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DSHW-2018-003286 - 0901a068807eab4f
1Pr WASATCH Ds vk-W-2ot - 0032.B Mr. Scott Anderson, Director Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control 195 North 1950 West P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 April 9, 2018 Project No : 2304-001 SUBJECT: Request for Comfort Letter Commercial Property Acquisition — Former Dry Cleaner Property 695 West 5400 South Murray, Utah 84107 On behalf of our client, DU Company, Wasatch Environmental, Inc , (Wasatch) is submitting this request for a Comfort Letter from the Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (DWMRC). DU Company is under contract to purchase the vacant commercial property, located at 695 West 5400 South, in Murray, Utah The subject property was reportedly occupied by a service station from 1965 through approximately 1987. In 1987, the service station building was demolished and the currently building was constructed and initially occupied by a 7-11 convenience store The current building was occupied by a dry cleaner from 2001 through approximately 2006. DU Company plans to demolish the existing building and redevelop the property with retail space As part of pre-acquisition due diligence activities, DU Company contracted Wasatch to conduct pre-acquisition environmental due diligence that included a Limited Subsurface Investigation, dated April 5, 2018. A copy of the Limited Subsurface Investigation (LSI) Report, is attached Also attached is a Phase II Environmental Investigation Report, completed by Kleinfelder, dated March 23, 2012 The 2012 Kleinfelder report references investigation activities conducted by GSH; however, the GSH reports have not been provided to Wasatch. BACKGROUND In May 2011, GSH conducted Phase I and Phase II Environmental Site Assessments activities at the subject property GSH advanced 12 borings on the Site Petroleum hydrocarbons and tetrachloroethene (PCE) were detected in some of the soil samples submitted. Groundwater samples were also collected from two of the borings advanced in the northern portion of the Site, however, no concentrations of hydrocarbons or PCE were reported by the laboratory in these samples. GSH also excavated two trenches in July 2011 in the area to the east of the dry cleaner building (near the borings with the elevated concentrations of hydrocarbons) One trench was orientated north/south, and the second trench was orientated east/west. These two trenches were excavated to depths of 5 to 7 feet bgs and seven soil samples were collected from the trench walls. Based on the laboratory results, total petroleum hydrocarbons-diesel range organics (TPH-DRO) and oil and grease concentrations are present in on-site soils GSH concluded that there are "moderate amounts of diesel fuel and oil and grease contamination and very minor amounts of PCE contamination within the subsurface soils at the Site " In 2012 Kleinfelder conducted a geophysical survey, a passive soil gas survey, and installed three groundwater monitoring wells on the subject property. Kleinfelder identified PCE in the groundwater samples collected from MW-1 and MW-2. The concentration in MW-1, located immediately south of the building was 14.5 ug/L. The concentration in MW-2, located on the south property line was 4 99 ug/L The MCL for PCE is 5 ug/L. No soil impacts were reported in the soil samples collected during monitoring well installation Kleinfelder identified PCE and trichloroethene in soil vapor beneath the building. Petroleum compounds were also identified in the soil gas samples, however, Kleinfelder concluded that 2410 WEST CALIFORIVIA AVENUE • SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84104 PHONE (801)972-8400 • FAX (801) 972-8459 Website www wasatch-environmental com • e-Mail wel@wasatch-enoronmental com "the concentrations were relatively low and, in conjunction with the analytical results from the soil sampling previously conducted by GSH, additional investigation for petroleum hydrocarbon constituents was not warranted." CURRENT SITE INVESTIGATION ACTIVITIES As described in the attached Limited Subsurface Investigation Report, in 2018, Wasatch advanced six borings as shown on Figure 1, and collected groundwater samples from two existing groundwater monitoring wells installed by Kleinfelder. Borings were advanced within the building adjacent to the dry- cleaning machines, and outside the building downgradient of the dry-cleaning machines and the sanitary sewer lines. Groundwater results from the subsurface investigation are summarized in Table 1. No VOCs were reported in groundwater samples above laboratory reporting limits in the borings advanced by Wasatch. Only two VOCs were identified above the laboratory reporting limits in the groundwater samples collected from the existing monitoring wells: PCE and 4-Methy1-2-pentanone [also known as MIN). PCE was reported in sample MW-1 at a concentration of 2.81 micrograms per liter (ug/L) which was below its respective United States Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA) maximum contaminant level (MCL) of 5 ug/L. 4-Methy1-2-pentanone was reported in groundwater sample GP-1 at a concentration of 6.58 ug/L. There is not a MCL established for 4-Methy1-2 pentanone. In soil samples collected from the borings advanced by Wasatch, PCE was reported at trace concentrations in GP-1, GP-2, GP-3, and GP-5 at concentrations which are orders of magnitude below the U.S. EPA Regional Screening Levels (RSL) for residential soils. Four petroleum hydrocarbon compounds were reported above laboratory reporting limits in sample GP-6- 20', however all reported results were orders of magnitude below the U.S. EPA RSLs. CONCLUSIONS In March 2018, Wasatch collected soil and groundwater samples from beneath the on-site building, and immediately downgradient of the on-site building, and collected groundwater samples from two existing monitoring wells. Wasatch found no concentrations of VOCs above the most conservative regulatory screening levels in any of the soil or groundwater samples. The PCE concentration in MW-1 from the sample collected during Wasatch's LSI was 2.81 ug/L, well below the concentration of 14.5 ug/L reported by Kleinfelder in 2012. No soil impacts were reported in the soil samples collected by Kleinfelder during monitoring well installation. We found no indication that a significant release of VOCs has occurred associated with the former dry-cleaning activities. Our client has requested that we prepare this request and submit the completed environmental reports to DWMRC to seek a Comfort Letter from the agency that acknowledges that DU Company would not be considered a responsible party with respect to the chlorinated solvent impacts identified on the subject property. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us Sincerely, WASATCH ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Christopher J. Nolan, P.G. Senior Project Geologist Julie Kilgore, President Utah-Certified UST Consultant CC 0118 Principal Environmental Manager Cc Mr. Brad Maulding, DWMRC Mr. Raymond Wixom, DWMRC Mr. John Finley, DU Company Attachments: Limited Subsurface Investigation Report, dated April 5, 2018 Phase II Environmental Investigation Report, dated March 23, 2012 The address for DU Company is: DU Company 20 West Century Parkway Salt Lake City, Utah 84107 Attention John Finley WASATCH John Finley April 5, 2018 clo Du Company Project No.: 2304-001 20 West Century Parkway Salt Lake City, Utah 84107 SUBJECT: Limited Subsurface Investigation Former Dry Cleaner 695 West 5400 South Murray, Utah 84107 Wasatch Environmental, Inc., (Wasatch) has completed subsurface sampling activities at 695 West 5400 South, Murray, Utah (subject property). The scope of work included advancing six direct-push soil borings and the collection of soil and groundwater samples from each boring and the sampling of two existing groundwater monitoring wells. The soil and groundwater samples were submitted for laboratory analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). BACKGROUND Wasatch was provided with a Phase II Environmental Investigation report completed on the property by Kleinfelder, dated March 23, 2012 The report identified elevated sub-slab soil vapors associated with dry cleaning solvents beneath the building and groundwater impacts in a monitoring well (MW-1) located along the southern wall of the building. The report calculated groundwater flow direction to the northwest A reference in the Kleinfelder report described earlier sampling completed by GSH in May 2011 which included the drilling of 12 soil borings and excavation of two trenches The Kleinfelder report quotes the GSH findings that there are "moderate amounts of diesel fuel and oil and grease contamination and very minor amounts of PCE (tetrachloroethene) within the subsurface soils at the Site." The GSH report was not provided to Wasatch for review. OBJECTIVES The objective of this investigation was to evaluate the degree of soil and groundwater impacts present beneath the building in the immediate area of the two dry-cleaning machines. METHODS On March 27, 2018, our Geologists, Kevin Murphy and Steve Strehl, directed the completion of six subsurface borings using direct-push techniques to evaluate soil conditions and collect soil and groundwater samples adjacent to the dry cleaning machines, and down gradient from the dry cleaning machines located inside of the vacant former dry cleaner building. EarthProbe Environmental Field Services of Salt Lake City was the drilling subcontractor and advanced the borings using a limited access GeoProbe 45 LT track-mounted drill rig Sample locations were completed at the locations shown on Figure 1. Soil borings were advanced to final depths ranging from 25 feet below ground surface (bgs) to 32 feet bgs, with the exception of GP-4 which encountered drilling refusal at 11 feet bgs The groundwater sample collected at GP-5 was advanced to a final depth of 32 feet bgs. The soil borings were advanced in 4-foot increments using the direct-push drill rig. Soil cores were collected from 4-foot long by 1 5-inch diameter discrete interval push samplers equipped with disposable polybutyrate liners The soil cores 2410 WEST CALIFORNIA AVENUE • SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH 84104 PHONE (801) 972-8400 • FAX (801)972-8459 Webstte www wasatch-enwronmental com • e-Mail wei@wasatch-environmental com were field logged by Mr. Murphy and Mr. Strehl. The field logging included a description of color, moisture content, consistency, odor, staining, and soil type based on the Unified Soil Classification System. Soil cores were field screened for the presence of total VOC vapors with a MiniRae 3000 photoionization detector (PID). The depths at which the soil samples were collected for laboratory analysis were determined in the field based on field observations of environmental impacts. Soil sample preservation methods and sample containers were consistent with U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) method 5035A for the collection of VOCs. Soil samples were placed in appropriate laboratory-supplied sample containers and immediately placed on ice. Soil samples were collected from each sample location for both low-range (0.5 to 250 micrograms per kilogram [pg/kg]) and high-range (>250 pg/kg) laboratory analysis for VOCs. Low-range soil samples were collected as 5-gram (g) aliquots and placed in laboratory-supplied, unpreserved volatile organic analysis (VOA) bottles, and immediately placed in a cooler with ice. High-range samples were collected as lOg aliquots and placed in laboratory-supplied VOA bottles preserved with methanol and immediately placed in a cooler with ice. At one of the boring locations Wasatch could not collect a soil sample because of drilling refusal (GP-4). In GP-6, a second soil sample was collected at a depth that was 5 feet greater than the first sample to assess if there was any variation in soil impacts with depth. Groundwater sampling was conducted in conjunction with the soil boring activities. After completion of the soil borings, a groundwater sample was collected using a temporary stainless steel well-point, a peristaltic pump, and disposable, low-density polyethylene tubing. Groundwater was initially purged from each location to reduce the turbidity of the samples and then dispensed into laboratory-supplied, 40- milliliter capacity glass vials with Teflon® septa caps. The sample vials contained several drops of hydrochloric acid as a preservative. The vials were filled slowly until a meniscus formed at the top of each vial, then each vial was sealed with a septa cap. This procedure eliminates headspace within the vials and minimizes the loss of volatiles. The sample vials were labeled with the sample location, sample identification, date, and time of sample collection. At the two existing groundwater monitoring wells, labelled MW-1 and MW-NW on Figure 1, the wells were purged of three well volumes and a groundwater samples were collected using a new bailer. The groundwater samples were labeled with the boring number or well identification, were recorded on the chain-of-custody form, and immediately placed on ice in a cooler. The cooler containing the soil and groundwater samples were hand-delivered to American West Analytical Laboratories, Utah-Certified analytical laboratory located in Salt Lake City, Utah, for analysis of VOCs by U.S. EPA Method SW-846 8260C. RESULTS Soils at the site generally consists of sand (SM) and gravelly sand (SW) to approximately 15 feet bgs. At 15 feet bgs a very stiff sandy clay was observed to the bottom of the borings. Boring logs are presented in Appendix A. Depth to groundwater was observed in the two monitoring wells at a depth of approximately 18 feet bgs. No elevated PID readings, odors, or staining that would be indicative of soil contamination were observed. Table 1 summarizes the analytical results of groundwater sampling. As a reference in Table 1, the U.S. EPA Maximum Contaminant Levels (MCLs) are shown. The MCLs are the applicable screening levels for unrestricted land use. The laboratory analytical report and chain-of-custody documentation is presented in Appendix B. Wasatch Environmental Inc. Page 2 As shown in Table 1, only two VOCs (PCE and 4-Methyl-2-pentanone [also known as MIK]) were reported above the laboratory reporting limit. PCE was reported in sample MW-1 at a concentration of 2.81 micrograms per liter (ug/L) which was below its respective MCL of 5 ug/L. There is not a MCL established for 4-Methy1-2pentanone. Table 2 summarizes the analytical results for chlorinated solvents in soil. As referenced, Table 2 also presents the U.S. EPA's Regional Screening Level (RSL) for residential soils. PCE was reported at trace concentrations in GP-1, GP-2 GP-3 and GP-5 and concentrations orders of magnitude below the RSL for residential soils. Table 3 summarizes the analytical results for petroleum hydrocarbons in soil. As reference, Table 3 also presents the Utah Tier 1 Screening Levels (ISLs). The Utah ISLs are used by the Utah underground storage tank program and while not directly applicable to this site, can be used to assess the degree of petroleum hydrocarbon impacts. The ISLs are highly conservative screening levels generally applicable where unrestricted property use is desired and, as such, are applicable for residential development. Four petroleum hydrocarbon compounds were reported above laboratory reporting limits in sample GP-6- 20', however all reported results were well below the Utah ISLs. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the results of our subsurface investigation and laboratory analysis, it does not appear that there has been a significant release of VOCs to soil or groundwater from dry cleaning operations at the subject property. No soil or groundwater samples exhibited environmental impacts above applicable regulatory limits. Wasatch recommends sharing the results of this investigation with the Utah Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (DMWRC) and requesting a comfort letter. The comfort letter will indicate that the Utah DWMRC does not anticipate taking an enforcement action against for contamination that existed, or for violations that occurred on the property prior to the time that the purchaser acquires an interest in it. In return, DU Company, LLC will commit to limit human exposure to the existing release, which was identified beneath the building by Kleinfelder in soil gas samples. At similar release sites, DWMRC has requested constructing engineering controls into any structure which may be impacted by organic vapors. Engineering controls may include the construction of a sub- slab depressurization system and a vapor barrier in the new construction. Wasatch Environmental Inc. Page 3 Our services consist of professional opinions and recommendation made in accordance with generally accepted environmental engineering principles and practices This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties either expressed or implied. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us Sincerely, WASATCH ENVIRONMENTAL, INC. Christopher J. Nolan, P.G. Julie Kilgore, President Senior Geologist Environmental Manager FIGURES Figure 1 — Boring Location Map TABLES Table 1 — Groundwater Analytical Results Table 2 — Soil Analytical Results — Chlorinated Solvents Table 3 — Soil Analytical Results — Petroleum Hydrocarbons APPENDICES Appendix A — Boring Logs Appendix B — Laboratory Analytical Report Wasatch Environmental Inc Page 4 Map Legend DATE: 03/27/2018 FIGURE 1 PROJECT NO.: 2304-001 Scale 1" equals approximately 20' 0 Boring Locations E x I stin g Monitoring Well Boring Location Map Former Dry Cleaner 5400 South 700 West Murray, Utah, 84123 WASATCH Environmental Science and Engineering Table 1 Groundwater Analytical Results Former Dry Cleaner 695 West 5400 South Murray, Utah all concentrations are expressed in micrograms per liter (pg/L) Sampling Location Sampling Date Te tr a c hl o ro e the n e ( PCE ) Tr ic hlo ro ethe ne cis - 1, 2- Di c hlo ro e the n e tr a ns - 1, 2- Di c hlo ro ethe ne 1, 1- Di c hl o ro e the n e Vi n y l C h l o r id e 4- Me thy l- 2- p enta no ne GP-1 3/27/2018 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <1.00 6.58 GP-2 3/27/2018 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <1.00 <2.00 GP-5 3/27/2018 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <1.00 <2.00 GP-6 3/27/2018 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <1.00 <2.00 MW-NW 3/27/2018 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <1.00 <2.00 MW-1 3/27/2018 2.81 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <1.00 <2.00 U.S. EPA Maximum Contaminant Level 5 5 70 100 7 2 NE NOTES: < = concentration was below the reporting limit BOLD = Results reported above U.S. EPA MCL Table 2 Soil Analytical Results Chlorinated Solvents Former Dry Cleaner 695 West 5400 South Murray, Utah all concentrations are expressed in micrograms per kilogram (ug/kg) Sampling Location Sampling Date Te tr a chl o r o ethe ne ( PCE ) Tr ic hl o ro ethe n e cis - 1, 2- Di c hl o ro e the n e tr a n s - 1, 2- Di c hl o r o ethe ne 1, 1- Di c hlo r o e the ne Vi n y l C h l o r id e GP-1-15 3/27/2018 7.89 <2.52 <2.52 <2.52 <2.52 <1.26 GP-2-15' 3/27/2018 4.04 <2.36 <2.36 <2.36 <2.36 <1.18 GP-3-14' 3/27/2018 4.59 <2.17 <2.17 <2.17 <2.17 <1.08 GP-5-11' 3/27/2018 7.78 <1.99 <1.99 <1.99 <1.99 <0.996 GP-6-15' 3/27/2018 <2.16 <2.16 <2.16 <2.16 <2.16 <1.08 GP-6-20' 3/27/2018 <2.34 <2.34 <2.34 <2.34 <2.34 <1.17 U.S. EPA Regional Screening Level for Residential Soil 240,000 940 160,000 1,600,000 230,000 59.000 NOTES: < = concentration was below the reporting limit Table 3 Soil Analytical Results - Petroleum Hydrocarbons Former Dry Cleaner 695 West 5400 South Murray, Utah a// concentrations are expressed in micrograms per kilogram (ug/kg) Sampling Location Sampling Date Be n z e ne Et hy lbe n z e n e To lu e n e To ta l X y le n e s GP-1-15 3/27/2018 <2.52 <2.52 <2.52 <2.52 GP-2-15' 3/27/2018 , <2.36 <2.36 <2.36 <2.36 GP-3-14' 3/27/2018 <2.17 <2.17 <2.17 <2.17 GP-5-11' 3/27/2018 <1.99 <1.99 <1.99 <1.99 GP-6-15' 3/27/2018 <2.16 <2.16 <2.16 <2.16 GP-6-20' 3/27/2018 4.51 2.36 36 12.3 Utah Initial Screening Levels 200 5,000 9,000 142,000 NOTES: < = concentration was below the reporting limit Appendix A Boring Logs DATE DRILLED: 3/28/2018 De p th ( fe e t) I Sa m p le r E. . Bl o w s /F o o t E a_ a_ 0 Wa te r Le v el I Temporary Well Construction LOGGED BY: Stephen Strehl REFERENCE ELEVATION: N/A DRILL RIG: Geoprobe 54LT TOTAL DEPTH: 20' DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: 24' DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION Description and Remarks Color Soil Type Consist. Concrete top 3" ./ _ 1— _ 2— _ 3— _ 4— _ 5— _ 6— _ 7— _ 8— - 9— _ 10— _ 11— _ 12— _ 13— .: 14— 16— _ 17— _ 18— _ 19— _ 20— 0.0 temporary piezometer screen placed at 21' to 25' _ _ _ Gravelly Sand (fill): fine to coarse-grained, small to large sub-rounded gravels, moist Light Brown SW Loose V Sand: fine-grained, medium sub-rounded gravels, moist Light Brown SW Loose Sand: fine-grained, with silt, moist Brown SM Medium Dense Gravelly Sand: fine to coarse-grained, medium to large sub- angular gravels, some cobble, moist Light Grey SW Loose Sandy Clay: fine to very fine-grained sand, low plasticity, moist Light Brown/ Pale Brown CL Very Stiff End of Boring WELL LOG ----- WASATCH '11V. Former Dry Cleaner 695 West 5400 South Murray, Utah, 84107 Environmental Science and Engineering PROJECT NO.: 2304-001 BORING NO.: GP-1 DATE DRILLED: 3/28/2018 De p th ( fe e t) I co a)" li. E m Bl o w s /Fo o t (wd d ) CI l d 1 Wa te r L e ve l I Temporary Well Construction LOGGED BY: Stephen Strehl REFERENCE ELEVATION: N/A DRILL RIG: Geoprobe 54LT TOTAL DEPTH: 20' DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: 24' DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION Description and Remarks Color Soil Type Consist. Concrete top 3" ./ _ 1— _ 2— _ 3— _ 4— _ 5- - 6- - 7— - 8— - 9— - 10— - 11— _ 12— _ 13— _ 14— 16— _ 17— _ 18— _ 19— 20— 0.0 temporary piezometer screen placed at 24' to 28' - - - _ - - - Gravelly Sand (fill): fine to coarse-grained, small to large sub-rounded gravels, moist Light Brown SW Loose V Sand: fine-grained, medium sub-rounded gravels, moist Light Brown SW Loose Sand: fine-grained, with silt, moist Brown SM Medium Dense Gravelly Sand: fine to coarse-grained, medium to large sub- angular gravels, some cobble, moist Light Grey SW Loose 15—/ Sandy Clay: fine to very fine-grained sand, low plasticity, moist Light Brown/ Pale Brown CL Very Stiff End of Boring WELL LOG -,WASATCH 10V Former Dry Cleaner 695 West 5400 South Murray, Utah, 84107 Environmental Science and Engineering PROJECT NO.: 2304-001 BORING NO.: GP-2 DATE DRILLED: 3/28/2018 De p th ( fe e t) Sa m p le r Bl o w s/F o ot E a a 0 Fa_ Wa te r Le ve l Temporary Well Construction LOGGED BY: Stephen Strehl REFERENCE ELEVATION: N/A DRILL RIG: Geoprobe 54LT TOTAL DEPTH: 20' DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: N/A DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION Description and Remarks Color Soil Type Consist. Concrete top 3" / _ 1— _ 2— _ 3— _ 4— _ 5— _ 6— - 7— _ 8— _ 9— _ 10— _ 11— _ 12— _ 13-1 0 0 no groundwater recovery - - _ _ - - - 7 Gravelly Sand (fill): fine to coarse-grained, small to large sub-rounded gravels, moist Light Brown SW Loose 'I Sand: fine-grained, medium sub-rounded gravels, moist Light Brown SW Loose Sand: fine-grained, with silt, moist Dark Brown Brown SM Medium Dense Gravelly Sand: fine to coarse-grained, medium to large sub- angular gravels, some cobble, moist Light Grey SW Loose 14—/ Sandy Clay: fine to very fine-grained sand, low plasticity, sporadic very fine-grained reddish brown sand lenses, moist Light Brown/ Pale Brown CL Very Stiff 15— _ 16— _ 17— _ 18— - 19— _ 20— End of Boring WELL LOG IV WASATCH Former Dry Cleaner 695 West 5400 South Murray, Utah, 84107 Environmental Science and Engineering PROJECT NO.: 2304-001 BORING NO.: GP-3 DATE DRILLED: 3/28/20'18 De p th ( fe e t) 1 Sa mp le r Bl o ws /Fo o t E Q. Q. 0 EI. Wa te r L e ve l I Temporary Well Construction LOGGED BY: Stephen Strehl REFERENCE ELEVATION: N/A DRILL RIG: Geoprobe 54LT TOTAL DEPTH: 11' DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: N/A DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION Description and Remarks Color Soil Type Consist. No recovery 0' to 4' Light Brown Light Brown Brown SW SW SM Loose Loose Medium Dense _ 1— _ 2— _ 3— _ 4— _ 5— _ 6— _ 7— 7 8— _ 9— _ 10— _ 11— _ 12— _ 13— _ 14— _ 15— _ 16— - 17— _ 18— _ 19— _ 20— 0 0 refusal at 11' Sand: fine-grained, medium sub-rounded gravels, moist Sand: fine-grained, with silt, moist End of Boring WELL LOG WASATCH --,- Former Dry Cleaner 695 West 5400 South Murray, Utah, 84107 IV Environmental Science and Engineering PROJECT NO.: 2304-001 BORING NO.: GP-4 DATE DRILLED: 3/28/2018 De p th ( fe e t) Sa mp le r .5 o u_ iii 0 Ed PI D ( p p m) Wa te r L e v el Temporary Well Construction LOGGED BY: Stephen Strehl REFERENCE ELEVATION: N/A DRILL RIG: Geoprobe 54LT TOTAL DEPTH: 16' DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: 28' DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION Description and Remarks Color SOH Type Consist. Concrete top 3" ./ - 1— _ 2-- _ 3— _ 4— _ 5-1 _ 6— _ 7— - 8— - 9— _ 10— 0 0 temporary piezometer screen placed at 28' to 32' _ _ _ _ Gravelly Sand (fill): fine to coarse-grained, small to large sub-rounded gravels, moist Light Brown SW Loose V Sand: fine-grained, medium sub-rounded gravels, moist, 1.5" brick debris at 3' Light Brown SW Loose Sand: fine-grained, with silt, moist Brown SM Medium Dense Gravelly Sand: fine to coarse-grained, medium to large sub- angular gravels, some cobble, moist Light Grey SW Loose 12- - 13— _ 14— _ 15— _ 16— _ 17— _ 18— 19— 20— No recovery End of Boring WELL LOG ----- WA S AT VP' C H Former Dry Cleaner 695 West 5400 South Murray, Utah, 84107 Environmental Science and Engineering PROJECT NO.: 2304-001 BORING NO.: GP-5 DATE DRILLED: 3/28/2018 De p th ( fe e t) Sa mp le r E Bl o w s/F o o t E a_ a_ 0 Wa te r Le v e l Temporary Well Construction LOGGED BY: Stephen Strehl REFERENCE ELEVATION: N/A DRILL RIG: Geoprobe 54LT TOTAL DEPTH: 20' DEPTH TO GROUNDWATER: 24' DESCRIPTION AND CLASSIFICATION Description and Remarks Color Soil Type Consist. Asphalt top 4" / _ 1— _ 2— - 3— _1 4— _ 5— _ 6— _ 7— _ 8— - 9— _ 10— _ 11— _ 12— _ 13— - 14— _ 15— _ 16— _ 17— _ 18— 0 0 20 temporary piezometer screen placed at 24' to 28' - _ - _ _ Gravelly Sand (fill): fine to coarse-grained, small to medium sub-rounded gravels, moist Light Brown SW Loose V Sand: fine-grained, moist Light Brown SW Loose Sand: fine-grained, with silt, moist Light Brown Brown SM Medium Dense Silty Sand: fine to very fine-grained, very moist, possible wetting front Pale Brown SM Medium Dense Gravelly Sand: fine to coarse-grained, medium to large sub- angular gravels, some cobble, moist Pale Grey SW Loose Sandy Clay: fine to very fine-grained sand, low plasticity, moist Pale Brown CL Very Stiff Soft 19 / End of Boring WELL LOG ------ WA S AT VP' C H Former Dry Cleaner 695 West 5400 South Murray, Utah, 84107 Environmental Science and Engineering PROJECT NO.: 2304-001 BORING NO.: GP-6 Appendix B Laboratory Analytical Report Chris Nolan Wasatch Environmental 2410 West California Avenue Salt Lake City, UT 84104 TEL: (801) 972-8400 RE: Former Dry Cleaner / 2304-001 Dear Chris Nolan: Lab Set ID: 1803577 American West Analytical Laboratories received sample(s) on 3/28/2018 for the analyses presented in the following report. American West Analytical Laboratories (AWAL) is accredited by The National Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (NELAP) in Utah and Texas; and is state accredited in Colorado, Idaho, New Mexico, Wyoming, and Missouri. All analyses were performed in accordance to the NELAP protocols unless noted otherwise. Accreditation scope documents are available upon request. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this report please feel free to call. The abbreviation "Surr" found in organic reports indicates a surrogate compound that is intentionally added by the laboratory to determine sample injection, extraction, and/or purging efficiency. The "Reporting Limit" found on the report is equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL). This is the minimum concentration that can be reported by the method referenced and the sample matrix. The reporting limit must not be confused with any regulatory limit. Analytical results are reported to three significant figures for quality control and calculation purposes. This is a revision to a report originally issued 4/3/2018. Information herein supersedes that of the previously issued reports. Pages 1 and 18-19 have been revised. The Client Sample ID has been updated. 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City. l'T 8 -I I 19 Phone. (80 l ) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail• a‘‘ al ei ax\ al-lah, cow NAeb: wwv, .awal-lahs com 1.-.) le F oss I,ahorator> Director Jose Rocha QA Officei Thank You, Digitally signed Kyle F. by Kyle F. Gross Date: Gross 2018.04.04 11:32:15 -061 00' Approved by: Laboratory Director or designee Report Date 4/4/2018 Page 1 of 25 all attal,, aop'isabl, t I ( b `tl 1W R at, v., lin n r.J n Jr k 01,1.111,10 l pitootatir .rrp'r :il.rriliaiuuils l,,,al..' un ( s al 111.1,11.s• I I. II nati011 ltir101.011 in 101 e.,. ta. arttli.,, Pits ot nub, drtaat thr na tie 01 1,11‘ %All, pa is lri a I) manila, ei r I Ot 01. IFI.• I rinetd trt rs.11 ilia atit,i.,titartt 5.4 tr at 1, pi ida,d ot pit ,ess Ili 1 .1,1.1,111111 u tat: it.-publit, pm, ot ..olh.t to ant put pt-e otlit than to, ill: t.ill ha ai intod !It IN 011 Loma,' Hu. ,ettrpatt., it—eats nt, ut tx,,r1 tr. 111_ d tt. trt.ttopnat ttt andlat analvor itt ,,t tarlt and at..tridiry tot, Itte [rad, and irl ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Wasatch Environmental Contact: Chris Nolan Project: Former Dry Cleaner / 2304-001 Lab Sample ID: 1803577-001A Client Sample ID: GP-1-15' 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City. UT 84119 Collection Date: 3/27/2018 920h Received Date: 3/28/2018 833h Analytical Results Test Code: 8260-S VOAs AWAL List by GC/MS Method 8260C Analyzed: 3/28/2018 1655h Units: pg/kg-dry Dilution Factor: 0.98 Method: SW8260C Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qual 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 2.52 < 2.52 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 2.52 < 2.52 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 76-13-1 2.52 < 2.52 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 2.52 < 2.52 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 2.52 < 2.52 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 2.52 < 2.52 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 2.52 < 2.52 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 6.30 < 6.30 1,2-Di bromoethane 106-93-4 2.52 < 2.52 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 2.52 < 2.52 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 2.52 < 2.52 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 2.52 < 2.52 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 2.52 < 2.52 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 2.52 < 2.52 2-Butanone 78-93-3 12.6 < 12.6 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 6.30 < 6.30 4-Methy1-2-pentanone 108-10-1 6.30 < 6.30 Acetone 67-64-1 12.6 < 12.6 Benzene 71-43-2 2.52 < 2.52 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 2.52 < 2.52 Bromoform 75-25-2 2.52 < 2.52 Bromomethane 74-83-9 6.30 < 6.30 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 2.52 < 2.52 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 2.52 < 2.52 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 2.52 < 2.52 Chloroethane 75-00-3 2.52 < 2.52 Chloroform 67-66-3 2.52 < 2.52 Chloromethane 74-87-3 6.30 < 6.30 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 2.52 < 2.52 Phone. (801) 263-8686 Toll Free. (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail UN% al a imal-labs eoni V1eb: \ 1% .av,al-labs coin kyle F. Gross L ahorator) Director Jose Rocha OA Officer Report Date 4/3/2018 Page 2 of 25 411 (Wk. to tl ('‘N SDA'A R(12 't p,itor feud II` 1.11 i.1 1( pi 1,o,o1 them (op' 11,2 II torulAto. 