HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-0071051 DAQC-305-24 Site ID 16121 (B4) MEMORANDUM TO: STACK TEST FILE – CRUSOE ENERGY SYSTEMS – Duchesne Data Center Power Station THROUGH: Harold Burge, Major Source Compliance Section Manager FROM: Robert Sirrine, Environmental Scientist DATE: March 28, 2024 SUBJECT: Location: 1-mile northeast of Upalco, Duchesne County, Utah Contact: Ken Parker 720-495-3656, Pinyon ES-Kaitlin Meszaros 631-245-0308 Tester: Encino Environmental Services (EES) 281-201-3544 Tester: Great Plains Analytical Services (GAS), Macie McClellan 580-225-0403 Source: Engines GE-1251, 1254, 1283, 1318, 1358, 1361, 1362, 1363, 1364, and 1365. FRS Site ID#: UT0000004901300215 Permit #: AO DAQE-AN161210002-23 Dated February 13, 2023 Action Code: 3A Subject: Review of stack test report dated, December 6, 2023 On December 11, 2023, the Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) received a stack test report for emissions testing of the Crusoe Energy Systems Duchesne Data Center Power Plant’s, Ten Waukesha 2,500 hp Generator Engine Units 1251, 1254, 1283, 1318, tested by EES, and Engine Units 1358, 1361, 1362, 1363, 1364, and 1365 tested by GAS. All located in the Crusoe Energy Duchesne Data Center 1-mile northeast of Upalco, Duchesne County, Utah. Testing was performed October 24-27, 2023, by EES, and November 13-21, 2023, by GAS, to determine compliance with AO Condition II.B.2.a, and NSPS 40 CFR 60, Subpart JJJJ for NOX, CO, and VOC emissions. The DAQ calculated results are: Source Test Date RM/Pollutant DAQ Result Tester Result Limit GE 1283 10/24/23 */NOX 0.12 lb/hr 0.12 lb/hr 0.83 lb/hr 0.025 g/BHP-H 0.025 g/BHP-Hr 0.15 g/BHP-Hr */CO 0.46 lb/hr 0.46 lb/hr 1.65 lb/hr 0.093 g/BHP-Hr 0.093 g/BHP-Hr 0.30 g/BHP-Hr */VOC 0.02 lb/hr 0.02 lb/hr 0.17 lb/hr 0.004 g/BHP-Hr 0.004 g/BHP-Hr 0.03 g/BHP-Hr GE 1251 10/25/23 */NOX 0.16 lb/hr 0.16 lb/hr 0.83 lb/hr 0.0.32 g/BHP-Hr 0.16 g/BHP-Hr 0.15 g/BHP-Hr */CO 0.46 lb/hr 0.46 lb/hr 1.65 lb/hr 0.09 g/BHP-Hr 0.09 g/BHP-Hr 0.30 g/BHP-Hr */VOC 0.15 lb/hr 0.15 lb/hr 0.17 lb/hr 0.03 g/BHP-Hr 0.03 g/BHP-Hr 0.03 g/BHP-Hr 2 GE 1318 10/26/23 */NOX 0.00 lb/hr 0.00 lb/hr 0.83 lb/hr 0.00 g/BHP-Hr 0.00 g/BHP-Hr 0.15 g/BHP-Hr */CO 0.52 lb/hr 0.52 lb/hr 1.65 lb/hr 0.11 g/BHP-Hr 0.11 g/BHP-Hr 0.30 g/BHP-Hr */VOC 0.00 lb/hr 0.00 lb/hr 0.17 lb/hr 0.00 g/BHP-Hr 0.00 g/BHP-Hr 0.03 g/BHP-Hr GE 1254 10/27/23 */NOX 0.05 lb/hr 0.05 lb/hr 0.83 lb/hr 0.01 g/BHP-Hr 0.01 g/BHP-Hr 0.15 g/BHP-Hr */CO 0.51 lb/hr 0.51 lb/hr 1.65 lb/hr 0.10 g/BHP-Hr 0.10 g/BHP-Hr 0.30 g/BHP-Hr */VOC 0.15 lb/hr 0.15 lb/hr 0.17 lb/hr 0.03 g/BHP-Hr 0.03 g/BHP-Hr 0.03 g/BHP-Hr GE 1362 11/13/23 */NOX 0.15 lb/hr 0.15 lb/hr 0.83 lb/hr 0.03 g/BHP-Hr 0.03 g/BHP-Hr 0.15 g/BHP-Hr */CO 0.40 lb/hr 0.40 lb/hr 1.65 lb/hr 0.08 g/BHP-Hr 0.08 g/BHP-Hr 0.3 g/BHP-Hr */VOC 0.02 lb/hr 0.02 lb/hr 0.17 lb/hr 0.004 g/BHP-Hr 0.004 g/BHP-Hr 0.03 g/BHP-Hr GE 1361 11/14/23 */NOX 0.33 lb/hr 0.33 lb/hr 0.83 lb/hr 0.06 g/BHP-Hr 0.06 g/BHP-Hr 0.15 g/BHP-Hr */CO 0.795 lb/hr 0.795 lb/hr 1.65 lb/hr 0.15 g/BHP-Hr 0.15 g/BHP-Hr 0.30 g/BHP-Hr */VOC 0.023 lb/hr 0.023 lb/hr 0.17 lb/hr 0.004 g/BHP-Hr 0.004 g/BHP-Hr 0.03 g/BHP-Hr GE 1358 11/15/23 */NOX 0.15 lb/hr 0.15 lb/hr 0.83 lb/hr 0.03 g/BHP-Hr 0.03 g/BHP-Hr 0.15 g/BHP-Hr */CO 0.80 lb/hr 0.80 lb/hr 1.65 lb/hr 0.16 g/BHP-Hr 0.16 g/BHP-Hr 0.30 g/BHP-Hr */VOC 0.03 lb/hr 0.03 lb/hr 0.17 lb/hr 0.01 g/BHP-Hr 0.01 g/BHP-Hr 0.03 g/BHP-Hr GE 1364 11/16/23 */NOX 0.075 lb/hr 0.075 lb/hr 0.83 lb/hr 0.015 g/BHP-Hr 0.015 g/BHP-Hr 0.15 g/BHP-Hr */CO 0.48 lb/hr 0.48 lb/hr 1.65 lb/hr 0.10 g/BHP-Hr 0.10 g/BHP-Hr 0.30 g/BHP-Hr */VOC 0.025 lb/hr 0.025 lb/hr 0.17 lb/hr 0.01 g/BHP-Hr 0.005 g/BHP-Hr 0.03 g/BHP-Hr 3 GE 1363 11/20/23 */NOX 0.15 lb/hr 0.147 lb/hr 0.83 lb/hr 0.03 g/BHP-Hr 0.029 g/BHP-Hr 0.15 g/BHP-Hr */CO 0.71 lb/hr 0.711 lb/hr 1.65 lb/hr 0.14 g/BHP-Hr 0.139 g/BHP-Hr 0.30 g/BHP-Hr */VOC 0.03 lb/hr 0.027 lb/hr 0.17 lb/hr 0.01 g/BHP-Hr 0.005 g/BHP-Hr 0.03 g/BHP-Hr GE 1365 11/21/23 */NOX 0.07 lb/hr 0.067 lb/hr 0.83 lb/hr 0.01 g/BHP-Hr 0.014 g/BHP-Hr 0.15 g/BHP-Hr */CO 0.08 lb/hr 0.085 lb/hr 1.65 lb/hr 0.02 g/BHP-Hr 0.017 g/BHP-Hr 0.30 g/BHP-Hr */VOC 0.02 lb/hr 0.02 lb/hr 0.17 lb/hr 0.004 g/BHP-Hr 0.004 g/BHP-Hr 0.03 g/BHP-Hr *ASTM D6348-03 DEVIATIONS: No deviations were noted. CONCLUSION: The stack test report appears to be acceptable with the additional Technical Response information received March 22, 2024, and March 28, 2024, regarding the four engines tested by EES. These reports added missing and clarifying information to the ASTM 6348 QA/QC data in the initial test reports. RECOMMENDATION: GE Engines 1251, 1254, 1283, 1318, 1358, 1361, 1362, 1363, 1364, and 1365 should be considered to have been in compliance with the NOx, CO, and VOC applicable emissions limits at the time of testing. HPV: No. ATTACHMENT: Crusoe Energy Systems emissions testing report received December 11, 2023 Technical Response worksheets received from EES on March 22, 2024 Technical Response worksheets received from EES on March 28, 2024 DAQ generated excel spreadsheets ENVIRONMENTAL OI,IAUTY December 7,2023 Harold Burge Utah Division of Air Quality PO Box 144820 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4820 0EC 1 1 2U?3 DIVISION OF AIH QUALTTV Subjecr Crusoe Energy Systems, lnc. Duchesne Data Center Power Station - Stack Test Reports On behalf of Crusoe Energy Systems, lnc. (Crusoe Energy) please find attached the ten stack test reports for the Waukesha9394 2,500 horsepower naturalgas generator engines. Below is a table summarizing the engines along with their test dates. Waukesha 9394GSI I 283 1469776 10124t2023 , WrS::lE ?l-e-4-G!l Waukesha 9394GSl t25 t t4s7259 t0t25t2023 t3t8 r 632554 10t2612073 1254 t453999 10t2712023 r 362 I 650569 nil3t2023 Should you have any questions or comments about these reports, please contact Kaitlin Meszaros by email at meszaros@pinyon-env.com or by phone at 63 l-245-0308.Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Sincerely, PINYON ENVIRONMENTAL ]NC., S/frr"' fuulff** Kaitlin A Meszaros Air Quality Specialist Cc: Michael Duplantis, Crusoe Energy Systems, lnc. @l ENCINO ENVIRON M ENTAL S E RVIC ES Collaboration. lnnovation. Optimization.il ErvussroNs Tesr Rrponr Regulation(s): 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ Pollutant(s): NOa CO, and VOCs PROJECT: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 Crusoe Energy Systeffis, lnc Facility: Snapper Facility DUCHESNE COUNTY, UTAH DATE: DECEMBER 6,2023 DOC N0.: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 TEST DATE: 1012412023 Emisslons Source: Waukesha 9394GSl Spark-lgnlted Stationary Englne Unit Number: 1283 Regulated Entity Number (RN): Englne Serlal Number: 1 46977 6 Crusoe Enerry Systems, lnc Contact Namq Mlchael Duplantls Phone: 832-754-3833 Encino Environmental Services, LLC 20302ParkRow Dr, Suite 1200 Katy, Texas 77449 Telephone: 281 201 3544 Emai l: support@encinoenviron.com www.encinoenviron.com Copyrighto 2023 UTAH DEPARTMENI'OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALiTY D[U '1 i ii23 DIYISION OF AIR QUALITV Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 4 4.1 5 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Documenr: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 8 9 9.1 F!GURES Figure 1 - Sampling System Schematic Figure 2 - Engine-specific Photographs Figure 3 - Peak Signal lntensity and Analysis (Quality Analysis) Figure 4 - Minimum Detection Limits Figure 5 - FuelAnalysis Oxygen Analyzer.... .....19 FTIR Ana1y2er................ ................. 19 Gas DiluterValidation.. ..................19 Sampling System....... ....................20 Calibration Gases .......20 FTIR DATA VALIDATTON .............. ...............21 Minimum Detection Limits (MDL) ...................21 Calibration Transfer Standard and System Purge ............21 Dynamic Spiking and Recovery............... ........21 Review of Test Methodologies and Spectral Data Va|idation................................22 Quality Mana9ement............... ......23 EMISSIONS CALCULATIONS......... ..............24 Emission Rates ...........24 FuelAnalysis................ ..................24 Engine Performance Data........ -....24 RAW DATA ...............25 QUALIFICATIONS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS ............26 ASTM Method D7036-04... ............26 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 TABLES Table 1 - Summary of Test Results Table 2 - Emissions Source Operational Data Table 3 - Oxygen Analyzer Calibration and Bias Table 4 - Gas Diluter Calibration Table 5 - Calibration Transfer Standard Table 6 - ASTM Method D6348-03 - Annex 5 Analyte Spiking Technique Table 7 - EPA Method 19 Fuel Factor Calculations Table 8 - EPA Method 19 Emission Rate Calculations Table 9 - EPA Method 19 FuelComposition APPENDICES Appendix A - Single Point Sampling Regulatory Justification Appendix B - Manufacturer Engine Data Sheet Appendix C - Field Data Sheets and Communications Appendix D - Gas Diluter Validation Certificate Appendix E - Gas Cylinder Certificates Appendix F - Engine Performance Data AppendixG-RawData Appendix H - Resumes of Key Environmental Professionals @ u Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 ABBREVIATIONS 23LB 45LB ,.+SRB AETB AMSL ASTM BACT bhp BSFCr-xv Btu CFR CHr cl co COz CTS DAS DGB DOM EPA F-Factor FTIR HAP(s) HCHO tcE LAC LDEQ LELAP LNz M MACT Two Stroke Lean Burn Four Stroke Lean Burn Four Stroke Rich Burn Air-Emissions Testing Body Above Mean Sea Level American Society of Testing and Materials Best Available Control Technology Brake Horsepower BrakeSpecific Fuel Consumption Based on LHV British Thermal Units Code of Federal Regulations Methane Compression lgnition Carbon Monoxide Carbon Dioxide Calibration Transfer Standard Data Acquisition System Dynamic Gas Blending Date of Manufacture United States Environmental Protection Agency Fuel Factor Fourier-Transform lnfrared Hazardous Air Pollutants Formaldehyde lnternal Combustion Engine Louisiana Administrative Code Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Louisiana Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program Liquid Nitrogen Thousand Maximum Achievable Control Technology @ tv Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 MCT MDEQ MDC MDL MM Mercury Cadmium Telluride Mississippi Department of Environmental QualiU Minimum Detectable Concentrations Minimum Detection Limit Million MMBtu Million (MM) British Thermal Units Nz Nitrogen NDDEQ North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality NEA Noise Equivalent Absorbance NESHAP(S) National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants NIST National lnstitute of Standards and Technology NMED-AQB New Mexico Environment Department - Air Quality Bureau NMHC Non-Methane Hydrocarbon NOx Nitrogen Oxides NRSP Non-Rule Standard NSPS New Source Performance Standards Oz Orygen ODEQ Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality PBR Permit By Rule RACT Reasonably Achievable Control Technology RICE Reciprocating lnternal Combustion Engine Sl Spark lgnited SOz Sulfur Dioxide spm Scan Per Minute STP Standard Temperature and Pressure TAC Texas Administrative Code TCEQ Texas Commission on Environmental Quality THC Total Hydrocarbons TISMC The lntemational Standard Metric Conditions VOC Volatile Organic Compound @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 KEY DEFINITIONS Brake Horsepower (BHP) Centroidal Area Compression lgnition (Cl) Concentration Adjustment Gas Turbine Fourier-Transform lnfrared (FTIR) Horsepower (HP) ldeal Gas Law lnternal Combustion Engine (lCE) Linearity Mass-Rate "Shaft Horsepowed - the actual horsepower of an engine, usually determined from the force exerted on a friction brake or dynamometer connected to the driveshaft. The central area of the stack or duct that is no greater than one percent (1 %) of the stack or duct cross section. The area has the same geometric shape as the stack or duct1. Relating to a type of stationary internal combustion engine that is not a spark ignition engine. Emission limits outlined in air quality programs (New Source Performance Standards, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants) are expressed at a given oxygen concentration, which require that pollutant concentrations measured in the stack are adjusted or corrected to the appropriate oxygen level. Pollutant concentrations for boilers, heaters, and ovens are generally corrected to three percent (3%) orygen, whereas engine and turbine pollutant concentrations are corrected to fifteen percent (1 5%) orygen. 'Combustion turbines", are used in a broad scope of applications including electric power generation, cogeneration, natural gas transmission, and various process applications. Gas turbines are available with power outputs ranging from three hundred horsepower (300 hp) to overtwo-hundred and sixty-eight thousand horsepower (268,000 hp), with an average size of forty-thousand, two-hundred horsepower (40,200 hp)2. The primary fuels used in gas turbines are natural gas and distillate (No. 2) fuel oils. An internal combustion engine that operates with rotary rather than reciprocating motion. A technique used to obtain an infrared spectrum of absorption or emission of a solid, liquid, or gas. A unit of measurement of power (the rate at which work is done). 'General Gas Equation" - equation of state of a hypothetical gas. A heat engine in which the combustion that generates the heat takes place inside the engine proper. The property of a mathematical relationship or function which means that it can be graphically represented as a straight line. The rate of discharge of a pollutant expressed as weight per unit time. t EPA Method 7E - Determination of Nitrogen oxides Emissions From Stationary Sources (lnstrumental Analfzer Procedure) 2 CC Shih, et ar., Emissions Assessment of Conventional gationary Combustion Systemq VoL ll: lntenal Cornbustion Sourceq EPA-600/7-79-029C, US Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH, February 1 979. 3 Final Repul - Gas Turbine Emission MeasurementPrcg/,am, GASLTR787, GeneralApplied Science Laboratories, Westbury, NY August '1974. vl Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 Minimum Detection Limit (MDL) Programmable (PLc) Sample Probe Logic Controller Spark lgnition (Sl) Spike Spiked Sample Stationary Reciprocating lnternal Combustion Engine (RICE) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) "Method Detection Limit" - the minimum concentration of a substance that can be measured and reported within ninety-nine percent (99%) confidence that the analyte concentration is greater than zero (>0) and is determined from analysis of a sample in a given matrix containingthe analytea. lnterchangeable with MDC. An industrial digital computer which has been ruggedized and adapted for control of processes (parametric monitoring) or other activities that requires a high degree of reliability, ease of programming, and process fault diagnosis. Glass, stainless steel, or other approved material of sufficient length to traverse sample pointsl; exhaust gas interface. Relating to either: A gasoline-fueled engine; or any othertype of engine a spark plug (or other sparking device) and with operating characteristics significantly similar to the theoretical "Otto" combustion cycle. Spark ignition engines usually use a throttle to regulate intake air flow to control power during normal operations. Dual-fuel engines in which a liquid fuel (typically diesel fuel) is used for Cl and gaseous fuel (typically natural gas) is used as the primary fuel at an annual average ratio of less than two parts diesel fuel to one hundred parts total fuel (< 2 parts diesel to 1 00 parts total fuel) on an energy equivalent basis are spark ignition engines. A known mass (concentration) of target analyte added to a blank sample or subsample; used to determine recovery efficiency or for other quality control purposess. A sample prepared by adding a known mass (concentration) of target analyte to a specified amount of matrix sample for which an independent estimate or target analyte concentration is available - used to determine the effect of the matrix on a method's recovery efficiencys. Any internal combustion engine, except combustion turbines, that converts heat energy into mechanical work and is not mobile. Any compound of carbon, excluding carbon monoxide (C0), carbon dioxide (COz), carbonic acid (HzCO3), and metallic carbides or carbonates, and ammonium carbonate ((NHr)zcOe) which participates in atmospheric photochemical reactions 6. 1 40 CFR Appendix B to Part 1 36 5 Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program; QA Glossary of Terms. United States Environmental Protection Agency. 6 Definition pursuant to 40 CFR Part 51, $51 -1 00(s) (as of October 30, 201 4); Federal Registry Standards / vol. 73, Friday, January 'l 8, 2008 / Rules and Regulations. @ vil Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 ABBREVIATED UNITS OF MEASUREMENT atm BSFCr-nv 'c ccm cm{ .F GWP HHV hp g Gram g/bhp-hr Grams Per Brake Horsepower Per Hour Standard Atmosphere (See Abbreviations) Expressed as Btu/bhp-hr Degrees Celsius Cubic Centimeters Per Minute Reciprocal Centimeter Degrees Fahrenheit Global Warming Potential Higher Heating Value; Btu/scf Horsepower Kilopascal Pound(s) kPa tb lb/hr Pounds Per Hour lb/MMBtu Pounds Per Million British Thermal Units LHV Lower Heating Value; Btu/scf LPH Liters Per Hour LPM Liters Per Minute ppb Parts Per Billion ppm Parts Per Million ppm"d Parts Per Million by Volume - Dry Basis psi Pounds PerSquare lnch psiaus Pounds Per Square lnch - Absolute psig Pounds Per Square lnch - Gauge scf Standard Cubic Foot (Feet) scfh Standard Cubic Foot (Feet) Per Hour scfm Standard Cubic Foot (Feet) Per Minute torr A unit of pressure used in measuring partial vacuums, equal to 133.32 Pascals tpy Ton PerYear vol Volume @ vil Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document EM-23-1582{01 REV 0 THIS PAGE Y LEFT BLANK Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 STATEMENT OF BASIS On10/24/2023, Encino Environmentalservices, LLC, (henceforth "Encino") was commissioned by Crusoe Energy Systems, lnc to perform an emissions compliance test on a 2500-hp Waukesha generator stationary engine designated as unit number 1283. The internal combustion stationary engine is located at the Snapper Facility in Duchesne County, Utah. The geographic coordinates for the facility are 40.263580 & -1 10.1201 10 (approximate). Sampling and analytical procedures employed during the performance test were pursuant to Forty Code of Federal Regulations (henceforth "40 CFR) Part 60, Appendix A and American Society for Testing and Materials (henceforth "ASTM") methodsT. The primary objective of the test program was to determine actual emissions of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from unit number 1283 and to verify compliance with the emissions parameters of 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ. Deviations from methods in this testing program may include single-point sampling (centroidal area). This is a common practice with an established precedence when sampling stationary engine exhaust due to safety concerns. Supporting documentation in the form of a Sing/e Potnt Sampling Regulatory Justification Correspondence is included in Appendix A. Prior to the sampling program (test project), a stratification test was performed at the test site to determine the appropriate number of sample traverse points. The sample probe was used to measure concentrations of nitrogen oxides (NOx) at three (3) points on a line passing through the centroidal area at sixteen and seven tenths' percent (16.70y"), fifty percent (50.007"), and eighty- three and three tenths' percent (83.30%) of the measurement line. lf concentrations of NOx at each traverse point did not differ from the mean concentration for alltraverse points by no more than (a) t5.00 percent (15.00%) of the mean concentration; or (b) 10.50 ppm,d (whichever is less restrictive), the gas stream is deemed unstratified, and sample measurements for the test project were extracted from a single point - from a position that closely matches the mean concentrationse. Typically, this method is used with two types of pollution instrumentation - single, or in tandem to determine stratification (instrumental analyzer and/or FT-lR). 7 ASTM Methods lncorporated by Reference (lBR). 8 EPA Method 1 (or EPA Merhod 1A) - Sample and Velocity Traverses for Stationary Sources e EPA Method 7E - Determination of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Stationary Sources (lnstrumental Analyzer Procedure; Section 8.1.2 Determination of Stratification). @ Page 1 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 lf the stack effluent is observed to be then a muhi-point'rake'probe was used with orifices located at sixteen and seven tenths'(15.70%), fifty percent (50.00%), and eighty- three and three tenths'percent (83.30%) of the Michae! Duplatis of Crusoe Energy Systems, lnc facility operations during the test and provided supporting data such as the fuel-gas and permit infonnation. No major deviations or problems occurred the emission test program. 10 Table 2 to lo CFR Part 60 $bpart JJJJ - Requlrements for s60.4244. Tests; demonstratlng compliance in accordance with linelo Page 2 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT I certifythatto the best of my knowledge: . Encino Environmental Services, LLC conducted the collection, analysis, and reduction of all samples.,' . Ihis report reflects the results of the testrng conducted on 10/24/2023 and has not been altered, enhanced, or biased in any manner.; . Encino Environmental Services, LLC collected and reponed the enclosed data in accordance with procedures and quality assurance activities described,n this test report; . Encino Environmental Services, LLC makes no warranty as to the suitability of the test methods.; and . Encino Environmental Services, LLC assumes no liability related to the interpretation and use of this data. KuloZil<P{ Richard Ziker Emissions Tech I Etcino Environmental Services, LLC @ Page 3 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 QUALITY ASSURANCE CERTIFICATION STATEMENT The Air Emission Testing Bodyl1 (AETB) should deliver data of known and documented quality on a consistent basis regardless of the test method used. I certify that to fhe best of my knowledge: . Iest data and all corresponding information has been evaluated for accuracy and comp/eteness.; ' Sampling and analyses have been conducted in accordance with the approved protocol.; and reference methods;and ' Alldeviations, method modifications, method deviations, sampling procedures, and analytical anomalies are summarized inthe repoft. w*?rys*tz* Tiffany Joling-Simon North District Manager Encino Environmental Services, IIC 11 ASTM Method D7036-16 - Standard Practice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies; establishes general criteria for a Quality System that, when followed, assures consistently acceptable data quality from an AETB. Page 4 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 STATEMENT OF RECEIPT AND ACCEPTANCE By signing this statemenl I acknowledge that I have received the emissions test report for the Snapper Faciltg Unit No. 1283; an emissions performance test conducted on 10/24/2023. I have been provided with the opportuntty to read and comment on the data contained in: Document No.: EM-23-1 582-0U RAI 0. I hereby ceftify that I have personally examined the data and information contained herein. Based on my inguiries of the individuals immediately responsible for collecting the data associated with this project, I believe the contents of this report deliverable to be true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Company Representative (Client) @ Page 5 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 1 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS The final emissions results (detailed) of the testing event are presented in Table 7 and compare requirements, provisions, and allowances of the applicable governing regulations and standards. The table below provides a summary of the mass emission rates and pollutant concentrations (adjusted) from the testing eventl2: Emissions Summary 1.1 Purpose The purpose of the emissions test is to meet the standards of performance for stationary spark ignition reciprocating internal combustion engines (henceforth "Sl-RlCE") and the emissions limitations and testing requirements for RICE (engines) with a brake horsepower rating greater than 100-hp per 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ (>500-hp for general State Compliance obligations). 1.2 Detailed Scope of Work Encino conducted the following scope of work for the emissions test: . Configured sampling system; . Validated engine data from manufacturer nameplate; o Recorded weather data; . Recorded fuel meter readings and operational data; . Affixed sample probe to exhaust stack; . Performed stratification analysis of the exhaust stack; . Performed sampling system calibration, bias, and quality analysis; . Conducted three (3), sixty-minute (60-min) test analyses ("runs"); r Validated spectral data and test methods;and . Compiled emissions test data and final report. 12 Regulatory and/or permitted emissions are represented on both a mass-rate basis and in parts per million (by volume; dry) basis adjusted to fifteen percent (15%) orygen (engine and turbines) and three percent (3%) orygen for boilers, heaters, ovens, and other external combustion equipment. These representations demonstrate compliance with regulatory and/or permitted rates based on two (2) mechanisms of data analysis and fulfill compliance objectives by representing emissions data in multiple formats as required (and allowed) by the Program Administrator. @ Page 6 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6, 2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 1.3 Assumptions No assumptions have been made regarding any source operationalconditions/parameters which may exist at the location. 1.4 Special Terms and Conditions This report has been prepared in accordance with the Proposal for Air Emissions Testing Services and generally accepted environmental methodologies referred in 40 CFR and contains all the limitations inherent within (methodologies). The engine located at the Snapper Facility was "tested as found"13. This emissions test cannot wholly eliminate uncertainty regarding the source's performance before or after the test was performed. No other warranties, expressed or implied, are made as to the professional services provided under the terms of our agreement and included in this report. 1.5 RegulatoryStatement At least thirty to sixty days (30 - 60 days) prior to the Emissions Performance Test for the source described in Document No.: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0, an Emissions Performance Test Notification was submitted to the appropriate Agency (Administrator) in accordance with 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ and the requirements/provisions outlined in 40 CFR 560.8 - Performance Testsla. lf the Emissions Performance Test described in Document No.: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 was postponed, rescheduled, or delayed due to operational issues or inclement weather, the appropriate Agency has been provided with a retest notification at /east seven days (7 days) prior to the new proposed test date. Each Emissions Performance Test Notification - provided to the appropriate Agency, includes the following (at a minimum): o Name of Emissions Testing Laboratory (firm); o Date of pretest meeting (if required); . Description of instruments, analyzers, and equipment to be utilized; . Description of methods and procedures to be utilized during sampling; 13 ln accordance with 40 CFR $60.8(c) - Performance tests shall be conducted under such conditions as the Administrator shall specify to the plant operator based on representative performance of the affected facility. The owner or operator shall make available to the Administrator such records as may be necessary to determine the conditions of the performance tests. Operations during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction shall not constitute representative conditions for the purpose of a performance test nor shall emissions in excess of the level of the applicable emission limit during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction be considered a violation of the applicable emission limit unless otherwise specified in the applicable standard. 1140 CFR 560.8(d) @ Page 7 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 . Procedures to determine operating rates and/or other relevant parameters during the sampling period; . Parameters and key data points to be documented during the sampling event (emissions test); and . Proposed deviations to the prescribed sampling methods. Therefore, the Agency has been provided with the opportunity to comment on the proposed methods, procedures, instruments, and practices which demonstrate compliance with 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ - prior to the testing of this source (Document No.: EM-23-1 582-001 REV 0). lf a response was not provided to either Crusoe Energy Systems, lnc or Encino Environmental Services, LLC, the source was tested in accordance with the both the Emissions Performance Test Notification and testing requirements listed in 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ. A copy and transmittal (including shipment tracking and receipt confirmation) of the Emissions Performance Test notification submitted for this project is located in Appendix C of this document. For all other inquiries pertaining to the contents of this report, contact: Encino Environmental Services, LLG Attn: Operational Support 20302 Park Row Dr, Suite 1200 Katy, Texas 77449 Office:281.201.3544 Electronic Mail (email): support@encinoenviron.com @ Page 8 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 2 SAMPLING SYSTEM The sampling and analysis system and the appliance for exhaust interface utilized during the test program is shown inFigure 1 andFigure 2 of this report. Detection principles of the analyzers can be located throughout this report. Hot and water-rich effluent (contextual-gaseous mixture) gas was extracted from the exit stack (exhaust) of the muffler/catalyst/stack housing on the unit through a single point or multi-point sample probe located on a line passing through the centroidal area meeting distance requirements of 40 CFR Part 60, United States Environmental Protection Agency (henceforth "EPA") Method 1 (or EPA Method 1A), and EPA MethodTE. A shepherds-hook stainless steel probe (or multi-point sample probe; stratification test notwithstanding) three-eighths of an inch (3/8) in diameter was connected to a heated sample line by a wrapped three-way (3-way) bias sample valve. The gas was transported to the mobile laboratory by a heated line - maintained at a temperature of exactly one-hundred and ninety-one degrees Celsius (191'C; approximately 376'F). A heated pump and flow meter maintained a constant flow of five liters per minute (5 LPM) of effluent gas to the MKS Multigas* 2030 FTIR analyzer. The effluent gas sample was analyzed for target constituents, and raw data was captured within a data acquisition system (henceforth "DAS"1't. Upon exiting the analyzer, a portion of the sample was directed to a peristaltic pump (sample dryer and conditioner) where water was removed. The gas was then routed to the oxygen analyzer where the concentration was measured on a dry basis using paramagnetic technology (percentu,y; %ary). 2.1 lnstrument Specifications Description: Manufacturer: Model: Serial Number: Technology Type: Range: Reproducibility: Accuracy (post calibration): Response Time (90% FSD): Descrlption: Manufacturer: Oxygen Analyzer M&C PMA1 OOOL 21 0982$020{ 9060031 paramagnetic 0-25% Analogue=<1%ofspan Digital = +/- 0.1 vol. % Oz Analogue signal output = +/-1 % of span at range 3-1 00% Digital indicator = +/-0.1 vol. % Oz < 3 seconds at 60 l/hr Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Aralyzer MAX Analtytical ls Encino Environmental Services lnc. uses Em0ollect* Advanced Data Acquisition Software (proprietary) to comply with method- appropriate sample analysis and data collection procedures. @ Page 9 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 Model: Serial Number: Technology Type: Range: Spectral Resolution: Scan Speed: Detector Type: MAX.IR 00398 FTIR Spectrometry Between 1 0 ppb and 1 00 ppb full-scale 0.5 - 128 cmr 1 scan/second @ 0.5 cm{ LNz - cooled MCT 2.2 Data Acquisition System (DAS) All raw test data was captured and recorded on the DAS and collected during the Test Project - stylized/formatted to adhere to the report criteria/standards outlined in 40 CFR 560.8 - Pertormance lests, in addition to the requirements prescribed by each Method (EPA and/or ASTM). EmCollect* is an advanced DAS that integrates sampling system instruments with individual software platforms and merges analog output and digital systems into a single electronic application with functionally embedded ASTM and EPA prescribed methodologies relevant to the testing project. The DAS and integrated equipment satisfy quality control and quality assurance objectives (henceforth "QC/QA") through automated system performance evaluation, calibration error analysis, (dynamic) spike recovery and bias scrutiny - which maximizes data integrity while minimizing margin error. ln addition to system performance criteria/standards listed above, EmCollect'includes source- specific input data (e.9., acquired field data; fuel details, ambient conditions, unit operation, etc.) coupled with a library of method procedures and calculations to produce real-time mass emission rates - which are used to compared measured results with permit and/or regulatory limits. The data is compiled into a single EmDat electronic file and encoded with a digital transcript which includes all data acquisition and project transactional records (data input). $lEmReport @ |4I,J,EUAflgA^L EmCollect' @ Page 1 0 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 3 TEST PROCEDURES 3.1 EPA Method 1 Sample and Velocity lraverses for Stationary Sources The purpose of EPA Method 1 is to provide guidance for the selection of sampling ports and traverse points at which sampling for air pollutants will be performed pursuant to the regulations set forth in the Part. Two (2) procedures are presented: r A simplified procedure (EPA Method 1 Section 11.5);and . An alternative procedure. The magnitude of cyclonic flow of effluent gas rn a stack or duct is the only parameter quantitatively measured in the simplified procedure. Method Limitations EPA Method 1 is applicable to gas streams flowing in ducts, stacks, and flues. The method cannot be used when the following conditions/circumstances exist: 1) The flow is cyclonic or swirling;or 2) A stack is smaller than 0.30 meters (12 inches) in diameter, or 0.071 m2 (113.000 in2) in cross-sectional area. ln accordance with EPA Method 1 Section 11.1.1 - Sampling and/or velocity measurements are performed at a site located at least eight stack or duct diameters downstream and two diameters upstream from any flow disturbance such as a bend, expansion, or contraction in the stack, or from a visible flame. lf necessary, an alternative location may be selected, at a position at least two stack or duct diameters downstream and a half diameter upstream from any flow disturbance. The simplified procedure cannot be utilized when the rneasurement site is less than two (2) stack or duct diameters downstream or less than a half (1/2) diameter upstream from a flow disturbance.lo 3.2 EPA Method 1A Sample and Velocity lraverces for Stationary Sources with Small Stacks or Ducts The applicability and principle of this method are identicalto EPA Method 1, except its applicability is limited to stacks or ducts. This method is applicable to flowing gas streams in ducts, stacks, and flues of less that approximately 0.30 meter (12 in) in diameter, or 0.071 square meters (0.071 16 Pursuant to 'Guideline for Determination of Good Engineering Practice Stack Height' (Technical Support Document for Stack Height Regulations); United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards; Document No.: EPA- 450/4-8G23R June 1 985, Page 1 3 - Examination of the published sketches shows the cavity to extend from the ground veftically to about 1.5 times the height of the building; building height may vary. @ Page 1 1 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 m') (113 in2) in cross-sectional area, but equal to or greater than about 0.10 meter (a in) in diameter (>0.10 m; 4 in), or 0.0081 m2 (12.57 in2) in cross-sectional area. This method cannot be used when the flow is cyclonic or swirling. 3.3 EPA Method 2 Determination of Stack Gas Velocity and Volum*ic Flow Rate (Type S Pitot Tube) EPA Method 2 is applicable for the determination of the average velocity and volumetric flow rate of a gas stream;typically utilized to obtain exhaust flow rates (post combustion) in stacks. Method Limitations EPA Method 2 is not applicable at measurement sites that fail to meet the criteria of EPA Method 1, section 11.1.1 (measurement site as a function of 'stack diameter'distances). Additionally, the method cannot be utilized for direct measurement in cyclonic or swirling flow conditions. When unacceptable conditions exist, alternative procedures, subject to the approval of the Administrator, must be employed to produce accurate flow rate determinations. Examples of such alternative procedures are: 1) To install straightening vanes; 2) To calculate the totalvolumetric flow rate stoichiometrically;or 3) Move to another measurement site at which the flow is acceptable. 3.4 EPA Method 2A Direct Measurement of Gas Volume Through Pipes and Small Ducts This method is applicable for the determination of gas flow rates in pipes and small ducts, either in-line or at exhaust positions, within the temperature range of 0 to 50 'C (32 lo 122"F). 3.5 EPA Method 2C Determination of Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate in Small Stacks or Ducts (Standad Pitot Tube) This method is applicable for the determination of average velocity and volumetric flow rate of gas streams in small stacks or ducts. Lrmits on the applicability of this method are identicalto those set forth in Method Z Section 7.0, except that this method is limited to stationary source stacks or ducts less than about 0.30 meter (12 in) in diameter, or 0.071 m2 (1 13 in2) in cross sectional area, but equal to or greater than about 0.10 meter ( in) (>0.10 m;4 in) in diameter, or 0.0081 m2 (12.57 in2) in cross-sectional area. 3.6 EPA Method 2D Measurement of Gas Volume Florv Rates in Small Pipes and Ducts @ Page12 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 EPA Method 2D is applicable for the determination of the volumetric flow rates of gas streams in small pipes and ducts; can be applied to intermittent or variable gas flows only with caution. Allthe gas flow in the pipe or duct is directed through rotameter, orifice plate, or similar device to measure flow rate or pressure drop. The device has been previously calibrated in a manner that ensures proper calibration for the gas being measured. Absolute temperature and pressure measurements are made to allow correction of volumetric flow rates to standard conditions. In most testing programs, EPA Method 2D is used on inlet fuel piping to derive fuel flow (Qr) to calculate the total volumetric flow rate stoichiometrically. For Sl-RICE Engines (gas-fired turbines notwithstanding) the following appurtenances are utilized to comply with the measurement standards outlined in EPA Method 2D: . Fuel-flow data recorded by "stock" meters (where available); . Determined algorithmically utilizing a programmable logic controller (PLC);or o Differential pressure measurements across an orifice plate. 3.7 EPA Reference Method 3A Determination of Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide Concentrations rn Emrcsions from Stationary Sources Oxygen (Oz) concentrations are determined instrumentally by EPA Reference Method 3A. The M&C Products Model PMA22 paramagnetic analyzer receives conditioned effluent gas (dry);the analyzer registers output signals (measurements) and which are automatically recorded on the DAS. All raw data can be viewed in Appendix G of this report. Oxygen is a paramagnetic gas, which means that it is attracted by a magnetic field. This magnetic susceptibility is much greater than that of most other gas molecules and is ideal for determining the level of oxygen in contextual gas mixtures propagated through combustion. The paramagnetic sensor is a cylindrical-shaped container with a small glass "dumbbell" located inside. The dumbbell is filled with an inert gas and hangs on a suspended platinum wire within a non-uniform magnetic field. When a sample gas containing oxygen is processed through the sensor, the oxygen molecules are attracted to the stronger of the two (2) magnetic fields. This causes a displacement of the dumbbell which results in a rotational effect. When a gas flows through the paramagnetic oxygen sensor, oxygen molecules are attracted to the stronger areas of the magnetic field, causing the dumbbellto rotate. @ Page 1 3 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-'1582-001 REV 0 ln the M&C Products PMA22, an opposing current is applied to restore the dumbbell to its normal position. The current required to maintain the dumbbell in its normalstate is directly proportional to the partial pressure of orygen and is represented electronically in percenl (y.)17. 3.8 EPA Reference Method 7E (by pro)ry) NOx lnstrumental (Referance Procedure for EPA Reference Method 3A and Data Collection) EPA Reference Method 3A, Analysis of Oxygen Content in the Effluent Gas Sample, references EPA Reference Method TEfor general requirements to properly collect and format data. 40 CFR Part 60 EPA Method 7E, describes how to determine appropriate sample points, conduct initial system measurements, interference analyses, sample collection, post-run system bias and drift assessment, calibration and standardization, QC/QA procedures, and system performance evaluations. ln accordance with EPA Method 7E Section 16.1 - Dynamic Sprke Procedure, a dynamic spiking procedure was used to validate test data (for all taryet constituents) in place of the interference analyses and pre- and post- run system bias analyses;where applicablels. 3.9 EPA Method 19 Determination of Sulfur Dioxide Removal Efficiency and Particulate Malter, Sulfur Dioxide, and Nitrogen Oxide Emission Rates EPA Method 19 is utilized to determine pollutant emission rates from the exhaust of the engine unit. The oxygen concentration and F-factor (ratio of combustion gas volumes to heat inputs) which is represented in units of dry standard cubic feet per million British Thermal Units (DSCF/MMBTU) are used to determine exhaust flow rates. The client furnished Encino with an application-specific (source) fuel-gas analysis, which was used to determine fuel caloric value. Adjusted oxygen measurements were used with gross fuel caloric value to determine the orygen supported Fuel-factor on a dry basis. Molecular constituency from the most recent fuel-gas sample was applied to the formulae outlined in EPA Method 19; the output of these calculations is located in laDle 7 - Fuel Factor Calculations, Iable 8 - Emission Rate Calculations, and Table 9 - EPA Method 19 Fuel Composition of this document. 17 Partial Pressure: notional pressure of the constituent gas if it alone occupied the entire volume of the original mixture at the same temperature; measurement of thermodynamic activity of the gas's molecules. Charles Henrickson (2005). Chemistry. 18 Where applicable; the Dynamic Spike Procedure will be utilized in accordance with ASTM Method D6348-03 unless conditions arise where a more stringent Dynamic Spike Procedure is necessary. @ Page 14 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 3.10 EPA Method 205 Verification of Gas Dilution Systems for Field lnstrument Calibrations A gas dilution system produces known low-level calibration gases from high-level calibration gases, with a degree of confidence equalto that for EPA Protocol 1 gasesle. lt may be used for compliance tests in lieu of multiple calibration gases when the gas dilution system is demonstrated to meet the requirements of the prescribed method. EPA Method 205 verification was completed in the field when the dilution concentrations were mixed and introduced to the FTIR analyzer three (3) times to determine instrument response. 3.11 ASTM Method D6348-03 Standard Test Metfiod for Determination of Gaseous Compounds by Etrtnctive Direct lnterface FourierTnnsfomr lnfrard Fnil Spectroscopy \ Fourier transform infrared (henceforth "FTIR) spectroscopy is a measurement technique for collecting infrared spectra and in this program was utilized to gather data for oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)20. !t works on the principle that most gases absorb infrared light. The quantity of infrared light absorbed is proportionalto the gas concentration of the constituents. The captured infrared spectrum represents a "fingerprint" of the sample with absorption peaks which correspond to the frequencies of movement between the bonds of each compound's atoms. Since each compound represents a unique combination of atoms, no two (2) compounds produce identical absorption characteristics. Therefore, infrared spectroscopy can identify each compound by comparing the individual absorbency patterns to an established spectra library of known compounds. Additionally, the size of the peaks in the spectrum is a direct indication of the amount of the target constituent (compound or element) present. The MKS Multigas" 2030 FTIR is configured with a fixed, effective optical path length of five and eleven hundredths'rneters (5.11 m) (approximately 16.8 ft) and employs a helium-neon laser. ln accordance with ASTM Method D6348-03, system response evaluations (system performance "pre-analyses") were conducted prior to the test project. The instrument was configured to analyze the sample at sixteen scans per minute (16 spm) to determine response time of the optical cell to reach ninety-five percent (95%) of the known calibration value (ppm,d). ln the MKS Multigas* - the optical cell is exactly one liter (1 L); therefore, the response time can be properly le EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Slandards; to provide analytical and statistical procedures that may be used to establish N|ST-traceability for gaseous calibration standards. 20 ln accordance with 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ; S60.4245(d) - ASTM Method 06348-03 (incorporated by reference - see 40 CFR 60.17) to measure VOC require reporting of all QA/QC data (Annexes 1-7). Table 4 to Subpart ZZZZ ol Part 63 - Requirements for Performance Tests. @ Page 1 5 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 determined at a flow rate of (between) five and seven and a half liters per minute (5.00 LPM - 7.50 LPM; optics cell volume). All FTIR data was collected at a spatial frequency between five-tenths and one reciprocal centimeter (0.5 - 1.0 cm{) resolution. Each spectrum was derived from the average of sixty (60) scans. Data was collected continuously for each test, with a new data point generated every sixty (60) seconds. 3.12 Discussion ln accordance with 40 CFR $60.8(c)21 - Performance tests shall be conducted under such conditions as the Administrator shall specify to the plant operator based on representative performance of fie affected facility. The owner or operator shall make available to the Administrator such records as may be necessary to determine the conditions of the performance tests. Operations during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction shall not constitute representative conditions for the purpose of a performance test nor shall emissions in excess of the level of the applicable emission limit during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction be considered a violation of the applicable emission limit unless otherwise specified in the applicable standard. The two (2) methods which apply to measurements relating to fuel flow (EPA Method 2A and EPA Method 2D) require calibration and verification of the metering device. Both methods discuss introducing representative gases at known flow rates to demonstrate compliance with the tolerances listed in each procedure (under "representative" conditions). This may be accomplished one of two ways: o ln-situ: A dedicated fuel flow metering device is isolated from the primary fuel system and gases of known constituency and flowrates are introduced inline of the piping circuitry; or o Ex-situ: An independent flowmeter (test meter) is calibrated and verified while challenged with known gases and flowrates - to be installed at some point in the primary fuel system. ln either case, the SI-RICE source will be required to power down to a) perform calibration and verification of the dedicated meter through isolation or b) to install the independent meter - once verified. By utilizing any one of these methods, the source is potentially at risk of non-compliance; pursuant to 40 CFR $60.8(c): "Operations during periods of staftup, shutdown, and malfunction shall not constitute representative conditions forthe purpose of a performance test..." " 40 CFR 560.8 - Performance tests. @ Page 1 6 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 Startup and shutdown procedures for certain Upes of SI-RICE sources may include equilibrating high-pressure systems (e.9., natural gas compression systems) to atmosphere. Typically, these practices are limited to the allowances and thresholds outlined in the Air-Quality Authorization (i.e., Air Permit) which governs the operation and performance of the S!-RICE source. ln this case, the SI-RICE source must be "prepared" for shutdown to calibrate the inline flow meter or install the independent meter. As such, any emissions from source preparation may exceed short-term emission limits (of the Air Permit) and cause secondary pollutant impacts - particularly greenhouse gases (henceforth "GHG") as natural gas (fuel gas) contains (predominantly) methane (henceforth "CHa") possessing a globalwarming potential (henceforth "GWP") of atleast 27 times that of COz. After the SI-RICE (in gas compression service) is started, the engine must cycle for up to six (6) hours -depending upon transmission gas availability since gas is generally rerouted prior to shut down. Additionally, engine tuning (post startup) may be required to adjust for fuel pressure, ambient conditions, and other operational variables. Therefore, in some cases, satisfying the conditions and requirements of each method (EPA Method 2A or EPA Method 2D) create scenarios which are not representative of routine operating conditions. ln accordance with 40 CFR S60.8(d), the Administrator has been provided at least thirty days (30- days) prior notice of this performance testing regimen. Unless otherwise indicated, instructed, and/or advised, the testing body utilized the protocol outlined in the corresponding notification See Section 1.5. @ Page 1 7 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 4 OPERATION DESCRIPT!ON The Waukesha 9394GSl spark-ignited internal combustion stationary engine is fueled with natural gas and is used in either gas-transmission service by driving a generator unit; stationary engine- driven generator is used to increase pressure and continue the flow of natural gas to pipeline pressure in order to supply the natural gas demand/distribution downstream or for electrical utility generation to power a local microgrid. A copy of the stationary engine-specific manufacturer data is included in Appendix B of this report. Descriptions of the utility and application of the Waukesha 9394GSl spark-ignited is located in Table 2 and Appendix C. 4.1 Operational Data Operational data of the spark-ignited stationary engine was recorded during each sample run. This data included the load (percent; %) at which the stationary engine ran during the test and various factors that help determine and ensure mechanical integrity of the stationary engine - such as oil pressure, manifold pressure, and revolutions per minute of the mechanical compressor unit (voltage and amperage where applicable). A copy of the field data sheets is included in Appendix C of this report. Emissions source operational data is located inTable 2 of this report. @ Page 1 I Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 5 SAMPLING SYSTEM CALIBRATION DATA Pursuant to the QC/QA requirements outlined in each method and incorporated in this test program, quality assurance activities were undertaken priol during, and after each emissions performance project. The following sections detail the QC/QA techniques and practices which were rigorously followed during the testing program. 5.1 Oxygen Analyzer The response of the oxygen analyzer was evaluated and adjusted in the field priorto the collection of data via multipoint calibration. Oxygen analyzer calibration data - including error analysis and bias corrections is located in lable 3 of this report. 5.2 FTIR Analyzer Linearity of the FTIR instrument was analyzed by first adjusting the zero (0) and span responses to zero nitrogen (O-Nz), and then to an upscale calibration gas in the range of expected concentrations (of each target analyte)22. ln accordance with ASTM Method D6348-03 (2010) Annex 6 (A6.1), the noise equivalent absorbance (henceforth "NEA") was determined by flowing nitrogen (zero air) through the gas sample cell while collecting a "background" spectrum (in succession). Line position was determined by flowing nitrogen through the gas sample cell and acquiring a spectrum which, in- turn, was used to determine the wavelength that corresponds to the maximum peak absorbance (line position) of water vapor in the region of 1,918 cm{, or from 3,045 to 3,050 cm{ (or another suitable spectral region that remains consistent)23. Additionally, the system resolution was recorded and verified by flowing nitrogen through the gas sample cell and allowing equilibration at sub-atmospheric pressure (approximately one hundred torr (100 torr)). An absorbance spectrum was collected with a resolution at the one-half (1/2) width and the one-half (1/2) maximum height of the water vapor lines in the region of 1,918 cm{ (or, from 3,045 to 3,050 cm{ or another suitable region that remains constant). The instrument was then challenged with other calibration gases of known concentrations to determine instrument response. A copy of instrument data displaying peak signal intensity and analysis is represented by Figure 3. 5.3 Gas Diluter Validation The dilution system was calibrated in accordance with EPA Method 205 to generate calibration gases (analytes) where measured concentration values (ppm'd) are within two percent (12%) of 22 ASTM Method D6348-03 (201 0), Annex 4 (A4.5) - Required Pretest Procedures. 23 ASTM Method D6348-03 (2010), Annex 6 (A6.2) - Line Position. Page 1 9 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 the of the predicted values. The predicted values were calculated based on the certified concentrations of the supply gases and gas flow rates ("dilution factors") through the gas dilution system (measured by rotametet'o). A copy of the field gas dilution system calibration report is located inTable 4. Pursuant to EPA Method 205, the gas dilution system has been calibrated, on a prescribed interval using NIST-traceable primary flow standards with an uncertainty less than or equalto twenty-five hundredth percent (s 0.257"). A copy of the factory gas dilution system validation certificate is included in Appendix D of this report. 5.4 Sampling System After each sample run, the analyzers were evaluated for zero (0) and span drift. The criterion for acceptance verification; the instrument drift is no more than three percent (t3%) of the full-scale response. Absence of leaks in the sampling system was verified by a sampling system bias and performance evaluation. The sampling system's integrity was tested by comparing the response of the analyzers to the calibration gases which were introduced via two (2) paths: 1) Directly into the analyzer; and 2) Through the entire sample system, introduced at the probe. Differences in instrument response by these two (2) methods is attributed to sampling system bias. The criterion for acceptance is within five percent (157") of known values. 5.5 Calibration Gases Gas mixtures were used that contained known concentrations of each target analyte as well as other gases necessary to adhere to the ASTM Method D6348-03 sampling procedure. These gases were produced and certified in accordance with "EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards", September 1997, as amended August 25,1999, EPA -600/R-97/121or more recent updates. Copies of gas cylinder certificates are included in AppendixE. 24 A rotameter is a device that measures the volumetric flow rate of gae in a closed tube. R.C. Baker. Flow Measurement Handbook: lndustrial Designs, Operating Principles, Performancg and Applications. (201 6) 790 pages. @ Page 20 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 FTIR DATA VALIDATION ASTM Method D6348-03 (2010) includes stringent compliance requirements and QC/QA practices for Encino's Emissions Technicians and Operational Support Project Managers to follow while collecting and analyzing test data. 6.1 Minimum Detection Limits (MDL) Pretest requirements include establishing "best case" readings for a known contaminant and comparing it to actual field conditions2s. Best case minimum detectable concentrations (henceforth "MDC" or "MDL"; interchangeable)26 are based on system noise - excluding interferences like water and methane vapor. lnstrument response for target constituents is detailed in Figure 4 of this report. 6.2 Calibration Transfer Standard and System Purge A calibration transfer standard (henceforth "CTS") was analyzed prior to, and after testing. The concentrations determined for all calibration standards were within five percent (t5%) of the certified value of each standard (certified concentration)27. Ethylene passed through the entire system to validate response and ensure that it was leak-free from the sample interface location (probe) to the FTIR instrument2s. A copy of the CTS report is included in Table 5. Nitrogen was also purged through the sample system to ensure that it remained free from contaminants. 6.3 Dynamic Spiking and Recovery Analyte dynamic spiking is performed prior to each test project to determine the system's ability to quantitatively deliver measurements from the base of the sample interface location (probe) to the FTIR, and to confirm the ability of the FTIR to quantify each analyte spike in the presence of effluent gas. The spiking gases contained a low concentration of sulfur hexafluoride (SFo) which was used in the spiked sample to calculate the dilution factor (DF) of the spike; and thus, used to calculate the 2s ASTM Method D6348-03 (2010); Annex A2 - Determination of FTIR Measurement SJstem Minimum Detectable Concentrations (MDC/MDL) and Overall Concentration Uncertainty. 26 Minimum Detection Limit (or level) is the minimum concentration that can be measured with 99% confidence that the value is above zeto. 2i ASTM Method D6348{3; Section 1 1.3.4 Pre-Test Calibration Transfer Standard (CTS)- Flow the calibration transfer standard gas through the FTIR gas cell, Analyze the CTS gas and verify the results are within 5 % of the certified value. 28 ASTM Method D6348-03 (201 0) Annex A4 A4.5 - Conduct a system mechanical response time test by directing the CTS gas through the entire sampling system including the primary particulate matter filter cartridge. The mechanical response time is the time required forthegastoequilibratefullywithinthesamplingsystem. ltisafunctionofthelengthofthesampletransportline,thegascellvolume (1 L), and the flowrate through the FTIR sample cell (5.00 LPM - 7.5 LPM). Reference Section 3.0. Page21 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 concentration of the spike gases. The DF for all analyte spikes was less than one-to-ten (1:10). All spike recoveries were within the ASTM Method D6348-03 Annex 5 allowance of thirg percent (t30%) as listed tnTable 5 of this report2e. ln instances where EPA Method 7E applies, the spike recoveries are validated within one hundred - plus or minus ten percent (100%, !10%). Pre- aN post- sprke procedures will be documented if the Reference Method (EPA Method 7E) was utilized. 6.4 Review of Test Methodologies and Spectral Data Validation To verify compliance with ASTM Method 06348-03 fiandard lest Method for Determination of Gaseous Compounds by Extractive Direct lntertace Fourier Transform (Fnil Spectroscopy the following data validation steps were completed30,31: 1 . The Test Plan was reviewed to ensure that the recommended testing conditions were used to collect the data (e.9., verified the correct testing intervals, requisite observations, and samples) and that the temperature and pressure requirements were met. 2. The spectral data was reviewed to ensure that a background spectrum (instrument zero) was obtained at the beginning of the testing program32. 3. Field calibration data for each target analyte as well as the CTS were reviewed for the instrument to ensure that the results obtained from each measurement were within five percent (t5%) of certified values. 4. Pretest and post-test data were evaluated to ensure that the CTS gases were used to perform the instrument stability evaluations and that the results were within five percent (t5%) of the certified values. 5. Dynamic spiking data were reviewed to ensure that each spiked compound was recovered within thirty percent (t30%) of each certified value. 6. An inspection of water absorbency at a spatial absorbance of one-thousand, nine-hundred, and eighteen reciprocal centimeters (1,918 cm-1) was conducted to evaluate line position and line width (as a measure of resolution) of selected spectra. 2e ASTM Method D6348-03; Annex 5 - Analyte Spiking Technique. 30 The review of test methodologies and acquired data (spectral and other) is performed by a degreed environmental professional (Environmental Scientist, Environmental Chemist, or Engineer) with a minimum of seven (7) years relevant experience and versed in ASTM and EPA sampling protocol. 31 ASTM Method D6348-03; Annex I - Post Test Quality Assurance/Control Procedures. 32 ASTM Method D6348-03 (2010); Annex A6 - Determination of System Performance Parameters - Noise Equivalent Absorbance (NEA), Line Position, and Detector Linearity. @ Page22 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 7. The sample spectrum was reviewed for each sample run; manual scaling was compared to the calculated FTIR results. 6.5 Quality Management The primary objective of this testing program is to provide the Regulated Entity and/or Regulatory Agency with unaltered and unbiased environmental measurements and data collected, managed, and distributed in a manner consistent with laboratory, requisite methodologies, and regulatory policies/procedures. Additionally, Encino maintains and strictly follows a three-phase (3-phase) Quallty Management Plan/Process33 (henceforth "QMP) which details facilities, laboratory practices, methods, personnel, and equipment necessary for meeting QC/QA objectives. The policies and practices of QC/QA outlined in this report are set forth as minimum requirements. Any additional measures required by a testing project are documented in Appendix C. ,sf,t%i}.'.r-r-,tlt lU. , F!'%a"f ss qualiU Management Plan (QMP); QMP-I$0048-001 REV 1. @ Page 23 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 7 EMISSIONS CALCULATIONS 7.1 Emission Rates Oxygen (Oz) concentrations (expressed in units of percent; %) and appropriate F-factors were used to calculate pollutant emission rates from pollutant concentrations. EPA Method 19, Formula 19- 1, was used to derive the post-combustion exhaust flow rates - expressed in units of standard cubic feet per hour (henceforth "SCFH") from diluent measurements (% Oz), fuel-gas analysis (site- specific), and the heat input values ("R"; MMBTU/hr) obtained from the gas-spec lower and higher heating values ("LHV" and "HHV"). EPA Method 19 fuel factor derivation and pollutant emission rate calculations are included in Table 7 and TaHe 8 of this report (respectively). 7.2 FuelAnalysis Michael Duplatis, EHS with Crusoe Energy Systems, lnc, supplied a site-specific fuelgas analysis which was used to develop the EPA Method 19 Fuel Composition for method-approved emission rate calculations. A copy of the customer-supplied analysis is included in Figure 5 of this report. The EPA Method 19 FuelComposition can is located inTable9. 7.3 Engine Performance Data Technical data regarding the performance and overall operation of the engine was supplied by the manufacturer (Appendix B). A copy of the engine-specific data sheet is included in Appendix F- @ Page24 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582{01 REV 0 8 RAW DATA Raw data was captured and recorded on the EmCollect* DAS and includes all calibration activities, sample system integrity evaluations, validations, and data collected during each sample run. A copy of the DAS report is included inAppqdixGs. 3. As defined by The Air Qualif $rctem (AQS; EPA); Raw Data repesents data that has been successfully loded (with automated relstionEl checks perfomed/passed) and is ready for rerriew. Data is only visible to members of the scrcening group responsible fo the monitor and will not be included ln any reporB excefl for those specifically designed to view preproductlon data. @ Page 25 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23{ 582-001 REV 0 9 QUALIFICATIONS OFENVIRONMENTALPROFESS!ONALS Please refer to Appendix H for resumes of key personnel who have contributed to the completion of this project. 9.1 ASTM Method D7036-04 Standard Pnctice for Competence of Air Emission lesting Bodies This practice specifies the general requirements for competence to carry out sampling and analysis for air emissions tests of stationary sources. lt covers testing and calibration performed using standard methods, non-standard methods and methods developed by the Air Emissions Testing Body ("AETB"1ss. Encino Environmental Services, LLC demonstrates conformance to ASTM Method D7036-04 in accordance with the following: 1. The AETB follows a QMP that addresses each of the requirements listed in Method ASTM D7036-04. 2. The AETB maintains an organization which includes the following professionals: . TechnicalManager; . Quality Manager;and . Qualified lndividual. 3. Emissions Performance Test Plans are required for all projects (including non-regulatory applications). 4. The AETB performs internal audits at least once annually. 5. Laboratory management certifies program objectives and conformance with ASTM Method D7036-04. To inquire about ASTM Method D7036-04 conformance and practices, contact Operational Support from the options listed in Section 1.5 of this document. 3s ASTM Method D7036-06 - Standard Practice fol Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies. @ Page26 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 FIGURES @ olH \OrbPtrYE(\l HTCR Ef co E =C'oo Eo CLoE,6FgE 9,8L.o6ocLocL,=(! EEuJo (, IH(E Eo (,o Eofo o E'I .E CL E6o F oLa CDlt - cc;$ diluE-_lE -"-f : hs @ @ IiilI$* E uIea ruf,$tst, Er *B fis g 4t6 .9ae6o6 o4toLroJ(uE F -oL =o ]L (aoNqg \OFbP.ctTc(\a EEO'ro(I)(\lo,J Ef;*E o E =ooo Eo CL(t, E,6FgE t2, IL.od./,cLocL'=(UECLU(, Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document EM-23-1582-001 RE1/ 0 Figure 2:Photographs Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582{01 REV 0 Figure 3: Peak Signal lntensity and Analysis (Quality Analysis) Peak Signal lntensity Peak Analysis @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document EM-23-1582{01 REV 0 Figure 4:Detestion Limits Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:iDecember 6,2023 Document EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 Ethyleno (CTS; VOG SuHiute) Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 Ell eft Da.:2021/11/0'l 00:0fi Sampte Gas Analysh P[{:{9771 AXIA RAVOI-LAXASTER SALES UNIAH Figure 5: Fuel Analysis rntltcstrih J(Ad.m Itsf,he c{rpoy:630 - KX ALT ttONT tLC Pagc 1 of | +nr*n. f .sl ctAM xrro:rlnronoai. lluu: 0.218l|(1 PDpe: 1.75180 boDUu: 0.3015(1 kto: 0.737m XrAaanG o,(xnm tspahG 0.2170tJ mE 0.3:)670 !olm: 3.31070 tlt;Di 0.U870 o|m: o.o148o il+m; 0.00100 ItdBu: 0.00@0 rbrd: 6-9772, Coilrnlrlt tctdne Lrcr06 D.dllG ryp. Il3tu FT$e{FrgD C.rllryF)H2a0dBrloomO o,ilPto H2OG.,nrD 0.00 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 TABLES @ !jOtr,E.gH:EbEt,i5e..E EEiP-c :-5o= O\Eclro'-oE=c'-oor >:v=6 bEp 3-eO6 9rFE.go'== -lr-0, o =oEE.Ee E ='#EoCooF8eEttsSoq6-o- iFEo==EEEEeI ff€eaEqag Ee 9',o- EgH.EEqo-E E;$8EA.s3x,t, o-c-q(E:o zEA3EqoE*E8;lla EEE.g Ef;E qov-E€=- o=6EE 6 oE EgFoOoE-BE CoPE .E o:g 6EEE So!c='6.;P cE-!r :bPq g3; H 3 :!i-EoE E-E Eh cDo .=X >\oi5e + E 8o rocYoi> EEi€ E "a +: € E #g3E # oooco =-9 (u E' L(E o'c .9o't oL CL u;?cq, Eo.=foo q,E E(o CLcob =E,8F&,26E.o;FErh(E0 E .' tE .c -=trEio =.EELL6 (, EF ilEo Eq = ciE hgF E,pooE€cDoco'=(l)-ut Eglg, E3E:cc.9gios(,EtEEgP L Pe2gO6, .fraE() ocLEsEP(t,E !sFO (f, oNoa-n&.\obP -ct 'i-CN EEoER(l)'l EF E(l, E Joo6 tro CL c)E, '6 .=gE'r,10 E:.96(h CLoo'=(EEcLr,J o Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 Table 2: Emissions Source Data Test Run Start Time 12:11 13:21 14:27 End Time 13:11 14:21 15:27 Logging lnterval (minutes)60 60 60 60 Ambient Conditlons Dry Bulb / Ambient Temperature ("F)63 63 66 64 Wet Bulb Temperature ('F)N/A N/A N/A 0 Average Humidity (%)32 30 30 30.667 Barometric Pressure (inches Hg)29.94 29.92 29.91 29.923 Elevation (AMSL;ft)7,167 Emlsslons Souce Manufacturer Waukesha Model 9394GSt SerialNumber 1469776 Unit Number 1283 Manufacture/Rebuild Date (DOM)nla Source Category Stationary Engine Fuel Type (e.9., natural gas, diesel, DGB):NaturalGas EmisSons Soure Operadonal Data Fuel flow rate; EPA Method 2C or 2D Determined By BSFC(LHV) Fuelflow rate (SCFH)13,606.10 13,606.10 13,606.10 13,606.10 BSFCr-xv (BTU/BHP/hr)6,542.00 6,542.00 6,542.00 6,542.00 Rich Burn / Lean Burn (excess air)Rich Burn Calculated Load (%)90.0%90.0% 90.0% 90.0% Current Power (HPutirir"o)2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 Manufacturer Max Rated Power (BHP)2500 Manufacturer Max Rated Speed (RPM)1204 Emission Control Equipment Catalyst Engine Type Spark-lgnited Engine Hours (hrs)1 8956 @ @ tSo:EEEfi>, 6eoo c; dSoqo deoqo E g$o'qoo .O o'Qoo .ci o'Qoo rci 6o(, Eo 6 !=o c.l o o E3 o ED(u o o'gNo ci dSNooI N(Y'o ciI E't -ye8(!tcc)iI e€\0qoI eeNqo aeFgo I iL'=OEoo-cEC)c !e C'Tqo ee€qeI eeNq ct 6Eo Co E4t 6oo 6o.,c3 o cr) (U L o, AAFor rri ae @c 'd "'gFq t, '= -y38(u-c.s c) lJ- aeor C'T ni eel\q tl, ieI\q ln '=v6Eo(ol:.Eo L aer',q rJ, aeorq to ee q ro E boF o ECN E (r, (rlt +: ac3do,-o cL ilE+iBgoa*rE @s e6GI CL o .EE !,tro tr .9.F'(u LP (E C) LoN ->(tr c, tro E'I xo ('i -g4t(EF (f, oNqg \OrbPIt 'i-CN EEoo(oN EE Eo Efooo Lo CLoE, o.=8a'(u?r!.0bocLat cL'=(EEELr.l u) @ >lF = c &a t! z 6 6 cf)(\lC)c\l CJ tr I a9oo ci aeNqo aeoq ro aeoo e.j F a9Nqo 8soq \o o'qoo o,i 6sr\od o'9oc\o o\qoqo aeroN c; (ooNqg \obP-cr '7CN EEoo(f,NO.,JEiIcq, E oo6 troooE,6FgE'. ,10c:.oa.n O-oo-'=(EEcUJ U) Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 Bias Corrections Table 3-4 Example Calculation of Post-Oryg€tlconected (% Oz) For 7"t lest Run vgas - rJoas - Where: Cg". Csvg Co C. C., SnAperfaclfty TestDato: l0lzilzl0#l. Sam$6Run AYeraga' 18i 2td 3rd Post Oxygen (% Oz) Measured -0.701 -0.572 -1.232 -0.84 Corrected 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 5.97 - 0.02 I oooo lz Average effluent gas concentration adjusted for bias, expressed in units of parts per million by volume, dry basis (ppm,d) or percent (%); "Corrected" value listed in fabre 3-4. Average unadjusted gas concentration indicated by the analyzer instrument expressed in units of parts per million by volume, dry basis (ppmd) or percent (%); "Measured' value listed in Table 3-4. Average of initial and final system calibration bias analysis response for low{evel calibration gas, expressed in units of parts per million by volume, dry basis (ppm,d) or percent (%) located inTable 3-2. Average of initial and final system calibration bias analysis response for upscale calibration gas, expressed in units of parts per million by volume, dry basis (ppmd) or percent (7d located inTable 3-2. Concentration of upscale calibration gas, expressed in units of parts per million by volume, dry basis (ppm,d) or percent (%) located inTable3-2. @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 Table 4: Gas Diluter Validation lnstrument: Teledyne Advanced Pollution lnstrumentation; Model T700 Type: Dynamic Dilution Calibrator Serial Number: N/A Date Time: Oc124,20231O:41 Validatlon Gas: Oxygen Concentratlon: Diluted Gas:Oxygen Concentration: Target Concentratlon: Diluted Gas: Oxygen Concenttatlon: Target Concentration: 13.03% 100.00% 12.00% 100.00% 5 00% Average: 12.95% Deviation: -0.64% Average: 12.95% Deviation: -0.64% AnalNs&m Obecrved 1 2 3 5.94o/. 5.99 V. 6.06?o Average: 6.00 % Deviation: -0.55% EPA Method 205: Ysiftcation of hs Dllution Slrstems for Fleld lnstrument Calhntions; A gas dilution system produces known low- level calibration gases from highlevel calibration gases with a degree of confidence similar to that for EPA Protocol 1 gases. lt may be used for compliance tests in lian of muftiple calibration gases when the gas dirution system is verified to meet the requirements of the Method. Oxygen AnatVcr:, Orygen concentntions were determined instrumentally by EPA Referarce Method 3A. All raw data can be viewed in Appendtx G. Orygen calibration procedures and results can be found in Table 3 and within the report naffative. An M&C Products Model PMA 22 paramagnetic analyzer was used for veificatbn of the gas dilution system. Aryhdsnrr Obs€rycd 1 2 3 12.94% 12.94% 12.96% lnalysls Run Obcswed 1 2 3 12.94?" 12.94% 12.96Vo @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 Pre-Test Dir*t Table 5: Calibration Transfer Standard Ocl24,202310:46 Ethylene (CzHa) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitric Oxide (NO) Propane (CsHe) Acetaldehyde (CzHcO) 136 7,200 7,200 3,700 100 20 10 110 20 0 2N 220 0 Ethylene (CzHr)ao Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitric Oxide (NO) Propane (C:Ha) Acetaldehyde (CzHaO) 135 7,000 7,140 3,700 100 Pre-fest Slrstetn Oc124,20231Q:46 Post-fest Direct Oct24,2023 15:51 38 System response is defined as the time required for the system to reach 95% (as observed by the instrument) of the certified value of each analyte (cylinder or target concentration). 3e Start and stop data is acquired from MG2000 data (LAB files). 40 Target ethylene concentration for pre-test system performance evaluation is based on pre-test system 'direct'concentration reading; ASTM Method 06348-03 (2010) 1 1 .4.1 Analyze the CTS gas and verify that the pathlength results agree to within 5 % of the certified value of the CTS. Record the measurement results. Ethylene (C2H4) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitric Oxide (NO) Propane (C:Hs) Acetaldehyde (CzHnO) 130 6,500 6,800 3,900 100 20 80 100 150 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 Table 6: ASTM Method D6348-03 - Annex 5 Analyte Spiking Technique Oct 24, 2023 1 1 :1 4 ln ac@.dane with ASTM Method D63r.8{,3 Section , r.3.5 (Annex 5), 8nd SOP M\H>ASTMO634&03401 Anachment+ (Analyle Spiking Technigue), percent rccovety prc@durcs and calculations werc pedomed lot all applicable @mpounds (target @nstrtuent . $0:ocoocr6tp (ppm) Cmpound LAB 1 LAB 2 LAB 3 AYorlea Carbon Dioxide (CO2) carbon Monoxide (co) Nirric Oxide (NO) Propane (C:Ho) Acetaldehyde (CrHaO) Ethylene (C2Hr)a Water Vapor (HrO) Sulfur Hexafluoride a-y" (SFo) Sulfur Hexafluorlde 567* (SFo) Sulfur Hexafl uoride aeorocuc (SFo) 1.951 130.000 5.000 '15.000 N/A N/A 4.996 0.030 N/A N/A 1.958 r30.000 5.m0 1 5.000 N/A N/A 5.030 0.010 N/A N/A 1.913 130.000 5.000 15.000 N/A N/A 5.0t3 {.004 N/A N/A 1.9/tl 130.000 5.000 r 5.000 N/A N/A 5.013 o.012 N/A N/A S.REr.Ir Cmpdnd Pffitlec(t) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitric oxide (NO) Propane (CrHa) Ethylene (CzHr) Acelaldehyde (CrHaO) r29.48% 112.5't% 105.09% NaN NaN SanpleFlovR te(LPM)$:AnaIi|rs4./AoFNRate(LPM): 0-5 a1 limestamp infomation obtained from MG2000 LAB files. a2 Gases rere prcduced and cenified in affdan@ with'EPA Tnceability Pptobl fot Assay and Cefification of Gaseous Caribration Slandards', Sept mbet 1997, as amended August 25,1999, EPA-600/R-97/121 ot more recent updates.{ ConentEtions represent ten percent (10%) of aclual boltte conentEtion 8s per ASTM D634843 - Annex 5 (Analyte Spiking Teclnhue); and Aftachment F of Encino SOP MTHD- 45TbtD634843401. 4 Per ASTM D6348{3, a spike Iecovery analysis is nol required for ethylene (CTS). However, an elhylene spike may be performed and used to satisfy the spike recovery requirements for VOC (in lieu of propane - C3). 