HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-008250Section l: GENERAL PROYISIONS
To: Director, Utah Air Quality Board urAH DE'ARTMENT oF
2791 West Highway 56
cedar City, UT 84720 F E B i i:' 'ii)?:A
Re: Annual Compliance Certification for Permit #:2100036004 DrulSlON OF AIR eUALlTy
Date: February 20,2024
In accordance with Operating Permit provision I.L. and Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R307-415-6c(5),
the following compliance certification is submitted.
This certification covers operations from I March 2022to 28 February 2023. This is a revision to update the
operating permit number.
I.B. was the source operated in compliance with the operating permit?
I.C.3 Did the permittee furnish information requested by the Executive Secretary?
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Re as o n (s) fo r No n-C omp lian c e
/ ln compliance r' Continuous
Compliance Demonstrafion Method:Records Review
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Re as o n (s) for N on-C omp lian c e
r' In compliance y' Continuous
Compliance Demonstration Method:Review of Records
Issued l2 February 2020
1Tifle V Operating Permit # 2100036004
REVIEWEDInitials JBR Date 6/4/2024
Comp Status Meets
File # 11767 Blue 1
revised rpt in file
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reas on (s) for Non-C ompliance
y' In compliance y' Continuous
ComplUnce Demonstration Method:Review of Records
I.G.l Did the permittee pay the annual emission fee?
I.G.2 Was the fee paid on time?
I.K. Were all application forms, reports and certifications submitted pursuant to the permit properly
certified by a responsible official?
I.L.l Did the permittee submit this compliance certification complete and on time?
I.L.2 Did the permittee also send all compliance certifications to EpA?
I.S.l.a Did the permittee properly retain all records required by the permit?
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reason (s) for Non-Compliance
/ In compliance y' Continuous
C omp lian ce Demonstr atio n Meth o d :Review of Records
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Re as o n (s) for No n-C omp lianc e
In compliance y' Continuous
Complinnce Demonstration Method:Review of Records
Compliance Stotus:Compliance Type:Reason (s) for Non-C omplionce
/ In compliance y' Continuous
C ompliance D emonstratio n Meth o d :Review of Records
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reas on (s) for No n-C omp liance
y' In compliance r' Continuous
C o mp lianc e D e monstratio n Meth o d :Review of Records
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Re ason (s) for Non-Compliance
/ In compliance y' Continuous
Compliance Demonstration Method:Review of Records
lssued 12 February 2020 2Tifle V Operating Permit # 2100036004
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reason (s) for Non-C ompliance
/ In compliance r' Continuous
C o mp lianc e D emonstration Metho d :Review of Records
I.S.l.b Did the permittee include all applicable information in records of monitoring required by thepermit?
I.S.2.a Did the permittee submit monitoring reports every six months, or more frequently if specifiedin Section II and were all instances of deviation from permit requirements clearly identified in tne
monitoring reports?
I.S.2.c Did the permittee promptly notify the Director of all deviations from permit requirements?
I.U. Did the permittee submit the inventory required by R307-150 in accordance with the
requirements of that rule?
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reason(s) for Non-Compliance
/ In compliance y' Continuous
C o mp lianc e D emonstration Metho d :Review of Records
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reas o n (s) for Non-C o mpliance
/ In compliance y' Continuous
C ompliance Demonstrafion Method:Review of Records
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reaso n (s) for Non-C ompliance
In compliance / Continuous
Compliance Demonstration Method:Review of Records
Issued l2 February 2020 3Title V Operating Permit # 2100036004
II.B. Requirements and Limitations.
The following emission limitations, standards, and operational limitations apply to the permitted facility as
II.B.1 Conditions on permitted source (Source-wide)
A Risk Management Plan (RMP) developed in accordance with 40 CFR Part 68 shall be submitted to the
United States Environmental Protection Agency not later than the applicable date in 40 CFR 68.10(a).
[Authority granted under 40 cFR 68; condition originated in 40 cFR part 6g]
II.B.l.a.1 Monitoring:
A copy of the Risk Management Plan shall be available upon request along with a copy of the transmittal
letter to the EPA.
ll.B.l.a.2 Recordkeepin g:
A copy of the Risk Management Plan shall be available to the Director upon request along with a copy of the
transmittal letter to the EPA.
