HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-007951 DAQE-AN161890001-24 {{$d1 }} Ted Meinhold Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC 1001 Louisiana Street, Suite 1000 Houston, TX 77002 erin_dunman@kindermorgan.com Dear Mr. Meinhold: Re: Approval Order: New Approval Order for the Hideout Compressor Station Project Number: N161890001 The attached Approval Order (AO) is issued pursuant to the Notice of Intent (NOI) received on December 22, 2023. Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC must comply with the requirements of this AO, all applicable state requirements (R307), and Federal Standards. The project engineer for this action is Tad Anderson, who can be contacted at (385) 306-6515 or tdanderson@utah.gov. Future correspondence on this AO should include the engineer's name as well as the DAQE number shown on the upper right-hand corner of this letter. No public comments were received on this action. Sincerely, {{$s }} Bryce C. Bird Director BCB:TA:jg cc: TriCounty Health Department 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 536-4000 • Fax (801) 536-4099 • T.D.D. (801) 536-4414 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director April 24, 2024 STATE OF UTAH Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality {{#s=Sig_es_:signer1:signature}} {{#d1=date1_es_:signer1:date:format(date, "mmmm d, yyyy")}} {{#d2=date1_es_:signer1:date:format(date, "mmmm d, yyyy"):align(center)}} APPROVAL ORDER DAQE-AN161890001-24 New Approval Order for the Hideout Compressor Station Prepared By Tad Anderson, Engineer (385) 306-6515 tdanderson@utah.gov Issued to Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC - Hideout Compressor Station Issued On {{$d2 }} Issued By {{$s }} Bryce C. Bird Director Division of Air Quality April 24, 2024 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE/SIGNATURE PAGE ....................................................................................................... 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ...................................................................................................... 3 CONTACT/LOCATION INFORMATION ............................................................................... 3 SOURCE INFORMATION ........................................................................................................ 3 General Description ................................................................................................................ 3 NSR Classification .................................................................................................................. 3 Source Classification .............................................................................................................. 3 Applicable Federal Standards ................................................................................................. 3 Project Description.................................................................................................................. 4 SUMMARY OF EMISSIONS .................................................................................................... 4 SECTION I: GENERAL PROVISIONS .................................................................................... 5 SECTION II: PERMITTED EQUIPMENT .............................................................................. 5 SECTION II: SPECIAL PROVISIONS ..................................................................................... 7 PERMIT HISTORY ..................................................................................................................... 9 ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................................... 10 DAQE-AN161890001-24 Page 3 GENERAL INFORMATION CONTACT/LOCATION INFORMATION Owner Name Source Name Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC - Hideout Compressor Station Mailing Address Physical Address 1001 Louisiana Street, Suite 1000 4 Miles Northeast of Myton Houston, TX 77002 Duchesne County, UT Source Contact UTM Coordinates Name: Erin Dunman 585,094.62 m Easting Phone: (303) 914-7605 4,453,138.81 m Northing Email: erin_dunman@kindermorgan.com Datum NAD27 UTM Zone 12 SIC code 1311 (Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas) SOURCE INFORMATION General Description Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC (Kinder Morgan) has requested to construct and operate the new Hideout Compressor Station. The new Hideout Compressor Station will be designed to compress, treat, and dehydrate up to 100 MMscfd of natural gas and generate up to 260 bpd of condensate. NSR Classification New Minor Source Source Classification Located in Uinta Basin O3 NAA Duchesne County Airs Source Size: SM Applicable Federal Standards NSPS (Part 60), A: General Provisions NSPS (Part 60), JJJJ: Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines NSPS (Part 60), OOOOa: Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities for which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After September 18, 2015 NSPS (Part 60), OOOOb: Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities for which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After November 15, 2021 MACT (Part 63), A: General Provisions DAQE-AN161890001-24 Page 4 MACT (Part 63), HH: National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants From Oil and Natural Gas Production Facilities MACT (Part 63), ZZZZ: National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines Project Description Kinder Morgan has requested to construct and operate the new Hideout Compressor Station. The new Hideout compressor station consists of ten (10) compressor engines, a heater/boiler, a stabilizer heater, a TEG dehydration unit (still vent and flash tank), two (2) combustors, a flare, six (6) condensate tanks, a truck loading station, and five (5) process tanks. All equipment located at the Hideout Compressor Station will be operated on pipeline-quality natural gas, except for the gas recovered from the TEG dehydration flash tank. The Hideout Compressor Station's primary function will be to compress and dehydrate field gas, as well as boost pipeline gas. The low-pressure inlet stream will consist of natural gas from the Altamont field entering the facility through a pipeline. SUMMARY OF EMISSIONS The emissions listed below are an estimate of the total potential emissions from the source. Some rounding of emissions is possible. Criteria Pollutant Change (TPY) Total (TPY) CO2 Equivalent 107120.00 Carbon Monoxide 96.89 Nitrogen Oxides 67.15 Particulate Matter - PM10 9.41 Particulate Matter - PM2.5 9.41 Sulfur Oxides 0.40 Volatile Organic Compounds 94.24 Hazardous Air Pollutant Change (lbs/yr) Total (lbs/yr) 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane (CAS #540841) 60 Acrolein (CAS #107028) 360 Benzene (Including Benzene From Gasoline) (CAS #71432) 1020 Ethyl Benzene (CAS #100414) 2 Formaldehyde (CAS #50000) 7280 Hexane (CAS #110543) 7220 Methanol (CAS #67561) 420 Toluene (CAS #108883) 240 Xylenes (Isomers And Mixture) (CAS #1330207) 40 Change (TPY) Total (TPY) Total HAPs 8.32 DAQE-AN161890001-24 Page 5 SECTION I: GENERAL PROVISIONS I.1 All definitions, terms, abbreviations, and references used in this AO conform to those used in the UAC R307 and 40 CFR. Unless noted otherwise, references cited in these AO conditions refer to those rules. [R307-101] I.2 The limits set forth in this AO shall not be exceeded without prior approval. [R307-401] I.3 Modifications to the equipment or processes approved by this AO that could affect the emissions covered by this AO must be reviewed and approved. [R307-401-1] I.4 All records referenced in this AO or in other applicable rules, which are required to be kept by the owner/operator, shall be made available to the Director or Director's representative upon request, and the records shall include the two-year period prior to the date of the request. Unless otherwise specified in this AO or in other applicable state and federal rules, records shall be kept for a minimum of two (2) years. [R307-401-8] I.5 At all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction, owners and operators shall, to the extent practicable, maintain and operate any equipment approved under this AO, including associated air pollution control equipment, in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practice for minimizing emissions. Determination of whether acceptable operating and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to the Director which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, opacity observations, review of operating and maintenance procedures, and inspection of the source. All maintenance performed on equipment authorized by this AO shall be recorded. [R307-401-4] I.6 The owner/operator shall comply with UAC R307-107. General Requirements: Breakdowns. [R307-107] I.7 The owner/operator shall comply with UAC R307-150 Series. Emission Inventories. [R307-150] I.8 The owner/operator shall submit documentation of the status of construction or modification to the Director within 18 months from the date of this AO. This AO may become invalid if construction is not commenced within 18 months from the date of this AO or if construction is discontinued for 18 months or more. To ensure proper credit when notifying the Director, send the documentation to the Director, attn.: NSR Section. [R307-401-18] SECTION II: PERMITTED EQUIPMENT II.A THE APPROVED EQUIPMENT II.A.1 Hideout Compressor Station Natural Gas Compressor Station II.A.2 RICE-1 through 10 (NEW) Natural Gas Fired IC Engine, 4SRB Capacity: 1,900 hp Control: Non-selective catalytic reduction catalyst, Air-fuel-ratio controller Federal Applicable: 40 CFR 60 Subpart JJJJ DAQE-AN161890001-24 Page 6 II.A.3 DEHY TEG Dehydration Unit Process Vents Capacity: 45 MMscf/day II.A.4 H-1 Natural Gas Fired Heater/Reboiler Capacity: 1.5 MMBtu/hr II.A.5 H-2 Natural Gas Fired Heater Stabilizer Capacity: 1.5 MMBtu/hr II.A.6 COM-1 Enclosed Combustor Capacity: Control: All Tanks Federal Applicable: 40 CFR 60, Subpart A II.A.7 COM-2 Enclosed Combustor Control: BTEX unit Federal Applicable: 40CFR 60, Subpart A II.A.8 T-1 through 6 Condensate Storage Tanks One (1) Gunbarrel tank Capacity: 16,800 gallons Five (5) condensate tanks Capacity: 16,800 gallons each II.A.9 MT-Tank Methanol Storage Tank Capacity: 16,800 gallons II.A.10 MIS-Tanks Miscellaneous Storage Tanks Contents: lube oil, used oil, antifreeze II.A.11 TRK-1 Truck Loading II.A.12 FUG-1 Fugitive Emissions Component Leaks, compressor blow-down events, pigging, DAQE-AN161890001-24 Page 7 SECTION II: SPECIAL PROVISIONS II.B REQUIREMENTS AND LIMITATIONS II.B.1 Site Wide Requirements II.B.1.a Visible emissions from the following emission points shall not exceed the following values: A. All-natural gas operated equipment and tanks - 10% opacity. B. All other points - 20% opacity. [R307-401-8] II.B.1.a.1 Opacity observations of emissions from stationary sources shall be conducted according to 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9. [R307-401-8] II.B.1.b The compressor station production limit shall not exceed 100 million standard dry cubic feet of processed natural gas per day. [R307-401-8] II.B.1.b.1 To determine compliance with a rolling 12-month total, the owner/operator shall calculate a new 12-month total by the twentieth day of each month using data from the previous 12 months. Records of production shall be kept for all periods when the plant is in operation. Production shall be determined by gas flow meters for natural gas and hours of operation. The records of processing and production shall be kept on a daily basis. Hours of operation shall be determined by supervisor monitoring and maintaining of an operations log. [R307-401-8] II.B.1.c All emissions from the Dehydration unit (DEHY) must be routed to either Combustors (COM-1 or COM-2). [R307-401-8] II.B.2 Engine Testing Requirements II.B.2.a The owner/operator shall not emit more than the following rates and concentrations from the indicated emissions unit(s): Source: RICE-1 through RICE-10 Pollutant lb/hr NOX 1.26(each) CO 1.27(each) VOC 1.26(each) [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.1 Standard Conditions & Emission Limit Parameters: A. Temperature - 68 degrees Fahrenheit (293 K). B. Pressure - 29.92 in Hg (101.3 kPa). C. Concentration (ppmdv) - 3% oxygen, dry basis. D. Averaging Time - As specified in the applicable test method. [R307-401-8] DAQE-AN161890001-24 Page 8 II.B.2.a.2 Initial Test The owner/operator shall conduct an initial emission test within 180 days after startup. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.3 Test Frequency The owner/operator shall conduct subsequent emission tests within three (3) years or 8,760 hours of operation after the date of the most recent emission test. The Director may require the owner/operator to perform an emission test at any time. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.4 Notification At least 30 days prior to conducting an emission test, the owner/operator shall submit a source test protocol to the Director. The source test protocol shall include: A. The date, time, and place of the proposed test. B. The proposed test methodologies. C. The stack to be tested. D. The procedures to be used. E. Any deviation from an EPA-approved test method. F. Explanation of any deviation from an EPA-approved test method. If directed by the Director, the owner/operator shall attend a pretest conference. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.5 NOx 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 7; Method 7E; or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.6 CO 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 10 or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.7 VOC 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 18; Method 25; Method 25A; 40 CFR 63, Appendix A, Method 320; or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. [R307-401-8] II.B.3 Combustors and Flare Requirements II.B.3.a All combustors and flare shall operate with a continuous pilot flame and be equipped with an auto-igniter. [R307-401-8] II.B.3.b All combustors and flare shall operate with no visible emissions. [R307-401-8] II.B.3.b.1 Visual determination of emissions from each combustor and flare shall be conducted according to 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 22. [R307-401-8] II.B.4 Condensate Storage Tank Requirements II.B.4.a The owner/operator shall not produce more than 94,900 barrels (1 barrel = 42 gallons) of condensate per rolling 12-month period from the Hideout Compressor Station. [R307-401-8] DAQE-AN161890001-24 Page 9 II.B.4.a.1 The owner/operator shall: A. Determine condensate production with process flow meters and/or sales records. B. Record condensate production on a daily basis. C. Calculate a new 12-month total by the 20th day of each month using data from the previous 12 months. D. Keep the production records for all periods the plant is in operation. [R307-401-8] II.B.4.b All emissions from the Condensate Storage Tanks (T-1 thru T-6) must be routed to either Combustors (COM-1 or COM-2). [R307-401-8] II.B.5 Truck Loading Requirements II.B.5.a The owner/operator shall load the tanker trucks on site by the use of submerged loading. [R307-401-8] II.B.5.b The owner/operator shall connect a vapor capture line to the operating combustor for use during on-site condensate truck loading operations at the Hideout Compressor Station. The vapor capture line shall be used at all times during loading operations. [R307-401-8] II.B.6 Fugitive Emissions Requirements II.B.6.a The Hideout Compressor Station is subject to the LDAR requirements in 40 CFR 60 Subpart OOOOa and OOOOb. [R307-401-8] PERMIT HISTORY This Approval Order shall supersede (if a modification) or will be based on the following documents: Is Derived From NOI dated December 22, 2023 DAQE-AN161890001-24 Page 10 ACRONYMS The following lists commonly used acronyms and associated translations as they apply to this document: 40 CFR Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations AO Approval Order BACT Best Available Control Technology CAA Clean Air Act CAAA Clean Air Act Amendments CDS Classification Data System (used by Environmental Protection Agency to classify sources by size/type) CEM Continuous emissions monitor CEMS Continuous emissions monitoring system CFR Code of Federal Regulations CMS Continuous monitoring system CO Carbon monoxide CO2 Carbon Dioxide CO2e Carbon Dioxide Equivalent - Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 98, Subpart A, Table A-1 COM Continuous opacity monitor DAQ/UDAQ Division of Air Quality DAQE This is a document tracking code for internal Division of Air Quality use EPA Environmental Protection Agency FDCP Fugitive dust control plan GHG Greenhouse Gas(es) - Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations 52.21 (b)(49)(i) GWP Global Warming Potential - Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 86.1818- 12(a) HAP or HAPs Hazardous air pollutant(s) ITA Intent to Approve LB/YR Pounds per year MACT Maximum Achievable Control Technology MMBTU Million British Thermal Units NAA Nonattainment Area NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards NESHAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants NOI Notice of Intent NOx Oxides of nitrogen NSPS New Source Performance Standard NSR New Source Review PM10 Particulate matter less than 10 microns in size PM2.5 Particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in size PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration PTE Potential to Emit R307 Rules Series 307 R307-401 Rules Series 307 - Section 401 SO2 Sulfur dioxide Title IV Title IV of the Clean Air Act Title V Title V of the Clean Air Act TPY Tons per year UAC Utah Administrative Code VOC Volatile organic compounds DAQE-IN161890001-24 March 14, 2024 Ted Meinhold Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC 1001 Louisiana Street, Suite 1000 Houston, TX 77002 erin_dunman@kindermorgan.com Dear Mr. Meinhold: Re: Intent to Approve: New Approval Order for the Hideout Compressor Station Project Number: N161890001 The attached document is the Intent to Approve (ITA) for the above-referenced project. The ITA is subject to public review. Any comments received shall be considered before an Approval Order (AO) is issued. The Division of Air Quality is authorized to charge a fee for reimbursement of the actual costs incurred in the issuance of an AO. An invoice will follow upon issuance of the final AO. Future correspondence on this ITA should include the engineer's name, Tad Anderson, as well as the DAQE number as shown on the upper right-hand corner of this letter. Tad Anderson, can be reached at (385) 306-6515 or tdanderson@utah.gov, if you have any questions. Sincerely, {{$s }} Jon L. Black, Manager New Source Review Section JLB:TA:jg cc: TriCounty Health Department 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 536-4000 • Fax (801) 536-4099 • T.D.D. (801) 536-4414 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director * ) ' & — - F v A ? A C @ G w A B ˜ STATE OF UTAH Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality INTENT TO APPROVE DAQE-IN161890001-24 New Approval Order for the Hideout Compressor Station Prepared By Tad Anderson, Engineer (385) 306-6515 tdanderson@utah.gov Issued to Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC - Hideout Compressor Station Issued On March 14, 2024 {{$s }} New Source Review Section Manager Jon L. Black {{#s=Sig_es_:signer1:signature}} * ) ' & — - F v A ? A C @ G w A B ˜ TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE/SIGNATURE PAGE ....................................................................................................... 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ...................................................................................................... 3 CONTACT/LOCATION INFORMATION ............................................................................... 3 SOURCE INFORMATION ........................................................................................................ 3 General Description ................................................................................................................ 3 NSR Classification .................................................................................................................. 3 Source Classification .............................................................................................................. 3 Applicable Federal Standards ................................................................................................. 3 Project Description.................................................................................................................. 4 SUMMARY OF EMISSIONS .................................................................................................... 4 PUBLIC NOTICE STATEMENT............................................................................................... 5 SECTION I: GENERAL PROVISIONS .................................................................................... 5 SECTION II: PERMITTED EQUIPMENT .............................................................................. 6 SECTION II: SPECIAL PROVISIONS ..................................................................................... 7 PERMIT HISTORY ................................................................................................................... 10 ACRONYMS ............................................................................................................................... 11 DAQE-IN161890001-24 Page 3 GENERAL INFORMATION CONTACT/LOCATION INFORMATION Owner Name Source Name Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC - Hideout Compressor Station Mailing Address Physical Address 1001 Louisiana Street, Suite 1000 4 Miles Northeast of Myton Houston, TX 77002 Duchesne County, UT Source Contact UTM Coordinates Name: Erin Dunman 585,094.62 m Easting Phone: (303) 914-7605 4,453,138.81 m Northing Email: erin_dunman@kindermorgan.com Datum NAD27 UTM Zone 12 SIC code 1311 (Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas) SOURCE INFORMATION General Description Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC (Kinder Morgan), has requested to construct and operate the new Hideout Compressor Station. The new Hideout Compressor Station will be designed to compress, treat, and dehydrate up to 100 MMscfd of natural gas and generate up to 260 bpd of condensate. NSR Classification New Minor Source Source Classification Located in , Uinta Basin O3 NAA Duchesne County Airs Source Size: SM Applicable Federal Standards NSPS (Part 60), A: General Provisions NSPS (Part 60), JJJJ: Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines NSPS (Part 60), OOOOa: Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities for which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After September 18, 2015 NSPS (Part 60), OOOOb: Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities for which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After November 15, 2021 MACT (Part 63), A: General Provisions MACT (Part 63), HH: National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants From Oil and DAQE-IN161890001-24 Page 4 Natural Gas Production Facilities MACT (Part 63), ZZZZ: National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines Project Description Kinder Morgan has requested to construct and operate the new Hideout Compressor Station. The new Hideout compressor station consists of ten (10) compressor engines, a heater/boiler, a stabilizer heater, a TEG dehydration unit (still vent and flash tank), two (2) combustors, a flare, six (6) condensate tanks, a truck loading station, and five (5) process tanks. All equipment located at the Hideout Compressor Station will be operated on pipeline-quality natural gas, except for the gas recovered from the TEG dehydration flash tank. The Hideout Compressor Station's primary function will be to compress and dehydrate field gas, as well as boost pipeline gas. The low-pressure inlet stream will consist of natural gas from the Altamont field entering the facility through a pipeline. SUMMARY OF EMISSIONS The emissions listed below are an estimate of the total potential emissions from the source. Some rounding of emissions is possible. Criteria Pollutant Change (TPY) Total (TPY) CO2 Equivalent 107120.00 107120.00 Carbon Monoxide 96.89 96.89 Nitrogen Oxides 67.15 67.15 Particulate Matter - PM10 9.41 9.41 Particulate Matter - PM2.5 9.41 9.41 Sulfur Oxides 0.40 0.40 Volatile Organic Compounds 94.24 94.24 Hazardous Air Pollutant Change (lbs/yr) Total (lbs/yr) 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane (CAS #540841) 60 60 Acrolein (CAS #107028) 360 360 Benzene (Including Benzene From Gasoline) (CAS #71432) 1020 1020 Ethyl Benzene (CAS #100414) 2 2 Formaldehyde (CAS #50000) 7280 7280 Hexane (CAS #110543) 7220 7220 Methanol (CAS #67561) 420 420 Toluene (CAS #108883) 240 240 Xylenes (Isomers And Mixture) (CAS #1330207) 40 40 Change (TPY) Total (TPY) Total HAPs 8.32 8.32 DAQE-IN161890001-24 Page 5 PUBLIC NOTICE STATEMENT The NOI for the above-referenced project has been evaluated and has been found to be consistent with the requirements of UAC R307. Air pollution producing sources and/or their air control facilities may not be constructed, installed, established, or modified prior to the issuance of an AO by the Director. A 30-day public comment period will be held in accordance with UAC R307-401-7. A notification of the intent to approve will be published in the Vernal Express on March 20, 2024. During the public comment period the proposal and the evaluation of its impact on air quality will be available for the public to review and provide comment. If anyone so requests a public hearing within 15 days of publication, it will be held in accordance with UAC R307-401-7. The hearing will be held as close as practicable to the location of the source. Any comments received during the public comment period and the hearing will be evaluated. The proposed conditions of the AO may be changed as a result of the comments received. SECTION I: GENERAL PROVISIONS The intent is to issue an air quality AO authorizing the project with the following recommended conditions and that failure to comply with any of the conditions may constitute a violation of the AO. I.1 All definitions, terms, abbreviations, and references used in this AO conform to those used in the UAC R307 and 40 CFR. Unless noted otherwise, references cited in these AO conditions refer to those rules. [R307-101] I.2 The limits set forth in this AO shall not be exceeded without prior approval. [R307-401] I.3 Modifications to the equipment or processes approved by this AO that could affect the emissions covered by this AO must be reviewed and approved. [R307-401-1] I.4 All records referenced in this AO or in other applicable rules, which are required to be kept by the owner/operator, shall be made available to the Director or Director's representative upon request, and the records shall include the two-year period prior to the date of the request. Unless otherwise specified in this AO or in other applicable state and federal rules, records shall be kept for a minimum of two (2) years. [R307-401-8] I.5 At all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction, owners and operators shall, to the extent practicable, maintain and operate any equipment approved under this AO, including associated air pollution control equipment, in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practice for minimizing emissions. Determination of whether acceptable operating and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to the Director which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, opacity observations, review of operating and maintenance procedures, and inspection of the source. All maintenance performed on equipment authorized by this AO shall be recorded. [R307-401-4] I.6 The owner/operator shall comply with UAC R307-107. General Requirements: Breakdowns. [R307-107] I.7 The owner/operator shall comply with UAC R307-150 Series. Emission Inventories. [R307-150] DAQE-IN161890001-24 Page 6 I.8 The owner/operator shall submit documentation of the status of construction or modification to the Director within 18 months from the date of this AO. This AO may become invalid if construction is not commenced within 18 months from the date of this AO or if construction is discontinued for 18 months or more. To ensure proper credit when notifying the Director, send the documentation to the Director, attn.: NSR Section. [R307-401-18] SECTION II: PERMITTED EQUIPMENT The intent is to issue an air quality AO authorizing the project with the following recommended conditions and that failure to comply with any of the conditions may constitute a violation of the AO. II.A THE APPROVED EQUIPMENT II.A.1 Hideout Compressor Station Natural Gas Compressor Station II.A.2 RICE-1 through 10 Natural Gas Fired IC Engine, 4SRB Capacity: 1,900 hp Control: Non-selective catalytic reduction catalyst, Air-fuel-ratio controller Federal Applicable: 40 CFR 60 Subpart JJJJ II.A.3 DEHY TEG Dehydration Unit Process Vents Capacity: 45 MMscf/day II.A.4 H-1 Natural Gas Fired Heater/Reboiler Capacity: 1.5 MMBtu/hr II.A.5 H-2 Natural Gas Fired Heater Stabilizer Capacity: 1.5 MMBtu/hr II.A.6 COM-1 Enclosed Combustor Capacity: Control: All Tanks Federal Applicable: 40 CFR 60, Subpart A II.A.7 COM-2 Enclosed Combustor Control: BTEX unit Federal Applicable: 40CFR 60, Subpart A II.A.8 T-1 through 6 Condensate Storage Tanks One (1) Gunbarrel tank Capacity: 16,800 gallons Five (5) condensate tanks Capacity: 16,800 gallons each DAQE-IN161890001-24 Page 7 II.A.9 MT-Tank Methanol Storage Tank Capacity: 16,800 gallons II.A.10 MIS-Tanks Miscellaneous Storage Tanks Contents: lube oil, used oil, antifreeze II.A.11 TRK-1 Truck Loading II.A.12 FUG-1 Fugitive Emissions Component Leaks, compressor blow down events, pigging SECTION II: SPECIAL PROVISIONS The intent is to issue an air quality AO authorizing the project with the following recommended conditions and that failure to comply with any of the conditions may constitute a violation of the AO. II.B REQUIREMENTS AND LIMITATIONS II.B.1 Site Wide Requirements II.B.1.a Visible emissions from the following emission points shall not exceed the following values: A. All-natural gas operated equipment and tanks - 10% opacity B. All other points - 20% opacity. [R307-401-8] II.B.1.a.1 Opacity observations of emissions from stationary sources shall be conducted according to 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9. [R307-401-8] II.B.1.b The following production limits shall not exceed 100 million standard dry cubic feet of processed natural gas per day. [R307-401-8] II.B.1.b.1 To determine compliance with a rolling 12-month total, the owner/operator shall calculate a new 12-month total by the twentieth day of each month using data from the previous 12 months. Records of production shall be kept for all periods when the plant is in operation. Production shall be determined by gas flow meters for natural gas and hours of operation. The records of processing and production shall be kept on a daily basis. Hours of operation shall be determined by supervisor monitoring and maintaining of an operations log. [R307-401-8] II.B.1.c All emissions from the Dehydration unit (DEHY) must be routed to either Combustors (COM-1 or COM-2). [R307-401-8] DAQE-IN161890001-24 Page 8 II.B.2 Engine Testing Requirements II.B.2.a The owner/operator shall not emit more than the following rates and concentrations from the indicated emissions unit(s): Source: RICE-1 through RICE-10 Pollutant lb/hr NOX 1.26(each) CO 1.27(each) VOC 1.26(each). [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.1 Standard Conditions & Emission Limit Parameters: A. Temperature - 68 degrees Fahrenheit (293 K) B. Pressure - 29.92 in Hg (101.3 kPa) C. Concentration (ppmdv) - 3% oxygen, dry basis D. Averaging Time - As specified in the applicable test method. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.2 Initial Test The owner/operator shall conduct an initial emission test within 180 days after startup. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.3 Test Frequency The owner/operator shall conduct subsequent emission tests within three (3) years or 8,760 hours of operation after the date of the most recent emission test. The Director may require the owner/operator to perform an emission test at any time. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.4 Notification At least 30 days prior to conducting an emission test, the owner/operator shall submit a source test protocol to the Director. The source test protocol shall include: A. The date, time, and place of the proposed test B. The proposed test methodologies C. The stack to be tested D. The procedures to be used E. Any deviation from an EPA-approved test method F. Explanation of any deviation from an EPA-approved test method. If directed by the Director, the owner/operator shall attend a pretest conference. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.5 NOx 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 7; Method 7E; or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. [R307-401-8] DAQE-IN161890001-24 Page 9 II.B.2.a.6 CO 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 10 or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.7 VOC 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 18; Method 25; Method 25A; 40 CFR 63, Appendix A, Method 320; or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. [R307-401-8] II.B.3 Combustors and Flare Requirements II.B.3.a All combustors and flare shall operate with a continuous pilot flame and be equipped with an auto-igniter. [R307-401-8] II.B.3.b All combustors and flare shall operate with no visible emissions. [R307-401-8] II.B.3.b.1 Visual determination of emissions from each combustor and flare shall be conducted according to 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 22. [R307-401-8] II.B.4 Condensate Storage Tank Requirements II.B.4.a The owner/operator shall not produce more than 94,900 barrels (1 barrel = 42 gallons) of condensate per rolling 12-month period from the Hideout Compressor Station. [R307-401-8] II.B.4.a.1 The owner/operator shall: A. Determine condensate production with process flow meters and/or sales records B. Record condensate production on a daily basis C. Calculate a new 12-month total by the 20th day of each month using data from the previous 12 months D. Keep the production records for all periods the plant is in operation. [R307-401-8] II.B.4.b All emissions from the Condensate Storage Tanks (T-1 thru T-6) must be routed to either Combustors (COM-1 or COM-2). [R307-401-8] II.B.5 Truck Loading Requirements II.B.5.a The owner/operator shall load the tanker trucks on site by the use of submerged loading. [R307-401-8] II.B.5.b The owner/operator shall connect a vapor capture line to the operating combustor for use during on-site condensate truck loading operations at the Hideout Compressor Station. The vapor capture line shall be used at all times during loading operations. [R307-401-8] II.B.6 Fugitive Emissions Requirements II.B.6.a The Hideout Compressor Station is subject to the LDAR requirements in 40 CFR 60 Subpart OOOOa and OOOOb. [R307-401-8] DAQE-IN161890001-24 Page 10 PERMIT HISTORY This Approval Order shall supersede (if a modification) or will be based on the following documents: Is Derived From NOI dated December 22, 2023 DAQE-IN161890001-24 Page 11 ACRONYMS The following lists commonly used acronyms and associated translations as they apply to this document: 40 CFR Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations AO Approval Order BACT Best Available Control Technology CAA Clean Air Act CAAA Clean Air Act Amendments CDS Classification Data System (used by Environmental Protection Agency to classify sources by size/type) CEM Continuous emissions monitor CEMS Continuous emissions monitoring system CFR Code of Federal Regulations CMS Continuous monitoring system CO Carbon monoxide CO2 Carbon Dioxide CO2e Carbon Dioxide Equivalent - Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 98, Subpart A, Table A-1 COM Continuous opacity monitor DAQ/UDAQ Division of Air Quality DAQE This is a document tracking code for internal Division of Air Quality use EPA Environmental Protection Agency FDCP Fugitive dust control plan GHG Greenhouse Gas(es) - Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations 52.21 (b)(49)(i) GWP Global Warming Potential - Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 86.1818- 12(a) HAP or HAPs Hazardous air pollutant(s) ITA Intent to Approve LB/YR Pounds per year MACT Maximum Achievable Control Technology MMBTU Million British Thermal Units NAA Nonattainment Area NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards NESHAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants NOI Notice of Intent NOx Oxides of nitrogen NSPS New Source Performance Standard NSR New Source Review PM10 Particulate matter less than 10 microns in size PM2.5 Particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in size PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration PTE Potential to Emit R307 Rules Series 307 R307-401 Rules Series 307 - Section 401 SO2 Sulfur dioxide Title IV Title IV of the Clean Air Act Title V Title V of the Clean Air Act TPY Tons per year UAC Utah Administrative Code VOC Volatile organic compounds Kinder Morgan 16189 0001 - Page 1 of 2 FILER Jeree Greenwood jereeg@utah.gov (801) 536-4000 FILING FOR Vernal Express Columns Wide:1 Total Column Inches:6.56 Number of Lines:59 Ad Class:Legals INTERIM AD DRAFT T h i s is t he p r oo f o f yo ur ad sc he du l ed to r u n in Ve rn a l Ex p r es s o n t he d a te s in dic ate d be l ow. If c h a n ge s a r e ne ed ed , p l ea se co nt a ct us pr i o r to d ea dlin e a t (4 35 ) 9 38 -7 11 2. Notice ID: GncRz2OzDWf77X2QINEN | Proof Updated: Mar. 14, 2024 at 10:43am MDT Notice Name: Kinder Morgan 16189 0001 This is not an invoice. Below is an estimated price, and it is subject to change. You will receive an invoice with the final price upon invoice creation by the publisher. 03/20/2024: General Legal and Public Notice 79.35 Upload Fee 0.25 Subtotal $79.60 Tax $0.00 Processing Fee $0.00 Total $79.60 See Proof on Next Page Kinder Morgan 16189 0001 - Page 2 of 2 DAQE-NN161890001-24 March 14, 2024 Vernal Express Legal Advertising Dept. 60 East 100 North Vernal, UT 84078-2122 RE: Legal Notice of Intent to Approve This letter will confirm the authorization to publish the attached NOTICE in the Vernal Express (Account Number: 2307) on March 20, 2024. Please mail the invoice and affidavit of publication to the Utah State Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Air Quality, P.O. Box 144820, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4820. If you have any questions, contact Jeree Greenwood, who may be reached at (385) 306-6514. Sincerely, {{$s }} Jeree Greenwood Office Technician Enclosure cc: Duchesne County cc: Uintah Basin Association of Governments 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 536-4000 • Fax (801) 536-4099 • T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director DAQE-NN161890001-24 Page 2 NOTICE A Notice of Intent for the following project submitted in accordance with R307-401-1, Utah Administrative Code (UAC), has been received for consideration by the Director: Company Name: Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Location: Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC - Hideout Compressor Station – 4 Miles Northeast of Myton, Duchesne County, UT Project Description: Kinder Morgan Altamont, LLC (Kinder Morgan), has requested to construct and operate the new Hideout Compressor Station. The completed engineering evaluation and air quality impact analysis showed the proposed project meets the requirements of federal air quality regulations and the State air quality rules. The Director intends to issue an Approval Order pending a 30-day public comment period. The project proposal, estimate of the effect on local air quality and draft Approval Order are available for public inspection and comment at the Utah Division of Air Quality, 195 North 1950 West, Salt Lake City, UT 84116. Written comments received by the Division at this same address on or before April 19, 2024 will be considered in making the final decision on the approval/disapproval of the proposed project. Email comments will also be accepted at tdanderson@utah.gov. If anyone so requests to the Director in writing within 15 days of publication of this notice, a hearing will be held in accordance with R307-401-7, UAC. Under Section 19-1-301.5, a person who wishes to challenge a Permit Order may only raise an issue or argument during an adjudicatory proceeding that was raised during the public comment period and was supported with sufficient information or documentation to enable the Director to fully consider the substance and significance of the issue. Date of Notice: March 20, 2024 {{#s=Sig_es_:signer1:signature}} DAQE- RN161890001 February 15, 2024 Ted Meinhold Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC 1001 Louisiana Street, Suite 1000 Houston, TX 77002 erin_dunman@kindermorgan.com Dear Ted Meinhold, Re: Engineer Review: New Approval Order for the Hideout Compressor Station Project Number: N161890001 The DAQ requests a company representative review and sign the attached Engineer Review (ER). This ER identifies all applicable elements of the New Source Review permitting program. Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC should complete this review within 10 business days of receipt. Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC should contact Tad Anderson at (385) 306-6515 if there are questions or concerns with the review of the draft permit conditions. Upon resolution of your concerns, please email Tad Anderson at tdanderson@utah.gov the signed cover letter. Upon receipt of the signed cover letter, the DAQ will prepare an ITA for a 30-day public comment period. At the completion of the comment period, the DAQ will address any comments and will prepare an Approval Order (AO) for signature by the DAQ Director. If Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC does not respond to this letter within 10 business days, the project will move forward without source concurrence. If Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC has concerns that cannot be resolved and the project becomes stagnant, the DAQ Director may issue an Order prohibiting construction. Approval Signature _____________________________________________________________ (Signature & Date) 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 536-4000 • Fax (801) 536-4099 • T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director State of Utah SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor Engineer Review N161890001: Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC- Hideout Compressor Station February 15, 2024 Page 1 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY ENGINEER REVIEW SOURCE INFORMATION Project Number N161890001 Owner Name Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Mailing Address 1001 Louisiana Street, Suite 1000 Houston, TX, 77002 Source Name Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC- Hideout Compressor Station Source Location 4 Miles Northeast of Myton Duchesne County, UT UTM Projection 585,094.62 m Easting, 4,453,138.81 m Northing UTM Datum NAD27 UTM Zone UTM Zone 12 SIC Code 1311 (Crude Petroleum & Natural Gas) Source Contact Erin Dunman Phone Number (303) 914-7605 Email erin_dunman@kindermorgan.com Billing Contact Erin Dunman Phone Number 303-914-7605 Email erin_dunman@kindermorgan.com Project Engineer Tad Anderson, Engineer Phone Number (385) 306-6515 Email tdanderson@utah.gov Notice of Intent (NOI) Submitted December 22, 2023 Engineer Review N161890001: Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC- Hideout Compressor Station February 15, 2024 Page 2 SOURCE DESCRIPTION General Description Kinder Morgan Altamont, LLC (Kinder Morgan), has requested to construct and operate the new Hideout Compressor Station. The new Hideout Compressor Station will be designed to compress, treat, and dehydrate up to 100 MMscfd of natural gas and generate up to 260 bpd of condensate. NSR Classification: New Minor Source Source Classification Located in, Uinta Basin O3 NAA, Duchesne County Airs Source Size: SM Applicable Federal Standards NSPS (Part 60), A: General Provisions NSPS (Part 60), JJJJ: Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines NSPS (Part 60), OOOOa: Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities for which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After September 18, 2015 NSPS (Part 60), OOOOb: Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities for which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After December 6, 2022 MACT (Part 63), A: General Provisions MACT (Part 63), HH: National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants From Oil and Natural Gas Production Facilities MACT (Part 63), ZZZZ: National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines Project Proposal New Approval Order for the Hideout Compressor Station Project Description Kinder Morgan Altamont, LLC (Kinder Morgan), has requested to construct and operate the new Hideout Compressor Station. The new Hideout compressor station consists of ten compressor engines, a heater/boiler, a stabilizer heater, a TEG dehydration unit (still vent and flash tank), two combustors, a flare, six tanks, a truck loading station and five process tanks. All equipment located at the Hideout Compressor Station will be operated on pipeline quality natural gas, except the gas recovered from the TEG dehydration flash tank. The Hideout Compressor Station's primary function will be to compress and dehydrate field gas, as well as boosting pipeline gas. The low-pressure inlet stream will consist of natural gas from the Altamont field entering the facility through a pipeline. EMISSION IMPACT ANALYSIS Modeling was conducted for NOx and NO2. The summary of the modeling information is documented in the modeling memo DAQE-MN161890001-24. [Last updated February 14, 2024] Engineer Review N161890001: Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC- Hideout Compressor Station February 15, 2024 Page 3 Engineer Review N161890001: Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC- Hideout Compressor Station February 15, 2024 Page 4 SUMMARY OF EMISSIONS The emissions listed below are an estimate of the total potential emissions from the source. Some rounding of emissions is possible. Criteria Pollutant Change (TPY) Total (TPY) CO2 Equivalent 107120.00 107120.00 Carbon Monoxide 96.89 96.89 Nitrogen Oxides 67.15 67.15 Particulate Matter - PM10 9.41 9.41 Particulate Matter - PM2.5 9.41 9.41 Sulfur Oxides 0.40 0.40 Volatile Organic Compounds 94.24 94.24 Hazardous Air Pollutant Change (lbs/yr) Total (lbs/yr) 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane (CAS #540841) 60 60 Acrolein (CAS #107028) 360 360 Benzene (Including Benzene From Gasoline) (CAS #71432) 1020 1020 Ethyl Benzene (CAS #100414) 2 2 Formaldehyde (CAS #50000) 7280 7280 Hexane (CAS #110543) 7220 7220 Methanol (CAS #67561) 420 420 Toluene (CAS #108883) 240 240 Xylenes (Isomers And Mixture) (CAS #1330207) 40 40 Change (TPY) Total (TPY) Total HAPs 8.32 8.32 Note: Change in emissions indicates the difference between previous AO and proposed modification. Engineer Review N161890001: Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC- Hideout Compressor Station February 15, 2024 Page 5 Review of BACT for New/Modified Emission Units 1. BACT review regarding Sitewide BACT The notice of intent includes an analysis of the best available control technology (BACT) as per R307-401-5 for all equipment at the proposed source. This BACT analysis focused on the four- stroke rich burn (4SRB) Spark-Ignited Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (SI RICE) . The SI RICE, as a group, are the largest contributors of air emissions at the Hideout Compressor Station. The other emission sources were addressed with current BACT for each respective source type. 4SRB SI-RICE The BACT analysis took into consideration the following control technologies to control NOx emissions from the new SI-RICE: AFR controller, Pre-Stratified Charge, Lean Burn Technologies, Ultra Lean Burn (ULB) Technology, Selective Non-catalytic Reduction (SNCR), Non-Selective Catalytic Reduction (NSCR) and Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR). Pre-Stratified Charge and Lean Burn Technologies are not technically feasible for rich burn engines. The SNCR and SCR are not technically feasible for a 4SRB. The remaining control technology left is NSCR. The Exhaust stacks for each of the units will be equipped with a NSCR (3-way) catalyst to reduce the NOx emissions rates by more than 97% to achieve 0.30 g/bhp-hr. BACT to control NOx for the ten 4SRB SI-RICE is the addition of the NSCR with a 0.30 g/bhp-hr and a 10% opacity limit All other criteria pollutants were addressed in the BACT analysis but the focus for 4SRB SI-RICE is NOX. Triethylene Glycol (TEG) Dehydrator Vent The