1s Pet ASTM D634849 stack samp,e musl involve at least fiften (15) indeBndent samples; equivalent to five (5) cell volumes. The volme of the @tt in the MKS 2030" FT{R is one (1) liter; thercfore, at a sample rcte of five (5) lite6 pet minute (LPM), the @ll is filled five (5) times st srrteen (r6) scars. h}t.tFfllD.b'r sample File Begin: -T- 4Og Sample File Final: Glkrd.Drblr€ Anrllto Concantsldoar (ppm)€ Csrbon Monoxide (CO) Nilric Oxide (NO) Plopane (CaHs) Acetaldehyde (C2HaO) Ethylene (CrHa) Sulfur Hexafluoide m5rp (SF5) Sulfur Hexafluoride Eiyh. (SF6) Sulfur Hexafl uoride Aceuuerryoe (SFo) 493.90 483.60 51 3.30 N/A N/A 5.10 N/A N/A S[(.AY.{.. Cmp0nd ComonMon(ppm) Carbon Dioxide (COr) Csrbon Monoxide (CO) Nitric Oxide (NO) Propane (CrHe) Acetaldehyde (C2HrO) Ethylene (CzHr) Water Vapor (H20) Sulfur Hexafluoride mm (SFo) Sulfur Hexafluqide Etv* (SFs) Sulfu r Hexafl udde aw.rryo. (SFo) 236.062 -2.O73 't7.241 NaN NaN D*don ndo. Conpoud Porcartrg. (%) Carbon Dioxide (C02) Waler Vapor (HrO) Sulfur Hexafluoride an5y6 (SFo) Sulfur Hexafluoride Etvr* (SF6) Sulfu r Hexafl utride^murryac (SF5) -5.82% .23.84% o.23% N/A 4trl' rsnik.a ctuabat@ Qryn) _ st@* covan@ion(w\ x 11- Dttu!4!j:!!g!\)PdcdRecooq^tulyt. =ffitr6 Reovory for oach anaMe must be betwsen 70o/r - 13004 (r 306/6) @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 Iable 7: EPA Method 19 Fuel Factor Calculations Nomenclature OzFa 0z F-factor, DSCF/million BTU K Conversion factor (1,000,000 BTU) Kx 3.64 SCF of exhaust/lb of hydrogen burned/Hydrogen (percent; 7") Kc 1.53 SCF of exhaust/lb of carbon burned/Carbon (percent; %) lG 0.57 SCF of exhaust/lb of sulfur burned/Sulphur (percent; 7d Kx 0.14 SCF of exhaust/lb of nitrogen burned/Nitrogen (percent; %) Ko 0.46 SCF of exhaust/lb of orygen burned/Orygen (percent; %) GCV Gross caloric value of fuel analysis, BTU/lb lnput Percent of Total Mass (from fuel analysis)6: Hydrogen 7o 22.79 H Carbon % 77.21 C Sulphur 7o 0.00 S Nitrogen 7o 0.00 N Orygen % 0.00 O (lG x x1 + (lGx c) + (lCx S) + (x*x N) - (lG x o) x K OzFa GCV 201,085,013.45 OzFa 23,49?.61 OzFa 8,559.137 DSCF/MMBTU a6 EPA Method 1 9; Section , Equation 19-1 3 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 Table 8: Method 19 Emission Rate Calculations Fu€* HHV (BTU/SCF)1,188.697 LHV (BTU/SCF)1,081.831 F-factor (DSCF/MMBTU)8,559.137 Measwed ConcentraUons Oz (vol %) coneaeo 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 C0 (ppmd)51.496 42.601 43.2s5 45.78 NOx (ppmd)8.609 8.539 5.147 7.43 V0Crorr-(ppmd)10.623 -2.955 -3.666 1.33 Opera{ng Conditlons Engine Horsepowerutirizeo (HP)2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 Fuel Flow Rate Qr (SCFH)13,606.10 13,606.10 13,606.10 13,606.10 BSFCrxv (BTU/BHP-hr)6,542.00 6,542.00 6,542.00 6,542.00 Fuel BTU Consumption (MMBTU/hr)16.17 16.17 16.17 16.17 Exhaust Flow Rate - Qo (SCFH)138,431.48 138,431 .48 138,431.48 138,431.48 Exhaust Flow Rate (SCFM)2,307.19 2,307.19 2,307.19 2,307.19 Engine Hours (hrs)1 8956 Converter Pressure Drop (in HzO)N/A Duty (kw-hr)N/A N/A N/A N/A Cdculated Emlsslons co (b/hr)0.518 0.428 0.435 0.461 (ton/yr)2.269 1.877 1.906 2.017 (g/BHP-hr)0.104 0.086 0.088 0.093 (PPmd at 15% oz)14.537 12.026 12.211 12.925 lb/MMBtu 0.035 0.029 0.030 0.031 NOx (lb/hr)0.142 0.141 0.085 0123 (ton/yr)0.623 0.618 0.372 0.538 (g/BHP-hr)0.029 0.028 0.017 0.025 (PPmd at 157o oz)2.430 2.411 1.453 2.098 lb/MMBtu 0.010 0.010 0.006 0.008 VOCnr (lb/hr)0.168 -0.047 -0.0s8 0.021 (ton/yr)0.737 -0.205 -0.254 0.093 (s/BHP-hr)0.034 -0.009 -0.012 0.004 (ppm,d at 15% Oz)2.999 -0.834 -1.035 0.377 lb/MMBtu 0.011 -0.003 -0.004 0.001 @ Emissions T6t Report Snapper Facility @ grams/mole @ E45ts i= Ec)U'H H l3I L] -I =ffi Elgl q*q= oc S_ dgoIx L2o:'oExlrl =C)lro6o.> ?dtr i t EE oBNoENO\a$6lo =esiiE 6ioE q,&EF ^E E?f' Esil iP6 'E;E =S Ee IE =E # = d!- 9 U i PH *r!- E E'5 oE 5 gR EE a EE .,5 = -'E bE p3 EE ?I Ei E; E; EE =E Eo!E tq E?, ,ih>oEEliDg or; E P e *ocEox=; Es :H g ,b=.hlUoe-o =scEE aE E EE EEEEE $EEEg= gE .=,=4.-v:.=^rrE=;;i:;f *e?EfiE EcB$€5H sE-€Et= eiEE.eEE H;Eg.:: EE EEEEE -BEEEEg ;EERL€= Ftt:.Eg.EEEE * = $ E E * fi ,e t g E ; H EE E € EEEEEEEEEiiE#3gEEHi E .$ FifiEBESgS3H$Eg$Eg6(rcd5Ed'g E E.i .,= -€ -"E 5 i = f E, urSE= - f,=-r*ESE E ffi1. Nqs rorbP-cl 'rCN EEo?R(l,J Efi Eo E =ooo tro CL(l) E,6FgE 2 lJ- .9b(,cLU' CL'=(EECtrJ @ @ E E Eotootto o ae t 3e E -e6 Eo(, Co C) o c,o .cIc aa lrt * Eo G Eo(, o() o Co -o E EIAE!Bo(, -o o E6 ED E 4iB EI E o aala erc Eo C' , 5 TJ u E E 5 E o(, .E 05 o(, d- =E .E F Ee EG 6 Gl cttn\obg-cr -tlc$l HP9REi Eo E3aoa Eo CLoe6FEEt2 ,fL.96 ',CLocL'=oECLrJ (rt @ B E & t-l E] Eoto ah-oo No d.e ie E .o .o co(,co C) No tro -o E a|et) ae E .o E Eooco C) No E .g -ct E € aa E Eot ++t EcL E t-Jtsl E EOLEE oP E; o ieln G, EcILxo = EIa 4Bxo = oco xo = E oa xo = Nqg rObP-ct '7CN EEoER(l,J Ef; Eo E =C.,oo Eo CL(l) e,'o .=gE 9'I.9docLU' CL'=(EEEIJJ U) EEa4 E !totoU'-oo o ae ie E .9 6L EooEo C) o E .glt E tPt, I aa co Ecooco() o c .g -ct E E, .ca! EI E No atro e,t E(,o 5-EEg 6 =P;e4 I ot (,o aa C'o (?o HP\obP-o 'rc6lgr 6G)(\l6,J Ef; Eo E =(,oo Eo CL(, d,6FgE.t8 .oEl,CLocL'= (EEEUJ C" @ oEo ET'Eo C' Eot,E(E o tE(E 0,EEo--6F IrEoegq -Edo=gt e,6=gssg I.rr*96H T.EH:; gE€EE€S EEES+ET EFEtEEE EggIEE A I E N N E E edEBBBEroct{;;==5EE xtrtr tE29E 3'xir !==== t-3 E d ====JF-N = {pl.,bP-ct 'rE$l EEO'rcr c)(\ls+8E E(u Ee(,o6 Eo CLoot6.EgE'- ,P L.z g. ocL'=(EECLrJ ct) @ Itu a.l $IIt r ddddddddddddddddddd P z 6 o EEEqqEEsqqEEqqqqqqqooooooooo 5 EBt ooooooeoo dd d d d d d d d d d d d d ri ci ci.i d E ooooooooo EA E F 8 { E q E 8 E E E 8 E E E E E I .9 o .9 = ? 6i .9 b; ts o C E g g s Es $EqgE-g ii OE E>beI.e:EE E A.E9F:9 EBaor!E! E6:gEE Ee6 b [3 b=A269; E.EEfc 6Eg ;,9E 355:QOrEh iEE!{oaI; E.E E Ea6 a) !9 c I EtI I {, o 2 PI eIIg II I!III6I TaII F I I TII ar E!lxt>p ig :€ iE ,€5P6 I ,ia 'TE :e :a ?ie!II b !E iEl. E!t= a II crEri 3 I *3 ,FrE tI E I E I o I 9 = I E , ; T ,. c .9.=oo CL Eoo o =lt CN EoE o = o. UJ oott(EF t E t; (f, oNqg \Or 3FcN EEo6fi)N(r)JEiIco E Jooo tro CLoE,'o .=gE,(E 9l!0boo-oo-'=(EECL!A -I Emissions Test Report Snapper FaciliU Dater: December 6,2023 Document EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 APPENDICES Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2O23 Document EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 filr: Toc s.al..t D&: fad-Cmm &elbedr, EPA 7E Siipb tuht erplhg Friiay, Derbcr 21, 2018 1t5i,.:21 Plti Joe, As we discussed there is some confusion about Single point samplint and when it is allorved. So as we discussed during our recent phone call: ln summary there are provisions for single point sampling for instru mental sampling of pollutants; however, it must be justified by either having a small stack or by proving no stratification exists using astratificationtest. lwouldnotethatthestratificationtestshouldbeconductedpriortoeach testing event at each individual source, even ifthat particularsource or others ofsame make, model. and manufacture year have previously proven unstratified during prior source testing. The rational we discussed from the method is below. According to EPA Method 7-E, Section 8,1.2: 3rd sentence "lf testing for multiple pollutants or diluenb at the same site, a stratification test usint only one pollutant or diluent satisfies this requirement." So any pollutant or diluent measured can be uscd to conduct a stratification test. And the stratiflcation test is conducted according to Method 1. Alternatively, a stratification test may be conducted (6th sentence) "...at three points on a line passing through the centroidal area"... as stated in the following sentences. 4th sentence: "A stratification test is not required forsmall stacks that are less than 4 inches in diameter." ff the source is considered unstratified due to the testin6 results or is less than 4 inches in diameter, single point sampling from the point that most closely matches the mean of the stratification test (or centroid point for stacks less than 4 inches in diameter). 40 CFR JJJJ (Table 2-1.a.i.(1)(a) [also Table 2-1.b and 2-L.clor CO and VOC respectively) expands on this to "Alternatively, for NOX, 02, and moisture measurement ducb =6 inches in diameter may be sampled at a single point located at the duct centroid and ducts >6 and =12 inches in diameter may be sampled at 3 traverse points located at 16.7, 50.0, and 83.3% of the measurement line ('3-point long line'). lf the duct is >12 inches in diameter and the sampling port location meets the two and half-diameter criterion of Section 11.1.1 of Method 1 of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, the duct may be sampled at '3-point long line'; othenrise, conduct the stratification testing and select sampling points according to Section 8.1.2 of M ethod 7E of 40 CFR part 60, Appendh A." Please feelfree to contact me for additional discussion or clarification. Carl Ortmann Work Leader, Air Program Texas Commbsion on Environmental Quality Region 1.3- San Antonio 14250 Judson Road, San Antonio, TX 78233 Direct(210) 4O3-4O72 Otrice (210) 490-3095 Emissions Test Report Snapper FaciliU MANUFACTURER Date: December 4 2023 Documenr: EM-23-1582-001 RB/ 0 DATA SHEET @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 TechnicolDoto Cylinders - \.'16 Piston i 9.988 cu in (154 r) _qseL::_114 Comprossronrom 971 B::" : {?:: i _s 375" x 45" (234 x 2toi Joclst wots I48 gor (560 -) system copocrty ,,i !9: gllco?ociY i!3e ggtjso4 r) i Single oir/gos storter I 90-i50 psi I Sirrgle oir/gos storter: 50- 90 psi -. Duol o,./'oos storters.srotrrlg sysrem g0_150 pii i Duol oir,/gos storters: 50-90 psi i 2 eiectric storters, 24v eoch !ry:liYl''1i.li*1"(-rl r7o (4,3re) x 78 (LgBr) x rB (za7o) weighls lb (kg) ,o,ooo Ou,orrl -lhe Series Five tomily u, $/crkesho' VHP' engines gets more pos€rful with ths oddition ot the 250c hp P9394GSI s5 Ihe P9394GS| 55 hos the some feotures ond bensfits os the 1900 hp L7044GSI 55 ond 1500 hp l7042GSl S5, creoting o fomily of enginas with comnron controis. operqtion, qnd seruice pcrts Series Five r:ch-buro engrn€s comlline the most odvonced teahnoiogy ovoilob e with the history ond expeiisice of th6 Vl'lP prdlform resltlt;ng in C 16. aylinder eng;ne with more powei, b6tt6r lrel llexibility, lower tuei consumption ond lrfecycle costs, ond iongar servrce rnte.vols Aithough Series f ive enqines ore copoble of higher power levois thon previous versions, the stresses on the compcnents hovo not increosed This rs mocle ifossible b)- enhonc€d rich burn combustion through the Millef Cycle on imprcved cylinder l")eod clesign thot rsduces tem.perqtu.es in key regions, ond on optimi?ed piston cissiqn. lhe Milier Cycle nloves rvork trom the prstol to the turoochorger, reducing combustion ond exnoust temoerotures ond moking Series Five eagines the lnost tuel etficient VHP engines ever. th€ tmprC,vsd cy'inder leoct design reduces ke)r internol temperotures by up to 40%, Lncreosrng reiiqtlility qnd extenciing the life cf the heod T\e Series f ive piston design iros been optimized to reduce unbu.ned hydrocorbJns, \Jh,ch r-proves emrssions and f uei consuffrption while lowering the tempe.oture of the piston rtself imorov ng f ual f lexibility evan ot o higher power roting lmprovenents to th€ ignition systenl ollow tor 4.00o-hour spork plLlg intervols r,/ith lo\rr'-cost, non-preoous metol plugs Motching 4,000 oii chonge intervols reduce operoting costs ond tiips to site. Series Five €ngines come stondord \^rith Islt4'2 Woukesho s aext- gene'otion sngine controller. tSM2 uses o 12" fuli color customer interfoce ponel, oliowing users to see oli eng,ne porometers, trend doto, view monuc'ls. qnd woLk tnrough troubleshocting steps climinotlng the need lor o loptcp computer Woukesho's emPoot Emission Control Systsm is tie option of choice for raouci.lg 6m.ssions enPoct optim,zes the interdction lletween tha Series Five engine- AFR2 oirffuel rot o controi, ond the Woukeshc suppiied 3-wsy (tr:SCC) cototyst to mointoin e.nissrons complictnce evon os engine s0eed, lood, f uel, ond environm6ntol conciiticns chonge. @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 Performonce Doto Fc\"r,)f Dhp (t\rvb) 3:ric (liv) 3tulnlrp-nr lr:/iwn) . c -,-(L'_,l1l.C.j 31.. ltt , tC:!, /ii.,') i.la)x g/bnir irr if,igr\ ^-! !'r 5% a ) CO .J1bhp hf (.lit,/ii.Jr |a 5;r- C I \\:-(.. )/fr,,r'. 1'r:no/\r.r .r :: , r r lilc qf bhir-nr (n3i l\nr -6-n :i'l. O ) .re.it to ial('.ist !l,,aiei 'itufrrr r tC0C (iivv) f.rot t!) iirrrL- ()il tstiri'|l, r ICCC (l:rv) lert tc liter!.ci,i"t ltritl, y 10aI" il',^.') -.i.,1t .1.r r rl .rJt.,','l(ut :.;,1 lotol axhoust ireot Etir;il. r l00C (<!rtj niluat oil llr i:l.l!r s.fm (Nrr ,/ir) iXi0ust i:C!! lc/lrr (i(_.t,1f,r) Eir)a r:rt-i-iifOsrats,i7 r ("C) rc;.ql 2 og5 (r.s55) 14,a57 (4,?6li ll 52 (a !l-ri) rJ rr, (63) o Er (2r9) a 222 \1,2-3i) .l-.,3 it.15) 4lr5 {l:i,.j '-ril5 (17.i) 3 7 /ri (t trlT) 272i (!tlca') t2,it7,i (5,,a.c) 1.657 (i75) CL! .'j ; n,, iri- Lrl Jaiti o.tij(:jia itq to lril laru.j ond subrect tc lecltnrc.r aleve ai:)irent J.r.j l.jd I cf,t,cri rt)c|ttanonae onai rra.ruc! ita ir:,trr(t.rt is fe.t6:soi]- modrfi !r tiroirt .ratiae the iiesigr 3. e,:trr prnent si)ecrf cot ons .rs hereli a.lt tofth w;thout nc!ir,ncj cny cb qot an eltier w:ti r-osi)sct rwk. I9455- tx rIr.,r..ites., tr0de.i.rii ccopyr,!rlr:f:/lr!!!,ajIr:(e5noioca.o].€sra. il.:.ncticnpro!d€dsi!bert to clrcrge $rror l rrct ce Ai vsiues orc Je;rgf av tr'Diac vorlgs 4r e. riiensurec @ INNIM Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility DatG: December 6,2023 Document Etrr+23-1582-001 REV 0 APPENDIX C FIELD DATA SHEETS AND COMMUNICATIONS @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility @ Date: December 6,2023 Document EM-23-1582{01 REV 0 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Dater December6,2023 Document EM.23-1582-001 RB/ 0 APPENDIX D GAS DILUTER VALIDATION CERTIFICATE Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility @ Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 {!p1*tsLf.DullE*rt Alfi rfa! ragloa littdrrrbrcr A ialBtaa lri.ll{ar (aara., Dilution MFC lLlc 2?{6t.,5 llo.ld T700 Srid t{rnbc 912 OF?Jbr Buml ilrs llor Corkdlcrlrfo lOsatr r trrtc.l {l t.{m{l 2.0000 3.ffim t.flx)o r.0m0 6.0000 7-m00 8_fir0(} 9.0000 t0.(n00 r l.o0q) t2.00(n t3,0m0 r4.0000 r5.0000 t6.0000 t7.fim t8.0000 1g.fim 20"00m 0 t.mt0 10!m 3.0{00 {.0s30 5.0630 6.0750 ?.0il0 t05t0 9.0J00 1o-{Dm r t.0100 12.0300 ll.s400 r4.0am rr,o'flo r60?00 r7.r r00 rt.r6fll t9J5{r} 0.m ,{). t4 .0.:0 {,37{jt 4.lt -0.4t {.2!l -0.2t {.t0 .0.tt {.t5 .o.e0 4,r0 4.25 .0.3, 3,t, {t.80 ,t.2, 5 to l, !0 ta 30,, {0 {5 x) s5 60 6t ?t 75s t5 90 95 lm Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Dats December 6,2023 Document EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 t,ir=lrr.1lt.rr. ,l dtataOc f cfrsE! I.&rr.tlrltt I l[ifi r.oimlaaa tr.t.nr CAL GAS t MFC Crlibntion Ccrtlficete D'tc 274ct-15 M.d.a T7!XI $atl Nr.t r t32 OIGrrtu B@ni T.OD.rl6 BloS mod.l DC.2M ltrldNE!.? 99t ,lsur.t lli t'.,.|b,. to Y1g1r :{Eil'627 C*tt{t $loi96.g.SEp.lt lTrqc s tT?nrlk ?60 t, ' Lrlal ;L _ __ __ -" .."- --i ;op t I I 1030 I I:{20 I I r0,70 I I'r.zo I I [drl. tlr'u Cr.tro!.rtrl l.DffiHI 5 t0 It 2A 7' 30 3t 40 /tt 50 55 60 6' ?0 75 t0tt 90 95 0.tm o2ut0 o,rm 0-a{m 0.r@0 0.60)0 0.?s0 0.to0 0.9000 1.0m0 l.tmo l.!(p0 r.J00 l.juno 1.r00 1.600 t.7um r.8m0 r.9000 0.09St0 0.r01,!00 0.91t900 0.{0t{00 0"501200 0.60t600 0.60!t9fr1 0.?995fl) 0.$)8000 0.9962fi r.098m Ll96(m t.!97{m t.30am0 1.,t9$n0 t.6(Em r.?rlt{tro t.$fim t.9r3tm 0.05 -r)-0? {.r0 .0.0? .0.t,6 .0fr 0.00 0.03 0. l0 0. 19 0-20 0.20 o" tJ o.l5 o-t0 4-r0 4.Ar {.t0 .0.7J .0.95 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582{01 REV 0 nAtYGln tfi9il&rr*xns v Contla V t0trt3f2 0000 CoitFl6tol.Tru c.|tbf&ot Y 3(l:l5:a2 0m 6ilfl6ttl"Ufhdo{s1Ct lrtr Lt.0.r0 V tot rl9.rl2 gror! colFl6t6l'F.ctory Cts. $.yrd (l4-(,CT"t3 v l0l r 15:41 00e COilf lG[?l=Supp0it ltLE DYtIC-APl,co I t"irr V 101:15:(l m cor.rrclrl.Pri l{lInb.to5{Ar$Or Iv 'Ol ltill qm gilHqlF6.ridrernbt9ll Y l0t l9:.2 ffm C(fflG{3}.9olts.Rir. l.t.0bUta IV l0l:15:42 ffi CtxrtG{ll=Ubrr?evr.O}WrE r Tls r09r, posr.bd T l0ll5:1il (Im A.C l.lo.(xmtPlt I 301,13142 00d, T{At 0.mtPft Ir $l:l$.il2 00O0 A-Dlt t.@l tPM T 301:15;{2 flXD T-Olra.fiItLPM r !01't5'.I fiXE CAIPiE =r{.8PSl6 I MI l5;i(l (IIL E[r Pf,$.2t.6Psrc I Mlrl5:tll ffi *6A3"EfiO T 3Ol t3:,12 fiff I€ASTIIRO I Xl:19:il2 mOO YftW=l.mOtPM I T !Ol:t5:ro mO EOX TMP=25.1 C iI IOI:15:it2 fl)00 TESI=1863.5 MV tI ill;15:12 (IX}0 rlHErls:rt2:X) i v tistl I I v 30l:1sr4z ocn rcIO-uMFSaO 36.0 61.0 l0.O ro rm.{ o6c V il0l:15:t2 0m O3-GEN_tAllF-.l8 0 ttl 0 53"0 l0O to r0p) Oc.t V li0l:15:rt2 offi Ot-CDt{C-j6159:15@.010.1to AXtrO.ol IPB V il0l:llilllil 00S O3-PrlC,rO-BstlCH-Ot{tY.Ora {Off or Ofl I rr, l0l:l!*i 0m 3IO-|EHH.O(O.OIo 16rl Dcl€ I Y lol.l5i: 0m $D_PtES6=13.9t [rt.oo to s0.(x), Ul ]t I Y !lll:Is:i$l qm CtOC-AOr+({Oro6Ol ScrrDrr I V iXll;15:{2 ilifl, SEmrEE-CElR.Olr (Off or0ill Iv i,otl5:.12 0000 nMt_SrircE_5vE: 2103 {o ro Sfirx)ol Hn Iv ilol:l5:,fi1 fi,00 5vc_tt{TERvAL.o(0b999e9}Hrs I V !OLl5:12 mm 0AYtl(iHTS,lVlll6-tXtBtt.O}{ (Of I or Otll V:tr1:15{! {m, ll,{GUAGt-SttECt'Eild. {tl{Gl-5eO,m|t V t01:t5.12 {m} MAIHI-IUtrOUI.I.0 O.r b r$ 01 rlour iV:[Lls.Il ffil tAIf}l-W irffiSr(X{lOrFrotq iY !1(}1:15.1? m00 Ol-D{ffirr-2.s(0.ltolr-o}Se.Dndr I V iI)1:15;12 OO Or-SArint.l(1tomtsrmplcr IV !o1:1S{t (X}0 a}AR(_Of FS[T-0,0 (- Um.0 to 1E-0] nrv I V iIlt:ls:,ll mm F[T-sIfi.r] ll to lcrt tampE iV tr1:15;tl m ftI_ASlZEd(f tolmlS.mCB I V i[1:15'll m[ HtI-rEtrArIO.OlLOto lU).Ol P?! I Pdr I 1 L Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 R HGER AI{ALYTICS T700 XX}32 POST.trt V 30t:15.42 9699 L1,[f,HlNE-lD4 {0 to 9999} lo V 301:15.42 fim COMUATIID-PROMPT="Cmd> " V 301:15{2 0000 TISr-C}IA|I-ID.CHASSIS TEMP (NO|{E,O3 ptbl0 MtAS,O3 PHOTO Rtr,O 3 6Et{ REF,RIGUIATOR PRESSURT,SAMPLE PR[55URE,SA!'/!PLE FtO\ ,JAMPLE TTMP.PHOIO LAMP tfMP,o3 |-AMP IIMeCHASSTS rtMPp3 PHOrO COr{Ci} V lO1:15-42 600 IISS-ENABLE-OFF [OfF orON) V 3Ol:15.42 (xx,o DFF-CC-OUr?UT.'fiDfiDffl0Om' V 3Ol: 15;42 O(XIO P}IOTO-IAMP-FOW[R.45O0.0 lO.0 to 50O0.OI mv V 301:15.12 ffi IAMP*PWR_E',IABII.CN (OFF o. Oil) V 301:11:42 flm 1.4MP_PWR_P[R|OO=2I1.(I) (0.01to 1000.fiI) Houn V 301:15:t[2 qm [AMp_OFf-Dtl"AYr5.00 (0,02 io 20,00) S6cond$ V 301:15:tl2 (](m DEr_VALlO_96tAy=6,9.Q (1.0 to 300-01 Seconds V 301:15ril2 O00O itf_SDEv-tlMlT=3"0 (O.1to r0O.O! mv V 301 ; 15:12 0000 P{IH*I f, NGTH-{1.96O [0.010 to 9!t.9991 cm V 301:15:il2 (m 8OI 9[I.30.0 5.O r5.O (0.0 ro rm.0l o€gC V 301 :15:iU 0(m 6AS_tr/rcL_WEIGHT=32.(m ( 1.000 to 91).9991 M olwt V 301:15;.12 0000 !ERIAL_l{UM8tft."932 " V 301 : I 5:42 ffnO D6P_II{TENSITY'HIGH {Xl6 H.M[D, LOW"OIr/I} V 301:l5r{2 ofilo pC_ffSEr_EMBLE=Oit (OFF or Ol.l) V 301: l5:{2 (In0 CLOCI(_FORMATT "I lMEr*H :96tr/l :J6S" V 301:15:42 (xXX' FACTORY_OPT.8 (O to 21474836471 Eitf rag D tirt D 301:15;42 m00 @NTtOL_|N_1=OfF D !l0l:15:42 OmO CONTROL_IN_2;OfF O 3Ol:15:42 0000 @t{TROt-lN_3=OfF D 301:15'42 fim CONIROI-_IH_4-OSF D 301:15.42 Oim CONInOt_lN_5=OfF D 301:15{2 OmO CONII(X_IN_5.OFF D 301:15:42 O(X,O mHTROt*lH*7rOrF D 301:15:a? flm C0NInOt_lN_8=Off O 301:15:12 (xrcO @UIROL_lll 9=OFF D 301:15:il2 OmO COilTnOLlll_l0=OFF O 301:15:12 (Im 6ilIROt_ll{_11:OFF D i]01:15:t[2 m(X) @ilIR0t_lr{_12'Of F D !101:15:42 00fi1 0NTROt*OJT-l.Oft D !101 :15:12 0000 mlnROt-flJT-2*OFF D 3O1:15:12 0000 OrIROL_OUT_3=OFF D 301:15:42 OffX) COI{TRO|,-OUI-{=OfF D i[l:15:{2 tXtOO cOt{1R(}t_OUI_5-Of F D 301:15:42 tXtrO CONTROI_OUT_6--OFF D 301:15:12 0000 CONTROI-OLT_7.Of F D l0l:15-42 0000 COI{TROI_OUI_8:OF F D 3Ol:15:12 OOm CONIRO[-OU1_9*Orf D 301:15:42 flD0 CONIROT_OLff-10=OIF D 301:15:rt2 Offi CONInOI-OUI-11=Of F D 301:1.5i42 0U, CONIBOL_O|T_12=OFF D 301115:42 O([E ST_SYSTIM_OX.ON D ]01.:15:,12 (XXtr ST_CAL_ACTME.ON O 3O1:15:tU (](m 5T_D[A6-MOOE=OFr @ Page 3 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 *'[*=]rl'rtIir*I dr.t.rJ ,.,1r;r! ,ir tDl .a h lb ! t lildynt rdlttlllt g0l|.n, CAL GAS I MFC nfi 17{6-15 iloa.l T700 SrhlNlebr 9It Op.fir.r Beeti o.05 9t Certificate TdDc\.io. Bl()S if.d.l DC.2M Srr&! !{rrDor 99l Ac.rr..y 196 Trtrrbh To l{Elll !0O1627 GrttcdEDrr 9-S.P,l5 st?eL U $T?roft 760 o00 o5 .oto {.ro -1.40 !.u5 o2 0.15 II o-l O,E 0 ,il!!r fbr Crtrtdlrtlfo To.rrlErl 5 t0 l5 20 2J 30 .I5 40 45 50 5' 60 65 m ?5 80 l5 90 9' t00 o0rfii 0.0!00 0.030 o.&tul 0.0J00 0.0600 o_onx) o-{Eto 0.t)900 0.tmo 0. r r00 0.r200 0.tlorl 0.l.l0{l o.t500 0. 1600 0.r7s0 0.tlIn 0.r9011 0.20m 0.0iltro 0,02t560 0.03r5r0 0.04t79{I 0'0Jr560 0.06t310 o.o7llr0 0.8to9{t o.Flt50[ o.100d,0 0.1 t0]00 0.r2000 o. I 2970fi 0. r39300 0,l48ex 0.t5[400 0.16ur00 o.l7t!I)0 0. r88?0r) 0.tgi?m -0.61 {?8 4-?6 4"t9 .{.r8 4-66 4.69 4.5{ -0.?5 -0.rto .0. t5 0.00 0.rt 0.3t 0,60 0.80 0,9t o.90 o.90 0,6, @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document Etr+23-t 582{01 RE1/ 0 APPENDIX E GAS CYLINDER CERTIFICATES @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 HOX: t$*f;#iLu$RrDE:TROPANE: TIITROGEN: Frnaltloltrrne; HffiH[l,'', rmilU i(qtsrlsl: CERTIFI ED $TAN MARD-SPEC Custorner: ENglf{q ENVTRONMENTAL SERVJCESPart No.: XOSf,f lSSCl'Si'gb-l$ ll| I lilil ltI ll il I il lltl|| rlliliiIfiiiririlnruffiril Mola % 5014 PPM s.020 PPM 501s PIIM 501 3 PpM 5023 PPM Balance 145.0 cF 183-402516552-1 cc64237 Aug 16, ZOZ1 irT-l5ASG660 {.t iw"I.{" - (GA8;3551{2'4 (CAS;630.084) (CA$: r0t02"ffi'91 (CA$: f&g$-,fi} (CAS; fff,I"II4 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 ,rw*' l&rC{ncsgftU0o _5.ffi1!q '. '''-''0 "#H,,cY: 'ALL l4oo-64s4633 Certified Standard r t* ,1 i1$:' I Eahtce _S,.rru,nexanuorua - -:It.ar : - I .-- Nlhqan I rm-rl I Warning Jillfi1ffi#iilr-ff:uRE; MAy ExproDE rF HEArEo. MAy D*,rr{Erntond' IfllI l-*roride 1000 ppm ffi41n*n*,ro*"*::;:o'o' - -,,-klrdrDn ernu*tr€rnpsd,{r'dsri* wetl-ventllated pbcp; protect frorn sunllEht uh€n ernBfilr Ethytene zO0;p; ffiIto,o $Et,*p*,,l Xi,X*:t kep at rest in a positron comrodabre rq *T11,1]' ^- '*:,t:,ff-k,'ffi l.lr"itTiffi:;.',:::ff trff;H:Tffii-g;:'ti,ft I"'#F;'--d;,,nT;::f,i.1ff[,H[*jit"#*1"#ifl ##,.-TI',1!ffi ;l $i rk $r ffi _.i "''-*illl'llflH'fi*y"T'ffi ,*"#*ffi f $l$?;*ffi.,tiicoi"* Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 tP[BBtlI0s0t ilnilurnn Brrtlttsil t snEGlltif,th' ms tum[tntnt Gunct ntliloll [[Btr[SX Pt0$&il o[IGtil- n[l.q'{'"1 I3.0t I,i BAISNEE +/- 0.$i [IIB[Glil n?I'il4i EytlnSH Itum[bn - tB[f :i6I1? ,lrttinder Plsggr.rre: 20t i-tSlqch't'r-ilild;i[.f;:' [us 1q' ?tg?#;;ti'j;ib;*'i- Alii t !,-??30 R*T;,;nG itlin'u*" i 55+0124 !?1P;1 { PGVP Numhrr: B7?O2i. . Gas Code- Oftj.l/''N fil frTttiirlilt iltfrll ff fritiiii i t ll m llililil ll lll ilotr* Do not use crylir:der belcw 100 psig- -pnA Certifrcation rnii'formed in accordance with "::^ Traceabilrty ,;;i;;ri Wrv zOt 2)" using assay procedures tisted" To reorder this rnixturo, u$e Fart Number: r02Nt87E15A0080 Tp Mareriar: MT-l sASGsgo"r r$vth lFduEtdal Laop Rnad Tooets ur &4014 Par:t Number:r-oifrltt'E 1 5A0080 e Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility ENGINE DATA Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 Test Variables rsrnht frriCrl*U }(, Oxygm Cmscl€d(96)om 0,6 0.0 Cerboo Mo,loxide (CO). pBYrv 51-/E 4260t a3.r6 tlib006 Orid6 (NOx). ppmv &@ tSin tt{t i,lethere (CH4) pmY 3r.5S xt.zt 3iLGII Fmldehyde(HCHO). ppmv 4,0 {.8 -a@t VOC Tolal (Exdudes HCHO)l,iq*ilP}f,lJ -3.C66 Total Hyfimrbms (THC) p9nv 6a_6Gl 6t-eB s_0a6 Tesl Oate 10Q1t2021 S[e]xCL SBpOer Pad EfrJim Houfs 't8956 &akesDecrtc Fuel Cmsulplim (SSFCIHU. Btl|/Bnlh(05{e0@ 65aZm 65aa@ Fuel Flry Rate (OF) SCFH rr,ilr.23? 'tl,18t_8'tt.ltc_zn E Aare Hm€gorcr RaEU (BHP). brake rmeptrs zm Hffi@fltrLrtliation l,t6o t,60 t.e'0 Estmat€d Load (%)74*7lrL tl8b HEIE Heatho \hhre ofFuel (HHV). BTUn3 1.188 697 Lm Heatng Valw ol Fuel (LHU. Bfufi3 I 081 831 R+acl6 lihlBtuir riifltffillil"lrl i3.298 F-Factry (O2Fd). OSCF/MMHU 8.559.137 Efiaui Fbw Ral€ (Od). SCFH rll'rtim-,ffil,fi| tr3.821.{3{i @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: Decem&r 6,2023 Document EM-23-1582{01 REV 0 G DATA @ Je Noo @$o @@q N o(, @ooq N No(v)(a cng N corr\rto c.j ooroN c.i C'iNroN e\i (r) @N\4,o 6i (\l l4) F c\i (Y,NG't,(\I f\i \c)otm 6i (Y'\oN 01) IN @o(v)(r) c.i ci'r\Nd)t c.i NoNt\(, e.i s\t@Nr..) C\i sto(o T\1,) si toNF\stN Ni (V) ctr(r) o)F Ai rl, @\l,Nl\ ^i N\o N CA 6i !i'r\N\to Cri leoN- 00 (rD G)(Y' \a)o vt (, torc]\ri t F @(r)]\ vt l\si(, or\otj (,r,,g) 6N@ to @t\or CA \c)lo 'ri (Y,ooNNrJ) lfi 0a)(, cn CAag) N(,()r\tot ao \oo@io t V' o @oc(Y' t,, N(Y' (7' N(7'ri \oNN(?to (Y' to @ooNtt 0a)ri o\t@tN 01) to lt)or\o f(, vt N @ ct\orloNri co tn.i'd)Nri @(,N Nri co\c,lol\ v, @ @No\t ri E Ecto.oE(uE 0, o roNNt,,. NN s ra)t @(t? @N \t @(a(, d? Nt g) \C'(r) orq rJ)rf oioG'(oo a? T\$ @s c1)r\ CAt,d(i' \oo\oN\o a? (t) (Y' o to coI6 r\r\o t\u? N(\I \oNt\ C'Tr\\ cN N @Ntor\(, e.iN CA t, crrto\ft sir\rt)o@ao N @ 1r) @oq d)o) or\o @t\ a? lt,(r) Not\c,c! N \o\4,lnNNqot ooN CAV) oq o g) N (Y, @q NN cnlt\oN @q .Y,N o6st C'TItq t !, Eo, CLo-c)- \o @(aNNo ci (7' @ao c)o ci NN\o @(,o ci oo @rl, @qo ro(!'stN coqo o oN1l,go NNtio(rro cj (Y'oN \l,o cj r\ r,\o$o c; oN\ir\o c; oNsl(,(,o ci CAt t@qo l') @\o olr 01, ci NF@$ C'I Io (\t c\oor ci to c\c)r\co to(')Nr\ cj o)(\lo \a) cgo C'T Fqo (t) (t,oi ctr (t)o + or(n T\\l,o ci t, Eo- CL c) LF NNlo \c,N\at)ro t@oNsiq (r)o (v,rttF\ CAt\q (Y' @ T\Nosttq C'T6 \c,(I) @t,cN C'\ \oNcnl,)\(,\t, 6i,r,,ltortc! cn\c, (\I \c,or\ro o? aosf oNt\i @q h (o\oN N tr? (t)rl, @or @ci't\Nll, (, C'Toi \tqot so @T\sttt) t(r) Nooi c\l\\o (r)r\(oFo\or\ INN]f)\\.,(, t, rJ)t,o\oI crrr\ rI) c,\ c4'tf lt) to() t@tNFq ro @ !+ NT\I(r) V) (v,(,t(\Iot o,N !, E CL CL C)o N rJ)oro (Y, c,r c; rJ)ro(,Noq s N@q 04, (Y' @$ostq 0i) NNN rr, t @t\lo6(r)q \ort)to U? (f)\o o@q cn ()oorN \4,q o Ft,rolr,t €o c; o 0q CA o @ C'i @t\\ @ sto I.c)\oq @ @NNt c I t6l,, o? c,o\o \c,N ai ll,\o\oo(, 6i ooto qo No\(Y'lo lr! ot t!',(r)N(,oI or C'\+ orr F)o c.j t, Eo. CLxoz (,6 cFor: @ (ri\l\o Ir\ (r)NF(t)NI(, @(\l rJ)ro .o (r,l\\los6ri d)(Y' @q @ sto!ist $d t, cri CDN @@+ $NoNNa(, (\lo!tNN\ @ N CAN(r)(r)c!(, \C)oslt\ o[r \C'r. ()(a $ @qo N l\orN c,r d o(,t aY,q o r\\l, CNooro (\i N @(r)!t ( \c; @N ao @rt)I6 \o U)oslNat\ (7' orri (,$6olt) d !, E CLo.o C) NtfN$Nc! ct N\o(7'Norg (v)lo ]\ ci'o@o .+ V) N CA ci}o rc)d\4, @or\ or,) $ C'T (v)o\o(')$tn F.sl N C'i(o (\\(, T\ o(, \l, ai,t,o $N (, ororr\]f)q rot oNci,o\oa crrg) (Y,o @ @o(, t-sf 0i, CAoFr\c) c;t @@ $ooq o t(aoo \C)tt(, t@i+ @ro CArit\ r\oF\ro \E'q o ooNo q CA6 <td) (\l o?oo \ol\N(Y' \a)or.c) os\l)itq Nlt (,l\\i coq @ ie No r\N\o N\o s@@ ci r\N\o N(r)\o 0i,NNd NrrtN c, C'I\o 00N\o @\o\o t @\o t\L)\o $tNci r,NN ci r,o\o CAd)\o CANN ci o aD\o N @\oo (r) (Y'\o loo\o tfd CL E(E oo Etr o- I(\l d)No(\l tN o (L N IN (r)NoN tNo o- (9 TN (r)NoN tNo cLt c.j (Y,NoN tN o o- u) i,i ci}NoN tN o o- \4, e.i (Y' NoN tN o o-r\TN c4,NoN tN d o-o e.i d)NoN tN o o- oI\TN o)No(\l tN o o-o s!N (r,NcrN sfNo A s!N (,NoN tN o o NNN (i'NoN $No o. 04) s!N (Y) NoN \tN o o- \fN c.i G}NoN tN o o- t) s!N ci'(\lo GI tN o o- \o s!N ci'NoN sfN o o- NN c.j ci)NoN tN o o-o q,,l 6l (v)(\lo(\l tN o o- c s!N cl)NoN tN o o-oeN (,NoN \tN o o- eN (r)NoN slNo oooNqg \orbP-ct 'iCN EEoo(r,N(l)i Ed Eo E)ooo Lo CLod. o.=gE'.,10 E:.o6ocLocL'=(EECUJ CN @ l')(a 0i}o@ c.i 1r) 1r) @r\IN ro o o c.{ (\l @loN CA e.i @ ao ctroc! N CD @ sl c c.i $o@$() c\i N N rC' c ci CD csl\l (Y'N ai @ CA(7'\iNN c\i o\ CAlot\(Y'N Cri o Fu)rioi N sfo o$oi N \tor-rt!+cl N @ N@ortq N o (Y,r,NN Gi o\ooFNN Cri NNu,NstN c.i oN C'TNtc! N (,N\c, (i)toq N NNr\ C'Tl,)c! N t\ooFte! N (alto CA c! N F CA N to oo @ aoo to 6ltt,(\l(?Nori o cooolt)o to ooN CDG'o ro FV'slFNori NN\c, o rd (v)g)(,r\orc+ (r, N crrN crr+ o \oo\l) C'T+ ()o ln c $ (I)ll aDFod\ t lntt,stot ch+ N .Y,N6 o\{ t @oF(Y' or+ rn Nq @@+ olt 61' rc) @6+ o coroN CDt (r) @(,t\o(n $ rtNNct @ @ $ r-No\o @co $ CA N\o @ t (aoN @oo $ o Fg) N- N Fa)Nroo) F. ()r\llt-N 0g @N oiF $t\o?oIt No(I) @ootst r\6NtT\c! @(v) oG' @ 1O T\\ \c)st Nooro Chq Nlr) or..'o oq Nln sct \(v, h 6l\\0Nr\qo(Y' ra,rl) +(, F? N N o\t(\l oq N @ c CAF\(t, \E' tN (r) CAroo)q ll, tl t-st!i(,(,a6N d, lJ)o CAu? $ N rC' r, @q(,o $r\ooIc) orN @(r) q C'TN (Y'st (Y'N coq N t) (7'c,N c\lsf d sl 00 cnrJ)N c\i Nr, @o c, N o r\go NN\t CA Io \c,N(, @l,,Io (",g) N @ @Ic, (at\(, @ ci sfNo\o(, ci or\l)t,(7'g) c!o otN @ ci tN NN ci r\ o 6o c; Fco\t @ oo cor\Ntoqo o\ooN C'Tqo t\o CAqo \o\f\f\oN ci o\c, rJ)Fr\ ci tlr\ C'\tN ci coNororogo \c)g) toqo r\(r) @t\{qo ooNto c, ci N(7'r-No ci ()Nr,Fo\t ol.t \o @F\oq @ N ltNo C'i @ o?o\o (i' @N C'T ar\F ooo\o @q N co coNT\ @N $r\ rJ) @o \EI crie!() @ t\o @ rot, 1r) C'\ \E'tor(Drolo{ CA t\ u) \c)N oq \c,o rJ)\l,(oo@q N\o T\NNtor, u? (r,st o\olr) CAogot ctr C'i (r) roqolr, orf,ostor\\to or@ro$ Io\ro @oNtfF.N r-F !t 1,) @oro oq cn\o \l,r\\fr\r,oi(,(r, ooNlol\r: o NtN CA(') I or$ N N@ao\oiN N \tr\@\ (Y,(r) ood)NFq CA @!t @6N c.,1r\ I,)oi 04)(Y' N c; N(?, (Y' crr 0q ra,No @(l? N () orrt(l\t,,. 6N6oroaN N @lo(t) @c! (Y' oNNoNc(Y' N rDo{(7' ltn CAd)(rrN c; N\or\N\4, a; (f, @ \E' N q C'T o(,tou? CA co6 \c)oo(l? N (\o Nlf CAo 6si(a orNu? (Y' co!+ @t-N ci o\N\F \c,(')o(,N ci rl)Nt\o(r) CA di {,N@ (Y,Nqr\ rJ)ro \E) t\q F Nc)(t)N oto ost T\N oq N NIJ'\ooNao lnto CA c(l? o @ $NN \c; rl,(\lN @ln c d $ @ c\c) @ d N C'i \a)lt)Nro r.i r, @N @ro .c; tr\oNFro <; o\oN\ooiq \C) $(,FoN\ @ o @cott ao o G' Nq lo N @stll,rotj r\t st @lJ) \c; \o u)ooctiri (7'N\o tI cn \o @(", @o o? m(,tr\Nt to r, coNN o? \o sto @sl oqo r\\4,(\lr,N u? ro ci,t@(Y'(\l\o ciN No(Y'Nst\o $ l4)lt, (a\(, o? CA\t V) \a)o\loro c.i\t or,Nrt(r) @ $\o o\oN N c c;ro CT(Y'r\ 00loo to\o (Do \c)t\oN od\o oNroN cilt \o Nr\N+lt oro GOo CAc! @(Y' F C'T coo ctr\(, (7' (, @6iqo\o r\{() (, C{ c;rl ()\oou,ot l: \t (Y' l,l, C)No 14,o(\I o(t)t\N o? C'T(v, oNo\t6 oltsf oNG'(Y' @ ci6 \oo(r,Nq (Y' N N co\\4,o(Y) dtl c$g) @1l)q or6l (Y' m aY, l4) CA\FN tt\o CA rJ)r\ ci $sf\o ot\o @N\a) ci \c)\o r,N\o o(l,N ci NN\o @\o \o tt)o\o l',(r)\o c; N qo C'Ttt)qo (Y'r\qo @ @\o ci lo \c,\o ci G) c ra) c, t,t\(, + or t\ c; oa)\o N@(, ci o- NnN (oNoN stN o o- (!)nN (Y)NoN tN c, o-ttnN (Y'NoN tN c, o- t, q? N (Y,NoN \tN o o. \o c?N 0i'NoN t(\l o rr\q? N .i'(!oN tN o =o- @a6l (Y,NoN siN o o- C'TnN G'NoN+No o-os N (Y, c{c)N !fNo r *N ci'NoN \f(! o o- NsN G'(\o(! \iNo =o- (r) Gi (Y' NoN tN o o- sN (Y'6loN siN o o- losN (')NoN tN o o- \osN o)No6l \lNo =o-r\$ c\i ca)NoN tN o o. @sN CDNoN t(\I o (L or*(\I (7'NoN aN o (L o Y?N (aNoN !f No o- nN (,NoN sfN o o- NnN (aNoN stN o =o- (r) Y?N (aNoN t6l o o- fiN (r)NoN tNo Nqg \obP-o 'i- CNgP o(f,NolEi Eo E Jooo Eo CLoE, 'o .=EE'(E9l!L.o6@cLocL'=(EEc|J@ ;e Noc) o \C' rJ)N(t) c; oN @(aoao N@lrt o\t c; @\c,oNor(Y' ci deoNI rt, coNN@r\{ rt @slt\tr\+ !i,o @ $r\+ olJ) (Y'ro(r)I\+ ! Eo. EL ocoE q, g, \o 14)r\ u?oN o(, CAo\oq loN (7' o @q N () @r\ CA@\stN E E CLo.o :Eo- ct)Ni+o CAoo o coroor\oci o ct(r)\oo c; o\oor(ot\o c; ! E CL CLoTF \c,o\ll,loc)t+ ttt, c)t\slto c to oi\tN to(l? (o FNt,)oi C'Tc!t\si E' E CL CLoo tra, 04'NroNci siot CA @lJl C.i @ CAooi \o ro cn r\roNr, $ :c, E CL CLxoz (t) (Y' lJ' @\tq @ttc,N(,qo @r\N(,r,Ir, o[rNNG'lf CA F. ! Ecl CLoo Notortrt .ot ro i+o(')q orN (,rf(rr(, {N trt, or @q NN ae (\Io C'To(, cj N() \a) c; N$6 ci tNro d Ncf E, o Eo oo E F o- q.! (Y)NoN tNo =o- N s! (r)NoN tNo o- (oq! (')(\IoN \i6l o t!It c'i (r)NoN riN o @Nu, rJ)N ^i 6 1n \ir,)N e.i @c)stt \E'N ^i @oro @t\N e.i r\() 1r, orN ..i rDo(,(rrNN e.i o tN6q N (t) (r,(oN CAc! N NslNo CNq N crr oo @N c.j @\4, csf co(\l Cri g) N @orN Cri o(')I\orc! N (aft@ @ cq N or(,No6o! N r,(,osi C'\N c.i coo r\(r) @t or\oF (Y'o .+ N cnN coN@+ o\o Nto+ @oi G)$oo $ co)lt, \l!o $ o(\o i\os o@(Y'r\ @ $ osic)U)r\@ $ o \t(? GO @ $ (q\o @ooi@+ o $oo cD+ Fo)to(,ooi+ \c, @!toalor* oNFoNoi $ sNsfN(r) or+ () (Y) \l,lr)o\ CAm lot lo CTa6o t t\N co oq o \o\oo\l)rl,\ \C'sf @ 64)u)(7'\oN d; NNV)Nstc!oN r\Ntot @q N ci, ooroNNq (Y' @orroc)tt) I @t u) G)\oo l: CNsf r\\o (r)NIroo, soaNNq $N t co \oq NN lJ)Nootq \o G) N(Y' \o @(v) 6lt(o co\or\@ Nl/,) 6i(Y) @ \c) V)\oN ci ol')sfN @o ci 6 1,) 1r)o r.( c; NtorN c, !f(o @NNgo o(,o CAto c; (Y' \c) @(r) c; rJ) or\\oo c; r, \c)N\o$ ci @ CAort\t ci o\o Io Fr\ tl) @qo ootNt c; \oNor\(, ci loNN crrN ci oNo(r2No ci @ \C'NstoV)+N t\oNor(r)t+t\ or \o @o\c, odo Noat, ll,q N @ ott \c, (i)(9 a?o aY, a)N\l)o q @t o\tlr, or,ri() ci' \C'NN (r? N\c) NNt co u?(,o T\(Y'Nr\si\N @ o@ror\Ft: @\o \l,oNslq r,) rc)\o (Y'N (, .ciro ro t\t+\ c,io c,\rr)It rc){No 0i)t\Nlooc! lr,o \orooo$o- t\t\o@(Y'.: 6o\stslr\at t(\lstr\@r, e.i (,o\t @.i'\t F. @(Y)str\N o N r\ roll) c; loloN @N\ c Nto(rrNq () \C)t CA CAq N N(I) F\Nt) a? cr NNstNoo 6 CA CAs@o\o di rJ) oo(r, co c; t(t) @lo \c) ci orN 1r, c; cr\c @oco to or\ (f) cc')q rt (v, cnt\o\o\o st lnN\oT\I\qo (Y)\otto\\ \c) sto Nlo u? co tou) @lo(9 d rl,rnol,, FNri N@tst @+ N o\f a ra) olooror(Y'-f <j Nsl ltN c; l\tNo 1r) cd ()or,N(l,o+ o \c)\o:loc! r4, Fg) t-o\c, a?() T\(\I CAN{o c..,il,) r,)Not\oN cilo \o(ato or(Y' ciN r, (Y'6(, q o6 +or\or\c'r(r?oo o(Y'r\r,(, $t, @(ltooi\ot\ ra, @t\o$ odti (, N(7' @ \c;ro (Y'o @ttaN@ V)$(?lf) @ c.j @ lJ)oN (a\ t oNolJ)Iaq rr', ooor $or.$ (a(, or aq) 0q (q r\ N crrr\r\+N !i,r\@ c; q, CA\o ci t- ctr() ci (,N(, ci (, qo tsf() CJ \oo\o Ntt,\o + s CA(, c; No(, ei C'\ co(, ci N F@ cj () \l,o (o \o d NG'(, ci (r) c \c) c; o- r,)nN (r)No C! tN o =a- \C'e(\l d)NoN rtNo TL N Y?N 07NoN sfN o o. @cN (Y'NoN sfN o o. c Y?N c,NoN tN o o.oe (Y)NoN stN o o- I (r,No(\ tN o o- (\lc d)NoN tN o (L (Y'I (r)NoN sfNo o- stI (7'NoN tN o o- tlc (Y'NoN !iNo o- \C'e (')NoN tN o-r\P (aNoN tlN c, o- @I (r)NoN tN o =o- ce (aNoN tN o ILoT ci'NoN t(\l o (f, a AE\o (t,= -o 'iCN EE(l)o(r,NofEiuEo E =oo6 Lo CLo G, 'o=eE,(E 91!L.ob.rt CL.t, CL'=(EECLrJ (n @ 6,1(v,Nci' ao o\o(r)sf ao F(,N @6(Y' ci l',orr)Nolf ci @ ottNsi c; cr,r, CAsf \i c; rt\oNNao @\o ci)slNto s1,)ro 1,)Nao r,i+ (Y' CA ao r\ (Y' rr,c,st ci (Y' crr N\t cj (, @(a ll, \t ci \c,(? crrltl,)\fd (r,ott) cnr\ c; ()Nost (Y,t ci Nt\l N CAao or)o{t ci t€<, !tt c; NN@oNlo ci $ crro1l) CAao oo@F\(,ao @Not rr) ci or, @Nt-+ rr, c1)(Y' 1,) N N$ \o g) sfNr\$ (Y'r, \E'r\or\s (?tN @ c\o NNt(\l @\o $ ol\siNN\o+ (7'N(D $N \c)+ NlJ) @F\o+ oT\sl C'To(, + N rc)t\co\o I \l} 3 L,)o\o{ r\\o @ oro{ 1r)t,)oNu,o $ Noo @\t rC'+ @ror\ (o(, + sF{N() .+ 66tor\ \ot lt o N ra) $ (r) C!$ (,+ (?(,NN (, .+ N(Y'ttlf,o(, + N tr)o CA rJ)< rc) coN a? @o tcoNrr)() u? G'rf \o \oor, a? lr,r, N @ c$orI (, (v,\tt\r, @\ @t cncrto\c! Nsf N(9rfNNclt(9 trl,N \c)+(o N @ @(r) l',+rn o\o @ CA aY, aq \(,N tNNo CAao. oN @No\0or,) c.iN o(Y)o@r,)q Nrt ]t, ol(, @ 0q @(v, o CAN(9 c! or(Y' at) @No(l?olf, N6 c(,r\q C'T!t 1r)lnr\N rc)q @sl (v)N\o r-q CA(r, N @Nll)asi d) (,ot,\ot\l) c.iN NorrJ) @q roN tN o\c, c.{ cn(a Nor cn \c) (Y, ci Nr-N lt)oo F CA c o) ci cor+Ntln c; r\tr\(o o\od rotlo\ooic)d rc)(oNr\ c; G' ot.fo o @ cn NN c, @$NNrooci (7'Nrl,\toioo .Dc)u)lo @o ci (oc, \c)\ooo st CA(r)r\t\od CIr\t CAr\o cj ctto @]f) o r\(r\$ @ ci (r) (t)No ci rr, cNt)o cj @Nu)N\oo c; @ l')r\(Y,o ci $o @ l.c)o ci (, (Y,ooN c, @(!' CA CNNqo\o NNg) o\4,o ol.r\ Nt\ @ \o so FINot\ cDt(r,o N\o\oNNt C\l @ @\oo{o6ri N lo6 @o(v) ri6 oo\o(, C'\\o.t @ (,o ttq Nor olt Nl,f\(",to tf,NNNoa(,ro ra,ooo @tuirf oo\c, C'I\fc! NF- @to q @\o (Y)NFoiosf cir\ (Y' @tl,ororo $o (Y' t,sf ci, C'I $o @siF\ooe! N@ No c4)N ci\o otl,N+t,q (Y'() N @ @ l,)\o c'j ot ()\\ot sfst\tF)r,c, ol.(, (,(, t o ci Nrl,\t ctt ci $(\llt(oN ci r\$(oN q \oll)$(Y'(rr a? ro(7'tt\(a o? o $oNq @ o\ooN (\,i o @\or\t o 6(Y' Nottt ri N CNstN c,rN c,i ct)t\lo @t(Y'+ t,sfNqo c)o $o(t, c.i Nll,too(,q r, ctr CAo CA.: lt,stog) lr) CAo r\oc)o)oN ci toorl,oc(?, st6F c,r r,, 6i NG'Ft,, o rri FN \a) @t@ t o CANlrtotci N t\ N @ N @c)(,6r\ od r\rl,rir\@\or. (Y,o C'Toi(Y)(o ei Nr\NF(v)N or lr,looru) r,) cd @oiF Io si\o+N o? @ (r)olnF\c) CA F- @N (Y,c)tr) ci N \c)NN CAt d; @ @NlDNN di coro(,oT\c) di stoF Ci'N d $r\\frooo .ci t,Nrt\og)o Ir sN\o t-\t od (,ro @6r\N ai CA( @NNo F. c,roN o\ot ooo(, I.f;)ri \o (v) o r. (r, (Y)(r) \o$cri ch rc)Nlt, ao(') o@NNNIt,(r) c)lt)(r, (t)t\oq \o \l)tNt\oq t Ntt 1!)t\ o? lr, ou)root a? ot(, r\ ot)\ito C\i(r, ()st CA @\ \c,rt \t@o @ @\ CAN (t c(r, CAq(\sf d)G'(, (Y, c u? c,rsf CAo ll,ro\ N og)(o @Fd? (r,o o (7'tNqot N@\o @tqr\r, orrnci'Ntqr,lt) or(too(,q ro td)u',(r)(,torilt \E)r-ootodsi u,o qosi co6o @(", a? N(r) rl,N C'TN(,(, cd(a NN cslslq rttst Fo\4, ci CANqo l,, u?o $cnu?o Nr\g) ci cnNlo ci t cro c, o \C' ci No(, c; 6\l,tt c; €) qo NN(, cj \i\oq c, o6Io C'TN\l, c; N\o @ c; \a)\o rc) d \fa\o ci oNo ci 1r)o\\o c; ltNro c; (i'loa ci N(,r, ci o-r, c! (t)NoN !tNo o-(, s! c)NoN tN o o- Nq! (,NoN tN o o- @c! (r)NoN tN o a- or nt coNoN tNo don G'NoN \tN o o- n G'NoN $N o o- Nq? (Y'NoN tN o (L g) q? (r)NoN \lNo =o-tg? (t)NoN tN o o- lo g? (')NoN st(\ o o- \c) (.t? (')NoN tN o =o- F q? (aNoN stN o o- oog? c,No(\l tN o o- cg? ci,No(\l \tN o TLoj c)NoN \tN o o- * F)NoN No d Ns (r,NoN !tN o o- (9t. (Y'NoN tlNo rL tf$-(7'NoN siN o =(L ros (')NoN tN o o- @s (r)NoN sfNo o- Ns (aNoN tN c, (Y) O x_H \obP-ct -i-CN EE(l,ER(l,J Ediic o, E:ooo tro CLo E, an .=gE,(E 2lr.96ooocL'=(EEct!a @ (!, @toN g) d N aor, (v, at, c; C'T\too $ ci s or \a){o ((\IU' CA to c; (Y'Fc)r\Nlo ci o\otroNrJ) c, t\o r4, ao c; (') 04, \t 14) d N @ @oroao (D(,o(, rr, ci @NooNto ci No CA orosi cj oo{o st\ootN{o (r, cltoort ci oi co(r) r,) c; (,N c crr(\to ci 14,N (r)(l, rJ) ci (Y) F 3o Nor oN 1f,, ci o)\oFsto ci @ C'\\c,!+ orao Nt\oroorot N CA@ @ott)t @ @cnNNro+ @6(rr @l/)ro+ clo\ofitt+ $Nltosiro$ @tlr\ srl) i Nt\o]\t]f,t Nt G}\tn+ \ot\@(,Nr,t 6tooNr,) $ @rJ) (Y' to t 6l(! @ \C'Nlo t rl) (Y' 60 (\llt+ ll, ct\ @ \C)o t.( $ @ tosts NN!iorr,)\l t\r\ CAt\$si t to otott ro oort\it Norto roa$ @l\6\ft t N\c)N ttt t rt)No oq N(Y) N(7'(\l qo r\ NtlJ) r.N t\N @N\o c.l t o\oo oIo ort, @o (x;N tNN\t N $N toc)tt(oNq N $d) roc6 \C)oN(r) @ \c)+ @oNr\Nq N o(Y'r+ ctrN 0q (9 r\c,\ rJ) (Y,t) r.N or\ rc)r\t ri ortl4tc)Nq C'i oor @l,) or F.(r) stt\ crrol(, cit oU)N coq N(q F(Y'Nci,orc G}t Noo o\\o G} o) cF c CA\ N @\to @rooo od) 61'oN +N t\o $Fo CJ o)$o o c; orNt(a od |.\ ci,(, No c; r\or oiNo ci CANt(nt(,o ei No @lDto c; s F\ooo c; ot\t\Nto c, N\ic,r,lt)o ci r\NN aY,No cj NT\t-totoo I (r)N\c,o ci N @l4) V)o ci tlo N(r)o c, Nto @ooci oNo 6i) oci @ lJ) (Y' oro cj \o\ooT\(,o c; \otf(r)6(')o c; @o orNo c, \tot\c,oco thor CAooo CNl\oorNu? CNt) r\ st 00c! orN r\\c,to(!,(a a?o6 rl,si @to @@ or \a) rl,For N@r.(Y' @ CANr\ ott\Nro (Y,r, o rJ)(\l6t ro() (, @ 6iN \ototstrfN aiN \E' @t)t\ Or\ 14,l\ ll, CAoo stq G)t tFoorN C'\r-to N(,NtoNoq rD r\ro t4) coq Ci,(o \0o(o t/,. t \c)l\F oo \cj\o toNto(r, q CA\l, ct(')\o\oto+o N \C'o(Y,(\orit\ N$or,, F c.io \olt)lt)o (7'N o.it FslNo) @N6N ll,(ot T\N cit lo$oroi 0i)(q ('J (, @tNtF r,) \E}NN to G' $ o\cn \ol\ GO c.j orgr F(q V' oN (r) ororri or\NNT\\o V)Fo\oc,u) .o or \4,rl, N 0q(, ]t)(,$N(\o ci or,N @ CA It t N{(r) $oN roq (Y' lJ)loFg) tori (, iE'(, \oNtt t \4,rl, tlll a(, 6i r\ oo\o\o c.j NN c cntisiri ll,olo$rc, u? N r\For r4)ri o ()6l N V' @or(, (l,oo .o r\oo$to\(r) \ooilt) C'ior d?€ \4,\t rl<l u?(,N (q C'T \E'No \E'o @N @loo)oo (, (\l C'T(r,q N 0) (7' \oo $ C'TN@(Y) Nq\t (') \o @Nt F. o\to(I' to. (a c 0i't\ 1r) ai (, cFto @(a Vi o NsihNt CAo CANc.l N @(Y'r\NNq F (o(, \ooN o. (,oForoaN \E) C'T@t\ @ F* FN(r)r\N $ u, 6 to\(r) (\I oroSI\(", V) ctrooF d CAcnoN ct)q NN loN o\oori C}(",No c! l4)u) 6 t+c,@iN t\tNr\@( c\iN \o €ot @lo 'riN ostN\tlnriN \clNl\\ot) a? Nrn I\N cn\c, @q c(Y' to(r) CA(r) c.iN t\ CA@q orN oF\u,NN(!, $€ roo oN C.{ @o or(r)N \E'o\NN N 1,)rorl,rl,NriN o,o\o CA \a) di Ntt o@ a? (o tN CA @q C'\$ oo(riro \C'o+r, otot\oq Ft CA !t $q ltt \oFsV)ore!o(a @ G)Norl,IFN N to tt G?tN ]/tlo €oNN +t @(r)\o cj oN@ ci (r)o \C' c; oN€, ci o(r)(, cj @\c,V) c; CAoo ci o \C' c; $ r.f ci c L, ci N\oro c; (aoat, ci (\o6 c; \t r, ci (v, ro ci \t lo + s(\Ilo c; N 1n c; ()Ng) + t6+ c; oNtt c; CA CI'V)o $Nao c; a- @s G)NoN tN o A €rrj (Y)NoN tN o =o-orl? (oNoN tN o o- Y? (t)No(\ \tN o o- Nn (,NoN tN ct (L (Y' Y? (Y'No(\l t(\l o o- slh; (r)NoN tN o o tJ)n ar)NoN tN o o- \l,n Ci,No(\ sfN o o- l\ Y? (r,NoN tN o =o- @e (l)NoN tN o o- CA Y? (,NoN tNo o-oeN (Y'NctN tN o. cN (Y'No c.{ tN o (L NIN (')No6l tN o (L (Y'cN (!,NoN tN o o- !iIN (r)NoN !tNo 4 rtlcN (oNoN tNo o- @IN .i'No(\ tN o =dt\c$l (')NoN \tN o o-oeN (r,NoN tN o o- oreN (aNoN No .LoTN (i,No a-,1tN o (v) oNRf, to- r G'=-o 'iCN EEoERo,JEfi Eo E5ooo Lo CLod. 'oEgE'.,10 c:.obttt o-(,cL'=(EEEuJ (n @ a€ Noo orNcotf\oao \C'N C'T(Y, IJ' c; orolJ:ot c; \o$ crr\od)t) ci N!f CA(D 6r, If,, ci c CA\o(9g) ll) cj oNrl,Nt1. ci c) @ @I c; \oNorortrn ci o 1r)$ ttto ci "'eoN- \o(')oN(Y,o+ lntoo EON $ (r7 (Y,(,N $ t() \E}loN{ G'rl) oror\lN I ()osttN $ o\(r) ci'Nd)Ns (,\lh or(,N $ (,NN(Y' (v)6l or\oN$d,6l I !, Eo. CL oc(u G, CAoFtt, q r\al s(7'q No tr, sl(,N d(v, sto\o(r, or 0qr,!f \o\to@(v)q Nt oorT\(,ou? $ @orr\N @ u? C"st @or CAo \a) ag @ ca, stoN(",tN tt,) F$NoNqot !, E CLclo-or tot\\l,lr,o ci C'To)st oo cj o orr\q ? g) Fc) qo \oro\o @ood oo (Y'(,qo {o(v) looo NN @o(Y'q c, NN@ \E' CAqo @r,oN o ci t, E CLo-oIF r\@t\o6 o? \oN $F c\i€rilI, to C'Tor\or\(r, cd\o 6lNG' @oqoN @Nrl,o @ C'\ O,\o Noro(aN\ CO() ot-or CN(, CN 6iN r-r\N(a\oN.f \a) si(oroN CA do No(r) CAar\\o !, Eo. CLoo ()to @tt,(, .o r\!t aoN N{ \otNt(i' c.j Nco \oN(l? o C'Tt\ oo('i r,, (Y'oo CD Fi \o 14, N(Y'g) ci (, o @N\c) oc) t\@oq looi\l,N -(? E E CL CLxoz r,oio slq{ cn6oirnolo \o oo\0 cNoori r\(aNort,a(r) CTtN@lJ) oq (Y, (q!t 1r)\o @ $ 6Iro CN \E'(,(r) $ o CTt@Nq d) r\(Y'6lnt,q (a CAostNr,) 1r) t t, Ectctoo ci,G'stc,qoN @G' @t, G't,ri$ r\ @+ \c, F.(v) or\ \otoIosl F \E) @orr, o? ta)(a Nrt, o(, @ e.,i(a c)d)Nooq(, (v) (h G'\c,NIor 0i, \oN lo o? Ntt ca,r\(Y'Fr\o? to h ie No lr,N C.,l co (Y'c! 6 c! (7'tN; NNc! \0 q sNc.l Ftq r\q l',tc! d,c =d. CL E(o oo Etr ot\ s,lN (Y'NoN tN o a- @N c.,i(,NoN tN o =o- orq! N (r)NoN tN o co g? N (Y)NoN tN o =o- c) c,i c)NoN \f No o-(\n6l (l)NoN tN o o. (q q? N (7'No(\l tN o o-tnN 01,NoN slN o a- ro q? N G'(\IoN $N o o- ro q? N n)NoN stN o (,ou1N 04)to ci @oor $6 ci (r,N sib ci slo\\oN(alt) ci r\(, 14) or(v,g) ci r,)lol, 1O G'lr) cj sftNNlr, u? o to(r,og)sfrt, c; ra,NNtln ci (Y)o oIr(I,sih ci ]t) tJ) orNr+ $ N @ o(v)tt (a N N$ t (t) rJ)(, CA at caN$ aooat \o sf @or(,t N st ra) C'T(o $ NtNo CAd) $ o l') No(r, $ tc) @ @(Y, t @Nsf ctr(t,q @(t) siN(, CA(')I @(r) NV)\oorolo +t @oioo\oa\ot+ sloslN\o(l? \o$ o CAsl(Dq Nlt r\F(Y'ro oru?os oNor\o$q o @N \lt\l) c;o o$co @ CAI\oo (Y'NV)t)No ci or(Y' (7'o ci C'Tctc,(olno cj \l,FFd)oqo t@ N(')o cj (v,r\cnolooo \t6G'\o(\loo (, (Y,o(!'sfoo $ r\ o ci o(r)too!io c; C'\N(a or co\ @\o 0i' @ \E)tc? @ @ r,oi oNa)r.t\ (, @N(7'Na?r\t\ N(",oNc!o co €o cor,, @toN F. CA r\No(Y'(r) o? orio \c, V'oi(r) rirn CAr,\oorr,(r) Ih I\oN(, \o(') .+() aNt N c.,i @l.'l\oN\c,(r) (\i @c)ooo.q olr, @t ci tN(Y'(',lo I ooou)to\o ci N \c)oorN c.i @ loto F\ot @c(v)\oo t th6(v)No 6rj \oN sf6 u? (') r\ C'ToNN ('J (DI',\tF(t)\(? lt) (Y)t\NN()ri \oost(\lr\bri \t,N(r)r\No)+ NorOr\ u', $ \olo\oocln ('i loo:tosq G' FF(7' oq(, @ crr$cnu? \c, NmNtrtq orrtt CA CA66N cist N(i'(\lltt oq 1r, o 1Dt@ I (Y,t CAo o? Nlo C'T CAN @() st r, co\oNo l:o (Y) tot@\ cnN oF@@ Fsltst N rf, c; Nt ct t-Nlo c; @6rt c; ci't\t c; t c,\ao o 00ao \c)Nao ci $\oao \o ac, o- I:N 0a)Nc,N tN o o- N I:N G'NoN tN o =a- CI' TN(,NoN tN o o- st IN(aNoN ItNo o. lt-N o)NoN r+N o o \C) c\i (')NoN stN o dt-T(\l ca,6loN tfN o a- @ I: N (!' c.,lo(\l ttN o o- crr I:N (Y'No(\ stN o (LoNN(?NoN tN o (f, oNqg \obP-cr 'iCN EEo 6(f'N(l)J EF E c) E)oo6 Lo CLoE, OEEEe'fL.96ocLocL'=(EEcUJ CI' @ c r\Ntln ci cN @tlr) ci t@ort 1,?lo ci r,toN(,to ci \a)(v) \c)IDg)lo d (r,o() CAtl,, ci @(?,t\f\fD ci o lo rtlr, c, (Y'oF)(r)r,too N o]f)lJt ci @No \oc) c; r\(r) ao\olr) ci r\NN(,r,rn ci N(Y,o rnrt cj Ch\o\o @\o 1f,, ci NNotf6to c; tNlolr, \C'rt ci oooroolJ) 1r) ci N c(r) \otr),oo (r)r,or\0 l4)to c; o\oortr\g) ci rnro\o(r) rJ)|l ci t\d)Nsfb ci o \t t(\l+ r\T\roNroN $ (r, a,\a1l)N $ oNo\or,e!t $ C'T\t@lt,N t (})tl\Nt,N $ @r\roNr,,Nt NNr\oroc!t c(at,lt)qt @ (o 6\tN{ c(, \E)o)tN$ r\(,(r) lfN+ or t\(Y'Nt $N CANe!rt Nt\o(v)(\lN{ NN\ooNN{ oNtr,NN{ sfooo(aNs l\Nl\ CANN .+ No (r,q\t @ crr@(a(",N+ (')N@NttN $ stN o(,N $ NrJ,st(rrc!o \C' ra, \E)o \E' r. ctNrnN(l? N CAto(!'o at ooNNr\qr\ N@6 C'\\oa(oN o(v)oco{oq CA ro co @sfNrj(v) ll) T\cco aqoN si(7' @NNc!oN \or\r,N(oIod) N@o(Y'\(nN ()c,r\(r,r,q @(') @otN(') a? CA(r' \oNooNu? (r)t sfo \C' @oq()(, stlo(,\o{o\i sf(,r,NNqo(Y' N$mrtc!\C' ci(Y, r\o N aF\o !loc,oNqoo NtNt,otl, toN ot4oll)\l,e!tN \tN \oNo ci oNd)\oNoci otl,,$Noo ci oi(9(, @oo c; 1ONo \4, ocj I\Nstoo ci @lr, (r1 14)No ci (I) (Y' c4' CTNo ci G'o(\l @Ngo (96 N o c; @(, orotod s(r)r\ro o c; \C' or(Y'ttto c; \o CA\0\c,logo Fr\(v,N o c; CA(r) o)\o \C'o c; r\(r)Nr\Foci (i2€)(r,ooqo N@ $Nq I FIt ctotq ? @Nr\ o cj oto 04)(t)od c @or o ci c,\to C'Tcor\\o c;t @(v)$$N Iri(a \c, oo\c,N\l\N NN o\C'(, c;G' Nll,NNo crrri G' ooNNtoN 'ri{ co \C'(,oNo(7' tNo(otodro Nlr)\tN(\oci\t @ NNo I C'Tt loNlrtor\N+ao loor l\(r)( 6ilo @roN(Y' \c)o od(, oNrn\to c.iN @r\ c$\o\tI\ N r\tr)(,\oo \o oo]f)N o.jo (, @(7'(r)(riFsrn ooroooq (7't, (\TlnN FNt\o oc,\t)o\oc! @\o t,Nt,\o()qo6 @Nu)roNlr, F.s stNN CAtr\.+ NNort, CA(,n orr\or\l,N\c, .o to\NtN(', .o !tNoN() @st r\\o\l @ ro.t NNN crrNt to Nst @orl/)o $ (v) @lr) @ 1r)ri (r,oco@to U' o It C{6lIt (, @N crrN(Y' t € @rooc! N 1r,rnr\@lt, I cosl cNoq \c)@lf(v)oot ooaoro @(l? o rc)stq rr) 6oN +(7'{ lorf6orFq (9 \t(,NtlD ci lt,$oororo('i (q @oNt \oro @o .q \c) ro \C)Nc! @ @toln N o? .Y) siN Ch sI @ CAoi CA@€t N o@lnr\t Foi\C'r,)orqo s@tt a?o \o @ toqo @\i(Y'(qtq o \toic,\c)r\aG' CA t@o 0q CI' o6 C'T q (o r, @N6 ri N@@Fo)o? (Y' o@\oNN\\o toNrnr\6rn-r ci}(, d)(i'a \E' (r) (v, r,) rc)q (r7 (Y' cr\\ooru, o? (7' t(I)Ntr,N .o oN ocoror. rD CA $\(v) r',(Y'r\lt)(,q (r) or\(r) G' cqo(r) oro (Y' t .+(q N l,,(o\o o? co(v) FoNor crrI t o@ tollq Nsf (') d)ao t-\t Nln(r,o@ oq(,o N@t, @ u? (Y'o c,\oN q o or toooci$ \ooto C'T\orc @N CANcaNi+ FF\ostoa0i'ri Fu)\oNo) 0q N h orc\c,oro9ot) o\t cot-(Y' d6 t,s\os@-cIt o(or\otq(,t @o)roNaNg) to ct\oo? CA\t \c,IDNFo CTo(!' @Nr\Nor\(r, (v) N(a c.! €l\ I o)(@\oI N(ac! CAoc! (!)oe! (, \c)I @oq ooq c) 1f,,c! ol4)c! @tc.i Nsfc! (,(,c! \o @c.i otlocl @r\c.i (,Na? ortq st\q rooc! a) c.: o. N c?N(',NoN t(\l o o- @n6l (r)NoN tN o =TL CNeN c)NoN siN o o-o -.qN (Y' Nc,N slN o o- sN 0i,NoN stN o o- N*N (oNoN stN o TL $,t 6i (r,NoN tN o =o-tlf c.j ci'NoN tN o o. to -rqN (Y)NoN tN o o-(,*N (v)NoN t$l o (L N*N d)NoN \fNo o- @tN(?NoN stNo d CAsN c.'(\toN $No o-o Y?N (r,NoN N o o- r4, c\i o)NoN siN c, =(L (\ltt N (oNoN tN o o- c) Y?N G'NoN \tNo o-t Y?N ci'NoN $No d roLN aY)NoN ttN o o-(,lt, c.j(,No(\l sfN o o- Nlt) Gi (r,NoN tN o (L @r, c.i (Y' NoN tN o o- CAlf) c.j (Y,NoN \tN o (ooNqg \oE8!CNhEo6c.'N(l)JEi Eo E)ooo Lo CLo G, 'an =EE .n rqOE:.96oo-(,cL'=(EEEuJ (n @ 04)o (Y,\og) c; \o @\oro c; o()€u?o N\tN\oto ci tcN \4,tl). o co g', (, 1r, ci tooro rJ)]f) ci F(, T\(')(,r, ci (t,(,ro @\or, c; (Y' rD CA\or\lr, cj (,o(Dlt(, U? c, ooN(,Nu, c; () C'I cor, ci CA o rr,rt ci \to@Nr,too N6(t) !ilnl.fl ci @o\c,(aNr, ci sN crr \oto d Nc)@(Y, rt)t, c, to\tor\or,) ci t\o\oc)\o c, \o c.'oitNlt ci @oorg)t@ ci o \o(\ c! rrl N(Y'N c,roN t 0)Nro @oN t (')\o \toN+ (,st@sto t r\c,ilt) rJ) @ + (Y)NroN + No@(fr\ + t4) @ot6 < sr\o @ci'@ $ co(r) @(r)lo $ u, @Nol4) c,rostlrtlt + 6@t(Y' tli st$olnN t N Nt\ t @r\or\c, t ll,(Y'ctN t t-ao oo $ \oF@ C'To $ No No + (Y'rt @@o + ctic N CAo $ @\t cn Nar\$ \tItstf o?od) lool\Noq ro s (r)tN ciN orG'lt CTl',c! @6l oF\l)r+N t: o sNotro u?osi Nttoosiqolt) N (9oqoo oto\oNq o)6 NN () (Y'N to N c)otfI @ cN\o Na tr,\o(')No\\ t \c)ostoir\ a? crrt olI)t-(r) cq G't oi@tt 1r) @r\$(v, NsoorNI\l)(? oo @Ft\a) lrit r\ (a\oNq (", (v) (, @\i r\ crr.ici' o\ C'Tr,\l)q ori@oN q cN oor\\l rJ)qo No@ go o c,rs!too ci rl,d)o oci r\ro @tooo ci toNNoi Ntt-N(aocj o o\oo c; Nllt- orqo \c,(I)o s'qo g)rfNt 0a)qo $Nra)rt od o(r)o 1Oooci (7' CTlJ)tgo (Y'Noror\qo N@cNroo c; CA @(", \c,oo c; (r,(, CAt go CA cor qo CA CANNrto ci ('o No c; ro \c) oo t(r) (Y)oNo c; Nt\oNt\N-6 (?,No\o cooritr, GO\o cor,,N\or.o Nstro (Y, @o ..jt s\og)N 04)I rD Flf)sirt or@+rt ttNo(,sio.N r\ Nooa?o@ rioiNo\r\o @\ot\ot,dt, r,) \c) \l)\@ll 6o (", @$ri (Y' \o c,r(\N\t(v, V;N r\or(r)\iNo .o(, oco €o r\N ai@ @ tltt \otN \l) NG'It(r? chh oro\C'or(r? \o lo(7' CAro Nr-F\ Nc) @Naoo l')r\\oNrt)a\orl, r, 6I\N eiN (nF I,c)slorc c;a) @\c,F\ooI (r) or@Nto oq (Y' st(alooN CD t N ra,\oo\4,t od,N(Y)N(?,+ o(?oitnt + \oN @ t\o Crl N(,r\(Y)oc) N l,, orN CAa) o (,(r)\i \a)or\(? @ €)oorq c) (,u,ot,oo .o ott-slr\orr (a \C} o\o g ootNNI 6oloNorq ostd) (\l c crj t oI1oo\i\(Y' N(oooiN oq (\lt)t\ooq (a F\o(, CAL,N t @NNooN .o s CAo CA (, .+ sf \c)N {o ra, cnl\lo(r) o?t Nort(r)q @ or\(o C'\@\ Ci' (')t N €oa 04) fiororo C.i c@{)\l) CAa(?, o.lF \otr, Fi t)t\(9cl qtt s!lNo IJ) t $ crr\l, @\(, ro (7' cl4) @q or toN q N NoNNNq (o to(7' @tNc! aY, or 04,N CA o+ o(,r\Nco C'iri (I) l4) $ lf)\oo oa(Y' \E)to rJ)to{ No\t@(')o or oo q 6 FI\ct@roNao o\l,r\o\i c;t CA @(v)N\ @N NcoNv't @ c.,l NN NoNo@aqo(7' F-c(v)stou? 6.'N co c)\c,\(t G'r\!+Noc! 14)r\ (i,r\@ot\V) c.jtt) $oNloNor F.tt (,o C!(v, @ .oro rJ)oo\t @u? lt) ci'd) co(olt, cirJ) (r,o@ooo$(o c @cN U? (or\ (,NNrD(,I F CA (,(,l\q (Y' Ft\r\N@q \i (\l cl,oo(7' @+r, ooNl4) 0a)aolJ) (r,o(r)N(Y'q o NoNN lt aoN \c,t,roro dN G'u,oN@\oo Frc)c! \c) cc! o \c)q rJ)ro c.i (Y' @c! o\l,c! @d)q r\I or,,c!N c,{ ro \c)c!\c,q V) C{q Nf(,c! 1ONq \o q @loc! ostN; N()c! roslN- t(a c.l Itoq cNq o-oc(Y' (?NoN \fNo o- I(Y' (Y'NoN \iNo o- Ncd)(aNoN rfN o o- ci}c(') (')No(\l t6l o o-tI(o (v) NoN tN o d 1nc(') 0a)NoN riN o I \oIci, G'NoN $N o o.t\I(9 (Y'NoN +No EL coI(?, (Y'NoN slN o (r C'Tc(a(,NoN sfNo o-oTd) d)NoN stN c, o- r CD CDNo(\| ti(\l o o. NTg) 04)NoN t(\l o =I(, I:(I) (t, NoN $No =o-t ('J (r)NoN tN o o-r,T(o (aNoN stN o o- \E) Ic'' G'NoSI<No o- F (fi (oNoN No =o- @T(r) (v) NoN tN o o- orT(, c')NoN tN o o-o s.l(Y' aY)NoN tN o o. s!G' (Y'(\ctN \iNo o- N s!(Y' mNoN slN o (f, o QP\obP-cr 'iCN EEoocoN(r,J Efi Eo E =C'oo tro CLq, d. 'o=gE 9.8L.o6ocL.t, o'=(EECula @ Ir(r)F Ft4, ci ctr\oor$rolt ci orN o\0u? ci u,N(Y'(\l\oa c, tNo(oo$ grN!tc) C'To$ (l)ro(v, @oo$ oro @o+ No(r)(r)tc,r.t orto ao@$o F.t lt C'TNt@* \C't \t (r)oNtt $ oNN cqo N\o\iN \C'oci rotJ, @tc, ci N $coo ct ooNo o? @F o (Y' N odF @octi cDNo lt)N to\or @riF\ sN C'T(a G'q fi,o oc)N c.i CAt\NN at@ ci ot@6t@tt e.i Noro@oc! (!, (a ct C'T crroo? G' (Y'N\orttq (t) rt F rJ,q c) \C'F o@\o.t(", F. \orJ) c,rc!ot \oc)roFNq @t N (r) CAo) l.G' FN- orNI @orq (')s I o, s.lc) (r)NoN tN o o-t e..l c) o)NoN\tNo o- t) s1o, (aNoN tN o o- rc,q! (r) (Y)NoN tN o (v) oqg \OrbP-cr 'iCN EEoER(l,J Efi Eq, Efooo tro CLoE'o .=gE'. ,Pc:.96ocLocL'=6EEIJJ CI) Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility @ RESUMES OF KEY AL PROFESSIONALS Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 @IFIHfiI,Ng Colk/bnltoi. lnm.don. Opa*ni 'don.r KIRK ZIKIiR E,MISSIONS TECH:{ICIAN I EDTICATIOI Kelly Walsh High Scbool - Caspei', Wyoming -General Fducation Diploma (-IvILIAN TRAI}iINGo Safelando }land Toolso Respirator Trainingo PEC Trainingo Operation Monitoringr MSIIA Trainingr Lockout/Tag-outr NSC First Aid. Microsoft Office Suiteo Job Safery Analysis (JSA). H:S Operations Rescueo H:S Arvarenesse ASTM D6348-03(20101 Storulurd Tast Methtxl .fir f)ererminutbn oJ'Guteout ('tmgturuls by Extractive Direcl Interface f'ourier |'ransform lnfrarctl (h"l'lR) Spectoscopyr EPA Method 205: VeriJiution $'Gus Dilutitn S\tstemr /br Field [nsruntent Calihrationto EPA Methd 3I+-l)etermimtion of Oryglen arul (larhon Dioxide (bncenlrutions in Emissions l;'rom Stfiioraly S'ourc'e.r (lnstrumentul Analyer l,rucedwe )r EPA Method 2l l)etermindtion oJ'Yolatile ()rganic Comlnurul (l'OC) l.ecl*; Photoionization [)etector (Pll)1 arul Flame krni:otion Delectot (t'il))o EmCollect" - Advanced Data Acquisition Software (DAS) for the collection of sensitive environmental data CE RTIFIC.4.TIONS/Aff [L4.TIO.\ V.{CIII[,VEMf,NTSo CPR, AED, and Basic First Aid Ceflified. Forklift Loader Certifiedo Advanced Pollution lnstrumentation & Techrnlogy NXPERIENCE In his role as Emissions Technician I, Mr. Zikcr is responsible for conducting emissions performance testing ard mechanical integnty waluatiom on rotating equipnerrt (spa.r'k ignited reciprocating intema! combustion engines - SI-RICE; compression ignition recipocating intemd mmbustion engines - CI-RICE) located at oil ard gas production siteVfacilities to ensrtre compliame with air quality regulations (as ddrned under the Clean Air Act) administered by the Texas Commissim on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the United States Env'ironmental Protection Agency (US EPA) (other US States Notwithstanding). @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 -IIr. Kirk Zi*er Pqe 2 Additionally, N{r. Ziker' responsibilities encompass all aspects of environmental problern-solving through process erualuatioq facility and equipment desigr, and operation. Ofrer responsibilities include the interpretation of collected data and its organizrtion into technical reporls and communicating field observations and project deliverables to both corporate and field-lwel maintenance/reliability and environmental personnel. I\l.l\ SKIl.LS.\\l) Ii\PEItlEN('l'] . CTested Optor (Rawlias, Wyomiag); Operate processing equipment by regulating vales compressors, pumps and auxiliary equipment to direct product flow. Adjust and set knobs, switches, leverB. valves, index arms, etc. to cmtrol process variables such as vacuutns, catalysts, ternperaturg and flows. Inspect and adjust damper controls on heaters and fumaces. Read and follow processing schedules, operating logs, laboratory testing results to identifu and alter process to produce specified product quantity and quality. o Moto-Mans (Caspq Wyoming), Safely and effrciently performs all manual labor tasks on the drilling floor and B.O.P. area Performs all maintenancc of the equipment and physical space of the drill floor Monitors and operates the shakers Performs housekeeping activities on the drill floor including washing, chipping and pahting. Troubleshoot equipment errors. Listen for rmusual noises that signifr equipment and machinery problems. . ltl,bdhe Opador (Caspu, WyoningL Safely operated various pieces of equipment and/or machinery to increase materiat flows in cased-hole oil & gas exploration operations adhering to all safety regulations before, during and after the well service operation. Immediately reported all malfirnclions to my supervisor. Planned, prepared, and coordinated well site operations. Trained and supervised a crew of operators in the preparation of the unit and calibration of equipment Acquired a leamers permit and drove the wireline unit and/or commercial motor vetricle, to and fiom various locations. \rhintained and cleaned assigned wireline equip,ment and facilities safely and efficiently. Maintained knowlodge of the latest tectrnological changes and operating procedures pertaining io company equrpment, tools, and practices to ensure maximum operating effrciency. Controlled the higtest quality ofservice delivery and execution effectively during all phases of operations. Handled and worked with o<plosives. Promptly performed assigned reporting and administative dutie* for field operations, auuately and on schedule. Fostered and maintained customer retations by establishing a positive image and confidenct in the quality of serwices and ensured the confidentiality of all logging operations. Conducted pre-job safety meetings. @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 @1Fil.&nre TIFFANY JOLING-SIMON DISTRICT MANAGER. NORTHWEST DISTRICT EDTJCAI'ION Associate of Science Degree, Geologl, Casper Communiq' College \,II LITARY COURSEWORK An.D TRAI NI NG. Yeoman'C'Schoolo Yeoman Flag Writer School. ATF Training. lradership Course CIVILIAN TRAINING. Confined Space Entrant / Attcndant (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.146)o Rigging. Hydrogcn Sulfide (H2S) (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1000). lockout/Tag-out (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.147)o Fall Protection (OSFIA 29 CFR 1926.500). Hazrnat(HM 126) (DOT49 CFR Part l7l)o Hazardous Communications (OSFIA 29 CFR 1910.1200)o Personal Protective Equipmcnt. Hearing Conservation (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.95)o Emergency Responseo Process Safcty Management. Welding Safet)'. Defensive Driving. Haz*oper (Oper.) (OSHA 29 CFR I 910 120 and API RP 75). Fire Protection. Medical Rccords. Forklift Safet-v (OSHA 29 CFR 19l0.l7{l)r Respiratory Protection (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134). Electrical Safety. Back Safer-v*. Alcohol and Substancc Abuse Arvarcncssr Driver Safelv. FI2S Safet)e Understanding Unconscious Bias. First Aid trvel Io LDAR Tcchnician Training. ASTM D6522-00 Standord Test Method .for Determination of Nitrogen Oxides. Carbon Monoride, and O4tgen Concentrations in Emissions from Natural Gas-Fired Reciprocating Engihes. Combustion Turbines, Boilers, and Process Heaters Using Portable Analyzers. ASTM D634843(2010) Standord I'est Method.fbr Determination of Gaseous Comyrunds by Extracttve Drect Interlitce Fourier Transform Infrared @'TIR) Spectoscopy. EPA Method 205: Verification of Gas Dilution Systems.for Field Instrument Calibrations. EPA Mcthod 3A-Determinafion of Oxygen and Carbon Doxide Concentrations in Emissions From Stationary Sources (Instrumentol Analyzer Prucedure). EPA Method 2l - Determination of Volotile Organic ComTnuntl (VOC) Leaks: Photoknimtion Detector @ID) @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 .l I s. T'ilfo u' J o I in g- Sinto n Poge 2 . EmCollect- - Advanced Data Acquisition Software (DAS) for the collection of sensitive environmental data . EmReport" - N,{acroinstruction utilizing Mcrosofto Add-in feahres that compiles collected data into a report deliverable . Basic Plusclndushial Safety Training and Certification Cl)t'l IFIC.\TIONS/.\Il'II-L{TIONS/.\('l IIFIYE\lE\"IS . CP& AED, and Basic First Aid Certified r National Defense Service Medal . Global War on Terrorism Service Medal . Four Navy/\,Iarine Corps Achievement Medal . ThreeGoodConductMedal . Na\y Sharpshooter Pistol Medal . NarT Rifleman Ribbon o Two Narry/lrrfarine Corps Commendation Medal E.\PERIE\CE In her role as the Disbict lr{anager, Northwest District }vls. Joling-Simon is responsible for conducting ernissions performance testing and mechanical intesrty evaluations on rotating equipment (spa* ignited rociprocating internal combustion engines - SI-RICE; compression ignition reciprocating intemal combustion engines - CI-RICE) located at oil and gas production sites/facilities to ensue compliance with air quality regulations (as defined under the Clean Air Act) administered by the Wyoming Departnent of Environmental Qrulity (WIDEQ and the United States Environmenlal Proteetion Agency (US EPA). Additionally, lv{s. Joling-Simon's responsibilities encompass all aspects of environmental p,roblem+ofuing through process waluation, facility and equipmcnt design, and opo'ation. Other responsibilities include the interpretation of coltected data and its mganization into technical reports, and comrnrmicating field observations and p,roject deliverables to both corporate and fieldJwel maintenance/reliability and environmental personnel. KE\' SKII,I,S A\D E\PERIENCE . LDAR Monitorbg Technbitn, Enciao Envitonnantal Savica,.Iac, Monitored components within induskial facilities while calib,rating testing equipment to ensure optimum performance. Analysed data, evaluated sitrrations, and identified problerns or opportunities of improvement. Dweloped factul, logical follow-up courses of action while considering resources, constraints, and company vatues. Ensured personnel safety on locations through site specific job safety analysis. Complaed and submitted reports to Customers for EPA Regulation Files. lmplanented minor mechanical adjustnents wher necessary. Planned and coordinated equip,ment testing schedules and processes for employees and Customers. o f}asse Rdicf Valve Sala Repaentdile, Enciao Envbonmental Scrvica, /ze, Worked Closely with the Encino Employees to ensure safe and proper training for manlift and forftlift operations. Ensur€d haining was complaed and up to date. Coordinated baween Encino and the Customer to ensure all safety requirements were met with regards to company specffic safdy standards and Federal safety regulations. Ensured four gas monitors used on location wer€ up to dat€ and in calibration. Fersonally, wrote the Encino Pressure Relief Vafue Standard Operating Procedtnes and Safety Protocols. Processed all paperwork and applications ensuring Encino was @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1582-001 REV 0 .l ls.'fffiny J oling-Sinton Pqe -) \R ceriifiod sigufuing they had earned a National Board Certificate of Authorization to repair pressurc relief vafues, in the shop and/or in tlte field. Evaluated facilities and work aclivities to ensure compliance with Encino Safe5, Protocols and site*pecific safety protocols. Participated in pre-job walk tlnough to ensure all safety protocols were being met either by Encino Employees or plant employees. Completed and submitted reports to Customer for Regulation Files. Planned and coordinated testing schedules for employees and Customers. . FieU Emisiotts Tedtnicia4 Encido Envbonmatal Servica, Inc, Communicated with pa'sonnel outside the organizatiog representing the organization to c-ustomers, the public, govefiment, and other extemal sources. Taught and instructed others how to conduct ernissions testing to achieve compliance with Federal Environrnentat hotection Agency and State Specific regulations for both Encino Environmental Services and its Customers. Translated, interpreied, and explained what information meafls to others and how it can be used for to ensure Environmental Protection Agency regulations are being followed. Alplied knowledge of the chemical compositiorg stuctrre, properties of substances and industry standards, and transfmmations to accomplish emissioru testing. Applied practical use and knowledge ofdanger signs, production techniques, and disposal methods. Liaised with corporate, field-lwel maintenance, and environmental representatives to coordinate testing project schedules and logistics. Er,aluated information and used individual judgment to determine whether emissions testing cornplied with laws, regulations, and standards. Completed ernissions performance evaluations on stationary reciprocating intemal combustion angines utilizing methods sanctioned by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency located at rcmote oil and gas siteVfacilities. Docurnented measurements of criteria pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCr), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (NOx) in parts per million (ppm), and oxygen (O2) in percent (perErwironmental Protection Agency Method 19) &om internal eombustion equipment. Calibrated inskurnents prior to each testing want and recorded calibration daails and inshument checks. Planned and coordinated testing schedules weekly for the Wyoming Office covering Wyoming, Colorado, and North Dakota. Ir{ade decisions based on personal judgnent and considered the relative costs and bendrts of testing exp€irses to choose the most appropriate solution for Encino and the Customer. Monitored operations and emissions indicators tro ensure machinery is working correctly. N{anaged time and personnel schedules to achieve customer goals while following company guidelines. Mormed day-today administrative tasks such as maintaining information files, p,rocessing paperworlq and monitoring daily work schedules to accomplish Encino objectives and assist in Customer satisfaction. UTAH DEPABTIIENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL OUAUTY :.' N ,_,; , : ,. ._1. DlvlsloN oF Alil /-" '" ! :TY @ @l ENCINO ENVIRON M ENTAL SERVICES Collaboration. lnnovation. Optimization.il EnarssroNs Tesr Reponr Regulation(s): 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ Pollutant(s): NOx, CO, and VOCs PROJECT: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 Crusoe Energy Systems, lnc Facility: Snapper Facility DUCHESNE COUNTY, UTAH DATE: DECEMBER 6,2023 DOC NO.: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 TEST DATE:10/25/2023 Emisskms Source: Waukesha 9394GSl Spark- lgnited Stationary Engine Unit Nur$er: 1251 Eqgine Serial Nunber: 1 457 259 Crusoe Enerry Systerns, lnc Contact Name: Michael Duplantis Ptrcne: 8:12-7S-3833 Encino Environmental Services, LLC 20302ParkRow Dr, Suite 1200 Katy, Texas 77449 Telephone: 281 2O1 3544 Email: supgort@encinoenvi ron.com www.encinoenviron.com Copyrighte 2023 I;TAH DEpABTI!-1.'T OF eivrnoutleruTAL ouAi-iry DtC 1 i ;:.,i DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2O23 Document: EM-23-'1583-001 REV 0 Contents ABBREV|AT!ONS......... ............ tV KEY DEFIN|TIONS ...................\/r ABBREVIATED UNITS OF MEASUREMENT...... .........VIII STATEMENT OF BASTS ............1 QUALTTY ASSURANCE CERTTFTCATION STATEMENT............... ...............4 STATEMENT OF RECEIPT AND ACCEPTANCE............ ............5 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2 2.1 2.2 3 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 4 4.1 5 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 Oxygen Analyzer.... ..... 19 FTIR Ana1y2er................ ................. 19 Gas Diluter Validation.. .................. 19 Sampling System...... .....................20 Calibration Gases .......2O FT|R DATA VALTDATTON .............. ...............21 Minimum Detection Limhs (MDL) ...................21 Calibration Transfer Standard and System Purge ............21 Dynamic Spiking and Recovery................ .......2'l Review of Test Methodologies and Spectral Data Va|idation................................22 Quality Mana9ement............... ......23 EMTSSIOI{S CALCULAT|ONS......... ..............24 Emission Rates......... .....................24 Fuel Ana1ysis................ ..................24 Engine Performance Data........ ...-.24 QUALIFICATIONS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS ............26 ASTM Method 07036-04... ............26 FIGURES Figure 1 - Sampling System Schematic Figure 2 - Engine-specific Photographs Figure 3 - Peak Signal lntensity and Analysis (Quality Analysis) Figure 4 - Minimum Detection Limits Figure 5 - FuelAnalysis 9 9.1 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 TABLES Table 1 - Summary of Test Results Table 2 - Emissions Source Operational Data Table 3 - Oxygen Analyzer Calibration and Bias Table 4 - Gas Diluter Calibration Table 5 - Calibration Transfer Standard Table 6 - ASTM Method D6348-03 - Annex 5 Analyte Spiking Technique Table 7 - EPA Method 19 Fuel Factor Calculations Table I - EPA Method 19 Emission Rate Calculations Table 9 - EPA Method 19 FuelComposition APPENDICES Appendix A - Single Point Sampling Regulatory Justification Appendix B - Manufacturer Engine Data Sheet Appendix C - Field Data Sheets and Communications Appendix D - Gas Diluter Validation Certificate Appendix E - Gas Cylinder Certificates Appendix F - Engine Performance Data AppendixG-RawData Appendix H - Resumes of Key Environmental Professionals @ ilt Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Documenr: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 ABBREVIATIONS 25LB 45LB 45RB AETB AMSL ASTM BACT bhp BSF0r-rnr Btu CFR CHr cl co COz CTS DAS DGB DOM EPA F-Factor FTIR HAP(s) HCHO lcE LAC LDEQ LELAP LNz M MACT Two Stroke Lean Bum Four Stroke Lean Bum Four Stroke Rich Bum Air-Emissions Testing Body Above Mean Sea Level American Society of Testing and Materials Best Available Cofirol Technology Brake Horsepower BrakeSpecific Fuel Consumption Based on LHV British Thermal Units Code of Federal Regulations Methane Compression lgnition Carbon Monoxide Carbon Dioxide Calibration Transfer Standard Data Acquisition System Dynamic Gas Blending Date of Manufacture United States Environmental Protection Agency Fuel Factor Fourier-Transform lnfrared Hazardous Air Pollutants Formaldehyde lntemal Combustion Engine Louisiana Administrative Code Louisiana Depanment of Environmental QualrU Louisiana Environmental Laboratory Acrcreditation Program Liquid Nitrogen Thousand Maximum Achievable Control Technology @ tv Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: Deccmber 6,2023 Document EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 MCT MDEQ MDC MDL MM MMBtu Nz NDDEQ NEA NESITAP(s) NIST NMEI}AQB NMHC NOx NRSP NSPS 02 ODEQ PBR RACT RICE SI S0z spm STP TAC TCEQ THC TISMC voc Mercury Cadmium Telluride Mississippi llepartment of Minimum lletectable Minimum tletectlon Limit Million Million (MM) British Thermal Nitrogen North Dakota Department of Noise Equivahnt Absolbsnc,e Natbna! Emission Standards Nati{Dn8l lnstitute of Hazardous Air fullutants Tecfinology - AirQualiry BureauNew Mexico Environment Non,Methare Flydrocarbon Nitrogen Oxi&s NorRuh Stardard NewSource Perfonnarrce Oxygen oklatpma Depailmentof Permit By Rub Reasonably Acfiiarable Contrd echnology Reciprocatiqg lntemal Spark lgnited Sulfur Dioxide Scan Per Minute Eqgine Standard Temperature and Texas Administrative Code Texas Commission on Total tlydrocarbons The lntemational Standard Volatih Orgonic Compound Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 KEY DEFINITIONS Brake Horsepower (BHP) Centroidal Area Compression lgnition (Cl) Concentration Adjustment Gas Turbine Fourier-Transform lnfrared (FTIR) Horsepower (HP) ldeal Gas Law lnternal Combustion Engine (lCE) Linearity Mass-Rate 'Shaft Horsepower'- the actual horsepower of an engine, usually determined from the force exerted on a friction brake or dynamometer connected to the driveshaft. The central area of the stack or duct that is no greater than one percent (1 %) of the slack or duct cross section. The area has the same geometric shape as the stack or ductr. Relating to a type of stationary internal combustion engine that is not a spark ignition engine. Emission limits outlined in air quality programs (New Source Performance Standards, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants) are expressed at a given oxygen concentration, which require that pollutant concentrations measured in the stack are adjusted or corrected to the appropriate oxygen level. Pollutant concentrations for boilers, heaters, and ovens are generally corrected to three percent (39d orygen, whereas engine and turbine pollutant concentrations are corrected to fifteen percent (1 5%) oxygen. "Combustion turbines", are used in a broad scope of applications including electric power generation, cogeneration, natural gas transmission, and various process applications. Gas turbines are available with power outputs ranging from three hundred horsepower (300 hp) to over two-hundred and sixty-eight thousand horsepower (268,000 hp), with an average size of forty-thousand, two-hundred horsepower (40,200 hp)2. The primary fuels used in gas turbines are natural gas and distillate (No. 2) fuel oila. An internal combustion engine that operates with rotary rather than reciprocating motion. A technique used to obtain an infrared spectrum of absorption or emission of a solid, liquid, or gas. A unit of measurement of power (the rate at which work is done). 'General Gas Equalion' - equation of state of a hypothetical gas. A heat engine in which the combustion that generates the heat takes place inside the engine proper. The property of a mathematical relationship or function which means that it can be graphically represented as a straight line. The rate of discharge of a pollutant expressed as weight per unit time. r EPA Method 7E - Deremination of Niirogen Oxrdes Emissions From Stationary Sources (lnstrumental Analyzer Procedure) 2 CC Shih, et al, E ilss,rcns Assess,rEnt of Cnnventional Stationary Combustion Systemq VoL ll: lntemal Combustion Sourceg EPA500/7-7$029c, uS Environmental Protectloo &€rEy, Cincinnaii, OH, February 1979. 3 Final Report - 6as Tufuine Emission Measurement Prqram, GASLTR787, General Applied Science Laboratories, Westbury NY, Augusl 1 974. @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 Minimum Detection Limit (MDL) Programmable (PLc) Sample Probe Logic Controller Spark lgnition (Sl) Spike Spiked Sample Stationary Reciprocating lntemal Combustion Engine (RICE) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) 'Method Detection Limit' - the minimum concentration of a substance that can be measured and reported within ninety-nine percent (99%) confidence that the analyte concentration is greater than zero (>0) and is determined from analysisofasampleinagivenmatrixcontainingtheanalytea. lnterchangeable withMDC. An industrial digital computer which has been ruggedized and adapted for control of processes (parametric monitoring) or other activities that requires a high degree of reliability, ease of programming, and process fault diagnosis. Glass. stainless steel, or other approved material of sufficient length to traverse sample pointsl; exhaust gas interface. Relating to either: A gasolinefueled engine; or any other type of engine a spark plug (or other sparking device) and with operating characteristics significantly similar to the theoretlcal 'Otto' combustion cycle. Spark ignition engines usually use a throttle to regulate intake air flow to control power during normal operations. Dual-fuel engines in which a liquid fuel (typically diesel fuel) is used for Cl and gaseous fuel (typically natural gas) is used as the primary fuel at an annual average ratio of less than two parts diesel fuel to one hundred parts total fuel (< 2 parts diesel to 1 00 parts total fuel) on an energy equivalent basis are spark ignition engines. A known mass (concentration) of target analyte added to a blank sample or subsample; used to determine recovery efficiency or for other quality control purposes5. A sample prepared by adding a known mass (concentration) of target analyte to a specified amount of matrix sample for which an independent estimate or target analyte concentration is available - used to delermine the effect of the matrix on a method's recovery efficiencys. Any intemal combustion engine, except combustion turbines, that converts heat energy into mechanical work and is not mobile. Any compound of carbon, excluding carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbonic acid (HzCOs), and metallic carbides or carbonales, and ammonium carbonate ((NHahCO:) which participates in atmospheric photochemical reactions5. a 40 CFR Appendix B ro Part 1 36 s Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program; QA Glossary of Terms. thiled States Environmemal Protection Agency. 6 Definition pursuanl to 40 CFR Pan 5'1, S51.1 00(s) (as of Oaober 30,2014); Fcderal Registry Standards / Vol. 73, Friday, January 1 8, 2008 / Rules and Regulations. @ vil Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 ABBRR'IATED UNITS OF MEASUREMENT atm BSFCr-xv 'c ccm cmi "F GWP HHV hp kPa tb 9 Gram g/bhp.hr Grams Per Brake Horsepower Per Hour Standard Atmosphere (See Abbreviations) Expressed as Btu/bhphr Degrees Celsius Cubic Centimeters Per Minute Reciprocal Centimeter Degrees Fahrenheit Global Warming Potential Higher Heating Value; Blu/scf Horsepower Kilopascal Pound(s) lb/hr Pounds Per Hour lb/MMBtu Pounds Per Million British ThermalUnils LHV Lower Heating Value; Btu,/scf LPH Liters Per Hour LPM Liters Per Minute oA Percent ppb Parts Per Billion ppm Parts Per Million ppm"d Parts Per Million by Volume - Dry Basis psi Pounds PerSquare lnch psiaus Pounds Per Square lnch - Absolute psig Pounds Per Square lnch - Gauge scf Standard Cubic Foot (Feet) scfh Standard Cubic Foot (Feet) Per Hour scfm Standard Cubic Foot (Feet) Per Minute ton A unit of pressure used in measuring partial vacuums, equal to 133.32 Pascals tpy Ton PerYear vol Volume vm Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2O23 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 STATEMENT OF BASIS OnlO/25/2023, Encino EnvironmentalServices, LLC, (hencefofth "Encino") was commissioned by Crusoe Energy Systems, lnc to perform an emissions compliance test on a 2500-hp Waukesha generator stationary engine designated as unit number 1251. The internal combustion stationary engine is located at the Snapper Facility in Duchesne County, Utah. The geographic coordinates for the facility are 40.263580 & -1 10.1201 10 (approximate). Sampling and analytical procedures employed during the performance test were pursuant to Forty Code of Federal Regulations (henceforth "40 CFR) Part 60, Appendix A and American Society for Testing and Materials (henceforth "ASTM") methodsT. The primary objective of the test program was to determine actualemissions of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from unit number 1251 and to verify compliance with the emissions parameters of 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ. Deviations from methods in this testing program may include single-point sampling (centroidal area). This is a common practice with an established precedence when sampling stationary engine exhaust due to safety concerns. Supporting documentation in the form of a Single Point Sampling Regulatory Justification Correspondence is included in Appendix A. Prior to the sampling program (test project), a stratification test was performed at the test site to determine the appropriate number of sample traverse points. The sample probe was used to measure concentrations of nitrogen oxides (NOx) at three (3) points on a line passing through the centroidal area at sixteen and seven tenths'percent (16.70v,), fifty percent (50.00%), and eighty- three and three tenths' percent (83.307") of the measurement line. lf concentrations of NOx at each traverse point did not differ from the mean concentration for all traverse points by no more than (a) t5.00 percent (t5.00%) of the mean concentration;or (b) t0.50 ppm"d (whichever is less restrictive), the gas stream is deemed unstratified, and sample measurements for the test project were extracted from a single point - from a position that closely matches the mean concentrationse. Typically, this method is used with two types of pollution instrumentation - single, or in tandem to determine stratification (instrumental analyzer and/or FT-lR). ? ASTM Methods lncorporated by Reference (lBR). 