HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-0077761 DAQC-PBR083190001-24 Site ID 8319 (B1) MEMORANDUM TO: FILE – QUINEX ENERGY CORPORATION – Mary RU 278 THROUGH: Rik Ombach, Minor Source Oil and Gas Compliance Section Manager FROM: Kyle Greenberg, Environmental Scientist DATE: April 30, 2024 SUBJECT: OIL AND GAS PERMIT-BY-RULE EVALUATION _____________________________________________________________________________________ INSPECTION DATE: February 21, 2024 SOURCE LOCATION: Mary RU 278 Lat:40.394656 Long: -109.942783 Business Office: 465 South 200 West #300 Bountiful, UT 84010 SOURCE TYPE: Tank Battery Uintah County API: 4304731845 SOURCE CONTACTS: Brad Wells, Corporate Environmental Contact Email: brad@quinexenergy.com OPERATING STATUS: Operating PROCESS DESCRIPTION: Oil and gas products are brought to the surface. These products go through a separator where the oil and any water products are sent to storage tanks and the gas is used to power equipment on site (pump jack engine, tank heater, separator, flare, combustor, etc.) Any remaining gas is sent to a pipeline that feeds a local gas plant. The oil and process water in the storage tanks is loaded into tanker trucks and hauled off site for processing and disposal. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R307-500 Series for the Oil and Gas Industry, and UAC R307-201: Emission Standards: General Emission Standards; and UAC R307-150: Emission Inventories, and 40 CFR 60 Subpart OOOO. SOURCE EVALUATION: Site Type: PBR- Controlled Controlled by flare Site powered by Engine 2 The source registered: 10351 Estimated Oil BBL. DOGM current 12 month rolling production is: 9,735 bbls. Utah Statute R307-506 requires a source with throughput greater than 8,000 BBLs to have controls. REGISTERED EQUIPMENT: 2 – 500 bbl crude oil tanks; 1 – 500 bbl produced water tank; 1 – 500 bbl emergency tank; 1 – Separator; 1 – 3 MMBtu/hr Boiler (heat trace); 1 – Combustor; 1 – Electric engine pumpjack General Provisions VOC emissions are minimized as reasonably practicable by equipment design, maintenance and operation practices. [R307-501-4(1)] Out of Compliance. At the time of the inspection the DAQ documented the following violations: - Fugitive VOC emissions from the water dump valve associated with the on-site separator. - Fugitive VOC emissions from Oil Tank #3. Leak was observed to be coming from under the insulation of the tank. Air pollution control equipment is designed and installed appropriately, maintained and operated to control emissions. [R307-501-4(2)] In Compliance. Vessel vent lines are sloped away from the flare inlet or to a separation vessel (scrubber). [R307-501-2] In Compliance. Flare inlet lines are equipped with a fire arrestor, pressure gauge, inlet pressure regulating valve and other components according to the engineering design, the manufacturers specifications or good practices for safety and emissions control. [R307-501-2] In Compliance. Pneumatic Controllers Continuous bleed natural gas-driven pneumatic controllers are in compliance with 40 CFR 60.5390 or 60.5390a as applicable. Exemptions to tagging and record keeping requirements apply to controllers existing before 12/1/2015. [R307-502-4] In Compliance. Quinex confirmed that all pneumatic controllers on site are low bleed and have a bleed rate less than or equal to 6 standard cubic feet per hour. Flares Any flare has an operational auto-igniter. [R307-503-4] In Compliance. 3 Tank Truck Loading Truck loading is done by bottom filling or submerged fill pipe [R307-504(1)] In Compliance. A vapor capture line is used during truck loading if subject to storage vessel emissions controls of R307-506-4(2). Effective 7/1/2019 for sources existing before 1/1/2018, and upon construction for new sources.[R307-504-4(2)] In Compliance. Oil and Gas Industry Registration Requirement The source is registered with the DAQ. [R307-505-3(3)] In Compliance. Registration has been updated within 30 days of a company name change, removal or addition of control devices, or termination of operations. [R307-505-3(3)] In Compliance. Storage Vessels Thief hatches are kept closed and latched. [R307-506-4(1)] In Compliance. VOCs from storage vessels are recycled, recovered or controlled by a device that is compliant with R307-508. Exempt if <8000 bbls crude oil per year, <2000 bbls condensate, or if uncontrolled emissions are <4 tons VOC per year.[R307-506-4(2)(a)] In Compliance. DOGM records show that the well produced 9,735 bbls of crude oil in the reporting periods from March 2023 through February 2024. The storage vessels are controlled with a combustor. Emissions from emergency storage vessels are controlled according to R307-506-4(2), or are only used in emergencies, are emptied within 15 days of receiving fluids and are equipped with a liquid level gauge. [R307-506-4(4)] In Compliance. Upon modification, the well site was re-evaluated against the thresholds of R307-506-4(2). [R307-506-4(6)] Not applicable. Well has not been modified since the previous inspection conducted on October 27, 2022. 