HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-0080571 DAQC-466-24 Site ID 13031 (B5) MEMORANDUM TO: CEM FILE – PACIFICORP LAKE SIDE PLANT THROUGH: Harold Burge, Major Source Compliance Section Manager FROM: Paul Morris, Environmental Scientist DATE: May 15, 2024 SUBJECT: Source: Units CTG11, CTG12, CTG21, and CTG22 Contact: Veronica Reyes – 801-796-1916 Tom Wiscomb – 801-220-2373 Location: 1825 North Pioneer Lane, Lindon, Utah County, UT Test Contractor: Mostardi Platt FRS ID#: UT0000004904900241 Permit/AO#: Title V operating permit #4900241002, dated July 16, 2021 Subject: Review of RA/PST Protocol dated May 1, 2024 On May 9, 2024, Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) received a protocol for a RA/PST (relative accuracy/performance specification test) of the PacifiCorp Lake Side Plant Units CTG11, CTG12, CTG21, and CTG22 in Lindon, Utah. Testing will be performed on June 18-26, 2024, to determine the relative accuracy of the O2, NOX, and CO monitoring systems and conduct source compliance testing for VOC and PM10 emissions. PROTOCOL CONDITIONS: 1. RM 1 used to determine sample velocity traverses: OK 2. RM 2 used to determine stack gas velocity and volumetric flow rate: OK 3. RM 3A used to determine dry molecular weight of the gas stream: OK 4. RM 4 used to determine moisture content of the gas stream: OK 5. RM 7E used to determine NOX concentrations of emissions: OK 6. RM 10 used to determine CO concentrations of emissions: OK 7. RM 25A used to determine VOC concentrations of emissions: OK 8. RM 201A used to determine used to determine PM10 emissions: OK 9. RM 202 used to determine condensable particulate emissions: OK 6 , 3 2 DEVIATIONS: No deviations were noted. CONCLUSION: The protocol appears to be acceptable. RECOMMENDATION: Send attached protocol review and test date confirmation notice. YF,ffIE^HIVIOUNTAIN May 1,2024 Mr. Bryce Bird, Director State of Utah Division of Air Quality Department of Environmental Quality 194 North 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4820 Attn: Rob Leishman I,TAH DEPARTMENT OF E}WIBONMENTAL OUALITY MAY - I ?1]21 ilan .l DIVISiON c\<-\r t)$ecl OF AIR QUALIT\' Subject: Dear Mr. Bird: Notification of PacifiCorp's Lake Side Plant Units CTll, CTlz, CT21 and CT22 Annual Source Emission Testing PacifiCorp's Lake Side plant is scheduling the annual Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA), Annual Quality Assurance of the Continuous Emission Monitoring Systons (CEMs) on Units CTI l, CTl2, CT21 and CT22. The testing is scheduled to begin June 19, 2024. Enclosed is the testing protocol that will be followed by our stack testing contractor, Montrose Air Quality Services, LLC. Shown below is the testing schedule. Date Unit Unit at Load Activity MWg ITarget Loadl 611812024 N/A 08:00-17:00 Mob/Set up N/A 6lt9/2024 CTG1 I 0700-1600 Gas RATA and Particulate Matter 216-300 {270) 6120/2024 CTG12 0700-1600 Gas RATA and Particulate Matter 216-300 {270\ 612512024 CTG21 0700-1600 Gas RATA and Particulate Maffer 243-347 {313 } 6/26t2024 CTG22 0700-1600 Gas RATA and Particulate Matter 243-347 {313 } Note: Test times are approximate and subject to change. Should you have any questions regarding this testing schedule, please do not h€sitate to contact VeronicaReyes at (801) 796-1916 orTom Wisoomb at (801) 220-2373. Sincerely,,hh* Dustian Weaver Plant Manager, Lake Side Plant Enclosures cc: Youn Joo Kim - Region MII deoclosure Veronica Reyes - Lake Side Plant deirclosrre Tom Wiscomb -NTO 210 i Source Test Plan lor 2O24 Testing CTG1l, CTGL4 CTG21 and PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant Lindon, Utah Prepared For: PacifiCorp - Lake Side Power Plant 1825 N. Pioneer Lane Lindon, Utah Compliance/RATA CTG22 UTAH DEPAFTMENT OF E}WIRONMENTAL OUAIJTY MAY - 9 ')C?-4 #*s*^Bl'[ffi8$^,', Prepared By: Montrose Air Quality Services, LLC 99O West 43'd Avenue Denver, Colorado 80211 i For Submission To: Utah Division of Air Quality 195 Nofth, 1950 West Salt Lake City, Utah 84116 Document Number: GPO43AS-O3992O-PP-839 Proposed Test Dates: June 19-20 and 25-26,2fJ24 slAeffiEAlnoroaoartdtmorM }+?,NT\g[T Review and Ceftification I ceftify that, to the best of my knowledge, the information contained ln thls document ls complete and accurate and conforms to the requirements of the Montrose Quality Management System and ASTM D7036-04. Date:412912024 Name:Title: eA/eC Anatyst I have reviewed, technically and edltorially, details and other approprlate written materials contained herein. I hereby certlfy that to the best of my knowledge the presented materlal is authentic and accurate and conforms to the requlrements of the Montrose Quality Management System and ASTM D7036-04. Signature: Name: 412912024 Account ManagerTim Wojtach GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 2 of 50 I Section Table of Contents Paoe Introduction ............. ............ 5 1.1 Summary of Test Program .............. 5 L.2 Applicable Regulations and Emission Limlts ......7 1.3 Key Personnel........... ..... 9 Plant and Sampling Locatlon Descrlptlons............. .................10 2.1 Process Description, Operation, and Control Equipment ............. .....10 2.2 Flue Gas Sampling Locations.. .........10 2.3 Operating Conditions and Process Data...... .....11 2.5 Plant Safety ...................11 2.5.1 Safety Responsibilitles...... ....................11 2.5.2 Safety Program and Requlrements ........L2 Sampling and Analytical Procedures......... ...............14 3.1 Test Methods............ ....L4 3.1.1 EPA Method 1.............. ,........14 3.1.2 EPA Method 2.............. .........14 3.1.3 EPA Methods 3A,7E, and 10 ................,15 3.1.4 EPA Method 4............. .........16 3.1.5 EPA Method 201A........ ........L7 3.1.6 EPA Method 2O2.......... .......L7 3.L.7 .EPA Method 25A .......... ............t.. ....... 18tt Quality Aszurance and Reporting........... ......:.........................20 4.L QA Audits.. ...................20 4.2 Quallty Control Procedures ..............20 4.2.1 Equipment Inspectlon and Maintenance ............. ...................20 4.2.2 Audit Samples. ......20 4.3 Data Analysis and Validatlon ...........20 4.4 Sample Identification and Custody ..................21 4.5 Quality Statement ........2L 4.6 Repofting ......2L 4.6.1 Example Report Format ........22 4.6.2 Example Presentation of Test Resu|ts.............. .......22 1.0 2.O 3.0 4.0 GP043A5-039920-PP-839 Page 3 of 50 t List of Appendices A Supporting Information ..........25 A.1 Units and Abbreviations............ .....26 A.2 Accreditation Information/Certlficatlons ..........34 *S" Field Work Safety P1an......... .................36 List of Tables 1-1 Summary of Test Program and Proposed Schedule ............. .................... 6 L-2 Repofting Units and Emission Limits .......7 1-3 Summary of Paft 60175 M Requirements...... ..,....... 8 1-4 Test Personnel and Responsibilities.... ..... 9 2-L Sampling Locations ...............10 4-L Example Emisslons Results..... ...............23 4-2 Example MTA Resu1ts.........,.. ..............24 List of Figures 3-1 EPA Methods2OLN2O2 Sampling Train........ ........15 3-2 US EPA Methods 3A,7E and 10 Sarnpling Train........ ..............16 3-3 US EPA Method 25A Sampling Train... ....19 4-l Typical Report Format .........22 GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 4 of 50 I 1.O Introduction 1.1 Summary of Test Program PacifiCorp contracted Montrose Air Quality Servlces, LLC (Montrose) to perform a compliance emissions test program on the sources listed in Table 1-1 at the Lake Side Power Plant located in Lindon, Utah. In addition, a CEMS RATA will be conducted on the sources listed in Table 1-1. The compliance tests are conducted to determine compliance with the applicable emission limits listed in Title V Operating Permit number 4900241002 issued by Utah Division of Air Quality (UDAQ. The MTA is conducted to determine compliance with the applicable RA requirements listed in 40 CFR Pafts 60 and 75. The specific objectives are to: o Measure emissions of PM/PMro/PMz.s dt the outlet of CTG11, CfGL2, CTG21 and CTG22 . Measure emissions of VOC at the outlet of CTG2I and C-fG22 . Determine the RA for the Oz, NOx and CO CEMS used to monitor emissions from the outlet of CTG11, CTG12, CTG21 and CfG22 . Conduct the test program with a focus on safety Montrose will provide the test personnel and the necessary equipment to measure emissions as outlined in this test plan. Facility personnel wil! provide the process and production data to be