8 EPA Method 1 (or EPA Method I A) - Sample and Velocity Traverses for Stationary Sources 'q EPA Method 7E - Determination of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Stationary Sources (lnstrumental Analyzer Procedure; Section 8.1.2 Determination of Stralification). @ Page 1 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Dats December 6,2023 Document EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 lf the stack effluent is observed to be then a muhi-point 'rake' probe was used with orifices located at sixteen and seven tenths'(16.70%), ftfty percent (50.00%), and eighty- three and three tenths'peroent (83.30%) of the Miciael Duplantis of Crusoe Energy Systems,coordinated facility operations during the test and provided supporting data such as the analysis and permit information. No major deviations or problems occurred the emission test program. ro T.abh 2 to 40 CFR Part 60 S.rbpart JJJJ - Requirenrente for s60.4244. Te€ts; &monstrating compliance in accordance with !ine1o. @ Page2 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT I certify thatto the best of my knowledge: . Encino Environmental Seryicee [[C conducted the coll*tion, analysis, and reduction of all samples.; . Ihis report reflects tfie results of the testing condueted on 10/25/2023 and has not Deen aftered, enhanced, or biased in any manner.; . Encino Environmental Serviceq ILC collected and reported the enclosed data in accordance with procedures and quality assurance activities described in this test report; . Encino Environmental Sevices, ILC makes no wananty as to the suitability of the test methods.; and . Encino Environmental Seryrbes, LIC assumes no liability related to the interpretation and use of this data. KtkrZdqx Richard Ziker Emissions Tech l Ercino Environmental Servfceg LLC @ Page 3 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 QUALITY ASSURANCE CERTIFICATION STATEMENT The Air Emission Testing BodylI (AEIB) should deliver data of known and documented quality on a consistent basis regardless of the test method used. I certify that to the best of my knowledge: . Iest data and all corresponding information has been evaluated for accuracy and completeness.; . Sampling and analyses have been conductd in accordance with the approved protocol.; and reference methods; and . Alldeviations, method modifications, method deviations, sampling procedures, and analytical anomalies are summarized in the reporT. w-7*?rysi"o* Tiffany Joling-Simon North District Manager Encino Envirqtmental Services, [[C tl ASTM Method D7036-16 - Standard Practice for Competence bf Air Emission Testing Bodies; establishes general criteria for a Quality 9stem that, when followed, assures consistently acceptabb data quality from an AETB. @ Page 4 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-00'l REV 0 STATEMENT OF RECEIPT AND ACCEPTANCE By signing thrs statement, I acknowledge that I have received the emissions test report for the Snapper Facility Unft No. 1251; an emissions performance test conducted on 10/25/2023. I have been provided with the opportuntty to read and comment on the data contained in: Deument No.: EM-23-1 583-0U RAI 0. I hereby certify that I have personally examined the data and information contained herein. Based on my fnguiries of the individuals immediately responslble for collecting the data associated with this pro,ject, I believe the contents of this report deliverable to be true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Company Representative (Client) @ Page 5 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 1 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS The final emissions results (detailed) of the testing event are presented in lable 1 and compare requirements, provisions, and allowances of the applicable governing regulations and standards. The table below provides a summary of the mass emission rates and pollutant concentrations (adjusted) from the testing eventl2: Emissions Summary Folurlt lb/hr g/hp-hour Regulatory Emitted Regulatory Emitted co 1.65 0.46 0.30 0.092 NOx 0.83 0.16 0.15 0.032 voc 0.17 0.15 0.03 0.030 1.1 Purpose The purpose of the emissions test is to meet the standards of performance for stationary spark ignition reciprocating internal combustion engines (henceforth "SI-RICE) and the emissions limitations and testing requirements for RICE (engines) with a brake horsepower rating greater than 100-hp per 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ (2500-hp for general State Compliance obligations). 1.2 Detailed Scope of Work Encino conducted the following scope of work for the emissions test: o Configured sampling system; . Validated engine data from manufacturer nameplate; . Recorded weather data; . Recorded fuel meter readings and operational data; . Affixed sample probe to exhaust stack; . Performed stratification analysis of the exhaust stack; . Performed sampling system calibration, bias, and quality analysis; . Conducted three (3), sixty-minute (60-min) test analyses ("runs"); . Validated spectraldata and test methods;and . Compiled emissions test data and final report. 12 Regulatory and/or permilted emissions are represented on both a mass-rate basis and in psrts per million (by volume; dry) basis adjusted to fifteen percent (1 5?d oxygen (engine and turbines) and three percent (3%) oxygen for boilers, heaters, ovens, and olher external combustion equipment. These representations demonstrate compliance with regulatory and/or permitted rates based on two (2) mechanisms of data analysis and fulfill compliance objectives by representing emissions data in multiple formats as required (and allowed) by the Program Administrator. @ Page 6 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 1.3 Assumptions No assumptions have been made regarding any source operational conditions/parameters which may exist at the location. 1.4 Special Terms and Conditions This report has been prepared in accordance with the Proposal for Air Emissions Testing Services and generally accepted environmental methodologies referred in 40 CFR and contains all the limitations inherent within (methodologies). The engine located at the Snapper Facility was 'tested as found"13. This emissions test cannot wholly eliminate uncertainty regarding the source's performance before or after the test was performed. No other warranties, expressed or implied, are made as to the professional services provided under the terms of our agreement and included in this report. 1.5 RegulatoryStatement At least thirty to sixty days (30 - 60 days) prior to the Emissions Performance Test for the source described in Document No.: EM-23-1583{01 REV 0, an Emissions Performance Test Notification was submitted to the appropriate Agency (Administrato| in accordance with 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ and the requirements/provisions outlined in 40 CFR S60.8 - Performance Testsla. lf the Emissions Performance Test described in Document No.: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 was postponed, rescheduled, or delayed due to operational issues or inclement weather, the appropriate Agency has been provided with a retest notification at reast seven days (7 days) prior to the new proposed test date. Each Emissions Performance Test Notification - provided to the appropriate Agency, includes the following (at a minimum): r Name of Emissions Testing Laboratory (firm); . Date of pretest meeting (if required); o Description of instruments, analyzers, and equipment to be utilized; . Description of methods and procedures to be utilized during sampling; r3 ln accordance with 40 CFR $60.8(c) - Performance tests shall be conducted under such conditions as the Administrator shall specify to the plant operator based on representative performance of the alfected facility. The owner or operator shall make available to the Administrator such records as may be necessary to determine the conditions of the performance tests. Operations during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction shall not constitute represenlative conditions for the purpose of a performance test nor shall emissions in excess of the level of the applicable emission limil during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction be considered a violation of the applicable emission limit unless otherwise specified in the applicable standard. 14 40 CFR S60.8(d) @ PageT Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 . Procedures to determine operating rates and/or other relevant parameters during the sampling period; o Parameters and key data points to be documented during the sampling event (emissions test); and . Proposed deviations to the prescribed sampling methods. Therefore, the Agency has been provided wifi the opportunity to comment on the proposed methods, procedures, instruments, and practices which demonstrate compliance with 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ - prior to the testing of this source (Document No.: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0). lf a response was not provided to either Crusoe Energy Systems, lnc or Encino Environmental Seryices, LLC, the source was tested in accordance with the both the Emissions Performance Test Notification and testing requirements listed in 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ. A copy and transmittal (including shipment tracking and receipt confirmation) of the Emissions Performance Test notification submitted forthis project is located intppendix Cof this document. For all other inquiries pertaining to the contents of this report, contact: Encino Environmental Services, LLC Attn: Operational Support 20302 Park Row Dr, Suite 1200 Katy, Texas 77M9 Office: Electronic Mail (email): support@encinoenviron.com 281.201.3544 @ Page I Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 2 SAMPLING SYSTEM The sampling and analysis system and the appliance for exhaust interface utilized during the test program is shown in Figure 1 and Figure 2 of this report. Detection principles of the analyzers can be located throughout this report. Hot and water-rich effluent (contextual-gaseous mixture) gas was extracted frorn the exit stack (exhaust) of the muffler/catalyst/stack housing on the unit through a single point or multi-point sample probe located on a line passing through the centroidal area meeting distance requirements of 40 CFR Part 60, United States Environmental Protection Agency (henceforth "EPAJ Method 1 (or EPA Method 1A), and EPA Method 7E. A shepherds-hook stainless steel probe (or multi-point sample probe; stratification test notwithstanding) three-eighths of an inch (3/8") in diameter was connected to a heated sample line by a wrapped three-way (3-way) bias sample valve. The gas was transported to the mobile laboratory by a heated line - maintained at a temperature of exactly one-hundred and ninety-one degrees Celsius (191'C; approximately 376"F). A heated pump and flow meter maintained a constant flow of five liters per minute (5 LPM) of effluent gas to the MKS Multigas'. 2030 FTIR analyzer. The effluent gas sample was analyzed for target constituents, and raw data was captured within a data acquisition system (henceforth "DAS";ts. Upon exiting the analyzer, a portion of the sample was directed to a peristaltic pump (sample dryer and conditioner) where water was removed. The gas was then routed to the oxygen analyzer where the concentration was measured on a dry basis u s i ng para ma g netic technology (percentor; Tooo). 2.1 lnstrumentSpecifications Description: Manufacturer: Model: Serial Number: Technology Type: Range: Reproducibility: Accuracy (post calibration): Response Time (90% FSD): D,escription: Manufacturer: Oxygen Analyzer M&C PMAl OOOL 21 09825-020-1 9060031 paramagnetic 0 - 25o/" Analogue = < 19o of span Digital = +/- 0.1 vol. % Oz Analogue signal oulput = +/-1 % of span at range 3-1 00% Digital indicator = +/-0.1 vol. % O: < 3 seconds at 60 l/hr Fourier Transform lnfrared (FTIR) Analfzer MAX Analgfiical 1s Encino Environmental Services lnc- uses EmCollect'" Advanced Data Acquisition Software (proprietary) to comply with method- appropriate sample analysis and data collection procedures. @ Page 9 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2O23 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 Model: Serial Number: Technology Type: Range: Spectral Resolution: Scan Speed: Detector Type: MAX-IR 00398 FTIR Spectrometry Between 1 0 ppb and 1 00 ppb fulFscale 0.5 - 128 cm'l I scan/second @ 0.5 crn't LNz - cooled MCT 2.2 Data Acquisition System (DAS) All raw test data was captured and recorded on the DAS and collected during the Test Project - stylized/formatted to adhere to the report criteria/standards outlined in 40 CFR 560.8 - Performance lests, in addition to the requirements prescribed by each Method (EPA and/or ASTM). EmCollect* is an advanced DAS that integrates sampling system instruments with individual software platforms and merges analog output and digital systems into a single electronic application with functionally embedded ASTM and EPA prescribed methodologies relevant to the testing project. The DAS and integrated equipment satisfy quality control and quality assurance objectives (henceforth "OC/OA) through automated system performance evaluation, calibration error analysis, (dynamic) spike recovery, and bias scrutiny - which maximizes data integrity while minimizing margin error. ln addition to system performance criteria/standards listed above, EmCollect'includes source- specific input data (e.9., acquired field data; fuel details, ambient conditions, unit operation, etc.) coupled with a library of method procedures and calculations to produce real-time mass emission rates - which are used to compared measured results with permit and/or regulatory limits. The data is compiled into a single EmDat electronic file and encoded with a digital transcript which includes alldata acquisition and project transactional records (data inpuQ. fiEmReport ,#lp ,NIERIIAI'ONAL @ Page 10 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 3 TEST PROCEDURES 3.1 EPA Method 1 Sample and Velocity lraverses for Stationary Sources The purpose of EPA Method 1 is to provide guidance for the selection of sampling ports and traverse points at which sampling for air pollutants will be performed pursuant to the regulations set forth in the Pafi. Two (2) procedures are presented: o A simplified procedure (EPA Method 1 Section 11.5); and . An alternative procedure. The magnitude of cyclonic flow of effluent gas in a stack or duct is the only parameter quantitatively measured in the simplified procedure. Method Limitations EPA Method 1 is applicable to gas streams flowing in ducts, stacks, and flues. The method cannot be used when the following conditions/circumstances exist: 1) The flow is cyclonic or swirling; or 2) A stack is smaller than 0.30 meters (12 inches) in diameter, or 0.071 m2 (1 13.000 inz) in cross-sectional area. ln accordance with EPA Method 1 Section 11.1.1 - Sampling and/or velocity measurements are performed at a site located at least eight stack or duct diameters downstream and two diameters upstream from any flow disturbance such as a bend, expansion, or contraction in the stack, or from a visible flame. lf necessary, an alternative location may be selected, at a position at least two stack or duct diameters downstream and a half diameter upstream from any flow disturbance. The simplified procedure cannot be utilized when the measurement site is less than two (2) stack or duct diameters downstream or less than a half (1/2) diameter upstream from a flow disturbance.l6 3.2 EPA Method 1A Sample and Velocity lraverses for Stationary Sources with Small Stacks or Ducts The applicability and principle of this method are identicalto EPA Method '1, except its applicability is limited to stacks or ducts. This method is applicable to flowing gas streams in ducts, stacks, and flues of less that approximately 0.30 meter (12 in) in diameter, or 0.071 square meters (0.071 r6 Pursuanl to 'Guideline for Determination of Good Engineering Practice Stack Heighr'(Technical Support Document for Stack Height Regulations); United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards; Documenl No-: EPA- 450/4-80-23R, June 1 985, Page 1 3 - Examination of the published sketches shorvs the cavity to extend from the ground veftically to about ,.5 tirnes the heighl of the building; building height may vary. @ Page 1 1 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2O23 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 m') (113 in2) in cross-sectional area, but equal to or greater than about 0.10 meter ( in) in diameter (>0.10 m; 4 in), or 0.0081 mz (12.57 inz) in cross-sectional area. This method cannot be used when the flow is cyclonic or swirling. 3.3 EPA Method 2 Determination of Stack Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate (Type S Pitot Tube) EPA Method 2 is applicable for the determination of the average velocity and volumetric flow rate of a gas stream;typically utilized to obtain exhaust flow rates (post combustion) in stacks. Method Limitations EPA Method 2 is not applicable at measurement sites that failto meet the criteria of EPA Method 1, section 11.1.1 (measurement site as a function of 'stack diameter" disrances). Additionally, the method cannot be utilized for direct measurement in cyclonic or swirling flow conditions. When unacceptable conditions exist, alternative procedures, subject to the approval of the Administrator, must be employed to produce accurate flow rate determinations. Examples of such alternative procedures are: 1) To installstraightening vanes; 2) To calculate the totalvolumetric flow rate stoichiometrically;or 3) Move to another measurement site at which the flow is acceptable. 3.4 EPA Method 2A Dir*t Measurement of Gas Volume Through Pipes and Small Ducts This method is applicable for the determination of gas flow rates in pipes and small ducts, either in-line or at exhaust positions, within the temperature range of 0 to 50 "C (32 lo 122"F). 3.5 EPA Method 2C Determination of Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate in Small Stacks or Ducts (Standard Pitot Tube) This method is applicable for the determination of average velocity and volumetric flow rate of gas streams in small stacks or ducts. Limits on the applicability of this method are identicalto those set forth in Method 2, Section 7.0, except that this method is limited to stationary source stacks or ducts less than about 0.30 meter (12 in) in diameter, or 0.071 m2 (t t 3 in2) in cross sectional area, but equal to or greater than about 0.10 meter (a in) (u0.10 m;4 in) in diameter, or 0.0081 m2 (12.57 in2) in cross-sectional area. 3.6 EPA Method 2D Measurement of Gas Volume Flow Rates in Small Pipes and Ducts Page 12 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 EPA Method 2D is applicable for the determination of the volumetric flow rates of gas streams in small pipes and ducts; can be applied to intermittent or variable gas flows only with caution. All the gas flow in the pipe or duct is directed through rotameter, orifice plate, or similar device to measure flow rate or pressure drop. The device has been previously calibrated in a manner that ensures proper calibration for the gas being measured. Absolute temperature and pressure measurements are made to allow correction of volumetric flow rates to standard conditions. ln most testing programs, EPA Method 2D is used on inlet fuel piping to derive fuel flow (Qt) to calculate the total volumetric flow rate stoichiometrically. For Sl-RICE Engines (gas-fired turbines notwithstanding) the following appurtenances are utilized to comply with the measurement standards outlined in EPA Method 2D: o Fuel-flow data recorded by "stock" meters (where available); o Determined algorithmically utilizing a programmable logic controller (PLC); or o Differential pressure measurements across an orifice plate. 3.7 EPA Reference Method 3A Determination of Orygen and Carbon Dioxide Concentrations in Ernissionsfrom StationarySources Oxygen (Oz) concentrations are determined instrumentally by EPA Reference Method 3A. The M&C Products Model PMA22 paramagnetic analyzer receives conditioned effluent gas (dry);the analyzer registers output signals (measurements) and which are automatically recorded on the DAS. All raw data can be viewed in Appendix G of this repofi. Oxygen is a paramagnetic gas, which means that it is attracted by a magnetic field. This magnetic susceptibility is much greater than that of most other gas molecules and is ideal for determining the level of oxygen in contextual gas mixtures propagated through combustion. The paramagnetic sensor is a cylindrical-shaped container with a small glass "dumbbell'located inside. The dumbbell is filled with an inert gas and hangs on a suspended platinum wire within a non-uniform magnetic field. When a sample gas containing oxygen is processed through the sensor, the oxygen molecules are attracted to the stronger of the two (2) magnetic fields. This causes a displacement of the dumbbell which results in a rotational effect. When a gas flows through the paramagnetic oxygen sensor, oxygen molecules are attracted to the stronger areas of the magnetic field, causing the dumbbell to rotate. @ Page 1 3 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 ln the M&C Products PMA22, an opposing current is applied to restore the dumbbellto its normal position. The current required to maintain the dumbbell in its normal state is directly proportional to the partial pressure of oxygen and is represented electronically in percenl (vo)17 . 3.8 EPA Reference Method 7E (by proxy) AlOx lnstrumental (Reference Procedure for EPA Reference Method 3A and Data Coll*tion) EPA Reference Method 3A, Analysis of Oxygen Content in the Effluent Gas Sample, references EPA Reference Method TEfor general requirements to properly collect and format data. 40 CFR Part 60 EPA Method 7E, describes how to determine appropriate sample points, conduct initial system measurements, interference analyses, sample collection, post-run system bias and drift assessment, calibration and standardization, QC/QA procedures, and system performance evaluations. ln accordance with EPA Method 7E Section 16.1 - Dynamic Spike Proeedure, a dynamic spiking procedure was used to validate test data (for all target constituents) in place of the interference analyses and pre and post- run system bias analyses; where applicablels. 3.9 EPA Method 19 Determination of Sulfur Dioxide Removal Etficiency and Particulate Matter, Sulfur Dioxide, and Nitrogen Oxide Emission Rates EPA Method 19 is utilized to determine pollutant emission rates from the exhaust of the engine unit. The oxygen concentration and F-factor (ratio of combustion gas volumes to heat inputs) which is represented in units of dry standard cubic feet per million British Thermal Units (DSCF/MMBTU) are used to determine exhaust flow rates. The client furnished Encino with an application-specific (source) fuel-gas analysis, which was used to determine fuel caloric value. Adjusted oxygen measurements were used with gross fuel caloric value to determine the oxygen supported Fuel-factor on a dry basis. Molecular constituency from the most recent fuel-gas sample was applied to the formulae outlined in EPA Method 19; the output of these calculations is located in laDle 7 - Fuel Factor Calculations,Table 8 - Emission Rate Calculations, and Table 9 - EPA Method 19 Fuel Composition of this document. t7 Partial Pressure: notional pressure of the constituent gas if it alone occupied the entire volume of the original mixture at the same temperalure; measurement of thermodynamic activity of the gas's molecules. Charles Henrickson (2005). Chemistry. 18 Where applicable; the Dynamic Spike Procedure will be utilized in accordance with ASTM Method D6348-03 unless conditions arise where a more stringent Dynamic Spike Procedure is necessary. @ Page 14 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2A23 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 3.10 EPA Method 205 Verification of Gas Dilution Systems for Field Instument Calibrations A gas dilution system produces known low-level calibration gases from high-level calibration gases, with a degree of confidence equal to that for EPA Protocol 1 gasesle. lt may be used for compliance tests in lieu of multiple calibration gases when the gas dilution system is demonstrated to meet the requirements of the prescribed method. EPA Method 205 verification was completed in the field when the dilution concentrations were mixed and introduced to the FTIR analyzer three (3) times to determine instrument response. 3.11 ASTM Method D6348-03 Standard lest Mettod for Determination of Gaseous Compounds by Extactive Dir*t lnterface Fourier Tnnstorm lntrard Fnil Spectroscopy Fourier transform infrared (henceforth "FTIR") spectroscopy is a measurement technique for collecting infrared spectra and in this program was utilized to gather data for oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)20. lt works on the principle that most gases absorb infrared light. The quantity of infrared light absorbed is propoftional to the gas concentration of the constituents. The captured infrared spectrum represents a "fingerprint" of the sample with absorption peaks which correspond to the frequencies of movement between the bonds of each compound's atoms. Since each compound represents a unique combination of atoms, no two (2\ compounds produce identical absorption characteristics. Therefore, infrared spectroscopy can identify each compound by comparing the individual absorbency patterns to an established spectra library of known compounds. Additionally, the size of the peaks in the spectrum is a direct indication of the amount of the target constituent (compound or element) present. The MKS Multigas" 2030 FTIR is configured with a fixed, effective optical path length of five and e/eyen hundredths'rneters (5.1 1 m) (approximately 16.8 ft) and employs a helium-neon laser. ln accordance with ASTM Method D6348-03, system response evaluations (system performance "pre-analyses') were conducted prior to the test project. The instrument was configured to analyze the sample at sixteen scans per minute (16 spm) to determine response time of the optical cell to reach ninety-five percent (95%) of the known calibration value (ppm"d). ln the MKS Multigas* - the optical cell is exactly one liter (1 L); therefore, the response time can be properly le EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards; to provide analytical and statistical procedures that may be used to establish NIST-traceability for gaseous calibration standards. 20 ln accordance with 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ; S60.4245(d) - ASTM Method 06348-03 (incorporated by reference - see 40 CFR 60.17) to measure VOC require reporting of all QA/QC data (Annexes 1-7). Table 4 to Subpart TZZZ ol Part 63 - Requirements for Performance Tests. @ Page 1 5 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 determined at a flow rate of (between) five and seven and a half liters per minute (5.00 LPM - 7.50 LPM; optics cell volume). All FTIR data was collected at a spatial frequency between frye-tenths and one reciprocal centimeter (0.5 - 1 .0 cm'l) resolution. Each spectrum was derived from the average of sixty (60) scans. Data was collected continuously for each test, with a new data point generated every sixty (60) seconds. 3.12 Discussion ln accordance with 40 CFR $60.8(c)2r - Performance tests shall be conducted under such conditions as the Administrator shall specify to the plant operator based on representative pertormance of the affected tacility. The owner or operator shall make available to the Administrator such records as may be necessary to determine the conditions of the performance tests. Operations during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction shall not constitute representative conditions for the purpose of a performance test nor shall emissions in excess of the level of the applicable emission limit during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction be considered a violation of the applicable emission limit unless otherwise specified in the applicable standard. The two (2) methods which apply to measurements relating to fuel flow (EPA Method 2A and EPA Method 2D) require calibration and verification of the metering device. Both methods discuss introducing representative gases at known flow rates to demonstrate compliance with the tolerances listed in each procedure (under "representative" conditions). This may be accomplished one of two ways: o ln-situ: A dedicated fuel flow metering device is isolated from the primary fuel system and gases of known constituency and flowrates are introduced inline of the piping circuitry; or . Ex-situ: An independent flowmeter (test meter) is calibrated and verified while challenged with known gases and flowrates - to be installed at some point in the primary fuel system. ln either case, the SI-RICE source will be required to power down to a) perform calibration and verification of the dedicated meter through isolation or b) to install the independent meter - once verified. By utilizing any one of these methods,Ihe source is potentially at risk of non-compliance; pursuant to 40 CFR $60.8(c): "Operations during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction shall not constitute representative conditions for the purpose of a pertormance test..' 21 40 CFR $60.8 - Performance tests. @ Page 16 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 Stafiup and shutdown procedures for certain types of Sl-RICE sources may include equilibrating high-pressure systems (e.9., natural gas compression systems) to atmosphere. Typically, these practices are limited to the allowances and thresholds outlined in the Air-Quality Authorization (i.e., Air Permit) which governs the operation and performance of the SI-RICE source. ln this case, the Sl-RICE source must be "prepared" for shutdown to calibrate the inline flow meter or installthe independent meter. As such, any emissions from source preparation may exceed short-term emission limits (of the Air Permit) and cause secondary pollutant impacts - particularly greenhouse gases (henceforth "GHG") as natural gas (fuel gas) contains (predominantly) methane (henceforth "CHa") possessing a globalwarming potential(henceforth "GWP) of atleast 27 times that of CO2. After the SI-RICE (in gas compression service) is started, the engine must cycle for up to six (6) hours -depending upon transmission gas availability since gas is generally rerouted prior to shut down. Additionally, engine tuning (post startup) may be required to adjust for fuel pressure, ambient conditions, and other operational variables. Therefore, in some cases, satisfying the conditions and requirements of each method (EPA Method 2A or EPA Method 2D) create scenarios which are not representative of routine operating conditions. ln accordance with 40 CFR 560.8(d), the Administrator has been provided at least thirty days (30- days) prior notice of this performance testing regimen. Unless otherwise indicated, instructed, and/or advised, the testing body utilized the protocol outlined in the corresponding notification See Section 7.5. @ Page 1 7 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2A23 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 4 OPERATION DESCRIPTION The Waukesha 9394GS! spark-ignited internal combustion stationary engine is fueled with natural gas and is used in either gas-transmission sen ice by driving a generator unit; stationary engine- driven generator is used to increase pressure and continue the flow of natural gas to pipeline pressure in order to supply the natural gas demand/distribution downstream or for electrical utility generation to power a local microgrid. A copy of the stationary engine-specific manufacturer data is included in Agpendix B of this report. Descriptions of the utility and application of the Waukesha 9394GSl spark-ignited is located in Table 2 and Appendix C. 4.1 Operational Data Operational data of the spark-ignited stationary engine was recorded during each sample run. This data included the load (percent; %) at which the stationary engine ran during the test and various factors that help determine and ensure mechanical integrity of the stationary engine - such as oil pressure, manifold pressure, and revolutions per minute of the mechanical compressor unit (voltage and amperage where applicable). A copy of the field data sheets is included in Appendix C of this report. Emissions source operational data is located in lable 2 of this report. @ Page 1 8 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 5 SAMPLING SYSTEM CALIBRATION DATA Pursuant to the QC/QA requirements outlined in each method and incorporated in this test program, quality assurance activities were undertaken prior, during, and after each emissions performance project. The following sections detail the QC/QA techniques and practices which were rigorously followed during the testing program. 5.1 Oxygen Analyzer The response of the oxygen analyzer was evaluated and adjusted in the field prior to the collection of data via multipoint calibration. Oxygen analyzer calibration data - including error analysis and bias corrections is located in laDle 3 of this report. 5.2 FTIR Analyzer Linearity of the FTIR instrument was analyzed by first adjusting the zero (0) and span responses to zero nitrogen (0-Nz), and then to an upscale calibration gas in the range of expected concentrations (of each target analyte)22. ln accordance with ASTM Method D6348-03 (2010) Annex 6 (A6.1), the noise equivalent absorbance (henceforth "NEA) was determined by flowing nitrogen (zero air) through the gas sample cell while collecting a "background" spectrum (in succession). Line position was determined by flowing nitrogen through the gas sample cell and acquiring a spectrum which, in- turn, was used to determine the wavelength that corresponds to the maximum peak absorbance (line position) of water vapor in the region of 1,918 cm-1, or from 3,045 to 3,050 cm{ (or another suitable spectral region that remains consistent)23. Additionally, the system resolution was recorded and verified by flowing nitrogen through the gas sample cell and allowing equilibration at sub-atmospheric pressure (approximately one hundred torr (100 torr)). An absorbance spectrum was collected with a resolution at the one-half (1/2) width and the one-half (1/2) maximum height of the water vapor lines in the region of 1,918 cmr (or, from 3,045 to 3,050 cm-l or another suitable region that remains constant). The instrument was then challenged with other calibration gases of known concentrations to determine instrument response. A copy of instrument data displaying peak signal intensity and analysis is represented by Figure 3. 5.3 Gas Diluter Validation The dilution system was calibrated in accordance with EPA Method 205 to generate calibration gases (analytes) where measured concentration values (ppm"d) are within two percent (t2%) of 22 ASTM Method D6348-03 (201 0), Annex 4 (A4.5) - Required Pretest Procedures. 23 ASTM Method D6348-03 (2010), Annex 6 (A6.2) - Line Position. @ Page 19 Emissions Test Reporl Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Documenr: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 the of the predicted values. The predicted values were calculated based on the certified concentrations of the supply gases and gas flow rates ("dilution factors") through the gas dilution system (measured by rotametetzo). A copy of the field gas dilution system calibration report is located inTable 4. Pursuant to EPA Method 205, the gas dilution system has been calibrated, on a prescribed interval using N|ST-traceable primary flow standards whh an uncertainty ress than or equalto twenty-five hundredth percent (s 0.25%). A copy of the factory gas dilution system validation certificate is included in Appendix D of this report. 5.4 Sampling System After each sample run, the analyzers were evaluated for zero (0) and span drift. The criterion for acceptance verification;the instrument drift is no more than three percent (tSv"1 of the full-scale response. Absence of leaks in the sampling system was verified by a sampling system bias and performance evaluation. The sampling system's integrity was tested by comparing the response of the analyzers to the calibration gases which were introduced via two (2) paths: 1) Directly into the analyzer; and 2) Through the entire sample system, introduced at the probe. Differences in instrument response by these two (2) methods is attributed to sampling system bias. The criterion for acceptance is within five percent (J5%) of known values. 5.5 Calibration Gases Gas mixtures were used that contained known concentrations of each larget analyte as well as other gases necessary to adhere to the ASTM Method D6348-03 sampling procedure. These gases were produced and certified in accordance with "EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards', September 1997, as amended August 25,1999, EPA -600/R-971121or more recent updates. Copies of gas cylinder certificates are included in Appendix E. 21 A rotameter is a device that measures the volumetric flow rate of gas in a closed tube. R.C. Baker. Flow Measurement Handbook: lndustrial Designs, Operating Principles, Performance, and Applications. (2016) 790 pages. @ Page 20 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 FTIR DATA VALIDATION ASTM Method 06348-03 (2010) includes stringent compliance requirements and QC/QA practices for Encino's Emissions Technicians and OperationalSupport Project Managers to follow while collecting and analyzing test data. 6.1 Minimum Detection Limits (MDL) Pretest requirements include establishing "best case" readings for a known contaminant and comparing it to actual field conditions2s. Best case minimum detectable concentrations (henceforth "MDC" or "MDL"; interchangeable)26 are based on system noise - excluding interferences like water and methane vapor. lnstrument response for target constituents is detailed in Figure 4 of this report. 6.2 Calibration Transfer Standard and System Purge A calibration transfer standard (henceforth "CTS") was analyzed prior to, and after testing. The concentrations determined for all calibration standards were within five percent (t57o) of the certified value of each standard (certified concentration)27. Ethylene passed through the entire system to validate response and ensure that it was leak-free from the sample interface location (probe) to the FTIR instrument2s. A copy of the CTS repoft is included in lable 5. Nitrogen was also purged through the sample system to ensure that it remained free from contaminants. 6.3 Dynamic Spiking and Recovery Analyte dynamic spiking is performed prior to each test project to determine the system's ability to quantitatively deliver measurements from the base of the sample interface location (probe) to the FTIR, and to confirm the ability of the FTIR to quantify each analyte spike in the presence of effluent gas. The spiking gases contained a low concentration of sulfur hexafluoride (SFo) which was used in the spiked sample to calculate the dilution factor (DF) of the spike; and thus, used to calculate the 2s ASTM Method 06348{3 (2010); Annex A2 - Determination of FTIR Measurement System Minimum Detectable Concentrations (MDC/MDL) and Overall Concentration Uncertainty. 26 Minimum Detection Limit (or level) is the minimum concentration thal can be measured with 99% confidence that the value is above zero. 27 ASTM Method D6348-03; Section 1 1.3.4 Pre-Test Calibration Transfer Standard (CTS)- Flow the calibration transfer slandard gas through the FTIR gas c-ell, Analyze the CTS gas and verify the results are within 5 % of the certified value. 28 ASTM Method D6348-03 (20'l 0) Annex A4, A4.5 - Conduct a system mechanical response time test by directing the CTS gas through the entire sampling system including the primary particulate matter fiher cartridge. The mechanical response lime is the time required for the gas to equilibrate fully within the sampling system" lt is a function of the length of the sample transport line, the gas cell volume (1 L), and the flowrale through the FTIR sample cell (5.00 LPM - 7.5 LPM). Reference Sectbn 3.0. @ Page 21 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Documenr: EM-23-1583-00',1 REV 0 concentration of the spike gases. The DF for all analyte spikes was less than one-to-ten (1 :10). All spike recoveries were within the ASTM Method D6348-03 Annex 5 allowance of thirty percent (130%) as listed in lable 6 of this reportze. In rnstances where EPA Method 7E applies, the spike recoyeries are validated within one hundred - plus or minus ten percent 0A0%, !10%). Pre- and post- spike procedures willbe documented if the Reference Method (EPA Method 7E) was utilized. 6.4 Review of Test Methodologies and Spectral Data Validation To verify compliance with ASTM Method D6348-03 Standard lest Method for Determination of Gaseous Compounds by Extractive Direct ln|r"rtace Fourier Transform (FTIR) Spectroscopy the following data validation steps were completed30,31: 1 . The Test Plan was reviewed to ensure that the recommended testing conditions were used to collect the data (e.9., verified the correct testing intervals, requisite observations, and samples) and that the temperature and pressure requirements were met. 2. The spectral data was reviewed to ensure that a background spectrum (instrument zero) was obtained at the beginning of the testing program32. 3. Field calibration data for each target analyte as well as the CTS were reviewed for the instrument to ensure that the results obtained from each measurement were within five percent (t5%) of certified values. 4. Pretest and post-test data were evaluated to ensure that the CTS gases were used to perform the instrument stability evaluations and that the results were within five percent (t5%) of the certified values. 5. Dynamic spiking data were reviewed to ensure that each spiked compound was recovered within thirty percent (t307o) of each certified value. 6. An inspection of water absorbency at a spatial absorbance of one-thousand, nine-hundred, and eighteen reciprocalcentimeters (1,918 cm-r) was conducted to evaluate line position and line width (as a measure of resolution) of selected spectra. 2e ASTM Method D6348-03; Annex 5 - Analyte Spiking Technique. 30 The review of test methodologies and acquired data (spectral and other) is performed by a degreed environmental professional (Environmental Scientist, Environmental Chemist, or Engineer) with a minimum of seven (7) years relevant experience and versed in ASTM and EPA sampling protocol. 31 ASTM Method D634-03; Annex 8 - Post Test Quality Assurance/Control Procedures. 32 ASTM Method D6348{3 (2010); Annex A6 - Determination of System Performance Parameters - Noise Equivalent Absorbance (NEA), Line Position, and Detector Linearity. @ Page22 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 7. The sample spectrum was reviewed for each sample run; manual scaling was compared to the calculated FTIR results. 6.5 QualiU Management The primary objective of this testing program is to provide the Regulated Entity and/or Regulatory Agency with unahered and unbiased environmental measurements and data collected, managed, and distributed in a manner consistent with laboratory, requisite methodologies, and regulatory policies/procedures. Additionally, Encino maintains and strictly follows a three-phase (3-phase) Quality Management Plan/Processs (henceforth "QMP'; which details facilities, laboratory practices, methods, personnel, and equipment necessary for meeting QC/QA objectives. The policies and practices of QC/QA outlined in this report are set forth as minimum requirements. Any additional measures required by a testing project are documented in Appendix C. 33 Quality Management Plan (QMP); QMP-1 5.0048-{X}1 REV 1. @ Page 23 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 7 EMISSIONS CALCULATIONS 7.1 Emission Rates Oxygen (Oz) concentrations (expressed in units of percent;%) and appropriate F-factors were used to calculate pollutant emission rates from pollutant concentrations. EPA Method 19, Formula 19- 1, was used to derive the post-combustion exhaust flow rates - expressed in units of standard cubic feet per hour (henceforth "SCFH") from diluent measurements (% Oz), fuel-gas analysis (site- specific), and the heat input values ("R"; MMBTU/hr) obtained from the gas-spec lower and higher heating values ("LHV" and "HHV"). EPA Method 19 fuelfactor derivation and pollutant emission rate calculations are included in lable 7 and Table 8 of this report (respectively). 7.2 Fuel Analysis Michael Duplantis, EHS with Crusoe Energy Systems, lnc, supplied a site-specific fuelgas analysis which was used to develop the EPA Method 19 Fuel Composition for method-approved emission rate calculations. A copy of the customer-supplied analysis is included in Figure 5 of this report. The EPA Method 19 FuelComposation can is located in IaDIe 9. 7.3 Engine Performance Data Technical data regarding the performance and overall operation of the engine was supplied by the manufacturer (Appendix B). A copy of the engine-specific data sheet is included in Appendix F. @ Page24 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 8 RAW DATA Raw data was captured and recorded on the EmCollect" DAS and includes allcalibration activities, sample system integrity evaluations, validations, and data collected during each sample run. A copy of the DAS report is included inAppafiixGg. s As defined by The Air Quality System (AQS; EPA); Raw Data represents data that has been successfully loaded (with automated relational checks performed/passed) and is ready for review. Data is only visible to members of the screanitg group responsible for the monitor and will not be included in any reports except for those specifically designed to view preproduction data. @ Page 25 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Documenr: EM-23-1583-00'l REV 0 9 QUALIFICATIONS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS Please refer to Appendix H for resumes of key personnel who have contributed to the completion of this project. 9.1 ASTM Method D7036-04 $andard Pnctice for Competence of Air Emission lesting Bodies This practice specifies the general requirements for competence to carry out sampling and analysis for air emissions tests of stationary sources. lt covers testing and calibration performed using standard methods, non-standard methods and methods developed by the Air Emissions Testing Body ("AETB")35. Encino Environmental Services, LLC demonstrates conformance to ASTM Method D7036-04 in accordance with the following: 1. The AETB follows a QMP that addresses each of the requirements listed in Method ASTM D7036-04. 2. The AETB maintains an organization which includes the following professionals: . TechnicalManager; . Quality Manager;and . Qualified lndividual. 3. Emissions Performance Test Plans are required for all projects (including non-regulatory applications). 4. The AETB performs internal audits at least once annually. 5. Laboratory management certifies program objectives and conformance with ASTM Method D7036-04. To inquire about ASTM Method D7036-04 conformance and practices, contact Operational Support from the options listed in Section 7.5 of this document. 3s ASTM Method D7036{6 - Standard Practice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies. @ Page 26 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 FIGURES @ No ra,NH\0bP.cr 'fCc{' EE(l,ER(l,J Ef; Eo E =oo6 to CLoG,6.eo=r-o.2 ,E L-ob7,cLf,cL'=(Etrcuro oizi Uenzi; luEg @ o,iltdryiE des*hr: d[p @ @ iliiEE iiliiiI 3 trJ uJcto rufoeSts}ErG (fi E- {E EE#' $s o 4to -9 CL EL6oo o .CroLo. o!oolr F oL, E'Ilt No.aNHI}FCg, HPo(oGId,J Efr Eo E:,ooo too-od6.egE '(!2rr.Ebt,Of,o-'=(EEclr.J @ Emissions Teet Report Snapper FaciliU Date: December6,2O23 Document Elvl-23-1 583-001 RE\, 0 Flgurc 2:Photographe @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 Figure 3: Peak Signal lntensity and Analysis (Quality Analysis) Peak Signal lntensity Peak Analysis @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Dats December 6,2023 Document EtrF23-158$001 REV 0 Figure 4:Detection Limits co Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 Ethylene (CTS; VOC Substitute) I I I ,i rl l ,l :i;! ii .. - - - - .-. -,. -...-...: -r.. ........-;..-_.-.--;- _rj @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 tf, ld or.:m2tr'll/l)l 00:m{X} lr|.yi. Olr:2021/11/0e I 2:t,8{,0 tllDgo: ol.a) i l...prtn: o.qxm crtQ Dloali: 0.85S I r4crm: 0.50200 rrro:r||roranr &#SdntJr,AAfr rL"rr{ c"oqyroBo - Klmmuoff frc llsxei 0.2r3a0 Pr!9n: l.75lg) IroO|llD: 0.10150 Itrrei 0 73100 rheqrc o.mm lrgirE 0 217/jo LnaE 0.3170 lllrE: 33ae70 0.oatm tt* 6.87r2t, OclG: 0.0t,a$ tlm: 0-(pto0 D.e: 0.000(x, cffi taadlto leram Oabrllil. i ll,p. [fi "-"f."O o-teFl H2qer*dr(tr r*0 oaHl H2O0bmtl 0m @ rucl dl alvfr2 11.r4:a1An Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583{0'l REV 0 TABLES @ @ E$F EEe:8; $Ec EEgPf g b:i :' -lavo o EE; EE# COcooF8e.E€EogEE EXg 8EEr*r, c $€EItEocg5 gIE EtrE Eeg € taEsB EEEgE E Ef;E€ru-E5=c olioltc E EEgBE. g $$E €HIe 56 6'o Eg!r-o EEE E EBE E t Ee rogrEi B Br;€ E5E.Bt r oo(, L63I6 -tc(U dcot,Eo CL Ur- co Eg =cro oE g (o CL eE =t,gr=o:'8,6 EB .!lrhoo 6-'F 5to E4E?Evbz,6 AH; aa uF ileo EeE g!G 6.EF Bsooa€ EtQEEb!,tfrFCs-9EE53 '/,cD=o,LEP csgctoc Er.9q,freE-e(,CL qdEeot -CgFO (r) oN9Gr':E\0bP-cl 'rCG' BTe&s+8E Eo E:,c,oo Eo CL(, G,6FgE 9,8L.ebu, CLocL'= (!ECUI Ch Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 Table 2: Emissions Source Data SlrycrFrrfrU Tc.tDdc: f0/25I2023 $emph km Average lrt Znd 3d Test Run Start Time 08:59 10:06 11 12 End Time 09:59 11:06 12:12 Logging lnterval (minutes)60 60 60 60 Ambient Conditions Dry Bulb / Ambient Temperature ("F)45 48 52 48 Wet Bulb Temperature ("F)N/A N/A N/A 0 Average Humidity (ozo)57 43 43 47.667 Barometric Pressure (inches Hg)29.98 29.97 29.94 29.963 Elevation (AMSL;ft)7,167 Emissions Source Manufacturer Waukesha Model 9394GSt Serial Number 1457259 Unit Number 1251 Manufacture/Rebuild Date (DOM)N/A Source Category Stationary Engine Fuel Type (e.9., natural gas, diesel, DGB):NaturalGas Emissions Source Operational Data Fuel flow rate; EPA Method 2C or 2D Determined By BSFC(LHV) Fuelflow rate (SCFH)9,964.62 9,964.62 10,067.35 9,998.87 BSFCuxv (BTU/BHP/hr)4,850.00 4,850.00 4,900.00 4,866.67 Rich Burn / Lean Burn (excess air)Rich Burn Calculated Load (7")90.0%90.0% 90.09o 90.0vo Current Power (HPutirizea)2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.O0 Manufacturer Max Rated Power (BHP)2500 Manufacturer Max Rated Speed (RPM)1 200 Emission Control Equipment Catalyst Engine Type Spark-lgnited Engine Hours (hrs)22565 @ 3' TT d€oqo Eeoqo aoge ! II 6Pood AQood Aeoq rO I(, 5ItI + T oCIoI aeto ci ieroqo Ae q (> I E-!(]8 6scoE tNq et a .a6q C't aFq c)I clE -6to-c =oc a[orC'd acNC'dI eeoC'oI T II(, I o EDg (D aeorq lt de q ra, Aeoiq lr1 EJ(t (,EECC'ii atOq t, .l0or to l?ctq ro =ET -o,€6 C il C' tO ae rOor ui toOi t, EtaF a IN ! GI GIr A6 c Et*EFE$ol ET EB o9aFEg6 i5 @o ci Noci C'Toci o9{ ;ErtE<E @qo Nqo C'Tod s€ g EEg aeoc,d a aeFC'o aa - ='E o E#E C) tC'ctd aC'CI rO al E(\l lst is g = g - ooo !,coc .9aaoLTI 6 C) LoN Et Eo(, xo Giooo]- (f)0 HE\0bP-cr 'rCGi' BP9&q,g Ef; Eo E =ooo Eo CLoE6.egE afL.obct CL.t, cl.'=.EECuJa @ aeoo c.i F a3 @qo ae Fo Ci acoct ..i ae @qo ae od aec,o ci d8 @qo a od iec,oo deooo a3@q() aectrtt o eeNq I ieNt c, deroq rtt ielftN ct ae6q l,, Cq'OqE @bPrt 'fc({, B$cs EE co EIoo toao ac6.EgE'ca rE Lebl,cLr/,cL'=6EcLlJ U' Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 Bias Corrections Table 3-4 Example Calculation of Post-OxygetTconecred (% Ol For lst fest Run \,gas - Ugas _ Where: Cg"s CO C. C""q Cr. Snapper F*ility Teet Date: 7O12512U23 Sample Run Averagc 1i 2rd 3rd Post Oxygen (% Oz) Measured -1.480 -1.434 1.400 -1 .44 Conected 0.(po 0.000 0.000 0.00 I oroo l% Average effluent gas concentration adjusted for bias, expressed in units of parts per million by volume, dry basis (ppmd) or percent (%); 'Corrected" value listed in lable 3-1. Average unadjusted gas concentration indicated by the analyzer instrument expressed in units of parts per million by volume, dry basis (ppmd) or percent (%); "Measured" value listed in lable 3-l- Average of initial and final system calibration bias analysis response for low{evel calibration gas, expressed in units of parts per million by volume, dry basis (ppm,d) or percent (%) located inTable 3-2. Average of initial and final system calibration bias analysis response for upscale calibration gas, expressed in units of parts per million by volume, dry basis (ppm,d) or percent (%) located inTable 3-2. Concentration of upscale calibration gas, expressed in units of parts per million by volume. dry basis (ppmd) or percent (%) located inTable 3-2. @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6, 2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 Table 4: Gas Diluter Validation lnslrument Teledyne Advanced Pollution lnstrumentation; Model T700 Type: Dynamic Dilution Calibrator Seria! Number: N/A Ilate Time: Oct 25. 2O23 07 50 Validation Gas: Oxygen Concentration: Diluted Gas:Oxygen Concentration: Target Cqrcentration: Dihned Gas: Oxygen Concentration: Target Concentration: 13.03% 100.00% 12.00% 100.00% 6.00% Average: '12.94% Deviation: -0.67* Average: 12.94% Deviation: -0.67% Andysis Run Obeewed 1 2 3 5.99 9. 6.08 % 6.08 % Average: 6.05 % Deviation: 0.3:t% EPA }1eilfrd 205: Verillcattroa of Gas l)rlirt m qfsbms for Fteld trstnmtcnt Cetibratbns; A gas dilution system produces known low- level calibration gases frorn high-level calibration gases with a degr* of confidence similar to that for EPA Protocol 1 gases. tt may be usd for compliance tests in lieu of multiple calibration gases when the gas ditution sptem is verified to meet the rcquircments of the Method. Oxygcn fur€,lyzcr. Oxygen concentations wete determined instrumentally by EPA Reference Method 3A. All raw data can be viewed in Apendix G. Oxygen calibration procedures and resu/ts can be found in Tabtc 3 and within the repoft naffative. An M&C Products Model PMA 22 paramagnetic analyzer was used for verification of the gas dilution system. lmtysis Run Obeenled 1 2 3 '12.94% 12.94% 12.95% Analysie Run Obc€n sd 1 2 3 12.94vo 12.94 o/" '12.95% @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 Pre-Test Dirqt Table 5: Calibration Transfer Standard Oct 25,2O23O7:53 TrlctCqrccntrlton bpm) -0.54% -2.91% 1.71% 2.9't% 0 0 0 0 Ethylene (CzHr) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitric Oxide (N0) Propane (CaHe) Acetaldehyde (CaHaO) 136 7,200 7,2N 3,700 I00 0 0 0 0 Ethylene (C2Hr)ao Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitric Oxide (NO) Propane (CsHa) Acetaldehyde (CzHrO) 135 7,200 7,200 3,700 100 Pre-fe$ System Oct 25, 2O23 O7:53 Post-Iest Direct Oct 25, 2023 12:30 3s System response is defined as the iime required for the system to reach 95% (as observed by the instrument) of the certified value of each analyte (cylinder or target concentration). 3e Start and stop daia is acquired frorn MG2000 data (LAB files). ao Target ethylene concenlration for pre-test system performance evaluation is based on pre-test system'direct'concenttation reading; ASTM Method D6348-03 (201 0) 1 1 .4.1 Analyze the CTS gas and verify that the pathlength resulls agtee to wilhin 5 % of the certified value of the CTS. Record the measurement results. TugctConcclrtrlthn (ppm) 20 150 120 60 Ethylene (CuHr) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitric Oxide (NO) Propane (CsHe) Acetaldehyde (CzHrO) 130 6,s00 6,500 4,000 100 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-00'l REV 0 Table 6: ASTM Method D6348-03 - Annex 5 Analyte Spiking Technique Ptt.T.dFnnD.o'r Sample File Begin: | 210 Sarnple File Frnal: I 356 CYhrdrDa:I.a ADlyt Concilmbn (pnr)o Ca6on Monoxide (CO) Nnnc oxid€ (No) Propane (CrHe) Aelaldehyde (C2HaO) Ethylene (Crll.) Sulfur Hexafluonde rrr. (SFo) Sulfur Hexafluotide Etryr' (SFo) Sullur Hexafluoride ereav* (SFe) 493.90 483.60 513.30 NiA N/A 5.10 N/A N/A Oct 25,2023 08:25 ln 4ctrdilc€ with ASTM l,€t,i,d 0634E43 Section ', ,, . 3. 5 (Annex 5), and SOP MTHDASIM-D634843&1 Atladtrent+ (Analyte Srbg ledrirque) percent reove,y proecdures and alculations rerc Edmed fu at qplicabbwn,pnds (lagEtconst luer.9. Sf.Collcqffion (pF) Conpo.rd t 81 I.AB 2 tlB 3 Avcragc C{bm Dioxide (COr) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitric Oxde (NO) Propane (CrHa) Acetaldehyde (CrH{O) Elhylene (Crtln) q Waler Vapor (H?O) Sultur Hexafudide a.lr& (SF6) Sullur Hexaiuside eryrmt (SFo) Suttur Hexanuoridek** (SFr) 1.951 130.000 5.m0 15.@ N/A ivA 4.996 0.030 N/A N/A 1.958 I 30.000 5.0@ 1 5.000 N/A N/A 5.030 0.010 N/A N/A 1.913 130.000 5.0@ l 5.000 N/A N/A 5.0'13 {.0u N/A N/A 1.941 130.000 5.0@ 15.000 N/A N/A 5.013 0.012 N/A N/A Rscovsry lor each amlyle must be between TAoh - 130% (1 30%) EFffitr' . , - lspr.d tu.at,u(6 @a) - 5.o.l.dnmttuinn tw)l x Lt - !yy::yyy:!l Sa4pl!FrorPet! GPir)6;5.O Artrlg*k fbxn.r!GPrI' " fimstanp inlomatiil obleined lrcm MG2@0 LAB fihs. 11 Gases werc Nodu&d and Mtitied in accr,dantr with 'EPA ft#ability Pnl@ol fu Assay ed Cenificatkm o, Gawus CaliDralron Standards", Septffi bq 1997, as ameded August 25,1949, EPA4@/R-97/121 ot morc remt updates. $ C@@nlati6s rcr/€snl ten percent (10%) of aclual boft]€ Mtntkn as ps ASTM D634843 - Anrex 5 (Anatyle *d(ing TechniqP); ed Attachment F of Ercirc SOP MTHD ASTMO634&03401.* Ps ASTM 0634&03, a spike recovery analysis is nol required for ethyl€ne (CTS). |.iows. an ethyl€ne spite may be p€rformed and used to satisfy lhe spike rsvery reqrirmnts tor VOC (in |teu ot propane - C3). ns Pu ASTM D634843, slack smple must iwolye al teasl ftfts (19 indeBndent smptes; equiyalenl to lire (5) e{ rctums. fhe volurc ol the cell in lhe MKS m3O- FflR is one (l ) litec thuelqe, at a smple rate of liye (5) literc pet minute (LPM), the eil is friled live (g rires at sixts (16) scas. 0.5 Cebon Moruide (C0) NitrE Oxide iNO) Propm (C:lle) Ethylene (C2tL) Ac€taldehyde (CrHrO) $tGAYGr.gc. Coeonnd Conc.nMo.l(Fm) Carbon Dioxide (C02) Carbon Monoxide (Co) Nitric Oxide (NO) Propare (C:Ha) Acstal&hyde (C?HIO) Elhylene (Czllr) Water Vapor (HO) Sulfur Hexalluqide rer. (SFo) Sulfur Hexafluoride Eru* (SFo) fultur Hexaiuoritle u'er* (SFo) 236.062 .2.O73 17.241 NaN NaN O&rhnnilh. Cdpormd Mgc(t) Carbon Dbxide (COr) Wats Vapot (HzO) Sulfur H€xanuoride dr. (SF6) Sulfur H€xafluoride E*ryr* (SF6) Sulfur Hexafluonde r'eyc (SFo) ,s.82% -23.U% 0.23% N/A N/A @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Nomenclature Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 Table 7: EPA Mcilrod 1 Fuel Fastor Galculatione OzFa K IG rG G l(r rG GCV Oz F-factor, DSCF/million BTU Conversion factor (1,000,000 BTU) 3.64 SCF of exhausUlb of hydrogen 1.53 SCF of exhaust/lb of carbon 0.57 SCF of exhausVlb of sulfur 0.14 SCF of exhausVlb of nitrogen 0.46 SCF of exhausVlb of oxygen Gross caloric value of fuel analysis. (percent %) (percent %) (percent %) (percent %) (percert %) lnput Percent of Total Mass (from fuel ana[sis){t 22.21 76.22 0.00 0.21 1.36 (xx x tt1+ (lG X c) +x s)+ (lt"x$ - (t<ox o) x x GCV &Fa 8,469.401 D!rcF/mmBTU 6 EPA ltlefiod 19; Section, Equation 1913. Hydrogen % Carbon % Sulphur % Nitrogen % Oxygen % H c s il o @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 Table 8: Method 19 Emission Rate Calculations SnappcrFrdllty ToctDrtc 1U251129:B SampleRun Avarqe 1st 2nd 3rd Fuel HHV (BTU/SCF)1,203.173 LHV (BTU/SCF)1,095.1?4 F-factor (DSCF/MMBTU)8,469.401 Measured Concentrations 02 (vol 9o) correoeo 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 CO (ppm,d)75.701 52.761 56.24'l 61.57 NOx (ppmd)10.775 8.226 20.o41 13.0',| VOCrornL (ppm'd)11.941 12.789 14.018 12.92 THC (ppm,d)93.879 99.897 90.063 94.61 HCHO (ppmd)-0.216 -o.204 -0.167 -0.20 Operating Conditions Engine Horsepowerulzg6 (HP)2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.0O 2.250.OO Fuel Flow Rate Qr (SCFH)9,964.62 9,964.62 10,067.35 9,998.87 BSFCTHV (BTU/BHP'hr)4,850.00 4,850.00 4,900.00 4,866.67 Fuel BTU Consumplion (MMBTU/h0 1',l.99 11.99 12.11 12.03 Exhaust Flow Rate - Qo (SCFH)101,54',1.09 101,541.09 102,587.91 101,890.03 Exhaust Flow Rate (SCFM)1,692.35 1,692.35 1,709.80 1,698.17 Engine Hours (hrs)2'2565 Converter Pressure Drop (in HzO)N/A Duty (kw-hr)N/A N/A N/A N/A Calculated Emissions co (lbi hr)0.559 0.389 0.419 0.456 (ton/yr)2.M6 1.705 L836 1.996 (g/BHP-hr)0.113 0.078 0.085 o.092 (ppm"d at 15'6 02)21.370 14.894 15.877 17.380 lb/MMBtu 0.051 0.036 0.038 0.042 NOr (lb/hr)0.131 0.1 00 0.245 0.159 (ton/yr)0.572 0.437 r.075 0.694 (s/BHP-hr)o.026 0.020 0.049 0.032 (ppm"d at 15e" Oz)3.042 2.322 5.658 3.674 lb/MMBtu 0.012 0.009 0.022 0.014 VOCnr (rb/h0 0.139 0.149 0.165 0.151 (ton/yr)0.608 0.651 0.721 0.660 (s/BHP-h0 0.028 0.030 0.033 0.030 (ppmd at 15% Oz)3.371 3.610 3.957 3.&6 lb/MMBtu 0.01 3 0.014 0.01 5 0.014 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6.2023 Document EM-23-1 583-001 REV 0 L 385.5 SCF,Yohmeof 1 ohof idealgne st68'Ffl ctn grrnVb 4i5,?.y,.24 grane honepou l(a53.6 gnams/lb) EIto-tttE. C!28.0102 grams/rnole CHr 16.0400 NOx 46.0056 Propanevoc 4.0972 HCHO 30.026'l SOz 64.0660 Nrh 17.0306 @ @ +r EF J=b= ffi" RI HIEIERJgN4' -t :l* '1fi + ffiTH Eooooo_o(fo- oE- ou al,@ d.9d Od.Eori a€ 03ocxlrl EE rcN uioo. No+oC\o (oEN3occ! cL\CL6EoP€ iD>66io6 irXo*F ^g EaB aosY i8.5 5 lE 5E d = oE- I . b gE H*' P= B3 5p 5 BB Eb - EE 65 -= J E bE eg FE ;q €= .ga i; !E =.e EE €( Y,2, ;& ee EF 6 *ocEo=; EH Eq s E1E :E ,Od E \6o=o+fQatg* H* P =oEiP=6i EirE- EE ;EEgH aEE;Es EEaFouF 9:=_i6o E:=,.5bf: fg;EEe EP B3€sH g;EEH: aEEEH.EE EaE:;: tBiEEEI ;eeg*: tEEETEE B;E:Eg EE --<co roo.soq=--A8,EEe9= Ebb:-EP=EEEbEESFdTr,EEE;:EE=95*E;EEB:EE=E;E-B-gEE EEiIiFEEiiEfi$gEEEi Eog6E E .d'-?, E E! e -€ -$.tE,E 5i =fE- uaSF= - E--e'ESE E o.> ?a5!i Nqg \OF}F C Cf) HPO(f'No)JEfi Eo Efc)oo tro CLoE,*o .eo=r- c)'(u9. LLL.oboo.u, o.'=(EECrJa @ E E E Eaoa,ao No ,e t co E Eo(, E C) o co.o E ie ro ae co o Eo(, 6o o co .o E gE€t o doato e, E.co(, (orREg.o oco o(, .lI 6C' Ti E{ E Eo*Et6 (lro AE@bPlr 'rc(!, H$e& fiE co E aoo Eo CLo,&,6.egEe,ILob.n CLtD cl-E6ECr! u, @ toti @(Y' !, E CLa. I-J E] !,o eoo-oo do a€ ae c .o(! Eo(, o C) o o .o E ae ro ae c .o (o Co(,coc) No co .ct E € o E(E cD L ttB t-JISIldlLI E oo * E t-lIBIIdI LJ *anlblI;IIJ o eero e, E Cl.o.xo2 sI+aBxoz g,co xoz s !,€xo = (aoNqG- \gFbP-cr 'rc. Ci' H$esc)JEfi Eo E =(,o6 Eooo&.*o .eol=r-o'(E9lr.Ebut CL.n o.'= (oEEuJ(, @ B E.c E !,o bat.oo o a3 I E E EcIco C) o colt E aelo E E 6 EIcoo o coE E .E A,I 6 tJ E] d taro @ Ett cOLEEI a LP+oB-E t Et E ta€t GIqs rgFbR€s EEoc8ogEf; E{, E =C'oa Eo CLoE,6FgE .2 ,!Lo6 l/,CL@E\ =6ECUJO @ oco tco() EoE'c(U eU' E'c(o o6Err.-A r: IJ- E'()cg(E-ed o+EP @.(U=cL=g3a *rg,H968 p-Ei:E 6'=H;80i €uEEp E = tsEgE.E*' f,$E5EB = E E.3 EE 3E E,EgY.: E A I E N N E EI-EEEAqEqg;<c,@tstoEE xoc, t829E ;e*gd====J-B-fr s HE\obPlr 'fc(? HTe&Ei Eo Ea C)oo Eo CL Q'g,6.e(l,=r-o'(E(!) lr-L .u([)(acLgro'=(UECIJ.J A @ E.tE a Ia].tt !ocooooooo88 8 8 8 8I I8 8I8I I8I8I I 8 d c c q q I,88888888888r888888r & o 88 8I I I8 B 8 8 8 8 8I R 8 8 8 8oo q I q q o o q Q Q 6 q o q o q q q oooco 3 :38=8888!R:88888888 ooooo 8 a oroNo54888888Sts88883888r tI E E : t E I s @c t r E" E e: I b ! i 6 atAIdIa;.: 3g &;t E l2 gEb :o! EEE :EE 8: EE!4 5 ig !EI q><Et9 ES: 's Pi:B 8I EpAI€EF: E6eri;EE'AEEg E!e c .9 oo CL Eoo o3lt oi !,o3 o = o. UJ orgtt(EF a F9 E E !I IIe g0 .I 8 Ee i s o I I z 8 2 B = a E I,ia I,IIt Eata ttatIIi-tI IE xt l9 :€wr5IFg ;E 55 >t5PI 8 ,!a ':a t, ta ie eI!ir b ,lt ils -ld lslr r{ ial - eit: tI I erE,i a- lul= tZ !xIs "1fl1dto It ? o g !i6I g ItI I\ &3 6 cDoNqG* \OF 3FE(o HPo cf)N(t)J Efi Eo E ooo troo_oE, 6.=g6 '(E2lrEbaD o-att o-'; (gECUJ U' Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2O23 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 APPENDICES @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility SINGI."E POINT SAMPLING Date: December 6,2O23 Document EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 rORY JUSTIFIGATION Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 Fraati: To: s.airt: Dx.: Cad-bla &al6qib EPA 7E Single hint snflrtq Friday, Daocrbcr 21, 2018 ,l:!:2.t Pl{ Joe, As we disanssed there is some confusion about Single point sampling and when it is allowed. fu as we discussed during our recent phone call: ln summary there are provisions for srngle point sampling for rnstrumental sampling of pollutants; however, it must be justified by either having a small stack or by proving no stratffication exists using astratificationtest. lwouldnotethatthestratificationtestshouldbeconductedpnortoeach testing event at each individual source, even if that particular source or others of same make, model, and manufacture year have previously proven unstratified during prior source testing. The rational we discussed from the method is below. According to EPA Method 7-E, Section 8.1.2: 3rd sentence "lf testing fo r mu ltip le pollu tants or diluents at the same site, a stratafication test using only one pollutant or diluent satrsfies this requirement." So any pollutant or diluent measured can be used to conduct a stratification test. And the stratification test is conducted according to Method 1. Alternatively, a stratification test may be conducted (6th sentence) "...at three points on a line passing through the centroidal area"... as stated in the following sentences. 4thsentence: "Astratificationtestisnotrequiredforsmall stacksthatarelessthan4inchesin diarneter." tf the source is considered unstratified due to the testint results or is less than 4 inches in daameter, sin8le point sampling from the point that most closely matches the mean of the rtratif ication test (or centroid point for stacks less than 4 inches in diameter). 40 CFR lJlJ (Table 2-1.a.i.(1)(a) [also Table 2-1.b and 2-1.c for CO and VOC respectively) expands on this to "Alternatively, for NOX, 02, and moisture measurement, ducts =6 inches in diameter may be sampled at a single point located at the duct centroid and ducts >6 and =12 inches in diameter may be sampled at 3 travere points located at 15.7, 50.0, and 83.3% of the measurement line ('3-point long line'). lf the duct is >1.2 inches in diameter and the sampling port location meeb the two and hatf-diameter criterion of Section 11.1.1 of Method 1 of zlo CFR part 60, Appendix A, the duct may be sampled at '3-point long line'; othenrrrise, conduct the stratification testing and select sampling points according to Section 8.1.2 of Method 7E of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A." Please feel free to contact me for additional discussion or clarification. Carl Ortmann Work Leader, Air Program Texas Commbsion on Environmental Quality Region 13- San Antonio 14250 Judson Road, San Antonio, TX 78233 Direct(210) Q3-N72 ffiice (210) 490-3095 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility MANUFACTURER Date: Decembet 6,2023 Document EM-23-1583{01 REV 0 DATA SHEET @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6, 2023 Documenr: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 Technicol Doto Cylindors YIS Prslon I j3ii .- 1 'li4 . ) drsploc6ren: Crrpressrm rolo 9l I BoroG stsots 9 lli;'r l,:i (::,1, rtai iockot.rJols lio:lJ,(:ral:) sysl6lr copccrl! LLbe.ril copo,jiry ::'39 !)., (90,1 i) S iliic J:'lai5 :ila14' 'ral I5a.'s S')rl€ o r/tlor rll)'le. !:0 ,.:ril i>s, - , ,"!' .r" lJ: :t r11.. . 'trao9qv5:Fm :( l,: :,i Dr l:, tr:i,igu: rtirrl-:: aC 9C ix, : aliaii a rto.t8rs ;i.lv 0(Irt Dahension$ I x w r h inch {mm} rc ta.:ra) x /B (r scr) r ri3 {: e rc) woiqht6lb (kg) 34.ooc {r',."r22) '""'''''' '""t ":', :r '1r':":"''r''!'{irt eaq aas eelc ''rr.€: ilo^,r,rli;i d,tl tte .(lill,i,n Dl tlre:i0C ni-r lil3!4OSl Si ihe ilg,394$Si ii5 ilor ti{} sorrf lo.rtL:'es ino borefrts r! ths lEoq n! i r0^lrCS 55 ir.rJ ISCC np ilo::2GS Sa croirti.l2 o ion ii ol eaq ias r,' th ccnmol a c.rtrais operirlron. aqd serv'ae pnrts :i{}rrfls frvo frah ll!,i Eiq ios corrSra4 t\e i1o!t oCvonaeil te.lrli-iJiJ) .rrj osle $tn ti{, h st.)ry iaa, cxt)e.,enap lil tfre \.rP - llf .,-, o. ,. t.:r a J lr -y loor /,1.r:1p r!:tri 1i,:e f )u!ef- ilqlter lirei lle{rbllti ,t&e' lue consrtaoi Ji crlo lrlei.yi.rc il)sts (rlal ionqer aer\rac ale.,,ar:s A thLri,gi :le.tes iile ea3,.itls u:ii I Jiit)l)t$ ..rl l,ln;l' ;lrll.ve: iE!4i ! lnCa i,rfeYra)r! vq.s,or:: the !:t:e!,SeS nr (he fi)filpt.rrr7ntS.r-r.r.-,r,t,,,.,,.:.r.i .r,:,!t.l,r-1;a(....u.r ::,'.'1aJn.+4,''', Ov, ^,1,11,1', tfj,oJE\ the Vr e, Ci.le. u,r,.lit.a,,ed cyr,noe. h6cC J€sign thct realuaes temDa,otJi6s ii loy rogiorlri arirai rra utt mr{rd })istoil doEigrl :he Miil€r ayi e no"es !?ori frtrm the ir 1.lo., tc trl€ lirisochctge, eOircroq carlllustion ond criloLrst iotrflaii oti.,r$s aio raklr'e Sories Five €qq,oes l\e rnil luel ell,ci+nt VIP enqir+s evcr lnr ilpfcled all noei iearc ale! ?n 'ed-,a-..'q r,.y ale'io te.li)e arl,r,9S Dy J D ti .1{J'r,, .i.: | 6lit!! rlil, Er i(tt)l rtv on J exla,r)airir.:| iirr,i,fe 3, tno lcod :\r 5.j, a,r ! Je p:st?4:fes arn ttrs tleel cot,.tr-'€.li la.'airae irnDiif noal .ryf i oaarroirn:. v, hith iiipi o!eF emriit,ons rad lirrl i$1r irririt,On while iowFriaa] tte t.rnlperrtu.6 jJf tho prstoi llelf :np..r' ii, f,- lcr:, lv >\'. , ,t i, jr )'n t, .,',a .ot.nq :1ri).()!elients lai tne r{}')rl.0.r :;r'.,it+.r'r ] i.)r! l$r 4 0CU n(rur ieili).k irl,jq tter!'ir ri .\ l'1 t ., t :'. '' ' r' .)'i\'aFl', :- , l' \1,Jl(.ri,1al l.C()C J / nJaqe -itp,\,,Cr! 'e!!rae aorr0t:'rcl a cslS irtai f il): io .i:lil Se'res i \.,i eaq Arji ararrle SlUOif0! O t/,1,) [li\i'f. yiilu]rB$l r,f, f rvi{t-qeirr,r.-dioil '.,,.r t;. )at ,'. .,'/. rSA.cl-_,., ai)l): aiiJto.t*:-:ite.lO-te p()1f: a jtilig u!efs t-_,::ee cll c-nqrnE !o.Jrn€r1,:r.r lrerlal al.Jlo rref -.,orlL]o s ena:i [Cr]k tflrouoh t,ouble!hootrnU sl{:rlrri. arliit,notrnc} lF,e noecl llr, o ioptirp .o*rp!te. Wf, ,rkosials enria)i:l I i],<s,cn Cir4tro: sistem s t\e oDtioi o, choice lct .eCu.j,nit 6alssrcts a$]Poat o$tril)i?r,rli lhll :ntef(rt,o0 freti4,een the Sercs Frve Raoine I\Fe2 otr i,lfr ia{ o apltril lrnd lh€r lTar.,keahr srrDcl eC 3' v!.)- i\Siln) (.otir.i::t to nrrr ^lori e'rB:,j,r):rs arril:o.tcE evei os er)q ne sperjo iJoii. llrel u,n:i Fnriroqterri{il :r.iai tran! C riU.iiJ{"- @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Documenr: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 '.\i:rr. llll, r) ri .,lrr:ir'' , - - .]!'- )L .,!L 1,,.1]-.i1.'l ':'r rl -r '.-1.., iri t, :r,r-'rl,!j r,),1/ lt I, @ Emissions Test R@ort Snapper Facility Datq December 6, 2023 Document EMi23-1 583-001 RE\, 0 APPEIIDIX C FIELD DATA SHEETS AND COMMUNICATIONS Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 NOT APPLICABLE @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facili$ Datc: December6,20?3 Document EIt#23-1 583-{n1 RE\l 0 APPENDIX D GAS DILUTER VALIDATION CERT]FICATE @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility @ Date: Decernber 6,2023 Document EM-23-1583-fi)1 REV 0 {F1*cttrc.Drllirr ^a)).taa raaba raF.triD, a i*atra laainqr. (6r.r Dilrdor MFC D.t ,toc..l!ll{.1 T?0S*hlWgil O1r* n'"'r""' llrr ltr Gorlrdcrbh Ccrtillcrtc fdDti&.816 il.ad m-2U&lHll-r9r,/f*rrtt t!5 lnorDl Ie I{!5f1, :tbl6?Crrltrtr lb gr$cfl5 3f?t0 Sr? r.ll ?0o tmr t.flm 2.@ !.flm r.m0 t.8,0 6.ffiX) 7.ffn t.qx,o 9.ffin l0.fixn lr.0{m ll,q,00 rt.um r{.oqp r9.{rm 16.fim tr.0fltr ra-om l9.um 0 t,mt0 a0:!10 J.0am r.0r!0 t,05im 6.O?50 7.([t0 '.0rt09.0rm r0.02m u.otm t2.0r00 ll.ax{m t4.e00 rr.ot00 16.fi00 r?.1 r00 rt 1600 tgrru, om00 .0. ta d.m -0.t7 -0,31 {.tt{.{t -0.!9 4.2t.{il0 .0. !t.o'tt .o20 4-r0 {.2'{.r, .0.r, {,s0 .t.15 , t0 t, ,0u l0t, tn t, ,0tt& 6t 70 l5att 90 95 r(p Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Datex December 6,2023 Document EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 {Fti'fltttlltt-'-agrai(tt tefr0t. &tls. t.rr'9! I !.rtr! tr*lnrhrrt {diEit CAL GAS 2 IIIFC Celibrrti,on D* 27{lc}15 tl.dd rmo Srril li:rlrr 931 Ofr$r Brzrcni Certificete Is! Dclo Bloti Xoad m.2f,'l SddNmbr 99r Ac..rrq l9l fr....*T.ItETf 5646il C.de.d|,.ltL 9-!'el5 fftqc 0 STlrflla T6al 0.{roflBio {r 20ta{r0 0lotcn 0 tol:l{to 0"r0lm0 0.60t600 0.609s0 0.?99Jm 0.t900m 0.9960tn l0o6im I t9&(m t zylml I tvr{ru t.{9[un r.t(nlm I nxffi, l.flum l9tyfit 2.0tg{xn o.m 0.0s {.ffi -(,,10 .0.07 .0,06 o,0t 000 0.03 0to 019 {t.?0 o.to ots 0ri 0. l0 .0 r0 ,{1.?0 -0.t0 .tl. ?t '{]9i r030 . ,{ 1{ : sm :.r fg I i I 0m r I t ildnilC..il*trrlb 5 t0 t5 l0 2t 30 3' {{} 4t 50 5' 60 65 m 75 t0 8J 90 95 lm 0lmo 0 t00 0.xm 0"{D{ 0.50m 0.G&0 0.am([rffi 0.9m0 l.flm 1.1()0 t.xm t.vD0 t.l{ul r.5{D0 t,6{n, r.?0m 1.8{m l.Em 2ITIX' r--TiAfr 6F-11EF*f ;'"f.,'lerYi@ @ or't,o* oF AIR "yAttTY Emissions Test Report Snapper Facil'rty Date: December 6,2023 Document EM-23-1583{01 REV 0 iAr6txAllAL toi tra ur4rcxl VConll| V XllrtS:ll m @ilFl6l0l.rr0Crnr.ro. V !0t:15i1 tIIIl Coi{r6[llrPrr ilsmbrr Oidoaltol V l0l,l3sll m CfiH6lfl-S.ridtr[sS.rgil Y l0l l :tlil Om 6iltlclr]-toltsr}rf.l.OUdaa V t0l tS:41 m elflG{.Ftb-ytr t.O-lb5!. v t0l:lttl lilIl @lf6[Sfrlffindorr(ttU Lr.0.20 v lol.lt'{? @ ffxrKlflrr*roryCt l.lildl}.-(rl- Y il)l l$:{ll qnO CO{{lKlrl'StlPPCll't: ltLt,Orilt I tla t l0l l3{l (m A<II'O.CDLPX T l0l.t9:.ll m0 It t{r.dntPH r {ll:Is:tlil O0O }Dlt &(nl tPilr l0l;13:tl2 00m I"Olt*lt(ID[PUI lot.t3{2 m0 cArFits-l{.trtliI Sl tt/U (ED m Prtt.2a.6Pa6 I 3t t5:t32 AD AGAS"AnO IfilJarffiI{At*If$I l0l:ll:tt 0s T+L*|.iltrt t, T l0l:15:ll @0 IOI ll/Dr?5.l C I $l:13;12 (Dffi llltrlt6S.5 }ltV I tr1:15:12 (X)0 rill[*l!:al:10 V uitl V l0l:lSrtll m rilOtl}_t,fpi5l.0 3OO 6f .0 &O to v l0l:trlritl 0m Ot-Otl{_u,$F-.t 0 ar.O t3.0 (0.0 to V 101:15:tl2 (Im Ot-COtrC_RAil6t:!10.0 l0.l to V l0l;15:tll m Ot-pHoro-tttlcrl-OmY,.oll l0rr or v l0l:15:ll 00 SfO-?H,F{r{0Oto f00rl org v t0l.Ut]it m JrD_ne$.rt-t: 113.0 to 30.ml Y xl:lStl OO OB-AS"O|{0to00}t cJD.y Y nt;5:A2 m IIIUEE-(IIAR,O, {Off or0r,l V totl3:tll 006 nril-!{lcf_$tgru03 (Oto Jffilool Y il0l: 15:ill fim $,E-|I{IERVAI,.O l0 b lregtt, Hrr V tot:lS:ilt fiO OAVUGrGAvlrG-txABlf=Orl (Cl}r o, Y Ill:19{l m Ur*UIGt;SfttCIrtllG[ Y 3l:15:ll m0 X fil-ilr8firr.t.0l0.ltgr00l V ft$:ll ffi tlltll-UrffiaGltrdl(Srt0xl V I1:t5:{l f,f Ot-Offll.I.9Of tof.0]Srroodr Y rctuil &00 Ol-srrturr{troro}$rmdcr v .151:13"ill m00 UliI*OrptEl'OO l"rm.0 to rm.Ol V III:t3.lt ffi ftrT_Sltt.l:l ll !o r(tr 3rnroh! V ftlsal @ frr_rgzE.6ltblml3.m9a6 V ll:13'll Om lt"I-ff[Itr:0.O{fXE rOO.0, rtl ror09!:l ?ogr.Et 0f Ec LOoGlc ,fl @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Faeility Date: December 6,2023 Documenr: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 RAIrGIR AilAlYrlCS T700 *09]2 p06f rxr V 3O1:15:12 O00o MACHlrlf,_lo*o{0 to 9199) lO V 301:l5rtl2 UX)O COMMA$10_PROIIPT-"&Id> " V 301 15:42 00m ftSr-O{Al{-lDrC}lASSlS IIMP (t{o{{t,O3 PI{OTO M[AS,O3 P}EIO Rtr,O 3 Gt,t Ref,rtGurATOR PRESSUnE,SAM?rt PRI5SUREJAA,rPU rLtW,SAMprt ILMapSOTO t-AMp [Meo3 t^MP TIMP,CHASSTS rf MP,O3 PHOrC' COilC] V il01:15:12 qX)O hSS_ENABLE{)Ff [OfF or ON] V iXll:15:{2 OO(n DEF-CC-OuIPUr''00ffi0Omm' V 301. 15:tl2 fim PHOTO_UMP_POWIR.45&.0 (0.0 to 5000.0| mv V 301:t5:42 00m tAMp_pwn_[ltA8ll.Ol{ lOrF or (){l) V iXtl:ls:tll flm LAMP_PWR_PIRIS:?a.fr]{0,01 ro 1(m.00} xours V 301:15:12 fim tAMP_Off _DttAYr!.$Q (Q.g! to ?0.m1 S+conds Y 301. I 5 :'12 m(n [XT_VALlD_DtLAY'50.0 I 1.0 to 300. 0) Sroodr V iXll:15:il2 (mO Rtf-SDfV_tlMtl'3.0 (0.1 ro l0O,O) mv V 301:15;12 00{n Pil}l*L[.r'IGTH=11.96O (0.010 to 99.999] cm V ll0l : l5:{2 fl)OO 8O)(-S[I'$.0 5 O ag.O (0.0 to tm.Ol OrtC V 301:15:,[2 m(n 6AS_MOL_WEI6HI=32.@ (1.{D0 to 99"9991 Mol\,Vt V l0l:15:12 CXm SERliA[-nUMS[n.'932 " v 301 . I l:12 0000 OISP_lr{Tf NSITY=HIGX (}llGll,Mt D,lOl r,DlM) V 301:lS:12 m0o EC-R[Sff-fil 8t-t-Oil(OFf orOt{} V iX)l ] 5:il2 frAO CIOCI_|ORMAI e' IIME riH :Ili J6S' Y 301.15:'12 UnO t CTORY-OPT=6(Oto21a74836.71 Eltrlag D Ust D 301:15:42 IXDO CONTROI-_ll{_1.Oft O lX)1:11:42 flm CONIROT_IN_tr;OFF O !XlLl5:42 0000 C0ltllnot_rN_3:Oft D 301:15:42 0000 CONTnOt_lN_4-OfF D 301,15:42 (XXIO @NIROI_lH_5=OfF D il0l:15:{2 fim COilIBOL_lN*6.Ofr O 30t:15:tl2 0000 C0irn0t-lll-7,OrF O 30lrl5;lZ 0000 @llTt0t_ltl_El0ff D 101:15:tl2 Oq)O ONIROT_II{_9=OfF O 301:t5:12 OmO @xIROt_lN_10=OfF D !i01 l5:il2 O00 COltlIROl, lrl ll;OfF D i!01:15:il2 OmO @ilTR0l._lll_tl=Of F D il01 :lS:il2 00d) CI)fi rROt-OUr_l.OFr D il01 ;l5ril2 0000 @f{TR0l._qfr_2=Off D lO1:lS:12 0(trO COilrR0t_qrr_3=Of F D !X)1:15:42 fim COilTROt-Ot T_r-OfF D !lO1:15:t2 IXEO COI{T80[_OU1_5=Of f O 301r15rt1tr 0000 CONTROL_OUT_6*OFF O t0l:lS:12 tmO CONTR0t-0uT_7.Oft O iXtl :15:l? OO(I) CONIROT_d,JI_8"O'F D 301:15:42 0@0 CONIR(X_OUI-9.OfF O iX)l:15:tl2 fim CONTnOI_OI T*1O-OfF D 30t:15:.1 0(XX, COilmOt_OUI-lt-Of r o t0l:1532 0@0 CONtrcL_OtrT_12:OrF D 301:15:42 OOm SI_SYSIIM_OI.Oil D 30l:15:tl2 Um ST_C L_AgrlVC=Ol{ D 3Ol:15:.2 O(ID 5r-O!A6_irKDt.0[f @ Page 3 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 dFlflfJ,lti" lrrri.rr r.rllNi Ltrrtr.nr.ki r lrrar.. '..r..btar aorr.., CAL GAS I MFIC D.0 ?-Ofl-13$.-l r?(tr S.rU lthrb.r 9tl Oprar Beear 0e5 * Ccrtificetc fr D.do! Bl(,!l M3.La DC-2M Sdrl llrrlrr 997 /ttt }l(! lrt Trrtdr ?t ltlifl t0,6t1{iil? C:rtcdrr Drr 9-3+lt StrcL u ST?nlt 760 0m {61 4?t 4.,.6 .{}.t9 .{.71 ".t].66 4.0e a.sa 4.15 4..to 4.15 om 0rt 0.3J 0.6(, 080 0.95o$ o.rxl 0.6J 000 ot0 420 {ro -'l.a o6 0. 16 ol ilsllrCcrollrtrb rffih 0 t0 l, lo 2SI}t, lo a5 5{' 5' (o 6J 70 "t5 m E's 9' l0 o o 0100 0 02m 0.ot(x) O"l),ltx) 0.orff 0"0(& o.o?ln o.oto0 0.