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State of Utah
Department of
Environmental Quality
Kimberly D. Shelley
Executive Director
Nathan Lunstad, P.E.
Interim Director
Lieutenant Governor
November 21, 2023
Justin Anderson
Echo State Park - Dry Hollow
2115 North Echo Dam Road
Coalville, UT 84017
Subject: Administrative Order: “Approved” Rating Determination for Echo State Park - Dry
Hollow Campground UTAH22154
Dear Justin Anderson:
The Division of Drinking Water would like to inform Echo State Park - Dry Hollow Campground of our
decision to change its status to the “Approved” rating in accordance with the Utah Drinking Water Rules.
Enclosed is the “Administrative Order: ‘Approved’ Rating Determination”.
We appreciate the efforts you have taken to be in compliance with Utah’s Drinking Water Rules. Those
rules were adopted to ensure safe, reliable drinking water and to protect public health. My staff and I
stand ready to continue to assist you. Please contact us if there is anything we can do to support you.
Nathan Lunstad, P.E.
Interim Director, Division of Drinking Water
Enclosures: “Administrative Order: ‘Approved’ Rating Determination”, “IPS Report”
cc: Justin Anderson, Echo State Park - Dry Hollow CG, justinpand@utah.gov
Nathan Brooks, Summit County Health Department, nbrooks@summitcounty.org
Colt Smith, Division of Drinking Water, acsmith@utah.gov
Brandi Smith, Division of Drinking Water, brandismith@utah.gov
Julie Cobleigh, Division of Drinking Water, jjcobleigh@utah.gov
Dani Zebelean, Division of Drinking Water, dzebelean@utah.gov
Administrative Order: “Approved” Rating Determination
In the Matter of:
Echo State Park - Dry Hollow
Docket No. UTAH22154
(“Order”), relating to the Echo State Park - Dry Hollow Campground (the “System”), has been
issued by the Director of the Utah Division of Drinking Water (“Director”) based on the
authorities and findings provided herein. Notice of this Order is being provided to Justin
Anderson, an Administrative Contact, as the “Supplier” who is legally responsible for the System.
1. In 1974, Congress enacted the federal Safe Drinking Water Act, codified at 42 U.S.C. §
300f et seq, as amended. 42 U.S.C. § 300g-2 allows states to achieve primary enforcement
responsibility after the Environmental Protection Agency (“EPA”) has determined that the
state has adopted and can implement a state program that is no less stringent than the
federal public drinking water program (“Primacy”).
2. The Utah legislature has enacted the Utah Safe Drinking Water Act, codified at Utah Code
§ 19-4-101, with the intent of achieving Primacy.
3. Utah Code § 19-4-104 authorizes the Utah Drinking Water Board (the “Board”), among
other things, to make rules regulating public water systems in the state of Utah. Utah Code
§ 19-4-104(1)(c)(vi) charges the Board to “meet the requirements of federal law related or
pertaining to drinking water.” The Board has promulgated the Utah Public Drinking Water
Rules, codified at Utah Administrative Code (“UAC”) R309.
4. In 1980, the EPA Administrator determined, in accordance with 40 C.F.R. § 142.11, that
the Utah public drinking water program met the federal requirements for Primacy. See 45
Fed. Reg. 6647 (January 29, 1980). In accordance with 40 C.F.R. § 142.17, the EPA
Administrator has reviewed and continues to review annually, the Utah public drinking
water program to evaluate its continuing compliance with the requirements set forth in 40
C.F.R. Part 142.
5. The Board has defined public water systems under the Utah Public Drinking Water Rules,
UAC R309-110-4.
6. UAC R309-100-7 requires the Director to “assign a rating to each public water supply in
order to provide a concise indication of its condition and performance” in accordance with
R309-400. This rule is generally known as the Improvement Priority Rating (“IPS”) rating
7. The IPS rating system “is a point system used by the division to evaluate a public water
system’s performance and compliance with the drinking water rules in Title 309,
Environmental Quality, Drinking Water.” UAC R309-400-3(1). Under the IPS rating
system, each public water system is assigned a rating “to characterize the water system’s
compliance with drinking water rules and overall operation and performance.” UAC
R309-400-3(2). The IPS rating system is “used by the division to assign compliance
ratings to public water systems and to prioritize enforcement action based on points
assessed for noncompliance with drinking water rules.” UAC R309-400-1(1).
8. UAC R309-400-4(1)(a)(ii) directs the Director to establish “the point thresholds for
assigning an Approved or Not Approved rating for each type of water system.” For
systems exceeding the point threshold, the Director may issue a “Not Approved” rating.
