HomeMy WebLinkAboutDWQ-2024-001794STATE OF UTAH DEPAR'IMENI'OF NATURAL RESClJRCES Technical Publication No.93 GroUNIrWATER RE9JlIRCES AND SIMJIATED EFFECTS OF WITHDRAWALS IN '!HE FASI'SIDRE AREA OF GREAT SALT lAKE,illAR By I:avid W.Clark,Cynthia L.Aj;pel, Patrick M.Lambert,and Robert L.Puryear Prepared by the Uni ted States Geological Survey in cooperation with the Utah Departllent of Natural Resources Division of Water Rights 1990 .............................................................................................. .................................................. .................................................... 1 2 2 2 3 7 7 14 14 14 16 20 27 27 28 28 20 26 26 80 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 36 39 39 43 56 56 56 57 57 64 64 73 75 78 Page ................................ ................................................ ............................................................................................................ Movement Water-level fluctuations Seasonal fluctuations Long-term fluctuations water-level-change maps 1946-47 to 1985 1953-55 to 1985 1969 to 1985 Storage Discharge wells waterways and springs Evapotranspiration Diffuse seepage to Great Salt Lake Sumnary of the hydrologic budget for t.l1e East Sl'x:>re aqL1if er sys teIll •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Recharge Recharge area Seepage fran natural channels and irrigation canals Weber River Ogden River Other major streaI!5 Ungaged perennial,epherreral,am intermittent streams Irrigation canals Infiltration fran irrigated fields,lawns,am gardens Direct infiltration fran precipitation ••••••••••••••••••• SllJ:surfac:e inflow . .Evidence of iIlflow . ca.lClllatioo of infl~••••.•••••••.•••••.•••"•••• systen . Abstract Introduction Puq:ose am score ••••••• ~tion and ];i1ysie>graphy . Geohydrologic setting Climate Population and lam use Previous investigations Well-numbering system used in Utah •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Ackoowledgnents Surface water Groum water Geology am hydraulic prorerties of the East Shore aquifer iv a:Nl'ENrS--eontinued Page Groom water-eontinued ChenUcal quality and temperature ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••80 Relation to hydrology and geology ••••••••••••••••••••••••81 01en.ica.l caDp:)si tion ...•••••••••••••••••••••.••.••••••.••84 SlIitability for lISe ••••••••••••••••••••••ill.• • • • • • • • • • • • • •85 O'1.anges in water qua.lity •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••90 '1'errI>er ature ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••94 Sinulation of the East Soore aquifer system in the Weber Delta area 95 Design and construction of the digital-computer model.........95 General discription of the model.........................95 Subdivision of the Weber Delta part of the East Shore ~ifer systen ••••.•.•••...•••.••••••••••..•.••.••...••98 J.t:>Clel gr id •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••98 I3c>lllldary condi tioos •••••••••••.•••••••••••••••.•••••.•.••99 ~el para:rn.eters •.•••••.....•...••••••.••••••.••••••••••.•.•.•100 Initial oooo.itioIlS •••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••100 Redlarge •.•••••••..••••••.•..••••••••••.••••.••..•.••••.•100 Ilydraulic pr~rties ••..•....••.•.••...•••..•••.••••.....101 Disctla.rge ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••106 ~el ca.libration ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.••••••107 Steady-state ca.libration ••••••.•••••••••••••.••••••••••••107 Transient-state calibration •••••••.••••••.••••.•••.•.•••.III 5eI'lSitivity ana.lysis 138 Predictive sinulations •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.138 StnTrna.ry aIld oonclusions ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••144 RefererlCes cited .••••.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••147 ILWSTRATICNS Plate 1.Map shCMing fX)tentiooetric surface of the East Soore aquifer system, excluding the Sunset ~ifer,March 1985 Page Figure 1.Map shooing location of the East Shore area of Great sa.lt I..ake ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••4 2.Generalized block diagram shCMing water-bearing fonnations,probable directions of ground-water IlOverrent,and areas of recharge and disctla.rge ••••••••6 3.Map shCMing recharge areas and major fault zones •••••••8 4.Map shCMing land use and land-use change,1968-85 ••.•••12 5.Diagram shCMing well-numbering system used in Utah......15 6.Hydrogra{i1 of nonthly nean flow of the Weber River at Gateway,Utah,1969-84 ••••••••••••••••...••....••.•..20 7.Map shooing area where the Sunset and Delta aquifers of the East Shore ~ifer systan can be differentiated,and the fX)tentiatetric surface of the Sunset aquifer,March 1985 ••••••••••••••••••••.••.•.•22 v IJLUS'IRATIONS-COntinued Page Figure 8.Hydrograph shooing relation between annual floo of centerville Creek and highest water level in well (A-2-1}lBabd-12,water years 1950-84 ••••••••••••••...28 9.Map showing location of perennial,epherrEral,and intermittent streams and cross-section lines used to compute subsurface inf100 ..•.••...••..•..•••••••••••34 10.Map showing location of wells for which hydrographs are sh<::JYlIl in figures 11-26 40 Figures 11-26.Hydrographs shooing: 11.water levels in a well near Vbods Cross,1936-37, 1946-47, 1955-56,and 1984-85 ••••••••.•••••••••••43 12.water levels in a well southwest of Fannington, 1955-56,1958-59,and 1984-85 ••••.•••••.•••••••••44 13.water levels in a well near Hill Air Force Base, 1964-65 and 1984-85 ••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••44 14.water levels in a well near Kaysville,1936-37, 1946-47, 1955-56,and 1984-85 ••••••••••••••••••••45 15.water levels in a well near Great Salt Lake, 1955-56,1958-59,1963-64,and 1984-85 •••••••••.•45 16.water levels in a well near Great Salt Lake, 1936-37, 1953-54,1958-59,and 1984-85 ••••••••••.46 17.water levels in a well near Wilson,1936-37, 1955-56,1959-60,and 1984-85 ••••••••••••••••••••46 18.water levels in a well south of Willard,1953-54, 1958-59,1959-60,and 1984-85 ••••••.••.••••••••••47 19.water levels in a well near East Layton,1984-85 •••48 20.water levels in a well canpleted in oonsolidated rock near Harrisville,1984-85 •••••••••••••••••••48 21.water levels in a well north of Slaterville,1984-85 49 22.water levels in a well west of WOods Cross,1936-85 49 23.water levels in wells near Kaysville,1984-85 ••••••50 24.water levels in wells near Great Salt Lake,1984-85 50 25.water levels in wells north of Roy,1984-85 ••••••••51 26.water levels in wells near Pleasant View,1984-85 ..51 Figure 27.Ccxrparison of cumulative departure frem the average annual precipitation at the ~den Pioneer Powerhouse to:a)water levels in well (B-5-2)33<Xi~1 and wi thdrawal frem wells for nunicipal and industrial use in the Weber Delta area;and b}water levels in well (B-2-1}26aad-l and withdrawal frem wells for rmnicipal and industrial use in the Bountiful area •••52 28.Hydrographs shONing water levels in selected wells, 1936-85 53 Figures 29-31.Map:;showing: 29.O1ange in water levels in the East Shore aquifer system,Bountiful area,1946-47 to 1985 .•.•••••••58 30.O1ange in water levels in the East Shore aquifer system,1953-55 to 1985 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••60 31.Change in water levels in the East Shore aquifer system,1969 to 1985 •••••••••••••.•••••••••••••••62 vi lILUS'lRATION:i-COntinued Page Figure 32.Bar graph shCMing withdrawal frem wells for rrunicipa1 and industrial use,1955-84 •••••••••.•••.•••••••••••.•65 33.Map shCMing approximate boundary of flCMing-well area, 1954 am 1985,am location of sections used to estimate discharge frem flowing wells .••••.••.••.•..•68 Figures 34-39.Hydrogra};ils shCMing: 34.water level in am discharge frem well (B-1-1)IQaac-l,1963-85 ••••••••••.•••.•••••••••••70 35.water level in and discharge frem well (B-7-1)30dca-l,1963-85 •.•.••••••••••••••••••••.••70 36.water level in am discharge frem well (B-7-2)32bbb-l,1963-85 •••••••••.••••••.•••••••••70 37.water level in am discharge frem well (B-l-l)lQaac-l,1984-85 71 38.water level in am discharge frem well (B-7-1)3Odca-l,1984-85 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••71 39.water level in am discharge frem well (B-5-3)lSdda-l,1984-85 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••72 40.Bar graph shCMing total discharge fran 27 selected flCMing wells,1963-85 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••73 41.Map showing areas of different rates of drain discharge and c:xxrputation lines used for estimating diffuse seepage to Great salt Lake ••••••••.•.••••••••76 42.section fran Weber canyon to Great salt Lake sh:>wing flow path of ground water and values for specific ooooucta.nce 83 Figures 43-52.Map:;sh:>wing: 43.O1anical eatltX'sition of water fran wells,and areas where temperature of water frem wells exceeds 20 degrees celsius •••••••••••••••••••••••86 44.O1loride concentration of water fran wells and selected.spr ings 88 45.IDeation of evapotranspiration,general-head boundary,and inactive cells in the rrodel of the East Shore aquifer system •••••••.•••••••.••.••.••96 46.Transmissivity of layer 2 •••••••••••.•••••••.••••••102 47.Transmissivity of layer 3 .•••••••••.•••••••••••••••104 48.Rate and location of constant recharge values and drain areas used for steady-state sirrulations in the IOCldel of the East Soore aquifer system ••••108 49.IDeation of cells used in the calibration of the nodel of the East Shore GqUifer systan •••••••••••112 50.Comparison of potentiometric contours based on rreasured water levels for 1955 and contours of corputed water levels,ItkXiel layer 2 •••••••••••.•114 51.Comparison of potentiometric contours based on rreasured water levels for 1955 am contours of c:xxrputed water levels,model layer 3 •••••••••••••116 52.IDeation of cells cxmtaining flowing and pmtped ~lls ...•..•.•..•..••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••120 vii ILLUS'IRATI(N)-eontinued Page Figure 53.Graph shaving groum-water budget resulting fran steady-state am transient-state calibrations ••••.•••123 54.Map shaving cxxrparison of neasured am canp.1ted changes in water levels in layer 3,1955-85 ••••••••••124 Figures 55-63.Hydrogra}';tls shaving: 55.Measured am canp..1ted water levels during 1956-85 for an observation well in layer 1 •.•.•••.•••••••126 56.Measured am canp.1ted water levels during 1956-85 for observation wells in layer 2 •••••..••••.•••••127 57.Measured am canp..1ted water levels during 1955-85 for observation wells in layer 3 •.•.....•....••..128 58.~asured am canp.1ted water levels during 1956-85 for an observation well in layer 3 •...•••••..•.•.131 59.~asured am canp.1ted water levels during 1958-85 for an observation well in layer 3 •••.....•••.•••131 60.~asured am canp.1ted water levels during 1965-85 for an observation well in layer 3 •••.•••••..••••131 61.~asured am colplted water levels dur ing 1968-85 for observation wells in layer 3 •••.•••••••••.•••132 62.~asured am canp.1ted water levels during 1970-85 for an observation well in layer 3 .•••••••.•••••.133 63.~asured am canp.1ted water levels during 1971-85 for an observation well in layer 3 ••••••••••••..•133 Figures 64-67.MaPs shaving: 64.CaIparison of PJtentiooetric contours based on neasured water levels for 1985 am contours of CDlpUted water levels,IOCdel layer 2 ••.•.••••.•.•134 65.COmparison of potentiooetric contours based on neasured water levels for 1985 am contours of CDlpUted water levels,model layer 3 •••••••••••••136 66.Sinulated changes in water levels duri~ 1985-2005,in model layer 3,usi~a recharge rate of 107,000 acre-feet per year .•••••.••••••.•140 67.Sinulated changes in water levels during 1985-2005,in nodel layer 3,using a recharge rate of 100,000 acre-feet per year ••••••••••••••.142 viii Table 1.~nnal monthly precipitation for 1951-80 at Bear River Refuge,~den Sugar Factory,Ogden Pioneer R:Merhouse,and Pineview Dam climatologic stations ...10 2.Population in the East Shore area ••...•.••.•••..••..•••11 3.Estimated infleM to East Soore area fran major streams, water years 1969-84 .....•.•........•......•..•.......17 4.Estimated infleM to East Shore area fran ungaged perennial,intermittent,am e{ileneral streans,water years 1969-84 ....................................•...18 5.Results of aquifer tests .•••••.••••••••.•••.•••..••.••.25 6.SUnmary of recharge to the Fast Shore aquifer system •.•26 7.Estimated annual subsurface infleM fran oonsolidated roc::::J{to resin fill 33 8.Vertical gradients between water-bearing units of different depths in the East Shore area,1985 .•...•.•38 9.Primary reason for water-level fluctuations in oose-rvation ~lls ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••42 10.Estimated discharge by diffuse seepage to Great 5a.lt I..a.ke ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••79 11.Appro.'Cimate hydrologic budget for the East Shore aquifer system,1969-84 81 12.Specific conductance of water fran streans at high am low fleM,selected spr ings,and Gateway tunnel ..•...•82 13.O1emical analyses of water fran selected wells sampled before 1970 am after 1980 .••..••.•.••••.••••••••••.91 ix OONIJERSICN FAC'IDRS AID RELATED INFCRMATICN For readers who prefer to use rcetr ic units,oonversion factors for inch-p:>Und units used in this report are listed below: M.1ltiply inch-round units acre acre-foot cubic foot per second cubic foot per day cubic mile foot foot per acre foot per day foot per mile foot squared per day gallon per minute ind1 mile square mile To obtain metric units 0.4047 hectare 4,047 square rceter 0.001233 cubic hectatEter 0.02832 cubic meter per second 0.02832 cubic meter per day 4.168 cubic kilaneter 0.3048 meter 0.7532 meter per hectare 0.3048 meter per day 0.1894 meter per kilometer 0.0929 meter squared per day 0.06309 liter per second 25.40 millirceter 2.540 centi.neter 1.609 kilaneter 2.590 square kilatEter Chemical concentrations and water temperatures are given in metric units.Chemical concentration is given in milligrams per liter (mg/L)or micrograms per liter (1J.9/L).Milligrams per liter is a unit expressing the concentration of chemical constituents in solution as weight (milligrams)of solute per unit volurce (liter of water).Q1e thoosaoo micrograms per liter is equivalent to 1 milligram per liter.For ooncentrations less than 7,000 mg/L, the numerical value is about the same as fer concentrations in parts per million. Chemical concentration in terms of ionic interacting values is given in milliequivalents per liter (maq/L).Meq/L is ru.urerically equal to equivalents per million. x Water temperature is given in degrees Celsius (OC),which can be oonverted to degrees Fahrenheit (OF)by the follCMing equation: OF =1.8 (OC)...32 National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 (NGVD of 1929)--a geodetic datum derived fran a general adjustIrent of the first-order level nets of both the united States and canada,fonnerly called "Sea Level Datum of 1929". xi GRJUND-WA'lER RES:XlRCES AND SIKJIATED EFFECl'S OF WITHDRAWALS IN '!HE FAST SIDRE ARPA OF GRFAT SALT IAKE,urAH By L\:lvid W.Clark,Cynthia L.~l, Patrick M.Lambert,and Robert L.Puryear u.s.Geological SUrvey The ground-water resources in the East Shore area of Great Salt Lake, Utah,were studied to better define the ground-water system;to document changes in groond-water levels,quality,and storage;and to sinulate effects of an increase in groom-water witlrlra\tals.The East Shore aquifer system is in basin-fill deposits,and is primarily a oonfir~system with unconfined parts near the nnmtain front. Recharge to and discharge from the East Shore aquifer system were estimated to average about 160,000 acre-feet per year during 1969-84,with minor amounts of water beiB;J rE!OOVed fran storage duriB;J that period.Major sources of ground-water recharge are seepage fran surface water in natural channels and irrigation canals,and subsurface inflow fran consolidated rock to the basin-fill deposits.Discnarge of groom water is primarily to wells, water courses,springs,and as diffuse seepage to Great salt Lake.Average annual surface-water inflow to the study area was estimated to be 860,000 acre-feet for the period 1969-84.Annual withdrawal of groum water for nunicipal and industrial use increased fran about 10,000 acre-feet in 1960 to JOOre than 30,000 acre-feet in 1980 to supply a pop.1lation that increased fran 175,000 in 1960 to 290,000 in 1980. Long-term trends of ground-water levels indicate a steady decline at JOOst observation wells since 1952,despite near normal or increased precipitation since the late 1960's.water levels declined as much as 50 feet near the principal pumpiB;J center in the east-central part of the study area. 'Ihey declined as much as 35 feet JOOre than five miles fran the pumping center. 'Ihe increase in withdrawals and subsequent water-level declines have caused about 700 wells wi thin 30 square miles to cease flCMing since 1954. A nl.1I'lerical IIDde1 of the East Shore aquifer system in the Weber Delta area was constructed and calibrated using water-level data and changes in groooo-water withdra\tals for 1955-85.Predictive sinulations were made based on doubling the 1980-84 rate of municipal and industrial withdrawals for 20 years,and using both average and below-average recharge rates.The sinulations indicated \tater-level declines of an additional 35 to 50 feet near the principal pumping center;a decrease in natural discharge to drains, evapotranspiration,and Great Salt Lake;and a decrease in ground-water storage of 80,000 to 115,000 acre-feet after 20 years. 1 INI'RnJCI'ION Increased ground-water withdrawal by municipal and military users in the East Sb::>re area of Great salt Lake has caused widespread water-level declines. water levels have declined as nuch as 50 feet in sane areas since 1952.State and local water managers and water users needed an updated evaluation of ground-water conditions and a tool with which to simulate effects of future changes in recharge and discharge of ground water. Purpose and Scope During 1983-85,the U.S.Geological Survey evaluated the grouoo~ater resources of the Fast Shore area.of Great salt Lake,Utah.'!he study was done in cooperation with the Utah Department of Natural Resources,Division of water Rights.Objectives of the study were to add to the understaooing of the area's ground-water hydrology,to determine dlanges in ground-water coooitions since the 1960-69 study by BoIke and waddell (1972),aoo to simulate effects of potential future ground-water withdrawals on ground-water levels, discharge,and storage. Infonnation collected duriD;J this study included discharge fran ~lls; water levels in ~lls;drillers'logs of wells;water samples for chemical analysis;seepage losses from or gains to canals,streams,and drains;and hydraulic properties of aquifers.A digital-computer model of the ground- water system was constructed on the basis of this and other information. '!his report emphasizes ground water in the basin-fill deposits of the East Shore area,referred to as the East Sb::>re aquifer system.'!he rep:>rt describes ground-water conditions,including recharge,movement,and discharge,water levels,water quality,and voll.1Iles of water in storage.In addition,the rep:>rt describes a canp.1ter sinulation of the aquifer system in the weber Delta area (fig.1),including simulated effects of potential changes in ground-water recharge and discharge.A separate report (D.W. Clark,U.S.Geological Survey,written cammun.,1990)includes a oamputer sinulation of the aquifer system in the Ebuntiful area (fig.1).The results and interpretations presented here are based primarily on data presented by Plantz am others (1986).Their rep:>rt contains records of water quality, discharge,water levels,and drillers'logs for wells in the area. IJxation and Physiografhy '!he East Sb::>re area is a valley or basin lCMland north of salt Lake Ci ty between the ~stern margin of the wasatch RaD;Je and the eastern shore of Great Salt Lake (fig.1).It is at the eastern edge of the Basin and Range fhysiographic province (fig.1),am is a densely p:>p..1lated urban-industrial- suburban area.The largest city is Ogden,which had a population of about 64,000 in 1980 (U.S.Department of eatrrerce,1980).Hill Air Force Base (fig. 1),the area I s largest errployer,includes about 10 square miles of the study area. The study area is about 40 miles 10D;J am fran 3 to 20 miles wide.It includes all of ravis County,about one-half of ~ber County,and a snall part of southern Box Elder County.'!he southern bourXiary is the Davis-salt Lake County line,and the northern boundary is about 1 mile north of the town of 2 Willard.The eastern boundary is the oonsolidated rock of the Wasatch Range and the western boundary is several miles west of the Great Salt Lake shoreline. The East Shore study area includes two somewhat separate hydrologic areas,the Bountiful area and the Weber I::elta area.The BoJntiful area is between the Salt Lake-ravis County line and the line bet\tJeell TcMnship;2 am 3 North.The weber Delta area is considered in this report to start at the oorthern em of the Ebuntiful area am c:altinue to the north ecge of the study area. '!he total anount of laoo within the stooy area fluctuates with the level of Great Salt Lake.During this study,the level of the lake rose at an unprecedented rate,inundating large tracts of lowlying lam near its eastern shore.During 1969-82 the level of the lake was at an average altitooe of aboot 4,199 feet,rot duri~1983-84 the lake rose rapidly to an altitude of about 4,209 feet.At a lake level of 4,199 feet,the study area is about 430 square miles,~ereas at a lake level of 4,209 feet,the study area is about 330 square miles. '!he study area contains two distinct physiogra];i1ic units.The eastern unit is composed of benches (terraces)adjacent to the wasatch Range that extem westward in a series of large steplike units (fig.2).These terraces, formed by Pleistocene Lake Bonneville (Gilbert,1890)have since been dissected by closely spaced mountain-front streams.The second unit is a valley-lowland plain with minor topographic relief that exteoos fram the western edge of the terraces to the shores of Great salt Lake (fig.2).The valley-lowlam plain ranges in width from 1 or 2 miles sooth of Farmington am near Willard to abcut 14 miles north of Ogden,but this width varies with changing levels of Great salt Lake. '!he altitude of the valley floor ranges fram about 5,000 feet near the Wasatch Range to about 4,200 feet at the eastern margin of Great salt Lake, depeooing on the lake level.'!he crest of the Wasatch Range is about 4,000- 5,000 feet above the valley floor;the altitude of the highest peaks are II[)re than 9,700 feet. Ged'lydrologic Setting '!he East Soore aquifer system lies within an elo~ate graben formed by normal faulting along the Wasatch fault zone to the east and an uooefined fault zone near the shore of Great Salt Lake to the west (fig.2). Displacement along the wasatch fault zone may be as much as 10,000 feet (Feth and others,1966,p.21).A major fault is inferred to trend southward just east of the consolidated rocks exposed at Little Mountain aoo toward Eboper Ebt Springs (fig.3)(Feth and others,1966,p.22).This fault oorrespoOOs to the western edge of the graben near the soore of Great salt Lake (Cole,1982, p.592). The Wasa tch Range is a::JIPCSed of rnetam:>rphic and sedimentary rocks that range fram Precanbrian to Tertiary in age.The rocks in the Wasatch Range south of the Ogden River primarily are Precambrian gneiss,SChist,and quartzite,whereas north of the river the Wasatch Range also contains 3 EXPLANATION FOR FIGURE 1 STUDY AREA ~Bountiful area bd Weber Delta area ---4.200 TOPOGRAPHIC CONTOUR--Shows altitude of land surface.Dashed contour represents historic high water elevation of Great Salt Lake.Contour interval,in feet,variable.National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 CLIMATOLOGIC STATIONS Bear River Refuge Ogden Sugar Factory Ogden Pioneer Powerhouse Pineview Dam 4 , '- I I \ " "'-...., 'y "-'\ ) f ) / j 111 °30 , I r--~, ( River (_/ , t r,C~CHECO ,~,{~-~~-~ "'-,;'WEBER CO "---- Brigham City 0 ~. 112°15 1 I ( I ( U1 C5 Morgan .~ "'6 "'~ East Canyon Reservoir "?,.'""'~ Echo ~'J;ReservoIr Coalville o 10MlLES I I o 1'0 KILOMETERS Figure 1.--Location of the East Shore area of Great Salt Lake. Figure 2.--Generalized block diagram showing water-bearing formations.probable directions of ground-water movement (arrows).and areas of recharge and discharge. 6 Paleozoic limestones,dolomites,shales,and quartzites.Tertiary conglomerates are exposed in the area south of Bountiful. Basin-fill deposits ccrtprising the East Shore e:quifer system were eroded from the mountains and deposited in the grabens during Pleistocene Lake Bonneville and pre-Lake Bonneville time.The basin fill is composed of unconsolidated and semi-consolidated sediments in a series of interbedded alluvial am lacustrine dep:>sits.~t of the sediments are coarse grained near the mountains,particularily near the IlO.1ths of canyons,~1here delta, alluvial-fan,and mudflow materials predominate.Fine-grained sediments predaninate tCMard the western edge of the graben,where llDst of the dep::>si ts are lacustrine.'lhe total thickness of the basin fill generally is unknown, but is estimated to be approximately 6,000 to 9,000 feet thick in the Weber Delta area (Feth arrl others,1966,p.22).en the basis of shallow seismic- reflection surveys,the total thickness may be as much as 6,300 feet near the weber River in T.5 N.,R.2 W.south of Slaterville (fig.3)(Feth and others, 1966,p.28);on the basis of gravity data,the thickness may be as much as 7,500 feet urrler Hill Air Fbrce Base (Glenn and others,1980,p.37-47).The thickness of basin-fill deposits decreases substantially toward the western edge of the graben.The thickness of the basin fill in the Bountiful area is unknorrm;harever,the deepest well in the area was canpleted in unconsolidated material at a depth of 1,985 feet (Ttatas and Nelson,1948,p.86). Further description of the geology of the East Shore area can be fmoo in Feth and others (1966)and Thomas and Nelson (1948).In addition to subsurface geology,paleontology,and structure,e.uaternary arrl surficial geology are detailed in those rep:>rts. Climate The climate of the East Shore area is temperate and semiarid with a typical frost-free season fran May to mid-october.Precipitation increases fran west to east across the valley lowland and on the adjoiniD;J IOOuntains as altitude increases (table 1);the mean annual tenperature differs little with altitude.The normal annual precipitation ranges from less than 12 inches near Great Salt Lake to nore than 20 inches near the IlO.1ntain front.J:Uring 1983,~ver,precipitation was more than twice the normal quantity (National CCeanic and Atnospheric Administration,Envirormental Data service,1984). Pcpulation and Lam Use The East Shore area is one of the fastest-growing regions in the United states:its p:>p.1lation has increased about 66 percent since 1960.The 1980 population was about 290,000;abaJt 260,000 peq>le lived within incorporated areas (table 2).The p:>p.1lation has increased everywhere except within the ci ty of Ogden;in many places the population has doubled or tripled since 1960.The increase in pq;>ulation has occurred primarily in the southern part of the area,and in suburban areas,which have expanded onto former agricultural lands. The 1968-85 change in land use from irrigated cropland and natural vegetation to urban is shown in figure 4.There was an increase of about 12,000 acres of land classified as urban,of which 75 percent was formerly 7 T.5 N. Can ~ » tn » -\ C") :I: 5 MILES _·t·- \, 43 4 5 KILOMETERS '/--~'J-~+ I i··....f~~~/1· JL~/ee"'Spq"g Cr I\,~~)weber 2 32 I "I o T.8 N. CONTOUR INTER VAL.IN FEET,VARIABLE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929O~~ ~s~~~~ West Poin 'r-~'V \:,-\VV / ~~'i \\lLJ ,j\1t V -1 > .------()'.p ~. '7~.-+- 0:':~\ " 112~5',. -- /;~/,,>; ,}(, ,-;/~~ I '1"I"'.J'~\/I~,!BOX ELDER CO ,"..'.,';;-._---7i,,rWEBE-R-CO--'-~---------~==7\'---'---' \/'-::'.,'. I /',....':I'-(i ..'-","",-•~C,;..._d~,I,1;.(:- )/,...~'~."".,f\'i/1i~""-~.~~~en/' /!',-:":".1,C::~=S-I~?c,...\/-:---j-;PlainCity en '\, /-."'~"t"'j~"'i~';;I~'l --I ."''-,.1 ...,I.'';\c::...~i -,1m'"Farr \V~t "$:"--f!....tv"'~,:?:::-'V~':'<II~:),-.===-._.I ··~~.C~ i "\_\".Wat,;en~"'~t'l"'.~-/'.-,''J'\<-..'l',..-.E "<.::>'",,-Ca na I _J.;:~-~'----~_~;,r'~l"I/"----/ I ~\,-,e.;/I \r:__~~! .wI' ".~\-\~'.Q +1 '''----._--,c,,\-'?mI West W a.rl:~d ~\\'o~<1<1 r:,,('0 :If "Slo"g"/' .....1 <,.g!,-"o~Oo!'-;-~ .,.,~"."-.III •'c ~r- ,,\IINorth "---f-";/-- II,-~--11"~."."i-P~"'-,_:;.'/./ ,I,.#-,or'+~L ~."'//,'..... \,.--,~',..I""..,:J'~..11..'\\.j ("t:\!'~///)~'tJ-, -t ..1..,'.'}C·'L'"u ~\ //1 'I 'f~,i~,•.:;·~:·.t",:-~-~_,'"..>.~~~oi~~l~.f-~~J7----:;::r=~{I y":",: '0 ;"'"..10,'1 I";,....~.:;::;:(~~S::.."'-~:;~-'+•\~~~)/~:i~ """,.1·,·"".I /Q ,~~\"i ..1"_,j"'\.Jig er!(':'0°/~ ""."""'--i ,-<,Ie"I R~~~\~v~-,:::,~/-~-.Hoope~,~~EBERt co I oy '.:>:"':...' _____.Yi~~·--:-<\f/-----~~o'DAVIS ·CO---WW..•......•.':-..'T:.'~.....•...•.:.'..---~~:."~~J/:/:1,)Wi "I ",·<J':-f6.-t .,/~o Clinton'I.'····,·'finooper,,'I'. 'sprin~' )..\., "•J.V·i~., ! I 41°15'-\ [ co FAULT--Dashed where approximately located.Bar and ball on downthrown side (mod ified from Davis,1983, 1985) Base from U.S.Geological Survey 1 :125.000 quadrangle. Great Salt Lake and vicinity,Utah.1974 T.l N. T.3 N. T.4 N. -t'~·-e(ii,- :0 'l> /~ C) ""' /' T.2 N. 's fO,;'C "ere;1< UL 0 .... '~~~ 9:ef?!?. occ}' c-~;ek //-----_/ .Cf~c,,--j v-c::~~ c" --'+\"]~i5l<S_c;r-""3- -¢""~~n."."<!..~f../....)/~-",Q..~/ ~~a~_ri~~/~//C1~eV. ./ / / ,,-.,1,. .~:.: F'West /Bountifulc ~..--; f·"". '-'-!'(~-"I"-.,I '.1:_,j.:i7- R.1 W. 4' s I..,--~ ~/:,~,- '., ,d.._,I",I,"'\ ~:;~, ''''''1 ,I,",, (Farmington j{(I)'~./ ,//--- :::-.,1",,1.. '"~--.:;,~.~"'.-i,'l"r .J, ~:~,..~ ".~ "j "I"". I __11~__._ '/. .~ ,I."I"- , Clearfield Syracuse R.2 W. ,'~,.. .j.,II" "I" FARMINGTON >,V(/ .'"~7---.( _,f"~ ..... 7f-. ~. y '"z~~-"')J-{'~';..-,.'. \".:I oJ' 7 ..... ''';''' R.3W. <J\ \ "P "2o "P "2 -\ rn \o '<lrn SECONDARY RECHARGE AREA PRIMARY RECHARGE AREA EXPLANATION R.4 W. 4]'>00'4- III [ill, \0 Figure 3.--Recharge areas and major tauh zones. Table 1.--Normal rrrmthly precipitation for 1951-80 at Bear River Refuge, Ogden Sugar Factory,Ogden Pi~PaNerhouse,am.Pineview Dam c1irrato1ogic stations (Data from National oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Enviromrental Data Service,1983) {);Jden Pioneer Bear River Ogden Sugar Powerhoose Pineview Dam Refuge (altitude Factory (alti tude (altitude (altitude 4,210 feet)4,280 feet)4,350 feet)4,940 feet) Month Precipitation (inches) Jan.1.16 1.52 2.36 3.83 Feb..98 1.27 1.90 3.11 Mar..89 1.41 2.05 3.06 Apr.1.40 2.06 2.52 3.05 May 1.31 1.71 2.14 2.68 June 1.16 1.43 1.58 1.72 July .35 .50 .65 .71 Aug..64 .72 .98 1.09 sept..87 1.10 1.20 1.46 Q::t.1.05 1.27 1.58 2.11 :tt>v.1.03 1.36 1.73 2.76 Dec..96 1.30 1.89 3.21 Annual 11.80 15.65 20.58 28.79 10 Tcible 2.-Population in the East SlrJre area (Data fran u.s.Deparbnent of camerce,Bureau of Census,1971 and 1980) 1980 Percent 1970 Percent 1960 Percent census charge census charge census chao:Je Location 1970-80 1960-70 1960-80 East Shore Area 289,280 29.0 224,203 28.3 174,782 65.5 Box Elder County Willard City 1,242 18.9 1,045 28.4 814 -52.6 Davis County 146,360 47.8 99,024 52.9 64,760 126.0 Bountiful 32,978 18.4 27,853 63.5 17,039 93.5 centerville 8,041 146.1 3,268 38.4 2,361 240.6 Clearfield 17,937 34.7 13,316 50.8 8,833 103.1 Clinton 5,781 227.0 1,768 72.5 1,025 464.0 East Layton 3,537 363.6 763 71.8 444 696.6 Fanningtion 4,692 85.7 2,526 29.5 1,951 140.5 Fruit Heights 2,731 241.4 800 357.1 175 1,460.1 Kaysville 9,804 58.3 6,192 71.6 3,608 171.7 Layton 22,603 66.2 13,603 50.7 9,027 150.4 N::>rth salt Lake City 5,588 160.8 2,143 29.5 1,655 237.6 South weber 1,580 47.3 1,073 180.9 382 313.6 Sunset 5,739 -8.4 6,268 48.0 4,235 35.5 SyraOlse 3,692 100.3 1,843 73.7 1,061 248.0 west Balntiful 3,559 185.6 1,246 31.9 945 276.6 west Point 2,168 112.5 1,020 70.3 599 261.9 ';ix)ds Cross 4,274 36.8 3,124 184.5 1,098 289.3 weber County 141,678 14.1 124,130 13.7 109,208 29.7 Harrisville 1,376 83.7 749 N::>rth C9den 9,316 77.2 5,257 100.6 2,621 255.4 Ogden 64,444 -7.2 69,478 -1.0 70,197 -8.2 Plain City 2,374 53.9 1,543 33.9 1,152 106.1 Pleasant View 3,997 97.1 2,028 118.8 927 331.2 Riverdale 3,840 3.7 3,704 100.4 1,848 107.8 Roy 19,718 37.4 14,356 55.4 9,239 113.4 South C9den 11,358 13.7 9,991 34.9 7,405 53.4 Uintah 720 80.0 400 16.3 344 109.3 washington Terrace 8,217 13.5 7,241 12.4 6,441 27.6 Total for 261,302 29.0 202,598 30.3 155,426 68.1 inoorporated areas Total for 27,978 29.5 21,605 11.6 19,356 44.5 uninoorporated areas 11 Base from U.S.Geological Survey 1 :125,000 quadrangle, Great Salt Lake and vicinIty,Utah,1974 T.l N. T.3 N. T.4 N. //- -'~.-T.2 N. /Sf6ne ~-C~ee-l< UL .--'00-"-cS'ee'" :t:l 'l> /C!: '.)/C"l..,4·.~_-----"_----'--- ';r;.,'Fiirmington -0'"" cL£~ creek_ ft i~"~.-----/ .~'I··t\,--Cr ¢'.:·/. /",tp.fE!!-//~)/ \~V C~ l \J''':!!i"!'j'''/~~e~ Centervi!J.e":~lIe C'~'-cellter '.~-s;:, \~~----'f ~ ''''4-"(__I \ ---f\N.}.\L.a kecl.'. '~-J~:~~\:, ?-',~\i~:- 7;.....MV-'~"'I::",r.O--~AITIA R.1 W. ,<I.."I" ." I·..·· -:'-'1 *-t..----·,,.... ~~~&~~-~ .,..""=-('.J'!:./'":i:--,,_I ~I'." _-_L r'''~ ~¥1. II __.__~ !---I FAl?ilUNGTON I I BAIY-....--....----.-.-'--r-------- R.2 W.I 'Zf"i. ,.\~-Yl/~,.,j,---../:f ~/ '.,-....~.~~,."..j II...IS"~-" '"~..... ',,"~""-1/""""'""-~..._..,::<::.;,:~~."/~'::\<" "",- -t 7-f- <$- , \ "'-. <P 7 'C"A , \ R.3 W. <J\r ""2o ----..._--~-~-.~---~---..,-------~ EXPLANATION ------------ !il ..,.1" ·<.