HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-007282State of Utah SPENCERJ, COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Execative Drector DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director October 30,2023 DAQC-1rsg-23 Site ID: 15731 (B1) Sent Via Certified Mail No. 70190700000208346122 Tony Cook Wolverine Oil and Gas Company of Utah,LLC 55 Campau NW Grand Rapids, Michigan 49503 Dear Mr. Cook: Re: Early Settlement Agreement - Wolverine Oil and Gas Company of Utah LLC - Covenant Field Production Facility - Sevier County On August 16,2023, the Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) issued a Compliance Advisory to Wolverine Oil and Gas Company of Utah LLC Covenant Field Production Facility as a result of an inspection performed on August 9,2023. Wolverine Oil and Gas Company of Utah LLC responded to the Compliance Advisory on September 12,2023. Based on the findings of the inspection and response to the Compliance Advisory, the DAQ determined that Wolverine Oil and Gas Company of Utah LLC was in violation of: L Condition 1I.8.7.b.2 of Approval Order DAQE-ANI57310001-18 A leak was found from Tank 102 during the inspection and previous VOC monitoring surveys were not conducted using one or both of the following to detect fugitive emissions: A. Optical gas imaging (OGD equipment. OGI equipment shall be capable of imaging gases in the spectral range for the compound of highest concentration in the potential fugitive emissions. B. Monitoring equipment that meets U.S. EPA Method 21,40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A. Section lg-2-115 of the Utah Code provides that violations of the Utah Air Conservation Act (the Act) and/or any order issued thereunder may be subject to a civil penalty of up to $10,000 per day for each violation. Based upon our civil penalty policy, we calculated a preliminary civil penalty for the above listed violation of $2,000. 195 Norttr 1950 West. Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820. Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 5364000 . Fax (801) 5364099 . T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 w.deq.utah.gov Printed on l00o/o recycled paper DAQC-I1s9-23 Page2 The monetary amount of the DAQ settlement offer specified below is derived from a pre- established schedule of penalties, which takes into account, among other factors, the magnitude and severity of the violation, economic benefit, cooperation of the source as well as the prior history of violations. See the attached penalty worksheet for details. All parties we deal with, whether private, commercial, or governmental are treated similarly in the settlement process. Early Settlement Agreements are based on the evaluation of the same factors and criteria in all cases. The DAQ acknowledges that the violation on August9,2023,was addressed by Wolverine Oil and Gas Company of Utah by updating the company's LDAR program to be conducted with an OGI camera, fixing the leak from Tank 102, andpreemptively planning to change the equipment that failed on Tank 102 to all other tanks onsite, in November 2023; to preemptively prevent a similar leak from occurring in the future. If you are interested in settling this violation, we are authorized to offer settlement in accordance with the DAQ Penalty Policy as follows: 1. Wolverine Oil and Gas Company of Utah agrees to pay a reduced civil penalty in the sum of $1,600. Payment of a civil penalty precludes further civil enforcement for the above described violation against the named source. Wolverine Oil and Gas Company of Utah agrees to pay $1,600 of the stipulated penalty within twenty (20) business days from the date you receive this Early Settlement Agreement. 2. The DAQ retains its authority to take any enforcement actions based on any and all violations not specifically described above. If a violation is a failure to submit a Notice of lntent to the Director and receive an Approval Order under Utah Administrative Code R307-401-5, the DAQ retains its authority to take subsequent enforcement action if during the next inspection the DAQ finds the source is still not in compliance with R307-401-5. 3. ln the event any further violations of the Act, the Utah Air Quality Rules, the source's AO, or the Director's Orders occur, the DAQ may consider the violation described above in assessing a penalty for the subsequent violations, in accordance with the provisions of Utah Administrative Code R307- 1 30. 