1, _rr,,t rrr 11, .fit (.110.1( Ot ' ( T ilk .1 nu, 01 I p LI, of 11, P11, ,th,(00.1u,et,' (1, rì,r 1,0 thr,,0111.,111) or rt'iVi .1, l't Or I up odllu.rron ‘11 thi• 10porr 111 ,,n1r,1.1...1‘ rieurot1011 al; ol or .112 is-1,01,4...0,0r. 01 th ....It di. tot ,11, ,.11,1t«.1.,1() Or. C01P.1, 11111 u0n1.1 .11, 1, ,.pls por,rhi , su, pt (01 rl c du, p‘rtor rum, r.1,p, arid.oi inal)•i, rrr 1_11.1' and .1.,ord my to th, th, 111.1, ..1thi of ro.21,,, 3440 South 700 West Salt lrake T 84119 Phone. (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 1.ax: (801)263-8687 aA‘al a asNal-lahs com 1N, eb: www.avval-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laborator.) Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Lab Sample ID: 1803577-001A Client Sample ID: GP- l-15' Analyzed: 3/28/2018 I 655h Units: ug/kg-dry Dilution Factor: 0.98 Method: SW8260C Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qual cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 2.52 < 2.52 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 2.52 < 2.52 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 2.52 < 2.52 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 2.52 < 2.52 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 2.52 < 2.52 Is opropylbenzene 98-82-8 2.52 < 2.52 Methyl Acetate 79-20-9 6.30 < 6.30 Methyl tert-butyl ether 1634-04-4 2.52 < 2.52 Methylcyclohexane 108-87-2 2.52 < 2.52 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 6.30 < 6.30 Naphthalene 91-20-3 2.52 < 2.52 Styrene 100-42-5 7.57 < 2.52 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 2.52 7.89 Toluene 108-88-3 2.52 < 2.52 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 2.52 < 2.52 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 2.52 < 2.52 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 2.52 < 2.52 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 2.52 < 2.52 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 1.26 < 1.26 Xylenes, Total 1330-20-7 2.52 < 2.52 Surrogate Units: gg/ku-dry CAS Result Amount Spiked % REC Limits Qual Surr 1,2-Diehloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 71 7 62 95 114 51-170 Surr 4-Bromolluorobenzene 460-00-4 62 1 62 95 98 7 50-137 Surr Dibrornofluoromethane 1868-53-7 58 1 62 95 92 2 50-135 Surr Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 60 8 62 95 96 5 50-140 The sample was collected by method 5035A Report Date 4/3/2018 Page 3 of 25 111 an d}sa, -pp; ,abk lo 111, ( 111 `JAVA rd RC RA a, pot rVillrd NI I ‘( Perimoot sanu+'1.I 1.1h1r111.01.111, atiadrou CO(' eldo. /311,111,, 111, ir nation In,. rsiloit i, ros ids extlus o ou. ,ii ths askrosse, is Iles, subs, 41.0,11 use o' oi dos ,aur pa i) or aas ni-arbor ot its roplojustiou ‘11 tins opoFt rfl,111,21.0,1 A rtlr tho ads or ,srlarit pull it r 101101 111,01• I or pro,oss 01 in strul,f1011 IA I'll al: le-pill1.1,a 'On Ot Llr N UT, I. 1.4 a is palls,. oil!, ilia I It, th, addl. gi intsd on This oanoans 1,,olus is-awn-doh s es(epi r,, lc duc pot, Ilan., of 1,s1, androi anal N• 004: LI.01.11,1a,,,Jorg i, O. 101, !raj, .111C ,1e11,, ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Wasatch Environmental Contact: Chris Nolan Project: Former Dry Cleaner / 2304-001 Lab Sample ID: 1803577-002A Client Sample ID: GP-1 Collection Date: 3/27/2018 1000h Received Date: 3/28/2018 833h Test Code: 8260-W Analytical Results VOAs AWAL List by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Analyzed: 3/28/2018 1355h Units: ttg/L Dilution Factor: 1 Method: SW8260C Compound Analytical C AS Number Reporting Limit Result Qual 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 2.00 < 2.00 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 2.00 < 2.00 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 76-1 3- 1 2.00 < 2.00 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 2.00 < 2.00 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 2.00 < 2.00 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 2.00 < 2.00 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 5.00 < 5.00 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 2.00 < 2.00 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 2.00 < 2.00 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 2.00 < 2.00 2-Butanone 78-93-3 10.0 < 10.0 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 5.00 < 5.00 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 5.00 6.58 Acetone 67-64-1 10.0 < 10.0 Benzene 71-43-2 2.00 < 2.00 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 2.00 < 2.00 Bromoform 75-25-2 2.00 < 2.00 Bromomethane 74-83-9 5.00 ( 5.00 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 2.00 < 2.00 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 2.00 < 2.00 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 2.00 < 2.00 Chloroethane 75-00-3 2.00 < 2.00 Chloroform 67-66-3 2.00 < 2.00 Chloromethane 74-87-3 3.00 < 3.00 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 2.00 < 2.00 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone. (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax- (801) 263-8687 e-mail: a‘Nal a at‘al-labs VOM 1% eb: .a mr a l-lahs coin kyle F. Gross l.ahorator) Directoi Jose Rocha QA Officer Report Date 4/3/2018 Page 4 of 25 11 an d),, ,t) \ \ 1 )1 \ 1 A ,1 R( RA Ar. pot trn insa: , N1.1 A( pi nola Inton • dr., Is 1,, n,.(1 Fled ( dent al I 1. I hr,l.pri' 1''! 'rJn. 101 dia the PI Is lk •/1 .11.01I II, ill' I/ s: Will, IN, .011 parq an) alein,xn it. NIX! leprodallon of tlr, Cp.! I 1,1 tin, ads ell., men. prom, ill • 11( I ill 1' ,41•10..Ili pri r, li rlio n piih r. iiii .11 ill, .1/01l rorro, r.th, thad 1.,, as.on. ..ea n.,ll ,0,rnrcd orl> :WILL oarran) 1 ...opt. no insnor pi 1.,[ th. Juo noti, nan, ill...111d n'ral)nr rrlOo,r,i Loth and h. nod in? to ere oi rli [lad, and o, 3440 South 700 \Vest Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone. (801) 263-8686 Toll Free. (888) 263-8686 Fax. (801) 263-8687 EM al a am al-labs.com eh : NN .mkal-labs.coni Kyle F. Gross Laborator) Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Lab Sample ID: 1803577-002A Client Sample ID: GP-1 Analyzed: 3/28/2018 1355h Units: ug/L Dilution Factor: 1 Method: SW8260C Compound CAS Reporting Number Limit Analytical Result Qual cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 2.00 < 9.00 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 2.00 < 2.00 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 2.00 < 2.00 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 2.00 < 2.00 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 2.00 < 2.00 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 2.00 < 2.00 Methyl Acetate 79-20-9 5.00 < 5.00 Methyl tert-butyl ether 1634-04-4 2.00 < 2.00 M ethyl cycl ohexane 108-87-2 2.00 < 2.00 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 2.00 < 2.00 Naphthalene 91-20-3 2.00 < 2.00 Styrene 100-42-5 2.00 < 2.00 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 2.00 < 2.00 Toluene 108-88-3 2.00 < 2.00 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 2.00 < 2.00 trans-1,3-D i chloropropene 10061-02-6 2.00 < 2.00 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 2.00 < 2.00 Trichlorofluorornethane 75-69-4 2.00 < 2.00 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 1.00 < 1.00 Xylenes, Total 1330-20-7 2.00 < 2.00 Surrogate Units: ng/L. CAS Result Amount Spiked % REC Limits Qual Surr 1,2-Di chloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 51 5 50 00 103 72-151 rr 4-Bromofluorohenzene 460-00-4 50 7 50 00 101 80-152 Surr Dibromofluorornethane 1868-53-7 55 6 50 00 111 72-135 Surr Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 49 0 50 00 98 1 80-124 Report Date 4/3/2018 Page 5 of 25 All anal)ses applicahl, to II ( tt ell/WA nut RC R A ate per torn ed ii at.»otdi to \ NI pi Pertinent sanpihrg ii tonranon in. ,11 e au i.h.d (.0C l.o el Ilustne, I I °imam r llrr. re,tolt I, ph ext.ltho» oi ot subs, llse. »it Alt ne tin% totnipa l ttr an) 111,1111101 »il 11, ia 1.1 01 till Othl, niin Ot 11 »port tantile»tior, yid, the ads otto_rieni pont", tit or sal, of til Lilinne.u. tb, prih on Al dr upon. lot a IN Oak than I N 11N ,iaoh.d Ant) on ...nat..: I lin. talinpan) a., »pi. lesporsihilit :vain 1,1 lin peihtt.nanto, »110 I .111,1•01 ,111.113,1N 111 .00 tont, and i»-intliny to Oe tut:» .tt the node and A ,not e ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Wasatch Environmental Contact: Chris Nolan Project: Former Dry Cleaner / 2304-001 Lab Sample ID: 1803577-003A Client Sample ID: GP-2-15' Collection Date: 3/27/2018 1200h Received Date: 3/28/2018 833h Analytical Results Test Code: 8260-S VOAs AWAL List by GC/MS Method 8260C Analyzed: 3/28/2018 1716h Units: tig/kg-dry Dilution Factor: 0.94 Method: SW8260C Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result ()nal 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 2.36 < 2.36 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 2.36 < 2.36 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 76-13-1 2.36 < 2.36 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 2.36 < 2.36 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 2.36 < 2.36 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 2.36 < 2.36 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 2.36 < 2.36 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 5.90 < 5.90 1,2-Dibrornoethane 106-93-4 2.36 < 2.36 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 2.36 < 2.36 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 2.36 < 2.36 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 2.36 < 2.36 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 2.36 < 2.36 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 2.36 < 2.36 2-Butanone 78-93-3 11.8 < 11.8 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 5.90 < 5.90 4-M ethy1-2-pentanone 108-10-1 5.90 < 5.90 Acetone 67-64-1 11.8 < 11.8 Benzene 71-43-2 2.36 < 2.36 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 2.36 < 2.36 Bromoform 75-25-2 2.36 < 2.36 Brornomethane 74-83-9 5.90 < 5.90 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 2.36 < 2.36 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 2.36 < 2.36 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 2.36 < 2.36 Chloroethane 75-00-3 2.36 < 2.36 Chloroform 67-66-3 2.36 < 2.36 Chloromethane 74-87-3 5.90 < 5.90 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 2.36 < 2.36 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City. UT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free. (888) 263-8686 Fay (801)263-8687 e-mail. a‘s al a av,al-lahs.coni NNeb: \MIA al-1abs.com Kyle F. Gross Lahorator) Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Report Date 4/3/2018 Page 6 of 25 511 4.111,11y.es allplmahl, to ( V, SfIlk and R( RA a, ion,..d If a...1,dt, to \ Fl \ ( 1, loin , I,,, ( Ra•ina.. I 1. t i.. pot ilod I I., On( P, i, lice, .1 .11b., +ion, une o• d ol pa i) anN wink tnlltn,,i I gm ot 1111. inpult 1.1 .olosoaion nal din a hon....mom ppm, •Ion .11 pt oi In o oi ..111 the ot Ono., pie t to a 1), puyo. othe. then in the addl...., toll k I I ntod 1. 1111, .onlpani) no 'anoxia du, no to Ilia,. tIt 111,p0.111,,,, and ol analt o. t and L n the 'We, had,. and ol 34-40 South 700 West Salt I ake City. GT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll F ree. (888) 263-8686 Fax• (801) 263-8687 e-rnail a‘‘ al a al% al-labs corn %NOY ww‘‘ awal-labs.com Ky le F. Gross Laborator I)i recto r Jose Rocha QA Officer Lab Sample ID: 1803577-003A Client Sample ID: GP-2-I5' Analyzed: 3/28/2018 1716h Units: lig/kg-dry Dilution Factor: 0.94 Method: SW8260C Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result ()nal cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 2.36 < 2.36 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 2.36 < 2.36 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 2.36 < 2.36 Di chlorod ifluoromethane 75-71-8 2.36 < 2.36 Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 2.36 < 2.36 lsopropylbenzene 98-82-8 2.36 < 2.36 Methyl Acetate 79-20-9 5.90 < 5.90 Methyl tert-butyl ether 1634-04-4 2.36 < 2.36 M ethylcycl oh exane 108-87-2 2.36 < 2.36 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 5.90 < 5.90 Naphthalene 91-20-3 2.36 < 2.36 Styrene 100-42-5 2.36 < 2.36 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 2.36 4.04 Tol uene 108-88-3 2.36 < 2.36 trans-1,2-Di chloroethene 156-60-5 2.36 < 2.36 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 2.36 < 2.36 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 2.36 < 2.36 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 2.36 < 2.36 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 1.18 < 1.18 Xylenes, Total 1330-20-7 2.36 < 2.36 Surrogate Units: ug/kg-dry CAS Result Amount Spiked % REC Limits Qual Surr E2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 63 0 59 00 107 51-170 Sum 4-13romofluorobenzene 460-00-4 57 7 59 00 97 8 50-137 Surr Dibrornotluorornethane 1868-53-7 73 5 59 00 125 50-135 Surr Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 57 6 59 00 97 7 50-140 The sample was collected by method 5035A Report Date 4/3/2018 Page 7 of 25 511 ait t1),..apo ( NA, A 'UM .ant Ft( EA a, p..1 lot ined to NI I \ 11...ols Pet •al.. rit .arripl,_ir rarreatto ; . rt.al d Ot: t oatidet t al F110.111,2, 11 11.111011 ill, 1,011 ,•• p rot tha es. I ot th. Rr5 dee, ot subs, qperit 11,a 01'110 name ..11 this .airt pair> .1111 [limb., 0111, .41 I n tapnwhi,drott ot this t,pot I 111101111,11,11 Al the ad ,-01...or rron, 0 all, pi dt.t..t or ot .oanet h te-ptih 1,..etort th '0.11 el ) pt o.her than to, Ilk addins,e u di ha ka r tkal 011 coritk ; Hits .antraany t,,ronsihrlst ,ept to 111. du, eel formal,: ,4 inspe, ti,,t and anali,s 01 'oi.l 1.1.10 4/ tit, lulas ta1 ll'a t,ad,, &Id 01 NI. rer .‘ ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Wasatch Environmental Contact: Chris Nolan Project: Former Dry Cleaner / 2304-001 Lab Sample ID: 1803577-004A Client Sample ID: GP-2 Collection Date: 3/27/2018 1155h Received Date: 3/28/2018 833h Analytical Results Test Code: 8260-W VOAs AWAL List by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Analyzed: 3/28/2018 1415h Units: ng/L Dilution Factor: 1 Method: SW8260C Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qual 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 2.00 < 2.00 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 2.00 < 2.00 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 76-13-1 2.00 < 2.00 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 2.00 < 2.00 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 2.00 < 2.00 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 2.00 < 2.00 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 5.00 < 5.00 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 2.00 < 2.00 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 2.00 < 2.00 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 2.00 < 2.00 2-Butanone 78-93-3 10.0 < 10.0 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 5.00 < 5.00 4-Methy1-2-pentanone 108-10-1 5.00 < 5.00 Acetone 67-64- l 10.0 < 10.0 Benzene 71-43-2 2.00 < 2.00 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 2.00 < 2.00 Bromoform 75-25-2 2.00 < 2.00 Bromomethane 74-83-9 5.00 < 5.00 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 2.00 < 2.00 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 2.00 < 2.00 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 2.00 < 2.00 Chloroethane 75-00-3 2.00 < 2.00 Chloroform 67-66-3 2.00 < 2.00 Chloromethane 74-87-3 3.00 < 3.00 cis-1,2-Di chloroethene 156-59-2 2.00 < 2.00 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, UT 84119 Phone (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax. (801) 263-8687 e-mail: aw al a awal-lahs Corn web: www awal-labs.com Kyle F. (ìross Laborator Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Report Date 4/3/2018 Page 8 of 25 111 an 11),, ipencjhl, p, Eh, ( fillW and R( R ..ue peitoi too,' in NFI hiu:n ,Inpling a torn. I‘ iisd on tli,, art 4.1n..11(.11(' ( iiiul.nr1...11 Fin, le, 01 .1.111011 1111, 1 poi p tor ex,Ithive ot th, RI is deo., unz G.' it In'e 01 111) 01 mend), nolttsst1 I 0, i epiodu,n 41 th, vatt i,i 4.011110,1,00 A111 1110 .0,1', ru.nt punnonon tn an!, pi xi 1.1 el pio., 01111,1,1 10. ,, 11 NI 11 the r, pub'u..i on it this in I. ler al I) puree., 0111, thall lel 11 0 N 11 he ,21unedunl) 011, 0,11 1./ 111”...ounoanN v....,nts ,AuslA tO1 th, iht; ot Ivan.. .11`drol 111.11)•11 ilt InInt. Will and E.1 CI, ',.1% • el 1110 ha..I .5,1,11, 3440 South 700 West Salt I ,akc T 84119 Phone (801) 263-8686 Toll Free. (888) 263-8686 Fax. (801) 263-8687 a‘s al a zmal-lab,; coin \ 1, eh . ww\N a NA, a 1-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laborator Director lose Rocha Q A Officer Lab Sample ID: 1803577-004A Client Sample ID: GP-2 Analyzed: 3/28/2018 1415h Units: pg/L Dilution Factor: 1 Method: SW8260C Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qual cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 2.00 < 2.00 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 2.00 < 2.00 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 2.00 < 2.00 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 2.00 < 2.00 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 2.00 < 2.00 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 2.00 < 2.00 Methyl Acetate 79-20-9 5.00 < 5.00 Methyl tert-butyl ether 1634-04-4 2.00 < 2.00 Methylcyclohexane 108-87-2 2.00 < 2.00 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 2.00 < 2.00 Naphthalene 91-20-3 2.00 < 2.00 Styrene 100-42-5 2.00 < 2.00 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 2.00 < 2.00 Toluene 108-88-3 2.00 < 2.00 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 2.00 < 2.00 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 2.00 < 2.00 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 2.00 < 2.00 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 2.00 < 2.00 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 1.00 < 1.00 Xylenes, Total 1330-20-7 2.00 < 2.00 Surrogate Units: ug/1. CAS Result Amount Spiked % REC Limits Qual Surr 1,2-Diehloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 51 8 50 00 104 72-151 Surr 4-Brornolluorobenzene 460-00-4 50 3 50 00 101 80-152 Surr Dihrornofluoromethane 1868-53-7 55 1 50 00 110 72-135 Surr Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 49 1 50 00 98 2 80-124 Report Date 4/3/2018 Page 9 61'25 kll an iltnck apilcabh. ( NA, \ R .11, poi', rim] in ac...ord mob. \l I k( inoto.uk n to.rpainm I a.na..hcd ( Ot, der t al I nalatson r. p trt 1 ,0 Eh. alcirs.,,, P,rc !kg, of 011,,I11 tho nranrc oi th”,..onnpa ant men, ho or lin ir or:m.111,1,m ot rin,, i,pott ln comb...ion Eli, a.l' i r ink., uldon o art rn kn.., ol por...c, 01 ir ..01111.1.1100 01'11 LI,. h.-pnh.,a, r.r ot tlr,, p.r1 lc, ant pulp tha I to. tlii• W.11 th, ?r into! onit ,111.0111.11.1 illiS.011,1411.) 0I, 110 1‘,0011•11/111i) .0.t.cpt 101 nct Ina 1,, lo non and 'or .r.aly, .,zoo., twth 111.1 1,..01d111 L0 1)0 4, Of 01, fladt arld ot ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Wasatch Environmental Contact: Chris Nolan Project: Former Dry Cleaner / 2304-001 Lab Sample ID: 1803577-005A Client Sample ID: GP-3-14' Collection Date: 3/27/2018 1330h Received Date: 3/28/2018 833h Analytical Results Test Code: 8260-S VOAs AWAL List by GC/MS Method 8260C Analyzed: 3/28/2018 1737h Units: ug/kg-dry Dilution Factor: 0.85 Method: SW8260C Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qual 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 2.17 < 2.17 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 2.17 < 2.17 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 76-13-1 2.17 < 2.17 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 2.17 < 2.17 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 2.17 < 2.17 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 2.17 < 2.17 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 2.17 < 2.17 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 5.42 < 5.42 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 2.17 < 2.17 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 2.17 < 2.17 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 2.17 < 2.17 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 2.17 < 2.17 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 2.17 < 2.17 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 2.17 < 2.17 2-Butanone 78-93-3 10.8 < 10.8 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 5.42 < 5.42 4-Methy1-2-pentanone 108-10-1 5.42 < 5.42 Acetone 67-64-1 10.8 < 10.8 Benzene 71-43-2 2.17 < 2.17 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 2.17 < 2.17 Bromoform 75-25-2 2 17 < 2.17 Bromomethane 74-83-9 5.42 < 5.42 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 2.17 < 2.17 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 2.17 < 2.17 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 2.17 < 2.17 Chloroethane 75-00-3 2.17 < 2.17 Chloroform 67-66-3 2.17 < 2.17 Chloromethane 74-87-3 5.42 < 5.42 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 2.17 < 2.17 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free. (888) 263-8686 Fax- (801) 263-8687 aal.iiawal-lahs.eom web: www awal-lahs.com \ le F Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Report Date 4/3/2018 Page 10 of 25 .pplitahl, to IL ( \I A SnW A ap.I R( R al, per ',mod r \ rl c,..ols Per Loicro twoonao..1 11,, ad Idled ( ( nvientral Ru•to...v. I mu matron r, poi rrp I ot I.h PI IN Ilcg, .11,0,411T ,t Eh, nam, ihru ,on lla I) 01 11) 0101111101 011r. ri leprodus Lion at thr o.pot 1,1 u di, ad, 0,, n.nt 13101.111W. 01 o any plot' u..t 111,11, rr p111111,. III 01 th IcpOt al,, 11uPor. OrlICI 111.1.11, rrr nur..J 1,111 on Lora.. 1111, J, 110 ..,pon.ibtlyr or,. ill (.11 Ll , Jr,r. pkrtol 11J 011,1sf...,11,,,, arrrli rr anal)r,urrr p.00u 1,11111 atrd .1,,t11d1111, 1, 1.1t. IWO., 0 Ills IWO.: a,rd 151 3440 South 700 West Salt I,ake City, L T 84 I I 9 Phone. (80 ) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax (80 1) 263-8687 c-mail- Lmal dkmal-lahs com eb• 14 .aw.a 1-labs,corn N. le F Gross I,aborator Directoi Jose Rocha QA Officer Lab Sample ID: 1803577-005A Client Sample ID: GP-3-14' Analyzed: 3/28/2018 1737h Units: ttg/kg-dry Dilution Factor: 0.85 Method: SW8260C Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qual cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 2.17 < 2.17 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 2.17 < 2.17 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 2.17 < 2.17 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 2.17 < 2.17 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 2.17 < 2.17 lsopropylbenzene 98-82-8 2.17 < 2.17 Methyl Acetate 79-20-9 5.42 < 5.42 Methyl tert-butyl ether 1634-04-4 2.17 < 2.17 Methylcyclohexane 108-87-2 2.17 < 2.17 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 5.42 < 5.42 Naphthalene 91-20-3 2.17 < 2.17 Styrene 100-42-5 2.17 < 2.17 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 2.17 4.59 Toluene 108-88-3 2.17 < 2.17 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 2.17 < 2.17 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 2.17 < 2.17 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 2.17 < 2.17 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 2.17 < 2.17 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 1.08 < 1.08 Xylenes, Total 1330-20-7 2.17 < 2.17 Surrogate Units: ug/kg-dry CAS Result Amount Spiked REC Limits Qual Surr 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 57 0 54 18 105 51-170 Surr 4-Brom ofluorobenzene 460-00-4 54 9 54 18 101 50-137 Sun- Dibrornofluorornethane 1868-53-7 50 1 54 18 92 5 50-135 Surr oluene-d8 2037-26-5 52 4 54 18 96 6 50-140 The sample was collected by method 5035A Report Date 4/3/2018 Page 11 of 25 dIr..4,1ri App. til ( Nk SIINk ..nd RIIR Jle p.tti.111,ai lir at r.01r11 ir.r. Err kt pro1o...01, Vol. incur npirirr, mtornt.ltiOn lirr..11..r1 on tit, atta,11,d ( OC t lirponc... 113 01 t A 11: ot 1.1 addles.,c. Pi 1‘11t...• .11 tl 11.Ftle paa) .11) nie.soN.1 ,,irt..IJ I ill I op odu, I on ot .,pot os111,.1.101` .101 t, or ,,r 10 ...um, h gu pub b....bon irl •• epu,L (rn d i pulpy, , Nal bre irltrA r,t l) .1(01UL, k 0911,1111 Pt, 1,1pl.1111blir s,..,r1 lor Ill, clue pettor !nay., 01 whp., tioo and o, .1ndlar,irs lir IOU. t i,ttr ai,o 1,....01,Jin:.! i,. th, rule.", naj, and ..rt ..tet ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Wasatch Environmental Contact: Chris Nolan Project: Former Dry Cleaner / 2304-001 Lab Sample ID: 1803577-006A Client Sample ID: GP-5-11' Collection Date: 3/27/2018 1610h Received Date: 3/28/2018 833h Analytical Results Test Code: 8260-S VOAs AWAL List by GC/MS Method 8260C Analyzed: 4/3/2018 846h Units: m/kg-dry Dilution Factor: 0.92 Method: 5W8260C Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qual 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 1.99 < 1.99 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 1.99 < 1.99 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 76-13-1 1.99 < 1.99 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 1.99 < 1.99 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 1.99 < 1.99 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 1.99 < 1.99 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 1.99 < 1.99 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 4.98 < 4.98 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 1.99 < 1.99 E2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 1.99 < 1.99 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 1.99 < 1.99 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 1.99 < 1.99 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 1.99 < 1.99 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 1.99 < 1.99 2-Butanone 78-93-3 9.96 < 9.96 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 4.98 < 4.98 4-Methy1-2-pentanone 108-10-1 4.98 < 4.98 Acetone 67-64-1 9.96 < 9.96 Benzene 71-43-2 1.99 < 1.99 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 1.99 < 1.99 Bromoform 75-25-2 1.99 < 1.99 Bromomethane 74-83-9 4.98 < 4.98 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 1.99 < 1.99 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 1.99 < 1.99 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 1.99 < 1.99 Chloroethane 75-00-3 1.99 < 1.99 Chloroform 67-66-3 1.99 < 1.99 Chlorotnethane 74-87-3 4.98 < 4.98 cis-1,2-Di chloroethene 156-59-2 1.99 < 1.99 3440 South 700 West Salt I .ahe City, L T 84 I I 9 Phone. (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax. (801)263-8687 im al it a ns al-1abs.corn NN eb : Nk w.msal-labs.com Kyle F. (ìross Laborator) Director Jose Rocha OA Officer Report Date 4/3/2018 Page 12 of 25 appli,abin. to 11 ( \\ SI/W ard R( RA ale poi nied TA.] irl• • IT, NI l In( pi, it.," n Po a I 1.11,d ( (X Coltidzi t,al R1.1•1.42 • 1111 ii lu. p id... 1,,i t TTT tan Pi in 11,, ol na ol thin J.1) 01 II, rrrl 1.1 Tit TutiltrdlkAr rTi (It v.1.1 In, adn men. oi iit oi u ot thin kr it IN pill orN, OUT, Illa I lor 11 ad :Fenn, i.,ill h, i ink,' TTII1) TTTI •Orit 1111,,TIIp.111), tsp., •ThlliT} pt I1T, tTi I .1,...110 i and 'in arab, I, III go°, faith and ,ul,rr,0, 11.. traar. Ind 01,0,V". 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City. t 84119 Phone. (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 lax- (801) 263-8687 av% al a imal-lahs.coni web: w w.av,a1- labs.com lc). le F. Gross I.aborator) Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Lab Sample ID: 1803577-006A Client Sample Ill: GP-5-11' Analyzed: 4/3/2018 846h Units: ng/kg-dry Dilution Factor: 0.92 Method: SW8260C Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qual cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 1.99 < 1.99 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 1.99 < 1.99 Di hromochl oromethane 124-48-1 1.99 < 1.99 Dichlorod ifluoromethane 75-71-8 1.99 < 1.99 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 1.99 < 1.99 lsopropy [benzene 98-82-8 1.99 < 1.99 Methyl Acetate 79-20-9 4.98 < 4.98 Methyl tert-butyl ether 1634-04-4 1.99 < 1.99 Methylcyclohexane 108-87-2 1.99 < 1.99 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 4.98 < 4.98 Naphthalene 91-20-3 1.99 < 1.99 Styrene 100-42-5 1.99 < 1.99 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 1.99 < 1.99 Toluene 108-88-3 1.99 7.78 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 1.99 < 1.99 trans-1,3-Di chloropropene 10061-02-6 1.99 < 1.99 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 1.99 < 1.99 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 1.99 < 1.99 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 0.996 < 0.996 Xylenes, Total 1330-20-7 1.99 < 1.99 Surrogate I Inas: ug/kg-dry CAS Result Amount Spiked % REC I,imits Qual Surr 1,2-Diehloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 53 1 49 81 107 51-170 Surr 4-13rom ofluorobenzene 460-00-4 52 1 49 81 105 50-137 Surr Di bromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 51 5 49 81 103 50-135 Surr Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 55 3 49 81 111 50-140 The sample was collected by method 5035A Report Date 4/3/2018 Page 13 of 25 aopIn.able co the ( '4 A ',T)s\ A ,o,112( R ire rk.ton.,1 .r.,ord tr.., 1. NI 1 \ in no.01., Pei anent ...mph r.i rt,rrrenrr,,rcsrt,I on th, ars, d ( (X Coo Jr. tri al Finset.... In or )1.111011 i it I% repot I, poo rd., to ilk. ex, trt sah.,,e, P. is Alhs. quern Or tint. 11.1.1h. ol thiN ,011 p.m> or ery n1,11.1K1 ol Its s, r rr,rr,il,rrxju..Lr,.n.rt this .epol I 1,1 nne.non Rh the .1.kh e tiseplent 1,10110th II 01 nal, .11 sy 1,1.111 or ',Ill.,. 01 In rn,e,h60 `tall Ihn ,e-pri1111....1. rrr,,l ...Cron tOt .1 I \ pup., win: than tor the addressce u111 krdilleJ only on torrtaLL llrrn .0-nnat y ex• no .r.sponsibtlity to rl n doe pert mans a rrt InSpe, non and1ro ansIN•rx i,r y•kl.' ttrth ITO nr l're rules o' 11, [fade sod .at ,,1.1 ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Wasatch Environmental Contact: Chris Nolan Project: Former Dry Cleaner / 2304-001 Lab Sample ID: 1803577-007A Client Sample ID: GP-5 Collection Date: 3/27/2018 1630h Received Date: 3/28/2018 833h Analytical Results Test Code: 8260-W VOAs AWAL List by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Analyzed: 3/28/2018 1435h Units: ug/L Dilution Factor: l Method: SW8260C Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qual 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 2.00 <2.00 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 2.00 < 2.00 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 76-13-1 2.00 <2.00 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 2.00 < 2.00 1,1-Di chloroethane 75-34-3 2.00 < 2.00 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 2.00 <2.00 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 5.00 < 5.00 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 2.00 < 2.00 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 2.00 < 2.00 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 2.00 < 2.00 2-Butanone 78-93-3 10.0 < 10.0 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 5.00 < 5.00 4-Methy1-2-pentanone 108-10-1 5.00 < 5.00 Acetone 67-64-1 10.0 < 10.0 Benzene 71-43-2 2.00 < 2.00 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 2.00 < 2.00 Bromoform 75-25-2 2.00 < 2.00 Bromomethane 74-83-9 5.00 < 5.00 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 2.00 < 2.00 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 2.00 < 2.00 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 2.00 < 2.00 Chloroethane 75-00-3 2.00 < 2.00 Chloroform 67-66-3 2.00 < 2.00 Chloromethane 74-87-3 3.00 < 3.00 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 2.00 < 2.00 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, l'T 84 I 19 Phone. (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 im al 'a a‘v -lahs.coni \\ eh• ww .av% a hs.coni Kyle F. Gross 1,aboratory I)irector Jose Rocha Q. \ Officer Report Date 4/3/2018 Page 14 of 25 All all applicabk to 111, ( SI IN',1 nd R(12 aro poi too •iod i • NJ l 4( pi, ilneni ut011PIlwa 1...110.1 Lill II, atia..ited (.()( I it .t klann l'it,iniati,i Thp, repot( r . p tor t'i,t u it th, ad.!, vate Psi% ',Au gee ot tl na ol ..on pa in EA aii n It• ,on On, 011111,,i atil,lfli!i.fli pi,nnrr.'t,oi rral. an}piu.iiiipp...A:, or it. %on 01 du.i.