-,~,l' URBAN AREAS IN 1985 THAT WERE NOT URBAN IN 1968--Derived from aerial photos,1985 "',""2 -\ I"ro "tl I" R.4 W. ,, 4~OOI +-'I \. 1::::::::1 MILITARY INSTALLATIONS URBAN AREAS AS OF 1968--Modified from Haws,1970- I-' (,oJ Figure 4.--Land use and land-use change,1968--85. classified as irrigated crcpland.Total acres of irrigated cropland and natural vegetation in the project area decreased by aboot 10 percent during 1968-85. Previous Investigations '.lb:IIas and Nelson (1948)conducted a a:oprehensive study during 1946- 48 of the hydrology of the Bamtiful area at the soothern end of the East Shore area.Their study included water-level and discharge measurements at more than 400 wells.Feth and others (1966)studied the geology and hydrology of the Weber Delta area,which includes the oorthern part of the East Shore area.Their report includes a discussion of ground-water conditions for 1953-56 and a potentianetric map for December 1955.Smith and Gates (1963)conducted a study of the East Shore area to determine changes in water levels and groond-water quality fran 1953 to 1961.BoIke and Waddell (1972)reported on water levels and changes in ground-water quality in the East Shore area during 1960-69i they compiled a generalized map of ground-water quality.A map series of groond-and surface-wa.ter resources and geology of the Wasatch Front (Price and Jensen,1982a,1982bi Price and LaPray,in press;Davis,1983,1985)have recently been a:opleted. ~ll-Ntunbering System USed in utah The system used to number wells in Utah is based on the cadastral land-survey system of the U.S.Government.The number,in addition to designating the well,describes its p:>sition in the land net.By the land- survey system,the State is divided into four quadrants by the salt Lake Base Line and Meridian,and these quadrants are designated by A,B,C,and D,indicating respectively the northeast,northwest,southwest,and southeast quadrants.lIllIrbers designating the township and range (in that order)follow the quadrant letter,and all three are enclosed in parentheses.'Ihe nllIIber after the parentheses indicates the section,and it is followed by three letters indicating the quarter section,the quarter-quarter section,and the quarter~rter~rtersection--generally 10 acres 1 ;a,b,c,and d indicate,respectively,the oortheast,northwest, southwest,and sootheast quarters of each subdivision.The number after the letters is the serial number of the well within the lo-acre tract.If a well cannot be located within a 10-acre tract,one or two location letters are used and the serial nlillber is anitted.Thus,(B-7-l)30dca-l designates the first well constructed or visited in the NEiswtSE!,sec.30, T.7 N.,R.2 W.'Ihe nllIIbering system is illustrated in figure 5. AcknCMled;prents Special acknowledgments are extended to the residents,the officials of various cities and towns,irrigation companies,conservancy districts, lAlthoogh the basic land unit,the section,is theoretically I square mile,many sections are irregular.Sum sections are subdivided into 10- acre tracts,generally beginning at the southeast corner,and the surplus or soortage is taken up in the tracts along the oorth and west sides of the section. 14 Sections within a township Tracts within a section ab c (t----::>"""-:7-'S-''''----1 M i le-------- LAKE lB. I T.7 N.,R.1 w. SAL T R 1 W 6 5 ..~2 I 7 8 9 I~"12 18 17 16 15 \-13 ·I~20 21 22 '\2.. ""~ K 27 \25 30 _____29 26 WHile ~ 31 32 ~~35 \~ I 6 Miles ..............~\ ~ T 7 N o I I z...,-c- <r ~ :IE I I c ,~ ""... -' I I -I -'... '"----- "Salt Lake City , I I, I I 1 I I_____J Figure 5.--Well-numbering system used in Utah. 15 and industries in the East Soore area who gave permission for the use of their wells for water-level measurerrents and aquifer testing and who provided other useful information for this study.'lhe cx:x::peration of officials of the State of Utah and Box Elder,Davis,and Weber Counties was helpful and is appreciated. Surface water is the primary source of irrigation water in the East Shore area,and it is also used extensively by municipalities and industries as part of their water supply.Average annual (1969-84)surface"ater inflow to the East Shore area fran all sources,but IOOStly fran nine major streams, is estimated to be about 860,000 acre-feet.The estimated surface-water inflow from the nine streams for water years 1 1969-84 is shown in table 3. 'lhe inflow for 1928-47 is given in Feth and others (1966,p.34),and the inflow for 1948-60 is given in Smith and Gates (1963,p.15). calculations of inflow from major streams are based on continuous recx:>rds of water st.age at sate stations and p:lrtial recx:>rds at other stations, which were correlated to long-term records fran nearby streartE.The estimated flCM of Eblmes,Ricks,Parrish,Stone,ani Mill Creeks for 1969-84 is based on recx:>rds of annual flCM available fran 1950 to 1968,which were correlated with long-term records of flow for City Creek in northern salt Lake COunty.The estimated flow for 1972-75 and 1980-84 for Farmington Creek was based on annual flow fran 1950-71 and 1976-79 cx:>rrelated with flCM of City Creek.The estimated flCM for Centerville Creek for 1981-84 is based on records of annual flow for 1950-80 cx:>rrelated with flCM of City Creek.Flow of the Ogden River was estimated fran the carmissioner's reIX>rts of the Ogden River distribution system for 1969-81 (Barnett,1969-77,Bergoout,1978-81)by cxxrt>ining the flCM of the river at a gage dCMIlStream fran Pineview Reservoir,flow at the Pioneer powerhouse,and flCM in the Ogden-Brigham and Ogden Highline canals.FICM for 1982-84 was estimated by adding the total releases from Pineview Reservoir (Pineview Reservoir personnel,written camnun.,1985)ani the flow at the gagin;station on \'I1eeler Creek.The estimates for the Ogden River do not include flow from several other small streams downstream from the gagin; station.'lbtal flCM of the ~ber River was estimated fran records of flow at the gaging station near Gateway and from records of flow diverted to the Gateway Tunnel contained in the commissioner's reports of the Weber River distriwtion system (Jdmson,1969-84). The estimated average annual inflow to the East Shore area from perennial,ephemeral,ani intermittent streams for which there are 00 records of flow is about 47,000 acre-feet (table 4).The streams with mean annual flow greater than 1,000 acre-feet generally are perennial upstream fran the canyon roouths,ani water often reaches the valley lowland during periods of high flow.M:>st of the water in eJ;i1eneral ani intermittent streams seeps into alluvial fans or high benchlands where the definable channels terminate. 1All surface"ater records in this report are given by water year.A water year is the 12 m::mths eniing septanber 30 ani designated by the year in which it enis. 16 2able 3.-Estimated inflaN to East S1r>re area fran major strea:I11S, hater years 1969-84 [Flow in thousand acre-feet] water Ogden Weber Holmes Farmington Ricks Parrish centerville Stone Mill Total year River River Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek Creek 1969 233 617 4 13.3 2 2 2.4 4 8 886 1970 196 403 3 10.4 2 2 2.4 3 7 629 1971 232 561 4 14.4 3 2 3.4 4 9 833 1972 270 611 4 13 2 2 3.1 4 7 916 1973 203 501 3 12 2 2 2.8 3 7 736 1914 245 610 4 15 3 2 3.6 5 9 897 1975 241 641 5 17 3 2 3.5 5 11 929 1976 188 431 3 9.0 2 1 2.2 3 6 645 1977 62 166 2 5.8 1 1 1.3 1 2 242 1978 179 448 4 14.8 3 2 3.3 4 8 666 1979 198 373 3 9.5 2 1 1.8 2 4 594 1980 271 565 3 10 2 1 2.5 3 5 862 1981 84 303 2 8 1 1 2 2 4 401 1982 236 609 4 14 3 2 3 4 9 884 1983 329 996 4 16 3 2 3 5 10 1,368 1984 468 1,052 4 14 3 2 3 4 8 1,558 Average annual 227 555 4 12 2 2 3 4 7 816 17 Table 4.-EstiIrated inflow to East Sh:Jre area fran un:jaged perennial, intermittent,and ephemeral streams,hater years 1969-84 Stream Willard Creek Holmes Canyon Pearsons Canyon Unnamed SW.of Willard Peak Maguire Canyon Pine and Ridge Canyons Barrett Canyon Unnamed E.of Barrett Canyon Unnamed S.of Chilly Peak North Ogden Canyon Coldwater Canyon One Horse Canyon Garner Canyon Jumpoff Canyon Unnamed S.of Jumpoff Canyon Unnamed NW.of Johnson Draw Unnamed W.of Johnson Draw Johnson Draw Dry Canyon Goodale Creek Unnamed E.of Sardine Canyon Cold Water Canyon Warm Water Canyon Hidden Valley Taylor Canyon Waterfall Canyon Strongs Canyon Beus Canyon Burch Creek Dry Canyon Spring Creek Corbett Creek North Fork of Kays Creek Middle Fork of Kays Creek South Fork of Kays Creek Snow Creek North Fork of Holmes Creek Baer Creek Shepard Creek Rudd Creek Steed Creek Davis Creek Unnamed N.of Ricks Creek Barnard Creek Unnamed S.of Centerville Canyon Unnamed N.of Stone Creek Holbrook Creek North Canyon Hooper Canyon Unamed SW.of Hooper Canyon Drainage area (A) (square miles) 4.1 .7 .8 1.6 1.3 1.1 1.3 1.0 2.0 3.0 2.0 .8 .7 1.5 .4 .6 .4 .8 1.1 3.4 .7 1.9 .6 .4 2.4 1.2 1.4 1.5 2.5 1.0 2.1 1.8 1.6 2.0 1.9 1.0 2.5 4.3 2.8 1.2 3.1 2.3 1.0 1.7 .5 1.0 4.9 2.4 1.2 3.6 Mean draina~e alti tude (E) (thousands of feet) 7.39 7.05 6.97 7.07 6.74 6.55 6.69 6.90 6.71 6.53 6.76 6.50 6.10 6.85 6.10 6.37 6.04 6.29 6.50 6.62 5.89 6.36 6.04 6.25 6.79 7.21 7.07 6.70 7.47 6.23 6.62 6.53 6.82 7.35 7.24 6.66 7.11 7.09 6.94 6.16 7.05 6.42 6.12 6.73 5.75 6.19 7.16 6.26 5.80 5.01 Mean annual flow (Q) (cubic feet per second) 4.0 .7 .8 1.5 1.0 .8 1.0 .9 1.5 1.9 1.5 .6 .4 1.2 .3 .4 .2 .5 .8 2.2 .4 1.2 .3 .3 1.8 1.2 1.3 1.1 2.7 .6 1.5 1.2 1.3 2.1 1.9 .8 2.2 3.5 2.2 .7 2.6 1.4 .6 1.3 .2 .6 4.1 1.3 .6 0.9 Mean annual flow (acre-feet per year) 2.900 510 580 1.100 720 580 720 650 1.100 1.400 1.100 430 290 870 220 290 140 360 580 1.600 290 870 220 220 1.300 870 940 800 2.000 430 1.100 870 940 1.500 1.400 580 1.600 2.500 1.600 510 1,900 1,000 430 940 140 430 3.000 940 430 650 18 Total (rounded)47,000 '!he flow in the streams listed in table 4 was cx:rtpUted by the eq:uation: o =7.69 x 10-4 (A)0.883 (E)3.65 (1) where:o =nean annual flow,in cubic feet per seoom; A =drainage area,in square miles;and E =nean altitude of the drainage basin,in thoosams of feet. Equation 1 was derived fran lOD;1-term flow records for 25 streams in the Wasatch Range with similar drainage-area size and mean altitude.The average sltandard error of estimate was 28 percent and the oorrelation coefficient was 0.95. IXlriD;1 the water years 1969-84,an average of 64 percent of the total inflow to the East StK>re area was fran the Weber River am 91 percent of the total inflow was from the Ogden and Weber Rivers combined.Greater than normal precipitation for most of 1969-84 resulted in the annual flow in the two rivers beiD;1 about 140 percent of the average annual flow during 1928-61. The seasonal fluctuation of flow is extremely large;the largest flows are caused by spriD;1 snowmelt.The hydrograph of flow in the Weber River (fig.6)is considered typical of streams in the area,even thoogh the river is regulated by reservoirs.Fluctuation in total annual flow can also be extremely large,as indicated by the flow in the Weber River for the drought year of 1977 and the flood years of 1983 and 1984.'!he largest mean IOOnthly flow for 1983 and 1984 was ten times greater than the largest nean roonthly flow of 1977.During 1983-84,total annual surfac~ter inflow to the East Shore area in major streams averaged 1,463,000 acre-feet. IXlring 1969-84,an average of aboot 350,000 acre-feet of surface water was diverted annually fran about 60 irrigation systems into irrigation canals, pipelines,and other aqueducts for irrigation use (Jdmson,1969-84;Barnett, 1969-77;Berghout,1978-81).This aroount is about 40 percent of the total surfac~ter inflow to the area during 1969-84.'!he remaining 60 percent of surface-water flow was used for other purposes or occurred during OCtober through June,when there is little or no demand for irrigation use.A tabulation of the estimated amount of surface water used in the East Shore area follows: Use Irrigation Powerplants Wildlife habitat M.micipal or industrial Unused or unacoounted for Total Aver age annual use, acre-feet 350,000 85,000 57,000 40,000 328,000 860,000 19 Percent of annual surf~ter inflow 40 10 7 5 38 100 2,000 3,000 5,000 ........-....-..,..-.,......,-.....-..,..-.,..."'"""l-...,.-..,.-.,..-,.......,~...,.-.,..--, ozo ~4,000 V') a::w Q. f- W W U. U llJ :Ju Z s;1,000 o ..J U. 1969 1970 1975 1980 1984 Figure 6.--Monthly mean flow of the Weber River at Gateway,Utah,1969-84. Surface-water inflow to Great Salt Lake from the East Shore area is estimated to be about 650,000 acre-feet per year for 1969-84,or about 75 percent of the total surface-water inflow to the area.This total was calculated fran data for 1971-76 in a report on total inflow to Great Sal t Lake (Waddell and Barton,1980,p.37-40),and data for the sane period fran tab~es 3 and 4 in this report.Some of this inflow is return or unused irrigation water,or ground water that seeped into natural channels or irrigation canals. GOOUND WATER The East Shore aquifer system is defined as consisting of saturated alluvial deposits between the Wasatch Range and Great salt Lake and which includes artesian cquifers plus a deep unconfined cquifer along the mountain front.The shallow water-table zone in the top:>graphically low parts of the area is part of the overall ground-water system of the East Shore area but is not considered part of the East Shore aquifer system as defined in this report.The shallow water-table zone was not included because of lack of data on recharge to the zone by infiltration of precipitation,large amounts of seepage fran irrigation,and infiltration of urban runoff and water fran urban activities,and a similar lack of data on discharge fran the zone. Geology and Hydraulic properties of the East Shore Aquifer System The East Shore aquifer system is primarily confined with sane unconfined parts along the mountain front.The consolidated rocks in the mountains contain water,but they are considered to be only a source of recharge to the East Shore aquifer system. Feth and others (1966,p.36-37)described the Weber Delta area and Thomas and Nelson (1948,p.167-172)the Bountiful area of the East Shore aquifer system.The Weber Delta area was described as containing two oonfined cquifers,the Sunset and Delta,and locally lU1JlaIl'e(j parts of those aquifers. The Ibuntiful area was descr ibed as containing shallow,intermediate,and deep 20 artesian aquifers.In this report,rowever,the Fast Shore aquifer system is defined as the saturated sediments between the Wasatch Range and the study area's western boundary,excluding the shallow water-table zone in the topographically low parts of the area but including the Sunset and Delta aquifers. The East Shore aquifer system contains individual confined aquifers that have previously been defined and named,unconfined laterally-upgradient extensions of those aquifers,multiple confined zooes within the individual aquifers,and confined and unconfined zones of the aquifer system outside of the areas where individual aquifers have previously been defined.The individual.confined aquifers,as previoosly defined,typically are separated by predominately fine-grained layers several feet to several hundred feet thick which can cause a substantial difference in the hydraulic head (which generally increases with depth in the tqx:lgraJ;t1ically lCMer parts of the East 910re area)between the aquifers.Where confining layers are thin or more permeable,groond water easily IIDveS vertically throogh them fran one aquifer t.o another.This is evident when a well canpleted in a deep aquifer zone is p.mped and water-level declines are cbserved in wells CXXlpleted in a shallCMer aquifer zone.The water-level declines in the shallower aquifer zone are a result of leakage through the confining layers separating the zones.Ibwever, where confining layers are tens to hundreds of feet thick and less permeable, little vertical roovement takes place,and pmping a well in a deep aquifer zone results in ooly small water-level declines in an overlying aquifer zone. The SUnset and Delta aquifers,as defined by Feth and others (1966), were delineated in the central part of the Weber Delta area from about Kaysville north to Plain City and fran the western part of Hill Air FOrce Base west to lix:per (fig.7).Near Great salt Lake the aquifers are composed of thin alternating layers of silt,clay,and sand,and are difficult to differentiate.Within each aquifer,alternating layers of fine and coarse- grained materials occur.Within the central part of the weber Delta area, wells <XIIpleted at depths fran 200 to 400 feet were considered to be canpleted in the Sunset aquifer,and wells cx:etpleted at a depth greater than 400 feet were considered to be cx:etpleted in the Delta aquifer.In all areas ootside of the central part of the weber Delta area,no delineation of indiviual aquifers \'1ithin the East Shore aquifer systen was made. The top of the Sunset aquifer is as shallow as 200 feet below land surface in sane locations,but is roore typically between 250 and 400 feet below land surface (Feth and others,1966,p.37).The aquifer is canp:>sed of sand;mixtures of gravel,sam,and clay;or sand and clay.The thickness of the aquifer ranges fran 50 to 200 feet.'!be SUnset aquifer is less permeable than roost of the rest of the East Shore system and consequently fewer wells are completed in the Sunset.The material composing the aquifer becomes progressively finer grained toward Great salt Lake. The Delta aquifer,which is asslltled to underlie rocst of the Weber Delta part of the East Soore aquifer system,is IIDstly canp:>sed of deltaic deposits of the Weber River that extend westward fran the IOOUth of weber canyon.The top of the aquifer is fran 500 to 700 feet below land surface in most locations (Feth and others,1966,p.36).The aquifer is estimated to be between 50 and 150 feet thick.The total thickness has been penetrated by few wells,and thus is unknown in many places.1he Delta aquifer primarily is 21 T.5 N. ~ ):> c.n ):> -\ CJ ::I:. T.6 N. '84 5 MILES4 -"----------------"[Gate,waY Tunnel 5 KILOMETERS 3 -~s~Q~~/1 4 Taylor can-----.,--'- 2 32 .>.W ebe CSout~~~":::-"-_.~r \Veber "''''-----,'b"~\_,S~._ i o o .~, T.7 N. T.8 N. CONTOUR INTERVAL.IN FEET.VARIABLE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 ,HILL ,\-;F BASE 112~O' Ir61<'gr.~ \~llard ~~Ill> ~---l_ (jV?>~\) ",,\V / / -----,--1 ~~> ,\,~- A~D \,;\\.1,. "I,. ,.1" I,± ~- ,,1_, .,1" ,I,,.1.,,I. ~.. ___~7\~-~'-+----f/... ~ _,I" I"~4-"j.,~ ,1,4 "I,. ~,_,L., 7...t~"" .,1""I'.2!.::.... .,l',~,I, _,1,-,I. o -...",,I,~ \-i ."~"':.,--, ~,I, -'-..~,- /c: ~-....."";~. / / ..J ~ ,/-<12/2 ..___----0'P ~, 'y.:-. "1,,"I., 112~5' ---- Bg~_ELPE8~Q -:-,:;----._ /WEBER CO II'",'"T /'_." / / ;' 41°15'- tv tv AREA WHERE THE SUNSET AND DELTA AQUIFERS CAN BE DIFFERENTIATED T.1 N . T.3 N. T.4 N. m ::0 ~ '2 C"l / /West Bountiful. / ",~-i-_ ,.\~"'P 'ParminRto n ,,-, J:)Or,e. !\,~ c ___i \<:)...-.e, II T~-~~~:a<1 ~"':~ ~-:"-~/--<;'~eek 1\.\1t\~I'S ~:r_ee~k -\~~-.----6"/'~\t-~J'?J~~Y!a_rg Cf :~/ -'\//G'~ \\"parr(~'/~~~~".+-C~~tervilWr~.i\\e "G{ee+-+,,':~~~Te"te JJ __ i I~\T.2 N. r-----+I.kolt=j!II I BO·~NTIFtltc:ueeH ~_'._,.Creel? ,/,HolbrooK ~.~ ,,"'~ ~~.-f-(;.~~1 1:=;.-4/~,..,,~ Saltl Lake\/~Val'•~ •/Verda ~J'v ~"~C:~f)Yon 4' _f ...l .ILQ~y 1~<::9---/0 SALT LAKE CR.1 W.R.1 E. "t.. ,\I, "If.,,1,- R.2 W. ,'~,..,.1,. "I,"I, FAR.II/NerO/v -- '"7' f;.. " EXPLANATION R.3W. v· 7' '"\,>, POTENTIOMETRIC CONTOUR--Shows altitude of the potentiometric surface in wells completed in the Sunset aquifer,in feet above National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929.Dashed where approximately located.Contour interval 10 feet OBSERVATION WELL COMPLETED IN THE SUNSET AQUIFER--Number is altitude of water level,in feet above National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 L R.4 W. 1> Z -\ (" r 41°00'~-L~0 1) (" <i> r "1> Z 0 Base from U.S.Geological Survey 1 :125,000 quadrangle, Great Salt Lake and vicinity,Utah,1974 4,278• -4,220-- '"W Figure 7.--Area where the Sunset and Delta aquifers of the East Shore aquifer system can be differentiated,and the potentiometric surface of the Sunset aquifer,March 1985. c:onpc:sed of mixtures of gravel,sand,and silt.The aquifer material becomes progressively finer grained t(YWard Great salt Lake. In the Bountiful area,all wells greater than 100 feet deep were considered to be completed in the F~st Shore aquifer systern.Near the rrountain front,the aquifer system is composed of either mudflow deposits which are poorly sorted and only slightly penneable,or sediments deposited at the rrouths of the najor stream channels,which are coarse grained and more permeable.Farther fran the roountains,the sediments oonsist of alternating layers of gravel,sand,and clay.Th:ltas and Nelson (1948,p.167)defined the shallow artesian aquifer as being from 60 to 250 feet below land surface, the inter.mediate artesian aquifer as being from 250 to 500 feet below land surface,and the deep artesian aquifer as being at depths greater than 500 feet.In this rePOrt,these aquifers were not differentiated because they have neither substantial lithologic differences or large vertical head differences. Unconfined parts of the East Shore aquifer systan generally are present only as lateral extensions of the oonfined aquifers upgradient in a small area near the mountain front within the recharge area (fig.3).'!he sediments in these parts of the aquifer system typically are ooarse grained:finer grained oonfining layers are thin or absent.Unoonfined ground water that is not part of the East Shore aquifer system as defined in this report is present in flood-plain deposits along stream channels,in isolated perched water-table aquifers on the bench areas,and throughout the valley lowlands within a few feet of land sur face . Transmissivity and storage coefficient were determined from aquifer tests and by reanalyzing aquifer tests conducted prior to this study.The results of the tests are given in table 5. Values of transmissivity determined fran aquifer tests range from 150 to 30,000 feet squared per day.'!he smallest values generally are from wells nearer the western edge of the valley lowland where the aquifers are predaninately fine-grained and thinly bedded,and fran sane wells finished in unfractured rock or in rrudflow deposits near the rrountain front.The largest values of transmissivity generally are from wells finished in thick coarse- grained alluvium near the center of the valley,under the benchlands,or near river or stream channels. The values in table 5 do not necessarily represent the full range of transmissivity in the study area.Values estimated from other methods including specific-capacity data (Theis and others,1963,p.331-340), lithologic data from drillers'logs,and previously published results of aquifer tests,indicate that transmissivity nay be much larger in the area south of Ogden and near Hill Air Force Base. Values of storage coefficient for the oonfined parts of the Fast Soore aquifer systan are fairly oonsistent throughout the study area.The values range from about 3 x 10-6 to 1 X 10-4 with an average value of about 9 x 10-5 • 24 ~e 5.-Results of aquifer tests Location:p.~.ell;F.flowing well:I.injection .ell. Methals of ana lysi s:tt4.Hantush nalified nethal (Hantush.1960»;SLM.Straight-l ine solution metlnd (Jacm am Lotman.1952);1M.Injection method (Coqler and others.1967.p.264.265) Transmissivity (T)Storage Location (feet squared per day)ooefficient (S)wel'tested ObServat1<Jl Methcx1 of well Date Discharge Dra~Recovery Drawda!m Recovery analysis (gallons per minute) (A-2-1)7dca-1 P 10-47 400 1.8JO SLM 2Ocdd-1 P 10-47 26 6.700 SLM 28bca-1 P 4-76 1.500 5.000 SLM 32ccl>-2 P 2-58 1.000 30.000 SLM 34cdl>-l P 7-81 24.>roo SLM 34dcc-1 P 7-76 1.2!ll 1.000 SU4 (B-2-1)13acd-1 F 3-47 38 200 SU4 13cdd-2 F 4-47 105 1.700 SLM 26bdd-2 F 3-47 2!ll 2.000 SLM 26cdd-1 F 5-36 53 1.000 SLM 26dca-3 F 3-47 275 7.100 SU4 (B-3-1)5dda-1 F 3-85 200 4.000 SLM 15aal>-l I 5-85 33 150 1M (B-4-1)19daa-1 P (B-4-1 )19cd 10-53 1.800 10.000 2.6 X 10-4 tt4 2Ocbb-1 Dbba-1 (B-4-2)12bbb-1 P (B-4-2)2.dad 4-53 1.3))17 .000 1.2 X 10-4 tt4 12bdc (B-4-2)14baa-1 P 3-85 275 7.700 SU4 (B-5-2)3laa-1 P (B-5-2)3laa-2 3-85 5!ll 5.100 5.))0 1.5 X 10-4 1.4 X 10-4 tt4 (B-5-2)16daa-2 P 8-85 1.800 16.700 4.4 X 10-5 SU4 (B-5-2)16dcd-1 13,100 Ifo\ (B-5-2)22dcd-1 P 6-84 1.600 23.500 5.6 X 10-5 2.9 X 10-6 SLM (B-5-2)llaac-1 3.500 3.8lO tt4 14bdc-1 16dCd-1 26daa-1 36bcc-1 (B-6-1)4bbd-1 P 8-68 7!ll 4.300 3.1 x 10-4 SLM ~B-6-1~5cdb-l 700 tt4 B-7-1 33dbd-1 (B-6-2)25 P (B-6-2)25bbc-1 4-54 l.m 1.2 X 10-4 Ifo\ 25bbc-3 25bca-1 25bc1>-1 (B-6-2»))ada-1 F 3-85 100 2,!llO SU4 (B-7-3)31daa-4 P 12-fB 120 1.))0 7.3 X 10-5 SLM (B-7-3)31aac-1 1.600 tt4 32cbl>-l (B-7-3)31dal>-l P (B-7-3)31dac-1 12-fB 54 380 4.4 X 10-5 tt4 (B-7-3)31d P (B-7-3)31daa-1 12-fB 35 1.500 1.4 X 10-5 tt4 25 Recharge Annual recharge to the East Shore aquifer system is estimated to have averaged about 153,000 acre-feet during 1969-84 (table 6).The ultimate source of nost of the recharge water is precipitation in the nnmtaioous areas of numerous basins that drain to the East Shore area.The aquifer system is recharged by seepage of water from streams,canals,irrigated fields,lawns and gardens,by infiltration of precipitation,am by subsurface inflow from oonsolidated rock of the Wasatch Range to basin-fill depcsits. Table 6.--SU117I1laI'lj of recharge to the East Shore aquifer system Source seepage fran natural channels am irrigation canals seepage fran irrigated fields seepage fran lawns am gardens Infiltration from precipitation Subsurface inflow Total Estinated annual recharge (acre-feet) 60,000 5,000 3,000 10,000 75,000 153,000 Recharge Area Recharge to the East Soore aquifer system was calculated only for the area near the front of the Wasatch Range,where the surficial and underlying sediments are permeable enough to transmit water downward to the alluvial aquifers.The zone of perneable sediments extends as far as 7 miles west of the mouth of Weber Canyon to less than one-fourth of a mile west of the m::mntain front in areas north of ~den and south of Farmington (fig.3).The recharge area oonsists of two parts (fig.3)that have different potential for accepting recharge by Cbwnward IOOVanent.'!he pr imary recharge area is nearest the nountain front;it is underlain by predominately permeable sands and gravel that enhance infiltration of recharge water.'!he seoorrlary recharge area is farther fran the mountains;it is underlain by some finer grained sediments that partially impede downward movement and therefore probably accepts direct infiltration less readily than areas closer to the mountain front (Feth and others,1966,p.39).Altoough 00 direct relation was koown for infiltration rates between the recharge areas,for the purpose of calculating recharge,it was assumed that the rate of infiltration in the seoorrlary recharge area was one-half of the rate of the primary area. 26 Seepage from Natural Channels and Irrigation Canals The average annual recharge during 1969-84 by seepage from natural channels and irrigation canals that cross the recharge areas was estimated to be about 60,000 acre-feet,primarily as seepage from channels of major streams.In areas where the streams enter the valley lowland,the natural channels contain gravel,boulders,and larger sized material that are permeable and susceptible to seepage.Fluctuations of water levels in serre wells near stream channels show a relation to fluctuations in annual streamflow.The relation between the highest water level in a well and the annual flow in Centerville Creek for the water years 1950-84 is shown in figure 8 and indicates possible recharge fram the stream upgradient fram the well. weber River The average annual recharge by see,Page fram the weber River during 1969- 84 was estimated to be 26,000 acre-feet.seepage losses were estimated to range fram about 12,000 acre-feet in the drought year of 1977 to about 38,000 acre-feet per year during the high water and flood years of 1983 and 1984. 'The estimates are ba.sed on a series of flow measuranents made during this and other projects including a concurr€'.nt study on canal and river losses (Herbert and others,1986).Losses fram the river occur in the river channel for about It to 2 miles downstream from the lYOuth of Weber Canyon (fig.3).The river channel oontains large boulders and oobbles and is entrenched within a flood plain about one-quarter mile wide.Even during high flow the river generally stays within its channel and does not spill onto the flood plain. Losses from the river at the mouth of Weber Canyon were estimated to range fram about 3 percent of the floo during high flow to about 20 percent of the flow during low or base flow.These estimates are based on seepage measuranents made during this and other studies during IOOderate and low flG/s. The total monthly flow of the river at the mouth of Weber Canyon was determined by subtracting the total diversions fram the river cbwnstream from the gaging station near Gateway fram the floo near Gateway.Estimated losses during four high-flow months (March-June)account for one-half of the estimated total annual losses.Losses during low-floo periods are estimated to be about 20 cubic feet per seoond,whereas average losses during high-flow periods are estirrated to be about 60 cubic feet per seoond. The sediments in and underlying the river channel near the canyon mouth are extremely penreable.They apparently are at least hundreds of feet thick and there is no evidence of finer grained layers to impede downward movement of recharge water. west of the primary recharge area (fig.3),mwever,there is evidence in drillers'logs of shallow wells of a perched zone near and probably underlying the river.Feth and others (1966,p.41)reported possible eastward movement of water toward the mountains in this shallow zone. Although all seepage studies conducted on the river during this study show substantial gains in the flaY of the river in this area,these gains are mst likely water moving fran permed zones on the adjacent benchlands and flood plains into the river channel.'!hey are not believed to be return flow fram upstream river losses (Feth and others,1966,p.41). 27 4.000 35 wu« 3.500 u. 0::30 :J Vl 3.000 0 Z f-25 «w ..Jw2.500 Wll.>W 20 00::II)u 2.000 ««f-z W-15 w :5:1,500 u. 0 Z ..J LL 1,000 10 ..J. w > W ..J 500 5 0:: W f-« 0 ~ 1ft 0 1ft 0 1ft 0 •1ft ••..........co ClOGtGtGtGtGt-Gl Gl Figure B.