(m) o"tmo 0 ilo) 0 t20 o.t}{l0 o. taax! o ttn 0 1600 0.t?e o.ttoo 0.1.r(J o,tm 0.ot l!60 0.0? I t60 0.ol tJr0 o.oat?90 0.ort560 0.06rt10 O.07ll?tr o.lnt(r0 o.o,l5fil o.tfiilx) 0. r t0300 0. r2frIm o.129?00 0.r t9t0f 0,141il)0 0.rrtao0 0.r6u00 0.t 7&00 0 l*lxti 0.t9t7m @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Dato: December 6,2023 Document Eif23-1S93{01 RBI 0 APPEHDIX E GAS CYLI HDER CERTIFICATES @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Documenl: EM-23-1 583-00] REV 0 CERTIFIED STAN DARD-SPEC Custoriler: Part No.: t-l0x: :Y:lT F:Ex^FLUoRTDE: iffixJ':::,cxiEE: oRo;;;il"", IIITRCGEN: ffil vorurne: lrffiilup:" [mx] haterial: lll ilillIilil il E N_q lf{c ENYKqNMENTAL sERvtcEsx05Nt93C15A9DK5..-'''b \ ll llll iI I lltililil I ililt lfiililililff Mole % 5014 PPM 5.020 pPM 5018 Pl"M 5CI13 PPl,{ 5023 PPM BaIance 145,0 cF 163-402516552-t ccs4237 Aug 16, ?02S il.{T-15A$GS60 (CAS: 25s1{,24| (C.t$r 630{84} (CAS: 10102{3'9) (CAS; l&9E{} (CAS;7727'3I"9) dW Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date. December 6,2023 Document. EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 ;il#mr Certified Standard 5.0 pcrn &hnoe Ittarnlng 0 ffixrm pRESflJRE; MAV Ex,toDE rF HEArto. MAyD$rqdrsffiryd0,i T'oil. l[t:: l-:*rorrde 1000 ppm pi * *,*,lil-;::ffir.* ; protca rrom rudrhr sN*n &,il d tthytene eOO ppi tlno,o ffiru*[H*1,,,n**,,,ryffiffi ,nnu,,..u"''{ffiil'}I;ffisffiffiffi @ Errrssioirs Tesl Reporl Snapper Facilrty Date Decenr:e'6, l;-3 Docur-r.ient EM-23 '1 583 001 REV 0 [P[SR$I0S0[ $Iffirrnn [ot]t!?6I lruedurr +/- 0.$l';fit { Itou* Do not u$e cylir{er belcw 100 psig *tsn^ Cerlilication ou;,forrned in accordance with "t:^ Traceabl*y i:;6.;i (Muvlor2)" using assay p:ocedures iisted. To reortler this mixture, use part Number: r02r{t87E15A00gc Enpty tvratenar: MT-1$Asssso"; rv",.'tr tnorlatrid Loop Road Toogle UT 840?{ concr $tauufi I3.031,i, Ealnnco e Emlssions Test Report Snapper Facility @ Date: December 6,2023 Document EM-23-1583{01 RE\/ 0 NE DATA Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6, 2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 Test Variables JoD Numbe{ I CS2}lLC Tesl Oele 10f2$2023 Sda xCL Snagper Pa{t EIEreHMS 22565 *3fitr|r &dC!.rrfrd lit_$ $l,twf 3d Oiygm Cmected{9r)oo 0.00 0-60 Carbfi Umoxde lCOt prmv rE.?tt 5it 761 5624! Nfiogs Oxirs (NOrl prmY to-7ts t2t 20.0{t Matham 1CH4). m 5t5.4 s,tzt 6_ti5 Fdmak enyde (HCHO). Dgrw {.2l!.0.204 {.rf, voc rdd iExcrrd€6 HcHoj -N,\rtllS,SmN\iN 14.018 Tdal Hytrtrerbo,rs (THCI 9omv B.tit tlo, s.m Braxlspec,tc FEI Cosqtdil iSSFCLHVT thl8telv irrnm a,5em 4,50.m Fuel Fbrr Rate rofl. SCFH 8rG.m 9J'16.52e 9,2,15.fl, Engm Hwssrws RaftE (BHP) b.ate hoepqas &D Htrss@we{ Ullea0ff 2-zr 2A 2-2si0 Estmled Losd (€sl st $t 90* Hqis Hsathg VaiE d Fuel (HHV) 8TUn3 r.m3 173 towe, H€sbng ValJ3 o{ Fu6l (tH!l BruA3 1 095'124 R+acto.. MMBlu,tr ffiie{. I 11 12t F-Factu {O2Fd), DSCFlftratu I 469,101 tuhaust Flw Rale (Od). SCFH f\lsnigfig.sig]ii\tr e4.213 38{ Emissions Test Report Snapper FaciliU Date: Decembrrr6,2023 Docunent EM-23-1583{X}1 RB/ 0 State of Utah $pg!.tcERr" @xfutu DEIDN,E HENDERSONIlxaCmr Deprtmant of Enviromcntat Qualiry XiE$qlyD. Stdkytwtubaq DrvlstoNor AlRQITAIITY ErfsC-BitdDtua l9f llolt 19$ Wcla L*GCty, UT i&0hgAdllrri P.O.Ed DAQE-AI{1512r0002-A Februery 13, 2023 Kankrlccr Cnnoe Encrg Syrtar, hcorpcdcd 164l C.lifrmi. Strro€t. $lilc,O0 D€mr,OO80202 kcn@cruooercrgy.cqn Dcrr }rt. Pedcr: Rs: Approul Odcc N* Drchanc Drtr CsatrrPurcr Stdin Pnojet Numtcr: Nf61210002 Tho etrcftcd Approal ord€r(AO) i ilcucd to lh€ Notic. of Int€nt (NOI) rcoeivod oo Scptanbc 9, 2042 GurocEncrg Sptcmo, hcepll*lc rtatc rcgircmffi (R307), ad Fcdcrd corpty with the rcquirtrrc u. of thb AO, all nlc projoa cagircr fc thb adion ir Chridrc who ca bc codrclcdef ($5) 29G26$ m cbodo[@utah"gsv. Frturc crrcapmdacc on ftir rhoutd incMc{rc angino.dr nrrc.r well ar tho DAQEmnbcrfiorwn onthc ryprrigtt lmd onthl rciim. of lhfu h€r. l.Io pblic cmcat wcrc rEc€ived Siwdy. ,4.r'bl Bryccc. Bfud Dfurctor BcB:CBjg cq DmFagaalEPAR€gknt @ Tdqt* (t0l) 53C{nO. ru L*rclty, t T tlll,l-iltoo [r99. T.D.D. (Irl) Slcaill4 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facili{ Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 STATE OF UTAH Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality APPROVAL ORDER DAQE-ANl6t2t0002-23 New Duchesne Data Center Power Station Prepared By Christine Bodell, Engineer (38s) 2m-2690 cbodcll@utah.gov Issucd to Crusoe tr)nerp Systems, Incorporated - Duchesne Dete Center Power Stetion Issued On February 13,2023 Issued By ,4r**l Brycc C. Bird Director Division of AirQuality @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Docrment EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 ....,................'........,'.. 4 .-...-.--....*-..5 5 6 ll t2 CONTENTS TITLDISIGNATLIRE PAGE GENENAL INTONMATION CONTACT/IJOCATION INTORMATrcN SOURCE INFORMATION ..................... 3 Crcrreral Dcscriptiql .................................3 NSR C!assificdion.................................. Source C|assification................. Apptcable Fed'eral Standardc ...................... 3 hojecl Description SUMMARY OF EMISSIONS..... SECTION T Gf,I\tERAL SDCTION IT: PtrRMITTED SDCTION tr: SPECIAL PENMITHISTONY Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 DAQE-AN16l2l0002-Zi Page 3 GENERAL INFORMATION CONTACT/IOCATION INFORMATION Owner Neme Crusoe Ercrgy Syetans, Incorpordod Meiling Address 1641 Califomia Src€( Suite 4U) Dem,er. CO 80202 Souroe Contect Name Kea Parter Phone (720)495-3656 Eruil kcn@ca"rsoc€ncrgy. eorn SIC code 1389 (Oil & Gas Field Services. NEC) Source Nerne Crusoc Energv Svstcms. Incotrporllcd - Dudrcsne Data Crnter Porrs Stetim Phlsical Address I N{ile North East ofUpalco Dudresne Counlv, t-rT UTlt Coordinates 567.859 m Easting 4"460,1.10 n Northing Darum NAD&3 L|TI\{ Zone 12 SOTIRCE INFORTIATION General Deccriotion Crusoe Energy Systeme. trncorporated (Cnsoe) has requested l,o opoate a data centsr power statkm in DuchesneC.ormty. Thedatacenterpouerstation*illcontaintwo(2)cornpressorengines.ten(10) gencrator €ngines, and one ( I ) trrbine:, all thb equipment will tre fircled by gas that would odrerwise be flared. The gas comes frorn the adjaceot XCL Facility to dre north and other n€arby locationr. Natural gas will be muted to comF€ssor engines to iocrease lho pressure ofthe gas prior to the mcchanical refrigeration unit (N{RLI). Ihe MRLI atipo out nahral gas liqui& (NGLs), creating a leaner gas to be fed to the hnbinc. Part of thc MRI-I process includes {rc cihylenc glycol (EG) dohydntion units that removc water &om the flukl ctsearn The gas is then dircctcd to the generator enginos and twbioc. The generaton and tutbine us€ the gar as fuel to generate electricity for small data centers thrt will also be located oosite. The NGLs will be stored in pressurized storage tanls bcfore being loadcd offeite. Two (2) diesel-fuel emergency engine gsr€rators will be on site to power the data ceolers should the compressc engines. gcnerator engines. turtine. and dohl'drators go down c if lhere is a loss of ufility clectrical power. NSR Classification Ncu'Major Sorcc - Non-Attainmsnt Area Source Classificatinn leat€d in Uinra Basin O-3 NAA Duchesrrc County Ain Sowce Size: A Applicable Fedcrrl Strrdrds NSPS (Pad 60), A: General Provisioos NSPS (krt 60), UI: Standards of Pcrformancc for Statiowy- Compression lgrition Intemal Combration Engincc @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 DAQE-AN16r2l(xm2-2i Page 4 NSIIS (Part 60). JJJJ: Standards ofPerformanix lbr Stationary Spark Ignition Intcrnal Combrstion Iingincs NSI'fi (Part 60). KKKK: Standards of Performance fo,r Stationan Combustion I'urbines NSIS (Part 60)- (.XXX)a: Standar& of Pertirrmancc for Crude Oil and Natural Ga.s Facilities for which Construction, \{odification or Reconsbuc{ion Commenced After Septvnber 18. 201 5 \t-{CT ( Patr 63). A: Cn;rlcral Provisions \1ar(1' ( Part 63). HII: National Emission Standardr for Hazardous Air Pollutants From ( )il and Natural Gas hoduction Facilitie.s \I.,\CT (Part 631. ZZ.ZZ: National Emissions Standrrds fc I Iazardous .\ir Pollutanls for Stationarl Recip,rosting Intqnal Combustion Engines Titlc \r (Par1 70) \,Iajor Sourcr Proicct Dcscriolion Crusoe has requeslcd a no* major source to house r &la cmter power station. The facility will requirc trro (2) 5-1(} HI1 gas-l-urxl compressor engines. ten ( I0) 2.500 HP. gas-lired gcnerator engines. one ( I ) 13.6"1.1kW. gls-lirgd turbinc, and two (2) 2"fiX) kV. diesel-tired crncgencl engine gcncratom. The source is also requesting two (2) 4 million standard cubic fed ptr day (I{IILSCFD) ethllene gl1'col dehl-drators. each with a flash tanli and 0.55 million British thermal unils per hour ( \[\'IBtufu) reboiler Additionalll-. Cnrsre is rcquesting thre (3) pressuriz.cd natural gas liquids (NGL) tanLs on site. SU\M.1, RY OF EITISSIONS The ernhsions listed belorv are an estimate ol'the total polentirl ernissions from the source. Some rounding of unissions ir p<xsible. ('ritnir Pollutanl Chansc (TPY)Total fi'PY) CO, Fouivalenl l8-3-153.00 Carbon \{onoxide I I 1.42 Nitroqen (Xides 96.59 Pariiculatc Mrtter - P\[. Prdinrlrre f,llhm - PI\f.,7.17 Sulfur Dioxidc 4.88 \rolatile Chcanic ComnormrJs 36.61 Hazardous .{i r Pollutanl Chanpe (lhny'vr)Total 0bdrr) ,{cdaldehrde (CAS {75070)4240 -{.crolein {CAS { 107028)3S60 Bqume (Includins Bcmme From Gasolinc) (C.AS ,71432)2!X0 Elhvl Benzene (CAS i 100414)100 Formalddrr''de (CAS c50m0)1340 Generic HAk (C.LS nGfL{PS)L120 Irlethmol (C..LS ri67561 4600 Toluene {CAS 1108883)I060 \r'lcns (Isornrrs .{nd \ Iisture) ( (-AS I I 3i0207}380 Chrnm ITPV)Total flPY) 'l'otal H-AI\10..l{l @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Documenr: EM-23-'1583-001 REV 0 D.\QE-.r\- l6 l 2 I fin2-21 Page 5 SECTION I: GENERAL PROVISIONS .{Il detmrtrons. terms. abbrel'Btlons. and reterences sed tn thrs A( ) conlbrm to tllose usod in the U,\C R307 and 40 CFR. l.'rnluss notcd othcru'ise. rcferenm citcd in thesc..\O conditions refer to those rulils. [Rr07-10 I I I hc lunils s$ lonh m tltls AU shau nol bc e\c&dcd rvlthoul prror apprcval. lR{07-401| .\lou[rsatlons lo lhe qupmml o'r pfoclTs€s approved bv thls .\( ) that could allocl lhc emissions covered bv tftis AO must tre revieu'ed and approved. lR.i07*lOl-ll l..l rUl reiior(s relerenceo ln Ins ,-LU or m omer appttgble rules. $nlcn are requrnsd to be l(epl b] the ou ntr opcrator, shall be made arailable to the Direclor or Dir*tor's represenlath c upon requlst. and lhc rs;ords shall include 0re tuo-1car priod prior lo the date ol'thc luqucst- l'nlcss othcru ise specfiod in this ,\( ) or in other applicable statc and fcdcral rulcs. rccords shall bc kupt for a minimum of tu o ( 2) vcars. [Ri07J0 l -81 .\t all trm€s. rncludrng penods ol startup, shutdolrrL and malfunction. ownen and operatos shall. to the $itent practicablc. maintain and operate anv equipment approled under; tlris .{( ). including associatcd air pollution r:ontrol cquipmml in a manner consistqrt sith good rir pollution control practicc for minimilng missions. Determination of rrhcther acu:ptablc opealing and maintcnance procodures aic bcing uscd u'ill be based on inlbrmation ai ailable to thu Dru;tor utich mar include. but is not limitcd to. monitorins results. ooacitv ohsenations. revic\ ofoprrating and maintenancc pro*durcs. and inspcclioriofthc soui.ee. 'All maintunancc pcrformed on cquipmr:nt authorized trv this AO shall he recordcd. [R107401{l t.6 lneotrrer,opqatorshailcomplvu,ttnti.-\( t(iu/-ttt/. (rencral Kgqulrements:trealidolrns. lR3o7-ro4 t.1 I he owncr opcralor shall omply with Ll-,N- R.1(17-150 Scrius. Emission Invenlories. lR.l07-l sol l.u I he o'lrner operator shall sutlmlt documstlahon ol the status ol caflstructron or moditlcation to the Diretor n ithin I 8 mrmlhs from the date of this .,\0. This .\O mav bermre invalid if construclion is not rnmmencrd within l8 monlhs from the date of this A() or if rpnsauction is discontinued for 18 months or more. 'I'o rxsure proptr crcdit when notif ing the Direclor. stnd the dmmmtation to the Director. attn.: NSR Scc{ion. [R107-l0l-l8l - SECTION II: PERIVIITTED EQUIPMENT II.,.\ THE.I,PPROVEDEOI.]IP]\,IENT ll.A.t Duchsne Drtr ('entei Power Slalion \.2 r$o (J, ( 0mprBsor Lnglnes Raring: 530 IIP. each Fucl: Nahral Gas Cmtrol: Non*elective cataltlic rcductim (NSCR) NSPS'\[q,CT Applicahilill: {0 (-FR 60 Subpart JJJJ,4O CbR (t3 SubpartT?.7.7. @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6, 2023 Document: EM-23-1583{01 REV 0 D.{QE-AN16r2lm02-Zi Page 6 u.a-r I GD ( lu) u€nerrlor lln8rnes Ratinc: 2.5()0 HP. rrch Fuel: \atrral Gas Control: Non*elective catalltic redrrction (NSCR) NSPSi\,IACT Applicatrilitr,: 40 CFR 60 Subpart JJJJ. .() CFR 63 SfipaiZZZZ il.A.4 'l wo (Z) Simergenqv l|ngine Generalfr li€ls Rating: 2,94 HP(2,0ffi kW), each Fuel: f}isel Control: Titx 4 Final (40 NSPS'\,ACT .4pplir:bility: 40 CFR 60 Subparl IIII. ,!0 C]'R 63 SrftpartZZZZ II.AJ une(I) lurDrne Rating: 13.364 kW ( l-33. I MMBe.t.tu) Fuel: Nainal Gas Control: SohNO* (low NO, bumers) NSPti Applicabilig: 40 CFR 60 Sutryad KKKtr( II.AO I'wo (2) Ethyleoc Glycol (!-G) Ueh!'(fators Prrcessing Rate: 8 \Il\tscPda-v Erhaust \iotilation: Still Vmt u-A 'I so (Z) t oilcrs Rrting: .r 5 MMBtrrhr Fuel: Natural Gas Location: EG Ddrydraton u,..l.6 I hree (J) rrsisurrr€d storrge I anLs Capacit-v: 30.0fi) gallons, each Contents: Natural Gas Liquids (NGL) SECTION II: SPECIAL PROVISIONS REOT'IREITENTS .dND LI}IIT.4TM:\S not allow vilftle emrssrons tiom tlre natural 8as-trtEd englnes brbine to e(ceed 100'o opacity. [R307.401-81 60. \{€thod 9. [R307-l0l-8] lhe owneflop€rator shall llse only nat&al gae a$ I cngines, and the 2,500 IIP engines. [R307-4Ol-8] @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-00i REV 0 D.{QE-AN16l2lfin2-zi Page 7 l.u. t.c I ne oBnerrop€f,ato( shrll equrp all naturalaas lred engrnes wrlh a non{electve catah'trc reducfion (NSCR) de!,ice to mnlrol cmissions. [Ri07-{01{J II.B.2 Stict Tesl Conditims l.tt.z.a I ne onrer/opcrator shall not cnrfl mffe tlran lhe lollor,rlng ral€s and concenlratlon8 lrom each ol the indicated soucm:Source Pollutanl (g1bhp-hr) (lb/hr) 530 HPConrprersor Eagines NO- 0.15 0.18co 0.-1 0.35v(x- 0.02 0.02 2500 tlPGencr.tor [ingin* NO" 0.15 0.8jco 0.3 1.65\'(x 0.03 0.1? l.?.6-14 k\1, Turbine N0, 0.-i-1 13.3.1c() 0.20 8.1I\'(x' 0.12 4.65 lR3074ol-81 lt.5-2.4. I r- omPurnoe rJcmonslrallon To demonstate oomplimtx with the emission limitations abovg the owner'operator shall pcrform sl.ack testing on the onissions writ according to thc stack tcsting conditions containcd in this A0. lRi07-165-2. Ri07{01-81 Lr.b-z.a.t lnauil le{r The owner oDrrator shall r:onduct an initial stack test on the emission unit rvithin 180 dars after starrup of tlxi emission uniL lR.i07-165-21 ILts.2.a.3 Iesl lrequeocl- To denronstrrte compliance u ith thc N( L limifs. the orrncr operator shall condud stack testing to veri-l\'0re NU, erniss'ions. l}re own€f, operator shall conducti strck test ofl each cmission uniigithin one ( l) vear after thc date of thc most rcLEflt slack tcsl of each trnission tmit. tlmn denronstralion ihrougfi at least threc (3 ) annual ts.sls thal the \O. limits are not being eiceeded- the o$nerfoptr tor maY rcqucsl approral to conduct stack tcsting ltxs frequentlv than annually. To demonstrate compliane with the CO and V(Xl limits. lhe owner,operator shall co*rducl a stack test on eaeh ernission unil within thrc< (-1 ) l ears after the datc ofthc most recent stack tst of the emission unil 'Ihe Directof rnav require the owner.' operator to perform a stack tesl al any time. 1R307.{01-81 lt.[i.2.b I n-e osnerropefaror slrJl conduct any stacli t€sttng lequird bf- this A() a(Tording to the following condirions. IR107-4Ol-81 il.lJ.z.b.I i\oItnceIrcn .\t least.10 dals prior to conducting a stack test. the own€r,'operalor shall suhmil a siource lest protocol to the Dira:tor. The source test protocol shall incluile lhe items contained in L107- 165- ,1, lflirerled by the Dbector. the owneroperator shall attend a prelst conf€rence. IR-107-165-3. Ll07-401{l il.tt.2.b.2 I esltng dg I esl ('ondrtaons The ou'neroperator shall conducl testing according to the approved source lest pfotocol lnd arxording to the test conditions conlained in R-107-165-4. [Ri07-165-4, R-i07*m1-tl @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Documenr: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 D,\QE-.{Nr6 r2rfiX)2-li Pagu 8 II.lt.2_b.3 Acc?ss The owneriopcralor shall providc C.)copational Safetv and Heal$ .{dministration (OS}L{)- or \.{ine Safewlnd Hcalth .\&ninistratiori(N.tsHA)-apioted acrrss to lhe tcst location. [R307-.101-81 |.tt./.b.4 Keporung No latcr tlian 60 davs aftcr mmolet.inr a stacli tett. the ouner @crator shall submit a urittm report of thc results from the stick tciing to the Drector. The ieporr shall inclu& r'alidated rcsulls and suppcting infomtion. IR.107- I 65 - 5. R.i07-J0 l -8] l.lt.2.c l esl lletnods \thcn performing sl,ack tcting thc owrcr' oporalor shall wc thc appropriatc EPA-approved test methods r* acceptable to the Dircclor. ,{ccr;ptable test methods for pollutants are listed below. 1R307401-81 lt.tt. t-c Standard t'ondallons .q.. Ternperahrre - 68"F (293 K) B. Pressure - 29.92 in Hg ( l0l.-i liPa) C. .{r'eraging'l'ime - .ds opeified in the ap,plicable lesl method. [40 (}R 60 Subparr .A. 40 CF-R 6.1 Subpart .,\u R307-4Ol-81 il.t5.2,c,1 N(,t 40 CI.R 60. Appcndis A. \tethod 7: \{ethod 7El or other EPA-app'oved testing method as acreptable to ihe Dire-tu. [R107-l()l-81 lt.b.z.c,J Y(,('$ Cl'R 60, Appendtx .{- \{ethod 18: Ntethod 25r \{ethod 25.{: 40 C}R 63. .fpp"rt4il 4 N{cthod 320: diother EPA-approvcd testing me0rod as acceptabls l,o the Director, [R307-401'81 lt.tt. z-c.4 C(-, ,10 CFR fl0. .\ppendix.{ \lethod l0 or oths EP.{-app,roved lesting me0rod as acceptable to the Director. I R-107+0 l -8 | Ilt{Discl-F-ired Irlmersff o llnrine (;drerator ti€l Rmoiremenls lt.IJ.-i.a The orrner,t)p€rator shall not allo$ viEible emlsslons lrom the dresel-ltred emergenc} engmcs to esceed 20oi' opacity. [R307-fOl -8] ll_iJ. -._ t)I'he owncr.bpqator shall not operate each 2.9,1.1 HP (2000 k\l') etnergencv generator €nglne on site for more-lhan I fi) houn pti calcldar 1'ear for maintcnane chcclis and ruadinrxs l,esting. Each 2944 IIP (2.0fi) kW) einergencl geireratorengine on site may be operatcd for up to 50 hours pcr calendrer ycar in non*mcrgcncv situations. .{n1 opr'ratior in non-emergcttcJ _siuutiiru shall be c6umed as pan offtre 100 hours per calcndir year for maintenanice aird testing. Thcre is no time limit on ths usc of dtc cngincs during mgorcics. [.lO CFR 6-i Su@rt ZZZZ Ri07-10 l -81 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Documenr: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 D.{QE-ANl6l2l0002-2i Page 9 ll.IJ.-i.b. I I o detemrne complBnce rutlh tlle amrual operatton luntlatio[ rgcords documenting the operation ofeach emergencv engine shall be kept in a log and shall include the following: A- The date the emergency engine wm used B. The duration ofoperation in hours C. 'f-he reason for the emergencv engine usage. [40 C'I|R 6-1 SubpanZZZZ- R3074Ol-8] ll.tJ."J.c lo detennlne lhe duratron ol opcratlo[ the o$nef, operator shall insbll a non-rc-setlable hour meter for each emergency engine- [40 CFR 6.1 SubpariZiU.7.,ll.l07-401-81 u.D.-r.s I he osrer'oprTalor shall lnslall a 2.944 HP (2.0{X} kW ) ernergenc}'englne tllat rs c€fldied to meet a controlled N(.). ernission rate ofno gruater than 0.50 ghp-hr. 1R107-40 l-81 il.tt..a.o_ I I o oemonstrats compltance wl$ thq abol,s condrlton. lhe orvner, operatof shall ettier: A. Or,r'n'operate a stationary intemal combustion engine which has obtained Tier 4 certification as defmed in .10 CFR 1039.801: or B. Conducl an initirl performance test acc<xding to 4t) CFR parr t0-1* or C. Nlaintain lhc manul'actrueds <rnissiors guarante€ for the installed engine model. 1R307401-81 Ll.tf--1.d.^L ror cach 4.9/f4 HP (2.000 l(\4') figlne generator on slte. lhe owner'op€ralor shall mamtain records ofengine certilic.atioru 0re initial p€rformance test. or lhe manufadurer's ernissions gurant(rc. IR107401-81 It-IJ_-J. e I hc ownerJoperator sball (mlv llse dtesel luel (e.9. fuel oll n I. ,2. or dtesel tuel oil addilt\.e8) a.s fuel in the stationan diesel tngine. [R107-l0l-81 u.u.-.r.1 lhe owner/opqator shall only combu$t diesel tirel that meeb the delinition ofultra-low sullir diesel (trI-SD) as found in 40 CFR I()90.305. [R307-t0l-81 tt.D.-r. t.I o demonstrale comphanc€ \rrth lhe ULtjD tuel requrement. the ouner;operatof shall matntarn records ofdiesel fuel purchase invoices or obtain certification ofsulfirr content from the diesel fuel supplier. 'Ihe dies'el firel purchase invoices shall indicate that the diesel lirel moets the UI.SD requirements. lR307J0l-81 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2O23 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 DAQE-AN1612lo0o2-41 Page l0 ll.lJ.4 I[fmitorino Rmuirments of tr'uritiip FmiRrioni {Lerk l}ettrriion rnd ReDrir) ll,tt.l}.t lhe ownefloFrator shalldsvelop a n*luve eml88rond monltonng plan. AI a mmrmum. me plan shall include: A Ir,lonitoring frequency B. I\{onitoring la:hnique and eq0ipnent C. hocedunes amd timeframes fc identi$'ing and rcpairing lealis D. Recordkeepingpractices E. Calibration and maintrnance p,roceduree. lR-30740t-81 IL.IJ.4.a. I Ihe plan shlll address moiltonng lof 'Sulrcun-tGmonlbr' imo -'ulsare{o-monllol components. [R307-t0 l-El ll.Ir.4.D 'lhe oEner.,bperator shall conducl mo0rtonng surve\5 on slte io ob6€n'e each "tugltsve etnssnns cornponent" for "fugitive emission." .4, "Fugitirc ernistions component" means an)'conponeflt that ha6 the potential to emit fuciiive emissions of YOC. ialudinc but not lirnited to valvcs. cormeclom. or€8sur€ refiddevices. opcn+nded lirEs. flarrtes, covers and closed vent tpterns. thief hatches or other openings. coFpresso{rs. instrutnents. and melers. B. "Fugitive emissiors" are con{dered any visihle ernissions obstn'ed using optical gas imaging or a Method 2l ins$rncnl reading of 500 ppm or greatet. lR-307-l0l-8I II_U.4_b.I Ibnrtonng sun'e]s sn ll trc oonductep accordtng to the lollor+mg schedule: A No later than 60 &-rs affer stftup of production as dcfined in .10 CFR 60.5430a l]" Serniannually after the initirl Fonitoring sun'ev. Consecutive sqnirnnual monitoring survevs shall be conduded atleast 4 months aparl C. Annually afla the initial mortitoring sun'ey for "difficuh-tomonilor" components D. As required by the owner/opSatods monitoring plan ftrr "umafe-lo-motrittr"componenls. I lR-107401{I ll.tJ.4.b,2 Monrtonng sun'els shall tte conductql usmg one or Doth ol Lhq lotto$lng to cstcct ru8flrle eruslons: A. t)pticalgasimaging({)Gl)erluipmenL C)Glcquipmentshallbecapahleofimaging gases in the.spetsal rangs for the compound ofhighest caocenbation in the potential fugrtrve emrssrons B. lr{onitoring equipment that mpets tl.S. EPA Nlethod 21. ,m CFR Parr 60. .ippendix A 1R30740r{l @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facili$ Date: December 6,2023 Document EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 DAQE-AN1612r0002-23 hgc ll PER]I{ITHISTORY This Ap,poval Order shall srpemede (if a modification; or will be based on the following documenls: Is D€rived Froflr NOI daled Seprembrr 9,2022Incorporates DAQE-MNI6I2I00O2-22 dated October 24.Nn u.5.{.c ll tuglt ve emIsstorl8 ar€ detected rt any tlm€, thc own€r.'op€rator sha[ r€patr tll€ lugilrve ernissions componenl ,s soon as poesibb brn no bter that -10 calenda dap dler daecrion. If the rcpair or rcplacemcnt is rcclrnically infeaeible. would roquirc a vent blow&wn. s wsll shutdoun or wdl shut-in, or would be rmsafe to rcpair during operatior of 6e rmit the repair or replac€ment must be completed &rring rhe next well shridown. well shut-in, after an unsdte&led. planned or ernergency vent bh*'down or nithin 24 rnonths, whbhever is earlier. 1R307401-8I U.B.4.c-I 'l]le osnef/operator shall resurvey lhe rEpa[€d or r€placed lugitive ernr$Erorrs component no lster than 30 calendar &5n afte the fugitive emfosbns component ux rcpaired.[R107-l0l-81 Il.lJ.4.d Ihe owneflop€ratof shril marnlarn rocord8 ot the tugftft.e emrsslons rnonrtormg pla[ moflilonng survqls, repairs, and rc*uweys. [R30?-4OI-8] @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 DAQE-A\]t612lm02-21 Page 12 ACROTryMS The following lists commonly used acronlms and asocialed tsamlations as thev apply to this documeot: Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations Approval Chder Best Arailable Control I'echnohgy Clean Air Act Clean Air Act Amendrnents Classification Data Slstan tused by Environnrental Proteclion .{garcv to classi$ sourccs by sizeqpel Continuous smhsions monitor Continuous ernissioru monitoriqg slstan Code of Fed€ral Regulationa Continuous moniloring stf, tern Carbon monoxide Carton Dioxide Carbon Dioxide Equivalent - Tille 4o of the Code of Federal Rcgulations Parl 98. Subpart,'\u'Iable,\-l Conlinuous opacitl' monitor Division ol' Air Quality This is a document lracking co& for internal Drision of Air Qrulily use Emironmental ltolecrion Agency Fugitive dust control plan Genhouse Gas(es) j'Iitle .10 of the Code of Federal Regulations 52.21 (bX49Xi) Global Warming Polential - Tilb,() of the Co& of Federal Reglations Pot 86.181& 12(a) lfu zardous air pollulant(s ) Intent to Approve Pounds pcr l,ear \{admum Achievable C'onlrol Technologr lt{illion llritish "ltennal thits Nonattainment Area Nalional Ambienl Air Qulirv' $rndards Natioml Emission Standards for tlazardous .{ir Pollutants Notice of Intent Oxider of nitrugen i.r"err Source Perfornrancc Slanfi rd New Source Review Prrticulatc maocr ltss than l0 nirrons in size Particulate maoer lcss tfun 25 nicrons in size Prevention of Sigrrificant Deterlrration Potential to Emit Rules Series 307 Rulcs Seri€s 307 ' Setion,$l Sulfir dioxide Tille fv- of the Clean Air Acl Title V of the Clean.q'ir Acl Tor per year Lllah Administrative C'ode Volatile organic compounds 40 CFR AO BACTc.{{ c,{-d{ CDS CE\{ CE\{S CFR c\Is CO COr COre c()\.{ DAQ,ITDAQ D.{QE EPA FDCP GHG GU,? tL{P or IIAB ITA L&I? IUACT \&tts'ILr N,{-{ NA,\QS NES}IAP NOI NO, NSPS NSR PIt[o Plvt.r PSD PTE L307 R^307-l0l SOu Tille t\ Tilte V TPY UAC \:(x: @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 APPENDIX G RAW DATA @ @ d8 c.lo C) F.rt 6loo\ (ool(t,o oq ssloc{ q orc{orN 0q \o \o$ oq F\(r' @F. @og 6or)It oq C'itsto(?, oq l,,lr)\o!l oq Or$6si @oq \o(o \ohq roroD <, oq orN(os@ oq (r\r\ F.og F.\o Or(rr\o og No6oorq 6lhDF.ol oq olrot\o(,oq !t\o CD cnoq lf (v) \o\o Orq (t) (Y' \o q Nott Nq G) CT C.rq e,eoc!I rn c.lot C.lNq c{ o.N @sf clr Gi r)Dt.\oNq c! @soroor e.j Or6stor6 c.i \o cr)N Ort. @ aj NDo66 oq N () F.si co oJ (ot <rlocf, oq 6l Fol o c.i \ort CAoq N stI c\Ioog N NIc\l C'T( F- 6i olr|.\oor@r: N or @@ F.F.N Gi ol C}co\o F.\N sIc! @F. c.i rt)(\I(l @h F. oj (r) moi6\oF. ci @o\rt F.r'. c.,i q(o rO 00t. c.i C!oF-s$lo o.i @oi ct,\o co Gi E E CLooo N o @ f-. cd No* ot+ l- o 8c) C.r l- @ (t) rJ)o+ <t(ao (Y' @aoi \o (,r r-- o\ tlf, (Y) F..o cq rc, rlr€s @N\ F\ @(t, c{@ @q sF\ ooq (a rO(o o\o6 <; Ot(,oNoo r- \C)r.o(o @(f, (vi CA t{o\t o oft @ 6l(f + o\o t e.r N (Y)(o(',o (Y) o\ co6 co ch6\* ort Nb(o 6+ N(,(o b a.i aoNo\No\o e.,i COo(Y)o\o cd !tot(r, F.aN E Eo.o. oz q co cno\o r- c{tJ) (7) F. olri @(oo\o 6o lr) NN(t(o aoF.ri c{@(")|r) Orold olt or CTF. @ .O stNo6 @ r-f.. Nsl @ @ \o ((; @ot66 NF-rt cost crl(Y' 6l @ 9 ostt6 F\ t F\(Y, @rOts o ra) co€ri r\(oooo(' @\orts(Y'a6 66\o @ora @ rO|r) (7' \o|ori (o co @ort.<tr, ot F.ot F.0-tNF.ori oN (o F\6 o cr)lr)$\o co crj\o @(oDor C\tio c(; 1' Eoooo (r)r\s\ (7' C.I c{m6 aaq tJ)o tr, F.or\q @ o(o \oI 3 lo(> C\l6(tq N N @No F. (r.(rt ro @o r) oN ooF. F\\tso N CD c\roa t{ @r.. @ E F.o olcGIstq \o N co \o(Y' {ooo 6F.I Gg c{o a @ @ C!o F-6 €@@(Y'(ntr-6 @tt GItr)tl'. c.i6 r\ co(DItN ((i F- ort/) oFo siN c7,(r,o Nq OrF\ l'. 6ooq (Y)o Nrtl'.!td (fJ F\ @oolo\ot\r-(9 (r,(o F.riN 6e No o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o caa. o E C' oq, EF olt, Cd (o c{o c.l lJ) 6lo oe olr (f) c{o c.l rr) c.l o co\ (7)NoN rr)N o NIor (a e.loN 6 N o (v,I(noNoN roor o .qe(rr o c.{oN r) e.r o 6co ct,No aa 6c{o rOIor (f, c\to N 6 No F\I(n at) C\Io N o No (oIo (o saoc! 0No oiI CN (o c\loc! r')(\l o o o. (o(to c\, rnc{ o o' G}c{oN roc{ o c\r O'ooro C-I 6 cv o o o, (o Nool rt GIo $ o' (t) Noc{ r,) c.l o n (,t (o c{oN rr) c.l o o o (o e.loN 6N o r-a ol cf)Nocl l,r) N <) @:c (Y, C\to6t o C\t o orIor m(\loc! l,)N c> of!or (o c{oN 0No c! C'T(,c!o C.l ro No (ao NYur.: E, @ 3Ec(7)LtoE9oo(7)N(l,J Efr Eo E =ooo toooE*' e(l)l=LC)'tEPrrEb ',cLoo.'= (uECTrJ U' @ r\ CA@ (f,q r+ or(, @(oq <t6 oIq \oc{N(D (Y'q ortl.r,F.tq sfr\F-Nbq hr-N 6q olr,\ot\oq ro c\,1 \oq @\oDr')@q F.6roalNq (Y' @@oi@q i(ntor F-.q lJ) co\oo\q oio oq oroor (rrq \o(,Nr) Orq C{€o@F\ctrq oro(Y'roog c{ o6rot.oo e.j c{C{rt @ o a,,i @$o o Gi @$Jo o ^i $otF.oo Gi @t a <)6i (oocoooro c.i rl)t.(, G'C!q c\I No olr@I Ch 6i Fi(o bor e.i o\IF.Ito ..i @() @co C4) Or ei 6Ir@o(Y'or c.i oIlooc o.i r,, @6lc{@o ci D<t\o @ci $tcoorutec! @6 @\o @ 6i or\o @sf(a6 ci $l l-.tiooll o.i (3ro(\lNq 6l co\or\\oc{or c.j roI @(",o c.,i ( F.@G'@ CA c.j oit.stolcoor f.i \o6:t o t'J €F\ @(aq (v, F.oC{roc(r) oi \cr6l,, F.qo € e.l@orco (, cll C.l c; o o6o N N6 GT N c{(orott-q @ (r'l'.o .Doa@ NF\NoF.\t F. Not6a \C) oro@ 8q o! 0 <>(n r-. lr) c.i oll \C)\o @Nri (n co\ort)6 (rJ n(Y, sri \o C'I e.l\4,(ha \c) F)o\oF.tF.ri 6l6* c\ao\\o a.i r,r+ 6\o orN orF. c\lo tri @o\6roNrJ) ('J |...D1..(9a ool 3rr,or c, c\lF.(tNrl) u? crr(',IDIN 6tto 6(, (fi olo6lr, (Y) C! ui <tot'tF.ri st(rr snl\ri (,6r-o\ !(' .t(') (,(")roL, @stoc{ 6or(ot,6o o'(o c\Ior\o@a(7' or{|lr)oc\tqo NoF-\o(o F.o o Or C'T l/)ri @c\llo F.@olt oro\o\ctNNri 6(o @r..C{ri (, rr,o \o N3 rnt\t(, N\o{ o(, rr, 't N @ o\sfri ro CDoislc{F.s ttF.tl !tri b (7'\ot.ar,) rt (f,(rro (7' .o or(nsftDod ch(Y' f..N@!t t, rf ot (o rfi c{ F\(o f..s rr, 6F.6\os r-o!oolllot. I aocot.F.+ N\o6 \olo 6l.@ (Y'stNF\ CO cr.r\ @t@F oia F. rI)€66oo .+o or(?,or\(\lq 6ll\o @ COlr,o N c.iF. @tN@ @ori @ lr,o{(o c.lo('t @ FCIoorr)(o cior @€F.(t, \oq F\@ 6roo€\o GI cdN \o(oN6N cico \oo F\qoo \o o e O,\t orlJ,r,,(, FJt,) trt@oNlo(v, cda OrF)o6oh $6 F.!t6!)r,t-6 \tOr eo(\J ('i F. F. (o @o\t c.irl F. Dtto F..l.r (o g t.(\t F.@ trq6u) (v,t,('i @ ooC{6 6lo ci@ no@1o E ror\ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Nq!(ri oGIo C.r 6 N o (o s!o (9NoN lr,c! o r'l' s!olr (Y'c{o N t, No oq! or(a c\ro(\r h N o \C) s!oi (7'c!oc! r,)oro l'.g! or(', c\loc{ o C\' o oq.. or (Y' Noe{ 6(\l o Ors!or (Y)(\Io GI()No o s?(rl (i' s,loN 0 C\to g? or(a Noal 6(\I o ctg! clr (Y' C.to C{ lr,(\l o (9 q? cn (Y) C!<) GI rn N o sg? <rr d)NoN lr,N o D c?ol (r) c.loc{ U) c\l o \ono (o c\Ioc! 6 C.lo F.q? C't (a N(l Nr) c\lo cog?o(,c{oN rn c.l o Org? or CONo(\l rt) No o :q ol (v) NoN 6 N o sol(, c.loc{oc! o Nso (7'c{o C\l lr,c{ o con ch (Y' Nt) N ln No tsor (t, C\Tocl 6 No 6ao(o c\,1oc! l,,c{o \osOr (r, c.loc{ lr)6l o (f) oNqg \OF8Fc(f) EEoocoC{oi Efr Eo E C)oo troooE,6.e(I,:=r-o'(o 9l!0boooo.';o EEUJ LT) @ N (qNq N oN@o(tq N co\o @Nq N n(Y)t(Y'slo 6i lr,st(o r(' <2 c{ @t6N6o c.i $( booo ..i DoN0tq N (Y, or C..l Do 6i c\roc.lr,ao si oro@(Y' F.q N n\ocl@og N aa Noo oiF OrooI F.F.N(o(, Gi oi(a 6 c.)r..(> si qo oiq N sl(o arr €oq N GDt.Noo c.i @6lc'l(oo c.j cntoio c.i F.c\lloD a.i @(rrlr,o ^i (f,c{r. ai F.\oo(')s ri (o(r)oo (rJ otsr\F. ('i otNor GJ @\o 1r)N cJ(o Oto\C\l c\Ic{ ci <fN@(7'q (v) \o F\N\ooc! o F.s \o @c! o or\oc{ C\t(r, d; Or C{(rrNtc?o olr @o(7' @ o? (r) aeoNI tr,c{ @or, c.j N ooora(q or @o6tod c{o{ @o\a(o (t)\oNF.a(o s'(ar- CO@a(o (?, F-@c\lFa(, @o(7' C.IOrao 8n €ao 6(,oorooci C{oF.t(v,lr, d; boo(r,oq (?, @\oI(o N 6 c{6(7'\o F.o\ c.i orF.$ tco 6i Noi(o roNF. d @ 8 roa@ or6t @\o (x; N!i cotr)ora olr\ortoir.@ ci (v,\o(9\oDrt) ci oh (Y'(,o\(a ttNo\ori o E o-oo @Nct,t.(r' a? CO N@ot.6 6i \o (Y'oNt-q co F.(Y) Nooq \o For N@co cd c{ oq (Y' (r,bo{ 8(fi tF\ \C)(o U)6 c.i F. coq :t o@ o- oi\o U) @o G, 6@!+r\NF. \o <l co I3d n F N ri l,)(Y)o 6,1o(o .drt (Y)(\lc{ot- (rJo @t@lo N 6 Norr..o\@r.. .o ot.U)o\s ri \o@stc{ 6ri @c\rr..u) co(!ri \o\oNroN@ $ (?) CO(,tNd o Eectxoz \or\ GTF-oo? G) or oN(o si(o COr..@!t@ CA Iro @F.co@rtodo (, @cn@ u'? 6o6Nlr)f..j c{orN@\o{ toolc.lsla<t YC{orolr)st* 6N ott @ .+ \oo\ooot .+ NF. 3o. @ 60tcoo@6l a-\o 6 @ CA c\lri @ @(r!str\orq 106 C{o FNori (7' t cr\Nttt (v) (v) lr) or@rtN (rJst c.l C.lc,\o C.l(r, *ort aort'.(rr(aN o.i-l @\to Orqoo F.o aor\@ eio C{l'.o(o @q olF. o Eooo(J r @lr,N ci$ @@F- 6co O,r) N\o6\o Na{ \o \o(ooo 1.. .o(t, ro ol, CO\ @r') @(7',..o6-@ (?, (7'c! lo r-(, l'-(o(r,ot r.tJ) sr,) No coc!o6 \ooosl (, Cdt C!6rott (f, cit? (f o o o o o o (,o o o o ae No o o o o (>o o o o o o trs 6l! (7'c!o e.,l 0c{ o @t6lr (7) C{oN lr) N o o9(rr oNoN roN o (,n(rt (o Nc) N 6c{o D O' (v) c\to(! rl, GIo N Y?or(,NoN V'No (, 9.or (DNoN 6c{ o $6o (o s.lo GI lr, C.l o 6 Y?ol(,sloN nNo 10@ o. (oc{o c.r l,, No F. Y?o(t c'loN lJ) C.l o or)o rt,N(f 6t 6 C,l o C{ :, E, CL Eo U'o EF \oIo (oNoN 6 c.t o F-eo (t, a.loc{ lr) C! o @eo (oNoNt, c\l o oPo oNoN to c.l o oao (v) C{o c\r rr) C.lo :o (Y' c\Iosl rr)c{ o N c, (v, NoN rt) C.r <) (o-o (7' C.loc{ loslo Iro (,(\lo c\r tn C{ <) nt:o c{, c.'toN |r, c.l o @ c; (', $ro c.r b N o (ao GIqfr" @e 3Fc cr,L@89o 6 Cf'.. c\lo+ Efr Eq) E =ooo troo-od.6eo=r-()'(o9LL.EbU'Og,o.'= (t,EcIJ U) @ () roo Gi \0ort,o c\r ci r\(rr 1,)oc{ c.i olN GO(q o.i @oocl ci (7) @<t o ^i 10o\o @(a Gi @@(otsf Gi N Ol DD 6i {(r, co F-b 6i @(',t-t\.) e.i co @ltto c.i N cor)(o F. c.j oso\or\o c.i rt(ou)o 6i (o o\o!t6 c.i @F Ci' @ c.i (oroo c",i o6nsi @ a.i IoF-oo\ o.i 6t.an@ c.i F.o@o\ Gi Nitro oN oj <l(o rt)o c,i @(,o or Gi otlr)rot.lr,tnri G'6ItNF\t, ai @(r' (Y) t! @@ a; 6N \E)(o orr') ri 6t. <,q (Y' o F(o o\ 10 6; @stNr,)tro (rJ t(fJ\o @tr) \E) GJ (o |r)(r)N 1oq (f) N F.Noro ('J Nrt CN(>loro('i co @ @ro GJ N!i cnr,) @q (", rt $Norq(, ttto\FoF. (?J Nlt @6 c\tf: o (r, E o\r, U) (v) @6!t\(o soto!0rol:(t or\ot.F.\oNri altN\o@F. c; @(t, NlrI ol\o orroc{or @ GJ Na\o(') oq o \o(oo\o\oq (o @ Nto@ri @ CO]r)rr,t r) @6rt€qa @(o(o @oro l- {F-oo 6tl) ai \ot,osioori (7'\t cnN(\Ir)ri sort c.l F.rt)ri rt cor\t c, $@(r) q cor,ot.t,N c.J st\orooo; (o(,Drr) C.loq (o (r, c\ta (f,t\6 .o (?, 6 @(7'rt ot\nF.N ci rtosc)cn .!r' 10(o orco Nl(,{ o F.N @ort t 6 C{N (fi \o E$la(r, st @F\(Y' No ai i+ cooo F.o .f \olntol'.o <, @@@ No ro sf (?, c\a crrIt 6a t @o@@lr, t 6o\t(Y)66 .c Ntt(t,(\rclqo c{@to!i c\,t+ \o @\ooNn .C l'- cr)Nst @ + o@lo t @c.lo CArt(\t D ar, F.rtt(rr co $ r) @ co6F(9 .+ C) Nlt) @ $ NcooNN(r,s ao F.(?, F.st oq (o SI(o 6 Nt F\@F\ crr ln .f €t or6or .{' @tI, r.f)o\o 9 s€cost l'..q (t, cort)(oN$ oro@ @lr)\ot l'.oo\otlr) .+ crr olr,t, 0q (t) olt <)(\I\olr) GJ (v)Ntr, $ \o!i \E,or \C) F.q rltDt,r,,l'- Nsl (t)o*N Nrt ci(Y' @o\o6 Na6t C{ro0o ctrt c.i$ ora6rt F ol'rt F\F.3oi() 'riro ar) <tNll)qo\o (r, Otoro!tlno(o N<) o (7'6l ci@ N c\IIsl <,rt olrt6(Y) 6\oti\o Nnosic{6riD F\6 For\I @ olF\ro(o G'ro .oo ro(t) c't arrD tst (r,r\F- cl Ia oso lr)\td+ it orr\ (v) .t( @Do(r\ 00N <;o @F.@u)\tN l-o cool(', stN ci<t Ntr,6Nost on lr) @ Elt,q tr) 6\o @oc)cri6 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o (>o (,o o o o o r\ ci (, c,lo(\a 6 c\ro @ ci (7' N(5 $l lJ, C{ o or:o (t$lo$r ttt No o 9!o (o(!o6l 0(\l o 9!o (, c\Io o'l o No N s!o (v) NC) C! 6 C.ro (oq!o C' c.loc! ro C.I o tl SJo (r, C\Io C! r)c!o Dq!o (7' 6to N o c.l o ro c!o oNo c\r l,)N o Nq!o (oNo GI r/)t! o 6q! o (a C.ao c.l 0$l o o c!<) (oc!c) c\l b(\' o o c?o oc{o C.l 6 N o eo (', C{o c.l r)N o N s?o (, c.roc! lr,c{ o o c?o (, c{oN ral(\I o !t c?o (?'(\io c\, DNo r) g?o (v) c\lo C\I b N o ro q? o (aNo C.l r)(\l o F\eo (', c.Io C! ro No @ c?o (7' No N t, C.lo ol c?o (7'No N lr)c{ o o9(, (o GIoN lr,t\lo -.to (r,NoN u) C.r o c7) oNqd,* \O- .EBC(7'LCOE9 @o(r)c!(l, -l-Efr Eo E =ooo Eoo_ o, G, ut .=o=r- c)'(u9, lr-L_oboo(t, O-'=(tlEc!! (n @ NoF.tocv ci r) coo\rr, C\lc! c,l (Y' F.lr, <o c\l ci @F. @@C! c\r 6i (, @@(v)(r, N si to o C\tN aJ rt C!(oo CON ..j orolr,o6 cJ N rt (Y) F\r\!tc{ ^i (\T 6 @N si F- CD(Y)oi{N ci or@ @(t, b N G; (o(o\o6 6l.i No C'\lr, C! Gi (9 10 c(Y'lr,c! N @ F.NloN ci @o(t(orool 6i F\o c\loF. C.l ci (, nr\F\c{ c.i (r\ @N(o N ci l'.(o or 006t 6i 6 clr l\o\6I 6i orNf\oor o,l c.,i No\6oro(, c.i 6rt(,oq (7' 6 Ctrolr.qo c{6ooror cr, l,, (f) oo6IF.q c) ttNtNl'\q (o o6t.r') coqo F. N1l) @o <> .ql Orl'.F. c)n r) F. cr, O! o+ or(v)(o cooo+ or F\\o @ o+ Ctt F\c{or FJo+ @<t (?, (Y)o.t t G'N(aoq CAoo c\t<tot f..6 o6o t or(tD$o I Oto\6i..to ri t.6F.|.\stot st roo6o+ F\I 66o 'f f'.or(7)6lr,o .+ rr,ol \C)obot \c) 3 CDbo< \o6l 3 F- Gi (n!l<) COro u? o\@(o CA oi o(t, |.-.(?, \o\i .?i <t(rrro1,loF.ri 6n @orF\ (fJ r\(o 6rto l- a 10ostN o N|r,(\l (Y)loo c; o\oorolr)q c{ ol6 F-(9st <; (aq0 CF ri c\l\o ttr)q ro too(o \o6 Gi ro e.ltt6I @ (f) b co\oc! N oNslDc{or di ort F.q o(Y' cooF. ci l'-oo F.Ioi o(r)ot!t d; (Do6 orc! C.J!+o @ CO ro N(olo crr 3 c.j <t @C!c{F\qr) or3r', 6lr C'T C'\ri (',o F-6ri or(Y, (l c.Iri !t or @ rt @t ost @ !fs('i s\ost .: r) U) cooNri @<t(\oori N(f,Nor(aori (ost @coo\6 q ostlf) @too (o oI\(ort (Y) t No@o rnri rt) @o €o(7) cr.at oo\c,r,) (o rJ) c\l oorrtor @ri \o c\a CD(o @ c\tri o F- F.. <fri <GIotsa\o(?, l- Ol6tro co$ln r- \orl(,o(7, ri olo\t 6$l.t t(f) 6 C{c{ lJ) !trorf) sf ciro F.(, |r)o@ r- @ f\rtloolo6 q, h ro<f(oooa,)ri C{Nor @ c\,tott sl @o\t lr) .o@ or@rl,or6q o oor6o;(, co C.loN @o .cjo \0(o orr\\o\o cir\ (v) coF\o \o (.io @@@oI .oro (ostG ao o cd\o Ir,) 00 GO(",q cN \t @c\loroodln t!l c\rorr',q 6\o F-ND€6dio st orttiNritf tl6o\(ri€0got.) s(o(t,(, (f, do orNt,o @lo ci\o t\o Eott <;6 !tlr) sor6 .o\o (t\o\o(:t',st-tf o o o o o o o (>o o o o <) <)o o o o o o o o o o N9o (,alo C.l o No oIo (f) c{o6t lr)(\I o Iso (o c{o(\l rn(! o 6Io (!t GIo c.r rt) c.lo @ :qo (., c{o C.I() c{ o F. -.co (o e\to o.l 6 c.I o @:to oNo CI o e.l o oj o (t) Noc{ oN o o Y?o (o No N nN o Y?o (Y)No c.l lr) No c! t+1 o (oNoN l,)N o (v) Io (a c{oc{ tl)c{ o <t6 c, (t) c{oc{ DNo r,)Io (o No c\t n No @ Y?o (r) c.loc{ rnc{o F\ Y?o (Y)No C.r rt) C\I o @6 c, (oc!6 o,l u, C! o o Y?o (Y'slo N o No (f,I (Y)cto C{ t/) CV o I (?, c.lo N 6 o,lo Nc (t GIoc{ o GIo (t,I (r, c{(> C! ti) c.lo te (,No C.l r)(\l c) rn9 (7) (\loN r/)c{ o cf,,d (f)O(\lq* \o TFc(r)LOO8eoo(7)N(l)i2.231 Eo E Jooo Loo-oE,6.eo)=1-o'(o 2 lJ- .EEoo(t o-'=(EEcI.IJ U' @ iE c{oo @ co(') N @oq or \or\r-. c.i !t @F\r\N c.i voc{ CN6N ai Norrooo(v) (..i \o (\l (Y)o o? c\l coNF\(t, c? (\t co(v,Dor cY (\l @(Y)o6 N(, c\i 6o,.\10 (t $i € @€sl(o 6i GIror\(t C.l(, c.i €o\oos(9 c.i 006o(", d)(o si orlo(9!t C{(o c.j 6oo(?,o e.j @lr)rorntto oi @o roo oi D ll,slt, a? (\I $ot co CO ci l',c! G)oro c? N oF. C'tror,, (f, a.j rt o!or,(') Gi cr, COnr\D(r' ci aeoc{I \o @ (toq (o otI f..o -+ @ @N\o(o { \o (rt(o oro t @ G'ooNot r-\o(t, tDoo Nottr)r\o{ tJ) 8 C!\oo$ N Or GTrtoo{ \o (o\o\lq{ 6l(7' GI @(",oq N G'(, F.(to.f oiN{o .+ \oo@\o(f,o .c (Y)o l,)\o(\Io .d' c{c{or(o o .+ rr, @o o .+ NF\lr)oq (Y' sr cvtll) @q ci, l'.NIt\0 r..q (t, @orl,, (7'r\ olr (rt tt. CA 6i oe{ooo coq (o @ cooo\r\ crr c; o Ecro- C)o 0nr)N c.{ \o F\@rr)rio- 6 orto(r\€T\ 6i ct o cr)€ N(r, t\\t .o @oIo\ N\o c.i or <rr6 orq lt)6 sNc,+ \ooc{no - (Y) \oN o cot(6 F.N c.i <to\o6\oco @ro @ost6 O' \ooiN 3o .o Or(v, u)or .o @6(v) 6NrJ)o I r.. o? ol\ C.lot(ort o ci t- @61,) o?(', l,,rn c{o)\t ('i r-o(f) Nt. c.i @F-|"\oc{@ oi o(Y'o6 l,) c'i (', |r)s6o6; D Eoo,xo2 lr)tl\o @ro (fJN @o\rt olr\o rD c.i c €ttoF\ ti r+t,(rr F.(oro t (\l (Y) F.tost t (?,o(, (v)ori 0 @(f)oori $ cI1@NN { t.rtr-r,€ l,)ri .to t$l6 t,ortor ti c\I(v)<tt6| rri n \tro.t @(o No @o oo @(7' C'Ioorog c! 6t @or O, @ $ c\Iro C'TN ri @tn|.\N @ort (o co oori @to r4)tori mo CObFo\ $ 6 @(r,€ ri @F\oo c\rori o(Y' @oa l/) E Ect CLo C) c\,16l 3a F. o\(t, N\olt) F.o(\t 6l (?, Nodiqi @ r\(o @o(\I6 c.io sco\ot c\I6 F-F\ IrD\o@ a ro No c\l @6 ci6 c{c{o F\ c.lro Noo (oo a.i(v, \0o(o \oqo C\t \otoGI ro (ri{ tF. cr\(>N C;st roFor c6 ci C{ @o(r,o (C,N c.,i6 $ No\l')\t t(r, s NtoF\ O.or (\lo C'TNlno F.lr, 6 \oro F-6 CD<)ov't 0r c,{r}r,) CNro \o 14,ol.t c)r,) ooc! ctlrt C! F\F. c.l<)36 noN{o{!t oc,\o oror,t aQ No o o o o o o o o o o o o o o (3 o o o o 6 o o o o e e(9 6 o, EF N: (,No c\l 6 c\lo (f)- (Y' C.lo N r/) No t(tr (v) No N o 6lo r,,T (t c{o N lr)ol o @- (, NoN 6 e.l o r\: (7' No C{ lnc{ o @r: (tNoar rnct o ori (oNo GI rl.) c\l o o s! (oNo O'l lo c\l o 9! (?, No6l t,6lo N 9! (o C..lo N o No c4'q! (o(\Ioal rt6t o ts! (,t\o 6t 6 No t/) s! (r)NoN o GIo @ s! G'6loN 6N o r ct (ocloc{ nN o @q! (t,sl(5 C.r lr)(\I o ogJ (oN(5 N 6 c.l o on (7'c!oN rr,N o g? (q N(f (\l |r)olo Na (f,NoN l,)No oe o C{oc{ .l)(\l o t c? (, c\ro$l rn c\'o 6a (oNo N lr, c.l o r)oNqg \oEP-ct -i c(Y, Eqo?Ro-! Efr Eo Efooo troo_ (1) &,6.eo=r- c)'(o9. trL.oboo-(,cL'=(UECL!a @ sl ch@D(o ^i @6 $F-o Gi !tr) (or.(t, ci N\oqt.o 6i C{ \c) c,l @r\o Gi {,ro Nor..(t, ci t€lJ)t/) CD(t Gi N @(r, G)f\(o 6i (oNo\o(o a.i sl(",oN(r, ci (obNF.(Y) 6i Iro ooi(', Gi (D F.(0\o ollo? N tt or(o Gi ot.|r, CN(a 6i NoNoor(Y' Gi noGI C.l(n(r, 6i 6l\ot Oto Gi 6nF\ C.loa C.l c{o C\l(o a c\r (, t' l\(t, aN C\to6 oaN @ston sf ci colt)oI.(,6|t a.i oro\o co a N too\o(n ('i r) OrN\oq (f, ttost\o6 chri t @ OJ co(r'q (r) c{ EOG'F N crr('i c\a(?) @@oqo oo o\ crj N(aoqo \o c) orco tri orat otogo r) @(t, @ oqo odrc)coqo Noroorqo so oF. oqr, |.\ @\o lC' @ (.i oro\(r) @ @ oq (,, N (?)(t,(o\o 0g g) NF.Nlr)\o co (ri @o crr\o og (o \oDt.o@q (') ttN @F.oq(, @otNr\q(t NN crr1I)q (o oto\oro 09 (o \o Oro)t.\o oq (?, Not\ rJ)c{o l- (,(',o c\l cn() oro\N 3 F\d Nr-.\o 6\tIo\ c! \t E oc{ c,Nri rnrl) F. N(rr c\i (\t(',\tF.oo ci c{F. ororortt tc\l@tt C'I@ \o c{oolr,ri @N6@lJ)ori @(! $ E F\$r10 c.l CO c.i F\ GIb+ F.(o o @\ F.. @NGItoq f..o$orortri N €choco- c\.1 @t.r, @(Y) c; lo C'I \oor- G; oi co(o\td F. 3 Nn6d cn r.r<to$ o Or6NF.(,r F.. c; 6I(? (9o <;6 coNo @o c.i(o I @ !tq ort @(7) or@o@.t @r-oror- 0g (7) \o r\loo GJ rosto ro GJ r) .+ rDlr,q(t rr,o $oF.('i c{@It\o (Y)a (f, (?)o\o(o orsi c'i tt€ c\IlJ)lr, v c\r(, C.'r\,ost.t io(')Nco (7' cn (') lr) co\o Nrr, ci o ott oq (7' N(Y' @tN\(o @ o(r,o\o t @ttr)d(f, ao o @a (Y) @@rto! U? o\o Nrr)(o @or) ro\o(o \or-ri N st C\lorN6\o('i No(o COt. (.i s c)C!oq F.a (v, @lr)g) F,l(7' +o) roor..c, (7, @do F.IN C'\o@ .oF tt(r,clco F.(', c;\o C\tc{(D @€ cn .o() 6c{h6(r) 6i(o roo 3(\Iq tt @ D .t @ N@\oa \or.o s(r,o Orocori(r) ttf..oooco+N n GIF. (:l @riN \ot)roo CNc\t l-N (o f\ c\a(', co o? o Noc! 6 d(? No(froNn t@ @66 cN(t t-o s!tor(v) (", (r? (r, @ ct,NF\ C'T{N rn(r\lr)tq ro r,,lr, c\a@q (?,t c!or (>I aJ\o st(') 6 \o\o @rnor/) @r,,di o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c)o o (:o o \o c? o GIo OI n C-l o F. s? (a No e.l 6 N o @ q? (Y, Nocr 6 No orq? oNo N bc{ o oI oNo C.r rn N o s (7' c.loor Dc{ o N9 (v, C.roN ta) c\ro oI (a C.loc{ lr)c! c) nt; (?, GIoc{ 6 C!o os (r) cvoN lr) No \oI (7' C.ro$r ln C{o Ns (o c{oc{ r)(v o @s (oNoN |r,N o ( 9 (o aroc! r,)6t o o Y? (oNoc! U)(\I o Y? (,, C.roN rJ) C!o N Y? (oNoN 6 N o c) Y? (a c{oN()N o rt Y? (r, GIC)N DN o 1r) Y? (t, c!o c\l rt No @ g? C'c{o c\t oc{ o a- g? (r, 6to c\l r,, c\l o (D Y2 (r, c{o c\I lt) (\,I c) o Y'l (Y) c!ool rt) No oPc{ (f, No SI o 6,1 o (f) o6lqg \OF EFC(Y' EE(l,o cr)$lo+E6 Eq) E ooo Eoo- (1) E,-,'Ec,=1-o'(o 2lr.Eboo(/Jo-'=(UEEIJ.J O @ coF.6ri \tci 6t(o rc,c{ 6i \o @ (r)\t 6i t\l6 or \t 6i \o o6lt 6i F\ o(Y' Nt c.i n F.o\o C.l$ 6i FTr\@N\t Gi 6o 1.,N6ltt c.i (?, oroorNt 6i oto\t e\t(r,t+ .J |r,(n F.\tN co ai @(o F.ro 60 di o(7'(, 3 oq 6 (o !,) Ntt(D 6; <t @\o(t, co di C'T c\,coo(t co d; o{,l'-6(r, 6q o 6o(t\o(t) @ d; !t s $q o c.lF.@@<i og o F*o @ c\roq o (f, 6lo F\oq @ olN(?N(o l'.. ro or6co rJ)9 F\ \oori oa c oi N(r,tq F\ ( o t,lt) o. €) C\r(Y' (Y' o (on \o6 ci (Dcl(o GI o. orsNoN cd N Noo\ 6\o @r,,orio ot(',oF. t10 @@(r)\ot,rnri (ooF.(r' F\o+ F.@6lool ci (rrn olrNo(t, o Ic{rtolst ri ro(n 6\oor\ d; F-r-C!No @ci 6 N c\o6o\ GJ @F.F-\o @ Or di @tf 6(o or6.t \o @(r,(r, 00 -o o€\o c(,o F\rt CIoL)-\o roor6N ra)F.rioi €ooc{ rnc{ ((i F\ (oD\oF. @(t, ,o N (\lts Fttq l,) oc{o o6 c.irr) F.\oolrt F\o+(Y) 6o l,) r.r, ol. r.r) o o o o o o o o o o o Ic! m6{oN DNo slcc{ (Y' NoN 6 No (t Ic{ oNC] c\r 6 c.ro Ic N (q NoN b N o DP(\t (o$lo(\l o No @Ic{ (,N6 c\r 6 c.l o |.\c 6t q, c{oc{ lr, c.l o @ec! (a C..lo or lo CY o olc C! (r' o,lo c\I r') c.l o oaN (r)No c.l r) C.lo -N (,No N lr,N o c!qg \Or}Fc(osro c7,N(l)J Efr Eo E =C)oo Eoo-(l, E,*o .eo,=L()'(o9. lr L.oboof,o.'=(otrEuJa Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility RESUMES OF I(EY Date: December 6,2023 Document EM-23-1 583-fi)1 RE\/ O AL PROFESSIONALS DIX H @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2A23 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 @lF$firNP Cof,rrontlon. hwv.ba Optffi,don- KIRK ZIKER I Mlsstoi\s TDCHNtctAN t uDll('ATtoN Kelly Walsh High School - Casper, Wyoming -General Education Diploma (]IVII,IAN 'I'RAINTNG e Safelando Hand Tools. Respirator Traioing o PEC Training . Operation Monitoringo MSHA Trriningo Lockou/Tag-out. NSC First Aidr Microsoft Office Suile r Job Safeg Analysis (JSA) r H:SOperationsRescuer HrS Awarcness r ASTM D6348{3(2010) Sturulanl 1'cst btethul lor lktcrminotnn of (iaseous (\mynoult hy l,xtucl,ve l)iract lnlcr{ac'c I.ourter'l'ransfirrm ln;/iured (1.7'lll) Spectrosctqry. EPA Method 205; I'artftctttion of Gas Diluion SyMCnuJbr l;ield lnstru,nc$ ('alibratums o EPA Mcthod 3A-Ddrermitation of Oqgen and ('arbon Dioride ('oncemraio$s in limissiont l;rom Slat hrnry Sowces (hlstrurnenlil Analyer I'nwdure)o EPA Method 2l - l)eteruination oJ'Volutlc Organic (\tmytund (l/(X') lnaks: l'hotoktni:atnn lktector (l'lD) und l.'lamc lonEarion lktector (l-'lD1 . EmCollccr'" - Advanced Data Acquisitisr Softwarc (DAS) for rhe cotlcction of sensitive envimnmental data (.ERTI TICATIONYAF}'ILIATIO:\YACH I f, Vf,,M f, NTSo CPR, AED, ard Basic Fint Aid Certifiedo Forklift LoaderCertifiedo Advanced Pollution Instrumentalion & Tohmlogy T,XPf,RIENCE ln his role as Emissiom Tehnician l, Mr, Ziker is respomible for conduding ernissiom performarrce lestrng and mechanical integrity waluatiofis cn rotating cquipnert (spart ignit€d recipnrcating interml comtnstion eogrn€s - SI-RICE compression ignition recifocsting intcmal comhrstion engines - CI-RICE) locared ar oil and grs poduclion siteJfacililix to emrre compliance with air quality regulatiors (as defined under tlre Clean Air Act) administered by the Texas Commissim on Environmeatal Quality (TCEQ) and th€ United States Envlroffnental Protection Age rcy'(US EdA) (clth€r US Star€s Notwithshnding). @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2O23 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 .llt. hbk Zi*et Pagc ) Additionally. Mr. Zikq' responsibilities eno(mrpas; all aspecls of environmental problern-solving through proccss evaluation facility and equipnr:nt &xign ard operation. Olher responsihilities includc the interpraation of collected data and its organiz:tion &rto technical reporls and commrmioting field obseflations and project delivtxables l,o both {rortr)rate and field-level mainletran€reliabilitl'and eovironmental pcrsonnel. KHY SKII,I,S .\\I) T.\P};RI!]T('E . CTeged Wdot (Ranlias. wroning): ()peate processing equipment bv regulating vales !:ompressors. pump; and auxiliary cquipnent to dire.l prodrrct flow. .\djusl and set knoba, switchcs. ls\,ers. r'alr'€s. index arms. etc. to contsol preess variables such as vacuums. catal)'sts. lsnperah{e. and flo*s. lrspecl and adjust danper controls on hcaters and fumaces. Read and tbllow processing schedules, operating logs. labo'atory testing rcsults to identifl' and alter Jnocers to produce specfied produrs quantity and quality. c trlolor-IIoas (kpl Uioniag). Safelv and cfiicicntll' pcrforms all manual labor tasks on the drilling floor and 8.0.P. area Performs all mairtenance of the equipment and phvsical space of the &ill floor \l,onilors and opq-atcs tlre shaliers Prfonns housekceping aclivities on the drill lloor including washing. "hipping and painting. Troubleshoot equipment crrors. Lislen for unusual noises that signi$ aluipnent md machi*r)'problems. . ljlbdiae Oryaor (Carp, llJlmtirr9. Safelv operated various picrxs of rr;uipment and or machinery to incrrase material ll,ows in cased-hole oil & gas esploration opcrations adhering to all safe{y regulations before. during and after the rvell sen'ice oJxratkrn. lmmodiatel.v reported all mallirnctions to my supcn'isor. Plannql, prcparcd" and coordinatcd well site opcrations. 'lraincd and supervised a crew ofoperatus in the preparation ofthe unit and calibration ofequipment. Acquired a leamers pcrmit and drove the wirclinc unit an0or crrmmercial molor vdricle. to and from rarious locations. IUaintained and cleaned a*signed wircline cquipmcnt and facilities safelv and efficiently. \taintained knor*ledge of thc latest technological changes and operating pror:cdures perlaining to cornpaoy cquipment. lools. and practices to ensure maximum opaating etlicicncv. Controlled the highest qualitl ofscrvicc deliverl'and exosution cffectiraly during all phases of operations. tlandled and u'orlied with oipl<xives. Promptl"v pa'formed assigned reporting and administratire duties lor field opcrdions. accr.natelv md on schcdule. Fmlqed and maintained customff relaiions try,establishing a positive image and conli&vrce in the qualitv of sEn'ices and ssured thc confidentialitl- of all logging operations- Conductod pre.job safe{y meelings. @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2O23 Document EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 (e)rF..$lStNg \=1 lsenvrces 1't F'FAN Y JOLt NG-St ltor{ DISTRICT MANAGf, R, NOR'I'HW 1]ST DIS'I'RICT EDI.ICATION Associate of Science Degrce. Creologl' Casper Communitl' Collcge }II T-ITARY COII RSEWORK AI\D TRAI NI NG . Yeoman'C'Schoolo Yeoman Flag Writer Schoolr ATF Training. lradership Coune CIVILIAN TRAINING. Confined Spre Emrant/Anendant(OSHA 29CFR 1910.146) o Rigging. Hldrogen Sulfide (H2S) (OSHA 29 CFR l9l0.l00\0)o lockout/Tagout (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.147) o Fatl Protection (OSFI.A 29 CFR 1926.500)o Haznat(HM 126)(DOT49CFRPan 17l)o llazardous Communications (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200) . Pcrsonal Protcctlc Equipmcnto Hearing Consen'ation (OSH{ 29 CFR 1910.95) o Emergenc! Response. Process Safet)' Managemento Welding Safe!'. Defensile Drivingo Haaopcr (Opcr.) (OSffA 29 CFR 1910.120 ard API RP 75). Fire Protection. Mcdical Rccordso Forhlift Safet) (OSHA29CFR l9l0.l7t). Respiralory Prdedion (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134)o Electrical Safe$'. Back Safetv. Alcohol and Substance Abuse Anarenesso Drivcr Safc$.. H2S Safer:--o Undcrstanding Unconscious Bias. Fir* Aid Lrvel Io LDAR Tochnician Trainingo ASTM D6522-00 Srandard Tbst Merhd .lbr D€tennirution o{ Nitrogen Orides, (arbon Mononde. ond Ongen Concen,rations in Emissions .from Nalural Gos-Fired Reciprocoting Engines. Combustion I urbines, Bollcrs, snd Process Heaters Using Poaable Analszcrs. ASTM D634843(2010) Stanfurd Test Methd .for Determination ol G'aseous ('ompoutds by btractivv Dwct lnterloce Fourier TransJbrm lnfrared (FTIR) Spectroscop' o EPA Mcthod 205: l'erification ol ()as Dihtion Systems ^lbr Field Instrument ('alibrations . EPA Method 3A-Determitation of Oxygen and Carbon Dioide (loncentrations in Emissions N'rom Stationary lhurces (l ns t ntmenlal Analyze r P rocedurc) . EPA Merhod 2l - I)eterninarion ol'ltolotile Organic Compound (L'OC) baks: Photoionizotlon Detector (PID) @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-001 REV 0 .l I s. I-iffi uy J o I in g-S i n o n I\tgc ) o EmCollecl" - Advanced Data .ltoquisition Solhvare (D.\S) for the collq:tion of sensitive earvironmenta! datao EmRe?ort'"- l\hcroinstruction utilizing i\licrmoftt .\dd-in I'cahnes that compiles collecM data into a report deliverable. Basic Plus3Industrial Salety Training and Certilication ( t,.R I I t.'t(' \ I I( )\S/ \I l, t Lt.\'il()NS/ \('t I il.j\'t,.\tE\t S . CPR. AED. and llasic I'in;t .\id Certit'iedo National Del'ense Sen'ire \,lcdal . Global \1'a on Tcrmrism Scn'ir:e \,ledal. Four Navy\larine Corps Achievemmt I\ledal. 'Ilurx Good ('onduct \{edal. NaW SharFhmtcr Pistol \lcdal. Narl Rifleman Rihhono Two Navyr[{arine Corps Commendation \lcdal I'l-\l)llnl11"\( I: In her role as the District \Ianager. Northrvest Distri( NIs. Joling-Simon is rslnnsible fnr urnducling cT nissions pcrlbrmance testing and mechanical integrity e!'aluations on rotating equipment (spar( ignited reciprocating intcrnal cnmhustion cngins SI-RICE: compruxsion ignition ruuipro"ating intcrnal combustion engines CI!-RICE) located at oil and gas production siteirfacilitisr to ensure complianrx *ith air qualiry- regulations (as defned under the Clean Air Act) administered b1 the \tyoming Departrnml of Entironrnenlal Qualitr' (U1'DUQ) and the United Status Environmental F)rotg:lim Ag€rtv (LrS EPA). Additiorull-'-. \ls. Joling-Simon's responsibilities encompats all aspects of em'ironmental problan*ohing lhrough process evaluation. facility md uluipmcnl design. and operation. Other responsibilities inclu& the interprrrtation of colk*tsd dala and its organization into technical ruaorts. and wmmrmicating field obtenaliom and project delivcrablcs to both crrpcate and field-lqel maintenance.'reliabilitv and enrironmcntal pas<mnel. KI.t\ SKILLS .L\t) l_\Plitiil.\..( ti . LD.4R ttuitoriag Tcchniciaa, Eacim Envirunneatel Servica..lac, Nlcmitored componcnts within industrial facilities u'hile calibraling trxting r:quipment to ensure optimum prxfbrmanc€. .{nalysed data. evaluated situations. and identifitxl problems or opporlunities of improvemcnt, IJer,sloped factual. logical follow-up cours of aclion while considering rrxrourr:]si. constraints, and companv values. Ensured personnel safe! <m l<rcations lkoueh site specific job safery- anal-1sis. Compkxcd md submiltsd rqDrts to Customcrs for EP,\ Regulation Fils. Implonented minor mechanical adjustsnents *hen nectxsan'. Harmed and crDrdinated equipmcnt tcsting schedultx and processes for emploves and Customffi. . f}asryre lldi{ I'olvc Sala RepeseNaive. Ftciao Eavboameatal Sanica. /ac, \t:orked Ckxelv rvitlr dre Encino Employe<x to cnsure safe and propa' lraining t'rx manlift and forlilifl operatims. Ensured training was compleied and up to date. Coordinated betuen Encino and the Customcf, lo ersure all safet'- rcquirerntnts rveilE mel with regards to cornpani specific safr4' standards and Fcdcral sat'ety regulations. Engurcd four gas monitors used <m location werc up tJo date and in calibration. Ilrsonallv. srote the Encino Pressure Reliel Valve Slandard Operating hcxrdurs and Safetv Protocols. hetxscd all papcr*or* and applicatims ensuring Encino uas Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1583-00'.1 REV 0 .l t s. 7' ilfnn y J o I itt g-Si nnn I'ngt.l VR cerlified sigrutvlnC they had eamed a National Board Certificate of Aulhoriiuation to repair presswe reliefvalves. in the shop andor in the field. Evalualed l'acilities and uork aclivitics to ersure complian€ with Encino Safety Ptotocols and site+peific safetv protocols. Participated in pr+job rvalli througfl to ensurc all safety protocols were being mst eiths b-v Encirn Emplovees or plant cnrplolm. Complued and subrniued reports to Customer fm Rcgulation Filcs. Planned and coordina&ed testing schedules for e,rnploleer and ('uslornus. Ficld Eniskns Te&aitioa, Eaciao Envbaariental Srzvica. /ac. Communir:ated widl personnel outside the organizatiorL r€pres€fitin8 the orgaoization to customen" lhe public. government, and othcr external sourcqs. Taughl and instructed o0rcrs how to conduct cmissions tssting to achiere r:ompliancc *ith Fedcral F.nvironmental hotoction .\cncy and State Specfic regulations for both Encino Environmental Sen'icrs and ils Customers. Iianslate( interpree4 and e<plained what information means to others and how it can bc ussd for to msurE Environmental Protection Agerrc.v- regulations are being followed. .itpplied knowlalge of the chemical composition slruclure. properti€s of subslances and industn, stan&rds. and transformalions to accomplish emissions testing. Applied practical use and knowledge ofdanger sigu" production techniques. and dispoaal mahods. I-iaiscd rvith coaporate. field-loel maiilenance. and environmental reprcsenlatircs to cmrdinatc testing projed schedultx and logistics. Evaluated information and used individual judgrnent l,o deiqmine u'hether ernissiors testing complied wilh larvs. regulations. and slandards. Complcld ernissions pcrforrnancc evaluations on slatiunr)' r*ipmcaling inttrnal combustion cngines utiliz-ing mdhods sancticaed by $e Federal Enrironmcrtal ftotection Agencl' locatcd at rcmote ril and gas sites'faoilities. Documenled measurernents of criteria pollutants such as volatile organic (\tt)Cs). cartxn monoxide (COL nitogen oxides (N(')li) in parts p€,r million (ppm). and oxygen (02) in percenl (per Envimnmental Itotection Agency Method 19) from intcrnal combustion cquipncnt. Calitnated instruments prior to sa.h trsting elcnt and rrxordrxl calihration delails and instrument checks. Planned and coordinaled tesling schedule* rl'edJy for dre \lrtoming Olice covering \fryoming, Colorado. and North Dakota. \{ade decisions based ol Jrcrsonaljudgment and considrred the rclalil'e cosls and boefits oltsting cliluls€s to chome the most appropriate solution for Encino and the (hstomer. !\Ionitorcd otrratiors and ernissions indicators to ffiure machiner.v is wo*ing correctly. N4anagcd tirrc and personnel scltcdules to achisve customer goals while following compsny guidclines. Ferformed rhy-today administrative tasks such as mainlaining informaticm liles, pru-essing papcruodq md monioring &ily worli schedules to accomplish Errino objeaives and assist in (lustomer satisfaction. ,HH"Rf'H^t'S^?'!., Ut, @ DIVISION OF AIR OUA''*!T'/ @l ENCINO ENVIRON M ENTAL SERVICES Collaboration. lnnovation. Optimization.il EnarssroNs Tesr Reponr Regulation(s): 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ Pollutant(s): NOx, CO, and VOCs PROJECT: EM-23-1584-001 RR/ 0 Crusoe Energy Systeffis, lnc Facility: Snapper Facility DUCHESNE COUNTY, UTAH DATE: DECEMBER7,2023 DOC NO.: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 TEST DATE: 10/2612023 Emlssions Source: Waukesha 9394GSl Spa*-lgnited Stationary Englne Unit Number: 1318 Engine Serlal Number: 1632554 Crusoe Energy Systems, lnc Contact Name: Michael Duplantls Phone: 832-754-3833 Encino Environmental Services, LLC 20302 Park Row Dr, Suite 1200 Katy, Texas 77449 Telephone: 281 201 3544 Email: support@encinoenviron.com www.encinoenvi ron. com Copyright@ 2023 UTAH DEpARTi4INT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALiTY Ult, l DIVISION OF AIR QUALIT/ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 2.1 2.2 3 4 4.1 5 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 I 9 9.1 FIGURES Figure 1 - Sampling System Schematic Figure 2 - Engine-specific Photographs Figure 3 - Peak Signa! lntensity and Analysis (Quality Analysis) Figure 4 - Minimum Detection Limits Figure 5 - FuelAnalysis Oxygen Analyzer.... ..... 19 FTIR Ana1y2er................ ................. 19 Gas Diluter Validation.. .................. 19 Sampling System...... .....................20 Calibration Gases .......20 FTIR DATA VALTDATTON .............. ...............21 Minimum Detection Limits (MDL) ...................21 Calibration Transfer Standard and System Purge ............21 Dynamic Spiking and Recovery................ .......21 Review of Test Methodologies and Spectral Data Validation............ ....................22 Quality Mana9ement............... ......23 EMISSIONS CALCULATIONS......... ..............24 Emission Rates ...........24 Fuel Analysis................ ..................24 Engine Performance Data........ .....24 RAW DATA ...............25 QUALIFICATIONS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS ............26 ASTM Method D7036-04... ............26 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: Decembet 7 ,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 TABLES Table 1 - Summary of Test Results Table 2 - Emissions Source Operational Data Table 3 - Oxygen Analyzer Calibration and Bias Table 4 - Gas Diluter Calibration Table 5 - Calibration Transfer Standard Table 6 - ASTM Method D6348-03 - Annex 5 Analyte Spiking Technique Table 7 - EPA Method 19 Fuel Factor Calculations Table 8 - EPA Method 19 Emission Rate Calculations Table 9 - EPA Method 19 FuelComposition APPENDICES Appendix A - Single Point Sampling Regulatory Justification Appendix B - Manufacturer Engine Data Sheet Appendix C - Field Data Sheets and Communications Appendix D - Gas Diluter Validation Certificate Appendix E - Gas Cylinder Certificates Appendix F - Engine Performance Data AppendixG-RawData Appendix H - Resumes of Key Environmental Professionals ill@ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 ABBREVIATIONS 25LB /ISLB 45RB AETB AMSL ASTM BACT bhp BSFCr-xv Btu CFR CHr ct co COz crs DAS DGB DOM EPA F-Factor FTIR HAP(S) HCHO rcE LAC LDEQ LELAP LNz M MACT Two Stroke Lean Burn Four Stroke Lean Burn Four Stroke Rich Burn Air-Emissions Testing Body Above Mean Sea Level American Society of Testing and Materials Best Available Control Technology Brake Horsepower Brake-Specific Fuel Consumption Based on LHV British Thermal Units Code of Federal Regulations Methane Compression lgnition Carbon Monoxide Carbon Dioxide Calibration Transfer Standard Data Acquisition System Dynamic Gas Blending Date of Manufacture United States Environmental Protection Agency Fuel Factor Fourier-Transform lnfrared Hazardous Air Pollutants Formaldehyde lntemal Combustion Engine Louisiana Administrative Code Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Louisiana Environmental Laboratory Accredltation Program Liquid Nitrogen Thousand Maximum Achievable Control Technology @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7 ,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 MCT . MDEQ MDC MDL MM MMBtu Nz Mercury Cadmium Telluride Mississippi Department of Environmental QualiU Minimum Detectable Concentrations Minimum Detection Limit Million Million (MM) British Thermal Units Nitrogen Oz NDDEQ North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality NEA Noise Equivalent Absorbance NESHAP(S) National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants NIST National lnstitute of Standards and Technology NMED-AQB New Mexico Environment Department - Air Quality Bureau NMHC Non-Methane Hydrocarbon NOx Nitrogen Oxides NRSP Non-Rule Standard NSPS New Source Performance Standards Oxygen ODEQ Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality PBR Permit By Rule RACT Reasonably Achievable Control Technology RICE Reciprocating lnternal Combustion Engine Sl Spark lgnited S0z Sulfur Dioxide spm Scan Per Minute STP Standard Temperature and Pressure TAC Texas Administrative Code TCEQ Texas Commission on Environmental Quality THC Total Hydrocarbons TISMC The lntemational Standard Metrlc Conditions VOC Volatile Organic Compound @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 KEY DEFINITIONS Brake Horsepower (BHP) Centroidal Area Compression lgnition (Cl) Concentration Adjustment Gas Turbine Fourier-Transform lnfrared (FTIR) Horsepower (HP) ldeal Gas Law lnternal Combustion Engine (lCE) Linearity Mass-Rate "Shaft Horsepower' - the actual horsepower of an engine, usually determined from the force exerted on a friction brake or dynamometer connected to the driveshaft. The central area of the stack or duct that is no greater than one percent (1 %) of the stack or duct cross section. The area has the same geometric shape as the stack or ductl. Relating to a type of stationary internal combustion engine that is not a spark ignition engine. Emission limits outlined in air quality programs (New Source Performance Standards, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants) are expressed at a given orygen concentration, which require that pollutant concentrations measured in the stack are adjusted or corrected to the appropriate oxygen level. Pollutant concentrations for boilers, heaters, and ovens are generally corrected to three percent (3%) oxygen, whereas engine and turbine pollutant concentrations are corrected to fifteen percent (1 5%) oxygen. "Combustion turbines", are used in a broad scope of applications including electric power generation, cogeneration, natural gas transmission, and various process applications. Gas turbines are available with power outputs ranging from three hundred horsepower (300 hp) to overtwo-hundred and sixty-eight thousand horsepower (268,000 hp), with an average size of forty-thousand, two-hundred horsepower (40,200 hp)2. The primary fuels used in gas turbines are natural gas and distillate (No. 2) fuel oils. An internal combustion engine that operates with rotary rather than reciprocating motion. A technique used to obtain an infrared spectrum of absorption or emission of a solid, liquid, or gas. A unit of measurement of power (the rate at which work is done). "General Gas Equation" - equation of state of a hypothetical gas. A heat engine in which the combustion that generates the heat takes place inside the engine proper. The property of a mathematical relationship or function which means that it can be graphically represented as a straight line. The rate of discharge of a pollutant expressed as weight per unit time. t EPA Method 7E - Determination of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions From Stationary Sources (lnstrumental Analfzer Procedure) 2 CC Shih, et ar., Emissions Assessment of Convenlional Slationaty Combustion Systerns, Vol. ll: lnternal Combustion Sources, EPA-600 /7-79429c, US Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH, February'1979. ? Final Repul - Gas Iurbine Emission Measuement Prcgram, GASLTR787, General Applied Science Laboratories, Westbury NY, August 1 974. @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 Minimum Detection Limit (MDt) Programmable (PLC) Sample Probe Spark lgnition (Sl) Logic Controller Spike Spiked Sample Stationary Reciprocating lnternal Combustion Engine (RICE) Volatile Organic Compounds (V0C) "Method Detection Limit" - the minimum concentration of a substance that can be measured and reported within ninety-nine percent (99%) confidence that the analyte concentration is greater than zero (>0) and is determined from analysis of a sample in a given matrix containing the analytea. lnterchangeable with MDC. An industrial digital computer which has been ruggedized and adapted for control of processes (parametric monitoring) or other activities that requires a high degree of reliability, ease of programming, and process fault diagnosis. Glass, stainless steel, or other approved material of sufficient length to traverse sample pointsl; exhaust gas interface. Relating to either: A gasoline-fueled engine; or any other type of engine a spark plug (or other sparking device) and with operating characteristics significantly similar to the theoretical "Otto" combustion cycle. Spark ignition engines usually use a throttle to regulate intake air flow to control power during normal operations. Dual-fuel engines in which a liquid fuel (typically diesel fuel) is used for Cl and gaseous fuel (typically natural gas) is used as the primary fuel at an annual average ratio of less than two parts diesel fuel to one hundred parts total fuel (< 2 parts diesel to 1 00 parts total fuel) on an energy equivalent basis are spark ignition engines. A known mass (concentration) of target analyte added to a blank sample or subsample; used to determine recovery efficiency or for other quality control purposess. A sample prepared by adding a known mass (concentration) of target analyte to a specified amount of matrix sample for which an independent estimate or target analyte concentration is available - used to determine the effect of the matrix on a method's recovery efficiencys. Any internal combustion engine, except combustion turbines, that converts heat energy into mechanical work and is not mobile. Any compound of carbon, excluding carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbonic acid (HzCO3), and metallic carbides or carbonates, and ammonium carbonate ((NHr)zC0s) which participates in atmospheric photochemical reactions6. 4 40 CFR Appendix I to Part 1 36 s Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program; QA Glossary of Terms. United States Environmental Protection Agency. 6 Definition pursuant to 40 CFR Part 51, S51.1 00(s) (as of October 30, 201 4); Federal Registry Standards / Vol. 73, Friday, January 1 8, 2008 / Rules and Regulations. vI Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 ABBREVIATED UNITS OF MEASUREMENT atm BSFCr_xv 'c ccm cm-1 .F g Standard Atmosphere (See Abbreviations) Expressed as Btu/bhp-hr Degrees Celsius Cubic Centimeters Per Minute Reciprocal Centimeter Degrees Fahrenheit Gram g/bhp-hr Grams Per Brake HorsepowerPer Hour GWP Global Warming Potential HHV Higher Heating Value; Btu/scf hp Horsepower kPa Kilopascal lb Pound(s) lb/hr Pounds Per Hour lb/MMBtu Pounds Per Million British Thermal Units LHV Lower Heating Value; Btu/scf LPH Liters Per Hour LPM Liters Per Minute Percent ppb Parts Per Billion ppm Parts Per Million ppmd Parts Per Million by Volume - Dry Basis psi Pounds PerSquare lnch psiaus Pounds Per Square lnch - Absolute psig Pounds Per Square lnch - Gauge scf Standard Cubic Foot (Feet) scfh Standard Cubic Foot (Feet) Per Hour scfm Standard Cubic Foot (Feet) Per Minute torr A unit of pressure used in measuring partial vacuums, equal to 133.32 Pascals tpy Ton PerYear vol Volume @ vilt Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December7,2023 Document EM-23-158+001 REV 0 THIS PAGE Y LEFT BI.ANK @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 STATEMENT OF BASIS On10/2612023, Encino EnvironmentalServices, LLC, (henceforth "Encino") was commissioned by Crusoe Energy Systems, lnc to perform an emissions compliance test on a 2500-hp Waukesha generator stationary engine designated as unit number 1318. The internal combustion stationary engine is located at the Snapper Facility in Duchesne County, Utah. The geographic coordinates for the facility are 40.263580 & -1 10.1201 10 (approximate). Sampling and analytical procedures employed during the performance test were pursuant to Forty Code of Federal Regulations (henceforth "40 CFR) Part 60, Appendix A and American Society for Testing and Materials (henceforth "ASTM") methodsT. The primary objective of the test program was to determine actualemissions of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from unit number 1318 and to verify compliance with the emissions parameters of 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ. Deviations from methods in this testing program may include single-point sampling (centroidal area). This is a common practice with an established precedence when sampling stationary engine exhaust due to safety concerns. Supporting documentation in the form of a Single Point Sampling Regulatory Justification Correspondence is included in Appendix A. Prior to the sampling program (test project), a stratification test was performed at the test site to determine the appropriate number of sample traverse points. The sample probe was used to measure concentrations of nitrogen oxides (N0x) at three (3) points on a line passing through the centroidal area at sixteen and seven tenths'percent (16.70v"), fifty percent (50.00%), and eighty- three and three tenths' percent (83.307") of the measurement line. !f concentrations of NOx at each traverse point did not differ from the mean concentration for all traverse points by no more than (a) t5.00 percent (15.00%) of the mean concentration; or (b) t0.50 ppm,d (whichever is less restrictive), the gas stream is deemed unstratified, and sample measurements for the test project were extracted from a single point - from a position that closely matches the mean concentrationse. Typically, this method is used with two types of pollution instrumentation - single, or in tandem to determine stratification (instrumental analyzer and/or FT-lR). 7 ASTM Methods lncorporated by Reference (lBR). I EPA Method 1 (or EPA Method 1A) - Sample and Velocity Traverses for Stationary Sources e EPA Method 7E - Determination of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Stationary Sources (lnstrumental Analyzer Procedure; Section 8.1.2 Determination of Stratification). @ Page 1 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December7,2023 Document EM-23-1584-00'l RB/ 0 lf the stack effluent is observed to be then a multi-point'rake'probe was used with orifices located at sixteen and seven tenths'(16.70%),fifty percent (50.00%), and eighty- three and three tenths' percent (83.30%) of linelo. Michael Duplantis of Crusoe Energy Systems,coordinated facility operations during the test and provided supporting data such as the analysis and permit information. No major deviations or problems occurred the emission test progfam. 10 Table 2 to to CFR Part 60 Subpail JJJJ - Requirements for s60.4244. Tests; demonstrating compliance in acordance with @ Page 2 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 CERTIFICATI ON STATEM ENT lcertifythatto the best of my knowledge: . Encino Environmental Services, LLC conducted the collection, analysis, and reduction of all samples.; . Ihis repoft reflects the results of the testng conducted on 10/26/2023 and has not been altered, enhanced, or biased in any manner.; , Encino Environmental Services, LLC collected and reported the enclosed data in accordance with procedures and qualtty assurance activities described in this test report; . Encino Environmental Services, LLC makes no warranty as fo the suitability of the test methods.; and . Encino Environmental Services, LLC assumes no liability related to the interpretation and use of this data. K{rloZ{ler Richard Ziker Emissions Tech I Encino Environmental Serviceg LLC @ Page 3 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7 ,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 QUALITY ASSURANCE GERTIFICATION STATEMENT The Air Emission Testing Bodyll (AETB) should deliver data of known and documented quality on a consistent basis regardless of the test method used. I certify that to the best of my knowledge: . Iest data and all corresponding information has been evaluated for accuracy and completeness.; . Sampling and analyses have been conducted in accordance with the approved protocol.; and reference methods; and . All deviations, method modifications, method deviations, sampling procedures, and analytical anomalies are summarized in the repoft. %-ry*?rys*"o* Tiffany Joling-Simon North District Manager furcino Environmental Serviceg LLC 11 ASTM Method D7036-16 - Standard Practice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies; establishes general criteria for a Quality System that, when followed, assures consistently acceptable data quality from an AETB. @ Page 4 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7 ,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 STATEMENT OF RECEIPT AND ACCEPTANCE By signing this statement, I acknowledge that I have received the emissions test repoft for the Snapper Faciltg Unit No. 1318; an emissions performance test conducted on 10/26/2023. I have been provided with the opportuntty to read and comment on the data contained in: Documentilo.: EM-23-1584-0U RAn 0. I hereby ceftify that I have personally examined the data and information contained herein. Based on my rngurres of the individuals immediately responsibre for collecting the data associated vvith this project,l believe the contents of this repoft deliverable to be true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Company Representative (Client) Page 5 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 1 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS The final emissions results (detailed) of the testing event are presented in Table 7 and compare requirements, provisions, and allowances of the applicable governing regulations and standards. The table below provides a summary of the mass emission rates and pollutant concentrations (adjusted) from the testing eventl2: Emissions Summary 1.1 Purpose The purpose of the emissions test is to meet the standards of performance for stationary spark ignition reciprocating internal combustion engines (henceforth "SI-RICE) and the emissions limitations and testing requirements for RICE (engines) with a brake horsepower rating greater than 100-hp per 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ (>500-hp for general State Compliance obligations). 1.2 Detailed Scope of Work Encino conducted the following scope of work for the emissions test: . Configured sampling system; r Validated engine data from manufacturer nameplate; . Recorded weather data; . Recorded fuel meter readings and operational data; . Affixed sample probe to exhaust stack; . Performed stratification analysis of the exhaust stack; . Performed sampling system calibration, bias, and quality analysis; . Conducted three (3), sixty-minute (60-min) test analyses ("runs"); . Validated spectral data and test methods;and . Compiled emissions test data and final report. 12 Regulatory and/or permitted emissions are represented on both a mass-rate basis and in parts per million (by volume; dry) basis adjusted to fifteen percent (1 5%) orygen (engine and turbines) and three percent (3%) orygen for boilers, heaters, ovens, and other eriternal combustion equipment. These representations demonstrate compliance with regulatory and/or permitted rates based on two (2) mechanisms of data analysis and fulfill compliance objectives by representing emissions data in multiple formats as required (and allowed) by the Program Administrator. @ Page 6 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 1.3 Assumptions No assumptions have been made regarding any source operational conditions/parameters which may exist at the location. 