HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-007875 Small Source Registration DAQE-EN162070001-24 {{$d1 }} Treaven Grant Mountains West Ranches PO Box 981990 Park City, UT 84098 Treaven@mwranches.com Dear Mr. Grant: Re: Request for Evaluation of Compliance with Rule R307-401-9, UAC: Small Source Exemption Project Fee Code: N162070001 On March 27, 2024, the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) received your request for a small source exemption for the Mountains West Ranches-Duchesne Gravel Pit. The source is located approximately 3 miles north of Starvation Reservoir at UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinates of 548,490 meters easting and 4,455,071 meters northing (Datum NAD 83, Zone 12) in Duchesne County, Utah. DAQ has determined the small source exemption applies to the source, as long as the equipment and associated processes operate as specified in the registration request. The small source exemption does not exempt a source from complying with other applicable federal, state, and local regulations and the current Utah Administrative Code. Based on the emissions that you submitted to DAQ with your registration request, Mountains West Ranches is not required to obtain an approval order under R307-401 for the Duchesne Gravel Pit. If you change your operation such that there is an increase in emissions, we recommend that you notify us, as an approval order may be required. As authorized by the Utah Legislature, the fee for issuing this small source exemption is a one-time filing fee in addition to the actual time spent by the review engineer and all other staff on the project. Payment should be sent to DAQ upon receipt of the invoice. 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 536-4000 • Fax (801) 536-4099 • T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director - / & ) Ú à Û Ù Û Ý DAQE-EN162070001-24 Page 2 Thank you for registering your source with the DAQ. If you have any additional questions, please contact Katie Andersen at (385) 515-1748 or kandersen@utah.gov. Sincerely, Bryce C. Bird Director {{$s }} Alan D. Humpherys, Manager New Source Review Section BCB:ADH:KA:jg {{#d1=date1_es_:signer1:date:format(date, "mmmm d, yyyy")}} {{#s=Sig_es_:signer1:signature}} Small Source Registration DAQE-EN162070001-24 {{$d1 }} Treaven Grant Mountains West Ranches PO Box 981990 Park City, UT 84098 Treaven@mwranches.com Dear Mr. Grant: Re: Request for Evaluation of Compliance with Rule R307-401-9, UAC: Small Source Exemption Project Fee Code: N162070001 On March 27, 2024, the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) received your request for a small source exemption for the Mountains West Ranches-Duchesne Gravel Pit. The source is located approximately 3 miles north of Starvation Reservoir at UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinates of 548,490 meters easting and 4,455,071 meters northing (Datum NAD 83, Zone 12) in Duchesne County, Utah. DAQ has determined the small source exemption applies to the source, as long as the equipment and associated processes operate as specified in the registration request. The small source exemption does not exempt a source from