--Relation between annual flow of Centerville Creek and highest water level in well (A-2-1 )18abd-12.water years 1950-84. CJ3den River Annual recharge from the CJ3den River is a small percentage of the total annual flow of the river.The annual recharge is estimated to average about 3,000 acre-feet and to range from 2,000 to about 4,000 acre-feet.These estimates are based on the average monthly flow at the mouth of Ogden Canyon for 1969-81 and on results of seepage measurements made during this and previous studies.Seepage losses are estimated to average about 3 cubic feet per second (Feth and others,1966,p.41)and are estimated to range fram about one to five percent of the flow.The area near the mouth of Ogden Canyon appears similar to the area near the mouth of Weber Canyon in topography and in the composition of the riverbed deposits;however,only minimal recharge to the Fast Shore aquifer system is estimated from this major source of surface water. other major streams The average annual recharge from the other major streams,listed in table 3,is estimated to total about 8,500 acre-feet.This estimate is based on records and estimates of monthly flow and seepage measurements made on three streams assumed to be representative of the other major streams. Measurements to detect seepage losses were made on Mill,Parrish,and Holbrook Creeks during high flows in June 1985.Fach stream was divided into three sections,the uppermost section starting where the stream is entrenched in consolidated rock,and the lower section generally ending at the west boundary of the primary recharge area (fig.3).Measurable losses of flow in all three streams,were fairly consistent,ranging from about 10 to 20 percent of the flow.seepage losses occurred in the middle section generally between altitudes of about 4,800 and 4,600 feet. 28 Average annual recharge for 1969-84 fran Mill Creek was estimated to be 1,800 acre-feet by assllIling a seepage loss of 15 percent at high flow,based on measurerrents,and a maximum of 50 percent loss during low flow,based on information from local residents and observations.Total annual recharge is aboot 25 percent of the total annual flow. Using similar procedures,average annual recharge was estimated to be 430 acre-feet fran Parrish Creek and 750 acr~feet frem Iblbrook Creek.Total annual seepage loss is about 25 percent of the total annual flow of these tw:> streams. EStimates of the average annual recharge frem other streams for 1969-84, based on a 25 percent seepage loss,are:Iblmes Creek,880 acre-feet;Ricks Creek,580 acre-feet;Qenterville Creek,680 acr~feet;and Stone Creek,880 acre-feet.The recharge from Farmington Creek was decreased to about 20 percent of the annual flow,or about 2,500 acr~feet per year for 1969-84, because of summertliDe diversions from the stream upstream of the recharge area. ungaged perennial,e};i1aneral,and intermittent streans Recharge frem smaller streams generally is by seepage into alluvial fans near the IInlths of canyons and is estimated to total about 12,500 acre-feet per year.No accurate estimates of losses are available for most of these streams.For this study,it was assumed that seepage losses from these streams range fran 25 to 50 percent of the total annual fla-l,depending on the location of the stream and the estimated amount of annual flow.Seepage measurements indicate larger losses in the primary recharge area than in the seoondary area.Therefore,streams that cross only the secondary recharge area (fig.3)were assumed to have no more than a 25-percent seepage loss, whereas IIDSt of the streams that cross the primary recharge area were assumed to have an annual loss of 50 percent of their total flow.Streams that cross the primary recharge area and have an estimated annual flow of about 1,500 acre-feet or greater (table 4)were assurred to have a loss of about 25 percent of the total annual fla-l on the basis of measurerrents of Holbrook and Par r ish Creeks.The streams listed in table 4 that are tributaries to the Ogden River between the gage bela-l Pineview Reservoir and the IIDuth of the canyon are not included in these estimates. Irrigation canals Irrigation canals within the recharge area range in size fram small ditches to the Davis-Weber Canal,which annually transJ.X)rts about 70,000 acre- feet of water.Most of the major canals in the recharge area are lined with ooncrete am,therefore,lose little if any water by seepage. The Davis-Weber Canal system has been in operation for many years;its concrete lining is cracked and in poor condition in places.Seepage measurements made on 9 reaches of the canal during sturmer 1985 as part of a OOllCUrrent study (Herbert and others,1986)indicated losses near the head and end reaches of the canal,with little evidence of losses from the middle reaches.A ma jor part of the canal system lies wi thin the recharge area,and rrost losses from the canal are considered to recharge the East Shore aquifer 29 system.The average annual recharge frem the canal is estimated to be about 10,000 acre-feet. '!he other canals am ditches in the recharge area are either lined and have small or no seepage losses,or are small,unlined ditches that carry a minimal aroount of water.Losses frem these canals were assuned to be minimal when canpared to losses fran awlied irrigation water and were,therefore,not estimated. Infiltration frem Irrigated Fields,Lawns,am Gardens '!he average annual recharge fran awroximately 6,000 acres of irrigated cropland in the recharge areas is estimated to be 4,500 acre-feet.Abalt 75 percent,or 4,500 acres,of the irrigated cropland is in the secondary recharge area.The aIOOUnt of recharge fran applied irrigation water depends on several factors including the quantity of water applied,the type of application,consumptive use by crq;>s,am the perneabilty of the soils.Q1 the basis of other studies (Feth and others,1966,p.43;Clark and Appel, 1985,p.29;and u.s.Bureau of Reclamation 1967 and 1968,1969)it was estimated that 4 feet of water per year was applied to all cropland.In the pr imary recharge area,where perneable materials occur at the surface,about 30 percent of the applied water,or 1,800 acre-feet,was estimated to recharge the East Shore aquifer system.If 15 percent of the awlied water infiltrated to the East Shore aquifer system in the secondary recharge area,where the surface materials are less perneable,the estimated recharge there was 2,700 acre-feet. '!he average annual recharge fran lawns am gardens in the recharge areas is estimated to be 3,000 acre-feet.AJ;:proximately 16,000 acres of land under predaninately urban (and sate suburban)use (including streets and buildings) is in the recharge area.This total includes about 12,500 acres in the secondary recharge area and 3,500 in the primary recharge area.The water applied to these predaninately urban areas is fran treated municipal suppl ies and from canals am pipelines.The anount of water awlied annually to these areas is unknown but was estimated based on seasonal municipal water-use records to be about 1 foot per acre,or a total of 16,000 acre-feet.~be seepage loss from this awlied water is estimated to be the same as that for irrigated fields,or 30 percent in the primary recharge area (about 1,000 acre-feet)and 15 percent in the secondary recharge area (about 2,000 acre-feet). Direct Infiltration fram Precipitation The average annual recharge by direct infiltration of precipitation in the recharge areas is estimated to be about 10,000 acre-feet;but it may vary considerably from one year to the next depending on aIOOUnt,intensity,season, and type of precipitation.'!he average annual precipitation in the recharge area is estimated to be about 20 inches,based on records at the Ogden Pioneer Powerhouse station (table 1).The recharge area includes about 45,000 acres, of which 13,000 acres is in the primary recharge area and the remaining 32,000 acres is in the secomary recharge area.Q1.the basis of previous estimates (Feth and others,1966,p.43),it was assllIIEd that 20 percent of the average annual precipitation infiltrates in the primary recharge area and 10 percent 30 infiltrates through the less permeable sediments in the secondary recharge area. Suoourface Inflow Suoourface inflow to the Fast Shore aquifer system fran consolidated rocks is estimated to be about 75,000 acre-feet per year as described in the following sections.Most of the inflow is assumed to be by direct water roverrent fran fissures am joints and along faults in the consolidated rock of the wasatch Range to the unconsolidated basin-fill deposits (fig.2).In the southern b~)-thirds of the study area,the Wasatdl Range is pr imar ily carposed of thick sequences of Precambrian netaIIOrphic rocks,whidl in sate areas have been extensively faulted and fractured.water is asswned to enter the rock from seepage of snowmelt percolating down through the mountain soils into fractures or into the weathered mantle overlying the rock. Evidence of inflCM The occurrence of suoourface recharge cannot be directly measured,am estinates are based on only limited available data am assumptions;however, indirect evidence exists of subsurface inflCM fran consolidated rock to the basin-fill deposits.'!he indirect evidence includes data fran wells canpleted in consolidated rock;springs in consolidated-rock areas;differences in the chemical quality of water fran wells,streams,am springs;and cxxnparison of hydraulic heads between wells canpleted in rock am in basin fill where there are only small arrounts of redlarge fran other sources. Numerous wells have been completed at or near the surficial contact between the basin fill and consolidated rock,and data from these wells indicate that in some areas the rock is penneable and that water does rove from consolidated rock to alluvium.sane wells ex:ttpleted in consolidated rock near North Ogden and from Farmington to Bountiful discharge freshwater in quantities of about 50 gallons per minute by artesian flow,indicating that some of the consolidated rock is capable of transmitting substantial quantities of water.wells near Bountiful generally are more prcrluctive when completed in "fractured"rock or near faults indicating the fractured netaIIOrphic rock is transmitting water that may be recharging the downgradient basin fill.Water levels in some wells that are canpleted in the alluvium near the nnmtain front,yet distant fran sources of surface water,fluctuate seasonally,probably in response to red"large by seepage from srnmelt roving into the alluvium from consolidated rock.For exanple,the water level in a well penetrating consolidated rock east of Ogden declined at least 46 feet from september 1984 to April 1985 and rose at least 36 feet in the next 2 mnths,probably due in part to redlarge to consolidated rock. '!he occurrence of springs discharging from consolidated rock,water flCM into the Gateway Tunnel,and gains in flCM in the weber River where it flows on rock are evidence that consolidated rock in the Wasatch Range contains water in substantial quantities.Feth and others (1966,p.42)reported on the discharge of spr ings near the lIOuth of Weber Canyon,which imicates rocks in the Wasatch Range are capable of contributing appreciable VOlUIIES of water to the basin fill.~en the Gateway Tunnel was drilled through the Wasatch Range,considerable water was el1Calntered at varioos places (Feth am others, 1966,p.42).The flow into the tunnel was measured for 2 years and ranged 31 fran about 0.5 to 1.0 cubic foot per second.'lhe hydrografi'l of the flow (Feth and others,1966,pl.7)indicates that fractures and fissures in metanorphic rocks receive recharge fran sn<:MIIelt,which oormally would flow to the basin fill or the weber River if it had oot been intercepted by the tunnel.Flow measurements made on the Weber River near the nouth of Weber canyon during this study were cxxrpared with reoords of flow at the Gateway gaging station several miles up:ltream.'lhe a:xrparison indicates that the river oonsistently gains as much as 25 cubic feet per second,or about 10 percent of the total flow,during lO\rflow periods in that ream.Only mioor tributaries join the weber River in the reach between the measurenent sites;therefore,the gain is probably ground-water inflCM frem oonsolidated rock. Springs that discharge from consolidated rock in the Wasatch Range annually supply a total of about 4,000 acre-feet of water for nunicipalities near the roountains.These springs generally supplement the available surface water and have a reasonably predictable annual disd1.arge. calculation of inflow In order to estimate the subsurface inflow frem the oonsolidated rock to the unoonsolidated basin fill,the following variation of the Darcy equation was used to estimate subsurface flow frem all sources to);X)9raphically higher than the cross section: Q =TIL where: Q =discharge,in cubic feet per day; T =transmissivi ty,in feet squared per day; I =hydraulic gradient (dirrensionless);and L =length,in feet,of the cross section through which flow occurs. (2) 'lhe flow was carq;:uted through a cross section that follows a line along the eastern flank of the valley as close to the basin fill-rock oontact as available data would permi t.'lhe line was divided into 13 segments based on differences in hydraulic properties and available data.The location of the cross section line segments is shown in figure 9,and the estimated flow across toose segments is given in table 7. 'lhe total annual flow of about 130,000 acre-feet cemputed through the section includes about 55,000 acre-feet per year of recharge from other sources upgradient of the section.It is assumed that all recharge from natural channels,about 50,000 acre-feet,occurs near the mouths of the canyons upgradient frem the section.In addition,about 3,500 acre-feet of recharge directly fran precipitation,1,000 acre-feet fran irrigated fields, and 500 acre-feet fran lawns and gardens is asslllled to occur upgradient of the section on the basis of land use there.The adjusted total recharge fran subsurface inflow,therefore,is estimated to be about 75,000 acre-feet per year. 32 Table 7.--Estimated annual subsurface inflow from cxmsolidated rock to basin fill Line segnent Hydraulic Length Discharge (Q) numbers for Tran3Ilissivity gradient of cross section (T)(I)segnent Cubic feet Acre-feet (see fig.9)(feet squared (dim:msionless)(feet)per day per year per day)(roomed)(rounded) 1 10,000 0.0029 28,700 830,000 7,000 2 1,500 .046 21,800 1,500,000 13,000 3 3,000 .032 8,300 800,000 6,700 4 2,000 .017 13,200 450,000 3,800 5 5,000 .025 5,600 700,000 5,900 6 1,000 .032 33,000 1,100,000 9,200 7 25,000 .019 8,200 3,900,000 33,000 8 1,000 .05 44,500 2,200,000 18,000 9 1,500 .067 7,900 790,000 6,600 10 1,000 .043 13,500 580,000 4,900 11 1,000 .03 15,500 460,000 3,900 12 2,000 .06 12,900 1,500,000 13,000 13 500 .06 20,800 620,000 5,200 Total (rounded)130,000 Less recharge within the recharge areas upgradient fran computation line (fig.9)Streams ...................50,000 Direct precipitation ••••••3,500 Irrigated fields ••••••••••1,000 Lawns and gardens •••••••••500 Subtotal 55,000 Total subsurface inflow fran consolidated rock ••••75,000 33 T.5 N, ~ » V) » -\ C'") :I:. 5 MILES GateWaY"Tunn-etGateway ,"-Corbett Cr 4 Can 3 4 5 KILOMETERS ----"--.f!~~~/1 k:.~~, <>6 o,j"y '0'~r /'1'.v,C'./t"~/CC" "'-':",5 pn"g C~ i S4 I River ',~---/ 2 CONTOUR INTERVAL,IN FEET,VARIABLE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 2 3 --+-.\++_YY.a.l.!tlJ~an ,'Sout'::::-~,Weber Weber \ -,.",",,~/"~~{c..~.a-=.."""_ i ,HILL A7 j<BASE Sunset O':o.~..:s~~~~ /~, /0'1 (l' <,<).":),~.,'>1"'.'1\"~/" '('///......Taylor //--' ,,//,// /. //...... ///~/r:::'rJ t-----+--/C]' 'I>~<V Y'~\'v ~~'{ "'4.,1,. '.. ',..1:. ~4""",,~~.,.~ot;~$~~OL.... J './J-j ~II. '),,\.. ".'-'"-.;~., "I",I, AltO "ll'v' 'f- "t,. "I.,~';;"_,II,,l, .,l,. ''''';<;'''J", ,",.1" )~ ",'Ii /0I~Roy .;:;../--Hooper./··i '..~",,'.,7 /!_.'...WE;,BEfl ..CO.._U{-_·~...!.{-;,.~-~--,0 DAVIS CO ..---l(;--',I )/\);'I--~\..,;:.,·~,a f::"0-$.I ,;:;:.,""'~!~/Y>Chnton; ..... __1,-,1',1;", ...,--=- ~,.I., •,J••"I•....•~.,l, _,If, j ~~-~" C,:",.-z. .,p. 77'J~' /c'-~ ~ .___----c\-p ~, -y ~. "I.,,.I., BOX ELDER CO .", //w,a,"co~~?~~~~-l~£~::~~---. "I,\0-8a'~/~,(,:~': ."'""~~t ::Cr"t'~7.~~.,,-.;:~.~~).,.."",,"'~J'~~)"\..,:=-(~, -Wanen ....( ,~.,__".'..".I..'C~~a 1/'-----.<::>';~/'---- e~/; 1>'"I .<:_.._~7 ) ~I ""2 'r~'eO:..~""'est Warre..'.n. .<:1 :Ii 4-,I,~.~""-.----.~I '"I ,\I'North "1./ .f,#4-,'I:.'I',¥~~" ," 112~51 --- 41°15'-- w.e-. " T.3 N. T.4 N. Q!:<?!,'i'. Fk' '.i.../ "",",,1,_,1. .,. \ \ /Farmingtoll =.:::/"/,r _ -~ "'~/'-,f , Clearfield Syracuse \,,1,_,I' V ,»_,.C<' ''Y)~....."~r".',.J //~'--'-<7'I-/,,0 eek_~<,j'_'-".,'0 0,'..",".",,'%""-----'-~"-I '-.L--k,,~'/'.;,'fro"H""c<",'"~,.~;..:.:~."~~:s'";:As,,'1-//"~ ,V -+ia~;r;;'~g t 011 6;:""'/',y "'-",-.,~dd Cr\~Ru ',0- ',to 0 ...::_s.teaci."~f ·f .......1•• ~ 7+ ~, ,.<:'''__,I. "-, if' 7 <',,>, I \, <J\ \ J> 2o ":? 7- -\ I" \o '<l I" ~----- < ,~~-/",T\ 41°00'+ T.1 N. w ~ " --\.....~..'\N"i,al Lakerc./\/'\./'O''-'l\1 -'.""~;\"-- -, -;:l. ) R.1 W. 4'" aI"., r'"~.' i ./'--kI~"-Cr.e e.,_Y ,ltL..,-- \It\~-'t /,\~..--f¢~/_/ "rd C/*.---i./'(r.I-~--'"~-q,Q.,/ F.1/?/I' IINCT ON /JAIl'.'"-\~J ~~/~ .--',.eo"""/";.,, I '~"""C....",.'.•,.entervl.r tll R.'W.,,'4--..,'C'""--'J.;l~"".":. 1 ..,-""', l -,....__I VwT est."",..:;f:~.:-,/J3ountifulc ~"" EXPLANATION R.3W. LINE OF CROSS SECTION FOR COMPUTATION OF SUBSURFACE INFLOW AND LINE-SEGMENT NlJMBER··Arrows indicate direction of ground-water flow '\L R.4 W. Base from U.S.Geological Survey 1 :125.000 quadrangle, Great Salt Lake and Vicinity,Utah,1974 ---;i- w VI Figure 9.--Location of perennial,ephemeral,and intermittent streams and cross-section lines used to compute subsurface inflow. Movanent Ground water in the East Soore aquifer system generally roves westward fran the IOOUntain front toward Great salt rake (pI.1,fig.7).A downward component of movement exists througoout the recharge area near the rrountain front (fig.2)where heads decrease with depth.An upward component of IOOvement exists where water is confined and heads increase with depth;water rroves upward throogh confining beds fran deeper parts of the aquifer system to shallower parts of the system.The hydraulic connection within the aquifer system depends on the thickness of the clay layers and other fine-grained sediments between separate parts of the aquifer system.Generally,where the clay or other fine-grained depcsits are thick,the hydraulic connection within the aquifer system is less. The upvard hydraulic gradient may be reversed locally because of large- scale withdrawals of water from wells.'lhis may occur seasonally as well as during a period of years.Near warren aoo Little ~untain,hydraulic heads in the Sunset aquifer and the deeper part of the East Shore aquifer system indicate doonward rrovenent of groooo water from the shallow to the deep parts of the aquifer system.Water levels in wells near South veber and Hill Air Force Base have declined to below the confining layer(s)between aquifers,aoo thus,water-table conditions now exist where artesian conditions were previously present. Potentiometric-surface maps were prepared for the East Soore aquifer system based on water levels measured in March 1985.A map of the Sunset aquifer (based on water levels fran wells canpleted at depths from 200 to 400 feet)was prepared for the central Weber Delta area where that aquifer had been delineated (fig.7).A separate map was prepared for the remainder of the East Soore aquifer system,including the Delta aquifer aoo excluding water levels from wells in the Sunset aquifer (pI.1).'!he p:>tentiooetric-surface map:;aoo ground-water rrovenent in the East Soore aquifer system are descr ibed in the following paragraI;i1s. Water in the Sunset aquifer generally moves from east to west, perpendicular to the contours shown in figure 7.The hydraulic gradient is about 0.001 (5 feet per mile)and is consistent throughout much of the area west of Ogden.Near Kaysville the gradient may be steeper,however,the water-level altitude is knam for only t\\O wells. The configuration of the potentiometric surface for the rest of the East Soore aquifer system,including the Delta aquifer and excluding the Sunset,is shown on plate 1.Movement of ground water generally is perpendicular to the contours sham.'!he map includes water levels in wells dr illed deeper than 400 feet in the central part of the veber Delta area aoo water levels in all other wells outside of this area,including wells completed in the unconfined parts of the East Shore aquifer system aoo all wells cxxrpleted at depths greater than 100 feet in the Bountiful area.Some of the irregularities in the potentiometric surface may be caused by the decline of water levels due to large-scale withdrawal of water fran wells or by differences in hydrostatic head due to differences in the depth of the wells. 36 Near the mountain front,water levels are affected primarily by redlarge fran streams and fran subsurface inflow.In the ~rth ~den area,a large amount of the recharge occurs by subsurface inflow fran consolidated rock,as imicated by the configuration of the potentianetric contours.This recharge,possibly together with a thinner section of basin fill or rossibly lower penneability downgradient,causes the altitude of the potentianetric surface to be higher than in the rest of the Weber Delta area;in this area, wells cx:rrpleted at relatively shallow depths flow. In the Bountiful area,the shape of the water-level contours,which generally bulge westward fran the nountain front,reflect recharge fran Mill and Holbrook Creeks am recharge by subsurface inflow from consolidated rock. '!he p:>tentiaretric surface in the B::>untiful area may also have been affected by wittXJrawal of water fran wells. The potentiometric contours of the East Shore aquifer system near Riverdale are concave to the west along the ~ber River.'!he water levels are most likely affected by recent large-scale ground-water pumpage in the ilmEdiate area. Near Great salt Lake,water lOClVes fran the deepest parts of the East Shore aquifer system by upward leakage into overlying dep:lsits.The water levels near ~st Weber and Taylor,sooth of Harrisville,near Hooper Slough, and southwest of Farmington are affected by discharge,probably by upward leakage to drains and evapotranspiration.The water levels at the southern end of the East Shore area indicate possible movement of water toward the Jordan River. The gradient of the potentianetric surface ranged fran about 0.00017 (1 foot per mile)west of Hooper to about 0.012 (65 feet per mile)near West Bountiful.In 1985,the gradient fran South Weber to the center of Hill Air Force Base was 0.001 (5 feet per mile)which is about the same as in 1960. Farther west however,the gradient has becane less steep since 1960.In 1985, the gradient fran Riverdale to Hooper was 0.00086 (4 feet per mile)canpared to 0.0014 (7 feet per mile)in 1960.This dlange in gradient is probably a result of the withdrawals from wells near the mouth of Weber Canyon.The gradient typically steepens near the edge of the benches where aquifer zones thin,sediments becx::ma more fine-grained,and transmissivity decreases.The gradient toward Great salt Lake is quite steep in the area between Farr ~st and Willard where it is about 0.0045 (24 feet per mile)and also in the area between Farmington am.Bcuntiful where it is alx:>ut 0.0052 (28 feet per mile). The vertical gradient within the Fast Srore aquifer system var ies with depth and location,and in 1985 ranged fran -0.096 to 0.104 (table 8).The negative gradients indicate Cbwnward IIK)Venent of ground water,which is nonnal in recharge areas,whereas the p:lsitive gradients indicate upward lOClVanent, which is normal in discharge areas.A large positive vertical gradient generally indicates a less permeable confining layer between water-bearing zones,whereas a small gradient may indicate a more penneable confining layer and,therefore,perhaps more discharge by upward leakage to drains and evapotranspiration.The gradients stDwn in table 8 were calculated based on the difference in the altitudes of the p:ltentiaretric heads in pairs of wells divided by the difference in depth of the wells or tcp of perforations of the wells. 37 Table 8.-Vertical gradients bet~water-bearin]uni ts of different depths in the East Shore area,1985 Altitude of Depth of well (D)Gradient potentianetric or tq;>of (dimensionless) well mmlber surface perforations (P)[(-)dCMIlWard gradient, (feet)(feet)(+)upward gradient] (A-2-1)7dca-l 4,289 355 (P) (A-2-1)7ddd-l 4,302 220 (P)-0.096 (A-2-1)lBabd-7 4,307 90 (D) (A-2-1)lBabd-12 4,304 280 (D)+.016 (B-3-1)Sdda-l 4,278 873 (P) (B-3-1)Sddb-2 4,238 328 (P)+.073 (B-3-1)Sdda-l 4,278 918 (D) (B-3-1)Sddb-3 4,271 655 (D)+.027 (B-3-1)Sddb-2 4,238 338 (D) (B-3-1)Sddb-3 4,271 655 (D)+.104 (B-5-2)3aab-2 4,255 272 (P) (B-6-2)34dbb-l 4,267 648 (P)+.032 (B-5-2)6bdd-2 4,228 75 (P) (B-5-2)6bdd-4 4,233 285 (P)+.024 (B-5-2)6bdd-3 4,248 609 (D) (B-5-2)6bdd-4 4,233 303 (D)+.049 (B-5-2)6b<Xl-2 4,228 83 (D) (B-5-2)6b<Xl-3 4,248 609 (D)+.038 (B-5-2)30baa-1 4,241 306 (P) (B-5-2)30caa-2 4,258 614 (P)+.055 (B-6-1)4bbd-5 4,306 1,133 (D) (B-6-1)4bda-l 4,399 165 (D)-.096 (B-6-2)6dbc-5 4,224 299 (P) (B-6-2)7bbc-6 4,251 848 (P)+.049 38 Unconfined ground water that is not considered part of the East Srore aquifer system,as defined in this repJrt,is present locally in perched zones on the bench areas near Hill Air Force Base,South Ogden,and Bountiful. Water in these areas probably moves to the edge of the benches where it discharges to the Weber River,to springs,seeps,and drains,or by evapotranspiration.sane of the water moves into surface deposits in the valley lowlands.Minor quantities of this perched water may rove dCMIlWard to the East Srore aquifer system. Water-Level Fluctuations Water levels fluctuate in resp:>nse to changes in the quanti ty of ground water in storage,which varies acoording to the am::>unt of water added to or removed from the system.The fluctuations can be short term,diurnal, seasonal,and long term.Water-level data have been collected in the East Shore area intermittently since 1935 at a few wells,annually since 1963 in about 35 wells,and continually at a few wells equipped with water-level reoorders since 1936.Water levels in about 50 wells were measured twice monthly during 1984-85.The location of wells for which water-level hydrographs were oampiled for this study are shown in figure 10. seasonal Fluctuations The major factors controlling seasonal fluctuations of water levels in wells are recharge by seepage from streams and discharge by withdrawal of water fran wells.Other factors causing fluctuations include recharge by infiltration of precipitation and irrigation water and discharge by evapotranspiration.The magnitude of seasonal fluctuations varies fran year to year,and the greatest fluctuations are near distinct areas of recharge or discharge.'!be magnitude of seasonal fluctuations may also depend on the depth of the well.The greatest fluctuations are in wells <::otpleted at the same depth as wells from which large amounts of water are withdrawn. Hydrographs showing seasonal fluctuations are shCMll in figures 11 to 26,and the primary reasons for the fluctuations are sumrarized in table 9. The magni tude of the seasonal wa ter-level fluctuation has increased since the late 1950's in alloost all wells with long-term records (figs.11 to 18).In some of the wells,water levels do not recover at the end of the sumner to the previous spring high,and thus,long-term water-level trends reflect a general decline.An exception is well (B-3-1}25dab-l (fig.12)in which the water level was higher in the fall than in the spring of 1985. The water levels in wells (B-7-2}11baa-~,(B-4-1}13bbc-l,and (B-6-1)9adb-2 (figs.18-20),whien are near the rountain front yet not near a surface-water.source,show large seasonal changes in water levels.These dlanges appear to be a resp:>nse to recharge fran spring snaNnelt as subsurface inflow from consolidated rock.The high water levels in 1984 in well (B-7-2)llbaa-3 (fig.20)are in response to greater than normal precipitation, which resulted in larger am::>unts of subsurface inflow. The effects of withdrawals for nunicipal use on seasonal water-level fluctuations are shown in figures 11 and 22.The effects of proximity to a pumping center are indicated by comparing well (B-2-1)27ddd-4 (fig.22),about 2 miles from the major pumping area in Bountiful,to well (B-2-1)26aad-1 39 T.5 N. CJ) » --\ C"') :t:. ~ » T,6 N. 5 MILES43 ~~, 4 5 KILOMETERS Taylor can 1-'-....",,-;' 2 II 32 a T,8 N. CONTOUR INTERVAL,IN FEET,VARIABLE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 -+- a /' // r r--~ ,HILL ,\iF BASE 112Cbo' I D "'" I South ,./tlogd.,~~ 1 'I '~,,W ,~"./"! ;:'T ash'gton ,'.!~'I err~~,'---__,~~;5"--,~0"~\</f __.Web ...-q I-t-.I-t- I ___e""!Y "6,~"r~'00 ,Yc/'-~/ee"""~"';',J"Sprl ng C r ~c '<'\Uint i'Sol '<::-...IN River ',.,,/ "'=-.....eber "Sout,,/"Weber -i-----------'.::;....._~~~~\iGate,wav Tunnel- '-- -&~--'---'--+- 0<;' :J' 3 ---n---'::)=-\f-/I I -+--~-.--- Sunset ,;/, Slou'l.Y\! --_._--'/0'-- _Ta}ClOr ,/W.i}(o~\~ -'//--~---- //,/ /'/,', .//'/l:;:'r1 J------L-/'c}' //, /~Q'" .'~O ~o-'$; 'r:.;.;/ 'to-~'0 ...,,\'v'v * '3~<{ "'-./, ~-- ,I.~ ..11. "... v-;~•• ,d",•• ,,\\)~ARV Ii '* "~~,.'",~"'"\\,,;("<,L "",_"-O~..O '-.'3::;-'/~_''--...~,f __'Ii '.,Q// "I" .,1"_,It, "w,.'. _,I" "o-N<J.?, '~\."-:::"~-:i>,~~,_Hooper --_Y~"":'-~'-:!f-.?----_--'o-WE~BEFt-co_-____'\,,'J;'(J ,/o-~DAV IS CO "k,-'.I ,,so'=,"I ",..c-.-r-:f("/-~o ClInton I "1,,"I ~I ""ie~,1,~0- 4-"',,:4 ''ZN..prih ~"!' ~. ?'.L'\. ,I••1.-=-,,1,_'" ,.,1,.",••....4:,. •,1/.,I._,I"~ ,.....~';i.'*,,1>,-_,l~.'--...",1",,1<,~f::"'-,.1"'.z..i ,,, + .,1.,',.k., ,.::::~. 112~5' ____-----0-----_________-"P "$, "7,..;., --~~ /.,1,__,I,.'''4'-..,..../l/~''-~_ I BOX ELDER CO ,\;.-I," /-WE:BE-R-CO----------------1--+---------~ /')'~,,I,'" I /',,,,'"1"/,II '''. _.J..u",I,,hV,-~~~:,'""_:/~~;·."C-~n .'"~ ,/,'.'",I.';'';~:\u ~;;..'..~iPlamCltYj----n~r_-__i\_--lI'-----l~ /"'"'?':_~a''tt\/'..'~7?J1 '',"':~.,,'.'--~\~~'~t:~~~_¥=-===F..ar_r~~iiloJ,+"'">;::t*--..-+_'\-t--=-=+ ,,'"..I."..'j ~\,e~Watxen,:;"~, ,~,-_,,''-,,'"1,.9~~1/ Cl)--~-""',,~=~~! .,=~~/I..J ~__: o I \~I '~'41 15-""0 -l-tD!\Vest Warre', ol:>-o T.1 N. T.3 N. T.4 N. C;'~ek- 'j;J » .'It S_er_ee}': ~\9·- _~/~~~..955'''-'ft;>.' \\~./d- f~-,ra,!.i.sh j --~¥- ,.,.t···.....'.6'.,e~te_rV;!J-e-'"-~,-;\\e/C{e i..~--\-\~-'''"--center I '-I I-'~\/./.T.2 N. I,i-/-~._'--'It .-'_.e,.__--/s fo "e 'cr ee B0lJ"NTIFUL f,J fR __,r-L/--_.... c" .~>,) ,0 '~,:cre,e,!<'J,J-,'~:./-~.-,.~.---_.__.- \F'zjuit Hghts ee'lt :a~(L.c;~_J s"el'/ .\(('--', \,'///'Z.\,;/C') ,){"p-=fFa-;:;;i~-gt'on--<8',"' (i'~r,",0- ,~ \;\9.0:1-oj-_SJeaq __'<:":,,,~ iD C1-ViS \-/---,_/~,g~~~1_r-- !'9r "f (§-r3-,~~- Snow I~c;;el' fo~r,/~./ f'---,'It ~j eft·""f-'y-,::~,~,/ I /; / / i~~~:: ,_i'f:<,:~ , !Val' ).Verda '-,/v ""--£iJJ'!Yotj _J' -/'-----..r DAVIS CO _-~' SALTLAK'E:-C:O R.1 E. • -"I"." '"~': ---,.I~ "I.. _,I" i ~~ ~~-"- :;,:.;'~;'~"" " ,~~"~\,,t!<;>-.,<'-:>"')~- ?l --"'d-' ( R.1 W. ~I, ~, "I,. ," }(a)'~/ /"---- I. ~I,.,> r"'-·~~~ L__,~ j,.." ~-:*- ~---~-:~:-"/ 1''''"_~/-1 West "t "'....B~!'"~~ountifukd.,.l;',~/",::;;~ )'''',.- __BAjY "l,. ~" , Clearfield Syracuse R.2 W. ,I,,"" l;V~/ "'.1._,.[f,",~/'-', '_'~,--,'\ ,.'"-"'-/."i,KaYSV11I~-Ii, .""""'::"~~~~\--/,/I /b ,.''-\''-~/ i ,""--;.."<,~v -"1,, ~ ?f- <:$. '~- FAR/I-lINGTON ____._l-.....,"•.,".......~.....~__,...,..__• " if· ?....\;;.. R.3W. \fl \ "Zo "Z -\ I" \o "tl I" 'L EXPLANATION OBSERVATION WELL--Number by well symbol indicates number of wells represented R.4 W. 41°00'+ Base from U.S.Geological Survey 1 :125,000 quadrangle. Great Salt Lake and vicinity.Utah,1974 3- ~..... Figure 10.--Location of wells for which hydrographs are shown in figures 11-26. 1able 9.-Primary reason for water-level fluctuations in observation ~l1s (Hydrographs for the wells are shown in figures 11-26) Figure well number Depth Prinary reason for seasonal water-level nunber (feet)fluctuations 11 (B-2-l)26aad-l 250 Wittrlrawal for p..1blic supply and irrigation 22 27ddd-4 500 Wittrlrawal for p..1blic supply and irrigation 12 (B-3-l)25dab-l 265 Wittrlrawal for public supply 13 (B-4-l)7baa-l 902 Wittrlrawal for {:Ublic supply 19 13bbc-l 127 Infiltration of snowmelt 14,23 30bba-l 525 Wittrlrawal for p..1blic supply 23 34cbc-3 350 Withdrawal for public supply and reduced u};Mard leakage 15 (B-4-2)20ada-l 600 Wittrlrawal for p..1blic supply 24 (B-5-2)6bdd-2 83 Reduced u};Mard leakage due to withdrawals for public suWly 24 6bdd-3 609 Wittrlrawal for p..1blic supply 24 6bdd-4 303 Withdrawal for public supply and reduced u};Mard leakage 25 llaac-l 540 Wittrlrawal for p.1blic supply 25 l5ddd-2 278 Withdrawal for public supply and reduced u};Mard leakage 16 (B-5-3)15dda-l 649 Wittrlrawal for p..1blic supply 20 (B-6-l)9adb-2 189 Recharge from infiltration of snowmelt 21 (B-6-2)llbcb-l 949 Wi ttrlrawal for p..1blic supply 17 26ada-l 600 WitWrawal for PJblic supply 26 (B-7-l)30dca-l 180 Withdrawal for irrigation and public suWly and reduced u};Mard leakage 26 33dbd-2 636 Wittrlrawal for p..1blic supply 18 (B-7-2)llbaa-3 365 Recharge from infiltration of snowmelt 42 (fig.ll),less than 1 mile fran the pLUTIping center.'!he seasonal water-level decline in well (B-2-1}26aad-l was about 14 feet in 1985,whereas in well (B-2-1)27ddd-4 it was only about 5 feet.Seasonal water-level fluctuations generally are larger in deep wells than in shallCM wells and are also larger in wells in areas near deep production wells (figs.23-26). Long-Term Fluctuations Long-term fluctuations of water levels generally reflect either long- term treoos in precipitation or changes in withdrawals fran wells,or both.A comparison of the cumulative departure from average annual precipitation, withdrawal fran mmicipal and industrial wells,and water levels in wells is shown in figure 27.Long-term hydrographs for representative wells in the East Shore area are shCMn in figure 28. In the Weber Delta area,water-level trends in most wells for which hydrogra];t1s are shCMn closely follow the trend of the cumulative departure from normal precipitation until the late 1960's (fig.27).Water levels were fairly stable fran 1936 to about 1952 (fig.28)when they began a decline that lasted until 1982.Fran 1982 to 1985 water levels rose slightly in most wells in response to much greater than normal precipitation.Precipitation was approximately normal from 1937 to 1952 and less than normal fran 1952 until the early 1960's.Precipitation,as indicated by the departure line,was approximately normal from the mid-1960 I s until it began to increase in the late 1970 I s.'!he rontinued decline in water levels in the mid 1960's,despite the increase in precipitation,was due to the continued large-scale withdrawals for municipal and industrial use.The largest water-level declines are in wells near,and of the same depth as,wells that are punped 50 r---r--,----,r---r--r---,r--.,.---r........,-.,.-...,...........,-.,-...,...--,.-.,-""T""--,.-..-""T"".....,..~T'fIII'"., UJ ~45 IJ..a:: ::J <f) o ~40 -l UJ >o al <t:35 I- UJ UJ IJ.. z ..J 30UJ > UJ -l a:: UJ ~25 ~ Well (B-2-1)26aad-1 (250 feet deep) •1936-37 o 1946-47 •1955-56 o 1984-85 J r M A M J J A SON D J r M A M J J A SON D Figure 11.--Water levels in a well near Woods Cross,1936-37, 1946-47,1955-56.and 1984-85. 43 Wu <l:u..a:: ::J Vl o Z ~30 W>oco <l: f- W Wu.. z -i 20 W > W-l a:: Wf- <l: ~Well (B-3-1)25dab-1 (265 leet deep) •1955-56 o 1958-59 o 198~-85 J r M A M J J A SON 0 J r M A M J J A SON 0 Figure 12.--Water levels in a well southwest of Farmington, 1955-56,1958-59,and 1984-85. J r M A M J J A SON 0 J r M A M J J A 5 250 f-wWu w<l:u..u.. za:: -::J JVl wO 300>zW<l:-l-l a::~ Wof--l <l:w~co 350 b.~. Well (B-4-1)7baa-1 (902 teet deep) ......--..--.---..--. •1964-65 o 1984-85 Figure 13.--Water levels in a well near Hill Air Force Base, 1964-65 and 1984-85. 44 +20 r---.---r---.-...-......--r-.,r-~_i ---,---,---,---,-",,-,,--,---,--,-"--,--,--,--, ~ W.II (B-4-1)30bba-l (525 l ••t d••p,)-so '--..,I.;,.........__'_---'_.L.._;.a;;...-I-.-.I._'--~....L.__L__'I__.l__~.........__L_L..._~....L.__'___'I__.L.._....J J r W A W J J A SON 0 J r MAW J J A SON 0 •j ~t3 0 r·r---••··~:[)o::-~-~·~_=.•:::=:.::_===.~~===••~:J===.=::un::.~.~.~ o ~~ co a::~«::J f--lJl ~i'WoWz LL« Z....J -20 1 ..J":- ~~1 1 ' Wa::•1936-37 ~o ~o , ~I',1946-47 •1955-56 o 1984-85 Figure 14.--Water levels in a well near Kaysville, 1936-37, 1946-47,1955-56,and 1984-85. •1955-56 o 1958-59 •1963-64 o 1984-85 Well (B-4-2)20ada-l (600 feet deep) ---'---'---'--'---'---'---'---'---'---'---'---'---'--'--'--'---'--'---'--'--'l -·1 W 70 u« LL ~60 lJl oz« ....J W > ~..0 « f-- t;j 30 LL Z ..J 20 W > W ....J a::10 W f--« ~0 1...-~....i--.J..-.I._.l__~""""'--L__'L-..L--'--.J..---Ji.--.l.-....1--4---L--JL.-...L--.L.-..1.---Ji.--.L--J J r M A M J J A SON 0 J r M A M J J A SON D Figure 15.--Water levels in a well near Great Salt Lake, 1955-56,1958-59,1963-64,and 1984-85. 