1.4 Special Terms and Conditions This report has been prepared in accordance with the Proposal for Air Emissions Testing Services and generally accepted environmental methodologies referred in 40 CFR and contains all the limitations inherent within (methodologies). The engine located at the Snapper Facility was "tested as found"13. This emissions test cannot wholly eliminate uncertainty regarding the source's performance before or after the test was performed. No other warranties, expressed or impli€d, are made as to the professional services provided under the terms of our agreement and included in this report. 1.5 RegulatoryStatement At least thirty to sixty days (30 - 60 days) prior to the Emissions Performance Test for the source described in Document No.: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0, an Emissions Performance Test Notification was submitted to the appropriate Agency (Administrator) in accordance with 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ and the requirements/provisions outlined in 40 CFR S60.8 - Performance Testsla. lf the Emissions Performance Test described in Document No.: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 was postponed, rescheduled, or delayed due to operational issues or inclement weather, the appropriate Agency has been provided with a retest notification at least seven days (7 days) prior to the new proposed test date. Each Emissions Performance Test Notification - provided to the appropriate Agency, includes the following (at a minimum): r Name of Emissions Testing Laboratory (firm); . Date of pretest meeting (if required); Description of instruments, analyzers, and equipment to be utilized; Description of methods and procedures to be utilized during sampling; 13 ln accordance with 40 CFR $60.8(c) - Performance tests shall be conducted under such conditions as the Administrator shall specify to the plant operator based on representative performance of the affected facility. The owner or operator shall make available to the Administrator such records as may be necessary to determine the conditions of the performance tests. Operalions during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction shall not constitute representative conditions for the purpose of a performance test nor shall emissions in excess of the level of the applicable emission limit during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction be considered a violation of the applicable emission limit unless otherwise specified in the applicable standard. 14 40 CFR S60.8(d) a a @ Page 7 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7 ,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 o Procedures to determine operating rates and/or other relevant parameters during the sampling period; o Parameters and key data points to be documented during the sampling event (emissions test); and . Proposed deviations to the prescribed sampling methods. Therefore, the Agency has been provided with the opportunity to comment on the proposed methods, procedures, instruments, and practices which demonstrate compliance with 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ - prior to the testing of this source (Document No.: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0). lf a response was not provided to either Crusoe Energy Systems, Inc or Encino Environmental Services, LLC, the source was tested in accordance with the both the Emissions Performance Test Notification and testing requirements listed in 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ. A copy and transmittal (including shipment trrcking and receipt confirmation) of the Emissions Performance Test notification submitted forthis project is located inAppendix0of this document. For all other inquiries pertaining to the contents of this report, contact: Encino Environmental Services, LLC Attn: Operational Support 20302 Park Row Dr, Suite 1200 Katy, Texas 774r'9 Office: Electronic Mail (email): support@encinoenviron.com 281.201.3544 @ Page 8 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 2 SAMPLING SYSTEM The sampling and analysis system and the appliance for exhaust interface utilized during the test program is shown inFigure 1 andFigure 2 of this report. Detection principles of the analyzers can be located throughout this report. Hot and water-rich effluent (contextual-gaseous mixture) gas was extracted from the exit stack (exhaust) of the muffler/catalyst/stack housing on the unit through a single point or multi-point sample probe located on a line passing through the centroidal area meeting distance requirements of 40 CFR Part 60, United States Environmental Protection Agency (henceforth "EPA") Method 1 (or EPA Method 1A), and EPA Method 7E. A shepherds-hook stainless steel probe (or multi-point sample probe; stratification test notwithstanding) three-eighths of an inch (3/8) in diameter was connected to a heated sample line by a wrapped threeway (3-way) bias sample valve. The gas was transported to the mobile laboratory by a heated line - maintained at a temperature of exactly one-hundred and ninety-one degrees Celsius (191'C; approximately 376"F). A heated pump and flow meter maintained a constant flow of five liters per minute (5 LPM) of effluent gas to the MKS Multigas* 2030 FTIR analyzer. The effluent gas sample was analyzed for target constituents, and raw data was captured within a data acquisition system (henceforth "DAS";ts. Upon exiting the analyzer, a portion of the sample was directed to a peristaltic pump (sample dryer and conditioner) where water was removed. The gas was then routed to the oxygen analyzer where the concentration was measured on a dry basis using paramagnetic technology (percent6,y; %o'.y). 2.1 lnstrumentSpecifications Descriptlon: Manufacturer: Model: Serial Number: Technology Type: Range: Reproducibility: Accuracy (post calibration): Response Time (90% FSD): Descrlptlon: Manufacturer: Oxygen Analyzer M&C PMA1OOOL 21 09825-020-1 9060031 paramagnetic 0-25% Analogue=<1%ofspan Digital = +/- 0.1 vol. % Oz Analogue signal output = +/-1 % of span at tange 3-1 00% Digital indicator = +/-0.1 vol. % Oz < 3 seconds at 60 l/hr Fourier Transform lnfrared (FTIR) Analyzer MAX AnalMical 1s Encino Environmental Services lnc. uses EmCollect* Advanced Data Acquisition Software (proprietary) to comply with method- appropriate sample analysis and data collection procedures. @ Page 9 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 Model: Serial Number: Technology Type: Range: Spectral Resolution: Scan Speed: Detector Type: MAX-IR 00398 FTIR Spectrometry Between 10 ppb and 100 ppb full-scale 0.5 - 128 cm{ 1 scan/second @ 0.5 cmi LNz - cooled MCT 2.2 Data Acquisition System (DAS) All raw test data was captured and recorded on the DAS and collected during the Test Project - stylized/formatted to adhere to the report criteria/standards outlined in 40 CFR Si60,8 - Performance lests, in addition to the requirements prescribed by each Method (EPA and/or ASrM). EmCollect* is an advanced DAS that integrates sampling system instruments with individual software platforms and merges analog output and digital systems into a single electronic application with functionally embedded ASTM and EPA prescribed methodologies relevant to the testing project. The DAS and integrated equipment satisfo quality control and quality assurance objectives (henceforth "QC/QA) through automated system performance evaluation, calibration error analysis, (dynamic) spike recovery, and bias scrutiny - which maximizes data integrity while minimizing margin error. ln addition to system performance criteria/standards listed above, EmCollect- includes source- specific input data (e.9., acquired field data;fuel details, ambient conditions, unit operation, etc.) coupled with a library of method procedures and calculations to produce real-time mass emission rates - which are used to compared measured results with permit and/or regulatory limits. The data is compiled into a single EmDat electronic file and encoded with a digital transcript which includes all data acquisition and project transactional records (data input). $EmReport-{$p, '{3H3# @ Page 1 0 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 3 TEST PROCEDURES 3.1 EPA Method 1 Sample and Velocity lraverses for S'tationary Sources The purpose of EPA Method 1 is to provide guidance for the selection of sampling ports and traverse points at which sampling for air pollutants will be performed pursuant to the regulations set forth in the Part. Two (2) procedures are presented: . A simplified procedure (EPA Method 1 Section 11.5); and o An alternative procedure. The magnitude of cyclonic flow of effluent gas in a stack or duct is the only parameter quantitatively measured in the simplified procedure. Method Limitations EPA Method 1 is applicableto gas streams flowing in ducts, stacks, and flues. The method cannot be used when the following conditions/circumstances exist: 1) The flow is cyclonic or swirling;or 2) A stack is smaller than 0.30 meters (12 inches) in diameter, or 0.071 m2 (113.000 in2) in cross-sectional area. ln accordance with EPA Method 1 Section 11.1.1 - Sampling and/or velocity measurements are performed at a site located at least eight stack or duct diameters downstream and two diameters upstream from any flow disturbance such as a bend, expansion, or contraction in the stack, or from a visible flame. lf necessary, an alternative location may be selected, at a position at least two stack or duct diameters downstream and a half diameter upstream from any flow disturbance. The simplified procedure cannot be utilized when the measurement site is /ess than two (2) stack or duct diameters downstream or less than a halt (1/2) diameter upstream from a flow disturbance.l6 3.2 EPA Method 1A Sample and Velocity lraverces for Stationary Sources with Small Stacks or Ducts The applicability and principle of this method are identicalto EPA Method 1, except its applicability is limited to stacks or ducts. This method is applicable to flowing gas streams in ducts, stacks, and flues of less that approximately 0.30 meter (12 in) in diameter, or 0.071 square meters (0.071 16 Pursuant to 'Guideline for Determination of Good Engineering Practice Stack Height' (Iechnical Support Document for Stack Height Regulations); United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards; Document No.: EPA- 450/4-8C23R, June 1 985, Page 13 - Examination of the published sketches shows the cavity to ertend from the ground vettically to about 7.5times theheightof thebuilding; building height mayvary. @ Page 1 1 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7 ,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 m') (113 in2) in cross-sectional area, but equal to or greater than about 0.10 meter (4 in) in diameter (20.10 m; 4 in), or 0.0081 m2 (12.57 in2) in cross-sectional area. This method cannot be used when the flow is cyclonic or swirling. 3.3 EPA Method 2 Determination of Stack GasVelocity andVolumotric Flow Rate (Type SPitot Tube) EPA Method 2 is applicable for the determination of the average velocity and volumetric flow rate of a gas stream;typically utilized to obtain exhaust flow rates (post combustion) in stacks. Method Limitations EPA Method 2 is not applicable at measurement sites that fail to meet the criteria of EPA Method 1 , section 11.1.1 (measurement site as a function of 'stack diameter" distances). Additionally, the method cannot be utilized for direct measurement in cyclonic or swirling flow conditions. When unacceptable conditions exist, alternative procedures, subject to the approval of the Administrator, must be employed to produce accurate flow rate determinations. Examples of such alternative procedures are: 1) To installstraightening vanes; 2) To calculate the totalvolumetric flow rate stoichiometrically;or 3) Move to another measurement site at which the flow is acceptable. 3.4 EPA Method2A Dirqt Measurementof Gas Volume Through Ptpes and Small Ducts This method is applicable for the determination of gas flow rates in pipes and small ducts, either in-line or at exhaust positions, within the temperature range of 0 to 50 'C (32 lo 122'F). 3.5 EPA Method 2C Determination of Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flolry Rate in Small Stacks or Ducts (S"tandard Pitot Tuhe) This method is applicable for the determination of average velocity and volumetric flow rate of gas streams in small stacks or ducts. limits on the applicability of this method are identicalto those set forth in Method 2, Section 7.0, except that this method is limited to stationary source stacks or ducts less than about 0.30 meter (12 in) in diameter, or 0.071 m2 (1 13 in2) in cross sectional area, but equal to or greater than about 0.10 meter (a in) (>0.10 m; 4 in) in diameter, or 0.0081 m2 (12.57 in2) in cross-sectional area. 3.6 EPA MethodlD Measurement of Gas Volume Flow Rates in Small Pipes and Ducts @ Page 1 2 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 EPA Method 2D is applicable for the determination of the volumetric flow rates of gas streams in small pipes and ducts; can be applied to intermittent or variable gas flows only with caution. All the gas flow in the pipe or duct is directed through rotameter, orifice plate, or similar device to measure flow rate or pressure drop. The device has been previously calibrated in a manner that ensures proper calibration for the gas being measured. Absolute temperature and pressure measurements are made to allow correction of volumetric flow rates to standard conditions. ln most testing programs, EPA Method 2D is used on inlet fuel piping to derive fuel flow (Qr) to calculate the total volumetric flow rate stoichiometrically. For Sl-RICE Engines (gas-fired turbines notwithstanding) the following appurtenances are utilized to comply with the measurement standards outlined in EPA Method 2D: . Fuel-flow data recorded by "stock" meters (where available); o Determined algorithmically utilizing a programmable logic controller (PLC);or r Differential pressure measurements across an orifice plate. 3.7 EPA Reference Method 3A Determination of Orygen and Carbon Dioxide Concentntions in Emissions from Stationary Sources Oxygen (Oz) concentrations are determined instrumentally by EPA Reference Method 3A. The M&C Products Model PMA22 paramagnetic analyzer receives conditioned effluent gas (dry);the analyzer registers output signals (measurements) and which are automatically recorded on the DAS. All raw data can be viewed inAppendix G of this report. Oxygen is a paramagnetic gas, which means that it is attracted by a magnetic field. This magnetic susceptibility is much greater than that of most other gas molecules and is ideal for determining the level of oxygen in contextual gas mixtures propagated through combustion. The paramagnetic sensor is a cylindrical-shaped container with a small glass "dumbbel!" located inside. The dumbbell is filled with an inert gas and hangs on a suspended platinum wire within a non-uniform magnetic field. When a sample gas containing orygen is processed through the sensor, the oxygen molecules are attracted to the stronger of the two (2) magnetic fields. This causes a displacement of the dumbbell which results in a rotational effect. When a gas flows through the paramagnetic oxygen sensor, oxygen molecules are attracted to the stronger areas of the magnetic field, causing the dumbbellto rotate. @ Page 13 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 ln the M&C Products PMAzZ,an opposing current is applied to restore the dumbbellto its normal position. The current required to maintain the dumbbell in its normal state is directly proportional to the partial pressure of oxygen and is represented electronically in percenl (yo)17. 3.8 EPA Reference Method 7E (by proxy) NOx lnstrumental (Reference Prrcedure for EPA Reference Method 3A and Data Coll*tion) EPA Reference Method 3A, Analysis of Oxygen Content in the Effluent Gas Sample, references EPA Reference Method TEfor general requirements to properly collect and format data. 40 CFR Part 60 EPA Method 7E, describes how to determine appropriate sample points, conduct initial system measurements, interference analyses, sample collection, post-run system bias and drift assessment, calibration and standardization, QC/QA procedures, and system performance evaluations. ln accordance with EPA Method 7E Section 16.1 - Dynamic Spike Procedure, a dynamic spiking procedure was used to validate test data (for all target constituent, in place of the interference analyses and pre- and post- run system bias anatyses; where applicablels. 3.9 EPA Method 19 Determination of Sulfur Dioxide Removal Efficlency and Particulate Malter, Sulfur Dioxide, and Nitrogen Ortde Emission Rates EPA Method 19 is utilized to determine pollutant emission rates from the exhaust of the engine unit. The oxygen concentration and F-factor (ratio of combustion gas volumes to heat inputs) which is represented in units of dry standard cubic feet per million British Thermal Units (DSCF/MMBTU) are used to determine exhaust flow rates. The client furnished Encino with an application-specific (source) fuel-gas analysis, which was used to determine fuel caloric value. Adjusted oxygen measurements were used with gross fuel caloric value to determine the oxygen supported Fuel-factor on a dry basis. Molecular constituency from the most recent fuel-gas sample was applied to the formulae outlined in EPA Method 19; the output of these calculations is tocated in Table 7 - Fuel Factor Calculations, IaDle 8 - Emission Rate Calculatl'ons, and Table 9 - EPA Method 19 Fuel Composition of this document. 17 Partial Pressure: notional pressure of the constituent gas if it alone occupied the entire volume of the original mixture at the same temperature; measurement of thermodynamic activity of the gas's molecules . Charles Henrickson (2005). Chemistry. 18 Where applicable; the Dynamic Spike Procedure will be utilized in accordance with ASTM Method D6348-03 unless conditions arise where a more stringent Dynamic Spike Procedure is necessary. @ Page 14 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 3.10 EPA Method 205 Verification of Gas Dilution Systems for Field lnstrument Calibrations A gas dilution system produces known low{evel calibration gases from high-level calibration gases, with a degree of confidence equal to that for EPA Protocol 1 gasesle. lt may be used for compliance tests in lieu of multiple calibration gases when the gas dilution system is demonstrated to meet the requirements of the prescribed method. EPA Method 205 verification was completed in the field when the dilution concentrations were mixed and introduced to the FTIR analyzer three (3) times to determine instrument response. 3.11 ASTM Method D6348-03 Standard lest Metfiod for Determination of Gaseous Compounds by Extractive Dir*t lnlrlrtace Fourier Transform lnfrared Fnil Spectroscopy Fourier transform infrared (henceforth "FTIR") spectroscopy is a measurement technique for collecting infrared spectra and in this program was utilized to gather data for oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)20. lt works on the principle that most gases absorb infrared light. The quantity of infrared light absorbed is proportionalto the gas concentration of the constituents. The captured infrared spectrum represents a "fingerprint" of the sample with absorption peaks which correspond to the frequencies of movement between the bonds of each compound's atoms. Since each compound represents a unique combination of atoms, no two (2) compounds produce identical absorption characteristics. Therefore, infrared spectroscopy can identify each compound by comparing the individual absorbency patterns to an established spectra library of known compounds. Additionally, the size of the peaks in the spectrum is a direct indication of the amount of the target constituent (compound or element) present. The MKS Multigas* 2030 FTIR is configured with a fixed, effective optical path length of five and eleven hundredths'meters (5.1 1 m) (approximately 16.8 ft) and employs a helium-neon laser. ln accordance with ASTM Method D6348-03, system response evaluations (system performance "pre-analyses") were conducted prior to the test project. The instrument was configured to analyze the sample at sixteen scans per minute (16 spm) to determine response time of the optical cell to reach ninety-five percent (95%) of the known calibration value (ppm,d). ln the MKS Multigas" - the optical cell is exactly one liter (1 L);therefore, the response time can be properly le EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards; to provide analytical and statistical procedures that may be used to establish NIST-traceability for gaseous calibration standards. 20 ln accordance with 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ; S60.4245(d) - ASTM Method 06348-03 (incorporated by reference - see 40 CFR 60. 1 7) to measure VOC require reporting of all QA/QC data (Annexes 1-7). Table 4 to Subpart ZZZZ ot Part 63 - Requirements for Performance Tests. @ Page 1 5 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 determined at a flow rate of (between) five and seven and a half liters per minute (5.00 LPM - 7.50 LPM; optics cell volume). All FTIR data was collected at a spatial frequency between fiv*tenths and one reciprocal centimeter (0.5 - 1.0 cm{) resolution. Each spectrum was derived from the average of sixty (60) scans. Data was collected continuously for each test, with a new data point generated every sixty (60) seconds. 3.12 Discussion ln accordance with 40 CFR $60.8(c)21 - Performance tests shall be conducted under such conditions as the Administrator shal! specify to the plant operator based on representative performance of the affected facility. The owner or operator shall make available to the Administrator such records as may be necessary to determine the conditions of the performance tests. Operations during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction shall not constitute representative conditions for the purpose of a performance test nor shall emissions in excess of the level of the applicable emission limit during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction be considered a violation of the applicable emission limit unless otherwise specified in the applicable standard. The two (2) methods which apply to measurements relating to fuel flow (EPA Method 2A and EPA Method 2D) require calibration and verification of the metering device. Both methods discuss introducing representative gases at known flow rates to demonstrate compliance with the tolerances listed in each procedure (under "representative" conditions). This may be accomplished one of two ways: o ln-situ: A dedicated fuel flow metering device is isolated from the primary fuel system and gases of known constituency and flowrates are introduced inline of the piping circuitry; or . Ex-situ: An independent flowmeter (test meter) is calibrated and verified while challenged with known gases and flowrates - to be installed at some point in the primary fuel system. !n either case, the SI-RICE source will be required to power down to a) perform calibration and verification of the dedicated meter through isolation or b) to install the independent meter - once verified. By utilizing any one of these methods, the source is potentially at risk of non-compliance; pursuant to 40 CFR $60.8(c): "Operations during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction shall not constitute representative conditions for the purpose of a performance test..' 21 40 CFR 560.8 - Performance tests. @ Page 1 6 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 Startup and shutdown procedures for certain types of SI-RICE sources may include equilibrating high-pressure systems (e.9., natural gas compression systems) to atmosphere. Typically, these practices are limited to the allowances and thresholds outlined in the Air-QualiU Authorization (i.e., Air Permit) which governs the operation and performance of the SI-RICE source. ln this case, the SI-RICE source must be "prepared" for shutdown to calibrate the inline flow meter or install the independent meter. As such, any emissions from source preparation may exceed short-term emission limits (of the Air Permit) and cause secondary pollutant impacts - particularly greenhouse gases (henceforth "GHG") as natural gas (fuel gas) contains (predominantly) methane (henceforth "CHn") possessing a globalwarming potential(henceforth "GWP") of atleast 27 times that of COz. After the SI-RICE (in gas compression service) is started, the engine must cycle for up to six (6) hours -depending upon transmission gas availability since gas is generally rerouted prior to shut down. Additionally, engine tuning (post startup) may be required to adjust for fuel pressure, ambient conditions, and other operational variables. Therefore, in some cases, satisfying the conditions and requirements of each method (EPA Method 2A or EPA Method 2D) create scenarios which are not representative of routine operating conditions. ln accordance with 40 CFR S60.8(d), the Administrator has been provided at least thirty days (30- days) prior notice of this performance testing regimen. Unless otherwise indicated, instructed, and/or advised, the testing body utilized the protocol outlined in the corresponding notification See Section 1.5. @ Page 17 Emissions Test Repofi Snapper Facility Date: December7,2O23 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 4 OPERATION DESCRIPTION The Waukesha 9394GSl spark-ignited internal combustion stationary engine is fueled with natural gas and is used in either gas-transmission service by driving a generator unit; stationary engine- driven generator is used to increase pressure and continue the flow of natural gas to pipeline pressure in order to supply the natural gas demand/distribution downstream or for electrical utility generation to power a local microgrid. A copy of the stationary engin+specific manufacturer data is included in A,ppendix B of this report. Descriptions of the utility and application of the Waukesha 9394GSl spark-ignited is located in Tahle 2 and Appendix C. 4.1 Operational Data Operational data of the spark-ignited stationary engine was recorded during each sample run. This data included the load (percent; %) at which the stationary engine ran during the test and various factors that help determine and ensure mechanical integrity of the stationary engine - such as oil pressure, manifold pressure, and revolutions per minute of the mechanical compressor unit (voltage and amperage where applicable). A copy of the field data sheets is included in Appendix C of this report. Emissions source operational data is located in Table 2 of this report. @ Page 1 8 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 5 SAMPLING SYSTEM CALIBRATION DATA Pursuant to the QC/QA requirements outlined in each method and incorporated in this test program, quality assurance activities were undertaken prior, during, and after each emissions performance project. The following sections detail the QC/QA techniques and practices which were rigorously followed during the testing program. 5.1 Oxygen Analyzer The response of the oxygen analyzer was evaluated and adjusted in the field prior to the collection of data via multipoint calibration. Oxygen analyzer calibration data - including error analysis and bias corrections is located inTable 3 of this report. 5.2 FTIR Analyzer Linearity of the FTIR instrument was analyzed by first adjusting the zero (0) and span responses to zero nitrogen (0-Nz), and then to an upscale calibration gas in the range of expected concentrations (of each target analyte)22. ln accordance with ASTM Method D6348-03 (2010) Annex 6 (46.1), the noise equivalent absorbance (henceforth "NEA") was determined by flowing nitrogen (zero air) through the gas sample cell while collecting a "background" spectrum (in succession). Line position was determined by flowing nitrogen through the gas sample cell and acquiring a spectrum which, in- turn, was used to determine the wavelength that corresponds to the maximum peak absorbance (line position) of water vapor in the region of 1,918 cm{, or from 3,045 to 3,050 cm-1 (or another suitable spectral region that remains consistent)23. Additionally, the system resolution was recorded and verified by flowing nitrogen through the gas sample cell and allowing equilibration at sub-atmospheric pressure (approximately one hundred torr (100 torr)). An absorbance spectrum was collected with a resolution at the one-half (1/2) width and the one-half (1/2) maximum height of the water vapor lines in the region of 1,918 cm{ (or, from 3,045 to 3,050 cm{ or another suitable region that remains constant). The instrument was then challenged with other calibration gases of known concentrations to determine instrument response. A copy of instrument data displaying peak signal intensity and analysis is represented by Figure 3. 5.3 Gas Diluter Validation The dilution system was calibrated in accordance with EPA Method 205 to generate calibration gases (analytes) where measured concentration values (ppm,d) are within two percenl (!2"/") of 22 ASTM Method D6348-03 (201 0), Annex a (Aa.S) - Required Pretest Procedures. 23 ASTM Method D6348-03 (2010), Annex 6 (A6.2) - Line Position. @ Page i 9 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 the of the predicted values. The predicted values were calculated based on the certified concentrations of the supply gases and gas flow rates ("dilution factors") through the gas dilution system (measured by rotameterzal. A copy of the field gas dilution system calibration report is located inTable 4. Pursuant to EPA Method 205, the gas dilution system has been calibrated, on a prescribed interval using NIST-traceable primary flow standards with an uncertainty /ess than or equalto twenty-five hundredth percent (s 0.257"). A copy of the factory gas dilution system validation certificate is included in Appendix D of this report. 5.4 Sampling System After each sample run, the analyzers were evaluated for zero (0) and span drift. The criterion for acceptance verification; the instrument drift is no more than three percent (t37") of the full-scale response. Absence of leaks in the sampling system was verified by a sampling system bias and performance evaluation. The sampling system's integrity was tested by comparing the response of the analyzers to the calibration gases which were introduced via two (2) paths: 1) Directly into the analyzer; and 2) Through the entire sample system, introduced at the probe. Differences in instrument response by these two (2) methods is attributed to sampling system bias. The criterion for acceptance is within five percent (r5%) of known values. 5.5 Calibration Gases Gas mixtures were used that contained known concentrations of each target analyte as well as other gases necessary to adhere to the ASTM Method D6348-03 sampling procedure. These gases were produced and certified in accordance with "EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards", September 1997, as amended August 25,1999, EPA -600/R-97/121 or more recent updates. Copies of gas cylinder certificates are included in AppendixE. 21 A rotameter is a device that measures the volumetric flow rate of gas in a closed tube. R.C. Baker. Flow Measurement Handbook: lndustrial Designs, Operating Principles, Performance, and Applications. (201 6) 790 pages. @ Page 20 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 6 FTIR DATA VALIDATION ASTM Method D6348-03 (2010) includes stringent compliance requirements and QC/QA practices for Encino's Emissions Technicians and Operational Support Project Managers to follow while collecting and analyzing test data. 6.1 Minimum Detection Limits (MDL) Pretest requirements include establishing "best case" readings for a known contaminant and comparing it to actual field conditions2s. Best case minimum detectable concentrations (henceforth "MDC" or "MDL"; interchangeable)25 are based on system noise - excluding interferences like water and methane vapor. lnstrument response for target constituents is detailed in Figure 4 of this report. 6.2 Calibration Transfer Standard and System Purge A calibration transfer standard (henceforth "CTS") was analyzed prior to, and after testing. The concentrations determined for all calibration standards were within five percent (i57") of the certified value of each standard (certified concentration)27. Ethylene passed through the entire system to validate response and ensure that it was leak-free from the sample interface location (probe) to the FTIR instrument2s. A copy of the CTS report is included in lable 5. Nitrogen was also purged through the sample system to ensure that it remained free from contaminants. 6.3 Dynamic Spiking and Recovery Analyte dynamic spiking is performed prior to each test project to determine the system's ability to quantitatively deliver measurements from the base of the sample interface location (probe) to the FTIR, and to confirm the ability of the FTIR to quantify each analyte spike in the presence of effluent gas. The spiking gases contained a low concentration of sulfur hexafluoride (SFe) which was used in the spiked sample to calculate the dilution factor (DF) of the spike; and thus, used to calculate the 2s ASTM Method D6348-03 (2010); Annex A2 - Determination of FTIR Measurement S)stem Minimum Detectable Concentrations (MDC/MDL) and Overall Concentration Uncertainty. 26 Minimum Detection Limit (or level) is the minimum concentration that can be measured with 99% confidence that the value is above zero. 27 ASTM Method 06348-03; Section 1 1.3.4 PreTest Calibration Transfer Standard (CTS)- Flow the calibration transfer standard gas through the FTIR gas cell, Analyze the CTS gas and verify the results are within 5 % of the certified value. 28 ASTM Method D63z18{3 (2010) Annex A4; A4.5 - Conduct a system mechanical response time test by dlrecting the CTS gas through the entire sampling system including the primary particulate matter filter cartridge. The mechanical response time is the time required forthegastoequilibratefullywithinthesamplingsystem. ltisafunctionofthelengthofthesampletransportline,thegascell volume (1 L), and the flowrate through the FTIR sample cell (5.00 LPM - 7.5 LPM). Refercnce Section 3.0. Page21 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 concentration of the spike gases. The DF for all analyte spikes was less than one-to-ten (1 :10). All spike recoveries were within the ASTM Method D6348-03 Annex 5 allowance of thirty percent (t307,) as listed in lable 6 of this report2e. ln instances where EPA Method 7E applies, the spike recoveries are validated within one hundred - plus or minus ten percent (100%, !10%). Pre- and post- spike procedures will be documented if the Reference Method (EPA Method 7E) was utilized. 6.4 Review of Test Methodologies and Spectra! Data Validation To verify compliance with ASTM Method D6348-03 Standard lest Method for Determination of Gaseous Compounds by Extractive Direct lnterface Fourier Transform Fnil Spectroscopy the following data validation steps were completed30,31: 1 . The Test Plan was reviewed to ensure that the recommended testing conditions were used to collect the data (e.9., verified the correct testing intervals, requisite observations, and samples) and that the temperature and pressure requirements were met. 2. The spectral data was reviewed to ensure that a background spectrum (instrument zero) was obtained at the beginning of the testing program32. 3. Field calibration data for each target analyte as well as the CTS were reviewed for the instrument to ensure that the results obtained from each measurement were within five percent (t5%) of certified values. 4. Pretest and post-test data were evaluated to ensure that the CTS gases were used to perform the instrument stability evaluations and that the results were within five percent (t5%) of the certified values. 5. Dynamic spiking data were reviewed to ensure that each spiked compound was recovered within thirty percent (t30%) of each certified value. 6. An inspection of water absorbency at a spatial absorbance of one-thousand, nine-hundred, and eighteen reciprocal centimeters (1,918 cm-1) was conducted to evaluate line position and line width (as a measure of resolution) of selected spectra. 2e ASTM Method D6348-03; Annex 5 - Analyte Spiking Technique. 30 The review of test methodologies and acquired data (spectral and other) is performed by a degreed environmental professional (Environmental Scientist, Environmental Chemist, or Engineer) wlth a minimum of seven (7) years relevant experience and versed in ASTM and EPA sampling protocol. 31 ASTM Method D6348-03; Annex 8 - Post Test QualiU Assurance/Control Procedures. 32ASTM Method D6348-03 (2010);AnnexA6 - Determination of System Performance Parameters - Noise EquivalentAbsorbance (NEA), Line Position, and Detector Linearity. @ Page22 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December7,2O23 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 7. The sample spectrum was reviewed for each sample run; manual scaling was compared to the calculated FTIR results. 6.5 Quality Management The primary objective of this testing program is to provide the Regulated Entity and/or Regulatory Agency with unaltered and unbiased environmental measurements and data collected, managed, and distributed in a manner consistent with laboratory, requisite methodologies, and regulatory policies/procedures. Additionally, Encino maintains and strictly follows a three-phase (3-phase) Quality Management Plan/Processs3 (henceforth "QMP") which details facilities, laboratory practices, methods, personnel, and equipment necessary for meeting QC/QA objectives. The policies and practices of QC/QA outlined in this report are set forth as minimum requirements. Any additional measures required by a testing project are documented in Appendix C. 33 Quali$ Management Plan (QMP); QMP{ $0048-001 REV 1. @ Page 23 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 7 EM!SSIONS CALCULATIONS 7.1 Emission Rates Oxygen (Oz) concentrations (expressed in units of percent; 7") and appropriate F-factors were used to calculate pollutant emission rates from pollutant concentrations. EPA Method 19, Formula 19- 1, was used to derive the post-combustion exhaust flow rates - expressed in units of standard cubic feet per hour (henceforth "SCFH) from diluent measurements (% Oz), fuel-gas analysis (site specific), and the heat input values ("R'; MMBTU/hr) obtained from the gas-spec lower and higher heating values ("LHV" and "HHV"). EPA Method 19 fuel factor derivation and pollutant emission rate calculations are included in Table 7 and T*le 8 of this report (respectively). 7.2 FuelAnalysis Michael Duplantis, EHS with Crusoe Energy Systems, lnc, supplied a site-specific fuel-gas analysis which was used to develop the EPA Method 19 Fuel Composition for method-approved emission rate calculations. A copy of the customer-supplied analysis is included in Figure 5 of this report. The EPA Method 19 Fuel Composition can is located inTable9. 7.3 Engine Performance Data Technical data regarding the performance and overall operation of the engine was supplied by the manufacturer (Appendix B). A copy of the engine-specific data sheet is included in Appendix F. @ Page24 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 8 RAW DATA Raw data was captured and recorded on the EmCollect* DAS and includes all calibration activities, sample system integrity evaluations, validations, and data collected during each sample run. A copyof the DAS report is included inAppandixGs. 3a As defined by The Air Quality System (AQS; EPA); Raw Data represents data that has been successfully loaded (with aulomated relational checks performed/passed) and is ready for review. Dala is only visible to members of the screening group responsible for the monitor and will not be included in any reports except for those specifically designed to view pre-production data. @ Page 25 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7 ,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 9 QUALIFICATIONS OFENVIRONMENTALPROFESSIONALS Please refer to A,ppendix H for resumes of key personnel who have contributed to the completion of this project. 9.1 ASTM Method D7036-04 Standad Pnctice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies This practice specifies the general requirements for competence to carry out sampling and analysis for air emissions tests of stationary sources. lt covers testing and calibration performed using standard methods, non-standard methods and methods developed by the Air Emissions Testing Body ("AETB")35. Encino Environmental Services, LLC demonstrates conformance to ASTM Method D7036-04 in accordance with the following: 1. The AETB follows a QMP that addresses each of thq requirements listed in Method ASTM D7036-04. 2. The AETB maintains an organization which includes the following professionals: . TechnicalManager; o Quality Manager;and . Qualifiedlndividual. 3. Emissions Performance Test Plans are required for all projects (including non-regulatory applications). 4. The AETB performs internal audits at least once annually. 5. Laboratory management certifies program objectives and conformance with ASTM Method D7036-04. To inquire about ASTM Method D7036-04 conformance and practices, contact Operational Support from the options listed in Section 7.5 of this document. 3s ASTM Method D703C06 - Standard Practice for Competence qf Air Emission Testing Bodies. @ Page 26 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 FIGURES @ (r) oNqE bP.cI .Tcs $r?R6)JEf; Eo E J(,oo Eo CLoE,6EgE 9,8.o6l,CLl,cL'= (EEcuro d-i d-i$ - tloolf,g orrf : @ @ IiEEIE i; EEie e IEEiEiE E luoo r4g6,o,r {flTE IA o(J:s ?soo'6.s .9O fi Hs o llo C' EL CLo o(E oltoLo. oJool F -oL Ellr qs bPtrTcs HTOG'No,fEfi E(l, Efooo troo-oE,6Ego 9. ,f L.o6ocLoo'=(!EcuJa Emissions Test Report Snapper FaciliU Date: December7,2023 Document EM-23-158+001 REV 0 Photographs @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 Figure 3: Peak Signal lntensity and Analysis (Quality Analysis) Peak Signa! lntensity PeakAnalysis I llrul rezoro leF l-oloGsl I @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility NO Date: Decembr7,2023 Document EM-23-1584.001 REV 0 Figure 4:Detection Limits co @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Datq December7,2023 Document EM.+23-15&SO01 RBI 0 Ethylene (CTS; VOG SubstlUte) Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 Figure 5: FuelAnalysis Sample Gas Analysis PII:,19771 AXIA RAVO{-LA T ASTER SALES UINTAH xrro=nfronarar.r An#Srift Jr, Adam Irbr$rtno Cmpry:630 - KU ALTAMOI.IT LLC ElI $m Dt.:2021/1'lr0l 00:m:m l@h,O..lro.to lur Tc.t Lcdm:AXLA RAVOLLA IiIASTER SALES UINTI Pr6sre B6c: 14.73 O.uIm S.mph Sl.nt m21 h1 lW Dd.rIIre silCe End: Smplc FcqEncy: 8atrph IlTe; oatcmme Amtyi3 ml.Gd lnao EFll: z)2111 I /09 I 2:09:00 ln, Dry: 1.313390 BIUUTA:1-32m15 LaD(To b. tlll€d or.a by UB PEml) r-J coa",iiir'' BTU CoIdi 8C: Rcpon r:366338 Andyz.d Bt[ Saplc * :Andycs Date:202 1/11/09 I 2:09!0 illtrcgm: 0.14880 ta.opciln: 0.00000 D6uc: 0.00ffX)EthIBms: 0.000@ C{to Dloi(b: 0.85890 t op.rte: 0.59260 l{qu6 Plus: 0.66450 Xylc: 0.00000 itthe: 7'1.75530 Pqre: 0.92520 Hy(troCa: 0.0(xrc0 Tduoc: 0.000(x) Ethe: 12.47530 l{cxm: 0.52Sm 8qtrc 0.0m00 lrlcn 0.(x)000 PDpu: 6333m tlcEm: 0.10510 OrygH: 0.0(x)00 HyrogmSr.a[dr: 0.00000 laobrlam: 0.9'1770 oclm: 0.02870 Hdlm: 0.0u)00 Mtffi aulldc cffa: 0.00000 lfiam: iJa,ioo.md66 2.32850 cPtt HGx&: 0.21840 Pppc: 1.75i80 l5obl.e: 0.30.150 !!am: 0.73700 Icopatsrc: 0.00000 l-PcntilG: 0.21760 P6tTq 0.33e70 EErs.: 3.34S70 H.p(n: 0.04870 lbtd: 6.977m ocre: 0.01480 Ilnil: 0.00100 DGGm: 0.00000 coilmlEs Rcadm Locdo DaEfnmc lypc lbstel P16sE(pdg)Gas Tcrpo tl28(grdE l00 mO oaPFrr) ll2O0bs,'ltlEn 0.00 @ Page 1 of 1 4ElN22 11:54:414M Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 TABLES @ @ E4,CEgE6{ sct90_ EE*iE>tr :-llo 6^o\r E,E :O -=v=6 bEp3-eE6 9rF€.gP=+vo oEOE EEeE-oooEEEoCooFsr* 9, 6 -o-i EEo=fEEEEeI ff€soEoaE5f 9'-o egH.EBsot'E E;E oEFooE .c5-r Eoc-qo:o.oE.?o ofi.8-BqoE'liE8; *E Ec o= "5Eqoe-E€=- o=6pE E (E! EgEoo6qBg. P o99 .E(!.1963EE =>o!o='6.;9 c.EEt :*ic i.l=-Eoctr(UEFO=Ek EDO .!)< >\o =XE -E E se toYor XEEi€ E "a F: E EOEOEOrE-Et "' oo(,co 3 -9 (o E'co uic .o .32 oL CL o' co Eo)uo, o-c E(oo Evlo =E8Fott6E.o; tt(oo 6.'F Eto.=EEE!o =o=IrZ.(oLL6 EE F ilEo E!uE si6 6.EF E,oooE€ cD(Jc at,EC'oogo E3 =ccO EEIah E) =o OB LEb eg.9o .frfrcoooqb' Li= q)iDf !EFO (Y) O HENro,x-cIYcs EE(l,:Ro.IEfi Eo E =ooo tro CLod.6.8go 'aE?r!.Eb.t CLoo'=(EEcuJa Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 Table 2: Emissions Source Data Test Run Start Time 09:15 10.,21 12:30 End Time 10:15 11:21 13:30 Logging lnterval (minutes)60 60 60 60 Arnblent Conditlons Dry Bulb / Ambient Temperature ('F)50 45 48 48 Wet Bulb Temperature ("F)N/A N/A N/A 0 Average Humidity (7")67 36 29 44 Barometric Pressure (inches Hg)29.84 29.96 29.98 29.927 Elevation (AMSL;ft)7,167 Emlsslons Source Manufacturer Waukesha Model 9394GSt SerialNumber 1 632554 Unit Number 1318 Manufacture/Rebuild Date (DOM)N/A Source Category Stationary Engine Fuel Type (e.9., natural gas, diesel, DGB):NaturalGas Emisdons Soure Oper*onal Dda Fuel flow rate; EPA Method 2C or 2D Determined By BSFC(LHV) Fuelflow rate (SCFH)13,354.65 13,354.65 13,354.65 13,354.65 BSFCrgv (BTU/BHP/hr)6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 Rich Burn / Lean Burn (excess air)Rich Burn Calculated Load (%)90.0%90.0%90.0% 90.07" Current Power (HPutlir"o)2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 Manufacturer Max Rated Power (BHP)2s00 Manufacturer Max Rated Speed (RPM)1 200 Emission Control Equipment catalyst Engine Type Spark-lgnited Engine Hours (hrs)8062 @ @ =SsIEg>tt o'eoqo AQoqo 6Aoqo E$$ 6Qood 6Sood Aeoq rO tao(, =o a!EA 6o o C Iio (l) ED C, o o-qNo c;I o< ooI eAroci rL'= -Y38(E-ccc)iI eeorqot !€T\qo ee\oq C'I '=OEo(U-cE()c e€aoqo 5e C'iqot ee qo .: gt.t,t!toEG 3 6 C'oco6cL = oE"(o q, o'Q o rO o'Qoror rri o'q\oq to 'E .y38(E -ccc)iI ae(nq \o ietq ro aegrq ro .EOEo(U-c .€(Jc aeoor tl, aeG'c, .o !e+or Ui E3E ool- EN ! G' (r:' + dl.c5d. O$ER.EE oo;EOU=eECL CL o .gE !, e,(E tr .9foL€ (Eo L.oN.>(Etr tro C't xo ('ig 4t(uF (r'ONqg I\bP-c! 'icsr EEoERo)JEfi E(u E =oo6 Eo CLoE,'o .=gE'. ,10c:.96ooocL'=(EEcuJa @ d.eoo (\i aeNqo i.PNq Lct a8oo c.j F aeNo ci deNq t.cl o'Qoo c.j F aeNo c; o'er\q tc) o'qoo ci aeNqo ae@o ci aeoq rD aeoqo eet)N c; esoco o'eNIo aet,c!o Jst cri h (ao qg t\FbP-o -ilcs EEoO(Y'N(l,J Efi E(u EJ(,oo tro CLoE. 'oEga'- ,10C:_o6(,cLocL'=(EECtrJ o Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 Bias Corrections Table 3-4 Example Calculation of Post-Orygelcorrected (7" Oz) For 7'? Iest Run Ugas - ugas - Where: Cgas Cavs co C. cr" SnappdFdty TestDtt:1Onf/2U23 SampleRun Averago 1!t 21d 3rd Post Oxygen (% Oz) Measured -1.372 -1.390 -1.423 -1.39 Corrected 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 -1.372 - -0.02 I oooo lz" Average effluent gas concentration adjusted for bias, expressed in units of parts per million by volume, dry basis (ppm,d) or percent (7'); "Corrected" value listed in fabre 3-4. Average unadjusted gas concentration indicated by the analyzer instrument expressed in units of parts per million by volume, dry basis (ppm,d) or percent (%); "Measured" value listed inTable 3-1. Average of initial and final system calibration bias analysis response for low-level calibration gas, expressed in units of parts per million by volume, dry basis (ppm,d) or percent (7") located in Table 3-2. Average of initial and final system calibration bias analysis response for upscale calibration gas, expressed in units of parts per million by volume, dry basis (ppm,d) or percent (7") located inTable 3-2. Concentration of upscale calibration gas, expressed in units of parts per million by volume, dry basis (ppm,d) or percent (%) located inTable 3-2. @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 Table 4: Gas Diluter Validation lnstrument: Teledyne Advanced Pollution lnstrumentation; Model T700 Type: Dynamic Dilution Calibrator Serial Number: N/A Date TIme: Oct 26, 2023 07:42 Validatlon Gas: Orygen Concentration: Dlluted Gas:Orygen Concentratlon: Target Concentration: Diluted Gas: Oxygen Concentration: Target Concentration: 13.03% 100.00% 12.00% 100.00% 6.00% Average: 12.95 % Deviation: -0.59% Average: 12.95% Deviation: -0.59% Anapskm Obsercd 1 2 3 6.03 % 6.03 o/. 5.95 % Average: 6.00 % Deviation: -O.4% trA Medud 205: Verlflcatlon of Gas Dilutioa S;atems for Field lnsnumem Callbntions; A gas dilution system produces known low- level calibration gases from highlevel calibration gases with a degree of confidence similar to that for EPA Protocol , gases. ,t may be used for compliance tests in lian of muftiple calibration gases when the gas dilution system is verified to meet the requirements of the Method. Oxygan AnalV*: Orygen concentrations were determined instumentally by EPA Reference Method 3A. All raw data can be viewed in lgpendtx G. Orygen calibration procedures and results can be found in Table 3 and within the repoft naffative. An M&C Products Model PMA 22 paramagnetic analyzer was used for verification of the gas dilution systern. Analfhnun Observed 1 2 3 12.95?. 12.95?o 12.96?. ArulyslsRu Oberved 1 2 3 12.95o/. 12.95?o 12.96% @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 Pre-fest Dir*t Table 5: Calibration Transfer Standard Ocr26,2023 07:45 TqEtCo{lc€ntaton (ppm) Ethylene (CzHr) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitric Oxide (NO) Propane (CsHa) Acetaldehyde (CzHaO) 136 7,000 7,200 3,700 100 0 50 0 0 117 7,000 7,200 3,700 100 60 130 0 0 Ethylene (CzHn)ao Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitric Oxide (NO) Propane (CsHe) Acetaldehyde (CzHrO) Pre-Iest System Oct 26, 2023 07:45 Post-fest Direct Oct 26, 202313:47 38 System response is defined as the time required for the system to reach 95% (as observed by the instrument) of the certified value of each analyte (cylinder or target concentration). 3e Start and stop data is acquired from MG2000 data (LAB files). 40 Target ethylene concentration for pre-test system performance evaluation is based on pre-test system 'direct'concentration reading; ASTM Method D6348-03 (201 0) 1 1 .4.1 Analyze the CTS gas and verify that the pathlength results agree to within 5 % of the certified value of the CTS. Record the measurement results. Ethylene (CzHa) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitric Oxide (NO) Propane (CsH8) Acetaldehyde (CzHrO) 130 6,500 6,500 3,000 100 0 0 80 40 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 Table 6: ASTM Method D6348-03 - Annex 5 Analyte Spiking Technique Prt.T0tmiDd" sampte Fite Begin: -f- t3o Sample File Final: Crffld.Io.trlb! tu4t Conenfraion (ppm)' Carbon Monoxide (C0) Nitric oxide (NO) Propane (CrHo) Acetaldehyde (CrH.O) Ethylene (CzHr) Sulfur Hexafluoride rnrye (SFo) Sulfur Hexafluoride Ets. (SFd Sulfur Hexafl uoride Acuueryrc (SF5) 493.90 483.60 513.30 N/A N/A 5.10 N/A N/A S&.Avt gB cmpound Corcottadm (ppm) Carbon Dioxide (C0r) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitric oxide (N0) Propane (CrHa) Acetaldehyde (CzHaO) Ethylene (Cu Ha) Water Vapor (H2O) Sulfur Hexafluoride r.n. (SFo) Sulfur Hexalluoride G.o. (SFo) Sulf ur Hexafl uoride ^d.E.hd. (SF5) 6,705.076 6,844.729 4,008.549 NaN NaN D&donn ns Cornpourd Pemnug.(t) Carbon Dioxide (C02) Water Vapor (H2O) Sulfur Hexafluoride enlya (SFo) Sulfur Hexafluoride Er*- (SF6) Sulfu r Hexafl uside ^a.mm. (SFa) -11.71% 103.76% 1 58.99% N/A N/A Oct 26, 2023 08:1 I ln eccotdance with ASTM Method D534843 Section 7 7.3.5 (Annex 5), and SOP MTHD-ASTMO6348-03401 Attachmenl+ (Analyte Spiking Techniquel percnl recovery prccedures and calculations wete peiomed for all applicable compounds (target constnuert . $lh€o.tcrffit3(ggil) cmpound tAB 1 LAB 2 L/AB 3 Aw.e. Carbon Dioxide (COr) CaIbon Monoxide (CO) Nirdc oxide (No) Propane (CrHo) Aceraldehyde (CzHaO) Elhylene (CzH+)& Water VBpor (H20) Sulfur Hexafluoride r6ye (SFo) Sulfur Hexafluoride Etry"* (SFo) Sulfur Hexafl uoride ^erract* (SFo) 1.942 6,647.051 6,829.284 3,882.649 N/A N/A {.141 8.096 N/A N/A 1.941 6,670.933 6,861.194 3,891.A62 N/A N/A {.134 8.093 N/A N/A 1.964 6,602.059 68s4.8s1 3,843.136 N/A N/A 4.1M 8.136 N/A N/A 1.962 6,640.014 6,848.2143 3,873.549 N/A N/A {.140 8.108 N/A N/A $t(.RE,.I, cmpound Pscs*lor (t) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nilric Oxide (NO) Propane (C:Hr) Ethylene (CrHr) Acetaldehyde (CrHaO) NaN NaN Ra@vory lor 6ach analyto must be between 70oh - 130oh (r 30%) w, Isptked ctutuatd(rpm) - stuk corcdtdion Qry)\ x I --lyy!!!ayy4APacdB.@qAtutfl. = S.mpte Flor R.la (LPA6:An.Maspk FNR.i9(LPH): 0.5 '1 Timestamp infomation obtained frcm MG2000 LAB files. a2 Gases rere prcdrced and @ttified in a@d/an@ with 'EPA Tnceability Prtocol fot Assay id Cefification of Gaseous Cafbration Stand8rds', Septmbe t 1997, as amended August 25,1999, EPA-600/R-97/121 ot more recenl updates. € Conenlrations represent ten percent (r0%) ol actual bottle con@ntntion as pq ASTM D634843 - Annex 5 (Analrte Spiking Technhue); ild Attachment F of Encino SOP MTHD- ASTi*D634843-O01.e Per ASTM D6348{3, a spike recovery analysis is not required for ethylene (CTS). However, an ethylene spike may be performed 8nd used lo satisfy lhe spike recovery requiremenls for VOC (in lieu of propane - C3). 15 Pet ASTM D634843, stack sample must involve at least fifteen (1 g independent samples; quivalent to five (5) cell volumes. The volume of the cell in the MKS 2030" Ff-lR is one (1) lil€t thercforc, at a sample Ete of five (5) liteB per minute (LPM), the @il is fiiled five (5) times at sirteen (,6) scans Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 Table 7: EPA Method 19 Fuel Factor Calculations Nomenclature OzFo Oz F-factor, DSCF/million BTU K Conversion factor (1,000,000 BTU) Kr 3.64 SCF of exhaust/lb of hydrogen burned/Hydrogen (percent; %) Kc 1.53 SCF of exhaust/lb of carbon burned/Carbon (percent; 7d lG 0.57 SCF of exhaust/lb of sulfur burned/Sulphur (percent; %) Kr,r 0.14 SCF of exhaust/lb of nitrogen burned/Nitrogen (percent; 7d Ko 0.46 SCF of exhaust/lb of oxygen burned/Orygen (percent; %) GCV Gross caloric value of fuel analysis, BTU/lb !nput Percent of Total Mass (from fuel analysis)46: Hydrogen 7o 22.21 H Carbon % 76.22 C Sulphur 7o 0.00 S Nitrogen 7o 0.21 N Oxygen % 1.36 O (lG x x; + (lG x c) + (tCx s) + (x* x N) - (lGx o) x K OzFa GCV 196,862,073.90 OzFo 23,243.92 OzFo 8,469.401 DSCF/MMBTU a6 EPA Method 19; Section, Equation 19-13. @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 Table 8: Method 19 Emission Rate Calculations Fuel HHV (BTUiSCF)1,203.173 LHV (BTU/SCF)1,095.124 F-factor (DSCF/MMBTU)8,469.401 Measured Concentratlons Oz (vol %) co*a"o 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 CO (ppm"d)57.476 53.551 47.833 52.95 NOx (ppm"d)-5.554 -10.479 -6.429 -7.49 V0Crorr(ppmd)-22.569 -23.629 15.966 -10.08 THC (ppmd)26.436 16.934 115.263 52.88 HCHO (ppm"d)-0.171 -0.166 -0.137 -0.16 Operatlng CondlUons Engine Horsepowerell;796 (HP)2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 Fuel Flow Rate Qr (SCFH)13,354.65 13,354.65 13,354.65 13,354.65 BSFCr-nv (BTU/BHP-hr)6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 6,500.00 Fuel BTU Consumption (MMBTU/hr)16.07 16.07 16.07 16.07 Exhaust Flow Rate - Qd (SCFH)136,086.00 136,086.00 136,086.00 136,086.00 Exhaust Flow Rate (SCFM)2,268.10 2,268.10 2,268.10 2,268.10 Engine Hours (hrs)8062 Converter Pressure Drop (in HzO)N/A Dury (kw-hr)N/A N/A N/A N/A Calculated Emlsslons co (rb/h0 0.568 0.530 0.473 0.524 (ton/yr)2.489 2.319 2.072 2.293 (g/BHP-hr)0.115 0.107 0,095 0.106 (ppmd at 15% Oz)16.225 15.117 13.503 14.948 lb/MMBtu 0.039 0.036 0.032 0.036 NOx (lb/hr)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (ton/yr)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (s/BHP-hr)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (ppm,d at 15% 0z)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 lb/MMBtu 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 VOCns (lb/hr)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (ton/Vr)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (s/BHP-hr)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 (ppmd at 15% oz)0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 lb/MMBtu 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December7,2023 Document EM-23-158/t{r01 REV 0 of Hod.{!€d68'Fl1affii grams/mole @ o-> ?dSii o=E-)NF !u!* EI'EI' ttoH EI E o m E:] t"go Iee oooooo o. .ct 3olro ao uo5oEx UJ HE oB6loENCLGgqoPEg:iu 6io66'EooBF ^E =9s' eE; E*sE =S Eq IE =E # = do- e ' E gE **5 P= E3 5E 5 ES Eb e =E c5 = -' E dE =3 66 i; :E 5H €E *8 iV eF >" tH e E,g orP E Y o ;; EH EE E *=E f E .Qi, E >6 Qqeia r*E r* :tEEE ;FE;+= Ei5=E:.': *E?BEE EE EgHSE HiEEEE EiFE.e'EEee*r; =ESg5s eE:EE95 EE€EE -raEEEe -Heri;EE il€t*:.E[iE;etEE.EFAT}/zeEE:UEE;5* E; ; E H i E E = E ; f -e_e E E EEEEEBEE;$$EE$EEEE$ E $- flii;*;E#!EgHfrFissg Eoed5 E -r E E==$d,uusF=-e=.;ggEe (7' ONqg NbPtt 'rcs EEo6(?N(!)JE=6: Eq, Efooo EoooE. 'oEgE'- ,Pc:.96ocLocL'=(EECtrJ O @ E E =to Loo4to do ae e€ L .9 a6 EooEoo o Eo,lt E ie r,, te .9 o o(,Eo C) o .glt E i A.f, cl tT E b E n LI Ba E No a!t,' e, GtoC' ! a4 frEocl 6 EoC' .E 64 o C) : d- sE .gsE Ee EEfi (Y) ONqs bP.ct 'rc,v H+ERs*8E*c o E =(,oa to CLoE6FgE'. ,F L.oEOCLat o-,=(E ECUJ U' @ F o x. a lJ-ozClo! --iol i CDC\Jc:) lc\l I l I-lcJlLrJ IL=i i ".-*,**." -.1 t> lu- Flof lr- Sri.7-ri iri''i Oi{'i -rl Iir *"1 ili=*iit)21l.- olitstiI); I tt' II oqoroNoi +c aB l-Jlsl u o E t-;t E] E q,lt I-J E] o i€rrt e/ E4cxo- E ac abxo = oco xo- E a€xo- B E E f-J E] E'o uoolto do ae ee co (E coocoo No .9tt E ae ]J) F ae co (E Eoocoo No c .9 .ct E c4'Oqg bP-ct 'ilcs EE o,ERo,-LEfi Eo E =ooo tro CLod,6PgE e,fL.o6ocLU' CL'= (EEcIJJ @ @ E E Eo ooIIo o ee I a€ o E E o,oEo() o oE E ae |l, I aQ E .9 E .t,oco C) o c.oE E E A.oE E B 6Eo E do atla @ C E CIo 0t C'o E t-l u 64 clo (Y) O K* li- EBCS HPERff co E =CIoa to CLoE,6FgE t2 ,! L.EE ./,cL'=6ECuro @ oco Ec,oo E(Et,coy tn !,Eo Ao EEo.-6F lII'()esi-s6 gP er(E=XooY O.E 3CLL-o996ll(U-d,L?, n g i:E gE€EE.EE Eg'E:8E -!eoEEcC): giiEEsE EEET.; E A s E N N E f,f,-d8888-Poo€;;==5EE xtro t829E 3'..gd====J='H s (I'O Sa.:E EFcs B+EREi co E =ao6 Loo-o E,6EgE P,!*EocL'=6Ec,t! u, @ TtuiI s,II 5 dd d d d o o d d d ci o <i d.i ci ci ci ci lc PE 2 oo o o o EE E E E E E E E E E 3 8 E E E E E Eoo o o o o o o o o o o o o o oo o o o88 E E E E E E E q E E E E \ E E E E 5 ELI oho60 000006000dddddddddodddciddddd € o 6o O N O o 6 o o F O 6 6 6 d.i d.J ci ci o ci.i o o o o ci o d d d o o = ? ,9 E o ,9 P E E b E 9 F c @c E : e 56 br b P Eg b 6 ! $t N-g JE 8g c:3E>be!'€E EE g E.e:o!!En E E=E;E E9n b [c lPdr q.o6f,9!r EB;; EgE :QO ET€:E E€teE;REIEEEEoaEE., far 2t G dt I EsI ! {-t o ! eI E f 8 I I 6 E o ttt TI II o!aI I6I EII F x I .x!.IIil I€>PIO ;l=!F ci .i IJ I' ! :f/.-z tffi w "ffi =l= ri 'P l* l' t_ l= E r€I5JF d N t- I' l= I' .IFI -l I,10 8 EEo q IQ OFit9 t l= t l= lil b E i I N Eni I 8Fii I 3r! E hq *3IIIE I E a J I I !lrt, DI 8l bl eI EI 5 E = I Fs Ba a tr .9 .Eoo CL Eo(J o =tl CA !,o .Ho = o. UJ og .CtoF (f) oN A'HFbP-o 'ic$ EEo6(ON(l)JEiuc o) E)ooo Lo CLoE,'o .=go '(!2 rJ-.EbocL.t, CL'=(EEELrJ u) Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Datq December7,2023 Document EM'23-1584-001 REl/ 0 APPENDICES @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility SINGLE POINT SAMPLING Date: December7,2023 Document EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 TORY JUSTIFICATION @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 Fon: To3 subr.cc D.t : fad-ftEo! &e-ElteodcB EPA 7E SiEb hht strplhg ffiay, Denbar2l, 2018,1:P:24 Pttl Joe, As we discussed there is some confusion about Single point samplint and when it is allowed. 5o as we discussed during our recent phone call: ln summary there are provisions for single point sampling for instrumental sampling of pollutants; however, at must be justified by either having a small stack or by proving no stratification exists using astratificationtest. lwouldnotethatthestratificationtestshouldbeconductedpriortoeach testing event at each individual source, even if that particular source or others of same make, model, and manufactu re year have previously proven u nstratified du ring prior sou rce testing. The rational we discussed from the method is below. According to EPA Method 7-E, Section 8.1.2: 3rd sentence "lf testing for multiple pollutants or diluents at the same site, a stratification test usin8 only one pollutant or diluent satisfies this requirement." So any pollutant or diluent measured can be used to conduct a stratification test. And the stratification test is conducted according to Method 1. Alternatively, a stratification test may be conducted (6th sentence) "...at three points on a line passing through the centroidal area"... as stated in the following sentences. 4thsentence: "Astratificationtestisnotrequiredforsmall stacksthatarelessthan4inchesin diameter." lf the source is considered unstratified due to the testing results or is less than 4 inches in diameter, single point sampling from the point that mmt closely matches the mean of the stratification test (or centroid pointforstacks less than 4 inches in diameter). 40 CFR IJJJ (Table 2-1.a.i.(1Xa) [also Table 2-]..b and 2-1.c for CO and VOC respectively) expands on this to "Alternatively, for NOX, 02, and moisture measurement, ducts =6 inches in diameter may be sampled at a single point located at the duct centroid and ducts >6 and =12 inches in diameter may be sampled at 3 traverse points located at 16.7, 50.0, and 83.3% of the measurement line ('3-point long line'). lf the duct is >12 inches in diameter and the sampling port location meets the two and half-diameter criterion of Section 11.1..1 of Method 1 of zl0 CFR part 60, Appendix A, the duct may be sampled at '3-point long line'; otherwise, conduct the stratification testing and select sampling points according to Section 8.1.2 of Method 7E of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A." Please feel free to contact me for additional discussion or clarification. Carl Ortmann Work Leader, Air Program Texas Commbsion on Environmental Quality Region 1.3- San Antonio 14250 Judson Road, San Antonio, TX 78233 Direct(210) 403-407? Office (210) 490-3095 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facillty Date: December7,2023 Document EM-23-158&001 REV 0 B MANUFACTURER INE DATA SHEET @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 Technicol Doto Cylinders Piston displccment Compr€ssron rolo 8or€ & stroke iockst wots s!'stem copocity Lube orl copociry stonr€ system v'I6 9388 cu in (r54 i-) 97i I 375" x I 5" (U ga x ZrO) l€ go (oou i,, 239 gor f9o4 t) Single oir/gos sto{er 90-i50 psl Single oir/gos storter: 5C 9C psi Ducl cif/gos storters; 90-i5C psi Duol orr/gos storters: 5C 90 psi 2 eiectria storters, 24V eoch Dimnsions I xw x n inctr (1mf r7o (4,318) x 78 (r.s8r) r rB (zs7o) weighrs rb (kg) 34.ooo 05,422) The Sefles Five fomily of Workesho' VHP' engines gets nrore powerfui with tha oclclition ol the 25OC hp P9394GSI Sb The P93g4GSr 55 hos the some feotrres ond b€nBfits os the lg00 hp LlO44GSl 55 ond 1500 hp !7042GS1 s5, creotlng o fomily ol engines \ryith comnion controis, operotion, ond service ports Series Five rich- ourn engines comiJine the most odvonced t6chnclogy ovoilobie with the histcry ond expe,ierce o, the VliP ploiform.'esLit:ng in c l5-cylinCe. enJ ne with more polyer, better fuel flexibilty, lower fuei consumption ond lilecycle costs ond lonqer servrce rnteryols. Althouqh Series t ve enqines ore copobie of h,qher power leve s tlon preuous v€rsions, the stresses on the compcn€rrts hove not incr€osed This is moC-- oossible by enhoncecl rich burn combustron lhrough the Miller Cycls on rmprcveci cylinder h6od design thot reduces tBmperotu{as in key regions, ond orl optimrz6ci piston deslgn Ihe Milier CyCl€ moves work from the p'ston to thc it,rbochcrger redL.tnq combustion ond exhoust temoeiotures ond moking Series Five eigines the Inost fr.rel efticient VHP engines ever The Imn'oved cyiindBr leod desigr rBduces fey internol tempefotures by up to 40%, lncreosiag rei!obility ond extending the I fe cf the he.d T\e Series Frve pistol design rros been optimized tc reduce unbu.ned hydroccrrbJa:, \.'hic h rTpro\,es enrissiJns cnd fue ccnsumpti.Jn whiie lowering the tempe'oture of tne l)rston itsef ir-ir)rov ng f uel f leribiiity even ct s hlql]e. po\./er roting lmprcvements to the igrrition system cllow fof 4.000-hcrur spork olug intervols vJith lovr'-cost, non-prec,ous metoi piugs. Motcning 4.000 oil chonge intervols reouce opercting costs crnd t.rps to srte' Ser,es F,ve €ng,nes come stondord vrith FSM'2 VVJL,xeSiro's lclt- gene.olr3n engine controllpr EStil2 uses o 12' luli color customer ]nterfoce ponsl, ollowing users to see oli engine porcrmeters, trend deto, viow monuols, crncl wqlk through tf oubleshooting steps, eliminoting tho need tor o loptcp computer Woukesho's onrPoct Ernission Control System is tne optron of cho:ce tor 'edLcilg am ssrorrs emPoct opt m,zes tne interccticn between tha Series Five engrne. AFR2 oir,/f uel rotLo contro, onC the Woukeshc suppliecl 3 wev (rus,cp) catolyst to mointoin enrissrons compli0nce ev6n os engine spe€d. lcoC f uel, ond eiv,ronfientol ccndilicns chonge @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 Al iiati or.jor(1 rr.l 1o I rl arr.-l nna s!llt.!rlrt t! ti:)l)llnlc.ll deveiailitrett qnar -rllil,t,!:art,oii 'lit ilten!nae o ta []cnirJi ci iri:tr]1ent os aearcrlr-<oit Performonce Doto ?cvJer DhD (k!'vtl) esrc ii*v) Btu/:!-rp- i:. {k.illr'!r) ii,s! ConsLmotlci, ijtr/iii r l0C0 (Lf"') iicx ql5hif,-irr r mqltm r-a, :r. c. ) l'.. ;l:-, ,:, 'r ,,gi., " i.-...' '.i'-.' .;11311 ,,, -'1,?r.1 5 ri 1- trC glr:n1: hr irngl11i ,.s 5r, t:.) .\t fje.rt t] -r3clet !'!'!rl.ei 3ri:lr'. r l00i irii') ir,.ot io iLiber il I gt.,ln, r tCCl (rr'u) !+.,t to nter...J, qr ?tr/ir, :< tr;irl {f ,ry) --t,t tl - tt 1t.,1:t,;", ' r,lrt,"ri) I.)lii Exhar!sl rdr! ct,,,rnr r 1i6t-r (itv) nai.,!-trOit Air ;iC;"v,-Cfrr iN'r; ,ilr) I xr].ritst i .r!i, ib/hi i ti.ll'i,) i:!i)arirrt i;lrr1i)e1atur.-. ;: (' C) 2 065 (r,555) 1t,zbt (4,2'Jt) ]t 52 {r S34l 6 52 (2.7si) c 5l (2lci) .1 22? \1,?'i:') z93 i14i-, ,l!i5 (t3-11 5-a5 (l.u) it,rTai lt lc7) 2 i2i (4,\tic;) t2rl7,j (5,',)c) l,ori.: (!;l,r) wr llgiib: !N ',|ariates.r tiarder^o:i ;":i:x;::li:1';il:l:':ftI::::.'lU;:;".;li:;'.lr,i,'ii;:'.:.:;:;::" INNh,3 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date December7,2023 Document EM{3-158+001 REl/ 0 APPENDIX C FIELD DATA SHEETS AND COMMUNIGATIONS @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility @ Date: December7,2023 Document EM-23-158+001 REV 0 NOT Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility @ Date: December7,2023 Document: EM-23-158+001 REV 0 {Flf}""ullt*'.atrtrarr aab6r riat0rariba a r{ratra IaBr{tr (aailrt Diln&n MFC Ilit 2r0dr-13 ttoad TTllO S.rLa Nrrtc ,32 OFrrh3 B3zrGd Itirr tlsr Cart&lr$ 0t0 030 4fr {.70 tl(Hin rraEt|t t t0 t5$ t< :mIt {o {5 JO 55 60 6J rtr 7' t0 83 q) 95 100 t.ml0 2.02?O 3.0fix) 1.0330 t,0630 6.07r0 ?.0il0 e05& 10r00 10.00m r t.0300 !!.0300 13.04m r4.@00 r5.0J00 r6.gr00 t?.r r00 r8.t600 rl2J00 0.m .{Il{ 4.m -0,?, {,,rt .{r.lt -otll 4.39 ..o"25 {.t0 {.t, -0.t, {.20 4,10 {.2J {,.tJ '{).5' .lLB0 ,1.2, '1.65 r.0000 2.060 3.0000 1.Uno J.0m0 6.ilIfi) ?.flno 8.Ofi) 9,0000 to.txltlo It,flmo t2,0un r3.m00 ta.$@ r5.tt{t00 16.006 t7.fim tt-0000 19"000{ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December7,2023 Document: EM-23-158+001 RB/ 0 IETEDYTEI[ITNUTEilTSi Ctil(r, lc,rltl baf?n.rlrfu . , l.l{r& I+onft8na. t!.r..t CAL GAS 2 Mf.C Crlibrrtion Un 2?{ot-15 Hd T700 S.ril Nrr$cr 9]2 Opr*r Erani Certificete I.ilDraao Blori mcd.l I)C4M srlrlfiEbc.9YI Accrnry l9t f rrc.tu3 To NISTf, 5(tr{647 CrdftG.rtor Di. 9.s*15 tT?t 0 STPTnHS 760 |rFr{l&rL ,08 I I loro I I I I+ zo I I.-0.70 Il1.2Il I I Li , r.t I ot 0 Mrrrrl.,r Cl*cnrhft 0 5 t0 l5 20 It 30 3' {0 4! 50 55 60 63 ?0 75 TO t5 90 95 0.tflx OTtrO 0"3flm 0.{m 0.r00 0.6il0 0-?flto os000 0.000 r.0(l0 r,t00 1,1000 1.3ffi1 t.,r(D0 t.rmo l,6m(r 1,7m0 1.8m0 r.9m0 0,o.ltslo 0.ror.ln 0.30rr00 0.a0lim 0.5012ttr 0.6016m 0.609!m 0.f99JU) 0.sgmm 0.9962fi t.o96ur t.l96ulr r.rgxm t.3tt?fl) t.$qm 1.6o2m r.7{x{n0 t,$l0m t.9lsm 0.0s {.$ -0.t0 -0.07 .0.06 .0.(B 0.@ 0.03 0. t0 0, t9 0.20 0.20 o-tt 0-ls o.t0 4,to 4to {.i0 {-?i {.9S @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 8A[r,6tn Alirt rfl ftr ror,tarars vConna V l0t:13r11 flF0 @llFlG[0l.T71Il ct&rtto. v t0l:1t42 m CDliF6[ll.Frr t*{r$cr 03{O{l5Ol v !01:15{t @ oilf{qfF*rid&r**t}t v lol ttal m ffiFl6{l}'loftrrmmvLtOtrlt!8a V t0l;l!l:{l @ OlrlqaFLB.aftrtlr,O"f 0f,il V 3{,1:15(t qm 0fiflG[!]twindomCt YcrL!.0.20 V l0l :13.42 mm COItl6{61'E clxrry EXr, Sretd {}t}€Cr' V ilOlrl5:tl2 tlr0 CO{fiClrl'SUPFOflI: I I.iT T il0l:15*l fim }(lrrl,ao.0mtP}l T 301.t5:tl2 OUl l{lL.0.mm(fM T l0l:15:tl2 Offi rT,DlL't00Il,PM T l0l:15;41 0(m T-C[r.6.(InLPM T 30t't$x(l qm CALP*ES€]4.tPSIG I tOl:l5tl Om tr[ rnt]2E.6PSl6 Ml:l5ril2 m A.GAS'ZEftO Ml:I3:ilil ffin Y€IS.IEIO I t0lrlS;tll fr10 IrLw'amOt,u I lill:15:i1.2 UB e0IIU9!r6,1C I Sl':15:12 illoo E!?=1163.5MV I Sl;15:12 U)0O IHtlI.l5:42:!0 ytinl V il0l:15:12 (IE ffiOrO-ur'F3e0 !6O 81.0 {0.O to V il0l:t!l:'Il 0(m Ol-Gtil-LA*tF={8.0 43.O 3}$ 10.0 to V 301:15:il2 0m Ot-milC_RAil6t:i00.0 {0"1 to V il0l;lS:tlt 06 Ol-nOm_lE|lCH-OiltYrOt{ {orr ot Y !Ol:l5fl @ 3IO-lEirlP{.0 (0"0ro Im.Ol Delt Y l0l;l5:tf,l 0s $D_Ple$*l9.tr ll$,00to 9.&l V Anl:I5:tlil m flGf-ADf,O{SbCOf LrrD., V il0t:l5:,lll 006 ttWlCE-cf,ARrOl[ {Off r0rl Y lO1:lS:'A m00 nMt_3[lcE_5/Csll05 lO to Siltr] Y llottrS:li! 0000 3t C_II{IERVAI'0 {oto 1ffi9} Hfc V lol:t5:tlt m6 O VLEHI5AVIIIG-IIIABII=SI (Of[ or V Xl*lt*I Um nilGUlGE-Stl.SCrrEflGl T !trtt5:tltr mm ilffiaI-r[rto(Jr.l.0 O1 ts 1f,1.0] v mt$1.l ffiD lrl€ll_UtirffitloJl{Srao$ V !Ill:15:4? Oill O3-tRfEIl.l.5 l0.l to ll.0l Scconor Y 30tr15{, ilm Ol_sAMPrE.l (l to:xrrs.mplc3 V ilol:15:t1? &00 O RI(-OfFSET.0.0 {.1m.0 to tm-O} Y *r:15:|l (m FtrT-slzf.3l lr E rolSrrnpB V :rf:fsr.r m FflI_rgzE f It b fmls.mpbr V 3l:tStt 8Il rnr-[ELIAr2O.O{f3E l0OO.OlP?t Tlulo3l2rosr.bd ]l O.rC r.0l oCtC PPB @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 AAN6ER ATIIALYTICS T700 {0932 POSI.txr V 301:15.42 0000 MACHINE_IO=O {0 to 9999) lD V 301:15;42 fi)00 COMMAiID_PROMPT="Crrd> " V 30t:15:42 (XmO ftSI_OrAN_ID.CHASS|S TIMP (NONE,O3 PHOIO Mf AS,O3 PIIOIO Rtr,0 3 GEr{ RIF,RTGUTATOR PRESTURESAMru PRI55URE,SAMFLE Fr$vyjAilprE TEMp.pr{OTO tAMp Tf MP.O3 |.AMP IEMeCHASSTS TEMP,O3 PHOTCI COilq V 301:15:42 (}()0O PASS_ENABLC{FF [OFF or ON] V 301 : 15:42 (XnO DEF_CC_OUTP[JT'"000000[400fl!" V 3Ol :15:42 0{m PilOTO_LAMP_POWEft=45O0.0 (O.0 to 5fl)0.0) mV V 301 :15.12 OOs [,AMp_PWft-E],lAgtl-Oil (OFF or ON) V 301:15:42 0{m UMP_PWF_PGRIffi=21.(B (0.01 to ilm.00) Hourr V 301:15:{2 USS [AI\IP_OF[-D[LAYI!.!Q (g,Ql to 20.00] Secon& V 301:15142 OmO DEr_vAtlO_DELAY=60.0 (1,0 to 300.0) Seconds V 301:15:'[2 O(m REF_SD[V_UMIT=3.0 (O.1to 100.0) mV V 301:15{2 000o PATH_[INGIH=41.960 (0.010 ro 99.990} crn V !t01:15:12 00ffi 8OI_SET-!10.0 S.0 ts.O (0.0 ro rm.ol Degc V 301 ; 15:tl2 omo GAS_MOL_W[IGHT=32.000 (1.{n0 to 9!}"999} MdlW V 301:15:,02 omo SERIAL_tilUMBf,8*"932 " V 301 :lSrtll 0000 D|SP_INTEN$|IY.H|6H IHIGH,ME4LOW,D|M) V 301: 15:tt2 o(xx) IIC_RISIT_EIIABLE=OIi| (OtF or ON) V f 01: 15 :12 0fiN) CLOCI(_FO8ftIIAT! "f lMEr*H :96lrl :rGS'r V 3OI;15:'12 0000 F CTORY_OPT=8{0to21474836471 Batflag D Ust D 301:15:42 O0O0 CONTnOt_lN_1.OfF D lol:15:42 finO CONTROL-|N_2eOfF D 301:15:42 0000 CONInOt-lfii-3:Of F D 301:15:42 fiID0 CONTnOL_lt{ 4=0tF O 301:15:42 fim CONT[OL_|N_5=OfF D 3Ol:15;42 UIOO CONTROI_IN_5.OFF O 301:15:41 0m0 CONTBOT_IN_7;OFF O 301:15:l? ofilo mNInOt_l[_&OFF D 301:15;il2 0(m @t{IROt-lN 9=OFF D 301:15:'12 0000 @HT[OL_lt{_10-OrF D 301:lS:{2 O(m OilIROt_ll{-1I=0FF D 301:15:il2 0000 COItITROL_lt'l*12=OtF D 301:15:,t2 OffiO milTROI_OUT-I.Ofr D 301:15:42 0000 Si,|TROL_OUr_2=OFF D 301:19:ll mOO @NTROL_OUT_3=OfF D 301:15:it2 0000 6XTROI_OI.|I_a=OFF O 301:15:12 OO0O CONTROI._OUT_5=OfF D 301:15:{2 flrcO COHTROI._OUr_5=OfF D 301:15:tl2 00m @l'lTROt-(X.JI_7.Of F D 3ol:15:42 OO00 CO,{THOI-OUT_8=OFF D 30lrl5:42 OOm CONTROT_0Ul-9,orr D 30I:15:'t? O0ffi CONTROT_OUT-10=O[ F D 301:15:{2 0O(X) CONT8OL_OI T_ll=Ort O I0t;I5i41 0m CONIROT_OI T_12=OfF O 301il5i{2 (nm SI-SYSTEM_OI.ON O f,01:15:12 fim ST_CAt_ACrlVEdl{ 0 30I:15:42 (XXD 5I_OIA6_MOOE=OFF @ Page 3 Emissions "l Snapper Far 'est Report :ility * if fffylF"i"'. :",,,." " " o",n "r lrtaiaa raa)rotrlh Collrr, CAL GAS Drt r7.od-15 $odd T?m S.ddfirdbc Ell 0p.rrt r Sorari Ittrr tlrCcrootlrrhfo r lfutar HASTINGS Ii n$r(Urt.) o.t I MFC Date: December7,2023 Document EM-23-158+001 REV 0 Certificetc T-lDGli.t B|OS lilodd DC.2M SarljNrricr 997 Afrrrlt ltt Trulb?oNBT| t06162? CailaftrD*9-S.*1, 5l?'L U ST?.EII 70O rffiEil 0.90 ot0 .0:o {.r0 -1.20 0..6 o2 0.t6 !-t 0.04 o ll Full S..L I..dim ,a llet.ti 0 5 t0 l5 20 25 30 }J 40 {5 50 5t 60 65 70 75 t0 l5 90 9' lm 0 0.ilr00 0,0100 0.0J00 0.oafrl 0.0J00 0.0600 o.o?ax) 0.ffi40 0.rlmo o.r(mo s. r 100 o. rr00 o_tlxl 0.ta00 0.t500 0.r600 o.t7)0 o.lero 0.t900 N ,,YII 0 0.ol t26t) 0,02rr50 0Il3tfl0 0.ut?90 0.05t56u 0.(bt320 o.07l3?0 o.tlE t0!t0 0.0illxxl o.lfino{I 0.1 l0t&11 0.120000 o. t29700 0. r 3e300 0.l48tm 0.1t8{}0 o.r6Er00 0.1?&xto 0_ r8t?0r) n rofrxt 0,m -0,61 4.73 -0-?6 '0"t$ -,0.7s {.66 4.@ .a,"54 -,0.?5 -0.r+0 {.15 0.m 0. ri 0.3J 0,60 0.80 0.9t o.90 o.q, ,lA< @ rcLx I O.05 96 I 8t rdm4Dcv. I o8s83 | t\# I / j Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: Decembet7,2023 Document: EM.23-1 584.001 REV 0 APPENDIX E GAS CYLINDER CERTIFICATES Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document. EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 Custorner: Fart trlo,: illllililllilill HOX: t*?*iL"$5LU0R DE: r,,t0pANE: IIITROGEN: li,f vorurne: d.friilt$g;', Em"fty Material: CERTIFIED STAN MARD-SPHC 5 Ng tt:.i? E Nyt5p NrvtEN rAt- sERVlcEs ._ x-0sNl$sc 1sAgDt(s r '-'. ' ' ' 'L , ll lllt il I IjIf,iltil I iltil rfl fiitilflilr Mote % 5014 PpM 5.020 PPM 50"l|B Pl"M 5013 PP'r/ 5023 FPM Balanca 145.0 cF 163-402516552-1 cc64237 Aug IS, ZAZ1 [,tT-1sASG660 {CAS;2551$24, (CAS;630{8{l (CAS:10r0243's) (CAS:7e99-61 {CABr ffLla?,sl ,#f e Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December7,202? Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 w; ]i,i .r Certlfied Standa Iohrc{rcr*doo, t{s0sfi-....- Warning sulfur herrafluoride !,ooo ppm t,lw**,-' l t Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 ffi[sRfllm0l$nilrrHB Somcr ilralloll +/- 0,$ll 0[IGLll [tr[0Elx ntt-r-'q"T TI?I-SI'tl Il.0t 9,i Ealrneo { ilotcs Do not use crylir:der helcw 100 psig- _ts,'n Certifrcation n*,.formed in accordance v,rith "!.f" r'*.*alii'tv i:;i;*"i (iluy zoizt" using assay piocedures ti$ltsd. To reortier this mixi,ure, use Part Nurnber: EO2NI8IE15AO(}8fl EnPtyttateriar: MT-l SASGS90 "'- tr{nrfi iP.du5triat Lqop Rsaql Tooeh UT 840?4 € Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December7,2023 Document EM-23-158+001 REV 0 APPENDIX F ENGINE PERFORMANCE DATA @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 Test Variables lltgrt'leb. Rr,lc+d.d ail 3d 0xy9o Coreded(%)o.mo 0.00 o_(m Ca6oo tJonorlde ICO) offi 6t tft 53.5t t 47,&Xl Nrtrogtr Oxids (NOr) ppmv -5IiEa -10.{D {.420 Methffi (CH,l). pr{rw 7a.r01 68.730 58.034 FmalBry*d€ (HCHO). @mv 4171 -0,r64 -0.r37 VOC Total (€xctud€s HCHOi -8.rrl r5 966 Total HydErboas rTHC). ppmv 26.aS rG.e34 1r526:I 'trest Date 10'26,2023 Sde xCL SmpFer Pad Engrc HM tu;2 8Gk+Specfic Fuel Cmswplir {BSFCLHVJ. Etrtshp-hr 6-5S.lm 6.500.00l 6.5(,_{m Fwl Flow Rate (OF) SCFH r3,xi4.662 t3,3tr 6t9 r3,3tr 652 Eftone Hmeporer Raiinq (BHP). brake nmepes 25(p Hsseperer Ut lizati{il 2fiO 2N 2.8 Estmated Lsd {%)cl*90* 90* Higfier Heabng Whre dFrcl (HHU. 8fuft3 1 203 173 Low Healing Valw ol Fud (LHV). BfUn3 1 095 124 R+adtr MMBiltr i8wo,$'l 16.068 F.FACIOT (O2Fd) DSCF,I,IMBfu I 469 401 Erxlacl Flow Rate (Od). SCFH lt0;Wt.T$l l 136,085 eee @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December7,2O23 Document EM-23-158+001 REV 0 APPENDIX G RAW DATA @ @ J.e (\loo ooortq @(',oortq @g) N\oloq co$lt @F\q otostsi @q r\ttorr.( @q toslNN CAq \ott @ \c) @q \t crrNoir\q toNF6q N g) N C'\q \c,cI \a)oocN €,@@to crrq \oto oct c.i ro c4)\c, (V, o c.i t\ o \C' o ei orft\No oi tooc)No c.,i t\(oiNNcsl JeoN- CA tN(r)I(9 t)r\N a)q (r, \c, rJ)(a crr @ \c)('i NN(r)o@9(a orr,N CA\o c.i @ (,N\ci' @t( (Y,toN (Yi sr\(rr\(t) Nrlll,oN6 ai t)oslNsi 0q G' CA C'\o(, 0q g, Nln lo @ 0q (Y' N @o q .Y, r\N\ou)tq ci' st @N\oNq (Y' ()o\l)o@ 00 (YJ l,) (Y) l4) \a) @q (Y' c@Nfi,@ 0q m Gl cD!tot\oq 6i, !(Jtroa>4 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o !, xtr 9E o o o o o o o o c,o o o o o o o o o o t, E CL CLo(J @otf @Nu? @ro C'\oNo\ d)N to C't CAtI o C'\ (r) @ @q @rt $ \c)loNo f: 6 Nrl, @oq @r, (9olr,oto U? (\lttt 04)rfotot\\(v, t, (Y' CA $,1 c,! \C)b lnlo (v)F$0q (a \c, o) @(r) lf,)roq t\(, NNFr\(Y'tsiF\ C}st @(,oiq 6t 00rD @r\(, 6iN 14,oi 04) F d? st sd)t,o\tq \ott Nt ctrNNq (', 6 oo 14, (Y'(,t\\ 006 N@\o @ oq d) ra, iQ No o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o tr =d. CL Eo oo Etr (I)NoN(, QtnOf:F Crr l)N,N oN6irFo ca,NoN \4, NN6i FO r,N,N oN5ir -6 (Y'NoN rC, S*Fo o N 6 (r)NoN(,(\ o o)NoN \oN_dc! FG (,NoN(, (.{ N-c!rOr (D oN lo >ciF (r\ (Y'(\lo(\l \C)>ieO G)Nc,(\ \oNn-s!FC iv,N5N oN55aFC G'(\lo GI rC)NN> c-. FC, o:)NoN \o S.l o o- q.l FC t) N5 N oN6r-c! -Or (a c\loN \E'Na>Ero (')NoN C'N->eFo d)Nc)N \C' (',1 o -q'?rOr t)NfN oN6 iq?-c (rroNqE f\rbP-ct 'rcs EE(l,:R(l,J EF E c, E)ooo tro CLq, d. 'o .