4 Records for each of the following are kept for three years: Storage vessel vent system inspections (openings, thief hatches, pressure relief devices, bypasses, etc.), if required Monthly crude oil throughput Emission calculations, actuals and sampling data when used to justify an exemption to storage vessel rules Emergency storage vessel usage (dates used, emptied, and volumes), if not controlled per R307-506-4(2) [R307-506-5] In Compliance. Records were reviewed and made available when asked. See attached records from March 2023 through April 2024. The emergency storage vessel is controlled by the combustor on-site and Monthly crude oil throughput is not required for Emission calculations due to the throughput being greater than 8,000 bbls. VOC Control Devices The VOC control device(s) required by R307-506 or R307-507 has a control efficiency of 95% or greater, operates with no visible emissions and has an operational auto-igniter according to R307-503. [R307-508-3(1)] In Compliance. No visible emissions were observed from the combustor during the time of inspection. Combustor was lit and operating during the time of inspection. Monthly AVO inspections are conducted on VOC control devices and associated equipment, and corrective actions are taken within 15 days. [R307-508-3(3)] In Compliance. See attached records from March 2023 through February 2024. The following records are kept: VOC control device efficiency, for life of the equipment Manufacturer operating and maintenance instructions for VOC control devices, for life of the equipment AVO inspections of the VOC control device(s), associated equipment and any repairs, for 3 years. [R307-508-4] In Compliance. AVO inspections are conducted on the VOC control device, see attached records. Leak Detection and Repair The source has an emissions monitoring plan. [R307-509-4(1)(a)] In Compliance. The monitoring plan addresses difficult-to-monitor and unsafe-to-monitor components. [R307-509-4(1)(b)] In Compliance. 5 If emissions control is required, monitoring surveys are conducted to observe each fugitive emissions component for fugitive emissions. [R307-509-4(1)(c)] In Compliance. Initial monitoring surveys were within 60 days after startup for new sources. Subsequent surveys are semi-annual for regular components, annual for difficult-to-monitor components, and as required by the monitoring plan for unsafe-to-monitor components. [R307-509-4(1)(d)] In Compliance. Monitoring surveys are done with OGI equipment or by Method 21. [R307-509-4(1)(e)] In Compliance. Fugitive leaks are repaired within 15 days unless infeasible, unsafe, etc., as stated in the rule, which require repair within 24 months per the rule. [R307-509-4(1)(f)] In Compliance. Records show all leaks found have been repaired in 15-days. Resurvey of the repaired components is completed within 30 days. [R307-509-4(1)(g)] In Compliance. Records show all repaired leaks have been resurveyed within 30 days. The following records are kept: The emissions monitoring plan, for life of the site LDAR inspections, repairs and resurveys, for 3 years [R307-509-5] In Compliance. LDAR is conducted on a semi-annual basis. LDAR inspections were last conducted on April 2023 and October 2023. See attached records. Natural Gas Engines Engines subject to R307-510 (does not have an AO, began operations, installed or modified after January 1, 2016) meet the following limits: Maximum Engine hp Emission Standards in (g/hp-hr) NOx CO VOC HC+NOx >25 hp and < 100 hp - 4.85 - 2.83 >100 hp 1.0 2.0 0.7 - [R307-510-4(1)] Not Applicable. The hydraulic jet lift used for artificial lift at this site is powered by an electric motor. There are no natural gas engines on-site. Affected engines are certified or have an initial performance test per 40 CFR 60.4244. [R307-510-4(2)] Not Applicable. Affected engine exhaust vents are vertical and unrestricted. Stacks are 8' or greater if the site horsepower rating is 151 to 305 Stacks are 10' or greater if the site horse power rating is 306 or greater. [R307-510-4(3)] Not Applicable. 6 Engine certifications or initial performance tests required are kept for the life of the engine at the source. [R307-510-5] Not Applicable. Associated Gas Flaring Associated gas is routed to a process unit for combustion, a sales pipeline or an operating VOC control device, except in an emergency. An emergency release is unanticipated, temporary, infrequent, unavoidable, =24 hrs. and is not due to operator negligence. Low pressure gas from working loss, breathing loss and oil flashing is not "associated gas." [R307-511-4(1)] In Compliance. Associated gas is from the well is directed into a sales pipeline The following records are kept: The time and date of event Volume of emissions Any corrective action taken for 3 years.