still vent for the TEG regeneration processes at the Hideout Compressor Station will be routed through a condenser with all non-condensable vapors from the condenser vent being directed to an enclosed combustor. The combustor will achieve a destruction efficiency of 95% or greater. The TEG dehydrator flash tank vapors will be collected and used in the fuel system at the station. BACT to control VOC and HAPs from the TEG Dehydrator is the use of a condenser and combustor. Storage Tanks The organic liquids storage tanks with the largest VOC emissions are Condensate Tanks T-1 through T-6. The vapors for these tanks are collected with an enclosed vapor collection system and directed to an enclosed combustor with a VOC destruction efficiency of 95% or greater. BACT to control VOC emissions from the condensate storage tanks is the use of a vapor collection system and enclosed combustor. Tank Truck Loading Current truck loading requirements in UAC R307-504 establish specific control requirements for the loading and unloading of liquids containing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at oil or gas well sites. These control requirements include the use of bottom fill or submerged fill pipe as well as a "Vapor Capture Line" from the truck loading being routed to an enclosed combustor for destruction. BACT to control VOC emissions from the Tank Truck Loading compliance with UAC R307-504 and vapor capture line being routed to combustor. [Last updated February 14, 2024] Engineer Review N161890001: Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC- Hideout Compressor Station February 15, 2024 Page 6 SECTION I: GENERAL PROVISIONS The intent is to issue an air quality AO authorizing the project with the following recommended conditions and that failure to comply with any of the conditions may constitute a violation of the AO. (New or Modified conditions are indicated as “New” in the Outline Label): I.1 All definitions, terms, abbreviations, and references used in this AO conform to those used in the UAC R307 and 40 CFR. Unless noted otherwise, references cited in these AO conditions refer to those rules. [R307-101] I.2 The limits set forth in this AO shall not be exceeded without prior approval. [R307-401] I.3 Modifications to the equipment or processes approved by this AO that could affect the emissions covered by this AO must be reviewed and approved. [R307-401-1] I.4 All records referenced in this AO or in other applicable rules, which are required to be kept by the owner/operator, shall be made available to the Director or Director's representative upon request, and the records shall include the two-year period prior to the date of the request. Unless otherwise specified in this AO or in other applicable state and federal rules, records shall be kept for a minimum of two (2) years. [R307-401-8] I.5 At all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction, owners and operators shall, to the extent practicable, maintain and operate any equipment approved under this AO, including associated air pollution control equipment, in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practice for minimizing emissions. Determination of whether acceptable operating and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to the Director which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, opacity observations, review of operating and maintenance procedures, and inspection of the source. All maintenance performed on equipment authorized by this AO shall be recorded. [R307- 401-4] I.6 The owner/operator shall comply with UAC R307-107. General Requirements: Breakdowns. [R307-107] I.7 The owner/operator shall comply with UAC R307-150 Series. Emission Inventories. [R307- 150] I.8 The owner/operator shall submit documentation of the status of construction or modification to the Director within 18 months from the date of this AO. This AO may become invalid if construction is not commenced within 18 months from the date of this AO or if construction is discontinued for 18 months or more. To ensure proper credit when notifying the Director, send the documentation to the Director, attn.: NSR Section. [R307-401-18] SECTION II: PERMITTED EQUIPMENT The intent is to issue an air quality AO authorizing the project with the following recommended conditions and that failure to comply with any of the conditions may constitute a violation of the AO. (New or Modified conditions are indicated as “New” in the Outline Label): Engineer Review N161890001: Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC- Hideout Compressor Station February 15, 2024 Page 7 II.A THE APPROVED EQUIPMENT II.A.1 NEW Hideout Compressor Station Natural Gas Compressor Station II.A.2 NEW RICE-1 through 10 (NEW) Natural Gas Fired IC Engine, 4SRB Capacity: 1,900 hp Control: Non-selective catalytic reduction catalyst, Air-fuel-ratio controller Federal Applicable: 40 CFR 60 Subpart JJJJ II.A.3 NEW DEHY TEG Dehydration Unit Process Vents Capacity: 45 MMscf/day II.A.4 NEW H-1 Natural Gas Fired Heater/Reboiler Capacity: 1.5 MMBtu/hr II.A.5 NEW H-2 Natural Gas Fired Heater Stabilizer Capacity: 1.5 MMBtu/hr II.A.6 NEW COM-1 Enclosed Combustor Capacity: Control: All Tanks Federal Applicable: 40 CFR 60, Subpart A II.A.7 NEW COM-2 Enclosed Combustor Control: BTEX unit Federal Applicable: 40CFR 60, Subpart A II.A.8 NEW T-1 through 6 Condensate Storage Tanks 1 Gunbarrel tank Capacity: 16,800 gallons 5 condensate tanks Capacity: 16,800 gallons each II.A.9 NEW MT-Tank Methanol Storage Tank Capacity: 16,800 gallons II.A.10 NEW MIS-Tanks Miscellaneous Storage Tanks Contents: lube oil, used oil, antifreeze Engineer Review N161890001: Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC- Hideout Compressor Station February 15, 2024 Page 8 II.A.11 NEW TRK-1 Truck Loading II.A.12 NEW FUG-1 Fugitive Emissions Component Leaks, compressor blow down events, pigging, SECTION II: SPECIAL PROVISIONS The intent is to issue an air quality AO authorizing the project with the following recommended conditions and that failure to comply with any of the conditions may constitute a violation of the AO. (New or Modified conditions are indicated as “New” in the Outline Label): II.B REQUIREMENTS AND LIMITATIONS II.B.1 NEW Site Wide Requirements II.B.1.a NEW Visible emissions from the following emission points shall not exceed the following values: A. All-natural gas operated equipment and tanks - 10% opacity B. All other points - 20% opacity. [R307-401-8] II.B.1.a.1 NEW Opacity observations of emissions from stationary sources shall be conducted according to 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9. [R307-401-8] II.B.1.b NEW The following production limits shall not exceed 100 million standard dry cubic feet of processed natural gas per day. [R307-401-8] II.B.1.b.1 NEW To determine compliance with a rolling 12-month total, the owner/operator shall calculate a new 12-month total by the twentieth day of each month using data from the previous 12 months. Records of production shall be kept for all periods when the plant is in operation. Production shall be determined by gas flow meters for natural gas and hours of operation. The records of processing and production shall be kept on a daily basis. Hours of operation shall be determined by supervisor monitoring and maintaining of an operations log. [R307-401-8] II.B.1.c NEW All emissions from the Dehydration unit (DEHY) must be routed to either Combustors (COM- 1 or COM-2). [R307-401-8] II.B.2 NEW Engine Testing Requirements II.B.2.a NEW The owner/operator shall not emit more than the following rates and concentrations from the indicated emissions unit(s): Source: RICE-1 through RICE-10 Pollutant lb/hr NOX 1.26(each) CO 1.27(each) VOC 1.26(each). [R307-401-8] Engineer Review N161890001: Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC- Hideout Compressor Station February 15, 2024 Page 9 II.B.2.a.1 NEW Standard Conditions & Emission Limit Parameters A. Temperature - 68 degrees Fahrenheit (293 K) B. Pressure - 29.92 in Hg (101.3 kPa) C. Concentration (ppmdv) - 3% oxygen, dry basis D. Averaging Time - As specified in the applicable test method. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.2 NEW Initial Test The owner/operator shall conduct an initial emission test within 180 days after startup. [R307- 401-8] II.B.2.a.3 NEW Test Frequency The owner/operator shall conduct subsequent emission tests within three years or 8,760 hours of operation after the date of the most recent emission test. The Director may require the owner/operator to perform an emission test at any time. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.4 NEW Notification At least 30 days prior to conducting an emission test, the owner/operator shall submit a source test protocol to the Director. The source test protocol shall include: A. The date, time, and place of the proposed test B. The proposed test methodologies C. The stack to be tested D. The procedures to be used E. Any deviation from an EPA-approved test method F. Explanation of any deviation from an EPA-approved test method If directed by the Director, the owner/operator shall attend a pretest conference. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.5 NEW NOx 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 7; Method 7E; or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.6 NEW CO 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 10 or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.7 NEW VOC 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 18; Method 25; Method 25A; 40 CFR 63, Appendix A, Method 320; or other EPA-approved testing method as acceptable to the Director. [R307-401- 8] II.B.3 NEW Combustors and Flare Requirements II.B.3.a NEW All combustors and flare shall operate with a continuous pilot flame and be equipped with an auto-igniter. [R307-401-8] II.B.3.b NEW All combustors and flare shall operate with no visible emissions. [R307-401-8] II.B.3.b.1 NEW Visual determination of emissions from each combustor and flare shall be conducted according to 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 22. [R307-401-8] Engineer Review N161890001: Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC- Hideout Compressor Station February 15, 2024 Page 10 II.B.4 NEW Condensate Storage Tank Requirements II.B.4.a NEW The owner/operator shall not produce more than 94,900 barrels (1 barrel = 42 gallons) of condensate per rolling 12-month period from the Hideout Compressor Station. [R307-401-8] II.B.4.a.1 NEW The owner/operator shall: A. Determine condensate production with process flow meters and/or sales records. B. Record condensate production on a daily basis. C. Calculate a new 12-month total by the 20th day of each month using data from the previous 12 months. D. Keep the production records for all periods the plant is in operation. [R307-401-8] II.B.4.b NEW All emissions from the Condensate Storage Tanks (T-1 thru T-6) must be routed to either Combustors (COM-1 or COM-2). [R307-401-8] II.B.5 NEW Truck Loading Requirements II.B.5.a NEW The owner/operator shall load the tanker trucks on site by the use of submerged loading. [R307-401-8] II.B.5.b NEW The owner/operator shall connect a vapor capture line to the operating combustor for use during on-site condensate truck loading operations at the Hideout Compressor Station. The vapor capture line shall be used at all times during loading operations. [R307-401-8] II.B.6 NEW Fugitive Emissions Requirements II.B.6.a NEW The Hideout Compressor Station is subject to the LDAR requirements in 40 CFR 60 Subpart OOOOa and OOOOb. [R307-401-8] Engineer Review N161890001: Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC- Hideout Compressor Station February 15, 2024 Page 11 PERMIT HISTORY When issued, the approval order shall supersede (if a modification) or will be based on the following documents: Is Derived From NOI dated December 22, 2023 REVIEWER COMMENTS 1. Comment regarding Emission Estimates: The ten compressor engines emission estimates used manufacturer information for NOx, CO, VOC and Formaldehyde emissions. Additional controls reduction was added to the emissions for the NSCR with control efficiency from the manufacture for NOx and CO. The rest of the criteria emissions and HAP emissions were estimated using AP-42 emissions factors and 8760 hours of operation annually. The heaters emission estimates AP-42 emissions factors and 8760 hours of operation annually. The combustors emission estimates used emission factors developed by Wyoming for NOx, CO, and VOCs. The PM10 and PM2.5 emissions estimates used emissions factors from AP-42. The flare emission estimates used AP-42 emission factors for NOx, CO, PM10 and PM2.5. The VOCs estimates used manufacturer information. The PM10 and PM2.5 emissions estimates used emissions factors from AP-42. The condensate storage tanks emission estimates used ProMax model for the tank emissions from operation and the combustors manufactures destruction efficiency. The miscellaneous storage tanks emissions estimates used TANKS model. The fugitive VOC emission estimates from pigging, blow down, and leaks used "Protocol for Equipment Leak Emission Estimates" (EPA-453/R-95-017). [Last updated February 14, 2024] 2. Comment regarding Project Type: The Kinder Morgan, Hideout Compressor Station is classified as a minor source since all criteria emissions are below 100 TPY, the combined HAPs are below 25 TPY and all HAPs are below 10 TPY. [Last updated February 14, 2024] 3. Comment regarding HAPs Modeling: A HAPs analysis was conducted according to UAC Section R307-410-5. Formaldehyde from the large 4-Stroke Rich Burn Spark Ignition compressor engines was the only HAP that exceeded the emissions threshold value (ETV). The formaldehyde emissions are emitted from emissions units that are subject to an emission standard promulgated under 42 U.S.C. 7412 (NESHAP Subpart ZZZZ) and are exempt from the requirements of UAC Sections R307-410- 5(c)(i)(A) through (C) which is a comparison of the emission unit emissions to ETVs. [Last updated February 14, 2024] 4. Comment regarding Criteria Modeling: The construction of the new Hideout Compressor Station results in total controlled NOx emission increases greater than those listed in the Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R307-410-4. Kinder Morgan submitted a dispersion modeling analysis as part of a Notice of Intent. The Notice of Intent Engineer Review N161890001: Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC- Hideout Compressor Station February 15, 2024 Page 12 package contains analysis for the potential project emissions for oxides of nitrogen that exceed the emissions thresholds listed in UAC R307-410-4. The Notice of Intent package also contains an analysis to demonstrate that the proposed project will not cause or contribute to an exceedance of the annual and 1-hour average NO2 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). A modeling memo was generated DAQE-MN161890001-24 with all information per UAC R307-410-4. [Last updated February 14, 2024] 5. Comment regarding Nonattainment Area: The new Kinder Morgan, Hideout Compressor Station is located in an Ozone Nonattainment Area (Uinta Basin Nonattainment Area). This new Compressor Station is classified as a minor source and not subject to UAC R307-403, "New and Modified sources in Nonattainment Areas and Maintenance Area". [Last updated February 14, 2024] 6. Comment regarding Federal Applicable Regulations: Kinder Morgan, Hideout Compressor Station is subject to 40 CFR 60 Subpart A (General Provisions) and JJJJ (Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines) and OOOOa/OOOOb (Standards of Performance from Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production, Transmission, and Distribution); and 40 CFR 63 Subparts A (General Provisions), HH (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants from Oil and Gas Production Facilities), and ZZZZ (National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines). [Last updated February 14, 2024] 7. Comment regarding Source Classification: The Kinder Morgan, Hideout Compressor Station is classified as an area source (not major). The emissions for this new compressor station are within 20% of the major classification emissions level (CO = 96.89 TPY and VOC=94.24 TPY), so the source is classified as a Synthetic Minor area source. [Last updated February 14, 2024] Engineer Review N161890001: Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC- Hideout Compressor Station February 15, 2024 Page 13 ACRONYMS The following lists commonly used acronyms and associated translations as they apply to this document: 40 CFR Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations AO Approval Order BACT Best Available Control Technology CAA Clean Air Act CAAA Clean Air Act Amendments CDS Classification Data System (used by EPA to classify sources by size/type) CEM Continuous emissions monitor CEMS Continuous emissions monitoring system CFR Code of Federal Regulations CMS Continuous monitoring system CO Carbon monoxide CO2 Carbon Dioxide CO2e Carbon Dioxide Equivalent - 40 CFR Part 98, Subpart A, Table A-1 COM Continuous opacity monitor DAQ/UDAQ Division of Air Quality DAQE This is a document tracking code for internal UDAQ use EPA Environmental Protection Agency FDCP Fugitive dust control plan GHG Greenhouse Gas(es) - 40 CFR 52.21 (b)(49)(i) GWP Global Warming Potential - 40 CFR Part 86.1818-12(a) HAP or HAPs Hazardous air pollutant(s) ITA Intent to Approve LB/HR Pounds per hour LB/YR Pounds per year MACT Maximum Achievable Control Technology MMBTU Million British Thermal Units NAA Nonattainment Area NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards NESHAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants NOI Notice of Intent NOx Oxides of nitrogen NSPS New Source Performance Standard NSR New Source Review PM10 Particulate matter less than 10 microns in size PM2.5 Particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in size PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration PTE Potential to Emit R307 Rules Series 307 R307-401 Rules Series 307 - Section 401 SO2 Sulfur dioxide Title IV Title IV of the Clean Air Act Title V Title V of the Clean Air Act TPY Tons per year UAC Utah Administrative Code VOC Volatile organic compounds DAQE-MN161890001-24 M E M O R A N D U M TO: Tad Anderson, NSR Engineer FROM: Jason Krebs, Air Quality Modeler DATE: February 13, 2024 SUBJECT: Modeling Analysis Review for the Notice of Intent for Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC – Hideout Compressor Station, Duchesne County, Utah _____________________________________________________________________________________ This is not a Major Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) Source. I. OBJECTIVE Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC (Applicant) is seeking an approval order for their Hideout Compressor Station located in Duchesne County, Utah. This report, prepared by the Staff of the New Source Review Section (NSR), contains a review of the air quality impact analysis (AQIA) including the information, data, assumptions and modeling results used to determine if the facility will be in compliance with applicable State and Federal concentration standards. II. APPLICABLE RULE(S) Utah Air Quality Rules: R307-401-6 Condition for Issuing an Approval Order R307-410-3 Use of Dispersion Models R307-410-4 Modeling of Criteria Pollutants in Attainment Areas III. MODELING METHODOLOGY A. Applicability Emissions from the facility include PM10, NOx, CO, SO2, and HAPs. This modeling is part of a new approval order. The emission rates for NOx triggered the requirement to model under R307-410. Modeling was performed by the Applicant. 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 536-4000 • Fax (801) 536-4099 • T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director JK DAQE- MN161890001-24 Page 2 B. Assumptions 1. Topography/Terrain The Plant is at an elevation 5090 feet with terrain features that have an affect on concentration predictions. a. Zone: 12 b. Approximate Location: UTM (NAD83): 585095 meters East 4453139 meters North 2. Urban or Rural Area Designation After a review of the appropriate 7.5 minute quadrangles, it was concluded the area is “rural” for air modeling purposes. 3. Ambient Air It was determined the Plant boundary used in the AQIA meets the State’s definition of ambient air. 4. Building Downwash The source was modeled with the AERMOD model. All structures at the plant were used in the model to account for their influence on downwash. 5. Meteorology Five (5) years of off-site surface and upper air data were used in the analysis consisting of the following: Surface – Vernal, UT NWS: 2016-2020 Upper Air – Grand Junction, CO NWS: 2016-2020 6. Background The background concentrations were based on concentrations measured in Roosevelt, Utah. 7. Receptor and Terrain Elevations The modeling domain used by the Applicant consisted of receptors including property boundary receptors. This area of the state contains mountainous terrain and the modeling domain has simple and complex terrain features in the near and far fields. Therefore, receptor points representing actual terrain elevations from the area were used in the analysis. DAQE- MN161890001-24 Page 3 8. Model and Options The State-accepted AERMOD model was used to predict air pollutant concentrations under a simple/complex terrain/wake effect situation. In quantifying concentrations, the regulatory default option was selected. 9. Air Pollutant Emission Rates Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC – Hideout Compressor Station Source UTM Coordinates Modeled Emission Rates Easting Northing Nox (m) (m) (lb/hr) (tons/yr) hrs/year C_1 585022 4453075 1.26 5.50 8760 C_2 585038 4453075 1.26 5.50 8760 C_3 585055 4453075 1.26 5.50 8760 C_4 585071 4453075 1.26 5.50 8760 C_5 585087 4453074 1.26 5.50 8760 C_6 585103 4453074 1.26 5.50 8760 C_7 585120 4453075 1.26 5.50 8760 C_8 585136 4453075 1.26 5.50 8760 C_9 585152 4453075 1.26 5.50 8760 C_10 585169 4453075 1.26 5.50 8760 H_1 585107 4453148 0.12 0.51 8760 FL_1 585178 4453161 1.99 8.74 8760 COM_1 584996 4453072 0.39 1.70 8760 COM_2 585111 4453158 0.12 0.47 8760 H_2 585108 4453167 0.12 0.51 8760 Total 15.28 66.94 AG Mining Solutions, LLC – Betts Facility Source UTM Coordinates Modeled Emission Rates Easting Northing Nox (m) (m) (lb/hr) (tons/yr) hrs/year GEN1AG 558530 4448068 2.16 9.47 8760 GEN2AG 558548 4448063 2.16 9.47 8760 GEN3AG 558560 4448059 2.16 9.47 8760 GEN4AG 558579 4448053 2.16 9.47 8760 GEN5AG 558591 4448050 2.16 9.47 8760 GEN6AG 558612 4448043 2.16 9.47 8760 GEN7AG 558624 4448039 2.16 9.47 8760 DAQE- MN161890001-24 Page 4 Total 15.13 66.28 XCL Sandco, LLC – Anderson Sand Mine PM10 Source UTM Coordinates Modeled Emission Rates Easting Northing PM10 (m) (m) (lb/hr) (tons/yr) hrs/year DRYER 569768 4461031 3.01 13.18 8760 PILE2 569848 4461058 0.08 0.35 8760 PILE3 569854 4460949 0.08 0.35 8760 PILE1 569981 4460886 0.11 0.48 8760 LDOUTRD 569989 4461121 0.80 3.50 8760 CRUSH 570073 4460875 0.32 1.40 8760 SCREENS 569910 4460957 1.25 5.48 8760 DISAREA 569745 4460896 2.72 11.91 8760 MINEEXCAV 570157 4460882 0.36 1.58 8760 MINERD 570119 4460781 1.12 4.91 8760 LDERDRY 569803 4461059 0.18 0.79 8760 LDERCRSH 570048 4460841 0.36 1.58 8760 TPWP 569997 4460905 0.36 1.58 8760 RJTRMNRD 569870 4460962 0.33 1.45 8760 PILE4 569983 4460808 0.05 0.22 8760 REJTTRSF 569874 4460963 0.06 0.26 8760 DRYPLNT 569738 4461045 0.35 1.53 8760 BLAST 570415 4460697 2.63 11.52 8760 DOME2 569710 4461091 0.02 0.07 8760 DOME1 569681 4461062 0.02 0.07 8760 Total 14.20 62.20 SCL Sandco, LLC – Anderson Sand Mine PM2.5 Source UTM Coordinates Modeled Emission Rates Easting Northing PM2.5 (m) (m) (lb/hr) (tons/yr) hrs/year DRYER 569768 4461031 3.01 13.18 8760 PILE2 569848 4461058 0.04 0.18 8760 PILE3 569854 4460949 0.04 0.18 8760 PILE1 569981 4460886 0.06 0.26 8760 LDOUTRD 569989 4461121 0.08 0.35 8760 CRUSH 570073 4460875 0.06 0.26 8760 DAQE- MN161890001-24 Page 5 SCREENS 569910 4460957 0.16 0.70 8760 DISAREA 569745 4460896 0.41 1.80 8760 MINEEXCAV 570157 4460882 0.05 0.22 8760 MINERD 570119 4460781 0.11 0.48 8760 LDERDRY 569803 4461059 0.03 0.13 8760 LDERCRSH 570048 4460841 0.05 0.22 8760 TPWP 569997 4460905 0.05 0.22 8760 RJTRMNRD 569870 4460962 0.03 0.13 8760 PILE4 569983 4460808 0.02 0.09 8760 REJTTRSF 569874 4460963 0.01 0.04 8760 DRYPLNT 569738 4461045 0.05 0.22 8760 BLAST 570415 4460697 0.51 2.23 8760 DOME2 569710 4461091 0.01 0.02 8760 DOME1 569681 4461062 0.01 0.02 8760 Total 4.78 20.94 SCL Sandco, LLC – Anderson Sand Mine Source UTM Coordinates Modeled Emission Rates Easting Northing Nox (m) (m) (lb/hr) (tons/yr) hrs/year DRYER 569768 4461031 6.90 30.22 8760 BLAST 570415 4460697 6.48 10.64 3285 Total 13.38 40.87 Uinta Wax Operating, LLC – Zager Booster Station Source UTM Coordinates Modeled Emission Rates Easting Northing NOx (m) (m) (lb/hr) (tons/yr) hrs/year COMP1 579793 4440973 2.93 12.83 8760 COMP2 579794 4440965 2.93 12.83 8760 GEN1 579781 4441010 0.26 1.14 8760 COMBST 575582 4459169 0.46 2.01 8760 UFLARE 579882 4441012 0.02 0.08 8760 TNKHEAT 579790 4440911 0.05 0.21 8760 Total 6.65 29.11 DAQE- MN161890001-24 Page 6 XCL AssetCo, LLC – Patry Booster Station Source UTM Coordinates Modeled Emission Rates Easting Northing NOx (m) (m) (lb/hr) (tons/yr) hrs/year COMBST 575582 4459169 0.46 2.01 8760 ENG1 575619 4459112 1.52 6.66 8760 ENG2 575609 4459117 1.52 6.66 8760 ENG3 575598 4459123 1.52 6.66 8760 Total 5.02 21.99 Crusoe Energy Systems – Osguthorpe Facility Source UTM Coordinates Modeled Emission Rates Easting Northing NOx (m) (m) (lb/hr) (tons/yr) hrs/year EU01 576128 4457887 0.83 3.64 8760 EU02 576128 4457869 0.83 3.64 8760 EU03 576128 4457851 0.83 3.64 8760 EU04 576128 4457833 0.83 3.64 8760 EU05 576128 4457815 0.83 3.64 8760 EU06 576202 4457887 0.83 3.64 8760 EU07 576202 4457869 0.83 3.64 8760 EU08 576202 4457851 0.83 3.64 8760 EU09 576202 4457833 0.83 3.64 8760 EU10 576202 4457815 0.83 3.64 8760 Total 8.30 36.35 Crusoe Energy Systems – Residue Booster Source UTM Coordinates Modeled Emission Rates Easting Northing NOx (m) (m) (lb/hr) (tons/yr) hrs/year RES01 572727 4457532 0.83 3.64 8760 RES02 572727 4457514 0.83 3.64 8760 RES03 572727 4457496 0.83 3.64 8760 RES04 572727 4457478 0.83 3.64 8760 RES05 572727 4457460 0.83 3.64 8760 RES06 572801 4457532 0.83 3.64 8760 RES07 572801 4457514 0.83 3.64 8760 DAQE- MN161890001-24 Page 7 RES08 572801 4457496 0.83 3.64 8760 RES09 572801 4457478 0.83 3.64 8760 RES10 572801 4457460 0.83 3.64 8760 Total 8.30 36.35 Crusoe Energy Systems – Myton Facility Source UTM Coordinates Modeled Emission Rates Easting Northing NOx (m) (m) (lb/hr) (tons/yr) hrs/year SRC00041 576596 4444511 0.83 3.64 8760 SRC00042 576596 4444493 0.83 3.64 8760 SRC00043 576596 4444456 0.83 3.64 8760 SRC00044 576596 4444438 0.83 3.64 8760 SRC00045 576512 4444511 0.83 3.64 8760 SRC00046 576512 4444493 0.83 3.64 8760 SRC00047 576512 4444474 0.83 3.64 8760 SRC00048 576512 4444456 0.83 3.64 8760 SRC00049 576512 4444438 0.83 3.64 8760 SRC00050 576596 4444474 0.83 3.64 8760 Total 8.30 36.35 Crusoe Energy Systems – West Lateral Facility Source UTM Coordinates Modeled Emission Rates Easting Northing NOx (m) (m) (lb/hr) (tons/yr) hrs/year WLAT01 562442 4452957 0.83 3.64 8760 WLAT02 562461 4452957 0.83 3.64 8760 WLAT03 562479 4452957 0.83 3.64 8760 WLAT04 562497 4452957 0.83 3.64 8760 WLAT05 562515 4452957 0.83 3.64 8760 WLAT06 562442 4452867 0.83 3.64 8760 WLAT07 562461 4452867 0.83 3.64 8760 WLAT08 562479 4452867 0.83 3.64 8760 WLAT09 562497 4452867 0.83 3.64 8760 WLAT10 562515 4452867 0.83 3.64 8760 Total 8.30 36.35 DAQE- MN161890001-24 Page 8 Crusoe Energy Systems – Mullins Tap Facility Source UTM Coordinates Modeled Emission Rates Easting Northing NOx (m) (m) (lb/hr) (tons/yr) hrs/year MULL01 578212 4452907 0.83 3.64 8760 MULL02 578230 4452907 0.83 3.64 8760 MULL03 578248 4452907 0.83 3.64 8760 MULL04 578266 4452907 0.83 3.64 8760 MULL05 578285 4452907 0.83 3.64 8760 MULL06 578212 4452819 0.83 3.64 8760 MULL07 578230 4452819 0.83 3.64 8760 MULL08 578248 4452819 0.83 3.64 8760 MULL09 578266 4452819 0.83 3.64 8760 MULL10 578285 4452819 0.83 3.64 8760 Total 8.30 36.35 Crusoe Energy Systems - Duchesne Data Center Power Station Source UTM Coordinates Modeled Emission Rates Easting Northing NOx (m) (m) (lb/hr) (tons/yr) hrs/year TURBINE 567796 4460080 13.33 58.40 8760 GEN1 567878 4460114 0.83 3.62 8760 GEN2 567878 4460095 0.83 3.62 8760 GEN3 567879 4460077 0.83 3.62 8760 GEN4 567879 4460060 0.83 3.62 8760 GEN5 567879 4460040 0.83 3.62 8760 GEN6 567951 4460114 0.83 3.62 8760 GEN7 567951 4460095 0.83 3.62 8760 GEN8 567952 4460077 0.83 3.62 8760 BOOST1 567793 4460065 0.17 0.76 8760 BOOST2 567793 4460048 0.17 0.76 8760 REB1 567757 4460042 0.05 0.24 8760 REB2 567763 4460047 0.05 0.24 8760 EGEN1 567879 4460019 2.45 10.73 100 EGEN2 567879 4460011 2.45 10.73 100 GEN9 567952 4460058 0.83 3.62 8760 GEN10 567952 4460041 0.83 3.62 8760 DAQE- MN161890001-24 Page 9 Total 26.95 96.80 Ovinitive USA Inc. – Pleasant Valley Compressor Station Source UTM Coordinates Modeled Emission Rates Easting Northing NOx (m) (m) (lb/hr) (tons/yr) hrs/year ENGINE1 576727 4444313 2.95 12.92 8760 ENGINE2 576718 4444313 2.95 12.92 8760 ENGINE3 576700 4444313 2.95 12.92 8760 FLARE 576669 4444216 0.09 0.39 8760 HEATER 576716 4444266 0.09 0.40 8760 REBOILER 576748 4444267 0.13 0.55 8760 ENGINE4 576709 4444313 2.95 12.92 8760 TNKHTR1 576789 4444273 0.02 0.07 8760 TNKHTR2 576790 4444268 0.02 0.07 8760 INCINER 576788 4444251 0.47 2.06 8760 ENGINE5 576735 4444313 2.95 12.92 8760 PVGEN 576747 4444333 0.14 0.61 8760 TNKHTR3 576790 4444263 0.02 0.07 8760 TNKHTR4 576790 4444258 0.02 0.07 8760 Total 15.73 68.89 Kinder Morgan Compressor Stations Source UTM Coordinates Modeled Emission Rates Easting Northing NOx (m) (m) (lb/hr) (tons/yr) hrs/year CUMUL1 564020 4467280 78.19 342.48 8760 CUMUL2 551427 4463055 74.10 324.54 8760 CUMUL3 548123 4457879 93.45 409.33 8760 Total 245.74 1076.36 DAQE- MN161890001-24 Page 10 10. Source Location and Parameters Source Type Source Parameters Elev, Ht Temp Flow Dia (ft) (m) (ft) (K) (m/s) (ft) C_1 POINT 5089.0 12.2 40.0 866 38.20 0.36 C_2 POINT 5089.0 12.2 40.0 866 38.20 0.36 C_3 POINT 5089.0 12.2 40.0 866 38.20 0.36 C_4 POINT 5089.0 12.2 40.0 866 38.20 0.36 C_5 POINT 5089.0 12.2 40.0 866 38.20 0.36 C_6 POINT 5089.0 12.2 40.0 866 38.20 0.36 C_7 POINT 5089.0 12.2 40.0 866 38.20 0.36 C_8 POINT 5089.0 12.2 40.0 866 38.20 0.36 C_9 POINT 5089.0 12.2 40.0 866 38.20 0.36 C_10 POINT 5089.0 12.2 40.0 866 38.20 0.36 H_1 POINT 5089.0 6.1 20.0 589 3.24 0.25 FL_1 POINT 5089.0 18.3 60.0 1273 20.00 0.36 COM_1 POINT 5089.0 3.7 12.0 1255 4.41 0.51 COM_2 POINT 5089.0 3.7 12.0 1255 0.92 0.51 H_2 POINT 5089.0 6.1 20.0 589 3.24 0.25 GEN1AG POINT 5416.7 7.0 23.0 738 26.49 0.51 GEN2AG POINT 5416.7 7.0 23.0 738 26.49 0.51 GEN3AG POINT 5416.7 7.0 23.0 738 26.49 0.51 GEN4AG POINT 5416.7 7.0 23.0 738 26.49 0.51 GEN5AG POINT 5416.7 7.0 23.0 738 26.49 0.51 GEN6AG POINT 5416.7 7.0 23.0 738 26.49 0.51 GEN7AG POINT 5416.7 7.0 23.0 738 26.49 0.51 C1 POINT 5956.9 7.6 25.0 866 38.20 0.36 C2 POINT 5958.1 7.6 25.0 866 38.20 0.36 C3 POINT 5958.9 7.6 25.0 866 38.20 0.36 CMB1 POINT 5954.9 3.7 12.0 1255 2.41 0.51 REB1 POINT 5961.0 7.6 25.0 589 3.24 0.25 CMB2 POINT 5961.9 3.7 12.0 1255 2.41 0.51 FLARE POINT 5962.2 18.3 60.0 1273 20.00 0.36 KMC1 POINT 5869.6 9.6 31.5 616 0.78 0.40 KMC2 POINT 5870.3 9.1 30.0 700 21.19 0.30 KMC3 POINT 5871.4 9.1 30.0 700 26.98 0.30 KMWESTC1 POINT 6640.9 9.1 30.0 700 21.18 0.30 KMWESTC2 POINT 6639.1 9.1 30.0 700 21.18 0.30 DAQE- MN161890001-24 Page 11 C4 POINT 5958.9 7.6 25.0 866 38.20 0.36 DRYER POINT 5902.6 11.7 38.2 422 16.09 1.37 BLAST AREA_POLY 5897.2 0.0 0.0 COMBST POINT 5355.4 7.7 25.3 922 0.03 1.22 ENG1 POINT 5350.7 3.3 10.7 741 45.01 0.30 ENG2 POINT 5351.5 3.3 10.7 741 45.01 0.30 ENG3 POINT 5352.2 3.3 10.7 741 45.01 0.30 EU01 POINT 5307.9 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 EU02 POINT 5307.6 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 EU03 POINT 5307.9 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 EU04 POINT 5306.2 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 EU05 POINT 5304.3 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 EU06 POINT 5304.7 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 EU07 POINT 5305.2 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 EU08 POINT 5304.8 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 EU09 POINT 5302.7 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 EU10 POINT 5300.8 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 CUMUL1 POINT 6107.2 9.5 31.0 700 21.19 0.31 TURBINE POINT 5825.4 12.2 40.0 765 46.40 1.83 GEN8 POINT 5821.1 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 BOOST1 POINT 5823.7 7.6 25.0 944 16.47 0.33 BOOST2 POINT 5821.7 7.6 25.0 944 16.47 0.33 REB2 POINT 5822.4 5.5 18.0 450 6.10 0.30 EGEN1 POINT 5823.6 5.5 18.0 765 16.73 0.46 EGEN2 POINT 5820.9 5.5 18.0 765 16.73 0.46 GEN9 POINT 5820.3 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 GEN10 POINT 5818.8 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 RES01 POINT 5448.7 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 RES02 POINT 5448.6 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 RES03 POINT 5448.3 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 RES04 POINT 5447.9 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 RES05 POINT 5447.9 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 RES06 POINT 5446.0 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 RES07 POINT 5445.6 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 RES08 POINT 5445.0 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 RES09 POINT 5444.4 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 RES10 POINT 5444.1 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 WLAT01 POINT 5477.6 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 WLAT02 POINT 5476.7 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 WLAT03 POINT 5476.2 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 DAQE- MN161890001-24 Page 12 WLAT04 POINT 5476.4 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 WLAT05 POINT 5477.0 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 WLAT06 POINT 5488.1 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 WLAT07 POINT 5487.7 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 WLAT08 POINT 5487.5 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 WLAT09 POINT 5486.5 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 WLAT10 POINT 5484.9 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 ENGINE1 POINT 5375.5 15.8 52.0 806 58.16 0.30 ENGINE2 POINT 5375.5 15.8 52.0 806 58.16 0.30 ENGINE3 POINT 5375.4 15.8 52.0 806 58.16 0.30 HEATER POINT 5375.8 3.0 10.0 373 3.80 0.15 REBOILER POINT 5375.7 3.0 10.0 373 3.80 0.15 ENGINE4 POINT 5375.5 15.8 52.0 730 49.71 0.30 TNKHTR1 POINT 5375.5 6.1 20.0 373 3.80 0.15 TNKHTR2 POINT 5375.5 6.1 20.0 373 3.80 0.15 INCINER POINT 5375.6 6.1 20.0 981 1.92 1.22 ENGINE5 POINT 5375.5 15.8 52.0 806 58.16 0.30 PVGEN POINT 5374.0 2.4 8.0 704 28.46 0.15 TNKHTR3 POINT 5375.5 6.1 20.0 373 3.80 0.15 TNKHTR4 POINT 5375.5 6.1 20.0 373 3.80 0.15 SRC00041 POINT 5365.5 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 SRC00042 POINT 5366.2 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 SRC00043 POINT 5368.3 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 SRC00044 POINT 5369.9 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 SRC00045 POINT 5366.2 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 SRC00046 POINT 5366.7 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 SRC00047 POINT 5367.5 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 SRC00048 POINT 5368.8 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 SRC00049 POINT 5370.3 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 SRC00050 POINT 5366.9 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 MULL01 POINT 5270.6 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 MULL02 POINT 5269.8 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 MULL03 POINT 5268.7 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 MULL04 POINT 5267.4 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 MULL05 POINT 5266.0 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 MULL06 POINT 5260.5 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 MULL07 POINT 5259.6 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 MULL08 POINT 5259.0 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 MULL09 POINT 5258.7 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 MULL10 POINT 5258.3 7.6 25.0 861 56.60 0.33 DAQE- MN161890001-24 Page 13 COMP1 POINT 5329.8 7.3 24.0 718 57.88 0.36 COMP2 POINT 5331.1 7.3 24.0 718 57.88 0.36 UFLARE POINT 5325.1 21.3 70.0 811 96.81 0.30 TNKHEAT POINT 5341.6 6.1 20.0 373 3.80 0.15 IV. RESULTS AND CONCLUSIONS A. National Ambient Air Quality Standards The below table provides a comparison of the predicted total air quality concentrations with the NAAQS. The predicted total concentrations are less than the NAAQS. Air Pollutant Period Prediction Class II Significant Impact Level Background Nearby Sources Total NAAQS Percent (μg/m3) (μg/m3) (μg/m3) (μg/m3) (μg/m3) (μg/m3) NAAQS NO2 1- Hour 81.9 7.5 31.4 20.6 133.9 188 71.2% Annual 3.9 1.0 37.5 1.3 34.9 100 34.9% JMK:jg December 22, 2023 Mr. Bryce Bird Utah Division of Air Quality (UDAQ) Utah Department of Environmental Quality 195 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Re: Notice of Intent to Construct New Natural Gas Compressor Station Hideout Compressor Station Electronic Submittal Only Dear Mr. Bird: In accordance with Utah’s Administrative Code Rule R307-401, Kinder Morgan Altamont, LLC (Kinder Morgan) is submitting this Notice of Intent (NOI) to construct a new green-field natural gas compressor station known as the “Hideout Compressor Station”. The following equipment is proposed: Emission Unit # Description C-1 Inlet compressor driven by a Waukesha L7044GSI S5* C-2 Inlet compressor driven by a Waukesha L7044GSI S5* C-3 Inlet compressor driven by a Waukesha L7044GSI S5* C-4 Inlet compressor driven by a Waukesha L7044GSI S5* C-5 Inlet compressor driven by a Waukesha L7044GSI S5* C-6 Inlet compressor driven by a Waukesha L7044GSI S5* C-7 Inlet compressor driven by a Waukesha L7044GSI S5* C-8 Inlet compressor driven by a Waukesha L7044GSI S5* C-9 Inlet compressor driven by a Waukesha L7044GSI S5* C-10 Inlet compressor driven by a Waukesha L7044GSI S5* H-1 Heater/Boiler H-2 Gas Fired Stabilizer Heater DEHY TEG Dehydration Unit Process Vents (Still Vent & Flash Tank) COM-1 Tank Combustor COM-2 BTEX Combustor FL-1 Flare T-1 through T-6 (1) Gunbarrel & (5) Condensate Tanks TRK-1 Truck Loading LO-Tank Lube Oil Tank ULO-Tank Used Lube Oil Tank MT-Tank Methanol Storage Tank 50/50-Tank Antifreeze Tank (50/50) FAB Ultra-fab H2S Removal System (closed loop) FAB-Tank H2S Removal PIG Pigging Emissions (Launcher/Receiver) BLW DWN Compressor Blow Down Events FUG-1 Fugitive – Component Leaks *Fired with pipeline quality natural gas. The following NOI application includes all the elements outlined in UDAQ/s NOI Completeness Checklist, and is organized in appendices as follows: • Appendix A: UDAQ NOI Forms o Appendix A-1: Form 3-Process Information, Project Description, Facility Description and Stack Parameters o Appendix A-2: Equipment Forms • Appendix B: Site Location Map, Simplified Process Flow Diagram • Appendix C: Emission Calculations • Appendix D: Facility Emission Forms • Appendix E: Source Size Determination • Appendix F: Offset Requirements • Appendix G: BACT Discussion • Appendix H: Emissions Controls • Appendix I: Federal and State Rule Applicability • Appendix J: Emissions Impact Analysis Please accept this NOI application and begin processing as soon as possible; Kinder Morgan remains ready to answer any questions or provide further information for this important project upon your request. A check to cover the application filing fee and review fee will be mailed shortly. Please contact me at (303) 914-7605 or by email at Erin_Dunman@kindermorgan.com if you have any questions about this submittal. Sincerely, Erin Dunman Environmental Engineer Appendix A  UDAQ NOI Forms  Appendix A‐1  •Form 3 - Process Information •Project Description  •Facility Description •Stack Parameters  Page 1 of 1 Form 3 Company____________________ Process Information Site________________________ Utah Division of Air Quality New Source Review Section Process Information - For New Permit ONLY 1.Name of process:2.End product of this process: 3.Process Description*: Operating Data 4.Maximum operating schedule: __________ hrs/day __________days/week __________weeks/year 5.Percent annual production by quarter: Winter ________ Spring _______ Summer ________ Fall _______ 6.Maximum Hourly production (indicate units.): _____________ 7.Maximum annual production (indicate units): ________________ 8.Type of operation: Continuous Batch Intermittent 9.If batch, indicate minutes per cycle ________ Minutes between cycles ________ 10. Materials and quantities used in process.* Material Maximum Annual Quantity (indicate units) 11.Process-Emitting Units with pollution control equipment* Emitting Unit(s) Capacity(s) Manufacture Date(s) *If additional space is required, please create a spreadsheet or Word processing document and attach to form. 36,500 MMscf/yr4.17 MMscfh 100 MMSCFD Kinder Morgan Hideout Compressor Station Air Application December 6, 2023 SLR Project No.: 132.01110.0010 A-1 Appendix A Hideout Compressor Station A.1 Project Description Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC proposes to construct the Hideout Compressor Station which is a new natural gas compressor station designed to compress, treat, and dehydrate up to 100 MMscfd of natural gas and generate up to 260 bpd of condensate. The facility is designed for continuous operation (8,760 hours per year). A.2 Facility/Process Description The Hideout Compressor Station’s primary function will be to compress and dehydrate field gas, as well as boosting pipeline gas. The low pressure inlet stream will consist of natural gas from the Altamont field entering the facility via pipeline. A high pressure inlet natural gas stream received from the Farm compressor station will be boosted by onsite compression and sent further down the pipeline. The incoming low pressure field gas will first be sent through a slug catcher where free liquids are separated from the field gas. The free liquids are directed to a gunbarrel tank where the liquid is separated into water and condensate. Separated condensate is sent to one of five condensate tanks where it is stored until it is transported via truck load-out. Separated water remains in the gunbarrel tank where it is removed via truck load-out. Overhead vapors from the gunbarrel tank, condensate tanks and truck load-out system are sent to an enclosed combustion device (COM-1). Overhead gas from the low pressure gas slug catcher is directed to a natural gas manifold connected to seven 3-stage compressors driven by 1,900 hp Waukesha L7044 GSI S5 natural-gas fired four-stroke rich-burn reciprocating internal combustion engines (RICE). Fuel for the engines will be provided via pipeline from the Altamont Gas Plant, and therefore will contain no H2S. Any liquid removed throughout the three compression stages is recycled back to the inlet slug catcher to be captured in the gunbarrel tank. Compressed gas is directed to a sulfur scrubbing vessel for removal of potential H2S. After treatment, the gas is discharged to the triethylene glycol (TEG) dehydrator, equipped with a flash tank and still vent condenser, for the removal of entrained water. Gas from the TEG dehydrator flash tank is captured and used onsite as fuel gas. Vapors from the TEG dehydrator still vent are directed to an atmospheric condenser from which liquids are captured in a tank and non- condensable vapors are routed to an enclosed combustor (COM-2). High pressure natural gas received from the Farm Compressor Station is sent through a slug catcher to remove free liquids. Overhead gas from the slug catcher is directed to three single-stage compressors driven by 1,900 hp Waukesha L7044 GSI S5 natural-gas fired four-stroke rich-burn RICE. Liquids removed during compression are recycled back to the inlet slug catcher to be captured in the gunbarrel tank. Compressed natural gas from the single stage compression is sent through a filter separator before being discharged to the pipeline. The Hideout Compressor Station will be equipped with a single flare (FL-1) to manage any unplanned pressure relief events, plant emergency shut downs, as well as equipment depressurization during planned maintenance activities. A.3 Units Added The following air emission units are proposed to be added to the Facility: Kinder Morgan Hideout Compressor Station Air Application December 6, 2023 SLR Project No.: 132.01110.0010 A-2 Table A.1: Hideout Compressor Station Emission Units Emission Unit ID EU Description Make/Model Add-On Controls C-1 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-ICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 NSCR C-2 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-ICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 NSCR C-3 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-ICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 NSCR C-4 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-ICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 NSCR C-5 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-ICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 NSCR C-6 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-ICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 NSCR C-7 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-ICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 NSCR C-8 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-ICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 NSCR C-9 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-ICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 NSCR C-10 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-ICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 NSCR H-1 Heater / Reboiler TBD None H-2 Gas Fired Stabilizer Heater TBD None DEHY TEG Dehydration Unit Process Vents (Still Vent & Flash Tank) Combustor (COM-2)Combustor (COM-2) COM-1 Tank Combustor TBD NA COM-2 BTEX Combustor TBD NA FL-1 Flare TBD NA T-1 through T-6 (1) Gunbarrel & (5) Condensate Tanks NA Combustor (COM-1) TRK-1 Truck Loading NA Combustor (COM-1) LO-Tank Lube Oil Tank NA None ULO-Tank Used Lube Oil Tank NA None MT-Tank Methanol Storage Tank NA None 50/50-Tank Antifreeze Tank (50/50)NA None FAB Ultra-fab H2S Removal System (closed loop) NA NA FAB-Tank H2S Removal NA NA PIG Pigging Emissions (Launcher/Receiver) NA FL-1 BLW DWN Compressor Blow Down Events NA FL-1 FUG-1 Fugitive - Component Leaks NA NA All proposed fuel-burning devices will be fired with pipeline quality natural gas. Note that a relatively small amount of gas recovered from the TEG dehydrator flash tank will be used onsite as fuel gas. Kinder Morgan Hideout Compressor Station Air Application December 6, 2023 SLR Project No.: 132.01110.0010 A-3 A.4 Raw Materials and Fuel Used This proposed equipment constitutes a natural gas compression process designed to remove free liquids and entrained water from the incoming field gas. All combustion equipment at the facility will use pipeline quality natural gas. No bulk commercial raw materials are used in this process. Kinder Morgan Hideout Compressor Station Air Application December 6, 2023 SLR Project No.: 132.01110.0010 A-4 A.5 Stack Parameters All of the specific stack information for each proposed combustion emissions unit is summarized in Table A-2 below. Table A.2: Emission Unit Stack Parameters Stack/Exhaust Parameters Emission Unit ID Emission Unit Direction Capped?Height Above Grade Diameter Flow (ACFM) Velocity (ft/s) Temperature Easting Northing C-1 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-ICE Vertical No 40.0 ft 1.167 ft 8,043 acfm 125.32 1100° F 585022.19 4453074.75 C-2 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-ICE Vertical No 40.0 ft 1.167 ft 8,043 acfm 125.32 1100° F 585038.31 4453074.78 C-3 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-ICE Vertical No 40.0 ft 1.167 ft 8,043 acfm 125.32 1100° F 585054.62 4453074.61 C-4 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-ICE Vertical No 40.0 ft 1.167 ft 8,043 acfm 125.32 1100° F 585070.87 4453074.55 C-5 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-ICE Vertical No 40.0 ft 1.167 ft 8,043 acfm 125.32 1100° F 585087.31 4453074.09 C-6 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-ICE Vertical No 40.0 ft 1.167 ft 8,043 acfm 125.32 1100° F 585103.40 4453074.06 C-7 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-ICE Vertical No 40.0 ft 1.167 ft 8,043 acfm 125.32 1100° F 585119.71 4453074.71 C-8 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-ICE Vertical No 40.0 ft 1.167 ft 8,043 acfm 125.32 1100° F 585136.04 4453074.77 Kinder Morgan Hideout Compressor Station Air Application December 6, 2023 SLR Project No.: 132.01110.0010 A-5 Stack/Exhaust Parameters C-9 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-ICE Vertical No 40.0 ft 1.167 ft 8,043 acfm 125.32 1100° F 585152.32 4453074.59 C-10 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-ICE Vertical No 40.0 ft 1.167 ft 8,043 acfm 125.32 1100° F 585168.57 4453074.63 H-1 NG Heater - Dehy TEG Reboiler Vertical No 20.0 ft 0.83 ft 345 acfm 10.63 600° F 585106.81 4453148.26 H-2 NG Heater - Stabilizer Vertical No 20.0 ft 0.83 ft 345 acfm 10.63 600° F 585107.60 4453166.93 COM-1 Enclosed Combustor (All Tanks) Vertical No 12 ft 1.67 ft 1,894 acfm 14.47 1800° F 584995.88 4453071.98 COM-2 Enclosed Combustor (BTEX Unit) Vertical No 12 ft 1.67 ft 393 acfm 3.00 1800° F 585111.12 4453158.33 FL-1 Flare (Repairs, Maintenance, Emergency) Vertical No 60.0 ft 1.17 ft N/A N/A N/A 585178.02 4453160.93 Appendix A‐2  Equipment Forms 1.C-1 - 7044GSI Inlet Compressor (Form 11) 2.C-2 - 7044GSI Inlet Compressor (Form 11) 3.C-3 - 7044GSI Inlet Compressor (Form 11) 4.C-4 - 7044GSI Inlet Compressor (Form 11) 5.C-5 - 7044GSI Inlet Compressor (Form 11) 6.C-6 - 7044GSI Inlet Compressor (Form 11) 7. C-7 - 7044GSI Inlet Compressor (Form 11) 8. C-8 - 7044GSI Inlet Compressor (Form 11) 9. C-9 - 7044GSI Inlet Compressor (Form 11) 10. C-10 - 7044GSI Inlet Compressor (Form 11) 11.Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 Manufacturer's Data 12. Dehy - TEG Regenerator Still Vent (Form 2) 13. H-1 - TEG Reboiler Heater (Form 19) 14. H-2 - Stabilizer Heater (Form 19) 15. LO-Tank - Fresh Lube Oil Tank (Form 20) 16. ULO-Tank - Used Lube Oil Tank (Form 20) 17. T-1 through T-6 - Gunbarrel & Condensate Storage Tanks (Form 20) 18. MT-Tank Methanol Tank (Form 20) Utah Division of Air Quality New Source Review Section Company_______________________ Site/Source_____________________ Form 11 Date___________________________ Internal Combustion Engines Equipment Information 1. Manufacturer: __________________________ Model no.: __________________________ The date the engine was constructed or reconstructed ________________________ 2. Operating time of Emission Source: average maximum ______ Hours/day ______ Hours/day Days/week Days/week ______ Weeks/year ______ Weeks/year 3. Manufacturer's rated output at baseload, ISO hp or Kw Proposed site operating range _____________________________ hp or Kw Gas Firing 4. Are you operating site equipment on pipeline quality natural gas: □ Yes □ No 5. Are you on an interruptible gas supply: □Yes □ No If "yes", specify alternate fuel: _______________________________ 6. Annual consumption of fuel: _____________________________ MMSCF/Year 7. Maximum firing rate: _____________________________ BTU/hr 8. Average firing rate: _____________________________ BTU/hr Oil Firing 9. Type of oil: Grade number □ 1 □ 2 □ 4 □ 5 □ 6 Other specify ___________ 10. Annual consumption: ______________ gallons 11. Heat content:______________ BTU/lb or ______________ BTU/gal 12. Sulfur content:___________% by weight 13. Ash content: ____________% by weight 14. Average firing rate: gal/hr 15. Maximum firing rate: gal/hr 16. Direction of firing: □ horizontal □ tangential □ other: (specify) Page 1 of 4  Waukesha Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station 7044 GSI S5 TBD - New 24 24 7 7 52 52 1900 1900 15,448,90015,448,900 (N/A) Engine C-1 105.68 December 19, 2023 Page 2 of 4  Internal Combustion Engine Form 11 (Continued) Operation 17. Application: □Electric generation ______ Base load ______ Peaking □Emergency Generator □Driving pump/compressor □Exhaust heat recovery □Other (specify) ________________________ 18. Cycle □Simple cycle □Regenerative cycle □Cogeneration □Combined cycle Emissions Data 19. Manufacturer’s Emissions in grams per hour (gr/hp-hr): _______ NOX _______ CO ______ VOC _______ Formaldehyde 20. Attach manufacturer's information showing emissions of NOx, CO, VOC, SOx, CH2O, PM10, PM 2.5 , CO2, CH4 and N2O for each proposed fuel at engine loads and site ambient temperatures representative of the range of proposed operation. The information must be sufficient to determine maximum hourly and annual emission rates. Annual emissions may be based on a conservatively low approximation of site annual average temperature. Provide emissions in pounds per hour and except for PM10 and PM2.5 parts per million by volume (ppmv) at actual conditions and corrected to dry, 15% oxygen conditions. Method of Emission Control: □Lean premix combustors □Oxidation catalyst □ Water injection □ Other (specify)____________ □Other low-NOx combustor □SCR catalyst □Steam injection Additional Information 21. On separate sheets provide the following: A.Details regarding principle of operation of emission controls. If add-on equipment is used, provide make and model and manufacturer's information. Example details include: controller input variables and operational algorithms for water or ammonia injection systems, combustion mode versus engine load for variable mode combustors, etc. B. Exhaust parameter information on attached form. C. All calculations used for the annual emission estimates must be submitted with this form to be deemed complete. D.All formaldehyde emissions must be modeled as per Utah Administrative Code R307-410-5 using SCREEN3. E. If this form is filled out for a new source, forms 1 and 2 must be submitted also. NSCR Emissions shown are controlled 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.02 Page 3 of 4  INSTRUCTIONS – Form 11 Internal Combustion Engine NOTE: 1. Submit this form in conjunction with Form 1 and Form 2. 2.Call the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) at (801) 536-4000 if you have problems or questions in filling out this form. Ask to speak with a New Source Review engineer. We will be glad to help! 1.Indicate the manufacturer, the model number and the date the engine was constructed or reconstructed. 2.Complete the fuel burning equipment's average and maximum operating schedule in hours per day, days per week, and weeks per year. 3.Specify the manufacturer's rated output and heat rate at baseload corresponding to International Standard Organization (ISO) conditions in megawatts (MW) or horsepower (hp). Also indicated what the proposed site operating range is in megawatts or horsepower. 4. Indicate the origin of the gas used in the engine. 5. Indicate if the gas supply can be interrupted and what the backup fuel is in case this happens. 6.Specify what the annual consumption of fuel is in million standard cubic feet (MMscf). 7. Supply the maximum firing rate in BTU/hr. 8. Supply the average firing rate in BTU/hr. 9. Indicate the grade of oil being used. 10.Supply the annual consumption calculated in gallons of oil. 11. Indicate the heat content of the oil in BTU/lb or BTU/gal. 12. Indicate the sulfur content of the oil in percent by weight. 13. Indicate the ash content of the oil. 14. Supply the average firing rate of oil. 15. Supply the maximum firing rate of oil. 16. Indicate what the firing direction is. 17. Indicate what the engine will be used for. 18.Indicate what type of cycle the engine will have. 19. Indicate the manufacturer’s emissions rate in grams/hp-hr 20.Provide manufacturer's emission information for the engine. Also indicate what method of emission control to be used. 21.Provide details of the operation of emission controls and exhaust parameter information. f:\aq\ENGINEER\GENERIC\Forms 2010\Form11 Internal Combustion Engines.doc Revised 12/20/10 Page 4 of 4  INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE FORM 11 (continued) EMISSION SOURCES Review of applications and issuance of permits will be expedited by supplying all necessary information requested on this form. AIR CONTAMINANT DATA EMISSION POINT DISCHARGE PARAMETERS STACK SOURCES (7) EMISSION POINT (1) CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF TOTAL STREAM AIR CONTAMINANT EMISSION RATE UTM COORDINATES OF EMISSION PT. (6) EXIT DATA NUMBER NAME COMPONENT OR AIR CONTAMINANT NAME (2) CONC. (%V) (3) LB/HR (4) TONS/YR (5) ZONE EAST (METERS) NORTH (METERS) HEIGHT ABOVE GROUND (FT) HEIGHT ABOVE STRUCT. (FT) DIA. (FT) VELO. (FPS) TEMP. (OF) GROUND ELEVATION OF FACILITY ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL _______________ feet. UTAH AIR CONSERVATION BOARD STANDARD CONDITIONS ARE 68O F AND 14.7 PSIA. General Instructions for this form. 1. Identify each emission; point with a unique number for this plant site on plot plan, previous permits and emission inventory questionnaire. Limit emission point number to 8 character spaces. For each emission point use as many lines as necessary to list air contaminant data. Typical emission point names are: heater, vent, boiler, tank, reactor, separator, baghouse, fugitive, etc. Abbreviations are OK. 2. Typical component names are: air, H2O, nitrogen, oxygen, CO2, CO, NOx, SOx, hexane, particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), etc. Abbreviations are OK. 3. Concentration data is required for all gaseous components. Show concentration in volume percent of total gas stream. 4. Pounds per hour. (#/hr) is maximum emission rate expected by applicant. 5. Tons per year (T/Y) is annual maximum emission rate expected by applicant, which takes into account process operating schedule. 6. As a minimum applicant must furnish a facility plot plan drawn to scale showing a plant benchmark, latitude and longitude correct to the nearest second for the benchmark, and all emission points dimensioned with respect to the benchmark. Please show emission point UTM coordinates if known. 7. Supply additional information as follows if appropriate: (a) Stack exit configuration other than a round vertical stack. Show length and width for a rectangular stack. Indicate if horizontal discharge with a note. (b) Stack's height above supporting or adjacent structures if structure is within three "stack heights above ground" of stack. C-1 Inlet Comp.NOx CO VOC HCHO PM10 PM2.5 SO2 5.5 5.57 5.5 0.37 0.64 0.64 0.04 585022.19 4453074.75 5090 1.26 12 40 12 1.167 125.3 1100 1.27 1.26 0.0838 0.147 0.147 0.00908 Utah Division of Air Quality New Source Review Section Company_______________________ Site/Source_____________________ Form 11 Date___________________________ Internal Combustion Engines Equipment Information 1. Manufacturer: __________________________ Model no.: __________________________ The date the engine was constructed or reconstructed ________________________ 2. Operating time of Emission Source: average maximum ______ Hours/day ______ Hours/day Days/week Days/week ______ Weeks/year ______ Weeks/year 3. Manufacturer's rated output at baseload, ISO hp or Kw Proposed site operating range _____________________________ hp or Kw Gas Firing 4. Are you operating site equipment on pipeline quality natural gas: □ Yes □ No 5. Are you on an interruptible gas supply: □Yes □ No If "yes", specify alternate fuel: _______________________________ 6. Annual consumption of fuel: _____________________________ MMSCF/Year 7. Maximum firing rate: _____________________________ BTU/hr 8. Average firing rate: _____________________________ BTU/hr Oil Firing 9. Type of oil: Grade number □ 1 □ 2 □ 4 □ 5 □ 6 Other specify ___________ 10. Annual consumption: ______________ gallons 11. Heat content:______________ BTU/lb or ______________ BTU/gal 12. Sulfur content:___________% by weight 13. Ash content: ____________% by weight 14. Average firing rate: gal/hr 15. Maximum firing rate: gal/hr 16. Direction of firing: □ horizontal □ tangential □ other: (specify) Page 1 of 4  Waukesha Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station 7044 GSI S5 TBD - New 24 24 7 7 52 52 1900 1900 15,448,90015,448,900 (N/A) Engine C-2 105.68 December 19, 2023 Page 2 of 4  Internal Combustion Engine Form 11 (Continued) Operation 17. Application: □Electric generation ______ Base load ______ Peaking □Emergency Generator □Driving pump/compressor □Exhaust heat recovery □Other (specify) ________________________ 18. Cycle □Simple cycle □Regenerative cycle □Cogeneration □Combined cycle Emissions Data 19. Manufacturer’s Emissions in grams per hour (gr/hp-hr): _______ NOX _______ CO ______ VOC _______ Formaldehyde 20. Attach manufacturer's information showing emissions of NOx, CO, VOC, SOx, CH2O, PM10, PM 2.5 , CO2, CH4 and N2O for each proposed fuel at engine loads and site ambient temperatures representative of the range of proposed operation. The information must be sufficient to determine maximum hourly and annual emission rates. Annual emissions may be based on a conservatively low approximation of site annual average temperature. Provide emissions in pounds per hour and except for PM10 and PM2.5 parts per million by volume (ppmv) at actual conditions and corrected to dry, 15% oxygen conditions. Method of Emission Control: □Lean premix combustors □Oxidation catalyst □ Water injection □ Other (specify)____________ □Other low-NOx combustor □SCR catalyst □Steam injection Additional Information 21. On separate sheets provide the following: A.Details regarding principle of operation of emission controls. If add-on equipment is used, provide make and model and manufacturer's information. Example details include: controller input variables and operational algorithms for water or ammonia injection systems, combustion mode versus engine load for variable mode combustors, etc. B. Exhaust parameter information on attached form. C. All calculations used for the annual emission estimates must be submitted with this form to be deemed complete. D.All formaldehyde emissions must be modeled as per Utah Administrative Code R307-410-5 using SCREEN3. E. If this form is filled out for a new source, forms 1 and 2 must be submitted also. NSCR Emissions shown are controlled 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.02 Page 3 of 4  INSTRUCTIONS – Form 11 Internal Combustion Engine NOTE: 1. Submit this form in conjunction with Form 1 and Form 2. 2.Call the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) at (801) 536-4000 if you have problems or questions in filling out this form. Ask to speak with a New Source Review engineer. We will be glad to help! 1.Indicate the manufacturer, the model number and the date the engine was constructed or reconstructed. 2.Complete the fuel burning equipment's average and maximum operating schedule in hours per day, days per week, and weeks per year. 3.Specify the manufacturer's rated output and heat rate at baseload corresponding to International Standard Organization (ISO) conditions in megawatts (MW) or horsepower (hp). Also indicated what the proposed site operating range is in megawatts or horsepower. 4. Indicate the origin of the gas used in the engine. 5. Indicate if the gas supply can be interrupted and what the backup fuel is in case this happens. 6.Specify what the annual consumption of fuel is in million standard cubic feet (MMscf). 7. Supply the maximum firing rate in BTU/hr. 8. Supply the average firing rate in BTU/hr. 9. Indicate the grade of oil being used. 10.Supply the annual consumption calculated in gallons of oil. 11. Indicate the heat content of the oil in BTU/lb or BTU/gal. 12. Indicate the sulfur content of the oil in percent by weight. 13. Indicate the ash content of the oil. 14. Supply the average firing rate of oil. 15. Supply the maximum firing rate of oil. 16. Indicate what the firing direction is. 17. Indicate what the engine will be used for. 18.Indicate what type of cycle the engine will have. 19. Indicate the manufacturer’s emissions rate in grams/hp-hr 20.Provide manufacturer's emission information for the engine. Also indicate what method of emission control to be used. 21.Provide details of the operation of emission controls and exhaust parameter information. f:\aq\ENGINEER\GENERIC\Forms 2010\Form11 Internal Combustion Engines.doc Revised 12/20/10 Page 4 of 4  INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE FORM 11 (continued) EMISSION SOURCES Review of applications and issuance of permits will be expedited by supplying all necessary information requested on this form. AIR CONTAMINANT DATA EMISSION POINT DISCHARGE PARAMETERS STACK SOURCES (7) EMISSION POINT (1) CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF TOTAL STREAM AIR CONTAMINANT EMISSION RATE UTM COORDINATES OF EMISSION PT. (6) EXIT DATA NUMBER NAME COMPONENT OR AIR CONTAMINANT NAME (2) CONC. (%V) (3) LB/HR (4) TONS/YR (5) ZONE EAST (METERS) NORTH (METERS) HEIGHT ABOVE GROUND (FT) HEIGHT ABOVE STRUCT. (FT) DIA. (FT) VELO. (FPS) TEMP. (OF) GROUND ELEVATION OF FACILITY ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL _______________ feet. UTAH AIR CONSERVATION BOARD STANDARD CONDITIONS ARE 68O F AND 14.7 PSIA. General Instructions for this form. 1. Identify each emission; point with a unique number for this plant site on plot plan, previous permits and emission inventory questionnaire. Limit emission point number to 8 character spaces. For each emission point use as many lines as necessary to list air contaminant data. Typical emission point names are: heater, vent, boiler, tank, reactor, separator, baghouse, fugitive, etc. Abbreviations are OK. 2. Typical component names are: air, H2O, nitrogen, oxygen, CO2, CO, NOx, SOx, hexane, particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), etc. Abbreviations are OK. 3. Concentration data is required for all gaseous components. Show concentration in volume percent of total gas stream. 4. Pounds per hour. (#/hr) is maximum emission rate expected by applicant. 5. Tons per year (T/Y) is annual maximum emission rate expected by applicant, which takes into account process operating schedule. 6. As a minimum applicant must furnish a facility plot plan drawn to scale showing a plant benchmark, latitude and longitude correct to the nearest second for the benchmark, and all emission points dimensioned with respect to the benchmark. Please show emission point UTM coordinates if known. 7. Supply additional information as follows if appropriate: (a) Stack exit configuration other than a round vertical stack. Show length and width for a rectangular stack. Indicate if horizontal discharge with a note. (b) Stack's height above supporting or adjacent structures if structure is within three "stack heights above ground" of stack. Inlet Comp.NOx CO VOC HCHO PM10 PM2.5 SO2 5.5 5.57 5.5 0.37 0.64 0.64 0.04 C-2 5090 1.26 12 585038.31 4453074.78 40 12 1.167 125.3 1100 1.27 1.26 0.0838 0.147 0.147 0.00908 Utah Division of Air Quality New Source Review Section Company_______________________ Site/Source_____________________ Form 11 Date___________________________ Internal Combustion Engines Equipment Information 1. Manufacturer: __________________________ Model no.: __________________________ The date the engine was constructed or reconstructed ________________________ 2. Operating time of Emission Source: average maximum ______ Hours/day ______ Hours/day Days/week Days/week ______ Weeks/year ______ Weeks/year 3. Manufacturer's rated output at baseload, ISO hp or Kw Proposed site operating range _____________________________ hp or Kw Gas Firing 4. Are you operating site equipment on pipeline quality natural gas: □ Yes □ No 5. Are you on an interruptible gas supply: □Yes □ No If "yes", specify alternate fuel: _______________________________ 6. Annual consumption of fuel: _____________________________ MMSCF/Year 7. Maximum firing rate: _____________________________ BTU/hr 8. Average firing rate: _____________________________ BTU/hr Oil Firing 9. Type of oil: Grade number □ 1 □ 2 □ 4 □ 5 □ 6 Other specify ___________ 10. Annual consumption: ______________ gallons 11. Heat content:______________ BTU/lb or ______________ BTU/gal 12. Sulfur content:___________% by weight 13. Ash content: ____________% by weight 14. Average firing rate: gal/hr 15. Maximum firing rate: gal/hr 16. Direction of firing: □ horizontal □ tangential □ other: (specify) Page 1 of 4  Waukesha Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station 7044 GSI S5 TBD - New 24 24 7 7 52 52 1900 1900 15,448,90015,448,900 (N/A) Engine C-3 105.68 December 19, 2023 Page 2 of 4  Internal Combustion Engine Form 11 (Continued) Operation 17. Application: □Electric generation ______ Base load ______ Peaking □Emergency Generator □Driving pump/compressor □Exhaust heat recovery □Other (specify) ________________________ 18. Cycle □Simple cycle □Regenerative cycle □Cogeneration □Combined cycle Emissions Data 19. Manufacturer’s Emissions in grams per hour (gr/hp-hr): _______ NOX _______ CO ______ VOC _______ Formaldehyde 20. Attach manufacturer's information showing emissions of NOx, CO, VOC, SOx, CH2O, PM10, PM 2.5 , CO2, CH4 and N2O for each proposed fuel at engine loads and site ambient temperatures representative of the range of proposed operation. The information must be sufficient to determine maximum hourly and annual emission rates. Annual emissions may be based on a conservatively low approximation of site annual average temperature. Provide emissions in pounds per hour and except for PM10 and PM2.5 parts per million by volume (ppmv) at actual conditions and corrected to dry, 15% oxygen conditions. Method of Emission Control: □Lean premix combustors □Oxidation catalyst □ Water injection □ Other (specify)____________ □Other low-NOx combustor □SCR catalyst □Steam injection Additional Information 21. On separate sheets provide the following: A.Details regarding principle of operation of emission controls. If add-on equipment is used, provide make and model and manufacturer's information. Example details include: controller input variables and operational algorithms for water or ammonia injection systems, combustion mode versus engine load for variable mode combustors, etc. B. Exhaust parameter information on attached form. C. All calculations used for the annual emission estimates must be submitted with this form to be deemed complete. D.All formaldehyde emissions must be modeled as per Utah Administrative Code R307-410-5 using SCREEN3. E. If this form is filled out for a new source, forms 1 and 2 must be submitted also. NSCR Emissions shown are controlled 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.02 Page 3 of 4  INSTRUCTIONS – Form 11 Internal Combustion Engine NOTE: 1. Submit this form in conjunction with Form 1 and Form 2. 2.Call the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) at (801) 536-4000 if you have problems or questions in filling out this form. Ask to speak with a New Source Review engineer. We will be glad to help! 1.Indicate the manufacturer, the model number and the date the engine was constructed or reconstructed. 2.Complete the fuel burning equipment's average and maximum operating schedule in hours per day, days per week, and weeks per year. 3.Specify the manufacturer's rated output and heat rate at baseload corresponding to International Standard Organization (ISO) conditions in megawatts (MW) or horsepower (hp). Also indicated what the proposed site operating range is in megawatts or horsepower. 4. Indicate the origin of the gas used in the engine. 5. Indicate if the gas supply can be interrupted and what the backup fuel is in case this happens. 6.Specify what the annual consumption of fuel is in million standard cubic feet (MMscf). 7. Supply the maximum firing rate in BTU/hr. 8. Supply the average firing rate in BTU/hr. 9. Indicate the grade of oil being used. 10.Supply the annual consumption calculated in gallons of oil. 11. Indicate the heat content of the oil in BTU/lb or BTU/gal. 12. Indicate the sulfur content of the oil in percent by weight. 13. Indicate the ash content of the oil. 14. Supply the average firing rate of oil. 15. Supply the maximum firing rate of oil. 16. Indicate what the firing direction is. 17. Indicate what the engine will be used for. 18.Indicate what type of cycle the engine will have. 19. Indicate the manufacturer’s emissions rate in grams/hp-hr 20.Provide manufacturer's emission information for the engine. Also indicate what method of emission control to be used. 21.Provide details of the operation of emission controls and exhaust parameter information. f:\aq\ENGINEER\GENERIC\Forms 2010\Form11 Internal Combustion Engines.doc Revised 12/20/10 Page 4 of 4  INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE FORM 11 (continued) EMISSION SOURCES Review of applications and issuance of permits will be expedited by supplying all necessary information requested on this form. AIR CONTAMINANT DATA EMISSION POINT DISCHARGE PARAMETERS STACK SOURCES (7) EMISSION POINT (1) CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF TOTAL STREAM AIR CONTAMINANT EMISSION RATE UTM COORDINATES OF EMISSION PT. (6) EXIT DATA NUMBER NAME COMPONENT OR AIR CONTAMINANT NAME (2) CONC. (%V) (3) LB/HR (4) TONS/YR (5) ZONE EAST (METERS) NORTH (METERS) HEIGHT ABOVE GROUND (FT) HEIGHT ABOVE STRUCT. (FT) DIA. (FT) VELO. (FPS) TEMP. (OF) GROUND ELEVATION OF FACILITY ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL _______________ feet. UTAH AIR CONSERVATION BOARD STANDARD CONDITIONS ARE 68O F AND 14.7 PSIA. General Instructions for this form. 1. Identify each emission; point with a unique number for this plant site on plot plan, previous permits and emission inventory questionnaire. Limit emission point number to 8 character spaces. For each emission point use as many lines as necessary to list air contaminant data. Typical emission point names are: heater, vent, boiler, tank, reactor, separator, baghouse, fugitive, etc. Abbreviations are OK. 2. Typical component names are: air, H2O, nitrogen, oxygen, CO2, CO, NOx, SOx, hexane, particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), etc. Abbreviations are OK. 3. Concentration data is required for all gaseous components. Show concentration in volume percent of total gas stream. 4. Pounds per hour. (#/hr) is maximum emission rate expected by applicant. 5. Tons per year (T/Y) is annual maximum emission rate expected by applicant, which takes into account process operating schedule. 6. As a minimum applicant must furnish a facility plot plan drawn to scale showing a plant benchmark, latitude and longitude correct to the nearest second for the benchmark, and all emission points dimensioned with respect to the benchmark. Please show emission point UTM coordinates if known. 7. Supply additional information as follows if appropriate: (a) Stack exit configuration other than a round vertical stack. Show length and width for a rectangular stack. Indicate if horizontal discharge with a note. (b) Stack's height above supporting or adjacent structures if structure is within three "stack heights above ground" of stack. Inlet Comp.NOx CO VOC HCHO PM10 PM2.5 SO2 5.5 5.57 5.5 0.37 0.64 0.64 0.04 C-3 5090 1.26 12 585054.62 4453074.61 40 12 1.167 125.3 1100 1.27 1.26 0.0838 0.147 0.147 0.00908 Utah Division of Air Quality New Source Review Section Company_______________________ Site/Source_____________________ Form 11 Date___________________________ Internal Combustion Engines Equipment Information 1. Manufacturer: __________________________ Model no.: __________________________ The date the engine was constructed or reconstructed ________________________ 2. Operating time of Emission Source: average maximum ______ Hours/day ______ Hours/day Days/week Days/week ______ Weeks/year ______ Weeks/year 3. Manufacturer's rated output at baseload, ISO hp or Kw Proposed site operating range _____________________________ hp or Kw Gas Firing 4. Are you operating site equipment on pipeline quality natural gas: □ Yes □ No 5. Are you on an interruptible gas supply: □Yes □ No If "yes", specify alternate fuel: _______________________________ 6. Annual consumption of fuel: _____________________________ MMSCF/Year 7. Maximum firing rate: _____________________________ BTU/hr 8. Average firing rate: _____________________________ BTU/hr Oil Firing 9. Type of oil: Grade number □ 1 □ 2 □ 4 □ 5 □ 6 Other specify ___________ 10. Annual consumption: ______________ gallons 11. Heat content:______________ BTU/lb or ______________ BTU/gal 12. Sulfur content:___________% by weight 13. Ash content: ____________% by weight 14. Average firing rate: gal/hr 15. Maximum firing rate: gal/hr 16. Direction of firing: □ horizontal □ tangential □ other: (specify) Page 1 of 4  Waukesha Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station 7044 GSI S5 TBD - New 24 24 7 7 52 52 1900 1900 15,448,90015,448,900 (N/A) Engine C-4 105.68 December 19, 2023 Page 2 of 4  Internal Combustion Engine Form 11 (Continued) Operation 17. Application: □Electric generation ______ Base load ______ Peaking □Emergency Generator □Driving pump/compressor □Exhaust heat recovery □Other (specify) ________________________ 18. Cycle □Simple cycle □Regenerative cycle □Cogeneration □Combined cycle Emissions Data 19. Manufacturer’s Emissions in grams per hour (gr/hp-hr): _______ NOX _______ CO ______ VOC _______ Formaldehyde 20. Attach manufacturer's information showing emissions of NOx, CO, VOC, SOx, CH2O, PM10, PM 2.5 , CO2, CH4 and N2O for each proposed fuel at engine loads and site ambient temperatures representative of the range of proposed operation. The information must be sufficient to determine maximum hourly and annual emission rates. Annual emissions may be based on a conservatively low approximation of site annual average temperature. Provide emissions in pounds per hour and except for PM10 and PM2.5 parts per million by volume (ppmv) at actual conditions and corrected to dry, 15% oxygen conditions. Method of Emission Control: □Lean premix combustors □Oxidation catalyst □ Water injection □ Other (specify)____________ □Other low-NOx combustor □SCR catalyst □Steam injection Additional Information 21. On separate sheets provide the following: A.Details regarding principle of operation of emission controls. If add-on equipment is used, provide make and model and manufacturer's information. Example details include: controller input variables and operational algorithms for water or ammonia injection systems, combustion mode versus engine load for variable mode combustors, etc. B. Exhaust parameter information on attached form. C. All calculations used for the annual emission estimates must be submitted with this form to be deemed complete. D.All formaldehyde emissions must be modeled as per Utah Administrative Code R307-410-5 using SCREEN3. E. If this form is filled out for a new source, forms 1 and 2 must be submitted also. NSCR Emissions shown are controlled 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.02 Page 3 of 4  INSTRUCTIONS – Form 11 Internal Combustion Engine NOTE: 1. Submit this form in conjunction with Form 1 and Form 2. 2.Call the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) at (801) 536-4000 if you have problems or questions in filling out this form. Ask to speak with a New Source Review engineer. We will be glad to help! 1.Indicate the manufacturer, the model number and the date the engine was constructed or reconstructed. 2.Complete the fuel burning equipment's average and maximum operating schedule in hours per day, days per week, and weeks per year. 3.Specify the manufacturer's rated output and heat rate at baseload corresponding to International Standard Organization (ISO) conditions in megawatts (MW) or horsepower (hp). Also indicated what the proposed site operating range is in megawatts or horsepower. 4. Indicate the origin of the gas used in the engine. 5. Indicate if the gas supply can be interrupted and what the backup fuel is in case this happens. 6.Specify what the annual consumption of fuel is in million standard cubic feet (MMscf). 7. Supply the maximum firing rate in BTU/hr. 8. Supply the average firing rate in BTU/hr. 9. Indicate the grade of oil being used. 10.Supply the annual consumption calculated in gallons of oil. 11. Indicate the heat content of the oil in BTU/lb or BTU/gal. 12. Indicate the sulfur content of the oil in percent by weight. 13. Indicate the ash content of the oil. 14. Supply the average firing rate of oil. 15. Supply the maximum firing rate of oil. 16. Indicate what the firing direction is. 17. Indicate what the engine will be used for. 18.Indicate what type of cycle the engine will have. 19. Indicate the manufacturer’s emissions rate in grams/hp-hr 20.Provide manufacturer's emission information for the engine. Also indicate what method of emission control to be used. 21.Provide details of the operation of emission controls and exhaust parameter information. f:\aq\ENGINEER\GENERIC\Forms 2010\Form11 Internal Combustion Engines.doc Revised 12/20/10 Page 4 of 4  INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE FORM 11 (continued) EMISSION SOURCES Review of applications and issuance of permits will be expedited by supplying all necessary information requested on this form. AIR CONTAMINANT DATA EMISSION POINT DISCHARGE PARAMETERS STACK SOURCES (7) EMISSION POINT (1) CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF TOTAL STREAM AIR CONTAMINANT EMISSION RATE UTM COORDINATES OF EMISSION PT. (6) EXIT DATA NUMBER NAME COMPONENT OR AIR CONTAMINANT NAME (2) CONC. (%V) (3) LB/HR (4) TONS/YR (5) ZONE EAST (METERS) NORTH (METERS) HEIGHT ABOVE GROUND (FT) HEIGHT ABOVE STRUCT. (FT) DIA. (FT) VELO. (FPS) TEMP. (OF) GROUND ELEVATION OF FACILITY ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL _______________ feet. UTAH AIR CONSERVATION BOARD STANDARD CONDITIONS ARE 68O F AND 14.7 PSIA. General Instructions for this form. 1. Identify each emission; point with a unique number for this plant site on plot plan, previous permits and emission inventory questionnaire. Limit emission point number to 8 character spaces. For each emission point use as many lines as necessary to list air contaminant data. Typical emission point names are: heater, vent, boiler, tank, reactor, separator, baghouse, fugitive, etc. Abbreviations are OK. 2. Typical component names are: air, H2O, nitrogen, oxygen, CO2, CO, NOx, SOx, hexane, particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), etc. Abbreviations are OK. 3. Concentration data is required for all gaseous components. Show concentration in volume percent of total gas stream. 4. Pounds per hour. (#/hr) is maximum emission rate expected by applicant. 5. Tons per year (T/Y) is annual maximum emission rate expected by applicant, which takes into account process operating schedule. 6. As a minimum applicant must furnish a facility plot plan drawn to scale showing a plant benchmark, latitude and longitude correct to the nearest second for the benchmark, and all emission points dimensioned with respect to the benchmark. Please show emission point UTM coordinates if known. 7. Supply additional information as follows if appropriate: (a) Stack exit configuration other than a round vertical stack. Show length and width for a rectangular stack. Indicate if horizontal discharge with a note. (b) Stack's height above supporting or adjacent structures if structure is within three "stack heights above ground" of stack. Inlet Comp.NOx CO VOC HCHO PM10 PM2.5 SO2 5.5 5.57 5.5 0.37 0.64 0.64 0.04 C-4 5090 1.26 12 585070.87 4453074.55 40 12 1.167 125.3 1100 1.27 1.26 0.0838 0.147 0.147 0.00908 Utah Division of Air Quality New Source Review Section Company_______________________ Site/Source_____________________ Form 11 Date___________________________ Internal Combustion Engines Equipment Information 1. Manufacturer: __________________________ Model no.: __________________________ The date the engine was constructed or reconstructed ________________________ 2. Operating time of Emission Source: average maximum ______ Hours/day ______ Hours/day Days/week Days/week ______ Weeks/year ______ Weeks/year 3. Manufacturer's rated output at baseload, ISO hp or Kw Proposed site operating range _____________________________ hp or Kw Gas Firing 4. Are you operating site equipment on pipeline quality natural gas: □ Yes □ No 5. Are you on an interruptible gas supply: □Yes □ No If "yes", specify alternate fuel: _______________________________ 6. Annual consumption of fuel: _____________________________ MMSCF/Year 7. Maximum firing rate: _____________________________ BTU/hr 8. Average firing rate: _____________________________ BTU/hr Oil Firing 9. Type of oil: Grade number □ 1 □ 2 □ 4 □ 5 □ 6 Other specify ___________ 10. Annual consumption: ______________ gallons 11. Heat content:______________ BTU/lb or ______________ BTU/gal 12. Sulfur content:___________% by weight 13. Ash content: ____________% by weight 14. Average firing rate: gal/hr 15. Maximum firing rate: gal/hr 16. Direction of firing: □ horizontal □ tangential □ other: (specify) Page 1 of 4  Waukesha Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station 7044 GSI S5 TBD - New 24 24 7 7 52 52 1900 1900 15,448,90015,448,900 (N/A) Engine C-5 105.68 December 19, 2023 Page 2 of 4  Internal Combustion Engine Form 11 (Continued) Operation 17. Application: □Electric generation ______ Base load ______ Peaking □Emergency Generator □Driving pump/compressor □Exhaust heat recovery □Other (specify) ________________________ 18. Cycle □Simple cycle □Regenerative cycle □Cogeneration □Combined cycle Emissions Data 19. Manufacturer’s Emissions in grams per hour (gr/hp-hr): _______ NOX _______ CO ______ VOC _______ Formaldehyde 20. Attach manufacturer's information showing emissions of NOx, CO, VOC, SOx, CH2O, PM10, PM 2.5 , CO2, CH4 and N2O for each proposed fuel at engine loads and site ambient temperatures representative of the range of proposed operation. The information must be sufficient to determine maximum hourly and annual emission rates. Annual emissions may be based on a conservatively low approximation of site annual average temperature. Provide emissions in pounds per hour and except for PM10 and PM2.5 parts per million by volume (ppmv) at actual conditions and corrected to dry, 15% oxygen conditions. Method of Emission Control: □Lean premix combustors □Oxidation catalyst □ Water injection □ Other (specify)____________ □Other low-NOx combustor □SCR catalyst □Steam injection Additional Information 21. On separate sheets provide the following: A.Details regarding principle of operation of emission controls. If add-on equipment is used, provide make and model and manufacturer's information. Example details include: controller input variables and operational algorithms for water or ammonia injection systems, combustion mode versus engine load for variable mode combustors, etc. B. Exhaust parameter information on attached form. C. All calculations used for the annual emission estimates must be submitted with this form to be deemed complete. D.All formaldehyde emissions must be modeled as per Utah Administrative Code R307-410-5 using SCREEN3. E. If this form is filled out for a new source, forms 1 and 2 must be submitted also. NSCR Emissions shown are controlled 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.02 Page 3 of 4  INSTRUCTIONS – Form 11 Internal Combustion Engine NOTE: 1. Submit this form in conjunction with Form 1 and Form 2. 2.Call the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) at (801) 536-4000 if you have problems or questions in filling out this form. Ask to speak with a New Source Review engineer. We will be glad to help! 1.Indicate the manufacturer, the model number and the date the engine was constructed or reconstructed. 2.Complete the fuel burning equipment's average and maximum operating schedule in hours per day, days per week, and weeks per year. 3.Specify the manufacturer's rated output and heat rate at baseload corresponding to International Standard Organization (ISO) conditions in megawatts (MW) or horsepower (hp). Also indicated what the proposed site operating range is in megawatts or horsepower. 4. Indicate the origin of the gas used in the engine. 5. Indicate if the gas supply can be interrupted and what the backup fuel is in case this happens. 6.Specify what the annual consumption of fuel is in million standard cubic feet (MMscf). 7. Supply the maximum firing rate in BTU/hr. 8. Supply the average firing rate in BTU/hr. 9. Indicate the grade of oil being used. 10.Supply the annual consumption calculated in gallons of oil. 11. Indicate the heat content of the oil in BTU/lb or BTU/gal. 12. Indicate the sulfur content of the oil in percent by weight. 13. Indicate the ash content of the oil. 14. Supply the average firing rate of oil. 15. Supply the maximum firing rate of oil. 16. Indicate what the firing direction is. 17. Indicate what the engine will be used for. 18.Indicate what type of cycle the engine will have. 19. Indicate the manufacturer’s emissions rate in grams/hp-hr 20.Provide manufacturer's emission information for the engine. Also indicate what method of emission control to be used. 21.Provide details of the operation of emission controls and exhaust parameter information. f:\aq\ENGINEER\GENERIC\Forms 2010\Form11 Internal Combustion Engines.doc Revised 12/20/10 Page 4 of 4  INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE FORM 11 (continued) EMISSION SOURCES Review of applications and issuance of permits will be expedited by supplying all necessary information requested on this form. AIR CONTAMINANT DATA EMISSION POINT DISCHARGE PARAMETERS STACK SOURCES (7) EMISSION POINT (1) CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF TOTAL STREAM AIR CONTAMINANT EMISSION RATE UTM COORDINATES OF EMISSION PT. (6) EXIT DATA NUMBER NAME COMPONENT OR AIR CONTAMINANT NAME (2) CONC. (%V) (3) LB/HR (4) TONS/YR (5) ZONE EAST (METERS) NORTH (METERS) HEIGHT ABOVE GROUND (FT) HEIGHT ABOVE STRUCT. (FT) DIA. (FT) VELO. (FPS) TEMP. (OF) GROUND ELEVATION OF FACILITY ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL _______________ feet. UTAH AIR CONSERVATION BOARD STANDARD CONDITIONS ARE 68O F AND 14.7 PSIA. General Instructions for this form. 1. Identify each emission; point with a unique number for this plant site on plot plan, previous permits and emission inventory questionnaire. Limit emission point number to 8 character spaces. For each emission point use as many lines as necessary to list air contaminant data. Typical emission point names are: heater, vent, boiler, tank, reactor, separator, baghouse, fugitive, etc. Abbreviations are OK. 2. Typical component names are: air, H2O, nitrogen, oxygen, CO2, CO, NOx, SOx, hexane, particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), etc. Abbreviations are OK. 3. Concentration data is required for all gaseous components. Show concentration in volume percent of total gas stream. 4. Pounds per hour. (#/hr) is maximum emission rate expected by applicant. 5. Tons per year (T/Y) is annual maximum emission rate expected by applicant, which takes into account process operating schedule. 6. As a minimum applicant must furnish a facility plot plan drawn to scale showing a plant benchmark, latitude and longitude correct to the nearest second for the benchmark, and all emission points dimensioned with respect to the benchmark. Please show emission point UTM coordinates if known. 7. Supply additional information as follows if appropriate: (a) Stack exit configuration other than a round vertical stack. Show length and width for a rectangular stack. Indicate if horizontal discharge with a note. (b) Stack's height above supporting or adjacent structures if structure is within three "stack heights above ground" of stack. Inlet Comp.NOx CO VOC HCHO PM10 PM2.5 SO2 5.5 5.57 5.5 0.37 0.64 0.64 0.04 C-5 5090 1.26 12 585087.31 4453074.09 40 12 1.167 125.3 1100 1.27 1.26 0.0838 0.147 0.147 0.00908 Utah Division of Air Quality New Source Review Section Company_______________________ Site/Source_____________________ Form 11 Date___________________________ Internal Combustion Engines Equipment Information 1. Manufacturer: __________________________ Model no.: __________________________ The date the engine was constructed or reconstructed ________________________ 2. Operating time of Emission Source: average maximum ______ Hours/day ______ Hours/day Days/week Days/week ______ Weeks/year ______ Weeks/year 3. Manufacturer's rated output at baseload, ISO hp or Kw Proposed site operating range _____________________________ hp or Kw Gas Firing 4. Are you operating site equipment on pipeline quality natural gas: □ Yes □ No 5. Are you on an interruptible gas supply: □Yes □ No If "yes", specify alternate fuel: _______________________________ 6. Annual consumption of fuel: _____________________________ MMSCF/Year 7. Maximum firing rate: _____________________________ BTU/hr 8. Average firing rate: _____________________________ BTU/hr Oil Firing 9. Type of oil: Grade number □ 1 □ 2 □ 4 □ 5 □ 6 Other specify ___________ 10. Annual consumption: ______________ gallons 11. Heat content:______________ BTU/lb or ______________ BTU/gal 12. Sulfur content:___________% by weight 13. Ash content: ____________% by weight 14. Average firing rate: gal/hr 15. Maximum firing rate: gal/hr 16. Direction of firing: □ horizontal □ tangential □ other: (specify) Page 1 of 4  Waukesha Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station 7044 GSI S5 TBD - New 24 24 7 7 52 52 1900 1900 15,448,90015,448,900 (N/A) Engine C-6 105.68 December 19, 2023 Page 2 of 4  Internal Combustion Engine Form 11 (Continued) Operation 17. Application: □Electric generation ______ Base load ______ Peaking □Emergency Generator □Driving pump/compressor □Exhaust heat recovery □Other (specify) ________________________ 18. Cycle □Simple cycle □Regenerative cycle □Cogeneration □Combined cycle Emissions Data 19. Manufacturer’s Emissions in grams per hour (gr/hp-hr): _______ NOX _______ CO ______ VOC _______ Formaldehyde 20. Attach manufacturer's information showing emissions of NOx, CO, VOC, SOx, CH2O, PM10, PM 2.5 , CO2, CH4 and N2O for each proposed fuel at engine loads and site ambient temperatures representative of the range of proposed operation. The information must be sufficient to determine maximum hourly and annual emission rates. Annual emissions may be based on a conservatively low approximation of site annual average temperature. Provide emissions in pounds per hour and except for PM10 and PM2.5 parts per million by volume (ppmv) at actual conditions and corrected to dry, 15% oxygen conditions. Method of Emission Control: □Lean premix combustors □Oxidation catalyst □ Water injection □ Other (specify)____________ □Other low-NOx combustor □SCR catalyst □Steam injection Additional Information 21. On separate sheets provide the following: A.Details regarding principle of operation of emission controls. If add-on equipment is used, provide make and model and manufacturer's information. Example details include: controller input variables and operational algorithms for water or ammonia injection systems, combustion mode versus engine load for variable mode combustors, etc. B. Exhaust parameter information on attached form. C. All calculations used for the annual emission estimates must be submitted with this form to be deemed complete. D.All formaldehyde emissions must be modeled as per Utah Administrative Code R307-410-5 using SCREEN3. E. If this form is filled out for a new source, forms 1 and 2 must be submitted also. NSCR Emissions shown are controlled 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.02 Page 3 of 4  INSTRUCTIONS – Form 11 Internal Combustion Engine NOTE: 1. Submit this form in conjunction with Form 1 and Form 2. 2.Call the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) at (801) 536-4000 if you have problems or questions in filling out this form. Ask to speak with a New Source Review engineer. We will be glad to help! 1.Indicate the manufacturer, the model number and the date the engine was constructed or reconstructed. 2.Complete the fuel burning equipment's average and maximum operating schedule in hours per day, days per week, and weeks per year. 3.Specify the manufacturer's rated output and heat rate at baseload corresponding to International Standard Organization (ISO) conditions in megawatts (MW) or horsepower (hp). Also indicated what the proposed site operating range is in megawatts or horsepower. 4. Indicate the origin of the gas used in the engine. 5. Indicate if the gas supply can be interrupted and what the backup fuel is in case this happens. 6.Specify what the annual consumption of fuel is in million standard cubic feet (MMscf). 7. Supply the maximum firing rate in BTU/hr. 8. Supply the average firing rate in BTU/hr. 9. Indicate the grade of oil being used. 10.Supply the annual consumption calculated in gallons of oil. 11. Indicate the heat content of the oil in BTU/lb or BTU/gal. 12. Indicate the sulfur content of the oil in percent by weight. 13. Indicate the ash content of the oil. 14. Supply the average firing rate of oil. 15. Supply the maximum firing rate of oil. 16. Indicate what the firing direction is. 17. Indicate what the engine will be used for. 18.Indicate what type of cycle the engine will have. 19. Indicate the manufacturer’s emissions rate in grams/hp-hr 20.Provide manufacturer's emission information for the engine. Also indicate what method of emission control to be used. 21.Provide details of the operation of emission controls and exhaust parameter information. f:\aq\ENGINEER\GENERIC\Forms 2010\Form11 Internal Combustion Engines.doc Revised 12/20/10 Page 4 of 4  INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE FORM 11 (continued) EMISSION SOURCES Review of applications and issuance of permits will be expedited by supplying all necessary information requested on this form. AIR CONTAMINANT DATA EMISSION POINT DISCHARGE PARAMETERS STACK SOURCES (7) EMISSION POINT (1) CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF TOTAL STREAM AIR CONTAMINANT EMISSION RATE UTM COORDINATES OF EMISSION PT. (6) EXIT DATA NUMBER NAME COMPONENT OR AIR CONTAMINANT NAME (2) CONC. (%V) (3) LB/HR (4) TONS/YR (5) ZONE EAST (METERS) NORTH (METERS) HEIGHT ABOVE GROUND (FT) HEIGHT ABOVE STRUCT. (FT) DIA. (FT) VELO. (FPS) TEMP. (OF) GROUND ELEVATION OF FACILITY ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL _______________ feet. UTAH AIR CONSERVATION BOARD STANDARD CONDITIONS ARE 68O F AND 14.7 PSIA. General Instructions for this form. 1. Identify each emission; point with a unique number for this plant site on plot plan, previous permits and emission inventory questionnaire. Limit emission point number to 8 character spaces. For each emission point use as many lines as necessary to list air contaminant data. Typical emission point names are: heater, vent, boiler, tank, reactor, separator, baghouse, fugitive, etc. Abbreviations are OK. 2. Typical component names are: air, H2O, nitrogen, oxygen, CO2, CO, NOx, SOx, hexane, particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), etc. Abbreviations are OK. 3. Concentration data is required for all gaseous components. Show concentration in volume percent of total gas stream. 