HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-008264 DAQE-AN162000001-24 {{$d1 }} Keith Gilbert Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC 871 East Fiddler Canyon Road Cedar City, UT 87421 keithgilbert3@me.com Dear Mr. Gilbert: Re: Approval Order: New Portable Source (Aggregate, Hot Mix Asphalt, Concrete, and Stationary Diesel-Fired Engines) Project Number: N162000001 The attached Approval Order (AO) is issued pursuant to the Notice of Intent (NOI) received on February 26, 2024. Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC must comply with the requirements of this AO, all applicable state requirements (R307), and Federal Standards. The project engineer for this action is Dungan Adams, who can be contacted at (385) 290-2474 or dunganadams@utah.gov. Future correspondence on this AO should include the engineer's name as well as the DAQE number shown on the upper right-hand corner of this letter. Public comments were received and considered on this action. Sincerely, {{$s }} Bryce C. Bird Director BCB:DA:jg cc: Salt Lake County Health Department 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 536-4000 • Fax (801) 536-4099 • T.D.D. (801) 536-4414 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director May 28, 2024 STATE OF UTAH Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality {{#s=Sig_es_:signer1:signature}} {{#d1=date1_es_:signer1:date:format(date, "mmmm d, yyyy")}} {{#d2=date1_es_:signer1:date:format(date, "mmmm d, yyyy"):align(center)}} APPROVAL ORDER DAQE-AN162000001-24 New Portable Source (Aggregate, Hot Mix Asphalt, Concrete, and Stationary Diesel-Fired Engines) Prepared By Dungan Adams, Engineer (385) 290-2474 dunganadams@utah.gov Issued to Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC - Portable Aggregate Source Issued On {{$d2 }} Issued By {{$s }} Bryce C. Bird Director Division of Air Quality May 28, 2024 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE/SIGNATURE PAGE ....................................................................................................... 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ...................................................................................................... 3 CONTACT/LOCATION INFORMATION ............................................................................... 3 SOURCE INFORMATION ........................................................................................................ 3 General Description ................................................................................................................ 3 NSR Classification .................................................................................................................. 4 Source Classification .............................................................................................................. 4 Applicable Federal Standards ................................................................................................. 4 Project Description.................................................................................................................. 4 SECTION I: GENERAL PROVISIONS .................................................................................... 4 SECTION II: PERMITTED EQUIPMENT .............................................................................. 5 SECTION II: SPECIAL PROVISIONS ..................................................................................... 7 PERMIT HISTORY ................................................................................................................... 14 ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................................... 15 DAQE-AN162000001-24 Page 3 GENERAL INFORMATION CONTACT/LOCATION INFORMATION Owner Name Source Name Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC - Portable Aggregate Source Mailing Address Physical Address 871 East Fiddler Canyon Road Not Permanently based at a Site Cedar City, UT 87421 Portable Source, UT Source Contact Name: Keith Gilbert Phone: (435) 383-3403 Email: keithgilbert3@me.com SIC code 2951 (Asphalt Paving Mixtures & Blocks) SOURCE INFORMATION General Description Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC, has requested an AO for a portable source. This AO is issued to Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC, for the purpose of operating a portable source that belongs to the nonmetallic mineral processing industry, including aggregate, concrete, and hot mix asphalt plants. The plants subject to this AO shall be temporarily operated for a period of not more than 180 working days at any location. A relocation shall not exceed 365 consecutive days at any location in the State of Utah. Prior to the commencement of operation at a location, the owner/operator shall submit a Notice of Temporary Relocation to the Director and obtain a Temporary Relocation Approval Letter. If the owner/operator operates at a location in compliance with the AO, the Notice of Temporary Relocation, and the Temporary Relocation Approval Letter, dispersion modeling results have determined that there will be no adverse impacts on air quality at the nearest residence or commercial establishment. Compliance with the opacity limits and operating practices contained in the conditions of the AO shall be considered an application of BACT. The emission control measures required in the conditions of this AO shall apply to all of the locations at which the source approved by this AO operates. The source may be required to adopt additional measures for controlling emissions to address location-specific concerns. This AO limits the source to emissions that are below the major source threshold, making it a "Synthetic Minor" source. DAQE-AN162000001-24 Page 4 NSR Classification New Minor Source Source Classification Located in Portable Source County Airs Source Size: SM Applicable Federal Standards NSPS (Part 60), A: General Provisions NSPS (Part 60), I: Standards of Performance for Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities NSPS (Part 60), OOO: Standards of Performance for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants NSPS (Part 60), IIII: Standards of Performance for Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines MACT (Part 63), A: General Provisions MACT (Part 63), ZZZZ: National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines Title V (Part 70) Area Source Project Description The owner/operator has requested an AO for a portable source. The portable source belongs to the nonmetallic mineral processing industry, including aggregate processing plants, concrete batch plants, hot mix asphalt plants, and stationary diesel-fired engines. SECTION I: GENERAL PROVISIONS I.1 All definitions, terms, abbreviations, and references used in this AO conform to those used in the UAC R307 and 40 CFR. Unless noted otherwise, references cited in these AO conditions refer to those rules. [R307-101] I.2 The limits set forth in this AO shall not be exceeded without prior approval. [R307-401] I.3 Modifications to the equipment or processes approved by this AO that could affect the emissions covered by this AO must be reviewed and approved. [R307-401-1] I.4 All records referenced in this AO or in other applicable rules, which are required to be kept by the owner/operator, shall be made available to the Director or Director's representative upon request, and the records shall include the two-year period prior to the date of the request. Unless otherwise specified in this AO or in other applicable state and federal rules, records shall be kept for a minimum of two (2) years. [R307-401-8] DAQE-AN162000001-24 Page 5 I.5 At all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction, owners and operators shall, to the extent practicable, maintain and operate any equipment approved under this AO, including associated air pollution control equipment, in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practice for minimizing emissions. Determination of whether acceptable operating and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to the Director which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, opacity observations, review of operating and maintenance procedures, and inspection of the source. All maintenance performed on equipment authorized by this AO shall be recorded. [R307-401-4] I.6 The owner/operator shall comply with UAC R307-107. General Requirements: Breakdowns. [R307-107] I.7 The owner/operator shall comply with UAC R307-150 Series. Emission Inventories. [R307-150] SECTION II: PERMITTED EQUIPMENT II.A THE APPROVED EQUIPMENT II.A.1 Portable Source Including: Aggregate Processing Equipment, Concrete Batching Equipment, Hot Mix Asphalt Equipment, and Diesel-Fired Engines. II.A.2 Aggregate Processing Equipment These plants may be subject to NSPS Subpart OOO Requirements. These plants include: A. Crushers. B. Screens. C. Wash Plants. D. Conveyors, Feeders, Hoppers, and Stackers. DAQE-AN162000001-24 Page 6 II.A.3 Concrete Batch Plants These plants include: A. Central-Mix Concrete Batch Plants. B. Truck-Mix Concrete Batch Plants. C. Baghouses, Bin Vents, Dust Collectors, and Fabric Filters. D. Storage Silos - Contents include: i. Cement ii. Fly Ash iii. Lime iv. Concrete Additives. E. Boilers & Water Heaters i. Fuel: Natural Gas/Propane ii. Rating: less than 10 MMBtu/hr each. F. Conveyors, Feeders, Hoppers, Pugmills, and Stackers. II.A.4 Hot Mix Asphalt Plants These plants may be subject to NSPS Subpart I Requirements These plants include: A. Drum-Mix Hot Mix Asphalt Plants. B. Baghouses, Bin Vents, Dust Collectors and Fabric Filters. C. Storage Silos - Contents include: i. Lime ii. Hot Mix Asphalt iii. RAP iv. Hot Mix Asphalt Additives. D. Conveyors, Feeders, Hoppers, Mixers, Pugmills, and Stackers. II.A.5 Stationary Diesel-Fired Engines These stationary engines produce mechanical or electrical power to operate the plants in this AO. These stationary engines are subject to MACT Subpart ZZZZ Requirements These stationary engines may be subject to NSPS Subpart IIII Requirements II.A.6 Storage Tanks Contents include: A. Asphalt Cement. B. Diesel Fuel. C. On-Specification Used Oil. D. Gasoline. E. Propane. DAQE-AN162000001-24 Page 7 SECTION II: SPECIAL PROVISIONS II.B REQUIREMENTS AND LIMITATIONS II.B.1 Notice of Temporary Relocation: II.B.1.a The owner/operator shall submit a Notice of Temporary Relocation and obtain a Temporary Relocation Approval Letter prior to operating a portable source at any location. [R307-401-8] II.B.1.a.1 Notices of Temporary Relocation shall include the following information (Form 15a is available from the DAQ): A. The address and driving directions of the proposed location. B. A list of the equipment to be operated at the proposed location, including: 1. The type of equipment 2. The rated capacity of the equipment 3. The date of manufacture of the equipment. C. A site diagram showing the general equipment location on site (to scale), and the distance to the nearest houses, barns, or commercial operations (to scale if the plant boundary is located within one (1) mile of these buildings.) D. The expected startup and completion dates for operating at the proposed location. E. The expected hours of operation, including start and stop times. F. The emission control measures that the owner/operator proposes to adopt for each emission point at each location, including a FDCP specific to the proposed location. G. A reference to this AO. [R307-401-8] II.B.2 Temporary Relocation Approval Letter: II.B.2.a The owner/operator shall operate and conduct its operations of the aggregate processing plants, the concrete batch plants, the hot mix asphalt plants, and the diesel-fired engines in accordance with the terms and conditions of this AO and the terms and conditions of the Temporary Relocation Approval Letter issued by the Director for each relocation. In the case of any discrepancy between the conditions of this AO and the Temporary Relocation Approval Letter, the owner/operator shall comply with the site-specific requirements in the Temporary Relocation Approval Letter. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.1 Portable sources that plan to relocate to a stationary source listed in the Utah PM10 or PM2.5 State Implementation Plan (SIP) shall comply with the standards and adopt the control strategies listed in the PM10 or PM2.5 SIP for the stationary source in addition to the requirements of this AO and the Temporary Relocation Approval Letter. [R307-401-8] II.B.3 Operations at Temporary Locations: II.B.3.a The owner/operator may temporarily relocate this portable source to any temporary location. The temporary relocation shall not exceed 180 working days and shall not exceed 365 consecutive days. If a temporary relocation is expected to exceed 180 working days, the owner/operator shall submit an NOI in accordance with R307-401 for a permanent source and obtain a valid AO prior to the end of the 180 working days. [R307-401-17] DAQE-AN162000001-24 Page 8 II.B.3.a.1 The owner/operator shall keep and maintain the following records on site: A. The initial relocation date at each location. B. Working days at each location. C. Consecutive days at each location. [R307-401-17] II.B.3.a.2 The owner/operator shall submit records of the working days at each site and the consecutive days at each site to the Director at the end of each 180 calendar days. [R307-401-17] II.B.3.b The owner/operator shall not exceed the daily production limit specified in the Temporary Relocation Approval Letter. [R307-401-8] II.B.3.b.1 The daily production shall be determined by belt scale records, scale house records, vendor receipts or by any other method as acceptable to the Director or the Director's representative. [R307-401-8] II.B.3.b.2 The owner/operator shall keep and maintain the following production records on site for all periods that the portable source is in operation at any location: A. The date production occurs at each location. B. The production for that date at each location. C. The total production at each location. [R307-401-8] II.B.3.b.3 The owner/operator shall submit records of the actual production rate to the Director at the end of each 180 calendar days. [R307-401-17] II.B.3.c The owner/operator shall only operate between 6:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. each day. The hours of operation may be altered upon approval of the Director; however, any request for a change in these hours shall include modeling showing that all NAAQS are met. [R307-401-10, R307-401-8] II.B.3.c.1 The owner/operator shall keep and maintain the following records of operation for all periods that the portable source is in operation at any location: A. The time operations began each day at each location. B. The time operations ended each day at each location. [R307-401-8] II.B.3.d Unless otherwise specified in this AO, the owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any installation of this AO to exceed 20 percent opacity. [R307-201-3, R307-305-3] II.B.3.d.1 Unless otherwise specified in this AO, opacity observations of emissions from stationary sources shall be conducted according to 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9. [R307-201-3, R307-305-3] DAQE-AN162000001-24 Page 9 II.B.4 Emission Estimates and Emissions Inventory: II.B.4.a The owner/operator shall estimate the actual emissions that resulted from operating at each location. These emissions shall be summarized for each piece of equipment, each source of fugitive dust, and each source of fugitive emissions at the completion of operation at each location. The Director may require a summary of emissions for each location at any time. [R307-401-8, R307-150-1] II.B.4.a.1 Records of actual emissions shall be kept for each location. Records of actual emissions shall include the following: A. The emission factors used to estimate emissions for each location. B. All variables (production, hours of operation, haul road lengths, etc.) used in the emission estimates for each location. C. The actual emissions from each location, which includes emissions from each emission unit, each source of fugitive dust, and each source of fugitive emissions. [R307-401-8, R307-150-1] II.B.5 Haul Roads and Fugitive Dust Sources: II.B.5.a The owner/operator shall comply with a FDCP consistent with R307-309-6 for each location. The FDCP for a location shall address the control of all fugitive dust sources at that location. [R307-401-8] II.B.5.b The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from haul roads and fugitive dust sources to exceed 20 percent opacity on site and 10 percent at the property boundary for each temporary location. [R307-205-4, R307-309-5, R307-401-8] II.B.5.b.1 Visible emission determinations for fugitive dust from haul roads and operational areas shall use procedures similar to Method 9. The normal requirement for observations to be made at 15- second intervals over a six-minute period, however, shall not apply. Visible emissions shall be measured at the densest point of the plume but at a point not less than one-half vehicle length behind the vehicle and not less than one-half the height of the vehicle. [R307-205-4, R307-309-5, R307-401-8] II.B.5.c The owner/operator shall use water application or other control options contained in R307-309 to minimize emissions from fugitive dust and fugitive emissions sources, including haul roads, storage piles, and disturbed areas. Controls shall be applied to ensure the opacity limits in this AO are not exceeded. [R307-309, R307-401-8] II.B.6 Aggregate Processing Plants: II.B.6.a The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any crusher subject to this AO to exceed 12 percent opacity. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] II.B.6.b The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any screen subject to this AO to exceed 7 percent opacity. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] II.B.6.c The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any conveyor transfer point subject to this AO to exceed 7 percent opacity. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] II.B.6.d The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any conveyor drop point at each temporary location to exceed 20 percent opacity. [R307-205-4, R307-309-5, R307-401-8] DAQE-AN162000001-24 Page 10 II.B.6.e The owner/operator shall install water sprays on all crushers, all screens, all conveyor transfer points, and all conveyor drop points at each location to control emissions. Sprays shall operate as required to ensure the opacity limits in this AO are not exceeded. [R307-401-8] II.B.6.f The owner/operator shall perform monthly periodic inspections to check that water is flowing to discharge spray nozzles associated with each crusher, screen, and conveyor. If the owner/operator finds that water is not flowing properly during an inspection of the water spray nozzles, the owner/operator shall initiate corrective action within 24 hours and complete corrective action as expediently as practical. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] II.B.6.f.1 Records of the water sprays inspections shall be kept and maintained in a logbook for all periods when the plant is in operation. The records shall include the following items: A. Date the inspections were made. B. Any corrective actions taken. C. Control mechanism used if sprays are not operating. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] II.B.7 Crushers, Screens, and Conveyors subject to NSPS Subpart OOO: II.B.7.a The owner/operator shall conduct an initial performance test for all crushers, screens, and conveyor transfer points subject to this AO that are subject to NSPS OOO. Performance tests shall meet the limitations specified in Table 3 to Subpart OOO. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO] II.B.7.a.1 Initial performance tests for fugitive emissions limits shall be conducted according to 40 CFR 60.675(c). The owner or operator may use methods and procedures specified in 40 CFR 60.675(e) as alternatives to the reference methods and procedures specified in 40 CFR 60.675(c). [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO] II.B.7.a.2 The owner/operator shall keep and maintain records of the initial performance test for each crusher, screen, and conveyor for the life of the equipment. The record of the initial performance test must be made available to the Director or the Director's representative upon request. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] II.B.8 Concrete Batch Plants: II.B.8.a The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any concrete batch plant and the associated equipment subject to this AO to exceed 7 percent opacity. [R307-401-8] II.B.8.b Each storage silo associated with a concrete batch plant subject to this AO shall be equipped with a fabric filter, a baghouse, a bin vent, or a dust collector to control particulate emissions generated during filling of the silos. [R307-401-8] II.B.9 Hot Mix Asphalt Plants: II.B.9.a The owner/operator shall use natural gas, propane, fuel oil, on-specification used oil as defined in R315-15, or any combination thereof as fuel in the hot mix asphalt plants subject to this AO. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.b The sulfur content of any fuel oil burned in the hot mix asphalt plants subject to this AO shall not exceed 15 ppm by weight. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.b.1 The sulfur content shall be determined by ASTM Method D2880-71, D4294-89, or approved equivalent. Certification of fuel oil shall be either by the owner/operator's own testing or by test reports from the fuel oil marketer. [R307-203-1, R307-401-8] DAQE-AN162000001-24 Page 11 II.B.9.b.2 The owner/operator shall keep and maintain records of the test certification of sulfur content in fuel oil. Records of the test certifications shall be kept for all periods when the plant is in operation. [R307-203-1, R307-401-8] II.B.9.c The owner/operator shall control particulate emissions from each hot mix asphalt plant dryer subject to this AO with a baghouse. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.d The owner/operator shall install a manometer or magnehelic pressure gauge to measure the static pressure drop across each baghouse. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.d.1 The pressure gauge shall be located such that an inspector/operator can safely read the indicator at any time. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.d.2 The pressure gauge shall measure the pressure drop in 1-inch water column increments or less. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.d.3 During operation of the baghouse, the owner/operator shall maintain the static pressure drop across the baghouse between 3.0 and 7.0 inches of water column. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.d.4 The owner/operator shall record the pressure drop at least once per operating day while the baghouse is operating. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.d.5 The owner/operator shall maintain the following records of the pressure drop readings: A. Unit identification; B. Date of reading; C. Daily static pressure drop readings. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.d.6 At least once every 12 months, the owner/operator shall calibrate the pressure gauges in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions or replace the gauges. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.e Each storage silo associated with a hot mix asphalt plant subject to this AO shall be equipped with a fabric filter, a baghouse, a bin vent, or a dust collector to control particulate emissions generated during filling of the silos. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.f The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any baghouse, bin vent, dust collector or fabric filter associated with a hot mix asphalt plant subject to this AO to exceed 10 percent opacity. [R307-401-8] II.B.10 Stack Testing Requirements II.B.10.a The owner/operator shall conduct any stack testing required by this AO according to the following conditions. [R307-401-8] II.B.10.a.1 Notification At least 30 days prior to conducting a stack test, the owner/operator shall submit a source test protocol to the Director. The source test protocol shall include the items contained in R307-165-3. If directed by the Director, the owner/operator shall attend a pretest conference. [R307-165-3, R307-401-8] II.B.10.a.2 Testing & Test Conditions The owner/operator shall conduct testing according to the approved source test protocol and according to the test conditions contained in R307-165-4. [R307-165-4, R307-401-8] DAQE-AN162000001-24 Page 12 II.B.10.a.3 Access The owner/operator shall provide Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)- or Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)-approved access to the test location. [R307-401-8] II.B.10.a.4 Reporting No later than 60 days after completing a stack test, the owner/operator shall submit a written report of the results from the stack testing to the Director. The report shall include validated results and supporting information. [R307-165-5, R307-401-8] II.B.10.a.5 Possible Rejection of Test Results The Director may reject stack testing results if the test did not follow the approved source test protocol or for a reason specified in R307-165-6. [R307-165-6, R307-401-8] II.B.10.a.6 Test Methods When performing stack testing, the owner/operator shall use the appropriate EPA-approved test methods as acceptable to the Director. Acceptable test methods for pollutants are listed below. [R307-401-8] II.B.10.b Standard Conditions A. Temperature - 68 degrees Fahrenheit (293 K). B. Pressure - 29.92 in Hg (101.3 kPa). C. Averaging Time - As specified in the applicable test method. [40 CFR 60 Subpart A, 40 CFR 63 Subpart A, R307-401-8] II.B.10.b.1 PM 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 5 or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. [R307-401-8] II.B.10.b.2 PM10 Total PM10 = Filterable PM10 + Condensable PM Filterable PM10 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 5; 40 CFR 51, Appendix M, Method 201; Method 201A; or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. If other approved testing methods are used which cannot measure the PM10 fraction of the filterable particulate emissions, all of the filterable particulate emissions shall be considered PM10. Condensable PM 40 CFR 51, Appendix M, Method 202 or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. [R307-401-8] DAQE-AN162000001-24 Page 13 II.B.10.b.3 PM2.5 Total PM2.5 = Filterable PM2.5 + Condensable PM Filterable PM2.5 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 5; 40 CFR 51, Appendix M, Method 201A or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. If other approved testing methods are used which cannot measure the PM2.5 fraction of the filterable particulate emissions, all of the filterable particulate emissions shall be considered PM2.5. Condensable PM 40 CFR 51, Appendix M, Method 202 or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. [R307-401-8] II.B.11 Emission Unit Specific Conditions II.B.11.a The owner/operator shall not emit more than the following rates and concentrations from each asphalt drum mixer: Pollutant grains/dscf PM 0.030 PM10 0.024 PM2.5 0.024 [R307-401-8] II.B.11.a.1 Compliance Demonstration To demonstrate compliance with the emission limitations above, the owner/operator shall perform stack testing on the emissions unit according to the stack testing conditions contained in this AO. The owner/operator shall test for condensable PM; however, the condensable particulate emissions shall not be used for compliance demonstration, but shall be used for inventory purposes. [R307-165-2, R307-401-8] II.B.11.a.2 Initial Test The owner/operator shall conduct an initial stack test on the emission unit within 180 days after startup of the emission unit. [R307-165-2] II.B.11.a.3 Test Frequency The owner/operator shall conduct a stack test on the emission unit every third calendar year after the date of the most recent stack test, not exceeding 42 months between tests. The Director may require the owner/operator to perform a stack test at any time. [R307-165-2, R307-401-8] DAQE-AN162000001-24 Page 14 II.B.12 Stationary Diesel-Fired Engines: II.B.12.a The owner/operator shall comply with the applicable requirements in 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ and 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII for all stationary engines. An engine is considered a stationary engine if the engine meets the definition of "stationary reciprocating internal combustion engine (RICE)" in 40 CFR 63.6675 or "stationary internal combustion engine" in 40 CFR 60.4219. In determining whether an engine is considered a stationary engine, the time the engine remains at a location shall be considered. 40 CFR 1068.30 states that an engine is a stationary engine if: A. The engine remains at a location for more than 12 consecutive months. B. The engine remains at a seasonal source during the full annual operating period of the seasonal source. A seasonal source is a stationary source that remains in a single location on a permanent basis (i.e., at least two (2) years) and that operates at that single location approximately three (3) months (or more) each year. [40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII, 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ, R307-401-8] II.B.12.b The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any stationary diesel-fired engine subject to this AO to exceed 20 percent opacity. [R307-201-3, R307-305-3, R307-401-8] II.B.12.c The sulfur content of any fuel oil or diesel fuel burned in a stationary diesel-fired engine subject to this AO shall not exceed 15 ppm. [40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII, 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ, R307-401-8] II.B.12.c.1 The sulfur content shall be determined by ASTM Method D2880-71, D4294-89, or approved equivalent. Certification of diesel fuel shall be either by the owner/operator's own testing or by test reports from the diesel fuel marketer. [R307-203-1, R307-401-8] II.B.12.c.2 The owner/operator shall keep and maintain records of the test certification of sulfur content in diesel fuel. Records of the test certification shall be kept for all periods when the plant is in operation. [R307-203-1, R307-401-8] PERMIT HISTORY This Approval Order shall supersede (if a modification) or will be based on the following documents: Is Derived From NOI dated February 26, 2024 DAQE-AN162000001-24 Page 15 ACRONYMS The following lists commonly used acronyms and associated translations as they apply to this document: 40 CFR Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations AO Approval Order BACT Best Available Control Technology CAA Clean Air Act CAAA Clean Air Act Amendments CDS Classification Data System (used by Environmental Protection Agency to classify sources by size/type) CEM Continuous emissions monitor CEMS Continuous emissions monitoring system CFR Code of Federal Regulations CMS Continuous monitoring system CO Carbon monoxide CO2 Carbon Dioxide CO2e Carbon Dioxide Equivalent - Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 98, Subpart A, Table A-1 COM Continuous opacity monitor DAQ/UDAQ Division of Air Quality DAQE This is a document tracking code for internal Division of Air Quality use EPA Environmental Protection Agency FDCP Fugitive dust control plan GHG Greenhouse Gas(es) - Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations 52.21 (b)(49)(i) GWP Global Warming Potential - Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 86.1818- 12(a) HAP or HAPs Hazardous air pollutant(s) ITA Intent to Approve LB/YR Pounds per year MACT Maximum Achievable Control Technology MMBTU Million British Thermal Units NAA Nonattainment Area NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards NESHAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants NOI Notice of Intent NOx Oxides of nitrogen NSPS New Source Performance Standard NSR New Source Review PM10 Particulate matter less than 10 microns in size PM2.5 Particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in size PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration PTE Potential to Emit R307 Rules Series 307 R307-401 Rules Series 307 - Section 401 SO2 Sulfur dioxide Title IV Title IV of the Clean Air Act Title V Title V of the Clean Air Act TPY Tons per year UAC Utah Administrative Code VOC Volatile organic compounds DAQE-IN162000001-24 April 4, 2024 Keith Gilbert Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC 871 East Fiddler Canyon Road Cedar City, UT 87421 keithgilbert3@me.com Dear Mr. Gilbert: Re: Intent to Approve: New Portable Source (Aggregate, Hot Mix Asphalt, Concrete, and Stationary Diesel-Fired Engines) Project Number: N162000001 The attached document is the Intent to Approve (ITA) for the above-referenced project. The ITA is subject to public review. Any comments received shall be considered before an Approval Order (AO) is issued. The Division of Air Quality is authorized to charge a fee for reimbursement of the actual costs incurred in the issuance of an AO. An invoice will follow upon issuance of the final AO. Future correspondence on this ITA should include the engineer's name, Dungan Adams, as well as the DAQE number as shown on the upper right-hand corner of this letter. Dungan Adams, can be reached at (385) 290-2474 or dunganadams@utah.gov, if you have any questions. Sincerely, {{$s }} Alan D. Humpherys, Manager New Source Review Section ADH:DA:jg cc: Salt Lake County Health Department 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 536-4000 • Fax (801) 536-4099 • T.D.D. (801) 536-4414 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director STATE OF UTAH Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality INTENT TO APPROVE DAQE-IN162000001-24 New Portable Source (Aggregate, Hot Mix Asphalt, Concrete, and Stationary Diesel-Fired Engines) Prepared By Dungan Adams, Engineer (385) 290-2474 dunganadams@utah.gov Issued to Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC - Portable Aggregate Source Issued On April 4, 2024 {{$s }} New Source Review Section Manager Alan D. Humpherys {{#s=Sig_es_:signer1:signature}} TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE/SIGNATURE PAGE ....................................................................................................... 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ...................................................................................................... 3 CONTACT/LOCATION INFORMATION ............................................................................... 3 SOURCE INFORMATION ........................................................................................................ 3 General Description ................................................................................................................ 3 NSR Classification .................................................................................................................. 4 Source Classification .............................................................................................................. 4 Applicable Federal Standards ................................................................................................. 4 Project Description.................................................................................................................. 4 PUBLIC NOTICE STATEMENT............................................................................................... 4 SECTION I: GENERAL PROVISIONS .................................................................................... 5 SECTION II: PERMITTED EQUIPMENT .............................................................................. 5 SECTION II: SPECIAL PROVISIONS ..................................................................................... 7 PERMIT HISTORY ................................................................................................................... 14 ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................................... 