4. Entering into this Early Settiement Agreement shall not constitute an admission of violation of the Act, the Utah Air Quality Rules, or the source's AO nor shall it be inferred to be such an admission in any administrative or judicial proceeding. The described violation will constitute part of the company compliance history for any purpose for which such history is relevant to the DAQ. At the DAQ's option, you may request a portion of the calculated civil penalty gravity component to be used to complete a Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP) or credited toward the Utah Environmental Mitigation Fund to benefit present and future air quality within Utah. For more information, please contact the DAQ representative listed below. DAQC-Irs9-23 Page 3 This Early Settlement Agreement constitutes an offer of settlement and is not a demand for payment. The Early Settlement Agreement reflects a reduced penalty for early settlement of this matter. If the above terms are acceptable to you, please sign and return this Early Settlement Agreement and a check in the sum of $1,600. Submit the signed Early Settlement Agreement and check made payable to the DAQ at the letterhead address within twenty (20) business days of receipt of this Early Settlement Agreement. Electronic payments are also available on our website at: https ://deq.utah. gov/general/payment-portal. You may write or call to request a settlement conference with the DAQ representative listed below. A conference must be scheduled within twenty (20) business days of your receipt of this Early Settlement Agreement. If we do not receive a signed copy of this Early Settlement Agreement and payment or other correspondence from you within twenty (20) business days of your receipt, we will assume that you are not interested in resolving this matter as outlined above. If you need an Approval Order, this Early Settlement Agreement does not relieve you of that responsibility and does not change that requirement in order to return to compliance with the DAQ. You must submit a Notice of Intent for a required Approval Order as soon as possible. Your source will be re-inspected in a reasonable time to confirm you have fully retumed to operating in compliance. Failure to obtain a required Approval Order will subject you to additional penalties and a new compliance action by the DAQ. This Early Settlement Agreement is intended to quickly resolve the non-compliance issues listed above and requires the immediate attention of your company. Failure to resolve this matter as outlined above may result in this offer being revoked and/or having this matter referred to a formal enforcement process, including filing a judicial case to collect penalties (up to $10,000 per day for each violation) and compel compliance in the state district court. If you have any additional questions regarding this matter, please contact Rik Ombach at 801-499-6095 or by email at rombach@utah.gov. Sincerely, 4-.d Bryce C. Bird Director BCB:RO:rh cc: Central Utah Public Health Department DAQC-I ts9-23 Page 4 Acceptance of Early Settlement Agreement I have read the above Early Settlement Agreement and I agree to the terms and conditions thereof. Company Name: Wolverine Oil and Gas Company of Utah LLC Name: Title: Signature Date Telephone Number DAQC-I rc9A3 Page 5 Wolverine Oil end Gas Company of Utah LLC- Covenant Field Production Condition II.B.7.b.2 of Approval0rder DAQE. Ar\157310001-18 A leak was found from Tank 102 duting the inspection and previous VOC monitoring surveys were not conducted uslng elther Method 21 or an OGI Camera. 1 B $2,000- 7,000 per day $2,000 $2,000 0 0 $2,000 $400 $1,600 R:i07-13G1. Scope. This policy provides guidance to the director in negotiating with air pollution sources penalties for consent agreements to resolve non-compliance situations. It is designed to be used to determine a reasonable and appropriate penalty for the violations based on the nature and extent of the violations, consideretion of the economic benefit to the sources of non-compliance, and adjusments for specific circumstances. Rl07-13G2. Categorics. Violations are grouped in four general categories based on the potential for hatm and the nature and extent of the violations. Penalty ranges for.each category are listed. DAQC-Irs9-23 Page 6 (1) Category A. $7,000-10,000 per day. Violations with high potential for impact on public health and the environment including: (a) Violation of emission standards and limitations of NESHAP. (b) Emissions contributing to nonattainment area or PSD increment exceedances. (c) Emissions resulting in documented public health effects and/or environmental damage. (2) Category B. $2,000-7,000 per day. Violations of the Utah Air Conservation Act, applicable State and Federal regulations, and orders to include: (a) Significant levels of emissions resulting from violations of emission limitations or other regulations which are not within Category A. (b) Substantial non-compliance with monitoring requirements. (c) Significant violations of