benzo(ghi)perylene Pyrene - - 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Benzo(k)fluoranthene -- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Chrysene -- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene -- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Fluoranthene -- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Fluorene -- - 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene -- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Methylnaphthalene, 2--- - 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Naphthalene -3.00E-03 CI 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 1.1E+00
Phenanthrene Anthracene - - 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Pyrene -- - 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Acetophenone -- - 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Aniline -1.00E-02 SH - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether -1.17E-01 SA 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 4.3E+01
Worker Non-
Cancer CALi
Exposure ParametersChemical-specific Parameters
Table 2H
Inhalation Corrective Action Level Calculations - Non-Cancer Effects
Construction Workers
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Concentration Volatilization
Target Hazard
Averaging Time,
Non-Cancer Unit Conversion
Factor 2
Duration Exposure Time
Chemical Surrogate RfC Factor (VFvoc) THQ ATnc CF2 EF_W ED ET_W Inhalation
(mg/m3)(L/m3)(unitless) (days) (hours/day) (days/year) (years) (hours/day) (mg/L)
Worker Non-
Cancer CALi
Exposure ParametersChemical-specific Parameters
bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate -- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Chloroaniline 4--- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Chlorobenzilate -- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Diallate -- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Dibenzofuran -- - 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Dichlorobenzene 1,4--1.20E+00 SA 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 4.4E+02
Dimethylphenol, 2,4--- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Dinitro-2-methylphenol, 4,6--- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Dinitrophenol, 2,4--- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Dinitrotoluene, 2,4--- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Dioxane, 1,4--7.20E-01 SA 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 2.6E+02
Hexachlorobutadiene -- - 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Methylphenol 2--6.00E-01 CC - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
3-Methylphenol & 4-Methylphenol m-Cresol 6.00E-01 CC - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Naphthylamine, 1-Naphthylamine, 2-- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Nitroaniline, 4--2.00E-02 SP - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Nitrobenzene -2.00E-02 SH 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 7.3E+00
Nitrophenol, 2-Dinitrophenol, 2,4-- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Nitrophenol, 4-Dinitrophenol, 2,4-- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
N-Nitrosodiethylamine -- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
N-Nitrosodimethylamine -4.00E-05 CS 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 1.5E-02
N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine - - 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine -- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Pentachlorophenol -- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Phenol -2.00E-01 CC - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Picoline 2-Pyridine - - 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Pyridine -- - 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6--- - - 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Benzene -8.00E-02 SP 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 2.9E+01
Bromodichloromethane -2.00E-02 SP 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 7.3E+00
Bromomethane -1.00E-01 SP 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 3.7E+01
Carbon tetrachloride -1.89E-01 SA 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 6.9E+01
Chlorobenzene -5.00E-01 SP 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 1.8E+02
Chloroform -2.44E-01 SA 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 8.9E+01
Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2- (BDCP)-2.00E-03 SP 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 7.3E-01
Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2--2.00E-03 SH 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 7.3E-01
Dichloroethane 1,1--- - 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Dichloroethane 1,2--7.00E-02 SP 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 2.6E+01
Dichloroethene 1,1--7.93E-02 SA 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 2.9E+01
Dichloroethene (total), 1,2-Dichloroethene, cis-1,2-- - 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Dichloroethene, cis-1,2--- - 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Ethylbenzene -9.00E+00 SP 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 3.3E+03
Hexanone 2--3.00E-02 CI 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 1.1E+01
Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)-2.52E+00 SA 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 9.2E+02
Methylene Chloride -1.04E+00 SA 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 3.8E+02
Table 2H
Inhalation Corrective Action Level Calculations - Non-Cancer Effects
Construction Workers
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Concentration Volatilization
Target Hazard
Averaging Time,
Non-Cancer Unit Conversion
Factor 2
Duration Exposure Time
Chemical Surrogate RfC Factor (VFvoc) THQ ATnc CF2 EF_W ED ET_W Inhalation
(mg/m3)(L/m3)(unitless) (days) (hours/day) (days/year) (years) (hours/day) (mg/L)
Worker Non-
Cancer CALi
Exposure ParametersChemical-specific Parameters
Styrene -3.00E+00 SH 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 1.1E+03
Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2 -- - 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Tetrachloroethene -4.00E-02 CI 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 1.5E+01
Toluene -5.00E+00 SP 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 1.8E+03
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3--- - 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 -
Trichloroethane, 1,1,1--5.00E+00 SI 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 1.8E+03
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4--2.00E-02 SP 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 7.3E+00
Trichloroethene -2.00E-03 CI 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 7.3E-01
Trichloropropane, 1,2,3--3.00E-04 CI 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 1.1E-01
Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4--2.00E-01 SI 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 7.3E+01
Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5--2.00E-01 SI 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 7.3E+01
Vinyl Chloride -7.67E-02 SA 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 2.8E+01
Xylene, m--1.00E-01 CS 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 3.7E+01
Xylene, m- & Xylene, p--1.00E-01 CS 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 3.7E+01
Xylene, o--1.00E-01 CS 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 3.7E+01
Xylene, p--1.00E-01 CS 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 3.7E+01
Xylenes (total)-4.00E-01 SP 1.33E-01 1 365 24 45 1 1 1.5E+02
- = No value; CALi = Corrective Action Level, inhalation; VFvoc = volatilization factor, volatile organic compounds.
(1) See text for the description of how VFvoc was calculated.
Units Terms:
mg/m3 = milligrams per cubic meter
L/m3 = Liter per cubic meters
mg/L = milligrams per liter
Key Terms and References:
NOTE: If the first letter of the term is "C", then it is a chronic value. If the first letter is "S", then it is a subchronic value. The second letter of the term is defined below:
A = Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR, 2017)
C = California Environmental Protection Agency (Cal EPA, 2017)
E = Toxicity equivalency factors were used to derive toxicity values for the carcinogenic polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (see text) (USEPA, 1993).
H = Health Effects Assessment Summary Tables (USEPA, 1997)
I = Integrated Risk Information System (USEPA, 2017a)
P = Provisional Peer Reviewed Toxicity Value (PPRTV) (USEPA, 2017b)
S = Special Consideration Chemicals; See Table below.
W = Withdrawn value
X = Appendix PPRTV Screen (USEPA, 2017b)
Table 2H
Inhalation Corrective Action Level Calculations - Non-Cancer Effects
Construction Workers
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Concentration Volatilization
Target Hazard
Averaging Time,
Non-Cancer Unit Conversion
Factor 2
Duration Exposure Time
Chemical Surrogate RfC Factor (VFvoc) THQ ATnc CF2 EF_W ED ET_W Inhalation
(mg/m3)(L/m3)(unitless) (days) (hours/day) (days/year) (years) (hours/day) (mg/L)
Worker Non-
Cancer CALi
Exposure ParametersChemical-specific Parameters
S - Special Consideration Chemicals
Xylene, o- Oral RfD and inhalation RfC for xylene, mixture is used for all xylene congeners.
Xylene,m- & Xylene, p- Oral RfD and inhalation RfC for xylene, mixture is used for all xylene congeners.
For ingestion/dermal pathways, mercuric chloride oral RfD is used. For inhalation pathways, elemental mercury RfC is used.
Lead CALs are derived using USEPA models; see Appendix E for details.
Manganese "non-food" oral RfD x modifying factor of 3 is used in deriving the soil SSSLs (RfDo of 0.024 mg/kg-day).
2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
t-event (hrs/event): 1 t-event (hrs/event): 1
Surrogate FA Kp Tau-event B T* DA-Event 1 DA-Event 2 DA-Event 1 DA-Event 2
Groundwater PCOI Name unitless cm/hr hrs/event Value hr
(L/cm2-event) (L/cm
2-event)Equation (L/cm2-event) (L/cm
2-event) (L/cm
2-event)Equation (L/cm2-event)
Ammonia as N - 1 1.0E-03 1.3E-01 1.6E-03 3.1E-01 1.0E-06 1.3E-06 DA-event 2 1.3E-06 1.0E-06 1.3E-06 DA-event 2 1.3E-06
Nitrate - 1 1.0E-03 2.3E-01 3.0E-03 5.6E-01 1.3E-06 1.5E-06 DA-event 2 1.5E-06 1.3E-06 1.5E-06 DA-event 2 1.5E-06
Nitrate + Nitrite (as N)Nitrite (most conservative)1 1.0E-03 1.9E-01 2.6E-03 4.6E-01 1.2E-06 1.4E-06 DA-event 2 1.4E-06 1.2E-06 1.4E-06 DA-event 2 1.4E-06
Nitrite - 1 1.0E-03 1.9E-01 2.6E-03 4.6E-01 1.2E-06 1.4E-06 DA-event 2 1.4E-06 1.2E-06 1.4E-06 DA-event 2 1.4E-06
Cyanide, Total - 1 1.0E-03 1.5E-01 9.5E+04 2.0E-03 1.1E-06 8.8E-07 DA-event 3 8.8E-07 1.1E-06 8.8E-07 DA-event 2 8.8E-07
Aluminum-Total - 1 1.0E-03 1.5E-01 2.0E-03 2.0E-03 1.0E-06 - DA-event 1 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 - DA-event 1 1.0E-06
Antimony-Total - 1 1.0E-03 5.1E-01 4.2E-03 4.2E-03 1.0E-06 - DA-event 1 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 - DA-event 1 1.0E-06
Arsenic-Total - 1 1.0E-03 2.8E-01 3.3E-03 3.3E-03 1.0E-06 - DA-event 1 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 - DA-event 1 1.0E-06
Barium-Total - 1 1.0E-03 6.2E-01 4.5E-03 4.5E-03 1.0E-06 - DA-event 1 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 - DA-event 1 1.0E-06
Cadmium-Total - 1 1.0E-03 4.5E-01 4.1E-03 4.1E-03 1.0E-06 - DA-event 1 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 - DA-event 1 1.0E-06
Chromium, Total - 1 1.0E-03 2.1E-01 2.8E-03 2.8E-03 1.0E-06 - DA-event 1 1.0E-06 1.0E-06 - DA-event 1 1.0E-06
Cobalt-Total - 1 4.0E-04 2.2E-01 1.2E-03 1.2E-03 4.0E-07 - DA-event 1 4.0E-07 4.0E-07 - DA-event 1 4.0E-07
Lead-Total - 1 1.0E-04 1.5E+00 5.5E-04 5.5E-04 1.0E-07 - DA-event 1 1.0E-07 1.0E-07 - DA-event 1 1.0E-07
Manganese-Total - 1 1.0E-03 2.1E-01 2.9E-03 5.1E-01 1.3E-06 - DA-event 1 1.3E-06 1.3E-06 - DA-event 1 1.3E-06
Mercury-Total - 1 1.0E-03 1.4E+00 5.4E-03 3.4E+00 3.3E-06 - DA-event 1 3.3E-06 3.3E-06 - DA-event 1 3.3E-06
Nickel-Total - 1 2.0E-04 2.2E-01 5.9E-04 5.4E-01 2.6E-07 - DA-event 1 2.6E-07 2.6E-07 - DA-event 1 2.6E-07
Selenium-Total - 1 1.0E-03 2.9E-01 3.4E-03 7.0E-01 1.5E-06 - DA-event 1 1.5E-06 1.5E-06 - DA-event 1 1.5E-06
Silver-Total - 1 6.0E-04 4.2E-01 2.4E-03 1.0E+00 1.1E-06 - DA-event 1 1.1E-06 1.1E-06 - DA-event 1 1.1E-06
Thallium-Total - 1 1.0E-03 1.5E+00 5.5E-03 3.5E+00 3.3E-06 - DA-event 1 3.3E-06 3.3E-06 - DA-event 1 3.3E-06
Zinc-Total - 1 6.0E-04 2.4E-01 1.9E-03 5.9E-01 8.2E-07 - DA-event 1 8.2E-07 8.2E-07 - DA-event 1 8.2E-07
Acenaphthene - 1 8.6E-02 7.7E-01 4.1E-01 1.8E+00 2.1E-04 2.4E-04 DA-event 1 2.1E-04 2.1E-04 2.4E-04 DA-event 1 2.4E-04
Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene 1 8.6E-02 7.7E-01 4.1E-01 1.8E+00 2.1E-04 2.4E-04 DA-event 1 2.1E-04 2.1E-04 2.4E-04 DA-event 1 2.4E-04
Anthracene - 1 1.4E-01 1.0E+00 7.3E-01 4.1E+00 4.0E-04 5.6E-04 DA-event 1 4.0E-04 4.0E-04 5.6E-04 DA-event 1 5.6E-04
BaP Equivalent - 1 7.1E-01 2.7E+00 4.4E+00 1.2E+01 3.3E-03 9.7E-03 DA-event 1 3.3E-03 3.3E-03 9.7E-03 DA-event 1 9.7E-03