-1iuii i,.ltflh.il th, pipoti tor a r% pin pow Ali., than tin. add. i.ill hi Lr iiteJ ott4 I hp, ...untlair, flo ospopsiltilit) pi toi lot tun.. irt anch'ot nalii.iriiirrri, limit and J....ding t.. el: ail, Ai. the tiad, and ot 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City. LT 84119 Phone: ( 801) 263 -8686 Toll Free. (888) 263-8686 lax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: aNs al ins al-I abs cow web. sk ww.aw,al-lahs.co m Kyle F. Groy, Laborator Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Lab Sample ID: 1803577-007A Client Sample ID: GP-5 Analyzed: 3/28/2018 1435h Units: pg/L Dilution Factor: 1 Method: SW8260C Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qual cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 2.00 < 2.00 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 2.00 < 2.00 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 2.00 < 2.00 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 2.00 < 2.00 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 2.00 < 2.00 lsopropylbenzene 98-82-8 2.00 < 2.00 Methyl Acetate 79-20-9 5.00 < 5.00 Methyl tert-butyl ether 1634-04-4 2.00 < 2.00 Methylcyclohexane 108-87-2 2.00 <2.00 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 2.00 < 2.00 Naphthalene 91-20-3 2.00 < 2.00 Styrene 100-42-5 2.00 < 2.00 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 2.00 < 2.00 Toluene 108-88-3 2.00 < 2.00 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 2.00 < 2.00 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 2.00 < 2.00 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 2.00 < 2.00 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 2.00 < 2.00 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 1.00 < 1.00 Xylenes, Total 1330-20-7 2.00 < 2.00 Surrogate Units: ug/1. CAS Result Amount Spiked % REC Limits Qual Surr 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 1'7060-07-0 52 3 50 00 105 72-151 Surr 4-13romofluorobenzene 460-00-4 50 5 50 00 101 80-152 Surr Dibromolluoromethane 1868-53-7 56 2 50 00 112 72-135 Surr Toluene-c18 2037-26-5 49 4 50 00 98 8 80-124 Report Date 4/3/2018 Page 15 of 25 511 a1411).,.:, app' ahk to CU A slIW A at..1 R( RA di to, we.,1 If do- ild I t•-• lit NI 1 i.j pi 11..6s0i thron. at.i. is lot 11,0 0,11, atia OC ( o,rdetitial 1511.19,..1A'01,11.,tion repot( i piisiJ..i Zott.111,1%. Ls. of filt. El . !Use 01 this ti011 p.111) 01 an) 01115 Vitf 01 izimodtt, thin ot thi epOlt 11 V.111i tlit, ads: ,,,c1.:nt j,lir.i.t.,Ul 1.4 o-r any tit IP t.01111o.ii tit V. eh a., 1, ot tt,1 AO, put whet titaa 0 e ,k,11 ..I Link (..1,ta, I lit. tit, 11 +all) 11,1 t,ritif1,1h1111 itntitt 1. 11 du, 1,1t011na11,1 tit 1,1-1,110 gOod ItItt11.11o1.1“..01dille LO t It. I 01 111: ft tid: .1111.1 01 xi, Itt., Client: Project: Lab Sample ID: Wasatch Environmental Former Dry Cleaner / 2304-001 1803577-008A ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Contact: Chris Nolan Client Sample ID: MW-NW Collection Date: 3/27/2018 936h Received Date: 3/28/2018 833h Analytical Results Test Code: 8260-W VOAs AWAL List by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Analyzed: 3/28/2018 1455h Units: ng/L Dilution Factor: 1 Method: SW8260C Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qual 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 2.00 < 2.00 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 2.00 < 2.00 ,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 76-13-1 2.00 < 2.00 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 2.00 < 2.00 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 2.00 < 2.00 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 2.00 < 2.00 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 5.00 < 5.00 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 2.00 < 2.00 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 2.00 < 2.00 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 2.00 < 2.00 2-Butanone 78-93-3 10.0 < 10.0 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 5.00 < 5.00 4- Methy1-2-pentanone 108-10-1 5.00 < 5.00 Acetone 67-64-1 10.0 < 10.0 Benzene 71-43-2 2.00 < 2.00 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 2.00 < 2.00 Bromoform 75-25-2 2.00 < 2.00 Bromomethane 74-83-9 5.00 < 5.00 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 2.00 < 2.00 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 2.00 < 2.00 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 2.00 < 2.00 Chloroethane 75-00-3 2.00 < 2.00 Chloroform 67-66-3 2.00 < 2.00 Chloromethane 74-87-3 3.00 < 3.00 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 2.00 < 2.00 3440 South 700 \Vest Salt Lake City. T 84119 Phone. (801) 263-8686 Toll Free (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801)263-8687 aw al ti amal-lak corn web: MINVNN .a al-labs.com kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Report Date 4/3/2018 Page 16 of 25 ll .111.11),, epo'r,ahl. t tr.d ( Nk h SW/VA 1,1 R( R 1 a e parrot re..(1 a.,ord ra,a. r,, N.F.1 k( Pe anent .arnp' rag tour mon r. I‘ kar,d on th, attadual CO( ( o r rder r al Ištrkine., lr rr nutroo T hr. p ,u rd,.' tor t re ex.ltad., ukk or rak. a0,11,,ee P.1,11,1,. Nubs, wear uke tha n I rr, ot impair) r an) roanrher ill L.11 I zpiodu.. on in Ellis 1.1,011 lir , ,onnekaJor. a. al the adk,11,..flinll pronrou ur .Lflb produ,a or pi or r, . i.1%.`01 ii, si 11.11.11, r. pulr'r,a 4111 01 01, 1.1101, 101 .1 Is pul 0.11... 111,11 4. LI I ri rrod unlk on (ontac Thrk ..oaraank I ...e0J 1,01, 01......I.3101 rl,. il p(r 11.11`... 1101 ankh., ,alkk, ,00d tartli and I' Era& and ot r. 34-1-0 South 700 Weq Salt 1 ake City. LJ l 8-1119 Phone (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 e-mail, a‘s al a as‘al-hths coni seh:www.awal-lah com le F (iross Laborator) Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Lab Sample ID: 1803577-008A Client Sample ID: MW-NW Analyzed: 3/28/2018 1455h Units: ug/L Dilution Factor: 1 Method: SW8260C Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qual cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 2.00 < 2.00 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 2.00 < 2.00 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 2.00 < 2.00 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 2.00 < 2.00 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 2.00 < 2.00 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 2.00 < 2.00 Methyl Acetate 79-20-9 5.00 < 5.00 Methyl tert-butyl ether 1634-04-4 2.00 < 2.00 Methylcyclohexane 108-87-2 2.00 < 2.00 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 2.00 < 2.00 Naphthalene 91-20-3 2.00 < 2.00 Styrene 100-42-5 2.00 < 2.00 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 2.00 < 2.00 Toluene 108-88-3 2.00 < 2.00 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 2.00 < 2.00 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 2.00 < 2.00 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 2.00 <2.00 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 2.00 < 2.00 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 1.00 < 1.00 Xylenes, Total 1330-20-7 2.00 < 2.00 Surrogate Units: ug/I. CAS Result Amount Spiked % REC Limits Qual Surr 1,2-Diehloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 53 2 50 00 106 72-151 Surr 4-Brornofluorobenzene 460-00-4 51 2 50 00 102 80-152 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 56 8 50 00 114 72-135 Surr Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 50 3 50 00 101 80-124 Report Date 4/3/2018 Page 17 of 25 All ,..1111.. ( -1, ',1)W . nri R( RA al, pon hum:a rn ILL t . xr- •arnpInna II 1,111Call... IN l. • 11...d 01,11,,1 COC 1: RI.INII,NN 1 11 11 '1411011 Thi, report ton [ha es..lus Ivo L.,' of 111.. ankln,,,,,•- P. on uth,Lgr ti., et di, ,oropan) ..m) ot nlS 5114, 01 I cpliNdll..13, 1,1 1111,11,111,1 ...1111.1,1`01I v. It/ Ill: dal ano....t.nant pionnotlon on sal.: .11 J..5 pn pon..e.s, on In a...Instal. h tha puh 1,J1 puloo , EIJI l 10. ix ill h. I lla d On Lonna..., I hi, Lunn .nan) 110 1,1,,,11,1hillIN ,J1 11 11,1111.10N: Bo I and 1.1 .111411•1 t .1.....11d1n2. .0 Ill: I al. • L., the in ad and .11 ,,, , lac ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Wasatch Environmental Contact: Chris Nolan Project: Former Dry Cleaner / 2304-001 Lab Sample ID: 1803577-009A Client Sample ID: MW-1 Collection Date: 3/27/2018 1615h Received Date: 3/28/2018 833h Analytical Results Test Code: 8260-W VOAs AWAL List by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Analyzed: 3/28/2018 15 16h Units: tig/L Dilution Factor: 1 Method: SW8260C Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qual 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 2.00 < 2.00 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 2.00 < 2.00 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 76-13-1 2.00 < 2.00 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 2.00 <2.00 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 2.00 < 2.00 ,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 2.00 < 2.00 E2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 5.00 < 5.00 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 2.00 < 2.00 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 2.00 < 2.00 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 2.00 < 2.00 2-Butanone 78-93-3 10.0 < 10.0 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 5.00 < 5.00 4-Methy1-2-pentanone 108-10-1 5.00 < 5.00 Acetone 67-64-1 10.0 < 10.0 Benzene 71-43-2 2.00 < 2.00 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 2.00 < 2.00 Bromoform 75-25-2 2.00 < 2.00 Bromomethane 74-83-9 5.00 < 5.00 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 2.00 < 2.00 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 2.00 < 2.00 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 2.00 < 2.00 Chloroethane 75-00-3 2.00 < 2.00 Chloroform 67-66-3 2.00 < 2.00 Chloromethane 74-87-3 3.00 < 3.00 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 2.00 <2.00 3440 South 700 \Alkst Salt I,ake City, uT 84119 Phone (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 lav (801) 263-8687 e-mail. m‘al'irtimal-labs com \ vet): vsrww.awal-labs coin Kyle F. Gross Laborator, Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Report Date 4/4/2018 Page 18 of 25 +di antaly•,, \\ A 1101\ A aid 1I(12. \ au. II...tort...1 t \ 1 I 1( pr two, Per1.11:111 samp llj,nto. atm Ins it., Ll..d rrnr !Lc anta.l,d ( Cos- den al lllonaoo l 1 1 nal MD Tilt. L.p nit p rrnJn.,i tr th. adur,o, Pr I, ol 'nabs:quoin tn., tn. I', H.1.1111.1 dux ,alnipail) ail) mcnanhen ol nt. at I l Ot 1.2p1millarnal eim id, the Rh eir.eanneant pnorootn.•11ol nr pn r, U.Ion pn•n,, nu 1- 01'1%1.110N In the l, pub 1,1'1, tin Ot ..p.ot trll a'o put t.) o'l.ct than fot tl•caddre,... t ItoJ onl) contd. I „On10.111) Ilu ,,p011•11/111q rot tl pot na innven. nun atILIA inal)• in to woll IJllIr add a...ondInv L,n I:I: Rd, 01 tl,, bad,. and Ot 11, 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City. LI 841 I 9 Phone. (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-rnail, ar.r. al.a..mal-lah, corn r.eb W %VW . a N‘ a 1-lahs com \ le F. Gross I.aborator. Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Lab Sample ID: I803577-009A Client Sample ID: MW-I Analyzed: 3/28/2018 1516h Units: ug/L Dilution Factor: 1 Method: SW8260C Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qual cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 2.00 < 2.00 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 2.00 < 2.00 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 2.00 < 2.00 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 2.00 < 2.00 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 2.00 < 2.00 lsopropylbenzene 98-82-8 2.00 < 2.00 Methyl Acetate 79-20-9 5.00 < 5.00 Methyl tert-butyl ether 1634-04-4 2.00 < 2.00 Methylcyclohexane 108-87-2 2.00 < 2.00 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 2.00 < 2.00 Naphthalene 91-20-3 2.00 < 2.00 Styrene 100-42-5 2.00 < 2.00 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 2.00 2.81 Toluene 108-88-3 2.00 < 2.00 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 2.00 < 2.00 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 2.00 < 2.00 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 2.00 < 2.00 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 2.00 <2.00 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 1.00 < 1.00 Xylenes, Total 1330-20-7 2.00 < 2.00 Surrogate Units: tig/l. CAS Result Amount Spiked % REC Limits Qual Surr 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 51 6 50 00 103 72-151 Surr 4-Brornofluorobenzene 460-00-4 49 7 50 00 99 3 80-152 Surr Dibrornofluorornethane 1868-53-7 55 4 50 00 111 72-135 Surr Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 49 5 50 00 99 0 80-124 Report Date 4/4/2018 1'age 19 of 25 All an appkahla r011,cirr r %DIX A and R( R are NI tor wed 11 _...ord to Nil Pea .nort torn...won , or Of ('o .dornal Fluone, I 0.1.1%1,1011 ho. n.por p t ann.h...one u.. ot In. add.C.,.., Pr in y • or ..trir,go,rt tha at the nar,cor thh,on.pa r .n an, 1unlVi reproduonon ot thr...eport rn orrtne..non u irl dr; ad, nr,nrant pror ro.unn 0. sal, ro pon.'w..t or or . 0111w...ton urth puln:b.a 1,1,1 thr, [sp nt 1,11 n 111110,1, thas I it, 11.: I he grant...1 onl on nta.a. I hi," Ian) no ....r...wahr In) ono, pr to, 11( due pot:mum... ot ro .0eniron and anatn•., plot' ta,th and .1, ....dung to tin, ru'c.I, the [rad, and ot ,aerhe ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Wasatch Environmental Contact: Chris Nolan Project: Former Dry Cleaner / 2304-001 Lab Sample ID: 1803577-010A Client Sample ID: GP-6-15' Collection Date: 3/27/2018 1750h Received Date: 3/28/2018 833h Analytical Results Test Code: 8260-S VOAs AWAL List by GC/MS Method 8260C Analyzed: 4/3/2018 907h Units: ug/kg-dry Dilution Factor: 0.86 Method: SW8260C Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qual 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 2.16 < 2.16 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 2.16 < 2.16 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 76-13-1 2.16 < 2.16 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 2.16 < 2.16 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 2.16 <2.16 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 2.16 < 2.16 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 2.16 < 2.16 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 5.39 < 5.39 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 2.16 < 2.16 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 2.16 < 2.16 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 2.16 < 2.16 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 2.16 < 2.16 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 2.16 < 2.16 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 2.16 < 9.16 2-Butanone 78-93-3 10.8 < 10.8 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 5.39 < 5.39 4-Methy1-2-pentanone 108-10-1 5.39 < 5.39 Acetone 67-64-1 10.8 < 10.8 Benzene 71-43-2 2.16 2.43 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 2.16 < 2.16 Bromoform 75-25-2 2.16 < 2.16 Bromomethane 74-83-9 5.39 <5.39 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 2.16 < 2.16 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 2.16 < 2.16 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 2.16 <2.16 Chloroethane 75-00-3 2.16 <2.16 Chloroform 67-66-3 2.16 <2.16 Chloromethane 74-87-3 5.39 <5.39 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 2.16 <2.16 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, 1, 1 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free. (888) 263-8686 1-ax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail. aN‘al a a\kal-labs.eorn web: NNAN w.awa1-1abs.corn K), le F. Gross Laboratory Director Joe Rocha QA Officer ReportDate 4/3/2018 Page20of25 All an 11).e, to 11h. ( 11. A ',MN .»...1R(.12.1ate p..» to .1'AI ac.old to NI.1 ptk.to..,,I, Po samp it.; .1 tont .111011 IS 1. "MAI on rl.k, att. hed ( Ct( ( on' t al lithm, non r000tt »du' tk t'Le j1..111. . 11, 01 th. P11.11...1.15 01 .nbs, p It usa kr tl nal», ot 0,0ip.oh »»» J 1, math, otn»nt t 1 01 1.1010.111.11011 ot th,. :volt in s.ono,t on a al tit, ad, i• ».,..nant pont »t10Il 01 al" .11 i»»»»ot uk 1.11 th. »tar. ot to, s otl, than 4,11 h. gni 1It'd on4 on coma», v.,» 11,1111 01, 110 ti_spormbiliq »sepl 1,1 11 .1 p» »to n111, »,,p, »ma and 0» alia11,11, 11. faith anJ J....ding to LI, 1.11: had, and ol 3140 South 700 West Salt Lake City. LI 84119 Phone. (80 ) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax. (801) 263-8687 e-mail- as\ al -daskal-lahs.eom web: w W1.1 .awal-labs.com le F. Gross 1.aboratory Director Jose Rocha Q A Officer Lab Sample ID: 1803577-010A Client Sample ID: GP-6-15' Analyzed: 4/3/2018 907h Units: ug/kg-dry Dilution Factor: 0.86 Method: SW8260C Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qual cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 2.16 < 2.16 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 2.16 <2.16 Dibromochlorornethane 124-48-1 2.16 <2.16 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 2.16 <2.16 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 2.16 < 2.16 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 2.16 < 2.16 Methyl Acetate 79-20-9 5.39 <5.39 Methyl tert-butyl ether 1634-04-4 2.16 < 2.16 Methylcyclohexane 108-87-2 2.16 <2.16 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 5.39 <5.39 Naphthalene 91-20-3 2.16 < 2.16 Styrene 100-42-5 2.16 < 2.16 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 2.16 < 2.16 Toluene 108-88-3 2.16 7.73 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 2.16 < 2.16 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 2.16 < 2.16 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 2.16 < 2.16 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 2.16 <7.16 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 1.08 < 1.08 Xylenes, Total 1330-20-7 2.16 < 2.16 Surrogate (Inas: ng/kg-dry CAS Result Amount Spiked % REC Limits Qual Surr 1,2-Diehloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 60 1 53 93 112 51-170 Surr 4-13romofluorobenzene 460-00-4 51 8 53 93 96 0 50-137 Surr Di brom ofluoromethan e 1868-53-7 58 3 53 93 108 50-135 Surr oluene-d8 2037-26-5 56 6 53 93 105 50-140 The sample was collected by method 5035A Report Date 4/3/2018 Page 21 of 25 ti. On_ ( '•1)1N'.1 rr,1 R( R A art. r,rn.tlr ,u,,,,,.l r r,c l..%I I pp noir ....opium; 1 1,1, La-1 (X I. El 1 0,1111 1111 11,1,11111.a11.,11 T hi. r,u1111 p t,11 trt th.. add, • 6 0%2, ol wmt.rit lie., ei this ...in Nu*. ot reptodni.tion Ot 1/11, r..imnrin nub:, non t,.rtl the aJi em.rr,iit prionnoini or sel, ,6' erN .66 oi n h iri t,1 /1.1,,N1 WI a I% othei than to 11 Mill IV ori coal, 1, .00t,, 1111 ',,pl111.1.11'1, di. duo pert, • XI., ol undkii analN•i% irr. 1,11: t .111,.1 j, ..01,11112i.r C1,1111., )1 111, ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Wasatch Environmental Contact: Chris Nolan Project: Former Dry Cleaner / 2304-001 Lab Sample ID: 1803577-011A Client Sample ID: GP-6-20' Collection Date: 3/27/2018 1745h Received Date: 3/28/2018 833h Analytical Results Test Code: 8260-S VOAs AWAL List by GC/MS Method 8260C Analyzed: 4/3/2018 927h Units: pg/kg-dry Dilution Factor: 0.9 Method: SW8260C Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qua! 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 2.34 < 2.34 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 2.34 < 2.34 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 76-13-1 2.34 < 2.34 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 2.34 < 2.34 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 2.34 < 2.34 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 2.34 < 2.34 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 2.34 < 2.34 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 5.86 < 5.86 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 2.34 < 2.34 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 2.34 < 2.34 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 2.34 < 2.34 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 2.34 < 2.34 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 2.34 < 2.34 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 2.34 < 2.34 2-Butanone 78-93-3 11.7 < 11.7 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 5.86 < 5.86 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 5.86 < 5.86 Acetone 67-64-1 11.7 < 11.7 Benzene 71-43-2 2.34 4.51 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 2.34 < 2.34 Bromoform 75-25-2 2.34 < 2.34 Bromomethane 74-83-9 5.86 < 5.86 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 2.34 < 2.34 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 2.34 < 2.34 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 2.34 < 2.34 Chloroethane 75-00-3 2.34 < 2.34 Chloroform 67-66-3 2.34 < 2.34 Chloromethane 74-87-3 5.86 < 5.86 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 2.34 < 2.34 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City, 1..; 1 84119 Phone. (801) 263-8686 Toll Free. (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 ..na al a imal-labs.com eb: Uww.awal-labs.com Kyle F Gross ,aboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Report Date 4/3/2018 Page 22 of 25 analt,ei...opii.ubl, ilie ("NV, SDW A arid KC 14 al, p,iti int:41 le A.,,AuJi \ I I A( nt 11.1.411,10tii 1.4.ti,o W.11, ( rt1111,ial HI.1.111,• l,r' iiífldik.ií t, 1,01 ok id, lot (la ex,.lustic t.Scci ln, addr,s,e; Pi it deg., or •111,,,I110.111.1, o1111, Ot 1111)60111/J1) ill A I) ni,n l,. riiiiSsii,ot 1,114°,1.Jc-ton 01 , pint iUi L .11111,..1 01 Mid Ill, ad, 11. men( n ot 0, ail in ida,t os in lllll u,11011 u, iíli 111: io-pols,,,ai Dm epori tot a rt pulpose 0111,1 Ulan the .1,1010),,NA 4/111 Da Aka OH) all .0111.11I 111Is 61,,,2,n, roi 11e duo p, tot a tit,. of ti+,1,110 and t ì th and 10 CI, !Ill, ill 111, [rad,: allil ill Soon, e 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake Cit). LIT 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax. (801) 263-8687 e-mail, amal a aN‘ %Nell. uw.awal-lahs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Lab Sample ID: 1803577-011A Client Sample ID: GP-6-20' Analyzed: 4/3/2018 927h Units: ug/kg-dry Dilution Factor: 0.9 Method: SW8260C Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qual cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 2.34 < 2.34 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 2.34 <2.34 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 2.34 <2.34 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 2.34 <2.34 Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 2.34 2.36 Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 2.34 < 2.34 Methyl Acetate 79-20-9 5.86 < 5.86 Methyl tert-butyl ether 1634-04-4 2.34 <2.34 Methylcyclohexane 108-87-2 2.34 <2.34 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 5.86 <5.86 Naphthalene 91-20-3 2.34 <2.34 Styrene 100-42-5 2.34 < 2.34 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 2.34 <2.34 Toluene 108-88-3 2.34 36.0 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 2.34 <2.34 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 2.34 <2.34 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 2.34 <2.34 Triehlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 2.34 <2.34 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 1.17 <1.17 Xylenes, Total 1330-20-7 2.34 12.3 Surrogate Units: kg/kg-dry CAS Result Amount Spiked % REC Limits Quai Surr 1,2-Dlehloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 63 0 58 60 107 51-170 Surr 4-Bromolluorobenzene 460-00-4 57 4 58 60 97 9 50-137 Surr Di brom otl uoromethan e 1868-53-7 62 3 58 60 106 50-135 Surr Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 60 7 58 60 104 50-140 The sample was collected by method 5035A Report Date 4/3/2018 Page 23 of 25 .511 aitaly,e,..p I, Al, nill C% •k SIM 1 RC RA uli_ pod... nh.1 in 1,, to NI I X( poto.01, Po On, at mp 11-.11...d on t h.lud ( ot Bum..., I n ii mit Ion h., ot th.. P.., kg, Iit ,111,,,it,n ti3O 0111, n i iie,il du% ...on pan) it. an, ot ..11,1 ot leer °tint L.On ot rht, repur oll Eh` nt MO1110111111 0' Nal, ot Iv) 01 h dr, ze of in ror an, pip, °di, . LIMO 101 11.0.1,1,11,,, 1..n1 on Lontao. ,t, „up, i,,pon,thiliq ex...Opt t0 ill, 0,,itoittian„,t kit tio andlot 0,1 a•th .in I Lc el. 0. trud til,et •L1 ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Wasatch Environmental Contact: Chris Nolan Project: Former Dry Cleaner / 2304-001 Lab Sample ID: 1803577-012A Client Sample ID: GP-6 Collection Date: 3/27/2018 1800h Received Date: 3/28/2018 833h Test Code: 8260-W Analytical Results VOAs AWAL List by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Analyzed: 3/28/2018 1536h Units: ug/L Dilution Factor: 1 Method: SW8260C Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qual 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 2.00 < 2.00 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 2.00 < 2.00 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 76-13-1 2.00 < 2.00 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 2.00 < 2.00 1,1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 2.00 < 2.00 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 2.00 < 2.00 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 120-82-1 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 5.00 < 5.00 1,2-Dibromoethane 106-93-4 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 2.00 < 2.00 1,3-Dichlorobenzene 541-73-1 2.00 < 2.00 L4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 2.00 < 2.00 2-Butanone 78-93-3 10.0 < 10.0 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 5.00 < 5.00 4-Methy1-2-pentanone 108-10-1 5.00 < 5.00 Acetone 67-64-1 10.0 <10.0 Benzene 71-43-2 2.00 <2.00 Brotnodichloromethane 75-27-4 2.00 <2.00 Bromoform 75-25-2 2.00 <2.00 Bromomethane 74-83-9 5.00 <5.00 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 2.00 <2.00 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 2.00 <2.00 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 2.00 <2.00 Chloroethane 75-00-3 2.00 <2.00 Chloroform 67-66-3 2.00 <2.00 Chloromethane 74-87-3 3.00 <3.00 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 2.00 <2.00 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake City. U1' 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 a‘N awal-labs.com web: www .awal-labs.com le F. Gross Laborator:k, Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Report Date 4/3/2018 Page 24 of 25 611 an 115,....arVicabl.. rrr tl c CIA, 1 61161' Ind RC RA an. pci tor Ir r.. r101,,Ols Pe3 mem .1.I.010.11.111 IN I. "MO or rl atra..hed l, (X t o .nderaial Rusine..• 1 r.” 1..it I ill, kV", I p tOr, el: tin addr,......e Pr , ,ubsaquent 1.1s.: 4.111 111.1,0 t1.1.......111,11) .11 a I, rm.n.11.1 or Ir. ,(1 I 01 thruit.1101I 1.1 rOr von A all th, ad, plonn.aon ol sal, o' rro,L. ir 1,..1011 N111 thd pulnis•alon. or (1,1, -TO 101 .1.1, map,: dun 11 (II %, yr riled orl) ..n.onta.. HU, da.. N.11,4,111(1., rr‘r trot androt ..11.11)-.1.. III boo...11.1.th Ind ..r 1111, II, Dad and IA 3440 South 700 West Salt Lake Cjtrr, 1 T 84119 Phone: (801) 263-8686 Toll Free: (888) 263-8686 Fax: (801) 263-8687 e-mail: a kk al a' ink ed eoir web. wx‘NA akNal-1abs.com k), le F. Gross Laborator Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Lab Sample ID: 1803577-012A Client Sample ID: GP-6 Analyzed: 3/28/2018 1536h Units: ug/L Dilution Factor: 1 Method: SW8260C CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 2.00 < 2.00 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 2.00 < 2.00 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 2.00 < 2.00 Di chlorod ifluoromethane 75-71-8 2.00 < 2.00 Ethyl benzene 100-41-4 2.00 < 2.00 kopropylbenzene 98-82-8 2.00 < 2.00 Methyl Acetate 79-20-9 5.00 < 5.00 Methyl tert-butyl ether 1634-04-4 2.00 < 2.00 Methylcyclohexane 108-87-2 2.00 < 2.00 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 2.00 < 2.00 Naphthalene 91-20-3 2.00 < 2.00 Styrene 100-42-5 2.00 < 2.00 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 2.00 < 2.00 Toluene 108-88-3 2.00 < 2.00 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 2.00 < 2.00 trans-1 ,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 2.00 < 2.00 Trichloroethene 79-01-6 2.00 < 2.00 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 2.00 < 2.00 Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 1.00 < 1.00 Xylenes, Total 1330-20-7 2.00 < 2.00 Surrogate Units: ig/L. CAS Result Amount Spiked % REC Limits Qual Surr 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 52 6 50 00 105 72-151 Surr 4-Bromolluorobenzene 460-00-4 50 9 50 00 102 80-152 Surr Dibromofluoromethane 1868-53-7 56 3 50 00 113 72-135 Surr Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 49 8 50 00 99 5 80-124 The pH of the sample was >2 Analysis was perfbrmed within the 7 day holding time Report Date 4/3/2018 Page 25 of 25 k11 analyse., tpd' NJ ( rt. 's SIM 1 al'LL R( RA aid Niro, rued re as .Ancl ti Ise 1,1\1 pr tros.ols Per tuu.111 semp.sig rr Murano Is k artashed OC i our rdehh Bush. • lolor matron This rspo, r N p es rdsd ror the ev.114-1,- ot Irk .rddrsssee o rlegos TIT .TITheLITILTITI use or 11 . TT LIT this ,orirpan) art member ill reprodu,. orn or this ,eport 11111,ullOP tlIC. erussnrent, Nal, .0 arr prodo...t iri pro...e, or r scour...thur Mr the re-priblrus ou du, eport tor, rs 0.11,1 111411 IL, the addressee u gr Inh..1 LIT I) On ,111.1k, ill, LT/Alf/111) 1 resporrobrhIN os....p1 d inarh rosp, non andkrt anal ru othl LITT, arrd ,h,ord rug to ire ales or the trati, and .1 • 4 Day Rush American West Analytical Laboratories REVISED: 4-4-18 Rev or Add Emailcd: Sample ID changed for sample 49 at client request. EI-1 WORK ORDER Summary Work Order: 1803577 ,, (42 Client: Wasatch Environmental Client ID: WAS5SO Project: Former Dry Cleaner / 23044101 Comtnents: 4 Day Rush - Samples were collected using method 5035: Due Date: ili3/21NS Contact: Chris Nolan QC Level: I WO Type: Standard - Sampk ID Client Sample ID Collected Dale Received Dale Tegt Code Mattis Sel Storage 11103577-001A CP.1-15' 37/2U 111 0020h 3128:2018 01133h 5260-5 Snal :lest Group. M2604,40:41.; of Analrtes 49/ 11 vfSwr 4 ?MOIST n ec hug( 1503577-0Q A GP-1 3f27/2018 1000h 1C11:20111 0333h 52611-W Aqueoui Test Group 3:60.11=14WAL, 2 Ofinalvres 49 lie ufSurr. 4 here 11103577403A GP-2-15' 3/2712018 12001i 3.'28'2015 053311 11260.S Soil Test Group, 5260-S-411AL: ofAnalytes- 49 .• efSurr 4 Plage !Nape 1803577-004A GP-2 x27,21,111 l I h 312R:2018033h 526o.W Aqueuut Test Group 41:60-0"..14WAL. clAnalyter 49 ofSurr 4 Pout 1011-005A GP-3-14' 3:2720111 I link, 3.28'2018 00311 5260-S Soil Test t3rour 8:60-SAWAL: of .4nalytes 49 ' of Sim- 4 rmousr huge Purgt 1803577-00tA GP-5-11' 3"27,201X 1610h :' 25:201 A 0531h 8260-S Soil Test Group-24260440AL, .b of Arialytes 49 : a o f Surr 4 MOIST Purge 6 Purr 11103577-007A GP-5 3127.2010 1630h 308%2018 0833h 8260-W Aqueous Test Group • S260.W..fir14l itnfAnolytes 49 fujXti,r 4 huge 1503577-M1A MW.NW J.2712018 0036h 31211:20111 01133h 112611-W Aqueoui Fest Group. 8:60-01-ALV4L se of Anobtes 49 $1 of Surr. 4 Pince 150;577-000A MW-1 3+27120151 1615h 3128:2018 083311 8260-W Aquenus Teo Group 11260.11:14WAL. rl s.f4na1y:ec 'u ((Sur.. 4 Purse latilsmal OA (;P-6-15' 3:2720151 1750h 3.'281201X ow h 3260-S Soil Test Group. 8:604,40AL; . of .4 fral,tes: 491 r ofS307 4 Purge Purge •*, PNIOIST 1803577-011A (;P-6-7.0" 327/2018 1745h 3211:20111 0R33h 5260.5 Sod PUIPC a Tett Group 82604,41V.41.. et ofAndytes 49 ; fr of Sun- 4 _ . ......._ PMOIST Purge homed 4,4 7:.11i LABORATORY CHECK N.M RT • CN 1 TAT CC LUO . HOK HOK HO< COG Emaileo WORK ORDER Summary Wasatch Environmental Work Order: 1803577 Page 2 of 2 Due Date: 4/112018 Sample ID Client Sample ID Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix Sel Storage hese 1803577-012A GP-6 3417/2013 13001i 3/28i20111 08333 3260-W Aqueous Ten Grow: 8260-W-AWAL; of kialytes: 49 / 9 of Sum 4 HOK HOlc COC Ems0s0 Prizes& 4142013 LA13ORATORY CHECK: %M RT CN 17 TAT D OC WO American West Analytical Laboratories 4 Day Rush Rpt Emailcd: I St" WORK ORDER Summary Work Order: 1803577 Pagc ot 2 Client: Wasatch Environmental Due Date: 4112018 Client ID: WAS580 Contact: Chris Nolan Project: Former Dry Cleaner / 2304-001 QC Level: l WO Type: Standard Comments: 4 Day Rush - Samples were collected using method 5035. Sample lD Client Sample ID Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix Sel Storage 1803577-001A GP-1-15' 3/27:201 8 092011 3/8:2018 01133h 5260-S jj lest Group- S260-S..4 fr4 L. r: of Analyfes. 49 I, of Surr 4 Pui trs• hiry: PMOIST 1803377-002A GP-1 3/27/2018 1000h 3/2102018 0833h 8260-W Aqueous Test Group. 8260-1V-4W,41.. 0 of Analoer 49 of Surr • 4 Purrs 1803577-001A CP-2-15' 3/2712018 12001i 3128120111 0833h 8260-8 So11 Test Group. •926114-.41n4L: 0 of Rhaftle.f. 49 ' ts of Surr• 4 PMO1ST haus haw t, 1X10577-004A GP-2 3/27/2018 1155h .3;211,20111 11533h /4260-W Aqueous Test Group Y260. W-AW4i.: ri of 4rtalytes j9 'u of Sur,. 