HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2024-006392Deq submit <dwmrcsubmit@utah.gov> Final Site Management Plan for Woodbine Site (UTCA-0031) 1 message Dean, Daniel <Daniel.Dean@terracon.com>Fri, May 17, 2024 at 10:56 AM To: "DWMRCSubmit@Utah.gov" <dwmrcsubmit@utah.gov> Cc: Paige Walton <pwalton@utah.gov>, Maximilian Coreth <mcoreth@highboyventures.com>, "jfunk@highboyventures.com" <jfunk@highboyventures.com>, "Austin, Amy B" <Amy.Austin@terracon.com>, Jasin Olsen <jbolsen@utah.gov> Jasin, The final Site Management Plan for the Woodbine site is attached which addresses the Division’s comments received via email on May 16, 2024. Thanks, Daniel Dean, PG Investigation and Remediation Group Manager I Environmental Services 6952 S High Tech Dr, Suite B I Midvale, UT 84047 D 385.337.5971 I M 801.915.5541 daniel.dean@terracon.com I Terracon.com Terracon provides environmental, facilities, geotechnical, and materials consulting engineering services delivered with responsiveness, resourcefulness, and reliability. Private and confidential as detailed here (www.terracon.com/disclaimer). If you cannot access the hyperlink, please e-mail sender. 61197179 Woodbine Site Management Plan FINAL - signed.pdf 1124K 5/17/24, 3:03 PM State of Utah Mail - Final Site Management Plan for Woodbine Site (UTCA-0031) https://mail.google.com/mail/b/AEoRXRReZ_AgGylCsTtmAuujm6xtqSaxYtfNBSc9Y3A0-NtwxAO2/u/0/?ik=adf9d5e615&view=pt&search=all&permthi…1/1 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 1 Cover Page Site Management Plan Woodbine Site 534, 540, 545, 549, and 585 West 700 South Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah May 17, 2024 | Terracon Project No. 61197179 Prepared for: Woodbine Industries, LLC Salt Lake City, Utah 6952 High Tech Drive, Suite B Midvale, Utah 84047 P (801) 545-8500 Terracon.com Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials i Cover Letter May 17, 2024 Utah Department of Environmental Quality Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control P.O. Box 144880 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880 Attn: Doug Hansen Division Director E:djhansen@utah.gov P: (801) 536-0203 Re:Site Management Plan Woodbine Site 534, 540, 545, 549, and 585 West 700 South Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah Terracon Project No. 61197179 Dear Mr. Hansen: On behalf of Woodbine Industries, LLC, Terracon is pleased to provide this Site Management Plan for the Woodbine site. A Site Management Plan is required in order to meet the requirements of the Environmental Cleanup Program under the Utah Department of Environmental Quality (UDEQ) Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (DWMRC) as impacts exceeding unrestricted land use screening levels remain on the site. Please contact our office at (801) 545-8500 if you have questions regarding this submittal. Sincerely, Terracon Consultants, Inc. Daniel Dean, P.G.Amy Austin Group Manager Authorized Project Reviewer Amy Austin Site Management Plan Woodbine Site | Salt Lake City, Utah May 17, 2024 | Terracon Project No. 61197179 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials ii Table Of Contents 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................ 1 1.1 Site Description ..................................................................................... 1 1.2 Background Information .......................................................................... 1 1.3 Risk Evaluation ...................................................................................... 3 2.0 Site Management ......................................................................... 3 2.1 Environmental Covenant ......................................................................... 3 2.2 Activity and Use Limitations (AULs) .......................................................... 3 2.3 Engineering Controls .............................................................................. 4 2.4 Worker Health and Safety Requirements ................................................... 4 2.5 Contingency Plan ................................................................................... 4 2.6 Notification ............................................................................................ 4 3.0 References .................................................................................. 5 Appendices Appendix A Exhibits Exhibit 1 Site Topographic Map Exhibit 2 Site Diagram Site Management Plan Woodbine Site | Salt Lake City, Utah May 17, 2024 | Terracon Project No. 61197179 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 1 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Site Description The site is an approximately 5.11-acre parcel (APN 15-12-107-001) located at 534–549 and 585 West 700 South, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. The site is improved with industrial, office, and restaurant developments. 1.2 Background Information The site was used as an industrial facility occupied by many tenants including machine repair shops, steel forging companies, and other miscellaneous industrial-type clients from the early-1900s through the present. Terracon performed a Limited Site Investigation (LSI) for High Boy Ventures LLC (Terracon Project 61197025, dated March 21, 2019) and a subsequent LSI for Alta Investments LLC (Terracon Project 61197179, dated July 15, 2019). The results of both investigations are included in the Alta Investments LLC LSI (Terracon Project 61197179, dated July 15, 2019). Twenty-six boreholes were advanced at the site at depths of up to fifteen feet below ground surface (bgs) to evaluate on-site soil and groundwater impacts from the long-term historical industrial uses of the site and the potential for petroleum hydrocarbon and chlorinated solvent contamination from properties near the site. Of the twenty-six boreholes, fourteen