HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2018-003445 - 0901a068807f3d81HAZARDOUS WASTE INSPECTION REPORT WA.STE I.,IANAGEMENT & RADIATION CONTROL INSPECTION REPORT FOR: DATE OF INSPECTION: FACILITY ADDRESS: MAILING ADDRESS: FACILITY COUNTY: FACILITY CONTACT: EPA ID #: CURRENT NOTIFICATION: TYPE OF INSPECTION: PARTICIPANTS: TIME IN/TIME OUT REPORT PREPARED BY: WEATHER CONDITIONS: Silver Eagle Refining March 15,2018 2355 South 1100 West Woods Cross, Utah 84087 P.O. Box 870298 Woods Cross, Utah 84087 Davis Blaine Zwahlen, P.E. (80r) 296-82rr urD06331497s LQG CEI Blaine Zwahlen, Silver Eagle Denton Schantz, DWMRC Jon Parry, DWMRC 0900 hrs / 1300 hrs Jon Parry Snow Showers, -34tF APPLICABLE RBQUIREMENTS: R315 of the Utah Administrative Code FACILITY DESCRIPTION: Silver Eagle is a small 11,000 baneVday petroleum refinery located in Woods Cross that employs about 50 people. The refinery has been there since the 1950's with various operators, but was acquired by Silver,Eagle-from Inland Oil in 2011- -- The refinery produces diesel, naphtha and wax from Uintah Basin sweet yellow crude. The wax is shipped back east via rail car to be manufactured into numerous products. The diesel is sold locally and the naphtha is shipped to Evanston Wyoming where it is processed into fuels at Silver Eagle's Evanston refinery. The facility is located on flat terrain in an industrial area that is being intruded upon by residential developments. No surface waste was observed proximate to the facility. CRBDENTIALS, PURPOSE AND SCOPE: After the inspectors checked in with the receptionist they watched a short safety video and presented their credentials to Mr. Zwahlen. They explained that they were there to conduct a routine hazardous waste compliance evaluation inspection. The purpose of the inspection was to ascertain the facility's compliance statutes with respect to R315 of the Utah Administrative code. The scope of the inspection would include a review of required paperwork and a tour of the facility's waste generation and management areas. MANAGEMENT ACTIVITIES: Silver Eagle generates the following waste streams: o K050 and F037 sludges, approximately 30,000Ibs./yearo D018 Oily Booms and Rags, approximately 22,7O0lbs./yearo D0l8 Tank Lift Box Sludge, approximately 10,000lbs./yearo D007 MDDW Frack Tower packing, approximately 3,500lbs./yearo D002 Caustic Solution, approximately l,500lbs./year o Various Wastes, F003, D018, KI7l, approximately 1,500lbs./year depending on site specific circumstance. Wastes are collected in satellite areas throughout the site and then transferred to the facility,s 90- day area when the 55-gallon satellites drums are full. Bulk waste are collected in roll-off boxes and staged near the less than 90 day area, or transferred to 55 gallon drums and stored in the 90 day are prior to offsite shipment. NARRATIVE: After watching a short safety video the inspectors reviewed the facility's hazardous waste manifests, Personnel Training Plan and Contingency Plan. The facility's plans, procedures, and paperwork appeared to be in good order Silver Eagle is in the process of updating its Contingency Plan and has some comments from Wood Cross City that are being incorporated into the Plan. Inspectors informed them of the Quick Reference Guide requirements and suggested that they incorporated them into the update as well. -Subsequent to the papenvork-eview thelnspettors proCebdetlinto-the remiy. Theytsife,itThe control room for a camera permit and then went to the 90 day area. It was raining at the time and there was water in the 90 day area's containment basin. The water will reportedly be removed and sent thought the facility's waste water treatment system. Drums were observed to be in good condition, closed and properly labeled. It was raining at the time and there was water in the 90 day area's containment basin. The water will reportedly be removed and sent thought the facility's waste water treatment system. Drums were observed to be in good condition, closed and properly labeled. After visiting the 90 day area the inspectors visited the heat exchanger bundle cleaning area. There was a satellite container in the area that was in good condition, closed and properly labeled. The inspectors proceeded to the crude unloading rack and from there to the facility's oil water separator. No problems were noted. COMPLIANCE STATUS: (also see attached checklist) No problems noted. ISSUES: None noted. INSPECTOR SIGNATURB: d-qr \-/,i:iy' An,,O Ab [[: [[ Elffitglre0 r:r,,::g..;.. 'i!r'i.t.t;:i:.: ::;t- :..1.:,, l1-)l:.v? filn!,E*:./lL/E'n, t' >t[; ';r ;I ,..:\y, ,) .i :,{ ^ n'i., '3lfll,-{l l_.,) i;,\*.\';rj? >+ il=l"rS .""fl i^,,; -1)frr' '-t r) Llrc ,11 rf nS ?\f ""cl 1 ',aa .id !,a ' * o'r-12 -\ F., "8 't,Q.,'9rrZi>-, lg -i.'bn i'S EPA #: Hazardous Waste Inspection Manifest Checklist nate: 5 ji5f i8 WASTE MANAGEMENT 8 RADIATION CONTROL Manifest Number (box 4)hr56o 89 A R I'nA'zi 1o r *n, ?, u1q e t ur. , <r.",f9 6A Generator EPA ID# Appendix toR3l5-262 (box l)tt(Qctb33i14n - 6t-u-6L Generator information : Mailing Address (box 5) Phone Number - 9<--L - {rrrs,<<r (.a*- hrfi8bo tt*1l, gl- L gc- 1-.fr I*r -(L .l Transporter # I information : Company Name (box 6) EPA ID# (box 6) 0uI ci( L Transporter #2 information: Company Name (box 7) EPA ID# (box 7) - L'(<ov..l,aa,thrrC - Ot" - ('(- -L - ,Iz -F I-t-v u-0<- 6< + ctr Desi gnated Facility information: Name and Address (box 8) EPA ID# (box 8) Phone Number (box 8) ,* J. * \ T Waste Shiooins requirements: DOT Description (lncluding proper name, Hazard class, and ID #) (box 9b) (box 9a "X" if hazardous materials) Containers: No & Type (box l0) Total Quantity (box I l) Unit - wt/vol (box 12) Waste Codes (box l3) bc L Special Handline Instructions (box l4)6t-0c d(6L Manifest Certifi cations: Generator's Signature (boxl5) Intemational Shipments (box l6) Transporter's Signature (box l7 ) Discrepancy Indication (box l8) Hazardous Waste Report Management Method Codes (box l9) u^ I p I Facility Signature (box 20) Di/'-P r(-DL Final Observations and Comments:IMZ ou LQrLa/LDA 6t-- LDTL L Common container codes: DM - metal drum\barrel; DF - fiberbarrel; TT - cargo tank; TC - tank car; DT - dump truck; CM - metal box\carton (includes roll-offs) Common Units of Measure: G - sallons: P -pounds: T -tons: Y - cubic vards) January 2018 Page 1 of 1 Inspectors InitialP ';n:S,'lr*n--," F :/r<l18 WASTE MANAGEMENT & RAOIATION CONTROL g0 7 ^e) l4\ F.3l5-262 F.3r5-262-rr 40 cFR 262.1 | R3l5-261-3 Waste Determination: l. Has the generator determined whether his/her solid waste is a hazardous waste? 