4 huge 18035774)0SA GP-3-14 1/27/2018 13301I 3.211:2018 0133h 5260.S Sl Trtif Group A260-S-.4114l.: q.firnalyiry 49 / t oj Sure. 4 Purge 6 Timms"- 11103577-006A G11.5.11' 3:27:2018 1610h V211.20111 083311 11260-S Soil Teti Group- 82604,4 11.41 : e of 4nalyfef 4ft of Surr 4 P MOIST PUTS% Purr 6 18113577-007A GP-5 3/27:2018 I 610h 3/28,2018 0113311 8260-Vi Aqueous Test Group. 3260-1V-AltIL of Anaiyfes 491 Omar. it hate 1801577-008A !1,1W-NW 3'27/241X 093 6h 3 r, V20 OSA Th 8260-W AqUentli Tra Group 6:60,14'..4 WA/ . P .4na1yres.,49 ey-Surr. 4 haw 18035774399A MW-2 3127.2018 1613h 3.21112018 0933h 8260-W Aqueous lest tiroup• r: Arerrhara• 49 0 of Surr • -f Parr I NO.5577-010A G1,-6-15' 3270018 1730h _ 3:25201R 0533h 8260 -5 Sod lest Group: .8260,54 (EM 4 el Anulytes._49 • 0 qf Sum 4 MOIST Pun re Pin et Pruded OSlisP,i2 L.OFATÖYCHECK "1M RT Clks TAT - QC . HOK1:14:5 FiONOC-) HOK COC WORK ORDER Summary Work Order: 1803577 hge 2 of 2 Client: Wasatch Environmental Due Date: 4/312018 Sample ID Client Sampk 11D Collected Date Received Date Test Code Matrix Sel Storage 11103577-011A GP-6-20 3/27/2018 1745h 3/28/2018 0833h $26114 Sail Purge MO Grow 8260-S-AWAL; teArealyiles: 49/ gi cyfSrpr: 4 PMOIST Purge 1803577-012A GP-6 3/27/2018 1800h 3/2812018 0833h 11240-W Aqueous %MC Test Groir 82 W-AWAL; of Analses: of Sum d Prima 03=11 13 03:52 LABORATORY CHECK: %M RT CN r TAT OC 0 LUO (:) Key', er,44 Sett*let hisc-c Diru 7:me SarnpIad Sainp:ocl Sample 10 CHAIN OF CUSTODY b• <net tuCWO wog .47 •Niet..tut let±ette lett GaIt .44 Iv esporlod u414.gAWAVI 414. malyIt Ika• an0 evanottitue 414.1.1 votes trete.begly nertettei theetee en cNen 4(CueNeke ord.',44 ers.t.ot earte-tteattc. QC Levet: Turn Astraiti Eàri rew erteetessebb bars Ayer m.A..a mew ....II be mullet 47 C.)2 2. 3 3- 305 51:ki 5100 pin Latoraay Use On]y tor Com$14ace CI MAY • ftCreN • CNA • RAP i Alt.& M.,L.4..P Ner<ntbsslaret 0 Vlore MAMA (71:0"Ae‘ • Swap:1mm 6 ,V 4 pceieet butt tt I 000 aci .5 1/ 3 7/(q., Known Huard% lc Srznplr Corn:nen% < l St.h.tel tune tweteeet .... :Input= tr - "'2- ..4?-....- . - ,Itts s 7 I, ,) Alronei 714 i tzlis.,,,,, f II ......„-A i . ,7 _ c_ ,.._.k. _b. L i +4, ..vri. ....._ '-x-/: .4,71,, Spada:. lrat•ucticra. .,,,...1.01. \-...- 0..... 4.14.4 •I T''''?”-17 , ,KIII goat' f- L. 1-...4,.. 4-4- / .. .4.4It 4........I., 1".I4ty \ A.....4 y., Srrew..-4 4vgac -I fl..• A.,... /7'nt I:..... tebeteeteg It S.A.1..-K l.,..- .Icamse Iv tfleftelf I , A-.... NAT., LW. I C., V- - - Add— 2.9io 1. Saga bp (A -r Carract C • • Li', Monet- rj, — 1;12. —• ti a(-) Ceti, E nuul. C A (E.A?„ *Vain (e,"1,401144 Lr. 4/1. rro‘ncl .17taNt: c.6 ..,, r ) .4 toic Pruirt 5 DI i roc /4-02).5..!,4? AWAL L. Sou& .f.41 rage I o 43 TO 41 VA O Lb Met fur O Sold Mired to, CGC tete blue I Memel eel atom Periusec SZA OtAteGarn (1.:44,44.464 fj 411,- Arser. I N •••1(1 4 :A•AvAS Yilth T.113,I1 C Lab4la irt ,.:JC betty N ado C. 0 ir I 330 16ic 1 7 5-0 ..4 A www.awattabsten: ocrc kNkt)ottil CAVTGArAt41-41 American West Analytical Laboratories 7.443 Salt Ltbe Cry, LT 44t:41 Mule: oui):S34/06 Yti: Pm • ..ME't 763-614: rex; pm M-fiW? r.InGt1 ore! ttweIts"tes saw KLEINFELDER ti V.t People R•oht Sokit March 23, 2012 Kieinfelder File No.: 123277.004 Great Basin Engineering South 2010 North Redwood Road Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 ATTN: Mr. Jeff Randall Director of Commercial Development SUBJECT: Phase II Environmental Investigation Southeast Corner of 700 West a•nd 5400 gouth in Murray, Utah Dear Mr. Randall: Kleinfelder West, Inc., (Kleinfelder) has prepared this report for Great Basin Engineering — South (GBE) to summarize the passive soil gas sampling, monitoring well installation and groundwater sampling activities. These activities took place in November 2011 through March 2012, at the.' .ocated at the southeast corner of 700 West and 5400 Soutn. iviurray, Utah (Site). The scope of services included a passive soil gas survey at the Site followed by the installation and subsequent sampling of three groundwater monitoring wells. The work was performed according to our proposals dated October 5, 2011 (Kleintelder Document No. 122103'SLC11P105) and December 13. 2011 (Kleinfelder Document No. 1221031SLC11P125). BACKGROUND Kleinfelder was provided with a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) report that was conducted on the Site by Gordon Spilker Huber (GSH) in May 2011. Based on the information obtained from the Phase I ESA report, the Site appeared to have been originally developed with a Star Texaco Service Station in 1965. The Star Texaco Service Station may have been in operation until approximately 1987, when the building was demolished and the current building was constructed on the Site. According to the information in the City Directories located in the Phase I ESA, the current building at the site has been used as a dry cleaning service since at least 2001. Based on these historical uses, GSH concluded that there is a potential for underground storage tanks (USTs) to be located at the Site and for soil and groundwater to have been impacted beneath the Site; therefore, GSH recommended soil and groundwater sampling be conducted at the Site. GBE123277.SLC12R0284 Page 1 08 March 23. 2012 Cepyrig1•120'2 Kir;nt J. 849 Wes: Levey Li- ve Su Sa't Lake C ty LT 64123-2964 pi 831 261 3336 f! 801 201 3306 In May 2011, GSH advanced 12 bonngs on the Site to depths ranging from 10 to 25 feet below ground surface (bgs). Soil samples were collected from these borings and analyzed for petroleum hydrocarbons and chlorinated solvents. The laboratory analytical data for these soil samples indicated that petroleum hydrocarbons and tetrachloroethene (PCE) were detected in some of the samples submitted. Groundwater samples were also collected from two of the borings advanced in the northern portion of the Site: however. no concentrations of hydrocarbons or PCE were reported by the laboratory in these samples. In order to further delineate the extent of contamination at the Site, GSH excavated two trenches in July 2011 in the area to the east of the Country Cleaners building (near the borings with the elevated concentrations of hydrocarbons). One trench was orientated north/south and the second trench was orientated east/west. These two trenches were excavated to depths of 5 to 7 feet bgs and seven soil samples were collected from the trench walls. Based on the laboratory results, total petroleum hydrocarbons-diesel range organics (TPH-DRO) and oil and grease concentrations are located in on-site soils. Based on the Phase II results, GSH concluded that there are 'moderate amounts of diesel fuel and oil and grease contamination and very minor amounts of PCE contamination within the subsurface soils at the Site." GSH recommended that the Site remain capped" with asphalt or concrete and that soils encountered at a depth of two to four feet bgs will likely need to be disposed of during future site activities as hazardous waste. After reviewing the Phase I ESA and Phase II Investigation Report, Kleinfelder provided GBE with several deficiencies noted during our review of these reports as well as recommend2tions for additional investigations at the Site. Based on conversations with GBE ancr Kleinfelder provided a proposal to GBE in October 2011 to conduct a geophysical survey (in the attempt to locate potential former USTs on the Site) and complete a passive soil gas survey on the Site. Based on the results of the geophysical survpv and the passive soil gas survey as well as a conference call with GBE and -1 December 8, 2011, Kleintelder recommended additional investigation at the Site. The additional investigation consisted of the installation and sampling three groundwater monitoring wells on the Site. The following sections describe the details from work Kleinfelder completed on the Site. FIELD ACTIVITIES The field investigations were conducted during two separate events at the Site. The initial event took place during November 2011. consisting of a ground-penetrating radar (GPR) survey and a passive soil gas survey. Based on the information obtained from this round of work. a second event including monitoring well installation and groundwater sampling was completed at the Site in March 2012. GBP1 23277ISLC12R0284 Page 2 of 8 March 23 2012 Copyr.ght 2012 Klortclde' KLEINFELDER 849 Wes! Levoy Drive. Su te 200 Salt Lake C.:yr LT 84123-2964 p i 801 261 3336 fi ni 261 3306 Ground Penetrating Radar Survey On November 11, 2011. we met Earthview Technologies. Inc. (Earthview) at the Site to conduct a GPR survey of the Site. This work was conducted for the purpose of possibly identifying former USTs or other subsurface anomalies associated with either the former dry cleaner or gasoline service station that were in operation at the Site. The GPR survey would also provide infoemation regarding the potential private underground utilities that are located on the Site. Based on the results of the GPR survey, one subsurface anomaly was identified on the Site The anomaly was detected in the parking area to the north of the building in a location that could possibly be associated with a former UST: however. the anomaly was not identified to be metallic and could possibly have been either a large piece of concrete or possibly the void associated with the backfilled former tank pit. The GPR survey also identified several underground utilities located to the south of the building in the grass landscape area. Passive Soil Gas Survey On November 11. 2011, prior to beginning field activities associated with the passive soil gas (PSG) survey, Kleinf elder contacted Blue Stakes of Utah to locate and mark the Site for public utilities. Additionally, the results of the GPR survey identified private underground utilities in the remaining portions of the Site. Kleinfelder used Gore Sorber® units (GSUs) provided by W.L. Gore & Associates, Inc. (Gore) to perform the PSG survey. A GSU is a patented passive diffusion module for sampling air. soil gas, and water. Inside each module is an adsorbent structure engineered to be hydrophobic and to collect a wide variety of volatile inorganic and organic compounds. Each module is labeled with a'unique serial number. The GSUs were installed to depths of approximately 24 to 26 inches bgs and remained in the ground for at least thiee days (as recommended by Gore). A total of 21 GSUs were installed throughout the Site (see Figure 2 for GSU installation locations). The field notes from the passive soil gas work are included in Attachment A. During installation. a boring was advanced (approximately 3/4-inch in diameter and approximately 24-26 inches deep) at each designated sample location using an electric rotary hammer The GSU was then placed in the boring and the boring was plugged with a cork. The GSUs remained in the ground for three days according to procedures from Gore. Upon retrieval on November 15. 2011, the GSUs were shipped to the Gore laboratory for analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) by Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Method 8260 (chlorinated solvents list A10). GBE123277iSLC12R0284 Page 3 of 8 March 23. 2012 Copyight 2012 Kleiti'eldct KLEINFELDER 849 West I cvoy Uwe Swe 200 Si 1 ake C.ty U1 84123 2964 p I 801 261 3336 f I 801.261 3306 Passive Soil Gas Results The data provided by Gore indicated benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and total xylenes (BTEX), trichloroethene (TCE), PCE, and TPH were identified in the GSUs. Although the Gore results indicated that BTEX and TPH were detected in the GSUs, the concentrations were relatively low and in conjunction with the analytical results from the soil sampling previously conducted by GSH; additional investigation for petroleum hydrocarbon constituents was not warranted. The Gore results for PCE and TCE identified a "vapor-plume" that is centered around the dry cleaning machines located inside and along the southern wall of the building. The highest concentration of PCE was identified in GSU 21 located inside the building north of the dry cleaning machines at a concentration of over 16,000 micrograms per cubic meter µg/m3 of soil gas. The next highest concentrations of PCE were identified in GSUs 19 and 20, located directly south of the dry cleaning machines at concentrations of 14,850 and 14,980 µg/m3. Additionally, GSU 18 that was installed near the wash/sink area in the backroom of the building contained PCE at a concentration of 13,619 µg/m3. The Gore PCE map shows the PCE vapor-plume centered around these GSUs and trailing off toward the south. The complete Gore report, including the concentration maps and analytical results, is included in Attachment B. Kleinfelder provided these results to GBE and based on a subsequent discussion with GBE and Kleinfelder was authorized to install three groundwater monitoring wells on the Site to assess what, if any, concentrations of PCETTCE were in groundwater beneath the Site. Groundwater Monitoring Well Installation and Development On February 17, Kleinfelder personnel provided oversight during the installation of groundwater monitoring wells MW-1, MW-2, and MW-3 at the Site. Based on the information from the passive soil gas survey, MW-1 was installed along the southern exterior wall of the building directly south of the dry cleaning machines. MW-2 was installed approximately 25 feet to the south of MW-1, along the property boundary and possibly down-gradient with respect to the PCE vapor plume identified by the PSG survey. MW-3 was installed approximately 55 feet west/northwest of MW-1 and presumed to be down-gradient with respect to the to the local groundwater gradient of MW-1 and MW-2 (see Figure 3 for the groundwater monitoring well locations). The monitoring wells were installed by advancing an oversized core barrel using direct push methods to depths of 25 feet bgs. While each boring was being advanced, Kleinfelder collected continuous soil samples and logged the boring according to the Unified Soil Classification System. Soils encountered during the well installation consisted primarily of silty sand to a depth of approximately 14 feet bgs. From 14 feet bgs to approximately 23-24 feet bgs, soils consisted of sandy lean clay with interbedded sand seams. The soils were screened in the field for the presence of organic vapors GBE/123277/SLC12R0284 Page 4 of 8 March 23, 2012 Copyright 2012 Kleinfelder KLEINFELDER 849 West Levoy Drive, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84123-2964 p I 801.261.3336 f I 801.261.3306 using a photoionization detector (PID). PID vapor concentrations readings are a qualitative measurement of organic vapors which is not directly proportional to actual petroleum concentrations in the soil. PID measurements help to indicate the presence/non-presence of petroleum hydrocarbons in the soil as well as provide a benchmark to identify increasing or decreasing levels of petroleum hydrocarbon compounds. PID measurements recorded during the well installation did not exceed 1.0 parts per million. The borings were completed as 2-inch diameter groundwater monitoring wells. The lower 10 feet of each well was constructed with 0.010-inch slotted Schedule-40 polyvinyl chloride (PVC) screen. with the remainder of the well casing being constructed of blank schedule-40 PVC to the ground surface. The annulus of each monitoring well was backfilled with 10-20 Colorado silica sand to approximately one foot above the screened section of the casing (14 feet bgs). The remainder of the annulus was sealed with approximately 14 feet of bentonite pellets and completed using flush-mount traffic- rated well covers with a cast in place concrete collar. Following the completion of the well construction, each monitoring well was developed by manual purging and pumping techniques. Approximately two to three gallons of water were removed from each of the wells The purged well development water was containerized and transported off-site for proper disposal. Boring logs, including PID readings and well completion data. are included in Attachment C. Soil Sampling During the well drilling. Kleinfelder screened the soils for organic vapors with a PID. Based on visual observations and PID measurements. Kleinfelder collected three soil samples frorn each ot the groundwater monitoring well borings. The soil samples were collected in 4-ounce glass jars with Teflon-lined lids. The soil samples were labeled with an "S" for the sampling matrix consisting of soil. followed by the monitoring well location in which the soil was collected, followed by the depth at which the soil sample was collected (i.e., S-MW-1- 12). The jars were then placed on ice in a cooler and transported under chain-of-custody documentation to American West Analytical Laboratories (AWAL) of Salt Lake City. Utah. The nine soil samples were analyzed for VOCs by EPA Method 8260B. Soil Sampling Results According to the laboratory results, none of the samples contained concentrations of VOCs constituents above the laboratory reporting limits. Table 1 presents the results of the soil sampling evert. The complete laboratory analytical report is included in Attachment D GBEi123277/SLC12R0284 Page 5 of 8 March 23 2012 Copyright 2012 KkAnfolcor KLEINFELDER 849 Wes: Levoy Df•ve St.:e 200 Sat Lake C t). UT 84123-2964 p l 801 261 3336 f 801 261 3306 Groundwater Sampling Following well development. groundwater samples were collected from wells MW-1 through MW-3 using factory-sealed disposable bailers. One duplicate sample was collected from MW-1 (identified as MW-1A) for Quality Control (QC) purposes. The groundwater samples were submitted under chain-of-custody documentation to AWAL for analysis of VOCs by EPA Method 8260B. Additionally, a trip blank accompanied the samples in transport and was submitted for laboratory analysis of VOCs. Groundwater Sampling Results PCE was the only VOC detected by the laboratory at concentrations above the laboratory reporting limit for the samples submitted. PCE was reported by the laboratory at a concentration of 14.5 micrograms per liter (ugt) from MW-1 and at a concentration of 4 99 ugt in the sample submitted from MW-2. The laboratory results for the duplicate groundwater sample collected (MW-1A) were reported by the laboratory at 14.6 ug/L (similar to the primary sample MW-1). No constituents, other than PCE. were reported by the laboratory in the duplicate sample. Table 2 presents the analytical results for the samples analyzed by the laboratory and Figures 3 depicts the monitoring well locations and reported PCE concentrations. The complete laboratory analytical report is included in Attachment D. Groundwater Gradient Kleinfelder personnel surveyed the top of casing (TOC) of the three monitoring wells and the four piezometers (installed by GSH) on the Site. Survey information was used to calculate the groundwater flow airection. Depth to groundwater was measured to within 0.01 feet from the TOC using an electronic interface probe in the three monitoring wells located at the Site. The depth to groundwater was recorded in MW-1 at 18.35 feet bgs, at 18.29 feet bgs in MW-2, and at 18.74 feet bgs in MW-3 The calculated groundwater gradient between the groundwater monitoring wells is approximately 0.015 feet per foot (ft/ft) toward the northwest. Kleinfelder also measured the depth to groundwater in a piezometer (P-1). installed by GSH, located in the northeast portion of the Site The depth to groundwater in P-1 was recorded at 18.21 feet bgs. Using the depth to groundwater measured in this piezometer and the wells. the calculated groundwater gradient across the Site is approximately 0.020 feet per foot toward the northwest Table 2 presents a summary of the current depth-to-water measurements and calculated relative groundwater elevations and Figure 3 presents the relative groundwater elevations. GBE;123277/SLC12R0284 Page 6 of 8 March 23. 2012 Ccor 2012 Kleirfelder KLE1NFELDER 849 West Levey Dr;ve, Su ie 200 Sal Lake Gay. UT 84123-2964 pi 801 261.3336 f l 801 2G1 3306 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS PCE was detected above the laboratory reporting limits in two of the three groundwater sarnples submitted. Additionally, the concentration of PCE detected by the laboratory frorn the sample submitted from MW-1 exceeded the EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) of 0.005 milligrams per liter. Based on these results, Kleinfelder recommends that the property owner notify the State of Utah Division of Water Quality (UDWQ) and inform them of the release of PCE to groundwater at the Site. Based on experience with similar projects of this nature. Kleinfelder anticipates that the UDWQ will require further assessment of the impact to groundwater at the Site. This assessment will likely include the installation and sampling of additional groundwater wells at the Site in order to assess the vertical and horizontal extent of PCE in groundwater and soils. Additionally. the UDWQ may require additional soil sampling beneath the building in the source area. Once the groundwater plume is fully characterized, the UDWQ may require as little as groundwater monitoring for one year or ask for a full Corrective Action Plan (CAP) depending on concentrations in groundwater and soil at the Site. LIMITATIONS This work was performed in a manner consistent with that level of care anci skill ordinarily exercised by other members of Kleinfelder's profession practicing in the same locality, under similar conditions and at the date the services are provided. Our conclusions. opinions and recommendations are based on a limited number of observations and data It is possible that conditions could vary between or beyond the data evaluated. Kleinfelder makes no other representation, guarantee or warranty. express or implied, regarding the services. communication (oral or written), report, opinion, or instrument of service provided. Kleinfelder offers various levels of investigative and engineering services to suit the varying needs of different clients. It should be recognized that definition and evaluation of geologic and environmental conditions are a difficult and inexact science. Judgments leading to conclusions and recommendations are generally made with incomplete Knowledge of the subsurface conditions present due to the limitations of data frorr field studies. Although risk can never be eliminated, more-detailed and extensive studies yield more information. which may help understand and manage the level of risk. Since detailed study and analysis involves greater expense, our clients participate in determining levels of service that provide adequate information for their purposes at acceptable levels of risk. More extensive studies. including subsurface studies or field tests, should be performed to reduce uncertainties. GBE,1232771SLC12R0284 ropy- ght 2012 klu,nft:1,10- Page 7 of 8 March 23. 2012 KLEINFELDER 849 Wes: Levoy ve Su.:e 200 Salt Lake C ly. UT 84123-2964 p l 801 261 3336 1 l 801 261 3336 CLOSURE If you have any questions or comrnents concerning this letter or the project, please contact us at (801) 261-3336. Sincerely, KLEINFELDER WEST, INC. Andrew J. Alvaro Ryan Merkley, P.G. Environmental Staff Scientist Environmental Lead, Utah Certified UST Consultant #CCO211 TABLES 1 Summary of Soil Sampling Analytical Results 2 Summary of Groundwater Elevation Data and Groundwater Analytical Results FIGURES 1 Site Location Map 2 Passive Soil Gas Locations and PCE Concentrations 3 Groundwater Monitoring Well Locations and PCE Concentrations ATTACHMENTS A GPR and Passive Soil Gas Field Notes B Gore Passive Soil Gas Report C Boring/Well Installation Logs and Groundwater Gauging/Sampling Field Notes D AWAL Laboratory Analytical Report and Chain-of-Custody Documentation GBE/123277/SLC12R0284 Page 8 of 8 March 23, 2012 Copyright 2012 Kleinfelder KLEINFELDER 849 West Levoy Drive, Suite 200 Salt Lake City, UT 84123-2964 p i 801.261.3336 f i 801.261.3306 Table 1 Summary of Soil Sampling Analytical Results Southeast Corner of 700 West and 5400 South Murray, Utah Sampling Location Approximate Sampling Depth (ft) Soil Concentrations (ug/kg) Benzene Toluene Ethyl benzene Total Xylenes Naphthalene PCE TCE MW•1 2 <2.11 <2.11 <2.11 <2.11 <2.11 <2.11 <2.11 12 <2.06 , 2.06 <2.06 <2.06 <2.06 <2.06 <2.06 25 <2.53 <2.53* <2.53' <2 53' <2.53 <2.53 <2.53' MW-2 6 <2.29 <2.29 <2.29 <2.29 <2.29 <2.29 <2.29 14 <2.46 <2.46 <2.46 <2.46 <2.46 <2.46 <2.46 20 <2.54 <2.54 <2.54 <2.54 <2.54 , 2.54 <2.54 MW-3 6 <2.27 <2.27 <2.27 <2.27 < 2.27 <2.27 <2 27 14 <2.59 <2.59 <2.59 <2.59 ....2.59 <2.59 <2.59 25 <2.55 <2.55 <2.55 <2.55 <2.55 <2.55 <2.55 Notes uglkg - micrograms per kilogram PCE - Tetrachloroethene TCE- Trichloroethene "<" - analyte not detected above the laboratory reporting limit - High relative percent difference due to suspected sample non-homogeneity or matrix interference 124387,SLC12R0284 Copyright 2012 Kleinfeidet P3go 1 of 1 March 23 2012 Table 2 Summary of Groundwater Elevation Data and Groundwater Analytical Results Southeast Corner of 700 West and 5400 South Murray, Utah Welt 1.0. (sample ID) Date Measured Groundwater Information (feet) Groundwater Concentrations (ug/1..) Depth To Water TOC Elevation ' Groundwater Elevation Date Sampled Benzene Toluene Ethyl- benzene Total Xylenes Naphtha- lene MTBE PCE TCE MW 1 03/20;12 18.35 4 t•K18 19 4 298 06 4 279 84 4,279.77 220 2012 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 14.5 <2 00 MW-2 03/20/12 18.29 2.20/2012 <2 00 - <2 OC -.2 00 ,2 00 . 2 00 4 99 <2.00 MW-3 03'20/12 18 74 4.265.63 4.246.89 220/2012 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 <2.00 --2.00 -, <2.00 <2 00 P-1 03:20/12 18.74 4.295.93 4.277.19 NA NS NS NS NS NS NS NS P-2 03/20/12 Dry 4 296.47 ---- NA NS NS NS NS NS NS NS . NS P-3 03'20/12 4,296 85 NA NS NS NS NS NS NS NS NS P-4 03/20/12 Dry 4.298.41 --- NA NS NS NS NS NS NS , NS Enivronmental Protection Agency Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) 5.0 1,000 700 10,000 NE 0.2 5.0 i 5.0 Notes 1) TOG agaireilfioin Kloinfelder survey data TOC - top of well casing mg.1 - milligrams per liter PCE • tetrachloroetnene TCE - trichloroethene "<" - analyte not detected above the laboratory reporting I mit bold - reported analytical concentration exceeds E.PA Ma,imum Contaminant Level P-I through P-4 were installed by GSH • - Pie/ontete: was inaccessable at time yady,14.4 NE - Not establisned NA • Not applicable NS - Not sampled ?u4:tJìSl Cl2í0284 Lopýright 2012 Kleinteldor Patio 1 to Maicn 23. 2012 FIGURES er ••„.a • 1.• • • NI UREA ). a 1 A:77. 4.• • ••••• • ' i r- S f..S I • t nar• .ly Q..a1n3 e l'anaa Atwoolf t r 2.000 1 000 . • • • . • • • 2,000 I • • • • • • • • a • •.• APPROXIMATE SCALE feet) .:....•••••:".••••-• • • 11-4 • if. I ,2 01 2 1C AD M1 23 777 1 te• a 19 M a r 20 1 2 5 Ol p m dfa hr n e y • /. (,./ 1. •••. ar'44. - It • .. • . • ,,,-.1, • I., -'111.. , — 1.: ,,, t - .4. ,....1 1 r s I v • . , - ti• • . ; I r i , f "14fr.r. / • .. f' \ mi., 4 . . il• t• . . F-',3LJR1 FROJECI NO 123277 LHAINN 3/20 2 DRAWN BY DMF c:IEDKED By AA I III- NAME 123277-F1 c.vg SITE LOCATION MAP KLEINFELDER Bright People. Right Solution& vex* 1, moo Jer cc. PHASE ' 1E-NTAL INVESTICA1 30 15 0 30 r----11111111 APPROXIMATE SCALE (feet) 21 A, GORE SURBER INS rAL LAnON "OINT N-7.4 PCE CONCENTRATIONS pg/ma i;C•L BELLA/1, DETFC1ION L IMIT 15 164 BDL BOL 13 14 ROL !: 27 41,)8 10- LOST 10 647 WASH/SINK AREA 21 16,034 164. BACK DOOR DRY CLEANING MACHINES 1 1.1.0 2.920 53 2 4- 2.171 33 ' 20 19 14.960 73 /4.8.5o 93 3 -fir 2,498.63 flP132 85 4 410 19 10 5 1r 12 69 6 1 -6 77 01 01,n, PRO DATE:. UG,t& 11. EXPLANATION _ PROJECT NO 123277 L/- AWN 3/2c12 DRAWN BY rivF C•lECKED EY FILE NA TO . PASSIVE SOIL GAS LOCATIONS AND PCE CONCENTRATIONS 4N,/10-•.-,LNI Al INVI- TIGA pourvuo. Li iAH 2 KLEINFELDER Bright People. Right Solutions. I . I•D .• • ••• ass • ••• 1••• •r• .• • D 21 Ma r 2 r-2 ;OH), r,-1 A 74) ,11".M..044-sevtamor.o.oret MW-1 0.1.45 WASH/SINK AREA .l v:1 BACK DooR tz -111, MW-3 if,q 7.11 P. 3 A (IN.ICCESSIBLE NOT 6.1(10ED) DRY CLEANING MACHINES MW-2 00499 SUJI(.:, :WOG. E EA 21H -RC DA ILL EXPLANATION _ MW 341 GROUNMATER MONITORING WcI T LOCAT:ON 4 IL PIE/0%1E I ERS P-1 IHROUGH P-4 WERE INS IALLED Erf 6S1-1 •• DEP TH TO GROUNDWATER (FEE1 13GS) .15 30 30 PCE CONCEN1RA7 IONS T-Iga APPROXIMATE SCALE (feet) 1)0' 3E LOW DETECTION LIWT GROUNDWATER GRADIEN I 2 7.. < 1"mibial\ KLEINFELDER _ . Bright People. Right Solutions. \ 7 7 5— — PRO4ECT 123277 DRAWN ?1_2 nRAihN BY '4 ECKED BY AA E NAME _F2-P3 (Trig GROUNDWATER MONITORING WELL LOCATIONS AND PCE CONCENTRATIONS PHASE II rki‘nUnNMFtdrAl NVPSTIGATION MURRAY U AH ATTACHMENT A GPR and Passive Soil Gas Field Notes (K—LEINFELDER Environmental 1....,.,...... d..e,r!..p..t... Field Daily Report s'..,,,..s.."......,....„„ Report # : _ Page _ / of E Project Name :,. . .. , H p.p ez.-y _ , Site Location : 70(.1 Lk.) In # — a.° IilLeAdi I Tirne Arrived Project Manager : Z, szeno .s pe urzeiVi tir Time Departed : iii: cis* Project i Task # : i z,3 z -2 7 Personnel : 4, 4e.fr,,l,ge, Mileage : _Mileage : Weather Conditions : 6"00Z- 5r.R.1/4..)y Wind from . .5-znirW Lit fs-, g/ mc.h Temperature : 36- ''F Subcontractor: (NarnelFirm) .-ilie.r_glitok..) "Terhp4y-.4 1,0%(e4GA Time Arrived : gyp: e./6-- Time Departed : //; ye) Timo Arrivod : Time Departed : ----. Site Visitors . A. Pitexe-e&-.L. Tirne Arrived :68.; on Time Departed : 09:clo Time Arrived . Ót: 06 Time Departed : cc:d el D. .elceer3 Equipment: ilitVr,--4___nl.g___f. AiEzb StiPP4 i A'S CAWSX11 . - PrinlarY As !grunents PRI.e.Aire (.17-z&LE-/ dele•gar-112.3.re___4- : DW-P-Se-- r$P_Ej_. at)/ 7-5 (tsdr) meocioietir .3-77-- Field Notes : 67:00- /4,4)- Win/ sE $2:k) ixv-i eiskir . AeZ Sel . .O.7,LP.X__-_41162V—ZIORIRr 07.t".3111-.494igi 07: 35- - Cc7/442der ot?-ove-rif .5exc&LZ .1 AleGe. _ .... _..... /1.1 0.ge 0.4/_ oe/ð,of :q..5.7.1 ANlAt Aeogedefit* ..44x.61-rwALs Pt) ....vrt._.frvieeee v /4/ 274E eqecze( ..84 /44 .-b _1(0Lb_ __ OAV's 44/ice- tie- "ilsroluadi or: Ti;oo-. c474.E68fr-iti izagAirlpt&-....dtAL..,g4Jeibite PLe- 10-6-- A•44/s/ Asl -", elderw.erat_Egernm/ 6C.4) ?Awe ,p,itir._,4-f. AIN -Aearircerc. Zeide2.1:_ffarzaLAusr4e‘.¿4_reoki____...05il..s___AfeaAirx____Soeireierh./ zr. s / T grroPc tie° (Z:00 - 4 v /Jai 6'60/Ai 1r04 zeicr,k,...*.reemi 72t a : 06 , cau rAt .1 vb--- /A).51-4e4, Ai LLS _.5 Attachments : Logbook ? Y N Book # : Proj. Task Form ? Y Pages : Chain of Custody? Y (t COC#s Site Safety Plan ? Y N Field Data Sheets? Y N Total FDSs: l Sample Control Log 7 e'N N Utility Clearance Observed?(') N Comments :?gtt/.041-6 e elitIP6g-17j> Ticket #. Marks Tifin ete...ii Other attachments: c ---- - ---- • , ' • •, I.; 6:t .11 • .5.-0 Project I Task # : Z3 17-7 Site Location : 70,0 (A./ S-tix laurel H4irie4y, Held notes continued : N:Se i.k5rigez e&z ¿3e-7/4/ eetvoiv—e7,74 P/GrOZES zos?idLyiY0IP /3":30- 4,..F.54Z7E_ _70 ,COMmAi OAPt.L=r47-ag, j6:S16- r47- 1oAke:44 7-0eci< /6: (Cr Field Daily Report (continued) Environmental KLEINPELDER Oqght %We hiet Page Z, of Z Project Name 3ate : fihi 76/, Report # : Environmental (cLEINFEL DER Field Daily Report Report # : Page __/____ of _ I Project Name : .iate : ////.5-)/ / _ — . Time Arrived : Project Manager : g.itie-rezi_A-y• Site Location : 700 aj s-ve4 s Aftilezifyi or Time Departed :/?.7.S" Project ; Task # : / z3 47 -7 Personnel : 1, .444o Mileage : - Mileage : — Weather Conditions : (WC- Wind from : a: 6.1 mv Temperature : y3 c Subcontractor: ---------------____ Time Arrived : Time Departed : (Name/Firm) ----- Tinie Arrived : Time Departed : Site Visitors : Time Arrived : Time Departed : Time Arrived : Time Departed Equipment: 612W 56Y1k./.04 .%6I,P/451../r esirsztr-4 _ ._SC/2.1.:11615 . .___ Prirn9ry Assignrs : ._ice?leat 10411e6-50X8E270 ru 060 -- adirs.. (.425‘2.9____,_&W____SLIS- ...1-0,,Lainvele- Field Notes :6_71,3 — Of&C;2_:1r Alg 377&--- Zot:06 - B6-4.i gr,vedi.4.1.40 ,fseis. ,5u 44 Of Aosr /Ai ,cie-th //-.3-<.n.._22/41.212,Esnig_./44 0/A_ ReviA) R47*.c.614. 21,57494cr_._ — /4/57;464&-b /Z.,:i5"- CirF_: . 44514t, _Z4e5r-nr 13,000 TV ‘115e—Cat Ciff&A -1.1-STA ... .5/._ .4t /vi.A0 , dRib Zle-&. la ezttre. "le'7.' .22,tf.V _ . Attachments . ¡Logbook ? Y Problask Form . Book # : Pages . Chain of Custody? COC#s Site Safety Plan ' I N Field Data Sheets? )N Total FDSs: f 15amp1e Control Log ? CY Utility Cloaranco — :....