HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAQ-2024-0046181 DAQC-CI109280001-23 Site ID 10928 (B1) MEMORANDUM TO: FILE – STAKER & PARSON COMPANIES – South Weber Pit Operations THROUGH: Chad Gilgen, Minor Source Compliance Section Manager FROM: Connor Kijowski, Environmental Scientist DATE: December 8, 2023 SUBJECT: FULL COMPLIANCE EVALUATION, Minor, Davis County INSPECTION DATE: June 7, 2023 SOURCE LOCATION: 2585 East South Weber Drive South Weber, UT 84405 SOURCE CONTACTS: Christian Boudreau, Environmental Specialist 801-671-6704; christian.boudreau@stakerparson.com OPERATING STATUS: Operating normally at the time of inspection. PROCESS DESCRIPTION: Staker Parson Companies operates a pit in South Weber for concrete production. Emissions come from several different sources at the site. The pit has several feeders, crushers, and screens, that produce particulate emissions. The site also has wash plants. The site is currently permitted to produce 1,500,000 tons of aggregate. A concrete plant operating under the company name of Jack B. Parson has been permitted on this AO. The plant is situated on the east side of the disturbed area and is overseen by a separate plant manager. The plant includes cement silos and a water heater. The current production limit is 225,000 cubic yards of concrete. Staker & Parson Companies employs several pollution control techniques. Baghouses and bin vents to reduce PM emissions. Low NOx burners reduce NOx from a water heater. Using natural gas fuel will reduce SOx, PM, and VOC emissions. APPLICABLE REGULATIONS: Approval Order (AO): DAQE-AN109280010-19, dated October 3, 2019 NSPS (Part 60) -OOO : Standards of Performance for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants, ) 1 2 SOURCE EVALUATION: Name of Permittee: Permitted Location: Staker & Parson Companies - South Weber Pit Operations 89 West 13490 South, Suite 100 2585 East South Weber Drive Draper, UT 84020 South Weber, UT 84405 SIC Code: 1442: (Construction Sand & Gravel) Section I: GENERAL PROVISIONS I.1 All definitions, terms, abbreviations, and references used in this AO conform to those used in the UAC R307 and 40 CFR. Unless noted otherwise, references cited in these AO conditions refer to those rules. [R307-101] I.2 The limits set forth in this AO shall not be exceeded without prior approval. [R307-401] I.3 Modifications to the equipment or processes approved by this AO that could affect the emissions covered by this AO must be reviewed and approved. [R307-401-1] I.4 All records referenced in this AO or in other applicable rules, which are required to be kept by the owner/operator, shall be made available to the Director or Director's representative upon request, and the records shall include the two-year period prior to the date of the request. Unless otherwise specified in this AO or in other applicable state and federal rules, records shall be kept for a minimum of two (2) years. [R307-401-8] I.5 At all times, including periods of startup, shutdown, and malfunction, owners and operators shall, to the extent practicable, maintain and operate any equipment approved under this AO, including associated air pollution control equipment, in a manner consistent with good air pollution control practice for minimizing emissions. Determination of whether acceptable operating and maintenance procedures are being used will be based on information available to the Director which may include, but is not limited to, monitoring results, opacity observations, review of operating and maintenance procedures, and inspection of the source. All maintenance performed on equipment authorized by this AO shall be recorded. [R307-401-4] I.6 The owner/operator shall comply with UAC R307-107. General Requirements: Breakdowns. [R307-107] I.7 The owner/operator shall comply with UAC R307-150 Series. Emission Inventories. [R307-150] I.8 The owner/operator shall submit documentation of the status of construction or modification to the Director within 18 months from the date of this AO. This AO may become invalid if construction is not commenced within 18 months from the date of this AO or if construction is discontinued for 18 months or more. To ensure proper credit when notifying the Director, send the documentation to the Director, attn.: NSR Section. [R307-401-18] Status: Out of Compliance. The source installed and operates two unpermitted generators. In response to the Compliance Advisory (DAQC-670-23), the source plans to remove the unpermitted generators by the end of 2023. The remaining conditions from Section I appear to be in compliance. Notification of the newly installed equipment was documented during the previous inspection. 