HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-0083151 DAQC-551-24 Site ID 15792 (B4) MEMORANDUM TO: STACK TEST FILE – INTERMOUNTAIN REGIONAL LANDFILL (IRL) THROUGH: Harold Burge, Major Source Compliance Section Manager FROM: Paul Morris, Environmental Scientist DATE: June 4, 2024 SUBJECT: Contact: Brian Alba: 801-930-0984 Location: 800 South Allen Ranch Road, Fairfield, Utah County, UT Test Contractor: Hansen, Allen, & Luce, Inc. Source: Non-enclosed flare FRS Site ID#: UT0000004904900334 Permit: Title V operating permit 4900334002 dated December 20, 2023; revised February 28, 2024 Action Code: TR Subject: Review of Test Report Received May 24, 2024 On May 24, 2024, the Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) received a test report for the non-enclosed flare associated with the landfill gas collection and control system at the lntermountain Regional Landfill located in Fairfield, Utah. Testing was performed on March 11, 2024, to calculate the net heating value and gas exit velocity in accordance with 40 CFR Part 63, Subpart AAAA, 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart A, and Title V operating permit Condition II.B.2.b. The calculated test result is: Source Test Date Result Limit Flare 3/11/2024 9.88 MJ/scm* >7.45 MJ/scm* 13.8 fps ** <54.5 fps** *Net Heating Value **Gas Exit Velocity DEVIATIONS: No deviations were noted. CONCLUSION: The test results appear to be within the applicable limits at the time of testing. RECOMMENDATION: None. HPV: No. ATTACHMENTS: Emissions testing report received May 24, 2024 6 , 3 INTERMOUNTAIN REGIONAL LANDFILL I NTERMOUNTA! N REGIONAL LANDFILL NON.ENCLOSED FLARE PERFORMANCE TEST (HAt Project No.: 373.08.204) I,TAH DEPARTMENT OF E}.$'IRONMENTAL OUATITY Iliry Z 4 ,ti;i)4 fi qn 4 d rLi 1",'.) DiV!S!ON OF AIH QUALIT\] April 2024 INTERMOUNTAIN REGIONAL LANDFILL NON.ENCLOSED FLARE PERFORMANCE TEST (HAL Project No.: 373.08.204) Andrew Alvaro Environmental Services Director April 2024 TABLE OF CONTENTS TABLE OF CONTENTS.......... ......... i GHAPTER 1 - TNTRODUCTTON ..................... 1-1|NTRODUCTION......... .............. 1_1 LANDFTLL DESCR|PT|ON........... ............... 1_1 TESTTNG LOCATTON ,,,,............ 1_1 TEST DATES ..,,..,...1-1CoNTACTS ............. 1_,1 Facility Representative............ ................. 1-1 State Representative.... ..........1-1 HAL (Testing) Representative ..................1-z Analytical Laboratory. .............1-zCERTIF|CAT|ON......... .............. 1_2 CHAPTER 2 . TESTING PROTOCOL AND RESULTS ..................... 2-1 GENERAL SAMPLING PROCEDURES NARRATIVE.......... ,...,.,..,,2-1 EPA METHOD 3C ...2-2 EPA METHOD 22....... ...............2_2CA1CU1AT|ONS........................... ..............2_2 CHAPTER 3 - QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL ................... 3.1 CYCLON|C AND STRATTFTED FLOW........ ...................3_1 REPLTCATTON ...,.,..... ...............3_1 FIELD DATA......... ....................,3-1 LABORATORY ANA1YS|S............ .............. 3_1REFERENCES............ .................... 1 APPENDIX A FIELD NOTES APPENDIX B LABORATORY REPORT APPENDIX C CALCULATIONS APPENDIX D VISIBLE EMISSIONS OBSERVATIONS lntermountain Regional Landfill Performance Test Report ! LIST OF TABLES Table 2-1 Vacuum Readings in lnches of Mercury. .....2-1 Table 2-2 Methane Measurements............ .................2-A '|1 Table 2-3 Regulatory Calculations................ ..............2-3 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 1-1 IRL Facility Map........... ....Afier F-l lntermountain Regional Landfill ii Performance Test Report CHAPTER 1 . INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION Hansen, Allen, & Luce, lnc. (HAL) has conducted the performance test for the non-enclosed flare associated with the landfill gas collection and control system at the lntermountain Regional Landfill (lRL). Under the New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) federal regulations (40 CFR Part 60, Subpart \ AMM and National Emissions Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) federal regulations (40 CFR Part 63, Subpart AAAA), IRL is required to submit a performance test of the non-enclosed flare. The results of this performance test are being used to demonstrate compliance with the flare operational requirements and establish operational parameter ranges. LANDFILL DESCRIPTION IRL is a Class V landfill operating under