II.B.1.a.3 Reporting:
There are no reporting requirements for this provision except those specified in Section I of this permit.
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reason (s) for Non-Compliance
/ In compliance / Continuous
Compliance Demonstration Method:Review of Records
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reason (s) for Non-Compliance
r' In compliance y' Continuous
Compliance Demonstration Method:Review of Records
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reason (s) for No n-Comp liance
/ In compliance / Continuous
Compliance Demonstration Method:Review of Records
lssued 12 February2020 4Title V Operating Permit # 2100036004
At all times, including periods of start-up, shut-down, and malfunction, the permittee shall to the extent
practicable, maintain and operate any permitted plant equipment, including associated air pollution control
equipment, in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practicJfor minimizing emissions.
Determination of whether acceptable operating and maintenance procedures are being 6.O *itt be based on
information available to the Director which may include, but is not limited to, monitiing results, opacity
observations, review of operating and maintenance procedures, and inspection of the ,o.rj..". [Authoritygranted under R307-401-8(2); condition originated in DAeE-AN0I r7670014-tg)
II.B. 1.b. 1 Monitoring:
Records required for this permit condition will serve as monitoring.
II.B. 1.b.2 Recordkeeping:
Permittee shall document activities performed to assure proper operation and maintenance. Records shall bemaintained in accordance with provision I.S.l of this permii.
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reason (s) for Non-C ompliance
r' In compliance y' Continuous
C o mpliance Demo n stratio n Meth od :Recordkeeping and Review of Records
II.B.1.b.3 Reporting:
There are no reporting requirements for this provision except those specified in Section I of this permit.
Emissions of the blowing agent (Non-HAP VOC's) shall not exceed lgl.g2 tons per rolling l2-monthperiod. This includes the VOC emissions resulting from up to l0 days of maintenance andiepair time duringwhich the thermal oxi{izer may be inoperable. The blowing agents are isopentane and butane. [Authoritygranted under R307-401-8; condition originated in DAeE-AN1 17670041gl
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reason (s) for Non-C ompliance
y' In compliance y' Continuous
Compliance Demonstration Method:Work Practice
Compliance Status:Complinnce Type:Reason(s) for Non-Compliance
/ In compliance r' Continuous
Co mpliance Demonstration Method :Review of Records
lssued 12 February 2020
5Title V Operating Permit # 2100036004
II.B.1.c.1 Monitoring:
The amount of blowing agent (Non-HAP VOC) emiued shall be calculated as37.4o/oof total blowing agentconsumed. Consumption records shall be maintained for all periods of operation. By the twentietf, @Ofijday of each month, a new rolling l2-month total shall be calculated using data from ihe previous 12-months.
Calculations of emissions from the thermal oxidizer shall includ e S}Yooiemissions from the two repelletizerlines, S-7a and S-7b, and the vents from two white fluff silos, S-5o and S-5p, using a destructio, "fn.i"n.yof 98.5o/o.
II.B. 1.c.2 Recordkeeping:
Results of monitoring shall be maintained as described in Provision I.S.l of this permit.
II.B.1.c.3 Reporting:
There are no reporting requirements for this Provision except those specified in Section I of this permit.
Visible emissions shall be no greater than 20 percent opacity. [Authority granted under R307-401-g;condition originated in DAeE-ANI I 76700 1 4- t t1
II.B.1.d.1 Monitoring:
A visual opacity survey of each affected emission unit shall be performed on a monthly basis by anindividual trained on the observation procedures of 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix A, Metirod 9. If visible
emissions other than steam are observed from an emission unit, * opu"ity determination of that emissionunit shall be performed by a certified observer within 24 hours of the initiA survey. The opacitydetermination shall be performed in accordance with 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9, or other EpA-approved testing method, as acceptable to the Director, for point ,oii".r, and in accordance 5g FR 61640Method 203A, or other EPA-approved testing method, as acceptable to the Director, for fugitive sources.
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reason (s) for Non-Compliance
y' In compliance / Continuous
C omplian c e Demon stratio n Meth od :Review of Records
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reason (s) for Non-Compliance
/ In compliance / Continuous
C o mp lian c e D emo nstration Meth od :Review of Records
Compliance Stotus:Compliance Type:Reas on (s) for Non-C ompliance
/ In compliance / Continuous
Co mpliance De mon stratio n Meth o d :Review of Records
lssued l2 February 2020
6Tifle V Operating Permit # 2100036004
II.8.1.d.2 Recordkeeping:
Results of monitoring shall be maintained as described in Provision I.S.1 of this permit.
