HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-0075791 DAQC-362-24 Site ID 12825 (B5) MEMORANDUM TO: CEM FILE – UTAH ASSOCIATED MUNICIPAL POWER SYSTEMS (UAMPS) THROUGH: Harold Burge, Major Source Compliance Section Manager FROM: Rob Leishman, Environmental Scientist DATE: April 18, 2024 SUBJECT: Source: Nebo Generating Facility Natural Gas Turbine Generator Contact: Dave Gammell (Plant Manager) – 801-925-4012 Cheyney Guymon – 801-794-2950 Location: 1265 Bamberger Road, Payson, Utah County, UT Test Contractor: Montrose Air Quality Services, LLC FRS ID#: UT0000004904900234 Permit/AO#: Title V operating permit 4900234004 January 18, 2022 Subject: Review of RA/PST Protocol dated April 9, 2024 On April 12, 2024, Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) received a protocol for a RA/PST (relative accuracy/performance specification test) of the UAMPS Nebo power station in Payson, Utah. Testing will be performed on May 29, 2024, to determine the relative accuracy of the O2, CO2, NOX, and CO monitoring systems. PROTOCOL CONDITIONS: 1. RM 3A used to determine dry molecular weight of the gas stream: OK 2. RM 7E used to determine NOX concentrations of emissions: OK 3. RM 10 used to determine CO concentrations of emissions: OK 4. RM 19 used to determine volumetric flow: OK DEVIATIONS: No deviations were noted in the protocol. CONCLUSION: The protocol appears to be acceptable. RECOMMENDATION: Send attached protocol review and test date confirmation notice. 1 8 2 LTTAH DEPARTMENT OF ETURONMENTAL QUATTTY APR 12 2C?-4 DIVTSION OF AIR QUALITY MM?HT+fiIH ,.PRETEST PROTOGOL TO CONDUCT EPA COMPLIANCE TESTTNG FOR CONTTNUOUS EMTSSIONS MONITORS (CEM) RELATIVE AGCURAGY TEST AUDITS (RATAS) ON UTAH ASSOCTATED MUNTCTPAL POWER SYSTEMS (UAMPS) NEBO GE FRAME 7EAIHRSG GAS.FIRED TURBINE AT THE PAYSON, UTAH GENERATING STATION." UDEQ Title V Air Quallty Permit Number: 4900234004 Proposed Test Dates: |{,ay 29,2024 MONTROSE AIR QUALITY SERVIGES, LLC. 6823 South 3600 West Spanish Fork, Utah 84660 (801) 794-2e50 April 9, 2024 SOURCE INFORMATION Facility Name: Utah Association of Municipal Power Systems (UAMPS) Units to be tested: GE Frame 7EA dHSRG Unit (Natural Gas-Fired Combined Cycle Combustion Turbine) Mailing Address: UAMPS 155 North 400 West, Suite 480 Salt Lake City, Utah 84103 PlantAddress: NEBO Power Station 1265 N. Bamberger Road Payson, Utah 84651 AIRSS lD No. 49-049-00234 ORISPL No.56177 UDEQ Title V Operating Permit No. 4900234004 Phone: (801) 9254012 Plant Contact: Mr. Dave Gammell, PIant Manager Test Date: May 29,2024 CONTRACTOR OR TEST FIRM Name: Montrose Air Quality Services, LLC. Address: 6823 South 3600 West, Spanish Fork, Utah 84660 Phone: (801) 794-2950 Contact Gheyney Guymon, Field Project Manager MAQS Email : chg uymon@montrose-env.com Document Number: GP081AS-039393-PP-830 UAMPS - NEBO Power Plant GE Frame 7EA Combined Cycle Turbine/HSRG Montrose Air Quality Servlces, LLC. Pretest Protocol - Apnl 2024 REASON FOR TESTING AND OPERATING PERMIT EMISSION LIMITATIONS The current Title V Operating Permit (UDEO No. 4900234004 - dated January 18,2022) mandates that annual testing be conducted (see Section ll: Special Provisions) for flow, CO, NOr, and Oz. A copy of the Title V Operating Permit is included in Appendix'4". Parl 75 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) requires that Relative Accuracy Test Audits (RATAs) be conducted on the following emissions analyzer on the GE Frame 7EA Gas Turbine/HSRG Unit at least once every four operating quarters: A. Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx) Part 60 of the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) requires that Relative Accuracy Test Audits (RATAs) be conducted on the following emissions analyzer on the GE Frame 7EA Gas Turbine/HRSG Unit be quantified annually: A. Carbon Monoxide (CO) EPA TEST METHODS REQUIRED Gas Analysis 1. Reference Method: EPA Method 3A 2. The 02 analyzer used in the CEM system has a range of O-25o/o Nitrogen Oxide Emissions 1. Reference Method: EPA Method 7E 2. NEBO has a dual range NO, Analyzer for their CEMs instrument. The ranges are 0-20 ppm and 0-200 ppm. The applicable standard is 97.12 ppmdv when the turbine is operated in combined or simple cycle mode. C. Carbon Monoxide Emissions 1. Reference Method: EPA Method 10 2. The CO analyzer used for the CEM system is also a dual range instrument, 0-100 ppm and 0-1000 ppm. The applicable standard for this emission is 25.0 ppmdv corrected to 15.0% Oz when operated in simple cycle and 10.0 ppmdv when the turbine is operated in a combined cycle mode. D. Nitrogen Oxides Mass Emission Rates 1. Reference Method: EPA Method 19 A. B. UAMPS - NEBO Power Plant GE Frame 7EA Combined Cycle Turbine/HSRG Montrose Air Quality Sewices, LLC. Pretest Protocol - Apnl 2O24 Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) for NOx 1. Reference Method: EPA Performanoe Specification (PS) 2. The Relative Accuracy for the NOx analyzer needs to be less than 7 .5o/o (on an annual basis). Relative Accuracy Test Audit (RATA) for Oz and COz 1. Reference Method: EPA Performanc,e Specification (PS) 3. The relative Accuracy for the Oz analyzer needs to be Iess than 7.5o/o (on an annual basis). Relative Accuracy TestAudit (RATA) for CO 1. Reference Method: EPA Performance Specification (PS) 4a a). Stratification Verifi cation Tests. Prior to starting the Relative Accuracy Test Audits (RATA) MAQS wil! conduct a "stratification Evaluation". The stratification, as outlined in 40CFR75, Appendix A was completed for the Iocation of the GEMs probe during the 2008' testing that conducted on site. MAQS will complete a stratification evaluation for the location of the traverse points for the RATA testing. Sampling locations will be determined after the stratification tests are completed. bl. Relative Accuracv Test Audit. MAQS will use EPA Reference Methods 3A, 7E and 10 to check the relative accuracy of the UAMPS CEMs. MAQS will run up to twelve (12) twenty-one (21) to thirty (30) minute tests depending on our response time. Reference Method results will be compared with the UAMPS reading of the same time frame. From these comparisons the relative accuracy of UAMPS analyzers will be calculated using a standard spread sheet. The NOx will be reported in ppm corrected to 15o/o Oz and in lbs./MMBtu. The CO wil! be reported in ppm corrected to 15.0olo Oz. EPA Methods 3a, 7E and 10 are instrumentation methods. This sample train incorporates taking a sample line from the stack, conditioning the sample, and finally running it through the analyzer. Figure I is a schematic of the analyzer sample train, showing both the sample line location and the calibration line Iocation. E. F. (r- UAMPS - NEBO Power Plant GE Frame 7EA Combined Cycle Turbine/HSRG Montrose Air Qualfi Services, LLC. Prctest Protocol - Apfl 2024 Contl nuous Ernissions Antl Uzars Exhaust Stack Sample Poi nt:T Moisture IHp- Crli bration Gas l-'lanifold UAMPS - NEBO Power Plant GE Frame 7EA Combined Cycle Tubine/HSRG Montrose Air Quality Seruices, LLC. Pretest Pmtocol - Apnl 2024 CALIBRATION DATA AND SAMPLE CALCULATION The EPA and State agencies require various calibrations for specific equipment used during testing. The current calibration data is included in Appendix uB". A sample of all field data forms will be made available at the job site. REFERENCE METHODS The methods that will be employed are found in 40 CFR Part 60 - Appendix A, and the EPA 'Quality Assurance Handbook for Air Pollution Measurement Systems." Any deviation from these methods will first be approved by the administrator. STACK SCHEMATIC AND TRAVERSE POINT LOGATIONS Attached are the schematics showing plan and elevation of ducting and stack arrangements including sample port positions relative to upstream and downstream disturbances. Also included are cross-sectional sketches of the stack at the sampling locations. Figure ll is a stack diagram of the GE Frame 7EA Gas Turbine/HRSG Unit at the Payson Generating Facility. Traverse point locations for the GE Frame 7EA Gas Turbine/HSRG Unit are shown in Table l. 1. 2. UAMPS - NEBO Power Plant GE Frame 7EA Combined Cycle Turbine/HSRG Montrose Air Quality Services, LLC. Pretest Protocol - April 2024 Fiqure II UAMPS - NEBO Power Plant 6 Montrose Air Quality Services, LLC. GE Frame 7EA Combined Cycle Turbine/HSRG Pretest Protocol-Apnl2O24 T_ I I I 574.5" =A= 2.90 Dameters 125.5' = B = 6.20 D[ameters I I II [_1e8"___-_l o 4 Ports Located 90 degrees apart from each other 4'l.D. 4" Long Table I Plani: Date: Source: Distance X: Distance Y: Stack l.D: Stack Area: #of UAMPS 414t2024 GE Frame 7EA Turbine 202.5 in 4in 198.5 in 214.91 tr2 Traverse Points:24 sample locations Traverse Point Number Percent of Stack l.D. Product of Stack l.D. inches col.2 &3 (to 1/8 in) Distance Y (inches) Traverse Point Loction from outside of ports (sum of columns 4 & 5) 1,7,13 & 19 2,8,14 &20 3, 9,15 & 21 4,10,'.t6 &22 5, 11, 17 & 23 6,12,18 &24 2.1 6.7 11.8 17.7 25 35.6 198.5 198.5 198.5 198.5 198.5 198.5 4.17 13.30 23.42 35.13 49.63 70.67 4 4 4 4 4 4 8.17 = 8114 17.30 = 17 114 27.42 = 27 318 39.13 = 39 53.63 = 53 5/8 74.67 = 74 518 inches inches inches inches inches inches SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS AND OTHER REQUIREMENTS Alltesting stations will be accessible from OSHA scatfolding or platforms. MAQS will require 1 - 480V, 30 amp, three-phase circuits to be provided by UAMPS in order to perform the emissions testing. Montrose will comply with all safety requirements at the facility. The facility plant safety coordinator is responsible for ensuring routine compliance with plant entry, health, and safety requirements. The facility plant site safety coordinator has the authority to impose or waive facility restrictions. The Montrose test team leader has the authority to negotiate any deviations from the facility restrictions with the plant site safety coordinator. Any deviations must be documented. Montrose has a comprehensive health and safety program that satisfies State and Federal OSHA requirements. The program includes an Illness and lnjury Prevention Program, site-specific safety meetings, and training in safety awareness and procedures. The basic elements include: . Written policies and procedures o Routine training of employees and supervisors o Use of personal protection equipment (PPE) . Hazard communication . Pre-test and daily safety meetings UAMPS - NEBO Porer PIaNt GE Frame 7EA Combined Cycle Turbine/HSRG Montrose Air Quality Services, LLC. Pretest Protocol - April2024 o Routine surveillance and inspection of on-going work r Near-miss and accident reporting procedures o Following Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) regulations, as applicable Montrose will provide all PPE to its employees. The PPE wil! include, but is not limited to; hard hats, safety shoes, safety glasses with side shields (or goggles), hearing protection, and hand protection All on-site personnel will adhere to the following standard safety measures: . All OSHA and facility mandated safety training and accreditation will be completed before arrival. This will include MSHA, OSHA 1O-hr, TWIC, AerialWork Platform, etc., as required. . Complete any site-specific training as necessary . Complete Site Safety Plan before work activities begin . Daily Tool Box Meetings o Confine themselves to the testing and administration areas only . Wear all mandated PPE & Know the location of flrst aid and fire extinguishers o Know the location of first aid equipment and fire extinguishers OTHER COMMENTS. RECOMMENDATIONS. OR PROPOSED MODIFICATIONS 1. An "S" Type Pitot Tube will be used to measure the velocity of the gas stream using EPA Method 2 (if the stack is 12.0" inches or greater). An inclined manometer will be used to measure the velocity head. The first mark on the manometer is 0.01 inches of water column from the zero mark. For sources where the velocity head is less than 0.05 inches of water column, or where the stack diameter is less than 12 inches, MAQS will use a Standard Pitot with an expanded manometer. 2. EPA Method 3A will be used to determine the dry molecular weight of the gas stream. The gas analysis will be conducted at the job site using oxygen and carbon dioxide analyzers. 3. Barometric pressure will be measured at the sampling position via an aneroid barometer. UAMPS - NEBO Power Plant GE Frame 7EA Combined Cycle Turbine/HSRG Montrose Air Quality Seruices, LLC. Pretest Protocol - Apfl 2024 4. 5. For the RATA requirements, at least nine (9) CEM runs and up to twelve (12) will be conducted to determine relative accuracy of the NOx, CO and Oz analyzers in the GE Frame 7EA exhaust stack. These runs will be twenty-one (21) and thirty (30) minutes in length depending on analyzer response times. The test team will consist of the Beckie Hawkins District Manager project oversight, one Client Project Manager and two Field Technicians. The CIient Project Manager is responsible for overseeing sample and data collection, while the Fietd Technicians work at the sample location. lt is anticipated that Cheyney Guymon, will be assigned to the role of Client Project Manager. The staff assignment for the Field Technicians positions will be Austin Tramell lead and one other qualified technician. The team will be fully qualified to perform all test methods listed in this test plan. Montrose converts the raw field, laboratory, and process data to reporting units consistent with the permit or subpart. Calculations are made using proprietary computer spreadsheets or data acquisition systems. One run of each test method is also verified using a separate example calculation. The example calculations are checked against the spreadsheet results and are included in the final report. The "Standard Conditions" for this project are 29.92 inches of mercury and 68 "F. Both qualitative and quantitative factors contribute to field measurement uncertainty and should be taken into consideration when interpreting test results. Whenever possible, Montrose Air Quality Services personnel reduce the impact of these uncertainty factors using approved and validated test methods. In addition, Montrose personnel perform routine instrument and equipment calibrations and ensure that the calibration standards, instruments, and equipment used during test events meet, at a minimum, test method specifications as well as the specifications of our Quality Management System and ASTM D 7036-04. The limitations of the various methods, instruments, equipment, and materials utilized during a test are reasonably considered, but the ultimate impact of the cumulative uncertainty for each project cannot be fully identified. Montrose will prepare a final report to present the test data, calculations/equations, descriptions, and results. Prior to release by Montrose, each report will be reviewed and certified by the project manager and their supervisor, or a peer. Source test reports will be submitted to the facility or appropriate regulatory agency (upon client approval) within 30 days of the completion of the field work. The report will include a series of appendices to present copies of the intermediate calculations and example calculations, raw field data, laboratory analysis data, process data, and equipment calibration data. 6. 