2. Has a waste determination been done for each waste stream? R3 ls-262-10(a)(l)( R3ls-262-18(a) 40CFR262.10(aXlXiiiXC) 40 CFR 262.18(a) 3. Has the generator notified of regulated activity and obtained an EPA ID# in accordance with the requirements of Section 3010 of RCRA? R3 I 5-262-20(a)(1 ) 40 CFR 262.20(a)(l) P.3r5-262-20(b) l5-262-20(c) R3ls-262-20(aXl) 40 cFR 262.20(aX Manifest: l. Is the generator using a Uniform Hazardous Waste Manifest for its shipments of hazardous waste? 2. Did the generator designate a facility permitted to handle its waste? 3. Was an alternate facility designated? 4. Did the generator use the correct manifest? \er lPr 1o\ P.3r5-262-23(a)(r) 40 CFR 252.23(aXl) 3r5-262-23(a)(2) k3rs-262-23(a)(3) 40 CFR 252.23(aX3) anifest requirements for the Generator L Did the generator sign the manifest certification by hand? 2. Did the generator obtain a handwritten signature from the initial transporter and the date ofacceptance? 3. Did the generator retain a copy of the manifest in accordance with R3 I 5-262-40(a)? Recordkeeping: l. Is the generator maintaining signed copies of the hazardous waste manifest for three years? R3t5-262-40h\ R3 l 5-262-40(b) 40 cFR 262.40(b) 2. Is the generator maintaining copies of each Biennial Report and all Exception Reports for a period of at least three vears? fanuary 2018 Inspector's Initials Page I of.2 3. Is the facility maintaining records sufficient to determine quantities anddisposition of hazardous waste or otherdeterminations, test results, or waste analyses made in accordance with I R3l5-262-ll(f) for a period ofat least three years from the date of last shipment? r5-262-a0@) 40 CFR262.,to(c) Biennial Reporting Has the generator submitted complete Biennial Report(s)? R3l5-262-41 40 cFR262 4r Exception Reporting Has the generator been required toprepare an Exception Report, ifyes describe the circumstances? P.3l5-262-42 40 cFR262.42 Packaging, Labeling, Marking, and Placarding 1. Is the generator packaging his/her hazardous waste in the appropriate DOT shipping containers? 2. Are containers labeled and marked in accordance with appropriate DOT shipping requirements prior to shipping? 3. Is the generator providing or offering appropriate placarding to the initial transporter when initiating his/her shipment? R.3ls-262-30 40 cFR 262.30 R3ts-262-31& R.3t5-262-32 40cFR262.3t &262.32 P.3t5-262-33 40 cFR262.33 Accumulation Times (See Satellite, 90 Day and Tank Checklists as applicable) k3l5-262-17(a) Also see checklists for: Personnel Training, Preparedness & Prevention, Contingency Plan & Emergency Procedures and Manifest |anuary 2018 Inspector's Initials Page2 of2 rffi:s11., \.lu-er- Zo.\ ir-- EPA #: rruJurOo.,s Waste Inspection Sateltite Accumulation Checklist <55 gallons WASTE MANAGEMENT &RADIATION CONTROL Is the satellite accumulation area at or near the point of generation? R3 l5-262-15(a) R3l5-262-15(a)Is the satellite area under the control ofthe operator ofthe process generating the waste? P.3rs-262-1s(aX5Xi) Does the generator have the accumulation container labeled with the words "hazardous waste"? R3 I 5-262-l 5(a) The generator can not store more than 55 gallons ofhazardous waste or I quart of acutely hazardous waste at the satellite accumulation area. R3ls-262-15(a)(l) Are the containers in good condition, and being managed in a way so it does not leak or spill? R3rs-262-r5(a)(2)Is the hazardous waste stored in containers that are compatible with the waste? R3 I 5-262-l 5(a)(4) Is the accumulation container being maintained in a closed condition except when waste is being added or removed, or when temporary venting is necessary for proper qperation ofequipment or to prevent dangerous situations such as pressure buildup? 7nt Does the generator have the accumulation containers marked with an indication of the hazards of its contents? R3l5-262- l5(a)(5Xii) Is the generator correctly labeling and moving hazardous waste, in excess ofthe 55 gallon or I quart limits, to a 90-day storage area within 72 hours of exceeding the limit? R3l5-262-15(aX6 Xi) January 2018 Page 1 of I Inspectors Initials-$ ',:"m: si,", 3,1 u.{- /,*i le - EPA #:__x--- WASTE MANAGEMENT & RAOIATION CONTROL Hazardous Waste Inspection 90 Day Storage Site >55 gallons l. Is the container labeled with the words "Hazardous Waste"? 2. Is the container marked or labeled with an indication of the hazards of the contents? 3. Is the date upon which accumulation began clearly marked and visibly for inspection? 4. Is that date <:90 days old? R3 | 5 -262- | 7 (a)( s X D (A) R3 | 5 -262 - L 7 (a)( s XD (B ) R3 | 5 -262 - 1 7 (a)( 5 X D (C) R3l5-262-17(a) 1"s 7er Ye9 \e{ 4. Is there a Preparedness and Prevention Plan for this site or the facility as a whole, including this site? (see separate Check List) R3 15-262-17(aX6) R3l5-262-250 thru 256 14{ 5. Operated to minimize chance of Spill or Fire? 6. Spill and Fire control equipment? 