included in the final repoft. A summary of the test program and proposed schedule is pre,sented in Table 1-1. I I G P043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 5 of 50 )une t9,2024 Perform PM Testing Perform PM Testing EPA 1, 2,3A,4, 20LN2O2 Perform PM, VOC Testing EPA 1, 2,3A,4, 25A,2OLA|2O2 Perform PM, VOC Testing Perform Oz, NOx, CO RATA EPA 1, 2,3A,4, 25A,2OLA{2O2 Table 1-1 Summary of Test Program and Proposed Schedule To simplify this test plan, a list of Units and Abbreviations is included in Appendix A. Throughout this test plan, chemical nomenclature, acronyms, and reporting units are not defined. Please refer to the list for specific details. GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 6 of 50 L.2 Applicable Regulations and Emission Limits The results from this test program are presented ln units consistent with those listed in the applicable regulatlons or requirements. The reporting units and emission limits are presented in Table 1-2. Table 1-2 Repofting Unlts and Emission Limlts 1 In accordance with the UDAQ Permit, all PM/CPM will be reported as PMro or PMro/PMz.s, as applicable. cTGl1, CTG12 PMrol lblhr lh/MMBtrr 10.8 0.01 Permit 49OO24LOO2 cTG21, CfG22 PMro/PMz.sl lb/hr L4 Permit 49OO24LOO? cTG11, CTG12 NOx ppmvd@15o6 Oz lb/hr 2.0 L4.9 Permit 49OO24LOO? cTG11, CTG12 co ppmvd@lSolo Oz lb/hr 3.0 L4.t Permit 49OO24LOO2 cTG21, ClG22 NOx ppmvd@lSo/o Oz lb/hr 2.0 18.1 Permit 490024L0O2 cfczl, CfG22 co ppmvd@15olo Oz lb/hr i 3.0 15.5 Permit 49OO24LOO2 cfczl, CfG22 voc I ppmvd@15Yo Oz 2.8 Permit 49OO24LOO2 The RA requirements are presented in Table 1-3. G P043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 7 of 50 Oxygen (Oz) 40 CFR Paft75, Annual 3 7.5o/o of RM or *, O.7o/o Oz Nitrogen Oxides (NOr) ppmvd @ 157o Oz 40 CFR Part 50, PS-2 3 2O.Oo/o of RM or S 10.0olo of AS 40 CFR Part 50, PS-6 3 2O.Oo/o of RM or < 10.0olo of AS 40 CFR Part 75, Annual 3 7.5o/o of RM or + 0.015 lblMMBtu2 Carbon l.lonoxide (CO) ppmvd @ 15olo Oz S 10o/o of RM or 3 59o of AS or S 5 ppmvd co 3 2Oo/o of RM or 3 107o of AS Table 1-3 Summary of Part 60175 RA Requirements 2 Alternate is for low emitter (average NOx RM emission rates are s O.2OO lblMMBtu) GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 8 of 50 1.3 Key Personnel A list of project participants is included below: Facility Information Source Location: PacifiCorp Lake Side Power Plant 1825 N. Pioneer Lane Lindon, Utah 84024 Project Contact: Tom Wiscomb Role: Environmental Advisor Telephone: 80l-220-2373 Veronica Reyes Environmental Analyst 801-796-1916 Email: Tom.Wiscomb@PacifiCorp.com Veronica.Reyes@PacifiCorp.com Agency Information Regulatory Agency: Agency Contact: Telephone: Email: Utah Division of Air Quality Rob Leishman 801-536-4438 RLeishman@utah.gov Testing Company Information Testing Firm: Montrose Air Quality Services, LLC Contact: Craig Kormylo Title: District Manager Telephone: 303-810-2849 Email : CKormyloGlmontrose-env.com Laboratory Information Laboratory: Montrose Air Quality Services, LLC City, State: Denver, Colorado Methods: 40 CFR Part 51, Appendix M, Methods 2OLAand2O2 Table 1-4 details the roles and responsibilities of the test team. Table l-4 Test Personnel and Responsibilities Post-test follow up Facility interface, test crew coordination Preparation, support PM GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 9 of 50 2.O Plant'and Sampling Location Descriptions 2.L Process Description, Operation, and Control Equipment The Lake Side Power Plant comprises four combined-cycle combustion turbines designated CTG11, CTG12, CTG21 and CTG22, 2.2 Flue Gas Sampling Locations Actual stack measurements, number of traverse points, and location of traverse points will be evaluated in the field as part of the test program. Table 2-1 presents the anticipated stack measurements and traverse points for the sampling locations listed. Table 2-1 Sampling Locations Sample locations are verified in the field to conform to EPA Method 1. Prior to commencing pollutant gas MTAs, gas stratification testing will be performed across a grid of 12 points determined using EPA Method 1 in accordance with 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix B, PS2 and 40 CFR Part 75, AppendixA, $ Stratification testing will be performed fortwo minutes pertraverse point in accordance with 40 CFR Part75, Appendix A, If diluent (Oz) and pollutant (NOx) concentrations are within 5o/o of their mean concentrations, subsequent gas RATA testing will be performed at a single point in the stack as allowed by 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix B, PS2 and 40 CFR Part 75, Appendix A If diluent and pollutant concentrations are within 10o/o of their mean concentrations, MTA testing will be performed at three points located 0.4 meter, 1.0 3 PS2 prescribes a minimum of three sampling points, but states that "Other traverse points may be selected, provided that they can be shown to the satisfaction of the Administrator to provide a representative sample over the stack or duct cross section." Accordingly, if 40 CFR Part 75. Aooendix A allows MTA testing at a single traverse point, single-point testing can be assumed to "provide a representative sample" for the purposes of 40 CFR Part 60. Aooendix B, Performance Soecification 2. -L20/*0.6 Isokinetic: 12 (3/ port) Gaseous: See below Isokinetic: 12 (3/port) Gaseous: See below *576/*2.7 Isokinetic: 12 (3/port) Gaseous: See below Isokinetic: 12 (3/port) Gaseous: See belbw GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 10 of 50 meter and 2.0 meters from the stack wall, as required by 40 CFR Part 60, Appendix B, PS2 and 40 CFR Paft 75, Appendix A, 2.3 Operating Conditions and Process Data Emission tests are performed when the units are operating normally. Plant personnel are responsible for establishing the test conditions and collecting all applicable unit-operating data. Data collected includes the following parameters: . Unit Load, MW . Applicable CEMS data 2.5 Plant Safety Montrose will comply with all safety requirements at the facility. The facility Client Sponsor, or designated point of contact, is responsible for ensuring routine compliance with plant entry, health, and safety requirements. The Client Sponsor has the authority to impose or waive facility restrictions. The Montrose test team leader has the authority to negotiate any deviations from the facility restrictions with the Client Sponsor. Any deviations must be documented. 2.5.1 Safety Responsibilities Planning . Montrose must complete a field review with the Client Sponsor prior to the project date. The purpose of the review is to develop a scope of work that identifies the conditions, equipment, methods, and physical locations that will be utilized alonp with any policies or procedures that will affect our worf . We must reach an agreement on the proper use of client emergency seivices and ensure that proper response personnel are available, as needed . The potential for chemical exposure and actions to be taken in case of exposure must be communicated to Montrose. This information must include expected concentrations of the chemicals and the equipment used to identify the substances. o Montrose will provide a list of equipment being brought to the site, if required by the client Project Day . Montrose personnel will arrive with the appropriate training and credentials for the activities they will be performing and the equipment that they will operate . Our team will meet daily to review the Project Scope, Job Hazard Assessment, and Work Permits. The Client Sponsor and Operations Team are invited to participate. GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 11 of 50 Montrose will provide equipment that can lnterface with the client utilities previously identified in the planning phase and only work with equipment that our client has made ready and prepared for connection We will follow client direction regarding drlving safety, safe work permitting, staging of equipment, and other crafts or work in the area As per 40 CFR Part 60 Subpaft A, Section 60.8, the facility must provide the following provisions at each sample location: o Sampling pofts, which meet EPA minimum requirements for testing. The caps should be removed or be hand-tight. o Safe sampling platforms o Safe access to the platforms and test ports, including any scaffolding or man lifts o Sufficient utilities to perform all necessary testing Montrose will use the client communication system, as directed, in case of plant or pCIect emergency Any adverse conditions, unplanned shutdowns or other deviations to the agreed scope and project plan must be reviewed with the Client Sponsor prior to continuing work. This will include any safe work permit and hazard assessment updates. Completion . Montrose personnel will repoft any process concerns, incidents or near misses to the Client Sponsor prior to leaving the site . Montroseiwill clean up our work area to the same condition as it ryas prior to our arrivJl I . We will ensure that all utilities, connectlon points or equipment have been returned to the pre-project conditlon or as stated in the safe work permit. In addition, we will walk out the job completlon with Operations and the Client Sponsor if required by the facility. 