II.B.l.d.3 Reporting:
There are no reporting requirements for this provision except those specified in Section I of this permit.
The permiuee shall comply with the applicable requirements for recycling and emission reduction for class I
and class II refrigerants pursuant to 40 CFR 82, Subpart F - Recycli"g *a Emissions Reduction. [Authoritygranted under 40 CFR 82.150(b); condition originated in 40 CFR part gZ Subpart Fl
II.8.1.e.1 Monitoring:
The permittee shall certiff, in the annual compliance statement required in Section I of this permit, its
compliance status with the requirements of 40 cFR 92, Subpart F.
II.B.1.e.2 Recordkeeping:
All reports required in 40 CFR 82, Subpart F shall be maintained consistent with the requirements of
Provision S.1 in Section I of this permit.
II.B.1.e.3 Reporting:
All reports required in 40 CFR 82, Subpart F shall be submitted as required. There are no additional
reporting requirements except as outlined in Section I of this permit.
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reason (s) for Non-Co mpliance
/ In compliance y' Continuous
C o mp lianc e D emo nstratio n Metho d :Review of Records
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reason (s) for Non-C ompliance
r' In compliance / Continuous
Compliance Demonstration Method:Review of Records
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reas o n (s) for No n-C omplianc e
r' In compliance / Continuous
Compliance Demonstration Method:Review of Records
Issued l2 February 2020
TTitle V Operating Permit # 2100036004
The permittee shall comply with the applicable requirements for servicing of motor vehicle air conditioners
pursuant to 40 CFR 82, Subpart B - Servicing of Motor Vehicle Air Conditioners. [Authority granted under
40 CFR 82.30(b); condition originated in 40 CFR 821
II.8.1.f.1 Monitoring:
The permittee shall certifu, in the annual compliance statement required in Section I of this permit, its
compliance status with the requirements of 40 cFR 82, Subpart B.
II.B.l.f.2 Recordkeeping:
All reports required in 40 CFR 82, Subpart B shall be maintained consistent with the requirements of
Provision S.1 in Section I of this permit.
II.B.1.f.3 Reporting:
All reports required in 40 CFR 82, Subpart B shall be submitted as required. There are no reporting
requirements for this provision except those specified in Section I of this permit.
Visible emissions shall be no greater than l0 percent opacity from each natural gas fuel combustion exhaust
point. [Authority granted under R307-401-8; conditionoriginated in DAeE-aNt tzozo014-1g]
II.B.1.g.1 Monitoring:
Records required for this permit condition will serve as monitoring.
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Re aso n (s) for Non-C omp lianc e
In compliance Continuous We do not service automobile air conditioners
Compliance Demonstration Method :Review of Records
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Re as o n (s) fo r Non-C omp lian c e
In compliance Continuous We do not service automobile air conditioners
Compliance Demonstration Method :Review of Records
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reason (s) for Non-Compliance
In compliance r' Continuous
C o mplian q e D emo nstratio n Metho d :Review of Records
Issued 12 February 2020 8Tifle V Operating Permit # 2100036004
II.B. 1.g.2 Recordkeeping:
In lieu of visible emissions observations, records of fuel usage shall be maintained consistent with the
requirements of Provision I.S.l of this permit to demonstrate that only natural gas is being burned.
II.B.1.g.3 Reporting:
There are no reporting requirements for this provision except those specified in Section I of this permit.
lI.B.2 Conditions on Fifteen (15) Storase Silos
Visible emissions shall be no greater than l0 percent opacity from each baghouse. [Authority granted under
R307-401 -8; condition originated in DAeE-AN1 I 7670014-r sl
II.B.2.a.1 Monitoring:
A visual opacity survey of each affected emission unit shall be performed on a monthly basis by anindividual trained on the observation procedures of 40 CFR 60, Appendix, Method 9. If visible emissions
other than steam are obseryed from an emission unit, an opacity diiermination of that emission unit shall beperformed by a certified observer within 24 hours of the initial-survey. The opacity determination shall beperformed in accordance with 40 cFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9.