7. Emergency communication device: Internal? Emergency communication device: External? Sufficient Aisle and Access space? R3r5-262-251 P.3r5-262-252(c) R3r5-262-252(a) R3r5-262-252(b) F.3l5-262-255 \at 8. Is there a Contingency Plan for this site or the facility as a whole, including this site? (see separate Check List) 9. a. Description ofactions that should be taken? b. Name & Phone # for Emergency Coordinator? c. Primary and alternate evacuation routes? d. List of emergency equipment & location? R3 Is-262-l7(a)(6) R3l5-262-260 thru 265 P.3rs-262-26r(a) R3ls-262-261(d) Rsrs-262-26t(f) R3r5-262-261(e) Have personnel at this site Successfully completed up to date Personnel Training on HzW Handling & Fire & Spill Response? Is the training documented? (see separate Check List) F.3rs-262-17(a)(7)(i) R3rs-262-17(a)(7Xv) 1f + Are the containers accumulating and holding hazardous waste in good condition? Are they compatible with the HzW in them? P.3rs-262-17(aX I Xii) R3 I s-262- I 7(a)( I )(iii) qe5 Is the generator maintaining his/her containers in a closed condition except when adding or removinq waste from the container? R3 | s -262- | 7 (aX I )(ivXA 1/\ Containers holding hazardous waste must not be opened, handled and/or stored in a manner which could cause it to leak. R315-262-17(aXl XivXB ry- Is the generator inspecting his/her containers at least weekly, and do the inspections look for leaks, deterioration, and any factor that may cause a release ofhazardous waste? R3ls-262-17(a)(l)(v)14 No ignitable or reactive HzW within 50 feet of the facility's prope(y line.R3 | s -262- | 7 (aX I )(vi)(A v\s January 2018 Page 1 of I Inspectors f nitiuf.-P 9--. :l ^ I" i;-aYr'stll WASTE MANASEilENT } EA9IAlION CONTROL site: S,lJ.o< 4atl{-EPA #: Contingency Plan and Emergency Procedures Checklist lvofe: fhis checklist is applicablefo LeG's and to HSM handters (except where indicate0 who accumulate >6,000 kg (-13,228 lbs') d General Requirements: Eave "opies bee" dtstttb"ted to all local police and fire departments, hospitals, and State and local emergency response teams that may be called upon for assistance? R3 | s -262 - | 7 (a) (6) (L Q G) R3ts-262-262(a) (LQG) R3 l5-261 -420(c)(2) (HS14) I'e> - b,+ 1rr€.; f \n^ r,S i.^ia.X ^ 1 1- hr<- d i'{r rb- tJ Content ofthe Continsencv Plan: l. Does the contingency plan describe the actions facility personnel will take to minimize the hazard to human health or the environment when responding to fires, explosions, or any unplanned sudden or non-sudden release ofhazardous waste? 2. Does the contingency plan describe arrangements agreed to by local police and fire departments, hospitals, contractors, and State and local emergency resPonse teams? 3. Does the contingency plan list the names, addresses, and phone numbers (office and home) ofprimary and all other persons qualified to act as emergency coordinator? 4. Does the contingency plan include a list of all emergency equipment at the facility? The list must be kept up-to-date, and include the location and a physical description ofeach item on the list, and a briefoutline ofthe equipment's capability. 5. Does the contingency plan include an evacuation plan for the facility? This plan must include a description ofsignal(s) to be used to begin an evacuation, evacuation routes, and alternate evacuation loutes. R3r5-262-261(a) (LQG) R3 1 5 -26r - 420(bx I ) (Hsnf) Rsrs-262-26t(c) (LQG) R3 l s-26 I -420(b)(3) (HSn4 R3ts-262-26r(d) (LQG) R3 l 5-26 l -420(b)(4) (H s i4) I I R3 r 5-262-26 I ( e) (LQG) lR3 rs-261-420(b)(5) (Hsn4 I I lnrrs-zoz-ze t10 (Lec) I R3 ls-261-420(bX6) (HSM) b./tl<_d o^. co^---"1 lru ^ ,JnoJ" Crc-., Jr C''1 '1lt f,*J^f* d'\ls.el "":lq (+r. taz<l'?) (*'l ' 72, l"( n' elY If the facility first became subject to these provisions after May 30,2017 , or has otherwise amended its contingency plan, has it developed and submifted a quick reference guide ofthe contingency plan to local emergency responders in R3l5-262-262(a), and state and local emergency response teams that could be called for assistance? R3rs-262-262(b)(LQG) / Not required - HSM oJoeh"..O 6,/\ qgG- Ifthe facility has a quick reference guide for its contingency plan, does it have the following required elements?: I . Types/names of haz wastes and the associated hazard for each haz waste present at any one time (e.g., toxic paint wastes, spent ignitable solvent, etc.) 2. Estimated maximum amount of each haz waste that may be present at any one time 3. Identification of any haz wastes for which exposure would require unique/special treatment by medical or hospital staff 4. Map of the facility showing where haz wastos are generated, accumulated and treated, and routes for accessing these wasteq 'fStrteffiiilof-tne facility in relation to sunounding businesses, schools and residential areas for the purpose of getting to it and/or evacuating ,-./ -9ilzgqtand-tlorkers._- 6. Locations ofwater supply (fire hydrant, flow rate) 7. Identified on-site notifrcation syste;;-(al;; - 8. Name of emergency coordinator and 7124-how This section not applicablefor HSM handling R3 | s -262-262(b) ( I ) (rOG) R3 | s -2 62 -2 62(b) (2) (L Q G ) R3 1 5 -262-262(bX3) (rOG) R3 | s -2 62 -2 62 (b) (4) (L Q G ) R3 | s -262 -262 (b) (s ) (L Q C ) R3 | 5 -262-262(b)(6) (LQG) R3 | s -262 -262 (b) (7 ) (L Q C) R3 | s -262-262(b)(8) (rQG) uerI \zf * k o(_ 0-L- 0L- ,4 Inspectors InitialsJanuary 2018 Page 1 of3 Site:EPA #:Date: Contingency Plan and Emergency procedures Checklist ,"g,"E rlr5j=_":lg:r" "o,""r"ol roo accumu|ate >6,000 kg (_I3,22I tbs.) Does the facility have a least one employee on-site or on-call at all time who is qualified toact as the emergency coordinator? Does the contingency plan include procedures for activation ofthe internal alarm by the emergency coordinator? Does the contingency plan include provisions for notifying the appropriate State and\or local response agencies? R3ts-262-264 (L)G) ls-261-a20@) (Hsttt) R3 | 5 -262-26s (a)(r) (LeG) R3 | s -26r -420(0( I Xi) (HS,t[) R3 | s -262 -265 (a)(2) (L e G) R3 l 5-26 I -420(0( I )(ii) (}1s,t1) Q or 6L u(_ Does the contingency plan outline theprocedure(s) that the emergency coordinatorwill follow to immediately identifv the character, source, amount, and exient of released material? 