-------- Obsarvod? Y Comments : Ticket #: Marks Other attachments: . - _ 142 UNIV5e17 votiSeID utu seD oxidSe "TgrP 136,AIJK 134.1Wic (17LEINFELDER P.Piv Satttiont PROJECT PROJECT NO / 3 Z77 SUBJECT 6,50 zws noe/eArroAvAt.. Lei 67 BY Al. 4.evora DATE /VII .1 /Os-- REVIEWED BY DATE 77/Vb--- Misiouclot> Dover. Nub AlirA15g) Ci /0:60 /40:5-Z 16!to /0 s-y" 10:z4 /0 10:36 I 0 !,S"'s /614/0 //: 11: Z N.: de/ /4:6'6 /1% 36 ¿os-r /A) //: eld pierb 050 //:/6 //:crS a:60 /4'/Z 3: (0 //:14( /3: to //: /If /3.: 36 //: /3: 4(6 //: z 13:5-0 /4: Zt( lel: /6 /.! Z6 /t-l: 36 //: Z2)- 36 low 1111 ,•••••••••••••••••••••••.. Sheet_i_of_f_ Oote. 5oggeg • (huff ath ezdrmotx, coamso 7 caVotitoa 0e:47?So? c•0607? S-40 006)-748•I / CoGrogs-/z ooe-79 Ea 3 eva79.5/y9 ca.79 Ea 5- 06679'616 cane/7 067951.5- 6467148*%. 6M717ted 0677'821 0067?1377 049674?023 61607PS2g (5067M5- 6067.Przeo 064.79 de67? MS- 006798'7? 006,1? r3,5 666,71?&3 0667983Z ENG-07 REV 05/08 ,e46-70V•ria?Aer .,54:eirtie-140 ATTACHMENT B Gore Passive Soil Gas Report GORE Surveys FOR ENVIRONMENTAL Mapping Report Site: Prepared for: KLEINFELDER ASSOC INC-SALT LAKE CITY UT TAYLORSVILLE, UT USA Prepared on January 23, 2012 Gore Proo,:t 0,cler 11,rloo. ENV 21360632 Assoc.ates Inc 2 ' .%1Pr latuary 23 21112 Page 1 o' 9 GORE5 Survey - Mapping Report Project Summary W. L. Gore & Associates, inc. (Gore) provided the GORE Survey (Survey) used at: The service provided by Gore to meet the project objective included delivery of the required quantity of GORE Modules, analysis by the method described for the requested organic compounds, and reporting of the data. A Laboratory Report was issued previously which summarized the field sampling and analytical procedures, and contained the sample results. Normally, when printed at scale, the maps are 11 x 17 inch in size. Other sizes are available upon request. General and project specific cornments on the contouring and mapping can be found on the next page. Maps prepared by: Jim E Whetzel Project Manager Maps reviewed/approved by: Dayna M Cobb Project Manager @ 2012 W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc 21366632yap January 23, 2012 Page 2 of 9 GORE GOREI Survey - Mapping Report General Comments A minimum curvature algorithm was used to interpolate the data from the sample locations to a regularily-spaced grid. The resulting surface is considered to be the smoothest possible surface that will fit the observed values at each sample location (i.e., data honoring). The interpolation is performed in log space, with grid cell sizes approximately one-tenth the average distance between sample locations. For example, when GORE Modules are placed about 50 feet apart, the grid cell size is set to five feet. Where observations trend from lower to higher values, and moving towards the edge of the area sampled, the contour surface will continue to rise (showing warmer colors) as no additional data exist to constrain the interpolation. Where observations trend from high to low, towards the edge of the area sampled, the opposite is true. Contour minimums and maximums used in the color interval assignment are established based on the QA blank levels (trip and method blanks), method detection limits, and maximum values observed. The minimum contour level (gray color) is established using the maximum QA blank level or method detection limit, whichever is greater, per compound or groups of compounds. The maximum contour level is set at the maximum value observed, per compound or groups of compounds. Contour interval assignments can be modified at the client's request. Project Specific Comments Contour maps were prepared for the reported soil gas concentrations. © 2012 W. L. Gore & Associates, Inc. 21366632_Map January 23, 2012 Page 3 of 9 ••• .4440"r'' - • . . es•0 •••••••••.• •••• •••• +sib r25 11,9 1137 027 984 6" fr: 85' 13P 736 NI • 636 796 550 862 476 43' .- •t*- 472 098 1-- 12 , 13 -4" • 356 451 ••••• 308 31S - • 266 688 •- • Itt •)16 ,o•tr• • • c„ 11 199526 F-- *op.. 172 584 !- 149 2 /9 129 122 111 686 ; — 410.1. :) 7 10 .44-47% ' 335t.,0 ••11-t• W L GORE & ASSOCIATES INC 1.••••2101. • t ••• `020 rr • ••••.1•1•••• • •• • t:i11111.10. LL ..„ , • - ear ca • ••• t • 111.0tr Kleinfeldor Tavlorstsille. UT •••••••, TPH wpm -40-t . 021 vr-c'et,:.;;• 8•9, ' 018 GORE 'm Surveys for Environmental Site Assessment Scale 1 •.".• • • •••• •A At • •• . • . • Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons Estimated Soil Gas Concentrations 04.6.00b• • tar.. CA0 ••41 • „ „ .116•4. %A. c .01:i •• oi ••• ' Yqi • • •, 016 014 13 14 - 12 7 - 10 , : • 10.1. 1•••• et • 017 0 4,1 • r.tv 0 18 1-•`•.;17 • ,„ 21 '19 20 63, .0.vvvvv. P., . vv . • • •• •••••••••••• SOO!*: 1 "ib0 • •• ••• • 1•• 1.• b••• •I) ./..4.4 • • • • • • — — (.2v,s.s.4.1. • ..... 4.1 • • . • V %PI Kleinfelder Associates. Tayiorsville. UT BMX Estimated Soil Gas Concentrations •••6•1•1 • •••• ¿PI • lave. W. .•••• Loev• a MI ...Ws v., ••• r•Aq ••11. • LIN V4v . •• - Tf • elfl sviC '41 19 •••:' 747 65 Q:C rtb, 7•i :Stl 7?: 29 1•14; 22 !;84 • 17 CX. 96. 12 e3t • --- 7 295 5 Acit — 4 14f ;—I 3 125, 3se 7,-t • ' - ' 009 • a 761 ;- 0 574 0 en 6..0 BTEX W L GORE & ASSOCIAI ES INC • vat HtLavtlel.11..,v lsâlO 51.1nel VI. SSA :112 Ale) GORE "1 Surveys for Environmental Site Assessment • • • ••."" ,••••• . • •••• • **,70.• 023' 35e. 379? 957 231: 597 408 14 851 4,13 S2: C9c 1,0 ,-, 13 12 11 (1)14 ' 419'. 31, 9Z..7 193 5-g 11! 71 771 43 73: 25 60 16 233 r • 806 vo. we ."c 3 658 .• 2 22/ • ) ' 356 3 82E> — 7 10 533 L. :3 306 • .4 • • eV. .115 16 LI 4 e. 1 3 "' • 0 5 183.,;54,0•!,,, 2.11 0 • • -; It..z020 PCE 14.3411^3] 6 GORE .4' Surveys for Environmental Site Assessment - 01111111111iirammminilliN16111010111‘,,,, • W 1. GORE & ASSOCIATES. INC 1 ..1.131;11.1.b.JC Kleinfelder Associates TavInrc.nIla, UT SORE ta..:a.ts 1 360 .t rgy ;af,,ae,• •F• • Tetrachloroethene Estimated Soil Gas Concentrations 4.10, et .1, ••••• tott • or. ..•••4.1 • • • • " i ••• • 0%1010Po...17 411. ":•-• 9'9743 .13 YOU '9 12r 44 34 4r: 27 611. 2 ni . 254 '3 us3 'L 77Z 1..50 7Z6 214 2.313 : 621 Jr 1 6.36 ' 293 ./22 0 TCE fulow3) GORE TM Surveys for Environmental Site Assessment 5 11-RDI F W L. GORE & ASSOCIATES INC Ca.,. otA 2. n. .41C. U:11, " . " Irodi .1.41t% .aa MI • " a e 441 t• 15 16 14?" 113 14 12 — 11 do. •••• . 10 ,1 P. • 021 5 r. • rc:16-• • ' • 0ig• 20 - 0 6 02 (-) 3' , 4 ,-,calu 1 3,-.0 not • 2' 1. 1.3 it.. ta • aa • imafar • •111 MAI" Kleinfelder ssoclaiPs Taylorsville. UT Tnchloroethene Estimated Soil Gas Concentration • ..11•00.1 .1•Pra 111t• a -#0.1( / S •/, t/1.•• SAC ••• • l• • 1 •• • • 11%•41.• ,...•••••• - :t ••••••• • 1) . - 461 • - te - 11 get. de- 1:• . 10 C, 15 , Scale 1 OA. C.0 . Ift VI, g.4. 1. • Lalt Jant, d5 1 •54•1k 41.• .:.•, 14..orat • at.e.a: r.) 12 • ).1.1r--• colt !," ff4 634 ;3327 6 4 241 1 422. 9 6)9%2 'v.- 1 . 6 509 r-5 296 1- 4 309 3 506 I-- 2 853 ' 537 • 251 ule --0 825 ?'"- CHCI3 up;o1^3 W L GORE & ASSOCIATES INC •A •••••04,1•0 .0•-•• CL51.1 Mt. US.:.): ,aa •nt 3404. 017 • r,2 GORE "" Surveys for Environmental Site Assessment ba. • •••••••• '^' • 4•0•.• 6 • • .1 164g . • • • ,GDRE 0 8 9 —621 18 0 19 20 Kleinfelder Associates, Taylorsville, UT Chloroform Estimated Soil Gas Concentrations • t. :ft.,* •op, .,%•. ea 4 W. L. GORE & ASSOCIATES, INC. 100 Chesapeake Blvd. • P.0. Box 10 Elkton, MD 21922-0010 Phone: 410.392.7600 • 800.432.7998 Fax; 410.506.4780 ALES OFFICES: Europe: +49.89,4612.2198 San Francisco: 415.648.0438 Email: environmentalaawlgore.com gore.com/surveys GORE and downs tfultmarks of W L. bow & As-wastes. Inc. IMO/ W E. We IF Anomie% Inc 21366632_Map January 23, 2012 Page 9 of 9 ATTACHMENT C Boring/Well installation Logs and Groundwater Gauging/Sampling Field Notes Environmental Report # : d.. rt:—..\LEINFELDER Field Daily Report Page 1 of Project Name : lOo t.., Sloe` 5 Date : /4111/.01-t_ Time Arrived : 05,30 Project Manager : R. Art.tu.1 e...y S t e Location : 700 k,..7 0.0 b, Tune Departed : Project ¡ Task # • Personnel : Mileage : Mileage : Weather Conditions : r.vt.>, ,.c.:- st. c.....c.i Wind from : ----- at mph Temperature : 6/ 5.- Subcontractor : C. P•4-,1 C. I e 44%, .. t. , ,Xes Time Arrived : 08,1Q_ Time Departed : _ (NamelFirm) -7 ---' Time Arrived : Thne Departed : Thne Arrived : Thne Departed : Site Visitors : Time Arrived . Time Departed : Equipment: . _ . Primary Assignme.nts : . Field Notes . 1: 3,..) 1....../ irt.c.t< e.:: ,..c pc/N., .‘ ... ler. .... it • 24) A r .1, C.. IN i_ S. ./14..* C.' Z .L.S.S. A4 6.44..... 43 4.. fl S'... ia 4 II-1,74 .,..? 6....J.- 3 ._.......1 _ _ _ _ si a P, • e. /0/ c.e.c.e.k —......2/ 4 ii". v ,e.x, a. .C.... / 44" t...",,, A te-d• :z3 /0040 ..--,.... Ase 6-.:. s e- c>A Z ri^. z- c 31 - tailC-1•"1 Batik- -7:D /z/ 5r)c)Pii _ _ _ , " •:/....,,.? ,, S,..d,'Icl.... 740 d .. c c../ ,.., 5 G.. Pr ;or -4," ol..rce.4 p....,/, c fie., 43 /3 sits.1.- .1 c ..ic•e .,,,,-.1 I- c;-) cs Ai -4-6 .,• .s.i/... A .. - c ..,,,/ e,/ts 4/r. .5: V 0 - l's 1 'I 14 ' :•., 4 c .r.... . I ...el., "%W. ••••,11 4, 4...4 :It • AL, ....., r r IA.4 ./44/ CO •-••• • r 0......./S d, .- 0.1 Al re,/ 4.. ¿ vi ni ...3 . d *,.. PO ,--,,,t,....,,,.. ....: 'se— re.‹.,,,cb..r.1 en. --• Z. ° 01 t ...., ,je.. l 1 (0.a•-• lxot_•• IO)C\ ..-,,) Attachments . y .., Logbook 7 Y N Book # : Pages : Proj. Task Form 7 Y N Chain ot Custody? Y N C0C#s Site Safety Plan ? Y N Field Data Sheets? Y N Total FDSs Sample Centro{ Log ? Utility Clearance Ticket #: Marks Observed? Y N Comments : Other attachments: Environmental Field Daily Report (continued) Page 'I. of 1.(-2LE/NFELDER Bright People. Right Siguflons \•,.... ---__,,, Project Name : Date : 1 trt/t.orz. Report # : Project / Task # : Site Location : 3t, 1 Field notes continued : v. a ty-e..st.,-, Le. AI,It...e.,rr.l S...ie e-s 4,,„. , i L. • '41 %I ' zcat . -2 ',slut.. L.. • 'f...'S . , )3e-01 y al jc.r.... C.0 //e..e..Fc...c) /..,... ol. 1 cr lo 1.1 ,,o, fat 1:),k....1 jc. r 1 pr .1r..t ) .• . d 1./ c• di 1,... ) ,' / 1....• 1...J• 411 -Os a ....4 ci'y 1 .1.. • Twreot .7...c- Sc. ,-,10 / cr ex....-. preft.e..4. , I I Z.' II' IV t. ti '7,"s# . C. ....-/D 1 _ ' lit-e.. ije„,ll /IOLA-114h,- e) 7. ° ( c...../..N.3 4..) e. I re... cort/..tad vtd 014.044.10Cdo " A 410/1444 Pv.r... to -or st.A) 1 5 -Lt. rtii A-0.A f 4,1-r-rkei 4.1...11).t.r, 0. ..../ .` ,,t.4. //c, 01 I . . r .w./.'ol P in.. to 4..... s.. < re. L.- . -r LA,- 4,-, •-e5 c.....,.. s 4 leC, 'fit-ef A. 9 ' c, 4, ,..- cfe. S, 't 't.,... 5.- .- e 1 - 8 g..," I.. - 4.1.. ,....., .4. i 4-4,4— 4„.....) ‘.... I-LA- 1-x) 1 ' .63S . ..riert_. (...it, 64 r - Jr. S f -0b.,,pl at.) .1...) i L. A geiic 1%14.d c/a" Si..0 MA. le 4.11 GA. d s... e. L. hi el' el CC. .,.(.0-41.14.. C.o /4. r. / l : cto s.p .....d 4C1 0 ',A, d r i °H. :el e rt4 4I: 1 /o c.. L. I Go/ 5 0 ./ 1... * 6 ,7 el, •-.5 als.,^ of r.',.• .0. rir. 14( I 1:1t ,....4...,,,,tr lo 4141...)-1_,.. 5... /3 jc. , 0.1 r ). ....,..- "1- L7 10,/4-LV'' 6,1, (..ire., 11 ....., 4 el c. ce.4,.. c 1 ,..1 it., ...94,,r -1. s .. t..,./ pi,... 'Z.'. 0 c., r .. er ils ..1....)s...-r ittitS" Prver,C., (,,,,,,-..x 0/4 .I.x.- _Lc, ',so rtt,___tli.e_*t_1C,___AagL,,js ftit.u&s , 6-e....3*Å!.1 °fir& )1.4. 6-1-J )1..... 041.)-11_ SA 4 t., $9 / A ' 63 .- M 4J- 2 e.r) fit) Itl-s...p, 19 /3 ffs-- n.s .0i,)-1 okvc.r.h.xl ,..4a4,..e .1,,IF,• 04. ?4,....3 ,,..„....)..., „,,,..A. ri op,. Ad ,z, • . of_S........r/r-rj c . r.t.t,ro/, ,•••• n. o.-fre 1.4,1*- '''S Cle.Ccf , : 4 t ei .., .....fi 4..5 .2„v /44,4 c, et -01,...,1 1 ' Z... Cc 4, e, /0, /2. 1 8„ r.i>#3.2. V, cl VS" Ay -r-tt , 4. .i)A. c.,. dc,,c-4,1 6 e-c.. ,st cÉe.c 5 II e e. /CŠ 4,7,-3 kr i ei stIv e 4,1 io , • Y. r — /4,:riz, L'I G.- • '4. Am.s ..-",/e • 1,--ei c.-..--e, 60.c-44749 at ,i....te, #.‘e..d) a, .41 4. ) /41, 5 4 r 5- : /5- ENV-08-02 REV 05/08 Signature : r,, KLEINFELDER WO/ 0,43;4r 4 V/ '4••••444 ENVIRONMENTAL BORING LOG Typr;DIA or FUT Lj'• 0. 0. ohti p.„4. hmLit u.,A L8S D,iO3 6::•11110 110 .rit)Jt•C! r3ov r.) .-fo .39 Al t•••• i.1° 51/4 660' whirs . r ry TOTAL DErl 'Jr- evriv, (rb' 7-5' or Z. FAFZI RIO s 1 - riport, at30 piti..14:R • COVPANT Z 1•1„0 1-_ -1 -I i- I) SI 7.11 • pirrric FRom 6 ' c • < • a., GROUNDWA--EP D 1PTI- / I IME 5 ti• TIkIr _15, • u") Gt . 1..‘"11 F. IC TO% VONIT.'",-.1110 rs•IrA .LEFO " Ch.-44 d. 6 rs t-sc • -7 . .11 617.101. /WED 8 Y sArKFl„,n) •LI 14.0.; C. . F.- 1/,11.1 LUG: OF MATElbAs. c.,•••• 04 •••1 sit r....‘et.c.ei J S • ; 110414.; w\ ,/*/ .1 •• • • gf AD 3r. • 0.1 , „ pot' ' k' ef 1 r (A..) 1 4 11;:'" L.k o464.• .5. V.e.„ Çt „e/ .2 4 4./e .r ,. •••U /I ire etc..? yr. .•e. ralt,•• • 7 L....4...hr Lip ” 1 • ) ••••••••• / / piGt 01..64* 7L 4 c rot' lbv•Nie .1.1•• rit• 4-t•J a-. L.-06d le-vcd; . . tl? ik) 4). 6, 4, PRO WC"; NO I noroNr; ' 3; 6 Q. z DIM 01:-. • -ROY ;kb /7 — • _4- , re, ^ ZO ' i'!:10 _ . • 1.1 . ' 2- I 2 :4 : • • ) - , zcZ 5 • t3'tOJEC " SI-EF Z lo9 v.) Szoo 5 l LL > e t.. PER r- Ltt.; 7E-ziAt .1 KLEINFELDER •eff f ENVIRONMENTAL BORING LOG etio, 10,41 I D.P. I / I rociter.- S di& SA, t St. 6...ht." 5. 'ay %•..rsi /4.41,t4 ; 6(4.0 • ) 43 re••••..j 1 5 ••••• rt.s.., /Pc el 611 /& L__ ••••,ii •l OZ EINFEL0Œ, itdotp,op,e,,,gsl,„007 ENVIRONMENTAL. BORING LOG BORING NO. PROJECT NO. PROJECT 10/1 v./ 5.t.70 5 SHEET 1 OF 10 MFG. DESIGNATION OF DRIU- RIG Local-Km k.i,10. vt.1141 b., tub cvi,s, , DROP INCHES LBS. ..........* ELEV, TOTAL DEPTH OF BORING TYPE/DIA OF BIT HAMMER DATA : WT. —.....-...... STARTED yr/Awl, /it.oa DRILLER / COMPANY COMPLETED ii /molt p2xso LOGGED BY GROUNDWATER DEPTH /Ifif' TIME _ fy :lc- BACKFIll ED zilmoti. C , Pe. ric 0,4.'3 TIME / IV : Sa.43 SURFACE CONDITIONS GW SAMPLE ID TIME 6-rv.i S MONITORING WELL INSTALLED GN 7 Pi rA,,a, ......,...4 DIST. FROM - ...J -7 ..., 4-- — 0 SURF. PIV/FID TIME ..., 1 y W gcli- k >" Ee BLOWS PER 6 IN. USCS LOG OF MATERIAL 31.: ---1.. 5 —‹ 1 .4 vat, 1...1.," „ / -,m, go il " 144/1.; (.61 ',EA lc ....k-a- yc.vt.t to, 54.rd aluvoi..,t vv.0,41 V 1 ikoit )‹./>. >4 > "•4 ..‹.-N. * _?C CP r \ \ .....- S .51/A ; I ili n '''.14 / '44- 4414449n , SA 0 )4P, iPtAbilibtli/41 ii. diASA.A, tyug.vsi FILL O. -1 • 0 • 11:C'er I OA it../..liipt.. .c..0.4c.4.+ tfiLi Stw..1 (....ppte ili,,, .•,,,,„,144 oey.„,,r,,3,..) ,, otc.,s,c,, .0.4 4 ....,*.i.4, ',vv.-, (5,, r• .....1 4 A '1 3.-43,,, --......„ 7 ............. ---7‹ 9 • • 0 - WIZ. to" s,vly s,,,,,i t ,..,/,',1 /40 a. e_,... /1 To 3- Ac.a) s a ,... t „t,. ... L. ,i.L.,..,, d 3,..,,,e,,s .• 'l . _ . , - 1.Z.1C14 ,, , r II ? _ ,...., , , 0 % ,. ',a..! ,.... -z , ' ti 1 l- , r a ,..;! " ' c., it., ,34 a,. ifr 6ear--,.,-. AO j / • tO — ---J3' 1 1 — 13-...-.‘4. — 14 ..........1. 15 r re. IA" o rt., - rill r 1111111 6- ci 0 .7 li :..24. LI ion _ / r / • . • 4 s . ,,,Le., ,..,,,_ ,...._.2e_y_i_____Ih.g._,,,e_i14. / , ENV-03 REV 05/08 SHEET__ ._/_ OF 70 KRINO NO. KLEINFELDER (1O people. Right Sokakas ENVIRONMENTAL BORING LOG BORING NO. /4 G.) -Z. PROJECT NO. PROJECT loo •..) 6-5,00 S SHEET 2 OF 2. MS T. FROM SURF. -, -1 -1 1-- F d :2 2 0 (-• Q iic, PIO/FID TIME 41 --I 15 41 h..' ti. 3 P• >. pe > Q ce BLOWS PER 6 IN. LIECS 2 LOG OF MATERIAL a ... .....: v .. .z. • ". 5 2.1- DP iwb/ ci,_ sotAtiv fe.....4 vie-I 440 Itnkr 6 &Aid 14.vic.1 '5c.,0•5 rtsicifftr r 7 •••;• .... ...• Sict.14 6 (At. i'l) 519 Cf , 404,1- matficeol iscen.)1%, I. ), • • " „.). .. a "f ,. 7.. -''• 0.," / , 19 i 2 20 f • .....(7.: .. • C O. Li W. Lie' C. lbo% / 5 a ',v..— t-,s, Cel "" Ar ;,, • • ‘, 0., I Z. - - -... 0/ ..... " _ f.... ... s6.-• A13 1,1 r _ •:::› -7 /I :/51... .01"Allt; 6 0. NAL 644. at II I a I. ir4, 1 — . 1 i ] ' /1' ,,,, 2.5. '1. , , 1;41 / a/14LO AP / .2 1 Le) _ • ..--- _ _ -- —, _ — 1 ---- _ ...... — — — 1 1 't • -02 DEV 5106 SHEET 7-- OF BORING NO e .3 ST A Z , .1) FROM •C: SURF ' • 41 t v.A4s4 S la I) T0110 INCHES ELI6V q3Z.0' (Z•l'ect) 7•31AL DEPTH CF POR11'., 2 3' _02 TIME it, 00 TIME KLEINFELDER Of ENVIRONMENTAL BORING LOG FhiCJEC" s luO 07 :u;•,:AT.ors j (40° 31. zoo' j 1,re FAMMER I A VII .t.•••••••••,-..... I as nROP nti zinitaa (pc, ' °L.'„) DRILLER ,CCMPAN, c .11 CNS'..ETED 1rw.-1. (eo•SD kCJNAEISLIIr. RAL<FLLEL/ _ - CURFACT CosiraloY: B O'AB R USC t OG Or MATERIAL G IN s -í 3 rw. 41 4., 1,VA " PLC.," , •".^ e. s 04, 6 (4,-.4 •••• ••••;..,4 A (1., t • s..t oudt • _ I Pey eb eyn 5.16.4 . I - dkr., Sc ',11 5-, a/4... ,VD.44 ZeJ CBI y On? 4 411.) hen) IP 20-7CT N. 3 PORING N3 .41 461!..2 MI4.3 UES.UNIAII36 URILL 40,1 S kAk.) re_ Ple.4•••• ' YPE;LHA OF BIT 00 !a" Pf•S' dee" lt" AL. (JO 5.1 5A'.!PLC 0 '.'361•TO:', NCI INS AED ett. 2.'' ' • '7- ••••••P •••.k... '7 /0:4,T • r <; • 0' ; 1 4,,k44,0s„./e,c1_ 5 74 r4 /dr. s c ( 6 " /4,c.,k) 5+ I cver! _ loofi ....1s=c14/ 2/6i oc-co, ts--sti. s 4••• seetrz-e--.6_k.1 • v_e- •••••I Salz .,•,e).• 6 •I•e -11 I I r L • ( IC •J'• W L> —7 e A1.0. cola e— e S •••• Ole ¿S" LEINFELDER PIN 'tapir Pr./. ENVIRONMENTAL BORING LOG OF 140 I fra - 3 —J f1.5" _J 7.)1, -RUN1 SURE 7 8 4 l'ROJEC I PRO EC: NO PoP. SH=E1 7_ 7.-- a :10 5 099 ICdi D.P. 5 Z.••• ".% se.0.8 • I mot C•14 ycy 3""4-1 "1 6 " oft i•Št., ..,..sr, e. 11, ;CV ”cf, /4.- ‘e L.. <-4- 5 • c.,/,‘../ 1 e—, " - •• Jo., • 6.c Z Afa le/ é. • •I•••• 7. WA, eel be .r/ •r•r.m. t%t.. C..: 41 co -3 KLEZIVFELCIER wrearom,x PROJECT NAME: 704., 5 3 a° .S KLEINFELDER SAMPLE CONTROL LOG PROJECT NUMBER: DATES of FIELD WORK. 2../nitort. SAMPLE DESCRIPTION _ SAMPLE CONTAINER DATE TIME FIELD SAMPLE NUMBER SAMPLE LOCATION MATRIX (soil, etc) # of CONTAINERS CONTAINER TYPE PRESERV. FILTERED? Y/N NO1 ES zantz.c... 1,30 S- ,,,,L.J4c.... 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Laboratory Sampler; Chain - of - Custody No.: Page of L:\CATALOG\FORMSSAMPLE CONTROL LOG2 z- ,/ AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL CHAIN OF CUSTODY LABORATORIES (801)263_8686 463 West 3600 South (888)263.8686 Salt Lake City, Utah Fax (801) 263-8687 84115 Emaikawal@awai-labs.com Lab Sample Set # Page of Turn Around Time (Circle One) 1 day 2 day 3 day 4 day 5 dayard Contact r . r `t• • ^le r ;. rr. fr , • r Jo, Project Name "7 ec ry- - Project Number/P.O.# Sampler Name C. ,e Date/Time Collected 0 rj Sample ID X 2 C- - pi I 4. (.1 TESTS REQUIRED ,z QC LEVEL C;) 2 3 3+ 4 COMMENTS LABORATORY USE ONLY SAMPLES WERE: 1 Shipped or hand delivered Notes. 2 ` Ambient or Chaed 3 Temperature 4 Received Broken/Leaking (Improperly Sealed) Not= 5 P wady Preserved Checked at Bench Notes: . - 7.1i7iz.vr2 r076 : I i'34•5 - 1 - .40 IA) 3 z 13 15:410 *t., • l Date z/z //zoit Relinquished By: SignattnA 4t1 Received jiiy: Signature A A /at. Dap 2 /7 / Time Timy 1, PRINT NAME' 4. I, PRINT NAME, 6 Received Wilgin - Holding Tirnes - Notes: CDC Tape Was: 1 Present on Outer Package 2 Unbroken on Outer Package NA 3 Present on Sample NA 4 Unbroken on SaMb4e Relinquished By: Signature Date Received By: Signature Date PRINT NAME Time PRINT NAME Time Relinquished By; Signature Date Recerved Br Signature Date Special Instructions; T1me PRINT NAME Ktorr NALtE 'Time Date ' Date Relkiquished BT. Signature Received By. Signature Discepancies Between Sample labels arid COG Record? Nam- PRINT NAME PRINT NAME Time ./ , ' 2 Imbroten cs.s OJter Package NA 3 Present on Sample NA 4 Unbroken on Samnte NA Di.c.repancaes Between Sample Labels anti COC Record') AN1FRiC WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City. Utah 13411-; CHAIN OF CUSTODY (801)263-8686 (888)263-8686 Fax (801)263-8687 Fmail:awaIawal-1abs.corn Lab Sample Set # Page of Turn Around Time (Circle One) 1 day 2 day 3 day 4 day 5 day; Standard Sam pIe ID 2 / TESTS REQUIRED z QC LEVEL 1 2 2+ 3 3+ el COMMEN I S LABORATORY USE ONLY SAMPLES WERE: I Shipped or hand dein/ere:I Notes" 2 Ambient of Chilled Notes Temperavre 4 ReceaeC d;okerdl eaking Brnproperty Sealed! Notes 5 Propely Pruaufeed Checked at BenCh Notes Contact . t,- E-mail - Project Name -7' t • • Project Number/P.0.# • 1-2.. Daterrime Sampler Name • . Collected z e— ./' / z Rehnquis,,ed By Sipnatuir Date z Rude-Web ay, Signature "r"-- 'Date/ . Special Instructions PRINI NAME Time PFUNT NVE •”- rime • , Rehnquished By. Signature Date Recesved By Signature Date PRINT NAME lime PRNT NAME Tuns: Relmoussbed By: SIgnatute Da!e PRINT NAME T1 me. Rt...t.xmityd By. Sonaluit. Date PNIN r NAME. Honeyed Whin Hoidmg Times No!es COC Tape Was 1 Present on Chcrx Package NA Relinquished Br Signature Date Recerved BY gnaw"' Date Tune TIM: PRINT NAME PRIN.! NAME Environmental . KLE/NFEL DER 4.941114,-., 4 i B. eld Daily Report \.........................,tier tr.I.,r F Report # : / _ .. Page ' of / Project Name : -.1 pc' e.) c clo e 5 ... Date : L/6o/?,0/1... Time Arrived : / S—:Sca Project Manager : It mo-kic . Site Location : •70o (—I $-'4400 c, _ Time Departed :/ Project I Task # : Personnel : Mileage : /0 Mileage : Weather Conditions ,j, .,,,t 4- C,c, lel Wind from , 5 -.t t....40 mah Temperature : 4 0 °F Subcontractor: (Name/Firm) Time Arrived Time Departed 7.------'.--- ,-- Time Arrived : ---•••••"----- Time Departec14---- ...-------- Site Visitors , .....--------------------------'-' ----.../ Time Arrived : .....,••••'' Time Departed : _ ________.,_...,.. ----- Time Arrived : Time Departed :------* ____-.•-• Equipment 0.7 L. Jr..1....r ,' 0.1.c.r 4. 4-4.- r--..3 Icre ell• y Os.- Yr_ 4 522f,4 0. • /i- 0 k la / .,10,....y....4___ _ / P.rimary Assignm9nt.q : stc ,, 1 4,4r (I.., .. I 4. ma.„ 4,)-c,fi % i Field Notes : /coo 14 r .- 4., 4 4. - ci cl ,' .'4,1„. A+ l•ilf-- - / S- e.) die...ova- vc,i // / A c;..., c..Ge. 4../.../, .,- f e.,..s... rt.. 411.-. k - ._,..." c.- (..% ....-,--E. ( e-e- c• ' // ,14 -,.... , Ar /7r • --- - .. - _ - e-• - i.f _____IN'aiL.J., _________ 1".:tir.).'/ . / t . 1.1. ... ...ii 4, • i... /t„ . L f2, Ls: 4,5,.. 44.(4---/ aL2L-0____Qet/e r.‘•:‘,..2_ 4: Y.... _C.:tit:C....Z._ ete4,-,. e/......e. . . iee, „4.0.... /4, • VS . _ .._ ....._. ,./..."‘t.-4._ s-......„,d_c, 6-t.../. sc. ,.-...."4. _c_sa...,,,,Adde ate, ..../.1A. 40 dr-- ,........ ....44,-/ _c.,.../ /4 era. /e- e•'___•4 C.,.. - a ../..,Tr...s..,- c_. // ,. z75... .„.....*,...f.4 e.,,ec.-e.,_ e_ , _ y I .-..e. / . • .. ..,,,o r- ,re, ,,A .. .--r- „:".„.„,.....„_:=1„....__„&„,e2.14.„.„..„1 .1 • ..... ../1 . , 91 04, de.c.. /... • •-- re' ... ... Fr . It...-. c,. --44-s Lot i :., c., e - 'co/ re..4.,."-r--,4, r. tc.": ._-, es/ 4, /4- .a. . `',; • " tiA Attachments : / Logbook ? Y (153) Rook # :---------," Pages : _,..------- Pro). Task Form ? CID Cnain of Custody? Cr) N COCtis 7 , ...8 ,r.-- 5 Site Safety Plan ? C't N ' Field Data Sheets') Y (19) Total FOSs)----_____,...------,-------- -- Sample Control Log ? CO Utility Clearance Ticket #. Marks Observed? e5) N Comments • Other attachments: -...__---------___--- _____ — ATTACHMENT D AWAL Laboratory Analytical Report and Chain-of-Custody Documentation AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Corey Park Kleinfelder-SLC 849 West Levoy Drive, Suite 200 Taylorsville, UT 84123 TEL: (801) 261-3336 RE: 700 W. 5400 S. - Dear Corey Park: Lab Set ID: 1202314 American West Analytical Laboratories received 14 sample(s) on 2/21/2012 for the analyses presented in the following report. All analyses were performed in accordance to The NELAC Institute protocols unless noted otherwise. American West Analytical Laboratories is accredited by The NELAC Institute in Utah and Texas; and is state accredited in Colorado, Idaho, and Missouri. Accreditation documents are available upon request. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this report please feel free to call. The abbreviation "Surr" found in organic reports indicates a surrogate compound that is intentionally added by the laboratory to determine sample injection, extraction, and/or purging efficiency. The "Reporting Limit" found on the report is equivalent to the practical quantitation limit (PQL). This is the minimum concentration that can be reported by the method referenced and the sample matrix. The reporting limit must not be confused with any regulatory limit. Analytical results are reported to three significant figures for quality control and calculation purposes. Thank You, Approved by: L ratory Director or designee (801) 263-8686 Toll Free (888)263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awalOawal-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Report Date: 3/1/2012 Page 1 of 46 Alt analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed m accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information Is located on the attached COC. Thls report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspecton and/or analysis In good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Klein felder-SLC Project! 700 . 54(10 S. 1.ab Sample 11): 1202314-MIA Client Santple ID: S-M \i 3-6 Collection Date: 2;17/2012 930h Received Date: 2121:2012 1425h Analytical Results Contact: Corey Park Method: SW8260C VOAs AWAL List by GC/MS Method 8260C Analyzed: 2,24;2012 2144h Units: pg:kg-dry Dilution Factor: l 463 West 3600 South Sal: 1 aka Or), Utah 84115 Compound CAS Number Reporting I .iinit Analytical Result Qua) 1.1,: richlo:ae:harie 71-55-6 2 27 < 2 27 fetrachioroethane 79-34-5 2 27 < 2 177 1.1,2-1 riehlore-1,2.2-tri tluoroethane 76-13-1 2.27 < 2.27 1,1,2- l i ichloroethane 79.00-5 2.27 •<- 2 27 (801) 263-8686 1.1-Diehloroethanc 75-34-3 2 17 < 2 27 oll I ree (MOO 263-8686 1,1-Dicalorohette 75-15-4 2.27 < 2 27 Fax t14)1 263-8('87 C-Mal.: a 1 t zma!-Iabs cow 1.2.4-1dt:111ot ohervene 120-82-1 2.27 2.27 i .24 >ihromo-3-zhloropropanc t)6.12-8 5.67 < 5.67 1,2-Dibronmethane 106-93-4 2.27 2.27 K) le F Gross 1.ahOrator). Director 1,2-Dich!oroben7ene 95-50-i 7.27 < 2.17 1.2-ThchIoroethane 107-06-2 2.27 <2 '7 1.2-Diehloropropane 78-87-5 2.27 < 2 Jose Rocha QA Officer 1.3-Dichlowbentene 541-73-1 2.27 < 2 27 I ,4-1)i.:h1orobenzme 106-46-7 2.27 <,2 /7 2-Itutdoone /8-93-3 11 3 11 3 2-i lexanoix 591-78-6 5.67 <- 5.67 4-Meth)1-2-p, otallme 108- 10•1 5.67 5.t 7 Acetone 67-64-1 11.3 < I I 3 71-13-2 2.27 e- 2 27 Ihontudie:tletonteth.-ne 75-27-1 1.7 < 2.27 Bromolorm 75-25-2 2 27 • • 2.27 Brun:um:thane 74-83-9 3.67 < 5.67 Curhon disulfide 75-15-0 2.27 2.27 Carhim tetrachloride 56-23-5 2.27 < 2.27 Chloroben.rene 108-911-7 2.27 2.27 Chloroe:hane 7.5.00-3 2.17 < Chloroform 67-66-3 2.27 -" 2.27 Chloromethana 74-87-1 5.67 < 5.67 L2-Diehloroethene 136-59-2 2 27 2 27 Itcptat Date 3. i ,zo; 2 Pay,: 2 tri'af, una• .terz cac'e t We CWA SDAI4 ard RCRA afetarforrne: to a:cordon:A tc NELAZ. wotoco s Pe:rocre,sarnphoy rifor 'nation is bealeo on tt e attaovec CO.;.: s c.t s z*z., d.r.df,y trt: eNctas tre acdressec Pis.le;es ct strbsequent t.se of the norre cf th,s compary cr ary merrber of its mat'. or reprodac.ficn of t • s report a ccrinect.:^ +/-" • e 37..e tit re-rscSon ::' safe t.f a 'y prcit.ct or process or connect on with the re-puntIcaron o' tos repart fo- any purpose other than for the add'essee vo- • tr,e Waltsa Cn!. T . rC"r1:?', accePtinc recoonstibty except for the due performance nt irspect•on ano,br ens ys•s in gm, fat, ard accord•rg to Me rules of the trade ari of s**-e-:e Lab Sample ID: 12023l4-00IA Client Sample JD: S-1•11X 3-6 Analyzed: 2:24!2012 2144h nits: 141,g-dry Dilution Factor: 1 AMERICAN WEST CAS Reporting Anal, tical ANALY ricm. Compound Number Limit Result Qual LABORM ORI ES 5-13-Diehloropropene 10061-01-5 2.27 < 2.27 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 2 27 <- 2.27 1)ibrornochloroinethune 12448-1 2.27 < 2.27 f.tichlot odifluoromethanc 75-71-8 2.27 < 2.27 163 West 3600 South Ethy lbencene 100-41-4 2.27 2.27 Salt 1.ake City, Utah lsopropy !benzene 84115 98-82-8 2.27 < 2 27 Methyl Acetate 79-20-9 5.67 < 5 67 Methyl ten-buty l ether 1634-04-4 2.27 1.,/ Methyleyelohexane 108-87-2 2 27 < 2.27 Ntethylene chloride 75-09-2 5.67 < 5.67 Naphthalene 91-20-3 .3.17 < 2.27 (801 263-8686 St> Nue 1 011 Free (888) 263-8686 10042-5 2.27 < 2.27 Fax (.801) 263-8687 ctrJelllororthere 127-! 84 2.27 < 2.27 e-rnatl: avk al '4-awal-labs.coni 108-88-3 2.27 < 2.?7 tt an-1,2 -J I 56-60-s 2 27 < 2 27 1...):e F. Gros, trans-1,3. Diehl or opt ope tic iin61 -02-6 2 27 2.27 Laboratory Director Trichloroethene 79-f:1-6 2.27 < 2 27 richiorofluuronwthane 75-69-4 2.27 < ) 27 Jr?Se Rocha an. I chloride 75-014 i.13 1.13 QA Officer lenes. 'loud 1330-20-7 1,17 e 2./7 Result tviimint Spiked %RE(' 1. imits Ou21 13) 72-137 aurrugate Corr 1)ibtomdfuo-timccu:s: Cur 2-tinnuotiumehenrene Surr 1,-1).-hlurecthar.e-d4 Ati 2(137-2‘5 73 7 56 7e 1g611-51-7 7t- 3 55 70 124 4:5f--Of -4 t4 5 55 70 1:4 17tx-0-1.17-, 75 3 !.-f, 70 133 50 12‘; 05-1-14 51-147 Sarnphns and amilyneal preparanan crfornwit, nhnhod 5031n: Raper. Din: 3,1 2(:12 Pdgc 3 oi 4f A arm yses appl-cable ao the CWA SDWA, anJ RCRA are pcitcmtua a:codance t Nrt.AC crotocol Pertinent sarnp:rg informatior Is !abated Orr the attachea (-0C Th s rep 'or .s lc: exc use of the aoteasee Prot-lege:1 of sdtsequen: use of the naire cf s company ce ary rrerrbr ID, its sta,t, or reproductior ot this report cc -rev o v." • t: ai:er serelt C•C;riath', sa'e o ary proot.:.1 a* process or .1 cooneacrt wit,- the re-attlicat ori Ot this reoo-1 fc• ary prrpasu able: than fo- the aicressee rv.. be g-ame2 -211, •ae. :-.-aeny a,•••••epts -.* resue.-s,b liv ear.ept kr' f^t. "u, refxrarce of uospectio,. ana ara;ys's g000 faith ar0 acc-ordo; to the rules of tie tr.Cle in:: of s ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Kleinfelder-SLC Project: 700 W. 5400 S. Lab Sample ID: 1202314-002A Client Sample ID: S-MW3-14 Collection Date: 2/17/2012 1007h Received Date: 2/21/2012 1425h Analytical Results Contact: Corey Park Method: SW8260C VOAs AWAL List by GC/MS Method 8260C Analyzed: 2/24/2012 2343h Units: pg/kg-dry Dilution Factor: 1 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qua! 1,1,1-Trichloroethane 1,1,2,2-Tetrach1oroethane 1,1,2-Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane 1,1,2-Trichloroethane (801) 263-8686 1,1-Dichloroethane Toll Free (888) 263-8686 1,1-Dichloroethene Fax (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com 1,2,4-Trichlorobenzene 71-55-6 79-34-5 76-13-1 79-00-5 75-34-3 75-35-4 120-82-1 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 2.59 < 2.59 <2.59 <2.59 <2.59 <2.59 <2.59 < 2.59 1,2-Dibromo-3-ch1oropropane 96-12-8 6.48 <6.48 1,2-Dibromoethane Kyle F. Gross 106-93-4 2.59 <2.59 Laboratory Director 1,2-Dichlorobenzene 95-50-1 2.59 < 2.59 1,2-Dichloroethane 107-06-2 2.59 < 2.59 1,2-Dichloropropane Jose Rocha 78-87-5 2.59 <2.59 QA Officer 1,3-Dich1orobenzene 541-73-1 2.59 < 2.59 1,4-Dichlorobenzene 106-46-7 2.59 < 2.59 2-Butanone 78-93-3 13.0 <13.0 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 6.48 <6.48 4-Methyl-2-pentanone 108-10-1 6.48 < 6.48 Acetone 67-64-1 13.0 <13.0 Benzene 71-43-2 2.59 < 2.59 Bromoclichloromethane 75-27-4 2.59 < 2.59 Bromoform 75-25-2 2.59 <2.59 Bromomethane 74-83-9 6.48 <6.48 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 2.59 <2.59 Carbon tetrachloride 56-23-5 2.59 < 2.59 Chlorobenzene 108-90-7 2.59 <2.59 Chloroethane 75-00-3 2.59 <2.59 Chloroform 67-66-3 2.59 < 2.59 Chloromethane 74-87-3 6.48 <6.48 cis-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-59-2 2.59 < 2.59 Repon Date: 3/1/2012 Page 4 of 46 All analyses applicable to the CWA, SOWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any rnember of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis In good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. Lab Sample ID: 12;123:4-002A Client Sample ID: S-M W3-14 Analyzed: 2.'24/2012 7343h Units: uglg-,.1ty AMERICAN Dilution Factor: 1 WEST CAS Reporting Anal) tical ANALYTICAL Compound Number Limit Result Qual LABORATORIES cis-1,3-Di‘hloropi upene 10061-01-5 2.59 < 2.59 Cy clohexane 110-82-7 2.59 < 2 59 Dibtomochloremzthunc 124-48-1 2.59 < 2.59 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 2.59 < 2 59 463 West 3600 South Rhylbergenc 100-41-4 2.59 2.59 Salt Lake City, Utah Isuprom.lbenzen-! 