were located within the on-site buildings and twelve boreholes were located outside of the buildings. Additionally, ten sub-slab soil vapor points and one exterior soil vapor point were advanced to evaluate soil vapor impacts from the same potential contaminant sources. Results of the investigation indicated on-site impacts of several volatile organic compounds (VOCs), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), and metals above regulatory screening levels in the soil and groundwater of the site. In addition, several chlorinated VOCs were detected in the soil vapor at concentrations exceeding the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Residential and/or Commercial Target Sub-Slab and Near-source Soil Gas Concentration (TSSNSGC) Vapor Intrusion Screening Levels (VISLs). Based on the findings of the investigations, the source of the impacts to the soils, groundwater, and soil vapor appears to be from the historical use of the site. A Phase II Environmental Site Assessment (Phase II ESA) was conducted on the site in August 2022 (Terracon Project 61217496) under the Salt Lake Brownfields Assessment Grant to evaluate the environmental impacts from metals and VOCs reported in soil and groundwater during previous site investigations. Seven monitoring wells were installed at the site (MW-1 through MW-7) with three to four soil samples and one groundwater sample collected at each monitoring well location. The monitoring wells were installed to depths of 30 feet bgs to evaluate whether the limited chlorinated VOC impacts identified in the LSI were indicative of more substantial at-depth impacts since these contaminants have densities greater than water. Site Management Plan Woodbine Site | Salt Lake City, Utah May 17, 2024 | Terracon Project No. 61197179 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 2 The results of the Phase II ESA investigation were as follows: Soil Sample Results Field observations during boring installation noted the presence of slag in fill soils throughout the site. Analytical data for metals in fill soils is consistent with this observation. Lead in fill soils exceeded the EPA Residential Regional Screening Level (RSL) in three samples and the Industrial RSL in two samples. Cadmium exceeded the Residential RSL in one sample. Arsenic concentrations exceeded the Industrial RSL in all soil samples from all seven borings up to depths of twelve feet bgs. Soil arsenic concentrations exceeding the Salt Lake County background concentration of 27 mg/kg (DWMRC 2023) were exclusively present in fill material. Hexavalent chromium [Cr(VI)] concentrations exceeded the Residential RSL in six samples from four boring locations. Cr(VI) concentrations above the laboratory Method Detection Limit (MDL) in soil ranged from 0.359 mg/kg to 0.938 mg/kg. Of the six samples that exceeded the Residential RSL, two exceedances were present in fill soils, three exceedances were present in shallow native soils, and one exceedance was present in deep native soils. Both trivalent chromium and Cr(VI) were evaluated during this investigation. All samples except one reported zirconium concentrations that exceeded the EPA Residential RSL of 6 mg/kg. Groundwater Sample Results All but one groundwater sample exceeded the EPA Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) for dissolved arsenic (0.01 mg/L). One sample exceeded the Utah Ground Water Quality Standard (UGWQS) (0.05 mg/L). Given the low permeability of the subsurface lithology (primarily clays and silty clays with all monitoring wells purging dry during development) and the large vertical distance from the bottom of fill soils to the top of the well screens (13 to 19 feet), the dissolved arsenic concentrations exceeding the MCL and/or UGWQS reported in this investigation appear to be naturally-derived. Dissolved arsenic concentrations reported in this investigation were similar to those reported in groundwater present at 10–15 feet bgs in the LSI (Terracon 2019b). Thus, the results from the 2022 investigation suggest that dissolved arsenic concentrations exceeding the MCL and/or UGWQS reported in the LSI from 10–15 feet bgs are also naturally-derived. All groundwater sample results were well below Tapwater RSLs, MCLs, Residential VISL Target Groundwater Concentrations (TGCs), and/or laboratory MDLs for VOCs. Site Management Plan Woodbine Site | Salt Lake City, Utah May 17, 2024 | Terracon Project No. 61197179 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 3 1.3 Risk Evaluation As impacted soils and groundwater remain on the site, a Risk Evaluation (Terracon 2024) was performed to evaluate the risks associated with the concentrations of chemicals of potential concern (COPC) present at the site. Calculated site risks currently exceed R315- 101 thresholds for residential use but not for commercial or industrial use. Land use at the site is currently entirely commercial/industrial. Therefore, a Site Management Plan (SMP) and Environmental Covenant (EC) are required to restrict land use to commercial/industrial uses. Residential development may occur in the future, but not for a minimum of 7–10 years. If and when residential development is contemplated at the site, a Corrective Action Plan (CAP) will be prepared and submitted to DWMRC. The Environmental Covenant will remain in effect until implementation of the CAP is complete and environmental risks at the site have been reduced below R315-101 thresholds for residential land use. 2.0 Site Management The following sections discuss specific details and procedures related to the Activity and Use Limitations and Engineering and Institutional Controls imposed upon the Property through the recorded EC. The SMP will be implemented by the Owner. The SMP may be amended with approval of the DWMRC. 