complying with other applicable federal, state, and local regulations and the current Utah Administrative Code. Based on the emissions that you submitted to DAQ with your registration request, Mountains West Ranches is not required to obtain an approval order under R307-401 for the Duchesne Gravel Pit. If you change your operation such that there is an increase in emissions, we recommend that you notify us, as an approval order may be required. As authorized by the Utah Legislature, the fee for issuing this small source exemption is a one-time filing fee in addition to the actual time spent by the review engineer and all other staff on the project. Payment should be sent to DAQ upon receipt of the invoice. 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 536-4000 • Fax (801) 536-4099 • T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director DAQE-EN162070001-24 Page 2 Thank you for registering your source with the DAQ. If you have any additional questions, please contact Katie Andersen at (385) 515-1748 or kandersen@utah.gov. Sincerely, Bryce C. Bird Director {{$s }} Alan D. Humpherys, Manager New Source Review Section BCB:ADH:KA:jg {{#d1=date1_es_:signer1:date:format(date, "mmmm d, yyyy")}} {{#s=Sig_es_:signer1:signature}} Production Rates Hourly Rates 250 tons/hour Annual Production 50,000 tons/year Emission Unit Number of Emission Units PM10 Emission Factor (lb/ton) PM2.5 Emission Factor (lb/ton)Reference Crushers 1 0.00054 0.00010 Screens 2 0.00074 0.00005 Conveyor Transfer Points 1 4.6E-05 1.3E-05 Pollutant Emission Rate (lbs/hr) Emission Total (tons/year)PM10 0.52 0.05 PM2.5 0.05 0.01 Emission Unit PM10 Emission Rate (lbs/hr) PM10 Emission Total (tons/year) PM2.5 Emission Rate (lbs/hr) PM2.5 Emission Total (tons/year) Crushers 0.14 0.01 0.03 0.00 Screens 0.37 0.04 0.03 0.00 Conveyors 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 Aggregate Processing Equipment AP-42 Table 11.19.2-2 Page 1 of Version 1.0 November 29, 2018 Bulldozer Hours of Operation Hours operated per year 250 hours/year Variables for Bulldozing Overburden Material Silt Content 6.9 % Material Moisture Content 7.9 % Pollutant Emission Factor (lb/hr) Emission Rate (lbs/hr) Emission Total (tons/year)Reference PM10 0.75276 0.75 0.09 PM2.5 0.41378 0.41 0.05 Bulldozing AP-42 11.9 Table 11.9-1 Page 2 of Version 1.0 November 29, 2018 Wind Erosion of Exposed Area Total Area of Disturbed Ground 1 acres Emission Factors & Distribution TSP Emission Factor 0.38PM10 Content 50% PM2.5 Content 7.5% Pollutant Emission Factor (tons/acre-year) Emission Rate (lbs/hr) Emission Total (tons/year)PM10 0.19 0.04 0.19 PM2.5 0.03 0.01 0.03 Disturbed Ground Reference AP-42 Table 11.9-4 AP-42 Section Page 3 of Version 1.1 September 4, 2019 Equipment Details Rating 165 hp = (123.2 kw) Operational Hours 200 hours/year Sulfur Content 15 ppm or 0.0015% Criteria Pollutant Emission Standards (g/hp-hr) Emission Factor (lb/hp-hr) Emission Rate (lbs/hr) Emission Total (tons/year)Reference NOX 0.031 5.12 0.51 CO 6.68E-03 1.10 0.11 PM10 2.20E-03 0.36 0.04 PM2.5 2.20E-03 0.36 0.04 VOC 2.51E-03 0.41 0.04SO21.21E-05 0.00 0.00 AP-42 Table 3.4-1 HAP 0.00 0.00 See Below Green House Gas Pollutant Global