HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-007820p&s I sreel
January 24,2024
vrA us MAIL crnrmm6'
Utah Division of Air Quality
Minor Source Compliance
PO Box 1.44820
salt Lake city, uT 8411,44820
Subject:NESHAP - Annual Certification and Compliance Report
Nine Metal Fabrication and Finishing Source Categories
40CFR63Subpart XXXXXX
S & S Steel Fabrication operates a manufacturing facility located at2292West 500 North in
Hurricane, Utah. The facility is subject to the above referenced NESHAP standard. Please accept
this letter as S & S Steel Fabrication s Annual Certification and Compliance Report.
Section I - Facility lnformation
Period Covered by this Report:January 1,2023 through December 31,2023
"Existing" or "New" Source:Existing
Compliance Date (initial):July 25,2011
Source Category:Fabricated Metal Products
Source NAICS Number:332999
Company Name:S&SSteel Fabrication
Facility Name (if different):S&SSteel Fabrication
Facility Physical Address:2292West 500 North, Hurricane, UT 84737
Owner Company Name:S&SSteel Fabrication
Owner Company Address:2292West 500 North, Hurricane, UT 84737
Owner Telephone Number:(435)635-e8ol
Owner Contact:Jeff Staples - CEO
Owner e-mai! (if available):istaoles@ssstee lfab. com
ls the operator the owner?Yes
lf no, provide operator information:NA - Same as owner
2292 West 500 North, Hurricane, UT 84737 (435) 635-9801
SS Steel - NESHAPS Annual Cert Comp Report 2023
Page 2
Section 2 - ldentification of Affected Operations
Part 1 - The following are the operataons at this facility subject* to subpart XXXXXX
Dry Abrasive Blasting Yes No
1. Totally enclosed and unvented blast chambers X
2. Vented enclosures with a filtration control device x
J.Objects over 8 feet in any dimension without a filtration control device
(includes outdoor blasting of objects over 8 feet in any dimension)X
Dry Machining X
Dry Grinding or Dry Polishing with Stationary Machines X
Spray Painting
1. ln a spray booth x
2. \Mthout a spray booth (for Fabricated Structural Metal facilities or any
objects over 15 feet)x
1. Use less than 2,000 pounds of MFHAP-containing welding rod or wire
annually x
2.Use 2,000 pounds or more of MFHAP-containing welding rod or
welding wire annually X
* lmportant Note: The operator understands that the operations listed above are affected sources under Subpaft XXXYXX
only if they use mateials that contain or have the potential to emit metal fabication or finishing metal HAP (MFHAP).
Containing MFHAP is defined as any mateial containing 0.1 percent or more (of the metal) of cadmium, chromium, lead, or
nickel, or 1.0 percent or more (of the metal) of manganese, or any of these metals in the elemental form.
Abrasive Blasting
Process Description / lD No.
Emifted or Used
(Gd. Gr. Pb. Mn. Nil
Gompliance Method(s) Employed
(Check allthat apply)
Outdoor Blasting Cr, Mn, Ni Totally enclosed, unvented
Vented, with control device; describe
X Objects over I ft (with no control)
X Management practices
Enclosed Blaster Cr, Mn, Ni Totally enclosed, unvented
X Vented, with control device; describe
Objects over 8 ft (with no control)
x Management practices
SS Steel - NESHAPS Annual Cert Comp Report 2023
Page 3
Part 3 - This table lists each drv machininq. drv qrindinq. or drv polishinq operation at this facility
subject to subpart XXXXXX.
Dry Machining, Dry Grinding,
or Dry Polishing
Process Descriotion / lD No.
Emitted or Used
(Cd, Cr. Pb. Mn. Ni)
Compliance Method(s) Employed
(Check allthat apply)
MetalShearing Cr, Mn, Ni Control device; describe
X Management practices
Grinding with Abrasive Wheel
Pedestal Grinder
Gr, Mn, Ni Control device; describe
X Management practices
Part 4 - This table lists each sprav paintinq operation at this facility subject to subpart XXXXXX.