3 Section II: SPECIAL PROVISIONS II.A The approved installations shall consist of the following equipment: II.A.1 South Weber Pit II.A.2 Two (2) Grizzly Feeders Capacity: 500 tph each II.A.3 Two (2) Jaw Crushers Capacity: 500 tph each II.A.4 Two (2) Rollercone Crushers Capacity: 500 tph each II.A.5 Two (2) 8 X 20 Triple Deck Screens Capacity: 500 tph each *New Equipment* II.A.6 Two (2) Power Screens Capacity: 500 tph each II.A.7 One (1) 8 X 20 Screen Capacity: 500 tph *New Equipment* II.A.8 Three (3) Wash Plants II.A.9 One (1) Central Mix Concrete Batch Plant Rex Mobil 10 - SN 1346, ID# 38.416 II.A.10 One (1) Pre-mix Erie Strayer Capacity: 12 yd II.A.11 One (1) Baghouse Griffin Model D-80 TM II.A.12 One (1) Baghouse Griffin Model 36-KS II.A.13 One (1) Baghouse C&W Model CP-320 Pulse jet II.A.14 Four (4) Silos Capacity: 75 ton each Material: fly ash or cement Each equipped with bin vents to filter displaced air II.A.15 One (1) Cement Silo Capacity: 75 ton Controlled by Griffin baghouse model #36-KS II.A.16 One (1) Cement Silo Capacity: 1000-barrel Equipped with C&W pulse jet baghouse 4 II.A.17 One (1) Water Heater Rating: 7.0 MMBtu/hr Burners: Low-NOx Burners Fuel: Natural Gas Status: Out of Compliance. Two unpermitted generators were observed at the time of inspection. The remaining permitted equipment was observed during the inspection. II.B Requirements and Limitations II.B.1 The South Weber Pit shall be subject to the following: II.B.1.a Unless otherwise specified in this AO, the owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any source on site to exceed 20 percent opacity. [R307-309-5] II.B.1.a.1 Unless otherwise specified in this AO, opacity observations of emissions from stationary sources shall be conducted according to 40 CFR 60, Appendix A, Method 9. [R307-201-3] Status: In Compliance. Minimal visible emissions were observed across the site. The material was being actively watered and haul roads were wet upon arrival. Refer to the VEO Form in the attachments for more details. II.B.2 The Aggregate Processing Equipment shall be subject to the following: II.B.2.a The owner/operator shall not produce more than 1,500,000 tons of aggregate per rolling 12-month period. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.1 To determine compliance with a rolling 12-month total the owner/operator shall calculate a new 12-month total by the 20th day of each month using data from the previous 12 months. Records of production shall be kept for all periods when the plant is in operation. Production shall be determined by scale house records or vendor receipts. The records of production shall be kept on a daily basis. [R307-401-8] II.B.2.a.2 The owner/operator shall weigh and account for all aggregate material prior to the aggregate material leaving the site or being used in another process on site. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. The source produced 894,502 tons of aggregate for the rolling 12-month period ending in June 2023. Production records are calculated according to this condition and are kept on a daily basis. Aggregate is weighed and counted prior to material leaving the site. II.B.2.b The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any crusher on site to exceed 12 percent opacity. [R307-312-4] Status: In Compliance. During the time of this inspection, spray bars were operating on all of the visible points and the material being processed appeared to be damp. The damp processing conditions resulted in only sporadic dust from any point. II.B.2.c The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any screen on site to exceed 7 percent opacity. [R307-312-4] Status: In Compliance. No visible emissions were observed from the screens. The material was damp upon entering the screens. II.B.2.d The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any conveyor transfer point on site to exceed 7 percent opacity. [R307-312-4] Status: In Compliance. Spray bars were observed operating at the transfer points. No opacity was observed from these points during the inspection. 5 II.B.2.e The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from any conveyor drop point on site to exceed 20 percent opacity onsite. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. Spray bars were operating at the conveyor drop points resulting in no visible emissions. II.B.2.f The owner/operator shall install water sprays or chemical dust suppression sprays on all crushers, all screens, and all conveyor transfer points on site to control fugitive emissions. Sprays shall operate as required when the temperature is above freezing to maintain the opacity limits listed in this AO. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. Water sprays appeared to be installed and operating on all the applicable points and drops. II.B.2.g The owner/operator shall conduct an initial performance test for all screens listed as new in this AO on site within 60 days after achieving the maximum production rate but not later than 180 days after initial startup. Performance tests shall meet the limitations specified in Table 3 to Subpart OOO. Records of initial performance tests shall be kept and maintained with the equipment for the life of the equipment. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO] II.B.2.g.1 Initial performance tests for fugitive emissions limits shall be conducted according to 40 CFR 60.675(c). The owner/operator may use methods and procedures specified in 40 CFR 60.675(e) as alternatives to the reference methods and procedures specified in 40 CFR 60.675(c). [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO] II.B.2.g.2 The owner/operator shall submit written reports of all the results of all performance tests conducted to demonstrate compliance with the standards set forth in 40 CFR 60.672 to the Director, attn: Compliance Section. The submission shall be postmarked no later than 180 days from the date of this AO or no later than 180 days from equipment start-up, whichever is later. [40 CFR 60 Subpart OOO] Status: In Compliance. The initial NSPS Method 9 observations on the screens were performed on March 17, 2020, and were submitted to the DAQ on March 23, 2020. These observations were reportedly completed within 180 days of the startup of the screens. Copies of the observations were attached to the inspection memo (DAQC-634-20). II.B.2.h The owner/operator shall process all material from the top deck of a 8' X 20' screen listed in condition II.A.5 with a cone crusher on site, unless the 8' X 20' screen is included in a wash plant process. [R307-401-12, R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. A previous inspection memo (DAQC-634-20) has an attached photo of the aggregate layout and stated that all of the material processed from the top deck of the referenced screen is also processed through a cone crusher. II.B.3 The Concrete Batch Plant shall be subject to the following: II.B.3.a The owner/operator shall not produce more than 225,000 cubic yards of concrete per rolling 12-month period. [R307-401-8] II.B.3.a.1 To determine compliance with a rolling 12-month total the owner/operator shall calculate a new 12-month total by the 20th day of each month using data from the previous 12 months. Records of production shall be kept for all periods when the plant is in operation. Production shall be determined by scale house records or vendor receipts. The records of production shall be kept on a daily basis. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. Total cubic yards of concrete produced for the rolling 12-month period ending in June 2023, was 124,620 yards. Production records are calculated according to this condition and kept on a daily basis. 6 II.B.3.b The owner/operator shall use a baghouse to control emissions from the mixer loading of the concrete batch plant. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. Baghouses control emissions from the mixer loading and the material storage silos before being vented to the atmosphere. II.B.3.c The owner/operator shall install a fabric filter device on all material storage silos associated with the concrete batch plant. Displaced air from the silos shall pass through the fabric filter devices before being vented to the atmosphere. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. Fabric filters are installed on all material storage silos associated with the batch plant. II.B.3.d The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from the concrete batch plant baghouse or fabric filters on site to exceed 7 percent opacity. [R307-312-4] Status: In Compliance. Visible emissions from the batch plant averaged 0.20% opacity according to EPA Method 9. Refer to the VEO Form for more details. II.B.4 The Water Heater shall be subject to the following: II.B.4.a The owner/operator shall not combust more than 7,000 MMBtu of natural gas in the water heater per rolling 12-month period. [R307-401-8] II.B.4.a.1 To determine compliance with a rolling 12-month total, the owner/operator shall calculate a new 12-month total by the 20th day of each month using data from the previous 12 months. Records of natural gas combustion shall be kept for all periods when the plant is in operation. The amount of natural gas combusted shall be determined by the monthly gas bill. The records of natural gas combustion shall be kept on a monthly basis. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. Natural gas consumed for the water heaters totaled 3,492 MMBtu for the rolling 12-month period ending in June 2023. This was determined by monthly gas bills. II.B.4.b The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from the water heater on site to exceed 10 percent opacity. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. No visible emissions were observed from the water heater. II.B.5 The Bulldozing Operations on site shall be subject to the following: II.B.5.a All bulldozers on site shall not exceed 2,500 hours of operation combined per rolling 12-month period. [R307-401-8] II.B.5.a.1 To determine compliance with a rolling 12-month total, the owner/operator shall calculate a new 12-month total by the 20th day of each month using data from the previous 12 months. Hours of operation shall be determined by supervisor monitoring and maintaining of an operations log. The records of operation shall be kept on a daily basis. Records shall include the following: A. The number of hours each bulldozer operated each day B. The total hours of operation for all bulldozers each day C. The rolling 12-month total hours of operation for all bulldozers. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. The rolling 12-month operating hours ending in June 2023, for all bulldozers was 1,113 hours. Calculations are made according to this condition. II.B.6 All Haul Roads and Fugitive Dust Sources on site shall be subject to the following: II.B.6.a The owner/operator shall apply chemical dust suppressants on all haul roads and operational areas and shall use water application to maintain opacity limits listed in this AO. 7 The owner/operator may stop applying water to the haul roads, loader routes, and wheeled- vehicle operational areas when the temperature is below freezing but shall still maintain the opacity limits listed in this AO. [R307-401-8] II.B.6.a.1 Records of chemical application and water application shall be kept for all periods when the plant is in operation. The records shall include the following items: A. Date and time treatments were made B. Number of treatments made and quantity of water applied C. Rainfall amount received, if any D. Records of temperature, if the temperature is below freezing [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. Watering and chemical application logs are kept according to this condition. One 6,500-gallon water truck operates every day from 4AM to 3PM during the summer hours and more frequently as needed. The water truck used 23 loads on June 6, 2023. Chemical application was scheduled for August 18 and October 13, 2023, at the time of inspection. II.B.6.b The owner/operator shall not allow visible emissions from haul roads and fugitive dust sources on site to exceed 20 percent opacity onsite and 10 percent opacity at the property boundary. [R307-309-5] II.B.6.b.1 Visible emission determinations for fugitive dust emissions from haul-road traffic and mobile equipment in operational areas shall use procedures similar to Method 9. The normal requirement for observations to be made at 15-second intervals over a six-minute period, however, shall not apply. Visible emissions shall be measured at the densest point of the plume but at a point not less than 1/2 vehicle length behind the vehicle and not less than 1/2 the height of the vehicle. [R307-309-5] Status: In Compliance. No visible emissions from the haul roads were observed throughout the duration of the inspection. The roads were watered upon arrival and the water truck was observed spraying down the operational area multiple times throughout the site visit. II.B.6.c The haul road shall not exceed 0.4 miles in length and the vehicle speed along the haul road shall not exceed 15 miles per hour. The vehicle speed on the haul road shall be posted, at a minimum, on site at the beginning of the haul road so that it is clearly visible from the haul road. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. Previous inspection memos have indicated the haul road does not exceed 0.4 miles in length. The source indicated the haul road has not changed since the previous inspection. A 10-mph speed limit sign is posted at the beginning of the haul road and clearly visible. II.B.6.d The owner/operator shall apply water to the storage piles on site to maintain the opacity limits listed in this AO. [R307-401-8] Status: In Compliance. Watering logs indicate that the storage piles are routinely watered to maintain opacity limits. The water truck is equipped with a cannon to spray the piles. II.B.6.e The owner/operator shall comply with all applicable requirements of R307-309 - Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas for PM10 and PM2.5: Fugitive Emissions and Fugitive Dust for all sources on site. [R307-309] Status: In Compliance. Observed dust never exceeded 20% opacity on site or 10% at the property boundary. Fugitive dust control measures consisting of watering via truck and spray bars plus twice biannual mag chloride applications were in place. Water is readily available from a field pond. A Fugitive Dust Control Plan (FDCP) dated May 22, 2006 (Revised in August of 2017), can be found in the attachments for the inspection memo DAQC-1289-17. 