HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-007828UTAH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY JAN 1 I Zi)24Annual Gertification & Compliance Report For Sources Reporting Visible Emissions lnformation National Emission standards for Hazardous Air pollutant&lvlsloN oF AIR QUALIT\i Area Source Standards for Nine Metal Fabrication and Finishing Source Categories 40 CFR63Subpart XXXXXX Section 1. Facility Company name: lnformation Schuff Steel Company Facility name (if different); Facility (physical location) address: 325 S Geneva Rd, Lindon, UT 84042 Owner name/title:DBM Global Ownerlcompany addres' 3020 E, Camelback Rd,, Suite 100, Phoenix AZ 85016 Owner telephone n umber:602-252-1787 Owner email address (if available): ls the Operator the same person as the Owner?Yes ff NoM lf the Operator information is different from the Owner, please provide the following: Operator name/title:Scott Esmeier, Executive VP of Fabrication Operator telephone number:(602) 251-0341 Operator email address (if available): Section 2. Date of Report and Reporting Period The first annual certification and cornpliance repott must cover the first annual reporting period which begins the day after the compliance date and ends on December 31. Each subsequent annual certification and compliance report must cover the subsequent semiannual reporting period from January 1 through December 31, Date: Repoding Period:1213112023 Ciompliance S,o,rr,{ 0,,,u l11{e o110112023 Page 1 of6 Section 3. Visible Emission and Opacity Reporting Abrasive Blastinq Visible Emission Reportins {63,11519 (b) (5)), Weldinq Visible Emission Reporting (63.11519 (b) (5)) NiA n N/A E 112312023 511612023 917 12023 12121123 3115123 5116123 917 123 12121123 Page 2 of 6 Abrasive Blastinq Opacitv Reportins (63.1151.9 (,h) (6) & (0)), Weldins Opacitv Reportinq (63.1{519 (b) {6) & (8}) N/AE N/A m Page 3 of 6 Section 4. Site-specific Welding Emissions Management Plan Reporting. If required, attach a copy of the records of daily visual determinations of emissions recorded in accordance with S63.11516(00(iv), "Tier 3 requirernents for opacities exceeding 20 percent," and a copy of your Site-Specific Welding Emissions Management PIan and any subsequent revisions to the plan pursuant to 563,11516(fX8), "Site-specific Welding Emission Management PIan," along with your annual certification and compliance report, according to the requirements in paragraph 63.1 1 151e(bx1 ). Copy of the daily visualemissions attached: Yes I No tr Page 4 of 6 Section 5. Changes to Facility Operations Since Last"Report Yes, there are changes in or additions to the processes at my facility and/or applicable requirements under 40 CFR Pa{ 63 subpart XXXXXX, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Area Source Standards for Nine Metal Fabrication and Finishing Source Categories, as follows: Source/requirement that has changed: How my requirements or source (s) have changed: Is source now in compliance and if not, reason why not: No, there have been no changes in or additions to the processes at my facility and/or appticable requirements under 40 CFR Part 63 subpa( XXXXXX, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Area Source Standards for Nine Metal Fabrication and Finishing Source Categories since the last report Page 5 of 6 Section 6. Gertification of Compliance Status m Yes, the facility referenced below !9 operating in compliance with all of the relevanl standards and other requirements of 40 CFR Part 63 subpart XXXXXX, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Area Source Standards for Nine Metal Fabrication and Finishing Source Categories