2,5.2 Safety Program and Requirements Montrose has a comprehensive health and safety program that satisfies State and Federal OSHA requirements. The program includes an Illness and Injury Prevention Program, site- specific safety meetings, and training in safety awareness and procedures. The basic elements include: . All regulatory required policies/procedures and training for OSHA, EPA and FMCSA . Medical monitoring, as necessary . Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and chemical detection equipment . Hazard communication GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 12 of 50 Pre-test and daily toolbox meetings Continued evaluation of work and potentlal hazards Near-miss and incident reporting procedures as required by Montrose and the Client Montrose will provide standard PPE to employees. The PPE will include but is not llmited to; hard hats, safety shoes, glasses with side shlelds or goggles, hearing protectlon, hand protections, and fall protection. In addition, our trailers are equipped with four gas detectors to ensure that workspace has no unexpected equipment leaks or other ambient hazards. The detailed Site Safety Plan for this project is attached to this test plan in Appendix "S". a a a GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 13 of 50 3.O Sampling and Analytical Procedures 3.1 Test Methods The test methods for this test program have been presented in Table 1-1. Additional information regarding specific applications or modifications to standard procedures is presented below. 3.1.1 EPA Method 1, Sample and Velocity Traverses for Stationary Sources EPA Method 1 is used to assure that representative samples or measurements of volumetric flow rate are obtained by dlviding the cross-sectlon of the stack or duct into equal areas, and then locating a traverse point within each of the equal areas. Acceptable sample locations must be located at least two stack or duct equivalent diameters downstream from a flow disturbance and ohe-half equivalent diameter upstream from a flow disturbance. 3.1.2 EPA Method 2, Determination of Gas Velocity and Volumetric Flow Rate (Type S Pitot Tube) EPA Method 2 is used to measure the gas velocity using an S-type pitot tube connected to a pressure measurement device, and to measure the gas temperature using a calibrated thermocouple connected to a thermocouple indicator. Typically, Type S (Stausscheibe) pitot tubes conforming to the geometric specifications in the test method are used, along with an inclined manometer. The measurements are made at traverse points specified by EPA Method 1. The molecular weight of the gas stream is determined from independent measurements of Oz, COz, and moisture. The stack gas volumetric flow rate is calculated using the measured average velocity head, the area of the duct at the measurement plane, the ineasured average temperature, the measured duct statlc pressure, the molecular weight of the gas stream, and the measured moisture. The typical sampling system is detailed in Figure 3-1, as part of the EPA Method 2OLN2O? sampling train. GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 14 of 50 Figure 3-1 EPA Methods 2OlAl2O2 Sampling Train 3.1.3 EPA Methods 3A,7Et and 10, Determination of Oxygen,' Carbon Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, and Carbon Monoxide Concentrations in Emissions from Stationary Sources (Instrumental Analyzer Procedure) Concentrations of Oz, COz, NOx, and CO are measured simultaneously using EPA Methods 34, 7E, and 10, which are instrumental test methods. Conditioned gas is sent to a series of analyzers to measure the gaseous emission concentrations. The performance requirements of the method must be met to validate the data. Pertinent information regarding the performance of the method is presented below: o A dry extractlve sampling system is used to report emissions on a dry basis o A paramagnetic analyzer is used to measure Oz I}IERMOCOUPLE lHERM@OI,PI.E TTIERMOCOUPLE THERM@OITLE I E|tpty @dNlrcb) l@irHp (modn d/mtF) (ntffi/tbilp)Slllca Gel (,no.ilfld /,bAp)i,ANOMEIER +. VACUUM - L|NE BY.PASS VALVE THERMOCOUPLES ft.*r) VACUUMGAUGE MANOMETER + GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 15 of 50 o A nondispersive infrared analyzer is used to measure COz o A chemiluminescent analyzer ls used to measure NOx o A gas filter correlation nondispersive infrared analyzer is used to measure co o The alternative NOx conv€rter efficiency test described in EPA Method 7E Section 16.2 is used (bag procedure) o Anticipated calibration span values are -O-2Lo/o Oz, *g-2ge1o COz, -Q-29 ppm NOx, and -0-10 ppm CO The typical sampling system is detailed in Figure 3-2. Figure 3-2 US EPA Methods 3Ar 7E and 1O Sampllng Train 3.1.4 EPA Method 4, Determination of Moisture Content in Stack Gas EPA Method 4 is a manual method used to measure the moisture content of gas streams. Gas is sampled through a probe and impinger train. Moisture is removed using a series of pre-weighed impingers containing methodology-specific liquids and silica gel immersed in an ice water bath. The impingers are weighed after each run to determine the percent moisture. SIGNAL MASS FLOW@^ITROLLER/ CAL|ERAT|O,| GAS I/IANIFOLD -rl + l, 'lir t\.WEND?Y+B' RdATEETWMEilmvtE3---->I' I€AIED SAMPLE UNE CALIBR^TIot{ GAS LINE GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 16 of 50 l ! Pertinent information regarding the performance of the method is presented below: o Moisture sampling is performed as paft of the pollutant (Method ?OLA/ 2O2) sa m ple tra ins o Since it is theoretically impossible for measured moisture to be higher than psychrometric moisture, the psychrometric moisture is also calculated, and the lower moisture value is used in the calculations o Minimum Required Sample Volume: 21 scf The typical sampling system is detailed in Figure 3-1, as part of the EPA Method 2OLA|202 sampling train. 3.1.5 EPA Method 2O1A, Determination of PMro and PMz.s Emissions from Stationary Sources (Constant Sampling Rate Procedure) To measure PMro and PMz.s, extract a sample of gas at a predetermined constant flow rate through an in-stack sizing device. The particle-sizing device separates particles with nominal aerodynamic diameters of 10 micrometers and 2.5 micrometers. To minimize variations in the isokinetic sampling conditions, you must establish well-defined limits. After a sample is obtained, remove uncombined water from the particulate, then use gravimetric analysis to determine the particulate mass for each size fraction. The original method, as promulgated in 1990, has been changed by adding a PMz.s cyclone downstream of the PMro cyclone. Both cyclones were developed and evaluated as part of a conventional five-stage cascade cyclone train. The addition of a PMz.s cyclone between the PMro cyclone and the stack temperature filter in the sampling train supplements the measurement of PMro with the measurement of PMz.s. Without the addition of the PMz.s cyclone, the filterable particulate portion of the sampling train may be used to measure total and PltLo emissions. Likewise, with the exclusion of the PMro cyclone, the filterable particulate portion of the sampling train may be used to measure total and PMz.s emissions. The typical sampling system is detailed in Figure 3-1. 