a Title V Operating Permit (#4900334002 dated December 20,2023) located at 800 South Allen Ranch Road in Fairfield, Utah. The Landfill has been in operation for 13 years, having first accepted waste in2012. The active landfill area is about 72 acres.lRL facilities are shown in Figure 1. TEST!NG LOCATION lntermountain Regional Landfill 800 South Allen Ranch Road Fairfield, Utah 84013 TEST DATES HAL performed the landfillgas sampling on March 11th,2024,which required one workday. Visible emissions observations were performed during each quarter between startup and the landfill gas sampling date. CONTACTS Facil ity Representative Brian Alba, Operations Manager 800 South Allen Ranch Road Fairfield, Utah 84013 801-930-0984 Brian.s.alba@gmail.com State Representative Harold Burge, Major Source Compliance Section Manager Division of Air Quality, Utah Department of Environmental Quality 150 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84114 385-306-6509 hburge@utah.gov lntermountain Regional Landfi ll 1-1 Performance Test Report CHAPTER 1 - INTRODUCTION . CONTINUED HAL (Testing) Representative Joshua Hortin, Project Engineer Hansen, Allen, and Luce, Inc. 859 West South Jordan Parkway Suite 200 South Jordan, Utah 84095 801-566-5599 jhortin@halengineers.com Analytical Laboratory Air Technology Laboratories, lnc. 18501 E Gale Ave, Suite 130 City of lndustry, CA917482655 626-964-4032 CERT!FICATION Based on information and belief formed afier reasonable inquiry, the statements and information in the document are true, accurate, and complete. May 21,2024 Authorized Signature Robert Richards, General Manager Date lntermountain Regional Landfi ll 1-2 Performance Test Report CHAPTER 2 - TESTING PROTOCOL AND RESULTS GENERAL SAMPLING PROCEDURES NARRATIVE The landfill gas was sampled in the common header before the gas moving and condensate removal equipment using the multi-point integrated sampling procedure. EPA Method 3 (EPA, 2017), referenced in EPA Method 3C (EPA, 2023b), requires the sampling point in the duct at a minimum of eight traverse points along two transects for equal times (approximately 2 minutes). The traverse points were located with the assistance of EPA Method 1 (EPA, 2023a). The sampling train was purged of five sampling tubing volumes and screened using a portable landfill gas analyzer to verify the absence of ambient air by comparison to the quality control criteria of EPA Method 25C (EPA, 2023c) and/or stratified flow by EPA Method 7E (EPA, 2018). Specifically, gas from each probe location on two perpendicular transects through the header was screened for methane, carbon dioxide, oxygen, and nitrogen content. While there are no landfill gas content quality control criteria for the performance test, the absence of ambient air was confirmed by the general quality control criteria of EPA Method 25Cl3C, which requires oxygen content in gas samples analyzed by the laboratory to be less than 5 percent, or nitrogen to be less than 20 percent, or the nitrogen/oxygen ratio to be over 3.71 for landfills receiving less than 20 inches of annual precipitation for the past 3 years. The field forms in Appendix A confirm that the oxygen content was less than 5 percent. After purging and verifuing the absence of stratified flow and system malfunction, the sampling train was switched to an evacuated Summa@ canister. A measured volume of landfill gas was then drawn into the canister at a rate of approximately 0.1 liters per minute or less. Flow into the canister was regulated with a needle valve and the flow rate was monitored using a calibrated rotameter. The sampling probe position was adjusted at regular time intervals (two minutes) to eliminate the effects of undetected stratified flow. The leak-check protocol for the Summa@ canisters is to record the vacuum just prior and immediately after sampling at each location, and to record a final vacuum just prior to shipping the Summa@ canisters back to the laboratory. The laboratory measured the vacuum readings upon receipt and HAL compared the readings to the pre-shipment readings to ensure the absence of leaks. Table 2-1 and Appendix A show no signs of leakage before or after sampling or in transit. The increase in vacuum strength at the laboratory compared to after sampling is due to the increase in atmospheric air pressure at the laboratory altitude. The expected increase in vacuum strength, based on historical air