Spray Painting
Process Description / lD No.
Emitted or Used
(Cd. Cr. Pb. Mn. Ni)
Compliance Method(s) Employed
(Gheck allthat apply)
Not Applicable All paints were
investigated and it was
confirmed that no paints
contain MFHAPS.
Accordingly, the Facility is
not subject to the
requirements of this
Spray booth, PM filter, HVLP spray
HVLP spray guns, only
Management practices
Spray booth, PM filter, HVLP spray
HVLP spray guns, only
Management practices
Part 5 - This table lists each g!g[49 operation at this facility subject to subpart XXXXXX.
Welding Process Description
/ lD No.
Emitted or Used
(Cd. Cr. Pb. Mn. Ni)
Compliance Method(s) Employed
(Check allthat apply)
Production Welding Cr, Mn, Ni X Management practices
Fume capture device; describe
Management practices
Fume capture device; describe
Management practices
Fume capture device; describe
SS Steel - NESHAPS Annual Cert Comp Report 2023
Page 4
Part 6 - The following applicable management practices are used at this facility, as practicable (check
allthat apply):
Dry Abrasive Blasting
x Minimize dust generation during emptying of abrasive blasting enclosure to reduce MFHAP
emissions, as practicable.
x Operate all equipment associated with dry abrasive blasting operations according to the
manufactu rer's instructions.
x Minimize excess dust in the surrounding area to reduce MFHAP emissions, as practicable.
x For Outdoor Blasting - Enclose dusty abrasive storage areas and holding bins, seal chutes and
conveyors that transport abrasive materials.
For Outdoor Blasting - Do not re-use dry abrasive blasting media unless contaminants (i.e., any
material other than the base metal, such as paint residue) have been removed by filtration or
screening, and the abrasive material conforms to its original size.
For Outdoor Blasting - When practicable, switch from high particulate matter (PM)-emitting blast
media (e.9., sand)to low PM-emitting blast media (e.9., crushed glass, specular hematite, steel
shot, aluminum oxide).
Dry Machining, Dry Grinding, Dry Polishing
x Minimize excess dust in the surrounding area to reduce MFHAP emissions, as practicable
x Operate equipment according to manufacturer's instructions.
Spray Painting
Proper cleaning and storage of spray guns, if applicable.
Training for employees using HVLP spray equipment, with certification as having completed
classroom or hands-on training in the proper selection, mixing, and application of coatings, with
refresher training repeated at least once every 5 years.
Facility to maintain a list of trained painters.
x Operate equ i p ment accord i n g to man ufactu rer's instru ctions.
x Use welding processes with reduced fume generation capabilities, if practicable. (e.9., gas metal
arc welding (GMAW)-also called metal inert gas welding (MlG))
x Use welding process variations (e.9., pulsed current GMAW, which can reduce fume generation
rates, if practicable.
x Use welding filler metals, shielding gases, carrier gases, or other process materials which are
capable of reduced welding fume generation, if practicable.
x Optimize welding process variables (e.9., electrode diameter, voltage, amperage, welding angle,
shield gas flow rate, travel speed) to reduce the amount of welding fume generated, if practicable.
Use a welding fume capture and control system, operated according to the manufacturer's
specifications, if practicable.
SS Steel - NESHAPS Annual Cert Comp Report 2023
Page 5
Report of Visible Observations (Dry Blasting or Welding)
lf visible emissions were detected for more than six minutes during any observation period during the year list
all such instances below along with all corrective action taken and the results of subsequent follow-up
inspections for visible emissions.
Blasting or
Date Description of Gorrective
Date and result of follow-up
The facility referenced herein !$ operating in compliance with all of the relevant standards
and other requirements of 40 CFR Part 63 subpart National Emission
Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Area Source Standards for Nine Metal
Fabrication and Finishing Source Categories.