7. UAMPS - NEBO Power Plant GE Frame 7EA Combined Cycle Turbine/HSRG Montrose Air Quality Services, LLC. Pretest Protocol - Apfl 2024 I t I I I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I DATA ANALYSIS. VALIDATION. AND UNCERTAINTY Montrose converts the raw field, laboratory, and process data to reporting units consistent with the permit or subpart. Calculations are made using proprietary computer spreadsheets or data acquisition systems. One run of each test method is also verified using a separate example calculation. The example calculations are checked against the spreadsheet results and are included in the final report. The "Standard Conditions' for this project are 29.92 inches of mercury and 68 'F. Both qualitative and quantitative factors contribute to field measurement uncertainty and should be taken into consideration when interpreting test results. \A/henever possible, Montrose Air Quality Services personnel reduce the impact of these uncertainty factors using approved and validated test methods. ln addition, Montrose personne! perform routine instrument and equipment calibrations and ensure that the calibration standards, instruments, and equipment used during test events meet, at a minimum, test method specifications as well as the specifications of our Quality Management System and ASTM D 7036-04. The limitations of the various methods, instruments, equipment, and materials utilized during a test are reasonably considered, but the ultimate impact of the cumulative uncertainty for each project cannot be fully identified. QUALITY STATEMENT Montrose is qualified to conduct this test program and has established a quality management system that led to accreditation with ASTM Standard D7036-04 (Standard Practice for Competence of Air Emission Testing Bodies). Montrose participates in annual functional assessments for conformance with D7036-04 which are conducted by the American Association for Laboratory Accreditation (A2LA). All testing performed by Montrose is supervised on site by at least one Qualified lndividual (Ql) as defined in D7036-04 Section 8.3.2. Data quality objectives for estimating measurement uncertainty within the documented limits in the test methods are met by using approved test protocols for each project as defined in D7036-04 Sections 7.2.1 and 12.10. Additional quality assurance information is included in the report appendices. The content of this report is modeled after the EPA Emission Measurement Center Guideline Document (GD-043). UAMPS - NEBO Power Plant GE Frame 7EA Combined Cycle Turbine/HSRG Montrose Air Quality Services, LLC. Pretest Protocol - Apil 2024 10 ffi Department of Environmental Quality KimbcrlyD, Shelley Executive Directo, 1,2g25 DWISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director State of Utah SPENCERJ. COX Govertor DEIDRE IIENDERSON Lieutenant Govemor Title V Operating Permit PERMIT NUMBER: 4900234004 DATE OX'PERMIT: January 18,2022 Date of Last Revision: January t8,2022 This Operating Permit is issued to, and applies to the following: Name of Permittee: Utah Assoc. Municipal Power Systems 155 North 400 West, Suite 480 Salt Lake Ciry, UT 84103 UTM coordinates: SIC code: 437,750 m Easting, 4,434,700 m Northing 491 1 (Elecfic Services) Permitted Location: Nebo @ayson) Power Plant 1265 BarnbergerRd Payson, UT 84651 Prepared By: Jennifer He jhe@utah.gov By: ,4rr>l Bryce C. Bird, Director 195 Norlh 1950 Wsst . S.lt Irke City, tlT Mailing Ad&c.ss: P.O. Box ltt4820 . Salt Late City, UT 84114-4820 Telcphom (801) 53il000 . Fu (801) s364099 . T-D-D. (80D 903-3978 www,deq,uuh,gov Prinrd on 100/o rccycledpaper ENT'ORCEABLE DATES AND TIMELII\-ES The following dates or timeframes are referenced in Section I: General Provisions of this pernrit. Annuat Cefiification Due: January 30 of every calendar year that this permit is in force. Renewal application due: Permit expiration date: July 18,2026 January 18,2027 Definition of "prompf': written notification within 14 days. ABSTRACT Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems operate an electric generating facility, udffu a nqminal elechic output of 141 MW, on the north end of Payson, Utah County. The facility utilizes a natural gas-fired combustion turbine generator (CTG) operating either in simple cycle mode or in a combined-cycle mode with a heat recovery steam generator (IIRSG) and a steam turbine. The HRSG is equipped with a supplemental, intermittent-fired duct burner with maximum heat input capacity of 312 million British Themral Units @TtI) perhour. The ptant is subjectto 40 CFR 60, Subpart GG (Standards of Performance for Stationary Gas Tr:rbines) and Subpart Da (Standard of Performance for Electric Utility Steam Generating Units for which Constuction is Commenced after September 18, 1978) and 40 CFR 63 Subpart TZZZ (National Emission Standaxds for Hazardous Air Pollutants for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines). The plant is a Phase tr Acid Rain source. Project OPP0128250008 Page 2 Title V Operating Permit #f4900234004 OPERATING PERMIT IIISTORY PermiUActivitv Date Issued Recorded Chanees Title V renewal application (Proi ect #OPP 0 12825 0008 ) Ur8t2022 Changes: Minor changes on the rule's citations Title V administative amendment - enhanced AO (Froiect #OPP0 I 28250006) 08t2112017 Changes: to incorporate changes approved under AO DAQE-ANI 28250007 -17, dated lvne 14, 2017 Title V renewal application (Project #OPP0 1 28250005) 0112412017 Changes: minor changes in conditions II.B.2.c.3 and II.B.3.b.3 regarding the excess emission reporting Title V renewal application (Froject #OPP0 1 28250004) tr/t6t20rl Changes: NESHAP ZZZZrequkements are included in the renewal permit. Title V initial application 0roiect #OPP0 128250001) 0710y2006 Chenges: Enter project description here. Project OPP0128250008 Page 3 fitle V Operating Permit tf4900234004 Table of Contents EIM'ORCEABLE DATES A}[D TIMELII{ES ABSTRACT.... OPERATING PERMIT HISTORY SECTION I: GENIERAL PROVISIONS................ Administative Permit Amendments .....'...9 Title IV and Other, More Stringent Requirements ........12 SECTION II: SPECIAL PROYISIONS............... .........................13 Emission Unit(s) Pennitted to Discharge Air Contaminants. ............ ............... 13 Conditioru on Permitted Source (Source-wide) ............13 Conditions on GE Frame 7-EA Generator (in Simple Cycle Mode) @missiou Unit #1). ..............17 Condition on GE Frame 7-EA Generator (in Combined Cycle Mode) @mission Unit#2). ................................21 Conditions on Emergency Generator @mission Unit #3)................ .........................25 SECTION Itr: PERMIT SHTELD SECTION IV: ACID RAIN PROVISIONS 31 Utah Acid Rain Program Authority. .......31 Recordkeepiug aud Reporting Requirements ................32 REVIEWER COMMENTS 2 t Project OPP0128250008 Page 4 Tttle V Operating Permlt M900234A04 I.A Issued under authority of Utah Code Ann. Section 19-2-104 and 19-2-109.1, and in accordance with Utah Administrative Code R307-415 Operating Permit Requirements. All definitions, terms and abbreviations used in this permit conform to those used in Utah Administrative Code R307-l0l and R307-415 @ules), and 40 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), except as otherwise defined in this permit. Unless noted otherwise, references cited in the permit conditions refer to the Rules. Where a permit condition in Section I, General Provisions, partially recites or summarizes an applicable rule, the full text of the applicable portion of the rule shall govern interpretations of the requirements of the rule. In the case of a conflict between the Rules and the pennit terms and conditions of Section tr, Special Provisions, the permit terms and conditions of Section tr shall govern except as noted in Provision I.M, Permit Shield. SECTION I: GENERAL PROYISIONS Federal Enforcement. All terrrs and conditions in this permit, including those provisions desigued to limit the potential to emit, are enforceable by the EPA and citizens under the Clean Air Act of 1990 (CAA) except those terms and conditions that are specifically designated as "State Requirements". (R30741 5-6b) Permltted Actlvitv0es). Except as provided in R307415-7b(1), the permittee may not operate except in compliance with this permit. (See also Provision I.E, Application Shield) Dutv to Complv. The permittee must comply with all conditions of the operating permit. Any pennit noncompliance constitutes a violation of the Air Conservation Act and is grounds for any of the following: enforcement action; permit termination; revocation and reissuance; modification; or denial of a pennit renewal application. (R307415-6a(6Xa) It shall not be a defense for a permittee in an enforcement action that it would have been necessary to halt or reduce the permitted activity in order to maintain compliance with the conditions of this permit. (R3074154a(6Xb) The perrnittee shall furnish to the Director, within a reasonable time, any information that the Director may request in writing to determine whether cause exists for modiffing, revoking and reissuing, or terminating this permit or to determine corrpliance with this pemrit. Upon reguest, the permittee shall also funrish to the Director copies ofrecords required to be kept by this permit or, for information claimed to be confidential, the permittee may fumish such records directly to the EPA along with a claim of confidentiality. (R30741 5-6a(6)(e)) This permit may be modified, revoked, reopened, and reiszued, or terminated for cause. The filing of a request by the permittee for a permit modification, revocation and reissuance, or temrination, or of a notification of planned changes or anticipated noncorrpliance shall not stay any permit condition, except as provided under R307415- 7f( 1) for minor permit modifi cations. (R3 07-4 I 5-6a(6)(c)) Permit Exoiration and Renewal. I.B I.C I.C.1 r.c.2 I.C.3 1.C.4 I.D Project OPP0128250008 Page 5 Tifle V OperatingPermit j#l900234i.D04 I.D.l This permit is issued for a fixed term of five years and expires on the date shown under "Enforceable Dates and Timelines" at the front of this permit. (rc07a15-6a(2)) 1.D.2 Application for renewal of this permit is due on or before the date shown under "Enforceable Dates and Timelines" at the front of this permit. An application may be submitted early for any reason. (R307415-5a(1)(c))ID3 *#,:l?J}*:-:ffi:ff:if;li:1;lr"n:*::.1t,1l:"!,'"ilt3;?#ffi#lllt relieve the perrrittee of any enforcement actions resulting from submitting a late application. (H07a 1 5-5a(5)) I.D.4 Permit expiration terrninates the permittee's right to operate unless a timely and complete renewal application is submitted consistent with R307415-7b (see also Provision I.E, Application Shield) and R307-415-5a(1)(c) (see also Provision IiD.z). (B07al5-7c(2)) I.E Application Shield. If the permittee submits a timely and complete application for renewal, the permittee's failure to have an operating permit will not be a violation of R307415, until the Director takes final action on the permit renewal application. ln such case, the terms and conditions of this permit shall remain in force until permit renewal or denial. This protection shall cease to apply if, subsequent to the completeness determination required pursuant to R307- 415-7a{3), and as required by R307415-5a(2), the applicant fails to submit by the deadline specified in writing by the Director any additional infonnation identi{ied as being needed to process the application. @3074 l5-7bp)) I.F Severabilitv. In the event of a challenge to any portion of this permit, or if any portion of this permit is held invalid, the remaining permit conditions remain valid and in force. @307a15-6a(5)) I.G Permit Fee. I.G.I The pennittee shall pay an annual emission fee to the Director consistent with R307415-9. (ru07a15-6a(7) I.G.z The emission fee shall be due on October 1 of each calendar year or 45 days after the source receives notice of the amount of the fee, whichever is laGr. (R307415-9( )(a)) I.H No Pronertv Rishts. This permit does not convey any property rights of any sort, ot any exclusive privilege. (R307415-6a(6)(d) I.I Revision Exception. No permit revision shall be required, under any approved economic incentives, marketable permits, emissions trading and ottrer similar programs or processes for changes that are provided for in this permit. (807a15-6a(8)) I.J Inspection and Entry. Project OPP012t250008 Page 6 Title V Operating Permit #4900234004 I.J.1 Upon presentation of credentials and other documents as may be required by law, the permittee shall allow the Director or an authorized representative to perform any of the following: Enter upon the permittee's premises where the source is located or emissions related activity is conducted, or where records are kept under the conditions of this permit. (R307415-6c(2Xa) Have access to and copy, at reasonable times, any records that must be kept under the conditions of this permit. (R307415-6c(2Xb) Inspect at reasonable times any facilities, equipment (including monitoring and air pollution control equipment), practice, or operation regulated or required under this pennit. (R307-415-6c(2Xc)) Sample or monitor at reasonable times substances or parzilneters for the purpose of assuring compliance with this permit or applicable requirements. (R307415- 6c(2)(d)) Any claims of confidentiality made on the information obtained during an inspection shall be made pursuant to Utah Code Ann. Section 19-1-306. (R307415-6c(2)(e)) Cerffication. Any application forrn, report, or compliance certification submitted pursuant to this permit shall contain certification as to its truth, accuracy, and completeness, by a responsible official as defined in R307415-3. This certification shall state that, based on inforrnation and belief formed after reasonable inquiry the statements and information in the document are true, accurate, and complete. (R307415-5d) Comnliance Certification. Pemrittee shall submit to the Director an annual compliance certification, certiffing compliance with the terms and conditions contained in this permit, including emission limitations, standards, or work practices. This certification shall be submitted no later than the date shown under "Enforceable Dates and Timelines" at the front of this permit, and that date each year following until this perrrit expires. The certification shall include all the following (permittee may cross-reference this permit or previous reports): (R30741 5- 6c(5)) The identification of each term or condition of this permit that is the basis of the certification; The identification of the methods or other means used by the permittee for determining the compliance stafirs with each term and condition during the certification period. Such methods and other means shall include, at a minimum, the monitoring and related recordkeeping and reporting requirements in this permit. If necessary, the permittee also shall identiS any other material information that must be included in the certification to comply with section 113(c)(2) ofthe Act, which prohibits }nowingly making a false certification or omitting material information; The status of compliance with the terms and conditions of the permit for the period covered by the certification, including whether compliance during the period was continuous or intermittent. The certification shall be based on the method or means I.K I.J.1.a I.J.1.b I.J.1.c r.J.1.d T.J.2 I.L I.L.1 I.L.1.a I.L.1.b I.L.1.c Project OPP0128250008 Page 7 Tltle V Operating Permit #4900234004 designated in Provision I.L.l.b. The certification shall identiff each deviation and take it into accourt in the compliance certification. The certification shall also identiff as possible exceptions to compliance any periods during which compliance is required and in which an excursion or exceedance as defined under 40 CFR Part 64 occurred; and I.L.l.d Such other facts as the Director may require to determine the compliance status. I.L.2 The permittee shall also submit all comptance certifications to the EPA, Region VI[, at the following address or to such other address as may be required by the Director: (R307415- 6c(s)(d)) Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII Office of Enforcement, Compliance and Environmental Justice (mail code SENF) 1595 WynkooP Sheet Denver, CO 80202-1129 I.M Permit Shield. I.M.1 Compliance with the provisions of this perrrit shall be deemed compliance with any applicable requirements as of the date of this permit, provided that: I.M.l.a Such applicable requirements are included and are specifically identified in this permit, or (R30741 5-6(1Xa) I.M.l.b Those requirements not applicable to the source are specifically identified and listed in this permit. (R307415-6(1Xb) I.M.2 Nothing in this permit shall alter or affect any of the following: l.M.2.a The emergencyprovisions of Utah Code Ann. Section 19-1,-202 and Section 19-2- LIZ,andthe provisions of the CAA Section 303. (R307415-6f(3Xa)) I.M.2.b The liability of the owner or operator of the source for any violation of applicable requirements under Utah Code A:rn. Section L9A-rc7Q)(a)(xiii) and Section 19-2- 110 prior to or at the time of issuance of this permit. (R307415-6f(3)O) I.M.2.c The applicable requirements of the Acid Rain Program, consistent with the CAA Section 408(a). (R307415-6(3Xc)) I.M.2.d The ability of the Director to obtain information from the source under Utah Code Ann. Section 19-2-120, and the ability of the EPA to obtain information from the source under the CAA Section 114. (R307415-6f(3Xd) I.N Emereencv Provision. I.N.l An "emergency" is any situation arising from sudden and reasonably unforeseeable events beyond the control of the source, including acts of Go4 which situation requires immediate corrective action to restore normal operation, and that causes ttte source to exceed a technology-based emission limitation under this permit, due to unavoidable increases in emissions attributable to the emergency. An emergency shall not include noncompliance to the extent caused by improperly designed equipment, lack of preventive maintenance, careless or improper operation, or operator error. (R307a15-69(1) Project OPP0128250008 Page I Title Y Operating Permit #4900234004 I.N.2 An emergency constitutes an affrrmative defe,nse to an action brought for noncompliance with such technology-based emission limitations if the affirmafive defense is demonstrated through properly signed, contemporaneous operating logs, or other relevant evidence that: I.N.2.a An emergency occurred and the perrrittee can identiff the causes of the emergency. (R307415-6e(gxa)) I.N.2.b The permitted facility rvas at the time being properly operated. (R307415- 6e(3Xb)) I.N.2.c During the period of the emergency the permittee took all reasonable steps to minimize levels of emissions that exceeded the emission standards, or other requirements in this permit. (R3 074 I 5-6g(3)(c)) I.N.2.d The permittee submitted notice of the emergency to the Director within two working days of the time when emission limitations wete exceeded due to the emergency. This notice must contain a description of the emergency, any steps taken to mitigate emissions, and corrective actions taken. This notice fulfills the requirement of Frovision L S.2.c below. (R3 074 1 5 -69(3Xd)) I.N.3 ln any enforcement proceeding, the permittee seeking to establish the occurrence of an emergency has the burden of proof. (rc07a15-6g(a) I.N.4 This emergency provision is in addition to any emergency or upset provision contained in any otler section of this permit. (ru07415-6g(5)) LO Onerational Flexibilitv. Operational flexibility is governed by R307415-7d(1). LP Off-permit Chanses. Off-permit changes are governed by R3 074 I 5 -7 dQ) . LQ Administrative Permit Amendments. Administrative pennit amendments are govemed by R307415-7e. I.R Permit Modilications. -r.