HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-007044 DAQE-AN122420008-24 {{$d1 }} Selina Gratkowski Staker & Parson Companies 89 West 13490 South, Suite 100 Draper, UT 84020 selina.gratkowski@na.crh.com Dear Ms. Gratkowski: Re: Approval Order: Administrative Amendment to Approval Order DAQE-AN0122420006-09 for a 10-Year Review and Permit Updates Project Number: N122420008 The attached Approval Order (AO) is issued pursuant to the Division of Air Quality conducting a 10-year administrative review of this source and its respective AO. Staker & Parson Companies must comply with the requirements of this AO, all applicable state requirements (R307), and Federal Standards. The project engineer for this action is Christine Bodell, who can be contacted at (385) 290-2690 or cbodell@utah.gov. Future correspondence on this AO should include the engineer's name as well as the DAQE number shown on the upper right-hand corner of this letter. No public comments were received on this action. Sincerely, {{$s }} Bryce C. Bird Director BCB:CB:jg cc: Bear River Health Department 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 536-4000 • Fax (801) 536-4099 • T.D.D. (801) 536-4414 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper State of Utah SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director February 21, 2024 STATE OF UTAH Department of Environmental Quality Division of Air Quality {{#s=Sig_es_:signer1:signature}} {{#d1=date1_es_:signer1:date:format(date, "mmmm d, yyyy")}} {{#d2=date1_es_:signer1:date:format(date, "mmmm d, yyyy"):align(center)}} APPROVAL ORDER DAQE-AN122420008-24 Administrative Amendment to Approval Order DAQE- AN0122420006-09 for a 10-Year Review and Permit Updates Prepared By Christine Bodell, Engineer (385) 290-2690 cbodell@utah.gov Issued to Rocky Point Pit Issued On {{$d2 }} Issued By {{$s }} Bryce C. Bird Director Division of Air Quality February 21, 2024 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE/SIGNATURE PAGE ....................................................................................................... 1 GENERAL INFORMATION ...................................................................................................... 3 CONTACT/LOCATION INFORMATION ............................................................................... 3 SOURCE INFORMATION ........................................................................................................ 3 General Description ................................................................................................................ 3 NSR Classification .................................................................................................................. 3 Source Classification .............................................................................................................. 3 Applicable Federal Standards ................................................................................................. 3 Project Description.................................................................................................................. 3 SUMMARY OF EMISSIONS .................................................................................................... 4 SECTION I: GENERAL PROVISIONS .................................................................................... 4 SECTION II: PERMITTED EQUIPMENT .............................................................................. 5 SECTION II: SPECIAL PROVISIONS ..................................................................................... 6 PERMIT HISTORY ..................................................................................................................... 8 ACRONYMS ................................................................................................................................. 9 DAQE-AN122420008-24 Page 3 GENERAL INFORMATION CONTACT/LOCATION INFORMATION Owner Name Source Name Staker & Parson Companies Rocky Point Pit Mailing Address Physical Address 89 West 13490 South, Suite 100 9205 US-89 Draper, UT 84020 Willard, UT 84340 Source Contact UTM Coordinates Name: Selina Gratkowski 413,823 m Easting Phone: (385) 400-2119 4,577,059 m Northing Email: selina.gratkowski@na.crh.com Datum NAD83 UTM Zone 12 SIC code 1442 (Construction Sand & Gravel) SOURCE INFORMATION General Description Staker & Parson Companies (Staker) owns and operates an aggregate pit located in Willard, Box Elder County. The pit contains crushers, screens, conveyors, and fuel storage tanks. The pit produces up 1,300,000 tons of processed aggregate material per year. NSR Classification 10-Year Review Source Classification Located in Northern Wasatch Front O3 NAA, Salt Lake City UT PM2.5 NAA Box Elder County Airs Source Size: B Applicable Federal Standards NSPS (Part 60), A: General Provisions NSPS (Part 60), OOO: Standards of Performance for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants Title V (Part 70) Area Source Project Description This administrative amendment is to Approval