4. Pounds per hour. (#/hr) is maximum emission rate expected by applicant. 5. Tons per year (T/Y) is annual maximum emission rate expected by applicant, which takes into account process operating schedule. 6. As a minimum applicant must furnish a facility plot plan drawn to scale showing a plant benchmark, latitude and longitude correct to the nearest second for the benchmark, and all emission points dimensioned with respect to the benchmark. Please show emission point UTM coordinates if known. 7. Supply additional information as follows if appropriate: (a) Stack exit configuration other than a round vertical stack. Show length and width for a rectangular stack. Indicate if horizontal discharge with a note. (b) Stack's height above supporting or adjacent structures if structure is within three "stack heights above ground" of stack. Inlet Comp.NOx CO VOC HCHO PM10 PM2.5 SO2 5.5 5.57 5.5 0.37 0.64 0.64 0.04 C-6 5090 1.26 12 585103.40 4453074.06 40 12 1.167 125.3 1100 1.27 1.26 0.0838 0.147 0.147 0.00908 Utah Division of Air Quality New Source Review Section Company_______________________ Site/Source_____________________ Form 11 Date___________________________ Internal Combustion Engines Equipment Information 1. Manufacturer: __________________________ Model no.: __________________________ The date the engine was constructed or reconstructed ________________________ 2. Operating time of Emission Source: average maximum ______ Hours/day ______ Hours/day Days/week Days/week ______ Weeks/year ______ Weeks/year 3. Manufacturer's rated output at baseload, ISO hp or Kw Proposed site operating range _____________________________ hp or Kw Gas Firing 4. Are you operating site equipment on pipeline quality natural gas: □ Yes □ No 5. Are you on an interruptible gas supply: □Yes □ No If "yes", specify alternate fuel: _______________________________ 6. Annual consumption of fuel: _____________________________ MMSCF/Year 7. Maximum firing rate: _____________________________ BTU/hr 8. Average firing rate: _____________________________ BTU/hr Oil Firing 9. Type of oil: Grade number □ 1 □ 2 □ 4 □ 5 □ 6 Other specify ___________ 10. Annual consumption: ______________ gallons 11. Heat content:______________ BTU/lb or ______________ BTU/gal 12. Sulfur content:___________% by weight 13. Ash content: ____________% by weight 14. Average firing rate: gal/hr 15. Maximum firing rate: gal/hr 16. Direction of firing: □ horizontal □ tangential □ other: (specify) Page 1 of 4  Waukesha Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station 7044 GSI S5 TBD - New 24 24 7 7 52 52 1900 1900 15,448,90015,448,900 (N/A) Engine C-7 105.68 December 19, 2023 Page 2 of 4  Internal Combustion Engine Form 11 (Continued) Operation 17. Application: □Electric generation ______ Base load ______ Peaking □Emergency Generator □Driving pump/compressor □Exhaust heat recovery □Other (specify) ________________________ 18. Cycle □Simple cycle □Regenerative cycle □Cogeneration □Combined cycle Emissions Data 19. Manufacturer’s Emissions in grams per hour (gr/hp-hr): _______ NOX _______ CO ______ VOC _______ Formaldehyde 20. Attach manufacturer's information showing emissions of NOx, CO, VOC, SOx, CH2O, PM10, PM 2.5 , CO2, CH4 and N2O for each proposed fuel at engine loads and site ambient temperatures representative of the range of proposed operation. The information must be sufficient to determine maximum hourly and annual emission rates. Annual emissions may be based on a conservatively low approximation of site annual average temperature. Provide emissions in pounds per hour and except for PM10 and PM2.5 parts per million by volume (ppmv) at actual conditions and corrected to dry, 15% oxygen conditions. Method of Emission Control: □Lean premix combustors □Oxidation catalyst □ Water injection □ Other (specify)____________ □Other low-NOx combustor □SCR catalyst □Steam injection Additional Information 21. On separate sheets provide the following: A.Details regarding principle of operation of emission controls. If add-on equipment is used, provide make and model and manufacturer's information. Example details include: controller input variables and operational algorithms for water or ammonia injection systems, combustion mode versus engine load for variable mode combustors, etc. B. Exhaust parameter information on attached form. C. All calculations used for the annual emission estimates must be submitted with this form to be deemed complete. D.All formaldehyde emissions must be modeled as per Utah Administrative Code R307-410-5 using SCREEN3. E. If this form is filled out for a new source, forms 1 and 2 must be submitted also. NSCR Emissions shown are controlled 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.02 Page 3 of 4  INSTRUCTIONS – Form 11 Internal Combustion Engine NOTE: 1. Submit this form in conjunction with Form 1 and Form 2. 2.Call the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) at (801) 536-4000 if you have problems or questions in filling out this form. Ask to speak with a New Source Review engineer. We will be glad to help! 1.Indicate the manufacturer, the model number and the date the engine was constructed or reconstructed. 2.Complete the fuel burning equipment's average and maximum operating schedule in hours per day, days per week, and weeks per year. 3.Specify the manufacturer's rated output and heat rate at baseload corresponding to International Standard Organization (ISO) conditions in megawatts (MW) or horsepower (hp). Also indicated what the proposed site operating range is in megawatts or horsepower. 4. Indicate the origin of the gas used in the engine. 5. Indicate if the gas supply can be interrupted and what the backup fuel is in case this happens. 6.Specify what the annual consumption of fuel is in million standard cubic feet (MMscf). 7. Supply the maximum firing rate in BTU/hr. 8. Supply the average firing rate in BTU/hr. 9. Indicate the grade of oil being used. 10.Supply the annual consumption calculated in gallons of oil. 11. Indicate the heat content of the oil in BTU/lb or BTU/gal. 12. Indicate the sulfur content of the oil in percent by weight. 13. Indicate the ash content of the oil. 14. Supply the average firing rate of oil. 15. Supply the maximum firing rate of oil. 16. Indicate what the firing direction is. 17. Indicate what the engine will be used for. 18.Indicate what type of cycle the engine will have. 19. Indicate the manufacturer’s emissions rate in grams/hp-hr 20.Provide manufacturer's emission information for the engine. Also indicate what method of emission control to be used. 21.Provide details of the operation of emission controls and exhaust parameter information. f:\aq\ENGINEER\GENERIC\Forms 2010\Form11 Internal Combustion Engines.doc Revised 12/20/10 Page 4 of 4  INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE FORM 11 (continued) EMISSION SOURCES Review of applications and issuance of permits will be expedited by supplying all necessary information requested on this form. AIR CONTAMINANT DATA EMISSION POINT DISCHARGE PARAMETERS STACK SOURCES (7) EMISSION POINT (1) CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF TOTAL STREAM AIR CONTAMINANT EMISSION RATE UTM COORDINATES OF EMISSION PT. (6) EXIT DATA NUMBER NAME COMPONENT OR AIR CONTAMINANT NAME (2) CONC. (%V) (3) LB/HR (4) TONS/YR (5) ZONE EAST (METERS) NORTH (METERS) HEIGHT ABOVE GROUND (FT) HEIGHT ABOVE STRUCT. (FT) DIA. (FT) VELO. (FPS) TEMP. (OF) GROUND ELEVATION OF FACILITY ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL _______________ feet. UTAH AIR CONSERVATION BOARD STANDARD CONDITIONS ARE 68O F AND 14.7 PSIA. General Instructions for this form. 1. Identify each emission; point with a unique number for this plant site on plot plan, previous permits and emission inventory questionnaire. Limit emission point number to 8 character spaces. For each emission point use as many lines as necessary to list air contaminant data. Typical emission point names are: heater, vent, boiler, tank, reactor, separator, baghouse, fugitive, etc. Abbreviations are OK. 2. Typical component names are: air, H2O, nitrogen, oxygen, CO2, CO, NOx, SOx, hexane, particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), etc. Abbreviations are OK. 3. Concentration data is required for all gaseous components. Show concentration in volume percent of total gas stream. 4. Pounds per hour. (#/hr) is maximum emission rate expected by applicant. 5. Tons per year (T/Y) is annual maximum emission rate expected by applicant, which takes into account process operating schedule. 6. As a minimum applicant must furnish a facility plot plan drawn to scale showing a plant benchmark, latitude and longitude correct to the nearest second for the benchmark, and all emission points dimensioned with respect to the benchmark. Please show emission point UTM coordinates if known. 7. Supply additional information as follows if appropriate: (a) Stack exit configuration other than a round vertical stack. Show length and width for a rectangular stack. Indicate if horizontal discharge with a note. (b) Stack's height above supporting or adjacent structures if structure is within three "stack heights above ground" of stack. Inlet Comp.NOx CO VOC HCHO PM10 PM2.5 SO2 5.5 5.57 5.5 0.37 0.64 0.64 0.04 C-7 5090 1.26 12 585119.71 4453074.71 40 12 1.167 125.3 1100 1.27 1.26 0.0838 0.147 0.147 0.00908 Utah Division of Air Quality New Source Review Section Company_______________________ Site/Source_____________________ Form 11 Date___________________________ Internal Combustion Engines Equipment Information 1. Manufacturer: __________________________ Model no.: __________________________ The date the engine was constructed or reconstructed ________________________ 2. Operating time of Emission Source: average maximum ______ Hours/day ______ Hours/day Days/week Days/week ______ Weeks/year ______ Weeks/year 3. Manufacturer's rated output at baseload, ISO hp or Kw Proposed site operating range _____________________________ hp or Kw Gas Firing 4. Are you operating site equipment on pipeline quality natural gas: □ Yes □ No 5. Are you on an interruptible gas supply: □Yes □ No If "yes", specify alternate fuel: _______________________________ 6. Annual consumption of fuel: _____________________________ MMSCF/Year 7. Maximum firing rate: _____________________________ BTU/hr 8. Average firing rate: _____________________________ BTU/hr Oil Firing 9. Type of oil: Grade number □ 1 □ 2 □ 4 □ 5 □ 6 Other specify ___________ 10. Annual consumption: ______________ gallons 11. Heat content:______________ BTU/lb or ______________ BTU/gal 12. Sulfur content:___________% by weight 13. Ash content: ____________% by weight 14. Average firing rate: gal/hr 15. Maximum firing rate: gal/hr 16. Direction of firing: □ horizontal □ tangential □ other: (specify) Page 1 of 4  Waukesha Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station 7044 GSI S5 TBD - New 24 24 7 7 52 52 1900 1900 15,448,90015,448,900 (N/A) Engine C-8 105.68 December 19, 2023 Page 2 of 4  Internal Combustion Engine Form 11 (Continued) Operation 17. Application: □Electric generation ______ Base load ______ Peaking □Emergency Generator □Driving pump/compressor □Exhaust heat recovery □Other (specify) ________________________ 18. Cycle □Simple cycle □Regenerative cycle □Cogeneration □Combined cycle Emissions Data 19. Manufacturer’s Emissions in grams per hour (gr/hp-hr): _______ NOX _______ CO ______ VOC _______ Formaldehyde 20. Attach manufacturer's information showing emissions of NOx, CO, VOC, SOx, CH2O, PM10, PM 2.5 , CO2, CH4 and N2O for each proposed fuel at engine loads and site ambient temperatures representative of the range of proposed operation. The information must be sufficient to determine maximum hourly and annual emission rates. Annual emissions may be based on a conservatively low approximation of site annual average temperature. Provide emissions in pounds per hour and except for PM10 and PM2.5 parts per million by volume (ppmv) at actual conditions and corrected to dry, 15% oxygen conditions. Method of Emission Control: □Lean premix combustors □Oxidation catalyst □ Water injection □ Other (specify)____________ □Other low-NOx combustor □SCR catalyst □Steam injection Additional Information 21. On separate sheets provide the following: A.Details regarding principle of operation of emission controls. If add-on equipment is used, provide make and model and manufacturer's information. Example details include: controller input variables and operational algorithms for water or ammonia injection systems, combustion mode versus engine load for variable mode combustors, etc. B. Exhaust parameter information on attached form. C. All calculations used for the annual emission estimates must be submitted with this form to be deemed complete. D.All formaldehyde emissions must be modeled as per Utah Administrative Code R307-410-5 using SCREEN3. E. If this form is filled out for a new source, forms 1 and 2 must be submitted also. NSCR Emissions shown are controlled 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.02 Page 3 of 4  INSTRUCTIONS – Form 11 Internal Combustion Engine NOTE: 1. Submit this form in conjunction with Form 1 and Form 2. 2.Call the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) at (801) 536-4000 if you have problems or questions in filling out this form. Ask to speak with a New Source Review engineer. We will be glad to help! 1.Indicate the manufacturer, the model number and the date the engine was constructed or reconstructed. 2.Complete the fuel burning equipment's average and maximum operating schedule in hours per day, days per week, and weeks per year. 3.Specify the manufacturer's rated output and heat rate at baseload corresponding to International Standard Organization (ISO) conditions in megawatts (MW) or horsepower (hp). Also indicated what the proposed site operating range is in megawatts or horsepower. 4. Indicate the origin of the gas used in the engine. 5. Indicate if the gas supply can be interrupted and what the backup fuel is in case this happens. 6.Specify what the annual consumption of fuel is in million standard cubic feet (MMscf). 7. Supply the maximum firing rate in BTU/hr. 8. Supply the average firing rate in BTU/hr. 9. Indicate the grade of oil being used. 10.Supply the annual consumption calculated in gallons of oil. 11. Indicate the heat content of the oil in BTU/lb or BTU/gal. 12. Indicate the sulfur content of the oil in percent by weight. 13. Indicate the ash content of the oil. 14. Supply the average firing rate of oil. 15. Supply the maximum firing rate of oil. 16. Indicate what the firing direction is. 17. Indicate what the engine will be used for. 18.Indicate what type of cycle the engine will have. 19. Indicate the manufacturer’s emissions rate in grams/hp-hr 20.Provide manufacturer's emission information for the engine. Also indicate what method of emission control to be used. 21.Provide details of the operation of emission controls and exhaust parameter information. f:\aq\ENGINEER\GENERIC\Forms 2010\Form11 Internal Combustion Engines.doc Revised 12/20/10 Page 4 of 4  INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE FORM 11 (continued) EMISSION SOURCES Review of applications and issuance of permits will be expedited by supplying all necessary information requested on this form. AIR CONTAMINANT DATA EMISSION POINT DISCHARGE PARAMETERS STACK SOURCES (7) EMISSION POINT (1) CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF TOTAL STREAM AIR CONTAMINANT EMISSION RATE UTM COORDINATES OF EMISSION PT. (6) EXIT DATA NUMBER NAME COMPONENT OR AIR CONTAMINANT NAME (2) CONC. (%V) (3) LB/HR (4) TONS/YR (5) ZONE EAST (METERS) NORTH (METERS) HEIGHT ABOVE GROUND (FT) HEIGHT ABOVE STRUCT. (FT) DIA. (FT) VELO. (FPS) TEMP. (OF) GROUND ELEVATION OF FACILITY ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL _______________ feet. UTAH AIR CONSERVATION BOARD STANDARD CONDITIONS ARE 68O F AND 14.7 PSIA. General Instructions for this form. 1. Identify each emission; point with a unique number for this plant site on plot plan, previous permits and emission inventory questionnaire. Limit emission point number to 8 character spaces. For each emission point use as many lines as necessary to list air contaminant data. Typical emission point names are: heater, vent, boiler, tank, reactor, separator, baghouse, fugitive, etc. Abbreviations are OK. 2. Typical component names are: air, H2O, nitrogen, oxygen, CO2, CO, NOx, SOx, hexane, particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), etc. Abbreviations are OK. 3. Concentration data is required for all gaseous components. Show concentration in volume percent of total gas stream. 4. Pounds per hour. (#/hr) is maximum emission rate expected by applicant. 5. Tons per year (T/Y) is annual maximum emission rate expected by applicant, which takes into account process operating schedule. 6. As a minimum applicant must furnish a facility plot plan drawn to scale showing a plant benchmark, latitude and longitude correct to the nearest second for the benchmark, and all emission points dimensioned with respect to the benchmark. Please show emission point UTM coordinates if known. 7. Supply additional information as follows if appropriate: (a) Stack exit configuration other than a round vertical stack. Show length and width for a rectangular stack. Indicate if horizontal discharge with a note. (b) Stack's height above supporting or adjacent structures if structure is within three "stack heights above ground" of stack. Inlet Comp.NOx CO VOC HCHO PM10 PM2.5 SO2 5.5 5.57 5.5 0.37 0.64 0.64 0.04 C-8 5090 1.26 12 585136.04 4453074.77 40 12 1.167 125.3 1100 1.27 1.26 0.0838 0.147 0.147 0.00908 Utah Division of Air Quality New Source Review Section Company_______________________ Site/Source_____________________ Form 11 Date___________________________ Internal Combustion Engines Equipment Information 1. Manufacturer: __________________________ Model no.: __________________________ The date the engine was constructed or reconstructed ________________________ 2. Operating time of Emission Source: average maximum ______ Hours/day ______ Hours/day Days/week Days/week ______ Weeks/year ______ Weeks/year 3. Manufacturer's rated output at baseload, ISO hp or Kw Proposed site operating range _____________________________ hp or Kw Gas Firing 4. Are you operating site equipment on pipeline quality natural gas: □ Yes □ No 5. Are you on an interruptible gas supply: □Yes □ No If "yes", specify alternate fuel: _______________________________ 6. Annual consumption of fuel: _____________________________ MMSCF/Year 7. Maximum firing rate: _____________________________ BTU/hr 8. Average firing rate: _____________________________ BTU/hr Oil Firing 9. Type of oil: Grade number □ 1 □ 2 □ 4 □ 5 □ 6 Other specify ___________ 10. Annual consumption: ______________ gallons 11. Heat content:______________ BTU/lb or ______________ BTU/gal 12. Sulfur content:___________% by weight 13. Ash content: ____________% by weight 14. Average firing rate: gal/hr 15. Maximum firing rate: gal/hr 16. Direction of firing: □ horizontal □ tangential □ other: (specify) Page 1 of 4  Waukesha Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station 7044 GSI S5 TBD - New 24 24 7 7 52 52 1900 1900 15,448,90015,448,900 (N/A) Engine C-9 105.68 December 19, 2023 Page 2 of 4  Internal Combustion Engine Form 11 (Continued) Operation 17. Application: □Electric generation ______ Base load ______ Peaking □Emergency Generator □Driving pump/compressor □Exhaust heat recovery □Other (specify) ________________________ 18. Cycle □Simple cycle □Regenerative cycle □Cogeneration □Combined cycle Emissions Data 19. Manufacturer’s Emissions in grams per hour (gr/hp-hr): _______ NOX _______ CO ______ VOC _______ Formaldehyde 20. Attach manufacturer's information showing emissions of NOx, CO, VOC, SOx, CH2O, PM10, PM 2.5 , CO2, CH4 and N2O for each proposed fuel at engine loads and site ambient temperatures representative of the range of proposed operation. The information must be sufficient to determine maximum hourly and annual emission rates. Annual emissions may be based on a conservatively low approximation of site annual average temperature. Provide emissions in pounds per hour and except for PM10 and PM2.5 parts per million by volume (ppmv) at actual conditions and corrected to dry, 15% oxygen conditions. Method of Emission Control: □Lean premix combustors □Oxidation catalyst □ Water injection □ Other (specify)____________ □Other low-NOx combustor □SCR catalyst □Steam injection Additional Information 21. On separate sheets provide the following: A.Details regarding principle of operation of emission controls. If add-on equipment is used, provide make and model and manufacturer's information. Example details include: controller input variables and operational algorithms for water or ammonia injection systems, combustion mode versus engine load for variable mode combustors, etc. B. Exhaust parameter information on attached form. C. All calculations used for the annual emission estimates must be submitted with this form to be deemed complete. D.All formaldehyde emissions must be modeled as per Utah Administrative Code R307-410-5 using SCREEN3. E. If this form is filled out for a new source, forms 1 and 2 must be submitted also. NSCR Emissions shown are controlled 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.02 Page 3 of 4  INSTRUCTIONS – Form 11 Internal Combustion Engine NOTE: 1. Submit this form in conjunction with Form 1 and Form 2. 2.Call the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) at (801) 536-4000 if you have problems or questions in filling out this form. Ask to speak with a New Source Review engineer. We will be glad to help! 1.Indicate the manufacturer, the model number and the date the engine was constructed or reconstructed. 2.Complete the fuel burning equipment's average and maximum operating schedule in hours per day, days per week, and weeks per year. 3.Specify the manufacturer's rated output and heat rate at baseload corresponding to International Standard Organization (ISO) conditions in megawatts (MW) or horsepower (hp). Also indicated what the proposed site operating range is in megawatts or horsepower. 4. Indicate the origin of the gas used in the engine. 5. Indicate if the gas supply can be interrupted and what the backup fuel is in case this happens. 6.Specify what the annual consumption of fuel is in million standard cubic feet (MMscf). 7. Supply the maximum firing rate in BTU/hr. 8. Supply the average firing rate in BTU/hr. 9. Indicate the grade of oil being used. 10.Supply the annual consumption calculated in gallons of oil. 11. Indicate the heat content of the oil in BTU/lb or BTU/gal. 12. Indicate the sulfur content of the oil in percent by weight. 13. Indicate the ash content of the oil. 14. Supply the average firing rate of oil. 15. Supply the maximum firing rate of oil. 16. Indicate what the firing direction is. 17. Indicate what the engine will be used for. 18.Indicate what type of cycle the engine will have. 19. Indicate the manufacturer’s emissions rate in grams/hp-hr 20.Provide manufacturer's emission information for the engine. Also indicate what method of emission control to be used. 21.Provide details of the operation of emission controls and exhaust parameter information. f:\aq\ENGINEER\GENERIC\Forms 2010\Form11 Internal Combustion Engines.doc Revised 12/20/10 Page 4 of 4  INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE FORM 11 (continued) EMISSION SOURCES Review of applications and issuance of permits will be expedited by supplying all necessary information requested on this form. AIR CONTAMINANT DATA EMISSION POINT DISCHARGE PARAMETERS STACK SOURCES (7) EMISSION POINT (1) CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF TOTAL STREAM AIR CONTAMINANT EMISSION RATE UTM COORDINATES OF EMISSION PT. (6) EXIT DATA NUMBER NAME COMPONENT OR AIR CONTAMINANT NAME (2) CONC. (%V) (3) LB/HR (4) TONS/YR (5) ZONE EAST (METERS) NORTH (METERS) HEIGHT ABOVE GROUND (FT) HEIGHT ABOVE STRUCT. (FT) DIA. (FT) VELO. (FPS) TEMP. (OF) GROUND ELEVATION OF FACILITY ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL _______________ feet. UTAH AIR CONSERVATION BOARD STANDARD CONDITIONS ARE 68O F AND 14.7 PSIA. General Instructions for this form. 1. Identify each emission; point with a unique number for this plant site on plot plan, previous permits and emission inventory questionnaire. Limit emission point number to 8 character spaces. For each emission point use as many lines as necessary to list air contaminant data. Typical emission point names are: heater, vent, boiler, tank, reactor, separator, baghouse, fugitive, etc. Abbreviations are OK. 2. Typical component names are: air, H2O, nitrogen, oxygen, CO2, CO, NOx, SOx, hexane, particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), etc. Abbreviations are OK. 3. Concentration data is required for all gaseous components. Show concentration in volume percent of total gas stream. 4. Pounds per hour. (#/hr) is maximum emission rate expected by applicant. 5. Tons per year (T/Y) is annual maximum emission rate expected by applicant, which takes into account process operating schedule. 6. As a minimum applicant must furnish a facility plot plan drawn to scale showing a plant benchmark, latitude and longitude correct to the nearest second for the benchmark, and all emission points dimensioned with respect to the benchmark. Please show emission point UTM coordinates if known. 7. Supply additional information as follows if appropriate: (a) Stack exit configuration other than a round vertical stack. Show length and width for a rectangular stack. Indicate if horizontal discharge with a note. (b) Stack's height above supporting or adjacent structures if structure is within three "stack heights above ground" of stack. Inlet Comp.NOx CO VOC HCHO PM10 PM2.5 SO2 5.5 5.57 5.5 0.37 0.64 0.64 0.04 C-9 5090 1.26 12 585152.32 4453074.59 40 12 1.167 125.3 1100 1.27 1.26 0.0838 0.147 0.147 0.00908 Utah Division of Air Quality New Source Review Section Company_______________________ Site/Source_____________________ Form 11 Date___________________________ Internal Combustion Engines Equipment Information 1. Manufacturer: __________________________ Model no.: __________________________ The date the engine was constructed or reconstructed ________________________ 2. Operating time of Emission Source: average maximum ______ Hours/day ______ Hours/day Days/week Days/week ______ Weeks/year ______ Weeks/year 3. Manufacturer's rated output at baseload, ISO hp or Kw Proposed site operating range _____________________________ hp or Kw Gas Firing 4. Are you operating site equipment on pipeline quality natural gas: □ Yes □ No 5. Are you on an interruptible gas supply: □Yes □ No If "yes", specify alternate fuel: _______________________________ 6. Annual consumption of fuel: _____________________________ MMSCF/Year 7. Maximum firing rate: _____________________________ BTU/hr 8. Average firing rate: _____________________________ BTU/hr Oil Firing 9. Type of oil: Grade number □ 1 □ 2 □ 4 □ 5 □ 6 Other specify ___________ 10. Annual consumption: ______________ gallons 11. Heat content:______________ BTU/lb or ______________ BTU/gal 12. Sulfur content:___________% by weight 13. Ash content: ____________% by weight 14. Average firing rate: gal/hr 15. Maximum firing rate: gal/hr 16. Direction of firing: □ horizontal □ tangential □ other: (specify) Page 1 of 4  Waukesha Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station 7044 GSI S5 TBD - New 24 24 7 7 52 52 1900 1900 15,448,90015,448,900 (N/A) Engine C-10 105.68 December 19, 2023 Page 2 of 4  Internal Combustion Engine Form 11 (Continued) Operation 17. Application: □Electric generation ______ Base load ______ Peaking □Emergency Generator □Driving pump/compressor □Exhaust heat recovery □Other (specify) ________________________ 18. Cycle □Simple cycle □Regenerative cycle □Cogeneration □Combined cycle Emissions Data 19. Manufacturer’s Emissions in grams per hour (gr/hp-hr): _______ NOX _______ CO ______ VOC _______ Formaldehyde 20. Attach manufacturer's information showing emissions of NOx, CO, VOC, SOx, CH2O, PM10, PM 2.5 , CO2, CH4 and N2O for each proposed fuel at engine loads and site ambient temperatures representative of the range of proposed operation. The information must be sufficient to determine maximum hourly and annual emission rates. Annual emissions may be based on a conservatively low approximation of site annual average temperature. Provide emissions in pounds per hour and except for PM10 and PM2.5 parts per million by volume (ppmv) at actual conditions and corrected to dry, 15% oxygen conditions. Method of Emission Control: □Lean premix combustors □Oxidation catalyst □ Water injection □ Other (specify)____________ □Other low-NOx combustor □SCR catalyst □Steam injection Additional Information 21. On separate sheets provide the following: A.Details regarding principle of operation of emission controls. If add-on equipment is used, provide make and model and manufacturer's information. Example details include: controller input variables and operational algorithms for water or ammonia injection systems, combustion mode versus engine load for variable mode combustors, etc. B. Exhaust parameter information on attached form. C. All calculations used for the annual emission estimates must be submitted with this form to be deemed complete. D.All formaldehyde emissions must be modeled as per Utah Administrative Code R307-410-5 using SCREEN3. E. If this form is filled out for a new source, forms 1 and 2 must be submitted also. NSCR Emissions shown are controlled 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.02 Page 3 of 4  INSTRUCTIONS – Form 11 Internal Combustion Engine NOTE: 1. Submit this form in conjunction with Form 1 and Form 2. 2.Call the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) at (801) 536-4000 if you have problems or questions in filling out this form. Ask to speak with a New Source Review engineer. We will be glad to help! 1.Indicate the manufacturer, the model number and the date the engine was constructed or reconstructed. 2.Complete the fuel burning equipment's average and maximum operating schedule in hours per day, days per week, and weeks per year. 3.Specify the manufacturer's rated output and heat rate at baseload corresponding to International Standard Organization (ISO) conditions in megawatts (MW) or horsepower (hp). Also indicated what the proposed site operating range is in megawatts or horsepower. 4. Indicate the origin of the gas used in the engine. 5. Indicate if the gas supply can be interrupted and what the backup fuel is in case this happens. 6.Specify what the annual consumption of fuel is in million standard cubic feet (MMscf). 7. Supply the maximum firing rate in BTU/hr. 8. Supply the average firing rate in BTU/hr. 9. Indicate the grade of oil being used. 10.Supply the annual consumption calculated in gallons of oil. 11. Indicate the heat content of the oil in BTU/lb or BTU/gal. 12. Indicate the sulfur content of the oil in percent by weight. 13. Indicate the ash content of the oil. 14. Supply the average firing rate of oil. 15. Supply the maximum firing rate of oil. 16. Indicate what the firing direction is. 17. Indicate what the engine will be used for. 18.Indicate what type of cycle the engine will have. 19. Indicate the manufacturer’s emissions rate in grams/hp-hr 20.Provide manufacturer's emission information for the engine. Also indicate what method of emission control to be used. 21.Provide details of the operation of emission controls and exhaust parameter information. f:\aq\ENGINEER\GENERIC\Forms 2010\Form11 Internal Combustion Engines.doc Revised 12/20/10 Page 4 of 4  INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE FORM 11 (continued) EMISSION SOURCES Review of applications and issuance of permits will be expedited by supplying all necessary information requested on this form. AIR CONTAMINANT DATA EMISSION POINT DISCHARGE PARAMETERS STACK SOURCES (7) EMISSION POINT (1) CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF TOTAL STREAM AIR CONTAMINANT EMISSION RATE UTM COORDINATES OF EMISSION PT. (6) EXIT DATA NUMBER NAME COMPONENT OR AIR CONTAMINANT NAME (2) CONC. (%V) (3) LB/HR (4) TONS/YR (5) ZONE EAST (METERS) NORTH (METERS) HEIGHT ABOVE GROUND (FT) HEIGHT ABOVE STRUCT. (FT) DIA. (FT) VELO. (FPS) TEMP. (OF) GROUND ELEVATION OF FACILITY ABOVE MEAN SEA LEVEL _______________ feet. UTAH AIR CONSERVATION BOARD STANDARD CONDITIONS ARE 68O F AND 14.7 PSIA. General Instructions for this form. 1. Identify each emission; point with a unique number for this plant site on plot plan, previous permits and emission inventory questionnaire. Limit emission point number to 8 character spaces. For each emission point use as many lines as necessary to list air contaminant data. Typical emission point names are: heater, vent, boiler, tank, reactor, separator, baghouse, fugitive, etc. Abbreviations are OK. 2. Typical component names are: air, H2O, nitrogen, oxygen, CO2, CO, NOx, SOx, hexane, particulate matter (PM10 and PM2.5), etc. Abbreviations are OK. 3. Concentration data is required for all gaseous components. Show concentration in volume percent of total gas stream. 4. Pounds per hour. (#/hr) is maximum emission rate expected by applicant. 5. Tons per year (T/Y) is annual maximum emission rate expected by applicant, which takes into account process operating schedule. 6. As a minimum applicant must furnish a facility plot plan drawn to scale showing a plant benchmark, latitude and longitude correct to the nearest second for the benchmark, and all emission points dimensioned with respect to the benchmark. Please show emission point UTM coordinates if known. 7. Supply additional information as follows if appropriate: (a) Stack exit configuration other than a round vertical stack. Show length and width for a rectangular stack. Indicate if horizontal discharge with a note. (b) Stack's height above supporting or adjacent structures if structure is within three "stack heights above ground" of stack. Inlet Comp.NOx CO VOC HCHO PM10 PM2.5 SO2 5.5 5.57 5.5 0.37 0.64 0.64 0.04 C-10 5090 1.26 12 585168.57 4453074.63 40 12 1.167 125.3 1100 1.27 1.26 0.0838 0.147 0.147 0.00908 VHP - L7044GSI S5 Gas Compression ENGINE SPEED (rpm):1200 NOx SELECTION (g/bhp-hr): DISPLACEMENT (in3):7040 COOLING SYSTEM:JW, IC + OC COMPRESSION RATIO:9.7:1 INTERCOOLER WATER INLET (°F):130 IGNITION SYSTEM:ESM2 JACKET WATER OUTLET (°F):180 EXHAUST MANIFOLD:Water Cooled JACKET WATER CAPACITY (gal):100 COMBUSTION:Rich Burn, Turbocharged AUXILIARY WATER CAPACITY (gal):11 ENGINE DRY WEIGHT (lbs):24250 LUBE OIL CAPACITY (gal):190 AIR/FUEL RATIO SETTING:0.38% CO MAX. EXHAUST BACKPRESSURE (in. H2O):20 ENGINE SOUND LEVEL (dBA)102.7 MAX. AIR INLET RESTRICTION (in. H2O):15 IGNITION TIMING:ESM2 Controlled EXHAUST SOUND LEVEL (dBA)98.9 SITE CONDITIONS: FUEL:Fuel Gas ALTITUDE (ft):5175 FUEL PRESSURE RANGE (psig):43 - 60 MAXIMUM INLET AIR TEMPERATURE (°F):105 FUEL HHV (BTU/ft3):1,122.7 FUEL WKI:77.0 FUEL LHV (BTU/ft3):1,014.9 SITE SPECIFIC TECHNICAL DATA UNITS SITE DATA (See note 18)100%75%52% CONTINUOUS ENGINE POWER BHP 1825 1814 1360 950 OVERLOAD % 2/24 hr 0 0 -- MECHANICAL EFFICIENCY (LHV)%34.7 34.6 33.8 32.1 CONTINUOUS POWER AT FLYWHEEL BHP 1825 1814 1360 950 based on no auxiliary engine driven equipment RPM FUEL CONSUMPTION (LHV)BTU/BHP-hr 7341 7350 7524 7937 FUEL CONSUMPTION (HHV)BTU/BHP-hr 8121 8131 8323 8780 FUEL FLOW based on fuel analysis LHV SCFM 220 219 168 124 JACKET WATER (JW)BTU/hr x 1000 3703 3706 2944 2266 LUBE OIL (OC)BTU/hr x 1000 479 478 425 369 INTERCOOLER (IC)BTU/hr x 1000 741 751 436 209 EXHAUST BTU/hr x 1000 3523 3487 2633 1912 RADIATION BTU/hr x 1000 568 553 533 515 NOx (NO + NO2)g/bhp-hr 11.5 11.6 12.6 12.9 CO g/bhp-hr 9.0 9.0 9.0 9.3 THC g/bhp-hr 0.3 0.3 0.5 0.8 NMHC g/bhp-hr 0.08 0.08 0.13 0.18 NM,NEHC (VOC)g/bhp-hr 0.02 0.02 0.03 0.04 CO2 g/bhp-hr 458 458 469 495 CO2e g/bhp-hr 464 465 479 509 CH2O g/bhp-hr 0.050 0.050 0.050 0.050 CH4 g/bhp-hr 0.26 0.26 0.41 0.57 INDUCTION AIR FLOW SCFM 2508 2495 1915 1412 EXHAUST GAS MASS FLOW lb/hr 11658 11600 8905 6564 EXHAUST GAS FLOW at exhaust temp, 14.5 psia ACFM 8088 8043 6095 4440 EXHAUST TEMPERATURE °F 1101 1100 1080 1062 TOTAL JACKET WATER CIRCUIT (JW)BTU/hr x 1000 4203 TOTAL AUXILIARY WATER CIRCUIT (IC + OC)BTU/hr x 1000 1395 JACKET WATER PUMP MIN. DESIGN FLOW GPM 450 JACKET WATER PUMP MAX. EXTERNAL RESTRICTION psig 16 AUX WATER PUMP MIN. DESIGN FLOW GPM 79 AUX WATER PUMP MAX. EXTERNAL RESTRICTION psig 36 AIR INTAKE / EXHAUST GAS HEAT EXCHANGER SIZING12 Customer Catalyst MAX RATING AT 100 °F AIR TEMP 950 - 1200AVAILABLE TURNDOWN SPEED RANGE SITE RATING AT MAXIMUM INLET AIR TEMPERATURE OF 105 °F POWER RATING FUEL CONSUMPTION COOLING SYSTEM WITH ENGINE MOUNTED WATER PUMPS HEAT REJECTION EMISSIONS (ENGINE OUT): All data provided per the condtions listed in the notes section on page three. Data Generated by EngCalc Program Version 4.0 INNIO Waukesha Gas Engines, Inc. 10/17/2019 1:48 PM Page 1 of 3 Pre-Catalyst VHP - L7044GSI S5 Gas Compression FUEL COMPOSITION HYDROCARBONS:Mole or Volume %FUEL:Fuel Gas Methane CH4 85.186 FUEL PRESSURE RANGE (psig):43 - 60 Ethane C2H6 11.325 FUEL WKI:77.0 Propane C3H8 1.9193 Iso-Butane I-C4H10 0.121 FUEL SLHV (BTU/ft3):997.24 Normal Butane N-C4H10 0.1668 FUEL SLHV (MJ/Nm3):39.22 Iso-Pentane I-C5H12 0.0151 Normal Pentane N-C5H12 0.0122 FUEL LHV (BTU/ft3):1014.90 Hexane C6H14 0.0013 FUEL LHV (MJ/Nm3):39.91 Heptane C7H16 0 Ethene C2H4 0 FUEL HHV (BTU/ft3):1122.68 Propene C3H6 0 FUEL HHV (MJ/Nm3):44.15 SUM HYDROCARBONS 98.747 FUEL DENSITY (SG):0.64 NON-HYDROCARBONS: Nitrogen N2 0.4494 Oxygen O2 0 Helium He 0 Carbon Dioxide CO2 0.8041 Carbon Monoxide CO 0 Hydrogen H2 0 Water Vapor H2O 0 TOTAL FUEL 100 FUEL CONTAMINANTS Total Sulfur Compounds % volume Total Sulfur Compounds 0 µg/BTU Total Halogen as Cloride % volume Total Halogen as Cloride 0 µg/BTU Total Ammonia % volume Total Ammonia 0 µg/BTU Siloxanes Total Siloxanes (as Si)0 µg/BTU Tetramethyl silane 0 % volume Trimethyl silanol 0 % volume Hexamethyldisiloxane (L2)0 % volume Hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane (D3)0 % volume Octamethyltrisiloxane (L3)0 % volume Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4)0 % volume Decamethyltetrasiloxane (L4)0 % volume Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5)0 % volume Dodecamethylpentasiloxane (L5)0 % volume Dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane (D6)0 % volume Others 0 % volume No water or hydrocarbon condensates are allowed in the engine. Requires liquids removal. 0 0 Standard Conditions per ASTM D3588-91 [60°F and 14.696psia] and ISO 6976:1996-02-01[25, V(0;101.325)]. Based on the fuel composition, supply pressure and temperature, liquid hydrocarbons may be present in the fuel. No liquid hydrocarbons are allowed in the fuel. The fuel must not contain any liquid water. Waukesha recommends both of the following: 1) Dew point of the fuel gas to be at least 20°F (11°C) below the measured temperature of the gas at the inlet of the engine fuel regulator. 2) A fuel filter separator to be used on all fuels except commercial quality natural gas. Refer to the 'Fuel and Lubrication' section of 'Technical Data' or contact the Waukesha Application Engineering Department for additional information on fuels, or LHV and WKI* calculations. * Trademark of INNIO Waukesha Gas Engines Inc. Calculated fuel contaminant analysis will depend on the entered fuel composition and selected engine model. 0 All data provided per the condtions listed in the notes section on page three. Data Generated by EngCalc Program Version 4.0 INNIO Waukesha Gas Engines, Inc. 10/17/2019 1:48 PM Page 2 of 3 VHP - L7044GSI S5 Gas Compression NOTES SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS 20. In cold ambient temperatures, heating of the engine jacket water, lube oil and combustion air may be required. See Waukesha Technical Data. 18. Continuous Power Rating: The highest load and speed that can be applied 24 hours per day, seven days per week, 365 days per year except for normal maintenance at indicated ambient reference conditions and fuel. No engine overload power rating is available. 19. emPact emission compliance available for entire range of operable fuels; however, fuel system and/or O2 set point may need to be adjusted in order to maintain compliance. 12. Heat exchanger sizing values given as the maximum heat rejection of the circuit, with applied tolerances and an additional 5% reserve factor. 10. Cooling circuit capacity, lube oil capacity, and engine dry weight values are typical. 16. Due to variation between test conditions and final site conditions, such as exhaust configuration and background sound level, sound pressure levels under site conditions may be different than those tabulated above. 6. Air flow is based on undried air with a tolerance of ± 7%. 15. Engine sound data taken with the microphone at 1 m (3.3 ft) from the side of the engine at the approximate front-to-back centerline. Microphone height was at intake manifold level. Engine sound pressure data may be different at front, back and opposite side locations. Exhaust sound data taken with microphone 1 meter (3.3 ft) away and 1 meter (3.3 ft) to the side of the exhaust outlet. 3. Fuel consumption is presented in accordance with ISO 3046/1 with a tolerance of -0 / +5% at maximum rating. Fuel flow calculation based on fuel LHV and fuel consumption with a tolerance of -0/+5 %. For sizing piping and fuel equipment, it is recommended to include the 5% tolerance. 1. All data is based on engines with standard configurations unless noted otherwise. 9. Inlet air restrictions based on full rated engine load. Exhaust backpressure based on 178.1 PSI BMEP and 1200 RPM. Refer to the engine specification section of Waukesha's standard technical data for more information. 17. Cooling system design flow is based on minimum allowable cooling system flow. Cooling system maximum external restriction is defined as the allowable restriction at the minimum cooling system flow. 5. Emission levels for engines with Waukesha supplied 3-way catalyst are given at catalyst outlet flange. For all other engine models, emission levels are given at engine exhaust outlet flange prior to any after treatment. Values are based on a new engine operating at indicated site conditions, and adjusted to the specified timing and air/fuel ratio at rated load. Catalyst out emission levels represent emission levels the catalyst is sized to achieve. Manual adjustment may be necessary to achieve compliance as catalyst/engine age. Catalyst-out emission levels are valid for the duration of the engine warranty. Emissions are at an absolute humidity of 75 grains H2O/lb (10.71 g H2O/kg) of dry air. Emission levels may vary subject to instrumentation, measurement, ambient conditions, fuel quality, and engine variation. Engine may require adjustment on-site to meet emission values, which may affect engine performance and heat output. NOx, CO, THC, and NMHC emission levels are listed as a not to exceed limit, all other emission levels are estimated. CO2 emissions based on EPA Federal Register/Vol. 74, No. 209/Friday, October 30, 2009 Rules and Regulations 56398, 56399 (3) Tier 3 Calculation Methodology, Equation C-5. 4. Heat rejection tolerances are ± 30% for radiation, and ± 8% for jacket water, lube oil, intercooler, and exhaust energy. 7. Exhaust temperature given at engine exhaust outlet flange with a tolerance of ± 50°F (28°C). 8. Exhaust gas mass flow value is based on a "wet basis" with a tolerance of ± 7%. 14. Fuel volume flow calculation in metric units is based on 100% relative humidity of the fuel gas at a combustion temperature of 25°C and metering conditions of 0°C and 101.325 kPa (14.696 psia; 29.92 inches of mercury). This is expressed as [25, V(0;101.325)]. 11. Fuel must conform to Waukesha's "Gaseous Fuel Specification" S7884-7 or most current version. Fuel may require treatment to meet current fuel specification. 2. Power rating is adjusted for fuel, site altitude, and site air inlet temperature, in accordance with ISO 3046/1 with tolerance of ± 3%. 13. Fuel volume flow calculation in english units is based on 100% relative humidity of the fuel gas at standard conditions of 60°F and 14.696 psia (29.92 inches of mercury; 101.325 kPa). 21. Available Turndown Speed Range refers to the constant torque speed range available. Reduced power may be available at speeds outside of this range. Contact application engineering. All data provided per the condtions listed in the notes section on page three. Data Generated by EngCalc Program Version 4.0 INNIO Waukesha Gas Engines, Inc. 10/17/2019 1:48 PM Page 3 of 3 VHP - L7044GSI S5 Gas Compression ENGINE SPEED (rpm):1200 NOx SELECTION (g/bhp-hr): DISPLACEMENT (in3):7040 COOLING SYSTEM:JW, IC + OC COMPRESSION RATIO:9.7:1 INTERCOOLER WATER INLET (°F):130 IGNITION SYSTEM:ESM2 JACKET WATER OUTLET (°F):180 EXHAUST MANIFOLD:Water Cooled JACKET WATER CAPACITY (gal):100 COMBUSTION:Rich Burn, Turbocharged AUXILIARY WATER CAPACITY (gal):11 ENGINE DRY WEIGHT (lbs):24250 LUBE OIL CAPACITY (gal):190 AIR/FUEL RATIO SETTING:0.38% CO MAX. EXHAUST BACKPRESSURE (in. H2O):20 ENGINE SOUND LEVEL (dBA)102.7 MAX. AIR INLET RESTRICTION (in. H2O):15 IGNITION TIMING:ESM2 Controlled EXHAUST SOUND LEVEL (dBA)98.9 SITE CONDITIONS: FUEL:Fuel Gas ALTITUDE (ft):5175 FUEL PRESSURE RANGE (psig):43 - 60 MAXIMUM INLET AIR TEMPERATURE (°F):105 FUEL HHV (BTU/ft3):1,122.7 FUEL WKI:77.0 FUEL LHV (BTU/ft3):1,014.9 SITE SPECIFIC TECHNICAL DATA UNITS SITE DATA (See note 18)100%85%79% CONTINUOUS ENGINE POWER BHP 1825 1814 1542 1425 OVERLOAD % 2/24 hr 0 0 -- MECHANICAL EFFICIENCY (LHV)%34.7 34.6 34.3 34.0 CONTINUOUS POWER AT FLYWHEEL BHP 1825 1814 1542 1425 based on no auxiliary engine driven equipment RPM FUEL CONSUMPTION (LHV)BTU/BHP-hr 7341 7350 7433 7487 FUEL CONSUMPTION (HHV)BTU/BHP-hr 8121 8131 8222 8282 FUEL FLOW based on fuel analysis LHV SCFM 220 219 188 175 JACKET WATER (JW)BTU/hr x 1000 3703 3706 3248 3052 LUBE OIL (OC)BTU/hr x 1000 479 478 447 433 INTERCOOLER (IC)BTU/hr x 1000 741 751 554 477 EXHAUST BTU/hr x 1000 3523 3487 2967 2751 RADIATION BTU/hr x 1000 568 553 541 536 NOx (NO + NO2)g/bhp-hr 0.15 0.15 0.15 0.15 CO g/bhp-hr 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 THC g/bhp-hr 0.2 0.2 0.3 0.4 NMHC g/bhp-hr 0.06 0.06 0.08 0.09 NM,NEHC (VOC)g/bhp-hr 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 CO2 g/bhp-hr 471 472 477 480 CO2e g/bhp-hr 476 476 483 487 CH2O g/bhp-hr 0.001 0.001 0.001 0.001 CH4 g/bhp-hr 0.18 0.18 0.24 0.27 INDUCTION AIR FLOW SCFM 2508 2495 2144 1997 EXHAUST GAS MASS FLOW lb/hr 11658 11600 9970 9282 EXHAUST GAS FLOW at exhaust temp, 14.5 psia ACFM 8088 8043 6859 6365 EXHAUST TEMPERATURE °F 1101 1100 1088 1083 TOTAL JACKET WATER CIRCUIT (JW)BTU/hr x 1000 4203 TOTAL AUXILIARY WATER CIRCUIT (IC + OC)BTU/hr x 1000 1395 JACKET WATER PUMP MIN. DESIGN FLOW GPM 450 JACKET WATER PUMP MAX. EXTERNAL RESTRICTION psig 16 AUX WATER PUMP MIN. DESIGN FLOW GPM 79 AUX WATER PUMP MAX. EXTERNAL RESTRICTION psig 36 AIR INTAKE / EXHAUST GAS HEAT EXCHANGER SIZING12 0.15 MAX RATING AT 100 °F AIR TEMP 950 - 1200AVAILABLE TURNDOWN SPEED RANGE SITE RATING AT MAXIMUM INLET AIR TEMPERATURE OF 105 °F POWER RATING FUEL CONSUMPTION COOLING SYSTEM WITH ENGINE MOUNTED WATER PUMPS HEAT REJECTION EMISSIONS (CATALYST OUT): All data provided per the condtions listed in the notes section on page three. Data Generated by EngCalc Program Version 4.0 INNIO Waukesha Gas Engines, Inc. 10/17/2019 12:56 PM Page 1 of 3 Post-Catalyst VHP - L7044GSI S5 Gas Compression FUEL COMPOSITION HYDROCARBONS:Mole or Volume %FUEL:Fuel Gas Methane CH4 85.186 FUEL PRESSURE RANGE (psig):43 - 60 Ethane C2H6 11.325 FUEL WKI:77.0 Propane C3H8 1.9193 Iso-Butane I-C4H10 0.121 FUEL SLHV (BTU/ft3):997.24 Normal Butane N-C4H10 0.1668 FUEL SLHV (MJ/Nm3):39.22 Iso-Pentane I-C5H12 0.0151 Normal Pentane N-C5H12 0.0122 FUEL LHV (BTU/ft3):1014.90 Hexane C6H14 0.0013 FUEL LHV (MJ/Nm3):39.91 Heptane C7H16 0 Ethene C2H4 0 FUEL HHV (BTU/ft3):1122.68 Propene C3H6 0 FUEL HHV (MJ/Nm3):44.15 SUM HYDROCARBONS 98.747 FUEL DENSITY (SG):0.64 NON-HYDROCARBONS: Nitrogen N2 0.4494 Oxygen O2 0 Helium He 0 Carbon Dioxide CO2 0.8041 Carbon Monoxide CO 0 Hydrogen H2 0 Water Vapor H2O 0 TOTAL FUEL 100 FUEL CONTAMINANTS Total Sulfur Compounds % volume Total Sulfur Compounds 0 µg/BTU Total Halogen as Cloride % volume Total Halogen as Cloride 0 µg/BTU Total Ammonia % volume Total Ammonia 0 µg/BTU Siloxanes Total Siloxanes (as Si)0 µg/BTU Tetramethyl silane 0 % volume Trimethyl silanol 0 % volume Hexamethyldisiloxane (L2)0 % volume Hexamethylcyclotrisiloxane (D3)0 % volume Octamethyltrisiloxane (L3)0 % volume Octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4)0 % volume Decamethyltetrasiloxane (L4)0 % volume Decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5)0 % volume Dodecamethylpentasiloxane (L5)0 % volume Dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane (D6)0 % volume Others 0 % volume No water or hydrocarbon condensates are allowed in the engine. Requires liquids removal. 