HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-0083191 DAQC-556-24 Site IDs: 4603, 14670, 14677, 14680, 100465 (B4) MEMORANDUM TO: STACK TEST FILE – UINTA WAX OPERATING, LLC – Deep Creek 7-22-4-2E, Deep Creek 6-22-4-2E, Kendall Tribal 1-19-3-1E, Kendell Tribal 1-13-3-1W-H1, Gooseneck Tribal 23-02-4-2E – Uintah and Duchesne Counties THROUGH: Rik Ombach, Minor Source Oil and Gas Compliance Section Manager FROM: Kyle Greenberg, Environmental Scientist DATE: March 19, 2024 SUBJECT: Sources: Three (3) Ajax E-565 pumpjack engines: Deep Creek 6-22-4-2E, SN:86546, Kendall Tribal 1-19-3-1E, SN:86705, and Gooseneck Tribal 23-02-4-2E, SN:86708, Two (2) Arrow L-795 pumpjack engines: Deep Creek 7-22-4-2E, SN:L-600929, Kendell Tribal 1-13-3-1W-H1, SN:CHL795004 Location: Remote Locations in Uintah County, Utah Contact: Karen Pratt: (720) 990-9927 Tester: Oasis Emissions Consultants, Inc. Site ID #: 4603, 14670, 14677, 14680, 100465 Permit/AO #: Permit by Rule Subject: Review of Pretest Protocol dated June 6, 2024 On June 6, 2024, Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) received a protocol for the testing of three (3) Ajax E-565 pumpjack engines at Deep Creek 6-22-4-2E, Kendall Tribal 1-19-3-1E, and Gooseneck Tribal 23-02-4-2E, and two (2) Arrow L-795 pumpjack engines at Deep Creek 7-22-4-2E and Kendell Tribal 1-13-3-1W-H1 in Uintah County, Utah. Testing will be performed July 8, 2024, through July 30, 2024, to determine compliance with the emission limits found in 40 CFR part 60 subpart JJJJ. PROTOCOL CONDITIONS: 1. Method 1 used to determine sample traverses: OK 2. Method 3A used to determine dry molecular weight of the gas stream: OK 3. Method 4 used to determine the moisture content within the gas stream: OK 4. Method 7E used to determine NOx emissions: OK 5. Method 10 used to determine CO emissions: OK 6. Method 18 used to determine ethane and methane concentrations of the gas stream: OK 7. Method 19 used to determine exhaust effluent flows and mass emission rates: OK 8. Method 25A used to determine VOC emissions: OK 2 DEVIATIONS: None stated in the protocol. CONCLUSION: The protocol appears to be acceptable. RECOMMENDATION: The test methods stated in the protocol are sufficient to determine NOx, CO, and VOC emission rates and concentrations. ATTACHMENTS: Uinta Wax Operating, LLC’s notification letter and pretest protocol. Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality Compliance Test Protocol Engines: (3) Ajax E-565 & (2) Arrow L-795 Facilities: Kendall Tribal 1-13-3W-1W-H1, Gooseneck Tribal 23-02-4-2E, Gooseneck 24-04-4-2E, MB Tribal 23S-42E-H1UB, Deep Creek 7-22-4-2E, Kendall Tribal 1-19-3-1E-H1, & Deep Creek 6-22-4-2E Wells: Kendall Tribal 1-13-3W-1W-H1, MB Tribal 23S-42E-H1UB, Deep Creek 7-22-4-2E, Kendall Tribal 1-19-3-1E-H1, & Deep Creek 6-22-4-2E Uinta Wax Operating, LLC 25 HP – 100 HP Engines In Uintah County, Utah June 6, 2024 Prepared By: Oasis Emission Consultants, Inc. 2730 Commercial Way Rock Springs, WY 82901 1.0 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this document is to provide relevant information pertaining to proposed compliance emission testing for Uinta Wax Operating, LLC by Oasis Emission Consultants, Inc. The units are classified as non-emergency stationary engines rated below 100 horsepower (hp). The engines are being tested in accordance with the Utah Administrative Code Rule R307-510-4 and EPA 40 CFR 60, Subpart JJJJ. 1.1 TEST PROGRAM ORGANIZATION Facilities: Kendall Tribal 1-13-3-1W-H1, Gooseneck Tribal 23-02-4-2E, Gooseneck 24-04-4-2E, MB Tribal 23S- 42E-H1UB, Deep Creek 7-22-4-2E, Kendall Tribal 1-19-3-1E-H1, & Deep Creek 6-22-4-2E Wells: Kendall Tribal 1-13-3-1W-H1, MB Tribal 23S-42E-H1UB, Deep Creek 7-22-4-2E, Kendall Tribal 1-19-3-1E-H1, & Deep Creek 6-22-4-2E Site IDs: 14680 100465, 4603, 14677, & 14670 Client: Uinta Wax Operating, LLC Contact: Karen Pratt, Regulatory Manager Email: KPratt@finleyresources.com Cell.: (720) 990-9927 Contact: Josh Morgan, Operations Tech Email: JMorgan@finleyresources.com Cell.: (817) 231-8756 Test Company: Oasis Emission Consultants, Inc. Address: 2730 Commercial Way Rock Springs, WY 82901 Contact: Christopher Knott, P.Eng., Director, Engineering & Operations Phone: (307) 382-3297 Fax: (307) 382-3327 State Authority: Utah Department Of Environmental Quality Address: PO Box 144820 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Contact: Rik Ombach, Minor Source Compliance Manager Email: rombach@utah.gov Phone: (801) 536-4164 Stack Test Report Submission: https://utahgov.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_3dSxf7JSzy4jwGh 1.2 Test Project Objective(s) The engines located at Uinta Wax Operating, LLC’s facilities in Uintah County, Utah are being tested in accordance with the Utah Administrative Code Rule R307-510-4 and EPA 40 CFR 60, Subpart JJJJ. 2.0 SOURCE TEST PROGRAM DESCRIPTION 2.1 Test Contractor All source emission tests will be performed by Oasis Emission Consultants, Inc., based out of Rock Springs and Sheridan, Wyoming. Processed test results and all raw data captured during the tests are forwarded to Chris Knott, P.Eng., Director of Engineering and Operations and/or Charles Chapman, Manager of Technical Services, for quality control and data checking. Once approved, tests are forwarded to the client. 2.2 Test Dates The units will be tested by Oasis Emission Consultants, Inc. during the July 8th – 9th, 2024; July 23rd – 25th, 2024 and July 29th – 30th, 2024 test campaign. 2.3 Report Date The compliance test reports will be submitted no later than 60 days following the compliance tests. 2.4 Emission Source Description A summary of the units to be tested is provided in the table below: *The serial numbers will be provided in the final reports, if currently unavailable. Facility Well Site ID Latitude / Longitude Engine Serial Number* HP Kendall Tribal 1-13-3-1W-H1 Kendall Tribal 1-13-3-1W-H1 14680 40.22913, -109.939 Arrow L-795 CHL795004 58 Gooseneck Tribal 23-02-4-2E, Gooseneck 24-04-4-2E, MB Tribal 23S-42E-H1UB MB Tribal 23S-42E-H1UB 100465 40.127445, -109.72 Ajax E-565 86708 35.8 Deep Creek 7-22-4-2E Deep Creek 7-22-4-2E 4603 40.12399, -109.749 Arrow L-795 L-600929 58 Kendall Tribal 1-19-3-1E-H1 Kendall Tribal 1-19-3-1E-H1 14677 40.21516, -109.919 Ajax E-565 86705 35.8 Deep Creek 6-22-4-2E Deep Creek 6-22-4-2E 14670 40.12472, -109.757 Ajax E-565 86546 35.8 2.4.1 Utah Administrative Code Rule R307-510-4 Standards In accordance with the Utah Administrative Code Rule R307-510-4 from the Oil and Gas Industry: Natural Gas Engine Requirements (510), testing will be conducted to show levels in units of HC+NOx and CO (as g/BHp-hr). 2.4.2 EPA 40 CFR 60, Subpart JJJJ Standards According to the requirements of EPA 40, CFR 60 Subpart JJJJ § 60.4233(d), non-emergency stationary SI ICE manufactured after July 1st, 2008, and rated between 25 hp and 100 hp must comply with the requirements of the standards for field testing listed in 40 CFR § 1048.101(c). Under 40 CFR § 1048.101(c)(2) the HC + NOx standard is 3.8 g/KW-hr (2.8 g/BHp-hr) and the CO standard is 6.5 g/kW-hr (4.8 g/BHp-hr). For natural gas-fueled engines, owners and operators are not required to measure non-methane hydrocarbon emissions or total hydrocarbon emissions to show that the engines meet the emission standards; that is, HC is assumed to equal zero. Emission Measurement Methodologies: The units will be tested according to EPA 40 CFR 60 (A), Methods 1, 3A, 4, 7E, 10, 18, 19 and 25A. Method 18 grab bags will be utilized to account for Methane and Ethane contents for the determination of NMNEHC. Emissions in terms of g/BHp-hr will be converted from ppm levels using the formulae from the Wyoming/Colorado portable analyzer protocol and a BSFC factor (BTU/BHp-hr). Three, one hour tests will be conducted on each engine. Operating Parameters: Operating parameters, where applicable, will be recorded for each 1 hour test which may include engine rpm, air/fuel ratio setting(s), suction/discharge pressures, ect. Engine Load Approximation: Oasis Emission Consultants, Inc. will approximate the engine load using the measured process parameters, such as gas throughput, suction/discharge pressure/temperature; by correlating the intake manifold conditions with the engine manufacture heat balance data; or, the engine load. Maximum Engine hp HC+NOX CO Equal to or greater than 25 hp and < 100 hp 2.83 g/BHp-hr 4.85 g/BHp-hr Maximum Engine Power NOX CO Greater than 19 KW (25 hp) and less than 75 KW (100) (except gasoline and rich burn engines that use LPG) 2.8 g/BHp-hr (3.8 g/kW-hr) 4.8 g/BHp-hr (6.5 g/kW-hr) It is expected that the performance tests will be conducted within ±10% of 100% peak, or the highest achievable load. Test Methods: All EPA test methods that we intend to utilize are listed below.  EPA 40 CFR 60 Appendix A, Method 1: Method 1 requires measurement of the various physical attributes of a stack to establish appropriate sampling locations. An O2 stratification check will be performed according to 8.1.2 of Method 7E prior to testing to determine sampling location for engines with stack diameters greater than 6 inches, but less than 12 inches. For stacks equal to or greater than 12 inches in diameter, if the sampling port locations meet the minimum Method 1 criterion for distance from disturbances, sampling may be conducted at three points. If sampling ports do not meet Method 1 criterion for distance from disturbances, stacks equal to or greater than 12 inches in diameter will have an O2 stratification check performed to determine sampling locations. An O2 stratification is not required for engines with a stack diameter less than 4 inches.  EPA 40 CFR 60 Appendix A, Method 3A: O2 measurements will be conducted using an instrumental analyzer according to Method 3A. The O2 levels will be used in conjunction with Method 19 to determine the overall exhaust effluent flow.  EPA 40 CFR 60 Appendix A, Method 4: Method 4 allows for the evaluation of the moisture content within the effluent stream. A sample of the effluent stream is extracted at a constant rate. The water is condensed from the stream through a series of impingers surrounded by an ice bath. The total mass of the water condensed and the total volume of gas measured are used to calculate the moisture content within the exhaust effluent stream.  EPA 40 CFR 60 Appendix A, Method 7E: Method 7E is the instrumental method for measuring the NOx concentration in the effluent stream. After passing through a sample conditioning system, NOx concentration is measured by a chemiluminescent gas analyzer. The analyzer is calibrated using EPA Protocol G1 gas before and after each one hour test run.  EPA 40 CFR 60 Appendix A, Method 10: Method 10 is the instrumental method for measuring the CO concentration in the effluent stream. After passing through a sample conditioning system, CO concentration is measured by a NDIR gas analyzer. The analyzer is calibrated using EPA Protocol G1 gas before and after each one hour test run.  EPA 40 CFR 60 Appendix A, Method 18: Method 18 employs an integrated grab bag sampling system. Method 18 will be utilized to account for Ethane and Methane concentrations to determine NMNEHC.  EPA 40 CFR 60 Appendix A, Method 19: The BSFC factor and the measured Oxygen content will be used to arrive at the overall exhaust effluent flow.  EPA 40 CFR 60 Appendix A, Method 25A: Total Hydrocarbons will be measured on a hot- wet basis by using a Flame Ionization Analyzer. This analyzer will be calibrated using EPA Protocol G1 Propane (C3) gas before and after each one hour test run.