8 Section III: APPLICABLE FEDERAL REQUIREMENTS In addition to the requirements of this AO, all applicable provisions of the following federal programs have been found to apply to this installation. This AO in no way releases the owner or operator from any liability for compliance with all other applicable federal, state, and local regulations including UAC R307. NSPS (Part 60) -OOO : Standards of Performance for Nonmetallic Mineral Processing Plants Status: In Compliance. Subpart OOO requirements are satisfied by compliance with conditions II.B.2.b through II.B.2.g of the AO and conducting initial opacity readings on all subpart OOO-applicable equipment. Initial NSPS Method 9 observations were performed on May 17, 1996, and March 17, 2020. Opacities observed from the Subpart OOO applicable equipment were under the federally established limits. Spray bar maintenance is conducted weekly and records are available in the operator trailer. AREA SOURCE RULES EVALUATION: The following Area Source Rules were evaluated during this inspection: Stationary Sources [R307-210] Status: In Compliance. Compliance with this rule is satisfied through compliance with NSPS Part 60 Subpart OOO. Refer to the Federal Requirements section for more details. Nonattainment and Maintenance Areas for PM10:Emissions and Fugitive Emissions and Fugitive Dust [R307-309] Status: In Compliance. Refer to Condition II.B.6.e for more details. Aggregate Processing Operations for PM2.5 Nonattainment Areas [R307-312] Status: In Compliance. The observed opacities did not exceed the opacity limits at the time of inspection. Refer to the VEO form for more details. EMISSION INVENTORY: Listed before are the 2020 Actual Emissions Inventory provided from Staker & Parson Companies South Weber Pit Operations. A comparison of the estimated total potential emissions (PTE) on AO: DAQE-AN109280010-19, dated October 3, 2019, is provided. PTE are supplied for supplemental purposes only. Criteria Pollutant PTE tons/yr Actuals tons/yr CO2 Equivalent 400.00 N/A Carbon Monoxide 0.28 0.28 Nitrogen Oxides 0.17 0.003 Particulate Matter - PM10 13.28 14.5 Particulate Matter - PM2.5 4.95 1.79 Sulfur Dioxide 0.00 0.002 Volatile Organic Compounds 0.02 0.01 Hazardous Air Pollutant PTE lbs/yr Actuals lbs/yr 9 PREVIOUS ENFORCEMENT ACTIONS: No enforcement actions within the past five years. COMPLIANCE STATUS & RECOMMENDATIONS: In regards to Approval Order (AO) DAQE-AN109280010-19, dated October 3, 2019: Not in Compliance. Two unpermitted generators were observed during the inspection. A Compliance Advisory (DAQC-670-23) and an Early Settlement Agreement (DAQC-1087-23) were issued. The remaining conditions were in compliance at the time of inspection. Records appeared to be accurate and were provided in a timely manner. HPV STATUS: Not Applicable. RECOMMENDATION FOR NEXT INSPECTION: Ensure the two unpermitted generators have been removed from the site or a new AO was issued to include the generators. Inspect at the regular interval. NSR RECOMMENDATIONS: None at this time. ATTACHMENTS: VEO Form, Compliance Advisory (DAQC-670-23), Signed Early Settlement Agreement (DAQC-1087-23), Aggregate Productions Totals, Concrete Production Totals, Natural Gas Consumption, Dust Control Maintenance Log, Water Truck Logs State of Utah SPENCER J. COX Governor DEIDRE HENDERSON Lieutenant Governor Julys, 2023 Department of Environmental Quality Kimberly D. Shelley Executive Director DIVISION OF AIR QUALITY Bryce C. Bird Director Sent Via Certified Mail No. 70112970000188366751 Bryan Jorgensen Staker & Parson Companies 89 West 13490 South, Suite 100 Draper, Utah 84020-7209 Dear Mr. Jorgensen, DAQC-670-23 Site ID 10928 (Bl) Re: Compliance Advisory-Staker & Parson Companies -South Weber Pit Operations, Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R307-401, Approval Order (AO) DAQE-AN109280010-19, dated October 3, 2019, Davis County On June 7, 2023 a representative of the Utah Division of Air Quality (DAQ) conducted a full compliance inspection of Staker & Parson Companies -South Weber Pit operations in South Weber, Utah. The DAQ noted discrepancies for the equipment listed in the AO which may be in violation of Condition 1.3 of the AO and Utah Administrative Code (UAC) R307-401-5 for the failure to submit a Notice oflntent (NOi) for modifications to the permitted equipment. Staker & Parson Companies is required to comply with the above regulations. A written response to this letter is required within ten ( 10) business days ofreceipt of this letter. Additional details about the above observations and regulations are attached to this letter. Please contact Connor Kijowski at 385-245-6720 or ckijowski@utah.gov if you have any questions about this letter. Sincerely, Chad Gilgen, Manager Minor Source Compliance Section CG:CK:my cc: Davis County Health Department Alan Humpherys, UDAQ, Minor NSR Section Manager 195 North 1950 West• Salt Lake City, UT Mailing Address: P.O. Box 144820 • Salt Lake City, UT 84114-4820 Telephone (801) 536-4000 • Fax (801) 536-4099 • T.D.D. (801) 903-3978 www.deq.utah.gov Printed on I 00% recycled paper DAQ-2023-007929 DAQC-670-23 