pressure measurements, is 3.8 inches of mercury. Table 2-1 acuum in lnches of Merc Canister ID Vacuum at Receipt (-4.500 ft asl) Vacuum Prior to Sampling (-4.500 ft asl) Vacuum after Sampling (-4.500 ft asl) Vacuum at Laboratory (-300 ft asl) 1394 -18 N/A N/A N/A 3744 -18 -18 -1 -5 3103 -18 -18 -1 -5 N4746 -18 -18 -1 -5 N4126 18 -18 0 -5 asl= above sea level lntermountain Regional Landfill 2-1 Performance Test Report Three 32-minute samples were collected from the main header into three Summa@ canisters. Each Summa@ canister was analyzed by the laboratory for methane in triplicate. A fourth sample was collected as a backup in case one of the original samples leaked, but it was not needed or analyzed. After samples were collected the probe was removed, the sampling port was closed. EPA METHOD 3C EPA Method 3C (EPA, 2023b) is used to measure the concentration of methane, nitrogen, and oxygen in the Summa@ canister composite samples. The samples were analyzed in triplicate by the analytical laboratory. Appendix B and Table 2-2 contain the analytical results. Table 2-2 Methane Measurements Sample o/o vlv LFG.2 30 LFG-3 30 LFG.4 29 Average 29.7 EPA METHOD 22 EPA Method22 (EPA,2023d) is used to determine the frequency of visible smoke emissions from flares. Visible emissions observations were performed during each quarter between startup and the landfill gas sampling date. EPA Method 22 was used on March 16,2023, June 27,2023, and September 6,2023. Additionally EPA Method 9 was used on the same dates as EPA Method 22 and additionally December 7, 2023 and March 8, 2024. All events were performed by a certified EPA Method 9 observer. Table 2-3 shows that no visible smoke emissions were reported during any event. Appendix D contains the field forms from these five events. CALCULATIONS Table 2-3 and Appendix C contain the regulatory calculations based on the methane results shown in Table 2-2 and the measured gas flow during the test. The average flame inlet gas net heating value was calculated by the equation shown in 40 CFR 60.18(0(3). The net heating value of methane used was 191.136 kcal/g*mole and the resultant flame inlet gas net heating value is 9.88 MJ/scm, which is greater than the required limit and meets the threshold. The maximum exhaust gas exit velocity was calculated by the equation shown in 40 CFR 60.18(f)(5). The calculated exhaust gas exit velocity was 13.8 feet per second, which was less than the upper limit of 60 feet per second and less than the calculated maximum velocity of 54.5 feet per second. The flow corresponding to an exit velocity of 54.5 feet per second is 1,783 scfm. lntermountain Regional Landfill 2-2 Performance Test Report Table 2-3 Calculations Parameter Applicable Reouirement Average Test Result Flame lnlet Gas Net Heating Value (MJ/scm)>7.45 9.88 Maximum Permitted Flare Exhaust Gas Exit Velocity (feet oer second) N/A 54.5 Flare Exhaust Gas Exit Velocity (feet oer secondl <54.5 13.8 Visual Flare Exhaust Smoke Emissions in a 2-hour Period (minutes:seconds) <5:00 0:00 lntermountain Regional Landfill 2-3 Performance Test Report CHAPTER 3 - QUALITY ASSURANCE AND QUALITY CONTROL CYCLONIC AND STRATIFIED FLOW Gas from each probe location on two perpendicular transects through the header were screened for methane according to EPA Method 7E. The methane measurements at each transect location should be within 5-10% of the mean of methane measurements at all locations. Methane measurements were within the specified limits and therefore stratified flow was not found. Screening results are found in Appendix A. The absence of cyclonic flow by EPA Method 1 does not need to be verified because the conditions specified in EPA Method 1 which may induce cyclonic flow do not exist in the IRL header. REPLICATION The three specified samples serve as replicates for precision; therefore a fourth replicate was collected as a backup sample but was not analyzed because none of the other three cannisters were found to leak in transit. The relative percent difference (RPD) is calculated by: RPD = (C methane,t - Cmetnane,z)r 100(C^"thane,t + Cmethane,z) f 2 The RPDs for methane were less lhan 3.4o/o in allcomparisons, which is acceptable compared to instrument precision of 10-20%. FIELD DATA HAL recorded the Summa canister vacuum readings just before and just after sample collection, the Summa canister serial number, and the sampling start and end times on the field