*, -***oons are governed by R307415-7f. I.S Records and Reportins. I.S.1 Records. I.S.l.a The records of all required monitoring data and support inforrration shall be retained by the permittee for a period of at least five years from the date of the monitoring sample, measurgment, report, or application. Support information includes all calibration and maintenance records, all original strip-charts or appropriate recordings for continuous monitoring instrumentation, and copies of all reports required by this permit. (R307415-6a(3)(b)(ii)) Project OPP0128250008 Page 9 Tltle V Operating Permtt #4900234004 I.S.l.b For all monitoring requirements described in Section II, Special Provisions, the source shall record the following information, where applicable: (R307415- 6a(3XbXi)) I.S.1 .b.1 The date, place as defined in this permit, and time of sampling or measurement. I.S.1.b.2 The date analyses were performed' I.S.1.b.3 The company or entity that perfomred the analyses. I.S.1.b.4 The analytical techniques or methods used. I.S.1.b.5 The results of such analyses. I.S.1.b.6 The operating conditions as existing at the time of sampling or measurement. I.S.l.c Additional record keeping requirements, if any, are described in Section tr, Special Provisions. I.S.2 Reports. I.S.2.a Monitoring reports shall be submitted to the Director every six months, or more frequently if specified in Section IL AII instances of deviation from perrrit requirements shall be clearly identified in the reports. (R307415-6a(3)(c)(i)) LS.2.b A1l reports submitted pursuant to Provision I.S.2.a shall be certified by a responsible official in accordance with Provision I.K of this permit. (R307415- 6a(3XcXi) I.S.2.c The Director shall be notified promptly of any deviations from pennit requirements including those atftibutable to upset conditions as defined in this permit, the probable cause ofsuch deviations, and any corrective actions orpreventative measures taken. Prompt, as used in this condition, shall be defined as written notification within the number of days shown under "Enforceable Dates and Timelines" at the front of this perrnit. Deviations from pennit requirements due to breakdowns shall be reported in accordance with the provisions of R307-107. (R307-4 1s-6a(3)(c)(ii)) I.S.3 Noti.fication Addresses. I.S.3.a All reports, notifications, or other submissions required by this permit to be submitted to the Director are to be sent to the following address or to such other address as may be required by the Director: Utah Division of Air Quality P.O. Box 1,M820 Salt Lake city, uT 841144824 Phone: 801-5364000 I.S.3.b All reports, notifications or other submissions required by this permit to be submitted to the EPA should be sent to one of the following addresses or to such other address as may be required by the Director: Project OPP012t250008 Page 10 Title Y Oporating Permit 1t4904234004 For annual compliance certifi cations: Environmental Protection Agency, Region VIII Office of Enforcernent, Compliance and Environmental Justice (mail code SENF) 1595 Wpkoop Street Denver, CO 80202-1129 For reports, notifications, or other correspondence related to permit modifications, applications, etc.: Environmental Protection Agency, Region Mtr Air Pennitting and Monitoring Branch (mail code SARD-PM) 1595 Wynkoop Sfreet Denver, CO 80202-1129 Phone: 303-312-6927 I.T Reopenins for Cause. I.T.1 A permit shall be reopened and revised under any of the following circumstances: I.T.l.a Newapplicable requirements become applicable to the permittee and there is a remaining permit term of tlree or more years. No such reopening is required if thei :r,T::LH::i.'[#:Hfl:tHiff:r,il,i:#;]]n"*H,*"ffiffi,*1" to R307-4 1 5-7c(3), application shield. (R307 415 -7g( lXa) I.T.l.b The Director or EPA detennines that this permit contains a material mistake or that inaccurate statements were made in establishing the emissions standards or other tenns or conditions of this pennit. (R307415-7e(1Xc) II I.T. t .. EPA or the Director determines that this permit must be revised or revoked to ssure compliance with applicable requirements. (R3074 1 5-7e( I Xd)) I.T.l.d Additional applicable requirements are to become effective before the renewal date of this permit and are in conflict with existing perrrit conditions. (R307415- 7e(lXe)) ' 1.T.2 Additional requirements, including excess emissions requirements, become applicable to a Title tV affected source under the Acid Rain Program. Upon approval by EPA, excess i ;f.;i;ff offset plans shall be deemed to be incorporated into this permit. (R30741s- I.T.3 Proceedings to reopen and issue a permit shall follow the same procedures as apply to initial pennit issuance and shall affect only those parts of this permit for which cause to reopen exists. @307a$-7gQ)) LU Inventorv Requirements. An emission inventory shall be submitted in accordance with the procedures of R307-150, Emission Inventories. (R307-l 50) Project OPP0128250008 Page 11 Tttle Y Operattng Permtt #490023401)4 LV fitle W and Other. More Strlnsent Reouirements Where an applicable requirement is more stringent than an applicabte requirement of , regulationspromulgatedurderTitle IV of the Act, AcidDeposition Contol, both provisions shall be inoorporated into this permit. (R307415-6a(1)O) i fi{e Y Opemthg Permft #4900234004Prolect OPP012E25ln0t Page 12 SECTION II: SPECIAL PROVISIONS II.A Emission Unit(s) Permltted to Discharge Alr Contaminants. (R3 074 I 5 4(3Xa) and R307 41 s -4(4)) II.A.I Permitted Source Source-wide ll.A.2 #1: GE Frame 7-EA Generator (in Simple Cycle Mode) Gas turbine generator equipped with dry-low-NO* btrmers and an inlet evaporative cooler. The maximum heat input is 880 MMBTU/hr (ffi{\D at the baseload. NSPS GG. II.A.3 #22 GE f,'rame 7-EA Generator (in Combined Cycle Mode) Gas nrbine generato equipped with one HRSG and steam turbine generator set, with maximum heat input of 992 MMBtu/hr (fH\D at the baseload. The duct burner (NSPS Da) with maximum firing rate at 312 MM BTU/hr (LHV), equipped with a SCR forNO* control. II.A.4 #3: Emergency Generator One diesel fred emergency generatorrated at 60 kW, constructed before June 12, 2006. NESHAP ZZZZ, II.A.5 #4: Cooling Tower One cooling tower with 3 cells. No-unit specific applicable requirements. tr.8 Rgquirements and Limitations The following emission limitations, standards, and operational limitations apply to the permitted facility as indicated: tr.B.1 Conditions on Permitted Source (Source-wide). II.B.l.a Condition: At all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction, the permittee shall, to the extent practicable, maintain and operate any pemritted plant equipment including associated air pollution control equipment in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practice for minimizing emissions. Determination of whether acceptable operating and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to the Director which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, opaclty observations, review of operating and maintenance procedures, and inspection of the source. [Origin: DAQE-ANI 28250007 -17]. [R30740 1 -8] tr.B.l.a.l Monitoring: Records required for this permit condition will serve as monitoring. tr.B.I.a.2 Recordkeeping: The permittee shall document activities performed to assure proper operation and maintenance. Records shall be maintained in accordance with Provision I.S.l of this permit. Project OPP012t250008 Page 13 Title V Operating Permit t14900234004 tr.B.l.a.3 Reporting: There are no reporting requirements for this provision except those specified in Section I of this permit. tr.B.l.b Condition: Combined CO emissions shall be no greater than 96.46 tons per l2-month lelling period. IDAQE- ANl 282s00 07 -17). [R30740 1 -8] tr.B.I.b.l Monitoring: The emissions shall be detennined on a rolling l2-month total. Within the fust 20 days of each month, the total shall be calculated for each calendar month and added to the previous 11 months data. Monthly emissions shall be the sum of emissions from the gas turbine, duct burner, and emergetrcy generator. Emissions from the gas tr:rbine and the duct bumer shall be obtained from CEMS recorded data. Emissions from the emergency generator shall be obained by multiplying the engine mting, recordedhours of operation and emission factors from the Vendor data if available or EPA's Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, AP42. Hours of operation for emergency generator shall be deterrnined by the operations log. tr.B.l.b.2 Recordkeeping: Daily consumption or usage records shall be maintained for all periods of operation. Results of monitoring shall be maintained in accordance with Provision I.S.l of this permit. II.8.1.b.3 Reporting: There are no reporting requirements for this provision except those specified in Section I of this permit. tr.8.1.c Condition: Combined NO* emissions shall be no greater than 69 tons per 12-month rolling period. IDAQE- ANl 28250007 -171. [R30740 1 -8] tr.B.l.c.l Monitoring: The emissions shall be detemrined on a rolling l2-month total. Within the first 20 days of each month, the total shall be calculated for each calendar month and added to the previous 11 months data. Monthly emissions shall be the sum of emissions from the gas turbine, duct bumer, and emergency generator. Emissions from the gas turbine and the duct burner shall be obtained from CEMS recorded data. Emissions from the emergency generator shall be obtained by multiplying the engine rating, recorded hours of operation and emission factors from the Vendor data if available or EPA's Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors, 4P42. Hours of operation for emergency generator shall be determined by the operations log. Project OPP0128250008 Page 14 Title V Operating Permit #4900234004 ' tl.B.l.c.2 Recordkeeping: i 3:*fftrffi"1ii:HHffi::Tf"::tH:ffi*li#lsrfltu"J;g#on Resu*sof II.8.1.c.3 Reporting: There are no reporting requirements for this provision except those specified in Section I of this permit. tr.B.l.d Condition: The perrrittee shall use only natural gas as fuel in the gas turbine and duct burner. Fuel oil #2 or better shall be used as fuel in the emergency generator. [DAQE-AN128250007-17]. [R307401-8] U.B.l.d.l Monitoring: In lieu of fuel monitoring, the report required for this permit condition will serve as monitoring. tl.B.l.d.2 Recordkeeping: The annual certification required for this permit condition shall be maintained as described in Provision I.S.1 of the permit tr.8.1.d.3 Reporting: I tn addition to the reporting requirements specified in Section I of this permit, the pennittee shall certiff with each annual certification report that fuel usages in each affected unit comply with the permit condition during the reporting year. tr.8.1.e Condition: The sulfir content of fuel oil burned shall be no more than 0.0015% by weight unless otherwise specified in this permit. TDAQE-AN 128250007 -171. [R307401-8] tr.B.l.e.l Monitoring: Sulfir content shall be determined either by testing each fuel delivery of fuel oil or by inspection of the fuel zulfur-content specifications provided by the vendor in purchase records. Sulfur content in either instance shall be determined in accordance with ASTM-D4294-89, or approved equivalent. tr.8.1.e.2 Recordkeeping: ' *"sults of monitoring shall be maintained in accordance with Provision I.S.1 of this pennit. tr.B.I.e.3 Reporting: There are no reporting requirements for this provision except those specified in Section I of this permit. Project OPP0128250008 Page 15 Title V Operating Permit #4900234004 tr.8.1.f Condition: The permittee shall comply with the applicable requirements for recycling and emission reduotion for class I and class II refrigerants pursuant to 40 CFR 82, Subpart F - Recycling and Emissions Reduction. [40 cFR 82.1s0O)]. [40 crR 82] II.B.l.f.l Monitoring: The permittee shallcertiff, in the annual compliance statement required in Section I of this permit, its compliance status with the requirements of 40 CFR 82, Subpart F. II.B.1.f.2 Recordkeeping: All records required in 40 CFR 82, Subpart F shall be maintained consistent with the requirements of Provision S.1 in Section I of this permit. tr.8.1.f,3 Reporting: All reports required in 40 CFR 82, Subpart F shall be submitted as required. There are no additional reporting requirements except as outlined in Section I of this permit. II.B.1.g Condition: The permittee shall develop, maintain, and implement a written Emissions Minimization Plan that desoribes, in detail, procedures for operating and maintaining the GE Frame 7-EA Generator, including associated air pollution control and monitoring equipment, during events of startup and shutdown. The plan shall contain detailed steps to minimize, to the maximum extent practicable, the frequency and duration of operation in startup or shutdown aud shall be followed at all times. This shall include, but not necessarily be limited to: careful and detailed design, planning, operation, and maintenance so its to avoid unnecessary, preventable, or unreasonably frequent or lengthy startups and shutdowns. The permittee should periodically revise the plan as necessary to satisff the requirements of this condition or to reflect sfoanges in equipment or procedures at the affected source. Each such revision must be submitted to the Director. IDAQE-AN 128250007 -L7]. [R30740 I -8] II.B.1.g.1 Monitoring: Recordkeeping requirement required in this permit condition shall serve as monitoring requirement. A.. Recordkeeping: The permittee shall maintain records demonsftating the procedures in the Emissions Minimization Plan were followed. These records shall include the date and time of occurrence and duration of each startup and shutdown, total hours of startup and shutdown every calendar year for each affected unit, emissions during startup and shutdown as well as other pertinent information. All records shall be maintained in accordance with Provision I.S.1 of this permit. II.8.1.g.3 Reporting: There are no additional reporting requirements for this provision except those specified in Section I ofthis permit. Project OPP012E25000E Page 16 Title Y Operating Permit 114900234004 tr.8.1.h Condition: The following shall be installed and operational: (l) The gas turbine shall be equipped with an inlet evaporative cooler; (2) The HRSG shall be equipped with a Selective Catalytic Reduction System for abatement ofNO* emissions from the duct burner and the gas turbine; (3) Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems forNO*, CO and 02 (CEMS) shall be provided for monitoring emissions from the gas turbine bypass stack, when operating in a simple cycle mod; or gari turbine, HRSG and duct buner main staclg when operating in combined cycle mode; (a) The height of the gas turbine bypass stack shall be no less than 100 feet as measured from the base of the stack; (5) The heigbt of the main stack shall be no less than 150 feet as measured from the base of the staclc IDAQE-AN r282s0007 -t7]. [R307-40 1 -8] tr.8.1.h.1 Monitoring: Recordkeeping requirement required iu this permit condition shall serve as monitoring requirement. tr.8.1.h.2 Recordkeeping: i fiiil?,*:tf fxJ,T#::'*?rY"*:,'J;?,J:i:iffi lln:"*'o"d Arr records sha, be tr.8.1.h.3 Reporting: i ' There are no additional re,porting requirements for this provision except those specified in Section I , of this pemft. i tr.8.2 Conditions on GE Frame 7-EA Generator fin Simole Cvcle Mode) (Emission Unit #1). | 1..8.2.a Condition: I visible emission shall be no greater than 10 Yo opacity. [DAQE-AN128250007-L7]. [R307401-8] tr.B.2.a.I Monitoring: The annual certification required for this perrnit condition will serve as monitoring. 