Order DAQE-AN0122420006-09, dated May 19, 2009. The DAQ is conducting a 10-year review and is updating the language and format of the 2009 AO. There are no changes to the operations taking place at the Staker Rocky Point Pit. DAQE-AN122420008-24 Page 4 SUMMARY OF EMISSIONS The emissions listed below are an estimate of the total potential emissions from the source. Some rounding of emissions is possible. Criteria Pollutant Change (TPY) Total (TPY) Carbon Monoxide 0 9.57 Nitrogen Oxides 0 26.03 Particulate Matter - PM10 0 11.74 Particulate Matter - PM2.5 0 11.74 Sulfur Dioxide 0 2.51 Volatile Organic Compounds 0 2.63 SECTION I: GENERAL PROVISIONS I.1 All definitions, terms, abbreviations, and references used in this AO conform to those used in the UAC R307 and 40 CFR. Unless noted otherwise, references cited in these AO conditions refer to those rules. [R307-101] I.2 The limits set forth in this AO shall not be exceeded without prior approval. [R307-401] I.3 Modifications to the equipment or processes approved by this AO that could affect the emissions covered by this AO must be reviewed and approved. [R307-401-1] I.4 All records referenced in this AO or in other applicable rules, which are required to be kept by the owner/operator, shall be made available to the Director or Director's representative upon request, and the records shall include the two-year period prior to the date of the request. Unless otherwise specified in this AO or in other applicable state and federal rules, records shall be kept for a minimum of two (2) years. [R307-401-8] I.5 At all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction, owners and operators shall, to the extent practicable, maintain and operate any equipment approved under this AO, including associated air pollution control equipment, in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practice for minimizing emissions. Determination of whether acceptable operating and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to the Director which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, opacity observations, review of operating and maintenance procedures, and inspection of the source. All maintenance performed on equipment authorized by this AO shall be recorded. [R307-401-4] I.6 The owner/operator shall comply with UAC R307-107. General Requirements: Breakdowns. [R307-107] I.7 The owner/operator shall comply with UAC R307-150 Series. Emission Inventories. [R307-150] DAQE-AN122420008-24 Page 5 SECTION II: PERMITTED EQUIPMENT II.A THE APPROVED EQUIPMENT II.A.1 Rocky Point Pit Aggregate Plant II.A.2 Two (2) Jaw Crushers Jaw Crusher #1: Manufacturer: Cedarapids Model: 36x60 Capacity: 800 tons per hour (tph) Jaw Crusher #2: Manufacturer: Kolberg Pioneer Model: CS3055 Capacity: 500 tph NSPS Applicability: Subpart OOO II.A.3 Three (3) Cone Crushers Cone Crusher #1: Manufacturer: JCI Model: K300 Capacity: 300 tph Cone Crusher #2: Manufacturer: Cedarapids Model:450 Capacity: 500 tph Cone Crusher #3: Manufacturer: JCI Model: Kodiak 400 Capacity: 500 tph NSPS Applicability: Subpart OOO II.A.4 Three (3) Screens Screen #1 and Screen #2: Manufacturer: JCI Model: 6203 Screen #3: Manufacturer: Cedarapids NSPS Applicability: Subpart OOO II.A.5 Fuel Storage Tanks Contents: Diesel fuel II.A.6 Conveyors and stackers Miscellaneous conveyors and stackers for aggregates DAQE-AN122420008-24 Page 6 II.A.7 Miscellaneous Equipment Front end loaders, Trackhoes and Dozers SECTION II: SPECIAL PROVISIONS II.B REQUIREMENTS AND LIMITATIONS II.B.1 Site-Wide Requirements II.B.1.a The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from the following emission points to exceed the following values: A. All crushers - 12% opacity B. All screens - 7% opacity C. All conveyor transfer points - 7% opacity D. All diesel engines - 20% opacity E. Conveyor drop points - 20% opacity F. All other points - 20% opacity. [R307-312, R307-401-8] II.B.1.a.1 Opacity observations of emissions from stationary sources shall be conducted according to 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9. [R307-401-8] II.B.1.b The owner/operator shall not produce more than 1,300,000 tons of processed aggregate per rolling 12-month period. [R307-401-8] II.B.1.b.1 The owner/operator shall: A. Determine production with operator records B. Record production on a daily basis C. Use the production data to calculate a new rolling 12-month total by the 20th day of each month using data from the previous 12 months D. Keep the production records for all periods the plant is in operation. [R307-401-8] II.B.2 Roads and Fugitive Dust Requirements II.B.2.a The owner/operator shall comply with a fugitive dust control plan (FDCP) acceptable to the Director for control of all dust sources on site. The owner/operator shall comply with the most current fugitive dust control plan approved by the Director. [R307-309-6, R307-401-8] II.B.2.b The owner/operator shall comply with all applicable fugitive emissions and fugitive dust requirements of Rule R307-309, "Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas for PM10 and PM2.5: Fugitive Emissions and Fugitive Dust." [R307-309, R307-401-8] DAQE-AN122420008-24 Page 7 II.B.2.c The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from haul-road traffic and mobile equipment in operational areas to exceed 20% opacity on site and 10% opacity at the property boundary. [R307-309-5, R307-401-8] II.B.2.c.1 Visible emissions determinations for traffic sources shall use procedures similar to Method 9; however, the requirement for observations to be made at 15-second intervals over a six-minute period shall not apply. Visible emissions shall be measured at a point not less than 1/2 vehicle length behind the vehicle and not less than 1/2 the height of the vehicle. [R307-309-5, R307-401-8] II.B.2.d The owner/operator shall use water application and/or chemical suppressants for all unpaved haul roads and wheeled-vehicle operational areas to maintain opacity limits listed in this AO. If the temperature is below freezing, the owner/operator may stop applying water and/or chemical suppressant to the unpaved haul roads and wheeled-vehicle operational areas. The owner/operator shall resume applying water and/or chemical suppressants to the unpaved haul roads and wheeled-vehicle operational areas when the temperature is above freezing. If chemical treatment is to be used, the plan must be approved by the Director. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.d.1 Records of chemical suppressant and water application shall be kept for all periods when the plant is in operation. The records shall include the following items: A. Date and time treatments were made B. Number of treatments made, quantity of water applied, and chemical dilution ratio used C. Rainfall amount received, if any, and the approximate amount D. Temperature, if the temperature is below freezing. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.e The owner/operator shall not exceed a haul road length of 0.7 miles. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.f The owner/operator shall not exceed a haul road speed limit of 15 miles per hour. The haul road speed shall be posted, at a minimum, on site at the beginning of the haul road so that it is clearly visible from the haul road. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.g The owner/operator shall install water sprays or chemical dust suppression sprays on each crusher, screen and conveyor transfer point on site to control emissions. Water sprays shall operate as necessary to prevent visible emissions from exceeding the opacity limits listed in this AO. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] II.B.2.h The owner/operator shall perform monthly periodic inspections to check that water is flowing to water sprays associated with each crusher, screen, and conveyor constructed, modified, or reconstructed on or after April 22, 2008. If the owner/operator finds that water is not flowing properly during an inspection of the water sprays, the owner/operator shall initiate corrective action within 24 hours and complete corrective action as expediently as practical. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] II.B.2.h.1 Records of the water spray inspections shall be maintained in a logbook for all periods when the plant is in operation. The records shall include the items outlined in 40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO §60.676(b). [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] II.B.2.i The owner/operator shall use water application for all storage piles to maintain opacity limits listed in this AO. [R307-401-8] DAQE-AN122420008-24 Page 8 II.B.3 Fuel Requirements II.B.3.a The owner/operator shall use only #1 or #2 diesel fuel as fuel. [R307-401-8] PERMIT HISTORY This Approval Order shall supersede (if a modification) or will be based on the following documents: Supersedes AO DAQE-AN0122420006-09 dated May 19, 2009 DAQE-AN122420008-24 Page 9 ACRONYMS The following lists commonly used acronyms and associated translations as they apply to this document: 40 CFR Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations AO Approval Order BACT Best Available Control Technology CAA Clean Air Act CAAA Clean Air Act Amendments CDS Classification Data System (used by Environmental Protection Agency to classify sources by size/type) CEM Continuous emissions monitor CEMS Continuous emissions monitoring system CFR Code of Federal Regulations CMS Continuous monitoring system CO Carbon monoxide CO2 Carbon Dioxide CO2e Carbon Dioxide Equivalent - Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 98, Subpart A, Table A-1 COM Continuous opacity monitor DAQ/UDAQ Division of Air Quality DAQE This is a document tracking code for internal Division of Air Quality use EPA Environmental Protection Agency FDCP Fugitive dust control plan GHG Greenhouse Gas(es) - Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations 52.21 (b)(49)(i) GWP Global Warming Potential - Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations Part 86.1818- 12(a) HAP or HAPs Hazardous air