3ts-262-26s(b) (LQG) 3 | s -2 6 | - 420 (f)(2) (H S rt4) Does the contingency plan include procedures for the emergency coordinator to follow in order to assess possible hazards to human health or the environment? R3r5-262-26s(c) (LeG) R3 | s -26 | - 420 (f)(3) (H S 14) If it is determined that the incident could threaten human health or the environment, outside the facility, the emergency coordinator must notifu the appropriate local, State and Federal agencies. Does the contingency planinclude provisions for notifying the appropriate agencies? Do the notification measures include information to be reported (name and telephone # of reporter, name and address of facility, name and quantity of material(s) involved, extent ofinjuries, andpossibility of exposure outside the facility), and identify the National Response Center and the State as parties to be notified? R3rs-262-265(d) (LQG) R3 I 5-26 I -420 (f)(4) (H S ttn 6L l I ), Does the plan include procedures to prevent the spread of the incident to other haiardous waste/material at the facility? ts-262-26s(e) (LQG) R3 | 5 -26 | - 420(D6) (H S t O Are measures included to monitor for leaks, pressure buildup, gas generation, or ruptures in valves, pipes, orother equipment, when it is necessary to shut-down operations as a response to an incident? R3rs-262-26s(f) (LQG) R3r5-26t-420(D6) @SM) Does the contingency plan provide procedures to follow to manage the hazardous waste/material generated as a result ofan incident? R3r5-262-26s(g (LQG\ R3 l 5-26 I -420 (f)(7) (H sL[) Following implementation of the contingency plan, are provisions included to ensure that in the affected area(s): l. No waste that may be incompatible with the released material is treated, stored, or disposed of until the cleanup is complete. 2. That all equipment listed in the contingency plan is cleaned and fit for use prior to resuming activities at the facility. R3 | s -262 -2 6 s (h) (r ) (L QG) R3 | s -2 6 | - 420(fX 8 X i ) (HSn[) R3 | s -262 -2 6 s (h) (2) (L QG) R3 | s -26r - 420(f)(8xi i) (rlsi.f) January 201 8 Page 2 of 3 Inspectors Initials Site: 3-\.^-"= t^-.-\.la---T..-----EPA #: Contingency Plan and Emergency Procedures Checklist this checklist is applicabte fo LQG's and to HSM handlers (except where indicated) who accumulate >6,000 kg (-13'228 lbs') -)q S'-P.C h ".)- .^r, l\ s*-^{ CeP 'l-' J'cl ) I t / I I t \\ I R3r5-262-265(i) (LQG) 3 | 5 -26 | - 420 (f) (9) (H S rO R3r5-262-26s(t) (LQG) R3 | 5 -26 | - 420(fX9 ) (r1s,l4) R3 I 5-262-265(i)(l) thru (D(7) (rQc) R3 I 5-261420(fX9XD thru (fXeXviD The contingency plan must include provisions for recording the incident requiring implementation of the contingency plan and specifying information that will be recorded and reported. The requirements are as follows: l. Will a written report on the incident be provided to the Utah State Department of Environmental Quality within l5 days? 2. The following information needs to be recorded and reported: a) The name, address, and telephone # ofthe owner/operator; b) The name address, and telephone # ofthe facility; c) Date, time, and type of incident; d) Name and quantity of material(s) involved; e) Extent of injury, if any: f) An assessment ofthe actual or potential hazard to human health or the environment; and g) An estimate of the quantity and disposition ofrecovered material(s) that resulted from the incident. R3l5-261-420(g @SI4) HSM Only: Are all employees thoroughly familiar with proper waste handling and emergency procedures relevant to their responsibilities during normal facility operations and emergencies? January 2018 Page 3 of3 Inspectors l^1ti^1, 9( Site:S'\ wz- t*3[- EPArD: Preparedness and Prevention Checklist Date 3/ t<l tg WASTE MANAGEMENT & RADIATION CONTROL Is the facility maintained and operated to minimize the possibility of a fire, explosion, or any unplanned sudden or non-sudden release of hazardous waste or hazardous waste constituents? R3l5-262-2sr (LQG) R3 l5-262-16(b)(8XD (SoG) R3ls-261-al0(a) (Hsn4 \6 The facility must be equipped with items (l)- (4), identified below, unless it can be shown that hazardous waste managed at the site would not require the particular kind of equipment specified. l. Does the facility have an internal communications or alarm system capable of providing immediate emergency instruction to its personnel? 2. Does the facility have a device capable of summoning external emergency assistance to the facility (phone or two-way radio)? 3. Does the facility have portable extinguishers, fire control equipment (including special extinguishing equipment necessary for their facility), spill control equipment, and decontamination equipment? 