1I.8.2.a.2 Recordkeeping: i fte annual certification required for this permit condition shall be maintained as described in Provision I.S.1 of the permit 11.8.2.a.3 Reporting: In addition to the reporting requirements specified in Section I of this pennit, the permittee shall certiff each annual certification report that only pipeline quality natural gas is used as fuel during the reporting year. Project OPP0128250008 PrgelT Title V Operating Permtt #4900234004 II.B.2.b Condition: Emissions of CO fromthe gas turbine atthe simple cycle mode shall be no greaterthan 25 ppmdv (1'5% Oz, dry) based on 8-hour block average under steady state operation (not including startup and shutdown). IDAQE-AN t282s0007 -r7]. [R30740 1 -8] II.8.2.b.1 Monitoring: The emission of CO shall be monitored by continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) consisting of CO and Oz monitors. The Oz monitor shall be used to adjust the measured CO concenftations to L5% Oz. The permittee shall calibrate, maintain, and operate a CEMS as required by R307-170 to determine compliance with CO concentation. The quality assurance requirements of R307-170, Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems Program shall be used to fuIfiII data quallty assurance requirements. The hourly average of CO emissions shall be calculated every hour and the 8-hour block average shall be calculated using the hourly average data. n.8.2.b.2 Recordkeeping: Results of CO monitoring shall be recorded and maintained as required in R307-170 and as described in Provision I.S.1 of this permit. U.8.2.b.3 Reporting: The perrnittee shall comply with the reporting provisions in R307-170-9 and all the reporting provisions contained in Section I of this permit. The quarterly reports required in R307-170-9 are considered prornpt noffication of permit deviations required in Provision I.S.2.c of this permit if all information required by Provision I.S.2.c is included in the report. il,.8.2.c Condition: Emission of NOx from the gas turbine at the simple cycle mode shall be no greater than 9 ppmdv (15% Oz, dry) based on 30 day rolling average under steady state operation (not including startup and shutdown) and shall be no greater thar,97.l2 ppmdv (li%o Oz, dry) during all periods of unit operation. TDAQE-AN128250007-17 and40 CFR 60.332(aX1)1. [40 CFR 60 Subpart GG., R307401-8] tr.B.2.c.l Monitoring: (a) The permittee shall install, certiff, maintain, operate, and quality'assure a continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) consisting of NOx and Oz monitors to determine compliance with the applicable NOx limitatious. The CEMS shall be installe4 certifie( maintained and operated as follows: (1) Each CEMS must be installed and certified according to PS 2 and 3 (for diluent) of 40 CFR part 60, appendix B, except theT-day calibration drift is based on unit operating days, not calendar days. Appendix F, Procedure 1 is not required. The relative accuracy test audit (RATA) of the NO* and diluent monitors may be performed individually or on a combined basis, i.e., the relative accuracy tests of the CEMS may be performed eitler: (D On a ppm basis (forNOx) and a percent Oz basis for orygen; or (ii) On a ppm at 15 percent Oz basis. Project OPP0128250008 Page 18 Tifle Y Operating Permtt #4900234{104 U..8.2.c.2 II.B.2.c.3 (2) As specified in 40 CER 60.13(e)(2), during each fuIl unit operating hour, each monitor must complete a minimum of one cycle of operation (sampling, analyzing, and data recording) for each lS-minute quadrant of the hour, to validate the hour. For partial unit operating hours, at least one valid data point must be obtained for each quadrant of the hour in which the unit operates. For unit operating hours in which required quality assurance and maintenance activities are performed on the CEMS, a minimum of two valid data points (one in each of two quadrants) are required to validate the hour. (3) For purposes of identiffing excess emissions, CEMS data must be reduced to hourly averages as specified in 40 CFR 60.13(h). (i) For each unit operating hour in which a valid hourly averlge, as described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, is obtained forboth NOx and diluent, the data acquisition and handling system must calculate and record the hourly NOx emissions in the units of percent NOx by volume, dry basis, corrected to 15 percsnt Oz. For any hour in which the hourly average 02 concentratior exceeds 19.0 percent Oz, a diluent cap value of 19.0 percent Oz may be used in the emission calculations. (ii) A worst case ISO correction factor may be calculated and applied using historical ambient data. For the purpose of this calculation, substitute the maximtrm humidity of ambient air (Ho), minimum ambient temperature (Ta), and minimum combustor inlet absolute pressure @o) into the ISO correction equation. (iii) If the permittee has installed a NOx CEMS to meet the requirements of 40 CFR Part 75, ard is continuing to meet the ongoing requirements of 40 CFR Paxt 75, the CEMS may be used to meet the requirements of this section, except that the missing data substitution methodology provided for at 40 CFR Part 75, subpart D, is not required for purposes of identi$ing excess emissions. lnstead, periods of missing CEMS data are to be reported as monitor downtime in the excess emissions and monitoring performance report required in 40 CFR 60.7(c). (b) Each continuous emission monitoring system shall meet the Specifications and Test Procedures required by 40 CFR PNt75, Appendix A. (c) The permittee shall implement Quality Assurance and Quality Control Procedures required by 40 CFR Part7s, Appendix B. (d) The quahty assurance requirements of R307-170, Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems Prograrn, shall be used in addition to 40 CFR PNt75 procedures to fuIfill data quality assurance requirements. (e) The daily average ofNOx emissions shall be calculated once for each day and the 30-day rolling average shall be calculated by adding previous 30 days data on a daily basis. Recordkeeping: Results of NOx monitoring shall be recorded and maintained as required in R307-170, 40 CFR 60 subpart GG,40 CFR 75 subpart F, and as described in Provision I.S.1 of this permit. Reporting: (a) The permittee shall comply with the reporting provisions in R307-170-9, 40 CFR 75 Subpart G, 40 CFR Subpart GG and all the reporting provisions contained in Section I of this permit. (b) The permittee shall submit reports of excess emissions and monitor downtime, in accordance Project OPP0128250008 Page 19 Title V Operating Permtt f14900234004 tr.8.2.d tr.8.2.d.1 n.8.2.d.2 rr.B.2.d.3 with 40 CFR 60.7(c). Excess emissions shall be reported for all periods of unit operation, including starhrp, shutdown and malfunction. For the purpose of reports requiredunder 40 CFR 60.7(c), periods of excess emissions and monitor downtime that shall be reported are defined as follows: (1) An hour of excess emissions shall be any unit operating hour in which the 4-hour rolling average NOx concentration exceeds applicable NSPS erdssion standard of 97.12 ppmdv (15% Or, dry). A "4-hour rolling average NOx concentation" is the arithmetic average of the average NOx concenfration measured by the CEMS for a given hour (corrected to 15 percent Oz) and the three-unit operating hour average NOx concenfrations immediately preceding that unit operating hour. Q) Aday of excess emission shatl be any unit operating period in which the 30-day rolling average NOx concentration exceeds the applicabls limit. A "30-day rolling average NOx emission rate" is tle arithmetic average of all hourly NOx emission data in ppm measured by the CEMS for a given day and the twenty-nine unit operating days average NOx emission rates immediately preceding that unit operating day. A new 30day average is calculated each unit operating day as the average of all hourly NOx emissions rates for the preceding 30{lnit operating days if a valid NOx emission rate is obtained for at least 75 percent of all operating hours. (3) A period of monitor downtime shall be any unit operating hour in which sufficient data are not obtained to validate the hour, for either NOx concentration or diluent (or both). (4) All reports of excess emissions and monitor downtime shall be postmarked by the 30th day following the end of each 6-month period. (c) The quarterly reports required in R307-170-9 and 40 CFR 75 Subpart G are considered prompt notification of permit deviations required in Provision I.S.2.c of this permit if all information required by Provision I.S.2.c is included in the report. Condition: Sulfur content of any natural gas burned shall be no more than 0.8 percent by weight. [40 CFR 60.333]. [40 CFR60 Subpart GG] Monitoring: The annual certification required for this pennit condition will serve as monitoring. Recordkeeping: The annual certification required for this permit condition shall be maintained as described in Provision I.S.1 of the permit Reporting: In addition to the reporting requirements specified in Section I of this permit the permittee shall certiff each annual certification report that that the gaseous fuel used in the reporting year meets the definition of nahral gas in 40 CFR 60.331(u): (a) The gas quality characteristics in a current, valid purchase contact, tariffsheet or transportation contract for the gaseous fuel, speciffing that the maximum total sulfir content of the fuel is 20.0 grains/l00 scf or less; or Project OPP0128250008 Page 20 Title V Operatlng Permtt #{900234004 (b) Representative fuel sampling data which show that the sulfur content of the gaseous fuel does not exceed 20 grains/IOO scf. At a minimum, the amount of fuel sampling data specified in section ot of appendix D to 40 CFR Part 75 is required. tr.B.3 Condition on GE f,'rame 7-EA Generator fin Combined Cvcle Mode) (Emlssion Unit #2). rI'B'3'a ffir::.sion shall be no greater than 10 %o opaclty.lDAeE-AI{1282s0007-171. tR307401-81 II.B.3.a.1 Monitoring: The annual certification required for this permit condition will serve as monitoring. II.B.3.a.2 Recordkeeping: The annual certification required for this permit condition shall be maintained as described in Provision I.S.1 of the permit II.8.3.a.3 Reporting: In addition to the reporting requirements specified in Section I of this permit, the permittee shall certiff each annual certification report that only pipeline quality natural gas is used as fuel during the reporting year. tr.8.3.b Condition: I Emission of NOx from the gas turbine and duct burner exhaust stack shall be no greater than 5 ppmdv (15%o Oz, dry) based on 30 day rolling average under steady state operation (not including startup and shutdown) and shall be no greater than 97.12 ppmdv (LSYI Oz, dry) from the gas turbine during aU periods of unit operation. [DAQE-AN128250007-17, 40 CFR 60.332(a)(1) and 40 CFR 60.,,14Da(dX2)]. [40 CFR 60 Subpart Da, 40 CFR 60 Subpart GG, R307401-8] II.B.3.b.l Monitoring: (a) The permittee shall install, certi$r, maintain, operate, and quality-assure a continuous emission monitoring systern (CEMS) consisting of NOx and Oz monitors to determine cornpliance wittr the applicable NOx limitations. The CEMS shall be installed, certified, maintained and operated as follows: (l) Each CEMS must be installed and certified according to PS 2 and 3 (for diluent) of 40 CFR part 60, appendix B, except the Tday calibration drift is based on unit operating days, not calendar days. Appendix F, Procedure I is not required. The relative accuxacy test audit (RATA) of the NOx and diluent monitors may be performed individually or on a combined basis, i.e., the relative accuracy tests of the CEMS may be perfonned either: (i) On a ppm basis (for NOx) and a percent Oz basis for oxygen; or (ii) On a ppm at 15 percent Oz basis. (2) As spocifiod in 40 CFR 60.13(e)(2), during each full unit operating hour, each monitor must complete a minimum of one cycle of operation (sampling, ana$zing, and data recording) for each l5-minute quadrant of the hour, to validate the hour. For partial unit operating hours, at least one valid data point must be obtained for each quadrant of the hour in which the unit operates. For Project OPP012E250008 Page2l Tltle V Operating Permtt #14900234004 tr.B.3.b.2 tr.8.3.b.3 unit operating hours in which required quality assurance and maintenance activities ate performed on the CEMS, a minimum of two valid data points (one in each of two quadrants) are required to validate the hour. (3) For purposes of identiffing excess emissions, CEMS data must be reduced to hourly averages as specified in 40 CFR 60.13(h). (i) For each unit operating hour in which a valid hourly ayera5e, as described in paragraph (a)(2) of this section, is obtained forboth NOx and diluent, the data acquisition and handling system must calculate and record the hourly NOx emissions in the units of perce,nt NOx by volume, dry basis, corrected to 15 percent Oz. For any hour in which the hourly average 02 concentration exceeds 19.0 percent Oz, a diluent cap value of 19.0 percent Oz may be used in the emission calculations. (ii) A worst oase ISO correction factor may be calculated and applied using historical ambient data. For the purpose of this calculation, substitute the rnaximum humidity of ambient air (Ho), minimum ambient temperature (Ta), and minimum combustor inlet absolute pressure (Po) into the ISO correction equation. (iii) If the perrrittee has installed a NOx CEMS to meet the requirements of 40 CFR Part 75, and is continuing to meet the ongoing requirements of 40 CFR Part75, the CEMS may be used to meet the requirements of this section, except that the missing data substitution methodology provided for at 40 CFR Part 75, subpart D, is not required for pu4toses of identiffing excess lmissions. Instead, periods of missing CEMS data are to be reported as monitor downtime in the excess emissions and monitoring performance report required in 40 CFR 60.7(c). (b) Each continuous emission monitoring system shall meet the Specifications and Test Procedures required by 40 CFR Part75, Appendix A. (c) The permittee shall implement Quality Assurance and Quality Contol Procedures required by 40 CFR Part7s, Appendix B. (d) The quallty assurance requirements of R307-170, Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems Program, shall be used in addition to 40 CFR Part 75 procedures to fuIfiIl data guality assurance requirements. (e) The daily average of NOx emissions shall be calculabd once for each day and the 30-day rolling avefage shall be calculated by adding previous 30 days data on a daily basis. Recordkeeping: Results of NOx monitoring shall be recorded and maintained as required in R307-170, 40 CFR 60 subpart GG, 40 CFR 75 subpart F, and as described in Provision I.S.l of this permit. Reporting: (a) The perrrittee shall comply with the reporting provisions in R307-170-9, 40 CFR 75 Subpart G, 40 CFR Subpart GG and all the reporting provisions contained in Section I of this permit. (b) The permittee shall submit reports of excess emissions and monitor downtime, in accordance with 40 CFR 60.7(c). Excess emissions shall be reported for all periods of rmit operation, including startup, shutdown and malfinction. For the purpose of reports required under 40 CFR 60.7(c),periods of excess emissions and monitor downtime that shall be reported are defured as follows: Project OPP0128250008 Page22 Title V Operating Permit 114900234004 tr.B.3.c tr.B.3.c.1 11.8.3.c.2 II.8.3.c.3 (1) An hour of excess emissions shall be any unit operating hour in which the 4-hour rolling average NOx concentation exceeds applicable NSPS emission standard of 97.L2 ppmdv (15% Or, dry). A "4-hour rolling average NO* concentration" is the arithmetic average of the average NOx concentration from the gas turbine for a given hour (corrected to 15 percent Oz) and the three-unit operating hour average NOx concentrations immediately preceding that unit operating hour. (2) A day of excess emission shall be any unit operating period in which the 30day rolling average NOx concentration exceeds the applicable limit. A "30-day rolling average NOx emission rate" is the arithmetic average of all hourly NOx emission data in ppm measured by the CEMS for a given day and the twenty-nine-unit operating days average NOx emission rates immediately preceding that unit operating day. A new 30day average is calculated each unit operating day as the average of all hourly NOx emissions rates for the preceding 30-unit operating days if a valid NOx emission rate is obtained for at least 75 percent of all operating hours. (3) A period of monitor downtime shall be any unit operating hour in which sufficient data are not obtained to validate the hour, for either NOx concentration or diluent (or both). (4) AII reports of excess emissions and monitor downtime shall be postmarked by the 30th day followingthe end of each 6-month period. (c) The quarterly reports required in R307-170-9 and 40 CFR 75 Subpart G are considered prompt notification of permit deviations required in Provision I.S.2.c of this permit if all information required by Provision I.S.2.c is included in the report. Condition: Emissions of CO from the ps turbine at combined cycle mode shall be no greater than 10 ppmdv (15% Or, dry) based on 8-hour block average under steady state operation (not including startup and shutdown). IDAQE-AN1282'0007 -171. [R307401 -8] Monitoring: The emission of CO shall be monitored by continuous emission monitoring system (CEMS) consisting of CO and Oz monitors. The Oz monitor shall be used to adjust the measured CO concentrations to 15% Oz. The pennittee shall calibrate, maintain, and operate a CEMS as required by R307-170 to determine compliance with CO concentration. The quality assurance requirements of R307-170, Continuous Emission Monitoring Systems Program shall be used to fulfill data qualrty assurance requirements. The hourly average of CO emissions shall be calculated every hour and the 8-hour block average shall be calculated using the hourly average data. Recordkeeping: Results of CO monitoring shall be recorded and maintained as required in R307-170 and as described in Provision I.S.1 of this perrrit. Reporting: The permittee shall comply with the reporting provisions in R307-170-9 and all the reporting provisions contained in Section I of this permit. The quarterly reports required in R307-170-9 is Project OPP0128250008 Page23 Title V Operating Permtt #f900234004 considered prompt notification of permit deviations required in Provision I.S.2.c of this permit if all inforrration required by Frovision I.S.2.c is included in the report. II.B.3.d Condition: Sulfur content of any natural gas burned shall be no more than 0.8 percent by weight. [40 CFR 60.333]. [40 CFR 60 Subpart GG] tr.B.3.d.l Monitoring: The annual certification required for this permit condition will serve as monitoring. tr.8.3.d.2 Recordkeeping: The annual certification required for this permit condition shall be maintained as described in Provision I.S.1 of the permit tr.8.3.d.3 Reporting: In addition to the reporting requirements specified in Section I of this permit, the