2.1 Environmental Covenant Terracon will work with DWMRC to prepare an Environmental Covenant that outlines the continuing obligations and limitations associated with impacts remaining at the site. The Environmental Covenant will be recorded on the Property’s title. 2.2 Activity and Use Limitations (AULs) The following land use limitations are imposed upon the site: 1.Land use will remain commercial. Residential land use is prohibited at the site. 2.Groundwater will not be accessed for drinking water, irrigation, or bathing purposes. 3.No excavation or demolition (only improvements) is allowed on the site. In the event additional occupied buildings are constructed on the site and/or existing buildings demolished, the requirements for mitigation will need to be re-evaluated and discussed with and approved by DWMRC. Site Management Plan Woodbine Site | Salt Lake City, Utah May 17, 2024 | Terracon Project No. 61197179 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 4 4.Construction activities and other unforeseen events or disturbances that may result in disturbances to impacted soil will require the Owner to submit a work plan for approval by the DWMRC to assess risks to human health and the environment and to properly manage the excavated materials. The mitigation plan shall include construction worker notification and safety measures and appropriate soil waste characterization and disposal requirements, if required. 2.3 Engineering Controls To prevent exposure to impacted soils, the site will be maintained with buildings and hardscaped surfaces. These shall be maintained in good condition to prevent human contact with contaminated fill soils and to prevent water infiltration to prevent soil-to-groundwater contamination. The small areas of landscaping present on the site shall be maintained with a minimum of 12 inches of clean cover soil and delineator fabric below the clean cover to demarcate the boundary with contaminated underlying fill soils. As COPCs remain in soils at the site above unrestricted land use regulatory screening levels, any excavation of soils, building demolition or redesign, or change in land use anywhere on the site will require that a Work Plan be submitted to DWMRC for review and approval prior to implementing work at the site. 2.4 Worker Health and Safety Requirements The Owner shall inform any workers conducting construction, excavation, and/or sub-slab or subgrade work on the Site of the presence potential soil impacts that could be encountered. As appropriate, contractors that could come into contact with impacted soil should prepare their own Health and Safety Plan that specifically addresses potential contaminants that could be encountered and personal protective equipment (PPE) that is required. It will be the contractor’s responsibility to ensure worker protection meets Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) requirements. 2.5 Contingency Plan If unforeseen events or unexpected contamination are encountered at the site during any work, DWMRC will be notified and a contingency plan will be developed in consultation with DWMRC to address the situation. 2.6 Notification The Owner shall notify DWMRC either by phone at (801) 536-0200 or in writing at the address noted below of any excavation or demolition activities being planned for the site. In Site Management Plan Woodbine Site | Salt Lake City, Utah May 17, 2024 | Terracon Project No. 61197179 Facilities | Environmental | Geotechnical | Materials 5 addition to the SMP requirements, site activities must comply with appropriate permitting authorities. Paige Walton, P.G. Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control Utah Department of Environmental Quality P.O. Box 144840 Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4840 (801) 536-0200 3.0 References Terracon 2019a. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, Mixed Use Redevelopment, 534, 540, 545, 549, and 585 West 700 South, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah. March 21. Terracon 2019b. Limited Site Investigation, Mixed Use Redevelopment, 534, 540, 545, 549, and 585 West 700 South, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah.June 24. Terracon 2021. Limited Contamination Assessment Report, Ameritech Coatings, Inc. 534 West 800 South, Salt Lake City, Utah, Salt Lake County, Utah.January 14. Terracon 2022. Phase II Environmental Site Assessment, Salt Lake Brownfields Assessment; EPA Cooperative Agreement No. 95811800, Proposed Woodbine Mixed Use Redevelopment, 545 West 700 South, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, November 22. Terracon 2024. Risk Evaluation, Woodbine Site, 534, 540, 545, 549, and 585 West 700 South, Salt Lake City, Salt Lake County, Utah, February 16. Utah Department of Environmental Quality, Division of Waste Management and Radiation Control (DWMRC), Technical Guide for Risk Assessments: Utah Administrative Code R315-101, 2023. Appendix A Exhibits Exhibit 1 Site Topographic Map Exhibit 2 Site Diagram TOPOGRAPHIC MAP Woodbine Site 534, 540, 545, 549, and 585 West 700 South Salt Lake City, UT TOPOGRAPHIC MAP IMAGE COURTESY OF THE U.S. GEOLOGICAL SURVEY QUADRANGLES INCLUDE: SALT LAKE CITY NORTH, UT (1/1/1998) and SALT LAKE CITY SOUTH, UT (1/1/1999). 6949 S High Tech Dr, Ste 100 Midvale, UT 84047-3707 61197179 Project Manager: Drawn by: Checked by: Approved by: AT BBB BBB 1”=2,000’ Ex 1 & 2 March 2021 Project No. Scale: File Name: Date: 1 ExhibitAT APPROXIMATE SITE BOUNDARY SITE DIAGRAM Woodbine Site 545 West 900 South Salt Lake City, UT 6952 S High Tech Dr, Ste B Midvale, UT 84047-3772 DIAGRAM IS FOR GENERAL LOCATION ONLY, AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES 61197179 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY PROVIDED BY MICROSOFT BING MAPS DD AA AA AS SHOWN Woodbine Site Map 2/15/2024 Scale: 2 ExhibitProject Manager: Drawn by: Checked by: Approved by: Project No. File Name: Date: DD