I No, the facility referenced below is NOT operating in compliance with the relevant standards and/or other requirements of 40 CFR Part 63 subpart XXXXXX, National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Area Source Standards for Nine MetaI Fabrication and Finishing Source Categories Reason for noncompliance: I hereby certify that the information presented herein is correct to the best of my knowledge. l/rt-/ zY (Signature) Scott Esmeier r6%r (Date) 251-0341 (Nameititle) Page 6 of6 (Tetephone No.) l.X.NESHAP 6X VISIBLE EMISSIONS TESTING EAs'flNG OPEnATtoNS - T|ER t - Method 22 Company Namel Schuff steot cotnpany l.ocallon: Lhrtlon,Utah Observer: [u]s Rolbal Tltl€i safety Manager Weldlng Unlt Descrlptlon (lndoor or outtloorh $ky Condltlons: Preclpltntloril Vlslble Emlsslon Testlrrg (ckcle one): WlnclDlrection: Wlnd Speed: . swl Clock Tlrne (rtrhrutes : soconds) It0(1am SkotcltWeldlngUnlt|lndlcnt€obsetvcrposltlon and/or actual omlsslon polnts (prlmary vent, stack, exlt, or openlrri irorn truilutne whlclr houses theunltl, VI$IBI.E EMISSIONS TESYINC Aegln obsewollott Itecord lnltlal clock thnel Rocord total llms of cotllhluous eltrlsslonsr Rocord total lhne of conthuous ertrlrslpns: ftocord total tlmo of conllnuous entlsslons; Rocord totol tlnro of contlnrtous enrls$lonsl Record fhrat clock Ume (-1S rrrln. luierh Tolal tlme unrlsslons obsorvedt (lf nuro lhon 6 nrln, llren lmnredlato correcllvo pcllon re{ulred,l tnd observoalott sw2 lnt€rvol flmets) Elhlsslon$ Obsqrvad (rnlnutos : soconds! l; t5:nn lf, rtia r' "i{;l' x lTNESHAP 6X VISIBLE EMISSIONS TESTING BLASTING OPESATIONS _ TIEN 1 - M€thod 22 C<lmpany Nsnre: Schuff steel Company locatlolr: lhtdon, Utah Observsr: I.uls Rolbal Tltle: Sofety Manager Weldlng Unlt Descrlpilon (hdoor or outcloog:Vlslbls Emisslon Te$ttnB (ctrcle one); Wlttd Dlrecllon: Wind Speed: vlstalE EMtsstoN$ TrsTtNc $egln Obseruallon sw1 clock Thno (mlnutes I seconds) 3toonft- sw2 lnte runl Iltne(s) Ernlsslons obsorved {nrlnutes I rocontls} fiecord lnltlal clock tlnra: llecord totnl tlnre of conilrtuolrc cnrlsslons: Itecord total llnre oI conllnuous erl.rlsslonsi llecord total lhrto of cotttlnuous eml$slon$l hncord totol llnto oI conllnuous entlsslorrs: Record flnol clock tlnro (-1s mln, later):. 3 tt{gt, Tolal tlnro enrlsslo,rs ohservod: t€niA ... .. _(lItnorelhall6l}*n,,thonlnrmedlatgcoIrec(lve4- actlon requlred,) tnd observollotr ,d Sketch Waldlng Urrlt: lndlcate observer p and/or actuffl ernlsslon polnts {prhnary vent, stark, exltr or oponlng frorn lruitatng wtrtch housos itre IlNESHAP 6X VISIBLE EMISSIONS TESTING q!\S,lilNc OPERATIoNS .' TtEn 1- Method 22 Comparry Name: Sclruff Steel Conrpany Iocatlonl Llndon, Utah Observer: Luis Rolbal Iltlei SaFety Manager Vlslble Ernlsslon TesthB (clrrlo one): codssl 3441 rt|%- Weldlng Unlt Descrlpllon {lndoor or outctoor}; SketchWeldlngUrrltllndlcateobservs}p.in"ll,l'slonp,l'l'' and/or actual ernlsslon polrrts (prlrnary vent, stack, exlt, or openlng fronr builcllns whlch houses the VISIOTE EMISSIONS TESTING llegln Observotlott Itecortl lnltlol clock thrrel ftecord totrl tlme of cotrthtuous enrlsslous: llucord totnl tlrrre oI contlrruous enrkslonsl necord iotitl lhne of contlnuous emfsslorrs: Record tolll ilrno of conllnuous eurlsslolrsi nocord fthul clock tlrrre {-t$ nrln, lulcr}l Tota! tlnre shrlsslons obsorved: (l[ nrore thorr 6 rnln, lhan hurnetllotg corroctlvo actlot r€qulr€d,) End obsetvotlon Sky Condltlorrs: Preclpltotlonl unltl, . sw1 clocft Tlrne (mlnutes : soconds) tl:Ol ant swz lnr.erual Tlnle{5} Etnlsrlons Obsorvsd (rnlnules: seconcls) Q! \Otrt -- -L€ nlrt t' ,fillk x C<ttnpatry Namel Sclruff Steel Comprlly