45 Well (B-5-3)15dda-1 (649 teet deep) wu«u. a: ::J l/l o Z ~.0 .....-41,...-.-. w >o CO« I-w Wu. z J 20 w> W ...J a:w I-«::: •1936-37 o 1953-54 •1958-59 o 1984-85 J r M A M J J A SON 0 J r M A M J J A SON 0 Figure 16.--Water levels in a well near Great Salt Lake, 1936-37.1953-54,1958-59.and 1984-85. •1936-37 o 1955-56 •1959-60 o 1984-85 + ~w>u 0« co u.+20«~ I-l/lWoWzu.« z...J ...J.~ w::: >0 W...J ...J W 0 a:co wa:~o ::: Well (B-6-2)26ada-1 (600 teet deep) J r M A M J J A SON 0 J r M A M J J A SON 0 Figure 17.--Water levels in a well near Wilson,1936-37, 1955-56,1959-60,and 1984-85. 46 wu <t: i'°f ~20o ....I Wco f- W W l1. Z 30 •1953-5~ o 1958-59 •1959-60 o 198~-85 Well (B-7-2)l1baa-3 (365 feet de ep)50 L..-~~::.....L---L--'_~~"""'......L.--L--J"-J.-...L.."""'--L--L_~J.-...L-......L.--L--J"-J---J J r M A M J J A SON D J r M A M J J A SON D Figure 18.--Water levels in a well south of Willard.1953-54, 1958-59.1959-60.and 1984-85. 47 Well (8-6-1 )9adb-2 (189 feet deep) W '0u« lJ.. a: ~ (f) 0z« ...J .03: 0 ...J Wco I- W W lJ.. Z 100 .J W>W ...J a:Well (8-4-1)13bbc-l W (127 feet deep)I-« 3:110 ..A-..J J A-S 0 N 0 J F'..A-..J J A-S 1984 1985 Figure 19.--Water levels in a well near East Layton.1984-85. I-W 30 ...--__-.-......-r--__....,-.,......,..-.,......,r--....--.--.,.-r--....-__-_..,..__.....,r--....-... wuW« lJ..lJ.. zO:-~10 -(f) jjjo >zw« ...J...J 10a:ww> 1-0«co 3:« IrK A K I J A SON D 1 ,k A K 1 1 A SON D 1984 1985 Figure 20.--Water levels in a well completed in consolidated rock near Harrisville,1984-85. 48 Well (B-6-2)11bcb-1 (949 feet deep) I-w40,...-r-""'T"....,r--.,...""'T"....,-.,...""'T"....,-.,..."'T"~-.,.....,.."""T-r-..,.."""T-r-..,.."""T-r-"T""..., wu w<r: LLLL za:: -_~30 do>zw<r: ...J...J 30a::ww> 1-0<r:ell ~<r: J r K A K J J A SON D 1 r K A K 1 1 A SON D 1984 1985 Figure 21.--Water levels in a well north of Slaterville.1984-85. 40 ,..,...,..,...,...........,..,...,.........T""I'~I"""I""I"""I'~I"""I""I"""I'''''I'''''lr''''''t'''.,...,.''''I'''''lr''''''t''',..,...,....''''''I'''",..,...,...''''''I'''".......,.....''''''I'''".......,........ 19851980197519701965196019551950 1\No record I ' /I ' I "I ,, ~ 1945 Well (B-2·1 )27ddd-4 (500 feet deep) 1940 10 ..........__.&..Io.........I.-I-......"..................a...II.oJo-.&..Io..&...L..L......__.Io...I..........I-Io............................__.a...&........L..L..................................~ 1935 I-Wwu W<r: LLLL ~~30 -l/ldo>zw<r: ...J...J 20 a::ww> 1-0<r:ell ~<r: Figure 22.--Water levels in a well west of Woods Cross.1936-85. 49 10 _"'P""-P"~_-__""'__"""~""""'-"""_"""_~"'-"'P""_-"_-_""-'" wu« LLa: :::> Vlo 20z«-I ?:o -I Wco I-30w W LL Z Jw >w 40 -I a:~•Well (B-4-1)34ebe-3 (350 teet deep) « ?:DWell (B-4-1)30bba-1 (525 teet deep) M A M J J A SON D J r M A M J J A S 1984 1985 Figure 23.--Water levels in wells near Kaysville,1984-85. 30 wu« LL a: :::>25 Vl 0z« -I •We"(B-5-2)6bdd-2 (83 teet deep)w>20 0 D We"(B-5-2)6bdd-4 (303 feet deep)co« l-•W.II (B-5-2)6bdd-3 (609 f.et deep)ww LL 15z -I" W>W -I 10a:w I-« 3:~ 5 M A M J J A S 0 N D J r M A M J J A S 1984 1985 Figure 24.--Water levels in wells near Great Salt Lake,1984-85. 50 W 100u 0::( I.L a:: ;:) Vl 0 Z 0::( ...I 150::: 0 ...I Wco I-Well (B-5-2)15ddd-2 (278 feet deep)W 0W 11. Z 200 •Well (B-5-2)11aae-1 (540 feet deep) -i W> W ...I a:: W I- 0::(:::250 J J A S 0 N D J F'W A W J J A S 1984 1985 Figure 25.--Water levels in wells north of Roy,1984-85. +20 -__._......,......_._......,...........---,...........---,...........---,-...-......-...-......-...-......---. + ~w>u 00::( col1.o::(~0 I-Vl WQWz11.0::( z..J ...1-..:..-w::: >0 W..J -20..J w a::co Wa::~o ::: o Well (B-7-1)30dea-l (180 feet deep) •Well (B-7-1)33dbd-2 (636 feet deep) M A M J J A SON D J r M A M J J A S 1984 1985 Figure 26.--Water levels in wells near Pleasant View,1984-85. 51 A W·0 25I-W a::wu ::>W<l:I-u.u.25 0 a:: Za::/<l:Ul-::>Q.wJUlCUMULATIVEDEPARTUREWI wO 50 -25 °u>Z Wzw<l:>- ...J...J j::Z a::3:75 -50 <l:- wO ...J I-...J ::><l:w ~3:m 100 ::>-75 u 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1984 B WATER LEVELS / WELL (B-2-1)26aad-1 60 r-r----.,---.,------,-----rr-n-.r1r1r....-".---,---.--rr-rr--rr--rr-rr".---rr-rrn-rT--,r--rr--rr""'lrlTor1",--"'r.:or 25 t.Ja:: ::> I-a::o <l:Ul Q.WWI °u-25 w>~ j::Z<l:--50 ...J ::> ~ 20 L.L__----l -l...-__-L..-__-'-__---I.L--__-L.-__--L-__--'-__--'---l -75 3 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1984 I-Wwuw<l: u.u.50Za::-::>-Uldo>z 40w<l: ...J...J a::ww>30 1-0<l:m 3:<l: Figure 27.--Comparison of cumulative departure from the average annual precipitation at the Ogden Pioneer Powerhouse to:a)water levels in well (B-5-2)33ddc-1 and withdrawal from wells for municipal and industrial use in the Weber Delta area;and b)water levels in well (B-2-1 )26aad-1 and withdrawal from wells for municipal and industrial use in the Bountiful area.[Number inside withdrawal histogram is discharge in thousands of acre-feet.] 52 60I-WwuW« lJ..lJ..50zC:: -::J JVIwO 40>zW«...J...J c::W 30W>1-0«co ~«20 +261-'7'W...... ~~w Z...J u -w«0-co lJ..~c::c::>O~ ~+O -26c::~Zw>«I-...J Well (B-4-1)30bba-l«0~~ -50 GOI-WwuW« lJ..lJ.. zC::-::J-VI~O 40>zW«...J...J c::WW>1-0 Well (B-4·2)20ada·l«co ~«20 0f-wWuW« lJ..u.25zc::-::J JVIwO 50>zW«...J...J c::~75Wof-...J Well (B-5-2)33ddc-l«w~co 100 1935 1940 1945 1950 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 Figure 28.--Water levels in selected wells.1936-85.All wells are in Weber Delta area except where indicated. 53 76I-WWUW«LLLL zer 50-::J-(J) ijjo >zW«...J...J 25erwW>1-0 Well (B-5-3)15dda-1«en ~«0 +501-'7'w- ~~w z...J u +25-w«.en LL...J erwer::J>0(J)w-o...J ':sz 0erw«w>...J Well (B-6-2)1baa-31-0«en~«-25 50I-WwuW«LLLL 40zer-::J-(J) ijjo 30>zW«...J...J erw 20W>1-0«en ~«10 1985198019751970196519601955195019451940 Well (B-6-2)26ada-1 o -1 0 L.J,..J...I-L..L-J.....I..JI-J.....L-J,~L..J..J...I-L..1-L...L..I...1..I.-.I-L..L-J.....I..JI-J....I-.1~L..J....J....J~...L-J,...L..L..J....J....J-'-...L-J,...L....... 1935 +10 Figure 28.--Water levels in selected wells.1936-85.All wells are in Weber Delta area except where indicated--Continued. 54 0 ...... f-WwuW<t: LL l.L 30zO:: -::J -1Ildo>z 20 w<t:.J.J f5 ~10 f-O<t:cc 3:<t: Well (B-6-3)26bbb-1 No record.........1...... 1985198019751970196519601955195019451940 50 L..I-..........,....l--oL.-J.............,.....L..IL.-J....L..L....L..II...L...L..L....L..II...L...L..L..&-I-J....L..L..&-I-J...L..L....L-l.........L..L....L-l.........L..I-..........,..........L..I-..........,.-1 1935 30f-WwuW<t: LLLL zO::20-::J -1Il~o >zw<t:.J.J 10o::w W>f-O Well (B-7-1 )3Odca-1<t:cc 3:<t: 0 f-w 20 Wuw<t: l.Ll.L zo::30-::J .J1Il wO>zw<t:.J.J 400::3:Wof-.J<t:w3:cc Figure 28.--Water levels in selected wells,1936-85.All wells are in Weber Delta area except where indicated--Continued. 55 for municipal and industrial use.Since 1953,water levels have declined as nuch as 50 feet in well (B-5-2}33ddc-l,which is near the principal pumping center,defined as the general area near Hill Air Force Base,along the Weber River fran Uintah to Riverdale,and fran Roy south to Clearfield.More than five miles fran that p..urping center,water levels have declined as nuch as 35 feet in well (B-S-3)lS&3a-1. In the Bountiful area,long-term water-level trerrls generally follCMed the trend of the culnulative departure from normal precipitation (fig.27) fran 1935 until about 1962 when water levels began to rise.This rise was due to approximately normal precipitation with less than average withdrawal of water fran wells from 1960 to 1962.'!he less than average withdrawals were due to inportation of weber River water by the Davis Aqueduct.water levels generally declined fran 1965 to 1970 in res~nse to an increase in withdrawal of water fran wells.Fran 1970 to 1975 precipitation was slightly greater than normal while withdrawals remained fairly stable;thus,water levels remained fairly stable.In the late 1970's withdrawals again increased causing water levels to decline.water levels generally have risen since 1979 in response to an increase in precipitation despite an increase in wi thdrawals.The slight decline in water levels in 1984,hCMever,was due to a large increase in withdrawals in 1983 and 1984. Water-Level-ehange Map:; water-level-change maps,which s1'¥)w the distribution and magnitude of water-level changes in the East Shore aquifer system fran one };Oint in time to another,were drawn for three tine periods:1946-47 to 1985,1953-55 to 1985, and 1969 to 1985.'!he map:;are canp:>sites that include all aquifers or zones within the East Shore aquifer system,as long-term water-level changes were similar througoout the aquifer system.'!he d1ange map for the 1946-47 to 1985 peri.od is only for the Bountiful area.'!he three time periods are based on years during which previous investigations were oorrlucted. 1946-47 to 1985 water levels in wells in the East Soore aquifer system in the Bountiful area generally declined from 1946-47 to 1985 (fig.29).The water-level changes ranged from a rise of 5.4 feet west of Val Verda to a decline of 9.1 feet northeast of Woods Cress.The largest declines generally were near the m:mntains fran Centerville to south of Boontiful.These declines probably were due to increased withdrawals for nunicipal use. 1953-55 to 1985 A water-level-change map for the entire East Shore aquifer system was constructed using the earliest available water level in the spring during 1953-55 to determine the water-level change between 1953-55 and 1985 (fig. 30).The change map was drawn using spring 1953 water levels where available and spring 1955 water levels in areas where there were no 1953 levels.Water levels declined throughout the study area from 1953 to 1955 due to the beginning of large ground-water withdrawals and less than oonnal precipitation in 1954.Between 1953 arrl 1955,water levels in SCIlle wells declined fran as nuch as 15 feet in the Bountiful area to less than 1 foot near North Ogden, and the declines averaged about 7 feet.In general,the largest declines were 56 near pumping centers,whereas the smallest declines were some distance from pumping centers.Given these circumstances,the contours shoon in figure 30 represent a maximum water-level change for 1953-55 to 1985 where they are based on 1953 water levels,but probably do not represent rraxiIrum change where based on 1955 water levels. Between 1953-55 and 1985,water levels generally declined in the area fran Plain City south to Bountiful (fig.30),with declines ranging fran less than 1 foot in a well south of Farmington to about 57 feet in a well near washington Terrace,and averaging about 27 feet in the Weber Delta area.The largest declines were in wells between Riverdale and Clearfield,generally west of the principal p.urping center,with the amJunt of decline decreasing with increasing distance from the pumping center.water levels rase fram N:>rth O;Jden to Willard and near Great salt Lake in the Bountiful area,ranging fran about 1 to 11 feet and averaging 6 feet in the N:>rth O:]den-Wi11ard area. 1969 to 1985 Water levels in wells declined in mast of the East Shore aquifer systan fran 1969 to 1985 (fig.31).'Ihe maxim..un decline was about 21 feet in a well southeast of Taylor.The water-level declines were due to oontinued large- scale withdrawals of water from wells for municipal and industrial use.The largest declines were in areas where the most water is withdrawn.Water levels generally rase in wells near the rountains between Willard and North O:]den and fran Kaysville to r-brth salt Lake,primarily because of greater than average precipitation fram 1983-85,with a maxbnum rise of about 12 feet. Storage 'Ihe quantity of water contained in the East Shore aquifer system could be determined if the total voll.lIre of the saturated unconsolidated sediments and the p:>rosity of thase sedi.Irents were known.Hooever,with the available data only an awroximation can be made.Altoough the maximum thickness of the sediments has been estilnated to be 6,000 feet (Feth and others,1966,p.30), data from the deepest well in the area,well (B-5-2)16ddc-l which is 3,008 feet deep,indicate rroderately saline water below a depth of about 1,500 feet. 'Iherefore,for the purp:>se of calculating the quantity of water in the system, it was assumed that the average thickness of sediments in the East Shore aquifer system that contain freshwater is 1,500 feet.'Ihe area for which the total quantity is calculated depends sanewhat on the level of Great salt Lake. During this project,the size of the study area was about 330 square miles, oorresp:>nding to a lake level of about 4,209 feet.~en the lake was at 4,200 feet,the size of the project area was 430 square miles.For calculations of water in storage,the area is considered to be 330 square miles with a thickness of 1,500 feet;thus,the volume of saturated material is about 100 cubic miles.The smaller area was used because the western limit of the freshwater aquifers under Great salt Lake is unkoown,and little of the area inundated by the rising lake has had any ground-water development.In addition,the ground water in this area is slightly saline and generally ronpotable,and well yields are small.'Iherefore,the anount of freshwater in the area inundated by the lake is rot considered to be significant,although the follooing value for the total volume of ground water in the system is considered to be a minimum. 57 '!he arocunt of water oontained in saturated sediments is only a small percentage of the total volune of those sedi.nEnts,am the quantity of water that can be removed from those sediments by wells is an even smaller percentage.For example fine-grained sediments such as clay nay contain I'lOre than 50 percent water,whereas a saturated gravel layer nay oontain only about 20 to 35 percent water.The clay will yield only about 5 percent of the oontained water to wells,whereas the gravel may yield 25 percent. An estimate of average water content (porosity)am specific yield of the sedi.nEnts in the East Shore cqui.fer systan was made fran drillers I logs of about 50 of the deepest wells in the area.The values of water content am specific yield for alluvial sedimE!nts are assuned to be the sane as those used in Northern Utah Valley (Clark am AWel,1985,p.69).Those values (largely fran Jdmson,1967,p.049-057)are as follows: Lithologic mater ial fran dr HIers I logs Cl.ay •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Clay aOO sand;sand and clay;samy clay •••• sa.oo . Gravel . sam am gravel . Hardpan;all other cenented material •••••••• Estimated water Specific content yield (percent)(percent) 50 5 40 10 30 20 30 25 25 20 15 10 EXPLANATION FOR FIGURE 29 ----5---LINE OF EQUAL WATER-LEVEL CHANGE,IN FEET--Dashed where approximately located. Interval variable.+indicates rise in water level,-indicates decline in water level •OBSERVATION WELL 58 FA RMINGTON BA}' R.1 W. Base from U.S.Geological Survey 1 :125,000 quadrangle, Great Salt Lake and vicinity,Utah,1974 T. 2 N. UL T. 1 N. R.1 E. 2 MILES I o Io I 1 1 I I 2 KILOMETERS CONTOUR INTERVAL,IN FEET,VARIABLE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 Rgure 29.--Ghange in water levels in the East Shore aquifer system,Bountiful area,1946-47 to 1985. 59 T.S N. en » -\ C") :t: ~ » SMILES43 '>. lay,or.<::an-......./"------', 2 !! I I ! '--..., 2 3 4 S KILOMETERS o o /' // 112'bo'+9'1~'~I,Cl. <T> :l \ \\(lUard T.8 N. 'aJ CONTOUR INTERVAL,IN FEET,VARIABLE ~NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 ).~.3 ~~ ,', .,,~,~­ / / / .~~-, 'Ic!<. ~~,:v V ".:,\V ~f'.\ .I'~~·.,1" ~~'<, I%tisouth Ogden JAtf~~I ~i ~~W hi "...ITeas .gton/~'$01i_44.flrra~,---.-~~l~S"_~~g~l</1 '¥.-_-.-Ili-~~/reb :",,/"'v.1 "",---~,"&~,,-.". ,•••••.'-!!'•,_'~_n_'-'o "c'-•,>4<c 1-'U~"..-.--!!">,','"''''c" "1.',','-50,1 --<'<,,-'".:--,HILL <~~We _River •.j A'F BA'-->,::~.~out~..L.SE''-.V.eber ~~~.~~..--_.~_.1>(,:t;\Gate,waY Tunnel -- ._..~--+-~ ,.II, ~RP\';\1,1,; _,I",I, .'1.. I,~*- "I".:'1":' -'.~,.'l .,I~-"I" .-:; ,I,,.1" "i",'. "I" ~"I" "I',~ -,I,.,11, ~,":t_\ "c-;q;:>-l~ ~,I,-",- I"4,,1,,* ,I,-#-"I" "I""I., _"_,t"--- ~ :J ..---_..---c\--p "$'..'",..;:.., --+- 112"J.S' --- BOXELPE8~Q_~_~_~_~_~_~_~_~~~_~_~_~_.~/~WEBER CO , j'.'~ /"'"v /1 / 4101S~ '"o T.1 N. T.3 N. T.4 N. cree.'". V'C':'- :xJ » ,.-L.//;z, ,'1>Fa~rr"ingt;;n/...C"'l-fc.6;;I"T'I 1\'",.0- ,~ -i"";\c;... I I .-,"._.•~..t.ea(j c~,""t?p~;Davis ,¥I!......(},:e'!!?. .".t L F i~l<~gl~ee5. ,"'-1 0'~crl'S''---"~<)rna.!".<1'"/\//""Q;l::- \parrisll "•----../ 3.~~entervilW -cree\'~-terl"lle 7 ee n +3-,3-..:0 I '/,\.~2 -:T.2N i I BO-l'NT'Slone -creek . _)IFUL..'/...,~.·H-;'lb,ool<Cree'" __<J~ 0 0 '--~.,I'><::~1 ~~- ~ I"'"~.:~ """""1 '-t--r",-.-;4: ..\.'.N..,'".•.s..al ti Lake"j+rG:"1.•,.,.,',r'"~'J",I .'.ai,o~.'I //r Verda ··'·i\l. ,?-,'I /!-··£'!.Dy <'.;:,'\'"j 1 .0"~j .!_/~--_./ .-d___QAVISCO -~,-' R.1 W.SALTLAKECOR.1 E. ,fl," ~, ,d.,"I" /,..•.,,'." j .."" '-'-1'(,:'c,b"I"-',f ''::_".:i;""- .""-'-'<" I 1__-------, BAT -t-- ,"" "If,"I"'..:- ,I,,'" .t.,,1,,--= '"'''. ,'~,,, '--'''--- R.2 W. "II. ,.1., F<1 R.1-UNGTON '"I,"I' -t .... 7f- ~. OBSERVATION WELL--Number by well symbol indicates change in water level from 1955-85. +indicates rise in water level,-indicates decline in water level LINE OF EQUAL WATER·LEVEL CHANGE, IN FEET,APPROXIMATELY LOCATED-- (The earl iest spring measurement for 1953- 55 was used to determine the change.) Interval variable.+indicates rise in water level,.indicates decline in water level R.3W. <J) r 1> 2-o EXPLANATION v· 7'....\;;., 1> 2- -\ 1"'1ro 1J 1"'1 •-37.7 R.4 W. 41°00' Base from U.S.Geological Survey 1 :125.000 quadrangle. Great Salt Lake and vicinity.Utah.1974 ----40-- O'l.... Figure 30.--ehange in water levels in the East Shore aquifer system,1953-55 to 1985. T.5 N. en » ~ C"'1 ':t:. ~ » T.6 N. 5 MILES --t-- \ 43 4 5 KILOMETERS '''-'' Taylor can --............".~J~ 2 ----+-f-;.--.------ 2 3 ---..'1/ ,et1~5-"-----8".~It-i~~_/\,I'o,:"/~~E>1"-_v,E>O''6E>r",V(',"'---_/cc"-__/-s pf\"g c( ',~, ( J ((I c'Sout'':-_We~r Weber,'-'~'--.--"\:'~ ,-,~--\£~~~:.. o o /" /~ T.8 N. CONTOUR INTERVAL,IN FEET,VARIABLE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 j ! 112Cbo' I O~~-:S~'l­'l-~ v~'l-'Y ~\V ~p.'{ ,I'i ". \ '-'4C... •Ill) ,,11,1,1"' "I",1" -.,k '=,~l ." ,.1.- ';,~ "I.,_" ~ ~ o C-''0 ~"I" ~\"I"~2\\ ___----0 "'P'(t, -~.,;.. "I.,,.1., 112~5' ---- //// ,/ ,'/ >//,., j-" ,d,"'4..I'~Jl-~E~~~E~OCQ~_-----·~--=---=--=----=1-=---·--T-·\ ///..1.:l~';).::''::';/''-'~''''-.-.../;:-'::"".Ie;::'":",,,:,It Ple~san'w~_.c,a;(\ /'-__.'I .".~./'",,--'"............0 tv ,·----t"~.ogden/ "":~,I ".•.....~.. .!:"",..../----.....----.-\/r ',-::'..."c>'\",','j\:.~j~PlainCity /•No~gden "" /'"I.I \~Sd"t\---~~~!r:i ~_j ~J;-'----'~--,7~1-·',<?OIlt.· ..'..".'~jC:~-,t,t/)"~FarrWef';t .---.,lvQ ,~~~••I'~--~--';;~__,~I~,-,f;~=______~~-'~C~ ,.1,••I~'---'.(J ~'--.."I "',_'0',Watten.l.I..< •.,"',l.·.~"-~~I ..1. ,-,,~ e~i?>,'.-i .c:__-t'7 : ~t..10,,:,,'!OJ -t~:.8t Warreal! 'o,c..cq<-l<~."""0'-"'-'"'-~U1 ~ ,I,-,~l#art h"--+-'. '"4 ....4~1..e~., ,I,"*-,_,"~,j~-,.1"~~.~ "I."..~I::,."I ,.1 I,,,\ _:;~",~_,I, _,I"'I',~I!.,.~4.'\'J ,~ 41015~ 0'1 !'oJ T.1 N. T.3 N. T.4 N. ../ ~. c~ "'~~~ ·--"~·••Ci}"•• '-"'YOn ._Uee.'>-~ v'<..;Y- \,0 O~.I Cr<:"-""'J,\~~~-_..._- IFIiuit Hghts eel< I (lfJ C~/f ::0 S"e.ll/.'l> /"/' -1-,\//~01\.)/C').>;;-ipa';:;;;Tngto ,i-"--8~."" '-%I\~ ·.C "\,\("'l I 4 1" ;:.s.teaq ~i.DqUis ,.-1 .-,..,<:'t"'''1-. I , \\\fti71,~.,cr.ee-!'-.. ··h\···--r--·····_f~l~./•---+.,>,nanL5;~/~fo.f•.--~'/ \\'/G~~" \ .h -\\pa~tt".//~y.n-"c~.~te.rv;1Wr~,i\fe -Gf~.1 .•--ri:'cente I'"/' -I I~...'_.../T.2 N.').t.././gtone "Creek BOVNTIFUL ',f--<_~//"----C~-r~ek~ ";../HolbrOok .-.....<?>.+10 .~~ -,-~~~~~ "f._,I•• _;;,:.).~;,..i.:.... -4' i-.1_1__ 'J',\N Sal1 Lake c .....I (o..'~.'i /?-..•' ~~',,"-- _j-L __-1.~:~?l5R~TcO R.1 W.R.1 E. ~/~) ,,I.,"I,. I .."·r~*"~--, .J.,~;::ft es~.1'1,.-=-,~Bount1f~~'1,"I"}.'~..',:;;'- ~'I'. r-----------; R.2W. ,\~,,, .,._,I., ,to "I",,1,-':: _,I" FAR/lIINGTON -l ~ 7'1- <c. i ./''':!'''6-~~~'( I IS"ii,,·L~~,\''''q~C'~P .o,d-le J j~---------'-'-:'-"-'->=~~---\<11.'--~.P\~I:~~~_..~!;:./L."-S.f.~~.~~.~- ~ast Layto,Jl SnoiVr~c~eek '1 I t"1<I /,,,(/f 0 7 ../~-.,!,/.--', ...."'---.'·-.;-W V I1._:.t1Ji*V _~ if· "7....\;:.. R.3W. tJ> r 1> 2o EXPLANATION 1> 2 -\ t'1 ro "t'1 •OBSERVATION WELL R.4 W. 41°00'+ Base from U.S.Geological Survey 1 :125,000 quadrangle, Great Salt Lake and vicinity,Utah,1974 -+10 --LINE OF EQUAL WATER-LEVEL CHANGE-- Dashed where approximately located.Interval variable.+indicates rise in water level, -indicates decline in water level 0\ W Figure 31.--Ghange in water levels in the East Shore aquifer system,1969 to 1985. Average values of specific yield aoo water content were estimated from drillers'logs of wells for various types of lithologies in the study area, ranging fran thick sequences of clay am sandy clay near Great Salt Lake to the ooarse~rained material beneath the high benchlaoos and river floodplains. The average estimated water content for the area is 40 percent,and the average specific yield is 11 percent.An estimate of the total volume of groom water recoverable from storage was made assuming that water levels could be drawn down enough so that the oonfined part of the system would be dewatered,am therefore,a specific yield representing water-table oorrlitions would be valid.'!he total volum~of ground water in the systan was estimated to be 135 million acre-feet.An estimate of the total recoverable water in storage,based on the specific yields of the water-bearing zones,the area, and the lithology of the zones,is estimated to be about 37 million acre-feet. This amount is considered to be a maximum because it assumes all available water oould be raooved fran the system.However,the extent of dewatering that could occur without undesirable side effects such as water levels declining to depths fran which water canoot be pt.mq;:ed econanically,potential novenent of oonpotable water to wells,aoo land subsidence,is not krw:::>wn. '!he quantity of water that can be renoved fran storage by lowering water levels in an aquifer depends on whether the aquifer is under confined or unconfined ooooitions.Water-table conditions exist in about 5 square miles near the roouth of weber Canyon,about 3 square miles near the benches of the Bountiful area,and about 10 additional square miles in a narrow band along the mountain front.Groum water in the East Soore aquifer system in the remainder of the study area is confined.Fran 1953 to 1985 water levels declined as much as 57 feet in the study area (fig.30),with an average decline estimated to be about 27 feet for approximately 200 square miles underlain by oonfined aquifers.'!he storage ooeffigient of t~4confined part of the Fast Shore ~ifer systan ranges fran 3 X 10 to 1 X 10 ;therefore, about 350 to 1,700 acre-feet of water was raooved fran storage as a result of these water-level declines,assuming the water was derived from elastic compaction of the aquifer system.~clines in water levels in the unoonfined part of the aquifer systan near the ItOuth of Weber canyon are assumed to have been at least 40 feet during the sane time feriod.The sfecific yield of the unoonfined part of the aquifer system is assumed to be aoout 0.1;thus,about 13,000 acre-feet of water was raooved fran storage in the 5-square-mile area. Between 1969 and 1985 about 100 to 500 acre-feet of water was removed from storage in the oonfined part of the East Shore ~ifer systan am about 3,000 acre-feet was renoved from storage in the unconfined part of that aquifer systan. Discharge Discharge from the East Shore aquifer system is to wells and drainageways (drains,ditches,and streams)and by springs, evapotranspiration,and diffuse seepage to Great Salt Lake.The average annual discharge for 1969-84 was estimated to be 182,000 acre-feet. wells Approximately 5,900 wells have been oonstructed in the Fast Shore area, varying fran municipal wells with large diameter am large discharge to small- diameter flowing wells used to supply stock water.'!he discharge from these 64 wells was estimated to average about 54,000 acre-feet per year during 1969-84. '!he nunber of wells in the Fast Shore area was determined fran drillers'logs of wells filed with the Utah Division of water Rights and published data fran previous investigations oonducted in the area.Arnow and others (1964,p.16) reported that 5,000 wells were in the area in 1962,B:>lke and waddell (1972, p.7)reJ;X>rted that aboot 430 wells were drilled during 1962-69,and 444 wells have been drilled since 1969.'!his makes a total of aboot 5,900 wells in the East Shore area in 1985. Most well disdlarge in the East Srore area is fran aboot 200 wells that supply municipal and industrial users.The average annual discharge from these wells duri~1955-84 for the Weber Delta and Bountiful areas is shCMJ1 in figure 32.'!he annual disdlarge was about 16,000 acre-feet dur ing 1955-68, but during 1969-84 it was aboot 28,000 acre-feet •.Ma;t of this increase was in the Weber Delta area,whereas withdrawal in the Bountiful area remained fairly constant (fig.32).The disdlarge fran Itllnicipal and industrial wells was determined fran reoords provided by the nunicipalities,industrial users, and by Weber Basin Water Conservancy District,which supplies large quantities of water for municipal and industrial use. [ZL/]WEBER DELTA AREA ~BOUNTIFUL AREA 40 l/l 0 Ze( l/l ::>1- OwIW I-u. ZW 20-0::-uwe( 0u.~O Iu ~ 0 0 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1984 Figure 32.--Withdrawal from wells for municipal and industrial use,1955-84. 65 The approximate area of flowing wells (area in which IOOiSt wells floo under artesian pressure)in 1954 and 1985 is shown in figure 33.The flooing- well area boundary fluctuates seasonally and over periods of several years, and is only an approxinate balndary.The percentage of wells that are within the area of flowing wells was determined from drillers'logs of wells, previously published data,and data oollected at 249 wells during 1985.Most of the 249 wells visited in 1985 are in five sections and had been inventoried in 1969 by BoIke and Waddell (1972,p.7).According to Smith and Gates (1963,pI.2),about 3,500 wells flooed in 1954.Available drillers'logs of wells indicate arout 560 flowi~wells were drilled during 1955-69,giving a total of abalt 4,160 flooing wells in 1969,which was arout 77 percent of the total rn.u:rt>er of wells in 1969 (5,430).Since 1969 arout 444 wells have been drilled,of which 340 were asswned to be flowi~,for an estimated total of 4,500 flooing wells in 1985.Of the 249 wells visited during the sumner of 1985,39 percent were valved or pumped,27 percent were flowing continuously, 16 percent no longer flowed,and 18 percent were plugged or unused but still within the area of flowing wells.These percentages were applied to the estinated total number of flooing wells (4,500)to determine the number of wells in each category disa.lssed in the follooing paragraphs. Using data fran the 249 wells visited in 1985,it was estinated that of the approximate total of 4,500 flowing wells in 1985,about 1,800 wells in the flooing-well area have their disdlarge controlled by a pump or a valve.AOOut 1,200 wells flow continuously,and about 800 wells have been plugged or are unused.Since 1954,arout 700 wells within 30 square miles have ceased to floo for at least part of the year and many of these wells have not flooed for several years.Most of the non-flowing wells probably are in the area representing the difference between the flooing-well areas of 1954 and 1985, where wells have ceased to flow because of a decrease in artesian pressure. The decrease in pressure in the aquifers is in res};X)nse to the large-scale withdrawals of water from wells for nunicipal and industrial use. The 1,800 wells controlled by a pump or valve within the flooing-well area are assumed to each have the sane annual discharge.The annual discharge from each of these wells is estimated to be fran 1 to 2 acre-feet.This rate is based on a per-capita consunption of 250 gallons per day and a household unit of 4 persons (Utah Division of Water Rights,1980;Wasatch Front Regional Council,1986).Most of these wells are in rural areas and are used to irrigate large lots;therefore,the discharge fran these 1,800 wells is estinated to range fran 1,800 to 3,600 acre-feet per year. Discharge fran continuously-flowing wells varies considerably,roth annually and seasonally,depending primarily on the artesian pressure in the oonfined aquifers;discharge generally decreases as pressure decreases.Since 1963,shut-in water levels in flCMing wells have generally decreased as has discharge fran the same wells (figs.34-36).Discharge in sene wells can decrease even when water levels are rising (fig.34),indicating the possibility that the well perforations are being blocked by sediment or mineral dep:>sits,causing discharge to decrease even though artesian pressure increases.Seasonal water-level and discharge fluctuations are shown in figures 37 to 39.Figures 37 and 38 are for the same wells for which long- term fluctuations were illustrated in figures 34 and 35.The water levels and discharge generally decline during the stmlter due to increased use of water for irrigation. 66 '!he discharge fran 1,200 continuously fleMing wells was estimated to be 22,000 acre-feet in 1985.'!he estimate is based on measurenents of disd1arge fran 133 flowing wells during sumner 1985.The average measured discharge from all wells with the same casing diameter is considered to be representative of the average fleM from all wells with that diameter.The average discharge for all measured fleMing wells with the same diameter was rrultiplied by the nunber of wells for eadl dianEter within the area of flowing wells.The number of wells of eadl casing diameter was estimated by assuming that the percentage of wells of eadl dianEter of the 133 wells visited could be applied to the total nunber of oontinuously flowing wells.The number of discharge rreasurenents for wells of eadl dianEter and the total discharge is shCMI1 in the following table: Estimated nunrer of Diameter of a.nnber of Average Staroard wells with 'Ibtal well casing wells disd1arge deviation same diameter disd1arge (inches)rreasured (gallons ~r (gallons per casing (acre-feet) minute)minute} 2 101 6.5 7.1 910 10,000 3 18 25 24 160 6,000 4 9 39 28 80 5,000 6 4 13 12 40 800 10 1 35 10 600 'Ibtal 133 1,200 22,000 '!he discharge fran 27 wells througoout the flowing-well area has been measured annually since 1963 in order to estimate long-term changes in the total discharge of water from flowing wells.Since the early 1970's,a general decrease has been observed in the total measured discharge fran these wells (fig.40). About 1,200 small-diameter wells are used for domestic,stock,and irrigation purp:>ses outside of the flowing-well area.The annual discharge from each of these wells is estimated to be fran 1 to 2 acre-feet,based on a per-capita consumption of 250 gallons per day and a household unit of 4 persons (Utah Division of Water Rights,1980;Wasatdl Front Regional CoW1cil, 1986)•'!he discharge fran these wells is estimated to range fran 1,200 to 2,400 acre-feet per year. 67 T.5 N. ~ » en » ---\ C") ':t: 5 MILES .Ci4-r RIVer '--.j 43 4 5 KILOMETERS !Gate,way,,.'unr'e".. Taylor can -----'-----'./~----.---....., \ 2 2 3 I ! j I j ''o!c~~T'."l'I Ogden /~~o~~~ct;n'< F1....~()!a'" .:,!!:.g.{~~_'2! o T.8 N. CONTOUR INTERVAL.IN FEET.VARIABLE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 I..lHILL , -(-i- __L- o /' I /.r I;' ~---"T.7 N. \h j o1.$yrings !-.......,~--''''' '-~ It-.'~',.'_"""112'tlO'1 .0 -!I 'I,I-j'.:~ '.,...1 ."~\~~,;ard ~\I.to:J".. \.3 WestPoin ~~'Y ",,\VV ~~'\ -./-" ..1'-4.' .ci _,I., ..I.., '>"v;~•• dtV~llY' ~ "I.,,I, "I" ..::.~-\ .,1 •• "I,.,,I,, "I... "w,,\, *-"I•• ,---"-';..t:_--,,~"-y ..1,r-'•.--.. --~/'"\-:/(f .---t'~I ..l......J-:!'~"~;" '-,,h ! J ) jc 'v';'1.?I~ ",I,.4-,,1,,-* ,I,4-"I•• o C'o ~ ~i\ "J_\, \ ,2 I ~ ...---,...---(')' "1' ~. '7,.;., ,.I.,,,1.. T 112"I5' ---- BOX ELDER CO '!g.!,, /--------------'---------~~'-'-----'WEBER CO ._'! /~",~:"I'~j .'';:"::~1 /_.J~0 1j ~,I..,1\:/~,,~,~~~\..i'!.fl!.--,,"~.~ /1 ',:%.,.",..C~_.,;~<),·;~;f]PIainCitY ~~/..""":~'~~~(J~'>t;t)',,----!, . '""I...,--.~.21 ~',"-""-,.~'0 '-.,Wat:ten,;"'( \.,.~'L.__,':c\i >,~..9~~'-I/..J. ".0/I,\-/<:_-~}!UI I~'C +1J...!\Vest WarrenIll,! I 'I 41"I5~ 0\ 00 T.1 N. T.3 N. T.4 N. --".- c;ijf/YOf/ q~£k_J;Dauis.-'---',,-/- Iti~lt~_·c:r_ee~- _/!~)-'---c\t l "(nard C~l"'-·/~o.-.'--/\./,-~~~ , \parrish ~~. -it'~§e~~~i~'--c'~"",'[enterl'lne 1...,-. I I'~\/ j' ___.~T.2 N "(B"'"--.''stone'"."v OUNTIFUL cr" /~~:_'Hoibrook C;l'eek ,<~ I /'"....q.2--~'-'~"'" ,'Val'---·"'4 /Verda --',../V ,d., _,I., R.1 W. ~.,., i,~.. \0.k\~I c r~~,_~"J--~,\',~t'~--_.____ -'"'S"Kaysvillr'{i \=::r--;:\-\F'riuit Hghts cc~<':J:l ---;--f'-.c"......_13_(l~.i:':!(l~(Lc;'./ '•\•Sl\~ll//» \{";'//~ I'\/+F<-;:;;;i~gto'l~(o;.~,/\1'a -r L~ J t'~~Farmingto~I\[\"0..0- 1-'..'+-__Jiteq~__--"~~~ R.2 W. d.,Il'."I',''''''::- ,I,,"-.f.,.1,,-::: FARJI//VC7'ON ~ 7'f- <1' -<~i'l' ,.."1,,,/l"9 rk [ "'11<-'t~~·,.1 I'lt r"'~~"r ~J .1./''c,/ ,.I--c:!t,,?~~.-:t:'!~;1:-§'f~-~~' if·\,'V It/East Layt0,.u iSnowr-c;;';k' 7'\-fr.,t\\'~I /' <',A r:v/[~J~F":f"':~'/'--/ I ~I c1y~J----""'I'r=~--/J,/-'-v-f?-- R.3W. <fl r ""2o ""2 -\ f'1 ro -0 f'1 APPROXIMATE AREA IN WHICH WELLS WERE NOT FLOWING DURING SUMMER OF 1985 BUT WERE REPORTED TO HAVE FLOWED DURING 1954 SECTION USED TO ESTIMATE DISCHARGE FROM FLOWING WELLS EASTERN BOUNDARY OF AREA OF FLOWING WELLS IN 1954 EASTERN BOUNDARY OF AREA OF FLOWING WELLS IN 1985 / EXPLANATION R.4 W. 4f'OO'+- Base from U.S.Geological Survey 1 :125.000 quadrangle. Great Salt Lake and vicinity.Utah.1974 III $ Figure 33.--Approximate boundary of flowing-well area,1954 and 1985.and location of sections used to estimate discharge from flowing wells. 