pollutant(s) ITA Intent to Approve LB/YR Pounds per year MACT Maximum Achievable Control Technology MMBTU Million British Thermal Units NAA Nonattainment Area NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards NESHAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants NOI Notice of Intent NOx Oxides of nitrogen NSPS New Source Performance Standard NSR New Source Review PM10 Particulate matter less than 10 microns in size PM2.5 Particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in size PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration PTE Potential to Emit R307 Rules Series 307 R307-401 Rules Series 307 - Section 401 SO2 Sulfur dioxide Title IV Title IV of the Clean Air Act Title V Title V of the Clean Air Act TPY Tons per year UAC Utah Administrative Code VOC Volatile organic compounds DAQE- RN122420008 February 9, 2024 Selina Gratkowski Staker Parson Companies 89 West 13490 South, Suite 100 Draper, UT 84020 selina.gratkowski@na.crh.com Dear Selina Gratkowski, Re: Engineer Review - 10-Year Review and Permit Updates: Administrative Amendment to Approval Order DAQE-AN0122420006-09 for a 10-Year Review and Permit Updates Project Number: N122420008 The DAQ requests a company representative review and sign the attached Engineer Review (ER). This ER identifies all applicable elements of the New Source Review (NSR) permitting program. Staker Parson Companies should complete this review within 10 business days of receipt. Staker Parson Companies should contact Christine Bodell at (385) 290-2690 if there are questions or concerns with the review of the draft permit conditions. Upon resolution of your concerns, please email Christine Bodell at cbodell@utah.gov the signed cover letter. Upon receipt of the signed cover letter, the DAQ will prepare an Approval Order (AO) for signature by the DAQ Director. If Staker Parson Companies does not respond to this letter within 10 business days, the project will move forward without source concurrence. If Staker Parson Companies has concerns that cannot be resolved and the project becomes stagnant, the DAQ Director may issue an Order prohibiting construction. Approval Signature _____________________________________________________________ (Signature & Date) 195 North 1950 West • Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 536-4000 • Fax (801) 536-4099 • T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on 100% recycled paper Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director State of Utah SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor 2/13/2024 Engineer Review N122420008: Rocky Point Pit February 9, 2024 Page 1 UTAH DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY ENGINEER REVIEW SOURCE INFORMATION Project Number N122420008 Owner Name Staker Parson Companies Mailing Address 89 West 13490 South, Suite 100 Draper, UT, 84020 Source Name Rocky Point Pit Source Location 9205 US-89 Willard, UT 84340 UTM Projection 413,823 m Easting, 4,577,059 m Northing UTM Datum NAD83 UTM Zone UTM Zone 12 SIC Code 1442 (Construction Sand & Gravel) Source Contact Selina Gratkowski Phone Number (385) 400-2119 Email selina.gratkowski@na.crh.com Billing Contact Selina Gratkowski Phone Number (385) 400-2119 Email selina.gratkowski@na.crh.com Project Engineer Christine Bodell, Engineer Phone Number (385) 290-2690 Email cbodell@utah.gov Notice of Intent (NOI) Submitted January 22, 2024 Date of Accepted Application January 23, 2024 Engineer Review N122420008: Rocky Point Pit February 9, 2024 Page 2 SOURCE DESCRIPTION General Description Staker Parson Companies (Staker) owns and operates an aggregate pit located in Willard, Box Elder County. The pit contains crushers, screens, conveyors, and fuel storage tanks. The pit produces up 1,300,000 tons of processed aggregate material per year. NSR Classification: 10 Year Review Source Classification Located in Northern Wasatch Front O3 NAA, Salt Lake City UT PM2.5 NAA Box Elder County Airs Source Size: B Applicable Federal Standards NSPS (Part 60), A: General Provisions NSPS (Part 60), OOO: Standards of Performance for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants Title V (Part 70) Area Source Project Proposal Administrative Amendment to Approval Order DAQE-AN0122420006-09 for a 10-Year Review and Permit Updates Project Description This administrative amendment is to Approval Order DAQE-AN0122420006-09, dated May 19, 2009. The DAQ is conducting a 10-year review and is updating the language and format of the 2009 AO. There are no changes to the operations taking place at the Staker Rocky Point Pit. EMISSION IMPACT ANALYSIS This is a 10-Year Review. No changes to equipment or emissions are being made at this time. Therefore, modeling is not required. [Last updated January 22, 2024] Engineer Review N122420008: Rocky Point Pit February 9, 2024 Page 3 SUMMARY OF EMISSIONS The emissions listed below are an estimate of the total potential emissions from the source. Some rounding of emissions is possible. Criteria Pollutant Change (TPY) Total (TPY) Carbon Monoxide 0 9.57 