3.1.6 EPA Method 2O2, Dry Impinger Method for Determining Condensable Particulate Emissions from Stationary Sources The CPM is collected in dry impingers after filterable PM has been collected on a filter maintained as specified in Method 2014 of Appendix M to 40 CFR 51. The organic and aqueous fractions of the impingers and an out-of-stack CPM filter are then taken to dryness and weighed. The total of the impinger fractions and the CPM filter represents the CPM. Compared to the version of Method 202 that was promulgated on December L7, 1991, this method eliminates the use of water as the collection media in impingers and includes the addition of a condenser followed by a water dropout impinger immediately after the final in- stack or heated filter. This method also includes the addition of one modified Greenburg Smith impinger (backup impinger) and a CPM filter following the water dropout impinger. GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 17 of 50 CPM is collected in the water dropout impinger, the modified Greenburg Smith impinger, and the CPM filter of the sampling train as described in this method. The impinger contents are purged with nitrogen immediately after sample collection to remove dissolved SOz gases from the impinger. The CPM filter is extracted with water and hexane. The impinger solution is then extracted with hexane. The organic and aqueous fractions are dried and the residues are weighed. The total of the aqueous and organic fractions represents the CPM. The potential artifacts from SOz are reduced using a condenser and water dropout impinger to separate CPM from reactive gases. No water is added to the impingers prior to the start of sampling. To improve the collection efficiency of CPM, an additional filter (the "CPM filter) is placed between the second and third impingers. The typical sampling system is detailed in Figure 3-1. 3.1.7 EPA Method 25A, Determination of Total Gaseous Organic Concentration Using a Flame Ionization Analyzer EPA Method 25A is an instrumental test method used to measure the concentration of THC in stack gas. A gas sample is extracted from the source through a heated sample line and glass fiber filter to an FIA. Results are repofted as volume concentration equivalents of the calibration gas or as carbon equivalents. Pertinent information regarding the performance of the method is presented below: . Method Options: o The integrated Tedlar bag sampling procedure from EPA Method 18 will be used to collect the VOC samples. Analysis will be performed on-site. . Method Exceptions' i i o For gaseous emissions sampling, MDL are calculated for each analyzer. The ISDL is equal to the sensitivity of the instrumentation, which is 2o/o of the span value. The typical sampling system is detailed in Figure 3-3. GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 18 of 50 Figure 3-4 BtAS' ROTAIIETER wtlti FLow CONTROL VALVE --->I' HEATED SAMPLE LINE *f #l 1. STACK OATA OUTPUT DAS MASS FLOW CONTROLLER / CALIBMTION GAS ITTAN|FOLD EPA Traln Page 19 of 50GP043AS-039920-PP-839 4.O Quality Assurance and Reporting 4.L QA Audits Montrose has instituted a rigorous QA/QC program for its air quality testing. Quality assurance audits are performed as part of the test program to ensure that the results are calculated using the highest quality data available. This program ensures that the emissions data we report are as accurate as possible. The procedures included in the cited reference methods are followed during preparation, sampling, calibration, and analysis. Montrose is responsible for preparation, calibration, and cleaning of the sampling apparatus. Montrose will also perform the sampling, sample recovery, storage, and shipping. Approved contract laboratories may perform some of the preparation and sample analyses, as needed. 4.2 Quality Control Procedures Montrose calibrates and maintains equipment as required by the methods performed and applicable regulatory guidance. Montrose follows internal procedures to prevent the use of malfunctioning or inoperable equipment in test programs. All equipment is operated by trained personnel. Any incidence of nonconforming work encountered during testing is reported and addressed through the corrective action system. 4.2.1 Equipment tnspection and Maintenance Each piece of field equipment that requires calibration is assigned a unique identification number to allow tracking of its calibration history. All field equipment is visually inspected prior to testing and includes pre-test calibration checks as required by the test method or regulatory agency. 4.2.2 Audit Samy'les When required by the test method and available, Montrose obtains EPA TNI SSAS audit samples from an accredited provider for analysis along with the samples. Currently, the SSAS program has been suspended pendlng the availability of a second accredited audit sample provider. If the program is reinstated, the audit samples will be ordered. If required as part of the test program, the audit samples are stored, shipped, and analyzed along with the emissions samples collected during the test program. The audit sample results are reported along with the emissions sample results. 4.3 Data Analysis and Validation Montrose converts the raw field, laboratory, and process data to reporting units consistent with the permit or subpart. Calculations are made using proprietary computer spreadsheets or data acquisition systems. One run of each test method is also verified using a separate example calculation. The example calculations are checked against the spreadsheet results and are included in the final report. The "Standard Conditions" for this project are 29.92 inches of mercury and 68 oF. GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 20 of 50 4.4 Sample Identification and Custody The on-site Field Project Manager will assume or assign the role of sample and data custodian until relinquishing custody. The sample custodian will follow proper custody procedures before departing from the test site including: o Assign the unique sample identification number to each sample . Attach sample labels and integrity seals to all samples . Complete COC form(s), ensuring that the sample identification numbers on the samples match the sample identlfication numbers on the COC . Pack and store samples ln accordance with the test method requirements in appropriate transport containers for protection from breakage, contamination, or loss . Keep samples in a secure locked area if not in the direct presence of Montrose staff The sample custodian will follow proper custody procedures upon arriving at the Montrose office including: . Remove samples and COC documents from vehicles and check into designated secure sample holding areas . Store samples requiring additional measures such as refrigeration or dry ice appropriately 4.5 Quality Statement Montrose is qualified to conduct this test program and has established a qpality management sySJem that led to accreditation with ASTM Standard D7O36|O4 (Standard Practice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies). Montrose participates in annual functional assessments for conformance with D7036-04 which are conducted by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2l-A). All testing performed by Montrose is supervised on site by at least one Qualified Individual (QI) as defined in D7036-04 Section 8.3.2. Data quality obJectives for estimating measurement uncertalnty within the documented limits in the test methods are met by using approved test protocols for each proiect as defined in D7036-04 Sections 7.2.1and 12.10. Additional quality assurance information is included in the appendices. The content of this test plan is modeled after the EPA Emission Measurement Center Guideline Document (GD-042). 