Benzo(a)anthracene - 1 5.5E-01 2.0E+00 3.2E+00 8.5E+00 2.2E-03 5.3E-03 DA-event 1 2.2E-03 2.2E-03 5.3E-03 DA-event 1 5.3E-03
Benzo(a)pyrene - 1 7.1E-01 2.7E+00 4.4E+00 1.2E+01 3.3E-03 9.7E-03 DA-event 1 3.3E-03 3.3E-03 9.7E-03 DA-event 1 9.7E-03
Benzo(b)fluoranthene - 1 4.2E-01 2.7E+00 2.5E+00 1.1E+01 1.9E-03 5.2E-03 DA-event 1 1.9E-03 1.9E-03 5.2E-03 DA-event 1 5.2E-03
Benzo(ghi)perylene Pyrene 1 2.0E-01 1.4E+00 1.1E+00 5.5E+00 6.6E-04 1.1E-03 DA-event 1 6.6E-04 6.6E-04 1.1E-03 DA-event 1 1.1E-03
Benzo(k)fluoranthene - 1 6.9E-01 2.7E+00 4.2E+00 1.2E+01 3.2E-03 9.4E-03 DA-event 1 3.2E-03 3.2E-03 9.4E-03 DA-event 1 9.4E-03
Chrysene - 1 6.0E-01 2.0E+00 3.5E+00 8.5E+00 2.3E-03 5.8E-03 DA-event 1 2.3E-03 2.3E-03 5.8E-03 DA-event 1 5.8E-03
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene - 0.6 9.5E-01 3.8E+00 6.1E+00 1.7E+01 3.1E-03 1.1E-02 DA-event 1 3.1E-03 3.1E-03 1.1E-02 DA-event 1 1.1E-02
Fluoranthene - 1 3.1E-01 1.4E+00 1.7E+00 5.7E+00 1.0E-03 1.9E-03 DA-event 1 1.0E-03 1.0E-03 1.9E-03 DA-event 1 1.9E-03
Fluorene - 1 1.1E-01 9.0E-01 5.5E-01 2.2E+00 2.9E-04 3.6E-04 DA-event 1 2.9E-04 2.9E-04 3.6E-04 DA-event 1 3.6E-04
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene - 0.6 1.2E+00 3.7E+00 7.9E+00 1.7E+01 4.0E-03 1.5E-02 DA-event 1 4.0E-03 4.0E-03 1.5E-02 DA-event 1 1.5E-02
Methylnaphthalene, 2- - 1 9.2E-02 6.6E-01 4.2E-01 1.6E+00 2.1E-04 2.3E-04 DA-event 1 2.1E-04 2.1E-04 2.3E-04 DA-event 1 2.3E-04
Naphthalene - 1 4.7E-02 5.5E-01 2.0E-01 1.3E+00 9.5E-05 1.0E-04 DA-event 1 9.5E-05 9.5E-05 1.0E-04 DA-event 1 1.0E-04
Phenanthrene Anthracene 1 1.4E-01 1.0E+00 7.3E-01 4.1E+00 4.0E-04 5.6E-04 DA-event 1 4.0E-04 4.0E-04 5.6E-04 DA-event 1 5.6E-04
Pyrene - 1 2.0E-01 1.4E+00 1.1E+00 5.5E+00 6.6E-04 1.1E-03 DA-event 1 6.6E-04 6.6E-04 1.1E-03 DA-event 1 1.1E-03
Acetophenone - 1 3.7E-03 5.0E-01 1.6E-02 1.2E+00 7.2E-06 7.4E-06 DA-event 1 7.2E-06 7.2E-06 7.4E-06 DA-event 1 7.4E-06
Aniline - 1 1.9E-03 3.5E-01 6.9E-03 8.4E-01 3.0E-06 3.2E-06 DA-event 2 3.2E-06 3.0E-06 3.2E-06 DA-event 2 3.2E-06
bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether - 1 1.8E-03 6.6E-01 8.2E-03 1.6E+00 4.0E-06 4.2E-06 DA-event 1 4.0E-06 4.0E-06 4.2E-06 DA-event 1 4.2E-06
bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate - 0.8 1.1E+00 1.6E+01 8.6E+00 7.3E+01 1.0E-02 7.9E-02 DA-event 1 1.0E-02 1.0E-02 7.9E-02 DA-event 1 7.9E-02
Chloroaniline 4- - 1 5.0E-03 5.4E-01 2.2E-02 1.3E+00 1.0E-05 1.0E-05 DA-event 1 1.0E-05 1.0E-05 1.0E-05 DA-event 1 1.0E-05
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
On-Site Recreator, Groundwater Discharge to Surface Water,
Wading Scenarios (2)
Source: USEPA, 2004, RAGS Part E Dermal Guidance Selected DA-event Selected DA-event
Table 3
On-Site Construction Worker, Shallow Groundwater Seepage,
Trench Scenario (1)
Calculating DA-Event for the On-Site Recreator and Construction Worker Scenarios
2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
t-event (hrs/event): 1 t-event (hrs/event): 1
Surrogate FA Kp Tau-event B T* DA-Event 1 DA-Event 2 DA-Event 1 DA-Event 2
Groundwater PCOI Name unitless cm/hr hrs/event Value hr
(L/cm2-event) (L/cm
2-event)Equation (L/cm2-event) (L/cm
2-event) (L/cm
2-event)Equation (L/cm2-event)
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
On-Site Recreator, Groundwater Discharge to Surface Water,
Wading Scenarios (2)
Source: USEPA, 2004, RAGS Part E Dermal Guidance Selected DA-event Selected DA-event
Table 3
On-Site Construction Worker, Shallow Groundwater Seepage,
Trench Scenario (1)
Calculating DA-Event for the On-Site Recreator and Construction Worker Scenarios
Chlorobenzilate - 1 3.3E-02 7.0E+00 2.3E-01 1.7E+01 2.4E-04 5.9E-04 DA-event 1 2.4E-04 2.4E-04 5.9E-04 DA-event 1 5.9E-04
Diallate - 1 4.6E-02 3.4E+00 2.9E-01 8.2E+00 2.4E-04 4.4E-04 DA-event 1 2.4E-04 2.4E-04 4.4E-04 DA-event 1 4.4E-04
Dibenzofuran - 1 9.8E-02 9.2E-01 4.9E-01 2.2E+00 2.6E-04 3.2E-04 DA-event 1 2.6E-04 2.6E-04 3.2E-04 DA-event 1 3.2E-04
Dichlorobenzene 1,4- - 1 4.5E-02 7.0E-01 2.1E-01 1.7E+00 1.0E-04 1.1E-04 DA-event 1 1.0E-04 1.0E-04 1.1E-04 DA-event 1 1.1E-04
Dimethylphenol, 2,4- - 1 1.1E-02 5.1E-01 4.6E-02 1.2E+00 2.1E-05 2.2E-05 DA-event 1 2.1E-05 2.1E-05 2.2E-05 DA-event 1 2.2E-05
Dinitro-2-methylphenol, 4,6- - 1 3.2E-03 1.4E+00 1.7E-02 3.2E+00 1.0E-05 1.2E-05 DA-event 1 1.0E-05 1.0E-05 1.2E-05 DA-event 1 1.2E-05
Dinitrophenol, 2,4- - 1 1.9E-03 1.1E+00 9.8E-03 2.7E+00 5.5E-06 6.1E-06 DA-event 1 5.5E-06 5.5E-06 6.1E-06 DA-event 1 6.1E-06
Dinitrotoluene, 2,4- - 1 3.1E-03 1.1E+00 1.6E-02 2.6E+00 8.9E-06 9.9E-06 DA-event 1 8.9E-06 8.9E-06 9.9E-06 DA-event 1 9.9E-06
Dioxane, 1,4- - 1 3.3E-04 3.3E-01 1.2E-03 7.9E-01 5.3E-07 5.5E-07 DA-event 2 5.5E-07 5.3E-07 5.5E-07 DA-event 2 5.5E-07
Hexachlorobutadiene - 0.9 8.1E-02 3.0E+00 5.0E-01 7.3E+00 3.5E-04 6.9E-04 DA-event 1 3.5E-04 3.5E-04 6.9E-04 DA-event 1 6.9E-04
Methylphenol 2- - 1 7.7E-03 4.2E-01 3.1E-02 1.0E+00 1.4E-05 1.4E-05 DA-event 1 1.4E-05 1.4E-05 1.4E-05 DA-event 1 1.4E-05
3-Methylphenol & 4-Methylphenol m-Cresol 1 7.8E-03 4.2E-01 3.1E-02 1.0E+00 1.4E-05 1.4E-05 DA-event 1 1.4E-05 1.4E-05 1.4E-05 DA-event 1 1.4E-05
Naphthylamine, 1- Naphthylamine, 2- 1 8.1E-03 6.7E-01 3.7E-02 1.6E+00 1.8E-05 1.9E-05 DA-event 1 1.8E-05 1.8E-05 1.9E-05 DA-event 1 1.9E-05
Nitroaniline, 4- - 0.8 2.2E-03 6.2E-01 1.0E-02 1.5E+00 3.9E-06 4.0E-06 DA-event 1 3.9E-06 3.9E-06 4.0E-06 DA-event 1 4.0E-06
Nitrobenzene - 0.8 5.4E-03 5.1E-01 2.3E-02 1.2E+00 8.6E-06 8.8E-06 DA-event 1 8.6E-06 8.6E-06 8.8E-06 DA-event 1 8.8E-06
Nitrophenol, 2- Dinitrophenol, 2,4- 1 1.9E-03 1.1E+00 9.8E-03 2.7E+00 5.5E-06 6.1E-06 DA-event 1 5.5E-06 5.5E-06 6.1E-06 DA-event 1 6.1E-06
Nitrophenol, 4- Dinitrophenol, 2,4- 1 1.9E-03 1.1E+00 9.8E-03 2.7E+00 5.5E-06 6.1E-06 DA-event 1 5.5E-06 5.5E-06 6.1E-06 DA-event 1 6.1E-06
N-Nitrosodiethylamine - 1 8.7E-04 3.9E-01 3.4E-03 9.4E-01 1.5E-06 1.6E-06 DA-event 2 1.6E-06 1.5E-06 1.6E-06 DA-event 2 1.6E-06
N-Nitrosodimethylamine - 1 2.5E-04 2.7E-01 8.3E-04 6.6E-01 3.6E-07 3.9E-07 DA-event 2 3.9E-07 3.6E-07 3.9E-07 DA-event 2 3.9E-07
N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine - 1 1.1E-02 8.1E-01 5.5E-02 1.9E+00 2.8E-05 3.0E-05 DA-event 1 2.8E-05 2.8E-05 3.0E-05 DA-event 1 3.0E-05
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine - 1 2.3E-03 5.6E-01 1.0E-02 1.4E+00 4.8E-06 5.0E-06 DA-event 1 4.8E-06 4.8E-06 5.0E-06 DA-event 1 5.0E-06
Pentachlorophenol - 0.9 1.3E-01 3.3E+00 8.0E-01 1.3E+01 5.7E-04 1.3E-03 DA-event 1 5.7E-04 5.7E-04 1.3E-03 DA-event 1 1.3E-03
Phenol - 1 4.3E-03 3.5E-01 1.6E-02 8.5E-01 7.1E-06 7.4E-06 DA-event 2 7.4E-06 7.1E-06 7.4E-06 DA-event 2 7.4E-06
Picoline 2- Pyridine 1 1.5E-03 2.9E-01 5.2E-03 7.0E-01 2.3E-06 2.4E-06 DA-event 2 2.4E-06 2.3E-06 2.4E-06 DA-event 2 2.4E-06
Pyridine - 1 1.5E-03 2.9E-01 5.2E-03 7.0E-01 2.3E-06 2.4E-06 DA-event 2 2.4E-06 2.3E-06 2.4E-06 DA-event 2 2.4E-06
Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6- - 1 3.5E-02 1.3E+00 1.9E-01 3.2E+00 1.1E-04 1.4E-04 DA-event 1 1.1E-04 1.1E-04 1.4E-04 DA-event 1 1.4E-04
Benzene - 1 1.5E-02 2.9E-01 5.1E-02 6.9E-01 2.2E-05 2.3E-05 DA-event 2 2.3E-05 2.2E-05 2.3E-05 DA-event 2 2.3E-05
Bromodichloromethane - 1 4.0E-03 8.7E-01 2.0E-02 2.1E+00 1.0E-05 1.1E-05 DA-event 1 1.0E-05 1.0E-05 1.1E-05 DA-event 1 1.1E-05
Bromomethane - 1 2.8E-03 3.6E-01 1.1E-02 8.6E-01 4.7E-06 4.9E-06 DA-event 2 4.9E-06 4.7E-06 4.9E-06 DA-event 2 4.9E-06
Carbon tetrachloride - 1 1.6E-02 7.6E-01 7.8E-02 1.8E+00 3.9E-05 4.2E-05 DA-event 1 3.9E-05 3.9E-05 4.2E-05 DA-event 1 4.2E-05
Chlorobenzene - 1 2.8E-02 4.5E-01 1.2E-01 1.1E+00 5.2E-05 5.3E-05 DA-event 1 5.2E-05 5.2E-05 5.3E-05 DA-event 1 5.3E-05
Chloroform - 1 6.8E-03 4.9E-01 2.9E-02 1.2E+00 1.3E-05 1.4E-05 DA-event 1 1.3E-05 1.3E-05 1.4E-05 DA-event 1 1.4E-05
Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2- (BDCP) - 1 6.9E-03 2.2E+00 4.1E-02 5.3E+00 2.8E-05 3.8E-05 DA-event 1 2.8E-05 2.8E-05 3.8E-05 DA-event 1 3.8E-05
Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2- - 1 2.8E-03 1.2E+00 1.5E-02 2.8E+00 8.4E-06 9.4E-06 DA-event 1 8.4E-06 8.4E-06 9.4E-06 DA-event 1 9.4E-06
Dichloroethane 1,1- - 1 6.8E-03 3.8E-01 2.6E-02 9.0E-01 1.1E-05 1.2E-05 DA-event 2 1.2E-05 1.1E-05 1.2E-05 DA-event 2 1.2E-05
Dichloroethane 1,2- - 1 4.2E-03 3.8E-01 1.6E-02 9.0E-01 7.1E-06 7.3E-06 DA-event 2 7.3E-06 7.1E-06 7.3E-06 DA-event 2 7.3E-06
Dichloroethene 1,1- - 1 1.2E-02 3.7E-01 4.4E-02 8.8E-01 2.0E-05 2.0E-05 DA-event 2 2.0E-05 2.0E-05 2.0E-05 DA-event 2 2.0E-05
Dichloroethene (total), 1,2- Dichloroethene, cis-1,2- 1 1.1E-02 3.7E-01 4.2E-02 8.8E-01 1.8E-05 1.9E-05 DA-event 2 1.9E-05 1.8E-05 1.9E-05 DA-event 2 1.9E-05
Dichloroethene, cis-1,2- - 1 1.1E-02 3.7E-01 4.2E-02 8.8E-01 1.8E-05 1.9E-05 DA-event 2 1.9E-05 1.8E-05 1.9E-05 DA-event 2 1.9E-05
Ethylbenzene - 1 4.9E-02 4.1E-01 2.0E-01 9.9E-01 8.8E-05 9.0E-05 DA-event 2 9.0E-05 8.8E-05 9.0E-05 DA-event 2 9.0E-05
Hexanone 2- - 1 3.6E-03 3.8E-01 1.4E-02 9.2E-01 6.1E-06 6.3E-06 DA-event 2 6.3E-06 6.1E-06 6.3E-06 DA-event 2 6.3E-06
Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) - 1 2.1E-03 3.3E-01 7.6E-03 7.9E-01 3.3E-06 3.5E-06 DA-event 2 3.5E-06 3.3E-06 3.5E-06 DA-event 2 3.5E-06
Methylene Chloride - 1 3.5E-03 3.1E-01 1.3E-02 7.5E-01 5.5E-06 5.7E-06 DA-event 2 5.7E-06 5.5E-06 5.7E-06 DA-event 2 5.7E-06
Styrene - 1 3.7E-02 4.0E-01 1.5E-01 9.7E-01 6.5E-05 6.7E-05 DA-event 2 6.7E-05 6.5E-05 6.7E-05 DA-event 2 6.7E-05
Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2 - 1 6.9E-03 9.2E-01 3.5E-02 2.2E+00 1.8E-05 2.0E-05 DA-event 1 1.8E-05 1.8E-05 2.0E-05 DA-event 1 2.0E-05
Tetrachloroethene - 1 3.3E-02 8.9E-01 1.7E-01 2.1E+00 8.7E-05 9.8E-05 DA-event 1 8.7E-05 8.7E-05 9.8E-05 DA-event 1 9.8E-05
2 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
t-event (hrs/event): 1 t-event (hrs/event): 1
Surrogate FA Kp Tau-event B T* DA-Event 1 DA-Event 2 DA-Event 1 DA-Event 2
Groundwater PCOI Name unitless cm/hr hrs/event Value hr
(L/cm2-event) (L/cm
2-event)Equation (L/cm2-event) (L/cm
2-event) (L/cm
2-event)Equation (L/cm2-event)
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
On-Site Recreator, Groundwater Discharge to Surface Water,
Wading Scenarios (2)
Source: USEPA, 2004, RAGS Part E Dermal Guidance Selected DA-event Selected DA-event
Table 3
On-Site Construction Worker, Shallow Groundwater Seepage,
Trench Scenario (1)
Calculating DA-Event for the On-Site Recreator and Construction Worker Scenarios
Toluene - 1 3.1E-02 3.5E-01 1.1E-01 8.3E-01 5.0E-05 5.2E-05 DA-event 2 5.2E-05 5.0E-05 5.2E-05 DA-event 2 5.2E-05
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3- - 1 7.4E-02 1.1E+00 3.8E-01 2.6E+00 2.1E-04 2.7E-04 DA-event 1 2.1E-04 2.1E-04 2.7E-04 DA-event 1 2.7E-04
Trichloroethane, 1,1,1- - 1 1.3E-02 5.9E-01 5.6E-02 1.4E+00 2.7E-05 2.8E-05 DA-event 1 2.7E-05 2.7E-05 2.8E-05 DA-event 1 2.8E-05
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4- - 1 7.1E-02 1.1E+00 3.7E-01 2.6E+00 2.0E-04 2.6E-04 DA-event 1 2.0E-04 2.0E-04 2.6E-04 DA-event 1 2.6E-04
Trichloroethene - 1 1.2E-02 5.7E-01 5.1E-02 1.4E+00 2.4E-05 2.5E-05 DA-event 1 2.4E-05 2.4E-05 2.5E-05 DA-event 1 2.5E-05
Trichloropropane, 1,2,3- - 1 7.5E-03 7.0E-01 3.5E-02 1.7E+00 1.7E-05 1.8E-05 DA-event 1 1.7E-05 1.7E-05 1.8E-05 DA-event 1 1.8E-05
Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4- - 1 8.6E-02 5.0E-01 3.6E-01 1.2E+00 1.7E-04 1.8E-04 DA-event 1 1.7E-04 1.7E-04 1.8E-04 DA-event 1 1.8E-04
Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5- - 1 6.2E-02 5.0E-01 2.6E-01 1.2E+00 1.2E-04 1.3E-04 DA-event 1 1.2E-04 1.2E-04 1.3E-04 DA-event 1 1.3E-04
Vinyl Chloride - 1 8.4E-03 2.4E-01 2.5E-02 5.7E-01 1.1E-05 1.2E-05 DA-event 2 1.2E-05 1.1E-05 1.2E-05 DA-event 2 1.2E-05
Xylene, m- - 1 5.3E-02 4.1E-01 2.1E-01 9.9E-01 9.5E-05 9.7E-05 DA-event 2 9.7E-05 9.5E-05 9.7E-05 DA-event 2 9.7E-05
Xylene, m- & Xylene, p- - 1 5.3E-02 4.1E-01 2.1E-01 9.9E-01 9.5E-05 9.7E-05 DA-event 2 9.7E-05 9.5E-05 9.7E-05 DA-event 2 9.7E-05
Xylene, o- - 1 4.7E-02 4.1E-01 1.9E-01 9.9E-01 8.4E-05 8.6E-05 DA-event 2 8.6E-05 8.4E-05 8.6E-05 DA-event 2 8.6E-05
Xylene, p- - 1 4.9E-02 4.1E-01 2.0E-01 9.9E-01 8.8E-05 9.0E-05 DA-event 2 9.0E-05 8.8E-05 9.0E-05 DA-event 2 9.0E-05
Xylenes (total) - 1 5.0E-02 4.1E-01 2.0E-01 9.9E-01 8.9E-05 9.1E-05 DA-event 2 9.1E-05 8.9E-05 9.1E-05 DA-event 2 9.1E-05
B = Dimensionless Ratio of the Permeability Coefficient of a Compound Through the
Stratum Corneum Relative to its Permeability Coefficient Across the Viable Epidermis
CF2 = Conversion Factor 2, 0.001 L/cm3
FA = Fraction Absorbed Water
Kp = Dermal Permeability Coefficient of
Compound in Water
T* = Time to Reach Steady-State
t-event = Event Duration (scenario-specific)
Tau-event = Lag Time per Event
DABS = Dermal Absorption Factor
DA-Event = Dermally Absorbed Dose per Event
cm/hr = centimeters per hour hr = hour
hrs/event = hours per event L/cm²-event = liters per square centimeters per event
- = no value; PCOI = preliminary chemical of interest
USEPA, 2004. Risk Assessment Guidance for Superfund (RAGS), Volume 1, Human Health Evaluation Manual, Part E, Supplemental Guidance for Dermal Risk Assessment, Final, July, EPA/540/R/99/005.