II.8.2.a.2 Reco rdkeepin g :
Results of monitoring shall be maintained as described in Provision I.S.1 of this permit.
II.8.2.a.3 Reporting:
There a-re no reporting requirements for this provision except those specified in Section I of this permit.
II.B.3 Conditions on Thermal Oxidizer
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reason (s) for Non-Compliance
r' In compliance / Continuous
C o moliance Demo n stration Meth o d :Review of Records
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Re as o n (s) fo r No n- C o mp lian c e
/ In compliance / Continuous
C o mpliance D erno nstration Met h o d :Review of Records
Issued 12 February 2020 gTitle V Operating permit # 2100036004
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Re as o n (s) fo r N o n-C o mp lian c e
/ In compliance / Continuous
C o mplian c e De monstratio n Meth od :Review of Records
Operating temperature shall be no less than 1,360 degrees F. [Authority granted under R307-401-g;
condition originated in DAQE-AN I 17 67 O}t 4-l gl
II.B.3.a. I Monitoring:
The operating temperature shall be continuously monitored and recorded. The monitoring equipment shall belocated such that an inspector can at any time safely read the output. All instruments shall be calibrated
against a certified primary standard at least once a year.
II.B.3.a.2 Recordkeeping:
Records of monitoring and calibration shall be maintained as described in provision I.S.l of this permit.
II.8.3.a.3 Reporting:
There are no reporting requirements for this provision except those specified in Section I of this permit.
Emissions of Volatile Oleanic Compounds (VOC) shall be not greater than 1.05 tbftr. [Authority granted
under R307-401-8; condition originated in DAeE-AN1 l767ool4-tsl
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reason(s) for Non-Compliance
r' In compliance y' Continuous
C o mp lianc e Demonstration Meth o d :Review of Records
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Re ason (s) for N on-Compliance
r' In compliance / Continuous
C o mp liance Demo nstration Meth o d :Recordkeeping and Review of Records
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Re as o n (s) fo r No n-C o mp I ian c e
/ In compliance / Continuous
Compliance Demonstration Method :Stack Test and Review of Records
Issued 12 February2020 lOTitle V Operating Permit # 2100036004
II.B.3.b.f Monitoring:
(a) Stack testing to show compliance with the VOC emission limitations shall
be performed as specified
(1) Testing and Frequency. Emissions shall be tested every five years based on the date of the last
stack test. The source may also be tested at any time if dirlcted by the Director.
(2) Notification. The Director shall be notified at least 30 days prior to conducting any required
emission testing. A source test protocol shall be submitted to DeQ when the testing notification issubmitted to the Director. The source test protocol shall be approvid by the DirectJr prior toperforming the test(s). the source test protocol shall outline tLL proposed test methodologies, stack to
be tested, and procedures to be used. A pretest conference shall be'held, if directed by the Director,
between the owner/operator, the tester, and the Director.
(3) Methods.
(A) Sample location - the emission point shall conform to the requirements of 40 CFR 60,
Appendix A, Method l, and Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
approved access shall be provided to the test location.
(B) 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 25 or 25A, or other EPA-approved testing method, as
acceptable to the Director, shall be used to determine volatile orgrri" cornpourd, emission
(C) 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 2, or other EPA-approved testing method, as acceptable
to the Director, shall be used to determine the volumetric flow rate.
(4) Calculations. To determine mass emission rates (lb/hr, etc.) the pollutant concentration asdetermined by the appropriate methods above shall be -.ritipli.d Uy trre volumetric flow rate and any
necessary conversion factors determined by the Director to give the results in the specified units ofthe emission limitation.
(5) Production Rate During Testing. The production rate during all compliance testing shall be no
less than 90o/o of the maximum production achieved in the pr.uiou, tnree 1:; years.
(b) The permittee shall monitor the thermal oxidizer temperature and work practice standards as indicators toprovide reasonable assurance of compliance with the VOC emission limitation.
( I ) Measurement Approach:
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Re as o n (s) fo r No n-C o mplianc e
In compliance y' Continuous
C omp lianc e Denlo nstratio n Meth o d :Review of Records
Issued 12 February 2020
1 l Title V Operating Permit # 2100036004
(A) Primary Indicator: The permittee shall continuously measure the thermal oxidizer
chamber temperature by a thermocouple.