pennittee shall certiff each annual certification report that only pipeline quality natural gas is used as fuel during the reporting year. II.B.3.e Condition: Emissions of PM shall be no gleater than 0.03 lb/IdMBtu heat input from the duct bumer. [40 CFR 60.aZD4a)1. [40 CFR 60 SubpartDa] tr.B.3.e.l Monitoring: Stack testing shall be perfomred as specified below: (a) Frequency. Emissions shall be tested at least once every five years, based on the date ofthe last test. Tests may also be required at the direction of the Director. (b) Notification. At least 30 days before the test, the source shall notiS the Director of the date, time, and place of testing and provide a copy of the test protocol. The source shall attend a pretest conference if determined necessary by the Director. (c) Methods. (1) The dry basis F factor (Oz) procedures in Method 19 shall be used to compute the emission rate of particulate matter. (2) For the particular matter concentation, Method 5 shall be used at affected facilities without wet FGD systems and Method 58 shall be used after wet FGD systems. (i) The sampling time and sample volume for each run shall be at least 120 minutes andL.70 dscm (60 dscf). The probe and filter holder heating system in the sampling train may be set to provide an average gas temperature of no greater than 160 + 14oC (320 +.25"F). (ii) For each particulate run, the emission rate correction factor, integrated or grab sampling and analysis procedures of Method 38 shall be used to determine the Oz concentation. The Oz sample shall be obtained simultaneously with, and at the same traverse points as, the particulate Project OPP0128250008 Page24 Tifle V Operating Permlt #4900234004 run. If the particulate run has more than 12 traverse points, the Oz traverse points may be reduced to 12 provided that Method I is used to locate the 12 Oz fiaverse points. If the grab sarrpling procedure is used, the Oz concentation for the run shall be the arithmetic mean of the sample Oz r concentrations at all traverse points. (d) Production Rate During Testing. The production rate during all compliance testing shall be no less lhar-9}% of the ma:rimumproduction achieved inthe previous three (3) years. II.B.3.e.2 Recordkeeping: Results of all stack testing shall be recorded and maintained in accordance with the associated test metlod and Provision S.1 in Section I of this permit. tr.8.3.e.3 Reporting: The results of stack testing shall be submitted to the Director within 60 days of completion of the ::'sfi *:":ffi :+l:l.:H'*':1fl,T:HT#"ffi',ffi #:#ffi il:ffi T;l,"sr"T."ep,hose specified in Section I of this permit. The results of stack testing shall be submitted to the Director within 60 days of completion of the testing. Reports shall clearly identi$, results as compared to pennit limits and indicate compliance status. There are no additional reporting requirernents for this provision except those specified in Section I of this permit. tr.8.4 Condltions on Emersencv Generetor (Emission Unit #3). II.B.4.a Condition: Visible emission shall be no greater than}0% opacity. [DAQE-AN128250007-17]. [R307401-8] II.B.4.a.1 Monitoring: i An opacity observation of each affected emission unit shall be conducted once every six months by an individual trained on the observation procedures of 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9. The individual is not required to be a certified visible emissions observer (VEO). If any visible emissions are observed, an opaclty determination of that emission unit shall be performed by a certified VEO in accordance with 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9 witttin 24 hours of the initial observation. fr..8.4.a.2 Recordkeeping: Results of monitoring shall be maintained in accordance with Provision LS.I of this permit. II.B.4.a.3 Reporting: There are no reporting requirements for this provision except those specified in Section I of this permit. tr.8.4.b Condition: Emergency generators shall be used for electricity production only during periods when electric power from the public utilities is intemrpted, except for routine engme maintenance and testing. [DAQE- ANl 28250007 -r7). [R3 0740 I -8] Proiect OPP0128250008 Page25 Tltle V Operating Permit #4900234004 tr.8.4.b.1 Monitoring: An operation log shall be used to record the following information for each usage: date(s), total hours used, and reason for usage. fr.8.4.b.2 Recordkeeping: Results of monitoring shall be maintained in accordance with Provision I.S.l of this pennit. tr.8.4.b.3 Reporting: There are no reporting requirements for this provision except those specified in Section I of this permit. tr.B.4.c Condition: At all times the permittee shall operate and maintain any affected source, including associated air pollution confiol equipment and monitoring equipment, in a manner consistent with safety and good air pollution contol practices for minimizing emissions. The general duty to minimize emissions does not require the perrrittee to make any further efforts to reduce emissions if levels required by this standard have been achieved. Determination of whether such operation and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to the Director which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, review of operation and maintenance procedures, teview of operation and maintenance records, and inspection of the source. [Origrn: 40 CFR 63.6595(a)(1), 40 CFR 63.66050)]. [40 CFR 63 Subpart 7ZZ-21 II.8.4.c.1 Monitoring: Records required for this permit condition will serve as monitoring. il..8.4.c.2 Recordkeeping: The pennittee shall keep the records described in 40 CFR 63.6655(a)(l)-(5) as applicable. The permittee shall document acfivities performed to assure proper operation and maintenanoe. Records shall be maintained in accordance with 40 CFR 63.6660 and Provision I.S.1 of this permit. tr.8.4.c.3 Reporting: There are no reporting requiremrents for this provision except those specified in Section I of this perrnit. II.B.4.d Condition: The permittee shall comply with the following operating limitations at all times for each emergency affected emission unit: (1) The permittee shall operate the affected emission unit according to the requirements in paragraphs (1)(a) through (lXc). Any operation other ttran emergency operation, maintenance and testing, and operation in non-emergency situations for 50 hours per year, as described in 1.a through 1.c, is prohibited. If the engine is not operated in accordance with paragraphs 1.a through 1.c, it will not be considered an emergency engrne and shall meet all requirements for non-emergency engines. Froject OPP0128250008 Page26 Tltle V Operating Permit 114900234004 tr.B.4.d.1 (a) There is no time limit on the use of "*.rgio"y stationary RICE in emergency situations. (b) Operation for the purposo of rraintenance checks and readiness testing is limited to 100 hours per calendar year, provided that the tests axe recommended by Federal, State or local government, the manufacturer, the vendor, or the insurance company associated with the engrne. A petition for approval of additional hours to be used for maintenance checks and readiness testing is not required if the permittee maintains records indicating that Federal, State, or local standards require maintenance and testing of emergency RICE beyond 100 hours per year. (c) The pennittee may operate up to 50 hours per calendar year in non-emergency situations, but those 50 hours are counted towards the 100 hours per calendar year provided for maintenance and testing and emergency demand response provided in 40 CFR 63.6640(f)Q). (2) The perrrittee shall meet the following requirernents at all times, except during periods of startup: (a) Change oil and filter every 500 hours of operation or annually, whichever comes first; (b) Inspect air cleaner every 1,000 hours ofoperation or annually, whichever comes first, and replace as necessary; (c) Inspect all hoses and belts every 500 hours of operation or annually, whichever comes firs! and replace as necessaxy. (3) The permittee have the option to utilize an oil analysis program as dessribed in 40 CFR 63.6625(i) n order to extend the specified oil change requirement in paragraph (2)(a) of this condition. (4) During periods of startup the permittee shall minimize the engine's time spent at idle and minimizs ths engine's startup time to a period needed for appropriate and safe loading of the engine, not to exceed 30 minutes, after which time the non-startup emission limitations apply. (5) The permittee shall comply with the applicable general provisions in 40 CFR 63.1-15 as identified in Table 8 of 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZ2Z. [Origin:40 CFR 63.6603(a),40 CFR 63.6605(a),40 CFR 63.66256),40 CFR 63.6640(0,40 CFR 63.6665,40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZ7-Z Table 2d(4), 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ Table 2d(foohote 1), 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ Table 81. [40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZQ Monitoring: The pemrittee shall install a non-resettable hour meter if one is not already installed. [40 CFR 63.662s(Dl If an emergency engine is operating during an emergency and it is not possible to shut down the engine in order to perfonn the management practice requirements on the required schedule or if performing the management practice on the required schedule would othenrise pose an unacceptable risk under Federal, State, or local law, the management pmctice can be delayed until the emergency is over or the unacceptable risk under Federal, State, or local law has abated. The management practice shall be performed as soon as practicable after the emergency has ended or the unacceptable risk under Federal, State, or local law has abated. [40 CFR 63 Subpart 7ZZZ, Table 2d Footnote 2l The permittee shall demonstrate continuous compliance by operating and maintaining the stationary RICE and after-treatment conhol device (if any) according to the manufacturey's emission-related written operation and maintenance instructions or develop and follow their own maintenance plan which must provide to the extent practicable for the maintenance and operation Project OPP0128250008 Parge27 Title V Operating Permit tt4900234004 n.8.4.&2 II.B.4.d.3 of the englne in a manner consistent with good air pollution confrol practice for minimizing emissions. [40 CFR 63.6625(e),40 CFR 63.6640(a),40 CFR 63 SabpartZ-7-ZZ Table 6] The pemrittee has the option of utilioing an oil analysis program in order to extend the specified oil change requirement in accordance with 40 CFR 63.6625(i). The permittee shall comply with the applicable general provisions in 40 CFR 63.1-15 as identified in Table 8 of 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ,. [40 cFR 63.666s1 Recordkeeping: The permittee shall keep the records described in 40 CFR 63.6655(aXl)-(5) as applicable. [40 CFR 63.6655(a)l For each affected emission unit that does not meet the standards applicable to non-emergency engines, the permittee shall keep records of the hours of operation ofthe engine that are recorded through the non-resettable hour meter. The permittee shall document how many hours are spent for emergency operation, including what classified the operation as emergency and how many hours are spent for non-emergency operation. If the engines are used for demand response operation, the pernrittee shatl keep records of the notification of the emergency situation, and the time the engme was operated as part of demand response. [40 CFR 63.6655(0] If additional hours are to be used for maintenance checls and readiness testing, the permittee shall maintain records indicating that Federal, State, or local standards require nraintenance and testing of emergency RICE beyond 100 hours per yeax. [40 CFR 63.6640(0(2Xi)] The pemrittee shall keep records that demonstrate continuous compliance with each applicable operating limitation including, but not limited to, the manufacfirer's emission-related operation and maintenance instructions or the permittee-developed maintenance plan. [40 CFR 63.6655(d), 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ Table 6l Records of the maintenance conducted shall be kept in order to demonstrate that the permittee operated and maintained the afFected emission unit and after-treatuent confrol device (if any) according to their own maintenance plan. [40 CfR 63.6655(e)] The permittee shall comply with the applicable general provisions in 40 CFR 63.1-15 as identifred in Table 8 of 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ. [40 CFR 63.66651 Records shall be maintained in accordance with 40 CFR 63.6660 and Provision I.S.1 of this permit. Reporting: The perrrittee shall report any failure to perform the management practice on the schedule required and the Federal, State or local law under which the risk was deemed unacceptable. [40 CFR 63 Subpart TZZZTable 2d Footnote 2l The permittee shall comply with the applicable general provisions in 40 CFR 63.1-15 as identified in Table 8 of 40 CFR 63 Subpart ZZZZ. [40 CFR 63.6665] The permittee shall also report each instance in which it did not meet the applicable requirements in Table 8. [40 CFR 63.66a0(e)] Project OPP0128250008 Page 28 Title V Operating Permlt #4900234004 There are no additional reporting requirements for this provision except those specified in Section I of this permit. U.C Emissions Tradins. Not applicable to this source. II.D Alternative Operatins Scenarios. Not applicable to this source. tI.E Source-specific Definitions. The following definitions apply to the permittee. They include terms not defined in state or federal rules or clari$ or expand on existing definitions. II.E.I Startup: Startup begins when the fuel flow is detected and gas turbine generator load is less or equal to 45 MW. II.E.2 Shutdown: Shutdown begins when the gas turbine generator load is less or equal to 45 MW. Shutdown ends when the fuel flow is not detected II.E.3 Downtime: Downtime is that time between the end of shutdown and the beginning of starflrp. II.E.4 Maintenance Outage: The removal of a unit from service availability to perform work on specific components that can be defened beyond the end of the next weekend, but requires the equipment be removed from seryice before the next planned outage. T1pically, a Maintenance Outage may occur anytime during the year, have a flexible start date, and may or may not have a predetermined duration. tt.E.s Planned Outage: The removal of a unit from service availability for inspection and/or general overhaul of one or more major equipment groups. This outage usually is scheduled well in advance. Projcct OPP012t250008 Page 29 Tltle V Operating Permit #490023lll)04 A permit shield was not granted for any specific requirements. ; !i Project OPP012t250008 Page 30 Tltle Y Opentug Permft 1t490023401X SECTION IV: ACID RAIN PROYISIONS IV.A Authority to imple,ment the Acid Rain Progra:n is contained in R307-417, Permits: Acid Rain Sources, and R307-415-6a(4), Standard permit requirernents [for operating permitsl. IV.B Permit Requirements. IV.B.I The designated representative of the source and each affected unit at the source shall: IV.B.I.a Submit a complete Acid Rain perrnit application (including a compliance plan) under R307-417 and,40 CFR Pxt72 in accordance with the deadlines specified in 40 CFR 72.30; and IV.B.1.b Submit in a timely manner any supplemental information that the Director determines is necessary in order to review an Acid Rain permit application and issue or deny an Acid Rain pennit; IV.B.2 The owners and operators shall: IV.B.2.a Operate each affected unit at the source in compliance with a complete Acid Rain permit application or a superseding Acid Rain permit issued by the Director; and IV.B.2.b Have an Acid Rain Permit. ry.C Sulfur Dioxide Requirements. N.C.l The owners and operators of each affected unit at the source shall: IV.C.l.a Hold allowances, as of the allowance hansfer deadline, in the unit's compliance subaccount (after deductions under 40 CFR B3a@D not less than the total annual emissions of sulfur dioxide for the previous calendar year from the unit; I and ry.C.l.b Comply with the applicable Acid Rain emissions limitations for sulflr dioxide. \1.C.2 Each ton of sulfir dioxide emitted in excess of the Acid Rain emissions limitations for sulfur dioxide shall constitute a separate violation of the Act. IV.C.3 An affected unit shall be subject to the requirements under Provision IV.C.l. of the sulfur dioxide requirements as follows: IV.C.3.a Starting January 1, 2000, an affected unit under 40 CFR 72.6(a)Q); or IV.C.3.b Starting on the later of January l, 2000 or the deadline for monitor certification under 40 CFR Part 75, an affected unit under 40 CFR 72.6(a)(3). IV.C.4 Allowances shall be held itt, deducted from, orffansferred amongAllowance Tracking System accounts in accordance with the Acid Rain Program. Project OPP0128250008 Page 31 Title V Operatlng Permlt l#900234004 ry.C.s An allowance shall not be deducted in order to comply with the requirements under Provision tV.C.l.a. of the sulfur dioxide requirements prior to tle calendar year for which the allowance was allocated. IV.C.6 An allowance allocated by the Adminisfrator, USEPA, under the Acid Rain Prograrn is a timited authorization to emit sulfur dioxide in accordance with the Acid Rain Program. No provision of the Acid Rain Program, the Acid Rain permit application, the Acid Rain permit, or