I, Robert J. Rousselle, hereby certify I am a Registered Professional Civil Engineer holding
registration number 7885569 in the state of Utah. I declare that all conditions of plan approval
were accomplished for the Camp Wapiti (Elks) equalization storage, fire flow storage, and
disinfection improvements, Camp Wapiti, System #23035, File #4030 per the plan approval
letter dated July 6, 2022. The following plan changes were made during construction: the make
and models of the equipment changed but are similar to what was proposed and suitable for
drinking water and sampling taps were added to the storage tank inlet and outlet pipes . These
changes are reflected in as-built “record” drawings submitted to the Division of Drinking Water
which Ensign received on May 22nd, 2024 from the Contractor and submitted to the Division on
May 30th, 2024. I also certify the project is in conformance with the State of Utah Division of
Drinking Water Rules and Regulations and that the water system owner has received a copy of
the as-built “record” drawings and operations and maintenance manual.
Robert J. Rousselle, P.E.
Utah Reg. 7885569