HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-006884Yflffi,[,"#OUNTAIN Lake Side Power Plant 1825 North Pioneer Lane Vineyard, UT 84042 January 30,2024 Mr. Bryce Bird, Director Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality P.O. Box 144820 Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 UTAH DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL OUALITY DIVISION OF AIR QUALITV RE: Annual Compliance Report for Auxiliary Boilers Lake Side Power Plant (Titte V Permit 4900241002 Dear Mr. Bird: In accordance to Provision II.B.7.f.3 of the PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Title V Operating Permit (Permit No 4900241002), the Lake Side Power Plant hereby submits a Annual Compliance Report for the Auxilliary Boilers according to the requirements of 40 CFR Part 63 Subpart DDDDD. Process Unit Information, Emission and Operating Limitations Emission Unit ID Emission Unit Name (design and manufacturer name) Subcategory Size: Rated Heat Input Capacity (mmBtu/hr) Description of add-on controls Fuels Used Emissions Limitations Operating Limitations EU#7 Auxiliary Boiler Block I Cleaver- Brooks Model # CBL- 700- 1500-200 Serial #oLt04777 Units designed to burn gas I tuel. 62.765 mmBtu/hr No add-on controls installed Natural Gas No emissions limitations required for subcategory. Only natural gas fuel is burned in Unit. No operating limitations required for subcategory. Only natural gas fuel is burned in Unit EU#I4 Auxiliary Boiler Block 2 Cleaver - Brooks Model NB-201D-50 Serial #cP-423t* Units designed to burn gas I fuel. 57.6 mmBtu/hr No add-on controls installed Natural Gas No emissions limitations required for subcategory. Only natural gas fuel is bumed in Unit. No operating limitations required for subcategory. Only natural gas fuel is burned in Unit. B-2-13031 Reporting Period: January 1,2023 to December 31,2023 Date of Most Recent Annual Tune Up: Emission Unit Date Boiler Tune Up and Burner Inspection was Conducted EU#7 Auxiliary Boiler Block 1 December 6,2023 EU #14 Auxiliarv Boiler Block 2 December 6,2023 *The serial number for the Block 2 Auxiliary Boiler was incorectly listed as N20066 in previous versions of this report, however it was verified to be CP-4231, and has been corrected in this report. I am authorizedto make this submission on behalf of the owners and operators of the affected source or affected units for which the submission is made. I certifu under penalty of law that I have personally examined, and am familiar with, the statements and information submitted in this document and all its attachments. Based on my inquiry of those individuals with primary responsibility for obtaining the information, I certifu that the statements and information are to the best of my knowledge and belief true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant penalties for submitting false statements and information, or omitting statements and information, including the possibility of fine or imprisonment. Should you have any questions regarding this information, please contact Veronica Reyes, Lake Side Plant Environmental Analyst at (801) 796-1916 or Brett Shakespear, Director, Environmental Compliance & Remediation at (801) 220-2575. Sincerely, /1 ^/Lh"l)",*- Dustian Weaver Lake Side Plant Manager Responsible Official cc: Brett Shakespear, Director, Environmental Compliance & Remediation 80*qs UTAH DEPARTME}iT OF f r'rVr nOr'rn ENTAL OUALITY Veronica ,1 -\.r Richard Myers' T33, ,or.n 7oo west Lakeside PacifiCoro att Lake citY^'OlrltStON OF AIR OuALlilr"r"pnone: +18012sse333 Oec 6. 