Warming Potential Emission Factor (lb/hp-hr) Emission Rate (lbs/hr) Emission Total (tons/year)ReferenceCO2 (mass basis)1 1.15E+00 190 19 Methane (mass basis)25 0 0CO2e19 Hazardous Air Pollutant Emission Rate (lbs/hr) Emission Total (tons/year)Reference Benzene 9.33E-04 1.08E-03 1.08E-04 Toluene 4.09E-04 4.72E-04 4.72E-05 Xylenes 2.85E-04 3.29E-04 3.29E-05 1,3-Butadiene 3.91E-05 4.52E-05 4.52E-06 Formaldehyde 1.18E-03 1.36E-03 1.36E-04 Acetaldehyde 7.67E-04 8.86E-04 8.86E-05 Acrolein 9.25E-05 1.07E-04 1.07E-05 Naphthalene 8.48E-05 9.79E-05 9.79E-06 Acenaphthylene 5.06E-06 5.84E-06 5.84E-07 Acenaphthene 1.42E-06 1.64E-06 1.64E-07 Fluorene 2.92E-05 3.37E-05 3.37E-06 Phenanthrene 2.94E-05 3.40E-05 3.40E-06 Anthracene 1.87E-06 2.16E-06 2.16E-07 Fluoranthene 7.61E-06 8.79E-06 8.79E-07 Pyrene 4.78E-06 5.52E-06 5.52E-07 Benz(a)anthracene 1.68E-06 1.94E-06 1.94E-07 Chrysene 3.53E-07 4.08E-07 4.08E-08 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 9.91E-08 1.14E-07 1.14E-08 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.55E-07 1.79E-07 1.79E-08 Benzo(a)pyrene 1.88E-07 2.17E-07 2.17E-08 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 3.75E-07 4.33E-07 4.33E-08 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 5.83E-07 6.73E-07 6.73E-08 Benzo(g,h,l)perylene 4.89E-07 5.65E-07 5.65E-08 AP-42 Table 3.3-1 & Table 3.4-1 Emission Factor (lb/MMBtu) AP-42 Table 3.3-2, Table 3.4-3, & Table 3.4-4 (1,3-Butadiene will not popluate if the engine size is greater than 600 hp. AP-42 does not list 1,3- Butadiene for engines greater than 600 hp.) Diesel-Fired Engines Emergency Engines should equal 100 hours of operation per year Manufacturer Data, AP-42 Table 3.3-1, & Table 3.4-1 Page 4 of Version 1.1 February 21, 2019 Production Rates Hourly Rates 15 tons/hour Annual Production 25,000 tons/year Truck Information Empty Truck Weight 20 tons Weight of Load 35 tons Loaded Truck Weight 55 tons Haul Road Information Haul Road One-Way Length 5,280 feet Hourly Vehicle Miles Traveled 0.9 miles Annual Vehicle Miles Traveled 1,429 miles Type of Control Pollutant Uncontrolled Emission Factor (lb/VMT) Controlled Emission Factor (lb/VMT) Emission Rate (lbs/hr) Emission Total (tons/year)ReferencePM102.05 0.61 0.53 0.44 PM2.5 0.205 0.061 0.05 0.04 Haul Roads Basic Watering - (70% control) AP-42 13.2.2 & DAQ Haul Road Guidance Page 5 of Version 1.0 November 29, 2018 Production Rates Hourly Rates 15 tons/hour Annual Production 45,000 tons/year Loader Information Empty Loader Weight 20 tons Weight of Load 10 tons Loaded Loader Weight 30 tons Loader Route\ Information Loader Route One-Way Length 100 feet Hourly Vehicle Miles Traveled 0.1 miles Annual Vehicle Miles Traveled 170 miles Type of Control Pollutant Uncontrolled Emission Factor (lb/VMT) Controlled Emission Factor (lb/VMT) Emission Rate (lbs/hr) Emission Total (tons/year)ReferencePM101.71 0.51 0.03 0.04 PM2.5 0.171 0.051 0.00 0.00 Loader Routes Basic Watering - (70% control) AP-42 13.2.2 & DAQ Haul Road Guidance Page 6 of Version 1.0 November 29, 2018 Storage Pile Area Total Area of Storage Piles 1 acres Control Efficiency PM10 Control Efficiency 66% PM2.5 Control Efficiency 40% Pollutant Uncontrolled Emission