forms. The ambient air temperature and general weather conditions were noted throughout each sampling day. Appendix A contains field data. The collected samples were handled according to best practice general sampling and chain-of-custody procedures and specific laboratory instructions. LABOMTORY ANALYSIS The Quality Assurance and Quality Control (OA/OC) procedures of EPA Methods 3C were observed by the laboratory for instrument operation, calibration, and calibration verification. Appendix B contains this statement. lntermountain Regional Landfill 3-1 Performance Test Report REFERENCES Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (2023a). Method 1-Sample and Velocity Traverses for Stationary Sources. Retrieved January 31, 2024 from https://www.epa.gov /system/files/documentsl2023-0912023o/o20Finalo/o20MSo/o20%20Method%201_0.pdf. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (2017). Method 3-Gas Analysis for the Determination of Dry Molecular Weight. Retrieved January 31, 2024 from https://www.epa.gov/sites /defau lUfile s12017 -081 documents/method_3. pdf. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (2023b). Method 3C-Determination of Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrogen, and Oxygen from Stationary Sources. Retrieved November 7,2023 from https://www.epa.gov/sites/defaultlfiles/2017-08/documents/method_3c.pdf. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (2018). Method 7E-Determination of Nitrogen Oxides Emissions from Stationary Sources (lnstrumentalAnalyzer Procedure). Retrieved January31, 2024 from https://www.epa.gov/sites/defaulUfilesl2018-05/documents/ method_7e_O.pdf. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (2023c). Method 25C-Determination of Nonmethane Organic Compounds (NMOC) in Landfill Gases. Retrieved November 7, 2023 from https://www.epa.gov/sites/defaulUfiles/2017-08/documents/method_25c.pdf. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). (2023d). "Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources Appendix A-7 to Part 60 - Test Methods 19 through 25E". Code of Federal Regulations. Government Printing Office. Retrieved April 19, 2024 from https://www.ecfr.gov/current/title-4O/chapter-l/subchapter-C/part-60/appendix-Appendix %o20 A-7 o/o20to% 20 Pa rt%2060 . I ntermountain Regional Landfill R-1 Performance Test Report Figure 1 IRL Facility Map rz c a r [ / r at e c APPENDIX A Field Notes H[nffilflLm&UrcE*;T?TEffii Intermountein Regional Landlilt Performance Tst Summa Canister Leak Check Date: 3/ll/zoz1 Projoct #: Projcct Managec Iak Checker, (-H 3 lH $rrtrlmc:Inldd Prtourc:Endfimc:Ilnrl Premure: 71'#i -lg 1"sI _tg Noter: Stert Tlme:Inidrl Prcrrnc:Brd llne:FhdPrcrurc: 4: S?-lg lO:0J -18 Notee: Stert lhe:Inltld Prcriurc:End llnc:FhrlPrcrure: lo: oto -,E forlz -t8 Notcc: Stertfime:Inldrl Prcgnrd:End IInc:Flnd Pregurc: lD'" t't -t(lo. z)-18 Notcr:SL,*J a{ lo,lt bd anlc{iur a{ lo,-lq Strrt Tlme:Inltlrl Prorure:End IIne:Flnd Prcsurc: lo:51 _t6 lo'- to -t8 Noter: eA signature' ilrl &A* Hf,NffiT[[r.En f,,IIIGE* rrortatia trfor,, arta f"tt ffi Sampling Fleld Form Drtei 7/l /24 PnoJect Mrnager:Lu)k,d Llun,, Field Perronnoh f,oslr Hr4^Froject #:37g.ot , b.l W|trd from: 561 at { 1 r"rolt Temp: ,1- F Itrtdrl htqrc:Cfrfh CAc/o Of/o Nr%ttrnplc $trrt TIme:FlowRrte SrmplcEnd Tllrcr FlnelPrcmrc: 3t.t 70.9 4,1 u,1 I r:n 6FA l.':E U/} Notcc:$le transc'{Sh'.ttf.t*tr"rt cht"L na lafipleJ Inldd Prrrrnrl:Cfif/t COf/o Ot'/o NtTo SenplcShrt fimc:IIowRrte SrmplcEnd TIme:Ftnd Prenurc: {2,{3t.u 5,8 21. \l: lq 6E$lr38 Ir/r Notel:$L trarr-t Irtdd Pmrrrrre:CEt'/.COf/o Az'/o NrTc Srmplc Strrt Tlmer Flow Rrte SemphDnd Tlne:Ftnel Prercure: tlt,tl ]q1 {,o Ll,6 1:31 Gtf*l, {t t)/A Notcr:S\la tr*nte.I IDfti.t Pniruno:CE.f/o COzt/o Oz'/t NrTo Semple Stert Tlme:Flow Rrte Semple End Tlnc:Find Prcrure: Notcs: QA Signature: MT E1ITG fa.$rrvruc- Ta+ .TfcrII+til€C Sampling Field Form Dete: g lillA PnorectMrnrgcr: lt)ttvo Ntan Project #z 31Z,ol.Zstl Field Penonnd: SuSh lt* ", Werther Condltlonr: 9 Wind from: g W et u 7 rrp t\ Temp: 5i7 " F hIhl Prcrure:Cfri'/o COf/o OtVo Ntt/c SupleStut firne:FtouRrte SrmfleEnd Ilme:FlndPrcllw: 31,l u,l 3,q zs.l l', LZ 4Ey\I' zt Lr/A Notee:Vcrttrrt tqryg4 **S{.lr*forr checL n0 sarrnplcS hldd Prcrrurel cE/.h CoaUl OrV.NrTo SupeStrrt Tlme:FlowRrtc SrurplcDnd Tlmc:Flnel Prcrurt: H,T 1r.l 3.1 2€.1 l:Lt 6rn 1.5 r NA Noter:tls"ttcal transect Inidrl hormrer CEl./o COf/c Ozt/o &%Srnple Strrt TImc:Itlow Rrte SempleDnd Tlmc:Flnal Prumr,e: ,\,9l,o 3,1 ?.5.t|t:9L Qrn I't4 p/a Notcr: Ua+c..I tl,.tnsc* Inlflil Prelrurc:CEf/o cu%Of/c NrTo SrmpleStut fime:Flow Rrte Srmplc End Tlme:I'lnd hesurc: Noter: eASignature' il^t-}Jt't +7Jr ?oc,$"rnnz T.d ffi Sampllng Fleld Fonn Date t/tt /ut Proiec,t * Z7Z.6E,?itl Pnoicct Mrnrgcr: Aada,, , llva ro Fleld Pononnet: Tosh Llortia. WeatherConaffionc: Pt,hrctuol# wUofrom: 5q7 rt a,1 ryL. Temp: SzoF Irmrl Prrgrnrer Cfu'/o COz'/o Of/o Nrt/o Srufh Strrt nilG:Florv Rrtc SuplcDnd Tlnc:FlnrlPnclurc: -18 4t. r 52,;3.2 2.2.