0 0 Standard Conditions per ASTM D3588-91 [60°F and 14.696psia] and ISO 6976:1996-02-01[25, V(0;101.325)]. Based on the fuel composition, supply pressure and temperature, liquid hydrocarbons may be present in the fuel. No liquid hydrocarbons are allowed in the fuel. The fuel must not contain any liquid water. Waukesha recommends both of the following: 1) Dew point of the fuel gas to be at least 20°F (11°C) below the measured temperature of the gas at the inlet of the engine fuel regulator. 2) A fuel filter separator to be used on all fuels except commercial quality natural gas. Refer to the 'Fuel and Lubrication' section of 'Technical Data' or contact the Waukesha Application Engineering Department for additional information on fuels, or LHV and WKI* calculations. * Trademark of INNIO Waukesha Gas Engines Inc. Calculated fuel contaminant analysis will depend on the entered fuel composition and selected engine model. 0 All data provided per the condtions listed in the notes section on page three. Data Generated by EngCalc Program Version 4.0 INNIO Waukesha Gas Engines, Inc. 10/17/2019 12:56 PM Page 2 of 3 VHP - L7044GSI S5 Gas Compression NOTES SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Requires option code 1005 for 0.15g/bhp-hr catalyst. 20. In cold ambient temperatures, heating of the engine jacket water, lube oil and combustion air may be required. See Waukesha Technical Data. 18. Continuous Power Rating: The highest load and speed that can be applied 24 hours per day, seven days per week, 365 days per year except for normal maintenance at indicated ambient reference conditions and fuel. No engine overload power rating is available. 19. emPact emission compliance available for entire range of operable fuels; however, fuel system and/or O2 set point may need to be adjusted in order to maintain compliance. 12. Heat exchanger sizing values given as the maximum heat rejection of the circuit, with applied tolerances and an additional 5% reserve factor. 10. Cooling circuit capacity, lube oil capacity, and engine dry weight values are typical. 16. Due to variation between test conditions and final site conditions, such as exhaust configuration and background sound level, sound pressure levels under site conditions may be different than those tabulated above. 6. Air flow is based on undried air with a tolerance of ± 7%. 15. Engine sound data taken with the microphone at 1 m (3.3 ft) from the side of the engine at the approximate front-to-back centerline. Microphone height was at intake manifold level. Engine sound pressure data may be different at front, back and opposite side locations. Exhaust sound data taken with microphone 1 meter (3.3 ft) away and 1 meter (3.3 ft) to the side of the exhaust outlet. 3. Fuel consumption is presented in accordance with ISO 3046/1 with a tolerance of -0 / +5% at maximum rating. Fuel flow calculation based on fuel LHV and fuel consumption with a tolerance of -0/+5 %. For sizing piping and fuel equipment, it is recommended to include the 5% tolerance. 1. All data is based on engines with standard configurations unless noted otherwise. 9. Inlet air restrictions based on full rated engine load. Exhaust backpressure based on 178.1 PSI BMEP and 1200 RPM. Refer to the engine specification section of Waukesha's standard technical data for more information. 17. Cooling system design flow is based on minimum allowable cooling system flow. Cooling system maximum external restriction is defined as the allowable restriction at the minimum cooling system flow. 5. Emission levels for engines with Waukesha supplied 3-way catalyst are given at catalyst outlet flange. For all other engine models, emission levels are given at engine exhaust outlet flange prior to any after treatment. Values are based on a new engine operating at indicated site conditions, and adjusted to the specified timing and air/fuel ratio at rated load. Catalyst out emission levels represent emission levels the catalyst is sized to achieve. Manual adjustment may be necessary to achieve compliance as catalyst/engine age. Catalyst-out emission levels are valid for the duration of the engine warranty. Emissions are at an absolute humidity of 75 grains H2O/lb (10.71 g H2O/kg) of dry air. Emission levels may vary subject to instrumentation, measurement, ambient conditions, fuel quality, and engine variation. Engine may require adjustment on-site to meet emission values, which may affect engine performance and heat output. NOx, CO, THC, and NMHC emission levels are listed as a not to exceed limit, all other emission levels are estimated. CO2 emissions based on EPA Federal Register/Vol. 74, No. 209/Friday, October 30, 2009 Rules and Regulations 56398, 56399 (3) Tier 3 Calculation Methodology, Equation C-5. 4. Heat rejection tolerances are ± 30% for radiation, and ± 8% for jacket water, lube oil, intercooler, and exhaust energy. 7. Exhaust temperature given at engine exhaust outlet flange with a tolerance of ± 50°F (28°C). 8. Exhaust gas mass flow value is based on a "wet basis" with a tolerance of ± 7%. 14. Fuel volume flow calculation in metric units is based on 100% relative humidity of the fuel gas at a combustion temperature of 25°C and metering conditions of 0°C and 101.325 kPa (14.696 psia; 29.92 inches of mercury). This is expressed as [25, V(0;101.325)]. 11. Fuel must conform to Waukesha's "Gaseous Fuel Specification" S7884-7 or most current version. Fuel may require treatment to meet current fuel specification. 2. Power rating is adjusted for fuel, site altitude, and site air inlet temperature, in accordance with ISO 3046/1 with tolerance of ± 3%. 13. Fuel volume flow calculation in english units is based on 100% relative humidity of the fuel gas at standard conditions of 60°F and 14.696 psia (29.92 inches of mercury; 101.325 kPa). 21. Available Turndown Speed Range refers to the constant torque speed range available. Reduced power may be available at speeds outside of this range. Contact application engineering. All data provided per the condtions listed in the notes section on page three. Data Generated by EngCalc Program Version 4.0 INNIO Waukesha Gas Engines, Inc. 10/17/2019 12:56 PM Page 3 of 3 Utah Division of Air Quality Company____________________________ New Source Review Section Site/Source__________________________ Date____________________ Form 2 Process Information Process Data 1. Name of process:2. End product of this process: 3. Primary process equipment: _______________ Manufacturer:__________________________________ Make or model: _________________________ Identification #: ________________________________ ____Capacity of equipment (MMscfd): Year installed: ______________________________ Rated _____________ Max.____________ (Add additional sheets as needed) 4. Method of exhaust ventilation: □Stack □ Window fan □ Roof vent □ Other, describe _______________________ Are there multiple exhausts: □ Yes □ No Operating Data 5. Maximum operating schedule: __________ hrs/day __________days/week __________weeks/year 6. Percent annual production by quarter: Winter ________ Spring _______ Summer ________ Fall ________ 7. Hourly production rates (MMscfh): Average ________ Maximum ________ 8. Maximum annual production (indicate units): __________________ Projected percent annual increase in production: __________________ 9. Type of operation: □ Continuous □Batch □Intermittent 10. If batch, indicate minutes per cycle ________ Minutes between cycles ________ 11. Materials used in process Raw Materials Principal Use Amounts (Specify Units) Page 1 of 3 24 7 52 25 25 25 25 1.875 1.875 16,425 MMscf/year wet gas moisture removal 45 MMscf/day DEHY Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station December 6, 2023 TEG Dehydrator (DEHY) Dry natural gas Contact Tower andRegenerator TBD TBD TBD 2024 45 Page 2 of 3 Process Form 2 (Continued) 12. Control equipment (attach additional pages if necessary) Item Primary Collector Secondary Collector a. Type b. Manufacturer c. Model d. Year installed e. Serial or ID# f. Pollutant controlled g. Controlled pollutant emission rate (if known) h. Pressure drop across control device i. Design efficiency j. Operating efficiency Stack Data (attach additional pages if necessary) 13. Stack identification: 14. Height: Above roof ________ft Above ground ________ft 15. Are other sources vented to this stack: □ Yes □ No If yes, identify sources: 16. □ Round, top inside diameter dimension _________ □ Rectangular, top inside dimensions length ________ x width ________ 17. Exit gas: Temperature ________ oF Volume ________ acfm Velocity ________ ft/min 18. Continuous monitoring equipment: □ yes □ no If yes, indicate: Type ____________________ Manufacturer _________________________________ Make or Model ____________ Pollutant(s) monitored __________________________ Emissions Calculations (PTE) 19. Calculated emissions for this device PM10 ___________ Lbs/hr___________ Tons/yr PM2.5 ____________ Lbs/hr ___________ Tons/yr NOx____________ Lbs/hr___________ Tons/yr SOx _____________ Lbs/hr___________ Tons/yr CO ____________ Lbs/hr___________ Tons/yr VOC _____________ Lbs/hr___________ Tons/yr CO2 ___________ Tons/yr CH4 _____________ Tons/yr N2O ____________Tons/yr HAPs_________ Lb s/hr (speciate)__________Tons/yr (speciate) Submit calculations as an appendix. If other pollutants are emitted, include the emissions in the appendix. Condenser Combustor TBD - New Cimarron 98%>80% DEHY n/a to condenser/combustor n/a to condenser/combustor 0.45 1.98 Not Emitted Not Emitted 0.028 Not Emitted Not Emitted Not Emitted 3.861 Not Emitted 0.13 0.59 2024 2024 TBD - New TBD - New VOC VOC 1.98 tpy Utah Division of Air Quality New Source Review Section Company _______________________ Site/Source _____________________ Form 19 Date ___________________________ Natural Gas Boilers and Liquid Heaters Boiler Information 1. Boiler Manufacturer: ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Model Number: ______________________________3. Serial Number: _______________________________ 4. Boiler Rating: _________________(10 6 Btu per Hour) 5. Operating Schedule: __________ hours per day __________ days per week ___________ weeks per year 6. Use: □ steam: psig □hot water □other hot liquid: ________________________________ □Natural Gas □ LPG □ Butane □ Methanol □Process Gas - H2S content in process gas __________ grain/100cu.ft. 7. Fuels: □Fuel Oil - specify grade:□Other, specify: ______________________________________ Sulfur content % by weight Days per year during which unit is oil fired: ________________ Backup Fuel □Diesel □ Natural Gas □ LPG □ Butane □ Methanol □ Other _________________ 8. Is unit used to incinerate waste gas liquid stream? □ yes □ no (Submit drawing of method of waste stream introduction to burners) Gas Burner Information 9. Gas Burner Manufacturer: _____________________________________________________________________ 10. No. of Burners: ______________________________11. Minimum rating per burner: _____________ cu. ft/hr 12. Average Load: _______%13. Maximum rating per burner: ____________ cu. ft/hr 14. Performance Guarantee (ppm dry corrected to 3% Oxygen): NOx: ______________ CO: ______________ Hydrocarbons: ______________ □Manual □Automatic on-off15. Gas burner mode of control: □Automatic hi-low □Automatic full modulation Oil Burner Information 16. Oil burner manufacturer: 17. Model: _______________ number of burners: _________________ Size number: _______________ 18. Minimum rating per burner: _____________ gal/hr 19. Maximum rating per burner: ___________ gal/hr Page 1 of 3 TBD TBD TBD 1.5 24 7 52 TEG TBD 1 TBD Heater/Reboiler (H-1) N/A N/A Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station December 6, 2023 Page 2 of 3 Form 11 - Natural Gas Boiler and Liquid Heater (Continued) Modifications for Emissions Reduction 20. Type of modification: □ Low NOX Burner □ Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) □Oxygen Trim □Other (specify) ______________________________________ For Low-NOX Burners 21. Burner Type: □ Staged air □ Staged fuel □ Internal flue gas recirculation □Ceramic □Other (specify): ___________________________________________________ 22. Manufacturer and Model Number: _______________________________________________________________ 23. Rating: ______________________ 10 6 BTU/HR 24. Combustion air blower horsepower: ____________ For Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) 25. Type: □ Induced □ Forced Recirculation fan horsepower: ______________________________________ 26. FGR capacity at full load: scfm %FGR 27. FGR gas temperature or load at which FGR commences: OF % load 28. Where is recirculation flue gas reintroduced? _______________________________________________________ For Oxygen Trim Systems 29. Manufacturer and Model Number: ________________________________________________________________ 30. Recorder: □ yes □ no Describe: ____________________________________________________________ Stack or Vent Data 31. Inside stack diameter or dimensions ____________ Stack height above the ground ________________ Stack height above the building ________________ 32. Gas exit temperature: ___________ OF 33. Stack serves: □ this equipment only, □ other equipment (submit type and rating of all other equipment exhausted through this stack or vent) 34. Stack flow rate: _________________ acfm Vertically restricted? □ Yes □No Emissions Calculations (PTE) 35. Calculated emissions for this device PM10 ___________Lbs/hr___________ Tons/yr PM2.5 ___________Lbs/hr___________ Tons/yr NOx ___________Lbs/hr ___________Tons/yr SOx ____________Lbs/hr___________ Tons/yr CO ____________Lbs/hr ___________Tons/yr VOC ___________Lbs/hr ___________Tons/yr CO2 ___________ Tons/yr CH4 ___________Tons/yr N2O ___________Tons/yr HAPs_________ Lbs/hr (speciate)__________Tons/yr (speciate) Submit calculations as an appendix. If other pollutants are emitted, include the emissions in the appendix. N/A N/A N/A N/A 20' None 0.01 0.04 0.12 0.51 0.1 0.43 769 0.001 0.01 0.04 0.006 0.03 0.01 0.0022 0.01 7.03E-4 3.08E-3 345 10" 600 Utah Division of Air Quality New Source Review Section Company _______________________ Site/Source _____________________ Form 19 Date ___________________________ Natural Gas Boilers and Liquid Heaters Boiler Information 1. Boiler Manufacturer: ___________________________________________________________________________ 2. Model Number: ______________________________3. Serial Number: _______________________________ 4. Boiler Rating: _________________(10 6 Btu per Hour) 5. Operating Schedule: __________ hours per day __________ days per week ___________ weeks per year 6. Use: □ steam: psig □hot water □other hot liquid: ________________________________ □Natural Gas □ LPG □ Butane □ Methanol □Process Gas - H2S content in process gas __________ grain/100cu.ft. 7. Fuels: □Fuel Oil - specify grade:□Other, specify: ______________________________________ Sulfur content % by weight Days per year during which unit is oil fired: ________________ Backup Fuel □Diesel □ Natural Gas □ LPG □ Butane □ Methanol □ Other _________________ 8. Is unit used to incinerate waste gas liquid stream? □ yes □ no (Submit drawing of method of waste stream introduction to burners) Gas Burner Information 9. Gas Burner Manufacturer: _____________________________________________________________________ 10. No. of Burners: ______________________________11. Minimum rating per burner: _____________ cu. ft/hr 12. Average Load: _______%13. Maximum rating per burner: ____________ cu. ft/hr 14. Performance Guarantee (ppm dry corrected to 3% Oxygen): NOx: ______________ CO: ______________ Hydrocarbons: ______________ □Manual □Automatic on-off15. Gas burner mode of control: □Automatic hi-low □Automatic full modulation Oil Burner Information 16. Oil burner manufacturer: 17. Model: _______________ number of burners: _________________ Size number: _______________ 18. Minimum rating per burner: _____________ gal/hr 19. Maximum rating per burner: ___________ gal/hr Page 1 of 3 TBD TBD TBD 1.5 24 7 52 TEG TBD 1 TBD Stabilizer Heater (H-2) N/A N/A Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station December 6, 2023 Page 2 of 3 Form 11 - Natural Gas Boiler and Liquid Heater (Continued) Modifications for Emissions Reduction 20. Type of modification: □ Low NOX Burner □ Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) □Oxygen Trim □Other (specify) ______________________________________ For Low-NOX Burners 21. Burner Type: □ Staged air □ Staged fuel □ Internal flue gas recirculation □Ceramic □Other (specify): ___________________________________________________ 22. Manufacturer and Model Number: _______________________________________________________________ 23. Rating: ______________________ 10 6 BTU/HR 24. Combustion air blower horsepower: ____________ For Flue Gas Recirculation (FGR) 25. Type: □ Induced □ Forced Recirculation fan horsepower: ______________________________________ 26. FGR capacity at full load: scfm %FGR 27. FGR gas temperature or load at which FGR commences: OF % load 28. Where is recirculation flue gas reintroduced? _______________________________________________________ For Oxygen Trim Systems 29. Manufacturer and Model Number: ________________________________________________________________ 30. Recorder: □ yes □ no Describe: ____________________________________________________________ Stack or Vent Data 31. Inside stack diameter or dimensions ____________ Stack height above the ground ________________ Stack height above the building ________________ 32. Gas exit temperature: ___________ OF 33. Stack serves: □ this equipment only, □ other equipment (submit type and rating of all other equipment exhausted through this stack or vent) 34. Stack flow rate: _________________ acfm Vertically restricted? □ Yes □No Emissions Calculations (PTE) 35. Calculated emissions for this device PM10 ___________Lbs/hr___________ Tons/yr PM2.5 ___________Lbs/hr___________ Tons/yr NOx ___________Lbs/hr ___________Tons/yr SOx ____________Lbs/hr___________ Tons/yr CO ____________Lbs/hr ___________Tons/yr VOC ___________Lbs/hr ___________Tons/yr CO2 ___________ Tons/yr CH4 ___________Tons/yr N2O ___________Tons/yr HAPs_________ Lbs/hr (speciate)__________Tons/yr (speciate) Submit calculations as an appendix. If other pollutants are emitted, include the emissions in the appendix. N/A N/A N/A N/A 20' None 0.01 0.04 0.12 0.51 0.10 0.43 769 0.001 0.01 0.04 7.03E-4 3.08E-3 0.006 0.03 0.01 0.0022 0.01 345 10" 600 Page 1 of 2 New Source Review Section Date: _____________________________ Utah Division of Air Quality Company: _________________________ Site/Source:________________________ Form 20 rganic Liquid Storage Tank O Equipment 1. Tank manufacturer: ___________________________2. Identification number: _____________________ 3. Installation date: ______________________________4. Volume: __________________________ gallons 5. Inside tank diameter: ______________________ feet 6. Tank height: ________________________ feet 7. True vapor pressure of liquid: _______________ psia 8. Reid vapor pressure of liquid: ____________ psi 9. Outside color of tank: __________________________10. Maximum storage temperature: __________ FO 11. Average throughput: ____________ gallons per year 12. Turnovers/yearly ____ Monthly ____ Weekly ___ 13. Average liquid height (feet): _____________________ Yes No Number ______14. Access hatch: □ □ 15. T a. P r b. S Type: ________________________________ 16. D ll Yes No Number_____ ll ak ype of Seals: rimary seals: □Mechanical shoe □Resilient filled □Liquid filled □Vapor mounted □Liquid mounted □ Flexible wipe econdary seal: eck Fittings: □Gauge float we □ Gauge hatch/ sample we □ Yes □ No Number_____ Roof drains □ Yes □ No Number_____ Rim vents □ Yes □ No Number_____ Vacuum bre □ Yes □ No Number_____ Roof leg □ Yes □ No Number_____ Ladder well □ Yes □ No Number_____ Column well □ Yes □ No Number_____ Other:_________________________________ 17. S Deck Fitting Category: ________________________ 18. T ______________________________________ hell Characteristics: Condition: _________________________________ Breather Vent Settings: ________________________ Tank Construction: ___________________________ Roof Type: __________________________________ Deck Construction: ___________________________ ype of Construction: □Vertical Fixed Roof □Horizontal Fixed Roof □Internal Floating Roof □External Floating Roof □Other (please specify) 19. Additional Controls: Gas Blanket Venting Carbon Adsorption Thermal Oxidation Other:_______________□□ □□□ 20.Single Liquid Information Liquid Name: __________________________________ CAS Number: __________________________________ Avg. Temperature: ______________________________ Vapor Pressure: ________________________________ Liquid Molecular Weight: ________________________ Liquid Molecular Weight: ________________________ Liquid Name: __________________________________ CAS Number: __________________________________ Avg. Temperature: ______________________________ Vapor Pressure: ________________________________ Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC QD 7%'$PELHQW    1$  *RRG R] &DUERQ6WHHO &RQH &DUERQ6WHHO ZHOGHG 0HWKDQRO 0HWKDQRO6WRUDJH7DQN 077DQN  59.411°F 1.4156 psia 32.04 lb/lbmol TBD Hideout Compressor Station December 6, 2023 TBD New ()168 2 Page 2 of 2 Form 20 - Organic Liquid Storage Tank (Continued) 21.Chemical Components Information Chemical Name: ________________________________ Percent of Total Liquid Weight: _____________________ Molecular Weight: _______________________________ Avg. Liquid Temperature: _________________________ Vapor Pressure: ________________________________ Vapor Pressure: ________________________________ Chemical Name: ________________________________ Percent of Total Liquid Weight: _____________________ Molecular Weight: _______________________________ Avg. Liquid Temperature: _________________________ Emissions Calculations (PTE) 22. C Submit calculations as an appendix. Provide Material Safety Data Sheets for products being stored. alculated emissions for this device: VOC _________Lbs/hr_____ Tons/yr HAPs_________Lbs/hr (speciate)______Tons/yr (speciate) Instructions Note: 1. Submit this form in conjunction with Form 1 and Form 2. 2. or questions in filling out this form. Ask to speak with a New Source Review engineer. We will be glad to help! on number that will appear on the tank. s or barrels. r in feet. liquid (psi). ach during storage (degrees Fahrenheit). emptied and refilled per year, month or week. ss hatches and the number. 17. Specify condition of the tank, also include the following: d roof tanks el construction sizes and seam length olled, or detail 22.ations for all criteria pollutants and HAPs. Use AP-42 or manufacturers’ data to complete your calculations. ENERIC\Forms 2010\Form20 Organic Liquid Storage Tanks.doc Revised 12/20/10 Call the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) at (801) 536-4000 if you have problems 1. Indicate the tank manufacturer's name. 2. Supply the equipment identificati 3. Indicate the date of installation. 4. Indicate the capacity of the tank in gallon 5. Specify the inside tank diamete 6. Specify the tank height in feet. 7.Indicate the true vapor pressure of the liquid (psia). 8. Indicate the Reid vapor pressure of the 9. Indicate the outside color of the tank. 10. Supply the highest temperature the liquid will re 11. Indicate average annual throughput (gallons). 12. Specify how many times the tank will be 13. Specify the average liquid height (feet). 14. Indicate whether or not the tank has acce 15. Indicate what type of seals the tank has. 16.Indicate what types of deck fittings are installed. Breather vent settings in (psig) for fixe Tank construction, welded or riveted Roof type; pontoon, double deck, or self-supporting roof Deck construction; bolted or welded, sheet or pan Deck fitting category; typical, contr 18. Indicate the type of tank construction. 19. Indicate other types of additional controls which will be used. 20.Provide information on liquid being stored, add additional sheets as necessary. 21. Provide information on chemicals being stored, add additional sheets as necessary. Supply calcul f:\aq\ENGINEER\G 0HWKDQRO6WRUDJH7DQN 077DQN Methanol Only0.03 0.13 0.03 0.13 Page 1 of 2 New Source Review Section Utah Division of Air Quality Company: _________________________ Form 20 rganic Liquid Storage Tank O Equipment 1. Tank manufacturer: ___________________________2. Identification number: _____________________ 3. Installation date: ______________________________4. Volume: __________________________ gallons 5. Inside tank diameter: ______________________ feet 6. Tank height: ________________________ feet 7. True vapor pressure of liquid: _______________ psia 8. Reid vapor pressure of liquid: ____________ psi 9. Outside color of tank: __________________________ 11. Average throughput: ____________ gallons per year 12. Turnovers/yearly ____ Monthly ____ Weekly ___ 13. Average liquid height (feet): _____________________ Yes No Number ______14. Access hatch: □ □ 15. T a. P r b. S Type: ________________________________ 16. D ll Yes No Number_____ ll ak ype of Seals: rimary seals: □Mechanical shoe □Resilient filled □Liquid filled □Vapor mounted □Liquid mounted □ Flexible wipe econdary seal: eck Fittings: □Gauge float we □ Gauge hatch/ sample we □ Yes □ No Number_____ Roof drains □ Yes □ No Number_____ Rim vents □ Yes □ No Number_____ Vacuum bre □ Yes □ No Number_____ Roof leg □ Yes □ No Number_____ Ladder well □ Yes □ No Number_____ Column well □ Yes □ No Number_____ Other:_________________________________ 18. T ______________________________________ ype of Construction: □Vertical Fixed Roof □Horizontal Fixed Roof □Internal Floating Roof □External Floating Roof □Other (please specify) 19. Additional Controls: Gas Blanket Venting Carbon Adsorption Thermal Oxidation Other:_______________□□ □□□ 20.Single Liquid Information Liquid Name: __________________________________ CAS Number: __________________________________ Avg. Temperature: ______________________________ Vapor Pressure: ________________________________ Liquid Molecular Weight: ________________________ Liquid Molecular Weight: ________________________ Liquid Name: __________________________________ CAS Number: __________________________________ Avg. Temperature: ______________________________ Vapor Pressure: ________________________________ Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC 1 6aleV 2il 10.78 psia TBD Gunbarrel (T-1) & Condensate Tanks (T-2, T-3, T-4, T-5, T-6) Site/Source:________________________ Date: December 6, 2023_____________________________ 17. S Deck Fitting Category: ________________________ hell Characteristics: GoodCondition: _________________________________ Breather Vent Settings: _____________________ Carbon SteelTank Construction: _________________ Roof Type: ______________________________ Deck Construction: _________________ welded 10. Maximum storage temperature: __________ OFAmbient N/A 4 oz cone carbon steel TBD New (2024)16,800 each 12 20 16.89 TBD 4,600,000 18 1 55 12.91 62.1°F 85.14 lb/lbmol Hideout Compressor Station Page 2 of 2 Form 20 - Organic Liquid Storage Tank (Continued) 21.Chemical Components Information Chemical Name: ________________________________ Percent of Total Liquid Weight: _____________________ Molecular Weight: _______________________________ Avg. Liquid Temperature: _________________________ Vapor Pressure: ________________________________ Vapor Pressure: ________________________________ Chemical Name: ________________________________ Percent of Total Liquid Weight: _____________________ Molecular Weight: _______________________________ Avg. Liquid Temperature: _________________________ Emissions Calculations (PTE) 22. C Submit calculations as an appendix. Provide Material Safety Data Sheets for products being stored. alculated emissions for this device: VOC _________Lbs/hr_____ Tons/yr HAPs_________Lbs/hr (speciate)______Tons/yr (speciate) Instructions Note: 1. Submit this form in conjunction with Form 1 and Form 2. 2. or questions in filling out this form. Ask to speak with a New Source Review engineer. We will be glad to help! on number that will appear on the tank. s or barrels. r in feet. liquid (psi). ach during storage (degrees Fahrenheit). emptied and refilled per year, month or week. ss hatches and the number. 17. Specify condition of the tank, also include the following: d roof tanks el construction sizes and seam length olled, or detail 22.ations for all criteria pollutants and HAPs. Use AP-42 or manufacturers’ data to complete your calculations. ENERIC\Forms 2010\Form20 Organic Liquid Storage Tanks.doc Revised 12/20/10 Call the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) at (801) 536-4000 if you have problems 1. Indicate the tank manufacturer's name. 2. Supply the equipment identificati 3. Indicate the date of installation. 4. Indicate the capacity of the tank in gallon 5. Specify the inside tank diamete 6. Specify the tank height in feet. 7.Indicate the true vapor pressure of the liquid (psia). 8. Indicate the Reid vapor pressure of the 9. Indicate the outside color of the tank. 10. Supply the highest temperature the liquid will re 11.Indicate average annual throughput (gallons). 12. Specify how many times the tank will be 13. Specify the average liquid height (feet). 14. Indicate whether or not the tank has acce 15. Indicate what type of seals the tank has. 16.Indicate what types of deck fittings are installed. Breather vent settings in (psig) for fixe Tank construction, welded or riveted Roof type; pontoon, double deck, or self-supporting roof Deck construction; bolted or welded, sheet or pan Deck fitting category; typical, contr 18. Indicate the type of tank construction. 19. Indicate other types of additional controls which will be used. 20.Provide information on liquid being stored, add additional sheets as necessary. 21. Provide information on chemicals being stored, add additional sheets as necessary. Supply calcul f:\aq\ENGINEER\G *XQEDUUHO 7  &RQGHQVDWH 7DQNV 77777 Emissions shown are controlled1.69 7.39 0.820.19 Page 1 of 2 New Source Review Section Utah Division of Air Quality Company: _________________________ Site/Source:________________________ Form 20 rganic Liquid Storage Tank O Equipment 1. Tank manufacturer: ___________________________2. Identification number: _____________________ 3. Installation date: ______________________________4. Volume: __________________________ gallons 5. Inside tank diameter: ______________________ feet 6. Tank height: ________________________ feet 7. True vapor pressure of liquid: _______________ psia 8. Reid vapor pressure of liquid: ____________ psi 9. Outside color of tank: __________________________10. Maximum storage temperature: __________ FO 11. Average throughput: ____________ gallons per year 12. Turnovers/yearly ____ Monthly ____ Weekly ___ 13. Average liquid height (feet): _____________________ Yes No Number ______14. Access hatch: □ □ 15. T a. P r b. S Type: ________________________________ 16. D ll Yes No Number_____ ll ak ype of Seals: rimary seals: □Mechanical shoe □Resilient filled □Liquid filled □Vapor mounted □Liquid mounted □ Flexible wipe econdary seal: eck Fittings: □Gauge float we □ Gauge hatch/ sample we □ Yes □ No Number_____ Roof drains □ Yes □ No Number_____ Rim vents □ Yes □ No Number_____ Vacuum bre □ Yes □ No Number_____ Roof leg □ Yes □ No Number_____ Ladder well □ Yes □ No Number_____ Column well □ Yes □ No Number_____ Other:_________________________________ 18. T ______________________________________ ype of Construction: □Vertical Fixed Roof □Horizontal Fixed Roof □Internal Floating Roof □External Floating Roof □Other (please specify) 19. Additional Controls: Gas Blanket Venting Carbon Adsorption Thermal Oxidation Other:_______________□□ □□□ 20.Single Liquid Information Liquid Name: __________________________________ CAS Number: __________________________________ Avg. Temperature: ______________________________ Vapor Pressure: ________________________________ Liquid Molecular Weight: ________________________ Liquid Molecular Weight: ________________________ Liquid Name: __________________________________ CAS Number: __________________________________ Avg. Temperature: ______________________________ Vapor Pressure: ________________________________ Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC 4 1 TBD Used Lube Oil Tank (ULO-Tank) Date: December 6, 2023_____________________________ 17. S Deck Fitting Category: ________________________ hell Characteristics: GoodCondition: _________________________________ Breather Vent Settings: _____________________ Carbon SteelTank Construction: _________________ Roof Type: ______________________________ Deck Construction: _________________ welded Ambient n/a N/A 4 oz cone carbon steel Used Motor Oil Hideout Compressor Station TBD New (2024)8,400 12 10 1.28 TBD 30,457 6 1 Page 2 of 2 Form 20 - Organic Liquid Storage Tank (Continued) 21.Chemical Components Information Chemical Name: ________________________________ Percent of Total Liquid Weight: _____________________ Molecular Weight: _______________________________ Avg. Liquid Temperature: _________________________ Vapor Pressure: ________________________________ Vapor Pressure: ________________________________ Chemical Name: ________________________________ Percent of Total Liquid Weight: _____________________ Molecular Weight: _______________________________ Avg. Liquid Temperature: _________________________ Emissions Calculations (PTE) 22. C Submit calculations as an appendix. Provide Material Safety Data Sheets for products being stored. alculated emissions for this device: VOC _________Lbs/hr_____ Tons/yr HAPs_________Lbs/hr (speciate)______Tons/yr (speciate) Instructions Note: 1. Submit this form in conjunction with Form 1 and Form 2. 2. or questions in filling out this form. Ask to speak with a New Source Review engineer. We will be glad to help! on number that will appear on the tank. s or barrels. r in feet. liquid (psi). ach during storage (degrees Fahrenheit). emptied and refilled per year, month or week. ss hatches and the number. 17. Specify condition of the tank, also include the following: d roof tanks el construction sizes and seam length olled, or detail 22.ations for all criteria pollutants and HAPs. Use AP-42 or manufacturers’ data to complete your calculations. ENERIC\Forms 2010\Form20 Organic Liquid Storage Tanks.doc Revised 12/20/10 Call the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) at (801) 536-4000 if you have problems 1. Indicate the tank manufacturer's name. 2. Supply the equipment identificati 3. Indicate the date of installation. 4. Indicate the capacity of the tank in gallon 5. Specify the inside tank diamete 6. Specify the tank height in feet. 7.Indicate the true vapor pressure of the liquid (psia). 8. Indicate the Reid vapor pressure of the 9. Indicate the outside color of the tank. 10. Supply the highest temperature the liquid will re 11. Indicate average annual throughput (gallons). 12. Specify how many times the tank will be 13. Specify the average liquid height (feet). 14. Indicate whether or not the tank has acce 15. Indicate what type of seals the tank has. 16.Indicate what types of deck fittings are installed. Breather vent settings in (psig) for fixe Tank construction, welded or riveted Roof type; pontoon, double deck, or self-supporting roof Deck construction; bolted or welded, sheet or pan Deck fitting category; typical, contr 18. Indicate the type of tank construction. 19.Indicate other types of additional controls which will be used. 20. Provide information on liquid being stored, add additional sheets as necessary. 21. Provide information on chemicals being stored, add additional sheets as necessary. Supply calcul f:\aq\ENGINEER\G Used Lube Oil Tank (ULO-Tank) 0.04 0.19 Page 1 of 2 New Source Review Section Utah Division of Air Quality Company: _________________________ Site/Source:________________________ Form 20 rganic Liquid Storage Tank O Equipment 1. Tank manufacturer: ___________________________2. Identification number: _____________________ 3. Installation date: ______________________________4. Volume: __________________________ gallons 5. Inside tank diameter: ______________________ feet 6. Tank height: ________________________ feet 7. True vapor pressure of liquid: _______________ psia 8. Reid vapor pressure of liquid: ____________ psi 9. Outside color of tank: __________________________10. Maximum storage temperature: __________ FO 11. Average throughput: ____________ gallons per year 12. Turnovers/yearly ____ Monthly ____ Weekly ___ 13. Average liquid height (feet): _____________________ Yes No Number ______14. Access hatch: □ □ 15. T a. P r b. S Type: ________________________________ 16. D ll Yes No Number_____ ll ak ype of Seals: rimary seals: □Mechanical shoe □Resilient filled □Liquid filled □Vapor mounted □Liquid mounted □ Flexible wipe econdary seal: eck Fittings: □Gauge float we □ Gauge hatch/ sample we □ Yes □ No Number_____ Roof drains □ Yes □ No Number_____ Rim vents □ Yes □ No Number_____ Vacuum bre □ Yes □ No Number_____ Roof leg □ Yes □ No Number_____ Ladder well □ Yes □ No Number_____ Column well □ Yes □ No Number_____ Other:_________________________________ 18. T ______________________________________ ype of Construction: □Vertical Fixed Roof □Horizontal Fixed Roof □Internal Floating Roof □External Floating Roof □Other (please specify) 19. Additional Controls: Gas Blanket Venting Carbon Adsorption Thermal Oxidation Other:_______________□□ □□□ 20.Single Liquid Information Liquid Name: __________________________________ CAS Number: __________________________________ Avg. Temperature: ______________________________ Vapor Pressure: ________________________________ Liquid Molecular Weight: ________________________ Liquid Molecular Weight: ________________________ Liquid Name: __________________________________ CAS Number: __________________________________ Avg. Temperature: ______________________________ Vapor Pressure: ________________________________ Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC 4 1 TBD Ambient n/a N/A 4 oz cone carbon steel Fresh Motor Oil Fresh Lube Oil Tank (LO-Tank) Date: December 6, 2023_____________________________ 17. S Deck Fitting Category: ________________________ hell Characteristics: GoodCondition: _________________________________ Breather Vent Settings: _____________________ Carbon SteelTank Construction: _________________ Roof Type: ______________________________ Deck Construction: _________________ welded Hideout Compressor Station TBD New (2024)8,400 12 10 1.28 TBD 30,457 6 1 Page 2 of 2 Form 20 - Organic Liquid Storage Tank (Continued) 21.Chemical Components Information Chemical Name: ________________________________ Percent of Total Liquid Weight: _____________________ Molecular Weight: _______________________________ Avg. Liquid Temperature: _________________________ Vapor Pressure: ________________________________ Vapor Pressure: ________________________________ Chemical Name: ________________________________ Percent of Total Liquid Weight: _____________________ Molecular Weight: _______________________________ Avg. Liquid Temperature: _________________________ Emissions Calculations (PTE) 22. C Submit calculations as an appendix. Provide Material Safety Data Sheets for products being stored. alculated emissions for this device: VOC _________Lbs/hr_____ Tons/yr HAPs_________Lbs/hr (speciate)______Tons/yr (speciate) Instructions Note: 1. Submit this form in conjunction with Form 1 and Form 2. 2. or questions in filling out this form. Ask to speak with a New Source Review engineer. We will be glad to help! on number that will appear on the tank. s or barrels. r in feet. liquid (psi). ach during storage (degrees Fahrenheit). emptied and refilled per year, month or week. ss hatches and the number. 17. Specify condition of the tank, also include the following: d roof tanks el construction sizes and seam length olled, or detail 22.ations for all criteria pollutants and HAPs. Use AP-42 or manufacturers’ data to complete your calculations. ENERIC\Forms 2010\Form20 Organic Liquid Storage Tanks.doc Revised 12/20/10 Call the Division of Air Quality (DAQ) at (801) 536-4000 if you have problems 1. Indicate the tank manufacturer's name. 2. Supply the equipment identificati 3. Indicate the date of installation. 4. Indicate the capacity of the tank in gallon 5. Specify the inside tank diamete 6. Specify the tank height in feet. 7.Indicate the true vapor pressure of the liquid (psia). 8. Indicate the Reid vapor pressure of the 9. Indicate the outside color of the tank. 10. Supply the highest temperature the liquid will re 11. Indicate average annual throughput (gallons). 12. Specify how many times the tank will be 13. Specify the average liquid height (feet). 14. Indicate whether or not the tank has acce 15. Indicate what type of seals the tank has. 16.Indicate what types of deck fittings are installed. Breather vent settings in (psig) for fixe Tank construction, welded or riveted Roof type; pontoon, double deck, or self-supporting roof Deck construction; bolted or welded, sheet or pan Deck fitting category; typical, contr 18. Indicate the type of tank construction. 19.Indicate other types of additional controls which will be used. 20. Provide information on liquid being stored, add additional sheets as necessary. 21. Provide information on chemicals being stored, add additional sheets as necessary. Supply calcul f:\aq\ENGINEER\G Fresh Lube Oil Tank (LO-Tank) 0.04 0.19 Appendix B  Site Location Map  Simplified Process Flow Diagram  Kinder Morgan Process Flow Diagram Hideout Compressor Station Field Gas Streams Inlet Slug Catcher 3-Stage Compression Gas Non-condensable reboiler vapors (5) 400-bbl Conensate Tank Tank Vapors (including S&W, Flashing) (1) 400-bbl Gunbarrel Tank Dehydrator Treatment Gas Liquids Water Truck Loading Condensate Loadout Gas from Farm CS Discharge Dry Gas to Pipeline High Pressure Slug Catcher 1-Stage Compression Gas Treated Gas HP Drains to Slug Catcher Glycol Flash Tank BTEX Condenser BTEX Tank Liquids to Pit Tank Flash Tank EmissionsDropout Liquids Circle Back Combustor Stream color coding: Black - liquids Red – process gas Green – waste gas Appendix C   Emission Calculations  Table C-1: Source and Emission Inventory Proposed Equipment for Hideout Compressor Station Emission Unit ID EU Description Make/Model BSFC, HHV (Btu/bhp-hr) Heat Input (MMBtu/hr) Enforceable (Hrs/yr)Fuel HHV (Btu/scf) Fuel (MMscf/yr) Add-On Controls C-1 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 1,900 bhp 8,131 15.4 8,760 NG 1,281 105.7 NSCR C-2 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 1,900 bhp 8,131 15.4 8,760 NG 1,281 105.7 NSCR C-3 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 1,900 bhp 8,131 15.4 8,760 NG 1,281 105.7 NSCR C-4 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 1,900 bhp 8,131 15.4 8,760 NG 1,281 105.7 NSCR C-5 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 1,900 bhp 8,131 15.4 8,760 NG 1,281 105.7 NSCR C-6 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 1,900 bhp 8,131 15.4 8,760 NG 1,281 105.7 NSCR C-7 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 1,900 bhp 8,131 15.4 8,760 NG 1,281 105.7 NSCR C-8 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 1,900 bhp 8,131 15.4 8,760 NG 1,281 105.7 NSCR C-9 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 1,900 bhp 8,131 15.4 8,760 NG 1,281 105.7 NSCR C-10 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 1,900 bhp 8,131 15.4 8,760 NG 1,281 105.7 NSCR H-1 Heater / Reboiler n/a 1.5 MMbtu/hr n/a 1.5 8,760 NG 1,281 10.3 None H-2 Gas Fired Stabilizer Heater n/a 1.5 MMbtu/hr n/a 1.5 8,760 NG 1,281 10.3 None DEHY TEG Dehydration Unit Process Vents (Still Vent & Flash Tank)n/a 45.00 MMscfd n/a n/a 8,760 n/a n/a n/a Combustor (COM-2) COM-1 Tank & TLO Combustor TBD 121 scfh (pilot)n/a 0.2 8,760 NG 1,281 1.1 None COM-2 BTEX Combustor TBD 121 scfh (pilot)n/a 0.2 8,760 NG 1,281 1.1 None FL-1 Facility Flare TBD 71 scfh (pilot)n/a 0.1 8,760 NG 1,281 200.0 None T-1 - T-6 (1)Gunbarrel & (5)Condensate Tanks n/a 400 bbl n/a n/a 8,760 n/a n/a n/a Combustor (COM-1) TRK-1 Truck Loading n/a 257 bbl/day n/a n/a 8,760 n/a n/a n/a Combustor (COM-1) LO-Tank Lube Oil Tank n/a 200 bbl n/a n/a 8,760 n/a n/a n/a None ULO-Tank Used Lube Oil Tank n/a 200 bbl n/a n/a 8,760 n/a n/a n/a None MT-Tank Methanol Storage Tank n/a 400 bbl n/a n/a 8,760 n/a n/a n/a None 50/50-Tank Antifreeze Tank (50/50)n/a 100 bbl n/a n/a 8,760 n/a n/a n/a None FAB Ultra-fab H2S Removal System (closed loop)n/a n/a n/a FAB-Tank H2S Removal n/a 400 bbl None PIG Pigging Emissions (Launcher/Receiver)n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a FL-1 BLW DWN Compressor Blow Down Events n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a FL-1 FUG-1 Fugitive - Component Leaks n/a n/a n/a n/a 8,760 n/a n/a n/a n/a Hideout CS Facility-wide Emissions Capacity (Site Rating) Page 1 of 4 12/19/2023 Table C-1: Source and Emission Inventory Proposed Equipment for Hideout Compressor Station Emission Unit ID EU Description Make/Model C-1 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-2 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-3 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-4 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-5 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-6 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-7 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-8 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-9 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-10 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 H-1 Heater / Reboiler n/a H-2 Gas Fired Stabilizer Heater n/a DEHY TEG Dehydration Unit Process Vents (Still Vent & Flash Tank)n/a COM-1 Tank & TLO Combustor TBD COM-2 BTEX Combustor TBD FL-1 Facility Flare TBD T-1 - T-6 (1)Gunbarrel & (5)Condensate Tanks n/a TRK-1 Truck Loading n/a LO-Tank Lube Oil Tank n/a ULO-Tank Used Lube Oil Tank n/a MT-Tank Methanol Storage Tank n/a 50/50-Tank Antifreeze Tank (50/50)n/a FAB Ultra-fab H2S Removal System (closed loop)n/a FAB-Tank H2S Removal n/a PIG Pigging Emissions (Launcher/Receiver)n/a BLW DWN Compressor Blow Down Events n/a FUG-1 Fugitive - Component Leaks n/a Hideout CS Facility-wide Emissions lb/hr tpy lb/hr tpy lb/hr tpy lb/hr tpy lb/hr tpy lb/hr tpy lb/hr tpy 1.26 5.50 1.27 5.57 1.47E-01 6.43E-01 1.47E-01 6.43E-01 0.01 0.04 1.26 5.50 0.10 0.45 1.26 5.50 1.27 5.57 1.47E-01 6.43E-01 1.47E-01 6.43E-01 0.01 0.04 1.26 5.50 0.10 0.45 1.26 5.50 1.27 5.57 1.47E-01 6.43E-01 1.47E-01 6.43E-01 0.01 0.04 1.26 5.50 0.10 0.45 1.26 5.50 1.27 5.57 1.47E-01 6.43E-01 1.47E-01 6.43E-01 0.01 0.04 1.26 5.50 0.10 0.45 1.26 5.50 1.27 5.57 1.47E-01 6.43E-01 1.47E-01 6.43E-01 0.01 0.04 1.26 5.50 0.10 0.45 1.26 5.50 1.27 5.57 1.47E-01 6.43E-01 1.47E-01 6.43E-01 0.01 0.04 1.26 5.50 0.10 0.45 1.26 5.50 1.27 5.57 1.47E-01 6.43E-01 1.47E-01 6.43E-01 0.01 0.04 1.26 5.50 0.10 0.45 1.26 5.50 1.27 5.57 1.47E-01 6.43E-01 1.47E-01 6.43E-01 0.01 0.04 1.26 5.50 0.10 0.45 1.26 5.50 1.27 5.57 1.47E-01 6.43E-01 1.47E-01 6.43E-01 0.01 0.04 1.26 5.50 0.10 0.45 1.26 5.50 1.27 5.57 1.47E-01 6.43E-01 1.47E-01 6.43E-01 0.01 0.04 1.26 5.50 0.10 0.45 0.12 0.51 0.10 0.43 8.90E-03 3.90E-02 8.90E-03 3.90E-02 7.03E-04 3.08E-03 0.01 0.03 2.20E-03 9.66E-03 0.12 0.51 0.10 0.43 8.90E-03 3.90E-02 8.90E-03 3.90E-02 7.03E-04 3.08E-03 6.44E-03 2.82E-02 2.20E-03 9.66E-03 Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted See COM-2 See COM-2 0.39 1.70 0.10 0.43 0.04 0.17 0.04 0.17 Negligible 1.84 8.05 1.98E-01 8.68E-01 0.11 0.47 0.03 0.12 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.05 Negligible 0.52 2.28 1.37E-01 6.01E-01 1.99 8.74 9.09 39.82 0.61 2.65 0.61 2.65 Negligible 6.33 27.72 0.18 0.79 Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted See COM-1 See COM-1 Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted See COM-1 See COM-1 Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted 0.04 0.19 Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted 0.04 0.19 Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted 0.03 0.13 0.03 0.13 Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted See FL-1 See FL-1 Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted See FL-1 See FL-1 Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted 0.10 0.44 0.01 0.05 15.28 66.93 22.13 96.93 2.14 9.38 2.14 9.38 0.09 0.40 21.48 94.10 1.58 6.94 Total HAPVOCNOXSO2PM2.5PM10CO Page 2 of 4 12/19/2023 Table C-1: Source and Emission Inventory Proposed Equipment for Hideout Compressor Station Emission Unit ID EU Description Make/Model C-1 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-2 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-3 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-4 