4. Does the facility have water at adequate volume and pressure to supply water hoses, or foam producing equipment, or automatic sprinklers, or water spray systems? R3t5-262-2s2 (LQG) R3 l s-262-l 6(b)(8XiD (SOG) R3ls-261-410(b) (HSM R3rs-262-2s2(a) (LQG) R3 l s-262- I 6(b)(8XiD(A) (SoG) R3 I s-261 -4 I 0(bxl) (11s,\.1) R3r5-262-2s2(b) (LQG) R3 r 5-262- l6(b)(8XiD(B) (,soc) R3 l s-26 l -4 l 0(b)(2) (H S I,t) I I lRi I s -262-2s2(c) (L QG) I Rl r s-262-l 6(bXsXiiXc) (sOG) I R3 l 5-26 l -41 0(bx3 ) (HSn4) I I I lR3 | s -262 -2 s2(d) (LQG) I R3 l s-262-l 6(bX8Xii)(D) (s0c) I R3 r5-261-4I0(b)(4) (Hs1,1) 1, nc L, e\ {<\<-t \ aQ(- ) 1 at d7- Are facility communications or alarm systems, fire protection equipment, spill control equipment, and decontamination equipment tested and maintained to assure its proper operation in time of an emergencY? R3t5-262-2s3 (LQG) R3 l s-262- l 6(b)(8Xiii) (soc) R3 I s-261 -4 10(c) (HS 14)Ye\ Do facility personnel have immediate access to an internal alarm or emergencY communication device, either directly through visual or voice contact, while managing hazardous waste? R3rs-262-2s4(a) (LQG) R3 I 5-262- I 6(b)(sXivXe) (sOG) R3 l 5-261 41 0(d)( l) (Hs,l.1)\ne Is there everjust one employee on the premises while the facility is operating? If yes, does that person have immediate access to device capable of summoning external emergency assistance? R3rs-262-2s4(b) (LQG) R3 I 5-262- I 6(b)(sXivXB) (sOG) R3 l 5-26 1 -4 l 0(d)(2) (H S i't) {le v'Z*a-- \.rS # O\^<- /l/ Inspector'slnitials rArfJan 2018 Page I of2 Site:EPA ID: Preparedness and Prevention Checklist Date Is aisle space maintained to allow the unobstructed movement of emergency personnel or equipment (unless aisle space is not needed for any ofthese purposes)? R3ts-262-2s5 (LQG) R3 I 5-262-l 6(b)(8)(v) (^sec) ts-26t4r0(e) (HSM1 The facility must arrange the following types of agreements or arrangements with local organizations (as appropriate) : l. Has the facility made or attempted to make arrangements to familiarize local police, firedepartments, and emergency response teams with the layout of the facility, character of the hazardous waste(s) managed, locations where facility personnel normally work, location offacility entrances and possible evacuation routes? 2. Has the facility designated primary emergency authority to a specific police or fire department, when more than one police or fire department might respond in the event of an emergency? 3. Have agreements with State emergency response teams, emergency responses contractors, and equipment suppliers been made? 4. Have arrangements been made to familiarize local hospitals with the properties of hazardous waste handled at the facility and the types ofinjuries or illnesses which could result from fires, explosions, or releases at thefacility? R3ts-262-2s6(a) (LeG) R3 I 5-262- I 6(b)(8)(vi)(A) (.tec) R3l5-261-410(00 (HSM) R3 I s-262-256(a) (2) (LeG) R3 I 5-262- I 6(b)(8)(vi)(A)(II) (sec) R3 l 5-26 I -4 I 0(0( lxD (l1si.1) R3 | s -262 -2 s 6(a) (3) (L ec) R3 I 5-262- 16(b)(8)(vi)(A)(II) (sec) R3 l 5-26 I 4 I 0(f)(lXiD (HSl) R3 1 5 -262-2 s 6(a) (1) (L ec) R3 I s-262-l 6(b)(8)(vi)(A)(I) (.sec) R3 l 5-26 l -4 I 0(f)(lXiii) (H,s/r R3 | 5 -262 -2s 6(a) (2) (L e c) R3 I 5-262-16(b)(8)(vi)(A)(II) (.tec) R3 I s-26 I -4 I 0(D O)gv) (HSM Ifany State or local authorities have declined to enter into such arrangements, has the facility documented the refusal in the operating record? R3rs-262-2s6(b) (LQG) 3 I 5-262- I 6(bX8)(vi)(B) (sec) R3 r 5-261-4I0(D Q) (HSi4) 1Ao r<-L,tS- { lan2018 Page 2 of2 Inspector'slnitials gp s..-,'. orlts'";$f" WASTE MANAGEMENT & RADIATION CONTROL Site:SIUvEAE(GLF EPA #:oate: 3/ts /tB Hazardous Waste InsPection Personnel Training Checklist /N ftqsot J -.(rur'r ]J41-- 4WneE^JEq*= - A,tl- MA,l,\tr, lTRf o,tJt'SL; ,{unt/AL- fr t* Hflzwef'Ek' f'EtkE5p7f< R3 L 5 -262 - 1 7 (a)(7 ) ( i XA ) 40CF R262.r 7 (a)(7xi XA) nacltity personnel must successfully complete classroom instruction, online training or on- the-job training which teaches them to perform theirjobs, such that the facility is operated in compliance with the applicable hazardous waste management requirements. 6/v€_-rt 8Y w43e- KPowiE f ere*s.>,^J R3 I 5-262-l 7(a)(7XiXB) 40CFR262. 17(a)(7XD(B)Is the program directed by a person trained in hazardous waste management procedures? {e9 - LR€ Au.*i.)'XL R3 I 5-262-l 7(a)(7XiXB) 4OCFR262. I 7(a)(7XD(B) Does the training teach facility personnel hazardous waste management and contingency plan implementation procedures? ZRF 4a:pu4t-- . 'fR'<11 1-l'k)C f 1 I I J t V {t5 - (trs Yq> {s Ys9 1a> R3 I 5 -262- 17 (a)(7)(iXC) 40CFR262. l7(a)(7XD(C) Rj I s -262-17 (a)QXD(CX I ) 40CFR262. I 7(aX7XD(CX I ) Rj | 5 -2a-t7 (a)(7 XD(CX2) 40CFR262. I 7(a)(7XrXCX2) Rj I s -262-17 (a)(7 XD(CX3) 40CFR262. I 7(a\7XD(q(3) Ri I s -262-17 (a)Q XD(CX4) 40CFR262. I 7(a(7XD(CX4) Psrs-262-r7(a)(7XD(cX5) 40CFR262. I 7(a)(7XD(CXs) P3rs-262-17(a)(7Xt)(CX6) 40CFR262. I 7(a)(7Xi)(CX6) Does the training program include, at a minimum, the following, where applicable: l. Procedures for using, inspecting, repairing, and replacing facility emergency equipment; 2. Key parameters for automatic waste cut-off systems; 3. Communications or alarm systems; 4. Response to fires or explosions; 5. Response to groundwater contamination incidents; 6. Shutdown ofoperations; and R3rs-262-17(aXTXii) 40CFR262.r7(aXTXii) Have facility personnel successfully completed the personnel training program within six months of the date of their employment or assignment to the facility? R3 | 5 -262- | 7 (a)( 7)( ii i) 40 CF R262. | 7 (a)(7 )( ii i ) Do the facility personnel receive an annual review oftheir initial trainine? January 2018 Page I of2 Inspectors Initials D S Site: irlvER EAGL3 EPA #: Hazardous Waste Inspection Personnel Training Checktist maintain the following documents at thefacility: l. The job title for each position at the facilityrelated to hazardous waste management, and the name of the employee filling each job; 2. A writtenjob description for each positionlistedunder#l; 3. A written description of the type and amount ofboth introductory and continuing training that will be given to the employeei listed in #1, and; 4. Records that document that employees have the training or job experience required by paragraphs 265.16 (a), (b), and (c). The owner/operator of the facilfi must . R3 | s -2 62 - | 7 (a) ( 7) ( i v) 40 CF R262. | 7 (a)( 7)( iv) Rj I s -262- 1 7 (a)(7)(iv)(A) 40CF R262. | 7 (a)(7)(iv)(A) R3 I 5-262- I 7(a)(7Xiv)(B) 40CF R262. | 7 (a)(7) (iv)(B) R3 | s -262- t'l (a)(7)(iv) (C) 40CFPa62.r7(a)(7)(iv)(C) R3 | 5 -262-1 7 (a)(TXivXD) l7(a)(7)(iv)(D) S?El< n> 8E z(sszc,t-r ilJ G fRog?R- trA*t2 AAsN) Lz(L RE*eg;sHe & ; Ho n2s uER, dl Fst ceCT -To,E*4ctr,t $ o c ct n eA-r /.A,,Srx"g 4g€ -ru,(.f K,SS/ Gt6 EoPt5 /N t- /'Z-vr/H'(f TMlAr//1;G Go()6 A6coA.ss TR,4,t*t/ N (2 Are training records maintained at ttre facilitvfor current employees and for at least threeyears for employees that have left the company? R3ts-262-17(a)(7)(v) I 7(a)(7)(v) January 2018 Page 2 of 2 Inspectors Initials SILVER EAGLE REFINING - TRAINING APPLICABILITY DETERMINATION #COTJRSB/DISCUSSION TITLB APPLICABLE TO WHOM METHOD OF TRAINING REFRESHER etnpt,oy""*lth roles and responsibilities pursuant to the plans - classroom and participation in drills Employees who need to evacuate facility during an emergency - self review of the plan Employees who are exposed to fire hazards - self review of fire prevention plan Initial, Responsibilities change, Plan is changed I Emergency Response Plans: o Emergency Action Plan o Fire Prevention Initial, Responsibilities change, Plan is changed. Annual 2 Environmental Emergency Response Plans: o Facility Response Plan o SPCC a Employees with roles and responsibilities pursuant and participation in drills Employees who enter the plant - classroom All other employees - self review of the plan to the plans - classroom a a Initially or prior to responding to first aid emergencies. First Aid -2 yrs CPR - 3 yrs Annual CBT aJ Medical Services and First Aid Employees designated as first aid providers: o Volunteer - Classroom o All - CBT 4 Medical First Responder o Volunteer (Hep B vac series must be offered or sign declination form)Classroom Monthly requirement to keep up hours Keep up hours5EMTo One Safety Professional Classroom Initially or prior to assignment Annual refresher 6 Fixed Extinguishing Systems Employees who will inspect, maintain, operate or repair fixed extinguishing systems: o Safety o Maint. Ops Classroom/Field 7 Advanced Industrial Firefighting o Safety o On-Scene Commander Texas A&M LSU - ioin mutual aid grouP in SILVER EAGLE REFINING - TRAINING APPLICABILITY DETERMNATION o Operators attending 8 DOT HAZMAT Security Training: SER's security objectives, security procedures, individual responsibilities, actions to be taken, SER's security structure Anyone who directly affects the safety of transportation of hazardous material : o Env. Ops o Maint o Lab o Rail/Truck Ops Site Safety Orientation Required every 3 years - recommended annuallY 9 Method 9 Opacity o Env o Few operators Classroom 6 months l0 Slips, Trips & Falls o All CBT Annual ll Scaffolding Safety o Anyone who enters the plant CBT Annual t2 Basics of Ergonomics . All CBT Annual l3 Machine Guarding o Opso Maint o Inspections CBT Annual t4 RCRA -Haz.Non-Haz and Universal Waste Anyone who handles, uses, stores chemicals and/or wastes: o Env - 5 day Lion or McCoy o Ops - Classroom (Gigi provides Haz Waste Training) o Maint - Classroom o Lab - Classroom o Anyone entering plant - CBT Annual refresher l5 DOT Hazmat Transportation Training: regs, where employee fits in, hazard class, which things are hazardous materials. what are their Anyone who directly affects the safety of transportation of hazardous material: packs, ships, manifests or transports haz materials: o Env - 2 day Lion to be able to sign manifest o Ops - Classroom o Maint - Classroom Required every 3 years Annual CBT SILVER EAGLE REFINING - TRAINING APPLICABILITY DETERMINATION o Rail/Truck Ops - Classroom o Lab - Classroom o Anyone entering plant - CBT Anyone part of the EAP Classroom hazards, assure employees are able to r eco gnize I identi fy hazardous materials based on DOT-required communications (labels, package markings) t6 Incident Command Structure 8-hr annual t7 4-Gas Meters Anyone using one: o Ops o Mainto Lab o Safety o Env Classroom One-time and as necessary One-time and as necessary l8 Sampling - Methods & Safety Anyone pulling samples: o Lab o Ops o Truck/Rail Ops Classroom l9 Environmental Training 101 : o Air: Title V, PSD, MACT, NSPS, NESHAP, BWON, QQQ, permits and permit applications, compliance monitoring: CEMS, RATA, CGA and VCS compliance testing; LDAR, reporting: Toxics Release Inventory Env ops Maint Truck/Rail Ops Mgnt (excluding Marketing and Accounting) Classroom - in house 3 years SILVER EAGLE REFINING - TRAINING APPLICABILITY DETERMINATION (TRI), annual emissions inventories. Deviation reports, Upset/release emission reports and excess emission reports, recordkeeping and reporting requirements, typical air emission sources: tanks, loading/unloading, piping/process fugitive components, heaters, boilers, cooling towers, sewers, process units, flareso VRU, incinerator/thermal oxidizer, engines, turbines, process vents, wastewater treatment plant, rernediation 20 Environmental Training 101 : o Water: process wastewater (NESHAP vs non-NESHAP), utility wastewater, segregated stormwater, NPDES permit limitations, Storm water permit limitations, discharging, Env ops Maint Truck/Rail Ops Mgnt (excluding Marketing and Accounting) Classroom - in house 3 years SILVER EAGLE REFINING - TRAINING APPLICABILITY DETERMNATION monitoring, recordkeeping, spill prevention (SPCC) Classroom - in house o a a o o Env ops Maint Truck/Rail Ops Mgnt (excluding Marketing and Accounting) Environmental Training 101 : o Waste: types of waste at refinery, waste disposal options, charactenzing waste, RCRA compliance, waste collection locations, temporary storage locations, subpart CC air emissions, waste minimization, inspections, containerization" labeling, manifests, transportation - vendors, recordkeeping, annual report, state specific requirements UOSH WOSHA o PSMo Capital Projects o Maint. Ops OSHA General Industry 10-hr UOSH