The thresholds are as follows: (i) for community water systems, 150 points; (ii) for non-
transient, non-community water systems, 120 points; and (iii) for non-community water
systems, 100 points.
9. UAC R309-400-4(4) allows the Director to assess points against public water systems
upon their failure to comply with Division directives and orders.
10. UAC R309-400-5(1)(b)(ii) allows the Director to rate any public water system as “Not
Approved” at any time if an immediate threat to public health exists.
11. UAC R309-400-5(1)(c) provides that a public water system may qualify for a “Corrective
Action” rating for its public water system “based on a current, written agreement with the
division to resolve underlying noncompliance according to a compliance schedule.”
12. Pursuant to Utah Code § 19-4-106(d), the Director may enforce rules promulgated by the
Board through the issuance of orders. See also UAC R309-100-8.
13. Utah Code § 19-4-107 provides that upon discovery of any violation of the Act or a rule of
the, the Director shall promptly notify the supplier of the violation, state the nature of the
violation, and issue an order requiring correction of that violation.
14. Utah Code § 19-4-109 provides that any person who violates the Act or a rule or order
made or issued pursuant to the Act may be subject to an administrative penalty of up to
$1,000 per day of violation or a civil penalty of up to $5,000 per day of violation.
15. The Director’s jurisdiction to issue this AO is based, in part, on Section 1447(a) of the
Safe Drinking Water Act, codified at 42 U.S.C. § 300j-6. The federal act provides that if a
state has achieved enforcement primacy, then federal agencies are subject to the
jurisdiction of the state agency with enforcement primacy. In directing federal facilities to
be subject to and to comply with all state requirements “in the same manner and to the
same extent as any [non-governmental entity,]” the explicit language of the federal act
demonstrates Congress’ intention that federal facilities be treated as any other public water
system covered by the federal act and, in turn, the state law (the Utah Safe Drinking Water
Act) and rules that implement the federal act. Thus, the Director is required to assert
jurisdiction over the Supplier in this matter in the same manner and to the same extent as
any non-governmental entity.
Based on information in the Division’s administrative files, the Director makes the following
Findings for purposes of this Order:
1. The System is a public drinking water system within the meaning of the Utah Safe
Drinking Water Act and the Utah Public Drinking Water Rules.
2. The Supplier is the owner and/or operator of the System and is therefore legally
responsible for the System and for compliance with applicable laws, rules, and regulations.
3. The System qualifies as a Transient Non-Community system under the Utah Public
Drinking Water Rules. The maximum number of points allowed for this type of system is
4. The System is currently rated as “is an active but unrated system”.
5. For the reasons stated in the Master IPS Report attached hereto as Exhibit A, the System
has been assigned 30 points. This number is below the threshold provided in the IPS Rule.
The Master IPS Report is incorporated herein by this reference.
Based on the foregoing Findings and good cause appearing, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED as
1. The System is hereby rated as “Approved” under the Utah Public Drinking Water Rules.
1. This Order does not in any way relieve the Supplier from any other obligation imposed
under the Act or any other state, federal, or local law, rule, or regulation.
2. Nothing contained in this Order shall preclude the Director from taking actions to include
additional penalties against the Supplier for future violations of State or Federal law.
3. The Date of Issuance shall be the date that this Order is signed by the Director.
1. This Order is effective immediately and shall become final unless the Supplier contests
its validity or correctness in writing within thirty (30) days of the date of its issuance.
See Utah Code Utah Code § 63G-4-102(2)(k). The validity or correctness of this Order
may be contested by filing a written Request for Agency Action in accordance with UAC
R305-7. Filing a request for a hearing or a general statement of disagreement is not
sufficient under Utah Code § 63G-4-201(3)(a) to preserve your right to contest the validity
or correctness of this Order. A request for Agency Action must include the information
specified in UAC R305-7. Contest proceedings are also governed by Utah Code Section
19-1-301. Failure to file a Request for Agency Action within the period provided operates
waives any right of administrative contest, reconsideration, review or judicial appeal. An
extension is only available under UAC R305-7.
2. To contest this Order, the Supplier must respond in writing and must comply with the
applicable procedural requirements found at UAC R305-7 and with the applicable
requirements of the Utah Administrative Procedures Act, including Utah Code § 63G-4-
201(3)(a) and (b). The Supplier’s written Request for Agency Action must be filed and
served in accordance with UAC R305-7-104(5) within 30 days of the date of issuance of
this Order. For U.S. Mail delivery under UAC R305-7, the Director’s address is Director,
Division of Drinking Water, P.O. Box 144830, Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4830.
DATED this _21__ day of _November_, 2023.
Nathan Lunstad, P.E.
Interim Director, Division of Drinking Water