[R307-511-5(1)(a)(b)] In Compliance. See attached records. Visible Emissions Visible emissions, except for unavoidable irregularities that do not exceed three minutes, are within the following opacity limits: Installations constructed on or before 4/25/1971 40% Installations constructed after 4/25/1971 20% Gasoline engines 0% Diesel engines manufactured after 1/1/1973 20% Diesel engines manufactured before 1/1/1973 40% Note: Required VOC control devices shall have no visible emissions per R307-508-3.[R307-201-3] In Compliance. No visible emissions were observed during the time of inspection. Emission Inventory: An emissions inventory has been submitted within the past three years. [R307-150-9(1)] In Compliance. NSPS (Part 60) OOOO: Standards of Performance for Crude Oil and Natural Gas Production, Transmission and Distribution [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOOO] In Compliance. The site has legally and practically enforceable limits required by the Utah DAQ. 7 PREVIOUS ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS: Compliance Advisory: DAQC-1490-22 Warning Letter: DAQC-077-23 Compliance Advisory: DAQC-179-24 Early Settlement Agreement: DAQC-311-24 . COMPLIANCE STATUS & RECOMMENDATIONS: In regards to: Mary RU 278: Out of Compliance: During the time of inspection, the site was in violation of Utah Administrative Code R307-501-4(1)(a); The source had VOC leaks from the water dump valve associated with the separator and VOC emissions from Oil Tank #3, the leak was observed to be coming from under the insulation of the tank. The water dump valve leak was fixed on 02/22/24 and the Oil Tank #3 was removed from service on 02/23/24. Oil tank #3 was replaced with a new tank the week of 04/22/24 and the new tank should be put back into service by the first week of May 2024. A Compliance Advisory (DAQC-179-24) and Early Settlement Agreement (DAQC-311-24) have been issued to address the violation of Utah Administrative Code R307-501- 4(1)(a). It is recommended to inspect the site on a more frequent inspection interval. RECOMMENDATION FOR NEXT INSPECTION: Check production throughput of crude oil; the current throughput is close to 8,000 bbls per rolling 12-months. ATTACHMENTS: AVO, thief hatch, and LDAR inspection records; Compliance Advisory, Response to Compliance Advisory, Early Settlement Agreement. State of Utah SPENCER J. COX Govetzor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenanl Governor Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Direclor DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director February 28,2024 Sent Via Certified Mail No. 7019 0700 0002 0834 7532 Paul Wells Brad Wells, Field Engineer Quinex Energy Corporation 465 South 200 West Bountiful, UT 84010 Dear Mr. Wells: DAQC-179-24 Site ID 8319 (81) Re: Compliance Advisory - Quinex Energy Corporation - Mary RU 278 - Utah Administrative Code R307-501 - Uintah County On February 21,2024, a representative of the Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) conducted an inspection of Quinex Energy Corporation - Mary RU 278 Tank Battery. The DAQ observed volatile organic compound (VOC) leaks from oil tank#3 and from the separator water dump valve, which may be a violation of Utah Administrative Code R307-501. Quinex Energy Corporation is required to comply with the above regulations. A written response to this letter is required within ten (10) business days of receipt of this letter. Additional details about the above observations and regulations are attached to this letter. Please contact Kyle Greenberg at 385-306-6533 or kgreenberg@utah.gov if you have any questions about this letter. Sincerely, ,(_-*L.L Rik Ombach, Manager Minor Source Oil and Gas Compliance Section RO:KGjl cc: TriCounty Health Department 195 North 1950 West. Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 . Salt Lake City, UT 841 144820 Telephone (801) 5364000'Fax (801) 5364099 'T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 w.deq.utoh.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper DAQC-179-24 Page2 Potential Violation(s) Utah Administrative Code R307-501-4 ( I ) General requirements for prevention of emissions and use of good air pollution control practices. (a) All crude oil, condensate, and intermediate hydrocarbon liquids collection, storage, processing and handling operations, regardless of size, shall be designed, operated and maintained so as to minimize emission of volatile organic compounds to the atmosphere to the extent reasonably practicable. (b) At all times, including periods of start-up, shutdown, and malfunction, the installation and air pollution control equipment shall be maintained and operated in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practices for minimizing emissions. (c) Determination of whether or not acceptable operating and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to the director, which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, infrared camera images, opacity observations, review of operating and maintenance procedures, and inspection of the source. The purpose of a Compliance