(B) Secondary Indicator: The permittee shall follow good work practices, including daily,
weekly, and annual inspections of the thermal oxidizer.
(2) Indicator Range:
(A) Primary Indicator: An excursion is defined as a temperature less than 1,410 degrees F that
is outside the range as approved by the executive secretary. Excursions trigger an iispection,
corrective action to return the operating temperature to 1,410 degrees F or more, and a
reporting requirement.
(B) Secondary Indicator: An excursion is defined as an omission to perform the daily
inspection of the chart recorder, weekly inspection of the thermal o*idir.. and replalement of
the circular chart, and annual inspections of the thermal oxidizer. Excursions trigger an
inspection, corrective action, and a reporting requirement.
(3 ) Performance Criteria:
(A) Data Representatives :
(i) Primary Indicator: The thermal oxidizer temperature shall be measured using a
thermocouple located in the oxidizer chamber. The minimum tolerance of the
thermocouple is + 10.5' F or + 0.75Yo. The minimum chart recorder sensitivity (minor
division) is 20o F or as approved by the Director.
(ii) Secondary Indicator: No applicable.
(B) QAiQC Practices and Criteria: The accuracy of the thermocouple shall be verified
annually by a third party supplier with the calibration performed according to the
manufacturer's recommendation. The data acquisitiorsystem shall be operated and
maintained according to the manufacturer' s recommendations.
(C) Monitoring Frequency:
(i) Primary Indicator: The thermal oxidizer temperature shall be measured
(ii) Secondary Indicator: Daily inspection of the temperature chart recorder. Weekly
inspection of the thermal oxidizer. Annual inspection of the thermal oxidizer.
(D) Data Collection Procedure:
(i) Primary Indicator: Record continuously on a circular chart recorder.
Issued 12 February 2020
12Tine V Operating Permit # 2100036004
(ii) Secondary Indicator: Record results of daily and weekly inspections; Record
results of annual inspection by a third party supplier. Preventive maintenance records
by the maintenance department on the thermafoxidizer log book.
(E) Averaging Period:
(i) Primary Indicator: I hour block average
(ii) Secondary Indicator: Not Applicable
(c) once every five years, during the stack test required in (a) above, the permittee shall acquire new test datato evaluate or update the indicator range and excursion level for the indicators. Any resultant changes to themonitoring shall be addressed in accordance with 40 cFR 6a.7@).
II.8.3.b.2 Recordkeeping:
ln addition to the recordkeeping requirement described in Provision I.S.l of this permit,
(a) The permittee shall maintain a file of all stack testing and all other information required by permitprovision I.S.l.
(b) The permittee shall maintain a file of continuous monitor measurements, including performance
testing measurements, all performance evaluations, all calibration checks, ail adiustmints and
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reason (s) for Non-Compliance
/ In compliance / Continuous
C o mp liancg D emonstration Meth o d :Review of Records
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Re as o n (s) fo r No n-C o mp lianc e
/ In compliance / Continuous
C o mp lianc e Demo n stration Meth o d :Review of Records
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reas o n (s) for Non-C omp lianc e
In compliance / Continuous
C ompliance Demonstration Method:Review of Records
Reas on (s) fo r Non-C o mpliance
Issued l2 February 2020 l3Title v operating permit # 2100036004
/ In compliance / Continuous
C o mp lianc e Demon stration Meth o d :Review of Records
(c) The permittee shall maintain a file of the occurrence and duration of any excursion, corrective
actions taken, and any other supporting information required to be maintained under 40 CFR 64 (such
as data used to document the adequacy of monitoring, or records of mentoring maintenance orcorrective actions). Instead of paper records, the permittee may maintain r.roid, on alternative
media, such as microfilm, computer files, magneiic tup" disks, or microfiche, provided that the use ofsuch alternative media allows for expeditiouslnspection and review, and does not conflict with otherapplicable recordkeeping requirements. (40 CFRk4.9(b)).
II.B.3.b.3 Reporting:
(a) The momtoring report required in Provision I.S.2 of this permit shall includ e, at aminimum, thefollowing information, as applicable:
(1) Summary information on the number, duration and cause (including unknown cause, ifapplicable) ofexcursions or exceedances, as applicable, and the corrective action taken; (40
CFR 64.e(ax2xi)).