84115 98-82-8 2 59 < 2 59 Methyl Acetate 79-20-9 6 48 < 4$ Mzthyl te:t-hut;1 etl'er 1634-04-4 2 59 <1 59 Methy lcy clohexane 108-87-2 2 59 < /.59 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 6 43 6 48 Naphthalene 91-20-3 2.59 < 2.59 (8011263-8686 Styrene 'loll Fite (888) 263-8686 100-42-5 2.59 < 2.59 1.ax (801) 263-8687 Tetrachloioethene 127-18-4 2.59 < 2.59 zmal 'ttawal-iabs.com roluene 108-88-3 2.59 < 2 59 trans-1.2-Dichloroethen 156-60-5 1.59 < 2 59 Kyle 1. Gross trans-1.3 -flichloropropene 10061-02-6 2.59 < 2 59 Laboratory Director rrichlot oeihene 79-01-6 2.59 < 2 59 1 richlorolluor omethane 75-69-4 2.59 < 2.59 Jose Rocha Vinyl chloride 75-o I -4 1.30 < 1.30 Q A Officer Xy lenes. rotul 1;30-20-7 2 59 < 2 i9 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked ItEC 1 mats °nal c•-e-r eli..e9e,.!s 2037-245 8.1 2 64 77 13( Surr 1..rri:rott !IsliS 53-7 77 S f,4 77 :2( (( 12.1 Sll:1 4 Worofhorol-crtior.: 73 : tr.1 77 114 hS-144 Star 1.2-D:ch;oraethane-d4 170tO-C7-tr 76 7 64 77 118 51-147 .Samp:mg anal).m al pi eparam)n inrfinmed method 503id" Report Date 3112012 Parc 5 6:4" a^a yses arr.. ,..atiq o the CWA SDWA. au.i RCRA pereinet .o acccr3ance t NH. AC. woleco's Penmen; saripIng aunndlioo is ,,cate:.' on true elect-et s s pr.sv .1.43 fC." usf. tre addressee Pny.'figes e• s ,t,sca,jent use of tre narre his company or ary member of itS start reproduct orr of :r us reoort •-..e-r-er.trar azxen se-ne^t romdty sale ol any pred,..ct oro:ess c n c3nnect-4i wet the re-puel caten of thus ror,o-t for any pevose tram than to- the aioressee g•a-tea '1. ract c.'rn;any accepts respcnsittPtv except 'or tie Oie pe,formarCe ana ,s.s in good tart alto accorchng to the rules tne truck arl of $cit ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Project: Lab Sampk 10: Client Sample Ill: Collection Date: Received 0ate: Analytical Results lacinfelder-SI.0 760 W 5400 S 1202314-003 A S-MW3-25 2117/2012 1025h 2/2112012 1425h Contact: Core) l'ark ethod: SW8260C VOAs A W AL List by (ÌCNIS Method 8260C Analyzed: 225'2012 00211 pg kg-di) Dilution Factor: 1.01 163 West 3600 South Sah 1.ake CU), Utah 84115 Compound C'AS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Ronk Dual 1,1.1- Triehloroethane 71-55-6 2.55 < 2.55 1,1.2,2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 2.55 a 55 0-! 2.2-tn Own ocihme. 76-13-1 2.55 < 2 55 1.1.2-"liichligoethane 79-00-5 1.55 < 2 55 r.1301) 263-8686 1,1-1 liehioroethane 75-34-3 2.55 < 2 55 loll Free (888)263-8686 1,1-Dialoroethene 75-35-4 2.55 < 2.55 Fax (801) 261-8687 e-mai!. at% alt?aw al-labs corn 1,2,4-Trichlorobenrene 120-82- l 2.55 < 2.i5 l .2-Di in omo-3-chleropropanc 96-12-8 6.39 < 6.39 1.2-Dilittimoethane 106-93-4 1.55 2.55 K) le F Gross 1 aborater) Director 1,2-1)ithlorobeniene 95-50-1 2.55 < 5? 2-Dichlotoetiune 107-06-2 2 55 1.2-D ehloropropanc 78-87-5 2.55 <1.55 Rochu Q. t /Ricer 1.3-Dichlorolvniene 541-'71-1 1.55 < 2.55 1,4-Diehlorohen7eile 106-46-7 2 55 < 2.55 2-Butanone 78-93-a 12.8 < 12.8 2-11ex_mone 591-78-6 6.19 < 6 39 4-Meth)1-2-pennutone 108-10-1 6.39 < 6 39 Acetone 67-64-1 12.8 < 12.8 Benzene 71-43-2 2.55 < 2.55 Bromod.ebloromethane 75-27-4 2 55 2 55 Bromoform 75-25-2 2.55 < 2.55 Brornomethane 74-83-9 6.39 ..- 6,39 Carbon d iNol tide 75-15-6 2 55 < 2 55 Carbon L. 0 achlot 56-23-5 2.55 < 2.55 (Not oberlIcne 108-90-7 2.55 < 2 55 Cnioro-mhune 75-00-3 2.55 < 2.55 Chlorotbrm 67-66-3 2.55 < 2.55 Chloromethane 74-87-3 6.39 < 6 39 cis-1,2-Dit.hhiroethene 156-59-2 2.55 .; '7.55 Reprit pdtc 31,2u 2 Paez o of -1(' A d CWA SIMA. ano RCRA arc porton-led in accordancet: NiELAC protozz.s Pertnec: sarnplaig in-Jr..lotur, t tacateo on tne rrtecheo COG T s mac-- .5 fa' tie esc .s de use cf the aldressee Privileges of subsequent use of hie noire of trus ccrnoany or ary rrernper of its stag', or reprocuctior of this report n conrectior tr " * ao:en.sernert, rc'noti:vi ci sale u' ary p:eduot or process, in connection with the re-pjb cat.on of this rep31 for any purpne °trier than for the aidressee w:: bu g-dr•tal ta-t acropts na resocrsq) l•ty exoert for the due perfornarce of inspecton and!or ana'As un goed farm an:: accord•ng to the rules IN' :rade anr: cf Lab Sample ID: 1202314-003 A Client Sample 1D: S-N1W3-25 Analyzed: 2:2i:2012 002h Units: pg.ta-dr; AM ERICA N Dilution Factor: 1.01 WEST CAS Reporting Ana4 tical ANALYTICAL ('ompound Number Limit Result Qual LABORATORIES eis-1,3-1)ichlotopropene 10061-01-5 clohexane 110-82-7 2.55 < 2.55 Dibroinochlort +methane 124-48-1 2.55 < 2.55 Dtchlorotlilltioroincthanc 75-71-8 2 55 < 2 55 463 West 3600 South Eth) !benzene 100-41-4 2.55 < 2 55 Suit Lake City, Utah lsoprop)lbenzene 98-82-8 2.55 < 2.55 84115 N1th)1 Acetate 79-20-9 6.39 < 6.19 Metn)1 tert-bu:y1 ether 1634-04-4 1.55 c 1.55 Meth) leyclohexane 108-87-2 2.55 < 2.55 Meth) lone eltloride 75-09-2 6 39 < 6 39 Naphthalene 91-20-3 2.55 < 2.55 (801) 263-8686 St) rent. To11 Free (888) 263-8686 ax 1801) 263-8681 trachl(tro...thene 100-42-5 2.55 127-18-4 2.55 < 2.55 < 2 55 al ""g at% al-ldhs coin Folazhe 108-8S-3 2.55 • 2.55 trun,-1.2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 1.55 < 2.55 Kyle F. Gros.; trani-1.3-Dichlornpropene li)061-02-0 2.55 2 55 1 al'oratory Director Trichloroethzne 79-01-6 55 Triehlorotluoromethane 75-69-4 2.55 < 2 55 Jose Rocha Vitt)! chlorido. 75-01-4 1 28 < 1.23 Q& Offiter X)1.:ne", Tout 1330-20-7 1 55 2..;•3 surrogate cAs Result Amount spiked RLC I Aunts Qual Sur. 1 oloenc-tit al 5 63 85 132 72117 Sul I Dri:10.110i1uelOnlet1ialle 1868-53-' 63 85 120 6ti:2q Surf 4.13Arnitt1Lorobentrii.: 416L-OU-4 75 11 63 85 IIS o5 .44 Sun- 1,2 Dichlornethanc ;14 I 706C-d7-0 78 2 63 85 123 51-147 Va,nr1:71.c. and ancilvr:cat rreparabm rerfurmed hj melkki 511.rIk' Repon Date 3/i/2012 Page 7 of 46 A ..tlayses ar s cab'e 'he CM, SW:A a Lt FICR A an; ti.crornt.ic accomarice to NELAC rstocols Pertamt sa uit mnat.on is located on tr.e attac,e1 e0C 7tus rep s •o- !Ott s ce use of Pie addiessee Pni.leges cf sucsequoirt use of tria name o' '11.5 tOrnoaf y or any member et its stal, reproductior e tn.s report ^ coniectio- w tiao orr•vicr. cr saie u avy prod Act or prosess or in cormest Ln Me re c..ito cat or. of tnis mind for ar1 purpase other Man for the aldressee w (1- .1491 T:s 5 COrntla'y neCr.'s r: rPspci.s o. ty e....:ept for the o...e performance or r:spe:t.-;-, and.or ana'ys s rr gooc faith and ascordirg to Me rules o' tne ;raas anc c: ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Project: Lab Sample ID: Client Sample ID: Collection Date: Received Date: Analytical Results Kleinfekler-S1 C 7no W ;400 S 1202314-004A S-M W2-6 2,17.'2012 1105h 221/2012 1425h Contact: Corey Park 1Slethod: SW8260C VOAs A \VAL, I.ist by OCINIS Method 8260C Analyzed: 2/25.1012 022h Units: pg.kg-dr> Dilution Factor: 1.0! 463 West 3600 South Salt I aku (lab 84115 Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qual 1.1,1-'1richloloclhanc 71-55-6 2.29 < 7.29 1,1,2,2 1 ctrachloroctbane 79.34-5 2.29 <2.29 1.1,2- lrichloro-1.2.2-trffluoroethane 76-13-1 2.29 < 2 29 1,1,2-Trichlorocthunc 79-00-5 2.29 < 2 29 (801) 263-/M6 1.1-Dichloroethane 75-34-3 2 29 < 2.29 1 till Froc (888) 263-8686 1.1-Dich!oroethenc. 75-35-4 2.29 < 2 29 Fa,. (801) 263-8687 e-.;.,tii. ..os a ì.ìa1 labs corn 1.2,4- Inuhlorohervene 120-82-1 2.29 < 2.19 1 2-Di brorno-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 5.72 < 5.72 1,2-Dihtornocth4ne 106-93-4 2.29 < 2.29 Kyle 1: Gross Lahorator) Directot 1,2-Diehlorobenicne 95-50-1 2 29 2.29 1,2 Dichloroethane l 07.06-2 1.29 < 2 29 1,2-1)khloroproranc 78-87-5 2.29 < 2.29 Jose Rocha OA Officer 1,3-Dialorobenfene 541-73-1 1.29 1:19 1.4-Dtchlurohenixne 106-46-7 2.29 2 29 2-15u1doone 78-93-3 11 11.4 2-Hexanone 591-78-6 5.72 < 5 72 1-Metk.1-2-pcntanone 108-10-1 5 72 5:72 Acetone 67-64-1 11.4 < 11.4 Bcniene 71-43-2 2.29 = 2.29 Bromodichloronwthane 75-27-4 2.29 < 2.29 Bromoforin 75-25-2 2.29 < 1.79 Bromornethane 74-83-9 5.72 < 5 72 Carbon 75-15-0 2 29 2.2•) Carhoo tetrachloride 56-23-5 2.29 < 2.29 Chloto!woiene 108-90-7 2.29 2 29 Chlormhane 75.00-3 2.29 < 2.29 Chloroform 67-66-3 2.29 < 2 29 Chloternethune 74-87-3 5.72 < 5.71 cts-1.2-1-hch1oroethene 156-59-2 2.29 < 2.29 Repo,: Dec 3.1,2)12 S at ae. 7 -a r •*, me CANA SDWA. and RCHA are performod o aa.ordance to NELAC crctoco $ Port nent saTpling 'ordination is lu:,-ated on tne at:az:Ilea CO: rt. s •erjr Jse of Me addressw Piwileges ot subsequent use of the r.srre of s company or any member Vas sta". reaTcluction of th.s repert c.:4rec- ..-n o• Sale of any roduct or process, or in eonnecton with the re-pudhcatior. of this -eport for any purpose otner than for the addressee wA e g-a-tez c' aczepts nc resciar.s.o 't) except tor tne due perfamiarce df inspect.or and'or ann'ysis Ir. good faith and according 10 Me rdles of Me trade ancOf sve-:e Lab Sample 11): 1202314-004A Client Sample ID: S-MW2-6 Analyzed: 225/2012 022h Units: 1.)g,14;-dry Dilution Factor: 1.01 AMERICAN WEST CAS Reporting Analytical ANALYTICAL Compound Number Limit Result Qual LABORATORIES ets-1.3-1)ichlor.Tropenz 1M01.91-5 2.29 < 2.29 C} clohrtane 110-82-7 2.29 < 2 79 Dibtonmehlorotnethane 124-48-1 2.29 2 29 Diehlorodilluoroniethane 75-71-8 2.29 < 2 29 463 West 3600 South Lth} !benzene 1041-41-4 2.29 < 2.29 Sah Lake City, Utah Isopropylhannhe 98-82-8 2 29 < 2.29 84115 Meth} I Acetate 79-20.9 5.72 • 532 ‘leth}1 t.:r.-buty I ether 1634.04-4 2 29 < 2 29 Nlethy clone ane 108-87-2 2.29 < 2 29 N1 ethylene Lhloride 75-09.2 5.72 < 5.72 Naphthalene 91-20-3 2.29 < 2.29 (8011263-8686 loll live (888) 263-8686 St} ter.e 100-42-5 2.29 < 2 29 t 801) 263-8687 Tetraehlot oethertt. 127-18-4 2.29 < 2.29 n1:11 am alit at. al-labs.cotr. 1 ol uene 108-38-3 2.29 < 2.29 trarb-1.2-Dtehlot oe(hene 156-nu-5 2.29 < 2 29 Kylr I Oros: wans-1.3-1)ich:oropropene 10061-02.6 2.29 .. 7 '‘i.) 1 aborator Direttor f i ichloroethele 794,1 -6 2 29 < 2 79 Trichloroluor.tmethane 2 29 < 2 29 Jose Rocha Vinyl chloritie 75-01-4 1.14 < 1.14 QA (.>fficer Xy lenes. t ca.:1 1330-29-7 2.29 < 2.29 SUITogUle Sun* Trim:en-di Sur: 1 ehi•irnor. „inn in.:thane Sur r 4-13neno(uoroberaen.: Surr 1,2-Du.111artiettutac-,If e 58 2(137.26-5 Int:S-53./ 1,=4:41 1 17,),:A07-1.1 Result Amount Spiked % RFC I emit.; Qmal r5ri 57 i8 131 72.157 ; 57 18 121 rtrr 12•1 n5 9 57 18 115 55-!44 73 7 57 18 129 51-147 Samplmg and atm.:ill...al przparaGun poyontted 6 mithod 50301' Report. Date ".c1/2til 2 Pao: 9 ie.-46 A a'? ?ses app. :at* t, the CV:A. SDWA a tcl RCRA percerr.ed ir accordance to NEI.AC proto=i, Pertinentsar, .ng irforrr.at on is locatoo on the a:lecher: C0.,17's eç Is 'r • tne ore. o' :nu addressee pre: :eges r.f suoseivent use of tne name o' tt-s cornoary ca any -e.it..er cf as vtaff or revoduction t s iecort cot necr or .utri : e ;$;:el scr o•sa c' any orcouct c.r rcoess or el coniectioi w.tn the re-o.11icat on of th,s rep•ort fc• any purpose other man 'or the add'essee grante: "n r:,noany ed.:edis no responsibq ty ,:xcept fct perfonnance of inspection and of analys s in good faith arid according 10 the rules 01 tne trade o' ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Kleinfel&r-SLC Contact: Core) Park Project: W 5400 S AMERICAN WES F ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Lab Sampk ID: 1202314-005A Client Sample ID: S-M W2-14 Collection Date: 2'17'2012 11251 Received Date: 2;21/2012 112.5h. Analytical Results Method: SW8260C VOAs AWAL List by GC/MS Method 8260C 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake Cir, Ltah 84115 Analyzed: 2 252012 (142h jag kg-dry Dilution Factor: 1.02 Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qual 1.1,1-Trichlorocthane 71-55-6 2.46 < 2.46 10.2.2-TetruhlomethIne 79-34-5 2 46 < 2.46 rtchInro-1.2,2-trifluarcethane 76-13-1 7.46 2.46 1.1,2- FrIehleroathuns- 79-00-5 2.46 < 2.46 1.1-Diehloroathanz 75-34-3 2.46 ••-. 2 46 1.1-Dichloroothene 75-35-4 2.46 2.46 icldoruhemeene 120-82-1 2.46 < 2 46 1.2-1)ibroma-3-chlotopropane 96-12-8 6.15 «115 1.7-1)0,romo...thane 106-93-4 2.46 < '.46 1.2-Dichloroberne 95-50- l 2.46 2 -16 1.2-Diehlo:oethanc 107-06-2 2.46 < 2 46 1.2-Dichlororropane 78-87-5 7 46 <. 2.46 1.3-lhehlorobenierx 541-73-1 2 46 2 46 1.4-D;chlorobenzene 106-46-7 2 46 2-Butamme 78-93-3 12.3 12 3 2-1 le \ 591-78-6 6.15 < 0.15 4-Meth)1-2-pentanone 108-10-1 6 15 < 6 15 As.etone 67-64-1 12.3 < 12 3 11..rvere 71-43-2 2.46 2 ;6 Bromodichlororrethane 75-27-4 2.46 < 2 išromofono 75-25-2 2.46 < 2 46 Ilromornethane 74-83-9 6.15 < 6 15 Carbon disulfide 75-15-0 2 46 2 46 ( arbol tetrad lo•i& 56-23-5 2 46 2.46 Chlorohmzene 108-90-7 46 e 1.4i; Ch!moethane 75-00-3 2 -16 c 2.46 Chloroform 67-66-3 2.46 c 2.46 Chloromethane 74-87-3 6.15 < 6.15 cis-1,2-Dichloruethene 156-59-2 2 40 < 2.46 (80; ) 2.63-8(86 1 ol; Free 0188 ) 263-8686 ax (801) 263-8687 e-mail: av,al'iiav‘al-lahs.com le h Ciross ahorwon DiNctor .1.be Rocha QA OtticLi Report 1.x.te 2 1'201: Pa.te 1C 01 4( 4 a •:r ses c tt CLVA SCANA ari RC.RA a-e oe,fixn-,ed In a:corjar:::e to NELA:', p-oto:ls Fertreit sarr# rj .-for.rratrtir Iccatej c-. the attacres COC: 1•.s rep t : tz- re ust. of tne add'essee Prr:legescl sjtrsegt.e:'t use of dm name of th co -*any or arty mei-17er of :S staff, or reprod.rotron of this repo.,in co"-re.thol ad.er se-e-t crorIct orr or sa'e of a-y p•mtucr cr procoss or in ^onne:a cr vath the re-ouc..cat.or of th s report for eni purpose other for the ado-essay w rr b., g•arte Tn ccalcani accepts no respois orl:tv except fcr tnr our peen-marce of Inspect on and or ana:ys:s r,good tastn and acco,dIng to the re.es of tne trade ald of sca.-rf.e Lab Sample ID: 1202314-005A Client Sample ID: S-MW2-14 Analyzed: 2/25/2012 042h Unfts: µg/kg-dry Dilution Factor: 1.02 AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL Compound CAS Ntunber Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qual LABORATORIES cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 /46 <2,46 Cyclohexane 110-82-7 2.46 <2.46 Dibromochlorornethane 124-48-1 2.46 <2.46 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 2.46 < 2.46 463 West 3600 South Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 2.46 < 2.46 Salt Lake City, Utah Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 2.46 < 2.46 84115 Methyl Acetate 79-20-9 6.15 < 6.15 Methyl tert-butyl ether 1634-04-4 2.46 <2.46 Methyloyclohexane 108-87-2 2.46 < 2.46 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 6,15 < 6.15 Naphthalene 91-20-3 2.46 <2.46 (801) 263-8686 Styrene 100-42-5 2.46 <2.46 Toll Free (888) 263-8686 Fax (801) 263-8687 Tetrachlorocthene 127-18-4 2.46 < 2.46 e-mail: awal@awal-labscom Toluene 108-88-3 2.46 < 2.46 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 2.46 < 2.46 Kyle F. Gross trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 2.46 < 2.46 Laboratory Director Trichloroethene 79-01-6 2.46 < 2.46 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 2.46 < 2.46 Jose Rocha Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 1.23 < 1.23 QA Officer Xylenes, Total 1330-20-7 146 < 2.46 Surrogate CAS Result Aotount Spiked % REC Limits Qual Surr Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 80.7 61.52 131 72-137 Sum Dibromolluoroinethane 1868-53-7 75.8 61.52 123 60-129 Sum 4-Bromotluorobenzene 460-00-4 71.2 61.52 116 65-144 Surr: 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 82.4 61.52 134 51-147 Sampling and ana5ttical preparation pmformed by method 5030C. Report Date: 3/1/2012 Page 11 of 46 Al analyses applicable to the CW.A. SOWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling information is located on the attached COC. This report is provided for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this cornpany or any member of Its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABOR ATORIF,S Client: Kkinfelder-S1 C Projcet: 700 W. 5400 S. Lab Sample ID: 1202314-006A Client Sample ID: S-MW2-20 Collection Date: 2,17/2012 1140h Received Date: 2:21,2012 1425h Analytical Results Contact: Core) Park Method: SW8260C VOAs AWAL List by GC/MS Method 8260C 4,33 Vs cst 3600 South Salt Lake Ca), lita1:. 8-1115 Analyzed: 2'252012 101h Units: pg.:kg-dr. Dilution Factor: 1.01 Compound CAS N u rsi ber Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qual Frichloroethane 71-55-6 2.54 < / 54 79-34-5 2 54 2.54 1.I.21richloro- .2,2-trAluorocthane 76-13-1 2 54 2 51 1.1.2-1 richloroethane 79-06-5 2 54 < 2.54 1.1-Dichlorocthane 75-34-3 2.54 < 2 51 1,1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 2 54 <2 54 12,4-Trichlorobentene 12U-82-1 7.54 < 2 54 1.2-Dibroniu-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 0.30 < 6.36 1.2-1)ibromoetharie 106-93-4 2.54 2.51 1.2-1/ichtorobenzene 95-50-1 2.54 < 2.54 1.2-1/ichloroethane 107-06-2 2.54 -- 2 51 1.2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 2.54 < 2.54 1,3-Dk Moro:so-acne 541-73-1 2 54 < 2 54 1.4-DichlorobenzeAs• 106-46-7 2 54 e 2.5-1 2-11ulanune 78-93-3 12 7 < 12 7 2-Hokanono 591-78-6 6.36 < 6 3(1 4-N1elk1-2-pentanone 108-10-1 6.36 < 6.30 Acetons: 67-64-1 12 7 < 12 7 iierwene 71-43-2 2 54 2 54 Ilromodichloromethane 75-27-4 2.54 < 2.54 Bromofurm 75-25-2 2.54 < 2.54 11romomethane 74-83-9 6.36 6. us Carbon 75-15-0 2.54 < : 54 Carbon teuazbloride 56-23-5 2.54 e 2 54 Chlim,bovene 108-90-7 2.54 < 2 51 rblurocthdno 75-00-3 2.51 • 2.54 Chloroform 67-66-3 2.54 -= 2.54 Chloromethane 74-87-3 6.36 <(.10 cis-1.2-Di:hloro:thene 156-59-2 54 < 2 54 (801 ) 203-8686 1 oil Hz< (888) 263-8686 ax 1.80 I ) 263-8687 ass al it ass al-labs con: le I-. Uross ! aborinor Director lo:se Rocha QA ()nicer R.mo:t Date 311 '2012 Page 12 ot-tti A. 3 a ,SeS acp .:attle to tr.e CINA. SOWA and RCRA ae perforated tit accordance to NELAC votacc.ls Perbrenf sarnp ng info-mat .ccalec cr. the attecned COC This ier.- I it c'ct ice: fc' t'te e,:t..csore use of rie addressee Pr.v..eges o' subsequent use o' toe rame of th.s ccrnpany or ary member of ts staff, cr reorc.c.rctor. of th a reran ir..-...onnectior wit r fr e: se-ren• ern-nation or sate of any product or process. or In ccnnec: wth the re..p.ib '..a*.on of tt ts tenon for any ptrpcse other than fo: the adcressee w"t gtantei -'3*: + a:xerti r.0 respcns,b:ed.. e.,cep: for a..e Der'ormarce of inscecnon anIcr analysts in good faith a-td accord.ng tc the 'Lite!, tt tit 'rdue ar c .57 AMERICAN WEST ANAL1 HAL IA BORATORIES .163 ‘A em 3600 South Salt Lake City, t tah 84114 Lab Sample ID: 1202314-006 Client Sample ID: S-M ‘1 2-20 Analyzed: 125.'2012 101h Units: uelg-dry Dilution Factor: 1.01 CAS Reporting Analytical Compound Number Limit Result Qual cis- 1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 2.54 <1 54 lohexane 110-82-7 2.54 < 2 54 Di bromothlerorrethane 124-48-1 1.54 < 2.54 Dichlorodinuonimethanc 75-71-8 2.54 < 2.54 Eth>lheniene 100-41-4 2.54 < 2.54 Isopropyl benzene 98-82-8 2 54 <1 54 Meth:.1 A,:etate 79 20-9 0.36 Meihl tett-hu:1 ether 1634-04-4 2.54 < 2.54 Methylcclohexane 108-87-2 2 54 < 2 54 Metk kne chloride 75-09-2 6.36 < 6.36 Naphthalene 91-20-3 2.54 < 2.54 Strene 100-42-5 2.54 < 2.54 reit achloi os:thena 127-1h-4 2.5.3 <- 2.44 loluene I 08-Sh-3 2.54 < 2.54 trans-1.2-D,chloroethene 156-60 5 2.54 <- 2.54 trms-1.3-1):chlnropropene 10061-02-6 2.54 < 2.54 "Friehloroethene 79-01 -b 2 54 < 2.54 'I richlorolluoromethane 75-69-4 1.54 - 2.54 Viii l chloride 75-01-4 1,27 < 1.27 :"N• lenes. l otal 1330-20-7 2.54 < 2.44 (801) 2.63-868 I LI: Free i 888) 263-8686 f ax (801) 203-868/ e-mal! a‘s al 4 cm k (iross I aboratory Director o:ie Rocha (.?A 0:ricer Qual %urn-vile Totutro-J5 Nun. thlur,nrollcoronrctIcan: Star 1-8rornelloroheruene Sun 1.2-Dicilluro..thanc-d1 C _ 1 r-53.7 46e-ls*.-4 17o40.' 7-0 Itmulli %mount Spiked t'e tux. I . _ . ... _ N2 7 63 hi, 13a 72-15' -;$ ri 631.'• 125 73 2 63 ai 1 15 65 144 SF 1 63 ori 130 51-147 Sarrphng and anulywai prepararron rerierwa 1 nwthod .5,13"(' kuport Date 3.1.2612 Pagt 13 o: 4e t. a;,-.• :at e t. t-e CWA SDWA. ano RCRA a e pa-fcrned ae.croar.ce tc NELAC crotoco s Pettircnisarip -.g rr-ctrriat en is loca'co on the ottacried CDC. 1: rs rep 41 c*c. crse o' tee acre-es:me Priereges of st.bseguent use o' the narre of tr1.3 company or ar, member ro: iis sron. or reptoduchor of In's report ir curr^eccon war, ac.C,1`'"e" on cr wee of any product process, or sr cor.nechci wrth the re aJbhcatio', of ttos repol '0: an, purpooe ale; than to' tna addressee wr te. ;:artei • respc.'s tt.hti enept rcr the cae performance n'.nspecto- ane cr aaalysis pcod foith and accoroing to the rules LI the tadr and c' &Jen," ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LAWHIATORIES Client: Kkinfelder-SLC Project: 700 W. 54v() S. - Lab Sample I»: I 202314-007A Client Sample ID: S-MW I-2 Collection Date: 2'17,2012 1332h Recehed I/ate: 2'21/2012 I 425l: Analytical Results Contact: Corey Park Method: SW8260C VOAs AWAL List by OCIMS Method 8260C 463 Wot 3600 South Salt Lake Cit) 84115 Analyzed: 225:2012 121h uita: pg'4.-dr3, Dilution Factor: 1 ('ompound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Dual richloroethane 71-55-6 2.11 e 2 11 1.1.2,2- fetrachloroethane 79-34 5 2.11 < 2 11 !,1.2-Te;c14616-12.2-trifluoroethdne 76-13-1 2.11 < 2 11 1,1,2 .1 ria!oroeihane 79-00-5 2.11 < 2.11 (S01) 263-8686 1,1-1/1chloroethane 75-34-3 2.11 < 2 11 ell free (8881261-8686 1,1-Dichloroethenc 75-35-4 2.11 < 2 I I aN (801) 263-8687 c ma:1: awal-43%%al-iatis com 1.2.4-1 richlorohenzene 1.2-Dihromo.3-chloropropana 120-82-1 90-12-8 2 I I 5.29 < 2 11 < 5.29 1.2-1/ihromoethune 106-93-4 2.11 < 2.11 1% GrosN aborak Ihrector 1,2-1/ich1olobenzene 95-50-1 2.11 ' 2 11 1,2-Dichhnoctlian.: 107-06-2 2.11 <- 2 I I 1.2-Ihchloropropam: 78-87-i 2.11 < 2.11 )ose Rocha 13-Dichlorohenzene 541-73-1 2 11 : 2.11 QA Officer 1.4-1)ichlwobeitiene 106-46-7 2.11 4. 2.11 2-11.nanone 78-93-3 10.6 < 1(1n 2-11,:xanone 591-78-6 5.29 < 5.29 4-N1ell:)1-2-pentanora: I (iN-10-1 5.79 4. 5.29 Acetone 67-64-1 10.6 < 10.6 Ben/ene 71-43-2 2 11 < 2.11 Bromodichloromethan,: 75-27-4 2.11 .' 2.1 1 li omniorm 75-25-2 2.11 < 2.11 Bromomethane 74-83-9 5 29 <- 5.29 ( arhon disulfide 75-15-0 2.1 I •.: 2.11 Curoon teti a.:hloridc in-23-5 2.11 <- 2.11 Chlinobetaene 108-90-7 2.11 < 2 11 Chlmoeth,:nc 75-00-3 2.11 < 2 I . Chloroform 67-66-3 2.11 < 2 11 Chloromethane 74-87-1 5.29 < 5 29 e1.-1.2-Dichloraohcne 156-59-2 2.11 < 2.11 161'0111),m 3,::012 loag..: 14 of 46 •se•.;a. :aL et. t'e CWA SD'A1A or:1 RCRA a-e oe,feir led in accnrcan:* to NELAC groloce.s Penment sarip' irformat.or is lo:atec cn the attact ed COC TI' s :01 Te ey: -sive Lse o' :be addiessee leges of s.ibsequent use of the name of tnis company or any member a' its Sid", or reprodo;ton of PHs report in con"ect on win seri- e-t rt.-cu.:Lon o aecf any vcduct Of rocens, or in cornection voth tíe re-out:n:21w el It is report for ary purpose otner than for the addressee se• • be rantel 7.7"3:* ' 7.-^;.any accepts no responsit li'y exeup: fo; tno d* performance of :nspecticn andrei ana!ysis st good faith and accoromg to the rules 01 tse trade aria SC er Lab Sample 11): 12t)23 14-007A lient Sample 11): S-NIV, 1-2 Analyzed: 2125;2012 121h Units: tiglkg-cry Dilution Factor: 1.01 AMERICAN • CAS Reporting A nalytical WEST ANALYTICAL Compound Number Limit Result Qua! I,ABORATORIES cis-1.3-Dich!oropropene 10061-1)1-5 2.1 1 < ").1 1 elohn ine 110-82-7 2.1 < 2.1 1 1)ihromoehloremethane 124-48-1 2.1 1 < 2.11 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 2.11 ." 2.11 403 V, c‘i 3600 South 1:thy 'benzene 100-414 2.11 < 2 11 Salt Lake CH). Utah kopropylbeniene 98-82-8 2 11 < 2 11 84115 Methyl Acetate 79-20-9 - 5.29 Nfothyl tert-butyl ether 1634-04-4 2 11 N1ethylcycl4exane 101s-87-2 2.11 < 2 11 Meth> lena chloride 75-09-2 5.29 < 5.29 Naphthalene 91-20-3 2.11 <2.1 1 :80:)263-8686 Styre 100-42-5 2 11 < 2.1 1 1 rec. .888 263-8686 l'etraLl:linoethene 127-18-4 2.11 <2.1: 1 a. ( 801, 261-8687 e-irtai:. au al if au al-labs com .1 10R-88-3 2.11 < 2 1! ttans-1.2-Dich I ato,athetie 156-60-5 2.11 < 2.11 trans- 1 I in vprepac. ,3-1)ich 10061-02-6 2.11 < 2.11 Ky le I-. Gross ab:)ratoly Director 1 ria'ort,eth,:m: 79-01-6 2.11 <-211 I rich:orotluoretliane 75-69-4 2.11 <211 ir*1 chloritk 75-0 1-4 1 06 Jelso Rocha Q A Office! xylzt 0,1 vial 1 330-20-7 2.11 <2.11 Surrogn to Result Amount S.ml.c41 % REC Quo!' Sun- 1 oluen-/i 2 .37-26-5 6s 3 52 85 129 72-1 17 i.. t 868 5-4-7 65 5 52 SS 12,1 6C-11, Surr 4-I3un ol'uo:uhen,:ne 469-0-1 6') 5 52.S$ 114 65-14 1 Sun 1.2-1.1h.h:oroc.11.ine-d4 I 7rWa-O7-0 11 S 52 85 i 35 51-147 ka^:phac and an:14.'4a! -rpa,arroa re-famed makwi Repon Date 3/112012 Ng: 15 ol 46 at a •-• t: r a_v:A. z,D;vra a-.11-tt..nA are cu ia 'L.e Nt-LAC pit:'-;.:)Is Pe Ilne-• sarrp .r its.nat zr .s Ocatel or. 0 e CU: š ; esC t.st cf t"t 2.-diesee Pris• .tges 630 tire var-4 of this c.i.Arpa..y C • a.lý on-nhe' Its s:aff or reprcdt.cur,n, of tnis report in oz.- r • e It c• san any proou,t o- 2rocess, o - wit(' :ne tn 'epol t 'o: ar) pu-pcsr, other than for the ac:.retsee " De g'e-.u.1 , r-.r a_cer's r tospois 6er.y ekceot f): ri-je reo o' inseerr.ion a lc ra• a»e'ys s i i guoc ',OM aid a:co-d rig 10 tne rules of t. - trade ard sc.or.:e ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Project: L,ab Sample Ill: Client Sample ID: Collection Date: Reed% ed Date: Analytical Results Klemfelder-SLC 700 W. 5400 S. - 1202314-008A S-MW(-12 2/1712(i12 13551 21202012 14251 Contact: Corey Palk. Method: SW8260C VOAs AWAL List by GC/MS Method 8260C 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake Cit, litah 84 11 Analyzed: 2•25.2(112 14111 I nit,: pg."kg-dr; Dilution Factor: 1.01 Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qua! 1.1.1-Trichloroethane 71-55-6 2.06 2.00 tetrachIoroetham! 79-34-5 2.116 1.06 1,1,2- rri:liforo-1.2.2-uilluoroetturie 76-13-1 2.06 r 7 (,6 1.1.2-Tric11oroe1hane 79-00-5 2.06 < 2.1:0 1.1-Dichloroethane 75-34 -3 2.06 2.06 (.801 ) 263-8686 ol. kree t8S8) 263-8686 1,14)ich1oroethene 75-35-4 2 06 4. 2.06 FAx (801) 263-8687 1.2.4-Trichlotohentene 120-82-1 2 06 2.uo ao al 4 awai-labs corn 1.2-1)ibromo-3-chloropropane 96-12-8 5 15 < 5. i 5 1.2-1).bromocthanc 106-91-4 2 06 1 (i6 le (iths 1.2-Dichloroben•ene 2 06 < 2 0() Labor-ator 1)(rector 1.2-1)(i.hloro.:taLne 107-06-2 2.06 < 2 06 1.2 Dicklmoplopune 78-87-5 2 06 e 2 PO Joie Rocha 1.3-Dichloroheni.:ne 541-71-1 2 06 2 06 Q "s( Officer 1.4-Dichlorobenzene IC6-46-7 2.06 < 2.00 2-1-imanonc 78-93-3 10.3 10.3 2-11c.xanone 591-78-o 5.15 e 5 l• 4-1.1,:thy1-2-pentanone 11)/(-10-1 5.15 < 5 :5 cetonc 67-04-1 10 3 I() šenicne 71-43-2 2.0o < 2 oo Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 2.06 < 2.0o Brornoform 75-25-2 2 06 < 2 06 liromomclhone 74-83-0 3.15 <3.15 Carrion disulfide 73-15-0 2.06 • 2 Cu Carnon '.enachloride 50-23-5 2.06 2.00 Chlowbenicac 108-90-7 2 06 e 2 fio Chloroethane 75-00-3 2.06 -• 2.06 Chlot Wort It 074,6-3 2.06 2 06 lzI.sr.'mth'arie 74-87-3 5 15 cis-1.2-Dichlorocthew 156-59-2 2 06 < 2.0o krport D.ste ;,l lb of 46 • e-..i..ses ?pp! cat CWA S16, ar i RCRA are oerftemed acccrdarce to NELAC prctaco's Pertinent sarrpl ng in'arrrat on is locatec tne attatnse COí li s .eps 1 is ate.: ecc.jsoie i.se co tre sea essec. Plo.eges at sucsecuent use of the ratne at tr.s company ca any member 0' ste. or revoductor. cf •eport .n cenrect an v.v.1 ac se•ne cr:Arc.' n o• sale cf any product c• process. c•ri ,:asnectart with the re publicasar of s report tor any gu•pase other than for the acdressee w.' be a•an:ea 7.:1:ac• Th s cc-rcan arreists n ieVOnsit: 'y •.:•c>c: for tne aue pe-rarrance o' inspectisn ar.c anal} s s gccd fa,th a-mac-coning:0 tne ru'es at tni. ;race arc cf soec :A- Lab Sample ID: 1202314-008A Client Sample B.): S-M W1-12 Analyzed: 2.25%2012 141h l• nits: peike-dr.). Dilution Factor: 1.01 A M ER ICA N CAS Reporting Analytical 18 EST ANA LYTICAL Compound Number Limit Result ()oaf LABORATORIES cis-1.3-Dichloropropcnz 0%1-01-5 2.06 < 2.06 C) clohexune 110-82-7 2 06 < 2.06 Dibromk,chlurornethane 124-48-1 2 06 < 2.06 Dich!oroditluorornethane 75-71-8 2 06 < 2.06 Wes! 3000 South rthylbenzene 100-41-4 / 06 < 2.06 Salt I ake Cit), nah lsoprop)lhenéme 98-82-8 2 06 < 2 Of% 84115 Meth)! Acetate 79-20-9 5 15 5.15 11.1eth)1 tert-hutyl ether 1634-04-4 2 06 < 2.66 Meth) lc) clot:exam 108-87-2 2 06 2.06 Methylem chlor.de 75-09-2 5.15 < 5.15 Naphthalene 91-20-3 2 06 .< 2.06 (801 263-8086 St) rene 100-42-5 2.06 <- 2.06 1oli 1 ice (88h, 203-8686 a% ( 8011263-8687 c-rr a 1. ao..d;iam.al-lahs.com l'etra,:hloroethere foluene 127-18-4 108-88-3 2.06 2.00 <2 05 < 2.00 trans-1.2-Dizhloroe(hene 1(6-60-5 2 06 < 2.06 trans-1,3-1)ichlotopropene 10061-02-6 2.06 •-•• 2.06 K.) le F. (iross I ahortitor) Director rriehlorneihene 79-01-6 2 06 < 2.06 'FHA lorolluorometh ane 75-69-4 2 06 < 2.06 Vin)1 chloride 75-01-4 1.03 1.03 Jose Rocha (.).1 Officer X) lenes, '1 oluf 13$0-2(1-7 2 06 2.0o Sur regale • ; Result .tmount SpiLed RE(' Lams Quid sar 1 dorm:- at, 2 /37-2...1-5 C 51 43 1211 72-137 D.tron:ofluoromeulane 011,4-53-7 6 1 n 51 4; 121 (,C-12.) 3.11r 4-Firornotluo:cheniche 130 1 "tdS 111 05-144 S.Irr 1 2-Thchlore...:h..ine-d 69 3 51 48 134 51-147 Mylpiing and [ULM tit pwpwurt peypv nu,/ mr•hq.1 5'1304: Repot; Date VII:Ot 2 it12,e I 7 of .16 ara ,aC'S a;: :abe ot'e CWA, SDWA amiRCRA are percen.ei rr;,•.;o-dance tc NELAC protcczos Perjoent sarnot infcrrnat is !mated or the a'tac.aed COG fr. s rt.r.')1 IS the . et- a' re aod"essee P•tv,leges of st...OseoJenr tze of the rarue rrs cr aev niembe• o' its sta'i ur reryoaction of Ms report cc-e:tton oat" *.-; V. sc. -"r .3`)cr oi Sa'f, cf an/ oroa..ct conrecoun min the re-pArcoton o' this rry..rt for o,.rpose other thar. for the amessee w.' b g"a-tea r. ::-•,-• T- ; c..;:ts 'ID "espowo iv excer fu thc aue petrnrance of ur.srrecLon arPor ana ys s i good faith and a:cycling to tne r...les of hie trade a .a o' ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Klcinfelder-SLC Contact: Cure> Park Projcct: 700 W. 5400 S. • AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 46; V; ri.1 3000 South Salt 1 ;Ike City, 1 tah 8-11;5 Lab Sample I I): 1202314-M9A Clien( Sample 11): S-MW1-25 Collection Date: 2!17/2012 1422h Receised Date: 2;21;2012 1425h Analytical Results Method: SW8260C VOAs AWAI, List by GC/MS Method 8260C' Analyzed: 2,29!20 I 2 1629h Units: pf4;kg-dry Dilution Factor: 1 Compound CAS Number Reporting lAmit Analytical Result Qual 1,1.1;1 richforo:thane 71-55-6 2.53 < 2 53 1.1,2.2-Tetrachloroethane 79-34-5 2.53 <1.53 1.1,2- 1 rtchl uoroethane 76-13-1 2 53 < 2 53 1,1.2-1richloroethate 79-00-5 2 53 < 2 51 1.1-Dichloruethme 75-34-3 2.'13 4. 2 51 -Dich!oroethene 75-35-4 2 53 <2.5? ti• 1,2,-4-Tricliloruhenrene 120-82-1 2 53 < 2.53 1.2-1)ibromo-3-chloropropanc 96-12-8 6.32 < 6.32 1.2-Dibrurnocthane 106-93-4 2 53 e 2.53 1.2-Dichloroben/ene 95-50-1 2.53 2.51 L2-Dichhitoctharw 107-06-2 2.53 < 2.53 1,2-1)ich;oropriip.tne 78-87-5 < 2.53 1.3-Diclilurobenzene 541-73-1 2.53 < 2.53 1.4-Dichlmohenrene 106-46-7 2.53 e, 7.53 2-Butanone 78-93-3 12 6 12 6 2-11e \ afloat: 591-78-6 6 32 < 6 32 4-Methy1-2-petudniine lOis-10-1 6 12 <f 3? Acetone 67-64-1 12 6 12 6 13cnzene 71-43-2 2.53 < 2.53 Bromodichloromethane 75-27-4 7.53 < 2.53 Bromaform 75-25-2 2.53 < 2.5? Iruinonicthanc 74-83-9 6.32 < ( 32 arbon disulfide 75-15-0 2.53 < 2.51 Cartion tetra..h:oride 5o.23-5 2.53 < 2.53 Chlorobcnizik: 168-96-7 2 53 < 2.53 ChIoroctharw 75-00-3 2.53 < 2.51 Chlorofkinn 67-66-3 2.53 <1.53 (.hloromethane 74-87-3 6.32 < 6.32 .2-1)i ch Ito o.:thene 156 59-2 2 53 < 2 53 (80 I 263-8686 rol: ( ree 1888) 261-8686 f: \ 801 t 263-868' c-raatl. av, al '5 aksa:-Iabs corn ky le F. (iioss aboratury Director lose Rocha OA Officer Report 1).ne :4.1.2012 Pats.tls cl ara ;ses a7p• CWA, SOWN ar.1RCRA are pevrreJ a:r..o•cia.rce to NELAC protccols Per:treat sarrp'ng informatcn is located or. tt-e attached COG lh s report is tr.e enutuarve use of tle addressee Pnv ieges of sdosequert use cf tne name of Ors c:rrpany or any me-rber of :ts staff or reproductoir of tth& repon 1.. vonrecuor. w•tn az.r.:•.:tr•-er p•urnotion o- sa e of any roouct d: process c• in conne:hon wth the rel.ki.cat.:1 o1 this report to: any nurrose other than for Me addeessee Ali her c-artez c^ : " i•••.tro n;:arry aixerm hr.% ex•!•ee• for 11-.? cue se-f.a rranue IrspeCtiol ardo ants ysrs n good farta bad ourct.ag t-; tne rules of Vie trade a d sae- Lab Sample II): I202314-099A Client Sample l D: S-M WI-25 Analyzed: 2.292012 1629h Units: pekg-dry Dilution Factor: I AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qual LABORATORIES ci 3-Dichlun propene 10061-01-5 2.53 < 2.53 Cy clehexane 110-82-7 2.53 < 2.53 D,hromo%.hloiumethane 124-48-1 2.53 <- 2 51 Dichlorntlifluorometh..ne 75-71-8 2 53 2.53 463 West 3600 South Ftltylhervenc 100-414 2.53 < 2.53 a Salt Lake City. Utah 1%oproplIN:niene 98-82-8 2 53 < 2.53 '41 84115 Metk.1 etate 79-20-9 6.32 6.32 Methyl t:rt-hur..1 ether 1634-04-4 2.53 < 2 53 Methi ley clohexane 108-87-2 2.53 < 7.53 Methy lene chloride 75-09-2 6.32 < 6 37 Naphthalene 91-20-3 2 53 < 2.53 ) 263-8686 Styrene 100-42-5 2.53 I oi. t ree 888) 263-8686 F ax k80 ) 263-8687 etrachloruethena 127-18-4 2.51 < 2.5 e-nia.1 ac% al a ima;-labs coin Toluene 108-88-3 2.53 trdns-1.2-Dkhloroethenu 156-60-5 2 53 2 53 K le I. Gross rafts-1.3 Diebloropropen 10061-02-6 2.53 2.53 1.:lboratory ector Trichkroethene 79-'11-6 2 53 < 2 53 richlorolluoi umzthane 75-69-4 2.53 2 51 Jose Rocha Vinyl ehlonde 75-01-4 1.26 4. 1 26 QA Of ricer Xylen:s. t ota! 1330-20-7 7 53 : 2 53 Surrogate CAS Result .1inount Spiked % RP( • Liuut . Purl Surf orutne-c8 2u37-2e 5 59 €.3 16 )1 7 72-.37 Surr Dtbro-nolluor Jmethane If•f:8-51-7 58 4 63 16 )2 5 nC-12) Surr 4-11romofluorlhegzene 460 fr0-4 52 7 63 16 83 4 65-144 Sur: 1,2-D.chloroetl.ane-d4 17ove-kr7 54 63 16 S5 h 31 I47 - High Ri'D dhe to cusp c:ed samme non-lron.P6wried) c.i PLiPla utterference 1wernal arohidr.1 area, were ,.terstd, el-the QC honti Pe:in.:4 teidej etindar result., indacanng mums wierferenc. campienze and aiLlyr ,:al preparation rwrfonned b meta. d Rerun Cue 3'1 .n 1 2 Pa8:: 19 of 4(• • a .a.,3c5 aPri tv tole CVIA. SDWA ard RCRA 3.9 pc formed n axgrdanor to NELAC proto:cs Petne zl urp'.Ng intrima:•on I located c't Ire ott.v..