(1) Assumes 1 hour of incidental exposure per event. The worker accidentally slips into the water in the bottom of the trench during excavation activities.
(2) The receptor wades in the intermittent stream areas for 1 hour per event.
Appendix C
Background UTLs NCSS Output Files
95% Background
Constituent UTL (mg/L)
Ammonia as N 1.00E+01
Total Arsenic 3.00E-01
Total Barium 4.28E-01
Total Cadmium 4.20E-04
Total Chromium 8.30E-02
Total Lead 2.45E-02
Total Mercury 6.10E-05
Total Nickel 6.20E-02
Total Selenium 3.10E-02
Total Silver 2.80E-03
Total Cyanide 1.00E-01
Total Zinc 2.90E-01
Total Thallium not calculated*
* All data non-detect.
Table C-1
95 % UTLs for Background Concentrations in Groundwater
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 1 3/18/2008 4:31:30 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Descriptive Statistics of AMMONIA_as_N
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
69 -1.472035 3.177021 0.3824683 -10.59663 2.397895 12.99453
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of AMMONIA_as_N
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 -3.990613 1.046542 -3.816713 1.435085
75 -5.767495 2.823424 -8.111728 2.00148
80 -6.257411 3.313339 -9.315701 2.028148
90 -7.613998 4.669927 -10.59663 2.397895
95 -8.790635 5.846564
99 -11.09031 8.146235
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 2 3/18/2008 4:31:30 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of AMMONIA_as_N
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -1.841696 -1.187443
75 -4.373847 -3.816713
80 -4.953369 -3.963316
90 -6.503441 -9.446063
95 -7.803015 -10.59663
99 -10.26952
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of AMMONIA_as_N
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -1.102375 -8.338161E-02
75 1.429776 1.458615
80 2.009298 1.481605
90 3.55937 2.028148
95 4.858944 2.302585
99 7.325449 2.397895
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of AMMONIA_as_N
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.8694656 3.360786E-06 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 2.700765 8.404758E-07 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.1377777 0.097 0.106 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness -3.821796 1.324834E-04 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis 1.771605 0.0764601 1.645 1.96 Can't reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 17.74471 1.402122E-04 4.605 5.991 Reject normality
Descriptive Statistics of ARSENIC_DISSOLVED
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
120 -4.372796 1.677875 0.1531684 -7.130899 -1.139434 5.991465
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 3 3/18/2008 4:31:30 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of ARSENIC_DISSOLVED
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 -5.646431 -3.09916 -5.991465 -2.631089
75 -6.544995 -2.200597 -6.377127 -1.469676
80 -6.792743 -1.952849 -6.437752 -1.386294
90 -7.478765 -1.266827 -6.725434 -1.171183
95 -8.073786 -0.6718059 -7.130899 -1.139434
99 -9.236721 0.4911294
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of ARSENIC_DISSOLVED
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -4.520685 -5.203007
75 -5.801365 -6.119298
80 -6.099773 -6.214608
90 -6.895053 -6.437752
95 -7.559572 -6.812445
99 -8.817539
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 4 3/18/2008 4:31:30 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of ARSENIC_DISSOLVED
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -4.224906 -4.199705
75 -2.944227 -2.430418
80 -2.645818 -1.89712
90 -1.850538 -1.386294
95 -1.18602 -1.171183
99 7.194748E-02 -1.139434
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of ARSENIC_DISSOLVED
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.9294508 8.894035E-06 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 2.520089 2.31671E-06 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.1219995 0.074 0.08 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 2.252077 2.431743E-02 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis -3.238705 1.200737E-03 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 15.56106 4.177909E-04 4.605 5.991 Reject normality
Descriptive Statistics of ARSENIC_TOTAL
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
83 -4.656008 1.708019 0.1874794 -7.523942 -1.171183 6.352758
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 5 3/18/2008 4:31:30 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of ARSENIC_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 -5.988276 -3.32374 -6.189916 -3.079114
75 -6.928205 -2.383811 -6.907755 -2.120264
80 -7.187359 -2.124658 -6.907755 -1.237874
90 -7.904962 -1.407055 -7.047018 -1.203973
95 -8.527375 -0.7846414
99 -9.743847 0.4318303
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of ARSENIC_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -4.837136 -5.68398
75 -6.176795 -6.265902
80 -6.485384 -6.437752
90 -7.309705 -6.907755
95 -7.999977 -7.523942
99 -9.308858
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 6 3/18/2008 4:31:31 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of ARSENIC_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -4.474881 -4.199705
75 -3.135222 -2.928074
80 -2.826633 -2.501036
90 -2.002312 -1.237874
95 -1.312041 -1.203973
99 -3.159259E-03 -1.171183
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of ARSENIC_TOTAL
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.9382233 6.011844E-04 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 1.798996 1.341477E-04 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.1604475 0.089 0.097 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 1.424473 0.1543097 1.645 1.96 Can't reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis -3.146073 1.654789E-03 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 11.9269 2.571032E-03 4.605 5.991 Reject normality
Descriptive Statistics of BARIUM_TOTAL
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
83 -2.101394 0.6403784 7.029066E-02 -3.218876 -0.1625189 3.056357
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 7 3/18/2008 4:31:31 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of BARIUM_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 -2.600894 -1.601894 -2.673649 -1.560648
75 -2.953297 -1.249491 -2.918771 -1.108663
80 -3.05046 -1.152328 -3.026191 -1.021651
90 -3.319507 -0.8832814 -3.186893 -0.5447271
95 -3.552865 -0.6499233
99 -4.008951 -0.193838
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of BARIUM_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -2.169304 -2.343407
75 -2.671575 -2.748872
80 -2.787272 -2.796881
90 -3.09633 -3.101093
95 -3.35513 -3.218876
99 -3.845862
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 8 3/18/2008 4:31:31 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of BARIUM_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -2.033485 -1.966113
75 -1.531214 -1.514128
80 -1.415516 -1.469676
90 -1.106458 -1.021651
95 -0.8476582 -0.5447271
99 -0.3569264 -0.1625189
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of BARIUM_TOTAL
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.9763656 0.1295087 Can't reject normality
Anderson-Darling 0.4571499 0.2653129 Can't reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 8.223018E-02 0.089 0.097 Can't reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 1.83051 6.717364E-02 1.645 1.96 Can't reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis 0.21874 0.8268526 1.645 1.96 Can't reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 3.398616 0.18281 4.605 5.991 Can't reject normality
Descriptive Statistics of CADMIUM_TOTAL
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
78 -9.671617 0.8844506 0.1001443 -10.81978 -7.20886 3.610918
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 9 3/18/2008 4:31:31 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of CADMIUM_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 -10.36512 -8.978116 -10.48331 -8.873868
75 -10.85439 -8.488844 -10.81978 -8.14563
80 -10.98929 -8.353944 -10.81978 -7.957577
90 -11.36283 -7.980402 -10.81978 -7.775256
95 -11.68682 -7.65641
99 -12.32005 -7.023186
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of CADMIUM_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -9.76838 -10.12663
75 -10.4657 -10.48331
80 -10.62599 -10.48331
90 -11.05434 -10.81978
95 -11.41318 -10.81978
99 -12.0938
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 10 3/18/2008 4:31:31 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of CADMIUM_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -9.574852 -9.596003
75 -8.877531 -8.740336
80 -8.717244 -8.568486
90 -8.288892 -7.957577
95 -7.930055 -7.775256
99 -7.249428 -7.20886
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of CADMIUM_TOTAL
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.9314256 4.131222E-04 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 1.615122 3.787967E-04 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.1450647 0.092 0.1 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 2.530875 1.137783E-02 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis -0.2996838 0.7644183 1.645 1.96 Can't reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 6.49514 3.886854E-02 4.605 5.991 Reject normality
Descriptive Statistics of CHROMIUM_TOTAL
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
95 -5.203314 1.217251 0.1248873 -7.106206 -2.120264 4.985943
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 11 3/18/2008 4:31:31 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of CHROMIUM_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 -6.142678 -4.263949 -6.165818 -4.50986
75 -6.80541 -3.601218 -6.907755 -2.995732
80 -6.988135 -3.418492 -6.907755 -2.995732
90 -7.494108 -2.91252 -7.106206 -2.302585
95 -7.932963 -2.473665 -7.106206 -2.120264
99 -8.790681 -1.615947
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of CHROMIUM_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -5.32394 -5.613028
75 -6.26855 -6.265902
80 -6.487104 -6.725434
90 -7.070395 -6.907755
95 -7.558428 -7.106206
99 -8.483241
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 12 3/18/2008 4:31:31 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of CHROMIUM_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -5.082688 -4.990833
75 -4.138077 -4.422849
80 -3.919524 -4.017384
90 -3.336233 -2.995732
95 -2.8482 -2.488915
99 -1.923387 -2.120264
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of CHROMIUM_TOTAL
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.9441804 5.090276E-04 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 1.500491 7.239932E-04 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 9.497085E-02 0.083 0.09 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 2.507599 1.215545E-02 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis 0.0855404 0.9318318 1.645 1.96 Can't reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 6.295371 4.295142E-02 4.605 5.991 Reject normality
Descriptive Statistics of LEAD_TOTAL
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
91 -7.288561 1.40738 0.1475336 -9.471705 -2.847312 6.624393
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 13 3/18/2008 4:31:31 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of LEAD_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 -8.378249 -6.198872 -8.595155 -6.725434
75 -9.147037 -5.430085 -9.315701 -4.721704
80 -9.359003 -5.218118 -9.39667 -4.50986
90 -9.945945 -4.631176 -9.471705 -3.709082
95 -10.45503 -4.122092
99 -11.45001 -3.127115
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of LEAD_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -7.431071 -7.469874
75 -8.526839 -8.622554
80 -8.780017 -8.804875
90 -9.455902 -9.471705
95 -10.02155 -9.471705
99 -11.09367
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 14 3/18/2008 4:31:32 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of LEAD_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -7.14605 -7.118476
75 -6.050282 -6.265902
80 -5.797105 -5.809143
90 -5.12122 -4.50986
95 -4.555567 -3.709082
99 -3.483454 -2.847312
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of LEAD_TOTAL
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.9402751 4.068098E-04 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 1.664119 2.872244E-04 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.1515998 0.085 0.092 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 2.80994 4.955081E-03 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis 1.402747 0.1606922 1.645 1.96 Can't reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 9.863461 7.214011E-03 4.605 5.991 Reject normality
Descriptive Statistics of MERCURY_TOTAL
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
17 -12.84767 2.788583 0.6763306 -16.51857 -9.704637 6.813937
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 15 3/18/2008 4:31:32 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of MERCURY_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 -15.60407 -10.09126 -16.28061 -9.704637
75 -17.54875 -8.146586
80 -18.08493 -7.610408
90 -19.56962 -6.125718
95 -20.85736 -4.83797
99 -23.37419 -2.321141
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of MERCURY_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -13.50651 -14.50866
75 -16.25111 -16.51857
80 -16.83794 -16.51857
90 -18.4296
95 -19.78082
99 -22.36901
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 16 3/18/2008 4:31:32 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of MERCURY_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -12.18883 -9.704637
75 -9.444225 -9.704637
80 -8.857392 -9.704637
90 -7.265731 -9.704637
95 -5.914515 -9.704637
99 -3.326324 -9.704637
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of MERCURY_TOTAL
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.7616356 6.329208E-04 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 1.904884 7.382668E-05 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.3125273 0.19 0.207 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 0.3794251 0.7043722 1.645 1.96 Can't reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis -3.543691 3.945678E-04 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 12.70171 1.745257E-03 4.605 5.991 Reject normality
Descriptive Statistics of NICKEL_TOTAL
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
74 -5.060723 0.795216 9.244198E-02 -6.725434 -2.764621 3.960813
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 17 3/18/2008 4:31:32 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of NICKEL_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 -5.687131 -4.434315 -5.472671 -4.755993
75 -6.129068 -3.992378 -6.214608 -4.017384
80 -6.250917 -3.870529 -6.214608 -2.995732
90 -6.588321 -3.533125 -6.725434 -2.764621
95 -6.880968 -3.240478
99 -7.45293 -2.668515
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of NICKEL_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -5.150055 -5.259097
75 -5.779886 -5.68398
80 -5.924395 -6.214608
90 -6.310722 -6.319969
95 -6.634465 -6.725434
99 -7.248689
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 18 3/18/2008 4:31:32 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of NICKEL_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -4.971391 -4.853631
75 -4.34156 -4.710531
80 -4.197052 -4.50986
90 -3.810724 -2.995732
95 -3.486981 -2.780621
99 -2.872757 -2.764621
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of NICKEL_TOTAL
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.9129288 8.460584E-05 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 2.276152 9.125042E-06 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.1615951 0.094 0.102 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 2.364033 1.807722E-02 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis 2.19255 2.833978E-02 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 10.39593 5.52781E-03 4.605 5.991 Reject normality
Descriptive Statistics of SELENIUM_TOTAL
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
28 -9.259386 3.179282 0.6008279 -13.82556 -3.473768 10.35179
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 19 3/18/2008 4:31:32 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of SELENIUM_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 -12.08844 -6.430336 -12.42922 -5.298317
75 -14.08436 -4.434412 -13.82556 -3.473768
80 -14.63467 -3.884103 -13.82556 -3.473768
90 -16.15849 -2.360285
95 -17.48017 -1.0386
99 -20.06333 1.544559
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of SELENIUM_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -9.842208 -10.81978
75 -12.67578 -13.55315
80 -13.29912 -13.55315
90 -14.97987
95 -16.39935
99 -19.10824
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 20 3/18/2008 4:31:32 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of SELENIUM_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -8.676565 -8.254828
75 -5.84299 -4.828314
80 -5.219653 -4.785494
90 -3.538907 -3.473768
95 -2.11942 -3.473768
99 0.5894719 -3.473768
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of SELENIUM_TOTAL
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.9076106 1.732466E-02 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 1.123373 6.120183E-03 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.2541968 0.151 0.164 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 0.8828865 0.3772976 1.645 1.96 Can't reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis -2.024309 4.293833E-02 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 4.877317 8.727785E-02 4.605 5.991 Can't reject normality
Descriptive Statistics of SILVER_TOTAL
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
83 -8.091347 1.105765 0.1213735 -10.41431 -5.298317 5.115996
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 21 3/18/2008 4:31:32 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of SILVER_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 -8.953852 -7.228841 -8.740336 -7.236259
75 -9.562359 -6.620334 -10.41431 -7.236259
80 -9.730134 -6.452559 -10.41431 -7.094085
90 -10.19471 -5.987986 -10.41431 -5.878136
95 -10.59766 -5.585037
99 -11.38519 -4.797498
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of SILVER_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -8.208608 -8.04719
75 -9.075898 -8.740336
80 -9.275678 -8.740336
90 -9.80934 -10.41431
95 -10.25622 -10.41431
99 -11.10358
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 22 3/18/2008 4:31:32 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of SILVER_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -7.974085 -7.902008
75 -7.106795 -7.236259
80 -6.907015 -7.236259
90 -6.373353 -7.094085
95 -5.926474 -5.878136
99 -5.079109 -5.298317
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of SILVER_TOTAL
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.8955802 5.647204E-06 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 3.334064 2.42775E-08 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.1594318 0.089 0.097 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness -1.68352 9.227452E-02 1.645 1.96 Can't reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis 1.062757 0.2878921 1.645 1.96 Can't reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 3.963691 0.1378146 4.605 5.991 Can't reject normality
Descriptive Statistics of TOTAL_CYANIDE
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
39 -4.811172 1.062513 0.1701382 -6.032287 -2.302585 3.729702
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 23 3/18/2008 4:31:32 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of TOTAL_CYANIDE
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 -5.709619 -3.912724 -6.032287 -3.772261
75 -6.343483 -3.278859 -6.032287 -2.343407
80 -6.51825 -3.104093 -6.032287 -2.343407
90 -7.002183 -2.62016
95 -7.421923 -2.20042
99 -8.24228 -1.380062
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of TOTAL_CYANIDE
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -4.975922 -5.44914
75 -5.877745 -6.032287
80 -6.079372 -6.032287
90 -6.621236 -6.032287
95 -7.077509
99 -7.946326
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 24 3/18/2008 4:31:32 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of TOTAL_CYANIDE
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -4.646421 -4.60517
75 -3.744598 -3.349554
80 -3.542971 -3.244194
90 -3.001107 -2.343407
95 -2.544833 -2.302585
99 -1.676016 -2.302585
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of TOTAL_CYANIDE
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.8925586 1.359368E-03 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 1.389938 1.352874E-03 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.1667242 0.129 0.14 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 1.645394 9.988862E-02 1.645 1.96 Can't reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis -5.434796E-02 0.9566579 1.645 1.96 Can't reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 2.710274 0.2579119 4.605 5.991 Can't reject normality
Descriptive Statistics of ZINC_TOTAL
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
74 -4.228036 1.031403 0.1198982 -5.426151 -0.4307829 4.995368
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 25 3/18/2008 4:31:32 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of ZINC_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 -5.040494 -3.415579 -5.31852 -3.772261
75 -5.613691 -2.842382 -5.403678 -2.882404
80 -5.771731 -2.684342 -5.426151 -2.333044
90 -6.209347 -2.246727 -5.426151 -0.4307829
95 -6.588913 -1.86716
99 -7.330754 -1.125319
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of ZINC_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -4.343901 -4.422849
75 -5.160799 -5.31852
80 -5.348228 -5.403678
90 -5.849298 -5.426151
95 -6.269196 -5.426151
99 -7.065851
