HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-007291State of Utah SPENCERJ. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIRQUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director November 8,2023 DAQC-I222-23 Site ID 12894 (Bl) Sent Via Certified Mail No. 70190700000208346238 Christian Boudreau Staker Parsons Company 89 West 13400 South, Suite 100 Draper, UT 84020 Dear Mr. Boudreau, Re: Warning Letter - Staker Parsons Company dba Nielson Construction Company - Huntington Asphalt and Aggregate Pit, Approval Order (AO) DAQE-AN128940010-19, Emery County On Septemb er 7,2023,the Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ conducted an inspection of Nielson Construction Huntington Asphalt and Aggregate Pit at Highway 31 in Huntington, Utah. The DAQ believes that Nielson Construction was in violation of AO Condition II.B.2.e.1 for failure to conduct a stack test for the hot mix asphalt plant within five years of the previous test. Staker Parsons submitted a response (copy attached) to the Compliance Advisory (DAQC-I100-23) on October 25,2023, indicating the hot mix asphalt plant did not achieve the production required to conduct stack testingin2023. Nielson Construction must stack test the hot mix asphalt plant once they have the production required for stack testing and they must notiff the DAQ of the testing date as soon as it is known. Nielson Construction must also provide an annual update to the request for variance letter to the DAQ, starting no later than October 25,2024, for each year they are unable to stack test the hot mix asphalt plant. Please be aware this letter is a warning and that future instances of noncompliance may be considered a violation of DAQE-AN128940010-19 and Nielson Construction may be assessed penalties up to $10,000 per day if found to be in violation of Utah Air Quality Rules. 195 North 1950 West. Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820. Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 5364000 . Fax (801) 5364099' T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 w.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper DAQC-1222-23 Page2 A response to this letter is not required. If you have any questions regarding this letter, please contact Chad Gilgen at (385) 306-6500 or at cgilgen@utah.gov. Sincerely, -#-Jay Morris (Nov 7,2023 14:,18 MST) Bryce C. Bird Director BCB:CG:rh cc: Southeast Utah Health Deparhnent attachments: RE: Request for Variance for Huntington Hot Plant Stack Testing Date /\ STAKER PARSON MATFRIAI S & CONSTRL]CTION BURDICK fulATERIALS HALES SAND & GRAVET IDAHO MATERIALS E CONSTRUCIION JACK B. PARSON READY IVlIX CONCRETE a cM co{An' NIELSON CONSf RUCTION & II1ATERIALS REYNOLDS EXCAVATION DE]\,,IOLITION & UTILITIE S Christian Boudreau Staker Parson A CRH Company 89 W 13490 S Suite 100 Draper, Utah 84020 October 25th,2023 Jordan Garahana Utah Division of Air Quality, Environmental Scientist 195 N 1950 W Salt Lake Ciry, Utah 84116 Dear Jordan Garahana: RE: Request for Variance for Huntington Hot Plant Stack Testing Date Staker Parson is submitting this Request of Variance to meet Condition II.8.2.e.1 of DAQE- AN128940010-19. Due to various complications with weather, production, and scheduling Staker Parson is requesting an extension to the 5-year stack testing date. The most recent stack test was conducted on October 18,2016. As you know, we have an approved Pretest Protocol for the plant and have scheduled multiple times to get the stack test completed for the facility, but due to the stated complications have been unable to complete said stack test. Staker Parson last submitted a Request of Variance in202l. The Huntington Hot Plant does not have nor do they forsee any scheduled jobs at this time that would give them the production needed to meet lLB.2.e.1 i.e., ". ..90% of the maximum production achieved in the previous three (3) years". As such, Staker parson is again requesting the variance until the Huntington Hot Plant can meet I1.8.2.e.7. Ifyou have any questions or concerns please contact the undersigned. Sincerely, Christian Boudreau Environmental Specialist Staker Parson a CRH Company (O): 801-87r-6704 (C):385-318-6938 (E) : christian.boudreau@stakerparson. com REVIEWED Initials: CG Date: 10-31-23 Compliance Status: Response to CA DAQC-I100-23 - Request for Variance File # 12894 (Bl) /\ STAKER PARSON LANDSCAPE CENTERS WESTERN ROCK PRODL]CTS sAND A RocK A LANDScApE pRoDucrs A ngnov Mrx coNcRETE A ASpHALT A pnvtuc A cousrnucr roN sERVTcES USPSTRACKIIG#. llltil]ilil t.rT IL .1 illl I First€lass Mail Postage & FeeS Patd USPS Permit Nq. G-10 lqEA 7131 5 hrtl,3.5L DASC_ lzzz-L3 l Please pdnt your name, address, and (.o >O J z UJ zo CE, llJE Eurau DIVISIoN oF AIR QUALITY bCOMPLIANCE SECTION zPO BOX 144820 Qsel-r LAKE CITY ur 84114-4820-f_o __ i'iti'll|1'iiJ riitrtlrlliriuillil,lilr11f rf ; rtlff ri,ill, girrl r Complete items 1, 2, and 3.r Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. r Attach this oard to the back of the mailplece, or on the front if CHzuSTIAN BOUDREAU E Agent C. Date of Delivery (L<?-L-, D. ls deliveryaddr€ss differentfrom item 1? trl Yes '-.r delivery address below: [f No STA6R PARSONS COMPANY 89 WEST I34OO SOUTH, SUITE IOO DRAPER, UT 84020 illlllll llil illlr lil il] llil ril1il [ lr]t 9s90 9402 7931 2305 6413 51 LJ Aduttstgnature tr Adult Signature RestrlctEd Delluory !CertifiedMall@ tr Certifled Mail R6stricted Dolfusry tr Colleot on Ddllvery tr collect on Delivery Resticted DellveryIl lnsured Mail Hostricted D6liv6ry tr Priorlty Mall E<press@ tr Bogistered MallrM tr Beglstered Mall Rest{cted Delivery E Slgnatur€ Conflrmationil tr Signatur€ Conflrmation Restrioted Dolivery Domestib Return Feceipt , 2. Arlicle Number lfiansfer from seruice ?81,1 [?UB EUEa E6]q he38 ; PS Form 381 1, .tuty zo20 psN 7ss0.02.000-g0so EO m ru.n f m EO E ruE trl E] trltfrrE ITrl EI rL CHRISTIAN BOUDREAU STAKER PARSONS COMPANY 89 WEST I34OO SOUTH, SUITE lOO DRAPER, UT 84020 ffiWffifl#g&L xra oeryrces & rSes (chfrk box, add t@ 4 apprcpdate) ERetumR€catpt(hadcopg $_- ERetumRsetpt(Electontc) $_ Sc"ameol,laiRetaa"do"lrr"ry $- EAdult stgnature Requtred S --fl Adult Slgnatur€ R6trtcled Odtu€ry S _ tlloglz= DAoc- lzzz-23