=gE'.8 L_odocL(,cL '=(!ECuJ@ @ lr,cI t\No o.i $olf) +o 6,i 6G' $o c.i o @ $o (\i rr,6 tlnq N V) CA6(o c.i Nt,6llo(to e.,i 00 rJ)ot\t)o c.j o@orsf(,o ci lnNlo @o ci \C'rl,Nr\No c.i \c,o\or\\oo c\,i t-(')oT\No ci CAt CAo co c.i rrr\oNto c.,i CA CAoto c,i r{'N @No c\i (r) cor\@ co c.i F\o @to e.i {}lr, cto) Cri o$@o 6i oN @!tN e.,i c)oo@ oq (7' lr,o C'T$@6 a.j ri C'T @ (fi to €ototo C'Tri co\fNotoq (7' rJ)N0)t\ q (Y, lt t(, q (v, @sto(n q (Y, { tq (9 or @or, rJ)qo (, 6r,r\cnri $(,(? @@qo u', sflt) C'Tq ci' (r)si o ot CA(,(o at, ot u) @ 1r, ld, o$ (v, \oNNot rto\ooNot tn6ltu) ot rtro crrsi ot to(a rDNo+ slr',NNo$ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o r, N @t o? (i)a @coo(,6\ttt c,r r,NosfN@r.\c, r,tr\o\ CNa G' ctr@(,No a? ia,(, 6oroooc rl, r\N CA$rc,+ \E' t,o@ (f)$(, +o N \a)NNN\ot\ (v)o\c)N(Y' e! lr) ao \oNtr0 Ir\t CTNl,)ol', oq orlt) N Not,qt \C' tortv)r,-rl)lo \4,(,r\ () ni$ \o @N\o @q Nt 00$\o(r)Nc rJ) \c, o\4,o{\oIort\ T\c)t-(?o\tot\ \oNr\o rC'c! C'Tsl CAotor\u? t G'(r)o@€q s o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o (a6loN \oN o (v)No6l \o Sfr F C'i DNcN oN6 5q? -6 (v,No(\l \o NN>hFCT (aNoN \oNoac? -O DNcN oN6riq? -Ot (Y'NoN \o dErOr IN3N oNF5s- Crr (DNoN ()N5-srOr (oNoN \C)Nm>Yr(n v,N3N o s+-(n (, N N E'No-s -Or (7'No N il,No.s -dr (Y'NoN(, NN>i -Or (Y'NoN(, s,,r oo-sFO\ DN3N oN6r-* -Or (r,NoN \o dEFO (Y'NoN(, N- >Y?rOr v, N,N oN5 iY? -C (Y'NoN \E) Nro o- \r?rO (qNoN C}>tF Crr (Y'NoN(,No-Y? -Or (Y' ONqg I\bP-c! '7csrhBoo(f,Nsl+8E Eo Efooo troooE, '.h =gE'. ,Pc:.o6oo-at cL'=(EECUJ U) @ t@ooo ^i \oo (9 6i otro @ln c.i r\Nr+ro ci @tNN Ai o\fNN(r) c.,i (,oo CAN 6i orrio$ c\i oi(r)oot c\i G'(Y'ro\t c.i lto CN(, 6i t ctrt\c,r, 6i ]f)$ rC'o \C' c.i r,stN \C' c.i (oiort\l' 6i (\l$ o[r 1r, c\i Nt(", @o ci orroNo@ ci r,)(!,(?or\ Gi ee Noo \c,N 3q No\N(v, @q (a Nrt,(", tr,q (r) ll)No)\tNq m (9 (Y'N @N c'rri N \C'6lr,Nq ci' (r,NN @ qo \c,N\c,(r) q m Nlot\oNqo \iN(Dqo st(,roNNqo t\\l, \c,Nqo \o\oorN(?qo (,oiIJ'lo(?qo \olt,sic,qo @( rJ)c,qo d)aoN @(Y'q 6 NN rc)(',Nqo t CAlt)\o crr 0q d) Nr\No@ 0qo ieoN- to$o(Y' l4)ri o c,o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ! (JFOE>c o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ct E XEo:zz o \c) CDor6 @aoi6 \l,o @t)Nu? \E' \C'ttINt @tNtNI @r, ci'or 1,)oq @6 Nor 1r, U? (r,t,) NN Na @r\ Nr,Nr, C'Toq N\o co \E)(o C'TN u? @(Y' s(, @N I \o N CAtooN a? $\o o \E'rrtN I \C) (, (Y, Ft oq sisl NNlt, @lr,qot r\NotGI@c! ro to(ao q C'T rJ) d)N\o$rnIot o+tl, too\t Na\t h E Ecleoo co CA 47,\l,a crrr,) o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ae No o c)NoN @ SEFCA t)N,N oNN >Y? -CT d)NoN \o$o-{?FC (r)NoN \c} SfirO (Y'No N O^TEoo (Y,NoN o-qeoo (Y)NclN Rs\;oo c1)NoN iOmqHoo G)NoN qdoo 0a)NoN RP\;oo (r,6loN Rx\;oo DNcN OLLcDO (,NoN Rx\xoo t)NcN 9*\-co mNoN ()a{;oo c('NoN \a) -aioo ca,NoN 9N oo (Y'NoN {*oo (qNoN {;oc) N tr =d, CL E lE 6o Etr (v,No N 6_qs!oo Nqg f\rbP-o 'i-cs EEo:Rs*Atr Eo E:,ooo tro CLq, E, o.=gEpfEbocLocL'=(EECLrJ O @ Nosi @r,) ci U) (t) ln\o 6i olJ)otN Gi @o\l,(rr \l, c.i Nt @o@ ci st rl, @ Si r\(o(,N@ si N \C)oo c.i (I)tt) (i)t-@ 6i \t CANo(\l 6i ln @ rJ) coN 6i (\ ll, @ c( Ai $NNr+oN 6i 6l(,(,Nor 6i NoroF c! N s @ c,roc! N IN\tt, c! N @ (!)F N si C}too N c.j (l,olo U) N ci (v,ltNltNN c.i ot(toci'N c.i \C'()() co C'i @ crj r\cI @F ra) (YJ Nr\tor\(,ri trJ) r..)o(,(, ai C'Tr\c,cl(,(,ri CN @()\tIo t\o(, Irori t tltoNro ai Itttor\oq m c1)lo\ooi u?o str\F0i)oqo r,N 14) ca) @ u?o (9o cNoq m N c,\N u?o $o@ U?o @N c \a) @q (o rt cnlt) \C' cnt/). G' s@\os I(9 r4, (olf,Nq (q () @oi st @ crj \c) or \o€ri @ ao c) @(, (fJ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c,o o o (Y,o N C'T u? r, lt,(aoN\N\c, r,to Noo(, c.i @ rD(,tNrn\\o @ 6 oo to r.(r, oooN Nt(r, (r,N(Y, (v)a @t ]t)(r,ltt\oN ti \c, ltN]nlt)st U? caN @(') \osl c.,i\4, CTN1O q \o sfNsfor CDIo)t ()(r']\ CA ol.t (Dr\ @\oc! N<) o1@o!to\ r, \oN6'tq lt) (i' crrN@ast \E' rJ) CAN@ c,{()lr, (,Nc,r\-orsf C'T((r)N cq CAst t..) @N N ci \C' (Y)NoNNq CAr,, o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o r'NoN {scro d)NoN 6mANcro F)NoN @dqdloo (aNoN {ncro (r)NoN Rs oo (oNoN l()xq s'!ocr (aNoN {xocr !, NDN 9oNN lcr d)NoN O^q.E oo (r)NoN(r-qc?oo (aNoN R*\'.ioo (aNoN Ni;\'.ioo (r'NoN 6*qdoo (',NoN {soo v)NDN 9.o :fO30 04)NoN \ONQhoo G'(\o(\I {noo (?NoN {aoo (,(\IoN 6^{Yoo (r)NoN o-qsoo r)\f\l Oat N<.)o (aNoN qVoo (f) oNRg r-.rbP-o -ics EEo?Ro -LEfi Eo Efooo Eoo-oE, '.tt .=g 'ii,(E 9lrL.o6th o-ocL'=(EEcuJo @ @o(i,ot6l o,i r\sfo c(9c! N tto CDNN e.i rD\tr\(\l 6r,N c.i Nor@osfN c\i @ r,ot6l ci Noro @tN 6i (rit(t)c! N (t, ci'(Y' sq N €ot\t)rtsfNci c'rtf !i N c.i CAo @ aY,N c.,i (not(7'|lsl c.i to CAlI'FN Ai o crroC)slc! N tl)\osln\oN c.i \C'Nrn t)c! N (o \c,stll,lr,N 6i Nll) (Y'or\N c.,i lt) @(Y'\t\l,c! N @r,,t-@rnN ci t(,(r'N\oal c.i r\NNN9 (Y, GO t\@rl, o.j N$!i CAq (r) c@Ntt\q (r) @ 1r) (Y)\oI (Y' (Y'(, t..,ro @ (Yi (\l @ C'i(?I 0i) oNN(, G'I d, N d)tNI(r) N Nt \4, (fJ stNN 04'o\c,ri r,N @oo@ (YJ G) @t,\ooqo L)v)\o(v)oq G' NNst @ crru? (Y' \o 64,o(v) orq (Y' NtNNortn (Y' \tlltNt C'Ttt)ri CAr\ C'\ \C) C'\ U? (v, cooo C'Tor u?o t\(i(, CN @l/)ri rtc)\l,ort\lt cri o o o o o o o o c, cl o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o c,o o o o o o o N 6Ir @o rE'\ to Nla,o, @ q (v) lt N\l) N6\ rJ)t NoN(')o t: or!t (!\oN(oN 0q \osl r, C'i(\ Nq @tt o(\ltr, (Y'q ctrl.') coo$r\ @I (, (Y' \o @\ GO6 3oNoqlt(, \l) 6tNl,)F(l? ra) \0 toN 0q \ot, ]r)st6 CA(,c! \4,t, Nrl, @(t? lrtb NN\oNNq cct N tt $q ..,tl tF(r) C'i a? ttttt CA!totoc! @t $N \c)(r)\ !t nN\t r, 'dr+ ror\oG'(\l\Nlo (\l @\c, 1r)st\$rl, o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Ci,No(\ O-q*oo (Y,NoN {soo (r)NoN tsoo t)N,N OxIt,o (Y'NoN {soo (Y'(\oN @aq.ioo G)NoN 6aqEoo G)NoN(r-qhoo (1)No c.,l {qoo (r)NoN {moo !) NtN ss 30 (v)NoN {ucto (Y'NoN {noo C',(\IoN \a) Nqhoo 0i,NoN {noo r,N5N 9o.r6>o (9No N O^q.H Oe (Y'NoN o-{eOr 0l'NoN Rs\-Ar CDNoN rOa E.HOe DN)N 9$l\O (')No6l EP\-C'F (f) oNRg f'.- rbP-cr 'i-c.<r EEo?R(!)J EE Eo E)ooo troo-od6.8gE'. ,9E:.o6ocLocL'=(EEEtJ.t o @ slto(or,N c\i crr@ NNc! N si 14, @oFq N (', \c,NN c\i or(Y, o) \C' @c! N @]\@6loie! N (r,N<,@N 6i NN\o CAN c.i r,ln(') @c.l N (\I\o o@N e.i (r)(, @ote! N orstFod? N c,or CANo d? (\l 14,li,t-(,o a? N @t\ CAo@c! N ;e Noo N(o Nq FNoott) c.,i cN orrJ) 6i +6 ci t@lo o ^i (, l', o@t,,. o (r)\o CDt@q (r) 14, \o ctrt\q (Y' or CAooco U? (Y, r, @6t@u? ci' or@ a(, @u? (r) Nc.}cFu?(, N\or,)Nu? 04' 14, @o@Fan aY, t(, CAl,, N U? g, @\iltNNu? 0i' \t(\INNNg? ci, N@o(v, @u? o @(\I(\l 6Dotr). (r, (, loN@u? ci' eeoN- si(r)t\(, C'Tq (Y' toloorN C'T di to(t) CA@ri r\\c,\c,l\t, @ci o(v) crr(r,qo o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ! (JFOE>c NoNNIu, $ C' CAc! \o sforr\ oqt F(r)tor(\ 0q N N(a (Y'\ot6 to o o o o c,o o o o o o o o o o ! XE 2E o o o o o r,(o(o \C)ro a? (o T\ cnNcnN-(r)r,, torNNq T\\o N Nsior a? (t)ro @ o\E'c,q (v) (V, (r) @@aAIt I\Nro C'Tt)lo c\ito CAoGI{,oiu? rl,\c, N@ra)N q V)t Nrl, @ crro? C'\o) rtrl,oN@u? (Y)t (r)rl)ot(rru) e.irJ) @si(I' CDtl(, ci$ o \o\oFc lJ) @\oNtq \C'u) !, Ecl CLo C) ll, N c4'lo u? sf tort) o\ attst \lo \E't)d)o?\i(l, cl,,lololJ) F? c)ro @ cD(, @oI + o o o o o o o o o o c,o o o o Je No ct o o o o (')NoN FP\-CIF (v)t\oN \ONqc OF DN,N SP\- (')NoN Rg\-C'F DNcN O^N= (l)NoN o-N:-\'..Or d)NoN RN\'..C'F (r,NoN rll aqi C'F (oNoN q.; C'F DN,N !P (')NoN R\o C)r (,NoN R!\'..OF l)N,N SP 3F (')NoN So.\'..OF d)NoN O^q.N Or (r) tr =n ct Eo oq, E F (r)NoN O^qE C'N (')NoN o_N;N\'.iON (r,NoN ss ON (Y'NoN (tmqqi ON ci'NoN rO*aio c-,1 NRg l--E8!lcS EEo,ERofEfi Eo Efoo6 Eo CLod6.eEE'(E2lr.Eb(,cLocL'=(EECtrJ a orN\c)NN c.l oN @ c.i Nor@ \c)@ 6i (Y,(t No 6i @l\\oo c.i t,oooro 6i rll\c)@T\or e.i o(, (Y' c c.i No!t() c'r c.i @Ntoo crr c\i \0loN(,o ci ci)oo N c.i r\Nt-r.o N c\i V'rr,lt)\t N 6i t) ort N c.,i N@cooNN c,i lt NT\Nq N ro @ci,o(,N.i NN(Y,(r, d)N ni 6(t)N\tN c.j NoroortN e.j orr\ol\(t)c! N (,(q 04)orJ) @ri @ NNo FJ r\t crrtor 0q (Y' (')(aro q o \C'toFo q ci, rJ)(a(ao@ oq (Y' @(v) F\@q (r) tl,$ Fq (r) ci']\ FNoo c.j CNlo Fo 0q (Y' (Itct ro(, og a, t C'TtoNl'q (Y' lnorro \E'Nq (r) t\1/) F)N q (r) @(a or@(\lq ct) rt)or00c,\q (Y) to @Nooi N(, ooi (,ttNoot @(r)ot\ o.+ \t\i @oNot c@cNNct (r) Nrl, Trl, N (Y'\o @q \o !tNo(r) @ C; o lt)(r, V)ri o(\!t a? V' \t1llo@C} 00 tj \o @Nstoc!i+ c'NN\ot(fri (,o@Ntc \C' @(r)6 Nu? @ (v,Na{ctiri @ o@N a? t, C'Toio\o 00ato NNNg) 00c,{ \o N$\oNcl,a?lo $o(Y' C'i 'ri t')d)\o vt t r\tl,oq rr) ci)oo coq to N@N@ rri to (o\t (r) ctr l4) cloq @ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Nt(, CAcott, c.ir, t(,o CAot F.V) t\@ oNt!t $1l)aoFoqtt lnt o Itot d)r\\oc)oIoto 04,$ G)@c! \clN Nfl,oo@(l? (q (Y' NNoo oIic@t \oo (v)oa (t ooc,@Naoo @NooN I GOat, (htor\@It\t or(r, rJ) N\(,t rJ)r,r,)tbq \t @N o)aqot o(Y'oN c.,lq* Nsroo(Dq{{ C'\(Y'No0i'q (')lo (t)(\$@ dt @ CAt\F.r\\N (Y' \l,t,il,(riqor, o o o o c)o o o o o o o o o €,o o o o o o o (Y'NoN {uON (v)NoN {frON (Y'NoN \ONqho(\ (r,Nc,N {eON I,N,N {aON (r)(\loN 6aq= ON DNcN o_ln3N (Y'NoN {qON (aNoN Fg ON (,NoN O*q* ON (Y'NoN {so(\t (r)(\oN 9oqs ON 0i}NoN @Nqt ON (v)NoN {sON (Y'NoN rl, aq.i ON CDNoN (,aqE c)N (r,NoN (t-qh ON Y'N,N !q3N (Y'NoGI EYiON (!,NoN(r*{+ON (i'6loN {qo6l (r)NoN {qON (f, oqp r\bP-o 'ics EEo:&(l)J Efi Eo Efooo Lo CLoE, o.=gE'.,1o E:-.o6U, CLU' CL'= (EEcLrJ U) @ (",ot(',$N c.j (Y'ro \c, $c! N NNor0i'r,)q N NltN.i'lo(\ c.i tt(,tt 1,)N ci \oo@ro C-,1(\i Nt\c, ctrsfN c.i (r)(,rNN()q N N6Nt\\c, e.l N t\N@]l, l\c! N FNrot@c!({ Nt\ orq N (r)roo C'T@N c.i Nt (,6N c.j \oo)@N c.i tt) 6 c.j N 6 C'T(,N CAc! N ll,r\o\ o OD c,i tNo(q' c.,i !t\ort corN c.i roor\o (, Gi \t@N NF' ci \o 0a)o$ oi(a (r1$o .+ NN \C' C'Tstq st \l,oN\oo+ t(r)t\oir\o+ r, C'Ttfc, $ @or rno + rr)(r) @ + Not\l,N + N(o$ c4' + tl(r)r\ot .+ d)@N CAu, t (Y)tr\ l\ + N\oc,o@ .f (r) u,or $ T\ o) Nt Fo tNNt tt C'T d,N $ t, @tu:)tNt @o@N(,N $ (',(r)ltNN+ \c)NNoNN+ o\(v)N<l \C' oqt (r)(r,Ntt,ori !l NtNI \E' t\r,FT\N a? \l, (?{,NN cq ro rJ)o(I)N\tq lt N CA (r)\tq @ lr',r,oN(t) o? \4, r0t\oNI(, orFtN a? F olnq F (tt oorc? il, rJ)N@ottn \c; NNN CA\oo! \o CAN(r)ti,Noq to F @ooI \E) oroa/, CI'Nri @rn<lot \c; ai,ttt,oro CNt aototo\t \0 @\c,N0q u, toNc)oIt(r?(, c,o o c,o o o o o o o c,o o o o o o o o o o N$(Y' c.lro+(l) caFtnorrt) GirJ) N N$Iorro ( (Y, o\fq rJ) N@tNa Ci'rJ) c) @\oro-(,0) \4,ort C'T(\\l\t lr! @ lJl)q l\l,) @NNto F.ro fa,t\ 14)@@qr\t) $co loo\(o rJ) NF\N r,q(,rt slo@ \c, oq o)\o (rrN@ \i cirn (') ctrlIIo@q GOti $ N@orJ) critt N@(Y'(\l @\ rOt, \c)tol,)(rrttV) ctr@fi'u)cNst \o co@ou? t) (Y) \c,Nt @aor(Y' o r\\C'a \a)(q o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o G'(\IoN \ONEhON (Y)NoN qE ON r,NlN lq,N ci)NoN O^qEoo) (l,(\oN o_qb o 04) DN)N 3s\x3 C') (')NoN R*\;OF' v,N3N Sx\-co) G'(\oN RP\Eoc, (l,(\oN RP\-OG' (r,NoN \ONNi.\=O(l (qNoN FP\-o(r) DNDI Se\-)(a (Y'NoN O^q; od) iY,N:,N o-N: )(r,) !,N3N Oat ,(l2 (aNoN {too) (,NoN il, *aioo) I,,Ni= :rm (aNoN {*oo t)N,N ONN'F ,ca 64,NoN {eO.i' (Y' ON R_g NbP-oYcs HPo(f,No,J Ef; E o, E) C)oo tro CLod.6.4gE '(E? rJ-.Eb.,cL.t, o.'= (!Ecr!@ @ c, 1.c)\c,oro(Y, o.i or\c) 0i) c.i r\ (Y' c4' c) c.j \c)lttN(') c.i (otoil,Nc)ci (\ lD Nd)ci CD $t\NG} e\i o \4,(7' (Y, fi,fi, c.j N(v) N@(')(l? (\I ot to o? N oodtrj? tt) at? (\t t\ N(r)tl(\l+ s@\ottN $ r\ CA6 v,N $ to@d,\tNt rorot\@(\l o_{ rl C-lsft\NN+ NNNtN $ lt @to \C)N $ F@rJ)tNN{ ooc)@N+ (,{ oN $ tt(Y) tcna\o or o@!tlod @N aY,@Nq(, orJ) o CFa? @ to @cn\a)olnri Nt\3\tt (t)c)\i(, (Y' \Cl v; t\o\oNctNd C'TNcN ctrori ctr torl,(,q tt q, N(I, q r,, o o o o ct o o o o o o (r)o()t) I $ t<,Nu)T\ o? \t NFo C'T(o 0g Nro \tr,)o\4, \C'g? Nr,) t- @o(\Icl rot SIslo Ic)$ clilr,or rC,\\it N(,lt @oqot ctr \o\c,ro 0q ct @F(r,t\oa 00st (rll t\@@q st(D o o o o o o o c,c,o o fi,NoN {eo(, (v)NoN rDaqN O(', ir)NcN o-Ni\ 5(r: (r)NoN {nod) (Y'NoN q.N OG' iv,NDN !x5 ti) at(\,loN {noF) i)NoN 9oq. s!od) !,N,N ON\i\ )(r) (Y'(\Io(\I €noc) (Y'NoN {no(l) Nqg NrbP-ctYES EEoo(oNo,JEfi Eo Efoo6 tro CLod, o.=gE'. ,10c:.o6ocLl,cL'=(EECuJ@ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December7,2023 Document EM-23-158&001 REV 0 APPENDIX H RESUMES OF KEY ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 (6tE-llSl,tlg \e/ | senvrces Coltabonatoo. kwntton. Opalmlz.fron.il KIRK ZIKER EMISSTO)aS I'ECH){tClAN I fIlt r(t.{TIoN Kelly Walsh High School - Casper, Wyoming -General Lducation Diploma (.IvILIAN TRAI\INGo Safeland. llaud lbols. RespiratorTraining r PEC Trainingo Operation Monitoringo MSIIA Trainingr Lockoutllag-oulo NSC First Aidr Microsoft Oflice Suite. Job Safely Anallsis (JSA). H:S Operations Rescuer llrS Auareness. ASTM fX348-03(2010) Sruttdurd Tcst Metlutd Jitr Detcrnilnutitn ol Aavout (1tmynruls h1' lixrrtrcrive Direcl Intarface binricr'li"unqform lt{rured (l-"1'lll) Spectroscop})o EPA Method 205: Vcrification oJ Crrs Dllutnn Systems Jin' Field Inr'tnntent (-ulihrutiont . EPA Method 3A Delarmiruition o/'O.r1,gen arul ('arbon Dioxde (\tncentrotion-s in Llmissions I :rom Stutnrury SourLcs (lnstntmcnlul Atwly:er l'rocvdwe 1o EPA Methd 2l l)eterminutkm ot l/olulile ()rganic ('ctmlxtund (l'O(-) l.eob; Pholoionix.tllio,, l)elcchr (Pll)l arul l.'lante lont:dtiot l)etcctot (1.-ll)) . EmCollect* - Advanced Data Acquisltion Softrvare (DAS) for the collection of sensitive environmental data ('f R rrFrc.4,'r'loNs/AI ratLL.{ no-\ vA( riltf,vENr[,N'I's. CPR, AED, and Basic First Aid Certitied. Forklift Loader Certified. Advanced Pollution Instnunentation & TEchnology tixPuRtENC[. ln his role as Emissions Tochnician l, Mr. Ziker is resporsible for conducting cmissions performanc€ testing and mechanical integrity evaluations on rotaling equiprnenl (spark igniled reciprocating intemal cornbustion engines - SI-RICE; mmpression ignition reciprocating intemal mmbustion engines - CI-RICE) located ar oil and gas production sitevfacilities to ensure compliance with air quality' regulations (as defined under the Clean Air Act) adminislercd by the Texas Conrnrission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the United Slales F.nvironmenlal Protection Agenry (US EPA) (other US States Not!!'ithstanding). @ Emissions Test Repofi Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 llr. Kirk Ziker Puge 2 Additionally, lr4r. Ziker' responsibilities encompass all aspects of environmental problem-solving tlroudr process waluation, facility and equipment desigr, and operation. Odrer responsibilities include the interpretation of collected data and its organizatior into technical reports and communicating field observations and project deliverables to both corporiate and field-level maintenance/reliability and environmental personnel. KEY SKI I. L S .L\.D E\ PERIE}_CE . CTesed Opoaor (Railias, Wyomiag); Operate processing equipment by regulating vales compressors, pumps and auxiliary equipment to direct product flow. Adjust and set knobs. switches, lwers, valves, index arms, etc, to control process variables such as vacuums, catalysts, temperatre, and flows. lnspect and adjust dampo'controls on heaters and fumaces. Read and follow processing schedules, operating logs, laboratory testing results to identi& and alter process to produce specified product quantity and quality. o Motot-Mons (Cospe4 Wyoming), Safely and efficiently performs all manual labor tasks on the drilling floor and B.O.P. area Performs all maintenance of the equipment and physical space of the drill floor Moniton and operates the shakers Performs housekeeping activities on the drill floor including washing, chipping and painting- Troubleshoot equipment errors. Listen for unusual noises that signi& equipment and machinery problems. . U)bdiae Opcrau Paspq, Wyoming), Safely operated various pieces of equipment and/or machinery to increase material flows in cased-hole oil & gas exploration operations adhering to all safety regulations before, during and after the well service operation. Immediately reported all malfunctions to my supervisor. Planned, prepared and coordinated well site operations. Trained and superuised a crew of operators in the p,reparation of the unil and calibration of equipment Acquired a leamers permit and drove the wireline unit and/or commercial motor vehicle, to and from various locations. N{aintained and cleaned assigned wireline equipment and facilities safely and eficiently. Maintained knowledge of the latest technological changes and operating procedures pertaining to company equipmen! tools, and practices to ensure maximum operating effrciency. Controlled the highest quality of service delivery and execution effectively during all phases of operatioru. llandled and worked with enplosives. Promptly performed assigred reporting and adminishative duties for field operations, accurately and on schedule. Fostered and maintained customer relations by establishing a positive image and confrdence in the quality of services and ensrued the confidantiality of all logging operations. Conducted pre-job safety meetings. @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 @lF'ryfinre TIFFANY JOLING.SIMON DISTRICT MANAGER, NORTHWEST DTSTRICT EDUCATION Associare of Science Degree, Geolog.v Casper Community College MILITARY COURSEWORK AND TRAINING r Yeoman'C'Schoolo Yeoman Flag Writer Schoolo ATF Training o lradership Course CIVILIAN TRAINING. Confined Space Entrant/Attendant(OSHA 29 CFR 1910.146). Rigging. Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1000). Lockout/Tag-out (OSHA 29 CFR l9l0.la7) . Fall Protection (OSHA 29 CFR 1926.500). Hazrnat (HM 126) (DOT49 CFR Part l7l)r llazardous Communications (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200). Personal hotective Equipment. Hearing Conservation (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.95). Emergency Responseo Process Safety Management. Welding SafeB. Defensive Driving. Hazwoper(Oper.) (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 and API RP 75). Fire Protection. Medical Records. Fo*lift Safety (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.178). Respirator) Protection (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.t34)o Eleorical Safety. Back Safetyo Alcohol and Substance Abuse Awarcness. Driver Safet]. H2S Safety. Understanding Unconscious Biasr First Aid Level Ir LDAR Technician Training. ASTM D6522-OO Standard Test Method .for Determinotion of Nitrogen Oxides, Carbon Monoide, and Orygen Concentrations irt Emissions from Naturol Gas-Fired Reciprocating Engines, Combrstion Turbines, Boilers, and Process Heaters llsing Portoble Analyzers. ASTM D6348-03(2010) Standard Test Mathril .for Determination of Gasetrus Compounds by Extractive Direct Interface Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy o EPA Method 205: Yerification of Gas Dilution Systems.for Field Instrument Calibrations. EPA Method 3A-Determinotion of Oxygm ond (larbon Doxide Concentrations in Emissions From Stationary Sources (Instrumental Arufuzer Procedure). EPA Method 2l - Determination of Volatile Organic Comyturul (VOC) Izaks: Photctionization Detector (PID) @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7 ,2023 Document: EM-23-'1584-001 REV 0 .l I s.'l'iffany J o I ilry- S inton Poge 2 . EmCollect- - Advanced Data Acquisition Software (DAS) for the collection of sensitive environmental data . EmReport" - N{acroinstruction utilizing Mcrosofto Md-in feahues that compiles collected data into a report deliverable . Basic Plusolndustial Safety Training and Certification (' ERTI FIC.\'tIONS/,\FI,'ILI-\'tIO\S/. \('HI UVE\IE\-I'S . CP& AED, and Basic First Aid Certified o National Deferue Service Medal . Global War on Terrorism Service Medal o Four NalTrMarine Corps AchievementMedal . Three Good Conduct Me&l ! Navy Sharpahooter Pistol Medal . Nary Riflernan Ribbon . Two Navy,&4arine Corps Commendation Medal L.\PERIE\CE In her role as dre Diskict N{anager. Northwest District I\ils. Joling-Simon is responsible for conducting emissions pa'formance testing and mechanical integrty evaluations on rotating equipment (spark ignited reciprocating intemal combustion engines - SI-RICE; compression ignitior reciprocating internal combustion engines - CI-RICE) located at oil and gas production sites/facilities to ensure compliance with air quality regulations (as defined under the Clean Air Act) administered by the Wyoming Departrnent of Environmental Qrality (WIDEQ) and the Unitod States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA). Additionally, Ir{s. Joling-Simon's responsibilities encomp:lss all aspects of environmental problem+ofuing through p,rocess waluation, facility and equipment design, and operation. Other responsibilities include the interpretation of collected data and its mganization into technical reports, and commrmicating field observations and project deliverables to both corporate and field-lwel maintenanc€/reliability and environmental persormel. KE\- SKII,LS .{ND E\PERII'NCE . LDAR Moaintiag Tahnicien, Eacino Envitotmantal Savica,.Lrc, Monitored cornponents within industrial facilities while calib,rating testing equipment to ensure optimum performance. Analysed data, evaluated sihrations, and identfied problems or opportunities of improvement. Developed fachul, logical follow-up courses of action while considering resourc€s, constraints. and company values. Ensured persorurel safety on locations through site specific job safety analysis. Complefed and submitfed reports to Cusl,omers for EPA Regulation Files. Implanented minor mechanical adjustnents when necessary. Planned and coordinated equipment testing schedules and processes for employees and Customers. . hqsse Rdi4 Vabe Salrs Rqrcsefiative, Enciao Envbonntcntal Se'vica, /ze, Worked Closely with the Encino Frnployees to ensure safe and proper kaining for manlift and for*lift operations. Enswed g'aining was completed and up to darc. Coordinated between Encino and the Customer to ensure all safefy requirements were met wi0r regards to company specific safety standards and Federal safety regulations. Ensured four gas monitors used on location were up to date and in calibration" Fersonally, wrote the Encino Pressure Relief Vafue Standard Operating hocedru:es and Safety Ptotocols. Processed all paperwork and applications eirsuring Encino was UTAH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONfuIENTAL QUAUry @ DIVISION OF AIR G[-IN ' '- Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 7,2023 Document: EM-23-1584-001 REV 0 .l Is. I.ffiny J olittg-Sinnn Puge 3 VR cerfified signi$hg they had eamed a National Board Certificate of Authorization to repair pressure relief vafues, in the shop and/or in the field. Evatuated facilities and work activities to ensure compliance with Encino Safety Eotocols and site+pecific safety prolocols. Participated in pre-job walk tlrough to ensrue all safety protocols were being met either by Encino Employees or plant employees. Completed and submitred repofis to Customer for Regulation Files. Planned and coordinated testing schedules for ernployees and Customers. . Ficld Emi.sions Tedtnidon, Eacho Envbonmentol Se'vicds, Iac, Communicated with personnel outside the organizatioq representing the organization to customers, the public, govemmenl and other external sources. Tauglrt and instructed others how to conduct ernissions testing to achiwe compliance with Federal Environmental Protection fuency and State Specific regulations for both Encino Environmental Services and its Customers. Translated, interpreted, and explained what information means to others and how it can be used for to ensur€ Environmental Protection Agency regulations are being followed. Rprplied knowledge ofthe chemical compositiorg structure, properties of subetances and industry standards, afld transfofinations to accomplish ernissions testing. Ap,plied p,ractical use and knowledge ofdanger sigru, production techniques, and disposal methods. Liaised with corporate, fieldlwel maintenance, and environmental representatives to coordirute testing project schedules and logistics. Evaluatod information and usod individual judgnent to de{ermine *{rether emissions testing complied with laws, regulations, and standards. Completed emissions pa'formance waluations on stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines utilizing methods sanctioned by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency located at remote oil and gas siteVfacilitic. Documented measurements of criteria pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), crbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen oxides (N&) in parts per million (ppm), and orygen (O2) in percent (per Environmental Protection Agency Method 19) from internal combustion equipnent. Calibrated instuments prior to each testing went and recorded calibration details and instnmrent checks. Planned and coordinated testing schedules weekly for the Wyoming Offrce covering Wyoming, Colorado, and North Dakota. N{ade decisions basod on personaljudgnent and considered the relative costs and benefits oftesting expense$ to choose dre most appropriate solution for Encino and the Customer. Monitored operations and ernissions indicatqs to ensure is working correctly. N{anaged time and persorurel schedules to achieve customer goals while following cornpany guidelines. ftrformed day-today adminisbative taslcs such as maintaining information files, processing papenvort, and monitoring daily work schedules to accomplish Encino objectives and assist in Customer satisfaction. *' li t,',i. irl"^.. r,';,: ii i' oF E r.i1lt Fi C 11 Lil E NTAL Q UALITY @ Dl\'/litlON OF AIR Ol !AL ITY @l Collaboration. ENC!NO ENVIRON M E NTAL SERVICES I n nov ati on. O pti mizatio n. rn EnarssroNs Trsr Reponr Regulation(s): 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ Pollutant(s): NOx, CO, and VOCs PROJECT: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 Crusoe Energy Systeffis, lnc Facility: Snapper Facility DUCHESNE COUNTY UTAH DATE: DECEMBER 6,2023 DOC N0.: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 TEST DATE: 1012712023 Emissions Source: Waukesha 9394GSl Spark- lgnited Stationary Engine Unlt Number: 1254 Engine Serial Number: 1453999 Crusoe Energy Systems, lnc Contact Name: Michael Duplantis Phone: 832-754-3833 Encino Environmental Services, LLC 20302Park Row Dr, Suite 1200 Kaly,TexasTT449 Telephone: 281 201 3544 Email: support@encinoenviron.com www.encinoenviron.com Copyright@ 2023 ITTAH DEPABTMENT OF Eilvraonuer'rTAL ouALlrY DIVISION OF AIR OUALITV Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 3.9 3.10 3.11 3.12 4 4.1 5 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 7 7.1 7.2 7.3 9.1 FIGURES Figure 1 - Sampling System Schematic Figure 2 - Engine-specific Photographs Figure 3 - Peak Signal lntensity and Analysis (Quality Analysis) Figure 4 - Minimum Detection Limits Figure 5 - FuelAnalysis I 9 Oxygen Analyzer.... .....19 FTIR Ana1y2er................ ................. 19 Gas Diluter Validation.. .................. 19 Sampling System...... .....................20 Calibration Gases .......20 FTIR DATA VALTDATTON .............. ...............21 Minimum Detection Limits (MDL) ......-...-.....-..21 Calibration Transfer Standard and System Purge ............21 Dynamic Spiking and Recovery................ .......21 Review of Test Methodologies and Spectral Data Va1idation................................22 Quality Mana9ement............... ......23 EMISSIONS CALCULATIONS......... ..............24 Emission Rates ...........24 FuelAnalysis................ ..................24 Engine Performance Data........ .....24 RAW DATA ...............25 QUALIFICATIONS OF ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS ............26 ASTM Method D7036-04... ............26 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 TABLES Table 1 - Summary of Test Results Table 2 - Emissions Source Operational Data Table 3 - Oxygen Analyzer Calibration and Bias Table 4 - Gas Diluter Calibration Table 5 - Calibration Transfer Standard Table 6 - ASTM Method D6348-03 - Annex 5 Analyte Spiking Technique Table 7 - EPA Method 19 Fuel Factor Calculations Table I - EPA Method 19 Emission Rate Calculations Table 9 - EPA Method 19 Fuel Composition APPENDICES Appendix A - Single Point Sampling Regulatory Justification Appendix B - Manufacturer Engine Data Sheet Appendix C - Field Data Sheets and Communications Appendix D - Gas Diluter Validation Certificate Appendix E - Gas Cylinder Certificates Appendix F - Engine Performance Data AppendixG-RawData Appendix H - Resumes of Key Environmental Professionals @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 ABBREVIATIONS 25LB 45LB 45RB AETB AMSL ASTM BACT bhp BSFCr_xv BtU CFR CHr ct co COz CTS DAS DGB DOM EPA F-Factor FTIR HAP(s) HCHO ICE LAC LDEQ LELAP LNz M MACT Two Stroke Lean Burn Four Stroke Lean Burn Four Stroke Rich Burn Air-Emissions Testing Body Above Mean Sea Level American Society of Testing and Materials Best Available Control Technology Brake Horsepower Brake-Specific Fuel Consumption Based on LHV British Thermal Units Code of Federal Regulations Methane Compression lgnition Carbon Monoxide Carbon Dioxide Calibration Transfer Standard Data Acquisition System Dynamic Gas Blending Date of Manufacture United States Environmental Protection Agency Fuel Factor Fourier-Transform lnfrared Hazardous Air Pollutants Formaldehyde lnternal Combustion Engine Louisiana Administrative Code Louisiana Department of Environmental Quality Louisiana Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program Liquid Nitrogen Thousand Maximum Achievable Control Technology @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 MCT MDEQ MDC MDL MM Mercury Cadmium Telluride Mississippi Department of Environmental Quality Minimum Detectable Concentrations Minimum Detection Limit Million Oz MMBIU Million (MM) British Thermal thits Nz Nitrogen NDDEQ North Dakota Department of Environmental Quality NEA Noise Equivalent Absorbance NESHAP(S) National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants NIST National lnstitute of Standards and Technology NMED-AQB New Mexico Environment Department - Air Quali$ Bureau NMHC Non-Methane Hydrocarbon NOx Nitrogen Oxides NRSP Non-Rule Standard NSPS New Source Performance Standards 0xygen ODEQ Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality PBR Permit By Rule RACT Reasonably Achievable Control Technology RICE Reciprocating lnternal Combuslion Engine Sl Spark lgnited SOz Sulfur Dioxide spm Scan Per Minute STP Standard Temperature and Pressure TAC Texas Administrative Code TCEQ Texas Commission on Environmental Quality THC Total Hydrocarbons TISMC The lntemational Standard Metric Conditions VOC Volatile Organic Compound @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6, 2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 KEY DEFINITIONS Brake Horsepower (BHP) Centroidal Area Compression lgnition (Cl) Concentration Adjustment Gas Turbine Fourier-Transform lnfrared (FTl R) Horsepower (HP) ldeal Gas Law a lnternal Combustion Engine (lCE) Linearity Mass-Rate "Shaft Horsepower" - the actual horsepower of an engine, usually determined from the force exerted on a friction brake or dynamometer connected to the driveshaft. The central area of the stack or duct that is no greater than one percent (1 %) of the stack or duct cross section. The area has the same geometric shape as the stack or ductl. Relating to a type of stationary internal combustion engine that is not a spark ignition engine. Emission limits outlined in air quality programs (New Source Performance Standards, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants) are expressed at a given orygen concentration, which require that pollutant concentrations measured in the stack are adjusted or corrected to the appropriate orygen level. Pollutant concentrations for boilers, heaters, and ovens are generally corrected to three percent (3%) oxygen, whereas engine and turbine pollutant concentrations are corrected to fifteen percent (1 5%) orygen. "Combustion turbines", are used in a broad scope of applicalions including electric power generation, cogeneration, natural gas transmission, and various process applications. Gas turbines are available with power outputs ranging from three hundred horsepower (300 hp) to over two-hundred and sixty-eight thousand horsepower (268,000 hp), with an average size of forty-thousand, two-hundred horsepower (40,200 hp)2. The primary fuels used in gas turbines are natural gas and distillate (No. 2) fuel oil3. An internal combustion engine that operates with rotary rather than reciprocating motion. A technique used to obtain an infrared spectrum of absorption or emission of a solid, liquid, or gas. A unit of measurement of power (the rate at which work is done). "General Gas Equation" - equation of state of a hypothetical gas. A heat engine in which the combustion that generates the heat takes place inside the engine proper. The property of a mathematical relationship or function which means that it can be graphically represented as a straight line. The rate of discharge of a pollutant expressed as weight per unit time. t EPA Method 7E - Determination of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions From Stationary Sourc€s (lnstrumental Analyzer Procedure) 2 CC Shih, et ar., Emissions AssessrDent of Conventional Stationary Combustion Systems, Vol. ll: lnternal Combuslion Sources, EPA-600/7-79-O29',US Environmental Protection Agency, Cincinnati, OH, February 1979. 3 Final Repofi - Gas Iurbine E nission Measwement Program, GASLTR787, General Applied Science Laboratories, Westbury NY, August 'l 974. @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 Minimum Detection Limit (MDL) Programmable Logic Controller (PLc) Sample Probe Spark lgnition (Sl) Spike Spiked Sample Stationary Reciprocating lnternal Combustion Engine (RICE) Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) "Method Detection Limit" - the minimum concentration of a substance that can be measured and reported within ninety-nine percent (99%) confidence that the analyte concentration is greater than zero (>0) and is determined from analysis of a sample in a given matrix containing the analytea. lnterchangeable with MDC. An industrial digital computer which has been iuggedized and adapted for control of processes (parametric monitoring) or other activities that requires a high degree of reliability, ease of programming, and process fault diagnosis. Glass, stainless steel, or other approved material of sufficient length to traverse sample pointsl; exhaust gas interface. Relating to either: A gasoline-fueled engine; or any othertype of engine a spark plug (or other sparking device) and with operating characteristics significantly similar to the theoretical "Otto" combustion cycle. Spark ignition engines usual/y use a throttle to regulate intake air flow to control power during normal operations. Dual-fuel engines in which a liquid fuel (typically diesel fuel) is used for Cl and gaseous fuel (typically natural gas) is used as the primary fuel at an annual average ratio of less than two parts diesel fuel to one hundred parts total fuel (< 2 parts diesel to 1 00 parts total fuel) on an energy equivalent basis are spark ignition engines. A known mass (concentration) of target analyte added to a blank sample or subsample; used to determine recovery efficiency or for other quality control purposess. A sample prepared by adding a known mass (concentration) of target analyte to a specified amount of matrix sample for which an independent estimate or target analyte concentration is available - used to determine the effect of the matrix on a method's recovery efficiencys. Any internal combustion engine, except combustion turbines, that converts heat energy into mechanical work and is not mobile. Any compound of carbon, excluding carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2), carbonic acid (HzCOe), and metallic carbides or carbonates, and ammonium carbonate ((NHa)zCOa) which participates in atmospheric photochemical reactions6. 1 40 CFR Appendix B to Part 1 36 s Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program; QA Glossary of Terms. United States Environmental Protection Agency. 6 Definition pursuant to 40 CFR Part 51, S51.1 00(s) (as of October 30, 2014); Federal Registry Standards / Vol. 73, Friday, January 1 8, 2008 / Rules and Regulations. @ vil Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 ABBREVIATED UNITS OF MEASUREMENT atm BSFCr-r+v 'c ccm cm{ .F GWP HHV hp g Gram g/bhp-hr Grams Per Brake Horsepower Per Hour Standard Atmosphere (See Abbreviations) Expressed as Btu/bhp-hr Degrees Celsius Cubic Centimeters Per Minute Reciprocal Centimeter Degrees Fahrenheit Global Warming Potential Higher Heating Value; Btu/scf Horsepower Kilopascal Pound(s) kPa tb lblhr Pounds Per Hour lb/MMBtu Pounds Per Million British Thermal Units LHV Lower Heating Value; Btu/scf LPH Liters Per Hour LPM Liters Per Minute ppb Parts Per Billion ppm Parts Per Million ppm"d Parts Per Million by Volume - Dry Basis psi Pounds PerSquare lnch psiaus Pounds Per Square lnch - Absolute psig Pounds Per Square Inch - Gauge scf Standard Cubic Foot (Feet) scfh Standard Cubic Foot (Feet) Per Hour scfm Standard Cubic Foot (Feet) Per Minute ton A unit of pressure used in measuring partial vacuums, equal to 133.32 Pascals tpy Ton PerYear vol Volume @ vil Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6 2023 Document EM-23-1585{01 REV 0 THIS PAGE Y LEFT BLANK @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 STATEMENT OF BASIS On 1Q/27 /2023, Encino Environmental Services, LLC, (henceforth "Encino") was commissioned by Crusoe Energy Systems, lnc to perform an emissions compliance test on a 2500-hp Waukesha generator stationary engine designated as unit number 1254. The internal combustion stationary engine is located at the Snapper Facility in Duchesne County, Utah. The geographic coordinates for the facility are 40.263580 & -1 10.120110 (approximate). Sampling and analytical procedures employed during the performance test were pursuant to Forty Code of Federal Regulations (henceforth "40 CFR") Part 60, Appendix A and American Society for Testing and Materials (henceforth "ASTM") methodsT. The primary objective of the test program was to determine actualemissions of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from unit number 1254 and to verify compliance with the emissions parameters of 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ. Deviations from methods in this testing program may include single-point sampling (centroidal area). This is a common practice with an established precedence when sampling stationary engine exhaust due to safety concerns. Supporting documentation in the form of a Srngle Pornt Sampling Regulatory Justification Correspondence is included in Appendix A. Prior to the sampling program (test project), a stratification test was performed at the test site to determine the appropriate number of sample traverse points. The sample probe was used to measure concentrations of nitrogen oxides (N0x) at three (3) points on a line passing through the centroidal area at sixteen and seven tenths' percent (16.70?.), fifty percent (50.00%), and eighty- three and three tenths' percent (83.30%) of the measurement line. lf concentrations of NOx at each traverse point did not differ from the mean concentration for alltraverse points by no more than (a) 15.00 percent (15.00%) of the mean concentration; or (b) t0.S0 ppm,d (whichever is less restrictive), the gas stream is deemed unstratified, and sample measurements for the test project were extracted from a single point - from a position that closely matches the mean concentrationse. Typically, this method is used with two types of pollution instrumentation - single, or in tandem to determine stratification (instrumental analyzer and/or FT-lR). 7 ASTM Methods lncorporated by Reference (lBR). 8 EPA Method 1 (or EPA Method 1A) - Sample and Velocity Traverses for Stationary Sources e EPA Method 7E - Determination of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Stationary Sources (lnstrumental Analyzer Procedure; Section 8. 1.2 Determination of Stratification). @ Page 1 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility three and three tenths' percent (83.30%) of the Michael Duplantis of Crusoe Energy Systems, Date: December 6,2023 Document EM-23-1585-001 RB/ 0 lf the stack effluent is observed to be then a multFpoint'rake'probe was used with orifices located at sixteen and seven tenths'(16.70%),fifty percent (50.00%), and eighty- linelo. coordinated facility operations during the test and provided supporting data such as the analysis and permit information. No major deviations or problems occurred the emission test program. r0 Table 2 to lo CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ - Requirernents for s50.4244. TesE; dernonstating compliance in accordance with Page 2 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 CERTIFICATION STATEMENT I certify that to the best of my knowledge: ' Encino Environmental Services, LLC conducted the collection, analysis, and reduction of all samp/es.; ' Ihis repoft reflects the resu/ts of the testrng conducted on 10/27/2023 and has not been altered, enhanced, or biased in any manner.; ' Encino Environmental Services, LLC collected and reported the enclosed data in accordance with procedures and qualtty assurance activities described in this test report; ' Encino Environmental Services, LLC makes no warranty as to the suitability of the test methods.; and ' Encino Environmental Services, LLC assum es no liability related to the interpretation and use of this data. KirloZil<er Richard Ziker Emissions Tech ! Encino Environmental Serviceg LLG @ Page 3 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 QUALITY ASSURANCE CERTIFICATION STATEMENT The Air Emission Testing Bodyll (AETB) should deliver data of known and documented quality on a consistent basis regardless of the test method used. I cenify that to the best of my knowledge: . Iest data and all corresponding information has been evaluated for accuracy and completeness.; . Sampling and analyses have been conducled in accordance with the approved protocol.; and reference methods;and . All deviations, method modifications, method deviations, sampling procedures, and analytical anomalies are summarized in the report. ,6-ry% ?4,75;** Tiffany Joling-Simon North District Manager Encino Environmental Services, LIC 11 ASTM Method D7036-16 - Standard Practice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies; establishes general criteria for a Quality System that, when followed, assures consistently acceptable data quality from an AETB. @ Page 4 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 STATEMENT OF RECElPT AND ACCEPTANCE By signing this statement, I acknowledge that I have received the emissions test repoft for the Snapper Faciltty Unit No. 1254; an emissions pertormance test conducted on 10/27/2023. I have been provided with the opportunity to read and comment on the data contained in: Document Alo.: EM-23-1 585-001 RAn 0. I hereby ceftify that I have personally examined the data and information contained herein. Based on my inquiries of the individuals immediately responsible for collecting the data associated vvith this project, I believe the contents of this repoft deliverable to be true, accurate, and complete to the best of my knowledge. Signature of Company Representative (Client) @ Page 5 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 1 SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS The final emissions results (detailed) of the testing event are presented in Table 1 and compare requirements, provisions, and allowances of the applicable governing regulations and standards. The table below provides a summary of the mass emission rates and pollutant concentrations (adjusted) from the testing eventl2: Emissions Summary 1.1 Purpose The purpose of the emissions test is to meet the standards of performance for stationary spark ignition reciprocating internal combustion engines (henceforth "Sl-RlCE") and the emissions limitations and testing requirements for RICE (engines) with a brake horsepower rating greater than 100-hp per 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ (2500-hp for general State Compliance obligations). 1.2 Detailed Scope of Work Encino conducted the following scope of work for the emissions test: . Configured sampling system; r Validated engine data from manufacturer nameplate; . Recorded weather data; . Recorded fuel meter readings and operational data; . Affixed sample probe to exhaust stack; . Performed stratification analysis of the exhaust stack; . Performed sampling system calibration, bias, and quality analysis; . Conducted three (3), sixty-minute (60-min) test analyses ("runs"); . Validated spectral data and test methods;and . Compiled emissions test data and final report. 12 Regulatory and/or permitted emissions are represented on both a mass-rate basis and in parts per million (by volume; dry) basis adjusted to fifteen percent (1 5%) orygen (engine and turbines) and three percent (3%) orygen for boilers, heaters, ovens, and other external combustion equipment. These representations demonstrate compliance with regulatory and/or permitted rates based on two (2) mechanisms of data analysis and fulfill compliance objectives by representing emissions data in multiple formats as required (and allowed) by the Program Administrator. @ Page 6 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 1.3 Assumptions No assumptions have been made regarding any source operational conditions/parameters which may exist at the location. 1.4 Special Terms and Conditions This report has been prepared in accordance with the ProposalforAir Emissions Testing Services and generally accepted environmental methodologies referred in 40 CFR and contains all the limitations inherent within (methodologies). The engine located at the Snapper Facility was "tested as found"l3. This emissions test cannot wholly eliminate uncertainty regarding the source's performance before or after the test was performed. No other warranties, expressed or implied, are made as to the professional services provided under the terms of our agreement and included in this report. 1.5 RegulatoryStatement At least thirty to sixty days (30 - 60 days) prior to the Emissions Performance Test for the source described in Document No.: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0, an Emissions Performance Test Notification was submitted to the appropriate Agency (Administrator) in accordance with 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ and the requirements/provisions outlined in 40 CFR 560.8 - Performance Testsla. lf the Emissions Performance Test described in Document No.: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 was postponed, rescheduled, or delayed due to operational issues or inclement weather, the appropriate Agency has been provided with a retest notification at least seven days (7 days) prior to the new proposed test date. Each Emissions Performance Test Notification - provided to the appropriate Agency, includes the following (at a minimum): r Name of Emissions Testing Laboratory (firm); o Date of pretest meeting (if required); . Description of instruments, analyzers, and equipment to be utilized; . Description of methods and procedures to be utilized during sampling; 13 ln accordance with 40 CFR $60.8(c) - Performance tests shall be conducted under such conditions as the Administrator shall specify to the plant operator based on representative performance of the affected facility. The owner or operator shall make available to the Administrator such records as may be necessary to determine the conditions of the performance tests. Operations during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction shall not constitute representative conditions for the purpose of a performance test nor shall emissions in excess of the level of the applicable emission limit during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction be considered a violation of the applicable emission limit unless otherwise specified in the applicable standard. 14 40 CFR 560.8(d) @ PageT Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 o Procedures to determine operating rates and/or other relevant parameters during the sampling period; . Parameters and key data points to be documented during the sampling event (emissions test); and . Proposed deviations to the prescribed sampling methods. Therefore, the Agency has been provided with the opportunity to comment on the proposed methods, procedures, instruments, and practices which demonstrate compliance with 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ - prior to the testing of this source (Document No.: EM-23-1 585-001 REV 0). lf a response was not provided to either Crusoe Energy Systems, lnc or Encino Environmental Services, LLC, the source was tested in accordance with the both the Emissions Performance Test Notification and testing requirements listed in 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ. A copy and transmittal (including shipment tracking and receipt confirmation) of the Emissions Performance Test notification submitted forthis project is located inAppendix Cof this document. For all other inquiries pertaining to the contents of this report, contact: Encino Environmental Services, LLC Attn: Operational Support 20302 Park Row Dr, Suite 1200 Katy, Texas 77449 0ffice: Electronic Mail (email): support@encinoenviron.com 281.201.3544 @ Page 8 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 2 SAMPLING SYSTEM The sampling and analysis system and the appliance for exhaust interface utilized during the test program is shown inFigure 1 andFigure 2 of this report. Detection principles of the analyzers can be located throughout this report. Hot and water-rich effluent (contextual-gaseous mixture) gas was extracted from the exit stack (exhaust) of the muffler/catalyst/stack housing on the unit through a single point or multi-point sample probe located on a line passing through the centroidal area meeting distance requirements of 40 CFR Part 60, United States Environmental Protection Agency (henceforth "EPA") Method 1 (or EPA Method 1A), and EPA Method 7E. A shepherds-hook stainless steel probe (or multi-point sample probe; stratification test notwithstanding) three-eighths of an inch (3/8) in diameter was connected to a heated sample line by a wrapped three-way (3-way) bias sample valve. The gas was transported to the mobile laboratory by a heated line - maintained at a temperature of exactly one-hundred and ninety-one degrees Celsius (191'C; approximately 376"F). A heated pump and flow meter maintained a constant flow of five liters per minute (5 LPM) of effluent gas to the MKS Multigas* 2030 FTIR analyzer. The effluent gas sample was analyzed for target constituents, and raw data was captured within a data acquisition system (henceforth "DAS"; 't. Upon exiting the analyzer, a portion of the sample was directed to a peristaltic pump (sample dryer and conditioner) where water was removed. The gas was then routed to the oxygen analyzer where the concentration was measured on a dry basis using paramagnetic technology (percent6,y; %o,y). 2.1 lnstrumentSpecifications Descrlptlon: Manufacturer: Model: Serial Number: Technology Type: Range: Reproducibility: Accuracy (post calibration): Response Time (90% FSD): Description: Manufacturer: Oxygen Analyzer M&C PMA1 OOOL 21 09825-020-1 9060031 paramagnetic o-25% Analogue = < 1%ofspan Digital = +/- 0.1 vol. % Oz Analogue signal output = +/{ % of span at range 3-1 00% Digital indicator = +/-0.1 vol. % Oz < 3 seconds at 60 l/hr Fourier Transform lnfrared (FTIR) Analyzer MAX Analtytical ls Encino Environmental Services lnc. uses EmCollect" Advanced Data Acquisition Software (proprietary) to comply with method- appropriate sample analysis and data collection procedures. Page 9 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 Model: Serial Number: Technology Type: Range: Spectral Resolution: Scan Speed: Detector Type: MAX.IR 00398 FTIR Spectrometry Between 1 0 ppb and 1 00 ppb fullscale 0.5 - 128 cmj 1 scan/second @ 0.5 cm{ LNz - cooled MCT 2.2 Data Acquisition System (DAS) All raw test data was captured and recorded on the DAS and collected during the Test Project - stylized/formatted to adhere to the report criteria/standards outlined in 40 CFR 560.8 - Pertormance Iests, in addition to the requirements prescribed by each Method (EPA and/or ASrM). EmCollect* is an advanced DAS that integrates sampling system instruments with individual software platforms and merges analog output and digital systems into a single electronic application with functionally embedded ASTM and EPA prescribed methodologies relevant to the testing project. The DAS and integrated equipment satisfy quality control and quality assurance objectives (henceforth "QC/QA") through automated system performance evaluation, calibration error analysis, (dynamic) spike recovery, and bias scrutiny - which maximizes data integrity while minimizing margin error. ln addition to system performance criteria/standards listed above, EmCollect" includes source- specific input data (e.9., acquired field data; fueldetails, ambient conditions, unit operation, etc.) coupled with a library of method procedures and calculations to produce real-time mass emission rates - which are used to compared measured results with permit and/or regulatory limits. The data is compiled into a single EmDat electronic file and encoded with a digital transcript which includes all data acquisition and project transactional records (data input). $,emaeportEmCollect Page 1 0 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 3 TEST PROCEDURES 3.1 EPA Method 1 Sample and Velocity lraverses for Stationary Sources The purpose of EPA Method 1 is to provide guidance for the selection of sampling ports and traverse points at which sampling for air pollutants will be performed pursuant to the regulations set forth in the Part. Two (2) procedures are presented: o A simplified procedure (EPA Method 1 Section 11.5); and . An alternative procedure. The magnitude of cyclonic flow of effluent gas in a stack or duct is the only parameter quantitatively measured in the simplified procedure. Method Limitations EPA Method 1 is applicable to gas streams flowing in ducts, stacks, and flues. The method cannot be used when the following conditions/circumstances exist: 1) The flow is cyclonic or swirling;or 2) A stack is smaller than 0.30 meters (12 inches) in diameter, or 0.071 m2 (113.000 in2) in cross-sectional area. ln accordance with EPA Method 1 Section 11.1.1 - Sampling and/or velocity measurements are performed at a site located at least eight stack or duct diameters downstream and two diameters upstream from any flow disturbance such as a bend, expansion, or contraction in the stack, or from a visible flame. lf necessary, an alternative location may be selected, at a position at least two stack or duct diameters downstream and a half diameter upstream from any flow disturbance. The simplified procedure cannot be utilized when the measurement site is /ess than two (2) stack or duct diameters downstream or less than a half (1/2) diameter upstream from a flow disturbance.l6 3.2 EPA Method 1A Sample and Velocity lraverses for Stationary Souces with Small Stacks or Ducts The applicability and principle of this method are identicalto EPA Method 1, except its applicability is limited to stacks or ducts. This method is applicable to flowing gas streams in ducts, stacks, and flues of less that approximately 0.30 meter (12 in) in diameter, or 0.071 square meters (0.071 r6 Pursuant to'Guideline for Determination of Good Engineering Practice Stack Height'(Technical Support Document for Stack Height Regulations); United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards; Document No.: EPA- 450/+8G23R June 'l 985, Page 1 3 - Examination of the published sketches shows the cav\ to extend from the ground vettically to about 7.5 times the height of the building; building height may vary. @ Page 1 1 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 m') (113 in2) in cross-sectional area, but equal to or greater than about 0.10 meter (4 in) in diameter (:0.10 m; 4 in), or 0.0081 m2 (12.57 in2) in cross-sectional area. This method cannot be used when the flow is cyclonic or swirling. 3.3 EPA Method 2 Determination of Stack Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate (Type S Pitot Tube) EPA Method 2 is applicable for the determination of the average velocity and volumetric flow rate of a gas stream; typically utilized to obtain exhaust flow rates (post combustion) in stacks. Method Limitations EPA Method 2 is not applicable at measurement sites that failto meet the citeria of EPA Method 1, section 11.1.1 (measurement site as a function of "stack diameter'distances). Additionally, the method cannot be utilized for direct measurement in cyclonic or swirling flow conditions. When unacceptable conditions exist, alternative procedures, subject to the approval of the Administrator, must be employed to produce accurate flow rate determinations. Examples of such alternative procedures are: 1) To install straightening vanes; 2) To calculate the totalvolumetric flow rate stoichiometrically;or 3) Move to another measurement site at which the flow is acceptable. 3.4 EPA Method2A Diret Measurement of Gas Volume Through Pipes and Small Ducts This method is applicable for the determination of gas flow rates in pipes and smal! ducts, either in-line or at exhaust positions, within the temperature range of 0 to 50 'C (32 lo 122"F). 3.5 EPA Method 2C Determination of Gas Velocity and Volumetrtc How Rate in Small Stacks or Ducts (Standard Piat Tube) This method is applicable for the determination of average velocity and volumetric flow rate of gas streams in small stacks or ducts. Limits on the applicability of this method are identicalto those set forth in Method Z Section 7.0, except that this method is limited to stationary source stacks or ducts less than about 0.30 meter (12 in) in diameter, or 0.071 m2 (t t 3 in2) in cross sectional area, but equal to or greater than about 0.10 meter (a in) (>0.10 m; 4 in) in diameter, or 0.0081 m2 (12.57 in2) in cross-sectional area. 3.6 EPA MethodzD Measurement of Gas Volume How Rates in Small Pipes and Ducts @ Page 1 2 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 EPA Method 2D is applicable for the determination of the volumetric flow rates of gas streams in small pipes and ducts; can be applied to intermittent or variable gas flows only with caution. All the gas flow in the pipe or duct is directed through rotameter, orifice plate, or similar device to measure flow rate or pressure drop. The device has been previously calibrated in a manner that ensures proper calibration for the gas being measured. Absolute temperature and pressure measurements are made to allow correction of volumetric flow rates to standard conditions. ln most testing programs, EPA Method 2D is used on inlet fuel piping to derive fuel flow (Qr) to calculate the total volumetric flow rate stoichiometrically. For Sl-RICE Engines (gas-fired turbines notwithstanding) the following appurtenances are utilized to comply with the measurement standards outlined in EPA Method 2D: . Fuel-flow data recorded by "stock" meters (where available); o Determined algorithmically utilizing a programmable logic controller (PLC);or o Differential pressure measurements across an orifice plate. 3.7 EPA Reference Method 3A Determination of Orygen and Carbon Dioxide Concentrations in Emissions from StationarySources Oxygen (Oz) concentrations are determined instrumentally by EPA Reference Method 3A. The M&C Products Model PMA22 paramagnetic analyzer receives conditioned effluent gas (dry);the analyzer registers output signals (measurements) and which are automatically recorded on the DAS. All raw data can be viewed in Appendix G of this report. Oxygen is a paramagnetic gas, which means that it is attracted by a magnetic field. This magnetic susceptibility is much greater than that of most other gas molecules and is idealfor determining the level of oxygen in contextual gas mixtures propagated through combustion. The paramagnetic sensor is a cylindrical-shaped container with a small glass "dumbbell" located inside. The dumbbell is filled with an inert gas and hangs on a suspended platinum wire within a non-uniform magnetic field. When a sample gas containing oxygen is processed through the sensor, the oxygen molecules are attracted to the stronger of the two (2) magnetic fields. This causes a displacement of the dumbbell which results in a rotational effect. When a gas flows through the paramagnetic oxygen sensor, oxygen molecules are attracted to the stronger areas of the magnetic field, causing the dumbbell to rotate. @ Page 1 3 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 ln the M&C Products PMA22,an opposing current is applied to restore the dumbbellto its normal position. The current required to maintain the dumbbell in its normal state is directly proportional to the partial pressure of oxygen and is represented electronically in percenl (yo)17. 3.8 EPA Reference Method 7E (by pro)ry) NOx lnstrumental (Referance Procedure for EPA Reference Method 3A and Data Coll*tion) EPA Reference Method 3A, Analysis of Oxygen Content in the Effluent Gas Sample, references EPA Reference Method TEfor general requirements to properly collect and format data. 40 CFR Part 60 EPA Method 7E, describes how to determine appropriate sample points, conduct initial system measurements, interference analyses, sample collection, post-run system bias and drift assessment, calibration and standardization, QC/QA procedures, and system performance evaluations. ln accordance with EPA Method 7E Section 16.1 - Dynamic Spike Procedure, a dynamic spiking procedure was used to validate test data (for all target constituents) in place of the interference analyses and pre- and post- run system bias analyses,'where applicablelB. 3.9 EPA Method 19 Determination of Sulfur Dioxide Removal Efficiency and Particulate Malter, Sulfur Dioxide, and IVitrogen Oxide Emission Rates EPA Method 19 is utilized to determine pollutant emission rates from the exhaust of the engine unit. The oxygen concentration and F-factor (ratio of combustion gas volumes to heat inputs) which is represented in units of dry standard cubic feet per million British Thermal Units (DSCF/MMBTU) are used to determine exhaust flow rates. The client furnished Encino with an application-specific (source) fuel-gas analysis, which was used to determine fuel caloric value. Adjusted oxygen measurements were used with gross fuel caloric value to determine the oxygen supported Fuel-factor on a dry basis. Molecular constituency from the most recent fuel-gas sample was applied to the formulae outlined in EPA Method 19; the output of these calculations is located in Iable 7 - Fuel Factor Calculations,Table 8 - Eml'ssion Rate Calculations, and Table 9 - EPA Method 19 Fuel Composition of this document. 17 Partial Pressure: notional pressure of the constituent gas if it alone occupied the entire volume of the original mixture at the same temperature; measurement of thermodynamic activity of the gas's molecules . Charles Henrickson (2005). Chemistry. 18 Where applicable;the Dynamic Spike Procedure will be utilized in accordance with ASTM Method D6348-03 unless conditions arise where a more stringent Dynamic Spike Procedure is necessary. @ Page 14 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 3.10 EPA Method 205 Verification of Gas Dilution Systems for Field lnstrument Calibrations A gas dilution system produces known low-level calibration gases from high-level calibration gases, with a degree of confidence equal to that for EPA Protocol 1 gasesle. lt may be used for compliance tests in lieu of multiple calibration gases when the gas dilution system is demonstrated to meet the requirements of the prescribed method. EPA Method 205 verification was completed in the field when the dilution concentrations were mixed and introduced to the FTIR analyzer three (3) times to determine instrument response. 3.11 ASTM Method D6348-03 Standard lest Method for Determination of Gaseous Compounds by Extactive Dirqt lnlnrtace Fourier Transform lnfrard Ff n Spectroscopy Fourier transform infrared (henceforth "FT|R") spectroscopy is a measurement technique for collecting infrared spectra and in this program was utilized to gather data for oxides of nitrogen (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and volatile organic compounds (VOCs)20. lt works on the principle that most gases absorb infrared light. The quantity of infrared light absorbed is proportionalto the gas concentration of the constituents. The captured infrared spectrum represents a "fingerprint" of the sample with absorption peaks which correspond to the frequencies of movement between the bonds of each compound's atoms. Since each compound represents a unique combination of atoms, no two (2) compounds produce identical absorption characteristics. Therefore, infrared spectroscopy can identify each compound by comparing the individual absorbency patterns to an established spectra library of known compounds. Additionally, the size of the peaks in the spectrum is a direct indication of the amount of the target constituent (compound or element) present. The MKS Multigas* 2030 FTIR is configured with a fixed, effective optical path length of five and eleven hundredths'meters (5.11 m) (approximately 16.8 ft) and employs a helium-neon laser. ln accordance with ASTM Method D6348-03, system response evaluations (system performance "pre-analyses") were conducted prior to the test project. The instrument was configured to analyze the sample at sixteen scans per minute (16 spm) to determine response time of the optical cell to reach ninety-five percent (957") of the known calibration value (ppm,d). ln the MKS Multigas" - the optical cell is exactly one liter (1 L);therefore, the response time can be properly 1e EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards; to provide analytical and statistical procedures that may be used to establish NIST-traceability for gaseous calibration standards. 20 ln accordance with ztO CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ; S60.a2a5(d) - ASTM Method D6348-03 (incorporated by reference - see 40 CFR 60.1 7) to measure VOC require reporting of all QA/QC data (Annexes 1-7). Table 4 to Subpart ZZZZ of Part 63 - Requirements for Performance Tests. @ Page 1 5 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 determined at a flow rate of (between) five and seven and a half liters per minute (5.00 LPM - 7.50 LPM; optics cell volume). All FTIR data was collected at a spatial frequency between fiv*tenths and one reciprocal centimeter (0.5 - 1.0 cm{) resolution. Each spectrum was derived from the average of sixty (60) scans. Data was collected continuously for each test, with a new data point generated every sixty (60) seconds. 3.12 Discussion ln accordance with 40 CFR $60.8(c)21 - Performance tests shall be conducted under such conditions as the Administrator shall specify to the plant operator based on representative performance of fie affected facility. The owner or operator shall make available to the Administrator such records as may be necessary to determine the conditions of the performance tests. Operations during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction shall not constitute representative conditions for the purpose of a performance test nor shall emissions in excess of the level of the applicable emission limit during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction be considered a violation of the applicable emission limit unless otherwise specified in the applicable standard. The two (2) methods which apply to measurements relating to fuel flow (EPA Method 24 and EPA Method 2D) require calibration and verification of the metering device. Both methods discuss introducing representative gases at known flow rates to demonstrate compliance with the tolerances listed in each procedure (under "representative" conditions). This may be accomplished one of two ways: o ln-situ: A dedicated fuel flow metering device is isolated from the primary fuel system and gases of known constituency and flowrates are introduced inline of the piping circuitry; or o Ex-situ: An independent flowmeter (test meter) is calibrated and verified while challenged with known gases and flowrates - to be installed at some point in the primary fuel system. ln either case, the SI-RICE source will be required to power down to a) perform calibration and verification of the dedicated meter through isolation or b) to install the independent meter - once verified. By utilizing any one of these methods, the source is potentially at risk of non-compliance; pursuant to 40 CFR $60.8(c): "Operations during periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction shall not constitute representative conditions for the purpose of a performance test...' 21 40 CFR 560.8 - Performance tests. @ Page 1 6 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 Startup and shutdown procedures for certain types of SI-RICE sources may include equilibrating high-pressure systems (e.9., natural gas compression systems) to atmosphere. Typically, these practices are limited to the allowances and thresholds outlined in the Air-Quality Authorization (i.e., Air Permit) which governs the operation and performance of the SI-RICE source. ln this case, the SI-RICE source must be "prepared" for shutdown to calibrate the inline flow meter or install the independent meter. As such, any emissions from source preparation may exceed short-term emission limits (of the Air Permit) and cause secondary pollutant impacts - particularly greenhouse gases (henceforth "GHG) as natural gas (fuel gas) contains (predominantly) methane (henceforth "CHa") possessing a global warming potential (henceforth "GWP") of at least 27 times that of COz. After the SI-RICE (in gas compression service) is started, the engine must cycle for up to six (6) hours -depending upon transmission gas availability since gas is generally rerouted prior to shut down. Additionally, engine tuning (post startup) may be required to adjust for fuel pressure, ambient conditions, and other operational variables. Therefore, in some cases, satisfying the conditions and requirements of each method (EPA Method 2A or EPA Method 2D) create scenarios which are not representative of routine operating conditions. ln accordance with 40 CFR S60.8(d), the Administrator has been provided at least thirty days (30- days) prior notice of this performance testing regimen. Unless otherwise indicated, instructed, and/or advised, the testing body utilized the protocol outlined in the corresponding notification See Section 1.5. Page 1 7 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-i 585-001 REV 0 4 OPERATION DESCRIPTION The Waukesha 9394GSl spark-ignited internal combustion stationary engine is fueled with natural gas and is used in either gas-transmission service by driving a generator unit; stationary engine- driven generator is used to increase pressure and continue the flow of natural gas to pipeline pressure in order to supply the natural gas demand/distribution downstream or for electrical utility generation to power a local microgrid. A copy of the stationary engine-specific manufacturer data is included in Appendix B of this report. Descriptions of the utility and application of the Waukesha 9394GSl spark-ignited is located in Table 2 and Appendix C. 4.1 Operational Data Operational data of the spark-ignited stationary engine was recorded during each sample run. This data included the load (percent; %) at which the stationary engine ran during the test and various factors that help determine and ensure mechanical integrity of the stationary engine - such as oil pressure, manifold pressure, and revolutions per minute of the mechanical compressor unit (voltage and amperage where applicable). A copy of the field data sheets is included in Appendix C of this report. Emissions source operational data is located inTable 2 of this report. @ Page 1 8 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 5 SAMPLING SYSTEM CALIBRATION DATA Pursuant to the QC/QA requirements outlined in each method and incorporated in this test program, quality assurance activities were undertaken prior, during, and after each emissions performance project. The following sections detail the QC/QA techniques and practices which were rigorously followed during the testing program. 5.1 Oxygen Analyzer The response of the oxygen analyzer was evaluated and adjusted in the field prior to the collection of data via multipoint calibration. Oxygen analyzer calibration data - including error analysis and bias corrections is located in lable 3 of this report. 5.2 FTIR Analyzer Linearity of the FTIR instrument was analyzed by first adjusting the zero (0) and span responses to zero nitrogen (O-Nz), and then to an upscale calibration gas in the range of expected concentrations (of each target analyte)22. ln accordance with ASTM Method D6348-03 (2010) Annex 6 (A6.1), the noise equivalent absorbance (henceforth "NEA") was determined by flowing nitrogen (zero air) through the gas sample cell while collecting a "background" spectrum (in succession). Line position was determined by flowing nitrogen through the gas sample cell and acquiring a spectrum which, in- turn, was used to determine the wavelength that corresponds to the maximum peak absorbance (line position) of water vapor in the region of 1,918 cm{, or from 3,045 to 3,050 cm{ (or another suitable spectral region that remains consistent)23. Additionally, the system resolution was recorded and verified by flowing nitrogen through the gas sample cell and allowing equilibration at sub-atmospheric pressure (approximately one hundred torr (100 torr)). An absorbance spectrum was collected with a resolution at the one-half (1/2) width and the one-half (1/2) maximum height of the water vapor lines in the region of 1,918 cm{ (or, from 3,045 to 3,050 cm{ or another suitable region that remains constant). The instrument was then challenged with other calibration gases of known concentrations to determine instrument response. A copy of instrument data displaying peak signal intensity and analysis is represented by Figure 3. 5.3 Gas Diluter Validation The dilution system was calibrated in accordance with EPA Method 205 to generate calibration gases (analytes) where measured concentration values (ppm,d) are within two percenl (!2"/") of 22 ASTM Method D6348-03 (201 0), Annex 4 (A4.5) - Required Pretest Procedures. 23 ASTM Method D6348-03 (2010), Annex 6 (A6.2) - Line Position. @ Page 1 9 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 the of the predicted values. The predicted values were calculated based on the certified concentrations of the supply gases and gas flow rates ("dilution factors") through the gas dilution system (measured by rotametet2o). A copy of the field gas dilution system calibration report is located inTable 4. Pursuant to EPA Method 205, the gas dilution system has been calibrated, on a prescribed interval using NIST-traceable primary flow standards with an uncertainty less than or equalto twenty-five hundredth percent (s 0.25"r.). A copy of the factory gas dilution system validation certificate is included in Appendix D of this report. 5.4 Sampling System After each sample run, the analyzers were evaluated for zero (0) and span drift. The criterion for acceptance verification; the instrument drift is no more than three percent (t37o) of the full-scale response. Absence of leaks in the sampling system was verified by a sampling system bias and performance evaluation. The sampling system's integrity was tested by comparing the response of the analyzers to the calibration gases which were introduced via two (2) paths: 1) Directly into the analyzer; and 2) Through the entire sample system, introduced at the probe. Differences in instrument response by these two (2) methods is attributed to sampling system bias. The criterion for acceptance is within five percent (t5%) of known values. 5.5 Calibration Gases Gas mixtures were used that contained known concentrations of each target analyte as well as other gases necessary to adhere to the ASTM Method D6348-03 sampling procedure. These gases were produced and certified in accordance with "EPA Traceability Protocol for Assay and Certification of Gaseous Calibration Standards", September 1997, as amended August 25,1999, EPA -600/R-971121or more recent updates. Copies of gas cylinder certificates are included in AppendixE. 21 A rotameter is a device that measures the volumetric flow rate of gas in a closed tube. R.C. Baker. Flow Measurement Handbook: lndustrial Designs, Operating Principles, Performance, and Applications. (2016) 790 pages. @ Page 20 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 6 FTIR DATA VALIDATION ASTM Method D6348-03 (2010) includes stringent compliance requirements and QC/QA practices for Encino's Emissions Technicians and Operational Support Project Managers to follow while collecting and analyzing test data. 6.1 Minimum Detection Limits (MDL) Pretest requirements include establishing "best case" readings for a known contaminant and comparing it to actual field conditions2s. Best case minimum detectable concentrations (henceforth "MDC" or "MDL"; interchangeable)26 are based on system noise - excluding interferences like water and methane vapor. lnstrument response for target constituents is detailed in Figure 4 of this report. 6.2 Calibration Transfer Standard and System Purge A calibration transfer standard (henceforth "CTS") was analyzed prior to, and after testing. The concentrations determined for all calibration standards were within five percent (t5%) of the certified value of each standard (certified concentration)27. Ethylene passed through the entire system to validate response and ensure that it was leak-free from the sample interface location (probe) to the FTIR instrument2s. A copy of the CTS report is included in lable 5. Nitrogen was also purged through the sample system to ensure that it remained free from contaminants. 