Locatlonl Llndon, Utoh Vlslhle Ernisslon TastlnB (clrcle onell Wlnd Dlrcctlonl Wlnd Specd; Weldlng Unlt Descrlptlon (tnrtoor 0r outdoorli Sky Condltlonsl Preclpltatlonl VISIBTE TMI,SSIONS TE$TIN6 Begl,t Observollott Itecord lnltlal clock tlnral Itecord totnl tlnre of contlnuous cnllsslonsl necord total llmo of conllttrtou$ enrlsslonsl Record totnl tlnte of contlntrous otnlsslons: flocord lotal tlnro of conilrruotrs qllsslons: Record llnal clock tlnro (-tS nrln,lnter!: Tolnl tlttrs ourlsslons observedl (llnure lhiln 6 lrln., thon lmrnedlats correcllve flcllon roclulred,) End obserwtlotr swr Clock Tlmo lmlnutos I seconds) ... itLto.a___ $w2 lntorvol Tlnre(s) Ernlsslons Obseruad (rnlnutel I seconds) 0t 40rn l€nin .d. Sketch Weldlrrs Unlt: tndlcate nnd/or actual enllsslon polnts (prltnary vent, stxck, sxlt. or operllng rrorr, luitdtng *nr.ri r,ouruJ'ttr* XlNESHAP 6X VISIBLE EMISSIONS TESTING BTASTING OPERATIONS -TIIR T. Methotl 22 Observsr: Luls Rolbnl Tltlel Safel.y Managor lI,NESHAP 6X VISIBLE EMISSIONS TESTING qlAsl'lNG OPEBATIoNS -'t'tEfi i. * Method 2z Colnpany Natnel Schuff Stoel Cornpany l.ocallonl Llrrdon, Utolr ! 3441 Weldlng Unlt Descrlptlorr (lndoor or outcloor)l Sky Condltlons: Preclpltatlon: Observot: [uis Rotbal ::':i1111: Vlslble F.mlsslorr Testing (clrcle one)r Dally Weekly Montl WlnqlDlrectlonl Wlnd Speed: sketch Weldlng Unltl lndlcate ofserv und/or aclual entlsslon polnts (prlrttary vellt, stack, exlt, or opentrig rr;fii'uuitulng whlch housei theutl vlslB[E f MtsstoNs TESTING 0o0ln obsergollon Itocord lnltlnl clock thnei necord tolnl tlitre bf contlrruoui onrlsslorrs: llocord total tlnte ol con[nuous anrlsslonsi necord tohl tlnre o/ conilnuous erhlsslonsi Itecord tolol tltte of conllnrr<lrrs crrllsslonsl llecord flnnl clock ilnra l-1S ntln. luter)l TotaI lhrre enrlsslons observod: (lf ntore lhrrn 6 nrlrr,, thsn hrrnrcdlate corrncllvo lcllon requlred,) tnd observnilo,t . sw1 Glock Tlnre (tnlnutes I secondsl fr: 4O nn sw2 lntorvalTlmels) Ernlsslons Obssrvsd lmlnulos: seconds) ll'nia -,/- "fr;[ x 3.1NESl"lAp 6X VISTBLE EMtsstoNs rrsrrruo uL4jsTlNG OptiRATt0NS - Tl[R 1 - Me rhod 22 C0mDnny Nahle: Sclluff Steel Cornpany Locallorr: Ilndon, Utnh 0bserver; Luls llolbal Tltlel safety Manager We ldlng Unlt Descrtpflon (lndoor 0r outdoogl Vlslble Ernlsslon Tesllng (clrcle ona): Wind Directlorr: Wlnd SDee rl: Sky Condltlons: Preclpltatlou Sketclr Wokllrrg UrrllI lnrllcato ?and/or actual emlsslon polnts (prlmary vent, stack, exlt, or "p-,.rlnt rr"r trulldlng whlulr houses theunttl, awl swl Clock Tlnre {mlnulos isocortrls) clt)O art sw2 lntorual Thne(s) Emlsslons 0bsorved (mlnutos : sccotrtls) Record lnltlal clock tture: Record lotal tlnre ofconllnuous enrlsslolls, hecord totol tlnle of contlnuotts ertrlsslons: Ileuolqt 1e1u1 th)to ofconUnuous cnrlsslons: llecord total llme of conllnuous e mlsslons; Record flnal clock thna (-1s nrln, laterll Total llnlo eorlsslons observocll (lf tttore lhan 0 mln,, thstr hruredlat€ carr€ctlv6 acllon requlred,) End observqtlon 4:Jea^ NESHAP 6X VISIBLE EMISSIONS TESTING WELDING OPERATIONS -TIER 1- Method 22 Company Narner Schuff Steel Company Locatlonl Llndon, Utah Observerl Brandon Bryner Tltle: Safety Manager NAlcs/slC codesr 3441 Date: 03/15/23 Weldlng Unlt Descrlptlon (lndoor or outdoor): lndoor Vlslble Emlsslon Testlng (clrcle one); !ally Weekly Monthly @rrt"R Sky condltlons: Preclpltatlon: Wlnd Dlrectlon: Wlnd Speed: sketch Weldlng Unltl lndlcate observer posltlon relatlve to source; lndlcate potentlal emtsslon points and/or actual emlsslon polnts (prlnrary vent, stack, exlt, or openlng from bullding whlch lrouses the -unlt), @ FIenvy Itnb VISIBLE EMISSIONS