The facility referenced herein is NOT operating in compliance with the relevant standards
and/or other requirements of 40 CFR Part 63 subpart XXXXXX, National Emission
Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants: Area Source Standards for Nine Metal
Fabrication and Finishing Source Categories.
Reason for noncompliance:
accurate and complete.
Jeff Staoles
I hereby certify that, to the best of my knowledge,
(Printed Name)
Director, Air and Toxics Enforcement
1595 Wynkoop Street
Denver, CO 80202-1-129
the information presented herein is true,
/to r /z-4 lz4
(435) 635-9801
i staples@sssteelfa b. com
State of Utah Mail - S&S Steel Annual NESHAP Certification2129124,10:28 AMffi Chad Gilgen <cgilgen@utah.gov>
S&S Steel Annual NESHAP Gertification
4 messages
Chad Gilgen <cgilgen@utah.gov> Thu, Feb 15,2024 at 12:36 PM
To : jsta pl es@ssstee lfa b. com
Hello Jeff,
I am in receipt of your January 24,2024, NESHAP Annual Certification and Compliance Report for 40 CFR Subpart
XXXXXX for S&S Steel Fabrication and require some additional information to accept this report.
Please email me the quarterly NESHAP Visual Determination Log sheets for welding and blasting 'for 2023.
Chad Gilgen I Manager I Minor Source Compliance
Emails to and from this email address may be considered public records and thus subject to Utah GMMA requirements.
Jeff Staples <JStaples@sssteelfab.com>
To: Chad Gilgen <cgilgen@utah.gov>
Please find attached. Have a great weekend!
Jeff Staples
435.3 13.5333
Fri, Feb 16,2024 at 10:48 AM
$sus*r* ffi .sl*e" @ sestm- fi? I ffi,ffi
From: Chad Gilgen <cgilgen@utah.gov>
Sent: Thursday, February 15,2024 12:37 PM
To: Jeff Staples <JStaples@sssteelfab.com>
Subject: S&S SteelAnnual NESHAP Certification
https://mail.google.com/mail/u l0l?ik=36t4379000*r;"yv=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a:r-3597994298312980948&simpl=msg-a'r4227 5906787475... 113
2129124,10:28 AM
Hello Jeff,
State of Utah Mail - S&S Steel Annual NESHAP Certification
I am in receipt of your January 24,2024, NESHAP Annual Certification and Compliance Report for 40 CFR Subpart
XXXXXX for S&S Steel Fabrication and require some additional information to accept this report.
Please email me the quarterly NESHAP Visual Determination Log sheets for welding and blasting for 2023. '
Ghad Gilgen I i[anager I Minor Source Compliance
385-3066500 (cell)
lQuoted text hiddenl
e ?}?lr,"ual
Determination Log Sheets 'S&S.pdf
Chad Gilgen <cgilgen@utah.gov>
To: Jeff Staples <JStaples@sssteelfab.com>
Thanks, Jeff. This is great and covers what I need.
Chad Gilgen I Manager I Minor Source Compliance
385-306-6500 (cel!)
llIAl{ i}f P,lilrfliNT ol
[$V tti1}i'iid E r., f A L qi_]A LIT y
Emails to and from this email address may be ansidered public records and thus subject to Utah GRAMA requirements.
lQuoted text hiddenl
Thu, Feb 22,2024 at 1:53 PM
Jeff Staples <JStaples@sssteelfab.com>
To: Chad Gilgen <cgilgen@utah.gov>
Thanks for the follow up. Have a great day!
Thu, Feb 22,2024 at2:19 PM
https://mail.google.com/mail/u lOl?ik=36t4379OrOUr;"w=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-a:r-3597994298312980948&simpl=msg-a'.r4227 5906787475. . . 213
2129124,10:28AM State of Utah Mait - S&S SteelAnnual NESHAP Certification
Jeff Staples .