12 20 W> <IJ0coZ c:(10 15 0 -l~l1J -lWUc:(wI.LJ e:{•0~LLLL ::JzO::10 ~~-::J -<IJ w~~O I 00::>z o::w we:{e:{Q. -l-l •WQERLEW..5 I 0::.-U LLJ •[B)WIE <IJ ~0e:{ 3i:2 0 1963 1964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1985 Figure 34.--Water level in and discharge from well (8-1-1)10aac-1,1963-85. 20 20W> 0 <IJ co Z e:{01515-l~w -lWUe:{wWe:{0~LLLL ::JzO:: 10 10 ~~-::J w~.J"<IJ wO 00:: >z o::w we:{ •M1ER L£.\tL e:{Q. -l-l 5 5 I 0::U W .D!:OWU:~ f-0e:{ ~0 0 19631964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1985 Figure 35.--Water level in and discharge from well (8-7-1 )30dca-1,1963-85. W 12 10 ><IJ0Zco•0c:(-lf-W -lWUc:(WWe:{e (9f-LLLL ::JzO:: 10 ~~-::J w-~.J"<IJ wO 7 00:: >z o::w we:{c:(Q. -l-l WQERLEW..I 0::•I u <IJW 0f-•D5CHAIU:e:{ ~e 5 19631964 1966 1968 1970 1972 1974 1976 1978 1980 1982 1984 1985 Figure 36.--Water level in and discharge from well (B-7-2)32bbb-1,1963-85. 70 w 12 3 u <l: LL Wa::I-:::>:::> Vl z 0 11 ~z <l:a:: -l w W 0- >Vl 0 Z III 0 <l:-l 10 2 -l I-<l:w CJW LL Z Z W .J CJ w ,a:: ><l: w •I ...J WlQERLna u a::Vl w •[&)ME 0 I- <l::s:a 1 F'..A ..J J A S 0 N 0 J F'..A ..J J A S 0 1984 1985 Figure 37.--Water level in and discharge from well (B-1-1)10aac-1,1984-85. I.J.I 15 15 u« I.J.wa::I-:::>:::>Vl z 0 - z ~ <l:a:: -l 10 10 w W 0- >Vl 0 Z co 0 <l:-l -lI-<l:w CJW LL Z Z - 5 5 W .J CJ W 0:: ><l: w I -l •WQERLna u a::~ w •[I'l')ME 0 I- <l::s:0 0 F'..A ..J J A S 0 N 0 J F'..A ..J J A S 0 1984 1985 Figure 38.--Water level in and discharge from well (8-7-1 )30dca -1,1984-85. 71 20 ,......-r--,....-""T"-..--r-.,....~-.,---r-'T""'--r--r---r--r---r--r---,r--..,..-r-..,10 W >o OJ <:I: f-Wwu W<:I: LLLL zO::: -::l 15 -<11L;jo >zw<:I: ...J...J 0::: W f- <:I: ~•WATER lEVEL. •r&::HAR:£ e <11 Z 0 ...J ...J•<:I:W (jf- ::l~~w2 (jO:::..o:::w<to.. ru <11 0 2 F'MAM J J AS 1985 I0 L-~_L-...._.L-...I.._.........I._"'--......_..L...--I._-'-......_..r-.--L_-L----I_...L..--:I..;;..-'0 r M A M J J A SON D J 1984 Figure 39.--Water level in and discharge from well (B-5-3)15dda-1,1984-85. The total estimated annual discharge from all wells is shown in the follCMing table. Type of well Estimated almual discharge, in acre-feet (1969-85) Municipal and industrial Controlled flowing wells Snall-diameter pwnped wells Continuously flowing wells Total average discharge 72 28,000 1,800-3,600 1,200-2,400 22,000 54,000 800 ....,..--~------r------.,...-----....,.------.,......o TOTAL DISCHARGE,MEASURED AND ESTIMATED •AMOUNT OF DISCHARGE ESTIMATEDW f- :J Z ~600 0:: W Il. (/) Zo j 400« (!) z w (!) 0::200« I U (/) o a 1963 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 Figure 40.--Total discharge from 27 selected flowing wells.1963-85. waterways and Springs Discharge from the East Shore aquifer system to drainageways (drains, ditches,and strearrs)and by seep:;and springs is estimated to r.ave ranged from 61,000 to 84,000 acre-feet per year during 1969-84,or an average of about 70,000 acre-feet per year.This estimate of discharge is based primarily on 175 measurements or estimates made during spring 1985.The rreasuranents were made on all knoon drains and are assLnned to represent total drain discharge within the study area.The measurerrents were made before the irrigation season and after the previous season's irrigation water had drained off,and were,therefore,assumed to be representative of base-flow oonditions,which includes mainly ground water derived from upward leakage from the East Shore aquifer system.Precipitation and surface runoff were greater than average during 1984-85;thus,drain discharge during the spring of 1985 may also have been greater than the 1969-84 average.All knoon p::>ints of discharge to drainageways and by springs were located and the discharge measured where possible.The proportion of water in the drains,ditches, seeps,and springs that is discharge from the East Shore aquifer system was estimated in the field where possible,or by using water quality to differentiate surface water from ground water by comparing specific conductance and chemical Characteristics to those of water from nearby surface-water sites and wells.Some of the drainageways are used to distribute irrigation water in addition to being used as drains;thus, estimating the amount of water discharged by upward leakage from the East Shore aquifer system is difficult.On drainageways used as a part of irrigation systems,rreasurenents were made up:;tream and downstream from p::>ints of suspected ground-water discharge to determine the amount of ground-water inflav. 73 The discharge from the East Sl"ore aquifer system to drainageways and by springs originates prbnarily as upward leakage;it varies seasonally and annually depending on changes in the artesian pressure within the aquifer system,similar to discharge from flowing wells.Many of the springs and seeps,which are generally the headwaters of drainageways,are located where the altitude of the potentiometric surface is slightly higher than the land- surface altitude;thus,many spring locations correspond to the boundary of the area of flowing wells (fig.33).The discharge by upward leakage typically is largest in the spring when grourrl-water levels are highest,and smallest in the fall when water levels are lowest.Discharge by upward leakage to drainageways arrl by springs generally is assl.JTled to be greatest in areas \'tlere the confining layer overlying the upper artesian aquifer is more penneable or thinner than eles\'tlere. Discharge to drainageways and by springs was determined as a total for specific drainage areas.Yeasurements were made throughout the drainage areas from the mouths of drains to the headwaters (spring and seep areas)to determine the discharge for each specific drainage area.Some of the di.scharge in the drainageways is from surface water,awlied irrigation water, and other sources.This discharge was rreasured and subtracted fran the total discharge for that drainage area.Total discharge for a specific drainage area was calculated.The discharge rates were determined by dividing the estimated total discharge by the area of the drainage basin.The individual drain rates were then combined into larger areas,arrl ranges of rates for those larger areas were determined. 'll1e Bountiful-Farmington area includes 55 sites at which drain disdlarge ranged from 0.5 to 1.1 cubic feet per second per square mile,the largest average discharge in the East Sl"ore area (fig.41).'ll1e annual average drain discharge is estimated to range fran 12,500 to 19,400 acre-feet in this area, \'tlich includes minor anounts of discharge to the Jordan River. 'll1e area from Willard to Hooper includes 90 sites at which the drain discharge ranged from 0.5 to 0.9 cubic foot per second per square mile,and the average annual discharge in this area is estimated to range fran 44,000 to 58,000 acre-feet.This includes an estimated annual discharge from the East Shore aquifer system of 12,000 acre-feet to Hooper and Howard Sloughs.The amount of discharge from the aquifer system to the sloughs was estimated by assuming the snaller discharge rate of 0.5 cubic foot per second per square mile for their 13.0 arrl 20.6 square-mile drainage areas.The contours of the potentiometric surface of the aquifer system near the headwaters of Walker, Hooper,and Howard Sloughs indicate potential ground-water discharge to the sloughs (pl.1). In the area west of Syracuse arrl Kaysville,\'tlich includes 24 sites,the discharge ranged from 0.3 to 0.4 cubic foot per secom per square mile.The average annual discharge is estimated to range from 3,100 to 4,200 acre-feet per year. Between Warren and Little Mountain,six sites were measured am the discharge ranged from 0.1 to 0.2 cubic foot per second per square mile,and the annual average discharge is estimated to range from 1,400 to 2,400 acre- feet.In part of this area,head differences in the confined parts of the 74 aquifer system indicate a vertical gradient downward;thus,little discharge to drains in the area ~uld be expected. Some spr ings along the rrountain front are thought to be associated with fault systems.The flow from these springs is not included in the water budget for the East Shore aquifer system because they discharge from oonsolidated rock.~springs discharge water having temperatures as high as 46 degrees Celsius along the shore of Great Salt Lake.The water fram these springs probably has followed a much deeper flow path than the water fran the East Shore aquifer system. Evapotranspiration The East Shore area includes approximately 90,000 acres of lam where upward leakage fran the Fast Shore aquifer system is a source of water for evapotranspiration.This area is defined as the area where artesian pressure in the confined parts of the aquifer system is great eoough to cause wells to flow.About 40,000 acres of this land is non-cropped,non-irrigated, vegetated areas and the remaining 50,000 acres is irrigated croplands.water levels in the shallow water-table zone umer the 40,000 acres of non-irrigated lam are usually less than 10 feet below land surface and within reach of the roots of phreatophytes.SaTe of this shallow ground water,which originates as u:fMard leakage fran the East Shore aquifer system,is taken up by plants, evaporated to the atm)sphere,or discharged to drains.The remaining water oonsumed by evapotranspiration is supplied by local precipitation,applied irrigation water from adjacent irrigated land,or fran water in drainageways and streams. The weighted annual average evapotranspiration rate of the phreatoP1ytes in non-irrigated areas is estimated to be 2.5 feet per year.The estimate is based on the percentage of vegetation types in the area (Haws,1970)am densities and rates of evapotranspiration of those vegetation types (Feth and others,1966,p.66-70).The annual evapotranspiration rates ranged fram 1.4 feet for drylam vegetation to 5.1 feet for cattails (Typha spp.),rushes (Juncus spp.),and reeds.other types of vegetation include saltgrass (Distichlis spicata sp.),grea~(.5a.rcobatus vermiculatus),willow (Salix spp.),am cottonwoods (Populus spp.). Of the total annual 2.5 feet of evapotranspiration,about 0.64 foot per year is fran the effective precipitation,which was calculated fran the April to October precipitation at the stations at Bear River Refuge and Ogden Sugar Factory for 1951-80.The annual evapotranspiration fran sources other than precipitation fran the 40,000 acres of non-irrigated land is about 1.9 feet or 76,000 acre-feet.The source of most of this water is excess applied irrigation water on the upgradient cropland,water in drainageways,and surface water in the sloughs am forks of the weber River.The excess aQ;>lied irrigation water was estimated to be about 65,000 acre-feet,based on a rate of 1.3 feet throughout the 50,000 upgradient acres.The 1.3-feet rate was calculated fran an average consunptive use of 1.7 feet am an average applied irrigation rate of 3.0 feet for farms with less than 1,000 acres (U.S. Dep:lrt:nent of Ccmnerce,1982,p.266).The average consumptive-use rate of 1.7 feet for croplands was calculated fran a rate of 2.3 feet,based on percentage of crop types in the area (Haws,1970)and the oonsumptive-use rate of the individual crops (Huber and others,1982),minus the effective 75 T.5 N. ~ » V) » -\ C") :r. 84"-../' SMILES Gateway'Tunnel 4 I River 3 i"---0~~~j-1 I,--1 ---~-/'e~ sprIng Cfe 4 S KILOMETERS Taylor can --"',,---'''''-, 2 1 1 2 3 ~;:::,~_Webe'Sout---'~---.;V'twTeber \ "--'cf:''b. ~',,;~-- a a T.7 N. T.8 N. CONTOUR INTERVAL.IN FEET.VARIABLE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 '-.-", ,HILL A'F BASE :Q "'" t___~!2'bO' ,0 I I ,'"Ii .g- il "\\\(iIlard I aJ I :.,'"\:0 \'"-f-~3- -=---::::I~------="V I +----1-----"+-;;-- ca;" -~-"''''~,2~~_e_~\/ North~gden \" j-'-----/Lj-,'~O'cilo './'-·-.51.t e,.cr-J+J=l=~-->Jh--t-:\---li.:s.__~"'-.'--t -,\, .... / 'I.~\> .\VV',,,, "£>r.~ .l'~~.,1" j\RV \\11,1, "I •• ,.1"...., ___----c)' "P --:'=" ';yo,,;., '" 112o.tS' ---' BOX ELDER CO /-WEBE-RCO----~---------l~ /1 ,""'~';:. 1 / ;' 4101S~ -..I 0' T.1 N. T.3 N. T.2 N. T.4 N. 'rye\t (:reek Creel-? Ca"yO" "~.-....'i ~(-"'F.>? /Iv J::I 'l> .C!:. / \,~-i-~----~---'-,----L C") "J>Farmington".m__*0,.: 1(13 I ~ Z._.'it?ad _c:-~~--,",~--? ,D_avis ' -"(:':f?~1',- \~'S..cr<:<:k •\of'--.L _ -:::-..-(\e rr Fl'IUit Hghts eek~.•'!'(\~d_Cf./ s"~l' R.1 W. ·,d'_l- I 10' J'.c*",,;~ 1",1",::.//" B~~ , Clearfield ~..-0 .,. -"I" "","I" R.2 W. "I"~ "J... FAR.t1INcrON '"I,"I- ... '7 ~. 7 Cont. --'~'~-"'~"I I Fqrk 1-~1,\~~6.~I~J ··f,~Y--~~~"'c--~!Syracuse ~+-._.C'q <·M,e~-..............',\0'I-~?~,.::·.-~\::>... ',A R.3 W. GENERALIZED BOUNDARY OF DISCHARGE BY UPWARD LEAKAGE TO WATERWAYS AND BY SPRINGS LINE OF SECTION FOR COMPUTATION OF DIFFUSE SEEPAGE TO GREAT SALT LAKE AND LINE SEGMENT NUMBE R--Arrows show direction of ground-water flow 0.5 -1.1 cubic feet per second per square mile 0.2 -0.5 cubic foot per second per square mile 0-0.2 cubic foot per second per square mile l . R.4 W. ):> Z -\ ~, 41°00'-'-~10 1'1 <I> r;" Z o ~"""-.JLn..uH EXPLANATION AREA WHERE DISCHARGE TO DRAINS RANGES FROM: Base from U.S.Geological Survey 1:125000 quadrangle. Great Salt Lake and vicinity.Utah.1974 m [II[[] E--~---J r4---i ...,J ...,J Figure 41.--Areas of different rates of drain discharge and computation lines used for estimating diffuse seepage to Great Salt Lake. precipitation rate of 0.64 foot per year.Only a small part of the 76,000 acre-feet of evapotranspiration is suWlied directly by uP'lard leakage fran the East Sl'x>re aquifer system.Part of the evapotranspiration fran the non- irrigated area is fram the 65,000 acre-feet of excess irrigation water.If all of this excess water moves to the non-irrigated area,the calculated evapotranspiration derived fran excess irrigation water would be 65,000 acre- feet,and the remainder,or 11,000 acre-feet (76,000 -65,000),would be supplied by uP'lard leakage fran the East Shore aquifer systan.This estimate of 11,000 acre-feet is a maximum if sate of the evapotranspiration is derived fran other sources. The areas of non-irrigated vegetation generally have little drain discharge,such as the area between Warren and Little Mountain (fig.41). Feth and others (1966,table 15)reported a range of the annual rate of upward leakage in an area similar to the non-irrigated areas frem 0.04 to 0.2 foot with an average rate of 0.1 foot,based on five experiments in 1954-55 on salt-crust barren lands near Great Salt Lake.If this average rate of evapotranspiration fram ~rd leakage is assuned to represent a minimum rate for the 40,000 acres of non-irrigated vegetation,4,000 acre-feet per year ~uld represent the minirrum evapotranspiration by ~rd leakage fram the East Shore aquifer systan. Evapotranspiration of water from upward leakage in the irrigated croplands is assumed to be negligible because the water table in these areas generally is deeper than in the non-irrigated areas.':the deeper water table is caused by the generally higher altitude and steeper land-surface gradient, and by the drains constructed to maintain the water table at a distance below the land surface such that plant roots are not in saturated soils.'Iherefore, it is assuned that the minimum annual evapotranspiration from upward leakage is about 4,000 acre-feet,the maximum amount is unknown but asst.nned to be about 11,000 acre-feet and the estimated average is 8,000 acre-feet. Diffuse Seepage to Great Sal t Lake Ground water discharges by diffuse seepage fram sed.irrents under the east side of Great Salt Lake.The total annual ground-water discharge to the lake was estimated as the flow through a series of vertical cross-sectional areas- the locations of the sections are shown by the lines of section in figure 41. 'Ihe necessary ccnponents of the Darcy equation (p.32)to determine ground- water discharge into the lake are listed in table 10.Transmissivity was estimated with average aquifer hydraulic conductivity and thickness.The average hydraulic conductivity (K)was determined fran litl'x>logies described in drillers'logs of wells near the computation lines and hydraulic conductivity values used by ~r (1978,p.16).'!he hydraulic gradient (I) was detennined frem water levels in wells near the lake.Where wells and water levels were not available very near the lake,it was assurred that the gradients nearest the lake were representative of gradients across the computation lines.Using the steeper gradients sane distance fram the lake probably overestimates discharge across SOlIE section lines.For the purpose of carq;:uting discharge,the saturated thickness of the aquifer system near the lake shore was assumed to be 1,000 feet. 78 Table 10.--Estimated discharge by diffuse seepage to Great salt Lake Section line (see fig.41) Hydraulic conductivity (K) (feet per day) Hydraulic gradient (I) (dimensionless) Length of section line (L) (feet) Discharge (Q)1 Cubic feet Acre-feet per day per year (rounded) 1 40 0.0007 14,600 409,000 3,400 2 11 .0014 21,900 337,000 2,800 3 22 .0059 14,600 1,895,000 15,900 4 20 .0040 14,600 117,000 980 5 8 .0013 18,800 196,000 1,600 6 12 .00088 16,700 176,000 1,500 7 18 .0015 42,700 1,153,000 9,700 8 18 .00089 57,300 918,000 7,700 9 12 .0032 17,700 680,000 5,700 10 17 .0016 35,400 963,000 8,100 Total (rounded)57,000 Less discharge across section line 5 (see fig.41)where flow is to the east •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••1,fiOO Less discharge to drains,seeps,and streams (see page 80)•••••••3,000-5,000 Total discharge to Great salt Lake at a lake altitude of about 4,200 feet (rounded)••.•••50,000 lsased on an assumed saturated thickness of 1,000 feet for the aquifer system. 79 The total discharge calculated for 48 miles of lake shore is estimated to be 57,000 acre-feet per year.Discharge by drains near the lake and west of line segment line 3 (fig.41)is estimated to range from 3,000 to 5,000 acre-feet per year and was subtracted from the total discharge by diffuse seepage to Great Salt Lake.Excluding the drain discharge (3,000-5,000 acre- feet)and ground-water flow to the east across line segment line 5 (1,600 acre-feet),the discharge fram the East Shore aquifer system by diffuse seepage to the lake is estimated to be about 50,000 acre-feet per year (table 10). Sumnary of the Hydrologic 8..ldget for the East Shore h;Iuifer System The hydrologic budget of the East Soore aquifer system is sUlllIlarized in table 11.The budget cxxrponents for recharge and discharge were calculated independently,and the totals are not equal.The difference between the totals for recharge and discharge primarily is due to lack of reliable data for calculating some of the individual budget components,particularly red1arge from subsurface inflow,disdlarge to drainageways and spr ings,and diffuse seepage to Great salt lake,\\ihich are major parts of the total budget. ~ver,it is likely that the disdlarge fran the East Shore aquifer system was slightly larger than recharge during 1969-84 because a small part of the discharge from wells was derived from loss of aquifer storage rather than being entirely derived from recharge.1ID:)ther soorce of discrepancy was the time periods during which data to calculate individual parts of the budget were collected.The value for each eatp:>nent of the budget is asst.med to be an average value during 1969-84.However,data were not available for all components for the same time period,and the average values represent different periods of time and may represent hydrologic extremes.For instance,discharge to drainageways and springs was calculated based on data collected during 1984-85,a period following greater than normal precipitation;the calculated value may be larger than actual average value for 1969-84.A reasonable estimate of the long-term average for beth recharge to and discharge from the East SOOre aquifer system is about 160,000 acre-feet per year. Chemical ~ality and Tel!perature '!he quality of ground water in the East Shore area has changed little since previous studies even though wittXirawals have increased substantially. O1emical analyses of water from wells collected during this study and selected analyses from other studies are rep)rted in Plantz and ot.'ers (1986,table 5). Snith and Gates (1963)and BoIke and Waddell (1972)discussed the chemical quality of ground water in the entire area,whereas Feth and others (1966) discussed the quality of water in only the Weber Delta area.Additional infonnation on the prevalent chemical types of ground water in the area can be found in those reports.Chemical analyses of ground water in the area indicates that in most of the area the water is p)table;ha.lever,SaTE areas are rot extensively developed because the quality of the water is rot suitable for SaTE uses. 80 Table 11.-Approximate hydrologic budget for the ~tSOOrea~li&s~t~,l%~~ Recharge Budget carJIX)nent Acre-feet per year (roumed) Seepage fran rivers,streams,am irrigation canals 60,000 Infiltration fran irrigated fields,lawns,gardens,18,000 and direct precipitation Subsurface inflow fran oonsolidated rocks 75,000 Tbtal ......•••.••153,000 Discharge Wells 54,000 Waterways am springs 70,000 Evapotranspiration 8,000 Diffuse seepage to Great Salt Lake 50,000 Total.••••. . •••.••182,000 Relation to Hydrology and Geology The chemical quality of the ground water in the East Shore area is directly related to the quality of its recharge water and the a::xrposition of the rocks and soil through which the water flows from points of recharge to points of discharge.The specific conductance of potential redlarge water fran streaIl5 is given in table 12.M::>re than on~third of the recharge to the East Shore aquifer system is by seepage fran surface water.The differences in quality between the streams primarily reflects the rock types in the drainage area and the rate of flow when the sanple was taken.Most of the redlarge by seepage occurs when the streams are at high flow arrl the specific comuctance is relatively small.Specific conductance of water in the Gateway Tunnel,which was drilled through netarrorphic rocks,am of freshwater springs near the mouths of Weber am Ogden canyons is oonsiderably smaller than that of IOOSt other surface water during low-flow periods.'!he water in the tunnel and the springs is assumed to be representative of the quality of water recharged from the same rock types along the Wasatch Front by subsurface inflow to the basin fill. '!he East Shore area is boumed on the east by the Wasatch Fault zone and on the west by an inferred fault trerrling southeast fran the Little M::>untain area (fig.3).The fault systems have a direct effect on the quality of 81 Table 12.--Specific conductarre of water from streams at high and low flew,selected springs,and Gate~y Tunnel Name Average specific conductance (microoierrens per centi.neter at 25 degrees celsius) <:gden River furch Creek weber River Kays Creek H:>1mes Creek Baer Creek Fannington Creek Gateway funnel Spri~s at the nnlth of Ogden Canyon Springs at the nnlth of Weber canyon High flow 180 100 310 560 350 230 120 LoN flow 280 550 900 630 500 200 150 120 ground water near than.This effect is indicated by high temperatures and large concentrations of dissolved minerals in the water of Hxper Hot Springs on the west and Utah Hot Springs on the east.These waters are assumed to result from upward flow along the fault zones and are presumed to have circulated either deep in the alluvium or in the underlying oonsolidated rock where the water has been heated.Such circulation has been fX)stulated based on data fram analyses for stable isotopes (Cole,1982).The increase in teaperature increases the solubility and dissolution rate of rock minerals am causes an increase in the total ooncentrations of dissolved minerals (Hem, 1970,p.42). An exanple of l'x:>w the water chanistry dlanges along flow paths between recharge and discharge areas is shown in figure 42.'!he specific conductance of water at selected sites along the flow plth fran the IIOuth of Weber Canyon northwest to near Little Mountain suggests recharge sources and imicates changes in water quality.Recharge water fran the Weber River has a specific conductance ranging from about 310 to 550 microsienens per centimeter at 25 degrees celsius,whereas specific oonductance of water fran the Gateway Tunnel and springs in consolidated rock ranges from 120 to 200.Water from deep wells near Hill Air Force Base and the Weber River has values of specific conductance that are larger than the values of the weber River at high floo and similar to values at lCM flow.This difference indicates that water that moves to these wells originated as seepage from the river,assuming some dissolution of rock minerals along the ground-water flCM path.Farther along the flow path,the values of specific conductance are smaller than the values at the upgradient wells and for river water,imicating that at least some of the water that m::>ves to these wells probably is fran consolidated-rock sources that has circulated beneath the upgradient wells.The large values at the 82 --- - -APPROXIMATE POTENTIOMETRIC SURFACE EXPLANATION ....,....'"'cD 'f -lD AI a;r c:c: ::lr- >- '"~ ~ '"I- "... I0 0 N ......:; Il::... '".c........=: '" '"0 '"~~.~j~~~ .... U D D "'N ....uu U.... N GENERALIZED DIRECTION OF GROUND-WATER MOVEMENT WELL NUMBER SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE,IN MICROSIEMENS PER CENTIMETER AT 25 DEGREES CELSIUS PERFORATED INTERVAL OF WELL--¢indicates open-ended well (no perforations) (B-7-3)31aac-2 ........ FEET A 5,400 - __1- (Xl LV ~~II :;~..~/~ ~ ~ ~,/ o 'd" It) o "'It) :::-'C _• I U ~,it§ ~~!I ~~~",.--1 .------'J / ~~11----'" ~~ ~'".... "'0'"'" o.... 'd" ~~ ~ ~ 'd".n '" "'co ~o '"co ~\ ........ 3,400 - 3,800 - 3000 I II I •~MILE VERTICAL SCALE GREATLY EXAGGERATED o 1 KILOMETER NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 Figure 42.··Section from Weber Canyon to Great Salt Lake showing flow path of ground water and values for specific conductance.Trace of section is shown on figure 44. western (dCMIl gradient)end of the section are related to vertical novenent of wann saline waters along the steeply dipping faults. Chemical carpooition '!he dlenical makeup of the ground water in the East Shore area var ies areally and with depth.The princiPal ions in the ground water are calcium, magnesium,sodium plus potassium,bicarbonate plus carbonate,sulfate,and chloride.The large variability in the dlenical canposi tion of groond water is sb:>wn by Stiff diagrans in figure 43.'!he Stiff diagram shows individual ion concentrations in milliequivalents per liter in a polygon shape that indicates water-composition differences and similarities.The chemical composition of ground water in the East Shore area is dominated by three principal tyPes.calcium magnesium bicarbonate type waters generally have the smallest dissolved-solids concentrations and occur in an area along the Weber River,along the recharge area sooth of the weber River to Bountiful,and in the North Ogden area.Sodium bicarbonate waters generally occur in the discharge areas,and sodium chloride type waters are found associated with fault-related thermal waters and in an area fran O;den northwest toward Plain City (fig.43). In the East Shore area,the chloride concentration in water is an approximate indication of the quality of the water.Areas where the chlor ide concentration in ground water exceeds 25 and 250 milligrams per liter are shown in figure 44.The larger chloride concentration near Great Salt Lake probably is related to thermal water.'Ibis,h:>wever,is not believed to be the case with the larger chloride o:mcentrations in the area bet~en Ogden and Plain City.The reason for the larger chloride concentrations in the 03den- Plain City area is not completely understood;however,there appears to be greater resistance to ground-water flow through the area.Feth and others (1966,p.62)suggested that when sediments were being deposited in Lake Bonneville and preceding lakes,there may have been an errbayrrent .in the area which p:>nded water and restricted flow,and consequently,caused a larger proportion of fine-grained ~nts to be dep:>sited in this area.They also suggested that increased evaporation may have caused evaporite beds to be deposited.The combination of fine-grained sediments,which impede ground- water flow,and buried salt deposits may result in the large chloride concentrations in this nonthermal ground water.These suggestions are supported by drillers'logs of wells in the area,which indicate large sequences of fine-grained material and the presence of saline water in S<::'fre areas. Water in the deeper parts of the East Shore aquifer system generally contains smaller dissolved-solids concentrations than the water in the shallower parts of the aquifer system,especially i.n the tq:xJgra];tlically looer part of the basin.'!he primary reason for this difference is upward leakage from the deeper to the shallower parts of the aquifer system in which the water flows through fine-grained sediments and accumulates additional dissolved solids.The fine-grained ~nts in the looer part of the basin contain soluble salts partly left by precipitation fran past saline lakes and concentration of salts by evaporation as a part of past ground-water discharge.Another reason is deeper circulation of less mineralized recharge water fran subsurface inflow fran consolidated rock,as illustrated in figure 42.Water-quality data fran a well drilled to more than 3,000 feet indicate 84 that at depths greater than 1,200 feet,the trend reverses,that is, dissolved-solids concentration in the water increases with depth (fig.43). Stiff diagrams for water fran well (B-S-2)16ddc-l at varioos depths (fig.43) shav that the water ranges frem relatively small chemical concentrations of calcium magnesium bicarbonate water at 7S0 feet and sodilln bicarbonate water at 1,160 feet to a non-thermal,sodilln chloride water with a large dissolved- solids concentration below 1,600 feet.These data and data from a well drilled an Hill Air FOrce Base (Glenn and others,1980)indicate that the average thickness of sediments containing water with relatively small ooncentrations of dissolved solids in the study area probably does not exceed about 1,SOO feet.Below 1,500 feet in well (B-5-2)16ddc-l,most of the sediments are fine grained,and the water probably moves through these sediments at a slow rate and becemes more mineralized.Therefore,this mineralized,IOOderately saline,water is probably not directly related to water in the East Shore aquifer systen above it. '!he water fran well (B-S-2)2acc-l (fig.43),a shallav flowing well east of roost flaving wells,is a magnesium bicarbonate type whid1 is different fran the water sanples fran other wells.The well probably obtains water from an aquifer that is locally recharged by infiltration of irrigation water on nearby bend1larrls,whid1 may be the cause of the unique type of water. Suitability for Use '!he standards for suitability of water vary with the potential use of the water.The suitability of water for irrigation deperrls on the soil type and application procedures,as well as the dissolved-solids ooncentration and chemical type of the water.'!he recxxnnended standards for inorganic chanical oonstituents for drinking water are based on maximum concentration limits for those constituents.The suitability of Wdter for datestic arrl municipal use may also depend on the hardness of the water. In general,the more suitable tyPes of water for irrigation are the calcium,magnesium bicarbonate types,and water with small concentrations of dissolved solids.Sodium-tyPe water and all water with dissolved-solids concentrations greater than SOO milligrams per liter are generally less suitable for irrigation and could lower the yields of some types of crops, deperoing on soil and drainage conditions. Water that has a dissolved-solids roncentration greater than atout 500 milligrams per liter,or chloride concentration greater than about 250 milligrams per liter,generally exceeds the recommended ltmits for public sU};ply (utah Department of Health,1984,p.3-6).About 2S percent of the wells sampled in the East Shore area prcduced water with a dissolved-solids roncentration that exceeded SOO milligrams per liter.Most of the ground water in areas where the chloride concentration exceeds 2S0 milligrams per liter generally is unused,used for stock water,or used for irrigation as a suwlerrent to surface water. 85 T.5 N. Tunnel 5 MILES4 cr 3 ~ 'l> V) i t-+---l 2 'l>fi~4 ~cree /'. v/'i C"') I :r. I •e"i"i ere spr\.84 I River .... 2o I (II I, o 1 2 3 4 5 KILOMETERS T.7 N. T.8 N. CONTOUR INTERVAL,IN FEET,VARIABLE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 I ,-~ 112lbo' I / / / y,t-'i •\tV Vllt,lP ...-,__r_ ~~~<:1::'~:'~~.: ;'-'~.r.~.\'~~~~f~~-:.?\.'...>:,'j,'..--"t I':':"\_~~,'":::~.,.,.",~l . ·,100.·., ~..':~":,;,.'"".~.;: --,-- ::)J ~::~:. ::~:. rF-:-~-~~~\ -: ,••1... 112~5' ,..,. .--or 41~5~ ex> 0'\ T.1 N. T.2 N. T,3 N. T.4 N. beel< Creek \"TI :xl 'l> .~ C) "0;: c·~~~~+ Cl"pe/e creek 'c~Holbrook 01) +,~~ -.~... -:"'+ Val /Verda ,·-,/Y. c~ee~. F" S F" for~.- Fork ~Snon"creek DAVIS CO-~' SALi:LAKECOR.1 E. o \.,creeh: 0---_-_\---,J - j}(lef 'FllUit Hghts .(lrd Slle!'. '=~s Creek~.:'Bi~~ ,.,",""',~-cr~)t/ ~(I]'Lrd..-....-C~ILIL~: i-~(lr~Sh /..'ri<f' .. ·-...'.c"nt"r.Ville',ill e C4_~+ce'lten I I~\ _'stort'" BOUNTIFUL 4::-;*''<0 I,,'"• R,1 W. --~~ C ~~( iiI)iii ,,\\~le ~~ast L:::tO)l "'~,(t"~~~,,"" J((l~s / -l'- rio,_ ~~c )<-l. <:0., '*- BAn' -,!-?" , CI"arfi"ld S}racuse R.2 W. d.,,1,_"I,. FA I?ttlN(;TON "I,.•,. • ~.~/~"~Y-jl)',-"",,:~! .+-"'''-''"':,,.. -------F= ~:~-~,:-.