2023 MEASUREMENT RESULTS Created by: Richard Hyers Instattation: Block 1 south Boiler Fuet Type: Natural gas Boiter type: Scotch Harine llominal Power: 18394.0 Burner type: Gun Construction yea?t 2006 llanufacturer: Cteaver-Brooks Cominissioning: Serial ilulber: OL104777 Last llaintenance: Description: leasurencnt H#01 )+*o2 t{#03 t{*o4 H#05 1,,1#06 t+Ht7 t{#08 H#09 l1#10 in€ [HH.tltl,SSI 72t04t77 7??04r54 12 : 08:08 12:09 3 41 L2tL2t44 12: 13: 06 12: 13: 31 12 r 13: 58 12:25:55 L2t26t54 )2 ltl 6.8 7.4 7.5 7.5 7,5 7.5 7,7 7.8 7.6 7.9 :0 [pprl 5 I 1l 10 8 6 6 7 4 7 r0 [ppml 27 19 t7 t7 t4 13 13 t2 13 t2 lOx lppnl 23 27 19 19 15 t4 14 13 !4 13 :02 ttl 7.9 7.6 7,5 7.5 7.5 7,5 7.4 7,4 7.5 7.3 .osscs ttl 14.1 14.4 14.8 15. 0 15. 3 15. 4 15. 5 15. 7 15. 9 16.2 .Air l'Fl 7A 78 79 79 80 80 80 80 82 a2 .G.s I'FI 218 223 234 239 251 253 255 259 270 276 tt. ttl 85. 9 85. 6 85. 2 85.0 84.7 84.6 84,5 84.3 84.1 83.8 lleasured yith ecom device: ecorBP/CL2-367 FW:1,8 P:3, ecoillrt,tDER ios Version 2,5 Buitd r!Page t AG$Q l{easurement 1 (}ll01): Pl l{easurement 2 $ffi21: P2 l{easurement 3 (}l*03): P3 Itleasureilent 4 (il#04): P4 Heasurement 5 (it#05): P5 l{easurement 6 (l{#06): P6 ileasurement 7 Qlfr7l: Pl l,leasurement 8 (ll#08): P8 l{easurement 9 (}l*09): F9 ileasurement 10 (ll#10): P10 ilcrsurcd yith rcom d.vlc.: ccor-BP/CUl-367 fl:1.8 P:3, ccodllloER tOS Vcrslon 2.5 Eultd fl Page 2 €.O*qE Veronica Richard Myers MSS 1055 south 700 west Salt Lake City Pac if iCo rp Telephone: +18012559333 Dec 6. 2023 MEASUREMENT RESULTS Created byr Richard Myers Instatlation: Btock 2 boiter Fuet Type: Natural gas Boiler type! IWf lloninat Pmer: Burner type: N2006 Construction year. 2072 llanufacturer: €teaver-Brooks Cornissioning: Seriat llurber: Cp-4231 Llst llrintenance: Descriotion:o.b7 M-d-t --il-t Nu,rs-7- eP--rst le!suro[€nt il#o1 )+$02 t{#03 ]+t04 'intc IHH.rltl.SSl 08: 51: 52 08:53! 27 08:54:02 083 55:39 12 [t]6.1 6.2 6.8 5.7 :0 [pprl 26 29 38 16 r0 lppnl 10 t0 10 11 l0x lpprl 11 11 11 t2 toz [tl 8.3 8.2 7.9 8.5 .o3scs ttl 17.3 L7.5 18.0 17.6 .Air I'FI 78 ao 80 81 ,Gls IoFI 332 338 344 348 t,lf . tt]42.7 82. 5 8?.0 82.4 l{casured ulth econ device: ecorBP,/CL2-367 Ftltt.S P:3, ecoonrt{DER i06 Verslon 2.5 Bulld *1 Page 1 .&osE iGasure0ent 1 (ll*01): 16.t ileasurement 2 0riffi2lz 2& l{easurement 3 (}t*03): 30t ileasurement 4 (il#e4): 4eft ilcasurcd rlth ccor dcvlcc3 ccotsEP/CL2-367 H31.8 P:3, cco.ilrlDB l0S Verslon 2.5 Bulld *l Page 2 ootro CLoot _ooo = o (o(\tEoiDN_-o9b:33pE(u!{o6E)o6P;6P (r)6 GIE RE 9Eao O6.OE ooOoe-Ll 6CEo- -9 EEo=oaco)obEo >-Y<) -=(U pE o,o:v'= oY!)Ey-o ^= o =o o-i.I) -o.=Ete .e 9'Eto=Fo C I -g CL E o a(goo6'ooc Eo Eo(,E Eo3oE .Eo. otr utEo oo CLo .E !,c6 o CL3 0,c oc, o o E o) I E o(E :,c(E E q, CL EoE(uoE 6(E E'o cDE(E .co Ec(E !q, oooo .E Eo! at6 6=o.uoEFOEg. 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