Advisory (CA) is to document observations made by the DAQ. You are responsible for complying with the Utah Air Conservation Rules. There are possible administrative and civil penalties for failing to do so. Section 19-2-115 of the Utah Code Annotated provides that violators of the Utah Air Conservation Act and/or any order issued there under may be subject to a civil penalty of up to $10,000 per day for each violation. The written response to this CA will be considered in resolving the deficiencies documented in this letter. It may include information demonstrating compliance with the regulations or a schedule to bring your company back into compliance with the applicable regulations. The DAQ will review your response and this CA may be revised as a result of that review. Failure to respond in writing within ten (10) business days of receipt of this CA will be considered in any subsequent enforcement action and the assessment of penalties. On February 21,2024, an inspection from the DAQ took place at Quinex Energy Corporation - Mary RU 278 Tank Battery in Uintah County, UT. At the time of the inspection, the DAQ documented the following potential violations: - Fugitive VOC emissions from the water dump valve associated with the on-site separator. - Fugitive VOC emissions from Oil Tank #3. Leakwas observed to be coming from under the insulation of the tank. AO Conditions/Rules DAQC-I79-24 Page 3 Possible DAQ actions to resolve a CA include: No Further Action Letter, Warning Letter, Early Administrative Settlement with reduced civil penalty, Settlement Agreement with civil penalty, or Notice of Violation and Order to Comply. This CA does not limit or preclude the DAQ from pursuing enforcement options conceming this inspection. Also, this CA does not constitute a bar to enforcement action for conditions that the DAQ did not observe or evaluate, or any other conditions found during future inspections. A meeting may be requested to discuss this CA. Please contact Kyle Greenberg at 385-306-6533 or kgreenberg@utah.gov if you would like to request a meeting or if you have any questions about this letter. USPSIRACKI{G# ililil illtil]llillillilfft statQF- Ser{$e C\J fiilililililffil First€lass Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 lqEa ?13 305 bqL1 0u &.otg r'l) CA l{ G =, c 2tll =2o E, IJI 5 .L\ Please print :,our name,and ZlP.+4o ln thls bor. Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality PO Box 144820 Salt Lake City, Uf 84114-4820 l-J ,,,iil,,i1s1iiiililii,L,l,riflilf lii"fl"fil";Firi'i';';'if ' I -},/ 7-' \qg .. ( r--f --e I I I i IL9' r Complete items 1, 2, and 3. r Pdnt vour name and address on tho reverse so thit we can return the card to you. r Afrtach this card to the back of the mailpiece' or on the front lf Paul Wells BEd Wells, Field Engineer Odinbx Energy CorPoration 465 S 200 w Bountiful, UT 84010 9590 9402 7931 2305 6419 00 E Agent C, Date of Delivery from item 1? E Yes delivery address below: [f No ilrlllu lll llllll llt llil llll llll[ll I ll lll tr Adult Slgnatule trAdult Slgnatur Hestrlcted DoIvery (Certtfled Mallo 3. ServiceTFe Boertmea [rat nesucted Deltu€ry tr Collect on Dollvery tr Collect on Delivery Restlcted Dellvory n '--.d^j rilail tr Priority Mail ExPress@ E Begistered Mailil I] Hegistet€d Mail Bes'ttlct€d Delivery E Signatur€ Confirmationil E Signature confi rmation Besticted Delivery ?E],9 t]?ECI T]EOE EESq ?53e ;,IallBestlotEdDellvery PS Form 381 1, July 2020 PSN 7530-02-000-e053 Domestic Return Beceipt i rumrftr* a m EO tf, ru rf,E EI Ecfr! EI ITrtErr pA o c- t1f zq oAZq lz9 Postnark HBre Paul Wells Brad Wells, Field Engineer Quinex EnergY CorPoration 465 S 200 w Bountiful, UT 84010 WW& fu*-" wx -% E Retum R@lpt (had@P9 S ...- E Return R6dPt (elocIrcnh) $ - ECortfied MailBe8rdct6dDetlvory $- EAdutt slgnaturc R€qulred $ - E Adult Slgnaturc Restlc'tod Dollvory $ .-- 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 536-4000 • Fax (801) 536-4099 • T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor DAQC-311-24 Site ID: 8319 (B1) Sent Via Certified Mail No. 70190700000208346801 Paul Wells Brad Wells, Field Engineer Quinex Energy Corporation 465 South 200 West Bountiful, Utah 84010 Dear Paul and Brad Wells: Re: Quinex Energy Corporation – Mary RU 278 – Utah Administrative Code R307-501 – Uintah County On February 28, 2024, the Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) issued a Compliance Advisory to Quinex Energy Corporation (Quinex Energy Corp.) Mary RU 278 Tank Battery as a result of an inspection performed on February 21, 2024. Quinex Energy Corp. responded to the Compliance Advisory on March 13, 2024. Based on the findings of the inspection and response to the Compliance Advisory, the DAQ determined that Quinex Energy Corp. was in violation of: 1. Utah Administrative Code R307-501-4(1)(a) All crude oil, condensate, and intermediate hydrocarbon liquids collection, storage, processing and handling operations, regardless of size, shall be designed, operated