Factor (lb/acre-day) Controlled Emission Factor (lb/acre-day) Emission Rate (lbs/hr) Emission Total (tons/year)ReferencePM106.30 2.14 0.04 0.20 AP-42 Fourth Edition Table 8.19.1-1PM2.5 1.85 1.11 0.02 0.10 AP-42 Appendix B.2 Table B.2-2 Storage Piles Reference AP-42 Appendix B.2 Tables B.2-2 & B.2-3 Page 7 of Version 1.0 November 29, 2018 Source Annual PM-10 Aggregate Processing 0.05 Tons/Year Bulldozing 0.09 Tons/Year Disturbed Area 0.19 Tons/Year Engine Diesel 0.17 Tons/Year Haul Roads 0.44 Tons/Year Loader Routes 0.04 Tons/Year Storage Piles 0.2 Tons/Year 1.18 Tons/Year Deisel Eguipment PM-10 SO2 CO NOx VOC O3 Excavator (165hp)0.05 0 0.14 0.64 0.05 Tons/Year Dozer (217hp)0.05 0 0.14 0.67 0.05 Tons/Year Loader (165hp)0.05 0 0.11 0.51 0.04 Tons/Year Crusher (440hp)0.02 0 0.26 1.2 0.1 Tons/Year 0.17 0 0.65 3.02 0.24 0 Tons/Year 4.08 Equipment Details Rating 165 hp = (123.2 kw) Operational Hours 200 hours/year Sulfur Content 15 ppm or 0.0015% Criteria Pollutant Emission Standards (g/hp-hr) Emission Factor (lb/hp-hr) Emission Rate (lbs/hr) Emission Total (tons/year)Reference NOX 0.031 5.12 0.51 CO 6.68E-03 1.10 0.11 PM10 2.20E-03 0.36 0.04 PM2.5 2.20E-03 0.36 0.04 VOC 2.51E-03 0.41 0.04 SO2 1.21E-05 0.00 0.00 AP-42 Table 3.4-1 HAP 0.00 0.00 See Below Green House Gas Pollutant Global Warming Potential Emission Factor (lb/hp-hr) Emission Rate (lbs/hr) Emission Total (tons/year)Reference CO2 (mass basis)1 1.15 190 19 Methane (mass basis)25 0 0 CO2e 19 Hazardous Air Pollutant Emission Rate (lbs/hr) Emission Total (tons/year)Reference Benzene 9.33E-04 1.08E-03 1.08E-04 Toluene 4.09E-04 4.72E-04 4.72E-05 Xylenes 2.85E-04 3.29E-04 3.29E-05 1,3-Butadiene 3.91E-05 4.52E-05 4.52E-06 Formaldehyde 1.18E-03 1.36E-03 1.36E-04 Acetaldehyde 7.67E-04 8.86E-04 8.86E-05 Acrolein 9.25E-05 1.07E-04 1.07E-05 Naphthalene 8.48E-05 9.79E-05 9.79E-06 Acenaphthylene 5.06E-06 5.84E-06 5.84E-07 Acenaphthene 1.42E-06 1.64E-06 1.64E-07 Fluorene 2.92E-05 3.37E-05 3.37E-06 Phenanthrene 2.94E-05 3.40E-05 3.40E-06 Anthracene 1.87E-06 2.16E-06 2.16E-07 Fluoranthene 7.61E-06 8.79E-06 8.79E-07 Pyrene 4.78E-06 5.52E-06 5.52E-07 Benz(a)anthracene 1.68E-06 1.94E-06 1.94E-07 Chrysene 3.53E-07 4.08E-07 4.08E-08 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 9.91E-08 1.14E-07 1.14E-08 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.55E-07 1.79E-07 1.79E-08 Benzo(a)pyrene 1.88E-07 2.17E-07 2.17E-08 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 3.75E-07 4.33E-07 4.33E-08 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 5.83E-07 6.73E-07 6.73E-08 Benzo(g,h,l)perylene 4.89E-07 5.65E-07 5.65E-08 Emission Factor (lb/MMBtu) AP-42 Table 3.3-2, Table 3.4-3, & Table 3.4-4 (1,3-Butadiene will not popluate if the engine size is greater than 600 hp. AP-42 does not list 1,3- Butadiene for engines greater than 600 hp.) Diesel-Fired Engines Emergency Engines should equal 100 hours of operation per year Manufacturer Data, AP-42 Table 3.3-1, & Table 3.4-1 AP-42 Table 3.3-1 & Table 3.4-1 Page 1 of 4 Version 1.1 February 21, 2019 Equipment Details Rating 440 hp = (328.4 kw) Operational Hours 176 hours/year Sulfur Content 15 ppm or 0.0015% Criteria Pollutant Emission Standards (g/hp-hr) Emission