•eo COC 3 s repoi 'S zett of th. uldq,ssee PM' 'eyes of sutsequent use of the name o' th s company or any member of Its staff, o• rep:cod:cu.:1- c' tr,is rttrOr COrr•eO*10r v. t' se- ei or 3, szi.e et any product or p.ty..ess oi cortieclion or.r re re-publ eat sn reron f-g any putoose ot..e; ma- for thrr acnrogr*o ,r be gran:el :.* rt• S c: r;3r1 r responstulity ercem fcr cf.,e peio-mance o' mspeetiu-i andg, way s.s good full and acco'o.ng to the mles f trP trade ano of ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES (:lient: Project: Lab Sisnipk II): Client Sample ID: Collection Date: Received Date: Analytical Results Klein lelder-SI A ' 700 W. f400 s. 12n2314-010 W-MW1 2;20,2012 1530h 2/21/2012 1425i: Contact: Corey Pak Method: SW8260C VOAs AWAL List by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 463 West 3600 South Salt 1.ake City. tali 84115 Analyzed: 12412012 655h Units: pa. Dilution Factor: i Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical! Result Quad richlorocthane 71-55-6 2 00 < /.00 79-34-5 2 0,1 < 2 00 1.1 .2-Trichloro- I .2.2-trifluoroethane 76-13-1 2.00 < 2 tto 1,1.2-Tri.:hlotoeihane 79-00-5 / 00 - 2 00 (801) 263-8686 1.1-Dichloructhane 75-34-3 2.00 -- 2.00 101 rrez. (888) 263-8686 1.1-Dichloroethene 75-35-4 2.00 1 ax (801) 263-8687 c-tnatl c111 1,2,4- rrichlorobenzeor 1,2-Dibromo-3-adoropropane 120-82-1 96-12-8 2.00 5.00 < 2.00 < 5.00 1.2-Dihrotnoethane 106-93-4 2.00 < 2.00 1:,> lc F. Gross 1.2-Dichlurobenzene 9i-50-1 2.00 2.00 1 ahoraior Dtrector 1.2-Dichlomethane 107-06-2 2.00 < 2.00 1.2-Dichliiroprorane 78-87-5 2.00 < 2.00 Jobe Rocha 1,3-Dichlanobenzeiti: 541-73-1 2.00 < 2.00 QA Officer 1,4-Dialorobenzene 106-46-7 2 00 < 2.00 2-Butotione 78-93-3 10.0 4. 10 0 2-1 (examine 591-78-6 5.00 '" 5.1)0 4-Nleth,)1-2-pentanoi:e 108-10-1 5.0t1 < 5.00 Acclom 67-64-1 10.0 <11)(1 Renienr 71-43-2 2 00 < 21)0 omodichloromethane 75-27-4 2.00 < 2.1,0 13romolorm 75-25-2 2 00 /.(;(1 amomet hone 74-83-9 5.0o < 5 no Carbon t1bulli:ie 75-15-0 2 00 < 2.00 C'drhon tettachloride 56-23-5 2.00 < 2.011 Chlorohnuene 108-90-7 2.00 2,00 Chi:ma:thane '75-00-3 2.00 < 2 0:i (.'hlviolunn 67-66-3 2.00 < 2 00 Cnloromethanc 74-87-3 3.00 < 3 0..) cis-1.2-1)iehloreethene 156-5Q-2 2.(10 2.00 Repoli. Date 3,1.2012 Pa;-: ot to a-a ,sas e to he CWA, SOW& ano RCRA are perfo-mei m occoroance to NCLAC paotcco s Pertment sampling intarnat,on is located cn tne atachei COC s rwpol.s c•n• rte.": ercicsive Jse o' the aadressee Pr,geges of subsequent use o' the name of this Company Or ary rnember of its sta`f or reprod-lotion of mis report ii =rreCbon 3.e.tserrer. Xi:Mr 0'1 Or sa:e o' any' procuct o, process. or in connection with the re puck-A:km of th.s report .or any papose other thar for the adarei,see wr: De g-ame:: 0- • - ccr-; y OCA.cotS ro$00,1$.Dall'y e.oept tle Ono perfomiance of mspection rin1., a ialys.s ir good taah aria accoiding 'o the rt. es of th? butte lab Sample ID: 1202314-010A Client Sample ID: W-MW1 Analyzed: 2.'24;2012 655h Dilution Factor: 1 AMERICAN CAS Reporting Analytical WEST ANALYTICAL Compound Nutnber Limit Result (mat LABORATORIES ch-1,3-Dichltnupropene 10061-01-5 2.00 e 2.00 elohexan: 110-82-7 2.00 < 2.00 ilihromoehloromethane 124-48-1 2.00 < 2.00 Dichloruclitluoruatethane 75-71-8 2.00 < 2.00 46? 1.1. ect 3('00 South E thy lheniene 100-41-4 2.00 < 7.00 Salt I ake try , 1 'tab Isurropy lheivero 98-82-8 2.00 < 8-1115 Nletly1ALetate 79-20-9 5 00 -: 5.'10 Methyl tert-bu;y1 ether 1634-04-4 1.00 < 2.00 Molly kycluhexane 108-87-2 2.00 < /MO Methylene chloi ide 75-09-2 2 00 < 2.00 Naphthalene 91-20-3 2.00 < 2.00 (80)263-8686 ol i Free 1888) 20-8686 l' \ i801) 263 8687 al.y Sty rene etraahlreether.e oluene 100-42-5 127-18-4 108-88-3 2.00 2.00 2.00 < 2.00 14.5 < 2 00 irans-1.2-Do.hltwoohene 156-60-5 1.00 *.r. 2 4-DiChloropropene 16061-02-6 2.00 2.00 Ky h: Oros Ditectur Triehhiro,:.ther.e 79-01 .6 2.00 < 2.00 I riehhIrofluoromethane 75-69-4 2M0 < 2.00 Vii.y1 chitin& 75-01-4 1.00 <- 1.0.1 Jose Roeha 12.A Officer 1330-2'i-7 2.00 < 2.0(: Sur rneate Sun 7 t 1.urne-dri S.Irr 4-Dromotlat rebsrazeni. Sul:" I ,2-1):.:1•1ero, diune-d4 Sart Daimon:et...now:null:an.: CAS 2937-2n-5 4S 4 441 1706; 07.0 52 I S6f3-53.7 46 ., Ainuuut Spiked Si/ OC 5G og 5,1 Ott 501,0 %RTC' Liouts Qual 967 77429 $8 2 80-128 1116 72-151 92 0 Report Date 3!112112 Nei, 21 of .16 A fC.. Vties a; P. 3at, e t t^e ::WA, J.VÀ a^d R.:ISA ars. perbrmeS acco.dancc to NFLAC Fe•tinelt sampirg infcm-a. rm s loca'ed on tr:e attac1ied CDC Tr ; regni is r. • : fc..• t•••:: use o' tie aiiressee Pm, eges of subsequent use of the name of tn.s compai.) or any member cr its stal, or reproduction of this rag. on in :err V.4.01% r64' " aer-al or sal.., ct any p.cd...ct c.• process cr in r ^nnect p". witr tte re-publ.cation of ths report for any gni:lose ogler thar br the addressee ma he ;rerun t•-•*. . ".:r•ar -r• s a 1, accects rc. excem r.e. perforrnanne of .nspecton ardlor alia.)sic in good Nati ani according lc tie rwesot tre bade a-33' ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Kleinfelder-S1 C Project: 700 W. 5400 Lab Sample ID: 1202314-011A Client Sample ID: -MW I A Collection Date: 2,20'2012 1540h Received Date: 2/21/2012 1425h Analytical Result, Contact: Corey Park Method: SW8260C VOAs AWAL Lig by GUMS Method 8260C;5030C .163 West 3600 South Salt Lake t. tt, Utte: 84115 Analyied: 2/242012 751h Units: Kg.l. Dilution Factor: 1 Compound CAS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qua/ 1.1.1-Triehloreethane 71-55-6 2.00 < 2.0U 1.1 2 2:1 elm h loroethane 79-34-5 2.00 < 2 01 1.1.2-1 r iduoru-1.2.2-trifluoroethar.e 76-13-1 2.00 < 2.00 1.1.2-1 rialoroethane 79-00-5 2.00 < 2.06 (80!) .61-8686 1,1 -Diehl. 'methane 75-34-3 2.00 < 2.01; Toil 1 ree (08; 263-8680 1,1-1)ichloroethene 75-35-4 2 00 e 2.00 Eax ;8011 261-8687 1.2.4-Trielilorobervent 120-82- l 2 00 < 2 06 :-:-na:l• a%% al ,...tawal-iahs con 1.2-Lhbromo-3-..hloroproram: 96-12-8 5.00 < 5.03 1,2-1)ibronnieth.:11: 106-0;4 2.00 < 103 K.) le Gross 1.2 -Dialerobenrcne 95-50-1 2.00 < 2 0') I alloratory Davotor 1.2-Diehlonleth,me 2.00 < 2.00 1.2-1);ctiloropri mane 78-87-5 2.00 •. 2.00 Jose Rocha 1.3-Dichloroheriene 541-73-1 2.00 < 2.00 QA Officer 1.4-Diehloroben7ene 106-46-7 2.00 < 2.00 2-Hutanone 78-93-3 10.0 < R1.0 2-1 [examine 591-78-6 5.(i0 <5 06 44.4e111-2-pantanone le8-10-1 5.01) e 5 0 . Acetone 67-64-1 10.0 10/1 13,:nrene 71-43-2 2.00 < 2 Oa Bromodichloromethanc 75-27-4 2.00 < 2.00 Brom o frirrn 75-2i-2 2.00 < 2 00 Bromumethane 74-83-9 5.00 < 5 0;.' Cat [um ,;;sultide 75 1C-0 2.00 •-. 2 (..) Carbon tetnitch'oride 56-23-5 2.00 2 0.. hionMen/em: 10S-00-7 2.00 < 2 o0 Chlot oethane 75410-3 2.00 < 2.0t) Chloroform 67-66-3 2.00 < 2 0.1 rldut cth '74-87-3 3.00 3.09 ci<-1.2-1>ichloroethane 156-5Q-1 2.00 < 2.01 Report Uwe 3...2012 ?age 22 ot ;- • ara:y.ses app. cat:e to tre CWA, SDWA ard RCRA ire oerfo-med In accordance to NELAC protozo's Perturent sari-p..1g inforinabon is located on tl.e atached COC s r'epor' cec es::.rs .o use o" Pie add'essee Pry loges cf suoseauert Lse of tie name of tills co-r,:any or any Ine•nher of its star or reprodpcbon of tn's cr.)-Lect.uri e ee se'nelt cr sa'e o' any proJuct C., process or PI connection w to the re.pubi cat.cr) of tt .s repol fcr anr pL•pose other thar fc,r the adc-essee w.' be gra-tec , Th'S ecc-f, Is no resoor s.: e) cop: fcr the d.re pe4.ormance of nspecf it^ f01 an», goc.d fa.th and accordirg 13 re rues ot U... trade ond .;' Lab Sample ID: 1202314-011A Client Sample ID: w-MWIA Analyzed: 2/24/2012 751h Units: 1.tg/L Dilution Factor: 1 AMERICAN CAS Reporting Analytical WEST ANALYTICAL Compound Number Limit Result Qual LABORATORIES cis-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 2.00 < 2.00 Cyclohexanc 110-82-7 2.00 < 2.00 Dibromochloromethane 124-48-1 2.00 < 2.00 Dichlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 2.00 <2.00 463 West 3600 South Ethylbenzene 100-41-4 2.00 < 2.00 Salt Lake City, Utah Isopropylbenzene 98-82-8 2.00 < 2.00 84115 Methyl Acetate 79-20-9 5.00 < 5.00 Methyl ten-butyl ether 1634-04-4 2.00 <2.00 Methylcyclohexane 108-87-2 2.00 < 2.00 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 2.00 < 2.00 Naphthalene 91-20-3 2.00 < 2.00 (801) 263-8686 Styrene 100-42-5 2.00 < 2.00 Toll Free (888) 263-8686 Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 2.00 14.6 Fax (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com Toluene 108-88-3 2.00 < 2.00 trans-1,2-Dichloroethene 156-60-5 2.00 < 2.00 trans-1,3-Dichloropropene 10061-02-6 2.00 < 2.00 Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Trichloroethene 79-01-6 2.00 < 2.00 Trichlorofluoromethane 75-69-4 2.00 < 2,00 Jose Rocha Vinyl chloride 75-01-4 1.00 < 1.00 QA Officer Xylenes, Total 1330-20-7 2.00 < 2.00 Surrogate CAS Result Amount Spiked ~ REC Limits Qual Sum Toluene-d8 2037-26-5 49.1 50.00 98.1 77-129 Suit Dthromotluoromethane 1868-53-7 46.5 50.00 93.0 80-124 Surr: 4-Bromoftuorobenzene 460-00-4 44.2 50,00 88.4 80-128 Sum 1,2-Dichloroethane-d4 17060-07-0 47.5 50.00 95.0 72-151 Report Date: 3/1/2012 Page 23 of 46 All analyses applicable to the CWA, SDWA, and RCRA are performed in accordance to NELAC protocols. Pertinent sampling infomtation is located on the attached COG. This report is pnovlded for the exclusive use of the addressee. Privileges of subsequent use of the name of this company or any member of its staff, or reproduction of this report in connection with the advertisement, promotion or sale of any product or process, or in connection with the re-publication of this report for any purpose other than for the addressee will be granted only on contact. This company accepts no responsibility except for the due performance of inspection and/or analysis in good faith and according to the rules of the trade and of science. ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT AMERICAN WEST ANAIXTICAL LABORATORIES Client: Kleinfelder-SLC Project: 700 W. 5400 S. • Lab Sample ID: 1202314-012A Client Sample ID: W-MW2 Collection Date: 2120/2012 1610h Received Date: 2.21'2012 1425h Analytical Results Contact: Corey Park Method: SW8260C VOAs ÀWAI. List by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, (Jtah 84115 Analyzed: 2 24:2012 807h uits: Dilution Factor: 1 Compound CAS Number Reporting Analytical Limit Result Dual 1.1.1- lrichlortiethark: 71-55-6 2.00 < 2.00 I ,1.2.2-Tetraehlonsethane 79-34-5 2.00 < 2.00 1.1.2-Tt ,s-bloro-1,2.2-tri1utiroethane 76-13-1 2.00 < 2.00 1.1.2-1 riehloruethane 79-01)-5 2 00 < 2.1,0 (801) 263-8686 1.1-Dschloroethane 75-34-3 2 00 e 2.00 o111-ree (888) 263-8686 1,I-Dic him oethene 75-35-4 2.00 < ,Jto Fax (801)263-8687 eail av+ al 'A_ awa:-lahs.coin richlorobenzene 1,2-Dibroino-3-chloropropanc 120-82-1 06-12-8 2.00 5.00 < 2.00 < 5.00 1.2-Dibromacthane 1(s6-03-1 2.00 - 2 0.) K) le 1,2-Diehlotoben/ene 95-50-1 2.00 < 2.00 1 .15011.110Y 1./17:CUT 1,2-Dich;oro;thane 107-06-2 2.0 < 2.0.) 1.2-Dizhloroprupane 78-87-5 2 00 < 2.00 Jose Rocha 1,3-Dichlorobenzeu 541-73-1 2.00 < 2.00 QA Officer 106-46-7 2 00 c. 2.00 2-13ut.mooe 78-93-3 10.0 < 10 0 2-11exanone 591-78-6 5 00 ." 5 00 4-Me01-2-pentani•ne 108-10-1 5 00 <.. 5.011 Acetoge 67-64-1 10.0 < 10.0 Ben7ene 71-43-2 2.00 < 2 00 Bromodichleromethane 75-27-4 2.00 < 2 00 [Immo form 75-25-2 2 00 •'- 2.00 Bromomethane 74-83-9 5M0 < 5 00 Carbon J bui fide 75-15-0 2.00 .s. 2 00 Carbon tetrucril, wide 56-23-5 2.00 < 2.00 hlorob..niene 108-00-7 2.00 -- 2 01' Chlon.ethdne 75-00-3 2.00 < 2 00 Ch lore form 67-66-3 2.00 < 2.00 Chloromethane 74-87-3 3.00 < 3.00 cis-1,2-Dschlumethene 156-59-2 2 00 < 7 00 xcr ort Du',: 3/12912 1' ie.. 74 of 4- a a .ses a:pi e to the C14A. SW/A. and RCRA are per`comed acourdancoi to NELAC protccc s Peibnent sarnpi.-g info-mat on .s located 0;1 the attas' e.1 COG lr s report 15 ii• vfosNe use of Cw address.); Priv 'eges of subsequent use of the name cf th's cCrnicany Or any rnemter of its stet cr reorod..:Con cf this report in co .rectior -.1.c•• se -ent cn or saw: cf any product or process or r uusinecton +Ann :re re-p...0 cat on ot tris report for any purpose other than fo- the aottressee whi ce g•erte) • ^ - • Tr s zo-pal, accepts .13 resprinsibilifi, e<cept for tie eu pe-forrnarc.! 01 nspecton an i -- anaiyys good fur an.i according •c rc'es s the :lade arc cif &cit.,' te 1.ab Sample 19: 120231-1-012A Client Sample ID: W-MW2 Analyzed: 2'242012 807h Units: itg.t 1)ilution Factor: AMERICAN CAS Reporting An>1 cieal WEST ANALYTICAL Compound Number Limit Result Qual LABORATORIES t.1s-1.3-Dichloropropene 10061-01-5 2 (10 < 2.00 Cyclohexan 110-82-7 2.00 < 2 Oec Dihrornoehlornmethane 124-48-1 2.00 < 2.00 Dichlorodilltioromethane 75-71-8 2 00 < 2.00 -:o3 West 3600 South l•1hy1ben7ene 100-41-4 2.90 Sall Lake Clt. Utah lsopreplhenzene 98-82-8 2.00 /.1)11 8-1115 Meth.%1 Nc.etate 79-21.-9 5 00 - 5.00 Meth> I t.:rt-1.-1*1 ether 1634.04-4 2 00 c. 1.00 Meth) lc, clohexatte 108-87-2 2.00 c.1.0t1 Meth% lene 75-09-2 2.00 < 2.00 Naphthalene 91-21.-3 2 00 2.00 801 ) 2.6.;-8686 Ct) ene 100-4%5 00 c. 2 011 .1 ell 1 lee ()88, 263-8686 a \ Tetrachloroethene 127-18-4 1 00 4.99 e-mat!. ...1%% al 4 zmal.;ah, cow 1 oluene 108-88-3 2.00 < 2 Pe trans-1.2-Diehlowethene 156-60-5 2.00 < 2 (r.) kyle F. Gross trans- l,3-Diehloropropene 10061-02-6 2.00 <1.0) 1 abt)ratir) Dire( tor 1 richloroethen: 79-01-6 2.00 < 2 0:1 riehlorolkoromethane 754)9-1 2.00 <" 2 00 Rjcha ir,), 1 Lhlorn.l.: 75-01-4 1 00 ' 00 Q ()tiker .X1.:nes. eta: 1330-20-7 2.00 < 2.00 SurrogAte • ‘S Revd! Amount Spiked % RE(' 01111i NW I o'nere-a 20 7-2,..5 49 2 0 984 77-129 burr Dibronic r. uorucncthane 1868-53-7 16 50 00 937 80-124 SW: 4 Brentor.aorob,zrierc 46n-1-.9-4 50 00 86.) 80-12g Sur .2-DIchoilocumi:-.:4 1710 -)7-1 51 5 50 (.J 1C3 72-151 Kr:porta:le 3:1;20i 2 Pug.: 2$ of 4b A. a -31•Se5 e;:c. CWA. ani RCRA are pe-orret* i.:cord3nce 15 NELAC pi atuco s f-etta e.il r.g 1"13rInat OP IS I:)cateo on tre aracrea COO YI s repc-1 tz. t c se 5f r'e adtiressee cps cf s msequem usa of 1e rame cf tu 5 cDmpani Dr al), member cf uls stet. or reproductor of tr.% repiit 1 C c., wen mr-c-cri c.r sac ý a.%) rreouct 3 vecess. 0-i I collect*. v,,r.t. vie re-it..ch at-ar: cf re;ori 'or ar, papcse Delo' ulao to the 3c.1'essee iel bL 4rameJ ' r• axers ro respo-isibilitv r-)..ept 'Dr 1-c 3,e rel5rrame o' mspe3bcr ara.c rra-,s s gloc faith ar.3 according :c the 1. es of t-- traae a e-z- e- ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Kleinfekler-SLC Contact: Corey Park Project: 70(1 V.. 5400 S. - AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL I.AWRATORIES Lab Sample ID: 1202314-013A Client Sample Ill: W-N1W3 Collection Date: 2120/2012 1640h Received Date: 2:212012 I 425h Anabtical Results Method: SW 8260C VOAs AWAL List by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C Analyied: 2,24'2012 825h Units: ,i1. Dilution Factor: I 463 West 3600 South CAS Reportiog Analytical Sai.t 1.ake ('i(, Utah R-11I 4 Compound Number Limit Result Qual 1.1,I-T; ichloroethane 71-55-6 2,00 < 2.00 etruchloroethane 79-14-5 7 00 2.00 1,1,21 ri,:hloro- l .2.2-trifluoioethane 76-13-1 2 00 < 2.00 1,1,2-Trichloroeth.me 79-00-5 2.00 2 00 t 801) 263-8686 .I Nchlot os:thane 75-34-3 2 00 < 2 00 I rce 888) 263-8686 ,1-Dichlotoethene 75-3.1-4 2.00 < 2 00 I ax tS01 i 263-8687 att al al-labs coin 1,2,4-1 riehlorobenzene 1.2-Dibtomo- 1-e1- opt opane 120-82-1 96-12-8 2.00 5.60 < 2 00 < 5.06 I.2-1)ihromoethane 106-93-4 2 00 < 2 0.. K.> le F. Gross 1,2-Dichiorol'eniene 95-S0-1 2.00 < 2 00 1 aharator Directot 1,2-Diehloroethane 107-06-2 2.00 < 2.00 1.2-Dichloropropane 78-87-5 2.00 < 2.00 Jose Rocha 1,3 -Di,:hlorobenyene 541-73-1 2 00 < 2 00 QA Officer 1.4 -DiAlorohenzene 106-46-7 2.00 s 2.00 2-13ourion.• 78-9.3-3 10.0 10.0 2-1iexanone 591-78-6 5 flit < 5 00 4-Methy I-2-rentanone 108-10-1 5 110 < 5 (10 Ac..-tone 67-64-1 10.0 < 10 0 13enŸene 71-43.2 2 00 c 2.00 Bromoi ichloromethane 75-27-4 2 00 < 2 00 Bromoform 75-25-2 2.09 < 7.00 Br omornethan.! 74-83-9 5.0.) < 5.01 Carlon Cisulthie 75-15-0 2.00 2 110 Cal Ion tetrachloride 56-23-5 2.00 < 2 t4, Chloiolientenc I 08-40-7 2 00 •:. 2 Of} Chloroethane 75-00-3 2.00 e 1.00 Chloroform 67-66-3 2.00 (Ithnomethane 74 87-3 1.00 < 3 01) ;.2-Dichloroethene 150-59-2 2 00 < 2.0(1 ftep.nt Date 3'. '20:2 01 4f.• A yses 3r.2 :a1- e 1"se SDWA and RCRA are peormeo iri acco.dane to NELAC votoco Perlineot sar ng infornater s located cr, tt e attached COrt rt s ter :.• .e Lse of tr.e acb,essee Pi.v.leges of suosequent use of the reme of th.s cornpanj c" any -termer o' its star. o' reproouction of Ns report Er. correrhon • er Lrzr or, or sa e o' onv produ:t or process, or in connevon m.11 the re pakcaton of itts report to• any purpase other man for the acoressee wl be ;-a-tel O^ • c' -^ • '..• accKrAi J res:ns.r •itye.cp f.0 oue pe•fo-mance o' lospecton ae: ana!ya. a ^ good fadh anc accorthrg o tne rr..Ies of hadt. anc n'szir Lab Sample ID: 1202314-013A Client Sample Ill: W-N11% 3 Analyzed: 2/24/2012 825h Units: jL Dilu(ion Factor: 1 AMERICAN CAS Reporting Analytical %%EST A NA LY TI(AL Compound Number Limit Result Qua! LABORATORIES ci4-1,1-I)ichloropropene 10061-01-5 2.00 < 2.00 C clohexanrr 11U-82-7 2.00 2 00 Dibiornoehlorornelhme 124-48-1 2.00 < 2.00 Diehlorodifluoromethane 75-71-8 2.00 < 2.00 463 West 3600 South l:thylbenzene 100-41-4 2 00 K. 2 00 Salt I dkc Ci. 1 tah Isoprop)1hennne 98-82-8 2.00 < 2 00 841l5 Methyl 1cetate 79-20-9 5.110 < 5 00 Me(hyl tert-hut)1 ether 1634-04-4 2.00 < 2 00 Meth)leyclohexane 108-87-2 2.00 2 00 Methylene chloride 75-09-2 2.00 < 2.00 Naphthalene 91-20-3 2.00 < 2 00 1801 ) 263-8686 Styrene 100-42-5 2.00 < 2.00 loll rree (888) 263-8686 fetrach1ornethene 127-18-4 2.00 < 2.00 Fa. (8011263-86V ax% a; ii a‘4al -labs corn 1 olu:ne 108-88-3 2.00 2.0Ij rracs-1.2-I)14.1dotnetherre 56-60-5 2.00 ' 2.00 Kyle F Grois trans-1.3-D.ehloroptopene ; 0061-02-6 2.00 2.00 Laborator) Dirccini I richloroethene 79-01-6 2.00 < 2 00 rialorofluorornethane 75-69-4 2 00 < 2.00 Joie Rocha Val) L hloride 75-01-4 uo • " 1.00 QA Officer X) ler.es. lotal 1330-20-7 2.00 < 2.00 curs ottslia C.tS SOU %mount smises %Inv I irmib Qual sun 1 oluen.-.11 2037-26-5 4,4 50 00 Yt, 2 77-129 Surr Drhornofluarrnrutlraw I SH-53 7 47 4 5D 00 94 7 80-124 SUT 4SMITIoil jilrobena'ne 43 1t 5D 00 57 SO-128 SLI I • DR. h. oroel ha I 7t)un4:7 D 5o.00 11* 72-151 Repoit Dote 3:1'2 il2 Klee 27 of 4ti A a' a ises COJA. SrArhk. a Ftt;RA a.e perforrrea ac.:o-dance to NELACI,rotoetiig oe.rt.nett sarnpl.ng• Ycyrnat on is :ocateu tf e attacied t:OC I r s re; ort is •:ten fc• eN ,e -se of Vie ,,odrri%ve Privileges of subsecje-it use of the narne of MI conany or any r.ernoe- of n:fi stal, c,r leProJocifforl of M "opoil r (-vrect a7.-c--tserne". p-o—otion or Dale e prOCI6,-; or VOCE is C, conne:hori wan tne re-rt.ti.cat•or 01 rim -ep..A for arty purpose otr.er thar for the auaressee vo:tte pra.ited L, S" s C.1.rDYV 8:::•:erts 'esponsibt t except br thr ch.e ee•rarmaice of .espect c‘i ana'qs $ r. peed ,arn and according to the rt-les of tte tree a,e of sc e 'o AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES ORGANIC ANALYTICAL REPORT Client: Kleinfelder-SLC Contact: Core; Park Project: 700 W ;400 :4 l.ab Sample ID: 1202314-014,1 Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Collection Date: 210,2012 1415h Received Date: 2,21'2012 14251 Method: SW8260C Analytical Results VOAs AWAL I ,ist by GC/MS Method 8260C/5030C 4(,3 Wes: 3000 South Salt Lake Ct;. Utah 84115 Analyzed: 2,24:2012 844h rnits: ig1. Dilution Factor: I Compound CAS Nutnber Reporting L.imit Analytical Result Qua! 1.1.1-1 richloroethane 71-55-6 2.00 < 1.co 1. l .2.2- Fetruchlorocthaie 79-34-5 2.00 < 2.00 1,1.2- 1 r.chloro- I 2.2-mt1uoroetnane 76-13-1 2 00 < 2 uo 1.1.2-Trichloroethane 79-00-5 2 00 i.801) 263-5686 1.1-1)ichloroethme 75-34-3 2.00 < 2 00 Fre k888) 263-8686 1.l -Dichloroethene 75-35-4 2.00 < 2.0 Fax 18011263-8687 e-mail: as% alAms al-labs coin 1,2.4-Trichlorobeniene 1.2-Dibromo-3-chloropropane 120-82-1 96-12-8 2.00 5.00 ' 2.00 , 5.00 1.2-1/16rorroethan•r 106-93-4 ") 00 - 2.00 kk 1 . (ìrc'r. 1.2-Dichlorobenz.me 95-50-1 2.00 , 2.60 Lihorazor; Director 1.2-Dic11orneth.m.' 107-0o-2 2.00 < 2.00 1,2-Dit Illoropropme 78-87-5 2.00 < 2.0.1 Joe Rocha 1,3-Drc hlorobenzene 541-73-1 2.00 -: 2.01) QA Officer 1,4-1)ichlorohenzene 106-46-7 2.00 , 2 00 .1-liutanore 78-93-3 11).0 < j 0 0 2-11exarione 591-78-6 5.00 -1-Nlethy1-2-unt4r.one 108-10-1 5 OC < 5 00 Acetone 67-64-1 lf P.0 < 10 0 Dena ne 71-43-2 2.00 < 2.00 BromodiehloromMiane 75-27-4 2.00 < 2 00 Bromolorm 75-25-2 2.00 -='• 2.00 Bromumethaue 74-83-9 5 00 < 5 00 C.a bon disAlide 75-15-0 2 00 < 2.0 1 ( '.u11,4•1 tetraehlt Tide 56-23-5 2.00 -z 2 0I.' Chlorobeniene 108-90-7 2.00 < 2.00 Chlorocthane 75-00-3 2 00 < 2.00 Chlorofoi m 67-60-3 2.00 < 2 0:: C h lorometi law 74-87-3 3.0U 4: 3 0'1 eis-1.2-Dithlorue,hene 156-59-1 2.00 .- 2 00 RZrori DAN3 l 2"12 i'agt ;a of a* a ass ;:r.".;: e ce4A. snwA RCRA pertained ir accoldanee to NELAC protocc; Per.ment saripl.nr; hicrrrot located o- the andprio. COL; 1-. s reprit .r :11 e ve Lso c tr.e accluossee Prod:e3es subseciArst use o' the name of this compim, or on} member of As stal, at ropro.:141 on of th.s r, or: IA cor -Aver = 1:. D- or sa e o' a • y p:covct or process cr cornecoon vote rie re-:sib ic.at c.1 of tnis report for ar'y poi-nose othe; than for the aco-essce vv De . : T" 4 ^ axep:s ex;;ert f,r tr,rooe cser(Jr lame ofinspect.oi• a. ch., ar'aqs s ard ao:ev•cling to the n. es of hp 'r..dp a- lc' s:,s-:c AMEIUCAN 'WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 46 I t1 est ;600 Salt Lake ït. l'tah 84115 Lab Sample 11): 1202314-014A Client Sample ID: Trip Blank Analyzed: 2/24:2012 844h Units: og/I Dilution Factor: I Compound ('AS Number Reporting Limit Analytical Result Qual cis-1.3-Dichloopropene dohe‘ane Dihromcehlorometlianc 1)ichlorodilluoromeihanc 10061-01-5 110-82-7 124-48-1 75-71-8 2.00 2.00 2 00 2 00 ••'-' 2.00 < 2.00 < 2.00 < 2 0) 1:thy Iheniens) 110-4 1-4 7.00 < 2.00 Isopropyl bentenc 98-82-8 2.00 < 2 00 Nleihyl Acetate 79-2C-9 5 00 -.: 5.00 Methy I ten-butyl ether 1034-U4-4 2.00 e 2.00 Methy clohcxanc 108-87-2 2.00 < 2.00 Methylene chkinde 75-09-2 2.00 < 2 00 Naphthaltne 91-20-3 2.00 < 2.00 :my re lc 100-42-5 2.00 -:. 2 00 1 etra.:1110roeth.:ne 127-18-4 2.00 --. 2.(") rolucnc 108-88-3 2 00 < 2.(") trans-1,2-Dichlorocthene 1 46-60-5 2 00 ' 2 00 trans-1,3 -1)iehloropropene i 0061-02-6 2.00 Trichloro‘nhene 79-01-6 2.00 < 2 01) rik.hlorelluoromethane 75-69-4 2.011 -• 2.00 V my I chlori..1.. 75-0 ! -4 1.00 •". 1 00 trtal 1330-20-7 2.0(1 < 2.00 Surrugatc t S Remill Amount Spiked %RFC Limits . _ . Surf Toluene...IS 2•137-76-3 4$ 50 00 97 5 77-1:9 Surr DI!,teir.enuorurneihant• ISCA-53 7 4/ 2 5000 94 .4 Su.: 7.4 Suir 4 aluorehenzent• 4.3 0t) f,ts 9 60-125 Sur 1.2-thchloteeth.ule-d4 I 705t 50 0,) 72-i5t 1801 263-8686 ¡oil Free k$881 263-8686 ISO I ) 263-8687 aY% ci at% al-lahs.com ky le I (irocs ahoraiory Dite‘ior lose Rocha Q ("ffice, _ Report Date 3'1.2012 Pdt:e 2%, of 4f, i•r 4 ,SeS a:;.; tne SDWA ard Fif.RA we pet.gr,e3 ri axosjame to NELPts; protoco s Pe hrerl samc ,rg Irformat sr is !owlea or•. the attacnea COC s rqr 7 fzr —r• • Jae cr tme aS•Irw•see Prooleyes c' subsequent use tre name c' t .s c .rlpary or any membe, of its stri, or reprodx(.or. of tD,s report icr..1- ea.)," a: de- se.--e— sa e any proond o pi oress or in o.,rriect „no wan tie re-putacalcn of tr.s re:tort far air Pirpase otner thar far the ad resses win De g ar.:ef r • d 1, accepts no resp.).1sicillry es.5epi ft.r tre cue pe-'orman:e e iispeaon ar.d.cr analysis .n pod tam Tui cccordinq to tne ru.es of xte baøc a-d sz.,e- AMERICAN WI i S'1 ANA LYTICA 1 L ABORATORII:.S 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City. Utah 84115 (801) 263-8686, Toll Free (888) 263-8686, hax (801) 263-8687 a.%alfaawal-lahs cons, web: www.awal-lahs cons Kyle F Gross Laboratory Dllector Jose Rocha QA Office! _OC, SUMMARY REPORT. Client: Kb:1614:1dt., Lab Set ID: 1202314 Project: 700 W 5400 -SLC S _ • • • Anadyte Units Nit:thud Result Amount Spiked Contact: Core) Paik Dept: NISVOA QC 'I've: 1.CS Original 1WD Amoum %R.EC Limits %It PD l,insit -- Qual Date Analyzed Sample 110 I.CS VOC 02211211 1.1,1-Trichloroethane 141"kg s 22.4 20.00 li 112 52-144 2/24'2012 20461t I.CS VOC 02241213 1,1-Diehlorocthenc Itg/kg ',W826(." 21 1 20 00 0 106 36-184 174/7012 2046h I.CS VOC 022412B 1,2-llichloiohcnienc PRIk8 SM. 8.1(.01: 21.5 20 00 0 108 67-135 2124/2012 2046h LCS VOC 02241211 1,2-Dithloroethane N0/kg SW82.0 - 22.1 20.0() 0 110 55-146 2/2412012 2046h I CS VOC 02241213 1,2-D ichloi ()propane ugilsg SV.'9:60( 21.2 20 (10 0 106 56-133 2174'1.012 2046h VOC 02241213 Benzene POT %Wkl.:60 ' 21 8 20 00 0 109 60-130 2.24'2012 2046h 1 CS VOC (12241213 Chloroberrzene Mgjkg SW82011: 21.9 20.00 0 110 75-130 2/24/2012 2046h LCS VOC 01241213 ('hlorofoiin 110/kg SWW:bi)C 21 R 20 00 0 109 61-130 2/24,2012 2046ii LCS VOC 02241211 Ethylhenienc 11Wkl; SWANA). 22 8 20.110 0 114 69-147 2:24/2012 2046h LCS VOC ()2241211 Isopropylbentenc ug/kg 8;b0i 25.3 20 00 0 127 65-147 272412012 2046h .( N V( IC 07711711 Methyl Icrt-hotyl Oho- RAT SWA:4.111- 22.1 20.00 (I 110 33.1-139 2:24/2012 2046h 1.CS VUC 0224121( Methylene chloride pukg SWh2.(wOr 20.5 20.00 0 102 34-164 2/24.2012 2046h VOC 02241211 Naphtlidlene SWIC,Ot: 19.4 20 00 0 97 0 40-135 124/2012 20461s 1.CS VOC 02241211 Toluene 1414 SWel260t ' 21.1 20.00 0 105 61-140 212412012 2046h IA'S V( )C 0224 I 2 II Taichlorocthene r SW1060( 21.8 20.00 0 109 51-154 2714/2012 2(14611 I.CS VOC 02241211 Xylem's. 1 otal 5WIC(401 70.0 60.00 0 117 ":2-147 124.2012 2046h I.CS VOC. 07241111 Surr: 1,2-Dich1oroe1hanc-d4 %Rh.q. •N$.611( 65.6 50.00 131 54-139 2/24:2012 2046h LCS VOC 02241211 S urr 4-11roniotlinnobentene %RFC SwIrbOc 56.0 50.00 112 81-130 2/2412012 2046h IX'S VOC 02241211 Sun% Dibionioflumoinethant. %REC SW8264W: 61.3 50 00 123 67-128 2/24'2012 2046h 1.CS VOC 02241213 Sum Thluene-d8 %RFC 65.9 50.00 132 81-135 2/24:2012 2046h 1 ('S VOC 022812A Ilektt gW81015C 18.1 20 00 0 90A 52-144 212812012 85411 1.CS %IOC 022812A 1.1-Dichlot ocihcji& SWV2b.), 70.6 20 00 0 103 36-184 2'2K/2012 $54h 1 CS VOC 021812A 1,2-1/ich lot ohm/tile pgAg '41 Ii.oitc" 19.0 20 00 11 95 1 67-135 2/28/2012 854h Roan Date 1/2C12 Pace 36 to 46 AI al, ahso, . 4.gtlo t,, II rwR,A .1Ir prdamr....1.... 1.1.11^ .• 11.21..X 1VIIIIIrrt ran p..h J Mr 21In 41/ 101 iti.. tçvu 1...1 of .14.11e.e.rn ol I Meer, 0.1 rn, lure...Tel of rt. 414t. lion 1 ltifl Irprr. - rel. PR. fr.OrrOliar or 1'100.2 I/I 9.0. . I Ird lot/ If r. «14, 'It tut, fllify,41 YU • WO, I It rod 1r ,11 1.• Y•I y .• I:1 .1 In. • notIr rol n .11.r and al-, 4. It. tiut 4.1.01 4,1 tSt AMERICAN WEST ANAINTICAL LABORATOR.ILS 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake ('ity, Utah 84115 i 801) 263-8686. roll Free (888) 263-8686. Fax (801) 263-8687 akii:awal-1ahs.con web. www .awal-labs.coni Kyle Cross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA ofticec QC SUMMARY_REPORT Kleinleider-SLC Lab Se( ID: 120231:1 Project: 700 W 5400 S • - - • - - - _ Sample 11) Anai tr Unds Me(bud Rewilt Amount Spiked Contact: Corey Dept: MSVOA QC Type: 1.CS Original Amount %REC Pack RN) Limits %RP1) Imnit Qual Date Analyzed ICS VOC 022812A 1,2-Dichlortiethane pg/kg 19 8 20.00 0 99.0 55-146 278:2012 854h 1.CS VOC 022812A 1,2-1)14. hloropropane pg/kit sw4266(' 18.0 20.00 0 90 2 56-133 278:2012 854h .CS VOC 022812A lteiuenc 111AP SW886rn 17.1 20.00 0 85.4 60-110 21.78/2012 854h LCS VOC 022812A Chlorokrvene 118 SWIL'ArK 18 0 20 00 0 90 2 75-130 ."28/2012 854h 1 ('S VOC 0228124 Odorant ni Pegg' 18 5 20.00 0 92.5 61-130 21287012 854h 1.1. VO( 02281 2A 1•0131benzene MAP swim,* 18 0 20.00 0 90 2 69-147 2.'28/2012 85411 I CS 'MC u2.21112A hopiopylbell otel SWgze... 18 4 20.00 0 91 9 6C-147 2'28;2012 85411 1..CS VOC 0228I24 Methyl tert-butyl ether Simtboli 19 4 20.00 0 96 9 13 1-139 2/28'2012 it54h LCS VOL' 022812A Methylene chloride Prilkg suntzton 19 9 20 00 0 99 5 34-164 2:28,7012 85411 CS VOC 0228I2A Naphthalene 11141,12 sut82(6c 18 9 20.00 0 94.4 40-135 2128/2012 8541* I CS VOC 022812A duene jigikE SW8260t 17 h 20.00 0 89.0 61-140 1'28/2012 854h LCS VOC 0228124 lbehlornethene littflcg mit/boc 16 9 20 00 0 84 4 51-154 2128/2012 85411 LC'S VOC 0228174 Xylenes, Total /4!elkg 5uf8260C 53 0 60.00 0 88 4 72-147 2128/2012 854h LCS VOC 0228124 Surr: 1,2-Diehloroethane-d4 %ItEC swx 54.4 50.00 109 54-139 2/28/2012 854h LC'S VOC 022812A Surr: 4-Firomofluotobetwene %REC su•surx • 17.3 50 00 94 7 81-130 2/28.'2012 85411 IA S VOC 022812A Surr. Dthromothanomethane %RI:l' sww.,(44 53.5 50 00 107 67-128 2/28/2012 85411 S VOC 0228I2A Surr: 1oluene-d8 %REC svomot 51 9 50.00 104 81-135 2128/2012 854h 1.CS VOC 02231213 1,1,1-Irichloroethane sw8260C 19.0 20.00 0 95 2 49.9-140 2.'24/2012 600h S OC 02231211 1.I -Diehloroethene 8260(' 18 6 20 00 0 93 0 46-171 2124/2012 600h 1.CS VOC 02231211 1.2-Diehlwobentent SW8'260C Jlt f> 20.00 0 932 67-135 2/24;2012 600h CS VOC 02231211 1,2-Diehlornethanc pga strazeee 18.3 20.00 0 91.7 60-137 2/24;2012 600h 1 CS VOC 022312B 1,2-Dichlolopiopane su;s2ore 111.0 20.00 0 90.1 59-135 2/24/2012 600h I ( S VOC 1/223121i Reunite Pei SWS2661' 187 20.00 0 93 3 62-127 212412012 6a0h kepon Date 3/1/2012 Page 31 of 4e) r, -.b.,. f.f/f,,r prJA PCRA 1.• ff aft...MS.4 V. foLLAC IffelDrols Feflmanf SAffiff.., .4+,18M:fr. ICC•iffhl off VW n't 114‘ fflfeft INC.C80 inf rfff Of fk fare 451 of •le .1,1,1ifessf, onv loge: 5. • ..4).4.4,Len4 rte narna of if., lanolin, of 110, onemper ot et. gar/. Cr revrkl a 141. I* .n .nnIk0C1Ph, hall the femi ony pomp. Muff nag ff‘f Int flifflef'...fll i.tl, ffiffeklrffly oft L‘ffe4,.1 Ths ,rfifranf 6.0.0O ffff ftsoffueStlaliN ..r.orfl i,o thef 4.14.0 pel,nmlarv,, 01 ripec.on and,r Ona.,1.5 bf }pm/ flffin WV. 5, ' IG ff'ns r 4.140 •111e ,4 .01 AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORII :s 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake (:ity, Utah 84115 (801) 2634686, Toll Fiee (888) 263-8686, Fax (80 l j 263-868'7 awal(u)awal-labs com, web: www.avbal-irbs corn Kyle F Ciro:6 Laboratory Director Jose Rocha OA Officer QC SklMMARY RE eORT. CHM: Kleinlelder-SI( 1.nh Set 11): 1202314 Project: 700 W 5400 S Sample 11) Analyte I.nns Method Contact: Corey Park Dept: MSVOA Q("f3pe: MBLK Amount Original RPD Result Spiked Amount %REC Limits %RPD Limit Qual Date Analyzed VOC 02241215 1.1.1-'1'nehlorocthane 11V:kg tilt. IS Me "7 00 2.'24.'2012 21251t MB VOC 022412B 1.1,2.2-Tetraehloroethane tig./Icg SiVt1260i <2 00 224/2012 21251a M11 VOC 022412B 1,1.2-Trithloro-1,2.2- mIluoioethane 194ekt SWN71141C -.2 00 2;24/2012 2125h MB VOC 02241213 frichlomethane IiWkg tiVt VOW 2.00 2;24'2012 2125h MB VOC 02241211 1.1-1)achloroethane udkf, 82611" 2.00 2/20012 2125h MB %0C 022412B 1,1-1hchloroethene autškt SW82691: 2 00 2/24;2012 21251k MB VOC 02241213 1,2,4 richlorobenzetie /ig/kg SW8,60C 2.00 2:24,2012 2125h MB VOC 02241211 1.2-Dahmmo-3-chlowpropane ug..4cg. SWb26.1C •5 00 2/24/2012 2125h MB VOC 0224 I211 1.2-llabromoethanc uglkg svognoc 2 00 2124/2012 2125h MB VOC 022412B 1.2-1)ichlorohenzaw piglg swinoc < 2 00 2174;2012 2125h MB VOC 02241213 1.2-Dichloruethane Ilekg sww26,./' < 2.00 2/24/2012 2125h MB VOC 02241213 1.2-Thehlottpopane ngfkg maw: < 2.00 2124:2012 2125h MB VOC 0224 I2B 1.3-thehlorohenzenc v.v82bor 2 00 2121/2012 2125h MB VOC 0224121i 1.4-13achlornhourne tigik13 SW87.140C < 2 00 2/24/2012 2I25h MB VOC 02241211 2-Butanone 1112114 SWX266: ••• 10.0 2/24/2012 2125h MB VOC 02241211 2-11cx.mone sylke SW8260( < 5 00 2/24/2012 2125h MB VO(.' 0)2412B 4-Melhy1-2-peraanone 11g/kg swat264.1C - 5 00 2/24:2012 2125h MB VOC 02241211 Acelonc PAP. SWIt760' • < 10 0 2/24/2012 2I25h MB VoC 02241211 Benzene pg.,kg SWE26CC < 2 00 2.'24/2012 21251a MB VOC 02241211 Btonuklachlorometh.ane liekg 2 00 2.'24/2012 2125h MB VOr 02241211 Bromohwm SW1126Ge < 2 00 2/24/2012 2125h MB VO(' 0224I213 Bronaomethain.. priktt si.4:8241.e 5 00 2/24/2012 2125h }Upon Ime VI '2012 rape 13 al dr, AP *sr. nri r rr aNI rm. apt per% ineJ n fi,cartle. .e t %LA. nrn san.011ne r. WOW` N..te. en..' ( •N"' ;MA trout in, 'Al e ne ....NrrnI,ICS NAt.requpor ow .1 tin nallnl fl nAs venom of n member eNIA Ala .1 ltat IMP • ...I nt 0.11 510 rrI t r WO, Ltr 0 (.0.1Nr..0 rolfr rot-inrr.1 d, toNorr t,W any fn. 110' ik.Vie nen ef I I, . • ty In farl.,41 nr r KN. lengar.r. e1 t 0510602n dada( anav j. 11.11 Mal irl la W.18.11: t, SC:omen AMERICAN WFST ANAI YTICAI. LABORAMUES 463 West 3600 South Salt 1,ake Ca). Utah 84115 (801)263-8686, Toll Free (888) 263-8686, 1-ax (801i 263-8687 c-mail awakcowal- labs corn, weh: www.awal-labs.corn Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer QC SUMMARY REPORT Client: K1einIckter-S1X Lab Set ID: 12023 14 Project: 700 W 5400 S. Sample ID Anabte Method Contact: Corey Park Dept: MSVOA QC Type: MBLK - Amount Original RPD Result Spiked Amount %RIX' Limits %RPD 1.imit Qua! Date Analyzed Units MB VOC 02241211 Carbon disulfide 111gks SU. 82601: 1. 