Nitrogen Oxides 0 26.03 Particulate Matter - PM10 0 11.74 Particulate Matter - PM2.5 0 11.74 Sulfur Dioxide 0 2.51 Volatile Organic Compounds 0 2.63 Note: Change in emissions indicates the difference between previous AO and proposed modification. Engineer Review N122420008: Rocky Point Pit February 9, 2024 Page 4 Review of BACT for New/Modified Emission Units 1. BACT review regarding 10-Year Review This is a 10-Year Review. No changes to equipment or emissions are being made at this time. Therefore, a BACT analysis is not required. [Last updated January 23, 2024] SECTION I: GENERAL PROVISIONS The intent is to issue an air quality AO authorizing the project with the following recommended conditions and that failure to comply with any of the conditions may constitute a violation of the AO. (New or Modified conditions are indicated as “New” in the Outline Label): I.1 All definitions, terms, abbreviations, and references used in this AO conform to those used in the UAC R307 and 40 CFR. Unless noted otherwise, references cited in these AO conditions refer to those rules. [R307-101] I.2 The limits set forth in this AO shall not be exceeded without prior approval. [R307-401] I.3 Modifications to the equipment or processes approved by this AO that could affect the emissions covered by this AO must be reviewed and approved. [R307-401-1] I.4 All records referenced in this AO or in other applicable rules, which are required to be kept by the owner/operator, shall be made available to the Director or Director's representative upon request, and the records shall include the two-year period prior to the date of the request. Unless otherwise specified in this AO or in other applicable state and federal rules, records shall be kept for a minimum of two (2) years. [R307-401-8] I.5 At all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction, owners and operators shall, to the extent practicable, maintain and operate any equipment approved under this AO, including associated air pollution control equipment, in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practice for minimizing emissions. Determination of whether acceptable operating and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to the Director which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, opacity observations, review of operating and maintenance procedures, and inspection of the source. All maintenance performed on equipment authorized by this AO shall be recorded. [R307- 401-4] I.6 The owner/operator shall comply with UAC R307-107. General Requirements: Breakdowns. [R307-107] I.7 The owner/operator shall comply with UAC R307-150 Series. Emission Inventories. [R307- 150] Engineer Review N122420008: Rocky Point Pit February 9, 2024 Page 5 SECTION II: PERMITTED EQUIPMENT The intent is to issue an air quality AO authorizing the project with the following recommended conditions and that failure to comply with any of the conditions may constitute a violation of the AO. (New or Modified conditions are indicated as “New” in the Outline Label): II.A THE APPROVED EQUIPMENT II.A.1 Rocky Point Pit Aggregate Plant II.A.2 Two (2) Jaw Crushers Jaw Crusher #1: Manufacturer: Cedarapids Model: 36x60 Capacity: 800 tons per hour (tph) Jaw Crusher #2: Manufacturer: Kolberg Pioneer Model: CS3055 Capacity: 500 tph NSPS Applicability: Subpart OOO II.A.3 Three (3) Cone Crushers Cone Crusher #1: Manufacturer: JCI Model: K300 Capacity: 300 tph Cone Crusher #2: Manufacturer: Cedarapids Model:450 Capacity: 500 tph Cone Crusher #3: Manufacturer: JCI Model: Kodiak 400 Capacity: 500 tph NSPS Applicability: Subpart OOO Engineer Review N122420008: Rocky Point Pit February 9, 2024 Page 6 II.A.4 Three (3) Screens Screen #1 and Screen #2: Manufacturer: JCI Model: 6203 Screen #3: Manufacturer: Cedarapids NSPS Applicability: Subpart OOO II.A.5 Fuel Storage Tanks Contents: Diesel fuel II.A.6 Conveyors and stackers Miscellaneous conveyors and stackers for aggregates II.A.7 NEW Miscellaneous Equipment Front end loaders, Trackhoes and Dozers SECTION II: SPECIAL PROVISIONS The intent is to issue an air quality AO authorizing the project with the following recommended conditions and that failure to comply with any of the conditions may constitute a violation of the AO. (New or Modified conditions are indicated as “New” in the Outline Label): II.B REQUIREMENTS AND LIMITATIONS II.B.1 NEW Site-Wide Requirements II.B.1.a NEW The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from the following emission points to exceed the following values: A. All crushers - 12% opacity B. All screens - 7% opacity C. All conveyor transfer points - 7% opacity D. All diesel engines - 20% opacity E. Conveyor drop points - 20% opacity F. All other points - 20% opacity [R307-312, R307-401-8] II.B.1.a.1 NEW Opacity observations of emissions from stationary sources shall be conducted according to 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9. [R307-401-8] Engineer Review N122420008: Rocky Point Pit February 9, 2024 Page 7 II.B.1.b NEW The owner/operator shall not produce