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-5 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-6 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-7 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-8 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-9 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-10 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 H-1 Heater / Reboiler n/a H-2 Gas Fired Stabilizer Heater n/a DEHY TEG Dehydration Unit Process Vents (Still Vent & Flash Tank)n/a COM-1 Tank & TLO Combustor TBD COM-2 BTEX Combustor TBD FL-1 Facility Flare TBD T-1 - T-6 (1)Gunbarrel & (5)Condensate Tanks n/a TRK-1 Truck Loading n/a LO-Tank Lube Oil Tank n/a ULO-Tank Used Lube Oil Tank n/a MT-Tank Methanol Storage Tank n/a 50/50-Tank Antifreeze Tank (50/50)n/a FAB Ultra-fab H2S Removal System (closed loop)n/a FAB-Tank H2S Removal n/a PIG Pigging Emissions (Launcher/Receiver)n/a BLW DWN Compressor Blow Down Events n/a FUG-1 Fugitive - Component Leaks n/a Hideout CS Facility-wide Emissions lb/hr tpy lb/hr tpy lb/hr tpy lb/hr tpy lb/hr tpy lb/hr tpy lb/hr tpy 0.08 0.37 No factor No factor 2.44E-03 0.01 8.62E-04 3.78E-03 3.83E-05 1.68E-04 3.01E-04 1.32E-03 0.08 0.37 No factor No factor 2.44E-03 0.01 8.62E-04 3.78E-03 3.83E-05 1.68E-04 3.01E-04 1.32E-03 0.08 0.37 No factor No factor 2.44E-03 0.01 8.62E-04 3.78E-03 3.83E-05 1.68E-04 3.01E-04 1.32E-03 0.08 0.37 No factor No factor 2.44E-03 0.01 8.62E-04 3.78E-03 3.83E-05 1.68E-04 3.01E-04 1.32E-03 0.08 0.37 No factor No factor 2.44E-03 0.01 8.62E-04 3.78E-03 3.83E-05 1.68E-04 3.01E-04 1.32E-03 0.08 0.37 No factor No factor 2.44E-03 0.01 8.62E-04 3.78E-03 3.83E-05 1.68E-04 3.01E-04 1.32E-03 0.08 0.37 No factor No factor 2.44E-03 0.01 8.62E-04 3.78E-03 3.83E-05 1.68E-04 3.01E-04 1.32E-03 0.08 0.37 No factor No factor 2.44E-03 0.01 8.62E-04 3.78E-03 3.83E-05 1.68E-04 3.01E-04 1.32E-03 0.08 0.37 No factor No factor 2.44E-03 0.01 8.62E-04 3.78E-03 3.83E-05 1.68E-04 3.01E-04 1.32E-03 0.08 0.37 No factor No factor 2.44E-03 0.01 8.62E-04 3.78E-03 3.83E-05 1.68E-04 3.01E-04 1.32E-03 8.79E-05 3.85E-04 2.11E-03 9.23E-03 No factor 2.46E-06 0.00 3.98E-06 1.74E-05 No factor No factor 8.79E-05 3.85E-04 2.11E-03 9.23E-03 No factor 2.46E-06 1.08E-05 3.98E-06 1.74E-05 No factor No factor See COM-2 See COM-2 See COM-2 See COM-2 See COM-2 Not emitted See COM-2 1.74E-03 7.60E-03 1.84E-01 8.05E-01 2.47E-03 1.08E-02 8.46E-03 3.71E-02 3.28E-03 1.44E-02 No factor 1.70E-04 7.45E-04 4.94E-04 2.16E-03 5.11E-02 2.24E-01 3.36E-04 1.47E-03 7.30E-02 3.20E-01 1.27E-02 5.57E-02 No factor 1.36E-04 5.97E-04 0.03 0.12 0.17 0.73 3.17E-03 1.39E-02 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.01 No factor 6.64E-04 2.91E-03 Not emitted See COM-1 See COM-1 See COM-1 See COM-1 Not emitted See COM-1 Not emitted See COM-1 See COM-1 See COM-1 See COM-1 Not emitted See COM-1 Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted See FL-1 See FL-1 See FL-1 See FL-1 See FL-1 Not emitted See FL-1 See FL-1 See FL-1 See FL-1 See FL-1 See FL-1 Not emitted See FL-1 Not emitted 0.01 0.05 Not emitted 4.75E-04 2.08E-03 5.82E-04 2.55E-03 1.08E-05 4.74E-05 1.33E-04 5.83E-04 0.87 3.80 0.42 1.83 5.98E-03 2.62E-02 0.11 0.50 2.75E-02 1.21E-01 3.94E-04 1.73E-03 4.12E-03 1.80E-02 Benzene2,2,4-Trimethylpentanen-HexaneFormaldehyde XylenesEthylbenzeneToluene Page 3 of 4 12/19/2023 Table C-1: Source and Emission Inventory Proposed Equipment for Hideout Compressor Station Emission Unit ID EU Description Make/Model C-1 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-2 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-3 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-4 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-5 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-6 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-7 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-8 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-9 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 C-10 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 H-1 Heater / Reboiler n/a H-2 Gas Fired Stabilizer Heater n/a DEHY TEG Dehydration Unit Process Vents (Still Vent & Flash Tank)n/a COM-1 Tank & TLO Combustor TBD COM-2 BTEX Combustor TBD FL-1 Facility Flare TBD T-1 - T-6 (1)Gunbarrel & (5)Condensate Tanks n/a TRK-1 Truck Loading n/a LO-Tank Lube Oil Tank n/a ULO-Tank Used Lube Oil Tank n/a MT-Tank Methanol Storage Tank n/a 50/50-Tank Antifreeze Tank (50/50)n/a FAB Ultra-fab H2S Removal System (closed loop)n/a FAB-Tank H2S Removal n/a PIG Pigging Emissions (Launcher/Receiver)n/a BLW DWN Compressor Blow Down Events n/a FUG-1 Fugitive - Component Leaks n/a Hideout CS Facility-wide Emissions lb/hr tpy lb/hr tpy lb/hr tpy lb/hr tpy lb/hr tpy lb/hr tpy 4.06E-03 0.02 4.73E-03 2.07E-02 1,918.47 8,402.91 4.21 18.45 0.00 0.01 2,024.8 8,868.7 4.06E-03 0.02 4.73E-03 2.07E-02 1,918.47 8,402.91 4.21 18.45 0.00 0.01 2,024.8 8,868.7 4.06E-03 0.02 4.73E-03 2.07E-02 1,918.47 8,402.91 4.21 18.45 0.00 0.01 2,024.8 8,868.7 4.06E-03 0.02 4.73E-03 2.07E-02 1,918.47 8,402.91 4.21 18.45 0.00 0.01 2,024.8 8,868.7 4.06E-03 0.02 4.73E-03 2.07E-02 1,918.47 8,402.91 4.21 18.45 0.00 0.01 2,024.8 8,868.7 4.06E-03 0.02 4.73E-03 2.07E-02 1,918.47 8,402.91 4.21 18.45 0.00 0.01 2,024.8 8,868.7 4.06E-03 0.02 4.73E-03 2.07E-02 1,918.47 8,402.91 4.21 18.45 0.00 0.01 2,024.8 8,868.7 4.06E-03 0.02 4.73E-03 2.07E-02 1,918.47 8,402.91 4.21 18.45 0.00 0.01 2,024.8 8,868.7 4.06E-03 0.02 4.73E-03 2.07E-02 1,918.47 8,402.91 4.21 18.45 0.00 0.01 2,024.8 8,868.7 4.06E-03 0.02 4.73E-03 2.07E-02 1,918.47 8,402.91 4.21 18.45 0.00 0.01 2,024.8 8,868.7 No factor No factor 175.46 768.53 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 175.6 769.3 No factor No factor 175.46 768.53 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 175.6 769.3 Not emitted Not emitted See COM-2 See COM-2 See COM-2 No factor No factor 324.65 1,421.98 0.22 0.95 6.12E-04 2.68E-03 330.2 1,446.5 No factor No factor 90.48 396.32 0.01 0.03 1.71E-04 7.47E-04 90.7 397.4 No factor No factor 3,430.74 15,026.63 0.15 0.66 6.47E-03 2.83E-02 3,436.4 15,051.5 Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted 0.03 0.13 Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted See FL-1 See FL-1 See FL-1 Not emitted Not emitted See FL-1 See FL-1 See FL-1 Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted Not emitted 0.04 0.18 7.68E-02 2.07E-01 102,411.1 186.20 0.18 107,120.8 Acrolein CO2eN2OMethaneCarbon DioxideMethanol Page 4 of 4 12/19/2023 Table C-2: Calculations of Emissions from engine for inlet compressor C-1 through C-10 Engine Make and Model:Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 Engine Type:4SRB Fuel:Pipeline quality natural gas Fuel LHV:1,015 btu/scf Fuel HHV:1,281 btu/scf Site Rated Power (bhp):1,900 from manufacturer*Operating RPM:1,200 Fuel Consumption (LHV):7,350 btu/bhp-hr from manufacturer*Site Elevation:5,090 feet ASL Fuel Consumption (HHV):8,131 btu/bhp-hr from manufacturer* Maximum Heat Input:15.4 MMbtu/hr calculated w/HHV 12,064 scf/hr Annual Operation:8,760 hrs 105.68 MMscf/yr 12/19/2023 Pollutant Emission Factor Units Factor Source Emissions (lb/hr) Emissions (tpy) Control Type Control Efficiency (%) Emission Factor Units Factor Source Emission Rate (lb/hr) Emissions (tpy) PM 1.94E-02 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)0.30 1.31 none 0 0.30 1.31 PM10 9.50E-03 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)1.47E-01 6.43E-01 none 0 1.47E-01 6.43E-01 PM2.5 9.50E-03 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)1.47E-01 6.43E-01 none 0 1.47E-01 6.43E-01 SO2 5.88E-04 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)0.01 0.04 none 0 9.08E-03 3.98E-02 NOX 10.90 g/bhp-hr Manufacturer 45.66 199.98 NSCR 97.3 0.30 g/bhp-hr Client Experience 1.26 5.50 CO 9.20 g/bhp-hr Manufacturer 38.54 168.79 NSCR 96.7 0.30 g/bhp-hr Manufacturer Plus 1.27 5.57 VOC**0.30 g/bhp-hr Client Eng. Experience 1.26 5.50 NSCR 0.0 0.30 g/bhp-hr Client Experience 1.26 5.50 HCHO 0.05 g/bhp-hr Manufacturer 0.21 0.92 NSCR 60.0 0.020 g/bhp-hr Manufacturer 8.38E-02 0.37 Total HAPs (exc. HCHO)0.01 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)0.18 0.81 NSCR 90.0 0.001 lb/Mmbtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 0.02 0.08 CO2 458.00 g/bhp-hr Manufacturer 1,918 8402.91 none 0 1918.47 8402.91 CH4 0.26 g/bhp-hr Manufacturer 4 18.45 none 0 4.21 18.45 N2O 2.20E-04 lb/MMBtu 40CFR98 Table C-2 0.00 0.01 none 0 0.00 0.01 2,024.81 8,868.68 2,024.81 8,868.68 *Maximum rated horsepower from manufacturer **NM, NEHC from manufacturer specifications Note: See Sheet 2 for sample calculations and footnotes. Hideout Compressor Station Uncontrolled Emissions Information Controlled Emissions Information Projected Emissions calculated w/HHVMaximum Fuel Input: Total Uncontrolled GHGs (CO2e) --> Total Projected GHGs (CO2e) --> WAUK 7044GSI Table C-2: Calculations of Emissions from engine for inlet compressor C-1 through C-10 Extended HAP Emissions Jul-23 Constituent Emissions Factor Factor Units Factor Source4,5,6 Emissions (lb/hr) Emissions (tpy)3 Control Efficiency (%)7 Emissions (lb/hr) Emissions (tpy)3 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 2.53E-05 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)3.91E-04 1.71E-03 90 3.91E-05 1.71E-04 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 1.53E-05 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)2.36E-04 1.04E-03 90 2.36E-05 1.04E-04 1.3-Butadiene 6.63E-04 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)1.02E-02 4.49E-02 90 1.02E-03 4.49E-03 1,3-Dichloropropene 1.27E-05 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)1.96E-04 8.59E-04 90 1.96E-05 8.59E-05 2-Methylnaphthalene 0.00E+00 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)0.00E+00 0.00E+00 90 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 0.00E+00 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)0.00E+00 0.00E+00 90 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Acenaphthene 0.00E+00 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)0.00E+00 0.00E+00 90 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Acenaphthylene 0.00E+00 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)0.00E+00 0.00E+00 90 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Acetaldehyde 2.79E-03 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)4.31E-02 1.89E-01 90 4.31E-03 1.89E-02 Acrolein 2.63E-03 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)4.06E-02 1.78E-01 90 4.06E-03 1.78E-02 Benzene 1.58E-03 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)2.44E-02 1.07E-01 90 2.44E-03 1.07E-02 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.00E+00 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)0.00E+00 0.00E+00 90 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Benzo(e)pyrene 0.00E+00 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)0.00E+00 0.00E+00 90 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 0.00E+00 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)0.00E+00 0.00E+00 90 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Biphenyl 0.00E+00 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)0.00E+00 0.00E+00 90 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Carbon Tetrachloride 1.77E-05 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)2.73E-04 1.20E-03 90 2.73E-05 1.20E-04 Chlorobenzene 1.29E-05 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)1.99E-04 8.73E-04 90 1.99E-05 8.73E-05 Chloroform 1.37E-05 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)2.12E-04 9.27E-04 90 2.12E-05 9.27E-05 Chrysene 0.00E+00 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)0.00E+00 0.00E+00 90 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Ethylbenzene 2.48E-05 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)3.83E-04 1.68E-03 90 3.83E-05 1.68E-04 Ethylene Dibromide 2.13E-05 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)3.29E-04 1.44E-03 90 3.29E-05 1.44E-04 Fluoranthene 0.00E+00 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)0.00E+00 0.00E+00 90 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Fluorene 0.00E+00 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)0.00E+00 0.00E+00 90 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Formaldehyde 5.00E-02 g/hp-hr Manufacturer 2.09E-01 9.17E-01 60 8.38E-02 3.67E-01 Methanol 3.06E-03 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)4.73E-02 2.07E-01 90 4.73E-03 2.07E-02 Methylene Chloride 4.12E-05 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)6.36E-04 2.79E-03 90 6.36E-05 2.79E-04 n-Hexane 0.00E+00 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)0.00E+00 0.00E+00 90 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Naphthalene 0.00E+00 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)0.00E+00 0.00E+00 90 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 PAH 1.41E-04 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)2.18E-03 9.54E-03 90 2.18E-04 9.54E-04 Phenanthrene 0.00E+00 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)0.00E+00 0.00E+00 90 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Phenol 0.00E+00 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)0.00E+00 0.00E+00 90 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 POM 9.71E-05 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)1.50E-03 6.57E-03 90 1.50E-04 6.57E-04 Styrene 1.19E-05 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)1.84E-04 8.05E-04 90 1.84E-05 8.05E-05 Tetrachloroethane 0.00E+00 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)0.00E+00 0.00E+00 90 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Toluene 5.58E-04 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)8.62E-03 3.78E-02 90 8.62E-04 3.78E-03 Vinyl Chloride 7.18E-06 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)1.11E-04 4.86E-04 90 1.11E-05 4.86E-05 Xylene 1.95E-04 lb/MMBtu AP-42 Table 3.2-3 (7/00)3.01E-03 1.32E-02 90 3.01E-04 1.32E-03 Totals:0.39 1.72 0.10 0.45 Uncontrolled1 Controlled2Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 1. 𝑈 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 𝐸 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 𝑙𝑏ℎ𝑟 = 𝐸𝐹 𝑙𝑏 𝑀 � � � � � � � � ∗ 𝐻 � � � � � � 𝑅 � � � � � � 𝑀 � � � � � � � � ℎ𝑟 ; 2. 𝐶 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 𝐸 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 𝑙𝑏ℎ𝑟 = 10 0 − % 𝑐 � � � � � � � � � � � � 10 0 ∗ 𝐸𝐹 𝑙𝑏 𝑀 � � � � � � � � ∗ 𝐻 � � � � � � 𝑅 � � � � � � (𝑀 � � � � � � � � ℎ𝑟 ) 3. 𝑡 � � � � = 𝐸 � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � 𝑙𝑏ℎ𝑟 ∗ 𝐴 � � � � � � � � � � ℎ� � � � � � � � ℎ𝑟𝑦𝑟 ∗ ( 1 20 0 0 ) 5. L H V h e a t i n p u t r a t e f o r t h e e n g i n e i s b a s e d o n L H V f u e l c o n s u m p t i o n r a t e f o r o n e e n g i n e f r o m m a n u f a c t u r e r s p e c s h e e t : He a t R a t e MM B t u hr = 𝐿 � � � � 𝐵 � � � � 𝑏 ℎ � � − ℎ𝑟 ∗ ( 𝑏 ℎ � � 1, 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 ) 6. A P − 4 2 E F s a r e b a s e d o n H H V , t h e r e f o r e , H e a t I n p u t f o r H H V w a s u s e d : H e a t R a t e MM b t u hr = 𝐻 � � � � 𝐵 � � � � 𝑏 ℎ � � ∗ ( 𝑏 ℎ � � 1, 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 ) 4. H A P E m i s s i o n F a c t o r s f r o m A P − 4 2 T a b l e 3 . 2 − 3 E m i s s i o n F a c t o r s f o r 4 − S t r o k e R i c h − B u r n n a t u r l a g a s f i r e d e n g i n e s . 7. Ca t a l y s t co n t r o l ef f i c i e n c y ba s e d on ma n u f a c t u r e r − sp e c i f i e d pe r c e n t re d u c t i o n . WAUK 7044GSI Table C-3: Hideout Compressor Station - TEG Reboiler H-1 Emission Source: Indirect Heater Source Type: Natural Gas-Fired Heater Heat Input: Natural Gas Higher Heating Value (HHV): Fuel Consumption (HHV): Fuel Consumption (HHV): Operating Hours per Year: Sulfur Content of Fuel: Exhaust Stack Temp: Exhaust Gas Flow: Number of Units: 1 Emission Short-term Annual Pollutant Factors 1 lb/hr 2 g/sec tpy 3 g/sec NOx 100.0 lb/MMscf 0.12 0.0148 0.51 0.0148 CO 84.0 lb/MMscf 0.10 0.0124 0.43 0.0124 VOC 5.5 lb/MMscf 0.006 0.0008 0.03 0.0008 SO2 0.6 lb/MMscf 7.03E-04 0.0001 3.08E-03 0.0001 PM10 7.6 lb/MMscf 0.01 0.0011 0.04 0.0011 PM2.5 7.6 lb/MMscf 0.01 0.0011 0.04 0.0011 CO2 53.06 kg/MMBtu 175.5 22.11 768.5 22.11 CH4 0.001 kg/MMBtu 0.003 0.0004 0.014 0.0004 N2O 0.0001 kg/MMBtu 0.000 0.0000 0.001 0.0000 Notes: 1 Emission factors (lb/MMscf) based on USEPA AP-42, Section 1.4, Table 1.4-2, dated July 1998 2 Hourly Emission Rate (lb/hr) = (lb/MMscf) * (MMscf/hr); or (kg/MMBtu) (MMBtu/hr) (2.2046 lb/kg) 3 Annual Emission Rate (tpy) = (lb/hr) (hrs/yr) (ton/2000 lb) Natural Gas-Fired Indirect Heater Criteria Pollutant Emissions Calculations AP42 Table 1.4-2 indicates that all PM (total, condensible, and filterable) is assumed to be less than 1.0 micrometer in diameter. Therefore, the PM emission factors presented here may be used to estimate PM10, PM2.5 or PM1 emissions. 1.50 MMBtu/hr 1,281 Btu/scf 0.0012 MMscf/hr 10.26 MMscf/yr 8,760 hr/yr 0.0020 gr/scf 600 F 345 acfm One Heater CO2e 769.3 tpy Table C-3a: Hideout Compressor Station - TEG Reboiler H-1 Emission Emission Rates Factor One Heater Pollutant Type 1 (lb/MMscf) 2 (lb/hr) 3 (lbs/yr) (tpy) 4 2-Methylnaphthalene HAP 2.4E-05 2.81E-08 2.46E-04 1.23E-07 3-Methylchloranthrene HAP 1.8E-06 2.11E-09 1.85E-05 9.23E-09 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene HAP 1.6E-05 1.87E-08 1.64E-04 8.21E-08 Acenaphthene HAP 1.8E-06 2.11E-09 1.85E-05 9.23E-09 Acenaphthylene HAP 1.8E-06 2.11E-09 1.85E-05 9.23E-09 Anthracene HAP 2.4E-06 2.81E-09 2.46E-05 1.23E-08 Benz(a)anthracene HAP 1.8E-06 2.11E-09 1.85E-05 9.23E-09 Benzene HAP 2.1E-03 2.46E-06 2.15E-02 1.08E-05 Benzo(a)pyrene HAP 1.2E-06 1.41E-09 1.23E-05 6.16E-09 Benzo(b)fluoranthene HAP 1.8E-06 2.11E-09 1.85E-05 9.23E-09 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene HAP 1.2E-06 1.41E-09 1.23E-05 6.16E-09 Benzo(k)fluoranthene HAP 1.8E-06 2.11E-09 1.85E-05 9.23E-09 Chrysene HAP 1.8E-06 2.11E-09 1.85E-05 9.23E-09 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene HAP 1.2E-06 1.41E-09 1.23E-05 6.16E-09 Dichlorobenzene HAP 1.2E-03 1.41E-06 1.23E-02 6.16E-06 Fluoranthene HAP 3.0E-06 3.51E-09 3.08E-05 1.54E-08 Fluorene HAP 2.8E-06 3.28E-09 2.87E-05 1.44E-08 Formaldehyde HAP 7.5E-02 8.79E-05 7.70E-01 3.85E-04 n-Hexane* HAP 1.8E+00 2.11E-03 1.85E+01 9.23E-03 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene HAP 1.8E-06 2.11E-09 1.85E-05 9.23E-09 Naphthalene HAP 6.1E-04 7.15E-07 6.26E-03 3.13E-06 Phenanathrene HAP 1.7E-05 1.99E-08 1.74E-04 8.72E-08 Pyrene HAP 5.0E-06 5.86E-09 5.13E-05 2.57E-08 Toluene HAP 3.4E-03 3.98E-06 3.49E-02 1.74E-05 Totals: HAP 2.20E-03 1.93E+01 9.66E-03 *Largest HAP Natural Gas-Fired Heater 8,760 hr/yr Total HAPs 9.66E-03 Maximum Heat Input Max HAP 9.23E-03 Natural Gas Heating Value Fuel Consumption (LHV) Fuel Consumption (LHV) Number of Heaters 1 Notes: 1 Type = HAP for Hazardous Air Pollutant. 2 Emission factors from AP-42, Section 1.4, Table 1.4-3 (7/98). 3 Hourly Emission Rate (lb/hr) = [(MMBtu/Hr) * (lb/MMscf)] / [(BTU/scf)] 4 Annual Emission Rate (tpy) = (lb/hr) * (8760 hr/yr) / (2,000 lb/ton) 1.50 MMBtu/hr 1,281 Btu/scf 0.0012 MMscf/hr 10.26 MMscf/yr Natural Gas-Fired Indirect Heater Criteria Pollutant Emissions Calculations Table C-4: Hideout Compressor Station - Stabilizer Heater H-2 Emission Source:Indirect Heater Source Type:Natural Gas-Fired Heater Heat Input: Natural Gas Higher Heating Value (HHV): Fuel Consumption (HHV): Fuel Consumption (HHV): Operating Hours per Year: Sulfur Content of Fuel: Exhaust Stack Temp: Exhaust Gas Flow: Number of Units:1 Emission Short-term Annual Pollutant Factors 1 lb/hr 2 g/sec tpy 3 g/sec NOx 100.0 lb/MMscf 0.12 0.0148 0.51 0.0148 CO 84.0 lb/MMscf 0.10 0.0124 0.43 0.0124 VOC 5.5 lb/MMscf 0.006 0.0008 0.03 0.0008 SO2 0.6 lb/MMscf 7.03E-04 0.0001 3.08E-03 0.0001 PM10 7.6 lb/MMscf 0.01 0.0011 0.04 0.0011 PM2.5 7.6 lb/MMscf 0.01 0.0011 0.04 0.0011 CO2 53.06 kg/MMBtu 175.5 22.11 768.5 22.11 CH4 0.001 kg/MMBtu 0.003 0.0004 0.014 0.0004 N2O 0.0001 kg/MMBtu 0.000 0.0000 0.001 0.0000 Notes: 1 Emission factors (lb/MMscf) based on USEPA AP-42, Section 1.4, Table 1.4-2, dated July 1998 2 Hourly Emission Rate (lb/hr) = (lb/MMscf) * (MMscf/hr); or (kg/MMBtu) (MMBtu/hr) (2.2046 lb/kg) 3 Annual Emission Rate (tpy) = (lb/hr) (hrs/yr) (ton/2000 lb) AP42 Table 1.4-2 indicates that all PM (total, condensible, and filterable) is assumed to be less than 1.0 micrometer in diameter. Therefore, the PM emission factors presented here may be used to estimate PM10, PM2.5 or PM1 emissions. 0.0020 gr/scf 600 F 345 acfm One Heater CO2e 769.3 tpy 8,760 hr/yr Natural Gas-Fired Indirect Heater Criteria Pollutant Emissions Calculations 1.50 MMBtu/hr 1,281 Btu/scf 0.0012 MMscf/hr 10.26 MMscf/yr Table C-4a:Hideout Compressor Station - Stabilizer Heater H-2 Emission Emission Rates Factor One Heater Pollutant Type 1 (lb/MMscf)2 (lb/hr)3 (lbs/yr) (tpy)4 2-Methylnaphthalene HAP 2.4E-05 2.81E-08 2.46E-04 1.23E-07 3-Methylchloranthrene HAP 1.8E-06 2.11E-09 1.85E-05 9.23E-09 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene HAP 1.6E-05 1.87E-08 1.64E-04 8.21E-08 Acenaphthene HAP 1.8E-06 2.11E-09 1.85E-05 9.23E-09 Acenaphthylene HAP 1.8E-06 2.11E-09 1.85E-05 9.23E-09 Anthracene HAP 2.4E-06 2.81E-09 2.46E-05 1.23E-08 Benz(a)anthracene HAP 1.8E-06 2.11E-09 1.85E-05 9.23E-09 Benzene HAP 2.1E-03 2.46E-06 2.15E-02 1.08E-05 Benzo(a)pyrene HAP 1.2E-06 1.41E-09 1.23E-05 6.16E-09 Benzo(b)fluoranthene HAP 1.8E-06 2.11E-09 1.85E-05 9.23E-09 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene HAP 1.2E-06 1.41E-09 1.23E-05 6.16E-09 Benzo(k)fluoranthene HAP 1.8E-06 2.11E-09 1.85E-05 9.23E-09 Chrysene HAP 1.8E-06 2.11E-09 1.85E-05 9.23E-09 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene HAP 1.2E-06 1.41E-09 1.23E-05 6.16E-09 Dichlorobenzene HAP 1.2E-03 1.41E-06 1.23E-02 6.16E-06 Fluoranthene HAP 3.0E-06 3.51E-09 3.08E-05 1.54E-08 Fluorene HAP 2.8E-06 3.28E-09 2.87E-05 1.44E-08 Formaldehyde HAP 7.5E-02 8.79E-05 7.70E-01 3.85E-04 n-Hexane*HAP 1.8E+00 2.11E-03 1.85E+01 9.23E-03 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene HAP 1.8E-06 2.11E-09 1.85E-05 9.23E-09 Naphthalene HAP 6.1E-04 7.15E-07 6.26E-03 3.13E-06 Phenanathrene HAP 1.7E-05 1.99E-08 1.74E-04 8.72E-08 Pyrene HAP 5.0E-06 5.86E-09 5.13E-05 2.57E-08 Toluene HAP 3.4E-03 3.98E-06 3.49E-02 1.74E-05 Totals: HAP 2.20E-03 1.93E+01 9.66E-03 *Largest HAP Natural Gas-Fired Heater 8,760 hr/yr Total HAPs 9.66E-03 Maximum Heat Input Max HAP 9.23E-03 Natural Gas Heating Value Fuel Consumption (HHV) Fuel Consumption (HHV) Number of Heaters 1 Notes: 1 Type = HAP for Hazardous Air Pollutant. 2 Emission factors from AP-42, Section 1.4, Table 1.4-3 (7/98). 3 Hourly Emission Rate (lb/hr) = [(MMBtu/Hr) * (lb/MMscf)] / [(BTU/scf)] 4 Annual Emission Rate (tpy) = (lb/hr) * (8760 hr/yr) / (2,000 lb/ton) Natural Gas-Fired Indirect Heater Criteria Pollutant Emissions Calculations 1.50 MMBtu/hr 1,281 Btu/scf 0.0012 MMscf/hr 10.26 MMscf/yr Hideout Compressor Station Table C-5: Facility Flare Emissions Calculations Updated: 7/20/2023 Make/Model:Annual hours operated:8,760 Destruction Efficiency (%):98 Pilot & Purge Stream Flow Rate (scfh) CO2 N2 C1 C2 C3 iC4 nC4 iC5 nC5 C6+ HHV (btu/scf) Pilot & Purge Gas 71 0.843 0.314 77.760 11.189 5.579 0.798 1.998 0.431 0.668 0.247 1,280.59 Predicted Gas Streams to Flare7 Flow Rate (scfh) CO2 N2 C1 C2 C3 iC4 nC4 iC5 nC5 C6+ HHV (btu/scf) Flared Waste Gas 22,831.05 0.84 0.31 77.76 11.19 5.58 0.80 2.00 0.43 0.67 0.25 1,280.59 Pig Launch/Receive Included with Flared Waste Gas volume. Blowdowns (SSM)Included with Flared Waste Gas volume. Maintenance Flaring Included with Flared Waste Gas volume. 22,831.05 1,280.59 Continuent EF Units (lb/hr)(tpy)(lb/hr)(tpy)(lb/hr)(tpy) NOX1 0.068 lb/MMBtu 0.006 0.027 1.988 8.708 1.994 8.735 CO2 0.310 lb/MMBtu 0.028 0.123 9.064 39.698 9.092 39.822 Uncontrolled VOC3 1.006 4.408 315.446 1381.653 316.452 1386.061 Controlled VOC4 0.020 0.088 6.309 27.633 6.329 27.721 PM10 or PM2.5 6 40 µg/L 0.002 0.008 0.604 2.645 0.606 2.654 Benzene 4.21E-05 1.84E-04 7.71E-03 3.38E-02 0.008 0.034 Toluene 9.54E-06 4.18E-05 2.33E-03 1.02E-02 2.34E-03 1.02E-02 n-Hexane 7.85E-04 3.44E-03 1.66E-01 7.29E-01 0.167 0.732 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 7.42E-06 3.25E-05 3.16E-03 1.39E-02 3.17E-03 1.39E-02 Controlled HAP5 8.45E-04 3.70E-03 1.80E-01 0.787 0.180 0.790 Formadehyde8 1.169 lb/MMscf 8.30E-05 3.64E-04 0.027 0.117 0.027 0.117 Xylenes8 0.029 lb/MMscf 2.06E-06 9.02E-06 6.62E-04 2.90E-03 6.64E-04 0.003 CO29 116.978 lb/MMBtu 10.64 46.58 3,420.10 14,980.05 3,430.74 15,026.63 CH4 0.000 0.002 0.150 0.656 0.150 0.658 N2O9 0.0002 lb/MMBtu 2.00E-05 8.78E-05 0.006 0.028 0.006 0.028 Equations: TBD Stream Composition (% by volume) Total Stream Calculated Criteria Emissions Emission Factor Pilot & Purge Flared Waste Gas Total Note: Values in the blue-shaded cells in table above were derived from Bryan Research & Engineering, Inc. ProMax™ 5.0 simulation software program (see Table C-7). see Equations see Equations see Equations see Equations see Equations see Equations see Equations see Equations 𝑁𝑂𝑥,𝐶𝑂,𝐶𝑂2,𝐶𝐻4 & 𝑁2𝑂 𝑙𝑏 ℎ𝑟= 𝐸𝐹 𝑙𝑏 𝑀𝑀𝑏𝑡𝑢 𝑥 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑓 ℎ𝑟𝑥 𝐻𝐻𝑉 𝑏𝑡𝑢 𝑠𝑐𝑓 𝑥1 𝑀𝑀𝑏𝑡𝑢 1000000 𝑏𝑡𝑢 1. NOX EF from USEPA AP-42, Chapter 13, Section5, Tables 13.5-1 2. CO EF from USEPA AP-42, Chapter 13, Section 5, Table 13.5-2 3. Uncontrolled VOC calculated based on the VOC fraction of each individual stream (see Uncontrolled VOC calculation equation below). 4. Controlled VOC represents the VOC fraction of each individual stream with a 98% destruction efficiency applied. (see Controlled VOC equation below). 5. Controlled HAPs calculated based on the HAP weight fraction of the predictable waste gas streams. A 98% destruction efficiency rating is applied to calculate controlled emissions. 6. PM10 or PM2.5 factors are identical. From AP-42 Tables 13.5-1 & 2 (lightly smoking) 7. Stream compositions are representative based on measurements and facility knowledge. Estimated to be 60 MMscf/yr split equally between Inlet and Residue compositions. 8. EF from Ventura County Air Pollution Control District AB2588 Combustion Emissions Factors (May 17, 2001). 9. CO2 EF from Table C-1 of 40 CFR 98 and N2O EF from Table C-2 of 40 CFR 98. 𝑃𝑀10 𝑙𝑏 ℎ𝑟= 𝐸𝐹 µ 𝐿 𝑥 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑠𝑐𝑓 ℎ𝑟𝑥 10.6 𝑠𝑐𝑓 𝑠𝑐𝑓 𝐶𝐻4 𝑥 0.0283 𝑚ଷ 𝑠𝑐𝑓 𝑥 1000 𝐿 𝑚ଷ 𝑥1𝑔 10଺ µ𝑔 𝑥𝑙𝑏 453.59𝑔 𝑈𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑂𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑐 𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑙𝑏 ℎ𝑟= 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑓௧ ℎ𝑟𝑥 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑙𝑏௢௥௚ 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙௢௥௚ 𝑥1 𝑚𝑜𝑙௢௥௚ 379.1𝑠𝑐𝑓௢௥௚ 𝑥 𝑂𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑐 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑂𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑏 ℎ𝑟= 𝑈𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑂𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑐 𝑙𝑏 ℎ𝑟𝑥 1 − 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 Hideout Compressor Station Table C-6a: Tank Combustor (COM-1) - Emissions Calculations 7/20/2023 Make/Model:Annual hours operated:8,760 Destruction Efficiency (%):98 Pilot/Purge Gas Stream Flow Rate (scfh) CO2 N2 C1 C2 C3 iC4 nC4 iC5 nC5 C6+ HHV (btu/scf) Inlet HP Gas 221 0.843 0.314 77.760 11.189 5.579 0.798 1.998 0.431 0.668 0.247 1,280.59 Streams to Combustor7 Flow Rate (scfh) CO2 N2 C1 C2 C3 iC4 nC4 iC5 nC5 C6+ HHV (btu/scf) GB & CND Tank Vapor 1,201.8 0.76 0.02 24.25 19.40 18.92 3.88 11.53 3.96 7.24 7.79 1,974.8 PW Loading Vapor 0.05 1.20 0.00 1.69 1.53 0.23 0.01 0.04 0.00 0.00 0.01 82.5 CND Loading Vapor 61.48 0.78 0.01 25.82 19.81 18.87 3.79 11.18 3.78 6.85 7.14 1,936.1 1,263.3 1,972.9 Total Continuent EF Units (lb/hr)(tpy)(lb/hr)(tpy)(lb/hr)(tpy)(lb/hr)(tpy)(lb/hr)(tpy) NOX1 0.140 lb/MMBtu 0.040 0.174 0.332 1.455 5.79E-07 2.54E-06 0.017 0.073 0.389 1.702 CO2 0.035 lb/MMBtu 0.010 0.043 0.083 0.364 1.45E-07 6.34E-07 0.004 0.018 0.097 0.425 Uncontrolled VOC3 3.396 14.876 84.399 369.670 1.49E-05 6.52E-05 4.148 18.168 91.944 402.715 Controlled VOC4 0.068 0.298 1.688 7.393 2.98E-07 1.30E-06 0.083 0.363 1.839 8.054 PM10 or PM2.5 6 40 µg/L 0.006 0.026 0.032 0.139 1.33E-06 5.81E-06 0.002 0.007 0.039 0.172 Benzene 1.31E-04 5.74E-04 7.95E-03 3.48E-02 6.23E-09 2.73E-08 3.77E-04 1.65E-03 0.008 0.037 Toluene 2.97E-05 1.30E-04 3.11E-03 1.36E-02 5.86E-10 2.57E-09 1.43E-04 6.28E-04 0.003 0.014 n-Hexane 2.44E-03 1.07E-02 1.73E-01 7.59E-01 4.22E-10 1.85E-09 8.16E-03 3.57E-02 0.184 0.805 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 2.31E-05 1.01E-04 2.34E-03 1.02E-02 2.06E-12 9.02E-12 1.08E-04 4.74E-04 0.002 0.011 Controlled HAP5 2.63E-03 1.15E-02 1.87E-01 0.818 7.25E-09 3.18E-08 0.009 0.039 0.198 0.868 Formaldehyde8 1.169 lb/MMscf 2.58E-04 1.13E-03 1.40E-03 6.15E-03 5.86E-08 2.57E-07 7.19E-05 3.15E-04 0.002 0.008 Xylenes8 0.029 lb/MMscf 6.41E-06 2.81E-05 1.57E-04 6.86E-04 8.81E-12 3.86E-11 7.01E-06 3.07E-05 1.70E-04 7.45E-04 CO2 9 116.978 lb/MMBtu 33.11 145.00 277.62 1,215.99 4.84E-04 2.12E-03 13.92 60.99 324.654 1421.983 CH4 0.001 0.006 0.204 0.892 5.93E-07 2.60E-06 1.11E-02 4.86E-02 0.216 0.947 N2O9 0.0002 lb/MMBtu 6.24E-05 2.73E-04 5.23E-04 2.29E-03 9.12E-10 3.99E-09 2.62E-05 1.15E-04 6.12E-04 2.68E-03 Equations: see Equations see Equations see Equations see Equations see Equations see Equations see Equations see Equations TBD Stream Composition (% by volume) Total Stream Calculated Criteria Emissions Emission Factor Pilot GB & CND Tank Vapor CND Loading Vapor ← Note: Values in the blue-shaded cells to the left were derived from Bryan Research & Engineering, Inc. ProMax™ 5.0 simulation software program (see Table C-7). PW Loading Vapor 𝑁𝑂𝑥,𝐶𝑂,𝐶𝑂2,𝐶𝐻4 & 𝑁2𝑂 𝑙𝑏 ℎ𝑟= 𝐸𝐹 𝑙𝑏 𝑀𝑀𝑏𝑡𝑢 𝑥 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑓 ℎ𝑟𝑥 𝐻𝐻𝑉 𝑏𝑡𝑢 𝑠𝑐𝑓 𝑥1 𝑀𝑀𝑏𝑡𝑢 1000000 𝑏𝑡𝑢 1. EF from Wyoming Chapter 6, Section 2 Oil and Gas Production Facilities Permitting Guidance. 2. EF from Wyoming Chapter 6, Section 2 Oil and Gas Production Facilities Permitting Guidance. 3. Uncontrolled VOC emissions for Pilot derived from Uncontrolled VOC calculation equation below. Tank Vapor and Loading Vapor emissions were developed from ProMax Simulation Model (Hideout CS Process_20230719.XLSX). 4. Controlled VOC represents the VOC fraction of each individual stream with a 98% destruction efficiency applied. (see Controlled VOC equation below). 5. Controlled HAPs for Pilot derived from the HAP weight fraction of the Inlet and Residue gas streams. Tank Vapor and Loading Vapor emissions were developed from ProMax Simulation Model (Hideout CS Process_20230719.XLSX). 6. PM10 or PM2.5 factors are identical. From AP-42 Tables 13.5-1 & 2 (lightly smoking) 7. Stream compositions and flow rates were developed from ProMax Simulation Model (Hideout CS Process_20230719.XLSX) 8. EF from Ventura County Air Pollution Control District AB2588 Combustion Emissions Factors (May 17, 2001). 9. CO2 EF from Table C-1 of 40 CFR 98 and N2O EF from Table C-2 of 40 CFR 98. 𝑃𝑀10 𝑙𝑏 ℎ𝑟= 𝐸𝐹 µ 𝐿 𝑥 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑠𝑐𝑓 ℎ𝑟𝑥 10.6 𝑠𝑐𝑓 𝑠𝑐𝑓 𝐶𝐻4 𝑥 0.0283 𝑚ଷ 𝑠𝑐𝑓 𝑥 1000 𝐿 𝑚ଷ 𝑥1𝑔 10଺ µ𝑔 𝑥𝑙𝑏 453.59𝑔 𝑈𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑂𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑐 𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑙𝑏 ℎ𝑟= 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑓௧ ℎ𝑟𝑥 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑙𝑏௢௥௚ 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙௢௥௚ 𝑥1 𝑚𝑜𝑙௢௥௚ 379.1𝑠𝑐𝑓௢௥௚ 𝑥 𝑂𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑐 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑂𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑏 ℎ𝑟= 𝑈𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑂𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑐 𝑙𝑏 ℎ𝑟𝑥 1 − 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 Hideout Compressor Station Table C-6b: BTEX Combustor (COM-2) - Emissions Calculations 7/20/2023 Make/Model:Annual hours operated:8,760 Destruction Efficiency (%):98 Pilot/Purge Gas Stream Flow Rate (scfh) CO2 N2 C1 C2 C3 iC4 nC4 iC5 nC5 C6+ HHV (btu/scf) Inlet HP Gas 221 0.843 0.314 77.760 11.189 5.579 0.798 1.998 0.431 0.668 0.247 1,280.59 Streams to Combustor7 Flow Rate (scfh) CO2 N2 C1 C2 C3 iC4 nC4 iC5 nC5 C6+ HHV (btu/scf) BTEX Vapor 201.7 4.558 0.001 4.590 6.810 9.944 2.166 11.339 5.363 11.226 32.606 2,432.0 201.7 2,432.0 Continuent EF Units (lb/hr)(tpy)(lb/hr)(tpy)(lb/hr)(tpy) NOx1 0.140 lb/MMBtu 0.040 0.174 0.069 0.301 0.108 0.474 CO2 0.035 lb/MMBtu 0.010 0.043 0.017 0.075 0.027 0.119 Uncontrolled VOC3 3.396 14.876 22.623 99.088 26.019 113.964 Controlled VOC4 0.068 0.298 0.452 1.982 0.520 2.279 PM10 or PM2.5 6 40 µg/L 0.006 0.026 0.005 0.023 0.011 0.049 Benzene 1.31E-04 5.74E-04 7.29E-02 3.19E-01 0.073 0.320 Toluene 2.97E-05 1.30E-04 1.27E-02 5.56E-02 0.013 0.056 n-Hexane 2.44E-03 1.07E-02 4.87E-02 2.13E-01 0.051 0.224 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 2.31E-05 1.01E-04 3.13E-04 1.37E-03 3.36E-04 1.47E-03 Controlled HAP5 2.63E-03 1.15E-02 1.35E-01 0.590 0.137 0.601 Formaldehyde8 1.169 lb/MMscf 2.58E-04 1.13E-03 2.36E-04 1.03E-03 4.94E-04 2.16E-03 Xylenes8 0.029 lb/MMscf 6.41E-06 2.81E-05 1.30E-04 5.69E-04 1.36E-04 5.97E-04 CO29 116.978 lb/MMBtu 33.11 145.00 57.38 251.32 90.485 396.324 CH4 0.001 0.006 0.006 0.028 0.008 0.035 N2O9 0.0002 lb/MMBtu 6.24E-05 2.73E-04 1.08E-04 4.74E-04 1.71E-04 7.47E-04 Equations: Emission Factor Pilot BTEX Vapor Total TBD Stream Composition (% by volume) Total Stream Calculated Criteria Emissions see Equations see Equations see Equations see Equations ← Note: Values in the blue- shaded cells to the left were derived from Bryan Research & Engineering, Inc. ProMax™ 5.0 simulation software program (see Table C-7). see Equations see Equations see Equations see Equations 𝑁𝑂𝑥,𝐶𝑂,𝐶𝑂2,𝐶𝐻4 & 𝑁2𝑂 𝑙𝑏 ℎ𝑟= 𝐸𝐹 𝑙𝑏 𝑀𝑀𝑏𝑡𝑢 𝑥 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑓 ℎ𝑟𝑥 𝐻𝐻𝑉 𝑏𝑡𝑢 𝑠𝑐𝑓 𝑥1 𝑀𝑀𝑏𝑡𝑢 1000000 𝑏𝑡𝑢 1. EF from Wyoming Chapter 6, Section 2 Oil and Gas Production Facilities Permitting Guidance. 2. EF from Wyoming Chapter 6, Section 2 Oil and Gas Production Facilities Permitting Guidance. 3. Uncontrolled VOC emissions for Pilot derived from Uncontrolled VOC calculation equation below. Tank Vapor and Loading Vapor emissions were developed from ProMax Simulation Model (Hideout CS Process_20230719.XLSX). 4. Controlled VOC represents the VOC fraction of each individual stream with a 98% destruction efficiency applied. (see Controlled VOC equation below). 5. Controlled HAPs for Pilot derived from the HAP weight fraction of the Inlet and Residue gas streams. Tank Vapor and Loading Vapor emissions were developed from ProMax Simulation Model (Hideout CS Process_20230719.XLSX). 6. PM10 or PM2.5 factors are identical. From AP-42 Tables 13.5-1 & 2 (lightly smoking) 7. Stream compositions and flow rates were developed from ProMax Simulation Model (Hideout CS Process_20230719.XLSX) 8. EF from Ventura County Air Pollution Control District AB2588 Combustion Emissions Factors (May 17, 2001). 𝑃𝑀10 𝑙𝑏 ℎ𝑟= 𝐸𝐹 µ 𝐿 𝑥 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤 𝑠𝑐𝑓 ℎ𝑟𝑥 10.6 𝑠𝑐𝑓 𝑠𝑐𝑓 𝐶𝐻4 𝑥 0.0283 𝑚ଷ 𝑠𝑐𝑓 𝑥 1000 𝐿 𝑚ଷ 𝑥1𝑔 10଺ µ𝑔 𝑥𝑙𝑏 453.59𝑔 𝑈𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑂𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑐 𝑜𝑟𝑔𝑙𝑏 ℎ𝑟= 𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚 𝑅𝑎𝑡𝑒 𝑠𝑐𝑓௧ ℎ𝑟𝑥 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑒𝑎𝑚 𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑒𝑐𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡𝑙𝑏௢௥௚ 𝑙𝑏𝑚𝑜𝑙௢௥௚ 𝑥1 𝑚𝑜𝑙௢௥௚ 379.1𝑠𝑐𝑓௢௥௚ 𝑥 𝑂𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑐 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡 𝑓𝑟𝑎𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑂𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑐𝑙𝑏 ℎ𝑟= 𝑈𝑛𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑑 𝑂𝑟𝑔𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑐 𝑙𝑏 ℎ𝑟𝑥 1 − 𝑑𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑟𝑢𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝑒𝑓𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑦 Hideout Compressor Station Table C-6: Stream Compositions - Gunbarrel (T-1), Condensate Tanks (T-2 - T-6), Truck Loadout, TEG Dehydration Total (to combustor) Post Combustor (98% DE) Total (to combustor) Post Combustor (98% DE) Total (to combustor) Post Combustor (98% DE) Total (to combustor) Post Combustor (98% DE) CO2 3.820 3.820 2.52E-04 2.52E-04 0.202 0.202 3.861 3.861 N2 0.072 0.072 7.73E-08 7.73E-08 1.64E-03 0.002 0.001 0.001 C1 44.610 0.892 1.30E-04 2.60E-06 2.431 0.049 1.417 0.028 C2 66.898 1.338 2.20E-04 4.40E-06 3.495 0.070 3.941 0.079 C3 95.671 1.913 4.76E-05 9.53E-07 4.882 0.098 8.439 0.169 iC4 25.846 0.517 3.75E-06 7.50E-08 1.292 0.026 2.423 0.048 nC4 76.838 1.537 1.01E-05 2.02E-07 3.812 0.076 12.684 0.254 iC5 32.775 0.655 1.05E-06 2.09E-08 1.598 0.032 7.446 0.149 nC5 59.896 1.198 5.45E-07 1.09E-08 2.899 0.058 15.588 0.312 nC6 37.942 0.759 9.24E-08 1.85E-09 1.787 0.036 10.656 0.213 nC7 12.529 0.251 6.29E-09 1.26E-10 0.576 0.012 1.796 0.036 Benzene 1.742 0.035 1.36E-06 2.73E-08 8.25E-02 1.65E-03 15.957 0.319 o-Xylene 0.034 0.001 1.93E-09 3.86E-11 1.54E-03 3.07E-05 0.028 0.001 Ethylbenzene 0.004 0.000 1.96E-10 3.92E-12 1.59E-04 3.18E-06 0.003 0.000 Toluene 0.681 0.014 1.28E-07 2.57E-09 0.031 6.28E-04 2.779 0.056 Cyclohexane 22.333 0.447 4.93E-07 9.87E-09 1.051 2.10E-02 20.335 0.407 C8 0.487 0.010 2.25E-11 4.51E-13 0.022 4.36E-04 0.020 0.000 Methylcyclohexane 2.383 0.048 1.04E-08 2.08E-10 0.110 2.20E-03 0.865 0.017 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 0.512 0.010 4.51E-10 9.02E-12 0.024 4.74E-04 0.068 0.001 C10+0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 0.00E+00 Total VOC 369.67 7.39 6.52E-05 1.30E-06 18.17 0.36 99.09 1.98 Total HAP 40.91 0.82 1.59E-06 3.18E-08 1.93 0.04 29.49 0.59 HHV (Btu/scf)1974.8 82.5 1936.1 2432.0 MW (lb/lb-mole)42.70 18.56 41.77 58.33 Std. Vapor Flow MMscfd 2.88E-02 1.20E-06 1.48E-03 4.84E-03 Sales Oil RVP 12.907 psi TVP at Average Temp 16.89 psia Component TEG Dehydrator Emissions (tpy)Produced Water Loadout (tpy) Gun Barrel (T-1) & Condensate Tanks (T-2 - T-6) Emissions (tpy) Condensate Loadout (tpy) NOTE: All stream compositions and emissions shown in these tables are from Bryan Research & Engineering, Inc. ProMax™ 5.0 simulation software program for Hideout CSProcess_20230719.xlsx. Names Water Content Units lbm/MMSCF Compressed Wet Gas to Dehy 61.3 Dry Gas 1.82 Names Mass Flow Sum Units ton/yr Compressed Wet Gas to Dehy 449.4 Overheads 47.76 BTEX Emissions to Dehy Combustor 18.77 Temperature Pressure Std Vapor Volumetric Flow 120 1452.2 44.999 °F psia MMSCFD Pressure Temperature Std Vapor Volumetric Flow Gross Ideal Gas Heating Value 25* 120 982.7 1523.8 psig °F scf/hr Btu/ft^3 Temperature Pressure 100* 25* °F psia Temperature 120*°F Temperature 300*°F Pressure 1062*psia Std Liquid Volumetric Flow 7.5*sgpm Names Benzene(Mass Flow) Ethylbenzene(Mass Flow) Toluene(Mass Flow) o-Xylene(Mass Flow) n-Hexane(Mass Flow) 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane(Mass Flow) Units ton/yr ton/yr ton/yr ton/yr ton/yr ton/yr Flash Gas to Fuel System 1.4539 0.00043098 0.25737 0.0034909 13.141 0.094271 BTEX Emissions to Dehy Combustor 15.957 0.0025168 2.7788 0.028444 10.656 0.068441 Std Vapor Volumetric Flow Gross Ideal Gas Heating Value Temperature 201.69 2432 120* scfh Btu/ft^3 °F Process Streams BTEX Emissions to Dehy Combustor Composition Status: Solved Phase: Total From Block: BTEX Tank To Block:-- % 4.58953 6.80960 9.94444 2.16588 11.3390 5.36253 11.2261 6.42519 0.931154 10.6143 0.0139211 0.00123178 1.56704 11.3979 3.92021E-06 0.00124963 0 0 4.55817 0 12.5546 0.00912371 0.457902 0.0311319 0 0 lbmol/h 0.0201666 0.0299217 0.0436963 0.00951697 0.0498241 0.0235632 0.0493278 0.0282325 0.00409153 0.0466395 6.11698E-05 5.41250E-06 0.00688565 0.0500829 1.72256E-08 5.49092E-06 0 0 0.0200288 0 0.0551656 4.00900E-05 0.00201204 0.000136795 0 0 i-Pentane n-Pentane n-Hexane n-Heptane Benzene o-Xylene Mole Fraction Methane Ethane Propane i-Butane n-Butane Argon Carbon Dioxide Carbon Monoxide Cyclohexane C8 Methylcyclohexane Ethylbenzene Toluene Water Triethylene Glycol Nitrogen Oxygen Propane i-Butane n-Butane i-Pentane n-Pentane n-Hexane 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane C10+ C9 Molar Flow Methane Ethane Triethylene Glycol Nitrogen Oxygen Argon Carbon Dioxide Carbon Monoxide n-Heptane Benzene o-Xylene Ethylbenzene Toluene Water Cyclohexane C8 Methylcyclohexane 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane C10+ C9 % 1.26228 3.51041 7.51783 2.15821 11.2988 6.63308 13.8859 9.49260 1.59961 14.2142 0.0253379 0.00224198 2.47536 3.52032 1.00929E-05 0.000600155 0 0 3.43917 0 18.1144 0.0178675 0.770795 0.0609672 0 0 lb/h 0.323522 0.899716 1.92682 0.553147 2.89588 1.70005 3.55894 2.43295 0.409979 3.64310 0.00649409 0.000574618 0.634433 0.902257 2.58681E-06 0.000153819 0 0 0.881457 0 4.64271 0.00457942 0.197554 0.0156259 0 0 Mass Fraction Methane Ethane Propane i-Butane n-Butane Ethylbenzene Toluene Water Triethylene Glycol Nitrogen Oxygen i-Pentane n-Pentane n-Hexane n-Heptane Benzene o-Xylene 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane C10+ C9 Mass Flow Methane Ethane Argon Carbon Dioxide Carbon Monoxide Cyclohexane C8 Methylcyclohexane n-Heptane Benzene o-Xylene Ethylbenzene Toluene Water Propane i-Butane n-Butane i-Pentane n-Pentane n-Hexane Cyclohexane C8 Methylcyclohexane 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane C10+ C9 Triethylene Glycol Nitrogen Oxygen Argon Carbon Dioxide Carbon Monoxide Process Streams BTEX Emissions to Dehy Combustor Properties Status: Solved Phase: Total From Block: BTEX Tank To Block:-- Property Units Temperature °F 120* Pressure psia 14.7 Mole Fraction Vapor % 100 Mole Fraction Light Liquid % 0 Mole Fraction Heavy Liquid % 0 Phase Mole Fraction % 100 Molecular Weight lb/lbmol 58.3289 Mass Density lb/ft^3 0.140681 Molar Flow lbmol/h 0.439404 Mass Flow lb/h 25.6299 Vapor Volumetric Flow ft^3/h 182.185 Liquid Volumetric Flow gpm 22.7139 Std Vapor Volumetric Flow MMSCFD 0.00484050 Std Liquid Volumetric Flow sgpm 0.0779824 Compressibility 0.979762 Specific Gravity 2.01394 API Gravity Enthalpy Btu/h -23451.9 Mass Enthalpy Btu/lb -915.020 Mass Cp Btu/(lb*°F) 0.380568 Ideal Gas CpCv Ratio 1.09911 Dynamic Viscosity cP 0.00875479 Kinematic Viscosity cSt 3.88498 Thermal Conductivity Btu/(h*ft*°F) 0.0100966 Surface Tension lbf/ft Net Ideal Gas Heating Value Btu/ft^3 2258.54 Net Liquid Heating Value Btu/lb 17580.4 Gross Ideal Gas Heating Value Btu/ft^3 2432.04 Gross Liquid Heating Value Btu/lb 18946.2 Std Liquid Volumetric Flow API Gravity 60F/60F Specific Gravity 60F/60F 572.81 72.778 0.69268 bbl/d Temperature Pressure 50 25 °F psig Temperature Pressure 62.096* 0* °F psig Temperature Pressure Std Liquid Volumetric Flow 50 25* 601.43 °F psig bbl/day Temperature Pressure Std Vapor Volumetric Flow 80* 25* 46.754 °F psig MMSCFD Names Benzene(Mass Flow) Toluene(Mass Flow ) Ethylbenzene(Mass Flow ) o-Xylene(Mass Flow) n-Hexane(Mass Flow) 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane(Mass Flow ) Units ton/yr ton/yr ton/yr ton/yr ton/yr ton/yr Total CND Tank Emissions 0.10804 0.041109 0.00020832 0.00201 2.3392 0.031041 CND Tank Loadout Em 0.082519 0.031399 0.00015911 0.0015352 1.7866 0.023709 Pit Tank Loadout Em 1.3646e-06* 1.2827e-07* 1.9624e-10* 1.9294e-09* 9.2394e-08* 4.5081e-10* GB Overhead Gas 1.6335 0.63944 0.0033348 0.032294 35.603 0.4811 Std Liquid Volumetric Flow True Vapor Pressure Reid Vapor Pressure 22.996 18.871 1.0799 bbl/d psia psi Names Std Liquid Volumetric Flow Units bbl/d 8 1002.6 1 1050.9 6 1000.1 Process Streams CND Tank Loadout Em GB Overhead Gas Gunbarrel and CND Tank Emissions Pit Tank Loadout Em Total CND Tank Emissions Composition Status: Solved Solved Solved Solved Solved Phase: Total From Block:(5) 400-bbl Condensate Tanks (1) 400-bbl Gunbarrel (Pit) Tank MIX-101 --MIX-102 To Block: MIX-105 MIX-101 MIX-105 MIX-105 MIX-101 %%%%% 25.8244 24.1351 24.2483 1.69123* 25.8244 19.8135 19.3710 19.4007 1.53007* 19.8135 18.8717 18.9230 18.9196 0.225808* 18.8717 3.79010 3.88397 3.87768 0.0134891* 3.79010 11.1787 11.5531 11.5281 0.0362870* 11.1787 3.77589 3.97456 3.96125 0.00303177* 3.77589 6.84792 7.26728 7.23919 0.00158053* 6.84792 3.53379 3.86131 3.83938 0.000224148* 3.53379 0.980204 1.09823 1.09032 1.31227E-05* 0.980204 0.180062 0.195449 0.194418 0.00365231* 0.180062 0.00246474 0.00284295 0.00281762 3.79951E-06* 0.00246474 0.000255444 0.000293574 0.000291020 3.86438E-07* 0.000255444 0.0580837 0.0648621 0.0644081 0.000291038* 0.0580837 1.96269 2.27354 2.25271 95.2946* 1.96269 5.71930E-09 1.33521E-08 1.28408E-08 2.73967E-06* 5.71930E-09 0.00999703 0.0231690 0.0222867 0.000576855* 0.00999703 0 0 0 0* 0 0 0 0 0* 0 0.783303 0.754956 0.756854 1.19787* 0.783303 0 0 0 0* 0 2.12828 2.32734 2.31400 0.00122587* 2.12828 0.0325579 0.0374746 0.0371452 4.12412E-08* 0.0325579 0.190697 0.213116 0.211614 2.21668E-05* 0.190697 0.0353770 0.0393640 0.0390970 8.25079E-07* 0.0353770 0 0 0 0* 0 0 0 0 0* 0 lbmol/h lbmol/h lbmol/h lbmol/h lbmol/h 0.0345916 0.589576 0.634866 1.84694E-06* 0.0452899 0.0265401 0.473198 0.507946 1.67094E-06* 0.0347483 0.0252785 0.462254 0.495351 2.46598E-07* 0.0330965 0.00507681 0.0948782 0.101525 1.47311E-08* 0.00664694 0.0149738 0.282222 0.301827 3.96279E-08* 0.0196048 0.00505779 0.0970911 0.103713 3.31091E-09* 0.00662204 0.00917274 0.177526 0.189536 1.72605E-09* 0.0120096 0.00473349 0.0943248 0.100522 2.44786E-10* 0.00619743 0.00131298 0.0268276 0.0285467 1.43309E-11* 0.00171905 0.000241192 0.00477446 0.00509025 3.98857E-09* 0.000315786 3.30151E-06 6.94481E-05 7.37706E-05 4.14932E-12* 4.32258E-06 3.42165E-07 7.17148E-06 7.61947E-06 4.22017E-13* 4.47988E-07 7.78027E-05 0.00158446 0.00168633 3.17834E-10* 0.000101865 0.00262901 0.0555383 0.0589804 0.000104068* 0.00344210 7.66096E-12 3.26167E-10 3.36197E-10 2.99191E-12* 1.00303E-11 1.33910E-05 0.000565977 0.000583510 6.29965E-10* 1.75325E-05 0 0 0 0* 0 0 0 0 0* 0 0.00104923 0.0184422 0.0198159 1.30816E-06* 0.00137373 0 0 0 0* 0 0.00285082 0.0568525 0.0605850 1.33874E-09* 0.00373251 4.36111E-05 0.000915435 0.000972534 4.50383E-14* 5.70989E-05 0.000255437 0.00520603 0.00554046 2.42076E-11* 0.000334437 4.73872E-05 0.000961591 0.00102363 9.01044E-13* 6.20429E-05 0 0 0 0* 0 0 0 0 0* 0 %%%%% 9.91854 9.05240 9.10914 1.46163 9.91854 14.2636 13.6181 13.6603 2.47852 14.2636 19.9229 19.5087 19.5359 0.536412 19.9229 5.27398 5.27790 5.27764 0.0422365 5.27398 15.5554 15.6995 15.6900 0.113620 15.5554 6.52222 6.70442 6.69248 0.0117839 6.52222 11.8286 12.2587 12.2305 0.00614319 11.8286 7.29071 7.77968 7.74764 0.00104059 7.29071 2.35147 2.57283 2.55833 7.08373E-05 2.35147 0.336732 0.356939 0.355615 0.0153690 0.336732 0.00626469 0.00705658 0.00700469 2.17306E-05 0.00626469 0.000649266 0.000728690 0.000723487 2.21016E-06 0.000649266 0.128127 0.139725 0.138965 0.00144462 0.128127 0.846525 0.957605 0.950327 92.4851 0.846525 2.05627E-08 4.68797E-08 4.51555E-08 2.21642E-05 2.05627E-08 0.00670476 0.0151746 0.0146197 0.000870552 0.00670476 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0.825320 0.776804 0.779982 2.84001 0.825320 0 0 0 0 0 4.28823 4.57937 4.56029 0.00555791 4.28823 0.0890384 0.100082 0.0993582 2.53787E-07 0.0890384 0.448270 0.489225 0.486542 0.000117250 0.448270 0.0967479 0.105128 0.104579 5.07730E-06 0.0967479 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane C10+ C9 Argon Carbon Dioxide Carbon Monoxide Cyclohexane C8 Methylcyclohexane Ethylbenzene Toluene Water Triethylene Glycol Nitrogen Oxygen i-Pentane n-Pentane n-Hexane n-Heptane Benzene o-Xylene Mass Fraction Methane Ethane Propane i-Butane n-Butane Cyclohexane C8 Methylcyclohexane 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane C10+ C9 Triethylene Glycol Nitrogen Oxygen Argon Carbon Dioxide Carbon Monoxide n-Heptane Benzene o-Xylene Ethylbenzene Toluene Water Propane i-Butane n-Butane i-Pentane n-Pentane n-Hexane 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane C10+ C9 Molar Flow Methane Ethane Argon Carbon Dioxide Carbon Monoxide Cyclohexane C8 Methylcyclohexane Ethylbenzene Toluene Water Triethylene Glycol Nitrogen Oxygen i-Pentane n-Pentane n-Hexane n-Heptane Benzene o-Xylene Mole Fraction Methane Ethane Propane i-Butane n-Butane lb/h lb/h lb/h lb/h lb/h 0.554935 9.45826 10.1848 2.96295E-05* 0.726562 0.798036 14.2286 15.2735 5.02435E-05* 1.04485 1.11467 20.3834 21.8428 1.08739E-05* 1.45941 0.295076 5.51453 5.90086 8.56201E-07* 0.386335 0.870311 16.4034 17.5428 2.30326E-06* 1.13948 0.364913 7.00501 7.48278 2.38878E-07* 0.477772 0.661802 12.8083 13.6748 1.24532E-07* 0.866481 0.407910 8.12847 8.66254 2.10945E-08* 0.534066 0.131563 2.68818 2.86043 1.43598E-09* 0.172252 0.0188399 0.372942 0.397608 3.11555E-07* 0.0246666 0.000350505 0.00737295 0.00783186 4.40513E-10* 0.000458907 3.63260E-05 0.000761361 0.000808921 4.48035E-11* 4.75607E-05 0.00716862 0.145990 0.155376 2.92847E-08* 0.00938569 0.0473624 1.00054 1.06255 0.00187482* 0.0620104 1.15047E-09 4.89815E-08 5.04878E-08 4.49304E-10* 1.50628E-09 0.000375127 0.0158549 0.0163461 1.76475E-08* 0.000491144 0 0 0 0* 0 0 0 0 0* 0 0.0461761 0.811631 0.872088 5.75715E-05* 0.0604572 0 0 0 0* 0 0.239924 4.78468 5.09880 1.12668E-07* 0.314126 0.00498163 0.104569 0.111091 5.14465E-12* 0.00652233 0.0250804 0.511159 0.543996 2.37685E-09* 0.0328371 0.00541297 0.109841 0.116928 1.02925E-10* 0.00708707 0 0 0 0* 0 0 0 0 0*0 Process Streams