HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2015-003455 - 0901a06880505fafOMB# 2050-0024; Expires 01/31/2017
OTdfc HP
Division of
Solid and Hazardous Waste
FEB25 2015
The Appropriate
Slate or Regional
United States Environmental Protection Agency
|D If,
1. Reason for
Reason for Submittal:
B To provide an Initial Notification (first time submitting site Identification informalion / lo obtain an EPA ID number
for this location)
• To provide a Subsequent Notification (to update site identificattrxi Information for this location)
• As a component of a First RCRA Hazardous Waste Part A Permit Application
O As a component of a Revised RCRA Hazardous Waste Part A Permit Application (Amendment # )
• As a component of the Hazardous Waste Report (If marked, see sub-bullet below)
• Sile was a TSO facility and/or generator of >1,000 kg of hazardous waste, >1 kg of acute hazardous waste, or
> 100 kg of acute hazardous waste spW cleanup in one or mora months of the report year (or State equivalent
LOG regulations) . ,
2. Site EPA ID
EPA ID Number \a\vf\\0\0\Oi\0\o\[\\W)ifi\
3. Site Name Name: Straubes Aircraft Services
4. Site Location
Street Address: 3909 Airport Road
CHy, Town, or village: Ogden
State: Utah Country: United States
Zip Code: 8440S j
5. Site Land Type Private Ocoi mnty • District •Federal • Tribal • Municipal Dstate • Other
6. NAICSCod«(s)
for the Site
(at leasts-digit
7. SKe Mailing
Street or P.O. Box:3459 Airport Road, Box A5
CHy, Town, or Village: Ogden
State: Utah Country: United Stales Zip Code: 84405
8. Site Contact
First Name: Jeremiah Ml: Last: Straube
Title: Manager
Street or P.O. Box: Airport Road. Hangar S393
City, Town or Village: Ogden
State ,UT Country: USA Zip Code: 84405
Email: jeremiah@air5traube.com
808-228-7841 Ext.: Fax: 801-399-1689
9. Legal Owner
and Operator
of the Site
A Name of Site's Legal Owner: MTK Holdings LLC Date Became
Owner: unk
Owner r—i r-j
Type: '—1 Private '—» ivate LJ county • District • Federal • Tribal • Municipal •State • Other
Street or P.O. Box: PO Box 9725
City, Town, or Village: Ogden
State: UT Country:USA
B. Name of Site's Operator Straube's Aircraft Services
Zip Code: 84409
Type: •—Jpn
Date Became
Operator. 2008
Private D County ^ District • Federal • Tribal I—I Municipal O State • Other
EPA Form 8700-12,8700-13 A/B, 8700-23 Pagel of
EPA ID Number I 1 II 1 1 II I I II I , 1 OMB#: 2050-0024; Expires Ot/31/201
10. Type of Regulated Waste Activity (at your «We)
Mark "Yes" or "No" for all current activities (as of the date submitting the form); complete any additional boxes as Instructed.
A. Hazardous Waste Activities; Complete alt parts 1-10.
1. Generator of Hazardous Waste
If "Yes," mark only one of the following - a, b, or c.
• a. LQG: Generates, in any calendar month, 1,000 kg/mo
(2,200 lbs/mo.) or mors of hazardous waste; or
Generates, in any calendar month, or
accumulates at any time, more than 1 kg/mo
(2.2 IbsAno) of acute hazardous waste; or
Generates, in any calendar month, or
accumulates at any time, more than 100 kg/mo
(220 lbs/mo) of acute hazardous spW cleanup
' 100 to 1,000 kp/mo (220 - 2,200 lbs/mo) of
l£jb. SQG: non-acute hazardous waste.
f~~l c. CESQG: less than 100 kgfmo (220 lbs/mo) of non-acute
hazardous waste.
If "Yes" above. Indicate other generator activities In 2-10.
Y0«Q 2. Short-Term Generator (generate from a short-term or one-time
event and not from on-gorng processes). If "Yes'provide an
explanation in the Comments section.
YQN0 3. United States Importer of Hazardous Waste
YQN0 4. Mixed Waste (hazardous and radioactive) Generator
r—i r-r, 5. Transporter of Hazardous Waste
'I—I N U_J |f -Yes," mark all that apply.
I I a. Transporter
Q b. Transfer Facility (at your site)
VONEJ 6. Treater, Storer, or Disposer of Hazardous
Waste Note: A hazardous waste Part 8
permit 1$ required for these activities.