(2) Summary information on the number, duration and cause (including unknown cause, ifapplicable) for monitor downtime incidents (other than downtime associated with zero and
span or other daily calibration checks, if applicable). (a0 cFR 64.9(a)(2xii)).
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reason (s) for Non-Compliance
N/A/ In compliance y' Continuous
Compliance Demonstration Method:Review of Records
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Re ason (s) fo r Non-C o mplianc e
/ In compliance / Continuous
C ompliance Demonstration Method:Review of Records
(b) The results of stack testing shall be submitted to the Director within 60 days of completion of thetesting. Reports shall clearly identifu results as compared to permit limits and indicate compliance
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reason (s) fo r Non-C omp lianc e
In compliance r' Continuous
C o mplianc e D emo n stratio n Meth o d :Review of Records
lssued 12 February 2020 l4Title V Operating Permit # 2100036004
Visible emissions shall be no greater than 10 percent opacity. [Authority granted under R307-401-g;
condition originated in DAQE-AN I t7 67 }Ot 4-l gl
Compliance Statas:Compliance Type:Reason (s) for Non-Compliance
/ In compliance y' Continuous
Compliance Demonstration Method:Review of Records
II.B.3.c.1 Monitoring:
A visual opacity survey of each affected emission unit shall be perfiormed on a monthly basis by an
individual trained on the observation procedures of 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method i, or other EpA-
approved testing method, as acceptable to the Director. If visible imissions other than condensed water
vapor are observed from an emission unit, an opacity determination of that emission unit shall be performed
by a certified observer within 24 hours of the initial survey. The opacity determination shall be performed in
accordance with 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9, or oiher pPA-appioved testing method, as acceptable tothe Director, for point sources, and in accordance 58 FR 61640 Method 203A,o. oth., EpA-approved testing
method, as acceptable to the Director, for fugitive sources.
II.B.3.c.2 Recordkeeping:
A log of the visual opacity survey(s) shall be maintained in accordance with Provision I.S.l of this permit. If
an opacity determination is indicted, a notation of the determination will be made in the log. All data
required by 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9 or 58 FR 61640 Method 203L,or other Ep1-approved
testing method, as acceptable to the Director, shall be maintained in accordance with the requirements ofProvision I.S.l of this permit.
II.B.3.c.3 Reporting:
There are no reporting requirements for this provision except those specified in Section I of this permit.
II.B.4 Condition on Grinder
Visible emissions shall be no greater than l0 percent opacity. [Authority granted under R307-401-g;
condition originated in DAeE-AN I t7 67 }Ot 4-lgl
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reason (s) for Non-Compliance
/ In compliance y' Continuous
C ompliance Demonstration Method :Review of Records
Issued 12 February 2020
15TiAe V Operating Permit # 2100036004
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reason(s) for Non-Compliance
r' In compliance / Continuous
C o mp lian c e D eryonstration Meth o d :Review of Records
II.B.4.a.1 Monitoring:
A visual opacity survey of each affected emission unit shall be performed on a monthly basis by anindividual trained on-the observation procedures of 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9, or other EpA-
approved testing method, as acceptable to the Director. If visible emissions other than condensed watervapor are observed from an emission d!, * opacity determination of that emission unit shall be performed
by a certified observer within 24 hours of the initialiurvey. The opacity determination shall be performed inaccordance with 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9, or oiher EPA-appioved testing method, as acceptable tothe Director, for point sources, and in accordance 58 FR 61640 Method 2O3A,o, oiir.. EpA-approved testingmethod, as acceptable to the Director, for fugitive sources.
11.8,4.a.2 Reco rdkeepin g:
A log of the visual opacity survey(s) shall be maintained in accordance with provision I.S.l of this permit. Ifan opacity determination is indicted, a notation of the determination will be made in the log. All datarequired by 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9 or 58 FR 61640 Method 203L,or other EiA-approved
testing method, as acceptable to the Director, shall be maintained in accordance with the requirlments ofProvision I.S.l of this permit.
II.8.4.a.3 Reporting:
There are no reporting requirements for this provision except those specified in Section I of this permit.