{.'z ., ot rT 1a AL/,.t,.?,tll o Notcr:3 tL,rrrr tl.{rrfe er tr.&rt ItrIdd Prormrc:CE%COtVc Ozc/t NrTo SrrybSt rt fine:nffi Rrte SrnphEEd The:Flul Prucrt: Notec: Inldd Prerrrrmr Cfr,f/C COf/o AV.Nr'6 S.nphStrrt finc:Flow Rrtc SrnphEnd fime:nnel helure; Notc!: hldrl Prunre:CEf/c COf/o Of/o Nf/o SmphStert Thncr Flow Rrte SrmphEnd Tlmel Flnd hcrcurc: Notes: oASisnature. ht[* {[El-r H[nffir[[r.En E.IITGE*+ttoltltia P.rd-.narrt c T,rt ffi Sampllng Fleld Form Drte: 3/l/ z4 ProJect Manrger: Aa)rta tlvata ProJoct * 31t.08. ?p4 Fldd Penonnek Jkh lk#n lVertherCondldonr: Cb,.rrl5 Whdfrom: y' rt u-t qll|ll Temp: g?o F Inlfid Prunrrc:CHfA COf/o Ozt/t Itrr/o $unpleStrrt llno:FlowRrtc Srmptc End Tlmc:FlndPlcrre: -lt 3r. t b,b Z,E 7s.dl z:58 lo rl/n,'3,3e--t Notcr: Inlflrl hrrinra:CHf/o COt'/c Azt/c Nr'6 Srirph $trrt Thncr HowRrtc SenpleDnd Ilnc:Flnrt Prcmrc: Noter: Iddrl Prcrmrrur CHr'/o COt'/o O2V.Nr'/o S.nphStlrl Tlme:Flow Rrtc SrmphEnd Tlnc:Flnrl Prcuurc: Noter: Intdrl Pmmrrrer CEf/c ChY.Ozt/t Nrt/r $rmple Strrt TIrner IIow Rrtc SrmphEnrl fimc:Flnd Prcceurc: Noter: QASignature,ffi H[ITsETolLEr EIUGE* txSttttil ?ert<r..erul- Test -Tie+{+tifo& Sampllng Fteld Fom Dete 3ln / z4 Prorcct #z 31r,Dt .?sl ProJectMrnrger: hdnu Alv, ro Fleld Perronna: SoSk flofi rt WeatherCondiffonr: PaalJ Croyl, Windfrom: [^/ tt g *\ Temp: 57. F Inl6d Prcsure:CAf/t COz'/t OtVc NrTo Sinph Shrt llrnc:FlewRrtc SruplcEnd Tlne:Flnrl Pnerrure: -\8 31,8 32, S 3,)zq,5 3r3t 40r,ufn,.t ltt4 -l Noter:VTsirt"tc 4u \p,..-t'.rd \t ["r ch.,5;*1 to.rc;ut1.. Itrlfld Prerlrne:CHf/o COf/o Af/o Nr'/r Sruple Sbrt flmc:Flow Rrtc StnpleDnd Tlne:Ilnrl Prcrrurc: -l[37,9 7z,i 3. I 2€.1 {,1'l 1o ^ufn;,1 {'so -t Noter: Inl6d Prcmura:ctu%COz'/o Oz'/o Nr96 S.nplc Strrt Tlne:FtowRrte SemplcEnd TIme:Flnd Plerrurc: Notcr: Itrtdd Prrrorro:CHt'/.COtVo Orlo Nrt/o SrnphStrt fime:Flow Rrtc SuplcEnd TIrne:F'hd Prerrure: Noter: QASignature'& I8 IR t\ITt* lc ; I;t: lol€to lIlol<oltctEoiloct )6glIoo.EgcoIotrozll=JoIJ!E.96toU,ITLctoC)oEoIt:,C) !citoo'dooo(UJ3Io€.g-C i=,. 1 zO, Fi liol CE i Fi 9i6 o-co=F@5oC) cl ) o- lxtuI'o, l!s.Y6=.: : .oEo.ga, !oFEoro2EILooo-Fut= oGooul trooFa=olrozIo Lori ioo, Et r H oo ! ;; I 'o o l oo l HE E E gd = = -0 , ! . c eu , o :,co=EcI oul3oIUEc2oJz lt tulotru, lzuto tr t r t r t r :l OE E E O U II J I. l J II J II I J J uJ.Foz:,oEzGfF tr D t r 60 6 oo o E' , E @N @ !t h - OEI t r t r P, { t tEE E ; I E $ 6 c,zJ6 o:ci I oo 3d A t U3 N I V I N O ! xr u l v t l 3t I t l 3' t d t 4 t v s 3l v o :l ' I d l , r v s F.E g fF (/ ) - E; €5 . u s *B 3 E qE B B ;; 8 g lo >. . .. P5 f , . I (l l , ' ' os Jd ' o' i z* -bot ll J - o o( !=z oooo ts ' ts ' tt EEoa.oE \c6aEo() ss .. 8 EAgs ta o x{q!osoq. G6 zoFoILtrzlueutJo.=a]2ou. lo=E5 PRESSU RIZATION LOGBOOK lnitial Pressure Final Pressure Dilution Gas Dilution Gas Lot # ClienU Comments Eot llo3 - o'l 1 11 1 1 ?frft ?lol Logbook #22Approved bylDate:-Laborabriee lnc. Paoe 84ot202 APPENDIX B Laboratory Report ECHNOLOGY March 26,2024 Hansen, Allen & Luce,Inc. ATTN: Joshua Hortin 859 W South Jordan Pkwy, South Jordaru UT 84095 I of3 R031404 LA Ccrt #04140 EPA M.thodr TO3, TO1.|A TOr5, 2SCtgC, ASTM 01946, R8K-175 D( C€nT10470445Gi4€ EPA Meu|o(b TOlrtA TO15 UT C€rt CA013333201$3 EPA Mdho& TOB, TOi4A TOts, R8K-175 LAB ORATORY TEST RESULTS Project Reference: IRL Performance Test Project Number: 373.0 Lab Number: R031404-01104 Enclosed are results for sample(s) received 3lWn4by Air Technology taboratories. Sample was received intact. Analyses were performed according to specincations on the chain of custody provided with the sampl{s). Report Narative: Unless othenvise noted in the repor! sample analyses were performed within method performance criteria and meet all requirements of the T}r|1 Standards. The enclosed results relate only to the sample(s). Preliminary results were e-mailed to Joshua Hortin on3t}St}4. ATL appreciates the opportunity to provide testing services to your company. If you have any questions regarding these results, please call me at (626) ggdoli. Sincerely, 0, oQtrc,,/,,./. Mark Johnson J/ Operations Manager MJohnson@AirTechlabs. com Note: The cover letter is an integral part of this analytical report. 