YQNLZ) 7- Recycler of Hazardous Waste
Yl—1 Npl 8. Exempt Boiler and/or Industrial Furnace
J 1 If "Yes," mark all that apply.
|—| a. Small Quantity On-site Burner
—' Exemption
r~i b. Smelting, Melting, and Refining
l-J Furnace Exemption
YQ NJ3 9. Underground Injection Control
Yf"~l N0 10- Receives Hazardous Waste from Off-site
B. Universal Waste Activities; Complete all parts 14.
Y • N Q 1. Large Quantity Handler of Universal Waste (you
accumulate 5,000 kg or mora) [refer to your State
regulations to determine what la regulated]. Indicate
types of universal waste managed at your site, if "Yes,"
mark all that apply.
a. Batteries
b. Pesticides
c. Mercury containing equipment
d. Lamps
e. Other (specify)
f. Other (specify)
g. Other (specify)
Y • N0 2. Destination Facility for Universal Waste
Note: A hazardous waste permit may be required for this
C. Used Oil Activities; Complete all parts 1-4.
Y|—I N f?1 1. Used Oil Transporter
I_I i_i jf-y,,," mark a« that apply.
Q a. Transporter
f~\ b. Transfer Facility (at your site)
Y|—I N 171 2. Used Oil Processor and/or Re-refiner
*—1 UJ If "Yes," mark all that apply.
j | a. Processor
r~] b. Re-refiner
YD N ^ 3. Off-Specification Used OU Burner
YE"]N[3 4. Used Oil Fuel Marketer
If "Yes," mark all that apply.
| } a. Marketer Who Directs Shipment of
— Off-Specfflcatton Used Oil to
Off-Specification Used Oil Burner
Q b. Marketer Who First Claims the Used
Oil Meets the Specifications
EPA Form 8700-12, 8700-13 A/8, 8700-23 Page 2 of
EPA ID Number 1 I 1 II 1 1 11 I I 11 M i OMBfl: 2050-0024: Expires 01/31/201;
). Eligible Academic Entitles with Laboratories—Notification for opting into or withdrawing from managing laboratory hazardous
wastes pursuant to 40 CFR Part 262 Subpart K
<• You can ONLY Opt into Subpart K if;
• you are at least one of the following: a college or university: a teaching hospital that is owned by or has a formal affiliation
agreement with a college or university; or a non-profit research institute that is owned by or has a formal affiliation agreement with
a college or university. AND
• you have checked with your State to determine if 40 CFR Part 262 Subpart K Is effective in your state
Yf~l Nfyl 1. Opting into or currently operating under 40 CFR Part 262 Subpart K for the management of hazardous wastes in laboratories
See the lt*m-by4tem Instructions for definitions of types of eligible academic entities. Mark all that apply:
•a. College or University
Qb' Teaching Hospital that Is owned by or has a formal written affiliation agreement with a college or university
Qc. Non-profit Institute that is owned by or has a formal written affiliation agreement with a college or university
VD NS 2. Withdrawing from 40 CFR Part 262 Subpart K for the management of hazardous wastes In laboratories
11. Description of Hazardous Waste
Waste Codes for Federally Regulated Hazardous Wastes. Please Nst the waste codes of the Federal hazardous wastes handled at
your site. List them in the order they are presented in the regulations (e.g.. D001, DO03, F007. U112). Use an additional page if more
spaces are needed.
D001 D005 O006 D007 O008 POP 3
Waste Codes for State-Regulated (ij»., non-Federal) Hazardous Wastes. Please list the waste codes of the State-Regulated
hazardous wastes handled at your site. List them In the order they are presented In the regulations, Use an additional page if more
spaces are needed.
EPA Form 8700-12. 8700-13 A/B, 8700-23 Page 3 of
EPA ID Number I I I II I I II 1 I II I I I OMB#: 2050-0024: Expires 01/31/2017
12. Notification of Hazardous Secondary Material (HSM) Activity
YD N0 Are you notifying under 40 CFR 260.42 that you will begin managing, are managing, or will stop managing hazardous
secondary material under 40 CFR 261.2<aX2)<ii>. 40 CFR 261.4<aX23), (24), or (25)7
If "Yes," you must fill out the Addendum to the Site Identification Form: Notification for Managing Hazardous Secondary
Requesting an EPA ID number for waste generated as a result of process shutdown. Waste is generated as part of
a paint stripping process m which a sludge and liquid are generated. The sludge is separated from the liquid and samples
were obtained from both waste types. The sludge is characteristic for ignftability, barium, cadmium, chromium, and lead.
The liquid is characteristic tor chromium. Due to the process shutdown, this waste stream is not expected to be generated
in the future. This waste was originally generated under CESQG status; however, the quantity of onsite storage was exceeded.
Upon receipt of waste removal, the Utah OEQ will be notified when the waste is removed from the facility.
14. Certification. I certify under penalty of law that this document and all attachments were prepared under my direction or supervision in
accordance with a system designed to assure that qualified personnel properly gather and evaluate the information submitted. Based
on my inquiry of the person or persons who manage the system, or those persons directly responsible for gathering the Information, the
information submitted Is. to the best of my knowledge and beSef, true, accurate, and complete. I am aware that there are significant
penalties for submitting false information, including the possibility of fines and imprisonment for knowing violations. For the RCRA
Hazardous Waste Part A Permit Application, all owners) and operators) must sign (see 40 CFR 270.10(b) and 270.11).
