HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-007957State of Utah
SPI]N('F,R .I. ('OX
Lieil ettt ttt ( ) ot'eturtr
May 1.2024
Departn-icnt of
Environmcrrtal Q Lral ity
Kimbelly I). Shelley
I i.r c c.u t i t,<t l.) i r<: < l o r
Nathan Lunstttl
Travis MoBride
Sheep Creek Cove Water
Wellsville, UT 84339
Sr"rbject: Corrective Action Plan Extension fbr Sheep Creek Cove, UTAHO3063 (2024-01)
Dcar Travis McBridc:
The Division of Drinking Water (the Division) has reoeived yoLrr request for an extension to the
Corrcctivc Action Plan grantcd to Shccp Crcck Covc on April 29, 2024. Plcasc rcvicw thc cxtcnsion
agreement and sign the attached agreenrent. Once the extension agreement has been signed by the
water system and the Division, then a copy of the fully executed document will be returned to yor,r.
Please contact Brandi Smith at (3 85) 5 I 5- I 650 or brandisrnith@utah.gov if you have any qllestions
rcgarding this lcttcr or thc cncloscd copy of Corrcctivc Action Plan.
Helen Lau
Cornpliance and Operations Manager
Division of Drinking Water
Enclostrres -Sheep Cleck Covc Con'ectivc Action Plan Extension 2024-0lr
Travis McBride. Sheelt Creek Cove Water, rocking.tlavis l@)gurail.com
I 95 North 1950 Wcsr . Salt Lakc City. UT
Mailing Addrcss: I'.O. Ilox 144830 . Sillt Lake City. Ul' lt4 I l4-4ttl0
Tclcphonc (801 ) 53(r-4200 . Fax (liOl) 536-4211 . T.l).1). (801 ) 536-4414
l\'intcrl on l0{)'2, lccyclcd prpcr
,2024 16:26 M DT)
Corrective Action Plan F-xtension (2024-01)
Shccp Creel< Cnvc - UTAH03063
'fhc purposc of this Corrcctivc Action Plan ("CAP") is to establish lerms zurcl conclitit-rns of
compliancc fbr Shccp Crccl< Covc ("Systcm"), systcm numtrcr UTAII030(r3, to takc actious aucl
correct significanl cleflcrencies iclentified in Exhibit A.
Thc Corrcctivc Action Plan tcrnrs and conclitions arc clcscribccl in clctail in Exhibit A. As long as
thc Systern cor-nplies willi evcry onc ol 1he rcquirements in Exhibit A, the Division r,r,ill:
. Ternporarily allow the cxlcnclccl dcadlincs fbr corrccting the iclcntiflcd signrficant
o Ter-r-rporarily holclo['['assessir.rg aclditional points firr failLrrc to ('ix violatious, arrcl
. Tcmpolanly silcncc thc signrficant clcflcicr-rcics anclhold off rcporting thosc to US EPA.
Nothing in this Clorrcctivc Action I'}lan prohibits thc Division fionr tal<ing firrthcl cnlbrccmcnt
actior-rs if thc Systcrn tzrils to conrply lvith any olthc rcclr.rircn.rcnts rn llxhibit A or ii an in'rrnir-rcr.rt
pLrblic risl< cxists in thc Systcnr.
Wc the Lrnclcrsignccl partics agrcc to thc tenrs, conclitions ancl clcacllincs sct forth in thc florrectivc
Action Plan (see Exhibit A).
Hclcn Lau
Compliancc & Opcrations Managcr
l-ravis Mcllrrcli
Shccp Crccl< Covc
Exhibit A
Corrcctive Action Plan Extension Agreement UTAH03063, 2024-01
System Name: Sheep Creek Covc
Systcm Numbcr: UTAH03063
Administrative Contact: Travis McBriclc
Enr ail : rocking.travis I (d:gnrtril.conr
Phonc Numbcr: 43s-tttl I -1 026
Corrcctivc Action Plan Rcquire ments and f)ue D:rtes
Distribution Systenr (DS00 I
Item #1 Deficiency
Signilicant Deliciency Ilule Citation
t'0 u DSOO I Treatment I)lant not o1-rc[atccl try oPc|attlr
ccrtiflcd to thc r.crluircrl lcvcl
R30e-525-7(3 )
Corrective Action to be Taken Completion Due Date
Cct a C'cltilicd o1-rclatol lt thc lcrluit'ctl lci,cl 06/30/202-1
('Al'}I'}age I
Helen Lau (May 9, 2024 14:00 MDT)