4.6 Reporting Montrose will prepare a final report to present the test data, calculations/equations, descriptions, and results. Prior to release by Montrose, each repoft is reviewed and certified by the project manager and their supervisor, or a peer. Source test reports will be submitted to the facility or appropriate regulatory agency (upon customer approval) within 30 days of the completion of the field work. The report will include a series of appendices to GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 21 of 50 present copies of the intermediate calculations and example calculations, raw field data, laboratory analysis data, process data, and equipment calibration data. 4.6.1 Example Report Format The report is divided into various sections describing the different aspects of the source testing program. Figure 4-1 presents a typical Table of Contents for the final report. Figure 4-l Typical Repoft Format 4.6.2 Example Presentation of Test Results Table 4-1 presents the typical tabular format that ls used to summarize the compliance results in the final source test report. Separate tables will outline the results for each target analyte and compare them to their respective emissions limits. Cover Page Certification of Report of Contents Section 1.0 Introduction 2.O Plant and Sampling Location Descriptions 3.0 Sampling and Analytical Procedures .0 Test Discussion and Results 5.0 Internal QA/QC Activities Field Data and Calculations Facility CEMS and Process Data ILabffatory Analysis Data Quality Assurance/Quality Control Regulatory Information GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 22 of 50 Table 4-1 Example Emissions Results Date xx xx xx xx Time xx xx xx xx ProcGss Dat Unit Load, MW xx xx xx xx Sampling & Flue Gas Parametens sample duration, minutes xx xx xx xx Oz, o/o volume dry xx xx xx xx COz, o/o volume dry xx xx xx xx flue gas temperature, oF xx xx xx xx molsture content, o/o volume xx xx xx xx volumetric flow rate, dscfm xx xx xx xx Plfto/Pllz.r grldscf xx xx xx xx 1blhr xx xx xx xx lblMMBtu xx xx xx xx GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 23 of 50 Table 4-2 presents the typical tabular format that is used to summarize the RATA results in the final source test report. Separate tables will outline the results for each CEMS parameter/set of units and compare them to their respective RA requirements. Table 4-2 Example RATA Results 1 xx/xx/xxxx xxxx-xxxx xx xx xx x xx 2 xvxx/xxxx xxxx-xxxx xx xx xx x xx 3 xvxx/xxxx xxxx-xxxx xx xx xx x xx 4 xx/xx/xxxx xxxx-xxxx xx xx xx x xx 5 xx/xx/xxxx xxxx-xxxx xx xx xx X xx 5 xx/xx/xxxx xxxx-xxxx xx xx xx x xx 7 xx/xx/xxxx xxxx-xxxx xx xx xx x xx 8 xx/xx/xxxx xxxx-xxxx xx xx xx x xx 9 xx/xx/xxxx xxxx-xxxx xx xx xx x xx 10 xx/xx/xxxx xxxx-xxxx xx xx xx x xx 11 xx/xx/xxxx xxxx-xxxx xx xx xx x xx L2 xx/xx/xxxx xxxx-xxxx xx xx xx x xx Averages xx xx xx x xx Applicable Standard (AS)xx units Standard Deviation xx Confidence Coefficient (CC)xx Bias Adjustment Factor (BAF)xx Unit Load xx unlts RA based on mean RM value xx o/o RA based on AS xx o/o M based on difference plus CC xx units M based on absolute difference xx units GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 24 of 50 Appendix A Su pporting Information Appendix A.1 Units and Abbreviations GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 26 of 50 64\ ll?NI+gp"H UNITS AND ABBREVIATIONS @Xo/o 02 corrected to X% oxygen (corrected for dilution air) lCCl absolute value of the confidence coefficient ldl absolute value of the mean differencesoC degrees CelsiusoF degrees FahrenheitoR degrees Rankine " HzO inches of water column 13.6 specific gravity of mercury AH pressure drop across orifice meter, inches H2O AP velocity head of stack gas, inches H2O 0 total sampling time, minutespg microgram Pa density of acetone, mg/ml tu density of water, 0.9982 g/ml or 0.002201 lb/ml acfrn actual cubic feet of gas per minute at stack conditionsAn cross-sectional area of nozle( A" cross-sectional area of stack, square feet (ff) Btu British thermal unitB*, proportion by volume of water vapor in gas stream Ca particulate matter concentration in stack gas, grlacf Cers average unadjusted gas concentration, ppmv Cot, measured concentration of calibration gas, ppmv cf or ft3 cubic feetcfrn cubic feet per minuteCc", average gas concentration adjusted for bias, ppmv CM average of initial and final system bias check responses ftom upscale calibration gas, ppmv cm or m3 cubic metersCua actual concentration of the upscale calibration gas, ppmvCo average of initial and final system bias check responses from low]evel calibration gas, ppmv Cp pitot tube coefficient Cs particulate matter concentration in stack gas, gr/dscf CS calibration span, % or ppmv Cs measured concentration of calibration gas, ppmv Cy manufactured certified concentration of calibration gas, ppmv D drift assessment, % of spandcf dry cubic feetdcm dry cubic metersDn diameter of nozzle, inches Ds diameter of stack, inches dscf dry standard cubic feetdscfrn dry standard cubic feet per minutedscm dry standard cubic metersFd F-factor, dscf/MMBtu of heat input fpm feet per minute Fs feet per secondft feet t( square feet gram gallonsgr grains (7000 grains per pound)gr/dscf grains per dry standard cubic feet hour s gal hr GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 27 of 50 60 l*qN,T+gp.H UNITS AND ABBREVIATIONS I percent of isokinetic sampling' in inch k kilo or thousand (metric units, multiply by 103)K kelvin (temperature) K3 conversion factor 0.0154 gr/mg l& conversion factor 0.002668 ((in. HgXft"))/((mlX"R)) kg kilogram l$ pitot tube constant (85.49 fUsec) kwscft thousand wet standard cubic feet per hourI liters lb/hr pounds per hourlb/MMBtu pounds per million Btulpm liters per minutem meter or milliM thousand (English units) or mega (million, metric units) m3 cubic meters ma mass of residue of acetone after evaporation, mg Md molecular weight of stack gas; dry basis, lbflb-mole meq milliequivalent mg milligram Mg megagram (106 grams) min minute ml or mL milliliter mm millimeterMM million (English units)MMBtu/hr million Btu per hour mn total amount of particulate matter collected, mg mol mole mol. wt. or MW molecularweight Ms molecular weight of stack gas; wet basis, lb/lb-mole MW molecular weight or megawattn number of data points ng nanogram nm nanometer Pu", barometric pressure, inches Hg pg picogram Ps stack static pressure, inches H2O Pm barometric pressure of dry gas meter, inches Hg ppb parts per billionppbv parts per billion, by volumeppbvd parts per billion by volume, dry basisppm parts per millionppmv parts per million, by volumeppmvd parts per million by volume, dry basisppmvw parts per million by volume, wet basis Ps absolute stack gas pressure, inches Hg psi pounds per square inchpsia pounds per square inch absolute- psis pounds per square inch gauge Psta standard absolute pressure, 29.92 inches Hg Qa volumetric flow rate, actual conditions, acftn ' Q. volumetric flow rate, standard conditions, scfrn Qsto volumetric flow rate, dry standard conditions, dscfnr R ideal gas constant 21.85 ((in. Hg) (ft3)y("R) (tbmote)) G P043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 28 of 50 60 ltgN,I+P.p.H UNITS AND ABBREVIATIONS SBrn4 post-run system bias check, % ofspan SBi pre-run system bias check, % ofspan scf standard cubic feetscffr standard cubic feet per hourscfrn standard cubic feet per minutescm standard cubic metersscmh standard cubic meters per hoursec second sf, sq. ft., or d square feet std standardt metric ton (1000 kg) T o.szs t-value T" absolute average ambient temperature, oR (+459.67 for English) T. absolute average dry gas meter temperature, oR (+459.67 for English) ton ort ton = 2000 pounds tph ortons/hr tons per hour tpy or tons/yr tons per year T. absolute average stack gas meter temperature, oR (+459.67 for English) T.,o absolute temperature at standard conditions V volt % volume of acetone blank, ml V"* volume of acetone used in wash, ml V" total volume H2O collected in impingers and silica gel, grams Vm volume of gas sampled through dry gas meter, ft' Vaqstd) volume of gas measured by the dry gas meter, corrected to standard conditions, dscfVma stack gas volume sampled, acf Vn volume collected at stack conditions through nozzle, acf % average stack gas velocity, feet per second Vwcl*a1 volume of water vapor condensed, corrected to standard conditions, scf V*i(.ro) volume of water vapor in gas sampled from impingers, scf Vwss(sa) volume of water vapor in gas sampled from silica gel, scf W watt Wa weight of residue in acetone wash, mg Wi,p total weight of impingers, grams Wse total weight of silica gel, grams Y dry gas meter calibration factor, dimensionless GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 29 of 50 60 ltgN,r+gp.H ACRONYMS AAS atomic absorption spectroscopyACDP air contaminant discharge permitACE analyzer calibration error, percent of spanAD absolute differenceADL above detection limitAETB Air Emissions Testing BodyAS applicable standard (emission limit)ASTM American Society For Testing And MaterialsBACT best achievable control technologyBDL below detection limitBHP brake horsepowerBIF boiler and industrial fumaceBLS black liquor solidsCC confidence coefficientCD calibration driftCE calibration enorCEM continuous emissions monitorCEMS continuous emissions monitoring systemCERMS continuous emissions rate monitoring systemCET calibration enor testCFR Code of Federal RegulationsCGA cylinder gas auditCHNOS elemental analysis for determination of C, H, N, O, and S content in fuelsCNCG concentrated non-condensable gasCO catalytic oxidizerCOC chain of custodyCOMS continuous opacig monitoring systemCPM condensible particulate mafterCPMS continuous parameter monitoring systemCT combustion turbineCTM conditional test