HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-006628Manifests Cradle to grave 01.02.03.Generator Transporter 04.05.Transporter Transporter TSDF Manifests! Joint Regulations RCRA DOT R315-262-20 through 17 49 CFR 172 Keep signed copy, with all signatures for 3 years Ensure all information is correct prior to signing What now? Track the days since you signed the manifest Note: electronic copies of manifests are OK, but you must be able to easily provide the signed copies when requested. Exception Reports R315-262-42 LQG: •After 35 days –contact transporter and/or TSDF •After 45 days –Exception Report to Division SQG: •After 60 days –Exception Report to Division The Report: •LEGIBLE copy of the manifest •Cover leer signed by generator explaining eorts to locate wastes and results Submit by mail or electronically to dwmrcsubmit@utah.gov Keep for 3 years! LDR Forms LDR = Land Disposal Restriction Track when a waste has been suiciently treated to land dispose •Type of waste, waste codes at generation •What treatments the waste has gone through Many nuances, assuming for this presentation that your waste does not meet treatment standards for land disposal (it probably doesn’t) R 315-268 -7 Manifest number EPA waste codes The constituents of concern for F001-F005, and F039, and underlying hazardous constituents in characteristic wastes. Applicable wastewater/nonwastewater category The waste is subject to LDRs “Pursuant to 40 CFR 268.7(a), I hereby notify that this shipment contains waste restricted under 40 CFR Part 268.” Waste analysis data, if available Should include: Keep signed copy for 3 years One per waste stream per disposal facility* What now? Ensure all information is correct prior to signing! In practice, most TSDFs prefer a copy with each manifest Info should match info on manifest Ideally kept with corresponding manifest DOT Training Who is signing these things? Joint Regulations RCRA DOT R315-262-23 certification Hazardous waste is a subset of hazardous materials. 49 CFR 172 Subpart H Safety training General awareness /familiarization training DOT Requirements Function-specific training 49 CFR 172.704 Must be renewed every ο years If you don’t have all training in all parts, you should not be signing manifests! Generator’s certification (or “shipper’s” cert.) DOT + RCRA Certifying materials are properly: •classified, •described •packaged •marked and labeled •in proper condition Certifying to waste minimization certification in R315-262 -27 Transporters Transporters Any person engaged in the osite transportation of hazardous waste by air, rail, highway, or water. EPA ID Number 40 CFR 263 (a summary) Storage < 10 days (Transfer Facilities) Manifests Recordkeeping Spill Response *Manifest stays with waste at all times!* Repacking wastes Rejected wastes Additional actions Spliing shipments Acting on behalf of a generator 10-Day Transfer Facilities Any transportation related facility where HW or HSMs held during the normal course of transportation What are they? RO #11529/#11846 Inconsistent with the “normal course of transportation” Possession of the waste is changing from one transporter to another while the waste remains at one site. Waste is routed to numerous transporters for extended periods of time. Waste is routed to the same geographic location more than once during the course of transportation. ABC Transport ABC Transport ABC Transport ABC Transport ABC Transport ABC Transport The Numbers data reflects 12 months from 5/2/24 retrieved from RCRAinfo Metabase So… what can I do about it? Check manifests for accuracy and completeness before signing! Keep track of your waste! Get your complete return copies. File ERs as needed. Don’t be afraid to talk to your transporters and TSDFs! https://deq.utah.gov/division-waste-management-radiation-control ◘ أ к ��ח�ّ �� ´ ΐ Е Е ﺶƇŮ ΐ �חّ חМאַ (385) 499-0172 gmarinick@utah.gov