more than 1,300,000 tons of processed aggregate per rolling 12-month period. [R307-401-8] II.B.1.b.1 NEW The owner/operator shall: A. Determine production with operator records B. Record production on a daily basis C. Use the production data to calculate a new rolling 12-month total by the 20th day of each month using data from the previous 12 months D. Keep the production records for all periods the plant is in operation [R307-401-8] II.B.2 NEW Roads and Fugitive Dust Requirements II.B.2.a NEW The owner/operator shall comply with a fugitive dust control plan (FDCP) acceptable to the Director for control of all dust sources on site. The owner/operator shall comply with the most current fugitive dust control plan approved by the Director. [R307-309-6, R307-401-8] II.B.2.b NEW The owner/operator shall comply with all applicable fugitive emissions and fugitive dust requirements of Rule R307-309, "Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas for PM10 and PM2.5: Fugitive Emissions and Fugitive Dust". [R307-309, R307-401-8] II.B.2.c NEW The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from haul-road traffic and mobile equipment in operational areas to exceed 20% opacity on site and 10% opacity at the property boundary. [R307-309-5, R307-401-8] II.B.2.c.1 NEW Visible emissions determinations for traffic sources shall use procedures similar to Method 9; however, the requirement for observations to be made at 15-second intervals over a six-minute period shall not apply. Visible emissions shall be measured at a point not less than 1/2 vehicle length behind the vehicle and not less than 1/2 the height of the vehicle. [R307-309-5, R307- 401-8] II.B.2.d NEW The owner/operator shall use water application and/or chemical suppressants for all unpaved haul roads and wheeled-vehicle operational areas to maintain opacity limits listed in this AO. If the temperature is below freezing, the owner/operator may stop applying water and/or chemical suppressant to the unpaved haul roads and wheeled-vehicle operational areas. The owner/operator shall resume applying water and/or chemical suppressants to the unpaved haul roads and wheeled-vehicle operational areas when the temperature is above freezing. If chemical treatment is to be used, the plan must be approved by the Director. [R307-401-8] Engineer Review N122420008: Rocky Point Pit February 9, 2024 Page 8 II.B.2.d.1 NEW Records of chemical suppressant and water application shall be kept for all periods when the plant is in operation. The records shall include the following items: A. Date and time treatments were made B. Number of treatments made, quantity of water applied, and chemical dilution ratio used C. Rainfall amount received, if any, and the approximate amount D. Temperature, if the temperature is below freezing. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.e NEW The owner/operator shall not exceed a haul road length of 0.7 miles. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.f NEW The owner/operator shall not exceed a haul road speed limit of 15 miles per hour. The haul road speed shall be posted, at a minimum, on site at the beginning of the haul road so that it is clearly visible from the haul road. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.g NEW The owner/operator shall install water sprays or chemical dust suppression sprays on each crusher, screen and conveyor transfer point on site to control emissions. Water sprays shall operate as necessary to prevent visible emissions from exceeding the opacity limits listed in this AO. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] II.B.2.h NEW The owner/operator shall perform monthly periodic inspections to check that water is flowing to water sprays associated with each crusher, screen, and conveyor constructed, modified, or reconstructed on or after April 22, 2008. If the owner/operator finds that water is not flowing properly during an inspection of the water sprays, the owner/operator shall initiate corrective action within 24 hours and complete corrective action as expediently as practical. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] II.B.2.h.1 NEW Records of the water spray inspections shall be maintained in a logbook for all periods when the plant is in operation. The records shall include the items outlined in 40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO §60.676(b). [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO, R307-401-8] II.B.2.i NEW The owner/operator shall use water application for all storage piles to maintain opacity limits listed in this AO. [R307-401-8] II.B.3 NEW Fuel Requirements II.B.3.a NEW The owner/operator shall use only #1 or #2 diesel fuel as fuel. [R307-401-8] Engineer Review N122420008: Rocky Point Pit February 9, 2024 Page 9 PERMIT HISTORY When issued, the approval order shall supersede (if a modification) or will be based on the following documents: Supersedes AO DAQE-AN0122420006-09 dated May 19, 2009 REVIEWER COMMENTS 1. Comment regarding 10-Year Review: The existing AO was issued in March 