methodCTO catalytic thermal oxidizerCVAAS cold vapor atomic absorption spectroscopyDe equivalent diameter DE destruction efficiencyDioxins polychlorinated dibenzo-pdioxins (pcdd's)DLL detection levellimitedDNCG dilute non-condensable gasECD electron capture detectorEIT Engineer ln TrainingELCD electoconductivity detector (hall detector)EMPC estimated maximum possible concentrationEPA US Environmental Protection AgencyEPRI Electric Power Research lnstituteES emission standard (applicable limit)ESP electrostatic precipitatorEU emission unitFCCU fluid catalytic cracking unitFGD flue gas desulfurizationFl flame ionizationFIA flame ionization analyzerFID flame ionization detectorFPD flame photometric detectorFPM filterable particulate matterFTIR Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopyFTPB field train proof blankFTRB field train recovery blankFurans polychlorinated dibenzofurans (pcdfs)GC gas chromatography GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 30 of 50 66 lfgN,I*gp.H ACRONYMS GC/MS gas chromatography/mass spectroscopyGFMS graphite furnace atomic absorption spectroscopyGFC gas filter correlationGHG greenhouse gas HAP hazardous air pollutant HC hydrocarbonsHHV higher heating valueHPLC high performance liquid chromatographyHRGC/HRMS high-resolution gas chromatography/high-resolution mass spectroscopyHRSG heatrecoverysteam generatorlC ion chromatographyICAP inductively-coupled argon plasmography ICPCR ion chromatography with a post-column reactorICP-MS inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopylR infrared radiationlSO lnternational Standards OrganizationkW kilowatts LFG landfill gas LHV lower heating valueLPG liquified petroleum gas MACT maximum achievable control technologyMDI methylene diphyenyldiisocyanateMDL method detection limitMNOC maximum normal operating conditionsMRL method reporting limitMS mass spectrometryNA not applicable or not availableNCASI National Council For Air And Steam lmprovementNCG non-condensable gases ND not detectedNDIR non-dispersive infraredNESHAP National Emissions Standards For Hazardous Air pollutants NG natural gas NIOSH National lnstitute For Occupational Safety And HealthNIST National lnstitute Of Standards And TechnologyNMC non-methane cutterNMOC non-methane organic compoundsNMVOC non-methane volatile organic compoundsNPD nitrogen phosphorus detectorNSPS New Source Performance StandardsOSHA Occupational Safety And Health AdministrationPAH polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbonsPCB polychlorinated biphenyl compoundsPCWP plywood and composite wood productsPE Professional EngineerPFAS per- and polyfluoroalkylsubstances (PFAS)Pl photoionization PID photoionization detectorPM particulate matter PMro particulate matter less than 10 microns in aerodynamic diameter PMz.s particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in aerodynamic diameter POM PS PSD PSEL PST PTE PTM polycyclic organic matter performance specifi cation particle size distribution plant site emission limits performance specifi cation test permanent total enclosure performance test method GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 31 of 50 66 lfgN,r+gp.H ACRONYMS QA/QC quality assurance and quality control Ql Qualified lndividual QSTI Qualified Source Testing lndividualRA relative accuracyRAA relative accuracy auditRACT reasonably avaihbb control technologyRATA relative accuracy test auditRCTO rotary concentrator thermal oxidizerRICE stationary reciprocating intemal combustion engineRM reference methodRTO regenerative thermal oxidizer SAM sulfuric acid mist SCD sulfur chemiluminescent detectorSCR selective catalytic reduclion systemSD standard deviationSemi-VOST semivolatile organic compounds sample trainSRM standard reference materialTAP toxic air pollutant TBD to be determinedTCA thermal conductivity analyzerTCD thermal conductivity detectorTGNENMOC total gaseous non+thane non-methane organic compoundsTGNMOC total gaseous non-methane organic compoundsTGOC total gaseous organic compoundsTHC total hydrocarbonsTIC tentatively identified compoundTO thermal oxidizerTO toxic organic (as in EPA Method TO-15)TPM total particulate matterTSP total suspended particulate mafterTTE temporary total enclosureULSD ultra-low sulfur dieselUV ultraviolet radiation rangeVE visible emissionsVOC volatile organic compoundsVOST volatile organic sample trainWC water column \ A /TP waste water treatment plant G P043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 32 of 50 64\ lt?.N,f*9.II CHEMICAL NOMENCLATURE Ag As Ba Be c silver arsenic barium beryllium carbonCd cadmiumCdS cadmium sulfide CH2O formaldehyde CH3CHO acetaldehyde CH3OH methanol CHr methane C2H4O ethylene oxide CzHe ethane CaH4O acrolein CaH6O propionaldehyde CgHr propane C6H5OH phenol Se SO, Sog SO, TCDD TCDF TGOC THC TI TRS Zn selenium sulfur dioxide sulfur trioxide sulfur oxides tetrachlorodibenzodioxin tetrachlorodibenzof uran total gaseous organic concentration total hydrocarbons thallium total reduced sulfur compounds zinc Clz clo2 co Co Coz Cr Cu Eto chlorine chlorine dioxide carbon monoxide cobalt carbon dioxide chromium copper ethylene oxide Hzo EIOH ethyl alcohol (ethanol) H2 hydrogen HzO, hydrogen peroxide HzS hydrogen sulfide H2SO4 sulfuric acid HCI hydrogen chlorideHg mercuryIPA isopropyl alcoholMDI methylene diphyenyl diisocyanate MeClz methylene chloride MEK methyl ethyl ketoneMeOH methanolMn manganese nitrogen ammonia nickel nitric oxide nitrogen dioxide nitrogen oxides oxygen P phosphorusPb leadPCDD polychlorinated dibenzo-p{ioxinsPCDF polychlorinated dibenzofurans antimony N2 NHa Ni NO Noz NO, o2 GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 33 of 50 Appendix A.2 Accred itation Information / Certifications $;Ae Accredited Air Emission Testing Body A2LA hos occredited MONTROSE AIR QUALITY SERVICES ln recogniiion of the successful completion of the joini A2LA ond Siock Testing Accreditotion Council (STAC) evoluotion process, this loborotory is occredited to perform lesting octivities in complionce with ASTM D7036:2@4 - Slondord Proctice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies. Americon Associofio n f or Loborotory AccreditotionqF Vice Presidenl, Accredilotion Services For lhe Accreditolion Council Certificote Number 3925.0 1 Volid lo Februory28,2026 This accreditatinn prograrn is mt includ.ed und.er the A2LA II,AC Mutual Recognitinn Arrangernent. i t t PresenleQ lhis 27th doy of Februory 2024. Appendix rrs" Field Work Safety Plan GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 36 of 50 M$SNIHIH SITE SAFETY PLAN BOOKLET Gustomer: Location: Units: Client Project Manager: Revision Date: January 21, 2022 GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 37 of 50 c lYlqsl+gfa Page 1 of2 Site Safety Plan and JHA Purpose and lnstructions Purpose Employee safety is the top priority of Montrose Environmental Group. Allemployees must be trained to assess and mitigate hazards. The District Manager and Project Manager are responsible to ensure all hazards have been properly identified and managed. All employees have Stop Work Authority in all situations where an employee feels they or their co-worker cannot perform a job safely or if there is a task for which they have not been adequately trained. The Site Safety Plan (SSP) has been developed to help assist Montrose test crews with identifying physical and health hazards and determining how the hazards witl be managed. Additionally, the SSP will help each crew manage the safety of the employees by providing emergency procedures and information. The booklet contains a several safety forms that may be required in the field. lnstructions The SSP consists of the following: 1. A Pre-Mobilization Test Plan - To be completed in it's entirety by the client project Manager prior to the test. 2. A Job Hazard Analysis is a standardized, two-page, fillable form that is used to evaluated the tasUsite's particular hazards and controls. The form also includes a daily toolbox topic and daily hazard review with sign off by the team. The client Project Manager is responsible to complete the JHA form through section 8. Upon arrival at the test site, the team will review the form for accuracy, making any corrections required and complete the remainder of the JHA. Section 9 will require at least three tasks, hazards and controls be identified for the project. Each team member has the option to discuss making changes or adding to the JHA and must sign on the Job Hazard Analysis form in agreement and sign in Section 10. The JHA is to be modified when conditions change. ;A toolbox meeting with a daily topic in addition to a review;of the hazard analysis is required dailil for the duration of the test. An additional sheet of paper ! with the toolbox topic and signatures can be added to the SSP packet. 3. Hazard Control Matrix - contains useful information on both engineering and administrative controls that a crew can use to reduce or eliminate the hazards they have observed plus applicable PPE that may be required. 4. Emergency Action Plan - The Job Supervisor/ Client Project Manager (CPM) will complete the Emergency Action Plan form and ensure that all employees are familiar with the facility emergency and evacuation procedures, assemblyl rally points, alert systems, and signals prior to work commencing. ln the event of an emergency situation/ evacuation, the Job Supervisor/ CPM will maintain a roster and be responsible for accounting for all employees. The Job Supervisor/ CPM will ensure that this Emergency Action Plan Form is completed, communicated to allemployees, signed, and posted. 5. Additional Forms, as applicable a. MEWP Lift lnspection Form b. Heat Stress Prevention Form Based on Heat lndex c. Extended Hours Form AQS-FRM-1.13R1 Page 38 of 50GP043AS-039920-PP-839 o $q,H,I+gln Page2ot2 Site Safety Plan and JHA Purpose and lnstructions The SSP is a living document. The Project Manager should continually update their SSPs as new information and conditions change or if new hazards are presented. Each completed SSP should be maintained with the Test Plan in the office for a period of 3 years. There will be an audit process developed for the Site Safety Plans. AQS.FRM-1.13R1 Page 39 of 50G P043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 1 of 2 PRE-MOBI LIZATION TEST IN FORMATION Source Tvpe: New Source: _ Revisit:_ Prj#/Date/Tech: Coal Fired Electric Utility: _ Ethanol Plant: _ ChemicalMfg. of CemenULime Kiln Plant: _ Specialty Mfg. of:Other: Anticipated Effluent Composition - check all that apply and fill in expected concentration in ppmlo/o lf other, explain: Flammable: Toxic: Corrosive: Dust: Engineering Controls to be lmplemented: tr co tr NOx tr SOz tr other tr voc PROJECT NAME/LOCATION: TEST DATE: PROJECT #: PROJECT MANAGER: TEST SCOPE: SITE CONTACT: Name:Contact Phone: Additional Safety Equipment Required: Personalgas monitors, T ; Respiratory Protection: I i Half Face_ Full Face_ HEPA Filters_ Supplied Air: _ (Safety Dept. Approvat) Approximate Flue Gas Temperatures, (F) below 210 210 to 450 450 to 950 above 950 other lf other, explain: Approximate Duct Pressure, (iwg): lf other, AQS-FRM.1.17 tr below explain: _ tr other Etrtr -3 -3 to +3 +3 to +7 above +7 GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 40 of 50 eA sqN r \g[[ PRE.MOBI LIZATION TEST I NFORMATION - Sampling Location: Stack Port _ Duct Port _ . Opproximate Sampling Platform Height, (ft) trtr above 100 other lf other, explain: Access and Protection: Elevators: _ Ladders: _ ME\ /P Lift: _ Scaffold: _ Equipment Hoist: _ Guardrails: _ Toe plate: _ Engineered Tie Off Points: _ Heat Shield: _ Other: Describe how equipment will be mobilized to the sampling location: Page 2 of 2 below 6 6 to 50 50 tr to 100 tr Additional !nformation : Effluent Chemical Requlatory Limits Gas Name Chemical Formula Cal OSHA PELI (ppm) CaI OSHA STEL2 (onml NIOSH REL TWA3 (ppm) Cal OSHA Ceiling (oom) IDLH. (ppm) Carbon Monoxide co 25 200 35 200 1,200 Nitric Oxide " NO,25 ND5 251 ND 100 Sulfur Dioxide SOz 2 5 2 ND 100 Hydrogen Chloride HCI 0.3 2 ND 2 50 Hydrogen Sulfide HzS 10 15 10 (10 min.)c 50 100 )alifomia Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Pemissible Exposurc Linit (PEL) based on an 8-hour shifr; 2: Cal OSHA Short-term Exposurc Limlt (STEL) based on a 1*minute peiod; 3: National lnstitute lor Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Recommended Exposure Limit (REL) Time-weighted Average (TWA) based on an 8-hour shift; 4: lmmediately Dangercus to Life or Heafth (IDLH); 5: Not Defined (ND); C: Ceiling Linit - Maximum allowable human exposurc limit for an aitbome orgaseous suDsfarrce, which is not to be exceeded, even momentaily. Prepared by: Reviewed by: Date: Date: AQS-FRM-1.17 GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 41 of 50 0lient ]ontact Name )ate Facility SSP Writer PM Olient Rep I Job Preparation I loU Site Walk Through Compteted ! Sate Work Permit Received ftom Client I E Site Specific Training Complete lf the heat index is expected to be above 9'l', fill out the Heat Stress Prevention Form. en MoN I RS)sr Job Hazard Analysis PPE E Hard Hats E Safety Glasses ! Safety Toe Shoe/Boot ! Hearing Protection ESafeV Spotter E Hi-Ms Vests E Hamess/Lanyard* E Goggtes E personal Monitor Type: E Metatarsal Guards E Hot Gloves E Face Shield E Respirator Type: ENomex/FRC El Oher PPE: 1of3 1. a 2. 4. 5. AQS-FRM.1.18 Page 42 of 50 lnformation/Emorgency Preparedness lf non-emergency medical attention is needed, call: AXIOM #: 877-502-9466. Plant Emergency # Certified First Aid Person: EMS Location Evacuation Routes Rally Point Severe Weather Shelter Location Eye Wash & Safety Shower Location Operational: EIYes ENo lnformation: (!ist type): Stack Gas Temp. (oF) Stack Gas Press. ("H2O) Stack Gas Components: Stack Gas lnhalation Potential? Eyes El ruo tf ves. see List of Hazard chemicats. Risk E] time Pressure E u.t ot p.cedures E Monotonous Activig E Remote Work Location E Exfeme temps, wind >30mph El First day back after time off EI , tz trrstritt E] Personal illness/fatigue E uuttipte job locations E Wo*ing > 8 consecutive days E Vague work guidance E otrer: Physical Hazards Dust Hazards Thermal Bum ! Electrical Hazards lnadequate Lighting Slip and Trip Hand Protection Secondary Permits Working from Heights See also Sect.7 Electrical Lifting Respiratory See also Sect. I Hazards for Consideration Hazard Controls ! Dust Mask ! Goggles E Other: EI Hot cloves E Heat Shields E Otrer eroteaive Ctofrin{l E Connections Protected from Elements ! External GFCI trOtrei E Xe Rating Requirement Q lnfinsically Safe Requirement E lnstall Temporary Lighting fl Headlamps ! Housekeeping E Barricade Area E Oher: E cut Resisent Gtoves El pincn pts. Et o"ntl otrer: E Hot Work E Confined Space I Excavation E fatting objec{s E Fall protection E Orop zone protection E natform load ratings ! ScattotO inspection E L"dder inspec{ion E Barricades for equipment E Exposed wire/connector E Verify equipment groundinS E Arc Flash f] Crane lift plan E] Rbging inspecUon E fag lines used E Hoists in place ! Unexpected exposure E Chemical E Dust (combustible) fl pel provided E Ca.t idges or supplied air available E Gas detection GP043AS-039920-PP-839 ea moN r r!!i)r Job Hazard Analysis Additional Work Place Hazards Procedures - check all that apply - *indicates additional form must be completed or collected from client E Heat Stress Prevention* E Confined Space' E MEWp' E Roof Wo* E ScaffotO E] CotA Weather Work I Hazardous Energy Controt' E Exposure Monitoring E Other: From Heights Fall Protection if] Fixed Guardrails/Toe boards E fatt Prevention PPE Waming Line System Falling Objects Protecton iE Sanicading E t'tetUng I ttouse Keeping fiTehered Tools ECatcn BhnketorTarp Fall Hazard Communication ! tr AdjacenVOverhead Workers I Confactor Contact E Client Contact Other Considerations Environmental Hazards - Weather Forecast E HeaUColo Etigtrrring E Rain Q Snow E lce E Tomado E Wind Speed Steps for Mitigation: ectrical Safety Planning PlantHookup: Ettov El22Ol24Ov E +aov E Generator !Hardwiredintopanet Electrical Classified Area: fJYes I No Trailer Grounded: E yes E ruo Plug Type Electrical Hook Up Responsibility: ist of Hazardous Chemicals E Acetone E NitricAcio Other Chemicals: I Hydrogen Peroxide E Compressed Gases E Hexane E Sulfuric Acid E lsopropyl Alcohol ! Flammable Gas EI Toluene E Hydrochloric Acid E UquiO Nitrogen ! Non-Flammable Gas E xzS E Carbon Monoxide Steps for Mitigation: lildlife/Fauni in Area E Poison trv E Poison Oak fllnsects: I !Wildlife: Personnel w/ known allergies to bees stings or oher allergens? [ Yes Eruo 2of3 0. 7. 8. 