18501 E. Gale Avenua, Suite 130 o City of lndustry, CA 91748 o Ph: (626) 961H032 o Fx: (626) 96+5S32 to \ loIN lh t t:s0<oE6IooilE(UoI(,ot6.D Ioo.socooq,cozltzJoII-E.9(6aooE(LooooEoo5o.Y.Eo.ah .9ooo!oJ=-96cUo==2otr fctrF9.o -,t fs f qs 4E =t ' - \ TF *6 s -r + !D - * -{ Eq t $1 a r Tb. _ t>;sfi{\{C ,t<r3J IJ )aI .1)E<st I4EJOJ LGu<a:PJ zr ( Q\ # h\ NEoE :rF !!:5. \ t1.:Ici "JarSs ;. )*4*a.{ \) Ite5g{\, qIIII( gTFDI(o!fI!,Ir o: qJI, \ !\sL c0Juid llu+ I u!i(-I oEo=FofooU) (LlxUJEoTLsJG'=oco.ga, !EEoo.U'zEFltooolr l= =!{ i. = ih\ .d RI3t ,l .3J Ea, g f5ifd\ s ctn^) g- D=$\\0 . Di, r ' IX3L - tA!I U!bt(a otrcolr J trooFoolro=Io ltolr Ja5o. tr t r H oo o ;; I oo l oo l AE E E g6 = =5E = 5 ofCoET' tro() oul=olr l .Eooz UJotrUJ lr J6 tr t r t r D 3l ol r g { oo i f , r i f , r uJ lL , l J J az f" \ + ? w vJ e a x x v II J=ozfotrztr3 Dt r t r 9. 9 . p ff foo o @o t ( o tf \ o r x[ n n pF o €E E s 3, 8 N 6 c,zE ciec,c u\!tTdoo rd A l U3 N I V I N O ' .JJ .- s I J.- , \ xr u l v h l .$uJ "E ' llJ !S ' &J sttJ lr , l l 1 ll d n v s OO t,* teGOt^ g-s 3I V O 3' l d W V S cl ii =N-\t\ {rA 't. lh E.E s fN25 i5 . u s O. } Y E q€ B $ H; E B lr ) >. ' .. PE f , I (l l . ' os Jaos z€ .i(r t ll J * d o6=a ouooB' E [q itoaotr lIId{!l _1 1 .. c . 1 Jr, laJ.. r l dd4\cEaE ll olol ,. 4 |J rf rH'o f l _4d!r]e .J IJ,JEo6saD ir { rlfl1I$"{$E$o ,r l TI s) l +l slxG\€otrIa. olwlsIuA.a1t ,J -t l 3tai<l -+ , 1 ulol -c l -- GFo zoF(, lrtrzIUou, lJq.=o -. I tl?.zIaS* -. } :rl.f,z$lts!lJ \nogO tf l I\l$: ,JEt-ct :rt.sr}J Jzoruo36J ;toTe. qoCJ Not cI Js\) 3 of3 R03 1404 Client: Attn: Project Name: Project No.: Date Received: Matrix: Hansen, Allen & Lucer Inc. Joshua Hortin IRL Performance Test 373.0 3114t2024 Air Fixed Gases by EPA METHOD 3C Lab No.:R031404-02 R031404-03 R031404-04 Client Sample I.D.:LFG-2 LFG.3 LFG-4 Date/Time Sampled:3llll2414:58 3/lll2415:38 3llll2416z19 Date/Time Analyzed:3116124 0:28 3/16124l:12 3lt624lz55 QC Batch No.:2403l5GC8Al 2403lsGCEAl 2403l5cc8Al Analyst Initials:RC RC RC Dilution Factor:3.2 3.2 3.2 ANALYTE (Units)Result RL Result RL Result RL tlitrogen P/n vlv\3l 3.2 32 3.2 32 3.2Dxygen/Argon (%ovtvl 3.4 1.6 3.5 1.6 3.6 1.6 Carbon Dioxide (oh vtvl 32 0.032 32 0.032 32 0.032Vlethane (yo vtvl 30 0.0032 30 0.0032 29 0.0032 RL = Reporting Limit ND = Not detected at or above the RL. Reviewed/Approved By: Mark Johnson Operations Manager The cover letter is an integral part ofthis analytical reporl AITTEGH NOLOGY Laboratories, lnc. 18501 E.GabAvenue,suitel30 o crlyof tndustry,cAg174a t ph:(626)9644032 t Fx:(626)g6+0a32 APPENDIX C Calculations A B c D 1 2 Calcutation Formuta 3 Average flow rate during test, scfm 452.7 4 Flare diameter, inches 10 I 6 Ftare tip unobstructed area, square feet Ftare tip exit vetocity, feet per second 0.5s 13.8 =Pl}*(C311212l,"2 =C2l60lC4 A B c D 1 2 Calcutation Formula 3 Net heat of combustion of methane, kcaUg mote 191.136 4 Average Methane Content, % 29.7 T 6 Average MethaneContent, ppm 297000 Constant t.74E-07 =C4*10000 7 Ht, MJ/scm 9.88 =ROUND(C6"C5*C3,2) 8 Vmax, m/s 16.60310347 =10"((C7+28.8)137.7) 9 Vmax, fUs S4.s =ROUND(C8*3.28,1) APPENDlX D Visible Emissions Observations EPA METHOD 22. FUGITIVE EMISSIONS OBSERVATION FORM Company (EL lAbFr* l'la.o'D6e . LLc Location got 5o.r\ 0uat Rhn^c AtD Company Rep. &,nJ [.a. Observer TED t'ht,.ld Affiliation 1b|,SU, flurtu I tuu Date g/tt/23 Sky Conditions e-N$ Precipitation O WindDirection florr}l(nSf Wind Speed Ll'l WA Industry P$t) lAPoftu" Process Unit Le# Fr-np,€ For more details on recording this data and taking breaks, see #7 and #10 in Method 22 - Summary & FAQ.pdf End Observation Clock Observation period Accumulated Time duration, emission time, (minutes:seconds) (minutes:seconds) cD:m ,$b l2o(oQ Oo r0o Sketch process unit: indicate observer position relative to source; indicate potential emission points and/or actual emission points. 4fbqoe /4il [ln, ?,nD OBSERVATIONS Begin Observation To complete this form, l0'.jo oo:o$ record the following:' o the initial clock time o the total time of the observation (from SWI) o the total time of emissions (from SW2), and o the final clock time. CompenyName r O J-r.hERn4oudntN I<anpnu Lroo,. l'ocrtion g$ ,!wu A,* ]zo.r,, P.