and maintained so as to minimize emission of volatile organic compounds to the atmosphere to the extent reasonably practicable. Section 19-2-115 of the Utah Code provides that violations of the Utah Air Conservation Act (the Act) and/or any order issued thereunder may be subject to a civil penalty of up to $10,000 per day for each violation. Based upon our civil penalty policy, we calculated a preliminary civil penalty for the above listed violation of $2,000. - / & ) Ú Û Û Ù Û Ý DAQC-311-24 Page 2 The monetary amount of the DAQ settlement offer specified below is derived from a pre-established schedule of penalties, which takes into account, among other factors, the magnitude and severity of the violation, economic benefit, cooperation of the source as well as the prior history of violations. See the attached penalty worksheet for details. All parties we deal with, whether private, commercial, or governmental are treated similarly in the settlement process. Early Settlement Agreements are based on the evaluation of the same factors and criteria in all cases. The DAQ acknowledges that the violation on February 21, 2024, was addressed by Quinex Energy Corp. by shutting in Oil Tank #3 and not allowing the tank to hold any crude oil until the tank is replaced (tentative date of the third week of April 2024); and by fixing the leaking separator water dump valve February 22, 2024, to resolve the violations and return to compliance. If you are interested in settling this violation, we are authorized to offer settlement in accordance with the DAQ Penalty Policy as follows: 1. Quinex Energy Corp. agrees to pay a reduced civil penalty in the sum of $1,600. Payment of a civil penalty precludes further civil enforcement for the above described violation against the named source. Quinex Energy Corp. agrees to pay $1,600 of the stipulated penalty within twenty (20) business days from the date you receive this Early Settlement Agreement. 2. The DAQ retains its authority to take any enforcement actions based on any and all violations not specifically described above 3. In the event any further violations of the Act, the Utah Air Quality Rules, the source’s AO, or the Director’s Orders occur, the DAQ may consider the violation described above in assessing a penalty for the subsequent violations, in accordance with the provisions of Utah Administrative Code R307-130. 4. Entering into this Early Settlement Agreement shall not constitute an admission of violation of the Act, the Utah Air Quality Rules, or the source’s AO nor shall it be inferred to be such an admission in any administrative or judicial proceeding. The described violation will constitute part of the company compliance history for any purpose for which such history is relevant to the DAQ. At the DAQ’s option, you may request a portion of the calculated civil penalty gravity component to be used to complete a Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP) or credited toward the Utah Environmental Mitigation Fund to benefit present and future air quality within Utah. For more information, please contact the DAQ representative listed below. This Early Settlement Agreement constitutes an offer of settlement and is not a demand for payment. The Early Settlement Agreement reflects a reduced penalty for early settlement of this matter. DAQC-311-24 Page 3 If the above terms are acceptable to you, please sign and return this Early Settlement Agreement and a check in the sum of $1,600. Submit the signed Early Settlement Agreement and check made payable to the DAQ at the letterhead address within twenty (20) business days of receipt of this Early Settlement Agreement. Electronic payments are also available on our website at: https://deq.utah.gov/general/payment-portal. You may write or call to request a settlement conference with the DAQ representative listed below. A conference must be scheduled within twenty (20) business days of your receipt of this Early Settlement Agreement. If we do not receive a signed copy of this Early Settlement Agreement and payment or other correspondence from you within twenty (20) business days of your receipt, we will assume that you are not interested in resolving this matter as outlined above. This Early Settlement Agreement is intended to quickly resolve the non-compliance issues listed above and requires the immediate attention of your company. Failure to resolve this matter as outlined above may result in this offer being revoked and/or having this matter referred to a formal enforcement process, including filing a judicial case to collect penalties (up to $10,000 per day for each violation) and compel compliance in the state district court. If you have any additional questions regarding this matter, please contact Rik Ombach at 801-499-6095 or by email at rombach@utah.gov. Sincerely, Bryce C. Bird Director BCB:KG:rh cc: TriCounty Health Department DAQC-311-24 Page 4 Acceptance of Early Settlement Agreement I have read the above Early