the written exemption under 40 CFR72.7 and72.8 and no provision of law shall be construed to limit the authority of the United States to terminate or limit such authorization. IV.C.7 An allowance allocated by the Administrator, USEPA, under the Acid Rain Program does not constitute a property right. IV.D Nitroeen Oxides Reouirements. The owners and operators for each affected unit at the source shall be compliance with the applicable Acid Rain emissions limitations for nifrogen dioxide. IV.E Monitorine Reouirements. IV.E.I The owners and operators an{ to the extent applicable, designated representative of each affected unit at the source shall comply with the monitoring requirements as provided in 40 CFR Pafis74,75, and76. IV.E.2 The emissions measurements recorded and reported in accordance with 40 CFR Part7s shall be used to detemrine compliance by the unit with the Acid Rain emissions limitations and emissions reduction requirements for sulfur dioxide and niffogen oxides under the Acid Rain Prograrn. IV.E.3 The requirements of 40 CFR Parts 74 and 75 shatl not affect the responsibility of the owners and operators to monitor emissions of other pollutants or other emissions characteristics at the unit under other applicable requirements of the Act and other provisions of the operating pennit for the source' IV.F Recordkeenins and Reoortine Reouirements. IV.F.I Unless otherwise provided, the owners and operators for each affectedunit at the source shall keep on site at the sor:rce each of the following doct ments for a period of 5 years from the date the document is created. This period may be extended for cause, at any time prior to the end of 5 years, in writing by the Administrator, USEPA, or Director: IV.F.1.a The certificate of representation for the designated representative for the source and each affected unit at the source and all documents that demonstrate the truth of the statements in the certificate of representation, in accordance with 40 CEL72.24;provided that the certificate and documents shall be retained on site at the source beyond such S-year period until such documents are superseded because of the submission of a new certificate of representation changing the designated representative; IV.F.1.b All emissions monitoring information, in accordance with 40 CFR Part 75; Project OPP012t250008 Page32 Tifle V Operatlng Permlt #4900234004 IV.F.1.c rv.F.1.d w.F.2 ry.G rv.G.1 ry.G.2 IV.G.2.a rv.G.2.b IV.H IV.H.1 frr.H.2 IV.H.3 w.H.4 IV.H.5 ry.H.6 Copies of all reports, compliance certifications, and other submissions and all records made or required under the Acid Rain Prograrn; and, Copies of all documents used to cornplete an Acid Rain pennit application and any other submission under the Acid Rain Progra:n or to demonstrate compliance with the requirements of the Acid Rain Program. The designated representative of each affected unit at the source shall submit the reports aad spmpliance certifications required under the Acid Rain Program, including those under 40 CFR Part 72 Subpart I and 40 CER Part 75. Excess Emissions Requirements. The designated representative of an affected unit that has excess emissions in any calendar year shall submit a proposed offset plan to the Administrator, USEPA, as required under 40 CFR Part 77. The owners and operators of an affected unit that has excess emissions in any calendar year shall: Pay without demand the penalty required, and pay upon demand the interest on that penalty, to the Adminishator, USEPA, as required by 40 CFR Part77; and Comply with the terms of an approved offset plan, as required by 40 CFR Part 77. Liabilitv. Any person who lnowingly violates any requirement or prohibition of the Acid Rain Program, a complete Acid Rain perrrit applicatioq an Acid Rain permit, or a nritten exemption under R307-417, 40 CFR 72.7 or 40 CFR 72.8, including any requirement for the palment of any penalty owed to the United States, shall be subject to enforcement pursuant to section 113(c) of the Act. Any person who knowingly makes a false, material statement in any record, submission, or report under the Acid Rain Frogram shall be subject to criminal enforcementpursuantto section 113(c) of the Act and l8 U.S.C. 1001. No pennit revision shall excuse any violation of the requirements of the Acid Rain Program that occurs prior to the date that the revision takes effect. Each affected source and each affected udt shall meet the requirements of the Acid Rain Program. Any provision of the Acid Rain Program that applies to an affected source (including a provision applicable to the designated representative ofan affected source) shall also apply to the owners and operators of such source and of the affected units at the source. Any provision of the Acid Rain Program that applies to an affected unit (including a provision applicable to the desipated representative of an affected unit) shall also apply to the owners and operators of such unit. Excep as provided under 40 CFR 72.44 @hase II repowering extension plans) and 40 CFR 76.11 (NO, averaging plans), and except with regard to the requirements applicable to units with a common stack under40 CFRpart 75 (including 40 CFR 75.16,75.17, and 75.18), the owners and Project OPP0128250008 Page 33 Title Y Operating Permit H900234004 operators and the designated representative of one affected unit shall not be liable for any violation by any other affected unit of which they are not owrers or operators or the designated representative and that is located at a source ofwhich they are not the owners and operators, owners or operators, or the designated representative. IV.H.7 Each violation of aprovision of 40 CFRParts 72,73,74,75,76,77, and 78 by an afflected source or affected unit, or by an owner or operator or designated representative of such source or unit, shall be a separate violation of the Act. IV.H.8 The owners and operators of a unit governed by an approved early election plan shall be liable for any violation of the plan or 40 CFR 76.8 atthat trnit. The owners and operators shall be liable, beginning January 1, 2000, for fulfilling the obligations specified in 40 CFR Pafi17. IV.I Effect on Other Authorities. No provision of the Acid Rain Frogram, an Acid Rain permit application, an Acid Rain perrrit, or a written exemption under 40 CFF.72.7 or 72.8 shall be construed as: IV.I.I Except as expressly provided in Title IV of the Ac! exempting or excluding the owners and operators and, to the extent applicable, the designated representative from compliance with any other provision of the Act, including the provisions of Title I of the Act relating to applicable National Ambient Air Quality Standards or the Utah State Implementation Plan; lV.l.2 Limiting ttre number of allowances a unit can hold; provided, that the number of allowances held by the unit shall not affect the source's obligation to comply with any other provisions of the Act; IV.I.3 Requiring a change of any kind in any State law regulating electic utility rates and charges, affecting any State law regarding such State regulatioq or limiting such State regulation, including any prudence review reguirements under such State law; IV.I.4 Modiffing the Federal Power Act or affecting the authority of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission under the Federal Power Act; or, ry.I.s Interfering with or impairing any program for competitive bidding for power supply in a State in which such program is established. Project OPP0128250008 Page 34 Title V Operoting Permlt M900234004 This operating permit incorporates all applicable requirements contained in the following documents: Incorporates DAQE-AN128250007-17 dated June 14,2017 1.Comment on an item originating in R307-203 regarding Pennitted Source Sulfur Content Limit R307-203 limits sulfur content in fuel oil to 0.85 lbs/lvlMBtu and BACT limits sulfur content to 0.0015% which is not more than0.$022lbsllvlMBtu. Therefore, compliance with the BACT limit will demonsfrate the compliance with R307- 203 limit for the sulfir content. [Comment last updated on 6/24/2017] Comment on an item originating in this permit regarding Permitted Source 40 CFR 64 Compliance Assurance Monitoring (CAM): CAM has been evaluated and exempted as per 40 CFR 64.2(b)(1xvi) because continuous compliance methods are used in this permit. [Comment last updated on6l20/2006] Comment on an item originating in this permit regarding Perrnitted Source Emission standards in lb/mmBTU in condition II.B.1.d of the AO: The lb/mmBTU limits listed in AO are for reference only as an equivalent to the ppmvd @ 15% Oz dry, therefore, are not calried over to the Title V permit [Comment last updated on 10/12/2021) Comment on an item originating in this permit regarding Perrnitted Source Source specific definition: Source specific definition: (1) Unit Operating Hour: Any clock hour during which a unit combusts any fuel, either for part of the hour or for the entire hour; (2) Unit Operating Day: Any calendar day in which a unit combusts any fuel; (3) CO 8-hour block average: For each operating hor:r, calculate the average CO concentration measured by the CEMS corrected to 15 percent of Oz and the seven (7) unit operating hours immediately preceding that unit operating hour. (4) NO.4-hour rolling average: For each operating hour, calculate the average the NO" concenfration measured by the CEMS corrected to 15 percent of Oz and the three (3) unit operating hours immediately preceding that unit operating hour. (5) NO, Daily Average: For each unit operating day calculate a daily average of NO* emissions based on all valid unit operating hours during the day. (6) NO" 30-day rolling average: For each unit operating day, calculate a 30-day rolling average from the current daily average and the previous twenty-nine (29) NO. daily averages. [Comment last updated on6115/2006) Comment on an item originating in NSPS Subpart Da regarding tlZ: GE Frame 7-EA Generator (in Combined Cycle Mode) Duct Burner Da limit: (l) 40 cFR 60.42Da(a)(1) - PM limit of 0.03 lb/rnmBTU: the initial stack test conducted in 2011 demonstrated that the duct burner was in compliance with the Da limit and it is required to conduct stack testing once every five years in the Title V permit. (2) 40 CFR 60.a2Da$)Q) * the natural gas fired bumer is exempted from the opacity limit. (3) 40 CFR 60.43DaOX2) - SOz limit: natural gas is the only combustion fuel forthe duct burner with the estimated emission rate of 0.0006 lb/mmBTU (Appendix D of Title V application). Therefore, the duct burner is subjected to 40 CFR 60.43Da(bX2) which is 100 percent ofthe potential cornbustion concenfiation (zero percent reduction). No 2. 5. Project OPP012t250008 Page 35 Tttle V Operating Permit #4900234004 6. coopliance demonsfration is required. (4) 40 CFR 60.4Da{d)Q) - NO* limit of 0.15 lb/mmBTubased on 30 days rolling average (except during start up, shut down or malfunction): BACT limit for the combined NO* emissions from the gas turbine and duct bumer is 0.0184 lb/mm BTU (based on 30 day rolling average). Therefore, compliance with the BACT limit will demonstate the compliance witn NSpS Da limit for the duct burner. [Comment last updated on t0lt2l202r) Comment on an item originating in this Permitted Source Renewal Pennit (2011): (l) NESAI{P Zzzzrequirements for the emergency generator are included. (2) The GHG emission in 2010 was reported as 179,776.9 metric tons. The GHG applicability has bem reviewed and evaluated in this renewal permit and there ,re no requirements included in this permit. [Last updated October 27 ,201L] Comment on an item originating in this permit regarding Permitted Source Arlministrate Amendment Q0L7): (1) NO. emission limit is changed from 90 tons to 69 tons per rolling l2-month period; (2) A written Emissions Minimization Plan is required; (3) A plant wide combined PMro+NO,*SOz limitation has been removed. [Last updated Jtme28,20l7l 7. Project OPP0128250008 Page 36 Tttle V Operating Permit #14900234004 State of Utah SPENCERI. COX Govemor DEIDREHENDERSON Lieuterranl Goverrtor Deparhent of Environmental Quality KimberlyD. Shelley Execattive Director DIVTSION OF AIR QUALTTY Bryce C. Bird Director 12825 January L8,2022 Mr. Mark SchwarE Nebo Power Plant 1265 Bamberger Road Payson, UT 84651 DAQO-OP0128250008-22 ELECTROMC MAIL Dear Mr. Schwartz Re: Operating Permit Application for Utah Assoc. Municipal Power Systems - Nebo (Payson) Power Plant The application for an Operating Pennit for the above site was received on July 7,2021. The apptcation was classified as a Title V renewal application, in accordance with R307415-7c. Please review the enclosed copy of the permit thoroughly to assure that you and all affected staffmembers at your organization are aware of its requirements. If you have any questions regarding this permit, please contact me at (385) 239-1966 or by e-mail at jhe@utah.gov. Sincerely, Signed By Jennifer IIe on January 18,2022 Jennifer He Environmental Engineer Operating Permit Section 195 North 1950 West. Sdt Lake City, UT Mailing Ad&ess: P.O. Box 144820 . Sak Latc City, UT u1144820 Tclcphone (801) 536-4000 . Fax (801) 536-4099 . T-D-D. (801) 903-3978 w.deq.unh.gw hined on 100% recycledpaper f. l6rREoe.ooLot, I'Eit Etq0Er-(c.=90{sEI56i4hr:BE!!cp!0La.oi.ZFtq {)ubt4 -EE ,L c F E E3 x E? S q H. o u& ig 9 l .f i E tr E6 ) 2 {, ti z - o g E g. p P t 8B ;5 E s .Q h o o >l i u > o5Vt ;r .E} ,i Er - o' t r EE A g5 P E U E Pc B U u? {= o pt s : E ,= u s EB E xE 4 BE t ?E g ;E ' B te E cr : u 'b * s q6 o * bg bH s E. r o E EB s E E. E :o t 4 E- q - ff E B qf i $ .E HB 6 se 5E ? EOE, E t)lui a14UHtsfr Iqcl ) >{ I. { l- ihJ t- la&lr l rqt)ofr f{zoE Eo1,oUuoo.CJ11 "soqq0 d-L rr l tr la-s )HGIhso1 $orr ) .l r l shFHL .t S \3s)+l .i lTS$)L$$ coot(UUUooo,ooJocooUov,coUoE Hg rI . I '* i V) : Czd; t- - t z z3o;E: € @(\o(\ tNLoozoEfidxUI lLolr rkcl .hE(u lh>r ro,h{oaoI6-t'old(J g1{, fi , l* (f )(\oN(orooir i f(t ,9. lJ .oll lko \\s o.* t{ rE p E6 E ct , q .e E i g EO = CE \ U I Gl r r v , F O l E -\o. = o EE F .= = s Ee d Ee E a$ F eB t Of i , S tA gE E E fi H E E i2 E E E- E Es EE iE .: . = Lu h EE r- Q ' ,^ .! O. Et I H ii 3 . Er c #* t i 'e . Z O tr EE E E EE H E f E g E Fd c ) o CoE=(,oCo .C ,o l zo-FIJ JJo-=oolLoUJFIIL-FE, IUo Montrose Air Quality Services 6823 South 3600 West Spanish Fork, Utah 84660 (801) 794-2e50 (801) 266:7111 Meter Box Calibration Data Form (English Units) Date 1t5t2024 Average Yi 1.006 Orfice Manometer Setting aH 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.OO 3.00 4.00 Barometric Pressure 25.78 Average AH Calibrated By Std MeterYi 1.695 JA 0.99497 Meter Box Number APEX XC-522 DGM No. 20227130 Std Test Meter (Vs) Ft3 5.002 5.001 10.005 10.oo4 10.004 10.009 Dry Gas Meter Outlet (Td o) "F 58 60 61 62 62 67 67 71 71 73 72 75 Dry Gas Meter (vd) Ft3 4.938 4.928 9.903 9.959 9.933 9.924 Std Test Meter (Ts)'F 62 62 62il 04 66 66 68 6E 70 70 71 TimeA Minutes 11.53 8.15 13.53 11.58 9.22 8.00 AH/',|3.6 0.04 0.07 0.11 o.15 o.22 o.29 , Std Test Meter Average Temp. 62.00 .63.00 65.00 67.OO 69.00 70.50 lnlet rrd D "F 59 65 66 71 71 78 77 81 76 79 78 82 Average (Td) "F 60.50 65.00 69.50 74.00 74.75 76.75 Yi 1.004 1.011 1.010 1.007 1.0M 1.004 Average Yi 1.006 AH 1.711 1.701 1.757 1.715 1.639 1.648 Average AH 1.695 Montrose Air QualitY Services 6823 South 3600 West Spanish Fork, Utah 84660 (s01) 794-2950 (801) 266-7111 Meter Box Calibration Data Form (English Units) Date 1t212024 Average Yi 1.006 Orfice Manometer Setting AH 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.OO 3.00 4.00 Barometric Pressure 25.56 Average AH Calibrated By Std MeterYi 1.718 JA 0.99497 Meter Box Number APEX XC-522-10 DGM No.351501 lnlet OdD"F 77u 76 87u 93 88 95 91 94 91 99 Average od) "F 78.00 80.25 83.50 86.25 87.50 89.75 AII '1.623 1.7U 1.765 1.773 1.685 1.678 Average AH 1.7'.18 Std Test Meter (Vs) Ft3 5 5.004 10.001 10.oo3 10.04 10.001 Dry Gas Meter Outlet (Td o) "F 75 7A 81 77 77 80 80 82 82 83 84 85 Dry Gas Meter (vd) Ft3 4.876 4.987 9.979 10.121 10.053 10.o22 Std Test Meter (Ts) "F 74 75 76 76 76 76 7A 77 77 78 78 78 Time O Minutes 11.10 8.23 13.40 11.65 9.30 8.02 AH/13.6 0.04 0.07 0.11 o.15 0.22 o.29 Yi 1.025 1.003 1.007 0.996 1.004 1.003 Average Yi 1.006 Std Test Meter Average TemP. 74.50 76.00 76.00 76.50 77.50 78.00 Monhose Air Quality SeMces 6823 Souttr 3600 West Spanish Fork, Uhh 84660 (s01) 7e4-2e50 (801) 2ef,-7111 . Meter Box Callbrafion Data Form (Engllsh Unrb) Dab nn024 AverageY 0.990 Orfice Manomerbr Sefrng aH 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.OO 3.00 4.00 Barometic Pressure 25.61 AverageAH Gatlbrated By SH MebrY 1.682 ATT/JA 0.99497 Mebr Box Number APD( XC-522-14 DGM No. 10'17791 lnlet Odl)"F 75 75 72 80 78 89 85 9{ g0 95 95 97 AH 1.831 1.769 1.686 1.616 1.596 1.5% AverageAH 1.682 SU Test MeEr (Vs) FB 5.001 5.004 10.002 10 10 1o.oo1 Dry Gas Meter Outet (l'd o) "F 62 63u 66 66 70 70 73 73 7A 76 78 Dry Gas Meter (vd) Ft3 5.1 5.096 10.1s5 10.194 10.175 10.136 Avenage rrd) "F 68.75 70.50 75.75 79.75 83.50 86.50 sto resiMeer frs)'F 60 65 65 65 65 68 68 70 70 70 70 72 TlmeQ Mlnutes 11.97 8.3 13.25 11.22 9.12 7.9 AH/13.6 0.04 0.07. 0.11 o.15 0.22 0.29 Yi 0.986 0.984 0.989 0.990 0.994 0.999 Average V 0.990 Std Test Mehr Average Temp. 62.50 65.00 66.50 69.OO 70.00 71.00 Monhose Air Quallty Services 6823 South 3600 West Spanlsh Fork, Utah 84660 (801) 7*2e50 (801 ) 2AA-7 11 1 Meter Box Gallbration Dab Form (Engllsh UnlE) Dab 1t101i2024 Aver4e Y 1.029 Orflce Manomebr Sefiing AH 0.50 1.00 1.50 2-OO 3.00 4.00 Barometic Pressure 25.8 Meter Box Number ES C-5000 DGM No.8219557 Average AH 1.632 SH Test Mebr (vs) FB 5.001 5.001 9.999 1o.