6.3 Dynamic Spiking and Recovery Analyte dynamic spiking is performed prior to each test project to determine the system's ability to quantitatively deliver measurements from the base of the sample interface location (probe) to the FTIR, and to confirm the ability of the FTIR to quantify each analyte spike in the presence of effluent gas. The spiking gases contained a low concentration of sulfur hexafluoride (SFe) which was used in the spiked sample to calculate the dilution factor (DF) of the spike; and thus, used to calculate the 2s ASTM Method D6348-03 (2010); Annex A2 - Determination of FTIR Measurement System Minimum Detectable Concentrations (MDC/MDL) and Overall Concentration Uncertainty. 26 Minimum Detection Limit (or level) is the minimum concentration that can be measured with 99% confidence that the value is above zero. 27 ASTM Method D6348{3; Section 1 1.3.4 Pre-Test Calibration Transfer Standard (CTS)- Flow the calibration transfer standard gas through the FTIR gas cell, Analyze the CTS gas and verify the results are within 5 % of the certified value. 28 ASTM Method D6348{3 (201 0) Annex A4; A4.5 - Conduct a system mechanical response time test by directing the CTS gas through the entire sampling system including the primary particulate matter filter cartridge. The mechanical response time is the time required for the gas to equilibrate fully within the sampling system. lt is a function of the length of the sample transport line, the gas cell volume (1 L), and the flowrate through the FTIR sample cell (5.00 LPM - 7.5 LPM). Reference Section 3.0. @ Page21 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 concentration of the spike gases. The DF for all analyte spikes was less than one-to+en (1 :10). All spike recoveries were within the ASTM Method 06348-03 Annex 5 allowance of thirty percent (1307") as listed inTable 6 of this report2e. ln instances where EPA Method 7E applies, the sprke recoveries are validated within one hundred - plus or minus ten percent (1007o, !10%). Pre- and post- sprke procedures will be documented if the Reference Method (EPA Method 7E) was utilized. 6.4 Review of Test Methodologies and Spectral Data Validation To verify compliance with ASTM Method D6348-03 Standard Test Method for Determination of Gaseous Compounds by Extractive Direct lntertace Fourier Transform (FTIR) Spectroscopy the following data validation steps were completed30,3l: 1. The Test Plan was reviewed to ensure that the recommended testing conditions were used to collect the data (e.g., verified thej correct testing intervals, requisite observations, and samples) and that the temperature and pressure requirements were met. 2. The spectral data was reviewed to ensure that a background spectrum (instrument zero) was obtained at the beginning of the testing program32. 3. Field calibration data for each target analyte as well as the CTS were reviewed for the instrument to ensure that the results obtained from each measurement were within five percent (t5%) of certified values. 4. Pretest and post-test data were evaluated to ensure that the CTS gases were used to perform the instrument stability evaluations and that the results were within five percent (t5%) of the certified values. 5. Dynamic spiking data were reviewed to ensure that each spiked compound was recovered within thirty percent (t30%) of each certified value. 6. An inspection of water absorbency at a spatial absorbance of one-thousand, nine-hundred, and eighteen reciprocal centimeters (1,918 cm{) was conducted to evaluate line position and line width (as a measure of resolution) of selected spectra. 2e ASTM Method D6348-03; Annex 5 - Analyte Spiking Technique. 30 The review of test methodologies and acquired data (spectral and other) is performed by a degreed environmental professional (Environmental Scientist, Environmental Chemist or Engineer) with a minimum of seven (7) years relevant experience and versed in ASTM and EPA sampling protocol. 31 ASTM Method D6348-03; Annex 8 - Post Test Quality AssuranceifControl Procedures. 32ASTM Method 06348-03 (2010); AnnexA6 - Determination of Slstem Performance Parameters - Noise EquivalentAbsorbance (NEA), Line Position, and Detector Linearity. @ Page22 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date:December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 7. The sample spectrum was reviewed for each sample run; manual scaling was compared to the calculated FTIR results. 6.5 Quality Management The primary objective of this testing program is to provide the Regulated Entity and/or Regulatory Agency with unaltered and unbiased environmental measurements and data collected, managed, and distributed in a manner consistent with laboratory, requisite methodologies, and regulatory policies/procedures. Additionally, Encino maintains and strictly follows a three-phase (3-phase) Quality Management Plan/Process33 (henceforth "QMP") which details facilities, laboratory practices, methods, personnel, and equipment necessary for meeting QC/QA objectives. The policies and practices of QC/QA outlined in this report are set forth as minimum requirements. Any additional measures required by a testing project are documented in Appendix C. 33 QualiU Management Plan (QMP); QMP-1$0048-001 REV 1. @ Page 23 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 7 EMISSIONS CALCULATIONS 7.1 Emission Rates Oxygen (Oz) concentrations (expressed in units of percent; %) and appropriate F-factors were used to calculate pollutant emission rates from pollutant concentrations. EPA Method 19, Formula 19- 1, was used to derive the post-combustion exhaust flow rates - expressed in units of standard cubic feet per hour (henceforth "SCFH") from diluent measurements (% Oz), fuel-gas analysis (site specific), and the heat input values ("R"; MMBTU/hr) obtained from the gas-spec lower and higher heating values ("LHV" and "HHV"). EPA Method 19 fuel factor derivation and pollutant emission rate calculations are included in Table 7 and T*le 8 of this report (respectively). 7.2 FuelAnalysis Michael Duplantis, EHS with Crusoe Energy Systems, lnc, supplied a site-specific fuel-gas analysis which was used to develop the EPA Method 19 Fuel Composition for method-approved emission rate calculations. A copy of the customer-supplied analysis is included in Figure 5 of this report. The EPA Method 19 Fuel Composition can is located inTable 9. 7.3 Engine Performance Data Technical data regarding the performance and overall operation of the engine was supplied by the manufacturer (AppendixB). A copy of the engine-specific data sheet is included in Appendix F. @ Page24 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 8 RAW DATA Raw data was captured and recorded on the EmCollect* DAS and includes al! calibration activities, sample system integrity evaluations, validations, and data collected during each sample run. A copy of the DAS report is included in Appandix Gu. 3a As defined by The Air Quality System (AQS; EPA); Raw Data represents data that has been successfully loaded (with automated relational checks performed/passed) and is ready for review. Data is only visible to members of the screening group responsible for the monitor and will not be included in any reports except for those specifically designed to view pre-production data. @ Page 25 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 9 QUALIFICATIONSOFENVIRONMENTALPROFESSIONALS Please refer to Appendix H for resumes of key personnel who have contributed to the completion of this project. 9.1 ASTM Method D7036-04 S"tandard Pnctice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies This practice specifies the general requirements for competence to carry out sampling and analysis for air emissions tests of stationary sources. lt covers testing and calibration performed using standard methods, non-standard methods and methods developed by the Air Emissions Testing Body ("AETB";ss. Encino Environmental Services, LLC demonstrates conformance to ASTM Method D7036-04 in accordance with the following: 1. The AETB follows a QMP that addresses each of the requirements listed in Method ASTM D7036-04. 2. The AETB maintains an organization which includes the following professionals: . Technical Manager; . Quality Manager; and . Qualifiedlndividual. 3. Emissions Performance Test Plans are required for all projects (including non-regulatory applications). 4. The AETB performs internal audits at least once annually. 5. Laboratory management certifies program objectives and conformance with ASTM Method D7036-04. To inquire about ASTM Method D7036-04 conformance and practices, contact Operational Support from the options listed in Section 1.5 of this document. 35 ASTM Method D703G06 - Standard Practice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies. @ Page26 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Dater December 6,2023 Document EM-23-1585-001 RB/ 0 FIGURES @ {p\OrbP€E EE(t,o(oN6,l Ef; Eo E (,oo Loo.oE,6FgE', ,luE:.o6ocLoo'= (uEEuJo (, f(E Eo.C(, u, EoIHtt o CD .E CL E(Eo F oL) CDlr oizg u6f;zgiut;g @ dC*f;__l3 -"ilr: @ @ $;IEEE i; EE;} E E Ff; " -s='E iEEIE*E =ltl uI E C" r4g!,o.L €srE6 5= EgooE -!rgo fi $s o 4t(E(, CL EL(E o(E oTIoLo. oJo OE FJ oL =C't E. {H\OrbPo.il BT:Ro,JEfi Eq, E =ooa Lo CLoE6PgEefL.96,,cL.n CL'= (!ECIJJ U, Emissions Test Report Snapper FaciliU Date: December 6,2023 Document EM-23-158il01 RB/ 0 Figure 2:Photographs @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 Figure 3: Peak Signal Intensity and Analysis (Quality Analysis) Peak Signal lntensity rrrger 3 em B5ol Peak Analysis @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility co Date: December 6,2O23 Document EM-23-1585"001 REV 0 Figure 4:Detection Limits -a6tu NO a m m @& ff 6UA@@6 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-158$001 REV 0 Ethylene (CTS; VOC Substitute) @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1 585-001 REV 0 Figure 5: FuelAnalysis Sample Gas Anallrcls Plilr4S77l AXIA RAVOLLA MASTER SALES UlNTAll xrxoenlrronorx Andystsorith Jr, Adam I{.a$rlng cmpay:630 - KM ALTAITONT LLC Efi strt D-r:2021/11/0 1 00:00:00 t.lsLg.a fdrr.,rar T6tLcdm:AXIARAVOLLAMASTERSALESUINTI DrtfimSrtplrttTt:2021/11/09t239:00 Pr6suE las€: 14.73 Dddllmc Sndc End: _ D.rGmcAn.F. cnaca rro eru:zoztlttlog-t2ig:ooSrtDl? Ftcqrcncy: S.rnplc D!€:BIU try: 1.343390 Blrrurlr 1.3200i5 EIU Cond: Dry- l.b(Io bc tll€d ori by LAB PlFonml) 8C: O.7BiO'' r-J coo",iro rcsteo aiarti.ort +icin :- Rrpon*366338 Ardy."dBF_l Sanplc * :Andydr Oae202ll11rc9 I 2:09:m Nltmga: 0.14880 l{coprilu: 0.m000 lr6nc: 0.00m0 EaltrtBmm: 0.00000 c{to Olod(b: 0.85890 l€opqrtft: 0.59260 Hq06 Plur: 0.66450 xyl@: 0.m000 Itlctianc; 74.75530 Pqtc: 0.925m ll)rfsgn: 0.00000 Toluar: 0.00000 E0ril: 12.47530 Hrxm: 0.52Sm Surs 0.0(x)00 lutacn 0.mm0 PrcpaE: 6.333m HeCa: 0.10510 Oxygq: 0.00000 Hy('ogmGdidc: 0.00000 lsob(anr: 0.91770 Ocl&: 0.02E70 tldlm: 0.0UI0 ly(roq"n Sumdc corl: 0.00000 llllarc: 232ffi ;;",rob.d6did cPtll HGxm: 0.21840 PDpe: 1.75180 lsobuil: 0.30150 BLa@: 0.73700 NcopsrEE o.mqD lspcntrnq 0.21760 ParE 0.33670 ElhD.: 3.34970 HTte: 0.04870 Oc1ff: 0.01480 llmm: 0.00.100 l>cm: 0.00000 Tord:6.97720 commlEil5 n?adng Locdo Dahmmc IlDe TcstCr Pr6surrtslg)Ga5 Tempm H2S(grd.E lO0 mO ozPFir)H2o0bs/MiEA 0.00 @ Page 1 ofl 4N2022 11:54:414M Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 TABLES @ @ T,/,CEgE si P EE,EEEPi9-c :-.cr(u 5^giE.PE= o >=v=G $-agFf .gl,)'== F>Ef -o Q,tso- E.Eg 8.E€cocooF(lo6 ttsSo I -q -o.E X=o=fEEEEeI ,2 .9 -^36i5zeoas5f9l-o egH.EBs o-E E;E E EO E g; ZEE {E*qE8; *iE EE9-o..6E =-P=orv5€=- o=6pE 6 o! EgFoOog.ag P=or99 .E o.lgcEE* E'-6.iF c.3br :;i s 3E;E P= =oo.=6i9 =xotr +E8o rooYoi >EEiE E "B +: E E6'Eq'EOr;r! r oooE(E =o EEc (U aD- .9o'= o CL g; Eq, Eo.=f ETq, oE E c, CLtro6 =t,o=o:8,66T.o; ! -c!rF(uo 5.' o.=EtrE!oE9ELL-rG,6 E5 qF ilEO E!P = ciE h.sF E,oooE€ ED(JEOE(l,'l,E fi3eU,E=cc .9.E6E .,ED =o:LocnE.s L Pe?BOo 8€E(J ocLEBE9oi= !9FO Nqg \obP-o 'iEr') EE o)ERo)JEfi E c, Efooo Eo CL(u E, 'oEgE,(E?rr.Eb(t, cLocL'=(EECLUA Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 Table 2: Emissions Source Data Test Run Start Time 09:50 10:54 12:00 End Time 10:50 11:54 13:00 Logging lnterval (minutes)60 60 60 60 Ambient CordiUons Dry Bulb / Ambient Temperature ("F)21 39 43 34 Wet Bulb Temperature ("F)N/A N/A N/A 0 Average Humidity (%)47 39 31 39 Barometric Pressure (inches Hg)30.20 30.16 30.14 30.167 Elevation (AMSL;ft)7,167 Emlsslons Sourcs Manufacturer Waukesha Model 9394GSt SerialNumber 1453999 Unit Number 1254 Manufacture/Rebuild Date (DOM)N/A Source Category Stationary Engine FuelType (e.9., natural gas, diesel, DGB):NaturalGas fmisslons Source Operational Data Fuel flow rate; EPA Method 2C or 2D Determined By BSFC(LHV) Fuelflow rate (SCFH)9,018.06 9,018.06 9,018.06 9,018.06 BSFCruv (BTU/BHP/hr)4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 Rich Burn / Lean Burn (excess air)Rich Burn Calculated Load (%)90.070 90.0% 90.0% 90.07" Current Power (HPutur"o)2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 2,2s0.00 Manufacturer Max Rated Power (BHP)2500 Manufacturer Max Rated Speed (RPM)1200 Emission Control Equipment Catalyst Engine Type Spark-lgnited Engine Hours (hrs)24246 @ @ 6 t o =6 Noo c; o'gooo o'eoo c; l gi o'eood o'goo .o o'eoo .o ct(!o Eo 6Ea (t(,t o I- 3 oo)(U o, o'gNo ci I o'e @o c; d9Fo ci LIe8(o-c .E(J LL e€ C'IqoI i€ qoI ee @qo a ra-'=OEoo-cE()c ae€q 0 6e C'Tqo I ae coI 6(to o agL€ 6(t o 6(,ttA, otr)(o q, o'e @q rJ) o'e @or 'd o'Q\oq lJ) ,tr.E .Y (!-ccc)iI eeorq ro ee€or ui 'etf or Ui E OEo(u-c E(Jc aeE C'T U' ;e C'Tgr ni ae€q ro c e 6el- EeN E (YI INI F o c g, o\oq a.l Ee_oa*-E (l)H o.6CL CL o .go !,tr G tr .91H (U L€ (U() L.oN.>(u E co E'I xo crig .ct (EF i;\OrbP-ct '7 C1,)gP ER EF Eo E =ooa Lo CLoE o,=gE 9lrEb|,,cLoo-'=(UEcr!o @ isoo c.,i- eeFqo eeoroi lri deoo c.jr 6eF.o c; ee cno\ri o'eoo oi 6eF\o c; ae crio\ri o'Qr\r c; aeo\qo ;eoo CJ ae@o ci i.e@qo aeoco asr\qo ee@q o d9@q ro a9oqo deoq tJ) coo QP\obP-cr 'i-cu)hB o,?R EE co E)ooo to CLoE,6EEE'- ,Fc:.96.h CLocL'=(EECIJJ O Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 Bias Corrections Table 3-4 Example Calculation of Post-Orygeoconected (% O) For 7't fest Run rrg6s - lggas _ Where: Cg". Cavg Co t,m Cr" Sryparfac{Hty Test DaE: 1Ol27l2O?3 1 Sarple Run Avefage 1t 2nd 3d Post Oxygen (%Oz) Measured -1.477 -1.426 -1.401 -1.43 Corrected 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 -1.477 - -0.02 I oroo l% Average effluent gas concentration adjusted for bias, expressed in units of parts per million by volume, dry basis (ppmd) or percent (%); "Corrected" value listed in lable 3-4. Average unadjusted gas concentration indicated by the analyzer instrument expressed in units of parts per million by volume, dry basis (ppm,d) or percent (7o); "Measured' value listed in Table 3-4. Average of initial and final system calibration bias analysis response for low-level calibration gas, expressed in units of parts per million by volume, dry basis (ppm,d) or percent (%) located inTable 3-2. Average of initial and final system calibration bias analysis response for upscale calibration gas, expressed in units of parts per million by volume, dry basis (ppm,d) or percent (%) located inTahle 3-2. Concentration of upscale calibration gas, expressed in units of parts per million by volume, dry basis (ppm,d) or percent (7d located inTable 3-2. @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 Table 4: Gas Diluter Validation lnstrument: Teledyne Advanced Pollution lnstrumentation; Model T700 Type: Dynamic Dilution Calibrator Serlal Number: N/A Date Time: Oc127,2023 07:11 Validation Gas: Orygen Concentration: Dlluted Gas:Orygen Concentratlon: Target Concentratlon: Diluted Gas: Oxygen Concentration: Target Concentlation: 13.03% Average: 12.96% Deviation: -0.56% 100.00% 12.OO'l/" Average: 12.96% Deviation: -0.56% 100.00% 6.00% AnlyslsRur Obssved 1 2 3 6.01 Vo 5.96V" 5.96 % Average: 5.98 % Deviation: -0.88% EPA Melltod 205: Vedfiedon of Gas Dilution Srptems for Field lnstvmefi Callbnlbns,' A gas dilution system produces known low- level calibration gases from highlevel calibration gases wrth a degree of confidence similar to that for EPA Protocol 1 gases. lt may be used for compliance tests rn liat of muftiple calibration gases whar the gas dilution systern is verified to meet the rcquirements of the Method. Otrygen Analyzq: Oxygen concentations were deteffnined instrumentally by EPA Reference Method 3A. All raw data can be viewed in Appendix G. Orygen calibration procedures and results can be found in Table 3 and within the repoft naffative. An M&C Products Model PMA 22 paramagnetic analyzer was used for veification of the gas dilution system. Analyslc Run Obssved 1 2 3 12.95y. 12.95V" 12.97 % Ana[pls Run Obqowed 1 2 3 12.957" 12.95% 12.97 % @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 Prc-TestDfu€ft Table 5: Calibration Transfer Standard Oct27,2023 07:14 Ethylene (CzHn) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitric Oxide (NO) Propane (CaHe) Acetaldehyde (CzHrO) 136 7,000 7,200 2,500 100 136.808 7,227.822 7,545.770 2,439.818 0.000 0 0 0 150 TsgEi Cono3ntation (psn) Ethylene (CzHa)ao Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitric Oxide (N0) Propane (CsHe) Acetaldehyde (CzHaO) 137 7,000 7,200 2,500 100 0 0 0 20 Pre-Iest System Oct27,2023 07:14 Post-Iest Direct Oct27,202313:25 38 System response is defined as the time required for the system to reach 95% (as observed by the instrument) of the certified value of each analyte (cylinder or target concentration). 3e Start and stop data is acquired from MG2000 data (LAB files). 40 Target ethylene concentration for pre-test system performance evaluation is based on pre-test system 'direct" concentration reading; ASTM Method D6348-03 (201 0) 1 1 .4.1 Analyze the CTS gas and verify that the pathlength results agree to within 5 % of the certified value of the CTS. Record the measurement results. TagetCarcenMon (ppm) Ethylene (CzHn) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitric Oxide (NO) Propane (CsHa) Acetaldehyde (CzHnO) 130 6,s00 6,800 3,000 100 't27.330 6,271.996 6,527.317 2,914.411 0.000 -2.05% -3.51% -4.01% -2.85% 0 0 80 30 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6, 2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 Table 6: ASTM Method D6348-03 - Annex 5 Analyte Spiking Technique P*TEImnD&'! Sample File Begin: I 862 Sample File Final: | 926 ctlrdrroeirb€ Amlyt ConBlEatiil (ppm)o Carbon Monoxide (CO) Niiric Oxide (NO) Propane (CrHe) Acelaldehyde (C2HaO) Ethylene (CzHr) Sulfur Hexafluoride anryr (SFo) Sulfur Hexafluoride Errym" (SFo) Sulf ur Hexafl uoride Acaurouae (SFo) 501.80 501.30 502.30 N/A N/A 5.02 N/A N/A Oct 27, 2023 09:07 ln ac@rdan@ with ASTM Method D6348-03 Section 11.3.5 (Annex 5), aod SOP MTHD-ASTMO6348-03401 Altachment+ (Analyte Spiking Technique), percent rccovery prccedwes and calculatons wete pedomed for all applicable compounds (taryet const tuents). Sg{..Cdrca.don {prm} cmpound LAB 1 LAB 2 I-AB 3 AEr!ga Carbon Dioxide (COr) Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitric Oxide (NO) Propane (CrHo) Acelaldehyde (CzHrO) Ethylene (CzHr)& Water Vapor (Hro) Sulfur Hexafluoride emyr (SFo) Sulfur Hexafluoride 16"* (SFo) Sulfur Hexafluoride a€urocue (SFo) 1.605 536.646 545.939 526.617 N/A N/A 18.203 0.527 N/A N/A '1.679 529.636 5{4.855 512.582 N/A N/A 18.027 0.51 5 N/A N/A 1,750 522.410 533.139 506.036 N/A N/A I8.945 0.510 N/A N/A '1.678 529.564 541.311 5r5.078 N/A N/A 18.391 0.517 N/A N/A R@vary foI each anaMe must b6 between 70oh - 130oh (r 30%) tsntk.d ctuaEild @pn\ - s.uk concd.rdtd Qm)) x [r - Ditutj!!yg:4*)Pncd R.covq^rutYt. = -_----Z;A@ s.mpte F ow R.te (LPA6:An t te Sphe FlN R.te (LPM): a1 Timeslamp infomation obtained frcm MG2OOO LAB files. a2 Gases wer prduced and ettified in a*odance with 'EPA Tnceability Prlocot fot Assay and Cenification of Gaseous Cs,rbration Statdards', Septm bet 1997, as amended Augusl 25,1999, EPA400/R-97/121 ot more recent updates. a' Con@ol/ations represert ten percent (7 O%) of actual botile con@ntntim as pq ASTM D634843 - Annex 5 (Anelyte Spiking Technique); and Anachment F of Encino SOP MTHD- 45TMO634843401. e Per ASTM D6348{3, a spike recovery analysis is not required for elhylene (CTS). However, an ethylene spike m8y be performed and used to salisfy the spike recovery requirements for VOC (in lieu of propane - C3). 1s Pet ASTM D634849 stack ssmple must invotve at least fiften (15) indeFndent samples; equivalent to five (5) @ll volumes. The volume of the cell in the MKS 2030" FT-IR is one (1) lilec thercfore, at a sample nte of five (5) lite6 per minute (LPM), the @ll is filled fire (5) trimes at sixteen (76) scans. 0.5 Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nirric Oxide (NO) Propane (C:He) Ethylene (CzHr) Acetaldehyde (C2HaO) gp[ro Avragor compound conc$oedm (ppfli) Csrbon Dioxide (CO, Carbon Monoxide (CO) Nitric Oxide (NO) Propane (CrHe) Acetaldehyde (CrH.0) Ethylene (C2Hr) Waier Vapor (HrO) Sulfur Hexafluoride rn6rr6 (SFo) Sulfur Hexafluoride Eovcm (SFd Sulf ur Hexafl uoride aa"u*ya. (SFo) 95.259 1 1 8.543 36.433 D[ldcRdoE CmpouDd Pamnt !E(*) Carbon Dioxide (C02) Water Vapor (H2O) Sulfur Hexafluoride m"re (SFo) Sulfur Hexafluoride Eqr* (SF6) Sulfur Hexafl uoride Aor"r"m" (SFr) 70.96% -1M.95% 10.30% N/A N/A @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 Table 7: EPA Method 19 Fuel Factor Calculations Nomenclature OzFa oz F-factor, DSCF/million BTU K Conversion factor (1,000,000 BTU) Kn 3.64 SCF of exhausVlb of hydrogen burned/Hydrogen (percent; %) Kc 1.53 SCF of exhaust/lb of carbon burned/Carbon (perceng %) lG 0.57 SCF of exhaust/lb of sulfur burned/Sulphur (percent; 7d KH 0.14 SCF of exhaust/lb of nitrogen burned/Nitrogen (percent; %) Ko 0.46 SCF of exhaust/lb of orygen burned/Oxygen (percent; %) GCV Gross caloric value of fuel analysis, BTU/lb lnput Percent of Total Mass (from fuel analysis)46: Hydrogen 7o 21.79 H Carbon % 76.77 C Sulphur % 0.00 S Nitrogen % 0.19 N Oxygen % 1.25 O (lG x ttl + (lG x c) + (lG X S) + (Kr x N) - (xo x 0) x K OzFa GCV 196,240,585.81 OzFa 21,179.76 OzFa 8,466.032 DSCF/MMBTU aG EPA Method 1 9; Section, Equation 19-1 3. @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 Table 8: Method 19 Emission Rate Calculations Fuel HHV (BTU/SCF)1,308.979 LHV (BTU/SCF)1,122.747 F-factor (DSCF/MMBTU)8,466.032 Measured Gonentra$ons 02 (vol 7o) cor""t"a 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00 C0 (ppm,d)79.041 70.031 60.387 69.82 NOx (ppmd)4.196 6.221 3.353 4.59 V0Crorar (ppmud)12.829 13.597 12.998 13.14 Operatlng Conditlons Engine Horsepowerutirizea (H P)2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 2,250.00 Fuel Flow Rate Qr (SCFH)9,018.06 9,018.06 9,018.06 9,018.06 BSFCr-w (BTU/BHP-hr)4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 Fuel BTU Consumption (MMBTU/hr)11.80 11.80 11.80 11.80 Exhaust Flow Rate - Qo (SCFH)99,936.85 99,936.85 99,936.85 99,936.85 Exhaust Flow Rate (SCFM)1,665.61 1,665.61 1,665.61 1,665.61 Engine Hours (hrs)24246 Converter Pressure Drop (in H2O)N/A Duty (kw-hr)N/A N/A N/A N/A Calculated Emisslons co (rb/h0 0.574 0.509 0.438 0.s07 6on/Vr)2.514 2.227 1.921 2.221 (s/BHP-h0 0.116 0.103 0.088 0.102 (ppm"d at 15% 0z)22.313 19.770 17.047 19.710 lb/MMBtu 0.057 0.050 0.043 0.050 NOx (b/h0 0.050 0.074 0.040 0.055 (ton/yr)0.219 0.325 0.175 o.240 (s/BHP-hr)0.010 0.015 0.008 0.011 (PPmd at 157o Oz)1.184 1.756 0.946 1.296 lb/MMBtu 0.005 0.007 0.004 0.005 VOCns (lb/hr)0.147 0.155 0.149 0.150 (ton/Vr)o.642 0.681 0.651 0.658 (g/BHP-hr)0.030 0.031 0.030 0.030 (ppmd at 15% oz)3.622 3.838 3.669 3.710 lb/MMBtu 0.014 0.015 0.015 0.015 @ Emissions Test Repoft Snapper Facllity Date: Decernber 6,2023 Document EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 L 385.5 SCF,vdrma of 1 robof thal0rcgl68T/1fin Sanellb'453.5924 ffi-rslaancpAq t(t53.6sem&I 5ol aI T = co 28.01(I2 grams/mole CHr 16.(X00 NOx 46.0056 Propanqrcc 4.0972 HCflO 30.0261 SOz 64.0660 NHs 17.0306 @ @ +E EF\ao EEooU' U' EE II d =ffi il$l l-!e EEa Aogod)e iJo:oExU ! olro ao EE (i) ENoENO\o]\qo=e.e1ao 6i6E oFBF ^E =as aoce Eo-Eg 2= =.= EE .ii > eo oE =E d = do- 9 u T PE *rr- E 3'5 op = EB EE a =6 q5 s ;'E EE p* EE io E'i E; Eo rEo oo f.E E? o=E iq E* e ;"E ag E Y G -o EE O = :l; EH Ee g E=E :b .a*; E >6o=o+iHEpiS .28 e =o-ESEE:E F6^e EdiP>bi xqO6- 6-o E:Etg aIE?ee gE ;=i:;f *e?HEE Ee fESEE HEE$EE E3 EEEEE -BEEIEg EEEEe€= Ettj-EE!EE'EE E E * H E H g E E g : ; H=-E A€J E E E i fi } 'E E E =*E EI:: S TE EETEEE*'FFE-a3*E-=- EE tg$EEE;Eggfi*ceef,B E 8 FE$EBPfigg=H$HggTg E(rgd5 E -*E E ;.i 6= -€ -.E E==EE',ursE=- g=-r=EsE s uBii QP\obP.ct 'j-Clf, EEoo(o(\lo,lEfi Eo Eooo troooE.6.tgE 2rr.0bocLt, cL'=(EEcI,JJ A @ E E to eo an.cto No ee t e3 Ee GLco(,tro() o c .g.o E iP V' ae c .9 6 coocoo o .c€ E 5 E t-J E] EtB E E] do aflD er Eoco(, h aeG!bo(, 1., rD @(v, t! E .E oa eC' d- 3Ee E 6g SECri QP\l,E8ts.A BP6(v,(\lc,J Ef; Eo E,ooo Lo CLoot6FgE e,ELaE ',cL'=6ECIIJ q' @ oqotoN N. Ic,t,\f ot,qo E A.fb l-J E] 6eo E E4 l-JIC'I E No*ut e, Ec4xo- I4 !Exo2 B 6 E xo- E o.6;o- E E Eo Eoooo o ee |e c .9(! Eo(,coo o c .gIt E aett I ae co (o c o,oco() No EoIt E cro HNrgbPrt -rc aat EEo)'r6C(' EH co E =c,oo Lo CL(l, d,6FgE'. ,f L.96(/,CLU' CL'=6ECUJ C" @ E E !,o, uooIIo o ae I ae E .9 E Eo(,coc) o E .9.cttr e€ttt Ic .9 E e,o()coo o E .Ett E E A.c,eE t-llBt E 5 E E No t?ro erceA(,o ot (,o Eb! E 6a 6o (v, otprclbR€t HP6G)slo,.r Ef; Eo E =(,o6 Lo CLoG6EEE'. ,Pc:.od.n o.ocL'= (EEClrJ o @ (nco Ecoo E tEEc (U o 1'c (U o6Eo-AF UE'(Jc'@G'v-tP d or*c=@(E=cL=E es HCLLr ; P']e 5lJ-(E-€rE8 E_Ei:E G= E:Uge €8EE P E'E'=arP6qEfocYso -:(EE=C()# g8F€.oE EX,EE:()Ys(E6EoE :E.Ale.y.: EEvvvjJrE s E s N E [ed5888-pract XC'G'Booo-c, iii -==== t-B5 d ====J-Ns (Y' ONqs rObP2E EEo?Ro,f EF Eo E =C)oo tro CLq, &. OEgE 9,I.EbocL ',cL'=(EEctrt O @ II- E !It 'EI dd d d d d d d d ci o o o ci o d o o c z dd d d o d d d d d d d d d d d d d. o oooeoooocoo o o o cio o o d o ci o d d d d d d d d d d < I - 6NOFOoOO660666 dd d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d d OF O N O d6; ci d ci o - ci ci ci d ci ci d ci d ci d c =E EE r E 6 ! .9 E ! F c b & ! E E: 6 b e P 9+ N-g JE OE o6=E>b :EE I5i'aox!ET E6: 50! r [E b=<. 5 E5p::a.9:E 9E!65tsB P::HE etr s giP8-ts86,tE.E E Eao I P6 ! et o ! { .c o! eg ]I i It e 5q o z z 6 E aEiI ! a oaE TItIIIIt FIIIIIji aI It '!fxt>p EE =W= M,k l?tarr; i* ,{,, t#t T$l5!F o I:aP = !!.=lr C>Q->JF 6 E L l' ,ie '!E =li iQ OFit9 t t l=+ a Peslt b E E l= t; t- lo t"=l El!l= t: t- l. EIE li t" l" t" t"=1, i l= l. t" l"=pt ci I ci + ?rEt_A E I l* l" E *3 ,F:E t l8 l" tl l8o ;l; E I E ) EI Et l J ! 6o B 9 =E e t aq 6 tro '6 o CL Eo(J o =lt oi t,o lHo = o. UJ ogtt(gF (rro NRf, to- rsFclo EEoo(r,Noi Efr i-.;co E) C)oo troo-oE, OEgE '(E9lrL.96oo-ocL'=(EEEI-IJ U' Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date December 6 2023 Document EM-23-1585"001 REV 0 APPENDICES @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-158$001 RB/ 0 A SINGLE POINT SAMPLING IATORY JUSTIFICATION @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 Fom: To: $tr.cc DrQ.: r.d-ft@!! &elberi{cE EPA 7E Siulc hht snplhg Fridav, Dentq 21, 2018 ,1:P:24 PM Joe, As we discussed there is some confusion about Single point sampling and when it is allowed. So as we discussed during our recent phone call: ln summary there are provisions for single point sampling for instrumental sampling of pollutanb; however, it must be justified by either having a small stack or by proving no stratification exist using astratiflcationtest. lwouldnotethatthestratificationtestshouldbeconductedpriortoeach testing event at each individual source, even if that particu lar source or others of same make, model, and manufactu re year have previously proven u nstratified du ring prior source testing. The rational we discussed from the method is below. According to EPA Method 7-E, Section 8.1.2: 3rd sentence "lf testing for multiple pollutanb or diluents at the same site, a stratification test usint only one pollutant or diluent satisfies this requirement." So any pollutant or diluent measured can be used to conduct a stratification test. And the stratification test is conducted according to Method 1. Alternatively, a stratification test may be conducted (5th sentence) "...at three points on a line passing through the centroidal area"... as stated in the following sentences. 4thsentence: "Astratificationtestisnotrequiredforsmall stacksthatarelessthan4inchesin diameter." tf the source is considered unstratified due to the testing results or is less than 4 inches in diameter, single point sampling from the point that most closely matches the mean of the stratification test (or centroid point for stacks less than 4 inches in diameter). 40 CFR JJJJ (Table 2-1.a.i.(1Xa) [also Table 2-1.b and 2-l.c for CO and VOC respectively) expands on this to "Alternatively,forNOX, 02, and moisture measurement, ducts =6 inches in diametermay be sampled at a single point located at the duct centroid and ducts >5 and =12 inches in d iameter may be sampled at 3 traverse points located at 16.7, 50.0, and 83.3% of the measurement line ('3-point long line'). lf the duct is >12 inches in diameter and the sampling port location meets the two and half-diameter criterion of Section 11.1.1 of Method 1 of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A, the duct may be sampled at'3-point long line'; othenvise, conduct the stratification testint and select sampling points according to Section 8.1.2 of Method 7E of 40 CFR part 60, Appendix A." Please feel free to contact me for additional discussion or clarification. Carl Ortmann Work Leader, Air Program Texas Commbsion on Environmental Quality Region 1.3- San Antonio 14250 Judson Road, San Antonio, TX 78233 Direct (210) 4$-4A72 ffiice (210) 490-3095 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document EM-23-158m01 RB/ 0 B MANUFACTURER INE DATA SHEET @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 Technicol Doto Cylinders Y15 Piston , 9388 cu ln (154 :) displccFent Cmpressionrotic i97l l 8016 & stroke i 9.375" x 8.5- (23S x 216) Jocletwotq . ta8 gc,. (SOO i) s):!em gqpociry r-ube orl copocry i 239 go (904 t) i :'rngle oir,/cros stcrter i 90-)50 psi Single oir/gos storter i 50-90 psi - Ducr c''./o.ls ltJrle'ssrsnrng sYsrem 9o-l50 pJ, Dual orr/gJS stcrtef sl i 50 90 psi 2 eiectric storters, 24V eoch Dimensionsl x:v x hirch {mm) r70 (4,318) x 7e (r,98l) x n3 (2870) weighrs rb (k9) 34.ooo (r5,422) Tlre Series Five fcrryrily of Woukesho' VHP' engines gets more powertul with the ocldition of the 2f:00 hp P9394GS| SE The P93g4GSr 55 hos the some feotirres ond benelits os the 1900 hp l7044GSl sE and 1500 ip r7042GSr s5, creotlng o fomilV o, engines with conrnnon controis. operotion, (rnd serulce pcrts :ieries Five rich- ourn engirles combinc the mcst odvoncecl teahncicgy ovsrlobre with the history ond expeiience o, the VliP fll(rlform resirit;ng in c i$-.-ylinCer enE 1e wth more potver. ilettor tuel f lexibility, iower fue coasrrmptron onci l,tecycle costs, ond lonqer service rnte.vols Aithouqh Series Frve engir'es ore copobie of q,ghe' Doder,eve s lron prev,ous verslons. the stresses on the compcnerrts hove nct increosed This s modo possiblo kli- enhcnc6o rich burn comoustron through the Miller Cycle, on imprcved cylinier heoci design thot redLCes tenrperotures in key regions, onci crn optrmrzeo piston desrgn The Miller Cycle nrovos vr'ork f rom the o,ston to the tr-rimchorqer reducing combustion onci exhoust temperotures ond mok;ng Series Five engines the most tuel efficient VHP engines ever lne iml)roved cyrinci6r aeoo cl6srgr :educes key internol ternperotules by uD to 40"4. Increoslog reiiobilit)j ond extenorng the life 0f the heod. r'te Seiles Eive pistol desion hcs be6n optimized to raduce unbu.ned hydrocfl rbol!, uJh:ch raprores e^rissiuns onC fuei consumption wl'rile lowei ng the temperoture cf the piston itseif inlDrot',ng fuel fleribilitT' even ot o higher pcwer roting lmp.cvemants lo thp iqnitlon systanl ollow for 4.000-hour spoik illug intervols v"ith lov/-cost, non-p'ec c,us aetoi p.ugs flotching 4,000 oii chonce intervols reoucg operoting costs orld tr;ps to s te Seri€s Five eng,nes ;ome stondorc vJitn f5u'i YvSr,rp:ao s lert- 30ne'oIrJn enginB conti)llpr €Sl,i2 Lrses o 12" frrli color customer nt6rfoca ponsl, oliowing usars to see oli engine pcrromete.s. trencj doto, Yiew monucrls, ond w(r k throrgh lroubleshocting steps, eliminotlng the need for o loptcp compirter \{oukesho's emPoct En rission Coot'crl System is tre optron of choice fcr re(r-c ng em ssioirs ennoct opt mrzes tne intercction between the series flye enorne. AFR: oir/fuel rot o contror. onC the V,/oukesho suiJfJiied 3 wsv (NSL:R) cotolyst to mointoin eilisslons complionce oven os engine speed, lood, fuel ond eiv ronmentdl ccnoiticas ahonge. @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 Performonce Doto l1.ti .j.fta!rJCa.!iairtilt-. lu l:-r':i .rnlr!,titEi.tL.tleit,ti)ra:!.aevitliitrirtaiitqrrtntlti:jrli.art,Oil ':tar ,11,]ia)iii'e a--,tar :-a-,iri:l ar.r i,: triiarrt t: iala).r:r -<a):! 0 '..r4,r. .it{-:.r lrIa)€- ralri ;.:11:r:?,lil:1,;i'::,:)tlil:ji, ji.;i;,;:;;,,i;: ;1li:;l;;r';:::.:.:j:::" I lf- N I '3 !:rr.r ,lcc,Lrloivr i'!{ c, r @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facili$ Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-158$001 RB/ 0 APPENDIX C FIELD DATA SHEETS AND COMMUNICATIONS I)EC 1 1 2023 *.J* oF AIR ouALlTY @ Emissions Test Snapper Facility Report Date: December 6 2023 Document EM-23-158mfi REV 0 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Datq: December 6,2023 Document EM.23-1585-001 REV 0 APPENDIX D GAS DILUTER VALIDATION CERTIFICATE @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility @ Date: December 6,2023 Document EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 {F1*trttttllt*tt6rrrraoc Pt*lat hililFrr[rcr a iataatia laff.aiotar ({ata.t Dilution MFC D.i.2146{-ll lload TnrScirllbrb 932 OD.rrarr Silrrcoi MrrrEorCGrtrdhrh$ 20 trlatc.t , to I5 !0 2' l0t, lo IJ ,0,, 60 6t 10 75 80 83 90 95 lfl! 1.00t0 1,-fr?70 1.01{x} 1.05t0 5.0630 6.07fr ?.otto &0rto 9.0100 10.02fl) lr-otm lt.0r00 l3.o+00 14.&t00 rr.o500 r6.0?00 t7.r 100 re.l6fl) t92ffi 0.m .0. t{ .0,:0 -0.1? -0,.1t {t 3t -o.ru 4.29 4.Zt -0"t0 {,tr {.t5 -o.20 4.t0 {.:5 .0.3, 4.55 {,80 .1.2, "t.6, r.m0 2.0000 3,0000 {.m00 t.0000 6.m00 7flm 8.00m 9-qr00 t0.fl[0 il.0m0 tL000 r3,0000 t4.0000 r5.00m t6.fim t7.00m tt.o(m 19.0000 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-158S001 REV 0 TELCDYIEr[stautlExrsArtsalt lDftg!, )..&0i arlrrtron I Trrlrh l.onilllrG tilr.n, CAL GAS 2 MFC Crlibration Certilicete Ddc ?7.oct-15 u.dd I7O0 tgbl Nrnttr 932 OFrranr Becni f.ltDtrio Blgs l[o&l DC-2Mg.rtitttri.r 90? lccrrrO l!6 frrHDl3ToNtrlTr flXf62? f,*ilficdhr Ddr g.scP.l5 st?t 0 STPIdIS ?60 2.i t t.t o. t o6 0 r &ld joP I Ii0r Ii,, I i-{.m 1 I l.'., I MrrrtrL,rC*ohrl* 0 s t0 l, 20t 30 3t {0 tt, JO 55 40 65 70 75 tt) t5 ,0 95 t00 0.lm 02flx, 0.Ixx) t!_aflx) 0.5000 0.6d!0 0.?{n0 0.t000 0.9m0 1.0m0 Llmo l.xI,0 l.IS(t t,4000 r.rmo 1.6{D0 l.?rtro l.tmo 1.9m0 0.0$m&r 0.:$1a00 0.r0r$0 0.{1H00 t)-5012m 0.6016m 0.6999fl1 0.?995d) 0.sgtrxx) 0.996'4tr t.0&6m L196.{n t.?g?ltu) l.gndxi r.4$(m r.6m(m t.?r}l(m t.&0m0 t.9r3m 0.0s {Ian -0.r0 .0.0? .0.r,6 .0,$ 0.00 0.03 0, I0 0. t9 0.10 0.20 0.r9 o.t5 0.t0 {-r0 .0.20 '0.t0 .0-7, @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 nAilctnAxAt 3fiprauprorr Y f.onltl V !01:11f2 qD COXttGIQ.nfit crlbl.lo. Y !01:15rll {nD &)llf$[f]rn .r f*rrlhcro$aolltot V l0l:13(2 m ffiflglFf.rhlltatr93l v l0l,t*:i(t m elllGllFgoftrerrhy r.1.0 bld 8a V t0l:lt:{I m OrlG{aFt-krrtuv rO", tU E v 301:15:al qm @rflqll:$nndomCf Ifi L10.t0 V 3olrt9'12 mE dlilnGf6]*rrctorv ClE" Srt.d Y l0lrl5r4e {X}00 @}lFl6l7l=SUPPOAT: I LrT T tol'l$rll {Un A{Al'{.mtP}l I 3lll.t5:42 0000 ItAt{.mStfftl f 301:15:tl2 Offi A-OL"a0OltPM T l0l:lli:rll flm I.Olt*a.{BLru I 30t't$:,(l @ CllPttSEl/t.8PSl6 I i$l:lll;4f m tI{ rig}2t.6Psa6 I Sl:l5rlil ffi lt6ll3'lEFO T !01:15:,lil ffi I{fSdtnO I t0l:15:'12 ffi T'ftWdaEOt.9il T $1r15:i0 Un 8OI Tf,e261C t 3l:15:il2 moo TI'T'1163,5MV I ill:I5:tlil m00 Im[*l5rJt!:20 V tiril V l0l:15:12 lm THOrO-U,rm6lO tf"0 61,0{G.oto V 301:15:lil Offi O3-6ll,l-tAriP.,|80 tlr.O 53.0 l0O to V 301:15:12 0m Ot_@ilC_RArlGt;tG.0 {0.r & V 30t:l5;lil 0m Ot-P}l0r0_4Eilfi-OilN.oil {Orr ot Y l0l:l5rll ffi $D_rtilP{l}10.0 ro f0.ol DeaC Y jl0l;l5rll ffi 5ID_PTESS-:3.91 113.0 to 5O.Ol *r+lt V $l:lSrtl,il ffi CrfiI-ADH({, tct0l *r/O.r V ilot:15{2 000 ttf,rrEE-Cr"EAnrorrlo}f oroilt v l01rl5:4t 0000 ntuH_$rlcE_Sr(sr205 l0toS{Um, Y jl0l:13:12 q,00 3\{'-tllTEfiftr t{l0b99909)HB V !Olt5:lt 0000 0 lftGHIlAt llG-tllA8[f*O]i (OSf or V $ttS{? ffi} l,AlfrllA6t-Sfl.trIrfllGl Y iDttli{? fifit liAltll-Infi0ur.t.0 P.l to 1m.01 v ![trsil2 (ilD urcrr-urfirr6ltr(It ltrr c oQ Y !ilIl:13:{2 tllfi, Ol-OIEll.t.s @"1 !o il.o] $icoildr V 30t:t5{2 m $_SAtrPU.r (t ro :xU slmpEr V l$l:ltill U,00 OARI(-trF3€T.O,0 l. U[r.O to l{Plr} V S1:lSIl 6m FtrT-5rZ[.3r (t b rorssmpkt V lOXlSrl (H FLI_rSE[!60Eml$r$ar V 3l:tl.Il m mr-rulre0"O(rrto l{Ip.O} Ppt T7@r09uPOSr.tr ry ) OGIC @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 fiAHGER ANALYTICS T700 10932 p0sf.txt V 301:15.{2 0000 MACHINE_Io-{ {0 to 9999) lD V 301:15:42 0{nO COMMAIIO-PROMPT="Crrd> " V 301:15'42 fiDO TISI-O{Arl-lDrOlASSlS TtMp (NOf.{t,O3 FHOTO M[AS,O3 PHOIO Rrf,O 3 GEt{ Rff,RtGUtATOR PRESSUff,SAMru Pf,$sURE,SArilPtE rtoVUJATiTPLE II.MP,PHOTO I-AMP rfMP,o3 LqMP 1[MBCHASSTS TtMP,O3 Pt{OrCr CONq V 301:15,42 O0m eASg-ENABtE*tlFF [OFF or ON) v 3Ol:15{2 fim DEF-CC-OUIPUT.-0tr0t1000ffifr' V 301:15;42 ()(rcO PHOTO_LAMP_FOW[R=45O0"0 (0.0 to 5000,O1 mV V 301:15.12 0000 l-AMP_Pl,t R-El'lAelI.OriI (OfF or Oil) V 301 : 15:42 flm UMP_PWE_PCRIOO=24.fl) (0-01 to 10fi1-00) Houc V 301:15:rt2 UmO [AMp_OfS_DttAYrg.QQ (Q.Qz to 20.00] Seconds V 301:15;,12 offO Drr_VALIO_DELAY=60.0 (1.0 to 300.01 Seconds V 301:15:12 0000 frEt_SOEV_LlMlT=3.0 (O,I to r0O.O) mV V 301:15{2 0000 PA[H-[NGIH=a1.960 (0.010 to 9'!].908] cm V 30tr:I5:12 0000 OOI_SEII]O.0 t.0 r5-O (0.0 ro lm.Ol o€BC V 301 : 15:,12 ofi)O 6AS_MOL*W[IGHT=32.00 (1.000 to 9!).9991 Molwt V 301:15:,tl 0000 SERHI_HUMBEa-"932 " V 301 : 15:42 mOO DISP_lr'llt NSITY=HIGH (Hl6 H,MEqLOW.DIM) V 301:15r't2 offiO I2C_REEr_EilABU=ON (OFF or ON) V ii01: l5:tl2 qn0 OOCI(_FOfiIIIAT* "f tM€rt6H :t6Ul :ttS" v 301:15:42 omo FACIOftY_OPI.8 lO ro 211174835/t l Atf rag D Ust D 301:15:42 finO CONInOt_lN_1.OrF D !Ol:15:42 00OO CONInOL-lll-2=Of r O 301:15:42 0000 CONIROT_IN_3:OFF D 301:15'42 fim CONTROT_||{_I|-OFF D 301:15:42 (X)00 COI{TROt_ll{_5=Of F D 3Ol:15{2 fiXn mNTnOt-lN_6rOFF D 301:15:42 0000 @N1xOL*lN-7rOrF D 301:15:al fimo C0ilI8OL_lN_6sOfF D 30115:12 0fi)0 OONIROL-IN 9=OfF D 301;15:'12 00fi) mNTf,OL_lN_10-Of F D 301:15:il2 00(X) @ilmO[_lt{-11=OFF D 301:l5rtl2 OO(n @iITROl-ril_12=OFF D 301:15:,12 0(m COIIITROL_OUT_1.OFr D 301;15:,12 0000 $IIITROL_OUr_2=OFr D lX)1:19:12 00OO C0t{TROt-OUr_}=OFr D i[1:15:42 00@ COt'lTROl_OuT_lrOfF D iXll:15:{2 t O0O CCINTROI._OuT_5=OfF O 391:15:42 tD00 @NTRO|,_OuT_6=OfF O 301:15;'12 OmO CONTROT-O{JT_7.Of F O 301:15:{} 0000 CONTROI_OUT_8=OI F O 3Ol:15:42 0m0 CONIROL_OIJ1-9.0rF D 301:15:tl2 OffD CONIROT_OI T_1O=O[F D 301:15:12 Ooffi CONIXOI-_OUr_11=OrF D 301:15;tl2 mE CONIROT_0{'rT_12=OFF D 301:15:{t oom 31_SYSIEM_Ox.ON O 301:15:{2 fiffi SI_CAL*ACIIVE=OH O 301:15:.? 0ffX) 5T_0[A6_MOOE=OFf @ Page 3 Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-158ffi01 RB/ 0 {F1n"1'*1'*1i',,dr.nc.a r.,hli!r hrlrcr.atrlin i Iabatia tra)aohlhr Corlrrt CAL GAS I D.e:?4(1-15 til{dd T?m Sltd l{robrr 931 OpGil!.r Bsfrri MFC CT Certificetc Ttl D.'lo. Bl(}S itod.l DC.ZM Srrh! ltll.Drr 997 Ao.$r.y lX Trsbh?o !{ElTl t061527 G:dirrrior Dor 0-S+t5 slr"L U Sff rnlt 760 oE0 o!0 .o.20 {.?0 0.95 !6 -1.20 0.I5 01 0.15 ft o-t o,(! o itrr frn Cmtrolhrhfo tOrrff- t0 t5 20 2J 30 f5 40 {5 50 55 60 65 70 ?5 80 15 90 9t 0,0100 0.0100 0.0300 0.0aoo 0.05{m 0.0600 0.01!0 o.otu) 0.0900 o.t(Do 0.r r00 0. I 2{ro o.1100 (r.la00 0,1500 0.r600 0.17!0 o.lt(x, o.lg(x) 0.0t l2f0 0,o11J60 0.031Jr0 o.rx1700 0.0Jr560 0.06t320 0.071r70 o.tBt090 0.0!|t500 0.t{x}gxl 0,r t0I00 0.r20m0 o.129700 0.r39300 0.14tfi[ 0.1 5t400 o.r6il00 0-l?&xxl 0.t88rm -0.61 -0 ?8 4.?6 .0J9 -{.78 ,0,66 {.69 4.5{ 1r.?3 -0.40 4,lJ 0.m 0. It 0.3t 0,0 0.80 0.9, 0.q) o.qt 0,6, @ Emissions Test Repoft Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2O23 Document: EM.23-158il01 REV 0 APPENDIX E GAS CYLINDER CERTIFICATES @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Documenr: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 CERTIFI ED STAN ilARD-SPEC Custorner: Part No,: HOX: tt:sI$$FLUoRDE:I'TOPANE: TIITRCGEN: ffi,l vorume: li;i:ri:illji:'' [,re]ty Materlal: illllllillilllll .q Ng tt:{c E N YtRq NME N TAL sERVrcEs _ xosNt$sc15A9Dt{5 ll ffil it I llilililt i illil ilt ilililflilr Mole % 5014 PPM 5.020 PPM 5O1B PI}M 501 3 PPt il 5023 FPM Balance 145.0 cF 163-40251S5s2-1 cc64237 Aug 16, ?0?s [,lT-1SASG660 (CAS;2551{?'{} (CAS:630"0841 (CAS: 10f 02'{3'e} (CAS;7&98s1 {CA$r 772?"37"91 ,Ys Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 it' ,"i,ffi,, ,, ,{ !ti;,-.,.] il'l rl' ri: Certified Standard IoSrC{nEmtrrdon 105S ppnr - 5, eleg &hnDe I __ Cgmloir{ _ -- -E-:l-Efiylene -,6r,- Srrrnrr neranUOnJe I Nltoom I r.*.rr i l{arnlng l;,,[tt#-#::H[T:-E; MAy E]$r.oD E rF HEATED. MAy DrsPta(E oxtrsr dru Sulfur hexaflr.rorlde 1000 ppm ,[,]'*-*,,.i,11'*::,i:"t- -- ?r"t . _ _,-k,ui.rl,,x*r,*pedn ds , x.t lt flr ffin @: Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1 585-001 REV 0 [?[BB$I[SIII. ffifiil[mn turitlflcy +I- 0.$1f ( llotr* " Do not use crylir.der belcw 100 psig. -FnA certifrcatron rru,-formed in accordance with "!I" lraceabiiity i:otocofftry =Or2)" using assay pTocedures tisted- Ilf:lour, this mixture, use Part Nurnber: ED2Nl87E1sA0t)gfl Emptyt'vtateriat: MT-l sAsGsgo"+ twth lrurugt iat Lstrp RLisd Tooets UT g40?4 It.08 0,,.[ BflIflNGE @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility @ Date: December 4 2023 Document EM-23-158ffi01 RB/ 0 DATA Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 Test Variables lw*rn X&&C{iltcfd 3rd oxylen cmeded(%)c.@ atu 0-m Calbo.! Mmrde (CO). gqnv 7t.oal m.lB'l @.387 Hitrog€o Oxi&s (NOx) p0mv aa6 az*33i:t rreflane (CH,l). 9prw S-iEa 4.@.4.tot Ffrmaldehy* (HC+IOI pomv -o2a -o.170 {r-t02 vOC Tdd (Excldes HCHO)iiN(ri.i*dSdi',rs,r2.908 Total Hy&oabqE (IHC) ppmv 9a aot 87.r&8a.67t Tesl Date firz7ao21 S[e:XCL SmDoer Fad EIBiE Htrs 212$ Eraklsrecifc Fud Cmswpti$ (8SFCLHV,. Etr'BlFhr 4sql@ 4.sm.(m {Fd}.m Fwl Fbw REle (Of ), S:CFH 9.0r&@ 9.018.r'@ 9,0r8.t 6! E Uine Hors€0srs Rat ng (BHP). brak8 hwlds 25(D HmepoH Uflizatbf,z,Ut zxtL 2.n EsEmted LEd {%)crr 90r ct* Hrghs Heilhg \Arre o, Fwl (HHV). BTU,{13 r,308 079 Ltrs Heatirg lralG o{ Fud (LHV). STU/fr3 1 122717 R-Fadq. MMBts/tr rf$llfyf:llt"itl 11.801 F+actr (O2FO. 0SCF,I MBtr 8.466 032 Exha6t Fld RAe (Od), SCFH I$$NWsfl$N.,\\ ee.e36.8{6 @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facilifl @ ie (\Ioo slt\ \oq \l,oior\ttq rn\o\lu)q No C'i(r)ttq (q 1r)(Y'Nq ll,loNo@q t\d)G'tn @q (r) @Nrl,Nq tto@q @NN cq \c,to \C' @q CA @@orq o@N C'\r\q oI\oq N @NsiNoq N \t CAoo c.j @stt) o c.j (Y' crrN oci rJ)NNt o e.i \oo)toNo c.i r\o(, ct\No c.i s t\o(r)q N ;QoN- t6 @N\o c.j FF(r) \4, \0 ci toolo \4, Cri (r) \c,6N \C' ci Nr\torro C\i root Nro 6i C'Io\NV)rolo ^i oNo\oo)to ci N $NNrJ) c.j Nsl6 @oro c.j (r,!tln(, CAaN cnot(r) 00aN cNoNN.q N ct FlooaN too F\otci NN(r)r,t Gi (Y'st(v,tl,aN @(r)v,Ft,aN to(,(r,+al,aN Ntatorost c.j @t,(r) (t)tctl si ci,oFo $ o,i !,otroa>cL \() Nrl)ot/). N N €o r\(q N NNF\0 CAc.l (Y' t(,(\ or Gi coN6 or U? (t) r\\o \C'oroqt rt(\l(aa)ttq N (,N aoor@q N Nt\@(\tc! (r) (\I C'Tr,) @@c? N r..)\t @(t)o c.i stF CAt6i,\(r1 ot\ C'T @q \o @FF\oNF. c.j Nt og)q N V)o(aoioroq 6 sl t6(o\ F CANNat,q N@orFlo oq N (ar\tocott N@otq N N\otNll,- t, xtr 9E (rroo F t @ @6 t-N$ 00u) $N crr $ Nost \E) \t{ \ot\N(r) c(\l+ \t co\oNt $ CAu) \C'o $ 04}o 14, 00T\N di to N$ (t GJ G) 00L,N CN(t){ lo \c, os F NtoN\c, o No)F 14,o ai \C't\Nootsf t orra) \E' @ co+ @\ot(o @\o toor@\tottri @(Y)o)\ot\o Ncs oq Ci' @N(r,t(', co c.i (\lNoNf(,@ (vJ r,((rro@o c.i ! E CL CLo C) \c,o@NNq @r\ @oi\c,t\oq or@ t(, @oqr\@ N oo crrrq F\o r\\l, @Nq Nf\ Ft, F@q(,N @N CAt\q(,(, s@d) rE)c! @ CA(a torOsi@ @tNNto oq \E' @ (Y' o[rt) CNtoF rri @ F@(Y' ctr{oN @orJ) N.+€, (n @o\g) N c;@ t\oNt,)o\\c,N rl,Nat)o u? (, \c)NN@\0aNr\ sto rJ)or!t o? \oF lnt orJ) c,@ (!'t-(i)oNu? FN (Y'(r) @r\(r) o? N@ NN crrcnq 14, @ ae (\lo ooq ct ooqo ooqo ooo c; ooclci ooqo ooo ci ooo c; ooo c; ooo c; ooqo ooo ci ooqo ooqo ooco oogo ooqo ooqo ooqo ooqo oooci ooo c; c =d. CL Eo 0o E F o Y?(n (Y,NoN NN o Por (v, NoN N(\t d N Y?or (t)NoN t\N o ca, Y? Ch(,NoN N(\l 6 tt Y?or(aNoN T\No llt Y?or(aNoN NC! o @ Y? c,r(aNoN NN o N Y?or (r)NoN NNo @ Y?( d)NoN t\No CA Y? CA (r)NoN r\No oIo (aNoN r\No Io (aNoN T\No Neo o)No6l NN o (qIo (r2NoGI l\No sco a(,NoN l\No loIo aDNoN NN o \C'co G'NoN FNo r\co Ci,(\IctN N({ o @Io (Y'NoN F-(\| o cco d)NoN N(\ o oIo (t)NoNr\N c, ro (')No(\l NNo croNqg \OFbP-cr 'ic l.r, EEoo(oN(l,-|- EF E c) E =ooo tro CLoE 6.=gE '(E9 rJ-.Ebl/,cLocL'= (!EEEJO @ @o(, $q N or C'Tt t,o ^i @Nto Cri \t @cl, to erl $q N CAc,(,(,q 6l @\i ci'\oq N ttlnt\V)\oq N riN(,toq N o \c, CNtq N N ()o c.i oio@orFq N For €ra)q N N €o rl,o c\i Fo @o Gi c $roNo e.i t@No ci \t(,(\ @o c\i N $ @o C\i N]\ cq N @(r) (, @o c\i NNN\too ci t $o ci orrE' CA(Y' o.j l,) @Nra, c,i N\l)(l,\o(,t6i \foF C'INaN {(,\o \C'Nt ^i NtsloNaN sl CNr\@ aN \oG' CAoNaN NNN.t N N orlo(oaN ()(,r\6aN NtN(r, @aN r+o C'Tott c,i oco G)t..) c.i lDI lolo (\i @@@o00ro.i NN @ C'Tto c.j NlD\o o(, c.j CN(r) ic,(7'o l.) c.i (?rtr-N \o (\i (Y'ooo!t\o C\i oror\0oF\o c.i @(t) NF)o\N (i, @\t(a\N @(,\o @U'\(! r,ro\to\al NNd) @o@ c\i aot) q €rr,Nca qo \t()NNr4, c.i Nr\c,\o 0q (v) @lJ, lt) o? to ot CA(r? o ll:)r\@tt)c! @ cD(, @@o? N or\oo@o)t c.i NNtt'\ 0q ct\ \E) CAl\IN F r\oq t!t CN qo (v)o @r\qt so\o(otf\sl lt o\N \o@tot16- oNF1r) c.i Glr\orsiN(, c.j r\u, G'rr,\o oq (Y, cn\E' @oNq ci, sNor\od? (l' (o rC' o q (\loNrJ)c! N NNt\Ntoq N (, (Y, Nc,\oq (7' o\oT\ \4,(, (YJ NooG'tq ci' (r,t,\l, G't\\ori (ao6 \o c'i c) @@oi@to C'i Nro C'TN (Yi @NNt\c\f c.i N(, @(Y' tiq ai, orcr-ooq (Y' Ioo \c)a(Y' CA orqo lo(\l cnFN crr('i CA \4, (v)(rr(') tri \c, \a) @\c)tori c(aNroN\o 6i 0i,(r1 ltr,(r) \o coN CA(r)tri N(Y,i+(\rori f\ooo@ ct\ di $ NoNqo \l (DNoiN+ (\lt\@N@ rri oN\o@\c)+ (,or,NNN t si @oro\o o.N ott\oor\4,aorN Nr\NNtq orco (') or c(r\ 14, toor \c) @ar\U' \i(,l,,(r)(! 6i \E' t ()FqoN Nt(qNN\ 6 t,o CA(rioq 6 $tNo 0q orI\ F\l,N(Y' a? l\o oo(aN@(, odN ooljt g F oor\o crrq @ o\ooNNu? @6 \o \o oa? @ tlo ]\@q N @ orNro6Na(Y)\o t\oorooI @N siG'o(i' oraN@ o rJ) \a)\4,q lf) N ro ot@ c,{o@ @o o a(r) @ sro CAo\@ra) l.l)o@o CAo F.o ooqo ooqo ooqo ooo c; ooqo ooco ooc, ci c)oqo ooqo ooqo ooo c; ooo ci octoci ooo c; ooq c, ooq ct ooco ooqo ooco oooci ooo c; ooqo oocct ooqo ooqo NTo (r)NoN t-N o (t) c; (o6loN r\No \r Ic, ci,No(\l NNo lt Ict (i'NoN NNo () To ctNoN r\N o NTo (r)NoN r\N o €To (,NoN t\N o ctrTo d)NoN t\N o oNo d,NoN t\N o c!o (?NoN NNo Ns!o (9Nc,N NNo (') c!o (!,(\loN NNo \t6l ci G'(\IclN NN o u, s!o o)NoN r\No \o s!o (oNoN r\N o r\ s!o o,6loN NN o @c!o o)t\loN r\No ors!o (r)(\lo(\l r\N og?o (')NoN r\o,lo c?o (i)NoN NNo Nq?o (,NoN r\No (Y' q?o (')NoN T\Nb \tno (,NoN r\N o ll)eo (')NoN NN c, €no (r)NoN N(\I o Nqg \obP.o'7c U'' EEo?R(l)JEit @ Ea C)oo troo-oE,'oEgE', ,Pc:_oaocL@cL'=(EECLU@ @ d€ Noo \or\T\\o\to e,i st6@\o\t c,i @N(,tt)r, e.i sf CT ra) c.i N@NF e.i r\6oro\l) ci fi,o(Y' or c\i lr) @\l) @6 c,i @o@r\oN c.i ieoNI t, @6totI,q(i' lr, @(r) ccc) st(r) \c)t\oiq (Y' t ll,t\ ('i lrlto \E'ct C'i ltllrtorrosl ('i Ftl(,tor\ ri N (v,oo (.i r\tN$N ('i !, C)Foa>cL ocF o oqo6 (,!tNo@\(a GO(Y'oost a? ti ora)ost\oe!(a NNNNq (a (r)N CAc l.ct a? \f NN(q d) (, 14) rJ)olo u? (a o(r)r\roc!t E' xtr 2 -"^ \oo@\olJ) @t6t N ctr\tN r; (I)r,No@q st @ oNNqs o\NNslG'qt \o cN ri @NNr\ \l) $ 04,og,tN $ N6loNNs t, E ELo-oo groN Ntvtgr c, \E'ot\ r)<,o\o\ CA 00 o torrOaNr\ tr\ ca,No)qoo oIro to)\\oo o rott c;N ror-No@cFF (r)ooN\C'l.. ci@ ;e No ooqo ooo ci ooo ci ooqo ooqo ooqo ooo c; oogo ooqo NcfG ct E(E oo E F st Y?o d)NoN NN o tono (oNoN t\N ct \o Y?o (r)NoN F.N o r\ Y?o d)NoN t-N o @ Y?o d)NoN FN o c Y?c) (aNoN NN o oI (oNoN NNo c (,NoNr\(\l o Nc (7'NoN NNo l4)$ ci u)N o oi oro(v,$o, c.,i @@(r) (r) c.i or(i) T\o(a c.i @F@]\(a C,i c)ot\@N c.i l.ft @(,Nd) 6i Nt@(r) ei @@l\(Y) ci (Y'€orct1,) e.i lor\ @\t c.i Noll,o)@ c.,i to\fi,t\N@ G; (a \C' r\sto c,i 00lJ)sl (Y'r\o c.i ord)@(Y' @ @ci Nlo\ooq N oN Nor 6i (D (Y'oo(t) or ci (Y,\o Fltor c.i N 04'o Nc ci NN(,t@ c,r 6i r\o too <'i N@ (v) o <'i \C)o t,Nq (Y' t\N @t\q N CAln]\o,t <'i rJ)sliONorqt \C)slot $ or or\c,lnN$ (r)a)N $ N C'Td)ostri @otNNt,I(v) N C'Tooq m \o NN @N-f F\E'NNFq (r) CNo@or(r) to ro (Y, rJ)r, co\(r) rO tJ)(r) N\tl (, orN CAo@{ t\o$ \iori \oT\(r' toNri (riN(r)toNt\ .+ $c,Nr\Nc,ri @rl,(\Ioi CAo $ (rr od)\oor$ NNrJ)\o(a vt Ci' \C)(l, tor+ c,@to(Y'ri @N \ClI\o ri rOo)N(t(tr @t l4)oor 61) G)N6N r,) F6tF CA Nt @ ci,ocior F\orsitnoaN @ (r,o too oq or \E' CA@trOo $@ CN r,,(,loq N@ C' CAo Nq CA00 (Y,toN@I@@ (Y'(t\oloV)c!oor (n 04,\otoc! CAo @NNFoN c.i@ tNor,,(r)- F\ ooq c, ooco ooqo ooqo ooqo ooqo ooqo ooo ci oooci ooo c; ooo ci ooco ooco Nq?o (r)NoN FNo @eo (v) NoN r\N o cao (')NoN t-N c, oso d)NoN N(\l o 1o (')NoN NNo Nso (,NoN FNo (oIo (Y' NoN NNo !ttci (Y'Nc,N NNo 14,so 0i'NoN NNo rO1o 0i'NoN NNo r\*o (l, GIoN NNo @so (oNoN NNo CAIo (')NoN T\No (Y) O AE\obP-cr 'iC tt) EEo?R(l)J EF Eo E =clo6 tro CLq) E,'o=go '(E2rr.Ebu, cLocL'=(EEELrJ u) @ \ostat)6 ci \o(, @@ 6l NNot@ o.i NNo\c, CA 6i @(, @toN C\i \c) @N(n N c,i (') orcr\oN N looN(aNN C\i lt)r, @ N 6i (o \E'o\c, N s,i NNo(? (Y) N c,i rC'$o@(r,N c.i t\t(D NN c.j l4)orr\\oNN G,i Nrl)rt @(Y' N 6i s(aN(a(r)c! N \otost6tc! N (7'NtN c.,i N@(') F6N c.i c)too ra)l,)N c.i l, @ sfbN N rd)NNo\4,N e.i @oiNF\C'N ei (7'NtN\oN ci $(i,ro ()N c.,i r\Noioa\q (r, q c)or@Fq (Y' tortNq (') C'T (f)loN I(7' Nt\c,ln (Y) 6'j loooo\t (fi (\lN\c,o\fIci, lt,tN I 01, \o6lnll ri o\foN a.j NoNr\ 6.i (oo(r)]f)o ri NrnNor@o ('J (7'o1r,$r\q CD @tott tJ)q aY, @V) CAoiNc(Y' \a)Ng)o q (Y' sfNNt\c'r C'T ni 1l)or,)o@o\ c.j looost rc) CA 6i r+ ct\@!iq N ot, @o(\q N r+Noro(,r oq c.,l @oiorc, oq N rf, @(,Nr,6 ci r\@ct(, ot or ctrt\({\t oq g)t(a @NaN sfr\(Y' CA c.i rn @oF(Y' oq N c)too u? 0i' (q\oV)\c,(l? \ostNsf\4,q \o Nor@ u,.r or oI.f,(Y'(, t r\ci,cn ()(i)t (, @cttl4)at) Norno!t r oooN(,\G' ror,roloN oq N oot(,g? Ci' C'i CNc,N(r?(, @\ooro6\N \alNNo oq (r) or@T\N\c,Ic.' sfNsfN ri N CAoorr,I aY, cN (Y'(? u? (9r\o I ()toorrc)\N G,(rrNsi(r)q lo (,\tr,(,$N to @ 6tt\lt \E'+ tortN{It (Y' @ \C)(r7 o,l a? $ (Y' oNN C'T+ 00ot\roC'00 $ s@\c,roN + (Y'\t\t @N o? -l (Y'Nor(, ro+ (Y'Ft€,slart stst I,c)NN a? -f \o r\ r\i (, (, or 1J)+ \oor@1r)lo o? !t (a 6Iirl)Nlottt rrf (v)\oFt, t r,)t,N6r\ + r\@ cr\q sf lr)(Y' otNo+ (\NNorott NNsi <n(Y'st+ N(Y'+oor o? to rf,) o \oq @ \t ra)NlI'ro + No\oNto\t c.ico r\o@t G) (.'i(, Nro(r, N $t\ NtoN CAto(l? @ \c,d)\c,t\(') CD c.i@ t(aror\o IriN NoN\o@(Y'or\ @o CANNo+or coNo!lNr, c.io rn\o\o C'TU'fi,tit\ (r)(, ctd)@ t,t\ \or\ t-Noqoo srrl\o(\Ic! t\ rJ) ooNtt cjN orrNtoo tot\ (o F-\oo or ciF V).i'@ q rrl\o N@@NNc! CA\0 \t(Y'NNor od(t N t\Nororl, (,N(r)r\orq @N T\oF crr CA(v) .or,) (,o @Nt--\o or C'i\c,Fr\q \l,() \E' @oo) N 6io ooo c; ooo c; (,oo c; ooo c; oooci ooqo oooci oooci ooo c; ooco ooo ci oooci ct6oci ooco ooo ct ooo c; ooqo ooo c, ooqo ooc, c; ooo c; ooo cj oood oocl c; ooo ci caI (')NoN r-N o tc (')NoN t-N o t,I (oNoN T\N o \oI (r)NoN r\N o NI (Y)NoN NNo @I (')NoN NNo C'TI (r2NoN NN o oT (')NoN NN o T (oNoN NNo (\T o)NoN NN o c)T (r,NoN t\c{ o tT (r)NoN t\(\l o IJ'x (Y' dc,N Nct o ro t (r)No6l t\N o r\T d)NoN t\(\l o 6I d)NoN FN o orI: c)NoN NN o o s,{ G'(\IoN NNo c,{ fi'NoN NNo N 9,{ (Y'6loN F(\I o (", 9! (aNoN Nsl o \lN- (t)NoN NN cr rl, s! (r)NoN NN c, \a) 9! (,6loN NN o Nc! o)NoN t\N o (f) o {HrobP-o 'i'c tt) EEo:Ro ..1- EF Eo E =ooo Lo CLoG6.tgE '(E9l!L.o6.,,cL(,cL'=(EEcuJo @ rooN@loN c.i \c,t-NNoc! N crrtoostFN c.i (t) (Y, N \&)N c.i oiorN\i \a)N c.,i \l, crrttooq N or!f6 @r\N c.i sd)c\t C'Tc! N or(')ro Orce! N (r)F o(r? N €,(aN cnN c.i (, @@d) C'TN c.j CAoot\ CAN c.i oN N CAN c.i oN @N c.i @ll(\(r) CAN o.j \C' o)o(v, ci (r)r,,N @ CAN c.i o\o 14, ccN C\i tot, rc, oiN o.i crrrJ)oi\o@N c,i N t C'ToiN e.i tl')t\Foisl c.i oro(No(r) ci N@o\o a? N orl\too\fo ci rC, \C'orN(ao C.,i (Y'F N(')o c.i r\\tNr\(,o c.j $ctro!t @ (\i sN(') t 0q N C'T\t Nt 0q N Nrl C'\soq N tNNro @ c.i N(9\oNti co c.i sod)@ c.i N CAo(, @ c.j \E) N C'TN@ c.i {or$(Y'No a,i (, @co oo c.j rl,Nr\ o\N tNot(,\N lt)\orO\N tlrtFN\sl @ o CAN c.j rDN @ CA\(\ F(,oc)o6 c\i @ CI'lr, CAN c.j t oo6F C\i Ng) N\oN c,j @F@NF c,{ N (,c)lt, CAor{ 00 N CTo0q sC'\N a? N tl 1J) d)@{o F$ CN\o-o @\tNN\ oNco\oI or crr o)Nq N 00 toN a? (v) or@No@q (') tt,t, @ o? N CAloN@c? N $lf$o tr? N o N cNr? (a t\o\f stc! N @@NN c c.i (",ta \a)oFc! 6l ror\orsloq N N@ortl a? N orF(or\N ti (oo \t @(l? o o oNN c\i t-\0 00(r,\o oq N oFo(Y'NI(\ n@g, @q(, cc(r) 14,o\c) ln @ CDoi 14,N $ (r,N@ $I(, orF @l,,(\ltoi (ot)tlttoa\t Nor\6(v, (Y't tooNc,N $ (')sf(!,tNq Ci' slr\t c,rco$ Nc @og(i' CAtI,r,\or,o+ oo@ C'To + o@o$N + @ \ClNr,Fc? (q 61r) o (Yi @ C'T Ci,toq N \o@@ll,stor c.i @rt @Nrl,ri cc o(Y'\c) r, @N(Y' @-rl, @(v) qo ctr+ @(r)\tlnN o? o) a)g) or o c.i t)o(\N(, @ c.i @CIotrt F? c1,h @NN\oori c.i@ cor 04,N rib \o CAl\lttfN a,iN N oN C'Tr-N orofo CAo+\a) ]f,)(r, CA N str\ cor\(v, @or N\o oNtr)r\<,o? \o ]f) c@FNcd!t No@r\oi crir\ @ c,r 6r, l. \Cl to6 C'TN o \ot al c CArotoFra) !to( @Noq @ \tN@r\o oN $6l\( \alooN t,\o @c,\o ciN CA@ C'T aY,oN C\,i \Cl 14, @(\l (Y' q ctro toNt to 6ri 14, (, \E'(\l]\co Nll, @o @or C'Tr.\o rt (r)F' @ f: o r\or@\oFori\t oocl c; ooo ci ooo c; ooco ooo c; ooqo ooo ci ooqo ooco ooqo ooc,d ooqo ooqo ooqo ooc, c; ooco ooo c; ooqo ooo c; ooocj ooo c; ooo cj oooci oooci ooqo @s! (aNoN T\N c) c s.{ o)NoN T\N oe (aNoN T\N ct c? (r)NoN N(\ o (\le (v) NoN NN o CI'n (r)NoN N(\ o tg? (v) NoNr\N cl lr, g? (r)(\loN t\N o \on (r,NoN N(\ o Ne (aNoN NN o @q? (i)NoN r\Nd or g? (aNoN t-N cl o* (aNoN FN o * (r)NoN N(\ o Ns (')NoN r\ C\l d- (os (')NoN N(\l o \tst; (aNoN T\N c) r,1 o)NoN NN o rC)s (')NoN FN o F\* (aNoN FN o @s (t'NoFI r\N o ors (?NoN FNo o Y? aY,NoN NNo Y? (v) NoN r\No N Y? G'NoN NNo Nqg \obP-ct 'ic l.r, EEo,?Ro,J6*6: E E =ooo Eoo- o,E, OEga'. ,PE:.o6ocLocL'=(EECUJ U) @ ;e Noo (')N Foc) ci t- C'I r+ o) ci toro (r) ci d)\ooNN(V, 6i $(\l(r) o? N tNotn(r,(t, 6i (Y' T\orN(9 6i \l,torc,No) Gi \E)rt CA$ci'(Y' 6i @t{tN(q,(o ^i @\c,t@ G)o, Gi $FN Ci,ao 6i F(rr @\t(o(r) 6i orN@oto)si @toF(Y' a? N lo CI@Nt tr? N tc,o@si(rl N CA(r)(, rD a? N rJ)N ]t)taN oroItG(r1 N (q ra) rn(, (Y' 6,i ;eoN- N\a)ooN\N (\l (v,(r)o\N € t\ c,ro\\C' c.j r\Fooor@.i @(')r\ C'T@\c) cn (,FNNoN ci c1)ototfN\N NNc)@(v,\N Ntoostt\ 6i rnNtN 6i o CA(D cst\N tNG'6 1r',N.i slN@ c,rtt)\N N N 1.i,N Cri @ 00N(o\N NFc)o(r)\N Flt)N t+\N C'\t\<f CAt\N N(i'ou)\N @Foctr$N c.j o CN o F.6i !totroa>c! CAor@o.i'u? at N(',o\o*q N roN CA $a?(\ Ntor@o? N V)Nt c\i N C'T(,(\NN c\i oroNci,Nqo rJ) aY,c,\(\to\o NN(a (Y't\l, C\i ortt\N(r) oq (') N +o\N t\r,ro @ oq tt (t o@oi (,N CA6T\N+ @Noc! sf 1r,\oN@ o?t No ctro$q N (, orrttort\q 00\c,{N Fst \ttI (, (,(r,\oaN E' xtroxzd NN rc,N(l? (') ttG'$ or c.i (\lt\ C'\roFq (r) stt C'To00 (Yi t-(Y'ttrooc! (Y' s(\ or(oq (r, C'I ch o\oo$ toNr\@ c.i loolo c2t]\ c.i d)oroN c.i r\(Y' CAo q 04} CA$@(nrtt(Y'ri Nctrao(r) \C' ('J toot\\4,Fc c.,i (l' co\ooNor c.i N(, @ $ c.j rl) \c, @ a? (t) CA(?, @(t)(\ (fi \oF C'To @ c,i \C'ltoN\ooq (Y' (r) ost\N E' E CLo.oo (\l(\ltoo rOri\c' @NNNc! CA(, rl, cl,Noraa crr6 NoN\o@ CAri h Nt)(r)N C'T\Ft @r\orNoe (, @(r) ctralo\0 r, CA(!tr\a\l,D <nrJ)st CANori\o st @o\ r\ @ \Cl @ NaNF o6N o? \c, \E' oio @ ro C'Ici6 c crro to\o+h oorlf,stltt <ib Nt(r)fi) t.c,q @\l, @or(r)NN\oritt) qro cnNq (r)rl, t $@\o\E' @No CA q ora \oNN c(,\o ;e No ooqo ooqo ooo ci ooo ci ooqo ooo ct ooqo ooco ooco ooqo ooqo ooo ci ooqo ooqo ooco ooqo ooo ci ooqo ooq ct ooqo ooqo (I) c,fd CL Eo oo E F oIN tr)NoN NN o IN o)NoN |.\N NeN (r)NoN F\N c, (Y'cN d)NoN NNo \tcN (7'NoN NNo g)cN c)NoN NNo \oIN (r?NoN t\N o r\c GI c)NoN NNo @IN (v,NoN t\N o cI6l (,sloN NNo o c.i (Y'NoN NNo I(\ (r)(\oN NNo N c.j (7'No(\ |.\No (v) IN c)No(\l ]\No \tTN (Y'NoN NN o c)TN o)NoN t-N c, (,rN (r)NoN t\N c) N TN (oNoN NN c) @ IN (r)NoN NN ct C'\ TN (Y'NoN FNo oNN (Y,(\oN l\No (,o \C, Na? N cotNtra)N C\i orN(r) @ c! \oNt(l, ci'I(, N(a or oc) $lt, (Y)n (V' NoN NNo ooco Nqg \obP-ct 'rcl,) EE(l,?R(l)J Efi Eo Efooo Loo-oE,6.8gE'. ,Pc:.o6ocLat, cL'=(EEEIJJ O @ N cri(r)Ilt) o? N c)N CN(rra o? N N C'T(r)rt (r? N loo\o t,(, c.i (Y)si Ntf(, ei lolf,,olo 0a c.,i $@ $o? N N c,rlr,(, @(r) c.l lJ)o\o @l,, o? N a)(r) (Y'Nt)(v, c.i (r,t Ff,? N C'T\o co)@(") c.l rolot)lJ)\oci' c.,i N o\c,N(', c.i r\oo\c, ra, 04, c\i F 1r)lo @N(I) c.i N@\E'to \E' o? N (v,\o @t\(t? N (r)(r)N ctr \C)(r) ^i @o\Not\ o? N 1Olot,\l6(l? N orNNFco c.i st@@ @ct Gi t+ r\@@(Y' c.i (\,1 @$ orG' 6i NornN(, F. c.i r\or(') @Nt\ 6i oiN No\N or\a)\0o \E) e.i @or\N@ \4, c.j \l, N C'\ \c).i orN o\N F-I\ (')o\N Nrl)o\l,o\(\l Ntci,$c,\N N tr\o\(\l o \(\l oiNo\fo\ GI lt N o\N \o Noc\o c.i No ora)\0 oi C'Tt \l,t\o c.j ci'N@ st\o oi N th\oli,\o c.,i l\ o @\l, c.l d)loN @ot\ c.i $\oNotiI\ e.i Nrl) @No\N o)NV)@\N sl(,lno6 c.i (a corr\oq @oNNNa (r) 00oro\ooq \otNt)c! @@\l, rl,(r? N t\6lN crrorli (Y, (,ootlnq (I) NT\\4,roV)q N (, or\ooru? (orl(, o\(I) oiot u? (Y' o o crr o? (Y, (o @N F\q N (rr @(, @@u? N \c,$ro\od)q N loq ro(\rot.f CAIN 3 ItN\ Nlr)(r) (v,loq (') ocoFN @ 0q d, \o @r\b\oq $ Nt6tq (!' \r,\l, cD l.c) 0q N cnrt)\oc)q (,o(r) CA@q N $@NsfNor o,,i g)(aFFor c.i !lNN Nq (a lo @or\\c)F ni (r,(,r+ CA 3 c.i CAorNlt @ C'i c.,i \oNNr,oc,('i r\g) @ @o? (Y) NNo o@ e.i N \E)to\ooo ci \c, @\c,Nlt)o e.i \o o\oNo (rJ N(htt@@ Gi 6 r\€(r)N (\i @ro C'Toroori t(,(\l q (Y, €t\Nr,(r, @ c.i (\Iot$or@ c.j g)ooso\o c.i oru,N ar)N@ C\i (qloNort)c(Y' rot)\l,FNo oi olt)NNsfg d) \c,(,NNor c'i No\o @ crr('i @\o CA qoo r\Nt-tt()Ntt\ sloc q (9o @ o$otc',ro N@(a (Y,\l\V' or@tt) @ so(, o)Nl,) r4,N\(q T\ 6l (r) t\(Y' rJ) rto\c, @ oq Nto Nt@oao(, Nc\o l\IN(, (l\ ooc! rl)(, si Nri(, o? rl)\o toIt(,sd? N(, @Nr\Forq(9to ltstoloc(rrt toNo\c, Nslr) N@ Nq (, @ $(, oqo\0 \C'(ri t-(, oq o)\cl s\C' rJ) ctrao)lt fi,N(,N(r,Nr.st CAroNc\ @ro (\l(',oci,ti oq CAt Nc,Ntq Ft ooqo ooo ci oooci ooo ci oood oood ooo ci oood ooo ci oooci ooo c; ooo ci ooo c; ooo ci ooo c; ooo c; ooqo oogo oogo ooqo ooqo ooco ooqo ooco oooci s!N (r)NoN F.(\ o N s!N .',NoN l.-N o (Y' s!(\ (r,NoN r\N o \f s!N (',NoN FNo at, c!N (v)NoN r\No \l, s!N c)NoN r\N (f t\s!N (aNoN T\N o @ c!N (r)NoN NN o CAt{N (')NoN T\N c, o c? GI (')No6l T\N o c?N (aNoN NN o Ng? N (aNoN FN 04, c?N (V)NoN r\N c, tnN C"NoN NNo rtaN ci'No(\l NNo \c, (.r? N (v,NoN NNo Nq? N c)NoN NNo @(.t? N coNoN FN o oiaN (l,No(\ NNo oTN (Y'NoN l\No sN (Y'NoN NNo slsN (r)NoN NNo fi,sl e.i (aNoN t\N o tst c\i (oNoN NNo lt*N (,NoN t\N c, Ea.: E,rorbP€;EoE9o?R EE co E:foo6 Lo CL (1, E,6.EgE '(E2rr0bocLocL'=(EEcuJa @ crr@Nro CAr, C\i o\ot4) \c,orcl N (, ort, 6a? N @(\r\rf,, co? N CA@o)oor(r, c.i oN\t$ost c,,i C'T@No CA(r, e.,i rJ)tl$@(rr(r, c.i GOc, C'T o?(\ NtoN ctro d? N N(Y'rooaN Ft(, aN ro {N lt,t\@ooaN (, .Y,t)N@ c.i NT\lt rJ) @ (\i lrttNat\oq N ci'$o66@ ci N(l,N CAoor 6i r\ ctrN Nc c,j @\ot\NN CA 6i C'Tst CAro(v, ctr c,j strtF.i,t ctr c.i rl) ao CArl,r,)q N 1l)N\0@q N €F\oNcoq N e(Ioo di tt( @(r) q 6t \a) @oF.N i \C,o ctr oq c) F6cttNN c.i (o @ o CNu? (r) aoll,(v)ro\N (\c,oN c.i (r, @N\i(,l\]f) c.i t,\o aY,to N $ m{o cti r+N(r,ostq c4) r\N c.i @@(r)ll, Nu? (r2 N\o(\l oO s rri co)No Iri @oNNNr\ci CNN6 @(, oq o t\o C'\(\No* CA C'T(, C'T C'It $ t Fc(l)rt+ o\c,N Nu, .+ (rr ctro s + r, co C'T ltq (r) 6 \E)ooc(!) $ tosiNt(I,N $ Fr,It(, (v)lt $ $cNN CAq G' codil,! \o CN ai tcorll 00 $ rC, CNo\c,N\ C'TU) 00 CA(r)N(o+(, o(, N\\l)lo C'\\l,o\l,g) lJ) F.to NtT\(9!to+o (r)ooi(\olt Ctisf (,t\t Tq 6 rl, @\o F\ FT\o N\C'N@oq rC)\o fi,\C'(n @ c.i\o () d)V)sitoq or\o to 14,orNq (r) \al otoos(9q \o tor CAstNqFt ooqo ooqo ooq c, ooqo oooci ooq c, oooci ooqo ooco ooqo ooqo ooqo oI ci ooqo \o*N o)NoN N(\l o Frf c\i o)NoN NNo osN (r)NoN Nt\o orsN ai,(\oN NNo o {?N (i'Nosl NNo Y?N (')NoN FNo N Y?N c)NoN hNo (r, YIN o)NoN l'-N o t Y?SI (aNoN t-N o lo Y?N 6)NoN NNo @ Y?N (r)NoN F\No t- Y?N (r)NoN NNo frN (tNocll crt o or Y?(\l (7'NoN]\No (r'ONqg ror c,x-cr -rcro EEoER(l)J EF Eo E ooo Loo-oE,6.EgE '(E9l!Ebut o-ocL'=(EECLrJ o Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document EM-23-158H)01 REV 0 APPENDIX H RESUMES OF KEY ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONALS Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 @lFil;-Lue CotLbonaloa. tnrDy.tbn. Optlmlz.tun.n KIRK ZlKtlR T,N{ISSIONSTECHN IC]IAN I EDI.I(]ATIO.\* Kelly Walsh High School - Casper, Wvo0ing -General Iiucation Diploma CIvILI,.TN TRAINI\Go Safeland. Ilard Toolso Respirator Trainingo PEC Training. Operation Monitoringe MSHA Training. l,ockoutr"Iag-outr NSC First Aide Microsoft Office Suite. Job SafeU Analysis (JSA). H:S Operations Rescuee H2S Awarenessr ASTM D6348-03(2010) Sturulurd Tav Merfuxl Jor f)eternrinution t\l'(iateous (bmpoutuls hy lix ff uct i ve l.) i re cl l nt erfo ce lirur i e r -l' r an sfor m I nfr a red ( b7' l R) Spect rtts co plt r EPA Method 205: Veri/ic<ttkm oJ Gus Difutitm Systems Jir Fiell hrstruntenl (.lulihrutions r EPA Method 3A Determiruttion of Ox\gen arul ('arhon L)ioxide ('oncentration$ in llmissions I.'rom Stutiarwry Sources (lnstntmental Ataly:er I'rocedure.l. EPA Method 2l l)elerminotion oJ Volailc ()rganic (-.omgnrul (l'O(-) Leaks; Photoirtnizalktn l)etecnr (l'll)1 arul l.'lame loni=ation l)e!@tor (Fll)) . ErnCollect* - Advanced Data Acquisition Softrvare (DAS) for the collection of sensitive cnvirunmenlal data CE RTI} ICATIOIiS/AI'FILI-ATIO.\ S/..l,CIIlf,,VE,ML,N'I'So CPR, AED, and Basic Firsl Aid Certiliedr Forklift Loader Certifiedo Advanced Pollution Instrumentarion & Technnlogy }:XP}]RIE,NCE [n his role as Emissions fechnician I, Mr. Ziker is responsible for conducting cmissiom pe.rformance testing and mechanical integrity evaluations ou rotating eqripment (spark ignited reciprocating intemal combustion engines - SI-RICE; compression ignition recipcrceting intemal mmbustion engines - CI-RICE) located al oil and gas production sitevfacilities to cnsure corpliance with air quality regulations (as defined under the Clean Air Act) administered by the Texas Cornmission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the United States Environnrenlal Protection Agency (US EPA) (other US States Notwithstanding). @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 llr. Kitk Zi*er Puge 2 Additionally, Ir{r. Ziker' responsibilities eflcompalrs all aspects of environmental paoblern-solving throudt process waluation, facility and equipment design, and operation. Other responsibilities include the interpretation of collected data and its organization into technical reports and communicating field observations and project deliverables to both corporate and field-level maintenance/reliability and environmenlal persormel, KEY SKILLS .{\D E\PERTE\C'E . CTeded Opertor (Ro,adilz,s, W/yomiag); Operate processing equipment by regulating vales compressors, pumps and auxiliary equipment to direct product flow. Adjust and set knobs, switches, lwers, valves, index arms, ete. to control process variables such as vacuums, catalysts, temperature, and flows. Inspect and adjust damper controls on heaters and fumaces. Read and follow processing schedules, operating logs, laboratory testing results to identi$ and alter p,rocess to produce specified product quantity and quality. o Motu-Mcrs (Cospe\ Wyomhg), Safely and e,ffrciently performs all manual labor tasks on the drilling floor and B.O.P. area Performs all maintenance of the equipment and physical space of the drill floor Moniton and operates the shat<ers Perfo,rms housekeeping activities on the drill floor including washing, chipping and painting. Troubleshoot equipment erron. Listen for unusual noises that signifo equipmant and machinery problerns. . Wadinc Opauu (Carya, Wyonhg), Safely operated various pieces of equipment andror machinery to increase material flows in cased-hole oil & gas exploration operations adhering to all safety regulations before, during and after the well service operation. Immediately reported all mal-firnctions to my supervisor. Planned, p,repared, and coordinated well site operations. Trained and supervised a crew of operators in the preparation of the unit and calibration of equipment Acquired a learners permit and drove the wireline unit and/or eommercial motor vehicle, to and fiom various locatiorx. l\,laintained and cleaned assigned wireline equipment and facilities safely and effrcieirtly. Maintained knowledge of the latest technological changes and operating procedures pertaining to company equipment, tools, and practices to ensure maximum operating efficiency. Controlled the highest quality ofservice delivery and execution effectively during all phases of operations. Flandled and worked with explosives. Promptly performed assigned reporting and adminisbative duties for field operations, accurately and on schedule. Fostered and maintained customer relations by establishing a positive image and confidence in the quality of services and ensured the confidentiality of all logging operations. Conductod pre-job safay meetings. @ Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 @lF-ry.6:,Ne TIFFANY JOLING-SIMON DISTRICT MANAGER, NORTHWEST DISTRICT EDUCATION Associate of Science Degree, Geolog-v Casper Community College MILITARY COTlRSEWORK AND TRAINING . Yeoman'C'School. Yeoman Flag Writer Schoolo ATF Training. kadership Course CIVILIAN TRAININC r Confined Space Entrant / Attendant (OSIIA 29 CFR I 9 I 0. I 46) . Rigging. Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) (OSHA 29 CFR 1910. I000) . Lockout/Tag-out (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.147) o Fall Protection (OSHA 29 CFR 1926.500). Haznat (HM 126) (DOT 49 CFR Part l7l) . Hazardous Communications (OStlA 29 CFR 1910.1200) . Personal Protective Equipment. Hearing Conservation (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.95) . Emergency Response. Process Safety Management. Welding Safet)o Defensive Driving. Hazwoper(Oper.) (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.120 and API RP 75) . Fire Protection. Medical Records. Forklift Safety (OSIIA 29 CFR 1910.178) . Respirator) Protection (OSHA 29 CFR 1910.134) o Electrical Safetye Back Safety. Alcohol and Substance Abuse Awareness. Driver Safe0. H2S Safety. Understanding Unconscious Bias. First Aid kl'el I . LDAR Technician Training. ASTM D6522-00 Standard Tesr Mehod .for Determination of Nitrogen Oxides, Carbon Monoride, and Oxygen Concentatiolrt in Emissions .from Natttral Gas-Fired Reciprocating Engines, Combustion Turbines, Boilers, ond Process Heaters llsing Portable Analyzers . ASTM D6348-03(20101 Standord Test Method for Determinotion of Gaseous Compounds by Fttroctive Direct Interface Fourier Trarcform Infrared (FTIR) Spectroscopy . EPA Method 205: Verification of Gas f)lution Syslems.for Field Instrument Calibrations . EPA Method 3A-Determinotion of Otygen and Carbon Doride Concentrations in Emissions From Sationory Sources (Instrumental Analyzer Procedure) . EPA Method 2l - Determinotion of Volatile Orgonic Compound (VOC) baks; Photoionizotion Detector @ID) Emissions Test Report Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-001 REV 0 .lls. T'ffiny J olittg-Simon Page 2 . EmCollect- - Advanced Data Acquisition Software (DAS) for the collection of sensitive environrnental data . EmReport- - Macroinstruction utilizing Mcrosofto Add-in feahres that compiles collected data into a report deliverable . Basic Plusolndushial Safety Training and Cedification (.ER'I IF'I('.\TIONS/,\FFILI.\1'IONS/.{CtIII]\'E}IIi)i]'S . CP& AED, and Basic First Aid Certified . National Defense Service Medal . Global War on Terrorism Servic€ Medal . Four Naw,t4arine Corps AchievementMedal . ThreeGoodConductMedal . Navy Sharpshooter Pistol Medal o Navy Riflernan Ribbon o Two Naly,ArIarine Corps Commendation Medal E-\PERIENCE In her role as the District N{anager, Northwest District I\,!s. Joling-sirnon is responsible for conducting emissions performance testing and mechanical integrty eraluations on rotating equipment (sparlc ignited rociprocating internal combustion engines - SI-RICE; compression igritior reciprocating internal combustion engines - CI-RICE) located at oil and gas production sites/facilities to ensure compliance with air quality regulations (as de,fmed under the Clean Air Acf) administered by the Wyoming Deparhnent of Environmental Qulity (WYDEQ) and the United States Environmental Protection Agancy (US EPA). Additionally, N&. Joling-Simon's responsibilities encompass all aspects of environmental problem*ofuing through process waluation, facility and equipment design, and operation. Other responsibilities include the interpretation of collected data and its organization hto technical reports, and commrmicating field observations and project deliverables to both corporafe and field-lwel maintenance/reliability and environmental pelsormel. KEY SKII,LS -{\'D E\PERIENCE o LDAR Monitori4 Technicioa, Enc*to Envbotmantal Sovica, Izc, Monitored components within industrial facilities while calibrating testing equipment l,o ensure optimum performance. Analysed data, waluated situations, and identfied problerns or opportrmities of improvement. Developed facfual, logical follow-up courses of action while considering resourc€s, constraints, and company values. Ensured personnel safety on locations through site specific job safety analysis. Complefed and submitted r€ports to Customers for EPA Regulation Files. Implemented minor mechanical adjustnents when necessary. Planned and coordinated equipment testing schedules and processes for employees and Customers. o hasroe Rdief Valve Sala Repesentdiw, Enciao hvboamcalal Sqvicq, Ize, Worked Closely witr the Encino Employees to ensure safe and proper haining for manlift and forklift operations. Ensurd haining was comple{ed and up !o date. Coordinated between Encino and the Customer to ensue all safety requirernenb were me{ with regards to company specific safety standards and Federal safety regulations. Ensured four gas moniton used on location were up to date and in calibration. Fersonally, wrol,e the Encino Ptessure Relief Valve Standard Operating Procedures and Safety Protocols. Processed all papenvork and applications ensuring Encino was UTAH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL OUAUry @ DIVISION OF /1!rl C:: " Emissions Test Repoft Snapper Facility Date: December 6,2023 Document: EM-23-1585-00'l REV 0 .l I s. T' i/fan y J o I itt g- S inon Puge 3 \rR certified signifuing they had eamed a National Board Certificate of Authorization to repair pressure relief valves, in the shop and/or in the fretd. Evaluated facilities and work activities to ensure compliance with Encino Safefy Protocols and site+pecific safety protocols. Participated in pre-job walk ttnough to orsure all safay protocols were being met either by Encino Employees or plant employees. Completed and submitted repofis to Customer for Regulation Files. Planned and coordinated testing schedules for employees and Customers. . Ficld Emi.sions Teclnician, Encko Envboamefial Scrvica, /zc, Communicated with personnel outside the o'rganization, representing the organization to custom€rs, the public, govemment, and other external sources. Taught and instructed others how to conduct emissions testing to achiwe compliance with Federal Environmental Protection Agency and State Specific regulations fm both Encino Environmental Services and its Customers. Translated, interp,reted, and explained what information meailr to otlrers and how it can be used for to ensure Environmental hotection Ageney regulations are being followed. Applied knowledge ofthe chemical composition, struch:re, propedies of substances and industry standards, and transformations to accomplish emissions testing. Applied practical use and knowledge ofdanger signs, production techniques, and dbposal mefhods. Liaised with corporate, fieldJevel maintenance, and environmental re.presenlrtives to coordinate testing project schedules and logistics. Evaluated information and used individual judgnrent to determine whether ernissions testing complied with laws, regulations, and standards. Completed ernissions performance evaluations on stationary reciprocating irtterral combustion engines utilizing methods sanctioned by the Federal Environmental Protection Agency located at rsmot€ oil and gas sites/facilities. Documented measurernents of criteria pollutants such as volatile organic compormds (VOCS), carbon monoxide (CO), nihogen oxides (NOx) in parts Pet' million (ppm), and orygen (O2) in percent (por Environmental Protection Agency Method 19) from intemal combustion equipment. Calibrabd irstuments prior to each testing went and recorded calibration daails and inshument checls. Planned and coordinated testing schedules weekly for the Wyoming Ofiice covering Wyoming, Colorado, and North Dakota. N{ade decisions based on personaljudgnrent and considered the rdative costs and bendrts oftesting exp€nses to choose the most ap,propriate solution for Encino rnd the Cutom€r. Monitored oper'ations and ernissions indicators to ensure machinery is working correctly. Managed time and persormel schedules to achieve customer goals while followhg company guidelines. Ferformed &y-to{ay adminishative tasks such as maintaining information files, processing paperwork, and monitoring daily wo* schedules to accomplish Encino objoctivos and assist in Customer satisfaction. @ Test Started: 08:06 AM Test Completed: 11:58 AM #As 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart JJJJ Performance Test Report Test Type: lnitial Test Date: 11113f2023 Source: Waukesha 9394 GSI Rich Burn (4 Cycle) Unit Number: 1362 Serial Number:1650569 Engine Hours:3818 Locatlon: Duchesne Data Center Power Station Duchesne County, Utah Prepared on Behalf of: Crusoe Energy Systems, lnc. UTAH DEPARTITJIENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUAUTY DEC 1 1 ?C)23 DIVISION OF AIR QUALTTY 303 W. 3rd St (580) 22s-0403 Elk City , OK73644 ,l lndex 1.0 Key Personnel.... ............. 3 2.0 Sampling System..... ....... 3 3.0 Methods Used............ ......................... 3 4.0 Test Summaries.. ............ 5 5.0 Run Summaries.. ............ 6 6.0 Volumetric Flow Rate Data.... ............. 7 7.0 Calculations.............. ...... 8 8.0 Orygen Calibration... ...... I 9.0 Engine Parameter Data Sheet.. .......... 10 10.0 QA/QC Results........ ........ 11 11.0 D6348 Annexes...... ........ 12 12.0 Signature Page........ ....... 18 13.0 Appendices.............. ....... 19 14.0 Bottle Certs........... .......... 20 15.0 Tri Probe Certification via GD-031 ...... 25 16.0 GAS ALT 141_FT|R EPA........ ............ 26 17.0 Tester Qualifications (resume)... ......... 28 18.0 Raw Data............. TJi", .......... 2s Table 5.1 (Run Summaries)............. ........... 6 Table 6.1 (Volumetric Flow Rate Data)........... ................ 7 Table 6.2 (Stack Gas Measurements)......... ....................7 Table 8.1 (Oxygen Calibration).. ................. I Annex Table 1.2.1 (Certified Calibration Bottle Concentrations)......... 12 Annex Table 1.2.2 (Measurement System Capabilities)..................... 12 Annex Table 1.3.1 (Test Specific Target Analytes)............................. 13 Annex Table 4.1 (Measure System Capabilities) ............ 15 Figures Figure 6.1 (Location of Traverse Points per Method 1)....................... 7 Annex Figure 1.4.1 (Sampling Train)..... ..... 13 Annex Figure 1.4.2 (Sampling Points)... ...... 14 Annex Figure 1.4.3 (Sampling Port Locations).... ............ 14 Appendices Certified Calibration Bottle Certificates........... .................20 Tri Probe Certification via GD-031.. ............ 25 GAS ALT 141_FT|R EPA............. ............... 27 Tester Qualifications (resume)... ................. 28 Raw Data 29 3 1.0 Key Personnel GAS, lnc. Crusoe Energy Systems, lnc. Lucas Ennis Kody Walters 2.0 Sampling System The sampling system used consisted of a Stainless steel probe, heated Teflon line, gas conditioning system, and a Gasmet model DX4000 FTIR analyzer. The gas conditioning system used was a Gasmet Personal Sampling System with a Zirconium Oxide oxygen sensor. 