CND Tank Loadout Em GB Overhead Gas Gunbarrel and CND Tank Emissions Pit Tank Loadout Em Total CND Tank Emissions Properties Status: Solved Solved Solved Solved Solved Phase: Total From Block: (5) 400-bbl Condensate Tanks (1) 400-bbl Gunbarrel (Pit) Tank MIX-101 -- MIX-102 To Block: MIX-105 MIX-101 MIX-105 MIX-105 MIX-101 Property Units Temperature °F 62.0960 62.096* 62.0937 61.5564 62.0960 Pressure psia 12.34 12.15* 12.15 0.281670 12.34 Mole Fraction Vapor % 100 100 100 100 100 Mole Fraction Light Liquid % 0 0 0 0 0 Mole Fraction Heavy Liquid % 0 0 0 0 0 Phase Mole Fraction % 100 100 100 100 100 Molecular Weight lb/lbmol 41.7689 42.7717 42.7045 18.5625 41.7689 Mass Density lb/ft^3 0.0931864 0.0939920 0.0938410 0.000935002 0.0931864 Molar Flow lbmol/h 0.133949 2.44282 2.61819 0.000109207 0.175377 Mass Flow lb/h 5.59493 104.483 111.809 0.00202716 7.32530 Vapor Volumetric Flow ft^3/h 60.0401 1111.62 1191.47 2.16808 78.6090 Liquid Volumetric Flow gpm 7.48552 138.592 148.547 0.270306 9.80061 Std Vapor Volumetric Flow MMSCFD 0.00147559 0.0269102 0.0288422 1.20303E-06 0.00193196 Std Liquid Volumetric Flow sgpm 0.0224465 0.413582 0.442970 4.42430E-06 0.0293886 Compressibility 0.987817 0.987422 0.987462 0.999713 0.987817 Specific Gravity 1.44217 1.47680 1.47448 0.640917 1.44217 API Gravity Enthalpy Btu/h -6324.25 -117063 -125343 -11.1887 -8280.18 Mass Enthalpy Btu/lb -1130.35 -1120.40 -1121.05 -5519.39 -1130.35 Mass Cp Btu/(lb*°F) 0.402529 0.400983 0.401080 0.437765 0.402529 Ideal Gas CpCv Ratio 1.13490 1.13190 1.13210 1.32353 1.13490 Dynamic Viscosity cP 0.00845169 0.00838505 0.00838941 0.00989650 0.00845169 Kinematic Viscosity cSt 5.66200 5.56922 5.58108 660.767 5.66200 Thermal Conductivity Btu/(h*ft*°F) 0.0112749 0.0110902 0.0111023 0.0115721 0.0112749 Surface Tension lbf/ft Net Ideal Gas Heating Value Btu/ft^3 1780.16 1818.91 1816.32 39.0677 1780.16 Net Liquid Heating Value Btu/lb 19412.1 19366.9 19369.9 -21.1499 19412.1 Gross Ideal Gas Heating Value Btu/ft^3 1936.13 1977.63 1974.85 82.5171 1936.13 Gross Liquid Heating Value Btu/lb 21126.7 21070.8 21074.4 1053.29 21126.7 Cyclohexane C8 Methylcyclohexane 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane C10+ C9 Triethylene Glycol Nitrogen Oxygen Argon Carbon Dioxide Carbon Monoxide n-Heptane Benzene o-Xylene Ethylbenzene Toluene Water Propane i-Butane n-Butane i-Pentane n-Pentane n-Hexane Mass Flow Methane Ethane Hideout Compressor Station Emission Source: Fugitives Table C-8:Fugitive Equipment Leaks Emissions Calculations Operating Hours: Emission Equipment Factors (a) Service Type kg/hr/source Count (b)wt %lb/hr (c)tpy (d)wt %lb/hr (c)tpy (d)wt %lb/hr (c)tpy (d)wt %lb/hr (c)tpy (d)wt %lb/hr (c)tpy (d)wt %lb/hr (c)tpy (d)wt %lb/hr (c)tpy (d) Valves 2.50E-05 297 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.04 Pump Seals 3.50E-04 140 0.03 0.12 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.27 Others 1.20E-04 378 0.02 0.11 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.06 0.25 Connectors 1.00E-05 665 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.04 Flanges 5.70E-06 1245 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.04 Open-Ended 1.50E-05 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Valves 1.90E-05 178 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pump Seals 5.10E-04 5 0.01 0.02 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Others 1.10E-04 68 0.02 0.07 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Connectors 9.70E-06 317 0.01 0.03 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Flanges 2.40E-06 477 0.00 0.01 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Open-Ended 1.40E-05 3 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Valves 9.70E-06 432 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Pump Seals 2.40E-05 70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Others 5.90E-05 420 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Connectors 1.00E-05 1108 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Flanges 2.90E-06 70 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Open-Ended 3.50E-06 0 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 5873 0.10 0.44 1.07E-02 4.67E-02 4.75E-04 2.08E-03 5.82E-04 2.55E-03 1.08E-05 4.74E-05 1.33E-04 5.83E-04 0.15 0.65 Notes: (a) Emission factors are from Table 2-8 of the "Protocol for Equipment Leak Emission Estimates". EPA-453/R-95-017. (b) Based on scaled equipment count from Farm Compression Station. (c) Hourly Emission Rate (lb/hr) = (Emission Factor, kg/hour/source) * (count) * (1000 kg/g) / (453.59 g/lb) * (wt %) (d) Annual Emission Rate (tpy) = (Hourly Emission Rate, lb/hr) * (hr/yr) / (2,000 lb/ton) (e) Weight Percents of Hydrocarbons taken from Farm CS discharge to be representative inlet gas composition for Hideout CS. (f) Weight Percents of Hydrocarbons taken from condensate stream from Bryan Research & Engineering, Inc. ProMax™ 5.0 simulation software program for Hideout CS Process_20230719.xlsx. *Available upon request* 7/1/2023 8,760 hr/yr VOC n-Hexane Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylene Emissions 1.43% 0.03% CH4 Gas (e)24.37% 0.64% 0.0298% 0.0090% 0.0000% 0.0000% 57.88% Total 0.34% 0.02% Water/Oil Light Oil (f)99.76% 23.16% 1.03% Natural Gas Composition- Inlet Gas (Single Stage) Company Division District State Field Facility 1280.59 Sales/Fuel Gas Mole PercentP = true vapor pressure of liquid loaded (psia). TVP derived from stream compositions in Bryan Research & Engineering, Inc. ProMax™ 3.2 simulation software program for Farm CS Process_20191126 20psig.pmx.xlsx.Weight Weight Fraction Carbon Weight HHV Nitrogen N2 0.31 28.00 0.088 0.004 0.00 0.00 Hydrogen Sulfide H2S 0.00 34.08 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 Carbonyl Sulfide COS 0.00 60.08 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 Carbon Disulfide CS2 0.00 76.14 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 Carbon Dioxide CO2 0.843 44.00 0.371 0.017 0.10 0.00 Methane CH4 77.7599 16.00 12.442 0.579 9.33 78424.65 Ethane C2H6 11.1886 30.00 3.357 0.156 2.69 19838.36 Propane C3H8 5.5791 44.00 2.455 0.114 2.01 14055.21 isoButane C4H10 0.7975 58.00 0.463 0.022 0.38 2594.73 n-Butane C4H10 1.9979 58.00 1.159 0.054 0.96 6515.91 isoPentane C5H12 0.4311 72.00 0.310 0.014 0.26 1724.36 n-Pentane C5H12 0.668 72.00 0.481 0.022 0.40 2876.63 Hexane C6H14 (w/o n-Hexane)0.1859 86.00 0.160 0.007 0.13 883.46 n-Hexane C6H14 0.1606 86.00 0.138 0.006 0.12 757.41 Benzene C6H6 0.008 78.11 0.006 0.000 0.01 30.77 C7+0.06 100.00 0.061 0.003 0.04 334.98 Toluene 0.002 92.14 0.002 0.000 0.00 9.42 Ethylbenzene 0.00 106.17 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 Xylenes 0.00 106.17 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 0.00 114.22 0.003 0.000 0.00 12.93 100.00 21.495 1.000 0.764 1280.59 Calculated Gas Properties Gas Molecular Weight 21.495 g/gmol, lb/lbmol Carbon Weight Fraction 0.764 Calculated Gas HHV 1280.588 Btu/scf VOC Weight Fraction 0.24 HAP Weight Fraction 0.01 Kinder Morgan Midstream Utah Altamont Fuel Composition Applicability Hideout single stage inlet post slug catcher Fuel Higher Heating Value (Btu/scf) Hideout CS Composition Identification Number Farm CS Discharge Gas Data Source/Reference and Contact Person Farm CS Discharge Gas Natural Gas Composition- Inlet Gas (3-Stage) Company Division District State Field Facility 1358.32 Sales/Fuel Gas Mole PercentP = true vapor pressure of liquid loaded (psia). TVP derived from stream compositions in Bryan Research & Engineering, Inc. ProMax™ 3.2 simulation software program for Farm CS Process_20191126 20psig.pmx.xlsx.Weight Weight Fraction Carbon Weight HHV Nitrogen N2 0.27 28.00 0.075 0.003 0.00 0.00 Hydrogen Sulfide H2S 0.00 34.08 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 Carbonyl Sulfide COS 0.00 60.08 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 Carbon Disulfide CS2 0.00 76.14 0.000 0.000 0.00 0.00 Carbon Dioxide CO2 0.8741 44.00 0.385 0.017 0.10 0.00 Methane CH4 74.7713 16.00 11.963 0.522 8.97 75410.51 Ethane C2H6 11.9154 30.00 3.575 0.156 2.86 21127.04 Propane C3H8 5.9551 44.00 2.620 0.114 2.14 15002.45 isoButane C4H10 0.853 58.00 0.495 0.022 0.41 2775.30 n-Butane C4H10 2.2058 58.00 1.279 0.056 1.06 7193.95 isoPentane C5H12 0.5975 72.00 0.430 0.019 0.36 2389.94 n-Pentane C5H12 1.0338 72.00 0.744 0.032 0.62 4451.89 Hexane C6H14 (w/o n-Hexane)0.5504 86.00 0.473 0.021 0.40 2615.68 n-Hexane C6H14 0.5167 86.00 0.444 0.019 0.37 2436.81 Benzene C6H6 0.030 78.11 0.023 0.001 0.02 111.82 C7+0.39 100.00 0.387 0.017 0.28 2110.83 Toluene 0.024 92.14 0.022 0.001 0.02 106.26 Ethylbenzene 0.00 106.17 0.000 0.000 0.00 2.07 Xylenes 0.00 106.17 0.005 0.000 0.00 25.60 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 0.01 114.22 0.015 0.001 0.01 71.39 100.00 22.937 1.000 0.768 1358.32 Calculated Gas Properties Gas Molecular Weight 22.937 g/gmol, lb/lbmol Carbon Weight Fraction 0.768 Calculated Gas HHV 1358.315 Btu/scf VOC Weight Fraction 0.30 HAP Weight Fraction 0.02 Fuel Higher Heating Value (Btu/scf) Composition Identification Number Data Source/Reference and Contact Person Harvest Inlet Ravolla CS. October 9, 2019 Fuel Composition Applicability Hideout Station inlet post slug catcher Hideout Compressor Station Kinder Morgan Midstream Utah Altamont TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Detail Format Tank Indentification and Physical Characteristics Identification User Identification:LO Tank City:Salt Lake City State:Utah Company: Type of Tank:Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Description:200 bbl Lube Oil Tank at Hideout Compressor Station Tank Dimensions Shell Height (ft):10.00 Diameter (ft):12.00 Liquid Height (ft) :9.00 Avg. Liquid Height (ft):6.00 Volume (gallons):7,614.27 Turnovers:4.00 Net Throughput(gal/yr):30,457.07 Is Tank Heated (y/n):N Paint Characteristics Shell Color/Shade:Gray/Light Shell Condition Good Roof Color/Shade:Gray/Light Roof Condition:Good Roof Characteristics Type:Cone Height (ft)0.50 Slope (ft/ft) (Cone Roof)0.10 Breather Vent Settings Vacuum Settings (psig):-0.03 Pressure Settings (psig)0.03 Meterological Data used in Emissions Calculations: Salt Lake City, Utah (Avg Atmospheric Pressure = 12.64 psia) Page 1 of 6TANKS 4.0 Report 11/7/2019file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Tanks409d/summarydisplay.htm LO-Tank TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Detail Format Liquid Contents of Storage Tank LO Tank - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Salt Lake City, Utah Daily Liquid Surf. Temperature (deg F) Liquid Bulk Temp Vapor Pressure (psia) Vapor Mol. Liquid Mass Vapor Mass Mol. Basis for Vapor Pressure Mixture/Component Month Avg. Min. Max. (deg F) Avg. Min. Max. Weight. Fract. Fract. Weight Calculations Jet naphtha (JP-4)All 59.41 49.72 69.11 54.20 1.2823 0.9944 1.5732 80.0000 120.00 Option 1: VP50 = 1 VP60 = 1.3 Page 2 of 6TANKS 4.0 Report 11/7/2019file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Tanks409d/summarydisplay.htm LO-Tank TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Detail Format Detail Calculations (AP-42) LO Tank - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Salt Lake City, Utah Annual Emission Calcaulations Standing Losses (lb):297.1280 Vapor Space Volume (cu ft):471.2389 Vapor Density (lb/cu ft):0.0184 Vapor Space Expansion Factor:0.1204 Vented Vapor Saturation Factor:0.7793 Tank Vapor Space Volume: Vapor Space Volume (cu ft):471.2389 Tank Diameter (ft):12.0000 Vapor Space Outage (ft):4.1667 Tank Shell Height (ft):10.0000 Average Liquid Height (ft):6.0000 Roof Outage (ft):0.1667 Roof Outage (Cone Roof) Roof Outage (ft):0.1667 Roof Height (ft):0.5000 Roof Slope (ft/ft):0.1000 Shell Radius (ft):6.0000 Vapor Density Vapor Density (lb/cu ft):0.0184 Vapor Molecular Weight (lb/lb-mole):80.0000 Vapor Pressure at Daily Average Liquid Surface Temperature (psia):1.2823 Daily Avg. Liquid Surface Temp. (deg. R):519.0816 Daily Average Ambient Temp. (deg. F):51.9625 Ideal Gas Constant R (psia cuft / (lb-mol-deg R)):10.731 Liquid Bulk Temperature (deg. R):513.8725 Tank Paint Solar Absorptance (Shell):0.5400 Tank Paint Solar Absorptance (Roof):0.5400 Daily Total Solar Insulation Factor (Btu/sqft day):1,452.1184 Vapor Space Expansion Factor Vapor Space Expansion Factor:0.1204 Daily Vapor Temperature Range (deg. R):38.7740 Daily Vapor Pressure Range (psia):0.5788 Breather Vent Press. Setting Range(psia):0.0600 Vapor Pressure at Daily Average Liquid Surface Temperature (psia):1.2823 Vapor Pressure at Daily Minimum Liquid Surface Temperature (psia):0.9944 Vapor Pressure at Daily Maximum Liquid Surface Temperature (psia):1.5732 Daily Avg. Liquid Surface Temp. (deg R):519.0816 Daily Min. Liquid Surface Temp. (deg R):509.3881 Daily Max. Liquid Surface Temp. (deg R):528.7751 Daily Ambient Temp. Range (deg. R):23.3583 Vented Vapor Saturation Factor Vented Vapor Saturation Factor:0.7793 Vapor Pressure at Daily Average Liquid: Surface Temperature (psia):1.2823 Vapor Space Outage (ft):4.1667 Working Losses (lb):74.3935 Vapor Molecular Weight (lb/lb-mole):80.0000 Vapor Pressure at Daily Average Liquid Surface Temperature (psia):1.2823 Annual Net Throughput (gal/yr.):30,457.0664 Annual Turnovers:4.0000 Turnover Factor:1.0000 Maximum Liquid Volume (gal):7,614.2666 Maximum Liquid Height (ft):9.0000 Tank Diameter (ft):12.0000 Working Loss Product Factor:1.0000 Total Losses (lb):371.5215 Page 3 of 6TANKS 4.0 Report 11/7/2019file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Tanks409d/summarydisplay.htm LO-Tank TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Detail Format Individual Tank Emission Totals Emissions Report for: Annual LO Tank - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Salt Lake City, Utah Losses(lbs) Components Working Loss Breathing Loss Total Emissions Jet naphtha (JP-4) 74.39 297.13 371.52 Page 5 of 6TANKS 4.0 Report 11/7/2019file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Tanks409d/summarydisplay.htm LO-Tank TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Detail Format Tank Indentification and Physical Characteristics Identification User Identification:ULO Tank City:Salt Lake City State:Utah Company: Type of Tank:Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Description:200 bbl Lube Oil Tank at Hideout Compressor Station Tank Dimensions Shell Height (ft):10.00 Diameter (ft):12.00 Liquid Height (ft) :9.00 Avg. Liquid Height (ft):6.00 Volume (gallons):7,614.27 Turnovers:4.00 Net Throughput(gal/yr):30,457.07 Is Tank Heated (y/n):N Paint Characteristics Shell Color/Shade:Gray/Light Shell Condition Good Roof Color/Shade:Gray/Light Roof Condition:Good Roof Characteristics Type:Cone Height (ft)0.50 Slope (ft/ft) (Cone Roof)0.10 Breather Vent Settings Vacuum Settings (psig):-0.03 Pressure Settings (psig)0.03 Meterological Data used in Emissions Calculations: Salt Lake City, Utah (Avg Atmospheric Pressure = 12.64 psia) Page 1 of 6TANKS 4.0 Report 11/7/2019file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Tanks409d/summarydisplay.htm ULO-Tank TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Detail Format Liquid Contents of Storage Tank ULO Tank - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Salt Lake City, Utah Daily Liquid Surf. Temperature (deg F) Liquid Bulk Temp Vapor Pressure (psia) Vapor Mol. Liquid Mass Vapor Mass Mol. Basis for Vapor Pressure Mixture/Component Month Avg. Min. Max. (deg F) Avg. Min. Max. Weight. Fract. Fract. Weight Calculations Jet naphtha (JP-4)All 59.41 49.72 69.11 54.20 1.2823 0.9944 1.5732 80.0000 120.00 Option 1: VP50 = 1 VP60 = 1.3 Page 2 of 6TANKS 4.0 Report 11/7/2019file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Tanks409d/summarydisplay.htm ULO-Tank TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Detail Format Detail Calculations (AP-42) ULO Tank - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Salt Lake City, Utah Annual Emission Calcaulations Standing Losses (lb):297.1280 Vapor Space Volume (cu ft):471.2389 Vapor Density (lb/cu ft):0.0184 Vapor Space Expansion Factor:0.1204 Vented Vapor Saturation Factor:0.7793 Tank Vapor Space Volume: Vapor Space Volume (cu ft):471.2389 Tank Diameter (ft):12.0000 Vapor Space Outage (ft):4.1667 Tank Shell Height (ft):10.0000 Average Liquid Height (ft):6.0000 Roof Outage (ft):0.1667 Roof Outage (Cone Roof) Roof Outage (ft):0.1667 Roof Height (ft):0.5000 Roof Slope (ft/ft):0.1000 Shell Radius (ft):6.0000 Vapor Density Vapor Density (lb/cu ft):0.0184 Vapor Molecular Weight (lb/lb-mole):80.0000 Vapor Pressure at Daily Average Liquid Surface Temperature (psia):1.2823 Daily Avg. Liquid Surface Temp. (deg. R):519.0816 Daily Average Ambient Temp. (deg. F):51.9625 Ideal Gas Constant R (psia cuft / (lb-mol-deg R)):10.731 Liquid Bulk Temperature (deg. R):513.8725 Tank Paint Solar Absorptance (Shell):0.5400 Tank Paint Solar Absorptance (Roof):0.5400 Daily Total Solar Insulation Factor (Btu/sqft day):1,452.1184 Vapor Space Expansion Factor Vapor Space Expansion Factor:0.1204 Daily Vapor Temperature Range (deg. R):38.7740 Daily Vapor Pressure Range (psia):0.5788 Breather Vent Press. Setting Range(psia):0.0600 Vapor Pressure at Daily Average Liquid Surface Temperature (psia):1.2823 Vapor Pressure at Daily Minimum Liquid Surface Temperature (psia):0.9944 Vapor Pressure at Daily Maximum Liquid Surface Temperature (psia):1.5732 Daily Avg. Liquid Surface Temp. (deg R):519.0816 Daily Min. Liquid Surface Temp. (deg R):509.3881 Daily Max. Liquid Surface Temp. (deg R):528.7751 Daily Ambient Temp. Range (deg. R):23.3583 Vented Vapor Saturation Factor Vented Vapor Saturation Factor:0.7793 Vapor Pressure at Daily Average Liquid: Surface Temperature (psia):1.2823 Vapor Space Outage (ft):4.1667 Working Losses (lb):74.3935 Vapor Molecular Weight (lb/lb-mole):80.0000 Vapor Pressure at Daily Average Liquid Surface Temperature (psia):1.2823 Annual Net Throughput (gal/yr.):30,457.0664 Annual Turnovers:4.0000 Turnover Factor:1.0000 Maximum Liquid Volume (gal):7,614.2666 Maximum Liquid Height (ft):9.0000 Tank Diameter (ft):12.0000 Working Loss Product Factor:1.0000 Total Losses (lb):371.5215 Page 3 of 6TANKS 4.0 Report 11/7/2019file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Tanks409d/summarydisplay.htm ULO-Tank TANKS 4.0.9d Emissions Report - Detail Format Individual Tank Emission Totals Emissions Report for: Annual ULO Tank - Vertical Fixed Roof Tank Salt Lake City, Utah Losses(lbs) Components Working Loss Breathing Loss Total Emissions Jet naphtha (JP-4) 74.39 297.13 371.52 Page 5 of 6TANKS 4.0 Report 11/7/2019file:///C:/Program%20Files%20(x86)/Tanks409d/summarydisplay.htm ULO-Tank Appendix D Facility Emission Forms 1.Form 5 - Table D-1 2.Form 5 - Table D-1a Form 5 Company Emissions Information Site Criteria /GHGs/HAP's Date Utah Division of Air Quality New Source Review Section Criteria Pollutants PM10 PM10 Fugitive PM2.5 NOx SO2 CO VOC VOC Fugitive NH3 Greenhouse Gases CO2 CH4 N2O HFCs PFCs SF6 Total CO2e Hazardous Air Pollutant** Formaldehyde n-Hexane 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane Benzene Toluene Ethylbenzene Xylenes Acrolein Methanol Other HAPs*** Total Facility HAPs **Use additional sheets for pollutants if needed Page 1 of 1 0.00 107,120.81 107,120.81 0.00 1.73E-03 1.73E-03 0.00 0.03 0.03 0.00 0.50 0.50 0.00 0.44 0.44 CO2e 102,411.11 4,655.02 54.69 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.18 0.18 0.00 0.21 0.21 *Potential to emit to include pollution control equipment as defined by R307-401-2. Hazardous Air Pollutants (Defined in Section 112(b) of the Clean Air Act) 0.00 1.83 1.83 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.02 0.02 Permitted Emissions (tons/year) Emissions Increase (tons/year) Proposed Emissions (tons/year) 0.00 0.12 0.12 Permitted Emissions (tons/yr) Emissions Increase (tons/yr) Proposed Emissions (tons/yr) Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station December 19, 2023 Table D-1: Proposed Emissions 0.00 9.38 9.38 Potential to Emit* Criteria Pollutants & GHGs 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 9.38 9.38 0.00 66.93 66.93 0.00 0.40 0.40 0.00 96.93 96.93 0.26 0.00 94.10 94.10 0.00 3.80 3.80 0.00 0.26 CO2e 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 CO2e 102,411.11 4,655.02 54.69 0.00 6.94 6.94 ***See individual calculation sheets for additional HAPs. Hazardous Air Pollutants (list individually)Maximum emissions rate (lbs/hour) 1,1,2,2-Tetrachloroethane 3.91E-04 1,1,2-Trichloroethane 2.36E-04 1.3-Butadiene 1.02E-02 1,3-Dichloropropene 1.96E-04 2-Methylnaphthalene 4.69E-08 3-Methylchloranthrene 3.51E-09 7,12-Dimethylbenz(a)anthracene 3.12E-08 2,2,4-Trimethylpentane 5.98E-03 Acenaphthene 3.51E-09 Acenaphthylene 3.51E-09 Acetaldehyde 4.31E-02 Anthracene 4.69E-09 Acrolein 4.06E-02 Benz(a)anthracene 3.51E-09 Benzo(a)pyrene 0.00E+00 Benzene 1.14E-01 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 0.00E+00 Benzo(e)pyrene 2.34E-09 Benzo(b)fluoranthene 3.51E-09 Benzo(g,h,i)perylene 2.34E-09 Benzo(k)fluoranthene 3.51E-09 Biphenyl 0.00E+00 Carbon Tetrachloride 2.73E-04 Chlorobenzene 1.99E-04 Chloroform 2.12E-04 Chrysene 3.51E-09 Dibenzo(a,h)anthracene 2.34E-09 Dichlorobenzene 2.34E-06 Ethylbenzene 3.94E-04 Ethylene Dibromide 3.29E-04 Fluoranthene 5.86E-09 Fluorene 5.47E-09 Formaldehyde 8.67E-01 Methanol 7.68E-02 Methylene Chloride 6.36E-04 n-Hexane 4.16E-01 Indeno(1,2,3-cd)pyrene 3.51E-09 Naphthalene 1.19E-06 PAH 2.18E-03 Phenanthrene 3.32E-08 Phenol 0.00E+00 POM 1.50E-03 Pyrene 9.76E-09 Styrene 1.84E-04 Tetrachloroethane 0.00E+00 Toluene 2.75E-02 Vinyl Chloride 1.11E-04 Xylene 4.12E-03 Highest Single HAP: Formaldehyde 8.67E-01 App. D, Table D-1a Utah Division of Air Quality Project Hourly HAP Emissions HAP Emissions Information (Continued) Form 5 Table D-1a Approval Order Application Appendix E Source Size Determination Kinder Morgan - Hideout Compressor Station Appendix E: Source Size Determination Narrative: Criteria Pollutants PM10 PM10 Fugitive PM2.5 NOx SO2 CO VOC VOC Fugitive Greenhouse Gases CO2 CH4 N2O HFCs PFCs SF6 Hazardous Air Pollutant Total HAPs Formaldehyde UAC R307-415-3 The Hideout Compressor Station is a new natural gas compressor facility located in Duchesne County, Utah in the Ozone Non-attainment area. This facility will be classified as an Area Source, as defined in R307-415-3, for all criteria air pollutants. 0.00 6.94 6.94 Page 1 of 1 0.00 3.80 3.80 0.00 107,120.81 107,120.81 Hazardous Air Pollutants (As defined in Section 12(b) of the Clean Air Act) Permitted Emissions (tons/year) Emissions Increase (tons/year) Proposed Emissions (tons/year) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 4,655.02 4,655.02 0.00 54.69 54.69 CO2e CO2e CO2e 0.00 102,411.11 102,411.11 0.00 94.10 94.10 0.00 0.44 0.44 0.00 0.40 0.40 0.00 96.93 96.93 0.00 9.38 9.38 0.00 66.93 66.93 0.00 9.38 9.38 0.00 0.00 0.00 Permitted Emissions (tons/year) Emissions Increase (tons/year) Proposed Emissions (tons/year) December 19, 2023 Table E-1: Source Size Determination Potential to Emit Criteria Pollutants & GHGs Appendix F  Offset Requirements  Appendix F Hideout Compressor Station – Emission Offset Requirements Requirement:Utah Administrative Code R307-420 establishes offset and maintenance requirements for owners and operators of new or modified facilities emitting Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) or Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) in Davis and Salt Lake counties. Applicability:Not applicable – The Hideout Compressor Station will not be located in the counties of Utah or Salt Lake. It will be constructed in the Ozone non-attainment area of Duchesne County, Utah which currently has no emissions offset requirements for area sources. Requirement:Utah Administrative Code R307-421 establishes offset and maintenance requirements for owners and operators of new or modified facilities emitting NOx or Sulfur Dioxide (SO2) in Utah and Salt Lake counties. Applicability:Not applicable – The Hideout Compressor Station is a new natural gas compressor facility located in Duchesne County, Utah in the Ozone Non-attainment area. This facility will be classified as an Area Source, as defined in R307-415-3, for all criteria air pollutants. Appendix G  BACT Discussion  Kinder Morgan Hideout Compressor Station Air Application December 19, 2023 SLR Project No.: 132.01110.0010 G-1 Appendix G Hideout BACT Discussion 1.0 Best Available Control Technology 1.1 R307-401-5(2)(d) Best Available Control Technology The notice of intent shall include an analysis of best available control technology (BACT) for the proposed source or modification. BACT is defined in R307-401-2 as: “an emissions limitation (including a visible emissions standard) based on the maximum degree of reduction for each air contaminant which would be emitted from any proposed stationary source or modification which the executive secretary, on a case-by-case basis, taking into account energy, environmental, and economic impacts and other costs, determines is achievable for such source or modification through application of production processes or available methods, systems, and techniques, including fuel cleaning or treatment or innovative fuel combustion techniques for control of such pollutant. In no event shall application of best available control technology result in emissions of any pollutant which would exceed the emissions allowed by any applicable standard under 40 CFR parts 60 and 61. If the executive secretary determines that technological or economic limitations on the application of measurement methodology to a particular emissions unit would make the imposition of an emissions standard infeasible, a design, equipment, work practice, operational standard or combination thereof, may be prescribed instead to satisfy the requirement for the application of best available control technology. Such standard shall, to the degree possible, set forth the emissions reduction achievable by implementation of such design, equipment, work practice or operation, and shall provide for compliance by means which achieve equivalent results.” BACT requirements are intended to ensure that a proposed facility will incorporate control systems that reflect the latest demonstrated practical techniques for a particular type of emission unit. The top-down BACT evaluation requires documentation and ranking of performance levels achievable for each technically feasible pollutant control technology applicable to the Hideout Compressor Station emission sources. The top-down approach to the BACT review process involves determining the most stringent control technology available. If it can be shown that the most stringent control technology is technically, environmentally, or economically impractical on a case-by-case basis for the particular source under evaluation, then the next most stringent level of control is determined and similarly evaluated. This process continues until a control technology and associated emission level is determined that cannot be eliminated by any technical, environmental, or economic objections. The top-down BACT evaluation process is described in the USEPA draft document "New Source Review Workshop Manual.” The five steps involved in a top- down BACT evaluation are: 1 Identify all available control options with practical potential for application to the specific emission unit for the regulated pollutant under evaluation; 2 Eliminate technically infeasible technology options; 3 Rank remaining control technologies by control effectiveness; 4 Evaluate the most effective control alternative and document results; if the top option is not selected as BACT, evaluate the next most effective control option; and 5 Select BACT, which will be the most effective practical option not rejected based on energy, environmental, or economic impacts. Kinder Morgan Hideout Compressor Station Air Application December 19, 2023 SLR Project No.: 132.01110.0010 G-2 This BACT analysis focuses on the ten (10) four-stroke rich burn (4SRB) Spark-Ignited Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (SI-RICE) proposed for the project. The SI- RICE, as a group, are the largest contributors of air emissions at the Hideout Compressor Station. The other emission sources are addressed briefly, only to describe the control technologies being employed, which currently reflect BACT for each respective source type. The following table summarizes the proposed controls and emission levels for NOx, CO and VOCs. Table G.1: Emission Unit Table There are ten (10) 4SRB natural gas fired SI-RICE proposed to drive compressors within the facility. For this project, each of the SI-RICE will be purchased new from the manufacturer. Emission Unit ID EU Description Make/Model Add-On Controls NOX (tpy) CO (tpy) PM10 (tpy) PM2.5 (tpy) SO2 (tpy) VOC (tpy) C-1 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 NSCR 5.50 5.57 6.43E-01 6.43E-01 0.04 5.50 C-2 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 NSCR 5.50 5.57 6.43E-01 6.43E-01 0.04 5.50 C-3 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 NSCR 5.50 5.57 6.43E-01 6.43E-01 0.04 5.50 C-4 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 NSCR 5.50 5.57 6.43E-01 6.43E-01 0.04 5.50 C-5 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 NSCR 5.50 5.57 6.43E-01 6.43E-01 0.04 5.50 C-6 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 NSCR 5.50 5.57 6.43E-01 6.43E-01 0.04 5.50 C-7 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 NSCR 5.50 5.57 6.43E-01 6.43E-01 0.04 5.50 C-8 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 NSCR 5.50 5.57 6.43E-01 6.43E-01 0.04 5.50 C-9 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 NSCR 5.50 5.57 6.43E-01 6.43E-01 0.04 5.50 C-10 Inlet Compressor 4SRB SI-RICE Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 NSCR 5.50 5.57 6.43E-01 6.43E-01 0.04 5.50 H-1 Heater / Reboiler n/a None 0.51 0.43 3.90E-02 3.90E-02 0.00 0.03 H-2 Gas Fired Stabilizer Heater n/a None 0.51 0.43 3.90E-02 3.90E-02 0.00 0.03 DEHY TEG Dehydration Unit Process Vents (Still Vent & Flash Tank) n/a Combustor (COM-2)- See COM-2 See COM-2 See COM-2 - See COM-2 COM-1 Tank & TLO Combustor TBD None 1.70 0.43 1.72E-01 1.72E-01 - 8.05 COM-2 BTEX Combustor TBD None 0.47 0.12 4.90E-02 4.90E-02 - 2.28 FL-1 Facility Flare TBD None 8.74 39.82 2.65E+00 2.65E+00 - 27.72 T-1 - T-6 (1) Gunbarrel & (5) Condensate Tanks n/a Combustor (COM-1)- See COM-1 See COM-1 See COM-1 - See COM-1 TRK-1 Truck Loading n/a Combustor (COM-1)- See COM-1 See COM-1 See COM-1 - See COM-1 LO-Tank Lube Oil Tank n/a None - - - - - 0.19 ULO-Tank Used Lube Oil Tank n/a None - - - - - 0.19 MT-Tank Methanol Storage Tank n/a None - - - - - 0.13 50/50-Tank Antifreeze Tank (50/50) n/a None - - - - - 0.00 FAB Ultra-fab H2S Removal System (closed loop) n/a n/a - - - - - 0.00 FAB-Tank H2S Removal n/a None - - - - - 0.00 PIG Pigging Emissions (Launcher/Receiver) n/a FL-1 - See FL-1 See FL-1 See FL-1 - See FL-1 BLW DWN Compressor Blow Down Events n/a FL-1 - See FL-1 See FL-1 See FL-1 - See FL-1 FUG-1 Fugitive - Component Leaks n/a n/a - - - - - 0.44 66.93 96.93 9.38 9.38 0.40 94.10 Hideout Compressor Station Facility-wide Emissions Kinder Morgan Hideout Compressor Station Air Application December 19, 2023 SLR Project No.: 132.01110.0010 G-3 1.2 SI-RICE BACT Analysis for NOx 1.2.1 Formation of NOx Nitrogen oxides (NOx) are formed in combustion processes primarily by either: 1) oxidation of nitrogen in the combustion air at high temperatures (thermal NOx), or 2) reduction and subsequent oxidation of nitrogen chemically bound in the fuel at slightly lower temperatures (fuel NOx). Virtually all NOx emissions originate as nitric oxide (NO) since both nitrogen and oxygen dissociate to atomic form at the high temperatures within the combustion flame. A minor fraction of the NO (1-5%) is further oxidized in the exhaust gas to nitrogen dioxide (NO2). Fuel NOx formation is affected by numerous factors, including the amount of chemically bound nitrogen in the fuel, the mixing rate of the fuel and combustion air, the flame temperature, the air to fuel ratio (AFR), and the residence time in the high temperature zones. However, since the nitrogen is not chemically bound, no fuel NOx is expected. The presence of nitrogen in the fuel may reduce the rate of thermal NOx formation by acting as an inert diluent and reduce peak flame temperatures, although it is not possible to quantify this impact. Therefore, fuel NOx is expected to contribute little, if any, to the total NOx emissions from these IC engines. Virtually all thermal NOx is formed in the region of the flame at the highest temperature. Maximum thermal NOx production occurs at a slightly lean fuel-to-air ratio due to the excess availability of oxygen for reaction within the hot flame zone. Thermal NOx formation is a function of combustion air preheat, residence time, free oxygen availability, and peak flame temperature. Preheating combustion air tends to increase the formation of thermal NOx. 1.2.2 Availability of NOx Control Technologies U.S. EPA has published several documents that identify NOx control techniques available for use on combustion sources. Information contained in two of these U.S. EPA documents was used to assist in the identification of available and technically feasible control technology options for natural gas-fired IC engines (USEPA 1992 and USEPA 1999). Available NOx control techniques for the IC engines can be classified as either combustion control methods (including inherently designed low emission equipment, processes, or fuels) aimed at reducing the formation of NOx in the various combustion processes by minimizing those factors which foster NOx formation, or flue gas controls which reduce the NOx present in the exhaust gases to elemental nitrogen. Table G.2: NOx Combustion Control Technology and Technical Feasibility Control Technology Combustion Control Technology Description Technically Feasible? AFR Controller An air-fuel ratio (AFR) controller monitors the oxygen content in the exhaust and provides feedback control to the fuel gas such that the combustion zone can be consistently maintained in an operating region which minimizes the formation of NOx. Feasible for units C-1 through C- 10. All ten engines will employ an electronic AFR to optimize combustion and reduce emissions. Pre-Stratified Charge (PSC) The concept of PSC is to introduce controlled amounts of air into the intake manifold in a specified sequence and quantity to create fuel-rich and fuel-lean combustion zones. The fuel-rich zone is adjacent to the igniter to Not Feasible on units C-1 through C-10. These units are new 4SRB SI-RICE. Retrofitting a new engine with PSC is technically infeasible Kinder Morgan Hideout Compressor Station Air Application December 19, 2023 SLR Project No.: 132.01110.0010 G-4 Control Technology Combustion Control Technology Description Technically Feasible? insure stable operation of the engine. The fuel lean zone rapidly quenches the flame reducing the NOx formation rate. and not as effective as available flue gas treatment options. Lean Burn Technology In a lean burn engine, a large volume of air is introduced into the chamber to lower the flame temperature and reduce NOx formation rates. To maintain stable engine operation at extremely lean main chamber conditions, a fuel rich mixture is introduced into a small pre- chamber containing an igniter plug. Once ignited, the flame passes from the pre- chamber into the main cylinder to provide an effective ignition source for the extremely lean fuel air mixture. Not Feasible for units C-1 through C-10. These units are four stroke rich burn (4SRB) engines. As such, they cannot be retrofitted to employ lean-burn technology. Ultra Lean Burn Technology (ULB) A SI-RICE engine that uses ULB technology employs Lean Burn technology and improvements of several combustion and control systems to achieve the lowest engine NOx emissions, and increased fuel efficiency. Advanced combustion controls, turbo matching and air/fuel mixing are all optimized in a ULB system. Not Feasible for units C-1 through C-10. These units are four stroke rich burn (4SRB) engines. As such, they cannot be retrofitted to employ ULB technology. 1.2.3 General Description of NOx Flue Gas Treatment Controls and Technical Feasibility Unlike combustion controls which seek to minimize the formation of NOx, flue gas controls, selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR), non-selective catalytic reduction (NSCR), and selective catalytic reduction (SCR), are designed to reduce the NOx which has already been formed to molecular nitrogen. SCR and SNCR processes inject a reducing agent into the flue gas of a combustion unit which reduces NO to molecular nitrogen. Reducing agents are injected into the flue gas either in the presence or absence of a catalyst. NSCR utilizes reducing compounds in the flue gas to convert NO to molecular nitrogen. Each of these flue gas treatment control options is described below. Table G.3: NOx Flue Gas Treatment Controls and Technical Feasibility Control Technology Control Technology Description Technically Feasible? Selective Non- catalytic Reduction (SNCR) The non-catalytic process, SNCR, involves the non-catalytic decomposition of NOx in the flue gas to nitrogen and water using either urea or ammonia as a reducing agent. The ammonia process is based on a gas phase homogeneous reaction between NH3 and NOx within a specific temperature range (1,600 to 2,200°F). Ammonia must be injected into the flue gas by means of a carrier gas (air or steam). Not Feasible for units C-1 through C-10. This control technology requires exhaust temperatures above 1,300°F. The rich burn IC engines will operate between 950 and 1,150°F In addition, SNCR requires a residence time longer than feasible in an IC engine source. Non Selective Catalytic Reduction (NSCR) NSCR has been used to control NOx emissions from rich-burn engines for many years. In the presence of CO and NMHC in the engine exhaust, the catalyst converts NOx Feasible for units C-1 through C- 10. These units are rich-burn engines and as such can employ NSCR for effective NOx reduction. Kinder Morgan Hideout Compressor Station Air Application December 19, 2023 SLR Project No.: 132.01110.0010 G-5 Control Technology Control Technology Description Technically Feasible? to nitrogen and oxygen. A stack temperature between 800 and 1,200°F is needed for peak reduction performance of 80 to 90%. Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR) SCR utilizes a metal-based catalyst and the injection of an ammonia reducing agent upstream of the catalyst. In a typical ammonia injection system, anhydrous ammonia is drawn from a storage tank and evaporated using a steam or electric-heated vaporizer. The vapor is mixed with a pressurized carrier gas to provide both sufficient momentum through the injection nozzles and effective mixing of the ammonia with the exhaust gases Not Feasible for units C-1 through C-10. These units are 4SRB SI- RICE and SCR is not an appropriate control technology for rich burn engines. 1.2.4 Summary of Selected SI-RICE NOx BACT (Units C-1 through C-10) The Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 engine is classified as a four-stroke rich burn (4SRB) engine and is considered to have a maximum rated power of 1,900 bhp. Each engine will be purchased new as a driver for ten natural gas compressors. Exhaust stacks for each of the units will be equipped with a NSCR (3-way) catalyst to reduce the NOx emissions rates by more than 97% to achieve 0.30 g/bhp-hr. This combustion control technology is lower than the generally accepted BACT level of 1.0 g NOx/bhp-hr for new natural gas-fired 4SRB engines and constitutes BACT. Table G.4 summarizes the proposed emission rates for each engine. These values can be achieved with no adverse operational, environmental or energy impacts. Table G.4: Summary of NOx BACT Emission Rates Engine Emission Rates Control Technology Waukesha 7044 GSI S5 0.3 g/bhp-hr 1.26 lb/hr 5.50 tpy NSCR 1.3 SI-RICE BACT Analysis for CO and VOC 1.3.1 Formation of CO and VOC CO and VOC emissions are a product of incomplete combustion in a combustion source. Complete combustion of a hydrocarbon fuel would theoretically result in water vapor and carbon dioxide as exhaust products. However, due to less-than-ideal conditions, combustion is incomplete, and a small fraction of CO and VOC are present in the exhaust. The rate of CO and VOC emissions are dependent upon the parameters that affect the combustion efficiency. These include proper mixing of the fuel and combustion air and adequate residence time at temperature to complete the oxidation process. 1.3.2 Four-Stroke Rich Burn Engines – Technically Feasible and Selected CO/VOC Control Technologies Units C-1 through C-10 are natural gas-fired, four-stroke rich burn (4SRB) engines. Technically feasible, and widely used CO/VOC control techniques for 4SRB engines has been Non-selective Catalytic Reduction (NSCR), and combustion tuning and operation per the manufacturer's recommendations. All proposed 4SRB engines will be equipped with an NSCR to reduce NOx, CO, and VOC emissions in the exhaust stack. This level of control Kinder Morgan Hideout Compressor Station Air Application December 19, 2023 SLR Project No.: 132.01110.0010 G-6 technology is considered BACT and the emission rates are lower than the current standards, as applicable, in 40 CFR 60 Subpart JJJJ for control of CO and VOC. Table G.5: CO and VOC - Standards and Proposed Emissions Constituent JJJJ Limit (g/hp-hr) Proposed Emissions (g/hp-hr) CO 2.0 0.3 VOC 0.7 0.3 Table G.6 summarizes the proposed emission limits for each engine. These values can be achieved with no adverse operational, environmental or energy impacts. Table G.6: Summary of CO and VOC BACT Emission Rates Pollutant Emission Limit Control Technology CO 0.3 g/bhp-hr 1.27 lb/hr 5.57 tpy NSCR VOC 0.3 g/bhp-hr 1.26 lb/hr 5.50 tpy NSCR 1.4 SI-RICE BACT Analysis for SO2 and PM10 Emissions of SO2 are generated in fossil fuel-fired sources from the oxidation of sulfur present in the fuel. Emissions of PM10 are a function of ash content, firing configuration, and operational practices. Uncontrolled emissions of SO2 are thus affected by fuel sulfur content alone, and not by source category, mechanism, size, or operation. Uncontrolled emissions of PM10 are affected by the non-combustible inert matter and condensable substances such as acid gases, which for natural gas combustion are negligible. No add-on SO2 or PM10 controls have ever been applied to IC engines firing pipeline-quality natural gas. Each IC engine at the Hideout Compressor Station will fire pipeline-quality natural gas and, as such, none of the proposed IC engines will be equipped with SO2 or PM10 controls. Potential emissions of SO2 and PM10 from the engines are extremely small, less than 1 tpy each. As such, BACT is determined to be the use of pipeline-quality natural gas as fuel and proper operation and maintenance of each IC engine according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. 1.5 Other Emission Units - BACT Analysis for VOCs 1.5.1 Triethylene Glycol (TEG) Dehydrator Vents The still vent for the TEG regeneration processes at the Hideout Compressor Station will be routed through a condenser with all non-condensable vapors from the condenser vent being directed to an enclosed combustor (COM-2). The combustor will be purchased new for service at the facility and will achieve a destruction efficiency of 95% or greater. The TEG dehydrator flash tank vapors will be collected and used in the fuel system at the station. This control configuration for this type of source constitutes BACT. 1.5.2 Organic Liquid Storage Tank Vents The proposed organic liquid storage tanks for the Hideout Compressor Station include the following: Kinder Morgan Hideout Compressor Station Air Application December 19, 2023 SLR Project No.: 132.01110.0010 G-7 Table G.7: Organic Liquid Storage Tanks Emission Unit # Description Material Stored Uncontrolled VOC PTE (tpy) Proposed Control LO-Tank New Motor Oil Tank New motor oil 0.19 None ULO-Tank Used Motor Oil Tank Used motor oil 0.19 None MT-Tank Methanol Tank New methanol 0.13 None Tanks T-1 through T-6 Gun Barrel and Condensate Tanks (five) Produced Water and Pipeline Condensate 904.74 Enclosed combustor (COM- 1) The organic liquids storage tanks with the largest VOC emissions are Tanks T-1 through T-6 (Gunbarrel and Condensate Storage Tanks). The vapors for these tanks will be collected with an enclosed vapor collection system and directed to an enclosed combustor (COM-1) with a VOC destruction efficiency of 95% or greater. The vapor collection system and enclosed combustor arrangement for this type of source constitutes BACT. The logistics and the expense associated with piping the vents of the remaining tanks to control device do not justify the cost to control the very low VOC emissions from tanks LO- Tank, ULO-Tank and MT-Tank. The process area round these tanks tend to be complex with little space. These tanks represent a very small portion of the VOC emissions, and as such will not need any additional controls. In addition, the applicability in R307-506-3 explicitly states the requirements for storage vessels only applies to those vessels located at a well site as defined in OOOOa. The atmospheric venting of tanks for lubricating oils and methanol is generally accepted industry practice. Additionally, the installation of a vapor collection system and installation of an enclosed combustor would not be economically feasible to control 0.5 tons per year of VOC emissions. 1.5.3 Tank Truck Loading Current truck loading requirements in R307-504 establish specific control requirements for the loading and unloading of liquids containing volatile organic compounds (VOCs) at oil or gas well sites. These control requirements include the use of bottom fill or submerged fill pipe as well as a “Vapor Capture Line” from the truck. The Hideout Compressor Station is not co-located with or directly associated with one or more oil wells or gas wells and therefore is not considered a “well production facility” or a “well site” as described in R307-504, R307-506 or 40 CFR 60.5430a, Subpart OOOOa. Liquids will be removed from the Used Motor Oil Tank ULO-Tank, Gun Barrel (T-1) and Condensate Tanks (T-2 through T-6) using a tanker truck that utilizes bottom filling or submerged fill pipe techniques. The load-out of motor lubricating oils (LO-Tanks and ULO- Tank) is not expected to generate VOC emissions, therefore a vapor capture line will not be installed to collect and control from these sources. Venting any vapors generated during truck load out of motor lubricating oil is accepted as BACT. Uncontrolled truck Load-out VOC emissions for the Gun Barrel (T-1) and Condensate Tanks (T-2 through T-6) are expected to be significant (> 40 tpy) so a vapor capture line for the truck load-out activities at these tanks will be installed. All collected vapors from condensate load out activities will be directed to an enclosed combustor (COM-1) for destruction. The configuration of a vapor collection system and destruction using an enclosed combustor meets the requirements of R307-594 and constitutes BACT. Appendix H  Emission Controls  Utah Division of Air Quality New Source Review Section Company___________________________ Site/Source__________________________ Form 4 Date_______________________________ Flare Systems Equipment Information 1. Manufacturer: _________________________ Model no.: _________________________ (if available) 2. Design and operation shall be in accordance with 40CFR63.11. In addition to the information listed in this form, provide the following: an assembly drawing with dimensions, interior dimensions and features, flare’s maximum capacity in BTU/hr. 3.Characteristics of Waste Gas Stream Input Components Min. Value Expected (scfm @ 68 oF, 14.7 psia) Ave. Value Expected (scfm @ 68oF, 14.7 psia) Design Max. (scfm @ 68oF, 14.7 psia) a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. 