* City fIlrFpD Strtc th Zio' Bllo3 Proccss Equlpmcttt operrting Modc Control Equipmcnt a6*,nartE tunpg oo'Tfl*,T' Dcscribc Emission Point 6,lorar,,, €aE _ Cor.r,.6 t,<e,rrJ Height of Emission Point .35 A. Hcight Rclrtivc to Obscn,cr sr.r. O Erd O Distencc to EmiEsior Point sun l?o fi e"a 2fo ft Direction lo Emission Point $.il l)51pl End il^*x V.nhtl A.gl. ro Ob&n.tior Pt.$rn O Eid O lrrectiu tc Obr.. $.fl (ifl{t Poinrtm (-qr lrcacribc f,missions Slrn ('opN6 6^*f,id Emission Color ".,,, (1p1yq Ed Ct6afL lf Wrter Droplet Plumc tCirclcp-\ Alt.chcd Ddichcd \ lll Polnt Io Thc Plumr At Which Oprcity Wes Dctcrmined v srrrr Z- (l f,rd L-A Dcscribc Plumc Brckground shil ,fI , Dral ,1r\ar9 f,nd Sff . Dr11 -.s.rhBrckgrouid Color srr.rf[r( 6*r,.N ",, 8ua/6"n1 Sky Condition $rrr @-Jofl rid o-b% lVind Specd sl"a Ll-V E'd 4-7 Wind Dircction sllil ilt ,.u lrE Ambicnt Tcmp sr,n fJoF .nd ?3tf Wct EulbT..p pa Rlf Pcrccnt sa2 VISIBLE EMISSION OBSERVATION FORM Additionel lnformrtlon Continut on rcversc sidc Observrtlon Datc ShLlzz Strrr Timc lo il{f,ud Time l',t,a \- sccMiil\0 t5 30 45 Commcntr I o 0 o o 2 0 o o o o 3 o o o o Olat{ n o o o o 5 o o o o 5 0 o o o 1 I 9 10 t1 t2 13 1a 15 15 t7 18 19 20 2t 22 21 2t 25 26 21 2e 29 3o SOI]RCE LAYOTIT SKETCE Einssl(n ots$f,RvA'l'tot\ FOINT DRA\1' NORTII ARPON Obscrver's Nrmc (Print)"t* l^[,.",' Obsen'cr'sSignrr"r, f/ /,/ _ Dete 3-t6-73 Orgerlzrtion llo^wJ, A,,'., I t,,n Certified by Df,te 3-t3-24 EPA METHOD 22 - FUGITIVE EMISSIONS OBSERVATION FORM Company floc t.orEr1r g!Dur6(,l-lz. I Ob.e*", Teo Urru Location ?F 5o.crt iue^t ?Par ?*u I I amtiution HrrrGY , At!o) | ue Company Rep. f3!'.,) &..e I Out. tfuhs Sky Conditions fi-ft%, Precipitation o Wind Direction +h f,o'ru 6'"xt"rrr Wind Speed 'l-7 mtt Industry fitsn Lron, Process Unit LGa fuu Sketch process unit: indicate observer position relative to source; indicate potential emission points and/or actual emission points. OBSERVATIONS Begin Observation To complete this form, record the following: o the initial clock time o the total time of the observation (from SWI ) o the total time of emissions (from SW2), and o the final clock time. For more details on recording this data and taking breaks, see #7 and # l0 in Method 22 - Summary & FAQ.pdf Clock Observation period Accumulated Time duration, emission time, (minutes:seconds) (minutes:seconds) fbs 00,.a oo:on End Observation tw ta.'.C0!c6 s $6"r -El 0 llnu ?-lD E D { omttrnJ 13,'r Comornv Nrmcr'urtrPruv r!'u'r fuil""^**l Qr^*n L-'r.- lncetion qP Aa luo, t,ull. ?.*, cih' Fh Strtc ltr 7)n'E16 ProccssEqulpmcrt _upcrrlitrg Modc Cortrol Equipmeot /.lxrttsrLt Rfr Opcrlting Modr tLarrar. Is3lon PolIt(Arrrrallll:t- (n* ' f^l-* **,a:tl Hclght of Emisdon Point ? 35' Height Rchtivc to Obocrvcr s.,r i $t .., {3Ol Distrncc to Emissiol Poiot s.rrr ,O n"a f@ Dircction to Emirsion Polnt s*r lfffi Eld tlml Vcnkrl Ar!1. to Ohrnrtlo h. Srn E.d ILrclior io Ota.mtlor Poartert f,9fi Ed J61t lrcrcribc l,mlsrions xy (@ Drd CoPp(1 Emission Color srm LLSA Ed ctat- lf Wrtcr Droplct Plrmc (Circlc) Attrcbcd Dctrchod ,6 Polnt la Thc Plumc At Which Oprclty \ilrs Dctermincd sr-l 2& f,nd 2& Dcscribc Plumc Background x." fisr SW f-d &w Sly Bechground Color u,r [,gf Ed/116 Sky Cordltion s-a lgg uo @. Wiod Spccd x.n $.V Ed e-? Wind Dlrcctloa s,'., $U .,.-6U( Ambicnt Tcmp *m$ "*VS Wtt BulbTcmR,RH Pcrceat 3lz VISIBLE EMISSION OBSERVATION FORM Inlw NORTTIANNOW Additionrl lnformrtioo Continuc on rcvcrsc lidc Obscrvrtion Dttc bh2IL1 Strrt Timchaq End Time ,&11\- scaMib\0 t5 30 45 Commcnts I D o o 0 2 o s 6 (9 (a 3 0 o o q d, ,,Y a o t o s l'L\ 5 D o o o 6 o s o o 1 8 9 10 11 t2 13 la l5 16 17 18 19 20 2t 22 23 2a 25 26 27 28 29 30 Obscrvcr's Nrmc (Print)h l-L,rob,..,c..ste)ff;/ /?Detci,Ltb Orgrrlzrtion-''--*"^rhet. rt*, / 1,- Ctrtificd by OhtlIE* Drtc?-/r'8 EPA METHOD 22 - FUGITIVE EMISSIONS OBSERVATION FORM Company ?