9.Hazards and Steps Task a 1 2 3 I 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 AQS-FRM-1.18 Page 43 of 50G P043AS-039920-PP-839 JHA REVIEW: Crew Names & Signatures Printed Name Siqnature Date Printed Name Sionature Date ea M()N I R()st Job Hazard Analysis 3of3 JHA Meetinq & Review to review: o Change in conditions o Extended work hours o Daily Safety Topic o New workers or contractors o Occunence of near misses or injuries demonstrates that site conditions and hazards have not changed ftom the original SSP. lf changes did occur, make the updates to this JHA and add notes as applicable in Section g. Day Diecusslon Topic lnitials 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 I t0 1',| AQS-FRM-1.18 Page 44 of 50GP043AS-039920-PP-839 o MoN I RO)r Poge 1 of 2 EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN FORM ' The Job Supervisor/ Glient Project Manager (CPM) will ensure that all employees are familiar with the facility emergency and eyacuation . procedures, assembly/ rally points, alert systems, and signals prlor to work commencing. ln the event of an emergency satuation, evacuation, the Job Supervisorl GPM will maintain a roster and be responsible for accounting for alt employees. The Job Supervisor/ CPM will ensure that this Emergency Action Plan Form is completed, communicated to al! employees, and posted. .Uou mu3t tollow the cllent's emergency actlon plan flrst and notlfy your Supervlror lmmedlately. .lf lncldent ls llte thrsatenlng, CALL 911 IMMEDIATELLY .E non-emergency medical attention is needed, call AXIOM Medical number: 877-502-9465. 1 MEG Job Supervisor/ GPM's Name: 2 MEG Job Supervisor/ CPM's Telephone Number: 3 MEG Job Safety Supervisor (if applicabte): 4 MEG Job Safety Supervisor's Telephone Number: 5 Plant's Emergency Telephone Number: 6 Local Hospital/ Clinic Telephone Number: 7 Emergency Ops Radio Channel: 8 Plant's #1 Contact Person's Name: 9 Plant's #1 Contact Person's Telephone Number: 10 Plant's #2 Contact Person's Name: 11 Plant's #2 Contact Person's Telephone Number: 12 Designated Assembly Point Location: 13 Evacuation Routes: 14 Severe Weather Shelter Location: 15 Eye Wash and Safety Shower Location: 16 The First Aid Kit is Located: 17 The Fire Extinquisher is Located: AQS-FRM-1.11 GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 45 of 50 a^ lYlg,s,I+gft AQS-FRM.1.11 GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Poge 2 of 2 EMERGENCY EVACUANON Al{D ASSEMBLY MAP 1 Facility Name: 2 Facility Alarm (Circle):YES or NO 3 Alarm Tones: IIICAUGAS:. iUATE: lD. 4 Designated Shelter(sl Description: 5 Designated Assembly Point(s) Description: N*+, s Dtlwlhe evacuatbn and assemblv mao here EMERGENCY ACTION PLAN FORM AND EVACUATION ASSEMBTY MAP REVIEW: Crew Names and Sirnatures Printed Name:Sionature:Date: Printed Nome:Sionature: Date: Page 46 of 50 a MON I ROSE Page 1 of '1 Daily MEWP Lift lnspection Form All checks must be completed prior to each work shift, before operation of the MEWP lift. This checklist must be used atthe beginning of each shift or following 6 to 8 hours of use. MEWP Lift Model #:Seria! Number: Make:Rented or Owned: . Check "Yes' if an item is adequate, operational, and safe.o Check 'No' to indicate that a repair or other conective action is required prior to use.. Check'N/A'to indicate 'Not Applicable." Items to be lnspecbd 1. All MEWP lift components are in working condition (i.e. no loose or missing parts, tom orloose hoses, etc.) - if something can be easily loosened by hand then it is not sufficient. 2. Hydraulic fluid level is sufficient, with the platform fully lowered 3. Hydraulic system pressure (see manufacturer specs) is acceptable. lf the pressure is low, determine cause and repair in accordance with accepted procedures as outlined in service manual. 4. Tires and wheel lug nuts (for tightness) 5. Hoses and cables (i.e. worn areas or chafing) 6. Platform rails and safety gate (no damage present) 7. Pivot pins secure 8. Welds are not cracked and structural members are not bent or broken 9. Warning and instructional labels are legible and secure, and load capacity is clearly marked. '10. Manufacture/s lnstruction Manual is present inside the bucket 1 't. Base controls (switches and push buttons) can be properly operated 12. Platform conditions are safe (i.e. not sfipiery) 13. Fire extinguisher is present, mounted and fully charged, located inside the bucket 14. Headlights, safety strobe light and back-up alarm are functional 15. Workplace is free of hazards (overhead powerlines, obstructions, level surface, high winds, etc.) *Do not operate if winds are 20 mph, unless otfielvise specified by manufacturcr rccommendations. Yes No N/A Dtrtr trtrn n ! n ! tr tr tr tr tr ! D tr tr tr tr! trD tr! ntr trtr Dtr !tr trtr i D! trtr trtr Operator Name & Signature Location Date Ground Control Name & Signature Location Date Harness lnspections: Printed Name Signature Date Printed Name Signature Date Printed Name GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Date AQS-FRM-1.16 Page 47 of 50 Signature 64\ SqNI+R9I Page 1 of 1 Extended Hours Safety Audit Project Number:Date:Time: When a project is expected to extend past a 14-hour work day, this form must be completed to evaluate the condition of the crew, and the safety of the work environment. Permission to proceed into extended work hours must come from a District Manager (DM) or Regional Vice President (RVP). Technical RVPs can authorize moving forward, if they are in the field or if they are managing the project. 1. Hold test crew meetinq Test crew initiats: The test leader should look for signs of the following in their crews: o lnitability. Lack of motivationo Headacheso Giddiness o Fatigue r Depression o Reduced alertness, lack of concentration and memory The test leader should assess the environmental and hazardous concems: o Temperature and weather o Hoistingo Lighting o PPE (i.e. respirators, etc.)o Working from Heights o Pollutant concentration in ambient air (SOz, HzS, ect.) Notifv DM or RVP The PM must contact either the DM or RVP to discuss the safety issues that may arise due to the extended work period. lf the DM is the acting PM on the job site, they must contact the RVP. During this time, they can come to an agreement on how to proceed. ltemsto discuss include: . Reason for extended hourso Reason for delay ' Production limitationso lmpending Weather Contact the client The PM, DM or RVP must discuss with client any identified safety concerns, the client's needs and mutually agree on how to proceed. Discussion should also include the appropriate rest period needed before the next day's work shift can begin. The DM and/or a RVP must be informed on the finaldecision. FinalOutcome: Approver: 2. 3. OOlAS-SAFETY-FM.3 Page 48 of 50GP043AS-039920-PP-839 a af, llq,H,I+g[[Page 1 of 1 Heat Stress Prevention Form This form is to be used when the Expected Heat lndex is above 91" F, and is to be kept with project documentation. Proiect Manaqer (PM):Exoected Hioh Temo: Date(sl:Expected Heat lndex: Review the signs of Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke lf Heat lndex is above 91' F:r Provide cold water and/or sports drinks to all field staff (avoid caffeinated drinks and energy drinks which can increase core temperature). o Bring no less than one gallon of water per employeer lf employee(s) are dehydrated, on blood pressure medication or not acclimated to heat, ensure they are aware of the heightened risk for heat illnesso Provide coolhead bandsfuestVetc.o Have ice available to employees. lmplement work shift rotations and breaks, particularly for employees working in direct sunlight.o Provide as much shade at the jobsite as possible, including tarps, tents or other acceptable temporary structures.o PM should interview each field staff periodically to evaluate for signs of heat illness lf Heat lndex is above 103' F:o Employees must stop for drinks and breaks every hour (about 4 cups/hour). Employees are not permitted to work alone for more than one hour at a time without a break offering shade and drinks. Employees should wear cool bands and vests if working outside more than one hour at a timer PM should interview each field staff every 2 hours to evaluate for signs of heat illness 1. 2. 3. a t gffi;?.*:l3qts8t Nausr or omhlir6 ffi i{au$a ol€mldn8 R Dtd,E.kpuls - -- R.ptd,trrcBpuk Mu6dcomp3 f f *"-@ OOlAS-SAFETY.FM.5 Page 49 of 50GP043AS-039920-PP-839 t 4 ? This is the Last Page of This Document If you have any questions, please contact one of the following individuals by email or phone. Name: Title: Region: Email: Phone: Name: Title: Region: Email: Phone: Craig Kormylo District ManagerlVP Technical Great Plains Region CKormyl o@ montrose-env. co m 303-810 -2849 I Timothy Wojtach Account Manager Gtuat Plalns Region, Denver Office TWojtach @ montrose-env. com 303-670-0530 ext. 14304 I,TA}I DEPAFruENT OF E}WIRONMENIAL OtruJNT MAY - I 2024 DIVISION OF AIR QUAUTV I I + J GP043AS-039920-PP-839 Page 50 of 50