WOSHAOSHA General Industrv 30-hr Initially, or prior toCombination of formal instructionTrain and evaluate employees who operatePowered Industrial Trucks SILVER EAGLE REFINING - TRAINING APPLICABILITY DETERMINATION operating a vehicle without direct supervision. Refresher training required when the vehicle is oPerated unsafely, after an accident or near-miss, when art evaluation shows retraining is needed, when assigned to a different type of vehicle, when changes in the workplace affect safe truck operation. Evaluate at least everY 3 lts (lecture, written material), practical training (demo bY trainer) and evaluation of operator's performance in the workplace. powered industrial trucks: o Maint o Ops (forklift, manlift) Initially, or prior to assignment 5 year cert Certification from an accredited crane operating training organization Anyone who operates a crane Initially, or prior to assignment Train cutters, welders and their supervisors in safe equipment operation; train fire watchers use fire extinguishing equiPment Welding, cutting and brazing r Safety Professional Train the trainer: - Hazwoper 1e10.120(q)(7)- Basic Fire Training- Fire Extinguishers- First Aid/CPR- Bloodborne Pathogens 1e 10.103O(g)(2)(vii) Anyone using scaffolding: SILVER EAGLE REFINING - TRAINING APPLICABILITY DETERMNATION Maint - CBT Ops - CBT Safety - CBT Env - CBT Scaffold builders - Classroom 29 PSM Compliance Course o PSM Classroom One-time 30 PSM Compliance Auditing Course o PSM Classroom One-time One-time3lPHA Leader o PSM Classroom 32 Injury and illness record keeping - employee involvement Train all employees on how to report a work- related injury or illness Initially Annual Refresher J-)Powered Platforms Employees who operate powered platforms: o Maint . Ops o Inspections Classroom Initially 34 Occupational Noise Exposure; Hearing Protection; Hearing Conservation Employees who are exposed to noise at or above an 8-hr time weighted average of 85 decibels: o Maint o Ops o Anyone who enters Plant CBT Initially, preceding exposure to noise level, establish baseline Annual Refresher Initially, or prior to taking part in emergency oPerations35Flammable and Combustible liquids o Storage tank operators o Emergency responders for storage tanks CBT SILVER EAGLE REFINING - TRAINING APPLICABILITY DETERMINATION Initially, prior to assignmentEmployees who install, remove, operate and maintain LP gas systems: o Maint . Ops o Labo Env o Safety Storage & Handling of Liquefied Petroleum Gases Annual CBT Classroom every 3 Year (with test) CBT. Classroom and Site SafetY Orientation o Employees who operate a Processo Inform contract employees of known potential fire, explosion or toxic release hazards related to contractor's work and process Process Safety Management of Highly Hazardous Chemicals 24 HR: Initial, or Prior to taking part in actual emergency operations and 8 hour annual refresher Awareness Level: Annual CBT refresher Employees who have emergency response responsibilities: o Maint - 241'ff HAZWOPER o Ops -24hr HAZWOPER o Truck/Rail Ops -24hr HAZWOPER o Safety -24hr HAZWOPER o Env - 24hr HAZWOPER o Anvone in EAP - 24 hr HAZWOPER o Anyone entering plant - Awareness level HAZWOPER CBT Hazardous Waste Operations - Emergency Responders Initial & as necessarY. Employees that use PPEPersonal Protective Equipment Initially or before using a respirator. Repeat whenever necessary to ensure safe use. Annual Refresher Documentation required for medical evaluations and fit Medical Evaluation Fit Testing Pulmonary Function Test Classroom Employees who will use a respirator: o Maint. Opso Env o Safetyo PSM o Lab Respiratory Protection: Safety Critical SILVER EAGLE REFINING - TRAINING APPLICABILITY DETERMINATION . Anyone electing to wear a mask for added PPE, though not required testing (HR maintains). One-time, or as necessary41SCBA / Escape Pack: Safety Critical o Anyone who goes into the Plant Classroom 42 Specifi cations for accident prevention signs and tags Employees who work in areas where warnings are used to communicate hazards: . Anyone who goes into the Plant CBT & Site SafetY Orientation Initially, one time, or Prior to working in areas where signage is used. 43 Permit-Required Confined Spaces (not rescue): Safety Critical Employees who have roles in permit space entries: o OPs - Classroom o Maint - Classroom o Safety - Classroom o Env - Classroom o Anyone going into the Plant - CBT Employees who perform service or maintenance on equipment that must be locked out or tagged; or who operate equipment that is locked out: o Ops - Classroom o Maint - Classroom o Safety - Classroom o Env - Classroom o Anyone going into the Plant - CBT Employees who apply/remove the lock- out/tagout device: o Maint . Ops o Contractors SER LOTO procedure Initially/One-time unless changes made in duties, procedures or hazards change, when emPloYee's knowledge of entrY procedures are inadequate. Initially, or prior to performing service or maintenance on equiPment or system; as needed for employee profi ciencY; when there are new or revised procedures 44 The Control of Hazardous Energy (Lockout/Tagout): Safetv Critical 45 Lockout or Tagout Devices Removed: Safetv Critical Annual or whenever changed Annual Field Refresher46Portable Fire Extinguishers Where the employer has provided portable fire extinguishers for employee use in the Classroom/Field on how to use a portable fire extinguisher SILVER EAGLE REFINING _ TRAINING APPLICABILITY DETERMINATION workplace, employees must be trained with general principles of fire extinguisher use and the hazards involved with incipient state firefighting. CBT on principles of fire extinguisher use, tyPes and hazards of incipient stage firefighting Annual CBT 47 Fire Detection Systems Employees who will service, maintain, test, clean