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 26 3/18/2008 4:31:33 PM
Database T:\USS_Geneva RCRA CA\Geneva ... CSS Files\Log Data w 2007.S0
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of ZINC_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 -4.112172 -3.912023
75 -3.295275 -3.688879
80 -3.107846 -3.381395
90 -2.606776 -2.333044
95 -2.186877 -1.237874
99 -1.390223 -0.4307829
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of ZINC_TOTAL
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.872933 2.263296E-06 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 2.786102 5.208652E-07 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.1634369 0.094 0.102 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 3.463771 5.326589E-04 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis 2.438878 1.473294E-02 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 17.94584 1.267975E-04 4.605 5.991 Reject normality
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 1 3/18/2008 4:44:53 PM
Descriptive Statistics of AMMONIA_as_N
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
69 1.751557 2.597263 0.3126737 0.000025 11 10.99998
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of AMMONIA_as_N
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 -0.3074183 3.810533 0.022 4.2
75 -1.760047 5.263162 0.0003 7.4
80 -2.160561 5.663675 0.00009 7.6
90 -3.269592 6.772706 0.000025 11
95 -4.231511 7.734625
99 -6.111526 9.614641
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 2 3/18/2008 4:44:53 PM
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of AMMONIA_as_N
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 1.449354 0.305
75 -0.6207185 0.022
80 -1.094487 0.019
90 -2.361694 0.000079
95 -3.424116 0.000025
99 -5.440522
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of AMMONIA_as_N
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 2.05376 0.92
75 4.123833 4.3
80 4.597601 4.4
90 5.864809 7.6
95 6.92723 10
99 8.943637 11
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of AMMONIA_as_N
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.7068343 1.920362E-10 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 7.772144 6.020697E-19 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.3095011 0.097 0.106 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 4.913056 8.966761E-07 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis 2.958708 3.089322E-03 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 32.89207 7.204066E-08 4.605 5.991 Reject normality
Descriptive Statistics of ARSENIC_DISSOLVED
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
120 0.0500925 8.603882E-02 7.854234E-03 0.0008 0.32 0.3192
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 3 3/18/2008 4:44:53 PM
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of ARSENIC_DISSOLVED
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 -1.521754E-02 0.1154025 0.0025 0.072
75 -6.129446E-02 0.1614795 0.0017 0.23
80 -7.399861E-02 0.1741836 0.0016 0.25
90 -0.1091767 0.2093617 0.0012 0.31
95 -0.1396885 0.2398735 0.0008 0.32
99 -0.199322 0.299507
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of ARSENIC_DISSOLVED
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 4.250896E-02 0.0055
75 -2.316229E-02 0.0022
80 -3.846421E-02 0.002
90 -7.924492E-02 0.0016
95 -0.1133204 0.0011
99 -0.177827
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 4 3/18/2008 4:44:53 PM
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of ARSENIC_DISSOLVED
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 5.767604E-02 0.015
75 0.1233473 0.088
80 0.1386492 0.15
90 0.1794299 0.25
95 0.2135054 0.31
99 0.278012 0.32
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of ARSENIC_DISSOLVED
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.6033741 2.220446E-16 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 20.88974 0 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.3216895 0.074 0.08 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 6.38371 1.728484E-10 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis 3.240551 1.192991E-03 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 51.25292 7.42284E-12 4.605 5.991 Reject normality
Descriptive Statistics of ARSENIC_TOTAL
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
83 3.778138E-02 7.249466E-02 7.957323E-03 0.00054 0.31 0.30946
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 5 3/18/2008 4:44:53 PM
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of ARSENIC_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 -1.876502E-02 9.432779E-02 0.00205 0.046
75 -0.0586591 0.1342219 0.001 0.12
80 -6.965855E-02 0.1452213 0.001 0.29
90 -0.1001163 0.175679 0.00087 0.3
95 -0.1265338 0.2020966
99 -0.1781654 0.2537282
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of ARSENIC_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 3.009364E-02 0.0034
75 -2.676643E-02 0.0019
80 -3.986412E-02 0.0016
90 -7.485134E-02 0.001
95 -0.104149 0.00054
99 -0.1597028
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 6 3/18/2008 4:44:54 PM
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of ARSENIC_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 4.546913E-02 0.015
75 0.1023292 0.0535
80 0.1154269 0.082
90 0.1504141 0.29
95 0.1797118 0.3
99 0.2352656 0.31
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of ARSENIC_TOTAL
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.5321965 7.771561E-15 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 14.01261 2.542636E-33 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.2916785 0.089 0.097 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 6.884143 5.813572E-12 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis 4.794723 1.629E-06 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 70.3808 5.551115E-16 4.605 5.991 Reject normality
Descriptive Statistics of BARIUM_TOTAL
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
83 0.152706 0.1242616 1.363948E-02 0.04 0.85 0.81
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 7 3/18/2008 4:44:54 PM
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of BARIUM_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 5.578104E-02 0.249631 0.069 0.21
75 -1.260056E-02 0.3180126 0.054 0.33
80 -3.145448E-02 0.3368665 0.0485 0.36
90 -8.366142E-02 0.3890735 0.0413 0.58
95 -0.1289432 0.4343552
99 -0.2174437 0.5228558
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of BARIUM_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 0.1395286 0.096
75 4.206599E-02 0.064
80 1.961552E-02 0.061
90 -4.035534E-02 0.045
95 -9.057388E-02 0.04
99 -0.1857974
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 8 3/18/2008 4:44:54 PM
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of BARIUM_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 0.1658834 0.14
75 0.263346 0.22
80 0.2857965 0.23
90 0.3457674 0.36
95 0.3959859 0.58
99 0.4912095 0.85
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of BARIUM_TOTAL
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.7236115 3.333323E-11 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 5.261828 5.487673E-13 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.1753913 0.089 0.097 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 6.888511 5.637935E-12 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis 5.439145 5.353692E-08 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 77.03587 0 4.605 5.991 Reject normality
Descriptive Statistics of CADMIUM_TOTAL
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
78 9.851923E-05 1.183473E-04 1.340019E-05 0.00002 0.00074 0.00072
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 9 3/18/2008 4:44:54 PM
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of CADMIUM_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 5.722765E-06 1.913157E-04 0.000028 0.00014
75 -5.974612E-05 2.567846E-04 0.00002 0.00029
80 -7.779695E-05 2.748354E-04 0.00002 0.00035
90 -1.277801E-04 3.248186E-04 0.00002 0.00042
95 -1.711331E-04 3.681715E-04
99 -2.55864E-04 4.529025E-04
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of CADMIUM_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 8.557137E-05 0.00004
75 -7.736313E-06 0.000028
80 -2.918422E-05 0.000028
90 -8.650149E-05 0.00002
95 -1.34517E-04 0.00002
99 -2.255908E-04
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 10 3/18/2008 4:44:54 PM
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of CADMIUM_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 1.114671E-04 0.000068
75 2.047748E-04 0.00016
80 2.262227E-04 0.00019
90 2.835399E-04 0.00035
95 3.315555E-04 0.00042
99 4.226293E-04 0.00074
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of CADMIUM_TOTAL
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.6494784 2.363443E-12 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 8.690326 4.219107E-21 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.2514188 0.092 0.1 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 6.712272 1.916156E-11 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis 5.182066 2.194409E-07 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 71.90841 2.220446E-16 4.605 5.991 Reject normality
Descriptive Statistics of CHROMIUM_TOTAL
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
95 1.286432E-02 0.0218738 2.244204E-03 0.00082 0.12 0.11918
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 11 3/18/2008 4:44:54 PM
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of CHROMIUM_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 -0.0040159 2.974453E-02 0.0021 0.011
75 -1.592507E-02 0.0416537 0.001 0.05
80 -1.920862E-02 4.493725E-02 0.001 0.05
90 -2.830085E-02 5.402948E-02 0.00082 0.1
95 -3.618701E-02 6.191564E-02 0.00082 0.12
99 -5.160005E-02 7.732868E-02
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of CHROMIUM_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 1.069668E-02 0.00365
75 -6.277803E-03 0.0019
80 -1.020517E-02 0.0012
90 -2.068681E-02 0.001
95 -2.945668E-02 0.00082
99 -4.607541E-02
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 12 3/18/2008 4:44:54 PM
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of CHROMIUM_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 1.503195E-02 0.0068
75 3.200644E-02 0.012
80 0.0359338 0.018
90 4.641544E-02 0.05
95 5.518531E-02 0.083
99 7.180405E-02 0.12
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of CHROMIUM_TOTAL
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.5517121 1.44329E-15 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 16.58382 4.631624E-39 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.3473386 0.083 0.09 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 7.225121 5.007106E-13 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis 5.126832 2.946574E-07 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 78.48678 0 4.605 5.991 Reject normality
Descriptive Statistics of LEAD_TOTAL
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
91 2.471242E-03 7.044736E-03 7.38489E-04 0.000077 0.058 0.057923
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 13 3/18/2008 4:44:54 PM
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of LEAD_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 -2.983268E-03 7.925752E-03 0.000185 0.0012
75 -6.831483E-03 1.177397E-02 0.00009 0.0089
80 -7.892498E-03 1.283498E-02 0.000083 0.011
90 -1.083047E-02 1.577296E-02 0.000077 0.0245
95 -1.337873E-02 1.832121E-02
99 -1.835915E-02 2.330163E-02
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of LEAD_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 1.757895E-03 0.00057
75 -3.727045E-03 0.00018
80 -4.99434E-03 0.00015
90 -8.37753E-03 0.000077
95 -1.120894E-02 0.000077
99 -1.657547E-02
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 14 3/18/2008 4:44:55 PM
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of LEAD_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 3.184588E-03 0.00081
75 8.669528E-03 0.0019
80 9.936824E-03 0.003
90 1.332001E-02 0.011
95 1.615142E-02 0.0245
99 2.151796E-02 0.058
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of LEAD_TOTAL
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.3328668 0 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 21.16308 0 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.3737992 0.085 0.092 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 9.840299 0 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis 7.259788 3.876899E-13 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 149.536 0 4.605 5.991 Reject normality
Descriptive Statistics of MERCURY_TOTAL
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
17 2.533835E-05 3.075531E-05 7.459259E-06 6.7E-08 0.000061 6.0933E-05
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 15 3/18/2008 4:44:55 PM
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of MERCURY_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 -5.062092E-06 5.57388E-05 8.5E-08 0.000061
75 -2.650993E-05 7.718663E-05
80 -3.242344E-05 8.310015E-05
90 -4.879811E-05 9.947481E-05
95 -6.300068E-05 1.136774E-04
99 -9.075883E-05 1.414355E-04
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of MERCURY_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 1.807198E-05 0.0000005
75 -1.219825E-05 6.7E-08
80 -1.867043E-05 6.7E-08
90 -3.622489E-05
95 -5.112747E-05
99 -7.967265E-05
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 16 3/18/2008 4:44:55 PM
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of MERCURY_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 3.260473E-05 0.000061
75 6.287495E-05 0.000061
80 6.934714E-05 0.000061
90 8.690159E-05 0.000061
95 1.018042E-04 0.000061
99 1.303494E-04 0.000061
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of MERCURY_TOTAL
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.6349086 2.312498E-05 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 3.015872 1.438151E-07 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.3785783 0.19 0.207 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 0.7523745 0.4518259 1.645 1.96 Can't reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis 22.83314 0 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 521.9185 0 4.605 5.991 Reject normality
Descriptive Statistics of NICKEL_TOTAL
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
74 9.32973E-03 1.211365E-02 1.408183E-03 0.0012 0.063 0.0618
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 17 3/18/2008 4:44:55 PM
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of NICKEL_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 -2.124396E-04 0.0188719 0.0042 0.0086
75 -6.944541E-03 0.025604 0.002 0.018
80 -8.80069E-03 2.746015E-02 0.002 0.05
90 -1.394041E-02 3.259987E-02 0.0012 0.063
95 -1.839835E-02 3.705781E-02
99 -2.711115E-02 4.577061E-02
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of NICKEL_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 7.968924E-03 0.0052
75 -1.625396E-03 0.0034
80 -3.826716E-03 0.002
90 -9.711699E-03 0.0018
95 -1.464333E-02 0.0012
99 -0.0239999
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 18 3/18/2008 4:44:55 PM
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of NICKEL_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 1.069054E-02 0.0078
75 2.028486E-02 0.009
80 2.248618E-02 0.011
90 2.837116E-02 0.05
95 3.330279E-02 0.062
99 4.265936E-02 0.063
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of NICKEL_TOTAL
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.4971725 1.64313E-14 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 12.97393 5.677285E-31 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.341158 0.094 0.102 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 7.201506 5.955236E-13 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis 5.250154 1.51972E-07 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 79.4258 0 4.605 5.991 Reject normality
Descriptive Statistics of SELENIUM_TOTAL
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
28 2.95816E-03 7.131475E-03 1.347722E-03 9.9E-07 0.031 3.099901E-02
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 19 3/18/2008 4:44:55 PM
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of SELENIUM_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 -3.387706E-03 9.304027E-03 0.000004 0.005
75 -7.864782E-03 0.0137811 9.9E-07 0.031
80 -9.099184E-03 0.0150155 9.9E-07 0.031
90 -1.251727E-02 1.843359E-02
95 -1.548196E-02 2.139828E-02
99 -2.127626E-02 2.719258E-02
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of SELENIUM_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 1.650829E-03 0.00002
75 -4.705186E-03 0.0000013
80 -6.103401E-03 0.0000013
90 -9.873496E-03
95 -1.305756E-02
99 -0.0191339
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 20 3/18/2008 4:44:55 PM
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of SELENIUM_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 4.265491E-03 0.00026
75 1.062151E-02 0.008
80 1.201972E-02 0.00835
90 1.578982E-02 0.031
95 1.897388E-02 0.031
99 2.505022E-02 0.031
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of SELENIUM_TOTAL
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.4811487 7.34293E-09 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 5.984597 1.030446E-14 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.3557337 0.151 0.164 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 4.922628 8.538948E-07 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis 3.988536 6.648237E-05 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 40.14069 1.921145E-09 4.605 5.991 Reject normality
Descriptive Statistics of SILVER_TOTAL
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
83 5.286747E-04 7.182818E-04 7.884167E-05 0.00003 0.005 0.00497
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 21 3/18/2008 4:44:55 PM
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of SILVER_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 -3.159071E-05 1.08894E-03 0.00016 0.00072
75 -4.268638E-04 1.484213E-03 0.00003 0.00072
80 -5.35847E-04 1.593196E-03 0.00003 0.00083
90 -8.376242E-04 1.894974E-03 0.00003 0.0028
95 -1.099371E-03 2.15672E-03
99 -1.61094E-03 2.668289E-03
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of SILVER_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 4.52504E-04 0.00032
75 -1.108692E-04 0.00016
80 -2.40642E-04 0.00016
90 -5.872977E-04 0.00003
95 -8.77581E-04 0.00003
99 -1.428011E-03
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 22 3/18/2008 4:44:55 PM
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of SILVER_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 6.048454E-04 0.00037
75 1.168219E-03 0.00072
80 1.297991E-03 0.00072
90 1.644647E-03 0.00083
95 1.93493E-03 0.0028
99 2.485361E-03 0.005
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of SILVER_TOTAL
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.5252632 5.995204E-15 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 11.15091 8.295496E-27 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.334738 0.089 0.097 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 8.078868 6.661338E-16 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis 6.143766 8.058749E-10 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 103.014 0 4.605 5.991 Reject normality
Descriptive Statistics of TOTAL_CYANIDE
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
39 1.523077E-02 2.219942E-02 3.554753E-03 0.0024 0.1 0.0976
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 23 3/18/2008 4:44:55 PM
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of TOTAL_CYANIDE
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 -3.540788E-03 3.400233E-02 0.0024 0.023
75 -1.678432E-02 4.724586E-02 0.0024 0.096
80 -2.043577E-02 5.089732E-02 0.0024 0.096
90 -3.054675E-02 6.100828E-02
95 -0.0393165 6.977804E-02
99 -0.0564565 8.691803E-02
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of TOTAL_CYANIDE
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 1.178859E-02 0.0043
75 -7.053488E-03 0.0024
80 -1.126615E-02 0.0024
90 -2.258749E-02 0.0024
95 -3.212056E-02
99 -5.027303E-02
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 24 3/18/2008 4:44:55 PM
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of TOTAL_CYANIDE
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 1.867294E-02 0.01
75 3.751503E-02 0.0351
80 4.172769E-02 0.039
90 5.304903E-02 0.096
95 0.0625821 0.1
99 8.073457E-02 0.1
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of TOTAL_CYANIDE
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.5782849 2.16527E-09 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 5.801126 2.821329E-14 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.3456857 0.129 0.14 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 5.219281 1.79619E-07 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis 4.068918 4.723202E-05 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 43.79699 3.087488E-10 4.605 5.991 Reject normality
Descriptive Statistics of ZINC_TOTAL
Standard Standard
Count Mean Deviation Error Minimum Maximum Range
74 0.0320554 8.250204E-02 9.590668E-03 0.0044 0.65 0.6456
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 25 3/18/2008 4:44:55 PM
Two-Sided 95% Tolerance Intervals of ZINC_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Parametric Nonparametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Upper Lower Upper
Between Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance Tolerance
Limits Limit Limit Limit Limit
50 -3.293313E-02 9.704394E-02 0.0049 0.023
75 -7.878323E-02 0.142894 0.0045 0.056
80 -9.142484E-02 0.1555357 0.0044 0.097
90 -0.1264298 0.1905406 0.0044 0.65
95 -0.1567913 0.2209021
99 -0.2161313 0.2802421
The parametric (normal-based) limits assume that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limits make no special distributional assumption.