4. Percent of time this condition occurs 5. Flow rate: Minimum Expected Design Maximum Temp oF Pressure (psig) Waste Gas Stream _______________ _______________ _______ ____________ Fuel Added to Gas Stream _______________ _______________ _______ ____________ Heat content of the gas to be flared ______________ BTU/ft3 6. Number of pilots 7. Type of fuel 8. Fuel Flow Rate (scfm @ 68oF & 14.7 psia) per pilot Page 1 of 3 Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station July 28, 2023 TBD TBD ESD, Blowdowns, Pressure Relief, Pigging 0 380.5 (200 MMscf/yr) 380.5 scfm (200 MMscf/yr)0 1,000 - 1,500 Pipeline NG1 50 scfh (0.438 MMscf/yr) 20.8 scfh (0.182 MMscf/yr) Page 2 of 3 Flare Systems Form 4 (Continued) Steam Injection 9. Steam pressure (psig) Minimum Expected __________________ Design Maximum __________________ 10. Total steam flow Rate (lb/hr) 11. Temperature (oF) 12. Velocity (ft/sec) 13. Number of jet streams 14. Diameter of steam jets (inches) 15. Design basis for steam injected (lb steam/lb hydrocarbon) Water Injection 16. Water pressure (psig) Minimum Expected __________________ Design Maximum __________________ 17. Total Water Flow Rate (gpm) Minimum Expected __________________ Design Maximum __________________ 18. Number of water jets 19. Diameter of Water jets (inches) 20. Flare height (ft) 21. Flare tip inside diameter (ft) Emissions Calculations (PTE) 22. Calculated emissions for this device PM10 _________Lbs/hr_________ Tons/yr PM2.5 __________Lbs/hr________ Tons/yr NOx __________Lbs/hr_________ Tons/yr SOx ___________Lbs/hr________ Tons/yr CO __________Lbs/hr_________ Tons/yr VOC ___________Lbs/hr________Tons/yr CO2 _________Tons/yr CH4 ___________Tons/yr N2O _________Tons/yr HAPs_________Lbs/hr (speciate)__________Tons/yr (speciate) Submit calculations as an appendix. If other pollutants are emitted, include the emissions in the appendix. N/A N/A 0.61 2.65 0.61 2.65 1.99 8.74 -- 9.09 39.82 6.33 27.72 15,027 0.66 0.03 0.790.18 Appendix I  Federal and State Rule Applicability  APPENDIX I - Applicable Federal Clean Air Act Rules Facility:Kinder Morgan - Hideout Compressor Station December 2023 Program Identifier Program Citation Secondary Identifier Rule Citation Target Pollutants Rule Summary & Applicability Notes Ap p l i c a b l e No t Ap p l i c a b l e Determination Notes NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart A §§60.1-60.19 General Provisions X Several subparts of 40 CFR Part 60 apply to this facility. Portions of the general provisions apply, as referenced in applicable subparts. A flare used as a control device for a referencing NSPS subpart will conform to the requirements of §60.18, as applicable and as required by that referencing subpart. NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart Db §§60.40b-60.49b NOX, SO2, PM Standards of Performance for Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units with a heat input capacity >100 MMBtu/hr for which construction, modification, or reconstruction commenced after June 19, 1984 X Permittee does not operate any affected facilities NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart Dc §§60.40c-60.48c NOX, SO2, PM Standards of Performance for Small Industrial-Commercial-Institutional Steam Generating Units for which construction, modification, or reconstruction is commenced after June 9, 1989 and that have a maximum design heat input capacity of 100 MMBtu/h or less, but greater than or equal to 10 MMBtu/h X Permittee does not operate any affected facilities NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart K §§60.110-60.113 VOC Standards of Performance for certain storage vessels for petroleum liquids for which construction, reconstruction, or modification commenced after June 11, 1973, and prior to May 19, 1978 and with a storage capacity >40,000 gallons. X Permittee does not operate any affected facilities NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart Ka §§60.110a-60.115a VOC Standards of Performance for certain storage vessels for petroleum liquids for which construction, reconstruction, or modification commenced after May 18, 1978 and prior to July 23, 1984 and with a storage capacity >40,000 gallons. X Permittee does not operate any affected facilities NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart Kb §§60.110b-60.116b VOC Standards of Performance for certain Volatile Organic Liquid (VOL) Storage Vessels (Including Petroleum Liquid Storage Vessels) for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After July 23, 1984 and with a design storage capacity greater than or equal to 75 cubic meters (471.7 bbls). X Permittee does not operate any affected facilities NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart GG §§60.330-60.335 NOX, SO2 Standards of performance for stationary gas turbines with a heat input at peak load equal to or greater than 10 MMBtu/h (based on the lower heating value of the fuel fired) and for which construction, modification, or reconstruction commenced after October 3, 1977 and on or before February 18, 2005 X Permittee does not operate any stationary combustion turbine affected facilities NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart KKK §§60.630-60.636 VOC Subpart KKK—Standards of Performance for Equipment Leaks of VOC From Onshore Natural Gas Processing Plants for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After January 20, 1984, and on or Before August 23, 2011 X Facility is not a natural gas processing plant. NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart LLL §§60.640-60.648 SO2 Subpart LLL—Standards of Performance for SO2 Emissions From Onshore Natural Gas Processing for Which Construction, Reconstruction, or Modification Commenced After January 20, 1984, and on or Before August 23, 2011 X Facility is not a natural gas processing plant. Subpart LLL is not a relevant standard. NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart CCCC §§60.2000-60.2265 D/F, Cd, Pb, Hg, PM, HCl, NOX, SO2, CO, Fug.Ash, opacity Standards that are applicable to Commercial and Industrial Solid Waste Incinerator (CISWI) Units.X Permittee does not operate any affected facilities NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart IIII §§60.4200-60.4219 NOX, NMHC, HC, CO, PM Standards of Performance for Stationary Compression Ignition Internal Combustion Engines (CI- ICE) for which construction, reconstruction or modification occurred after July 11, 2005 and where the stationary CI ICE was manufactured after April 1, 2006 (CI-ICE that are not fire pump engines) or manufactured as a certified National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) fire pump engine after July 1, 2006. X Permittee does not operate any stationary CI-ICE Applicability Determination Kinder Morgan Appendix I - FCAA Applicability Review Hideout Compressor Station SLR Project No.: 132.01110.0010 Page 1 Program Identifier Program Citation Secondary Identifier Rule Citation Target Pollutants Rule Summary & Applicability Notes Ap p l i c a b l e No t Ap p l i c a b l e Determination Notes Applicability Determination NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart JJJJ §§60.4230-60.4248 NOX, CO, VOC Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines (SI-ICE) for which construction, reconstruction or modification occurred after June 12, 2006 and where the stationary SI-ICE was manufactured: (i) On or after July 1, 2007, for engines with a maximum engine power greater than or equal to 500 HP (except lean burn engines with a maximum engine power greater than or equal to 500 HP and less than 1,350 HP); (ii) on or after January 1, 2008, for lean burn engines with a maximum engine power greater than or equal to 500 HP and less than 1,350 HP; (iii) on or after July 1, 2008, for engines with a maximum engine power <500 HP; or (iv) on or after January 1, 2009, for emergency engines with a maximum engine power>25 HP X The proposed natural gas compressor drivers are 1,900 hp each. All are new SI-4SRB and will be considered an "affected facility" for purposes of NSPS Subpart JJJJ. Each affected SI-ICE will meet standards and requirements as applicable. NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart KKKK §§60.4300-60.4420 NOX, SO2 Standards of Performance for stationary combustion turbines that commenced construction, modification, or reconstruction after February 18, 2005.X Permittee does not operate any stationary combustion turbine affected facilities NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart OOOO §§60.5360-60.5430 VOC, SO2 Subpart OOOO—Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production, Transmission and Distribution for which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced after August 23, 2011, and on or before September 18, 2015 X Permittee does not operate any affected facility for which construction, reconstruction or modification occurred after August 23, 2011, and on or before September 18, 2015 NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart OOOOa §60.5375a VOC, GHG Subpart OOOOa—Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities for which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After September 18, 2015: Wells X Permittee does not operate any well affected facility NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart OOOOa §60.5380a VOC, GHG Subpart OOOOa—Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities for which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After September 18, 2015: Centrifugal Compressors with Wet Seal Degassing Systems X Permittee does not operate any centrifugal compressor affected facility NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart OOOOa §60.5385a VOC, GHG Subpart OOOOa—Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities for which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After September 18, 2015: Reciprocating Compressors X The natural gas compressor drivers will be constructed after September 18, 2015 making them reciprocating compressor affected facilities subject to work practice standards prescribed in §60.5385. A notification is not required. Maintain records prescribed by §60.5420(c)(3) and submit annual reports as required by §60.5420(b)(1) and (4). NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart OOOOa §60.5390a VOC, GHG Subpart OOOOa—Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities for which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After September 18, 2015: Continuous Bleed Natural Gas-Driven Pneumatic Controllers X Permittee does not operate any natural gas pneumatic controller affected facility. All controllers are operated by instrument air. NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart OOOOa §60.5393a VOC, GHG Subpart OOOOa—Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities for which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After September 18, 2015: Pneumatic Pumps at Natural Gas Processing Plants and Well Sites X Facility is not a natural gas processing plant or well site. Permittee does not operate a pneumatic pump affected facility NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart OOOOa §60.5395a VOC, GHG Subpart OOOOa—Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities for which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After September 18, 2015: Storage Vessels X The new gunbarrel tank will be a single storage vessel with potential VOC emissions greater than 6 tpy (6.92 tpy) and is therefore considered an affected facility. The condensate tanks (five) will have combined potential VOC emissions less than 6 tpy and will not be storage vessel affected facilities, as provided by §60.5365a(e). NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart OOOOa §60.5397a VOC, GHG Subpart OOOOa—Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities for which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After September 18, 2015: Collection of Fugitive Emissions Components at a Well Site or Compressor Station X Facility is a compressor station as defined in §60.5430a. The Hideout Compressor Station will be an affected facility and will be subject the requirements in this section. NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart OOOOa §60.5398a VOC, GHG Subpart OOOOa—Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities for which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After September 18, 2015: Alternative Means of Emission Limitations X Permittee has not requested an alternative means of emission limitations NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart OOOOa §§60.5400a through 60.5402a VOC, GHG Subpart OOOOa—Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities for which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After September 18, 2015: Equipment Leaks at Onshore Natural Gas Processing Plants X Facility is not a natural gas processing plant as defined in §60.5430a. NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart OOOOa §§60.5405a through 60.5407a SO2 Subpart OOOOa—Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Facilities for which Construction, Modification or Reconstruction Commenced After September 18, 2015: Sweetening units located at onshore natural gas processing plants that commenced construction, modification, or reconstruction after September 18, 2015, and on or before November 16, 2020, and sweetening units that commence construction, modification, or reconstruction after November 16, 2020. X The H2S treating unit is a scavenger-based process that does not generate acid gas. The unit meets the definition of a "sweetening unit" in Subpart OOOOa (§60.5430a) and the construction of the unit will commence after November 16, 2020, but the unit does not emit sulfur compounds. NSPS 40CFR60 Subpart OOOOb Proposed VOC, CH4 In November 2022 the EPA proposed rules to reduce methane emissions from new and existing sources in the oil and natural gas industry. These rules have not been promulgated into law, but can affect certain affected facilities constructed, reconstructed or modified after November 16, 2021. NSPS OOOOb will apply to certain affected facilities constructed, reconstructed or modified after Nov. 16, 2021. This could apply to equipment at this facility. Of particular concern in NSPS OOOOb is the criteria for enforceability of VOC controls for tanks. It may be beneficial to ensure permit language issued by UDAQ includes criteria equivalent to the standards outlined in the proposed rule. Kinder Morgan Appendix I - FCAA Applicability Review Hideout Compressor Station SLR Project No.: 132.01110.0010 Page 2 Program Identifier Program Citation Secondary Identifier Rule Citation Target Pollutants Rule Summary & Applicability Notes Ap p l i c a b l e No t Ap p l i c a b l e Determination Notes Applicability Determination NESHAP 40CFR61 Subpart A §§61.01-19 General Provisions X Facility is not subject to a subpart of 40 CFR 61. NESHAP 40CFR61 Subpart J §§61.110-61.112 Benzene National emission standard for fugitive equipment leaks of benzene. Applicable to pumps, compressors, pressure relief valves, connectors, surge control vessels, bottoms receivers and control devices that operate in benzene service. Benzene services means that the equipment contacts or contains a fluid (liquid or gas) that is 10% benzene by weight. X Facility does not process or produce any streams (liquid or gas) with more than 10% benzene by weight. NESHAP 40CFR61 Subpart M §§61.140-61.157 Asbestos National emissions standard pertaining to asbestos during milling, manufacturing, demolition/renovation or disposal.X Currently the facility is not engaging in any of these activities involving asbestos, however any demolition and/or renovation activities could be potentially subject to Subpart M, Standards for Demolition and Renovation. NESHAP 40CFR61 Subpart V §§61.240-61.247 HAP Applies to various sources that operate in volatile hazardous air pollutant (VHAP) service.X The facility does not operate the identified sources in VHAP service. NESHAP 40CFR63 Subpart A §§63.1-63.16 HAP General Provisions X Permittee operates certain affected facilities. Subpart A applies as referenced by an underlying subpart. NESHAP 40CFR63 Subpart HH §§63.760-63.777 HAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants From Oil and Natural Gas Production Facilities X The compressor station will be an area source of HAP (defined in 63.761). The actual average emissions of benzene from the TEG dehydration unit process vent to the atmosphere are less than 0.90 megagram per year (1 tpy), as determined by the procedures specified in § 63.772(b)(2). The TEG unit meets the exception threshold criteria listed in 63.760(e)(1)(ii) and is not subject to standards, except that the records of the determination of these criteria must be maintained as required in § 63.774(d)(1). NESHAP 40CFR63 Subpart HHH §§63.1270-63.1289 HAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants From Natural Gas Transmission and Storage Facilities (Major Sources)X The facility is not in the natural gas transmission source category, but is in the oil and natural gas production source category. Rule is not a relevant standard. NESHAP 40CFR63 Subpart EEEE §§63.2330-63.2406 HAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Organic Liquids Distribution (Non- Gasoline). This subpart establishes national emission limitations, operating limits, and work practice standards for organic hazardous air pollutants (HAP) emitted from organic liquids distribution (OLD) (non-gasoline) operations at major sources of HAP emissions. X The facility is an area source of HAP emissions. This rule only applies to major sources of HAP emissions. [40 CFR §63.2334(a) and (c)(1)] NESHAP 40CFR63 Subpart YYYY §§63.6080-63.6175 HAP Establishes emissions limitations and operating limitations that apply to stationary combustion turbines located at major sources of HAP.X Permittee does not operate any stationary combustion turbine NESHAP 40CFR63 Subpart ZZZZ §§63.6580-63.6675 HAP National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (RICE) Located at Major and Area Sources of HAP X New or reconstructed stationary RICE located at an area source of HAP must meet the requirements of Subpart ZZZZ by meeting the requirements of 40 CFR part 60 subpart JJJJ for spark ignition engines. No further requirements apply for such engines under Subpart ZZZZ - see §63.6590(c). NESHAP 40CFR63 Subpart DDDDD §§63.7480-63.7575 HAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Major Sources: Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers and Process Heaters X Facility is an area source of HAP. Rule does not apply to area sources. Kinder Morgan Appendix I - FCAA Applicability Review Hideout Compressor Station SLR Project No.: 132.01110.0010 Page 3 Program Identifier Program Citation Secondary Identifier Rule Citation Target Pollutants Rule Summary & Applicability Notes Ap p l i c a b l e No t Ap p l i c a b l e Determination Notes Applicability Determination NESHAP 40CFR63 Subpart GGGGG §§63.7880-63.7957 HAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Site Remediation (Major Sources)X Facility is an area source of HAP. Rule does not apply to area sources. NESHAP 40CFR63 Subpart JJJJJJ §§63.11193-63.11237 HAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Industrial, Commercial, and Institutional Boilers at Area Sources X Permittee does not operate any boilers (defined in §63.11237) CAM 40CFR64 §§64.1-64.10 Regulated air pollutants (defined in Part 70 or 71) Compliance Assurance Monitoring X There is no pollutant-specific emission unit (PSEU) that uses a control device and has potential pre-control device emissions of a applicable regulated air pollutant equal to or greater than 100 percent of the amount, in tons per year, required for a source to be classified as a major source [40 CFR §64.2]. RMP 40CFR68 §§68.1-68.220 Chemical Accident Prevention Provisions X Facility does not store more than a threshold quantity of listed Flammable Substances as defined in §68.130 Table 3. Acid Rain 40CFR72 - 40 CFR78 Acid Rain Program X Acid rain permits are required only for facilities that generate electricity and serve a generator with a nameplate of 25 MW or more. OzDS 40CFR82 Subpart B §§82.30-82.42 Ozone depleting substances Applies to any person performing service on motor vehicle equipment involving the refrigerant in the motor vehicle air conditioner.X Facility does not perform service on motor vehicle air conditioner units. OzDS 40CFR82 Subpart F §§82.150-82.169 Ozone depleting substances Establishes work practices to recapture and recycle refrigerants and applies to any person servicing, maintaining, or repairing appliances.X Facility does not perform service on any appliances. OzDS 40CFR82 Subpart H §§82.250-82.270 Halon Reduction of emissions of Halons from on-site equipment.X The facility does not operate a halon fire suppression system or any other equipment containing halon. GHG 40CFR98 Subpart C §§98.30-98.38 CO2, CH4, N2O Subpart C applies to combustion sources that exceed an annual CO2e emissions of 25,000 metric tons.X Combustion emissions for this facility will be reported under Subpart W of 40 CFR part 98. GHG 40CFR98 Subpart W §§98.230-98.238 CO2, CH4, N2O Subpart W applies to all identified industry segments that will exceed an annual CO2e emissions of 25,000 metric tons. Source categories include Offshore petroleum and natural gas production, Onshore petroleum and natural gas production, Onshore natural gas processing, Onshore natural gas transmission, Underground natural gas storage, Liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage, LNG import and export equipment, Natural gas distribution, Onshore petroleum and natural gas gathering and boosting, and Onshore natural gas transmission. X The annual CO2e emissions are estimated to be more than 25,000 metric tons. The facility is considered a natural gas gathering and boosting facility applicable under Subpart W. Note: The subpart of each of the programs listed above were reviewed for applicability. Those subparts within each program that are categorically not relevant are not listed in above. Kinder Morgan Appendix I - FCAA Applicability Review Hideout Compressor Station SLR Project No.: 132.01110.0010 Page 4 APPENDIX I - Utah Administrative Code (UAC) Applicability Facility: Kinder Morgan - Hideout Compressor Station December 2023 Program Identifier Rule Citation Rule Summary & Applicability Notes Ap p l i c a b l e No t Ap p l i c a b l e Determination Notes UAC R307-101 General Requirements X UAC R307-102 General Requirements: Broadly Applicable Requirements.X UAC R307-103 Administrative Procedures.X Administrative proceedings under Utah Air Quality Act are governed by Rule R305-7 UAC R307-104 Conflict of Interest X Rule establishes procedures that are necessary for promulgating federally approvable air quality standards as permitted by subsection 19-2-104(1)(b). UAC R307-105 General Requirements: Emergency Controls X Applies to the Director UAC R307-107 General Requirements: Unavoidable Breakdown X UAC R307-110 General Requirements: State Implementation Plan.X UAC R307-115 General Conformity.X Incorporation by reference UAC R307-120 General Requirements: Tax Exemption for Air Pollution Control Equipment X UAC R307-121 General Requirements: Clean Air and Efficient Vehicle Tax Credit X UAC R307-122 General Requirements: Heavy Duty Vehicle Tax Credit X UAC R307-123 General Requirements: Clean Fuels and Vehicle Technology Grant and Loan Program X UAC R307-124 General Requirements: Conversion to Alternative Fuel Grant Program X UAC R307-125 Clean Air Retrofit, Replacement, and Off-Road Technology Program X UAC R307-130 General Penalty Policy X UAC R307-135 Enforcement Response Policy for Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act.X UAC R307-150 Emission Inventories X UAC R307-150-1 Purpose and General Requirements X UAC 150-1(3) Periodic Emission Inventories. Emission inventories shall be submitted on or before April 15 of each year following the calendar year for which an inventory is required. X UAC 150-1(5) Recordkeeping. Maintain a copy of the emission inventory submitted to the Division and make records available for inspection indicating how the information submitted in the inventory was determined, including any calculations, data, measurements, and estimates used. Records shall be kept for a period of at least five years from the due date of each inventory. X UAC R307-150-2 Definitions X UAC R307-150-3 Applicability X UAC R307-150-4 Sulfur Dioxide Milestone Inventory Requirements X R307-150-4 applies to all stationary sources with actual emissions of 100 tons or more per year of sulfur dioxide in calendar year 2000 or any subsequent year unless exempted in (a) below - see R307- 150-3(1). Facility does not have actual annual emissions of more than 100 TPY of sulfur dioxide. Applicability Determination Kinder Morgan Appendix I - UAC Applicability Review Hideout Compressor Station SLR Project No. 132.01110.0010 Page 1 Program Identifier Rule Citation Rule Summary & Applicability Notes Ap p l i c a b l e No t Ap p l i c a b l e Determination Notes Applicability Determination UAC R307-150-5 Sources Identified in R307-150-3(2), Large Major Source Inventory Requirements X R307-150-5 applies to large major sources - see R307-150-3(2). Facility is not a "Large Major Source" as defined in R307-150-2. UAC R307-150-6 R307-150-6 applies to: (a) each major source that is not a large major source; (b) each source with the potential to emit 5 tons or more per year of lead; and (c) each source not included in (2) or (3)(a) or (3)(b) above that is located in Davis, Salt Lake, Utah, or Weber Counties and that has the potential to emit 25 tons or more per year of any combination of oxides of nitrogen, oxides of sulfur and PM10, or the potential to emit 10 tons or more per year of volatile organic compounds. - Sources identified in 150-3(3) X Facility is not a major source, and is not a large major source. Triennial emission inventories of PM10, PM2.5, SOx, NOx, CO, VOC and HAP are not required to be submtited to the UDAQ. UAC R307-150-7 Sources Identified in R307-150-3(4), Other Part 70 Sources X R307-150-7 Applies to Part 70 sources not included in R307-150- 3(2) or (3) - see R307-150-3(4). UAC R307-150-8 Exempted Hazardous Air Pollutants X UAC R307-165 Emission testing X Establishes the emission testing requirements and frequency for all areas of Utah. Emissions testing requirements will be set out in Approval Order. UAC R307-170 Continuous Emission Monitoring Program X Source is not required to install a continuous monitoring system to determine emissions to the atmosphere or to measure control equipment efficiency UAC R307-201 Emission Standards: General Emission Standards X UAC R307-201-3 Visible Emission Standards X Opacity standards apply to any installation UAC R307-202 Emission Standards: General Burning X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-203 Emission Standards: Sulfur Content of Fuels X All of the new/modified combustion sources will be fired with pipeline quality natural gas; therefore, the sulfur content limits of this section (fuel oil and coal only) do not apply. UAC R307-204 Emission Standards: Smoke Management X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-205 Fugitive Emissions and Fugitive Dust X Kinder Morgan Appendix I - UAC Applicability Review Hideout Compressor Station SLR Project No. 132.01110.0010 Page 2 Program Identifier Rule Citation Rule Summary & Applicability Notes Ap p l i c a b l e No t Ap p l i c a b l e Determination Notes Applicability Determination UAC R307-206 Emission Standards: Abrasive Blasting X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-207 Residential Fireplaces and Solid Fuel Burning Devices X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-208 Outdoor Wood Boilers X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-210 Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources X The provisions of 40 CFR Part 60, effective on July 1, 2016, except for Subparts Cb, Cc, Cd, Ce, BBBB, DDDD, and HHHH, are incorporated by reference. Permittee owns and operates "affected facilities" subject to certain NSPS subparts. UAC R307-214 National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants X The provisions of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR) Part 61, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants, effective as of July 1, 2016, are incorporated into these rules by reference. No Part 61 rule applies. UAC R307-220 Emission Standards: Plan for Designated Facilities X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-221 Emission Standards: Emission Controls for Existing Municipal Solid Waste Landfills X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-222 Emission Standards: Existing Incinerators for Hospital, Medical, Infectious Waste X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-223 Emission Standards: Existing Small Municipal Waste Combustion Units X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-224 Mercury Emission Standards: Coal-Fired Electric Generating Units X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-250 Western Backstop Sulfur Dioxide Trading Program X Facility does not have the potential to emit 100 tons or more of sulfur dioxide per year and does not otherwise operate affected facilities UAC R307-301 Utah and Weber Counties: Oxygenated Gasoline Program As a Contingency Measure X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-302 Solid Fuel Burning Devices X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-303 Commercial Cooking X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-305 Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas for PM10: Emission Standards X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-306 PM10 Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Abrasive Blasting X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-307 Road Salting and Sanding X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-309 Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas for PM10 and PM2.5: Fugitive Emissions and Fugitive Dust. R307-309 applies to all sources of fugitive dust and fugitive emissions located in PM10 and PM2.5 nonattainment and maintenance plan areas as defined in 40 CFR 81.345 (July 1, 2011), except as specified in R307-309-3(2). X Facility is not located in PM10 and PM2.5 nonattainment and maintenance plan areas. Kinder Morgan Appendix I - UAC Applicability Review Hideout Compressor Station SLR Project No. 132.01110.0010 Page 3 Program Identifier Rule Citation Rule Summary & Applicability Notes Ap p l i c a b l e No t Ap p l i c a b l e Determination Notes Applicability Determination UAC R307-310 Salt Lake County: Trading of Emission Budgets for Transportation Conformity X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-311 Utah County: Trading of Emission Budgets for Transportation Conformity X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-312 Aggregate Processing Operations for PM2.5 Nonattainment Areas X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-320 Ozone Maintenance Areas and Ogden City: Employer-Based Trip Reduction Program X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-325 Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: General Requirements. No person shall allow or cause volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to be spilled, discarded, stored in open containers, or handled in any other manner that would result in greater evaporation of VOCs than would have if reasonably available control technology (RACT) had been applied. X R307-325 applies to all sources located in any nonattainment or maintenance area for ozone. Facility is located in an ozone nonattainment area. All storage tanks are controlled with a vapor collection system and combustion. UAC R307-326 Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Control of Hydrocarbon Emissions in Petroleum Refineries X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-327 Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Petroleum Liquid Storage. R307-327 applies to the owner or operator of any petroleum refinery or petroleum liquid storage facility located in any ozone nonattainment or maintenance area. X The facility is not a petroleum refinery or petroleum liquid storage facility. UAC R307-328 Gasoline Transfer and Storage X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-335 Degreasing and Solvent Cleaning Operations X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-341 Ozone Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas: Cutback Asphalt X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-342 Adhesives and Sealants X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-343 Emissions Standards for Wood Furniture Manufacturing Operations X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-344 Paper, Film, and Foil Coatings X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-345 Fabric and Vinyl Coatings X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-346 Metal Furniture Surface Coatings X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-347 Large Appliance Surface Coatings X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-348 Magnet Wire Coatings X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-349 Flat Wood Panel Coatings X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-350 Miscellaneous Metal Parts and Products Coatings X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-351 Graphic Arts X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-352 Metal Container, Closure, and Coil Coatings X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-353 Plastic Parts Coatings X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-354 Automotive Refinishing Coatings X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-355 Control of Emissions from Aerospace Manufacture and Rework Facilities X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-356 Appliance Pilot Light X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-357 Consumer Products X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-361 Architectural Coatings X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-401 Permit: New and Modified Sources X Kinder Morgan Appendix I - UAC Applicability Review Hideout Compressor Station SLR Project No. 132.01110.0010 Page 4 Program Identifier Rule Citation Rule Summary & Applicability Notes Ap p l i c a b l e No t Ap p l i c a b l e Determination Notes Applicability Determination UAC R307-403 New and Modified sources in Nonattainment Areas and Maintenance Areas. R307-403 applies to any new major stationary source or major modification that is major for the pollutant for which the area is designated nonattainment X The facility will not be major stationary source for the pollutants for which the area is designated nonattainment. Therefore provisions of R307-403 do not apply. UAC R307-405 Permits: Major Sources in Attainment or Unclassified Areas X Facility will not be classified as a "major source" for any criteria pollutants. UAC R307-406 Visibility X UAC R307-410 Permits: Emissions Impact Analysis X Included with NOI UAC R307-414 Permits: Fees for Approval Orders. The owner and operator of each new major source or major modification is required to pay a fee to the Department sufficient to cover the reasonable costs of reviewing and acting upon the notice of intent. X Facility will not be classified as a "major source" for any criteria pollutants. UAC R307-415 Permits: Operating Permit Requirements X Facility will not be classified as a "major source" for any criteria pollutants. UAC R307-417 Permits: Acid Rain Sources X Facility is not an acid rain source UAC R307-420 Permits: Ozone Offset Requirements in Davis and Salt Lake Counties X Facility is not located in in Salt Lake County or Utah County UAC R307-421 Permits: PM10 Offset Requirements in Salt Lake County and Utah County X Facility is not located in in Salt Lake County or Utah County UAC R307-424 Permits: Mercury Requirements for Electric Generating Units X Permittee does not operate EGUs UAC R307-501 Oil and Gas Industry: General Provisions X R307-501 applies to all oil and natural gas exploration, production, and transmission operations; well production facilities; natural gas compressor stations; and natural gas processing plants in Utah. UAC R307-501-4 General Provisions. Includes general requirements for air pollution control equipment, the prevention of emissions and the use of good air pollution control practices.X UAC R307-502 Oil and Gas Industry: Pneumatic Controllers X All pneumatic devices at the facility are driven by air and therefore are not subject to these requirements. UAC R307-503 Oil and Gas Industry: Flares All open flares and all enclosed flares installed on or after January 1, 2015 shall be equipped with an operational auto-igniter upon installation of the flare. X Facility is a natural gas compressor station equipped with an open- flame flare. Flare to be installed with an auto-ignitor. UAC R307-504 Oil and Gas Industry: Tank Truck Loading. R307-504 establishes control requirements for the loading of liquids containing volatile organic compounds at oil or gas well sites. X Facility is not a well site. UAC R307-801 Utah Asbestos Rule X Facility is new with all new equipment and is not constructed with asbestos containing materials. UAC R307-840 Lead-Based Paint Program Purpose, Applicability, and Definitions X Permittee is not engaged in lead-based paint activities and renovations UAC R307-841 Residential Property and Child-Occupied Facility Renovation X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity UAC R307-842 Lead-Based Paint Activities X Permittee does not engage in regulated activity Notes: All subtitles to R307 were reviewed for applicability. Those subtitles that were categorically not applicable were not included in the table above. Kinder Morgan Appendix I - UAC Applicability Review Hideout Compressor Station SLR Project No. 132.01110.0010 Page 5 Appendix J  Emissions Impact Analysis  Hideout Compressor Station Modeled Emissions Impact Analysis Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Prepared by: SLR International Corporation 1612 Specht Point Road, Suite 119, Fort Collins, Colorado, 80525 SLR Project No.: 132.01110.00109 December 21, 2023 Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station December 21, 2023 SLR Project No.: 132.01110.00109 ii Table of Contents 1.0 Emissions Impact Analysis ............................................................................................. 1 1.1 General Modeling Approach ............................................................................................... 1 1.2 Emission Unit Descriptions and Locations .......................................................................... 2 1.3 Building Downwash Analysis .............................................................................................. 2 1.4 Model Receptors and Terrain ............................................................................................. 2 1.5 AERMET Meteorological Data Analysis .............................................................................. 2 1.6 NO2 Modeling Approach ..................................................................................................... 3 1.7 Background Air Quality Data .............................................................................................. 3 1.8 Offsite Emission Sources ................................................................................................... 3 2.0 Modeling Results - Cumulative Impact Analysis – NO2 ................................................. 4 Tables Table 1 Modeled Emission Rates and Exhaust Parameters ....................................................... 3 Table 2 Background Concentrations for used for the Cumulative Impact Analysis ..................... 4 Table 3 Cumulative Impact Analysis Summary .......................................................................... 4 Figures Figure 1 Diagram of Modeled Buildings and Sources ............................................................. 6 Figure 2 3-Dimensional Modeled Site Layout ......................................................................... 7 Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station December 21, 2023 SLR Project No.: 132.01110.00109 iii Hideout Compressor Station Modeled Emissions Impact Analysis Prepared for: Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC This document has been prepared by SLR International Corporation (SLR). The material in this report was prepared under the supervision and direction of the undersigned. Abigail Stewart Project Scientist Tom Damiana Principal Engineer Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station December 21, 2023 SLR Project No.: 132.01110.00109 1 1.0 Emissions Impact Analysis The construction of new facilities or modifications to existing sources that result in total controlled emission increase levels greater than those listed in the Utah Administrative Code (UAC) Section R307-410-4 are required to submit a dispersion modeling analysis as part of a complete Notice of Intent (NOI) application package. Additionally, UAC Section R307-410-5 requires applicant sources proposing any increase of hazardous air pollutant (HAP) emissions to submit all HAP emission levels and pollutant release information for their facility. Potential criteria pollutant and HAP emissions from the proposed construction and installation of the Hideout Compressor Station have been evaluated and supporting information regarding the facility process and calculated emissions are provided in Appendices A and C of the permit application package. Appendix J of the permit application package demonstrates that the potential project emissions for oxides of nitrogen (NOx) were found to exceed the emissions thresholds listed in UAC Section R307-410-4. As a result, air dispersion modeling was conducted to demonstrate that the proposed project will not cause or contribute to an exceedance of the annual and 1-hour average NO2 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). Additionally, a HAPs analysis was conducted according to UAC Section R307-410-5 and is presented in Table J-1 of Appendix J of the permit application package. As described in Appendix J, formaldehyde from the large 4-Stroke Rich Burn Spark Ignition compressor engines was the only significant HAP that exceeded the emissions threshold value (ETV). However, these emissions units are subject to an emission standard promulgated under 42 U.S.C. 7412 (NESHAP Subpart ZZZZ) and are exempt from the requirements of UAC Sections R307-410- 5(c)(i)(A) through (C) which is a comparison of the emission unit emissions to ETVs. Thus, formaldehyde emissions from these compressor engines does not require a dispersion modeling analysis. The air quality analysis was conducted based on the approaches documented in the Minor Source Modeling Protocol Form that was approved by Dave Prey at the Utah Department of Environmental Quality1. These approaches are described in more detail in the subsections that follow. 1.1 General Modeling Approach This modeling analysis consists of the following:  The latest version of AERMOD (v23132);  Model-ready meteorological input surface and upper air data consisting of surface data from Vernal, Utah (2016-2020) and upper air data from Grand Junction, Colorado was downloaded from UDAQ’s website2; 1 Approved on November 29, 2023 via email. 2 https://deq.utah.gov/air-quality/emissions-impact-assessment-guideline-preface Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station December 21, 2023 SLR Project No.: 132.01110.00109 2  Terrain elevations from the National Elevation Dataset files acquired from the U.S. Geological Survey were processed in the latest version of AERMAP (v18081) to develop the receptor terrain elevations and corresponding hill height scale required by AERMOD; and  The most recent version of BPIP (04/21/2004) was used to produce the inputs needed for AERMOD to simulate the effects of building downwash on source plumes. 1.2 Emission Unit Descriptions and Locations Table 1 provides the modeled emission unit (EU) physical parameters and emission rates. All EUs were modeled as vertical, uncapped point sources and all EU locations were referenced to the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) Zone 12 North American Datum 1983 (NAD83) coordinate system. The actual stack diameter and release height for the flare (FL-1) were used for modeling. 1.3 Building Downwash Analysis The modeling analysis follows the guidance provided in the EPA Guidelines for Determination of Good Engineering Practice Stack Height (EPA-450/4-80-023R, June 1985). Direction-specific building downwash dimensions for use as modeling inputs were calculated using BPIP. Building coordinates and heights for each structure that could influence a modeled EU were entered into BPIP and the output dimensions were used to ensure that no stack exceeds good engineering practice stack height and to provide the direction-specific downwash dimensions to the AERMOD model. 1.4 Model Receptors and Terrain Terrain elevations from the National Elevation Dataset (NED) files acquired from the United States Geological Survey (USGS) were processed in the latest version of AERMAP to develop receptor terrain elevations and corresponding hill height scales input into AERMOD. The near grid receptor field consists of:  Fence-line receptors spaced apart by no more than 25 meters;  Receptors spaced at 25 meters out to 100 meters;  Receptors spaced at 100 meters out to 1,000 meters;  Receptors spaced at 250 meters out to 5,000 meters;  Receptors spaced at 500 meters out to 10,000 meters;  Receptors spaced at 1,000 meters out to 20,000 meters. 1.5 AERMET Meteorological Data Analysis A five-year meteorological dataset provided by UDAQ was used to estimate the pollutant impacts from the proposed project. The meteorological data were collected at the Vernal, UT National Weather Service (NWS) Automated Surface Observation System (ASOS) from January 1, 2016 through December 31, 2020. This dataset was processed with the “adjust u*” option to adjust the surface friction velocity to address issues with the AERMOD model tendency to overpredict from some sources under stable, low wind speed conditions. Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station December 21, 2023 SLR Project No.: 132.01110.00109 3 1.6 NO2 Modeling Approach For modeling purposes, ARM2 and the default upper and lower equilibrium ratios of 0.9 and 0.5, respectively were used for NO2 modeling. 1.7 Background Air Quality Data Background ambient air quality data are required for a cumulative impact analysis to represent the contribution of ambient air pollutant levels from non-modeled sources. Ambient NO 2 concentrations based on the most recent 3-years (2020 to 2022) of ambient air data collected at Roosevelt, UT were used to represent the ambient air background levels at the project location. The monitoring station in Roosevelt, UT is located 8 kilometers north-northeast of the project and is exposed to impacts from the same sources that impact the project location. Therefore, this data is representative of non-modeled sources in the project impact area. Table 2 provides background air quality data from Roosevelt for all measured pollutants and used to support this analysis. 1.8 Offsite Emission Sources Following UDAQ guidance, offsite sources that are either not expected to produce a significant concentration gradient in the impact area or are included in the background concentration estimates are not explicitly modeled, per 40 CFR Part 51, Appendix W, Sections 8.2 and 8.3. As a result, only project sources were explicitly modeled. Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station December 21, 2023 SLR Project No.: 132.01110.00109 4 2.0 Modeling Results - Cumulative Impact Analysis – NO2 The impacts from project sources were predicted using the simulation described in Sections 1.1 through 1.5. Ambient NO2 background concentrations were added to the modeled NO 2 impacts as shown in Table 3 for comparison to the annual and 1-hour NO 2 NAAQS. The results in Table 3 show that the modeled impacts, when added to background ambient air levels, are less than the NO2 NAAQS. Tables Hideout Compressor Station Modeled Emissions Impact Analysis Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC SLR Project No.: 132.01110.00109 December 21, 2023 Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station December 21, 2023 SLR Project No.: 132.01110.00109 Table 1 Modeled Emission Rates and Exhaust Parameters Emission Unit Modeled Emission Rates (g/s) Modeled Exhaust Parameters EU ID Model ID Description NOx Height (m) Temperature (K) Velocity (m/s) Diameter (m) C-1 C_1 Inlet Compressor 4 Stroke Rich Burn Spark Ignition-RICE 0.1582 12.19 866.48 38.20 0.356 C-2 C_2 C-3 C_3 C-4 C_4 C-5 C_5 C-6 C_6 C-7 C_7 C-8 C_8 C-9 C_9 C-10 C_10 H-1 H_1 Heater / Reboiler 0.01480 6.096 588.71 3.24 0.253 H-2 H_2 Gas Fired Stabilizer Heater 6.100 FL-1 FL_1 Facility Flare 0.2513 18.29 1273 20 0.357 COM-1 COM_1 Tank & Tank Loadout Combustor 0.04900 3.66 1255.37 4.41 0.508 COM-2 COM_2 BTEX Combustor 0.01360 3.66 0.9158 Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station December 21, 2023 SLR Project No.: 132.01110.00109 Table 2 Background Concentrations for used for the Cumulative Impact Analysis Primary Pollutant Averaging Period Design Value Background Concentration 1 Monitor Information NO2 1-Hour 31.07 ppb (58.47 μg/m3) Roosevelt, Utah Annual 10.45 ppb (19.66 μg/m3) SO2 1-Hour 2.00 ppb PM10 24-Hour 146.33 μg/m3 PM2.5 24-Hour 23.77 μg/m3 Annual 6.28 μg/m3 CO 1-Hour 0.50 ppm 8-Hour 0.40 ppm O3 1-Hour 0.06 ppm 1 Based on measurements collected from 2020 through 2022. Table 3 Cumulative Impact Analysis Summary Pollutant Averaging Period Background Level (μg/m3) Model-Predicted Design Value (μg/m3) Maximum Modeled Impact (μg/m3) Cumulative Impact (μg/m3) NAAQS (μg/m3) 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 NO2 1-Hour 1 58.47 82.52 82.52 141 188 Annual 19.66 4.011 3.947 3.780 3.934 3.938 4.011 23.7 100 1 The modeled 5-year average of the 98th percentile of the annual distribution of 1-hour daily maximum NO2 concentrations is compared against the level of the 1-hour NO2 NAAQS per EPA guidance. Figures/Drawings Hideout Compressor Station Modeled Emissions Impact Analysis Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC SLR Project No.: 132.01110.00109 December 21, 2023 Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station December 21, 2023 SLR Project No.: 132.01110.00109 Figure 1 Diagram of Modeled Buildings and Sources Kinder Morgan Altamont LLC Hideout Compressor Station December 21, 2023 SLR Project No.: 132.01110.00109 Figure 2 3-Dimensional Modeled Site Layout