approval orders, compliance orders, and consent agreements not within Category A. (d) Significant and/or knowing violations of "notice of intent" and other notification requirements, including those of NESHAP. (e) Violations of reporting requirements of NESHAP. (3) Category C.Up to $2,000 per day. Minor violations of the Utah Air Conservation Act, applicable State and Federal Regulations and orders having no significant public health or environmental impact to include: (a) Reporting violations (b) Minor violations of monitoring requirements, orders and agreements (c) Minor violations of emission limitations or other regulatory requirements. DAQC-11s9-23 PageT (4) Category D.Up to $299.00. Violations of specific provisions of R307 which are considered minor to include: (a) Violation of automobile emission standards and requirements (b) Violation of wood-burning regulations by private individuals (c) Open burning violations by private individuals. R307-130-3. Adjustments. The amount of the penalty within each category may be adjusted and/or suspended in part based upon the following factors: (l) Good faith efforts to comply or lack of good faith. Good faith takes into account the openness in dealing with the violations, promptness in correction of problems, and the degree of cooperation with the State to include accessibility to information and the amount of State effort necessary to bring the source into compliance. (2) Degree of willfulness and/or negligence. In assessing willfulness and/or negligence, factors to be considered include how much control the violator had over and the foreseeability of the events constituting the violation, whether the violator made or could have made reasonable efforts to prevent the violation, and whether the violator knew of the legal requirements which were violated. (3) History of compliance or non-compliance. History of non-compliance includes consideration of previous violations and the resource costs to the State of past and current enforcement actions. (4) Economic benefit of non-compliance. The amount of economic benefit to the source of non- compliance would be added to any penalty amount determined under this policy. (5) Inability to pay. An adjustment downward may be made or a delayed payment schedule may be used based on a documented inability of the source to pay. R307-130-4. Options. Consideration may be given to suspension of monetary penalties in trade-off for expenditures resulting in additional controls and/or emissions reductions beyond those required to meet existing requirements. Consideration may be given to an increased amount of suspended penalty as a deterrent to future violations where 10120123,9:18 AM State of Utah Mail - Wolverine Update 8/14 Kyle Greenberg <kgreenberg@utah.gov> Wolverine Update 8114 Tony Cook <TCook@wgo.us> To: Kyle Greenberg <kgreenberg@utah.gov> Cc: Ed Higuera <EHiguera@wgo.us>, Jordan Ritsema <JRitsema@wgo.us> Kyle, Attached are 4 documents. Tue, Sep 12,2023 at5:26AM 1. Providence Fleld, emergency generator log. 2. Covenant Field, Tank 102 hatch repair documentation. 3. Covenant Field, LDAR reports for September 2023. 4. Providence Field, LDAR reports for September 2Q23. Covenant Field: A leaking tank hatch was found on the produced oil tank #102 at the Covenant Field on Wednesday 819/23. The sealing surface of the hatch was cleaned, and a new gasket was installed on Thursday 8/9/23. The field operators used gas detection equipment to determine that the hatch repairs were successful. A gas imaging camera was reserved for 8/30 to confirm the leak was fixed. (See attached repair documentation) On9/6/23a Opgal EyeCGas imaging camera was used to confirm the hatch was repaired and no visible leaks were detected^ All of the Covenant Field wells were tested for leaks on9/5/23 using a Opgal EyeCGas imaging camera. Wolverine has now scheduled testing of all of its equipment at the Covenant field to be completed every 6 months. Wolverine has reserved a gas imaging camera to complete it's next testing in February 2024. (See attached LDAR reports) An Approval Order Modification was sent to the state on 9172 to include the propane tank onto the equipment list on our air permit. Providence Field: All of the Providence Field wells were tested for leaks on9/t/23 uslng a Opgal EyeCGas imaging camera. Wolverine has now scheduled testing of all of its equipment at the Providence field to be completed every 6 months. Wolverine has reserved a gas imaging camera to complete it's next testing in February 2024. (See attached LDAR reports) Regarding truck loading vapors at the Providence Field. We have now received all of the piping and valves needed to hook up the truck loading vapors to the flare stack at the CPF. We will be working on installation