-oo2 10.003 10.002 DryGas Mebr Outlet (Id o) "F 57 59 59 60 60 63 63 66 66 dt 67 69 Calibrabd By Std MebrV ATT 0.9s497 lnlet rrd l)'F 58 61 61 64u 68 68 71 71 74 74 76 ATI 1.616 1.638 1.ff| 1.631 1.610 1.633 Average AH 1.A32 Dry Gas Meter (vd) Fftl 4.75 4.786 9.584 9.5&4 9.5E 9.567 Avenage (Td) "F 58.75 61.00 63.75 67.00 69.50 71.50 Std TestMebr (Ts)'F 63 65 65 68 68 68 6A 70 70 71 71 73 TimeO MinuEs 11.15 7.92 13.03 11.18 9.07 7.90 aH/13.6 0.04 o.o7 0.11 o.15 0.22 0.29 YI 1.036 1.O24 1.O25 1.029 1.O28 1.O28 Average Yi 1.O29 SH TestMehr Average TemP. 64.00 66.50 68.00 69-OO 70.50 72.OO Montrose Air Quallty Services 6823 South 3600 West Spanlsh Fork, Uhh 84660 (801) 79/-2950 (801 ) 26&7 111 ample Box Temperature Sensor Calibration Form Sample Box Numben lmplnger Boxes (Gal) DaF,:1181i2024 Galibrated Bf GG Barometrlc Ptussur€: 25.55 ReErence: Digl-Sense 20250'92 SN:210429562 ReErence Point Source a Reference Thermocouple Number (specify) Thermomebr Pobntlometer TemPerafu re'F TemPerafu re'F APD( #1A(XC522) APP( #2A(XC5?2-1OI APD( ffiA (XC522-14) ES #1A(c-5000) Probe on Probe off CPM Oven on Oven off lmplnger lce lmplngeramb. Prcbe on Prcbe off CPM Oven on Oven off lmplnger lce lmplngeramb. Probe on Probe off CPM Oven on Oven off lmpinger ice lmpingeramb. Probe on Probe off GPM Oven on Oven off lmplnger lce lmplngeramb. Temperafure Difrrence b % 4.14 0.00 0.19 -0.19 4.14 o.oo -0.19 0.14 4.f I 0.00 0.19 0.00 0.00 -0.19 -0.14 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.00 o.20 0.00 0.00 0.19 0.00 -0.19 4.28 4.20 {.19 1 1 3 4 4 5 5 1 1 3 4 4 5 5 1 1 3 4 4 5 5 1 1 3 4 4 5 5 241 71 72 24 70 33 71 242 71 71 245 71 33 72 297 71 72 248 71u 72 246 72 70 245 71 33 72 251 71 72 24 73 34 72 238 70 72 248 72u 71 245 73 71 245 72 34 72 251 72 72 242 72 33 71 a Type of callbraflon system used. b (raference temp. oF + 460) - (test thermometer temp- 0F + 480) reference temPenafura oF + 460 * 100< 1.5% Montose Air QualltY Services 6E23 Soutr 3600 West Spanlsh Fork, Uhh 84660 (801) 7 e+2950 (8ol ) 266-7 1 11 Sample Box Temperature Sensor CallbraUon Form Sample Box Number Prcbes (Gal) Date:118112U24 Calibrated BY: GG Barometic Pressurq 25.55 ReErencs Dlgi€ense 20250'92 SN:210429562 35 160 220 250 350 4A1 35 rc2 222 248 350 464 ,a)z',-A b) c) d) e) D a) z'.-B b) c) d) e) 0 a) 3'-C b) c) d) e) 0 ReErence Polnt Sourca a Number (sPedfy) Referenca ThermocouPle Thermometer Pobnflomebr Temperature'F TemPerature'F 35 161 221 249 352 460 36 162 221 249 352 463 3p-35 159 159 224 225 252 250 351 350 463 461 lce Water HotWater Boillng Water Warm Oil HotOil Boillng Oil lceWater HotWater Boillng WatEr Warm Ol! HotOil Boiling Oil lceWater HotWater Boiling Water Warm Oll HotOll Bolling Oll lce Water HotWater Boiling Water Warm Oil HotOil Boillng Oil Temperafure Dlfierence b % 0.00 -0.16 -0.15 0.14 4.25 0.11 -o.20 0.00 0.15 4.14 4.25 0.11 -o.20 0.00 -0.15 o.28 o.12 o.?2 -o.20 0.00 4.29 4.28 -o.12 -0.11 4'-A a) b) c) d) e) D 36 161 222 251 350 462 35 161 220 249 349 461 a Type of callbration system used. b (refurence bmp- "F + 460) - (testthermomeErtemp. 'F + 460) * 100< 1-5% reference temPerafure oF + 460 Montrose Alr QualitY Servies 6823 South 3600 West Spanish Fork, Utah 84660 (801) 7e4-2e50 (801 ) 266-7 1 11 Sample Box Temperafu re Sensor Callbratlon Form Sample Box Numben Probes (Cal) Date:11912024 Catlbnabd BY CG -ATT Baromefic Prcssurc: 25.5 Reftrence: Dlgi-Sense 20250-92 SN:210429562 42 140 226 260 345 455 41 145 232 260 353 463 41 135 224 253 u1 449 41 'l.37 224 259w 451 42 't39 227 260 346 453 40 1M 233 259 a52 461 a) 6'-A b) c) d) e) 0 a) 6'-8 b) c) d) e) 0 a) b) c) d) e) f) a) b) c) d) e) D Refrrence Polnt Source a Number (sPecfY) Refurence ThermocouPle Thermomehr Pobntomebr Temperafure'F TemPerafirre'F 42 136 23 255 343 450 42 138 227 260 346 450 lce Water HotWater Boiling Water Warm Oll HotOll Bolling Oil lc,e Water HotWabr Bolllng WaEr Warm Oil HotOIl Bolllng Oil lce Wabr HotWater Bolllng Water Warm Oil HotOll Boiling Oil lce Water HotWater Bolllng Water Warm Ol! HotOll Bolllng Oil Temperature Dlftrence b o/o 4.20 4.17 0.15 4.28 4.25 -0.11 -0.20 4.17 -0.15 -0.14 -0.25 0.11 0.00 -o.17 0.15 0.00 o.12 -o.22 4.20 4.17 0.14 -0.14 -o.12 4.22 7'.-C 7',- D aTypeof callbrEfion sysbm used. b (rarturence bmp- "F + 460) - (test thermomebr temp. 'F + 460) ' 100< 1.5% refiercnce hmPerafure oF + 460 Montrose Air Quality Serviges Certlflcate of Balance Calabratlon Addres: 6823 South 3600 West Cty/state/zlp: Spanish Fork, Utah 84660 Manuf;actlrcr: Model: Serlal Number: ldentlficatlon: locadon: Nomlnal Mass 1 20 50 100 2@ Comments: Sartarius Analytical 8a110530706871 AET#1 SmallTrailer lndlcatlon L 19.9999 49.9999 99.9998 199.9998 71412024 Error 0.0000 -0.0001 -0.0001 -0.(x)02 -o.0002 Nomlnal Mass L 20 50 1(x) 2@ lndlcatlon 1. 19.9999 49.9999 99.9998 199.9998 CertlflcateNo.: U+z0?frl Callb. Date: tl4lzilU Technlclan: CheYneY GuYmon Next Callbradon: Reference Welghts Cal ld: Err.or 0.0000 -1E-04 -0.(x)01 -0.(x)02 -0.0002 Pertlnent Informatlon: The artlfact described herein has been catibrated using standards traceble to NIST. This is to certify the data reported herein ts true and correct as the date callbrated. The procedure used to callbrate the artlfact meets the requlrements to meet MAQS Standards. Authorlzed Slgnaurc: Montrose Air Quality Services Certlflcate of Balance Calabratlon Address: 5823 South 3500 West clty/State/Zlp: Spanish Fork, Utah 84660 Manufacturcr: Model: SerlalNumber: ldentlficatlon: Location: Shimadzu Top Loader D4u467tLAE'l#2439 AET#2 SmallTrailer CertlficateNo.: U+2O24fi2 Glib. Date: U4l2O24 Technlcian: CheYneY GuYmon Next Calibratlon: Reference Weights Cal ld: Nomlnal Mass 1" 20 50 100 200 Comments: lndlcatlon 1.00 20 49.98 99.97 199.97 71412024 Error 0.00 o -0.02 -0.03 -0.03 lndlcatlon 1.00 19.99 49.98 99.98 L99.97 Error 0 -0.01 -0.02 -0.02 -0.03 Nomlnal Mass L 20 50 100 200 Pertlnent lnformatlon: The artifact descrlbed heretn has been callbrated using standards traceble to NIST. This is to certiff the data reported hereln is true and correct as the date calibrated. The procedure used to calibrate the artifuct meets the requirements to meet MAQS Standards. Authorlzed Slgnature: Montrose Air QualitY Services Certlflcate of Balance Calabratlon Address: 5823 South 3600 West Clty/State/zlp: Spanish Fork, Utah 84660 Manufacturer: Model: SerialNumber: ldentlflcatlon: Locatlon: Nomlnal Mass 1 20 50 100 200 Comments: OHAUS Top Loader 8350103094 Arr#5 Gooseneck lndlcatlon 1, 20 50 99.9 199.9 71412024 Certlficate No.: tl4'2024*5 catlb. Date: il412024 Techniclan: CheYneY GuYmon Error 0 0 -o.1 0 -0.1 Next Calibatlon: Reference Welghts Cal ld: Error 0 0 o -0.1 -0.1 Nomlnal Mass 1 20 50 100 200 lndlcatlon L 20 49.9 100 199.9 Pertinent lnformation: The artiftct described herein has been cattbrated uslng standards traceble to NIST. Thls ls to certiff the data reported hereln is true and correct as the date calibrated. The procedure used to catlbrate the artifact meets the requirements to meet MAQS Standards' Authorlzed Slgnatur€: Montrose Air QualitY Services @rtificate of Balance Calabratlon Address: 6823 South 3600 West city/Sate/Zlp: Spanish Fork, Utah 84650 Manufachrrcr: Model: Serial Numben ldentification: locatlon: OHAUS Analytical 8329582368 AET#6 Gooseneck lndlcatlon 1 20 49.9998 99.9998 199.9998 71412024 Error 0.0000 0 .-0.0002 -0.0002 -0.0002 Nomlnal Mass 1. 20 50 100 200 lndlcatlon 0.9999 20 49.9998 99.9997 199.9998 Error -0.0001 0 -o.0002 -0.0003 -0.0002 Cartificate No.: U4-2O24*6 Gtib. Date: U4l2O24 Technlclan: CheYneY GuYmon Next Callbratlon: Reference Welghts Cal ld: Nomlnal Mass 1, 20 50 100 2@ Comments: Pertlnent lnformatlon: The artifact described herein has been callbrated using standards traceble to NIST. This is to certlff the data reported herein is true and correct as the date calibrated. The procedure used to calibrate the artifact meets the requirements to meet MAQS Standards. Authorlzed Slgnature: Montrose Air QualitY Services Certlflcate of Balance Calabration Address: 6823 South 3600 West Clty/State/Zip: Spanish Fork, Utah 84660 Manufacturer: Model: Serlal Number: ldentlficatlon: locatlon: Firstaden HC21404N 94L MAqS-1 Laboratory lndlcatlon ,1 20 49.9999 100 199.9999 71412024 Error 0.0000 0.0000 -0.0001 0 -0.0001 Nominal Mass L 20 50 100 200 Certlftcate No.: 1/4'2024*8 Gllb. Date: U4l2o24 Technlclan: CheYneY GuYmon Next CalibraUon: Reference Weights Cal Id: Nomlnal Mass 1 20 50 100 200 Comments: lndlcatlon Errur 1 0.0000 20 0.0000 500 99.9999 -0.0001 200 0 Pertlnent lnformatlon:. The artiftct described herein has been catibrated using standards traceble to NIST. This is to certify the data reported herein ls true and correct as the date calibrated. The procedure used to callbrate the artlfact meets the to meet MAQS Standards. Autlorized Signature: PltotTubo Gallbra0on DEtr Sh€et Pala PC Pe6 Pa Prra Pa P!!r Pa P!r! P!!! OlllraTCalySfrrTCqfy CdHon pcrfunrrdu.lng [l!Fmdurt dEP lldlodz, 8fir fo't ofidTCmly 0t[Ea ot0aa Pa. PE PE D& DeE iA E Arr.mtly lnbFcomponrnt apaclng Rrqulttm.nt! fEW_" PrffiaogldAdc Fhdrllt IEfrIFIl} C*rltr Atgnmcd rnd Tublng Dlmombne -.-rLF",ffi t(|L"8 r fxgnfO.ihlHPahEllhhltlrtdq! LF=: % FR_# t {r4 H tdo.r ErhEhh! r lhl ldcrED! ZrrDEh FiffiEf APFsuUSf d. ,-tf<a.< +10 20 d" (-ltr<.h< +10 LO E, (-5'<Er<+s u2 & a-5. < L<{'r1 q2 I 0.3 oe wAtrn0 (t o.(Il1zEl I} aotm6l < tl< 0.376-I o.gl1f) P. tl.ffiI < P^ < l.6ql 0.{8n P- tl.O5I} < Pr < l,6B)(l.4970 lP^-P! lS0.odl5 .0.0140 cdmdHHttc $TYF3 Pmt rP{UlDl{o! ProlIEcUgilAn[b FffilI} Ialhe Trp.ltt oS.ltr 6ilA-iEFfno.l iltrf,lFR.l,l C.&.atonFaltmrd tllGdz,8.cEr 10.1 nEnmlnt.nd Tublng Dlm.nrlon ffi: Y Pd PE Prl Pra EIta hlc.ltE Lrtl Id5|lElmldrlarrd u.. re: %_,A.ffi P- Ps PT PG Pafhitrtlil.eg :r ^2. J DrE Eler l.Ir re EffiHl rE l l*tr5l z frlaillrlntlFcqtDontnt 8plclng tl4ullttnmfi! OllldTCqll, s&rTCqly PT Pe!! Prrt OllldlDdty PslurrtdEr 4 IM D* OIF,,il tl/[,,l (-lF<e< +lFl 3.O * 1-1ioq6n< +lC)a0 8, (-5.<0r< +51!4.0 g" (-5'<8"<+51 o2 I &7 0 o.7 A os50 ztAErr lr Ot2Sl o0llE wAEr0 (i otst2d)oot18 q olrrd < q< o37t)0.37lo P^ (i.(EXl < Pe< l.EDrl o48t P. ({.mi.Fr<f.aor,o.agro I P^- Pr l< o(HI5 4.O,1fi IUt>s-dl emt cAA{>2(}ll o.ffi! l"o.251 (rrL(}t.El 3.187 /fa3.dl 3.350 Z : O.7F 1.Zn d,i\ rfgllrpfi prlot rubc ca'bnron Dat' thlat (ffiooElh: JAnuary8,zm4 thilomr(lbr: ATTaIA EEtd(,tDrb: Julv8.zoiL l* rhbIr...tlilo.r lf,AyEn!!-FraT.llptl?) HtlrcflYrl.ngftOl: s lrttlrrdFlp.rdcdr: yr' ilrilrEDLcffiooDrfqttr.,? ntr||ErDLPrndcdllrdqt? h16'aqrtA1pt ffipt ErAalll+itlt cedrrprffiurhg$lFdrdtAllffi2.S.0dtl0"l r5,fiT?.[} Ol.fiFiu'lc+r* ffir*-.,"-r*rmcmrone sry @z.g lP!!rlD- ", [ilfl f -* r-r0..",.+rc I t.a I Parr X tJ I P' er'F '+c.t I o'r I Puil>-I*iPa IErrEHffiErrrlilni&rtde I nl t.a I M ParE:=ffi i:A-. il[d = -.- d=+-.-===. I ro--o-r.ntE6 I lmlo I Prlr -?tlr< -11 rLr !r rIE[t fratrhEaffi tnrr crEar]lnlz Ar.snDU Inbncomponrnt Spaclng Rsqul]lmlllb [-muEJ i trt ffi Po ollldrc'lv # vruJ- ffi sdbd(rccnvhql ,(l'ffi ffim>zor,._r ffi,iIomdrc',,y Ireffi@ FrttrrrdBr 8rsilrm: Za W or/64 a. (-lC<at< +!tr)2,s G (-Itr<o,< +1C)1.8 f,. ,-lF<8.<{6.1 0.4 8. (-f < L<+6r,o.1 I 21 0 l.E A 0.sr30 zAimr t* Ol26Fl o0.l{18 FAtsr0 (* q(Bl28)oGS u (ol6re < D< ogl5'l 0.frx, P^ fi.OEII <P^<l.5Bl 0.80q) o.4@ lP^- P.lsoffil5 {tml0 ,v l>3.Orl eilx) mllb2lll (Lm ,i oiJsl x, Dr (> 1.6)3.688 f f, g.G.!3-rm z r 0.7F t.t60 A B t Pltot Tube Gallbratlon Dah theet ProbrlPlHtDl{o: 4'A-TP'4' I{o ffilErl,qli^lf,affirl[l ta.iltlgTT.f CS.rltI Afuon frfunf,d urhe lrc pcilu d Em lfr 2' 8dn lol AlgDmtlil lnd Tublng Dlm.mlonr %%@ Plra PT Pr PEs Pa Pd Pl Pil Pa! Pa lIfDL[Grat r3-dl l.l l> , alrl ,n o.378 , Di (> 1.5)3.191 f (>3.O1 3.ito0 z > o.75r l.5m Per Parr Prr OttrltTcgllt S!6d(TCqll, OtlLtTOqtly PgffiBr AmsudBf SlgndltE: Slgnd.ru EEffi-""0'* E;W -t- a*ffir* E tth.&[,l !r rd qr. !-Eht fdf*IEd.rrr&5lG {r -!lH HtdltE.ffibrrb tdetlrlnlz a 47r a, (-llF<a|< +10 a.2 a" (-ttr<ar< +lo 3.t R. t{' < Er < .}i)0.4 B- a-5.<b<+,1.8 I 1.1 0 O.EB zrAtln, l:t u'rzo U.UT 'FAtmo (t o.t 17 q ((11116'< !l< o375fl or,40 P^ (l,(EB <Pr<l.5Bl o..l:m P. (l.lEII < P. < l.ED)o.4M I Pe- Pr I < 0.(El6 0.q80 A I l PltotTubs Callbmtlon Deb thaot ryrErtrllt4nghFEflE 0tiAa{EFFROI Cffon pdffi ulln! lh. FE dult otEPA lldEd2. 8dn'l0.l lEfigTFE CSrID Allgnrnrntmd Tuung DlttE t!!om E: Y a. (-!tr<c'< +l0il 26 a f-lc<o,< +tF):H 8. (-lt <0,<{arl 2.4 L 65'<&<+61 ,.8 (n 0 1.1 A oam EAim" tr 0,1251'l oflm FAE|0 (i 0.G126')0.0lal q ols/F < q< orl8)0.frx) P. fi-OED <P.<1.5I})o.m -m < P-.l.6fl ffi lP^-P! lso@5 .{tolm PE F5 Prr P!!! ttlf, huhe H fdollEllSlehI !r rdEr=. Mb*.- €e Drt-t|HqrH ldnohrfrdnlry G Pre[ Pals P!! PE b Prl! Dfr fq H Ddc frrhltrl!, [in c{.d.![E Z ArlanrW lnbrr[qnponant 9peclng Rrqulnmrntr ,Uf.3.tn 5.7(x' GAAlt2-O1 o-m L 0.25t (rD.ht.o 2.78 /flAt}n 3.tEto z > o7ti.2560 OlttaTCtr{, ESrd.fCqly Prar Plrs PE OllldTCrly rmD'dBr f7+ A B l l\ Pltot Tubo Gallbrrflon Dfi sheot tui-E.auttaAtrLFlfi.lB -t!!^a{ErFR}r odbrlmpcffiittiut[tcl.0'lc'dutttdEPAlLhod2'8dcrllll Iodn[Ttrltr clrfcrrnu'l SaIII oll.f,ErcPiFl Allgnmcnt end Tutln! Dlmmrlomfi;Y lrlrr r.lGGI H rrErIc-Erldf ot ald o]tr=:Y&'@ EfF aIG!|5t H Fotl0qr Etlffilttltl! c c (-lFcct< +rr;a.t d, (-10'<44< +lr)a0 B. (-5'<&< +t')3.S B" (-5'<Eh<+5') f o.3 o.ggm Z!AT'IY 0.(rc6 FAlane (* o.Ixllztr,qm60 I} (olE 6' < Dl< O,itrO-'o.gn P^ ('t.05q <Pr<l.6Dr)o.4m F. (1.(m <Pr<1.oll)0.44{xt I P^- P! llo(El6 {,(IEo PE PD Plta Plr! PE P!![ Pd PEt Plrt Pa P!!r Patl Par! Pn OllbGlTC dt, sSd(TCd, ollidTc anly OINil gID,,. A I MmldBtl: ApFst€dEt,:,&r Plffi Tube Gallbra0on Dat theet 'tEffiaucllAr{bFhdrltr 0tlaa{FFn(}l lErtfITl[I otlrfiFirrri ffi.r prffit d dng h! plDcdrmt of EFA ll!ffi e 8rcilat 10.1 Allgnmrllt.Id Tublng Dlmurlom fi: W Dlr E r..ar bil Idlon lE.Ednhl c1 ad I -.M ,EffiEEDE-:Jil" h'-f DrD fCQ H tafo faa-.& ?i[.raoarhc ia Pa P!!! Prt Pr. PE Prr Ps Pd PE P.!! Ar.anlly lnbpcompdpttt Spclng Rtqulntmilt OlluTCa{, StuiTCcily Parr Prrr Prta (IHTGqrly ffiBr ly'0tmEa TIN,i c. (-lGccr< +l09)ll7 G (-10'<q,< +lc)ql 8. (-6.<0.<+ttl o4 B- aJ.<0.<{61 1.7 I u2 0 0.8 A 0.s54, FAhrr t* 0.r25Fl OGE' rAEr0 li 0,1ts1261 0.01lx, q (or87d < or< osr6)ogflto Pe (t.ll6Q <Pr<1.5Dr)oflr, o4050 lPe'Pr l3o(El5 .{}ffi, irt>3 dl 6 fl'to ll E, atl oa50 T 0.251 (, Di F r.6)2,8n f Earn LM l a o.7d 12fr AFoldBl,: ffi ffirEaDt[iArxbFLrb[] ollAadEF+Rol Cffon prfqm* udtO lh. Ptudtnr d EPA lmcrd a 8'er llll IEfie Try.|tr SC[I ollrlFEtr,l 0!t-nErgr&l Allgn!rcnt lnd TuDlng Dlmcmlon ffi: Y Pa Para Pa Pr rrr h.oGlle ld ro.Ic rrd...s !r tld r.' re: M€":m0 Pa Pr Rrt PIl PE Plcr[Dh.ltsr|hf fdF.IoE.[ffia _Jr - F \ D.glrq rt geE'ruIlrlb Eledtgz Arranbly lnlutcomponent Speclng REqullomtfi (xlETCa{, 8Sd(TCEly Ps Pr!8 Prtr OIli.aTC dtly sw= tuBS APlrsrdEf dnrt Dd!: - olrour l,,,,,ual a, (-lc<at< +llF)a5 6 (-lll.<'l'< +lF)1.6 R- ,-!F. B. < +lFl I 8" (-5.<E<{6')2.1 I 1.8 0 1.1 A o7sa0 z?AEt, (* Ol2S)0.(P51 FAEIO 6 0.m1251 0.0105 D' o.idrf < q< OC,Erl 0.rru) P^ (t.tlilI <Pecl.5Q)0.38 5 F- tl -GD. < Pr < 1 .6Et,O..lEG IPA- PI IlILffiI5 .0tHl0 rv l>3.dt emo cAArl2.m lo L o.25'l (rD.Et.5)4.H) tr>erl't 33lm z r 0-751 0.885 IEla: - PltdTube Gallbra0on DU tho.t PturEa&ldltrbft.Fr 9!$FfB9l-clEr0al FdUtttld udng [. Pcdnt ot EPA il.tM e 8!'!dl lllt rEfiTrF[]C*-r Allgllmant lnd Tublng Dlmtntlor. E: w^- DftIEEl t.a frffiElEultlh|trr {Cr.' %ffi rIaD EH Itrtlrflrrhfir0. Pc Po Pas PrE PE! P!!r Pa Pa Pa Ptrlr Prrr Pel! P!!t P!!! OIrdTCa{y Sdrd(TCctly OltldTEdlrt otr6ut 0I/d,I,il OI{EF.OPFI o" (-l0.<ar< +tG)1.O a, (-Itr<oa +lG)2.O R.(-5. <<€'0.8 B t-J'<1.8 f 0.8 n7 FAIgI? ll ura FAIIIU TI II {OIA7A < D< O37trt oETm P^ tl.tEII <Prcl.5D)o41(n P. l{.(51} <P.<l.EDl O4,1{Il lPe-Pr l5O(El6 {.{rxxl A a 6.zDt sAAalzdl ),0.25t , D. (> 1,5)&(n8 f (>3.(r1 3.dD z > o.75.1.650 PltotTube Gallbratlon Datr thsat PrulfEaqliAngbtudrltr ollAldEFPBol Cdlbrflcl p.rfomt d u*tS !t FG.dE dEFA lLlld 1 8"0ct to'l IafirTT.lG C.S..lIl otl-iEF@R-l [: H''-*rndrubrngDlm--] Pen Pr Pa Pa fl|lr lllElilH fdotrlrdrhlar rdr!.re:E4"ffi E epnilqHDdoEd.mIt[le q _ir{-)l ErF r.-..r H r.-E.-mhriJIL*o. PaPs Pe Pa Pa Pd A..rmDly lnbtlcomponmt Spadng Rcqulnmcnlr Ot!.tTGmly 8a$d<fcallr PEa! Pr! PI!OlllrtTc glly ffiBr ,tFovcaAf 0'lrolEa ottrt r c, (-llP<q< +101 3.0 ,-rtr<d"< +ltr)1.8 d3'B' (-5' < Fr < +Il L (-t<Fr<{61 I o1 0 1.6 0 FAEr? (t o'tzo FAEIU TE Or (q187e < f\< o.3,o o37m P. (1.(EB <Pecl.5O)o3m P. (l.Oill < Pr < l.6lJrl o{m I P^-P.l<0.ffi15 .{r.(xm Pltot Tube Callbntlon Dfi theot prot.,FtulDl{o: TCrTP'7' ilo HrErt[aArfb ffrfrlE farrhe T?.!tr C*.r[} e.r !.tlim.duthc[t Pcdrmt olEP [.lhodA 8&l llll Pala Prl. P.[ P!r. P6 P.rl Prla Pa Pc b tltrllt albf J# brdDetsdffrhdlrz A!.dnbly lnbFcomponmt spdng Rrqulltm.nt! PE P0 Pa Prtr OllldTConly SrbdtTCaly OlltdTCaily ffiBr tlt0'tg ol[EaArrrEUdBr + & (-ltr<ai< +tu)1.1 c (-Itr<ar< +lG)3.5 B. (-5.<Et<.15')x 8. (-r' < E<{6r) f 1.8 l.o D zrAtrl? tt u F^ino (t D lotara < tl< 0.376-I 0.g7ln F. fi.(Ell <P^<l.EDl {L4lm P! (1.$q <P!<1.6q)o4(m I P^- Pr l< (L625 oot00 I E Pltot Tubo Callbtu0on Dd. Sheet AmbItlbltr ry p..lbm.d mllE Ilt Foc.dmt dEF lldtod I 8dr'lo'l IIfiTS[}C+rlll TuDhg Dlmtndon Prt Pr!! Plrr Pe PG PT Fdt Pr Pa Pslr Al..rnbty Intlpcattpon nt Sp.cltlg Rqulrtmatt th{TCal, lDd(TCa& Perr PEE PlrE {rCTCcily lm, - 1ftiil D# - ltrzolr c' (-lllo <nr< +lC)I G (-!tr<o,< +ltrl 0 B. (-5.<8.< +r")0 8" a-5'<8,<r5')o I 0 o A AEx| 0.01454{rE0 YrAtrro (t 0.(0 I} (O.lrra < B< 0.376"1 0.375 P^ ('l.lEII < Pr < l.6Bl 0.4, P. (,.t$I <Pr<I.EDrI 0.4 I P^- P. lS 0.