Lower One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of ZINC_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Lower Lower
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 2.278741E-02 0.012
75 -4.255631E-02 0.0049
80 -5.754877E-02 0.0045
90 -9.762942E-02 0.0044
95 -0.1312171 0.0044
99 -0.1949416
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Tolerance Intervals Report
Page/Date/Time 26 3/18/2008 4:44:56 PM
Upper One-Sided 95% Tolerance Bounds of ZINC_TOTAL
Percent of Parametric Nonparametric
Population Upper Upper
Greater Than Tolerance Tolerance
Bound Bound Bound
50 0.0413234 0.02
75 0.1066671 0.025
80 0.1216596 0.034
90 0.1617402 0.097
95 0.1953279 0.29
99 0.2590524 0.65
The parametric (normal-based) limit assumes that the data follow the normal distribution.
The nonparametric (distribution-free) limit makes no special distributional assumption.
Normality Test Section of ZINC_TOTAL
Test Prob 10% Critical 5% Critical Decision
Test Name Value Level Value Value (5%)
Shapiro-Wilk W 0.3004601 0 Reject normality
Anderson-Darling 17.5965 2.71978E-41 Reject normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnov 0.3689761 0.094 0.102 Reject normality
D'Agostino Skewness 9.264422 0 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Kurtosis 6.898175 5.267342E-12 1.645 1.96 Reject normality
D'Agostino Omnibus 133.4144 0 4.605 5.991 Reject normality
Appendix D
Comparison of SSSLs to USEPA’s Draft Target Groundwater Concentrations
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Maximum Maximum Residential Aqueous Maximum Residential
Detected Detected Groundwater SSSL > Detected PCOI for
VOCs Detected Concentration Aqueous Concentration Indoor Air Res GW Concentration Indoor Air
in Groundwater Surrogates (1)(Site-Wide) SSSL > Aqueous SSSL?CAL (2)IA CAL? > Res GW IA CAL? (Site-Wide)
(Site-Wide) (mg/L) (mg/L) (Yes/No) (mg/L) (Yes/No) (Yes/No) (Yes/No)
Ammonia as N - 20000 0.029 Yes - No No No
Cyanide Total - 130 0.0015 Yes - No No No
Nitrate - 11700 32 Yes - No No No
Nitrate as N - 2600 32 Yes - No No No
Nitrite - 29.6 2 Yes - No No No
Acetone - 8 14 No 2.0E+04 No No No
Benzene - 1400 0.00046 Yes 1.1E-02 No Yes Yes
Bromobenzene - 0.0014 0.062 No - No No No
Bromodichloromethane - 0.00096 0.00013 Yes 1.2E-02 No No No
Bromomethane - 0.0079 0.0075 Yes - No No No
Butanone, 2- (MEK) - 1.2 5.6 No 3.1E+03 No No No
Carbon disulfide - 0.0014 0.81 No 3.3E+00 No No No
Carbon tetrachloride - 0.01 0.00046 Yes 3.0E-03 No Yes Yes
Chlorobenzene - 0.38 0.1 Yes 2.6E+00 No No No
Chloroethane - 0.017 21 No 6.6E+01 No No No
Chloroform - 0.26 0.00022 Yes 4.4E-03 No Yes Yes
Chloromethane - 0.01 0.19 No 1.1E+00 No No No
Chlorotoluene 2- - 0.0024 0.24 No - No No No
Chlorotoluene 4- - 0.0025 0.25 No - No No No
Cyclohexane - 0.05 13 No - No No No
Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2- (BDCP) - 0.0097 0.00000033 Yes - No No No
Dibromoethane (EDB) 1,2- - 0.000168 0.0000075 Yes 1.1E-03 No No No
Dichlorodifluoromethane - 0.0077 0.2 No 6.8E-02 Yes No No
Dichloroethane 1,2- - 0.035 0.00026 - 0.0052 Yes 1.2E-02 No Yes Yes
Dichloroethene (total), 1,2- Dichloroethene, cis-1,2- 0.49 0.036 Yes - No No No
Dichloroethene 1,1- - 0.098 0.28 No 1.2E+00 No No No
Dichloroethene, cis-1,2- - 0.42 0.07 Yes - No No No
Dichloroethene, trans-1,2- - 0.087 0.36 No - No No No
Dichloropropane 1,3- - 0.00037 0.37 No - No No No
Dichloropropane, 1,2- - 0.0001 0.00044 No 1.7E-02 No No No
Ethyl Ether - 0.22 3.9 No - No No No
Ethylbenzene - 3.8 0.7 Yes 3.0E-02 Yes Yes Yes
Hexanone 2- - 0.054 0.038 Yes - No No No
Isopropylbenzene - 0.1 0.45 No 9.7E-02 Yes Yes Yes
Isopropyltoluene 4- Isopropylbenzene 0.058 0.45 No 9.7E-02 Yes No No
Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) - 0.12 0.014 Yes 1.5E+00 No No No
Methyl-2-pentanone, 4- (MIBK) - 0.63 6.3 No 1.3E+03 No No No
Methylene Chloride - 14 0.011 Yes 1.5E+01 No No No
Table D-1
Identification of Site-Wide PCOIs in Groundwater for Potential Impacts to Indoor Air, Residential Scenario
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Maximum Maximum Residential Aqueous Maximum Residential
Detected Detected Groundwater SSSL > Detected PCOI for
VOCs Detected Concentration Aqueous Concentration Indoor Air Res GW Concentration Indoor Air
in Groundwater Surrogates (1)(Site-Wide) SSSL > Aqueous SSSL?CAL (2)IA CAL? > Res GW IA CAL? (Site-Wide)
(Site-Wide) (mg/L) (mg/L) (Yes/No) (mg/L) (Yes/No) (Yes/No) (Yes/No)
Table D-1
Identification of Site-Wide PCOIs in Groundwater for Potential Impacts to Indoor Air, Residential Scenario
n-Butylbenzene - 0.11 1 No - No No No
n-Propylbenzene - 0.22 0.66 No 2.5E+01 No No No
sec-Butylbenzene - 0.031 2 No - No No No
Styrene - 14 1.2 Yes 7.1E+01 No No No
tert-Butylbenzene - 0.019 0.69 No - No No No
Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2 - 0.0006 0.000076 Yes 1.3E-02 No No No
Tetrachloroethene - 0.4 0.011 Yes 1.3E-01 No Yes Yes
Toluene - 480 1.1 Yes 1.3E+02 No Yes Yes
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Dichloropropane, 1,3- 0.034 0.37 No - No No No
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3- - 0.02 0.007 Yes - No No No
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4- - 0.088 0.07 Yes 4.0E-01 No No No
Trichloroethane 1,1,2- - 0.0059 0.00027 - 0.0054 No 2.5E-02 Yes No No
Trichloroethane, 1,1,1- - 0.025 8 No 5.6E+01 No No No
Trichloroethene - 1.2 0.00016 - 0.0032 Yes 1.3E-02 No Yes Yes
Trichlorofluoromethane - 0.0027 5.2 No - No No No
Trichloropropane, 1,2,3- - 0.00094 0.00000075 Yes 7.7E-02 No No No
Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4- - 2.8 0.015 Yes 2.9E-01 No Yes Yes
Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5- - 1.5 0.12 Yes 2.9E-01 No Yes Yes
Vinyl Chloride - 0.096 0.00019 - 0.0038 Yes 3.1E-03 Yes Yes Yes
Xylene, m- - 1.416 0.19 Yes 3.0E+00 No No No
Xylene, m- & Xylene, p- - 1.416 0.19 Yes 3.0E+00 No No No
Xylene, o- - 8.5 0.19 Yes 3.4E+00 No Yes Yes
Xylene, p- - 1.447 0.19 Yes 2.7E+00 No No No
Xylenes (total) - 76 10 Yes 2.7E+00 Yes Yes Yes
Acetophenone - 17 1.9 Yes - No No No
Aniline - 27 0.013 Yes - No No No
Benzoic acid - 0.0248 75 No - No No No
Benzyl alcohol - 0.26 2 No - No No No
bis(2-Chloroethoxy) methane - 0.0024 0.059 No - No No No
bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether - 34 0.003 Yes 1.7E-02 No Yes Yes
bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate - 10 0.0056 Yes - No No No
Bromophenyl phenyl ether, 4- Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)Ether 0.0011 0.71 No - No No No
Butyl benzyl phthalate - 0.0011 0.016 No - No No No
Chloroaniline 4- - 4 0.00037 Yes - No No No
Chlorobenzilate - 0.0039 0.00031 Yes - No No No
Chloronaphthalene 2- - 0.0044 0.75 No - No No No
Chlorophenyl phenyl rther, 4- Bis(2-Chloroisopropyl)Ether 0.0013 0.71 No - No No No
Diallate - 0.304 0.00054 Yes - No No No
Dibenzofuran - 3.4 0.0079 Yes - No No No
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Maximum Maximum Residential Aqueous Maximum Residential
Detected Detected Groundwater SSSL > Detected PCOI for
VOCs Detected Concentration Aqueous Concentration Indoor Air Res GW Concentration Indoor Air
in Groundwater Surrogates (1)(Site-Wide) SSSL > Aqueous SSSL?CAL (2)IA CAL? > Res GW IA CAL? (Site-Wide)
(Site-Wide) (mg/L) (mg/L) (Yes/No) (mg/L) (Yes/No) (Yes/No) (Yes/No)
Table D-1
Identification of Site-Wide PCOIs in Groundwater for Potential Impacts to Indoor Air, Residential Scenario
Dichlorobenzene 1,2- - 0.0049 0.6 No 2.0E+01 No No No
Dichlorobenzene 1,3- Dichlorobenzene, 1,2 0.0035 0.3 No 2.0E+01 No No No
Dichlorobenzene 1,4- - 0.0052 0.075 No 2.1E-02 Yes No No
Diethyl phthalate - 0.0023 15 No - No No No
Dimethyl phthalate Diethylphthalate 0.0044 15 No - No No No
Dimethylphenol, 2,4- - 16.35 0.36 Yes - No No No
Dinitro-2-methylphenol, 4,6- - 0.419 0.006 Yes - No No No
Dinitrophenol, 2,4- - 0.04 0.039 Yes - No No No
Dinitrotoluene, 2,4- - 0.31 0.00024 Yes - No No No
Dioxane, 1,4- - - 0.00046 Yes - No No No
DI-n-Octyl phthalate - 0.0045 0.2 No - No No No
Diphenylamine - 0.039 0.31 No - No No No
Hexachlorobutadiene - 0.0036 0.00014 Yes 4.7E-03 No No No
Isophorone - 0.00031 0.078 No - No No No
Methylphenol 2- - 15 0.93 Yes - No No No
Methylphenol 4- - 0.012 1.9 No - No No No
3-Methylphenol & 4-Methylphenol m-Cresol 49 0.93 Yes - No No No
methylphenol, 4-Chloro-3- - 0.0038 1.4 No - No No No
Naphthylamine, 1- Naphthylamine, 2- 0.0061 0.000039 Yes - No No No
Nitroaniline 2- - 0.0012 0.19 No - No No No
Nitroaniline, 4- - 0.0086 0.0038 Yes - No No No
Nitrobenzene - 0.12 0.00014 Yes 1.0E-01 No Yes Yes
Nitrophenol, 2- Dinitrophenol, 2,4- 0.17 0.039 Yes - No No No
Nitrophenol, 4- Dinitrophenol, 2,4- 0.4 0.039 Yes - No No No
N-Nitrosodiethylamine - 0.15 0.00000017 Yes - No No No
N-Nitrosodimethylamine - 0.0013 0.00000011 Yes - No No No
N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine - 0.0058 0.0000027 Yes - No No No
N-Nitrosodi-n-propylamine - 0.0026 0.000011 Yes - No No No
N-Nitrosodiphenylamine - 0.0016 0.012 No - No No No
Pentachlorophenol - 0.026 0.000041 Yes - No No No
Phenol - 84.23 5.8 Yes - No No No
Picoline 2- Pyridine 110 0.02 Yes - No No No
Pyridine - 180 0.02 Yes - No No No
Tetrahydrofuran - 0.0097 3.4 No - No No No
Trichlorophenol 2,4,5- - 0.0015 1.2 No - No No No
Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6- - 0.126 0.0041 Yes - No No No
Acenaphthene - 8.6 0.53 Yes - No No No
Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene 8.8 0.53 Yes - No No No
Anthracene - 2.77 1.8 Yes - No No No
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Maximum Maximum Residential Aqueous Maximum Residential
Detected Detected Groundwater SSSL > Detected PCOI for
VOCs Detected Concentration Aqueous Concentration Indoor Air Res GW Concentration Indoor Air
in Groundwater Surrogates (1)(Site-Wide) SSSL > Aqueous SSSL?CAL (2)IA CAL? > Res GW IA CAL? (Site-Wide)
(Site-Wide) (mg/L) (mg/L) (Yes/No) (mg/L) (Yes/No) (Yes/No) (Yes/No)
Table D-1
Identification of Site-Wide PCOIs in Groundwater for Potential Impacts to Indoor Air, Residential Scenario
Benzo(a)anthracene - 1.4 0.0008 Yes - No No No
Benzo(a)pyrene - 1.1 0.0008 Yes - No No No
Benzo(b)fluoranthene - 1.5 0.0009 Yes - No No No
Benzo(ghi)perylene Pyrene 0.39 0.12 Yes - No No No
Benzo(k)fluoranthene - 1.3 0.00251 Yes - No No No
Chrysene - 1.2 0.0251 Yes - No No No
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene - 0.46 0.0009 Yes - No No No
Fluoranthene - 5.1 0.8 Yes - No No No
Fluorene - 4.5 0.29 Yes - No No No
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene - 0.54 0.0008 Yes - No No No
Methylnaphthalene, 2- - 34 0.036 Yes - No No No
Naphthalene - 1732 0.00017 Yes 2.2E-02 No Yes Yes
Phenanthrene Anthracene 5.4 1.8 Yes - No No No
Pyrene - 4.2 0.12 Yes - No No No
BaP Equivalent - 1.1 0.0008 Yes - No No No
Aluminum-Dissolved - 1.1 20 No - No No No
Arsenic-Dissolved - 16 0.000094 Yes - No No No
Barium-Dissolved - 2.7 3.8 No - No No No
Beryllium-Dissolved - 0.003 0.025 No - No No No
Cadmium-Dissolved - 0.0077 0.0092 No - No No No
Chromium-Dissolved - 0.174 22 No - No No No
Chromium, Hex-Dissolved - 0.002 0.035 No - No No No
Cobalt-Dissolved - 0.035 0.006 Yes - No No No
Iron-Dissolved - 18 14000 No - No No No
Lead-Dissolved - 1.1 0.015 Yes - No No No
Manganese-Dissolved - 3 0.43 Yes - No No No
Mercury-Dissolved - 0.012 0.002 Yes 1.6E-02 No No No
Nickel-Dissolved - 0.38 0.39 No - No No No
Selenium-Dissolved - 0.17 0.1 Yes - No No No
Silver-Dissolved - 0.0543 0.094 No - No No No
Thallium-Dissolved - 0.02 0.0005 Yes - No No No
Vanadium-Dissolved - 0.01 0.086 No - No No No
Zinc-Dissolved - 0.15 6 No - No No No
Aluminum-Total - 78 20 Yes - No No No
Antimony-Total - 0.021 0.0078 Yes - No No No
Arsenic-Total - 428 0.000094 Yes - No No No
Barium-Total - 11 3.8 Yes - No No No
Beryllium-Total - 0.02 0.025 No - No No No
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Maximum Maximum Residential Aqueous Maximum Residential
Detected Detected Groundwater SSSL > Detected PCOI for
VOCs Detected Concentration Aqueous Concentration Indoor Air Res GW Concentration Indoor Air
in Groundwater Surrogates (1)(Site-Wide) SSSL > Aqueous SSSL?CAL (2)IA CAL? > Res GW IA CAL? (Site-Wide)
(Site-Wide) (mg/L) (mg/L) (Yes/No) (mg/L) (Yes/No) (Yes/No) (Yes/No)
Table D-1
Identification of Site-Wide PCOIs in Groundwater for Potential Impacts to Indoor Air, Residential Scenario
Cadmium-Total - 0.2 0.0092 Yes - No No No
Chromium-Total - 3.9 22 No - No No No
Chromium, Hex-Total - 0.039 0.035 Yes - No No No
Cobalt-Total - 0.039 0.006 Yes - No No No
Iron-Total - 110 14000 No - No No No
Lead-Total - 2.7 0.015 Yes - No No No
Manganese-Total - 11 0.43 Yes - No No No
Mercury-Total - 0.013 0.002 Yes 1.6E-02 No No No
Nickel-Total - 1 0.39 Yes - No No No
Selenium-Total - 0.26 0.1 Yes - No No No
Silver-Total - 0.262 0.094 Yes - No No No
Thallium-Total - 0.013 0.0005 Yes - No No No
Vanadium-Total - 0.0103 0.086 No - No No No
Zinc-Total - 7.8 6 Yes - No No No
- - no value Res GW IA CAL - Residential groundwater indoor air corrective action level
> - greater than SSSL - Site-specific screening level
mg/L - milligrams per liter VOC - volatile organic compound
PCOI - preliminary chemicals of interest
(1) Surrogates are used as a source of toxicity values to derive screening levels when chemical-specific toxicity values are not readily available.