19, 2009. The crushers, screens, and tanks are not being replaced. The source is not modifying and/or installing any new equipment. There are no changes to the emission estimates at this time except for PM2.5. The PTE of PM2.5 was not included in the 2009 AO. For a conservative estimate, the PTE of PM2.5 is assumed to equal the PTE of PM10 (11.74 tpy). The PTE's should be updated if the source modifies any equipment or process. The 2009 likely includes emissions from mobile sources. Emissions from mobile sources should be excluded in the future. Additionally, the rule references have been renumbered, the equipment list is separated into another area in the 2022 AO, and the text of each rule and conditions have been modified to reflect the current language and formatting. The 2009 AO was issued to Marriott Rock Products. Per a 2023 compliance evaluation (see memorandum DAQC-CI122420001-23), a previous memo states that Staker purchased the Rocky Point Pit from Marriott Rock Products in February 2011. The crushers' visible emission limit, specified in Condition II.B.1.d of AO DAQE-AN0122420006- 09, was changed from 15% opacity to 12% opacity per R307-312-4. The screens and conveyor transfer points visible emission limits were each changed from 10% opacity to 7% opacity per R307- 312-4. The visible fugitive dust specified in Condition II.B.1.h was rewritten to include a 10% opacity limit at the property boundary per R307-309-5. [Last updated February 9, 2024] 2. Comment regarding Federal Subpart Applicability: NSPS Subpart OOO: The Rocky Point Pit is subject to 40 CFR 60, Subpart OOO (Standards of Performance for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants). The provisions of NSPS Subpart OOO are applicable to various screens, crushers, and conveyors. NSPS Subpart Kb: NSPS Subpart Kb applies to each storage vessel with a capacity greater than or equal to 75 m3 (19812.9 gallons) that is used to store volatile organic liquids (VOL) for which construction, reconstruction, or modification is commenced after July 23, 1984. Staker confirmed that there is one (1) 500-gallon diesel fuel storage tank on site. Therefore, NSPS Subpart Kb does not apply to the storage tank on site. [Last updated January 23, 2024] 3. Comment regarding Title V Applicability: Title V of the 1990 Clean Air Act (Title V) applies to the following: 1. Any major source 2. Any source subject to a standard, limitation, or other requirement under Section 111 of the Act, Engineer Review N122420008: Rocky Point Pit February 9, 2024 Page 10 Standards of Performance for New Stationary Sources; 3. Any source subject to a standard or other requirement under Section 112 of the Act, Hazardous Air Pollutants. 4. Any Title IV affected source. This facility is not a major source and is not a Title IV source. The facility is not subject to 40 CFR 61 (NESHAP) regulations or 40 CFR 63 (MACT) regulations. The source is subject to 40 CFR 60 (NSPS) Subparts A and OOO. NSPS Subpart OOO does not specifically exempt the facility from the obligation to obtain a Title V permit; therefore, Title V applies to this facility as an area source. There is no requirement for this source to apply for an initial Title V operating permit under current UDAQ and EPA rules. The source will be charged applicable Title V fees and Title V funds may be used for inventory and compliance inspections of this source. [Last updated January 23, 2024] Engineer Review N122420008: Rocky Point Pit February 9, 2024 Page 11 ACRONYMS The following lists commonly used acronyms and associated translations as they apply to this document: 40 CFR Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations AO Approval Order BACT Best Available Control Technology CAA Clean Air Act CAAA Clean Air Act Amendments CDS Classification Data System (used by EPA to classify sources by size/type) CEM Continuous emissions monitor CEMS Continuous emissions monitoring system CFR Code of Federal Regulations CMS Continuous monitoring system CO Carbon monoxide CO2 Carbon Dioxide CO2e Carbon Dioxide Equivalent - 40 CFR Part 98, Subpart A, Table A-1 COM Continuous opacity monitor DAQ/UDAQ Division of Air Quality DAQE This is a document tracking code for internal UDAQ use EPA Environmental Protection Agency FDCP Fugitive dust control plan GHG Greenhouse Gas(es) - 40 CFR 52.21 (b)(49)(i) GWP Global Warming Potential - 40 CFR Part 86.1818-12(a) HAP or HAPs Hazardous air pollutant(s) ITA Intent to Approve LB/HR Pounds per hour LB/YR Pounds per year MACT Maximum Achievable Control Technology MMBTU Million British Thermal Units NAA Nonattainment Area NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards NESHAP National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants NOI Notice of Intent NOx Oxides of nitrogen NSPS New Source Performance Standard NSR New Source Review PM10 Particulate matter less than 10 microns in size PM2.5 Particulate matter less than 2.5 microns in size PSD Prevention of Significant Deterioration PTE Potential to Emit R307 Rules Series 307 R307-401 Rules Series 