*Ur** [c.sra5, ttr- Location 69 firru nDEl Bt"tt ED Company Rep. &np A-@ Observer f@ uvsa Affiliation $ga.t.apt I ^a Date Sky Conditions O-5% Precipitation 0 Wind Direction 5 Wind Speed (7 Industry fL's\) Process Unit (,wcttn* Fua Sketch process unit: indicate observer position relative to source; indicate potential emission points and/or actual emission points. (h X &r;t*,tpt i.ft llrrt ?ED OBSERVATIONS Begin Observation To complete this form, record the following: o the initial clock time o the totaltime of the observation (from SWI) o the totaltime of emissions Clock Time ltss Observation period duration, (minutes:seconds) rb:oo Accumulated emission time, (minutes:seconds) 0otoo (from SW2), and the final clock time. For more details on recording this data and taking breaks, see #7 and # l0 in Method 22 - Summary & FAQ.pdf End Observation lZo'.oo a0:o6 VISIBLE EMISSION OBSERVATION FORM ,,u.or,,,u & $4r At-, PrM y* Ur I g'ltz,3 PROCESS EOUIPMENl sPERATING MODE -CONTROT EOUIPMENT &c;asqr Fr* UTEXAI ING MODE thnaru UTSCHIEE EMISSION POINT HEIGHTASOVE GROUND I.EVEI. a38 fr sTARr b0 EMD %* s,^^r 75 A ENo ?6 (l DIRECTION FROM OBSERVER .r^., ljgf Eilo Lfn YERTICAL ANGLE TO PLUME {ORIZOMTAL ATJGLE TO PTUME DESCRIBE EMISSIONS sr4s1 (*rlo Ef,D 6arrel6 EMISU U9LL'I( rro"r 4€f,T ENo AEilP- IF TMTER DROPLET PLUME rrncxeo [ ] oe ragreof-'l xe)(l rVIN I IN I NE TLUUts AI ffiIUH 9PAGIIY WAS DETERMINED srART ZA Ef,o 2 0 !r48r S)t\ Eilo fu'l ;ranr 3rr( 8Y exo ?ruC 5f,'KY CONDITIONS 'TART trZ ,r, VZ WINU tiI'ETU ;r*r O'Z Eip O-2 ;rARr 6{$ .*o l -tH ,ro, A1 Fm C1 rLD tEMr JXHpetoenlI ttz STACKwlTH T) PLUME v_ suN + WNO \\ SOURCE LAYOUT SKETCH -> *6"- OBSERVER'S POSITION # SUN TOCATION tINE OBSE TT qRT rrME IIND r'l,{FUo3 I lofl \srcviN ,l Cofr4Lll Nl: 0 o $ 0 _9 o o o o s c o A 0 o 0 o 5 o o o o 6 o o o o 7 8 I t0 1t 12 t3 t4 15 16 17 t8 tg 20 21 22 23 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 ]BSERVER'S NAME (PRINT)./T, L1*,)BsEwER'ssryffzfu '"'7/6a, )RGANIZATION - llorcA, lua) I lou )ERTIFIED BY OruITEE. )ATE Sthh-g Compeny Nrne figlll*nr^rturo 5L^* t r'Jhu l,ocrtion City Fmrl*o Stitcur zio Qltto3 Proccss f,quipmcnt - opcrrting Modt Control Equipmcnt I-a.rrcsrr,r. 9r-aor Opcreting Modr lls..l Dcstribc Enisslon Point Hcight of Emission Poiot -fi4 Hclght Rchtivc to 0bccrvcr st" A€ n,o$ft Dirtrncc to Emissior Poinl s..rr ltO ft Eod Dircction to Emission Point sr.n )) .,. h) V.rlic.l Artlc l. Obr.maho l't. $m f,ad Ixrcdim to Ohr.Mtirtr Poinrsrril J nal -J Dclcribc Emisrions s.rr. bH, E.d Cl!0l- Emission Color Sren {S!Q. rnd Olm0- lf Wrtcr Droplct Plomr (Circlc) -,Attrchcd Dcteclcd f Nly Point h Thc Ptume At Which Oprcity Wrs Dctcrmincd \/ sr.n t& Erd lft Dcscribe Plumc Brckground s."r /ran 6y.i E d t4.Ae- j},y Brckground Color *n ffi hd |11!1!l Sky Cordition sr.d b? End 92 Wind Spccd srrn 8.3 rrd fl.lg Wind Dircction s.rr U Eod hl Ambicnl Tcmp srn clll ena 4tl Wct Bulb Tcmp RH Pcrccnt n9, VISIBLE EMISSION OBSERVATION FORM Additionrl lnformrtinn Contirut oo rcvcrsc sidc Obscrvrtioo Detc W?tzo?g Strrt Timr lola End Timc l0:16 \- :icc M}IF\0 r5 30 45 Commctrts 1 0 o t D 2 0 0 o 0 f>r 3 o e 6 o hl.tt\) I 0 0 a CI " l'lA 5 0 s o o 6 0 o -4 s 7 6 9 10 11 t2 13 1a 15 16 t7 18 19 20 27 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 SOURCE LAYOIIT SKETCII E[tllsil(,! uB$xRta'l'loN rn.Aw NORTTI Annoll POSITIO] Obscrvcr's Neme (Print) A Uo'.rrot"*ilff)\lL Ihtc t2/?/a3 Orguizrrion IJr..l<s.r lr'-,t n lttG Ccrtiticd by flMtr!.?EY- Drteqlt,h" Comornv Nrmc lntermountain Reqional Landfi ll l-ocrtion 800 South Allen Ranch Road Citv' Fairfield tt'ttrh ziP g4103 Proccu Eqllpncei Opcrrti[g Modr Cortrol Equipmclt ,I {rlncrrrru C Opcntirg Modc ll-orer Ihrcrlbc Emlrrlon Polrt Hcight of Emission Poiot 4{c Hcfht Rclrrivo to Ob&rucr x,"tlb h Etd ,7L $ I)lslrncc to Emlsrior Poilt sr.n lS ft Ed |(o S, Dirtctior lo Emi$ion Polnt S.tn n E.d n V?nk.l Altk to Ob.nrtio h. Sarr D,rd Dlcl-. ro Otmtiet ?.ht S.r.i .1 Eod 7 Docribc Emi*rionr srrrr lrftr;! E!. totnPb Emlulol Color tun CtrEcA r-a Cls,l If Wrtcr Dnoplct Plrm. (Circl.) Attrcbcd llctrcf,cd @ Poirt ln Thc Plumc At Wtich Opeclty lUer Dctcrolrtd s.r'r i {l Erd I Q DC3CnDC rtumc nrcXgrolrd s.ln Lt*r,iol rrd C19qu91 Brckgrourd Color s, Ullt6 sd LrlltE Sky Corditior *" SoqB "n 8f1 rillnd Spccd s..il O.5 Ed o€ Wlad Dlrrctlon $rn e .nE Atnbiclt Tcmp sr.rr 39 tra trLl Wct Bulb Tcmp RH Pcrccet VISIBLE EMISSION OBSERVATION FORM SOI'RCE LAYOITT SKETCH Ertls$ottr oail&l'A110n DR W N()RfltAnnow Additionrl hformrtion UTAH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIry DIVISION OFAIR OUALITY Coalinuc on rcvcrrc ridc Obccnrtiol Dett 3hh',{strrt rimcrrl{B lEnd rimc \- sacMiN 0 ls 30 {5 Coftcatr 1 o s o o { ll,. 2 0 $D 6 . /I0Y/ 3 o o o t oYf' " a o o o o 5 0 o o 0 6 o D 0 0 7 8 9 10 11 L2 13 1a 15 16 17 18 19 20 2\ 22 23 2l 23 26 27 28 29 30 Obrcrvcr'c Nemc (Print) - Ted Wallace obscncr.ssrgn.yA 1Z Detr ?/e/21 Orgrnizrtiol Hansen, Allen & Luce Ccrtilicd by DrtCgt11t23