It*** I.sF#. @ s&slw- fifl ffi
From: Chad Gilgen <cgilgen@utah.gov>
Sent Thursday, February 22, 2O24 1 :53 PM
To: Jeff Stapbs <JStaples@sssteelfab.com>
Sublect Re: S&S SteelAnnual NESHAP Certification
Thanks, Jefi. This is great and covers what I need.
Ghad Gilgen I Hanager | illinor Source Compllance
38S3066500 (cell)
Emails to and from this email Ndress may be oonsiderd ptblic rewds aN thus suDjecf fo lJtah GMMA requirements.
[Quoted text hklden]
https://mail.google.com/maiUu/0/?ik=36f4379b4d&view=p8search=all&permthid=thread-a:r€597994298312980948&simpl=msg-a:r4227596787475... 313
NESHAP Visual Determination
Log Sheet -Wetding
2292 West 500 North, Hurricane, Utah
(Refer to the Visual Determination Site Map for Observation Points.)
* lf any point has more than 360 seconds with visible emissions, refer to NESHAP XXXXXX for additional
Date:January 10.2023 {Q1)Wind Soeed & Direction:7.4 MPH, S/SW
Observer:Jeff Staples Skv Conditions:Clear Blue
Start Time
(Clock time)
End Time
(Clock time)
Seconds with visible
Corrective Actions Taken:
1.1:12 1:27 15 0 N/A
2.1:27 1:42 15 0 N/A
Date:April 7. 2023 @21 Wind Speed & Direction:4.8 MPH. W
Observer:Jeff Staples Skv Conditions:Clear Blue
Start Time
(Clock time)
End Time
(Clock time)
Seconds with visible
Corrective Actions Taken:
1.1:35 1:50 15 0 N/A
2.1:50 2:05 15 0 N/A
Date:Julv 21. 2023 (O3)Wind Speed & Direction:0 MPH/Calm
Observer:Jeff Staoles Skv Conditions:Clear Blue
Start Time
(Clock time)
End Time
(Clock time)
Seconds with visible
Corrective Actions Taken:
1.9:40 9:55 15 0 N/A
2.9:55 10:10 15 0 N/A
Date:October 20. 2023 {O4)Wind Soeed & Direction:6 MPH. NE
Observer:Jeff Staples Skv Gonditions:Clear Blue
Start Time
(Clock time)
End Time
(Clock time)
Seconds with visible
Corrective Actions Taken:
1.8:50 9:05 15 0 N/A
2.9:05 9:20 15 0 N/A
NESHAP Visual Determination
Log Sheet - Blastins
2292West 500 North, Hurricane, Utah
(Refer to the Visual Determination Site Map for Observation Points.)
* lf any point has more than 360 seconds with visible emissions, refer to NESHAP XXXXXX for additional
Date:January 10, 2023 (Ql)Wind Speed & Direction:7.4 MPH, S/SW
Observer:Jeff Staples Skv Conditions:Clear Blue
Start Time
(Clock time)
End Time
(Clock time)
Seconds with visible
Corrective Actions Taken:
1.12:57 1:12 15 0 N/A
Date:April 7, 2023 (Q2)Wind Soeed & Direction:4.8 MPH, W
Observer:Jeff Staoles Skv Conditions:Clear Blue
Start Time
(Clock time)
End Time
(Clock time)
Seconds with visible
Corrective Actions Taken:
1.1:20 1:35 15 0 N/A
Date:Julv 21. 2023 (Q3)Wind Speed & Direction:0MPH. Calm
Observer:Jeff Staples Skv Gonditions:Clear Blue
Start Time
(Clock time)
End Time
{Clock time)
Seconds with visible
Corrective Actions Taken:
1.9:25 9:40 15 0 N/A
'Date:October 20. 2023 (Q4l Wind Speed & Direction:6 MPH, NE
0bserver:Jeff Staples Skv Conditions:Clear Blue
Start Time
(Clock time)
End Time
{Clock time)
Seconds with visible
Corrective Actions Taken:
1.9:30 9:45 15 0 N/A