307 - Section 401 SO2 Sulfur dioxide Title IV Title IV of the Clean Air Act Title V Title V of the Clean Air Act TPY Tons per year UAC Utah Administrative Code VOC Volatile organic compounds You don't often get email from cbodell@utah.gov. Learn why this is important Christine Bodell <cbodell@utah.gov> Staker & Parson Companies- Rocky Point Pit 6 messages Christine Bodell <cbodell@utah.gov>Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 11:49 AM To: "Boudreau, Christian (Staker & Parson)" <christian.boudreau@stakerparson.com> Hello Christian, I am in the process of going through old Approval Orders to update language and formatting. I have come across Approval Order (AO) DAQE-AN0122420006-09, dated May 19, 2009 (see attached), for the Rocky Point Pit. A recent compliance inspection states that Staker Parsons acquired this site in 2011. Is this the case? If so, are you the appropriate contact for this AO? Thank you, Christine -- Christine Bodell Environmental Engineer Email | cbodell@utah.gov Phone| (385) 290-2690 Emails to and from this email address may be considered public records and thus subject to Utah GRAMA requirements 2 attachments DAQE-AN0122420006-09.pdf 65K DAQC-CI122420001-23.pdf 7084K Boudreau, Christian (Staker & Parson) <christian.boudreau@stakerparson.com>Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 1:17 PM To: Christine Bodell <cbodell@utah.gov> Cc: "Gratkowski, Selina (Staker & Parson Companies)" <selina.gratkowski@na.crh.com> Yes, this is our Hot Springs pit. Selina Gratkowski (Cc’d) will be your point of contact for this facility; I had briefly taken over this area while we filled a vacant position. From: Christine Bodell <cbodell@utah.gov> Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 11:49 AM To: Boudreau, Christian (Staker & Parson) <christian.boudreau@stakerparson.com> Subject: [EXT] [WARNING: ATTACHMENT(S) MAY CONTAIN MALWARE][WARNING: MESSAGE ENCRYPTED]Staker & Parson Companies- Rocky Point Pit CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you are expecting this email and know the contents are safe. If you believe this email may be phishing or malicious, please use the Report Phish button. [Quoted text hidden] ATTENTION: Ce courriel vient de l'exterieur de l'entreprise. Ne cliquez pas sur les liens, et n'ouvrez pas les pièces jointes, à moins que vous ne connaissiez l'expéditeur du courriel et savez que le contenu est sécuritaire. Si vous pensez qu’il s’agit d’un courriel d’hameçonnage ou malveillant, veuillez cliquer sur le bouton Signaler une tentative d’hameçonnage. 2 attachments DAQE-AN0122420006-09.pdf 65K DAQC-CI122420001-23.pdf 7084K Christine Bodell <cbodell@utah.gov>Thu, Jan 11, 2024 at 1:52 PM To: "Boudreau, Christian (Staker & Parson)" <christian.boudreau@stakerparson.com> Cc: "Gratkowski, Selina (Staker & Parson Companies)" <selina.gratkowski@na.crh.com> Thank you for the prompt response! Selina, is there any on-site equipment that differs from what's on the current AO? Thanks, Christine [Quoted text hidden] Gratkowski, Selina (Staker & Parson Companies) <selina.gratkowski@na.crh.com>Thu, Jan 18, 2024 at 9:22 AM To: Christine Bodell <cbodell@utah.gov>, "Boudreau, Christian (Staker & Parson)" <christian.boudreau@stakerparson.com> Hi Chrisne, Apologies on the delayed response, I have been out of the office. I spoke with the site and there are no changes. Thank you! Selina Gratkowski From: Chrisne Bodell <cbodell@utah.gov> Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2024 1:52 PM To: Boudreau, Chrisan (Staker & Parson) <christian.boudreau@stakerparson.com> Cc: Gratkowski, Selina (Staker & Parson Companies) <selina.gratkowski@na.crh.com> Subject: Re: [WARNING: MESSAGE ENCRYPTED]FW: [EXT] [WARNING: ATTACHMENT(S) MAY CONTAIN MALWARE][WARNING: MESSAGE ENCRYPTED]Staker & Parson Companies- Rocky Point Pit [Quoted text hidden] Christine Bodell <cbodell@utah.gov>Mon, Jan 22, 2024 at 12:20 PM To: "Gratkowski, Selina (Staker & Parson Companies)" <selina.gratkowski@na.crh.com> Cc: "Boudreau, Christian (Staker & Parson)" <christian.boudreau@stakerparson.com> Hello Selina, Thank you for providing that information. Can you please provide the contact information for the site? Additionally, can you please provide your work phone number? Lastly, can you please provide the number and capacity of the diesel storage tanks on site? Thank you, Christine [Quoted text hidden] Gratkowski, Selina (Staker & Parson Companies) <selina.gratkowski@na.crh.com>Tue, Jan 23, 2024 at 8:59 AM To: Christine Bodell <cbodell@utah.gov> Cc: "Boudreau, Christian (Staker & Parson)" <christian.boudreau@stakerparson.com> Hi Chrisne, Absolutely, My phone number is 385-400-2119 and I'd be the best contact for the site. The locaon has (1) 500-Gal Diesel Tank. Thanks! Selina Gratkowski From: Chrisne Bodell <cbodell@utah.gov> Sent: Monday, January 22, 2024 12:20 PM To: Gratkowski, Selina (Staker & Parson Companies) <selina.gratkowski@na.crh.com> Cc: Boudreau, Chrisan (Staker & Parson) <christian.boudreau@stakerparson.com> [Quoted text hidden] [Quoted text hidden]