HomeMy WebLinkAboutDSHW-2003-006647 - 0901a0688016125c.d,Iffi-q\W-eeiiitot State of Utah Department of Environmental Quality Dianne R. Nielson, Ph.D. Executive Director DTVISION OF SOLID & HAZARDOUS WASTE Dennis R. Downs Director GAYLE F. McKEACHNIE Lieutenant Governor December 1 ,2003 Doppelmayr CTEC Inc. 3160 West 500 South salt I-ake city, uT 84104 Attn: John Pentesco, Vice President Mfg. Dear Mr. Pentesco: This letter is to acknowledge that you have filed a Notification of Regulated Waste Activity. Your EPA Identification Number is: UTR000N77 32. The EPA Number must be included on all shipping manifests for transporting hazardous wastes; on all Biennial Reports that generators of hazardous waste must file with the State of Utah and other hazardous waste management reports and documents required under the Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Act and the Utah Administrative Code (the Code). The EPA Number is site specific. If your company changes physical locations, it is your responsibility, as a generator, no notify the state and apply for a new EPA Number. If you have any questions please contact Delene Stevenson at 538-6170. Sincerely, Utah Solid and Hazardous Waste Control Board 288 Norrh 1460 west . Fo Box 1,14880 . sart rrke city, ur Ml144880 . phone (801) 5386170 . fax (801) s38-67r5 lltah! K"ffirehry T.D.D. (801) 5364414 . www.deq.utah.gov Where ideas connecto t- lt/77/a3 aat 1 i .: EPA Form 870t)-23 (Revised 512002)Page 1 of 3 Unlted StatEs El$ronnrental p3gtecfon Agenc, RCRASUBTITLE C SIIE IDENTIFIGATION FORI'uili/ 2 0 2ilff303.03935 UTAH DIVISTOI\I OF I'IAIL.THE gOUIPLETED FORU c To: The Approtriate EPA Redooal cr SBe Office- l. Reason for Submittal (Seo lnstntc0on€ on Page 2q STECKCoRREGT BOX(ES) ffi SOLID & HAZARD0US WAST dro p.ovlue'irniarr mohooo (b obtain an EpA Et Nur&er ftr hardous wa*, uriYeaal Be a userl ot advities)- O To provtde srnceqoent ttoff,cdon (b r7ih sile ftsr[ficdon t'S""tr"t} 1 O As a anponenl of a Frst RCRA tlzadous Wale Prlt A Ferril Appfca0on' I tr Rs a mmaorent ol a Ranbed RCRA Hazrdorrs Wasb Prt A Femt ApPtroaen 0{rmane* *-)Lt' i O as e cornporern d lhc lhzardqrs WGb RcPof- 2. Slte EPA|D Nurfrer (Seo lnstructoill on Page 26) EPA lD llrnnber: t. SltG Narne [Sce lnstnrcfions ot page 26) Name hpfltla4f CT€,L rrlc. { Sile LocaEon lnfonnaiion {Sce tsrstnrtions on PagP 26) Stneet n*,tu state: mTAf countyHanrc: A,lt IAb zpcof: fl\+lOl 5. Sits Ltott TYPo (See irrsfiustotts ur pagp 26)sitalrndTlpc:.{erirrr" OCorloty ODlsirtl OFeded OLtdao CIMrnLrpd OSildE OOtrer G. llortr Arncdcan lndustry classlfica8on Sydem {ilrr651 Godits} for the Site {Sg€ Insbuctior.a on page 26) " 33Lqqfl B. c.D. 7. Slto tlalsag AddrBsi (See hsfoucfions on page 271 $b*torP.o,Eo', S\LO Ub€,t fu .ffi Clty, Torn or Yillage, I I I^VL CffU srare: UTAH cotrltl': t/L>l zpGode, SqlOtl 0. Slte Gontac{ Person Fce irrtructions on p4gs 2I} Fhrlrarne: G{rlrn Hh LJ Lastlrarne: (eUI/g Phonerumben ful ry3 7ry7 PhomltumberEilercbn: lQb e. bgal Orvncl atd @rator of tha Slte (See hsnrucfions oo pagos 27 .nd 2g) A Harrsof sne'rLegar *hdffi\rcr€c 4t DarcBccapouncrwz ormerTlpe: I(P,hrS OOorn, BDhofi OFedcrd Olndan Oltrna*d Oslab OO0r€r B' Narng or siGB's *a* @lm,qr crE[ ilL.DareBecame@rdorry/W* Opcr.trTypc: tr,pfrrate OConlty ODEftf OF€dcrJ Ohdao Oltrnl*at Psldo trOtr€t ll/77 /AJ l6:33 FAX I)traste B oos \rrt l'.rllr. r.rrrrva, l r O trIPtfeS l-lJfJll?o0} Forlbrrs 2trmrryh6, cH O 2. Tnnsportcr of Jlaa D 3, Treater, Storer, or I siio) Nob: A hzard ach/frr. O + Rcsffcr ol ]lardt hazardouswaSe Pet 5, Erremfl BollBr rrd, O.a, Smaf ArarftrU O b. SlnelfrU, llel O G Udcrgroud lofed EPA D No. I O- Tpe ot itegulabd Waste ADtiyig $atf .a, h fhe appmprlaL boles. Sce hslnrctioc cr p4es 2t to 3il1 Hai ardous Wasls ffiiYities t, Generator ol Hirzardousl\faste (ctrore only one of rre rorcryvirg three categaies) B a. LQG; Beater than 1,000(/rro (2,200hs.Irno-) of ron-aorte hazardous Yvasb; or B b. SQG: 100 to I,ODO hg/rno gm -22W hsJrno) ol rpn-aortc hazardou wasle; or X", CESQG: Lqss than tOO hgftno lIz}tbsrlno.) of non-mrile hazatdous waste h adfiSon, lnd'rcde olhs gBrrrator aciivilles (check aI trd tPPlI} O d. Untted States lnPorbr of llazrdotts Wasle O o. Uh(ed Wasfe (iwardans ard radloaclire) Generdor I IITN r CI tlnt appl5 rrdous Waste lspoeer of tlzardor qrs mste pernit ls n xr Waste (atyor s rI rry be reqfrod I or Lrdrrsilrial Funracr ,Onslte Brrrnor Fxnr hg, ard RefrfrB Fun lon Conbol p Waste (atyorr xplred fur this Ile) Norer A or tis ac{ivity. D rption tace Ercrtpliort e. i o B o D u o o o c tr D t! B ag. o Destlnation Facllity br Universal YIHo $bte: A haardous ffi perrr*t mry be rc$rlred hr lhis aclivfr)t B, UniY?real Waste Acf,vitles l. trrge Qsantity Handlsr of Untwrsal Ufste (*ctrmulab 5,00 kg or morc)- lrsfer to yo,ur Statu ]egddons to ffirmlne rfiat b ,egdabd] lndicat typcs of unlversal w6!e gencriled *dlor *crrnrdiled d lour slb. (ehcct all boxes lhEt aPPtY): Genprated Acctrnrlabd a. . Baterles b. Pestlcides c. Therrnostats d- Lanrps Otlrer {spedfy} O{rrer Fpe€ify} Gher Fpecify) c. Ussd Oll lcltt l0os l, Used Olt Transportcr - lndlcato Type(s) of Acttvihffcs) El a Tramporter O b- Transfer Facmty Z tlsad OA Procossor andlor Re+efiner - kdicaie Type(s) oracmittf,m) E a Pmcessor B b- Ro-reftrer O f, OfiSpecmca$on Used (Il Burner { Used Oil Fuel Harfietcr - lndirzte Tpe(s} of Activibiles} O a. lJlailc€{erWho DiEcfs qthment ol Ofi-.spectrcattcn Used Ofl b Otr.Specitutbn UsedO[ Btrmer B b. Martebr Who FiEt Clatrrs lhe Used Ot Meefs tho Specilica6ons lt. Descrfpeon oI ilzardous tUasles (See instrucll,ons on pagc iX}) Aylr,slrcodestorFededlyRsguhtcdlhzardousWasl.6. Please[sttrrvcboodeoftreFcdeCha&m*adeshardledatyouralte. ththornh the ordor Srey are pesented h the regubtons (e.9., Dml, D0O3, F0Of ,Vllzl tbs an affind pge t mre sgaces ro ,Eeded. wt o@5 P@6 DolS D$q Dqo tros .Foo, , I t EPA Form 8700-23 {Revised 5/2002}Page 2 of 3 EPA !D No. "- ,.* "*ts lor state.Reg,lated (l-e,, nonfcdcra[ Hzardous waetcs, pbase rsl lherasb cotks of tre stafiHegutdGd haadousvcsbe handled at yd,l slte. List them in the #* u"y i- ir**tt"o h ni" r"gt"firg use aa adfittoral pagre f, more cpaces aa rreeded fu ffi codes' t2. Conrrnenb {Scs irrstructlons on Page 33} 13, cerlitcaUon I cedify rndr pe*dly o[ lar lhat tris docuen[ and dl alErnenfs were pepared rnder ry dhedoo a sqdvi$n Lr mrdancs uiDr a sysbm deslSilled to as$ne that qmlfsd personnd pr,oFty glsrd end etduaiB tre irbrnatloo slnrSed. Bccd oo my hgriry ol ilp person s persoos wtp managrelhe system, orthosepereosdirBcrryresprnsebbrgailreilrlg ltr hkmaUor1 Ore trbnnaloosrirf0edb,b tre Dddmytiroirledgeard befief, tue. accurate, and corndele. I arn amre Slal llso* dgnificad peoalles hr $bmitlhe f*g hrmanoq hfuIng tu possmy d fp md lnpbonnsrt lor lrmilirE riolalbns. {See lostructcns oo pagc 39 Hamc and OfFcld THe l$pe or prir$ '^) reArn tl.r?o*zlu,rr P/oNuFncrtaQr-,b - -',:j:rs pex aor sOrs Dlv of SoI Has l[aste @ ooa 1?I3lrao} EPA Forrn'8700-23 tRevised il?O0zt Page 3 of 3