Factor (lb/hp-hr) Emission Rate (lbs/hr) Emission Total (tons/year)Reference NOX 0.031 13.64 1.20 CO 6.68E-03 2.94 0.26 PM10 2.20E-03 0.97 0.09 PM2.5 2.20E-03 0.97 0.09 VOC 2.51E-03 1.11 0.10 SO2 1.21E-05 0.01 0.00 AP-42 Table 3.4-1 HAP 0.01 0.00 See Below Green House Gas Pollutant Global Warming Potential Emission Factor (lb/hp-hr) Emission Rate (lbs/hr) Emission Total (tons/year)Reference CO2 (mass basis)1 1.15 506 45 Methane (mass basis)25 0 0 CO2e 45 Hazardous Air Pollutant Emission Rate (lbs/hr) Emission Total (tons/year)Reference Benzene 9.33E-04 2.87E-03 2.53E-04 Toluene 4.09E-04 1.26E-03 1.11E-04 Xylenes 2.85E-04 8.78E-04 7.72E-05 1,3-Butadiene 3.91E-05 1.20E-04 1.06E-05 Formaldehyde 1.18E-03 3.63E-03 3.20E-04 Acetaldehyde 7.67E-04 2.36E-03 2.08E-04 Acrolein 9.25E-05 2.85E-04 2.51E-05 Naphthalene 8.48E-05 2.61E-04 2.30E-05 Acenaphthylene 5.06E-06 1.56E-05 1.37E-06 Acenaphthene 1.42E-06 4.37E-06 3.85E-07 Fluorene 2.92E-05 8.99E-05 7.91E-06 Phenanthrene 2.94E-05 9.06E-05 7.97E-06 Anthracene 1.87E-06 5.76E-06 5.07E-07 Fluoranthene 7.61E-06 2.34E-05 2.06E-06 Pyrene 4.78E-06 1.47E-05 1.30E-06 Benz(a)anthracene 1.68E-06 5.17E-06 4.55E-07 Chrysene 3.53E-07 1.09E-06 9.57E-08 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 9.91E-08 3.05E-07 2.69E-08 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.55E-07 4.77E-07 4.20E-08 Benzo(a)pyrene 1.88E-07 5.79E-07 5.10E-08 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 3.75E-07 1.16E-06 1.02E-07 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 5.83E-07 1.80E-06 1.58E-07 Benzo(g,h,l)perylene 4.89E-07 1.51E-06 1.33E-07 Emission Factor (lb/MMBtu) AP-42 Table 3.3-2, Table 3.4-3, & Table 3.4-4 (1,3-Butadiene will not popluate if the engine size is greater than 600 hp. AP-42 does not list 1,3- Butadiene for engines greater than 600 hp.) Diesel-Fired Engines Emergency Engines should equal 100 hours of operation per year Manufacturer Data, AP-42 Table 3.3-1, & Table 3.4-1 AP-42 Table 3.3-1 & Table 3.4-1 Page 2 of 4 Version 1.1 February 21, 2019 Equipment Details Rating 165 hp = (123.2 kw) Operational Hours 250 hours/year Sulfur Content 15 ppm or 0.0015% Criteria Pollutant Emission Standards (g/hp-hr) Emission Factor (lb/hp-hr) Emission Rate (lbs/hr) Emission Total (tons/year)Reference NOX 0.031 5.12 0.64 CO 6.68E-03 1.10 0.14 PM10 2.20E-03 0.36 0.05 PM2.5 2.20E-03 0.36 0.05 VOC 2.51E-03 0.41 0.05 SO2 1.21E-05 0.00 0.00 AP-42 Table 3.4-1 HAP 0.00 0.00 See Below Green House Gas Pollutant Global Warming Potential Emission Factor (lb/hp-hr) Emission Rate (lbs/hr) Emission Total (tons/year)Reference CO2 (mass basis)1 1.15 190 24 Methane (mass basis)25 0 0 CO2e 24 Hazardous Air Pollutant Emission Rate (lbs/hr) Emission Total (tons/year)Reference Benzene 9.33E-04 1.08E-03 1.35E-04 Toluene 4.09E-04 4.72E-04 5.90E-05 Xylenes 2.85E-04 3.29E-04 4.11E-05 1,3-Butadiene 3.91E-05 4.52E-05 5.65E-06 Formaldehyde 1.18E-03 1.36E-03 1.70E-04 Acetaldehyde 7.67E-04 8.86E-04 1.11E-04 Acrolein 9.25E-05 1.07E-04 1.34E-05 Naphthalene 8.48E-05 9.79E-05 1.22E-05 Acenaphthylene 5.06E-06 5.84E-06 7.31E-07 Acenaphthene 1.42E-06 1.64E-06 2.05E-07 Fluorene 2.92E-05 3.37E-05 4.22E-06 Phenanthrene 2.94E-05 3.40E-05 4.24E-06 