HomeMy WebLinkAboutDERR-2024-006767 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144840 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4840 Telephone (801) 536-4100 • Fax (801) 359-8853 • T.D.D. (801) 536-4284 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESPONSE AND REMEDIATION Brent H. Everett Director ERRL-0155-24 April 25, 2024 CERTIFIED MAIL RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Mike Labrum L&L Motors Co., Inc. 191 North 200 East Roosevelt, Utah 84066 Re:Additional Sampling Requirements L&L Motors Co., Inc., located at 191 North 200 East, Roosevelt, Utah Facility Identification No. 9000057, Release Site FHV Dear Mr. Labrum: On January 13, 2023, the Division of Environmental Response and Remediation (DERR) received a Subsurface Investigation Report for the above-referenced site. After reviewing this information, the DERR project manager has recommended further investigation. During subsurface investigation activities on December 6, 2022, soil and groundwater samples were obtained indicating petroleum concentrations below State-established applicable standards. DERR guidelines require two consecutive rounds of sampling below cleanup standards for a site to be considered remediated. The Division Director requires that one additional round of groundwater samples be collected to determine the degree of petroleum-contaminated groundwater. All environmental samples must be collected by a Utah certified sampler following sampling protocol as outlined in Utah Admin. Code R311-205. The report associated with these requirements must be submitted to our office within 90 days from the receipt of this letter. Environmental samples must be analyzed for gasoline and diesel using the methods indicated in the enclosed Table of Analytical Methods for Sampling. Facility ID# 9000057 Page 2 If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Liberty Coe, the DERR project manager, at (801) 536-4100. Sincerely, Brent H. Everett, Director Division of Environmental Response and Remediation BHE/LC/rr Enclosure: Table of Analytical Methods for Sampling cc: Kirk Benge, Director, Tri-County Health Department Darrin Brown, Deputy Health Officer, Tri-County Health Department Joe Hadlock, Environmental Health Director, Tri-County Health Department Nathan Hall, District Engineer, Utah Department of Environmental Quality Randy L. Freston II, Chief Executive Officer, Outlaw Engineering, Inc. David S. Hansen, Certified UST Consultant, Rockwell Solutions, Inc. Analytical Methods for Environmental Sampling at Petroleum Storage Tank Sites in Utah (September 2022) Substance or Product Type Contaminant Compounds to be Analyzed for Each Substance or Product Type ANALYTICAL METHODS1 Soil, Groundwater or Surface Water Gasoline Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (purgeable TPH as gasoline range organics C6 - C10) EPA 8015 or EPA 8260 Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene, (BT EXN) and MTBE EPA 8021 or EPA 8260 Diesel Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (extractable TPH as diesel range organics C10 – C28) EPA 8015 Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, and Naphthalene (BT EXN) EPA 8021 or EPA 8260 Used Oil Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (T RPH) EPA 1664 or EPA 1664 (SGT*) Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, Naphthalene (BT EXN) & MTBE; and Halogenated Volatile Organic Compounds (VOX) EPA 8021 or EPA 8260 New Oil Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (T RPH) EPA 1664 or EPA 1664 (SGT*) Other Type of analyses will be based upon the substance or product stored, and as approved by the DERR Division Director Method will be based upon the substance or product type Unknown Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (purgeable TPH as gasoline range organics C6 - C10) EPA 8015 or EPA 8260 Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (extractable TPH as diesel range organics C10 – C28) EPA 8015 Oil and Grease (O&G) or Total Recoverable Petroleum Hydrocarbons (T RPH) EPA 1664 or EPA 1664 (SGT*) Benzene, Toluene, Ethyl benzene, Xylenes, and Naphthalene (BT EXN) and MT BE; and Halogenated Volatile Organic Compounds (VOX) EPA 8021 or EPA 8260 1 The following modifications to these certified methods are considered acceptable by the DERR Division Director: • Dual column confirmation may n ot be required for TP H and BTEXN/MTBE analysis. • A micro-extraction or scale-down technique may be used for aqueous samples, but only for the determination of extractable TP H as diesel range organics (C10 – C28). • Hexane may be used as an extraction solvent. • *Silica Gel Treatment (SGT) may be used in the determination of Total Recoverable P etroleum Hydrocarbons. NOTE: The sample preparation method and any modification(s) to a certified method must be reported by the laboratory. U.S. Postal Service™ CERTIFIED MAIL® RECEIPT Domestic Mail Only .-=t •i •if:lt ·1 ••-1111•1• . ,~~·-· .. . . ::r- □ 0 F F I C I A L u s E IT' Certified Mail Fee rn $ IT' Extra Services & Fees /check box, add tee as appropriate/ D Return Receipt (hardcopy) $ □ D Return Receipt (electronic) $ Postmark □ CJ 0 Certified Mail Reetrfctod Delivery $ Here □ D Adult Signature Required $ D Adult Signature Reslrlcted Delivery $ CJ r IT' L&L Motors Co ., Inc. ru .-=t ATTN: Mike Labrum CJ ru 191 N. 200 E. CJ ·------------------------------------ ["- Roosevelt, UT 84066 ·------------------------------------ ' ,~. :11 .. I l!"!fl"...l!"lf .t a.•t • -· ---. Certified Mail service provides the following benefits: ■ A receipt (this portion of the Certified Mall labeQ. for an electronic return receip~ see a relall ■ A unique Identifier for your mailpiece. associate for assistance . 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