of this over the next week. hftps://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=83bbfebO',t*r;",,v=pt&search=all&permmsgid=msg-f:1776830916083475223&simpl=msg-f:1776830916083475223 112 10120f23,9:18 AM State of Utah Msil - Wolverine Update U14 An Approval Order Modification was sent to the state onglLlto include the backup generator onto the equipment list on our air permit. I have attached an hour log for the emergency generator as requested. lf I have missed something, please let me know. Thank you, TnyE.?,ook lQuoted ten hiddenl 4 attachments { Tank 102 LDAR.pdf 192K Provldence laak Deteoflon lrcpedlons.pdf 4K Covenant Leak Detecflon lnspectlon3.pdf 51K Provldence Backup Generator Urage.pdf 76K htps/matl.googlo.com/malUu0l?ik=83bbft&418&vl€u,=pt&searcfr=all&pormnsgE=msg+1776830916083475223&8imd=meg-f:1776830916083475223 2f2 t__ Wolverine Gas and Oil Covenant Field Leak Detection and Repair September-23 Location L Kings Meadow Ranches 17-1 2 Kings Meadow Ranches 17-14 3 Kings Meadow Ranches 17-20 4 Kings Meadow Ranches 17-21 5 Wolverine Federal 17-3 6 Wolverine Federal 17-4 7 Wolverine Federal 17-5 8 Wolverine Federal 17-6 (WF 8-1) 9 Kings Meadow Ranches 17-7 10 Wolverine Federal 17-11 11 Wolverine Federal 17-12 12 Wolverine Federal 17-13 13 Wolverine State 1,6-1 14 Wolverine Federal 17-17 15 Wolverine Federal L7-1-8 16 Wolverine Federal 17-19 l-7 Wolverine Federal 17 -2 18 Wolverine Federal 18-1 19 Wolverine Federal 19-1 20 Wolverine Federal 20-1 21 Wolverine Federal L7-8 22 Wolverine Federal 17-9 23 Wolverine State 17-10 24 Wolverine Federal 19-2 25 Wolverine Federal 20-2 26 Wolverine State 20-3 27 Wolverine Federal 20-4 28 Wolverine Federal 17-15 29 Wolverine Federal 17-16 30 Wolverine Federal 18-2 31 Wolverine State 20-5 32 Wolverine Federal 18-3 33 Wolverine Federal 19-3 34 Wolverine Federal 19-4 35 Wolverine Federal 19-5 36 Wolverine Federal 19-6 37 Wolverine Federal 18-4 38 Tank 101 (Produced Oil) 39 Tank 102 (Produced Oil) 40 Tank 103 (Produced Water) 41 Tank 301 (Bad Oil) 42 Tank 302 (Bad oil) lnspectors Name: lnstrument Used: Next lnspection Due: Cause of Leak Tony E. Cook Opgal EyeCGas February-24 Repair order #Date lnspected Leak Found Yes No s/s/23 els/23 sls/23 sls/23 slsl23 els123 s/s123 e/s/23 els/23 e/s/23 els/23 els/23 s/s123 els/23 elsl23 sls/23 elsl23 s/s/23 e/s123 e/5/23 elsl23 s/s123 s/s/23 els/23 els/23 elsl23 elsl23 slsl23 s/s123 s/s123 sls/23 e/s/23 elsl23 elsl23 elsl23 elsl23 slsl23 e/6123 e/6/23 e/6/23 sl6/23 e/6123 Repair Order Description of the item to be repaired: T-102 emergenry relief Describe what caused the failure: Build up of iron sulfides on the sealing surface Were new parts used in the repair? lf so what new parts were installed? lnstalled new viton gasket and cleaned the sealing surface Earlxfr Tcllrrraae Repair Order f 8ltol23 Copies of this report are located at: WGO O.\Cnrnnrare Sharer{\Fiald nnerrtinnc\? 1? 1 Repaired by:Date of Repair: 66 ji EocEi 6!OLoc6=h3 euOE ec th .9 f €cE' I aCOE oc8: ccg O_oEfg -cQb!c:8EE(,o.c(o(uq(oboT' (U(J(oo-o&. o) -oE(U -cQboc.8EEr!o.c(oo(oEo !oU(oo-od. G) _oE(E -c(Jb0c:8EE(oo.g(oc)soo -oC. l (J(oo. (ud (u()oLlboc:(uo)q-oOJCro(UEcG(u -v . (obo .. cuG-c I.( . )6L(JC(Uo0 g(UE(u(U -croc. ) (J(oo_ 0, , €. (l ) (- , rodoc:ru(u -o0)c(Uoo-oC(!G) -: z(!ooo(os.qEL(Jcc,boo)E(uc, -crc(uo(5o_C) d -. 8 _9 p (oC0. , c) L(,oLF No\\ (/ ) R 'c = \o(JqJqqJQoeq. J +JB\ou b ! qJ c .e ; L\ Gq r : qq d x prlnt your namg, Fkst€hss Mail Postage & Fees Paid usPs PermitNo. G-10 and ZlPt4o ln this box' :'=llllll PAGc- llgq-Z3 Y tl ? I UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALIT a I COMPLTANCE SECTTON t I Po Box t44l2o b I SALT LAKE CrTY UT 84114-482Azl a2l\!/lc j,1,f ', ll,,h L f r r111f fu rpfu tl'illrlLll{rrf lflrfltlptprlhffl '__ lO-rl Ii=il Fa I irrl j t tx=i = Il*El z ili>i j lr,llti:--- _ E Agent C. Date of Delivery r Complete items 1,2, and 3. I Print vour name and address on the reverse so thit we can return the card to you' r Attach this card to the back of the mailpiecg or on the front if sPace Peryls' L Article Addressed to: ? ro* coor i wor.wBrNE oIL AND cAS COMPANY OF UTAH, LLC 55 CAMPAU NW GRAND RAPDS, MICHIGAN il]ill lil mm ilfi [ll llllllll ll I lll 9590 9402 7931 2305 6401 25 1 PS Form 381 1, uutYeozo PsN n i= a"fi*w rOa.* differentfrom item 1? E Yest iives, eirteraelivery address below: E No Domestia Return Reoeipt r ru rur-JI f m EtrE ru EI E't3 Etr Tfr! E] Ir rq EIrr [s $ tuw- w3 ila oorvrces & F€es (ch6k bd, sdd t@ 6 approptaa LJ R6tum R@lpi (hard@py) S trnarrnorprt"r"a.nrcj ;_ .-- Ec€difiedMaIRdnst"ao"ru"ry 6]- EAdult Slgnaturc Requi.d , _.- l] Adult StgnatuE Rerdctod Oeilvory $ .-- to/301L3 D,+oc- ll51-23 TONY COOK WOLVERINE OIL AND GAS COMPANY OF UTAH,LLC 55 CAMPAU NW GRAND RAPIDS, MICHIGAN 49503