15 DAQE-IN162000001-24 Page 3 GENERAL INFORMATION CONTACT/LOCATION INFORMATION Owner Name Source Name Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC - Portable Aggregate Source Mailing Address Physical Address 871 East Fiddler Canyon Road Not Permanently based at a Site Cedar City, UT 87421 Portable Source, UT Source Contact Name: Keith Gilbert Phone: (435) 383-3403 Email: keithgilbert3@me.com SIC code 2951 (Asphalt Paving Mixtures & Blocks) SOURCE INFORMATION General Description Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC has requested an AO for a portable source. This AO is issued to Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC for the purpose of operating a portable source that belongs to the nonmetallic mineral processing industry, including aggregate, concrete, and hot mix asphalt plants. The plants subject to this AO shall be temporarily operated for a period of not more than 180 working days at any location. A relocation shall not exceed 365 consecutive days at any location in the State of Utah. Prior to the commencement of operation at a location, the owner/operator shall submit a Notice of Temporary Relocation to the Director and obtain a Temporary Relocation Approval Letter. If the owner/operator operates at a location in compliance with the AO, the Notice of Temporary Relocation, and the Temporary Relocation Approval Letter, dispersion modeling results have determined that there will be no adverse impacts on air quality at the nearest residence or commercial establishment. Compliance with the opacity limits and operating practices contained in the conditions of the AO shall be considered an application of BACT. The emission control measures required under the conditions of this AO shall apply to all of the locations at which the source approved by this AO operates. The source may be required to adopt additional measures for controlling emissions to address location-specific concerns. This AO limits the source to emissions that are below the major source threshold, making it a "Synthetic Minor" source. DAQE-IN162000001-24 Page 4 NSR Classification New Minor Source Source Classification Located in Portable Source County Airs Source Size: SM Applicable Federal Standards NSPS (Part 60), A: General Provisions NSPS (Part 60), I: Standards of Performance for Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities NSPS (Part 60), OOO: Standards of Performance for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants NSPS (Part 60), IIII: Standards of Performance for Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines MACT (Part 63), A: General Provisions MACT (Part 63), ZZZZ: National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines Title V (Part 70) Area Source Project Description The owner/operator has requested an AO for a portable source. The portable source belongs to the nonmetallic mineral processing industry, including aggregate processing plants, concrete batch plants, hot mix asphalt plants, and stationary diesel-fired engines. PUBLIC NOTICE STATEMENT The NOI for the above-referenced project has been evaluated and has been found to be consistent with the requirements of UAC R307. Air pollution producing sources and/or their air control facilities may not be constructed, installed, established, or modified prior to the issuance of an AO by the Director. A 30-day public comment period will be held in accordance with UAC R307-401-7. A notification of the intent to approve will be published in the Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret News on April 7, 2024. During the public comment period the proposal and the evaluation of its impact on air quality will be available for the public to review and provide comment. If anyone so requests a public hearing within 15 days of publication, it will be held in accordance with UAC R307-401-7. The hearing will be held as close as practicable to the location of the source. Any comments received during the public comment period and the hearing will be evaluated. The proposed conditions of the AO may be changed as a result of the comments received. DAQE-IN162000001-24 Page 5 SECTION I: GENERAL PROVISIONS The intent is to issue an air quality AO authorizing the project with the following recommended conditions and that failure to comply with any of the conditions may constitute a violation of the AO. I.1 All definitions, terms, abbreviations, and references used in this AO conform to those used in the UAC R307 and 40 CFR. Unless noted otherwise, references cited in these AO conditions refer to those rules. [R307-101] I.2 The limits set forth in this AO shall not be exceeded without prior approval. [R307-401] I.3 Modifications to the equipment or processes approved by this AO that could affect the emissions covered by this AO must be reviewed and approved. [R307-401-1] I.4 All records referenced in this AO or in other applicable rules, which are required to be kept by the owner/operator, shall be made available to the Director or Director's representative upon request, and the records shall include the two-year period prior to the date of the request. Unless otherwise specified in this AO or in other applicable state and federal rules, records shall be kept for a minimum of two (2) years. [R307-401-8] I.5 At all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction, owners and operators shall, to the extent practicable, maintain and operate any equipment approved under this AO, including associated air pollution control equipment, in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practice for minimizing emissions. Determination of whether acceptable operating and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to the Director which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, opacity observations, review of operating and maintenance procedures, and inspection of the source. All maintenance performed on equipment authorized by this AO shall be recorded. [R307-401-4] I.6 The owner/operator shall comply with UAC R307-107. General Requirements: Breakdowns. [R307-107] I.7 The owner/operator shall comply with UAC R307-150 Series. Emission Inventories. [R307-150] SECTION II: PERMITTED EQUIPMENT The intent is to issue an air quality AO authorizing the project with the following recommended conditions and that failure to comply with any of the conditions may constitute a violation of the AO. II.A THE APPROVED EQUIPMENT II.A.1 Portable Source Including: Aggregate Processing Equipment, Concrete Batching Equipment, Hot Mix Asphalt Equipment, and Diesel-Fired Engines DAQE-IN162000001-24 Page 6 II.A.2 Aggregate Processing Equipment These plants may be subject to NSPS Subpart OOO requirements. These plants include: A. Crushers B. Screens C. Wash Plants D. Conveyors, Feeders, Hoppers, and Stackers II.A.3 Concrete Batch Plants These plants include: A. Central-Mix Concrete Batch Plants B. Truck-Mix Concrete Batch Plants C. Baghouses, Bin Vents, Dust Collectors, and Fabric Filters D. Storage Silos: Contents include: i. Cement ii. Fly Ash iii. Lime iv. Concrete Additives E. Boilers & Water Heaters i. Fuel: Natural Gas/Propane ii. Rating: less than 10 MMBtu/hr each F. Conveyors, Feeders, Hoppers, Pugmills, and Stackers II.A.4 Hot Mix Asphalt Plants These plants may be subject to NSPS Subpart I requirements. These plants include: A. Drum-Mix Hot Mix Asphalt Plants B. Baghouses, Bin Vents, Dust Collectors, and Fabric Filters C. Storage Silos: Contents include: i. Lime ii. Hot Mix Asphalt iii. RAP iv. Hot Mix Asphalt Additives D. Conveyors, Feeders, Hoppers, Mixers, Pugmills, and Stackers II.A.5 Stationary Diesel-Fired Engines These stationary engines produce mechanical or electrical power to operate the plants in this AO. These stationary engines are subject to MACT Subpart ZZZZ Requirements. These stationary engines may be subject to NSPS Subpart IIII Requirements. DAQE-IN162000001-24 Page 7 II.A.6 Storage Tanks Contents include: A. Asphalt Cement B. Diesel Fuel C. On-Specification Used Oil D. Gasoline E. Propane SECTION II: SPECIAL PROVISIONS The intent is to issue an air quality AO authorizing the project with the following recommended conditions and that failure to comply with any of the conditions may constitute a violation of the AO. II.B REQUIREMENTS AND LIMITATIONS II.B.1 Notice of Temporary Relocation: II.B.1.a The owner/operator shall submit a Notice of Temporary Relocation and obtain a Temporary Relocation Approval Letter prior to operating a portable source at any location. [R307-401-8] II.B.1.a.1 Notices of Temporary Relocation shall include the following information (Form 15a is available from the DAQ): A. The address and driving directions of the proposed location. B. A list of the equipment to be operated at the proposed location, including: 1. The type of equipment. 2. The rated capacity of the equipment. 3. The date of manufacture of the equipment. C. A site diagram showing the general equipment location on site (to scale), and the distance to the nearest houses, barns, or commercial operations (to scale if the plant boundary is located within one (1) mile of these buildings). D. The expected startup and completion dates for operating at the proposed location. E. The expected hours of operation, including start and stop times. F. The emission control measures that the owner/operator proposes to adopt for each emission point at each location, including a FDCP specific to the proposed location. G. A reference to this AO. [R307-401-8] DAQE-IN162000001-24 Page 8 II.B.2 Temporary Relocation Approval Letter: II.B.2.a The owner/operator shall operate and conduct its operations of the aggregate processing plants, the concrete batch plants, the hot mix asphalt plants, and the diesel-fired engines in accordance with the terms and conditions of this AO and the terms and conditions of the Temporary Relocation Approval Letter issued by the Director for each relocation. In the case of any discrepancy between the conditions of this AO and the Temporary Relocation Approval Letter, the owner/operator shall comply with the site-specific requirements in the Temporary Relocation Approval Letter. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.1 Portable sources that plan to relocate to a stationary source listed in the Utah PM10 or PM2.5 State Implementation Plan (SIP) shall comply with the standards and adopt the control strategies listed in the PM10 or PM2.5 SIP for the stationary source in addition to the requirements of this AO and the Temporary Relocation Approval Letter. [R307-401-8] II.B.3 Operations at Temporary Locations: II.B.3.a The owner/operator may temporarily relocate this portable source to any temporary location. The temporary relocation shall not exceed 180 working days and shall not exceed 365 consecutive days. If a temporary relocation is expected to exceed 180 working days, the owner/operator shall submit an NOI in accordance with R307-401 for a permanent source and obtain a valid AO prior to the end of the 180 working days. [R307-401-17] II.B.3.a.1 The owner/operator shall keep and maintain the following records on site: A. The initial relocation date at each location. B. Working days at each location. C. Consecutive days at each location. [R307-401-17] II.B.3.a.2 The owner/operator shall submit records of the working days at each site and the consecutive days at each site to the Director at the end of each 180 calendar days. [R307-401-17] II.B.3.b The owner/operator shall not exceed the daily production limit specified in the Temporary Relocation Approval Letter. [R307-401-8] II.B.3.b.1 The daily production shall be determined by belt scale records, scale house records, vendor receipts or by any other method as acceptable to the Director or the Director's representative. [R307-401-8] II.B.3.b.2 The owner/operator shall keep and maintain the following production records on site for all periods that the portable source is in operation at any location: A. The date production occurs at each location. B. The production for that date at each location. C. The total production at each location. [R307-401-8] II.B.3.b.3 The owner/operator shall submit records of the actual production rate to the Director at the end of each 180 calendar days. [R307-401-17] DAQE-IN162000001-24 Page 9 II.B.3.c The owner/operator shall only operate between 6:00 AM and 10:00 PM each day. The hours of operation may be altered upon approval of the Director; however, any request for a change in these hours shall include modeling showing that all NAAQS are met. [R307-401-10, R307-401-8] II.B.3.c.1 The owner/operator shall keep and maintain the following records of operation for all periods that the portable source is in operation at any location: A. The time operations began each day at each location. B. The time operations ended each day at each location. [R307-401-8] II.B.3.d Unless otherwise specified in this AO, the owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any installation of this AO to exceed 20 percent opacity. [R307-201-3, R307-305-3] II.B.3.d.1 Unless otherwise specified in this AO, opacity observations of emissions from stationary sources shall be conducted according to 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9. [R307-201-3, R307-305-3] II.B.4 Emission Estimates and Emissions Inventory: II.B.4.a The owner/operator shall estimate the actual emissions that resulted from operating at each location. These emissions shall be summarized for each piece of equipment, each source of fugitive dust, and each source of fugitive emissions at the completion of operation at each location. The Director may require a summary of emissions for each location at any time. [R307-401-8, R307-150-1] II.B.4.a.1 Records of actual emissions shall be kept for each location. Records of actual emissions shall include the following: A. The emission factors used to estimate emissions for each location. B. All variables (production, hours of operation, haul road lengths, etc.) used in the emission estimates for each location. C. The actual emissions from each location, which includes emissions from each emission unit, each source of fugitive dust, and each source of fugitive emissions. [R307-401-8, R307-150-1] II.B.5 Haul Roads and Fugitive Dust Sources: II.B.5.a The owner/operator shall comply with a FDCP consistent with R307-309-6 for each location. The FDCP for a location shall address the control of all fugitive dust sources at that location. [R307-401-8] II.B.5.b The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from haul roads and fugitive dust sources to exceed 20 percent opacity on site and 10 percent at the property boundary for each temporary location. [R307-205-4, R307-309-5, R307-401-8] II.B.5.b.1 Visible emission determinations for fugitive dust from haul roads and operational areas shall use procedures similar to Method 9. The normal requirement for observations to be made at 15-second intervals over a six-minute period, however, shall not apply. Visible emissions shall be measured at the densest point of the plume but at a point not less than one-half vehicle length behind the vehicle and not less than one-half the height of the vehicle. [R307-205-4, R307-309-5, R307-401-8] DAQE-IN162000001-24 Page 10 II.B.5.c The owner/operator shall use water application or other control options contained in R307-309 to minimize emissions from fugitive dust and fugitive emissions sources, including haul roads, storage piles, and disturbed areas. Controls shall be applied to ensure the opacity limits in this AO are not exceeded. [R307-309, R307-401-8] II.B.6 Aggregate Processing Plants: II.B.6.a The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any crusher subject to this AO to exceed 12 percent opacity. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] II.B.6.b The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any screen subject to this AO to exceed 7 percent opacity. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] II.B.6.c The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any conveyor transfer point subject to this AO to exceed 7 percent opacity. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] II.B.6.d The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any conveyor drop point at each temporary location to exceed 20 percent opacity. [R307-205-4, R307-309-5, R307-401-8] II.B.6.e The owner/operator shall install water sprays on all crushers, all screens, all conveyor transfer points, and all conveyor drop points at each location to control emissions. Sprays shall operate as required to ensure the opacity limits in this AO are not exceeded. [R307-401-8] II.B.6.f The owner/operator shall perform monthly periodic inspections to check that water is flowing to discharge spray nozzles associated with each crusher, screen, and conveyor. If the owner/operator finds that water is not flowing properly during an inspection of the water spray nozzles, the owner/operator shall initiate corrective action within 24 hours and complete corrective action as expediently as practical. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] II.B.6.f.1 Records of the water sprays inspections shall be kept and maintained in a logbook for all periods when the plant is in operation. The records shall include the following items: A. Date the inspections were made. B. Any corrective actions taken. C. Control mechanism used if sprays are not operating. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] II.B.7 Crushers, Screens, and Conveyors subject to NSPS Subpart OOO: II.B.7.a The owner/operator shall conduct an initial performance test for all crushers, screens, and conveyor transfer points subject to this AO that are subject to NSPS OOO. Performance tests shall meet the limitations specified in Table 3 to Subpart OOO. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO] II.B.7.a.1 Initial performance tests for fugitive emissions limits shall be conducted according to 40 CFR 60.675(c). The owner or operator may use methods and procedures specified in 40 CFR 60.675(e) as alternatives to the reference methods and procedures specified in 40 CFR 60.675(c). [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO] II.B.7.a.2 The owner/operator shall keep and maintain records of the initial performance test for each crusher, screen, and conveyor for the life of the equipment. The record of the initial performance test must be made available to the Director or the Director's representative upon request. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] II.B.8 Concrete Batch Plants: II.B.8.a The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any concrete batch plant and the associated equipment subject to this AO to exceed 7 percent opacity. [R307-401-8] DAQE-IN162000001-24 Page 11 II.B.8.b Each storage silo associated with a concrete batch plant subject to this AO shall be equipped with a fabric filter, a baghouse, a bin vent, or a dust collector to control particulate emissions generated during filling of the silos. [R307-401-8] II.B.9 Hot Mix Asphalt Plants: II.B.9.a The owner/operator shall use natural gas, propane, fuel oil, on-specification used oil as defined in R315-15, or any combination thereof as fuel in the hot mix asphalt plants subject to this AO. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.b The sulfur content of any fuel oil burned in the hot mix asphalt plants subject to this AO shall not exceed 15 ppm by weight. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.b.1 The sulfur content shall be determined by ASTM Method D2880-71, D4294-89, or approved equivalent. Certification of fuel oil shall be either by the owner/operator's own testing or by test reports from the fuel oil marketer. [R307-203-1, R307-401-8] II.B.9.b.2 The owner/operator shall keep and maintain records of the test certification of sulfur content in fuel oil. Records of the test certifications shall be kept for all periods when the plant is in operation. [R307-203-1, R307-401-8] II.B.9.c The owner/operator shall control particulate emissions from each hot mix asphalt plant dryer subject to this AO with a baghouse. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.d The owner/operator shall install a manometer or magnehelic pressure gauge to measure the static pressure drop across each baghouse. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.d.1 The pressure gauge shall be located such that an inspector/operator can safely read the indicator at any time. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.d.2 The pressure gauge shall measure the pressure drop in 1-inch water column increments or less. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.d.3 During operation of the baghouse, the owner/operator shall maintain the static pressure drop across the baghouse between 3.0 and 7.0 inches of water column. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.d.4 The owner/operator shall record the pressure drop at least once per operating day while the baghouse is operating. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.d.5 The owner/operator shall maintain the following records of the pressure drop readings: A. Unit identification; B. Date of reading; C. Daily static pressure drop readings. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.d.6 At least once every 12 months, the owner/operator shall calibrate the pressure gauges in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions or replace the gauges. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.e Each storage silo associated with a hot mix asphalt plant subject to this AO shall be equipped with a fabric filter, a baghouse, a bin vent, or a dust collector to control particulate emissions generated during filling of the silos. [R307-401-8] DAQE-IN162000001-24 Page 12 II.B.9.f The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any baghouse, bin vent, dust collector or fabric filter associated with a hot mix asphalt plant subject to this AO to exceed 10 percent opacity. [R307-401-8] II.B.10 Stack Testing Requirements II.B.10.a The owner/operator shall conduct any stack testing required by this AO according to the following conditions. [R307-401-8] II.B.10.a.1 Notification At least 30 days prior to conducting a stack test, the owner/operator shall submit a source test protocol to the Director. The source test protocol shall include the items contained in R307-165-3. If directed by the Director, the owner/operator shall attend a pretest conference. [R307-165-3, R307-401-8] II.B.10.a.2 Testing & Test Conditions The owner/operator shall conduct testing according to the approved source test protocol and according to the test conditions contained in R307-165-4. [R307-165-4, R307-401-8] II.B.10.a.3 Access The owner/operator shall provide Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)- or Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)-approved access to the test location. [R307-401-8] II.B.10.a.4 Reporting No later than 60 days after completing a stack test, the owner/operator shall submit a written report of the results from the stack testing to the Director. The report shall include validated results and supporting information. [R307-165-5, R307-401-8] II.B.10.a.5 Possible Rejection of Test Results The Director may reject stack testing results if the test did not follow the approved source test protocol or for a reason specified in R307-165-6. [R307-165-6, R307-401-8] II.B.10.a.6 Test Methods When performing stack testing, the owner/operator shall use the appropriate EPA-approved test methods as acceptable to the Director. Acceptable test methods for pollutants are listed below. [R307-401-8] II.B.10.b Standard Conditions A. Temperature - 68 degrees Fahrenheit (293 K). B. Pressure - 29.92 in Hg (101.3 kPa). C. Averaging Time - As specified in the applicable test method. [40 CFR 60 Subpart A, 40 CFR 63 Subpart A, R307-401-8] II.B.10.b.1 PM 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 5 or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. [R307-401-8] DAQE-IN162000001-24 Page 13 II.B.10.b.2 PM10 Total PM10 = Filterable PM10 + Condensable PM Filterable PM10 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 5; 40 CFR 51, Appendix M, Method 201; Method 201A; or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. If other approved testing methods are used which cannot measure the PM10 fraction of the filterable particulate emissions, all of the filterable particulate emissions shall be considered PM10. Condensable PM 40 CFR 51, Appendix M, Method 202 or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. [R307-401-8] II.B.10.b.3 PM2.5 Total PM2.5 = Filterable PM2.5 + Condensable PM Filterable PM2.5 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 5; 40 CFR 51, Appendix M, Method 201A or other EPA- approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. If other approved testing methods are used which cannot measure the PM2.5 fraction of the filterable particulate emissions, all of the filterable particulate emissions shall be considered PM2.5. Condensable PM 40 CFR 51, Appendix M, Method 202 or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. [R307-401-8] II.B.11 Emission Unit Specific Conditions II.B.11.a The owner/operator shall not emit more than the following rates and concentrations from each asphalt drum mixer: Pollutant grains/dscf PM 0.030 PM10 0.024 PM2.5 0.024 [R307-401-8] II.B.11.a.1 Compliance Demonstration To demonstrate compliance with the emission limitations above, the owner/operator shall perform stack testing on the emissions unit according to the stack testing conditions contained in this AO. The owner/operator shall test for condensable PM; however, the condensable particulate emissions shall not be used for compliance demonstration, but shall be used for inventory purposes. [R307-165-2, R307-401-8] II.B.11.a.2 Initial Test The owner/operator shall conduct an initial stack test on the emission unit within 180 days after startup of the emission unit. [R307-165-2] DAQE-IN162000001-24 Page 14 II.B.11.a.3 Test Frequency The owner/operator shall conduct a stack test on the emission unit every third calendar year after the date of the most recent stack test, not exceeding 42 months between tests. The Director may require the owner/operator to perform a stack test at any time. [R307-165-2, R307-401-8] II.B.12 Stationary Diesel-Fired Engines: II.B.12.a The owner/operator shall comply with the applicable requirements in 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ and 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII for all stationary engines. An engine is considered a stationary engine if the engine meets the definition of "stationary reciprocating internal combustion engine (RICE)" in 40 CFR 63.6675 or "stationary internal combustion engine" in 40 CFR 60.4219. In determining whether an engine is considered a stationary engine, the time the engine remains at a location shall be considered. 40 CFR 1068.30 states that an engine is a stationary engine if: A. The engine remains at a location for more than 12 consecutive months. B. The engine remains at a seasonal source during the full annual operating period of the seasonal source. A seasonal source is a stationary source that remains in a single location on a permanent basis (i.e., at least two (2) years) and that operates at that single location approximately three (3) months (or more) each year. [40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII, 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ, R307-401-8] II.B.12.b The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any stationary diesel-fired engine subject to this AO to exceed 20 percent opacity. [R307-201-3, R307-305-3, R307-401-8] II.B.12.c The sulfur content of any fuel oil or diesel fuel burned in a stationary diesel-fired engine subject to this AO shall not exceed 15 ppm. [40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII, 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ, R307-401-8] II.B.12.c.1 The sulfur content shall be determined by ASTM Method D2880-71, D4294-89, or approved equivalent. Certification of diesel fuel shall be either by the owner/operator's own testing or by test reports from the diesel fuel marketer. [R307-203-1, R307-401-8] II.B.12.c.2 The owner/operator shall keep and maintain records of the test certification of sulfur content in diesel fuel. Records of the test certification shall be kept for all periods when the plant is in operation. [R307-203-1, R307-401-8] PERMIT HISTORY This Approval Order shall supersede (if a modification) or will be based on the following documents: Is Derived From NOI dated February 26, 2023 DAQE-IN162000001-24 Page 15 ACRONYMS The following lists commonly used acronyms and associated translations as they apply to this document: 40 CFR Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations AO Approval Order BACT Best Available Control Technology CAA Clean Air Act CAAA Clean Air Act Amendments CDS Classification Data System (used by Environmental Protection Agency to classify sources by size/type) CEM Continuous emissions monitor CEMS Continuous emissions monitoring system CFR Code of Federal Regulations CMS Continuous monitoring system CO Carbon monoxide CO2 Carbon Dioxide CO2e Carbon Dioxide Equivalent - Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 98, Subpart A, Table A-1 COM Continuous opacity monitor DAQ/UDAQ Division of Air Quality DAQE This is a document tracking code for internal Division of Air Quality use EPA Environmental Protection Agency FDCP Fugitive dust control plan GHG Greenhouse Gas(es) - Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations 52.21 (b)(49)(i) GWP Global Warming Potential - Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 86.1818- 12(a) HAP or HAPs Hazardous air pollutant(s) ITA Intent to Approve LB/YR Pounds per year MACT Maximum Achievable Control Technology MMBTU Million British Thermal Units NAA Nonattainment Area NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards NESHAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants NOI Notice of Intent NOx Oxides of nitrogen NSPS New Source Performance Standard NSR New Source Review PM10 Particulate matter less than 10 microns in size PM2.5 Particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in size PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration PTE Potential to Emit R307 Rules Series 307 R307-401 Rules Series 307 - Section 401 SO2 Sulfur dioxide Title IV Title IV of the Clean Air Act Title V Title V of the Clean Air Act TPY Tons per year UAC Utah Administrative Code VOC Volatile organic compounds DAQE-NN162000001-24 April 4, 2024 Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret News Legal Advertising Dept. P.O. Box 704055 West Valley City, UT 84170 Acct #9001399880 RE: Legal Notice of Intent to Approve This letter will confirm the authorization to publish the attached NOTICE in the Salt Lake Tribune and Deseret News on April 7, 2024. Please mail the invoice and affidavit of publication to the Utah State Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality, P.O. Box 144820, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4820. If you have any questions, contact Jeree Greenwood, who may be reached at (385) 306-6514. Sincerely, {{$s }} Jeree Greenwood Office Technician Enclosure cc: Wasatch Front Regional Council 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 536-4000 • Fax (801) 536-4099 • T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director DAQE-NN162000001-24 Page 2 NOTICE A Notice of Intent for the following project submitted in accordance with R307-401-1, Utah Administrative Code (UAC), has been received for consideration by the Director: Company Name: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC Location: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC - Portable Aggregate Source – Not Permanently based at a Site, Portable Source, UT Project Description: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC has requested an Approval Order for a portable source. The portable source belongs to the nonmetallic mineral processing industry, including aggregate, concrete, and hot mix asphalt plants. The plants shall be temporarily operated for a period of not more than 180 working days at any location. A relocation shall not exceed 365 consecutive days at any location in the State of Utah. Dispersion modeling results have determined that there will be no adverse impacts on air quality at the nearest residence or commercial establishment if the source operates at a location in compliance with the AO, the Notice of Temporary Relocation, and the Temporary Relocation Approval Letter. Compliance with the opacity limits and operating practices contained in the conditions of the Approval Order shall be considered as application of BACT. The emission control measures required under the conditions of the Approval Order shall apply to all of the locations at which the source operates. The source may be required to adopt additional measures for controlling emissions to address location-specific concerns. The completed engineering evaluation and air quality impact analysis showed the proposed project meets the requirements of federal air quality regulations and the State air quality rules. The Director intends to issue an Approval Order pending a 30-day public comment period. The project proposal, estimate of the effect on local air quality and draft Approval Order are available for public inspection and comment at the Utah Division of Air Quality, 195 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84116. Written comments received by the Division at this same address on or before May 7, 2024 will be considered in making the final decision on the approval/disapproval of the proposed project. Email comments will also be accepted at dunganadams@utah.gov. If anyone so requests to the Director in writing within 15 days of publication of this notice, a hearing will be held in accordance with R307-401-7, UAC. Under Section 19-1-301.5, a person who wishes to challenge a Permit Order may only raise an issue or argument during an adjudicatory proceeding that was raised during the public comment period and was supported with sufficient information or documentation to enable the Director to fully consider the substance and significance of the issue. Date of Notice: April 7, 2024 {{#s=Sig_es_:signer1:signature}} 4/8/24, 10:39 AM utahlegals.com/(S(c1ti1vab0bzswl2yqqiosqr2))/DetailsPrint.aspx?SID=c1ti1vab0bzswl2yqqiosqr2&ID=182275 https://www.utahlegals.com/(S(c1ti1vab0bzswl2yqqiosqr2))/DetailsPrint.aspx?SID=c1ti1vab0bzswl2yqqiosqr2&ID=182275 1/1 The Salt Lake Tribune Publication Name: The Salt Lake Tribune Publication URL: Publication City and State: Salt Lake City, UT Publication County: Salt Lake Notice Popular Keyword Category: Notice Keywords: southwest grading Notice Authentication Number: 202404081139338918379 1761527914 Notice URL: Back Notice Publish Date: Sunday, April 07, 2024 Notice Content NOTICE A Notice of Intent for the following project submitted in accordance with R307-401-1, Utah Administrative Code (UAC), has been received for consideration by the Director: Company Name: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC Location: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC - Portable Aggregate Source – Not Permanently based at a Site, Portable Source, UT Project Description: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC has requested an Approval Order for a portable source. The portable source belongs to the nonmetallic mineral processing industry, including aggregate, concrete, and hot mix asphalt plants. The plants shall be temporarily operated for a period of not more than 180 working days at any location. A relocation shall not exceed 365 consecutive days at any location in the State of Utah. Dispersion modeling results have determined that there will be no adverse impacts on air quality at the nearest residence or commercial establishment if the source operates at a location in compliance with the AO, the Notice of Temporary Relocation, and the Temporary Relocation Approval Letter. Compliance with the opacity limits and operating practices contained in the conditions of the Approval Order shall be considered as application of BACT. The emission control measures required under the conditions of the Approval Order shall apply to all of the locations at which the source operates. The source may be required to adopt additional measures for controlling emissions to address location-specific concerns. The completed engineering evaluation and air quality impact analysis showed the proposed project meets the requirements of federal air quality regulations and the State air quality rules. The Director intends to issue an Approval Order pending a 30-day public comment period. The project proposal, estimate of the effect on local air quality and draft Approval Order are available for public inspection and comment at the Utah Division of Air Quality, 195 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84116. Written comments received by the Division at this same address on or before May 7, 2024 will be considered in making the final decision on the approval/disapproval of the proposed project. Email comments will also be accepted at dunganadams@utah.gov. If anyone so requests to the Director in writing within 15 days of publication of this notice, a hearing will be held in accordance with R307-401-7, UAC. Under Section 19-1-301.5, a person who wishes to challenge a Permit Order may only raise an issue or argument during an adjudicatory proceeding that was raised during the public comment period and was supported with sufficient information or documentation to enable the Director to fully consider the substance and significance of the issue. Date of Notice: April 7, 2024 SLT0026924 Back DAQE-MN162000001-24 M E M O R A N D U M TO: 16200: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC- Portable Aggregate Source - (N162000001) THROUGH: Alan Humpherys, Minor NSR Manager – Air Quality FROM: Dungan Adams, Environmental Engineer – Air Quality DATE: May 8, 2024 SUBJECT: Response to Public Comment for 16200: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC- Portable Aggregate Source An Intent to Approve (ITA) for Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC - Portable Aggregate Source was proposed with a public comment period from April 7, 2024, through May 7, 2024. One commenter made several comments on the proposed Approval Order (AO) [DAQE- IN162000001-24]. The comments are attached to this memo. The Division of Air Quality (DAQ) considered the received comments as required by Utah Administrative Code (UAC) Rule R307-401-7(3) and provided the following responses: Comment #1 A comment was received requesting the permit be denied due to Southwest Grading and Paving (Southwest) trespassing on the Utah Iron property that it does not own or lease. DAQ Response To operate at any location, a portable source must submit a notice of temporary relocation and obtain a temporary relocation authorization or approval letter under UAC Rule R307-401-17. See also ITA, Condition II.B.1.a. A notice of temporary relocation must contain the exact location of the temporary site as well as the location of the closest businesses or properties. See id., Condition II.B.1.a.1. The temporary relocation authorization is issued only after the source’s generic AO has been approved. Southwest’s portable AO has not yet been approved, and the company cannot yet submit temporary relocation authorization. The ITA for Southwest is for a generic portable AO which does not specify the location of operation. Therefore, property ownership does not affect Southwest’s ability to obtain a generic portable AO. DAQ does not have the authority to determine property rights. It is the responsibility of the source to obtain the necessary authorizations to operate in a specific location, whether through a lease or other permission to operate. The commenter did not provide the authority that DAQ has to deny a permit due to property rights. 