Page2 Potential Violations On June 7, 2023, an inspector from the DAQ observed Staker & Parson Companies -South Weber Pit operations in Davis County, Utah. At the time of the inspection the DAQ documented the following potential violations: •Condition I.3 of Approval Order (AO) DAQE-AN109280010-19 Staker & Parson Companies installed and operates additional generators not listed on the current AO. One 36kW generator used to pump water for the water truck and one 60kW generator used to power the spray stream were observed. •Utah Administrative Code R307-401-5 Staker & Parson Companies failed to submit a Notice oflntent (NOi) to install and operate two additional generators. AO Conditions/Rules Approval Order (AO) DAQE-AN109280010-19, dated October 3, 2019 Condition 1.3: Modifications to the equipment or processes approved by this AO that could affect the emissions covered by this AO must be reviewed and approved. [R307-401-1] Utah Administrative Code R307-401. Permit: New and Modified Sources UAC R307-401-5: (1) Except as provided in Sections R307-401-9 through R307-401-17, any person subject to Rule R307-401 shall submit a notice of intent to the director and receive an approval order precedent to the construction, modification, installation, establishment, or relocation of an air pollutant source or indirect source. The notice of intent shall be in a format specified by the director. The purpose of a Compliance Advisory (CA) is to document observations made by the DAQ. You are responsible for complying with the Utah Air Conservation Rules. There are possible administrative and civil penalties for failing to do so. Section 19-2-115 of the Utah Code Annotated provides that violators of the Utah Air Conservation Act and/or any order issued there under may be subject to a civil penalty of up to $10,000 per day for each violation. The written response to this CA will be considered in resolving the deficiencies documented in this letter. It may include information demonstrating compliance with the regulations or a schedule to bring your company back into compliance with the applicable regulations. The DAQ will review your response and this CA may be revised as a result of that review. Failure to respond in writing within ten ( 10) business days of receipt of this CA will be considered in any subsequent enforcement action and the assessment of penalties. DAQC-670-23 Page 3 Possible DAQ actions to resolve a CA include: No Further Action Letter, Warning Letter, Early Administrative Settlement with reduced civil penalty, Settlement Agreement with civil penalty, or Notice of Violation and Order to Comply. This CA does not limit or preclude the DAQ from pursuing enforcement options concerning this inspection. Also, this CA does not consti!ute a bar to enforcement action for conditions that the DAQ did not observe or evaluate, or any other conditions found during future inspections. A meeting may be requested to discuss this CA. Please contact Connor Kijowski at 385-245-6720 or ckijowski@utah.gov if you would like to request a meeting or if you have any questions about this letter. USPS lRACKll!G # 1111n1 111111111111111111111 111111 First-Class Mail Postage & Fees Paid USPS Permit No. G-10 9590 9402 7931 �305 6417 26 ::Sender: Please print your name, address, aod ZIP+4° in this box•0 --------a: < LL 0 z 0 (j) 0 UTAH DIVISION_ OF AIR QUALITY COMPLIANCE SECTION PO BOX 144820 SALT LAKE CITY UT 84114-4820 i j; 1 ij j l ii l J 1 j i j l l j j i ! iii J j1 i I j jj i Ii; j i ii I i j I jj ii Iii iii l i I j i ii, i j • 'I'• ' -- SENDER: COMPLETE THIS SECTION ■Complete items 1, 2, and 3. ■ Print your name and address on the reverse so that we can return the card to you. ■Attach this card. to the back of the mailpiece, or on the front if space permits. 1. Article Addressed to:D. Is delivery address different from item 1? �ORGENSEN < · '. S. R &§RSON COMPANI$ If YES, enter delivery address below: 89 W 1349(111lsTE 100 � DRAPER U'ld@20-7209 II IIIIIII IIII IIIIII IIII IIIII I I 1111111111111111 3. Service Type D Adult Signature D Adult Signature Restricted Delivery ertifiedMall® D Priority Mail Express® I D Registered Mail™ ( D Re!)istered Mail Restricted Delivery 2. � 7( : PSF 9590 9402 793; 2305 64 i 7 26 D Certified Mail Restricted Delivery . : U.S. Postal Service™ CERTIFIED MAIL™ RECEIPT D Signature Confirmation™ I = ~·-1ture Confirmation acted Delivery J Return Receipt l .--'I U") {Domestic Mail Only; No Insurance Coverage Provided) r'- J] J]'------'---r----'c.;;.____;c......;:_:::.:;.:--__:::;__-=--==--__J fTl tO Postage $ Reunn:::: 1-----1, (j" \"@? □(.Endorsement Required) I \ V □Restricted Deliv8fY Fee {Eildorsement Required) □ 1------ :;:: Total P DAQC-670-23 ru Sentro BRYAN JORGENSEN .--'I STAKER & PARSON COMPANIES 8 ! 89 W 13490 S STE 100 ---1 r-aty,sra DRAPER UT 84020-7209 PS Form 3800. August 2006 See Reverse for lnslruct,ons