3.0 Methods Used ASTM D6348.03 This extractive FTIR based field test method is used to quantity gas phase concentrations of multiple targel analytes (CO, NOX, CH2O, & VOC's) from stationary source etfluent. Because an FTIR analyzer is potentially capable of analyzing hundreds of compounds, this test method is not analyte or source specific. The analytes, detection levels, and data quality objectives are expected to change for any particular testing situation. lt is the responsibility of the tester to define the target analytes, the associated detection limits for those analytes in the particular source effluent, and the required data quality objectives for each specific test program. Provisions are included in this test method that require the tester to determine critical sampling system and instrument operational parameters, and for the conduct of QA/QC procedures. Testers following this test method will generate data that will allow an independent observer to verify the valid collection, identification, and quantification of the subject target analytes. EPAMethodl&1A The purpose of the method is to provide guidance for the selection of sampling ports and traverse points at which sampling for air pollutants will be performed pursuant to regulations set forth in this part. EPA Method2 &2C This method is applicable for the determination of the average velocity and the volumetric flow rate of a gas stream. The average gas velocity in a stack is determined from the gas density and from measurement of the average velocity head with a standard pitot tube. Velocity readings are taken from each stack at 16 separate traverse points (Table 6.1) and used to determine the engines mass emissions rate, calculated utilizing the formulas seen in section 7.0 ol this report. EPA Method 3A This is a procedure for measuring oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2) in stationary source emissions using a continuous instrumental analyzer. Quality assurance and quality control requirements are included to assure that the tester collects data of known quality. Documentation to these specific requirements for equipment, supplies, sample collection and analysis, calculations, and data analysis will be included. Gas, lnc. 4.0 Test Summary Unit 1362 with a serial number of 1650569 which is a Waukesha 9394 GSI engine located at Duchesne Data Center Power Station and operated by Crusoe Energy Systems, lnc. was tested for emissions ot Carbon Monoxide, Oxides of Nitrogen, and Volatile Organic Compounds. The test was conducted on 1111312023 by Lucas Ennis with Great Plains Analytical Services, lnc. All quality assurance and quality control tests were within acceptable tolerances. The engine is a natural gas fired Rich Burn (4 Cycle) engine rated at 2500 brake horse power (BHP) at 1200 RPM. The engine was operating at 2283 BHP and 1199 RPM which is 91.33% of maximum engine load during the test. The test HP calculation can be found on page 8. The engine was running at the maximum load available at the test site. Site Verificataon Photos Gas, lnc. 4.0 Test Su 5 Location Duchesne Data Center Power Station Unit lD 1362 Make Waukesha Site Elevation tt.5833 Model 9394 GSr AImOSDnenC F'reSSUre OSt.tz Serial Number 1650569 StacK urameler rn.20 mfo. rated hp 2500 Catalyst YES mfq. rated rpm 1200 Date of Manufacture Test Horseoower 2275 2300 2275 22E3 aL TeSt RPM 1 199 1 198 199 199 Percent Loado/o 91.00%92.OQo/o 91.00%91 .33% lntake Manifold Pressure 105.63 106.44 107.87 106.65 lntake Manilold Temperature 17.30 119.50 125.10 120.63 Ambient Temperature Dry 25.00 35.00 ]4.UU 34.61 Q Stack (dscfh)189070.97 185723.75 '179S70.58 184921.77 Q Stack (dscm/hr)5353.84 5259.06 5096.15 5236.35 Moisture Fraction Bws 0.17 0.17 o.17 0.17 Method 3A Corrected O2o/"Dw O.Mo/"O.Bo/"0.38%O.42o/" Moisture %16.52/"16.60% 16.51%16.54/" Gas, lnc. 6 5.0 Run Summaries Table 5.1 Run Summaries 15.11"/o 16.61% Gas, lnc. Table 6.1. Data used for volumetric flow rate (Method 2) Pitot Tube Coefilclent Cp(std)= .99 sracx otamerer = zu nches or:1.67 reet. or:2.'t8 Souare Feet Hzo o/od 16.52 16.60 .51 16.54 coz o/od 9.69 9.71 .66 s.69 02 Yod 0.36 0.35 0.31 0.34 CO ppmd 24.39 24.37 26.29 25.O2 Molecular Weioht Stack Gas drv basis (Md)I mole 29.57 29.51 29.56 29.56 Molecular Weiqht Stack Gas wet basis (Ms)I mole 27.66 27.65 27.65 27.65 Stack Static Pressure (P "t120 0.57 0.55 0.52 0.55 Stack Static Pressure (P "Hq 0.04 0.04 0.04 0.04 AtmosDheric Pressure at Location - UAt MBAR 836.98 836.69 835.85 836.51 Atmospheric Pressure at Location - uAt "Ho 24.72 24.71 24.69 24.t1 Absolute Stack Pressure (Ps "Hq 24.76 24.75 24.73 24.t Stack Temperature Deq C 488.33 489.44 492.78 490. Stack TemDerature Deq F 911.00 913.00 919_OO 914.33 Stack Temperature Deo R 't370.67 1372.67 1378.67 1374.00 Stack Gas Velocity rusec 90.45 89.10 86.72 88.77 Stack Flow Rate Q cfs 197.33 194.38 189.19 193.67 Stack Gas Wet Volmetric Flow Rate scl/hr 226481.13,222678.33 215560.74 221606.16 Stack Gas Dry Volumetric Flow Rate scflhr 189070.97 185723.75 179970.58 184949.54 tmtsstons samD[no Pornts - 3 Dornl tono ilne samoilno DroD€Inches First Samolino Point aken @ 16.70/" ol Stack Diameter 3.34 Second Samolino Point Taken @ 50% of Stac rk Diameter 10 Third SamDlino Poinl Taken @ 8i1.3% of Stack Diameter 16.66 6.0 Volumetric Flow Rate Data Table 6.2. Stack gas pressure measured with a standard tube use for Volumetric Flow Rate 7 Aostd = Velocitv head measured bv the' standard pitot tube, (in.) H2o.' uamDte aTler t acK rurqe:o.51 Within 5% ol Last ADstd readinq:Yes Flgure 6.1 16 Traverse Points Were UsedStack Diameter (inches)20.00 lnches upstream lrom disturbance 10.00 lnches downstream from disturbance 30.00 Pitot readings are taken for Method 2 calculations using measuring points outlined in Method 1 *The exhaust stack dld not present cyclonlc flow condltlons at the sampllng locatlon due to the absence of cyclones, lneitlal dsmlsters, venturl scrubberc, or tangentlal inlets. Gas, lnc. 7.0 Calculations Method 2: Determination of Stack Gas Velocitv and Volumetric Flow Rate *Note- Use of this method negates the need for any fuel related numbers for emissions calculations Ap(avg) = Velocity head of stack gas, mm H2O (in. H2O). 3600 = Conversion Factor, sec/hr. A = Cross-sectional area ol stack, m2 (tl2). Bws = Water vapor in the gas stream (from ASTM D6348) Cp(std) = Standard pitot tube coefficient; use 0.99 Kp = Velocity equation constant. Md = Molecular weight of stack gas, dry basis, g/g-mole (lb./lb.-nnle). Ms = Molecular weight ot stack gas, wet basis, g/g-mole (lb./lb. -mole). Ps = Absolute stack pressure (Pbar+ Pg), mm Hg (in Hg) Pstd = Standard absolute pressure,760 mm Hg (29.92 in. Hg). Qsd = Dry volumetric stack gas flow rate conected to standard conditions, dscm/hr. (dscf/hr.). Ts(abs) - Absolute stack temperature, "K ("R). = 460 + Ts for English units. Tstd = Standard absolute temperature, 293"K (528 'R). Vs = Average stack gas velocity, m/sec (ft./sec). Md = .44(.097)+.32(.004)+.28(.897+.002) - 29.566 LB/LB-MOLE Ms = 29.566(r -.16518)+.18.0(.16518) = 27.656 LB/I_B-MOLE vs = 85.49'.99*V.57-,1(1370.67 l(24.76'27.656)l = 90.45 FT/SEC Qsd = 3600(1 -Bws)Vs-A((Tstd'Ps)/(Ts(abs)-Pstd))Qsd = 3600(1-.16s)90.448.2.1 82(s28'24.761t (1370.67'29.9211 = 189070.97 DSCF/FIR Q = 189070.973/35.315 = 5353.8213 DSCM/HR Emission Rates (Eramples use CO Run 1 453.6= Conversion factor lb. to gram HP= Engines rated Horsepower A = Cross-sectional area ol stack, m2 (tt2). Mlg.= Manufacturer Exhaust flow rate at 100% (ft3/min) BHP/HR. = Brake work ol the engine, horsepower-hour (HP-HR.). 02 = Concentration of orygen on a dry basis, percent. BTU/HP-HR. = Brake Specific Fuel Consumption (HHV) ppm= Parts Per Million (CO) ER = Emission rate ol (CO) in g/HP-hr. ppm@15% 02= PPM corrected lo 15"/" 02 F(d )= yelumts ol combustion components per unit of heat Qs! = Dry volumetric stack gas flow rate corrected content, scm/J (scf/million Btu). to standard conditions, dscm/hr. (DSCF/HR.). Q = Stack gas volumetric flow rate, in standard cubic meters Run Time = Run Time in Minutes per hour, dry basis Tpy= Tons per year LB/HR.= Emission rate ol (Co) in LB/HR. Vs = Average stack gas velocity, m/sec (ft./sec). MolrM.= MolWeight of CO (28.01) ppm @ 15% 02 = PPM'((20.9-15VoO2ll(20.9-O2)l ppm @ 15"/"02 = 29.219120.9-15l,1(20.9-.4v"1) = 8.409 PPM @ 15% 02 g/hphr = (PPM'(1 . 1 64-1 0&3)'Q'(Run Time/60))/BHP/HR (29.21911.164'10^-3)'5353.843'(Run Time/601112275 =.08 G/HP-HR LB/HR = .08'1t453.6',2275 = .401 LB/HR TPY = .401.4.38 = 1.756 TPY ppm wet - (1(1-H2O) = ppm dry 29.22 = 24.3925- (1 I (1 -.1 7)) Gas, lnc. 8.0 Oxygen calibration 9 8.'l Calibration error test; how do I confirm my analyzor calibration is correct? After the tester has assembled, prepared and calibrated the sampling system and analyzer, they conduct a 3-point analyzer calibration error test before the first run and again after any failed system bias test or failed drift test. They then introduce the low-, mid-, and high-level calibration gases sequentially in direct calibration mode. At each calibration gas level (low, mid, and high) the calibration error must be within t 2.0 percent of the calibration span. 8.2 lnitial system bias and system calibration error chscks. Before sampling begins, it is determined whether the high- level or mid-level calibration gas best approximates the emissions and it is used as the upscale gas. The upscale gas is introduced at the probe upstream of all sample- conditioning components in system calibration mode. (1) Next, zero gas is introduced as described above. The response must be within 0.5 percent ofthe upscale gas concentration. (2) LowJevel gas reading is observed until it has reached a final, stable value and the results are recorded. The measurement system will be operated at the normal sampling rate during all system bias checks. (3) lf the initial system bias specification is not met, corrective action is taken. The applicable calibration error test from Section 8.2.3 of EPA Method 7E is repeated along with the initial system bias check until acceptable results are achieved, after which sampling will begin. The pre- and post-run system bias must be within i 5.0 percent of the calibration span forthe low-level and upscale calibration gases. 8.3 Post-run systom bias check and drift assessment - confirming that each sampls colloctod is valid. Sampling may be performed for multiple runs before performing the post-run bias or system calibration error check provided this test is passed at the conclusion of the group of runs. A failed final test in this case will invalidate all runs subsequent to the last passed test. (1) lfthe poslrun system bias check is not passed, then the run is invalid. The problem is then diagnosed and fixed, then another calibration enor test and system bias is passed before repeating the run. (2) After each run, the low-level and upscale drifi is calculated, using Equation 7E-4 in Section 12.5 from EPA Method 7E. lf the poslrun low- and upscale bias checks are passed, but the low-or upscale drift exceeds the specification in Section 13.3, the run data are valid, but a 3-point calibration error test and a system bias check must be performed and passed prior to additional testing. Table 8.1 Oxygen Calibration Method 7E 3.4 To the extent practicable, the measured emissions should be between 20 to 100 percent of the selected calibration span. This may not be practicable in some cases of low concentration measurements or testing for compliance with an emission limit when emissions are substantially less than the limit- EPA Method 3A Cl,A Worksheet Certifled Gar Concenlralon I C€rtlfled Get Conc.niraion I Certlfled Ga! Co Low.Level (%) | rrld.Level (%) | xtgn.uve 000,/ (DIRECT) Anallzer Callbration Error (S 2%) Gheck ncentralon 7E 8.5: Note: that you may risk sampling for multiple runs before performing the pos!run bias provided you pass this test at the conclusion of the group of runs Cerfified Concentration Value (%) Direct Calibration Response (%) Absolute ference (%) Anallzer Calibration Etrot (o/o) Zero Gaso/o 0.00%0.000/" 0_00%0.00% Mid-Level Gas % High-Level Gas % 9.160/0 20.700/. 9.1 1o/o 20.91o/o 0.05% 0.21o/o 0.24% 1.O30h (SYSTEM) Calibration Bias Ghecks (S 5%) and Drifi Checks (S 3%)Upscale Gas 9.16% Zero Offset O.OOo/o Bias Pre lnitialValue Bias Post lnitalValues Span 20.70 Analyzer Calibration Response (o/o) Zero Gas 0.00% SFtem Callbrailons Response Pre (%) i],stem Bias (ol of Span) Pre System Celibration Response Posl(l"l ;ystem BiaE (% of Span) Post Drifi (% of span) 0.00% 0.00%0.00o/o 0.00% 0.00% Upscale Gas 9.11o4 9.O1Yo 0.45Yo 9.04Yo 0.u%0.00% (SYSTEM) Calibration Bias Checks (S 5%) and Drifi Checks (S 3%) Avs. Gas Concentration (Run 1)0.43o/o Efruent Gas (Coas) Run 1 0.44o/o Avg. Gas Concentration (Run 2)0.42Yo Efruent Gas (Cgas) Run 2 0.43Vo Avg. Gas Concenlration (Run 3)0.37o/o Efiluent Gas (Cgas) Run 3 0.38% EPA Method 3A CIA Worksheet Zero Gas 100o/o Nitrogen Mid-Level Gas 9.16% Hioh-Level Gas 20.70o/o Zero Gas o/o Mid-Level Gas % High-Level Gas % Zero Gas % I 0"00% I Upscate Used upscatecatl g.otx | 916yo Zero Gas % I ooo% I Upscate Used Upscatecat I g.o+v" | 916yo Gas, lnc. 10 9.0 Engine Parameter Data Sheet Company Grusoe Enerov Svstems. lnc. Faclllty Duchesne Data Center Power Station Date 11n3no23 slte EEvaflon (ftl 5833 UnIt ID 1362 Make Waukesha Model 9394 GSI serlal Number 1650569 Technlclan Lucas Ennis Run 1 Run 2 Run 3 Completed Run Start Tlmes OE:O6 AM 0922 AM 10:41 AM 1I:58 AM Enolne Hours 3815 3816 3fl17 381 E Englne Parameter Data Run 1 RUN 2 Run 3 Average EnEIne Speed (RPM)199.U t9E.O 1199.O I 198.7 lntal(e Manllold Pressure (Dsll 63.6 64.0 64.7 64.1 lnta!(e Manlfold Temp "l-17.3 119.5 I 25.t 120.6 ENEINE LOAd (EHP)2275.O 2300.0 2275.O 2243.3 Amblent Temp "F 25.O 35.O 44.O 34.1 HumldltY 7o 49.O 32.O 23.O 34.7 Dew Polnt oF 8.0 9.O 9.O 8.7 AFR Manufacturer/TVoe Waukesha Waukesha Waukesha Waukesha AFR Settlnq (Tarqet Rloht Bank)ffi.7 64.0 64.4 64.0 AFR Settlnq (Tarqet Left Bank)63.3 64.5 63.8 63.9 Suctlon Pressure (Dsl)0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Dlscharoe Pressure (Dsl)0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 catarvst tYes o7 Not Yes Catalvst Manufacturel Waukesha Waukesha Waukesha Waukesha # ol Catalyst Installed 2 2 2 2 Catalyst lnlet TemD "F I U49.0 1090.0 1087.0 1086.7 Catalyst Outlet Temp "F 108.0 1108.O 1105.O 1107.0 Catalvst Presaure Drop H2O -6.4 €.4 -6.3 -6.4 Gas, lnc. 11 10.0 OA/OC Results System System Response Time 50 seconds Nitrogen monoxide NO Nitrogen dioxide NO2 NOx voc Oxygen Average:0.00 Average:0.00 Average:0.00 Average:0.00 Average:0.09 Average:0.00 CTS Compound Concentration Avg Tolerance Ditference between measured and expected Value:99.93 Value: 100.42 2.00"/" 0.49/" Nitrogen monoxide NO Nitrogen dioxide NO2 NOx voc Oxygen Average:0.00 Average:0.00 Average:0.00 Average:0.00 Average:0.07 Average:0.00 CTS Bottle Concentration CTS Compound Concentration Avg Tolerance Ditference between measured and expected Value:99.93 Value:98.03 5.00% 1.9Oo/o Equilibration Response Time Spike Reported Spike Expected 6 seconds Value:248.83 Value: 25O.2O Gas, lnc. 12 11.0 D6348 Annexes 1-8 The test quality objectives completed for the emissione test are demonstrated throughout Annexes 1,.2,3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 as layed out per ASTM D6348-03. All reference methods, pre-test and post test procedures were within acceptable limits. Data generated during lhe pre-test and post-test procedures are summarized below in order of the distinctive Annex. Three 60 minute test runs were performed. The final analyte concentrations are the average of each test run. Data was taken at 60 second intervals. Each 60 recond measurement was the average of 600 scans. Propane is used as the surrogate compound for the Annex 5 Spiking Technique due to Propane being the VOC that is most commonly fbund in the combustion process of naturalgas. Additionally, the molecular weight of Propane coincides with with molecular weight of VOC's per the EPA. Annex Table 1.2.1 Certifled Calibration Bottle Concentratlons Eotfle Explraflon NOZ Ethvlene sF6 Q21'/ol GC303362 6t6t2o.z:6 s5.47 9,16% E80065640 1z,1t2o.25 99.B3 cc76460 7t5t2o,31 20.70"/o Cylinder # C0412658,Expiration: 5-08-2031 ProDane co NO sF6 Bottle value 250.20 496.50 247.60 9.76 Analvzer Svstem Resoonse 248.83 493.'t 1 250.E9 9.6it Percent Diflerence 0.55%0.68%1.33"/o 1.29"/o Annex Table 1.2.2 Measurqment System Capablllties Gas, lnc. Annex Table 1.3.1 Test Specific Target Analytes and Data Quality Objectives Compounds lnfrared Analysis Regiolr (cm-l) Expected Concentration Range Measuremenr System Achlevable Mlnlmum Detectable Concentratlons ltequtreq Measurement System Accuracy and Preclslon for fest Aoollcatlon CO 2000-2200 O-12OO oom 0-15257 DDm 4 oom NO 1875-2138 0-1000 oDm 0.4007 ppm 2DDm NO2 2700-2950 0-100 oom u.4u99 Dpm 2 DDm voc 2600-3200 0-100 ppm 1.8520 ppm Total VOC's 'l ppm per VOC910-1 150 2550-2950 CH2O 2550-2850 0-100 Dom 0.7878 pDm 1 oom lnterlering Compounds * CO is analyzed in a separate analysis region than CO2 and H2O co2 926-1 150 O-1Oo/o Oo/o nla Water Vapor 3200-3401 O'22"/o O.2Oo/o nla . VOCs compiled of Acetaldehyde, Ethylene, Hexane, and Propane. 1.4 02 SENSOR fp@* Etl ffi GAS Figure Annex 1.4.1 Sampling Train The testing instrumentation is housed in an enclosed vehicle which is located approximately 45 feet from the source. A heated sample line (sixty feet in length) is attached to the inlet of analyzer system and the source effluent discharges through the FTIR outlet. STACK Gas, !nc. 14 Sampling Point Locations in lnches 16.7"h 3.340 50"h ro.ooo 83.3%r6.660 TRI-PROBE SAMPLE POINT LOCA AS PERCENTAGE OF STACK DIAM I Flgure Annex 1.4.Q Samptlng Polnts lnterior Stack Diafteter (inches): 20 lnches Upstream: 10 lnches Downstream: 30 I oa{ lnc. i Flgure Annex 1.4.3 Sample Port Locatlon Target Analyte Results oom) UU 0.1t NO o.4 N(t( Ethvlene Propane Hexane o.22 AcetaEehyde FOrmaldr NEA RE F TTI rTr7,s ft7. ,-7175 N EA*: - C*sl, Lyel REF r.:;s Lcett callblauon Transfer standald ExDected iieaaured Fam Lenoth v Ethvlene 99.93 100.42 5.025 'assed Annex T able 1.2.2 Measurement System Capabl I ltles Gas, lnc. Parameter Gas concentraflon Metsured 7o DlfferenGe specmcatlon valldeted Spike Direct Propane 250.200 249.906 O.12"/o +l- zYo PASS SI-6 9. /OU 9.673 0.89%+l- ZYa PASS co 496.500 489.571 1.40"h +l'2o/o Pass NO 247.600 251 .933 I - 15-/o +l'2Yo Pass splke Run 1 vla the system source output spike Average Dllufion Factor Expected 70 ReCOvery speclflcatlon Propane 0.009 I U.OUI 19.649 !14.6|U-/o 7O'13O"/o SF6 U.UUU o.759 7.847"/o 11U"/o splke Run 2 vla the system source output spll(e Average Dilutlon Factor Expected 70 ReCOvery speciflcatlon Propane U.UUU I6.t 9Z 19.O90 95.29U"/o 7O-13OYo SF6 U.UUU 0.738 7.629Vo 11U"/o splke Run 3 vla the system source outDut splke AveraEe Dilution Factor Expected 7o ReCOvery Specification Propane U.UUU I6.952 19.516 9 I .11U"/o 7O-'l30o/o sr-6 U.UUU o.755 1.lJU5"/o (1U"/o Noise Equlvalent Absorbance (NEA) RMS High 0.001791 RMS Mid 0.001054 RMS Low 0.000461 Line Position 020 0.15 010 005 000 ," 020 n 1rl 005 000 -005 005 2AS2 2069 2046 2A?_3 199S 1976 1353 1930 1907 1884 1861 1837 1814 @ o.oo% Pass pass Gas, lnc. The Gasmet GICCOR (Genzel lnterferometer with Cube Corner Retroreflectors) interferometer is specially designed for maximum optical throughput and maximum signal to noise ratio of 7.72 (cm-1) remaining stable with any vibration and temperature changes. spectrometer toa m setting and the detector linearity was tested with an alternate approach. A three point linerarity of the CTS gas was performed and validated. Linea rity 162 2734 152 2734 142 2734 132 2734 122.2734 112.2734 102.2734 92 2734 82 2734 72 2734695 687 679 672 664 656 648 641 633 625 61 8 61 0 x62 2734 152"2734 142"2734 132.2734 1?2 2734 112.2734 102 2734 92 2734 82 2734 72 2734 602 16.7338599 Pass The analytical accuracy of the quantification algorithm is satisfied via the results from Annex 5 per Annex 7.6 FOST GTIt Srstem Checr: CTS Bottle Concentration:YY,Yi' CTS Sample Concentration Averaoe:91.32 Ditference between measured and expected:2.68o/o Tolerance:5.00% Run Data valldafion - Automated v3 Manual Readlng Valldated Commonts Hun 1 Polnts 1 & 2 on CO/NO/Prooane All within 20%Passed uemon$rales no rnlenerences oDserveo. HUn Z FOtnIS I & Z On UU/NU/HrOOane AII within 20%Passed uemonslrales no rnlenerences ooserveo. Hun 3 Points 1 & 2 on CO/NO/Prooane All within 20%PASSed uemonslrales no rnlenerences oDserveo. Gas, lnc. 18 12.0 Signature Page Job/File Name: Crusoe Energy Systems, lnc.; Duchesne Data Center Power Station; 1362;JJJJ We certify that based on review of test data, knowledge of those individuals directly responsible for conducting this test, we believe the submitted information to be accurate and complete. Company: G.A.S. lnc. Print Name: Lucas Ennis Title: Emissions Specialist Date:1111312023 Company: Print Name: Signature: Title: Phone Number: Date: Company: G.A.S. !nc. Print Name: Chris Oppel Title: Director of Stack Testing Signature: n / ro ru%"< PhoneNumber: 580-225-0403 Date: 1111312023 Gas, lnc. Appendices Gas, lnc. Spike (5 Gas) Aitgas an Ar Lqude compey AirguSpqidtyG.s Airg6 USALI.c 1222 S. Wstmrth Aw. Chicago, IL 60628 Airga.6m CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Grade of Product: EPA PROTOCOL STANDARI) Customer: Part Number: Cylinder Number: Laboratory: PGVP Number: Gas Code: GREAT PLAINS ANALYTICAL SERVICE, E05Nt94E15AC014 cc412658 124 - Chicago (SAP) - lL 812023 CO,CO2,NO,NOX,PPN,BALN Reference Number: il402732423-1 Gylinder Volume: 147.O CF Cylinder Pressure: 2015 PSIG Valve Outet: 660 Certification Date: May 08, 2023 Date: Cstfietih pGrlomd ln .rydshe wilh 'EPA TEoebllity PEb@l br A.ry .nd C.rtlfieds ot G.s@ C.tb..lbn Studrd. (M.y 2012)' d@mot EPA 6OO/R-12/531, u.ing OE .s.y proclduEs lkbd. An.tytiel M.hodology dq not cqolc mcdoi lb..mlydal inbrlbcM. Thb cylindd h$ a totd en.Mic.l un6rt inty .s st i.d b.lil wf$ . dlidc@ b6l of g5%- ThrE sro no slghfilont impudtcr whidr .fild llE us of lhi. elib..li:n mlrtrc. All mdffiios aE d a molc,/molc b..i. lnLs othwbc rcbd. Thc 6uhs Elst ffly to th. itcms ic!t6d. Th. Eport .h.ll not b. Epoduc.d .rc.pt in tull wftdn .pproEl ot th. hbd.tory. Do t00 D.lo. l.c. 0.7 Triad Data Available Upon Request PEBMANENT NOTES:Mixture coniains nominal 1oppm Sufiur Ho(alluorido as a trace] componant. Actual teeted value included within the original Certiricato ol Analysis. Coniact ths Airgas laboiatory if a reprint is required NOTES:Mixturo contains nominal 1oppm Sutfur Hoxatluoride as a tracor componont. Actual testod valuo included wilhin ths original Cofiilicate ol Analysis. Contact the Airgas laborabry il a reprint is roquked. SF6 = 9.76 Approved ior Release Plgi I ot I AI{ALYTICAL RESULTS Compongnt Roquested Actual Protocol Total Rohtlve As3ay Dat6sConenbaton Concontratlon M€thod Uncortallrw NOX 250.0 PPM 24f,'2PPM G1 +^ 0.9% NIST TEEbb 0t01/2023, 0t08/2023 NlrRlcoxlDE 250.0PPM 247.6PPM G'l +/-0.9%NlSTTEeable O5n12.023'O5n812023 PROPANE 250.0 PPM 2fi.2PPM Gl +/- 0.8% NIST TEeable o5loz2o23 CARBON MONOXIDE 500.0 PPM 496.5 PPM G1 +10.6% NIST TEHbI€ 0510212023 CARBON DIOXIDE 5.000 % 5.076 % G1 +/- 1.3% NIST TE@able 0510112023 NITRoGEN Bdane CALIBRATION STATTIDARDS Typ€ LotlD CyllnderNo Conc.ntEtlon Uncertalnty Erplrlilon D.i. NTRM 20060336 PRM 12409 EBOI 13149 250.3 PPM NITRIC OXIDE/NITROGEN D913660 15.01 PPM NITROGEN DIOXIDEAIR +l-0.8% +t- 1.50/o Oct 19, 2026 Feb 18,2023 Jun 15,2025 Mat 17,2027 Mat 05,2027 May 14,2025 GMls \53tr;o1202'l1os ND73033 5.012 PPM NITROGEN DIOXIDE/NITROGEN +l- 1.6'yo 6162697Y 243.3 PPM PROPANSAIR +/- 0.5% cc453947 49I.9PPMCARBONMONOXIDE/NITROGEN +^0.6% cc4r3685 7./189 % CARBON DIOXIDE ITROGEN NTRM 200602-13 NTRM 15060$41 NTRM 1306M23 +l- O.6oh Th6 SRM- NTR.IL PRM. d RGM noi.d .bov. lr fflv ln rcrdae to tho GMIS u$a h tho &v .nd rDt Ert of th€ rn.ly.i6. ANALYTICAL EQT,IIPMENT ln3trumonuil.ko/todsl Analvtcd Pdnclplo L.3t tuldpolnt C.llbretlon Nl@l€t lS50 AUP2010242 COI SIEMENS ULTMMAT 6E N.IJs7OO Ni@lst iS50 AUP2010242 Nl@bt iS50 AUP20'10242 Nl6bt iss{l 4UP2110277 FTIR NDIR FTIR FTIR FTIR Apr 06, 2023 Apt27,m23 tlby 08,2023 May @,2023 Aff 06, 2023 Gas, lnc. Airgas. an Atr Lquid€ cmparry 9o/o O2|NO2 Ait?asFcidtyGrE Airgu USA LLC S2S North Industri8l Imp Rod T@le, UT 84074 Afu!a.@m CERTTFICATE OFANALYS$ Grade of Product: EPA PROTOCOL STAMARI) Part Number: Cylinder Number: Laboratory: PGVP Number: Gas Code: E03Nt90E15W0003 cc303362 124 - Tooele (SAP) - UT 872023 NO2,02,BALN Reference Numben 1534027 50202-'l Cylinder Volume: 145.0 CF Cylinder Pressure: 2015 PSIG Valve Outlet: 660 Certification Date: Jun 06,2023 Cdtfielion psfom.d in .@rden6 wllh d@lMtEPA 6(xyR-12/531, 6kE thG .$.y pre6duE6 llslcd. Amtyti€l Mohodology dc not Equlr @dd lb..nelydc.l lnbrftE@. Thk cy'linda hs. del ilslyt€l un6,t ln9 .r .t bd b.ld rllh s dfde@ l.wl ot g5%. ThoE .ro no Blgnlfdit lhpuddc6 wfiich .ltrct tr us ot lhi. €llHon mb(trD. All ddtdds .E 6 s mldmoL bad! unh$ othflis. nobd. Th6 Eults rcletc sly to th6 hrmr t6atad. nro Epoft lhall not br EpEduc.d .xc.pl h full wlthdn appdal of tha laboEtory. Do Trhd Data Avallablo Upon Roquo3l Approved for Retease P.g! I ot I ANALYTICALRESIJLTS Componont Requested Acfual Protocol Tot l Rel.tvo Concentraflon Goncantreflon lf,.thod Unc.rtalnty Aesay Dates NITROGENDIOXIDE 100.0PPM 95.47PPM Gl +/-2.0%NISTTE@bb Oil3Orun3,O6lOOl2O23 OXYGEN 9.000 % 9.157 % G1 +/- 0.5% NIST Tm€ble OSf312O23 NITROGEN Bahne CALIBRATION STANDARDS Tvm Lot lD Cvllnder No Conelrtrrtlon Uncertalnty ErDlraton D.to 1.40to 0.40/o GMIS NTRM 59.32 PPM NITROGEN DIOXIDE/NITROGEN 4.794 % OXYGEI{/NITROGEN 12397 14060629 ccs1 1358 ceB6987 D@17,2024 M.29,2025 lmtrumenuilakerilodol ANALYTICAL EQI,IIPMENT Andrrtc.l Prlnclplg Llst IUultlpolnt CallbEtlon FTIR 02 PaEmaqnetic (DIXON) Jun 05, 2023 May M,2023 MKS FT|R NO2 018143349 Ho.iba MPA-510 W603MM58 02 Gas, lnc. Ailgas. Ethylene Only AtryuSlEcidtycsd Airgs USALrc PZ2S.WotmrthAw. Chic.go, IL 60528 Airg8.@E CERTIFICATE OF AIIALYSIS Grade of Product: PRIMARY STANDARI) GREAT PLAINS ANALYTICAL SERVICE,Customer: Part Number: Cylinder Number: Laboratory: Analysis Date: Lot Number: x02Nl99P1sACVH8 E80065640 124 - Chicago (SAP) - lL DecO'1,2022 il40260il62-1 Explratlon Date: Dec 01, 2025 Reference Number: il4026o3462J CylinderVolume: 1u.O CF Cylindor Prossure: 2015 PSIG Valve Ouflat: 350 Primary Standard Gas Mixtures are traceable to N.LS.T, weights and/or N.I.S.T. Gas Mixuire reference materials. Component Req Conc ANALYTICALRESI.'LTS Actual Goncentratlon (ilole %) Analytlcal Uncertalnty ETHYLENE NITROGEN 100.0 PPM Balsnm 99.93 PPM +l- 1o/" Approved for Release P.g. I ot I Gas, !nc. Airgas. BIP At{re Mtit South rcgion AirguUSAUa 9741 E. S6th St North Tils, OK74u7 Aituu.@D CERTIFICATE OF BATCH ANALYSIS Grade of Product: BIP-BUILTINPT RIFIER Part Number: Cylinder Analyzod: Laboratory: Analysis Dat€: Nt BtP300 TW0$867349 106 - Tulsa Fast Fill (SAP) - OK Feb 10,2016 Reference Numbsr: 29400672389.1 Cylinder Volume: 304.0 CF Cy{inderPressure: 2O40PS|G Valve Oudet 580 Componenl ANALYTICAL REST'LTS Roquested Purlty CertMed Concentration NITROGEN OXYGEN WATER TOTAL HYDROCARBONS CARBON DIOXIDE CARBON MONOXIDE 99.999 % 1 PPM 1 PPM 0.1 PPM 0.5 PPM 0.5 PPM 99.999 % 0.94 PPM 0.058 PPM O-1 PPM 0.235 PPM 0.235 PPM Pormln.nt Noiaa:This c6rl indudes valu€s from the 'fill' sire and is not representative of he 'use" side purfty. Contact an Airgas Sales Representative br lhis informatbn. illndcra ln B.tch: 4263617Y, TW0467r107, TW0+83r574, TW0$865966, TW0$867349, TW0$867538, TW0S867578, TW05-881687, TW05-881820, TW0$920689, TW0S920760, TW05848694, TW05867441, TW05897265, TW05897512, TW05920678, TW05920686, TW05920695, TW0592078 1, TW05920874 lmpu;ities verified against analytical standards tracoabla to NIST by weight and/or analysis. Sldh.tuE an il. Approved for Release Plg.1 ot t Gas, lnc. Aitgas an Arr Lrqukl€ @mpany 21o/o 02 AtutuSIEcislVGue Airg8 USAUf Szs North Indusuial lep Rmd T@le,IrT 84074 Airge.@m CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Grade of Product: EPAPROTOCOL STANDARI) Part Number: Cylinder Number: Laboratory: PGVP Number: Gas Code: E02Nt79E15400B1 cc76460 124 - Tooele (SAP) - UT 872023 02,BALN Reference Number'l 534027 83621 -'l Gy'inder Volume: 146.0 CF Cy'inder Pressure: 2015 PSIG Valve Outlet 590 C€rtification Date: Jul 05,2023 Datel Cddfielin p6rbhod in .@rdsn6 wih 'EPA Aay.nd (Mry2012) ddlMt EPA 6m/R-12531, uilng thr a$ry PloccduEs llltrd. AnEMiel M.hodology dc ml Equi! @trrdon br.mlytlo.l lnt tlbc@. Thlr crlhdc hat. tol.l o.lyhd uno&lnty ss dbd bGlo* wih . sfdcne lrwl ot 95%. Th.E .ro no sighftcnt lmplrili€s whidr .tt c,t thc uo of thb c.libr.tbo mlxtrE- Al 66tdtlon6 .E m . Th. Gutts Ehc illy io thc Thc Epqt rh.ll nol bG EpEduccd Gxc€pt in tui wilhdn.ppMl of th. LboEbry. Do Tdad D.tr Av.llabb Upon Roquost Approved for Release P.g. I ot I tlot t 8. Thi.100 1... 0.7 ANALYTICAL RE,SII'LTS Component R.quosbd Concentrruon Actual Conc.ntr.tlon Protocol Totll Relatlva tlothod Unc.rt lrty A.!.y Dsb3 oxYGEN 21.OO% 20.70% NITROGEN Balaru G't +/- 1.4% NIST TEeable 07105nO23 CALIBRATION STA}IDARDS Tvm LotlD qrllnd.rNo Concentrdon Uncort lnty Erph.tlonDlte NTRM 09051434 CC2A2192 22.5i| % O)(YGENNITROGEN O.4c/o M8y 13,2025 lnstrumenUtake/todel ANALYflCILEQI,IIPMENT Analytcal PrlrElple Lart tultlpolnt Crllbr.Uon Horiba MPA-510 W603MM58 02 02 Pammasn€tlc(DIXON)Jun 29. 2023 Gas, lnc. TriProbe Certification #Rs Part Number: Laboratory; Analysis Date: LOT Number: SN: Great Plalns Analydcal Serdces 303 w 3d st Elk City, OK 73544 (580)225-0403 Fax: (580)225-2512 CERTIFICATE OF ANALYSIS Gradc of Product: CERTIFIED STAI\DARD-PROBE 20s GAS INC. 3t3t2022 A 22A205 Reference 22 Number: Stack Diameter'. 20" Target Flow 3Umin Rate: Numberof 3 Points: Product performance verified by direct comparison to calibration standards faceable to N.I.S.T. *The probe listed on this form meets the multipoint traverse requirement of EPA Method ?e, section 8.4 as shown in the accompanying data. Method 7e, section 8.4 states that the multipoint traverse requirement can be satisfied by sampling via "a multi-hole probe desiped to sample at the prescribed points with a flow +/- l0 percent of mean flow rate". ANALYTICAL RBSULTS Total Flow (Vml Measured Flow Measured Flow Measured Flow Meen Probe PonA lUml Port B (Vml Port C (Vm) Port Sempled lDelta o1l lDelta o2l lDelta o3l Flow (L/m) Rul RE2 2LPM 4 LPM 0.660 (-1.004) 1.30 (-r.024) 0.620 (-7.00a) t.2! G6.35A) 0.720 (8.004) t.4l (7.364) rCalibration conducted in accordance with Emission Memwement Cetrter Guideline Docunent - EMC GD-031 313/2022 DateApproved for Release Probe size: 20S UNITED STATES ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY ilIsrAftfi]-.i T$:ltANGi*E pARK NC 27711 ;i, I I i. "'.ti.';ii r "l.i"f]lltrll."lll. .'{rr r,1.i', Mr. Jordan Williamson CEO GAS Inc. 303 W. 3,a Street Elk City, OK73644 Dear Mr. Williamson: We are writing in response to your letter received on September 17, 2020,in which you request the approval of alternative testing procedures. The EPA's Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS) is the delegated authority for consideration of major alternatives to test methods and procedures as set forth in 40 CFR parts 60 and 63 under which your request must be addressed. GAS Inc. is requesting a change to one of the test methods, ASTM D6348-03, used for conducting performance tests to determine compliance under 40 CFR part 60, Subpart JJJJ - Standards of Performance for Stationary Spark Ignition Internal Combustion Engines (Subpart JJJJ) and 40 CFR part 63, Subpart ZZZZ - National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Perforrnance for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (Subpart ZZZZ). The change being requested will be used to check detector linearity of the Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) instrumentation used to conduct this method. Specifically, you are requesting that the procedures of section 8.3.3 of Method 320 (40 CFR part 60, Appendix A), another FTIR-based method allowed under Subparts JJJJ and ZZZZ, be used in lieu of section A6.4.1of ASTM D6348-03 when conducting testing using ASTM D6348-03 under 40 CFR part 60, Subpart JJJJ and 40 CFR part 63, Subpart ZZZZ. In your request, you state that this altemative linearity check procedure will produce consistent results when utilizing either Method 320 or ASTM D6348-03. Additionally, some FTIR instrumentation does not allow for reducing the size of the aperture in the instrument and, thus, it would not be feasible to properly conduct the entirety of the ASTM D6348-03 method in its current form using such an instrument. Based on our understanding of FTIR instrument principles and recognition that the requested alternative determination of detector linearity is both technically sound and contained within Method 320,we are approving the requested change. We believe that this alternative is acceptable for use for use in testing all engines subject to 40 CFR part 60 Subpart JJJJ and 40 CFR part 63, Subpart ZZZZ. Also, we will post this letter as ALT-l4l on EPA's website (atwww.epa.gov/emc/broadly-applicable-approved-alternative- testmethods) to announce that our approval of this alternative test method is broadly applicable to engines for the purposes of meeting Subparts JJJJ and ZZZZ. March 15,2021 If you should have any questions or require further information regarding this approval, please contact David Nash of my staff at 919-541-9425 or email at nash.dave@epa.gov. Sincerely, STEFFAN Digitally signed by STEFFAN JOHNSOf-T JoHNsoN Hl*lllxil: Steffan M. Johnson, Group Leader Measurement Technology Group Sara Ayers, EPA/OECA/OCA{AMPD, (ayres.sara@epa.gov) Melanie King, EPA/OAR/OAQPS/SPPD, (king.melanie@epa.gov) James Leather, EPA Region 6, (leatherjames@epa.gov) David Nash, EPA/OAR/OAQPS/AQAD, (nash.dave@epa.gov) cc: Lucas Ennis GAS, Inc. s80-22s-0403 info@gasinc.us Type of Sources Tested: Stationary Internal Combustion Engines. 4 Stroke Rich Burn Engines. 2 Stroke & 4 Stroke Lean Burn Engines Stationary Natural Gas Fired Generators Stationary Propane Fired Generators Gas Fired Boilers Types of Analyzers:. Gasmet DX4000 FTIR. Gasmet Portable Sampling Unit with Zrconium Oxide 02 Sensory. Testo 350. Flame lonization Detector Qualifications: Trained, studied, and fully demonstrates compliance for emissions testing via data collection outlined in the following Reference Methods:. EPA Method 1 & 1A - Sampling & Traverse Points. EPA Method 2 &2C - Velocity & Volumetric Flow Rate of a Gas Stream. EPA Method 3A - Orygen. EPA Method 7E - NOX. EPA Method 10 - Carbon Monoxide. EPA Method 25A- Volatile Organic Compounds. ASTM D6348 - Extractive Fourier Transform lnfrared Spectroscopy Conducts emissions testing on a weekly basis including, but not limited to, the lollowing test types: lnitial Compliance, Biennial Compliance, SemiannualCompliance & Quarterly Compliance. Alltests performed are in accordance to any and all Federal & State requirements as applicable (i.e. JJJJ,ZZZZ, 106.512, 117, PEA, etc.). Performed testing in Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, North Dakota, Montana, Kansas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Texas, Louisiana (land and off-shore), Arkansas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, West Virginia, New York, Kentucky, & Mississippi. . Quarterly Performance Reviews covering ongoing changes with Federal Regulations, State Compliance guidelines, & site-specific safety certifications. 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Encino Project Number: EM-23-1582 Unit Number: 1251 ASTM D6348-03 Annex 5 – Spike Recovery Calculations Technical Response to Agency Inquiries 03.20.2024 v1; EM-23-1852-001 ASTM D6348-03 Annex 2 – Determination of Minimum Detection Concentrations (“MDC”) NO Technical Response to Agency Inquiries 03.20.2024 v1; EM-23-1852-001 CO Technical Response to Agency Inquiries 03.20.2024 v1; EM-23-1852-001 VOC Technical Response to Agency Inquiries 03.20.2024 v1; EM-23-1852-001 Background Spectrum Technical Response to Agency Inquiries 03.20.2024 v1; EM-23-1852-001 Pretest and Post Test Quality Checks Technical Response to Agency Inquiries 03.20.2024 v1; EM-23-1853-001 Technical Response to Agency Inquiries The spectral data and timestamps were analyzed to ensure that calibration verification activities met the criteria outlined in ASTM D6348-03. Encino Project Number: EM-23-1583 Unit Number: 1251 ASTM D6348-03 Annex 5 – Spike Recovery Calculations Technical Response to Agency Inquiries 03.20.2024 v1; EM-23-1853-001 ASTM D6348-03 Annex 2 – Determination of Minimum Detection Concentrations (“MDC”) NO 0.429 ppm NO Technical Response to Agency Inquiries 03.20.2024 v1; EM-23-1853-001 CO 0.029 ppm CO Technical Response to Agency Inquiries 03.20.2024 v1; EM-23-1853-001 VOC 0.67 ppm VOC Technical Response to Agency Inquiries 03.20.2024 v1; EM-23-1853-001 Background Spectrum Technical Response to Agency Inquiries 03.20.2024 v1; EM-23-1853-001 Pretest and Post Test Quality Checks Technical Response to Agency Inquiries 03.28.2024 v1; EM-23-1854-001 Technical Response to Agency Inquiries The spectral data and timestamps were analyzed to ensure that calibration verification activities met the criteria outlined in ASTM D6348-03. Encino Project Number: EM-23-1584 Unit Number: 1318 ASTM D6348-03 Annex 5 – Spike Recovery Calculations Project Number EM-23-1584 Unit No.: 1318 LAB Number CO NO VOC SF6 Diluted (CS) 1 206 86.49 3.53 0.00 0.00 CO 4,954.00 495.40 2 207 113.26 28.35 0.00 0.00 NO 4,914.00 491.40 3 208 91.64 0.47 0.00 0.00 VOC 4,948.00 494.80 AVERAGE 97.13 10.78 0.00 0.00 SF6 5.00 0.50 Sample Flowrate (LPM)5.00 Calibration Flowrate (LPM)0.50 LAB Number CO NO VOC SF6 Dilution Factor (DF)0.10 Equation A5.2 of Annex 5; ASTM D6348-03 1 306 643.63 594.90 552.51 0.48 2 307 594.91 585.22 497.53 0.45 3 308 643.11 578.54 528.48 0.44 AVERAGE 627.21 586.22 526.17 0.46 Udil Mean concentration of the native analytes determined from analysis of the unspiked samples DF Check (SF6)0.09 CS Certified concentration of calibration standards (Full Bottle Concentration) X DF Ua Concentration of the analyte in the unspiked samples Equation A5.4 of Annex 5; ASTM D6348-03 Recovery (%R) Udil CO 87.42 107.62% Udil NO 9.71 116.99% Udil VOC (as propane)0.00 106.34% Equation A5.5 of Annex 5; ASTM D6348-03 Udil (ppmvd)Expected Concentrations 582.82 501.11 494.80 ASTM D6348-03 Annex 5 - Spike Recovery Calculation Verification Worksheet Concentration of Analytes in unspiked Sample (Ua)Certified Concentrations Full Bottle Spiked Measurements (ppmvd) (Spike + Natives) NOTE:The Dilution Factor (DF) should be approximately 0.1 or less in accordance with A5.6 of Annex 5; ASTM D6348.03. 𝐷𝐹=𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝐶𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 (𝐿𝑃𝑀)𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 (𝐿𝑃𝑀) 𝑈𝑑𝑖𝑙=𝑈𝑎 × (1 −𝐷𝐹) %𝑅=𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑂𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑{𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑} × 100 ⬚ Technical Response to Agency Inquiries 03.28.2024 v1; EM-23-1854-001 ASTM D6348-03 Annex 2 – Determination of Minimum Detection Concentrations (“MDC”) NO Technical Response to Agency Inquiries 03.28.2024 v1; EM-23-1854-001 CO Technical Response to Agency Inquiries 03.28.2024 v1; EM-23-1854-001 VOC Technical Response to Agency Inquiries 03.28.2024 v1; EM-23-1854-001 Background Spectrum Technical Response to Agency Inquiries 03.28.2024 v1; EM-23-1854-001 Pretest and Post Test Quality Checks PRETEST DIRECT 10/26/2023 7:45 Analyte Reading Deviation Response (sec)Initial End e (C2H4) 151.99 1.33 <30 136 136 Carbon Monoxide (CO) 4,778.07 -3.55 <30 146 152 Nitric Oxide (NO) 5,002.26 1.80 <30 146 152 e (C3H8) 5,084.76 2.76 <30 146 152 ehyde (C2H4O) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PRETEST SYSTEM 10/26/2023 7:45 Analyte Reading Deviation Response (sec)Initial End e (C2H4) 150.96 0.64 <30 153 153 Carbon Monoxide (CO) 4,981.75 0.56 <30 163 166 Nitric Oxide (NO) 4,928.70 0.30 <30 163 166 e (C3H8) 4,841.88 -2.14 <30 163 166 ehyde (C2H4O) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A PSOT TEST DIRECT 10/26/2023 13:47 Analyte Reading Deviation Response (sec)Initial End e (C2H4) 151.02 0.68 <30 600 600 Carbon Monoxide (CO) 4,888.40 -1.32 <30 602 605 Nitric Oxide (NO) 4,894.52 -0.40 <30 602 605 e (C3H8) 4,937.82 -0.21 <30 602 605 ehyde (C2H4O) N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 4,948.00 N/A N/A Target Concentration 150.00 4,954.00 4,914.00 N/A Target Concentration 150.00 4,954.00 4,914.00 4,948.00 ASTM D6348-03 Procedure Target Concentration 150.00 4,954.00 4,914.00 4,948.00 Technical Response to Agency Inquiries 03.28.2024 v1; EM-23-1585-001 Technical Response to Agency Inquiries The spectral data and timestamps were analyzed to ensure that calibration verification activities met the criteria outlined in ASTM D6348-03. Encino Project Number: EM-23-1585 Unit Number: 1254 ASTM D6348-03 Annex 5 – Spike Recovery Calculations Project Number EM-23-1584 Unit No.: 1318 LAB Number CO NO VOC SF6 Diluted (CS) 1 195 77.69 4.06 14.11 0.00 CO 4,954.00 495.40 2 196 78.00 5.23 13.42 0.00 NO 4,914.00 491.40 3 197 78.61 4.96 12.99 0.00 VOC 4,948.00 494.80 AVERAGE 78.10 4.75 13.51 0.00 SF6 5.00 0.50 Sample Flowrate (LPM)5.00 Calibration Flowrate (LPM)0.50 LAB Number CO NO VOC SF6 Dilution Factor (DF)0.10 Equation A5.2 of Annex 5; ASTM D6348-03 1 352 644.24 579.09 507.19 0.51 2 353 657.03 505.55 545.79 0.49 3 354 640.10 518.60 525.20 0.49 AVERAGE 647.12 534.41 526.06 0.50 Udil Mean concentration of the native analytes determined from analysis of the unspiked samples DF Check (SF6)0.10 CS Certified concentration of calibration standards (Full Bottle Concentration) X DF Ua Concentration of the analyte in the unspiked samples Equation A5.4 of Annex 5; ASTM D6348-03 Recovery (%R) Udil CO 70.29 114.40% Udil NO 4.27 107.82% Udil VOC (as propane)12.16 103.77% Equation A5.5 of Annex 5; ASTM D6348-03 Udil (ppmvd)Expected Concentrations 565.69 495.67 506.96 ASTM D6348-03 Annex 5 - Spike Recovery Calculation Verification Worksheet Concentration of Analytes in unspiked Sample (Ua)Certified Concentrations Full Bottle Spiked Measurements (ppmvd) (Spike + Natives) NOTE:The Dilution Factor (DF) should be approximately 0.1 or less in accordance with A5.6 of Annex 5; ASTM D6348.03. 𝐷𝐹=𝑀𝑒𝑎𝑠𝑢𝑟𝑒𝑑 𝐶𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑏𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 (𝐿𝑃𝑀)𝑇𝑜𝑡𝑎𝑙 𝑆𝑦𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑚 𝐹𝑙𝑜𝑤𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑒 (𝐿𝑃𝑀) 𝑈𝑑𝑖𝑙=𝑈𝑎 × (1 −𝐷𝐹) %𝑅=𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝑂𝑏𝑠𝑒𝑟𝑣𝑒𝑑{𝐶𝑜𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑛𝑡𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛𝐸𝑥𝑝𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑒𝑑} × 100⬚ Technical Response to Agency Inquiries 03.28.2024 v1; EM-23-1585-001 ASTM D6348-03 Annex 2 – Determination of Minimum Detection Concentrations (“MDC”) NO Technical Response to Agency Inquiries 03.28.2024 v1; EM-23-1585-001 CO Technical Response to Agency Inquiries 03.28.2024 v1; EM-23-1585-001 VOC Technical Response to Agency Inquiries 03.28.2024 v1; EM-23-1585-001 Background Spectrum Project Number EM-23-1585 Reference 3.2.7 of ASTM D6348-03 Section 11 - Procedure; 11.3.3 of ASTM D6348-03 FTIR Background—Flow nitrogen or zero air through the FTIR gas cell directly. Acquire a background spectrum (Io)according to manufacturers’s instructions.Use the same gas cell conditions (that is,temperature,pressure,and pathlength)as used for sample analysis.Use the same number (or greater) of interferometer scans as that used during sample analysis. ASTM D6348-03 Procedure background spectrum, n—the spectrum taken in the absence of absorbing species or sample gas, typically conducted using dry nitrogen or zero air in the gas cell. Technical Response to Agency Inquiries 03.28.2024 v1; EM-23-1585-001 Pretest and Post Test Quality Checks Run NOx ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 10.775 0.00 3.04 0.06 0.01090 0.13070 0.02635 2 8.226 0.00 2.32 0.04 0.00832 0.09978 0.02012 3 20.041 0.00 5.66 0.10 0.02027 0.24561 0.04951 AVG 13.014 0.00 3.67 0.07 0.01316 0.15870 0.03199 Run CO ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 75.701 0.00 21.37 #DIV/0! 0.04661 0.55902 0.11270 2 52.761 0.00 14.89 #DIV/0! 0.03249 0.38962 0.07855 3 56.241 0.00 15.88 #DIV/0! 0.03463 0.41960 0.08459 AVG 61.568 0.00 17.38 #DIV/0! 0.03791 0.4561 0.09194 Run VOC ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 11.94 0.00 3.37 #DIV/0! 0.01153 0.13883 0.02799 2 12.79 0.00 3.61 #DIV/0! 0.01235 0.14869 0.02998 3 14.02 0.00 3.96 #DIV/0! 0.01353 0.16466 0.03319 AVG 12.92 0.00 3.65 #DIV/0! 0.01247 0.1507 0.03039 Run HCOH ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 2 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 3 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 AVG #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.0000 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 Operating Parameter R1 R2 R3 AVG. Engine Load % #DIV/0! Fuel Feed Rate (SCF/hr): 9964.62 9964.62 10067.35 9998.86 F-Factor; 8469.40 8469.40 8469.40 8469.40 Engine HP 2250.00 2250.00 2250.00 2250.00 BSFC (BTU/BHP-hr): #DIV/0! Q Stack dscf/hr 101541.09 101541.09 102587.91 101890.03 HHV #DIV/0! Ambient Temperature (F): #DIV/0! Analyte High Recovery +- 10% Target Conc.Pre Direct Response % Recovery Pre System Target Pre System Response % Recovery Post Direct Traget Post Direct Reponse % Recovery Ethylene (CTS) 150.00 156.01 104.01 150.00 151.11 100.74 150.00 149.88 99.92 CO 4954.00 4930.61 99.53 4954.00 4930.61 99.53 4954.00 4955.30 100.03 NO 4914.00 4860.11 98.90 4914.00 5078.03 103.34 4914.00 5020.45 102.17 Propane 4948.00 4893.31 98.89 4948.00 4893.31 98.89 4948.00 4847.34 97.97 Baseline Baseline R1 Baseline R2 Baseline R3 NO 0.0000 CO 0.0000 Propane 0.0000 Nox 0.0000 Analyte Cal Gas Value Stack gas measured Stack + Spike measured Spike % Recovery Dilution Factor +=10% Spike Value SF6 run 1 5.00 0.0000 0.75 150.00 0.100 0.50 SF6 run 2 5.00 0.0000 0.51 102.00 0.100 0.50 SF6 run 3 5.00 0.0000 0.21 42.00 0.100 0.50 SF6 spike ave. 5.00 0.0000 0.49 98.00 0.100 0.50 VOC as Propane run 1 4948.00 9.9700 593.07 117.49 0.100 494.80 VOC as Propane run 2 4948.00 9.1100 560.59 111.25 0.100 494.80 VOC as Propane run 3 4948.00 7.2200 508.55 101.30 0.100 494.80 VOC as Propane ave 4948.00 8.76 554.07 110.03 0.100 494.80 CO run 1 4954.00 119.2600 602.05 97.95 0.100 495.40 CO run 2 4954.00 125.8600 623.36 100.34 0.100 495.40 CO run 3 4954.00 138.1600 675.65 106.64 0.100 495.40 CO Ave. 4954.00 127.7600 633.69 101.69 0.100 495.40 NO run 1 4914.00 8.95 595.52 119.02 0.100 491.40 NO run 2 4914.00 6.27 435.34 87.48 0.100 491.40 NO run 3 4914.00 6.92 561.45 112.67 0.100 491.40 NO ave. 4914.00 7.38 530.77 106.41 0.100 491.40 Analyte CO NO Ethylene CTS SF6 MDC 0.0290 0.4290 0.6700 Calibration Transfer Standard (CTS) Spiked amout should be < 10% of the Certified gas concentration. The DF should be < 0.100 Spiked amout should be +-50% of the Stack analyte gas concentration Sample Spike Recovery (70%-130%) Test Results CO Sample Spike MDC -PPMDV Crusoe Energy - Duchesne Data Center; Engine GE-1251 Stack Test Date 10/25/23, reviewed by Robert Sirrine 3/25/24 Analyte/Spike %Recovery, Error & Drift System Zero Background Check Pretest Test Results NOx Test Parameters Generator #1 Test Results VOC Test Results HCOH Run NOx ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 4.196 0.00 1.18 0.02 0.00424 0.05009 0.01010 2 6.221 0.00 1.76 0.03 0.00629 0.07427 0.01497 3 3.353 0.00 0.95 0.02 0.00339 0.04003 0.00807 AVG 4.590 0.00 1.30 0.02 0.00464 0.05480 0.01105 Run CO ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 79.041 0.00 22.31 #DIV/0! 0.04865 0.57446 0.11581 2 70.031 0.00 19.77 #DIV/0! 0.04310 0.50898 0.10261 3 60.387 0.00 17.05 #DIV/0! 0.03717 0.43889 0.08848 AVG 69.820 0.00 19.71 #DIV/0! 0.04297 0.5074 0.10230 Run VOC ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 12.83 0.00 3.62 #DIV/0! 0.01238 0.14680 0.02959 2 13.60 0.00 3.84 #DIV/0! 0.01312 0.15559 0.03137 3 13.00 0.00 3.67 #DIV/0! 0.01254 0.14873 0.02998 AVG 13.14 0.00 3.71 #DIV/0! 0.01268 0.1504 0.03031 Run HCOH ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 2 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 3 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 AVG #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.0000 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 Operating Parameter R1 R2 R3 AVG. Engine Load %90.00 90.00 90.00 90.00 Fuel Feed Rate (SCF/hr): 9018.06 9018.06 9018.06 9018.06 F-Factor; 8466.03 8466.03 8466.03 8466.03 Engine HP 2250.00 2250.00 2250.00 2250.00 BSFC (BTU/BHP-hr): #DIV/0! Q Stack dscf/hr 99936.85 99936.85 99936.85 99936.85 HHV #DIV/0! Ambient Temperature (F): #DIV/0! Analyte High Recovery +- 10% Target Conc. Pre Direct Response % Recovery Pre System Target Pre System Response % Recovery Post Direct Traget Post Direct Reponse % Recovery Ethylene (CTS) 150.00 148.29 98.86 150.00 149.60 99.73 150.00 149.75 99.83 CO 4954.00 5018.05 101.29 4954.00 4988.11 100.69 4954.00 4975.06 100.43 NO 4914.00 4999.61 101.74 4914.00 4918.54 100.09 4914.00 4899.23 99.70 Propane 4948.00 5027.88 101.61 4948.00 4944.83 99.94 4948.00 4941.96 99.88 Baseline Baseline R1 Baseline R2 Baseline R3 NOx 0.0000 NO2 0.0000 NO 0.0000 CO 0.0000 VOC 0.0000 Analyte Cal Gas Value Stack gas measured Stack + Spike measured Spike % Recovery Dilution Factor +=10% Spike Value SF6 run 1 5.00 0.0000 0.51 102.00 0.100 0.50 SF6 run 2 5.00 0.0000 0.49 98.00 0.100 0.50 SF6 run 3 5.00 0.0000 0.49 98.00 0.100 0.50 SF6 spike ave. 5.00 0.0000 0.50 100.00 0.100 0.50 VOC as Propane run 1 4948.00 14.1100 507.19 99.66 0.100 494.80 VOC as Propane run 2 4948.00 13.4200 545.79 107.39 0.100 494.80 VOC as Propane run 3 4948.00 12.9900 525.20 103.43 0.100 494.80 VOC as Propane ave 4948.00 13.51 526.06 103.49 0.100 494.80 CO run 1 4954.00 77.6900 644.24 112.42 0.100 495.40 CO run 2 4954.00 78.0000 657.03 114.58 0.100 495.40 CO run 3 4954.00 78.6100 640.10 111.51 0.100 495.40 CO Ave. 4954.00 78.1000 647.12 112.84 0.100 495.40 NO run 1 4914.00 4.06 579.09 116.88 0.100 491.40 NO run 2 4914.00 5.23 505.55 101.80 0.100 491.40 NO run 3 4914.00 4.96 518.60 104.48 0.100 491.40 NO ave. 4914.00 4.75 534.41 107.71 0.100 491.40 Analyte CO NO VOC as Propane MDC 0.0002 0.7114 0.5891 Calibration Transfer Standard (CTS) Crusoe Energy - Duchesne Data Center; Engine GE-1254 Stack Test Date 10/27/23, reviewed by Robert Sirrine 3/28/24 Analyte/Spike %Recovery, Error & Drift System Zero Background Check Pretest Test Results NOx Test Parameters Generator #1 Test Results VOC Test Results HCOH Spiked amout should be < 10% of the Certified gas concentration. The DF should be < 0.100 Spiked amout should be +-50% of the Stack analyte gas concentration Sample Spike Recovery (70%-130%) Test Results CO Sample Spike MDC Run NOx ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 8.609 0.00 2.43 #NUM! 0.00880 0.14237 0.02870 2 8.539 0.00 2.41 #NUM! 0.00873 0.14121 0.02847 3 5.147 0.00 1.45 #NUM! 0.00526 0.08512 0.01716 AVG 7.432 0.00 2.10 #NUM! 0.00759 0.12290 0.02478 Run CO ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 51.496 0.00 14.54 #DIV/0! 0.03204 0.51843 0.10451 2 42.601 0.00 12.03 #DIV/0! 0.02651 0.42888 0.08646 3 43.255 0.00 12.21 #DIV/0! 0.02692 0.43547 0.08779 AVG 45.784 0.00 12.92 #DIV/0! 0.02849 0.4609 0.09292 Run VOC ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 10.62 0.00 3.00 #DIV/0! 0.01037 0.16838 0.03394 2 -2.96 0.00 -0.83 #DIV/0! -0.00288 -0.04684 -0.00944 3 -3.67 0.00 -1.03 #DIV/0! -0.00358 -0.05811 -0.01171 AVG 1.33 0.00 0.38 #DIV/0! 0.00130 0.0211 0.00426 Run HCOH ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 2 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 3 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 AVG #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.0000 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 Operating Parameter R1 R2 R3 AVG. Engine Load % #DIV/0! Fuel Feed Rate (SCF/hr): #DIV/0! F-Factor; 8559.14 8559.14 8559.14 8559.14 Engine HP 2250.00 2250.00 2250.00 2250.00 BSFC (BTU/BHP-hr): 6542.00 6542.00 6542.00 6542.00 Q Stack dscf/hr 138431.48 138431.48 138431.48 138431.48 HHV 1188.70 1188.70 1188.70 1188.70 Ambient Temperature (F): #DIV/0! Analyte High Recovery +- 10% Target Conc.Pre Direct Response % Recovery Pre System Target Pre System Response % Recovery Post Direct Traget Post Direct Reponse % Recovery Ethylene (CTS) 150.00 151.14 100.76 150.00 151.27 100.85 150.00 150.78 100.52 CO 4954.00 4844.13 97.78 4954.00 4861.71 98.14 4954.00 4968.37 100.29 NO 4914.00 4876.73 99.24 4914.00 5054.45 102.86 4914.00 5049.38 102.75 Propane 4948.00 5052.23 102.11 4948.00 4968.75 100.42 4948.00 4893.12 98.89 Baseline Baseline R1 Baseline R2 Baseline R3 NO 0.0000 CO 0.0000 VOC 0.0000 Analyte Cal Gas Value Stack gas measured Stack + Spike measured Spike % Recovery Dilution Factor +=10% Spike Value SF6 run 1 5.00 0.0000 0.52 104.00 0.100 0.50 SF6 run 2 5.00 0.0000 0.49 98.00 0.100 0.50 SF6 run 3 5.00 0.0000 0.45 90.00 0.100 0.50 SF6 spike ave. 5.00 0.0000 0.49 98.00 0.100 0.50 VOC as Propane run 1 4948.00 6.4100 514.57 102.67 0.100 494.80 VOC as Propane run 2 4948.00 7.2700 529.40 105.44 0.100 494.80 VOC as Propane run 3 4948.00 6.2700 531.90 106.15 0.100 494.80 VOC as Propane ave 4948.00 6.65 525.29 104.75 0.100 494.80 CO run 1 4954.00 119.2600 632.77 102.95 0.100 495.40 CO run 2 4954.00 104.4400 624.09 104.04 0.100 495.40 CO run 3 4954.00 123.8400 621.44 100.36 0.100 495.40 CO Ave. 4954.00 115.8400 626.10 102.43 0.100 495.40 NO run 1 4914.00 5.78 541.06 108.83 0.100 491.40 NO run 2 4914.00 5.56 587.81 118.28 0.100 491.40 NO run 3 4914.00 5.81 598.93 120.46 0.100 491.40 NO ave. 4914.00 5.72 575.93 115.85 0.100 491.40 Analyte CO NO Propane MDC 0.8870 0.5897 0.7510 Calibration Transfer Standard (CTS) Crusoe Energy - Duchesne Data Center; Engine GE-1283 Stack Test Date 10/24/23, reviewed by Robert Sirrine 3/26/24 Analyte/Spike %Recovery, Error & Drift System Zero Background Check Pretest Test Results NOx Test Parameters Generator #1 Test Results VOC Test Results HCOH Spiked amout should be < 10% of the Certified gas concentration. The DF should be < 0.100 Spiked amout should be +-50% of the Stack analyte gas concentration Sample Spike Recovery (70%-130%) Test Results CO Sample Spike MDC Run NOx ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 -5.554 0.00 -1.57 -0.02 -0.00562 -0.09029 -0.01820 2 -10.479 0.00 -2.96 -0.05 -0.01060 -0.17036 -0.03434 3 -6.429 0.00 -1.81 -0.03 -0.00650 -0.10452 -0.02107 AVG -7.487 0.00 -2.11 -0.03 -0.00757 -0.12172 -0.02454 Run CO ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 57.476 0.00 16.23 #DIV/0! 0.03539 0.56883 0.11467 2 53.551 0.00 15.12 #DIV/0! 0.03297 0.52999 0.10684 3 47.833 0.00 13.50 #DIV/0! 0.02945 0.47340 0.09543 AVG 52.953 0.00 14.95 #DIV/0! 0.03260 0.5241 0.10565 Run VOC ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 -22.57 0.00 -6.37 #DIV/0! -0.02179 -0.35167 -0.07089 2 -23.63 0.00 -6.67 #DIV/0! -0.02281 -0.36819 -0.07422 3 15.97 0.00 4.51 #DIV/0! 0.01542 0.24878 0.05015 AVG -10.08 0.00 -2.84 #DIV/0! -0.00973 -0.1570 -0.03166 Run HCOH ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 2 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 3 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 AVG #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.0000 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 Operating Parameter R1 R2 R3 AVG. Engine Load %#DIV/0! Fuel Feed Rate (SCF/hr): #DIV/0! F-Factor; 8469.40 8469.40 8469.40 8469.40 Engine HP 2250.00 2250.00 2250.00 2250.00 BSFC (BTU/BHP-hr): #DIV/0! Q Stack dscf/hr 136086.00 136086.00 136086.00 136086.00 HHV #DIV/0! Ambient Temperature (F): #DIV/0! Analyte High Recovery +- 10% Target Conc.Pre Direct Response % Recovery Pre System Target Pre System Response % Recovery Post Direct Traget Post Direct Reponse % Recovery Ethylene (CTS) 150.00 132.96 88.64 150.00 111.50 74.34 150.00 126.17 84.11 CO 4954.00 6778.07 136.82 4954.00 6743.44 136.12 4954.00 6205.51 125.26 NO 4914.00 6989.96 142.25 4914.00 6934.45 141.12 4914.00 6389.90 130.03 Propane 4948.00 3800.14 76.80 4948.00 3822.50 77.25 4948.00 3033.14 61.30 Baseline Baseline R1 Baseline R2 Baseline R3 NOx 0.0000 NO2 0.0000 NO 0.0000 CO 0.0000 VOC 0.0000 Analyte Cal Gas Value Stack gas measured Stack + Spike measured Spike % Recovery Dilution Factor +=10% Spike Value SF6 run 1 5.00 0.0000 0.48 96.00 0.100 0.50 SF6 run 2 5.00 0.0000 0.45 90.00 0.100 0.50 SF6 run 3 5.00 0.0000 0.44 88.00 0.100 0.50 SF6 spike ave. 5.00 0.0000 0.46 92.00 0.100 0.50 VOC as Propane run 1 4948.00 0.0000 552.51 111.66 0.100 494.80 VOC as Propane run 2 4948.00 0.0000 497.53 100.55 0.100 494.80 VOC as Propane run 3 4948.00 0.0000 528.48 106.81 0.100 494.80 VOC as Propane ave 4948.00 0.00 526.17 106.34 0.100 494.80 CO run 1 4954.00 86.4900 643.63 110.61 0.100 495.40 CO run 2 4954.00 113.2600 594.91 97.74 0.100 495.40 CO run 3 4954.00 91.6400 643.11 109.55 0.100 495.40 CO Ave. 4954.00 97.1300 627.21 105.85 0.100 495.40 NO run 1 4914.00 3.53 594.90 120.20 0.100 491.40 NO run 2 4914.00 28.35 585.22 112.60 0.100 491.40 NO run 3 4914.00 0.47 578.54 117.62 0.100 491.40 NO ave. 4914.00 10.78 586.22 116.74 0.100 491.40 Analyte CO NO Ethylene CTS SF6 MDC Calibration Transfer Standard (CTS) Crusoe Energy - Duchesne Data Center; Engine GE-1318 Stack Test Date 10/26/23, reviewed by Robert Sirrine 3/28/24 Analyte/Spike %Recovery, Error & Drift System Zero Background Check Pretest Test Results NOx Test Parameters Generator #1 Test Results VOC Test Results HCOH Spiked amout should be < 10% of the Certified gas concentration. The DF should be < 0.100 Spiked amout should be +-50% of the Stack analyte gas concentration Sample Spike Recovery (70%-130%) Test Results CO Sample Spike MDC Run NOx ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 16.183 0.33 4.64 0.06 0.00000 0.33907 0.06545 2 0.889 0.58 0.26 0.00 0.00000 0.01825 0.00360 3 5.570 0.38 1.60 0.02 0.00000 0.10504 0.02049 AVG 7.547 0.43 2.17 0.03 0.00000 0.15412 0.02985 Run CO ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 86.047 0.33 24.68 #DIV/0! 0.00000 1.09757 0.21185 2 48.941 0.58 14.21 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.61149 0.12059 3 61.012 0.38 17.54 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.70048 0.13666 AVG 65.333 0.43 18.81 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.8032 0.15637 Run VOC ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 1.92 0.33 0.55 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.03860 0.00745 2 1.49 0.58 0.43 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.02921 0.00576 3 1.57 0.38 0.45 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.02836 0.00553 AVG 1.66 0.43 0.48 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0321 0.00625 Run HCOH ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 0.33 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 2 0.58 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 3 0.38 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 AVG #DIV/0! 0.43 0.0000 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 Operating Parameter R1 R2 R3 AVG. Engine Load % 94.00 92.00 93.00 93.00 Fuel Feed Rate (SCF/hr): #DIV/0! F-Factor; #DIV/0! Engine HP 2350.00 2300.00 2325.00 2325.00 BSFC (BTU/BHP-hr): #DIV/0! Q Stack dscf/hr 175393.00 171802.89 157868.32 168354.74 HHV #DIV/0! Ambient Temperature (F): #DIV/0! Analyte High Recovery +- 10% Gas Value System Response % Recovery Pre Direct Response % Recovery Post System Reponse % Recovery NOx #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! NO2 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! NO 247.60 250.07 101.00 246.59 99.59 253.29 102.30 CO 496.50 505.85 101.88 501.33 100.97 511.57 103.04 Ethylene (CTS) 99.93 101.65 101.72 100.81 100.88 104.27 104.34 Oxygen 9.16 9.14 99.78 9.21 100.55 9.21 100.55 SF6 9.76 9.75 99.90 9.60 98.36 9.88 101.20 Propane 250.20 251.41 100.48 248.08 99.15 255.16 101.98 Baseline PretestBaseline R1 Baseline R2 Baseline R3 NOx 0.0600 0.1200 0.000 NO2 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 NO 0.0600 0.1200 0.000 CO 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 VOC 0.4200 0.4300 0.160 Oxygen 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 Analyte Cal Gas Value Stack gas measured Stack + Spike measured Spike % Recovery Dilution Factor +=10% Spike Value SF6 run 1 9.76 0.0000 0.71 98.42 0.0736 0.72 SF6 run 2 9.76 0.0000 0.77 98.36 0.0799 0.78 SF6 run 3 9.76 0.0000 0.77 98.37 0.0802 0.78 Propane spike run 1 250.20 0.0090 17.50 94.96 0.0736 18.41 Propane spike run 2 250.20 0.0000 19.45 97.27 0.0799 19.99 Propane spike run 3 250.20 0.0000 19.46 96.97 0.0802 20.07 Analyte CO NO NO2 Form CO2 VOC MDC 0.1627 0.4007 0.4899 0.7878 0.0000 1.8520 Calibration Transfer Standard (CTS) Spiked amout should be < 10% of the Certified gas concentration. The DF should be < 0.100 Spiked amout should be +-50% of the Stack analyte gas concentration Sample Spike Recovery (70%-130%) Test Results CO Sample Spike MDC Crusoe Energy - Duchesne Data Center; Engine GE-1358 Stack Test Date 11/15/23, Reviewed 01/18/24 by Robert Sirrine Analyte/Spike %Recovery, Error & Drift System Zero Background Check Pretest Test Results NOx Test Parameters Generator #1 Test Results VOC Test Results HCOH Run NOx ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 10.477 0.58 3.04 0.04 0.00000 0.21534 0.04247 2 9.942 0.44 2.87 0.04 0.00000 0.21063 0.04109 3 26.897 0.37 7.73 0.11 0.00000 0.54990 0.10502 AVG 15.772 0.46 4.55 0.06 0.00000 0.32529 0.06286 Run CO ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 62.457 0.58 18.13 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.78150 0.15412 2 63.024 0.44 18.17 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.81287 0.15858 3 63.535 0.37 18.26 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.79078 0.15103 AVG 63.005 0.46 18.19 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.7951 0.15458 Run VOC ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 1.189 0.58 0.35 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.02342 0.00462 2 1.163 0.44 0.34 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.02362 0.00461 3 1.097 0.37 0.32 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.02150 0.00411 AVG 1.15 0.46 0.33 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0228 0.00444 Run HCOH ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 2 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 3 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 AVG #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.0000 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 Operating Parameter R1 R2 R3 AVG. Engine Load % 92.00 93.00 95.00 93.33 Fuel Feed Rate (SCF/hr): #DIV/0! F-Factor; #DIV/0! Engine HP 2300.00 2325.00 2375.00 2333.33 BSFC (BTU/BHP-hr): #DIV/0! Q Stack dscf/hr 172053.24 177350.36 171143.85 173515.82 HHV #DIV/0! Ambient Temperature (F): #DIV/0! Analyte High Recovery +- 10% Gas Value System Response % Recovery Pre Direct Response % Recovery Post System Reponse % Recovery NOx #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! NO2 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! NO 247.60 249.71 100.85 249.92 100.93 250.34 101.11 CO 496.50 489.35 98.56 487.00 98.09 489.62 98.61 Ethylene (CTS) 99.93 97.92 97.99 98.60 98.67 98.44 98.51 Oxygen 9.16 9.12 99.56 9.13 99.67 9.24 100.87 SF6 9.76 9.64 98.79 9.66 99.00 9.67 99.10 Propane 250.20 249.64 99.78 250.03 99.93 250.21 100.00 Baseline Baseline R1 Baseline R2 Baseline R3 NOx 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 NO2 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 NO 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 CO 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 VOC 0.1900 0.4200 0.430 Oxygen 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 Analyte Cal Gas Value Stack gas measured Stack + Spike measured Spike % Recovery Dilution Factor +=10% Spike Value SF6 run 1 9.76 0.0000 0.75 99.03 0.0776 0.76 SF6 run 2 9.76 0.0000 0.77 98.98 0.0795 0.78 SF6 run 3 9.76 0.0000 0.76 99.05 0.0782 0.76 Propane spike run 1 250.20 0.0090 19.82 101.62 0.0779 19.49 Propane spike run 2 250.20 0.0000 20.31 102.08 0.0795 19.89 Propane spike run 3 250.20 0.0000 19.99 102.16 0.0782 19.57 Analyte CO NO NO2 Form CO2 VOC MDC 0.1627 0.4007 0.4899 0.7878 0.0000 1.8520 Calibration Transfer Standard (CTS) Spiked amout should be < 10% of the Certified gas concentration. The DF should be < 0.100 Spiked amout should be +-50% of the Stack analyte gas concentration Sample Spike Recovery (70%-130%) Test Results CO Sample Spike MDC Crusoe Energy - Duchesne Data Center; Engine GE-1361 Stack Test Date 11/14/23, Reviewed 01/19/24 by Robert Sirrine Analyte/Spike %Recovery, Error & Drift System Zero Background Check Pretest Test Results NOx Test Parameters Generator #1 Test Results VOC Test Results HCOH Run NOx ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 7.226 0.44 2.08 0.03 0.00000 0.16321 0.03254 2 6.347 0.43 1.83 0.02 0.00000 0.14082 0.02777 3 6.825 0.38 1.96 0.03 0.00000 0.14673 0.02926 AVG 6.799 0.42 1.96 0.03 0.00000 0.15025 0.02986 Run CO ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 29.219 0.44 8.43 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.40177 0.08010 2 29.214 0.43 8.42 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.39459 0.07782 3 31.492 0.38 9.05 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.41218 0.08218 AVG 29.975 0.42 8.63 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.4028 0.08003 Run VOC ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 0.97 0.44 0.28 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.02096 0.00418 2 1.08 0.43 0.31 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.02292 0.00452 3 1.06 0.38 0.30 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.02180 0.00435 AVG 1.03 0.42 0.30 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0219 0.00435 Run HCOH ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 0.44 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 2 0.43 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 3 0.38 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 AVG #DIV/0! 0.42 0.0000 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 Operating Parameter R1 R2 R3 AVG. Engine Load % 91.00 92.00 91.00 91.33 Fuel Feed Rate (SCF/hr): #DIV/0! F-Factor; #DIV/0! Engine HP 2275.00 2300.00 2275.00 2283.33 BSFC (BTU/BHP-hr): #DIV/0! Q Stack dscf/hr 189070.97 185723.75 179970.58 184921.77 HHV #DIV/0! Ambient Temperature (F): #DIV/0! Analyte High Recovery +- 10% Gas Value System Response % Recovery Pre Direct Response % Recovery Post System Reponse % Recovery NOx #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! NO2 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! NO 247.60 250.89 101.33 251.93 101.75 251.60 101.62 CO 496.50 493.11 99.32 489.57 98.60 495.62 99.82 Ethylene (CTS) 99.93 98.03 98.10 100.42 100.49 97.32 97.39 Oxygen 9.16 9.01 98.36 9.11 99.45 9.04 98.69 SF6 9.76 9.63 98.71 9.67 99.11 9.67 99.07 Propane 250.20 248.83 99.45 249.91 99.88 249.57 99.75 Baseline PretestBaseline R1 Baseline R2 Baseline R3 Baseline Value NOx 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 NO2 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 NO 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 CO 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 VOC 0.0700 0.1100 0.180 Oxygen 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 Analyte Cal Gas Value Stack gas measured Stack + Spike measured Spike % Recovery Dilution Factor +=10% Spike Value SF6 run 1 9.76 0.0000 0.76 99.07 0.079 0.77 SF6 run 2 9.76 0.0000 0.74 99.10 0.076 0.74 SF6 run 3 9.76 0.0000 0.76 99.18 0.078 0.76 Propane spike run 1 250.20 0.0090 18.60 94.66 0.079 19.64 Propane spike run 2 250.20 0.0000 18.19 95.29 0.076 19.09 Propane spike run 3 250.20 0.0000 18.95 97.11 0.078 19.52 Analyte CO NO NO2 Form CO2 VOC VOC's Propane MDC 0.1627 0.4007 0.4899 0.7878 0.0000 1.8520 Calibration Transfer Standard (CTS) Spiked amout should be < 10% of the Certified gas concentration. The DF should be < 0.100 Spiked amout should be +-50% of the Stack analyte gas concentration Sample Spike Recovery (70%-130%) Test Results CO Sample Spike MDC Crusoe Energy - Duchesne Data Center; Engine GE-1362 Stack Test Date 11/13/23, Reviewed 01/19/24 by Robert Sirrine Analyte/Spike %Recovery, Error & Drift System Zero Background Check Pretest Test Results NOx Test Parameters Generator #1 Test Results VOC Test Results HCOH Run NOx ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 7.352 3.60 2.51 0.03 0.00000 0.15395 0.03003 2 8.943 0.28 2.56 0.04 0.00000 0.17470 0.03408 3 5.882 0.46 1.70 0.02 0.00000 0.11268 0.02222 AVG 7.392 1.45 2.25 0.03 0.00000 0.14711 0.02878 Run CO ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 45.705 3.60 15.59 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.58262 0.11366 2 59.744 0.28 17.09 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.71048 0.13861 3 70.896 0.46 20.46 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.82677 0.16305 AVG 58.782 1.45 17.72 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.7066 0.13844 Run VOC ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 1.20 3.60 0.41 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.02402 0.00469 2 1.57 0.28 0.45 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.02930 0.00572 3 1.47 0.46 0.43 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.02705 0.00533 AVG 1.41 1.45 0.43 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0268 0.0052 Run HCOH ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 2 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 3 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 AVG #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.0000 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 Operating Parameter R1 R2 R3 AVG. Engine Load % 93.00 93.00 92.00 92.67 Fuel Feed Rate (SCF/hr): #DIV/0! F-Factor; #DIV/0! Engine HP 2325.00 2325.00 2300.00 2316.67 BSFC (BTU/BHP-hr): #DIV/0! Q Stack dscf/hr 175282.76 163522.13 160354.73 166386.54 HHV #DIV/0! Ambient Temperature (F): #DIV/0! Analyte High Recovery +- 10% Gas Value System Response % Recovery Pre Direct Response % Recovery Post System Reponse % Recovery NOx #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! NO2 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! NO 247.60 251.51 101.58 251.56 101.60 250.62 101.22 CO 496.50 492.90 99.27 495.09 99.72 492.71 99.24 Ethylene (CTS) 99.93 104.65 104.72 99.21 99.28 103.26 103.33 Oxygen 9.16 8.84 96.51 9.04 98.69 8.87 96.83 SF6 9.76 9.70 99.39 9.69 99.32 9.68 99.19 Propane 250.20 249.99 99.92 250.65 100.18 249.76 99.82 Baseline PretestBaseline R1 Baseline R2 Baseline R3 NOx 0.5000 0.4900 0.530 NO2 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 NO 0.5000 0.4900 0.530 CO 0.0900 0.0000 0.000 VOC 0.5400 0.1900 0.370 Oxygen 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 Analyte Cal Gas Value Stack gas measured Stack + Spike measured Spike % Recovery Dilution Factor +=10% Spike Value SF6 run 1 9.76 0.0010 0.78 99.19 0.081 0.79 SF6 run 2 9.76 0.0000 0.79 99.33 0.081 0.79 SF6 run 3 9.76 0.0000 0.76 99.33 0.079 0.77 Propane spike run 1 250.20 0.0740 19.27 95.25 0.081 20.16 Propane spike run 2 250.20 0.0000 19.16 94.47 0.081 20.29 Propane spike run 3 250.20 0.0210 18.67 94.56 0.079 19.72 Analyte CO NO NO2 Form CO2 VOC MDC 0.1627 0.4007 0.4899 0.7878 0.0000 1.8520 Calibration Transfer Standard (CTS) Spiked amout should be < 10% of the Certified gas concentration. The DF should be < 0.100 Spiked amout should be +-50% of the Stack analyte gas concentration Sample Spike Recovery (70%-130%) Test Results CO Sample Spike MDC Crusoe Energy - Duchesne Data Center; Engine GE-1363 Stack Test Date 11/20/23, Reviewed by Robert Sirrine 01/17/24 Analyte/Spike %Recovery, Error & Drift System Zero Background Check Pretest Test Results NOx Test Parameters Generator #1 Test Results VOC Test Results HCOH Run NOx ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 2.558 0.27 0.73 0.01 0.00000 0.04805 0.00991 2 3.524 0.29 1.01 0.01 0.00000 0.06685 0.01363 3 6.104 0.16 1.74 0.03 0.00000 0.10786 0.02199 AVG 4.062 0.24 1.16 0.02 0.00000 0.07425 0.01517 Run CO ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 40.276 0.27 11.52 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.46054 0.09495 2 42.734 0.29 12.23 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.49355 0.10062 3 46.260 0.16 13.16 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.49762 0.10145 AVG 43.090 0.24 12.30 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.4839 0.09900 Run VOC ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 1.23 0.27 0.35 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.02214 0.00457 2 1.29 0.29 0.37 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.02346 0.00478 3 1.71 0.16 0.49 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.02896 0.00590 AVG 1.41 0.24 0.40 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0249 0.00508 Run HCOH ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 2 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 3 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 AVG #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.0000 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 Operating Parameter R1 R2 R3 AVG. Engine Load % 88.00 89.00 89.00 88.67 Fuel Feed Rate (SCF/hr): #DIV/0! F-Factor; #DIV/0! Engine HP 2200.00 2225.00 2225.00 2216.67 BSFC (BTU/BHP-hr): #DIV/0! Q Stack dscf/hr 157229.88 158808.47 147913.95 154650.77 HHV #DIV/0! Ambient Temperature (F): #DIV/0! Analyte High Recovery +- 10% Gas Value System Response % Recovery Pre Direct Response % Recovery Post System Reponse % Recovery NOx #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! NO2 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! NO 247.60 251.36 101.52 248.98 100.56 253.47 102.37 CO 496.50 495.68 99.83 503.81 101.47 500.67 100.84 Ethylene (CTS) 99.93 99.48 99.55 99.27 99.34 101.44 101.51 Oxygen 9.16 9.05 98.80 9.24 100.87 9.20 100.44 SF6 9.76 9.81 100.51 9.72 99.61 9.90 101.38 Propane 250.20 252.93 101.09 251.11 100.36 255.39 102.07 Baseline PretestBaseline R1 Baseline R2 Baseline R3 NOx 0.7500 0.6700 0.700 NO2 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 NO 0.7500 0.6700 0.700 CO 0.3100 0.0000 0.000 VOC 0.3900 0.1400 0.160 Oxygen 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 Analyte Cal Gas Value Stack gas measured Stack + Spike measured Spike % Recovery Dilution Factor +=10% Spike Value SF6 run 1 9.76 0.0030 0.78 99.25 0.0797 0.78 SF6 run 2 9.76 0.0040 0.78 99.14 0.0801 0.78 SF6 run 3 9.76 0.0020 0.77 99.34 0.0789 0.77 Propane spike run 1 250.20 0.0190 19.07 95.53 0.0797 19.94 Propane spike run 2 250.20 0.0000 19.47 97.16 0.0801 20.04 Propane spike run 3 250.20 0.0000 19.14 96.94 0.0789 19.74 Analyte CO NO NO2 Form CO2 VOC MDC 0.1627 0.4007 0.4899 0.7878 0.0000 1.8520 Calibration Transfer Standard (CTS) Crusoe Energy - Duchesne Data Center; Engine GE-1364 Stack Test Date 11/16/23, Reviewed 01/18/24 by Robert Sirrine Analyte/Spike %Recovery, Error & Drift System Zero Background Check Pretest Test Results NOx Test Parameters Generator #1 Test Results VOC Test Results HCOH Spiked amout should be < 10% of the Certified gas concentration. The DF should be < 0.100 Spiked amout should be +-50% of the Stack analyte gas concentration Sample Spike Recovery (70%-130%) Test Results CO Sample Spike MDC Run NOx ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 4.466 0.10 1.27 0.02 0.00000 0.08764 0.01767 2 2.916 0.09 0.83 0.01 0.00000 0.05819 0.01186 3 2.620 0.09 0.74 0.01 0.00000 0.05410 0.01091 AVG 3.334 0.09 0.95 0.01 0.00000 0.06664 0.01348 Run CO ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 11.164 0.10 3.17 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.13337 0.02689 2 5.856 0.09 1.66 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.07114 0.01450 3 3.886 0.09 1.10 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.04885 0.00985 AVG 6.969 0.09 1.98 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0845 0.01708 Run VOC ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 1.00 0.10 0.28 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.01875 0.00378 2 1.00 0.09 0.28 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.01915 0.00390 3 1.08 0.09 0.31 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.02132 0.00430 AVG 1.03 0.09 0.29 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0197 0.00399 Run HCOH ppm %O2 PPM @ 15% O2 PPM @ ISO lb/MMBtu lb/hr g/hp-hr 1 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 2 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 3 0.00 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 AVG #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 0.0000 #DIV/0! 0.00000 0.0000 0.00000 Operating Parameter R1 R2 R3 AVG. Engine Load % 90.00 89.00 90.00 89.67 Fuel Feed Rate (SCF/hr): #DIV/0! F-Factor; #DIV/0! Engine HP 2250.00 2225.00 2250.00 2241.67 BSFC (BTU/BHP-hr): #DIV/0! Q Stack dscf/hr 164271.30 167037.19 172860.07 168056.19 HHV #DIV/0! Ambient Temperature (F): #DIV/0! Analyte High Recovery +- 10% Gas Value System Response % Recovery Pre Direct Response % Recovery Post System Reponse % Recovery NOx #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! NO2 #DIV/0! #DIV/0! #DIV/0! NO 247.60 250.37 101.12 246.28 99.47 251.23 101.46 CO 496.50 504.25 101.56 495.00 99.70 505.02 101.72 Ethylene (CTS) 99.93 98.06 98.13 99.41 99.48 99.05 99.12 Oxygen 9.16 9.07 99.02 9.10 99.34 9.12 99.56 SF6 9.76 9.88 101.23 9.80 100.45 9.69 99.23 Propane 250.20 248.66 99.38 247.81 99.04 249.48 99.71 Baseline PretestBaseline R1 Baseline R2 Baseline R3 NOx 0.5500 0.3200 0.430 NO2 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 NO 0.5500 0.3200 0.430 CO 0.2900 0.0000 0.000 VOC 0.2100 0.0800 0.050 Oxygen 0.0000 0.0000 0.000 Analyte Cal Gas Value Stack gas measured Stack + Spike measured Spike % Recovery Dilution Factor +=10% Spike Value SF6 run 1 9.76 0.0020 0.78 100.19 0.079 0.77 SF6 run 2 9.76 0.0010 0.78 100.32 0.079 0.77 SF6 run 3 9.76 0.0010 0.75 100.31 0.077 0.75 Propane spike run 1 250.20 0.0000 18.94 95.64 0.079 19.80 Propane spike run 2 250.20 0.0000 18.90 95.44 0.079 19.80 Propane spike run 3 250.20 0.0000 18.36 95.39 0.077 19.24 Analyte CO NO NO2 Form CO2 VOC MDC 0.1627 0.4007 0.4899 0.7878 0.0000 1.8520 Calibration Transfer Standard (CTS) Crusoe Energy - Duchesne Data Center; Engine GE-1365 Stack Test Date 11/21/23, Reviewed by Robert Sirrine on 01/17/24 Analyte/Spike %Recovery, Error & Drift System Zero Background Check Pretest Test Results NOx Test Parameters Generator #1 Test Results VOC Test Results HCOH Spiked amout should be < 10% of the Certified gas concentration. The DF should be < 0.100 Spiked amout should be +-50% of the Stack analyte gas concentration Sample Spike Recovery (70%-130%) Test Results CO Sample Spike MDC ppmdv