(E!5 o0l W(> l Di 0.978 xrD"(> r.5)2-fin YE3.O1 3-.1 z>n78 o-78 M iloNT[0$t Pltot Tuba clllDnuon Dstr thet ATTaA AA cffitllrrtb ProDrlF[dlD llo: E PEt&aDllaAlhfrr|Il rtAlfisFf,o.l clffit pct[m.d utlte n Fldn ot EPA ldrd 2. B!.tot tct llrfitTe.Elc+.r Allgnmrnt md Tublttg Dlmlmlom ffi: Y b h PrE PE EiDEHteha-r*ordo! wffi h!! Prrn b Prr fttr Pr- ') _ir n" =DrDE H r-blffrh-rqz ArmDlYIttbrGomPonmt SplngR.qulrun rb Olrr.tICaly ssd(IEtrlly Pa Par Pr!!Ol[dTCdly P!.tlrrdBf oflnat otmua a. (-lG<ar< +lF)2.1 f-ltF<4,< +lm LO B. (-lF<Br< +5t)o3 E" (-.5r < B<{.5n o2 I 03 0 o.0 A o9560 FAEI? (t Ot2Al oqm FAbro lr 0.lBl2A!oot60 q 0.rs7F < q< agr6l o3710 P^ (1.06q <P1<1.6Q)o48gt) Pr ll,(ED <P.<1.6q1 O.lCrU tP^-El<c@ {dao A E I ,vtrs.c)6.Sm aa llrlrt om T o378 (rDrtrl'q L1n /.>3-Gt 32TIt u>o?E 1.530 Z Cnlbc ll,llfu !r lE & (-lG<at< +loq)2.1 c (-lr<cr< +loq)2-2 B. (-f<0,<+lt')o.3 & (-s<B<+q!0.4 I o.3 0 0.8 A o95fl, zAlrr (* 0.l25ll o.m55 wAirr0 (r 0.(Bl2Fl orrll3 q (ol875' < q< o.srd')o.37/O P^ (t.(EQ <P1<1.6Q)o..lEn .l-e.Pr<l.tcL)wfo lP^-P! ISoEE {Iol4ll Pa Prrr Perr Pitr Pu Pr. PE Pr F- P!!a OlhlrtTCorf 8Sd(TCqrly Cdhttcl pcffi r*rg lrc proc*nr d EP lldld 2' Sdolr lo'i (ffiltTGaty nALt El Psr Pere Algnm.ttt !d Tublng DlmlnJont A B Sprdng Rlqulrtm.rt! FrD!-ErugltAltr5Fffitr (llAs'nsPRG'l 6trf,lFi.n'l OII{EF{FRI ffi: H Dg-E lra IrInEd.SUf ar rld q. re:Maffi ]lFlrHbr HDo.UEddl|trIGir .- .qrffirH*"ffiflffir"* llcrhgT?rE C#.|tr ffiBr AFrdEf fl(>g-rl N'A ell,>rill N'A MA )" (, D. E t.5)ffi / (> 3.Ort N'A z > o.7F N'A ./r? t I t I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I PltotTube Callbmton Dfi thoet ffia$lll|f,hffiltr [lAl.iEFFnol5fiTrFr -m.asf,&t__c*r[} l!!E{ffiI-- crHon prffi tdlg lh. Foclnnr d tA ll0Ed a 8!dal lot Algnmllrt rrd Tublng Dlmcnrlonl E: Y ' DIDIES! hr r&Et6lhellq rt{ !l' Pra P0 Pe!! Pe!! rcffi Pa Ptt P.t. PE P- Plr.E Dracqrr.r*,"T*" _ir ^--:E rfHf H reElllrhlDf tlhrcl|ad.Ilez lrantly lnbrtcootponGltt SFclng Ralullgmsrtl olHTCal, 86d(TCat, N'ALT,IEI PI Pra OIIIoITCaly mIEdBf fFurdEf ,/.,.G -F 0I,trf,I oilE r d. (-tG<a.< +ltrl 1.9 a" (-10!<or< +l0ll zo B. (-tr<8,<€l o., e. (-5e < &<{61 o.2 I 0.6 e o6 A o086t) zsAbnr (l Ol2Al 0.qtr4 FAEr0 (r 0.(ts125'l o.qtr{ q (o187t < Dr< o$l5ll o.gl4t P^ (l.tl5B'< Pr < {.5Q)o49{O F- at-oE < P- < l.6t}t C'E lP^-Pr l3o(E25 {Llxr70 U fa 3.o'l N'A frAAf22-dl N'A N'A I,N'A (, D" fe l.O r(>3.fl IrnA Z>O7F N'A Dab: - 6fi *}?NTryg$H SITE SAFETY PLAN BOOKLET Customer: Location: Units: Glient Proiect Manager: Revision Date: December 2, 2019 rar' * filii"-Jirl t ttl. l;rl Page 1 ofl Site Safety Plan and JHA Purpose and lnstructions Purpose Employee safety is the top priority of Montrose Environmental Group. Allemployees must be trained to assess and mitigate hazards. The District Manager and Project Manager are responsible to ensure all hazards have been properly identified and managed. All employees have Stop Work Authority in all situations where an employee feels they or their co-worker cannot perform a job safely or if there is a task for which they have not been adequately trained. The Site Safety Plan (SSP) has been developed to help assist Montrose test crews with identifying physical and health hazards and determining how the hazards will be managed. Additionatly, the SSP will help each crew manage the safety of the employees by providing emergency procedures and information. The booklet contains a severalsafety forms that may be required in the field. lnstructions The SSP consists of the following: 1. A Pre-Mobilization Test Plan - To be completed in it's entirety by the client project Manager prior to the test. 2. A Job Hazard Analysis is a standardized, two-page, fillable form that is used to evaluated the tasUsite's particular hazards and controls. The form also includes a daily toolbox topic and daily hazard review with sign off by the team. The client Project Manager is responsible to comptete the JHA form through section 8. Upon arrival at the test site, the team wil! review the form for accuracy, making any corrections required and complete the remainder of the JHA. Section 9 will require at least three tasks, hazards and controls be identified for the project. Each team member has the option to discuss making changes or adding to the JHA and must sign on the Job Hazard Analysis form in agreement and sign in Section 10. The JHA is to be modified when conditions change. A toolbox meeting with a daily topic in addition to a review of the hazard analysis is required daily for the duration of the test. An additional sheet of paper with the toolbox topic and signatures can be added to the SSP packet, 3. Hazard Control Matrix - contains useful information on both engineering and administrative controls that a crew can use to reduce or eliminate the hazards they have observed plus applicable PPE that may be required. 4. Additional Forms, as applicable a. Aerial Lift lnspection Form b. Heat Stress Prevention Form Based on Heat lndex c. Extended Hours Form The SSP is a living document. The Project Manager should continually update their SSPs as new information and conditions change or if new hazards are presented. Each completed SSP should be maintained with the Test Plan in the office for a period of 3 years. There will be an audit process developed for the Site Safety Plans. OOlAS.SAFETY-MM4 i*&; * iriit-i l\| i ii{ i,:} i Page 1 of 2 PRE.MOBILIZATION TEST INFORMATION Source Tvpe: New Source: _ Revisit:- Prj#/Dateffech: CoalFired Electric Utility: _ Ethanol Plant: _ ChemicalMfg. of CemenULime Kiln Plant: _ Special$ Mfg. of: Anticipated Effluent Composition - check allthat apply and fill in expected concentration in ppm/% lf other, explain: Flammable: _, Toxic: Corrosive: Dust: Engineering Controls to be lmplemented: tr co u NOx tr SOz tl other tr voc PROJECT NAME/LOCATION: TEST DATE: PROJECT #: PROJECT MANAGER: TEST SCOPE: SITE CONTACT: Name:Contact Phone: Additional Safety Equipment Required: Personal gas monitors: _ Respiratory Protection: Half Face- Full Face- HEPA Filters- Supplied Air: - (Safety Dept. Approval) Approximate Flue Gas Temperatures, (F) below 210 210 to 450 450 to 950 above 950 other lf other, explain: Approximate Duct Pressure, (iwg): trtr -3 -3 to +3 +3 to +7 n other tr above lf other, explain: +7 OOlAS.SAFETY-FM-1 fdfui , tr'it-i' i! ! irl ..'r,rt Page2ot2 PRE-MOBI LIZATION TEST IN FORMATION Sampling Location: Stack Port - Duct Port -Approximate Sampling Platfornr Height, (ft) below 6 6 lf other, explain: Access and Protection: Elevators: Ladders: Aerial Lift: _ Scaffold: - Equipment Hoist: -Guardrails: - Toe plate: - Engineered Tie Off Points: Heat Shield: - Other: Describe how equipment will be mobilized to the sampling location: tr to 50 tr to 100 n above tr other100 Additional lnformation: Effluent Ghemica! Requlatory Limits Gas Name Chemica! Formula Cal OSHA PEL1 (ppm) Cal OSHA STEL2 (oom) NIOSH REL TWA3 (ppm) Cal OSHA Geiling (ooml IDLH4 (ppm) Carbon Monoxide co 25 200 35 200 1,200 Nitric Oxide NO,25 ND5 25 ND 100 Sulfur Dioxide SOz 2 5 2 ND 100 Hvdroqen Chloride HCI 0.3 2 ND 2 50 Hydrogen Sulfide HzS 10 15 10 (10 min.)c 50 100 )alifomia Occupationa! Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL) based on an ?-hour shifr; 2: Cal OSHA Short-term Exposure Limit (STEL) based on a 1S-minute pefiod; 3: Nalional lnstitute for Occupational Safety and Heatth (NIOSH) Recommended Exposure Limit (REL) Time-weighted Average (TWA) based on an &hour shift; 4: lmmediately Dangerous to Life or Health (IDLH); 5: Not Defined (ND); C: Ceiling Limft' - Maximum allowable human exposure limit for an aifuome or gaseous substance, which is not to be exceeded, even momentarily. Prepared by: Reviewed by: Date: Date: OOlAS-SAFETY-FM-1 ]lient Contact Name )ate Facility SSP Writer )M Glient Rep I Job Preparatlon I loo Site Walk Through Completed tr I Sate Work Permit Received from Client Site Specific Training Complete lf the heat index is expected to be above 91", fill out the Heat Stress Prevention Form. qfi rti i r i'rl i irt il.,, i Job Hazard Analysis Error Rlsk E time Pressure E Remote Work Location E > 12 hr shift E wo*ing > 8 consecutive days E Ucf of procedures E] E{reme temps, wind >30mph E Persona! illness/fatigue E Vague work guidance E Monotonous Activity E first aay back after time off EI Uuttipte lou locations EI other: 1of3 1. 2. 3. 'acillty lnformatlon/Emergency Preparedness lf non+mergency medical attention is needed, call: AXIOM #: 877-502-9466. Plant Emergency # EMS Location Certified First Aid Person: Evacuation Routes Rally Point Severe Weather Shelter Location Eye Wash & Safety Shower Location ElYes ENo lnformation: (llst type): Stack Gas Temp. ff) Stack Gas Press. ('HrO) Stack Gas Components: Stack Gas lnhalation Potential? EYes E] tto tf ves. see List of Hazard chemicats. Dust Hazards Thermal Bum Electrical Hazards lnadequate Lighting Slip and Tdp Hand Protection EI Xot Gloves EIHeat Shields El Otner Protective Clothing: EI Connections Protected from Elements I Extemal GFCI EOther: E Xe nating Requirement E lntrinsically Safe Requirement E lnstall Temporary Lighting ! Headlamps ! Housekeeping E Banicade Area E Other: E Cut Resistant Gloves E Pinch Pts. E General E Electrical I lmpacl Resistant SecondaryPermits iEHotWo* EConfinedSpace IExcavatlon Working from Heights ! E f"tting objects E Fallprotection EJ Orop zone protection E Phtform load ratings see aleo soct.7 i E Scaffokl inspection E Ladder inspection El ganicaoes for equipmeni Electrical i EI erpo"ed wire/connector I Verify equipment grounding E Arc Flash Lifling ! EI Crane lift plan E Rigging inspection E fag fines used E Hoists in place Respiratory ! E Unexpected exposure E Chemical E Dust (combustible) E PEL provided E Cartridoes or suoolied air available E Gas detection PPE EHardHats fisafetyGlasses fisafetyToeShoe/Boot flHearingProtection f]SafetySpotter E ni-vis vests E Harness/Lanyard* E Goggles EI Personal Monitor Type: E Metatarsal Guards fl ttot Gloves E Face Shield E Respirator Type: EINomex/FRC E other PPE: OOIAS-SAFETY-FM-6 .&, ,, rr;i r-,i; iul I lrr ,, "ll i Job Hazard Analysis Addtttonal Wo* Place Hazards ritical Procedures - check all that apply - *indicates additional form must be completed or collected from client E tteat Stress Prevention' E Confined Space' E Rertal Work Platform* E Roof Work E Scafold E CotO Weather Work I Hazardous Energy Controf E Exposure Monitoring E Other: From Helghts Fall protecgon iEf fixeO Guardrails/Toe boards E falt Prevention PPE Waming Line System Falling objects protection !E Banicaoing tr Netting E House Keeping fiTethered Tools ElCatctr BlanketorTarp Fall Hazard Communication itr AdjacenUOverhead Workers I Contraclor Contact E C[ent Contact 2o 7. 8. 9. Other Conslderatlons Environmental Hazards - Weather Forecast E HeaUCotd Etigtrtning E Rain EI Snow EI lce E Tomado E wino Speeo Steps for Mitigation: actrical Safuty Plannlng PtantHookup: EttoV fl22on4ov E +eov E cenerator Exarawiredintopanel Elecbical Classified Area: EYes ! No Trailer Grounded: E yes E Ho Plug Type Electrical Hook Up Responsibility: ist of Hazardous Chemicals E Acetone E Nitricecio ! Hyorogen Peroxide El compressed Gases E Hexane ElSufiuric Acid E lsopropyl Alcohol I Fhmmable Gas EIToluene E Hydrochloric Acid E t-iquiO Nitrogen fl Non-Flammable Gas E Hzs E Carbon Monoxide Steps for Mitigation: rildlife/Fauna in Area E Poison lvy f] Poison oak flhsects:IWildlife: Personnel w/ known allergies to bees stings or other allergens? ! Yes EHo Hazards and Steps 1 2 3 ,l 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 Z.!t 2 3 ,| 2 3 1 2 :3 !1 iz is OOIAS-SAFETY-FM-- { iui,t--/i\ i. itr,i:r I Job Hazard Analysis 3 of3 JHA REVIEW: Crcw Names & Slgnatures Prlnted Name Signature Date Printed Name Signature Date 11 JHAMeetinq & Review to review: r Change in conditions o Extended work hours o Daily Safety Topic e New workers or contractors o Occurence of near misses or injuries lnltlaling demonstrates that site condltlons and hazards have not changed from the origlnal SSP, lf changes did occur, make the necessary updates to this JHA and add notes as applicable ln Saction 9. Day Dlscuselon Topic lnltials 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 OOIAS-SAFETY-FM-5 4$r, n iiri t ., ir'\ h itt, J 't i page 1 of 1 Daily Aerial Lift lnspection Form All checks must be completed prior to each work shifr, before operation of the aerial lift. This checklist must be used at the beginning of each shifi or following 6 to 8 hours of use. Aerial Lift Model #:Serlal Number: Make:Rented or Owned: . Check Yes" if an item is adequate, operational, and safe.. Gheck "No" to indicate that a repair or other conective action is required prior to use. . Check "N/A'to indicate "Not Applicable." Items to be lnspected 1. All aerial lift componentrs are in working condition (i.e. no loose or missing parts, tom or loose hoses, etc.) - if something can be easily loosened by hand then it is not sufficient. 2. Hydraulic fluid level is sufficient, with the platform fully lowered 3. Hydraulic system pressure (see manufacturer specs) is acceptable. lf the pressure is low, determine cause and repair in accordance with accepted procedures as outlined in service manual. 4. Tires and wheel lug nuts (for tightness) 5. Hoses and cables (i.e. worn areas or chafing) 6. Platform rails and safety gate (no damage present) 7. Pivot pins secure 8. Welds are not cracked and structural members are not bent or broken 9. Waming and instructional labels are legible and secure, and load capacity is clearly marked. 10. Manufacture/s lnstruction Manual is present inside the bucket 11. Base controls (switches and push buttons) can be properly operated 12. Platform conditions are safe (i.e. not slippery) 13. Fire extinguisher is present, mounted and fully charged, located inside the bucket 14. Headlights, safety strobe light and back-up alarm are functional 15. Workplace is free of hazards (overhead powerlines, obstructions, level surface, high winds, etc.) *Do not operate if winds are 20 mph, unless otherwise speclfled by manufacturer recommendatlons. Yes tr u tr tr ! tr u tr tr tr tr tr tr tr D No NrA trtr trtr trtr trtr tr! trtr trtr trtr tr! !! !tr trtr trD tr! trD Operator Name & Signature Location Date Ground Control Name & Signature Location Date Hamess lnspections: Printed Name Signature Date Prinled Nama Sianafi rrc DatePrinted Name Signature Page 1 of 1 Extended Hours Safety Audit Project Number:Date:Time: When a project is expected to extend past a 14-hour work day, this form must be completed to evaluate the condition of the crew, and the safety of the work environment. Permission to proceed into extended work hours must come from a District Manai;er (DM)or Regional Vice President (RVP). Technical RVPs can authorize moving forward, if they are in the field or if they are managing the project. '4. Hold test crew meetinq Test crew initials: The test leader should assess the environmental and hazardous concerns: . Temperature and weather r Hoisting. Lighting o PPE (i.e. respirators, etc.). Working from Heights . Pollutant concentration in ambient air (SOz, HzS, ect.) Notifv DM'or RVP The PM must contact either the DM or RVP to discuss the safety issues that may arise due to the extended work period. During this time, they can come to an agreement on how to proceed. ltems to discuss include: a a I a Reason for extended hours Reasoh for delay Production limitaiions lmpending Weather Contact the client The PM, DM or RVP must discuss with client any identified safety concerns, the client's needs and mutually agree on how to proceed. Discussion should also include the appropriate rest period needed before the next day's work shift can begin. The DM and/or a RVP must be informed on the finaldecision. Final Outcome: UTAH DEPARTMENT OF rr\rro^ttr rExrr^l r)l lal ITV Approver: ' ;ON OF AIR QUALIT' 2. 3. li The test leader should look for signs of the following in their crews: o lrritability. Lack of motivationo Headaches. Giddiness o Fatigue. Depression. Reduced alertness, lack of concentration and memory OOlAS-SAFEry-FM-3 1. 2. *" , ivi t,i$! i itt l 't t Page 1 of 1 Heat Stress Prevention Form This form is to be used when the Expected Heat lndex is above 91' F, and is to be kept with project documentation. Proiect Manaoer (PMl:Exoected Hiqh Temp: Date(sl:Exoected Heat lndex: Review the signs of Heat Exhaustion and Heat Sfoke lf Heat lndex is above 91' F:. Provide cold water and/or sports drinks to allfield staff (avoid caffeinated drinks and energy drinks which can increase core temperature). o Bring no less than one gallon of water per employee r tf employee(s) are dehydrated, on btood pressure medication or not acclimated to heat, ensure they are aware of the heightened risk for heat illness o Providecoolhead bandsfuests/etc.. Have ice available to employees. tmptement work shift rotations and breaks, particularly for employees working in direct sunlight.o Provide as much shade at the jobsite as possible, including tarps, tents orother acceptable temporary structures.. PM should interview each fietd straff periodically to evaluate for signs of heat illness lf Heat lndex is above 103" F:o Employees must stop for drinks and breaks every hour (about 4 cups/hour) r Employees are not permitted to work alone for more than one hour at a time without a break ofiering shade and drinkso Emptoyees should wear coot bands and vests if working outside more than one hour at a timeo PM should interview each field staff every 2 hours to evaluate for signs of heat illness 3. N.@r orrromltlng ffi N.us. d vornltlnc R.pld,m.tpulp - --rtapld,strongprrls. Muschc'.np' I _*ffi* 6 OOlAS.SAFETY-FM-5