(2) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 2017a Johnson and Ettinger on-line model runs (See Appendix A).
The GW IA CALs are protective of a target cancer risk of 1E-06 and a target hazard quotient of 1.
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Maximum Maximum Commercial Aqueous Maximum Commercial
Detected Detected Groundwater SSSL > Detected PCOI for
VOCs Detected Concentration Aqueous Concentration Indoor Air Com GW Concentration >Indoor Air
in Groundwater Surrogates
(1)(Site-Wide) SSSL > Aqueous SSSL?CAL (2)IA CAL?Com GW IA CAL?(Site-Wide)
(Site-Wide) (mg/L) (mg/L) (Yes/No) (mg/L) (Yes/No) (Yes/No) (Yes/No)
Ammonia as N - 20000 0.029 Yes - No No No
Cyanide Total - 130 0.0015 Yes - No No No
Nitrate - 11700 32 Yes - No No No
Nitrate as N - 2600 32 Yes - No No No
Nitrite - 29.6 2 Yes - No No No
Benzene - 1400 0.00046 Yes 7.0E-02 No Yes Yes
Bromomethane - 0.0079 0.0075 Yes - No No No
Butanone, 2- (MEK)- 1.2 5.6 Yes 3.1E+04 No No No
Carbon tetrachloride - 0.01 0.00046 Yes 1.9E-02 No No No
Chlorobenzene - 0.38 0.1 Yes 1.7E+01 No No No
Chloroethane - 0.017 21 Yes 5.3E+02 No No No
Chloroform - 0.26 0.00022 Yes 3.0E-02 No Yes Yes
Chloromethane - 0.01 0.19 Yes 7.8E+00 No No No
Cyclohexane - 0.05 13 Yes - No No No
Dibromo-3-chloropropane, 1,2- (BDC - 0.0097 0.00000033 Yes - No No No
Dichlorodifluoromethane - 0.0077 0.2 Yes 4.4E-01 No No No
Dichloroethane 1,1-- 0.32 0.0028 Yes 3.7E-01 No No No
Dichloroethane 1,2-- 0.035 0.00026 - 0.0052 Yes 8.3E-02 No No No
Dichloroethene (total), 1,2-Dichloroethene, cis-1,2-0.49 0.036 Yes - No No No
Dichloroethene 1,1-- 0.098 0.28 Yes 8.1E+00 No No No
Dichloroethene, cis-1,2-- 0.42 0.07 Yes - No No No
Dichloroethene, trans-1,2-- 0.087 0.36 Yes - No No No
Ethyl Ether - 0.22 3.9 Yes - No No No
Ethylbenzene - 3.8 0.7 Yes 1.9E-01 No Yes Yes
Hexanone 2-- 0.054 0.038 Yes - No No No
Isopropylbenzene - 0.1 0.45 Yes 6.2E-01 No No No
Isopropyltoluene 4-Isopropylbenzene 0.058 0.45 Yes 6.2E-01 No No No
Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE)- 0.12 0.014 Yes 1.1E+01 No No No
Methyl-2-pentanone, 4- (MIBK)- 0.63 6.3 Yes 1.1E+04 No No No
Methylene Chloride - 14 0.011 Yes 1.1E+02 No No No
n-Butylbenzene - 0.11 1 Yes - No No No
n-Propylbenzene - 0.22 0.66 Yes - No No No
sec-Butylbenzene - 0.031 2 Yes - No No No
Styrene - 14 1.2 Yes - No No No
tert-Butylbenzene - 0.019 0.69 Yes - No No No
Tetrachloroethene - 0.4 0.011 Yes 8.3E-01 No No No
Toluene - 480 1.1 Yes - No No No
trans-1,3-Dichloropropene Dichloropropane, 1,3-0.034 0.37 Yes - No No No
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,3-- 0.02 0.007 Yes - No No No
Trichlorobenzene, 1,2,4-- 0.088 0.07 Yes 2.6E+00 No No No
Trichloroethane 1,1,2-- 0.0059 0.00027 - 0.0054 Yes 1.7E-01 No No No
Trichloroethane, 1,1,1-- 0.025 8 Yes 3.6E+02 No No No
Trichloroethene - 1.2 0.00016 - 0.0032 Yes 8.2E-02 No Yes Yes
Table D-2
Identification of Site-Wide PCOIs in Groundwater for Potential Impacts to Indoor Air, Industrial Worker Scenario
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Maximum Maximum Commercial Aqueous Maximum Commercial
Detected Detected Groundwater SSSL > Detected PCOI for
VOCs Detected Concentration Aqueous Concentration Indoor Air Com GW Concentration >Indoor Air
in Groundwater Surrogates
(1)(Site-Wide) SSSL > Aqueous SSSL?CAL (2)IA CAL?Com GW IA CAL?(Site-Wide)
(Site-Wide) (mg/L) (mg/L) (Yes/No) (mg/L) (Yes/No) (Yes/No) (Yes/No)
Table D-2
Identification of Site-Wide PCOIs in Groundwater for Potential Impacts to Indoor Air, Industrial Worker Scenario
Trimethylbenzene 1,2,4-- 2.8 0.015 Yes 1.9E+00 No Yes Yes
Trimethylbenzene 1,3,5-- 1.5 0.12 Yes 1.9E+00 No No No
Vinyl Chloride - 0.096 0.00019 - 0.0038 Yes 2.1E-02 No Yes Yes
Xylene, m-- 1.416 0.19 Yes 2.0E+01 No No No
Xylene, m- & Xylene, p-- 1.416 0.19 Yes 2.0E+01 No No No
Xylene, o-- 8.5 0.19 Yes 2.2E+01 No No No
Xylene, p-- 1.447 0.19 Yes 1.7E+01 No No No
Xylenes (total)- 76 10 Yes 1.7E+01 No Yes Yes
Acetophenone - 17 1.9 Yes - No No No
Aniline - 27 0.013 Yes - No No No
Benzoic acid - 0.0248 75 Yes - No No No
Benzyl alcohol - 0.26 2 Yes - No No No
bis(2-Chloroethyl) ether - 34 0.003 Yes 1.8E-01 No Yes Yes
bis(2-Ethylhexyl) phthalate - 10 0.0056 Yes - No No No
Chloroaniline 4-- 4 0.00037 Yes - No No No
Chlorobenzilate - 0.0039 0.00031 Yes - No No No
Chloronaphthalene 2-- 0.0044 0.75 Yes - No No No
Diallate - 0.304 0.00054 Yes - No No No
Dibenzofuran - 3.4 0.0079 Yes - No No No
Dichlorobenzene 1,2-- 0.0049 0.6 Yes 1.3E+02 No No No
Dichlorobenzene 1,4-- 0.0052 0.075 Yes 1.4E-01 No No No
Dimethyl phthalate Diethylphthalate 0.0044 15 Yes - No No No
Dimethylphenol, 2,4-- 16.35 0.36 Yes - No No No
Dinitro-2-methylphenol, 4,6-- 0.419 0.006 Yes - No No No
Dinitrophenol, 2,4-- 0.04 0.039 Yes - No No No
Dinitrotoluene, 2,4-- 0.31 0.00024 Yes - No No No
Dioxane, 1,4-- - 0.00046 Yes - No No No
DI-n-Octyl phthalate - 0.0045 0.2 Yes - No No No
Diphenylamine - 0.039 0.31 Yes - No No No
Methylphenol 2-- 15 0.93 Yes - No No No
Methylphenol 4-- 0.012 1.9 Yes - No No No
3-Methylphenol & 4-Methylpheno m-Cresol 49 0.93 Yes - No No No
Naphthylamine, 1-Naphthylamine, 2-0.0061 0.000039 Yes - No No No
Nitroaniline, 4-- 0.0086 0.0038 Yes - No No No
Nitrobenzene - 0.12 0.00014 Yes 1.1E+00 No No No
Nitrophenol, 2-Dinitrophenol, 2,4-0.17 0.039 Yes - No No No
Nitrophenol, 4-Dinitrophenol, 2,4-0.4 0.039 Yes - No No No
N-Nitrosodiethylamine - 0.15 0.00000017 Yes - No No No
N-Nitrosodi-n-butylamine - 0.0058 0.0000027 Yes - No No No
Pentachlorophenol - 0.026 0.000041 Yes - No No No
Phenol - 84.23 5.8 Yes - No No No
Picoline 2- Pyridine 110 0.02 Yes - No No No
Pyridine - 180 0.02 Yes - No No No
Tetrahydrofuran - 0.0097 3.4 Yes - No No No
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Maximum Maximum Commercial Aqueous Maximum Commercial
Detected Detected Groundwater SSSL > Detected PCOI for
VOCs Detected Concentration Aqueous Concentration Indoor Air Com GW Concentration >Indoor Air
in Groundwater Surrogates
(1)(Site-Wide) SSSL > Aqueous SSSL?CAL (2)IA CAL?Com GW IA CAL?(Site-Wide)
(Site-Wide) (mg/L) (mg/L) (Yes/No) (mg/L) (Yes/No) (Yes/No) (Yes/No)
Table D-2
Identification of Site-Wide PCOIs in Groundwater for Potential Impacts to Indoor Air, Industrial Worker Scenario
Trichlorophenol, 2,4,6-- 0.126 0.0041 Yes - No No No
Acenaphthene - 8.6 0.53 Yes - No No No
Acenaphthylene Acenaphthene 8.8 0.53 Yes - No No No
Anthracene - 2.77 1.8 Yes - No No No
Benzo(a)anthracene - 1.4 0.0008 Yes - No No No
Benzo(a)pyrene - 1.1 0.0008 Yes - No No No
Benzo(b)fluoranthene - 1.5 0.0009 Yes - No No No
Benzo(ghi)perylene Pyrene 0.39 0.12 Yes - No No No
Benzo(k)fluoranthene - 1.3 0.00251 Yes - No No No
Chrysene - 1.2 0.0251 Yes - No No No
Dibenz(a,h)anthracene - 0.46 0.0009 Yes - No No No
Fluoranthene - 5.1 0.8 Yes - No No No
Fluorene - 4.5 0.29 Yes - No No No
Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene - 0.54 0.0008 Yes - No No No
Methylnaphthalene, 2-- 34 0.036 Yes - No No No
Naphthalene - 1732 0.00017 Yes 1.6E-01 No Yes Yes
Phenanthrene Anthracene 5.4 1.8 Yes - No No No
Pyrene - 4.2 0.12 Yes - No No No
BaP Equivalent - 1.1 0.0008 Yes - No No No
Aluminum-Dissolved - 1.1 20 Yes - No No No
Arsenic-Dissolved - 16 0.000094 Yes - No No No
Barium-Dissolved - 2.7 3.8 Yes - No No No
Cobalt-Dissolved - 0.035 0.006 Yes - No No No
Lead-Dissolved - 1.1 0.015 Yes - No No No
Manganese-Dissolved - 3 0.43 Yes - No No No
Mercury-Dissolved - 0.012 0.002 Yes 9.7E-02 No No No
Selenium-Dissolved - 0.17 0.1 Yes - No No No
Thallium-Dissolved - 0.02 0.0005 Yes - No No No
Aluminum-Total - 78 20 Yes - No No No
Antimony-Total - 0.021 0.0078 Yes - No No No
Arsenic-Total - 428 0.000094 Yes - No No No
Barium-Total - 11 3.8 Yes - No No No
Cadmium-Total - 0.2 0.0092 Yes - No No No
Chromium, Hex-Total - 0.039 0.035 Yes - No No No
Cobalt-Total - 0.039 0.006 Yes - No No No
Lead-Total - 2.7 0.015 Yes - No No No
Manganese-Total - 11 0.43 Yes - No No No
Mercury-Total - 0.013 0.002 Yes 9.7E-02 No No No
Nickel-Total - 1 0.39 Yes - No No No
Selenium-Total - 0.26 0.1 Yes - No No No
Silver-Total - 0.262 0.094 Yes - No No No
Thallium-Total - 0.013 0.0005 Yes - No No No
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Maximum Maximum Commercial Aqueous Maximum Commercial
Detected Detected Groundwater SSSL > Detected PCOI for
VOCs Detected Concentration Aqueous Concentration Indoor Air Com GW Concentration >Indoor Air
in Groundwater Surrogates
(1)(Site-Wide) SSSL > Aqueous SSSL?CAL (2)IA CAL?Com GW IA CAL?(Site-Wide)
(Site-Wide) (mg/L) (mg/L) (Yes/No) (mg/L) (Yes/No) (Yes/No) (Yes/No)
Table D-2
Identification of Site-Wide PCOIs in Groundwater for Potential Impacts to Indoor Air, Industrial Worker Scenario
Zinc-Total - 7.8 6 Yes - No No No
- - no value Com GW IA CAL - commercial groundwater indoor air corrective action level
> - greater than SSSL - Site-specific screening level
mg/L - milligrams per liter VOC - volatile organic compound
PCOI - preliminary chemicals of interest
(1) Surrogates are used as a source of toxicity values to derive screening levels when chemical-specific toxicity values are not readily available
(2) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) 2017a Johnson and Ettinger on-line model runs (See Appendix A).
The GW IA CALs are protective of a target cancer risk of 1E-06 and a target hazard quotient of 1.
Appendix E
Calculation of CALs for Lead
Calculation of Risk-Based CALs for Lead
E.1 Introduction
The federal Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for lead of 0.015 milligrams per liter
(mg/L) (USEPA 2009) is an action level considered protective for domestic exposures
where people intentionally ingest large quantities of drinking water each day (e.g., 2 liters
(L)/day). However, shallow groundwater at the Site will not be used for domestic or
industrial purposes. Instead, direct exposure to groundwater at the Site is limited to
incidental ingestion of 0.005 L/day of groundwater for 45 days/year by
construction/utility workers and incidental ingestion of 0.05 L/day of surface water
potentially impacted by groundwater for 10 days/year by adolescent recreators.
Therefore, lead concentrations in groundwater protective of exposures of
construction/utility workers and adolescent recreators at the Site would logically be much
higher than 0.015 mg/L. Therefore, risk-based Corrective Action Levels (CALs) were
calculated that are protective of construction/utility workers and adolescent recreators
exposed to lead in groundwater.
E.2 Construction/Utility Workers
A site-specific risk-based CAL for lead in groundwater of 20 milligrams per liter (mg/L)
was calculated for construction/utility workers based on potential direct exposure to
groundwater in a trench. The risk-based CAL was calculated using the methodology in
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (USEPA’s) Adult Lead Methodology model
(ALM) (USEPA 2017a), modified for exposure to lead in water. Table E-1 shows
parameter values used to calculate the risk-based CAL for construction/utility workers.
Standard USEPA (2017a) default parameter values were used for fetal/maternal blood
lead ratio (Rfetal/maternal), 95th percentile blood lead concentration in fetus (PbBfetal,0.95,goal ),
and biokinetic slope factor (BKSF). USEPA (2017b) guidance recommends using a
geometric standard deviation (GSDi) of 1.8 (unitless) and a baseline blood lead (PbB0) of
0.6 micrograms per deciliter (µg/dL). Additional information on derivation of parameter
values for construction workers is discussed below.
The site-specific RME groundwater ingestion rate (IRw) of 0.005 L/day was used, based
on (1) incidental ingestion of 0.005 L/hour from accidental splashing or hand-to-face
contact while working and (2) an exposure time to groundwater in a trench of 1 hour/day.
The USEPA (2003a) default absorption fraction for soluble lead in adults (AFsoluble) of
0.2 was used for oral absorption of lead in groundwater (AFw). The site-specific RME
frequency of exposure to groundwater (EFw) of 45 days/year was used. The averaging
time (AT) was calculated using the following equation to account for short-term exposure
per USEPA lead guidance (USEPA, 2003b and 2016).
Equation 1:
ܣݒ݁ݎܽ݃݅݊݃ ܶ݅݉݁ ሺܣܶሻ 90 ݀ܽݕݏ
ݕ݁ܽݎ ൌ 7 ݀ܽݕݏ
ݓ݁݁݇ ൈ 4.3 ݓ݁݁݇ݏ
݉݊ݐ݄ ൈ 3 ݉݊ݐ݄ݏ
The ALM predicted that fetuses of construction/utility workers exposed to 18 mg/L of
lead in groundwater at the Site would have a 5% probability of exceeding the 10 µg/dL
blood lead level (BLL) threshold. For the former Geneva facility, a fetal lead blood
(PbBfetal,0.95,goal) of 10 µg/dL was used as the target criterion to limit the risk to no more
than a 5 percent chance of a fetus in a pregnant female worker having a BLL above 10
µg/dL (USEPA 2017c)..
E.3 Adolescent Recreators
Two site-specific risk-based CALs for lead in groundwater (7 and 33 mg/L) were
calculated for adolescent recreators (7-18 years of age) potentially exposed to lead via
direct exposure to surface water impacted by groundwater at the Site. The exposure
frequency to surface water for adolescent recreators of 2 days/month for 5 months does
not meet the USEPA minimum requirement for evaluating lead exposures of at least 1
day/week for 13 weeks (USEPA 2003b and 2016). Therefore, exposure frequency and
duration for adolescent recreators were adjusted to 1 day/week for at least 5 months for
calculation of the risk-based CALs for lead. Because the CALs for lead are protective for
adolescent recreators exposed for 1 day/week for at least 5 months, the CALs are also
protective for the site-specific exposure frequency of 2 days/month for 5 months.
Equation 2:
ܴ݁ܿݎ݁ܽݐݎ ܧݔݏݑݎ݁ ܨݎ݁ݍݑ݁݊ܿݕ ሺܧܨሻ 22 ݀ܽݕݏ
ݕ݁ܽݎ ൌ 1 ݀ܽݕ
ݓ݁݁݇ ൈ 4.3 ݓ݁݁݇ݏ
݉݊ݐ݄ ൈ 5 ݉݊ݐ݄ݏ
The following equation was used to calculate the AT for the recreator to adjust the lead
model for short-term exposure (USEPA, 2003b and 2016):
Equation 3:
ܣݒ݁ݎܽ݃݅݊݃ ܶ݅݉݁ ሺܣܶሻ 151 ݀ܽݕݏ
ݕ݁ܽݎ ൌ 7 ݀ܽݕݏ
ݓ݁݁݇ ൈ 4.3 ݓ݁݁݇ݏ
݉݊ݐ݄ ൈ 5 ݉݊ݐ݄ݏ
USEPA does not have a lead model for evaluating risk to adolescents. Therefore, risk-
based CALs for adolescent recreators were calculated using (1) USEPA’s ALM and (2)
USEPA’s Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic (IEUBK) model. USEPA’s ALM is
protective of adults and of fetuses in pregnant adults (USEPA 2017a), and would
therefore be protective of older adolescent recreators at the Site. However, USEPA’s
ALM may not be protective of younger adolescent recreators. Therefore, a risk-based
CAL was also calculated for adolescent recreators using USEPA’s IEUBK model
(USEPA 2010) which is intended to be protective of young children 0-6 years of age.
E.3.1 ALM
A site-specific risk-based CAL of 65 mg/L for lead in groundwater for adolescent
recreators was calculated using the methodology in USEPA’s ALM (USEPA 2017a),
modified for exposure to lead in water. Table E-1 shows parameter values used to
calculate this risk-based CAL. Standard USEPA (2017a) default parameter values were
used for Rfetal/maternal, PbBfetal,0.95,goal, and BKSF. USEPA (2017b) guidance recommends
using a GSDi of 1.8 (unitless) and a PbB0 of 0.6 µg/dL. Additional information on
derivation of parameter values is discussed below.
The site-specific RME surface water ingestion rate of 0.05 L/day was used, based on (1)
USEPA’s (2011) incidental ingestion rate of 0.05 L/hour for swimming and (2) a site-
specific exposure time of 1 hour/day. The USEPA default AFw of 0.2 was used (USEPA
2003a). The site-specific EFw of 22 days/year and an AT of 151 days/year was calculated
(see Equations 2 and 3) to represent the recreational exposure period of May through
The ALM predicted that fetuses of adolescent recreators exposed to 6 mg/L of lead in
surface water at the Site would have a 5% probability of exceeding the 10 µg/dL BLL
threshold. For the former Geneva facility, a fetal lead blood (PbBfetal,0.95,goal) of 10 µg/dL
was used as the target criterion (USEPA 2017c).The risk-based CAL of 6 mg/L for
adolescent recreators was multiplied by 10 to account for a 10-fold dilution of lead in
groundwater entering surface water; the final risk-based surface water CAL for the
adolescent recreator is 65 mg/L.
E.3.2 IEUBK Model
A site-specific risk-based CAL of 26 mg/L for lead in groundwater for adolescent
recreators was calculated using the IEUBK model (USEPA 2010). Default IEUBK
parameter values (USEPA 2010) were used for all parameters except those discussed
A central tendency water ingestion rate of 0.05 L/day was used (USEPA, 2011). The
exposure frequency was 1 day/week.
IEUBK default model values for average ingestion of lead in the diet are shown in Table
E-3 below. These values were based on average lead concentrations measured in foods
collected as part of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Total Diet Studies
between the end of 1986 and the end of 1987 (USEPA 1994a). There is evidence that
dietary lead intake in the U.S. has fallen markedly since the late 1980s. USEPA Region 8
has used more recent dietary lead data from the Total Diet Studies reported by Gunderson
(1995) and Bolger et al. (1996) to develop modified dietary intakes (Table E-3) that were
used in the risk assessment for the Sandy, Utah site (Griffin 1997). These updated
dietary lead intake values have also been used to evaluate risk to human health from lead
in soil at the Douglas, Bisbee, and Orphan Mine sites in Arizona and the Malmstrom
AFB and Walkerville Residential sites in Montana. The updated values for dietary lead
intake recommended by USEPA Region 8 were used in the IEUBK model for calculating
the risk-based CAL for adolescent recreators.
Table E-3
Dietary Lead Intake Values
Region 8
6-11 months 2.26 1.82
1-2 years 1.96 1.90
2-3 years 2.13 1.87
3-4 years 2.04 1.80
4-5 years 1.95 1.73
5-6 years 2.05 1.83
6-7 years 2.22 2.02
For IEUBK model calculations, ingestion of lead in surface water at the Site was
accounted for by inputting the time-weighted average daily lead intake into the “Alternate
Source Intake” menu. The time-weighted average daily lead intake is based on the
following equation:
Equation 4
ܣܦܫ௧௪ ൌܹܫܴൈܧܨ௧ ൈܥܣܮ௦௪
Parameter Term Value Units
ADItw Average Daily Lead Intake,
time-weighted Modeled micrograms per day
WIR Surface Water Ingestion
Rate 0.05 Liters/day (L/day)
EFfraction Fraction of days of
exposure 1/7 (days/days)
CALsw Corrective Action Level,
surface water 26 micrograms per
liter (µg/L)
Derivation of the time-weighted average daily lead intake value of 20 µg/day was
iterative, that is, time-weighted average daily lead intake values were input into the
Alternate Lead Intake menu of the IEUBK model until the desired blood lead distribution
was achieved. The IEUBK model predicted that adolescent recreators with (1) a time-
weighted average daily lead intake of 20 µg/day from exposure to lead in surface water at
the Site and (2) exposure to background levels of lead in soil (at the home), drinking
water, diet, and air would have an approximate 5% probability of exceeding the 10 µg/dL
blood lead level of concern (see Attachment E.1, IEUBK Model Output).
A CALsw of 28 mg/L was back calculated using Equation 5.
Equation 5
Parameter Term Value Units
CALsw Corrective Action Level,
surface water 28 (mg/L)
ADItw Average Daily Lead
Intake, time-weighted 20 (µg/day)
WIR Surface Water Ingestion
Rate 0.05 (L/day)
EFfraction Fraction of days of
exposure 1 day/7 days (days/days)
CF Unit Conversion Factor 0.001 milligram per microgram
DF Dilution Factor 10 (unitless)
A dilution factor of 10 was used to account for a 10-fold dilution of lead in groundwater
entering surface water.
E.4 Uncertainty in Calculating Risk-Based CALs for Lead
Uncertainties in the assumptions used to derive the CALs could result in an
overestimation or underestimation of the CALs for lead. However, conservative (health
protective) assumptions were used in the ALM and IEUBK model so as not to
overestimate the CALs. Therefore, the risk-based CALs for lead are protective of human
health despite the inherent uncertainties in the process.
E.4.1 Risk-Based CALs for Construction Workers
The risk-based CAL of 18 mg/L for construction/utility workers was calculated using
standard USEPA methodology for evaluating adult exposures to lead (USEPA 2017a).
Therefore, the CAL of 18 mg/L is protective of potential exposure of construction/utility
workers to groundwater in a trench. However, it is unlikely that construction/utility
workers at the Site will have significant direct exposure to groundwater in a trench due to
Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements and the common
practice of eliminating the accumulation of groundwater in a trench in which workers are
E.4.2 Risk-Based CALs for Adolescent Recreators
USEPA does not have a lead model for evaluating risk to adolescents. Therefore, risk-
based CALs for adolescent recreators of 65 and 28 mg/L were calculated using the ALM
and IEUBK model, respectively. There is uncertainty in using (1) a model protective of
adults and fetuses and (2) a model protective of young children (0-6 years of age) to
derive CALs for adolescent recreators, 7-18 years of age. However, conservative
assumptions were used in the ALM and IEUBK model that may overestimate blood lead
levels in adolescent recreators.
E.4.2.1 ALM
The EFw of 1 day/week used in the ALM to calculate the risk-based CALs of 28 mg/L
represents a higher rate of exposure than 2 days/month for 5 months for adolescent
recreators. The use of a higher EF in the ALM may have contributed to an overestimation
of blood lead levels in adolescent recreators.
USEPA (2017b) updated the PbB0 and GSDi parameters for the ALM model based on
2009 to 2014 National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) PbB data
using PbB data for U.S. women ages 17 to 45 years.
USEPA (2017d) reported that empirical data on BKSF appear similar for young children
and adults, but that uncertainty arises when applying a similar estimate for adolescence
(Mahaffey et al., 1998). The use of a BKSF for adults in the ALM may have contributed
to an overestimation or underestimation of blood lead levels in adolescent recreators.
E.4.2.2 IEUBK Model
The EFw of 1 day/week used to calculate the risk-based CAL of 28 mg/L represents a
higher rate of exposure than 2 days/month for 5 months for adolescent recreators. The
use of a higher EF in the IEUBK may have contributed to an overestimation of blood lead
levels in adolescent recreators.
The IEUBK default value for lead in background (residential) soil of 200 mg/kg (USEPA
2010) was used in the calculation of the risk-based CAL for adolescent recreators. The
default 200 mg/kg concentration of lead in residential soil is based on the high-end of a
plausible background range of 75-200 mg/kg for lead in soil and dust in urban areas
(USEPA 1994b). The 200 mg/kg concentration used in the IEUBK model to calculate
the risk-based CAL for adolescent recreators may overestimate soil lead concentrations at
off-site residences in the vicinity of the Site. For example, the 95% upper tolerance limit
(UTL) background concentration of lead in soil at the Site is only 16.6 mg/kg. The
assumption that lead is present in residential soil at a concentration of 200 mg/kg may
have contributed to an overestimation of blood lead levels in adolescent recreators.
The uptake of lead in soil (30%), drinking water (50%), surface water (50%), and the diet
(50%) for young children (0-6 years of age) assumed in the IEUBK model is higher than
typically reported for older receptors. For example, uptake of lead in soil in adults is only
12% (USEPA 2003a) and uptake of soluble lead in drinking water in non-fasted adults is
reported to range from 20 to 25% (USEPA 2003a). However, USEPA (2017d) reported
that the lead uptake may be higher in adolescents than in adults. The lead uptake rates
based on young children used in the IEUBK model to derive the risk-based CAL are
likely protective of lead uptake by adolescent recreators.
Adolescent recreators (7-18 years of age) would likely take in more air, drinking water,
and food than assumed in the IEUBK model for young children (0-6 years of age).
However, adolescent recreators would also have higher body weights and blood volume
than young children. Therefore, the use of intake values for air, drinking water, and food
based on young children (0-6 years of age) probably did not significantly impact the
calculation of the risk-based CAL for adolescent recreators.
USEPA (2017b) recommends updating the mother’s PbB concentration at childbirth from
1 µg/dL to 0.6 µg/dL in the IEUBK model based on 2009 to 2014 NHANES survey data.
The Technical Working Group reports that PbB concentrations continue to decline in the
U.S. population; the statistical approach for addressing non-detects was updated to reduce
the level of uncertainty associated with estimating PbB0, GSD, and maternal PbB. Lower
detection limits and lower rates of non-detects removed a “considerable source of
uncertainty” that was present in previous estimates of the geometric mean (USEPA,
USEPA (2017d) reported that empirical data on BKSF appear similar for young children
and adults, but that uncertainty arises when applying a similar estimate for adolescence
(Mahaffey et al. 1998). The use of a BKSF for young children in the IEUBK model may
have contributed to an overestimation or underestimation of blood lead levels in
adolescent recreators.
E.5 Conclusions
Site-specific risk-based CALs were calculated that are protective of construction/utility
workers and adolescent recreators exposed to lead from groundwater at the Site. A risk-
based CAL for lead in groundwater of 18 mg/L for construction/utility workers was
calculated using the USEPA’s ALM. Risk-based CALs for lead in groundwater-to-
surface water of 65 and 28 mg/L for adolescent recreators were calculated using the
USEPA’s ALM and IEUBK model, respectively. The CAL of 65 mg/L is protective for
older adolescent recreators while the CAL of 28 mg/L is protective of adolescent
recreators of all ages (7-18 years of age).
Although there is uncertainty in some of the assumptions used to calculate the risk-based
CALs, the CALs are protective for construction/utility worker and adolescent recreator
scenarios due to the high conservatism of the assumptions.
E.6 References
Bolger, P.M., N.J. Yess, E.L. Gunderson, T.C. Troxell, C.D. Carrington. 1996.
Identification and Reduction of Sources of Dietary Lead in the United States, Food
Additives Contam. 13:53-60.
Griffin, S. 1997. Memorandum titled “Revision of Dietary Lead Intakes in the IEUBK
Model”, from Dr. Susan Griffin, Regional Toxicologist, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, Region VIII, to Brian Pinkowski, Remedial Project Manager,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII, (attached to Risk Management
Strategy, Sandy Smelter Site).
Gunderson, E.L. 1995. FDA Total Diet Study, July 1986-April 1991, Dietary Intakes of
Pesticides, Selected Elements, and Other Chemicals. J. AOAC Internat. 78:1353-
Mahaffey, K., B. Gulson, C. W. Jameson, M. Vidal, A. Law, K. Mizon, A. Smith. and M.
Korsch. 1998. Dietary lead intakes for mother-child pairs and relevance to
pharmacokinetic models. Abstract No. 126. Society of Toxicology 37th Annual
Meeting, 1-5 March 1998, Seattle, Washington. Toxicol Sci, 42, 27 (as cited in
USEPA 2016c).
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1994a. Guidance Manual for the
Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic Model for Lead in Children, Prepared by the
Technical Review Workgroup for Lead for the Office Of Emergency And Remedial
Response, PB93-963510, February.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 1994b. Technical Support Document:
Parameters and Equations Used in Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic Model for
Lead in Children, Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response, Washington, D.C.
EPA/540/R-94/040, December.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2003a. Recommendations of the
Technical Review Workgroup for Lead for an Approach to Assessing Risks
Associated with Adult Exposures to Lead in Soil, EPA-540-R-03-001, OSWER Dir
#9285.7-54, January.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), 2003b. Assessing Intermittent or
Variable Exposures at Lead Sites. EPA-540-R-03-008. OSWER #9285-7-76.