Anthracene 1.87E-06 2.16E-06 2.70E-07 Fluoranthene 7.61E-06 8.79E-06 1.10E-06 Pyrene 4.78E-06 5.52E-06 6.90E-07 Benz(a)anthracene 1.68E-06 1.94E-06 2.43E-07 Chrysene 3.53E-07 4.08E-07 5.10E-08 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 9.91E-08 1.14E-07 1.43E-08 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.55E-07 1.79E-07 2.24E-08 Benzo(a)pyrene 1.88E-07 2.17E-07 2.71E-08 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 3.75E-07 4.33E-07 5.41E-08 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 5.83E-07 6.73E-07 8.42E-08 Benzo(g,h,l)perylene 4.89E-07 5.65E-07 7.06E-08 Emission Factor (lb/MMBtu) AP-42 Table 3.3-2, Table 3.4-3, & Table 3.4-4 (1,3-Butadiene will not popluate if the engine size is greater than 600 hp. AP-42 does not list 1,3- Butadiene for engines greater than 600 hp.) Diesel-Fired Engines Emergency Engines should equal 100 hours of operation per year Manufacturer Data, AP-42 Table 3.3-1, & Table 3.4-1 AP-42 Table 3.3-1 & Table 3.4-1 Page 3 of 4 Version 1.1 February 21, 2019 Equipment Details Rating 217 hp = (162 kw) Operational Hours 200 hours/year Sulfur Content 15 ppm or 0.0015% Criteria Pollutant Emission Standards (g/hp-hr) Emission Factor (lb/hp-hr) Emission Rate (lbs/hr) Emission Total (tons/year)Reference NOX 0.031 6.73 0.67 CO 6.68E-03 1.45 0.14 PM10 2.20E-03 0.48 0.05 PM2.5 2.20E-03 0.48 0.05 VOC 2.51E-03 0.55 0.05 SO2 1.21E-05 0.00 0.00 AP-42 Table 3.4-1 HAP 0.01 0.00 See Below Green House Gas Pollutant Global Warming Potential Emission Factor (lb/hp-hr) Emission Rate (lbs/hr) Emission Total (tons/year)Reference CO2 (mass basis)1 1.15 250 25 Methane (mass basis)25 0 0 CO2e 25 Hazardous Air Pollutant Emission Rate (lbs/hr) Emission Total (tons/year)Reference Benzene 9.33E-04 1.42E-03 1.42E-04 Toluene 4.09E-04 6.21E-04 6.21E-05 Xylenes 2.85E-04 4.33E-04 4.33E-05 1,3-Butadiene 3.91E-05 5.94E-05 5.94E-06 Formaldehyde 1.18E-03 1.79E-03 1.79E-04 Acetaldehyde 7.67E-04 1.17E-03 1.17E-04 Acrolein 9.25E-05 1.41E-04 1.41E-05 Naphthalene 8.48E-05 1.29E-04 1.29E-05 Acenaphthylene 5.06E-06 7.69E-06 7.69E-07 Acenaphthene 1.42E-06 2.16E-06 2.16E-07 Fluorene 2.92E-05 4.44E-05 4.44E-06 Phenanthrene 2.94E-05 4.47E-05 4.47E-06 Anthracene 1.87E-06 2.84E-06 2.84E-07 Fluoranthene 7.61E-06 1.16E-05 1.16E-06 Pyrene 4.78E-06 7.26E-06 7.26E-07 Benz(a)anthracene 1.68E-06 2.55E-06 2.55E-07 Chrysene 3.53E-07 5.36E-07 5.36E-08 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 9.91E-08 1.51E-07 1.51E-08 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 1.55E-07 2.35E-07 2.35E-08 Benzo(a)pyrene 1.88E-07 2.86E-07 2.86E-08 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 3.75E-07 5.70E-07 5.70E-08 Dibenz(a,h)anthracene 5.83E-07 8.86E-07 8.86E-08 Benzo(g,h,l)perylene 4.89E-07 7.43E-07 7.43E-08 Emission Factor (lb/MMBtu) AP-42 Table 3.3-2, Table 3.4-3, & Table 3.4-4 (1,3-Butadiene will not popluate if the engine size is greater than 600 hp. AP-42 does not list 1,3- Butadiene for engines greater than 600 hp.) Diesel-Fired Engines Emergency Engines should equal 100 hours of operation per year Manufacturer Data, AP-42 Table 3.3-1, & Table 3.4-1 AP-42 Table 3.3-1 & Table 3.4-1 Page 4 of 4 Version 1.1 February 21, 2019