II.B.5 Condition on Scran Silos
Visible emissions shall be no greater than l0 percent opacity. [Authority granted under R307-401-g;condition originated in DAeE-AN I 17 67 001 4-t Sl
Compliance Statas:Compliance Type:Re as o n (s) fo r Non-C o mplian c e
r' h compliance / Continuous
Compliance Demonstration Method:Review of Records
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Re as o n (s) fo r Non-Co mplian ce
r' In compliance r' Continuous
C omp liance D e mo n stration Meth od:Review of Records
Issued l2 February 2020
l6TiAe V Operating Permit # 2100036004
II.B.5.a.1 Monitoring:
A visual opacity survey of each affected emission unit shall be performed on a monthly basis by anindividual trained on the observation procedures of 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9, or other EpA-approved testing method, as acceptable to the Director. If visible emissions other than condensed watervapor are observed from an emission unit, an opacity determination of that emission unit shall be performed
by a certified observer within 24 hours of the initial survey. The opacity determination shall be performed inaccordance with 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9, or other pPA-appioved testing method, as acceptable tothe Director, for point sources, and in accordance 58 FR 61640 Methti 2o3L,or other EpA-approved testingmethod, as acceptable to the Director, for fugitive sources.
II.B.5.a.2 Recordkeeping:
A log of the visual opacity survey(s) shall be maintained in accordance with Provision I.S.l of this permit. Ifan opacity determination is indicted, a notation of the determination will be made in the log. All datarequired by 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9 or 58 FR 61640 Method 203L,or other Ep1-approved
testing method, as acceptable to the Director, shall be maintained in accordance with the requirements ofProvision I.S.1 of this permit.
II.8.5.a.3 Reporting:
There are no reporting requirements for this provision except those specified in Section I of this permit.
II.B.6 Condition on Fluff Silos
Visible emissions shall be no greater than l0 percent opacity. [Authority granted under R307-401-g;condition originated in DAeE-AN I 17 67 }Ol4-Igj
II.B.6.a.1 Monitoring:
A visual opacity survey of each affected emission unit shall be performed on a monthly basis by anindividual trained on the observation procedures of 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9, or other EpA-approved testing method, as acceptable to the Director. If visible imissions other than condensed water
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reason (s) for Non-Compliance
r' In compliance r' Continuous
C o mplianc e D emonstrafion Meth o d :Review of Records
Compliance Status:Complionce Type:Reason (s) for Non-Compliance
In compliance y' Continuous
C o mp lianc e De mo nstration Meth o d :Review of Records
Issued l2 February 2020
lTTitle V Operating Permit # 2 100036004
vapor are observed from an emission unit, an opacity determination of that emission unit shall be performed
by a certified observer within 24 hours of the initial survey. The opacity determination shall be performed in
accordance with 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9, or other EPA-appioved testing method, as acceptable tothe Director, for point sources, and in accordance 58 FR 61640 Metlr-oi 2O3A,o, ot-ir". EpA-approved testingmethod, as acceptable to the Director, for fugitive sources.
II.B.6.a.2 Recordkeeping:
A log of the visual opacity survey(s) shall be maintained in accordance with Provision I.S.1 of this permit. Ifan opacity determination is indicted, a notation of the determination will be made in the log. All datarequired by 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9 or 58 FR 61640 Method 203A,or other EiA-approved
testing method, as acceptable to the Director, shall be maintained in accordance with the requiriments ofProvision I.S.1 of this permit.
II.B.6.a.3 Reporting:
There are no reporting requirements for this provision except those specified in Section I of this permit.
II.C. Emissions Trading. (R307-4f S-6a(10))
Not applicable to this source
II.D. Alternative Operating Scenarios. (R307-415-6a(9))
Not applicable to this source.
Not applicable to this source.
A permit shield was not granted for any specific requirements.
This source is not subject to title IV. This section is not applicable.
Compliance Status:Compliance Type:Reas on (s) for Non-C o mplianc e
/ In compliance / Continuous
C o mp lian c e Demo nstratio n Meth o d :Review of Records
Issued 12 February 2020
1 STitle V Operating Permit # 2100036004
In accordance with Operating Permit provision I.K and UAC R307-415-5d, and based on information and
belief formed after reasonable inquiry, I certifr that the s"tratemelrts and information in this document are true,
accurate, and complete.
Eric Scott
Genpak Utatr West Plant Manager
FEB 2 6 2A24
Issued 12 February 2020 l gTitlc V Operating pcmrit # 2100036004