Signature of legal owner, operator, or an
authorized rape EsorapjesanuK
Name and Official Title (type or print) Date Signed
EPA Form 8700-12, 8700-13 A/B, 8700-23 Page 4 of
2/2672015 Mail-FW: EPA ID form
Carlee Christoffersen <cchristoffersen@utah.gov>
FW: EPA ID form
5 messages
Bill Norris <bnorris@envcleanup.com> Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 4:27 PM
To: Carlee Christoffersen <cchrist0ffer5en@utah.gov>
Attached is a copy of the request for an EPA ID number. This is for the client with drums and totes of
material that he exceeded his allowable onsite limit as a CESQG due to another environmental company not
properly characterizing the waste. It's not signed and we are working on getting one to you that is signed,
but at least you can look at the form and what we are dealing with. If anything needs to be changed or
updated please let me know.
Thank you very much.
0 H WmrOIHRBftMl
Bill Norris | Waste Compliance Manager, Las Vegas
H20 Environmental, Inc
Ph: 702-3964148 | Fax: 702-643-8635
www.envcleanup.com AS Q
• m*)
• KBcuum true* 4 mm ttmSgimwiStii^
2 attachments
• (8iS}i lV image004.]pg
EPA ID 2.pdf
https://mal.cx»gle.ccfn/m^^ 1/3
2/26/2015 Mail-FW: EPA ID form
Bill Norris <bnorris@envcleanup.com>
To: Carlee Christoffersen <cchristoffersen@utah.gov>
Cc: Scott Gilbert <sgilbert@envcleanup.com>
Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 12:29 PM
Hi Carlee,
Attached is the signed version of the form I sent yesterday.
I should have the second form completed today and sent in for evaluation.
Thank you,
Bill Norris
ms EPASigned.pdf
a 2111K
Carlee Christoffersen <cchristoffersen@utah.gov>
To: Bill Norris <bnom's@envcleanup.com>
Hi Bill.
Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 3:56 PM
There is no NAICS Code in Section 6. As soon as I get that from you I can process this form and get you an ID
#. You don't have to send the form again -1 can write it in.
Carlee Christoffersen
Environmental Program Coordinator
Utah Department of Environmental Quality
Division of Solid A Hazardous Waste
Statements made in this email do not constitute the official position of the Director of the Division of Solid and Hazardous
Waste. If you desire a statement of the Division Director's position, please submit a written request to Director, Division of
Solid & Hazardous Waste, P.O. Box 144880, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-4880, including copies of documents relevant to your
[Quoted text hidden]
Bill Norris <bnorris@envcleanup.com>
To: Carlee Christoffersen <cchristoffersen@utah.gov>
Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 5:21 PM
Hi Carlee,
https://mal.goo9Je.com/malM^ 2/3
488190 is the NAICS Code.
Mail-FW: EPA ID form
Thank you!
Bill Norris
From: Carlee Christoffersen [mailto:cchristoffersen@utah.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2015 2:56 PM
To: Bill Norris
Subject: Re: EPA ID form
[Quoted text hidden]
Bill Norris <bnorris@envcleanup.com> Wed, Feb 25, 2015 at 5:26 PM
To: Carlee Christoffersen <cchristoffersen@utah.gov>
Carlee, one more thing. F003 needs to be added. The signed copy does not have that on there.
Thank you,
From: Carlee Christoffersen [mailto:Cchristoffersen@utah.gov]
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2015 2:56 PM
To: Bill Norris
Subject: Re: EPA ID form
Hi Bill.
[Quoted text hidden]
[Quoted text hidden]
https://mail.cpogle.com/maU^^ 3/3
412912015 Mail -AirStraube Waste
Carlee Christoffersen <cchristoffersen@utah.gov>
AirStraube Waste
3 messages
Bill Norris <bnorris@envcleanup.com>
To: Car1ee Christoffersen <cchristoffersen@utah.gov>
Cc: Scott Gilbert <sgilbert@envcleanup.com>
Tue, Mar 10, 2015 at 9:27AM
The waste for EPA ID UTP000001486 was removed from the premises on Friday March 6, 2015.
Thank you for your help,
Bill Norris 1 Waste Compliance Manager, Las Vegas
H20 Environmental, Inc
Ph: 702-396-41481 Fax: 702-643-8635
billnorris@envcleanup. com
www.envcleanup.com fl a
image006.j pg
Carlee Christoffersen < cchristoffersen@utah. gov>
To: Bill Norris <bnorris@envcleanup.com>
Wed, Mar 18, 2015 at 4:23PM
I've noted the completion date.
hltps:l/mail.google.com/maillu/CY?ui=2&ik=e16d456d2a&view=pt&q=bnorris%40envcleafl.4).com&qs=true&search=query&th= 14c044c6dddd7b8a&siml= 14c04... 112