TESTING Begln Observotlon swl Clock Thne sw2 lntervsl Tlme{s} Etttlsslons Observed (mlnutes r seconds) {mlnutes : secondsl flecord tnltlal clock tlmar 10r00aq Rocord total tlme of contfnuous omlsslons: Record total tlm€ of contlnuous em15slonsl Record total tlme of contlnuous emlsslonsl Record total tlme of c<lntlnuous emlsslonsl Record flnal clock tlms ("15 mln. later)l 10:15am Total thne emlsslous observedr 15 mln {lf more than 6 mln., then lmmedlate correctlve actlon requlred.) End observotlon NESHAP 6X VISIBLE EMI$5ION$ TCSTINg liVElDlNC opERATloNS -TIER 1- Method 2? Cotnpany Namel Schuff Steel Comparry locatiotr: Llndon,Uiah Obrerveu Luls Rolbnl Tltle: Safely Manager Datet 5'rl.t3 Vlslble Emlsslon l'esilng (chcle onellWeldtng Unlt Descrlptlon (lndoor or outcloor): lndoor Sky Conclltlonst Preclpltatlon: Skctch Weldltrg Unltl lndlcate ob*erv" and/or actual emlsslott polt)ts (prltnary venl, stack, exlt, or openlng ti;rn bulldlng wlrlch ltouses the u6t* p6b -X- -- r-. lrcodu{n\ r(x vtslsLE fMtsstoNs TEsTtNc 0ogln Obscrvatlon Record lnltlal clock tlme: Record total thne of contlnuous orrrlsslons: Record tol,ol tlne of conilnrro($ orrrlsslonsl R€cord tot[l ilnte of conilnuou.s otllsslotr$r Rocord total ilme of conllnuous enrlsslous: Rocord ltnalclock ilnra (-1s rnln. lorer)t Totol thlc onrlsslons observcd; (lf nrcre lhan 6 mln,, thon lmnedlate corrccllve acllon requlred,) End obrsrya4on c00{) sw1 CJocfi Tlme {mlnutes: secontls) . _ t,.,,tt€/rh sw? lntorvnl Tlrne{sl Entlsslons obssrved (rnlnutcs : soconds) l?'t20 . . l{ni" -. -d - NESHAP 6X VISIBLE EMI$SIONS TESTINS WELDING oPERATtoNS-T|ER 1- Merhod 22 cornpony Nanrel schuff sieel conrpany Locatlon: Undon, Utalt observsr: Luls ftolbal Tlilcl Safety Manaser Vlslble Emlsslorr Tesilng (clrcle one)lWelding Unlt Descrlptlon {lndoor or outdoor}l lndoor slry Condlilonsi l'reclpltntlon: Wlrd Dlrecllont Wlnd.Speedl sw1 Clock Tlrnc Inilnutes I secontlsI l0t 00 o,t t sw2 lntsrvill Tlmo(s) Emlrslons Obsu'rved {mlnules lseconthl Aeiln Obseruotlon Recortl lnltlul clock tlme: Record to(al llnrq of conllrruous crnlsslonsl Rocord lotol thlle olcontlnuorls ehtl$slonsl Record totol ilrtle of cotlilnuous crllsslonsl Rsqofd totol tfine oI contlnUous elllsslons: ttccord llnal clock llnte (-1s nrln. luter): Total thrro orlrlsslotrs olrserycdl {lf moro tltan 6 mln,, thon lnrmedlote conoctlvo actlon requlredr) Ettd obsorvatlott totK^r\ ldnir d Sltetch Weldhtg Unltt lmJlcate obssrver po and/or actual enrlsslorr polnts (prlmary vent, s{aclr, e!dt, or opu,ttn8 ir;m Uuitcttng wtrlrt trouroi if,u NE$HAP 6X VISIBLE EMIS5IONS TESNNC WELDING OPERATIoNS - TtER t - Mertrod 2z Cornpany Nnnrel Schuff Steel Corrrpnny locatlou Lhrdon, Utah codesr 3441 Weldlng Unll Doscrlption (lndoor or outdoor)l Intloor observsrt tuls Rolbal Tltle; Snfety Manager Vlslble Ernlsslon Testlng (clrcle oncll Wlnd Dlrecllonl Wlnd Sptrotl: aegln Obsentallott llecortj lnltlal clock flrne: Record iotol ilnla of contlnueus crnlsslon$i ll€cold total ilmo oF con(llluotrs enrlsslon.s: Rccord lolal tlmo ol colrUrruous onrlsslons: Rocord lotal ilma of conilnuorrs nrnlsslonsl llecord flnal clock llnre (-1s nrln, later): Total tltrro orulnrlons obsorvcdl (lf ntore than 0 nrln,, tltsn lnrrnsdlats cortoctlve ocllon requlred.) End obsuva\oil sw1 clock Tlrne (.nlnutes i secondsl -frtho *m , sw2 Intervol Ilnrolsl Emlsrlons Ollserved lmlnutes I oocontlsl 0t l(wt l5 nlrt. . ,d Sketch Weldlng Unltl tnAtc.ate o ::fl{", acruatcmtssrorr pornrs (prrrnarvvenr, srack, exrt, or "i,;;iffii;;;tru*drng which houses the. vlstBtE tMtSStONS TESTtNc EWIRONMENTAL QUALITY JA:i I -i ,.',).', DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY'