HomeMy WebLinkAboutDDW-2024-007592Google Drive Workflow Checklist:
Draft Letter:
Make a COPY of the template you want to use.
Rename it with your First Initial, Last Name, System # & File # (MNewberry 125033 12323 Approval)
Move it to the Googe Drive Workflow Folder: Letters - Creators/Sections.
Draft Letter
Section Review: (Add rows & adjust names as needed ). Assign collabrators (comment, @email & assign).
Date Notified
Date Completed
Source Protection Staff
Water Quality Monitoring & Standards
May 7, 2024
May 7, 2024
Please review
Infrastructure Funding
Compliance & Operator Assistance
Field Services
Manager Review: Move letter to MNewberry Review - Assign
Date Notified
Date Completed
May 7, 2024
May 8, 2024
Michael Newberry
Assistant Director Review: Move letter to RSeeley Review - Assign
Date Notified
Date Completed
Director Review: Move letter to NLunstad Review - Assign to Jessica, she will assign to Nathan
Date Notified
Date Completed
Jessica Fitzgerald
Nathan Lunstad
Support Staff Review & Final: Move letter to MBooth Final/Email/Mail - Assign
Date Notified
Date Completed
Marianne Booth
DWSPUpdate Conditional Concur – BasicTemplate (Updated 1/10/2024)InstructionsforDDWInternalUse:
Beforeforwarding this workflow in D2, please check off the steps you’ve completed, add notes (e.g., “N/A = not applicable”),and initial in the box below.
1.WaterLink ― Complete the correspondence history (CORRESPONDENCE TYPE “Updated Plan”), resulting status (RESULTING STATUS TYPE “Update Conditional Concur”), and date sent out. [The
clerical staff will update the date sent out if the official date of this letter differs from your entry.]
2.WaterLink ― Add comments to the Comments tab, where applicable, including list of conditions.
3.WaterLink ― Update the DOCUMENTS AND REVIEW TAB, including next submittal date (NEXT SUBMITTAL DATE “12/31/yyyy”, according to the schedule in R309-600-3(2)).
4.WaterLink ― Confirm that all information as it relates to the Preliminary Evaluation Report, Final DWSP plan and Land Use Agreements has been entered and is accurate.
5. WaterLink ― Update the PROTECTION ZONES TAB, including Max Pumping Rate Used in the Delineation and Date Last Updated.
6.D2 — Save the submittal & response documents, including all emails and correspondence exchanged with the system and/or consultant related to this letter, in D2.
7.SDWIS – Verify/Update designated person.
8.IPS — Work with Rules Section staff to update the IPS database (if this letter resolves an IPS deficiency).
9.GIS – Digitize updated DWSP zones or request digital file from consultant and add into DWMAP.gdb PRIOR TO INITIATING THE WORKFLOW IN D2 (if applicable). At a minimum, under “Protection
Zones” in WaterLink, select radio button for “Protection Zones approved or modified” if the zones are not added to DWMAP.gdb (if applicable).
10.Consult with the Chemical Rules Manager on waivers, i.e. send email to Chemical Rules Manager indicating that use and/or susceptibility waivers have been initiated, updated or terminated.Include
appropriate language for monitoring based on system size.
11.Attach an updated monitoring schedule to the workflow if use and/or susceptibility waivers have been granted for the first time.
Support Staff: Delete This Page Before Mailing
May 8, 2024
Colter Thomas Allen
Mount Pleasant City
115 West Main St.
Mt. Pleasant City, Utah 84647
Subject:Updated Drinking Water Source Protection Plans and Waiver Renewal Required for the Coal Fork Spring, City-Barton Spring, City Well, 1992 Well, and the Cemetery Well; Mount Pleasant
City; Water System #20007, Source Numbers WS001-WS003, WS005, and WS006
Dear Colter Thomas Allen:
The Division of Drinking Water (the Division) has not received updated Drinking Water Source Protection (DWSP) plans for the City Well, 1992 Well, and the Cemetery Well, which were required
by December 31, 2016. The Division has not received updated DWSP plans for the Coal Fork Spring and City-Barton Spring, which were due by December 31, 2017. Deficiencies (SP04 ACTIVE
SOURCE LACKS APPROVED UPDATES TO DWSP) were previously added to the Division’s database and twenty (25) Improvement Priority System (IPS) points assigned (5 points per source).
Group source sampling station SS100 (Coal Fork Spring and City-Barton Spring) currently has monitoring reduction use waivers for pesticides and volatile organic contaminants (VOCs),
which means that pesticide monitoring is not required and VOC monitoring is only required once every six (6) years. According to R309-600-13(2), if a source's DWSP plan is due and is
not submitted to the Division, its use and susceptibility waivers for the VOC and pesticide parameter groups will expire. Use and susceptibility waivers must be renewed every six years
with your updated source protection plan. Because the Division has not received updated DWSP plans or signed waiver statements, these sources are no longer eligible for use waivers for
pesticides or VOCs. Please submit updated DWSP plans and a signed waiver statement (attached) within 90 days, or your waivers will lapse, and your monitoring schedule will change. Guidance
for preparing the updated DWSP plan can be found online at https://deq.utah.gov/drinking-water/preparing-source-protection-plans.RemindersAs stated in R309-600 and 605: Implementing
DWSP Plans - Each Public Water System (PWS) shall begin implementing each of its DWSP Plans in accordance with the implementation schedule within 180 days after submission if the plan
is not disapproved. Be prepared to describe these efforts in your next update, which should include documentation of how the land management strategies identified for existing and future
potential contamination sources were implemented. Your updated plan will be disapproved, and 25 Improvement Priority System (IPS) points will be assigned for failure to comply with this
requirement.As stated in R309-600 and 605: Recordkeeping - As a DWSP Plan is executed, the PWS shall document any land management strategies that are implemented. Please provide actual
copies of memoranda of understanding, public education programs, bill stuffers, newsletters, or other correspondence documenting the implementation of each land management strategy as
it occurs, in this section of your updated plan.Please contact Deidre Beckat (385) 271-7046or via email at dbeck@utah.gov if you have questions about the source protection requirements.
Contact David Kruse at (385) 566-7789 or via email at dbkruse@utah.gov if you have any questions about your current monitoring schedule.To help us serve you more efficiently, please
use the water system number (20007) in your correspondence.
Michael Newberry, P.E.
Permitting and Engineering Support Manager
DLB/dk/mrn/Admin (processing)/Admin (mailing) [Initials]
Attachment:Use Waiver applicationcc:Eric Larsen, Central Utah Health Department, elarsen@centralutahhealth.orgColter Thomas Allen, Mount Pleasant City, colter.allen@mtpleasantcity.comDeidre
Beck, P.G., Division of Drinking Water, dbeck@utah.gov
John Chartier, P.E., DEQ District Engineer, jchartier@utah.gov
David Kruse, Division of Drinking Water, dbkruse@utah.gov
DWSP Update Conditional Concur -- B
Use Waiver Application for:
Name of Water System:
Name of Drinking Water Source(s):
I, , Designated Person (per R309-600) for theWater System, hereby state that none of the volatile organic chemicals and/or pesticides within the respective parameter groups have been
used in, disposed of, stored in, transported through, or manufactured within protection zones one, two or three (or within the management area, if applicable) in the last five years.
Note: if applicable, you must provide a list of the chemicals used in, disposed of, stored in, transported through, or manufactured within protection zones one, two or three where the
use of such chemicals within the volatile organic chemicals and/or pesticide parameter groups is likely.
In general, the presence of residences or roads (other than very limited use roads) through zones one, two or three implies that pesticides and volatile organic chemicals are used, and
a use waiver in those cases would not be granted.