Settlement Agreement and I agree to the terms and conditions thereof. Company Name: Quinex Energy Corporation Name: Title: _____________________________ _________________ ___________________________ Signature Date Telephone Number DAQC-311-24 Page 5 Utah Division of Air Quality General Administrative Penalty Worksheet Source: Quinex Energy Corp. - Mary RU 278 Tank Battery Class: Site ID #: 8319 Violation Date(s): 02/21/2024 HPV: NA Days to Resolution: 1 Citation Description of the Violation Days Category Range Daily Penalty Accumulated Penalty Utah Administrative Code R307-501-4(1)(a) All crude oil, condensate, and intermediate hydrocarbon liquids collection, storage, were not maintained so as to minimize emission of volatile organic compounds to the atmosphere to the extent reasonably practicable 1 B $2,000 to $7,000 $2,000 $2,000 0 0 Total $2,000 20% Early Settlement Option $400 Total Penalty $1,600 R307-130-1. Scope. This policy provides guidance to the director in negotiating with air pollution sources penalties for consent agreements to resolve non-compliance situations. It is designed to be used to determine a reasonable and appropriate penalty for the violations based on the nature and extent of the violations, consideration of the economic benefit to the sources of non-compliance, and adjustments for specific circumstances. DAQC-311-24 Page 6 R307-130-2. Categories. Violations are grouped in four general categories based on the potential for harm and the nature and extent of the violations. Penalty ranges for each category are listed. (1) Category A. $7,000-10,000 per day. Violations with high potential for impact on public health and the environment including: (a) Violation of emission standards and limitations of NESHAP. (b) Emissions contributing to nonattainment area or PSD increment exceedances. (c) Emissions resulting in documented public health effects and/or environmental damage. (2) Category B. $2,000-7,000 per day. Violations of the Utah Air Conservation Act, applicable State and Federal regulations, and orders to include: (a) Significant levels of emissions resulting from violations of emission limitations or other regulations which are not within Category A. (b) Substantial non-compliance with monitoring requirements. (c) Significant violations of approval orders, compliance orders, and consent agreements not within Category A. (d) Significant and/or knowing violations of "notice of intent" and other notification requirements, including those of NESHAP. (e) Violations of reporting requirements of NESHAP. (3) Category C. Up to $2,000 per day. Minor violations of the Utah Air Conservation Act, applicable State and Federal Regulations and orders having no significant public health or environmental impact to include: (a) Reporting violations (b) Minor violations of monitoring requirements, orders and agreements (c) Minor violations of emission limitations or other regulatory requirements. DAQC-311-24 Page 7 (4) Category D. Up to $299.00. Violations of specific provisions of R307 which are considered minor to include: (a) Violation of automobile emission standards and requirements (b) Violation of wood-burning regulations by private individuals (c) Open burning violations by private individuals. R307-130-3. Adjustments. The amount of the penalty within each category may be adjusted and/or suspended in part based upon the following factors: (1) Good faith efforts to comply or lack of good faith. Good faith takes into account the openness in dealing with the violations, promptness in correction of problems, and the degree of cooperation with the State to include accessibility to information and the amount of State effort necessary to bring the source into compliance. (2) Degree of willfulness and/or negligence. In assessing willfulness and/or negligence, factors to be considered include how much control the violator had over and the foreseeability of the events constituting the violation, whether the violator made or could have made reasonable efforts to prevent the violation, and whether the violator knew of the legal requirements which were violated. (3) History of compliance or non-compliance. History of non-compliance includes consideration of previous violations and the resource costs to the State of past and current enforcement actions. (4) Economic benefit of non-compliance. The amount of economic benefit to the source of non- compliance would be added to any penalty amount determined under this policy. (5) Inability to pay. An adjustment downward may be made or a delayed payment schedule may be used based on a documented inability of the source to pay. R307-130-4. Options. Consideration may be given to suspension of monetary penalties in trade-off for expenditures resulting in additional controls and/or emissions reductions beyond those required to meet existing requirements. Consideration may be given to an increased amount of suspended penalty as a deterrent to future violations where appropriate.