~: 750 (B-5-2)l6ddc-1 2'3t 1,160 R.3W. TOTAL DEPTH 3,008 1.600 -1.700 EXPLANATION AREA WHERE TEMPERATURE OF WATER IN WELLS EXCEEDS 20 DEGREES CELSIUS MILLIEQUIVALENTS PER LITER •OBSERVATION WELL STIFF DIAGRAM SHOWING CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF WATER FROM WELL Base from U.S,Geological Survey 1:125,000 quadrangle, Great Salt Lake and vicinity,Utah,1974 F3~ Sodium (Na)+Polassium (K?~f"'$"'";I Chloride (CL) Magnesium (Mg ====--==Sulfate (S04) Calcmm (Ca Bicarbonate (HC0i' 606 .,y ""'ww ~ ~ ..i»..::>z ~-~--1 w[Tl ""'r z0--u CI[Tl '"...l Cl..4~OO'-+-Vi :;, ..:r rJJ»~z 0 0 :r: ""'Cl.. '"CI <Xl -....I R.4 W. Figure 43.-·Chemical composition of water from wells,and areas where temperature of water from wells exceeds 20 degrees Celsius. T.5 N. ~ » V) » -\ C'") "::J:: 5 MILES432 2 3 4 5 KILOMETERS I I II ) o o l~W c1>,{\'-'¥-i~---:-_-=:-Ogden / 'r,\N,_.---/No~t~gd~;';-\,.__ ,1--:'-T'·2",-~to C9..,'l4-,,-//'-~~~er C~.-A-'•.__~fi:h-+-\It1 ~ '-+A----- ,...~.•.."v TJnnel t....o-~2~O' _____"i,C 1 '.Q.!it'D0,,_;,:0 ) ~llard T.8 N. ,lD CONTOUR INTERVAL,IN FEET,VARIABLE \•~NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 J J~l + v~~\) ",,\V ~!,>'i ,Ill) "ltY' .~. ." ><..ELDER CO "",""4.,..~,.-----/ BErro-CO:~~~~~:.;.~~':-:-,-~~~~.=-~-­ ··:;...:T: :~~.~~:. "J~~3~?~t "j"',.1.,_~_._'~-~_..---..r--- ..::I,,' ~.\'...J',1.':1'- +7,.;.,.~(:~,:;::,.:::, '~.',.:.::~~I~:-: 112~5' ---...- CD CD [:::::::J AREA WHERE CHLORIDE CONCENTRATION EXCEEDS ",',250 MILLIGRAMS PER LITER T.1 N. T.3 N. T.4 N. :JJ l> o R.1 w. ,\ts ,~r_".eJL ft,5--e~'!..,cr~"'~/ --'-'~;_'l!!!!L-~e~' 'I (C J '>:~'::\~.h 9~'~7'~':-.,~:::,./.ff\'p,,-~}~_/,_.--C~ee,..,.•l.•••~.•_I /C~~~,:••:,,J..c<'ntervlUe-;."i\le1---~~5:jl{bj<••'')1 \~c,."/~~-.,T.'N I ';._.',: ::'i:West·',\.:-"Sfolle ere I ..1~~;~:,(6i,U?~aulo:.Bo1J~;;FUL _.'__""~:"''''~rl~i ~V!~~;:~C~,' r ~"A~,.),V,....,.C\.:.0t-:-:-~'"/!-........_~QYOf) 'I ~~\I j<;>-c ',_ 0-\/'_..-'I "t,I _~,F' '"~DAVI~CQ..__jo~-i'-____SALT LAKE C R.1 E. R.2 W. ~I ~.,...~----"'--'~,---'----'r---I---'~'--'--'-- FAR,1UNcrON -i- .... '7-f- <$> .,'....."';. '-~\~ll:~ ""-, if' 7 <",A ~/j<9t "-f \'(./,"f"r '2-:;)/\/'~//,'~et c '~Mlle /~,\,.!Syracuse 1\\.-'<~I)<11 /~"?--,:--",§~~~,\:'~:"*"\,~~",:,L::J~-'2:~/";,__,_ -~/East Layt';)L'snocv'l-c~eek ./'~G!I \"\t '/' j I tl0f./"f~'/,\/~/ I %,~I \'t_J--,,--~,//\,,Cree7 / /tJ -,r~---- ,\",e s ~!~_.:---- (\\ R.3W. ,,, i I WELLS PROJECTED TO LINE OF SECTION AND USED TO OBTAIN SPECIFIC CONDUCTANCE ALONG SECTION-- Shown in figure 42 EXPLANATION AREA WHERE CHLORIDE CONCENTRATION IS BETWEEN 25 AND 250 MILLIGRAMS PER LITER -,<f> I , \'P Zo ?I ,'L",_'_....~,.L~__~ SPRING USED FOR CONTROL POINT FOR CHLORIDE CONCENTRATION o WELL USED FOR CONTROL POINT FOR CHLORIDE CONCENTRATION ! R.4 W. ~~ Base from U.S.Geological Survey 1 :125,000 quadrangle, Great Salt Lake and vicinity.Utah,1974 \, A-AI TRACE OF SECTION SHOWN IN FIGURE 42r- 00 \0 Figure 44.--Chloride concentration of water from wells and selected springs. Changes in water Olality During previous studies in the East Shore area,a network of wells was established for water-quality sarrpling in order to determine if any changes in water quality occurred with time.The network was established because of the variety of water types in the area and because of the potential for unsuitable,mineralized water migrating toward areas of potable,less mineralized water with increasing ground-water developnent and resulting water-level changes.Smith and Gates.(1963)and Bolke and waddell (1972) described changes that had occurred at the time of those reports and identified areas of potential changes in ground-water quality due to increased developnent. 'Ihirty-three wells that ~re sampled prior to 1970 were resanpled during this study to docunent any water-quality changes that may have occurred (table 13).Of the thirty-three wells resampled,water fran only five had a greater than lO-percent increase in dissolved solids.Water from one well, (B-7-2)10dbd-l,had a large decrease in dissolved solids;water fran another, (B-4-3)19cca-l,had large fluctuations in dissolved solids;and water from another,(B-7-3)31aac-2,had little or no change in dissolved-solids concentration,but did reflect a change in the chemical type.Because vertical stratification of water with different chemical types exists in the East Soore area,changes in chemistry of water produced by a given well may be a result of fluctuating proportions of water of different chemical types entering the well as a result of changes in the discharge rate.or an increase in recharge.Change in chemical type of water probably does not reflect a widespread regional change in water chemistry. The water fran well (B-4-1)6adc-l,on Hill Air Force Base about 1 mile east of Clearfield,is a calciun bicarbonate type that has shown a greater than 10-percent increase in dissolved-solids concentration since 1967 (table 13).Bolke and waddell (1972,p.20)suggested that similiar changes in a nearby well were apparently due to different proportions of water being oontributed by two zones within the deeper parts of the aquifer system.In those two zones,dissolved solids generally increase with depth;therefore, during periods of large withdrawals,a relatively larger amount of water is apparently contributed by the deeper zone.Even though sane changes have occurred in the area near Hill Air Force Base,a degradation of the regional water quality due to increased withdrawals probably has rot occurred. The dissolved-solids concentration in water from well (B-6-l)29cbb-l (table 13),which is a sodium chloride type (fig.44),has increased more than 35 percent since 1960.In addition,the water tanperature has decreased from 24 to 15.5 degrees Celsius.Even with the large increase in dissolved solids, the calcium ooncentration actually decreased,whereas the sodium,potassium, and chloride concentrations increased by more than 45 percent.A map by BoIke and waddell (1972,pI.3)indicates that the well is near a boundary between mixed and sodium chloride type water.Since the well was a:xrpleted,it is possible that the lower terrperature,sodium chloride water has migrated toward the well. 90 Table 13.--chemical analyses of kater fran selected wells sampled before 1970 and after 1980 wcation:See text for explanation of nlJ1tJering systan for wells. Units:Il:G C,degrees Celsius;liS/on,microsianens per centimeter at 25°celsius;mg/L,milligrams per liter;Sodium:T,value is total of sodium plus potassium;A"lkalinity:*,value converted fran bicarbonate;Solids:R,value as dissolved solids residue at 180 °C. Analyses for additional SClIl1Jles for sane of these wells are in Plantz and others (1986),table 5. Sands, Spe-Magne-Potas-Alka-Chlo-sum of ciflC calcium,si!JIl,Sodium,shIR,linity,Sulfate,ride,amsti-Hard- Date cnnduct-dis-dis- dis-dis-lab dis-dis-tuents,ness of ance Tenper-501voo solved solved solved (ng/L solved solved dis-(ng/L s~le (;;S/an ature (ng/L (ng/L (ng/L (ng/L as (ng/L (~/L solved as Location (ll:G C)as ca)as Mg)as Na)as K)Ca~)as 50 4)as Cl)(ng/L)CaC0 3) (A-2-1)7aba-4 09-Q8-47 37£17.0 30 7.9 23T 114 16 18 100 12-12-58 271 17.0 17 7.3 32T 107 11 ]4 1fB 10-15-64 264 18.0 16 7.9 31 T 105 12 14 162 R 08"'{)5-82 265 16.0 20 8.3 31 1.6 103 18 15 Hll 84 (B-1-1)10aac-1 12-20-65 3,00 15.5 51 17 577 T 351 *1.2 780 1,700 200 11-13-68 2,920 16.0 45 20 570 T 355 *6.2 760 1,700 190 07-31-84 2,8f{)16.0 48 16 5])28 372 7.3 750 1,700 190 (B-2-1)13aab-1 05-00-47 3lll 12 3.5 ooT 168 *15 30 200 44 10-10-58 395 15.5 9.6 2.9 ooT 157 *9.5 30 250 36 05"'{)5-fB 395 15.0 9.6 1.9 ooT 158 *8.2 28 240 32 08-31-84 400 16.0 9.7 2.5 76 .70 160 6.0 26 240 35 24bad-3 08-12-74 470 16.0 28 6.5 64 1.0 21 200 97 08-17-84 490 16.5 35 7.6 63 .90 169 26 30 200 120 (B-3-1)Sdda-1 11-14-68 300 24.0 25 7.3 32T 131 *3.2 18 200 92 08-31-84 305 18.0 28 5.5 ])2.6 139 2.5 14 200 93 15OOc-1 09-OO-fB 395 24.0 30 3.4 ooT 190 *4.1 20 250 89 08"'{)4-81 320 20.5 29 3.6 !:ll 2.2 180 1.0 17 250 87 25dab-1 08-20-68 1,320 18.0 65 17 100 2.3 176 *1.0 320 700 230 08-31-84 1,300 16.0 60 15 100 2.2 190 3.5 310 710 210 (B-4-1)6adc-1 0l...{)4-56 470 11.0 43 15 33 6.7 1.5 21 200 170 05-10-00 475 12.5 45 14 36 6.0 2.1 20 200 170 07-10-67 450 17.5 48 11 40T 2.0 22 270 170 09-19-84 565 12.5 50 17 44 7.1 264 1.0 24 320 190 &jcd-1 09...{)6-61 385 47 12 17 1.6 162 *21 15 225 R 170 08-22-84 370 14.0 49 11 15 1.3 158 16 13 220 170 (B-4-2)27aba-1 05"'{)5-tll 6])15.0 14 4.4 1])5.4 324*1.5 48 39J 53 08"'{)2-77 600 13.5 15 4.5 1])5.8 6.8 48 410 56 08-15-84 650 14.0 13 4.4 1])5.7 276 5.6 45 400 51 (B-4-3)19cca-1 08...{)4-tll 1,100 24.0 46 25 100 4.4 156 *8.8 290 600 R 220 08"'{)5-70 1,800 24.0 68 21 300 24 620 1,200 260 08"'{)2-77 1,150 23.5 48 11 170 5.0 11 290 600 170 08...{)4-oo 1,240 22.0 47 12 100 6.0 8.2 310 710 170 (B-5-1)17ddd-1 12-19-62 475 54 17 19 2.7 197 *20 24 27£R 200 09-12-84 515 21.0 56 17 20 2.9 218 22 21 290 210 2ilidd-2 01"'{)3-62 485 15.0 80 16 17 1.2 245 *27 18 274 R 270 08-22-84 520 14.5 64 16 17 2.0 213 24 20 200 230 91 Table 13.--<:h:mJical analyses of hater fran selected rElls sampled before 1970 and after 1980-c0ntinued Solids, Spe-Magne-Potas-Alka-Chlo-sum of cific Ca lcilJll,silJll,SodilJll,S;lJII,linity,Sulfate,ride.oonsti-Hard- Date oonduct-dis-dis-dis- dis-lab dis-dis-tuents,ness of ance TE!lq)er-solved solved solved solved (mg/L solved solved dis-(ng/L s~le (pS/on ature (mg/L (mg/L (ng/L (ng/L as (mg/L (ng/L solved as Location (OCG C)as Ca)as Mg)as Na)as K)CaCO:l)as 504)as el)(mg/L)CaC0:3) (B-5-1)29Jdb-3 04-00-43 520 70 19 21 2.1 236 *28 21 320 250 04-14-52 560 11.5 73 19 20 1.7 242 *30 18 320 260 05-00-00 530 12.0 74 16 19 1.8 230 *37 16 320 250 07-24-W 540 16.0 71 27 234 *31 20 300 290 09-19-84 575 11.0 70 18 17 1.9 231 28 20 310 250 29Jdc-1 04-14-52 roo 11.5 76 20 24 2.6 262 *36 20 350 270 05-00-60 550 12.0 15 18 20 2.5 242 *36 17 320 260 07-25-W 580 18.0 77 21 18 T 363*34 12 3:Jl 2BO 09-19-84 roo 11.0 71 19 21 2.2 252 26 20 320 260 (B-5-2)3Oada-1 06-19-50 580 12.0 75 19 23 1.3 260 *33 20 340 270 05-10-60 580 12.0 78 18 23 2.1 257 *36 18 340 270 07-18-68 540 14.0 65 22 22T 235 *32 18 320 250 09-19-84 570 11.5 70 18 19 2.1 234 27 18 310 250 (B-5-2)fbdd-3 08-29-68 360 19.0 36 9.7 23 3.1 156 *8.2 18 210 130 08"'()2-77 360 17.0 36 11 20 2.3 13 16 210 140 08-15-84 380 17.5 42 11 22 2.5 156 15 12 220 150 lixld-4 09-OO-W 445 16.0 215 *18 08"'()2-77 450 14.5 36 15 37 7.8 5.2 18 28J 150 08-15-84 470 18.0 38 14 36 7.7 221 1.5 15 260 150 21ddd-1 11-18-68 1,090 12.0 46 49 1:Jl T 429 *1.8 110 Ml 320 08-15-84 1,000 14.5 47 44 110 20 451 2.1 85 610 llO (8-5-3)15dda-1 05-14-W 380 24.0 134 *29 84 08-15-84 l}5 23.5 21 6.5 55 3.5 166 .9 22 220 140 25dcd-1 05-14-W 365 15.0 103 *22 140 08-15-84 l}O 16.0 36 11 29 1.6 180 .8 14 220 140 (8-6-1)4bbd-5 11-22-67 245 28 8.0 14 1.2 117*5.3 7.8 140 R 100 08-29-84 255 18.5 27 9.0 14 1.2 119 7.7 6.2 150 100 6caa-l 04-14-43 260 32 10 14 T 130 *4.0 6.0 120 02-24-56 275 32 10 11 2.3 128 *5.8 9.6 100 120 11-17-59 270 15.5 32 8.8 14 T 131 *6.0 5.5 160 120 10-16-64 265 15.0 31 9.1 15 T 131 *5.4 6.6 170 110 09"'()5-84 2BO 14.5 33 9.3 11 2.5 134 5.1 5.0 170 120 29cbb-1 12-27-60 3,150 24.0 96 31 400 41 127 *8.2 900 1,760 R 370 09"'()5-84 4,l}O 15.5 74 29 740 60 119 3.0 1,400 2,400 llO (B-6-2)5acb-2 03"'()4-54 510 17 5.2 ~2.3 222 *1.4 30 300 64 11...()4-59 495 15.5 19 5.8 OOT 223 *2.3 28 300 71 10-19-64 475 19.5 17 6.1 94T 226 *3.1 30 310 68 09"'()5-84 495 16.5 19 4.8 ffi 3.0 226 1.8 27 300 67 (8-6-3)4dab-l 10-00-68 820 21.0 4.0 3.4 200 4.8 411 *4.2 28 520 24 08-16-84 000 21.0 3.9 1.7 200 4.9 401 <.2 27 17 92 Table 13.--chemical analyses of hater fran selected wells sampled before 1970 and after 19S0-c0ntinued Solids. Spe-Ma!,11e-Potas-Alka-Chlo-sum of cific CalcilJll.SllJII.Sodium.sium.linity.Sulfate.ride.consti-Hard- Date conduct-dis-dis-dis- dis-lab dis-dis-tuents.ness of ance Tenper-solve:!solved solved solved (rng/L solved solved dis-(ng/L s~le (j.JS/an ature (rng/L (rng/L (ng/L (ng/L as (ng/L (ng/L solved as Location (lI:G C)as Ca)as Mg)as Na)as K)Ca~)as 5(4)as Cl)(ng/L)Ca~) (B-7-2)2cba-5 09~-00 234 14.0 17 3.9 32T 116*0.5 7.2 140 59 08~-77 3«)13.0 50 6.6 11 1.1 12 14 200 150 08-{)5-00 4fil 15.5 52 11 16 2.8 16 14 2l:l 180 08-14-84 420 13.5 58 9.2 11 1.4 159 17 18 220 180 Hklbd-1 11-20-68 1.48)24.0 75 10 216 T 138 *8.5 390 800 230 08-21-84 3fil 23.5 10 1.0 65 3.2 109 8.0 41 210 29 1&lcd-2 05-{)7-oo 335 25.0 21 4.4 49 6.8 158 *4.5 10 220 71 08-10-79 340 26.5 20 3.7 51 7.1 7.4 7.9 220 65 08-14-84 355 27.0 21 4.0 49 7.1 165 3.9 8.0 220 69 2lliaa-l 03-{)4-54 1,290 13.5 12 9.6 2«)34 342*1.2 210 7l:l 69 10-19-64 1,2«)13.5 10 9.7 200 T 340*1.6 220 740 65 08-14-84 1.3fil 15.0 10 7.9 250 36 336 4.8 220 760 58 32bbb-l 11-20-68 2.3fil 18.0 66 45 335 T 105*1.5 680 1.200 350 08-{)3-77 2.350 19.0 76 41 310 23 1.7 690 1,300 360 08-14-84 2,450 19.0 73 41 3l:l 22 140 1.1 690 1,300 350 (B-7 -3)31aac-2 09-10-00 1,400 38.0 27 5.4 320 468 *.5 230 9l:l 90 08-06-00 1,7l:l 39.5 57 9.3 290 23 260 2.9 420 1,000 170 (B-8-2)26bcd-l 09~-f.9 420 13.0 59 14 13 T 190 *33 7.7 2!i)200 08-14-84 400 13.0 62 18 7.8 2.1 197 36 9.6 270 230 93 Well (B-7-2)2cba-S (table 13)is near a boundary between sodium bicarbonate and calcium bicarbonate waters (Bolke and waddell,1972,pI.3). water fran the well has gradually increased in dissolved-solids ooncentration since 1969 and has changed from a sodium bicarbonate to a calcium bicarbonate type.The calcium bicarbonate waters extend into the recharge area. Increased recharge in the 1980's probably has caused these waters to extem farther west,into areas that prior to 1970 contained sodium bicarbonate waters. The water fran well (B-4-3)19cca-l (table 13),near the causeway to Antelope Island,is a sodium chloride water.The water had a large increase in rocst major ions fran 1969 to 1970;the ooncentrations in 1977 and 1980 were similar to trose in 1969.The increase was prOOably a result of mixing of the varioos chanical tyPes of water from the different perforated zones of the well. The dissolved-solids concentration in the water fran well {B-7-2)lOdbd-l (table 13),which is on the boundary between sodium chloride and sodium bicarbonate type water (BoIke and Waddell,1972,pl.3),decreased substantially between 1969 to 1984.In addition,the water type changed fran sodh.Jn chloride to sodium bicarbonate.'!he prOOable explanation is that with rising water levels in the area since 1969 (fig.31),a larger proIX>rtion of the water came from the upgradient,sodium bicarbonate water that has a smaller dissolved-solids concentration. Between 1969 am 1980,the dissolved-solids cxmcentration in water from well (B-7-3)31aac-2 (table 13)increased less than 10 percent,but the chanical type changed from sodium bicarbonate to sodium chloride.The most probable explanation is a gradual increase in the proportion of sodium chloride water entering the well fran deeper zones.Sodium chloride water was reIX>rted to be at depth in this area by Bolke and waddell (1972,pI.3). In general,the water-quality changes that have occurred in the East Shore area seem to be related primarily to areal and vertical variations of water quality within the East Shore aquifer system and to the effects of increased withdrawal fran,or recharge to,the system.The changes in quality of water from some wells has been substantial,but widespread changes in quality have not occurred. Tanperature The temperature of water fran wells in the East Shore area varies fran aboot 10 to 40 degrees Celsius.Water fran rot springs associated with faults have temperatures approaching 60 degrees Celsius.Generalized areas where the temperature of ground water exceeds 20 degrees Celsius are shown in figure 43. The warmest water is assumed to be associated with hot water in the spring am fault areas,including water near Ibcper aoo Utah Hot Springs,Little f.t:>untain (f ig.3)and near the ITOuth of Ogden Canyon.N:>iooication of thermal water at depth in the alluvium exists in areas distant from the hot spring and faul t-zone areas. 94 SIMULATION OF THE EAS'I'SHffiE llCUIFER sysrEM IN 'IRE WEBER DELTA AREA A major effort of this study was to sirrulate part of the aquifer system of the East Shore area using a digital-canp.1ter nodel.'Ihe part of the East Shore aquifer system that was simulated is from about 1 mile north of Centerville to the section line north of Willard (fig.45),previously described as the Weber Delta area (p.3),and the aquifer system in this area is referred to in this part of the report as lithe East Shore aquifer system in the ~ber Delta area".'Ihe shallow water-table zone in the topographically lowest part of the area,not included in the East Shore aquifer system as defined in this re{X)rt,was included in the rrodel as a layer because upward discharge of water into the water-table zone from the East Shore aquifer system was simulated by the rrodel.Ibwever,recharge to the water-table zone by local precipitation and large amounts of seepage from irrigation and subsequent discharge of this water was not included in the model because few data on these processes ~re available. 'Ihe model was constructed and calibrated using available data on aquifer properties,historic water-level changes,and components of the hydrologic budget to learn rrore about the system and how it functions,and to inprove the estimates of its hydrologic carponents.The calibrated nodel was then used to simulate changes in ground-water levels,discharge,and storage caused by projected increases in ground-water withdrawals by pumpage,and possible changes in recharge. Design and Construction of the Digital=Carp.1ter M:ldel rata used to construct and calibrate the rrodel were collected during hydrologic studies in the East Shore area that sp:ln about 50 years.Data fran Feth and others (1966),Smith (1961),and from Smith and Gates (1963)were used for steady-state and transient-state calibration;data fran BoIke and Waddell (1972)and Plantz and others (1986)were used for transient-state calibration;and data from previous sections of this report were used for various aspects of the mcdel calibration. General Description of the Model 'Ihe north and south boundaries of the rrodel of the East Shore aquifer system in the Weber Delta area,from about 1 mile north of Centerville to the section line north of Willard,were based on the potentiometric surface as shown in plate 1 and on narrowing of the basin-fill area between the rrountain front and Great Salt Lake.'Ihe {X)tenti~tric contours are closely spaced at both boundaries,and the configuration indicates rrost of the floo is directly fran the mountains to the lake,so that little if any flow is across the boundaries.The boundaries were placed along flow lines which could be affected by p:>tential p..unping fran wells near these boundaries. The three-dimensional,finite-difference numerical rrodel developed by McDonald and Harbaugh (1984)was used to simulate the weber Delta part of the aquifer system.Most of the data used for the simulations represent average conditions,or were estimated where there was a lack of measurements. Therefore,the simulations are considered to be a simplification of the natural system,and the results should be applied with discretion. 95 112°15 1 I \0 ~ -i t ~-I 11+t I 112°00 1 I :.____. 5 KILOMETERS ···TtF~ i1---1 + '+.j !+-~ ~.~·~,f·~+:>.·..:1''11_+i - -----r--- -~ » tn » ~ C'") ::r:. T.5 N. 41°00/_1 I ~ :I:l » "2 c;) ITI T.3 N. \0 -...l Base from U.S.Geological Survey 1 :125,000 quadrangle, Great Salt Lake and vicinity,Utah,1974 j ..... T.l N. (:~'eek- ~<~ 'o,/<?0 -.,.~~~+ "c Ho ib 1'00 Ii" West Bountiful . 4 R.1 W. ('''.I \\todS cross,,.;:/ (~--j--~~;~tv .·-t .'\N Saltl Lake·/Verda .'•..i;,'!oYoo OJ"'.i ./''(;~.'JI ~J'_/?--'~..~~E.----- I. .~/':0::"';" .,..""'=I''!:/'":i7~ """ r"-,'(~t EXPLANATION ~GENERAL·HEAD BOUNDARY··Layer 1 I::::::1 EVAPOTRANSPIRATION--Layer 1 t::(::::\]INACTIVE CELLS--Layer 1 INACTIVE CELLS--Layers 1 and 2oINACTIVECELLS--Layers 1,2,and 3 BOUNDARY OF MODEL AREA Figure 45.--location of evapotranspiration.general-head boundary,and inactive cells in the model of the East Shore aquifer system. '!he finite-difference nodel uses a series of rectangular blocks in which hydraulic prcperties are assumed to be uniform.The model calculates the hydraulic head at the point,or node,whien is at the center of each block. With the calculated head values,the rate and direction of ground-water flow through the system can be determined.Input data used in the calculations include boundary conditions,initial heads,hydraulic properties of the aquifers and confining beds,and rates and distribution of recharge and discharge.The algorithm used as the matrix solver for the differential equations of ground-water fl(X1.l in the nodel is SIP,or the strongly implicit procedure (McDonald and Harbaugh,1984,p.370). Subdivision of the weber Delta p:lrt of the Fast Shore Aquifer System '!he aquifer system consists of complex,interconnected multiple aquifers in the basin-fill deposits.The system includes confined parts previously called the Sunset and Delta aquifers (Feth am others,1966)am their lateral extensions,including the area along the nountain front where the system is unconfined.Further discussion of the aquifer system is in the previous section on "Geology and hydraulic properties of the East Shore aquifer system".'!he confined parts of the system vary in thickness,oontinui ty,and lithology and in places it is oot p:>ssible to delineate sep:lrate aquifers. '!he nodel consists of three layers that represent the shallow water- table zone am t\tlO separate confined or unconfined intervals of the East Shore aquifer system in the weber Delta area.The layers have different lateral extents as shown in figure 45.Layer 1,which is used to sinulate disdtarge to the shallow water-table zone from the underlying aquifer system,is sim.llated only where the potentianetric surface is near or above land surface, roughly correspJming to the area of evap:>transpiration in figure 45.Layer 1 is simulated only as it relates to the uooerlying layers,thus there is 00 recharge to,or discharge fran layer 1 except the water that has moved upward from layer 2.Layer 2 represents the upper oonfined interval of the aquifer system where it is less than 400 feet deep,including the Sunset aquifer where it has been delineated.Layer 2 was not simulated in the area near Hill Air Fbrce Base because the potentianetric surface there is greater than 400 feet deep.Layer 3 represents the oonfined parts of the aquifer system where it is deeper than 400 feet,including the Delta aquifer where it has been delineated.Layer 3 also represents the unconfined parts of the aquifer system near the nountain front.Layer 3 is sinulated over the entire area of active cells shown in figure 45. 'lhe confining layers between the aquifers were not simulated as separate layers,primarily because of a lack of data.It was asstnned that the d'1ange in storage am horizontal flow in the confining layers was insignificant. Therefore,it was not essential to simulate the oonfining layers separately; however,vertical fl(X1.l through the confining layers was simulated. M:>del Grid A block-centered grid with variable spacing was used to simulate the East Shore aquifer system in the weber Delta area.A block-centered grid was formulated by dividing the model area with two sets of parallel lines perpendicular to each other.In the block-centered formulation the blocks fonned by the sets of parallel lines are the cells,and the nodes are at the 98 center of the cells.A node represents a prism of porous material within which the hydrologic properties are constant,so any value associated wi th a node is distributed over the VOlUIre of the cell (~I:X>nald and Harbaugh,1984, p.10). The grid consists of 36 columns and 67 rows.The largest active cells, 0.5 square mile,generally were used where data ~re sparse,primarily areas covered by Great Salt Lake.The snallest and JOOSt nUIrerous cells were 0.25 square mile.'!hese cells ~re used where required information,particular ily ground-water discharge,historic water levels,recharge areas,or numerous ~ll records warranted the smaller grid size.A total of 7,236 cells were used,4,880 of which were active cells.layer 3 contains 1,962 active cells, layer 2 has 1,644 active cells,and layer 1 has 1,274 active cells.Areas of inactive cells within the sinulated area are stx>wn in figure 45. Bcundary Conditions The inactive cells,illustrated in figure 45,are simulated with transmissivities of zero,and therefore act as no-flow boundaries that surroond the area of active cells.On the east,the roodel balndary represents the lower altitudes of the consolidated rock in the Wasatch Range, approximately one mile east of the contact bet~en the basin-fill deposits and the consolidated rock.'!his bo..1ndary was chosen in order to simulate recharge from the consolidated rocks.On the west,a oo-flow boundary was placed on the eastern sides of Antelq;>e and Fraoont Islands,and west of Great Salt lake shoreline near Little M:>untain.This was assUIred to be the ~sterrnost extent of ground-water flCM fran the study area.In actuality,there may be sane ground-water flow across this boundary tCMard the ~st;~ver,any flow is assUIred to be negligible.A no-flow bo..1ndary was placed under layer 3,on the asswnpt ion that there is 00 significant vertical intercha~e of water between layer 3 and deeper strata. During steady-state calibration about 30 constant-head nodes were used to simulate recharge fran sources for which 00 estimates of recharge rates had been made.The cons tant-head oodes were placed in areas where recharge fran other sources could oot easily be calculated,generally along streams wi thin the wasatch Range.'!he initial heads for these oodes ~re assumed to be the sane or slightly higher than head values for toose areas measured during this study.After steady-state calibration,flow rates fran the constant-head oodes ~re used as constant-flux recharge rates duri~transient simulations, and the constant-head oodes were eliminated. A general-head ba.mdary was used to sinulate inflow fran the weber Delta part of the East Shore aquifer systan into Great salt Lake.Constant heads were specified at boundary cells in layer 1 throughout the area covered by water when the lake was at an altitude of 4,200 feet.Layer 1 in this area is assumed to represent the lake bottan,and specified heads were set at 4,200 feet for steady-state calibration. N:>-flow boundaries were placed at the oorthern and southern boundaries of the model area.The no-flow boundaries were placed along flow lines, perpendicular to the potentianetric surface in both areas. 99 Model Parameters Initial Conditions Ground-water withdrawal from wells in the East Shore aquifer system began about 1900 when ~rous small-dianEter wells were driven or jetted into the aquifers in the flCMing-well areas.By 1954 total annual discharge fran wells was estimated to be about 25,000 acre-feet (Feth and others,1966,p. 49),which was considered to be a small part of the total ground-water discharge.Groond-water withdrawal prior to 1954,primarily from flowing wells,was asstmled to rot significantly affect water levels;thus water levels from 1955 or earlier were used as initial water levels for steady-state calibration in the areas where data were available (Feth and others,1966,pI. 9).Many of the initial data used for simulations were from Feth and others (1966);hmo/ever,in areas where data on historic water levels,recharge, discharge,or hydraulic prcperties were rot available,calculations and data fran this study were used to awroximate initial conditions. Recharge The Fast Shore aquifer system is simulated by the IOOdel only in the weber Delta area (p.3),whereas recharge was calculated in the preceding parts of the report for the entire East Shore area.Recharge values specified in the simulations for individual parts of the Weber Delta area,therefore,Cb not necessarily correspond to values for the entire study area.lbwever, values used as initial estimates for recharge were virtually the same as toose calculated in preceding sections,when adjusted to represent the part of the aquifer system simulated by the model.The annual recharge at the end of steady-state calibration was simulated at about 109,000 acre-feet,or about 44,000 acre-feet less than estimated for the entire study area. Recharge from the land surface was specified in the model using oonstant-flux recharge nodes as close as possible to the actual locations. '!he oonstant-flux recharge includes:seepage fran the Weber and Ogden Rivers, the Davis and weber canal,ungaged perennial,ephemeral,and intermittent streams,irrigated areas,and infiltration directly from precipitation wit..,in the recharge area.The constant-flux recharge nodes were located in the uppenoost active model layer. Recharge by subsurface inflow from consolidated rock of the Wasatch Range to the basin-fill deposits of the aquifer system was sinulated during steady-state calibration by oonstant-head nodes,primarily in layer 3.All calculated and estimated rates of recharge from other sources were independently measured or estimated for the model;therefore,the flow calculated by the model from the oonstant-head oodes 'HaS assurred to be fran subsurface inflow.Initially,oonstant-head nodes were placed in most cells along the eastern boundary.However,when the independently-calculated recharge rates were added,the initial flow fran many of these boundary cells became negligible,and the constant-head boundary at such cells was eliminated.Further discussion on how recharge was estimated is in the groooo-water recharge section on pages 26-32. 100 Hydraulic Properties The transmissivities of the East Shore aquifer system were estimated in part from data derived from aquifer tests (table 5);however,not enough aquifer-test data were available to adequately estimate transmissivities over the study area.Therefore,transmissivity was also estimated from specific- capacity values and average hydraulic conductivity and aquifer system thickness. Specif ic-capaci ty values were obtained fran records of about 100 wells. These values,and information about the well depth,diameter,and openings, were used to calculate transmissivity for the aquifer system. Transmissivity was also estimated by multiplying the thickness of sedinents described in drillers'logs by the hydraulic conductivity for that sediment type.Values of hydraulic conductivity were fran values given by Clark (1984,p.14),Mower (1978,p.16),and from the calculated values of transmissivity in table 5.Information about lithologies and thickness of sediments (from logs of about 500 wells)was used to estimate the transmissivity of layers 2 and 3.The horizontal hydraulic conductivity of layer 1 was estimated from information in drillers'logs based on the lithologies of the uJ::Per 50 feet of sedi.Irents. The transmissivity information was used to prepare contour maps for layers 2 and 3.The map for layer 2 (fig.46),shows the largest values of transmissivity are in the area nearest the Weber Delta,where sediments are thick and relatively more permeable.Values in layer 2 range fran less than 1,500 to greater than 6,000 feet squared per day.The map of layer 3 (fig. 47)shows the largest values,exceeding 100,000 feet squared per day,are in the area near Hill Air Force Base where there are extensive s~~ences of coarse-grained sediments deposited by the ancestral Weber River.The hydraulic oonductivi ty used for layer 1 ranged from less than 20 feet per day near Great salt Lake to greater than 150 feet per day near the eastern ooundary of layer 1.The sirtulated thickness of layer 1 ranges from 30 to 59 feet arrl averages about 35 feet. Vertical conductance between the aquifer layers was initially estimated from equations in the model documentation (McDonald and Harbaugh,1984,p. 138-147),and fran calculations and estimates based on aquifer tests during this study and studies in nearby areas.An initial average vertical hydraulic oorrluctivity of approximately 1 x 10-3 feet per day was determined from these methods.The initial value was then altered during calibration to approximately reflect the areal pattern of vertical head gradients determined from Feth and others (1966,p1.9).In the recharge areas near the nountain front,conductance values were asstnned to be larger,in order to reflect the absence of confining layers in the area. Initial values of storage coefficients required for transient-state calibration for the confined parts of the aquifer system were from table 5. Specific-storage values generally ranged from about 1 x 10-4 to 1 X 10-6 and the thickness of the individual parts of the aquifer system ranged from tens to hundreds of feet.SPecific yield values for layer 1 were estimated to be 1 x 10-1 and values for unconfined parts of layer 3 were estimated to be 1 X 10-2 • 101 'y,.;;.. .•."I"• T.5 N. '» -\ C"'l :r. TIl;N. Gate.waYI funr-,-ei 4 MILES --, '. ~" ,e::p 32o I II o 1 2 3 4KILOMETERS i .8 N. CONTOUR INTERVAL,IN FEET,VARIABLE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 t o __112 ."10.0- (1) ,...__.'.::J \\Xi~ard /~­I 1 &: I ~ ~'?-\) V.:f.\V ~!'> ,.1'.~ .,lr.-,I• .,1--,I. ,I,~ --=-.,1.,- I D \1 (.);1{ \~" ~c ~~o A ~~~~ ~.. ~2, \ ____~----cf____--'"P ~. ~o '" T.3 N. T.1 N . T.4 N. m ./ c~'~~1" <=',.e"".' ree\~ d. :J:l » /2 //C') ngtoll~--"-.. 0;' I "t••• '-J~, o %' ~ -4' ~;* I.·,,'.}.~~ ~~,.."..:;:;;+ B1¥-"--FARMINGTON -\ ~ '7'1-~t if' 7 ..- ''';'' BOUNDARY OF ACTIVE CELLS LINE OF EQUAL TRANSMISSIVITY--In feet squared per day.Interval variable BOUNDARY OF MODEL AREA EXPLANATION \f\ \" "2o R.1 W. ,I" "2 -\ I" \"o 'tl I" 41°00'-+. ---5,000--- Base from U.S.Geological Survey 1 :125,000 quadrangle, Great Salt Lake and Vicinity,Utah,1974 CI·ee~.~';i5\t~_'-c't/~:v L •-r----r C!,~----~/" -.1,\_--\/nard Q.,'~I ',.'-G~Q;II R 2 W =,',.1 -ofrish ,/"~". .-,.·C~'...W.R.,W.-••'."t j-c.enterv'lle-'r"'\\C..+--+,""'-C entc .'.L.··T.2 N. ]!-,/~..\t '(I BO-1-TN;IFtttccre~ -----,-I.lt=c~I ct'...j/It (';'eel<-;7 ../HO.lbroo i /1->-....4r//',-~~ ...;~.C C "'~~e,,~ 'Val • /Verda'-Af ·•.c.anYo n .....ow Figure 46.--Transmissivity of layer 2. T.S N. N. unnel 'l> -\ C"") "X. 4 MILES -'i-~ 'I Rh'er \, -lGateway 1;(\ ~._c_~ 32 I I Ii o I , 0 1 2 3 4 KILOMETERS /'i /" .8 N. CONTOUR INTERVAL,IN FEET,VARIABLE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929.o~~ "''0'0''(- ,,(-'!I ,i~ V "",\V ~p..'i ,t,.1, _.1".1,_,I" I ({D \.;1 19' -\,. Yr,--" ---'i-.-0-----~...,~-"P '=,..' '(':, OJ" ,.;., \~;;>~;~ ~', 7',.J_\,.... ,,I,••1., 112Cl:tS' ...-- B_Q2<_ELPEIJ~Q ,_ /WEBER CO •',_///::~::~ / ,/ lOlS~ I iT .....o ~ T.1 N . T,3 N. T.4 N. C;'e(£ C;' -,:~~ {-'te,e.'!. reek :0 » /2. //'C) ngt;)ri---<---·(;'-.m ilk>,OOO r -/.../''~,l/HoilJro;;1i 1/'"~.J /.~.:;. L.;/.-'--'~"'~ .~~*.."."'+,Val""~ Verda '~J'V'-~,J;!!nIi ,yO" .../ .F./-~ DAVIS CO -~' SA LTLAKE cOR.1 E, W /"West .'Bountifuk l,-- "J;:';'\~,Sal~Lake' 0-' ~'\>P~\"-.',-:>..1._, ';e' --._. _.Jl,:" R.1 W. .> L,l'(-' ---t I ..", ~* I, .~~!b~~_~ "...,,,=1',I '!:-j'":i:"- ; ".-l. ~I.. !--I>, f ¥~ ,---------,, "I",.1" R,2 W, FARMI/VGTON -;<--/5 •000 )I \?":;--;;i'("........l t("~~/. //---- -L>"~~:'"~~>'(' .-:7'..,. <$. If' ~7.... '.,A BOUNDARY OF MODEL AREA BOUNDARY OF ACTIVE CELLS LINE OF EQUAL TRANSMISSIVITY--In feet squared per day,Interval variable R.3W. EXPLANATION <f> \ "2o "2 -\ 11'1 \o '1J 11'1 R.4 W. ---'2,500-- Base from U,S.Geological Survey 1 :125,000 quadrangle, Great Salt Lake and vicinity.Utah,1974 i~\t~,gr_ee}- --~~~_95:~~;;-'.-rm'''''"~...,.'',"'\r/~,'/'ifI',':''',~",."fE,,'C.entervi!J.e"~.itW ' //:-."';'--1;,.--'--'-ce'r~ter ' /'I ...\J/~ 'I ''''-'.',T.2 N, \'~.' J i '~,.,Sfolte ~creett !BO"VNT IF UL ~o U1 Figure 47.--Transmissivity of layer 3. Discharge Drain discharge was sinulated in the model with the use of the "Drain" subroutine (McDonald and Harbaugh,1984,p.288),which requires information for the altitude of the water level in the drain,and a term for the conductance between the aquifer and the drain.'!he altitudes used for the water level in the drains were based on the altitudes of land surface and water levels,where available,in the Sam:!area.Drain cells were used in nodel layer 1.In this application,the conductance is defined as the product of the hydraulic conductivity and the area of the drain d1annel divided by the thickness of the material sepa.ratingO the drain from the aquifer.The area where drain discharge was simulated (fig.48)i~similar to the area of flCMing wells and evapotranspiration (fig.45). Ini tially a constant tenn for conductance was used for all drain cells; ~ver,it was evident fran the early simulations that large changes were necessary.Conductance terms were varied to reproduce the observed water levels (heads),and vertical head gradients between the aquifers.Some areas were known to have relatively large discharge to drains (fig.41),and in these areas the conductance tenn was generally made larger.Simulation of dischar.ge to drains was based on water levels and associated vertical head. gradients.'lhe sirrulated discharge was not based on measured drain discharge in order that measured and sinulated total drain discharge might be canpared. At the errl of steady-state calibration,the amount of discharge to drains,as simulated by the nodel,was close to the discharge rreasured during this study in the same area,and totaled about 58,000 acre-feet per year. Initial values for discharge from wells were derived from previously plblished rep:>rts on the study area.Fstinates of flowing-and pumped-well discharges for steady-state conditions were from Feth and others (1966, p.50),and locations of the flowing wells were taken from Smith and Gates (1963,pl.2).Discharge from flowing wells was apportioned based on the number of wells in a particular cell,the estimated discharge from wells per township (Feth and others,1966,table 7),and the percentage of wells finished in either layer 2 or 3.The total annual discharge from flowing wells in each township was divided by the total number of flowing wells drilled before 1955 in that township to obtain discharge per well,based on the assumption that all wells in a given area discharged the sane arrount of water.It was determined fran well records that awroximately 60 percent of flowing wells drilled before 1955 were finished in layer 3 and the ranaining 40 percent were finished in layer 2.FICMing-well discharge was apportioned to the layers according to those percentages.'lhe initial value of discharge fran wells was about 25,000 acre-feet per year. A portion of the upward leakage fran layer 2 to layer 1 discharges by evapotranspiration.Evapotranspiration from layer 1 was simulated in the model by a head-dependent option,which assumes a linear change between a ~imum evapotranspiration rate,when the water level is at or above land surface,to no evapotranspiration when the water level is at or below a specified extinction depth of 15 feet (McDonald and Harbaugh,1984,p.316). Q11y a small part of the total evap::>transpiration in the study area originates fran the East Shore aquifer systan,and at the end of steady-state calibration this amount was calculated by the model to be about 7,000 acre-feet per year. '!he cells where evapotranspiration was simulated are srown in figure 45. 106 Subsurface inflow to Great salt Lake,as diffuse seepage,was simulated in the m:.:xiel with a general-head boundary by assuming that discharge was pr imar ily by upward leakage fran the underlying East Shore aquifer system.It was assumed that all ground-water flow past the shoreline eventually discharges into the lake,as diffuse seepage through the lake-bottom sediments,am possibly by springs umer the lake.'!he general-head boundary was used so discharge to the entire area inundated by the lake could be sinulated,am the specified heads (representing lake stage)could be cnanged, if necessary,as part of the transient-calibration process.The conductance terms between the external specified head (lake altitude)and the IOOdel cells were approximated based on vertical conductance terms used in simulated areas east of the lake. Model calibration The model was first calibrated to steady-state conditions which were assumed to exist in 1952-55.The final water levels from steady-state calibration were then used as initial heads for the transient-state calibration.Wi thdrawals fran,and recharge to,the Weber Delta part of the East Shore aquifer system were varied during the transient-calibration period fran 1955 to 1984. Steady-State calibration Calibration of the model to steady-state conditions involved the cxxrparison of neasured water levels for layers 2 am 3 with cxxrputer-generated water levels.'!he neasured water levels were generally from the pericx:1 1952- 55,depeming on available data.If possible,water levels fran 1954 or 1955 were used instead of those from the 1952-53 pericx:1,because 1952 am 1953 were years of well-above-normal precipitation,am water levels were generally higher than the average steady-state water levels.Groum-water wittrlrawals prior to 1955 were almost entirely from flowing wells.Since 1955, withdrawals for mmicipal and industrial use have steadily increased,and have been alnost exclusively fran large pumped wells east of the flowing-well area. Water levels in IOOst wells with long-term records sh:)w that fran 1935 through the mid-1950's,water levels remained fairly constant with the exception of 1952-53 when there were large water-level rises (fig.28).It was assumed that steady-state conditions existed until 1955 with minor fluctuations in water levels due to short-term changes in recharge,and that groum-water withdrawals prior to 1955 had little or no effect on water-level fluctuations. To test the assurrption that discharge fran flowing wells pr ior to 1955 was part of the equilibrium state of the aquifer system,the estimated 17,700 acre-feet per year of discharge by flowiBJ wells was decreased to about 10,000 acre-feet per year.This resulted in rises fran the calibrated steady-state water levels of up to abalt seven feet,with an average of about 3 feet.lfIlen flowing-well discharge was decreased,discharge to drains,evaIX'transpiration, and Great salt Lake increased by a nearly equal aroount. D.1riBJ the calibration to steady-state conditions,sane values of system parameters were adjusted.Values that were most commonly adjusted were vertical comuctance,drain conductance,and starting heads for constant-head 107 112°15 1 I 112°001 I CONTOUR INTERVAL,IN FEET,VARIABLE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 T.5 N. 5 MILES4 -+ 5 KILOMETERS 1 32 r -I - 1 o ><1·)I '-S;:1 II ~~~r'I :1 j 1 j::::.::::<:~.-+-I~;~;I .'-.-1..1 "''bn::-~-~ #i4~·1~....//+:0»'~1J+1=fFf4=11/1 U~-+·-.I',.'.-. "/!'.......1 _"--+4-i~+~---t---+--,» ~t-+-~~ L _L ..... ~ C'") ':r. ..9 -~~~--n 4=r=r =1=t=R=H ~.=mt~I ~........•...••!",'Jl!0 '_/~.r 'n [10 I +----+----..t+-----+1/1 I I rll1 rWlIWdj12 -we ~..._-.1_..1-__1 J 12 -+ I-+- + 41°15 1-._ .....oen --BOUNDARY OF MODEL AREA T.1 N. J;) »/ 0-""':~~ '. 's -Q("~"'.r- j//-'2 ./C') ,~.ington '6,;;-m -T.3 N. +xf,--J--=-J--/ .\ aI"" I il", L~. Sytaclllse .iyl<o~'_c:!-ee.!L "\o"il-+~~.Jc~='----.--c""I~/ I ,(Jlard__»/---- ........_......I._:......i._:....J._.:....l_l..+_L.l_L..l_L..l_LJ~J.:.l_~!_LL ..'~j ~~.i-------l ~to"";:-/~\(;::~!:,.-£<,.¥ ,4;:.!*'~'..'"...,//~.~"'-cettter I I -----".",/\(,...._"'_/J \,/~ /'...,.:'-,F(West :1 "L.//T.2 N. ,-!:t'":::(/Bountifuk !I :.:_/Sfo';;e~cre;1t """'''I':;;-~/BO"'~TNT~FUL r;)':"'~/·;t'iiOibroC;\i--C--"-;'ek- '-""")~/0-~ !;i l \~~> '),//~/)(//'-~.... ------+---t---.-+-;7f(,--_....'..~+ l,\N 7a!Lakec .1.IVai'-- '-....I;::':\..."/1 /r~Verda '-----..l).; 0'/~C...,\I ',...~ny \"\,,,,-_/,-,ot}:;;I --,,,__,J ,F ____DAVIS CO -~ R 1 W SAL'i'i:::AKECO. .R.1~ EXPLANATION ,--------1---~~-i-- ,' if> s CONST ANT FLUX NODE--Number indicates constant recharge, in hundreds of acre-feet per year NODES WITH DRAINS R.41 w. " 7 / ~~~-.'. " Base from U.S.Geological Survey 1 :125,000 quadrangle, Great Salt Lake and vicinity,Utah,1974 ~ [2:] 41°00/-1 I 1+/11 '~I I t-'o \0 Figure 48.--Rate and location of constant recharge values and drain areas used for steady-state simulations in the model of the East Shore aquifer system. nodes.Transmissivity values were changed only slightly as they were considered to be sane of the JOOSt reliable data. The vertical conductance terms for the general-head boundaries under Great Salt Lake were adjusted for various reasons:to calibrate to a koown water level near the Antelc:pe Island causeway,to calibrate to 1952-55 water levels near the shoreline,and to maintain known vertical-head gradients between the artesian aquifers.It was assumed that all discharge from the East Shore aquifer system in the ~ber Delta area to the lake occurs to the east of Antelope and Frenont Islands.Total annual discharge to Great Salt Lake by diffuse seepage,as calculated by the nodel at the end of steady-state calibration,was about 19,000 acre-feet. As part of the calibration process,a::nputed water levels at specified rmes were canpared with measured 1952-55 water levels.Of the 175 nodes at which the comparisons were made,100 nodes were in layer 3 and 75 rmes were in layer 2.The location of the cells associated with these nodes are shown in figure 49,which illustrates that the data points were fairly evenly distriooted across the area.A particular node or area was considered to be in calibration if the computed water level was within a preset range of the zreasured water level.The criteria for this range were determined from the location of the actual water level in the model cell and the contoured gradient across the cell.Therefore,near the nomtains,where the gradient is steep,the acceptable range was large,up to 50 feet or greater. Near Great salt Lake a CCIl1p.lted water level needed to be within 10 feet or less of the measured water level to be considered calibrated.'!he criteria set for calibration was not zret at the end of the steady-state calibration at 13 of the 175 nodes.'!hese 13 nodes (fig.49)are generally either near the recharge areas where the gradient of the water surface is steep,or in the discharge areas near the lake where cartp.lted water levels were lower than the actual levels. At the conclusion of the steady-state calibration,the flON rates for the constant-head nodes along the nountain front,as calculated by the model, were entered as recharge rates at specified-flux nodes,and the constant-head nodes were eliminated.'!hese rates,whidl approximate at least part of the ground-water recharge by subsurface inflON,total about 45,000 acre-feet per year.The constant recharge rates for all sources of recharge applied to individual nodes at the end of steady-state calibration are shown in figure 48.The total recharge to these nodes is 109,000 acre-feet per year. COmparison of water-level contours drawn using water levels measured in 1955 (Feth and others,1966,pI.1),and contours drawn using computed water levels for layers 2 and 3,at the end of steady-state calibration,are shown in figures 50 and 51.The contour patterns match fairly well in areas with sufficient historic data,and the computed water levels in those areas are generally within 10 feet of the measured levels.Differences between the shape of the contours generated from camputed and measured data are a result of simplification and problem:;in defining the exact characteristics of the physical system.In general,~ver,the configuration of the contours and the resulting gradient of earn set of contours are similar,indicating that the cx:mputed values are a geed awroximation of the steady-state conditions. 110 During the steady-state calibration process,it was difficult to match measured water levels in the North O:'jden area,using the initial values for transmissivity,while staying within the estimated range of recharge and discharge for that area.It was necessary to significantly reduce the transmissivity in the area in order to match the actual steep hydraulic gradient in the area,and maintain reasonable rates of recharge and discharge. calibration to measured water levels in the North Ogden area was diff icul t throughout the calibration process,primarily because of steep water-level gradients,and because simulated water levels were sensitive to small changes in recharge. As a test of the sensitivity of the calibrated model,values of some hydraulic-property arrays were varied to determine the effects on the calibrated roodel.Values of transmissivity were assumed to be fairly accurate in most areas;therefore,changes that oould be made in transmissivity values and still be within a realistic range of measured or estimated transmissivities were relatively small.Changes from the measured or estimated values of transmissivity for layer 3 ranged fran about a 25 percent increase in the Sunset-Roy area to about a 25 percent decrease in the Ogden and Willard areas.O1anges within these ranges of transmissivity resulted in relatively small water-level changes,except in areas with steep head gradients. The values of vertical hydraulic oooouctivity are not well defined,and the range of realistic values oould span at least two orders of magnitude. Changes in the vertical hydraulic oonductivity within this range resulted in large water-level changes fran the calibrated results,especially in areas with large vertical head gradients between layers.The final distribution of vertical hydraulic conductivity values ranged fran about 1 x 10-3 foot per day in the recharge areas near the mountain front to about 3 x 10-6 foot per day in areas with the greatest vertical head differences.The average value was abcut 1 x 10-4 foot per day. O1anges in the conductance terms used in the "General-head boundary" subroutine (McDonald am Harbaugh,1984)did not significantly affect either water levels or discharge fran toose cells unless the calibrated conductance term was changed by at least an order of magnitude.In areas of large discharge by drains,however,only minor changes in the drain conductance term resulted in significant changes in the drain discharge or water levels or both. Transient-State calibration Calibration to transient-state conditions oonsisted of establishing data bases for the years 1955 to 1985.rata included (1)1955-84 withdrawals fran rrunicipal,industrial,and flowing wells,and (2)1956-85 water-level data. Transient-state calibration was initiated by simulating withdrawals from wells for 1955-84 and a:xrparing the resultant ex:xtpUted water levels wi th water levels measured during 1956-85.water-level changes were C<lIp.lted at the end of each of the 30 one-year pumping periods during the 3D-year transient calibration. III 112°15 1 112°001 T.5 N. t.n » --\ C'") ::I: Tunnel 5 MILES432I I I !I1I i o k 'Urn'""'(JHll~d II .~--L_-,---"---;--'---'--..L-.L_ CONTOUR INTERV AL,IN FEET,VARIABLE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 'I t ,~.:,~~"~.~!I.....l , -+-+ f ~~EaFo~'-;tT" :/ t 1/vi Ii I 1 / ............ l'V T.3 N. T,l N, "--'--I rIo,....: f-' ! ilJ,o c.._..JRl3W. -~-- EXPLANATION CELLS USED IN CALIBRATION ---+---- R.41 W. Uncalibrated cell,layer 2,does not meet calibration criteria Calibration cell,layer 2,meets calibration criteria Calibration cell,layer 3,meets calibration criteria Uncalibrated cell,layer 3,does not meet calibration criteria "._-- --.-+----1"<'-~""""'d:"J i .i.\\.".i'+t VJ I'i I ····1-it'1.-4 ._i.-l1ll1 ",r,\.1 i 1 ~':f~l ~~i~! .t 'Z-~j ~\\.•~~).rt:~~;(L.~/~4 .. __.~I'l I.4II1l Syb.il se i I".i\·~1 S~~)::-/;j:l~~l;,:'=:1~-=.r~. /-if·.j.....:'"'4 '..011I1 ~r-..j.j'---r¥:T L,-J-t,J_'~~~\,\~..I __!~'\I "~;;ast L,yt<1Jl S "ofi-;~;tk . 'l"frll'-./----jf-----+---t"-.--t--..-!\~~~~/1"141",!1oll"'~~l:l~lf~"'tt~':·I J~'r-----r-".f\:1--".l?t'-';I~I(i J..oIIIIl (,\;I jail ~//tL:..-~--+-- J'-1 !I'''--,._\",,-."w ,1 i"~.J /)~~J:,llI "')\~h \za'Qr.'!J~J f 'j r-~y ,-",,,.,""~1 Lj>~-1IIlIl t'-a.sv4J.j~i'If;.i --BOUNDARY OF MODEL AREA Base from U.S.Geological Survey 1 :125,000 quadrangle, Great Salt Lake and vicinity.Utah,1974 ~ ~ ~ [;;d If--r '1,1 I."'"J II ."~),1 /..,~'\I I..I ~;a~r '.f ~it Hgtts ,eel'---t±+---+--+--+-L-L..""',,--~,...i-,'"I ~"..I 'fllo c r J ':JJ ,!I i I '--.1 "1",,"--".'""'''~....../---'_++-1_..,.;;;~\-#£¥--.'» -\I 1'.<•.'~._I JI ~",.~,(' l'1 /-~--1--1-\-~'z I ~(~l ,I /'"02:. (~_,"~",I"\'1-;- -\-t:rt=----//C1 41°00/-1-+:/1----11'----1,-----___:=___1\:1-+:.,~'4 ~f\LL~~~;;'gtO'l-'-i'>;;tTl fr--\\.".'7:+~~.H,/_---I-+----~\I'I~~\,----t---'~~1---',-n,~'I~FrrJ1'flltOl il r-~ f ------I---_+__+_-+-----f!"'---'-"- -f-------t-'",1lllP"~~c.,\'..Clh'J>-..-i j ~l _~Ir--'~~eqd~"'LI--I·-.~/I 1 ~','" ---4---t+-----t-~------\.'Ab.I]""r.~i I-~('""·' 1<=rf -l -r !I ,-1'"iV r.IV f1AJ}"I 1 1'.[Z:~I"I\t·\,;~i~~_<2r_.,~:-~I =tc~="1 J;",-,.,.-"lIIr,'tmY ,<~~nq!.!L0¢';j j !If"2 W.Jc,;,,'"IV 1Jf"d' .\<,~~"[J'~'2"}.s~j-,~c:eeeY- -:.',--;,:-","""""'''';'I 'GentervjlW-,iiv'-j ."'.[",__,.,/'.-+~·ceI1tert. :....:~,,I,/'~\ I·j ..I ~\/ I,.../1 't /~,T.2 N.~.f".:;.=-/~-(West I U I I /::,._--,{e----"'--'-'--e';lt -='t'..::'c ",Bo'¥'tifuk I ",_,,_,/,stO Cf """"."/.'",,:'./BO ~NTIFUL ;'.,"./,:------.,_.'--).~r-I-;-<?>"HoiiJro;;ii--Creek'",,U'"j-...'~;'c'W!oods Cros~iF ~'~~ t',!//,,--~....~ )(I L-...A'~P1>-t'~,"N'-··7,alhak~VT,•••'..;~-,.-..\'-'~\':,//+/V erda"---."~_ 0'--'•/..I ,..C qlly?-<....\.I -...:..:"Of)f Co,,>\'__/:_.-/ ''',I -/'-----';'l"...F DAVIS 'co -~, ----SALTLAKECO R.1 W.R.1 E. I-' I-' W Figure 49.-·Location of cells used in the calibration of the model of the East Shore aquifer system. .8 N. CONTOUR INTERVAL,IN FEET,VARIABLE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 T.5 N. N. un nel 1> --\ CO) :J:. 4 MILES 'lGatew3V "I-+- ',:g 32 ,, j 1<:1,'I ;:~Yj:.~~"-. "-.'-", o o /' /' ,HILL ~FBASE 7"1'/I/)p \I -----I +---+-'jf-~..4v~-~1 '·_~-t.~ I. r~ltJ1 t~~2 o ','",0- I '""l\X~rd \ 1::0- I,," 2_i-I / / / // V~~'0 -t.\V 1/I SOUihl I,--, Ogdetl//'11 I ~ 1\lel:aafJ '""" Wash'gton '~rC""'.ITerrae '-._~j • r~:I. 1/.I nuy /:L-..-.-..l ,-<.j ..v~ -,, ,"'....9~~~ I linei!t·j 'J I"~~,_Webe,.,.<:z~:,~_1 __---or -'"'-,<<. I -=-,,0 ~""_,,,(Jy/ ~ '<::-...Web ,-Sout-"':~'''--er Weber\;,-"'----.--~"\:,.:3-'i -'c,'b "-_\:=----..- .,l'4' d;- .'\4 '--~,I"'~,I.=:".-";!/(:~~dtt ,o(~,I,_____ <pP-'\ f""'--->,- \,,",.I~ ",I., ~"I., .'. I "'~VV,\\}' ,l'~,.1" .,1""I'.':~:,.''~ .,11,.,1/,-,I, _\.-_,I"," L~,,"*,~. "I",1oC:-. '0 ~ ~"I 7.,..t~'" ...J /<5 ,~ /~ .'~Ij _,I"~L.. Cj-.~ 112~5' ......c\...... ............-......"P '<S. -7.;.. 1"l5~ J j---J- ........ ~ T.3 N. T.4 N. ree~ 0 ... ,d _""'~\~ ----'.<:',:,,<:,1'. :D l> /C!!: //C'l ngtori-L·'6~.m y-v,~~~ \0 I \\";;.,eh ""q('1 I'\.:..'."''.',..~.Cl'~.-..·-.-~'",,::r----:-t:e-"\-----.'-.-~(l5-r \-:\Frjuit Hghts r-\,"-\i <to.l'~--- s"ey.,.xl . /1 I ·,\./~ct"'__ ,''J;>Far'i\..e:-,,, ,0: "e:-.:\("'1p:~ ,t~,I""],'~\.'_',-/' RAi}'-------_-+-- FAR/I-lINCTON "-:': if' 7 ..... ''';-' j I \ ,-~''':7-t; ............~. ~<40 '~ '" 41"00'+ Creek,",<;l<~.'---.->-- ':rd c,;s~''-<-j II R.4 W.R.3 W.I R.2 W."',"j 1\1f/-~--ciJJ~,========================================================::r;::t'~,"lil'==::::~ar(lSh />\------~_.......,- .......... V1 Base from U.S.Geological Survey 1 :125,000 quadrangle, Great Salt Lake and vicinity,Utah,1974 EXPLANATION ---4,240--- ---4,240 ---- POTENTIOMETRIC CONTOUR--Shows approximate altitude,in feet. National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 CONTOUR FROM MEASURED DATA,1955--Data from Feth and others (1966,plate 9) COMPUTER~ENERATEDCONTOUR BOUNDARY OF MODEL AREA BOUNDARY OF ACTIVE CELLS LIKE SYMBOLS INDICATE EQUAL VALUES .... 4,240 4,260 4,280 4,300 4,320 Figure 50.--Comparison of potentiometric contours based on measured water levels for 1955 and contours of computed water levels.model layer 2. T.5 N. N. unnel '> -I C") ::I:. ~" ,er e1: ':'SoutlI\I,>,.,W...e.ber \"eher 'r'.'''~-,.-'---',I''3-, '"-..G~",..'_.\,~_-~.._.l __ v'~ V."",""c I ~D\\\\,L.... '7 ~. ~_':l'. 'C 'Ci -:P 7,~L', -1 .!! ,,\,,,.1" r---]1 r'II .,'/.,0"\;:T~g~l~'i,~g'.i:T~6 t\;:.1~,mTDX;.'.\'.:t.\'~~'"~S\'c c J 0 ,,,•M'LE'~tV tVw I I ",,"'"""~"""'I~'Y "r 0 1 2 3 4 KILOMETERSv?>'/../-::"------...... ,\V /.'~/ ~"',/;/'l ~ /~%E~~~E~OCQ-~·,'_'~~_,'~L~.~:'"f't.'.,~./,;:I-~--:,I, I ":::.':~/IG/'t'.~~'':'''"~fr\)1:<~j"O-.,~c;:/~;;.ti '~,~~d),"~'M.f 112"l5' -------' l015~ ............ 0\ T.3 N. T.4 N . C;" ,PC-'L;." .c;t:P€k d :0 ):> 2. C'} nj.{tol1·c~-rn reek ), S Fif. -"I FAR.tlfNGTON ...- 7 f--:. '- v· 7 .... '-~. <1' \ 'j) Zo 'j) Z -\ m \'o '0 m· 41°00'_c "\ ·cltS _c r_ee"l,_ ---fCC-'>" 'la/:'!C c\'-/II R.4W.R.3W.I R.2W.,"J 1C6t,..~~c~,======================================================2·===,~ar_tl_~h~_.-- ............ -...J Base from U.S.Geological Survey 1 :125,000 quadrangle, Great Salt Lake and vicinity,Utah,1974 EXPLANATION POTENTIOMETRIC CONTOUR--Shows approximate altitude,in feet. National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 ---4,230 CONTOUR FROM MEASURED DATA,1955--Data from Feth and others (l966,plate 9) ---4,220---COMPUTER-GENERATED CONTOUR BOUNDARY OF MODEL AREA BOUNDARY OF ACTIVE CELLS LIKE SYMBOLS INDICATE EQUAL VALUES No symbol ~....,.. 4,220 4,230 4,250 4,270 /'. "V 4,300 4,350 4,450 Figure 51.--Comparison of potentiometric contours based on measured water levels for 1955 and contours of computed water levels,model layer 3. Records of withdrawals for municipal and industrial use are fairly complete from 1955-84.Most withdrawal records are given as a total for a user,and therefore,it was necessary to assume that total pumpage was divided equally among all wells owned by the user,unless information was available for individual wells.In the case of wells drilled during a year in which pumpage was estimated,it was assURed that the well went into production the following year. Discharge fran flowing wells am changes in this discharge through the 30-year calibration period were more difficult to estimate.Previous estimates of discharge fran flowing wells,in acre-feet per year,varied fran 17,700 in 1954 (Feth and others,1966,p.50),to 40,000 (i.ncluding the Bountiful area)in 1955 (Smith and Gates,1963,p.16),to 12,000 in 1969 (BoIke and Waddell,1972,p.9),and to an average of 23,000 for 1969-84 (including the Ebuntiful area)during this study.Flowing-well discharge was increased fran the steady-state rate of 17,700 acre-feet per year to 24,000 acre-feet per year in 1955,to more than 30,000 acre-feet per year in 1985. It was necessary to increase the flowing~ll discharge in some areas to get computed water-level changes to awroximate measured changes.'!he apparent increase in flowing-well discharge during the transient-state calibration period could be attributed to several factors,including discharge fran new wells drilled in the flowing~ll area between 1954 and 1985,inaccuracies in the discharge estimates made in 1954 or 1984,or that the discharge rate necessary to obtain transient-state calibration was greater than the actual flowing-well discharge.However,the increase in the total discharge fran flowing wells used in the transient-state calibration was considered to be wi thin a reasonable range of actual discharge fran flowing wells.IAlring the sane period discharge fran pumped wells increased fran 7,700 to 26,500 acre- feet per year. water-level declines have caused the static water level in sane areas to decline below land surface,thereby causing sane wells to cease flowing.The discharge fran wells in these areas was gradually decreased and eventually eliminated during transient-state calibration.Flowing-well discharge was considered to increase during the last few years of the calibration due to higher heads resulting fran increased recharge. The cells where discharge by flowing,irrigation,municipal,and industrial wells was simulated during transient-state calibration are shown in figure 52.All wells were simulated in at least one pllllping period,but not in all pumping periods.'!he flowing-well area is essentially the same as was simulated during steady-state calibration,with the addition of areas in which new wells \'lere drilled since 1955.'!he flowing-well area shown in figure 52 includes toose areas where flowing wells ceased to flow during the transient simulation period due to water-level declines. As part of the calibration,total recharge to the aquifer system was assumed to vary from periods of less-than-oonnal precipitation to periods of greater-than-norrnal precipitation.IAlring the late 1950's and early 1960's, precipi tat ion was much less than oormal (fig.27),and water levels in many areas declined due to a decrease in recharge am an increase in withdrawals. When normal or greater-than-normal precipitation returned during the late 1960's through 1984,water levels continued to decline,primarily due to additional increases in wittrlrawals.Tt.~se declines,however,appear to have 118 been at a slower rate than they w:)uld have been otherwise,in most areas,due to the relative increase in recharge.When a constant recharge rate was used during transient calibration,it resulted in water-level changes that eatpared poorly with measured changes in the area of large water-level declines. 'Iherefore,it was necessary to simulate yearly changes in the total amount of recharge. 'Ihe changes in yearly recharge rates were der i ved from changes in the annual flow in the Weber River,by assuming that when annual surface-water flow was below average,ground-water recharge was also below average. Initially changes in recharge for a particular year were assumed equal to one- half of the departure of surface-water flow for that year fran average annual flow.For example,if flow of the weber River for a particular year was 10 percent greater than the average flow,then recharge was increased 5 percent over the recharge rate used during the steady-state calibration.This assunption was reasonable for years in which flow was near the annual average, but was not valid during years of extrenely low or high flow such as 1961 am 1984.The recharge rates were adjusted during calibration to determine the best ratio.The result was that recharge was decreased by about one-fourth of the departure when the flow was less than average,and increased about one- eighth of the flow departure when the flow was greater than average.Changes in total recharge seem to be affected more by a less-than-normal flow year than by a greater-than-normal flow year.Additionally,there seems to be a maximum amount of recharge that can be accepted by the aquifer system. Therefore,during the high-flow years of 1983-84,less than one-eighth of the departure above normal was used.'Ihe sinulated total annual recharge rates varied from 94,400 acre-feet in 1961 to 114,000 acre-feet in 1984. Storage-coefficient and specific-yield values were required for the transient-state calibration.Actual values of storage coefficient from aquifer tests of the confined cquifers ranged fran about 1 x 10-4 to 3 X 10-6 (table 5).'!his range of values was initially used in the storage-coefficient array for layer 3.IAlring transient-st.ate calibration,however,changes to this array had little or no effect on the model.Therefore,an average storage coefficient of 5 x 10-4 was used for the confined parts of the Weber Delta aquifer system in layer 2 and most of layer 3.Where parts of the system represented by layer 3 are oonfined near the nountain front,a larger value of 5 x 10-3 was used;also,a value of 1 x 10-2 was used where the layer represents the unconfined part of the aquifer system near the mouth of Weber canyon.At the end of transient-state calibration,the change in the total amcunt of water in storage was eatplted for the years 1955-85.'!he simulated decrease in storage was due to greater amounts of discharge than recharge,am was 74,000 acre-feet or about 2 percent of the total discharge during 1955-85. The components of the total ground-water budget,resulting fran the steady-state aoo transient-state calibrations,are srown in figure 53,which also shows the changes in total recharge and the various types of discharge for 1954-84.Discharge to drains and to the general-head boundary cells, representing leakage to Great Salt Lake,gradually decreased while pumped discharge fran wells increased. 119 112°001 ~i 112°15 1 I -,, ~ ~ t)~I r~~,,t'ft t CONTOUR INTERVAL,IN FEET,VARIABLE V r-'__I -NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 __i-___1~---W"''1''l''l>T"L*i;''''''._-t,~,,/,L_+--:,,-:J~+-_1 0 1 2 3 4 5 MILES ~.'i-l-I ~I I I I ._~_~+J,',,'~,_0 ~2 ~4 ~KILOMETERS¥'E'-'<t __~->-,r -t -/'1 (i ........L~"--'--~:--.._.•,,-,....t .~. F=t ~+~ _.I':-J"~,;'! ,•.",t ,.t.,,-.-:.;J '--+----+I-f--+-f I I 1--1 J-Q...><"dLP_E;,8L£9=}=~=_~~_=~j ~-T~+oL,..+-H~(ijlirntrm~I:--1H--+---+-+-r I ~----etJ-,..1,i /T j ./;t -',;:;......r--#:i+.t jy~I ~ Ii 1/ ~.'" ...... 41°15 /_1 .,t+c=J ~6 N.- .1,. "-..... '\",""">II, \...-__',.~,.1,.~" "__".1.."l••....~_ (--'t ~.::~,:I.,..I -.~,.~4:-.-+_-+~ 9.,(.•...-""'.-<.,i »~,"F+"":I..~~ ,'7,.?d"-_."",__~__en ~'t ,"":..~,,» ~\~...-\,n ~~% ~; ...--•..-----.p "--~.~·r 7~,\r,~.i. ''i..-~-.._ T.5 N. T.1 N . T.3 N. :0 »/' //~ :'/C')'_.j ington 6,;:.m /- /./T.2 N . .+.,~.~jsro"-'e~C,ree'lt BOtJl1/TIFUL !····fL .._-/ji·--C,:;ek- ,I '''f-;:''Holb roO i/>~-r'.. . /'Z<>+-+-.~--". J .IVaI'....... .Verda 'f¥.;',""""cI,....~QyOf) .../' I F"r·-- DAVIS'CO -~, SALTLAKECOR.l E. w ~ J,J R.1 W. -t~.N,",SIal....iakec,'--l.\~,_.",! "'-'c,..t\...\ 0'\'i Q.\l o~\'_ -~J _ ~." ~Io.., ...L. I I""~~~ \, -''',"---',I._ t,.... \·....·'--';:i't ,,*-jo:.~.""~'''''~....t ..:t<..'1'•.l ..,,<+\....(.,,_,"•:-:-:••:-•••••'"•~1')(l---::;:::r ....\.1 I -I I ..... ~+t T",+++'"I ""0''''~f.r-'.'t \'k"".,;t t'~'"~,--~.T'~-++_..f-\.,".,1'!,II, t .I .+.+t".'-':t + t".J.+~t I <$-!I j oN,I ,":..1'"f 1 +j ,,#.,,+~,+t ++++t t"t +•.'t."'..~"r--t+)L r +j t ;\i i :.I~l ·+·t •i k.t i)j';to :;::):\;11 (I.r~'.!I'i I 't " I !.1 0 ..j :I :1 :r t ' tJ'+':..i,A:1·-J1VH::I.~~...---.tc---+J--,.-,(,\o'T.WI--1'-.creek R.4 W.,'"I .•\lt~.-···--..-- :R,3 W.!''..-It-~.~~.'':~.2 W./Cr¢C/.JI...-----.:...~~_.:.....r_l..--~--.l-""..J.~2:l..1ij]\·jf,!!Q!!L~*7\~rz,rz,p .....<;;7' _____'~/~""-'parr}.s!'/".:.0- j;;".(,;"".~'."'./I .~r:;erv~l1e':~e.rz, <IJ...':.!::.''i.:.:"",,10,.../,*,··,...._·~C~/f,.terll\ -=1 •.'.,,/'\e I(~/."",...-~.I ~~/i \ ,.l ....'".,;,'"°F(/west nit ._:/,..~./Bount'f 10 I," ,I.,~l~,,I"1 U •.!:••1.:1."'_/ (....."/1 +.I + f .j ;r:~'.+..~<'~ !- Base from U.S.Geological Survey 1:125,000 quadrangle, Great Salt Lake and vicinity,Utah,1974 EXPLANATIONoCELLWITHAFLOWINGWELL OR WELLS ~CELL WITH A PUMPED WELL OR WELLS BOUNDARY OF MODEL AREA 41 0 00/_~ .... ~.... Figure 52.--locationof cells containing flowing and pumped wells. As part of the transient-state calibration process,measured and conputed water-level changes from 1955 to 1985 were compared for the entire model area (fig.54).Measured changes in water levels were compared to contours of water-level change from steady state to the end of the transient- state calibration period.In most areas,the con~uted water-level-change contours are a reasonable approximation of the measured water-level changes. In the recharge areas,hCMever,the CXIIputed changes generally did not match the neasured water-level rises.In areas of large water-level declines caused primarily by increased withdrawals fran wells,<XIlputed arrl measured water- level changes are similar. The measured and carputed water levels in the three roodel layers for 21 observation wells with data for all or sane of the 3D-year simulation period are shoon in figures 55 to 63.10bst of the hydrograP1s shCM that the oorrputed water levels are close aI;Proximations of the measured levels,especially in the areas of large water-level declines caused by increased grourrl~ater withdrawals.It was not possible to match measured and conputed water levels in some wells near the recharge areas because actual water levels in these areas change rapidly with changes in recharge,and it was not feasible to simulate those water levels without major changes in the model design and entered data. At the completion of the transient-state calibration,contour maps of J;X'tentianetric surfaces for layers 2 arrl 3 were constructed and c".'ompared to the potentiometr ic surfaces constructed from neasured water levels for 1985 (fig.7 and pI.1),(see figures 64 and 65).In IOClSt places the measured and CXXIpUted contours are reasonably similar,except that the configuration of the neasured contours are IIOre irregular than the computed contours,which are generally smooth.In figure 65 the cnrputed heads are generally higher than the neasured heads in the area near Hill Air Force Base,perhaps because the computed heads at the errl of the steady-state calibration are too high due to a lack of water-level data in this area for steady-state calibration. At the canpletion of transient-state calibration,the 1955-85 period was sinulated again,using a change in the level of Great Salt Lake to test the effect of changing lake levels on water levels arrl budget a:xrponents.The actual level of the lake fluctuated about one and one-half feet annually during 1955-82 and then rose about 8 feet during 1983-84.During the sinulation,the water-level altitude in the general-head boundary cells that represented Great Salt Lake was raised from 4,200 feet in 1982 to 4,208 feet during 1984.'Ibis simulated change in the lake level resulted in water-level rises of five feet or less in layers 2 and 3 near the lake.In the rest of the study area,water-level changes were negligible.Simulated annual discharge to the lake in 1985,through the general-head boundary nodes, decreased fran about 15,000 acre-feet to about 6,000 acre-feet with the higher lake level.'Ibe remaining 9,000 acre-feet of ground water went into storage. Although it was rot sinulated,the lake level receded to an altitude of 4,191 feet in 1963,which probably resulted in a larger percentage of the total grourrl~ater discharge moving by upward leakage into the lake. 122 /" ---~............... .....- •RECHARGE o DISCHARGE TO DRAINS • - - - - - - -DISCHARGE FROM FLOWING WELLS o -DISCHARGE FROM PUMPED WELLS 6,- - -- -DISCHARGE TO GREAT SALT LAKE X - - - - - - - - - - - - -DISCHARGE BY EVAPOTRANSPIRATIOI'4 ---~,...---- "'-~------- --/-----\--____'7\~- """=---~:/-~__~-=-~....-::--(V~\"~"-------------------------~~~---_:::- 120,000 110,000 100,000 a:: c:( lLJ 90,000> a:: lLJa. t-80,000lLJ lLJ l.L Wa::70,000u c:( z u.i 60,000~a::~c:(I'.J IWu 50,000wa:: a::w t-40,000c:( 3: 0 Z ::::l 30,000 0a:: ~ 20.000 10,000 o 19541955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1984 Figure 53.--Ground-water budget resulting from steady-state and transient-state calibrations. Values for 1954 are steady-state. T.5 N. N. unnel '» ~ C'") ::r:. 4 MILES j River" //_./J €~I "sprrg ere 32o •2 3 4 KILOMETERS • ,8 N. CONTOUR INTERVAL,IN FEET,VARIABLE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 .'I~± ,:j~- .,..,?-\! .\VV' ~ ~p.'i ?i~ v..,'anen~::"'~ ~1.~,~;, 've,('</,:"----~y .".,l" .c _ ,<-' .".~- ,.1,. .'!.. '''=,~I ,,1~_"II, "~M- ,I,"1,,,I, ,.w.,I, ",I,. "c~'1.?./s ~.,1 •• I V\~llJ}'\'. ~,',",- ~,.",-*~ ,1,4 _,I" ').1. ,.1,_,,1_,~ ,.1/,-,I, .,1.,,I. -"'l',,I,.tk:.... /,,,•.-=-"t••- -I !' ___/c ~ -::.c '0;. ~ "7...> \, "I".,~, --~--() "'f' ~, "7.;., 112'1.5' --- B_Q2<_ELPE8..hQ ''"-_~---,.'- - _W..;;.....; /WEBER CO"_ /+-,<::'".+0.7 //'.:..J~'l", / / 1"l5~ ~ I\,)or::. \Jl \ "Y Zo R.2 W. T.3 N. T.4 N. 0",',,~e~ '\, .~P-,:e~~~, ,.ee,~ ':t:I » /';;Z //C) ..---.·-'-----_.1_ gton 'G:.m ,-"'\ .,'." ",..-",-,/,"'-< ,-"1,, ,. ,,\~- '~ \ ".2;:\" d.,\1', '~--'-, ""'. FAR,1UNCTON + ~ 7f- <t' \ R.3W. if> 7 <',.-., R.4 W. ...... IV l.11 Base from U.S.Geological Survey 1 :125,000 quadrangle, Great Salt Lake and vicinity,Utah,1974 ---10---CONTOUR OF COMPUTED WATER-LEVEL CHANGE 1955-85,IN FEET--lnterval variable I--------~ T.l N. ,/'i //.T.2 N. ~~.,:".__/Sr6';e~C~ee"1< BOVNTIFUL w ,.1., , 1'''''~'I '*I,..-.J .'"~,::'.. R.1 W. )"~, ,'".,,:~l'-::c"'";'"//(-'west,y,:o.~..Bountifulc ~"".,' ~~'}joibro;k'--6~ek­ ,//~~'~//'~~)~.~~,1/'-.{:"". ..'oN Sal Lake o .~?:;;,,,,..._-'\..":e~)~~.....! .Val'- So...I )V erda ~-'I\I 0-"'I "'--,0",,,·,Soln"-;._-,,,on ..._.';'1 .~_.r---_./' _.__QAV-,S ·co -~/ SALTLAKECO R.1 E. ."." r"'- f" .. .J.. r EXPLANATION BOUNDARY OF MODEL AREA OBSERVATION WELL--Number indicates measured water-level change,1955-85,in feet.+indicates rise in water level,-indicates decline in water level BOUNDARY OF ACTIVE CELLS +9.8. Figure 54.--Comparison of measured and computed changes in water levels in layer 3,1955-85. w·+2.0 0 Well (B·5·2)6bdd-2z ~ J:0Uf- ...JW wW>lJ.. wz-;1--2.5c:w f- ~ ~-5 1956 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 Figure 55.--Measured and computed water levels during 1956-85 for an observation well in layer 1. '!be cx::lrputed water levels and total budget were assuneCI to be reasonable approximations of the East Soore aquifer system in the Weber Delta area at the end of the steady-state calibration.During the transient-state calibration, computed water-level changes approximated the measured changes in most observation wells.Therefore,the nodel was used with discretion to ·sinulate changes that could occur with potential increases in pumpage or changes in recharge.Although actual altitudes of the grouoo-water levels may not be sinulated accurately,the water-level changes fran the final transient-state levels should be reasonable. 126 LLf +10 0 Zex: I 0UI- .JW WW>lJ.. Wz...J--10c:: W I-Well (B-3-1 )25dab-1ex: 3:-20 u.i +10 0 Zex:0I MeasuredUI- ...JW "'" WW -10>lJ.. Wz...J- cr.-20W I-Well (B-4-1 )34cbc-3ex: 3:-30 +GO W 0 z ex: I +aGUI- ...JW WW>lJ.. Wz...J-0cr. W I-""-ex:Computed 3:-aG 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 Figure 56.--Measured and computed water levels during 1956-85 for observation wells in layer 2. 127 +10W Cl Z«0J: Uf- ...JWWW -10>Ll. Wz...J- a::-:10W f-Well (B-6-2)26ada-l« ~-SO W-+10 Cl Z«0J: uf- ...JW WW -10>Ll. Wz...J- Q:-20W f-Well (B-6-2)34dbb-l« ~-30 W·+10 Cl Z«0J: uf- ...JW WW -10>Ll. Wz...J- 0::-20W f-Well (B-6-3)26bbb-l« ~-30 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 Figure 57.-·Measured and computed water levels during 1955-85 for observation wells in layer 3. 128 w +a~ Gz e(0I UI-Computed....J W WW ~>lL -as wz /....J- 0:-so Measured w I-Well (B-4-1 )30bba-1e( ~ -'75 +aow· G Z e( I 0UI- ....J w ww>lL WZ....J--aocI:: w ---7-------I-Well(B·4-2)8dcc-1e(No record ----------__../ ~----- -"0 +a5w· t!Jz e( I 0UI- ....JwWw>lL WZ....J--a~cI::w l- e( ~-SO +aow- t!J Z e( I 0Uf- ....JWIJJIJJ>lL IJJz....J--a5a::IJJ I-Well (B-4-2)20ada-le( ~-50 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 Figure 57.--Measured and computed water levels during 1955-85 for observation wells in layer 3--Continued. 129 ~omputed ---~------------- No recordWell(B-4-2)26aaa-2 o Measured~~~J"Io'~ -a~ Wo Z <t: I UI- ...J W wW>l.L. WZ...J- c:: W I- <t: 3: W· +a~ 0z <t:0 I UI- ...J W WW -a~>l.L.wz...J- c::-~oW I- <t: 3:-.,~ --------..-\------------..--No record ---------------- W +20 0z <t: I 0UI- ...JW ComputedWW>l.L./ WZ...J--aoc:: W I-Well (B-5-3)15dda-l<t: 3:-40 1955 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 Figure 57.--Measured and computed water levels during 1955-85 for observation wells in layer 3--Continued. 130 u.i +10 (!) z e:(0I UI- ...J W WW -10>LL. wz...J- Q:-20W I-Well (B-5-2)9baa-2e:( 3:-30 1956 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 Figure 58.--Measured and computed water levels during 1956-85 for an observation well in layer 3. 198519801975 \Computed 1970 W +25 (!) z e:(0I UI- ...J W wW -25>LL. wz...J- 0::-50W I-Well (B-4-1)8aed-le:( 3:-75 1958 1960 1965 Figure 59.--Measured and computed water levels during 1958-85 for an observation well in layer 3. 1985198019751970 Measured \ Well (B-5-2)l6ded-l 1965 o +25 -25 -50 w (!)z e:( I UI- ...JWWW>LL. wz-;l- 0:: W l- e:( 3: Figure 60.--Measured and computed water levels during 1965-85 for an observation well in layer 3. 131 w-+~ (jz <{0I UI- ...J w WW -6>lJ.. wz ...J- 0::/-10w ComputedI-« ~-15 +25W (j z« I 0UI- ...J w WW>lJ.. WZ...J--25 0:: W I-« ~-50 1968 1970 1975 1980 1985 Figure 61.--Measured and computed water levels during 1968-85 for observation wells in layer 3. 132 W +10 0z«0I Ufo- -lWWW -10>lJ..wz /-l-Computed0:-20W fo-Well (B-5-3)12dda-4« ~-30 1970 1975 1980 1985 Figure 62.--Measured and computed water levels during 1970-85 for an observation well in layer 3. woz« I Ufo- -lW wW>lJ.. WZ-l- 0: W fo-« ~ +20 ,.........,..---,.---,r---,.....--r---..,....-...,--...,---,...-.....,..--r---,.---,r---,......., o -20 Well (B-5-1 )l8abb·l -40 _-""_--'__""'"-_"'--_~--'---'--........-----I.--""-.......-----_... 1971 1975 1980 1985 Figure 63.--Measured and computed water levels during 1971-85 for an observation well in layer 3. 133 T.5 N. N. -unnel 'l> -\ ~ ::r:. 4 MILES +--------iGate<way "".-~_-e"sprt g ere I River ~~--l 1)';:' ',san -'-"'\, '~-~t I r~~Ji' I ""-~ e,.C~"'-...J 32o I I II , 0 1 2 3 4 KILOMETERS i .8 N. CONTOUR INTERVAL.IN FEET,VARIABLE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 + ,HILL ,V'F BASE 51....•...........11.2.0 --.I ,'",•0- j,'" ,.\·~l.~ard ':~ '0> .3 I 'i Sunset l-IIWe~t Poin 'i ~~\) .;i.\VV / /' ,I ~f'.'t _J'- ~'4 _,I" .,I f,,I. II ~ ~-_,I" ~.-( '" .d~,~'::' ".1"_,,1,. >" ,.1,. ,.1" ~,I, "I., ~"I•• d,11,4 ",,- ",';<12./02 _,1,_,r, ,"",~. I ,,,D "1t.L,l1 "I" ---,---,.-?'\-=--":,,.;>".('.---, ~I', ':::.,1 ,,".~­ ,,1,,-,I. ,1,4 ,,1,_ '" ~ j /c:'-~ ~e--. 'C o::"'i ~, ~."'".', '\L ---0,~-p ~. 'Y..-. ,.:::....:::~', .,1",,~, 112~5' --- ,-,- /;>"'''''-" J .,1,•.1'4'1 __j>/'"", BOX ELDER CO ,',''5;.----I(' /-WEBE-R-CO----------------j---;----------CA /4 /1 .,~.::~ ;',-,.;>,"~' //".,"'"",..~~-~67i~( ~~""'"-'.""-~-'~~-T+=''IIIIIf'.'~I I ~'",I.,.1...- ,--;I <t +.._- 1015~ I-' W ~ T.3 N. T.4 N. 0'"--(.{.-/--"~~~ C'':,,~~, J:l l> /~ ,__/C) nllton G m ... Clearfield R.2W. ~I ~ -+ ,....1•• <' '7-f- <$. "<''--,,I, \ \ R.3W. ~ \ J> "Zo R.4 W. 41°00' /fo rll :(/J-/·/-----r-- ~\'(-, ~J/. Syracuse ---~..'1<i //'1;\#.1",::'S iF if',<,L-~./:--t-'7 ,../.',_ <"..\"4 East Layto)l--rSnoriiT'-~.\';V/:/7/1 ~;tJ-:fo~k "".":1,"-.I /I c'lt,,-"7 -/..erC ;/\....'"~f /f---'-'y-cr---~~e5.~---( I ''is /~.!...,:.~.'...."""z..~(l,:,/(.. \,"::..,!::.,,","'-"'----,-.1/Kaysviil ~:£'S~. \',,I.,\1,."iI~.-~~1~1----/--~,:t,..itHght~ll,.ee~ ----.......-."••••,If"J,/f#-,'"\1//( \•1 ,,.r '-'-,,,1....'!"I"~::--~ ......I.,-"_ \'1 -'E-"C.. """..."I,."""\, "'j ,I,.\."":."...1-;-0 1•.""\\:,....t"" ..I --~---'"crt!\,__~~"c ,r-,.{Farmington I·I "::I \~---/~---\ I \~,/l15;~",/,./ \'-;.r-) I \~~ FARlIUNGTO'.,-~,':::'lU'~"s_cr.!'eJ<- .,!W BA Y '.:'\,\'5--..L_.____.-_--•.--_-----+-------.-----.--~--..---'..\....----cr¢~.j nard·/~/E--~-'---",~~,-v ,!.,.-4 b \1J ",I';:zoo .,u~,(ristt /'\_--~!-'~--.,_._/ ~w V1 Base from U.S.Geological Survey 1 :125,000 quadrangle, Great Salt Lake and vicinity,Utah.1974 EXPLANATION POTENTIOMETR IC CONTOUR--Shows approximate altitude,in feet. National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 ---4,230 CONTOUR FROM MEASURED DATA,1985--Data from figure 16 ---4,220--COMPUTER-GENERATED CONTOUR BOUNDARY OF MODEL AREA BOUNDARY OF ACTIVE CELLS .....'V 'J LIKE SYMBOLS INDICATE EQUAL VALUES 4,220 4,230 4,240 4,250 4,260 Figure 64.--Comparison of potentiometric contours based on measured water levels for 1985 and contours of computed water levels,model layer 2. T.5 N. N. unnel » ~ C'") ~ 4 MILES ~-1 '-~t T,~~ r can ----~.--....., \ 32o .8 N. CONTOUR INTERV AL.IN FEET.VARIABLE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 fT.6~,21 (..-".I'~.!~I••.·\::3 I ~-,'~llard i ;OJ I/~.I"(1.0 \;i .lLJ \1+I ~I I I.L.'~(),.0 1 ~~4 KILOMETERS Ii:/'• /)Drr"..,...,...../'tl r\.r-J i h~I'T.7 N. rings ~Pl:~~!,(\I ~c !."•..-:.'.Ogden /tV IT.,!'l/--......_" No~gden ....._.--.--;7"t-9..'?~"'Q..~.//~,,.cr .,.::..-'i .._~='1 r~~\\I •i----r-'--- --+- (' ~~'i I itO\~lLL/t ..J , //.5 ,~ ('.!! /r:-~:-'::,-\c.__._-~----- 112~5' .,.. 1~5~: ;..~ 'i0 ~~S~~& J -~<y /~rr:<~.v~A,\\1_.~\\VI ,;<'1 "••••~.~i,~//. /~WE~~~EgoCQ~--.:--~·":_~~-14.2~--?~ /-",-,;"'1 ,"~~!,'"/.".<.(",.;/'11~~,,~:,!>;!~~-~ /1 ',('"",cf5 C ,;;~\( .'?:sa7t"~i!'1 i-//"7":"'·'''·-~i5~7 r I~\i~'"",,",'" "'---------'-...........'-:f/'~ T, ~_-.tI'7 ~I ttl'Q ~West !g ,v·,;q.;>./h!rv ,.-"'-".~.~i ...J't'- -".-,,'Nor '-l~.'~i/~~~i~"~~~~~.. ~~.:"~-f''t" ~\ '...k.,I.,1,.,,1.; ~.....\..I.•,.I..{ '\....~-i'l..,,";/~-f..~..,.-~~/ I jif--~··"t-trt- _ -"I.-~....\/1 /) --,~I...-",()0-"=."..,./1:,/'-....". ___-----p ;.~'f :r v )~~/..----------.\,~'\;'V".,,.+.;..~,I J',;,.."_....,,:~'-:~."I ';:-c-."I "!~ ...... W 0'1 T.3 N • J:) » 2- C') ..'-.c;:m 1"ee,~ 0 ... A."",-"'.+ \., ~.F~£t~~~t _ \!Cree)Y1/'~y'K--_'I ,- I R.2 W. -+ R.3 W. <JI \ '):> 7-o '):> 7- -I I" \o "tl I" ( ,IL_\:'".... \I '•(J__..__.__....__l..__... R.4 W. 41'00'+/ "{- / ,p 7.....I ..I f.J{n I I \~~,,'t r ,~/~'fJ'..U·,,~~-~~l~-·.I T.4 N. '"A creefL~~1<~."-"-'~ ..".~~----Cr¢>j :p.!!!!!-Y it! I'I ,"rl t •"t'f ,..-b \!).Q~~'Z-Ii,.\arr~sh /-- -----------'""",--- I-' W -...J Base from U.S.Geological Survey 1 :125,000 quadrangle, Great Salt Lake and vicinity.Utah,1974 EXPLANATION POTENTIOMETRIC CONTOUR--Shows approximate altitude,in feet. National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 ---4,230 CONTOUR FROM MEASURED DATA,1985--Data from plate 1 ---4,240 ---COMPUTER-GENERATED CONTOUR BOUNDARY OF MODEL AREA BOUNDARY OF ACTIVE CELLS LIKE SYMBOLS INDICATE EQUAL VALUES No symbol 4,220 •4,260 "3--4,2~e 4,270 ...-4,240 •4,280e---4,250 0 4,300 Figure 65.--Comparison of potentiometric contours based on measured water levels for 1985 and contours of computed water levels,model layer 3. Sensitivity Analysis A detailed sensitivity analysis was rot done as part of the calibration process.Sensitivity analysis was an ongoing part of the simulation tedmique,and it was rot oonducted separately.A large amount of data was available for the simulation of the system,and therefore,the ranges of estimates for ItOst parameters were not large.For the hydraulic parameters for which ranges were large,primarily vertical hydraulic oonductivity and storage ooefficient,sensitivity analyses were done as part of the simulation process. '!he values for storage coefficient for layer 3 were varied considerably in the transient-state calibration process.The array for storage coefficient was decreased and increased by at least an order of magnitude from the calibrated array,and there was virtually no d:1ange in water levels or in the budget terms.The simulations are probably not sensitive to changes in storage coefficients because most of the nodeled area is sinulated as being under oonfined conditions,and water-level and storage changes are relatively small. Predictive Simulations Predicti ve sinulations were made for a 20-year perioo beginni~in 1985 to estimate the additional water-level declines due to continued or increased ground-water withdrawals from wells.The simulations were made to estimate ];X)ssible changes in water levels,ground water in storage,and distribution of discharge,using changes from transient-state rates for both ground-water recharge and discharge from wells.Simulations of the effects of current withdrawals were made using an average annual rate of pumpage,about 23,400 acre-feet,from municipal and industrial wells for 1980-84,the last five years of the transient calibration.'!he first predictive simulation used the average annual recharge rate for 1970-84,about 107,000 acre-feet,to sinulate normal recharge,and the second simulation used the average annual recharge rate for 1959-68 of about 100,000 acre-feet to simulate less-than-normal recharge.The simulation using the norw~l recharge rate and the 1980-84 annual pumpage rate of 23,400 acre-feet resulted in small water-level rises in the principal pumping center and satE declines in the recharge area.Using less-than-rorrnal recharge and an annual pumpage rate of 23,000 acre-feet resulted in simulated water-level declines of 5 to 10 feet in the pumping center and larger declines in the recharge areas. Further predictive simulations were conducted by increasing the pumpage fran the municipal and industrial wells over a period of 20 years.'!he actual annual pumpage from these wells has gradually doubled in the last 20 years fram about 10,000 acre-feet in the early 1960's to more than 20,000 acre-feet in the early 1980's (fig.32).It was assuned that a large increase in the pumpage rate would cause further water-level declines,in turn gradually causing some flowing wells to cease flowing,which w::>uld result in a decrease in the total discharge from flowing wells.'Ihe well discharge rates used in the predictive simulations are given in the follooing table: 138 Projected discharge frem wells (acre-feet per year) Discharge Period Flowing wells Municipal am Total industrial wells 1980-84 average 30,000 23,400 53,400 (base per iod) 1985-89 29,900 29,400 59,300 1990-94 27,600 34,600 62,200 1995-99 24,700 40,800 65,500 2000-04 19,300 48,100 67,740 '!he decrease in flCMing-well disdlarge was estimated from simulations made for five-year periods with normal recharge,and the increasing rate of discharge fran pumping wells.At the end of each five-year sinulation period, water-level altitudes were canpared to land-surface altitudes.In areas where sinulated water levels declined below lam surface,the discharge fran flowing wells was deleted.Simulations were then rerun for 10, 15,am 20 years with the sane process being repeated.This method resulted in about a one-third decline in witl'Xlrawals frem flCMing wells during the 20-year simulation. A 20-year sinulation was made using the average long-term recharge rate of 107,000 acre-feet per year and the increased rates of discharge fran wells indicated earlier.Predicted water levels in layer 3 declined throughout the area,and declines exceeded 30 feet in the principal pumping center (fig.66). Declines of greater than 30 feet were simulated in the recharge area near 1'l)rth ~den,probably because the rate of recharge specified was slightly less than the recharge rate used in the final transient-state stress period. Computed water-level declines in layer 2 imicated a pattern similar to that shCMn in figure 66;lx>wever,simulated declines in layer 2 were about 3 to 5 feet less than in layer 3.A total sinulated decrease in storage fran 1985- 2005 associated with these water.-level declines was calculated to be 80,000 acre-feet,or about 4 percent of the total discharge during that period.At the end of the 20-year predictive simulation,the increase in pumpage had caused a decrease of about 10,000 acre-feet per year in discharge to drains and a decrease of about 2,000 acre-feet per year in discharge to the general- head ba.1rXiary cells representing Great Salt lake. An additional 20-year sinulation was made using the less-than-normal recharge rate of 100,000 acre-feet per year,while rates of discharge fran wells renained the same as in the previous simulation.Sinulated water-level declines at the end of the 20-year period are shCMn in figure 67.The water levels declined througoout IOCldel layer 3,and declines exceeded 50 feet in the pr incipal pumping center near Hill Air Force Base.Declines in the recharge 139 T.S N. N. unnel 'l> -\ C"') :r. River \. 4 MILES '1Gate,way ?/' / \'.'---~ 32 I I o , 0 1 2 3 4 KILOMETERS, .8 N. CONTOUR INTERVAL,IN FEET,VARIABLE NATIONAL GEODETIC VERTICAL DATUM OF 1929 ( + ~fI.'i "~l ~., _.r-"~ ,I.J " ",,""~.. '-, ''- .', !(y ::: :,J."'"l- '.~\.1/1 ",,-.\~7~. .",~,,,'"-<~,.';p.I •'.J :PlamQ.I!Ij'_--+,~r---r\-_~~,",<~,.....,c/.,,,)_"~,-----'*' ,i,.••,..,."~:'~a~t)-'.~~c·~~S!~i FarrW it V '-....:1.g /'~-,-~~.'I'~--....-:.:;t;.;_"';I~:~~-I _- ~.1.,.I~~~he~4 ~~~\ .,/,',c'!~al/.J'-----c....._:::/->....Y~.- ~<:-/[',~/-tlY~i W~t warr~W00 1 .l.!.!:"1,, ." ~-"-",- "".1t,4~ I ~Vv,'l LLt\ ,I'~"I.,'" ." "I" ';.1.. ,,;. ~~\" .,1.,......~- ,__~~.::::,~,.'l' ~~..'*,~. ,.I.,"I,. .!! :J -:.c·"':""~L. \.--', r:...:::32 .,1.,,.1., 112'1.S' --- "... :\)/;:' ~~</\/''/ 'i;\'v iF _'I 'I' ••i".""."-••,:'i /;/••••"". iE!.Q...><.-ELPJ;.R co .","------/~ ,/WEBER CO.---J~..,,--::-------~I~.---.---. /~~V'",,-." /1 / l~S~'; ___----c>--p I ~,,+'7,.,;... ..... ~o T.1 N. T.3 N. T.4 N . ':J:l 'l> re~~ / /~ /C")",j ngton 0:.,m c~ 3l '---~'''~~'f ,~{;,:e~k/, /:L~··r -~..r5t-·------ t,.., ~--l-. r'''-'f·· r .,1" \ •8 i I '~-,--.r-'---------,~._-,------ \".1" '-:.:,I, u· "7..-- 'A LINE OF EQUAL WATER-LEVEL DECLINE IN MODEL LAYER 3 BOUNDARY OF MODEL AREA BOUNDARY OF ACTIVE CELLS EXPLANATION J> "Z --\ I" \o "1) I" I \ '\,~ I '-.-:..z~,'--\---';-I.~\I .FARAlING'TON BAil'.....__ -.~- I _L ....----1-__'L __.__ I\~lt~_~r-"e-,,~ R.4 W.R.3W.C~¢~--jR.2 W.,':!'!!'(L-~q:<-/" e/Y rish ~f---------~~~-<l.!-.-~.j /Illl¥- J '."..."//~entervi.!J.e'"-·;;lXe·..(,~ ,.10./'-:--;~'--~-"'---.-'f\teft i(.~>.";,:~,.,/\CIl / ).->;.;.....~('w .--\F/T.2 N. I ....-~/est t'--'-.,t.,-_-' -:I'"'~//Bountifulc ''.'·js-f6ile ~-C'reelt ,I,,.1.,•I ..+---.....---- ",;""':..BOVNTIFUL ~;~~:,/~t?~o~:roC;1i --6eek- ~!)I //~~e.., ---f --L .____;_..£<::~40 '.\N2al Lakec 1.'Val'-\J;;"./)-Verda"-----,!Ij%,.,'\/I '-~£!.'!YO Q\L n ":>'.. I.........'----""."I ...r-.r--- _________DAVIS CO -~, R 1 W SALTLAKECO. .Rl~ 41°00'+ Base from U.S.Geological Survey 1 :125:000 quadrangle, Great Salt Lake and vicinity.Utah.1974 ----10--- ....... ~ ....... Figure 66.-·Simulated changes in water levels during 1985-2005,in model layer 3, using a recharge rate of 107,000 acre-feet per year. T.5 N. N. -linnel » -\ CO) ':J:. 4 MILES ---1~-~'t r can ~--_.-" \ 32 I J J JII I o 1 \\,-~Sout "'-::---,,-Weber Weber \'--'~"---~(\a",,,~,c.a"-._~.~~ , 0 I 2 3 4 KILOMETERS /r ' .8 N. NA Tqg~l~~REg'iiEET~~t~'J~I~~tTDX~~lnlg929 V~'t-\) ...,\V i- / y,t>'i '~ ," .,1"~'4 ~ ~- '\ v-;~. "~ ,,I,, ,-,.k..'. .----.-----------,_--.r-~/ -../-- .---WILLftl'-V r/?~'" ~, ~1\ \\,,",, \l., WEBER .1.'-'-<:1'-.;--!~J.?~i L_''''-..-,~j -"'-'"rth ,-_+-",-""-"~'N.P_IP;'"".1,"I"__* '"=""-",..,. \--'\..'-"~:'~"~~~~"".'",~:'~",":--::; ,-~~.~,,'.:~~'fe--.,~,,1.,...If,~F->.!!."I..'-i I'''' ",Iio _____------cl..p ~, -y ,;:.. -l /cCi /~ -L'-:r,'--,- /·""'I'~~":\", .--- / ,I' I , ]I /i / 1"J.5~ ,i I-' ~ r-.J T.1 N. T.3 N. T.4 N. /' / / ':t) » /~ J.'.1/Cl ~gton~'c>;;IT1 0 ...A._.-,-..~~ '.._.Q~~~- ,.) -~, I"..·'~·i..~>....,.// .,..,..~l-:::-"-;"'/~~(~est,,'=/.:;;'::/ountifulo )"".,.') ~.(_I ..I._.' ~----l-~t f''':--.- \-+ <' 7"1- <$' '-..,.'" if· 7 <'...... BOUNDARY OF MODEL AREA BOUNDARY OF ACTIVE CELLS LINE OF EQUAL WATER-LEVEL DECLINE IN MODEL LAYER 3 <f> \»zo EXPLANATION '-.,,.1. »z -\ (l' \o 1) (l' I I .••.",,,,.,,I ~__,,&.Y')----i2-:~~r::1-C;f1t:~~cr7 /"FAR.1- UNGT ON ...BAil'..._---....---.nart!/-a,qjl:J---"'--r-G~/...---------,'sh ,,'a,¥- -----.L -_...--I.,-_~J!}-:j -<_-t~ 'L-'.-.R.'w.,~C.n..,."....•,". R.'W.,','".,-tt'''"C,n<"'. ...w.\./T.,N. ---..,\// 1-.-../ric'-creelt.\-+~jsto BOVNTIFUL ...__._ "/r-"-Creek-j--:.i>':'iioibr ook I/--'~~~ ".~ '---~~f?:.//""-~~')h --'t=~_....--t...---\.N-s-al~Lak~o I J V~:~a '-----J)/..,CiJn ..-.•I /"--.Yo n~'i'~,\/ /I j %\',.."_r-~_..";1..__'J' 41"00' ----10--- Base from u.s.Geological Survey 1:125.000 quadrangle. Great Salt Lake and vicinity.Utah,1974 I-' ~w R.1 W. Figure 67.-·Simulated changes in water levels during 1985-2005,in model layer 3. using a recharge rate of 100,000 acre-feet per year. areas near North Ogden also exceeded 50 feet,but were caused primarily by decreases in recharge.'Ihe carputed water-level decline pattern in layer 2 is similar to the pattern in figure 67 for layer 3;however,the declines in layer 2 were about 10 feet less in the flowing-well area,and 2 to 5 feet less in the princiPal pumping center.'Ihe total sinulated decrease in storage for the 20-year per iod was 115,000 acre-feet,or about 5 percent of the total discharge during that period.At the end of the 20-year period,simulated discharge to drains had decreased about 15,000 acre-feet per year,and discharge to Great Salt Lake,through general-head boundary cells,decreased about 4,000 acre-feet per year. I:Uring the predictive sinulations,when water levels in the confined areas west of the mouth of Weber Canyon declined to the extent that they dropped below the bottan of the OIlerlying oonfining layer,the model simulated these areas as unconfined,using specific-yield values instead of storage coefficients typical of oonfined conditions.'!he dlanges in storage indicated during the predictive sinulations include the effects of this oonver-sion. The results of the predictive simulations indicate that continued increases in withdra\els for municipal and industrial use will cause further declines in water levels in areas of large wittrlrawals.These declines would be larger if recharge decreased to less-than-oormal rates,sudl as occurred during 1959-68,when precipitation and streamflow were less than normal. Water-level declines of this magnitude ~uld cause the static water levels to fall below land surface in a wide area,causing additional flowing wells to cease flowing,and also causing water levels in sane wells to decline below present p..utp settings.'!he declines also ~uld cause a decrease in the rates of natural ground-water discharge to drains,by evapotranspiration,and to Great Salt Lake,thereby salvaging or intercepting water. Results of predictive simulations based on changes in withdrawals or redlarge are probably valid Oller a large area;however,they may not be valid at a specific location because of generalizations made in hydraulic parameters such as the vertical hydraulic conductivity.Simulated water levels in recharge areas may not be accurate because changes in recharge from the transient-state rates apparently have more effect than increases in wi thdrawals. The Fast Shore aquifer system in the basin-fill deposits of an elongate troogh (graben)between the wasatch Range and Great Salt Lake is primarily a conf ined sys tern wi th unconfined parts along the rrountain front.The aquifer system contains about 100 cubic miles of saturated sediments and has approximately 135 million acre-feet of water in storage,of which an estimated maxinum of 37 million acre-feet is theoretically recoverable.It is not known,however,how much dewatering of the system could occur without undesirable side effects on the ground-water system,such as water levels declining to depths fran which it is uneconanical to p..urp,rroverrent of saline water to wells,and land subsidence.An estimated 13,000 acre-feet of water has been removed from storage fran the unconfined part of the aquifer system near the roouth of weber canyon due to water-level declines since 1953. 144 Annual recharge to the East Srore aquifer system averaged aoout 153,000 acre-feet during 1969-84.The primary sources of recharge are seepage from natural channels am irrigation canals,about 60,000 acre-feet,and suhsurface inflow fran cxmsolidated rock,about 75,000 acre-feet.Total recharge may vary considerably fran one year to the next with changes in annual surface- water inflow am precipitation.Total annual surface-water inflow to the study area was estimated to average about 860,000 acre-feet for 1969-84,but averaged a~t 1,500,000 acre-feet for 1983-84 when precipitation was much greater than normal. Estimates of the hydraulic properties of the aquifers were made from aquifer tests,lithologic and specific-capacity data,am with the use of a numerical model.Values of transmissivity determined using these methods range fran less than 1,000 feet squared per day in oonsolidated rock and in basin fill near Great Salt Lake to greater than 100,000 feet squared per day in basin f ill near the rrouth of weber canyon. Groom water generally moves from recharge areas near the mountain front,where there is a dowm'lard vertical gradient,to discharge areas near Great Salt Lake,where artesian pressures create an upi'lard gradient.Locally, the hydraulic gradient may be reversed seasonally or over the long term by large-scale withdrawals of water fran wells. Long-term trends of water levels indicate a steady decline at most ooservation wells since the early 1950's.The declines generally follow the trend of less-than-normal precipitation until the late 1960's,when water levels continued to decline,despite normal or greater than normal precipitation.The continuing declines are due to large-scale increases in groom-water wittrlrawals.Water levels have declined as much as 50 feet in the principal pumping center {centered near Hill Air Force Base)and as num as 35 feet in areas farther from the pumping center.The increase in withdrawals and the subsequent water-level declines have caused awroximately 700 wells wi thin about 30 square miles to cease flowing since 1954. The average annual disdlarge fran the East Srore aquifer system during 1969-84 was estimated to be 182,000 acre-feet,including 54,000 acre-feet by wells,70,000 acre-feet to drainageways and springs,aOO 50,000 acre-feet as diffuse seepage to Great salt lake.The annual withdrawal of gramd water for municipal arrl iooustrial use increased fran about 10,000 acre-feet in 1960 to more than 30,000 acre-feet in 1980 to supply the 66 percent increase in population,which grew fran 175,000 people in 1960 to 290,000 in 1980. water in the East Shore cquifer systen is generally [X'table and suitable for most uses;however,local areas may contain water with chloride ooncentrations in excess of 250 milligrams per liter.In addition,local areas contain warm water,with temperatures of 20 to 40 degrees celsius, associated with a series of fault zones.Little or no evidence exists of dlanges in the chemical quality of water fran nost wells sampled prior to 1970 and again after 1980.The changes that nave occurred are assumed to be a result of local conditions,such as different proportions of water of different chemical characteristics entering a well,related to vertical variations of water quality and effects of local withdrawals,and not a widespread change in water quali ty . 145 A three-dimensional finite-difference numerical model was used in the study of the East Shore aquifer systen.The model was used to refine concepts of the aquifer system in the Weber Delta area and to project effects of increases in ground-water withdrawals.It was constructed as a three-layer systan,with tv.o layers representing the aquifer system including its confined and unconfined parts,and the uppermost layer used mostly to simulate discharge to the shallow water-table zone fran the underlying aquifer system. '!he area simulated was the part of the East Shore aquifer system extending from north of Willard southward to abalt one mile north of centerville,am was defined as the Weber Delta aquifer system.The roodel was calibrated to steady-state conditions using data for the period 1953-55,am to transient- state comitions using data for the period 1955-85. Various hydrologic properties am processes were evaluated as part of the calibration process,including (1)construction of transmissivity maps; (2)developing ranges of vertical hydraulic-conductivity values;am (3) determining subsurface recharge from consolidated rock,variation of total recharge with time,and changes in discharge to drains,flCMing wells,am Great Salt Lake with changes in ground-water withdrawals and recharge. Changes in recharge during transient-state calibration were est~ted using annual changes in streamflCM in the weber River.large rises in the level of Great Salt Lake in 1983-84 were simulated,with the results imicating only small rises in water levels near the lake and decreased discharge by diffuse seepage to the lake. A principal test of the sirrulations and the IlEthod of nodel calibration was to reproduce a IlEasured 50-foot water-level decline during 1955-85,which was primarily a result of increased groom-water withdrawals for municipal am industrial use.The calibrated roodel was used to project the effects of increased withdrawals in the future.Predictive simulations were made based on doobling withdrawals for nunicipal and industrial use over a 20-year period while using (1)the average recharge rate of 107,000 acre-feet per year,and (2)a less-than-average rate of 100,000 acre-feet per year.'!he results were additional water-level declines of 35 to 50 feet in the principal pumping center,and simulated decreases in ground-water storage of 80,000 to 115,000 acre-feet after 20 years.Increased groom-water withdrawals and water-level declines of this magnitude woold likely cause flCMing wells in a large area to cease flCMing,aM woold decrease the amount of natural discharge as seepage to drains,eva];X)transpiration,am diffuse seepage to Great Salt Lake. 'lbe predictive simulations are based on a calibrated model.They are assumed to be a reasonable representation of possible changes to the East Shore aquifer system in the Weber Delta area given assumed increases in wi thdrawals and ];X)ssible changes in recharge:h::>wever,the model results are general and shoold not be used to evaluate site-specific problans. 146 REFERENCES CITED Arrcw,Ted,and others,1964,Ground-water conditions in Utah,spring of 1964: Utah water and Power lbard COq;:lerative Investigations Report 2. Barnett,J.F.,1969-77,Rep:lrt of distribution of water suWly enter ing Ogden River for the water year 1969,1970,1971,1972,1973,1974,1975,1976, 1977:Rep:lrts on file with Utah Divisioo of water Rights. Berghout,L.N.,1978-81,Report of distribution of water supply entering Ogden River for the water year 1978,1979,1980,1981:Reports on file with Utah Division of water Rights. 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