HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-007657Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov> Mountain Regional Water SSD (Sys #22137); File 13834 HBP Exception Request - Colony Lot 146B 6 messages DDW PNF <ddwpnf@utah.gov>Mon, Apr 15, 2024 at 9:30 AM To: Sam Grenlie <sam@mtregional.org>, Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov> Cc: David Hughes <hughesengineer@gmail.com>, Julie Cobleigh <jjcobleigh@utah.gov> Mr. Grenlie: On Aprile 11, 2024, the Division of Drinking Water received the attached home booster pump exception request and plans for the exception to a home booster pump for The Colony Lot 146B for the Mountain Regional Water SSD water system. This project is referenced as Water System #22137, File #13834 in our plan review database. Please use these numbers for future correspondence related to this project. This project will be reviewed by Dani Zebelean. Please contact her at dzebelean@utah.gov or (385) 278-5110 if you have any questions. Thank you. DDW PNF Team Division of Drinking Water Phone: (801) 536-4200 Fax: (801) 536-4211 drinkingwater.utah.gov Emails to and from this email address may be considered public records and thus subject to Utah GRAMA requirements. 13834 Lot 146B Exception Request.pdf 114K Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov>Tue, Apr 23, 2024 at 4:39 PM To: Sam Grenlie <sam@mtregional.org> Cc: David Hughes <hughesengineer@gmail.com> Hi Sam, Hopefully a couple of quick questions on the home booster exception. 1. My guess is there is currently not a home owner and that is the reason there is not a signed agreement yet? Why have an agreement over a deed restriction? 2. It appears from the drawings on Sheet M.1 that the tank overflow is also at least 2-inches in diameter so that it wouldn't be able to fill faster than it could overflow if need be. Can you confirm that to be true? 3. For the original exception for 146A, the renewal is due this year. If you would like I could process the renewal as I write the current exception so they are combined together and due at the same time in the futureIs the home booster pump built for 146A and operating? Have you conducted any of the annual testing yet? I ask because the exception renewal is due this year and I could process that renewal as I write this current exception. Let me know if you have any questions or comments.Thanks! 5/14/24, 1:51 PM State of Utah Mail - Mountain Regional Water SSD (Sys #22137); File 13834 HBP Exception Request - Colony Lot 146B https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=82c167e5f1&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1796415238608591495&simpl=msg-f:17964152386085914…1/4 Dani Zebelean, P.E. Environmental Engineer III | Division of Drinking Water M: (385) 278-5110 Hours: M - Th 7 am to 5 pm drinkingwater.utah.gov Emails to and from this email address may be considered public records and thus subject to Utah GRAMA requirements. [Quoted text hidden] Sam Grenlie <sam@mtregional.org>Fri, Apr 26, 2024 at 3:02 PM To: Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov> Cc: David Hughes <hughesengineer@gmail.com> Dani, see below in blue: My guess is there is currently not a home owner and that is the reason there is not a signed agreement yet? Why have an agreement over a deed restriction? For the previous lot, we used the finished exception as the attachment to the agreement with the homeowner. I've attached the Agreement we used for 146A (the other lot in the same circumstance) for reference. My recollection was the exception had the agreement as a condition/requirement and we ran that down after the fact. If you'd like a different approach, please let me know. The reason we wanted it recorded with Summit County is to ensure it would come up during any future sale of the property. That way MRW wouldn't lose the ability to maintain our Cross Connection Control. It appears from the drawings on Sheet M.1 that the tank overflow is also at least 2-inches in diameter so that it wouldn't be able to fill faster than it could overflow if need be. Can you confirm that to be true? See response and updated drawing from Dave Hughes attached. For the original exception for 146A, the renewal is due this year. If you would like I could process the renewal as I write the current exception so they are combined together and due at the same time in the futureIs the home booster pump built for 146A and operating? Have you conducted any of the annual testing yet? I ask because the exception renewal is due this year and I could process that renewal as I write this current exception. That would be much appreciated! Like we discussed, the owner for lot 146A elected not to build and the lot remains vacant. Please let me know what I can do to help support the renewal (if possible). I've never been through that process before. Thanks much, -- Sam Grenlie District Engineer Mountain Regional Water SSD Mobile: (801) 712-8598 www.mtregional.org [Quoted text hidden] 3 attachments Lot 146B Proposed Water Booster System Sheet M2 revision.pdf 159K 5/14/24, 1:51 PM State of Utah Mail - Mountain Regional Water SSD (Sys #22137); File 13834 HBP Exception Request - Colony Lot 146B https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=82c167e5f1&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1796415238608591495&simpl=msg-f:17964152386085914…2/4 Mountain Regional Water District Mail - Mountain Regional Water SSD (Sys #22137); File 13834 HBP Exception Request - Colony Lot 146B.pdf 197K Letter Agreement FINAL_Signed_Lot 146A.pdf 3810K Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov>Tue, Apr 30, 2024 at 8:10 AM To: Sam Grenlie <sam@mtregional.org> Cc: David Hughes <hughesengineer@gmail.com> Hi Sam, The approach you've mentioned for using the exception in the deed works for us. No need to handle this one differently. The only thing I need from you is a letter requesting the extension citing that it is not built yet. That way it is still active in case the homeowner decides to build in the future, or a new homeowner builds and you don't need to go through a new exception process again. Thanks! Dani Zebelean, P.E. Environmental Engineer III | Division of Drinking Water M: (385) 278-5110 Hours: M - Th 7 am to 5 pm drinkingwater.utah.gov Emails to and from this email address may be considered public records and thus subject to Utah GRAMA requirements. [Quoted text hidden] Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov>Thu, May 9, 2024 at 5:48 PM To: Sam Grenlie <sam@mtregional.org> Cc: David Hughes <hughesengineer@gmail.com> Hi Sam, I have the letter drafted. I am just waiting on the extension request for Lot 143A to finalize. Thanks! Dani Zebelean, P.E. Environmental Engineer III | Division of Drinking Water M: (385) 278-5110 Hours: M - Th 7 am to 5 pm drinkingwater.utah.gov Emails to and from this email address may be considered public records and thus subject to Utah GRAMA requirements. [Quoted text hidden] 5/14/24, 1:51 PM State of Utah Mail - Mountain Regional Water SSD (Sys #22137); File 13834 HBP Exception Request - Colony Lot 146B https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=82c167e5f1&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1796415238608591495&simpl=msg-f:17964152386085914…3/4 Sam Grenlie <sam@mtregional.org>Fri, May 10, 2024 at 12:53 PM To: Danielle Zebelean <dzebelean@utah.gov> Cc: David Hughes <hughesengineer@gmail.com> Dani, see attached. Let me know if that works on your end. I appreciate you following up! -- Sam Grenlie District Engineer Mountain Regional Water SSD Mobile: (801) 712-8598 www.mtregional.org [Quoted text hidden] Colony Lot 146A Exception Extension.pdf 51K 5/14/24, 1:51 PM State of Utah Mail - Mountain Regional Water SSD (Sys #22137); File 13834 HBP Exception Request - Colony Lot 146B https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/?ik=82c167e5f1&view=pt&search=all&permthid=thread-f:1796415238608591495&simpl=msg-f:17964152386085914…4/4