and make sensitivity adjustments to automatic fire detection sYstems: o Safetyo Maint . Ops Classroom/Field Initially, or prior to assignment 48 Fire Extinguishing Systems Employees designated to inspect, maintain, operate or repair fixed extinguishing systems: o Safetyo Maint . Ops Classroom Annual refresher 49 Fire Protection o All Instruction and hands on Practice in the operation of equiPment, including respiratory protection equipment that is exPected to be used and in the performance of assigned duties Annual 50 Employee Alarm Systems Whoever services. maintains and tests alarm systems: o Safety . Opso Maint Vendor: train in the designed operation and functions necessary for reliable and safe oPeration of the system Initially, prior to assignment or when changes are made to the system 5l Electrical Safety Employees who are exposed to electric shock or who work on or near exposed energized CBT Precede exposure, One-time SILVER EAGLE REFINING - TRAINING APPLICABILITY DETERMINATION parts: o Maint . Ops. Anyone who enters plant 52 Electrical Arc Flash Safety - NFPA 7OE Employees who will operate arc welding equipment: o Maint o Ops CBT Precede exposure, One-time 53 Asbestos Employees who are exposed to airborne concentrations of asbestos at or above the action level: o ALL CBT Initially, or prior to assignment Annual Refresher Keep training certifi cation for one year beyond employee's last day of employment 54 Benzene Employees who are exposed to airborne concentrations ofbenzene at or above the action level: o Anyone who enters plant CBT Initially, or prior to assignment Annual Refresher 55 Access to employee exposure and medical records o All CBT Initially, at time of hrre Annual Refresher Provide copies of 1910.1020 and its appendices to all employees 56 H2S o Anyone who enters plant CBT Initial Annual Refresher 57 Bloodbome Pathogens Employees with occupational exposure to bloodborne pathogens: CBT Must also provide exposure Prior to initial exposure to bloodbome pathogens Slt€ IDCycleSlte Nsme SILVER EACLE REFININC-WOODS CROSS uTD0633 149752017 A, Descriptkm of hq:ardous \|aste OILY SPILL BOOMS AND RAGS B. EPA Hazardous Waste Code(s) D0 r8 On-site Genention and Management of Hazardous Wute Off-site Shipment of HMrdous Wste KO5O BUNDLE SLUDGE AND FO37 SLUDGE B. EPA Hazardous Waste Code( s ) F037. K050 On-site Genemtion and Mmagement of Hazrdous Waste ST B. EPA Hqzqrdous Waste Code(s) D00l.D0l8,Kl7l C. Smte Hazardous Waste Code(s ) 9,;@ c08 Monasement Method Code E@3, w3l9 F. Waste Minimi.ution Code X 9.9@ 300.0 !@. POUNDS D@ On-site Genemtion md Managemcnt of Hszrdous Waste Off-site Shipment of Hutrdous Waste Site I B. EPA ID of facilitv to which waste was shiDDed uTD981552177 C, Manapement Method Code H040 A.r'tulgJailtbfljpJS4. 300.0 Coments Page I of4 GM 4 Wrste Chrnct€risti6 A.Detrriotion of h HITEC 4I42 FUEL ADDITIVE B. EPA Hazardous Waste Code(s ) D00 I 9.-$@ oll Manaeement Method Code LW w2 l9 F, Waste Miniiltizttion Code X G. Ouentitv 250.0 w. POUNDS Densit\ On-site Genention md Mmagement of Haandous Wmte Off-sit€ Shipment of Herdous Wffte Site I B. EPA tD of facilitv to which waste u'as shiooed urD981552177 C. Manqpenent Melhod Code H040 D. Total Ouantitv Shinped 250.0 Comments A. Description of haT.qrdous waste OFF SPEC RED DYE, TOLUENE, WATER On-site Genention md Milagement of Hadous Wste Off-site Shipment of Heardous wilte urD98l5s2l77 A,Descrtptt"n of h WATER. RED DYE. ACETONE & DEBRIS B. EPA Hazardous Waste Code(sJ F003 Generation and Mmagement of Haandous Wste Off-site Shipment of Hmdous Wmte Page2 of 4 @ BPR 8I 232 CORROSION INHIBITOR On-site Cenemtion md Mmagemcnt of Hmdous wste Off-site Shipment of Hzrdous Wcte BOW RIVERCRUDE B. EPA Hazardous Waste Code( s I D0l8.D00l On-sit€ Genemtion md Mmagement of Hffidous Wste Off-site Shipment of Hazardous Wste GM 9 Waste CharacteristlG SODIUM HYDROXIDE SOLUTION B. EPA Hazqrdous Wqste Code(sl D002 On-site Gcnemtion and Management of Hazardous WNte Off-sit€ Shipment of Hazrdous W4te Page 3 of4 GM l0 Waste Charrcteristics W MDDW FRAC TOWER PACKING B, EPA Hazardous Waste Code(s) D007 C, State Hazardous Waste Code( s ) W cr3 E. Form Code w3l9 F. Waste Mittinization Code X G. OuqnIitv 3580.0 UOM POUNDS PsllJ On-site Genemtion od Mmagement of Hazardous Wmte Off-site Shipment of Huadous Wute Sitc I B. EPA lD o{ focilitv ro u'hich waste v'as shiMed uTD991301748 C. Manapenent Method Code Ht32 D. Total Ouailtit\ Shipped 3580.0 Comrents per Clean Hdbor records. 25 yard bulk shipment contai ned 2,080 lbs. of tower packing. This i s in addition to ihe I .500 lbs. i n drums, L4- GM 11 Waste Chrmctristic TANK OO LTFT BOX SLUDGE B. EPA Hazardous Waste Code(sl D0l8 D. Source Code c23 MatnPement Method Code E@ w504 F. Wa s te M initnizotion Code G- Ouantitv t0r00.0 UOM POUNDS Densi | \, ofHazardous W Off-site Shipment of Hazardous Wmte Site I B. EPA tD of fecititv to which ||( ste v'as shiDDe.l uTDg8l552l77 C. ManaPenent Method Code H040 D. Total Ouant it\ Shioped 10100.0 Co|]rents 7-,2 Page 4 of4 I cycte | _ slte Nrme I sF rv I I z0t7 I SILVEREACLEREFINING-WOODSCROSS I uTD063314975 | OI I Slte A. EPA ID Number of Off-sile Instollation or TransDorter uTD98l552l77 B. Name of Off-si te In s tollq t ion o r Trans oo rt e r .T F AN PAPRNPS ARAGONITF. I-I-C @t4) Receiving Facility D. Address of Off-sile Instqllation I I600 N AFIUS ROAD City.Towt. or Villape ARACONITE A!!e IIT 4p@ 84029 99!!t!tJ UNITED STATES 9@ OI2 Slte A. EPA ID Nu,nber of Off-site Installttiott or TrqnsDorter uTD99r 301 748 B, Nane of Off-site Inst<tllation or TrailsDoiler CLEAN HARBORS GRASSY MOUNTAIN C. Handler Tvoe( s ) Receiving Facility D. Addrcss of Off-site Installation 3 MILES EAST, 7 MILES NROTH KNOL LS EXIT OFF I-80 Cit\.Town. or Villaee KNOLLS tlsls UT lziucnd" l@ I ranze I uNlrED srATEs C@