2 00 2)247012 2I25h Mil VOC 022412B Carhon tetrachlot ide /18/k8 %V. R2601 < 2 00 1'24/2012 2125h MB VOC 02241215 hltirobermene SWR260C z: 2.00 2/24.7012 2125h MB VOC (12241213 Chloroelhane pg/kg SlÂ1t26llo' < 2.00 2/24/2012 2125h MB vor 02241711 111J/kg 8WR160C 2.00 2/247012 2125h MB VOk 022412H Chlorornethanc tigikg SW8260t. 5 00 2124,2012 2125h MB VOC 02241215 c is- I,2-Dichloroctlicne itg/kr: SY/R2631- < 2 00 2/24/2012 2125h M13 VOC 02241213 Lic-1.3-lhehloropiopcne tzeikg sy, roar <' 2 00 2/24:2012 212511 MB VOC 02241211 Cy elohexane 515/11; SiA 871.0.IC • 2 00 2742012 2125h MB VO" 02241213 Dthrtannchlortnnelhanc 1.104 SWR260r • . 2.00 21247012 2125h MB VOC 022412B I )selilororli Iltinnintedianc Itgiktt SW 826Ur e 2 Ott 2/2412012 2I25h MB VOC 022412B Rhy (benzene. SVt 8260, • <: 2.00 2/24,2012 21 25h MB VOC 022412H Isuprupylbentene ligfkg .SlÂS*I,Or • . 2.00 2/2412012 2125h MB VOC 02241215 Metl-*1 Acetate µWk. SU 8260( 5 00 2/24/2012 2125h MB VOC 022412B Methyl tert-hutyl cthci gripkg SW8260C 2.00 274/2012 2125h MB VOC 02241213 Meth51c),clnhexanc Pg.1141 S0.82601 < 2.00 2/24/2012 2I25h MB VOC 022412B Methylene I-Minnie iviku SW8260,- 5 00 2/24/2012 2125h MB VOC 02241211 Naphthalene Rekg SW11760C < 2.00 2/24,2012 2125h MB VOC 02241213 Styrene PR/kg SW82601 <2.00 2:24/2012 2125h MB VOC 02241213 retrachloioethene agAg SW8260( < 2 00 2/24/2012 212511 MR VOI ' 02241211 l'pluene pekg SWR260; < 2 00 2/24,2012 2125h M13 VOC 022412H tram-1,2-Diehloioethene PAR SW87601. < 2 00 2124/2012 2I25h VOC 02241713 tram-1.3-Dichloroprypene Ilgfkg SW11:60r 2 00 2/24/2012 2I25h Report Date 3/1/20I2 Page 14 ot 41, n, ri V.A. STWA r,nn RCN% em Otn10000.; n ac:r.c.or KLAC lir:atmh Penn n ii satholno st'll nen Z.3C 111.a ner•I 15 Pn.e.len lril the of re 8,81,euss• pm kVA, war...gong use re e name re Out company or• ens me-neer et dr, mat rs rsprolhaton rs obi Ott r.ota. rorn 110 rrlrelisrore e roanneon or ,ihr ) saacuct Or nieces% a mr, the e. , "meet for any purl 0$0 00.01 Mar f". 11.. and,C.Sinn .11 ne Wanted rnIS ea ron:dni MIS ("noon) ar.CODIS ni. le.r [Mandl, *roof lor tha ooa currocnianco nnoello,r, pilau analort, %/Owl la 1 and 0.0-0 non ronie roger Inge nr an. AMITICAN WI:ST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801) 263-8686. Toll Free (888) 263-8686, Fax (801) 263-8687 awalgawal-labs.coro, web. www awal-labb com K} le F. tiros,. 1.aboratory Director sc Rocha QA Officer QC SUMMARY REPORT Client: Klcinfelder-SIE Lab Set 11): 1202314 Project: 700 W. 5400 S. • — Sample ID Anal) te method Contact: Corey Park Dept: MSVOA QC T3pe: MBI K — - Amount Oriainal 10111 Result Spiked Amount %It EC I Amits %RN/ Limit Q ual Dine Anaba.ed Mfl VOC 022812A 2-13ulanone P V. 1,20( < 10.0 2.'2812012 8290 M33 voi 022131Th 2-11eAsnone rmit. < 5.00 1'2812012 829h Mll VOC 0228I2A 4-Mcthyl-2-pcntaiimic tig/kg SN )(7140 •-• 5.00 2128/2012 829h Mil VOC 022812A Acetone mg/kg SNK:t.111. < 10.0 2/28'2012 829h VOC 022812A lIcnzenc Milk SM,KNAIC .‘" 2 00 7/28/2012 829h MI1 VOC 022812A litomodichlommethanc SY. 82tAlf •-• 2.00 2128/2012 829h MI3 AMC 0.'2812A liromolonn 1-13/18. SW301,01 • 2 00 2:28/2012 829h MI3 VOC 022812A liromomethane ss‘g2b0C s- 5 00 2128'2012 82911 MII 0228I2A Carbon disulfide 11X/1•1! SV.87tO(' < 2 00 128/2012 829h MB VOC 022812A Carbon tcuaehlof ide MAX SSt 820)( < 2 00 2/28/2012 829h MB VOC 022812A Chlombenzenc itg,/kp 55tH2c13( • 2 00 2:281012 82911 MI1 VOC 022812A Chloroethanc 084 SW1120C < 2 00 128/2012 829h MB VOC 022812A Chloroform ugAg SW824I)( < 2 00 2/28/2012 829h M13 VOC 022812A Chloromethane SW82fith e 5 00 118'2012 829h MB VO(' 022812A cis- I ,2-Diehlorocthenc 011/k3 SWK:6111' < 2.00 2/8/2012 829h MB VOC 022812 os-1,3-Diehloropropene 11X4cX SN. < 2.00 2/8/2012 829h MI) VOC 022812A Cyclohexane 11XitX •>W8260( < 2.00 2/8/2012 329h MB VOC 022812A Dthromochlinomethane 118.1kg SWR16N. < 2 00 21281012 829h MB VOC 022812A Dichlorudilluoromethane Ill3/kft 51.4142(ir 2 00 2.18/012 829h MB VOC 022812A hthylbcniene Ng/kg 5W1t26.14" < 2.00 2/211/2012 829h M11 VOC 022812A Isopnmyllienicne 1183,1: tAVII2bo, e 2.00 2:281012 829h MB VOC 022812A Methyl Acetate. MAC. 5 00 2/28/2012 829h M11 VOC 022X12A Methyl len-butyl ether 1fg/kg 2 HO 2/28i2012 829h }tenon Rue .11112012 Page 36 AA 46 ,,L1, ag • tirVrA, inf Rt..RA of pm•e•ross • ..• t.tLA'• . Mill' 4.4 p00,, .0 ...... • ,..004 1.0. An. 0.4 ii15 pot grtm.0001 el. It 4. .i.• .t .• • ..s.q...ng nyn 9,. oft Lan. ,„,„„ 'lts'T",, II ko • ntrt .1 ...I. IN: 4../.••••••eiTCSI Docf1VAiv. rob, , • I, r ,•• • 1. 1001 H. V •li,t l' H1 ' •,, 04, ti l INS "..01 frallar ra ,Ifet.M. AMU .raiyu, I 1.0, Irse eq. u I • eon rip, up, 3.10 sap., AMERI( AN WEST ANAI.YTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City. Utah 84115 (801) 263-8686, Toll Free 0388) 263-8686, Fax (801) 263-8687 e-rnail. aual(fpawa1-labs.com. web. www.awal-laos corn Kyle F Gross 14horatOry put:dor Jost Rocha QA Officer QC SUMMARY REPORT Client: Klein felder-S1 .0 Lah Set ID: 12023 1.1 Project: 700 W 5410 S.., Sampk ID Ana4 te Units Method • Result - • • - Amount Spiked Contact: Corey Park Dept: MSVOA QC Tnie: MBLK Original RPD Amount %REC Limits %RPD Limit Qual DalC A nalyr.ed MIA VOC 022817A M C)) CIAIC g SY. 6260C < 2 00 2'28.'2012 829h MB VOC 022812A NIC01 I I eir .c0c ca.( prikg SY. 8260C < 5 00 2/28/2012 82911 VOC 022812A Naphthalene 1-011k.g SW 8260C 2 (10 2.'28/2012 8291i MB VOC 022812A Styrene Itttrkg 58.8260C 1 00 2i28,2012 829h VOC 022812A tetmthlomeihenc tie:kg SA112601 2 00 2'28.2012 X29h M1.1 VO(' 0228I2A Foluene liekg SI% 8260C 2.00 2228/2012 82913 Mli VW' 022812A 1,ans-1,2-1)sehInmethene pgikg Vk 2 00 2428/2012 829h VOC 022812A ttans-1.3-Diehlompropenc Pekt SW82604: < 2 00 2/28/2012 829b MI1 VOC 022812A .1richlornethette 11Wkg S808260e 2 00 2/28/2012 829h MIt VOC 02281 2A Trichlomlluoromethane pgrkg SW8260( • 2 00 2/28:2012 829h MB VW 022812A Vin)I chhuide lig/kg SW8760t 1 00 2128/2012 829h Mli VOC 0228I2A Xylem., 1 mai SV. 8260r 2 00 2:28/201? X2911 MB VOC 022812A Surr. 1.2-Dtchlorutahanc-d4 "ultILC SW8260C 51 7 50.00 103 54-139 2128/2012 829h MB VOC 022812A Sun. 4-lhomulluorobenzenc %REC VA 8260C 50 0 50.00 100 69-127 2/28.'2012 829h MB VOC 022812A Sat r Dibromofluoromethatte SV.826oc 51 7 50.00 103 6'7-128 228/1012 8291i Mll VW' 022812A `utr oluene-d8 IORItC SW8260( 42.6 50.011 105 X1-135 2'2/2012 829h MB VOC 02231211 I, I ,1-1rich lo r.setharic pg/L SW8160( 2 00 2.'2412012 636h MD VOC 02231211 ,1,2,2-Teirdchlot oet pga SN 8260C -: 2 00 2/24/2012 636h MB VOC 022312B ,1,2-Tnehloro-1,2,2- trilluotoeMant ps/1. SW1060C < 2.00 2/24/2012 636h mu voc 02231213 1.1.2-Tnchloroethane SY. 1.760e -' 2 (10 2:24/2012 6361t VOC 02231211 1.I-Diehhaoethane pg/L SV. 8260( 2.00 2:24!20 I 2 636h VOC 02231213 1,1-1)0:111vNioncile CWILUAle • 2 00 2124'2012 636h Itermt f hoc 1,1;.:111*: Page 37 oi AU • ti 4(114/.. vly; PC.I1A sit ...pr.evvvvvej Na.L..5 %E.A... vault I 0,411.411 Vitt 01,0.11061 VV 4 • I ••• t• I ....sr W.. i.o.5.1515%.1.0 05. ,1.1•0 vi.nne t tt • .vrvrem y • • ally .1s." bet >•• ."6 gar, IA evp.o..1.1..t vs. .4 • • r .1 • • eu., 551t1. 1'1* 5.15111113.1.210 15(.1.,5 0 LI 5.5e 0. 5.5 L K./Jet •"‘", ^ .1" th"," .# ," • ".'" "1",,"" v.. ^ •;• v""e v", •••, 1 ," • "14‘..• to 'iv* yer,ovnatr." ••••410:1. 11.4•14 v., 11.e v•er, vivo tva... • own AMERICAN WEST ANA1 YTICA1 1. ABOKAT OR 1ES 463 Wem 3600 South San Lake City. Utah 84115 (801) 263-8686.'1'a Free (888) 263-8686. Fax (801) 263-8687 awal(d•awal-lahs coin. web. www.awal-labs coin Kyle F Gross Laboratory Direc:or Jose Rocha QA Officer QC SUMMARY REPORT. Client: Kleinleldcr-SI.(' Lab Set II): 1202314 I'roject: 700 W 540(1 S. • - - Sample II) 4nalyte Units Method Contact: Corey Pa71: Dept: MSVOA QC Type: Amount Original RP() Result Spiked Amount %REC 1.* 'ts %BM liinjl Qual Date Analyzed MB VOC 02231211 1.2,4-Ttichlwobenzene NE-1. SW8261A. < 2.0() 2124/2012 636h M13 VOC 02231211 1,2-Dibromo-3-ehloropropane pg/1. same's' < 5.00 2/24/201? 6361i M13 VOC 02231211 1,2-Dihrornoeihane itlfil • SW8200( , 2.00 2124/2012 636h MB VOC 01231211 1.2-lnehlorobenzenc HO SW8260C < 2.00 2/24/2012 636h MB V0( ' 02231211 1,2-Diehloroethane P811 sucto)l <200 22111012 636h MB VOC 02231211 1.2-Bichlmoprtmane 141. smotnt. . 2 00 2/2412012 6%11 MB VOC 02231215 1,1-Diehloioherceene PO swum' < 2 00 2/24/2012 63611 Mll VOC 02231211 1.4-Diclilotobeiu.enc Ilgli • SWICNIC < 2 00 2/24f 2011 616h MB VOC 02231211 2-11utanone RI. SWII260( ,. 10.0 2:24:2012 636h M13 VOC 02231213 2-11eiconone PO CAII2f4H.* < 500 2'2.1:2012 636b MB VOC 022312B 4-Methy1-2-pentanune !fel switzmi. .': 5 00 21242012 636h MB VOC 02231211 Acetone PO- *MOW •,* 10 () 2124/2012 636h MB \IOC 0223121i Iknzenc pg./I. SWS2bOr < 2.00 2/24/2012 636h MR VOC 022312B Bromodiehloromethane PO- swirloor < 2M0 2:24/2012 636h M13 VOC 02231211 Bromofomi pg,a. SW82.60C < 2 00 2/24/2012 63611 MB VOC 02231211 lhomomethane 141, %NB/K. < 5 00 212412012 616h Mli VOC 02231215 Carbon disulfide Pia YKR2M10C - 2 00 2124/2012 636h MI1 VOC 02231211 Cat bon tetrachloride Pe- %%mt. < 2 00 2/24/2012 (:36h MB VOC 02231215 Chloruhenzene MO- stvir2ów -.. 2.00 2/2412012 63611 MII VOC 02231213 Chloroethane WI- simmer < 2.00 2/24/2012 636h MB VOC 02231211 Chloroform ligil. SW8260C .-- 2 00 2/2412012 63611 MB VOC (12231211 Chlmornethane pg./1 swg2.4x ..: 3.00 2/2412012 636h MB VOC 02231213 cis-1.2-1)ichloioethenc 311A %%MON' ' 2.00 2/242012 63611 Rcpcni bats: 3'; /2612 Pal c Oi 6146 .43 . d,flfl..db. It, tn. mt.% sry.o, . lil. ote p. tftoso et it NEL Fe' lookout, Pettatoto nOol 1.111011 Wand: es 1( lin 4%0 ••/ 111.1 d1,11•1.1.: • • 111.• •10.1 lllstrh.fl1t65.J 1,1' 110 1.• • 1.• W... • We 1.41•..11011 PO1,01.111.1, C.R•11.01 Oi gOr low...1,1,1c • M., • .,P.11 • ,1111.14.110., 1.4. II Neve. nn" '11 Otonat, On .1••%• 1,04.1.1 P113.1'SS' .4 51.1111' `1.11, 101 .111, I 11., INtt n • In* attit•tnnoo ti tar .o• Ot. • tolt nn • VI i h. .10L.0111110.11114...1 ,111./ 111 CPI tat nod. pall.rron...e u, 1.)1..1.111 fe 1.1,4 ti wool 1411 .1-ot act ott 43 '0 Ote IS tr. c.1,11. tn4le enct 115,0,0 ) 00 2 00 - 2 00 <- 2.00 • 2 00 • 2 00 5 00 < 2 00 00 < 2.00 2 00 7.00 < 2.00 < 2.00 < 2 00 e 2 00 < 2 00 < 2 00 < 1 00 < 2 00 45 6 42 1 45 fi 50.00 30 00 50.06 69-112 77-121 80-120 91.2 84.3 91.1 • • Client: Kletnleldet-SLC lAth Set ID: 1202314 Project: 700 W 5400 S. AMERICAN WI.;ST ANAINFICAL LABORATORIES 40 West 3600 South Salt Lake City. Utah 84115 (801)263-8686, l'oll Free (888) 263-8686. Fax (80)) 263-8687 awal@ awal-labs coin, web. ww‘A.awal-labs.com _Qc SUMMARY /WW1._ Contact: Corey Park Dept: MSVOA QC T}pe: !ABM • • - -• — Amount Original 1(..le F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer 101) Sample ID Analyte Units Method Result Spiked Amount %REC liniits %RFD Lund Qual Bate Anabzed 0g,1- 111211- MA , ag/1 11W1, Pe/1 11g11- PIA 11811- Pg11, jigjl 1W/1. Pen- tiejl jiglL '10H FC U/PICIA: 'Jolt I ' M11 VOC 02231211 MB VOC 02231211 MB VOC 0223128 Mil voc 022312B MB VOC 02231211 MB VOC 022312B MB N.:0c 0223121) MB Vt1C 022312B MB VOC 02231211 MB VOC 022312B MB VOC 02231211 MB VOC 02231211 MB VOC 02231211 MB VOC 022312B MB VOC 02231213 MB VOC 02231218 MB VOC 02231211 MB VOC 02231211 MP VOC 0223128 MB VOC 0223 l2B Mll VOC 0223 l2B MP VOC 02231211 MB Vo( 02231211 els-1,3-1)011ot opropene Cycloliesanc Dibrumoehlummellnine Otchlotodiflumninethane Fthylbentene kom opy !benzene Sleth)lAcetatc Methyl tert-butyl cllici Mettliyeluliexane Meili leiic chloride Naphthalene Styrene ktraehloroethene Toluene 1.2-Diehloroctliene trans-1.3-Diehloropropene Tnehloroethene fnehlorolluoromethane Viny I chloride Xyleues. Total Sun- 1.2-Dichlorocthane-d4 Sun. 4-13i omolluorohennne Nun Dibtomotluoromethane swIt2atr Swit2G(K. SWIS2611e SW(22601" SW82(0 • N W826or iWtt26ue CWIt2t41(' SU SAM' SWK2601. SW, 8760( SV. 824UC SK11260C swR260t: • R2o0C • 82fitle swinow SW VOW • t(260(. •Art(760(.7 SU/ChM 1W112(0 WV( (it 2:24'2012 636h 2124,2012 6.36h 21'2412012 636h 2:24/2012 06h 2:24:2012 n1611 124/2012 636h 2/24;2012 636h 2i24/2012 63611 2/24/2012 636b 2/24;2012 636h 2.21/2012 63611 2/21/2012 636h 2.'24/2012 636h 2;24/2012 636h 2.'24/2012 636li 2/24/2012 636h 2/24/2012 636h 2/24/2012 636h 2/24/2012 636h 2f24/2012 636h 2/24/2012 636h 2124/2012 636h 2/21/2012 636h Mcpoit 1),or ...V1P4912 Pau 39 of .11) Ad h. ilna ,MA .1)ViA arc PGRA prIvnin I I. a.. NtLAC 1011.% at attl 04.2 1'V II is •tynt. - ....At tt.• OW...Nov Ittock,141.1 t I utttiory /umbel ni is Oar. •t tl .11 ,t c, tr. • •• 1.• • • • •"*.' 1,•`,..thr• sa. d' • to •*(24,1 ••• ,•• ••• I mit 'I.". ..... • opm !nor iris MO he ÿ...g.r.; on g kb 1 Iht, shy • tx,t 41417f t 6,41, t prd...7 Um to .•••Wif,C1..0 t and itc On 4,0 U. tn.... 104 Ct .• AMERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801) 263-8686, Toll Free (888) 263-8686, Fax (801) 263-8687 e-mail: awal@awal-labs.com, web: www.awat-labs.com Kyle F. Gross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer Client: Kleinfelder-SLC Lab Set ID: 1202314 Project: 700 W. 5400 S. • QC SUMMARY REPORT Contact Corey Park Dept: MSVOA QC Type: MBLK Amount Original RPD Sample ID Analyte Units Method Result Spiked Amount %REC Limits %RPD Limit Qual Date Analyzed MB vOC 022312B Surr: Toluene-d8 %REC SW8260C 48.7 50.00 97.3 81-120 2/24/2012 636h Report Date: 3/1/2012 Page 40 of 46 AO analyses applicable 10 Una CYYA, Win/A. and RCRA are perfonned In accordance to NEIAC protocols Partnere sampling InlorMatker 0 boated on Me ellathed CDC. Two rapon i prarlded for les narrows use of die WOWS:W. ensilages 01 sobiarouent use el dos eame alibis company or &fly mamba, of de slad, or reproducton of Ns report In connection with the adverrlsement. promotion or sale Many product Of moose or l., conneceon sedn th• repubicallon of this nrpori for env p.c... ofbef elm Mr Ina Oboe.. idn be leanlad only on cinema Ibis company *maple no revolvable" ascapt kr the due performance 01 Inspection enotor analysis In good faith and accordine to !he rules of the trade and of Waned. AMERICAN WEST ANALYTIC/0_ LABORA TOR IES 463 West 3600 SoUth Salt Lake City, Utah 841 I 5 (80 I) 263-8686, 1 oll Free (888) 263-8686, Fax (801) 263-8687 .2-toad algowal-laOs.com. web: %ww.awal-Iabs.com Kyle F. (host, 1.ahoratory °vector Jose Rocha QA officer .QC, SUMMARY REPORT Client: Kleinteldet-SL(' Contact: Corey l'ark Lab Set 11): 1202314 Dept: MSVOA Project: 700 W. 5400 S QC. Type: MS Amount Original Sample 11) Anal) te 1 nits Method Result Spiked Amount %MX Limits ty,apD imit Qual Date Analyzed 1202314-00IAMS 20 2 22 68 0 89 3 20-144 2.'2412012 220411 1202 314-001AMS I, l-Dtcliloroethene ne!kg-ill) %V.117b0C 18 4 22.68 0 81 1 24-174 2124/2012 2204h 1202314-001AMS 1.2-Dolhtruhervene tig'1.g-dry S MOOR- 14.9 22.68 65.6 10-148 2J24/2012 2204h 1202? 14-001AMS 1.2-Dichlmoethdne rag/kg-dry sWIttstiC 19.7 22 68 0 86 9 54-133 2/24/2012 2204h 1202314-00 IAMS 1,2-Diehloropiopanc 1.gika -dry MI;$12s0C 18.1 22 68 0 79 9 28-14o 2/2.1;2(112 220411 1201314-00 I AMS Benzene 1110*-drY SV.1120C 18.9 22 68 () 83.1 17-138 2i24/2012 2201h 1202311-001AMS ( 'Nor obenzenc tigikit-dr) Yt. WHAC 17 2 22 68 0 75 7 13-150 21742012 2204h 1202314-00 AMS Chlorefonn SW821,0t 19 5 22.68 0 86 0 21-147 2124/2012 2204h 1202314-00IAMS Itthylhenienc 11/Aft-dr) SW&760f 18 5 22 68 0 81.4 10-164 2/24/2012 2204h 1202?14-001AMS Isopromlbeniene itg/kg-dry SW82o0C 19.2 22.68 0 84.6 26-146 2/24/2012 2204h 1202314-001 AMS Methyl ten-hotyl ether 11g/k1t-d15 SW8260C 12 3 22 68 0 54 1 28-137 2/24,2012 2204h 12d2314-001AMS Methylene dilornIc tie/kit-dr) 82thC 18.4 22.68 0 81.3 10-217 2/24,2012 2204h 1202314-00 1 AMS Naphtlialuie Pg/kg-dr) WICRAW 10.6 22.68 46.8 13-156 2i24,2012 2204h I202314-001A,MS Toluene Ilejk8-dr) tiW8260C 18.7 22 68 0 82.7 21-168 2/24i2012 220411 1202314-001AMS Trichloroethene IlRike-dry SW82MC 19 ? 22.68 0 84.9 14-161 2124/2012 2204h 1202314-00 I AMS X)Ienes. rota! lig:kg-dry SWICLOC 55 5 68.04 0 81.6 10-160 224/2012 2204h 1202314-0(.11AMS Sen. 1,2-Diehloroethane-d4 %RFC SW112b0( 76 1 56 70 134 51-147 2124/2012 2204h 1202314-001AMS Sun- 4-Bromot1uorobenzenc "4.1t12( SWIt260C 63 6 56 70 112 65-144 2/24/2012 2204h 1202314-00 IAMS SlUr Dihromulluoromethane SV. 8260C 71.1 56 70 125 60-129 2/24/2012 2204h 1202314-001AMS Surr loluene-d8 cl SW82one 74 3 SO 70 131 72-137 2/24)2012 2204h 1202114-MA34S 1,1,1-Tnibloroethane rig/kg-My SWV260C 13.9 25.77 53.14 20-144 2.'29/2012 I(i52h 1207114-009A MS I 1-1)011mm:them og/kc.-dr) SWX260C 14 6 25.77 0 66 24-174 2/29'2012 1652h 12023144109AMS 1,2-1)ithlorohen/ene ..wkr-t1r) sAsimai, 16 25.77 0 64.1 1(l-148 2129/7012 I 652h Repoli 1).oc 31::2012 Page 4 t of 46 •4.... . n r‘‘, 111. • 14C114...... ,44. 1.1,44114 to IMELA, r f 4411134 f waves.* nl..n .11.441 1'4. mt. "rt... !tut 14,..41' 4'..plov..14.• 4.11. 44,11544 .44 4, t144 Te‘ 0 .0) 4414..1 41. • .44 of lb, ..,,,T.414 r. 11, let 411 . 444 -n .41), the feredhpme 1 wet- t.*O OP 'NM C., 114,14.11101111 /110 60.1.4stlf 'MINA VMS %Oa ha .1. t • 1.'1' 40 11.415.4 ,44,1 1.1r. ,n 9"N 41 I 1. CACI '1114 acerb no n4414,-...1.1,4 or tint it a.* CI-A.14.0411 4,111.1:C11.11 4.4,, ,11144.1141k 4411.11. 1114 11, .11.1 ,u1 '111. 1.1`.1 1 'kV uwe ttl VW. 0 AM I' RICAN WEST ANAL .YTCAL I. AlIOR A1 OR1ES tveht 3600 South Salt Lakc Cny, I hah 8.1115 (80)1 263-8686, NH Free (888)263-8686. 'Fax (801) 263-8687 e-mail a wa16/.;awal-lahs.ccnn. sieb: wv, w.awal-lahy.com Kyle i. (;ros!, Laboratory Director lose Rocha QA Officer Q(7 SUMMARY_REPORT Client: K lemickicr-SIE 1.ab Set 1D: 1202314 Project: 700 W 5400 5 • - ciample ID Ana lyte I/nits Nit-flood Result mount Spiked Contact: Corey Park Dept: MSVOA QC Type: MS . • Original RPD mount %4(44 %MI) limit ual Date A nal zed 1202314-009AMS 1.2-Dichlorocthanc pg/kg-dry SWIL'OrA 22.5 2fs .77 () 87 2 54-133 2129'2012 I652h 1202314-009AMS 1.2-1Wiloi ()propane PAg-dr5 SMOAK' 18.0 25 77 0 70 0 28-140 2/29/2012 1652h 12023 14 -IMAMS Demme pg/kg-dr) SW11260C 14,9 25.77 0 57.7 17-133 2/29/2012 1652h 1202314-00LiAMS Chlorohemene Pg./kg-dr5 SW8240C 15 0 25 77 0 583 13-150 2/2912012 ,65211 1202314-009AMS Chlorofoi PIlikg rY iNA 112D1C 16 1 25 77 0 62 .1 21-147 2/29.2012 1021i 1202314-009AMS 1Mylhen rem IA/kg-dr) c.WKRA3C 13.5 25 77 0 52 3 10-164 2/29/2012 I652h 1202311-009AMS Isopropylbeniane lig/kg-dr) SIA•8260C 13 7 ; 6 77 0 :,'I.2 26-146 2129;2012 1652h 12023 I.I.409AMS Med* l terl-but)i edict SW/11.6Or 20 2 2.17 (I 78 i 2.11-137 2129/2012 165211 1202314-009AMS Methylene chloride Pg/kg-dr, SW81u0C 19 6 25.77 0 76.2 1U-217 2/29/2012 1652h 1202314-009AMS Naphthalene FLAB-d1) 17.5 25.77 () 63 0 13-156 2129/2012 1652h 12023 I 4-009A M S Ti dome Pgikg-dr) 82bOr 14 0 25.77 () 54 3 23-168 2/29/2012 1652h 1202314-009AMS Mahn oethene Pgfkg-dr5 c1000014: 13 2 25 77 0 51.3 14-161 2/29/2012 16521 1202314-009AM Xylcnes. l otal 11911.4L-drY 40.9 77.31 0 52 9 10-160 2/29/2012 1652h 1202314-009AMS Sun% 1,2-1hchlorocthane-d4 %RFC SWKNOC 79.6 6-1 43 124 51-147 2/29/2012 1652h 121.12314-009AMS Surr 4-Rionadluonthenrene %RFC tiVk KNOC 51 4 64.43 79 3 65-144 2/29/2012 1652h I 202314-009AM S Sun • Dilnotnolluoromethane %K LC „ot x26OC ri'n 4 64 43 101 60-129 2/29'2012 1652h 1202314-009AMS Surr. loluene-c18 %RFC 8760C 53 9 64 43 83.6 72-137 2/29/2012 1652h 1202314-010AMS 1.1.1-Trichlowe than.: pg'l . S% 8260C 15 2 20.00 0 76.0 67-147 2/24/2012 713h 1202314-010AM 1,1-Dich /in oethene 14g/1- SW1421 OC 14.2 20 00 0 71.0 51-152 2/2412012 713h I 202314-010AMS 1,2-Dichloroberriene SWIPIAC 14.9 20 00 0 74.7 70-130 2/24/2012 713h 1202314-01OAMS 1,2-Thehloroe thane PO/ SihnhOC 17.5 20.00 0 37.6 39-162 2/24/2012 713h 1202314-010AMS 1,2-Dichloropiopane PO/ SWIMOC 15.9 20 00 0 79.7 59-135 2/24/2012 71311 12(12314-010AMS Benzene ILEA SWRibOC 15.9 20 00 0 79.3 61i-145 124.2012 713h Report Date 31l 2 Parr -12 01 46 .st ,t toe., tp:abl " ANA and PLR.% ,r Jot,. 41. I n, i ..tavve. I ,an INN at,..”..e. 17.41^4 that an*, 4. ..(r. I. is 41•1"4, • Ita. WAY 04" 01 Yees.e. On.abrvus u of (tun, waft,. of a% um, lep.,,,I..ka,un , vaa, ,,, cw • ,1 . I,. .1111 {I. f Ur, toga n g sap • . 1. • I MI' A IA PO ire tpneh a fih, .41 h, ", 0 um al r fhlr W.., hi. (111. if a 4 (.t MU • AM1RICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801) 263-8686. Toll Free (888) 263-8686. Fax (801) 263-8687 e-mail: aw eq.:twat-labs com. web: ww w.awal-labs.eom Kyle F. Gloss 12horatory [hector Jose Rocha QA Office! QC SUMMARY RFPORT Client: K lei ofelder-S1 Lab Set ID: 1202314 Project: 700 W 5400 S Sample 11) nalyte Units Method Result - Amount Spiked Contact: Corey Park Dept: MSVOA QC Type: MS - Original RPD A Mount %RIX I.imits %RPD Limit _ Qual Dale Analyzed 1202114-01CAMS Chlotobenzene pgrl swsuinc 15 7 20.00 787 63-140 2,24,2012 7131i 1702314-01OAMS Chloroform stesztmc 16.5 2() 00 82.6 50-146 2.24,2012 713h 1202314-010AMS hthylheniene MO. 14 8 20.00 74.0 69-133 224.'2012 713h 1202114-010AMS lhopromlhenicne pr.91. NV. 8240C 14 4 20 00 77 60-147 204/2012 713h 1202314-010AMS Methyl tert-butyl ether pgd, % tabu( 17 S 20 00 0 87 6 37-189 2: 21 20 1 2 713h 170711 1-0111AMS Met III lene chloride pg:1 SN ..0)( 6.88 20 UU 14.1 30-192 2:24i2012 7 1 3h 1202314-0 OAMS Naphthalene 140- SWIrm 15 3 20 00 0 76.7 41-131 2:2412912 713h 1202314-010AMS roluene pgrl_ SUI32r 01- 16 1 20 00 0 80.6 18-192 7'24/2012 713h :202314-01OAMS frichhiroethene 190, SW82001' 15.2 2000. 76.2 41-153 2,24:2012 713h 1202314-010AMS Xyienes. Total PEA, SWK.76C(' 47 0 60 00 tn 78.4 42-167 124/2012 713h 1202314-010AMS SUIT 1.2-Dieldoroelliane-,14 %AEC 5; 2 50 00 106 72-151 124 2012 713h 1202314-01OAMS Sul r: 4-Bromonuotohenyenc. iiREC SW13260C 42 It 50.00 85.5 80-128 124/2012 7131i 1202314-010AMS Surr. Dibromofluononeth,me %REC SW8200C 46.6 50.00 93.2 80-124 2•24/2012 713h 1202314-01OAMS Surr. Toluene-d8 %RFC SWK7bUC 48.4 50 no 96 9 77-129 .92412012 713h Reim: Date 3/1,4) 12 Page 43 (it 46 O. • ,„,..„ ane RCRA a,e lelt pre.n.qpan, e to NeL/C nis P.111.0 ..mtwali.g leito,19s1 en r.10,I. • 01.• ti • Tin olVdt rs nu. vtc.to...a. 0.,n 0114. an.11.,.no • •••/ fnJes r:Gen 4i0 r,/10 ran.. 0. OUS Cfnp...1v n. 6.1, 1,111k• slag SIM, 04 WM.. ms ol , p • •..• tin .3, • om, qv ,alv 0. I sv pp" st .n greys,ton Ihn • out I. vt, n. 1h • let-. f•a pl.: • 0t110. then he ti • 'h s LW, par /1.4 no 1,1 0.10ta (0,"110s rtpe paloomonc, Mfr. :Am lintnot se.n.an' 14.0, g, t J. We nitro Ono It LC.0.01 AMERICAN WEST ANAI YTICAL LABORATORIES 463 Webt 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 (801) 263-8686, Toil Free (888) 261z-8686. fax (80.) 263-8687 eb• w-ww Kyle. F. Grom 1.abot awry Director Jose Rocha QA Officer _QC _SUMMARY _REPORT Lab Set 11): Project: Kleinfelder-SLC Contact: Corey Palk 1202314 Dept: MS VOA 700 W. 5400 S QC Type: MSD Method Result Amount Spiked - Original Amount %NEC Limits %KM - • 11110 Limit ()nal Date Analyzed R260C 25.1 24.51 0 102 54-113 11.1 35 2128/2012 1431h SW8260C 25 0 24.51 0 102 28-140 32.4 35 2/28/2012 1431h SW8260c 25 9 24 51 0 106 17-138 54 1 35 (a; 2128/2012 1431h SWK260(• 24 1 24 51 0 98 4 13-150 46.5 35 a.f., 2/28/2012 143111 mAlMOC 25 0 24.51 0 102 21-147 43.) 35 a, 2$28/2012 1431h SW8260C 25 2 24.51 0 103 10-164 60.4 35 2/28.2012 143111 SWR2h0C 26 2 21 51 0 107 26-146 62 5 35 2/28/2012 1431h SW8240C 23.1 24 51 0 94 2 28-137 13 2 35 2128/2012 143111 SW826nC 24 7 24.51 0 101 10-217 72 7 35 2/28/2012 1431h 5W8260C 19 9 24 51 I) 81 1 13-156 12 6 35 1/28/2012 1431h SV.8269C 26 3 24 51 O 107 2i-16X 61 35 2i28,2012 1431h SW8200C 25 4 24.51 0 104 11-161 63 35 'a. 212812012 1431h Sw8260C 7.17 73.52 0 102 10-160 58.4 35 ,a; 21210012 1431h SW14260C 62 6 61 27 102 51-147 2:28/2012 1431h SW82o0C 56 1 61 27 91 6 65-144 71211/2017. 1431h SWE7.60C 64 0 61 27 104 60-129 2/28/2012 1431h SW8244.K 64 1 61 27 105 72-137 2/28/2012 1431h SW1i2bOr 15 4 20 00 0 76 8 67-1117 1.11 25 212412012 33 I h SWIMAK 14.3 20.00 0 71.6 51-152 0 912 25 1'2412012 731h 511,1126UC 15.1 20 00 0 75 6 70-130 1 2 25 1'24'2012 731h SW820Q 16 9 20 00 0 84.6 39-162 3 48 25 2:24/2012 731h SW8260C 15 7 20.00 0 78 3 59-135 1.77 25 2,24/2012 731h SWItiak 15.9 20 00 0 79.4 66-145 0.063 25 12412012 731h Sample 11) Ana te 1;nits 1202314-009AMSD 1202314-009A MSD 1202314-009AMSD 1202314-009A MSD 1202314-009AMSD 1202311 -009A MSD 12023144109AMSD 1202314-009A MSD 1202314-009AMSD 1202314-009AMSD 1202314-009AMSD 1202314-009A MSD 1202314-009A MSD 1202314-009A MSD 1202314 -009 AM SD 1202314-009AMSD 12023144009AMSD 1202314 -010AMS1) 1202414-010AMSD 1202314-010AMSD 12923144)10AMSD 1202314-010AMSD 1202314-010AMSD 1.2-1hchhoocihane 1.2.4 /whim opropane Benzene Chlorolu..n/ene lilorotnrn: lithylhenionc kopropylbenzene Methlunt-but I ether Methylene Lhlonde Naphthalene l'olucne Tnehloroethene lenes. fotal Surr: 1,2-1hchloutelhanc-d4 Stu r 4-11:nmolluorohenzene Sun Dihromafluoromethane Sun 'I olue1)e-d8 1,1,1- Frichloroethane 1,1-Diehloroet hem 1,2-Dichlorobenzenc 1,2-D14.111ot ()ethane 1,2-1)tchhoopropane Benzene. pgag-di, ik g-dry lig/kg-dr) pg:kg-tlry lig/kg-dr) Up./11'-d11, lie/kg-dry 111:34-tirY 11814-drY lig/kg-dry pg/kg-dry ktekg-dr ug/kg-dry "ORE(' %RFC C ug/1, 14'1- PO, pg/1 ittpan Date .q1/2012 Page 45 ul A I S 0000. apt . ZCINA a KIRCRI• pro4, va. t`. It, < 4r Mr PP PI a el • ...TOM', ni 111, dt,, 14 1110 lop WI. Ito neveillsemert. ytt in? ct. lol , vrdUCI Of ol Pi .1e .1, .,141. .3 14 3, et Vo, cp. t IA nu WI, M. Op.. rerwmns., a "poti.t.ti ..nes 44.4 and as. o.hi V., fok. 1 'I ^ 1rael, old 0/ =en, AMERI('AN WEST AN AIN".1 IC AI. LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84115 80 I 263-8686. Toll 1;ree 888 i 263-8686. 1-ax 001)263-8687 awal(!Pawal-labs coin. web: %%ww.awal-labs.Lom Kyle F. (ross Laboratory Director Jose Rocha QA Officer QC SUMMARY REPORT_ Client: Kleinfelder-SLC Lab Set ID: 1202314 Project: 7(1(1 W 54(J0 S Sample II) Anal} te Units Method Result Amount Spiked Contact: Dept: QC Type: Com Park MSVOA MSD %RIX Limits %RPI) •- - • RPI) I.imit - Qual Date A nail ved Original Amoun( 1202314-U10AM) Chlombenzet lc pel • M2o1C 15 6 20 00 0 78.2 63-140 0 574 2.5 2124,2012 73Ih 1202314-010AMSD Chloroiorm 061 •y, X2(AC 16 2 2.0 00 0 81 2 50-146 1.65 25 2J24/2012 73111 1202314-010AMSD Ethylhouene Mkini.MC 14 9 20 00 0 74 4 69-133 0.606 25 224'2012 731h 1202314-010AMSD Implopy !benzene PO, SWK2olle 14 5 20.00 0 72 7 (A-147 0 621 25 2;24'2012 73Ih 1202314-010AMSD Methyl tcrt-but cthet `A CCM' 17 I 70.00 0 XS 4 37-189 1 54 25 2/24'1011 731h 1202314-0104MSD Methylene chloilde PO- ne4 C 6 80 20 00 O 34 0 30-192 17 25 2/241012 73Ih 1202314-010AMSD Naphthalene AWL 15.3 20 00 76 6 41-131 0.196 25 1:24 2012 73Ih 1202314-010AMSD rid ucnc swION( 16 1 70 00 0 80 4 18-192 311 25 224,2012 73Ih 1202314-010AMSD Iiichloroethene ng/L SW82(41C 15.4 '0 00 76 9 61-153 11 849 2121"2011 731h 1202314-010AMS1) Xylem, Tolal PO. SW871.0( 4'7.0 60.00 0 78 3 42-167 0 106 25 124,2012 731h 1202314-010AMSD Sun' 1,2-Dichloroclhane-d4 %R SW112641C 49.9 ill 00 99 72-151 2124/7012 73Ih 1202314-010AMSD Sun. 4-Bromolluorobertiene "zeR1-1' SWILIbUl 42 4 50 00 84.7 80-128 2.124,201? 7316 1202314-010AMSD Surr: Dibromofluorprpelhane %REC SW11260C 46.6 50.00 93 3 80-124 2/24/2012 731h 1202314-010AMSD Sun • Toluene-d8 %RFC SW14260(' 47.9 5t).00 95 9 77-129 7.24,2012 731h - Hogh RP1) due ft, $11-SpeCted sample non-honsugeneuy os mum uuerArence Rcpoit D.stc .3/1/201: Par ais .r.16 11141•Nite... In Om nerA =WA 14:.f(o5 dia utlfin1,..1., , ott ,tofiu••,••• •. or 1.1. 10,,J.re 1 11 r, t.i. ni to••• hhesste cost...Me • :el/WM.1o. It •••••• 01145 t M1prov $.011bel Sti4.1 r. Mike Jon ql et, .1 11 ettle.11,11 pliAttlf 1).1 Q1 Slit 04 ft J (#. I n .0,:1111. 11 s rt (t. •••• 110••••••••, •t,. t54 lid ..n•••••••••. Iv .11 int. ...I) ut• 00. t let Iv, c• mi.a• .••• 4.441,•1•• et...00,t11•0 rarupt I I, r.••• mit...Ante ce...q.ectl.• .14,J ,Nre. iptol Is% ••••1 dot 1..0 .1 I. rw ti•let ^f 11, traee 1.4 p,.• • Work Order: 1202314 Page 1 of 1 2:11/2012 WO Type: Standard Test Code Sel Storage 8260-S th. ' shale 1 PMOIST %Tt. share 8260-S iV. tac / share PMO1S1 vol. / shale ... . 8'260-S V, %,%(.. !share INOiST voc . Amt. 82o0-S ;se voc . shun, . PMOIST %de , share 3260-5 -If sec , share . PMOIS1 . voc I shaic _.__ _ •-- '.______ _ • • 8260-S A soc / share _ PMO1S1 %%.4., : shale American West Analytical Laboratories l IC 1202314-007A S-MW1 -7 i'202314 008A S-MW1-12 Contac(: QC Level: Core) Pdrk LEVEL 11- Collected Date Received Date Date Due Matrix 211712012 09101% 2 21,2012 1425h 31%2012 Siil 2117/2(-)12 1007h 211,71:012 1025h - 2/17.2012 110-5h _ 2/1742012 1125h 2/17/2012 1140h 2/1-7/2012 1332h 2/17/2012 : 155h _ • _ _ . WORK ORDER SUDIMary (*bent: KleinICIder- • Client 113: 1(1.1.100 Project: 700 W S400 S. (:omments: Q(' 2 • Linail 2 people., Sample 11) Client Sample 11) 1202314-00 IA S-MW 1702114-002 -A - s 5.4W3 14 1202314-003A s-M W 3-25 I202314-004A S-MW2-t; 1202314-00+A 5; -MW2 14 1202314-000X .5-51W 2-20 ci260-S _ _ '...N7 A Oc / Oldic ...... . _ .._•__ - • • PMOIST . %Ut. / shale . - - - . 5-2_60- V' %us / shae PMOIST soc / share 120:314-009A -S--1 1S2ei -25 2/17/2012 I422h 8260-5--- - V sue / shale - --z- . - • - . - - - - • _ — ---- PMO — IST voc / sharc 1202314-010A W-MW1 220:2012 1530h Aqueous 81.60-W -•_, 11._ -Vcid'ridge 3 I202314-611A W-MWI A _ _ 2/20/2012 1540-h 8260-1-1/- - — se; -vOCI:ndge 1202314-012A W-M W2 2/20/2012 1610h - 10 VOt :Fudge 1202-1-14-01-3-A - - W-N1W3 220/2012 1(-140h 8260-W v. - id-a-ridge 1202314-014A Tnp Munk 2/20/2012 1415h -8260-W stj VOCFruige ___ . Zip LABORATORY USE ONLY SAMPLES IN - Shipped nano delivere Notes 2 ,fi.vior tbei sent o(t3 ille 1 . t c 3 Temperature .1 3... I 15:410 16:10 r Req pwl , llved py &a PRINT NAME/ ,..-- fillk Hyti_.--..7 Received By Signature L. 25- • - W • IA1 • - Rolliquished By Signatip ,i, PRINT NAM7 46' P4 f-ie Relinquished By Signature 4 Unbroken on Sample iNA\ Disctepanctes Between Sample Labels and COC Recaid? (.- N Notes -c 2 TESTS REQUIRED Client Address 1541 ..j.t.) Le,oni Or. Li, ifc 2.0o yin oific. L•rr City State Phone(eci) 2.6$ -3136 Fax Contact ark R mcrkky E-mail ii' o Proiect Name /00 .5Lion s Project Number/P.0.# 17 I -271 Sampler Name C.. ark_ Sample ID 5-•41..)3 5- - L.J C ,444J Z.- (, •41.)1.- 1,4 S - mt.) t - 7.0 S- Lab Sample Set # /2 (I 2_ 3 / Page l at _a Turn Around Time (Circle One) 1 day 2 day 3 day 4 day 5 day StaCtrd QC LEVEl_ 1 2 0+. 3 34 4 COMMENTS 4 Received Broken/Leaking (Improperly Sealr.tyl Notes 5 4444peny Preserved r 1 CJcIed at Bench Notes 6 Received Whin tiottt\rg Tmes (71,/o911 Date/Time Coilected L/1-I /wit 1130 1 0 'AS- 1 POT //: Wel ANT ERICAN WEST ANALYTICAL LABORAl ORIES 463 West 3600 South Salt Lake (ity, Utah 84115 CHA IN OF CUSTODY (801) 263-8686 (888) 263-8686 Fas (801) 263-8687 Etuailta•al(tuawal-labs.cuni • 3 1 T /3'45 _14-1 7.J16/i617_ t tJ 0 .11 X X X X X Special Instructions. im Y2,1- Date z/zdzott Time Date Date CM Tape Was: 1 Present on Outer Package 2 Unbroken on Outci Pacii age 3 Present on Sample PRINT NAME Tune Time PRIN I NAME /NA Retinquished By Sign.itun. Date Received By* Srgnature Date PRINT NAME ime PRINT NAME Tone Received By Sgmilure Relingoished By. Signature Date Doti PRIN f NAME Time PrUN r NAML Twit, Lab Sample Set # (2 C 2-3/Y Page L of 7- Turn Around Time (Circle One) 1 day 2 day 3 day a day 5 day(!tandard ) Contact Su- TESTS REQUIRED QC LEVEL Sample ID COMMENTS E-mail Project Name 700 c..) stroo 5 Project Number/P Sampler Name G . 13, r k Date/Time Collected AALJ A Tr:p Pkk tJ Uate Z/44/tedz_ Time Re vocBy signature,. / C-1-4-4 -- PRINT N• AM Special nstructions: Št P 3 2114/Lori. lb :4o 2.nolloa. 14 41" 1 2 0 3 3+ 4 Relinquished By siggature 4 PRINT NAME rot . Reanguistied By. Signature Date Receivea By Stynatute ( i Date Time PRINT NAME- Tune PRINT NAME Relinquished By: Signature Date Received By ..,ignature Date PRINT NAME. Time PRINT NAME Time Relinquished Ðy Signature Date Receiyer113y Svnatufe Dale PRINT NAME Time PRINT NAMF 1 itne COC Tape Was: 4 Received BrokemLeaking N ,Impr s opely Se ft-% ote Disaepancies Between Sample Labels and COG Record? ' 0'1 Mates 1 Present on Outer Package • tIA 3 Present on Sample . /NA 4 Unbroken on Samoe NA 5 Properly Preserved edat BenchN Notes: c 3 Tempeiature ;I 2 Unbroken on 06ter Package • NA 6 Received Within o g Timeh SAMPLES WE i" " 1 Shipped o and delivered Nofes 2 Ambient or hilted) Notes LABORATORY USE ONLY AMERICAN WFSI ANA LVTIcAL LABORATORIES 463 West 3600 Si3UtB Salt Lake ('ity, Utah 84115 CHAIN OF C US TOD Y (801) 263-8686 (888) 263-8686 Fat (801)263-8087 al-lahs.com Client_Fakkc Address tat-19 LajoN f)c Z.00 1.4T State Phone ZOI 1.61 31(c. Fax