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 536-4000 • Fax (801) 536-4099 • T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director DAQE-MN162000001-24 Page 2 No changes were made as a result of this comment. Comment #2 A comment was received requesting the permit be denied due to Southwest operating beyond the scope of its Bureau of Land Management (BLM) permit. The requester asked the DAQ to contact the Cedar City BLM office to verify Southwest’s federal permit status. DAQ Response Southwest’s AO has not been approved, and therefore, they are not permitted to operate at any specific location at this time. The ITA for Southwest is for a generic portable AO which does not specify the location of operation. See also the DAQ Response to Comment #1. The conditions and requirements of Southwest’s BLM permit do not affect the applicant's ability to obtain a generic portable AO. The BLM and DAQ have separate and distinct authorities. The DAQ is responsible for determining the impact of the proposed source’s emissions of air pollutants and approving or denying the source’s application for a permit. The BLM is responsible for issuing permits to allow for mineral extraction on BLM-managed lands. The DAQ cannot interfere with the BLM’s regulatory authority. The ITA is within DAQ’s authority to issue because it meets all the requirements of the Clean Air Act and state law. The commenter failed to explain how the BLM and DAQ share authority. No changes were made as a result of this comment. Comment #3 A comment was received requesting confirmation that Southwest’s project meets the qualification of a portable source and stating that Southwest has commenced construction and poured concrete pads to make the operation permanent. DAQ Response Under UAC Rule R307-401-17, once a source receives its temporary relocation authorization, it shall not operate at the same location for more than 180 working days or 365 consecutive days. If a temporary relocation is expected to exceed 180 working days, the source shall submit a Notice of Intent (NOI) for a permanent source. Southwest currently meets the qualifications of a portable source under this definition. Southwest has not been permitted to operate at any location as it has not yet received its AO and a temporary relocation authorization. Sources may not commence construction until they have received an AO. DAQ compliance will evaluate whether Southwest has commenced construction without prior approval from the Director and begin an enforcement action with potential penalties for noncompliance if warranted. However, early construction does not necessarily disqualify the source from receiving an AO. No changes were made as a result of this comment. Comment #4 A comment was received requesting the DAQ confirm Southwest is complying with a fugitive dust control plan (FDCP) and conducting proper watering operations. DAQ Response Under UAC Rule R307-309-3, a FDCP is required for projects 1/4 acre or larger, and located in Cache, Box Elder, Weber, Davis, Salt Lake, Tooele, or Utah County. In addition, Condition II.B.5.a of the ITA requires a source to submit and comply with a FDCP for each temporary relocation. Southwest does not need to comply with this requirement at this time because its generic portable AO has not yet been DAQE-MN162000001-24 Page 3 approved and does not permit operation at a specific location. Once Southwest has submitted a temporary relocation authorization, the DAQ will require Southwest to submit and comply with a FDCP. If Southwest commences construction and operation without prior authorization from DAQ, this will be investigated by DAQ compliance and appropriately addressed through DAQ compliance process. No changes were made as a result of this comment. Engineer Review N162000001: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC- Portable Aggregate Source February 29, 2024 Page 1 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY ENGINEER REVIEW SOURCE INFORMATION Project Number N162000001 Owner Name Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC Mailing Address 871 East Fiddler Canyon Road Cedar City, UT, 87421 Source Name Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC- Portable Aggregate Source Source Location Not Permanently based at a Site Portable Source, UT SIC Code 2951 (Asphalt Paving Mixtures & Blocks) Source Contact Keith Gilbert Phone Number (435) 383-3403 Email keithgilbert3@me.com Billing Contact Keith Gilbert Phone Number (435) 383-3403 Email keithgilbert3@me.com Project Engineer Dungan Adams, Engineer Phone Number (385) 290-2474 Email dunganadams@utah.gov Notice of Intent (NOI) Submitted February 26, 2024 Date of Accepted Application March 1, 2024 Engineer Review N162000001: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC- Portable Aggregate Source February 29, 2024 Page 2 SOURCE DESCRIPTION General Description Bedrock Sand & Gravel LLC has requested an AO for a portable source. This AO is issued to Bedrock Sand & Gravel LLC for the purpose of operating a portable source that belongs to the nonmetallic mineral processing industry, including aggregate, concrete, and hot mix asphalt plants. The plants subject to this AO shall be temporarily operated for a period of not more than 180 working days at any location. A relocation shall not exceed 365 consecutive days at any location in the State of Utah. Prior to commencement of operation at a location, the owner/operator shall submit a Notice of Temporary Relocation to the Director and obtain a Temporary Relocation Approval Letter. If the owner/operator operates at a location in compliance with the AO, the Notice of Temporary Relocation, and the Temporary Relocation Approval Letter, dispersion modeling results have determined that there will be no adverse impacts on air quality at the nearest residence or commercial establishment. Compliance with the opacity limits and operating practices contained in the conditions of the AO shall be considered as application of BACT. The emission control measures required in the conditions of this AO shall apply to all of the locations at which the source approved by this AO operates. The source may be required to adopt additional measures for controlling emissions to address location-specific concerns. This AO limits the source to emissions that are below the major source threshold, making it a "Synthetic Minor" source. NSR Classification: New Minor Source Source Classification Airs Source Size: SM Applicable Federal Standards NSPS (Part 60), A: General Provisions NSPS (Part 60), I: Standards of Performance for Hot Mix Asphalt Facilities NSPS (Part 60), OOO: Standards of Performance for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants NSPS (Part 60), IIII: Standards of Performance for Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines MACT (Part 63), A: General Provisions MACT (Part 63), ZZZZ: National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines Title V (Part 70) Area Source Project Proposal New Portable Source (Aggregate, Hot Mix Asphalt, Concrete, and Stationary Diesel-Fired Engines) Engineer Review N162000001: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC- Portable Aggregate Source February 29, 2024 Page 3 Project Description The owner/operator has requested an AO for a portable source. The portable source belongs to the nonmetallic mineral processing industry, including aggregate processing plants, concrete batch plants, hot mix asphalt plants, and stationary diesel-fired engines. EMISSION IMPACT ANALYSIS DAQ modeled a generic aggregate site to determine the appropriate operating conditions for this AO. Ambient air quality impacts are smaller in the daytime hours than in the nighttime hours. To minimize impacts, the times of operation were limited. Sources will be allowed to operate from 6:00 am to 10:00 pm. A permit condition is included in this AO to reflect the time restriction of operation. More stringent times of operation may be included in different areas of the State. If a source wants to operate outside these times, the source must submit modeling with the temporary relocation letter to demonstrate that the NAAQS are met. [Last updated February 29, 2024] Engineer Review N162000001: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC- Portable Aggregate Source February 29, 2024 Page 4 Review of BACT for New/Modified Emission Units 1. BACT review regarding Process Equipment The process equipment for this portable source may include the following: A. Aggregate Equipment (Crushers, Screens, Conveyors) B. Concrete Batch Plants C. Hot Mix Asphalt Plants D. Stationary Diesel-Fired Engines A. Aggregate Equipment (Crushers, Screens, Conveyor Transfer Points) The following opacity limitations shall not be exceeded for the following aggregate equipment: Crushers - 12% Screens - 7% Conveyor Transfer Points - 7% Feeders - 7% Stackers - 7% Water sprays will control the emissions from crushers, screens, conveyors, feeders, and stackers. Sprays will operate as needed to comply with the above opacity limits. B. Concrete Batch Plants Fabric filters will control the emissions from concrete batch plants, the batching operations, and associated silos. The fabric filters will reduce visible emissions to 7% opacity or less. Any boiler/water heater used will use natural gas and/or propane as fuel. Any boiler/water heater shall be limited to 10% opacity. C. Hot Mix Asphalt Plants The hot mix asphalt plants may use propane, natural gas, fuel oil, on-specification used oil or any combination of these fuels as fuel. A baghouse will control the emissions from the drum mixer. The baghouse will reduce visible emissions to 10% opacity or less. In addition, the baghouse will reduce the concentration of PM10 in the exhaust to 0.024 grains per dscf or less. To ensure the baghouse is operating correctly, the baghouse pressure drop shall be between 3 and 7 inches of water column. The pressure gauge shall measure the pressure drop in 1-inch water column increments or less. D. Stationary Diesel-Fired Engines The NSR Section recommends the following as BACT for stationary diesel engines: 1. Proper engine tuning and maintenance 2. Visible emissions shall be 20% opacity or less 3. Sulfur content of fuel shall be 15 ppm or less 4. Compliance with the applicable federal standards contained in a. 40 CFR 60, NSPS, Subpart IIII, and b. 40 CFR 63, MACT, Subpart ZZZZ. [Last updated February 29, 2024] 2. BACT review regarding Fugitive Emissions and Fugitive Dust To ensure fugitive emissions and fugitive dust will be controlled, the owner/operator will be required to submit a FDCP for each location with the temporary relocation letter. Fugitive Engineer Review N162000001: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC- Portable Aggregate Source February 29, 2024 Page 5 emissions and fugitive dust will be generated from the following: A. Haul Roads B. Storage Piles C. Conveyor Drop Points D. Material Handling Operations A. Haul Roads Wet suppression (or other chemical treatment) will control the emissions from haul roads. To ensure the wet suppression is adequate, visible emissions from haul roads will not exceed 20% opacity on site and 10% at the property boundary. B. Storage Piles Routine water application will control the emissions from storage piles. To ensure the water application is of sufficient frequency, visible emissions from storage piles will not exceed 20% opacity on site and 10% at the property boundary. C. Conveyor Drop Points Water sprays will control the emissions from conveyor drop points. Sprays will operate as needed to reduce visible emissions to 20% opacity or less on site and 10% at the property boundary. D. Material Handling Operations Water application will control the emissions from material handling operations. To ensure the water application is of sufficient frequency, visible emissions from material handling will not exceed 20% opacity on site and 10% at the property boundary. [Last updated February 29, 2024] SECTION I: GENERAL PROVISIONS The intent is to issue an air quality AO authorizing the project with the following recommended conditions and that failure to comply with any of the conditions may constitute a violation of the AO. (New or Modified conditions are indicated as “New” in the Outline Label): I.1 All definitions, terms, abbreviations, and references used in this AO conform to those used in the UAC R307 and 40 CFR. Unless noted otherwise, references cited in these AO conditions refer to those rules. [R307-101] I.2 The limits set forth in this AO shall not be exceeded without prior approval. [R307-401] I.3 Modifications to the equipment or processes approved by this AO that could affect the emissions covered by this AO must be reviewed and approved. [R307-401-1] Engineer Review N162000001: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC- Portable Aggregate Source February 29, 2024 Page 6 I.4 All records referenced in this AO or in other applicable rules, which are required to be kept by the owner/operator, shall be made available to the Director or Director's representative upon request, and the records shall include the two-year period prior to the date of the request. Unless otherwise specified in this AO or in other applicable state and federal rules, records shall be kept for a minimum of two (2) years. [R307-401-8] I.5 At all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction, owners and operators shall, to the extent practicable, maintain and operate any equipment approved under this AO, including associated air pollution control equipment, in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practice for minimizing emissions. Determination of whether acceptable operating and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to the Director which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, opacity observations, review of operating and maintenance procedures, and inspection of the source. All maintenance performed on equipment authorized by this AO shall be recorded. [R307- 401-4] I.6 The owner/operator shall comply with UAC R307-107. General Requirements: Breakdowns. [R307-107] I.7 The owner/operator shall comply with UAC R307-150 Series. Emission Inventories. [R307- 150] SECTION II: PERMITTED EQUIPMENT The intent is to issue an air quality AO authorizing the project with the following recommended conditions and that failure to comply with any of the conditions may constitute a violation of the AO. (New or Modified conditions are indicated as “New” in the Outline Label): II.A THE APPROVED EQUIPMENT II.A.1 NEW Portable Source Including: Aggregate Processing Equipment, Concrete Batching Equipment, Hot Mix Asphalt Equipment, and Diesel-Fired Engines II.A.2 NEW Aggregate Processing Equipment These plants may be subject to NSPS Subpart OOO Requirements These plants include: A. Crushers B. Screens C. Wash Plants D. Conveyors, Feeders, Hoppers, and Stackers Engineer Review N162000001: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC- Portable Aggregate Source February 29, 2024 Page 7 II.A.3 NEW Concrete Batch Plants These plants include: A. Central-Mix Concrete Batch Plants B. Truck-Mix Concrete Batch Plants C. Baghouses, Bin Vents, Dust Collectors and Fabric Filters D. Storage Silos - Contents include: i. Cement ii. Fly Ash iii. Lime iv. Concrete Additives E. Boilers & Water Heaters i. Fuel: Natural Gas/Propane ii. Rating: less than 10 MMBtu/hr each F. Conveyors, Feeders, Hoppers, Pugmills, and Stackers II.A.4 NEW Hot Mix Asphalt Plants These plants may be subject to NSPS Subpart I Requirements These plants include: A. Drum-Mix Hot Mix Asphalt Plants B. Baghouses, Bin Vents, Dust Collectors and Fabric Filters C. Storage Silos - Contents include: i. Lime ii. Hot Mix Asphalt iii. RAP iv. Hot Mix Asphalt Additives D. Conveyors, Feeders, Hoppers, Mixers, Pugmills, and Stackers II.A.5 NEW Stationary Diesel-Fired Engines These stationary engines produce mechanical or electrical power to operate the plants in this AO. These stationary engines are subject to MACT Subpart ZZZZ Requirements These stationary engines may be subject to NSPS Subpart IIII Requirements II.A.6 NEW Storage Tanks Contents include: A. Asphalt Cement B. Diesel Fuel C. On-Specification Used Oil D. Gasoline E. Propane Engineer Review N162000001: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC- Portable Aggregate Source February 29, 2024 Page 8 SECTION II: SPECIAL PROVISIONS The intent is to issue an air quality AO authorizing the project with the following recommended conditions and that failure to comply with any of the conditions may constitute a violation of the AO. (New or Modified conditions are indicated as “New” in the Outline Label): II.B REQUIREMENTS AND LIMITATIONS II.B.1 NEW Notice of Temporary Relocation: II.B.1.a NEW The owner/operator shall submit a Notice of Temporary Relocation and obtain a Temporary Relocation Approval Letter prior to operating a portable source at any location. [R307-401-8] II.B.1.a.1 NEW Notices of Temporary Relocation shall include the following information (Form 15a is available from the DAQ): A. The address and driving directions of the proposed location B. A list of the equipment to be operated at the proposed location, including: 1. The type of equipment 2. The rated capacity of the equipment 3. The date of manufacture of the equipment C. A site diagram showing the general equipment location on site (to scale), and the distance to the nearest houses, barns or commercial operations (to scale if the plant boundary is located within one mile of these buildings) D. The expected startup and completion dates for operating at the proposed location. E. The expected hours of operation, including start and stop times F. The emission control measures that the owner/operator proposes to adopt for each emission point at each location; including a FDCP specific to the proposed location G. A reference to this AO [R307-401-8] II.B.2 NEW Temporary Relocation Approval Letter: II.B.2.a NEW The owner/operator shall operate and conduct its operations of the aggregate processing plants, the concrete batch plants, the hot mix asphalt plants, and the diesel-fired engines in accordance with the terms and conditions of this AO and the terms and conditions of the Temporary Relocation Approval Letter issued by the Director for each relocation. In the case of any discrepancy between the conditions of this AO and the Temporary Relocation Approval Letter, the owner/operator shall comply with the site-specific requirements in the Temporary Relocation Approval Letter. [R307-401-8] Engineer Review N162000001: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC- Portable Aggregate Source February 29, 2024 Page 9 II.B.2.a.1 NEW Portable sources that plan to relocate to a stationary source listed in the Utah PM10 or PM2.5 State Implementation Plan (SIP) shall comply with the standards and adopt the control strategies listed in the PM10 or PM2.5 SIP for the stationary source in addition to the requirements of this AO and the Temporary Relocation Approval Letter. [R307-401-8] II.B.3 NEW Operations at Temporary Locations: II.B.3.a NEW The owner/operator may temporarily relocate this portable source to any temporary location. The temporary relocation shall not exceed 180 working days and shall not exceed 365 consecutive days. If a temporary relocation is expected to exceed 180 working days, the owner/operator shall submit an NOI in accordance with R307-401 for a permanent source and obtain a valid AO prior to the end of the 180 working days. [R307-401-17] II.B.3.a.1 NEW The owner/operator shall keep and maintain the following records on site: A. The initial relocation date at each location B. Working days at each location C. Consecutive days at each location [R307-401-17] II.B.3.a.2 NEW The owner/operator shall submit records of the working days at each site and the consecutive days at each site to the Director at the end of each 180 calendar days. [R307-401-17] II.B.3.b NEW The owner/operator shall not exceed the daily production limit specified in the Temporary Relocation Approval Letter. [R307-401-8] II.B.3.b.1 NEW The daily production shall be determined by belt scale records, scale house records, vendor receipts or by any other method as acceptable to the Director or the Director's representative. [R307-401-8] II.B.3.b.2 NEW The owner/operator shall keep and maintain the following production records on site for all periods that the portable source is in operation at any location: A. The date production occurs at each location B. The production for that date at each location C. The total production at each location [R307-401-8] II.B.3.b.3 NEW The owner/operator shall submit records of the actual production rate to the Director at the end of each 180 calendar days. [R307-401-17] Engineer Review N162000001: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC- Portable Aggregate Source February 29, 2024 Page 10 II.B.3.c NEW The owner/operator shall only operate between 6:00 AM and 10:00 PM each day. The hours of operation may be altered upon approval of the Director; however, any request for a change in these hours shall include modeling showing that all NAAQS are met. [R307-401-8, R307- 401-10] II.B.3.c.1 NEW The owner/operator shall keep and maintain the following records of operation for all periods that the portable source is in operation at any location: A. The time operations began each day at each location B. The time operations ended each day at each location [R307-401-8] II.B.3.d NEW Unless otherwise specified in this AO, the owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any installation of this AO to exceed 20 percent opacity. [R307-201-3, R307-305-3] II.B.3.d.1 NEW Unless otherwise specified in this AO, opacity observations of emissions from stationary sources shall be conducted according to 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9. [R307-201-3, R307-305-3] II.B.4 NEW Emission Estimates and Emissions Inventory: II.B.4.a NEW The owner/operator shall estimate the actual emissions that resulted from operating at each location. These emissions shall be summarized for each piece of equipment, each source of fugitive dust, and each source of fugitive emissions at the completion of operation at each location. The Director may require a summary of emissions for each location at any time. [R307-401-8, R307-150-1] II.B.4.a.1 NEW Records of actual emissions shall be kept for each location. Records of actual emissions shall include the following: A. The emission factors used to estimate emissions for each location B. All variables (production, hours of operation, haul road lengths, etc.) used in the emission estimates for each location C. The actual emissions from each location, which includes emissions from each emission unit, each source of fugitive dust, and each source of fugitive emissions [R307-401-8, R307-150-1] II.B.5 NEW Haul Roads and Fugitive Dust Sources: II.B.5.a NEW The owner/operator shall comply with a FDCP consistent with R307-309-6 for each location. The FDCP for a location shall address the control of all fugitive dust sources at that location. [R307-401-8] Engineer Review N162000001: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC- Portable Aggregate Source February 29, 2024 Page 11 II.B.5.b NEW The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from haul roads and fugitive dust sources to exceed 20 percent opacity on site and 10 percent at the property boundary for each temporary location. [R307-205-4, R307-309-5, R307-401-8] II.B.5.b.1 NEW Visible emission determinations for fugitive dust from haul roads and operational areas shall use procedures similar to Method 9. The normal requirement for observations to be made at 15-second intervals over a six-minute period, however, shall not apply. Visible emissions shall be measured at the densest point of the plume but at a point not less than one-half vehicle length behind the vehicle and not less than one-half the height of the vehicle. [R307-205-4, R307-309-5, R307-401-8] II.B.5.c NEW The owner/operator shall use water application or other control options contained in R307-309 to minimize emissions from fugitive dust and fugitive emissions sources, including haul roads, storage piles, and disturbed areas. Controls shall be applied to ensure the opacity limits in this AO are not exceeded. [R307-309, R307-401-8] II.B.6 NEW Aggregate Processing Plants: II.B.6.a NEW The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any crusher subject to this AO to exceed 12 percent opacity. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] II.B.6.b NEW The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any screen subject to this AO to exceed 7 percent opacity. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] II.B.6.c NEW The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any conveyor transfer point subject to this AO to exceed 7 percent opacity. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] II.B.6.d NEW The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any conveyor drop point at each temporary location to exceed 20 percent opacity. [R307-205-4, R307-309-5, R307-401-8] II.B.6.e NEW The owner/operator shall install water sprays on all crushers, all screens, all conveyor transfer points, and all conveyor drop points at each location to control emissions. Sprays shall operate as required to ensure the opacity limits in this AO are not exceeded. [R307-401-8] II.B.6.f NEW The owner/operator shall perform monthly periodic inspections to check that water is flowing to discharge spray nozzles associated with each crusher, screen, and conveyor. If the owner/operator finds that water is not flowing properly during an inspection of the water spray nozzles, the owner/operator shall initiate corrective action within 24 hours and complete corrective action as expediently as practical. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] II.B.6.f.1 NEW Records of the water sprays inspections shall be kept and maintained in a logbook for all periods when the plant is in operation. The records shall include the following items: A. Date the inspections were made B. Any corrective actions taken C. Control mechanism used if sprays are not operating. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] Engineer Review N162000001: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC- Portable Aggregate Source February 29, 2024 Page 12 II.B.7 NEW Crushers, Screens, and Conveyors subject to NSPS Subpart OOO: II.B.7.a NEW The owner/operator shall conduct an initial performance test for all crushers, screens, and conveyor transfer points subject to this AO that are subject to NSPS OOO. Performance tests shall meet the limitations specified in Table 3 to Subpart OOO. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO] II.B.7.a.1 NEW Initial performance tests for fugitive emissions limits shall be conducted according to 40 CFR 60.675(c). The owner or operator may use methods and procedures specified in 40 CFR 60.675(e) as alternatives to the reference methods and procedures specified in 40 CFR 60.675(c). [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO] II.B.7.a.2 NEW The owner/operator shall keep and maintain records of the initial performance test for each crusher, screen, and conveyor for the life of the equipment. The record of the initial performance test must be made available to the Director or the Director's representative upon request. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] II.B.8 NEW Concrete Batch Plants: II.B.8.a NEW The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any concrete batch plant and the associated equipment subject to this AO to exceed 7 percent opacity. [R307-401-8] II.B.8.b NEW Each storage silo associated with a concrete batch plant subject to this AO shall be equipped with a fabric filter, a baghouse, a bin vent, or a dust collector to control particulate emissions generated during filling of the silos. [R307-401-8] II.B.9 NEW Hot Mix Asphalt Plants: II.B.9.a NEW The owner/operator shall use natural gas, propane, fuel oil, on-specification used oil as defined in R315-15, or any combination thereof as fuel in the hot mix asphalt plants subject to this AO. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.b NEW The sulfur content of any fuel oil burned in the hot mix asphalt plants subject to this AO shall not exceed 15 ppm by weight. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.b.1 NEW The sulfur content shall be determined by ASTM Method D2880-71, D4294-89, or approved equivalent. Certification of fuel oil shall be either by the owner/operator's own testing or by test reports from the fuel oil marketer. [R307-203-1, R307-401-8] II.B.9.b.2 NEW The owner/operator shall keep and maintain records of the test certification of sulfur content in fuel oil. Records of the test certifications shall be kept for all periods when the plant is in operation. [R307-203-1, R307-401-8] II.B.9.c NEW The owner/operator shall control particulate emissions from each hot mix asphalt plant dryer subject to this AO with a baghouse. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.d NEW The owner/operator shall install a manometer or magnehelic pressure gauge to measure the static pressure drop across each baghouse. [R307-401-8] Engineer Review N162000001: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC- Portable Aggregate Source February 29, 2024 Page 13 II.B.9.d.1 NEW The pressure gauge shall be located such that an inspector/operator can safely read the indicator at any time. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.d.2 NEW The pressure gauge shall measure the pressure drop in 1-inch water column increments or less. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.d.3 NEW During operation of the baghouse, the owner/operator shall maintain the static pressure drop across the baghouse between 3.0 and 7.0 inches of water column. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.d.4 NEW The owner/operator shall record the pressure drop at least once per operating day while the baghouse is operating. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.d.5 NEW The owner/operator shall maintain the following records of the pressure drop readings: A. Unit identification; B. Date of reading; C. Daily static pressure drop readings. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.d.6 NEW At least once every 12 months, the owner/operator shall calibrate the pressure gauges in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions or replace the gauges. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.e NEW Each storage silo associated with a hot mix asphalt plant subject to this AO shall be equipped with a fabric filter, a baghouse, a bin vent, or a dust collector to control particulate emissions generated during filling of the silos. [R307-401-8] II.B.9.f NEW The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any baghouse, bin vent, dust collector or fabric filter associated with a hot mix asphalt plant subject to this AO to exceed 10 percent opacity. [R307-401-8] II.B.10 NEW Stack Testing Requirements II.B.10.a NEW The owner/operator shall conduct any stack testing required by this AO according to the following conditions. [R307-401-8] II.B.10.a.1 NEW Notification At least 30 days prior to conducting a stack test, the owner/operator shall submit a source test protocol to the Director. The source test protocol shall include the items contained in R307-165-3. If directed by the Director, the owner/operator shall attend a pretest conference. [R307-165-3, R307-401-8] II.B.10.a.2 NEW Testing & Test Conditions The owner/operator shall conduct testing according to the approved source test protocol and according to the test conditions contained in R307-165-4. [R307-165-4, R307-401-8] Engineer Review N162000001: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC- Portable Aggregate Source February 29, 2024 Page 14 II.B.10.a.3 NEW Access The owner/operator shall provide Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)- or Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA)-approved access to the test location. [R307-401-8] II.B.10.a.4 NEW Reporting No later than 60 days after completing a stack test, the owner/operator shall submit a written report of the results from the stack testing to the Director. The report shall include validated results and supporting information. [R307-165-5, R307-401-8] II.B.10.a.5 NEW Possible Rejection of Test Results The Director may reject stack testing results if the test did not follow the approved source test protocol or for a reason specified in R307-165-6. [R307-165-6, R307-401-8] II.B.10.a.6 NEW Test Methods When performing stack testing, the owner/operator shall use the appropriate EPA-approved test methods as acceptable to the Director. Acceptable test methods for pollutants are listed below. [R307-401-8] II.B.10.b NEW Standard Conditions A. Temperature - 68 degrees Fahrenheit (293 K) B. Pressure - 29.92 in Hg (101.3 kPa) C. Averaging Time - As specified in the applicable test method [40 CFR 60 Subpart A, 40 CFR 63 Subpart A, R307-401-8] II.B.10.b.1 NEW PM 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 5 or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. [R307-401-8] II.B.10.b.2 NEW PM10 Total PM10 = Filterable PM10 + Condensable PM Filterable PM10 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 5; 40 CFR 51, Appendix M, Method 201; Method 201A; or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. If other approved testing methods are used which cannot measure the PM10 fraction of the filterable particulate emissions, all of the filterable particulate emissions shall be considered PM10. Condensable PM 40 CFR 51, Appendix M, Method 202 or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. [R307-401-8] Engineer Review N162000001: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC- Portable Aggregate Source February 29, 2024 Page 15 II.B.10.b.3 NEW PM2.5 Total PM2.5 = Filterable PM2.5 + Condensable PM Filterable PM2.5 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 5; 40 CFR 51, Appendix M, Method 201A or other EPA- approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. If other approved testing methods are used which cannot measure the PM2.5 fraction of the filterable particulate emissions, all of the filterable particulate emissions shall be considered PM2.5. Condensable PM 40 CFR 51, Appendix M, Method 202 or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. [R307-401-8] II.B.11 NEW Emission Unit Specific Conditions II.B.11.a NEW The owner/operator shall not emit more than the following rates and concentrations from each asphalt drum mixer: Pollutant grains/dscf PM 0.030 PM10 0.024 PM2.5 0.024. [R307-401-8] II.B.11.a.1 NEW Compliance Demonstration To demonstrate compliance with the emission limitations above, the owner/operator shall perform stack testing on the emissions unit according to the stack testing conditions contained in this AO. The owner/operator shall test for condensable PM; however, the condensable particulate emissions shall not be used for compliance demonstration, but shall be used for inventory purposes. [R307-165-2, R307-401-8] II.B.11.a.2 NEW Initial Test The owner/operator shall conduct an initial stack test on the emission unit within 180 days after startup of the emission unit. [R307-165-2] II.B.11.a.3 NEW Test Frequency The owner/operator shall conduct a stack test on the emission unit every third calendar year after the date of the most recent stack test, not exceeding 42 months between tests. The Director may require the owner/operator to perform a stack test at any time. [R307-165-2, R307-401-8] II.B.12 NEW Stationary Diesel-Fired Engines: Engineer Review N162000001: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC- Portable Aggregate Source February 29, 2024 Page 16 II.B.12.a NEW The owner/operator shall comply with the applicable requirements in 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ and 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII for all stationary engines. An engine is considered a stationary engine if the engine meets the definition of "stationary reciprocating internal combustion engine (RICE)" in 40 CFR 63.6675 or "stationary internal combustion engine" in 40 CFR 60.4219. In determining whether an engine is considered a stationary engine, the time the engine remains at a location shall be considered. 40 CFR 1068.30 states that an engine is a stationary engine if: A. The engine remains at a location for more than 12 consecutive months. B. The engine remains at a seasonal source during the full annual operating period of the seasonal source. A seasonal source is a stationary source that remains in a single location on a permanent basis (i.e., at least two years) and that operates at that single location approximately three months (or more) each year. [40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII, 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ, R307-401-8] II.B.12.b NEW The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any stationary diesel-fired engine subject to this AO to exceed 20 percent opacity. [R307-201-3, R307-305-3, R307-401-8] II.B.12.c NEW The sulfur content of any fuel oil or diesel fuel burned in a stationary diesel-fired engine subject to this AO shall not exceed 15 ppm. [40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII, 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ, R307-401-8] II.B.12.c.1 NEW The sulfur content shall be determined by ASTM Method D2880-71, D4294-89, or approved equivalent. Certification of diesel fuel shall be either by the owner/operator's own testing or by test reports from the diesel fuel marketer. [R307-203-1, R307-401-8] II.B.12.c.2 NEW The owner/operator shall keep and maintain records of the test certification of sulfur content in diesel fuel. Records of the test certification shall be kept for all periods when the plant is in operation. [R307-203-1, R307-401-8] Engineer Review N162000001: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC- Portable Aggregate Source February 29, 2024 Page 17 PERMIT HISTORY When issued, the approval order shall supersede (if a modification) or will be based on the following documents: Is Derived From NOI dated February 26, 2023 REVIEWER COMMENTS 1. Comment regarding NSPS and MACT Applicability: NSPS 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII applies to "owner and operators of stationary CI ICE that commence construction after July 11, 2005". Because the source operates a stationary CI ICE manufactured after 2005, NSPS Subpart IIII applies to the source. 40 CFR 60 Subpart I applies to sources who operate hot mix asphalt facilities constructed after June 11, 1973. Because the source operates a hot mix asphalt facility using this portable AO, NSPS Subpart I applies to the source. 40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO applies to each crusher, screening operation, and belt conveyor in fixed or portable nonmetallic mineral processing plant manufactured after August 31, 1983. If the source decides to operate any of this equipment using this portable AO, Subpart OOO will apply to the source. MACT 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ applies to owners and operators of a RICE at any area source of HAP emissions. Because this source operates a RICE at a site(s) that are considered area sources, MACT Subpart ZZZZ applies to this source. [Last updated February 29, 2024] 2. Comment regarding Title V Applicability: Title V of the 1990 Clean Air Act (Title V) applies to the following: 1. Any major source 2. Any source subject to a standard, limitation, or other requirement under Section 111 of the Act, Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources; 3. Any source subject to a standard or other requirement under Section 112 of the Act, Hazardous Air Pollutants. 4. Any Title IV affected source. The portable equipment in this AO is not part of a major source or a Title IV source, and is not subject to 40 CFR 61 requirements, but the facility is subject to 40 CFR 60 NSPS Subpart I and OOO requirements. Therefore, Title V applies to the source where this portable equipment operates [Last updated February 29, 2024] 3. Comment regarding Recordkeeping: This AO contains numerous recordkeeping requirements to demonstrate compliance. To assist the owner/operator, this Review Comment lists all the records that are required by this AO. 1. The initial relocation date at each location 2. Working days at each location Engineer Review N162000001: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC- Portable Aggregate Source February 29, 2024 Page 18 3. Consecutive days at each location 4. The date production occurs at each location 5. The production for each date at each location 6. The total production at each location 7. The time operations began each day at each location 8. The time operations ended each day at each location 9. The emission factors used to estimate emissions for each location 10. All variables used in the emission estimates for each location 11. The emissions from each emission unit, each source of fugitive dust, and each source of fugitive emissions at each location 12. Date the water spray inspections were made 13. Any corrective actions taken for the water sprays 14. Control mechanism used if sprays are not operating. 15. The initial performance test for each affected facility as defined in NSPS Subpart OOO 16. The certification of sulfur content in fuel oil used in the asphalt plants 17. The pressure gauge reading for each day of operation 18. The applicable records contained in 40 CFR 60 Subpart IIII and 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ for each stationary engine subject to this AO 19. The certification of sulfur content in diesel fuel used in the stationary engines [Last updated February 29, 2024] 4. Comment regarding Reporting: R307-401-17 requires that "records of the working days at each site, consecutive days at each site, and actual production rate shall be submitted to the director at the end of each 180 calendar days." The owner/operator must submit this information to be in compliance with R307-401-17. [Last updated February 29, 2024] 5. Comment regarding Hot Mix Asphalt Plant Condensable PM Emissions: Condensable PM emissions shall not be used for compliance demonstration during stack testing; however, condensable PM emissions shall be used for inventory purposes. There are several reasons condensable PM emissions will not be used for compliance demonstration. A. NSPS Subpart I does not limit condensable PM emissions. DAQ is unaware of any other regulation that limits PM emissions, including condensable PM emissions, from hot mix asphalt plants. Since federal regulations only limit filterable PM emissions, only filterable PM emissions will be used for compliance demonstration. B. The control device used to control PM emissions from a hot mix asphalt plant is a baghouse. A baghouse is unable to control condensable PM emissions from a hot mix asphalt plant. One of the purposes of a stack test is to ensure the control device is operating correctly. Since the baghouse can only control filterable PM emissions, only filterable PM emissions will be used for compliance demonstration. C. The majority of uncontrolled emissions from a hot mix asphalt plant is filterable emissions. Based on AP-42, an uncontrolled 400 tph hot mix asphalt plant will emit 11,200 pounds of filterable PM per hour and 7.8 pounds of condensable PM per hour. The amount of uncontrolled filterable PM emissions is over 1,400 times higher than the condensable PM emissions. Since the uncontrolled filterable PM emissions are so high, only filterable PM emissions will be tested for compliance demonstration. D. Condensable PM emissions can vary depending on the fuel being combusted, the burner, the Engineer Review N162000001: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC- Portable Aggregate Source February 29, 2024 Page 19 material being fed into the hot mix asphalt plant, and other factors. It is inappropriate to put a single limit in a permit that could apply to different locations, different plants, different materials, and different fuels. Due to the high variability of these factors, condensable emissions will not be used for compliance demonstration for this portable source. Due to the reasons above, condensable PM emissions will not be tested for compliance demonstration; however, condensable PM emissions will be used for inventory purposes. The Director may require an emissions inventory at any time according to R307-150-1(4). Because this source is a Title V area source, this source is required to pay Title V fees according to R307-415-9. Both filterable and condensable PM emissions are considered chargeable pollutants; therefore, the owner/operator must test for condensable PM emissions for inventory purposes. [Last updated February 29, 2024] 6. Comment regarding Definition of Stationary Engines: The definition of stationary internal combustion engine in NSPS Subpart IIII (40 CFR 60.4219) is as follows: Stationary internal combustion engine means any internal combustion engine, except combustion turbines, that converts heat energy into mechanical work and is not mobile. Stationary ICE differ from mobile ICE in that a stationary internal combustion engine is not a nonroad engine as defined at 40 CFR 1068.30 (excluding paragraph (2)(ii) of that definition), and is not used to propel a motor vehicle, aircraft, or a vehicle used solely for competition. Stationary ICE include reciprocating ICE, rotary ICE, and other ICE, except combustion turbines. The definition of nonroad engine in 40 CFR 1068.30 is as follows: Nonroad engine means: (1) Except as discussed in paragraph (2) of this definition, a nonroad engine is an internal combustion engine that meets any of the following criteria: (i) It is (or will be) used in or on a piece of equipment that is self-propelled or serves a dual purpose by both propelling itself and performing another function (such as garden tractors, off-highway mobile cranes and bulldozers). (ii) It is (or will be) used in or on a piece of equipment that is intended to be propelled while performing its function (such as lawnmowers and string trimmers). (iii) By itself or in or on a piece of equipment, it is portable or transportable, meaning designed to be and capable of being carried or moved from one location to another. Indicia of transportability include, but are not limited to, wheels, skids, carrying handles, dolly, trailer, or platform. (2) An internal combustion engine is not a nonroad engine if it meets any of the following criteria: (i) The engine is used to propel a motor vehicle, an aircraft, or equipment used solely for competition. (ii) The engine is regulated under 40 CFR part 60, (or otherwise regulated by a federal New Source Performance Standard promulgated under section 111 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7411)). Note that this criterion does not apply for engines meeting any of the criteria of paragraph (1) of this definition that are voluntarily certified under 40 CFR part 60. (iii) The engine otherwise included in paragraph (1)(iii) of this definition remains or will remain at a Engineer Review N162000001: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC- Portable Aggregate Source February 29, 2024 Page 20 location for more than 12 consecutive months or a shorter period of time for an engine located at a seasonal source. A location is any single site at a building, structure, facility, or installation. For any engine (or engines) that replaces an engine at a location and that is intended to perform the same or similar function as the engine replaced, include the time period of both engines in calculating the consecutive time period. An engine located at a seasonal source is an engine that remains at a seasonal source during the full annual operating period of the seasonal source. A seasonal source is a stationary source that remains in a single location on a permanent basis (i.e., at least two years) and that operates at that single location approximately three months (or more) each year. See §1068.31 for provisions that apply if the engine is removed from the location. [Last updated February 29, 2024] 7. Comment regarding Definition of Stationary Engines (Cont'd): 40 CFR 1068.31 has the following requirements: (b) A stationary engine becomes a new nonroad engine if- (1) It is used in an application that meets the criteria specified in paragraphs (1)(i) or (ii) in the definition of "nonroad engine" in §1068.30. (2) It meets the criteria specified in paragraph (1)(iii) of the definition of "nonroad engine" in §1068.30 and is moved so that it fails to meet (or no longer meets) the criteria specified in paragraph (2)(iii) in the definition of "nonroad engine" in §1068.30. (c) A stationary engine does not become a new nonroad engine if it is moved but continues to meet the criteria specified in paragraph (2)(iii) in the definition of "nonroad engine" in §1068.30 in its new location. For example, a transportable engine that is used in a single specific location for 18 months and is later moved to a second specific location where it will remain for at least 12 months is considered to be a stationary engine in both locations. Note that for stationary engines that are neither portable nor transportable in actual use, the residence-time restrictions in the definition of "nonroad engine" generally do not apply. (e) A nonroad engine ceases to be a nonroad engine and becomes a new stationary engine if- (1) At any time, it meets the criteria specified in paragraph (2)(iii) in the definition of "nonroad engine" in §1068.30. For example, a portable generator engine ceases to be a nonroad engine if it is used or will be used in a single specific location for 12 months or longer. If we determine that an engine will be or has been used in a single specific location for 12 months or longer, it ceased to be a nonroad engine when it was placed in that location. (2) It is otherwise regulated by a federal New Source Performance Standard promulgated under section 111 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C. 7411). [Last updated February 29, 2024] Engineer Review N162000001: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC- Portable Aggregate Source February 29, 2024 Page 21 ACRONYMS The following lists commonly used acronyms and associated translations as they apply to this document: 40 CFR Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations AO Approval Order BACT Best Available Control Technology CAA Clean Air Act CAAA Clean Air Act Amendments CDS Classification Data System (used by EPA to classify sources by size/type) CEM Continuous emissions monitor CEMS Continuous emissions monitoring system CFR Code of Federal Regulations CMS Continuous monitoring system CO Carbon monoxide CO2 Carbon Dioxide CO2e Carbon Dioxide Equivalent - 40 CFR Part 98, Subpart A, Table A-1 COM Continuous opacity monitor DAQ/UDAQ Division of Air Quality DAQE This is a document tracking code for internal UDAQ use EPA Environmental Protection Agency FDCP Fugitive dust control plan GHG Greenhouse Gas(es) - 40 CFR 52.21 (b)(49)(i) GWP Global Warming Potential - 40 CFR Part 86.1818-12(a) HAP or HAPs Hazardous air pollutant(s) ITA Intent to Approve LB/HR Pounds per hour LB/YR Pounds per year MACT Maximum Achievable Control Technology MMBTU Million British Thermal Units NAA Nonattainment Area NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards NESHAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants NOI Notice of Intent NOx Oxides of nitrogen NSPS New Source Performance Standard NSR New Source Review PM10 Particulate matter less than 10 microns in size PM2.5 Particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in size PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration PTE Potential to Emit R307 Rules Series 307 R307-401 Rules Series 307 - Section 401 SO2 Sulfur dioxide Title IV Title IV of the Clean Air Act Title V Title V of the Clean Air Act TPY Tons per year UAC Utah Administrative Code VOC Volatile organic compounds 3143 E. Lyndale Avenue ● Helena, MT 59601 ● 406-442-5768 E-MAIL: bison@bison-eng.com ● www.bison-eng.com February 26, 2024 Dungan Adams Air Quality Bureau Minor NSR Section Utah Department of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, UT 84116 Dear Mr. Adams: RE: 2024 Portable Permit Application for Asphalt Plant On behalf of Southwest Grading and Paving, Bison Engineering is submitting the following required documents for the Southwest Grading and Paving portable permit application:  Form 01b – Best Available Control Technology  Form 15b – Equipment Registration Form for Generic Portable Equipment  Form 15c – Portable General Permit Application I hereby certify that, based on information and belief formed after reasonable inquiry, the statements and information provided herein are true, accurate, and complete. Sincerely, Kellen Sullivan Consulting Director cc: Keith Gilbert, Southwest Grading and Paving Diane Lorenzen, P.E., Bison Engineering Cade Barthuly, Bison Engineering ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A: Form 01b – Best Available Control Technology Attachment B: Form 15b – Equipment Registration Form for Generic Portable Equipment Attachment C: Form 15c – Portable General Permit Application ATTACHMENT A: Form 01b – Best Available Control Technology BEST AVAILABLE CONTROL TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS UACR R307-401-6 requires the owner or operator of a new or altered source the degree of pollution control for emissions, to include fugitive emissions and fugitive dust, is at least best available control technology except as otherwise provided in these regulations. BACT Analysis Methodology This BACT analysis follows the procedure outlined in the New Source Review Workshop Manual, Ofϐice of Air Quality Planning and Standards, US EPA, Draft - October 1990. The methodology described in the manual is the “top-down” method and consists of ϐive basic steps: Step 1 - Identify all control technologies; Step 2 - Eliminate technically infeasible options; Step 3 - Rank remaining technologies by control effectiveness; Step 4 - Evaluate most effective controls and document results; and Step 5 - Select BACT. Portable Asphalt Plant BACT analysis The emissions inventory for the Southwest Grading and Paving (SWG) portable asphalt plant identiϐies four point sources of emissions as follows: 1. Asphalt Drum Mixer Dryer 2. Plant Load-out 3. Silo Filling 4. Diesel-ϐired Electrical Generator Engine The plant load-out and the silo ϐilling only emit particulate matter and have PTE emissions much lower than 1 tpy. BACT analysis is not included for these insigniϐicant sources. BACT analysis is included for the asphalt drum dryer emissions and for the diesel-ϐired generator emissions. A. Asphalt Drum Mixer The applicant has reviewed relevant control options, as well as previous BACT determinations. The following control options were reviewed in order to make the following BACT determinations:  Fabric Filter Baghouse  Electrostatic Precipitator  Cyclone  Wet Scrubber All of the listed technologies are deemed technically feasible for this application. Technical feasible control options, in order the highest control efficiency to the lowest control efficiency base on PM control are as follows: 1. Fabric Filter Baghouse (99 – 99.9% efficient) (EPA Fact Sheet EPA-452/F-03-025, 07/15/03) 2. Electrostatic Precipitator (99 – 99.9% efficient) (EPA Fact Sheet EPA-452/F-03-028, 07/15/03) 3. Cyclone (up to 99% efficient) (EPA Fact Sheet EPA-452/F-03-005, 07/15/03) 4. Wet Scrubber (70 – greater than 99% efficient) (EPA Fact Sheet EPA-452/F-03- 0017, 07/15/03) The asphalt plant purchased by SWG is equipped with a fabric filter baghouse for the control of PM/PM10/PM2.5 from the exhaust of the asphalt drum mixer. Because SWG proposes to use a control technology that is equivalent to the highest control efficiency, no further economic analysis is needed to complete the BACT analysis. The control option selected has control technology and a control cost comparable to other recently permitted similar sources and is capable of achieving the appropriate emissions standards. Operating and maintaining a baghouse will constitute BACT for the asphalt drum mixer. All asphalt drum mixer emissions are limited to 0.04 grains per dry standard cubic foot (gr/dscf) for particulate and 20 percent opacity in accordance with 40 CFR 60, Subpart I. The Portable baghouse will control process streams from the asphalt plant drum mixer. This baghouse is sized to handle the exhaust asphalt plant. All exhaust air from the drum mixer will be routed through the baghouse before being vented to the atmosphere. Based on other asphalt plants this is believed to be the best option for a control device in terms of cost and efϐiciency for the asphalt plant. B. Diesel Generator The SWG equipment for the portable asphalt site will include a 280 kW diesel generator. The diesel engine will be EPA certified for compliance with the Tier 2 or Tier 3 emission limits for a stationary emergency engine. The engine will be required to comply with the federal engine emission standards found in 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart ZZZZ and/or NSPS emission limitations for stationary CI ICE (40 CFR 60, Subpart IIII). Due to the limited amount of emissions produced by the diesel engines and the lack of readily available, cost effective add-on controls; add-on controls would be cost prohibitive. Therefore, the Department determined proper operation and maintenance with no add-on controls would constitute BACT for the diesel engines. In addition, any stationary diesel engine would be required to comply with the federal engine emission standards found in 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart ZZZZ and/or NSPS emission limitations for stationary CI ICE (40 CFR 60, Subpart IIII). C. Fugitive Emissions SWG will take reasonable precautions to limit the fugitive emissions of airborne particulate matter on haul roads, access roads, parking lots, and the general plant area. Reasonable precautions include treating all unpaved portions of the haul roads, access roads, parking lots, or the general plant area with water and/or chemical dust suppressant, as necessary. Using water and/or chemical dust suppressant to comply with the reasonable precautions limitation will be considered BACT. ATTACHMENT B: Form 15b – Equipment Registration Form for Generic Portable Equipment Page 1 of 3 Contact Name Company Name Mailing Address City, State, Zip Division of Air Quality New Source Review Section Form 15b Equipment Registration Form for Generic Portable Equipment Keith Gilbert Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC 871 E. Fiddler Canyon Road Cedar City, UT 87421 Use the following guidelines to complete the information requested on the back of this form. Equipment types to list: crushers, screens, generators, asphalt batch plants, and concrete batch plants (include all grandfathered equipment.) Various associated support equipment such as conveyors, loaders, dozers, water pumps, water trucks, haul trucks, and service trucks do not need to be listed individually. Applicable Federal standards: ►NSPS Subpart OOO applies to non-metallic mineral processing facilities. This regulation applies to aggregate processing equipment that was constructed, modified, or reconstructed* after August 31, 1983. ► NSPS Subpart I applies to hot mix asphalt facilities. This regulation applies to all asphalt batch plants that were constructed, modified, or reconstructed* after June 11, 1973. ► NSPS Subpart JJJJ applies to stationary spark ignition combustion engines ► NSPS Subpart IIII applies to stationary compression ignition internal combustion engines. ► MACT Subpart ZZZZ applies to stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines ► There are currently no applicable Federal standards for concrete batch plants. * See 40 CFR 60 (Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 60) for definitions of construction, modification, and reconstruction. Instructions This form is used to register all portable equipment. Please provide the following information: 1. Name of person the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) should contact concerning this form. 2. Name and address of company. 3. Fill in the indicated information for each piece of equipment. If the equipment has not been inspected, started up, or tested, leave the dates blank. Attach additional sheets if needed. Page 2 of 3 Equipment Registration Form for Generic Portable Equipment Form 15b (continued) Equipment Type: Drum Dryer (Leave dates blank for actions that have not occurred ) Make/Model TM2000 Initial Startup Date Serial or ID # Initial Inspection Date Manufactured Date Applicable Federal Standard NSPS Subpart I Design Capacity 80 TPH NSPS Performance Test Date Equipment Type: Baghouse (Leave dates blank for actions that have not occurred ) Make/Model Initial Startup Date Serial or ID # Initial Inspection Date Manufactured Date Applicable Federal Standard NSPS Subpart I Design Capacity NSPS Performance Test Date Equipment Type: A/C Tank (Leave dates blank for actions that have not occurred ) Make/Model Initial Startup Date Serial or ID # Initial Inspection Date Manufactured Date Applicable Federal Standard NSPS Subpart I Design Capacity 15000 gal NSPS Performance Test Date Equipment Type: Bin Feeder (Leave dates blank for actions that have not occurred ) Make/Model Initial Startup Date Serial or ID # Initial Inspection Date Manufactured Date Applicable Federal Standard NSPS Subpart I Design Capacity NSPS Performance Test Date Equipment Type: Bucket Elevator (Leave dates blank for actions that have not occurred ) Make/Model Initial Startup Date Serial or ID # Initial Inspection Date Manufactured Date Applicable Federal Standard NSPS Subpart I Design Capacity NSPS Performance Test Date Equipment Type: Batch Tower (Leave dates blank for actions that have not occurred ) Make/Model Initial Startup Date Serial or ID # Initial Inspection Date Manufactured Date Applicable Federal Standard NSPS Subpart I Design Capacity NSPS Performance Test Date Page 3 of 3 Equipment Registration Form for Generic Portable Equipment Form 15b (continued) Equipment Type: Deister Screen (Leave dates blank for actions that have not occurred ) Make/Model BF-2414-D Initial Startup Date Serial or ID # Initial Inspection Date Manufactured Date Applicable Federal Standard NSPS Subpart I Design Capacity NSPS Performance Test Date Equipment Type: Control House (Leave dates blank for actions that have not occurred ) Make/Model Initial Startup Date Serial or ID # Initial Inspection Date Manufactured Date Applicable Federal Standard NSPS Subpart I Design Capacity NSPS Performance Test Date Equipment Type: Scale (Leave dates blank for actions that have not occurred ) Make/Model AMD-1080-4-135-PVT Initial Startup Date Serial or ID # Initial Inspection Date Manufactured Date Applicable Federal Standard NSPS Subpart I Design Capacity NSPS Performance Test Date Equipment Type: Fall off (Hand rails, legs, etc) (Leave dates blank for actions that have not occurred ) Make/Model Initial Startup Date Serial or ID # Initial Inspection Date Manufactured Date Applicable Federal Standard NSPS Subpart I Design Capacity NSPS Performance Test Date Equipment Type: Diesel-Fired Generator (Leave dates blank for actions that have not occurred ) Make/Model C350D5B Initial Startup Date Serial or ID # Initial Inspection Date Manufactured Date Applicable Federal Standard NSPS Subpart IIII, MACT ZZZZ Design Capacity 18.5 gph NSPS Performance Test Date Owner or operator representative: Keith Gilbert Signature Date NOTE: Call the DAQ at (801) 536-4000 if you have problems or questions when completing this form. Ask for a New Source Review engineer. We will be glad to help! f:\aq\engineer\generic\Forms 2010\Form 15b Equipment Registration Form for Generic Portable Equipment.doc Revised 12/20/10 ATTACHMENT C: Form 15c – Portable General Permit Application 1 Utah Division of Air Quality Date 02/26/2024 New Source Review Section Company Southwest Grading & Paving Site/Source Cedar City, UT Form 15c Portable General Permit Application An Approval Order to construct must be approved before any equipment can be operated. Please refer to the Approval Order application instructions for specific details required to complete the application. Please print or type all information requested. All information requested herein must be completed and submitted before an engineering review can be completed. Please contact the New Source Review Section of the Division of Air Quality with any questions at (801) 536- 4000. Written inquiries may be addressed to: Division of Air Quality, New Source Review Section, P.O. Box 144820, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4820. General Owner And Facility Information 1. Company name and address: Southwest Grading and Paving, LLC 871 E. Fiddler Canyon Road Cedar City, UT 87421 2. Company contact for environmental issues: Keith Gilbert Phone No.: (435) 383-3403 FAX No.: ( ) E-mail address: keithgilbert3@me.com Phone No.: (435) 383-3403 FAX No.: ( ) 3. Owners name and address: Keith Gilbert Same address as listed above. Phone no.: (435) 383-3403 FAX no.: ( ) E-mail address: keithgilbert3@me.com 4. Identify any current Approval Order(s): AO# Date AO# Date AO# Date AO# Date AO# Date AO# Date 5. If request for modification, previous permit # and date: DAQE-AN DATE: / / 6. Type of operation:  Aggregate Processing Plants  Asphalt Plants Concrete Batch Plants 7. Total company employees greater than 100?  Yes  No 8. Standard Industrial Classification Code [2951] 9. Application for:  New equipment   Existing equipment operating without permit Modification 2 10. For new equipment or modification, enter estimated start date: 4/1/2024 11. For change of permittee, enter date of occurrence: 12. For existing equipment in operation without prior permit, enter initial operation date: 13. Has equipment been modified, moved or the capacity increased since November 29, 1969:  Yes No If yes: Specify what equipment: 3 14.Equipment list (Table 1 and 2 Attach as Appendix A) 15.I hereby certify that the information and data submitted in and with this application is completely true, accurate and complete, based on reasonable inquiry and to the best of my knowledge and belief. Signature:Title: 16. Keith Gilbert Name (Typed or printed) 17. Telephone Number: (435) 383-3403 18. Date: 02/25/2024 General Permit Application Form 15c Instructions 1.Identify the name, address, phone number, and fax number of the legal entity that operates the equipment. 2.Identify the person who is to be contacted regarding this application; also include the phone number and fax number of this person. 3.If you are not the owner of the equipment under this application, enter the name, address, phone number, and fax number of the owner. 4.List any valid Approval Orders (AO) which are for equipment at this site. 5.Indicate previous AO number (if any) and date for AO modification. 6.State the type of operation. 7.Indicate if the total number of people employed by your company is over 100 people. 8.Using the provided list of business codes (page 8), enter the code which best describes your business activity at this facility. 9.Check all applicable boxes Existing Equipment Operating Without permit - equipment which has been in operation without a prior permit issued by the state. Modification - existing equipment which is physically altered by the removal, addition, or non-identical replacement of parts. 10.Enter the start date new equipment or modification. 11.For cases in this category, enter the future date when the change is anticipated. 12.For this category of equipment, enter the date when this equipment was first operated. 13.This is for equipment that was operated before November 29, 1969. Indicate whether equipment has been moved, modified or increased capacity since that date. Specify what equipment this includes. 14.Attach as Table 1 and 2 to the application a list of all portable equipment (NSPS/MACT - Table 1 and Non-NSPS - Table 2) that is owned or operated by the company. Forms are available from DAQ for these two tables. 15.Signature of authorized company agent. 16.Name of signing party. 17.Telephone number of signing party. 18.Date of application. Additional information may be required for some projects. If so, the reviewing engineer will contact the individual listed in question number 2. f:\aq\engineer\generic\Forms 2010\Form15c Portable Generic Permit Application.doc Revised 12/20/10 2/28/24, 11:26 AM State of Utah Mail - Pre-NOI Meeting for SouthWest Grading and Paving https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=c52f18613a&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a:r2404612233983376371&simpl=msg-a:r906489367155116…1/5 Dungan Adams <dunganadams@utah.gov> Pre-NOI Meeting for SouthWest Grading and Paving 15 messages Dungan Adams <dunganadams@utah.gov>Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 10:38 AM To: keithgilbert3@me.com Hi Keith, The Utah Department of Air Quality (DAQ) has received your request for a Pre-NOI meeting. I have availability this Thursday and Friday, as well as most days next week. Let me know what works best for you. I would prefer to have the Pre-NOI meeting over Google Meet, but I can meet at our office located at 195 N 1950 W, Salt Lake City, UT 84116. If you have any specific questions, please send them to me ahead of our meeting so I can make sure to provide you with the information you need. Otherwise, I will just go over the NOI process and what is required for a complete application. Thanks, Dungan -- Dungan Adams Environmental Engineer I | Minor NSR Section M: (385) 290-2474 airquality.utah.gov keith gilbert <keithgilbert3@me.com>Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 10:47 AM To: Dungan Adams <dunganadams@utah.gov> Can I call in on this meeting? Keith Gilbert On Feb 14, 2024, at 9:39 AM, Dungan Adams <dunganadams@utah.gov> wrote: [Quoted text hidden] Dungan Adams <dunganadams@utah.gov>Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 10:49 AM To: keith gilbert <keithgilbert3@me.com> Keith, 2/28/24, 11:26 AM State of Utah Mail - Pre-NOI Meeting for SouthWest Grading and Paving https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=c52f18613a&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a:r2404612233983376371&simpl=msg-a:r906489367155116…2/5 Yes, you can join by phone. We can also just have a phone call if that is easier for you. Thanks, Dungan [Quoted text hidden] keith gilbert <keithgilbert3@me.com>Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 10:57 AM To: Dungan Adams <dunganadams@utah.gov> Ok let me check with Bison and engineering and get a schedule back here in just a bit Thanks Keith Gilbert On Feb 14, 2024, at 9:49 AM, Dungan Adams <dunganadams@utah.gov> wrote: [Quoted text hidden] keith gilbert <keithgilbert3@me.com>Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 10:58 AM To: Dungan Adams <dunganadams@utah.gov> Ok what time tomorrow works Kellen said he can make it work Thanks Keith Gilbert On Feb 14, 2024, at 9:57 AM, keith gilbert <keithgilbert3@me.com> wrote: Ok let me check with Bison and engineering and get a schedule back here in just a bit [Quoted text hidden] Dungan Adams <dunganadams@utah.gov>Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 11:12 AM To: keith gilbert <keithgilbert3@me.com> I am available any time from 10am - 2pm tomorrow. Does noon work for you? Thanks, Dungan [Quoted text hidden] keith gilbert <keithgilbert3@me.com>Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 11:23 AM To: Dungan Adams <dunganadams@utah.gov> 10 would be better for me will that work for you? Keith Gilbert On Feb 14, 2024, at 10:12 AM, Dungan Adams <dunganadams@utah.gov> wrote: [Quoted text hidden] 2/28/24, 11:26 AM State of Utah Mail - Pre-NOI Meeting for SouthWest Grading and Paving https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=c52f18613a&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a:r2404612233983376371&simpl=msg-a:r906489367155116…3/5 Dungan Adams <dunganadams@utah.gov>Wed, Feb 14, 2024 at 11:24 AM To: keith gilbert <keithgilbert3@me.com> Yes, that works. I will send the meeting link shortly. Dungan [Quoted text hidden] Dungan Adams <dunganadams@utah.gov>Fri, Feb 16, 2024 at 10:50 AM To: Kellen Sullivan <ksullivan@bison-eng.com>, Diane Lorenzen <DLorenzen@bison-eng.com> Cc: keith gilbert <keithgilbert3@me.com> Hi Kellen and Diane, Attached are the two forms (15b and 15c) that need to be filled out for the portable permit application. Once you have received the Approval Order (AO), a temporary relocation form will need to be submitted. It might be a good idea to submit this at the end of the public comment period so the relocation can be accepted right away once the AO has been approved. Here is a link to the fees breakdown for generic permits and temporary relocations. Here is a link to modeling guidance. The Emission Impact Assessment Guideline lists the modeling thresholds (as does State Rule R307-410). The Modeling Protocol can be submitted to Dave Prey (dprey@utah.gov). Form 01b is BACT guidance. Please let me know if you have any questions or if there is any other information that would be helpful. Thanks, Dungan [Quoted text hidden] 3 attachments Form15b.pdf 43K Form15c.pdf 42K Form01b.pdf 51K Kellen Sullivan <KSullivan@bison-eng.com>Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 12:00 PM To: Dungan Adams <dunganadams@utah.gov> Cc: keith gilbert <keithgilbert3@me.com>, Diane Lorenzen <DLorenzen@bison-eng.com>, Cade Barthuly <cbarthuly@bison- eng.com> Hi Dungan, I’ve attached the Southwest Grading and Pav ing portable permit application as we discus sed on February 16, 2024. Please l et us know if you have any ques ti ons regarding the permit application. I hope you had a good weekend! Thank you, Kellen Sullivan 2/28/24, 11:26 AM State of Utah Mail - Pre-NOI Meeting for SouthWest Grading and Paving https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=c52f18613a&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a:r2404612233983376371&simpl=msg-a:r906489367155116…4/5 Consulting Director Ambient Monitoring | Air Permitting | Compliance | Emiss ions Testing | Gas Flow Monitors O fice: 406.442.5768 Cel l: 406.442.0544 Direct O fice: 406.441.3192 ksullivan@bison-eng.com [Quoted text hidden] Southwest Grading and Paving Portable Permit Application 02262024.pdf 1005K Kellen Sullivan <KSullivan@bison-eng.com>Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 1:37 PM To: Dungan Adams <dunganadams@utah.gov> Cc: keith gilbert <keithgilbert3@me.com>, Diane Lorenzen <DLorenzen@bison-eng.com>, Cade Barthuly <cbarthuly@bison- eng.com> Hi Dungan, I real ized that Keith didn’t sign the Form 15c signature page s o I’ve updated the portable permit appli cation in this email attachment. Thanks, Kellen [Quoted text hidden] Southwest Grading and Paving Portable Permit Application 02262024.pdf 1803K Dungan Adams <dunganadams@utah.gov>Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 1:42 PM To: Kellen Sullivan <KSullivan@bison-eng.com> Cc: keith gilbert <keithgilbert3@me.com>, Diane Lorenzen <DLorenzen@bison-eng.com>, Cade Barthuly <cbarthuly@bison- eng.com> Hi Kellen, Thanks for sending this over. I'll let you know if I have any questions as soon as I review the application. Thanks, Dungan [Quoted text hidden] 2/28/24, 11:26 AM State of Utah Mail - Pre-NOI Meeting for SouthWest Grading and Paving https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=c52f18613a&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a:r2404612233983376371&simpl=msg-a:r906489367155116…5/5 Dungan Adams <dunganadams@utah.gov>Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 4:01 PM To: Alan Humpherys <ahumpherys@utah.gov> Hi Alan, After a Pre-NOI meeting a few weeks ago, this source sent over an application for a portable AO. Is there someone I need to send the application to so the TEMPO site and ID can get set up? Thanks, Dungan ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: Kellen Sullivan <KSullivan@bison-eng.com> Date: Mon, Feb 26, 2024 at 12:00 PM Subject: RE: Pre-NOI Meeting for SouthWest Grading and Paving To: Dungan Adams <dunganadams@utah.gov> [Quoted text hidden] [Quoted text hidden] [Quoted text hidden] Southwest Grading and Paving Portable Permit Application 02262024.pdf 1005K Alan Humpherys <ahumpherys@utah.gov>Tue, Feb 27, 2024 at 4:04 PM To: Dungan Adams <dunganadams@utah.gov> Dungan, Here is the information for this project. If you have any questions, please let me know. Site ID: 16200 Peer: Dylan Thanks, Alan [Quoted text hidden] -- Alan Humpherys Manager | Minor NSR Section P: (385) 306-6520 F: (801) 536-4099 airquality.utah.gov Emails to and from this email address may be considered public records and thus subject to Utah GRAMA requirements. Dungan Adams <dunganadams@utah.gov>Tue, Feb 27, 2024 at 4:05 PM To: Alan Humpherys <ahumpherys@utah.gov> Great, thanks! Dungan [Quoted text hidden]