November 2003.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2009. National Primary Drinking
Water Regulations. EPA 816-F-09-004. May.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2010. Integrated Exposure Uptake
Biokinetic Model for Lead in Children, Windows version [IEUBKwin v1.1 build 11]
dated February 2010.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2011. Exposure Factors Handbook—
Final. EPA/600/R-090/052F. September.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2016. Recommendations for Assessing
Short-Term Exposure Scenarios Involving Lead at Superfund Sites. OLEM Directive
9285.6-54. August 02, 2016.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2017a. Adult Lead Methodology (ALM),
Version 6/14/2017.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2017b. Transmittal of Update to the
Adult Lead Methodology's Default Baseline Blood Lead Concentration and
Geometric Standard Deviation Parameters. OLEM Directive 9285.6-56. May 17,
USEPA. 2017c. Regional Screening Level (RSL) Table and User’s Guide, Dated
November 2017.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2017d. Frequent Questions from Risk
Assessors on the ALM. Updated June 22, 2017.
Construction Worker, Trench Scenario
Adult Lead
Methodology Model
Variable Description of Variable Units
Worker References
PbBfetal, 0.95 95th percentile PbB in fetus µg/dL 10 USEPA, 2017a; Model default
Rfetal/maternal Fetal/maternal PbB ratio -- 0.9 USEPA, 2017a; Model default
BKSF Biokinetic Slope Factor µg/dL per
USEPA, 2017a; Model default
GSDi Geometric standard deviation PbB -- 1.8 USEPA, 2017b
PbB0 Baseline PbB µg/dL 0.6 USEPA, 2017b
IRw Groundwater incidental ingestion rate L/day 0.005
Based on (1) incidental ingestion rate
of L/hour from accidental splashing
or hand-to-face contact while working
and (2) an exposure time to
groundwater in a trench of 1
AFw Oral absorption fraction of lead in water -- 0.2
Based on USEPA TRW assumption
that the absorption fraction for
soluble lead in adults is 0.2 (USEPA,
EFw Exposure frequency, water days/yr 45
IDEM, 2012 (45 days/year); assume
construction worker works 3.5
working days/week x 4.3
weeks/month x 3 months/year
ATw Averaging time, water days/yr 90
Minimum averaging time to be used
in the ALM is 7 days/week x 4.3
weeks/month x 3 months/year
(USEPA, 2003b).
CF Conversion Factor mg/ug 0.001 -
mg/L 18
days/yr = days per year µg/dL = micrograms per deciliter
L/day = liters per day mg/µg = milligrams per microgram
µg/dL per µg/day = micrograms per deciliter per micrograms per day mg/L = milligrams per liter
µg/dL = micrograms per deciliter
USEPA. 2011. Exposure Factors Handbook—Final. EPA/600/R-090/052F. September.
USEPA. 2017a. Adult Lead Methodology (ALM), Version 6/14/2017.
USEPA. 2017c. Frequent Questions from Risk Assessors on the ALM. Updated June 22, 2017
Table E-1
Adult Lead Methodology Model Results, Site-Specific Corrective Action Levels for Lead in Groundwater
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Construction Worker Groundwater CAL
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2015. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Childhood Blood Lead Levels – United States, 2007-2012. October 23,
2015/62(54); 76-80. Errata: Vol 62, No 54, November 2015/64(54); 1277.
Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM), 2012. Remediation Closure Guide. Office of Land Quality, March 22, 2012 with corrections through July 9,
USEPA. 2017b. Transmittal of Update to the Adult Lead Methodology's Default Baseline Blood Lead Concentration and Geometric Standard Deviation Parameters. OLEM
Directive 9285.6-56. May 17, 2017
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), 2003b. Assessing Intermittent or Variable Exposures at Lead Sites. EPA-540-R-03-008. OSWER #9285-7-76. November.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2003a. Recommendations of the Technical Review Workgroup for Lead for an Approach to Assessing Risks Associated
with Adult Exposures to Lead in Soil. EPA-540-R-03-001. OSWER Dir #9285.7-54. January.
Adolescent Recreator Wading Scenario
Adult Lead
Methodology Model
Variable Description of Variable Units
Adolescent Recreator
(7-18 years of age) References
PbBfetal, 0.95 95th percentile PbB in fetus µg/dL 10 USEPA, 2017a; Model default
Rfetal/maternal Fetal/maternal PbB ratio -- 0.9 USEPA, 2017a; Model default
BKSF Biokinetic Slope Factor µg/dL per
USEPA, 2017a; Model default
GSDi Geometric standard deviation PbB -- 1.8 USEPA, 2017b
PbB0 Baseline PbB µg/dL 0.6 USEPA, 2017b
IRw Groundwater incidental ingestion rate L/day 0.05
USEPA, 2011; Central tendency
incidental ingestion rate for water
while swimming for ages 6 to < 21
years: 49 mL/hour x 0.001 L/mL x 1
AFw Oral absorption fraction of lead in water -- 0.2
Based on USEPA TRW assumption
that the absorption fraction for
soluble lead in adults is 0.2 (USEPA,
EFw Exposure frequency, water days/yr 22
Minimum EF recommended in
USEPA (2003b) guidance; 1
day/week x 4.3 weeks/month x 5
ATw Averaging time, water days/yr 151
Site-specific AT for adolescent
recreators for the months of May
through September (USEPA, 2003b):
7 days/week x 4.3 weeks/month x 5
CF Conversion Factor mg/ug 0.001 -
DF Dilution Factor unitless 10
Account for 10-fold dilution of lead in
groundwater entering surface water.
mg/L 6
mg/L 65
days/yr = days per year µg/dL = micrograms per deciliter
L/day = liters per day mg/µg = milligrams per microgram
µg/dL per µg/day = micrograms per deciliter per micrograms per day mg/L = milligrams per liter
µg/dL = micrograms per deciliter
USEPA. 2011. Exposure Factors Handbook—Final. EPA/600/R-090/052F. September.
USEPA. 2017a. Adult Lead Methodology (ALM), Version 6/14/2017.
Adolescent Recreator Surface Water CAL (Groundwater CAL x DF)
Table E-2
Adult Lead Methodology Model Results, Site-Specific Corrective Action Levels for Lead in Surface Water
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Adolescent Recreator Groundwater CAL
USEPA. 2017c. Frequent Questions from Risk Assessors on the ALM. Updated June 22, 2017
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 2015. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. Childhood Blood Lead Levels – United States, 2007-2012. October 23,
2015/62(54); 76-80. Errata: Vol 62, No 54, November 2015/64(54); 1277.
Indiana Department of Environmental Management (IDEM), 2012. Remediation Closure Guide. Office of Land Quality, March 22, 2012 with corrections through July 9,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). 2003a. Recommendations of the Technical Review Workgroup for Lead for an Approach to Assessing Risks Associated
with Adult Exposures to Lead in Soil. EPA-540-R-03-001. OSWER Dir #9285.7-54. January.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA), 2003b. Assessing Intermittent or Variable Exposures at Lead Sites. EPA-540-R-03-008. OSWER #9285-7-76. November.
USEPA. 2017b. Transmittal of Update to the Adult Lead Methodology's Default Baseline Blood Lead Concentration and Geometric Standard Deviation Parameters. OLEM
Directive 9285.6-56. May 17, 2017
Area Medium Units
Former Geneva Steel Facility Surface Water mg/L
IEUBK Model Parameters Units
Indoor air lead concentration (% of outdoor) 30 [a] %
Air Concentration
Age (years) = 0 - 7 0.10 [a]µg/m3
Time Outdoors
Age (years) = 0 - 1 1 [a] hours/day
1 - 2 2 [a] hours/day
2 - 3 3 [a] hours/day
3 - 7 4 [a] hours/day
Ventilation Rate
Age (years) = 0 - 1 2 [a]m3/day
1 - 2 3 [a]m3/day
2 - 5 5 [a]m3/day
5 - 7 7 [a]m3/day
Lung Absorption 32 [a] %
Dietary Lead Intake
Age (years) = 0 - 1 1.82 [b] µg Pb/day
1 - 2 1.90 [b] µg Pb/day
2 - 3 1.87 [b] µg Pb/day
3 - 4 1.8 [b] µg Pb/day
4 - 5 1.73 [b] µg Pb/day
5 - 6 1.83 [b] µg Pb/day
6 - 7 2.02 [b] µg Pb/day
home-grown fruits 0 [a] µg Pb/g
home-grown vegetables 0 [a] µg Pb/g
fish from fishing 0 [a] µg Pb/g
game animals from hunting 0 [a] µg Pb/g
Percent of food class:
home-grown fruits 0 [a] %
home-grown vegetables 0 [a] %
fish from fishing 0 [a] %
game animals from hunting 0 [a] %
Lead Concentration in drinking water 4 [a] µg/L
Ingestion rate:
Age (years) = 0 - 1 0.20 [a] L/day
1 - 2 0.50 [a] L/day
2 - 3 0.52 [a] L/day
3 - 4 0.53 [a] L/day
4 - 5 0.55 [a] L/day
5 - 6 0.58 [a] L/day
6 - 7 0.59 [a] L/day
Table E-4
Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic (IEUBK) Model Results
Lead in Surface Water, Adolescent Recreator
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Lead Corrective Action Level for the Adolescent Recreator Scenario
AIR (by year)
DIET (by year)
Area Medium Units
Former Geneva Steel Facility Surface Water mg/L
Table E-4
Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic (IEUBK) Model Results
Lead in Surface Water, Adolescent Recreator
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Lead Corrective Action Level for the Adolescent Recreator Scenario
soil 200 [a] µg/g
dust 200 [a] µg/g
Soil/dust ingestion weighting factor (% soil) 45 [a] %
Soil/dust ingestion:
Age (years) = 0 - 1 0.085 [a] g/day
1 - 4 0.135 [a] g/day
4 - 5 0.100 [a] g/day
5 - 6 0.090 [a] g/day
6 - 7 0.085 [a] g/day
Fraction of indoor dust lead attributable to soil 0.70 [a] unitless
100 [a]µg Pb/g dust per µg Pb/m3 air
diet 50 [a] %
drinking water 50 [a] %
soil 30 [a] %
dust 30 [a] %
alternate source 34 [c] %
0.2 [a] unitless
Total lead intake:
Age (years) = 0 - 7 20 [c] µg/day
0.6 [d] µg/dL
1.6 [a] unitless
10 [a] µg/dL
4 [a] hours
Iteration time step for numerical integration
Mothers blood lead concentration at childbirth
Geometric standard deviation (GSD) for blood lead
Blood lead level of concern
Ratio of dust lead concentration to outdoor air lead
Total lead absorption (at low intake): Surface Soil
Fraction of total net absorption at low intake rate that is
attributable to non-saturable (passive) processes
Area Medium Units
Former Geneva Steel Facility Surface Water mg/L
Table E-4
Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic (IEUBK) Model Results
Lead in Surface Water, Adolescent Recreator
Former Geneva Steel Facility, Vineyard, Utah
Lead Corrective Action Level for the Adolescent Recreator Scenario
Where:Value Notes
CALsw = Corrective Action Level, surface water (mg/L)28 Calculated
ADItw = Average Daily Intake for Lead, time-weighted (µg/day)20 [c] Modeled See Attachment E.1
WIR = Water Ingestion Rate, central tendency (L/day) 0.05 [e] USEPA, 2011
EFfraction = Exposure Freqency of 1 day/7 days (days/days)0.143 Calculated: (1/7)
CF = Unit Conversion Factor (mg/µg) 0.001 -
DF = Dilution Factor (unitless) 10
10-fold dilution of lead in
groundwater entering surface
[1] Young child = 0 - 7 years of age (0 - 84 months)
[a] Default value (USEPA, 2007).
[e] USEPA, 2011. Central tendency soil ingestion rate for general population ages 1 to < 21 years.
g/day = grams per day mg/µg = milligrams per microgram
L/day = liters per day µg/L = micrograms per liter
m³/day = cubic meters per day µg/g = micrograms per gram
mg/kg = milligrams per kilogram µg/day = micrograms per day
mg/L = milligrams per liter µg Pb/day = micrograms of blood lead per day
µg/dL = micrograms per deciliter µg Pb/g = micrograms of blood lead per grams
µg Pb/m³ = micrograms of blood lead per cubic meter
Bolger, P.M., N.J. Yess, E.L. Gunderson, T.C. Troxell, and C.D. Carrington. 1996. Identification and
Reduction of Sources of Dietary Lead in the United States, Food Additives Contam. 13:53-60.
Griffin, S. 1997. Memorandum titled “Revision of Dietary Lead Intakes in the IEUBK Model”, from Dr.
Susan Griffin, Regional Toxicologist, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII, to Brian
Pinkowski, Remedial Project Manager, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII, (attached to
Risk Management Strategy, Sandy Smelter Site).
Gunderson, E.L. 1995. FDA Total Diet Study, July 1986-April 1991, Dietary Intakes of Pesticides,
Selected Elements, and Other Chemicals. J. AOAC Internat. 78:1353‐1363.
USEPA. 2011. Exposure Factors Handbook—Final. EPA/600/R-090/052F. September.
USEPA. 2007. User's Guide for the Integrated Exposure Uptake Biokinetic Model for Lead in Children (IEUBK). Office of Superfund
Remediation and Technology Innovation. EPA-540-K-01-005. OSWER #9285.7-42. May 2007.
USEPA. 2017b. Transmittal of Update to the Adult Lead Methodology's Default Baseline Blood Lead Concentration and
Geometric Standard Deviation Parameters. OLEM Directive 9285.6-56. May 17, 2017
[b] USEPA Region 8 has used more recent dietary lead data from the Total Diet Studies reported by Gunderson (1995) and Bolger et
al. (1996) to develop modified dietary intakes that were used in the risk assessment for a Sandy, Utah smelter site (Griffin 1997).
These updated dietary lead intake values have also been used to evaluate risk to human health from lead in soil at the Douglas,
Bisbee, and Orphan Mine sites in Arizona and the Malmstrom Air Force Base and Walkerville Residential sites in Montana.
[c] Derived time-weighted average daily lead intake (see text). Value is iterative until desired blood lead distribution is achieved.
[d] USEPA (2017b) mothers blood lead concentration of 0.6 in childbirth (µg Pb/dL) was used.
Model Version: 1.1 Build11
User Name:
Site Name:
Operable Unit:
Run Mode: Research
****** Air ******
Indoor Air Pb Concentration: 30.000 percent of outdoor.
Other Air Parameters:
Age Time Ventilation Lung Outdoor Air
Outdoors Rate Absorption Pb Conc
(hours) (m³/day) (%) (µg Pb/m³)
.5-1 1.000 2.000 32.000 0.100
1-2 2.000 3.000 32.000 0.100
2-3 3.000 5.000 32.000 0.100
3-4 4.000 5.000 32.000 0.100
4-5 4.000 5.000 32.000 0.100
5-6 4.000 7.000 32.000 0.100
6-7 4.000 7.000 32.000 0.100
****** Diet ******
Age Diet Intake(µg/day)
.5-1 2.260
1-2 1.960
2-3 2.130
3-4 2.040
4-5 1.950
5-6 2.050
6-7 2.220
****** Drinking Water ******
Water Consumption:
Age Water (L/day)
.5-1 0.200
1-2 0.500
2-3 0.520
3-4 0.530
4-5 0.550
5-6 0.580
6-7 0.590
Drinking Water Concentration: 4.000 µg Pb/L
****** Soil & Dust ******
Multiple Source Analysis Used
Average multiple source concentration: 150.000 µg/g
Mass fraction of outdoor soil to indoor dust conversion factor: 0.700
Outdoor airborne lead to indoor household dust lead concentration: 100.000
Use alternate indoor dust Pb sources? No
Age Soil (µg Pb/g) House Dust (µg Pb/g)
.5-1 200.000 150.000
1-2 200.000 150.000
2-3 200.000 150.000
3-4 200.000 150.000
4-5 200.000 150.000
5-6 200.000 150.000
6-7 200.000 150.000
****** Alternate Intake ******
Age Alternate (µg Pb/day)
.5-1 20.000
1-2 20.000
2-3 20.000
3-4 20.000
4-5 20.000
5-6 20.000
6-7 20.000
****** Maternal Contribution: Infant Model ******
Maternal Blood Concentration: 0.700 µg Pb/dL
Year Air Diet Alternate Water
(µg/day) (µg/day) (µg/day) (µg/day)
.5-1 0.021 1.000 5.312 0.354
1-2 0.034 0.871 5.333 0.889
2-3 0.062 0.961 5.416 0.939
3-4 0.067 0.934 5.493 0.970
4-5 0.067 0.911 5.605 1.028
5-6 0.093 0.966 5.656 1.094
6-7 0.093 1.052 5.686 1.118
Year Soil+Dust Total Blood
(µg/day) (µg/day) (µg/dL)
.5-1 3.895 10.583 5.7
1-2 6.209 13.336 5.6
2-3 6.307 13.685 5.1
3-4 6.396 13.859 4.8
4-5 4.834 12.444 4.3
5-6 4.391 12.200 3.8
6-7 4.169 12.118 3.5
Prob. Distribution (%)
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27 30 33 36
Blood Pb Conc (µg/dL)
Age Range = 0 to 84 months
Run Mode = Research
Comment = Geneva CALsw
Cutoff = 10.000 µg/dl
Geo Mean = 4.604
GSD = 1.600
% Above = 4.946